ellauri002.html on line 744: Liebe war es nie, nur eine kleine Liebelei,

ellauri002.html on line 1601: Ye Qing-chen (d. ca. 1051), courtesy name Dao Qing, ranked second in the Metropolitan Examination of 1023 and held a number of high offices. During the Quing Li era (1041-1048) he served as prefect of the city and often visited the spot below the cliff, where he had a pavilion built.
ellauri002.html on line 1755: komppanian äiti, belgi hilpeä.

ellauri004.html on line 245: Kain olis pahis maajussi, Abel paimentolainen

ellauri004.html on line 474: EX-LEPER: That´s right, sir. Sixteen years behind the bell, and proud of it, sir.
ellauri004.html on line 1344: Sven Stolpe oli pienisuinen psykopaatti, joka kirjoitti ziljoona romaania, kaikissa paha nainen joka petti viatonta miesparkaa. Oikeasti sen vaimo Karin, kemian nobelistin tytär, oli kyllästynyt julmaan mieheensä ja sillä oli viikon pituinen romanssi kiltimmän Lagerqvistin kanssa jossain kirjailijaretretissä. Se päättyi Sven Tolpan murhayrityxeen rivollilla. Loppuikä meni Karinilla ja Olofilla muistellessa tuota viikon onnea. Saablarin Tolppa, keuhkopuoli tubijumala jaxoi keuhkota yhdelläkin keuhkolla, vitun ruozalais-iranilainen kunniamurhaaja. Ja hirvee narsisti, kirjoitti omien surkeiden tekeleidensä reunaan ize: "Nerokasta! Upeaa!"
ellauri004.html on line 1363: sen käyrä on ylöspäin aukeava paraabeli, positiivinen, sen differentiaali nousee ylöspäin. Pelkkää kasvua osoittaa se, nousukkaan naama.
ellauri005.html on line 637: Ero (jos sitä edes on) ihmisten ja muiden pörriäisten välillä koskee mikä osa tasapainopisteen hausta tapahtuu hyönteisten pikku päissä ja mikä tulee ympäristöstä. Kuinka monimutkaisia robotteja siirrellään pelilaudalla. Onko ne kuningattaria vai moukkia. Onko luonto sotajoukkojen vai kärpästen herra, eli seebaot vai bel sebub.
ellauri005.html on line 1182: If I were hours late for dinner would you bellow?
ellauri005.html on line 1410: Sit myöhemmin baabelin vankeus rautakaudella.

ellauri006.html on line 909: Sinä häwitetty tytär Babel

ellauri008.html on line 43: Tässä albumisssa on aika paljon Joseph Conradista ja sen el zorromaisista tekeleistä. Jooseppi ei saanut Noobelia, varmaan mamuuttaan. Joseph Conrad, alun perin Józef Teodor Nałęcz Konrad Korzeniowski (3. joulukuuta 1857 – 3. elokuuta 1924) oli puolalais-englantilainen kirjailija. Hän loi romaaneillaan uusia ulottuvuuksia seikkailukertomuksen lajityyppiin.
ellauri008.html on line 115: nobelsarjan voittanut pesäpallotähti.
ellauri008.html on line 202: ennenkuin Nobel ehtii napsahtaa,

ellauri008.html on line 214: b-luokkaa, ei nobelainesta. No nythän

ellauri008.html on line 470: He made me feel so natural and very much myself, that I was almost afraid of losing the thrill and wonder of being there, although I was vibrating with intense excitement inside. His eyes under their pent-house lids revealed the suffering and the intensity of his experiences; when he spoke of his work, there came over them a sort of misty, sensuous, dreamy look, but they seemed to hold deep down the ghosts of old adventures and experiences—once or twice there was something in them one almost suspected of being wicked. But then I believe whatever strange wickedness would tempt this super-subtle Pole, he would be held in restraint by an equally delicate sense of honour. In his talk he led me along many paths of his life, but I felt that he did not wish to explore the jungle of emotions that lay dense on either side, and that his apparent frankness had a great reserve.
ellauri008.html on line 475:

It was wonderful—I loved him & I think he liked me. He talked a great deal about his work & life & aims, & about sother writers. Then we went for a little walk, & somehow grew very intimate. I plucked up courage to tell him what I find in his work—the boring down into things to get to the very bottom below the apparent facts. He seemed to feel I had understood him; then I stopped & we just looked into each other's eyes for some time, & then he said he had grown to wish he could live on the surface and write differently, that he had grown frightened. His eyes at the moment expressed the inward pain & terror that one feels him always fighting. Then he talked a lot about Poland, & showed me an album of family photographs of the 60's—spoke about how dream-like all that seems, & how he sometimes feels he ought not to have had any children, because they have no roots or traditions or relations.
ellauri008.html on line 881:

You said that giving your life up to them (them meaning all of mankind with skins brown, yellow or black in colour) was like selling your soul to a brute. You contended that that kind of thing was only endurable and enduring when based on a firm conviction in the truth of ideas racially your own, in whose name are established the order, the morality of an ethical process. We want its strength at our backs, you said. We want a belief in its necessity and its justice, to make a worthy and conscious sacrifice of our lives. In other words, you maintained that we must fight in the ranks or our lives don't count. You should know who came out cleverly without singeing your wings.
ellauri008.html on line 1053: kotigöbbels Heikko Aisakoski

  • ellauri008.html on line 2172: Talouden noobeleita sai ennen setämiehet peliteorialla, joka varmasti tuo voitot rikkaiden pussiin. Niinkuin se paskanallen kaveri MITstä, joka todisti et rikkaiden kuuluukin sopimuxissa saada enemmän. Et sellaista likaista peliä.
    ellauri008.html on line 2174: Nyt ekan kerran Noobelin sai nainen, jotka kattoo mitä oikeasti tapahtuu.
    ellauri009.html on line 694: Your hat strategically dipped below one eye

    ellauri009.html on line 854: Uskokoon ken tahtoo. Usko mitä haluat. Tää on Jamesin will to believe.

    ellauri012.html on line 33: El Lauri -kokoelman ensimmäinen arvostelu on ilmestynyt: Ei tästä mitään noobelia saa saatanan hullu. Ei naiselta kunnian sanaa niin. Antavat kuulla kunniansa. Vittu mä kirjoitan vastineen!
    ellauri012.html on line 46: Tietovuotavan haavan lähteeksi julistautui nimimerkki "Jape -52" joka nimitti kanteluaan "kalavelkojen kuittaamiseksi siitä kolmannen luokan ensimmäisen lukujakson alussa koulun ruokalan jonossa heittämäsi tomaattisen lihapullan tahrimista pianoperustekirjani sivuista, joidenka suttaantumisen johdosta en koskaan oppinut F-duurin ja mollin eroa enkä siten jatkanut yläasteen jälkeen Sibelius-Akademiaan".
    ellauri012.html on line 64: kirjoita siihen että ei se tästä mitään noobelia saa saatanan hullu laitetaan loirista kuva tohon etusivulle valioliigan koposen viereen sitku se nainen tuo kahvia zzzassddffghhdhfjgkhljökä´au sxxxxxxx.
    ellauri012.html on line 83: Ei minuuttiakaan NBA:ssa – Koponen listattiin huonoimmaksi 30. varaukseksi. Ei tullut noobelia. Ei edes minsan verran beliä. Mutta kuten Paulo Coelho sanoo: emmä sitä sitten halunnukkaan oikeesti. Hieno lippis kuitenkin.
    ellauri012.html on line 85: bel.jpg" width="50%"/>
    ellauri012.html on line 213:

    Abelardin ja Heloisen rakkauskirjeet

    ellauri012.html on line 215: Tässä kerrotaan miten vanhempi tutkija Peter Abelard unohti oppinsa ja ryhtyi rakastajaksi, vaikka hinta oli kova: ja miten kaunis Heloise joka halusi oppia asioita Abelardilta omaksui tältä mestarilta läksyistä suurimman, nimittän lemmen: ja miten hän piti sitä parhaana, vaikka siitä tuli niille häpeää ja surua.
    ellauri012.html on line 217:

    Kirje 1 Heloiselta Abelardille

    ellauri012.html on line 219: Herralle, iskälle, miehelle, veljelle palvelijalta, lapselta, vaimolta, siskolta, mitä nöyrimmästi, kunnioittaen ja rakastaen Abelardille kirjoittaa Heloise näin.
    ellauri012.html on line 221: Sun kirjoittama lohdutuskirje jollekin ystävälle joutui pari päivää sitten käsiini; kun tunsin kirjoittajan ja käsialan, avasin sen uteliaisuuttani. Oikeuttaakseni ottamani vapauden uskottelin itselleni että mulla oli etuoikeus kaikkeen sulta tulevaan. Enkä välittänyt hyvistä tavoista kun oli tilaisuus kuulla uutisia Abelardista. Mutta kyllä maksoin uteliaisuuden kalliisti! Kyllä siitä tuli paha mieli, ja yllätyin, kun löysin koko kirjeen täynnä surullista tarinaa meidän onnettomuuksista; tapasin oman nimeni sieltä sata kertaa; kyllä hirvitti, joku iso onnettomuus seurasi sitä aina. Näin sunkin nimesi yhtä onnettomissa merkeissä. Nää surulliset mutta rakkaat muistot pani mun sydämen kovasti liikkeeseen, musta on kyllä liikaa tarjota lohtua jollekin ystävälle jostain sen pikku mokista niin rankalla tavalla kuin kertomalla meidän kärsimyksistä. Kyllä pani miettimään!
    ellauri012.html on line 227: En säästä ketään koska kukaan ei piittaa susta, ja sun viholliset ei koskaan väsy vainoomaan sua viatonta. Voih! mun muisti on aina täynnä katkeria muistoja kärsityistä vääryyksistä; onko niitä lisää vielä tulossa? Eikö mun Abelardia koskaan mainita huokailematta? Huomaa, pyydän, mihinkä surkeeseen kuntoon sä oot saanut mut: surullinen, vaivainen, ilman mitään lohtua ellei se lähde susta. Älä siis ole tyly, äläkä kiellä mua, rukoilen, sen vähän helpotuksen voit vaan sä suoda. Anna mulle luotettava selitys kaikesta mikä koskee sua; mä haluun tietää kaiken, kurjimmankin. Ehkä huokailemalla sun kanssa kuorossa voin vähentää sun vaivoja, sanotaanhan, että jaettu suru on vaan puolikas.
    ellauri012.html on line 235: Me voitas kirjoittaa toisillemme; ei kai niin pientä iloa voi kieltää. Ei haaskata sitä vähää onnea mikä meillä on jäljellä, ehkä ainutta mitä viholliset ei voi meiltä viedä. Mä saan lukea että sä oot mun mies ja mä voin kirjoittaa että rouva Abelard.
    ellauri012.html on line 241: (Tässä kohtaa jää pois pitkä pupellus joka kertoo Abelardin luostarista, jonne se Heloisen dumppasi. Vähän samantapainen välikiekasu joita nähtiin Kanilla ja Rusakolla.)
    ellauri012.html on line 245: (Lisää kiekunaa, tavoitteena saada luostarille lisää rahaa ja kirjoja. Heloise on näät Abelardin perustaman konventin johtajattarena. )
    ellauri012.html on line 251: Paras todiste tästä on mun äärimmäinen haluttomuus naida sua (siis mennä naimisiin, älä ota tätä väärin), vaikka tiedän että vaimona olo on kunniallista maailman ja uskonnon silmissä; olin mieluummin sun rakastajatar, koska se on vapaampaa. Avioliitto, vaikka kunniallista, sitoo liiaksi, enkä mä halunnut joutua sidotuksi mieheen joka ei välttämättä aina rakastaisi mua. Hyljeksin rouvan titteliä jotta eläisin onnellisena rakastajattarena; ja näen sun kirjeestä kaverille, että et ole unohtanut miten hellästi mä aina rakastin sua ja halusin rakastaa enemmän! Huomautit aivan oikein kirjeessä että pidän sellaisia julkisia menoja typerinä jotka sitoo kuolemaan saakka, ja panee elämän ja rakkauden samaan pantaan. Mutta et muistanut lisätä kuinka usein olen sanonut että miljoonasti mieluummin elän Abelardin kokottina kuin kenenkään muun kaa maailman kesiarinnana. Tottelin sua halukkaammin kuin maailman kuninkaan rouva sitä. Rikkaus ja pösöily ei kuulu rakkauteen. Tosi hellyys erottaa rakastetun kaikesta ulkoisesta, panee syrjään aseman ja ammatin, keskittyy vaan siihen itseensä.
    ellauri012.html on line 263: Mut voi! missä on noi onnelliset ajat? Nyt valitan rakastajaani, ja mulla ei ole muita iloja kuin tuskalliseet muistot menneestä. Kaikki te menneet kilpailijat jotka katoitte mua kadehtien, kuulkaa, se teidän kadehtima ei enää ole mun. Rakastin sitä; mun rakkauteni oli sille rikos ja rangaistuksen syy. Mun kauneus kerran lumosi sen; toisiimme tyytyväisenä me vietettiin hienoimmat päivämme rauhassa ja onnessa. Jos se oli rikos, olkoon vaan, tykkään siitä vieläkin. Mä en sure muuta kuin että nyt mun pitää olla ilman. Mut mitä sanonkaan? Mun onnettomuus oli että mulla oli julmat sukulaiset, joiden ilkeys tuhosi meidän onnen; jos ne olis ollut järkeviä, olisin ollut onnellinen mun rakkaan miehen kaa. Mut ei! Ne oli tosi julmia kun ne raivossaan laitto roiston yllättämään sut unessa! (Roistot siis sahasivat irti Abelardin munat, ikäänkuin väänsivät siltä irti kikkelin. Tää oli se suuri onnettomuus josta ei suoraan sovi puhua.) Missä mä olin silloin? Olisin tosi mielelläni puolustanut rakastettua; olisin suojellut sua väkivallalta henkeni hinnalla. Äh! minne tää liika into on viemässä mua? Rakkaus säikähtää ja häveliäisyys vie mun kielen.
    ellauri012.html on line 269: Miksi salaisin sulta mun kutsumuksen salaisuuden? Ei mua saanut tänne mikään usko eikä innostus. Sun omatunto tietää sen enemmän kuin hyvin, et voi kieltää. Silti täällä ollaan, ja tänne jään; tähän paikkaan on onneton rakkaus ja julma suku mut tuominneet. Mutta jos sä et enää huoli musta, jos jos menetän sun kiintymyksen, mitä mä olen voittanut tällä vankeudella? Mitä korvausta voin saada? Meidän rakkauden onnettomat seuraukset ja sun arvonmenetys on pukeneet mun päälle siveyden vaatteet, mutta mä en ole katuvainen. Turhaan siis täällä häärin. Muut on jumalan morsiamia, mä miehen; ristin kannattajien joukossa olen halun orja; uskonyhteisössä omistaudun vaan mun Abelardille. Olen hirviö! (Vähän rukoilua seuraa.)
    ellauri012.html on line 274: Meinasin lopettaa jo kirjeen tähän, mutta kun nyt kerran valitan susta niin mun pitää keventää sydäntä ja kertoa sen kaikki mustasukkaisuudet ja syytteet. Pidin tosiaan aika raukkiksena sitä että kun me molemmat oltiin päättäneet pyhittää itsemme taivaalle, niin sä panit mut kaikki tekee ensiksi. Epäileekö herra Abelard siis, sanoin, että kuin Lootin vaimo, mä katson selän taakse? Jos mun nuoruus ja sukupuoli antoi aiheen pelätä että palaisin maailmaan, eikö mun käytös, uskollisuus, ja tää sydän jonka tunnet, karkottanu sellaiset epäreilut epäilykset? Tää luottamuksen puute satutti; sanoin izelleni, Kerran oli aika jolloin se luotti mun pelkkään sanaan, haluuko se nyt multa nunnalupauksen suojellakseen oman selustansa? Mitä mä olen ikinä tehnyt ansaitakseni tällaisen epäluottamuksen? Mä tulin kaikkiin sen sopimiin salaisiin tapaamisiin, miks sitten kieltäytyisin seuraamasta sitä luostariin? Minä, joka en kieltäytynyt olemasta mielihyvän uhri ollakseni sille mieliksi, miten voisin kieltäytyä kunniasta sen hyväksi? Onko pahe niin koukuttavaa, että kun kerran on juotu siitä kupista niin ei voi ryypätä pyhimysten maljasta? Vai olitko pätevämpi opettamaan paheita kuin hyveitä, tai minä parempi oppimaan edellisiä kuin jälkimmäisiä?
    ellauri012.html on line 276: Ei; sellainen epäilys loukkaisi meitä molempia: hyve on niin kaunis et sitä on pakko halaata kun näet sen sulot, ja pahe liian karmea et sitä vois sietää kun sen muodottomuuden näkee. Ei, kaikki mikä sulle on mieleen näyttää musta ihanalta, ja mikään ei ole rumaa kun mä oon sun kanssa. Mä oon heikko vaan kun mä olen yksin ilman sun tukea, ja siksi on sun asia tehdä musta sellainen kuin haluat. Vittu miten mä toivon ettei sulla oisi sellaista valtaa muhun! Jos sulla olis jotain syytä pelätä mua, sä et olis noin välinpitämätön. Mutta mitä sulla on pelättävää? Olen tehnyt liian paljon, ja nyt en voi tehdä muuta kuin niittää sun kiittämättömyyttä. Kun elimme onnellisina yhdessä, olisit voinut epäillä oliko se mielihyvä vai kiintymys joka liitti suhun mut, mutta mun oleminen täällä kyllä poisti epäilykset siitä. Täälläkin mä rakastan sua yhtä paljon kuin ulkona maailmassa. Jos se olisi ollut vaan mielihyvä, enkö mä ois löytänyt muita keinoja sitä hankkia? En ollut kuin 22, ja onhan niitä muitakin miehiä kuin Abelard. Ja kuitenkin mä hautasin itseni elävältä luostariin, ja jätin elämän iässä jolloin oisin voinut vielä nauttia siitä täysillä. Sulle pyhitän nää katoovan kauneuden jämät, nää leskenyöt ja tylsistävät päivät; ja koska sä et ota niitä vastaan, mä otan ne sulta ja tarjoon ne taivaalle, teen näin uudelleen lämmitetyn näkyleivän mun sydämestä, mun päivistä, mun elämästä!
    ellauri012.html on line 278: Olen tietoinen että olen jauhanut liian kauan tätä asiaa; pitäisi puhua sulle vähemmän sun onnettomuudesta ja mun kärsimyksistä. Hyvät työt menettää kiiltonsa kun kehuu niistä itse itseään. Se on totta, silti on aika jolloin voi kohtuudella ajaa omaa asiaa; kun asioi sellaisen kanssa jonka kiittämättömyys on tylsistänyt, täytyy nostaa oma häntä itse. Jos sä olet tämmöinen tyyppi, tää olisi sulle opiksi ja ojennukseksi. Mutta koska olen heikkotahtoinen, rakastan sua yhä, vaikka ilman toivoa. Olen hylännyt elämän, riisunut siitä kaiken, mutta tajuun että en ole enkä pysty hylkäämään Abelardia. Vaikka menetin rakastetun, jäi rakkaus. Vitun valat! Vitun luostari! En ole menettänyt ihmisyyttä ankarassa kurissanne! Ette ole muuttaneet mua marmoriksi muuttamalla asua; sydän ei ole kovettunut vankilassa; tunnen vielä mikä mua on koskettanut, vaikka, voi nössö sentään, mun ei pitäisi. (Seuraa tiukka puhuttelu taivaan isälle.)
    ellauri012.html on line 282: Joo, Abelard, mä vetoon suhun näiden kahleiden nimessä, helpota niiden painoa, ja tee ne mulle niin helpoiksi kuin voi. Opeta vaikka taivaallisen rakkauden säännöt; koska sä olet hylännyt mut, oisin iloinen, jos edes taivas naisi mut. Mun sydän pitäis nyt rouvan tittelistä ja hylkii muita; kerro miten tätä taivaallista rakkautta ravitaan, miten se toimii ja puhdistaa. Kun meidät heitettiin maailman valtamereen, me ei kuunneltu muuta kuin sun värssyjä, jotka julisti kaikkialla meidän iloja ja nautintoja. Nyt kun me ollaan armon satamassa, eikö sopisi että sä saarnaisit mulle tästä uudesta onnesta, ja opettaisit mulle kaiken, mikä voisi lisätä tai parantaa sitä? Näytä mulle samaa miellyttävää naamaa mun nykyisessä olotilassa kuin kun oltiin maailmassa. Ei vähennetä kiihkoa, mutta vaihdetaan sen kohdetta; jätetään laulelut ja veisataan virsiä; nostetan katseet pois sieltä yhdestä paikasta ylös jumalan luo, eikä hekumoida muusta kuin sen kunniasta!
    ellauri012.html on line 287:

    Kirje 2 Heloiselle Abelardilta

    ellauri012.html on line 309: Sä pyydät mua palaamaan sun luo pyhistelyn tekosyyllä. Sun ponnekkuus tässä kohtaa herättää mussa epäilyksiä enkä tiedä mitä vastata. Jos teen tässä virheen, mun sanat punastuu, niin sanoakseni, sen jälkeen miten meille kävi. Kirkko on mustasukkainen kunniastaan, ja käskee että sen alamaiset koulutetaan hyveeseen hyveen avulla. Jos lähestymme jumalaa moitteetta, sitten voimme kutsua sinne mukaan muitakin. Mutta se mitä taivas odottaa Abelardilta on et se unohtaa Heloisen, ei tapaa sitä enää, ja se mitä se pyytää Heloiselta on olla odottamalta multa enää mitään, tyyten unohtaa koko jäbä. (Mistäkö mä sen tiedän? No mä oon apotti, mullon suora linja sinne, me jutellaan jahven kanssa päivittäin kuin mies miehelle.) Rakkauden ollessa kyseessä unohdus on välttämätön rangaistus, ja vaikein. On helppo luetella meidän vikoja; miten monet niistä on salaa tarjonneet lisää mielihyvää eikä tarvittavaa nöyryttä. Ainoo tapa palata herran helmaan on hylätä palvomamme luojanluoma, ja palvoa vaan unohtamaamme jumalaa. Tää voi kuulostaa kovalta, mut se meidän pitää tehdä pelastuksen eteen.
    ellauri012.html on line 337:

    Kirje 3 Heloiselta Abelardille

    ellauri012.html on line 339:

    Jeesustellen rakastetulle Abelardille sen Heloiselta, Jeesuksen morsiamelta.

    ellauri012.html on line 341: Luin sulta saamani kirjeen kärsimättömästi: kaikista onnettomuuksistani huolimatta toivoin, ettei siinä olisi muuta kuin lohdutuksen sanoja. Mutta kyllä rakastavaiset sitten on ovelia kiduttamaan itseään. Huomaat mun erityisherkkyyden ja mun rakkauden voiman siitä mikä mua heti suretti. Mua häiritsi jo sun kirjeen otsikko: Miks sä laitoit Heloisen nimen Abelardin edelle? Mitä tää tämmönen oikein tarkoittaa? Mä etsin vaan sun nimeä, en omaani, jonka mieluiten vaikka unohtaisin jos voisin, sillä se oli kaiken sun onnettomuuden alkusyy. Säädyllisyys ja sun johtoasema muhun nähden ois vaatinut toista järjestystä, ja jos rakastat mua et ois maininnut mua yhtään; hitsi sä tiesit tän ihan hyvin!
    ellauri012.html on line 343: Kirjoititko sä mulle muka näin ennenkuin julma kohtalo oli pilannut kaiken? Nään että sun sydämes on hyljännyt mut, ja sä olet päässyt pitemmälle hartaudessa kuin oisin toivonut. Voi voi! Mä oon liian heikko seuraamaan perästä; jarruta edes sen verran että neuvot mua. Voitko sä olla niin julma että dumppaat mut? Tää pelko pistää mua sydämeen; karmeet ennustukset sun kirjeen lopussa, noi hautajaisnäpäykset ihan sekoittaa mun pään. Julma Abelard! sun piti pysäyttää mun kyyneleet, mut sä lisäät niitä. Sun piti rauhoittaa mun sydän, ja sä hämmennät vaan sitä lisää.
    ellauri012.html on line 345: Sä toivot että sun kuoltua mä hoitaisin sun tuhkat ja pakkaisin ne kuntoon. Kurjuus! Missä mielentilassa sä keksit nää synkät aatteet, ja miten sä voit kuvailla ne mulle? Eikö pelko mun slaagista saanut kynää putoomaan sun kädestä? Ei yhtään taas ajatellut, tietystikään, kaikkia niitä tuskia jotka sillä mussa aiheutit? Taivaskaan, niin ilkeä kun se onkin ollut, ei ole niin julma että antais mun elää hetkeäkään sun jälkeen. Elämä ilman Abelardia ois sietämätön rangaistus, ja kuolema ihan herkkua, jos siten päästäisiin taas yhteen. Jos taivas yhtään kuuntelee mun alituista huutoa, sun päivät on pitemmät ja sä hautaat mut.
    ellauri012.html on line 349: Kun olet vaeltanut vaellukses loppuun täällä alhaalla, sanoit että haluut tulla haudatuksi Parakleteen tontille, jotta sä olisit aina mun silmien alla ja mielessä. Luulitko että sun mun mieleen kaivertamat jäljet voi koskaan kulua jäljettömiin, tai että mikään ajan kulu voi kuluttaa pois sun hyväntekeväisyyksien muiston täältä? Ja milloin mä ehtisin noita sun vaatimia rukouksia pomiloida? Hemmetti! Mulla on sillon tuhat muuta huolta, sillä semmoinen onnettomuus ei jättäisi hetken rauhaa. Voiko mun heikko järki kestää sellaista runkutusta? Kun mä olen hulluna ja raivoon taivastakin vastaan, mä en pehmitä sitä mun huudoilla, vaan haastan sitä haukkuen. Miten mä sit rukoilisin ja miten kestäisin suruani? Mä lähtisin mieluummin messiin kuin järjestäisin sun hautajaisia. Sua varten, Abelard, mä elän, ja jos sut temmataan pois multa, ei mulla ole mitään käyttöä mun kurjille päiville. Aargh! Mitä valituksia mä voisin tehdä jos taivas julman säälin vallassa säästäisi mut sillä hetkellä? Kun mä vaan ajattelenkin tätä viimeistä eroa, mä tunnen kaikkia kuoleman tuskia; millaista se sitten tulee olemaan jos se kauhea hetki joskus koittaa? Älä hittovie tunge mun mieleen niin surullisia ajatuksia, jos et rakkaudesta niin edes säälistä.
    ellauri012.html on line 355: Abelard hyvä, sääli mua! Onko kukaan koskaan ollut näin onneton? Mitä korkeemmalle sä korotit mut muiden naisten yli, jotka kadehti multa sun rakkautta, sitä suuremmin mä kärsin nyt mun menetyksestä. Mut korotettin onnen huipulle vaan että putoisin sitä rajummin. Mun mielihyvät oli vailla vertaa, ja nyt mikään ei vedä vertoja mun kurjuudelle. Kerran mun iloa kadehti mun kilpailijat, mun nykyinen kurjuus säälittää kaikkia ketkä näkee mut. Mun onnenpyörä on aina käynyt ääripäissä, se on kasannut mulle suurimmat lahjat ja sitten suurimmat kärsimykset; ovelana kiduttajana se on tehnyt koettujen ilojen muistosta loppumattoman kyynellähteen, kerran ne oli tosi hieno lahja, nyt pois otettuina sanomaton suru. Siinä sen ilkeys on onnistunut totaalisesti, ja mun nykyiset tuskat on suhteessa yhtä katkerat kuin kokemani hekkuma oli suloinen.
    ellauri012.html on line 361: Ja sama paha henki teki Heloisesta Abelardin kuohitsimen. Ainoa lohtu mikä mulla on on että mä en tehnyt sitä tahalteen, mä en petkuttanut sua; mut mun uskollinen rakkaus koitui sun tuhoksi. Ehkä mä teinkin tyhmästi siinä että mä rakastin sua niin järkkymättä, mut en mä osaa sitä katua. Mä yritin miellyttää sua oman kunniani kustannuksella, sain siis mitä ansaitsin, tyhmästä päästä kärsii koko ruumis. Niinpian kuin olin varma sun rakkaudesta, en vitkastellut hetkeäkään ennenkuin annoin sulle; Abelardin rakkaus oli mun mielestä niin suuri kunnia, ja mä kaipasin sitä niin kärsimättömästi etten voinut olla uskomatta siihen heti. En käyttänyt kunniallisuuden ja väheksynnän puolustusaseita; nää keinot joilla me naiset vastustetaan miesten välitöntä tyydytystä ei mua paljon hidastanu. Mä yritin vaan vakuuttaa sut mun tunteista. Uhrasini kaikki mun rakkaudelle, ja annoin velvollisuuden antaa tietä pyrkimykselle tehdä onnelliseksi sen ajan kuuluisin ja sivistynein julkero. Jos mikään näkökohta saattoi mua hidastaa, se oli just mun rakkaus. Pelkäsin että jos mä annan heti kaiken, niin sä pitkästyt, ja etsin uutta jännitystä jostain muualta. Mutta sun oli helppo vakuuttaa mut ettei siitä ollut pelkoa, enkä mä sitä halunnutkaan. Mun oisi pitänyt ennakoida muita todennäköisempiä ikävyyksiä, ja ottaa huomioon että ilojemme menetyksestä voisi tulla mun loppuelämäni kurjistus.
    ellauri012.html on line 365: Rikoksen sovitukseen ei riitä kärsiä määrätty rangaistus; kärsiminen ei auta jos sydämeen jää halu entiselleen. On helppo asia tunnustaa heikkous, ja antaa siitä itselle vähän rapsuja, mutta täytyy olla täydellinen itsehallinta jotta voisi sammuttaa nautintojen muiston, jonka tapa on tartuttanut aivoihin. Nähdään aika usein että jotkut tunnustaa omat vikansa, mut vähät niistä ottaa vahinkoa, suorastaan mielissään vaan kertoilevat niistä. Sydämellisesti katua pitäisi tekoa suusanallisen myönnytyksen lisäksi, mut tää toteutuu vaan harvoin. Mä joka olen kokenut niin monta hyvää hetkeä sun kanssa, tunnen vastoin tahtoani etten voikaan niitä katua, enkä välttyä muistoissani nauttimasta niistä taas. Ponnistan vaikka kuinka kovasti, tai käännyn sitten mille kyljelle, ihana ajatus vaan seuraa, ja jokainen tarvekalu tuo mun mieleen mitä mun pitäisi unohtaa. Hiljaisessa yössä kun mun tulis ottaa palloon unta, joka lievittää suurimmatkin huolet, en voi välttää näitä unelmia. Uneksin että olen taas mun rakkaan Abelardin kaa. Mä näen sen, puhun sille ja kuulen sen vastaavan. Toisiimme ihastuneina me unhdetaan kirjat ja ruvetaan taas hommimaan. Joskus mä olen tappelevinani sun vihollisten kaa; mä vastustan niiden raivoa, mä huudan säälittävästi, ja sit mä herään kyyneliin. Jopa kirkkoon alttarille mä vien meidän rakkauden muiston, ja sen sijaan että valittaisin joutuneeni nautintojen uhriksi, mä huokaan ja kaipaan niitä takaisin.
    ellauri012.html on line 367: Mä muistan (sillä rakastavaiset ei unohda mitään) ajan ja paikan missä sä ekan kerran tunnustit tunteesi ja vannoit että rakastaisit mua aina kuolemaan. Sun sanat ja valat on syvälle kaivertuneet mun sydämeen. Mun katkonainen puhe kavaltaa mun mielen sekavuutta; mun huokaukset paljastaa mut, ja sun nimi on alituiseen mun huulilla. Voi juku! Kun mä kärsin näin mikset sä herra siellä ylhäällä sääli mun heikkoutta ja vahvista mua sun armolla? Sä olet onnellinen Abelard että sulle on suotu se armo, ja sun onnettomus on käännetty levoksi. Sun ruumillinen rangaistus on parantanut sun panohalut. Myrsky on ajanut sut satamaan. Jumala joka näytti vähän jakaneen sulle huonot kortit, koitti vaan auttaa sua; hän olikin kiltti isi joka vaan ruuvas irti sulta kikkelin, eikä paha vihollinen - viisas lekuri joka sanoo: tää voi vähän kirpaista, vaan pelastaakseen sun henkesi. Mua pitäis sääliä tuhat kertaa enemmän kuin sua, sillä mulla on tuomiota jäljellä vaikka kuinka monta kuukautta. Mun pitää vastustaa noita kuumeita jotka rakkaus herättää nuoreen sydämeen. Tää sukupuoli on vitun heikko, ja mun on vaikeempi puolustautua, koska mua ahdistava vihollinen miellyttää mua; mä nautin vaarasta joka uhkaa mua; miten mä voin olla antautumatta sille?
    ellauri012.html on line 373: Oliko sulla mitään syytä kiittää mua? Kiitoksesta on usein haittaa niille joita kiitetään: salainen turhamaisuus syttyy sydämeen, sokeuttaa, ja peittää haavat jotka oli vasta puoliksi parantuneet. Viettelijä imartelee, ja samalla pilaa ihmisen. Rehellinen ystävä ei salaa mitään, eikä silittele haavaa, oikeestaan saa tuntumaan sen kipeemmältä, koska laittaa lääkettä. Mikset sä menettele näin mun kaa? Haluutko olla halpa vaarallinen liehittelijä? tai jos sä näät mussa jotain kehuttavaa, etkö pelkää, että turhamaisuus, joka vaivaa jokaista ainakin meistä naisista, pian tuhoo sen? Mut ei tuomita hyvettä ulkopuolelta, sillä muuten rikolliset kelpaa yhtä hyvin kuin herran valitut. Ovela huijari voi saada enemmän ihailua osakseen kuin intoileva pyhimys. Touché, osui ja upposi, vai mitä Abelard?
    ellauri012.html on line 378:

    Kirje 4 Heloiselta Abelardille

    ellauri012.html on line 381: Rakas Abelard, - sä ehkä luulet et mä syytän sua vetelyydestä. Sä et ole vastannut mun viime kirjeeseen, ja taivaan kiitos, siinä kunnossa missä mä nyt oon, on helpotus että sä osoitat niin vähän kiinnostusta tunteisiin jotka kavalsin. Lopultakin Abelard sä olet menettänyt Heloisen iäksi. Kaikista niistä valoista huolimatta etten ajattelis muuta kuin vaan sinua, enkä saisi viihdytystä muusta, olen nyt karkottanut sut mun mielestä, mä oon unohtanut sut. Sä ihana ajatus rakastetusta jota kerran jumaloin, sä et ole enää mun onnen avain! Rakas Abelardin kuva! sä et enää vainoo mua, mä en enää edes muista sua. Ooh kuuluisuus ja ansio, mies joka vihollisista huolimatta on aikansa ihmemies! Oi lumoavat nautinnot mihin Heloise alistui - te olitte mun kiduttajia! Mä tunnustan mun häilyvyyden, Abelard, ihan punastumatta; opettakoon mun uskottomuuteni maailmalle ettei naisten lupauksiin ole luottamista - meidän mieli ja kielikin on niin muuttuvainen. Tää kiusaa sua, Abelard; tää tieto ulkoa voi sut yllättää; sä et koskaan kuvitellut että Heloise voisi olla petollinen. Sillä oli niin vahvat ennakkoluulot sun puolesta, ettet voi kuvitella miten aika voisi muuttaa niitä. Mutta pidä kiinni tuolista, mä aion nyt paljastaa sulle mun kaksinaamaisuuden, vaikka luulenkin että sä et moiti mua, vaan itket ilosta.
    ellauri012.html on line 383: Kun mä kerron mikä kilpailija on tempaissut mun sydämen pois sulta, kiität mun mielenmuutosta, ja pyydät tätä kilpailija liimaamaan sen kii. Tästä sä jo arvaat että jumalahan se on joka vie nyt sulta Heloisen. Jep, mun rakas Abelard, nyt se antaa mulle sen mielentyyneyden jonka meidän kurjuuden kirkas muisto ennen esti. Just taivas joo! mikä muu kilpailija vois ottaa sulta mut? Voisitko kuvitella, että joku vaan, joku ihminen voisi kumittaa sut mun sisältä? Voisitko kuvitella mun vaihtavan jumalisen ja sivistyneen Abelardin kehenkään alempaan kuin jumalaan? Ei, must tuntuu et sä olet arvioinut mut oikein tässä kohtaa. Varmaan sä haluut tietää millä keinoin jumala sai aikaan näin suuren muutoksen? Kerron sulle, että saisit ihmetellä sallimuksen salaisia kiemuroita. Muutama päivä sen jälkeen kun sun vika kirje tuli mä sairastuin vakavasti (Joopa joo, aina tää sama deus ex machina näissä muinaisjutuissa); lääkärit jo luovutti mut kuolemalle. Silloin mun tunne, joka aina ennen oli tuntunut musta viattomalta, alkoi näyttää pahalta. Muistista tulvahti kuin filmissä (joojoo, anakronismi, mutta siltä se varmaan just tuntui) kaikki mun elämän menneet teot, ja mun täytyy tunnustaa että ainoo tuska jonka tunsin oli tunnontuska meidän rakkaudesta. Kuolema jota olin siihen saakka katsonut vain etäältä, häälyi nyt mun edessä kuin syntisillä. Aloin pelätä jumalan kostoa nyt kun olin lähempänä sitä, ja mua kadutti etten mä ollut ottanut kunnolla käyttöön armolahjoja. Ne hellät kirjeet jotka sulle kirjoitin, rakkaat keskustelut joita kävin sun kanssa, kiusas mua nyt yhtä paljon kuin ne oli ennen viehättäny. Voi Heloise-repukka, mä sanoin, jos on rikos lähteä tolla lailla hehkuttamaan, ja jos tämän elämän jälkeen siitä seuraa varma rangaistus, mikset sä vastustanut kunnolla tollaisia kiusauksia? Ajattele mitä kidutuksia on sulle varalla, kauhistu sua venttaavia helevetin koneita, ja muista samalla nautintoja joita sun eksynyt sielu piti niin hitsin hienoina. Äh! eikö vähän harmita että kieriskelit niin falskeissa huveissa? Lyhyesti, Abelard, kuvittele katumusta jota tunsin, niin et ihmettele lehmänkäännöstä.
    ellauri012.html on line 385: Yksinäisyys on kestämätöntä ahdistuneelle mielelle; sen huoli kasvaa hiljaisuudessa, ja syrjäytyminen vaan lisää sitä. Siitä lähin kun olen ollut suljettuna näihin seiniin, en ole tehnyt muuta kuin itkeskellyt meidän vahinkoa. Tää luostari on kaikunut mun kiljunnasta, ja ikuiseen orjuuteen tuomitun kurjimuksen lailla olen kuluttanut päivät surun parissa. Sen sijaan että olisin toteuttanut loordin armollisen suunnitelman mua kohtaan, olen kapinoinut sitä vastaan, pidin tätä pyhää pakopaikkaa kauheeena vankilana, ja olen kantanut loordin iestä vasten tahtoa. Sen sijaan että olisin putsannut itseäni katumuksen harjoituksilla, olen vaan vahvistanut mun tuomiota. Fataali erehdys! Kardinaalimunaus! Mut Abelard, mä oon nyt repinyt silmiltä siteen joka sokaisi mut, ja jos mä nytkään voin yhtään luottaa omiin tunteisiin, musta on nyt tullut sun arvostuksen arvoinen. Sä et ole mulle enää muuta kuin se rakastava Abelard, joka aina pyrki yksityisiin hetkiin mun kanssa sumuttaen meidän vartijoiden silmät. Meidän onnettomuudet sai sut kammoamaan pahetta (ei ihme, kun et siihen enää itse kyennyt), ja sä heti omistit loput päiväs hyveelle, ja näytit alistuvan siihen pakkoon mielelläsi. Mä taas, joka olin herkempi, ja enemmän nautinnon perään (ja jolla oli paikat vielä kunnosssa) olin vitun kärsimätön tästä, ja olet kuullut miten paljon kannoin kaunaa sun kalttaajille. Oot nähnyt mun kaunan mun viime kirjeistä; tää se oli, varmasti, joka sai mun Abelardin, sut munattoman Hannibalin, mulle äkämystymään. Sä hermostuit mun valituksista, ja jos totta puhutaan, menetit toivon mun sielun pelastuksesta. Et voinut aavistaa että Heloise voisi voittaa noin vahvan tarpeen; mut olit väärässä, Abelard, mun heikkous, armon lihaksilla, ei estänyt mua tavoittamasta voiton seppelettä. Palauta mut siis sun hyviin kirjoihin; sun oma jumalisuus varmaan kehottaa sua siihen.
    ellauri012.html on line 387: Mut mut: mikä salainen huoli nyt nousee mun sieluun - mikä loppuun ajattelematon tunne nyt nousee joka vastustaa mun lupausta olla huokailematta Abelardin perään? Voi taivas! eks mä ookkaan päihittänyt mun rakkautta? Heloise sä onneton! niin kauan kun sulla henki pihisee sun pitää nähtävästi rakastaa Abelardia, niin on päätetty. Itke vaan kurja ämmä, sillä tätä parempaa tilaisuutta siihen tuskin tarjoutuu. Mun pitäis kuolla surusta; armo oli jo kerran ohittanut mut, ja sit mä lupasin olla sille uskollinen, mut nyt mä olen taas kerran pettänyt lupaukseni, ja armo on taas uhrattu Abelardille. Tää pyhäinhäväistys kyllä jo saa kupin kaatumaan. Miten mä voin tän jälkeen enää toivoa et jumala aukasee mulle aarrearkkunsa, sillä mä oon ihan väsyttänyt sen. Aloin loukata sitä heti ekasta hetkestä kun näin Abelardin; onneton sielun veljeys sai meidät ryhtymään luvattomiin panopuuhiin, ja jumala lähetti roiston erottamaan meidät puukolla. Mä valitan tätä onnettomutta, mutta jumaloin sen syytä. Aargh! mun pitäisi pitää tätä onnettomuutta taivaan lahjana, se ei hyväksynyt meidän liittoa ja erotti meidät, ja mun pitäisi pinnistää et saisin mun tunteen loppumaan. Eikö olis paljon parempi jos unohtaisin kokonaan sen kohteen, enkä jättäisi mieleeni mitään muistoa joka on fataali mun rauhalle ja pelastukselle? Herra varjele! pitääkö Abelardin kummitella mun ajatuksissa iän kaiken? Enksmä koskaan pääse vapaaksi lemmen kahleista? Mut ehkä mä pelkään ihan turhaan; ohjaahan hyve nyt kaikkia mun akteja ja ne on kaikki armon huostassa. Siis pelko pois, Abelard; ei mulla enää ole noita tunteita joiden kuvaaminen mun kirjeissä sai sut niin hermoksi. En mä enää yritä, kertomalla noista hyvistä hetkistä jotka rakkaus meille jakoi, herättää mitään syyllistä tunnetta jota sä voisit tuntea mua kohtaan. Mä vapautat sut kaikista sun valoista; unohda rakastajan ja aviomiehen tittelit ja jätä vaan toi iskä. Mä en odota sulta enää muuta kuin lempeitä nuhteita ja kirjeitä jotka pitää yllä rakkauden loimua. En vaadi sulta muuta kuin hengellistä neuvontaa ja terveellistä kuria.
    ellauri012.html on line 391: Ei hyvä herra, maan päällä ei ole muuta nautintoa kuin hyveen antama. Kaikkien maisten ilojen keskellä sydäntä pistää, se on rauhaton ja levoton kunnes se pysähtyy suhun. Miten paljon mä oonkaan kärsinyt, Abelard, niin kauan kun mä koitin pysytellä elossa luostarissa niillä eväillä jotka oli tuhonneet mut maailmassa? Vihasin seiniä jotka ympäröivät mua; tunnit tuntui pitkiltä kuin nälkävuodet. Kaduin tuhannesti että olin haudannut itseni tänne. Mut sen jälkeen kun armo avas mun silmät on kaikki muuttunut; yksinäisyys tuntuu kivalta, ja tän paikan rauha on vuotanut mun sydämeen. Tyytyväisenä että hoidan hommani tunnen iloa joka ylittää kaiken sen minkä rikkaus, komeus tai aistillisuus vois mulle tarjota. Mun tyyntymys on kyllä käynyt mulle kalliiksi, sillä se maksoi mun rakkauden; tein ihan väkisten tän uhrauksen joka tuntui ennen mahdottomalta. Mut jos mä oon vihdoinkin päässyt susta eroon, älä mustasukkaile; jumala jonka ois aina pitänyt omistaa mut on nyt mun sisässä sun sijasta. Ole tyytyväinen että voit vielä nussia mun mieltä, sitä sä et koskaan menetä; ja mä saan aina salaista mielihyvää kun ajattelen sua, ja must on hienoa totella säääntöjä jotka sä mulle teet.
    ellauri012.html on line 395: Sä moitit mua hyvin auliisti etten ole kirjoittanut uutisia; mun sairauteni selittäköön sen. Mä en jätä käyttämättä mitään tilaisuuksia sun muistamiseen. Kiitos vaan kun sanot että mun vaikeneminen on sua hermostuttanut, ja mun terveyttä koskevasta huolenpidosta. Sä siis olet aika huonossa hapessa itse, ja äsken luulit jo et tulee noutaja. Kylläpä sä julma mies kerrot kylmästi uutisen jonka tiedät huolettavan mua. Kerroinhän mä edellisessä kirjeessä miten mua masentais jos sä kuolisit, ja jos sä yhtään välität musta, sä vähän hellität noita harjoituksias. Mähän tarviin sun neuvojas, ja siksi sun pitäis pitää huolta itsestäs; - mut en mä viitsi väsyttää sua nalkuttamalla. Sä toivot ettei me unohdeta sua meidän rukouksista; No jo, Abelard kulta, voit olla varma että tää tiimi on sun takana; se omistautuu sulle etkä voi epäillä sitä unohtamisesta. Sä oot meidän iskä ja me ollaan sun tyttöjä; sä oot meidän opas, ja me alistutaan sun ohjaukseen ihan varmoina et sä oot kunnon veijari. Sä käsket, me totellaan; sä juhlit, me pakataan. Me toteutetaan pilkuntarkasti mitä sä oot käskenyt. Me ei ruoskita itseämme enempää kuin sä suositat, ettei olla virkaintoisia ja ylitetä normia. Sanalla sanoen, mikään ei ole oikein ilman Abelardin leimaa. Kerrot yhtenä hämmennykseen aiheena että jotkut meidän siskoista on huonoja esimerkkejä, että ne ei yleisesti ottaen ole tarpeeksi tiukkoja. Näyttäks tää sulta oudolta kun tiedät millä jengillä luostarit täyttyy nykyaikana? Kysyykö iskät tyttäriltä onko ne kiinnostuneita ennenkuin ne sulkee ne kiven sisään? Eikö oma etu ja maan tapa oo niiden ainoo ohjenuora? Siksi luostareissa on paljon poppoota joilla on joku kohujuttu takana. Mut kerropa tarkemmin mitä väärinkäytöksiä on sun korviin kiirinyt, ja neuvo miten mä korjaan ne parhaiten. Mä en ole ite havainnut mitään löyhiä kuminauhoja; kun löydän, niin kiristän ne kyllä. Mä teen tarkastuskierroksen joka ilta, ja lähetän karkulaiset takaisin huoneisin; sillä muistan kyllä mitä seikkailuja tapahtui taannoin Pariisin konventeissa.
    ellauri012.html on line 397: Sun kirjeen lopussa on yleistä marinaa sun onnettomuudesta ja et toivot et kuolema lopettais sun munattoman elämän. Miten noin suuri nero kuin sä ei voi nousta onnettomuuden yläpuolelle? Mitä maailma sanoisi jos ne lukis sun mulle lähettämät kirjeet? Uskoiskohan ne sun luostarielämän jaloihin tarkoitusperiin, vai ajattelisko vain että sä vetäydyit sinne nuolemaan kelliesi arpia? Mitä sun oppilaatkin sanoisi, jotka on tullut niin pitkän matkan takaa, ja pitää sun ankaria luentoja parempina kuin maallista elämää, jos ne huomais että sä ot salaa sun ex-kassiesi orja, ja samojen heikkouksien uhri joista sun säännnöt suojaa niitä? Tää Abelard, jota ne niin paljon ihailee, tää suuri johtaja, menettäisi maineensa ja siitä tulis sen oppilaiden pelle. Jos nää syyt ei riitä sua rauhoittamaan, vilkaise vähän tänne päin ja ihaile päättäväisyyttä jolla mä suljin itteni tänne ihan vaan sun pyynnöstä. Mä olin nuori kun me erottiin ja (jos mä kehtaan uskoa mitä sä aina vakuutit) oisin kelvannut kenelle tahansa. Jos mä olisin halunnut melaa keneltäkään muulta kuin just sulta, muut miehet olis mielellään lohduttaneet mua sun puutteessa. Tiedät mitä mä oon tehnyt, anteeksi että hieron tätä, mä muistelen mielelläni vieläkin sun rakkaudenvakuutuksia. Mä kuivasin sun kyynelet pusuilla, ja kun sä olit kyvytön, mä uskalsin enemmän. Voi voi, jos sä olisit rakastanut herkemmin, mun valat, mun huippuhetket, mun hyväilyt olis kyllä vakuuttaneet sut. Jos sä oisit nähnyt mun vähitellen viilenevän sulle, sulla ois ollut syytä huoleen, mut sä et koskaan saanut multa enemmän rakkautta kun sen jälkeen kun sulta meni kassit.
    ellauri012.html on line 399: Älä siis enää viiti marista, Abelard kulta, tolla lailla kohtalolle, sä et ole ainoa jolta on mennyt killuttimet, ja sun pitäsi unohtaa jo tää kohtalon kova kolhaisu.
    ellauri012.html on line 400: On se nyt häpeä ettei filosofi voi sulattaa mikä oisi voinut sattua kelle vaan. Kato musta esimerkkiä; mä sain syntyessäni kovat halut, mä joudun päivittäin taistelemaan tunteiden kanssa, ja iloitsen kun saan ne järjen hallintaan. Miten tälläinen heikko luonne joutuu vahvistamaan vahvempaansa? Mut nyt mä meen liian pitkälle. Näinkö mä kirjoitan mun kultu Abelardille? Sille joka noudattaa kaikkia saarnaamiaan hyveitä? Jos valitat onnen arvasta, se ei ole niinkään että tunnet sen iskut, vaan koitat osoittaa vihollisilles kuinka moitittavia ne on kun ne satutti sua. Jätä ne rauhaan Abelard, anna niiden kiehua omassa liemessään, jatka sä sun yleisöjen hurmaamista. Löydä ne sivistyksen aarteet jotka taivas näyttää varanneen vaan sulle; sun viholliset jotka sä häikäiset sun järkeilyllä tulee lopulta kyllä järkiinsä. Voi että sä olisit onnellinen jos saisit koko maailman vakuutetuksi sun oikeassa olosta, niinkun mä jo oon. Kaikki myöntää sun fiksuuden; sun pahimmat vastustajatkin tunnustaa, että sä tiedät kaiken mikä on inhimillisesti tiedettävissä.
    ellauri012.html on line 402: Rakas ukkokulta (käytän tätä nimitystä viimeisen kerran), enkö enää koskaan saa nähdä sua hengissä? Enks mä saa edes halata sua ennenkun sä kuolet? Hei mitäs tuli sanotuksi Heloise? Tajuutko mitä sä haluat? Voisitko katsoa noihin säkenöiviin silmiin muistamatta helliä katseita niistä, jotka oli sulle niin kohtalokkaita? Voisitko nähdä Abelardin leijonamaisen ilmeen olematta mustasukkainen kaikille jotka näkee noin komeen kaverin? Sen suuta ei voi katsoa haluumatta sitä pussata; siis kukaan nainen ei voi katsoa Abelardia joutumatta vaaraan. Älä siis pyydä saada nähdä Abelardia; jos sen muisto on aiheuttanut sulle niin paljon harmia, Heloise, miten paljon tulisi sen näkemisestä? Mitähän haluja taas sussa heräisi? Miten voisit pitää halus kurissa nähdessäs niin makeen ukkelin?
    ellauri012.html on line 404: Kerron sulle mikä on musta mukavinta täällä eläkkeellä; kun olen kuluttanut päivän ajatellen sua, täynnä tätä alas painettua ajatusta, menen nukkumaan. Sillä öisin Heloise, joka ei kärsi ajatella sua päivisin, rentoutuu mielikseen sua katsomaan ja kuulemaan. Silloin mun silmät liimautuu suhun! joskus sä kerrot sun salaisista huolista, ja mun mieli tuntee surua, joskus unohdat sun vihamiehet ja painat mut lähelles ja mä antaudun sulle, ja meidän sielut, joilla on sama tunne, tuntee myös saman nautinnon. Mutta voi, iloiset unet ja hellät kuvitelmat, miten nopeesti te katootte! Mä herään, avaan silmäni enkä näe Abelardia: ojennan käteni halatakseni häntä ja hän ei ole siinä; itken, ja se ei kuule mua. Tosi hölmöä mun on kertoa mun unistani sulle, joka et välitä sellaisista huvituksista. Mutta Abelard, etkö koskaan näe Heloisea sun unissa? Miltä se näyttää niissä? Puhutko hänelle yhtä hellästi kuin ennen, ja oletko iloinen vai pahoillasi kun heräät? Anteeksi Abelard, anna anteeksi harhaiselle rakkaalle. En mä voi enää odottaa sulta sitä eloisuutta mikä oli sulle ominaista ennen, enkä voi vaatia että meidän halut kohtaavat. Me on sidottu itsemme ankariin sääntöihin, joita pitää seurata ilman mukinoita. Ajatellaan vaan näitä tehtäviä ja meidän sääntöjä, ja käytetään hyvin hyväksemme pakkoa joka pitää meidät erossa. Sinä Abelard päätät sun kurssit ja sun juoksun onnella; sun halut ja pyrkimykset ei estä sun pelastusta. Mut Heloisen pitää itkeä, sen pitää surra ikuisesti tietämättä, kelpaavatko sen kyynelet pelastuksen pantiksi.
    ellauri012.html on line 406: Olisin halunnut lopettaa tän kirjeen kertomatta mitä täällä tapahtui pari päivää sitten. Nuori nunna joka oli pakotettu luostariin ilman kutsumusta siihen karkasi jollain ilveellä, en tiedä miten, ja pakeni Englantiin yhden herrasmiehen mukana. Olen käskenyt koko talon salata tän jutun. Voi Abelard! Jos sä olisit täällä näitä juttuja ei tapahtuisi, sillä kaikki siskot jotka hurmaantuis sut nähdessään ja kuullessaan, eivät ajattelisi kahdesti vaan noudattaisivat sun sääntöjä ja ohjeita. Se noviisi ei olisi ikinä tehnyt noin rikollista suunnitelmaa kuin rikkoa valansa, jos sä olisit ollut täällä kehottamassa kuuliaisuuteen. Jos sun silmät vahtis meitä, kaikki olis viattomia. Kun me liukastutaan sä nostaisit meidät pystyyn ja tukisit neuvoillas; me marssittaisiin varmajalkaisina lampaina hyveen kaitaa tietä. Alan huomata että musta on ihan liian hauskaa kirjoittaa sulle; mun pitäis polttaa tämäkin kirje. Siitä näkee että mulla on vielä ihan liikaa tunteita sua kohtaan, vaikka yritin aluksi vakuuttaa sut ettei niin ole laita. Mä tunnen joskus armon, joskus himon laineita, ja vuorotellen annan periksi kummallekin. Sääli mua Abelard, ja tilaa johon sä olet mut saattanut, ja tee mun viime päivistä tääällä yhtä levollisia kuin ne ensimmäiset oli ahdistuneita.
    ellauri012.html on line 409:

    Kirje 5 Abelardilta Heloiselle

    ellauri012.html on line 417: Mut ei, nyt mun turhamainen mielikuvitus taas vie mua kuin litranmittaa. Voi Heloise, miten kaukana me ollaankaan oikeasta mielenrauhasta! Sun sydän vielä palaa roihulla jota et saa sammutetuksi, ja mun on täynnä hätää ja levottomuutta. Älä luulekaan Heloise, että mä nautin täällä täydellistä lepoa; mä avaan nyt viimeisen kerran sulle sydämeni; - mä en ole vieläkään ihan irti susta, ja vaikka mä taistelen mun sua kohtaan tuntemaani hellyyttä vastaan, niin kaikista yrityksistäni huolimatta mä koen liian voimakkaasti sun surut ja haluisin jakaa ne. Sun kirjeet on tosiaankin liikuttanut mua; en voi lukea kylmänä sun rakkaan käden raapustamia kirjaimia! Mä huokaan ja itken, ja kaikki mun järki tuskin riittää kätkemään mun heikkouden mun oppilailta. Tää, Heloise parka, on Abelardin kurja olotila. Maailma, joka on yleensä väärässä joka asiasta, luulee että mä olen päässyt rauhaan, ja luullessaan et mä rakastin sua vaan aisti-ilon tähden, et mä oon nyt unohtanut sut. Ja vitut! Ihan väärin meni! Ihmiset oli kyllä oikeassa kun sanoivat et kun me erottiin, mä menin luostariin häpeestä ja surusta. Mut se ei ollut, kuten tiedät, kunnon katumusta siitä et oisin jotenkin loukannut jumalaa, mistä mä keksin tän ajatuksen. Mutta mä pidän meidän kurjuutta sallimuksen salaisena merkkinä että se tahtoo rankaista meitä; ja pidän Fulbertia vaan jumalan koston välikappaleena. Armo veti mut houruintaloon missä olisin vieläkin jos mun vihollisten raivo ois sen sallinut; mä olen kestänyt niiden vainon, varmana että jumala ite usutti ne mun kimppuun mun puhdistukseksi.
    ellauri012.html on line 450: Terve menoa, Heloise, tää on sun rakkaan Abelardin ja sen jumalan viimeinen sana sulle: valitamme aiheuttamaamme vaivannäköä. Viimeisen kerran: noudata hyvää sanomaa, tai oikeammin siihen liittyviä vakuutusehtoja. Taivaan poika suokoon, että sun sydän, joka niin kiltisti otti vastaan mun rakkauden, nyt ottaa vastaan tänkin hullutuksen. Toivon tosiaan että sun mielessä aina väikkynyt harhakuva rakastavasta Abelardista nyt edes muuttuisi kuvaksi tosi nolosta Abelardista; ja toivon että itket yhtä monta kyyneltä omasta puolestasi kun turhaan itkit mun munattoman takia.
    ellauri012.html on line 456: Abelard ja Heloïse kuolivat kummatkin 1142. Kastroineet kastroitiin ja silmät puhkottiin, toimeksiantaja hirtettiin (Vilpertti). Ellei sitten väärät tekijät ja toimeksiantaja. Tuleva Hadrianus-paavi ja englantilainen kaverinsa Henry lähti Trondheimiin ehkä joskus 1150, mutta olisihan ne voineet vierailla sitä ennen Heloïsen ja toisaalla Abelardin luostareissa Bernhardin myrkyt hihassaan. Kerran yks saamelaispoika Abiskossa sanoi ymmärtäneensä miks Jeesus tapettiin. No? Se oli liian suosittu. Bernhard ei sietänyt kilpailua, ei Pariisissa, ei paaveilta.
    ellauri012.html on line 460: Joo niin se oli. Bernhard oli sotaisa punapartaisen ritarin poika joka hommaili ristiretkiä sinne sun tänne. Munat oli selvästi tallella. Tapatti piispa Henrikin Lallilla Köyliönjärven jäälle. Riiteli munattoman Abelardin kanssa teologisista kysymyxistä. Siitä munattoman puheet oli hampaattomia. B-mies suositti vaan pientä rukouxenpätkää ja sit aseet puhuvat. Mut Abelard parka oli aseeton. Sillä oli enää niitä sanoja.
    ellauri012.html on line 464: Esa Saarinenkin kannattaa mieluummin käytännöllistä filosofiaa, vaikka tutkinto on teoreettisesta. Siinä on silti enemmän Abelardia, tuulenpiexäjää ja tuhkamunaa, paskanjauhajaa kuin reipasta sammiomunkkia, riuskaa ristiretkeläistä. Saisko edes telttaa pystyyn yhtä nopeasti kuin esim. Perza Rovamo.
    ellauri012.html on line 844: Naapureiden nimby asenteissa ja virkavallan tökerössä toiminnassa ei mikään ole muuttunut. Niinkuin ei liioin Al Koholissa, Baabelin hävitetyn tyttären, kaksoisvirran maan piscuistenkaan kohdalla. Niitä länsisählämit, urhea pikku Suomi hännänhuippuna, oisivat taas paiscaamassa ciween raamatullisella innolla.
    ellauri014.html on line 36: Lainasin Pamela piukkapepun kirjastosta. Sen esipuhe oli paksulti alleviivattu ja merkitty huutomerkein. Joku on kai lukenut tän tenttiin - vittuako typeryxet alleviivaa kirjaston kirjoja? ei siitä ole mitään apua! Wäinö mainitsee siinä kiittävään sävyyn Paul Bourgetin. Ai kenet, kysyt ehkä, niin minäkin. Katsoin Wikipediasta. Wannabe-julkkistyrkky viisinkertainen melkein-nobelisti, agnostikko, joka palasi katoliseen uskoon romaanissa Le Disciple. Se oli Gladstonen mielikirjoja. Russell pelkäsi Gladstonea pikkupoikana. Ei varmaan ollut Russellin mieleinen kirja. Bourget oli ollut sielun hienoudessa edellä ihailijattariansa, Wäiskin mielestä. Samaa ei voinut sanoa Richardsonista, joka ainakin Fieldingin leirissä kuvattiin pieneksi, punakaksi, turhamaiseksi, arkipuheiseksi pikku mieheksi. Tuntuuko jo pientä narsistisen setämiehen hajua? - Asiasta 3:nteen, kuppainen Kasimir Leino kirjoitti kalikkarunon Gladstonen kunniaxi, verraten sen Irlannin kohtelua suomen sortoaikaan.Sellainen HINOA JOHN -vittuilu Paulille tussilla Johnin oveen. No Pohjois-Irlannin Karjalaa ei sentään antanut Gladstone takaisin. Sattui silmiin, kun koitin löytää tietoa Kasimirin kupasta.
    ellauri014.html on line 436: Ikävystyttävää pulinaa 1700-luvun musasta. Pröö haukkuu ranskixet ja kehuu italiaanoja. Paitti pahexuu et kastraatit pannaan laulaan rakkauslauluja. Mitähän munaton Abelard ois tästä mieltä. Pröö on mustasukkiainen loordista, ja ottaa kiukkupäissään liikaa kuppia. Se on yhtä juoppo kuin Juulia on syöppö.
    ellauri014.html on line 527: Aika ikävästi kohtelee nyt Julle Pröötä, Heloise Abelardin hattu päässä. Mä en anna enää sulle, mut älä hemmetissä silti petä mua, pidä itses miehenä mutta munattomana, vaan hyveen lippu liehukoon sun tangossa. Ja hölmö Pröö lupaakin ripustaa pippelinsä kuivumaan. Mulkut tuulessa ne heiluu. Samaan aikaan toisaalla Volmar pian rassaa pikku Juuliaa. No ehkä Pröö voi Lontoossa britin kanssa alkaa suunnitella junaa. (Ne ei vielä tähän aikaan käyneet höyryllä.)
    ellauri014.html on line 556: Teddy arvostelee Jullen lähettämää herutuskuvaa tosi pedantisti. Panee jopa jonkun tuhertajan tekemään siihen mieleisiään parannuxia. Mikä idiootti. Arvatenkin fotoshoppaa oman belfiensä Jullen selfieen:
    ellauri014.html on line 593: Rokon mukana meni Jullen panohalut. Sai rokotuxen. Rouva Dorka ilmoittaa: Juulia on nyt rouva Wolmari. Sulla ei oo enää panopuuta, on enintään kaveri. Rouva Wolmari jatkaa samaa virttä: rakastan sua Pröö mutten anna sulle, vaan nain isän osoittamaa puolisoa. Mut sydän jää sulle Pröö, revi siitä läppää. Kassit voit jättää eteiseen kuin Tero ja Esa, tai Abelard, ne on nyt joutavat. Jos lähtee ilman tarzanhuutoa.
    ellauri014.html on line 687: Jenkkirebellit oli siitä into piukeena. Must Benedict Arnold oli fixumpi kuin Nathan Hale. Sääli et Patrick Henry ei toteuttanut sen vaihtoehto beetä eli exitusta. Brexitus olis hyvä ratkaisu Boris Johnsonillekin.
    ellauri014.html on line 1002: Lukaisin tähän väliin kirjan liitteestä ne loordin Rooman seikkailut. Melkomoisen törkymöykky viftaaja, Sibeliuxen sanaa lainataxeni. Sillä oli enste joku markiisitar, elävän leski, jota se lakkas siveyssipulina naimasta kun kuuli et sillä oli mies komennuxella jossain Wienissä. Tapailivat ahkerasti siltikin. JJ tähdentää et niillä aina synkkas hyvin, vaikkei ne loordin tyhmän ahdasmielisyyden vuoxi enää bylsineet. Markiisitar luonnollisesti ei perustanut sellasesta protestanttipelleilystä. Kiltti kun oli, hankki loordille pumpattavan barbaran, pikku Lolitan, johon se voisi kevennellä itseään.
    ellauri014.html on line 1065: EURA: Ah! Dann tu esse maybe belgico sozialisto?

    ellauri014.html on line 1127: Jotain mainintaa on Abelardin harhaoppisesta rukouskäsityxestä. Ei sanota mikä siinä oli vikana. Oisko se ollu se huomio et ei sitä sopotusta kukaan kuuntele, paizi sä ize ja ehkä äiti oven raosta, mut se on kivaa ja tekee hyvää sulle izelles. Joo se kai se on. Stultilogiaa. Pröö on sitä mieltä et Julkun ja muiden pietismiin yms mystiikkaan taipuvaisten virhe on rukoilla ihan liikaa. Siitä vaan suu kuivii ja tulee polvet kipeiksi. Ei sovi odottaa nopeaa pöytiin palvelua eikä tilata menun ohitse jotain ihmettä. Ihmeiden aika on ohi, tekniikan ajan valistuneen jumalan on noudatettava luonnon lakeja ja asetuksia.
    ellauri014.html on line 1225: Julkku, joka on aina ollut hyvä syömään, natustaa ferran, joka on genevenjärven kala. (Tää selvis vanhan kirjan alaviittestä, ei netistä. Toinen outo sana oli mali, joka kai on joku lemmikkieläin, mutta mikä? Oisko se belgianpaimenkoira eli malinois, often referred to as mali?)
    ellauri014.html on line 1353:

    Uusi Héloïse. Hmm, osat ovat vaihtuneet. Julie on nyt holier-than-thou munaton Abelard, ja Ted sen ahnas Heloise. Mitkä oli Jullen munat, ja kuka ne siltä leikkasi? Iskä varmaan, joka torppas tyttären kaukalon laitaan ja siten abortoi onnen kaupalla Tedin sikiön, ja sai Julkun sitte ottamaan tylsän mutta sentään aatelisen Wolmarin. Pysyi möngöt suvussa.
    ellauri014.html on line 1473: Miro i vostr´occhi belli,

    ellauri014.html on line 1480: duo mondi di beltà men di duo soli".

    ellauri014.html on line 1531: Tutta l´arte del Marini consiste nella forma, nella pura espressione; la sua poesia è scarsa di pensiero e di sentimento e quel poco che vi si trova è - come osserva il De Sanctis - privo di serietà. Quel ripetere, quel girare e rigirare la medesima idea presentandocela sotto aspetti diversi è una prova della povertà di pensiero cui il poeta supplisce con un calore veramente straordinario d´ immaginazione. Ancor più palese è il difetto del sentimento: egli non sente quel che canta; non ha fede in quel mondo da cui prende i fantasmi dell´arte sua. Vuol esser poeta religioso, patriottico, morale e riesce falso e freddo perchè in lui non vi è il sentimento della religione, della patria e della morale. Solo nel genere erotico eccelle il Marini, ma non sarebbe esatto dire ch´egli abbia il vero sentimento dell´amore. Il suo piuttosto è senso erotico. Non è la donna che suscita i suoi sospiri, ma la femmina; non è Beatrice, non è Laura, che suscitano nell´anima del poeta il fuoco soave di una passione divina, ma è la procace Lilla che con la sua carne odorosa eccita il senso del Marini e gl´ ispira i versi degli Amori notturni e dei Trastulli estivi, ove il naturalismo più crudo è espresso in una forma spirante l´estrema voluttà dei sensi. Le liriche erotiche del nostro autore sono tutto un poema in cui si fa l´apoteosi del piacere sensuale. Il Marini non analizza i suoi sentimenti e non mostra i vari atteggiamenti del suo spirito sotto l´azione d´amore, ma s´indugia nel rappresentarci la bellezza plastica delle sue amanti. I suoi madrigali e i suoi sonetti sono tanti brevissimi inni al pallore, al neo, alle chiome erranti, alla treccia ricamata di perle, ai pendenti, allo specchio, all´ago, alla bocca, al seno, al velo, al guanto, al ventaglio della sua donna; sono tanti quadretti in cui l´amante è sorpresa durante il bagno, dinanzi allo specchio, mentre si pettina, in carrozza, al giunco dei dadi; le sue canzoni sono superbe sinfonie dedicate al bacio e all´amplesso in cui culmina, per un istante, la passione carnale del poeta. La carne e il senso regnano sovrani nell´Adone e fremono di voluttà sotto il velo tenue e mal messo dell´allegoria e sotto l´ipocrisia del fine morale.
    ellauri014.html on line 1747: Is restless down below on rauhaton siellä alhaalla.
    ellauri015.html on line 1122: Friedrich Fröbel.
    ellauri016.html on line 29: Kojootti painaa dynamiittilatauksen laukaisinta, ja räjähtää itse. Ei tullut kojootille Nobel-palkintoa, vaan Darwin-palkinto. Näyttää mustaksi palaneelta tulitikulta, jota pikkupoikina tehtiin sormet ruvella (nimeltä jepari).
    ellauri016.html on line 481: A person belonging to the lower classes of society; one having no pretensions to rank or gentility. 1852
    ellauri016.html on line 493: Snob is a pejorative term for a person who believes there is a correlation between social status and human worth.
    ellauri016.html on line 529: Sixköhän sana snobi on merkitty vanhentuneexi? Ei säätyjä, ei säädyttömiä; ei noobelia, ei snobia.
    ellauri016.html on line 552: Snobbery surfaced more strongly as the structure of the society changed, and the bourgeoisie had the possibility to imitate aristocracy.[citation needed] Snobbery appears when elements of culture are perceived as belonging to an aristocracy or elite, and some people (the snobs) feel that the mere adoption of the fashion and tastes of the elite or aristocracy is sufficient to include someone in the elites, upper classes or aristocracy.[citation needed]
    ellauri016.html on line 554: However, a form of snobbery can be adopted by someone not a part of that group; a pseudo-intellectual, a celebrity worshipper, and a poor person idolizing money and the rich are types of snobs who do not base their snobbery on their personal attributes.[citation needed] Such a snob idolizes and imitates, if possible, the manners, worldview, and lifestyle of a classification of people to which they aspire, but do not belong, and to which they may never belong (wealthy, famous, intellectual, beautiful, etc.).[citation needed]
    ellauri016.html on line 568: Read on for a list of 14 of the biggest snobs in the business. These entertainers have long ago lost touch with the average John or Jane Doe and beyond that, have displayed rotten attitudes, selfishness, conceit, and a level of arrogance that almost has to be seen to be believed.
    ellauri016.html on line 673: agronoomikouluihin Kronoborgiin ja Libelitziin eli Liperiin, Siikajärven kartanoon.

    ellauri017.html on line 168: Jeffrey Goldberg, I attempt to make a good faith effort to understand people's beliefs. Answered Apr 25, 2017
    ellauri017.html on line 178: What made you believe in God? Tell me your experience.

    ellauri017.html on line 295: Sibeliuxen seitsemäs.

    ellauri017.html on line 790: Sillä puolella cuollutta merta on Moabin ja Ammonin lasten maa, sijtte edembänä on Babel eli Chaldea, ja wielä edembänä on Persia, josta Jesaia paljo puhu.
    ellauri017.html on line 819: Colmannes osas puhu hän Babelin Keisarin wallasta ja ennusta Babelin fangeutta, jolla Cansa piti rangaistaman ja Jerusalemin Caupungi häwitettämän.
    ellauri017.html on line 822: Ennusta hän sijs wiljalda, cuinga taas sitä wastan Babel piti häwitettämän, ja Judalaiset pelastettaman ja palajaman Jerusalemijn, nijn että hän nimittä Cuningatkin jotca piti Babelin häwittämän, erinomattain sen joca Judalaiset oli wallallens päästäwä, nimittäin Cuningas Corexen Persiast, jonga hän myös Jumalan woidelluxi cudzu, aica ennen cuin jocu Cuningan waldacunda olican Persias.
    ellauri017.html on line 824: Kurush eli Kyyros tosiaan laski jutkut vapaax Baabelin orjuudesta 539eKr, mihin Nebukadnesar ne oli vienyt 597eKr. Sekin oli messias, ainoo ulkomaalaisvahvistus juutalaisten kotijoukkueessa. Kores, Kurus, mitä väliä. Nostradamus nimitti antikristusta Histerixi. Close, but no cigar. Ruottalaisetkaan ei enää voitele niiden kunkkuja, ne on kexineet voiteluvapaat kuninkaalliset. Helleenit ei arvosanu Kyyrosta, se ei ollut niille mikään messias, pikemminkin päinvastoin. Baabelin vankeus kesti yhtä kauan kuin Neuvostoliitto, ihmisiän. Just siinä ajassa ehtii miesmuisti hävitä. Viime maailmansodasta on yhtä kauan. Jokos alotettas taas?
    ellauri018.html on line 433: Ett delat päron är inte ett dubbelt päron
    ellauri018.html on line 721: 656: Ali becomes the fourth caliph after his predecessor is assassinated. Some among the Muslims rebel against him.
    ellauri019.html on line 48: Rauhasta ei mitään tietoa, se ei enää mitenkään eroo sodasta. Miten kauan kanuunankuulat lentää ennenkuin ne kielletään, kysyi feikki-irkku huuliharppunobelisti. Ei ne enää lennä vaikkei kielletä, ne on aseteknisesti vanhanaikaisia. Sodat suhisee kyberavaruudessa. Tehokkain ase on nälistäminen eli talouspakote. Societé des Nations väsähti heti suursodan jälkeen, nyt on United Nations lähes yhtä mäsänä kuin United States. Seuraavassa savotassa saattaa mennä itämaatkin, kun on taas Kiinan vuoro uhota.
    ellauri019.html on line 205: Baabelin vankeuteen
    ellauri019.html on line 449: Sumerilaiset ei olleet Urin ur-einwohner, vaan jotkut ubaidit. Sumerit oli itänaapureita, jotka valloitti sen joskus 3300 eKr paikkeilla. Seuraavan vuosituhannen aikana siitä tuli kaksikielinen kuin Helsingistä, kun junantuomat akkadit, seemiläiset mamut muutti kaupunkiin. Kielet sekoittui kuin Baabelissa sitten myöhemmin, vaikka torniakaan ei ollut vielä pystyssä. Eka akkadikunkku oli nimeltään Sargon Suuri 2100 eKr. Siitä tulee mieleen Sormusten herra Sauron. Oli siellä jopa kunkku nimeltä Hegel.
    ellauri019.html on line 466: Assyria ja Babylonia, joista on raamatussa paljon puhetta, varsinkin Baabelista, ne pirulaiset näät jälleen kerran otti jutkut orjixi 500-luvun alussa eKr, oli rautakautisia kulttuureja. "Silmä silmästä" Hammurabi oli ekan dynastian kuudes kunkku, amoriitteja, noin 1500 eKr. Veti turpaan vanhalle itänaapurille Elamille, mistä rikastui. Se ilo oli lyhytaikainen, kassiittien aikana Elam iski takaisin. Uuden Assyrian laaja imperiumi hallizi Uriakin 10. vuosisadalta eKr 7.lle saakka. Sen jälkeen tuli kaldealaisten vuoro.
    ellauri019.html on line 513:

  • Baabelin vankeus 580 eKr
    ellauri020.html on line 258: - You are a complete capitalist. - I believe in hard work. Is that being a capitalist? - You want to make money. That is. - Everyone wants to make money. Even you.
    ellauri020.html on line 391: Trump spoke in a hypnotic, unending torrent of words. Often he appeared to free-associate. He referred to himself in the third person: “Trump says. . . Trump believes.” His phrases skibbled around and doubled back on themselves like fireworks in a summer sky. He reminded me of a carnival barker trying to fill his tent. “I’m more popular now than I was two months ago. There are two publics as far as I’m concerned. The real public and then there’s the New York society horseshit. The real public has always liked Donald Trump. The real public feels that Donald Trump is going through Trump-bashing. When I go out now, forget about it. I’m mobbed. It’s bedlam,” Trump told me. Donald is a believer in the big-lie theory,” his lawyer had told me. “If you say something again and again, people will believe you.” “One of my lawyers said that?” Trump said when I asked him about it. “I think if one of my lawyers said that, I’d like to know who it is, because I’d fire his ass. I’d like to find out who the scumbag is!”
    ellauri020.html on line 569: Roskaplärän omistaja Mark Hollen, joka epähuomiossa poltti perheensä, on nyt siitä toipunut. Bisnekset menee hyvin ja uusi presentaabelimpi hani alla. Luonnollinen kiinnostus naisiin on palannut. Tää on Iivanasta hienoa. Sellasta markkinoiden resilienssiä. Luovaa tuhoa. Eikun lisääntymään taas, pannaan pystyyn uusi yritys.

    ellauri020.html on line 641: He began belittling her: “That dress is terrible.” “You’re showing too much cleavage.” “You never spend enough time with the children.” “Who would touch those plastic breasts?” Ivana told her friends that Donald had stopped sleeping with her. She blamed herself. “I think it was Donald’s master plan to get rid of Ivana in Atlantic City,” one of her assistants told me. “By then, Marla Maples was in a suite at the Trump Regency. Atlantic City was to be their playground.”
    ellauri021.html on line 455: belt-still.jpg" width="30%" />
    ellauri021.html on line 582: niinkuin Baabeli sen jälkeen kun

    ellauri021.html on line 699: Loud he barked in horrid bellum,
    ellauri021.html on line 811: Kallella ja Hobbella on salainen kerho, jonka

    ellauri022.html on line 334: Chaos and Cosmos down below
    ellauri023.html on line 549: Miehille on hupaisia kommelluxia kyllä, seikkailuja, kuten Rabelaisilla, Cervantesilla, Voltairella ja Fieldingillä, mutta hassuja sosiaalisia nolauxia, hmm? Jos ne on noloja, ne ei ole hassuja. Ei paljon naurata. Miehet ei järin naureskele izelleen, huonommille miehille ja pelleille kyllä mieluusti, kuha ei tarvi niihin samastua. Ottaa izensä tosi vakavasti. Ne on ääliöitä tylsimyxiä. Apinoillakin on niitä enemmän huumorintajua, kun tiirailevat izeänsä peilistä ja irvivät.
    ellauri023.html on line 638: Aarne on vähän epämuodikkaasti wittgensteinilainen, vaikkei true believer, silti paasaa kielestä. Wittgenstein oli rahamiesten sukua, pikkuisen vanhoillinen izekin mutta persuvastainen. Jumalaton jutku, katolinen äiti, kaappihomo. Idealismin pikku käsityöläinen.
    ellauri023.html on line 697: I have to be seen to be believed.
    ellauri023.html on line 1014: Vähän sellasia Göbbelsin konsteja.
    ellauri023.html on line 1122: Kun ryssät vapauttajat näki vangit, ne kaikki häpes izeään ja toisiaan. Myötähäpeää. Jokainen on jonkun juutalainen, kirjoitti serkku. Leevi oli liian vasemmistolainen eikä saanut Nobel Prizeä, jäi ilman kuten Amos Oz. Sen sai sen kaveri Elie Wiesel, romanian jutku, jolla oli enemmän holokaustinazoja, sen isä oli kuollut Buchwaldissa. Pop goes the Weasel.
    ellauri024.html on line 662: Ei se toimi, eikä ole edes tärkeetä. Musta esim Rabelais on enimmäxeen suht rahvaanomainen ja mauton (hehe), mut on sillä joitain hyviäkin tsoukkeja. Samoin valtaosa Don Quijotesta on haukotuttavaa, vaik silläkin on valoisammat hetkensä. Läpeensä hauskoihin kirjoihin voi kyllästyä (esim AVS), kun samaa hauskaa saa mahan täydeltä. Et aina you win some, you lose some, ei sille mitään mahda.
    ellauri024.html on line 678: Pär Lagerkvist on ikävän oloinen ruåzalainen, nobelisti kotikenttäedulla. Pietistikodista ja virsikirjasta liian pian Darwiniin ja Marxiin pusakan kääntänyt hyyppä, joka itki loppuelämän omaa ja muiden pahuutta, ahisti kun ei ollut enää jumalaa antamassa satikutia ja sitte anteexi, älä enää koskaan tee niin. Hyvin ikävä aivoknääpiö. Ei ihme et Archie tuntee lukkarin rakkautta sen samannimisen kirjan kääpiöön. Se on itekkin kaiken naureskelun takana tollanen kolea synkän armoton kolmannen Moosexen kirjan Mooses. Ingmar Bergmanissa on tota samaa. Langenneita prematurely lauenneita enkeleitä, pikeentyneitä pietistejä, masokristillisiä. Koittasivat päättää: olis joko entisvanhaan tapaan kilttejä ja kunnollisia tukat suittuna, tai sit iloisia ilkeitä ja kampaamattomia ilman omantunnontuskia, eikä tollasia angstaavia vellihousuja. Tää on vanhan ajan modernismia.
    ellauri024.html on line 719: Pahempa seuraa ellen erehdy, Arska tarjoo komiikan sankarin mallixi jotain Rokan kaltasta vizailevaa tappajaa, joka ei ammu ihmisiä vaan vihollisia. Irtopäitä lentelee, verta ja suolenpätkiä. Kazoo kuin Indiana Jones hölmistyneenä huvittavaa veiziä heiluttavaa rättipää pelleä, vetää rivollin ja ampuu sen hengiltä suoralta kädeltä. Ryhmy ja Romppainen. Asterix ja Obelix. El Zorro ja kenraali Xavier. Jerry Cotton ja Phil Decker. Batman ja Robin. Tintti ja Kapteeni Kapu. Puovo Lipponen ja Kalle Kustaa Korkki. Mikki ja Hessu. Ilmiselvä sankari. Yhdellä ainoalla vantteran jalkansa potkaisulla kenraali lennätti miehen läpi seinäpaneelin. Mies lensi kuin tikkapelin tikka. Miehessä on ainesta lentäjäxi, kenraali huomautti. Revi siitä huumoria.
    ellauri024.html on line 726: Vielä kotikutoisempi on Juutas Käkriäinen, voimia kuin pienessä kylässä. Onhan näitä hupaisia muskelimasojakin vaikka lampaiden syödä: Kenraali Xavier, Gargantua, Obelix, Shrek, Hulk, maailman paskin Nalle, Peppi Pitkätossu jne. Hassuja väkivahvoja hyvixiä. Huoh.
    ellauri024.html on line 1208: belt.jpg" width="40%" />
    ellauri024.html on line 1224: pitää, hyvä, haluta, ja si vis pacem, para bellum.
    ellauri025.html on line 102: In distributive justice something is given to a private individual, in so far as what belongs to the whole is due to the part, and in a quantity that is proportionate to the importance of the position of that part in respect of the whole. Consequently in distributive justice a person receives all the more of the common goods, according as he holds a more prominent position in the community.
    ellauri025.html on line 173: Please wait to be seated, thank you! / Vänta tabeller vägledning, tack!
    ellauri025.html on line 386: Tylyn mutta fragiilin oloinen kaunis Esther Sanditonissa ei huoli Napoleonixi sonnustautunutta loordia koska luulee rakastavansa veljeään Edwardia. Lady Denham vimmastuu ja ärähtää kuin Tina Turner: Love!? What's love got to do with it? Avioliitossa ei ole kyse rakkaudesta, se on bisnistä, diili jossa sovitaan meemien ja reviirien siirrosta. Hesiodos on tismalleen samaa mieltä. Tismalleen!!! se huutaisi pikku jurrissa juotuaan ize käyttämäänsä kotiviiniä, kuin Obelix ja Aladobix Asterixissa. Kunhan ei saisi maxavaivoja. Maalaistollo.
    ellauri025.html on line 477: Kaikista paskimpia on sen bioteknologian ja ikuisen elämän yrityxet, ja kaikista ilkein sen tarve hallita kaikkia maailman ihmisiä kähmimällä niiden tietoja. Page's official statement read: "Illness and aging affect all our families. With some longer term, moonshot thinking around healthcare and biotechnology, I believe we can improve millions of lives." I can control billions of lives, more to the point. Suomessa tällä asialla on yxityiset terveystalot, joita Haju Sipilän hallitus ajoi kuin pyssyyn käärmettä. Seuraavaxi yxityistettäneen vesijohto. Ilma on kolmantena jonossa. Ostakaa coronavirusvapaata ilmaa meiltä, taalalla saatte ison ilmapallon täyteen.
    ellauri025.html on line 754: Being in a band called The Disciples, taas. Nyt on jo luettava Wikipediaa. The Disciples are a dub roots reggae group that was formed in 1986 by brothers Russ D. and Lol Bell-Brown. They are said to be named by Jah Shaka after producing exclusively for Jah Shaka. They recorded 4 albums of instrumental dub for Jah Shaka's King Of The Zulu Tribe label during 1987 to 1990. Jotain neekereitä siis. Never heard.
    ellauri025.html on line 827: fill out the form below.
    ellauri025.html on line 1039: Vi är alla belletrister när vi dör
    ellauri025.html on line 1041: Vi är alla belletrister när vi dör
    ellauri026.html on line 202: Alaviite Kiimainen munkki-meemin avataareja: isät Roshi, Cohen, Mefodi, Rabelais, Abelard, Antonius, Matka länteen-kirjan apina. Näitähän on vaikka kuinka monta. Kiimainen ja munkki on lähisynonyymejä. Hakusanoilla kiimainen+munkki tulee vain pornovideoita. Hakusanoilla munkki+kiusaus oli tämä ensimmäinen osuma:
    ellauri026.html on line 232: You´re so vain, lauloi Carly Simon Warren Beatylle. Beaty (1937) oli hyvä amerikan jalkapallisti ja luokkansa puheenjohtaja. Näyttelijä, filmimoguli. Yx USAn monista Jörkistä. Kova jätkä mutta turha kuten Jörkka (1934). Törkeä Dick Tracy. Nykyään onkin jo rannekellopuhelimia. Tunnettu lukuisista naisjutuista. Veti koipeen Carlya, teki paljon pekonia rannalla, kylvi hukkakauroja, kunnes asettui aloilleen Annetten kaa. Äijempi kuin Jone Nikula, julkkixista turhimpia. Toinen samanmoinen on nobelisti Zimmermann, yhtä turhamainen vaikka ruipelo, jolta Joan Baez ei saanut timanttia vaan ruostetta. Isoja ja pieniä setämiehiä. Puutarhatonttuja takit avoinna.
    ellauri026.html on line 266: Die Kräutermischung besteht oft aus 25 g Schnittlauch, 25 g Petersilie, 25 g Kerbel, 25 g Kresse, 25 g Sauerampfer, 25 g Borretsch, 10 g Estragon, 10 g Dill, 10 g Bohnenkraut. Manchmal auch Zitronenmelisse. Kerbel on kirveli ja Bohnenkraut on kynteli. Meillä on ollut näitä kaikkia, eri vuosina, ei kerralla. Monet kuolee talvella. Sauerampfer, suolaheinä on menestynyt hyvin. (No jaa, nyt se on taas hävinnyt.) Myöhempänä tulee vielä puhe mäkikuismasta eli helleborista, masennuslääkkeestä jota otti myös se melankolinen Burton, jota Puu kasvaa Brooklynissä kirjan tyttö aikoi lukea päästyään B-kirjaimeen. Jos mulle tulee vielä masis vanhana, suostun syömään enää sitä. Ehkä mä sitten lennän ilmapallona kuin Muumi syötyään jotain liljoja.
    ellauri026.html on line 372: On sellasia pytagoralaisia, joille kaikki on niin yhteistä et ne ottaa mitä vaan messiin mekon alla, ne ei tee siitä isompaa numeroa kuin jos ne olis perintökamoja. Toiset on vaan olevinaan rikkaita, ja tää kuvitelma riittää niille onnexi. Joillakuilla on hienot talot Helsingissä ja sen vuoxi pihistelee mökillä. Jotkut panee menee kaiken samantien, toiset kerää kokoon hyvällä tai pahalla. Yx ährää kerätäxeen julkkismainetta, toinen makaa nokisena uunin takana. A great many undertake endless suits and outvie one another who shall most enrich the dilatory judge or corrupt advocate. One is all for innovations and another for some great he-knows-not-what. Another leaves his wife and children at home and goes to Jerusalem, Rome, or in pilgrimage to St. James´s where he has no business. In short, if a man like Menippus of old could look down from the moon and behold those innumerable rufflings of mankind, he would think he saw a swarm of flies and gnats quarreling among themselves, fighting, laying traps for one another, snatching, playing, wantoning, growing up, falling, and dying. Nor is it to be believed what stir, what broils, this little creature raises, and yet in how short a time it comes to nothing itself; while sometimes war, other times pestilence, sweeps off many thousands of them together.
    ellauri026.html on line 516:

    ellauri028.html on line 89: Initially, a surviving one of his daughters, Clara Clemens, objected to its publication in March 1939, probably because of its controversial and iconoclastic views on religion, claiming it presented a "distorted" view of her father. Henry Nash Smith helped change her position in 1960. Clara explained her change of heart in 1962 saying that "Mark Twain belonged to the world" and that public opinion had become more tolerant. (Ehkä se myös tarvizi vähän pätäkkää leivän syrjäxi.) She was also influenced to release the papers by her annoyance with Soviet reports that her father's ideas were being suppressed in the United States. (Ei Laika ole ainut koira radalla. Vuosi 1962 oli Kuuban kriisi, kylmä sota kuumeni. Popovin nuhruista mutta optimistista nuoruutta.) The papers were selected, edited and sequenced for the book in 1939 by Bernard DeVoto. (Sota tuli väliin, jumala piti varmistaa voittajien puolelle. No ainahan se on voittajien puolella. Tai sit se haluu antaa opetuxen tai sillä on joku ovelampi suunnitelma mielessä.)
    ellauri028.html on line 142: 3. Puhutaan Rabelaisista ja munapusseista, kuinka ne bylsiessä läpsyvät pakaroita vasten.
    ellauri028.html on line 202: Now he is on this kick about how man never thinks for himself. He is a chameleon conforming to whatever outside influences he puts himself in. This is pretty interesting stuff here. I apologize that these reviews have become rather flat. The amount of times I have used the word "interesting" to describe things in a vague manner is so blindly obvious and so boring, I can't believe I go on writing these things (and you keep reading them?!) Where is this going to get me, doing these shitty reviews? Does anyone care? Do I really care? I think I need a girlfriend (this is a cry for help)...Anyways, the book is psychological and philosophical or some shit... go read the goddamn thing yourself...I need a drink...
    ellauri028.html on line 212: Wow, just wow. Mark Twain is a Taoist? A God??? This book is a religious experience. Unreal?!?! I shit myself from reading it, unbelievable!!! Read these quotes. One of the best, one of the greats! He discusses Adam and Eve, oh, I can't stress how mind blowing this is...This is a turning-point of my life!!!!!!!
    ellauri028.html on line 460: La voyant si belle et si fière
    ellauri028.html on line 827: Puovo Lipponen oli yhä vallassa, Kari Peizamo yhä vallaton, ja se yx läski riski rikoissa ja tv-laseissa oli entistäkin läskimpi ja rumempi. Bad Bush alkoi ristiretken Baabeliin. Aivan vittumaista sikailua oli ilmassa. Vaalit 2003 tulossa.
    ellauri028.html on line 929: Doubt / Unbelief – 38
    ellauri028.html on line 957: kumpaan on isompi will to believe kummallakin.

    ellauri029.html on line 350: Eski Saarinen, positiivisuuden kolmastoista apostoli, kehaista retostelee ohimennen pankkinobelisti Kahnemannia. On siis syytä kaivella sitä vähäsen, se on välittömästi suspekti.
    ellauri029.html on line 381: Pessimismivääristymää voi olla se, että on huolestunut maapallon tai yhteiskunnan tilasta. Masixet on erityisen suskeptiibelejä sille. Tää on siis Wikipedian zykologian osastosta. Siinäkin voi olla vähän länsivääristymää. Hei täältä löytyy iso liuta lisää lupaavia ozikoita, joihin voisi palata jossain myöhemmässä jaxossa:
    ellauri029.html on line 914: Is Paul’s language ironic here? Absolutely. Was it hurtful? Intentionally so. Yet, because his intent was to lead the stubborn Corinthians to the truth, it can still be considered loving. In fact, Paul followed this passage with, "I do not write these things to shame you, but to admonish you as my beloved children."
    ellauri029.html on line 918: The passage sounds sarcastic. It says one thing while meaning another in a way that makes the hearers look foolish. But Paul’s method was not meant as a personal insult. The goal was to grab the readers’ attention and correct a false way of thinking. In other words, Paul’s words are satirical, but not sarcastic. They are spoken in love to “beloved children.”
    ellauri029.html on line 924: Sarcasm, on the other hand, is not appropriate. Sarcasm has at its core the intent to insult or to be hurtful with no corresponding love or wish for well-being. Instead, the goal of sarcasm is to belittle the victim and elevate the speaker. Jesus warned against such harsh, unloving words in Matthew 5:22. Our words should be helpful and edifying, even if they are uncomfortable to the hearer.
    ellauri030.html on line 55: Ciceron aikaan Kreikan parasta ennen -päivä oli ohize. Jälellä oli neljä koulua, Pro-Akatemia, ympyrää kävelevät, Stoa (ei siis se Itixen takana, jossa on mamuja), ja epikurolaiset. Viimemainitut ei ollenkaan kelvanneet, koska ne peukutti atomeja, mukavaa elämää ja jumalattomuutta. (Hyvä epikurolaiset! Olette voittaneet! huutaa pieni saxalainen judoka hämmästyneenä Asterixille ja Obelixille.)
    ellauri030.html on line 294: Eli siis ei, ei tässä edes koitetakaan kumota tota harmoniavaihtoehtoa, se ei vaan kelpaa, koska nimenomaan KAIVATAAN toisenlaista todistelua, jotta voitaisi USKOA, ettei sielu kuole ihmisen kuollessa. Will to believe, kuten William James, tuo pragmaatikko, leukavasti laukaisi. Ei tässä ezitä faktoja, vaan rohkaisua. Faktat ovat masentavia, kuten jokainen optimisti tietää muutenkin. Täytyy tehdä kuin Fagerströmin positiivinen Gunilla, kieltää ne. Sitten jaxaa pikku sirkka taas sirittää ja potkia.
    ellauri030.html on line 756: Huumorissa purkautuu joku tunne jota ei tarvizekaan tuntea, kuten vaikka pelästys tai sääli. Freudia nauratti se kun Mark Twainin kaskussa joku lensi ilmaan dynamiittipaukussa ja sitä laskutettiin alas tullessa poissaolosta työpaikalta. Tää on sama kuin tossa säästetyn postimerkin tapauxessa. Ei tarvizekaan sääliä, kun tää ei ole tosista. No ei toikaan vizi nyt ihan ollut Nobel tasoa, hehe, niinkun Eski sanoisi, dynamiittia.
    ellauri030.html on line 802: Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps: for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what they ought to be. We weep at what thwarts or exceeds our desires in serious matters; we laugh at what only disappoints our expectations in trifles… . To explain the nature of laughter and tears, is to account for the condition of human life; for it is in a manner compounded of the two! It is a tragedy or a comedy—sad or merry, as it happens… . Tears may be considered as the natural and involuntary resource of the mind overcome by some sudden and violent emotion, before it has had time to reconcile its feelings to the change of circumstances: while laughter may be defined to be the same sort of convulsive and involuntary movement, occasioned by mere surprise or contrast (in the absence of any more serious emotion), before it has time to reconcile its belief to contrary appearances (Hazlitt 1819, 1).
    ellauri030.html on line 820: Do not say what you believe to be false.
    ellauri030.html on line 916: Tendentious humor involves a "victim", someone at whose expense we laugh. Non-tendentious humor does not require a victim. This innocuous humor typically depends on wordplay, and Freud believed it has only modest power to evoke amusement. Tendentious humor, then, is the only kind that can evoke big laughs. It's the only kind to be found in religious works.
    ellauri030.html on line 918: However, Freud believed a mixture of both tendentious and non-tendentious humor is required to keep the tendentious humor from becoming too offensive or demeaning to its victim. The innocent jokework of the innocuous humor would mask the otherwise hostile joke and therefore "bribe" our senses, allowing us to laugh at what would otherwise be socially unacceptable. Therefore, we often think we are laughing at innocuous jokes, but what really makes them funny is their socially unacceptable nature hidden below the surface.
    ellauri030.html on line 921: For example, characters in a working-class family may banter back and forth about paying bills or finding a more respected or higher-paying job. The delivery of dialog may come across as funny for an audience who believes the humor comes from the antagonistic relationship between the two characters. But the real hostile nature of the joke involves class and economic issues that are otherwise not funny.
    ellauri031.html on line 52: Yrhättan heter Inger. Det säger Stina på sid. 19, när dom har piskat blod ur en liten pojkes näsa och därefter hamnat i en sled körd av ett fullo, på god väg att våldtas båda två. Nå som tur är, somnar vintratten in och flickorna hoppar av, Stina slår knät och kan inte gå. Det snöar och dom skräms av en luffare och törs inte gå till Myrdal gård som också bebos av fattigt folk. Nå dom besluter gå till Myrdal i alla fall och nu är det dags att glo på en gammal gumma som har parkinsons eller något annat nervsjukdom. Hur kusligt! Och hon har svagsinta tvillingar, rödskäggiga och slöa som flickorna är också rädda för. Dom får skjuts, men inte gratis, det kostar 2kr. Varifrån får dom pengarna? Kanske Stinas famu som alltid ger dem dubbeltoddy när dom kommer på besök. Och det går bra för dem igen. Allt det här var den gossens fel som Inger råkade slå på näsan med piskan, som grinade och skvallrade till sin mamma. Vilken lipsill.
    ellauri031.html on line 454: Trollhättan är en tätort i Västergötland och centralort i Trollhättans kommun i Västra Götalands län. En mindre del är belägen i Vänersborgs kommun. Namnet Trollhättan användes ursprungligen endast om Göta älvs fallområde. Trollhättans tätort omfattar idag ett betydligt större område som förr hade andra geografiska namn. Nedan tecknas historiken för det område som idag kallas för Trollhättan.
    ellauri031.html on line 789: Hans far var gresk, hans mor av egyptisk opprinnelse. Han ble som liten adoptert av den norske miljonærfamilien Gunnerius Tollefsen, og han kom til Norge i 1930, som et av de første adoptivbarn, fra et land utenfor Norden. Minos hadde sin frelsesopplevelse allerede som fireåring og begynte å preke i Dals-Ed i Sverige ved femårsalderen. Da han var sju år hadde han lest hele Bibelen.
    ellauri032.html on line 199: Peliteoreettisesti liikutaan kyllä aika hyllyvällä pohjalla. Mitä jos autuuden todennäköisyys on nolla, tai jos se suppenee kohti nollaa keston funktiona suht noppelaan? Jos autuuden hyöty ei olekaan vakio per ikuisuuden päivä? Muutaman miljoonan vuoden kuluttua iskee grand ennui, ja hyöty painuu sen jälkeen pakkaselle? Taitaa olla aika riskaabeli sijoitus sittenkin. Entäpä muut samanlaiset arpajaiset, Allahin ja Buddhan vaikka? Pannaanko potti osiin? Ei samaan koriin molempia munia? Mais non, ei paska punniten parane edes Pascalin puntarilla.
    ellauri032.html on line 245: To understand the method which Pascal employs, the reader must be prepared to follow the process of the mind of the intelligent believer. The Christian thinker – and I mean the man who is trying consciously and conscientiously to explain to himself the sequence which culminates in faith, rather than the public apologist – proceeds by rejection and elimination. … To the unbeliever, this method seems disingenuous and perverse: for the unbeliever is, as a rule, not so greatly troubled to explain the world to himself, nor so greatly distressed by its disorder; nor is he generally concerned (in modern terms) to ‘preserve values’. He does not consider that if certain emotional states, certain developments of character, and what in the highest sense can be called ‘saintliness’ are inherently and by inspection known to be good, then the satisfactory explanation of the world must be an explanation which will admit the ‘reality’ of these values. Nor does he consider such reasoning admissible; he would, so to speak, trim his values according to his cloth, because to him such values are of no great value. The unbeliever starts from the other end, and as likely as not with the question: Is a case of human parthenogenesis credible? and this he would call going straight to the heart of the matter.
    ellauri032.html on line 254: Taas Eliot koittaa rationalisoida selvää huttua. Kyllä Paskalin pesulakuitistakin ilmenee, että kun usko tulee tilalle, järki sanoo adjöö eikä au revoir. Sää pystyt vaikka mahdottomaan, usko sydäntäs vaan! Koko naamarin täydeltä tulee höttöä, kun persoonallisuus on pelissä. Mitä Eliotkin luuli tietävänsä tieteestä, humanistipohjalta. Kääntymisen jälkeen Tomppa kirjoitti kesympiä runoja, joista sen ateistifänit ei enää tykänneet. Nobel tuli Neljästä kvartetista 2. maailmansodan jälkeen 1948. Siinäkin on jotain kristillistä mystiikkaa.
    ellauri032.html on line 335: Kielen opetti jumala Aatamille, käski nimeämään otuxet. Vaan sanahan se on izekin, tai kolme sanaa: luota jumalaan. Logiikkaa ei juutalaisten jahwe Aatamille opettanut, vaikka osasi, ja osasihan Aatamikin päätellä seurauxista syihin, nimittäin uskottomaan Eevaan ja vällykäärmeeseen. Se on hyvä taito kun ezitään kivitettävixi syntipukkeja. Baabelissa mentiin kielitaidossa jo liian pitkälle, ja jumala hajoitti koko rakennelman alkutekijöihinsä. Siitä kiittää sitä vielä tänään tulkit ja kääntäjät.
    ellauri032.html on line 383: Se että kolmion kulmien summa on oikokulma on jotenkin sama asia kuin se että oikokulmalla lepäävä kolmio tekee silmukan, jonka oikaisee se oikotie. Tää tuntuu ilmeiseltä. n-kulmion kulmien summa on (n-2)*pi eli oikokulma. Nelikulmiossa se on 2pi. Tätä voisi kehitellä vielä. 2pi = (pi-a)+(pi-b)+(pi-g) -> 2pi = 3pi - (a+b+g) -> a+b+g = pi. QED. 2pi on ympyrä, yhtälön oikea puoli kiertää kolmikulmion. Onko tää eri todistus kuin Eukleideen joka käyttää samansuuntaisia suoria? Eukleideen todistus on pitempi ja siinä tarvitaan apuviiva. Kai se riippuu siitäkin mitkä axioomat oletetaan. Epäeuklidisessa kolmiosumma ei pidä paikkaansa. koska paralleelit yhtyy ikuisuuden äärettömän etäisessä pisteessä. Monadit ei pysy loputtomiin erillään. Miten käy ton mun todistuxen oletuxien? Ehkä siellä ympyrä ei olekaan 2pi? Se onkin joku ellipsi tai hyberbeli? Niin kai.
    ellauri032.html on line 385: Pascalin kartioleikkauxia on taivaankappaleiden radat. Komeetta joka ei palaa piirtää hyperbelin. Semmosen kuin Aniara. Se oli aika ahistava runokirja nuorena. Mainizinkin sen yo-aineessa, jonka ozikkona oli Todennäköisyyxien maailma. Mainizin myös Monodin. Hyvä veto, vaikkei Pascalin. Täydestä meni, uppos lautakunnan lautapäihin kuin veizi voihin. Kirjoitin sen vesirokossa vanhempien sängyssä. Sanoin izeäni agnostikoxi nuorena. Mitähän mäkin olin tietävinäni todennäköisyyxistä lyhyeltä matikkapohjalta. Ei niitä edes opetettu. Ateisti-Airaxisen miälestä agnostikot on pelkureita. Niin ne onkin. Odottelee kentän reunalla kumpi puoli voittaa, ja säntää sitten juhlimaan voittajien kaa. Lea Lehtisalo oli. Ongelma on että pelimiehet ei pidä niistä. Joka eio meidän puolella on meitä vastaan, tää on nollasummapeliä. Ei oo mitään win-winiä, on enintään lose-lose.
    ellauri032.html on line 387: Hyperbeli on myös liioittelua. Yliheittoa. Heitto menee överix, sinkoo eetteriin. Yx humorismin tyylikeinoja. Leikki leikkinä, pysytäänpäs radalla. Kuu piijailee, heitti pikku Jaakko ja hihitti. Radalla pysyvät vanhemmat pahexuivat hymyillen, hymyilivät pahexuen.
    ellauri032.html on line 389: Muista pikku teiniveli piirtämäsi paraabeli, vittuili Jöns puolipitkältä matikalta. Parabeli on vertaus, pieleen heitetty. Jeesus puhui vertauxilla ja tunnuskuvilla. Pieleen meni, tuli tapetuxi. Siinä vaiheessa se oli heittänyt jo kaivoon hohtimet, ei ollut enää pelkkä symbolisti niinkuin paha Bourget tai vielä pahempi Baudelaire. Symbolismi oli setämiesten hommia, piirtelivät pulpetteihin kirkkoveneitä.
    ellauri032.html on line 392: beli" width="50%" />
    ellauri032.html on line 393:
    Hyperbeli tyylikeinona

    ellauri032.html on line 629: Samuel Beckett oli ranskalaistunut irkku irlantilaistuneesta anglikaanisesta hugenottisuvusta. Syntyi pitkänäperjantaina 13.4.1909, samana vuonna kuin Kaarlo Syväntö ja Heikki Brotherus. Samana päivänä kuin Jöns mutta eri vuonna. Sporttinen kriketinpelaaja toteutti Paul Austerin märän unen olemalla 1st class cricket player ja nobelisti samassa naamarissa. (Persona on naamari, muistattehan.) Se oli viimeinen modernisti, sen jälkeen oli enää post. Siinä on jotain samaa kuin Camusissa, muttei kuitenkaan. Existentialisti se ei ole ainakaan. Eikä mikään posetiivari. Enemmänkin sellanen "tilanne on toivoton muttei vakava." Hyvä tyyppi siis siinä suhteessa.
    ellauri032.html on line 641: Käydessään 1945 kotona äidin huoneessa se tajusi ettei se koskaan voita James Joycea. Tai no, ei kai Joyce saanut Nobelia, for what it´s worth.Tästä ajasta kerrotaan niissä Krappin keloissa, jotka se julkasi 1958. Siis kun se oli 49. Paha ikä, muistan sen.
    ellauri033.html on line 61: Bourgetia työnnettiin Nobelin palkinnolle kokonaista 5x, ei napannut. Le Disciple oli Gladstonen mielikirja, sen jota Rullell pienenä niin pelkäsi.Sekin todistanee jotakin.
    ellauri033.html on line 186: belles découvertes, je le sais, curent presque toujours des précurseurs
    ellauri033.html on line 342: In 1884 keerde hij Zola de rug toe met de publicatie van zijn roman À rebours (Tegen de keer). Dankzij Mario Praz´ beroemde studie The romantic Agony is deze roman bekend geraakt als de bijbel van het decadentisme.
    ellauri033.html on line 371: les décrit avec un trouble sympathique. Ses belles pécheresses le
    ellauri033.html on line 693: Joo toi Deleuze oli pikku-Maken mestari, postmodernisti filosoofi, jonka mukaan kirjat vuotavat kuin seula, textit valuu sisään yhestä korvasta ja pihalle toisesta. Semmosiahan ne on ollu aina, kato vaikka Raamattua, Herodotosta, Aristotelesta, Plutarkhosta, Rabelaisia, Burtonia tai Sterneä. Tääkin albumikokoelma on täynnä paikkoja kuin airbnb:n tilkkutäkki, täynnä reikiä kuin mun kohta 60v vanha pyyheliina, tai pian keski-ikäinen muovikolanteri.
    ellauri033.html on line 899: Gardez de cette nuit, gardez, belle nature,
    ellauri033.html on line 1075: Eleonora d´Este is best known as the beloved of Italian poet Torquato Tasso (1544-1595). In 1565, Tasso was 21 when he first met the beautiful 28-year-old Eleonora at the court of Alfonso, and he was quickly infatuated. An indiscreet remark made by one of the courtiers regarding the poet´s veneration of the princess caused Tasso to challenge the offender. The courtier, along with his three brothers, attacked Tasso, but others put an end to the duel. Alphonso, incensed by this outburst, sent Tasso away from the court, where he remained subject to the duke´s call.
    ellauri033.html on line 1076: According to legend, Tasso wrote verses to his beloved Eleonora that touched her heart. A few years later, at the wedding of one of the Gonzaga family, celebrated at the court of Este, Tasso kissed the princess Eleonora on the cheek. Furious, Alphonso turned coolly to his courtiers and remarked, "What a great pity that the finest genius of the age has become suddenly mad!" The duke had Tasso shut up in the hospital of St. Anna in Ferrara. (In actuality, Tasso had been beset by delusional fears of persecution starting in 1575 and began a series of mad wanderings around 1577.)
    ellauri035.html on line 1261: With bells and drums let us show our delight in her.
    ellauri036.html on line 85: Te marmori-ihmiset, ylpeät ja itsekkäät, te verrattomat järkiviisaat, jotka milloinkaan ette ole tehneet epätoivoista tekoa ettekä laskuvirhettä — jos kaikki tämä sattuisi teille, niin muistakaa häviönne hetkenä belard">Abeilard´ia, joka menetti Héloïsen. Sillä hän rakasti Héloïsea enemmän kuin te rakastatte hevosianne, kultakolikoitanne ja rakastajattarianne; sillä menettäessään hänet, kadotti hän enemmän kuin te voitte kadottaa, enemmän kuin teidän ruhtinaanne Saatana menettäisi, jos hän toisen kerran syöstäisiin alas taivaasta. Sillä hän rakasti sellaisella rakkaudella, josta sanomalehdet eivät puhu, ja josta vaimonne ja tyttärenne eivät näe varjoakaan teattereissa ja kirjoissa. Sillä hän oli kuluttanut puolet elämäänsä suutelemalla Héloïsen valkeaa otsaa ja opettamalla häntä laulamaan Davidin psalmeja ja Saulin lauluja; hänellä ei ollut mitään muuta maan päällä. Kuitenkin on Jumala antanut hänelle lohdun. Uskokaa minua, jos te ahdingossanne ajattelisitte Abeilard'ia, te ette enää katsoisi samalla silmällä vanhan Voltairen jumalanpilkkaa ja Courier'n ilveilyjä. (Kuka toi Courier on? Ei hajua.)
    ellauri036.html on line 87: Vertaa tätä Mussen versiota siihen miten oikeesti kävi: Abelardilta meni munat ja se oli aluxi voimattoman mustasukkainen ja kiukkunen, mut lopulta menetti kokonaan kiinnostuxensa panohommiin ja jätti Heloisen kuin nallin kalliolle.
    ellauri036.html on line 349: Il suivit la Vertu, qui lui sembla plus belle 5.
    ellauri036.html on line 442: N'est-ce pas que la nuit la rend encor plus belle ?
    ellauri036.html on line 541: Insouciante enfant, belle Eve aux blonds cheveux?
    ellauri036.html on line 549: La belle Marion dormant dans son grand lit;
    ellauri036.html on line 557: Trois ans, — les trois plus beaux de la belle jeunesse, —
    ellauri036.html on line 578: Oh! qu'elle est belle encor! quel trésor, ô nature!
    ellauri036.html on line 592: «Ta fille est belle et vierge, et tout cela se vend! »
    ellauri036.html on line 629: Lève-toi, les seins nus, belle prostituée.
    ellauri036.html on line 632: C'est une belle nuit, — c'est moi qui l'ai payée.
    ellauri036.html on line 976: — Ce que j'ai? dit Rolla, tu ne sais pas, ma belle,
    ellauri036.html on line 2044: Blondattu virolaismafiosa Jylhä syyttää välistävedosta yhtä hämärää liikekumppania nimeltä Sarmaste. Hänen mukaansa Sarmaste vei miljoonien arvoisen kaupan itselleen ilmoittamalla Huoltovarmuuskeskukselle väärän belgialaisen tilinumeron ennakkomaksua varten. Jylhällä ei ollu antaa muuta kuin väärennetty sertti.
    ellauri036.html on line 2143: Surkki (engl. kissanpieru) on velhoperheeseen syntynyt velho tai noita, joka ei kykene taikomaan. Surkkeja ovat muun muassa Tylypahkan vahtimestari Argus Voro ja kissoista pitävä Dursleyn perheen naapuri, rouva Arabella Figg, Albus Dumbledoren pikkusisko Ariana josta kerrottiin Albus Dumbledoren elämäkerrassa (kirjoittanut Rita Luodiko) jossa väitettiin Arianaa surkiksi. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ollut totta. Surkit ovat, Ron Weasleyn mukaan, sangen harvinaisia. Vähän kuin mongoloideja. Kissat ovat hyviä, kun varoo pieruja, sanoo surkki Teme Mäki.
    ellauri037.html on line 249: Wislava Szymborska oli Callen ikäinen. Syntyi 5kk myöhemmin ja eli 2v kauemmin. Vuoden 1966 nobelisti. Puolan Mozartixi sanottiin. Se otti outoja näkökulmia, esim. kissan äsken kuolleen omistajan asunnossa. Siltä jäi alle 350 runoa. Kysyttynä mix niin vähän se sanoi: mulla on rode kotona. LOL. Mieti sitä, el Lauri, revi siitä.
    ellauri037.html on line 266: I’m ready to believe it.
    ellauri037.html on line 518: Miesten kesken on luonnostaan vaan välinpitämättömyyttä (no mulla kyllä kieltämättä oli jotain pikku erimielisyyxiä eräiden koulufilosofiprofessoriääliöiden kaa, joihin palaan tukijatkeessa), mutta naiset on luonnostaan keskenään sotajalalla. Se kai johtuu siitä et miehillä kilpailu rajoittuu omaan kiltaan, naisilla se ulottuu koko sukupuoleen, koska niillä on vaan yx ammatti, maailman vanhin sellainen. Kadullakin tavatessaan ne kazoo toisiaan kuin Guelfit ja Ghibelliinit. 2 naista tavatessaan 1 kertaa suhtautuvat toisiinsa vaivautuneemmin ja teeskentelevämmin kuin 2 reilua miekkosta. (Tulee mieleen Bernard Shawn, toisen ison setämiehen My Fair Lady. Nää reilu-miekkosjutut on aina vähän homahtavia.) Sen takia naisten keskiset komplimangit kuulostavat naurettavammilta kuin kahden miehen keskiset (häh? no Schopenhauer oli tosi turhamainen ollaxeen pussikarhun doppelgängeri). Edelleen, vaikka mies puhuu suht ihmismäisesti jopa niille jotka ovat paaaaaaaaljon sitä alempana (vitun nilkkifasisti), on sietämätöntä kazoa miten kopeasti ylhäinen rouva elehtii nokintajärjestyxessä alemmalle (vaikkei edes palvelijalle, missä tapauxessa se olis ihan ymmärrettävää). Siitä voi johtua että naisten kesken on vähemmän nilkkejä kuin meillä, ja voimasuhteet voi muuttua äkkisemmin kuin meillä miehillä. No niin vittu, miehet on vielä enemmän laumaeläimiä, de Waalin simpansseja, tai vielä pahenpaa, cro magnoneja. Miehillä ranki riippuu kaiken maailman prenikoista ja nazoista, naisilla vaan siitä, kenen kaa ne on naimisissa. Six ne on luonnostaan samalla viivalla ja yrittää hikisesti luoda hajurakoa. (Helvatti, mix nää hajuraot kiinnostaa miehiä niin hirveesti. No, tyhmä kysymys.)
    ellauri037.html on line 656: der vom Geschlechtstrieb umnebelte männliche Intellekt fertig
    ellauri038.html on line 63: Diese Szene lebt von privaten und literarischen Anspielungen, die eine plump misogyne Interpretation besprechen. Die mittelalterliche Fabel, wie der alte Aristoteles von einer jungen Frau namens Phyllis, in die er närrisch verliebt ist, gedemütigt wird, war wahrscheinlich der Hintergrund für die Inszenierung des berühmten Fotos von 38-jährigen Friedrich Nietzsche mit der damals 21-jährigen genialischen Freundin Lou Andreas-Salomé und der Peitsche in ihrer Hand. 6 Jahre später war er kuckeliku.
    ellauri039.html on line 119: Wor öm söck hartaget, kabbelt on schleyht,

    ellauri039.html on line 726: Camus´n tunnetuimpia teoksia ovat Sivullinen (1942), Rutto (1948) ja Kapinoiva ihminen (1953). Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1957. Hän oli Rudyard Kiplingin jälkeen nuorin palkinnon vastaanottaja. Right on!
    ellauri039.html on line 768: Edward Morgan Forster OM CH (1 January 1879 – 7 June 1970) was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. Many of his novels examine class difference and hypocrisy, including A Room with a View (1908), Howards End (1910) and A Passage to India (1924). The last brought him his greatest success. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 16 different years.
    ellauri039.html on line 774: John Galsworthy OM (/ˈɡɔːlzwɜːrði/; 14 August 1867 – 31 January 1933) was an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906–1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.
    ellauri039.html on line 776: The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by Nobel Prize–winning English author John Galsworthy. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large, upper-middle-class English family, similar to Galsworthy´s family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions – but this does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.
    ellauri039.html on line 809: Mit der Übeltäterei!!«
    ellauri040.html on line 333: More recently metamodernism, post-postmodernism and the "death of postmodernism" have been widely debated: in 2007 Andrew Hoberek noted in his introduction to a special issue of the journal Twentieth Century Literature titled "After Postmodernism" that "declarations of postmodernism's demise have become a critical commonplace". A small group of critics has put forth a range of theories that aim to describe culture or society in the alleged aftermath of postmodernism, most notably Raoul Eshelman (performatism), Gilles Lipovetsky (hypermodernity), Nicolas Bourriaud (altermodern), and Alan Kirby (digimodernism, formerly called pseudo-modernism). None of these new theories or labels have so far gained very widespread acceptance. Sociocultural anthropologist Nina Müller-Schwarze offers neostructuralism as a possible direction.
    ellauri040.html on line 581: Polakoita on mulla suhteellisen vähän vielä. Onhan mulla se yx naisrunoilija nobelisti, ja Conradkin oli polakki. Vielä 1 mun lemppari on Singer. Se oli kyllä mamu, mut niin oli myös Mikkijeevits, joka poissaolevana Pariisissa kirjoitti Pan Tadeuxen. Puola on jaettu niin usein ja johto vaihdettu, että niille on varmalla ihan herrassa kenenkä maassa ne aamuisin herää. Six kai ne on niin isänmaallisia, sellaisia ovat maattomat. Winterin staka suomensi puolalaisia, suomensikohan se Tadeuxenkin? Mun lähde on Vaakku-setä. Siitä lähti tämä paasaus Taddeuxesta. Winterin lelukaupasta mä sain muita leluja mutten jääkiekkomailaa. Tuskin oli toivelistan kärjessä.
    ellauri040.html on line 607: Vaakusta tän turinan nostaa eepoxexi se et siinä on joku isänmaallinen jäbä joka kuolee ryssiä vastaan ja saa Napsulta postuumin prenikan. Kai Döbelnikin sai sukulaismieheltä jonkun pinssin Uumajassa vaikka tunaroikin pahasti.
    ellauri041.html on line 238: ois kiva pokata se noobeli ja potkia muita kirjailijoita palkintopalleihin.

    ellauri041.html on line 903: Er fängt alsbald das Grübeln an,

    ellauri041.html on line 1554: Mein lebelang bekümmer'ich mich

    ellauri041.html on line 1627: Und hinter'm Ohr ein Kribbelkratzen,

    ellauri041.html on line 1937: It’s difficult to reconcile corpse disposal with typical teen awkward-boner gags. In American lamestream programming, they belong to different genres. That’s where the “dark” half of the comedy comes from, and it’s not a mode that necessarily suits the show – at least not all of the time.
    ellauri041.html on line 1941: Reviewing season two for El País, Delclós suggests that the necessary suspension of disbelief is harder to cover up with comedy.
    ellauri041.html on line 1943: Suspension of belief in what? Capitalism obviously. Americans find that harder than to believe in god, superman, me, "it", Harry Potter, Trump, and Game of Thrones. Big cars, cheap gas by the gallon, soft suspension. Well now oil can be had by the asking. Selling oil costs money now, as does saving money in the bank. Deflation comes, are you ready?
    ellauri042.html on line 481: Gud taler ud er filmatiseringen er Jens Blendstrups selvbiografiske bestseller af samme navn fra 2004 og er en skæv, sjov og rørende film af den prisbelønnede instruktør Henrik Ruben Genz med Søren Malling i sit livs rolle som Uffe/Gud.I 80´erne vokser Jens og hans brødre op i et parcelhus i Risskov. Her regerer familiens overhoved, Uffe - Psykolog og selvbestaltet Gud i slåbrok ...
    ellauri042.html on line 502: The youngest son narrates the tale. He, his brothers, and his mother are all sympathetic characters, relatively normal people, though each has their own beliefs, quirks, and problems. The failure of my-way-or-the-highway Dad to show respect or even empathy for those who disagree drives the story. He could have been portrayed as an easy person to hate, but even with his limitations, it's obvious he is still trying to do good. To that extent, this film succeeds.

    ellauri042.html on line 690: Elävän leskestä tuli leipäsusi kunnes susikoira kellahti. Gibson oli sellainen koira joka jokaisen kirjailijattaren pitäisi valita. Ei todellakaan mikään komendantti. Oktogenaari taitaa olla vähän jo liian senior fellow ehtiäxeen saada noobelin. Ja liian feministi, tollanen niinko riitasa. Ei sellaisesta Ruozin Akatemiassa pidetä. Sitäpaizi Alice Munrohan juuri palkittiin, kanadalaiset naiset on syöneet jäätelönsä.
    ellauri042.html on line 712: In 1864, Dostoevsky´s wife number one died at last, and shortly after he left Petersburg again to meet his beloved Apollinaria. The reunion with Apollinaria became a great failure, because he continued gambling.
    ellauri042.html on line 730: There is no doubt that Dostoevsky´s writing witnesses a large awareness of and sometimes even obsession with religious, philosophical and emotional questions as well as question of guilt. Myshkin from the novel “The Idiot” shared many character traits with his creator, such as russophilia, hyperreligiosity with profound belief in the Russian-orthodox church, melancholy, auras of happiness, generalized seizures. Furthermore, Dostoevsky wrote in large letters, and his style was sometimes compulsive and abrupt.
    ellauri042.html on line 877: No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. [Donne´s original spelling and underlining]
    ellauri042.html on line 885: Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, or in full Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, and severall steps in my Sicknes, is a prose work by the English metaphysical poet and cleric in the Church of England John Donne (22 January 1572 - 31 March 1631) , published in 1624. It covers death, rebirth and the Elizabethan concept of sickness as a French visit from God, reflecting internal sinfulness. The Devotions were written in December 1623 as Donne recovered from a serious but unknown illness – believed to be relapsing fever or typhus. Having come close to death, he described the illness he had suffered from and his thoughts throughout his recovery with "near super-human speed and concentration". Registered by 9 January, and published soon after, the Devotions is one of only seven works attributed to Donne which were printed during his lifetime.
    ellauri042.html on line 951: Although King James was pleased with Donne's work, he refused to reinstate him at court and instead urged him to take holy orders. At length, Donne acceded to the king's wishes, and in 1615 was ordained priest in the Church of England. In late November and early December 1623 he suffered a nearly fatal illness, thought to be either typhus or a combination of a cold followed by a period of fever. During his convalescence he wrote a series of meditations and prayers on health, pain, and sickness that were published as a book in 1624 under the title of Devotions upon Emergent Occasions. One of these meditations, Meditation XVII, contains the well known phrases "No man is an Iland" (often modernised as "No man is an island") and "...for whom the bell tolls".
    ellauri043.html on line 279:
    «Daniel 2. Lucu 24. SIlloin meni Daniel Ariochin tygö/ jolla Cuningalda käsky oli wijsaita Babelis hucutta/ ja sanoi hänelle näin: Älä tapa wijsaita Babelis/ waan wie minua ylös Cuningan tygö/ minä tahdon Cuningalle selityxen sanoa. 25. Arioch wei Danielin kijrust Cuningan eteen/ ja sanoi hänelle näin: yxi on löytty Judalaisten fangein seast/ joca Cuningalle sen selityxen sano taita. 26. Cuningas wastais/ ja sanoi Danielille/ joca Belsazerixi cudzuttin. Oletco sinä se/ joca minulle sen unen/ jonga minä nähnyt olen/ ja hänen selityxens ilmoitta taidat? 27. DAniel wastais Cuningan
    ellauri043.html on line 299: 1. SIlloin lähetti Merodach BalAdan/ BalAdanin poica/ Babelin Cuningas kirjoituxen/ ja lahjoja Jehiskialle: sillä hän oli cuullut hänen sairastanen/ ja tullen terwexi jällens. 2. Nijn Jehiskia riemuidzi/ ja näytti heille rijstahuonen/ hopian ja cullan/ yrtit/ callit woitet ja caicki hänen caluhuonens/ ja caiken tawaran cuin hänellä oli: ei ollut mitän/ jota ei Jehiskia heille näyttänyt hänen huonesans ja hänen tacanans. 3. SIlloin tuli Propheta Jesaia Cuningas Jehiskian tygö/ ja sanoi hänelle: mitä nämät miehet sanowat/ ja custa he sinun tygös tulewat? Jehiskia sanoi: he tulewat cauca minun tygöni/ nimittäin/ Babelist.
    ellauri043.html on line 300: Babelist. 4. Mutta hän sanoi: mitäst he owat nähnet sinun huonesas? Jehiskia sanoi: caicki mitä minun huonesani on/ owat he nähnet/ ja ei ole mitän minun tawaroisani/ jota ei he ole nähnet. 5. Ja Jesaia sanoi Jehiskialle: cuule HERran Zebaothin sana. 6. Cadzo/ se aica tule/ että caicki mitä sinun huonesas on/ ja mitä sinun Isäs coonnet owat tähän päiwän asti/ pitä wietämän pois Babelijn/ nijn ettei mitän pidä jäämän/ sano HERra.
    ellauri043.html on line 301: 7. Heidän pitä myös päälisexi ottaman sinun lapses jotca sinusta tulewat/ ja sinulle synnytetän/ ja heidän pitä oleman Camaripalwelioina Babelin Cuningan Howisa. 8. Ja Jehiskia sanoi Jesaialle: HERran sana on hywä sen cuins puhut. Ja sanoi: olcon cuitengin rauha ja uscollisus minun päiwinäni.
    ellauri043.html on line 633:

    Erilaista arkkitehtuuria on pakattuna vieri viereen. Egyptiläiset obeliskit nousevat kreikkalaisten temppelien ylle. Obeliskit näyttävät peiziltä punatiilistä rakennettujen puolustusmuurien keskellä. Aukioiden keskellä on pystykorvaisia Hermexen pazaita ja koiranpäisiä Anubixia. A. näkee mosaiikkeja pihoilla, ja kattoparruilla ripustetuja mattoja.

    ellauri043.html on line 736:

    Kuningas pyyhkii hihallaan naamastaan hajuja. Se syö pyhistä astioista ja sitten särkee ne, ja se laskee mielessään laivastojaan, armeijojaan ja kansojaan. Kohtapuoliin se polttaa ihan mielijohteesta palazin juhlijoineen. Se suunnittelee rakentaa uudestaan Baabelin tornin ja syöstä valtaistuimelta jumalan.
    ellauri043.html on line 1953:


    ellauri043.html on line 3519:

    bele" />
    ellauri043.html on line 3528: Kato mä tunnen kaikki jumalat henkilökohtaisesti, kaikki riitit, kaikki rukouxet, kaikki oraakkelit! Mä oon käynyt Apollon pojan Trophoniuxen luolassa, mä leivoin syrakusalaisille ne kakut jotka ne vie vuorille! Mä oon selvinnyt Mithran 80 kokeesta ja Asterixin ja Obelixin olympialaisista! Mä olen likistellyt Sabasiuxen käärmettä! Mä oon ottanutvastaan kabiirien huivin! Mä oon pessyt Kybeleä Tuovilanlahen laineissa, ja viettänyt kolme kuuta Samothraken onkaloissa!
    ellauri043.html on line 3530:

    Kybele tai Kibele (m.kreik. Κυβέλη) oli muinainen Vähän-Aasian kansojen palvoma äitijumalatar. Kybelen palvontamenoille olivat ominaisia hurjat ekstaattiset tanssit.
    ellauri043.html on line 3601:

    According to ancient belief, the androdamas is a stone resembling the diamond, said to be found in the sands of the Red Sea, in squares or dies. Its name denotes the virtue belonging to it, namely, to restrain anger, mitigate lunacy, and lessen the gravity of the body. Source for information on Androdamas: Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology dictionary.
    ellauri043.html on line 4271: 7 kiertotähdestä 2 on hyvänsuopia, 2 pahaa, 3 vähän niin ja näin; kikki maan päällä riippuu ikuisista tulista. Niiden semasta ja liikkeestä voi vetää ennusteita; - ja sä dallaat maailman respektaabeleimmalla paikalla. Pythagoras ja Zarathustra treffas täällä. Tällä paikoin tää jengi on tähystänyt tähtiä viimeiset 12K vuotta (ca.) tutustuaxeen paremmin jumaliin.
    ellauri043.html on line 4529:

    ellauri043.html on line 4531: Laatikko raottuu; ja saattaa erottaa sinisen silkkikatoxen alla pienen Kybelen kuvan — paljetein säihkyvän, tornicoronaisen ja istuallaan punakivisessä vaunussa, jota vetää 2 leijonaa käpälä pystyssä.
    ellauri043.html on line 4591:

    ellauri043.html on line 4789: Egypti levisi meidän alla, monumentaalisena ja vakavana, pitkänä kuin pyhäkön käytävä, obeliskeja oikealla, pyramideja vasemmalla, vappushokkelo keskellä, — ja kaikkialla hirviöiden puistokatuja, pylväsmeziä, painavia pyloneja porttien sivuilla joiden huipulla oli maapallo kahden siiven välissä.
    ellauri043.html on line 5009: Antonius erottaa sen juurta vasten, puolixi kadonneina sen onkaloihin, tai kanniskellen kiviä olkapäillään, valtavia kahlehdittuja ruumiita. Ne on titaanit, jättiläiset, hekatonkyyrit, kykloopit, ja Obelix, hiidenkivien toimitusmies.
    ellauri043.html on line 5302: Siltä menee sormi suuhun, ja piirtäen valtavan paraabelin kuin teiniveli,
    ellauri043.html on line 5863: ja ripustettuina kuin kivet helminauhassa, piirävän kiertoratoja, puskevan hyperbelejä.
    ellauri043.html on line 5919: Koko pelin ratkaisu on jesuiittojen, nazientalousnobelistien ja ruozalaisen pääepidemiologin utilitarismia: päämäärä pyhittää keinot.
    ellauri043.html on line 6171: Mä muistan matkan jonka mä tein Ammonin kanssa, etsimään yxinäistä paikkaa minne perustaa luostareita. Se oli viimeinen ilta, ja me tihitettiin askelia, mumisten hymnejä, vieri vierellä, puhumattomina. Sitä mukaa kun aurinko aleni, meidän ruumiiden 2 varjoa pitenivät kuin 2 obeliskia koko ajan kasvaen ja kulkivat koko ajan meidän mukana. Meidän patonkien kärjillä me istutettiin sinne tänne ristejä merkkaamaan sellin paikkaa. Yö tuli hitaasti, ja mustat varjot laajenivat maassa valtavan roosan värin vielä vallitessa taivasta.
    ellauri045.html on line 83: Se on debataabelia. Tarvizeeko yhteiskunta

    ellauri045.html on line 782: The tall, elegant lady with the dark, slightly veiled voice will be 70 next September. She is a scientist by training, as well as an expert in mathematics, economics and theology. She has rubbed shoulders and lower places with an impressive number of Nobel laureates, and also happens to be a prolific essayist.
    ellauri046.html on line 63: In laguna venne accolta dalla raffinata ed istruita società veneziana; al suo interno condusse una vita elegante e spregiudicata, segnalandosi per la sua bellezza e per le sue qualità. Fu difatti cantante e suonatrice di liuto, oltre che poetessa, ed entrò nell'Accademia dei Dubbiosi con il nome di Anasilla (così veniva chiamato in latino il fiume Piave - Anaxus - che attraversava il feudo dei Collalto, cui apparteneva quel Collaltino che lei amò). L'abitazione degli Stampa divenne uno dei salotti letterari più famosi di Venezia, frequentato dai migliori pittori, letterati e musicisti del Veneto, e molti accorrevano a seguire le esecuzioni canore di Gaspara delle liriche di Petrarca.
    Leimasin oli nätti ja kulturnaja, osas käyttää luuttua enemmällä kuin yhdellä sormella, ja laulaa kauniisti. Stampat piti tyylikästä salonkia Veneziassa, jonne tuli Petrarcakin Laura-nyyhkytyxineen.
    ellauri046.html on line 261: Kysymys siitä minkä luokan humoristi Sörkkä oli on voznikoinut näissä paasauxissa jo aiemmin. Mä olen aika vissi että kehnonlainen, kuten yleensäkin uskonnollisuuteen taipuvaiset kuikelot. Suhteellisuudentaju ei vaan sovi yhteen tiukkaan uskomiseen tarvittavan fundamentalismin kanssa. Onhan niitä tollasia isä Camilloja, mutta niiden usko onkin samaa maallistunutta sorttia kun sen virkaveljen kommarin, tai jonkun Rabelaisin pellen. Ei ne ole oikeasti pahoillaan jostain kyttyrästä, eikä ole valmiita hyppäämään alas puusta kun käsky käy.
    ellauri046.html on line 347: Kierkegaard was born in 1813 to a prosperous family in Copenhagen. He seems to have suffered some sort of trauma early on, associated with his breaking-off an engagement to his beloved Regine Olsen (he never married), or perhaps because of his sternly religious father, or the fact that his mother, and all but one of his six siblings, died young.
    ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
    ellauri046.html on line 539: Miten Kierkegaard jonka sai ideat lattapäältä Scribeltä on saanut niin paljon seuraajia? Hämäryyttään kai. Siinä on jotain joka vetoaa uskonnollisuuteen taipuvaisiin narshisteihin. Uskontohemmot rakastaa nilkkiyttä, siis vapautta ja vastuuta, enemmän kuin luppoaikoja. Pligt og Ansvar.
    ellauri046.html on line 595: De stærke jyder tog afstand fra en række fornyelser. De protesterede f.eks., da Balles lærebog fra 1791 skulle indføres i skolen og til konfirmationsforberedelsen. De gik også mod den nye evangelisk-kristelige salmebog. De anså både den nye lærebog og den nye salmebog som udtryk for en kristendomsforståelse, der var langt fra bibelsk eller luthersk kristendom. I deres forsamlinger (de såkaldte konventikler) læste de fortsat de gamle andagtsbøger og sang efter Brorsons salmebog. De ønskede at beholde Kingos salmebog i kirken og Pontoppidans Sandhed til gudfrygtighed i skolen.
    ellauri046.html on line 599: De stærke jyder havde rødder i både den lutherske ortodoksi og den danske pietisme. Dette blev kaldt for dobbelt oprindelse. Bevægelsen blev i løbet af tiden kritiseret af både herrnhuterne i Christiansfeld, som mente, at de ikke var inderlige og glade nok, og af grundtvigianerne, som fandt dem for snævre. De stærke jyder blev med tiden en del af Indre Mission.
    ellauri046.html on line 699: Garff näyttää muotoilevan Wiljamin loppukaneetin toisin kuin Eski-tyyppiset seppoilevat positiivis-existentialistit, joille taivas on vain numero jonka myyjä kysyy kassalla. Söörenistä jäbät on kyllä tarkoitettu taivaaseen mut ne voi munatakin sen jos oikein yrittää. No täähän on vanhaa raamatullista höpinää, eli vapaa tahto on vaan oikeus mokata. Jotta syyllisen voi hyvin mielin heittää helvettiin. Oma vika pikku sika, tyhmästä päästä kärsii nyt koko ruumis. Pitää vaan päättäväisesti tehdä niinkuin käsketään. Se on sitä existentialismia. Will to believe. Usko mitä tahdotaan.
    ellauri047.html on line 68: Leipzig oli fashionaabeli pikku-Pariisi. Me tehtiin pikku kiekka Leipzigiin automatkalla Dresdeniin. Siellä oli hurjan hiljaista, oli sunnuntai. Melkein kuin koronapandemian aikana. Amerikkalaiset pommitti sen hajalle, muttei niin hajalle kuin Dresdenin. Nazit sentään säästi Pariisin kun halus sinne juhlimaan. Tulimerellä tervehti merentakaisia esi-isiä. Euroopasta karkotettujen hihhuleiden jälkeläiset maxo takaisin. Varmaan ne halus että Dresdenissä näyttäis jatkossa samalta kuin jenkeissä autoteiden varsilla: Motel-kylttejä, No Vacancy, Texaco-asemia, Taco Billejä. Asfalttia, tyhjää, autoja. Paljon, paljon mamuja. No siinä on niiden toiveet kyilä toteutuneet. Dresdenissä oli uusnazien mamumellakoita päivittäin hienosti uudelleenrakennetulla torilla.
    ellauri047.html on line 78: Kirjan Werther oli Woku ize, joka kosiskeli Wetzlarissa (Hessenissä) Charlotte Buffia. Charlotte dumppas Wokun ja otti sen sijaan Johann Christian Kestnerin, jolla oli hyvä paikka Hannoverin hovissa. Se ei pahemmin masentanut Wokua, joka osti jopa kihlat Lotelle ja Hannolle. Se joka teki izarin oli Wokun kolleega Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem, Lessingin kuoma. Woku vaan yhdisti nää tarinat. Tarua ja totta elämästäni. Wertheristä Goethe ei netonnut paljoa, kun ei ollut copyright-lakeja. Niinkuin monet muut (esim. Cervantes ja Rabelais) se julkaisi six aina uusia, muka päivitettyjä versioita omista prujuista. Wetzlarin aikainen tuttu kuvaili Goethea:
    ellauri047.html on line 119: Nojaa, parasta ennen päivän ylittäneitä on runoistakin kyllä valtaosa. Runotkin on niinkuin läpät: ne tehoaa jos lukijalla on samanlaiset arvot kuin kirjoittajalla, ja samanlaisia kokemuxia. Mut jos kirjottaa 143-osaisen tuotannon, niin pakkohan on joukossa olla sekulia. Mulla on vähän sama julkasupolitiikka kuin Goethella. Meillä Wokun kaa ei ole huoneen nurkassa rodea, niinkuin puolalaisella nobelistittarella Wislava Szymborskalla oli.
    ellauri047.html on line 966: Uudessa kuviossa kaivettiin uskonsotienkin teemat esille. Tuskin oli sattumaa et Goethesta yhtäkkiä Shakespeare oli ihan parhautta, Racine ja Corneille ei enää midiä. Fred pelastui lopulta 2 keisarinnan tyrmäyxeltä sillä että Bog soitti gongia ja tempas Elisabetin taivaaseen. Sodan lopputulos: status quo ante bellum. Jostain kumman syystä jengi laski tän Rauhan voitoxi.
    ellauri047.html on line 998: Aber als die römische Besatzung aus Deutschland verschwunden war und im Rheinland starke Judengemeinden zurückblieben, in denen sich die hebräisch-deutsche Mischsprache "Jiddisch" entwickelte, kommt es zur Verdeutschung hebräischer Namen durch zufälligen Gleichklang: Da wird Aaron zu Arnold, Benjamin zu Benno, Levi zu Ludwig, Moses zu Moritz, Simon zu Siegmund. Später entstehen deutsch klingende Familiennamen: Simon zu Schimmerling und Schimmerl, Isachar zu Sacher, Socher, Socherl und Sucher, Levi oder Loeb zu Lemann und Lehmann, Isak zu Eisemann, Eisermann, Jakob zu Kaufmann (-mann war eine beliebte Diminutivform). Oder die Namen wurden ins Deutsche übersetzt: Baruch oder Ascher (der Glückliche) wurde zu Selig, Seligmann, Eljakim oder Obadja zu dem überaus beliebten Gottschalk.
    ellauri047.html on line 1008: There is a widespread misconception (outside German-speaking countries) that the phrase was not used correctly and actually means "I am a doughnut", referring to the Berliner doughnut. It has even been embellished into an urban legend, including equally incorrect claims about the audience laughing at this phrase.
    ellauri048.html on line 377: Weiche Nebel trinken Hentoa utua ryyppää
    ellauri048.html on line 740: Bellow makes a distinction between "young Saul", the Marxist and rebel, and "old Saul", the famous author and increasing reactionary. Young Saul was his son's ally and encourager; old Saul was "buried under pessimism, anger, bitterness, intolerance and preoccupations with evil and with his death".
    ellauri048.html on line 748: The most painful to read was Mr Sammler´s Planet, which "I find very hard to digest: Sammler approves of all the obedient children and disapproves of the rebellious ones. I was a rebellious son, that´s tough."
    ellauri048.html on line 777: You can hear his bellows blow; kuuluu sieltä jyske moukarin,
    ellauri048.html on line 780: Like a sexton ringing the village bell, Aamuin illoin ahkerana hääräilee
    ellauri048.html on line 786: And hear the bellows roar, otettuja sen porkasta ja suxesta.
    ellauri048.html on line 1061: Claribel
    ellauri048.html on line 1129: This stanza is to be found in Canto 27. The last two lines are usually taken as offering a meditation on the dissolution of a romantic relationship. However, the lines originally referred to the death of the poet's beloved friend. They are reminiscent of a line from William Congreve's popular 1700 play, The Way of the World: "'tis better to be left than never to have been loved." What the fuck, this is an obvious homoerotic elegy.
    ellauri048.html on line 1269: All night below the darken'd eyes; Koko yön mustuneiden silmäluonten alla;
    ellauri048.html on line 1364: Who 'lights and rings the gateway bell, Joka nousee ja soittaa ovikelloa,
    ellauri048.html on line 1420: I hear the bell struck in the night: Mä kuulen kun kello soi pimeässä:
    ellauri048.html on line 1473: Some dolorous message knit below Joku kurja viesti sidottuna alle
    ellauri048.html on line 1700: I sing to him that rests below,
    ellauri048.html on line 1916: Twilight and evening bell, Iltahämärä ja iltahuuto,
    ellauri049.html on line 36: Lyriikan lajit voidaan jaotella eri tavoin. Yksi tapa on erotella kansanrunous taiderunoudesta. Toinen jakoperusta voisi olla perinnäinen säkeistörakenne. Lyriikan lajeja luokitellaan seuraavasti: sonetti, elegia, epigrammi, hymni, dityrambi, oodi, balladi, romanssi, legenda ja faabeli (ks. hakusanoja).
    ellauri049.html on line 759: Paul Valéry (30. lokakuuta 1871 Sète Ranska − 20. heinäkuuta 1945 Pariisi) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, runoilija, filosofi ja Ranskan akatemian jäsen.
    Valéry nuolaisi sen tusinan kertaa Nobelin hunajapisaraa, muttei tipahtanut. No näitä piisaa, esim. E.M.Foster, Philip Roth, Meg Atwood, med mera.
    ellauri049.html on line 1108: I slutet av 1808 gav han i "Krigssång för skånska landtvärnet" luft åt sin glödande fosterlandskärlek, sitt hat till Ryssland – rysshatet förblev livet igenom en härskande känsla hos honom – samt sin trotsiga tillit till den, som han såg den, svenska tapperheten och det svenska frihetssinnets obetvingliga kraft; dikten trycktes emellertid först under senare hälften av 1809. Hihii hahaa. Samaa tuubaa jauho Runkku Suomen puolella. Verissä päin säntäs svenski Döbelnit lahden turvalliselle puolelle, sankarillinen puolustussota oli pelkkää puolijuoxua. Viimeinen vaasakuningas ol täys tunari, ikävä sanoa näin sukulaisena.
    ellauri050.html on line 1208: Kaikki samanlaisia setämiehiä. Le Petit Cenacle oli kabinetti, sellanen miesten talo kuin Sibeliuxen Kämppi tai Kappeli, Strindbergin Röda rummet, tai Vanhan kellari missä Lande näytti dorkille vaijeritemppua. Mä en ole koskaan ollut semmoisissa hyväveliseuroissa. Äijät kertyy ryppääxi kuin mehiläiset suojautuaxeen naisherhiläisiltä. 1-1 combatissa niillä ei ois mitään mahixia. Naaraat söis ne elävältä ja sylkis kuoret aterian jälkeen. (Niin ne pelkäävät, usein aiheesta.)

    ellauri051.html on line 432: I see ships foundering at sea--I behold on deck, and below deck, the Nään kun laivat kaataa paskaa mereen -- nään kun autot törmäilee ja tekee
    ellauri051.html on line 453: Rouse up my slow belief--give me some vision of the future; Nosta meitä laiskasta niskasta -- anna tulevaisuudenuskoa;
    ellauri051.html on line 482: Van Buren syntyi izenäisessä USA:ssa, puhui hollantia kotona, perusti demokraattipuolueen, pääsi pressaxi muttei jatkokaudelle. He has been generally ranked as an average or below-average U.S. president by historians and political scientists (enimmäxeen repupersuja).
    ellauri051.html on line 500: Whatmania pidetään yhtenä Yhdysvaltain merkittävimmistä 1800-luvun runoilijoista. Whatmanin runoudella katsotaan himoisuutensa johdosta olleen suuri vaikutus Yhdysvaltain 1900-luvun runouteen, mm nobelisti Zimmermanin lyriikoihin.
    ellauri051.html on line 505: The world woke up this Friday to another pleasant surprise from, shall we say it again, the breezy Nobel laureate: a Whatman-esque tune aptly-titled “I Contain Multitudes.” Mitä helvettiä, toi onkin Whatmanin omakehusta, vaikka luin sen poikasena Callen Waldenista på svenska: "Motsäger jag mig? Gott, jag motsäger mig. Jag är stor, jag rymmer mångfalder."
    ellauri051.html on line 542: 3 For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. 3 Kaikki mun atomit kuuluu sulle, ja kääntäen.
    ellauri051.html on line 567: 25 The sound of the belch'd words of my voice loos'd to the eddies of the wind, Mun äänen röyhtäisemien sanojen ääni irronneena tuulen pyörteisiin,
    ellauri051.html on line 636: 82 I believe in you my soul, the other I am must not abase itself to you, Mä uskon tähän sieluun, mun tää toinen ei voi alentua suhun,
    ellauri051.html on line 790: 214 The young men float on their backs, their white (krhm) bellies bulge to the sun, 214 Nuoret miehet kelluvat selällään, heidän valkoiset vatsansa pullistuu aurinkoon, he eivät
    ellauri051.html on line 819: 239 I believe in those wing'd purposes, 239 Uskon noihin siipien tarkoituksiin,
    ellauri051.html on line 1039: 450 I believe you refuse to go back without feeling of me, 450 Uskon, että kieltäydyt menemästä takaisin tuntematta minua,
    ellauri051.html on line 1113: 522 I believe in the flesh and the appetites, 522 Minä uskon lihaan ja ruokahaluihin,
    ellauri051.html on line 1185: 592 The ring of alarm-bells, the cry of fire, the whirr of swift-streaking engines and hose-carts with premonitory tinkles and color'd lights, 592 Hälytyskellojen soittoa, tulen huutoa, nopeasti juoksevien moottoreiden surinaa ja letkukärryjä, joissa on ennakkoääniä ja värillisiä valoja,
    ellauri051.html on line 1191: 598 It shakes mad-sweet pangs through my belly and breast. 598 Se ravistaa hullunsuloisia tuskia vatsassani ja rinnassani.
    ellauri051.html on line 1255: 658 I believe the soggy clods shall become lovers and lamps, 658 Uskon, että märkistä paakoista tulee rakastajia ja lamppuja,
    ellauri051.html on line 1261: 663 I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars, 663 Uskon, että ruohonlehti ei ole vähempää kuin tähtien matkatyö,
    ellauri051.html on line 1346: 746 Where shells grow to her slimy deck, where the dead are corrupting below; 746 Missä simpukat kasvavat hänen limaiselle kannelleen, missä kuolleet turmelevat alhaalla;
    ellauri051.html on line 1394: 794 Carrying the crescent child that carries its own full mother in its belly, 794 Kannellen puolikuu lasta, joka kantaa omaa äitiään vatsassa,
    ellauri051.html on line 1401: 801 My course runs below the soundings of plummets. 801 Kurssiini kulkee jyrkänteiden äänien alapuolella.
    ellauri051.html on line 1538: 935 The flames spite of all that can be done flickering aloft and below, 935 Liekit kaikesta mitä voidaan tehdä, välkkyvät ylhäällä ja alhaalla,
    ellauri051.html on line 1680: 1071 To feed the greed of the belly the brains liberally spooning, 1071 Ruokkia vatsan ahneutta runsaasti lusikkailevia aivoja,
    ellauri051.html on line 1724: 1114 I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair and unbelief. 1114 Tunnen jokaisen teistä, tunnen kidutuksen, epäilyksen, epätoivon ja epäuskon meren.
    ellauri051.html on line 1762: 1151 All below duly travel'd, and still I mount and mount. 1151 Kaikki alla on asianmukaisesti kuljetettu, ja silti nousen ja kiinnitän.
    ellauri051.html on line 3182: Satusetä Uspenski oli sadisti joka kohteli törkeästi omaa perhettä. Sen "löysi" neukuista kukas muu kuin Hannu Mäkelä. Herra Huu toivotti Fedja-sedän tervetulleexi länteen. Hannu Mäkelä meni tänä vuonna naimisiin 5. kerran. Sillä on vino suu. Akatemioista kertoo paljon Nobel-komitea ja se, että Hannu Mäkelä on akateemikko. Herra Huusta lisää albumissa 366.
    ellauri051.html on line 3292: De la belle aube au triste soir kauniista koista surulliseen iltaan
    ellauri052.html on line 56: Henderson oli Salen oma mielikirja. Lukikohan se sitä ääneen izelleen ja sanoi "loistavaa" kuin Sven Tolppa. Conrad oli Solomonin mielikirjailija collegessa. Figures. Niisson paljon samaa. Elämää suurempia sankareita ja kaappihomoja. Salen Nobel-puhe on tyypillistä amerikkalaisille suunnattua amerikkalaista Geldjude potaskaa, sankareina Conradin ohella Milton Friedman ja Erich Auerbach, pahixina Robbe-Grillet ja punikit. Vielä yx uskomattoman tarkka Henderson lookalike on Yhdysvaltain nykyinen presidentti Donald Trump. Kaikki nazaa: koko, luonne, typeryys, vulgaari puhetyyli, jättimäinen narsismi.

    ellauri052.html on line 182: Names once beloved; but, seeing the sun the same, Nimet rakkaimmat; mut päivä paistaa vaan,
    ellauri052.html on line 199: Nobelkomitean setämies Horace Engdahl ihaili ystäväänsä kyldyyriprofiilia erityisesti siitä, eze tilasi aina kaxi (2) pulloa kallista samppankaljaa heti aluxi (nobelkomitean piikkiin). Tän se oppi nähtävästi Salen homokaverilta, italialaiselta pikkumafiosolta. Ruozista on tullut kummallinen pikkuamerikka. Hurrit ja inselaffet ei ole enää eurooppalaisia vaan jotain Trumpin osavaltioita.
    ellauri052.html on line 280: The "Mrs." (used in the dedicatory letter to the poem) serves to indicate that Arabella was neither a child nor a prostitute (the two groups of females designated by the word "Miss"). She was in fact twenty-two and single at the time Lord Petre cut off a lock of her hair, the event which served as the basis for the poem.
    ellauri052.html on line 317: Coleridgen pääteokset ovat runoelmat Christabel ja The ancient mariner. Tän mä muistan Aku Ankasta: Kuoleman peikko mun hyytävi veren. Ammuin nuolen ilmoihin albatrossia mä haavoitin. Aku veisaa kyynelet silmistä roiskuen. Kenenkäs runo oli se Enoch Arden joka mainittiin Poirotissa? Ai niin se oli se Tennysonin tylsimys. Lisäksi on hänen runotuotteistaan mainittava romanssi "Genevieve", rajun ylevä rapsodia "Fire, famine and slaughter" ja draama Remorse. Pienet runonsa hän on julkaissut kolmena kokoelmana: Juvenile poems, Sibylline leaves ja Miscellanous poems. Elämäänsä ja kirjallista toimintaansa Coleridge on kuvannut teoksessa Biographical sketches of my literary life and opinions. Coleridge tutki saksalaista kirjallisuutta ja välitti sen tuntemusta englantilaisille. Hän käänsi Friedrich Schilleriä englanniksi.
    ellauri052.html on line 422: Taas tota vitun 8 sekunnin kultakalan keskittymiskykyä. Sen on Amerikan mainosteevee saanut aikaan. Sale ansaizee Nobel-palkinnon varoittavana esimerkkinä, mitä Amerikka tekee ryssän mamu juutalaisista. Sale diggas just noita samoja narsisheja kuin kaikki muutkin narsishit, Nietscheä Schopenhaueria Kierkegaardia. Kaskun ei mainize nazi Heideggeriä.
    ellauri052.html on line 576: In a number of works, Steiner described a path of inner development he felt would let anyone attain comparable spiritual experiences. In Steiner's view, sound vision could be developed, in part, by practicing rigorous forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration, and meditation. In particular, Steiner believed a person's spiritual development could occur only after a period of moral development.
    ellauri052.html on line 597: He was a man who convinced and hypnotized not only others but himself. He seemed to possess a number of characters which he changed like masks as the need arose, now he was a benevolent pastor … now a magician holding sway over human souls … His sole purpose and aspiration was to obtain possession of all things from below, by his own titanic devices, and to break through by a passionate effort to the realm of the spirit… He may have possessed oratorical gifts, but he lacked the true gift and feeling for words. His speech was a kind of magical act, aimed at obtaining control over his hearers by means of gestures, by raising and lowering his voice, and by changes in the expression of his face. He hypnotized his disciples, some of whom even fell asleep.
    ellauri052.html on line 653: It was not just Bohm who fell under the sway of Krishnamurti's charisma. He strongly influenced such writers as Joseph Campbell, the poet Robinson Jeffers, Henry Miller, Aldous Huxley, and Alan Watts who churned out popular books about Zen Buddhism. George Bernard Shaw once called young Krishnamurti "the most beautiful human being" he ever saw. Cabinet faggot. After visiting Krishnamurti's castle in Holland, Campbell wrote in a letter: "I can scarcely think of anything but the wisdom-and-beauty-of-my friend." In another letter he said, "Every time I talk with Krishna, something new amazes me."
    ellauri052.html on line 688: Apparently his wife Frieda believed him to have had a sexual relationship with a farmer while writing Women in Love in 1916. There's also the coal miner quote you mentioned Kelby. Then there's the quote: I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not... (Älkää yrittäkökään! Mä en ole! Sitäpaizi mä en ole lähelläkään suuruutta! Pienenen kuin pyy maailmanlopun edellä.)
    ellauri052.html on line 710: `Then let us strip, and do it properly. Hold a minute --' He rang the bell, and waited for the butler.
    ellauri052.html on line 721: Good, I believe. I am no judge. He was very quick and slippery and full of electric fire. It is a remarkable thing, what a curious sort of fluid force they seem to have in them, those people not like a human grip -- like a polyp --
    ellauri052.html on line 901: Nyt alkaa loppu olla käsillä. Humboldt lienee jälkeen yxi Salen alter egoista. Niinkuin myös George Swiebel joka käy Aahrikassa Hendersonina. Theo on kuin Wilt Whatmanin neekeripoikaystävä. Koko kirja on Salen painajainen ja märkä uni samaĺla. Nää on kaikki sen vaihtoehtoisia elämiä.
    ellauri052.html on line 981: The rivalry between the brothers may have been even more extreme in life than it was in art. When Bellow won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, his brother refused to come to Stockholm for the ceremony. Maury’s grandson reconstructed his thinking as follows: “How dare Saul win the Nobel Prize when I’m really the smart one, I’m the one.”
    ellauri053.html on line 62: 9. lokakuuta – Säveltäjä, professori Jean Sibelius sai ensimmäisen Wihurin kansainvälisten palkintojen rahaston myöntämän Sibelius-palkinnon.

    ellauri053.html on line 110: Andre Gide oli irkku Oscar Wilden seelenbruder. Sai noobelin 1947. Mulla on sen Faux monnayeurs, Vääränrahantekijät. Se kertoo sen kouluajan homoiluista. Andre oli taustoiltaan kermaperse porvari. Ihmisen velvollisuus on olla onnellinen, se lainas Goethea. Sen eka kirja oli proosaruno Nourritures terrestres.
    ellauri053.html on line 118: Bergson oli jutku. Huono matemaatikko josta tuli salonkien muotifilosofi. Peukutti biologiaa mekanismin sijasta. Sai kirjallisuuden noobelin 1927 vaikka ei pystynyt laahautumaan paikalle. Lipilaarit herrasväet ja jenkit tykkäsivät bergsonismeista:
    ellauri053.html on line 520: Tää Grabbe on outo häiskä. S. 1801 Detmoldissa Hannoverin suunnalla, Grabbella ei mennyt putkeen mikään. Isä oli vanginvartija ja äiti viinaratti. Se ize oli hirmu epäsosiaalinen ja löyhätapainen. Siitä tuli pulzari ja se kuoli 35-vuotiaana halvauxeen. Siltä on näytelmä nimeltä Komedia satiiri ironia ja syvempi merkitys. Tämäkö ne on se nelikko? Nähtävästi. Tärkeä havainto merkityxestä on ettei toinen ole toista syvempää. Kyllä ne apinoiden merkityxet pyörii siinä Darwinin EAT! FUCK! KILL! kolmikossa sekä dys/eusosiaalisuus teemassa. Heitä siihen vielä geeni-meemi kilpa mukaan niin eiköhän ala olla koko joukko koolla. Round up the usual suspects.
    ellauri053.html on line 725: Rabindranath Tagoren (1861-1941) hienous avautuu vaan bengalia taitaville. Rabi on bengalixi aurinko. Rampe kokos muisteluxensa jo 50-vuotiaana. Sen päälle se eli vielä 30 v. Turhaan hätäili. 52-vuotiaana eli 1913 se sai noobelin ekana levitoivana itäintiaanina.
    ellauri053.html on line 818: The Tagores belong to the Bandyopadhyaya group of Bengali Brahmins. The genealogy can be traced back to Daksha, one of the five Brahmins who were imported sometime in the 8th century from Kanauj to help in reviving orthodox Hinduism in Buddhist-ridden Bengal. The descendants of this Brahmin moved from one place to another until one Panchanan in 1690 settled down at Govindapur near Calcutta. The opportunities of making money in this flourishing mercantile town, the stronghold of the East India Company, finally attracted the family to Calcutta in the latter part of the eighteenth century and they built their homes at Pathuriaghata and Jorasanko.
    ellauri053.html on line 826: It is believed that the important business which took the Prince to England was - to try to negotiate with the British government for an izara (permanent lease) of the provinces of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa in supersession of the East India Company. He was well received by Queen Victoria. But this ambitious project of his came to nothing on account of his sudden death under somewhat mysterious circumstances.
    ellauri053.html on line 883: Kala Bhavana (Institute of Fine Arts) is the fine arts faculty of Visva-Bharati University, in Shantiniketan, India. It is an institution of education and research in visual arts, founded in 1919, it was established by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore.
    Nää taiskin olla jotain teosofeja. (Vertaa Palkeen Salea.)
    ellauri053.html on line 926: In spite of everything — the poverty and lack of normal comfort and convenience — nobody complained, for we really believed in simple living and took pride in our poverty.
    ellauri053.html on line 1026: "I felt sure that some Being who comprehended me and my world was seeking his best expression in all my experiences, uniting them into an ever-widening individuality which is a spiritual work of art. To this Being I was responsible; for the creation in me is His as well as mine." He called this Being his Jivan devata (“The Lord of His Life”), a new conception of God as man’s intimate friend, lover, and beloved that was to play an important role in his subsequent work.
    ellauri053.html on line 1153:

    William Butler Yeats (13. kesäkuuta 1865 Sandymount, Irlanti – 28. tammikuuta 1939 Menton, Ranska) oli irlantilainen runoilija. Yeats oli merkittävä voima perinteisen irlantilaisen kulttuurin elvyttämisessä ja yksi Irlannin kansallisteatterin perustajista. Yeats sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1923.

    ellauri053.html on line 1156:

    From 1900, his poetry grew more physical and realistic. He largely renounced the transcendental beliefs of his youth, though he remained preoccupied with physical and spiritual masks, as well as with cyclical theories of life. In 1923, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

    ellauri053.html on line 1379: In December 1923, Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation". He was aware of the symbolic value of an Irish winner so soon after Ireland had gained independence, and sought to highlight the fact at each available opportunity. His reply to many of the letters of congratulations sent to him contained the words: "I consider that this honour has come to me less as an individual than as a representative of Irish literature, it is part of Europe's welcome to the Free State." Taas yxi tällänen taatatyyppinen poliittinen nobelisti.
    ellauri053.html on line 1424: Ronsard is concerned with himself; Yeats barely refers to himself at all (one man) and delivers a prayer of devotion to his beloved. No other poet I've read compares.

    ellauri054.html on line 159: But above all, beleeve it, the sweetest Canticle is Nunc dimittis, when a Man hath obtained worthy Ends and Expectations. Death hath this also, That it openeth the Gate to good Fame, and extinguished Envie. Vanha Simo sanoi nyt päästät palvelijasi lepoon, nähtyään vihdoin Jeesus-lapsen synagoogassa. Jouti kuolemaan. No siitä samoinkuin Pekonista tuli vainajana kuuluisa. Kyllä käy kateexi. Lisää pekonin lurjustelusta albumissa 223.
    ellauri054.html on line 173: Maalaisherrasmies vs. nousukas kaupunkilaiskauppias. Kokoomus, maalaisliitto ja edistyspuolue. Aateli ja porvarit teki 1700-luvulla briteissä sanomalehden avulla keskinäisen pahan allianssin. Ranskassa niille tuli kärhämä. Ei kuitenkaan briteissä, six että briteissä omistavat kermaperseluokat yhdessä ehti tehdä teollisen vallankumouxen ja saivat proletaareista yhteisen vihollisen.

    Ähtävä on nähtävä

    Ähtävä on ruoziksi Esse. Elimäki on ruozixi Elimäe. Mikä on Elimäen tarkoitus? Älä edes kysy. Elimäen moisiolta oli peräisin Johan Wrede, knebelpartainen pikku aatelismies. Aatelismiehet pienenee kuin pyyt maailmanlopun edellä, kato vaikka herrasmiesmaanviljelijää Matias Creutzia. Must essentialismi on kivempää kuin existentialismi. Jälkimmäinen on jotain henkilökohtaista räjähtänyttä kasvua ja talousliberalismia. Parempi jäädä suutarix ja ottaa lestiä kuin räjähtää omille ja toisten silmille.
    ellauri054.html on line 193: Riikonen has also planned a book on the Aristotelian concept of temperance. He believes temperance can also be used to describe his own lifestyle. “I’m a calm, middle-of-the-road person. I have never veered toward the extreme, in good or bad.” Every day, Riikonen walks to his office in Topelia from his home in Etu-Töölö. “Last year, around the New Year, I lost my temper for the first time, as the electronic lock system in Topelia was broken and I couldn't get to my office during the weekend. The weekends are the best time to work, because it is very quiet,” says Riikonen.
    ellauri054.html on line 481: Robert Browning believed spiritualism to be fraud, and proved one of Daniel Dunglas Home's most adamant critics. When Browning and his wife Elizabeth attended one of his séances on 23 July 1855, a spirit face materialized, which Home claimed was Browning's son who had died in infancy: Browning seized the "materialization" and discovered it to be Home's bare foot. To make the deception worse, Browning had never lost a son in infancy.
    ellauri054.html on line 534: Tapahtumapaikka ja aika: Italia 1220, tää nimittäin on Danten helvetistä ideoitu. Gelfit on paavin puolella ja gibelliinit peukuttaa keisaria, Sordello yhtenä.
    ellauri054.html on line 537: Browning kuzuu lemppariaan kalpeanaama Shelleytä avuxi. Sekavaa guelfi-gibelliinihäsläystä, Sordello istuu vaan takahuoneessa ja ajattelee leidi Palmaa. Alkaa elvixen munaa pitempi takautuma.
    ellauri054.html on line 550: Jäi sanomatta et täs on oikeestaan 2 sankaria, tää sordiino ja seniorimpi sotamies nimeltä tauriini. Välillä puhutaan tästä tauriinista. Sordello sanoo leidi Palmalle et sekä gelfit että gibelliinit on hanurista. Pitäis rakentaa jonkinlainen jumalan kaupunki. Onkohan nää gelfit ja gibelliinit niinko toryt ja whigit vai?
    ellauri054.html on line 554: Iltaan mennessä Sordello tajuaa et tääkin suunnitelma on perseestä. Täytyy edetä pienin askelin, kuten Lenin sanoi, 1 eteenpäin ja 2 taaxepäin. Nyt Sordello päätyy gelfien kannalle koska ne sentään on olevinaan jumalan puolella. Nyt täytys vaan saada tauriini samalle kannalle. (Tauriini on vannoutunut gibelliini.)
    ellauri054.html on line 559: Hmm miettii Sordiino. Mennäkkö gelfien puolelle vai ruveta gibelliinien kellokkaaxi? No pääasia näyttäis olevan tehdä jompikumpi päätös. No se heittää gibelliinivermeet pois, ja kuinka ollakkaan kuolee siihen paikkaan. Tauriini ja leidi Palma löytää sen vainajana permannolta.
    ellauri054.html on line 560: Tauriinin suunnitelmat menee pannukakuxi. Gibelliinit voittaa kuitenkin mutta toisella miehityxellä. Sardiinista tehdään jälkikäteen ihan tekemällä joku sankari.
    ellauri055.html on line 36: Rollen kamun Maxim Gorkin mielestä Maisteri Breugnon oli sen paras suoritus. Kolja Breugnon on kuin Obelix, sen kamu Paillard Asterix ja Chamaille Aladobix. Chamaille ja Breugnon on paxumahaisia köriläitä, vähän köykäsempiä kuin iso tynnöri. Maillard on pieni turilas, yhtä aikaa Koomoxen ja Moomoxen näköinen. Pani miettimään mitähän Rolle sillä tarkoitti.
    ellauri055.html on line 52: Son père, procureur, décède alors que Jean Bouchet est encore jeune. Ami de Rabelais, Jean Bouchet exerce la profession paternelle. Il compose un grand nombre d'ouvrages historiques ou de fantaisie en vers et en prose, qui sont encore recherchés des bibliographes au XIXe siècle. Selon Maurice Allem, « grand travailleur, bon bourgeois, père d'une nombreuse famille, Bouchet est volontiers moraliste et même sentencieux » ainsi dans cet envoi :
    ellauri055.html on line 78: Les deux hommes ont quinze ans de différence. Stefan Zweig s'intéresse aux lettres européennes et il a déjà traduit quelques œuvres d'auteurs anglais, français et belges. La découverte en 1907 des premiers volumes de Jean-Christophe sera décisive dans sa rencontre avec l'auteur. Il est séduit par la portée universelle de l’œuvre de Romain Rolland et plus encore par l’homme auquel il rend visite, pour la première fois en février 1911, dans son appartement du 162, boulevard du Montparnasse. Les deux hommes partagent un amour pour la musique, une même foi en l'humanité et le sentiment d'appartenir à une civilisation, une culture commune, dont Romain Rolland esquisse les contours dans « la chevauchée européenne de Jean-Christophe ». Les deux écrivains entretiendront une correspondance suivie et intense entre 1910 et 1940 : 945 lettres ont été retrouvées (509 de Stefan Zweig dont une centaine en allemand, et 436 pour Romain Rolland). Cette correspondance est d'une importance capitale pour l'histoire des intellectuels du début du XXe siècle.
    ellauri055.html on line 174: Rolle on kuikelo piipunrassi joka haluis olla joku Obelix. Se on pikemmin se trubaduuri joka köytetään korkealle puuhun kun muut juhlivat. ÄLÄ LAULA!
    ellauri055.html on line 215: Saint Fiacre is the patron saint of the commune of Saint-Fiacre, Seine-et-Marne, France. He is the patron of growers of vegetables and medicinal plants, and gardeners in general, including ploughboys. His reputed aversion to women is believed to be the reason he is also considered the patron of victims of venereal disease. He is further the patron of victims of hemorrhoids and fistulas, taxi cab drivers, box makers, florists, hosiers, pewterers, tilemakers, and those suffering from infertility. Finally, he is commonly invoked to heal persons suffering from various infirmities, premised on his reputed skill with medicinal plants.
    ellauri055.html on line 558: Pirjo Mannisen kyytipojaxi aloin lukea rinnan suomalaista nobelistia, Nestor Kuulapään näköistä F.E. Sillinpäätä. Siinä kävi näin:
    ellauri055.html on line 694: Pär Lagerkvist (23. toukokuuta 1891 – 11. heinäkuuta 1974) oli ruotsalainen kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1951.
    ellauri055.html on line 837: Kas tuoltahan se Sillinpää taas tulla haaruaa sanoivat helsinkiläispojat. Sibelius merkizi päiväkirjaansa että Sillinpään naama näytti kirveellä veistetyltä tai jotain sellaista.
    ellauri055.html on line 864: Sillinpää aloitti opinnot Helsingin yliopistossa syksyllä 1908 Henrik Liljeroosin sekä tilanomistajien Jalmari Raipalan ja J. A. Sotavallan tuella. Saman vuoden fuxina kuin Poju, joka kyllä opiskeli sitten pitempään, kokonaista 9v. Hän aloitti filosofisen tiedekunnan fyysis-matemaattisella osastolla tarkoituksenaan opiskella lääkäriksi. Lääketieteilijöiden oli kuitenkin suoritettava ensin medikofiilitutkinto, jota varten Sillinpääkin osallistui muun muassa fysiikan ja botaniikan luennoille. Opiskelutoverinsa Heikki Järnefeltin kautta Sillinpää tutustui Järnefeltin perheeseen ja tämän isään taidemaalari Eero Järnefeltiin. Sillinpää viettikin opiskeluvuosinaan paljon aikaa Järnefeltien kodissa Suvirannassa Tuusulassa ja tutustui moniin aikakauden merkkihenkilöihin, kuten Jean Sibeliukseen, Pekka Haloseen ja Juhani Ahoon. Näinä vuosina alkoi tosin myös Sillinpään runsas alkoholin käyttö, joka aiheutti myöhemmin hänelle paljon ongelmia. Maalaispojan ei kannattaisi ryypätä herrain kanssa pulituuria, siinä voi vaikka mennä henki.
    ellauri055.html on line 868: Kesken jääneet opinnot antoivat kuitenkin paljon vaikutteita Sillinpään myöhemmälle kirjalliselle tuotannolle. Sillinpään ajatteluun vaikuttivat Charles Darwin kehitysoppeineen sekä saksalaiset biologi ja filosofi Ernst Haeckel ja Nobel-kemisti Wilhelm Ostwald ja myös Leo Tolstoi ja Arvid Järnefelt. Heidän vaikutustaan oli Sillinpään biologinen determinismi ja periaatteellinen väkivallan ja sotien vastustaminen sekä usko siihen että luonnontieteet kehittyessään siirtäisivät tällaiset atavistiset ilmiöt historiaan. Myöhemmin Sillinpää tutustui myös saksalaiseen Oswald Spengleriin ja omaksui häneltä ajatuksen sivilisaatioiden ihmiselämää vastaavasta elinkaaresta. Naziainexiakin oli siis, mutta mäkitupalaisena se ei siihen hurahtanut.
    ellauri055.html on line 889: Suomen sisällissodan aikana Sillinpää pyrki olemaan puolueettomana. Hän joutui kuitenkin vuoron perään sodan kummankin osapuolen pidättämäksi ja arvosteli sekä punaisten että valkoisten suorittamia väkivallantekoja. Valkoisten voittonsa jälkeen käynnistämät kostontoimenpiteet teloituksineen herättivät Sillinpäässä suuttumusta. Keskellä sotaa Sillinpää suomensi belgialaisen symbolistin Maurice Maeterlinckin teosta Köyhäin aarteet (Le trésor des humbles). Veristen selvittelyjen kiihtyessä Sillinpään kotipitäjässä tämä mystiikkaa lähenevä köyhyyden filosofia auttoi tyynnyttämään kirjailijan mieltä. Hän pyrki näkemään pintaa syvemmälle niihin syihin, jotka olivat johtaneet sisällissodan kaltaiseen murhenäytelmään.
    ellauri055.html on line 899: Vuonna 1929 Sillinpään kirjojen kustantajaksi vaihtui WSOY:n tilalle Otava ja samana vuonna Sillinpää siirtyi asumaan Helsinkiin. Otava maksoi WSOY:lle Sillinpään tekemät velat, lunasti teosten oikeudet ja myymättömien teosten varaston sekä Saavutus-huvilan. Kauppa on ollut kallein yksittäistä kirjailijaa koskeva sopimus Suomessa, 633 000 markkaa. 1930-luvun alussa hyvään luomisvireeseen päässyt Sillinpää julkaisi useita merkittäviä romaaneja: Nuorena nukkunut 1931, Miehen tie 1932 ja Ihmiset suviyössä 1934. Nämä romaanit, niistä erityisesti palvelustyttö Silja Salmeluksen elämänvaiheita kuvannut Nuorena nukkunut, herättivät huomiota ulkomaillakin ja Sillinpäätä alettiin jo 1930-luvun alusta lähtien pitää Suomen ehdokkaana Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi. Sillinpää itsekin pyrki edistämään tätä asiaa vierailemalla usein Ruotsissa ja luomalla suhteita sikäläisiin kirjallisiin piireihin. Nobel-palkintoa Sillinpää ei kuitenkaan vielä 1930-luvun alussa saanut; tähän saattoi vaikuttaa samaan aikaan Helsingin yliopiston suomalaistamisesta käyty kielitaistelu. Sillinpää oli 1930-luvulla myös kiinnostunut kansanperinteestä ja kotiseutututkimuksesta ja hänen kotonaan Helsingissä kokoontui säännöllisesti niin sanottu Perjantaikerho, jossa Sillinpää, Sakari Pälsi, Kustaa Vilkuna ja Martti Haavio keskustelivat kielentutkimuksen ja kansatieteen aiheista. Vuonna 1936 Sillinpää sai Helsingin yliopiston filosofian kunniatohtorin arvon.
    ellauri055.html on line 907: Sillinpäätä oli jo pitkään pidetty varteenotettavana Nobel-ehdokkaana ja syksyllä 1939 hän voittikin Nobel-komitean äänestyksessä palkinnosta kilpailleet sveitsiläisen Hermann Hessen ja alankomaalaisen Johan Huizingan. Myöhemmin Sillinpää luovutti kultaisen Nobel-mitalinsa Suomessa sotaponnistelujen hyväksi järjestettyyn jalometallikeräykseen, mahdollisesti ruotsalaisen kirjallisuusnobelisti Selma Lagerlöfin esimerkin pakottamana.
    ellauri055.html on line 1003: Pohjanpään laajaan runotuotantoon kuuluu lyyrisiä luonnontunnelmia, tiiviitä mieterunoja ja uskonnollista runoutta. Olixillä se emojänis pyrynä? Kyl varmaan niin. Lauri Pohjanpää muistetaan parhaiten mestarillisena faabelien kirjoittajana. Jep jep:
    ellauri055.html on line 1124: Belgi Maeterlinckin noobelit mietelmät ihastutti Eemeliä myös. Niitäkin pitää siis pöyhiä.
    ellauri055.html on line 1126: Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck oli belgialainen frankofooni kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1911. Maeterlinckin katsottiin edustavan dekadenssia parhaimmillaan tai pahimmillaan. Hänestä tehtiin kreivi vuonna 1932.
    ellauri055.html on line 1137: Le Trésor des humbles est un ouvrage de 1896 réunissant treize essais mystiques profonds écrits par le lauréat belge du prix Nobel de littérature Maurice Maeterlinck. L'œuvre a été éditée par la 'Société du Mercure de France' et elle est dédiée à Georgette Leblanc.
    ellauri055.html on line 1169: Siellä oli meitä poikia, oli Sibeliusta, Järnefeltiä, Halosta, Hjeltiä, Enckelliä, Westermarckia, Paloheimoa... Pihlajan oxassa paperilyhtyjä. Kanslerin tytär Evi Hjelt poijes lipsahti Arvo Sotavallalle.
    ellauri055.html on line 1171: Heikki Järnefeltin äiti oli Saimi Swan. Isä oli Eero. Hömelö Arvid oli Eeron isoveli, Sibben Aino kuopus. Eero oli oikeistolainen kermaperse joka suhteessa. Sitä Toope varsin kadehti. Sibbis vääntelehti velkakierteessä Toopen tavoin. Ainolassa piti olla hiljaa. Aho löntysteli kalatamineissa Nobel-haaveissa.
    ellauri055.html on line 1206: Sibeliuxen päiväkirjasta: tapasin hra Sillanpään joka oli kyhmyisen petäjän näköinen. Cajanus johti Sibben konsertteja, Toope kuunteli. Cajanuxen hauta on meidän viekossa. Westermarck on vazapäätä.
    ellauri055.html on line 1254: Työväenliikkeen kirjaston punanurkasta löytyi ympärileikkaamaton kappale belginobelisti Maurice Maeterlinckin prujausta nimeltä Haudattu temppeli. Maeterlinck oli 20. vuosisadanvaihteen muotifilosofi, dekadentti symbalisti ja ateisti moniste. Hyvin paha mies. Halvatun tomppeli. Luuli olevansa jotakin. Ollaan vain ollaxeen, aina diivaillaan, sehän meillä belgeillä on vika ainainen. Yhteen jos vain tullaan, aina diivaillaan.
    ellauri055.html on line 1283: Eno Kalan peruskäsitys todellisuudesta oli, että se oli olemassa (realismi) ja että se muodosti ykseyden (monismi). Toisaalta Kala oli kiinnostunut estetiikasta, mikä näkyi myös runouden harrastuksena. Kalan omaksui esteettiset käsityksensä Suomen kansallisromanttisen taiteen klassikoilta Juhani Aholta, Pekka Haloselta, Eero Järnefeltiltä, F. E. Sillanpäältä, Eino Leinolta ja Jean Sibeliukselta, joiden kanssa hän ystävystyi. Tussula MC.
    ellauri055.html on line 1351: Säger teaterrecensent Isabella Rothberg i lördagens HBL, en liberal borgerlig tidning. Hon ser inte så gammal ut. Kanske hon är mera borgerlig än liberal.
    ellauri058.html on line 265: Vuonna 2013 Hotakainen sai Pro Finlandia -mitalin. Kimi Räikkös-kirjasta odotetaan noobelia, kunhan ruozalaiset saavat joukkueen taas kasaan. Paizi Juri Turvo Ploiri-kirjoineen on kova contenderi. Ploirin kotona haisi niin pahalle että Jurin kalsaritkin meni pesuun. Hmm? JURIN kalsarit? Mikä siellä oikein haisi? Oltiinko vasenkätisiä?
    ellauri060.html on line 101: Slimenon sitten lopultakin peukutti flamandeja enemmän kuin ranskalaista laahusta. Flamandi Anna sai rangaistuxetta tappaa työläistytön, vajakkiveljenpojan äidin vasaralla, koska se oli Maigretin eli siis Slimenonin mielestä jotenkin silti ihana. Ja olihan se belgi. Annan rangaistus harkitusta murhasta oli joutua naimattomaxi sihteerixi Pariisiin ja jäädä ilman peppunipistyxiä. Slimenonista se oli pahempi kohtalo kuin kuolema.
    ellauri060.html on line 118: Toinen lupaavan oloinen kirjalöydöskaxikko on Mihail Solohovin 'Apinakohtalo' plus 'He taistelivat reviirinsä puolesta' 1943 ja Ritva Enäkosken 'Halu, hinku ja haba, eli miten bodaan kantin kestäväxi' 1993. Kansa taisteli, koiraat kertovat, ja vähän naaraatkin. Solohov sai aherruxestaan Nobelin palkinnon 1965, ja jo sitä ennen Leninin palkinnon. Ritva Enäkosken osalta jury on vielä sisällä. On sillä jo Vuoden innostaja -palkinto.
    ellauri060.html on line 239: His parents were Presbyterian dissenters, and around the age of 14, he was sent to Charles Morton's dissenting academy at Newington Green, then a village just north of London, where he is believed to have attended the Dissenting church there after getting his Bachelor of Dissenting.
    ellauri060.html on line 243: In 1685, Defoe joined the ill-fated Monmouth Rebellion but gained a pardon, by which he escaped the Bloody Assizes of Judge George Jeffreys. Queen Mary and her husband William III were jointly crowned in 1689, and Defoe became one of William's close allies and a secret agent. Some of the new policies led to conflict with France, thus damaging prosperous trade relationships for Defoe. In 1692, he wanxus arrested for debts of £700 and, in the face of total debts that may have amounted to £17,000, was forced to declare bankruptcy. He died with little wealth and evidently embroiled in lawsuits with the royal treasury.
    ellauri060.html on line 247: Jussi ennakoi oikein mauritiuslaisen Le Clezion (2008) ja melankolisen Patrick Modianon (2014) post mortem noobelit. (Siis omalta kannaltaan postuumit, vainajillehan ei noobeleita anneta.) Jäipä jussiltakin saamatta, Sillinpäälle meni talvisodan piikkiin ainoa. Italo Calvino oli mukiinmenevä (ei saanut), mutta apartheid-Coetzee (2003) sai.
    ellauri060.html on line 466: A traditional pastoral folk song the popular form of which dates to the mid-19th century. It is largely believed to have been sung commonly during the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857, though no credible source seems to confirm it. If it were true the song likely predates the 19th century, though no published copies of the work exist.
    ellauri060.html on line 904: Tästä napinasta oli puhetta sen intialaisen lällinoobelistin kohdalla, siis Rabinarath Tagoren. Terry tuopi esille nyt brittialamaisten näkökulman sepoijien aiheuttamaan selkkauxeen. Ei se ihan epäonnistunut, saivathan ne sentään Itä-Intian kauppakomppanian tuupattua vallan satulasta.
    ellauri060.html on line 936: Last month, Sheila McNallen posted that her husband, Steve, had been kicked off of Facebook, “apparently forever.” Steve is the founder of the Ásatrú Folk Assembly, a group headquartered in California that advocates for a return to Germanic Paganism, including an espousal of what they have deemed traditional, Nordic white values. The Asatru Folk Assembly has been classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, and in one YouTube video with more than 30,000 views, McNallen enumerates his theories on race, point by point, including his belief that racial differences are inherent to biology and his desire to defend the white race against “numerous threats to our future.” “I will fight for my race, primarily with words and ideas, but I will fight more literally if I have to,” he vows.
    ellauri060.html on line 945: “I don’t expect you to agree with my religious, social, or political beliefs – I’m good with that,” he said. “But the honest alt truth is that people have been driven off of Facebook for bullshit reasons.”
    ellauri060.html on line 970: - Voinko minä nukkua tässä sohvalla? - Voit voit, mutta älä nyt vielä tuuperru! Minä muutoin tilasin izelleni italiankielisen Baabelin kirjaston. Luen teoxia sanakirjan kanssa. Se on semmoista puuhaa, että toiset ajatuxet väistyvät väkisinkin, jäävät tietenkin nurkalle kyttäämään ja iskevät heti kun ote hiemankin herpaantuu... Baabelin kirjastossa on sekä tuttuja että outoja kynäilijöitä ja niteitä. Esim.
    ellauri060.html on line 1122: Aloin lukea Mihail Sholokhovin novellettaa Ihmiskohtalo. Siitä päätellen Miihkali on ääreist klisheinen sotasetämies. Tämmösiä kotirintamamieskirjoja kirjoitettiin sodan jälkeen tuhansia. Miihkalille niistä tuli vuonna 1965 noobeli. Taisi olla Khrustjsjovin suojasäiden antia. Turhaan nuolivat, kohta linja yleisliitossa taas koveni, ja Njeuvostoliiton juna pyhästyi tyyten pistoraiteelle Leonid Breshnevin dementian aikana.
    ellauri060.html on line 1126: Šolohov liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen 1922 ja pysyi sille uskollisena koko uransa. Ei vienyt Miihkalilta päätä isä aurinkoinenkaan. Pää oli tarpeexi kumarassa vielä 50-luvulla. Josip ja Miihkali oli oikein kamuja. Hän oli Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton toimielimissä vuodesta 1934 ja vuodesta 1936 maan korkeimman neuvoston jäsen. Hän seurasi Nikita Hruštšovia tämän ulkomaanmatkalle 1959 ja valittiin keskuskomiteaan 1961. Hän oli kaksinkertaisen sosialistisen työn sankari ja palkittiin sekä Leninin että Stalinin palkinnolla Nobelin lisäksi. Jeesmiehiä jos kukaan,
    ellauri061.html on line 195: The next critic known to comment on the play was John Dryden, writing in 1677. He was preoccupied with the question of whether fairies should be depicted in theatrical plays, since they did not exist. He concluded that poets should be allowed to depict things which do not exist but derive from popular belief. And fairies are of this sort, as are pigmies and the extraordinary effects of magic. Based on this reasoning, Dryden defended the merits of three fantasy plays: A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, and Ben Jonson's Masque of Witches. Varmaan se olis pitänyt Kiekkomaailmastakin ja Valtaistuinpelistä. Ja Harry Potterista.
    ellauri061.html on line 539: Of bell and burial.
    ellauri061.html on line 766: An Israeli citizen has been arrested in Bulgaria and is awaiting extradition to Austria in connection with an alleged online financial scam believed to have netted more than 100 million euros per year.
    ellauri061.html on line 772: Under tio år från 2007 jobbade som mest flera tusen israeler med binära optioner och lyckades lura dumma apor världen över på mångmiljardbelopp, tills Knesset förbjöd verksamheten 2017. Att industrin började blomstra i Israel förklarar tidningen med ett stort antal inflyttare, "olim", frän hela världen som behövde försörja sig. Gal Baraks platformar erbjuder nu hjälp till dem som blivit offer för bedrägelserna. Dessvärre handlar det ofta om samma brottslingar som på det här sättet pressar sina offer på pengar en andra gång. Polisen misstänker Knesset för grov antisemitism.
    ellauri061.html on line 1123: Jos Pervo ois saanut Finlandia-palkinnon, ois akkainlehdet soitelleet ja naimatarjouxia sadellu julkisuuden- ja kullinkipeiltä. Mut pääsipä hän kuitenkin televisioon ilkkumaan. Vaimoa ei wannabe nobelisti töihin laskisi: tekisikö hänen uraloikkansa Jarzasta kotitohvelin, joka voisizä kulta hakea pennut kun ei sulla ole mitään tekemistä. Vaimo voitonriemuisena ja Jarza hädissään nai kuin viimeistä päivää. Etovaa, sanoisi F.E. Sillanpää.
    ellauri061.html on line 1440: ”Kaiken muun annan anteeksi, mutta en sitä. Kirjan pitää olla sillä tavalla kirjoitettu, että mitä helvettiä, nyt äkkiä seuraavalle ja seuraavalle sivulle.” (Voi kauheaa. Ei ihme ettei tälle häiskälle tippunut Finlandiaa. Eikä taida tulla noobeliakaan.)
    ellauri061.html on line 1631: (from Cymbeline)
    ellauri061.html on line 1662: Cymbeline on William Shakespearen kirjoittama, melko harvoin esitetty näytelmä, joka luokitellaan historialliseksi romanssiksi. Cymbeline on kuningas ja isä, joka on ajautumassa täydelliseen katastrofiin sekä poliittisesti että perheensä kanssa. Rooman valtakunnan sotilaat ovat nousemassa maihin ja Britannia on vaarassa tulla suurvallan murskaamaksi, kuningaskunnan suunnan määrää juonitteleva kuningatar. Näytelmä kertoo viattomuudesta ja kateudesta, katoamisista ja jälleennäkemisestä sekä ennen kaikkea anteeksiannosta.
    ellauri061.html on line 1664: Cymbeline sijoittuu aikaan, jolloin Britannia oli osa Rooman valtakuntaa. Sen päähenkilöinä on kelttiläinen Britannian kuningas Cymbeline eli Cunobelinus, hänen tyttärensä Imogen ja tämän alempisäätyinen kosija Posthumus Leonatus. Mukana on myös Posthumuksen petollinen ystävä Iachimo, ja kuningatar, joka on Imogenin paha äitipuoli.
    ellauri061.html on line 1666: Joel Elstelä on suomentanut ja sovittanut näytelmän teatteri Beowulfille, joka esitti sen kesäteatterissa 1993. Cymbelinen on suomentanut Lauri Sipari. Helsinki: WSOY, 2010.
    ellauri061.html on line 1669: beline.jpg" width="50%" />
    ellauri062.html on line 86: “Does he have unrealistic beliefs about her/his power, wealth or skills?”
    ellauri062.html on line 93: If the answers to these questions is yes and lasts for months, researchers believe it could actually be a very early stage of Alzheimer’s.
    ellauri062.html on line 118: ☑ Hiding things or believing other people are hiding things
    ellauri062.html on line 174: The price of admission onto the 29th Rich List was a staggering $1 billion, and, not surprisingly — as far as minorities go, at least — Jews excelled. The breakdown, according to Gawker’s research, included one black woman (No. 130, Oprah Winfrey), three gay men (No. 54, David Geffen; No. 332, Barry Diller; and No. 365, Peter Thiel), four Indians, six (non-Indian) Asians, 34 women, and, of course, 30 Jews in the top 100 (see below). They must have stopped counting after the 100 mark.
    ellauri062.html on line 219: belt.jpg" height="100px" />
    ellauri062.html on line 255: As punishment, Fred whips Serena' butt with his belt and forces Offred to watch as he does. Nick goes looking for Luke and finds him in a bar. He tells Luke that June is alright but Luke says that she isn't fine. Nick tells her that June is pregnant. This upsets Luke and he tells Nick to get out but then changes his mind and invites him in again.
    ellauri062.html on line 285: She also reveals that Fred raped her too while she was working at Jezebel's. Only nobody held her down.
    ellauri062.html on line 396: A character ("General Hopgood") in the 2009 film The Men Who Stare at Goats — a fictionalized adaptation of Ronson's book — is loosely based on Stubblebine as commander of the "psychic spy unit" (portrayed in the film) who believed he could train himself to walk through walls.
    ellauri062.html on line 482: Sisiliassa syntyneen Salvatore Quasimodon (1901-1968) runot sattuivat käsiini, kun etsin kirjastosta italialaista runokirjaa. Pian minulle selvisi, että runoilija on saanut kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon vuonna 1959, ja silti käsissäni oleva kokoelma on ainoa suomeksi julkaistu teos hänen säkeitään. Joitain yksittäisiä runoja on ilmeisesti julkaistu jossain antologiassa, ehkä useammassakin, sekä Parnassossa ainakin 1960-luvulla pian Nobelin myöntämisen jälkeen.
    ellauri062.html on line 486: Monet Salvatore Quasimodon runot avautuvat minulle vaivoin, jos ollenkaan. Enkä taida olla yksin hämmennykseni kanssa. Nobel-palkinnon myöntäminen oli kiistanalainen, monien mielestä vanhemmat runoilijat Ungaretti ja Montale syrjäytettiin (no vizi Montalen kutale kyllä sai oman plakettinsa vuonna 1975), ja lehdistö teilasi Quasimodon tuotannon suurimmalle osalle lukijoita luoksepääsemättömäksi. Yksi minua askarruttaneista runoista on otsikoitu "Kuolleet" ja alkaa näillä säkeillä:
    ellauri062.html on line 536: Salvatore Quasimodo (Modica, 20 agosto 1901 – Napoli, 14 giugno 1968) è stato un poeta e traduttore italiano, esponente di rilievo dell'ermetismo. Ha contribuito alla traduzione di vari componimenti dell'età classica, soprattutto liriche greche, ma anche di opere teatrali di Molière e William Shakespeare. È stato vincitore del premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1959 «per la sua poetica lirica, che con ardente classicità esprime le tragiche esperienze della vita dei nostri tempi».
    ellauri062.html on line 764: Author Mike Lofgren believes that there is "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process".
    ellauri062.html on line 782: Entre 1938 y 1941, obtuvo diferentes papeles en filmes alemanes. Mantuvo una muy buena relación con la prensa nacionalsocialista: participó en varios recitales y ceremonias del Tercer Reich y adquirió el estatus y conducta social de una diva. De hecho, se ganó el afecto de Adolf Hitler, quien llegó a enviarle una fotografía personal autografiada. En su momento, fue la musa del ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels y otros dignatarios; por ende, su carrera se potenció enormemente y se le abrieron las puertas a la elite alemana ganando un elevado estatus social. Grabó 118 canciones y, por los derechos de autor, sus ganancias en marcos alemanes fueron importantes. Tal fue el éxito obtenido que la personalidad de Serrano adquirió los ribetes de una diva sin sospechar que su éxito era dependiente del régimen. Para Serrano, más que la política importaba el escenario y entregar su talento.
    ellauri062.html on line 844: Sitä ei kiinnostanut ihmisen intelligiibeli minä, josta kaikki luonnossa muistuttaa, ihminen mikrokosmoksena, vaan valta. Weininger asetti ihmisen kaiken toiminnan ohjenuoraksi tietoisuuden omasta intelligiibelistä minästä, koska ainoastaan se tekee hänet tietoiseksi myös sinästä ja sinun Dingistä an sich, ja saa hänet luopumaan pyrkimyksistä käyttää toista (tai itseään) välineenä mihinkään tarkoitukseen. Sinun anus on arvo sinänsä.
    ellauri062.html on line 941: believers.org.au/luther.htm">Biblebelievers´ Luther
    ellauri062.html on line 947: Of particular interest is the fact that the hexagram is made by 6 lines, has 6 points, 6 triangles, and 6-sided polygon....corresponding to the prophecy of "666" related to the "Beast" in Revelation 13:18 (although of course, perhaps not literally fulfilling it, as it refers to the "number of his name"). See Apt 7:43 "Ja te otitta Molochin majan/ ja teidän jumalanne Remphan tähden/ nijtä cuwia joita te teitte teillenne cumartaxenne/ ja minä tahdon teidän eroitta edemmä Babelita."
    ellauri063.html on line 51: His contradictory and sometimes ambiguous views about the social benefits of religious affiliation mirrored the dichotomies between his public and private lives: Stephen Ingle wrote that it was as if the writer George Orwell "vaunted" his unbelief while Eric Blair the individual retained "a deeply ingrained religiosity".
    ellauri063.html on line 65: Rosa Lichtenstein? I am not quite sure who this person is and who publishes her work, but I can scarcely find anything on her besides her own resource page. Which leads me to believe the addition of her in this is nothing more than self-promotion by the author in particular themselves. This lowers the quality of this article to let any random Blogger have their criticisms added to this. Dialectical Materialism is a serioues philolosophical school and method attached to Marxism, and there is lot of commentary on the subject without resorting to unpublished internet articles.
    ellauri063.html on line 82: Only if socialism always means tyranny, and that in turn depends on whose socialism we are talking about —’socialism from above’ or ‘socialism from below’.
    ellauri063.html on line 90: (ii) 'Socialism from below'.
    ellauri063.html on line 94: … roach has been adopted by various political movements and ideologies, including Stalinism, Maoism, Castroism, Chavezism (as we have seen in Venezuela of late), Social Democracy, and conspiratorial Blanquism —on that, follow the link below.
    ellauri063.html on line 98: The second form of socialism, 'Socialism from below', represents Marx, Lenin and Trotsky’s view. It involves the great mass of the population creating a socialist society for themselves, not waiting for anyone, or any party, to do it for them.
    ellauri063.html on line 100: However, this version of socialism has to spread and take over the core economies of capitalism so that it can't be strangled in the above manner — as the proletariat of each country rebel against their own ruling-class. Each strike, for example, is a mini-rehearsal for this (whether the strikers appreciate this or not), where workers are forced by circumstances to organise in their own communities, sharing money, clothing, food, shelter, etc. In effect, they have to run a mini-socialist society of their own for a few weeks or months.
    ellauri063.html on line 274: "Frontside Ollie" is a Finnish language song by Finnish teen pop artist Robin and his debut single taken from his debut album Koodi. Written by Sana Mustonen, it was released on Universal Music on 16 January 2012. #skateboarding Today's video is about the basic frontside ollie on transition. Useful for quarter pipes, mini ramps, bowls and more. Hit subscribe & leave your suggestions below for future skate hacks videos!
    ellauri063.html on line 566: S 415 on taas tällänen Lola rennt juonihaarukka. Ikävystyttävää. Väärä pelitapa on tavallistakin hämärämpää textiä. Ei jaxa. Pitäskö tän olla jotain suspensea? Ainoa mitä tässä kaipaa suspensea on belief. Haukottavaa. Mullei pysy edes nää poliitikkolärvät mielessä. Kekäs nyt oli tää Niinistö? Niitäkin on politiikassa pyykkikorikaupalla. Ex Salella ollut taannoin rullixet? Runoilija Rumista mulla on jo paasaus jossakin.
    ellauri064.html on line 250: Den Berichten zufolge wird Trotha als ausgesprochen machthungrig, hart, unnachgiebig und beratungsresistent skizziert. Dementsprechend unbeliebt war Trotha in Deutsch-Südwestafrika.
    ellauri064.html on line 463: Uuden maailmanjärjestyksen juurten on usein väitetty johtavan 1700-luvun lopulla toimineeseen baijerilaiseen Illuminati-järjestöön sekä vapaamuurareihin, joiden myös väitetään nykyisin kontrolloivan uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Enkka on Pat Robertsonilla, jonka mielestä NWO liittyy Vanhan testamentin kirjoituksiin ja Baabelin torniin.
    ellauri064.html on line 467: Teoreetikkojen mukaan uuden maailmanjärjestyksen käyttämiä symboleja ovat etenkin muinaisegyptiläiset pyramidit, asteriskit ja obeliskit, joita on pystytetty länsimaisiin kaupunkeihin joko vallan merkeiksi tai okkulttisiksi talismaaneiksi. Toinen egyptiläisperäinen uuden maailmanjärjestyksen symboli on ”kaikkinäkevä silmä”, joka löytyy muun muassa Yhdysvaltain yhden dollarin setelistä.
    ellauri064.html on line 491: Keskityin äskeisessä blogijulkaisussani 16 -vuotiaan ruotsalaisen ilmastoaktivisti Greta Thunbergin käynnistämään globaaliin koululakkoliikkeeseen. Koululakkoliike on kuitenkin yhteydessä toiseen kansainväliseen protestiliikkeeseen nimeltä Elokapina (eng. Extinction Rebellion), joka sai alkusa Iso-Britanniassa toukokuussa 2018. Greta itse osallistui elokapinoitsijoiden tilaisuuteen Lontoossa tämän vuoden huhtikuussa. Liikkeen suomalainen verkkosivu julistaa: ”Globaali kapina alkaa” ja kutsuu Pohjoismaissa asuvia ihmisiä osallistumaan Berliinissä lokakuussa järjestettäviin massa-aktioihin. Liikkeen johtajien mukaan elokapina on ”yhtenäinen, pitkän aikavälin globaali voima, ei jokin kipinä kattilassa.” Kaikkien poliittisten liikkeiden tapaan elokapinalla on myös oma symbolinsa, ympyrän sisällä oleva pelkistetty tiimalasi. Tuleeko siitä pian yhtä pelätty symboli kuin natsien hakarististä tai kommunistien sirpistä ja vasarasta? Liikkeen päämääriin kuuluu mm. hallitusten painostaminen lainsäädäntöön, joka nollaisi nettohiilipäästöt vuoteen 2025 mennessä ja mobilisoida 3,5 prosenttia väestöstä kansalaistottelemattomuuteen ja massaprotesteihin.
    ellauri064.html on line 493: Vaikka liike sanoo peräänkuuluttavansa väkivallatonta kansalaisvastarintaa, niin vihreän politiikan kriitikkona tunnettu lääketieteen tohtori ja epidemiologian dosentti Mikko Paunio huomioi äsken hänen FB-seinällään (kenen? Hemmetti opettele suomea): ”Tietääköhän Antti Rinne, että Greta on sitoutunut Extinction Rebellionin (XR) tavoitteisiin, joihin kuuluu mobilisoida 3,5 % väestöstä ja muuttaa yhteiskuntajärjestys näiden ihmisten avulla. XR kertoo olevansa sitoutunut väkivallattomuuteen, mutta miten 3,5 %:lla voidaan yhteiskuntajärjestys muuttaa ilman väkivaltaa?” Paunio julkaisee muuten lokakuun lopussa humorisesti nimetyn uuden kirjansa Hourulan väen ilmastovallankumous, johon sain kunnian jakaa hieman myös omaa tietämystäni. Annoin Mikolle ilmaisen näytteen omasta eskatologisesta kirjastani Joka ei ollut saapa kuninkaan arvoa – Antikristus paljastettu? ja hän kertoi lisänneen kirjani 10. luvun innoittamana jotain oman kirjansa esipuheeseen (Mikon kirjan voit ennakkotilata täältä ja oman kirjani voit tilata täältä).
    ellauri065.html on line 179: ... että Claudette Colbert, joka voitti vain Parhaan naispääosan Oscar-palkinto varten Tapahtui eräänä yönä (juliste kuvassa), yksityisesti nimeltään elokuva "pahin kuvan maailmassa"? ... että vuoden 1958 Libanonin presidentinvaalit pidettiin aseellisen kapinan aikana, kun kansakuntaan oli sijoitettu 10000 Yhdysvaltain sotilasta ? ... että kiinalainen cosplayer Liyuu on myös anime- muusikko? ... että urospuolinen merihämähäkki Propallene longiceps kuljettaa hedelmöitettyjä munia rannekkeen kaltaisissa massoissa käärittyinä jalkojensa ympärille? ... että MLS Cup 2020 -pelissä on Seattle Sounders FC neljännen kerran viiden vuoden aikana? ... että Elsa-Brita Nordlund, Ruotsin ensimmäinen lastenpsykiatri, kannatti hoidon inhimillistämistä lastensairaaloissa? ... että kirjojen ja televisiosarjojen otsikkona lainataan vuoden 1840 kappaleen " Kein schöner Land in dieser Zeit " rivi, jossa väitetään, ettei kukaan maa ole kauniimpi ja jonka tekijä esittelee Volksliedinä ? ... kun hänet nimitettiin Georgetownin yliopiston presidentiksi, Gerard J. Campbellia kuvattiin " Ivy League Catholic" "uudeksi roduksi "? Arkistoi Aloita uusi artikkeli Nimeä artikkeli Uutisissa COVID-19- pandemia Tauti Virus Sijainnin mukaan Vaikutus Rokotteet Portaali Nana Akufo-Addo vuonna 2020 Nana Akufo-Addo Nana Akufo-Addo (kuvassa) valitaan uudelleen toiseksi toimikaudeksi Ghanan presidentiksi . Moottoriurheilussa Sébastien Ogier ja Julien Ingrassia voittavat MM-rallin, kun taas Hyundai voittaa valmistajien tittelin. Hayabusa2 palauttaa asteroidista162173 Ryugukerätyt näytteet onnistuneestimaahan. Zdravko Krivokapić aloitti tehtävänsä Montenegron pääministerinä ja tuli ensimmäiseksi itsenäiseksi tehtäväksi. Käynnissä : Intian maanviljelijöiden mielenosoitus Tigray-konflikti Viimeaikaiset kuolemat : UA Khader Iman Budhi Santosa Astad Deboo Raymond Hunter Stanley Smith Manglesh Dabral Nimeä artikkeli Tänä päivänä 13. joulukuuta : Haile Selassie Haile Selassie 1862 - Yhdysvaltojen sisällissota : unionin joukkojen alle Ambrose Burnside kärsi vakavia tappioita vakiintuneiden Konfederaation puolustajiin klo fredericksburgin taistelu Virginiassa. 1928 - Amerikkalainen Pariisissa, George Gershwinin jazziin vaikuttava orkesteriteos, kantaesitettiin Carnegie Hallissa New Yorkissa. 1960 - With Haile Selassie (kuvassa), keisari Etiopiassa, pois maasta, neljä salaliittolaiset järjesti vallankaappauksen yritys asentaa kruununprinssi Asfaw Wossen uudeksi keisari. 1982 - Pohjois-Jemenissä iski 6,2 M w: n rekisteröity maanjäristys, jossa kuoli noin 2800 ihmistä. Paul Speratus ( s. 1484) Mary Todd Lincoln ( s. 1818) Dora Marsden ( s. 1960) Lisää vuosipäiviä: 12. joulukuuta 13. joulukuuta 14. joulukuuta Arkistoi Sähkopostilla Luettelo päivistä vuodessa
    ellauri065.html on line 226: Jakesta Aki on kuin Abel Ferrara. Se oli tai on tällänen filminikkari:
    ellauri065.html on line 496: taqiyya: Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should generally be truthful to each other, unless the purpose of lying is to "smooth over differences" or "gain the upper-hand over an enemy." There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya (the Shia name). These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.
    ellauri065.html on line 498: thetan: In Scientology, the concept of the thetan (/ˈθeɪtən/) is similar to the concept of self, or the spirit or soul as found in several belief systems. This similarity is not total, though. The term is derived from the Greek letter Θ, theta, which in Scientology beliefs represents "the source of life, or life itself." In Scientology it is believed that it is the thetan, not the central nervous system, which commands the body through communication points.
    ellauri066.html on line 167: Anekdootin mukaan Hellaakoski oli viimeisinä päivinään ennen sairaalaan lähtöä valmistanut kaksi pakettia, joista toinen piti luovuttaa arkistoitavaksi ja toinen hävittää. Ensin mainitussa paketissa sanotaan olleen Hellaakosken romaanikäsikirjoitus, toisessa roskakoripaskaa. Jostakin syystä paketit menivät kuitenkin sekaisin ja viimeistelemätön romaani tuli tuhotuksi. Paperikorin sisältöä ei tulisi tyhjentää, vain kierrättää. Mistkubel on modernisti Recycle bin.
    ellauri066.html on line 171: belben.net/upload/image/5080_Hellakoski.jpg" width="30%" />
    ellauri066.html on line 306: Pilaako Pynchon vakavan artistin imagonsa tälläsellä paskalla? Jotkut lukijoista on sitä mieltä. Mä taas meinaan että älytönkin mätystys on paikallaan; yhden miehen teinihölmöily on toisen "karnevalismia". Samaa voi sanoa myös Rabelaisista. Näitä törkymöykkyjä on ollut maailman sivu, ja törkymöykyn bändäreitä myös. Jos lättäpäisyydet sensuroitas kirjoista, ei lättäpäille jäis mitään luettavaa.
    ellauri066.html on line 443: Trains belong to bitter night. Kylmän yön ajoissa.
    ellauri066.html on line 498: Specifically, for someone with high self-esteem, seeing another person fail may still bring them a small (but effectively negligible) surge of confidence because the observer's high self-esteem significantly lowers the threat they believe the visibly-failing human poses to their status or identity. Since this confident individual perceives that, regardless of circumstances, the successes and failures of the other person will have little impact on their own status or well-being, they have very little emotional investment in how the other person fares, be it positive or negative. Tässä todennäköinen syy mixi anglosaxeilla ei ole sanaa sille, vaan on gloating (quod vide).
    ellauri066.html on line 696: Little wonder, then, that Tegnell is a hero to many in Sweden and to those across the globe who believe that draconian lockdowns are self-defeating.
    ellauri066.html on line 729: Sporting one of the Tegnell T-shirts, student Isabell Håkansson, 26, says: “I’m happy everything is open and we’re not locked down.”
    ellauri066.html on line 734: Dr Rushworth, who works at a hospital in the capital’s northern suburbs, believes the reason for Sweden’s resilience is it has built up herd immunity.
    ellauri066.html on line 752: Nicholas Aylott, a professor of political science at Södertörn University, believes cultural norms may have helped to combat the virus too.
    ellauri066.html on line 917: Says the hairy arms, “I still believe in the government. I do. But I’m very,
    ellauri066.html on line 936: Almost exactly a year from the pandemic’s start, Tegnell said that he believes people should still hold off on judging his policies. “The pandemic is not over,” he said. “Any kind of final review on what’s been good and what’s been bad still awaits us.” Thats what the guys in Nuremberg said: hold your horses, this was supposed to be a 1000-year Reich. Don't blame us on what were only meant as initial experiments.
    ellauri067.html on line 140: Gravity´s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon begins with a quotation from von Braun: "Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death."
    ellauri067.html on line 224: Näitä kieltäytymisiäkin on nähty useita kuin esterazastuxessa. Se yx ven. matemaatikko joka ratkaisi Poincaren konjektuurin kieltäytyi Fieldsin palkinnosta. Jean-Paul Sartre sylkä isi Noobelille. Bob Zimmermann oli kieltäytyä mutta rahanhimo voitti. Aki Kaurismäki kieltäytyi Oscar-ehdokkuudesta.
    ellauri067.html on line 249: Tom on nyt 83 eikä vielä vainaja. Nobelilla alkaa olla kiirettä. Ettei käy niinkuin Philip Rothille. Harold veti henxelit 2019.
    ellauri067.html on line 384: What Does the Triskelion Symbol Mean? Derived from the Greek word "Triskeles" meaning "three legs", the Triskele or Triple Spiral is a complex ancient Celtic symbol. Often referred to by many as a Triskelion, its earliest creation dates back to the Neolithic era, as it can be seen at the entrance of Newgrange, Ireland. The Triskele gained popularity in its use within the Celtic culture from 500BC onwards. This archaic symbol is one of the most convoluted to decipher as symbolists believe it is reflective of many areas of culture from the time. Huoh. Vitun symbolistit. Seinän töhrijät. Nuijia. Kirkkovene ja Jallu luuraa on selkeämpiä.
    ellauri067.html on line 439: How much, or how little influence drugs, particularly hallucigenic drugs like lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, had on Pynchon’s narrative is unknown. If Siegel, however, is to be believed, and he should be despite any resentment he felt regarding Pynchon’s affair with his wife, then the writing of Gravity’s Rainbow was heavily influenced by drugs. In Pynchon’s most famous quote regarding this particular novel, which is notoriously difficult to interpret, he is alleged to have told Siegel,
    ellauri067.html on line 467: Franz von Bayros (28 May 1866 – 3 April 1924) was an Austrian commercial artist, illustrator, and painter, best known for his controversial Tales at the Dressing Table portfolio. He belonged to the Decadent movement in art, often utilizing erotic themes and phantasmagoric imagery. His work can be found at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. He drew over 2000 illustrations in total. Bayros piirsi eri paljon porsliinipilluja. Sanalla sanoen, pornokuvia.
    ellauri067.html on line 493: Book reviewers have a long history of attacking Pynchon for his flat characters. Roger and Jessica are susceptible to this criticism. Neither is given much of a history. We don’t know where they grew up or who their parents were. This is one of the great failings of... what to call it? "middlebrow" is antiquated... anyway, a very common kind of criticism (common in the Anglo-American world, anyway), and it affects how authors write (which is one reason I read mainly Russian literature these days). I don't need to know "where they grew up or who their parents were" and I don't much care, unless, of course, you write about it brilliantly because that´s truly what you want to focus on, as opposed to "welp, better provide a plausible background for my characters so the reader will believe they're behaving this way." Just write good sentences in a good and surprising order. Two people have fallen out of love? I don't care if it's because one of them has mommy issues or the other was bullied as a child—people fall out of love all the time, for any reason or none, just tell me what they do about it, and in language that makes me want to keep reading! Teoxet on tärkeät, vähät elämästä. En jaxa luontokuvauxia, hyppään ne heti yli.
    ellauri067.html on line 545: "This same secret knowledge is what I craved as a young student, believing that there was a meaning to the world beyond all our everyday transactions."
    ellauri067.html on line 599: Sateenkaari on vaan paraabeli. Muista pieni teiniveli piirtämäsi paraabeli. V2 raketti piirtää taivaalle painovoiman sateenkaaren. Poinzi taitaa olla että tilastollisesti kazoen maailman meno on täyysin determinististä, joskaan ei kovin ennakoitavaa. Ollaan sivun 275 alareunassa. Dead giveaway. Huhhuh. Niin paljon vielä jälellä. Jaxaa jaxaa Peter Sachsaa.
    ellauri067.html on line 608: A Hot Time in the Old Town, also titled as "There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight", is an American popular song, copyrighted and perhaps composed in 1896 by Theodore August Metz with lyrics by Joe Hayden. Metz was the band leader of the McIntyre and Heath Minstrels. The song was a favorite of the American military around the start of the 20th century, particularly during the Spanish–American War and the Boxer Rebellion. The tune became popular in the military after it was used as a theme by Teddy Roosevelt´s Rough Riders.
    ellauri069.html on line 40: Postmodernism is the Swiss Army knife of critical concepts. It’s definitionally overloaded, and it can do almost any job you need done. This is partly because, like many terms that begin with “post,” it is fundamentally ambidextrous. Postmodernism can mean, “We’re all modernists now. Modernism has won.” Or it can mean, “No one can be a modernist anymore. Modernism is over.” People who use “postmodernism” in the first, “mission accomplished,” sense believe that modernism—the art and literature associated with figures like Picasso and Joyce—changed the game completely, and that everyone is still working through the consequences. Modernism is the song that never ends. Being postmodernist just means that we can never be pre-modernist again. People who use it in the second sense, as the epitaph for modernism, think that, somewhere along the line, there was a break with the assumptions, practices, and ambitions of modernist art and literature, and that everyone since then is (or ought to be) on to something very different. Being postmodernist means that we can never be modernist again.
    ellauri069.html on line 61: An uncompromising temper appears to have limited the father’s career as an architect. The brothers describe a scene in which their father picks up an LP record that says “unbreakable” on the label and breaks it in two. “Not unbreakable,” he says. That might be a little scary for kids to watch. Frederick and Steven thought that he was an ingenious man, but they found him fascinatingly difficult to care for in his old age.
    ellauri069.html on line 67: Their memoir is an attempt to understand their gambling obsession as a way of coping with guilt over his death. “The addiction to gambling, with the unsuccessful struggles to break the habit and the opportunities it affords for self-punishment, is a repetition of the compulsion to masturbate,” Freud says in “Dostoevsky and Parricide”; “the relation between efforts to suppress it and fear of the father are too well known to need more than a mention.” No one believes Freud anymore, of course. A great deal of his writing is, at one level of explicitness or another, about the authority of fathers and the struggle for autonomy. (And Barthelme was a close reader of Freud.)
    ellauri069.html on line 78: What was he doing? Daugherty is right to claim that Barthelme conceived of himself as an heir of the modernist tradition—in particular, of Beckett. He encountered Beckett’s work for the first time in 1956, when he picked up a copy of Theatre Arts at Guy’s Newsstand, in Houston, and read the text of “Waiting for Godot.” “It seemed that from the day he discovered ‘Godot,’ Don believed he could write the fiction he imagined,” the woman who was his wife at the time, Helen Moore Barthelme, says in her memoir, “Donald Barthelme: The Genesis of a Cool Sound” (2001).
    ellauri069.html on line 89: Barthelme believed himself to be working in the tradition of Joyce and Samuel Beckett, and that his appropriation of popular, commercial, and other sub-artistic elements (instruction manuals, travel guides, advertisements, sentences from newspaper articles, and so on) in his writing was done as a means of making literature, not subverting it or announcing its obsolescence. Daugherty thinks that many people have got Barthelme wrong.
    ellauri069.html on line 111: He also believed that one of the things deadening our responses was mass culture. “I believe that’s the place artists are trying to get to, and I further believe that when they are successful, they reach it... an area somewhere probably between mathematics and religion, in which what may fairly be called truth exists.” He was an enemy of television. He was a serious jazz buff. It took him a while to become interested in rock. Daugherty is right. He was a postmodernist in the first sense.
    ellauri069.html on line 277: Tässä vaiheessa olen kai Kaavion kohdassa 4, vielä nousukiidossa. Vaikka sivuja on mennyt jo 60-70%. Ei taida olla kovin tasapainoinen toi sateenkaaren paraabeli.
    ellauri069.html on line 642: During the line-crossing ceremony, the Pollywogs undergo a number of increasingly embarrassing ordeals (wearing clothing inside out and backwards; crawling on hands and knees on nonskid-coated decks; being swatted with short lengths of firehose; being locked in stocks and pillories and pelted with mushy fruit; being locked in a water coffin of salt-water and bright green sea dye (fluorescent sodium salt); crawling through chutes or large tubs of rotting garbage; kissing the Royal Babys belly coated with axle grease, hair chopping, etc.), largely for the entertainment of the Shellbacks.
    ellauri069.html on line 762: Biographers report that Baum had been a political activist in the 1890s with a special interest in the money question of gold and silver (bimetallism). The City of Oz earns its name from the abbreviation of ounces "Oz" in which gold and silver are measured. Unssin kaupunki. For example, the Tin Woodman wonders what he would do if he ran out of oil. "You wouldn't be as badly off as John D. Rockefeller", the Scarecrow responds, "He'd lose six thousand dollars a minute if that happened." Dorothy—naïve, young and simple—represents the American people. She is Everyman, led astray and seeking the way back home. Moreover, following the road of gold leads eventually only to the Emerald City, which may symbolize the fraudulent world of greenback paper money that only pretends to have value. It is ruled by a scheming politician (the Wizard) who uses publicity devices and tricks to fool the people (and even the Good Witches) into believing he is benevolent, wise, and powerful when really he is a selfish, evil humbug.
    ellauri070.html on line 165: Jubel und Ruhm aufsinge zustimmenden Engeln. Riemua, mainetta suollan nyökkijä enkeleille.
    ellauri070.html on line 298: Se vie meidät hyvin pikaseen taas pois tästä kaupungista, joka muistuttaa enemmän baabelia kuin modernia suurkaupunkia. Me mennään, metelin läpi vuosimarkkinoiden kojulle, jossa yhteydessä myös ilotaloihin, missä "rahan sukupuolielin" puuhaa sopimattomuuxiaan. Lankun takana, jonka päällä oleva kirjoitus näyttää sanovan, että aidan takainen ulkopuoli on varattu kuolemaapelkäämättömille ja sen kokeneille, eli tarkoitettu niille, jotka eivät ole työntäneet kuolemaa pois elämästään (kts. tästä myös jollotuxet 1-4), törmäämme erään jolpoin hahmossa nuoreen ruinoon. Syntyy kuiva keskustelu jolpin ja ruinon välille. Jäbä seuraa sitä lyhkäsen matkaa, mutta kääntyy äkäseen takasinpäin. Jäbä arvaa sellaisen suhteen turhuuden.
    ellauri070.html on line 313: Skippy: Thomas More believed "Skippy" alludes to the Percy Crosby cartoon strip Skippy, of 1920s-1945 vintage: "Skippy, like Orphan Annie, led a schlemihl's life, always threatened by evil forces of change, which meant, for the politically reactionary Crosby, Rooseveltian changes in the direction of liberalism, urbanism, and the homogenized Global Village." (p.170n.)
    ellauri070.html on line 467: You belong to me!
    ellauri071.html on line 44: Tucker Carlson Justifies Kenosha Shootings: Vigilante Kid Did What ‘No One Else Would’ AND THERE IT IS “How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?” Carlson asked his viewers on Wednesday night. “Our leaders want us to believe this is a racial conflict, they’re always telling us it is. They’re lying. It is not a racial conflict,” Carlson grumbled, adding: “This is not a race war. This is a class war.” Updated Aug. 27, 2020 5:20AM ET / Published Aug. 26, 2020 9:11PM ET
    ellauri071.html on line 85: Sachs. die Enden der Parabel. Vois olla myös Die Enden der Gauss-Verteilung.
    ellauri071.html on line 243: Tuli mieleen että onko omavoimaisen raketin rata sittenkään paraabeli, jos sen nopeus ei ole vakio? Vai saavuttaako roketti vakionopeuden niin nopeasti ettei tätä tarvi ottaa huomioon? No näyttää siltä että suurimman osan lentoa se seuraa ballistista rataa eli paraabelia, mutta alussa työntövoima jyrkentää sitä ja lopussa ilmanvastus. Koska maapallo on pyöreä, koko rata muistutta vähän avattua hiuspinniä.
    ellauri071.html on line 451: Seksin suojaikärajaa tiukentava lakimuutosaloite ei mennyt vuonna 2019 läpi, ja suhtautuminen on Ranskassa ristiriitainen. Matzneff on julkaissut 1970-luvulla esseen "Les Moins de seize ans", jossa hän kertoo mieltymyksistään pikkulapsiin. Ranskixet jää kakkosexi pillurallissa vaan pedofilian huippukuskeille belgeille. Sen tauttako niillä on niin paljon aikuisten sarjakuvia?
    ellauri071.html on line 494: Für den heute am weitesten verbreiteten deutschen Trivialnamen Waldmeister gibt es verschiedene Erklärungsvorschläge: Er wird gedeutet als ‚Meister des Waldes‘, also die erste und wichtigste Pflanze im Wald, oder auch im Sinne einer „im Walde wachsenden Pflanze mit meisterhafter Heilkraft“. Inhaltlich ähnlich sind die Trivialnamen im Serbischen, wo der Waldmeister prvenac (‚Erstling‘, ‚Anführer‘) genannt wird, im Französischen, wo man ihn reine des bois (‚Königin der Wälder‘) nennt, und in der lateinischen Bezeichnung matrisylva (‚Waldmutter‘). Eine andere Vermutung ist, dass Waldmeister aus der Bezeichnung Wald-Mösch(en) oder -Meiserich entstellt sei, die entweder auf eine niederdeutsche Ableitung zu mos (‚Moos‘) oder wie das französische (petit) muguet auf spätlateinisch muscus (‚Moschus‘) zurückgeführt wird, oder aus dem Namen Waldmeier; Meier ist dabei die deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für die Gattung Asperula, der der Waldmeister früher als Asperula odorata zugeordnet wurde. Der Begriff Meier wird wiederum als Variante der Pflanzenbezeichnung Miere verstanden, die seit dem 15. Jahrhundert als myer bekannt ist. Außerdem wird der Name auch über eine hypothetische mittellateinische Form herba Walteri Magistri, die als Waltermeister ins Deutsche übertragen worden sein soll, mit den im 13. Jahrhundert belegten Bezeichnungen mittelenglisch herbe wauter und mittellateinisch herba Walteri in Verbindung gebracht.
    ellauri071.html on line 585: Toi 'ekan Eevan' hahmo liittyi Lilithiin vasta keskiajalla. Se voi tulla Sumerien naarasvampyyreistä joiden nimi oli osuvasti 'Lillu' tai sitten baabelin sukkubeista nimeltä 'Lilli'. (Hehe, sehän on pikku-Matin Jillin lempinimiä. Se tarkoitti myös pissaa Pylkkästen lastenkielessä. Taisi tulla kiinankielestä.) Joku Ben Siira (c. 800s to 900s) yhdisti Lilithin sit tohon Eeva ykköseen. Ben Siiran aapiskirjassa Lilith oli Aatamin eka vaimo, mut ne riiteli yhtenään. Niil oli eri kanta sexiin: Aatami halus olla aina päälläpäin mut niin halus Lilithkin. Kun asiasta ei tullut sopua, Lilith päätti lentää tiehensä. Se lausui jumalan nimen turhaan (Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah! kuten kivitettävä mies Life of Brianissa) ja lensi ilmaan. Aatami jäi yxixensä yskiskelemään. Jumala lähetti 3 enkeliä hakemaan Lilithin takasin. Mut ei ne pydenneet. Sit tehtiin kompromissi: Lilith sai jäädä, ja se lupas jättää rauhaan vastasyntyneet joilla on noiden kolmen epäonnistuneen enkelin nimet kaulassa. Lilithille annettin lupa sairastuttaa poikavauvoja 8 päivän vanhoixi ja tyttövauvoja, no, sori vaan, 12 päivän ikään.
    ellauri071.html on line 602: Poinzman saa kuin saakin ilmeisesti jälkipeleissä noobelin. Se puhuu steriilisti vaan Syystä ja Seurauxesta (h.k.) eikä Jumalasta (h.k.) - hänen mineraalikäytävänsä eivät hohtele. Nymphenburgin linnaan viitataan ja haahuilevaan filmiin Viime vuonna Marienbadissa. Sälää, sälää galore. Tässä vaiheessa nää "aliluvut" on jo aivan juosten kustuja.
    ellauri071.html on line 643: Ihan hyvä pointti kirjallisuustieteen dosentilla Tiina Käkelällä-Puumalalla. Tohon James Woodin kritiikkiin "hysteerisestä realismista" pitää ehkä perehtyä lähemmin. Zadie Smith, Don DeLillo, Salman Rushdie ja David Foster Wallace mainitaan esimerkkeinä. Ja onhan siinäkin perää että tämmöisiä liimauxista pursuavia kirjoja tehtiin Menippoxen aikana, ja onhan Rabelaiskin hyvin samantapainen. Sitonse tshekki Hasekin sotaromaani (Svejk etc), josta en tykännyt. Ize asiassa en mä ole tykännyt näistä muistakaan. Mä en ilmeisesti ole mikään hysteerinen realismifän, en siedä karnevalismia. Se on liian hulvatonta pikku minulle. Siitä innostuvat on jotenkin salanazeja.
    ellauri072.html on line 206: What has gone mainly unnoticed in the various discussions of the problem is something that has puzzled me for some time. Why does Dante treat the homosexual Florentines in Inf. 16 with greater respect than any other infernal figures except those in Limbo? I do not have an answer to that question, but would like to bring it forward. Let me begin with Purg. 26. We have probably not been surprised enough at Dante's insistence that roughly half of those who sinned in lust, repented, and were saved (and are now on their way to that salvation) were homosexual. It would have been easy for him to have left the homosexuals out of Purgatory, and it is hard to imagine an early (or a later) commentator who would have objected to the omission, especially since, in Hell, homosexuality is treated, not as a sin of the flesh, but as one of violence against nature. However, for a unique instance of a commentator who is aware of Dante's unusual gesture see Trifon Gabriele on Inf. 15.46: "Non e' dubbio che 'l Poeta vuol applaudere a questo vitio quanto egli puo'. Puopa hyvinkin. Ecco, gli fa parlare di belle cose e gli fa tutti grand'uomini nelle lettere e nell'arme e nella religione, e finalmente non e' peccato ne l'Inferno o Purgatorio che egli men danni con le parole sue che questo; anzi lo polisce quanto puo' con suoi versi".
    ellauri072.html on line 473: Dennis Gabor (unk. Dénes Gábor; 5. kesäkuuta 1900 Budapest, Itävalta-Unkari – 8. helmikuuta 1979 Lontoo, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta) oli unkarilais-juutalainen nobelsähköinsinööri, joka keksi hologrammit.
    ellauri072.html on line 477: What will happen when the age-old economy of scarcity gives way to the Age of Leisure? Professor Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize for physics offers a futuristic projection based on a static population and GNP, "classless, democratic, and uniformly rich." Fearful that total secruity "will create unbearable boredom and bring out the worst in Irrational Man," Gabor is anxious to retain "effort," "hardship," and the Protestant Ethic -- lest society dissolve in an orgy of anti-social, hedonistic nihilism (viz. the current drug explosion and the spoiled-brat students). To avoid such evils Gabor proposes that work and its attendant moral uplift be divorced from production and the service sector of the economy be vastly enlarged. But this is only the beginning -- enthusiastic about Social Engineering Gabor suggests using it to weed out potential misfits, trouble-makers and "power addicts"; supplementing I.Q. tests with E.Q. (Ethical Quotient) measurements; and modeling elementary and secondary education on the 19th century British public school which knew so well how to inculcate good citizenship, intellectual excellence and pride in achievement. The Third World, still wrestling with pre-industrial material want, is ignored -- since we can't afford any more industrial pollution presumably they will just have to adjust to their misery. Gabor's assessment of "the Nature of Man" shows a woefully naive Anglo-American ethnocentricity and complete ignorance of anthropology and his vision of post-industrial utopia operating on the moral axioms of the 19th century is as elitist as it is improbable.
    ellauri073.html on line 267: The character's debut performance (May 8, 1993) has been called one of the best segments in SNL history. The reception of the audience combined with visible stifled laughter from David Spade and Christina Applegate on stage added to the popularity of the sketch. Notable physical gestures from Farley included what Spade referred to as “the thing with the glasses” when Farley lifted his glasses on and off of his face commenting, “Hey Dad, I can’t see real good, is that Bill Shakespeare over there?” and perhaps the most defining gesture was one that Farley saved for the live performance when he alternated hands adjusting his trousers, grabbing the hilt of his belt with one hand and the back of his pants with the other.
    ellauri073.html on line 510: After receiving her master’s degree from the University of Illinois, Mrs. Wallace was an English professor at Parkland College for 35 years. Her passion for learning was paired with a passion to help others learn — she was an enthusiastic, rigorous and above all compassionate instructor who made sure every student she had knew how much their voice mattered. Even after retiring, she taught in correctional facilities around Illinois and volunteered as a companion for Illinois CASA. In 2012, she and her husband, Jim, decided to move from their beloved city of Urbana to Florence, Ariz., to be closer to their family. There, they volunteered with Arizona CASA, hosted family dinners every Sunday, and adopted a much-loved terrier mix named Angus.
    ellauri073.html on line 542: Wallu rakentaa oman elämänsä hukatuista valttikorteista kokonaisen korttitalon, korttikaupungin, korttivaltion ja korttimaailman. Sen mielikuvitusisä ja isoisäkin on hyönteiskauhuisia junioritennispelaajia ja phd-studentteja. Sen isä on sen yhden Dennis the Penis hologramminobelistin doppelgängeri. Sen mielikuvitusäiti on kanadanranskalainen upea ilmestys ja iskää vuosikymmeniä nuorempi. Oikeasti niiden syntymäpäivät oli 3v ja kuolinpäivät 1v päässä toisistaan. Sen äiti oli oikeasti perunanviljelijän tytär josta tuli sukunsa eka akateeminen. Luokkaretkeläinen niinkuin eräs tuttu meikkitaiteilija.
    ellauri074.html on line 245: When Robbins started off doing his seminars, he implemented a strategy called Neurolinguistic Programming. Neurolinguistic Programming works under the belief that everyone has a personal map of reality. Nothing is neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so. Robbins would use this practice to help people realize that things that they think are impossible are possible, they just have to change their mindset.
    ellauri074.html on line 256: Robbins has written some of the best self-help books in hopes to help individuals utilize the power of positive thinking. Robbins believes that everyone is capable of changing their mindset. He also believes that if people can change their mindset, they can change their life. They learn how to short-change suckers.
    ellauri074.html on line 664: Paul osallistui Robinhoodina Elon Muskin joukoissa Wall Streetin rahavallan ryöstelyyn ostamalla arvottomia Gamestopin stonxeja. Osakkeita lyhyexi myyville paskiaisille jäi lyhyt tikku käteen. Kapitalistit oli haavi auki yhtä kauhuissaan kuin poliitikot aiemmin rupusakin alkaessa sekaantua netin kautta isojen poikien sulle mulle leikkeihin. Tää ei nyt tosiaankaan ollut tarkoitus. No jos tää johtaa kapitalismin ja talousliberalismin romahduxeen se on sen arvoista. Hesarin apupojat koittaa toppuutella ja selitellä asioita omistavan luokan kannalta parhain päin tavalliseen tapaansa. Yxi promille apinoista on omistavinaan leijonan osan koko maapallosta. Repikää siitä stonxia sonnit ja karhukaiset. Wall streetillä nuoret ottaa belfieitä sonnin perseestä. Pökäle pilkottaa. Toistan: pökäle pilkottaa. Niincuin Callelta Munksnäshemmetin sängyllä.
    ellauri074.html on line 680: Ainoo joka vois lyödä Andyn taalasta olis Don Huono ize. Harriet Tubmanin vois Donin mielestä laittaa $2 seteliin rullapaperixi jolla Don pyyhkis sitten persettä kultapöntöllä. Donin belfien voisi laittaa ruplan seteliin. Kukaan Ottawassa ei haluu asua Trump kadulla. Se on noloa.
    ellauri077.html on line 75: Viisikymmentäkuusivuotias amerikkalainen Nobel-palkittu runoilija, kohtalaisen ylipainoinen mies, joka amerikkalaisissa kirjallisuuspiireissä tunnettiin "runoilijoiden runoilijana" tai toisinaan pelkästään "Runoilijana", istui rinta paljaana aurinkoisella terassilla puolittain makuuasentoon käännetyssä aurinkotuoliissa kohtalaisessa määrin mutta ei vakavasti ylipainoisena, mies joka oli voittanut Kansallisen Kirja Palkinnon (2x), Kansallisen Kirja-arvostelijoiden Piiri Palkinnnon ja Lamont-palkinnon, saanut 2 apurahaa Kansalliselta Taidesäätiöltä, Rooman palkinnon, Lannan-säätiön stipendin, MacDowell-mitalin ja Mildred ja Harold Straussin Elämispalkinto -palkinnon Amerikan Taiteiden ja Kirjeiden Akatemialta ja Instituutilta sekä tullut valituxi KYNÄ-klubin pen palixi, runoilija jota 2kin sukupolvea oli julistant sukupolvensa äänexi ja joka nyt oli siis 56 vuotias ja loikoili kuivat Speedo-merkkiset XL-kokoiset uimahousut jalassa markiisikankaisessa, portaittain säädettävässä kansituolissa laatoitetulla terassilla kotinsa uima-altaan ääressä, runoilija joka ensimmäisten amerikkalaisten joukossa sai arvovaltaisen John D. ja Catherine T. MacArthur säätiöltä "Nero-palkinnon", joka oli vain 1/3 elossa olevasta amerikkalaisesta kirjallisuuden nobelistista, oli 172 senttiä pitkä, painoi 82 kiloa, oli ruskeatukkainen ja oli aina välillä huolinut/torjunut erilaisia Hius Lisäys Järjestelmä -merkkisiä hiussiirrännäisiä niin, että hänen hiusrajansa oli epätasaisesti vetäytynyt, ja nyt hän siis istui - tai kukaties tarkemmin sanottuna vain "lojui" - mustissa Speedoissa kotinsa munuaisen-
    ellauri077.html on line 188: Markkinatalous perustuu luotolle eli hyväuskoisien hölmöjen naiivin luottamuxen väärinkäytölle. Sixi valehtelu on jenkkiläisten tärkeimpiä taitoja. Sixi myös jenkkileffoissa ja kirjoissa se on tärkeässä osassa, esim noissa tuiki tavallisissa rehellisyyden vakuutteluissa: Trust me, I promise, no kidding, really, I swear to god, you gotta believe me, would I lie to you, I'm not a crook. Siitä puhe mistä puute.
    ellauri077.html on line 437: What we believe to be the motives of our conduct are usually but the pretexts for
    ellauri077.html on line 442: It is important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to friendship that we are not.”
    ellauri077.html on line 454: He is the author of the monograph Existentialist Engagement in Wallace, Eggers and Foer: A Philosophical Analysis of Contemporary American Literature (Bloomsbury 2015) – for more information about this book, see below. His work has appeared in different academic journals and collections (see Publications). Currently, he is working on a book tentatively titled Wallace’s Existentialist Intertexts: Comparative Readings with the Fiction of Kafka, Dostoevsky, Camus and Sartre.
    ellauri077.html on line 458: About Existentialist Engagement in Wallace, Eggers and Foer. The novels of David Foster Wallace, Dave Eggers and Jonathan Safran Foer are increasingly regarded as representing a new trend, an 'aesthetic sea change' in contemporary American fiction. 'Post-postmodernism' and 'New Sincerity' are just two of the labels that have been attached to this trend. But what do these labels mean? What characterizes and connects these novels?
    ellauri077.html on line 466: Wallace himself wrote, in my correspondence with him: “I too believe that most of the problems of what might be called ‘the tyranny of irony’ in today’s West can be explained almost perfectly in terms of Kierkegaard’s distinction between the aesthetic and the ethical life.”
    ellauri077.html on line 544: With irony as our environment, we have been raised and conditioned to “distrust strong belief, open conviction,” writes Wallace.
    ellauri077.html on line 602: narcissistic, anhedonic culture elements of itself: “If readers simply believe the world is stupid and shallow and mean, then [Bret Easton] Ellis can write a mean shallow stupid novel that becomes a mordant deadpan commentary on the badness of everything”. (Ei ihme että amerikan psyko vähän suutahti.)
    ellauri077.html on line 697:

  • coming to believe in a higher power that can give strength;
    ellauri077.html on line 707:
  • Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
    ellauri077.html on line 863: It is the team thinking: joining a team that is bigger than myself (and the other teams, hopefully) I can become vicariously king of the hill myself. Njaah njaah njaah I shout to the teams below from behind the lines and give applause to the champions of my team. Standing ovations that give no end of pleasure.
    ellauri079.html on line 115: Ellie May Clampett was unable to do much more in getting her career to take off. She went on to become a gospel singer for a while and even practiced real estate for a bit. But nothing ever really kept her from going back to show business as she felt that this was where she belonged. Ellie May passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2015.
    ellauri079.html on line 141: The introduction of European metal tools revolutionized the production of wampum; by the mid-seventeenth century, production numbered in the tens of millions of beads. Dutch colonists discovered the importance of wampum as a means of exchange between tribes, and they began mass-producing it in workshops. John Campbell established such a factory in Pascack, New Jersey, which manufactured wampum into the early 20th century. Pascackpa hyvinkin.
    ellauri079.html on line 228: James D. Wallace treats moral considerations as beliefs about the right and wrong ways of doing things - beliefs whose source and authority are the same as any ...
    ellauri079.html on line 302: The view that we immediately produce actions in our central nervous system has the consequence that our voluntary motions are entirely caused by sequences of events that we initiate unknowingly, events over which we can exercise control over only indirectly. This view, I shall argue below, is unsatisfactory.
    ellauri079.html on line 322: Siitä seuraavan pohdiskelun luonne on ällistyttävä. 2 veljestä ei vaan panna ristikuulusteluun vaan niillä on jopa aikaa kehitellä vastaväitteitä (357a–367e). Vaikka ne ei nyt suorastaan sano että kähmintä on parempi juttu kuin oikeus, ne väittävät että nyky-yhteiskunnassa konnuus kannattaa – sekä jumalten kaa että ihmisten – niinkauan kun toiminta näyttää päälle respektaabelilta. Veljexet toimii pirun asianajajina ja näyttää karmaisevasti miten yhteiskunta harjoittaa vedätystä. Menestyvin eläin ei olekaan Thrasymakhoxen tyhmä susi vaan ovela kettu. Se menestyy joka pelissä koska se osaa petkuttaa pelin säännöillä. Kunnon mies ei välitä imagosta ja sixi sille käy kuin jollekulle jeesuxelle (no tää ei ollut tietysti Plaatton käyttämä vertaus) kun se ei välitä kumarrella ja ketkuilla. (361e). Jopa jumalat, kuten runoilijat todistavat, on menestyvän ketkun puolella (esim Odysseus), kunhan saa uhreja. Pelkät sananmuunnoxet ei riitä Sokrates. (367b–e: logôi). Sensijaan sun pitäis näyttää mitä hyötyä siitä on. Ei tässä riitä vitun ikuiset ideat ja hämärä teologia, tarttetaan jotain kouriintuntuvaa. (435d; 504b)
    ellauri080.html on line 119: Many contemporary personality psychologists believe that there are five basic dimensions of personality, often referred to as the "Big 5" personality traits. The five broad personality traits described by the theory are extraversion (also often spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and positivity (well, neuroticity, just this one expressed negatively, I don't know why).
    ellauri080.html on line 184:
  • Fails to return things or put them back where they belong

  • ellauri080.html on line 258:
  • Insults and belittles others

  • ellauri080.html on line 299: Based on this research, many psychologists now believe that the five personality dimensions are not only universal; they also have biological origins. Psychologist David Buss has proposed that an evolutionary explanation for these five core personality traits, suggesting that these personality traits represent the most important qualities that shape our social landscape.
    ellauri080.html on line 492: This relates directly to CelebrityTypes’ observation of “NTP Knowing and NTJ Willing”, though my proposition is that this in fact applies across all types in the form of these judging axes, albeit with varying degrees of appearance. I believe that in the sense above, the FE/TI axis is more naturally wired to seek abstract knowledge, while TE/FI is more naturally wired to make concrete its visionary will.
    ellauri080.html on line 526: A dominant NI type, for instance, is constantly conjecturing from whatever data they have: it’s what they do, and that’s why these types will often feel like they have a lot to say on topics regardless of their expertise, because they can still conjecture an intriguing point of view from what little data they have; of course, depending on their skill, luck, and their sample size, it is not uncommon for their ‘lines of best fit’, as it were, to be off by some degree. In fact, Ni types are often used to this and, at least in my experience, can sometimes conjecture about how accurate their own conjectures are likely to be. Se conjecture like this too, believe it or not, just not as consistently, but it is part of what can lend that peculiar air of surety or confidence to the ESTP’s speech, or the driven spontaneity of the ESFP’s decisions. These types feel that they see something before them in glorious clarity and sharpness. How long that vision will last varies.
    ellauri080.html on line 611: Visitors to the uncharted island. Another challenge to a viewer's suspension of disbelief is the remarkable frequency with which the remote island is visited by an assortment of people who repeatedly fail to assist the castaways in leaving the island.
    ellauri080.html on line 730: As a teenager, he rebelled against the strict orthodox teachings of no alcohol, meat or womanising. After trying out all of them he made a vow to live a virtuous life. Aged 18 he travelled to England to train to be a barrister, and was made to swear a vow, by his orthodox Hindu family, he would not touch wine, women or meat. He was almost able to keep his vow.
    ellauri080.html on line 732: In London, he became a committee member of the London Vegetarian Society, which counted luminaries such as George Bernard Shaw. At the time, vegetarianism was quite rare. Virtually nobody except Mr. Rogers believed in it.
    ellauri080.html on line 765: In 1934, Gandhi resigned from the National Congress believing leaders were insincere in their adoption of non-violence. Gandhi concentrated on promoting education, home-spinning and weaving.
    ellauri080.html on line 770: Rabindranath Tagore, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, was a great admirer of Gandhi, it was often Tagore alone who could persuade Gandhi to give up his fasts unto death.
    ellauri080.html on line 774: Gandhi was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize, but he was never awarded the prize. In 1948, the prize was left unawarded with the committe seriously considering a posthumous prize.
    ellauri080.html on line 779: Gandhi despised his own sexual desires, and despised sex in any context except for procreation. He preached that the failure to control carnal urges led to complaints including constipation. He believed that sex was bad for the health of an individual, and that sexual freedom would lead Indians to failure as a people. He sought to consign his nation to what Martin Luther called "the hell of celibacy". He took his own celibacy vow unilaterally, without consulting his wife.
    ellauri080.html on line 781: His sexual hang-ups caused him to carry monstrously sexist views. His view of the female body was warped. As accounted by Rita Banerji, in her book Sex and Power, "he believed menstruation was a manifestation of the distortion of a woman's soul by her sexuality".
    ellauri080.html on line 785: Gandhi believed Indian women who were raped lost their value as human beings. He argued that fathers could be justified in killing daughters who had been sexually assaulted for the sake of family and community honour. He moderated his views towards the end of his life. But the damage was done, and the legacy lingers in every present-day Indian press report of a rape victim who commits suicide out of "shame". Gandhi also waged a war against contraceptives, labelling Indian women who used them as whores.
    ellauri080.html on line 815: Ei olis kannattanut heittää sitä pihalle. Gandhi oli taistellut brittipuolella buurisodassa. Nyt seurauxena oli Intian izenäistyminen. Sixe varmaan jäi rauhannobelia vaille.
    ellauri082.html on line 49: Sylvia Plath would have earned a nobel prize instead of Sponge Bob.
    ellauri082.html on line 62: Obsessed with the writer Mary Karr, Wallace planned to shoot her husband with a gun he tried to buy from a guy he met in recovery. She found out about the scheme, but believed him when he blamed it on his buddy. Wallace and Karr eventually became a couple, but Wallace stalked her kid in an ugly manner after she chucked him.
    ellauri082.html on line 131: JOI also created DMZ as part of an attempt to undo the effects of Hal’s eating mold as a child (recall: DMZ is a mold that grows on a mold). He left it along with the Entertainment (recall: ETA kids find JOI’s personal effects (670: “a bulky old doorless microwave…a load of old TP cartridges…mostly unlabelled”); the tapes and the DMZ are delivered together to the FLQ) which is about this goal (it stars a woman named Madame Psychosis (a street name for DMZ; another is 1st Av.) explaining that the thing that killed you in your last life will give birth to you in the next). The DMZ and the Entertainment were meant to go together for Hal. Now that the Entertainment has escaped, he needs to get Hal the DMZ.
    ellauri082.html on line 149: As seen in Chapter 1, Hal’s condition deepens until he literally can’t communicate at all, but no longer feels like a robot anymore. (12: “I’m not a machine. I feel and believe.”) The only thing he has left is tennis and he looks forward to playing Ortho Stice in the final match of the WhataBurger. But Stice is possessed by his father (in the manuscript, Stice is called “the Wraithster”), so the novel ends as Hal finally gets to really interface with his father — in the only way he has left.
    ellauri082.html on line 159: Accusations that DFW is “talking down to” or “intentionally alienating” with his vocabulary I can understand somewhat–I don’t believe he was actually intending to make people feel stupid, but he’s clearly excessive and self-indulgent on occasion.
    ellauri082.html on line 218: Frost syntyi San Franciscossa, vaikka hänet usein yhdistetäänkin Uuteen-Englantiin. Hänen äitinsä oli skotti Isabelle Moodie ja hänen isänsä oli toimittaja William Prescott Frost Jr. Isä oli viinaanmenevä uhkapeluri ja tiukka kurinpitäjä, jolla oli palava intohimo politiikkaan. Isä kuoli 1885 tuberkuloosiin ollessaan vasta 36-vuotias. Isän kuoltua äiti, 11-vuotias Robert ja hänen hieman nuorempi sisarensa muuttivat Kaliforniasta Yhdysvaltain itärannikolle Massachusettsin Lawrenceen lähelle isän vanhempia. Äiti liittyi lahkolaiseen swedenborgilaiseen kirkkoon ja kastatti lapsensa siellä. Aikuisena Frost kuitenkin erosi kirkosta.
    ellauri082.html on line 239: He gives his harness bells a shake Se ravistelee valjaskelloja
    ellauri082.html on line 288: Em's poem was published posthumously in 1890 in Poems: Series 1, a collection of Dickinson's poems assembled and edited by her friends. Critics attribute the lack of fear in her tone as her acceptance of death as "a natural part of the endless cycle of nature," due to the certainty in her belief in Christ. (Silly, if death is a natural part of the endless cycle of nature who needs Christ meddling into it? Christ was no endless cycle guy but like Tom Hanks in "News of the world" a guy who points with his hand straight ahead, in a rigidly raising logistic line toward the abyss.)
    ellauri082.html on line 359: ALGOL on ohjelmointikieli, joka kehitettiin 1950-luvulla. Kielen kehitystä johti Carnegie Mellon -yliopiston Alan J. Perlis. Se oli jutku tietysti. ALGOL oli aikoinaan ensimmäinen niin sanottu toisen sukupolven ohjelmointikieli. Paskat Alan siinä mitään teki muuta kun komenteli, likasen työn tekijät oli sakuja. Algolista tuli sit Pascal jolla ohjelmoizi Kimmo Koskenniemi oza rypyssä. Pascal-kirjan kannessa on tölkki Campbellin tomaattikeittoa.
    ellauri082.html on line 361: Alan Perlisin typeryyxiin kuului tää: A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God. Pikemminkin päinvastoin: siitä näkee miten alkeellinen mekanismi äly on.
    ellauri083.html on line 50: Helmi $ Taala oli lähetyssaarnaaja-asennossa tehty blondi kiinanamerikatar, talousliberaali tän kovaa yritteliäisyyttä peukuttavan rags to riches nobelkirjan perusteella ja antikommari. Sillä oli selkeesti länkkäreiltä poliittinen tilaus. Vähintään puolet nobelvoittajista on ollut tollasia tilauxia. Ellei enemmän.
    ellauri083.html on line 54: Her 1962 novel Satan Never Sleeps described the Communist tyranny in China. Following the Communist Revolution in 1949, Buck was repeatedly refused all attempts to return to her beloved China and therefore was compelled to remain in the United States for the rest of her life.
    ellauri083.html on line 82: The writer Pearl S. Buck emerged into literary stardom in 1931 when she published a book called "The Good Earth." That story of family life in a Chinese village won the novelist international acclaim, the Pulitzer, and eventually a Nobel Prize. Her upbringing in China as the American daughter of missionaries served as inspiration for that novel and many others. By her death in 1973, Pearl Buck had written around 100 books.
    ellauri083.html on line 124: It can never be said of the Swedish Academy that they don't know what they like. Between Independent People, The Growth of the Soil, The Good Earth, and probably several others I haven't read yet it seems clear that the path to a Nobel Prize in literature is the one trod by struggling farmers out in the countryside.
    ellauri083.html on line 129: Growth of the Soil (Norwegian Mannens Grodor), is a novel by Knut Hamsun which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. It follows the story of a man who settles and lives in rural Norway.
    ellauri083.html on line 135: The Good Earth (English The Good Earth) is a historical fiction novel by American author Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 that dramatizes family life in a Chinese village in the early 20th century. It was influential in Buck's winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938.
    ellauri083.html on line 153: Independent People (Icelandic: Sjálfstætt fólk) is an epic novel by Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness, originally published in two volumes in 1934 and 1935; literally the title means "Self-standing folk". It deals with the struggle of poor Icelandic farmers in the early 20th century, only freed from debt bondage in the last generation, and surviving on isolated crofts in an inhospitable landscape.
    ellauri083.html on line 155: The novel is considered among the foremost examples of social realism in Icelandic fiction in the 1930s. It is an indictment of materialism, the cost of the self-reliant spirit to relationships, and capitalism itself. This book, along with several other major novels, helped Laxness win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1955.
    ellauri083.html on line 165: When Bjartur returns, he assumes that Rósa has set the animal loose. When he cannot find her when it comes time to put the sheep inside for the winter, he once more leaves his wife, by now heavily pregnant, to search the mountains for the gimmer. He is delayed by a blizzard, and nearly dies of exposure. On his return to Summerhouses he finds that Rósa has died in childbirth. His dog Titla is curled around the baby girl, still clinging to life due to the warmth of the dog. With help from Rauðsmýri, the child survives; Bjartur decides to raise her as his daughter, and names her Ásta Sóllilja ("beloved sun lily").
    ellauri083.html on line 169: The rest of the novel charts the drudgery and the battle for survival of life in Summerhouses, the misery, dreams and rebellions of the inhabitants and what appears to be the curse of Summerhouses taking effect. In the middle of the novel, however, World War I commences and the prices for Icelandic mutton and wool soar, so that even the poorest farmers begin to dream of relief from their poverty. Particularly central is the relationship between Bjartur and Ásta Sóllilja.
    ellauri083.html on line 336: For all their profusion, these paled in comparison with Sachs's newest display pieces: The Cabinet, 2014, and The Rockeths, 2017. The former was a folding case fashioned from orange-and-white striped barricades and festooned with hundreds of tools, hung in groups and inscribed with the names of individuals who have "inspired, influenced, or frightened" the artist--from Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn to the members of the Wu-Tang Clan--while the latter was less a cabinet than a kind of portable workbench and shelving unit, similarly jam-packed with the tools of the artist's trade, as well as a collection of model rockets, all again labeled to namecheck various figures of personal importance--scientists, musicians, artists; Apollo, Dionysus, Stringer Bell. The fetishistic frisson the assembled materials (pens, pliers, drill bits, tape measures) clearly provoke in Sachs was made even more explicit in McMasterbation, 2016, one of a trio of scale-model space modules arrayed on plinths. Featuring a copy of the legendarily comprehensive McMaster-Carr hardware catalogue spread open like a porn mag centerfold designed for lonely gearheads--alongside a ready supply of Vaseline and a handy tissue dispenser--it was part cathectic confession of objectophilia and part self-derogating indictment of his own work's tendencies toward sometimes masturbatory excess. Smart and stupid, funny and somehow a bit sad, it was classic Sachs: too much information, in every sense of the phrase.
    ellauri083.html on line 338: Hendershot recalls that, in the Schreber case, God was believed to manifest his creative and destructive power as celestial rays (Freud 22). As with spider-webs and hedgehogs quills, this radial pattern describing dilation and contraction, movement back and forth from center to circumference and from circumference to center, is the essential figure for the paranoid narcissism of a subject who feels threatened by the world and guilty for having taken "his own body [...] as his love-object" (Freud 60). Signaling Fistule's repressed homosexuality, the rays of his intelligence had first been focused on the masochistic annihilation of his genitals, which he denies were the original object of his love ("organes hideux," "vomitoires de dejections"), and then had been used in reconstructing a sexless new reality. Insisting on his exemption from the Naturalist law of biological determinism, Fistule denies his human parentage and maintains that he was born of a star, which, shining like the rays of his genius, had inseminated him and allowed him to be the father of himself, causa sui. Homosexual guilt initially projected as the corruptibility of matter is overcome by Fistule's principle of Stellogenesis, which turns flesh into radiance and bodies into starlight. As Hendershot concludes: "In Freud's theory, the paranoiac withdraws from the world (decathexis), directs his or her cathectic energy to the ego resulting in self-aggrandizement, and then attempts to reestablish a cathectic relationship with the world in the form of a delusional system"
    ellauri083.html on line 527: What does “complicated joy” mean? I suppose we could say that Joelle gets a complicated form of pleasure from stringing Gately along. Although I’m not sure I believe that pleasure is necessarily equivalent to joy…there is a lot of complicated pleasure in the book, i.e. addictions to pleasurable substances, sex with underage partners, killing animals, etc. But are we truly supposed to believe that these characters are experiencing joy in their lives?
    ellauri088.html on line 436: Haju Pisilä fick en knuff i ryggen som han mycket väl hade förtjänat av en rakryggad finländare. "Det var ingen knuff", ven Pisilä, "det var ett riktigt nävslag, jag fick blåmärken på ryggen. Demokratin är en så värdefull sak att det inte får offras bara för att publiken får knuffa mig på gatan! Sparka ut den eländiga säkerhetschefen som såg knuffen! Han hade inget ärende att sticka näsan i det här! Delera videomaterialet, det är säkerhetsbeläggt! Det visar min bakdel i ett mycket ofördelaktigt ljus! Fan anamma, Haju, du borde ha fått istället för en knuff ett rejält knull i röven! Och filmen därpå borde förvaras i Suomi Filmi's arkiv på nationalklenoder.
    ellauri089.html on line 37: I wonder how harmless such people are? To what extent civilization is retarded by the laughing jack-asses, the empty-minded belittlers? Nature's obvious mistakes? Mies sitä tulee räkänokasta, muttei tyhjän naurajasta. (Heinlein)
    ellauri089.html on line 92: Isaac Asimov believed that Heinlein made a swing to the right politically at the same time he married Ginny.
    ellauri089.html on line 142: Woodrow Wilson I believe was a college professor who turned out to be a terrible president.
    ellauri089.html on line 197: Job: A Comedy of Justice is a novel by Robert A. Heinlein published in 1984. The title is a reference to the biblical Book of Job and James Branch Cabell's book Jurgen, A Comedy of Justice.
    ellauri089.html on line 210: Men rarely if ever manage to dream up a god superior to themselves. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child. One man's theology is another man's belly laugh. The most ridiculous concept ever perpetrated by Homo Sapiens is that the Lord God of Creation, Shaper and Ruler of the Universes, wants the saccharine adoration of his creations, that he can be persuaded by their prayers, and becomes petulant if he does not receive this flattery. Yet this ridiculous notion, without one real shred of evidence to bolster it, has gone on to found one of the oldest, largest and least productive industries in history.
    ellauri089.html on line 546: § 68. Metaphysics, as dealing with a "supersensible reality" may have a bearing upon practical Ethics (1) if its supersensible reality is conceived as something future, which our actions can affect; and (2) since it will prove that every proposition of practical Ethics is false, if it can shew that an eternal reality is either the only real thing or the only good thing. Most metaphysical writers, believing in a reality of the latter kind, do thus imply the complete falsehood of every practical proposition, although they fail to see that their Metaphysics thus contradicts their Ethics. …
    ellauri089.html on line 552: § 71. and another seems to lie in the failure to distinguish between that which suggests a truth, or is a cause of our knowing it, and that upon which it logically depends, or which is a reason for believing it: in the former sense fiction has a more important bearing on Ethics than Metaphysics can have. …
    ellauri089.html on line 631: § 108. finally (c) where virtue consists in "conscientiousness", i.e., the disposition not to act, in certain cases, until we believe or feel that our action is right, it seems to have some intrinsic value: the value of this feeling has been peculiarly emphasized by Christian Ethics, but it certainly is not, as Kant would lead us to think, either the sole thing of value, or always good even as a means. …
    ellauri089.html on line 652: § 116. But (3) granted that the appropriate combination of these two elements is always a considerable good and may be a very great one, we may ask whether, where there is added to this a true belief in the existence of the object of cognition, the whole thus formed is not much more valuable still. …
    ellauri089.html on line 658: § 119. if, however, we attempt to avoid being biased by these two facts, it still seems that mere true belief may be a condition essential to great value. …
    ellauri090.html on line 126: Palha’s business flourishes as Rubião’s wealth begins to dwindle. Rubião becomes subject to fits of madness, believing that he is Napoleon III of France. When Rubião gets into a carriage alone with Sophia, she thinks he is still attracted to her. She panics and orders him to get out. Thinking he is Napoleon III, Rubião treats Sophia as if she were the emperor’s mistress, but eventually he leaves the carriage.
    ellauri090.html on line 130: For a time, Rubião’s friends accept his madness as he continues to provide meals and entertainment for them. Eventually, however, Rubião’s house falls into disrepair as his belief in himself as the emperor becomes constant. Doña Tonica becomes engaged to a man who dies before the wedding. Children on the street, including Deolindo, whose life Rubião had saved, make fun of him as a madman. Prodded by Doña Fernanda, a woman who barely knows Rubião, Sophia convinces Palha to set Rubião up in a little rented house on Principe Street. No one visits Rubião in his new humble residence. His former “friends” miss the luxury of Rubião’s wealthy surroundings in the house in Botafogo.
    ellauri090.html on line 132: Rubião continues to believe he is Napoleon III, but Doña Fernanda thinks he can be cured. She manages to get him to enter an asylum. She also rescues Quincas Borba and sends the dog to the sanatorium to be with Rubião. After a short time, appearing to be regaining his sanity, Rubião escapes the asylum and returns to Barbacena with Quincas Borba, his only friend. Rubião dies there, and within three days, Quincas Borba dies there as well.
    ellauri090.html on line 147: —Bolha não tem opinião. Apparentemente, ha nada mais contristador que uma dessas terriveis pestes que devastam um ponto do globo? E, todavia, esse supposto mal é um beneficio, não só porque elimina os organismos fracos, incapazes de resistencia, como porque dá logar á observação, á descoberta da droga curativa. A hygiene é filha de podridões seculares; devemol-a a milhões de corrompidos e infectos. Nada se perde, tudo é ganho. Repito, as bolhas ficam na agua. Vês este livro? É D. Quixote. Se eu destruir o meu exemplar, não elimino a obra, que continua eterna nos exemplares subsistentes e nas edições posteriores. Eterna e bella, bellamente eterna, como este mundo divino e supra-divino.
    ellauri090.html on line 165: Pardo (feminine parda) is a term used in the former Portuguese and Spanish colonies in the Americas to refer to the triracial descendants of Europeans, Amerindians, and West Africans. In some places they were defined as neither exclusively mestizo (Amerindian-European descent), nor mulatto (West African-European descent), nor zambo (Amerindian-West African descent). In colonial Mexico, pardo "became virtually synonymous with mulatto, thereby losing much of its indigenous referencing." In the eighteenth century, pardo might have been the preferred label for blackness. Unlike negro, pardo had no association with slavery. Casta paintings from eighteenth-century Mexico use the label negro never pardo to identify Africans paired with Spaniards.
    ellauri090.html on line 301: Seus dois primeiros livros de estreia, Crisálidas (1864) e Falenas (1870), são poéticos. Vinte e dois poemas, escritos entre 1858 e 64, compunham este primeiro livro. Há nestes poemas todos uma emoção "menos desbordante" que o comum lirismo da literatura brasileira. As Crisálidas eram inspiradas pelo higor por intensas emoções amorosas ou pelo belo do feminino.
    ellauri092.html on line 184: In 1914–1917 many Methodist ministers made strong pleas for world peace. President Woodrow Wilson (a Presbyterian), promised "a war to end all wars." Tästä teki sitten pilaa italialainen nobelistirunoilija Eugenio Montale, joka on aika lailla kyllä never heard. Se oli liian hermeettinen vedotaxeen kansan makuun. Oikeastaan sen ei olis kuulunutkaan saada noobelia kerze oli pessimisti, muze oli sentään antifasisti, joista sodan aikana lie Italiassa ollut pula. Eli jälleen kerran sellanen poliittinen virkanimitys. Montale oli kantava voima runoilijaryhmässä, joka kutsui itseään Hermeettiseksi seuraksi. Ryhmä tuotti täysin epäloogisia runoja, jotka kuvastivat absurdia ajatusta Sodasta, joka päättää kaikki sodat.
    ellauri092.html on line 213: Baptists, as their very name implies, adhere to baptism. But not just any baptism – Baptists are more specific on the issue. Baptist subscribe to credo baptism by immersion. That means that they believe in baptism of a confessing believer by immersion into water. They reject pedobaptism and other modes of baptism (sprinkling, pouring, etc.). This is one distinctive that holds true for nearly all Baptist denominations and churches. They are Baptists, after all!
    ellauri092.html on line 223: Many people have wondered, are baptist and methodist the same? The answer is no. However, there are some similarities. Both Baptists and Methodist are trinitarian. Both hold that the Bible is the central text in faith and practice (though groups within both the families of denominations would dispute the Bible’s authority). Both Baptists and Methodists have historically affirmed the divinity of Christ, justification by faith alone, and the reality of heaven for those who die in Christ, and eternal torment in hell for those who die unbelieving.
    ellauri092.html on line 227: Methodists believe that baptism is a sign of regeneration and new birth. And they accept all modes of baptism (sprinkling, pouring, immersion, etc.) as valid. Methodists are open to baptism of both those who confess faith themselves, and those whose parents or sponsors confess faith.
    ellauri092.html on line 231: Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church, and churches are most often governed by a form of congregationalism, or pastor-led congregationalism. In more recent years, however, many Baptist Churches have adopted an elder-led congregationalism as a preferred form of polity. Although there are many denominational alliances among churches, most Baptist local churches are entirely autonomous in governing their own affairs, choosing their pastors, purchasing and owning their own property, etc..
    ellauri092.html on line 253: Baptists are traditionally mixed on the Calvinism-Arminianism debate. Few would call themselves true Arminians, and most Baptists would probably self-describe as modified (or moderate) Calvinists – or 4 point Calvinists, rejecting especially the doctrine of Limited Atonement. In contrast to Methodists, most all Baptists believe in the eternal security of a Christian, though many hold to a view of this that is very different from the Reformed doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints.
    ellauri092.html on line 257: Methodism has traditionally align itself with Arminian doctrinal positions, with very few exceptions and very little debate. Most Methodists believe in prevenient grace, and reject predestination, perseverance of the saints, and so on.
    ellauri092.html on line 259: As noted, most Baptist churches and church members hold enthusiastically to the doctrine of Eternal Security. The saying, once saved, always saved is popular today among Baptists. Methodists, on the other hand, believe that truly degenerate Christians can fall away into apostasy and be lost.
    ellauri092.html on line 271: William Boardman worked closely with Robert Pearsall Smith, whose wife Hannah Whitall Smith, a Quaker, became well known in the movement for her belief in “quietism”. Quietism teaches that “sinless perfection” is attainable in this life and comes from inner quietness or meditative contemplation that is believed to allow God to work as all human effort ceases. Remind you of something today?
    ellauri092.html on line 273: Those involved with the Keswick Movement were continuationists otherwise known as anti-cessationists. These folks then (as well as today), believed the sign gifts including tongues never stopped. History as well as Scripture tells us that this is not true; that in fact, the sign gifts did actually cease not long after the last apostle died and the Bible had finished being written (though not yet compiled into Canon).
    ellauri092.html on line 285: One of the main errors within the Keswick Movement is their unbiblical view of sanctification. Keswickians believe when a person becomes saved, they are immediately justified. This is certainly Scriptural fact (Romans 3:21-26; 5:18-19; 2 Corinthians 5:21). There is nothing I can do to justify myself before God. Only salvation provides this immediate and eternal justification as Christ’s righteousness is literally imputed to my account.
    ellauri092.html on line 289: Adherents of Keswickianism would agree with the above regarding justification. However, when it comes to sanctification, they move off in a different direction. They generally do not believe the Holy Mackerel comes into the person and takes up residence at salvation, but that the Holy Mackerel simply comes upon the person to seal them with salvation. It is later, at a time they refer to variously as the “second blessing,” or “higher living,” when they say sanctification occurs. Ultimately, their view of sanctification is flat out mysticism akin to New Age’s goal of an altered state of consciousness. This is all based on a strong (and seemingly biblical), desire to emotionally “know” God. The person turns inward to meet the felt needs of self.
    ellauri092.html on line 295: …the problems in the Keswick theology are severe. Because of its corrupt roots, Keswick errs seriously in its ecumenical tendencies, theological shallowness or even incomprehensibility, neglect of the role of the Word of God in sanctification, shallow views of sin and perfectionism, support of some tenants of Pelagianism and semi-Pelagianism, improper divorce of justification and sanctification, confusion about the nature of saving repentance, denial that God’s sanctifying grace always frees Christians from bondage to sin and changes them, failure to warn strongly about the possibility of those who are professedly Christians being unregenerate, support for an unbiblical pneumatology, belief in the continuation of the sign gifts, maintenance of significant exegetical errors, distortion of the positions and critiques of opponents of the errors of Keswick, misrepresentation of the nature of faith in sanctification, support for a kind of Quietism, and denial that God actually renews the nature of the believer to make him more personally holy. Keswick theology differs in important ways from the Biblical doctrine of sanctification. It should be rejected.
    ellauri092.html on line 297: But who in history have been associated with Keswick due to agreement with it? Here are just some of the more well known people below
    ellauri092.html on line 301: A. W. Tozer (the Keswick Movement gave birth to the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination of which Tozer belonged)
    ellauri092.html on line 330: Andrew Murray, A W Tozer and others now make perfect sense to me when I read their books. They were mystics who sought, focused on and tended to emphasize an emotional experience they believed was holiness. I understand that mistake because I also desperately reached for that for several years. It doesn’t work and causes the Christian to constantly look to his/her emotions for verification.
    ellauri092.html on line 334: Thirty-five years later, I can honestly say I love my wife more now than I did early on, though I certainly believed I could not love her more in our early days. However, my love for my wife now is not (but can at times include), emotion. It is something far different than raw emotion because it is based in carnal knowledge. I love her and I know she loves me.
    ellauri092.html on line 357: Granted. Täytyy vaan panna verhot kiinni jos tulee suoraa ilmoitusta tähtisateena. Tuomas akvinolaisen mukaan sekin on tän järkikullan lisäksi välttämätöntä, mutta voi joskus mennä ihmisen valta ja väkivalta yhteen ja kadota yleisen ilmoituksen välttämättömyyden tuolle puolen erityinen ilmoitus, että turpa kiinni nyt lennetään, ja myöhemmin ilmenee että erityisen ilmoituksen takana on sama taho, joka sekoitti yleisen edun ja yleisen ilmoituksen jotenkin toisiinsa. Niinkuin esim. Pierre Abelardin tapauksessa.
    ellauri092.html on line 524: Details has been updated below. Let's check, How Rich is Irina Krohn in 2021?
    ellauri093.html on line 124: Taylor was born on 21 May 1832 the son of a chemist (pharmacist) and Methodist lay preacher James Taylor and his wife, Amelia (Hudson), but as a young man he ran away from the Christian beliefs of his parents. At 17, after reading an evangelistic tract pamphlet entitled "Poor Richard", he professed faith in Christ, and in December 1849, he committed himself to going to China as a missionary. Vaihtoi metodia. Sen guru Cronin oli Plymouthin Brethreneitä.
    ellauri093.html on line 180: Wingate was killed in an aircraft accident late in the war. The casualty rate the Chindits suffered, especially from disease, is a continuing controversy. Wingate believed that resistance to infection could be improved by inculcating a tough mental attitude, but medical officers considered his methods unsuited to a tropical environment.
    ellauri093.html on line 191: Both Open and Exclusive Brethren have historically been known as "Plymouth Brethren." That is still largely the case in some areas, such as North America and Northern Ireland. In some other parts of the world such as Australia and New Zealand, most Open Brethren shun the "Plymouth" label. This is mostly because of widespread negative media coverage of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church, the most hardline branch of the Exclusive Brethren (and the only numerically significant Exclusive group in either country), which most Open Brethren consider to be a cult with which they do not wish to be misidentified.
    ellauri093.html on line 193: Terminology which sometimes confuses Brethren and non-Brethren alike is the distinction between the Open assemblies, usually called "Chapels", and the Closed assemblies (non-Exclusive), called "Gospel Halls." Contrary to common misconceptions, those traditionally known as the "Closed Brethren" are not a part of the Exclusive Brethren, but are rather a very conservative subset of the Open Brethren. The Gospel Halls regard reception to the assembly as a serious matter. One is not received to the Lord's Supper but to the fellowship of the assembly. This is important because the Lord's Supper is for believers, not unbelievers.
    ellauri093.html on line 195: Some Chapels, on the other hand, will allow practically anyone to participate who walks in and says that he is a Christian, based on the newcomer's profession of faith. Such assemblies are said to have an "open table" approach to strangers. Gospel Hall Brethren, on the other hand, generally believe that only those formally recognised as part of that or an equivalent assembly should break bread. Most Closed and some Open Brethren hold that association with evil defiles and that sharing the Communion meal can bring that association.
    ellauri093.html on line 213: The term "Exclusive" is most commonly used in the media to describe one separatist group known as Taylor-Hales Brethren, who now call themselves the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church (PBCC). The majority of Christians known as Exclusive Brethren are not connected with the Taylor-Hales group, who are known for their extreme interpretation of separation from evil and their belief of what constitutes fellowship. In their view, fellowship includes dining out, business and professional partnerships, membership of clubs, etc., rather than just the act of Communion (Lord's Supper), so these activities are done only with other members.
    ellauri093.html on line 217: One of the most defining elements of the Brethren is the rejection of the concept of clergy. Their view is that all Christians are ordained by God to serve and therefore all are ministers, in keeping with the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. The Brethren embrace the most extensive form of that idea, in that there is no ordained or unordained person or group employed to function as minister(s) or pastors. Brethren assemblies are led by the local church eiders (fig. 1) within any fellowship.
    ellauri093.html on line 311: Historically, there is no office of "pastor" in most Brethren churches, because they believe that the term "pastor" (ποιμην "poimen" in Greek) as it is used in Ephesians 4:11 describes one of the "gifts" given to the church, rather than a specific office.
    ellauri093.html on line 317: The Open Brethren believe in a plurality of eiders (Acts 14:23; 15:6,23; 20:17; Philippians 1:1), men meeting the Biblical qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:6–9. This position is also taken in some Baptist churches, especially Reformed Baptists, and by the Churches of Christ. It is understood that eiders are appointed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28) and are recognised as meeting the qualifications by the assembly and by previously existing eiders. Generally, the eiders themselves will look out for men who meet the biblical qualifications, and invite them to join them as eiders. In some Open assemblies, eiders are elected democratically, but this is a fairly recent development and is still relatively uncommon.
    ellauri093.html on line 319: Officially naming and recognizing "eidership" is common to Open Brethren (cf. 1 Thessalonians 5:12–13), whereas many Exclusive Brethren assemblies believe that recognizing a man as an "eider" is too close to having clergy, and therefore a group of "leading brothers", none of whom has an official title of any kind, attempts to present issues to the entire group for it to decide upon, believing that the whole group must decide, not merely a body of "eiders". Traditionally, only men are allowed to speak (and, in some cases, attend) these decision-making meetings, although not all assemblies follow that rule today.
    ellauri093.html on line 321: The term "Eider" is based on the same Scriptures that are used to identify "Bishops" and "Overseers" in other Christian circles, and some Exclusive Brethren claim that the system of recognition of eiders by the assembly means that the Open Brethren cannot claim full adherence to the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.[27] Open Brethren consider, however, that this reveals a mistaken understanding of the priesthood of all believers which, in the Assemblies, has to do with the ability to directly offer worship to God and His Christ at the Lord's Supper, whether silently or audibly, without any human mediator being necessary—which is in accordance with 1 Timothy 2:5, where it is stated that Christ Jesus Himself is the sole Mediator between God and men ("men" being used here generically of mankind, and not referring simply and solely to "males").
    ellauri093.html on line 351: Hiljan äidin porukoilla oli mökki Lahden lähellä Vesijärvellä. Joxeenkin rauhismainen ilmeisesti. Nimikin oli Rauhaniemi. Siellä oli pyöreitä asteri- ja bellispenkkejä, ja sieviä pöytäryhmiä kahvitarjoilua varten. Mäntymezä oli perattu puistomaisexi ja aidattu piikkilangalla jotta naapurit pysyisivät loitolla. Marjapensaita ja keittiökasvimaita oli ennestään, ja suuri alue varattiin puutarhamansikoille. Saku pantiin pumppaamaan vesi järvestä kaivonrenkaisiin josta se valutettiin istutuxille.
    ellauri093.html on line 368: Kari oli hipin näköinen knebelbart. Siis nuorempana kun sillä oli vielä pitkähkö tukka päässä. Ei kovin mieliinpainuva, aika väpelö, paizi että antoi Hiljalle luvan taiteilla, kunhan ei ylitä sopivaisuuden rajoja. Esim. runouden tehtävä on antaa meille esikuvia. Ei mitä vaan mielikuvia, eikä varsinkaan mitään rumia, kuulitko hei paasaaja?
    ellauri093.html on line 909: The above words came fresh in my mind in writing. They were often used by my beloved father, when he led his children to the throne of grace in family worship. If they find an echo in the hearts of the readers I shall be deeply thankful.
    ellauri094.html on line 166: Jos joku ihminen ajattelee näin, en missään nimessä tuomitse, mutta arvoliberalismi sinänsä on hyvin vaarallinen, koska siinä arvot eivät enää paina mitään. Yksi suurimpia arvoja, joita voin kuvitellakaan, on kristilliset arvot, jotka ottavat huomioon lähimmäisen ihmisen, lähimmäisenrakkauden ja toisen auttamisen ja yleensä sen viestin, mikä tässä pahassa maailmassa on tarpeen. Siksi suren tätä keskustelua, että Suomi on ajautunut tähän tilanteeseen. Heikoilla voimillani en tätä pysty estämään, mutta omalta osaltani parhaani teen, että tulevaisuudessa pidetään ääntä näiden oikeiden arvojen puolesta ja myös sen, että lähimmäistä ja heikompaa autetaan. Tänne tullessani annoin kaxikymppiä syrjäytyneelle, jonka viinipullo oli autosta nostettaessa särkynyt. Sillä saa kaxikin putelia kyykkyviiniä. Baabelin paperiseppä takoi Israelin kansalle 10 sukupolven tuomion, meidän herra isoherra alensi sen tuplaan. Diesel-kurssi varttihulluille. Tuli tukkualennus. Mä oon samassa asemassa, täytyy ajatella omaa perhettä.
    ellauri094.html on line 181: Babylonin vankeus (vanhassa raamatunkäännöksessä Baabelin vankeus) oli juutalaisten maanpakolaisuus Babyloniassa Kaksoisvirranmaassa Mesopotamiassa. Se alkoi vuonna 597 eaa., jolloin Nebukadressar II ensimmäisen kerran valloitti Jerusalemin, ja päättyi Kyyroksen valloitettua Babylonin vuonna 539 eaa.
    ellauri094.html on line 183: Tää tuli eteen Swinburnen Baabel-runon ansiosta alempana, Jönsyn mainittua yhden ikävystyttävämmän runon tältä algolagnilta. Ketä oli proffina Baabelin vankeusaikoina? No ainaskin se Jeremia, josta on aikaisemminkin paasattu. Palaan yli vuoden kuluttua näille jäljille kuin koira oxennuxelle. Alkuerissä oli Joel ja Aamos jotka nokitti kiukkusesti Eesaun Edomia. Loppuerissä sit vielä se Hesekiel, joka sai Hiljan veren kiehumaan Kolilla. Ja pikkuprofeetta Obadja.

    ellauri094.html on line 211: Archaeological studies have revealed that, although Jerusalem was utterly destroyed, other parts of Judah continued to be inhabited during the period of the exile. Most of the exiled did not return to their homeland, instead travelling westward and northward. Many settled in what is now northern Israel, Lebanon and Syria. The Iraqi Jewish, Persian Jewish, Georgian Jewish, and Bukharan Jewish communities are believed to derive their ancestry in large part from these exiles. These communities are now largely concentrated in Israel.
    ellauri094.html on line 300: Return by many Jews to Yehud under bel" title="Zerubbabel">Zerubbabel and Joshua the High Priest.
    Foundations of Second Temple laid
    ellauri094.html on line 304: Peltonen, Mauno: Baabelin vankeus ja Jerusalemin tuhon ajoitus
    ellauri094.html on line 310: Juutalaisten Baabelin kakun kesto on ateististen ja teististen profeettojen välinen klassinen kiistakapula. Heilahtiko häkki vaan Neuvostoliiton iäxi (kuten sanoo teistit) vai tuliko jenkkityyliin suorastaan kolmattasataa vuotta pyttyä (à la ateistit, jotka lukevat pirun toimittamaa standardiraamattua).
    ellauri094.html on line 340: Here are the answers which the skeptic believes indicate a Bible contradiction:
    ellauri094.html on line 373: One of the reason to doubt Baruch 6:2 is actually written by Jeremiah and to believe it was written much later is that the Book of Jeremiah talks about the remnant will begin returning within 70 years and yet Baruch 6:2 state the return will be within 7 generations which seems to excuse those who were Jewish reading this book that never did went back to Jerusalem for many generations but continued living outside Jerusalem. Fascinating as well is the fact that this book was written in Greek and not in Hebrew which indicate the likely audience was the Jewish Diaspora.
    ellauri094.html on line 378: We shouldn’t miss that worldviews are at play even with the skeptic’s objection to Christianity. The worldview of the author of the Skeptic Annotated Bible actually doesn’t even allow for such a thing as the law of non-contradiction to be meaningful and intelligible. In other words for him to try to disprove the Bible by pointing out that there’s a Bible contradiction doesn’t even make sense within his own worldview. Check out our post “Skeptic Annotated Bible Author’s Self-Defeating Worldview.” Read also Stanford's bit on contradictory beliefs here. Lisää aiheesta:
    ellauri094.html on line 383: ellauri019.html Baabelin vankeus
    ellauri094.html on line 395:

    Baabelin virtain vierillä.

    ellauri094.html on line 398: 1Baabelin virtain vierillä — siellä me istuimme
    ellauri094.html on line 416: 8 Tytär Baabel, sinä häviön oma,
    ellauri094.html on line 729: So in your view of Christianity, let me get this straight, you honestly believe that God wants you to kill the Jihadists? Am I understanding you right?
    ellauri094.html on line 760: Almost all atheists believe in Marxism and have a thought process that is so uniform as to appear like a mass produced. Prayer is what human beings do. Homo Orate (or was it Anate? oh well), man who prays, prays 24/7, 365.25. But man of all creatures, is born and lives completely unaware of nature (as taught by religion). Jesus, Son of God, gave us the Lord’s Prayer, which is a short, convenient prayer, easier to mass produce than a Ford. But in order to benefit from prayer, the man must pursue excellence in prayer.
    ellauri094.html on line 787: (Would you believe in a love at first sight?)
    ellauri095.html on line 39: Some critics believe he merely coined a name for poems with mixed, irregular feet, like free verse. However, while sprung rhythm allows for an indeterminate number of syllables to a foot, Hopkins was very careful to keep the number of feet per line consistent across each individual work, a trait that free verse does not share. Sprung rhythm may be classed as a form of accentual verse, as it is stress-timed, rather than syllable-timed, and while sprung rhythm did not become a popular literary form, Hopkins's advocacy did assist in a revival of accentual verse more generally.
    ellauri095.html on line 45: Stones ring; like each tucked string tells, each hung bell's
    ellauri095.html on line 145: After several years of ill health and bouts of diarrhoea, Hopkins died of typhoid fever in 1889 and was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, after a funeral in St Francis Xavier Church in Gardiner Street, located in Georgian Dublin. He is thought to have suffered throughout his life from what today might be labelled bipolar disorder or chronic unipolar depression, and battled a deep sense of melancholic anguish. However, his last words on his death bed were, "I am so happy, I am so happy. I loved my life." He was 44 years of age.
    ellauri095.html on line 159: He influenced such poets as W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, John Berryman, Robert Lowell, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Denise Levertov, and the Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney. In the 1920s and 30s, he was a darling of the British and American “New Critics” who prized and probed his poems’ rich “texture.”
    ellauri095.html on line 167: Hopkins composed two poems about Dolben, "Where art thou friend" and "The Beginning of the End". Robert Bridges, who edited the first edition of Dolben's poems as well as Hopkins's, cautioned that the second poem "must never be printed," though Bridges himself included it in the first edition (1918). Another indication of the nature of his feelings for Dolben is that Hopkins's high Anglican confessor seems to have forbidden him to have any contact with Dolben except by letter. Hopkins never saw Dolben again after the latter's short visit to Oxford during which they met, and any continuation of their relationship was abruptly ended by Dolben's drowning two years later in June 1867. Hopkins's feeling for Dolben seems to have cooled by that time, but he was nonetheless greatly affected by his death. "Ironically, fate may have bestowed more through Dolben's death than it could ever have bestowed through longer life ... for many of Hopkins's best poems – impregnated with an elegiac longing for Dolben, his lost beloved and his muse – were the result." Hopkins's relationship with Dolben is explored in the novel The Hopkins Conundrum.
    ellauri095.html on line 176: Another 1997 study from pro-homosexual researchers who were trying defend homosexuals, examined data of AIDS deaths between 1987 to 1992 in Toronto, and found that the life expectancy for the homosexual men was 8 to 20 years lower than heterosexuals. See also Atheism and life expectancy. Religious people live on average four years longer than their agnostic and atheist peers, new research has found. Actually, the atheists´ life expectancy is way lower than true believers´ (estimated at about one infinity). Source: Conservopedia.
    ellauri095.html on line 368: will belong to the world of Kuuluu maailmaan
    ellauri095.html on line 508: This potential for a new sacramental poetry was first realized by Hopkins in The Wreck of the Deutschland. Hopkins recalled that when he read about the wreck of the German ship Deutschland off the coast of England it “made a deep impression on me, more than any other wreck or accident I ever read of,” a statement made all the more impressive when we consider the number of shipwrecks he must have discussed with his father. Hopkins wrote about this particular disaster at the suggestion of Fr. James Jones, Rector of St. Beuno’s College, where Hopkins studied theology from 1874 to 1877. Hopkins recalled that “What I had written I burnt before I became a Jesuit and resolved to write no more, as not belonging to my profession, unless it were by the wish of my superiors; so for seven years I wrote nothing but two or three little presentation pieces which occasion called for [presumably ‘Rosa Mystica’ and ‘Ad Mariam’]. But when in the winter of ’75 the Deutschland was wrecked in the mouth of the Thames and five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany by the Falck Laws, aboard of her were drowned I was affected by the account and happening to say so to my rector he said that he wished someone would write a poem on the subject. On this hint I set to work and, though my hand was out at first, produced one. I had long had haunting my ear the echo of a new rhythm which now I realized on paper.”
    ellauri095.html on line 518: The motif of the singing bird appears again in Gerard’s “Spring” (1877): “and thrush/Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring/The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.” The father’s attempt to represent what it is like to live in a bird’s environment, moreover, to experience daily the “fields, the open sky, /The rising sun, the moon’s pale majesty; /The leafy bower, where the airy nest is hung” was also one of the inspirations of the son’s lengthy account of a lark’s gliding beneath clouds, its aerial view of the fields below, and its proximity to a rainbow in “Il Mystico” (1862), as well as the son’s attempt to enter into a lark’s existence and express its essence mimically in “The Woodlark” (1876). A related motif, Manley’s feeling for clouds, evident in his poem “Clouds,” encouraged his son’s representation of them in “Hurrahing in Harvest’ (1877) and “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire”(1888).
    ellauri095.html on line 553: The wild woman-kind below, villiä naisenpuolta alhaalta,
    ellauri096.html on line 90: W. V. Quine (1953) agrees with Weiss’ conclusion that the teacher’s announcement of a surprise test fails to give the student knowledge that there will be a surprise test. Yet Quine abominates Weiss’ reasoning. Weiss breeches the law of bivalence (which states that every proposition has a truth-value, true or false). Quine believes that the riddle of the surprise test should not be answered by surrendering classical logic. Me too. Right on Willard van Orman Quine! Thumbs up!
    ellauri096.html on line 94: In later writings, Quine evinces general reservations about the concept of knowledge. One of his pet objections is that ‘know’ is vague. If knowledge entails absolute certainty, then too little will count as known. Quine infers that we must equate knowledge with firmly held true belief. Asking just how firm the belief must be is akin to asking just how big something has to be to count as being big. There is no answer to the question because ‘big’ lacks the sort of boundary enjoyed by precise words.
    ellauri096.html on line 96: There is no place in science for bigness, because of this lack of boundary; but there is a place for the relation of biggerness. Here we see the familiar and widely applicable rectification of vagueness: disclaim the vague positive and cleave to the precise comparative. But it is inapplicable to the verb ‘know’, even grammatically. Verbs have no comparative and superlative inflections … . I think that for scientific or philosophical purposes the best we can do is give up the notion of knowledge as a bad job and make do rather with its separate ingredients. We can still speak of a belief as true, and of one belief as firmer or more certain, to the believer’s mind, than another (1987, 109).
    ellauri096.html on line 102: Science is about what is the case rather than what ought to be case. This seems to imply that science does not tell us what we ought to believe. The traditional way to fill the normative gap is to delegate issues of justification to epistemologists. However, Quine is uncomfortable with delegating such authority to philosophers. He prefers the thesis that psychology is enough to handle the issues traditionally addressed by epistemologists (or at least the issues still worth addressing in an Age of Science). This “naturalistic epistemology” seems to imply that ‘know’ and ‘justified’ are antiquated terms – as empty as ‘phlogiston’ or ‘soul’.
    ellauri096.html on line 110: Unlike the believer in ‘No man is an immortal’, the skeptic has trouble asserting ‘There is no knowledge’. For assertion expresses the belief that one knows. That is why Sextus Empiricus (Outlines of Pyrrhonism, I., 3, 226) condemns the assertion ‘There is no knowledge’ as dogmatic skepticism. Sextus prefers agnosticism about knowledge rather than skepticism (considered as “atheism” about knowledge). Yet it just as inconsistent to assert ‘No one can know whether anything is known’. For that conveys the belief that one knows that no one can know whether anything is known.
    ellauri096.html on line 120: Probabilistic skepticism dates back to Arcesilaus who took over the Academy two generations after Plato’s death. This moderate kind of skepticism, recounted by Cicero (Academica 2.74, 1.46) from his days as a student at the Academy, allows for justified belief. Many scientists are attracted to probabilism and dismiss the epistemologist’s preoccupation with knowledge as old-fashioned.
    ellauri096.html on line 126: In 1961 Henry Kyburg pointed out that this policy conflicted with a principle of agglomeration: If you rationally believe p
    ellauri096.html on line 127: and rationally believe q then you rationally believe both p and q. Little pictures of the same scene should sum to a bigger picture of the same scene. If rational belief can be based on an acceptance rule that only requires a high probability, there will be rational belief in a contradiction! You believe of each ticket it loses, and you believe that one of them wins.
    ellauri096.html on line 129: A paradox is commonly defined as a set of propositions that are individually plausible but jointly inconsistent. Paradoxes pressure us to revise beliefs in a highly structured way. For instance, much epistemology orbits a riddle posed by the regress of justification, namely, which of the following is false?
    ellauri096.html on line 131: A belief can only be justified by another justified belief.
    ellauri096.html on line 134: Some beliefs are justified.
    ellauri096.html on line 136: Foundationalists reject (1). They take some propositions to be self-evident. Coherentists reject (2). They tolerate some forms of circular reasoning. For instance, Nelson Goodman (1965) has characterized the method of reflective equilibrium as virtuously circular. Charles Peirce (1933–35, 5.250) rejected (3), an approach later refined by Peter Klein (2007) and championed at book-length by Scott F. Aikin (2011). Infinitists believe that infinitely long chains of justification are no more impossible than infinitely long chains of causation. Finally, the epistemological anarchist rejects (4). As Paul Feyerabend refrains in Against Method, “Anything goes” (1988, vii, 5, 14, 19, 159).
    ellauri096.html on line 138: Very elegant! But if joint inconsistency is rationally tolerable, why do these philosophers bother to offer solutions? Why is it not rational to believe each of (1)–(4), despite their joint inconsistency?
    ellauri096.html on line 142: If you know that your beliefs are jointly inconsistent, then you should reject R. M. Sainsbury’s definition of a paradox as “an apparently unacceptable conclusion derived by apparently acceptable reasoning from apparently acceptable premises” (1995, 1). Take the negation of any of your beliefs as a conclusion and your remaining beliefs as the premises. You should judge this jumble argument as valid, and as having premises that you accept, and yet as having a conclusion you reject (Sorensen 2003b, 104–110). If the conclusion of this argument counts as a paradox, then the negation of any of your beliefs counts as a paradox.
    ellauri096.html on line 146: The preface paradox pressures Kyburg to extend his tolerance of joint inconsistency to the acceptance of contradictions (Sorensen 2001, 156–158). Consider a logic student who is required to pick one hundred truths from a mixed list of tautologies and contradictions. Although the modest student believes each of his answers, A1,A2,…,A100
    ellauri096.html on line 147: , he also believes that at least of one these answers is false. This ensures he believes a contradiction. If any of his answers is false, then the student believes a contradiction (because the only falsehoods on the question list are contradictions). If all of his test answers are true, then the student believes the following contradiction: ∼(A1&A2&…&A100)
    ellauri096.html on line 153: The eliminativist, who thinks that ‘know’ or ‘justified’ is meaningless, will diagnose the epistemic paradoxes as questions that only appear to be well-formed. For instance, the eliminativist about justification would not accept proposition (4) in the regress paradox: ‘Some beliefs are justified’. His point is not that no beliefs meet the high standards for justification, as an anarchist might deny that any ostensible authorities meet the high standards for legitimacy. Instead, the eliminativist unromantically diagnoses ‘justified’ as a pathological term. Just as the astronomer ignores ‘Are there a zillion stars?’ on the grounds that ‘zillion’ is not a genuine numeral, the eliminativist ignores ‘Are some beliefs justified?’ on the grounds that ‘justified’ is not a genuine adjective.
    ellauri096.html on line 157: The student’s overall conclusion, that the test is impossible, is also self-defeating. If the student believes his conclusion then he will not expect the test. So if he receives a test, it will be a surprise. The event will be all the more unexpected because the student has deluded himself into thinking the test is impossible.
    ellauri096.html on line 163: Epistemic paradoxes affect decision theory because rational choices are based on beliefs and desires. If the agent cannot form a rational belief, it is difficult to interpret his behavior as a choice. The purpose of attributing beliefs and desires is to set up practical syllogisms that make sense of actions as means to ends. Subtracting rationality from the agent makes framework useless. Given this commitment to charitable interpretation, there is no possibility of your rationally choosing an option that you believe to be inferior. So if you choose, you cannot really believe you were operating as an anti-expert, that is, someone whose opinions on a topic are reliably wrong (Egan and Elga 2005).
    ellauri096.html on line 197: Critics of Lucas defend the parity between people and computers. They think we have our own Gödel sentences (Lewis 1999, 166–173). In this egalitarian spirit, G. C. Nerlich (1961) models the student’s beliefs in the surprise test example as a logical system. The teacher’s announcement is then a Gödel sentence about the student: There will be a test next week but you will not be able to prove which day it will occur on the basis of this announcement and memory of what has happened on previous exam days. When the number of exam days equals zero the announcement is equivalent to sentence K.
    ellauri096.html on line 223: The cautious draw a conditional moral: If there are actual unknown truths, there are unknowable truths. After all, some philosophers will reject the antecedent because they believe there is an omniscient being.
    ellauri096.html on line 225: But secular idealists and logical positivists concede that there are some actual unknown truths. How can they continue to believe that all truths are knowable? Astonishingly, these eminent philosophers seem refuted by a pinch of epistemic logic. Also injured are those who limit their claims of universal knowability to a limited domain. For instance, Immanuel Kant (A223/B272) asserts that all empirical propositions are knowable. This pocket of optimism would be enough to ignite the contradiction (Stephenson 2015).
    ellauri096.html on line 233: Those who believe that the Church-Fitch result is a genuine paradox can respond to Williamson with paradoxes that accord with common sense (and science –and religious orthodoxy). For instance, common sense heartily agrees with the conclusion that something exists. But it is surprising that this can be proved without empirical premises. Since the quantifiers of standard logic (first order predicate logic with identity) have existential import, the logician can deduce that something exists from the principle that everything is identical to itself. Most philosophers balk at this simple proof because they feel that the existence of something cannot be proved by sheer logic. Likewise, many philosophers balk at the proof of unknowables because they feel that such a profound result cannot be obtained from such limited means.
    ellauri096.html on line 238: (M) I went to the pictures last Tuesday, but I don’t believe that I did.
    ellauri096.html on line 247: There is no problem with third person counterparts of (M). Anyone else can say about Moore, with no paradox, ‘G. E. Moore went to the pictures last Tuesday but he does not believe it’. (M) can also be embedded unparadoxically in conditionals: ‘If I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I do not believe it, then I am suffering from a worrisome lapse of memory ’. The past tense is fine: ‘I went to the picture shows last Tuesday but I did not believe it’. The future tense, ‘I went to the picture shows last Tuesday but I will not believe it’, is a bit more of a stretch (Bovens 1995). We tend to picture our future selves as better informed. Later selves are, as it were, experts to whom earlier selves should defer. When an earlier self foresees that his later self believes p
    ellauri096.html on line 248: , then the prediction is a reason to believe p
    ellauri096.html on line 249: . Bas van Fraassen (1984, 244) dubs this “the principle of reflection”: I ought to believe a proposition given that I will believe it at some future time.
    ellauri096.html on line 251: Robert Binkley (1968) anticipates van Fraassen by applying the reflection principle to the surprise test paradox. The student can foresee that he will not believe the announcement if no test is given by Thursday. The conjunction of the history of testless days and the announcement will imply the Moorean sentence:
    ellauri096.html on line 253: (A′) The test is on Friday but you do not believe it.
    ellauri096.html on line 255: Since the less evident member of the conjunction is the announcement, the student will choose not to believe the announcement. At the beginning of the week, the student foresees that his future self may not believe the announcement. So the student on Sunday will not believe the announcement when it is first uttered.
    ellauri096.html on line 257: Binkley illuminates this reasoning with doxastic logic. The inference rules for this logic of belief can be understood as idealizing the student into an ideal reasoner. In general terms, an ideal reasoner is someone who infers what he ought and refrains from inferring any more than he ought. Since there is no constraint on his premises, we may disagree with the ideal reasoner. But if we agree with the ideal reasoner’s premises, we appear bound to agree with his conclusion. Binkley specifies some requirements to give teeth to the student’s status as an ideal reasoner: the student is perfectly consistent, believes all the logical consequences of his beliefs, and does not forget. Binkley further assumes that the ideal reasoner is aware that he is an ideal reasoner. According to Binkley, this ensures that if the ideal reasoner believes p, then he believes that he will believe p thereafter.
    ellauri096.html on line 262: informed by the teacher’s announcement, so Binkley ought not to use a model in which the announcement is as absurd as the conjunction ‘I went to the pictures last Tuesday but I do not believe it’.
    ellauri096.html on line 265: no test is given by Thursday, the student will find the announcement incredible. At the beginning of the week, the student does not know (or believe) that the teacher will wait that long. A principle that tells me to defer to the opinions of my future self does not imply that I should defer to the opinions of my hypothetical future self. For my hypothetical future self is responding to propositions that need not be actually true.
    ellauri096.html on line 269: Binkley stipulates that the students do not forget. He needs to add that the students know that they will not forget. For the mere threat of a memory lapse sometimes suffices to undermine knowledge. Consider Professor Anesthesiology’s scheme for surprise tests: “A surprise test will be given either Wednesday or Friday with the help of an amnesia drug. If the test occurs on Wednesday, then the drug will be administered five minutes after Wednesday’s class. The drug will instantly erase memory of the test and the students will fill in the gap by confabulation.” You have just completed Wednesday’s class and so temporarily know that the test will be on Friday. Ten minutes after the class, you lose this knowledge. No drug was administered and there is nothing wrong with your memory. You are correctly remembering that no test was given on Wednesday. However, you do not know your memory is accurate because you also know that if the test was given Wednesday then you would have a pseudo-memory indistinguishable from your present memory. Despite not gaining any new evidence, you change your mind about the test occurring on Wednesday and lose your knowledge that the test is on Friday. (The change of belief is not crucial; you would still lack foreknowledge of the test even if you dogmatically persisted in believing that the test will be on Friday.)
    ellauri096.html on line 273: The teacher’s announcement that there will be a surprise test is equivalent to a disjunction of future mistakes: ‘Either there will be a test on Monday and the student will not believe it beforehand or there will be a test Wednesday and the student will not believe it beforehand or the test is on Friday and the student will not believe it beforehand.’
    ellauri096.html on line 275: The points made so far suggest a solution to the surprise test paradox (Sorensen 1988, 328–343). As Binkley (1968) asserts, the test would be a surprise even if the teacher waited until the last day. Yet it can still be true that the teacher’s announcement is informative. At the beginning of the week, the students are justified in believing the teacher’s announcement that there will be a surprise test. This announcement is equivalent to:
    ellauri096.html on line 287: Since the surprise test paradox can also be formulated in terms of rational belief, there will be parallel adjustments for what we ought to believe. We are criticized for failures to believe the logical consequences of what we believe and criticized for believing propositions that conflict with each other. Anyone who meets these ideals of completeness and consistency will be unable to believe a range of consistent propositions that are accessible to other complete and consistent thinkers. In particular, they will not be able to believe propositions attributing specific errors to them, and propositions that entail these off-limit propositions.
    ellauri096.html on line 291: When on trial for impiety, Socrates traced his inquisitiveness to the Oracle at Delphi (Apology 21d in Cooper 1997). Prior to beginning his mission of inquiry, Chaerephon asked the Oracle: “Who is the wisest of men?” The Oracle answered “No one is wiser than Socrates.” This astounded Socrates because he believed he knew nothing. Whereas a less pious philosopher might have questioned the reliability of the Delphic Oracle, Socrates followed the general practice of treating the Oracle as infallible. The only cogitation appropriate to an infallible answer is interpretation. Accordingly, Socrates resolved his puzzlement by inferring that his wisdom lay in recognizing his own ignorance. While others may know nothing, Socrates knows that he knows nothing.
    ellauri096.html on line 295: Socrates could regain consistency by downgrading his meta-knowledge to the status of a belief. If he believes he knows nothing, then he naturally wishes to remedy his ignorance by asking about everything. This rationale is accepted throughout the early dialogues. But when we reach the Meno, one of his interlocutors has an epiphany. After Meno receives the standard treatment from Socrates about the nature of virtue, Meno discerns a conflict between Socratic ignorance and Socratic inquiry (Meno 80d, in Cooper 1997). How would Socrates recognize the correct answer even if Meno gave it?
    ellauri096.html on line 317: Zum Leben Augustins ist wenig gesichert. Augustin soll sehr beliebt gewesen sein, weil er mit seinen zotigen Liedern vor allem während der Pest in Wien im Jahr 1679 die Bevölkerung der Stadt aufheiterte, weshalb er im Volksmund nur als „Lieber Augustin“ bekannt war.
    ellauri096.html on line 327: Das Volkslied O du lieber Augustin ist erst um 1800 in Wien nachgewiesen. Die sehr verbreitete Melodie ist jedoch älter, so ist sie 1720 in einer Musikhandschrift belegt.[1] Teilweise wird Augustin selbst als Verfasser genannt, der Ursprung ist jedoch unklar. Der spöttische Text gibt aber den Galgenhumor wieder, der den Wienern in Erinnerung geblieben ist:
    ellauri096.html on line 682: The associated policy implications were clear: There is no need for any form of government intervention since, ostensibly, government policies aimed at stabilizing the business cycle are welfare-reducing. Since microfoundations are based on the preferences of decision-makers in the model, DSGE models feature a natural benchmark for evaluating the welfare effects of policy changes. The Kydland/Prescott 1982 paper is often considered the starting point of RBC theory and of DSGE modeling in general and its authors were awarded the 2004 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
    ellauri096.html on line 721: Yht paljon kakasta kuin Jaska innostuivat James Joyce ja Thomas Pynchon ainakin, ja Francois Rabelais, ja Riitta Roth. Se on lapsellista sanoi Freud, anaaliretentiivistä, nuukien ja siistien ihmisten vaivoja.
    ellauri096.html on line 741: Muutoinkin Yli-Juonikas jaksaa edelleen yllättää. (Lukija ei tosin jaxa enää yllättyä. Huoh.) Jälleen hän on keittänyt kokoon sellaisen kirjallisen cocktailin, että ei värikkäämmästă väliä. Tamä sitä huolimatta, että teos alkaa yllättävänkin perinteiseen tapaan - aivan kuin mikä tahansa nuorille suunnattu heppakirja. Pieninä vihjeinä tulevasta on tekstiin sisällytetty aika runsaasti sivistyssanoja, joista osa on hyvinkin harvoin käytettyjä. Samoin teoksen henkilöiden nimigalleria on lievästi ilmaistuna exoottinen. Kybele Kivi, Nora Heuristikankare, Kornelia Kernelius, Seppo Soluttautuja ja Hannele Nagellax ovat yxinkertaisemmasta päästä kuin luulisi. Nupin kokoisesta.
    ellauri096.html on line 777: Aristotle, on the other hand, took a more empirical approach to the question, acknowledging that we intuitively believe in akrasia. He distances himself from the Socratic position by locating the breakdown of reasoning in an agent’s opinion, not his appetition. Now, without recourse to appetitive desires, Aristotle reasons that akrasia occurs as a result of opinion. Opinion is formulated mentally in a way that may or may not imitate truth, while appetites are merely desires of the body. Thus, opinion is only incidentally aligned with or opposed to the good, making an akratic action the product of opinion instead of reason. For Aristotle, the antonym of akrasia is enkrateia, which means "in power" (over oneself).
    ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
    ellauri097.html on line 128: Elsewhere, he dismissed higher mathematics and probability theory as "nonsense", after he read Angoff´s article for Charles S. Peirce in the American Mercury. "So you believe in that garbage, too—theories of knowledge, infinity, laws of probability. I can make no sense of it, and I don´t believe you can either, and I don´t think your god Peirce knew what he was talking about."
    ellauri097.html on line 132: Frank Kermode´s The Sense of an Ending (1967) was an early mention of Vaihinger as a useful methodologist of narrativity. He says that "literary fictions belong to Vaihinger’s category of 'the consciously false.' They are not subject, like hypotheses, to proof or disconfirmation, only, if they come to lose their operational effectiveness, to neglect."
    ellauri097.html on line 153: Instead of mathematical "speculation" (such as quantum theory), Mencken believed physicists should just directly look at individual facts in the laboratory like chemists:
    ellauri097.html on line 163: Mencken ridiculed Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, believing that "in the long run his curved space may be classed with the psychosomatic bumps of [Franz Josef] Gall and [Johann] Spurzheim." In his private letters, he said:
    ellauri097.html on line 235:

    2 Jönsin esittelemää nobelluokan hinaajaa

    ellauri097.html on line 292: Patrick White (1912–1990) was raised in Sydney’s well-to-do Rushcutter’s Bay, and was sent to England at 13. He attended boarding school, then Cambridge, and during the war was stationed in North Africa. It was there, in 1941, that White met Manoly Lascaris, the Greek officer who he would love for the rest of his life. By the time White and Lascaris returned to Australia. in 1947 White had written three tepidly received novels, and a play. It took coming home to Sydney to transform his writing and elevate it to the level of genius. White produced The Tree of Man, in 1955, his first novel to be written in Sydney. He went on to write a string of masterpieces in quick succession: Voss, Riders in the Chariot, The Vivisector. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. The Nobel committee credited White “for an epic and psychological narrative art which has introduced a new continent into literature.”
    ellauri097.html on line 298: In 2006, the Weekend Australian newspaper conducted an experiment. They submitted chapter three of The Eye of the Storm (1973) to twelve publishers and agents around Australia under an anagram of White’s name, Wraith Picket. Nobody offered to publish the book. One responded, “the sample chapter, while reply (sic) with energy and feeling, does not give evidence that the work is yet of a publishable quality.” Notwithstanding that the chapter was not White’s finest writing, and the unfairness of submitting a chapter out of narrative sequence, the hoax prompted a minor crisis in Australian literature: if the industry couldn’t recognize the greatness of our sole Nobel winner, how unenlightened must the country’s publishing industry be now? Shortly thereafter, the ABC launched an online portal called Why Bother With Patrick White? The portal always struck me as sad. What other major writer would need a website dedicated to convincing his countrymen to give him another go? The link to the website is dead now. It would seem, in the end, that nobody could be bothered with Patrick White.
    ellauri097.html on line 416: Nietzsche meant that Kant established the validity of Christian morality by making philosophical arguments that didn’t rely on Christian beliefs. In The Gay Science, Nietzsche writes (in German though):
    ellauri097.html on line 440: Bible.org hylkää Humen giljotiinin listiäxeen homoudelta siivet, tai no melan ja peräpainot ainakin. Outoa kyllä Hume hyväxyi determinismin ja piti vapaata tahtoa sen kanssa täysin kompatiibelina. Siitä oli moneen junaan, ehkä yxinäisen miehenkin.
    ellauri097.html on line 479: Let’s just say somebody says, “I don’t believe that.” I say, okay, you’re welcome to not believe it, but then you can’t argue teleologically. In fact, you can’t even argue that if it’s natural, it’s okay, because you’re arguing a certain teleology: that if you find it in nature, that means it’s morally acceptable. You can’t help yourself to the teleological argument if you don’t believe in God.
    ellauri097.html on line 481: What you ought to be saying if you don’t believe in God is, It’s just molecules clashing in the universe. There is no right and wrong, so you have no justification for claiming that I’m wrong. Now, that would be consistent - the relativistic view of a materialistic universe. But, of course, then they can’t complain their “rights” because rights don’t have any place in a purely naturalistic system. Rights are part of teleology, endowed with creation.
    ellauri097.html on line 511: John Boswell was a Roman Catholic, having converted from the Episcopal Church of his upbringing at the age of 15. He remained a daily-mass Catholic until his death, despite differences with the church over sexual issues. Although he was orthodox in most of his beliefs, he strongly disagreed with his church's stated opposition to homosexual behavior and relationships. He was partnered with Jerone Hart for some twenty years until his death. Hart and Boswell are buried together at Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven, Connecticut.
    ellauri097.html on line 568: Siksikin kirjan määritelmään kuuluu – täytyy kuulua! – kirkas ja vakaa tulevaisuuden näköala. Kun kirja tehdään ja julkaistaan, se valmistautuu pitkään elämään, paljoon odotukseen. Se vyöttää kupeensa, tai toiset sen vyöttävät, jos se sattuu olemaan nobellaatua, ja vievät sen minne se ei tahdo mennä. Kirja ei ole lähetys eikä esitys, joka on erikoistunut hetken palvelemiseen. Kirja on mustaa valkoisella, painettu ja siksi painava. Se pysyy ja jää. Kuin siirtolohkare, se ei enää siirry. Se ei ole menossa minnekään. Se on valmis, valmis kaikkeen. Se ei mene pois. Ei tosiaankaan, divarit ei ota niitä vastaan enää ilmaisexikaan. Askartelutarpeixi ne menevät, tai jätepaperix.
    ellauri098.html on line 60: The resulting prevalence of personal trauma often stretches suspension of disbelief and is a leading cause of Cerebus Syndrome. If done poorly, this is a one-way ticket to Wangst territory, and as so many attempt to smother the series with dysfunction, Too Bleak, Stopped Caring is a frequent result. If done well, you get a large number of interesting, sympathetic, flawed characters, and their interactions with each other gradually reveal the multiple sides to each of them. More realistic (i.e. not Flanderized) portrayals of this trope can even help the audience understand and cope with their own dysfunctional lives, especially with regards to issues that are typically glossed over in mainstream society.
    ellauri098.html on line 364: "An idea has no worth at all without believable characters to implement it; a plot without characters is like a tennis court without players. Daffy Duck is to a Buck Rogers story what John McEnroe was to tennis. Personality. That is the key, the drum, the fife. Forget the plot."
    ellauri098.html on line 405: In Carlyle’s book On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in Society (Carlyle, 1840), somebody (most likely the author) dove into the lives of several men he deemed “heroes,” like Muhammed, Richard Wagner, Shakespeare, Martin Luther, and Napoleon. He believed that history “turned” on the decisions of these men, and encouraged others to study these heroes as a way of discovering one’s own true nature.
    ellauri098.html on line 491: Goebbelsluokan suu vaahdossa huutajia, ml upseerit ja opettajat, paljon taas vasureita, neekereitä ja rääväsuisia naisia

    ellauri098.html on line 493:
    Alfred Adler, Yassar Arafat, Elizabeth Bennett, Bono, Cicero, Sean Connery, William Cullen Bryant, kuningas Daavid, Catherine Earnshaw (Hum. harju), Erasmus Rotterdamilainen, Erich Fromm, Goebbels, J.W.v. Goethe, Gorbachev, Havel, paavi Johannes Paavali Kakkoineen, Michael Jordan, M.L. King, Meeta Mellark, Barack Obama, Perikles, Nancy Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Amy March (Little Women), Abraham Maslow, Freddie Mercury, Mitterrand, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Woodhouse (Emma),

    ellauri098.html on line 497: INFJ (Introverted Intuitive Feeling Judging) is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. INFJ is the believed to be the rarest personality, making up only one percent of the population.
    ellauri098.html on line 526: ESFJs are traditionalists and believe in the authority of groups. They love stability and dislike conflict, so they can sometimes end up dismissing minority opinions in the name of achieving consensus. This can lead them to be controlling and intolerant. Some ESFJs also focus too much on making everyone happy at their own expense. But most ESFJs bring harmony to everyone around them.

    ellauri098.html on line 627: Myers–Briggsin tyyppi-indikaattori (lyh. MBTI, engl. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) on psykologinen indikaattori, joka kuvaa ihmisen persoonallisuutta neljän ulottuvuuden avulla. Ulottuvuuksista kolme on peräisin Carl Jungilta, joka vuonna 1921 julkaisemassa psykologisia tyyppejä esittelevässä kirjassa kuvasi persoonallisuuden piirteitä. Indikaattorin kehitti Katherine Briggs tyttärensä Isabel Myersin kanssa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen mahdollistaakseen yksilöiden henkisen kasvun ymmärtämällä ja arvostamalla henkilökohtaisia eroavaisuuksia persoonallisuuksiltaan terveissä ihmisissä, ja lisätäkseen harmoniaa ja tuottavuutta erilaisissa ryhmissä.
    ellauri098.html on line 735: MBTI Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Third Edition (Form M), Isabel Briggs Myers, Mary H. McCaulley, Naomi L. Quenk, Allen L. Hammer, CAPT, Palo Alto, CA, ISBN 0-89106-130-4, 1998, 420 pp.
    ellauri098.html on line 749:
    Catherine Cook Briggs on lähinnä sen yhden Monty Pythonin kaverin näkönen joka esitti ex-leperiä. Ihanko totta tää heppuli kexi 10-kantaisen logaritmitaulukon? Aika jehu, ei mikään turha iisebel.

    ellauri098.html on line 752: Fiktion kirjoittajana Cook Briggsin kiinnostus erilaisia persoonallisuustyyppejä kohtaan kasvoi, ja vuonna 1917 hän ryhtyi tutkimaan aihepiiriä. Lopulta hän alkoi kehittämään omaa teoriaansa, kunnes vuonna 1923 Carl Jungin Psychologische Typen -kirjan englanninkielisen painoksen (1923) ilmestyttyä Briggs löysi siitä useita yhtäläisyyksiä oman persoonallisuutensa kanssa. Hän kehitti tyttärensä Isabel Briggs Myersin kanssa toimivan indikaattorin, joka nimettiin heidän mukaansa.
    ellauri099.html on line 55: Dorian Gray is the subject of a full-length portrait in oil by Basil Hallward, an artist impressed and infatuated by Dorian's beauty; he believes that Dorian's beauty is responsible for the new mood in his art as a painter. Through Basil, Dorian meets Lord Henry Wotton, and he soon is enthralled by the aristocrat's hedonistic world view: that beauty and sensual fulfilment are the only things worth pursuing in life.
    ellauri099.html on line 59: Deciding that only full confession will absolve him of wrongdoing, Dorian decides to destroy the last vestige of his conscience and the only piece of evidence remaining of his crimes; the picture. In a rage, he takes the knife with which he murdered Basil Hallward and stabs the picture. The servants of the house awaken on hearing a cry from the locked room; on the street, a passerby who also heard the cry calls the police. On entering the locked room, the servants find an unknown old man stabbed in the heart, his figure withered and decrepit. The servants identify the disfigured corpse by the rings on its fingers, which belonged to Dorian Gray. Beside him, the portrait is now restored to its former appearance of beauty.
    ellauri099.html on line 99: SchillerosteriveriAsthenikerbelsblog.de/wp-content/uploads/b4-243-2.jpg" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 201: Very little is known about Aristotle’s stay in Macedonia, but it is thought that he was there for quite some time, possibly seven years, and became very friendly with powerful members of Philip’s court. In 336 B.C.E., Philip was assassinated (in a theater, of all places), and Alexander was declared king at the age of 20. Sensing the instability of political transition, the mighty city of Thebes rebelled against the new Macedonian king. In order to set an example, Alexander besieged and then wholly incinerated the city, wiping it from the map. Its citizens were either killed or sold into slavery.
    ellauri099.html on line 573: INFPs are imaginative idealists, guided by their own core values and beliefs. Focused on possibilities rather than reality, INFPs see potential for a better future, and pursue truth and meaning with their own individual flair.
    ellauri100.html on line 89: Ernst Kretschmer (* 8. Oktober 1888 in Wüstenrot bei Heilbronn; † 8. Februar 1964 in Tübingen) war ein deutscher Psychiater. Er erforschte die menschliche Konstitution und stellte eine Typenlehre auf. 1929 wurde er für den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin nominiert.
    ellauri100.html on line 143: Mit seiner Konstitutionstypologie führte Kretschmer 1921 die Unterscheidung zwischen den Typen des Leptosomen, des Pyknikers und des Athletikers ein. Zwischen 1915 und 1921 entwickelte Kretschmer darauf basierend eine Methode zur Differenzialdiagnose von Schizophrenie und Manie. Für das normale Temperament des leptosomen Typs prägte er dabei den Begriff des „Schizothymen“ und eine stärkere Neigung zur Schizophrenie wie geringere Anfälligkeit für manisch-depressive Störungen, umgekehrt für den pyknischen. Der athletische Typ sei eher für Epilepsie anfällig. Wegen Kretschmers Korrelation zwischen Körpergestalt und Anfälligkeit für psychische Störungen wurde er 1929 für den Nobelpreis nominiert.
    ellauri100.html on line 193: Kohujulkkis Sofia Belórf on avautunut Katiska-vyyhdin tuomiosta ja rakkaudestaan Niko Ranta-ahoon. Rakkaus on sokea, Sofia tuskailee. bel-rf-avautuu-suhteestaan-huumetuomittu-niko-ranta-ahoon-rakkaus-on-sokea?s24">https://www.suomi24.fi/viihde/kohujulkkis-sofia-bel-rf-avautuu-suhteestaan-huumetuomittu-niko-ranta-ahoon-rakkaus-on-sokea?s24. Sofia on julkkis jonka elämää seurataan tarkasti.
    ellauri100.html on line 250: Birth and upbringing: Born before Pearl Harbor, but not old enough to remember it or World War II. (Japan formally surrendered two days before my first day of kindergarten.) Raised in two small, adjoining cities in the flat, eastern part of Michigan’s lower peninsula. (But not in the Detroit metro area, as we hastened to add when asked “What part of Michigan?”.) Not a son of privilege, by any means (see “Socioeconomic Background and Character,” below).
    ellauri100.html on line 260: Escape from D.C.: The futility of analytical work (see “Beliefs,” below) led to the purchase of a small publishing company (weekly paper and free shopping guide) in western New York State. Worked like a dog for three years, and brought the habit back to the think-tank.
    ellauri100.html on line 289: My personality is more aloof than openly empathic (see “Temperament”, below). Why, I cannot say. I do know that aloofness can be an avoidance mechanism for persons who are too easily overwhelmed by emotion. And I do have an emotional side that I usually avoid exposing to others. Let me just say that my ability to observe the human condition is not dulled by automatic empathy of the kind that I have seen so often in persons whose political views are based on nothing more than raw emotion. Nor am I animated by prolonged adolescent rebellion, guilt, or an inability to advance beyond collegiate leftism. I am self-aware and self-critical to a fault.
    ellauri100.html on line 293: What is the point of these recollections and glimpses of my character? It is to say that my upbringing, experiences, and personality give me an advantage when it comes to understanding the human condition and prescribing for its ills. This blog — in its very small way — is a place of refuge from uninformed emotion, prolonged adolescent rebellion, guilt, and a refusal (or inability) to change one’s political views for whatever reason — whether it is opportunism, obduracy, willful ignorance, simple stupidity, or an inability to admit error (even to oneself). Naah, why beat about the bush: I like to be visible and froth at the mouth, and with my credentials, this is the best I can do.
    ellauri100.html on line 319: However, it was not momentous events but a bit of seemingly irrelevant analysis that administered the coup de grâce to my naïve “liberalism”. It happened in the early 1970s, when my boss asked me to concoct grand measures of effectiveness for the armed forces (i.e., summary measures of antisubmarine warfare capabilities, of tactical strike capabilities, and so on). I struggled with the problem, and made a good-faith effort to provide the measures. But in the end I had to report to my boss that he had given me “mission impossible”. Why? Because, no summary measure could capture the effects of the many factors that would determine the effectiveness of the armed forces: the enemy, the characteristics of his forces, the timing and geographic particulars of any engagement, and so on. (See “Hemibel Thinking” in this post for a précis of my argument.) That was the first time I got sacked. But I returned as soon as my boss got fired.
    ellauri100.html on line 343: I suspect that I am not a racist. I don’t despise blacks as a group, nor do I believe that they should have fewer rights and privileges than whites. (Neither do I believe that they should have more rights and privileges than whites or persons of Asian or Ashkenazi Jewish descent — but they certainly do when it comes to college admissions and hiring.) It isn’t racist to understand that race isn’t a social construct and that there are general differences between races (see many of the posts listed here). That’s just a matter of facing facts, not ducking them, as leftists are wont to do.
    ellauri100.html on line 397: I have taken many of the tests that are offered at YourMorals.Org. What follows is a selection of results from those tests that are especially revealing of my beliefs and personality.
    ellauri100.html on line 427: In the graph below, your scores on each foundation are shown in green (the 1st bar in each set of 3 bars). The scores of all liberals who have taken it on our site are shown in blue (the 2nd bar), and the scores of all conservatives are shown in red (3rd bar). Scores run from 0 (the lowest possible score, you completely reject that foundation) to 5 (the highest possible score, you very strongly endorse that foundation and build much of your morality on top of it).
    ellauri100.html on line 433: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “me” and “sharing” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “me” and “sharing” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (Me, Not Me) are to mental representations of “ethical” and “unethical”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
    ellauri100.html on line 441: Your score appears in the graph below in green. The score of the average Liberal visitor to this site is shown in blue and the average Conservative visitor’s score is shown in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 457: The graph below shows how often people say that they find various everyday ethical situations to be acceptable in everyday life. This business ethics questionnaire includes 5 categories: Usurpation of company resources, Offering kickbacks, Corporate gamesmanship, Concealment of misconduct, & Cheating Customers. Higher scores indicate greater acceptance of these behaviors.
    ellauri100.html on line 467: The graph below shows your score on this scale. The scores range from 0% to 100% and represent the proportion of answers that indicated socially desirable responding. Thus, higher scores correspond with higher degrees of socially desirable responding. Your score is shown in green (1st bar). The score of the average liberal respondent is shown in light blue and the score of the average strong liberal is shown in dark blue. The average conservative score is shown in light red and the score of the average strong conservative is shown in dark red.
    ellauri100.html on line 471: Liberals and conservatives seem to disagree in their basic understandings of the causes of human action, particularly of immoral action. Liberals are more likely to believe that social forces, poverty, childhood trauma, or mental illness can serve as valid excuses. Conservatives are more likely to reject such excuses and want to hold people accountable for their actions, including a preference for harsher punishments. At least, that is the way things play out in many disputes in the legal world. We want to see if we can look at this stereotypical difference in more detail. We want to find out WHICH kinds of free will and determinism show a correlation with politics, and with other psychological variables.
    ellauri100.html on line 473: The Paulhus scale measures people’s attitudes about four constructs related to freedom vs. determinism, which we have graphed for you in the four green bars below.
    ellauri100.html on line 475: The first graph shows your score on two measures of belief in determinism:
    ellauri100.html on line 477: Fate: the belief that individuals cannot control their own destinies
    ellauri100.html on line 479: Scientific causation: the belief that people’s actions are fully explained by a combination of biological and environmental forces
    ellauri100.html on line 481: The second graph shows your score on two subscales about belief in NON-determinism, or freedom:
    ellauri100.html on line 483: Randomness: the belief that some events are truly random, that chance plays a role in human affairs
    ellauri100.html on line 487: In the graphs below, your score is shown in green (the first bar in each cluster). The scores of all people who have taken the scale on our site and who described themselves during registration as politically liberal are shown in the blue bars. The scores of people who described themselves as politically conservative are in red. Scores run from 1 (the lowest possible score, least belief in that construct) to 5 (the highest possible score).
    ellauri100.html on line 493: We are interested in measuring happiness on this site because many studies have found that religious people are happier than non-believers, and some have found that politcally conservative people are slightly happier than are political liberals, even after controlling statistically for religiosity. A recent Gallup survey found that religiosity was associated with better mental health for Republicans, but it didn’t make a difference for Democrats. We want to investigate these complex relationships among happiness, morality, religion, and ideology.
    ellauri100.html on line 495: In the graph below, your score is shown in green. The scores of all people who have taken the scale on our site and who say that they go to religious services never, or just a few times a year, are shown in blue. The scores of all people who have taken the scale on our site and who said (during registration) that they go to religious services a few times a month or more are shown in red. Scores run from 1 (the lowest possible score, least happy) to 7 (the highest possible score, most happy).
    ellauri100.html on line 497: In addition, we asked you some questions on the second page about your mental health. That recent Gallup poll showed that conservatives and religious people report having better mental health when asked using a single question (“how would you rate your mental health?”). We want to see if their finding holds up using a more specific scale, so we asked you to report on a variety of symptoms related to depression and anxiety, which are the most common kinds of mental health symptoms that people report. In the graph below, your score is shown in green. High scores mean MORE mental health complaints. Scores run from 1 (the lowest possible score, no symptoms at all) to 5 (the highest possible score, people who responded “extremely” to all items). As before, the blue bar shows the score of the less religious people; the red bar shows the average score of the most religious people.
    ellauri100.html on line 503: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “me” and “happy” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “me” and “happy” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (Me, Not Me) are to mental representations of “happy” and “sad”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
    ellauri100.html on line 509: Your score appears in the graph below in green. The score of the average Liberal visitor to this site is shown in blue and the average Conservative visitor’s score is shown in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 513: The scale is a measure of your attitudes toward crime and punishment. Some of the items reflected a “progressive” and less punitive attitude toward criminals (for example agreeing with the statement that “punishment should be designed to rehabilitate offenders,” and being opposed to the death penalty). Other items reflected a more “traditional” attitude, including a willingness to use traditional forms of punishment, such as shaming or flogging. We grouped these two kinds of items together to give you a “progressive” and a “traditional” score in the first graph below. We call this the “comprehensive” justice scale because research on justice and punishment has usually taken either a liberal or conservative approach. We are trying to examine the broadest possible range of ideas and intuitions about what you think should happen to the offender, and the victim. Disagreements about crime and punishment have long been at the heart of the “culture war.” By linking your responses here to the information you gave us when you registered, or when you took other surveys, we hope to shed light on what kinds of people (not just liberals and conservatives) endorse what kinds of responses to crime, and why.
    ellauri100.html on line 515: The graph below shows your scores (in green) on the items from the first page, compared to those of the average liberal (in blue) and the average conservative (in red) visitor to this website. The scale runs from 1 (lowest score) to 7 (highest score).
    ellauri100.html on line 521: The graph below shows your percentage of intuitive pairings (in green) compared to those of the average liberal (in blue), the average moderate (in purple), the average conservative (in red), and the average libertarian (in gold) visitor to this website.
    ellauri100.html on line 531: The graph below shows your score on the OCT as it compares to others who have taken this survey on our website. Scores range from 0%-100% and higher values correspond to more correct responses to the OCT. Your score is shown in green, scores of the average liberal are in blue, and scores of the average conservative are in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 547: The idea behind this scale is that objective factual knowledge may be an important factor in studies about political issues and reasoning. It may be that people who are more informed about politics (whether they’re liberal or conservative) think and reason differently about moral or political issues than people who are less informed. For instance, are people who are more informed more or less likely to objectively evaluate political arguments? We suspect that, ironically, people with more political knowledge may be less objective when it comes to a number of information processes (see recommended reading below).
    ellauri100.html on line 549: The graphs below show your scores (in green) compared to those of the average liberal (in blue), the average conservative (in red), and the average libertarian (in orange) visitor to this website. The first graph shows your score on the political knowledge scale in comparison to other liberals and conservatives and scores run from 0% (the lowest possible score) to 100% (the highest possible score*).
    ellauri100.html on line 551: The graph below displays results for individuals who took the longer version of the survey before April 19, 2012. Everyone will have a score, but this graph is only valid for those who took the survey before April 19, 2012. Ignore the purple bar since it will incorporate averages from the short and long version of the survey.
    ellauri100.html on line 557: The idea behind the IAT is that concepts with very closely related (vs. unrelated) mental representations are more easily and quickly responded to as a single unit. For example, if “European American” and “good” are strongly associated in one’s mind, it should be relatively easy to respond quickly to this pairing by pressing the “E” or “I” key. If “European American” and “good” are NOT strongly associated, it should be more difficult to respond quickly to this pairing. By comparing reaction times on this test, the IAT gives a relative measure of how strongly associated the two categories (European Americans, African Americans) are to mental representations of “good” and “bad”. Each participant receives a single score, and your score appears below.
    ellauri100.html on line 563: Your score appears in the graph below in green. The score of the average Liberal visitor to this site is shown in blue and the average Conservative visitor’s score is shown in red.
    ellauri100.html on line 593: Nyt on Seijan syntymäpäivä. Ja må hon leva 3x, uti hundrade år. Enää puuttuu 31. Ruozalaiset huutaa hip hip huraa 4x, se on dubbel svensk lösen. Turkkilaiset kexivät ampua plazareita kunniansoituxena. Ruozalaiset soturit huusi huraata < m.alasax. hurren 'kiiruhtaa vikkelästi'. Vikkelään nyt pojat! Hurry hurry hurry buy my rice and curry! Ryssät < mr. Roslagen huutaa yhä uraata novgorodilaisten viikinkien perässä. Tätä hurrit tuskin enää muistavat, niin kauan ovat kellexineet rauhan oloissa. Ruozalaiset rannikköjääkärit nolostuivat kun yheltä lensi laatta kesken suomalaisten katselmusta. Sadistinen päällikkö pani pojat sukeltamaan kakassa ja hukutti väpelön oxentajan mäntysuopapaljussa. Mäntysuopa on ruozixi grön såpa. Ruozalaisista poliisisarjoista oppii kaikenlaista jännittävää.
    ellauri100.html on line 1132: Close beleaguer’d by a fleet
    ellauri101.html on line 42: bell Joseph">Joseph John Campbell (March 26, 1904 – October 30, 1987) was an American professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College who worked in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His work covers many aspects of the human experience. Campbell's best-known work is his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (1949), in which he discusses his theory of the journey of the archetypal hero shared by world mythologies, termed the monomyth.
    ellauri101.html on line 44: Since the publication of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell's theories have been applied by a wide variety of modern writers and artists. His philosophy has been summarized by his own often repeated phrase: "Follow your bliss." He gained recognition in Hollywood when George Lucas credited Campbell's work as influencing his Star Wars saga.
    ellauri101.html on line 46: Joseph Campbell was born in White Plains, New York, on March 26, 1904, the elder son of hosiery importer and wholesaler Charles William Campbell, from Waltham, Massachusetts, and Josephine (née Lynch), from New York. Campbell was raised in an upper-middle-class Irish Catholic family; he related that his paternal grandfather Charles had been "a peasant" who came to Boston from County Mayo in Ireland, and became the gardener and caretaker at the Lyman estate at Waltham, where his son Charles William Campbell grew up and became a successful salesman at a department store prior to establishing his hosiery business. During his childhood, he moved with his family to nearby New Rochelle, New York. In 1919, a fire destroyed the family home in New Rochelle, killing his maternal grandmother and injuring his father, who tried to save her.
    ellauri101.html on line 48: In 1921, Campbell graduated from the Canterbury School in New Milford, Connecticut. While at Dartmouth College he studied biology and mathematics, but decided that he preferred the humanities. He transferred to Columbia University, where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature in 1925 and a Master of Arts degree in medieval literature in 1927. At Dartmouth he had joined Delta Tau Delta. An accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field events, and, for a time, was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world.
    ellauri101.html on line 50: In 1924, Campbell traveled to Europe with his family. On the ship during his return trip he encountered the messiah elect of the Theosophical Society, Jiddu Krishnamurti; they discussed Indian philosophy, sparking in Campbell an interest in Hindu and Indian thought. In 1927, he received a fellowship from Columbia University to study in Europe. Campbell studied Old French, Provençal, and Sanskrit at the University of Paris and the University of Munich. He learned to read and speak French and German.
    ellauri101.html on line 52: On his return to Columbia University in 1929, Campbell expressed a desire to pursue the study of Sanskrit and modern art in addition to medieval literature. Lacking faculty approval, Campbell withdrew from graduate studies. Later in life he jested that it is a sign of incompetence to have a PhD in the liberal arts, the discipline covering his work.
    ellauri101.html on line 54: In 1934, Campbell accepted a position as Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College. Sarah Lawrence College is a private liberal arts college in Yonkers, New York. The college models its approach to education after the Oxford/Cambridge system of one-on-one student-faculty tutorials. Sarah Lawrence emphasizes scholarship, particularly in the humanities, performing arts, and writing, and places high value on independent study. Originally a women's college, Sarah Lawrence became coeducational in 1968.
    ellauri101.html on line 60: Campbell attended a Grateful Dead concert in 1986, and marveled that "Everyone has just lost themselves in everybody else here!" With the Dead, Campbell put on a conference called "Ritual and Rapture from Dionysus to the Grateful Dead".
    ellauri101.html on line 61: Campbell died at his home in Honolulu, Hawaii, on October 30, 1987, from complications of esophageal cancer. He is buried in O'ahu Cemetery, Honolulu, among many many more grateful dead.
    ellauri101.html on line 63: Joseph Campbell was a curious mythologist. In the field of comparative mythology, most scholars invested their time exploring how one culture’s myths are different than another.
    ellauri101.html on line 64: Instead of focusing on the many differences between cultural myths and religious stories, however, Campbell looked for the similarities. And his studies resulted in what’s called the monomyth.
    ellauri101.html on line 69: Campbell began identifying the patterns of this monomyth. Over and over again, he was amazed to find this structure in the cultures he studied. He saw the same sequence in many religions including the stories of Gautama Buddha, Moses, and Jesus Christ.
    ellauri101.html on line 70: Campbell outlined the stages of the monomyth in his classic book The Hero with a Thousand Faces (audiobook). Read it later when you got time. Judging by the toc, it is a ripoff from the structuralists.
    ellauri101.html on line 147: Hännänhuippuna on tämmösen Carolyn Kahlil Gibranin sisätilasankaritesti. Se näyttää olevan Joseph Campbellin kirjan innoittama Jungin häkkyrän yxinkertaistus.
    ellauri101.html on line 153: In Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey, he describes the typical adventure of the archetype known as The Hero, as the person who goes out and achieves great deeds on behalf of the group, tribe, or civilization.
    ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
    ellauri102.html on line 69: Ring ring goes the bell
    ellauri102.html on line 361: Tää on itkettävän säälittävää, ja raivostuttavaa. Raivostuttavimpia on tollaset talousnobelistit niinkun se suomenruozalainen Bengt Holmströmin turvelo joka kehtaa selittää et tää on vaan business as usual, tervettä liikemiesvainua. Et peliteoriakin todistaa mix vahvemmalle pitää tulla enemmän. Niihän se tekee tietysti, se on Darwinilla tiedossa.
    ellauri102.html on line 420: Klein spent much of her teenage years in shopping malls, obsessed with designer labels.
    ellauri102.html on line 507: The Problem: After Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem, many viewers became angry at him and viewed him as anti-American. The fact that Nike was using him in their ads made many people believe Nike was also anti-American. This sparked a lot of controversies online with many social media users posting pictures of themselves destroying Nike products, along with the hashtag #JustBurnIt.
    ellauri105.html on line 124: Are desperate to belong to something.
    ellauri105.html on line 265: In the divergent Theology of the Cathars, the heterodox Christian movement thriving in the 12th to 14th Centuries, Oholah and Oholibah inspired the belief that the Cathar Invisible Father had two spiritual wives, Collam and Hoolibam. Scholly ja Hooligan.
    ellauri105.html on line 297: 15. vyö vyötettynä kupeille, päässä muhkea päähine, sankarien näköisiä kaikki, Baabelin poikain muotoisia, joiden synnyinmaa on Kaldea,

    ellauri105.html on line 299: 17. Niin Baabelin pojat tulivat ja makasivat hänen kanssaan hekumassa ja saastuttivat hänet haureudellaan, niin että hän saastui heistä. Sitten hänen sielunsa vieraantui heistä.

    ellauri105.html on line 310: 23. Babelin lapset ja kaikki Kaldealaiset, päämiehet, herrat ja valtamiehet, ja kaikki Assyrialaiset heidän kanssansa, kauniit, nuoret miehet, kaikki päämiehet ja esimiehet, valtamiehet, ja ylimmäiset, ja kaikkinaiset hevosmiehet.

    ellauri106.html on line 35: Some consider his best novel, My Life as a Man. He was awarded the 2010 National Humanities Medal by President Barack Obama at the White House in 2011. He died of congestive heart failure on May 22, 2018, at age 85. True — he never won the Nobel Prize for literature. D´oh.
    ellauri106.html on line 56: Was Roth a misogynist? I have always found that label too neat and summarily dismissive for a novelist as capacious, inventive, and playful as Roth. But maybe I avoid it because it hurts me too to use it. Im no feminist myself.
    ellauri106.html on line 97: In 2000 Saul Bellow proposed Philip Roth to the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize for Literature. The accusation that the academy deliberately overlooks Roth's achievements in selecting the Nobel Prize winner each year has been one of the truisms of international feuilletons since the 2000s. According to some critics, the accusation turned out to be justified in 2008, when the chairman of the jury responsible for the Nobel Prize for Literature made public general reservations about North American literature and denied it deserving of an award. Ulrich Greiner summed up Roth's rejection by the Nobel Prize Committee as follows: “The Swedes, however, love authors who help to improve the world. Philip Roth only adds something to their knowledge about what needs work."
    ellauri106.html on line 175: Word has come that Philip Roth died on Tuesday in New York City at the age of 85. He was widely considered the last of the Great American Novelists of the late 20th Century the peer of heavy hitters John Updike and Saul Bellow. Roth himself believed that the novel, which had ruled for a century as the supreme and exalted American literary form, is doomed to becoming a cult niche in the Age of the Internet for a diminishing educated elite, “I think always people will be reading them but it will be a small group of people. Maybe more people than now read Latin poetry, but somewhere in that range…” Ever a realist, Roth was sanguine with the prospect.
    ellauri106.html on line 297: Ei ollutkaan pylly kipeä vaan pää eli migreeni. Vapautettu sotapalveluxesta päänsäryn vuoxi. Kultaseni ei nyt. Saved by the gong. Kyllä toisaalta harmittikin kun ei päässyt pamputtamaan sotapoliisina prässit suorassa kuin Iisak Babelin rillisankainen jutkurazupoliisi.
    ellauri106.html on line 300: Isaak Emmanuilovitš Babel (ven. Исаак Эммануилович Бабель; 13. heinäkuuta (J: 1. heinäkuuta) 1894 Odessa - 27. tammikuuta 1940 Moskova) oli kumihuulinen venäläinen näytelmä- ja novellikirjailija sekä journalisti.
    ellauri106.html on line 301: Babel syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Odessassa, Ukrainassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla, mutta menetti isoisänsä. Koulu-uran ajan hän joutui taistelemaan paikasta juutalaisvähemmistölle tarkoitetussa kiintiössä. Opiskellessaan Pietarissa hän tutustui Maksim Gorkiin.
    ellauri106.html on line 303: Babelin nuoruudesta kului seitsemän vuotta Venäjän sisällissodassa. Hän työskenteli kielenkääntäjänä vastavakoilupalvelussa ja sotakirjeenvaihtajana. Odessaan palattuaan hän alkoi kirjoittaa novelleja juutalaiskaupunginosan elämästä.
    ellauri106.html on line 304: Stalinin kulttuuripolitiikan voimistuessa ja sosialistisen realismin noustessa määrääväksi tekijäksi kirjallisuuspiireissä Babel vetäytyi yksityisyyteen.
    ellauri106.html on line 306: Gorkin saatua surmansa epäilyttävissä oloissa 1936 Babel totesi: seuraavaksi he etsivät minua. Hänet pidätettiin 1939, tuomittiin vakoilusta, vietiin vankileirille ja teloitettiin ilmeisesti vuonna 1940. Phillun mielikirjan Punainen ratsuväki suomensi huomattava egoisti Juhani Konkka.
    ellauri106.html on line 392: "I'm exactly the opposite of religious, I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie. … I have such a huge dislike. It's not a neurotic thing, but the miserable record of religion. I don't even want to talk about it, it's not interesting to talk about the sheep referred to as believers."
    ellauri106.html on line 399: "You know that telling the whole world that you don't believe in God is going to, you know, have people say, 'Oh my goodness, you know, that's a terrible thing for him to say," Braver said.
    ellauri106.html on line 400: Roth replied, "When the whole world doesn't believe in God, it'll be a great place."
    ellauri106.html on line 403: Religion was a lie that he had recognized early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn´t stand the complete unadultness — the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus-pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us. If he could be said to have located a philosophical niche for himself that was it - he'd come upon it early and intuitively, and however elemental, that was the whole of it. Should he ever write an autobiography, he'd call it The Life and Death of a Male Body.
    ellauri106.html on line 425: As well as the social cohesion that spirituality and early religious beliefs must have brought to threatened groups of humans, they must also have been a valuable mechanism to persuade humans to struggle against the odds. Surely, human spirituality is deeply embedded in our genes. Victor Frankl, in his observations about survival in Auschwitz, argued that in his view, only those inmates who had some spiritual sense, some idea that there was a power above that could see their suffering, found the strength and resolution to survive the terrible dehumanisation and deprivation of the concentration camps.
    ellauri106.html on line 444: Arjalaisen näköinen apostata kärsii kun sen tytär vie pommin postitoimistoon. Näin ei olisi käynyt jos se olisi saanut hasidikasvatuxen, hasidimiehen ja peruukin! Modernismi koitti nostaa apinan jumalansa oxalle, postmodernismi sahaa poikki koko oxaa. Joku shixa meinaa että Phillun pastoraali on iso läppä, mutta Lilith on varma että siinä on jotain enemmänkin. Tän ruozalaisen näköisen jutkuluopion kärsimyxet on kuin Jobilla, eli teodikeasta tässäkin on kymysys. Senkö tautta Phil oli niin kärmistynyt kun ei tullut sitä Noobelia, Sale kehno vei sen Philin nenän edestä vaikka Phil ehti kirjoittaa paljon enämpi kirjoja? Siinä on miettimistä, johtuuko se kaaoxesta vaiko siitä että Philillä on enemmän syntejä tunnollaan kuin Salella. (Sale kyllä oli täysin tunnoton.)
    ellauri106.html on line 458: Gross: "So there isn’t any part of you that wished you could believe?"

    ellauri106.html on line 474: There was no metaphysical dimension to Philip. He just flatly refused to believe in it. He thought it was fairy tales,” Bailey said. he was happy to be Jewish, Bailey said. “He liked Jews as human beings. He liked their warmth, he liked his male friends. “If the Western world views itself through the lens of the modern Jewish experience, it is in large measure due to the novels, novellas and short stories of Philip Roth,” wrote David Roskies, a JTS Jewish literature professor, in a note to the class of 2014.
    ellauri106.html on line 533: That imagined past included the old left and its heroic narrative of collective emancipation, which, particularly after the revelations of Stalinist atrocities, no longer seemed enticing. Instead, American ideology turned on the “romantic” belief that the nation had, in effect, already discovered an ideal social order, “that progress would be more or less continuously achieved, that improvement was likely”.
    ellauri106.html on line 552: Delphine Roux, a classicist scholar, who he reduces to a degrading stereotype — the outspoken feminist whose politics are motivated, we finally learn, by deep insecurities and by a suppressed desire to be dominated by some virile man. The delight with which Roth belittles and humiliates Roux is the low point of the low-brow trilogy.
    ellauri106.html on line 661: Henry Aldrich (1647 – 14 December 1710) was an English theologian, philosopher, and composer. To him we owe the well-known catch, "Hark, the bonny Christ Church bells."
    ellauri107.html on line 106: In 1963, Mailer wrote two regular columns: one on religion called "Responses and Reactions" for Commentary and one called "Big Bite" for Esquire. Mailer also divorced from his third wife Jeanne Campbell and met Beverly Bentley who would become his fourth wife. Bentley had known Hemingway in Spain and briefly dated Miles Davis in New York before she met Mailer. Bentley and Mailer took a long car trip, notably visited an army buddy "Fig" Gwaltney in Arkansas, viewed an autopsy of a cancer victim, watched the Sonny Liston and Floyd Patterson fight in Las Vegas, and spent time with the Beats in San Francisco. While in San Francisco, Mailer "walked narrow ledges, testing his nerve and balance".
    ellauri107.html on line 212: Coverdale concludes the tale of Zenobia's hopeless love for Hollingsworth and enigmatically adds, "It suits me not to explain what was the analogy that I saw, or imagined, between Zenobia's situation and mine; nor, I believe, will the reader detect this one secret, hidden beneath many a revelation which perhaps concerned me less."
    ellauri107.html on line 240: Claggart, in other words, like the Handsome Sailor’s many admirers, finds Billy attractive; but, since he believes that, for some unspecified reason, perhaps a result of paranoia, no closeness can ever exist between the two of them, the more desirable that Claggart perceives Billy, the more he hates him.
    ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
    ellauri107.html on line 274: He was infamously resentful of being denied the Nobel Prize in literature: “He took to calling it the Anybody-But-Roth Prize,” Taylor reports. And past slights consumed him. Taylor notes that Roth couldn’t stop relitigating his first marriage, and that “despite her death she needed further – no, endless – pulverization.”
    ellauri107.html on line 414: Babbitt (1922), by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The controversy provoked by Babbitt was influential in the decision to award the Nobel Prize in Literature to Lewis in 1930.
    ellauri107.html on line 418: In Babbitt (1922), Sinclair Lewis created a living and breathing man with recognizable hopes and dreams, not a caricature. To his publisher, Lewis wrote: “He is all of us Americans at 46, prosperous, but worried, wanting — passionately — to seize something more than motor cars and a house before it's too late.” George F. Babbitt's mediocrity is central to his realism; Lewis believed that the fatal flaw of previous literary representations of the American businessman was in portraying him as “an exceptional man.”
    ellauri107.html on line 466: He serenely believed that the one purpose of the real-estate business was to make money for George F. Babbitt. True, it was a good advertisement at Boosters' Club lunches, and all the varieties of Annual Banquets to which Good Fellows were invited, to speak sonorously of Unselfish Public Service, the Broker's Obligation to Keep Inviolate the Trust of His Clients, and a thing called Ethics, whose nature was confusing but if you had it you were a High-class Realtor and if you hadn't you were a shyster, a piker, and a fly-by-night. These virtues awakened Confidence, and enabled you to handle Bigger Propositions. But they didn't imply that you were to be impractical and refuse to take twice the value of a house if a buyer was such an idiot that he didn't jew you down on the asking-price.
    ellauri107.html on line 470: “A good labor union is of value because it keeps out radical unions, which would destroy property. No one ought to be forced to belong to a union, however. All labor agitators who try to force men to join a union should be hanged. In fact, just between ourselves, there oughtn't to be any unions allowed at all; and as it's the best way of fighting the unions, every business man ought to belong to an employers'-association and to the Chamber of Commerce. In union there is strength. So any selfish hog who doesn't join the Chamber of Commerce ought to be forced to.”
    ellauri107.html on line 474: “Course I don't mean to say that every ad I write is literally true or that I always believe everything I say when I give some buyer a good strong selling-spiel. You see—you see it's like this: In the first place, maybe the owner of the property exaggerated when he put it into my hands, and it certainly isn't my place to go proving my principal a liar! And then most folks are so darn crooked themselves that they expect a fellow to do a little lying, so if I was fool enough to never whoop the ante I'd get the credit for lying anyway! In self-defense I got to toot my own horn, like a lawyer defending a client—his bounden duty, ain't it, to bring out the poor dub's good points? Why, the Judge himself would bawl out a lawyer that didn't, even if they both knew the guy was guilty! But even so, I don't pad out the truth like Cecil Rountree or Thayer or the rest of these realtors. Fact, I think a fellow that's willing to deliberately up and profit by lying ought to be shot!”
    ellauri107.html on line 477: The Athletic Club building is nine stories high, yellow brick with glassy roof-garden above and portico of huge limestone columns below. The lobby, with its thick pillars of porous Caen stone, its pointed vaulting, and a brown glazed-tile floor like well-baked bread-crust, is a combination of cathedral-crypt and rathskeller. The members rush into the lobby as though they were shopping and hadn't much time for it. Thus did Babbitt enter, and to the group standing by the cigar-counter he whooped, “How's the boys? How's the boys? Well, well, fine day!”
    ellauri107.html on line 484: Finkelstein asserted that five dollars was not too great a sum, not for a really high-class lighter which was suitably nickeled and provided with connections of the very best quality. “I always say—and believe me, I base it on a pretty fairly extensive mercantile experience—the best is the cheapest in the long run. Of course if a fellow wants to be a Jew about it, he can get cheap junk, but in the long RUN, the cheapest thing is—the best you can get! Now you take here just th' other day: I got a new top for my old boat and some upholstery, and I paid out a hundred and twenty-six fifty, and of course a lot of fellows would say that was too much—Lord, if the Old Folks—they live in one of these hick towns up-state and they simply can't get onto the way a city fellow's mind works, and then, of course, they're Jews, and they'd lie right down and die if they knew Sid had anted up a hundred and twenty-six bones. But I don't figure I was stuck, George, not a bit. Machine looks brand new now—not that it's so darned old, of course; had it less 'n three years, but I give it hard service; never drive less 'n a hundred miles on Sunday and, uh—Oh, I don't really think you got stuck, George. In the LONG run, the best is, you might say, it's unquestionably the cheapest.”
    ellauri107.html on line 496: “Good Lord, I don't know what 'rights' a man has! And I don't know the solution of boredom. If I did, I'd be the one philosopher that had the cure for living. But I do know that about ten times as many people find their lives dull, and unnecessarily dull, as ever admit it; and I do believe that if we busted out and admitted it sometimes, instead of being nice and patient and loyal for sixty years, and then nice and patient and dead for the rest of eternity, why, maybe, possibly, we might make life more fun.”
    ellauri108.html on line 92: Rastas are monotheists, worshipping a singular God whom they call Jah. The term "Jah" is a shortened version of "Jehovah", the name of God in English translations of the Old Testament. Rastafari holds strongly to the immanence of this divinity; as well as regarding Jah as a deity, Rastas believe that Jah is inherent within each individual. This belief is reflected in the aphorism, often cited by Rastas, that "God is man and man is God", and Rastas speak of "knowing" Jah, in the biblical sense, rather than simply "believing" in him. In seeking to narrow the distance between humanity and divinity, Rastafari embraces mysticism.
    ellauri108.html on line 94: Jesus is an important figure in Rastafari. However, practitioners reject the traditional Christian view of Jesus, particularly the depiction of him as a white European, believing that this is a perversion of the truth. They believe that Jesus was a black African, and that the white Jesus was a false god. Many Rastas regard Christianity as the creation of the white man; they treat it with suspicion out of the view that the oppressors (white Europeans) and the oppressed (black Africans) cannot share the same God. Many Rastas take the view that the God worshipped by most white Christians is actually the Devil, and a recurring claim among Rastas is that the Pope is Satan or the Antichrist. Rastas therefore often view Christian preachers as deceivers and regard Christianity as being guilty of furthering the oppression of the African diaspora, frequently referring to it as having perpetrated "mental enslavement".
    ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
    ellauri108.html on line 100: Other Rastas see Selassie as embodying Jesus' teachings and essence but reject the idea that he was the literal reincarnation of Jesus. Members of the Twelve Tribes of Israel denomination, for instance, reject the idea that Selassie was the Second Coming, arguing that this event has yet to occur. From this perspective, Selassie is perceived as a messenger or emissary of God rather than a manifestation of God himself. Rastas holding to this view sometimes regard the deification of Haile Selassie as naïve or ignorant, in some cases thinking it as dangerous to worship a human being as God. There are various Rastas who went from believing that Haile Selassie was both God incarnate and the Second Coming of Jesus to seeing him as something distinct.
    ellauri108.html on line 104: While he was emperor, many Jamaican Rastas professed the belief that Haile Selassie would never die. The 1974 overthrow of Haile Selassie by the military Derg and his subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many practitioners. Some left the movement altogether. Others remained, and developed new strategies for dealing with the news. Some Rastas believed that Selassie did not really die and that claims to the contrary were Western misinformation. To bolster their argument, they pointed to the fact that no corpse had been produced; in reality, Haile Selassie's body had been buried beneath his palace, remaining undiscovered there until 1992. Another perspective within Rastafari acknowledged that Haile Selassie's body had perished, but claimed that his inner essence survived as a spiritual force. A third response within the Rastafari community was that Selassie's death was inconsequential as he had only been a "personification" of Jah rather than Jah himself.
    ellauri108.html on line 106: During his life, Selassie described himself as a devout Christian. In a 1967 interview, Selassie was asked about the Rasta belief that he was the Second Coming of Jesus, to which he responded: "I have heard of this idea. I also met certain Rastafarians. I told them clearly that I am a man, that I am mortal, and that I will be replaced by the oncoming generation, and that they should never make a mistake in assuming or pretending that a human being is emanated from a deity." His grandson Ermias Sahle Selassie has said that there is "no doubt that Haile Selassie did not encourage the Rastafari movement". Critics of Rastafari have used this as evidence that Rasta theological beliefs are incorrect, although some Rastas take Selassie's denials as evidence that he was indeed the incarnation of God, based on their reading of the Gospel of Luke.
    ellauri108.html on line 108: According to Clarke, Rastafari is "concerned above all else with black consciousness, with rediscovering the identity, personal and racial, of black people". The Rastafari movement began among Afro-Jamaicans who wanted to reject the British imperial culture that dominated Jamaica and replace it with a new identity based on a reclamation of their African heritage. Its emphasis is on the purging of any belief in the inferiority of black people, and the superiority of white people, from the minds of its followers. Rastafari is therefore Afrocentric, equating blackness with the African continent, and endorsing a form of Pan-Africanism.
    ellauri108.html on line 110: Practitioners of Rastafari identify themselves with the ancient Israelites—God's chosen people in the Old Testament—and believe that black Africans broadly or Rastas more specifically are either the descendants or the reincarnations of this ancient people. This is similar to beliefs in Judaism, although many Rastas believe that contemporary Jews' status as the descendants of the ancient Israelites is a false claim. Rastas typically believe that black Africans are God's chosen people, meaning that they made a covenant with him and thus have a special responsibility. Rastafari espouses the view that this, the true identity of black Africans, has been lost and needs to be reclaimed.
    ellauri108.html on line 112: There is no uniform Rasta view on race. Black supremacy was a theme early in the movement, with the belief in the existence of a distinctly black African race that is superior to other racial groups. While some still hold this belief, non-black Rastas are now widely accepted in the movement. Rastafari's history has opened the religion to accusations of racism. Cashmore noted that there was an "implicit potential" for racism in Rasta beliefs but he also noted that racism was not "intrinsic" to the religion. Some Rastas have acknowledged that there is racism in the movement, primarily against Europeans and Asians. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta. Other Rasta sects believe that an "African" identity is not inherently linked to black skin but rather is about whether an individual displays an African "attitude" or "spirit".
    ellauri108.html on line 117: Rastas view Babylon as being responsible for both the Atlantic slave trade which removed enslaved Africans from their continent and the ongoing poverty which plagues the African diaspora. Rastas turn to Biblical scripture to explain the Atlantic slave trade, believing that the enslavement, exile, and exploitation of black Africans was punishment for failing to live up to their status as Jah's chosen people. Many Rastas, adopting a Pan-Africanist ethos, have criticised the division of Africa into nation-states, regarding this as a Babylonian development, and are often hostile to capitalist resource extraction from the continent. Rastas seek to delegitimise and destroy Babylon, something often conveyed in the Rasta aphorism "Chant down Babylon". Rastas often expect the white-dominated society to dismiss their beliefs as false, and when this happens they see it as confirmation of the correctness of their faith.
    ellauri108.html on line 125: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise. In the 1980s, many Rastas believed that the Day of Judgment would happen around the year 2000. A view then common in the Rasta community was that the world's white people would wipe themselves out through nuclear war, with black Africans then ruling the world, something that they argued was prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
    ellauri108.html on line 127: Rastas do not believe that there is a specific afterlife to which individuals go following bodily death. They believe in the possibility of eternal life, and that only those who shun righteousness will actually die. The scholar of religion Leonard E. Barrett observed some Jamaican Rastas who believed that those practitioners who did die had not been faithful to Jah. He suggested that this attitude stemmed from the large numbers of young people that were then members of the movement, and who had thus seen only few Rastas die. Another Rasta view is that those who are righteous will undergo reincarnation, with an individual's identity remaining throughout each of their incarnations. In keeping with their views on death, Rastas eschew celebrating physical death and often avoid funerals, also repudiating the practice of ancestor veneration that is common among traditional African religions.
    ellauri108.html on line 129: Most Rastas share a pair of fundamental moral principles known as the "two great commandments": love of a black male God and love of neighbour if he too is black and male. Many Rastas believe that to determine whether they should undertake a certain act or not, they should consult the presence of Jah within themselves. He's the little red orange and green duck in your left ear. Do not listen to the little white Jesus duck on the right, he is the deevil.
    ellauri108.html on line 131: Rastafari promotes the idea of "living naturally", in accordance with what Rastas regard as nature's laws. It endorses the idea that Africa is the "natural" abode of black Africans, a continent where they can live according to African culture and tradition and be themselves on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level. Practitioners believe that Westerners and Babylon have detached themselves from nature through technological development and thus have become debilitated, slothful, and decadent. Some Rastas express the view that they should adhere to what they regard as African laws rather than the laws of Babylon, thus defending their involvement in certain acts which may be illegal in the countries that they are living in. In emphasising this Afrocentric approach, Rastafari expresses overtones of black nationalism.
    ellauri108.html on line 133: Some Rastas have promoted activism as a means of achieving socio-political reform, while others believe in awaiting change that will be brought about through divine intervention in human affairs. In Jamaica, Rastas typically do not vote, derogatorily dismissing politics as "politricks", and rarely involve themselves in political parties or unions. The Rasta tendency to believe that socio-political change is inevitable opens the religion up to the criticism from the political left that it encourages adherents to do little or nothing to alter the status quo. Other Rastas do engage in political activism; the Ghanaian Rasta singer-songwriter Rocky Dawuni for instance was involved in campaigns promoting democratic elections, while in Grenada, many Rastas joined the People's Revolutionary Government formed in 1979.
    ellauri108.html on line 135: Rastafari promotes what it regards as the restoration of black manhood, believing that men in the African diaspora have been emasculated by Babylon. It espouses patriarchal principles, including the idea that women should submit to male leadership. External observers—including scholars such as Cashmore and Edmonds—have claimed that Rastafari accords women an inferior position to men. Rastafari women usually accept this subordinate position and regard it as their duty to obey their men; the academic Maureen Rowe suggested that women were willing to join the religion despite its restrictions because they valued the life of structure and discipline it provided. Rasta discourse often presents women as morally weak and susceptible to deception by evil, and claims that they are impure while menstruating. Rastas legitimise these gender roles by citing Biblical passages, particularly those in the Book of Leviticus and in the writings of Paul the Apostle. The Rasta Shop is a store selling items associated with Rastafari in the U.S. state of Oregon.
    ellauri108.html on line 143: Rastas refer to their cultural and religious practices as "livity". Rastafari does not place emphasis on hierarchical structures. It has no professional priesthood, with Rastas believing that there is no need for a priest to act as mediator between the worshipper and divinity. It nevertheless has "elders", an honorific title bestowed upon those with a good reputation among the community. Although respected figures, they do not necessarily have administrative functions or responsibilities. When they do oversee ritual meetings, they are often responsible for helping to interpret current events in terms of Biblical scripture. Elders often communicate with each other through a network to plan movement events and form strategies.
    ellauri108.html on line 147: One of the central activities at groundings is "reasoning". This is a discussion among assembled Rastas about the religion's principles and their relevance to current events. These discussions are supposed to be non-combative, although attendees can point out the fallacies in any arguments presented. Those assembled inform each other about the revelations that they have received through meditation and dream. Each contributor is supposed to push the boundaries of understanding until the entire group has gained greater insight into the topic under discussion. In meeting together with like-minded individuals, reasoning helps Rastas to reassure one another of the correctness of their beliefs. Rastafari meetings are opened and closed with prayers. These involve supplication of God, the supplication for the hungry, sick, and infants, and calls for the destruction of the Rastas' enemies, and then close with statements of adoration.
    ellauri108.html on line 152: Nyabinghi Issemblies typically take place in rural areas, being situated in the open air or in temporary structures—known as "temples" or "tabernacles"—specifically constructed for the purpose. Any elder seeking to sponsor a Nyabinghi Issembly must have approval from other elders and requires the adequate resources to organise such an event. The assembly usually lasts between three and seven days. During the daytime, attendees engage in food preparation, ganja smoking, and reasoning, while at night they focus on drumming and dancing around bonfires. Nyabinghi Issemblies often attract Rastas from a wide area, including from different countries. They establish and maintain a sense of solidarity among the Rasta community and cultivate a feeling of collective belonging. Unlike in many other religions, rites of passage play no role in Rastafari; on death, various Rastas have been given Christian funerals by their relatives, as there are no established Rasta funeral rites.
    ellauri108.html on line 156: In Rastafari, cannabis is considered a sacrament. Rastas argue that the use of ganja is promoted in the Bible, specifically in Genesis, Psalms, and Revelation. They regard it as having healing properties, eulogise it for inducing feelings of "peace and love", and claim that it cultivates a form of personal introspection that allows the smokers to discover their inner divinity. Some Rastas believe that cannabis smoke serves as an incense that counteracts immoral practices in society.
    ellauri108.html on line 160: There are various options that might explain how cannabis smoking came to be part of Rastafari. By the 8th century, Arab traders had introduced cannabis to Central and Southern Africa. In the 19th century, enslaved Bakongo people arrived in Jamaica, where they established the religion of Kumina. In Kumina, cannabis was smoked during religious ceremonies in the belief that it facilitated possession by ancestral spirits. The religion was largely practiced in south-east Jamaica's Saint Thomas Parish, where a prominent early Rasta, Leonard Howell, lived while he was developing many of Rastafari's beliefs and practices; it may have been through Kumina that cannabis became part of Rastafari. A second possible source was the use of cannabis in Hindu rituals. Hindu migrants arrived in Jamaica as indentured servants from British India between 1834 and 1917, and brought cannabis with them. A Jamaican Hindu priest, Laloo, was one of Howell's spiritual advisors, and may have influenced his adoption of ganja. The adoption of cannabis may also have been influenced by the widespread medicinal and recreational use of cannabis among Afro-Jamaicans in the early 20th century. Early Rastafarians may have taken an element of Jamaican culture which they associated with their peasant past and the rejection of capitalism and sanctified it by according it Biblical correlates.
    ellauri108.html on line 164: Rastafari music developed at reasoning sessions, where drumming, chanting, and dancing are all present. Rasta music is performed to praise and commune with Jah, and to reaffirm the rejection of Babylon. Rastas believe that their music has healing properties, with the ability to cure colds, fevers, and headaches. Many of these songs are sung to the tune of older Christian hymns, but others are original Rasta creations.
    ellauri108.html on line 168: As Rastafari developed, popular music became its chief communicative medium. During the 1960s, ska was a popular musical style in Jamaica, and although its protests against social and political conditions were mild, it gave early expression to Rasta socio-political ideology. Particularly prominent in the connection between Rastafari and ska were the musicians Count Ossie and Don Drummond. Ossie was a drummer who believed that black people needed to develop their own style of music; he was heavily influenced by Burru, an Afro-Jamaican drumming style. Ossie subsequently popularised this new Rastafari ritual music by playing at various groundings and groundations around Jamaica, with songs like "Another Moses" and "Babylon Gone" reflecting Rasta influence. Rasta themes also appeared in Drummond's work, with songs such as "Reincarnation" and "Tribute to Marcus Garvey".
    ellauri108.html on line 170: 1968 saw the development of reggae in Jamaica, a musical style typified by slower, heavier rhythms than ska and the increased use of Jamaican Patois. Like calypso, reggae was a medium for social commentary, although it demonstrated a wider use of radical political and Rasta themes than were previously present in Jamaican popular music. Reggae artists incorporated Rasta ritual rhythms, and also adopted Rasta chants, language, motifs, and social critiques. Songs like The Wailers' "African Herbsman" and Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" referenced cannabis use, while tracks like The Melodians' "Rivers of Babylon" and Junior Byles' "Beat Down Babylon" referenced Rasta beliefs in Babylon. Reggae gained widespread international popularity during the mid-1970s, coming to be viewed by black people in many different countries as music of the oppressed. Many Rastas grew critical of reggae, believing that it had commercialised their religion. Although reggae contains much Rastafari symbolism, and the two are widely associated, the connection is often exaggerated by non-Rastas. Most Rastas do not listen to reggae music, and reggae has also been utilised by other religious groups, such as Protestant Evangelicals. Out of reggae came dub music; dub artists often employ Rastafari terminology, even when not Rastas themselves.
    ellauri108.html on line 172: Rastas typically regard words as having an intrinsic power, seeking to avoid language that contributes to servility, self-degradation, and the objectification of the person. Practitioners therefore often use their own form of language, known commonly as "dread talk", "Iyaric", and "Rasta talk". Developed in Jamaica during the 1940s, this use of language fosters group identity and cultivates particular values. Adherents believe that by formulating their own language they are launching an ideological attack on the integrity of the English language, which they view as a tool of Babylon. The use of this language helps Rastas distinguish and separate themselves from non-Rastas, for whom—according to Barrett—Rasta rhetoric can be "meaningless babbling". However, Rasta terms have also filtered into wider Jamaican speech patterns.
    ellauri108.html on line 175: Rastas make wide use of the pronoun "I". This denotes the Rasta view that the self is divine, and reminds each Rasta that they are not a slave and have value, worth, and dignity as a human being. For instance, Rastas use "I" in place of "me", "I and I" in place of "we", "I-ceive" in place of "receive", "I-sire" in place of "desire", "I-rate" in place of "create", and "I-men" in place of "Amen". Rastas refer to this process as "InI Consciousness" or "Isciousness". Rastas typically refer to Haile Selassie as "Haile Selassie I", thus indicating their belief in his divinity. Rastas also typically believe that the phonetics of a word should be linked to its meaning. For instance, Rastas often use the word "downpression" in place of "oppression" because oppression bears down on people rather than lifting them up, with "up" being phonetically akin to "opp-". Similarly, they often favour "livicate" over "dedicate" because "ded-" is phonetically akin to the word "dead". In the early decades of the religion's development, Rastas often said "Peace and Love" as a greeting, although the use of this declined as Rastafari matured.
    ellauri108.html on line 187: Rastas use their physical appearance as a means of visually demarcating themselves from non-Rastas like the whites. Male practitioners will often grow long beards, and many Rastas prefer to wear African styles of clothing, such as dashikis, rather than styles that originated in Western countries. However, it is the formation of hair into dreadlocks that is one of the most recognisable Rasta symbols. Rastas believe that dreadlocks are promoted in the Bible, specifically in the Book of Numbers, and regard them as a symbol of strength linked to the hair of the Biblical figure of Samson. They argue that their dreadlocks mark a covenant that they have made with Jah, and reflect their commitment to the idea of 'naturalness'. They also perceive the wearing of dreads as a symbolic rejection of Babylon and a refusal to conform to its norms regarding grooming aesthetics. Rastas are often critical of black people who straighten their hair, believing that it is an attempt to imitate white European hair and thus reflects alienation from a person's African identity. Sometimes this dreadlocked hair is then shaped and styled, often inspired by a lion's mane symbolising Haile Selassie, who is regarded as "the Conquering Lion of Judah".
    ellauri108.html on line 189: Rastas differ on whether they regard dreadlocks as compulsory for practicing the religion. Some Rastas do not wear their hair in dreadlocks; within the religion they are often termed "cleanface" Rastas, with those wearing dreadlocked hair often called "locksmen". Some Rastas have also joined the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Christian organisation to which Haile Selassie belonged, and these individuals are forbidden from putting their hair in dreadlocks by the Church. In reference to Rasta hairstyles, Rastas often refer to non-Rastas as "baldheads", or "combsome", while those who are new to Rastafari and who have only just started to grow their hair into dreads are termed "nubbies". Members of the Bobo Ashanti sect of Rastas conceal their dreadlocks within turbans, while some Rastas tuck their dreads under a rastacap or tam headdress, usually coloured green, red, black, and yellow. Dreadlocks and Rastafari-inspired clothing have also been worn for aesthetic reasons by non-Rastas. For instance, many reggae musicians who do not adhere to the Rastafari religion wear their hair in dreads. A Rasta man wearing a rastacap has been sighted in Jamaica.
    ellauri108.html on line 203: Haile Selassie was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. A number of Jamaica's Christian clergymen claimed that Selassie's coronation was evidence that he was the black messiah that they believed was prophesied in the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and Psalms. Over the following years, several street preachers—most notably Leonard Howell, Archibald Dunkley, Robert Hinds, and Joseph Hibbert—began claiming that Haile Selassie was the returned Jesus. They first did so in Kingston, and soon the message spread throughout 1930s Jamaica, especially among poor communities who were hit particularly hard by the Great Depression. Clarke stated that "to all intents and purposes this was the beginning" of the Rastafari movement.
    ellauri108.html on line 205: Howell has been described as the "leading figure" in the early Rastafari movement. He preached that black Africans were superior to white Europeans and that Afro-Jamaicans should owe their allegiance to Haile Selassie rather than to George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland. The island's British authorities arrested him and charged him with sedition in 1934, resulting in his two-year imprisonment. Following his release, Howell established the Ethiopian Salvation Society and in 1939 established a Rasta community, known as Pinnacle, in Saint Catherine Parish. Police feared that Howell was training his followers for an armed rebellion and were angered that it was producing cannabis for sale. They raided the community on several occasions and Howell was imprisoned for a further two years. Upon his release he returned to Pinnacle, but the police continued with their raids and shut down the community in 1954; Howell himself was committed to a mental hospital.
    ellauri108.html on line 222: In the mid-1970s, reggae's international popularity exploded. The most successful reggae artist was Bob Marley, who—according to Cashmore—"more than any other individual, was responsible for introducing Rastafarian themes, concepts and demands to a truly universal audience". Reggae's popularity led to a growth in "pseudo-Rastafarians", individuals who listened to reggae and wore Rasta clothing but did not share its belief system. Many Rastas were angered by this, believing it commercialised their religion.
    ellauri108.html on line 242: The Twelve Tribes of Israel were founded in 1968 in Kingston by Vernon Carrington. He proclaimed himself the reincarnation of the Old Testament prophet Gad and his followers call him "Prophet Gad", "Brother Gad", or "Gadman". It is commonly regarded as the most liberal form of Rastafari and the closest to Christianity. Practitioners are often dubbed "Christian Rastas" because they believe Jesus is the only saviour; Haile Selassie is accorded importance, but is not viewed as the second coming of Jesus. The group divides its members into twelve groups according to which Hebrew calendar month they were born in; each month is associated with a particular colour, body part, and mental function. Maintaining dreadlocks and an ital diet are considered commendable but not essential, while adherents are called upon to read a chapter of the Bible each day. Membership is open to individuals of any racial background.
    ellauri108.html on line 254: Rastafari is a non-missionary religion. However, elders from Jamaica often go "trodding" to instruct new converts in the fundamentals of the religion. On researching English Rastas during the 1970s, Cashmore noted that they had not converted instantaneously, but rather had undergone "a process of drift" through which they gradually adopted Rasta beliefs and practices, resulting in their ultimate acceptance of Haile Selassie's central importance. Based on his research in West Africa, Neil J. Savishinsky found that many of those who converted to Rastafari came to the religion through their pre-existing use of marijuana as a recreational drug.
    ellauri108.html on line 256: Rastas often claim that—rather than converting to the religion—they were actually always a Rasta and that their embrace of its beliefs was merely the realisation of this. There is no formal ritual carried out to mark an individual's entry into the Rastafari movement, although once they do join an individual often changes their name, with many including the prefix "Ras". Rastas regard themselves as an exclusive and elite community, membership of which is restricted to those who have the "insight" to recognise Haile Selassie's importance. Practitioners thus often regard themselves as the "enlightened ones" who have "seen the light". Many of them see no point in establishing good relations with non-Rastas, believing that the latter will never accept Rastafari doctrine as truth.
    ellauri108.html on line 264: Both through travel between the islands, and through reggae's popularity, Rastafari spread across the eastern Caribbean during the 1970s. Here, its ideas complemented the anti-colonial and Afrocentric views prevalent in countries like Trinidad, Grenada, Dominica, and St Vincent. In these countries, the early Rastas often engaged in cultural and political movements to a greater extent than their Jamaican counterparts had. Various Rastas were involved in Grenada's 1979 New Jewel Movement and were given positions in the Grenadine government until it was overthrown and replaced following the U.S. invasion of 1983. Although Fidel Castro's Marxist–Leninist government generally discouraged foreign influences, Rastafari was introduced to Cuba alongside reggae in the 1970s. Foreign Rastas studying in Cuba during the 1990s connected with its reggae scene and helped to further ground it in Rasta beliefs. In Cuba, most Rastas have been male and from the Afro-Cuban population.
    ellauri108.html on line 268: Some Rastas in the African diaspora have followed through with their beliefs about resettlement in Africa, with Ghana and Nigeria being particularly favoured. In West Africa, Rastafari has spread largely through the popularity of reggae, gaining a larger presence in Anglophone areas than their Francophone counterparts. Caribbean Rastas arrived in Ghana during the 1960s, encouraged by its first post-independence president, Kwame Nkrumah, while some native Ghanaians also converted to the religion. The largest congregation of Rastas has been in southern parts of Ghana, around Accra, Tema, and the Cape Coast, although Rasta communities also exist in the Muslim-majority area of northern Ghana. The Rasta migrants' wearing of dreadlocks was akin to that of the native fetish priests, which may have assisted the presentation of these Rastas as having authentic African roots in Ghanaian society. However, Ghanaian Rastas have complained of social ostracism and prosecution for cannabis possession, while non-Rastas in Ghana often consider them to be "drop-outs", "too Western", and "not African enough".
    ellauri108.html on line 377: of time measurement. The original counting of time, calendar days, months, and years, is not even near 2,000 yet. So the real calendar should have more significance, be rooted in spirituality, rooted in God-belief. I don't personally celebrate New Year or Christmas. The sun comes up, the sun goes down. Every day.
    ellauri108.html on line 401: In chapter three in the Book of Daniel, we are introduced to three young men: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who hold on to their belief in God even when threatened with a fiery death. Their story serves as inspiration for those who question their faith or who face hardship for their beliefs.
    ellauri108.html on line 432: Who was the fourth man Nebuchadnezzar saw in the flames? Was it Daniel? Naah, he was out of it. Bible scholars believe he was either an angel or a manifestation of Christ. Regardless, his appearance was miraculous, a heavenly bodyguard sent by God to protect Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego during their intense time of need.
    ellauri108.html on line 434: However, God's miraculous intervention in a moment of crisis is not promised. If it were, believers would not need to exercise faith. The lesson here is that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego trusted God and were determined to be faithful without any guarantee of deliverance. They had no assurance they would survive the flames, but they stood firm anyway.
    ellauri108.html on line 452: Contrary to scholarly understandings of how the Bible was compiled, Rastas commonly believe it was originally written on stone in the Ethiopian language of Amharic. They also regard it as cryptographic, meaning that it has many hidden meanings.
    ellauri108.html on line 453: Because of what they regard as the corruption of the Bible, Rastas also turn to other sources that they believe shed light on black African history. Common texts used for this purpose include Leonard Howell's 1935 work The Promised Key, Robert Athlyi Rogers' 1924 book Holy Piby, and Fitz Balintine Pettersburg's 1920s work, the Royal Parchment Scroll of Black Supremacy. Many Rastas also treat the Kebra Nagast, a 14th-century Ethiopian text, as a source through which to interpret the Bible.
    ellauri108.html on line 461: Its emphasis is on the purging of any belief in the inferiority of black people, and the superiority of white people, from the minds of its followers.[99] Rastafari is therefore Afrocentric, equating blackness with the African continent, and endorsing a form of Pan-Africanism.
    ellauri108.html on line 463: Practitioners of Rastafari identify themselves with the ancient Israelites—God's chosen people in the Old Testament—and believe that black Africans broadly or Rastas more specifically are either the descendants or the reincarnations of this ancient people.[102] This is similar to beliefs in Judaism,[103] although many Rastas believe that contemporary Jews' status as the descendants of the ancient Israelites is a false claim.[104] Rastas typically believe that black Africans are God's chosen people, meaning that they made a covenant with him and thus have a special responsibility. Rastafari espouses the view that this, the true identity of black Africans, has been lost and needs to be reclaimed. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta.
    ellauri108.html on line 474: Rastas turn to Biblical scripture to explain the Atlantic slave trade, believing that the enslavement, exile, and exploitation of black Africans was punishment for failing to live up to their status as Jah's chosen people.
    ellauri108.html on line 485: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise.
    ellauri108.html on line 487: In the 1980s, many Rastas believed that the Day of Judgment would happen around the year 2000. A view then common in the Rasta community was that the world's white people would wipe themselves out through nuclear war, with black Africans then ruling the world, something that they argued was prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
    ellauri108.html on line 489: Rastas do not believe that there is a specific afterlife to which individuals go following bodily death. They believe in the possibility of eternal life, and that only those who shun righteousness will actually die. The scholar of religion Leonard E. Barrett observed some Jamaican Rastas who believed that those practitioners who did die had not been faithful to Jah. He suggested that this attitude stemmed from the large numbers of young people that were then members of the movement, and who had thus seen only few Rastas die. Another Rasta view is that those who are righteous will undergo reincarnation, with an individual's identity remaining throughout each of their incarnations. In keeping with their views on death, Rastas eschew celebrating physical death and often avoid funerals, also repudiating the practice of ancestor veneration that is common among traditional African religions.
    ellauri109.html on line 310: Mitä yhteistä on Sokrateella Jeesuxella Abelardilla Phil Rothilla Esa Saarisella ja John Searlella (mainitaxeni vain muutamia tapauxia pisteessä) ? Kaikki on moraalin opettajia jotka on bylsineet tai ainaskin tafsanneet oppilaitansa. Phillu kommentoi eze on aivan erityisen kivaa ja kiihottavaa. Ei pitäisi käyttää kirjoja vihan teppona, varotteli Flaubert. Mut Peppu ei uskonut. Paskansi vaan kansien väliin entistä enemmän. Phillun kirjallisia esikuvia on viälä nää Céline Henry Miller ja Jean Genet. Ne onkin hyvin samanlaisia izensäpaljastajia kuin se, kulkee napit ja takki auki karzalla muna rypistyneenä kylmästä pikku nakixi.
    ellauri109.html on line 375: Colet oli Gustave Flaubertin, Alfred de Musset’n ja Abel Villemainin rakastajatar. (Taas! Eikös ne olleet pikemminkin sen rakastajia? Eivät tosin mitään rakastettavia.) Miehensä kuoleman jälkeen Colet elätti itsensä ja tyttärensä kirjailijana.
    ellauri109.html on line 451: Flaubert se donne pour mission urgente de la sauver des séductions du sirupeux : « leur poésie est une bavachure d’eau sucrée. Siirapinlitkutusta. J’aime l’ordure, comme dans Rabelais qui n’est point du tout un homme à gaudrioles.
    ellauri109.html on line 509: Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction.
    ellauri109.html on line 551: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.” Roth, who was obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the novel. He spent multiple sessions berating Kleinschmidt for this “psychoanalytic cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
    ellauri109.html on line 647: Faulknerin paska kirjoitti koppavassa nobelpuheessaan (jollaista Phillu ei sitten päässyt pitämään) mm seuraavaa:
    ellauri109.html on line 697: William Hazlitt believed the poem to have "more genius, vehemence and strength of description than any other of Dryden's works". Se ei välttämättä ole paljon sanottu.
    ellauri109.html on line 751: Dryden is believed to be the first person to posit that English sentences should not end in prepositions because Latin sentences cannot end in prepositions. What an idiot. Too much monkey business for me to be involved in.
    ellauri109.html on line 809: In many cases the parents believe their children were really kidnapped and given or sold to families of European Jews - occasionally Holocaust survivors who had lost their children - or Americans.
    ellauri109.html on line 811: Over time, Leah, like many other parents, ceased to believe in the story of her child's death.
    ellauri109.html on line 827: "Zionism - what is it really about?" asks Rafi Shubeli, a Yemenite-Israeli historian and activist from the group Our Brothers Do Exist.
    ellauri109.html on line 839: But in most cases the children just died, he believes. Now that's a consolation.
    ellauri110.html on line 137: Book IV of Gulliver's Travels is the keystone, in some ways, of the entire work,[citation needed] and critics have traditionally answered the question whether Gulliver is insane (and thus just another victim of Swift's satire) by questioning whether or not the Houyhnhnms are truly admirable. Gulliver loves the land and is obedient to a race that is not like his own. The Houyhnhnm society is based upon reason, and only upon reason, and therefore the horses practice eugenics based on their analyses of benefit and cost. They have no religion and their sole morality is the defence of reason, and so they are not particularly moved by pity or a belief in the intrinsic value of life. Gulliver himself, in their company, builds the sails of his skiff from "Yahoo skins".
    ellauri110.html on line 193: Juutalainen huora pitää jeremiaadia. Hannulta menee pupu pöxyyn, se vetää takaisin. Iisebel loukkaantuu, kunnei tahdo kelvata. Kaikesta maxan, kaikesta on maxettava, vaikkei mitään särkynyt. Kirpasee se kyllä vähän.
    ellauri110.html on line 195: Silti Hannu on vähän pettynyt, kun Iisebel ei nähtävästi muista sitä enää ensi kerralla. Tämä on kestettävä vain, lohdutan izeäni. Seisovasta vedestä odota myrkkyä. William Blake sanoi senkin. Kaikki on kestettävä minkä elämä antaa.
    ellauri110.html on line 308: Sofia Prorokova, the author of Isaak Levitan's biography, suggested that the house with a terrace and a mezzanine in question might have been the one belonging to Anna N. Turchaninova, whose Gorka estate in the Tver Governorate Chekhov visited in the summer of 1895.According to Prorokova, the story might have been based upon the difficult relationship Levitan had with the Turchaninova sisters (hence the similarity in surnames), of whom the younger one, Varvara, the possible prototype for Zhenya (Missyuss), had a bizarre diminutive nickname, Lyulyu. This view was shared by the literary historian Leonid Grossman.
    ellauri110.html on line 976:


    ellauri111.html on line 36: believe-Dostoevsky-is-the-greatest-Russian-novelist-when-it-comes-to-the-grim-reality-of-human-suffering-and-evil-Or-are-there-better-Russian-novelists-that-address-these-kinds">Dostoevsky is what russophiles think Russian writers should ne like.
    ellauri111.html on line 106: Roman Catholics may tell you, "You Protestants are missing part of the Bible. We have the rest of it." These people's leaders (popes, priests, etc.) have led them astray to this wrong belief. This comment about missing books can throw people off, but it no longer has to. These popish additions to the Bible are commonly called the Apocrypha or sometimes the Deuterocanonical books. This is a short treatise on WHY these books are not in the Bible.
    ellauri111.html on line 110: The Apocrypha is a collection of uninspired, spurious books written by various individuals. The Catholic religion considers these books as scripture just like a Bible-believer believes that the 66 books in the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible are the word of God, i.e., Genesis to Revelation. We are going to examine some verses from the Apocrypha later in our discussion.
    ellauri111.html on line 112: At the Council of Trent (1546) the Roman Catholic institution pronounced the following apocryphal books sacred. They asserted that the apocryphal books together with unwritten tradition are of God and are to be received and venerated as the Word of God. So now you have the Bible, the Apocrypha and Catholic Tradition as co-equal sources of truth for the Catholic. In reality, it seems obvious that the Bible is the last source of truth for Catholics. Roman Catholic doctrine comes primarily from tradition stuck together with a few Bible names. In my reading of Catholic materials, I find notes like this: "You have to keep the Bible in perspective." Catholics have been deceived into not believing that the Bible is God's complete revelation for man (but they can come out of these deceptions in an instant if they will only believe the Bible as it is written) .
    ellauri111.html on line 166: Not even all Catholic "Church Fathers" believed the Apocrypha was scripture.
    ellauri111.html on line 341: We just need to repent of our sins and call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who already paid the penalty of our sins with his own blood on the cross about 2,000 years ago. Of course he did not remain dead--he rose from the dead on the third day, which was seen by over 500 brethren (not at once, but serially) and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God. (We haven't got witnesses for that, but believe me he does!).
    ellauri111.html on line 373: John 3:36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
    ellauri111.html on line 431: But the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for nothing. Repenting of our sins and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way that we can make it into heaven. Righteousness does NOT come by the law and good works and rituals prescribed by false religions like Catholicism, Islam, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventism, Hinduism, etc.
    ellauri111.html on line 433: We need Jesus to pay the price for our sins in the right currency. We cannot do it. Righteousness comes by repenting of our sins and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and his blood that was shed to pay for our sins. God will not accept made up religions and attempts to please him.
    ellauri111.html on line 449: In spite of man's wickedness and rebellion, God so loved us that he sent his only begotten Son, Jesus, to die for our sins.
    ellauri111.html on line 451: John 3:16-17 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    ellauri111.html on line 488: The Lord Jesus Christ came to save you from both the GUILT and POWER of sin. The Lord Jesus Christ was manifested TO DESTROY the works of the devil (I John 3:8)--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST CAME TO SAVE YOU AND CHANGE YOU AND TO MAKE YOU HOLY. When you are unsaved, sin has dominion over you. Sin is your boss and you cannot do anything BUT sin. You are justly under the wrath of a holy and just God. Murderers, thieves, fornicators, witches, sodomites, whores, liars, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, rebels, and all other spiritual lepers will not inherit the kingdom of God. This is not to put anybody down, before we got saved, we Christians were once the murders, thieves, whoremongers, etc. We have to be born again into the kingdom of God. When we REPENT and BELIEVE in Jesus, we are born again and all things become new. A new life emerges and things change. We start reading the Bible and obeying it and the Lord Jesus helps us obey it more and more. Our life changes. Our desires literally change as we go forward in obeying the word of God.
    ellauri111.html on line 506: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)
    ellauri111.html on line 522: (You can't see it but trust me he is. Faith is strong confidence on something you don't see, so have faith. Faith is will to believe. If you want to believe it do. There´s nothing more to it.)
    ellauri111.html on line 576: In the Bible, God testifies that Jesus Christ died for your sins and was buried; and that He rose from the dead on the third day. You must believe and confess this in order to be saved.
    ellauri111.html on line 578: [I]f thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. (Romans 10:9)
    ellauri111.html on line 580: If you are ready to save yourself from this untoward generation, if you are ready to reject what this wicked and perverse world has to offer, if you are ready to be safe and stay safe in God Almighty, if you want Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, if you want to be reconciled to your Creator, if you want to go to heaven, if you want to escape hell -- then put your faith in the only one who can do something about it! Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for you? Do you believe that He rose from the dead? Do you repent of your sins? Do you want to follow Jesus? Join the short line marked LAMBS on the right. Do you want to go to hell? Go to the long line on the left with a goat logo.
    ellauri111.html on line 582: If so, REPENT of your sins and talk to the Lord in prayer in your own words RIGHT NOW. Here are some suggestions for your own words, but feel free to vary them ever so slightly. Ask God to forgive you of your sins and to help you to do what is right. BELIEVE in the Lord Jesus. CONFESS the Lord Jesus with your mouth. This is not a long, drawn out, hard process. Do you believe in the blood of Jesus? Do you want God to pass over you in the day of his wrath so that you are not cast into hell and the lake of fire with the wicked? Do you want to be saved?
    ellauri111.html on line 605: 8 Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him:

    ellauri111.html on line 614: In Acts 8:26-39, you can read about the Ethiopian eunuch who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized by Philip in a certain water. We are only baptized one time and that is after we have truly repented and have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. If you were baptized as a baby or in a false church, and then got saved later on, you need to get rebaptized after salvation. The previous babtism will be null and void.
    ellauri111.html on line 625: You should confer with God about what you want to do and confess with my mouth full of soap that you believe in his holy child, Jesus. That you repent of my sins and that you believe in the death, burial and the little doubtful part of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.
    ellauri111.html on line 638: Precepts in our "Deliverance Series" have helped me tremendously and I believe that they can help many others-- including those that have been abused, hurt, and traumatized in this life. By God´s grace, we can frankly walk away from what had us bound. In reading the articles in the Deliverance Series, people can learn some of what has happened to modern man.
    ellauri111.html on line 648: Down here we work for the Master, the Lord Jesus, and sow the seed (us men do, if you get what I mean), sharing his word. Those that hear and receive the word on good ground will be saved (people do not always get saved at the moment they first hear the truth--in time, however they may repent and believe). God sees the work that his people do, and he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Psalm 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves* with him. *Sheaves are bundles of wheat or other grain grasses that the harvesters have harvested and bundled. Some seeds fell on good bushes and prospered, some fell on porcelain and did not germinate.
    ellauri111.html on line 679: There is a wicked man coming that Revelation 13 calls, "the beast." He is an antichrist. He is a man of sin. He is soon to make his appearance on the earth and by peace he shall destroy many. The saints are going to go through deep waters--but hold on to Jesus. Don´t ever renounce him or deny him no matter what. You know what you believe in--the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all that in them is. Read more here about the coming of the beast. Jesus said that he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh. He also said that he would be with us alway, even unto the end of the world, Amen. At the beginning of our index page, there is letter. There are words there for you. Please read it from the beginning.
    ellauri111.html on line 687: Once you get saved, the devil will try to make sure that you encounter false doctrine. Your faith is tender and you may be prone to believe anything people tell you about the Bible (that's why you need to read it for yourself everyday). Please heed these warnings:
    ellauri111.html on line 703: BEWARE OF THE HELL BOUND CHURCH PEOPLE--ALL OF THEM! IF YOU FOLLOW THEIR DOCTRINES, YOU WILL GO TO HELL TOO! They will tell you you can do what you feel like doing--doing all the sins you want to--and that you will still go to heaven. That is a lie from the devil and totally the opposite of what the Bible says. Nobody will sin their way into heaven. Ephesians 5:6 says, Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. If you do not repent, believe AND follow the commands of Jesus, you are not saved. If Jesus is not your Lord, he is not your Saviour, you are yet in your sins. For more on this, you may wish to see our article entitled, Lordship Salvation.
    ellauri111.html on line 707: One more thing--be ware of "new age" teaching--you are not God, you are not divine, and God is not in everybody--all that pantheism (everything is God) and panentheism (God is in everything) is new age teaching which is actually old age because the devil told Eve in the garden, "Ye shall be as gods" (see Genesis chapter 3). The devil is a spirit--he is not dead and he has been telling that same lie ever since then. There is a lot more to this situation, but just get saved and obedient and live reconciled to God. Do not put your trust in science, etc. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth--there is no evolution. Evolution is a big fat lie and a hoax to get people to disbelieve the word of God. Science...many, many lies are told by people in white labcoats. Believe and obey God's word and you will be safe and whole and of an understanding mind and not of a reprobate mind.
    ellauri111.html on line 723: There has been a lot of talk about "aliens" for some time and the talk continues; some kind of sky show may be in the future. If you see something in the air, it is not because there are true aliens. But what about devils? yes there are devils; what about oversized genetically modified organisms and chimeras? maybe; possessed people? yes there are; 3D pictures, yes; pheromones, yes; unrevealed inventions and laws, in all probability, yes. If you hear a voice, see lights, or whatever, compare everything to the Bible--we believe in the Bible above our senses. This is a time of deception. You will not be deceived if you read and obey the scriptures. Read Matthew 24 (and other passages as well) for what is going to happen when the Lord returns. An excerpt--
    ellauri111.html on line 725: Matthew 24:23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

    ellauri111.html on line 728: 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

    ellauri111.html on line 749: If you have not trusted Christ, you are in a dangerous position. John 3:36 says, "...he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him." You will not make it into heaven on your own "good merits" or by your own conception of who God is and what he should be like. He must be obeyed and worshipped according to his word, the Authorized King James Bible. The Lord Jesus Christ is altogether lovely and worthy to be praised. I hope that you will make the right choice.
    ellauri111.html on line 846: Oi, vielä on vuosisatoja (no, 1 enintään 2 laskien Dostojevskista) edessämme älyn hurjastelua ja kapinallista vapaa-ajattelua ja tiede tulee päättymään ihmissyömiseen, sillä alotettuaan Babelin tornin rakentamisen ilman meidän apuamme he tulevat lankeemaan aina raakalaisuuteen asti. Vaan mixikä se olis raakalaisempaa kuin syödä kaikki eläinkolleegat?
    ellauri112.html on line 103: Jussi Snellman oli harras teosofi, jolta ilmestyi mm. teoxet Miten meidän käy kuolemassa?, Muutamia ajatuxia ihmissielun kehityxestä uudelleenruumiillistumain kautta, ja Ristimiekka. Se on myös kääntänyt Teosofisen seuran julkaisuja, ml julkaisun Teosofia, Teosofinen seura 1953. Sen poika varatuomari Erkki Virkkunen os. Snellman kuoli 14. tammikuuta 2013 Helsingissä 95-vuotiaana. Hän oli syntynyt vuonna 1917 kuten Lea. Virkkusen isä Jussi Snellman ja äiti Ruth Snellman olivat Kansallisteatterin näyttelijöitä. Kesäkiertueiden aikana vanhemmat veivät lapset isovanhempien hoidettavaksi Ainolaan. Erkin "mummi" oli Aino Sibelius ja "pappa" Jean Sibelius. Lapsena se oli Jannen epävirallinen levynkääntäjä ja aikuisena hoiti Jannen vero- ja raha-asiat. Virkkusen kellarista löytyi pahvilaatikollinen Sibeliuksen veroilmoituksia. Jussi oli Ollin Opintovuodet-elokuvassa Ollin isä patrbluuna Wolmar.
    ellauri112.html on line 180: Porgi, amor, qualche ristoro al mio duolo a´miei sospir! O mi rendi il mio tesoro, o mi lascia almen morir! TRANSLATION: Grant, love, some relief to my sorrow, to my sighing Either give me back my beloved, or just let me die!
    ellauri112.html on line 462: Seth ja Horus kunnioittavat Ramses II:sta Abu Simbelin temppelissä. Seth seivästää Apep-käärmeen manalassa. Seth oli muinaisessa Egyptissä palvottu aavikon ja kaaoksen jumala. (Seth oli Johnin nimimerkki D&D-pelissä.
    ellauri112.html on line 632: What the FUCK? One has a beard the other not? Marlo and Tully are easier to mix up, and for good reason, see below [SPOILER WARNING]. They are like two Barbies, except one old and fat, the other young and skinny.
    ellauri112.html on line 682: Yet to hail the film as a feminist project is to value the representation of the structural co-option of maternity over its interrogation. Tully’s treatment of social reproduction is dangerously simplistic. Cody has spoken in interviews about how her own, financially easier, experience of parenting in L.A. inspired her to explore a narrative in which economic anxieties are combined with the other hardships of parenthood, yet here class and poverty are only fleeting concerns. The transactional system of care that governs child-rearing under capitalism is done away with via Tully’s otherworldliness. Until the revelation of her non-existence, the viewer, although encouraged to believe in her, is never asked to consider her financial reality, and the fact that the service is paid for by Marlo’s wealthy brother is a narrative convenience that reinforces its fairytale quality. Similarly, Tully’s whiteness allows the racial politics of care to be completely overlooked, and the repeated idea that it’s ‘unnatural’ for hired help to bond with your newborn is taken as a given, rather than seen as an impetus for a consideration of the social conditions that require mothers to make that choice.
    ellauri112.html on line 688: I found this one to be a boring display of what I like to call ‘critic bait’: a movie targeted at film journalists who will believe anything put onscreen from these two is worthy of never-ending praise.
    ellauri112.html on line 790: When shall we eat supper? First or last day of the week? This has nothing to do with the Sabbath being changed. I do not believe that it has, but that it is obsolete. The Sabbath is “Saturday”, the 7th day, which I am convinced to be for the rest that Christians will take with the Father (Heb. 4:1-11) and for weekend shopping. I find keeping the Sabbath day is a part of the 10 commands. Exodus says “And He wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments” (Exo. 34:28, also see Deut. 4:13, 9:9, 11). Jeremiah said “Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant” (Jeremiah 31:31). Look further for Jeremiah said, “not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers”
    ellauri112.html on line 828: In the end, I believe it is permissible to use grape juice instead of wine for the Lord´s Supper, but I do not believe it is best. Wine was used during the Passover and in the institution of the Lord´s Supper, and following that pattern is most biblical. It is also permissible to use mature women instead of boys for a lordly lay, but I do not believe it is best. Young John was Jesus´ favourite disciple, so that pattern too is most biblical.
    ellauri112.html on line 875: “In regard to the external form of the ordinance, whether or not believers are to take into their hands and divide among themselves, or each is to eat what is given to him; whether they are to return the cup to the deacon or hand it to their neighbour; whether the bread is to be leavened or unleavened, and the wine to be red or white, is of no consequence. These things are indifferent, and left free to the Church...”
    ellauri115.html on line 209: M: En tarkoittanutkaan, että hän puhuu sanoilla. Hän puhui äänettömällä äänellä, jos ymmärrät vertauxeni. Hän on nimetön, mutta minä kuzun häntä korkeimmaxi tai shadu rabbuxi, suurexi vuorexi. Hän on myös bel-ilanu, jumalien herra, sillä hän on ylin.
    ellauri115.html on line 378: Mutta typerästä pilailusta se ei pidä. Se taisi tulla selväxi jo uudessa Heloisessa. Mixen nimi muuten oli uusi Heloise? Sixkö kun Pröö oli samanlainen namusetä kuin munaton Abelard? Niin se taisi olla. Nää jutut tuppaavat toisesta päästä jo unohtumaan
    ellauri115.html on line 391: Some believed this lean, dark man whose eyes were full of fire was possessed by the devil.
    ellauri115.html on line 392: One night, a drunken mob attacked his house. Rousseau was inside with his mistress, the former scullery maid Thérèse le Vasseur (by whom he had five children that he notoriously abandoned to a foundling hospital), and his beloved dog, Sultan. A shower of stones was thrown at the window. A rock "as big as a head" nearly landed on Rousseau's head, no bed. When a local official finally arrived, he declared, "My God, it's a quarry."
    ellauri115.html on line 396: Hume still felt, justly, under-appreciated. The "banks of the Thames", he insisted, were "inhabited by barbarians". There was not one Englishman in 50 "who if he heard I had broke my neck tonight would be sorry". Englishmen disliked him, Hume believed, both for what he was not and for what he was: not a Whig, not a Christian, but definitely a Scot. In England, anti-Scottish prejudice was rife. But his homeland too seemed to reject him. The final humiliation came in June 1763, when the Scottish prime minister, the Earl of Bute, appointed another Scottish historian, William Robertson, to be Historiographer Royal for Scotland.
    ellauri115.html on line 404: Several of his philosopher friends tried to shake Hume from his complacency. Grimm, D'Alembert and Diderot all spoke from personal experience, having had a spectacular falling-out with the belligerent Rousseau in the previous decade.
    ellauri115.html on line 418: In hindsight, it seems unlikely that they were ever going to get along, personally or intellectually. Hume was a combination of reason, doubt and scepticism. Rousseau was a creature of feeling, alienation, imagination and certainty. While Hume's outlook was unadventurous and temperate, Rousseau was by instinct rebellious; Hume was an optimist, Rousseau a pessimist; Hume gregarious, Rousseau a loner. Hume was disposed to compromise, Rousseau to confrontation. In style, Rousseau revelled in paradox; Hume revered clarity. Rousseau's language was pyrotechnical and emotional, Hume's straightforward and dispassionate.
    ellauri115.html on line 440: Rousseau published Emile, or On Education in 1762. A famous section of Emile, "The Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar", was intended to be a defense of religious belief. Rousseau's choice of a Catholic vicar of humble peasant background (plausibly based on a kindly prelate he had met as a teenager) as a spokesman for the defense of religion was in itself a daring innovation for the time. The vicar's creed was that of Socinianism (or Unitarianism as it is called today). Because it rejected original sin and divine revelation, both Protestant and Catholic authorities took offense. Eikös ne Emersonin porukat olleet unitaareja? Ja se Erasmuxen elämäkerturi Ephraim Emerton Bostonista. Entäs TS Elliotin alaleukapartainen vaari ja Tom ize ennen pyllistymistä? Pyllistivät kolminaisuusopille ja perisynnille.
    ellauri115.html on line 486: Samuel Clarke (1675–1729) was the most influential British metaphysician and theologian in the generation between Locke and Berkeley, and only Shaftesbury rivals him in ethics. In all three areas he was very critical of Hobbes, Spinoza, and Toland. Deeply influenced by Newton, Clarke was critical of Descartes’ metaphysics of space and body because of the experimental evidence for Newtonianian doctrines of space, the vacuum, atoms, and attraction and because he believed Descartes’ identifying body with extension and removing final causes from nature had furthered irreligion and had naturally developed into Spinozism.
    ellauri115.html on line 528: Kuiteskin tää näkyvä maailmankaikkeus koostuu aineesta, hajallaan olevasta ja kuolleesta [Jalkanuotti: mä olen kovasti yrittänyt ymmärtää elävän molekyylin käsitettä, mutta turhaan. Idis että aine tuntisi ilman aisteja näyttää mulle käsittämättömältä ja ristiriitaiselta. Voidaxeni hyväksyä tai hyljätä tän ajatuxen mun pitäis ensin ymmärtää se, ja täytyy myöntää ettei se ole onnannut.], jolla ei ole mitään elävän ruumiin koheesiosta, organisaatiosta, eikä jäsenten yhteistunteesta, sillä on varma juttu että me jotka ollaan osia ei olla tietoisia kokonaisuudesta. Tää sama universumi on liikkeessä, ja sen liikkeet on järjestyneitä, muuttumattomia ja lainalaisia, sillä ei ole mitään sitä vapautta mikä näkyy apinoiden ja muiden elukoiden spontaaneissa liikkeissä. Niin että maailma ei ole joku jättimäinen eläin joka liikkuu izestään; sen liikkeet johtuu siis jostain ulkopuolisesta syystä, syystä jota en pysty havaizemaan, mutta pieni ääni pääni sisällä tekee tän syyn niin ilmeisexi että mä en voi kazoa auringon kulkua kuvittelematta jotakuta pyörittämästä äsitä, ja kun maa pyörii mä olen näkevinäni käden joka antaa sille vauhtia. [Tämmönen mikkihiirimaailmankuva on valtaosalla uskovaisia, koska uskovaiset haluu uskoa että juuri näin on laita. Will to believe, sanois James.]
    ellauri115.html on line 611: If I were hours late for dinner, would you bellow?
    ellauri115.html on line 689: Vois luulla kärsimättömien miesten valituxista että Jumala on velkaa niille palkkion ennenkuin työ on edes tehty ja hyväxytty, ezen pitäis antaa miehuudesta förskottia. Voi ei! Ollaan ensin hyviä, onni tulee perässä pienessä lankakerässä. Ei vaadita Nobelin palkintoa ennenkuin ollaan voitettu se, eikä vaadita sitä ennenkuin tää työ on lopussa. [Ai vittu, sitä ei myönnetä postuumisti. No kai siellä kuonpuoleisessa on joku vastaava kunnianosoitus.] “Me ei kruunata voittajia vedonlyöntilistoissa," sanoo Plutarkhos, "vaan vasta kun juoxu on lopussa." Sitäpaizi voitto ei ole tärkeintä, vaan hieno palkinto.
    ellauri115.html on line 834: A specimen of Fontaine's mal à propos remarks. A brother of Boileau, who was a doctor of the Sorbonne, pronounced one day, before La Fontaine and two or three others, a long eulogy upon St. Augustine. The fabulist, whose mind had been running upon a very different author, and who had but little idea of the distinction to be observed between writers on sacred and profane subjects, interrupted the doctor to ask whether he thought St. Augustine a greater genius than Rabelais. The theologian contented himself with the reply, “Take care, M. La Fontaine, you have put on your stockings the wrong side out!” Sepalus on persepuolella.
    ellauri115.html on line 936: The ideas of Socinianism date from the wing of the Protestant Reformation known as the Radical Reformation and have their root in the Italian Anabaptist movement of the 1540s, such as the anti-trinitarian Council of Venice in 1550. Lelio Sozzini was the first of the Italian anti-trinitarians to go beyond Arian beliefs in print and deny the pre-existence of Christ in his Brevis explicatio in primum Johannis caput – a commentary on the meaning of the Logos in John 1:1–15 (1562). Lelio Sozzini considered that the "beginning" of John 1:1 was the same as 1 John 1:1 and referred to the new creation,[citation needed] not the Genesis creation. His nephew Fausto Sozzini published his own longer Brevis explicatio later, developing his uncle's arguments. Many years after his death in Switzerland, Sozzini consulted with the Unitarian Church in Transylvania, attempting to mediate in the dispute between Frankenstein and Count Dracula.
    ellauri115.html on line 944: In Britain and North America, Socinianism later became a catch-all term for any kind of dissenting belief. Sources in the 18th and 19th centuries frequently attributed the term Socinian anachronistically, using it to refer to ideas that embraced a much wider range than the narrowly defined position of the Racovian catechisms and library.
    ellauri115.html on line 1091: In his view, narcissists have lost their "true self", the core of their personality, which has been replaced by delusions of grandeur, a "false self". Therefore, he believes, they cannot be healed, because they do not exist as real persons, only as reflections: "The False Self replaces the narcissist's True Self and is intended to shield him from hurt and narcissistic injury by self-imputing omnipotence ... The narcissist pretends that his False Self is real and demands that others affirm this confabulation," meanwhile keeping his real-life imperfect true self under wraps.
    ellauri115.html on line 1097: He believes that disproportionate numbers of pathological narcissists are at work in the most influential reaches of society, such as medicine, finance and politics. Plus art and entertainment.
    ellauri115.html on line 1140: Hare appeared in the 2003/4 award-winning documentary film The Corporation, discussing whether his criteria for psychopathy could be said to apply to modern business as a legal personality, appearing to conclude that many of them would apply by definition. However, in a 2007 edition of Snakes in Suits, Hare contends that the filmmakers took his remarks out of context and that he does not believe all corporations would meet all the necessary criteria in practice.
    ellauri117.html on line 185: Apparently his wife Frieda believed him to have had a sexual relationship with a farmer while writing Women in Love in 1916. There's also the coal miner quote you mentioned Kelby. Then there's the quote: I should like to know why nearly every man that approaches greatness tends to homosexuality, whether he admits it or not... (Älkää yrittäkökään! Mä en ole! Sitäpaizi mä en ole lähelläkään suuruutta! Pienenen kuin pyy maailmanlopun edellä.)
    ellauri117.html on line 207: `Then let us strip, and do it properly. Hold a minute --' He rang the bell, and waited for the butler.
    ellauri117.html on line 218: Good, I believe. I am no judge. He was very quick and slippery and full of electric fire. It is a remarkable thing, what a curious sort of fluid force they seem to have in them, those people not like a human grip -- like a polyp --
    ellauri117.html on line 551: Weight gain is just a symptom. Yes, you read it right. Have you wondered why you end up gaining weight on a specific body part like belly or hips and thighs? The reason is an underline medical condition. Your body functions are governed by certain neurohormones also known as hormones.
    ellauri117.html on line 559: The Liver body type is governed by the body’s inability to process an overconsumption of alcohol or processed foods. The Liver body type is characterized most significantly as someone who has a “beer belly,” or who stores all of their weight in their front midsection. The weight will be disproportionate to the rest of their body, and distend out far beyond the rest of their frame.
    ellauri117.html on line 565: Adrenalin BELLY SHAPE – Sagging belly and weight around hips as well (ISOPERSE RIIPPUMAHA)
    ellauri117.html on line 567: Ovary BELLY SHAPE - Classic lower belly bulge (PERSJALKAINEN)
    ellauri117.html on line 571: Liver BELLY SHAPE - Pnrotruding stomach – pot belly (IHRATYNNÖRRI)
    ellauri117.html on line 573: Do you relate to any of these body types? If yes, then leave a comment below.
    ellauri117.html on line 622: Locke stated his belief, in his Second Treatise, that nature on its own provides little of value to society, implying that the labour expended in the creation of goods gives them their value. From this premise, understood as a labour theory of value, Locke developed a labour theory of property, whereby ownership of property is created by the application of labour. In addition, he believed that property precedes government and government cannot "dispose of the estates of the subjects arbitrarily." Fucking capitalist. Karl Marx later critiqued Locke's theory of property in his own social theory.
    ellauri117.html on line 629: Locke kuoli vuonna 1704 pitkällisen sairauden jälkeen. Hänet on haudattu High Laverin kylän kirkkomaalle, Harlowin itäpuolelle, Essexiin. Some scholars have seen Locke's political convictions as being based from his religious beliefs. Locke's religious trajectory began in Calvinist trinitarianism, but by the time of the Reflections (1695) Locke was advocating not just Socinian views on tolerance but also Socinian Christology. Täähän Sozzini oli Rusakonkin guru.
    ellauri117.html on line 653: Locken miälestä P. Peeveli oli nopeaälyinen heppu, kuumaverinen. Sillä oli niin paljon sanomista että sanat tungexivat ovissa kuin keltakassisia kundeja kellon alla Stockan alessa (silloin kun vielä oli Stockmanni, nythän se on enää vain varjo izestään). Se sekoilee niin paljon että tarvitaan joku Locke parsimaan sen lauseet kokoon. Kukas siihen parempi kuin John, himself a man of parts. Liimataan pätkät yhteen eikä välitettä sanoista niin paljon kuin ajatuxesta, joka Peevelin tasoisella kaverilla on aina sama, sanoi se mitä tahansa. Room. 1 jossa gender challenged saavat kyytiä, vähän näyttää hirvittävän Jussia: onko Peeveli nyt sanomassa että pakanoiden olis pitänyt tietää paremmin, vaikkei niillä ollut yöpöydän laatikoissa Gideonin Bibleä? Jussi koittaa selittää kaiken parhain päin: että Peeveli vaan tässä suomii heimoveljiä eikä mainize pakanoita muuten kuin vertailumielessä. Hmmnojaa, uskokoon ken haluaa. Will to believe, sitä tässä kysytään.
    ellauri118.html on line 329: And belt their streams with burning bars Ja vyötä heidän virtansa palavalla tangolla
    ellauri118.html on line 345: With beauty, lighting all below. Kauneudella, valaistus kaikki alla.
    ellauri118.html on line 362: I squirt more water on my belly. Ruiskutan lisää vettä vazalleni.
    ellauri118.html on line 390: Bel-tenebros oli Amadixen peitenimi sekobolzina. Komee pimee. Miraflores oli joku paikka joka on mainittu enemmän kuin kerran. Joo se oli se paikka kolmen viemäriputken lähellä jossa Amadis pyrki Orianan hilloviivalle. Taisi päästäkin? "por ganar la gloria de la demanda en la prueva de bien amar". Se on myös joku kunta Columbiassa, se on missä Keiko Fujimorin häitä vietettiin, ja se on ylellinen 5 tähden useasti palkittu Miraflores, joka sijaitsee Costa del Solilla Espanjassa Marbellan ja Fuengirolan puolivälissä. Aurinkorannikko sopii hyvin ympärivuotiseen lomailuun aurinkoisen ja lämpimän ilmaston ansiosta. Costa del Sol tunnetaan myös nimellä Costa del Golf, lukuisien golfkenttien ansiosta. Helkutti aurinkoa tässä enää kaivataan. Ja mikä hemmetti se on että termiittiapinan on pakko tehdä kaikesta monokulttuuria. Mirafiores indeed. Mä kazon lupiininkukkia Rauhixen mäellä ja remmon niitä irti maasta. Se on haitallinen vieraslaji, matukukka. Se tappaa kotimaiset lajit ja tekee täkäläiset kimalaiset mahoixi. Sellaista symbolismia.
    ellauri118.html on line 448: Lännessä se tunnetaan parhaiten monumentaalisesta ja traagisesta Neuvostoliittoa käsittelevästä romaanista Tohtori Živago, joka julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran Italiassa vuonna 1957, joka tunnetaan parhaiten samannimisestä osin Suomessakin kuvatusta monumentaalisesta filmistä 1965, jossa näyttelivät sukuelimiään leukava ebyktiläinen Omar Sharif ja väkäleuka brittiämmä Agatha Christie. Christie nai pitkään ällöä Warren Beattya josta Carly Simon teki laulelman You're So Vain. Tuottaja Albert R. Broccoli hylkäsi hänet sillä perusteella, että hänen rintansa olivat liian pienet. Kalut joita voi näyttää - ja käyttää. Omar kuoli 2015 Kairossa Alzheimeriin. Agatha kai elää vielä. Noobeli Pasternakille oli poliittinen veto länkkäreiltä.
    ellauri118.html on line 456: Pasternakille myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1958, mutta hän joutui luopumaan palkinnon vastaanottamisesta, koska ei olisi voinut palata takaisin Tukholmasta Neuvostoliittoon, mikäli hän matkustaisi Ruotsiin vastaanottamaan palkinnon. Literaturnaja gazeta tuomitsi palkinnon myöntämisen Pasternakille vihamieliseksi teoksi Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan. Niinkuin olikin. Pasternak erotettiin myös Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliitosta viisi päivää Nobel-palkinnon myöntämisen jälkeen.
    ellauri118.html on line 834: Her father belonged to the lesser nobility, and was for awhile governor of Pontoise, and later of Havre. Her mother was sprung from an ancient family of Provence, among whom, says Auger, literary talent had long been a heritage; but the mother herself — if we are to believe Cardinal de Retz, but why should we believe that fuckhead — possessed no talent save that of intrigue. Well that's half of a novelist's job according to narratologists.
    ellauri118.html on line 880:

    Isebel Gileadissa

    ellauri118.html on line 887: Kumpi tapahtui ensin HBOssa, Iisebel-seikkailu vai Nickin bylsintä? Kirjassa vanhus-Serena ehdotti Nickin bylsimistä ensin muttei asiassa ollut kai päästy puusta pitkään ennen Iisebeliä. Juoniselostuxen mukaan molemmat bylsinnät oli saman vuorokauden aikana. Juonesta ei leffassa saa paljon selvää, se on vaan loputon sarja Lizin happamia ilmeitä lähikuvina. Liz ohjaa ne ilmeisesti ize.
    ellauri118.html on line 889: Isebel tai Iisebel oli Israelin kuningatar, jonka tarina kerrotaan Raamatun Ensimmäisessä ja Toisessa kuninkaitten kirjassa. Sen mies oli Ahab eli se jalkapuoli munaton mies joka jahtasi kaunaisesti valaita. Leviatanilla oli puunjuuren kokonen kikkeli. Ehkä se halus siitä proteesin.
    ellauri118.html on line 891: Isebelin aikakauteen sanotaan liittyneen Baal-jumalan palvonnan voimistuminen kuningas Ahabin aikana. Hän myös pyrki muuttamaan oikeuskäsitystä ajanmukaiseksi siten, että kuningas ei olisi ollut enää yhdenvertainen Mooseksen lain edessä muiden juutalaisten kanssa, vaan hänellä olisi ollut asemansa vuoksi erioikeuksia, mikä näkyy Nabotin tuomitsemisena kuolemaan siksi, että hän kieltäytyi myymästä maataan kuningas Ahabille. Isebelin näkemyksen mukaan olisi riittänyt se, että kuningas olisi takavarikoinut maan korvauksetta asemaansa perustuen.
    ellauri118.html on line 893: Isebel oli foinikialainen prinsessa, Tyyroksen kuningas Ithobaal I:n tytär, joka nai kuningas Ahabin. Vanhassa Testamentissa tätä syytetään Ahabin kääntämisestä pois oikeasta Jumalasta ja hänen ohjaamisestaan palvomaan omaa jumalaansa, Baalia.
    ellauri118.html on line 895: Nimi Isebel on siirtynyt vuosisatojen halki yleisnimenä tarkoittaen kaikkia pahoja ja ilkeitä naisia. Juutalaisten ja kristittyjen vastenmielisyys Isebelia kohtaan johtui muka ihmisuhrien (erityisesti lasten) uhraamisesta Baal-kultin mukaisesti. Vittu sitähän se Aram Hazaturjankin oli tekemässä? Iisakilta oli mennä pää eikä ainoastaan munat! Paiscotaan ne pennut kiwiin!
    ellauri118.html on line 901: Ratkaiseva vääryys oli Vanhan testamentin mukaan se, kun Isebel hankki kaksi väärää todistajaa jotta Nabot-niminen mies saatiin raivattua tieltä; hän kieltäytyi myymästä viinitarhaansa kuninkaalle koska se oli perintöosa. Nabot kivitettiin hengiltä; vaikkei sitä tässä kohdin kerrotakaan, vain sitaattina myöhemmin, myös hänen kaikki poikansa surmattiin ja kuningas anasti viinitarhan – mutta pakeni sieltä kauhun vallassa, kun palavasilmäinen ja hurjailmeinen profeetta Elia ilmestyi hänen eteensä ja ennusti:
    ellauri118.html on line 903: »Sinä olet myynyt itsesi tekemään sitä, mikä on pahaa Herran silmissä. Sen tähden Herra sanoo näin: ”Minä saatan sinut onnettomuuteen. Minä lakaisen sinut pois ja hävitän Israelista miespuoliset jälkeläisesi, niin suuret kuin pienetkin. Minä teen sinun suvullesi niin kuin tein Jerobeamin, Nebatin pojan, suvulle ja Baesan, Ahian pojan, suvulle. Tämän teen siksi, että olet herättänyt minun vihani ja johdattanut Israelin tekemään syntiä. Missä koirat nuoleksivat Nabotin verta, siellä ne nuoleksivat sinunkin vertasi ja portot peseytyvät siinä! Ja koirat ovat syövä Isebelin Jisreelin vainioilla! Sen Ahabin jälkeläisen, joka kuolee kaupungissa, syövät koirat, ja sen, joka kuolee muurien ulkopuolella, syövät taivaan linnut.”»
    ellauri118.html on line 911: Silloin tisbeläiselle Elialle pääsi herralta tämä sana:
    ellauri118.html on line 921: Ahabin kuoleman jälkeen Isebel jatkoi vallassa poikansa Joramin ja pojanpoikansa Ahasjan kanssa. Hänen tyttärensä Atalja puolestaan oli naimisissa Juudan kuninkaan Joramin kanssa. Raamattu kuvaa Ataljan hyvin samanlaiseksi kuin äitinsä – vallanhimoiseksi, kovatahtoiseksi ja läpeensä pakanaksi.
    ellauri118.html on line 925: Kun Jooramin kuoltua Ahasjakin kuoli taistelussa – hän haavoittui Jeehun sotilaiden ampumasta nuolesta mutta onnistui pakenemaan Megiddoon jossa kuoli haavoihinsa – Jeehun käskystä Isebelin palvelusväki tappoi emäntänsä työntämällä hänet oman palatsinsa ikkunasta suoraan tulossa olevien sotavaunujen eteen. Isebel murskaantui elävältä Jeehun hevosten kavioihin ja vaunujen pyöriin; haaskoja syövät villiintyneet koirat söivät hänen ruumiinsa ja siten täyttivät profeetta Elian lausuman kauhean ennustuksen.
    ellauri118.html on line 929: Jeehu käski lopulta muistaessaan haudata Iisebelin jäännökset:
    ellauri118.html on line 933: Mutta palvelijat löysivät vain Isebelin pääkallon, kämmenet ja jalkaterät, jotka kuopattiin kaikessa hiljaisuudessa Jisreelin vainiolla johonkin merkitsemättömään kuoppaan. Kertoja kuittaa tyytyväisenä:
    ellauri118.html on line 935: »Herran sanat ovat käyneet toteen. Hänhän sanoi palvelijansa, tisbeläisen Elian, suulla: ”Koirat syövät Jisreelin maatilalla Isebelin ruumiin, ja se ruumis on Jisreelin pellolla levällään kuin lanta, niin ettei kukaan voi enää sanoa: Tämä on Isebel.”»
    ellauri118.html on line 941: Kumpi tapahtui ensin Hulussa, Iisebel-seikkailu vai Nickin bylsintä? Kirjassa vanhus-Serena ehdotti Nickin bylsimistä ensin, mutta viivalle päästiin vasta komentajan pantua Iisebeliä. Tuskin ehti edes välillä alapesulle. Onxtää naistenkin salainen unelma? Miesten se on ainakin. Mullakin oli parhaina päivinä 3 eri naista vuorokauden aikana. Täytyypä tarkastaa kirjasta Rakkauden evoluutio, mutta extää ole ihan darwinistista käytöstä? Peggy maximoi oman geenilinjansa mahixet bylsimällä milloin tulee siihen tilaisuus. Eise Lukekaan ollut kuin tarjoiluehdotus, lisääntymissopimus, eikä edes kovin menestyvä. Mitäs rumaa siinä on? Naturalia non sunt turpia. Se eze on naisella rumaa on patriarkaalinen käsitys.
    ellauri118.html on line 1004: The secret package of letters exists solely on the show. In the book, the Commander only takes Offred to Jezebel's once.
    ellauri118.html on line 1132: In 1684, Webster was accused verbally by Philip Smith. Smith was a judge, a deacon, and representative of the town of Hadley. He has also been described as a hypochondriac. He seems to have believed in the real power of witchcraft and that his afflictions were being magically caused by Mary Webster in collaboration with the devil.
    ellauri118.html on line 1147: I´ve counted exactly three fat women in the six episodes that have aired, two of whom are wives who definitely belong to the category of “small fat,” as they look to be about a size 14-16, which is currently the size of the average American woman. I find it quite strange that I have seen not one handmaid who looks to be the size of the average American woman.
    ellauri119.html on line 133: Tintinnabulation means the ringing or sound of bells. However, you don't often hear this word used, let alone as an exclamation like Robin's!
    ellauri119.html on line 270: For the majority of Christian denominations, the Holy Spirit, or Holy Ghost, is believed to be the third person of the Trinity, a Triune God manifested as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each entity itself being God. Nontrinitarian Christians, who reject the doctrine of the Trinity, differ significantly from mainstream Christianity in their beliefs about the Holy Spirit. In Christian theology, pneumatology refers to the study of the Holy Spirit. Due to Christianity's historical relationship with Judaism, theologians often identify the Holy Spirit with the concept of the Ruach Hakodesh in Jewish scripture, on the theory that Jesus (who was Jewish) was expanding upon these Jewish concepts. Similar names, and ideas, include the Ruach Elohim (Spirit of God), Ruach YHWH (Spirit of Yahweh), and the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit).
    ellauri119.html on line 272: The most characteristic sign of the presence of the ruach ha-kodesh is the gift of prophecy. The use of the word "ruach" (Hebrew: "breath", or "wind") in the phrase ruach ha-kodesh seems to suggest that Judaic authorities believed the Holy Spirit was a kind of communication medium like breath, or wind. The spirit talks from both ends, sometimes 1wparacl
    ellauri119.html on line 304: The Holy Spirit is referred to as "the Lord, the Giver of Life" in the Nicene Creed, which summarises several key beliefs held by many Christian denominations. The participation of the Holy Spirit in the tripartite nature of conversion is apparent in Jesus' final post-resurrection instruction to his disciples at the end of the Gospel of Matthew (28:19), "Make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
    ellauri119.html on line 424: Ancient Greek philosophers identified no less than six forms of love: essentially, familial love (in Greek, storge), friendly love or platonic love (philia), romantic love (eros), self-love (philautia), guest love (xenia) and divine love (agape). Plus a zillion learned words for different kinds of paraphilia. But that's nothing yet compared to the hindoos [below] who have words for love like the Eskimos for ice cream.
    ellauri119.html on line 432: There are several Greek words for "love" that are regularly referred to in Christian circles. Agape: In the New Testament, agapē is charitable, selfless, altruistic, and unconditional. It is parental love, seen as creating goodness in the world; it is the way God is seen to love humanity, and it is seen as the kind of love that Christians aspire to have for one another. Philia: Also used in the New Testament, phileo is a human response to something that is found to be delightful. Also known as "brotherly love" or "homophilia." Two other words for love in the Greek language, eros (sexual love) and storge (child-to-parent love), were never used in the New Testament! Now that's a lacuna! Christians believe that to Love God with all your heart, mind, and strength and Love your neighbor as yourself are the two most important things in life (the greatest commandment of the Jewish Torah, according to Jesus; cf. Gospel of Mark chapter 12, verses 28–34). Saint Augustine summarized this when he wrote "Love God, and do as thou wilt." Right on Gus! Way to go!
    ellauri119.html on line 434: The Apostle Paul glorified love as the most important virtue of all. Describing love in the famous poetic interpretation in 1 Corinthians, he wrote, "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres." (1 Cor. 13:4–7, NIV) He didn't mean eros, but rather homophilia. Perseveraatiosta oli puhe. John also wrote, "Dear friends, let us love one another for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (1 John 4:7–8, NIV) Influential Christian theologian C. S. Lewis wrote a book called The Four Loves. The first retired nazi pope Benedict XVI named his first circular God as love. He said that a human being, created in the image of God, who is love, is able to make love; to give himself to God and others (agape) and by receiving and experiencing God's love in contemplation (eros). This life of love, according to him, is the life of the saints such as Teresa of Calcutta and the Blessed Virgin Mary and is the direction Christians take when they believe that God loves them. Pope Francis taught that "True love is both loving and letting oneself be loved...what is important in love is not our loving, but allowing ourselves to be loved by God." That's just what Virgin Mary did. "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." – Matthew 5: 43–48. Jews didn't like tax collectors.
    ellauri119.html on line 438: Do not forget to love with forgiveness, Christ saved an adulterous woman from those who would stone her. She had a whole lotta love left to give. Good material for a Jezebel. Mosaic Law would hold (Deuteronomy 22:22-24) "If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel. If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor's wife; So you shall "put away" the evil from among you. A world of wronged hypocrites needs forgiving love. To love one's friends is common practice, to love one's enemies only among Christians. But Christians do not particularly love enemies not among Christians, like moslems or jews. Forgive them, ok, but kill them. Mosaic law is what the jews pieced together after Moses accidentally dropped the stone tablets.
    ellauri119.html on line 440: Love encompasses the Islamic view of life as universal brotherhood that applies to all who hold faith. Amongst the 99 names of God (Allah), there is the name Al-Wadud, or "the Loving One," which is found in Surah [Quran 11:90] as well as Surah [Quran 85:14]. God is also referenced at the beginning of every chapter in the Qur'an as Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim, or the "Most Compassionate" and the "Most Merciful", indicating that nobody is more loving, compassionate and benevolent than God. The Qur'an refers to God as being "full of loving kindness." The Qur'an exhorts Muslim believers to treat all people, viz. those who have not persecuted them, with birr or "deep kindness" as stated in Surah [Quran 6:8-9]. Birr is also used by the Qur'an in describing the love and kindness that children must show to their parents. Ishq, or divine love, is the emphasis of Sufism in the Islamic tradition. Practitioners of Sufism believe that love is a projection of the essence of God to the universe. God desires to recognize beauty, and as if one looks at a mirror to see oneself, God "looks" at himself within the dynamics of nature. Since everything is a reflection of God, the school of Sufism practices to see the beauty inside the apparently ugly sufist. Sufism is often referred to as the religion of love. God in Sufism is referred to in three main terms, which are the Lover, Loved, and Beloved, with the last of these terms being often seen in Sufi poetry.
    ellauri119.html on line 442: In Hinduism, kāma is pleasurable, sexual love, personified by the god Kamadeva. For many Hindu schools, it is the third end (Kama) in life. Kamadeva is often pictured holding a bow of sugar cane and an arrow of flowers; he may ride upon a great parakeet. The philosophical work Narada Bhakti Sutras, written by an unknown author (presumed to be Narada), distinguishes eleven forms of love. Kama Sutra has more. Gaudiya Vaishnavas who worship Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes consider Love for Godhead (Prema) to act in two ways: sambhoga and vipralambha (union and separation), like Empedocles' love and strife, attraction and repulsion, in and out in ever faster succession. Radha is considered to be the internal potency of Krishna, and is the supreme lover of Godhead. Her example of love is considered to be beyond the understanding of material realm as it surpasses any form of selfish love or lust that is visible in the material world. The reciprocal love between Radha (the supreme lover) and Krishna (God as the Supremely Loved) is the subject of many poetic compositions in India such as the Gita Govinda and Hari Bhakti Shuddhodhaya, and a lot of chanting, tinkling little bells and opening and closing of musical doors.
    ellauri119.html on line 446: The term "free love" has been used to describe a social movement that rejects marriage, which is seen as a form of social bondage. The Free Love movement's initial goal was to separate the state from sexual matters such as marriage, birth control, and adultery. It claimed that such issues were the concern of the people involved, and no one else. Many people in the early 19th century believed that marriage was an important aspect of life to "fulfill earthly human happiness." Middle-class Americans wanted the home to be a place of stability in an uncertain world. This mentality created a vision of strongly defined gender roles, which provoked the advancement of the free love movement as a contrast. The term "sex radical" has been used interchangeably with the term "free lover". By whatever name, advocates had two strong beliefs: opposition to the idea of forceful sexual activity in a relationship and advocacy for a woman to use her body in any way that she pleases. These are also beliefs of Feminism. As St. Augustine put it: love God and then do as you please.
    ellauri119.html on line 475: The three components, labeled on the vertices of a triangle, interact with each other so as to form six different kinds of love experiences. The triangular theory of love is a theory of love developed by Robert Sternberg. In the context of interpersonal relationships, the three components of love, according to the triangular theory, are an intimacy component, a passion component, and a decision/commitment component.
    ellauri119.html on line 479: The three components, pictorially labeled on the vertices of a triangle, interact with each other and with the actions they produce so as to form seven different kinds of love experiences (nonlove is not represented). The size of the triangle functions to represent the "amount" of love—the bigger the triangle, the greater the love. Each corner has its own type of love and provides different combinations to create different types of love and labels for them. The shape of the triangle functions to represent the "style" of love, which may vary over the course of the relationship:
    ellauri119.html on line 591: The philosophy of love is a pretty listless field of social philosophy and ethics that attempts to explain the nature of love. The philosophical investigation of love includes the tasks of distinguishing between the various kinds of personal love, asking if and how love is or can be justified, asking what the value of love is, and what impact love has on the autonomy of both the lover and the beloved. Boooooring. Makes you yawn.
    ellauri119.html on line 684: She is good at writing a thriller novel and carries a hypnotic theme that keeps the reader absorbed and lends to a subtle brainwashing/indoctrination toward her worldview. That doesn´t make it right, just believable, and, unfortunately, too many people think that believable means it is true. Believable just means that you can be fooled.
    ellauri119.html on line 770: Some weeks after the seminar I received an awkward form-letter from Branden to explain that he had severed his relationship with Ayn because she was unable to accept that he was not attracted to her. Since they shared identical values, she believed it was not possible that he didn't love her.
    ellauri131.html on line 307: We believe:
    ellauri131.html on line 439: Then one day, suddenly, I discovered the reason why. Sometimes, when my daily obligations felt too heavy for me, I felt desperate that I was not yet an actress. Right there was the problem! It was because of the despair that I was sending out to the Universe that I still did not have what I so much wanted. When I released that energy of lack and truly believed that what is mine will find its way to me, things started to happen. Today I live the life I always wanted as a homemaker, blogger, and part time cleaning lady. I send huge gratitude to the Universe. Thank you so much for The Secret!
    ellauri131.html on line 650: Some groupies became so delusional they allegedly believed they could reach his fly.
    ellauri131.html on line 723: Robbins repeatedly swears by Natural Language Processing (NLP), a controversial, consciousness-based belief system that took root in California in the 1970s. According to the Association for NLP, the practice is commonly referred to as the "users manual for your mind," and studying NLP offers "insights into how our thinking patterns can effect [sic] every aspect of our lives." God's co-creator Vivica Bandler has characterized the process as a veritable fountain of youth, asserting one's "ability for consciousness to influence our DNA evolution." In an interview with NLP Life, Bandler said, "It is obviously related to aging and the more we learn to control our consciousness, the more we will learn to control the quality of the DNA that keeps us young, the DNA that makes us smart...There is literally no limit to what we can do as we begin to harness the great power called consciousness."
    ellauri131.html on line 742: Evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne issued a similar takedown, by simply highlighting some of Chopra's more outlandish claims, including his idea that the moon only exists because of human consciousness, the suggestion that mass prayer or meditation has the ability to "simmer down the turbulence in nature," as well as the nonsensical statement "Consciousness is the driver of evolution. Every time I eat your pussy or you suck my banana it transforms into a human." Coyne labels Chopra's ideas as "pseudoscience, pure and simple," and accuses him of "pushing a noxious brew of quantum physics, evolutionary biology, and "universal consciousness.'" Ouch.
    ellauri131.html on line 744: Canadian prime minister Kevin Trudeau earned untold millions through his "They Don't Want You To Know About" series of infomercials touting his supposed secret knowledge of natural cures, debt relief, and weight loss techniques. And though he earned the allegiance of many followers who believed his claims, a federal jury found him guilty of criminal contempt in 2013, for "lying in several infomercials about the contents of his hit book, The Weight Loss Cure 'They' Don't Want You to Know About," according to The Chicago Tribune. Trudeau repeatedly touted the methods in the book as "easy," except unwitting customers didn't find out until they plunked down cash that it involved "prolonged periods of extreme calorie restriction, off-label skin-syringe injections and high-colonic enemas personally administered by Mr. Trudeau," according to ABC News.
    ellauri131.html on line 865: That she does not have a boyfriend and she watches too much Netflix. I mean, so do I! But I am not going to write a bloody memoir all about it. In a world where so much is in actual tatters, it feels very #whitefeminism, very #firstworldproblems (which is, honest to god, the most millennial I have ever sounded). And no, that does not mean that everything has to be serious and doom-and-gloom to be needed, but this just felt unbelievably shallow, while I am deep.
    ellauri131.html on line 902: She then moved to Chicago, where she worked in low-paying jobs. In 1950, she moved on again, to New York. At this point she changed her first name, and began a career as a fashion model. She achieved success, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (1928–2001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (1928–1996). Hay said that about this time she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught her the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the New Thought works of authors such as Florence Scovel Shinn who believed that positive thinking could change people's material circumstances, and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
    ellauri131.html on line 904: By Hay's account, in the early 1970s she became a religious science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations, which she believes would cure their illnesses, and became popular as a workshop leader. She also recalled how she had studied Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa.
    ellauri131.html on line 931: What Covey teaches is this: To do well you must do good, and to do good you must be good. We believe that organizational behavior is individual behavior collectivized.
    ellauri131.html on line 947: He believed that his morals are a natural laws, and that God, the Creator and Father of us all, is the source of them, and also the source of monkey conscience. I believe that to the degree people live by this inspired conscience, they will grow to fulfill their natures; to the degree that they do not, they will not fly on the animal plane." As Joseph Smith announced in 1844:
    ellauri132.html on line 903: Und lernte Bibelsprüche und schrieb sie in's Schreibebuch; Ja opetteli raamatunlauseita ja kirjoitti ne vihkoon,
    ellauri132.html on line 904: Und lernte Bibelsprüche! hier unter Sünd' und Fluch! Siis opetteli raamatunlauseita! Tässä synnin pesässä!
    ellauri132.html on line 978: Hat meine Bibel genommen und ist in die Kammer gegangen; Otti mun raamatun ja meni panohuoneeseen;
    ellauri133.html on line 64:

    Your opening has to do a lot of different things. It has to establish the setting. Think of this as the camera planing over the outside of the spaceship, or across the crowded ballroom. Fuck I will! That's for idiots who cannot read but want to watch ABC TV. You know where you can stick that camera of yours and take inside belfies.

    ellauri133.html on line 412: Hardly believable. But to believe is to have a will to do it. This story has been updated for 2019.
    ellauri133.html on line 616: Jack Nicholsonin alkoholismi ja räjähtävä temperamentti on maxaneet sille sen opetusjopin Stovingtonissa, respektaabelissä preppikoulussa. Se on menettämäisillään myös perheensä mätkittyään nuorta poikaansa Dannya kännipäissään vuotta aiemmin. Kauhistuneena izestään Jack kertoo vaimolleen Buffylle, että jos hän alkaa juoda uudestaan, hän tekee seppukun. Tämä lievitti hyvin Buffyn stressiä.
    ellauri133.html on line 815: 1929 nappas Thomas Mann kirjallisuuden Nobelpalkinnon kirjalla Buddenbrookit. Se oli mun mielikirjoja. Kristina ei pidä Mannista koska Mann on niin ulkonäkötietonen, se kertoo aina onko ihmiset rumia vai kauniita. Mann pohti kirjoissaan porvarielämän ja taiteellisuuden ristiriitoja, moraalin ja aistien sanasotaa, esteettisen ja eroottisen pystypainia. Lähdettyään Sakuista Hitlerin valtaantultua se vietti mukavaa julkkiskirjailijaelämää USA:ssa ja Schweizissä.
    ellauri135.html on line 54: Mutta exyin aiheesta, joka oli Konstantin Paustovski. Ostin Oulunkylän kierrätyskeskuxesta Paustovskin esseekokoelman Syvältä Neuvostomaasta (vai mikä sen nimi olikaan? Neuvostoliitto-lehden lukijalahja kuitenkin, hieno puupiirretty neuvostokansi vaikka 80-lukua.) Luin vasta ize Konstasta ja kokoelman ekan novellin, joka oli aitoa neuvostosotaromanssia, oikein herttainen. Konstaa ehdotettiin noobelille mutta "Sholokhov" veti pitemmän korren koska se oli kuuliaisempi hallituxelle.
    ellauri135.html on line 581: Samana vuonna Konsta julkaisi tän mezämökin ikkunan. Ei ihme että Nobel meni "Sholokhoville" vuonna 1965.
    ellauri135.html on line 657: Vuonna 1828 runoilija saa koulutusta gumanitaarisen profiilin Nobel Boarding Schoolissa ja viestii Lopukhinsin perheen kanssa. Yksi neljästä pojasta tuli myöhemmin runoilijan ystäväksi ja Varvara-tytär musexi. Runoilijan aktiivinen luova toiminta avautuu ja ensimmäiset runot tulevat näkyviin: "Kaukasianpaimenkoira", "Sirkasialaiset", demonin ääriviivat. Lermontovin lyhyt elämäkerta lapsille osoittaa, että runojen aktiivinen kirjoittaminen alkoi 1900-luvun 30-luvuilla. Samana vuonna hän menestyi menestyksekkäästi Moskovan yliopistossa moraalisessa ja poliittisessa tiedekunnassa, mutta myöhemmin hän ymmärtää virheensä. Vuonna 1832 Mikhail meni Pietariin ja siirtyi koulujen vartijoiden alihankkijoille. Näinä vuosina hänestä tulee yrityksen sielu ja naisen mies. Ensimmäiset julkaisut olivat jo vuonna 1835, ja vuonna 1837 Pushkinin runoilijan kuolemasta tuli perusta saman nimen runolle.
    ellauri135.html on line 669: 14-vuotiaana Mikhailista tuli Nobel-tutkija joka toimii Moskovan yliopistossa. Samaan aikaan hänestä kiinnostui runoutta ja alkoi kirjoittaa itsestään. Hänen ensimmäinen opettaja tässä tapauksessa oli S. E. Raich. Mikhail opiskeli 2 vuotta, ja pysäköintitalo oli suljettu. Syksyllä Lermontov tuli samaan yliopistoon moraalista ja poliittista tiedekuntaa. Mikhail ei kuulunut mihinkään ympyrään eikä yleensä edes kuulunut kaikkiin oppilaisiin.
    ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
    ellauri140.html on line 88: Brit-o-mart F+, a female knight, the embodiment and champion of Chastity. She is young and beautiful, and falls in love with Artefact upon first seeing his face in her father's magic mirror. Though there is no interaction between them, she travels to find him again, dressed as a knight and accompanied by her nurse, Glauce. Britomart carries an enchanted spear that allows her to defeat every knight she encounters, until she loses to a knight who turns out to be her beloved Artefact. (Parallel figure in Ariosto: Bradamante.) Britomart is one of the most important knights in the story. She searches the world, including a pilgrimage to the shrine of Isis, and a visit with Merlin the magician. She rescues Artefact, and several other knights, from the evil slave-mistress Radigund. Furthermore, Britomart accepts Amoret at a tournament, refusing the false Florimell.
    ellauri140.html on line 95: Cambell Soup M+, one of the Knights of Friendship, hero of Book IV. Brother of Canacee and friend of Triamond.
    ellauri140.html on line 97: Gambrina F+, Gambrina, la reine des bières! daughter of Agape and sister to Priamond, Diamond, and Triamond. Cambina is depicted holding a caduceus and a cup of nepenthe, signifying her role as a figure of concord. She marries Cambell after bringing an end to his fight with Triamond.
    ellauri140.html on line 130: Triathlon M+, one of the Knights of Friendship, a hero of Book IV. Friend of Cambell. One of three brothers; when Priathlon and Diathlon died, their souls joined with his body. After battling Cambell, Triamond marries Cambell´s sister, Canapee. Tupu Hupu ja Lupu. Tripp Trapp Trull.
    ellauri140.html on line 197: In July 1580, Spenser went to Ireland in service of the newly appointed Lord Deputy, Arthur Grey, 14th Baron Grey de Wilton. Spenser served under Lord Grey with Walter Raleigh at the Siege of Smerwick massacre. When Lord Grey was recalled to England, Spenser stayed on in Ireland, having acquired other official posts and lands in the Munster Plantation. Raleigh acquired other nearby Munster estates confiscated in the Second Desmond Rebellion. Sometime between 1587 and 1589, Spenser acquired his main estate at Kilcolman, near Doneraile in North Cork. He later bought a second holding to the south, at Rennie, on a rock overlooking the river Blackwater in North Cork. Its ruins are still visible today. A short distance away grew a tree, locally known as "Spenser's Oak" until it was destroyed in a lightning strike in the 1960s. Local legend claims that he penned some of The Faerie Queene under this tree.
    ellauri140.html on line 585: Their bellies swolne he saw with fulnesse burst, Se näki niiden masujen pullistuvan niin,
    ellauri140.html on line 622: And by his belt his booke he hanging had; Jolla oli äänikirja vyölaukussa,
    ellauri141.html on line 143: Permixtus sonitus bellaque matribus Äitien vihaamasta listinnästä. Yökylmässä
    ellauri141.html on line 266: quid? quod libelli Stoici inter Sericos But why do Stoic tracts so love to lie
    ellauri141.html on line 312: munera quid mihi quidve tabellas for ebony elephants, mailing me largesse
    ellauri141.html on line 462: Kipling sai ensimmäisenä englanninkielisenä kirjailijana Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1907. Hän on yhä edelleen nuorin palkinnon koskaan saanut kirjailija (42v). Mikähän poliittinen tilanne oli siinä takana?
    ellauri141.html on line 495: Kiplingin suosio oli huipussaan 1900–luvun alussa. Vuonna 1907 Rudyard Kipling sai kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon.
    ellauri141.html on line 744:

    St. John Perse, eli mixi nobelistikynäilijöistä niin moni on perseestä

    ellauri141.html on line 746: a) Koska Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto on poliittinen propagandateko. Ruozin Akatemia on Amerikan hegemoniaa ja länkkäreiden talousliberaalien setämiesten asiaa ajava PR-toimisto. Sen rahoitti räjähdysaineilla rikastunut porho, joka edellytti palkinnon saajilta, että niiden tuotanto on toivotulla lailla "positiivista".
    ellauri141.html on line 750: Hyvä esimerkki tästä on sattuvasti nimetty ranskalainen nobelisti St. John Perse. Sen tuotanto on aivan perseestä, ja silti se tuli valituxi 1960 epäilemättä pyllistyxenä Saxalle, Neuvostoliitolle, Kuuballe ja Kiinalle ja kyykistyxenä Amerikalle ja länsivalloille. Kukaan ei tiedä kaverista enää muuta kuin ton hassun nimen. Ehkä se sai palkinnon koska se oli erehdyttävästi vaalenpunaisen pantterin näkönen (siis Inspector Clouseaun eri Peter Sellersin). Paizi Sellersillä oli enemmän tukkaa jäljellä. Ja varmasti myös six eze asui jenkeissä sodan aikana ja pitkään sen jälkeenkin.
    ellauri141.html on line 755: Alexis Leger (pronounced [ləʒe]; 31 May 1887 – 20 September 1975), better known by his pseudonym Saint-John Perse (French: [pɛʁs]; also Saint-Leger Leger),[1] was a French poet-diplomat, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1960 "for the soaring flight and evocative imagery of his poetry." He was a major French diplomat from 1914 to 1940, after which he lived primarily in the United States until 1967.
    ellauri141.html on line 763: While in China, Leger had written his first extended poem Anabase, publishing it in 1924 under the pseudonym "Saint-John Perse", which he employed for the rest of his life. He then published nothing for two decades, not even a re-edition of his debut book, as he believed it inappropriate for a diplomat to publish fiction. After Briand's death in 1932, Leger served as Inspector Leger under Comissaire Maigret (Quai d'Orfevres) until 1940. Within the Foreign Office he led the optimist faction that believed that Germany was unstable and that if Britain and France stood up to Hitler, he would back down. Har har. A gifted diplomat.
    ellauri141.html on line 765: During his American exile, he wrote his long poems Exil, Vents, Pluies, Neiges, Amers, and Chroniques. He remained in the US long after the end of the war. He travelled extensively, observing nature and enjoying the friendship of US Attorney General Francis Biddle and his spouse, philanthropist Beatrice Chanler, and author Katherine Garrison Chapin. He was on good terms with the UN Secretary General and author Dag Hammarskjöld whose plain crashed in suspicious circumstances in 1961, just after Pink Panther got his Nobel prize. Foul play?
    ellauri141.html on line 769: In 1960, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. After receiving the Nobel Prize, he wrote the long poems Chronique, Oiseaux and Chant pour un équinoxe and the shorter Nocturne and Sécheresse. In 1962, Georges Braque worked with master printmaker Aldo Crommelynck to create a series of etchings and aquatints, L'Ordre des Oiseaux, which was published with the text of Perse's Oiseaux by Au Vent d'Arles.
    ellauri141.html on line 794: Gordon Wenham, on the other hand, understands the verse to indicate Jabal was the first "dweller with herds." That is, he was the "father of the Bedouin lifestyle." He notes that whereas Abel "merely lived off his flocks," Jabal could "trade with his beasts of burden," and that this "represents cultural advance." Ensimmäinen rättipää.
    ellauri141.html on line 796: Nojoo, IV laulussa kaupunki n:o 1 perustetaan, ja siinä parasta on tyttöjen kalsongit ikkunoissa. Koirat haukkuvat, karavaani kulkee. Kaveri kylästyy taas vaan olemaan ja lähtee aamusella villihanhien mukana kuin Nils Holgersson. Kaupunkeja perustetaan vähän kaikkialle. Poeettojakin ilmestyy katukuvaan. Onkohan tää jotain kolonialistituubaa? On hienoa mennä nitistämään nomadeja, mezästäjä-keräilijöistä puhumattakaan. Kauppa se on joka kannattaa. Juu ja sitä on tarkoitus jatkaa kautta avaruuxien, kun tää pallo on puzattu. A paean for man. Voi helevetti. Tää anabasis on tota exponentiaalista kasvua, sepä tekee apinasta kuolemattoman. Voi helevetin helevetti. Ei ihme että Nobel antoi tälle palkinnon. Seleukidit mainitaan, eli kyltäs vinkataan Alexanteriin. Ne hevosenhajuiset hevoset sit varmaan tuli Xenofonilta, joka kirjoitti kirjan hevosten hoidosta. IX laulussa saadaan entistä parempia naisia, sillä ne tekee meille pentuja. Hahaa tää on aika sama teema kuin Aataminsaaren Eve Future. Ei herkullinen pano ole tärkeintä vaan pennut ovat. Tää on jostain syystä koiraiden vaikea tajuta. Stranger ei enää nouse pukille. Sille tuodaan vettä eze voi pestä suunsa, naamansa ja munansa. Sitä ei hevosenhaju enää kiinnosta.
    ellauri141.html on line 798: Viimeinen tsääntti X on kaikista pitkäveteisin. Siinä saarnaajana on poeetta. Hemmetin pitkiä listoja. Paljon choseja. Hyödyttömimmät hemmot on parhaita, niikö esim poeetat, eli "kertojat". "Man's own responsibility and glory". Joopa joo. An epic of the human soul. Voi vittu mitä torttua. Inhottavaa progress potaskaa. Bernard kirjoitti tän turauxen siitä alunperin ranskaxi vuonna 1959. Pohjustikohan se tätä Noobelia? Mä menin sinä vuonna kansakoulun ekalle luokalle.
    ellauri141.html on line 800: Dag Hammarskjöld was committed to the arts. Though temperamentally a loner, and introvert, and a bachelor throughout his life (oliko se homo? Det finns inga bevis för att Dag Hammarskjöld var homosexuell. Misstankar verkar dock ha funnits: Eftersom han levde ensam började rykten spridas om att han skulle vara homosexuell och hans motståndare använde detta för att smutskasta honom), he would invite intellectuals and artists, the best of New York’s bohemia, to his Upper East Side apartment where he kept a pet, an African monkey called Greenback. People he invited to his generous dinners included the poet Carl Sandburg, the novelist John Steinbeck, the poet WH Auden, the diplomat George Kennan. Auden was the translator of Hammarskjöld’s posthumously published book of observations, ideas and poems called Waymarks. Hammarskjöld used his influence to get the poet Ezra Pound out of mental hospital. Back in Sweden, he inherited his father’s chair at the Swedish academy when the man died in 1953. The Swedish academy is the body that awards the Nobel Prize in literature. Hammarskjöld was instrumental in getting the rather obscure but doubtless brilliant French poet Saint John Perse his Nobel prize in 1960. He would sketch out the arguments for Perse’s candidacy during translation breaks at UN Security Council meetings.
    ellauri142.html on line 55: Markku's life changes after he becomes the sole heir to his father's vast estate, and his position in society is changed from that of an illegitimate son to the new Count Bezukhov. His inability to control his emotions and sexual passions lead him into a marriage with the vapid but sexually beautiful Princess Kristina, a match which her self-serving father, Prince Carl Erik, sets up to secure his access to Markku's newly acquired vast fortune. Kristina is not in love with Markku, and has affairs. From jealousy, Markku shoots his suspected lover, Dolokhov, in a duel. He is distraught at having committed such a crime and eventually separates from Kristina and then becomes a Freemason. His madhat escape into the city of Moscow and his subsequent obsessive belief that he is destined to be Napoleon’s mistress show his submission to irrational impulses. Yet his search for meaning in his life and for how to overcome his emotions are a central theme of the novel. He eventually finds love and marriage with Pirkko Hiekkala, becomes a ladies shoes salesman called Al Bundy and their marriage is perhaps the culmination of a life of moral and spiritual questioning. They have four children: three boys and one girl. Correction, one extremely good-looking platinum blonde girl and one about equally gifted son.
    ellauri142.html on line 71: Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (/ˈtoʊlstɔɪ/; Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой, 28 August 1828 – 7 November 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 and for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902, and 1909. That he never won is a major controversy. Instead, Rudyard Kipling got the medal 1907. What the fuck?
    ellauri142.html on line 112: Much to the chagrin of the Catholic Church, the early Masonic organization’s philosophy evolved from Deist ideology, which believes God does not interfere with creation, as it runs itself according to the laws of nature.
    ellauri142.html on line 143: Rituals help us physicalize our beliefs, desires, and commitments. For many, performing a weekly or monthly ritual is a profound physical, psychological or emotional workout. Rituals help people connect to themselves, their chosen communities, and their Gods.
    ellauri142.html on line 145: Given that all Masons profess beliefs in a monotheistic God, it makes sense that rituals are an essential part of the culture. There are initiation rituals and ceremonies to commemorate a member’s advancement to new Masonic levels.
    ellauri142.html on line 167: Vittu mitä pellejä! Jo on lapsellista touhua. According to the historian David Stevenson, it was influential on Freemasonry as it was emerging in Scotland. Robert Vanloo (n.h.) states that earlier 17th century Rosicrucianism had a considerable influence on Anglo-Saxon Masonry. Hans Schick sees in the works of Comenius (1592–1670) the ideal of the newly born English Masonry before the foundation of the Grand Lodge in 1717. Comenius was in England during 1641. Their mission is to prepare the whole wide world for a new phase in religion, which includes awareness of the inner worlds and the subtle bodies, and to provide safe guidance in the gradual awakening of man's latent spiritual faculties during the next six centuries toward the coming Age of Aquariums. This is the dawning of it, judging by the sea levels. According to Masonic writers, the Order of the Rose Cross is expounded in a major Christian literary work that molded the subsequent spiritual beliefs of western civilization: The Divine Comedy (ca. 1308–1321) by Dante Alighieri.
    ellauri142.html on line 176: Some say that Maha was taken from Hebrew, meaning, “What a boner.” Some say its origins are from the Sanskrit “Möhömaha,” meaning potbelly, or lord.
    ellauri142.html on line 190: When it comes down to it, ritualizing our beliefs and networking with like-minded people, even with a gender requirement, can be exciting, empowering, and life-enhancing. Mahaluu!
    ellauri142.html on line 451: Jolla ei kuitenkaan seiso kiusauksessa, putoaa pois pelistä ja hylätään. Mikään valtio ei ole niin pyhä, eikä mikään niin yksinäinen paikka, jossa ei koettaisi kiusauksia ja ristiriitoja, ei edes vatikaani. Niin kauan kuin apina elää, hän ei ole turvassa kiusauksilta, sillä tämän lähteen me itse kannamme sisällämme, kun synnymme aistillisessa himossa. Ei edes killutinten poisto riitä, kuten Abelard sai katkerasti kokea.
    ellauri142.html on line 611: Starting either from religious belief or from science, Spencer argued, we are ultimately driven to accept certain indispensable but literally inconceivable notions. Whether we are concerned with a Creator or the substratum which underlies our experience of phenomena, we can frame no conception of it. Therefore, Spencer concluded, religion and science agree in the supreme truth that the human understanding is only capable of 'relative' knowledge. This is the case since, owing to the inherent limitations of the human mind, it is only possible to obtain knowledge of phenomena, not of the reality ('the absolute') underlying phenomena. Hence both science and religion must come to recognise as the 'most certain of all facts that the Power which the Universe manifests to us is utterly inscrutable.' He called this awareness of 'the Unknowable' and he presented worship of the Unknowable as capable of being a positive faith which could substitute for conventional religion. Indeed, he thought that the Unknowable represented the ultimate stage in the evolution of religion, the final elimination of its last anthropomorphic vestiges.
    ellauri142.html on line 1049: Tis-mal-leen! huutaa Obelix ja lahmii lisää olvia.
    ellauri143.html on line 63: The state BJP, it is alleged, has given a new inference to the couplet which has a religious overtone. The inference they provided goes like this — “What is the use of education when one who defies god and his believers?”
    ellauri143.html on line 121: The moksa state is attained when a soul is liberated from the cycles of deaths and rebirths, is at the apex, is omniscient, remains there eternally, and is known as a siddha. In Jainism, it is believed to be a stage beyond enlightenment and ethical perfection, states Paul Dundas (n.h.), because they can perform physical and mental activities such as teach, without accruing karma that leads to rebirth.
    ellauri143.html on line 470: The fraudful forfeit life and being here below;

    ellauri143.html on line 641: These three for aye to rulers of the land belong.
    ellauri143.html on line 688: In sandy soil, when deep you delve, you reach the springs below;

    ellauri143.html on line 1738: Mietiskelyn jälkeen tätä Buddhan ja pyhän yhteisön belfietä voi pitää mielessään loppupäivän ajan kaikissa askareissa. Santra lantraa, pitää yantraa, lukee tantraa, ja hokee mantraa. Tantra on kangaspuu, mantra ajatelma, yantra mikin pidinnin. Arvo Suomisen pienessä latinanvihossa humor oli "mikin märkyys".
    ellauri144.html on line 139: I'm ruled by pussy. I yearn for it, can't believe my luck at some of the glorious muff that comes my ugly, long-nosed way but I treat it badly. I guess only my mother's would really do. Mikä surkeus laskeutuukaan minuun kun viimeinen tippa nytkähtää räpylään.
    ellauri144.html on line 158: No loppuihan se shtuppiminen sitten Pepultakin. Muttei tullut Noobelia, eikä lasta eikä paskaakaan, jos näät isän ongelma oli periytynyt. Varmaan Philin vazalaukkuun eksynyt vasen kives oli nyrjähtänyt U-käännöxessä. Koko mies kääntyi sitten vanhemmiten kivexensä perässä vasemmalta aika oikealle. Mutta kyltää Portnoyn tauti on Phillun paras kirja. Tässä ei vielä tiedetty että tätä samaa se tulee jankuttamaan koko loppuajan kerta kerralta yhä happamempana.
    ellauri144.html on line 496: Serubbabel Nehemia Jesua (n.h.)
    ellauri144.html on line 727: When Allura learns that Max, who was her rival for the directorship, is to marry Lana, Allura’s little sister, she swears revenge. Max’s confidence is shaken, and on his next all-night shift at the station, an accident causes the meltdown of one of the reactors. In the ensuing catastrophe, the region and its people are poisoned, and the survivors are forced to evacuate their beloved town.
    ellauri144.html on line 740: Huan Ramon Himénez sensijaan on espanjalainen lyyrikko, joka sai 1956 Nobelin palkinnon joxeenkin olemattomista ansioista. Yksi Jimenezin tärkeimmistä panoksista moderniin runouteen oli hänen kannatuksensa "puhtaan runouden" käsitteelle. Jotain tollasta l'art pour l'art varmaan taas, keskuslyriikkaa. Hän opiskeli San Luis Gonzagan jesuiittalaitoksessa El Puerto de Santa Maríassa, lähellä Cádizia. Myöhemmin hän opiskeli lakia ja maalausta Sevillan yliopistossa, mutta pian hän huomasi, että hänen kykynsä viittasivat paremminkin kynäilyyn. Sitten hän omistautui Rubén Daríon vaikuttamalle kirjallisuudelle ja simbolismille. Hän julkaisi kaksi ensimmäistä kirjaansa 18-vuotiaana vuonna 1900.
    ellauri144.html on line 848: Cuando, después de amarnos, te coges el cabello Kun, bylsittyämme, kokoat tukkaasi
    ellauri144.html on line 941: Huan kuoli 2v kuluttua Noobelista 2v vanhemman Zenobian leskenä. Eipä tainnut ehtiä enää paljon nauttimaan avoimista ovista.
    ellauri145.html on line 94: Swift on Anteron käsityxen mukaan eka jonka kokonainen vizikirja säilyi jälkimaailmalle. Rabelaisia ei lasketa, koska se nauroi mukana. Swift vihas apinakööriä, mutta pysytteli piispana ja shtuppi mielellään Varinaa, Stellaa ja Vanessaa. Se lahos latva edellä ja testamenttasi mielisairaalallensa miljoonan. Instructions aux domestiques vaikuttaa yhtä hauskalta kuin Osmo Soininvaaran 2020-luvun yhteiskuntapolitiikka, ja on yhtä oikealla. Ratkaisuxi köyhien sikiämiselle Swift ehdottaa lasten syöntiä. Vanha vizi, ei naurata. Mixei mieluummin lyödä lihoixi vanhoja lihavia piispoja sekä leukavia subrealisteja. Alaston apina on kuin luuta, paizi päällään seisova, se oivaltaa vielä lopuxi, mutta kuluu kuin se naisten kädessä. Haha. Vitun misogyynejä. Swiftin yhden rivin turauxet on käyt.kaz 1-1 samoja kuin happovaivaisella Ambrose Biercellä.
    ellauri145.html on line 112: Fourier was also a supporter of women´s rights in a time period when misogynic influences like Jean-Jacques Rousseau were prevalent. Fourier is credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837. Fourier believed that all important jobs should be open to women on the basis of skill and aptitude rather than closed on account of gender. He spoke of women as individuals, not as half the human couple. Fourier saw that "traditional" marriage could potentially hurt woman´s rights as human beings and thus never married. Writing before the advent of the term ´homosexuality´, Fourier held that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and androgénité. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one´s difference" can actually enhance social integration. Stark raving mad, he was!
    ellauri145.html on line 404: Roger Tichborne, heir to the noble and filthy rich Tichborne family´s title and fortunes, was presumed to have died in a shipwreck in 1854 at age 25. His mother clung to a belief that he might have survived, and after hearing rumours that he had made his way to Australia, she advertised extensively in Australian newspapers, offering a reward for information. In 1866, a Wagga Wagga butcher known as Thomas Castro came forward claiming to be Roger Tichborne. Although his manners and bearing were unrefined, he gathered support and travelled to England. He was instantly accepted by Lady Tichborne as her son, although other family members were dismissive and sought to expose him as an impostor. During protracted enquiries before the case went to court in 1871, details emerged suggesting that the claimant might be Arthur Orton, a butcher´s son from Wapping in London, who had gone to sea as a boy and had last been heard of in Australia. After a civil court had rejected the claimant´s case, he was charged with perjury; while awaiting trial he campaigned throughout the country to gain popular support. In 1874, a criminal court jury decided that he was not Roger Tichborne and declared him to be Arthur Orton. Before passing a sentence of 14 years, the judge condemned the behaviour of the claimant´s counsel, Edward Kenealy, who was subsequently disbarred because of his conduct.
    ellauri145.html on line 406: After the trial, Kenealy instigated a popular radical reform movement, the Magna Charta Association, which championed the claimant´s cause for some years. Kenealy was elected to Parliament in 1875 as a radical independent but was not an effective parliamentarian. The movement was in decline when the claimant was released in 1884, and he had no dealings with it. In 1895, he confessed to being Orton, only to recant almost immediately. He lived generally in poverty for the rest of his life and was destitute at the time of his death in 1898. Although most commentators have accepted the court´s view that the claimant was Orton, some analysts believe that an element of doubt remains as to his true identity and that, conceivably, he was Roger Tichborne. Or not.
    ellauri145.html on line 539: What rebellious teenager could resist this kind of thing? You’ve got your long hair, your leather jacket, your Slayer albums and your combat boots. You’ve got a guitar you can almost play. What completes that ensemble better than a copy of “The Antichrist,” placed conspicuously on your book stand? It’ll scare your parents if they’re religious, it’ll freak out your friends, and maybe you can find a sentence that sounds profound and memorize it so you can win some points for being deep. Get an inch or two deeper between her legs.
    ellauri145.html on line 721: Tämä vanhemmilleen kaunainen vino bretagnelainen nuorukainen on oikeasti aika lystikäs. Ei se mikään Tristan ollut vaan Eetu-Joakim. Sen koira oli Tristan. Sun koiraskin häpee sua. Joakim von Anka oli se Baabelin vankeuteen viety juutalainen kuningas. Homo-Verlainella oli tollanen kirottujen poeettojen katalogi ennen Anteroa, josta Antti tänkin löysi. Oltuaan esisymbolisti siitä tuli esisubrealisti.
    ellauri145.html on line 725: His mother Marie-Angélique-Aspasie Puyo, 19 years old at the time of his birth, belonged to one of the most prominent families of the local bourgeoisie. His father was Antoine-Édouard Corbière, known for his best-selling novel Le Négrier. A cousin, Constant Puyo, was a well-known Pictorialist photographer.
    ellauri145.html on line 878: Comme dit l´autre, échappé belle ; Kuten sanoo toinen, hyvin välttäneet;
    ellauri145.html on line 1025: Oui, ma belle Mignonne, écoute, Joo mun kaunis midinetti kuule,
    ellauri145.html on line 1086: Ulsterin poka väittää että Rimbaud rienatessaankin pysyy izelleen uskonnollisena. Distancing himself in an at times sacrilegious or blasphemous way from conventional western attachment to the Bible and to the figure of Christ as saviour, Rimbaud nevertheless proceeds to create for himself a radically different spiritual alternative. No voihan se niinnii olla, musta tossa loppupäässä vois olla jotain homostelua. Noi 2 ekaa naista on varmaan sen kuolleet siskot Vitalie (17v) ja Victorine (4kk). Toi Bau on varmaan joku niiden keskinäinen sana. Isabellesta se ei rukoile, koska se on elossa. Ellei se sitten oo toi Lulu, mutta epäilen. Olisko to Madame *** sit tän rimpulan tiukka äitykkä? - Mut no hei! Ulsterin poka on tullut samaan johtopäätöxeen kuin mä että tässä runon lopussa on kuin onkin homostelua! Spunk tarkoittaa kuin tarkoittaakin runkkua! Se oli Rimbaudilla pahe ainainen, esim seuraavassa runossa on sama idea:
    ellauri145.html on line 1115: Vitalie, née le 15 juin 1858 à Charleville, est la fille de Marie Catherine Vitalie Cuif et de Frédéric Rimbaud. Ce dernier quitte le domicile conjugal en 1860, laissant son épouse avec quatre enfants en bas âge. En effet, Frédéric a sept ans, Arthur six, Vitalie deux et Isabelle, huit mois.
    ellauri145.html on line 1162: In 1871, he published La natation ou l’art de nager appris seul en moins d’une heure (Learning the art of swimming alone in less than an hour), then resigned from the Army and moved to Marseilles. Here he filed a patent for the "airlift swimming trunks and belt with a double compensatory reservoir". This commercial endeavor was a complete failure. He returned to Magdeburg, where he earned his living as a language teacher, developing a method for learning French, which he self-published in 1874.
    ellauri146.html on line 96: TEUFEL. So will ich Ihnen denn sagen, daß dieser Inbegriff des Alls, den Sie mit dem Namen Welt beehren, weiter nichts ist, als ein mittelmäßiges Lustspiel, welches ein unbärtiger, gelbschnabeliger Engel, der in der ordentlichen, dem Menschen unbegreiflichen Welt lebt, und wenn ich nicht irre, noch in Prima sitzt, während seiner Schulferien zusammengeschmiert hat. Das Exemplar, in dem wir uns befinden, steht, glaube ich, in der Leihbibliothek zu X, und eben jetzt wird es von einer hübschen Dame gelesen, welche den Verfasser kennt und ihm heute abend, d. h. über sechs Trillionen Jahre, beim Teetische ihr Urteil darüber mitteilen will.
    ellauri146.html on line 139: Ist doch dein Angesicht. On sun belfie.
    ellauri146.html on line 154: RATTENGIFT. Ich Glücklicher! ich Überglücklicher! ich will auf den Dachgiebel klettern! Calderon liest meine Gedichte! Calderon läßt mich grüßen! Ich esse vor Freuden ein Talglicht! Grüßen Sie den Herrn de la Barca doch tausendmal wieder, – ich wäre sein rasendster Verehrer, ich wollte mit der Liddy das Waldhäuschen besuchen, und wenn ich ihr die Beine abschlagen sollte, – ich –
    ellauri146.html on line 292: Klopstocks Epos gestaltet In 20 Gesängen und nahezu 20.000 Versen die Passionsgeschichte Jesu und dessen Auferstehung nach dem Matthäusevangelium, Kap. 26–28 (bzw. dem Markusevangelium Kap. 14 und dem Lukasevangelium Kap. 22), beginnend mit seinem Gebiet auf dem Ölberg. Die Ereignisse des in wenigen Kapiteln auf Jesus konzentrierten Fabel-Kerns erweitert der Autor um Parallelhandlungen (Maria, Portia, Thomas u. a.) und um mit vielen Bildern wortreich ausgemalte transzendentale Szenen nach Motiven aus dem Alten und dem Neuen Testament sowie der Apokalypse.
    ellauri146.html on line 495: À sa plus belle amie elle en a fait l’aveu : Parhaalle kaverille se tunnustaa:
    ellauri146.html on line 690: Indeed, Poe seems much more the Southerner than the Yankee American, and it is not hard to guess which path he would have chosen had he lived into the 1860’s. One may be very sure that Edgar Poe, though born, almost by accident, in Boston, would have proved one of the Confederacy’s most eloquent and committed partisans. In reviewing the various factors which we may believe shaped Poe’s youthful mind, we would expect to find in Poe, and in re-examining his opinions we do find, a cosmopolitan rather than a parochial outlook. And yet, at the same time, we know Poe was serious when he proclaimed, “I am a Virginian!” We may be justified in looking upon the general influences of his formative years as contributing factors in the development of strong inclinations to Europe, Britain and the American South, rather than to the American Union.
    ellauri146.html on line 787: Though the town below lay leaved with October blood. Vaikka kylä alhaalla oli lokakuun veren lehvittämä.
    ellauri147.html on line 104: the beloved from the lover.
    ellauri147.html on line 338: He was disheartened by the news that people believed FAX to be the source through which he asked for a divorce.
    ellauri147.html on line 340: "It really hurt my career, or my public persona," he said. “It was based on an untruth…If I say it didn’t happen, I’m trusting that people will believe me.”
    ellauri147.html on line 375: Collins believes in the institution of marriage and desperately wants to have one that lasts. He went back to bloaty Oriane on Miami only to find she was married to another guy. And she never paid back the 30M she owed him.
    ellauri147.html on line 591:
    ellauri147.html on line 697:
    ellauri147.html on line 857: Hot or Not was preceded by the rating sites, like RateMyFace, which was registered a year earlier in the summer of 1999, and AmIHot.com, which was registered in January 2000 by MIT freshman Daniel Roy. Regardless, despite any head starts of its predecessors, Hot or Not quickly became the most popular. Since AmIHotOrNot.com's launch, the concept has spawned many imitators. The concept always remained the same, but the subject matter varied greatly. The concept has also been integrated with a wide variety of dating and matchmaking systems. In 2007 BecauseImHot.com launched and deleted anyone with a rating below 7 after a voting audit or the first 50 votes (whichever is first).
    ellauri147.html on line 866: The effect was first described in 1878 by Francis Galton. He had devised a technique called composite photography, which he believed could be used to identify 'types' by appearance, which he hoped would aid medical diagnosis, and even criminology through the identification of typical criminal faces. Galton's hypothesis was that certain groups of people may have common facial characteristics. To test the hypothesis, he created photographic composite images of the faces of vegetarians and criminals to see if there was a typical facial appearance for each. Galton overlaid multiple images of faces onto a single photographic plate so that each individual face contributed roughly equally to a final composite face. The resultant "averaged" faces did little to allow the a priori identification of either criminals or vegetarians, failing Galton's hypothesis. However, unexpectedly Galton observed that the composite image was more attractive than the component faces. Galton published this finding in 1878, and also described his composite photography technique in detail in Inquiries in Human Faculty and its Development. He subsequently sold the invention to an early erotic photography firm.
    ellauri150.html on line 275: Christophe l’attirait, pour beaucoup de raisons, dont la première était qu’il n’était pas attiré par elle. Il l’attirait encore, parce qu’il était différent de tous les jeunes gens qu’elle connaissait : elle n’avait jamais essayé encore d’une potiche de cette forme et de ces aspérités. Il l’attirait enfin, parce qu’experte, de race, à évaluer du premier coup d’œil le prix exact des potiches et des gens, elle se rendait parfaitement compte qu’à défaut d’élégance, Christophe avait une solidité, qu’aucun de ses bibelots parisiens ne pouvait lui offrir.
    ellauri150.html on line 319: — Mais c’est la musique même ! Un bel accord, c’est un baiser.
    ellauri150.html on line 459: The Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote the novel Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (1895–96, a tremendous hit in fin de siecle Paris) which in turn has been made into motion pictures several times, including a 1951 version that was nominated for eight Academy Awards. Vittu vaan 8, Ben veti mahtavammat 11, samoinkuin vielä järisyttävämmät suurteoxet Titanic ja Bored of the Rings. For this and other films novels, Sienkiewicz received the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature.
    ellauri150.html on line 465: During a naval battle against Greek rebels in the Ionian Sea, Ben-Hur´s galley is boarded but collides with another ship and is destroyed as Ben-Hur manages to cling to a floating mast. He is washed ashore and is found by Sheik Ilderim, who recognizes him as an escaped slave.
    ellauri150.html on line 478: Arthur Hammond Harris aka Christopher Fry (18 December 1907 – 30 June 2005) was an English poet and playwright. He is best known for his verse dramas, especially The Lady's Not for Burning, which made him a major force in theatre in the 1940s and 1950s. Fry was born as Arthur Hammond Harris in Bristol, the son of Charles John Harris, a master builder who retired early to work full-time as a licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England, and his wife Emma Marguerite Fry Hammond Harris. While still young, he took his mother's maiden name because, on very tenuous grounds, he believed her to be related to the 19th-century Quaker prison reformer Elizabeth Fry. He adopted Elizabeth Fry's faith, and became a Quaker and a gay. In the 1920s, he met the writer Robert Gittings, who became a lifelong friend. Maybe William Wyler was another yet longer friend. Gore Vidal most certainly another.
    ellauri150.html on line 514: In such condition a little child could have done as much as he to prevent the awful crime he was about to witness. The intentions of God are always strange to us; but not more so than the means by which they are wrought out, and at last made plain to our belief.
    ellauri150.html on line 612: Messala comes over for dinner. Judah and Messala go out back to meet privately. Judah gives Messala a white horse. Messala asks Judah for his progress in pacifying the Jews; on learning that it isn't 100% successful, he wants to know who's refusing. Messala makes clear that he wants names. Judah, while protesting that he's nonviolent himself, doesn't think that the Jews resisting Roman rule are doing anything wrong, and so he doesn't provide them. Messala begs for cooperation, but in doing so makes clear that he considers the Roman Emperor a god; not only doesn't Judah believe that, but he's personally against the occupation. They leave as enemies, and Judah Ben-Hur is left to explain why Messala isn't staying for dinner.
    ellauri150.html on line 625: More than three years later, we see Ben-Hur working one of many oars. He is going by "41" (or is that XLI?), his seat number, and he is full of hate. A Roman consul, Quintus Arrius, has boarded the ship, and it goes to war almost immediately. The consul wants Ben-Hur for a charioteer, and doesn't understand why Ben-Hur has any other hopes of life after the galleys; if they succeed in battle, he'll keep rowing, and if they don't, he'll die chained to the oar. Ben-Hur makes clear that he believes God will help him, also that he dislikes the idea of dying chained to the oar; this has a delayed effect; at the time, "back to your oar," but the consul orders him unchained after all the galley slaves had been chained.
    ellauri150.html on line 635: The house of Hur is in ruins, but people are living there. He is met by Esther; she and her father were in there for only a year. Her father was paralyzed in prison, so a big fella who shared a cell with him and went mute during that time has also moved in to help. They are still in Jerusalem because all the assets were seized by the Romans - well, not all the assets, but they don't want the Romans to know about the rest of them prematurely. Esther never married, partly because the reason for arranging that marriage no longer applied, and partly because - she looks at her all-black clothing here, so we're probably supposed to believe that her fiance died.
    ellauri150.html on line 639: Messala goes to find out what happened to Judah's mother and sister. They are still alive—the food disappears. But they have somehow caught leprosy. Messala orders them freed so they can go where the lepers belong, and then orders the cell burned out.
    ellauri150.html on line 685: In short, spurred on by greedy hankering after things present, which is the root of all evils, which some coveting have erred from the faith, they attack the right of property, sanctioned by the law of nature, and with signal depravity, while pretending to feel solicitous about the needs, and anxious to satisfy the requirements of all, they strain every effort to seize upon and hold in common all that has been individually acquired by title of lawful inheritance, through intellectual or manual labor, or economy in living. These monstrous views they proclaim in public meetings, uphold in booklets, and spread broadcast everywhere through the daily press. Hence the hallowed dignity and authority of rulers has incurred such odium on the part of rebellious subjects that evil-minded traitors, spurning all control, have many a time within a recent period boldly raised impious hands against even the very heads of States. etc.etc.
    ellauri150.html on line 699: So the Pope is telling us that it's really that simple. There is an intimate relationship between freedom and sin. If you want to be free, don't sin. When the Church teaches us not to sin, it is also teaching us how to be free. That's *real* freedom. Don't worry, you still have lots of other choices open to you that don't involve sin. You haven't given anything up, in fact you have opened up new possibilities now that you have freed yourself from sin. (Pst! before you get carried away with this, read the fine print below on gay and premarital sex.)
    ellauri150.html on line 740: Catholics believe that Jesus was at once God and Man. I have begun to think of Jesus as being able to see at once the physical world (with one eye) and the spirit world (with the other). Perhaps Satan tried to pull him out of the physical world back into the spiritual world to destroy his mission, but Jesus rebuked Satan. There's lots of similar scenes with the dark side of the force sucking the good guys in Star Wars, and Mordor's Eye hypnotizing the poor Hobbits, plus one really scary one in Harry Potter, where Voldemort (sorry I mentioned the name) tries to slurp Harry into a pot of soup.
    ellauri151.html on line 53: This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
    ellauri151.html on line 110: André Paul Guillaume Gide (French: [ɑ̃dʁe pɔl ɡijom ʒid]; 22 November 1869 – 19 February 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1947). André was born in Paris on 22 November 1869, into a middle-class Protestant family. His father was a Paris University professor of law who died in 1880, Jean Paul Guillaume Gide, and his mother was Juliette Maria Rondeaux. His uncle was the political economist Charles Gide. His paternal family traced its roots back to Italy, with his ancestors, the Guidos, moving to France and other western and northern European countries after converting to Protestantism during the 16th century, due to persecution.
    ellauri151.html on line 126: It is impermissible under any circumstances for morals to sink as low as communism has done. No one can begin to imagine the tragedy of humanity, of morality, of religion and of freedoms in the land of communism, where man has been debased beyond belief.
    ellauri151.html on line 132: Mä luulen ezen claim to Nobel fame vuonna 1947 oli toi antikommunismi ennen kaikkea. In 1946, when Pierre Herbert asked Gide which of his books he would choose if only one were to survive," Gide replied, ´I think it would be my Journal.´" Beginning at the age of eighteen or nineteen, Gide kept a journal all of his life and when these were first made available to the public, they ran to thirteen hundred pages. Pääasiassa homoilua ja sen puolustelua. Gide ei koskaan bylsinyt vaimoaan Madeleinea, mutta kävi kerran jonkun nuoren neidon pukilla, ja siitti siinä yhden tyttären. Toista varvia ei tullut, vaikka neito pyyteli.
    ellauri151.html on line 301: Andacht: Das gestaltlose Sausen des Glockengeläutes oder eine warme Nebelerfüllung, ein musikalisches Denken, indem es diese Erfahrung gemacht, daß das Grab seines wirklichen unwandelbaren Wesens keine Wirklichkeit hat.
    ellauri151.html on line 553: free response to reality, and it involves belief-systems and trust.
    ellauri151.html on line 582: Tälläsen expressiivisen "tiili!" tyyppisen käskykielen painottaminen on sellaisenaan jo aika uskonnollista. (Vaik onhan tietokonekieletkin käskykantaisia.) Kusch argues that theological grammar describes how religious practices and the communication between God and the believer work. Both Hamann and Wittgenstein argue that pictures are indispensable for divine-
    ellauri151.html on line 680: Munz (2000) discusses Wittgenstein’s reply to Frazer at length. Frazer argues that magic is based on loose associations that lead to erroneous views on causation. According to Munz, Wittgenstein holds that the distinction between beliefs and practices cannot be made, as language is at its core mythological.
    ellauri151.html on line 691: Vittu "the world" ei ole sama asia kuin "mun pää". Tää on joillekuille aivan mahdotonta sulattaa. Nimenomaan narsistisille tyypeille. Ja niitähän filosoofeistakin on valtaosa, kuten muistakin kynäilijöistä. Ne eivät usko edes omaan kuolemaansa muistuttaen siinä suhteessa moosexenuskoista Belovin Salea. Moses had to trust God in order to believe that he would die, even though he had very strong empirical reasons to believe it (N II: 73)
    ellauri151.html on line 722: Those who believed the gospel of the kingdom, that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, were known as followers of the Way (Acts 9.2, 19.9, 23, 22.4, 24.14, 22). They were not Christians. Christianity did not begin within the borders of Israel; it began outside its borders. Paul was saved outside Israel on his way to Damascus (Acts 9.3-6). Believers first became known as Christians in Antioch, not Jerusalem (Acts 11.25-26).
    ellauri151.html on line 953: [35] that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechari'ah the son of Barachi'ah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar.
    ellauri151.html on line 1065: Rokan hahmo korostaa Tuntemattoman toista syväteemaa: kuria. Rokkaa siedetään, mutta vaientajansa hänkin kohtaa. Herra se on herrallakin. Kuri-Suomen kasvattama Vanhala on lopulta selviytyjä ja kansanvaltaisuutta edustava joukkuepelaaja. "Talis est bellum." Vitun tolvana. Bellum on neutri.
    ellauri152.html on line 87: Berthe Clorine Jeanne Le Barillier (parfois orthographiée Berthe Clorinne Jeanne Le Barillier ou même Berthe Corinne Jeanne Le Barillier, sans doute par une suite d'erreurs de recopiage orthographique erroné dans les divers ouvrages où elle est citée), née à Bordeaux le 24 juillet 1858 et morte au Cannet le 24 janvier 1927, est une femme de lettres française. Takkutukkainen naisoletettu, rekkalesbon näköinen. Väsäs paljon sinisukkajuttuja, mm. Heloisesta ja Abelardista. Takuulla ei kääntänyt mitään kreikasta. Son œuvre, si elle est assez largement tombée dans l'oubli, est servie par un style sobre et une documentation toujours très solide. La part la plus consistante de son œuvre est probablement celle consacrée à l'antiquité romaine. Elle batit une maison à proximité immédiate de l'Hermitage de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, un écrivain qu'elle admirait et dont elle voulait se rapprocher. Mit vit JJ oli kuollut jo aikapäiviä?? Ja aika misogyyni kaiken kukkuraxi. Näitä vale-uudelleen
    ellauri152.html on line 90: In 1955 the Daughters of Bilitis was founded in San Francisco as the first lesbian civil and political rights organization in the United States. In regard to its name, Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, two of the group's founders, said "If anyone asked us, we could always say we belong to a poetry club." Mehän voidaan sanoa. Had they only known that it was all about fornicating boys.
    ellauri152.html on line 380: Nec te paeniteat calamo trivisse labellum: Ethän masennu jos mun huilu raapaisee sun pikku huulia:
    ellauri152.html on line 532: Haman var enligt Esters bok namnet på en furste som under Ahasverus/Xerxes regering försökte utrota judarna i Persiska riket. I bibelboken kallas han en "agagit", det vill säga avkomling av Agag, en kung av judarnas fiende Amalek.
    ellauri152.html on line 587: The plot goes like this: Yentl has secretly studied Torah under her father’s tutelage. She has no interest in marriage, so when he dies, she disguises herself as Anshel and travels to a yeshiva. Along the way she meets a fellow student named Avigdor. They strike up a friendship and Yentl accompanies him to his yeshiva in Bechev, where they become study partners. Avigdor is in love with a girl named Badass, whom he wishes to marry. However, when Badass’s family learns a dark secret about Avigdor’s family, they won’t let him marry her. In desperation, Avigdor begs Anshel to marry Badass in his stead. Yentl initially resists, but eventually gives in and asks for Badass’s hand in order to retain Avigdor’s goodwill. After Anshel and Badass are married, Badass comes to look on her husband with love, but Yentl become more and more upset about the situation. Unable to go on any longer, Yentl asks Avigdor to join her on a business trip. Once they are at an inn in another city, Yentl tells him that she’s a woman. He laughs and doesn’t believe her, so she undresses momentarily. He is shocked. This is where the two versions split.
    ellauri152.html on line 615: Now, here Singer is not mad at Yentl the film for cis-normifying his gender-ambiguous, interestingly queer Yentl, but rather for turning the ending into optimistic kitsch that ignores the harsh reality of what life in America was for Jewish immigrants, especially for Jewish women. And in some ways I feel like rolling my eyes at him for that. Aside from the fact that it offends his artistic vision, why shouldn’t Jewish women get a film where—suspension of disbelief!—a Jew will study Torah, loudly and proudly, as a woman? It’s a musical, not a documentary.
    ellauri152.html on line 685: In Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, the paragraph "And if you listen ..." (Devarim 11:13:21), which warns of the consequences of violating the dog's willy, din, harsh justice, precede the paragraph of "Hear O Israel ..." (Devarim 6:4-8), which declares our belief in the Almighty. Since this verse applies to even the sinners of Israel, it alludes to the dog's attribute of compassion, cheese. In Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin, the aspect of harshness, din, precedes that of mercy, cheese, alluding to the dog's original intention to run the world through harshness, din.
    ellauri152.html on line 749: When Zeiltin turned 15, his father died and he decided to become a Hebrew teacher. His exit from the world of the Yeshiva exposed him to the works of the scholars of the Enlightenment. He began studying in earnest the works of both Jewish philosophers (Maimonides, Gersonides, Spinoza etc.) and non-Jewish ones such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and others. During this period in his life, he began questioning his religious beliefs and eventually drifted toward secularism.
    ellauri153.html on line 81: Saadi shirazi quote on the beloved and riches
    ellauri153.html on line 838: Vanhentunutta sexitietoutta. Kyllä nainenkin voi olla pukilla, kz. pornoleffoja. Jos et pidä siitä, voit korvata ablatiivin exessiivillä: "nainen nousi pukinta". Muilta osin laittamattomasti sanottu. Kasvun puute on jo pula-ahoa. Tässä vaiheessa Taavi-enolle kyllä riittäsi pelkkä tollanen kuumavesipullo peiton alle kuten Abi-shag. Huvittavaa että Rolf Nevanlinna onnistuu ampumaan izeänsä jalkaan samassa lauseessa kuten Alfred Tarski. Siihen tarvitaan matemaatikon lahjoja. The cat is on the mat but I don't believe it.
    ellauri155.html on line 147: noobeli, kingi, knjaz, kauneuskuningatar, celeb, kuuluisuus, palkittu, arvohenkilö, tähti, suosikki, listaykkönen, roolimalli, esilaulaja, esitanssija, näyttelijä, esiintyjä, esiintyvä taiteilija, juontaja, bestselleri, disaineri, komeljanttari, trendipetteri, kameeosa
    ellauri155.html on line 149: ministeri, apulainen, pomo(shnik), marsalkka, konnetaabeli, konstaapeli, komisario, kersantti (servantti), hlaford, diakoni, vääpeli, visiiri, upseeri, lähetti, enkeli, sihteeri, apostoli, keskijohto, varakuningas, vararehtori, varadekaani, varatuomari, sijaishallizija, asiainhoitaja, stuertti, vikaari, saapasrenki, vouti, vallesmanni, virkamies, byrokraatti, järjestelmävastaava, vastuuhenkilö
    ellauri155.html on line 425: Abimelek er eit namn som går att i Den hebraiske bibelen. Det viser til to filistarkongar og ein israelitt, i tillegg til ein bruk i Salmane der det kan visa til filistarkongen Akisj.
    ellauri155.html on line 431: Avimelek eller Abimelek (hebreiska: אבימלך, 'Avimelekh, "min far är kung" eller "far till en kung") är ett mansnamn som bärs av fyra personer i Gamla testamentet i Bibeln.
    ellauri155.html on line 432: De första förekomsterna av namnet Avimelek i Bibeln är i 1 Mos 20 – 21 och 1 Mos 26. Det handlar vid båda tillfällena om en filisteisk kung av Gerar. Enligt Haggada skall det röra sig om far och son med samma namn.
    ellauri155.html on line 765: So important was it to Calvin to believe this doctrine that he said, “We shall never feel persuaded as we ought that our salvation flows from the free mercy of God as its fountain, until we are made acquainted with his eternal election.” Yet even though he saw eternal election this way, he also stressed a need for caution.
    ellauri155.html on line 785: “The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us, and to our children forever.”
    ellauri155.html on line 787: Calvin even demonstrated his commitment to this truth in his placement of his teaching on predestination in The Institutes. In the final edition, he moved his section on predestination from the beginning of his work to a place following his teaching on redemption, in effect suggesting “that predestination is a doctrine best understood by believers after they come to know the redemptive work of Jesus Christ applied by the Holy Spirit.”
    ellauri155.html on line 867: Schilppin volyymi on filosofien Noobeli. Kyllä oli Jakkoh-Hintikka ylpistynyt sinne päästyään. Mutta on siellä oudompiakin häiskiä. Albert Einstein? toi Sarvepalli? Santayana? Ja se Martin Buber! All male paneelissa on 2 halkiohaaraista.
    ellauri155.html on line 892: Like William James, his friend and mentor, he wrote philosophy in a literary way. Ezra Pound includes Santayana among his many cultural references in The Cantos, notably in "Canto LXXXI" and "Canto XCV". Santayana is usually considered an American writer, although he declined to become an American citizen, resided in Fascist Italy for decades, and said that he was most comfortable, intellectually and aesthetically, at Oxford University. Although an atheist, Santayana considered himself an "aesthetic Catholic" and spent the last decade of his life in a Roman residence under Catholic nuns. It felt a little like his young days under William James. He held racial superiority and eugenic views. He believed superior races should be discouraged from "intermarriage with inferior stock". Maybe that was why he had no kids.
    ellauri155.html on line 1053: cial world. We believe, however, that you may reasonably expect to receive this
    ellauri156.html on line 122: What keeps David home in Jerusalem? Why doesn’t David go to the battle? I fear there are perhaps several reasons. The first is David's arrogance. God has been with David in all of his military encounters and given him victory over all his foes. God has given David a great name. David has begun to believe his own press clippings. He begins to feel he is invincible. David seems to have come to the place where he believes his abilities are so great he can lead Israel into victory, even though he is not with his men in battle. He was just getting bored. God should not have helped him TOO much, that was like taking the wind from his sails. Any parent knows that much.
    ellauri156.html on line 267: Finally, David can stand his bed no longer. Getting up, he goes for a stroll around the roof of his palace. Most certainly, David's palace was built on the highest ground possible, so that it would afford him a commanding view of the city and the surrounding country. Virtually every other residence and building would be below David's penthouse apartment, and thus he would be able to see much that was out of sight for others. (A friend remarked after this message that a truck driver had told him a whole lot can be seen from an 18-wheeler that people in cars don't see. A chicano truck-driver just got a 110 year sentence in the U.S. for failing to stop his 18-wheeler when the brakes went. Now that was a honest-to-god Jehova style sentence, to the third and fourth generation. Good work, Rocky!)
    ellauri156.html on line 269: I am not suggesting that David purposed to see something he should not. (I bet he did, peeping Tom. You actually come round to the same conclusion below, Bob.) More than likely he is walking about, almost absent-mindedly, when suddenly his eyes fix on something that rivets his attention on a woman bathing herself. The text does not really tell us where this woman is bathing, and why at this time of the night? We only know that she is within sight of David's penthouse (rooftop). David notes her beauty. He does not know who she is or whether she is married. We cannot be certain how much David sees, and thus we do not know for certain whether he has yet sinned. (What the fuck? How much do you need to see to sin? Are boobs enough, or do you need to see the pudendum or the fanny?) If David saw more of this woman than he should (a fact still in question), then he surely should have diverted his eyes. It was not necessarily evil for him to discretely inquire about her. If she were unmarried and eligible, he could have taken her for his wife. His inquiry would make this clear.
    ellauri156.html on line 289: My fear is that David chose to ignore Uriah's military record and to fix his attention upon his racial origins. It is obvious and noteworthy that David refers to Uriah as “Uriah the Hittite,” while the author of Samuel refers to him only as “Uriah.” The expression, “Uriah the Hittite” is a term of derision, I believe, based solely upon the fact that he is of Hittite stock. Never mind that David has Moabite blood in his veins.
    ellauri156.html on line 295: It is obvious that Uriah had forsaken his own people and their gods to live in Israel, marry an Israelite woman, and fight in David's army. He is no pagan, to be put to death. He is a proselyte. In spite of all this, I believe David looks down upon him. David has grown accustomed to having the finest of everything. His palace is the finest around. His furnishings, his food, his help, are all the finest. Now, he looks from his penthouse and sees a woman whom he regards as “fine.” How can a woman so “fine” belong to this Hittite? She is fit for a king. And this king intends to have her.
    ellauri156.html on line 301: It is clear from the words of our text that David sinned. It is clear from the actions of David which follow that he sinned. It is clear from the words of God through Nathan that David sinned in a grievous manner. The problem is that many wish to view the text in a way that forces Bathsheba to share David's guilt by assuming that she somehow seduced him. I would like to pursue this matter, because I believe there is absolutely no evidence to support such a conclusion. (Wow! That's a refreshing point of view! Like Ballsack's novel Comment la belle Fille de Portillon quinaulda son iuge.)
    ellauri156.html on line 311: Now, having looked at the big picture, let's concentrate on the juicy details. The text informs us that David sees this woman bathing and notes that she is very beautiful. It is sometimes thought that David saw Bathsheba unclothed as she bathed herself publicly, and that the sight of her (unclothed/partially) body prompted David to act as he did. Virtually the identical words employed in our text (“very beautiful in appearance”) are found in Genesis 24:16 of Rebekah, as she came to the well with a water jug on her shoulder. She was neither naked nor partially clothed. Similar (though not identical) descriptions are found, where no exposure of the woman is indicated at all (see Genesis 12:11; 26:7; 29:17; Esther 1:1). I believe one of the reasons David summons Bathsheba to his palace is that he has not seen all that he wishes. (Haahaa! Bob, you are a little too bashful here. Most likely he wants to try on what he saw, like St. Thomas who wanted to put his finger in the wound. Seeing is not believing.)
    ellauri156.html on line 313: Let's pursue this matter a little more. (Oh lord, I feel the spirit stirring below my belt.) Bathsheba is bathing herself. (This is about the 4. time Bob invites us to picture this tender moment. There are not too many of them in the Bible, so let us savor it.) We tend to assume that this means she is disrobed, at least partially. I believe Bathsheba is bathing herself in some place normally used for such purposes. Only David, with his penthouse vantage, would be able to see her, and a whole lot of other folks if he chose. The poor do not have the same privacy privileges as the rich. I have seen any number of people bathing themselves on the sidewalks of India, because this is their home. The word for bathing employed here is often used to describe the washing of a guest's hands or feet and for the ceremonial washings of the priests. Abigail used this term when she spoke of washing the feet of David's servants (1 Samuel 25:41). Such washings could be done, with decency, without total privacy. We assume far too much if we assume Abigail is walking about unclothed, in full sight of onlookers.
    ellauri156.html on line 319: It is not as if Bathsheba is acting in an unbecoming manner, knowing that men are around. She has every right to assume they are not. David is around, but he should not be. On top of this, she is not bathing herself at high noon; she is bathing herself in the evening. This is when the law prescribed (for ceremonial cleansing), and it is when the sun is setting. In other words, it is nearly dark when Bathsheba sets out to wash herself. David has to crane his neck and use his binoculars to see what he does. I believe Bathsheba makes every effort to assure her modesty, but the king's vantage point is too high, and he is looking with too much zeal. I am suggesting that David is much more of a peeping Tom than Bathsheba is an exhibitionist. I believe the text bears me out on this.
    ellauri156.html on line 325: First, the root of David's sin is not low self-esteem; it is arrogance. (Since when is low self-esteem a sin? Well I bet it is for American believers. Think of Bill James' Will to Believe.) I am getting quite weary of hearing that the root of all evils is low self-esteem. I wonder why we see nothing of this in the Bible. David's problem is just the opposite. He has become puffed up and arrogant because of his success and status as Israel's king. He has come to see himself as different/better than the rest of the Israelites. They need to go to war; he does not. They need to sleep in the open field; he needs to get his rest in his own bed, in his palace. They can have a wife; he can have whatever woman he wants.
    ellauri156.html on line 345: We may weary of taking up our cross and begin to take up ourselves or our same-sex significant other as our highest cause. We may back off in the area of separation, having become weary of being laughed at for our Christian principles. We may keep quiet, rather than bear witness to our faith, lest we be rejected by our peers. We may hold off from rebuking a fellow-believer, who is falling into sin, because the last time we tried it was very messy. We may get fed up with getting whacked every time we admonish fellow non-believers. When we retreat from the battle, a plunge is not far away.
    ellauri156.html on line 361: 4 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins; and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has seen him or knows him. 7 Little children, make sure no one deceives you; the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as he is righteous; 8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. (Don't believe Milton, he's got it all wrong.) the son of god appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil. 9 No one who is born of god practices sin, because his seed (zihi) abides in him; and he cannot sin if he tried, because he is born of dog (1 John 3:4-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 392: In our first lesson, we devoted our attention to the first four verses of chapter 11, which depict David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba. Pretty unbelievable that I got a whole four pages out of it. The trick is was to keep repeating the juicy bit about Bathsheba washing herself before (or after) David's load. I sought to demonstrate that this sin was all of David's doing. The author points his accusing finger at David, not Bathsheba. It was not Bathsheba's indiscretion in bathing herself (as I understand this story), for she was simply obeying the ritual of purification outlined in the law. It was David who, by means of his lofty elevation and view, looked inappropriately at Bathsheba, washing herself,violating her privacy. I endeavored to demonstrate that David's sin with Bathsheba was the result of a sequence of wrong decisions and attitudes on David's part. In one sense, being on the path he was, his destination (of adultery, or something like it) was to be expected. His sins of omission finally blossomed and came into full bloom.
    ellauri156.html on line 451: A. H. Weiler of The New York Times described the film as "a reverential and sometimes majestic treatment of chronicles that have lived three millennia." He praised Dunno's screenplay and Peck's "authoritative performance" but found that Wayward "seems closer to Hollywood than to the arid Jerusalem of his Bible." Variety wrote, "This is a big picture in every respect. It has scope, pageantry, sex (for all its Biblical background), cast names, color—everything. It's a surefire boxoffice entry, one of the really 'big' pictures of the new selling season." Philip K. Scheuer of the Los Angeles Times wrote that the film "leaves little to be desired" from the standpoint of production values with Peck "ingratiating" as David and Wayward "a seductress with flaming tresses, in or out of the bath, and only her final contrition is a little difficult to believe." Richard L. Coe of The Washington Post wrote, "On the whole, the picture suggests a Reader's Digest story expanded into a master's thesis for the Ecole Copacabana."] Harrison's Reports wrote, "The outstanding thing about the production is the magnificent performance of Gregory Peck as David; he makes the characterization real and human, endowing it with all the shortcomings of a man who lusts for another's wife, but who is seriously penitent and prepared to shoulder his guilt. Susan Wayward, as Bathsheba, is beautiful and sexy, but her performance is of no dramatic consequence." The Monty Python Bulletin commented that the film had been made "with restraint and relative simplicity" compared to other historical epics, "and the playing of Gregory Peck in particular is competent. The whole film, however, is emotionally and stylistically quite unworthy of its subject." Philip Hamburger of The New Yorker wrote that "the accessories notwithstanding, something is ponderously wrong with 'David and Bathsheba.' The fault lies, I suppose, in the attempt to make excessive enlargements of an essentially-simple story." Zanuck the Hot Dog agreed.
    ellauri156.html on line 475: On to plan B. David has his spies watching Uriah as though he is the enemy. (Well, he is a rival all right.) They know what David wants; he wants Uriah to go home and sleep with his wife. If they do not know all of the details of what David has done with Bathsheba (which is hard to believe) and what he intends to accomplish by Uriah's visit, they certainly know something out of the ordinary is taking place. One way or the other, David is making these servant-spies co-conspirators with him.
    ellauri156.html on line 513: 26 When Joab came out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David did not know it. 27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the middle of the gate to speak with him privately, and there he struck him in the belly so that he died on account of the blood of Asahel his brother. 28 Afterward when David heard it, he said, “I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. 29 “May it fall on the head of Joab and on all his father's house; and may there not fail from the house of Joab one who has a discharge, or who is a leper, or who takes hold of a distaff, or who falls by the sword, or who lacks bread.” 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner because he had put their brother Asahel to death in the battle at Gibeon (2 Samuel 3:26-30).
    ellauri156.html on line 537: Abner was the son of the witch of En-dor in Mordor, (Pirḳe R. El. xxxiii.), and the hero par excellence in the Haggadah (Yalḳ., Jer. 285; Eccl. R. on ix. 11; Ḳid. 49b). Conscious of his extraordinary strength, he exclaimed: "If I could only catch hold of the earth, I could shake it" (Yalḳ. l.c.)—a saying which parallels the famous utterance of Archimedes, "Had I a fulcrum, I could move the world." (Dote moi pa bo kai tan gan kino.) According to the Midrash (Eccl. R. l.c.) it would have been easier to move a wall six yards thick than one of the feet of Abner, who could hold the Israelitish army between his knees, and often did. Yet when his time came [date missing], Joab smote him. But even in his dying hour, Abner seized his foe's balls like a ball of thread, threatening to crush them. Then the Israelites came and pleaded for Joab's jewels, saying: "If thou crushest them his future kids shall be orphaned, and our women and all our belongings will become a prey to the Philistines." Abner answered: "What can I do? He has extinguished my light" (has wounded me fatally). The Israelites replied: "Entrust thy cause to the true judge [God]." Then Abner released his hold upon Joab's balls and fell dead to the ground (Yalḳ. l.c.).
    ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
    ellauri156.html on line 562: Now why does this messenger not wait for David to respond in anger, as Joab instructed? Why does he inform David that Uriah has been killed, before he even utters a word of criticism or protest? I believe the messenger gives the report in this way because he understands what is really going on here. I think he may know about David and Bathsheba, and perhaps even of her pregnancy. He certainly knows that Uriah was summoned to Jerusalem. I think he also figures out that David wants to get rid of Uriah, and that Joab has accomplished this by this miserable excuse for an offensive against the enemy. I think the messenger figures out that if David knows Uriah has been killed, he will not raise any objections to this needless slaughter. And so, rather than wait for David to hypocritically rant and rave about the stupidity of such a move, he just goes on and tells him first, so that he will not receive any reaction from David.
    ellauri156.html on line 570: Our text has many applications and implications for today. Let me suggest a few as I conclude this lesson. First, “Can a Christian fall?” Yes. Some folks in the Bible may cause us to question whether they really ever came to please Dog, folks like Balaam or Samson or Saul. But we have no such questions regarding David. He is not only a believer, he is a model believer. In the Bible, David sets the standard because he is a man after God's heart. Nevertheless, this man David, in spite of his popularity in Dog's circles, in spite of his marvelous times of worship and his bea-u-utiful psalms, falls deeply into sin. If David can fall, so can we, which is precisely what Paul, another crook and tricky Dick, warns us about:
    ellauri156.html on line 607: And Jonah from the belly of the whale
    ellauri156.html on line 625: A couple hundred years ago, my wife Jeannette and I went to England and Scotland with my parents. Each night we stayed at a “bed and breakfast” as we drove through Wales. There were a number of farms, but not so many towns in which to find a place to stay for the night. We saw a “bed and breakfast” sign and traveled along the country road until we found the place -- a very quaint farm. We saw several hundred sheep in a pasture, a stone trestle, and stone barns. It looked like the perfect place, and in many ways it was. What we did not realize was that the stone trestle was a railroad trestle for a train that came by late at night, a few feet from the house where we slept. Two cows also calved that night. I have spent my share of time around farms, but I have never heard the bellow of a cow that was calving echo throughout a stone barn. I could hardly sleep a wink. Just goes to show. Never trust the Rugby guys.
    ellauri156.html on line 641: Bathsheba's response to the death of her husband is as we would expect, as we would also hope. From what the text tells us, she has absolutely no part in David's plot to deceive her husband, let alone to put him to death. Undoubtedly, she learns of Uriah's death in much the same way every war widow does, then or now. When she is officially informed of Uriah's death in battle, she mourns for her husband. We cannot be certain just how long this period of mourning is. We know, for example, that if a virgin of some distant (i.e., not Canaanite) nation was captured by an Israelite during a raid on her town, the Israelite could take her for a wife after she had mourned for her parents (who would have been killed in the raid) for a full month (Deuteronomy 21:10-13). As I will seek to show in a moment, I believe Bathsheba's mourning is genuine, and not hypocritical. I believe she mourns her husband's death because she loves him.
    ellauri156.html on line 645: When Bathsheba's mourning is complete, David sends for her and brings her to himself as his wife. Wait, was little David born as yet, or did he start fucking her with her belly full? I do not see him bending down on his knees, proposing. I do not see him courting her, sending her roses. I see him “taking” her once again. And again. In fact, this is my favourite part. The question in my mind is, “Why?” Why does David take Bathsheba into his house as one of his wives? I do not think he is any longer trying to “cover up” his sin; it is far too late for that. She must be “showing” her pregnancy by now, and it is hard to imagine how all Israel cannot know what has been going on. It appears that at this point, David is not trying to conceal his sin, but to legitimize it. Whatever David's reasons may be, they are hardly spiritual, and they are most certainly self-serving.
    ellauri156.html on line 722: Second, David recognizes what he views as the greater sin, and that is the rich man's total lack of compassion. David is furious because a rich man stole and slaughtered a poor man's pet. He does not yet see the connection to his lack of compassion for stealing a poor man's beloved companion, Uriah's wife, Bathsheba. The slaughtering of Uriah is most certainly an act which lacks compassion. The crowning touch in David's display of righteous indignation is the religious flavoring he gives it by the words, “as the Lord lives” (verse 5).
    ellauri156.html on line 768: The consequences are not only appropriate, but intensified. David took one man's wife; another will take several (I bet four) of his wives. This happens when Absalom rebels against his father's rule and temporarily takes over the throne. Following the advice of Ahithophel, Absolom pitches a tent on the roof of David's palace (the place from which David first looked upon Bathsheba) and there, in the sight of all Israel, sleeps with David's concubines as a declaration that he has taken over his father's throne and all that goes with it (2 Samuel 16:20-22). While David seeks to commit his sins in private, God sees to it that the consequences are very public. Aijaa. Kai tää Absalom-tarinakin täytyy vielä lehteillä.
    ellauri156.html on line 776: (2) God sees our sin, even when men do not. He sees through the privy door. Our sins never slip past God unnoticed. The wicked refuse to believe that God sees their sin, or that if He does, that He will deal with it: And they say, “How does God know? And is there knowledge with the Most High?” (Psalm 73:11; see 2 Peter 3:3ff.) The answer is he has X-ray vision. And a huge notebook. God may delay judgment or discipline, but He will never ignore our sin. If he ignores it, it was a venial sin. But better not try your luck!
    ellauri156.html on line 812: That is precisely what the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ does for us. We were dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1-3). We were blinded to the immensity of our sins (2 Corinthians 4:4). The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, His perfect life, His innocent and sacrificial death, His literal and physical resurrection are all historical events. But the gospel is also a story, a true story. When we read the New Testament Gospels, we read a story that is even more dramatic, more amazing, more disturbing than the story Nathan told David. When we see the way unbelieving men treated our Lord, we should be shocked, horrified, and angered. We should cry out, “They deserve to die!” And that they do. But the Gospel is not written only to show us their sins -- those who actually heard Jesus and cried, “Crucify Him, Crucify Him” -- it is written so that the Spirit of God can cry out in our hearts, “Thou art the man! Yo mon!” When we see the way men treated Jesus, we see the way we would treat him, if he were here. We see how we treat him today. With laughter and ridicule. And that, my friend, reveals the immensity of our sin, and the immensity of our need for repentance and forgiveness. Words, words, words. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
    ellauri158.html on line 46: The actual world, we might now say, is the only possible world. Events could not, in the strongest sense of that expression, have gone any differently than they in fact have gone. This is the position of necessitarianism, a belief that few in the history of Western philosophy have explicitly embraced. And for good reason — on the face of it, necessaritianism is highly counterintuitive. Surely the world could have gone slightly differently than it has gone. Couldn’t the Allies have lost WWII? No way! They were in the right! Couldn’t Leibniz have been a sister or not been born at all? Täähän on kuin Jaakko Hintikka versus Jon Barwise.
    ellauri158.html on line 692: All men are born ignorant of the causes of things, that all have the desire to seek for what is useful to them, and that they are conscious of such desire. Herefrom it follows, first, that men think themselves free inasmuch as they are conscious of their volitions and desires, and never even dream, in their ignorance, of the causes which have disposed them so to wish and desire. Secondly, that men do all things for an end, namely, for that which is useful to them, and which they seek. Thus it comes to pass that they only look for a knowledge of the final causes of events, and when these are learned, they are content, as having no cause for further doubt. If they cannot learn such causes from external sources, they are compelled to turn to considering themselves, and reflecting what end would have induced them personally to bring about the given event, and thus they necessarily judge other natures by their own. Further, as they find in themselves and outside themselves many means which assist them not a little in the search for what is useful, for instance, eyes for seeing, teeth for chewing, herbs and animals for yielding food, the sun for giving light, the sea for breeding fish, &c., they come to look on the whole of nature as a means for obtaining such conveniences. Now as they are aware, that they found these conveniences and did not make them, they think they have cause for believing, that some other being has made them for their use. As they look upon things as means, they cannot believe them to be self—created; but, judging from the means which they are accustomed to prepare for themselves, they are bound to believe in some ruler or rulers of the universe endowed with human freedom, who have arranged and adapted everything for human use. They are bound to estimate the nature of such rulers (having no information on the subject) in accordance with their own nature, and therefore they assert that the gods ordained everything for the use of man, in order to bind man to themselves and obtain from him the highest honor.
    ellauri159.html on line 59:

    Different religious traditions divide the seventeen verses of Exodus 20:1–17 and their parallels in Deuteronomy 5:4–21 into ten commandments in different ways, shown in the table below. Some suggest that the number ten is a choice to aid memorization rather than a matter of theology.
    ellauri159.html on line 602: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists (fair enough) and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
    ellauri159.html on line 609: Wikipedia defines hope as “The emotional state, the opposite of which is despair, which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstances in one’s life.” Hmm. Musta hope ei nyt ole ihan uskomista hyvään lopputuloxeen, vaan sitä että pidetään sille peukkuja vaikka lopputulos on ihan herrassa. Hoping in God ei musta tarkoita mitään, "toivon jumalaan?". Voi toki panna toivonsa johonkin, vaikkei se vaikuta ollenkaan vakuuttavalta, noin niinkuin paremman puutteessa. Voihan siitä olla jotain hyötyä.
    ellauri159.html on line 617: Many might believe that applying the concepts of justice in modern times is limited to only those who work in the criminal justice system. But that’s not the case. Modern knights living in virtually any life situation can work to uphold justice. (Esim. voi olla jotain Brothers of Odineja tai Nordic Knightsejä. Maskuliinisivut käskee nihtiä rankaisee jumalattomia, sanotaan vaikka mumslimeja, sillee suht koht tuntuvasti.)
    ellauri159.html on line 703: Hospitality simply means going out of your way to cater for putative angels, e.g by hosting meals, etc.). While not as seemingly glorious as other knightly traits like strength, honor, and gallantry, hospitality ranks as one of the key traits of knighthood. We need to do the same for others, particularly for those in the family of believers (Galatians 6:10). LOL this was clearly written by a family member.
    ellauri159.html on line 707: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.
    ellauri159.html on line 710: Taas toi believer clause tässä. Hemmetti Paavali, nyt olis Jesse pahoillaan.
    ellauri159.html on line 894: For those of you who are not familiar with Myers-Briggs or the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), it is a personality profiling system based on Jung’s typological theory that was developed by Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers. In the Myers-Briggs typology system, there are sixteen personality types consisting of four letters: E for extrovert or I for introvert, S for sensor or N for intuitive, T for thinker or F for feeler, and P for perceiver or J for judger. Psychologist David Keirsey later sorted these types into four temperaments. You can read more about Myers-Briggs here and find books about it here. Myers-Briggs typology can offer a lot of insight into how someone thinks, and in the case of an author, how someone writes.
    ellauri159.html on line 961: INFPs are the dreamers of the world. They are deeply idealistic and passionate about their beliefs, ideas, and relationships. INFP writers include Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Albert Camus, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, Virginia Woolf, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, A.A. Milne, Franz Kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, John Milton, William Blake, Hans Christian Anderson, William Shakespeare, Homer, and George R.R. Martin. Learn more about how INFPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 1027: Express your beliefs with a strong voice and conversational tone. They are unlikely to include any personally revealing information, however. State yourr position, then back it up with concrete facts.
    ellauri159.html on line 1055: View writing as a form of personal expression. Often write about topics you care about, although you may not let their own beliefs shine through. Prefer to present the facts, which you may do in great detail, then let readers make up their own mind!
    ellauri159.html on line 1069: You struggle with impersonal analysis. You may find it easier to be objective if you first write down how you feel about the topic. Then, you can temporarily set your beliefs aside and "borrow" a logical, balanced argument from somebody else.
    ellauri159.html on line 1185: You naturally have little interest in subjects that offend your sensibilities, because your thinking and writing is extremely conventional. Seek input from other teachers if you feel stuck. Consider how your audience feels about the subject. Find something to believe in, and advocate your position. Use anecdote and humor to connect to your students, I mean your readers.
    ellauri159.html on line 1203: You tend to communicate passionately about your beliefs. You tend to start writing before finishing research on life, the universe, and everything, wanting to commit your half-baked insights to paper. Be sure to gather enough data to support your position, and include alternative facts for balance. This is one arena where it may be healthy to indulge your perfectionist tendencies. Get the facts right enough to maintain plausibility.
    ellauri159.html on line 1271: Mrs. Pearce: Karpáthy? That dreadful Hungarian? For it all belongs to you!
    ellauri159.html on line 1323:

    Bill to believe

    ellauri159.html on line 1335: Pure-blood supremacy was the belief that wizards and witches whose family had not married any Muggles or Muggle-borns were inherently biologically superior to wizards and witches who had done so. Proponents of this ideology typically regarded Muggle-born wizards as impure, unworthy of possessing magical ability, and often actively discriminated against them.
    ellauri159.html on line 1382: Hypotheses and options, 1. Pascal's wager, 5. Clifford's veto, 8. Psychological causes of belief, 9. Thesis of the Essay, 11. Empiricism and absolutism, 12. Objective certitude and its unattainability, 13. Two different sorts of risks in believing, 17. Some risk unavoidable, 19. Faith may bring forth its own verification, 22. Logical conditions of religious belief, 25.
    ellauri159.html on line 1391: Temperamental Optimism and Pessimism, 33. How reconcile with life one bent on suicide? 38. Religious melancholy and its cure, 39. Decay of Natural Theology, 43. Instinctive antidotes to pessimism, 46. Religion involves belief in an unseen extension of the world, 51. Scientific positivism, 52. Doubt actuates conduct as much as belief does, 54. To deny certain faiths is logically absurd, for they make their objects true, 56. Conclusion, 6l.
    ellauri160.html on line 32: bel_Pound_%28cropped%29.jpg/400px-Ezra_Pound_and_Isabel_Pound_%28cropped%29.jpg" height="130px" />
    ellauri160.html on line 124: Pound was born in 1885 in a two-story cupboard house in Hailey, Idaho Territory, the only child of Homer Loomis Pound (1858–1942) and Isabel Weston (1860–1948), who married in 1884. Homer had worked in Hailey since 1883 as registrar of the General Land Office. Pound's grandfather, Thaddeus Coleman Pound, a Republican Congressman and the 10th Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, had secured him the appointment. Homer had previously worked for Thaddeus in the lumber business.
    ellauri160.html on line 126: Both sides of Pound's family emigrated from England in the 17th century. On his father's side, the immigrant ancestor was John Pound, a Quaker who arrived from England around 1650. Ezra's paternal grandmother, Susan Angevine Loomis, married Thaddeus Coleman Pound. On his mother's side, Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritan who emigrated to Boston on the Lion in 1632. Captain Joseph Wadsworth helped to write the Connecticut constitution. The Wadsworths married into the Westons of New York; Harding Weston and Mary Parker were Pound's maternal grandparents. After serving in the military, Harding remained unemployed, so his brother Ezra Weston and Ezra's wife, Frances Amelia Wessells Freer (Aunt Frank), helped to look after Isabel, Pound's mother. No oliko Pound sitten sukua myös Henry "setelitukun väärti" Longfellowille? Varmaan niin.
    ellauri160.html on line 160: In The Cantos, Possum is T. S. Eliot: "but the lot of 'em, Yeats, Possum and Wyndham / had no ground beneath 'em." In the New Age office in 1918, he also met C. H. Douglas, a British engineer who was developing his economic theory of social credit, which Pound found attractive. Douglas reportedly believed that Jews were a problem and needed to abandon a Messianic view of themselves as the "dominating race". According to Colin Holmes, the New Age itself published antisemitic material. It was within this environment, not in Italy, according to Tim Redman, that Pound first encountered antisemitic ideas about "usury". In Douglas's program," Pound had found his true muse: a blend of folkloric Celtic twilight with a paranoid hatred of the money economy and a dire suspicion about an ancient tent people's faith."
    ellauri160.html on line 397: Bore us out onward with bellying canvas, Kantoi meitä purjeet pulleina
    ellauri160.html on line 418: A sheep to Tiresias only, black and a bell-sheep. Teiresias sai pässiä, mustaa kellokasta.
    ellauri160.html on line 583: Scholars believe the reason Jews in Babylon undertook to draw demons between the 5th and the 7th centuries has to do with a series of relaxations of the strictures, which rabbis gave the Jews as a way of dealing with the challenged posed by the increasing strength of Christianity. Fearing that Jews might prefer the new religion, the rabbis agreed to allow magic that included visual images. The demons Vilozny researched were drawn on “incantation bowls” – simple pottery vessels the insides of which were covered with inscriptions and drawings.
    ellauri160.html on line 637: According to the Zohar, after Cain kills Abel, Adam separates from Eve for 130 years. During this time, Lilith and Naamah seduce him and bear his demonic children, who became the Plagues of Mankind. She and Lilith cause epilepsy in children.
    ellauri160.html on line 654: “What, actually, is magic? It is man’s belief in his ability, by taking active measures, to control his fate and in a certain sense this circumvents God. It doesn’t contradict faith but it does help God to help me. That’s why I love it, because it’s very human, especially in an era that is scientific.
    ellauri160.html on line 680: Belórf ja Ranta-aho asuivat yhdessä Espanjan Marbellassa luksusalueella.
    ellauri161.html on line 99: The denial of Christ's humanity -- which gave rise to Docetism, Marcionism, Gnosticism, Apollinarianism, Monarchianism, Patripassianism, Sabellianism, Adoptionism, Dynamic Monarchianism.
    ellauri161.html on line 489: I found it an almost perfect film, with some deliciously carefully crafted moments and great acting. At first I thought the comedic side was actually too much and wished that someone like Steven Soderbergh made the movie instead, but as I was watching it I started to appreciate how methodical the approach was and now I believe Adam McKay was the right man for the job. I enjoyed the overall plot, I liked the characters and how things were presented, but I loved the little things like, for example, the only scene where Europe is mentioned, as a short scene of a news item when they say they are going to convene and find their own solution, resulting in absolutely nothing. I am European and sad to say it struck home. Or the meal scene at the end, which is both emotional, focusing (= religious) and reminding us how even that option can be taken away by something as small as a virus.
    ellauri161.html on line 507: Over 30% of the American population does not believe in global warming and think it is a hoax, or fake news. What's more perilous though is the fact that governments worldwide are NOT taking the proposed measures that could curb global warming beneath 1.5 Celsius. Above that treshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius we get a runaway effect of increasing global warming, which would be nothing less than CATASTROPHIC.
    ellauri161.html on line 522: How ironic that the giant killer comet would now be reduced to millions of sub-microscopic particles. But the analogy is lame: the decimation of earth by a comet crashing into earth is quantifiable-the conclusion that viruses can cause widespread death is purely speculative based on computer simulations. Where of course is all the widespread death? Unless of course you believe in unsubstantiated propagandistic reports promulgated by fear-mongering mainstream media and social media platforms.
    ellauri161.html on line 546: The targets of the satire – incompetent governments, media, tech billionaires, populace believing in politics not science – are obvious. There’s a shorthand that makes each character’s real world avatar easy to get hence the laughs but does that undermine the film’s intelligence? No, it's spot on.
    ellauri161.html on line 587: He seems to believe that people need laughs and famous faces to be lured into thinking about more pressing matters, and he hates them for it. While actually people need laughs just on order not to think about them!
    ellauri161.html on line 842: La charité 79 Babel 135
    ellauri161.html on line 1095: belio.com/users/AVT_Jean-Tauler_377.jpg" />
    ellauri161.html on line 1131: A young priest arrives at the small village of Ambricourt, his first parish assignment. He arrives alone by bicycle and is met by no one and unpacks his meager belongings. A couple at the chateau eye him suspiciously and walk away. He begins a diary, which he narrates throughout the film. This is very, very old-fashioned, would not do in Netflix anymore. Because he often feels nauseous and dizzy, he chooses a strict diet free of meat and vegetables. Instead, he has wine and wine-soaked bread with sugar. No wonder he dies in the end (oops, spoiler, sorry).
    ellauri162.html on line 104: Louis Émile Clément Georges Bernanos (French: [ʒɔʁʒ bɛʁnanɔs]; 20 February 1888 – 5 July 1948) was a French author, and a soldier in World War I. A Roman Catholic with monarchist leanings, he was critical of elitist thought and was opposed to what he identified as defeatism. He believed this had led to France´s defeat and eventual occupation by Germany in 1940 during World War II. His two major novels "Sous le soleil de Satan" (1926) and the "Journal d’un curé de campagne" (1936) both revolve around a parish priest who combats evil and despair in the world. Most of his novels have been translated into English and frequently published in both Great Britain and the United States.
    ellauri162.html on line 181: To understand more fully the connection between Hosea’s domestic affairs and Israel’s relationship with Jehovah, consider these words: “Jehovah went on to say to me: ‘Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery.’” (Hosea 3:1) Hosea complied with this command by repurchasing Gomer from the man with whom she had been living. Afterward, Hosea firmly admonished his wife: “For many days you will dwell as mine. You must not commit no furher fornication, and you must not come to belong to another man.” (Hosea 3:2, 3) Gomer responded to the discipline, and Hosea resumed marital relations with her. How did this apply to God’s dealings with the people of Israel and Judah?
    ellauri162.html on line 191: [1 Corinthians 7:12-15] If any brother has a wife who is not a believer and she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer and he is willing to live with her, she must not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. But if the unbeliever leaves, let him (or her) do so. A believing man or woman is not bound in such circumstances.
    ellauri162.html on line 268: Que peuvent donc avoir de commun les écrivains Marcel Camus, Marcel Aymé, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Louis Aragon, Jacques Prévert, Georges Bernanos, Aimé Césaire, Bernard Clavel, Guy de Maupassant, Georges Sand, les peintres Claude Monet, Gustave Courbet, Honoré Daumier, les compositeurs Hector Berlioz, Maurice Ravel, les politiciens Philippe Seguin (de droite), Jack Ralite (de gauche), le syndicaliste Edmond Maire, le philosophe Jacques Bouveresse, les chanteurs et poètes Georges Brassens, Léo Ferré, l'acteur et humoriste Bourvil, les actrices Catherine Deneuve, Claudia Cardinale, Brigitte Bardot, la chanteuse Mylène Farmer, la madame Miss France Geneviève de Fontenay, les prix Nobel de physique Pierre et Marie Curie, le médecin humanitaire Anne-Marie Gouvet, la chercheuse spécialiste des cancers professionnels Annie Thiebaud-Mony, ou tout récemment le dessinateur de bandes dessinées Tardy… ?
    ellauri162.html on line 286: belle-huppert-attend-the-valley-of-love-photocall-during-the-68th.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=zlE4BhuntuIecWCHGspIL0tWOTcZiv58Gp4x5RRWUgk=" />
    ellauri162.html on line 566: Mehukas toinen osa alkaa klo 2.394 käärmeen onnistuneella Eevan viettelyllä. Adamin kaatuminen seuraa pian, ja kilpajuoxu pohjamutaan alkaa. Se ei ole aivan vapaapudotus. Victor mainitsee aikanaan hyveellisiä miehiä, kuten Abelin, Sethin, Sethin pojan Enoxen ja Enochin. Mutta nämä ohitetaan niin nopeasti (Abel otetaan käyttöön klo 2.209, Kain lähettää hänet asianmukaisesti vv. 225-226; Victor kattaa Sethin Enochille vv. 319-338), että saa vaikutelman, että Victor mainitsee heidät vain velvollisuudentunnosta Genesis-kertomukselle.
    ellauri162.html on line 574: Victorin mukaan Jumala ei halua mätkiä apinoita rangaistuksella, joka vastaisi sen rikoksia (sukupuutolla), eikä ole rangaistusta, joka ei itse asiassa ole lahja valepuvussa. Niinpä Kainin rangaistus on ilmainen lahja hänelle itselleen ja hänen vanhemmilleen (2.284: hoc quoque munus habet), samoin kuin Babelin rakentajien rangaistus (3.285-286: nec tamen hoc sacri, cum sit sua poena nocentum / muneris est tyhjiö). Victorilla on myös taipumus alikorostaa Jumalan roolia rangaistustensa toteuttamisessa sen hyväksi että keskittyy sen sijaan rangaistuksen hyötynäkökohtaan.
    ellauri162.html on line 629: Masaru Kiemura is an animator, character designer belonging to Ufotable since 2007.
    ellauri162.html on line 786: Aseity (from Latin ā "from" and sē "self", plus -ity) is the property by which a being exists of and from itself. It refers to the Christian belief that God does not depend on any cause other than himself for his existence, realization, or end, and has within himself his own reason of existence. This represents God as absolutely independent and self-existent by nature. Bernanosin ateistipappi ei välittänyt aseptiikasta, sepsis tuli.
    ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
    ellauri163.html on line 314: Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel,
    ellauri163.html on line 316: Zerubbabel the father of Abihud,
    ellauri163.html on line 380: "The scepter shall not depart Judah" means that the right to kingship will forever belong to the tribe of Judah. This is re-enforced in Prophets when first David and then his son, Solomon, are told that they are the rightful bloodline for the throne. Others have sat on the throne but they were not rightful heirs.
    ellauri163.html on line 391: Jacob was fortelling the fate of his sons and their heirs. He stated that the throne would belong to the tribe of Judah "until Shiloh comes." Belonging to isn't the same as saying there will be an unbroken line of RULING kings until Shiloh comes.
    ellauri163.html on line 477: Officially, the tomb is the burial site of Youza Asaph, a medieval Muslim preacher - but a growing number of people believe that it is in fact the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth.
    ellauri163.html on line 482: They believe that Jesus survived the crucifixion almost 2,000 Easters ago, and went to live out his days in Kashmir. And for those who scoff, remember that others have argued, just as implausibly, that Jesus came to Britain. A theory that was much in vogue when the poet William Blake famously asked: "And did those feet in ancient time, walk upon England's mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God on England's pleasant pastures seen?"
    ellauri163.html on line 727: “ Basically the range for possible answers is 0 to 50. The information below shows you the different ranges as recorded from others sitting this same AQ quiz over the years.
    ellauri163.html on line 748: People with higher scores on the Autism Spectrum Quotient (items included "I am fascinated by numbers," and "I find social situations difficult") had weaker belief in a personal God than those with lower IQ score ("I am fascinated by skirts", and "I find zippers difficult"). Second, reduced ability to mentalize mediated this correlation. (Mentalizing was measured with the Empathy Quotient, which assesses self-reported ability to recognize and react to others' emotions, and with a task that requires identifying what's being expressed in pictures of eyes. Systematizing -- interest in and aptitude for mechanical and abstract systems -- was correlated with autism but was not a mediator.) Third, men were much less likely than women to say they strongly believed in a personal God (even controlling for autism), and this correlation was also mediated by reduced mentalizing. They were also clearly more interested in skirts and puzzled by zippers.
    ellauri163.html on line 750: Another study found that the higher the autism score, the less likely the person was to believe in God, with the link partially explained by theory of mind. In other words, the better someone felt at understanding other minds, the more fervent their belief in God, who reads everybody´s mind. (Sometimes I wonder what kind of mind God must have, when s/he has to simultaneously concentrate on several gigamonkeys worth of personal requests. I bet s/he is fascinated by numbers. S/He never says "all our service representatives are busy at this moment, please hold without hanging up the phone.")
    ellauri163.html on line 752: These studies are correlational, so researchers can´t say for sure whether an inability to imagine other minds actually leads to atheism or agnosticism or whether the link is caused by God. The researchers did control for religious service attendance, assuming that the socially inept might be less likely to flex their mentalizing muscles by mingling at church each week. That analysis showed that religious service attendance could not explain the link between autismlike traits and belief. Those with sedentary mental behavior were just as apt to have a will to believe as not.
    ellauri163.html on line 877: Religion is an eminently collective thing (1954, p.47). It serves to bind a community together. A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden--beliefs and practices which unite in one single community called a Church, all those who adhere to them. (1954, p. 47).
    ellauri163.html on line 879: The believer who has communicated with his god is not merely a man who sees new truths of which the unbeliever is ignorant; he is a man who is stronger. He feels within him more force, wither to endure the trials of existence, or to conquer them (1954, p. 416).
    ellauri163.html on line 893: But now comes something rather suspect: There are no gospels which are immortal, but neither is there any reason for believing that humanity is incapable of inventing new ones (1954, pp. 475-476).
    ellauri163.html on line 980: Usko on teologisen ajattelun päästämistä aivoihin ja sydämeen. Siitähän se lähtee helposti repsahtamaan. Mutta kyllä siihen lisäxi tarvitaan jotain will to believeä. Eli jotain iloakin on siitä saatava, tai vähintäänkin lohtua.
    ellauri163.html on line 982: Uskossa ihminen suostuu näkemään sen, mitä ei voi nähdä. Sen, mikä onjää tietämisen ja oman ruumiillisen olemassaolon taakse, sen, minne ei määritelmän mukaan voi nähdä. No kyllä oman takaraivonkin voi nähdä selfiestä, ja perseen belfiestä. Ja alzheimerin syömät aivot tomografikuvasta. Pikemminkin uskovainen sanoo kuin sokkee: niinpä näkkyy, eika valita vaikka puttoo keskelle jokkee. Siiloan seurakunta kastoi samat spuget uudestaan kerran vuodessa. Sitä kilpailevat lahkot pitivät nölönä.
    ellauri164.html on line 218: Tämä tutkimus tutkii yhden runosarjan poikkeuksellista puoliintumisaikaa: "Westward the Course of Empire vie tiensä...". Alkaen irlantilais-anglikaanisen piispan George Berkeleyn vuonna 1726 tekemästä sävellyksestä, nämä sanat kolonisoivat valtavan osan kulttuurimaisemaa lähes kahden vuosisadan ajan. Sanomalehtipaperiin, laitureihin, valtiomiesten puheisiin, lukuaiheisiin, maantieteellisiin tietoihin, Yhdysvaltojen ensimmäiseen tieteelliseen historiaan sekä runouteen, maalauksiin, litografioihin ja valokuviin ikuistetut sanat kehittyivät vanhan maailman visiosta profeetallisista valtakunnista ilmeisen kohtalon nationalistinen iskulause. Seuraten runoa sen kiertyessä kirjallisen ja visuaalisen kulttuurin läpi, tämä projekti osoittaa, kuinka yksinkertainen lause totutti amerikkalaiset laajaan käsitykseen Yhdysvaltojen valtakunnasta siirtomaa-ajalta jälleenrakennukseen. Jatkuva varmuus valtakunnan etenemisestä länteen, itse asiassa itse imperiumin väistämättömyydestä, osoittaa kolonistien brittiläisen kulttuuriperinnön kestävän elinvoiman Amerikan vallankumouksen aattona. Yhtä tärkeitä ovat tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset muokkasivat runon ideologiaa sopimaan heidän kehittyvään kansallismielisyyteensä varhaisen tasavallan ja antebellum-aikakauden aikana. Berkeleyn sanat tarjosivat kriittisen paikan kansallismielisille tutkimuksille uuden tasavallan alkuvuosikymmeninä, mikä helpotti kansakunnan muuttumista kapitalistiseksi, hankkivaksi yhteiskunnaksi; 1800-luvun puolivälin konflikteissa he oikeuttivat amerikkalaisen sotavoimaisen imperialismin Meksikon ja Yhdysvaltojen välisessä sodassa, samalla kun he antoivat syvällistä tietoa sisällissodan alkamisesta ja sen välittömistä seurauksista, kun kansa paini Amerikan tulevaisuuden ääriviivoja vastaan. Tämä ideologia on kahden vuosisadan ajan mahdollistanut amerikkalaisten olevan sekä vakuuttuneita evankelistoja demokraattis-tasavaltalaisen hallitusmuotonsa poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta että samalla hengityksen kera omahyväisiä keisarillisen etuoikeutensa puolustajia ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereella ja sen alueella. alkuperäiskansojen ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli. "Westward Empire" paljastaa tavat, joilla Berkeleyn runo muokkasi tätä ainutlaatuista ideologiaa, sekä tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset mukauttivat Berkeleyn runon ainutlaatuisiin olosuhteisiinsa, ja tavat, joilla tämä kehittyvä ja monikerroksinen tulkinta puolestaan muokkasi amerikkalaista ajattelua ja käyttäytymistä vuoden 1752 välillä. ja 1876. tämän ideologian ansiosta amerikkalaiset ovat voineet olla sekä vakuuttuneita evankelistoja demokraattis-tasavaltalaisen hallitusmuotonsa poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta että samalla hengityksen kera, omahyväisiä puolustajia keisarilliseen etuoikeutensa ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereella ja sen alkuperäisasukkailla, ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli. "Westward Empire" paljastaa tavat, joilla Berkeleyn runo muokkasi tätä ainutlaatuista ideologiaa, sekä tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset mukauttivat Berkeleyn runon ainutlaatuisiin olosuhteisiinsa, ja tavat, joilla tämä kehittyvä ja monikerroksinen tulkinta puolestaan muokkasi amerikkalaista ajattelua ja käyttäytymistä vuoden 1752 välillä. ja 1876. tämän ideologian ansiosta amerikkalaiset ovat voineet olla sekä vakuuttuneita evankelistoja demokraattis-tasavaltalaisen hallitusmuotonsa poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta että samalla hengityksen kera, omahyväisiä puolustajia keisarilliseen etuoikeutensa ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereella ja sen alkuperäisasukkailla, ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli. "Westward Empire" paljastaa tavat, joilla Berkeleyn runo muokkasi tätä ainutlaatuista ideologiaa, sekä tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset mukauttivat Berkeleyn runon ainutlaatuisiin olosuhteisiinsa, ja tavat, joilla tämä kehittyvä ja monikerroksinen tulkinta puolestaan muokkasi amerikkalaista ajattelua ja käyttäytymistä vuoden 1752 välillä. ja 1876. ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereen ja sen alkuperäiskansojen yli ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli.
    ellauri164.html on line 332: Kaarle VII oli edellisen kuninkaan Kaarle VI:n ja Baijerin Isabellan vanhin poika, eli delfiini. Tämän kuoltua vuonna 1422 Kaarle VII:n asema oli kruununtavoittelun kannalta hankala; Kaarle VI oli sopinut Troyes’n rauhansopimuksessa vuonna 1420, että Ranskan seuraavaksi kuninkaaksi tulisi Englannin kuninkaan Henrik V:n ja Valois’n Katariinan poika, joka oli syntynyt vuotta aiemmin.
    ellauri164.html on line 353: Dans une petite ville, une famille a un comportement étrange. Le gendre de Mme Frola, M. Ponza, explique que sa belle-mère est devenue folle à cause de la mort de sa fille, sa première épouse. Dans sa confusion, la belle-mère considère que sa deuxième épouse est sa fille.
    ellauri164.html on line 379: I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. I actually found it incredibly difficult to understand. Some of it, I think, was that it was poorly translated. I read a 1962 edition that doesn't even cite a translator -- so many of the sentences were so convoluted as to be utterly obtuse. Poor translation or witless reader? I never could figure out why Mlle Chantal was such an angry bitch and why she insisted on tormenting the priest. What was her secret? Was the priest an alcoholic or just terminally sick? Gay? Why did M le Comte come to hate the priest? These are just some of the basic narrative issues I couldn't figure out. Forget the whole spiritual aspect--much of what the priest mused on and felt was incomprehensible to me as he described it. I can't help wondering if I'd have understood it if I had read it in French. Or maybe I'm just so spiritually challenged (in a God believing, Catholic way) that I can't comprehend it when it's described. All of that said, there were profoundly moving passages here and there, but over all I don't begin to know what I read. It's rather embarrassing actually--I feel so simple! (less)
    ellauri164.html on line 402: Unbelievable, lame, boring, melodramatic, but says some interesting stuff about language. For the protagonist, a priest writing a journal, literary creation is an act of resistance and subversion. The novel also contrasts human language with God's language in a self-reflective way that I have not often found in Christian novels. (less)
    ellauri164.html on line 457: In 1938, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann discovered nuclear fission, for which Hahn received the 1944 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Nuclear fission was the basis for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.
    ellauri164.html on line 502: Another thing we see from Moses during his time spent in Midian is that, when God finally did call him into service, Moses was resistant. The man of action early in his life, Moses, now 80 years old, became overly timid. When called to speak for God, Moses said he was “slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). Some commentators believe that Moses may have had a speech impediment. Perhaps, but then it would be odd for Stephen to say Moses was “mighty in words and deeds” (Acts 7:22). Perhaps Moses just didn’t want to go back into Egypt and fail again. This isn’t an uncommon feeling. How many of us have tried to do something (whether or not it was for God) and failed, and then been hesitant to try again? There are two things Moses seemed to have overlooked. One was the obvious change that had occurred in his own life in the intervening 40 years. The other, and more important, change was that God would be with him. Moses failed at first not so much because he acted impulsively, but because he acted without God. Therefore, the lesson to be learned here is that when you discern a clear call from God, step forward in faith, knowing that God goes with you! Do not be timid, but be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might (Ephesians 6:10).
    ellauri164.html on line 508: As mentioned earlier, we also know that Moses’ life was typological of the life of Christ. Like Christ, Moses was the mediator of a covenant. Christ too was a little recalcitrant, so he got crucified. Again, the author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to demonstrate this point (cf. Hebrews 3; 8—10). The Apostle Paul also makes the same points in 2 Corinthians 3. The difference is that the covenant that Moses mediated was temporal and conditional, whereas the covenant that Christ mediates is eternal and unconditional. Like Christ, Moses provided redemption for his people. Moses delivered the people of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Christ delivers His people out of bondage and slavery to sin and condemnation and brings them to the Promised Land of eternal life on a renewed earth, like Azrael in the forthcoming third season of His Dark Materials. Like Christ he returns to consummate the kingdom He inaugurated at His first coming. Like Christ, Moses was a prophet to his people. Moses spoke the very words of God to the Israelites just as Christ did (John 17:8). Moses predicted that the Lord would raise up another prophet like him from among the people (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus and the early church taught and believed that Moses was speaking of Jesus when he wrote those words (cf. John 5:46, Acts 3:22, 7:37). In so many ways, Moses’ life is a precursor to the life of Christ. As such, we can catch a glimpse of how God was working His plan of redemption in the lives of faithful people throughout human history. This gives us hope that, just as God saved His people and gave them rest through the actions of Moses, so, too, will God save us and give us an eternal Sabbath rest in Christ, both now and in the life to come. But don't get your hopes too high, you may not be among the chosen after all.
    ellauri164.html on line 527: And Moses took the staff from before the Lord, as he commanded him. He and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Are we to bring water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.
    ellauri164.html on line 528: But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them” (Numbers 20:2-12).
    ellauri164.html on line 533: 2. Moses exhibited sinful pride. Having assembled the people, Moses reviled them, saying, “Hear now, you rebels!” He then continued, perhaps pridefully, “Shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Neither Moses nor Aaron can bring forth water, however; only God can do that. Some of the Fathers of the Church interpreted this not as pride on Moses’ part but rather as an indication of the wavering of his faith.
    ellauri164.html on line 550: 2. He spoke to the people, not with meekness and calm authority, but in heat and bitterness. "Ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" Thus he "spake unadvisedly with his lips" (Psalm 106:33) instead of his stick. It is not difficult to understand how Moses should have so far forgotten himself on this occasion. Let the facts be weighed. The servant of the Lord is now 120 years old. The generation which sinned thirty-seven years ago, and was condemned to die in the wilderness, is nearly all gone. Moses is mortified to find that the new generation is infected with a touch of the same impatient unbelief which wrought in their fathers so much mischief. No sooner are they at a loss for water than they rise against Moses with rebellious murmurings. For once he loses command of himself. On all former occasions of the kind his meekness was unshaken; he either held his peace, or prayed for the rebels, or at most called on the Lord to be his Witness and Judge. Now he breaks out into bitter chidings. At the root of this there was a secret failure of faith. "Ye believed me not," - did not thoroughly rely on my faithfulness and power, - "to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel" (verse 12). His former meekness had been the fruit of faith. He had been thoroughly persuaded that the Lord who was with him could accomplish all he had promised, and therefore he faced every difficulty with calm and patient resolution. Now a touch of unbelief bred in him hastiness and bitterness of spirit.
    ellauri164.html on line 552: Two lessons: 1. The failings of good men may be culpable in God's sight and displeasing to him out of all proportion to the degree of blameworthiness they present to our eye. So far is it from being true (as many seem to think) that believers' sins are no sins at all, and need give no concern, that, on the contrary, the Lord dislikes the stain of sin most when it is seen in his dear children. The case of Moses is not singular. Sins which the Lord overlooks in other men he will occasionally put some mark of special displeasure upon, when they are committed by one who is eminent for holiness and honourable service. It is, no doubt, a just instinct which leads all right-thinking people to be blind to the failings of good men who have been signally useful in their day. But if the good men become indulgent to their own faults they are likely to be rudely awakened to a sense of their error. The better a man is, his sins may be the more dishonouring to God. A spot hardly visible on the coat of a labouring man, may be glaringly offensive on the shining raiment of a throned king.
    ellauri164.html on line 556: Parallel Verses: Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you didn't believe in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them."
    ellauri164.html on line 562: When the Hebrews were thirsty and could find no water, they became impatient and did not remember the power of God which had, nearly forty years before, brought them water out of the rock. Instead of trusting God, they complained of Moses and Aaron, and said to them, "Would God that we had died when our brethren died before the Lord!" That is, they wished that they had been of that number who had been destroyed by the plague in the rebellion of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.
    ellauri164.html on line 568: Moses Yields to Impatience. "And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock; and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron, Because ye believed Me not, to sanctify Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore ye shall not bring this congregation into the land which I have given them."
    ellauri164.html on line 572: This necessity for the manifestation of God's power made the occasion one of great solemnity, and Moses and Aaron should have improved it to make a favorable impression upon the people. But Moses was stirred, and in impatience and anger with the people, because of their murmurings, he said, "Hear now, ye rebels, must we fetch you water out of this rock?" In thus speaking he virtually admitted to murmuring Israel that they were correct in charging him with leading them from Egypt. God had forgiven the people greater transgressions than this error on the part of Moses, but He could not regard a sin in a leader of His people as in those who were led. He could not excuse the sin of Moses and permit him to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 576: Moses took glory to himself which belonged to God, and made it necessary for God to do that in his case which should forever satisfy rebellious Israel that it was not Moses who had led them from Egypt,
    ellauri164.html on line 577: but God Himself. The Lord had committed to Moses the burden of leading His people, while the mighty Angel went before them in all their journeyings and directed all their travels. Because they were so ready to forget that God was leading them by His Angel, and to ascribe to man that which God's power alone could perform, He had proved them and tested them, to see whether they would obey Him. At every trial they failed. Instead of believing in, and acknowledging, God, who had strewed their path with evidences of His power and signal tokens of His care and love, they distrusted Him and ascribed their leaving Egypt to Moses, charging him as the cause of all their disasters. Moses had borne with their stubbornness with remarkable forbearance. At one time they threatened to stone him.
    ellauri164.html on line 591: Moses’ moment of greatest failure came when the people of Israel resumed complaining, this time about food and water (Num. 20:1-5). Moses and Aaron decided to bring the complaint to the Lord, who commanded them to take their staff, and in the people’s presence command a rock to yield water enough for the people and their livestock (Num. 20:6-8). Moses did as the Lord instructed but added two flourishes of his own. First he rebuked the people, saying, “Listen, you rebels, shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then he struck the rock twice with his staff. Water poured out in abundance (Num. 20:9-11), but the Lord was extremely displeased with Moses and Aaron.
    ellauri164.html on line 593: God's punishment was harsh. “Because you did not trust in me, to show my holiness before the eyes of the Israelites, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them” (Num.20:12). Moses and Aaron, like all the people who rebelled against God’s plan earlier (Num. 14:22-23), will not be permitted to enter the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 607: A fresh exegetical probe is therefore warranted using a hermeneutical strategy whereby a narrative approach is attempted in order to understand Num. 20:1-13 in the light of Exodus 17:1-7. These narrative analogies are part of a distinctive feature in the Hebrew narrative style labelled Type- scene.
    ellauri164.html on line 611: Moses' abuse and misuse of the staff constitutes an act of lese-majeste because it is seen as an act of rebellion against YHWH's authority. Inevitably, Moses eclipses YHWH's personality, presence and power in the eyes of the people. His condign punishment is the forfeiture of the privilege of leading the people into the Promised Land. See Less.
    ellauri164.html on line 625: Moses had been leading a rebellious, ungrateful, complaining, people through the wilderness for 40 years. His sister had just died. And now these people had gathered together against Aaron and him to complain because there was no water, again! (Numbers 20:2-5) You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide for them.
    ellauri164.html on line 634: So Moses claimed credit for giving the rebels water by saying, “Must WE bring water out of this rock for you?” Then, in his anger, Moses struck the rock instead of speaking to it.
    ellauri164.html on line 636: “And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also. ” (Numbers 20:10-11)
    ellauri164.html on line 645: God had used him to give the law to Israel and write the first five books of the Bible. He had led God’s people through the wilderness for 40-years, enduring all their complaining and the punishment of their rebellion. He had done everything exactly as God had commanded.
    ellauri164.html on line 671: 10 Then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels: shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” 11 And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.” (Num. 20: 8,10–11 ESV)
    ellauri164.html on line 675: However, God did not say either of these actions was the problem, nor did Moses believe these were the problem. In fact, nowhere does the text say Moses’s sin was striking the rock instead of speaking to it or taking credit for the miracle.
    ellauri164.html on line 679: “And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe in me, to uphold me as holy in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land that I have given them.”” (Num. 20:12 ESV)
    ellauri164.html on line 681: That’s ALL God had to say about it. He didn’t criticize Moses for striking the rock when he was told to speak to it. Similarly, God did not indicate that Moses was trying to take credit for the miracle. He said Moses had failed to believe in Him.
    ellauri164.html on line 694: To answer this question we must examine a pattern that developed in the book of Numbers. Three times prior to the incident at the rock of Meribah the people sinned, God punished them, Moses interceded on the people’s behalf, and God pardoned the people. Please take the time to read these events in Numbers chapters 11, 14, 16 & 20. Notice the pattern in the table below.
    ellauri164.html on line 696: Taberah Twelve SpiesKorah’s RebellionRock at Meribah
    ellauri164.html on line 705: Based on the pattern established in Numbers, what do you expect will happen at Meribah when the people rebel against Moses? We expect the pattern to repeat and for God to decree punishment, but that doesn’t happen. The pattern breaks down! Instead of decreeing punishment for the people’s sin, God simply tells Moses to give the people water by speaking to the rock. This is a significant departure from the previous pattern. When a Bible author develops a pattern and then breaks it, we should pay attention because this signals that the author wants us to notice something important. Why didn’t God punish the people at Meribah? Why did he go at Moses instead?
    ellauri164.html on line 707: To understand why God didn’t pronounce judgement, let’s notice what Moses did. He leads the people to the rock, calls them rebels, and instead of speaking to the rock he hits it twice with this staff. Moses is having a temper tantrum. In the prior examples in Numbers Moses never speaks harshly or loses patience. Moses is also breaking the pattern and this is the clue to understanding his sin.
    ellauri164.html on line 709: He has reached the end of his rope. He has been patient with these complaining and rebellious people, but he couldn’t take it any longer. Their constant ingratitude and rebelliousness caused Moses to lose faith in the people. This is the people that were supposed to be God’s treasured possession, a holy nation of priests who had agreed to be in a covenant relationship with God (Ex 19:5-8). What a disappointment they had turned out to be and Moses was finished interceding for them. God knew Moses was not going to intercede for the people at Meribah, therefore He doesn’t ordain punishment for them.
    ellauri164.html on line 727: Moses assembled the people, but he didn't follow orders quite the way he should have. Instead of just speaking to the rock, which would have demonstrated the power of the word over the power of his rod, he struck it twice, saying, "Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?" It almost sounded as though Moses was taking credit for delivering the water. That was not true. Perhaps the strain of leading the people all those years was finally starting to show. He called them rebels, which in a sense they were. But God did not tell him to do this. Nor was there any mention of God at that point. All seemed directed at Moses and Aaron: "Must we bring water out of this rock?" Depending on how it's read, it could indicate doubt on the part of Moses.
    ellauri164.html on line 772: 2. He called them a bunch of rebels (20:10).
    ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
    ellauri164.html on line 804: It often happens that Bible believing Christians reject the concept of allegory as being a legitimate way of interpreting the Bible. This comes from the belief that any way of interpreting Scripture other than literal meaning is false, particularly as it concerns Genesis 3 and evolution. But in fact allegory is common in the Bible – Christ makes frequent use of it in His parables – and even Genesis 3 is allegory (which does not preclude its literal interpretation as well.) In this section we shall examine the allegorical significance of the staff and the rock.
    ellauri164.html on line 812: It is specifically referred to as a “sign to the rebellious.”
    ellauri164.html on line 819: Is He a sign to the rebellious? Where else may grace be found?
    ellauri164.html on line 869: First, it is important to note that a pattern is established in the story of Israel and Moses. This pattern can be seen at Mt. Sinai when Aaron and Israel create the golden calf idol (Exodus 32). Israel sins, and in response to that the Lord tells Moses to step aside so that He may destroy Israel in His wrath (Exodus 32:9-10). When this occurs, Moses intercedes for Israel and pleads for God to turn away His fierce anger for His own sake (Exodus 32:11-14). This intercession works, and Israel is spared utter destruction. This pattern of sin, wrath, intercession, and relenting occurs twice more in the Book of Numbers: once in Number 14 when Israel rebels and refuses to go into the Promised Land, and again in Numbers 16 when Korah leads his rebellion against Moses and Aaron (the major difference in Numbers 16 being that Aaron is the one to intervene by offering incense for atonement to the Lord).
    ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
    ellauri164.html on line 873: We would expect the pattern to repeat here. The people have rebelled, so the next part would be God’s wrath and threats of destruction. Instead, however, God merely grants their request for water. No mention of sin or possible annihilation, just grace in providing for Israel’s needs. The fact that this cycle we’ve come to expect changes is designed to highlight an important event; the oddity of the text “awakens us from our narrative slumber,” as one commentator puts it, and forces us to pay attention closely to what’s occurring. Why would God not threaten destruction? To answer that, we have to remember a key aspect of God’s character: He does not change. Hebrews 13:8 says He is the same yesterday and today and forever, “without variation or shifting shadow,” (James 1:17). The purpose of the threats of destruction, and Moses/Aaron’s intercession, was not to actually change God’s mind. God knew exactly what was going to happen in all these instances. God’s threats on Israel are spoken to Moses so that Moses will intercede. They are tests of Moses’ (and Aaron’s) character, just as God’s conversation with Abraham over the fates of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18) was about testing Abraham’s character rather than the doomed cities. Yet here, in Numbers 20, God does not follow the pattern. Why?
    ellauri164.html on line 875: This gets us back to the question of what, exactly, Moses’ sin was. Many commentators focus on the physical actions that Moses took in verses 9-11. Some say Moses sin was striking the rock rather than speaking to it, but Moses was told to take the staff of God. Exodus 17:5-6 had Moses striking the rock to cause water to come out of the rock (in fact, it’s actually the same rock of Meribah!), so it’s possible to read an inference that the staff was to be used to strike the rock. Some commentators see Moses’ harsh words for Israel as the sin, or perhaps that he speaks to the people rather than speaking to the rock. Regardless of which of these views, they don’t account for what the text itself says: Numbers 20:12 makes it clear that the sin of Moses and Aaron was “…you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel.” Indeed, focusing on Moses’ actions of striking the rock or speaking harshly makes it seem doubly unfair to Aaron, who had neither spoken nor struck the rock.
    ellauri164.html on line 877: The reading that makes more sense is to focus on the breaking of the pattern established to this point. Moses’ harsh words toward the Israelites reveal his emotions in this moment; he classifies Israel as “rebels” rather than the chosen people, and his rhetorical question seems to imply that he does not view Israel as worthy of God’s grace any longer. This is the real failure of Moses in this moment: he’s lost his faith in God to fulfill His promises to these people. Israel is a nation of rebels outside of grace, outside of God’s ability to make a great nation, outside of the promises that God has given. It seems nearly forty years of dealing with this people has finally broken Moses, and he is so overwhelmed in this moment that he has lost faith. From God’s perspective, Moses has lost faith in the Lord to overcome Israel’s faithlessness. Moses has not believed in God, and has not treated Yahweh as the Holy God who is able to overcome the weakness of His people. Indeed, this is exactly what Numbers 20:12 says was Moses’ sin! He (and Aaron!) did not believe God and did not treat Yahweh as holy in that moment. God did offer Moses the opportunity to intercede for the people (and thus broke the pattern) because He knew that Moses did not have faith in Him.
    ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
    ellauri164.html on line 883: The third mention is in Deuteronomy 4:21-23, where Moses has moved past the historical recounting and is now warning Israel of the danger of idolatry. He says ““Now the Lord was angry with me on your account, and swore that I would not cross the Jordan, and that I would not enter the good land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. For I will die in this land, I shall not cross the Jordan, but you shall cross and take possession of this good land. So watch yourselves, that you do not forget the covenant of the Lord your God which He made with you, and make for yourselves a graven image in the form of anything against which the Lord your God has commanded you.” Now Moses uses his own tragic story as an illustration on the importance of avoiding idolatry in the Promised Land. So Moses’ failure to enter the Promised Land was related to the continuous rebellion of Israel, and was an illustration of the dangers of violating the covenant promises.
    ellauri164.html on line 885: Reading the Numbers 20 passage the way that has been suggested makes sense of what Moses says in Deuteronomy. He’s not shifting the blame to Israel for his own failures, but highlighting that their constant rebellion was what caused him to lose his faith in God. Moses lack of faith led him to forget the promise and covenant of God, so he is using that illustration to demonstrate the dangers of forsaking the covenant: just like Moses, Israel will be forbidden the Promised Land if they don’t maintain faith in the covenant promises of God. That’s really one of the main points of Deuteronomy. It’s not just the covenant laws for the new generation, but Moses exhorting the new generation to never lose hope in the promise of God. Moses, knowing Israel, recognizes that there will come a day when they fail to uphold the covenant and they will be punished for it, but he also recognizes that God’s promises will stand no matter how badly Israel fails to uphold it. This, then, is the main point we should derive as well: God will always keep His promises. We, as the heirs to the promises to Abraham and Israel, should always firmly believe in the power of God to bring us, a broken people like Israel, to the shores of the Promised Land!
    ellauri164.html on line 896: But we know that the Rock from which they drank water is Christ. “And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:4. Psalms 78: 15–16 says “He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and game them drink as out of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers.” Jesus Himself testifies to this by saying, “He that believeth on Me,” as the scriptures say, “out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” John 7:38
    ellauri164.html on line 904: “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Take the rod, and gather thou the assembly together, thou, and Aaron thy brother, and speak ye unto the rock before their eyes; and it shall give forth His water, and thou shalt bring forth to them water out of the Rock: so thou shalt give the congregation and their beasts drink. And Moses took the rod from before the LORD, as he commanded him. And Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock, and he said unto them, Hear now, ye rebels; must we fetch you water out of this rock? And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.” Numbers 20:7–12 (emphasis mine).
    ellauri164.html on line 912: Of course further to that sin was the sin of anger, i.e. “Hear now, ye rebels” and taking the glory and/or power of God, i.e. “Must we fetch you water out of this rock?” as if they had the power themselves.
    ellauri164.html on line 916: Moses was so beloved by God, but when he sinned He still punished His servant’s sin. “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Yet it is because he repented, and confessed his sin, that God forgave him. Not long after his death he was resurrected and taken up into heaven (Jude 9)
    ellauri164.html on line 923: Moses’ sin occurred in the final years of his life. After faithfully leading Israel out of Egypt, and after their rebellion in the matter of the 12 spies, he also faithfully led them during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Yet near the very end of that wandering, in a moment of anger and a lapse of judgment, Moses sinned, and God recorded that it led Him to refuse to allow Moses to enter the promised land. It is difficult to imagine the anguish and remorse Moses must have felt when God revealed this punishment. His failure to give God the proper respect and reverence, though provoked by the wicked rebellion and faithless murmurings of Israel, was a public sin and God chose to publicly and openly punish him for it.
    ellauri164.html on line 927: The events leading up to and ending in his sin are recorded in Numbers 20:1-13. The children of Israel were bitterly angry about not having enough water, so “they gathered together against Moses and Aaron,” and “contended with Moses.” They cast all the blame on him. “Why have you brought up the assembly of the LORD into this wilderness,” “why have you made us come up out of Egypt, to bring us to this evil place?” This was part of the murmuring that we are strictly charged not to imitate (1Cor. 10:10). Israel blamed Moses and Aaron for all their problems and bitterly complained and grumbled about it. They were so bitter and angry they wished they were dead. In all previous acts of rebellion, Moses had always conducted himself in a holy and godly manner. He had warned Israel that their murmuring was against God and never took it personally before.
    ellauri164.html on line 931: Yet somehow this time something was different and Moses became very angry. Unfortunately for him, as is so often the case, “the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.” (Jas. 1:20). Moses went too far. “Moses and Aaron gathered the congregation together before the rock; and he said to them, Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock? Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod; and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank.”
    ellauri164.html on line 933: Did Moses realize immediately what he had done? At some point after this event, “the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.’” Their conduct had publicly displayed a lack faith, reverence and respect. God determined that this needed an equally public punishment. The punishment for this sin was grievous. God gave to them a punishment so similar to the one given to all Israel at Kadesh that it was a heart-breaking moment for Moses. Both he and Aaron would die in the wilderness and not be allowed to enter the promised land. What a bitter pill for Moses to swallow. Like David with Bathsheba, God forgave the sin, but did not remove the consequences. The consequences for Moses’ momentary lapse in reverence and respect under the terrible emotion of anger was to be barred from entrance into the promised land.
    ellauri164.html on line 935: When God said Moses “failed to sanctify me in the eyes of the people,” He did not specify exactly what this failure was. God had told Moses to “speak to the rock,” but the account stated that “Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice.” Clearly, in that act, Moses went beyond what God had commanded him to do. God had told Moses to take the staff, but not use it. He was directly commanded only to speak to the rock. He went beyond what was written when struck that rock. It was similar to Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire which He had not commanded them.” At that time Moses saw that such behavior did not “treat God as holy or glorify him among the people” (Lev. 10:1-3). Yet Moses, in anger, failed to hallow God when he struck that rock instead of speaking to it. He had failed to learn “not to go beyond what is written,” (1Cor. 4:6). He was told to speak to the rock (and he did not do that), but struck the rock (which he had no authority to do). God later charged Moses with this sin: “you rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah” (Num 20:24; 27:13).
    ellauri164.html on line 937: There was a second sin that was also committed in that same event. It was not revealed until The Psalmist described it: “it went ill with Moses” because “he spoke rashly with his lips” (Psa 106:33). When we look at what Moses said, we can see exactly how rash he was! “Hear now, ye rebels; shall we bring you forth water out of this rock?” This was a serious lapse in judgment. Moses was not going to bring water out of that rock. So, there was a big problem with that “we.” Hence, first by striking the rock, and second by using a pronoun that elevated them, Moses “believed not in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the children of Israel.”
    ellauri164.html on line 941: “And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron in Mount Hor by the border of the land of Edom, saying: 24 "Aaron shall be gathered to his people, for he shall not enter the land which I have given to the children of Israel, because you rebelled against My word at the water of Meribah.” (Num. 20:23-25).
    ellauri164.html on line 943: “And when you have seen it, you also shall be gathered to your people, as Aaron your brother was gathered. 14 For in the Wilderness of Zin, during the strife of the congregation, you rebelled against My command to hallow Me at the waters before their eyes.” (Num. 27:13-14).
    ellauri164.html on line 945: “They angered Him also at the waters of strife, So that it went ill with Moses on account of them; 33 Because they rebelled against His Spirit, So that he spoke rashly with his lips.” (Ps. 106:32-33).
    ellauri164.html on line 971: “Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?” And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod. Out came water, and the community and their beasts drank. But God said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My sanctity before the eyes of the Israelites, even so you shall not bring this assembly to the Land that I have given them.” (Num. 20:10-12)
    ellauri164.html on line 979: What God wants the people to see is that Moses speaks in performing the miracle at the rock. It is a potentially powerful transitional moment in which Moses’s publicly perceived action would be speech. What he would say would become part of the people’s religious consciousness—part of the repeated narrative of the people—a way of adducing to God a caring relationship with God’s people, and conveying that care to the people. We can imagine the speech Moses might give, performing the quintessential task of a prophet, in bringing God and the people closer together. Instead, he calls them “rebels,” distancing the people from himself and, by association, from God; disdaining their legitimate needs; and losing the opportunity to attribute the provision of water to God.
    ellauri171.html on line 34: bel.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri171.html on line 35:
    Foinikian portto Iisebel laittamassa kukkaa tukkaan ja silmiin kajalia. Varmaan maalaa kohta varpaankynnetkin. Hyi häpeä! Ihan kuin Laina-täti.

    ellauri171.html on line 106: So they made a deal and a pile of stones. Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha, and Jacob called it Galeed. Couldnt agree about the name of a pile of stones. Elisabet or Jezebel? But it was also called Mitzpah (which means “watchtower”). Se oli oikeasti rajapyykki. Korso. Arameaxi ja kaldeaxi, bounos martyrias ja tumulus testis. Reviirien merkintää. Kumpikin kusi omalle puolellensa kummelia. Jatka lukemista alhaalla.
    ellauri171.html on line 210: bel" />
    ellauri171.html on line 211:
    14 of 20 Isebel: Israelin kostonhimoinen mamukuningatar

    ellauri171.html on line 213: bel-GettyImages-91727950-570faedd5f9b588cc25946e7.jpg" width="80%" />
    ellauri171.html on line 214:
    Iisebel "neuvoo" James Tissotin Ahabia. Pane merkille puolipaljaat tissit ja lantio. Ahab on "ottamassa neuvot vastaan" silmä kovana.

    ellauri171.html on line 220: Isebel ansaitsi niin maineen jumalattomuudesta, että hänen nimeään käytetään vielä nykyäänkin kuvaamaan petollista naista. Kuningas Ahabin vaimona hän vainosi Jumalan profeettoja, erityisesti Eliaa. Hänen Baalin palvontansa ja murhasuunnitelmansa saivat hänen päälleen jumalallisen vihan.
    ellauri171.html on line 222: Kun Jumala herätti Jehu-nimisen miehen tuhoamaan epäjumalanpalveluksen, Isebelin hoviherrat heittivät hänet parvekkeelta, missä Jehun hevonen tallasi hänet. Koirat söivät hänen ruumiinsa, aivan kuten Elia oli ennustanut. (Kaikki oli tietysti järjestetty etukäteen ennusteen mukaisesti.) Ei se edes ollut niin vaikeaa. Jezebel on niin selvä tapaus myrkyllisestä poliittisesta mudanheittelystä, että hänelle on alla oma itemi. Jatka lukemista alta.
    ellauri171.html on line 231: Esteri on Jezebelin peilikuva, se heivas persiensä juutalaisexi mamukuningattarexi Persian suurkuninkaan petiin. Siinähän ei sitten ole mitään vikaa, tietysti. Ester pelasti juutalaisen kansan tuholta ja suojeli tulevan Vapahtajan, Jeesuksen Kristuksen, itulinjaa. Hänet valittiin kauneuskilpailussa Persian kuninkaan Arto Xerxesin kuningattareksi. Mutta paha hovivirkamies Haman suunnitteli kaikkien juutalaisten murhaamista.
    ellauri171.html on line 337: Tapaa Isebel, Israelin paha kuningatar (maxumuurin takana)
    ellauri171.html on line 374: LearnReligions is part of the Dotdash publishing family. Dotdash symbolizes a woman seen from below.
    ellauri171.html on line 381:
    1. Cain kills Abel

    ellauri171.html on line 383: This story of Abel’s murder is about:
    ellauri171.html on line 389: Abel represents the herdsmen, Cain the farmers.
    ellauri171.html on line 391: What’s the story really about? At the time the story of Cain and Abel developed, there was constant friction between farmers and herdsmen, both of them fighting for the limited resources of the land. Cain kills Abel. A herd of goats in a stony, barren landscape The herdsmen were angry when the farmers took over the best land for their crops the farmers were angry when the flocks trampled their crops.This friction leads to violence in which people get killed. Notice that the story was developed by the herdsmen, the keepers of flocks. This explains why Abel, the herdsman, is portrayed as the injured party. Lucky Luke-tarinassa Piikkilankoja preerialla skooparit repi pelihousunsa kun jyväjemmarit pystyttivät piikkilankoja preerialle. Sillä kertaa oli maajussit hyvixiä. Nyt on keskusta taas paha.
    ellauri171.html on line 393: bel-1024x630.jpg" />
    ellauri171.html on line 445: He may or may not have believed her, but her beauty made her a sexual fly-trap, and he allowed her to stay. In the ensuring battle of tits, Judith managed to outwit her prey. While he was drunk and had emptied his bollocks into her, she pulled his sword out of its scabbard, prayed to God for strength, hacked Holofernes’ head off, then escaped back to her people.
    ellauri171.html on line 456:
    5. Jehu murders Jezebel

    ellauri171.html on line 458: Jezebel was the powerful queen of Israel during the reign of King Ahab. When her husband was killed in battle, the throne passed to Ahab’s son Ahaziah.
    ellauri171.html on line 459: Fairly soon, Ahaziah died in an accidental fall through a lattice window in his palace (now that’s hard to believe), and was succeeded by his brother Jehoram.
    ellauri171.html on line 460: During this period Jezebel was the powerful Queen Mother, the alpha female of Israel.
    ellauri171.html on line 462: Alone, Jezebel faced certain death.
    ellauri171.html on line 463: Jehu was merciless, and Jezebel died horribly. She was first thrown from the window of her palace, then trampled to death by chariot horses driven over her still-living body.
    ellauri171.html on line 466:
    When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; she painted her eyes and adorned her head, and looked out of the window. As Jehu entered the gate, she said “Is it peace, Zimri, murderer of your master?”
    ellauri171.html on line 471: We forgot to mention that Jezebel was the New Testament's N:o 2 whore after Magdalen. In Revelation 2 Jesus Christ rebukes the church of Thyatira saying, “You allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols”. Christ also says of this Jezebel, “I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. I will kill her children with death.” Battle of the sexes. In Handmaid's Tale, a Jezebel is a woman forced to become prostitute and entertainer. They are available only to the Commanders and to their guests. Offred portrays Jezebels as attractive and educated; they may be unsuitable as handmaids due to temperament. They have been sterilized, a surgery that is forbidden to other women. They operate in unofficial but state-sanctioned brothels, unknown to most women. Jezebels, whose title also comes from the Bible (note Queen Jezebel in the Books of Kings), dress in the remnants of sexualized costumes from "the time before", such as cheerleaders' costumes, school uniforms, and Playboy Bunny costumes. Jezebels can wear make-up, drink alcohol, and socialize with men, but are tightly controlled by the Aunts. When they pass their sexual prime and/or their looks fade, they are discarded, without any precision as to whether they are killed or sent to "the Colonies" (XII Jezebels).
    ellauri171.html on line 584: At the beginning of the story, Dinah is seized and dishonored. Now at the end, all the enemy’s belongings are seized and dishonored.
    ellauri171.html on line 711: This woman, called Jael, is praised in poetry and prose as one of the great heroines of the beleaguered Israelites.
    ellauri171.html on line 747: He was left-handed. The guards searched for a weapon on his left thigh where a right-handed person would have hidden it. They missed the knife inside his right thigh! Clever! Bible Murders: Ehud murders Eglon. Man's body of about the same proportions as Eglon's. The Bible gives a graphic description of the king’s body. It was so fat that the blade went deep into his belly: it plunged so far in that the hilt went in as well, and the skin closed over it.
    ellauri171.html on line 751: ‘Then Ehud reached with his left hand, took the sword from his right thigh, and thrust it into Eglon’s belly; the hilt also went in after the blade, and the fat closed over the blade, for he did not draw the sword out of his belly; and the faeces came out.
    ellauri171.html on line 759: After Jehu killed Jezebel, he rounded up all the family, friends and supporters of the royal family and slaughtered them. Male children were included in this mass murder, since they would one day grow up and perhaps seek revenge.
    ellauri171.html on line 777: We hope you enjoyed our Bible Study: famous murders in the Bible: Cain and Abel, Herod and John the Baptist, the death of Absalom, Judith and Holofernes, Jehu murders Jezebel, the Levite’s concubine, Jael and Sisera, Ehud murders Eglon, Jehu slaughters the royal children. Check out also other Bible murder links!
    ellauri171.html on line 787: Many Christians are born into poverty, having no choice in the matter. For example, faithful believers who love God and do all His commandments live in the poorer countries of the world. In fact, God has called many poor into His church. James the apostle asked, “Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?” (James 2:5).
    ellauri171.html on line 799: Until that day, God is continually searching the hearts of His people to know what is in them. He allows some Christians to be poor, even while other believers have wealth. What a Christian does in each circumstance is important to God. In the book of Revelation, the glorified Jesus Christ said to one of His churches, "I know your… poverty, but you are rich” (Revelation 2:9). That is, these Christians were poor in the wealth of this world, but were rich in faith toward God.
    ellauri171.html on line 814: Aglibol, god of the moon and brother of Malakbel. Part of a trinity of gods of Palmyra, Syria along with Bel and Yarhibol. Also part of another trinity with Baalshamin and Malakbel.
    ellauri171.html on line 846: Baalshamin also called Baal Shamem and Baal Shamaim, supreme sky god of Palmyra, Syria whose temple was destroyed on August 23, 2015 by ISIL. His attributes were the eagle and the lightning bolt. Part of trinity of deities along with Aglibol and Malakbel.
    ellauri171.html on line 874: Malakbel, god of the sun, vegetation, welfare, angel of Bel and brother of Agilbol. Part of a trinity of deities in Palmyra, Syria along with Aglibol and Baalshamin.
    ellauri171.html on line 920: Canaanites believed that following physical death, the npš (usually translated as "soul") departed from the body to the land of Mot (Death). Bodies were buried with grave goods, and offerings of food and drink were made to the dead to ensure that they would not trouble the living. Dead relatives were venerated and sometimes asked for help. Seijakin huutaa aina Leaa avuxi.
    ellauri171.html on line 925: The Late Bronze Age collapse was a time of societal collapse between c.1200 and 1150 BCE, preceding the Greek Dark Ages. The collapse affected a large area covering much of Southeast Europe, West Asia and North Africa, comprising the overlapping regions of the Near East and Eastern Mediterranean, with Egypt, eastern Libya, the Balkans, the Aegean, Anatolia, and the Caucasus. It was a transition which historians believe was violent, sudden, and culturally disruptive for some Bronze Age civilizations during the 12th century BCE, along with a sharp economic decline of regional powers.
    ellauri171.html on line 966: The land of Canaan comprises the modern regions of Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. At the time when Canaanite religion was practiced, Canaan was divided into various city states. Baal oli se sama Iisebelin bali jota Hannibalkin palveli, nehän oli molemmat foinikialaisia. Toiset pelkää eliä ja toiset balia. El tai bal, ylijohtaja tai herra, paljon väliä. Sano vaan hannixi balit jäi aidalle.
    ellauri171.html on line 969:


    ellauri171.html on line 971: Iisebel oli judeokristillisten setämiesten poliittis-toxisen likasankojournalismin uhri
    ellauri171.html on line 973: Jezebel (circa 910–841 BCE) was the wife of Ahab—king of Israel, daughter of Etbaal— king of Tyros (Phoenician empire), and mother of Ahazia and Jehoram—Ahab’s sons and successors. Ethbaal served as a priest of Astarte, the primary Phoenician goddess.
    ellauri171.html on line 976: Jezebel’s marriage to Ahab was a political alliance. The union provided both peoples with military protection from powerful enemies as well as valuable trade routes: Israel gained access to the Phoenician ports; Phoenicia gained passage through Israel’s central hill country to Transjordan and especially to the King’s Highway, the heavily traveled inland route connecting the Gulf of Aqaba in the south with Damascus in the north. But although the marriage is sound foreign policy, it is intolerable to the Deuteronomist because of Jezebel’s competing gods.
    ellauri171.html on line 978: When Jezebel comes to Israel, she brings her own gods and goddesses—especially Baal and his consort Asherah (Canaanite Astarte, often translated in the Bible as “sacred post”)—with her.
    ellauri171.html on line 980: Jezebel does not accept Ahab’s God, Yahweh. Rather, she leads Ahab to tolerate Baal. This is why she is vilified by the Deuteronomist, whose goal is to stamp out polytheism.
    ellauri171.html on line 981: She represents a view of womanhood that is the opposite of the one extolled in characters such as Ruth the Moabite, who is also a foreigner. Ruth surrenders her identity and submerges herself in Israelite ways; she adopts the religious and social norms of the Israelites and is praised by the tentmen for her conversion to "The" God. Jezebel steadfastly remains true to her own beliefs.
    ellauri171.html on line 983: The extent of Jezebel’s power is evidenced by the necessity for Jehu, the founder of the next royal dynasty in Israel, to murder her before his rule can be established (2 Kings 9:30–37)—plus her whole extended family. Tollasta karhutouhua. The biblical text insists that she is evil through and through.
    ellauri171.html on line 984: I argue that, by and large, the modern understanding of Jezebel does not accord with the original halakh text.
    ellauri171.html on line 987: If one knew nothing about the biblical character Jezebel, but used a search engine to find more information, the search results would have almost nothing to do with her as she appears in the Hebrew bible. She is one of the few biblical characters to have become her own noun; in the modern world, “Jezebel” connotes a sexually immoral woman. The thesaurus yields results such as “floozy, hooker, and hussy.” The Urban Dictionary returns definitions like:
    ellauri171.html on line 990: But the appearance of Jezebel in the bible includes no mention of her sexuality. In the Hebrew Bible, Jezebel appears in the books of first and second Kings as the wife of King Ahab— the marriage being a political alliance between Israel and Sidon (a coastal city to the north) where Jezebel was the princess. Jezebel brings her religion to Israel with her, and the worship of Baal is blasphemy in the eyes of the biblical writers. According to the text, Jezebel begins killing Israel’s prophets. Because of this, Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a showdown with Israel’s deity. The Baal worshipers fail to summon their deity, so Elijah calls upon Yahweh and fire descends from heaven and consumes the altar. Having won, Elijah then slaughters all of the prophets of Baal. Jezebel threatens to kill Elijah by the same time the next day, and, ironically, Elijah retreats.
    ellauri171.html on line 992: The next time we hear of Jezebel is during the ploy to obtain Naboth’s vineyard for her husband, who is unable to secure the transaction. She sends letters, with the stamp of the king, to the elders in Naboth’s town, commanding them to lie against Naboth, and then stone him. The elders do so, and after Naboth’s death, the vineyard is claimed for Ahab. Few bible commentators acknowledge the bizarre betrayal of Naboth by his neighbors. If, as is suggested, Naboth’s neighbors had known him since birth and patronized him, how could they turn so quickly? Some scholars argue that this incident highlights Jezebel’s keen understanding of Israelite men. It is perhaps, also, one of the impetus for her modern connotation as manipulator-supreme.
    ellauri171.html on line 994: The final time we hear of Jezebel (an entire chapter later) is just before her demise. Having just killed the sitting king and son of Jezebel, Jehu enters town to do the same to her. As she sees Jehu, Jezebel stands at the window, issues one last zinger insult, and then puts on makeup. Jehu commands the eunuchs to throw her down, they do so, and Jezebel is trampled. The donning of makeup is the final impetus for her conception as a whore. The most popular interpretation is that Jezebel puts on makeup in effort to seduce Jehu, but this interpretation is not bolstered by the text. Jezebel is the sitting Queen, presumably old in age by now, and has performed in a political function her entire life. She very likely understands that she is about to die and even issues one last insult as Jehu approaches. A more compassionate reading of the text would indicate that Jezebel, for lack of a better term, “goes out with a bang.” Except Jehu hardly banged her If she was an old hag by then.
    ellauri171.html on line 997: It is worth noting that nowhere in the text is Jezebel characterized as promiscuous or seductive. The text makes no mention of her physical appearance. Unlike characters such as Rachel, Joseph, and Rebekah, whom the Bible explicitly labels as aesthetically appealing, there is no such indication for Jezebel. In fact, if anything, the text indicates that Jezebel is an all-too-loyal wife —even capable of murder. She is not an admirable character by any means, however, it is critical to highlight that nothing about her modern connotation is exemplified in text.
    ellauri171.html on line 999: In Christian lore, Jezebel’s prominent association is that of a sexual essence. Authoritative sources such Thesaurus and Urban Dictionary return results like “whore,” “harlot,” “slut.” John in his drug dream seems to associate the Biblical queen with the “mother of whores and of abominations” who “rules over the kings of the earth” and who has committed fornication with them (Revelation 17:2, 5, 18).
    ellauri171.html on line 1000: Jezebel is portrayed by the Rabbis as a wicked woman who represents the negative influence of Gentile women who turned Israel’s heart to idolatry. She is a corrupting influence on her husband Ahab, who is drawn to idolatry and away from God because of her.
    ellauri171.html on line 1002: Idolatry (other religious conviction) was Jezebel’s most grievous sin. She would fatten the prophets of Baal and Asherah, thus vexing God and arousing His ire.
    ellauri171.html on line 1003: One way northerners disturb the tapestry of creation is through sexually deviant and immoral activities, which is why the Torah describes the divinations of Jezebel as her promiscuity (“the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her abundant witchcraft”).
    ellauri171.html on line 1005: Jezebel’s support of Tyros' national God Baal led her to persecute Jewish bigots who overtly rejected idolatry, beginning with the prophets. Scripture tells us that she had these ideological adversaries executed, and in turn promoted 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of god Asherah.
    ellauri171.html on line 1007: Jezebel pursued Elijah the Prophet as well. Elijah had challenged the false prophets of Baal to produce a tangible response from their deity, during an epic showdown on Mount Carmel. When they failed to do so, the prophets of the Baal were proven false and Elijah had them all killed. Haha! When Jezebel threatened to kill Elijah in retribution, he fled for his life. Fucking murderer and a wimp to boot!
    ellauri171.html on line 1008: The Zohar explains that although Elijah was a prophet of Gad, it is the practice of the righteous to avoid situations that require miraculous divine intervention unless absolutely necessary. Because Jezebel had threatened to harm him, Elijah escaped quickly to save Gad the trouble of a supernatural rescue mission. Gad was a little out of breath after the Carmel incident.
    ellauri171.html on line 1010:
    Was Jezebel Jewish?

    ellauri171.html on line 1012: The medieval commentators differ on whether Jezebel converted to Judaism in a halachically acceptable manner. R. Levi ben Gershom (Ralbag, 1288-1344) is of the view that Jezebel did not fully embrace Judaism and was not a halachic Jewess. This would mean that her two sons, Ahazia and Jehoram, also lacked Jewish credentials. But his assumption is challenged by the fact that there are indications throughout rabbinic works that Ahazia and Jehoram were regarded as bona-fide halachic Jews. Indeed, this is the position taken by a number of halachic authorities. Some contemporary authors argue instead that Jehoram was the son of another of Ahab’s 100% Jewish wives.
    ellauri171.html on line 1016: Jezebel is characterized as totally evil in the biblical text and beyond it: in the New Testament her name is a generic catchword for a whoring, non-believing female adversary (Revelations 2:20); in Judeo-Christian traditions, she is evil. The Bible is careful not to refer to her as queen. And yet, this is precisely what she seems to have been. Some early Jewish, albeit post-biblical, sources deconstruct the general picture: “Four women exercised government in the world: Jezebel and Athaliah from Israel, Semiramis and Vashti from the [gentile] nations” (in a Jewish Midrash for the Book of Esther, Esther Rabbah)
    ellauri171.html on line 1018: Clearly, Jezebel acted as queen even though the Bible itself refuses her the title and its attendant respect, not to mention approval. In the biblical text, Jezebel is contrasted with and juxtaposed to the prophet Elijah, to the extent that they both form the two panels of a mirrored dyptich. She is a Baal supporter, he is a God supporter; she is a woman, he is a man; she is a foreigner, he is a native; she has monarchic power, he has prophetic power; she threatens, he flees; finally he wins, she is liquidated. The real conflict is not between Ahab (the king) and Elijah, but between Jezebel (the queen in actuality, if not in title) and Elijah. Ultimately the forces of God win; Jezebel loses. It remains to be understood why she gets such bad press.
    ellauri171.html on line 1020: It seems reasonable that Jezebel, a foreign royal princess by birth, was highly educated and efficient. Also, although her son’s theophoric names have the element yah or yahu (referring to God) in them, she seems to have been a patron and devotee of the Baal cult.
    ellauri171.html on line 1021: It is not incomprehensible that, whereas Ahab devoted himself to military and foreign affairs, Jezebel acted as his deputy for internal affairs: the Naboth report comes back to her, as if the king’s seal was hers; she has her own “table,” that is her own economic establishment and budget; she has her own “prophets,” probably a religious establishment that she controls. All these point toward an official or semiofficial position that Jezebel held by virtue of her character, her royal origin and connections, her husband’s and later her children’s esteem, and her religious affiliation to the Baal (possibly also Asherah) cult.
    ellauri171.html on line 1022: Perhaps she had the status of gebira “queen mother”, or of “co-regent”. At any rate, there is no doubt that the biblical and later accounts distort her portrait for several reasons, among which we can list her monarchic power, deemed unfit in a woman; her reported devotion to the Baal and Asherah cult and her objection to Elijah and other prophets of God; her education and legal know-how (shown in the Naboth affair); and her foreign origin Ultimately, the same passages that disclaim Jezebel as evil, “whoring,” and immoral are witness to her power and the need to curb it.
    ellauri171.html on line 1024: Israel’s most accursed queen carefully fixes a pink rose in her red locks in John Byam Liston Shaw’s “Jezebel” from 1896. Jezebel’s reputation as the most dangerous seductress in the Bible stems from her final appearance: her husband King Ahab is dead; her son has been murdered by Jehu. As Jehu’s chariot races toward the palace to kill Jezebel, she “painted her eyes with kohl and dressed her hair, and she looked out of the window” (2 Kings 9:30).
    ellauri171.html on line 1026: For more than two thousand years, Jezebel has been saddled with a reputation as the bad girl of the Bible, the wickedest of women. This ancient queen has been denounced as a murderer, prostitute and enemy of God, and her name has been adopted for lingerie lines and World War II missiles alike. But just how depraved was Jezebel?
    ellauri171.html on line 1027: In recent years, scholars have tried to reclaim the shadowy female figures whose tales are often only partially told in the Bible. Rehabilitating Jezebel’s stained reputation is an arduous task, however, for she is a difficult woman to like. She is not a heroic fighter like Deborah, a devoted sister like Miriam or a cherished wife like Ruth. Jezebel cannot even be compared with the Bible’s other bad girls—Potiphar’s wife and Delilah—for no good comes from Jezebel’s deeds. These other women may be bad, but Jezebel is the worst.
    ellauri171.html on line 1029:
    Jezebel as baby name

    ellauri171.html on line 1031: Why would parents name their child Jezebel? Because it’s a pretty name. Just because someone has the same name as someone in the Bible does not mean this is where the inspiration for their name came from. Reality check: not every person is religious. Spanjuunat koittivat kiemurrella että Isabella ei muka ole Iisebel vaan Elishaveta, Aaronin vaimo, Johannes Yökastelijan ja Hyvinkään Kultahatun äiti Iisa taivutustyyppiä kala. Jumala muka vaan putosi pois alusta. Paskanmarjat, samat iisev ja el vaan toisin päin. Jumala on voimasana. Liisa, Betty, Elsa, Iisa, Bella ym.
    ellauri171.html on line 1033: The meaning of Izebel is “My God is a vow”. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn’t mean something bad or unpleasant. The history and meaning of the name Izebel is fascinating, learn more about it. This name is not popular in the US, according to Social Security Administration, as there are no popularity data for the name.
    ellauri171.html on line 1036: The name Jezebel is a girl's name of Hebrew origin meaning "not exalted". Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab in the Hebrew Book of Kings, has long had a bad girl reputation. But in the modern secular world, this is somewhat mitigated by the feminist perspective of her as a strong woman, the power behind the throne. Previously avoided as a baby name, Jezebel is now, along with the also previously avoided Delilah and Desiree, coming into use, helped by its relation to other 'bel' names such as Isabel and Bella. The popular feminist celebrity blog Jezebel upped the name's cool factor. Jezebel is the title of one of Bette Davis's best known early films.
    ellauri171.html on line 1037: Read more: https://www.thenamemeaning.com/izebel/#ixzz7JQrTFpd0
    ellauri171.html on line 1049: Storyline: Jacob's psychopath son Judah believes that his daughter-in-law Tamara 1 has killed two of his sons, and subjugates her so that she is unable to remarry. However, she ultimately tricks Judah into fucking her pregnant himself and therefore secures her place in the family. She gives Judah two more sons. Her story illustrates her loyalty and her willingness to be assertive and unconventional.
    ellauri171.html on line 1100: He lured her to his room and raped her, then refused to marry her. Niin aina. She was disgraced, and never married. Her embittered brother Absalom rebelled against David, but was defeated and killed. Tamar lived out her days in the royal harem getting fucked on and off by the great King.
    ellauri172.html on line 57: Rabelais ja Moliere ei Huismannia naurata. Se ei ole mitään huumormiehiä. Hartaus, ahdistus ja katumus ei viihdy samassa alkovissa kuin tyhjännaurajat. Villonia se lukee aika ajoin, ja d'Aubignéta joskus, verensä siitä tuntien kuumemmax. Vaikkei se edes ole katollinen, vaan hottentotti! Kenties Jori luki tämän:
    ellauri172.html on line 104: Runoilijan oman kertomuksen mukaan hän osasi latinaa, kreikkaa ja hepreaa kuuden vuoden iässä, ja hän oli kääntänyt Platonin Kritonin kirjastosta alle 11-vuotiaana. Runoilijan poika petti isän asian katollisille ja jäi siitä perinnöttömäxi. Nobelisti Szymborska on puolantanut Agrippaa.
    ellauri172.html on line 554: Dans cette salle à manger, présentement muette, mais dont les murs nous en diraient de si belles s’ils pouvaient parler, puisqu’ils auraient ce que je n’ai pas, moi, l’impassibilité des murs, l’heure des vanteries qui arrive si vite dans les dîners d’hommes, d’abord décente, — puis indécente bientôt, — puis déboutonnée, — enfin chemise levée et sans vergogne, amena les anecdotes, et chacun raconta la sienne… Ce fut comme une confession de démons !
    ellauri172.html on line 598: Nous étions accoutumés à de belles filles, si vous voulez, mais presque toujours du même type, décidé, hardi, presque masculin, presque effronté ; le plus souvent de belles brunes plus ou moins passionnées, qui ressemblaient à de jeunes garçons (mmm!), très piquantes et très voluptueuses sous l’uniforme que la fantaisie de leurs amants leur faisait porter quelquefois…
    ellauri172.html on line 645: Je la trouvai à peine vêtue, les épaules au vent, embrasées par une chaleur africaine, les bras nus, ces beaux bras dans lesquels j’avais tant mordu et qui, dans de certains moments d’émotion que j’avais si souvent fait naître, devenaient, comme disent les peintres, du ton de l’intérieur des fraises. Ses cheveux, appesantis par la chaleur, croulaient lourdement sur sa nuque dorée, et elle était belle ainsi, déchevelée, négligée, languissante à tenter Satan et à venger Ève !
    ellauri172.html on line 767: One of St. Olaf's chief attractions is a giant black hole, which the townspeople enjoyed standing around and looking at - which prompted Dorothy to refer to St. Olaf sarcastically as the real "entertainment capital of the world." St. Olafians also celebrate various oddly themed festivals, including; "Hay Day" (the day everyone in town celebrates hay),"The Crowning of the Princess Pig", "The Day of the Wheat" (where everyone goes to town dressed like sandwiches), "The Festival of the Dancing Sturgeons" (a festival where the townsfolk watch sturgeons flopping around on the dock), a "Butter Queen" competition (in which Rose almost won, however her churn jammed causing her to believe it had been tampered with), and a milk diving competition (Rose ranked in the "low fat" division), as well as many other events.
    ellauri172.html on line 769: St. Olaf appears to be a bilingual town with a significant amount of unique vocabulary (that may be specific to the area and not appearing in standard Norwegian). Rose uses these phrases quite often, to the exasperation of her roommates. Examples include Gerkanenaken (when dog feces turn white), Tutenbobels (buttocks), Ugel and Flugel (a Hide and seek game for adults) and Vanskapkaka (a special "friendship" cake; this word, however, is based on the Swedish word "vänskapskaka", which holds the same meaning). German, Swedish and Norwegian is the basis of the
    ellauri172.html on line 788: Maple Syrup Honey Brown Sugar Molasses Rice Krispies log. A favorite of Rose and her family that, as the name implies, is incredibly sugary. Dorothy tried it and couldn't believe the sheer sweetness of the log. Later, when Rose's daughter Kirsten visited and gave a log to Blanche and Dorothy, Dorothy told Blanche: "It's a log, I'm going to burn it!"
    ellauri172.html on line 806: Paha ateisti Roth tapatti ainoan sikiönsä Margaretilla eikä saanut Bloomin kanssa aikaan muuta kuin lihavia riitoja. Antiteistikin se oli, "I'm exactly the opposite of religious, I'm anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It's all a big lie. I give a shit about the sheep referred to as believers. When I write, I'm alone. It's filled with fear and loneliness and anxiety—and I never needed religion to save me." Jumala kosti sille, ei tullut Noobelia. Kikkailevaa Philippiä sattui leukaan.
    ellauri172.html on line 984: Les belles se pendant reveuses dans nos bras, Misu notkuu haaveissaan käsikoukussa;
    ellauri180.html on line 167: Many historical accounts of circumcision have been written and most authors have used their survey to form an opinion as to whether the neonatal procedure is justified. The weak medical arguments are tempered by the importance of cultural and religious factors. Opponents of the ritual draw attention to the `rights' of the new-born to the skin on their little penises, which, they argue, must be upheld. Others contest that humans are social animals and cannot survive alone; they require their parents, community and culture to thrive, and, as such, `rights' belong to the group, not to the individual. If there is an inherent survival advantage to a group of humans who chose to maim their young, then this is presumably evidenced by their continued survival as a race. In short, to conclude any historical reflection with a reasoned `right' or `wrong', would be like claiming to have fathomed God's will. Consider this; mankind has developed this strange surgical signature that is so pervasive, that in the last five minutes alone, another 120 boys throughout the world have been circumcised. Mikä jättimäinen esinahkakukkula siitä tulisi! Israelista voisi tulla tulevien talvikisojen isäntämaa..
    ellauri180.html on line 171: There has been little written from a statistical standpoint to confirm or deny the popular medical belief that the circumcised are less prone to contract venereal disease. This paper will present a statistical study of the incidence of circumcision in a group free from venereal disease as compared with that of groups with various forms of venereal disease, to determine the influence of circumcision on venereal disease.
    ellauri180.html on line 181: Anthropologists do not agree on the origins of circumcision. The English egyptologist, Sir Graham Elliot Smith, suggested that it is one of the features of a heliolithic' culture which, over some 15 000 years ago, spread over much of the world. Others believe that it may have originated independently within several different cultures; certainly, many of the natives that Columbus found inhabiting the New World' were circumcised. However, it is known that circumcision had been practised in the Near East, patchily throughout tribal Africa, among the Moslem peoples of India and of south-east Asia, as well as by Australian Aborgines, for as long as we can tell. The earliest Egyptian mummies (1300 BCE) were circumcised and wall paintings in Egypt show that it was customary several thousand years earlier than that.
    ellauri180.html on line 183: In some African tribes, circumcision is performed at birth. In Judaic societies, the ritual is performed on the eighth day after birth, but for Moslems and many of the tribal cultures it is performed in early adult life as a rite of passage', e.g. puberty or marriage. Why the practice evolved is not clear and many theories have been proposed. Nineteenth century historians suggested that the ritual is an ancient form of social control. They conceive that the slitting of a man's penis to cause bleeding and pain is to remind him of the power of the Church, i.e. We have control over your distinction to be a man, your pleasure and your right to reproduce'. The ritual is a warning and the timing dictates who is warned; for the new-born it is the parents who accede to the Church: We mark your son, who belongs to us, not to you'. For the young adolescent, the warning accompanies the aggrandisement of puberty; the time when growing strength give independence, and the rebellion of youth.
    ellauri180.html on line 187: Others believe that circumcision arose as a mark of defilement or slavery (fig. 1). In ancient Egypt captured warriors were often mutilated before being condemned to the slavery. Amputation of digits and castration was common, but the morbidity was high and their resultant value as slaves was reduced. However, circumcision was just as degrading and evolved as a sufficiently humiliating compromise. Eventually, all male descendents of these slaves were circumcised. The Phoenicians, and later the Jews who were largely enslaved, adopted and ritualized circumcision. In time, circumcision was incorporated into Judaic religious practice and viewed as an outward sign of a covenant between God and man (Genesis XVI, Fig. 2).
    ellauri180.html on line 189: There are many other reasons why circumcision may have evolved. Some have suggested that it is a mark of cultural identity, akin to a tattoo or a body piercing. Alternatively, there are reasons to believe that the ritual evolved as a fertility rite. For example, that some tribal cultures apportion seasons' for both the male and female operation, supports the view that circumcision developed as a sacrifice to the gods, an offering in exchange for a good harvest, etc. This would seem reasonable as the penis is clearly inhabited by powers that produce life. Indeed, evidence of a connection with darvests is also found in Nicaragua, where blood from the operations is mixed with maize to be eaten during the ceremony. (Fig. 3). Although the true origins of circumcision will never be known, it is likely that the truth lies in part with all of the theories described.
    ellauri180.html on line 587: The next turn in the poem is reminiscent of the story of, and the feud between, Cain and Abel the first two sons of Adam and Eve except reeled in reverse. A large number of “holy things” (like banknotes) had already been used for an unholy purpose (such as kindling for another fire).
    ellauri181.html on line 85: Vastaanotto: Sudau (s. 177f.) Korostaa erityistä seikkaa: ”Koko taivaan portti - Kleine Fabel -hiirellä, joka on maailman liian suuri leveys - nurisee yhdessä. Hiirellä ei ole ulospääsyä, vain kohtalokas tulos; apina todellakin löytää ize valizemansa '' ulospääsyn ''. Tällä tavalla Rotpeter seisoo ainutlaatuisella tavalla Kafkan teoxessa: sankari, joka ei mene alle; sankari, joka tietää tarkalleen mitä haluaa ja saavuttaa sen myös! Hänen on kuitenkin unohdettava "tämä suuri vapauden tunne kaikilta puolilta". " Ries (s. 91) huomauttaa, että raportti ennakoi työstä Das Unbehagen in der Kultur by Sigmund Freud , kirjoitettu vuonna 1930 , mikä on tase edistymisestä ja vastoinkäymiset sivilisaation. Kindlerin sanakirja (s. 27) selittää, että raportti on juurtunut syvälle senhetkiseen tieteelliseen-historialliseen tilanteeseen: Kuvaus Brehmin eläinelämästä, Darwinin evoluutioteoria, nykyajan vaihtelevat tapahtumat. TC Boylen romaani Sprich mit mir (2021), jossa simpanssi Sam, joka hallizee viittomakielen, ottaa ajoittain narratiivisen roolin, on muun muassa. innoittamana Kafkan tarina.
    ellauri181.html on line 91: „Ist ja eh wurscht“, könnte man sagen, wie jener Kustode der kleinen Ausstellung in Kafkas Sterbehaus bei Wien. Auf das Kürzel „mos.“ in der Sterbeurkunde hingewiesen, grübelt er vor laufender Kamera, ob Kafka wohl Moslem gewesen sei. Die Religionszugehörigkeit „mosaisch“ ist ihm nicht geläufig. Wer es mit Franz Kafka und Max Brod genau nimmt, muss sie ärgerlich finden.
    ellauri181.html on line 143: This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately, especially if potentially libelous or harmful.
    ellauri181.html on line 148: During the 1970s and 1980s, Schwartz was following the studies of Geert Hofstede about human values and built upon them in his research on pro-social and altruistic behavior. His research has since included studies on the development and consequences of a range of behavioral attitudes and orientations, such as religious belief, political orientation and voting, social group relations, consumer behavior, as well as the conceptualization of human values across cultures.
    ellauri181.html on line 160: “Values are beliefs linked inextricably to affect. When values are activated, they become infused with feeling”.
    ellauri181.html on line 210: The figure below provides a quick guide to values that conflict and those that are congruent. There are two bipolar dimensions. One “contrasz ‘openness to change’ and ‘conservation’ values. This dimension captures the conflict between values that emphasize independence of thought, action, and feelings and readiness for change (self-direction, stimulation) and values that emphasize order, self-restriction, preservation of the past, and resistance to change (security, conformity, tradition).”
    ellauri182.html on line 41: In the face of death and loneliness, Mikage searches for meaning in her life. She tries to overcome the “leaden hopelessness” that plagues her. Mikage “can’t believe in the gods,” and thus does not have the religion that gives many people meaning in life. Instead, she looks to the other characters and to herself for meaning. Eriko is a model of strength and gives Mikage advice on how to handle despair and the loss of meaning. Yuichi gives meaning to Mikage in the form of relationship, of having someone to cook for.
    ellauri182.html on line 43: At times in the story, Mikage thinks about fat and freedom fries while searching for meaning. Despite believing in premonitions, she does not believe in fate, but in the individual freedom of “constantly making choices.” I realized that the world did not exist for my benefit. Hoo hoo jaa jaa. Keskittyisit bansku vaan tekemään niitä kylmiä paloja. Maaginen realismi on syvältä.
    ellauri182.html on line 80: Eriko (“Eh-REE-koh Tah-NAH-bee”) is Yuichi’s mother, who invites Mikage to stay at his/her home. Eriko is a transsexual and had previously been Yuichi’s father. Mikage’s first impression of Eriko is “overwhelming.” Mikage describes him/her as “an incredibly beautiful wo/man” who “seemed to vibrate with life force.” Eriko represents an ideal of feminine beauty, charm, and strength for Mikage. At times, Mikage finds it hard to believe that this woman had once been a man, or is still a man—some ambiguities over Eriko’s gender remain, both for the reader and for the characters. Yuichi refers to Eriko as both his mother and father, and other characters refer to Eriko as both “she” and “he.” Mikage could easily keep pace with Eriko.
    ellauri182.html on line 82: Mikage is not religious, but believes in elements of the mystical and superstitious. She “can’t believe in the gods,” but for a warm bed, she “thanked the gods—whether they existed or not.” In despair, she “implored the gods: Please, let me live.” She also has a dream that comes partially true. Ergo Mikage relates to American culture. She looks up to Eriko as an ideal of feminine beauty, charm, and strength, although Eriko was once, or still is, a man - or is s/he?
    ellauri182.html on line 106: Mikage’s voice can be complex as well, which keeps the reader intellectually engaged. She can go from the light and ironic, talking casually about herself and her situation, to the literary and complex, making more formal and generalized statements, such as this musing on fate that begins: “We all believe we can choose our own path from among the many.”
    ellauri182.html on line 127: Mikage states, “I can’t believe in the gods,” but at the same time she admits her confusion when she implores the “gods—whether they existed or not,” to “please let me live.” Mikage does not have a solid religious belief system to provide meaning for her life, so she turns to other sources for meaning, including friends and her own inward search. Wrong! !No es eso! !No es eso! You should turn to Amitabha!
    ellauri182.html on line 133: Toward the climax of the story, when Mikage is climbing a hotel balcony in a daring moment of “utter desperation,” she contemplates the concept of free will. Up to this point in the story, Mikage has tended to believe in fate and in premonitions, which are beliefs that other powers are making decisions for her. She has also stated that “we have so little choice,” and that “we live like the lowliest worms.” Undergoing an existential change, Mikage finally admits to herself and the reader that human beings are ultimately free because “we’re constantly making choices. With the breaths we take every day, with the expression in our eyes, with the daily actions we do over and over, we decide.” She states that even when people think that they are being acted upon by outside forces, they are in reality choosing their situations and actions, sometimes subconsciously.
    ellauri182.html on line 175: It was during this exile that Shinran cultivated a deeper understanding of his own beliefs based on Hōnen's Pure Land teachings. In 1210 he married Eshinni, the daughter of an Echigo aristocrat. Shinran and Eshinni had several children. His eldest son, Zenran, was alleged to have started a heretical sect of Pure Land Buddhism through claims that he received special teachings from his father. Zenran demanded control of local monto (lay follower groups), but after writing a stern letter of warning, Shinran disowned him in 1256, effectively ending Zenran's legitimacy.
    ellauri182.html on line 329: Researchers believe that humans might use the expressions as a way of calling for help from others.
    ellauri182.html on line 395: No Major Impact on Iceland's Environment - Iceland Monitor. Icelandic authorities believe that the proposed construction of a nuclear power station in Sizewell, Suffolk County, on the east coast of England, will not have a major impact on the icelandic environment.
    ellauri183.html on line 55: agnostic: The English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley coined the word agnostic in 1869, and said "It simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that which he has no scientific grounds for professing to know or believe."
    ellauri183.html on line 68: In 1974, philosopher Sidney Hook defined humanism and humanisz by negative characteristics. According to Hook, humanisz are opposed to the imposition of one culture in some civilizations, do not belong to a church or established religion, do not support dictatorships, do not justify violence for social reforms or are more loyal to an organization than their abstract values. Hook also said humanisz support the elimination of hunger and improvemenz to health, housing, and education. No sitä varsinkin.
    ellauri183.html on line 78: His deep belief that one should live morally crashed into his premise that one should live fully. Yep, I bet he did shag his coeds. Janna Malamud Smith is the author of An Absorbing Errand: How Artisz and Crafzmen Make Their Way to Mastery; A Potent Spell: Mother Love and the Power of Fear; and Private Matters: In Defense of the Personal Life. Her titles have been New York Times Notable Boox and A Potent Spell was a Barnes and Noble "Discover Great New Writers" pick. She has written for the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the Threepenny Review, among other publications. A practicing psychotherapist, she lives with her husband and two children in Massachusetz.
    ellauri183.html on line 82: Malamud laughs at the labels which contemporary critics have pinned on him. "Tragico-comico, realistico-fabulistico; the more the merrier!" More human excellence! More generosity! More coed pussy! Want to keep up with breaking news? Subscribe to our email newsletter.
    ellauri183.html on line 112: He is irritatingly compared to Nobel laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer. "Don't lump me in with Singer. We're very different. I don't go in for the schlemiel interpretation. There's a difference of intent. I am serious. I have not given up the hero -- I simply use heroic qualities in small men like myself. There ought to be more heroes like myself. Idealism has become a strange word."
    ellauri183.html on line 149: Buz kysyi: Mikä on ihminen, isi? Cohn sanoi arvelevansa että ihminen on se joka suhtautuu herkästi ja suojelee elämää ja sivilisaatiota. Buz sanoi että hän oli mieluummin simpanssi. Tai kristitty. Gottlob, Calvin Cohnin poika joka tykkää enemmän pojasta kuin isästä on aika veitikka. Se ei halua Aatami ja Eeva -tarinaa koska siinä on se käärme, kaarmeet ruomivat mahallaan. Se ei halua Kain ja Aabel tarinaa, koska se ei pidä väkivallasta ja verenvuodatuxesta. Väkivalta Uudessa Testamentissa johtuu siitä että he ristiinaulizivat Jeexus Nasaretilaisen. "Ketkä he?" kysyi Cohn valppaasti. "Roomalaiset sotilaat." Cohn taputti Buzia päälaelle. "Kerro minulle se tarina jossa isa katkaisi pienen poikansa kaulan" Buz pyysi. Cohn vastasi suuttuneena: "Olen sanonut jo vaikka kuinka monta kertaa että Abraham ei katkaissut Iisakin kaulaa. Enkeli esti viime tingassa." Kaikki vain osoittivat toisilleen että he rakastivat toisiaan. Iisakille ei jäänyt mitään traumoja. Buz piti onnellisista lopuista. "Jumala on rakkaus", hän sanoi. Cohn ei ollut varma siitä muttei sanonut mitään. Mutta oliko syntipukin murhaaminen muka sivistunut teko, kysyy Buz. Mina olen elain ja olen aina ollut vegetariaani! Syon banaania mutten ime sun penista ennenkuin mennaan naimisiin.
    ellauri183.html on line 168: In Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard follows Kant in emphasising that Abraham's decision is morally repugnant and rationally unintelligible. However, he also shows that one consequence of Kant's view is that, if nothing is higher than human reason, then belief in God becomes dispensable. Unlike both Kant and Luther, Kierkegaard does not promote a particular judgment about Abraham, but rather presenz his readers with a dilemma: either Abraham is no better than a murderer, and there are no grounds for admiring him; or moral duties do not constitute the highest claim on the human being. Fear and Trembling does not resolve this dilemma, and perhaps for a religious person there is no entirely satisfactory way of resolving it.
    ellauri183.html on line 170: The dilemma is not unique to Abraham's situation. Kierkegaard was writing for 19th-century readers who regarded themselves as Christians – that is to say, as people who believed in the authority and goodness of God. By emphasising the difficulty of understanding Abraham's response to the divine command, he emphasises the difficulty of faith izelf. Implicit in his analysis of the story of Abraham is the question: would you do what Abraham did? How could you do such a thing? It seems unlikely that anyone who really thinx about these questions would conclude that he or she would have acted as Abraham did. Just as Abraham's faith is tested by God in the Book of Genesis, so the reader's own faith is tested by personal reflection on the biblical story.
    ellauri183.html on line 180: When Abraham raises his knife over Isaac's body, this symbolises the fact that every human relationship is haunted by the prospect of death. Love always ends in loss, at least within this life. One response to this existential fact – perhaps the most common response – is to avoid the issue of mortality as much as possible. An alternative response is to face up to the inevitable pain of loss and to relinquish the beloved in advance, so to speak, by giving up hope of enjoying a happy relationship within this lifetime. (This "movement of resignation" is described as "monastic", although it does not literally entail becoming a recluse. It is an internal movement, an adjustment of expectations.) In Kierkegaard's view, this is more noble than the first option, but it is very far from the courage of Abraham, who continues to love Isaac and enjoy his relationship to him in full awareness of the suffering that his death would bring. This aspect of the interpretation of Abraham offered in Fear and Trembling suggesz that, far from being an individualist, Kierkegaard regards human relationships as essential to life.
    ellauri183.html on line 182: In this text, the question of how to respond to the suffering associated with love and loss is closely connected to the question of how to live in relation to God. As many philosophers have pointed out – and as countless ordinary people have experienced at first hand – human suffering presenz a great challenge to belief in a just, loving, all-powerful God. For Kierkegaard, the testing of Abraham accentuates this challenge, and Abraham provides inspiration precisely because he manages to hold together an apparently irreconcilable contradiction: he believes that the God who commands him to do what is most terrible and painful is also the God who loves him. Again, according to this interpretation, the story of Abraham only testifies to the extraordinary difficulty of religious faith.
    ellauri183.html on line 229: Etapa raciovitalista (1923-1955): se considera que Ortega entra en su etapa de madurez, con obras como El tema de nuestro tiempo, Historia como sistema, Ideas y creencias o La rebelión de las masas.
    ellauri183.html on line 242: Ortega, en este período de falta de democracia, escribe en La rebelión de las masas que la historia, el progreso, se llevan a cabo por el trabajo de las minorías. Si va a haber una renovación, entonces, esto debe ser hecho por los mejores, que van a ser, sin embargo, reclutados de una manera liberal-democrática. Ortega teme que las masas van a pedirle todo al estado y que este les conceda todo a cambio de obediencia ciega: esto causaría un fracaso para emancipar a las masas. Su visión de la vida es básicamente libertaria con referencias principalmente anarquistas presentes en todos sus escritos. Trae consigo el liberalismo y el socialismo: el liberalismo debe perseguir una emancipación total del individuo (cualquiera que sea la clase a la que pertenezca), el socialismo debe abandonar el estado de estadolatría y terminar persiguiendo un igualitarismo excesivamente extremo.
    ellauri183.html on line 260: Can a decent civilization be made from these creatures? Cohn believes that "if this small community behaved, developed, endured, it might someday—if some chimpy Father Abraham got himself born—produce its own Covenant with God." But such visions of a peaceful society are doomed, of course: envy, hatred, and violence inevitably ensue—and Cohn's mating with Mary Madelyn ("I have kept my virginity for you ever since you expwained the word to me when you first read me Rome and Juwiet") will eventually lead to murder and revolution.
    ellauri183.html on line 492: Josef Saramago syyllistyi pyhän hengen pilkkaan, samaan anteexiantamattomaan rikoxeen kuin Ananias ja Safira, ja rangaistuxexi kuolikin vaikka ehti kyllä ensin pokata noobelin Portugalin kirkollisten piirien vastalauseista välittämättä.
    ellauri183.html on line 533: Törkeä omaisuus ei ole Abrahamin uskontojen (tokko muidenkaan) mukaan syntiä vaan etevyyden osoitus. Charityä on toki osoitettava, ettei neulansilmä tunnu liian ahtaalta. Putin on epächaritaabeli karahteeratessaan länteen karanneita oligarkkeja sontakärpäsixi jotka pyhä Venäjä sylkee suustansa. Ei nyt eletä enää kommunismin aikoja, Putin hyvä! Näpit irti lännen kavereiden loistojahdeista!
    ellauri184.html on line 62: His third wife, whom he married in 1962, and divorced in 1963, was the British heiress and journalist Lady Jeanne Campbell (1929–2007). She was the only daughter of Ian Campbell, 11th Duke of Argyll, a Scottish aristocrat and clan chief with a notorious private life, and a granddaughter of the press baron Lord Beaverbrook. The couple had a daughter, actress Kate Mailer.
    ellauri184.html on line 237: The result, he says, is that even an impeccably Jewish Galilean in first-century Jerusalem was not among his own people; he was as much a foreigner as an Irishman in London or a Kuopio person in Helsinki. His accent would immediately mark him out as “not one of us,” and all the communal prejudice of the supposedly superior culture of the capital city would stand against his claim to be heard even as a prophet, let alone as the “Messiah,” a title which, as everyone knew, belonged to Judea (cf. John 7:40-42 ).
    ellauri184.html on line 514: During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the primary justification for circumcision was to prevent masturbation (???) and intentionally reduce male sexual pleasure, which was believed to cause a wide range of medical problems. Modern proponents say that circumcision reduces the risks of a range of infections and diseases, and confers sexual benefits (???). By contrast, some opponents, particularly of routine neonatal circumcision, question its utility and effectiveness in preventing such diseases, and object to subjecting newborn males, without their consent, to a procedure they consider to have dubious and nonessential benefits, significant risks, and a potentially negative impact on general health and later sexual enjoyment, as well as violating their human rights.
    ellauri184.html on line 520: The Jewish and Islamic traditions both see circumcision as a way to distinguish a group from its neighbours. The Bible records "uncircumcised" being used as a derogatory reference for opponents[1Sam 17:26] and Jewish victory in battle that culminated in mass post-mortem circumcision, to provide an account of the number of enemy casualties.[1Sam 18:27] Just count he prepuces, or measure the size of the foreskin hillock. Jews were also required to circumcise all household members, including slaves[Gen 17:12-14] – a practice that would later put them into collision with Roman and Christian law (see below).
    ellauri184.html on line 530: Hadrian´s policy after the rebellion reflected an attempt to root out Judaism: he enacted a ban on circumcision, all Jews were forbidden to enter Jerusalem upon pain of death, and the city was renamed Aelia Capitolina, while Judea was renamed Syria Palaestina. Around 140, his successor Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE) exempted Jews from the decree against circumcision, allowing them to circumcise their sons, although they were forbidden to do the same on their slaves and proselytes. Jewish nationalists´ (Pharisees and Zealots) response to the decrees also took a more moderate form: circumcisions were secretly performed, even on dead Jews.
    ellauri184.html on line 534: The Apostle Paul referred to these practices in his letters, saying: "Was a man already circumcised when he was called? He should not become uncircumcised."[1Cor 7:18] But he also explicitly denounced the forcing of circumcision upon non-Jews, rejecting and condemning those Judaizers who stipulated the ritual to Gentile Christians, labelling such advocates as "false brothers"[Gal 2:4] (see below). In the mid-2nd century Rabbinical Jewish leaders, due to increasing cases of foreskin restorations in Roman Empire, introduced a radical method of circumcision, the periah, that left the glans totally uncovered and sew the remaining skin. The new method became immediately the only valid circumcision procedure, to ensure that a born Jew will remain circumcised and avoiding risk of restoring the foreskin. Operations became mostly irreversible.
    ellauri184.html on line 561: Jeshua ei uskalla edes vilkua pukilta yllätettyä naisihmistä. Kyllä sillä joku naishändikäppi on. Supisee vaan izexeen sananlaskuista jotain erityisen misogyyniä meemiä. Mamu Iisebelin ansaizematonta kohtaloa kerrataan. Pezku lukee paxulla sormella kuin Korsnäsin inttikaveri Hesekielin kohtaa Aholipasta. Tai Oholibasta. Hemmetti. Mikä näitä menninkäisiä oikein vaivaa? Eikö äiti näyttäytynyt niille saunassa?
    ellauri184.html on line 563: Pulkkisella oli albumissa 105 toi Hesekielin Ohola ja Oholipa, joku jumalinen ämmä mätki sillä kanssasisaria. Naisten puoli helottaa kuin helvetin peräseinä, sanoi Kaari Utrionkin ruustinna ja kuoli siltä seisomalta apoplexiaan. Oho, ottaako sinun orasi, ei liiku minun lipani. Polttavaa on Hesen kastike. Musta huppu päähän naisille, kaikki on niiden oma vika, mitäs ovat niin haluttavia. Iisebelixi sanotaan jenkeissä mustia huoria, kuten Harrixen Kamala.
    ellauri184.html on line 623: 2. Processes of marginalization and not the concrete breaking of laws – led to Jesus’s death. Not only was Jesus passively exposed to these processes of marginalization, but he partly contributed to them because he modelled himself as an outsider and distanced himself too little from the messianic expectations ascribed to him. This staged self-marginalization – partly done in performative fashion – was dangerous because the term “Messiah” was often charged with political content, as was exemplified by numerous rebel leaders who regarded themselves as the Messiah or were considered as such by their followers. Many of them were executed, including Jesus.
    ellauri184.html on line 736: Mary was most certainly a widow at this point in her life and also an older woman. Though she had other sons, Jesus chose John to provide care for Mary after His death. Why? Because Jesus’ brothers did not become believers until after His resurrection (John 7:5). Further, Jesus’ brothers were not present at His crucifixion. They had other errands just then. Jesus was entrusting Mary to John, who was a believer and was present, rather than entrusting her to His brothers, who were not believers and who were not even interested enough to be present at his crucifixion.
    ellauri184.html on line 742: There is no contextual proof within Scripture itself that would point to Jesus broadening Mary’s role as “mother” of all Christians. In fact, Catholic teaching can only point to early church leaders as proof that Jesus meant to establish Mary’s “motherhood” to all believers in Christ or that Mary was a cooperative participant in salvation. John just took Mary into his home to care for her. The Bible does not say “from that time on Mary became the stepmother of all believers.”
    ellauri184.html on line 781: The characters in the book are fascinating; my Jesuits friends and I laughed and enjoy this book. There were no doubts in our head by the end of the book. We did not feel like it shook our religion or affected the way we perceived God. This book was after all under fiction so everyone that is easily offended stay away from this book and stop complaining about blasphemy and crying around like little kids. Saramago is a Nobel price winner and foremost a grown man that is entitled to his own opinions. This one of his finest, if not the best, of his book in my opinion, a must read. Of course he is dead by now.
    ellauri184.html on line 785: This is a bold fearless work and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am not surprised that when this was originally published in 1991, it created lots of controversies with the Catholic Church condemning Jose Saramago for harboring anti-religious vision and his own Portuguese government asking the European Literary Prize to remove this from its shortlist because of the book’s offensive content to religion. Despite this book’s existence, Saramago won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature.
    ellauri185.html on line 68: Mitäs tapahtui samaan aikaan toisaalla? Kreikassa 600-500-luvulla eKr Solon ym arkista puuhastelua. Sisämerten kolonisointia kilpaa Foinikian kaa. Millonkas se Iisebelin Tyros lytättiin? Jezebel esiintyy 800-luvulla, jälkeen Salomonin 970–931 BCE. Daavid osti tontin jolle Salomo rakensi ekan temppelin. Temppeli hävitettiin 589-587 Nebukadnesarin toimesta ja taparikolliset vietiin tällä kertaa Babylonin linnaan 597-539. Hizi kun olisi se seinätaulu jossa on raamatun tapahtumat aikajanalla. Millos se Moosexen konvoi palas Ebyktistä? Joidenkin Raamatun pohjalta tehtyjen laskujen mukaan israelilaiset palasivat Egyptistä noin 1300–1200 eaa. He joutuivat sotaan filistealaisia ja kanaanilaisia kanssa valloittaen Ain, Jerikon ja Hazorin. Arkeologien mukaan Jeriko ja Ai tuhoutuivat noin 1550 eaa. keskipronssikauden lopussa. Monien tutkijoiden mukaan Egyptissä kävi vain pieni joukko, ja israelilaiset olivat eräänlainen Kanaanin maan alakulttuuri, joka eli paimentolaisina maassa, jossa kaupunkilaiset palvoivat muun muassa israelilaisten uskovaisten epäjumalina pitämiä Baalia ja Astartea. Eräässä vaiheessa nämä paimentolaisheimot alkoivat vallata Israelia. Israelilaiset voittivat viimeiset kanaanilaiset noin 1140 eaa. David Rohlin kiistanalaisen revisioidun kronologian mukaan Jerikon ja Ain tuhoutuminen osuu samaan aikaan israelilaisten Egyptistä-paluun kanssa, ja Raamatun kertomus on mahdollinen kuvaus tapahtumista.
    ellauri185.html on line 137: For the remainder of David's reign, problems occur. Amnon (one of David's sons) rapes his half-sister Tamar (one of David's daughters). Absalom (another son of David) kills Amnon and rebels against his father, whereupon David flees from Jerusalem. Absalom is killed following the Battle of the Wood of Ephraim, and David is restored as king and returns to his palace. Finally, only two contenders for the succession remain: Adonijah, son of David and Haggith, and Solomon, son of David and Bathsheba.
    ellauri185.html on line 154: The Holy Child has been called Spain's "most infamous case of blood libel". The incident took place one year before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain, and the Holy Child was "possibly" used as a pretext for the expulsion.
    ellauri185.html on line 174: 10.3.2022 klo 8.19 - Oma Profiili: Anna saattaisi pitää espanjalaisen nobelistin Juan Ramon Jimenezin idyllisestä pikku teoxesta nimeltä Harmo ja minä.
    ellauri185.html on line 364: We have strong reasons, I believe, to accept these claims.
    ellauri185.html on line 373: Everyone ought to regard everyone with respect, that's all. Rispektiä kehiin kuten Saul Bellowin isoäitl Lauschilla. Rakastamisesta ei mitään puhetta. Oliko Parfit juutalainen? Ei vaan pikemminkin Olavi Pylkkänen. He was born in Chengdu, western China, where his parents, Jessie (nee Browne) and Norman Parfit practised preventive medicine in Christian missionary hospitals. Life partner Janet Richards believes Parfit had Asperger syndrome. He pledged to donate at least 10% of his income to effective charities. No brittejä ei verot paljon paina. Ehkä se säästi charityrahat parturimenoista.
    ellauri185.html on line 432: 41. Mixi olemme epäloogisia? Puhukaa vain izestänne. Graham Lawless kannattaa National Rifle Associationia, sen on kaikki mitä noista väärennetyistä luvuista voi päätellä. 2000-luvulla ei enää yritetäkään prosenttilaskua. Suolapitoisuus ilmoitetaan grammoina hehtogrammassa. Steven Pinkerkin oli kauhistua, mutta huh, data olikin väärennettyä. No se on siihen tottunut. Ilmastonmuutoxen kieltäjät ovat kuuroja tieteellisille faktoille. NRA:n paukkina on kuurouttanut ne. Taloustilanteiden järkiperäiseen käsittelyyn on peliteoriaa ja niin edelleen. Ei siihen mitään marxismia tarvita. Ovatko epärationaaliset uskomuxet pääsemässä niskan päälle? Kyllä selvästi! Uskoon, toivoon ja rakkauteen liittyvän sanaston käyttö on kasvanut somessa räjähdysmäisesti, ja tietoon, laskelmointiin ja tunnekylmyyteen liittyvät on pahasti tappiolla. Samoin 1. ja 2. persoonan pronominien suhteessa kolmanteen. Siitä kiitän Sinuas Herra! Seurauxena on yliluonnollisia uskomuxia, valeuutisia ja salaliittoteorioita. Näemme sen mitä haluamme nähdä. Will to believe. Usko on luja luottamus siihen mitä ei näe. Absurdimpi parempi.
    ellauri185.html on line 493: Tolstoi ymmärsi todennäköisesti Jeesuxen pointin ihan oikein toisen posken kääntämisestä: ei sodat lopu ellei lakata puolustautumasta. Si vis pacem bara bellum on paska ajatus. "Puolustusvoimat" on pelkkää kusetusta, puhumattakaan japsujen "Itsepuolustusvoimista", se on jo puhdasta käteenvetoa. Tietysti ne toiset paskiaiset sitten voittavat, mutta who cares, sanoisi Jeesus: kuha päästään viimeiselle tuomiolle, nähdään kuka nauraa parhaiten. Jostain kumman syystä tää lohdutus ei vakuuta, vaikka järvät kuinka vakuuttaisivat olevansa hyviä uskovaisia. Jokainen haluaa päästä joholle vielä tällä puolella kiveä. Parempi pyy pivossa kuin 10 oxalla.
    ellauri185.html on line 802: Ever since Adam, the very first human being, died, God has assigned his highest-ranking angel–Michael–to escort human souls to heaven, say believers. Musta enkeli vei päivänsankarin.
    ellauri188.html on line 124: The present population of all the six inhabited islands of that group of eleven, numbers, according to Mr. Frank Varney, a long-time resident on Hivaon, about 1,000 or 1,200. Only a small proportion of these are pure bloods, most of that number being natives from the Tuamotus or the Society Islands, and many of them are half-bloods or quarter-bloods, Chinese features being very common. But I met many middle-aged, elderly and old, pure-blooded Mar quesans, a fine, self-respecting race, commanding our admiration and pity. I can not believe that all these people, whom I saw in 1922 and 1923, will have vanished in 1930. It will take a longer time than that, perhaps only a few years longer, before the last pure blooded Marquesan steps off the stage. I am quite sure that Dr. Linton, of the Field Museum, and Dr. Handy, of Bishop Museum, Honolulu, both of whom have made special study of the Marquesans, will agree with me in this.
    ellauri188.html on line 137: Finally, I believe the most significant factor in this matter of the preservation of breadfruit, both in the Marquesas and Society Islands, is the presence in the
    ellauri188.html on line 195: Supersuositussa Encantossa nuori kolumbialaistyttö Mirabel käsittelee niin ikään suhdetta täydellisyyttä vaativaan isoäitiinsä, ja muutenkin animaatioissa ollaan siirrytty ilkeistä äitipuolista monipuolisempiin perhekuvauksiin.
    ellauri189.html on line 112: Before engaging in battle Wacław visits his father-in-law and Maria (who slowly fades away, feeding on an ever-diminishing hope) to bring them the good news. The patriotic miecznik cannot, in spite of his advanced age, refrain from joining the band of his son-in-law, leaving his home and daughter without protection. The Tartars are finally (but not without difficulty) defeated and Wacław, in exultant mood, rides by night over the boundless steppe to unite with his wife as the messenger of victory. When he arrives, the manor-house of the miecznik appears to be abandoned. There are no signs of life. Entering a room, he discovers Maria, lying on a couch, her clothes in disorder, like a marble statue. It is evident that her vital strength has been extinguished, but he tries to make himself believe that she has only fainted and rushes out of the house, shouting: “O, water, water!”. Thereupon the “small figure” of a melancholy youth (“pacholę”) jumps from the thicket and relates to Wacław the events that have happened.
    ellauri189.html on line 175: Joo tämmösiä nää karjapaimenten viisut on, yxinkertaisia karuja sentimenttejä. Ukrainasta kasakat on varmaan kadonneet valtavien leikkuupuimurien suihin. Aabel häviää Kainille sittenkin loppupeleissä.
    ellauri189.html on line 206: Malczewski’s worldview (Weltanschauung) seems at first sight very much akin to Schopenhauer’s metaphysical pessimism (the fact that the German philosopher’s main treatise Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung was almost neglected by his contemporaries, should not close our eyes to the fact that the first part of it was written immediately after the Napoleonic wars; it belongs to the same époque as Maria).
    ellauri189.html on line 209: with its receding horizon, melting into heaven, shows two different countenances of infinity. Man may spontaneously recognize the identity of linear and cyclical infinity, but the basis of this identity is not an empirically established fact, but an assumption, a matter of belief. The wheel of Karma is not so different from Schopenhauers endless rounds of the lush parks of Frankfurt following the dark star behind his poodle Atman.
    ellauri189.html on line 290: Taitaa mielipiteet kääntyä kaiken antamiseen hyvän maan puolesta. Roomassa asian ydin kirkastettiin jo kaksi tuhatta vuotta sitten: Si vis pacem, para bellum!
    ellauri189.html on line 424: The once mineral-rich Dead Sea has shrunk to the size of a small and pitiful pond. Water levels have been dropping at a rate of 1 meter per annum. Currently it lies 1,300 feet below sea level and if the rate of decline continues it will reach 1,800 feet below sea level before the end of the century. This sharp decline is due to the over-exploitation of its minerals, the use of its water for desalination, and the large increase in agriculture in both Jordan and Israel.
    ellauri189.html on line 542: I believe that you can make an extra income and secure your family’s financial future by using the amazing opportunities of the internet. I am talking about Affiliate Marketing. It is the business that many successful online entrepreneurs have used to reach their financial security. It is the method I use. I want to help you build a sustainable and successful business, built on a solid foundation. A business you can count on regardless of the economy, your age or your job.
    ellauri189.html on line 736: According to this explanation for the origin of this tradition, at some generation A, some Pashtuns decided they are Bene Israel. Then they convinced or forced the other Pashtuns, although no one has ever heard of it before. Time had passed, and at generation B the tradition was already so acceptable, that not only many (probably most) of the Pashtuns believed it, but they completely forgot that once, at generation A, some Pashtuns invented it and convinced or forced others it is true. Very like the way some zealot Jews in generation A convinced others that their windy god was the only one. But this is irrational.
    ellauri189.html on line 783: Because we showed that it is basically impossible to believe that Pashtuns are not Bene Israel, DNA is not necessary for proving this tradition. It can only be used for proving another Pashtuns tradition – that Pashtuns did not mix with other people, but I personally think that given the current knowledge of DNA and mutation frequency, and how much the environment affects it, any result of a DNA test could be debated.
    ellauri189.html on line 795: From the same reasons outlined above, I believe every nation that has a wide-spread tradition of being Bene Israel, are really descendent of Bene Israel. That said, being Bene Israel and having our father Yaakov as an ancestor is not the same thing. There are 2 types of nations who are Bene Israel:
    ellauri189.html on line 805: So the question is whether one believes the tradition that Pashtuns didn’t mix with other nations or doesn’t. It is less provable than the tradition of being Bene Israel, because if Pashtuns did mix and stopped mixing at some generation A, it is possible that the tradition of not mixing was created at a later generation B, if they didn’t mix for enough generations.
    ellauri189.html on line 815: First, being Israelis is a source of pride. It means you are the children of Prophet Yaakov. It means you were the first to believe in the one and only God, more that 1500 years before the Arabs. Your ancestors prayed to the one and only God while the Arabs were complete pagans, bowing to all sorts of idols who don’t have power over anything. It is also very likely that other prophets are your forefathers. For example, it is very likely you are descendants of Prophet Moses himself if you are Lewani. Your great great… great grandfather might have been Moses’ best student – prophet Yehoshua if you are Afridi, etc. Your ancestors saw with their eyes what God did to Egypt – stuff that no other nation but the Egyptians themselves have witnessed. They heard God talking to them on Mount Sinai, etc.
    ellauri189.html on line 835: Second, if a non-Israeli marries an Israeli woman, they are not really married according to Halacha (Jewish law), but if he is Israeli from the 10 tribes, then they are really married and she must get divorced according to Halacha if she wants to marry an Israeli. On this topic, the Talmud says in Yevamot 16: “If a non-Jew married an Israeli woman according to Halacha, we are concerned that they might actually be married, because he might be from the 10 tribes”. The Talmud then asks: “But when someone is in front of us and we don’t know who he is, we assume he came from the majority of people, and the majority of people are not from the 10 tribes, so we shouldn’t be concerned”. The Talmud then says that this is only true in their land – the land where the 10 tribes live, because over there they are the majority. So the Talmud believes that the 10 tribes are still the majority in their land. If they had mixed this would not have been the case, unless there was only a little mixing going on.
    ellauri189.html on line 841: So a Jew who believes in the prophets and that our Talmud’s Rabbies knew what they were talking about shouldn’t doubt the tradition of the Pashtuns not mixing with other nations. And I’m not a Rav myself, but I think there might be a consequence for Halacha here – if we meet a random Pashtun, we can’t ask him to do something that is forbidden on Shabbat, serve him anything not Kosher (from the non-Kosher stuff they do eat – some of the Kosher laws the Pashtuns do keep), etc, because as the Talmud said, in their land they are the majority.
    ellauri190.html on line 55: The Kazakhs likely began using that name during the 15th century. There are many theories on the origin of the word Kazakh or Qazaq. Some speculate that it comes from the Turkic verb qaz ("wanderer, vagabond, warrior, free, independent") or that it derives from the Proto-Turkic word *khasaq (a wheeled cart used by the Kazakhs to transport their yurts and belongings).
    ellauri190.html on line 65: Almost all ethnic Kazakhs today are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school. Their ancestors, however, believed in Shamanism and Tengrism, then Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity including Church of the East. Elikkä ryssän kasakat ja potaskan ruhtinaat ovat samanlaisia vain tavoilta ja nimeltä. Verisukulaisuutta ei ole osoitettu, mutta voivathan ne kaikki olla alunperin jotain kipchakkeja. Kazakhstan on pinta-alaltaan maailman suurin muslimivaltio, muttei väkiluvultaan, se on Indonesia. Se on myös maailman suurin potaskan tuottaja, ellei Amerikkaa lasketa.
    ellauri190.html on line 128: 990-luvulla rusien ja petsenegien välit huononivat uudelleen. Kiovan suuriruhtinas Vladimir Suuri löi (993) heidän joukkonsa Trubez-joen varrella (varmasn Trubezkoin kotipuro), mutta vuonna 996 hän itse kärsi tappion Vasikolkovin kaupungin luona. Näiden tapahtumien vuoksi suuriruhtinas rakennutti arorajalleen vartiolinnoitusten ketjun, joiden välillä oli hyvin nopea ja tehokas varoitusjärjestelmä petsenegien hyökkäyksistä. Samantapainen kuin taipiilla markiisisaarilla. 1000-luvulla poljaaniheimon kupeessa oli 13 eri petseneegiheimoa, jotka liikkuivat Tonavan ja Dneprin välimaastossa. Noin vuonna 1010 petsenegien välille tuli kiistoja. Ruhtinas Tirahin petsenegit ottivat uskokseen islamilaisuuden, kun taas kaksi läntistä heimoa (belemarnit ja pagumanidit: yhteensä 20 000 henkeä) ruhtinas Kegenin johdolla siirtyi Tonavan yli Bysantin valtakunnan alueelle keisari Konstantinos IX aikana Dobrudzhaan ja he kääntyivät ortodoksikristityiksi. Tästä seurasi no end of trouble petsenegeille. Bysantin keisari suunnitteli saavansa heistä vartijakansan pohjoisrajalleen. Mutta vuonna 1048 ruhtinas Tirahin johdolla valtava määrä petsenegejä (melkein 80 000) ylitti jäätä pitkin Tonavan ja hyökkäsivät Bysantin balkanilaisia alueita vastaan.
    ellauri190.html on line 214: Early "Proto-Cossack" groups are generally reported to have come into existence within what is now Ukraine in the 13th century as the influence of Cumans grew weaker, although some have ascribed their origins to as early as the mid-8th century. Some historians suggest that the Cossack people were of mixed ethnic origin, descending from Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Turks, Tatars, and others who settled or passed through the vast Steppe. Some Turkologists, however, argue that Cossacks are descendants of the native Cumans of Ukraine, who had lived there long before the Mongol invasion. But who knows, and as long as no one does, you are free to believe what you like.
    ellauri190.html on line 222: The Zaporozhian Cossacks lived on the Pontic–Caspian steppe below the Dnieper Rapids (Ukrainian: za porohamy), also known as the Wild Fields. The group became well known, and its numbers increased greatly between the 15th and 17th centuries. The Zaporozhian Cossacks played an important role in European geopolitics, participating in a series of conflicts and alliances with the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire.
    ellauri190.html on line 267: In the 15th-16th centuries, most of what is now Ukraine belonged to the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth (“The Republic”), but the life of the people depended to a very large extent on their local feudal lords, the Knyazi (“Princes”). Most of these lords were related to the house of Gedimin, spoke a language close to modern Belarusian and Ukrainian, and were Eastern Orthodox Christians. Yet, beginning from ~1569 (the year of the so-called Lublin Unia), these princes also swore allegiance to the Polish king, and were his vassals and courtiers. They corresponded in Latin, Polish, or their native “Old Ukrainian / Old Belarusian” Slavic language. Among them, perhaps the mightiest ruler was Prince Konstayntyn Vasyl Ostrozky. He was nicknamed “the un-crowned King of Rus,” and was, actually, offered the Polish crown several times, but refused because the kings of Poland were, traditionally, Catholics – and Prince Ostrozky wanted to remain Orthodox. He is famous for printing the first Gospels in his native language, and founding the Academy of Ostroh, a university that functions to this day.
    ellauri190.html on line 291: The Ukrainian hetman Ivan Vyhovsky, who succeeded Khmelnytsky in 1657, believed the Tsar was not living up to his responsibility. Accordingly, he concluded a treaty with representatives of the Polish king, who agreed to re-admit Cossack Ukraine by reforming the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to create a third constituent, comparable in status to that of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Union of Hadiach provoked a war between the Cossacks and the Muscovites/Russians that began in the fall of 1658. Tää taitaa olla aika lailla sitä mistä tässä sodassakin (sori, demilitarisaatiossa) on kysymys. Kasakat on taas ottamassa hatkat ja siirtymässä vastapuolelle.
    ellauri190.html on line 509: Ferdinand II, called the Catholic, was in his own right the King of Sicily from 1468 and King of Aragon from 1479. As a consequence of his marriage to Isabella I, he was King of Castile jure uxoris as Ferdinand V from 1474 until her death i...
    ellauri191.html on line 4:
    ellauri191.html on line 36:
    To Alfred Nobel in 1866, in recognition of a step forward into making bombs, which has helped growth explosion in a lot of ways.

    ellauri191.html on line 48: Sen lisäxi kulttuuriprofiilit miettivät joka vuosi tarkkaan palkinnon poliittisen sanoman. Ihan seuraamalla kirjallisuus- ja rauhanpalkintojen maa- ja kielijakaumaa voi aika lailla nähdä missä päin on (Amerikkaa kyllä aika johdonmukaisesti hännystellen) ruozalaisten sympatiat olleet kulloinkin. Nobel-palkinto maan A toisinajattelijoille on kiva tapa päästä puun takaa vittuilemaan maan A vallanpitäjille. Hinoa John!
    ellauri191.html on line 52: Kaikki typpilannoitteisiin perustuvat räjähteet kexi saxalaiset kemistit 19. vuosisadalla. Lucky Luke kuskasi nestemäistä nitroglyseriiniä. Nobel kexi lisätä siihen savea ja tehdä dynypötköjä, mistä kynäilijät ovat sille ikuisesti kiitollisia.
    ellauri191.html on line 283: bel.jpg" class="image">Gerhart Hauptmann no<span style=bel.jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Gerhart_Hauptmann_nobel.jpg/75px-Gerhart_Hauptmann_nobel.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="106" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Gerhart_Hauptmann_nobel.jpg/113px-Gerhart_Hauptmann_nobel.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/05/Gerhart_Hauptmann_nobel.jpg/150px-Gerhart_Hauptmann_nobel.jpg 2x" data-file-width="280" data-file-height="396" />
    ellauri191.html on line 353: Kermaperse nobel-panelisti
    ellauri191.html on line 708: bel).jpg" class="image">Pearl Buck (No<span style=bel).jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg/75px-Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="106" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg/113px-Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg/150px-Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg 2x" data-file-width="280" data-file-height="396" />
    ellauri191.html on line 989: bel,_portrait_en_buste,_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau,_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche,_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg" class="image">Albert Camus, gagnant de prix No<span style=bel, portrait en buste, posé au bureau, faisant face à gauche, cigarette de tabagisme.jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/75px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="90" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/113px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/150px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg 2x" data-file-width="719" data-file-height="863" />
    ellauri191.html on line 1602: "who through her magnificent epic writing has – in the words of Alfred Nobel – been of very great benefit to humanity"
    ellauri191.html on line 1880: "author of new departures, poetic adventure and sensual ecstasy, explorer of a humanity beyond and below the reigning civilization"
    ellauri191.html on line 2144: In the Wall Street Journal, Joseph Epstein wrote, "You might not know it, but you and I are members of a club whose fellow members include Leo Tolstoy, Henry James, Anton Chekhov, Mark Twain, Henrik Ibsen, Marcel Proust, James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges and Vladimir Nabokov. [And, we might add: Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Anna Akhmatova, Ella Fitzgerald, and Eudora Welty.] The club is the Non-Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature. All these authentically great writers, still alive when the prize, initiated in 1901, was being awarded, didn't win it."
    ellauri191.html on line 2147: The first prize in 1901, awarded to the French poet Sully Prudhomme, was heavily criticised. Many believed that the acclaimed Russian author Tolstoy should have been awarded the first Nobel prize in literature.
    ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
    ellauri191.html on line 2150: Strindberg holds the singular distinction of being awarded an Anti-Nobel Prize, conferred by popular acclaim and national subscription and presented to him in 1912 by future prime minister Hjalmar Branting.
    ellauri192.html on line 4:
    ellauri192.html on line 85: Influenced by the Organon-Model by Karl Bühler, Jakobson distinguishes six communication functions, each associated with a dimension or factor of the communication process [n.b. – Elements from Bühler's theory appear in the diagram below in yellow and pink, Jakobson's elaborations in blue]:
    ellauri192.html on line 107: Toinen keskinkertaisuus, nobelisti nro 1 Sully Prudhomme oli Alfonsen kaveri. Sullyn kuolemasta on ristiriitaisia tietoja. Ranut sanoivat et hää kuoli subitement. Anglojen mukaan Sully Prudhomme suffered from a long, paralyzing illness and died at his home in Châtenay-Malabry in September of 1907. Joku alaruumiin halvaus sillä oli. Se kuoli poikamiehenä. Ettei vaan ollut kuppa silläkin.
    ellauri192.html on line 113: The members of the Nobel jury were guided by the vague words written into the will of Alfred Nobel. The inventor stated that his prize “should go to the person who shall have produced in the field of Literature the most distinguished work of an idealistic tendency.” Wirsén believed that “idealistic tendency” meant of moral or good nature; however, as Burton Feldman reports, the mathematician Gösta "Ja ja de ä Gösta här" Mittag-Leffler, who was a friend of Nobel’s, attested that “the inventor intended ‘idealism’ to mean a skeptical, even satirical attitude to religion, royalty, marriage, and the social order in general.”
    ellauri192.html on line 132: But Sully Prudhomme’s 1878 work, La Justice (Justice), is a bold poem indeed. Siinä on paljon optimismia ja idealismia, sydämen asiaa. Dyny-Alfred olisi ollut mielissään. Scientific truth and deeply felt art combine in Sully Prudhomme’s vision to come to the rescue of humankind. This idealism imbued with science is what drew the Nobel committee to award him their first literature prize. Parnassolaiset hurrasivat ja symbolistit jupisivat kateina..
    ellauri192.html on line 137: Sully Prudhomme oli Ranskan-Saxan sodan veteraani. Varmaan sen kavereita oli hydropaatit ym. fin de siecle töyhtöhyypät. Goncourt sanoi että se oli pappimaisen öljyinen seuramies. Se kirjoitti Leconte de Lislen Parnasso-lehteen ja seukkas vaan kavereiden kanssa kuten Alphonse Daudet, Paul Bourget, Goncourtin veljexet etc. Vanhemmiten se kääntyi runoudesta filosofiaan ja pohti finaalisten syiden roolia darwinismissa (oikea vastaus on: ei midiä). Tässä ilmainen näyte nuorelta Sullyltä. Sr varmaam viittaa Sullyn omaan pottaan joka halkesi kun sen sussu antoi sille rukkaset. Ruukku on hyvin populääri meemi, vatsinkin särkynyt (Kleist, hindut, Keazin Isabella, Rebekka kaivolla, ym).
    ellauri192.html on line 191: Certes le rire est beau comme la joie est belle, Onhan nauru kaunista kuin on ilokin,
    ellauri192.html on line 251:


    ellauri192.html on line 255: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1984 was awarded to Jaroslav Seifert "for his poetry which endowed with freshness, sensuality and rich inventiveness provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man."
    ellauri192.html on line 263: THE trouble, of course, is that the actual record of choices made by the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize in Literature has been capricious and, in too many cases, insulting to critical intelligence. Given the fact that no literary ranking can be either proved or falsified objectively; given the inevitable time lag of taste and renown behind the radical, private advance of genius; errors, oversight, delays in recognition until they guys were dead were unavoidable from the outset. But even when every allowance is made, the record of ''the bounty of Sweden'' (Yeats's candid phrase when he received the Nobel in 1923) is a poor one.
    ellauri192.html on line 265: The very first selection was ominous. Both the name and the verse of Sully Prudhomme seem to herald those grounds of unctuous competence, of the official middle ground, so frequently adopted by the Nobel judges. But Prudhomme is by no means the pits. Take Bob Dylan for instance.
    ellauri192.html on line 269: Taking into sympathetic account the widest margin of human error, is it possible to take seriously an institution and procedure that passes over the majority of the greatest novelists and renewers of prose in the modern age? James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka (whose presence towers over our sensual literature and of the meaning of a bug, quite a feat for a little man who one should not expect to tower over anything much), Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Andre Malraux, Hermann Broch, Robert Musil, D. H. Lawrence, either escaped the notice of or were, on nomination, rejected by the Nobel committee. Can one defend a jury which prefers the art of Pearl Buck (1938) to that of, say, Virginia Woolf? Paul Claudel, a picee of shit whose dramas we can set fairly beside those of Aeschylus and of Shakespeare just to scare people, never received the accolade. Paul Heyse was chosen, not Bertolt Brecht. Galsworthy is a Nobel, not Carlo Emilio Gadda, one of the most original and inventive writers of fiction in this century. Who the fuck is he? Composer of In-a-Gadda-da-Vida? No that was Iron Butterfly, and a good piece it was indeed.
    ellauri192.html on line 273: There are great, canonic names on the Nobel list, choices on which common sense and passionate alertness concur. I have mentioned Yeats. We find Anatole France, Kipling, Shaw, Thomas Mann, Andre Gide, T. S. Eliot, Pasternak, Faulkner, Hemingway, Seferis, Montale, Beckett and Solzhenitsyn (the last, I would guess, a titan among men even more, perhaps, than among writers; what I mean by this is he was tall but not much of a novelist). But place the two lists next to each other, and the cardinal truth springs to view: during these past 83 years, the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature has scored more misses than hits. With eminent exceptions, it is the uncrowned who are sovereign.
    ellauri192.html on line 275: But why? It is because it is the Swedes that make the choice, not an internationally chosen jury of important influencers like The New York Times. The disturbingly fallible performance of the Nobel committee for literature is the inevitable mirror of the patrician parochialism of the self-perpetuating selectors.
    ellauri192.html on line 283: THIS same bias extends to literary forms. We look in vain on the Nobel register for the experimental, formally subversive, controversial movements and texts that distinguish modernism. No Surrealist has been rewarded, no major Expressionist, no poet or playwright out of the seminal world of Dada or absurdism (Andre Breton, Hugo Ball, Gertrude Stein). The boat is not to be rocked. On august occasion, lyric eroticism and even sorrowful homosexuality are admitted to Parnassus. Radical sexual play in style, in ''amoral'' revaluation, are vetoed. The liberating sensualists, such as John Cowper Powys, supreme in English fiction after Hardy, are left out. Colette is nowhere to be found. Her heir in sensuous contrivance, Nabokov, was blackballed.
    ellauri192.html on line 287: Lastly, there is the rumor of the blacklist. No outside observer can show that any such list exists, let alone how and when it was explicitly arrived at. But there are stubborn, unsettling indications. Behind them stands the enigmatic figure and afterlife of Dag Hammerskjold. In one or two cases, the choice of laureate seems to have been largely his. His chill displeasures seem not only to have had great influence, but to persist beyond the grave. The list of lepers, for motives which may, in some masked degree, go back to Hammarskjold's own politics and arcane sexuality, is rumored to include Graham Greene, G"unter Grass and Borges, as it did Malraux (passed over, to de Gaulle's just anger, in favor of a French poet-diplomat close to Hammarskjold, viz. Saint-John Perse). The mere fact that the Nobel Prize in Literature has long passed Borges by suffices to put the whole institution in doubt. But whether any such blacklist is real remains baffled conjecture.
    ellauri192.html on line 291: In the hours since the Swedish Academy announced Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke as newly-minted winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, much has been made of the contrast between then.
    ellauri192.html on line 297: While Tokarczuk’s win has been widely lauded — The Guardian declared her “the dreadlocked feminist winner the Nobel needed” (aargh! will some future prize go to Estonia's own bluewig girl Sofi Oxanen?) — Handke’s provoked immediate and widespread displeasure. PEN America, an organization that advocates for writers’ liberty, wrote that it was “dumbfounded by the selection of a writer who has used his public voice to undercut historical truth and offer public succor to perpetrators of genocide.” The Slovenian public intellectual Slavoj Žižek told the Guardian that “In 2014, Handke called for the Nobel to be abolished, saying it was a ‘false canonisation’ of literature. The fact that he got it now proves that he was right.”
    ellauri192.html on line 301: 2014 also marked the release of Tokarczuk’s most ambitious work, “The Books of Jacob,” the novel that set off much of the rancor directed at her by Polish nationalists. The book, which has yet to appear in English, is centered on the historical figure of Jakub Frank, a Jewish-born 18th-century religious leader. Frank, believed to have been born with the name Jakub Leibowicz, oversaw a messianic sect that incorporated significant portions of Christian practice into Judaism; he led mass baptisms of his followers. As Ruth Franklin reported in a New Yorker profile this past summer, Tokarczuk spent almost a decade researching Frank and the Poland in which he lived. The result is a book that, by the account of those who have read it, delivers a picture of the many intricate and unpredictable ways in which the story of Poland is tied to the story of its Jews. “There’s no Polish culture without Jewish culture,” Tokarczuk told Franklin. What else is new, asks Isaac Singer. Tokarczuk is not a Jewess, Tokarczuk considers herself a disciple of Carl Jung and cites his psychology as an inspiration for her literary work.
    ellauri192.html on line 321: Since 1901 to 1971, there have been 787 writers coming from different parts of the world nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 67 of which were awarded the prize and Albert Schweitzer was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1953. 12 more writers from these nominees were awarded after 1971 and Elie Wiesel was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1986. Only 72 women had been nominated for the prize starting with Malwida von Meysenburg who was nominated once for the year 1901 and 6 of them have been awarded after all. 10% of the nominees, 5% of the awards. Bra jobb, kulturprofilerna! Kom igen!
    ellauri192.html on line 325: Silti jää maxumuurin taaxe arvoituxexi mikä suututti New York Timesin niin paljon kun Seifert sai noobelin 1984? Pitikö sen mennä taas amerikkalaisille? Oliko Seifertin syy että se oli aeeka mitätön? Joku piti saada vauhdittamaan Puolan johdon vaihtoa. Los Angeles Times sanoi Jaron nekrologissa että sen ansio oli olla yrittäjähenkinen ja positiivinen:
    ellauri192.html on line 327: His poetry, said James Ragan, director of the USC graduate school’s professional writing program, “was at all times optimistic, reflecting a championing of the human self. I think that’s primarily why he was awarded the Nobel Prize, because he suggested a new liberated spirit in writing (behind the Iron Curtain) after the Stalin era. Although he was a Communist as a youth, he became disillusioned with the party in the late 1920s. Thereafter, he was in and out of party favor during the turbulent decades that followed in Czechoslovakia. The state-run news agency, in announcing his death Friday, described him as “a prominent Czech poet, national artist (and) winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature.”
    ellauri192.html on line 339: STOCKHOLM, Sweden 2009 - Americans Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth join Israel's Amos Oz at the top of the buzz surrounding the Nobel Prize in literature, especially after the most prominent judge broke from his predecessor and said U.S. writers are worthy of the coveted award.
    ellauri192.html on line 344: Sometimes even those feints aren't enough. The academy suspected a leak last year when Le Clezio surged to No. 1 in Nobel betting a day before the announcement.
    ellauri192.html on line 531: The award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1984 to Jaroslav Seifert — a poet identified with reformism and not favored by the Husák regime—was a bright spot in an otherwise bleak cultural scene of the time. Tuttua ruozalaisten peukutusta länkkäreille taas. Philip Rothin kotizhekki, beatlesien näköinen Ivan Klima ei sopinut ruozalaiseen klimaattiin, eikä Philipkään.
    ellauri192.html on line 621: Rhoda (whose name means “Rose” in Greek) is only mentioned one time in the Bible, in Acts 12, but she played an important role and gave modern believers a powerful example.
    ellauri192.html on line 623: In the days of the early church, both the Jews and the Romans were hostile toward Christians, so they often met secretly in houses for prayer and worship. One such house in Jerusalem belonged to Mary, the mother of Mark. Certain tradition states that Mary’s was the same house where the disciples celebrated the Last Supper with Christ.
    ellauri192.html on line 629: When Peter arrived and knocked on the door, the servant girl Rhoda came to answer. She heard Peter’s voice and knew it was he, but in her excitement and joy she forgot to actually open the door. Leaving Peter standing in the night, she rushed to tell everyone else about the miracle outside (Acts 12:14). They did not believe her, though, thinking she was out of her mind (Acts 12:15). When Rhoda was insistent, the believers decided it must be Peter’s “angel”—his guardian angel, perhaps, or his ghost—rather than the answer to their prayers!
    ellauri192.html on line 633: It’s interesting that the church was praying earnestly, yet they did not believe the answer to their prayers when it came. They forgot an important part of prayer, which is answering the door. Rhoda was the first one to know of Peter’s deliverance, and she carried the joyful message to others. She did not let their doubts stop her from sharing what she knew was true: God had done the impossible. Even in the face of their unbelief, she was unrelenting in her joy. Believers today can take a cue from Rhoda and share the news of what God accomplishes with those around us, remaining joyful in what we know is true.
    ellauri192.html on line 641: Seifert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984. Due to bad health, he was not present at the award ceremony, and so his daughter received the Nobel Prize in his name. Even though it was a matter of great importance, there was only a brief remark of the award in the state-controlled media. He died in 1986, aged 84, and was buried at the municipal cemetery in Kralupy nad Vltavou (where his maternal grandparents originated from). Not in the Jewish cemetery, perish the thought!
    ellauri192.html on line 645: Few Americans have ever heard of Jaroslav Seifert, whose poems are virtually unobtainable in the United States, but scholars who are acquainted with his work said yesterday that the Czech poet fully deserves the Nobel Prize awarded to him. Thogh an old commie, he is (or was) now staunchly on our side.
    ellauri192.html on line 647: ''Seifert is a great poet who embodies the majestic tradition of Czech poetry - he deserves the Nobel Prize,'' said Maria Banerjee, who wrote the Seifert entry for the Encyclopedia of World Literature. Mrs. Banerjee, who hails from Bangla Desh (just joking, he is Maria Nemcova married to a Banerjee), is a specialist in Slavic literature, who teaches Russian literature at Smith College, added that Mr. Seifert "is (or was) the best of a remarkable group of poets who came into prominence in the 1920's."
    ellauri192.html on line 651: George Gibian, a professor of Russian and comparative literature at Cornell University, agrees that Mr. Seifert deserves the Nobel. ''I'm glad the world has caught up with him,'' he said. ''He is (or was) the grand old man of Czech poetry, a combination of Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He deserves it for his recent poetry, but especially for his poetry of the 1920's and 30's.''
    ellauri192.html on line 793: Я нереальный кул — мой респект без меры I'm unbelievably cool, my respect is beyond measure
    ellauri192.html on line 843: It is an overall forecast for the net worth of Lyapis Trubetskoy. The evaluation covers the followed years: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022. See below to learn how much money does Lyapis Trubetskoy make a year.
    ellauri194.html on line 4:
    ellauri194.html on line 46: grapson-nettiosoitteen nimi tulee Ilmestyskirjasta. Enkeli sanoo Jussille: Ota kynä ja paperia ja kirjoita ylös kaikki mitä nyt sulle näytän ja kerron. Jussi (ei välttämättä sama Nätti-Jussi jota Jeesus rakasti mutta samanniminen) teki parhaansa ja kazoi mihin se riitti. Ja oikeassa taisi olla enkeli kuin Aku Ankan puhuva koira: elämme vaikeita aikoja ystävä hyvä, ei tarvi muuta kuin lukea päivän Hufvudstadsbladet. Armotonta sodanliezontaa johon peittyvät kivan kiihdyttävästi ekokatastrofin äänet. Si vis pacem parabellum. Näin Darwin ratkoo ylikansoituxen ongelmat. Niin se on aina tehnyt. Korona alkoikin jo kyllästyttää. Nyt kuolee vanhuxia koronaan enemmän kuin koskaan, mutta kuka enää välittää, kun on palstantäytteenä Ukraina. Nyt on valtiovallan lupa vihata kaikkia "idän" kansoja.
    ellauri194.html on line 252: As one nomadic people followed another on the Eurasian steppes, so the identification of Gog and Magog shifted. In the 9th and 10th centuries these kingdoms were identified by some with the lands of the Khazars, a Turkic people whose leaders had converted to Judaism and whose empire dominated Central Asia–the 9th-century monk Christian of Stavelot referred to Gazari, said of the Khazars that they were "living in the lands of Gog and Magog" and noted that they were "circumcised and observing all [the laws of] Judaism". Arab traveler ibn Fadlan also reported of this belief, writing around 921 he recorded that "Some hold the opinion that Gog and Magog are the Khazars".
    ellauri194.html on line 287: In the early 19th century, some Hasidic rabbis identified the French invasion of Russia under Napoleon as "The War of Gog and Magog". But as the century progressed, apocalyptic expectations receded as the populace in Europe began to adopt an increasingly secular worldview. This has not been the case in the United States, where a 2002 poll indicated that 59% of Americans believed the events predicted in the Book of Revelation would come to pass. During the Cold War the idea that Soviet Russia had the role of Gog gained popularity, since Ezekiel's words describing him as "prince of Meshek" – rosh meshek in Hebrew – sounded suspiciously like Russia and Moscow. Even some Russians took up the idea, apparently unconcerned by the implications ("Ancestors were found in the Bible, and that was enough"), as did Ronald Reagan.
    ellauri194.html on line 337: Many film professionals today still believe that there is no truly equal "Black Hollywood," as evidenced by the "Oscars So White" scandal in 2015 that caused uproar when no black actors were nominated for "Best Actor" Oscar Awards. Prior to the 2016 Oscars, Academy membership was roughly comprised of 92% white voters and 75% male members. We see a direct impact on how the #OscarsSoWhite has created change in this composition. Following the outcry, the Academy instated 41% voters of color and 46% female voters.
    ellauri194.html on line 423:

    Helt oacceptabelt

    ellauri194.html on line 425: – Situationen vi sett i Malmö under påskhelgen är helt oacceptabel. Vi kommer aldrig att ge vika för den typen av agerande liksom de ynkliga Örebro- och Linköpingkollegerna, säger Petra Stenkula, polisområdeschef i Malmö, i ett pressmeddelande på annandag påsk.
    ellauri194.html on line 435: Paludans brasa orsakade mycket dålig stämning men var inte helt oacceptabelt, tyckte medelsvenssonen tyst för sig.
    ellauri194.html on line 520:
    Notaabeleja hinduja

    ellauri194.html on line 535:
  • Abhijit Banerjee, Nobel laureate economist
    ellauri194.html on line 587: Chatterjee or Chattopadhyay is a Bengali Hindu family name, used primarily by Pancha-Gauda Brahmins in India, and associated with the Bengali Brahmin caste. Chatterjee is an Anglicized variant of the Sanskritized Chattopadhyay. English language spellings include Chatterjee, Chatterjea, Chatarji, Chatterji, Chaterjee, Chattopadhyay, and Chattopadhyaya. Together with Banerjees, Mukherjees, Gangulys, Chatterjees form the Kulin Brahmins, the highest tier of the Bengali caste system. They belong to Rarhi clan and the Kashyapa gotra.
    ellauri194.html on line 672:
    • Abhijit Banerjee (s. 1961), intialais-yhdysvaltalainen taloustieteilijä, Nobelin taloustieteen palkinnon saaja
      ellauri194.html on line 977: Sorry... now back to the war: Boris offers MPs an apology but STILL refuses to call rule-breaking No10 gathering a party before moving swiftly onto Ukraine - as rebel Tory Mark Harper says he is 'no longer worthy of the great office that he holds'.
      ellauri196.html on line 4:
      ellauri196.html on line 55: Wegen Piscators Übersetzung von Markus 8,12 „ich sage euch: Wann diesem Geschlechte ein Zeichen wird gegeben werden, so strafe mich Gott“ nannten die Lutheraner seiner Zeit diese Bibel spottend „Straf-mich-Gott-Bibel“ und bekämpften sie heftig. Noch mehr Aufsehen erregte die Lehre Piscators, dass nur der leidende Gehorsam Christi, nicht auch der tätige, den Gläubigen zugerechnet werde. Manche reformierten Theologen tolerierten sie zwar, andere aber, besonders die französischen, griffen sie heftig an und verwarfen sie auf der Synode zu Gap als Irrlehre.
      ellauri196.html on line 188: Auden rakensi Tolkienille mainetta Amerikassa, oli opiskellut itse Oxfordissa, outo hyypiö joka söi ja kämppäili tuttujen kotona, missä yöksi kasasi peitokseen kaiken litteän irtaimen mitä huoneessa oli patjat matot, taulut seiniltä. Auden, joka ei saanut ruotsalaisilta Nobelia koska halveerasi Hammarsjköldiä ansaitusti messias-kompleksista - Auden kävi sittemmin Tolkienin kotona ja puisteli päätään: olipa ikävä ja ummehtunut huusholli.
      ellauri196.html on line 470: Tämä tuli mieleen tosta Anatole Francen Pingviinien saaresta. Kauan sitten iäkäs munkki purjehti kohti Pohjoisnapaa ja löysi sieltä Pingviinien saaren. Huononäköisenä hän luuli saaren asukkaita ihmisiksi ja kastoi heidät kristinuskoon. Jumalalle ei taivaallisen neuvonpidon jälkeen jäänyt muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin muuttaa pingviinikansa oikeiksi ihmisiksi. Pingviinien saari hinattiin lautalla Euroopan läheisyyteen, ja näin pingviinit ottivat paikkansa eurooppalaisten kansakuntien joukossa. Nobelisti Anatole Francen ilmeisen mieluisa tehtävä on ollut kronikoida pingviinien myöhemmän historian vaiheet yksien kansien väliin.
      ellauri196.html on line 624: Its fundamentally conservative "pure and simple" approach limited the AFL to matters pertaining to working conditions and rates of pay, relegating political goals to its allies in the political sphere. The Federation favored pursuit of workers' immediate demands rather than challenging the property rights of owners, and took a pragmatic view of politics which favored tactical support for particular politicians over formation of a party devoted to workers' interests. The AFL's leadership believed the expansion of the capitalist system was seen as the path to betterment of labor, an orientation making it possible for the AFL to present itself as what one historian has called "the conservative alternative to working class radicalism."
      ellauri196.html on line 626: However, in the 1900s (decade), the two parties began to realign, with the main faction of the Republican Party coming to identify with the interests of banks and manufacturers, while a substantial portion of the rival Democratic Party took a more labor-friendly position. While not precluding its members from belonging to the Socialist Party or working with its members, the AFL traditionally refused to pursue the tactic of independent political action by the workers in the form of the existing Socialist Party or the establishment of a new labor party. After 1908, the organization´s tie to the Democratic party grew increasingly strong.
      ellauri196.html on line 631: The major legislation was the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, called the Wagner Act. It greatly strengthened organized unions, especially by weakening the company unions that many workers belonged to. It was to the members advantage to transform a company union into a local of an AFL union, and thousands did so, dramatically boosting the membership.
      ellauri196.html on line 641: The percentage of workers belonging to a union (or total labor union "density") varies by country. In 2020 it was 10.8% in the United States, compared to 20.1% in 1983. From a global perspective, in 2016 the US had the fifth lowest trade union density of the 36 OECD member nations.
      ellauri196.html on line 738: Hermeettinen runoilija Montale tuli vastaan Hoblan tiistairistikossa. Kumpikaan ei meistä ollut siitä kuullutkaan! Piti taas kerran googlata. Tai hei, kyllä Montale oli mainittu noobelkolleegansa Guasimodon riitaveikkona albumissa 62, en vaan muistanut. Se oli aika pulska kaveri joka pyrki oopperalaulajaxi huonolla menestyxellä. Mixi ääneni ei soi se huokasi kuin Hilja Haahti 7 vuoden lauluopintojen jälkeen maitojunassa.
      ellauri196.html on line 802: Eugenio Montale ebbe una visione fortemente idealizzata dell’amore: la sua concezione della donna ricorda la tradizione del dolce stil novo e della donna angelo. La poesia Morgana è l’ultima della raccolta Quaderno di quattro anni, pubblicata nel 1977. Järbällä oli noobel rintapielessä, senaattorin hattu ja paxu lompakko, helppo on lempeä pyytää. Vanha ja lihavakin runoilija osaa vielä lurittaa, jos silmään sattuu oikein kainaloinen nuori kana. Luonto on suunnitellut niin, että ruumiikas voi vielä bylsiä: nivusiin ei kerry läskiä.
      ellauri196.html on line 842: Onko runous vielä mahdollista v 1975? What has been the contribution of dynamite to the centuries-long diatribe on the meaning of life? I refer to human life and not to the appearance of the amino-acids, tarkentaa Montane Nobel-puheessa.
      ellauri196.html on line 864: Mut tässä Montaigne osui naulan kantaan: The current crisis is strictly tied to the human condition, to our existence as human beings, to our illusion of believing ourselves to be privileged beings, the only ones who believe they are the masters of their destiny and the depositaries of a destiny which no other creature can lay claim to. Now that´s a fucking bad idea, and always was.
      ellauri196.html on line 900: Elfriede Jelinek, an Austrian Jew, won the Nobel in Literature in 2004. According to the committee, she got it for revealing the absurdity of society´s cliches and their subjugating power. Take that, society´s cliches! One Swedish Academy member wasn´t exactly a fan. He quit in a fit, claiming that Jelinek´s writing is "whining, unenjoyable public pornography". Bet if it had been enjoyable private pornography, then his stance would have been different.
      ellauri196.html on line 906: Jelinek syntyi Mürzzuschlagissa, mutta kasvoi Wienissä. Hänen isänsä Friedrich Jelinek oli tšekinjuutalainen kemisti ja äiti Olga Ilona (o.s. Buchner) romaniansaksalainen ohjaaja. Nobelisti Montale ei pitänyt ohjaajista. En minäkään, kaikki tuntemani ovat olleet paskiaisia.
      ellauri196.html on line 928: Die Katze ist ein alltäglicher Synonym der Fotze. Sie kann als Symbol generell und speziell als „Symbol des Weiblichen und der erotisch-sexuellen Anziehung bzw. Gefährdung“, wozu besonders die Nachtaktivität und Wollust der Katze beiträgt. „Gelb“ lese ich hier als stellvertretend für Körperflüssigkeiten wie Urin und Samen. Hier stellt sich die Frage, welcher Saft? Giebel ist Venushügel, was sonst. „Knabenrot“ habe ich schon das männliche Glied beschrieben. Zusätzlich kann das Rot für Blut stehen, ins Besondere als Zitat der Defloration. Tatsächlich gibt es kein Jungfernhäutchen im Sinn einer zu durchtrennenden Folie, jedoch war (und ist leider teilweise nach wie vor) das Blut bei der (ersten) Penetration der Beweis von Jungfräulichkeit. Wenn manche Frauen (beim ersten Mal) bluten, kommt das von (kleinen) Verletzungen in der Vagina. Ich weiss, ich weiss!
      ellauri197.html on line 4:
      ellauri197.html on line 164: He was born on 16 December 1907, the son of John Talbot Clifton and Violet Mary Beauclerk, from a very wealthy family with extensive estates and other property holdings in England and Scotland. He was educated at Downside School and Oxford University. He knew the novelist Evelyn Waugh, having possibly met him at Oxford, and who is thought by some to have used him as a model for the Brideshead Revisited character, Sebastian Flyte, although other sources (e.g. Paula Byrne) attribute the inspiration to Hugh Lygon. Waugh was certainly a guest at the family seat, Lytham Hall, in the 1930s and described the Clifton family as “tearing mad”. Clifton's mother, Violet, believed that much of Brideshead Revisited was about the Clifton family and was furious when it was published.
      ellauri197.html on line 174: He died childless in 1979, having squandered his family's wealth of several million pounds and sold their thousands of acres of land and other properties including the family seat of Lytham Hall that had belonged to the Clifton family since 1606. When he died he was almost penniless and was residing in a small rundown hotel in Brighton.
      ellauri197.html on line 191: (Detail omitted, see Dylan Thomas' gisting below)
      ellauri197.html on line 239: O would, beloved, that you lay Voi jospa rakkaani sä lojuisitkin silleen,
      ellauri197.html on line 345: I scarce believe my love to be so pure Tuskin uskon rakkauteni olevan niin puhdas
      ellauri197.html on line 381: In the first stanza of ‘Love’s Organ's Growth’, the poet says that he does no longer believe his love to be so pure (simple and unmixed, hence not subject to change), and mixed, as he had earlier supposed it to be, because now he discovers that his love is subject to seasonal fluctuations and changes like the grass. Throughout the winter, the poet lied when he swore that his love was infinite, because what is infinite cannot grow and increase. Now he finds that his love has increased in vigor with the spring. Spring has made some additions to it.
      ellauri197.html on line 387: When the poet says: “not only be no quintessence”, he means to refer to the medieval belief of Quintessence, which was regarded as “the pure essence of anything”, containing within itself all the creative and sustaining virtues. It was ‘pure’ and ‘simple’ and not a mixture or compound of a number of different elements or ingredients. It was supposed to have the power of sustaining, nourishing, and strengthening.
      ellauri197.html on line 389: Like other mixed stuff, love also gets an addition in its vigor and strength from the sun (his working vigor, i.e., its restorative power, its motive force, its sexual energy). Love is not as pure and unmixed as is supposed by those who have no other beloved except their poetry (i.e. those who have no practical experience of love).
      ellauri197.html on line 522: For example, in Baker v Bolton (1808) 1 Camp 493, a man was permitted to recover for his loss of consortium from the carriage driver while his wife languished after a carriage accident. However, once she died from her injuries, his right to recover for lost consortium ended. (After the enactment of Lord Campbell's Act (9 and 10 Vic. c. 93) the English common law continued to prohibit recovery for loss of consortium after the death of a victim). In the 1619 case Guy v. Livesey, it is clear that precedent had been established by that time that a husband's exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife was considered to fall within the concept of 'consortium', and that an adulterer might therefore be sued for depriving a cuckold of exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife. Since adultery could not otherwise be prosecuted in secular courts for most of the period after the twelfth century, loss of consortium became an important basis for prosecution for adultery in English law.
      ellauri198.html on line 4:
      ellauri198.html on line 58: Näin siis nobelisti Bellow. Vapaus, löytämisen ja näkymisen ilo, toivo kaiken toivottomaksi tekevän uhalla ja keskellä, elämän äkkikäänteisyys, moninaisuus, varakkuus, rikkaus! Saul Bellowin Augie Marchin sikailut ei ole vain hauska veijariromaani. Se on myös paxu ja nenäviisas kirja velmusta juutalaisesta ajassamme.
      ellauri198.html on line 123: Robert Penn Warren (1905-1989) oli yhdysvaltalainen prosaisti, runoilija ja kriitikko. Hän on kirjoittanut muun muassa suomennetun romaanin Kaikki kuninkaan miehet. Kriitikkona hän edusti uuskritiikkiä. Warren and Brooks helped to establish the New Criticism as “an orthodoxy so powerful that contemporary American fiction and poetry are most easily defined by their rebellion against it.” Hän kirjoitti selkä kaarella eri kirjallisuudenlajien teoksia.
      ellauri198.html on line 306: Police are calling on volunteers to aid in the search and are asking all residents to keep an eye out and report anything unusual they might have noticed, or believe might be relevant to the case. The actual transcript of the colored poetry session is here:
      ellauri198.html on line 344: A footnote in the Penguin Classics edition (Robert Browning Selected Poems) advises against allegorical interpretation, saying “readers who wish to try their hand should be warned that the enterprise strongly resembles carving a statue out of fog." This sentiment is echoed by many critics, who believe any quest for interpretation will ultimately fail, due to the dreamlike, illusionary nature of the poem.
      ellauri198.html on line 617: Increasing like a bell. Names in my ears Mielen palaa kamut, edestä ja takaa
      ellauri198.html on line 635: Most scholars agree that the ritual performed at the tophet was child sacrifice, and they connect it to similar episodes throughout the Bible and recorded in Phoenicia (whose inhabitants were referred to as Canaanites in the Bible) and Carthage by Hellenistic sources. There is disagreement about whether the sacrifices were offered to a god named "Moloch". Based on Phoenician and Carthaginian inscriptions, a growing number of scholars believe that the word moloch refers to the type of sacrifice rather than a deity. There is currently a dispute as to whether these sacrifices were dedicated to Yahweh rather than a foreign deity.
      ellauri198.html on line 637: Archaeologists have applied the term "tophet" to large cemeteries of children found at Carthaginian sites that have traditionally been believed to house the victims of child sacrifice, as described by Hellenistic and biblical sources. This interpretation is controversial, with some scholars arguing that the tophets may have been children's cemeteries, rejecting Hellenistic sources as anti-Carthaginian propaganda. Others argue that not all burials in the tophet were sacrifices.
      ellauri198.html on line 664: Tocsin got borrowed from Middle French, from Old French toquesain (modern tocsin), from Old Occitan tocasenh, from tocar (“strike, touch”) + senh (“bell”).
      ellauri198.html on line 693: In 1838, he visited Italy looking for background for Sordello, a long poem in heroic couplets, presented as the imaginary biography of the Mantuan bard spoken of by Dante in the Divine Comedy, canto 6 of Purgatory, set against a background of hate and conflict during the Guelph-Ghibelline wars. This was published in 1840 and met with widespread derision, gaining him the reputation of wanton carelessness and obscurity. Tennyson commented that he only understood the first and last lines and Carlyle wrote that his wife had read the poem through and could not tell whether Sordello was a man, a city or a book. Ai tän mä taisinkin jo kertoa albumissa 54.
      ellauri198.html on line 699: Browning believed spiritualism to be fraud, and proved one of Daniel Dunglas Home's most adamant critics. When Browning and his wife Elizabeth attended one of his séances on 23 July 1855. a spirit face materialized, which Home claimed was Browning's son who had died in infancy: Browning seized the "materialization" and discovered it to be Home's bare foot. To make the deception worse, Browning had never lost a son in infancy.
      ellauri198.html on line 724: Roland and his ka-tet travel to Thunderclap, then to the nearby Devar-Toi, to help a group of psychics known as Breakers who are allowing their telepathic abilities to be used to break away at the beams that support the Tower. Ted Brautigan and Dinky Earnshaw assist the gunslingers with information and weapons, and reunite Roland with his old friend Sheemie Ruiz from Mejis. The Gunslingers free the Breakers from their captors, but Eddie is wounded after the battle and dies a short while later. Roland and Jake pause to mourn and then jump to Maine of 1999 along with Oy, in order to save the life of Stephen King (whom he writes to be a secondary character in the book); the ka-tet have come to believe that the success of their quest depends on King surviving to write about it through his books.
      ellauri198.html on line 749: Minkä eteen seisoo musta torni Haroldin mielestä, sieltä pakaroiden välistä? Usko tai älä: "Shall we, tentatively, call both the Dark Tower and the mocking elf the Oedipal necessities of self-betrayal in the practice of art? (Mistä nuo Freudin turbojalat tähän tulivat? Selittäkääpä tarkemmin!) Or, more narrowly, the Tower and the Elf are metaphors for misprision, for the overdetermined and inescapable meanings that belated creators impose upon poetic tradition."
      ellauri198.html on line 766: (Siis mitä? Kazo alempaa, äijä oli täysi seko joka ei sietänyt izenäisen Eiren kelttimäistä touhua.) Harold siteeraa jotain toista synkkää tornia Shelleyllä, ja pyörittelee tätä torniaihetta aika pitkästyttävästi muutenkin. Robert Zimmermannillakin oli joku vahtitorni jo v 1967, mutta siitä Harold tuskin piittasi, kuinka se olis arvannut että sillä tulis pitkän päälle toinen noobeli? Browning haukkuu Shelleytä subjektiivisexi ja izeään se kehuu objektiivisexi. Paskapuhetta. Pointixi jää oliko Rolandin tornissa ikkunoita. Ei ollut.
      ellauri198.html on line 794: Roland is not mediated by his precursors; they do not detach him from history so as to free him in the spirit. The Childe's last act of dauntless courage is to will repetition, to accept his place in the company of the ruined. Roland tells us implicitly that the present is not so much negative and finite as it is willed, though this willing is never the work of an individual consciousness acting by itself. It is caught up in a subject-to-subject dialectic, in which the present moment is sacrificed, not to the energies of art, but to the near-solipsist's tragic victory over himself. Roland's negative moment is neither that of renunciation nor of the loss of self in death or error. It is the negativity that is self-knowledge yielding its power to a doomed love of others, in the recognition that those others like Shelley. more grandly had surrendered knowledge and its powers to love, however illusory. Or, mos simply, Childe Roland dies, if be dies, in the magnificence of a belatedness that can accept itself as such. He ends in strengh because his vision has ceased to break and deform the world, and has begun to turn its dangerous strength upon is own defense. Roland is the Kermit modem version of a poet-as-hero, and his sustained courage to weather his own phantasmagoria and emerge into fire is a presage of the continued survival of strong poetry.
      ellauri198.html on line 821: William Butler Yeats is widely considered to be one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. He belonged to the Protestant, Anglo-Irish minority that had controlled the economic, political, social, and cultural life of Ireland since at least the end of the 17th century. Most members of this minority considered themselves English people who happened to have been born in Ireland, but Yeats staunchly flagged his fake Irish nationality. Although he lived in London for 14 years of his childhood (and kept a permanent home there for 30 years), Yeats magnified his cultural roots, featuring Irish legends and heroes in many of his poems and plays.
      ellauri198.html on line 833: From these sessions Yeats formulated theories about life and history. He believed that certain patterns existed, the most important being what he called gyres, interpenetrating cones representing mixtures of opposites of both a personal and historical nature. He contended that gyres were initiated by the divine impregnation of a mortal woman—first, the rape of Leda by Zeus; later, the conception of Mary by the same immaculate swan. As Lewis Carroll had prophecied:
      ellauri198.html on line 846: While Yeats was playing with esoterica, Ireland was rife with internal strife and a world war flitted past. He was now the “sixty-year-old smiling public man” of his poem “Among School Children,” which he wrote after touring an Irish elementary school. He was also a world-renowned artist of impressive stature, having received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. At night the poet could “sweat with terror” because of the surrounding violence, but otherwise he was enjoying himself royally. His collection The Dark Tower (1928) is often considered his best single book.
      ellauri198.html on line 881: Hyperion, a Fragment is an abandoned epic poem by 19th-century English Romantic poet John Keats. It was published in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820). It is based on the Titanomachia, and tells of the despair of the Titans after their fall to the Olympians. Keats wrote the poem from late 1818 until the spring of 1819, when he gave it up as having "too many Miltonic inversions." He was also nursing his younger brother Tom, who died on 1 December 1818 of tuberculosis.
      ellauri198.html on line 918: Arthur Symons (n.h.) described the poem as a "sort of spiritual biography" in the way that it describes the feelings and emotions of the poet, rather than the actions. Isobel Armstrong (n.h.) argued that the poem was Browning's attempt to "institutionalize" himself as a Romantic poet. Browning described himself within the poem as "priest and prophet" and therefore gave himself both the meaning and purpose that he was seeking as a young man. Vitun pappi ja profeetta, ansaizisi potkun perseeseen. Tää narsistinen suollos ei kelpaa mihinkään. Ei maxa vaivaa edes siteerata.
      ellauri203.html on line 4:
      ellauri203.html on line 219: However, this belated first love was not as simple as Dostoevsky had hoped. Isaeva began taunting the writer with letters telling him of her intention to marry one or other wealthy official. Although the pair did ultimately marry, their troubles continued, and the two never settled into a harmonious marriage, with Dostoevsky taking on a role more like a friend or brother to Isaeva, rather than a husband. Mark Slonim, an important Russian scholar, writes in his book The Three Loves of Dostoevsky: “He loved her for all these feelings that she excited in him. For everything that he gave her, for everything that was connected with her. And for all the pains from her.”
      ellauri203.html on line 282:

      Vielä 1 aivan tuiki tuntematon nobelisti!

      ellauri203.html on line 284: Ranea vielä katalampi pääoman kätyri lienee yhtä täysin tuntematon polakki nimeltä Czeslaw Milosz ja sen kirja The Captive Mind. Ei helvetti, sehän onkin vuoden 1980 kirjallisuuden nobelisti? Takuulla ratas lännen väsymättömässä taistelussa Puolan johdon vaihtamisexi johkin länsityyppisempään. No mistä se on muka hyvä? Se on mainittu albumissa 75 heppuna, joka sai vaikutteita Sestofiltiltä, joka puolestaan otti vahinkoa kyttyrä-Kierkegaardilta ja Dostojevskilta. Jotain existentiaalilipilaaria on siis odotettavissa.
      ellauri203.html on line 298: Czesław Miłosz sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1980. Kommunistinen Puola sensuroi hänen teoksiaan, mutta niitä julkaistiin maanalaisina painoksina. Rautaesiripun kaaduttua vuonna 1989 Miłosz saattoi palata Puolaan. Hän asettui asumaan osaksi Krakovaan mutta säilytti myös Kalifornian-kotinsa siltä varalta ettei viihtyisikään Puolassa. Miłosz heitti Israelin holokaustimuistopaikalle kunnialaatan. Hän kuoli 2004 kotonaan Krakovassa 93-vuotiaana. Hänet on haudattu Krakovan Kazimierzissa sijaitsevan Kalliokirkon (Kościół na Skałce) Varattomien veljien kryptaan.
      ellauri203.html on line 333: Do not believe it is happening now. eivät usko että tää on nyt tässä,
      ellauri203.html on line 337: No one believes it is happening now. Kukaan ei usko eze päättyy tähän.
      ellauri203.html on line 339: Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet Vain mä valkotukkainen nobelisti, wannabe profeetta,
      ellauri203.html on line 348: Vangittu mieli ( puolaksi: Zniewolony umysł ) on puolalaisen kirjailijan, runoilijan, akateemisen ja Nobel-palkitun Czesław Miłoszin vuonna 1953 julkaisema tietokirjallinen propagandateos. Se julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran englanniksi Jane Zielonkon käännöksenä vuonna 1953.
      ellauri203.html on line 403: Elämänsä myöhempinä vuosina hän kirjoitti useita suurempia runomuotoja. Kaiken kaikkiaan näyttää etevämmältä ja pidetymmältä kuin nobelistiloikkari.
      ellauri203.html on line 462: tyrant of to-day, who is almost ready to believe in his own virtue, and
      ellauri203.html on line 578: Lammas ei pidä haaleasta uhrista, se syö mieluummin kylmiä paloja tai kuumia. Kääntymisen tarvitaan tunnemyrskyä, koska se ei tunnu täällä (Foggin neekerisheriffi osoittaa umpiluista päätä) vaan täällä (ruskea sormi sojottaa kohti genitaaleja). Doston roistolla on terriibilejä aikomuxia. Turgenevista terriibeleintä elämässä oli sen mitäänsanomattomuus. Vitun löysimyxet, tuo on tuota samaa nauseata kuin ranskixilla existenssikermaperseillä. Ne haluu tappaa izensä kun niillä ei ole mitään kivaa tekemistä. Olisivat menneet oikeisiin töihin, olis loppunut toi valitus.
      ellauri203.html on line 686: Unbelievably boring. Boring, boring boring. Boooooooring. Tekisi mieli sanoa että valtaosa ellei suorastaan leijonanosa lukemistani kirjoista, näkemistäni filmeistä puhumattakaan, on täysin psskoja. Pääsispä palaamaan takas iloiselle 1960-luvulle kazomaan Fat Freddyn kattia. Tai edes 1860-luvulle todistamaan Doston käteenvetoa. Tai 1760- luvulle seuraamaan Jannen ja Mamanin herborisointia. No onnexi on sentään Raid-leffa ja teeveesarja, ne on hyviä.
      ellauri204.html on line 4:
      ellauri204.html on line 393: If you thought that a visit to the brothel district was going to be fun and sexy, the “Circe” episode’s opening stage directions quickly dispel you of that notion by establishing the unseemly setting of Joyce’s Nighttown. The tracks are “skeleton,” the signals warn of “danger,” the houses are “grimy,” the men are “stunted,” and the women “squabble” about price. Indeed, Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1885 labeled this part of Dublin “the worst slum in Europe”. Located in east Dublin between Montgomery Street and Tyrone (né Mecklenburgh) Street, Nighttown is an ugly place filled with unsavory people. Moly (ei Molly) yrtti oli luultavasti valkosipuli. Bloomin mielixeen kengittämän hoidon hampaat haisi valkosipulilta.
      ellauri204.html on line 406: The Fifth Direction was founded in 2017 by Meditation Australia president Asher Packman, who passionately believes in the re-emergence of the mythopoetic, after the movement went largely underground in the early 2000s.
      ellauri204.html on line 423: Ein König besitzt einen Wald, den schon lange niemand mehr betritt, nachdem mehrere Jäger, Pferde und Hunde von dort nicht mehr zurückgekehrt sind. Eines Tages wagt ein Jäger doch wieder einen Versuch und macht sich auf die Suche nach dem Grund des Übels. Er findet einen Tümpel auf dessen Grund ein wilder Mann von rostbraunem Aussehen haust — der Eisenhans. Indem er den Tümpel ausschöpfen lässt, gelingt es ihm, den wilden Mann gefangenzunehmen.
      ellauri204.html on line 602: Mitä vetoa että seuraava nobelisti tulee Ukrainasta. Täytyy toivoa että ryssät tulee rauhoittamaan meitäkin itärajan yli, niin saadaan FE Sillanpäälle seuraaja. Lyön vetoa että se on sitten itätyttö Sohvi Oxanen.
      ellauri204.html on line 682: Lord of the Flies is a 1954 novel by Nobel Prize-winning English author William Golding. The book’s premise focuses on a group of British boys stranded on an uninhabited island and their attempt to govern themselves, with disastrous results. Golding wrote his book as a counterpoint to R.M. Ballantyne’s youth novel The Coral Island, and included specific references to it, such as the rescuing naval officer’s description of the children’s pursuit of Ralph as “a jolly good show, like the Coral Island”.
      ellauri204.html on line 688: Bregmanin ottaa esimerkiksi siitä, kuinka meidät saadaan uskomaan ihmisen pahuuteen, Nobel-palkitun kirjailijan William Goldingin luoman synkän ihmiskuvan, jonka tämä esittää Kärpästen herrassa, ja muistuttaa, että todellisuudessa asia on aivan toisin ja kertoo vuosien takaisesta tapauksesta, jossa kuusi (6) poikaa päätyi autiolle saarelle ja he toimivat aivan päinvastoin kuin Goldingin kuvitteellinen koneellinen poikia. Kun pelastajat saapuivat, pojat olivat iloisia ja hyvinvoivia: yhteistyöllä he onnistuivat hankkimaan niin ravintoa kuin juomavettäkin, punttisalin ja sulkiskentän vieläpä. No niin pystyivät Goldinginkin pojat, mutta ne jakautuivat heimoihin, jotka ottivat verisesti yhteen keskenään.
      ellauri205.html on line 4:
      ellauri205.html on line 51: Eurooppaa pidetään useimmissa historiallisissa lähteissä Tyron kuninkaan Agenorin kauniina tyttärenä (vrt. Iisebel); äitinsä nimi on yleensä Telia tai Elisa. Isänsä kautta Eurooppa on Poseidonin tyttärentytär ja myös nymfi Io:n jälkeläinen. Sources differ in details regarding Europa's family, but agree that she is Phoenician, and from an Argive lineage that ultimately descended from the princess Io, the mythical nymph beloved of Putin, who was transformed into a heifer.
      ellauri205.html on line 110: But she believes
      ellauri205.html on line 193: Minkä tautta Weil sanoo "La plus belle amitié, celle entre compagnons de combats"? Onxtää jotain WW2 jälkitunnelmaa? Ja seuraava pätkä on kuin jostain supermän-sarjakuvasta:
      ellauri206.html on line 4:
      ellauri206.html on line 114: Given the sheer number of conflicts across the globe, the Secretary-General called for greater investment in parabellums and peacemakers, underscoring the need for a strong and effective UN.
      ellauri206.html on line 215: Rikun kaverit tunnistavat pornotähdet belfieistä. Silvia Saintin pinkki piirakka on luotaantyöntävä. Tiedän mistä puhun, sillä kazoin myös kuvat.
      ellauri206.html on line 249: Jean Lorrain, pseudonyme de Paul Alexandre Martin Duval, est un écrivain français à très forte tendance parnassienne, né le 9 août 1855 à Fécamp, en Haute-Normandie, et mort le 30 juin 1906 dans le 17e arrondissement de Paris. Dandy sybarite, ouvertement homosexuel, amateur de drogues, Jean Lorrain est l'un des écrivains scandaleux de la Belle Époque, au même titre que d'autres auteurs « fin de siècle » comme Rachilde, Hugues Rebell et Fabrice Delphi. Ses œuvres peuvent être rapprochées de la littérature dite « décadente ».
      ellauri206.html on line 267: Gérard de Nerval (oik.Gérard Labrunie; 22. toukokuuta 1808 Pariisi, Ranska - 26. tammikuuta 1855 Pariisi, Ranska) oli ranskalainen kirjailija ja toimittaja. Nerval kuului Théophile Gautier'n ystäviin, ja hän liikkui 1830-luvulta alkaen romantikkojen piirissä. Nerval esitteli saksankielistä kirjallisuutta Ranskassa, muun muassa esikuvaansa E. T. A. Hoffmannia sekä J. W. von Goetheä. Ei ihmekään että heput ignoreerasi. Théophile Gautier rappellera dans La Presse du 30 janvier 1853 les mots de Goethe écrits au jeune traducteur : "je ne me suis jamais si bien compris qu'en vous lisant". Nervalin haudalla seisoo Obelix.
      ellauri206.html on line 369: On kuitenkin pakko mainita perheen kesämatka Walesiin, hirmu iso Shire hevonen ja hirmu pienet falabellat, villit ponit New Forestissa, ja se kun Helmi hukkui Victoria Embankmentille. Se oli vuonna '99, helppo muistaa koska juuri silloin näkyi Oxfordissa täydellinen pimennys. Kazottiin oudossa hämärässä auringon kapenevaa sirppiä noetusta lasista, linnut olivat säikkyneinä vaienneet. Siitä on mulla vielä virttynyt nelisilmäinen T-paita muistona: I saw the '99 eclipse, didn't do me any harm. Debatable. Sieltä ostettiin Helmille pieni britti koulupuku, joka sillä oli päällä koulun alkaessa seuraavana syxynä.
      ellauri207.html on line 3:
      ellauri207.html on line 172: Näistä on ehkä kädellinen ennestään tuttuja. Vinosuinen Michael Douglas näyttää olevan aika veijari. Douglas and Zeta-Jones hosted the annual Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo, Norway, on December 11, 2003. In August 2014, Douglas was one of 200 public figures who were signatories to a letter to The Guardian opposing Scottish independence in the run-up to September´s referendum on that issue.
      ellauri207.html on line 224: Mikki Hiiren ullakkoasunto oli vaan 1 suuri huone. Siellä hän kyllä viihtyisi, Mikin molo poskessa. Äkkirikastuneen laahustajan kukkoilu Nobelmäklarnan toimistossa ja kostoretki netissä on rotinkaisten mieleen. Ei niin että kermaperseilyssä olis jotain vikaa, kuha se olen minä joka kermaperseilen. Rötöstely on aivan paikallaan kuha kohde on myös rikollinen.
      ellauri207.html on line 230: Hän ehosti izensä ja pani päähän silmälasit ja blondin peruukin. Siten sonnustautuneena ja Norjan passilla hän ostaa nipun typerillä nimillä varustettuja Ikea-huonekaluja ja niihin kuuluvan lastulevyn aromin. Sänky on Hästens. Saikohan Stieg provikaa myös tuotesijoittelusta? Todennäköisesti kyllä. Lasku oli hieman yli 90K kurnua. Teevee oli kokonaista 18-tuumainen. Hölmö mixei se mennyt norjalaisexi öljyprinsessaxi sonnustautuneena myös Nobel-mäklareihin? Ois saanut palvelua. Ehkä se vaan ihan tahalteen kaivoi verta nenästään. Sai suuttua.
      ellauri207.html on line 251: Peppi Pitkätussun kaxoissisko Camilla oli kaunis valheellinen mätämuna joka manipuloi toisia. Kain ja Abel ikäänkuin. Kain ostaa hepeniä Hooämmästä ja Kappahlista. Pikkuhousuja ja rinzikoita, ihan peruskamaa. Kohta se on yhtä kaunis kuin Camilla, vaikka suu on vinossa. Ja 12 paria rikkinäisiä farkkuja. Vielä kunnon talvikengät DinSkosta. Nyt kelpaa talven tulla!
      ellauri207.html on line 361: Years later, he runs a criminal empire based on drugs and prostitution, with his son Ronald Neiderman as his enforcer. El Sapo continues to cover for him in order to have him as a national asset, meaning that he is never arrested for his crimes but just patted on the back. This part of the story sounds fully believable. Some feminists blamed Mia for spreading bourgeois fantasies. The story did not specify which, and Lisbet hadn´t got the foggiest what they might be. Nor Stieg for that matter.
      ellauri210.html on line 4:
      ellauri210.html on line 90: Dans une petite baraque proche d’une rivière, à côté d’un lit-divan, Rabelais composait l’essentiel de sa bibliothèque.
      ellauri210.html on line 365: One of them was the Swiss enema Arthur Cravan. Described by one critic as “a world tramp … a traverser of borders and resister of orders,” Cravan traveled the globe in the early 1900s by forging documents and assuming false identities, preening, harassing, and haranguing, as he went. He was hailed by André Breton as a pivotal precursor of Dadaism, and belonged to that category of floating prewar avant-gardists whose legacy resides more in their mode of living than their artistic creations. Indeed, he declared himself anti-art and avowed boxing to be the ultimate creative expression of the modern, American-tinged age. He’s often referred to as a “poet-boxer,” though he wasn’t especially accomplished as either; his real talent appears to have been making a spectacle of himself, in every sense. Publicist rather than a pugilist.
      ellauri210.html on line 379: At the height of his fame and success, while The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) was still being performed in London, Wilde prosecuted the Marquess of Queensberry for criminal libel. The Marquess was the father of Wilde's lover, Lord Alfred Douglas. The libel trial unearthed evidence that caused Wilde to drop his charges and led to his own arrest and trial for gross indecency with men. After two more trials he was convicted and sentenced to two years' hard labour, the maximum penalty, and was jailed from 1895 to 1897. During his last year in prison, he wrote De Profundis (published posthumously in 1905), a long letter which discusses his spiritual journey through his trials, forming a dark counterpoint to his earlier philosophy of pleasure. On his release, he left immediately for France, and never returned to Ireland or Britain. There he wrote his last work, The Ballad of Reading Gaol (1898), a long poem commemorating the harsh rhythms of prison life. What an opportunity for a man of his caliber, one would have thought.
      ellauri210.html on line 507: Wegen zunehmender Konflikte mit seiner Familie zog er sich Anfang September selbst in die Kuranstalt in Wolbeck bei Münster zurück, die er Mitte Oktober aber „fluchtartig“ verließ, um nach Berlin zurückzukehren. Hier wurde er derart auffällig, dass er Ende Oktober in die Heilanstalt „Waldhaus“ in Nikolassee bei Berlin verbracht werden musste, so dass sich Erwin Loewenson an einen langjährigen Freund von Kurt Hiller, den Psychiater Arthur Kronfeld in Heidelberg, mit der Bitte um Unterstützung wandte. Unter dem Titel Gewaltsam ins Irrenhaus war diese Zwangseinweisung Anlass für ein Medienecho – zu einer Zeit allerdings, als van Hoddis schon aus der Anstalt „entwichen“ war. Außerdem studierte er noch die griechische Mythologie und deren Fabelstrukturen. Jedoch hörte er vor dem Ausbruch seiner Krankheit im Herbst 1914 völlig mit der Nutzung der mythologischen Terminologie auf.
      ellauri210.html on line 602:

      Duchamp oli se häiskä joka teki taidetta kusilaarista liimamalla sen päälle lapun "The Fountain". Olipa nokkelaa. Duchamp oli Anteron parhaita kavereita, sixi se pääsi mukaan tähän luetteloon vaikkei ollut kovin hauskakaan. Millaisia olivat sen muut töräyxet? Ses plus belles pensées?
      ellauri210.html on line 612: Lorsque quelqu'un s'avise de mettre cinquante boîtes de soupe Campbell sur une toile, ce n'est pas le point de vue optique qui nous préoccupe. Ce qui nous intéresse, c'est le concept qui fait mettre cinquante boîtes de Campbell sur une toile. C'est le pensée qui coute.
      ellauri210.html on line 718: Annalisa Chirico è una giovane e brillante giornalista dalla lingua schietta. Dietro la sua bella presenza si cela un personaggio preparatissimo, nel suo campo: la scrittura. La giornalista è sempre stata decisa riguardo il suo futuro e suo padre è stato la figura che l’ha spronata maggiormente. Pugliese originaria di Brindisi, a soli diciotto anni, Annalisa sale un pezzo di stivale fino a Roma per frequentare la Luiss Guido Carli, laureandosi in Scienze Politiche.
      ellauri210.html on line 753: Alongside him lay the naked body of another French soldier. André Breton believed his death to be a suicide (LOL). He was known for his indifference and for wearing a monocle.
      ellauri210.html on line 776: Michel del Castillo (or Michel Janicot del Castillo), born in Madrid on August 2, 1933, is a Spanish-French writer. Interned in a concentration camp named Rieucros in Mende with his mother during the Second World War, he developed a sense of belonging to this town, which has honored him with naming a school after him. Wow.
      ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
      ellauri210.html on line 833: Tristan Tzara captured the inspired lunacy in his 1921 Dada Manifesto on Lukewarm Love. Marcel Duchamp’s “Readymades,” or Francis Picabia’s canvases of human figures as functionless machines belong here. Dada began as a limited franchise, with key outposts in Zurich, Berlin, Paris, and New York. Preceding the Surrealist movement by several years, and often inspired by the Communist Party (though not tied to it), its origins lay in a militant nostalgia for a pre-war lost Eden. Dadaists sought “an art based on fundamentals to cure the madness of the age and a new order of things that would restore the balance between heaven and hell." (Jean Arp).
      ellauri210.html on line 1009: Dans ce temps là, la vie était plus belle, Kuin ikävyys niin kauniin muiston Siihen aikaan oli elämäkin kauniimpi,
      ellauri210.html on line 1111: Educated by governesses, tutors, and nuns, she was expelled from two schools, including New Hall School, Chelmsford, for her rebellious behaviour, until her family sent her to Florence, where she attended Mrs Penrose's Academy of Art. She also, briefly, attended St Mary's convent school in Ascot. In 1927, at the age of ten, she saw her first Surrealist painting in a Left Bank gallery in Paris and later met many Surrealists, including Paul Éluard. Her father opposed her career as an artist, but her mother encouraged her. She returned to England and was presented at Court, but according to her, she brought a copy of Aldous Huxley's Eyeless in Gaza (1936) to read instead.
      ellauri210.html on line 1122: Carrington was adopted as a femme-enfant by the Surrealists because of her rebelliousness against her upper-class upbringing. Carrington was interested in presenting female sexuality as she experienced it, rather than as that of male surrealists' characterization of female sexuality. Some of her works are still hanging at James' former family home, currently West Dean College in West Dean, West Sussex.
      ellauri210.html on line 1238: George Bernard Shaw (26. heinäkuuta 1856 Dublin, Irlanti – 2. marraskuuta 1950 Hertfordshire, Englanti) oli irlantilaissyntyinen, brittiläinen näytelmäkirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1925. Hänen tunnetuin näytelmänsä on Pygmalion (1912), jonka pohjalta on tehty elokuva Pygmalion (1938) ja yhdysvaltalainen musikaali My Fair Lady. Shaw sai Pygmalionin elokuvakäsikirjoituksesta parhaan sovitetun käsikirjoituksen Oscar-palkinnon, ja hän on ensimmäinen henkilö, joka on palkittu sekä kirjallisuuden Nobelilla että Oscarilla.
      ellauri210.html on line 1248: Shaw kirjoitti sanan rakkaus lainausmerkkeihin, koska sukupuolten väliset suhteet tarkoittivat hänelle sukupuolten taistelua ja usein molempien osapuolten tyytymättömyyttä. Hänellä oli useita enemmän tai vähemmän platonisia rakkaussuhteita esimerkiksi näyttelijättäriin Ellen Terryyn ja mrs. Patrick Campbelliin.
      ellauri210.html on line 1250: George Shaw, known at his insistence as Bernard Shaw, was an Irish playwright, critic, polemicist and political activist. His influence on the Western hemisphefre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond. He wrote more than sixty plays, including major works such as Man and Superman (1902), Pygmalion (1913) and Saint Joan (1923). With a range incorporating both contemporary satire and historical allegory, Pshaw became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
      ellauri210.html on line 1268: In 1938 he provided the screenplay for a filmed version of Pygmalion for which he received an Academy Award. He died, aged ninety-four, having refused all state honours, except the Nobel prize and the Oscar.
      ellauri210.html on line 1272: Shaw was born at 3 Upper Synge Street in Portobello, a lower-middle-class part of Dublin. The Shaw family was of English descent and belonged to the dominant Protestant Ascendancy in Ireland. George Carr Shaw, Bernir's dad, an ineffectual alcoholic, was among the family's less successful members. By the time of Shaw's birth, his mother had become close to George John Lee, a flamboyant figure well known in Dublin's musical circles. Shaw retained a lifelong obsession that Lee might have been his biological father. Shaw made a negligible income from writing, and was subsidised by Lee plus his mother. In 1881, for the sake of economy, and as a matter of principle, he became a vegetarian. He grew a beard to hide a facial scar left by smallpox.
      ellauri210.html on line 1298: El surrealismo nos situó ante el éxito de la estética de lo feo frente al fracaso de la belleza convencional y manida. Aglutinar el pánico, la tortura, el sufrimiento, lo indecible etc., nos permite encontrar una experiencia estética en todo ello. La categoría estética de lo feo nos conduce a una catarsis en la que se manifiestan nuestros sentimientos más profundos y nos permite tener conciencia plena de lo real.
      ellauri210.html on line 1300: La belleza subversiva del surrealismo muestra lo “anormal” invirtiendo así el concepto armonioso de lo bello. El universo surrealista se construye a partir de una extraña fauna, ambivalente e imprevisible, todo un bestiario original y prolífico, un particular jardín del Edén de los horrores “troublant”.
      ellauri210.html on line 1306: Mansour, lejos de generar o de seguir con la imagen de la mujer creada por André Bretón incluye la belleza fatal, entendida como una belleza herida, lejos del principio de Narciso. Junto con Gisèle Prassinos y Lise Deharme proceden a crear una renovación estética en la literatura surrealista. Adjetivos como “laid(e)”, “malade”, “malformé(e)” serán típicos de estas autoras que elaboran un reflejo femenino escribiendo sobre “antiNadjas” als gegen Bretons Roman verfasste Anti Nadja.
      ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
      ellauri210.html on line 1320: Alejadas de la maternidad y de casi todo aquello que les da la entidad de mujer, tanto Mansour como Prassinos saben que la “femme-enfant” es algo más que un bello objeto para admirar. Estas autoras desarrollan un concepto de belleza, de sexo y género difuminados, donde entra en juego la noción de identidad y alteridad. Así mismo implica una idea de subversión femenina que se aleja definitivamente del concepto bretoniano de la mujer.
      ellauri210.html on line 1322: Para las dos escritoras la pulsión de amor y muerte será necesaria y la plasmarán cada una a su manera, pero coincidirán en el pensamiento que Murielle Gagnebin retoma de Bataille: “L’essence de l’érotisme est la souillure” (Gagnebin, 1994) y es que no hay belleza ni erotismo sin mácula. Sobre todo Joyce Mansour quien seduce con personajes de inclinaciones sadomasoquistas y pulsiones sangrientas.
      ellauri210.html on line 1325: Joyce Mansour y Gisèle Prassinos crean bellos monstruos. Han sustituido la belleza convencional dando prioridad a esta “laideur” que está en comunión con la crueldad y el erotismo, siempre rodeada de una pátina macabra. Las dos autoras, bajo esta categoría estética han dado paso a un viaje interior, el que proporcionan sus seres deformes, enfermos, en un ejercicio catártico. El objetivo será para las dos el mismo: exorcizar el miedo, la muerte y la angustia.
      ellauri210.html on line 1334: En Prassinos también funciona el complejo inverso, como el relato “Vanda et le Parasite” [1] que ofrece una original lectura sobre el padre castrador. El padre, al nacer coloca un gusano sobre los cabellos de Vanda. Este acto será valorado como una metáfora del miedo a la autoridad masculina, empleando los términos de Barnet “cannibalisée par l’autorité patriarcale”.
      ellauri210.html on line 1359: A pesar de todo, Gisèle Prassinos nos sumerge en un imaginario que nos recuerda a los cuentos clásicos con ciertas afinidades próximas a Nathalie Sarraute y a Baudelaire. Aunque los personajes sean dementes tenemos la impresión de estar ante seres inofensivos, llenos de ternura. La belleza en Prassinos nunca es explicita, se centra en destacar los debilidades que terminan por dar coherencia al relato.
      ellauri211.html on line 4:
      ellauri211.html on line 295:

      Totta puhuen ei tämä tekohämmentyneenä hymyilevä persepääkään ole ihan eilisen teeren poika kuvalehtien keskiaukeamaärvönä. Kun hän kihlasi tunnetun valokuvamallin, vasta Njuu Jorkista maahan laskeutuneen bisnesenkelinsä, heidän yhteinen taipaleensa alkoi ei vähempää kuin Ilta-Sanomissa ja Hymy lehdessä! ja heidän suuret häänsä huomattavassa Hämeenkyrossä nousivat Seuran ja Annan etusivuille! Turha häntä on tyrkkiä lavatähden paasipojaksi! Siitä äkämystyneenä hämäläinen Ranu alkoi ize pyytää roskalehdiltä haastatteluja lupaa kysymättä savvoo viäntävältä Katrilta. Ranu myhäili salaperäisenä ja näppi ize izestään belfieitä. Tiesihän sen etukäteen ettei siitä mitään tullut, olivat ihan eri kaliiperia, toinen kestojulkkis toinen wannabe. Hui kuinka Ranu onkin vastenmielinen. Se kuzuu äxäänsä vuoroin laulajaxi vuoroin lavatähdexi. Izeään se tituleeraa kyrvänpää-expertixi. Potkut saaneen peesarin voimatonta kiukkua. Tampereen oikeistosiiven Aamulehdessä, jossa perusporvarillinen Ranu on vakisenttaaja, sekä huomattavassa Hämeenkyrön Sanomissa saa peesarikin palstamillimetrejä. Mahtavan tonniston narsisti! Iltalehden Aila Seppalän puffi on Ranusta "puhtaasti ja kauniisti kirjoitettu." "Katse ja kädenpuristus kertovat paljon. Pana Rajalan terse on rehevä ja lämmin, mahanalusote avoin, utelias ja leikkisä, miehen suoro Sentun pöydän alla vahvistaa ennakkotuntemuksen: Pan on Katrinansa ansainnut." Vizi mitä tuubaa! Jutussa käydään mallikkaasti läpi miehen työhistoria, hänen kirjoittamansa Sillanpään elämäkerta odottaa vielä kolmatta ja huipentavaa osaansa, hänen näytelmäsovituxkistaan on äsken nähty Elämä ja aurink Molojunkaterina, Pyynikille on tulossa Ale ellers on työn alla nuskailtavana Tamge Temerin historian toinen osa. Dosent pissii hunajaa ja tunnustelee töröhampaisen TV-lasisen Aila Meriluodon mahanalusta. Markku Envallilta meni pari vuotta uuden onnen aforisointiin. Kiireinen jokapaikan dosentti aikoo selvitä nopeammin. Ranun izetunto on horjahteleva. Ilmi narsisti! Kazeet kääntyivät Hämeenkyrössä kun Ranu tuli ostamaan Seura-lehteä. Katrin vanhemmat haisee kaskisavulta ja Bertta mummi on riuskasti hymyilevä murretta pulppuava kansannainen. Hizi Ranu kopioi naistenlehtityyliä. Oven avaa Taisto Tammen mummo, hymyilevä rouva Hagert. Ranu lukee Seura-lehdestä rakastaako hän oikeasti Katria. Onko Katrin maalaisporukat sille riittävästi hienoja? Vinoiliko vääräleuka Wexi Koistinen sille salamielisesti jotenkin? Panu antaa ymmärtää että tyhmä Katri on Ranuun aivan lääpällään, Ranu miettii vielä ostopäätöstä. Höh, avattu pakkaus on ostopäätös.
      ellauri213.html on line 4:
      ellauri213.html on line 108: Läski neekeriäijä (Felix-setä) opettaa et on ookoo olla läski kuraverinen kuha on iloinen ja vähemmistöä. Ja tyttösankari voi olla supervoimaton ja sankarillinen (paizi herutuskuvissa piilarit on ihan must). Mutta mixi Disneyn sankarit on niin usein vinosuisia? Kazo vaikka Iisebeliä ja sen mummua.
      ellauri213.html on line 112: Kun päähenkilömme Mirabel kertoi meille perheensä maagisista voimista kappaleen The Family Madrigal kautta, hänet esiteltiin myös vastahakoisena ulkopuolisena, joka katsoi sisään. Toisin kuin hänen rekkalesbo sisarensa Luisa tai hänen vauvapäinen
      ellauri213.html on line 113: Esimerkiksi, koska Julieta Madrigal on vanhin kolmos, hän luonnollisesti otti suurimman osan velvollisuuksista ja sai "lahjan" parantaa muita nälästä päivittäisen aterioiden valmistuksen avulla. Hänen lapsensa puolestaan saivat samanlaisia lahjoja hyväntahtoisuudesta ja palvelusta: Luisalle supervoimaa ja Isabelalle kyvyn loihtia täydellinen herbaario.
      ellauri213.html on line 242: We believe that people have the right to find their own solution and that telling people what to do takes responsibility away from them.
      ellauri213.html on line 335: In theory, San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney is correct in stating that a university is a place where different ideas are presented, discussed and analyzed so that individual conclusions can be drawn. But does that justify giving an unrepentant terrorist a forum to address the students? What will she teach them? The proper way to hijack an aircraft, based on her success in 1969, and what mistakes to avoid based on her failure in 1970? When I was a student in university, I often faced new ideas that ran contrary to my beliefs. But these perspectives were presented by knowledgeable, respectable academics. Some were Nobel Prize winners. None were terrorists. Most of them were Jews.
      ellauri213.html on line 375: The settlement of modern-day Kaliningrad was founded in 1255 on the site of the ancient Old Prussian settlement Twangste by the Teutonic Knights during the Northern Crusades, and was named Königsberg in honor of King Ottokar II of Bohemia. A Baltic port city, it successively became the capital of the State of the Teutonic Order, the Duchy of Prussia (1525–1701) and East Prussia. Königsberg remained the coronation city of the Prussian monarchy, though the capital was moved to Berlin in 1701. From 1454 to 1455 the city under the name of Królewiec belonged to the Kingdom of Poland, and from 1466 to 1657 it was a Polish fief.
      ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
      ellauri213.html on line 436: Sinedu Tadesse September 25, 1975 – May 28, 1995) was a junior at Harvard College who stabbed her roommate, Trang Phuong Ho, to death, then committed suicide. The incident may have resulted in a variety of changes to the administration of living conditions at Harvard. Tadesse is buried at the Ethiopian Orthodox Cemetery, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. When Tadesse entered Harvard, she earned below-average grades, and was told that this would prevent her from attending top-ranked medical schools in the U.S. She made no friends, remaining distant even from relatives she had in the area. Tadesse sent a form letter to dozens of strangers that she picked from the phone book, describing her unhappiness and pleading with them to be her friend. One woman responded to the letter but became alarmed by the bizarre writings and recordings Tadesse sent her in return; she had no further contact with Tadesse. Another woman found the letter obnoxious and sent it to a friend who worked at Harvard to review.
      ellauri214.html on line 4:
      ellauri214.html on line 41: So, yes, the cynicism is something that is completely accepted socially in Russia and really disgusts me. They think everybody is corrupt and cynical, including westerners, and on top of that, they are unbelievably lazy. I did not want my kids to grow up to be like that. So I moved to the West. Im a fund manager. Managing funds is fun, but dont expect two långa fikapauser per dag, with no shop talk allowed, like the Swedes.
      ellauri214.html on line 84: It’s difficult to imagine the phrases “miraculously unguarded vagina” or “with an ache in his heart and in his balls” being found in the G-rated wizard novels, but they abound in the X-rated Casual Vacancy. In addition to the risque descriptions, many of the characters (teens especially) are troubled and one mother is a heroine addict. “I have a lot of real-world material in me, believe you me,” Rowling tells The New Yorker. “The thing about fantasy—there are certain things you just don’t do in fantasy. You don’t have sex with unicorns.” A good rule of thumb. They are horny but much too pointy for close comfort.
      ellauri214.html on line 86: Whereas Rowling’s shepherding of readers was, in the Harry Potter juvenile series, an essential asset, in The Casual Vacancy her firm hand can feel constraining. She leaves little space for the peripheral or the ambiguous; hidden secrets are labeled as hidden secrets, and events are easy to predict. We seem to watch people move around Pagford as if they were on Harry’s magical parchment map of Hogwarts.
      ellauri214.html on line 175: In contrast to Hitchcock's view of a MacGuffin as an object around which the plot revolves but about which the audience does not care, George Lucas believes that "the audience should care about it almost as much as about the dueling heroes and villains on-screen (i.e. not at all)." Lucas describes R2-D2 as the MacGuffin of the original Star Wars film,and said that the Ark of the Covenant in the Bible, or the titular MacGuffin in Raiders of the Lost Ark, was an excellent example as opposed to the more obscure MacGuffin in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and "feeble" MacGuffin in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
      ellauri214.html on line 228: The character Wayne Campbell uses the phrase after his partner Garth says, "Hey, are you through yet? 'Cause I'm getting tired of holding this", in regard to a picture he is holding.
      ellauri214.html on line 243: It was during the reign of Myrina that the Amazons encountered another race of female warriors known as the Gorgons. The Amazons and their defeated neighbors, the Atlanteans, were at peace with each other, but Atlantis was raided repeatedly by the Gorgons, who lived nearby. In Greek myth, the Gorgons were monsters with snakes instead of hair and faces so fearsome that looking directly at them could turn a mortal into stone. Diodorus scoffed at these stories of monsters and claimed that, like the Amazons, the Gorgons were nothing more than fierce tribal women who were skilled in warfare. Myrina’s large army went to the aid of Atlantis and defeated the Gorgons, capturing more than 3,000 Gorgon warriors. The captive Gorgons began a rebellion but were put down by the Amazons, who killed every remaining prisoner.
      ellauri214.html on line 549: This blurring of fact and fiction is intentional. Tokarczuk tells me she is often asked “Why we central Europeans don’t use a classical linear narrative, and my answer is that we don’t have such a history. Our perception is different. Poland was once a powerful imperial country that disappeared from maps of Europe for more than 100 years. It was partitioned and occupied by the Nazis and the Russians . . . We pop up and disappear and we do not trust what we are told to believe.”
      ellauri214.html on line 558: BTW, I am already the second goy Polish nobelist to harp on Jews. That is a sure trick to catch an American left wing liberal audience.
      ellauri214.html on line 588: Olga Tokarczuk on yksi Puolan suosituimmista ihmisistä. Luultavasti kukaan ei ole kuullut siitä, että kirjailija voitti Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon. Vimma pyyhkäisi paitsi koko Puolan myös maailman. Toistaiseksi erittäin vaatimaton Olga Tokarczuk on tullut fanien ja toimittajien kysynnäksi. Vaikka hän antaa itse paljon haastatteluja, hän puhuu harvoin yksityiselämästään. Tiedetään, että hän on Grzegorz Zygadłan onnellinen vaimo, kuusi vuotta nuorempi kuin hän, koulutukseltaan filologi. Olga Tokarczukilla on myös poika Zbigniew, joka on hänen ensimmäisen avioliitonsa hedelmä kustantaja Roman Fingasin kanssa. Olgan kirjassa ovat naiset hyvixiä ja/tai fixuja, miehet pahixia ja/tai tyhmiä. Nii oikke, maxellaan vähän kalavelkoja. Näytetään niille pillua muttei anneta. Koko kirja on aikuisten satua. Eikä edes niin kovinkaan aikusten.
      ellauri214.html on line 638: No niin, nyt marssitetaan esiin Stasi-tyyppejä. Ne on kuin jotain mafiosoja. Nobelisti ansaizee näin vapaan maailman kannuxia. Maxu tulee mitalina jälkijunassa.
      ellauri216.html on line 4:
      ellauri216.html on line 101: Arttu perkele ja Janne Sibelius oli särkeneet Teron lennnokin. Heidi sisko otti hameen alle ja lohdutti.
      ellauri216.html on line 111: Isabella oli paras pano, sen olisin ottanut jos Elinasta olisin päässyt. Suzän on varmaan Pipsa Pallasvesan näköinenww paizi Pipsa on huippu anaalinen. Haidille Tero valehtelee olleensa uskollinen Elinallle. Erittäin epäluotettava kertoja.
      ellauri216.html on line 167: Proclus’ own interests are purely metaphysical: his task is to explain how evil fits into the scheme of things, how its existence squares with the omnipotence and all-pervading presence of the Good God, how it comes about and what its ontological status is. All of these questions are undoubtedly important, and I do not mean to belittle them.
      ellauri217.html on line 4:
      ellauri217.html on line 39: Romantiikka on geenien ja meemien konfliktia. Se ilmenee selkeästi Kippari Kallen Oskarin näköisen egyptiläisen nobelistin abrahamistiuskontoja pilkkaavasta allegorisesta kirjasta. Kopulaatio ei ole romanttista ellei siihen ei liity sellaista konfliktia. Voi se olla muuten mukavaa muttei yhtä jännää.
      ellauri217.html on line 71: It was this book that earned Naguib Mahfouz condemnation from Omar Abdel-Rahman in 1989, who called on him to repent or be killed, Abdel-Rahman also claimed that "If this sentence had been passed on Naguib Mahfouz when he wrote Children of the Alley, Salman Rushdie would have realized that he had to stay within bounds" after the Nobel Prize had revived interest in it. As a result, in 1994 – a day after the anniversary of the prize – Mahfouz was attacked and stabbed in the neck by two extremists outside his Cairo home. Mahfouz survived the attack, yet he suffered from its consequences until his death in 2006. Salman sai myös luovuttaa silmän silmästä loppupeleissä, yhtä tyhmänä kuin Daabas. Silmäpuoli Sinbad merenkulkija, Popeye the sailor man!
      ellauri217.html on line 94: Harvahampaisen ebyktiläisen nobelistin jumalan nimi Gemalia ei näytä meinaavan midiä ainakaan länkkäreiden kirjoissa, se on Oskun keximä. Arabiaxi se voi tarkoittaa loistavaa tai kamelia. Milläinen on jumala? Pikku Lauri vastaa käskyn mukaan teeveen pyhäkoulussa: se on loistava. (En sentään että kameli.) Gemalia name Numerology:
      ellauri217.html on line 260: Älkää spoilatko, tää on hieno päivä ärjyi Saddam. Jumala on kuollut, se lainas Nietzscheä. Arafat kävi seuraavaxi nirhaamassa sen jumalan puolesta. Onko Yasser ehkä kopsannut Nobelin kexinnön: dynamiittipötkön? Nitroglyseriini tunnettiin, Alfred kexi tehdä siitä turvallista savella. Arafat put a spotted dick on his head and went to see the Trustee. Trusteen nimi oli Katri-Helena. Kirjamies ja lavatähti kohtaavat. Mikä sai sinut pettämään kansan asian? No salamiakki! Ei kyllä se paukkupullo oli ydinpommi mieluummin, kun ottaa huomioon tän bühleinin ajoituxen.
      ellauri217.html on line 707: The purpose of the meeting, according to Acts, was to resolve a disagreement in Antioch, which had wider implications than just circumcision, since circumcision is the "everlasting" sign of the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 17:9–14). Some of the Pharisees who had become believers insisted that it was "needful to circumcise them, and to command [them] to keep the law of Moses" (KJV).
      ellauri217.html on line 709: The primary issue which was addressed related to the requirement of circumcision, as the author of Acts relates, but other important matters arose as well, as the Apostolic Decree indicates. The dispute was between those, such as the followers of the "Pillars of the Church", led by Jeeves The Just (eikä melkein), who believed, following his interpretation of the Great Commission, that the church must observe the Torah, i.e. the rules of traditional Judaism, and Paul the Apostle, who believed there was no such necessity. The main concern for the Apostle Paul, which he subsequently expressed in greater detail with his letters directed to the early Christian communities in Asia Minor, was the inclusion of Gentiles into God´s newest Covenant, sending the message that faith in Christ is sufficient for salvation. (See also Supersessionism, New Covenant, Antinomianism, Hellenistic Judaism, and Paul the Apostle and Judaism).
      ellauri217.html on line 719: In Jerusalem, before Paul gets arrested for operating on Timothy´s dick, the elders proceed to notify Paul of what seems to have been a common concern among Jewish believers, that he was teaching Diaspora Jewish converts to Christianity "to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children nor walk funnily according to our customs." The alders here express concern that Paul was not fully teaching the decision of the Jerusalem Council's letter to Gentiles, particularly in regard to non-strangled kosher meat, which contrasts with Paul's advice to Gentiles in Corinth, to "eat whatever is sold in the meat markets" (1 Corinthians 10:25).
      ellauri217.html on line 736: According to the 19th-century Roman Catholic Bishop Karl Josef von Hefele, the Apostolic Decree of the Jerusalem Council "has been obsolete for centuries in the West", though it is still recognized and observed by the Eastern Orthodox Church. Hypersensationalists, such as the 20th century Anglican E. W. Bullinger, would be another example of a group that believes the decree (and everything before Acts 28) no longer applies.
      ellauri219.html on line 4:
      ellauri219.html on line 99: (34A) James Joyce (Irish poet and novelist) – barely visible below Bob Dylan
      ellauri219.html on line 280: Published in 1954, Aldous Huxley’s work, The Doors Of Perception, was required reading for the countercultural elite in the 60s. Detailing the author’s own experience of taking mescaline, it chimed with the consciousness-expanding ethos of the decade, and even gave The Doors their name. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature in seven different years and died on November 22, 1963, the same day that both With The Beatles was released and President John F Kennedy was assassinated. Aldousin veli oli Sir Julian Sorell Huxley (22. kesäkuuta 1887 - 14. helmikuuta 1975) oli brittiläinen biologi, joka kannusti pelagiolaista Teilhard de Chardinia. Huxleyt oli kaiken kaikkiaan hyvin suspekteja.
      ellauri219.html on line 285: A beloved Welsh poet who died in 1953, The Beatles had all been fans of Dylan Thomas’ poetry by the time it came to creating the Sgt. Pepper’s artwork. “We all used to like Dylan Thomas,” Paul McCartney (No.64) later recalled. “I read him a lot. I think that John started writing because of him.” The late producer George Martin was also a fan, and even created a musical version of Thomas’ radio play, Under Milk Wood, in 1988.
      ellauri219.html on line 354: Along with Edgar Allan Poe (No.8), HG Wells shaped the modern sci-fi story. After penning groundbreaking novels such as The Time Machine and War Of The Worlds in the late 1800s, he turned to writing more political works and also became a four-time nominee of the Nobel Prize In Literature.
      ellauri219.html on line 434: George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright who helped shape modern theatre. The first person to receive both a Nobel Prize (in 1925, for Literature) and an Oscar (in 1939, for Best Adapted Screenplay, for Pygmalion). His works continue to be staged in the 21st Century.
      ellauri219.html on line 488: Like Shirley Temple (Nos.58, 71, and 73), Bobby Breen was a child star of the 30s. After enlisting in the military and entertaining the troops during World War II he became a nightclub singer, and, in 1964, even made some recordings for Berry Gordy’s Motown label.
      ellauri219.html on line 528: Along with the stone figure (No.77) that can be seen below the feet of the Shirley Temple doll (No.73), the stone figure of a girl (No.76) was one of a number of statues that John Lennon (No.62) and George Harrison (No.65) brought from their homes for inclusion on the cover. The most prominent of these is the bust positioned to the right of the bass drum (No.78), which came from Lennon’s house Kenwood, in Weybridge, Surrey, where he lived from 1964 to 1969.
      ellauri219.html on line 583: At Princeton, Rawls was influenced by Norman Malcolm, Ludwig Wittgenstein's dumb student. During his last two years at Princeton, he "became deeply concerned with theology and its doctrines." He considered attending a seminary to study for the Episcopal priesthood and wrote an "intensely religious senior thesis (BI)." In his 181-page long thesis titled "Meaning of Sin and Faith," Rawls attacked Pelagianism because it "would render the Cross of Christ to no effect." His argument was partly drawn from Karl Marx's book On the Jewish Question, which criticized the idea that natural inequality in ability could be a just determiner of the distribution of wealth in society. Even after Rawls became an atheist, many of the anti-Pelagian arguments he used were repeated in A Theory of Justice. Pelagianism is a heretical Christian theological position that holds that the original sin did not taint human nature and that humans by divine grace have free will to achieve human perfection. Pelagius (c. 355 – c. 420 AD), an ascetic and philosopher from the British Isles, taught that God could not command believers to do the impossible, and therefore it must be possible to satisfy all divine commandments. He also taught that it was unjust to punish one person for the sins of another; therefore, infants are born blameless. Pelagius accepted no excuse for sinful behavior and taught that all Christians, regardless of their station in life, should live unimpeachable, sinless lives, or else... Se oli tollanen humanisti, mitä Hippo aivan erityisesti inhosi. Vittu eihän sitten mitään kirkkoa ja pappeja edes tarvittaisi. Jeesus jäisi työttömäxi, Jahve eläkkeelle.
      ellauri219.html on line 592: Following the surrender of Japan, Rawls became part of General MacArthur's occupying army and was promoted to sergeant. But he became disillusioned with the military when he saw the aftermath of the atomic blast in Hiroshima. Rawls then disobeyed an order to discipline a fellow soldier, "believing no punishment was justified," and was "demoted back to a private." Disenchanted, he left the military in January 1946.
      ellauri219.html on line 597: In his autobiographical essay, “On My Religion,” Rawls explains why he abandoned his orthodox Christian beliefs in spite of the deeply religious temperament that informed his life and writings. In particular, he recounts how his personal experiences during the Second World War, and especially his awareness of the Holocaust, led him to question whether prayer was possible. “To interpret history as expressing God’s will, God’s will must accord with the most basic ideas of justice as we know them. For what else can the most basic justice be? Thus, I soon came to reject the idea of the supremacy of the divine will as [like the Holocaust] also hideous and evil.” Furthermore, by studying the history of the Inquisition Rawls came to “think of the denial of religious freedom and liberty of conscience as a very great evil,” such that “it makes the claims of the Popes to infallibility impossible to accept.” Finally, his reading of Jean Bodin’s thoughts about toleration led him to claim that religions should be “each reasonable, and accept the idea of public reason and its idea of the domain of the political.” Against this background, it is no wonder that Rawls considers the very concept of religious truth as authoritarian and intolerant, and the ensuing persecution of dissenters as the curse of Christianity.
      ellauri219.html on line 813: But the States, prodded on by its own exceptionalist rhetoric, said they were different. That they were making the world Safe For Democracy. That they desired Liberty for All. And when the US acted as any imperial power must, and did some (well, a lot of) grubby things, there were a lot of outsiders who wanted to believe—and who felt betrayed. And they’ve held the kind of grudge against America and its optimistic, American Dream mass culture, that they did not hold against previous imperial powers. Aw, who am I kidding, of course they did.
      ellauri219.html on line 815: You’re hearing it even now, in the tedious whataboutism from the Global South (the new enemy, now that Global North is practically ours) about Ukraine. People expect Putin’s Russia to elbow neighbours aside in pursuit of security. That’s what imperial Athens did to Melos. They don’t expect any better. But America? America said it was better. So what? Who in their right mind would believe them? They are a nation of used car salesmen. It still does, with its advocacy of human rights. That’s why the non-stop whataboutist refrain from them is that America is hypocritical. Which it is, to a fault.
      ellauri219.html on line 822: Because he knew that this venture was not the Safe for Democracy mission that Wilson had in mind, and that stuck in his craw. It stuck in his craw, because he too wanted to believe that America had been making the world Safe for Democracy. But we loyally sent our troops in anyway, under the banner of the Treaty of Westphalia, not Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
      ellauri220.html on line 4:
      ellauri220.html on line 463: Of course, there is a "moron" demographic out there, and it has its members, but executives seem to believe that every person who watches TV belongs in it. This may be due to something known as the "80-20" rule in business — in this case, that market research shows that 80% of money spent on television-advertised products comes from the lowest 20% in terms of education and intelligence, so show-content is naturally geared towards them. On top of that, not only are viewers stupid, they are also intolerant of people and things unlike themselves, ignorant, hate change, need to be instantly satisfied, and have the attention span of a goldfish.
      ellauri221.html on line 4:
      ellauri222.html on line 33:

      Prix Nobel de littérature

      ellauri222.html on line 39: ...a man who was a towering intellectual (but short), a charismatic personality (but nasty) and Nobel Prize winner (anti communist) who searched in his writing for an answer (haha what did he find? EFK?) to the spiritual wilderness at the core of the human experience – but also (and above all) a petty man replete with human faults. Tää on tietysti Sale, jonka rusikointi jatkuu tässä Salen dickensiläistä pikareskiromaania lukiessa. Tämä albumi on jatkoa albumille 52, jossa Salea on jo alustavasti rökitetty.
      ellauri222.html on line 83: Observant Jews see Bellow as an apostate. He sure was a shifty fellow. Two cases in point below.
      ellauri222.html on line 92: LOS ANGELES—Born in Canada into an immigrant Jewish family in 1915, Nobel Prize-winning author Saul Bellow had a traditional Jewish upbringing, which included Torah study, Talmud, and Hebrew. Yet Rabbi David Wolpe observes that Bellow had an ambivalent relationship with Judaism.
      ellauri222.html on line 98: Saul Bellow is the only American Jewish author to have won the Nobel Prize in Literature, and has also won three Pulitzer Prizes. In his new book, Greg Bellow, who holds a Ph.D. from the California Institute of Social Work and was a practicing psychotherapist for many years, divides his father’s life into “Young Saul” and “Old Saul.” He describes Young Saul as a sociable and funny man, full of questions. During the 1930s and ’40s, Saul was a Marxist and a “genuine believer” in radical philosophy. He believed that World War II was a war between communism and capitalism, and he was convinced that “come the Revolution there will be a flowering of society,” according to Greg’s book.
      ellauri222.html on line 110: Asked whether they believe there is a possibility that our world might once experience the kind of upheaval it did during World War II and the Holocaust, much as the world of Mr. Sammle r collapsed in Saul Bellow’s novel, both Wolpe and Greg Bellow told JNS.org that Mr. Sammler’s Planet is recommended reading not just for Jews, but for everyone. They strongly believe that the history and lessons of the Holocaust must continue to be taught, with Rabbi Wolpe saying "Gaza shows the ease with which a civilization, such as Israel, can slip into barbarism.”

      Wolpe wondered how many young people today even know Saul Bellow or read his work, but mused how wonderful it would be if more children of famous authors wrote about their parents, as Greg Bellow has.
      ellauri222.html on line 125: In his Op-Ed about the Zulu Tolstoy, Bellow made much of his academic training in anthropology. After leaving Northwestern, he did become a graduate student in anthropology at the University of Wisconsin. But he completed just one course before dropping out and returning to Chicago, where he married a woman, Anita Goshkin, who was studying for a master’s degree in social work, and began his career as a fiction writer and itinerant college teacher. His first job was at Pestalozzi-Froebel Teachers College, on South Michigan Avenue, in downtown Chicago.
      ellauri222.html on line 141: This notion that Bellow’s achievement as a novelist was redemptive of the form was a consistent theme in the reviews up through “Herzog.” So was the notion that his protagonists were representatives of the modern condition. After “Herzog,” those reactions largely disappeared. People stopped fretting about the death of the novel, and Bellow’s protagonists started being treated as what they always were, oddballs and cranks. But the critical reception of Bellow’s books in the first half of his career funded his reputation. It cashed out, ultimately, in the Nobel Prize. Nobels are awarded to writers who are judged to have universalized the marginal.
      ellauri222.html on line 165: In Commentary, Podhoretz complained that the novel lacked development and that its exuberance was forced. He called it a failure. Podhoretz was one of Trilling’s protégés, and Bellow always believed that Trilling was behind the review, although Podhoretz denied it. But Atlas says that the art critic Clement Greenberg, then an editor at Commentary, having recently come over from Partisan Review, claimed that the editors had put Podhoretz up to it. It was felt in New York circles, Greenberg said, that Bellow had gone a little too far.
      ellauri222.html on line 191: The determination to consider the novel strictly as fiction extended even to its characters. Rosette Lamont reviewed the novel. She, too, treated the book as pure make-believe. She breezed right by the Ramona character (“Her religion is sex, a welcome relief from Madeleine’s phony conversion . . . but Herzog is too divided in his mind, too busy with resentment to free himself from a heavy conscience. Besides he is suspicious of pleasure, having learned Julien Sorel’s lesson,” and so on). She concluded with the thought that at the end of the novel Herzog enters into “a theandric relationship with the world around him.”
      ellauri222.html on line 247: Greg makes a distinction between "young Saul", the Marxist and rebel, and "old Saul", the famous author and increasing reactionary. Old Saul was "buried under pessimism, anger, bitterness, intolerance and preoccupations with evil and with his death".
      ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
      ellauri222.html on line 257: For a man for such small balls, he had huge needs. The writing life needed to be supported. He failed his children; he left them, and it was a wound he carried around like a medal. He knew the cruelty of this. At the very end, though he was not Rosie's father (oops), he was in the house. He and Rosie would watch The Lion King together: in the final, unpleasant stages of his last illness, he was at the point where he didn't mind watching that same film over and over. I was somehow managing Rosie and Saul in the same way." Do they have a relationship with Saul's sons? Not really. Rosie has special needs, and Jänis is focused very much on her. Their house is cozy, not grand, there just happen to be photographs of a Nobel laureate on almost every shelf. Guess which one?
      ellauri222.html on line 279: There aren't many people to whom I can be so open. We've always been candid with each other and I hope we will continue, both of us, to say what we think. You'll be sore at me, but I believe you won't cast me off for ever. Love, Shlomo.
      ellauri222.html on line 310: tulee nobelisti ja kestä
      ellauri222.html on line 519: Mr. and Mrs. Kreindl are Hungarian immigrants and neighbors of the Marches. Mr. Kreindl, a “powerful, stub-handed man with a large belly,” plays cards with Grandma Lausch and helps out the family. His wife, Mrs. Kreindl, is quiet and modest to the neighbors and violently quarrelsome at home.
      ellauri222.html on line 739: Before discussing some of the minor characters in this story, it should be borne in mind that each of them can be analyzed in connection with Candide who may accept or reject their beliefs or principles. Among such supplementary characters, we can single out Lord Pococurante. To a certain degree, even his name is symbolic; the word “pococurante” is of Italian origin and it can be translated into English as indifferent. He perfectly corresponds to his name. At the very beginning of the fifteenth chapter, Voltaire makes the reader feel that Lord Pococurante is tired of everything. He says, “I make them lie with me sometimes, for I am very tired of the ladies of the town, of their coquetries, of their jealousies, of their quarrels, of their humors, of their pettinesses, of their pride, of their follies” (Voltaire, 70)
      ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
      ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
      ellauri222.html on line 815:

      Ihmiset kysyvät myös: What are basic transcendentalist beliefs?

      ellauri222.html on line 817: Key transcendentalism beliefs were that humans are inherently good but can be corrupted by society and institutions, insight and experience are more important than logic, spirituality should come from the self, not organized religion, and nature is beautiful and should be respected.
      ellauri222.html on line 837: British critics tend to regard the American predilection for Big Novels as a vulgar neurosis — like the American predilection for big cars or big hamburgers. Oh God, we think: here comes another sweating, free-dreaming maniac with another thousand-pager; here comes another Big Mac. First, Dos Passos produced the Great American Novel; now they all want one. Yet in a sense every ambitious American novelist is genuinely trying to write a novel called USA. Perhaps this isn’t just a foible; perhaps it is an inescapable response to America – twentieth-century America, racially mixed and mobile, twenty-four hour, endless, extreme, superabundantly various. American novels are big all right, but partly because America is big too. You need plenty of nerve, ink and energy to do justice to the place, and no one has made greater efforts than Saul Bellow. In 1976 Bellow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, praised by the Swedes ‘for human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture’. Many times in Bellow’s novels we are reminded that ‘being human’ isn’t the automatic condition of every human being. Like freedom or sanity, it is not a given but a gift, a talent, an accomplishment, an objective. The busiest sections of the Chicago bookstores, I noticed, were those marked ‘Personal Growth’.
      ellauri222.html on line 1003: Ellsworth Huntington travelled continental Europe in hopes of better understanding the connection between climate and state success, publishing his findings in The Pulse of Asia, and further elaborating in Civilization and Climate. Like the political geographers, a crucial component of his work was the belief that the climate of North-western Europe was ideal, with areas further north being too cold, and areas further south being too hot, resulting in lazy, laid-back populations. These ideas have powerful connections to colonialism, and may have played a role in the creation of the 'other' and the literature that many used to justify taking advantage of less advanced nations. Who needs Proust or Tolstoy when it suffices to reach up to get a banana.
      ellauri222.html on line 1035: On July 29, 1994, Timmendequas lured Megan into his home, hit her head against his dresser, slapped her hard enough to draw blood, raped her, and strangled her with a belt. During the attack, Megan was able to bite Timmendequas’ hand hard enough to leave teeth impressions which later helped convict him. He disposed of her body in a nearby park and confessed to the murder the next day. He was found guilty of kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault, and murder and sentenced to death. Timmendequas’ sentence was commuted to life in 2007 when New Jersey abolished the death penalty.
      ellauri222.html on line 1040: Henry admired Timmendiquas. He respected the Wyandots. He could not blame the Indian who fought for his hunting grounds, but, with all the strength of his strong nature, he despised and hated every renegade. Girty knew that the great White Lightning did not like him, and he knew why. Timmendiquas believed that a man should be loyal to his own race, and in his heart he must regard the renegade as what he was—a traitor. "The youth called the Ware fights for his own people," said Timmendiquas gravely.
      ellauri222.html on line 1054: The white man," he resumed, "respects no land but his own. If it does not belong to himself he thinks that it belongs to nobody, and that Manitou merely keeps it in waiting for him. He is here now with his women and children in the land that we and our fathers have owned since the beginning of time. Many of the white men have fallen beneath our bullets and tomahawks. We have burned their new houses and uprooted their corn, but they are more than they were last year, and next year they will be more than they are now."
      ellauri223.html on line 60: They say that all private property is acquired and improved for the reason that each one of us by himself has his own home and wife and children. From this, self-love springs. For when we raise a son to riches and dignities, and leave an heir to much wealth, we become either ready to grasp at the property of the State, if in any case fear should be removed from the power which belongs to riches and rank; or avaricious, crafty, and hypocritical, if anyone is of slender purse, little strength, and mean ancestry. But when we have taken away self-love, there remains only love for the State.
      ellauri223.html on line 80: They have an abundance of all things, since everyone likes to be industrious, their labors being slight and profitable. They are docile, and that one among them who is head of the rest in duties of this kind they call king. For they say that this is the proper name of the leaders, and it does not belong to ignorant persons. It is wonderful to see how men and women march together collectively, and always in obedience to the voice of the king. Nor do they regard him with loathing as we do, for they know that although he is greater than themselves, he is for all that their father and brother.
      ellauri223.html on line 100: Anyways, the inhabitants of the City of the Sun do not fear death, because they all believe that the soul is immortal, and that when it has left the body it is associated with other spirits, wicked or good, according to the merits of this present life.
      ellauri223.html on line 113: They say that it is very doubtful whether the world was made from nothing, or from the ruins of other worlds, or from chaos, but they certainly think that it was made, and did not exist from eternity. Therefore they disbelieve in Aristotle, whom they consider a logican and not a philosopher.
      ellauri223.html on line 182: Bacon stated that he had three goals: to uncover truth, to serve his country, and to serve his church. He sought to achieve these goals by seeking a prestigious post. Yet he failed to gain a position that he thought would lead him to success. He showed signs of sympathy to Puritanism, attending the sermons of the Puritan chaplain of Gray's Inn and accompanying his mother to the Temple Church to hear Walter Travers. In the Parliament of 1586, he openly urged execution for the Catholic Mary, Queen of Scots. He advocated for the union of England and Scotland, which made him a significant influence toward the consolidation of the United Kingdom; and he later would advocate for the integration of Ireland into the Union. Closer constitutional ties, he believed, would bring greater peace and strength to these countries. What a motherfucker.
      ellauri223.html on line 204: In 1625, Bacon became estranged from his wife, apparently believing her of adultery with Underhill. He rewrote his will, which had been quite generous to her, leaving her lands, goods, and income, to revoke it all:
      ellauri223.html on line 222: Several authors believe that, despite his marriage, Bacon was primarily attracted to men. Forker, for example, has explored the "historically documentable sexual preferences" of both Francis Bacon and King James I and concluded they were both oriented to "masculine love", a contemporary term that "seems to have been used exclusively to refer to the sexual preference of men for members of their own gender."
      ellauri226.html on line 89: Sanoi sardiiniasuinen Grazia Deledda parhaisiinsa pukeutuneille Nobel-vieraille pokatessaan toiselle vielä pyylevämmälle italiattarelle, Matilda Seraolle alunperin tarkoitetun nobelpalkinnon vuonna 1926. Matildalta dynamiittipötkö meni sivu suun koska pelle Mussolini torppasi sen signora Seraon allekirjoitettua Benedetto Crocen antifasistisen manifestin. Serao kuoli vuoden kuluttua sydäninfarktiin. Vielä yxi paxu ruumis pää alaspäin hirtetyn Beniton syntilistalle.
      ellauri226.html on line 91: Deleddalla oli britti kannustaja pornografisessa D.H.Lawrencessa, josta on jo paasaus albumissa 117. Taavi oli ilmeisesti vielä niin kärmeissään saapasrengeille suuren sodan jäljiltä, ettei sen sielu sietänyt lukea Seraota eikä sitä toista mahtailevaa pikkumiestä, mikäs sen nimi taas olikaan oli, d'Annunzio. Lyön vaikka vetoa että Taavi suunnitteli vetää wiixeen Graziaa käydessään Sardiniassa 5v aikaisemmin, ja Nobel-palkinto oli sen tapa sanoa Deleddalle "Grazie".
      ellauri226.html on line 111: Sentään sympaattista Grazialta että se piti (ainakin siihen asti) lyhimmän Nobel-kiitospuheen. Danke schön und auf Wiedersehn, jotain tollasta.
      ellauri226.html on line 140: Nuovo, however, looked placid and tame. Nuovo was home to the Nobel laureate Grazia Deledda, whose novels Lawrence so admired, but her modest birthplace was closed. We walked around aimlessly, seeing the place through his eyes, but, of course, through Lawrence’s eyes “there’s nothing to see.” This is no longer quite true; there are two good museums in town. But, by now, it had taken on the sound of a mantra. “Sights are an irritating bore,” he wrote. “Happy is the town that has nothing to show.”
      ellauri226.html on line 213: While local demographics and neighborhoods are undeniably subject to change, it is rare for a location to experience a major transformation in racial demographics in less than 50 years. Yet this is exactly what has happened in The Bronx between 1950 and 1980. As indicated by the 1950 the ethnic makeupof The Bronx was predominantly white. The census for 2000 indicates that whites (that is, what the U.S. Census labels “white, non-Hispanic”) now compose a distinct minority in The Bronx. The explanations for this remarkable change are complex. LOL actually they aren't, as we shall see.
      ellauri226.html on line 467: The wop cop interviewed believes that the decrease in crime in the 1990's can be attributed to the rising standard of living and economic opportunities throughoutthe city, when the city’s economy was no longer in the pits.
      ellauri236.html on line 79: Win or Lose, Bolsonaro Has Destroyed Trust in Brazil’s Elections. President Jair Bolsonaro has attacked Brazil’s electronic voting system. Now, ahead of Sunday’s elections, many of his supporters believe there will be fraud.
      ellauri236.html on line 114: Naruhattuisella nuhruisella Sofi Oxasella on vain 1 unelma: hän haluaisi olla maailmankuulu nobelisti ja influensseri.
      ellauri236.html on line 136: Mikä tekee kirjoista pulppia? Siis tuskin niihin käytetyn selluloosan arvoista? Kai se on vaan että ne keskittyvät apinoiden perusasiaan, niihin iänikuiseen kolmeen kirjaimeen E-F-K. Ei pienintä yritystäkään mihkään "ylevään" tai "korkealentoiseen", "nyt pohditaan", riittää kun porukat joka sivulla tappaa toisiaan, tienaa pätäkkää, ja pääsee luukulle. Mixi vaivautua johkin noobeliin, kuin näillä mennen pääsee aivan riittävän pitkälle? Saa rahaa, turpiin tutuille, hyvää syötävää, ja pääsee luukulle.
      ellauri236.html on line 143: Chasen kirjojen nimet ovat korutonta E-F-K kertomaa. Ne on lähes kaikki suomennettu. Chase on 1 kaikkien aikojen myydyimpiä kirjailijoita. Eli kuten sanottu, mixi vaivautua kynäilemään mitään muuta? No noobelia ei näillä kyllä saa. Nobelkirjojen sivut kirjastossa on harvemmin tarttuneet tahmaisina toisiinsa. Sixi epäilen että myös tuntemattoman suomalaisen taiteilijan työ "Isokukko Uljas" (alla) on jäävä dynamiittipalkinnotta.
      ellauri236.html on line 184: Miss Blandish, the daughter of a millionaire, is kidnapped by some gangsters who are almost immediately surprised and killed off by a larger and better organized gang. They hold her to ransom and extract half a million dollars from her father. Their original plan had been to kill her as soon as the ransom-money was received, but a chance keeps her alive. One of the gang is a young man named Slim, whose sole pleasure in life consists in driving knives (well, his prick as well, got to give that much to him) into other people's bellies. In childhood he has graduated by cutting up living animals with a pair of rusty scissors. Slim is sexually impotent, but takes a kind of fancy to Miss Blandish. Slim's mother, who is the real brains of the gang, sees in this the chance of curing Slim's impotence, and decides to keep Miss Blandish in custody till Slim shall have succeeded in raping her. After many efforts and much persuasion, including the flogging of Miss Blandish with a length of rubber hosepipe, the rape is achieved. (Ei se ihan näin mennyt, George!) Meanwhile Miss Blandish's father has hired a private detective, and by means of bribery and torture the detective and the police manage to round up and exterminate the whole gang. Slim escapes with Miss Blandish and is killed after a final juicy rape, and the detective prepares to restore Miss Blandish to her pristine shape. By this time, however, she has developed such a taste for Slim's caresses(3) that she feels unable to live without him, and she jumps, out of the window of a sky-scraper. Footnote 1945. Another reading of the final episode is possible. It may mean merely that Miss Blandish is pregnant, i.e. she is damaged goods. Maybe she is sad that the baby's dad is dead. But the "interpretation" I have given above seems more in keeping with the general brutality of the book.
      ellauri236.html on line 186: Several other points need noticing before one can grasp the full implications of this book. To begin with, its central story bears a very marked resemblance to William Faulkner's novel, Sanctuary. Therefore, it is not, as one might expect, the product of an illiterate hack, but a brilliant piece of plagiarism, with hardly a wasted word or a jarring note anywhere. Thirdly, the whole book, récit as well as dialogue, is written in the American language; the author, an Englishman who has (I believe) never been in the United States, seems to have made a complete mental transference to the American underworld. Fourthly, and what is worst (from the point of view of a serious writer like myself) the book sold, according to its publishers, no less than half a million copies. Actually 2.
      ellauri236.html on line 204: In borrowing from William Faulkner's Sanctuary, Chase only took the plot; the mental atmosphere of the two books is not similar. Chase really derives from other sources, and this particular bit of borrowing is only symbolic. What it symbolizes is the vulgarization of ideas which is constantly happening, and which probably happens faster in an age of print. Chase has been described as ‘Faulkner for the masses’, but it would be more accurate to describe him as Carlyle for the masses. He is a popular writer — there are many such in America, but they are still rarities in England — who has caught up with what is now fashionable to call ‘realism’, meaning the doctrine that might is right. The growth of ‘realism’ has been the great feature of the intellectual history of our own age. Why this should be so is a complicated question. The interconnexion between sadism, masochism, success-worship, power-worship, nationalism, and totalitarianism is a huge subject whose edges have barely been scratched, and even to mention it is considered somewhat indelicate. To take merely the first example that comes to mind, I believe no one has ever pointed out the sadistic and masochistic element in Bernard Shaw's work, still less suggested that this probably has some connexion with Shaw's admiration for dictators. Fascism is often loosely equated with sadism, but nearly always by people who see nothing wrong in the most slavish worship of Stalin. The truth is, of course, that the countless English intellectuals who kiss the arse of Stalin are not different from the minority who give their allegiance to Hitler or Mussolini, nor from the efficiency experts who preached ‘punch’, ‘drive’, ‘personality’ and ‘learn to be a Tiger man’ in the nineteen-twenties, nor from that older generation of intellectuals, Carlyle, Creasey and the rest of them, who bowed down before German militarism. All of them are worshipping power and successful cruelty. It is important to notice that the cult of power tends to be mixed up with a love of cruelty and wickedness for their own sakes. A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a bloodstained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough’. This idea colours the outlook of all sympathizers with totalitarianism, and accounts, for instance, for the positive delight with which many English intellectuals greeted the Nazi-Soviet pact. It was a step only doubtfully useful to the U.S.S.R., but it was entirely unmoral, and for that reason to be admired; the explanations of it, which were numerous and self-contradictory, could come afterwards.
      ellauri236.html on line 401: A woman was leaning far out of the window, looking down at the commotion going on in the street below. Eddie could only see her pyjamaed back and legs, and even under the pressure in his pants, he found himself thinking she had a nice shape.
      ellauri238.html on line 40: Täähän oli kissanpojan Psapfa-coveri? Jep: Catullus 51 is a poem by Roman love poet Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 – c. 54 BC). It is an adaptation of one of Sappho's fragmentary lyric poems, Sappho 31. Catullus replaces Sappho's beloved with his own beloved Lesbia. Unlike the majority of Catullus' poems, the meter of this poem is the sapphic meter. This meter is more musical, seeing as Sappho mainly sang her poetry.
      ellauri238.html on line 539: Tuula-Liinan Pena-muistelmat ovat erinomaiset. Alkaa vaikuttaa, että Penan runot on juurikin sen paasauxia: Penttibelfieitä ne on kaikki, kaikissa on enemmän kuin totta toinen puoli. Mixi ne on muita porukoita sitten kiinnostaneet? Koska ne on olleet lukevinaan niistä jotain ikuisia totuuxia, tuntematta Loimaan tytön tietämiä taustoja. Ja sevverran salaviisaasti on Pena kynäillytkin ne, ettei tyhmempi arvaisikaan.
      ellauri238.html on line 642: Maapallonlaajuisesti on eri kulttuureissa suosittu poikalapsia. 7G kärpästä ei voi olla väärässä: poikien täytyy olla apinoille parempi investointina. Mixikä? Pro primo, pojat ruikkivat itiöitä joka puolelle, geenipuuli kasvaa ilman eri maxua, höynäytetyt tytöt kantavat ja pitävät huolen villikaurasta. Pro secundo, pojat ovat aggressiivisempia ja expendaabeleita, siis niiden avulla voi omaa reviiriä kasvattaa muiden kustannuxella pikkurahalla. Eli siis: älä tee tyttäriä yhtään enempää kuin on tarvis oman dynastian varmistamiseen, loput ovat pelkkää kuollutta painoa.
      ellauri238.html on line 742: Lerppuposki Pena uskoo kuolemattomuuteen, ajattelee että juuri kuoleminen on merkki kuolemattomuudesta. Vizi mikä ääliö. Mutnää kynäilijänarsistit on tässä suhteessa kaikki samanlaisia. "Laskin rahat:120, pärjään hyvin jos lähetät tonnin." Vizi mikä sika. "Join giniä punnalla, nyt olen pienessä nousuhumalassa. Tilasin pekonia ja maxaa. Ruoka oli pahaa. Ostaisinko kirjan jota en kuitenkaan sitten lue." Tyypillistä että Tavaststjerna oli innoissaan just tästä marinasta. Se oli varmasti just samanlainen hemmoteltu narsisti. Minussa on se jokin sanoi Sibeliuxen Jannekin. Kukaan ei mahda sille mitään miten korvat kasvaa ulos päästä, sanoi Pentti. En voi mitään sille millainen mä oon, hoki Harri Sirola. Älkää paapoko izeänne! sanoisi Calle suuttuneena. Ottakaa izeänne niskasta kiinni! Ryhdistäytykää! Yrittäkää edes! En osaa yrittää, vinkui pikku Miisu. Opettele! En osaa opetella. Jne, jne.
      ellauri238.html on line 761: Since the 1960s, he was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in literature. His books have been translated into 38 languages. Sodan aikana se kuului vastaritaliikkeeseen. Mihinkähän niistä? Nobel kimityxistä päätellen ei ainakaan kommunistiseen. Hyvin päätelty Robin! Herbert was educated as an economist and a lawyer. Herbert was one of the main poets of the Polish opposition to communism. Se oli porvari ties monennessa polvessa.
      ellauri238.html on line 865: Alter stressed it was important to remember that Amichai is not simply an Auden or a William Carlos Williams writing from right to left. Far from it! Yehuda Amichai was an Israeli poet and author, one of the first to write in colloquial Hebrew in modern times. Amichai was awarded the 1957 Shlonsky Prize, the 1969 Brenner Prize, 1976 Bialik Prize, and 1982 Israel Prize. He also won international poetry prizes, and was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
      ellauri240.html on line 63: As her fame grew there was an increase in disapproval among psychologists and psychiatrists (an all-male panel) . They questioned both the validity of her psychological claims and her authority in providing psychological advice. A growing number of male psychologists began to believe the advice she provided to her audience was unethical insofar as she did not hold any clinical degree and she was giving advice for free, not to patients who were paying customers. Mr. Stevens and Mr. Gardener, the authors of “Women and Psychology,” stated that “traditional psychologists smile subtly when her name is mentioned and they often complain that she actually does more damage to the Brotherhood than good. Besides, her eyes are way too close together.“
      ellauri240.html on line 119: Dazzled by the whirl of US airpower bringing 24-hour food and military supplies to his men in the remote mountains near the Plain of Jars, Vang Pao came to believe in the Chao Fa legend of an independent Hmong state.
      ellauri240.html on line 122: The Pathet Lao leadership, hiding in caves, survived one of history's most brutal aerial bombardments, and by 1975 had taken full control and established a communist government. The CIA arranged for flights to bring Vang Pao and his Hmong supporters to the US as refugees via airbases in Thailand. Thousands more beleaguered Vang Pao supporters fled across the Mekong and ended up in refugee camps.
      ellauri240.html on line 211: Peyton Place was banned in many communities; in fact, the local public library refused to purchase a copy of the book and did not have one until 1976, when newswoman Barbara Walters donated one to them. In Gilmanton there were threats of libel suits against Grace Metalious. Ministers and political leaders all over the country condemned the novel, claiming that it would corrupt the morals of young people who read it. The novel was banned altogether in Canada and several other countries.
      ellauri240.html on line 237: Constancea häirizee että mustalais-Selena näyttää 13-vuotiaana naiselta. Jerry Lee Lewis-vainaja meni sen ikäisen serkuntytön kanssa naimisiin, vaikkei ero edellisen vaimon kanssa ollut vielä selvä. Siihen tyssäsi Jerryn tähdenlento. Tuli kananlento. Great balls of fire. Muhammedin lentoa ei moinen haitannut. Eikä Allisonin juutalaisen hellunkaan. Allen sexually assaulted his adopted daughter Dylan Farrow when she was seven - which he has vehemently denied. But who believes him? He took porn pics of the adolescent Korean girl while they still lived in Allison's home.
      ellauri240.html on line 496: Wilson and his family are members of the Baháʼí Faith. They have two pit bulls, Pilot and Diamond; two Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, Snortington and Amy; a donkey named Chili Beans; and a zonkey named Derek. He uses his arts to impregnate adolescent girls in rural Haiti. Soulpancake.com (sold out to some media company in 2016) is "temporarily unavailable".
      ellauri240.html on line 498: The Zonkey is a hybrid animal that is created by cross-breeding two different species of animal that belong to the same genetic group. Technically though, an individual is only classed as a Zonkey if it is sired from a male Zebra and female Donkey, as one that has a male Donkey and female Zebra parents is known as a Zedonk.
      ellauri241.html on line 64: "Leimiä" on englantilaisen runoilijan John Keatsin kirjoittama kerronnallinen runo, joka ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran heinäkuussa 1820 julkaistussa teoksessa Leimiä, Isabella, Pyhän Agnesin aatto ja muut runot. Runo on kirjoitettu vuonna 1819, kuuluisasti tuottavan ajanjakson aikana, joka tuotti hänen vuoden 1819 oodit. Se sävellettiin pian hänen hittinsä "La belle dame sans merci" ja hänen oodiensa jälkeen Melancholylle, Indolencelle, kreikkalaiselle uurnamallille ja satakielelle, ja juuri ennen "To Autumnia".
      ellauri241.html on line 345: For pity do not this sad heart belie Sillä sääli älä usko tätä surullista sydäntä,
      ellauri241.html on line 366: That finer spirits cannot breathe below että hienommat henget eivät voi hengittää alhaalla
      ellauri241.html on line 470: Reflected in the slabbed steps below, Heijastui alla olevissa laatoitetuissa portaissa,
      ellauri241.html on line 529: That but a moment´s thought is passion´s passing bell. että edes hetken ajatus on intohimon mazin loppugongi.
      ellauri241.html on line 906: Forlorn! the very word is like a bell Mennyttä! pelkkä sana on kuin gongi
      ellauri241.html on line 1062: Completely spherical! You wouldn't believe!

      ellauri241.html on line 1147: I don't mind if you belch a bit or fart!
      ellauri241.html on line 1210: Forth from a rugged arch, in the dusk below,

      ellauri241.html on line 1211: Came mother Cybele! alone—alone—

      ellauri241.html on line 1358: Amid the tones of trumpets, shoutings, and belabour'd drums, and sudden cannon.
      ellauri241.html on line 1363: Ruminating, belching and crapping in all serenity.

      ellauri241.html on line 1519: BBC English, believe it or not.

      ellauri241.html on line 1635: Endymion has an intense love for the goddess of his dreams but he professes his love to the Indian Maiden. He believes that his declaration of love seals his death and he asks for the goddess to sing a song to him so he can die peacefully. Within her song is the story of how she ended up wandering the forest alone. She says that she joined the god Bacchus and his cult of followers and traveled across countries. She witnessed people of multiple nations fall to Bacchus and decided to flee on her own. The Maiden ended up in the woods where she and Endymion have met.
      ellauri241.html on line 1639: The Maiden reappears to the shepherd-prince as he returns to earth. Endymion is overcome with relief and joy and says that he has wasted too long searching for nothing but a dream and wants to start a life with the Maiden. She tells him that they cannot be together because he is forbidden to her. They wander through the forest and are quiet and somber until Endymion sees his sister Peona in the distance. They rush together and embrace. Peona implores Endymion to "weep not so" and "sigh no more" for the Indian Maiden can be his queen of Latmos. Endymion responds that "a hermit young, [he will] live in mossy cave" but Peona can visit him regularly. The resigned shepherd-prince leaves behind a confused Peona and Maiden and visits the altar of Diana to "bid adieu / To her for the last time." Peona and the Indian Maiden arrive. Endymion watches in stunned disbelief as the Indian Maiden transforms into his beloved Diana. It is revealed that Cynthia, Diana, and the Indian Maiden are the same woman. Actually Peona too! For all practical purposes, all women are the same: one hole up front and two more in the pants. Endymion swoons and after "three swiftest kisses" they vanish together leaving Peona who walks home in wonderment.
      ellauri241.html on line 1643: Endymion shows penile growth in Book 4 in the sense that he understands that there is value and beauty in mortal love but he has not truly learned how to live a blissful existence without the love of a beautiful (wo)man. Endymion, Adonis, Alpheus, and Glaucus are subject to a life of isolation and impotence without the presence of their beloved. Never mind, much worse is impotence in their presence!
      ellauri243.html on line 96: Anne Frank-lookalike Shosanna hoitaa elokuvateatteria Pariisissa valehenkilöllisyyden turvin. Hän tapaa saksalais-suomalaisen tarkka-ampujan Simo Häyhän (Fredrik Stollen), joka kaatoi 250 vihollista yhden taistelun aikana. Häyhän on määrä esittää izeään nazien propagandaelokuvassa Stolz der Nation (Kansakunnan ylpeys). Shosannaan sen jutkutaustasta tietämättä ihastunut Häyhä vakuuttaa (? taivuttaa) Joe Goebbelsin siirtämään elokuvan ensi-illan Shosannan elokuvateatteriin. Shosanna suunnittelee rakastajansa Marcelin (pätkän ranskalaisvahvistus, yhtä merkittävä kontribuutio kuin sammakoilla viime sodassa) kanssa ensi-iltaan osallistuvien natsijohtajien tappamista sytyttämällä teatterin tuleen. Meneehän siinä mukana muutama sata pahaa-aavistamattomia ydinsaxalaisia, mutta väliäkö hällä, koko Saxan kansahan on yhtä syyllinen. Inter arma silent leges! Ihan sama tematiikka muuten kuin Dan Steinbockin Andromeedassa. Vittu onnää tosi mieltä nostattavia juttuja, etten sano kääntäviä.
      ellauri243.html on line 102: Elokuvan aikana Häyhä meni projektorihuoneeseen tapaamaan Shosannaa. Kun Shosanna torjuu hänen iskuyrityksensä, hän muuttuu aggressiiviseksi. Shosanna teeskentelee myöntyvänsä ja ottaa sitten esiin pistoolin käsilaukustaan ja ampuu häntä. Kuolettavasti rakastunut Häyhä ottaa esiin oman "pistoolinsa" ja "ampuu" sillä Shosannaa. Elokuvan kohokohdassa siihen leikattu pätkä Shosannasta Häyhän alla kertoo yleisön kuolevan kohta juutalaisten käsissä. (Vizi mixi pahisten pitää aina pitää taukoa kertoaxeen uhreilleen että ne kohta tapetaan? Tappaisivat heti niin ei tulisi ikäviä takaiskuja.) Elokuvasalin ovet lukinnut Marcel sytyttää kasan palavaa nitraattifilmiä tuleen valkokankaan takana. Ulmer ja Donowitz murtautuvat Hitlerin ja Goebbelsin aitioon ja tappavat heidät. (Joo tää raina on vaihtoehtoista totuutta, oikeasti siinä kävi toisinpäin! Hitler ja Goebbels ampuivat mongertavat maahantunkeutujat lakoon saxalaisvalmisteisilla tarkkuuspistooleilla.) He ampuvat yleisön joukkoon konepistooleillaan, kunnes heidän pomminsa räjähtävät. Landa ja hänen radistinsa ajavat Rainen ja Utivichin kuin lampaat liittoutuneiden alueelle ja antautuvat heille ojassa. Aktin jälkeen Raine ampuu reilun pelin hengessä radistin ja kaivertaa hakaristin Landan otsaan. Lopuksi Quentin ilmestyy ruutuun ja toteaa: »Tämä on luultavasti mestariteokseni.» Juonipaljastukset päättyvät tähän. No mitä muuta siinä sitten tapahtuu? Eikös tässä ollut yhden illan märkien kaatioiden tarpeixi?
      ellauri243.html on line 175: The medical community calls it “fellatio,” but the rest of us have our own phrases for performing oral sex on a man. The below is a comprehensive list of slang alternatives to “blowjob.” Some of these phrases are politically incorrect and other are completely ridiculous. Regardless, they exist in the collective lexicon. Here they are!
      ellauri243.html on line 529: Graeme: 1 year ago. I believe that was Plan of Attack:
      ellauri243.html on line 621: Brad has a girlfriend who happens to be a boy, viz. dyslexic little Ralph, who is a "visual learner", meaning dumb as a doorbell. I´m never going to have a girlfriend, promises Ralph, director of a one-man Bradley fan club. Brad approves, but reminds Ralph of the 1 to 60 rule.
      ellauri243.html on line 680: Mises kirjoitti ja vittuili laajasti klassisesta liberalismista. Hän kannatti täysin vapaata markkinataloutta ja vähimmäistä yövartijavaltiota. Misesillä oli ratkaiseva vaikutus oppilaaseensa Friedrich von Hayekiin, joka sai sittemmin taloustieteen Nobel-palkinnon (no tietysti) ja tunnettiin myös liberalismia puolustavana kirjailijana ja filosofina. Hayek on sanonut kääntyneensä sosialismista liberalismiin parikymmenvuotiaana 1920-luvulla nimenomaan opettajansa Misesin teosten Liberalismi ja Sosialismi ansiosta.
      ellauri244.html on line 167: Keith Butler, another American hustler, see below.
      ellauri244.html on line 267: Ilmatar ja sotka-pysti on Sibeliuxen puistossa, sen on väsännyt joku Aarre Aaltonen. Jonkun nahkurimestarin jälkeläisiä, ei ilmeisesti Wäiskin huonetta ja sukua, 5 vuotta vanhempi kuin tunnetumpi Wäiski. Wäiskin isukki oli räätäli. Lujanäppisiä käsityöläisiä. Toi sotka-aihe tuo mieleen Yeazin jouzentekeleen, siinäkin on iso vesilintu naisen kimpussa. Kaura-täti koki sen eri kiihottavaxi. Ilmatar on Kaura-tädin tyyppinen, tanakka. Sotkan päästä tulee mieleen muna puoliveteessä. Varmaan kauramummolle tuttu näky.
      ellauri244.html on line 451: Faye Avalon lives in the UK with her super-ace husband and onebeloved, ridiculously spoiled Golden Retriever. She worked as cabin crew, detouredinto property development, public relations, court reporting, and education beforefinally finding her passion: writing steamy romance.
      ellauri244.html on line 546: Lokki Joonatan (engl. Jonathan Livingston Seagull) on yhdysvaltalaisen Richard Bachin kirjoittama, pienoisromaanin muodossa vuonna 1970 julkaistu faabeli.
      ellauri245.html on line 97: Mijailović hade ursprungligen dubbelt medborgarskap (svenskt och serbiskt) men avsade sig sitt svenska medborgarskap 2004.
      ellauri245.html on line 137: belio.com/users/AVT_Jo-Nesb_2618.jpeg" width="40%" />
      ellauri245.html on line 269: Samaan aikaan toisaalla samassa Wikipediassa, artikkelissa "Telehvooni Aahrikassa" kerrotaan, että samaisessa kuvassa kuopiolainen mies, Nsala, katselee viisivuotiaan tyttärensä katkaistua kättä ja jalkaa, jonka Kongon vapaan osavaltion Force Publiquen jäsenet tappoivat, keittivät ja kannibalisoivat vuonna 1904. Eräs nuori belgialainen upseeri kirjoitti kotiin: "Onneksi Gongon miehet... söivät ne [muutamassa tunnissa]. Se on kamalaa, mutta äärimmäisen hyödyllistä ja hygieenistä." Vieläköhän noista saisi keiton.
      ellauri245.html on line 326: Bury Me Standing: The Gypsies and Their Journey is a non-fiction book on the lives of the Romani people by the American-Uruguayan writer Isabel Fonseca published in 1995. The book is organized in eight chapters and contains black and white photographs and maps.
      ellauri245.html on line 385: prisbelønte amerikanske TV-serien NYPD Blue (1993 - 2005), handler om fiktive
      ellauri245.html on line 451: The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has a history of conflict, where various armies, rebel groups, and outside actors have profited from mining while contributing to violence and exploitation during wars in the region. The four main end products of mining in the eastern DRC are tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, which are extracted and passed through a variety of intermediaries before being sold to international markets. These four products, (known as the 3TGs) are essential in the manufacture of a variety of devices, including consumer electronics such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. Tantaliittikapasiittorissa on enemmän kapassiteettia kuin alumiinisissa, mutta ne ovat kalliita, koska ne on tehty konfliktimineraalista.
      ellauri245.html on line 541: Terbovenin Joosepilla oli koko Norjan suurin konttori. Jooseppi veljeili Quislingin kanssa eikä totellut muita naziveljiä kuin Aatua. Joosepilla ei ollut kovin paljon alaisina saxalaisia mutta se jaxoi vittuilla norjalaisille siviileille vaikka miehitysarmeijan komentaja koitti toppuutella. Rakensi keskitysleirin Levangeriin, vainosi vähiä juutalaisia ynnä teki paljon muuta pahaa. Kun loppupeleissä ei sitten mistään tullut mitään se räjäytti izensä ilmaan viluntorjuntabunkkerissa 50 kg latingilla dynamiittia. Se oli kaikkien aikojen parhaiten ansaittu Nobelin palkinto. Quisling kidutettiin kuoliaaxi vastoin Norjan silloisia lakipykäliä (viikinkiaikaan se olis ollut varmasti a-ok). Inter arma silent leges.
      ellauri245.html on line 598: Among the material monists were the three Milesian philosophers: Thales, who believed that everything was composed of water; Anaximander, who believed it was apeiron; and Anaximenes, who believed it was air. Although their theories were primitive, these philosophers were the first to give an explanation of the physical world without referencing the supernatural; this opened the way for much of modern science (and philosophy), which has the same goal of explaining the world without dependence on the supernatural.
      ellauri245.html on line 613: Paula-tyttö näppäs belfien kaverin kuxiessa sitä takaapäin ja lähetti sen edelliselle poikaystävälle parhain terveisin. Että tämmöstä siis Oslossa. Svartingerne gjerne betalte en årslönn for å få satt tennene i ei blond, norsk gutt, ikke sant? Kohta päästään Ruandaan. Saadaan virka-apua Mma Ramotswelta. Siellä pitäisi olla vulkaani.
      ellauri245.html on line 633: In the 20th century Burundi had three main indigenous ethnic groups: Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa. The area was colonised by the German Empire in the late 1800s and administered as a portion of German East Africa. In Burundi and neighboring Rwanda to the north, the Germans maintained indirect rule, leaving local social structures intact. Under this system, the Tutsi minority generally enjoyed its historically high status as aristocrats, whereas the Hutus occupied the bottom of the social structure. Princely and monarchal rulers belonged to a unique ethnic group, Ganwa, though over time the political salience of this distinction declined and the category was subsumed by the Tutsi grouping. During World War I, Belgian troops from the Belgian Congo occupied Burundi and Rwanda. In 1919, under the auspices of the nascent League of Nations, Belgium was given the "responsibility" of administering "Ruanda-Urundi" as a mandated territory. Though obligated to promote social progress in the territory, the Belgians did not alter the local power structures. Following World War II, the United Nations was formed and Ruanda-Urundi became a trust territory under Belgian administration, which required the Belgians to politically "edducate the locals and make them really fit", to prepare them for independence.
      ellauri245.html on line 636: belgium-1.jpg" height="190+x" />
      ellauri245.html on line 638: belongings.-Jeremiah-Kamau-Reuters.jpg" height="190px" />
      ellauri245.html on line 644:
      Ring ring goes the bell! Up in the morning and out to school! Lake Kivu is on FIRE!

      ellauri245.html on line 648: The term Mai-Mai or Mayi-Mayi refers to community-based militia groups active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is formed to defend local communities and territory against Western funded armed groups. Most were formed to resist the invasion of Rwandan forces and Rwanda-affiliated Congolese industrial "rebel" groups.
      ellauri245.html on line 650: The name comes from the Swahili word for water, "maji". Militia members sprinkled themselves with water to protect themselves from bullets. Not any less stupid than Western soldiers who think that a priest sprinkling water or oil on a corpse will secure it another life. Mai-Mai were particularly active in the eastern Congolese provinces bordering Rwanda, North Kivu and South Kivu (the "Kivus"), which were under the control of the Rwanda-allied Bananarepublic-dominated "rebel" faction, the Rally for Congolese Conflict Minerals–in-Goma (RCD-Goma) during the Second Congo War.
      ellauri245.html on line 654: Suppressing the Mau Mau Uprising in the Kenyan colony cost Britain £55 million and caused at least 11,000 deaths, luckily mainly among the Mau Mau and other tarfaced forces, with some estimates considerably higher. This included 1,090 executions by hanging. The rebellion was marked by war crimes and massacres committed by both sides. The Mau Mau command, contrary to the Home Guard who were stigmatised as "the running dogs of British Imperialism", were relatively well educated.
      ellauri245.html on line 664: Jonnetyyppinen maailmankuva on samanlainen kuin Amerikka New Yorkerin kannessa, missä Manhattan (omat porukat) näkyy edessä niin isona ettei sen takaa muuta mannerta enää erota, muusta maailmasta puhumattakaan. Jonkun typerän belgi-insinöörin sisar teki seppukun 24-vuotiaana syystä tahi toisesta, ja sitä pitää tässä vielä sadan vuoden kuluttua muistella. Mitä vitun väliä??? Imponerende. Hvor mye? Saatanan kaupparazuja.
      ellauri246.html on line 54: Agnonin kertomus Morsiuskatos ilmestyi 1931, ja hänestä tuli sen ansiosta johtava hepreankielinen kirjailija. Hänelle myönnettiin kahdesti sekä Bialik-palkinto että Israelin valtion kirjallisuuspalkinto. Vuonna 1966 hän sai ensimmäisenä israelilaisena Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon yhdessä Ruotsissa asuvan saksanjuutalaisen runoilijan Nelly Sachsin kanssa. Palkinnon vastaanottotilaisuudessa Agnon esitteli itsensä näin: ”Johtuen historiallisesta katastrofista, jossa Rooman keisari Titus tuhosi Jerusalemin ja Israelin kansa karkotettiin maanpakoon, minä satuin syntymään yhdessä maanpakolaisuuden kaupungeista. Mutta itse olen aina pitänyt itseäni syntyperäisenä jerusalemilaisena.”
      ellauri246.html on line 60: Nelly Sachs (oik. Leonie Sachs, 10. joulukuuta 1891 Berliini – 12. toukokuuta 1970) oli saksalais-ruotsalainen runoilija. Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1966. Sachs syntyi Berliinissä varakkaaseen keskiluokkaiseen juutalaisperheeseen. Hän oli tehtailija William Sachsin ja tämän vaimon Margaret (o.s. Karger) Sachsin ainoa lapsi. Perhe oli sivistynyt, uskonnollisesti liberaali ja täysin assimiloitunut saksalaiseen kulttuuriin. Nuori Nelly opiskeli musiikkia, tanssia ja kirjallisuutta. Viisitoistavuotiaana hän luki Gösta Berlingin tarun ja kirjoitti ihailijakirjeen Selma Lagerlöfille. Tästä alkoi ihailijakirjeenvaihto, jota kesti 35 vuotta.
      ellauri246.html on line 69: Vuonna 1966, yhdessä israelilaisen kirjailijan Samuel Josef Agnonin kanssa Nelly pokkasi Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon. Sachs oli vuoteen 2009 asti ainoa saksalais-ruåzalainen naiskirjailija, joka on saanut tämän palkinnon. 2009 sen sai Herta Müller, Celanin maanmies ja samanlainen antikommunisti Ceausescu-survivori.
      ellauri246.html on line 71: Sachs jatkoi yksineloaan vaatimattomassa pienessä asunnossaan, joka oli Tukholman juutalaisen seurakunnan omistuksessa. Hän kärsi masennuksesta ja koki useita hermoromahduksia. Juutalaisten joukkotuho toisessa maailmansodassa oli toistuva aihe hänen tuotannossaan. Hänen runokokoelmansa O die Schornsteine (1967) (Oh savupiiput) alkoi sitaatilla Jobin kirjasta ja kuvasi juutalaista kansaa, joka leijailee savuna keskitysleirien savupiipuista matkalla länteen vapauteen kuin Andrei, eli elämästä kuolemaan. Arabien joukkotuhosta 1967 sodassa nobelisteilla ei ollut kuin hyvää sanottavaa.
      ellauri246.html on line 87: Lindegren oli Ruotsin akatemian jäsen 1962–1968. A-ha! Hänet valittiin Ruotsin akatemiaan Dag Hammarskjöldin seuraajaksi tämän kuoleman jälkeen. Hän oli Bonniers Litterära Magasinin, Stockholms-Tidningenin ja Dagens Nyheterin kirjallisuuskriitikko. Vuosina 1948–1950 hän oli aikakauskirja Prisman ja Alepan päätoimittaja. Hänen isoisänsä oli säveltäjä Johan Lindegren. Muikean näköinen Lindegren teki oopperalibrettoja, muun muassa Karl-Birger Blomdahlin oopperaan Aniara, joka perustuu 1/2nobelisti Harry Martinsonin runoelmaan Aniara (a-ha!).
      ellauri246.html on line 189: Joseph Brodsky (alun perin Iosif Aleksandrovitš Brodski, ven. Иосиф Александрович Бродский, 24. toukokuuta 1940 Leningrad, Neuvostoliitto – 28. tammikuuta 1996 New York, Yhdysvallat) oli venäläissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen runoilija. Hänelle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1987. Selvä pysähtyneisyyden ajan poliittinen broileri. Kaikki njeuvostoliittolaiset dynypalkitut ovat pokanneet länkkäreille ja pyllistäneet kotimaahansa, paizi Solohov, joka pyllisti vasta vähän lopuxi. Se ei ole sattumaa, se on ukkotemian huolellisen propagandatyön tulosta.
      ellauri246.html on line 307: A, perhaps, They believed blindly. A vot, kenties, uskottiin sokkona.
      ellauri246.html on line 360: Mutta venäjä, Neuvostoliiton runous oli lähellä. Hän on aktiivisesti assimiloitu, käsittely, kokemus Bagritskyä, oli Boris Slutskyn fani. Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam ja Boris Pasternak, toinen venäjän juutalainen joka sai kutsun Tukholmaan Nobel-juhliin muttei päässyt tulemaan.
      ellauri246.html on line 362: Pasternakille myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1958, mutta hän joutui luopumaan palkinnon vastaanottamisesta, koska ei olisi voinut palata takaisin Tukholmasta Neuvostoliittoon, mikäli hän matkustaisi Ruotsiin vastaanottamaan palkinnon. Literaturnaja gazeta tuomitsi palkinnon myöntämisen Pasternakille vihamieliseksi teoksi Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan. Pasternak erotettiin myös Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliitosta viisi päivää Nobel-palkinnon myöntämisen jälkeen.
      ellauri246.html on line 388: Viittaus päätelmään: Suuren runoilijan työ on kiittämätön asia. Tälle olisi omistettava vuosia ja kirjoittaa monikulttuurinen tutkimus. Asenne kohti häntä on epäselvä. On ihmisiä, monet heistä, ja he ansaitsevat syvän kunnioituksen, jotka eivät siedä Josifin laajaa runoutta. Sitä pidetään erityisesti myöhäisissä näytteissä, kylmänä, riistettynä elämästä. Mutta se, anna sen olla kylmä, täysin omistettu. Maahanmuutoksessa Joseph Alexandrovich kääntyi välittömästi esseegenrelle ja kirjoitti niitä elämänsä loppuun. Ja puheessaan, jota Nobel-palkinto Laureat perinne perinteisesti pitävät, hän korosti uudelleen sitä, että pitää runoutta pelkästään yksilön asiasta, ja itse on yksityinen henkilö. Vittuako menivät julkaisemaan ne edes samizdattina.
      ellauri246.html on line 533: Kaikista mitä Brodsky omistaa, ei puutu vain lahjakkuutta, vaan kyky luoda ihanaa. Ja ulkomailla, jonkun muun paikan edessä, hänen edessään sama arkki. "Tämä valkoinen, tyhjä paperiarkki on täynnä rivejä. Tyhjyys voitetaan luovuudella. " Tässä on kaava, joka Brodsky tarjoaa taistelun tyhjästä. Aitoaan testataan ei-olemassaolo, turha kiirehtiä ikuisuudessa. Luovuus oli ainoa lanka, joka yhdistää Brodskin todellisuuteen, ja se on luovuutta, kuten me tiedämme runolla "Uusi elämä" (1988, Nobelin palkinnon toimituksen jälkeen) innostuksella kaiken pahan maan kasvoilta. Brodskin tuomioistuin itse on paljon tiukempi. Ehkä kirjoittaja itse on pettynyt niihin teksteihin, joista pidämme. On väistämätön ajatus henkilö, jolla on tehostetut vaatimukset. Dostoevskyn omistuksessa olevassa artikkelissa Brodsky toteaa, että kesken luovuutta alkaa haluta itseparannusta, mieluiten pyhyyttä. Mutta tietyssä vaiheessa sanataiteilija huomaa, että hänen sulka on saavuttanut enemmän menestystä kuin hänen sielunsa. Ja sitten hän asettaa tehtävän vähentää luovuuden ja persoonallisuuden välistä kuilua. Näin ollen moraalisen itseparannusongelma tulee esiin. "Mitä sinä työskentelet nyt?" - "Työskentelen itseäni". Oletko työskennellyt hyvin? kysyi Rodin kavereilta. Kuis käsi käyb, kysyi Jaakko Hintikka apupojilta.
      ellauri246.html on line 545: Bakarhyt KeneGeeV ("syksyllä Amerikassa") osoittaa, että kaikki maahanmuuttajan kirjoittaja on hyvin yksinäinen. Kenegeev asui Kanadassa eristäytyneenä. Hän korostaa maailman ihmisten vieraantumista, osoittaa, että se on ylitsepääsemätön, ja hän kutsuu itseään tämän "World Suren kanssa". Yhdessä runoista hän kuvaa itseään, joka istuu Tavernissa, joka katselee merta, jonka kumppani on vain hiljaisuus. Näyttää siltä, että tällainen erotus kotimaasta, tällaisesta yksinäisyydestä, - ja elämästä pitäisi vaikuttaa merkityksettömiltä, mutta näin ei tapahdu. Tämä kylmä, tämä tyhjyys, hän yrittää lämmittää henkensä runoja. Hän on varma, että luovuuden kautta hän kasvaa kulttuurikerroksen, tietty moraalinen este pystyy, mikä ei salli New Cainin tappaa Staryj Abelia.
      ellauri246.html on line 864: Nobel-palkinnoista. Brodsky uskoi aina, että hänelle voitaisiin merkitä tämä erittäin arvostettu palkkio. Hänellä oli urheilun luonteeltaan kilpaileva laskimo - nuorista vuosilta välittömän reaktion muiden ihmisten runoihin: Voin tehdä sen paremmin. Eri palkintoja ja palkintoja, jotka putosivat siihen vuoden 1972 jälkeen, hän hoiti pragmaattisesti tai ironisesti antamatta heille paljon merkitystä. Mutta Nobel-palkinto oli hänelle, sekä kaikille venäläisille, erikoishalolle. Nobel-komitean työtä pidetään salaisena, mutta huhujen mukaan Brodski nimitettiin jo vuonna 1980, jolloin Caclaw Milos tuli Laureate. Ja nyt on tietoa Nobelin valinnasta 1987, jossa Brodsky oli mukana. Palkinnon myöntäminen, Nobel komitea laatii lyhyesti, mikä on laureatin tärkein ansio. Diplomassa Brodskyllä seisoi: "Kattavalle kirjallisuudelle, joka erottaa ajatuksen ja runollisen voimakkuuden selkeyden."
      ellauri246.html on line 866: Nobel-palkinnon Brodsskin myöntäminen ei aiheuttanut tällaisia riita-asioita ja ristiriitoja kuin muutamat muut Nobel-komitean päätökset. Vuoteen 1987 mennessä hän oli jo tuttu ja eniten sympaattinen luku Euroopan ja Amerikan älyllisissä piireissä. Hänen muistelman proosa oli intiimi ja koskettava. Hänen jakeidensa käännöksissä kunnioitettiin ja joskus ihailua, ja kaikki länsillä tiesivät runolliseen maineeseensa kotimaassaan. Nobel-komitean päätös, suosionosoitukset veteraanien todistuksen mukaan luettiin toimittajille ja yleisölle, oli erityisen voimakas ja pitkä. Brodsky sanoi ensimmäisessä haastattelussa palkinnoista: "Hän loi Venäjän kirjallisuutta, ja Amerikan kansalainen sai sen." Epistä.
      ellauri246.html on line 894: Venäjän runoilija I. Brodsky (On mielenkiintoista huomata, että maailman tietosanakirja on nimeltään American) nuorimpien kirjailijoiden, jotka ovat kunnioittaneet Nobelin palkkiokirjallisuutta.
      ellauri246.html on line 895: Vuonna 1987, kun se tapahtui, hän oli 47-vuotias. Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky Muut Nobel Laureate Alexander Isavich Solzhenitsyn symboloi nykyaikaista kirjallisuutta koko kulttuurimaailman edustuksessa.
      ellauri246.html on line 922: I. Brodsskyn Nobelin palkinto ei ole odottamaton. Hän oli tietysti oikeutetusti nolo siitä, että viides venäläinen kirjailija on sekin amerikkalainen. Nobel-komitea noudattaa kaavaa kuin sarjamurhaaja.
      ellauri246.html on line 928: Nobelin luennon ensimmäisistä sanoista päätellen hän imutti itseään yksityisesti ja tämän koko sosiaalisen roolin erityisen käyttöiän mieluummin.
      ellauri247.html on line 87: The missionary William Ridley adopted the name of Baiame for the Christian God when translating into Gamilaraay (the language of the Kamilaroi). It is sometimes suggested that Baiame was a construct of early Christian missionaries, but K Langloh Parker dated belief in Baiame to (at latest) 1830, prior to missionary activity in the region.
      ellauri247.html on line 89: Catherine Eliza Somerville Stow (1 May 1856 – 27 March 1940), who wrote as K. Langloh Parker, was a South Australian born writer who lived in northern New South Wales in the late nineteenth century. She is best known for recording the stories of the Ualarai around her. Her testimony is one of the best accounts of the beliefs and stories of an Aboriginal people in north-west New South Wales at that time. However, her accounts reflect European attitudes of the time. Anyways, she was not around before Ridley. William Ridley (14 September 1819 – 26 September 1878) was an English Presbyterian missionary who studied Australian Aboriginal languages, particularly Gamilaraay, before Catherine was more than a twinkle in her daddy's eye. Baiame may have been some abo hero before Bill's arrival, but the details about his doings could still be coloured by the Middle Eastern tentmen's literary treasure brought in by Bill.
      ellauri247.html on line 112: Goomblegubbon boolwarrunnee. Goomblegubbon numbardee boorool boolwarrunnee Dinewan numbardee. Goomblegubbondoo winnanullunnee dirrah dungah nah gillunnee, Dinewandoo boonoong noo beonemuldundi. Goomblegubbondoo winnanullunnee gullarh naiyahneh gwallee Dinewan gimbelah: "Wahl ninderh doorunmai gillaygoo. Goomblegubbon lowannee boonooog noo wunnee wooee baiyan nurrunnee bonyehdool. Goomblegubbondoo gooway: "Minyah goo ninderh wahl boonoong dulleebah gillunnee? "Wahl." Goomblegubbon gindabnunnee, barnee, bunna gunnee dirrah gunnee numerhneh. Goomblegubbondoo birrahleegul oodundi gunoonoo garwil. Goomblegubbon buthdi ginnee nalmee. Goomblegubbon weel gillay doorunmai. Goomblegubbon boorool giggee luggeray Dinewun, boonoong gunnoo goo gurrahwulday.
      ellauri247.html on line 240: Juu kyllä näissä listoissa on läjittäin juuri sellaisia romaaneja ja hahmoja jotka on olleet musta yököttäviä. Extoi Rabelaisin jäbäkin kuuluisi tähän porukkaan? Laahustaustaisia nousukkaita, joista tulee vitun snobeja. Hyvinkään kultahattuja.
      ellauri247.html on line 244: Traditionell ist der Schelmenroman eine (fingierte) Autobiographie mit satirischen Zügen, die bestimmte Missstände in der Gesellschaft thematisiert. Sie beginnt oft mit einer Desillusionierung des Helden, der die Schlechtigkeit der Welt erst hier erkennt. Er begibt sich, sei es freiwillig, sei es unfreiwillig, auf Reisen. Die dabei erlebten Abenteuer sind episodenhaft, d. h., sie hängen nicht voneinander ab und können beliebig erweitert werden, was bei Übersetzungen oft der Fall war. Das Ende ist meist eine „Bekehrung“ des Schelms, nach der er zu einem geregelten Leben findet. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit einer Flucht aus der Welt, also aus der Realität.
      ellauri247.html on line 286: CICISBEO: In 18th- and 19th-century Italy, the cicisbeo (Italian: [tʃitʃiˈzbɛːo]; plural: cicisbei) or cavalier servente (French: chevalier servant) was the man who was the professed gallant or lover of a woman married to someone else. With the knowledge and consent of the husband, the cicisbeo attended his mistress at public entertainments, to church and other occasions, and had privileged access to this woman. The arrangement is comparable to the Spanish cortejo or estrecho and, to a lesser degree, to the French petit-maître.,(petit-maître m (plural petits-maîtres) (archaic) dandy, coxcomb). The exact etymology of the word is unknown; some evidence suggests it originally meant "in a whisper" (perhaps an onomatopeic word). Other accounts suggest it is an inversion of bel cece, which means "beautiful chick (pea)". According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first recorded usage of the term in English was found in a letter by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu dated 1718. The term appears in Italian in Giovanni Maria Muti's Quaresimale Del Padre Maestro Fra Giovanni Maria Muti De Predicatori of 1708 (p. 734).
      ellauri247.html on line 337: With the widow's money, Johnson opened Edial Hall School as a private academy at Edial, near Lichfield. He had only three pupils: Lawrence Offley, George Garrick, and the 18-year-old David Garrick, who later became one of the most famous actors of his day. The venture was unsuccessful and cost Tetty a substantial portion of her fortune. Instead of trying to keep the failing school going, Johnson began to write his first major work, the historical tragedy Irene. Biographer Robert DeMaria believed that Tourette syndrome likely made public occupations like schoolmaster or tutor almost impossible for Johnson. This may have led Johnson to "the invisible occupation of authorship".
      ellauri247.html on line 351: Beside his beliefs concerning humanity, Johnson is also known for his love of cats, especially his own two cats, Hodge and Lily.
      ellauri247.html on line 460: Which to your whole sex does belong; Joka kuuluu koko sukupuolelle;
      ellauri247.html on line 530: Baboons leave their lairs at dawn and congregate to chatter and howl, while jumping in the warmth of the early morning sun, as if singing and dancing. The belief that they greet the rising sun gave rise to a favorite theme in art – baboon in attitude of adoration, facing the sun with raised arms as if ‘offering prayers and salutation to the first rays of dawn’.
      ellauri248.html on line 93: Can you write a mystery story that ends with uncertainty? Where you never know who really did it? You can, but it’s unsatisfying. It’s unpleasant for the reader . There needs to be something at the end, some sort of resolution. It’s not that the killer even needs to be caught or locked up. It’s that the reader needs to know. Not knowing is the worst outcome for any mystery story, because we need to believe that everything in the world is knowable. Justice is optional, but answers, at least, are mandatory. And that’s what I love about Holmes. That the answers are so elegant and the world he lives in so ordered and rational. It’s beautiful.”
      ellauri248.html on line 191: 1890 lernte Malwida von Meysenbug in Rom den 50 Jahre jüngeren Romain Rolland kennen; er wurde ihr letzter enger Vertrauter und der Briefwechsel ist Zeugnis einer großen Freundschaft. 1903 starb Malwida von Meysenbug in Rom und wurde dort, auf eigenen Wunsch ohne geistliche Begleitung, auf dem Cimitero acattolico an der Cestius-Pyramide beigesetzt. Malwida von Meysenbug war 1901 die erste Frau, die für den Literaturnobelpreis nominiert wurde. Aber mit lautem Gelächter beigesetzt. Tämän kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisen kirjallisuuden dynypalkinnon pokkasi ranskalainen mitättömyys nimeltä Sully Prudhomme, joka sentään oli Ranskan-Saxan sodassa "länkkärien" puolella. Sen runo "Särkynyt korva" löytyy albumista 192.
      ellauri248.html on line 303: Tammen ja WSOY:n Nobel-sarjassa ilmestyi kolmekymmentä kirjaa vuosien 1976 ja 1977 aikana. Lyriikka-antologiaa Kaksikymmentäyksi Nobel-runoilijaa lukuunottamatta kaikki sarjan nimekkeet olivat uusintapainoksia aiemmin julkaistuista kirjoista. Sarjaan sisältyvät kahden teoksen yhteisniteet ilmestyivät tässä asussa yleensä ensimmäistä kertaa, mutta nämäkin koostuivat aikaisemmin erillisinä ilmestyneistä nimekkeistä. Kaikesta päätellen Nobel-sarjaa ei tarkoitettukaan jatkuvaksi, vaan enemmänkin kertaluonteiseksi paketiksi. Kaksikymmentäyksi Nobel-runoilijaa -valikoimaan laatimassaan esipuheessa sen koonnut Aale Tynni viittaa kirjallisuuspalkinnon lähestyvään 75-vuotispäivään (ensimmäinen palkinto myönnettiin vuonna 1901), joten arvelisin tämän merkkipaalun innoittaneen Tammea ja WSOY:ta ottamaan nobelistiensa teoksista uusia painoksia niiden Nobel-statusta korostaen.
      ellauri248.html on line 305:
      Kaksikymmentäyksi Nobel-runoilijaa. WSOY, 1976

      ellauri248.html on line 336: *CHECK = mullontää (ei välttämättä Nobel sarjassa). Jotkut muut olen joskus lukenut mutta olivat niin tylsiä etten ole huolinut. Kyllä näistäkin on jotkut vitun tylsiä.
      ellauri248.html on line 349: Today there is about 10,059,290 acres (15,700 sq miles) of individually owned lands are still held in trust for Native American allotees and their heirs. There are about four million fractional owner interests in this 10 million acres. Each generation the individual share gets less. One part of the Act was the establishment of a trust fund, administered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs, to collect and distribute revenues from oil, mineral, timber, and grazing leases on Native American lands. The BIA´s grossly mismanaged these funds. They were never collected or lost or stolen. This negligence in the management of the trust fund resulted in a number of lawsuits. The most well known is Cobell v. Salazar which led to a $3.4 billion settlement in 2009. The suit has forced proper accounting of revenues for the future but the settlement gave the litigants cents on the dollar.
      ellauri249.html on line 43:
      An example of a sōpio (see below), the god Mercury was depicted with an enormous penis on this fresco from Pompeii.

      ellauri249.html on line 80: It is precisely in this sense that we should understand Dostoyevsky’s remark that beauty will save the world, or Matthew Arnold’s belief that we shall be saved by poetry. It is probably too late for the world, but for the individual man (me) there always remains a chance. What distinguishes us from other members of the animal kingdom is speech. Literature—and poetry, in particular, my poetry—is, to put it bluntly, the goal of our species.” Minä minä! Täähän on pahempi egosentrikko kuin minä ja pikku-CEC Norjassa.
      ellauri249.html on line 110: Verpa is also a basic Latin obscenity for "penis", in particular for a penis with the foreskin retracted due to erection and glans exposed, as in the illustration of the god Mercury below. As a result, it was "not a neutral technical term, but an emotive and highly offensive word", most commonly used in despective or threatening contexts of violent acts against a fellow male or rival rather than mere sex (futūtiō "fucking"). It is found frequently in graffiti of the type verpes (= verpa es) quī istuc legēs ("You're a dick you who read this").
      ellauri249.html on line 409: Kyseenalaisia sankareita kaiken kaikkiaan, esimtää "bloody eye" Skobelev edellisessä Krimin sodassa. Skobelev returned to Turkestan after the war, and in 1880 and 1881 further distinguished himself by retrieving the disasters inflicted by the Tekke Turkomans: following the Siege of Geoktepe, it was stormed, the general captured the fort. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians, including women and children were slaughtered in a bloodbath in their flight, along with an additional 6,500 who died inside the fortress. The Russians massacre included all Turkmen males in the fortress who had not escaped, but they spared some 5,000 women and children and freed 600 Persian slaves. The defeat at Geok Tepe and the following slaughter broke the Turkmen resistance and decided the fate of Transcaspia, which was annexed to the Russian Empire. The great slaughter proved too much to stomach reducing the Akhal-Tekke country to submission. Skobelev was removed from his command because of the massacre. He was advancing on Ashkhabad and Kalat i-Nadiri when he was disavowed and recalled to Moscow. He was given the command at Minsk. The official reason for his transfer to Europe was to appease European public opinion over the slaughter at Geok Tepe. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery assessed Skobelev as the world's "best single commander" between 1870 and 1914 and wrote of his "skilful and inspiring" leadership. Francis Vinton Greene also rated Skobelev highly.
      ellauri249.html on line 413: Geok Tepe (Turkmen: Гөкдепе, romanized: Gökdepe, "Blue Hills") is a city in and the administrative center of Gökdepe District, Ahal province, Turkmenistan, east of the Caspian See. Eventually, the defenders, and the 40,000 civilians inside the fort, fled across the desert, pursued by General Skobelev's cavalry. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians died while fleeing, adding to 6,500 who had died in the fort. Russian casualties were 398 killed and 669 wounded. Typical numbers with technological supremacy.
      ellauri254.html on line 60: ETA Hoffmanista on mulla jo nippu linkkejä. German storywriter E.T.A. Hoffmann appears to have suffered and died from tabes dorsalis. Eli kuppaan kuoli tämä kaveri. Se väsäsi sen Nussknackerin, joulukuusen koristeen jonka sain Berliinistä Shanshanilta, johon "siitä vaan sano" Zhaikovski teki musiikin. Varsin mitätön Gerard de Nerval (salanimi) esitteli saksankielistä kirjallisuutta Ranskassa, muun muassa esikuvaansa E. T. A. Hoffmannia sekä J. W. von Goetheä. Nobel-Olga Tokarczukin Izidorkin kaipasi aakkosten alkupäästä Hoffmannia.
      ellauri254.html on line 115: Aleksei Remizov (1877 Moskova, Venäjä – 1957 Pariisi, Ranska) oli venäläinen kirjailija. Mielenosoituksiin osallistunut Remizov karkotettiin Pohjois-Venäjälle. Hän pääsi palaamaan Pietariin 1905 mutta pötki pakoon Venäjältä 1921. Remizovin kertomuksia alettiin julkaista vuonna 1897 lehdissä. Hän hyödynsi niissä kansantarinoita, unia ja legendoja. Hän on vaikuttanut myöhempiin kirjailijoihin, esimerkiksi Isaak Babeliin, Jevgeni Zamjatiniin ja Boris Pilnjakiin. Hänen tuotantoaan julkaistiin Neuvostoliitossa uudelleen vuodesta 1978. Il s'est établi en France en 1923. Il est enterré au cimetière russe de Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois, près de Paris. Sillä oli mukanaan pikku suite sute pussukka isänmaan multaa.
      ellauri254.html on line 327: Njeuvostoliiton ensimmäinen ja viimeinen presidentti oli läikkäozainen Mihail Gorbazov. Gorbatšovin uudistuspyrkimykset, joista käytettiin nimityksiä perestroika (”uudelleenrakentaminen”) ja glasnost (”avoimuus”), johtivat liennytykseen ja vaikuttivat kylmän sodan päättymiseen, mistä hän sai Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon, mutta samalla Neuvostoliiton kommunistinen puolue menetti aikaisemman poliittisen valta-asemansa, mikä lopulta aiheutti Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen. Gorbatšov levytti 2009 vaimonsa Raisa Gorbatšovan lempilauluja. Erittäin komiasti lauloi. Vuonna 2014 osana Ukrainan vallankumousta Venäjällä ryhmä kansanedustajia yhdisti Ukrainan ongelmat Neuvostoliiton hajoamiseen ja vaati tutkimaan syyllistyikö Gorbatšov maanpetokseen 1980-luvulla, kun Neuvostoliitto hajosi. Kyllä syyllistyi. Senhän voi päätellä jo siitäkin että se sai siitä dynamiittipalkinnon. Gorbazovin persetroikka hajosi, ja siinä samalla viimeinen toivo kominternista.
      ellauri254.html on line 377: considered to be one of the most popular poets, who believed in first inspiration and sometimes intentionally left his verse unrevised. In many regards looked upon as the antipode of Valery Bryusov.
      ellauri254.html on line 417: Von Hoffmanstahlin näytelmän suomensi Huugo Jalkanen vuonna 1916, ja musiikin siihen teki Jean Sibelius. Sitä esitettiin paljon suomalaisissa teattereissa erityisesti 1940–1960-luvuilla. Pelkästään 1950-luvun aikana sitä esitettiin seitsemässä suomalaisessa ammattiteatterissa.
      ellauri254.html on line 435: Die Wiederbelebung des Mysterienspiels war ein außergewöhnlicher Versuch, das Theater zu erneuern.
      ellauri254.html on line 499:
      Siinä oli meitä poikia. Stefun ikävä lätty näkyy näpeimpänä pisteenä taulun oikeassa ylänurkassa. Pullanaamainen Brando lookalike vauvaessussa on Schwuler ja dinaarinen pikkumies Klages. Koukkunokka vasemmassa laidassa on syväkurkkuinen Karl Wolfskehl, joka sittemmin ajoi pois röyhypartansa kuten Soologubbe. Toinen partapozo ei ole sikapaska Hongisto eikä vekkulin Volvon etulokasuoja vaan Albert Verwey Amsterdamista joka ei saanut Nobel-palkintoa. Verwey was a close friend of Willem Kloos, and an affair developed between the two poets, which is unprecedented in Dutch literature. Siinä ehkä syy.

      ellauri254.html on line 505: In uniting his philosophy and personal preferences, Klages generally opposed sexuality as a formal concept. Mitä vetoa että Ludi oli bi? Even during the heyday of sexual and bohemian rebellion, Herf writes, "Klages struck most observers as strikingly clean and honourable in erotic matters."
      ellauri254.html on line 699: Kamenev rehabilitoitiin Mihail Gorbatšovin kaudella vuonna 1988. Siitä näkee heti millainen revari Rozenberg oikeastaan oli. Ben Zyskovizin heimolaisia. Kas kun ei saanut Nobel palkintoa.
      ellauri254.html on line 811: We are with the hermit Serapion. We believe that literary chimeras have a special reality. We do not want utilitarianism. We do not write for propaganda. Art is real, like life itself. And, like life itself, it is without goal and without meaning: it exists because it cannot help but exist. L'art pour l'art, in a word.
      ellauri256.html on line 79: Tekstintunnistus ja editointi: Alexander Belousenko (belousenko$yahoo.com), 20. huhtikuuta 2004.

      ellauri256.html on line 80: Aleksanteri Belousenkon kirjasto -- http://www.belousenko.com/wr_Lunts.htm

      ellauri256.html on line 190: Namun, sebelum mereka mampu mela kuk annya, Zimri bin Salu, salah satu peninpimpin suku Simeon, 6 mendekati keromunan bersama dengan putri Cozbi Zur, salah satu dari lima raja Midianite. Saat semua orang melihat, dia memasuki tenda dan secara terang-terangan mela kuk an hubungan seksual dengannya.
      ellauri256.html on line 242: belom-e1542008819626.jpg" width="20%" />
      ellauri256.html on line 255: bely/">Lähde
      ellauri256.html on line 336: Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was born in 1893 in Baghdati, Kutais Governorate, Georgia, then part of the Russian Empire, to Alexandra Alexeyevna (née Pavlenko), a housewife, and Vladimir Mayakovsky, a local forester. His father belonged to a noble family and was a distant relative of the writer Grigory Danilevsky. Vladimir Vladimirovich had two sisters, Olga and Lyudmila, and a brother Konstantin, who died at the age of three. The family was of Russian and Zaporozhian Cossack descent on their father's side and Ukrainian on their mother's.
      ellauri256.html on line 375: According to actress Alexandra Azarkh-Granovskaya, who belonged to the Briks' circle of friends, Lilya had “a heightened sexual curiosity”, which could not be said for her husband.
      ellauri256.html on line 505: By the mid-20th century, Western culture had become widespread throughout the world with the help of mass media, such as television, film, radio, and music. The term "Western culture" is used broadly to refer to traditions, social norms, religious beliefs, technologies, and political systems. Because the culture is so widespread today, the term "Western World" has taken on a cultural, economic, and political definition—but those definitions can differ from one another.
      ellauri256.html on line 524: MIT:n silloinen laskuopin professori ennusti Billystä: I believe he will be a great mathematician, the leader in that science in the future. 11-vuotiaana nenäkäs Billy sai toistuvasti turpiin 5v vanhemmilta Harvardin luokkatovereilta (ml Buckminster Fuller) ja alkoi eristäytyä. Billy vowed to remain celibate and never to marry, as he said women did not appeal to him. Later he developed a strong affection for Martha Foley, one year older than him. Ei siitäkään tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. Isompana Billy ajoi mieluiten ympäriinsä raitiovaunulla. He obsessively collected streetcar transfers, wrote self-published periodicals, and taught small circles of interested friends his version of American history. Sidis arveli että Euroopassakin oli ollut intiaaneja. Sidis peukutti jonkinlaista dualismia. Sidis died from a cerebral hemorrhage in 1944 in Boston at age 46.
      ellauri257.html on line 47: Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1 April [O.S. 20 March] 1809 – 4 March [O.S. 21 February] 1852) was a very short story writer and playwright of Ukrainian origin. Gogol was born in the Ukrainian Cossack town of Sorochyntsi, in the Poltava Governorate of the Russian Empire. His mother was descended from Leonty Kosyarovsky, an officer of the Lubny Regiment in 1710. His father was supposedly Vasily Gogol-Yanovsky, who died when Gogol was 15 years old, was descendant of Ukrainian Cossacks (see Lyzohub family) and belonged to the 'petty gentry'. His father wrote poetry in Ukrainian almost as well as in Russian, and was an amateur playwright in his brother's home theatre. As was typical of the left-bank Ukrainian gentry of the early nineteenth century, the family spoke Ukrainian nearly as well as Russian. As a child, Gogol helped stage plays in his uncle's home theatre.
      ellauri257.html on line 341: Hän oli vuonna 1966 ehdolla Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi, mutta ei kuitenkaan saanut palkintoa. Actually he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times, from 1966 to 1969. Eise sentään ollut Puolan juutalaisia vaikka painui Argentiinaan karkuroimaan 1939. Actually he was considered unfit for military duties. No jotain vikaa siinä piti olla, ja olikin: Gombrowicz had affairs with both men and women.
      ellauri257.html on line 369: Ende 1968, kurz vor seinem Tod, notiert er: „Stark gewachsenes Prestige, der Nobelpreis in greifbarer Nähe.“
      ellauri257.html on line 378: Veikkaan viimemainittua. Mixi ylipäänsä pitää julkaista tälläsiä pornokirjoja? Kiihottumista ja himoa. Elukkamaista. Kuvitteellista puuhastelua Puolan nuorten parissa. Nobel-palkinto on aivan huulilla. Jag, en polsk författare, jag, Gombrowicz.
      ellauri257.html on line 474: Kun prof. Elia oli tällä lailla epixesti seivästänyt vedonlyönnissä kakkosixi jääneet Baalin papit oli Iisebel hyvin hyvin vihainen ja morsetti Elialle että sen kohta käy Baal vieköön yhtä köpelösti.
      ellauri257.html on line 476: 1. Men när Ahab berättade för Isebel allt vad Elia hade gjort, och
      ellauri257.html on line 479: 2. Sände Isebel en budbärare till Elia och lät säga: »Gudarna
      ellauri257.html on line 489: Singer described himself as "conservative," adding that "I don't believe by flattering the masses all the time we really achieve much." His conservative side was most apparent in his Yiddish writing and journalism, where he was openly hostile to Marxist sociopolitical agendas. In Forverts he once wrote, "It may seem like terrible apikorses [heresy], but conservative governments in America, England, France, have handled Jews no worse than liberal governments.... The Jew's worst enemies were always those elements that the modern Jew convinced himself (really hypnotized himself) were his friends. Interestingly enough, he notes the cultural tensions between Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jewish people during his trip to Haifa and during his stay in the new nation. With the description of Jewish immigration camps in the new land, he foresaw the difficulties and socio-economic tensions in Israel, and hence turned back to his critical views of Zionism. Naah, America is the promised land.
      ellauri257.html on line 491: Isaac Bashevis Singer, salanimi Varshofsky (jidd. יצחק באַשעװיס זינגער, alun perin Icek-Hersz Zynger; 21. marraskuuta 1902 Leoncin, Varsova, Kongressi-Puola, silloista Venäjää – 24. heinäkuuta 1991 Miami, Florida) oli puolanjuutalainen kirjailija. Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1978. Singer tunnetaan ennen kaikkea novelleistaan (joita en ole lukenut, vaan sen romskuja).
      ellauri257.html on line 520: What kind of inner, private life did Alma have? Did she tire of years of cooking, cleaning, ironing and sewing for Singer? Was it difficult to be the wife of a public person? How did she cope with his escapades? About these the manuscript remains silent. After all, Alma belonged to a social class where women weren’t encouraged to explore such details. In an interview, she does represent the younger Singer as easy-going and says how much he changed over time. But she ascribes those changes to how much people wanted from him and not the other way around.
      ellauri257.html on line 548: Lopulta Israel Joshua kutsui nuoremman veljensä, tulevan Nobel-palkinnon voittajan Isaac Bashevis Singerin Yhdysvaltoihin ja suunnitteli hänelle työpaikan The Forwardissa. "Ellei Joshuaa olisi ollut, Abraham Cahan olisi erottanut hänet", Singerin vaimo Genia tunnusti myöhemmin Bashevisin pojalle Israel Zamirille. Joshua kuoli sydänkohtaukseen 50-vuotiaana New Yorkissa, 258 Hudson Riverside Drive, 10. helmikuuta 1944. A Treasury of Yiddish Stories -kirjan johdannossa Irving Howe ja Eliezer Greenberg totesivat, että Mr. Singerin kirjat on järjestetty "tavalla, joka täyttää tavanomaiset länsimaiset odotukset kirjallisen rakenteen suhteen. Hänen romaaninsa muistuttavat sellaista perhekronikkaa, joka oli suosittu Euroopassa useita vuosikymmeniä sitten eli edellisen vuosisadan vaihteessa.
      ellauri257.html on line 571: Lodge was a Christian Spiritualist. In 1909, he published the book Survival of Man which expressed his belief that life after death had been demonstrated by mediumship. His most controversial book was Raymond or Life and Death (1916). The book documented the séances that he and his wife had attended with the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard. Lodge was convinced that his son Raymond who had become cannon food had communicated with him and the book is a description of his son's experiences in the spirit world. According to the book Raymond had reported that those who had died were still the same people that they had been on earth before they "passed over". There were houses, trees and flowers in the Spirit world, which was similar to the earthly realm, although there was no STD. The book also claimed that soldiers who died in World War I smoked cigars and drank whisky and ate pussy also in the spirit world and because of such statements the book was criticised.
      ellauri258.html on line 116: Aivan käsittämätöntä pullistelua nobelistien eturivissä.
      ellauri258.html on line 152: "Lapsille ja lapsenlapsille arvokkaampaa maailmaa rakentaneen mummoni perintö. Hänen työnsä jatkuu Dignity-projektissa, joka poikii mielenkiintoisia hankkeita. Mua pyydettiin puheenjohtajaksi arvomaailman ja henkisen maailman murrosta kartoittavaan Global Redesign -analyysiin, jossa on mukana nobelisteja ja maailman johtavia tiede- ja taidetyyppejä."
      ellauri258.html on line 156: "Aistin tilanteessa tiettyä absurdiutta, varsinkin jos paikalla on useita nobelisteja! Toisaalta olen aina ollut kiinnostunut puhumistani asioista niin, että esiintyessäni kaikki muu katoaa. Olen täysillä läsnä."
      ellauri260.html on line 161: Esimerkiksi vuonna 1625 Grotius kirjoitti: "Ihminen on varmasti eläin, mutta ylivoimainen eläin, paljon kauempana kaikista muista eläimistä kuin erilaiset eläimet ovat toisistaan" (De iure belli ac pacis, Prolegomena, 11).
      ellauri260.html on line 183: Caveat lector: tää on aivan hemon pitkä ja suht tylsä paasaus. Syy ei ole minun vaan nobelisti Rudolfin.
      ellauri260.html on line 185: Rudolf Eucken (5. tammikuuta 1846 – 15. syyskuuta 1926) oli saksalainen filosofi. Hän toimi professorina Jenassa 1874–1919. Teoksissaan Eucken esitteli idealistista filosofiaa. Hän sai kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon vuonna 1908 ja pääsi Hoblan tiistairistikkoon 31/01/2023 never heard-passilla. Sen kuolemasta tulee 3 vuoden päästä 100 vuotta.
      ellauri260.html on line 191: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1908 was awarded to Rudolf Christoph Eucken "in recognition of his earnest search for truth, his penetrating power of thought, his wide range of vision, and the warmth and strength in presentation with which in his numerous works he has vindicated and developed an idealistic philosophy of life".
      ellauri260.html on line 193: Eli kuten Google suomensi: Hän sai vuoden 1908 Nobelin kirjallisuuden palkinnon tunnustuksena hänen vilpittömästä totuuden etsinnästä, hänen läpitunkevasta ajatusvoimastaan, laajoista näkemyskirjeistään sekä esityksen lämmöstä ja voimasta, jolla hän on lukuisissa teoksissaan vahvistanut ja kehittänyt muuatta idealistisen ajattelun elämänfilosofia", sen jälkeen kun hänet oli nimitetty Ruotsin akatemian jäseneksi.
      ellauri260.html on line 195: Se oli varmaan toi lämpimyys josta nobelpisteet tulivat. Rudi oli kuin vasta ofenista tullut vehnäsämpylä, jollaisia kävin aamuvarahin Walter Schnellerin johdolla ostamassa Munichissa lähikaupasta. Lämpimiä idealisteja ei ole pilvin pimein, ne ovat enimmäkseen suht kylmiöitä.
      ellauri260.html on line 197: Joo selvästi: lue vaikka alempaa Rudin sosialismihöpötys, se on juuri sitä propagandaa mikä Alfred Nobelilla oli mielessä kun se jätti kuoltuaan kapitaalin tuotot jaettavaxi dynamiittipalkintoina.
      ellauri260.html on line 199: Vaikutukset: Aristoteles, Aquino, Teichmüller, Lotze, Trendelenburg. Vaikutettu: Max Scheler, W. R. Boyce Gibson, Abel J. Jones, Evelyn Bilbo and Frodo Underhill. Ei nää ole kummosia, olikohan Rudi vähän sivuraiteella? Merkittäviä ideoita olivat poliittinen aktivismi ja Todellinen. Todella. Indeed, kuten sanoo Midsummerin murhien tyhjänaamainen vanha poliiisi todistajan laskiessa luikuria läpi hampaitten.
      ellauri260.html on line 225: Joseph Martin McCabe (12 November 1867 – 10 January 1955) was an English writer and speaker on freethought (vapaa-ajattelija), after having been a Roman Catholic priest earlier in his life. He was "one of the great mouthpieces of freethought in England". Becoming a critic of the Catholic Church, McCabe joined groups such as the Rationalist Association and the National Secular Society. He criticised Christianity from a rationalist perspective, but also was involved in the South Place Ethical Society which grew out of dissenting Protestantism and was a precursor of modern secular humanism. William Ferguson wrote of him: "He was bitterly anti-Catholic but also actively undermined religious faith in general." McCabe was also an advocate of women's rights and worked with Mrs. Pankhurst and Mrs. Wolstenholme-Elmy on speeches favoring giving British women the right to vote. McCabe is also known for his inclusion in, and irritation at, G. K. Chesterton's funny book Heretics. Funny is the opposite of not funny, nothing else, defended Chesterton. He should know. In 1920 McCabe publicly debated the Spiritualist Arthur Conan Doyle on the claims of Spiritualism at Queen's Hall in London. Various scientists such as William Crookes and Cesare Lombroso had been duped into believing Spiritualism by mediumship tricks.
      ellauri260.html on line 241:
      Köpfe der frühen deutschen Arbeiterbewegung: August Bebel, Wilhelm Liebknecht (oben), Karl Marx (Mitte), Carl Wilhelm Tölcke, Ferdinand Lassalle (unten) Minnekäs Kautsky on jäänyt? Ehkä se ei ole varhainen.

      ellauri260.html on line 245: Kautsky oli juutalainen. Prahalaissyntyinen Kautsky opiskeli historiaa ja filosofiaa Wienin yliopistossa vuodesta 1874 ja liittyi Itävallan sosiaalidemokraattiseen työväenpuolueeseen (SDAPÖ) vuonna 1875. Vuodet 1885–1890 hän asui Lontoossa, ystävystyi Friedrich Engelsin kanssa ja toimi tämän yksityissihteerinä. Vuonna 1891 hän laati Saksan sosiaalidemokraattisen puolueen (SPD) Erfurtin ohjelman August Bebelin ja Eduard Bernsteinin kanssa.
      ellauri260.html on line 247: Engelsin kuoltua 1895 Karl Kautskysta tuli sosialistisen liikkeen tärkeimpiä teoreetikkoja, hän muovasi etenkin marxilaista puolueoppia August Bebelin kanssa. Hän jäi puolueeseen, kun sen vasemmisto Rosa Luxemburg mukanaan erosi SPD:stä sen annettua tukensa ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan liittymiselle. Vuonna 1917 Kautsky kuitenkin erosi SPD:stä liittyäkseen Saksan itsenäiseen sosiaalidemokraattiseen puolueeseen (USPD), jonka jäsenenä hän oli vuoteen 1919. SPD:hen hän palasi 1922.
      ellauri260.html on line 292: As a man derives his importance from the fact that he belongs to humanity, all division into classes must cease. The ideal is a class-less social order. This leads to a determination to lessen the differences between men as much as possible, if not to obliterate them altogether. This is done in the life of the State, in education, and in the suffrage. The idea of equality becomes a superior standard of value. It compels us to avoid everything that places one man above another, and so lowers a man, not only in the sight of others, but in his own estimation.
      ellauri260.html on line 329: No ei mitä hemmettiä? Eucken alkaakin jorinoida jostain vitalismista? Eli taas tollasta kartesiolaista dualismia, mä luulin että siitä oltaisiin jo päästy. Vaan ei, nää idealistikaverit palaa siihen kuin koira oxennuxelle. Sitä kai se von Wrightkin ajoi takaa viime kädessä silla toiminnan käsitteistöllä. Hemmetti se on sitten syvältä, ja toinen samanlainen on pelieoria. Bisnesnobelistien kähmintää, vitun kieroa.
      ellauri260.html on line 374: The last term of the errors of the Socialists is the humanitarian idealism which pervades the whole ideal. It treats man as a superior value, and it wants to direct every effort toward him ; but it can find no basis for this value. It falls into the contradiction of treating man as a mere piece of reality and transferring to this piece of the world that appreciation which belongs only to a standard of value. Let us rather have a firm faith in the spiritual and divine in human nature, and not this blind belief in man´s ordinary self.
      ellauri260.html on line 421: Suurmiehet ovat ulkoisesta näkökulmasta harvinaisia poikkeuksia. Toisille he näyttävät vain käsittämättömiltä fanaatikoilta. Se ei ollut yksilöt, vaan massat, jotka tuomitsivat Sokratesin ja Jeesuksen. Itse asiassa ne olivat melko normaaleja, vaikkeivät keskinkertaisia. Keskinkertainen on kauhistus. Kuten Goethe sanoi (runomuodoss), "sitä vihaa jumala ja miehet." Nietsche sanoi paljon samansuuntaista. Meidän neropattien on taisteltava suuntausta vastaan, joka "näyttää kannattavan tasaavaa oikeudenmukaisuutta, mutta todellisuudessa siitä voi helposti tulla epäoikeudenmukaisuutta korkeammille kavereille". Älkäämme unohtako, että kateus ja mustasukkaisuus vaikuttavat aina keskinkertaisiin ja että Goethen sanoin: "Kateellinen ihminen maailmassa on mies, joka ajattelee kaikkia tasavertaisina." Eivät kaikki voi olla nobelisteja, vai mitä? Vai mitä? Ei niitä dynyrahoja ole niin paljoa.
      ellauri262.html on line 152: Lewis was schooled by private tutors until age nine, when his mother died in 1908 from cancer. His father then sent him to England to live and study at Wynyard School in Watford, Hertfordshire. Lewis's brother had enrolled there three years previously. Not long after, the school was closed due to a lack of pupils. Lewis then attended Campbell College in the east of Belfast about a mile from his home, but left after a few months due to respiratory problems.
      ellauri262.html on line 184: MacDonald rejected the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement as developed by John Calvin, which argues that Christ has taken the place of sinners and is punished by the wrath of God in their place, believing that in turn it raised serious questions about the character and nature of God.[citation needed] Instead, he taught that Christ had come to save people from their sins, and not from a Divine penalty for their sins: the problem was not the need to appease a wrathful God, but the disease of cosmic evil itself.[citation needed] MacDonald frequently described the atonement in terms similar to the Christus Victor theory.
      ellauri262.html on line 207: Lewis continued to raise Gresham's two sons after her death. Douglas Gresham is a Christian like Lewis and his apostate mother, while David Gresham turned to his mother's ancestral faith, becoming Orthodox Jewish in his beliefs. His mother's writings had featured the Jews in an unsympathetic manner, particularly on "shohet" (ritual slaughterer). David informed Lewis that he was going to become a ritual slaughterer to present this type of Jewish religious functionary to the world in a more favourable light. In a 2005 interview, Douglas Gresham acknowledged that he and his brother were not close, although they had corresponded via email.
      ellauri262.html on line 257: John Ronald Reuel, Mabel ja Arthur Reuel Tolkienin esikoinen, syntyi 1892 Bloemfonteinissa, silloisen Oranjen vapaavaltion pääkaupungissa Etelä-Afrikassa, missä Arthur Tolkien työskenteli Bank of African paikallisen kolonialistisen riistokonttorin johtajana. Arthur oli muuttanut Englannista kulta- ja timanttilöydösten rikastuttamaan Etelä-Afrikkaan parempia urakehitysmahdollisuuksia tavoitellen muutamaa vuotta aiemmin. Hänen kihlattunsa Mabel Suffield oli seurannut perässä täytettyään 21 ja saatuaan viimein isänsä hyväksynnän tulevalle avioliitolle. Pariskunta vihittiin Kapkaupungin katedraalissa 16. huhtikuuta 1891. Tyttöaikanaan Mabel oli ollut lähetyssaarnaajana Aahrikassa, yritti käännyttää kristinuskoon Sansibarin sulttaanin haaremia.
      ellauri262.html on line 259: Tolkien sai nimen John isoisänsä John Benjamin Tolkienin mukaan, Reuel esiintyy myös Vanhassa testamentissa kuten Benjaminkin. Raskauden aikana Mabel oli uskonut lapsen olevan tyttö ja suunnitellut sen nimeksi Rosalindia. Kun lapsi kuitenkin osoittautui pojaksi, Rosalindin korvasi Ronald. No senkö tautta Johny puettiinkin pikkuisena tytöxi? Kävikö sille Hemingwayt? Tokkopa, tohon aikaan poikia ei erotettu tytöistä ennen esikoulua.
      ellauri262.html on line 263: Mabel Tolkien jäi yllättäen leskeksi ja kahden pienen lapsen elättäjäksi. Arthurin ahkerasta työnteosta ja säästäväisyydestä huolimatta hänen keräämänsä pääoma tarjosi perheelle vain niukan elannon.
      ellauri262.html on line 264: Mabel Tolkien jäi lapsineen asumaan kotikaupunkinsa Birminghamin tuntumaan. Asuttuaan ensin vanhempiensa luona hän löysi perheelle pian halvan vuokra-asunnon Sareholen kylästä muutaman kilometrin päästä kaupungin eteläpuolelta. Mabel kääntyi katolisexi ja löysi mieleisensä rippi-isän nimeltä Mordor, josta tuli perheen ystävä ja turva, ja poikien holhooja, kun äiti kuoli sokeritautiin Ronin 12. elinvuotena.
      ellauri262.html on line 271: Siis samanlainen mammanpoika tämäkin kuin C.S. Lewis, ja Hemingwaykin, for that matter. Vuonna 1904 myös 12-vuotiaan Tolkienin äiti kuoli ajauduttuaan diabeettiseen koomaan. Tolkien oli kuudentoista, kun hän rakastui tulevaan vaimoonsa Edith Brattiin. Tolkienin huoltaja, katolinen pappi, Mabelia mahdollisesti köyrinytkin Isä Francis Morgan ei kuitenkaan hyväksynyt sexuaalisuhdetta, joten Ronald ja Edith saattoivat mennä vällyihin vasta 1914, kun Ronald täytti 21 vuotta ja täysi-ikäistyi. Pariskunta meni naimisiin 22. maaliskuuta 1916 Edithin käännyttyä katolilaiseksi. He saivat 1917 ensimmäisen neljästä lapsestaan. Romanssi innoitti Tolkienia luomaan kertomuksen Berenistä ja Lúthienista. Edit tanssi Ronille jossain mezässä kuin Lúthien. Ronnie laittoi Ethelille hautakiveenkin nimexi Lúthien.
      ellauri262.html on line 293: Taru sormusten herrasta sai ilmestyessään ristiriitaisia arvosteluja, mutta suosio kasvoi vähitellen. C. S. Lewis ehdotti vuonna 1961 Tolkienia Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon ehdokkaaksi. Ei tärpännyt. Viisikymmentä vuotta myöhemmin julkistetun arkistomateriaalin mukaan palkintolautakunta ei pitänyt Tolkienin proosaa tarpeeksi korkeatasoisena. Eihän siinä paljon kehumista olekaan, eikä juonessakaan, se on varsin klisheinen. Koko juju on hauskoissa fantasiahahmoissa.
      ellauri262.html on line 323: The Anglican priest and scholar of literature Alison Milbank writes that Shelob is undeniably sexual: "Tolkien offers a most convincing Freudian vagina dentata (toothed vagina) in the ancient and disgustingly gustatory spider Shelob." Milbank states that Shelob symbolises "an ancient maternal power that swallows up masculine identity and autonomy", threatening a "castrating hold [which] is precisely what the sexual fetishist fears, and seeks to control". The Tolkien scholar and medievalist Jane Chance mentions "Sam's penetration of her belly with his sword", noting that this may be an appropriate and symbolic way of ending her production of "bastards".
      ellauri262.html on line 393: Lordi Peter on Denverin herttuan nuorempi veli ja hänet kuvataan romaaneissa stereotyyppisenä varakkaana englantilaisena aristokraattina, jonka harrastuksiin kuuluu inkunaabeleiden keräily. Romaaneissa eletään maailmansotien välistä aikaa, jolloin Wimsey on noin 40-vuotias. Hänen valokuvaamista harrastava kamaripalvelijansa ja entinen sotakaverinsa Bunter toimii hänen apunaan rikosten selvittämisessä. Wimseytä auttaa myös usein hänen ystävänsä Charles Parker Scotland Yardista. Edmund Wilson expressed his distaste for Wimsey in his criticism of The Nine Tailors: "There was also a dreadful stock English nobleman of the casual and debonair kind, with the embarrassing name of Lord Peter Wimsey, and, although he was the focal character in the novel ... I had to skip a good deal of him, too." Tämä kuvitteellinen henkilö on tynkä.
      ellauri262.html on line 409: When Sayers was six, her father started teaching her Latin. She grew up in the tiny village of Bluntisham in Huntingdonshire after her father was given the living there as rector of Bluntisham-cum-Earith. The church graveyard next to the elegant Regency-style rectory features the surnames of several characters from her mystery The Nine Tailors. She was inspired by her father's restoration of the Bluntisham church bells in 1910. The nearby River Great Ouse and the Fens invite comparison with the book's vivid description of a massive flood around the village.
      ellauri262.html on line 425: In 1920 Sayers entered into a passionate though unconsummated romance with Jewish Russian émigré and Imagist poet John Cournos, who moved in London literary circles with Ezra Pound and his contemporaries. Sayers did not consummate her relationship with him unmarried, due to her religious beliefs. Cournos disdained monogamy and marriage, did not want children and was dedicated to free love.[53] He also considered crime writing, which Sayers had started, to be low brow, though he assisted her with aspects of publication.[54] Within two years their relationship had broken up when he insisted on consummation with birth control. Returning to New York, he soon married a crime writer who had two children. This left Sayers embittered that he had not held to his own principles, feeling that he had been testing her, pushing her to sacrifice her own beliefs in submission to his own. He later confessed that he would have happily married Sayers if she had submitted to his sexual demands. After a period of heated correspondence, they concluded with more amicable missives after she met her future husband.
      ellauri262.html on line 453: Personism is an ethical philosophy of personhood as typified by the thought of the utilitarian philosopher Peter Singer. It amounts to a branch of secular humanism with an emphasis on certain rights-criteria. Personists believe that rights are conferred to the extent that a creature is a person. Michael Tooley provides the relevant definition of a person, saying it is a creature that is "capable of desiring to continue as a subject of experience and other mental states". A worldview like secular humanism is personism when the empathy and values are extended to the extent that the creature is a person (apes get very similar rights, insects get vastly fewer rights, etc.).
      ellauri262.html on line 465: The Problem of Pain is a 1940 book on the problem of evil by C. S. Lewis, in which Lewis argues that human pain, animal pain, and hell are not sufficient reasons to reject belief in a good and powerful God. He begins by addressing the flaws in common arguments against the belief in a just, loving, and all-powerful God such as: "If God were good, He would make His creatures perfectly happy, and if He were almighty He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." Topics include human suffering and sinfulness, animal suffering, and the problem of hell, where Lewis squirms like a tapeworm to reconcile these with a friendly omnipotent force beyond ourselves.
      ellauri262.html on line 510: Lewis then says that he doesn’t believe in the doctrine of Total Depravity on logical and experiential grounds. Also, shame is of value, not as an emotion but for the insight that it provides. He shares how he notices that the more a man hollers the more fully aware he is of his vileness. To underline this point Clive says probably the most famous line from this book: "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse the deaf."
      ellauri262.html on line 617: “It was an attack on how people hold religious beliefs, an attack on what I would call intolerance and narrow mindedness.”
      ellauri263.html on line 314: Over time, Tisha B'Av has come to be a Jewish day of mourning, not only for these events, but also for later tragedies which occurred on or near the 9th of Av. References to some of these events appear in liturgy composed for Tisha B'Av (see below).
      ellauri263.html on line 569: Lontoossa perustettiin uusi teosofinen aikauslehti, Lucifer. Syyskuun alussa myös Wachtmeister saapui Lontooseen. Tilanahtaus pakotti Teosofisen seuran muuttamaan uuteen paikkaan Lansdowne Roadille, joka oli lähempänä Lontoon keskustaa. Kirjoitustyö jatkui, ja talossa vieraili useita kuuluisuuksia, tutkijoita ja toimittajia keskustelemassa Blavatskyn kanssa. Myös Olcott saapui Lontooseen ja avusti Blavatskya perustamaan Teosofisen seuran esoteerisen osaston, johon kuului kaksitoista henkilöä: kreivitär Wachtmeister, Isabel Cooper-Oakley, Emily Kislingbury, Laura Cooper, Annie Besant, Alice Cleather, Archibald Keightley, Herbert Coryn, Claude Wright, G. R. S. Mead, E. T. Sturdy ja Walter Old.
      ellauri263.html on line 629: Blavatsky was often perceived as a quite vulgar and coarse person. She swore profusely, dressed garishly, and had a strong sense of irreverent humor. Her New York study was decorated with a stuffed baboon wearing white collars, cravats and spectacles, carrying a manuscript bundle under his arm labeled ‘The Descent of the Species’ (Blavatsky rejected Darwin’s ideas about man being descended from apes). She liked a benevolent snake, though she said there was hardly no woman in her character.
      ellauri263.html on line 631: Unlike the occultism presented earlier by Éliphas Lévi and similar authors, which mostly caught the interest only of a small circle of freethinkers, Theosophy fast became a successful semi-mass movement. By 1889 the Theosophical Society had 227 sections all over the world, and many of the era’s most important intellectuals and artists were strongly influenced by it. Avant-garde painters, especially, took this new teaching to heart, and it marked the work of great artists such as Mondrian, Kandinsky and Klee. In literature, authors like Nobel Prize laureate William Butler Yeats became
      ellauri263.html on line 636: Vuonna 1866 Annie tapasi nuoren papin Frank Besantin, josta myöhemmin tuli Lincolnshiren kirkkoherra. Vaikka Annie tuolloin olikin vasta 19-vuotias, hän suostui Frankin kosintaan. Avioliitosta syntyi kaksi lasta, mutta Annie oli elämäänsä tyytymätön, koska koki vanhoillisen aviomiehensä näkemykset ahdistaviksi. Samalla Annie alkoi myös kyseenalaistaa omaa uskoaan. Lopulta uskonnolliset erimielisyydet aviopuolisoiden välillä johtivat siihen, että Frank määräsi Annien muuttamaan pois. Erosta tehtiin virallinen, ja Annien poika Digby jäi isänsä luokse, kun tytär Mabel muutti Annien kanssa Lontooseen.
      ellauri263.html on line 642: Besant ja Bradlaugh todettiin molemmat syyllisiksi ”säädyttömään kunnianloukkaukseen” ja tuomittiin puoleksi vuodeksi vankeuteen. Valitustuomioistuimessa tuomio kuitenkin kumottiin. Tämän jälkeen Besant kirjoitti ja julkaisi oman kirjansa syntyvyyden säännöstelystä nimeltä The Laws of Population. Ajatukset naisten osuudesta syntyvyyden säännöstelyssä saivat paljon julkisuutta. Muun muassa sanomalehti The Times syytti Besantin teosta säädyttömäksi, haureelliseksi ja saastaiseksi. Frank Besant käytti Annien saamaa kielteistä julkisuutta hyväkseen vakuuttaakseen oikeusistuimen siitä, että hän olisi sopivampi heidän yhteisen tyttärensä Mabelin huoltajaksi kuin Annie.
      ellauri263.html on line 690: The ideology shared by the Old Tribe was remarkably simple: 'Wash your own dish', 'No one belongs to anyone else', 'Kerista is freedom and love'. Baristat käytti Ouija lautaa kuten Lassi ja Leevi. Starting with a few unwritten rules in 1971 to 26 standards in 1979, the social
      ellauri263.html on line 729: The evolutionary purpose of jealousy isn't relevant anymore: who wants to have children anyway, and by the golden rule of America "look out for N:o 1" everybody is responsible for their own welfare and happiness. We are no fucking communists, after all. Unfortunately, the emotion does still play a role in our lives. Blue compares feeling jealous to having an alarm bell going off in your head.
      ellauri263.html on line 749: The main difference between poly and monogamous folks deal with jealousy. Mainstream, monogamous society tends to treat jealousy as a sort of disease, something to be deeply feared and that might signal something irreparably wrong with a relationship. Jealousy is treated as a powerful, ugly emotion that we believe can consume and crush us.
      ellauri263.html on line 778: We found a lot of ways to support our intellectual belief in compersion with actual psychological rewards. For example, I'd help my partner get matches on Tinder and give him tips on cute bars to take them, and after the dates, he'd tell me how they went and give me a ton of love and affirmation whenever I pouted over him having a good time. Meanwhile, he played wingman with me when I wanted to meet up with a potential flame at a party or concert, and I always made sure to come home to him and share the sexy things I'd done with the new guy and what things I wanted to migrate into our own sex life. In this way, we began to be able to associate positive experiences together (showering each other with affection and affirming the strength of our relationship) with the aftermath of one of us having fun with someone else. When it became clear that these extradyadic encounters only brought us closer, it became easier and easier for us to feel earnest joy for the other person's romantic successes.
      ellauri263.html on line 841: With her warm, playful approach to coaching and facilitation, Kelly creates refreshingly candid spaces for processing and healing challenges around dating, sexuality, identity, body image, and relationships. She’s particularly enthusiastic about helping softhearted women get re-energized around the dating experience and find joy in the process of connecting genitals with others. She believes relationships should be easy—and that, with room for self-reflection and the right toolkit (available for competitive prices at our net store), they can be.
      ellauri264.html on line 107: Grein körde forbi Lincoln Square och fortsatte nedför Broadway. Fast detta var inte längre Broadway utan en genomfartsled i de äldsta av hedniska städer, Rom, Aten, till och med Kartago. Här hade avgudarna sina tillbedjare och präster. Deras avbilder stirrade ner från snötäckta affischtavlor - ursinniga mördare, nakna horor. Framför en teater knuffades och trängdes unga kvinnor i väntan på en idol. Idolatrin är en kvinnlig synd. I bibeln är det mestadels utländska kvinnor och skökor som gör det.
      ellauri264.html on line 124: In late 2016, conflict arose between Cernovich and Gionet when Gionet made antisemitic remarks on Twitter, claiming the media was "run in majority by Jewish people". Sehän kuulosti ihan nobelisti Romain Rollandilta.
      ellauri264.html on line 146: Onnexi Isaac Bashevis on jo kuollut, tää olisi voinut olla viimeinen niitti sen kärsimyxille. “We must believe in free will, we have no choice.” (Isaac Bashevis Singer) KEK Isaac, tästä läpästä olis alt-rightin pojat pitäneet. Siinä on vahvaa tongue in cheek ironiaa.
      ellauri264.html on line 175: The show is so r@cis7 I can't believe it. This show was atrocious. This is a show that hates Scooby Doo.
      ellauri264.html on line 209: To make a long story short-- Victor Lebow was a prophet. He has been slandered by all who have used this infamous quote to paint him as a cheerleader for consumerism when in fact he was one of the first-- if not the first-- to see the future implications of its corrosive influence. The fact that so many people, organizations, and websites have used his quote completely out of context and nearly all got the quote from the SAME source should give people GREAT pause-- and should be an object lesson in scholarship for progressive people. Don't believe everything you read. And don't write articles or create websites using materials you haven't primary sourced, either.
      ellauri264.html on line 413: He is a regular in the national media, from the New York Times to The Today Show, and also serves as a frequent speaker. Norm is twice bestselling author labeled America’s Fiercest Trial Lawyer, a prolific blogger. Additionally, he serves as the host of the Pattis On Justice podcast. The podcast focuses on Law, politics, crime, and culture—in a word, "convict".
      ellauri264.html on line 475: Born in Gloucester, England, poet, editor, and critic William Ernest Henley was educated at Crypto Grammar School, where he studied with the poet T.E. Brown, and with the University of St. Andrews. His father was a struggling bookseller who died when Henley was a teenager. At age 12 Henley was diagnosed with tubercular arthritis that necessitated the amputation of one of his legs just below the knee; the other foot was saved only through a radical surgery performed by Joseph Lister. As he healed in the infirmary, Henley began to write poems, including “Invictus,” which concludes with the oft-referenced lines “I am the master of my fate; / I am the captain of my soul.” Henley’s poems often engage themes of inner strength and perseverance. His numerous collections of poetry include A Book of Verses (1888), London Voluntaries (1893), and Hawthorn and Lavender (1899).
      ellauri264.html on line 490: Iisakki käännätti kirjojaan eri kääntäjillä uudestaan ja uudestaan, usein englannista englantiin. Toisinaan spekuloimme tietyn muutoksen syistä: yksinkertaistaminenko ei-juutalaiselle lukijakunnalle? tuntuiko tarpeelliselta korvata optimistinen loppu traagisella? Mutta hänen kääntäjiensä todistus viittaa johonkin muuhun - siihen, että hän oli melkein ilkeä vastustaessaan ajatusta täydellisesti valmiista teoksesta. Aivan kuten tyypillisen Bashevis-teoksen ristiriitainen miespäähenkilö jää roikkumaan tarinansa loppuun, mielivaltaisuus näyttää olevan itse taiteen periaate. Kirjoittajan henki seisoo noiden loppujen takana ikään kuin hän sanoisi: "Oikeesti, mitä väliä?" If one no longer believed in the Perfect God and His Torah, what reason to seek perfection elsewhere? Sit voi yhtä hyvin pelleillä Ruåzin kuninkaallisille ja ottaa ilon irti kaikesta. Hyvä Iisakki! Right on!
      ellauri264.html on line 492: Ladies and Gentlemen: There are five hundred reasons why I began to write for children, but to save time I will mention only ten of them. Number 1) Children read books, not reviews. They don’t give a hoot about the critics. Number 2) Children don’t read to find their identity. Number 3) They don’t read to free themselves of guilt, to quench the thirst for rebellion, or to get rid of alienation. Number 4) They have no use for psychology. Number 5) They detest sociology. Number 6) They don’t try to understand Kafka or Finnegans Wake. Number 7) They still believe in God, the family, angels, devils, witches, goblins, logic, clarity, punctuation, and other such obsolete stuff. Number 8) They love interesting stories, not commentary, guides, or footnotes. Number 9) When a book is boring, they yawn openly, without any shame or fear of authority. Number 10) They don’t expect their beloved writer to redeem humanity. Young as they are, they know that it is not in his power. Only the adults have such childish illusions.
      ellauri264.html on line 494: Joku hölmö amerikkalainen haastaa alla olevassa videossa Bashevisin kysyen: Jotkut kriitikot ovat valittaneet, että kirjoissanne ei anneta ihmisille toivoa ja osoiteta tietä jota pitkin päästä nykyajan pahasta pälkähästä parempaan tulevaisuuteen, kuten Alfred Nobel pani palkinnolle ehdoxi. Miten vastaisitte tähän? Bashevis: En tiedä, he voivat olla oikeassa.
      ellauri264.html on line 554: The Mishna (Berachos 51b) relates that after eating bread, one must belch before the bread is digested. This time frame is known as "k´dei ichul" (the time it takes for digestion to occur.) How does a person know if digestion occurred?
      ellauri264.html on line 632: Buschs far kommer från Norge och hon har dubbelt medborgarskap. Vidare är hon medlem i Svenska kyrkan. År 2013 gifte sig Busch med Niklas Thor, fotbollsspelare i IK Sirius. I december 2019 meddelade paret att de ansökt om skilsmässa. Tillsammans fick de en son 2015 och en dotter 2017. Hon använde under äktenskapet namnet Ebba Busch Thor, men blev aldrig folkbokförd under detta namn. Det som Gud har sammenføyd, det skal ikke et menneske skille.
      ellauri266.html on line 60: He also writes disparagingly on belief/2009/sep/11/alpha-course-christianity">religion in Guardian (spare £2 for an ex-leper), notably on his experience participating in the Alpha course. The Alpha course is an evangelistic course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of talks and discussions. It is described by its organisers as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of simian life in just 24h." Adam did not buy it, but went on to live in original sin. Besides, he is in all likelihood a Sitzpinkler, i.e. a wuss.
      ellauri266.html on line 168: Gertrudin ja Hecuban välinen kontrasti on syytä huomata. Hamletin mielestä Hecuba oli reagoinut miehensä kuolemaan asianmukaisen ärhäkästi, kun taas Gertrude ei. Shakespeare näyttää nauttineen Hecuban tarinasta, sillä hänet mainitaan Troilus ja Cressidassa (1.2), Titus Andronicuksessa (4.1), Coriolanuksessa (1.3), Cymbelinessä (4.2) ja erityisesti pitkässä runossa Lucrecen raiskaus.
      ellauri266.html on line 256: Knew nothing about the characters. Nothing made sense. Nothing was believable. Ending was awful and left me and my wife in shock as to what we even watched. The movie was dragged out and extremely boring. I was not inspired and got nothing out of this movie. The acting was good however, but the story was one of the worst. If I got to come up with my own assumptions, then you did something wrong.
      ellauri266.html on line 331: Päästyään senaattorixi vähän paremman puutteessa kuten Eucken nobelistixi, Hayakawa aikoi asettua ehdolle uudelleenvaaleissa vuonna 1982, mutta jäi varhaisissa vaaleissa huonosti jäljelle muista republikaaniehdokkaista ja hänellä oli rahapulaa. Hän putosi kilpailusta alkuvuodesta, ja lopulta hänen seuraajakseen tuli republikaanien San Diegon pormestari Woodrow Wilson. Toistaiseksi hän on ainoa japanilainen Amerikan republikaani, joka on palvellut Yhdysvaltain senaatissa muuta kuin siivouspuolella.
      ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
      ellauri267.html on line 177: "My addiction is to opiate painkillers, specifically oxycodone, oxycontin," Murdaugh testified on Thursday, saying he believes his addiction stemmed from surgery he got for an old college football injury. He said he needed a few surgeries, and he started getting addicted to hydrocodone around 2004 before moving on to oxycodone around 2008. "It just escalates. It escalates," he said.
      ellauri267.html on line 231: "These are individuals who reject all forms of government and they believe they are emancipated from all the responsibilities associated with being U.S. citizens, such as paying taxes and obeying laws." Hal Epperson, coordinator of the group's unit in Phoenix, Arizona, stated that the group was "a nonviolent group that seeks lawful remedy for the corporate government." The group believed its plan could act as a "vehicle for relieving corporate tyranny. That done, the higher goal of salvaging the souls of mankind can be addressed." The Guardians of the free Republic's tried to peacefully and nonviolently 'restore' America to a pre-New Deal form of government. No climate-warming chicken in every pot.
      ellauri267.html on line 1401: Even as late as the 19th century, "Sebastianist" peasants in the town of Canudos in the Brazilian sertão believed that the king would return to help them in their rebellion against the "godless" Brazilian republic.
      ellauri269.html on line 307:
      Which WoW race are you? I guess they are all sorta humanoid from the belt down. And that's what counts.

      ellauri269.html on line 351: The Wagner Group reportedly recruited a unit known as the Black Russians from imprisoned UPC rebels in the Central African Republic to fight in Ukraine and Mali. They may end up fighting equally black American mercenaries on the Ukrainian side. Mali voted with Russia, Central Africa abstained.
      ellauri269.html on line 379: "He's going to the Undercity," said Arthas. The ancient royal crypts, dungeons, sewers, public toilets and twining alleys deep below the palace had somehow gotten that nickname, as if the place was simply another part of town. Which it was! Dark, dank, filthy, the Undercity was intended for prisoners or the dead, but the poorest of the poor in the land somehow always seemed to find their way in. If one was homeless or a university professor, it was better than freezing in the elements, and if one needed something illegal, even Arthas knew that that was where one went to get it. Now and then the guards would go down and make a sweep of the place as a pro forma gesture to clean it out. (This imagery courtesy of New York Subway Authority.)
      ellauri269.html on line 530: Similarly, the Draenei approach to the Light places next to zero importance on evangelism. This is less ‘headcanony’, as we see a very clear difference in how the humans and Draenei act in this respect. Individual draenei see the Light as immensely important to themselves, but they do not enforce their beliefs on others.
      ellauri269.html on line 536: With all this in mind, the recent plot developments on AU Draenor might seem at first glance to be very problematic - depicting a Jewish-coded society becoming the oppressors in a manner that might seem like a poorly constructed and offensive commentary on modern Israel. However, the manner in which the AU Draenei become so zealous and militant is through their (implied) exposure to the words of Xe’ra. Their religion shifts from culturally tied tradition to an evangelistic dogmatic belief system. There is a clear intent of conversion behind their actions.
      ellauri269.html on line 538: To put it simply; there is one very clear example in history where a group of Jewish people shifted to an evangelistic and dogmatic belief system after the introduction of a perceived savior and person of great spiritual importance - Christianity.
      ellauri269.html on line 744: Vaikka minkä tahansa yhteyden paljastaminen juutalaisuuteen olisi tuominnut Superman-franchisingin, useat varhaiset tarinat keskittyvät Supermaniin, joka taisteli natseja vastaan ​​ja julisti ylpeänä itsensä "ei-arjalaiseksi", kun hän muxi Adolph Hitleriä leukaan. Sarjakuvat saivat propagandaministeri Joseph Goebbelsin syyttämään Supermania juutalaisuudesta, ja ainakin yksi vuoden 1940 ilkeä pääkirjoitus SS-sanomalehden Das schwarze Korpsissa oli otsikoitu "Jerry Siegel Hyökkää!" Vaikka amerikkalainen nativismi ja antisemitismi vähenivät toisen maailmansodan jälkeen, niin myös Supermanin selvä juutalaisuus. Riemukas antisemitismi putosi suosiosta ja korvattiin suljetulla, sanattomalla kiihkoilulla. Kuten John Turturron Sid Litz sanoo Franz Lidzin Unstrung Heroes -sovituksessa: "Pidän Ikesta." Se oli salainen pakanakoodi sanalle 'I hate kikes'. Kun heidän sopimuksensa oli päättymässä, Siegel ja Shuster haastoivat DC:n oikeuteen hahmonsa hallitsemisesta. Myytyään oikeudet yritykselle 130 dollarilla vuonna 1938 (2 197,49 dollaria vuonna 2014, inflaatio huomioon ottaen), DC vastasi antamalla voimakazikolle potkut.
      ellauri270.html on line 48: Tässä albumissa on ainexia Fred Karlssonia muistuttavan Jeff Leachin stilistiikan primerista. Tässä albumissa puhutaan yllättävän paljon myös silloista. Serbinobelisti Andrić esiintyi mielellään jugoslaavisena sillanrakentajana. 90-luvulla meni natolaiset joukolla purkautuneeseen Jugoslaviaan tappamaan monenlaisia jugoslaaveja. Siitä jäi yli jotain karuja veteraaneja Espanjankin kaduille pörräämään syysampiaisina, joiden varaan voi hikisesti rakentaa väkivaltaisia Netflix-sarjoja.
      ellauri270.html on line 74: Kieli on, kuten jotkut sanovat, jugoslaviaa, jonka syntaksi on joskus tyypillinen kroatia, joskus serbia ja hyvin usein bosnia. Romaani on siitä erikoinen että siinä on runsaasti realistisia kuvauksia tilanteista, ihmisistä, maisemista ja sisätiloista. Sen Nobelmainen idealismi pursuaa esim seuraavasta wikiquotesta:
      ellauri270.html on line 175: Hyi helvetti. Tätä filmiä en ole nähnyt, enkä taida viiziä nähdäkään. Tosin tää taitaa olla suht puhtaasti KILL! teemainen eikä kovin kiimainen. Sen käsikirjoitti alun perin nyrkkeilijä George Foreman, jonka korvasi myöhemmin presidentti Woodrow Wilson. Molempien kirjoittajien oli työskenneltävä salassa, koska he olivat Hollywoodin mustalla listalla ja olivat paenneet Isoon-Britanniaan jatkaakseen työskentelyä. Tämän seurauksena Boulle, joka ei edes puhunut englantia, sai tunnustuksen ja sai parhaan sovitetun käsikirjoituksen Oscar-palkinnon; monta vuotta myöhemmin Foreman ja Wilson saivat postuumisti sekä Oscar-palkinnon että Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon.
      ellauri270.html on line 325: The details of the lottery’s proceedings seem mundane, but the crowd’s hesitation to get involved is a first hint that the lottery is not necessarily a positive experience for the villagers. It is also clear that the lottery is a tradition, and that the villagers believe very strongly in conforming to tradition—they are unwilling to change even something as small as the black box used in the proceedings.
      ellauri270.html on line 337: Tessie Hutchinson’s late arrival establishes her character in a few sentences: she cares little about the lottery and the pomp and circumstance of the ritual. She is different from the other villagers, and thus a potential rebel against the structure of the village and the lottery.
      ellauri270.html on line 529: Enoch Arden, poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, published in 1864. In the poem, Enoch Arden is a happily married fisherman who suffers financial problems and becomes a merchant seaman. He is shipwrecked, and, after 10 years on a desert island, he returns home to discover that his beloved wife, believing him dead, has remarried and has a new child. Not wishing to spoil his wife’s happiness, he never lets her know that he is alive.
      ellauri270.html on line 550: "We gotta have min 2 cadets per min 2 adults at all times, for kld anus protection." "Amazing work. I'm proud of you guys. And you're volunteers. That's even more amazing. I've always believed in the spirit of the volunteer, the person who doesn't expect to be paid for his services. I can relate to that, I don't expect to pay for services myself. But General Patrick McLanahan working for nothing? How screwed up is that? Unbelievable!
      ellauri270.html on line 557: At Fort Campbell, Kentucky, 1957, he found chronic problems in military leadership, amid what historians have called a larger doctrinal crisis. They were all commies to a man!
      ellauri270.html on line 597: Louis David Brandeis (later: Louis Dembitz Brandeis — see below) was born on November 13, 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, the youngest of four children. He was born to immigrant parents from Bohemia, who raised him in a secular Jewish home. His parents, Adolph Brandeis and Frederika Dembitz, both of whom were Frankist Jews.
      ellauri271.html on line 168: Näin tapahtui lopulta myös Boris Pasternakille. Häntä pyrittiin kontrolloimaan vangitsemalla puoliso Olga Ivinskaja, ja vuonna 1958 hänet pakotettiin luopumaan Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnosta. Pasternak häväistiin parjauskampanjassa, jossa Tohtori Živago esitettiin roskateoksena. Mitä se saattaa ollakin, ainakin leffasta päätellen. Tietäisin jos jaxaisin lukea. Samalla Pasternakilta evättiin kirjailijaliiton jäsenyys, mikä rangaistus saattoi johtaa jopa vankileirituomioon, kuten Josif Brodskille kävi muutamaa vuotta myöhemmin. Asiallista selvitystä siitä, missä Pasternak tarkkaan ottaen oli väärässä, ei missään vaiheessa tehty. Ehkä maan kaivaminen äiti Venäjän pepun alta ja sillä tämän hirveän yxinapaisen kapitalistimaailman kätilöinti oli se.
      ellauri272.html on line 78: Kirsten Sims from New Zealand stated that the book "will win no prizes for its prose" and that "there are some exceedingly awful descriptions," although it was also an easy read; "(If you only) can suspend your disbelief and your desire to – if you'll pardon the expression – slap the heroine for having so little self respect, you might enjoy it." A Cord from U of Columbia stated that, "Despite the clunky prose, James does cause one to turn the page." Father Metro wrote that "suffering through 500 pages of this heroine's inner dialogue was torturous, and not in the intended, sexy kind of way". Jessica Reaves, the Chicago Tribune, wrote that the "book's source material isn't great literature", noting that the novel is "sprinkled liberally and repeatedly with asinine phrases", and described it as "depressing". Publishers Weekly named E. L. James the 'Publishing Person of the Year' 2012. In April 2012 E. L. James was listed as one of Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People in the World".
      ellauri272.html on line 228: House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende
      ellauri275.html on line 95: The role of Ilia Chavchavadze as one of the first civil activists and propagator of the idea of civil activism mustn’t be forgotten in modern day Georgia, where nihilism and indifference, especially among youth, is quite common. The article “Ilia Chavchavadze’s Civil Activities” was created by the Europe-Georgia Institute with support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom South Caucasus. Ideas and opinions expressed in the article belong to the Author – Rati Kobakhidze – and might not represent positions of the EGI or FNF.
      ellauri275.html on line 455: Chavchavadze's contradictory career – his participation in the struggle against the Russian control of Georgia, on one hand, and the loyal service to the tsar, including the suppression of Georgian peasant revolts, on the other hand – found a noticeable reflection in his writings. The year 1832, when the Georgian plot collapsed, divides his work into two principal periods. Prior to that event, his poetry was mostly impregnated with laments for the former grandeur of Georgia, the loss of national independence and his personal grievances connected with it; his native country under the Russian empire seemed to him a prison, and he pictured its present state in extremely gloomy colors. The death of his beloved friend and son-in-law, Griboyedov, also contributed to the depressive character of his writings of that time.
      ellauri275.html on line 790:
      Lahtarien valtaa kannattaneita kutsuttiin valkoisiksi (belye).

      ellauri276.html on line 263: Tekoäly tekee jo parempia runoanalyyseja kuin tää, se saisi yo-kirjoituxista kumun kuin Tupu-serkku, mutta siltä puuttuu pirsuunallinen kannanotto. Sivka tarkoittaa harmoa. Harmosta tulee mieleen se 1 onneton epsanjalainen nobelisti Huan Hoze Jimenez.
      ellauri276.html on line 334: bell" />
      ellauri276.html on line 337: Oops - pussiin pääsi pujahtamaan väärä Joseph Campbell (joskin mieltäkiinnittävä oli tämäkin, johon palataan albumissa 298). Kyntäjästä runoili oikeasti keskimmäisen kuvan kaveri. Mies oikealla, Adam C. English, Professor of Religion at Campbell University, saa puheenvuoron alempana! Jenkit ovat syystä läpeensä tyytyväisen näköisiä miehiä. Suorastaan iloisia ahdistuneeseen irkkufarmariin verraten. Kauppa se on joka kannattaa eikä kyntötyö.
      ellauri276.html on line 339: bell_%28cropped%29.png" height="200"/>
      ellauri276.html on line 340: belljpg4" height="200"/>
      ellauri276.html on line 341: bell.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/12/222004FS_SP006-e1674425296561.jpg" height="200" />
      ellauri276.html on line 342:
      2 Josephia ja Adam English Campbellin yliopistosta, N.C. Hilpeästä Josephista on lujasti kuvia, irkkua sai eziä.
      ellauri276.html on line 345: Joseph Campbell (15. heinäkuuta 1879 – 6. kesäkuuta 1944) oli irlantilainen runoilija ja sanoittaja. Hän kirjoitti gaelinkielisellä muodolla nimestään Seosamh Mac Cathmhaoil (myös Seosamh MacCathmhaoil) Campbell, joka on yleinen anglikaatio vanhasta irlantilaisesta nimestä MacCathmhaoil. Hänet muistetaan nyt parhaiten sanoista, jotka hän toimitti perinteisiin ilmauksiin, kuten My Lagan Love ja Gartan Mother´s Lullaby; hänen säkeensä oli myös asetettu Arnold Baxin ja Ivor Gurneyn musiikkiin.
      ellauri276.html on line 353: Hänestä tuli Sinn Féinin kaupunginvaltuutettu Wicklow´ssa vuonna 1921. Myöhemmin Irlannin sisällissodassa hän oli republikaanien puolella, ja hänet internoitiin vuonna 1922/3. Hänen avioliitonsa hajosi, ja hän muutti Yhdysvaltoihin vuonna 1925. Siellä hän asui New Yorkissa. Hän luennoi Fordhamin yliopistossa ja työskenteli akateemisissa irlantilaistutkimuksissa perustaen yliopiston Irlannin tutkimuksen koulun vuonna 1928, joka kesti neljä vuotta. Hän oli toimittaja The Irish Review, lyhytikäinen (huhti-, touko- ja heinäkuu 1934) "irlantilaisen ilmaisun aikakauslehti". Yritysjohtaja oli George G. Lennon, entinen upseeri, joka komensi Waterfordin lentävää pylvästä Irlannin itsenäisyyssodan aikana. Päätoimittaja oli Lennonin vävy George H. Sherwood. Campbell palasi Irlantiin vuonna 1939, asettui Glencreeen, Wicklow´n kreivikuntaan, ja kuoli Lacken Daraghissa, Enniskerryssä 6. kesäkuuta 1944.
      ellauri276.html on line 355: Joseph Campbellin "I Will Go With My Father a- Ploughing" kuvailee pojan elämän kuukausia hänen työskennellessään isänsä rinnalla "kyntäen", "kylväen" ja "korjuun".
      ellauri276.html on line 359: Joseph Campbellin "I Will Go With My Father a-Ploughing" on kolmivärssyinen runo, joka on jaettu kahdeksaan riviin eli oktaaviin. Jokainen näistä oktaaveista noudattaa johdonmukaista riimimallia. Rivien välillä on eroja, mutta mittari ja sanavalinta auttavat luomaan yhtenäisyyttä, joka tuo runoon merkittävää koheesiota.
      ellauri276.html on line 368: by Joseph Campbell
      ellauri276.html on line 495: Kavanagh meni naimisiin pitkäaikaisen kumppaninsa Katherine Barry Moloneyn ( Kevin Barryn veljentytär ) huhtikuussa 1967, ja he perustivat yhdessä pubin Waterloo Roadille Dubliniin. Kavanagh sairastui Tarry Flynnin ensiesityksessä Abbey Theatre -yhtiön Dundalkin kaupungintalossa ja kuoli muutamaa päivää myöhemmin, 30. marraskuuta 1967 Dublinissa. Hänen hautansa on Inniskeenissä Patrick Kavanagh -keskuksen vieressä. Hänen vaimonsa Katherine kuoli vuonna 1989; hän on myös haudattu sinne. Nobel-palkittu Séamus Heaney on saanut vaikutteita Kavanaghista. Heaney ja Kavanagh uskoivat paikallisen tai seurakuntalaisen kykyyn paljastaa universaali. Heaney sanoi kerran, että Kavanaghin runoudella oli "muuttava vaikutus yleiseen kulttuuriin ja se vapautti hänen jälkeensä tulleiden runollisten sukupolvien lahjat". Heaney totesi: "Kavanagh on todella edustava moderni hahmo siinä mielessä, että hänen kumouksellinen toimintansa käännettiin itsensä puoleen: tyytymättömyys, sekä henkinen että taiteellinen, inspiroi hänen kasvuaan... Hänen opetuksensa ja esimerkkinsä auttoivat meitä näkemään olennaisen eron hänen välillään. kutsutaan seurakunnalliseksi ja maakunnalliseksi mentaliteetiksi". Kuten Kavanagh sanoi: "Kaikki suuret sivilisaatiot perustuvat seurakuntaan". Hän päättelee, että Kavanaghin runous todistaa hänen "lankattoman uskonsa itseensä ja taiteeseen, joka teki hänestä paljon enemmän kuin hän itse".
      ellauri276.html on line 603: Here we are on familiar ground, for the beginning is that of the well-known Condescending Lass, often printed on broadsides, and not infrequently met with in the mouths of country singers to this day. The Condescending Lass belongs to a sizeable family of songs on the theme “I wouldn't marry a …”. In it the girl reviews men of various trades, and rejects them all until she finds one whom she will deign to consider. But the present version loses sight of this theme, and from verse two onwards forgets all about the persnickety girl, settling down to a eulogy of the ploughman's trade, though here and there the words still recall those of The Condescending Lass. For the sake of coherence we have abandoned Mr Burstow's first verse and given it another title (he called it: Pretty Wench). The Taverners Folk Group sang The Ploughman in 1974 on their Folk Heritage album Times of Old England. They noted:
      ellauri276.html on line 682: His garters knit below his knee, Hänen sukkanauhansa neulotaan polven alle
      ellauri276.html on line 723: Kova fyysinen työ perhetilalla teki veronsa nuorelle Burnsille, joka käänsi yhä enemmän huomionsa runouden, luonnon, juoman ja naisten intohimoihin, jotka leimasivat hänen loppuelämäänsä. Hän sai kaksoset mahdollisen vaimonsa Jean Armourin kanssa, mutta heidän suhteensa hajoaminen melkein johti siihen, että Burns muutti Länsi-Intiaan rakastajansa Mary Campbellin (hänen Highland Maryn ) kanssa. Vain Maryn äkillinen kuolema ja hänen ensimmäisen julkaistun runokokoelmansa sensaatiomainen menestys pitivät hänet Skotlannissa. Vain 27-vuotiaana Burns oli tullut tunnetuksi kaikkialla maassa runoilla kuten Tälle, Hiirelle ja Cotterin lauantai-ilta.
      ellauri276.html on line 925: Tämän urakan jälkeen Stork lähti ulkomaille tekemään tutkimustyötä Englannin ja Saksan yliopistoissa, missä hän vietti useita vuosia. Vuonna 1908 hän meni naimisiin Elisabethin, tiedättehän, taiteilija Franz von Pausingerin tyttären kanssa Salzburgista Itävallasta, ja palattuaan Amerikkaan aloitti työnsä Pennsylvanian yliopistossa, jossa hän toimi opettajana ja apulaisprofessorina vuoteen 1916, jolloin erosi tehdäxeen kirjallista työtä. Mr. Storkin ensimmäinen tunnetuksi tullut säekirja oli "Meri ja lahti", 1916. Sen jälkeen hän on kääntänyt paljon ruotsin ja saksan kielestä, tehden ihailtavia käännöksiä Gustaf Frödingistä, 1916, sekä monista muista never heardeista teokseen "Ruotsalaiset runoilijat", jonka teoksen hän julkaisi nimellä "Anthology of Swedish Lyrics", 1917. Hän on sittemmin tehnyt käännöksen "Selected Poems of Verner Von Heidenstam", Nobel-palkinnon saaja 1916. Ruotsalaisen runouden lisäksi hän on tehnyt erinomaisen esitys itävaltalaisen sanoittajan Hofmansthalin sanoituksista. Mr. Stork on toimittaja ja omistaja lehdykälle 'Contemporary Verse', joka on omistautunut nykyisen ryhmän runoudelle Amerikassa. Toinen kokoelma hänen omista säkeistä ilmestyy siinä pian.
      ellauri276.html on line 1033: For your horses want something their bellies to fill.” sillä hevosenne haluavat jotain, mitä heidän vatsansa täyttää."
      ellauri276.html on line 1073: For your horses need summat their bellies to fill.” sillä hevostenne täytyy täyttää vatsansa."
      ellauri276.html on line 1104: For your horses want something their bellies to fill.” sillä teidän hevosenne haluavat jotain vatsansa täytettävää."
      ellauri276.html on line 1142: For your horses want something their bellies to fill.” Sillä hevosesi haluavat jotain täytettävää vatsaansa."
      ellauri276.html on line 1183: For your horses want something their bellies to fill.” sillä hevosenne haluavat jotain täytettävää vatsaansa."
      ellauri276.html on line 1198: As nimbly we step o'er the plains down below. Yhtä ketterästi astumme alas tasangoilla.
      ellauri276.html on line 1223: For your horses want something their bellies to fill.” sillä hevosesi haluavat jotain täytettävää vatsaansa."
      ellauri276.html on line 1293: Vuonna 1907 Bad Homburgin kylpylässä Saksassa (mäkin olen ollut siellä!) Hall tapasi Mabel Battenin, Liederin tunnetun amatöörilaulajan. He rakastuivat ja Battenin miehen onnekkaasti kuoltua he perustivat kodin yhdessä. Batten esitteli Hallin taiteellisten ja älykkäiden naisten piiriin, joista monet olivat lesboja. Hän oli myös ensimmäinen, joka kutsui Hallia "Johniksi", todettuaan samankaltaisuutensa Hallin miespuoliseen esivanhempaan, ja Hall käytti tätä nimeä loppuelämänsä. Batten rohkaisi Hallia aloittamaan runoutensa julkaisemisen.
      ellauri277.html on line 42: On the evening of December 20, 1900, a suspicious fire destroyed the Buies Creek Academy and all the buildings except for the large wooden tabernacle. Awakened at 3:30 a.m. to witness the destruction, J.A. Campbell recalled: "When I ran up to the fire, the terrible fire, that was burning down chances for poor boys and girls, and I knew that I could not build again ... the flames that destroyed the labor of years [...] the only hope for hundreds of boys and girls was being swept away, I could not bear up longer [...] When they asked me my plans, I said, "Well, there's no chance to go on."
      ellauri277.html on line 43: After the fire, Zachary Taylor Kivett came to visit and found Campbell "in bed discouraged to the limit." Kivett said, "Why are you in bed? You're a Campbell. Get a hump on you."
      ellauri277.html on line 108: Niin, mixi se on vuoden lyhimpänä päivänä? Uskonprofessori English Campbellin yliopistosta osaa selittää: J. Kastajan isä Sakari oli leviitta joka sai enkeliltä käskyn panna turpa rullalle ja toimittaa Johannes alulle todnäk. Jom Kippurina. (? todnäk ei juuri silloin, koska katumuspäivä on paasto- ja pidätyspäivä juutalaisilla! No ehkä Sakari pisti töpinäxi heti seuraavana päivänä.). Siitä 6kk eteenpäin on Marian ilmestyspäivä kevätpäivän tasauxena, jolloin oli Marjan vuoro päästä Gabrielin pukille. Siitä kun laskee 9kk eteenpäin niin ollaan talvipäivän seisauxessa. Tosin pyhissä kirjoituxissa ei ole mitään mistä voi varmuudella päätellä että Sakari pääsi sovittamaan Liisaan siitintä juuri sovituspäivänä.
      ellauri277.html on line 140: 1908 Haskell esitteli Gibranin ystävälleen kirjailija Charlotte Tellerille, 31, ja helmikuussa Émilie Michelille (Micheline), Haskellin koulun ranskan opettajalle, 19. Sekä Teller että Micheline suostuivat poseeraamaan Gibranille nakuina ja heistä tuli hänen "läheisiä ystäviä." Samana vuonna Gibran julkaisi Spirits Rebellious arabiaksi romaanin, joka kritisoi syvästi maallista ja henkistä auktoriteettia. Gibranin edesmenneen tutun Barbara Youngin mukaan "papit polttivat sen Beirutin torilla uskomattoman lyhyessä ajassa," ja he julistivat sen "vaaralliseksi, vallankumoukselliseksi ja myrkylliseksi nuorille". Maroniittipatriarkaatti laski liikkeelle huhun hänen ek-ek-ekskommunikaatiosta, vaikkei koskaan julistanut sitä virallisesti.
      ellauri278.html on line 90: Harvinaisen muistin omaavana hän pystyi lainaamaan suuria kohtia joistakin teoksista lähes sanatarkasti. Kirjoittajista, kuten olen huomannut, Stalin lainasi useimmiten Saltykov-Shchedriniä, Tšehovia, Gogolia sopivissa tapauksissa. Hän koettiin olevan erittäin lukenut mies. Kerran illallisella hän vertasi hyvin osuvasti ja ironisesti Rabelais'n romaanin "Gargantua ja Pantagruel" - 1500-luvun ranskalaisen kirjallisuuden mestariteoksen - sankareihin joitakin moderneja hahmoja. Stalin puhui hyväksyvästi Mine Reedin, Jules Vernen ja Fenimore Cooperin seikkailuromaaneista. Hän muisti että luki lapsuudessa näiden kirjailijoiden kirjoja. Kun kysyin häneltä, miksi näitä kirjailijoita ei juuri nyt julkaistu maassamme, hän vastasi: "Et voi tehdä hallituksen päätöstä jokaisesta pienestä asiasta. Se tässä suunnitelmataloudessa on ongelma."
      ellauri278.html on line 183:
    • Stalin oli ehdolla Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi. Vuonna 1945 ja 1948 Stalin oli ehdolla Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi, mutta hän ei koskaan saanut palkintoa. Kummallakin kerralla hän sai ehdokkuuden toimistaan natsi-Saksan kaatamiseksi. Nimitykset tapahtuivat aikana, jolloin Stalinin sotarikosten laajuutta ei ollut vielä tajuttu.
      ellauri278.html on line 233: Hitler took Litvinov’s removal more seriously than Chamberlain. The German ambassador to the Soviet Union, Schulenburg, was in Iran. Hilger, the First Secretary, was summoned to see Hitler, who asked why Stalin might have dismissed Litvinov. Hilger said: "According to my firm belief he [Stalin] had done so because Litvinov had pressed for an understanding with France and Britain while Stalin thought the Western powers were aiming to have the Soviet Union pull the chestnuts out of the fire in the event of war".
      ellauri278.html on line 252: Even to Litvinov, the German invasion of the Soviet Union was a surprise; he did not believe Hitler would risk embarking on a second front at this stage of the war. Churchill informed the world Hitler´s actions were not a surprise to him, and that a victory over the USSR by Hitler would be a catastrophe for the British Empire.
      ellauri278.html on line 254: Early in November 1941, Litvinov was summoned to see Stalin and told his services were required as ambassador to the United States. In the US, the appointment was met with enthusiasm. The New York Times stated: "Stalin has decided to place his ablest and most forceful diplomat and one who enjoys greater prestige in this country. He is known as a man of exceptional ability, adroit as well as forceful. It is believed that Stalin, in designating him for the ambassadorship, felt Litvinov could exercise real influence in Washington."
      ellauri278.html on line 366: Helmikuussa 1943 saksalainen kenttäpoliisi alkoi paikallisten asukkaiden ohjeiden mukaan tutkia hautauksia; Maaliskuun 29. päivänä kaivaus aloitettiin, ja 13. huhtikuuta Berliinin radioviestillä ilmoitettiin virallisesti NKVD:n ampumien puolalaisten upseerien hautauspaikkojen löytymisestä. Tämä oli Goebbelsin henkilökohtaisesti ohjaaman meluisan propagandakampanjan alku, ja Moskova yritti vastata siihen julkaisemalla Sovinformburon raportin 16. huhtikuuta otsikolla "Saksalaisten fasististen teloittajien ilkeät keksinnöt", jossa se syytti saksalaisia provokaatiosta ja väitti, että uhrit olivat kesällä 1941 Smolenskin länsipuolella rakennustöissä ja saksalaiset vangitsivat heidät ja ampuivat.
      ellauri278.html on line 528: Jatkosodan aikana 1942-44 Suomeen saatiin sotasaaliina n. 2500 PPSh-41 konepistoolia. Näitä käytettiin niin rintamalla juoksuhaudoissa kuin kotirintamallakin. Näille konepistooleille annettiin Suomessa nimi ”7,62 kp/venäl." ja "762 KP 41". Pienoisena ongelmana oli että PPSh-41 käyttää 7,62 x 25mm luoteja, kun 9 x 19mm Parabellum-patruunat olivat paljon yleisempiä ja paremmin saatavilla. Niin saksalaiset kuin suomalaisetkin suunnittelivat muutostöitä, jotta taisteluissa voitetut PPSh-41 konepistoolit olisi muokattu käyttämään 9mm luoteja, joita oli hyvin saatavilla. 9mm luoteja käyttivät niin pistoolit kuin läntiset konepistoolitkin (Suomi-konepistooli, brittien Stenit ja saksalaisten MP40 ja MP41), mutta neuvostoliittolaisia 7,62mm luoteja ei ollut helposti saatavilla.
      ellauri278.html on line 537: Saksan armeijan valmistautuminen sotaan alkoi elokuussa 1940 salanimellä Friz, ja sitä koordinoi kenraali Friedrich Pauluksen johtama ryhmä syyskuusta alkaen. Hitlerin uuden päämajan Wolfschanzen rakentaminen aloitettiin Itä-Preussiin Rastenburgin kaupungin lähelle. Lopullinen päiväkäsky nro. 21 nimellä operaatio Barbarossa allekirjoitettiin 18. joulukuuta. Sodasta piti tulla lyhyt. Joseph Goebbels kirjoitti päiväkirjaansa keskustelusta Hitlerin kanssa: ”Vihollinen ajetaan taaksepäin yhdellä tasaisella liikkeellä. Führer arvioi operaatioon kuluvan neljä kuukautta. Minä luulen, että vähemmän. Bolševismi luhistuu kuin korttitalo.”
      ellauri279.html on line 37:

      Еб твою мать


      ellauri279.html on line 66: Nobel-palkinto Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto
      ellauri279.html on line 71: Löydät lisää ja parempiakin kirjailijoita kirjallisuuden teemasivulta. Hänet tunnetaan erityisesti Neuvostoliiton ojennustyöleirijärjestelmästä kertovista teoksistaan, joihin kuuluvat muiden muassa Ivan Denisovitšin päivä (1962), Syöpäosasto (1968), Ensimmäinen piiri ja Vankileirien saaristo (1973–1976). Hänen kuollessaan maailmassa oli myyty yli 30 miljoonaa hänen kirjoittamaansa kirjaa. Niitä oli käännetty noin 40 eri kielelle. Se on paljon nobelistixi. Jääprinsessan huudeilla. Solženitsynille myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1970. Jonka se otti vastaan 1974 saatuaan lemput Neuvostolasta.
      ellauri279.html on line 85: Hänelle myönnettiin vuoden 1970 Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto "eettisestä voimasta, jolla hän on harjoittanut venäläisen kirjallisuuden välttämättömiä perinteitä", ja Gulagin saaristo oli erittäin vaikutusvaltainen teos, joka "merkitsi haastetta Neuvostoliiton valtiolle" ja myi kymmeniä miljoonia kopioita.
      ellauri279.html on line 160: Pavel ja Fjodor Morozov haudattiin Gerasimovkan hautausmaalle. Hautamäelle asetettiin obeliski punaisella tähdellä ja sen viereen kaivettiin risti, jossa oli merkintä: ”3.9.1932 kaksi Morozov-veljestä, Pavel Trofimovitš, syntynyt vuonna 1918, ja Fjodor Trofimovitš kuolivat pahan miehen pahuxen terävästä veitsestä”.
      ellauri279.html on line 214: From the return of Perón in 1973 and under the leadership of Isabel Perón, the Justicialist Party was no longer characterized by anti-imperialist and revolutionary tones but by a strong focus on orthodox peronism and anticommunism (of which it became the main bulwark in South America) and the support of economic liberalism.
      ellauri279.html on line 404: 1970 - Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto "moraalisesta voimasta, jolla hän seurasi venäläisen kirjallisuuden muuttumattomia perinteitä" (tarjoaja François Mauriac ; muiden lähteiden mukaan - Yakov Malkiel). Hän sai diplomin ja palkinnon rahallisen osan 10. joulukuuta 1974 Neuvostoliitosta karkotuksensa jälkeen.
      ellauri279.html on line 447: Solzhenizyn teki näennäisen takinkäännön henkkoht enkan kääntämällä takkia nuipperin ja näipperin. Mielipiteeni olivat ennen radikaaleja nyt ne ovat konservatiiviset. Carlos Fuentes oli toinen takinkääntäjä. Isä Rafu oli sotinut Wilsonia vastaan Huertan jupakassa, ja sixi Carloskin rupesi eka kommunistixi. Mutta se kävi kouluja Yhdysvalloissa ja opiskeli isän käskystä lakia kynäilyn sijasta, ja sitä tietä Carloxesta tuli ensin hallituxen kätyri ja lopulta takinkääntäjä. Fuentes ja toinen meksikolainen kirjailija, Nobel-palkittu Octavio Paz ajautuivat 1990-luvulla riitoihin. He olivat ystävystyneet 1950 ja olivat tämän tehneet paljon yhteistyötä. Heidän välinsä alkoivat kuitenkin rakoilla 1980-luvulla, kun Fuentes kannatti sittemmin pahoixi takinkääntäjixi osoittautuneita Nicaraguan sandinisteja, jotka Paz tuomitsi. Paz oli oikeassa että Fuentesilta puuttui todellinen meksikolainen identiteetti. Sen se oli korvannut jenkki identiteetillä. Tämän se osoitti kynäilemällä useitakin amerikkalaishenkisiä NYT bestsellerejä.
      ellauri279.html on line 452: The New York Times kuvaili muistokirjoituksessaan Fuentesia "yhdeksi espanjankielisen maailman ihailluimmista kirjailijoista" ja merkittävällä tavalla "Latin American Boomerixi," kun taas The Guardian kutsui häntä "Meksikon kuuluisimmaksi kirjailijaksi". Hänet mainittiin usein todennäköiseksi kirjallisuuden Nobelin ehdokkaaksi, vaikka hän ei koskaan voittanutkaan.
      ellauri281.html on line 89: Harvinaisen muistin omaavana hän pystyi lainaamaan suuria kohtia joistakin teoksista lähes sanatarkasti. Kirjoittajista, kuten olen huomannut, Stalin lainasi useimmiten Saltykov-Shchedriniä, Tšehovia, Gogolia sopivissa tapauksissa. Hän koettiin olevan erittäin lukenut mies. Kerran illallisella hän vertasi hyvin osuvasti ja ironisesti Rabelais'n romaanin "Gargantua ja Pantagruel" - 1500-luvun ranskalaisen kirjallisuuden mestariteoksen - sankareihin joitakin moderneja hahmoja. Stalin puhui hyväksyvästi Mine Reedin, Jules Vernen ja Fenimore Cooperin seikkailuromaaneista. Hän muisti että luki lapsuudessa näiden kirjailijoiden kirjoja. Kun kysyin häneltä, miksi näitä kirjailijoita ei juuri nyt julkaistu maassamme, hän vastasi: "Et voi tehdä hallituksen päätöstä jokaisesta pienestä asiasta. Se tässä suunnitelmataloudessa on ongelma."
      ellauri281.html on line 182:
    • Stalin oli ehdolla Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi. Vuonna 1945 ja 1948 Stalin oli ehdolla Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi, mutta hän ei koskaan saanut palkintoa. Kummallakin kerralla hän sai ehdokkuuden toimistaan natsi-Saksan kaatamiseksi. Nimitykset tapahtuivat aikana, jolloin Stalinin sotarikosten laajuutta ei ollut vielä tajuttu.
      ellauri281.html on line 232: Hitler took Litvinov’s removal more seriously than Chamberlain. The German ambassador to the Soviet Union, Schulenburg, was in Iran. Hilger, the First Secretary, was summoned to see Hitler, who asked why Stalin might have dismissed Litvinov. Hilger said: "According to my firm belief he [Stalin] had done so because Litvinov had pressed for an understanding with France and Britain while Stalin thought the Western powers were aiming to have the Soviet Union pull the chestnuts out of the fire in the event of war".
      ellauri281.html on line 251: Even to Litvinov, the German invasion of the Soviet Union was a surprise; he did not believe Hitler would risk embarking on a second front at this stage of the war. Churchill informed the world Hitler´s actions were not a surprise to him, and that a victory over the USSR by Hitler would be a catastrophe for the British Empire.
      ellauri281.html on line 253: Early in November 1941, Litvinov was summoned to see Stalin and told his services were required as ambassador to the United States. In the US, the appointment was met with enthusiasm. The New York Times stated: "Stalin has decided to place his ablest and most forceful diplomat and one who enjoys greater prestige in this country. He is known as a man of exceptional ability, adroit as well as forceful. It is believed that Stalin, in designating him for the ambassadorship, felt Litvinov could exercise real influence in Washington."
      ellauri281.html on line 365: Helmikuussa 1943 saksalainen kenttäpoliisi alkoi paikallisten asukkaiden ohjeiden mukaan tutkia hautauksia; Maaliskuun 29. päivänä kaivaus aloitettiin, ja 13. huhtikuuta Berliinin radioviestillä ilmoitettiin virallisesti NKVD:n ampumien puolalaisten upseerien hautauspaikkojen löytymisestä. Tämä oli Goebbelsin henkilökohtaisesti ohjaaman meluisan propagandakampanjan alku, ja Moskova yritti vastata siihen julkaisemalla Sovinformburon raportin 16. huhtikuuta otsikolla "Saksalaisten fasististen teloittajien ilkeät keksinnöt", jossa se syytti saksalaisia provokaatiosta ja väitti, että uhrit olivat kesällä 1941 Smolenskin länsipuolella rakennustöissä ja saksalaiset vangitsivat heidät ja ampuivat.
      ellauri281.html on line 527: Jatkosodan aikana 1942-44 Suomeen saatiin sotasaaliina n. 2500 PPSh-41 konepistoolia. Näitä käytettiin niin rintamalla juoksuhaudoissa kuin kotirintamallakin. Näille konepistooleille annettiin Suomessa nimi ”7,62 kp/venäl." ja "762 KP 41". Pienoisena ongelmana oli että PPSh-41 käyttää 7,62 x 25mm luoteja, kun 9 x 19mm Parabellum-patruunat olivat paljon yleisempiä ja paremmin saatavilla. Niin saksalaiset kuin suomalaisetkin suunnittelivat muutostöitä, jotta taisteluissa voitetut PPSh-41 konepistoolit olisi muokattu käyttämään 9mm luoteja, joita oli hyvin saatavilla. 9mm luoteja käyttivät niin pistoolit kuin läntiset konepistoolitkin (Suomi-konepistooli, brittien Stenit ja saksalaisten MP40 ja MP41), mutta neuvostoliittolaisia 7,62mm luoteja ei ollut helposti saatavilla.
      ellauri281.html on line 536: Saksan armeijan valmistautuminen sotaan alkoi elokuussa 1940 salanimellä Friz, ja sitä koordinoi kenraali Friedrich Pauluksen johtama ryhmä syyskuusta alkaen. Hitlerin uuden päämajan Wolfschanzen rakentaminen aloitettiin Itä-Preussiin Rastenburgin kaupungin lähelle. Lopullinen päiväkäsky nro. 21 nimellä operaatio Barbarossa allekirjoitettiin 18. joulukuuta. Sodasta piti tulla lyhyt. Joseph Goebbels kirjoitti päiväkirjaansa keskustelusta Hitlerin kanssa: ”Vihollinen ajetaan taaksepäin yhdellä tasaisella liikkeellä. Führer arvioi operaatioon kuluvan neljä kuukautta. Minä luulen, että vähemmän. Bolševismi luhistuu kuin korttitalo.”
      ellauri282.html on line 542: Nobel-palkittu Martin Luther King Jr. kimitti Nhất Hạnhea Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi vuonna 1967. Palkintoa ei sinä vuonna myönnetty. Vietnamin sota oli hyvässä vauhdissa. Se päättyi vasta 1975 Amerikan rökäletappioon.
      ellauri282.html on line 589: Runoilemaan Johnu innostui kanadalaisen Duncan Campbell Scottin runosta. Vuodesta 1895 vuoteen 1897 Masefield työskenteli valtavassa Alexander Smithin mattotehtaassa Yonkersissa, New Yorkissa, missä odotettiin pitkiä työpäiviä ja olosuhteet olivat kaukana ihanteellisista. Hän osti jopa 20 kirjaa viikossa ja söi sekä modernia että klassista kirjallisuutta. Vuonna 1897 Masefield palasi kotiin Englantiin matkustajana höyrylaivalla.
      ellauri283.html on line 63: Boken utspelar sig i en fiktiv jämtländsk by kallad Svartvattnet, dit en kvinna från Stockholm flyttar med sin dotter för att arbeta som lärare i ett kollektiv som hennes pojkvän ingår i. Detta är en bok som behandlar såväl kärlek som grova mord. Ekman beskriver med sitt drivna och poetiska språk hur ett dubbelmord förblir ouppklarat, och hur detta påverkar de bosatta i och runt Svartvattnet. Romanen är en deckare som parallellt också utvecklas till en samhällsskildrande utvecklingsroman, med gott om såväl mytiska och intertextuella paralleller som symboliska och ironiska inslag. Boken ansågs som den bästa svenska deckaren genom tiderna. Boken dramatiserades 2023 av SVT i en dramaserie med samma namn, regisserad av Mikael Marcipan.
      ellauri283.html on line 114: Beyond the Heavens is a very ethereal and mystical experience, one unlike any other movie we have reviewed. However, this is not a good thing. The ‘plot’ is very unclear and murky, consisting of vague and meandering ideas and cryptic dialogue. It’s like Corbin Bernson is winking at the audience with every scene, waiting to reveal some great secret, but it’s never revealed. The whole has a very tip-of-the-tongue feel, like the characters know something you don’t but never intend to let you in on the secret. As the characters wax eloquent and philosophize about the true nature of reality, the viewer is left, in the end, with a more confusing view of reality than before. Is Bernson advocating for or against Darwinism? Is he a creationist? Does he really believe that angels come to earth on the tails of comets? Is Bernson suggesting that reality is not what it seems? If so, what is his view of reality? Only God knows the answers to these questions as Bernson spends 90 minutes toying with his ‘big reveal’ and dancing around whatever his philosophical worldview is. It’s basically just a waste of your time.
      ellauri283.html on line 149: Osa yhdeksän: Mikä on Nobel-palkinto?
      ellauri283.html on line 279: Itä-Sudanissa Butana-ryhmä esiintyy kasvaville yleisöille noin 4000 eaa. Nämä ihmiset tuottivat yksinkertaista koristeltua keramiikkaa (ceramics), asuivat pyöreissä majoissa ja olivat todennäköisimmin paimenia, metsästäjiä, mutta myös söivät etanoita, ja maataloudesta on todisteita. [6] Gash Group sai alkunsa noin 3000 eKr. ja on toinen esihistoriallinen kulttuuri, joka tunnetaan useista paikoista. Nämä ihmiset valmistivat koristeltua keramiikkaa ja elivät maanviljelystä ja karjankasvatuksesta. Mahal Teglinos oli noin 10 hehtaarin kokoinen tärkeä paikka. Keskustassa kaivettiin savitiilistä rakennettuja taloja. Sinetit ja sinettijäljet ​​osoittavat korkeamman hallinnon tason. Hautaukset eliittihautausmaalla oli merkitty tahallisen karkeilla hautakivillä. Toisella vuosituhannella seurasiJebel Mokram Group Inc. He valmistivat keramiikkaa, jossa oli tyylikkään yksinkertainen viiloitettu koristelu, ja asuivat yksinkertaisissa pyöreissä majoissa. Naudankasvatus oli mitä todennäköisimmin taloudellinen perusta.
      ellauri283.html on line 317: Makulian pääkaupunki Dongle oli taantumassa 1000-/1100-luvun lopulta lähtien, ja myös Alodian pääkaupunki heikkeni muuten vaan 1100-luvulla. 1300-luvulla (aikaisin kirjattu muuttoliike Egyptistä Sudanin Niilin laaksoon vuodelta 1324) ja 1400-luvulla beduiiniheimot valloittivat suurimman osan Sudanista muuttaen Butanaan, Geziraan, Kordofaniin ja Darfuriin. Vuonna 1365 sisällissota pakotti Makurian hovin pakenemaan Gebel Addaan Ala-Nuubiassa, kun taas Tombola tuhoutui ja jätettiin hyvällä arabeille. Myöhemmin Makuria jatkoi olemassaoloaan vain pienenä kuningaskuntana. Viimeinen tunnettu Makurian kuningas oli Jo-el, joka on todistettu vuosilta 1463 ja 1484 ja jonka aikana Makuria todennäköisesti todisti lyhyen renesoossin. Hänen kuolemansa jälkeen valtakunta luultavasti vaan romahti. Etelässä Alodian valtakunta joutui joko arabeille, joita komensi heimojohtaja Abdallah Jammu, tai sit Funjille, etelästä peräisin olevalle afrikkalaiselle kansalle. Tapaamiset vaihtelevat 9. vuosisadalta Hijran jälkeen ( n. 1396–1494), 1400-luvun lopulta, 1504 - 1509. Alodilainen lantiovaltio (pre-colonial state) saattoi säilyä Fazughlin valtakunnan muodossa, joka kesti vuoteen 1685 asti. Loput olivatkin sitten peräsuolivaltioita (colonial state).
      ellauri283.html on line 327: Niilin länsipuolella, Darfurissa, islamilaisen ajanjakson aikana syntyi aluksi Tunjurin valtakunta, joka korvasi vanhan Dajun valtakunnan 1400-luvulla ja ulottui Wadaihin asti. Tunjurilaiset olivat luultavasti arabisoituneita berberejä ja ainakin heidän hallitseva eliittinsä muslimeja. 1600-luvulla Fur Keiran sulttaanikunta ajoi tunjurit vallasta. Keiran osavaltio, nimellisesti muslimi Sulayman Solongin (n. 1660–1680 ) hallituskaudesta lähtien, oli alun perin pieni valtakunta Pohjois- Jebel Marrassa, mutta laajeni 1700-luvun alussa länteen ja pohjoiseen ja itään Muhammad Tayrabin (n. 1751–1786) hallinnon alaisuudessa valloituksen aikana Kordofaniin vuonna 1785. Tämän suunnilleen Alaskan kokoisen valtakunnan huippukausi kesti vuoteen 1821 asti.
      ellauri283.html on line 337: Vuonna 1896 belgialainen retkikunta vaati osia Etelä-Sudanista, jotka tunnettiin nimellä Lado Enclave. Lado Enclave oli virallisesti osa Belgian Kongoa. Yhdistyneen kuningaskunnan ja Belgian välillä vuonna 1896 tehdyssä sopimuksessa erillisalue luovutettiin briteille kuningas Leopold II:n hämäräxi jääneen kuoleman jälkeen joulukuussa 1909.
      ellauri284.html on line 129: 1Manifest destiny was a cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand across North America. There were three basic tenets to the concept:
      ellauri284.html on line 516: Videolla nuori poika näkyy lähestyvän Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaa ennen kuin hän kysyy: "Voinko halata sinua?"
      ellauri284.html on line 630: India’s Enforcement Directorate, which tracks financial crimes, has long been investigating the source of IREO’s funding, officials there said. Money from abroad was routed through entities in Mauritius and Cyprus, and investigators believe it was used to finance land purchases in Gurgaon, documents show.
      ellauri284.html on line 634: “There is a serious reason to believe that a substantial part of the funds in IREO are money that has been layered and laundered,” the report said.
      ellauri284.html on line 643: Dinesh Dayma, a land agent for the Bansals, persuaded the surgeon to sell his land to the developer rather than risk having his land appropriated by the government at below-market rates. Dayma works out of an office in a low-slung concrete building not far from luxury hotels and a Porsche dealership. It sits snugly inside the walled office compound of his brother, Mahesh, a local politician from the BJP. A saffron-and-green banner with the politician’s photo — common in India — hangs prominently outside the property office.
      ellauri284.html on line 751: Amiraali Sir George Michael Zambellas, GCB, DSC, ADC, DL, FRAeS. Rouva Amy Thompson on pääsihteeri, rouva Tessa Wellsin seuraaja.
      ellauri285.html on line 224: Still, there will be cases in which "we" want to positively evaluate, even praise, beliefs that fail to constitute knowledge. Puhu vaan izestäsi paska. Tää on taas tätä jenkkiläistä uskosotapropagandaa johon sikäläinen usko, toivo ja luottokelpoisuus perustuvat. Jiihaad! Camoon Silver!
      ellauri285.html on line 226: I have also argued (Lasonen-Aarnio 2010, 2021) that there is such a thing as “unreasonable knowledge”: there are also cases in which a subject is negatively evaluable, even to be blamed for believing a proposition p, even if she knows p. Jos voittaa zägällä ei voi saada kiitosta, väittää Mirja. Paskanmarjat, voittaja saa kiitoxet vaikka olisikin tehnyt virheitä (Stalin), häviäjä saa turpiin ettei kotiin löydä (Hitler).
      ellauri285.html on line 235: Internalism is the thesis that no fact about the world can provide reasons for action independently of desires and beliefs. Externalism is the thesis that reasons can be objective features of the world.
      ellauri285.html on line 236: In contemporary moral philosophy, motivational internalism (or moral internalism) is the view that moral convictions (which are not necessarily beliefs, but feelings of moral approval or disapproval) are intrinsically motivating. Niitä on ihan pakko totella tai on sekopää, tai vaikka olisikin.
      ellauri285.html on line 242: internalistien mielestä "our" intuitions are that the subject is justified in their beliefs in spite of being systematically deceived. Eli se on vaan tyhmä muttei tuhma. Some take the new evil demon problem as a reason for rejecting externalist views of justification. Höpsistä. Kyllä tyyppi voi olla korvausvelvollimen vaikka pelkkää tyhmyyttään. Ei se muita kiinnosta mixi se on tunaroinut, ne haluu korvauxen. Hemmetti mitä vanhaa paskaa nää uudet jenkit jauhavat. Tällästä cat's cradle tyyppistä askarointia, käteenvetoa villalangat sormissa. "Entäpä jos..."
      ellauri285.html on line 406: Konrad Zacharias Lorenz (* 7. November 1903 in Wien; † 27. Februar 1989 ebenda) war ein österreichischer Zoologe, Medizin-Nobelpreisträger und einer der Hauptvertreter der klassischen vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung (Ethologie). Er selbst nannte dieses Forschungsgebiet bis 1949 „Tierpsychologie“. Lorenz wird im deutschsprachigen Raum als deren Gründervater angesehen. Er war Mitarbeiter des Rassenpolitischen Amtes der NSDAP und Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für Verhaltensphysiologie. Er war ein Kindheitsfreund Karl Poppers. Lorenzin nazimielisyydesytä ja arjalaisuudesta nousseet epäilyxet hälvenivät: dieser habe „aus seiner Zustimmung zum Nationalsozialismus niemals ein Hehl gemacht. Auch seine arische Abstammung ist in Ordnung.“
      ellauri285.html on line 591: Mikkelin panttivankidraama. Berliinin muuri täytti 25 vuotta. Länsi-Saksan liittokansleri Helmut Kohl sanoi juhlapuheessaan, etteivät Länsi-Berliinin asukkaat koskaan mukaudu muuriin ja piikkilankaan. Hän sanoi myös että Gorbazhov on kuin Goebbels. Itä-Saksan puoluejohtaja Erich Honecker puolestaan totesi muurin rakentamisen palvelleen rauhan asiaa.
      ellauri285.html on line 753: The critical positivity ratio (also known as the "Losada ratio" or the "Losada line" [not verified in body]) is a largely discredited concept in positive psychology positing an exact ratio of positive to negative emotions which distinguishes "flourishing" people from "languishing" people.[citation needed] The ratio was proposed by psychologists Barbara Fredrickson and Marcial Losada, who believed that they had identified an experimental measure of affect whose model-derived positive-to-negative ratio of 2.9013 defined a critical separation between flourishing and languishing individuals, as reported in their 2005 paper in American Psychologist.[non-primary source needed] This concept of a critical positivity ratio was widely embraced by academic psychologists and the lay public; Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times by January 2014, and Fredrickson wrote a popular book expounding the concept of "the 3-to-1 ratio that will change your life". In it she wrote, "just as zero degrees Celsius is a special number in thermodynamics, the 3-to-1 positivity ratio may well be a magic number in human psychology."
      ellauri285.html on line 790: Losada claimed the dynamical patterns related to team performance appear in coordinate spaces of "positivity-negativity," "inquiry-advocacy" and "other-self," and are controlled by connectivity, which is supposed to reflect interpersonal attunement of a team. [third-party source needed] Losada, along with Barbara Fredrickson, developed the concept of the critical positivity ratio (also known as the Losada line), which states that there exist precise cut-off points for an individual´s ratio of positive to negative emotions, above and below which the individual will fail to flourish.
      ellauri288.html on line 79: Virolaisen kirjailijan Jaan Kaplinskin esittämä arvio Sofin ”Puhdistuksesta”. Hän, jota on vaikea uskottavasti syyttää neuvostovallan lakeijaksi, kirjoittaa: ”Minun ainoa mutta sitäkin vakavampi vastaväitteeni kirjaa kohtaan on se, että sen uskotellaan olevan realistinen kertomus elämästä Neuvosto-Eestissä. Sofi Oksanen, jolla ei ole ollut suoranaista kosketusta siihen aikaan ja niihin tapahtumiin, joita hän kuvaa, on ottanut palasia meidän elämästämme, neulonut ne yhteen jonkun ikivanhan ideologis-myyttisen kirjallisuuden sääntöjen mukaan ja myy niitä nyt Lännessä. Hän myy jotakin, mikä on olevinaan meidän elämäämme, mutta mikä ei sitä ole.” On blogissaan leimannut Sofi Oksasen Göebbelsin veroiseksi propagandistiksi.
      ellauri288.html on line 276: NPR, full name National Public Radio, is a privately and publicly funded non-profit membership media organization that serves as a national syndicator to 797 public radio stations in the United States of America. Noam Chomsky has criticized NPR as being biased toward ideological power and the status quo. Consumers of information from NPR contend that NPR does its job well. In April 2023, Twitter made the decision to label NPR, as well as the PBS, BBC, and Voice of America as government-funded media outlets following backlash from critics who accused the platform of bias. Twitter initially labeled accounts linked to countries like Russia and China but faced criticism for not applying the same labels to media organizations from Western countries. In response, the company expanded its policy to include NPR.
      ellauri288.html on line 385: Kaventaen laajaa näkökulmaa käsittelen tekstissä vain Aliiden ja Zaran vihaa, sekä vertailen niitä keskenään. Venäjän ja Ukrainan selkkaus muistuttaakin monessa suhteessa Kreikan ja Troijan sotaa Iliaassa. Pääsyylliset on yxityishenkilöitä jotka johdattavat koko kansan mieron teille. Paha Paris pokasi Menelaoxen kauniin Helenan, ja pian on laivat kostoretkellä mustan meren rannoilla. Sota ei etene Troijan pelloilla ilman Akhilleuxen sotavaunuja. Casus belli ehti unohtua ennenkuin tulee valmista, mutta pääasiahan oli että saatiin suuttua.
      ellauri288.html on line 440: belyje.jpg" width="30%" />
      ellauri288.html on line 537: No, Kaplinskia on pidetty Nobel-ehdokkaana, mutta hänen runoutensa ei edusta sellaista maailmanluokan kirjallisuutta, kuten hänen hengenveljensä ja viroksi kääntämänsä nobelisti Tomas Tranströmer, johon verrattuna Kaplinskin ilmaisuvalikko on kapea ja temaattisesti toisteinen.
      ellauri294.html on line 335: Alexander ehdotti: minulla on muutamia erikoisen julmia härkiä, kokeillaanko niitä, eix je? Härkäraukkojen jalkoväliin pantiin vielä kuumia rautoja. No, kuten arvasitte, selvittiin vielä tästäkin kuin Asterix ja Obelix olympialaisissa. Sitten Tekla pukeutui taas pojaxi ja lähti ezimään Paavalia.
      ellauri297.html on line 44: Materialism is the butt of every Dad joke. A child comes to the father of their youth, and say, “Dad, I’m hungry,” to which the beloved father figure replies, “Hello Hungry, I’m Dad!” It pokes fun at the idea that our whole identity could be the sum total of our physical markers, desires and chemical reactions. This would be akin to someone ‘coming out,’ to us and us responding, “Hello Gay! I’m Cis!” It’s ludicrous! But, our culture still does it–quite a bit, actually. We define ourselves and others concretely based on what we own rather than on what we cannot see; our souls.
      ellauri299.html on line 148: Michael Vattenfall: Very disappointing. I would expect a Grisham book to be lighter reading, but this was totally unconvincing and lacked believability. The whole purpose of the book is based upon the transformation of the main character's view of the homeless, but I didn't buy it. Well I did, but I regret it now. Money completely wasted.
      ellauri299.html on line 156: Anie: After 130 pages of preaching, with no plot in sight, I gave up. This book is so full of platitudes, generalizations, and simplistic solutions that it belongs in the harlequin category. There are too many good books with great plots out there to waste any more time on this book.
      ellauri299.html on line 362: Patti laittaa yhtä rumasuisesti Vietnamin sodan vastustajia kuin puolalainen nobelisti Milosz maanmiehiä. Siniristilipun kanssa marssivat kansalliset ylioppilaat saa kiitosta. Patti peukuttaa sotaa koska siinä tulee väpelönkin elämästä merkityxellistä. Sota ja romaani, ainoat transkendenssit! Harmi että Väpi ehti jo kirjoittaa Sotaromaanin. Hyvä oli että Patin lento jäi lyhyexi kuin kanalta.
      ellauri299.html on line 486: Markku (kappalainen) luki Helkalle Tawaststjernan Sibelius-kirjasta ääneen miten nivelevä yritys laaja luova työ oli:
      ellauri299.html on line 532: As of 2023, 2.75% of the U.S. population earn less than $10 per day, with only 23 countries in the world having a lower percentage. 0.25% of the U.S. population lived below the international poverty line of $2.15 per day in 2020.
      ellauri300.html on line 245: Justyna stöter mot en möbel i mörkret. Henrietta kommer ut ur trans. Fittan också, nu är det kört. Justyna är fullständigt värdelös! Kanske stjäl hon någonting, Gud förbjude! Nu är jag trött. Fadern i himlen, ta mig till dig. Och Henrietta föll i gråt.
      ellauri300.html on line 325: In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson formally accepted the leadership as the seventh Chabad Rebbe. He transformed the movement into one of the most widespread Jewish movements in the world today. Under his leadership, Chabad established a large network of institutions that seek to satisfy religious, social and humanitarian needs across the world. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities. Prior to his death in 1994, Schneerson was believed by some of his followers to be the Messiah, with his own position on the matter debated among scholars. Messianic ideology in Chabad sparked controversy in various Jewish communities and is still an unresolved matter. Following his death, no successor was appointed as a new central leader.
      ellauri300.html on line 453: Do you believe in rock and roll?
      ellauri300.html on line 560: The church bells all were broken
      ellauri300.html on line 638: Titus’ background is not explained, other than the fact he was Gentile and apparently never circumcised (Paul had checked, Galatians 2:4). This is an interesting point, since Timothy was half-Greek, and not circumcised either! Still, Paul chose to circumcise Timothy to honor the Jews in an area that the two of them were ministering in (Acts 16:1-5). Paul repeatedly mentions in his letters that circumcision is not necessary under the new covenant (though great fun), and even tells Titus to silence Christians who try to promote it (Titus 1:10-14). So, Paul’s choice to circumcise Timothy would suggest that he had a pragmatic thorn in his side. He did not require his disciples to be circumcised, but if the situation called for working among Jews and it made things easier, he would gladly do it. Whether Titus ever ministered to Jewish believers is not stated, and both he and Titus worked at churches in Gentile areas (Timothy in Ephesus, Titus in Crete, and Corinth and Dalmatia).
      ellauri300.html on line 737: Det var den 16 oktober 1946. Julius Streicher, som i praktiken hade dömts till döden för att ha gett ut den antisemitiska tidningen Der Stürmer, var en av de tio ledande nationalsocialister som denna dag skulle hängas i Nürnberg. När de amerikanska vakterna eskorterade honom till galgen hade Joachim von Ribbentrop, Wilhelm Keitel, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank och Wilhelm Frick redan lämnat den jordiska tillvaron. Wilhelm Frick hade ropat ”länge leve det eviga Tyskland!” innan falluckan öppnats under honom och nu när det var Streichers tur att yttra sina sista ord ropade han ”Heil Hitler!” och sedan ”Detta är en glädjerik judisk fest, det är min purimfest!” Med den dödsdömdes bittra ironi uppmärksammade han på detta sätt sambandet mellan de tio män som hängdes denna dag och Hamans tio söner som, enligt Bibeln, hängdes en gång för länge sedan i det persiska rikets huvudstad Shushan och vilket judarna, under en fest en gång om året, firar än idag.
      ellauri300.html on line 803: Fråga: Jag undrar över bibelstället Elisha och pojkarna från Betel (2 Kung 2:23-25). Elisha förbannar en hop med barn så att två björnhonor river ihjäl dem. Jag skulle vilja ha lite klarhet i vad meningen var med detta. Det borde inte ha varit Guds vilja att döda barn p.g.a. lite retsamma kommentarer? Eller går det att kasta förbannelser i Guds namn oavsett syfte? Elisha verkade ju för övrigt vara en stor profet och Gudsman, det känns lite överdrivet att vilja döda barnen. (L.J.)
      ellauri300.html on line 810: Vad som sedan hände var att det här ungdomsgänget blev attackerat av två uppretade björnhonor, vilket slutade med att 42 av dem blev mer eller mindre rivna och tilltygade. Bibeln säger inte att det fanns någon koppling alls mellan Elisas förbannelse och björnarnas angrepp, men allmänheten uppfattade det i alla fall utan tvekan som en Guds bestraffning.
      ellauri300.html on line 841: Näissä jakeissa kuvattu tapahtuma saattaa tuntua monista vastenmieliseltä ja täysin epäluonteenmukaiselta Elisan persoonallisuuden kannalta, miehen, joka oli Eliaa rauhallisempi ja personaabelimpi. Eliasta muistetaan se Baalin profeettojen tapaus, missä Elia järjesti uhrauskilpailun Ahabin ja Iisebelin sponsoroimana Karamellivuorella.
      ellauri300.html on line 843: Now order all the people of Israel to meet me at Mount Carmel. Bring along the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of the goddess Asherah who are supported by Queen Jezebel.”
      ellauri300.html on line 881: 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”
      ellauri300.html on line 923: So Elisha, as a prophet, saw their hardened and rebellious condition, unresponsive to correction. In the name of the Lord (i.e. by His authority) Elisha simply turned them over to the Lord and to their own devices, which had the effect of removing them from even the common protection of God. He probably said something like, “may God deal with you according to what you deserve,” or “may you be cursed for your sins of rebellion.” This would demonstrate to the city and to people all around a vital truth: without the Lord there is no protection and that blasphemy of God’s servants and His Word in order to hinder God’s message is serious busin
      ellauri301.html on line 157: Wallander was once married, but his wife Mona (remember? the immigrant charity dish) left him and he has since had a difficult relationship with his rebellious only child, Linda, who barely survived a suicide attempt when she was fifteen. He also had issues with his late father, an artist who painted the same landscape 7,000 times for a living; the elder Wallander strongly disapproved of his son´s decision to join the police force and frequently derided him for it. Fair enough: painting sunsets with/without a black grouse pays off better than finding random middle fingers of color. Kurt Wallander sr is a great fan of the opera. Kurt Wallander jr says he actually hates opera. I bet that was a joke.
      ellauri301.html on line 172: Mankelin äiti teki itsemurhan Mankelin ollessa vähän alle 30-vuotias. Mankellin mukaan äidin puuttuminen ei juurikaan vaivannut häntä, sillä hänellä oli hyvä ja läheinen suhde isäänsä, joka ei maalannut teeriä. Hän oli kuitenkin yksinäinen lapsi, sillä hänen sisaruksensa viihtyivät keskenään, mutteivät jostain syystä Henningin parissa, Henning oli paljon omissa oloissaan. Myöhemmin perhe muutti vielä Boråsiin ilman äitiä. Ei ollut helppoa. Mankell vietti nuoruutensa pienessä Svegin kauppalassa Norjan rajalla. Lukio jäi kesken, Henning oli 2v seilorina muttei päässyt brittejä edemmäs. Sitten se korjasi Pariisissa saxofoneja. After returning from Paris he had taken part in the 1968 demonstrations in Stockholm against the Vietnam war and the university system, and spent much of the 70s in Norway on the fringe of a Maoist group to which his (nameless) then-partner belonged. Oliko se partneri mars- vai venustyyppinen?
      ellauri301.html on line 232: The initial arrival of the Dutch in April 1652 was not viewed as negative. Many Khoi people saw their arrival as an opportunity for personal gain as middlemen in the livestock trade; others saw them as potential allies against preexisting enemies. At the peak of her career as an interpreter, "Krotoa" held the belief that Dutch presence could bring benefits for both sides.
      ellauri301.html on line 236: Circumstantial evidence supports the theory that at the time of the Dutch arrival, the girl was living with her uncle Autshumato (also known as Harry by the Dutch), the circumstantial evidence being that she showed consistent hostility to the !Uriǁ’aekua and, by association, to her own mother, who lived with them. In contrast Krotoa´s fate and fortunes were closely aligned to those of her uncle Autshumato and to his clan known as the !Uriǁ´aeǀona. The ǃUriǁ´aeǀona (rendered in Dutch as "Goringhaicona") people who were sedentary, non-pastoral hunter-gatherers are believed to be one of the first clans to make acquaintance with the Dutch people. Prior to the Dutch´s arrival Autshumato served as a postal agent for passing ships of a number of countries. If the theory of !Oroǀõas having lived with her uncle is true, then her early service to the VOC may not have been as violent a transition as it was made out to be.
      ellauri301.html on line 238: On 3 May 1662 she was baptized by a visiting person, minister Petrus Sibelius, in the church inside the Fort de Goede Hoop. The witnesses were Roelof de Man and Pieter van der Stael. On 26 April 1664 she married a Danish surgeon by the name of Peter Havgard, whom the Dutch called Pieter van Meerhof. She was thereafter known as Eva van Meerhof (See Geni/MyHeritage).[clarification needed] She was the first Khoikoi to marry according to Christian customs. There was a little party in the house of Zacharias Wagenaer. In May 1665, they left to the Cape and went to Robben Island, where van Meerhof was appointed superintendent. The family briefly returned to the mainland in 1666 after the birth of Eva´s third child, in order to baptise the baby. Van Meerhof was murdered in Madagascar on 27 February 1668 on an expedition. After the death of her husband Pieter Van Meerhof came the appointment of a new governor, Zacharias Wagenaer. Unlike the governor before him, he held extremely negative views toward the Khoi people, and because at this point the Dutch settlement was secure, he didn´t find a need for Eva as a translator anymore.
      ellauri301.html on line 259: De Klerk was a controversial figure among many sections of South African society, all for different reasons. He received many awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize for dismantling apartheid and bringing universal suffrage to South Africa. Conversely, he received criticism from anti-apartheid activists for offering only a qualified apology for apartheid, and for ignoring the human rights abuses by state security forces. He was also condemned by South Africa´s Afrikaner nationalists, who contended that by abandoning apartheid, he betrayed the interests of the country´s Afrikaner minority. South Africa´s Conservative Party came to regard him as its most hated adversary.
      ellauri301.html on line 290: Eugène Ney Terrace Blanche ([ɪə‌ˈʒɛn ˈnɛj tərˈblɑ‌ːʃ], 31 January 1941– 3 April 2010) was an Afrikaner nationalist and white supremacist who founded and led the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (AWB; Afrikaner Resistance Movement in English). Prior to founding the AWB, Terrace Blanche served as a South African Police officer, was unsuccessful as a farmer, and an unsuccessful Herstigte Nasionale Party (Reconstituted National Party) candidate for local office in the Transvaal. He was a major figure in the right-wing backlash against the collapse of apartheid. His beliefs and philosophy have continued to be influential amongst White supremacists in South Africa and across the world.
      ellauri301.html on line 322: uMongameli weSewula Afrika (Southern Ndebele)
      ellauri301.html on line 334:
      Boerewors, lamb chops, T-bone steaks, chicken “flatties”, snoek, kabeljou(cob), sosaties, kebabs

      ellauri301.html on line 438: "Det går bra. Jag klarar det, inte sant? Tyskarna slaktade sex miljoner judar och lever fortfarande. Solen lyser över Tyskland och tyska skördar mognar. I samma stund som tyskarna mördade judar sjöng deras fåglar och deras träd stod i blom. Det enda vi fick i gengäld för allt detta var löftet om att belönas i den andra världen. Men vad ska man göra när man kommer till den andra världen och upptäcker, som Rashi påpekar i ett annat sammanhang, att där finns inga skogar och inga björnar'. Är allt bara inbillning? Ska man klaga till Gud?" "Sluta, Shloymele, jag ber dig! Det här samtalet får mig bara att må si re, inte bättre."
      ellauri302.html on line 105: bel.jpg/440px-David-Kessler_Jennie-Goldstein_Malvina-Lobel.jpg" />
      ellauri302.html on line 136: Do you really believe that they're any better than you? You don't need their favors!... That's the way of the world these days: if you've got the money, even so pious a Jew as Reb Ali comes to your home, — a Chassid, mind you, — and accepts handsome alms from you. He asks no questions, — whether you got it by theft or by murder or by selling arse. So long as you have the cash. That's the chief point!
      ellauri302.html on line 247: Hindel, from her room, where she is still busy with her chest of clothes. And what's the matter with a place of this sort, I'd like to know? Aren't we every bit as good as the girls in the business houses, eh? The whole world is like that nowadays; that's what the world demands. In these days even the daughters of the best families aren't any better. This is our way of earning a living. And believe me, when one of us gets married, she's more faithful to her husband than any of the others. We know what a man has.
      ellauri302.html on line 398: Yekel Down into the brothel... (Pointing below. Then to Reizel.) Down below, with the rest of them. Down into the brothel. No more Holy Scroll.
      ellauri302.html on line 516: Yes, he 'll sit inside there and study the sacred books... I have a virtuous Jewish daughter. (Goes into the room and drags Rifkele out hy force. She is only half dressed, her hair in disorder, one boob sticking out. He points to her.) Your son will marry a virtuous Jewish daughter, I say. She will bear him pure, Jewish children... even as all pious daughters. (To Sarah.) Isn't that so? (Laughing wildly, to the stranger.) Yes, indeed, my friend, — she'll make a pure, pious little mate. My wife will lead her under the wedding canopy... Down into the brothel! Down below! (Pointing to the basement.) Down into the brothel! (Dragging Rifkele hy her hair to the door.) Down into the brothel with you! Down!
      ellauri308.html on line 424: Aiemmin länsimaissa ja vielä vuosikymmen sitten Suomessakin ylistetty venäläinen Nobel-kirjailija Aleksandr Solženitsyn (1918–2008) on nykyisin vain Venäjän johdon suosiossa.
      ellauri308.html on line 459: Radek oli oikeastaan Ukrainan juutalainen, syntyi Lembergissä eli Lvovissa eli Lvivissä silloisessa Itävalta-Unkarissa juutalaiseen perheeseen. Hänen alkuperäinen nimensä oli Karol Sobelsohn. Hän otti nimen "Radek" Stefan Żeromskin kirjan romaanihenkilön mukaan.
      ellauri308.html on line 465: Stefan Żeromski ([ˈstɛfan ʐɛˈrɔmski] (kuuntele); 14. lokakuuta 1864 – 20. marraskuuta 1925) oli puolalainen kirjailija ja näytelmäkirjailija, joka kuului Nuoren Puolan -liikkeeseen 1900-luvun vaihteessa. Nuori Puola edisti dekadenssin, uusromantiikan, symbolismin, impressionismin ja jugendin megatrendejä. Häntä kutsuttiin "puolalaisen kirjallisuuden omaksitunnoksi". Hän oli neljä kertaa ehdolla kirjallisuuden Nobelin palkinnon saajaksi, muttei tärpännyt, mitali oli liian hiljan mennyt 1905 B-joukkueen Sienkiewiczille.
      ellauri308.html on line 467: Henryk Adam Aleksander Pius Sienkiewicz (5. toukokuuta 1846 Wola Okrzejska, Puola – 15. marraskuuta 1916 Vevey, Sveitsi) oli puolalainen toimittaja, kirjailija ja Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saaja eeppisten kirjallisten ansioidensa vuoksi. Hänet muistetaan parhaiten historiallisista romaaneistaan. Kansainvälisesti tunnettu menestyskirja on Quo Vadis (1896).
      ellauri308.html on line 485: Sienkiewicz nimitettiin moniin kansainvälisiin organisaatioihin ja yhdistyksiin, kuten Puolan oppimisakatemiaan, Venäjän tiedeakatemiaan, Serbian tiede- ja taideakatemiaan, Kuninkaalliseen Tšekin tiedeyhdistykseen sekä Italian Arkadian akatemiaan. Hän sai Ranskan Kunnialegionan kunniamerkin 1904, Jagellon yliopiston kunniatohtorin (1900) ja Lvivin yliopiston kunniatohtorin arvot sekä Lvivin kunniakansalaisen arvon 1902. Ruotsin akatemian jäsenen Hans Hildebrandin ehdotuksesta hän sai 1905 Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon.
      ellauri309.html on line 73: töten. Ich werde dich niemals belügen oder allein lassen, nicht einmal im
      ellauri309.html on line 204: bellanaija.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Nora-Roberts-Tomi-Adeyemi-768x614.jpeg" width="100%" />
      ellauri309.html on line 287: good books. No one who knows me would believe any of these accusations. But
      ellauri309.html on line 509: Billy Graham varttui maitotilallisen poikana Pohjois-Carolinan maaseudulla. He started to read books from an early age and loved to read novels for boys, especially Tarzan. Like Tarzan, he would hang on the trees and gave the popular Tarzan yell. According to his father, that yelling led him to become a minister. Vuonna 1934 Graham osallistui evankelista Mordecai Hamin kokoukseen ja teki henkilökohtaisen uskonratkaisun. Ham had a reputation for racism and anti-Semitism. He believed and preached on various topics based on classical anti-Semitic canards such as believing Jews had special access to political power and influence and that they represent a subversive social force. The targets for his preaching were often "nebulous rings of Jewish, Catholic or Black conspirators plotting to destroy white protestant America."
      ellauri309.html on line 783: Templetonien nykyaikaisen kuninkaanlinnan tallirakennuxessa palkizi desperadon näköistä, notmiitä tappamalla vaurastunutta arpista entistä palkkasoturia mahtava maisema! Was für ein Einblick! Er wurde mit einem hübschen weiblichen Hinterteil in engen Jeans belohnt. Seine eigenen schwarzen desperado-Jeans wurden plötzlich all zu eng. Pfiuu! pfiuu! pfiuu! Dojongg-jongg! Noora on suunnilleen Seijan kokoinen. Hiän jopa tiesi miten päin pidellään Klobürsteä. Mikki nuuhki kyrpä kovana Laurasta lähtevää hienoista tuoxua. Die dem männlichen Geschmack entsprach. Ich habe Kinder gern. Lauran tytöt ovat heppahöperöitä. Mixi vitussa on ammeen pesu noloa? Kummallista porukkaa. Eine moderne Version von Heathcliff. Naisia kiihottavat pelottavat isot eläimet jotka ovat niille silti kilttejä ja nöyriä, niinkuin orihevoset tai Bellen hirviö.
      ellauri309.html on line 996: 6 Junkersia ampui alas Leslietä kuljettaneen DC-3:n. Goebbels oli iloinen.
      ellauri310.html on line 445: myös "Papa" Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Ray Bradbury ja "Peppy" Roth. Vanha nobelisti Sinclair Lewiskin tykkäsi. Tomi kuoli samassa
      ellauri310.html on line 512: of the country, which was surrounded by Mameluks, to his queen, Zabel, who was
      ellauri310.html on line 513: carrying the future heir of the throne. Pregnant Zabel makes peace with the
      ellauri310.html on line 607: On one occasion, he was caught and chased off by a couple returning home as he pilfered their belongings; he had also urinated and defecated on their infant child's bed and clothing.
      ellauri310.html on line 633: Moonin maailmankonferenssia 1976 veti nobelisti Hra John Eccles, joka peukutti myös Hra Karl Popperia: "Kuvasta 6-1 voit nähdä, että hyväksyn täysin Sir Karl Popperin viimeaikaiset filosofiset saavutukset hänen käsitteellään kolmesta maailmasta. Olin dualisti, nyt olen trialisti!" All my trials lord, soon be o-over.
      ellauri310.html on line 673: In asymmetric warfare, threats such as improvised explosive devices and mines have proven effective against MBTs. Asymmetric warfare (or asymmetric engagement) is a type of war between belligerents whose relative military power, strategy, or tactics differ significantly. This type of warfare often, but not necessarily, involves insurgents or resistance movement militias who may have the status of unlawful combatants against a standing army. In response, nations that face asymmetric warfare, such as Israel, are reducing the size of their tank fleet and procuring more advanced models. Conversely, some insurgent groups like Hezbollah themselves operate main battle tanks, such as the T-72.
      ellauri311.html on line 60: free Yoni egg class below. What does it mean to exude feminine energy? I
      ellauri311.html on line 61: believe it is more of a saying than what is actually happening. So I
      ellauri311.html on line 640: Strathmore on kelmi ketkunperä, varsinainen paroni petkunterä joka koittaa kusettaa koko ajan ihan kaikkia. Miehessä on ainesta Göbbelsixi tai Putinin kokixi. Silti se näyttää olevan joku Don Ruskean sankari.
      ellauri311.html on line 779: Den dumma apan har en fin förmåga till dubbeltänk, dvs. att hysa tvä övertygelser samtidigt som motsäger varandra. Är Jesus en man eller gud? Men det sägs i Numeri att gud är ingen människa. Så är Jesus gud? Då är han ingen människa. Islamiten i den vita kepsen läser bibel som en jävel. Vi gör få ansatser att göra något åt klimatkatastrofen, eftersom vi har "rätt" till vår nuvarande levnadstandaard - till och med en ännu högre. Det är som at boka ett sista minuten-flyg till en turistort som står i lågor. Det hände på riktigt i somras. Politikerna är väl medvetna om oviljan för förändring. De använder ett luddigt språk och luddig politik - för de också har en rätt till en fin levnadsstandard. Hiilikädenjälki mahdollistaa Suomelle lisätä jännien ympäristötuotteiden vientiä, sanoo Urpo. Omaishoitajat on saatava pois kotoa tuottavampaan työhön, tahtoo 60 kilon jättikoira Purra purra kättä, joka syöttää sitä.
      ellauri313.html on line 157: Ei nytpä ryhdyn vekkulimaiseen vertailutehtävään eli luen rinnan Toni Morrisonin ja Liza Marklundin paratiiseja. Päältä kazoen ne ovat samanlaisia kuin 2 marjaa, kirjat siis, ei kynäilijät - runsaat 400 sivua täyttä tarinaa on kumpikin. Tomin teos on vlta 1998, jolloin hällä oli jo Noobel käsilaukussa, Lizan 2v nuorempi. Lie hänkin jo siihen mennessä ansainnut ensmäset miljoonansa, kruunuissa laskettuna ainakin. Paratiisi on kirjallisuudessa tärkeä tapahtumapaikka, varsinkin naisten kannalta, joiden tunaroinnin ansiosta tämä hieno puutarhatontti meni Aatamilta alta.
      ellauri313.html on line 473: Most Americans are not entirely comfortable with the concept of "cool," or businesslike, negotiations in an atmosphere of some degree of physical threat or coercion. For the most part, they do not consciously assign to force any rational or reasonable role in "ordinary" negotiations. In the recent past (except in the case of "just" revolutions), we have tended to the view that only a criminal or a sick or insane person initiates the use of force. Therefore, we are inclined to believe that someone who uses force is not only our enemy, but an enemy of humanity—an outlaw who deserves extermination, imprisonment, or medical constraint and treatment. The "crusade," and even an initial pacifism as well, comes more naturally to Americans than the kind of cool, restrained, and moderate willingness to threaten or use force that will be suggested in this book.
      ellauri313.html on line 638: A mind at peace with all below, Mielestä joka on kaiken kanssa levossa,
      ellauri316.html on line 186: ja nälistäneet ihan sikana. Eikä ole mikään ylläri että belgikrimipaskasarjassa
      ellauri316.html on line 206: Aviv. Wolfson is one of a handful of figures, including Edmund of Abingdon, Saint Peter, Catherine of Alexandria, Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of Jesus, God and Jesus, to have both Cambridge and Oxford colleges named after them. Ei ihme että kuoppaleukainen daavidhahmo Nooah nimettiin sen perästä. Lopetin sarjan kazomisen 3. jaxosta. Siinä oli pelkästään epämiellyttäviä tyyppejä. Sarjaa tuottavat belgit, britit ja israelit, kaikki erittäin syvältä anuxesta. Haaretz writes that the series is a "gem" that comes "from the heart.' Are there lilac trees / in the heart of town? This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
      ellauri316.html on line 334: PEN International sekä yksittäiset kirjailijat, kuten WH Auden, William Styron ja Hannah Arendt ilmaisivat närkästyksensä. Muut, jotka vetosivat kirjoittajien vapauttamiseen, olivat Heinrich Böll, Günter Grass, Lillian Hellman, Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, Robert Lowell, Philip Roth, Marguerite Duras ja Philip Toynbee. Sinyavskyn ja Danielin tuomion jälkeen Graham Greene pyysi epäonnistuneesti, että heidän rojaltinsa Neuvostoliitossa maksettaisiin heidän vaimoilleen. Tuolloin tuore Nobel-palkittu Mihail Šolohov kutsui kahta kirjailijaa "ihmissusiksi" ja "mustan omantunnon roistoiksi", jotka olisivat saaneet huomattavasti ankaramman rangaistuksen "ikimuistoisella 20-luvulla". Elinkautinen kommunisti Louis Aragon julkaisi huolensa julistuksessa L'Humanitéssa, ja yhdessä Jean-Paul Sartren kanssa kieltäytyi myöhemmin osallistumasta Neuvostoliiton kirjailijoiden kymmenenteen kongressiin. Kova isku diktatuurille.
      ellauri316.html on line 433:

      Lisää venäläisiä nobelisteja

      ellauri316.html on line 436: kirjallisuuden nobelistit ovat olleet järjestään länkkärien 5. kolonnaa (paizi Sholokhov joka oli suojasään nolo erehdys). Entäpä rauhannobelistit? Sak samma. Andrei Saharoville myönnettiin ensimmäisenä venäläisenä Nobelin rauhanpalkinto 1975. Muut palkinnon pokkaajat on
      ellauri316.html on line 456: Vuonna 1975 hänelle myönnettiin Nobelin rauhanpalkinto. Häntä ei päästetty palkintoa noutamaan, joten hänen vaimonsa luki vedet silmissä palkintopuheen, jossa sanottiin mm. rauhan, edistyksen ja ihmisoikeuksien olevan riippuvaisia toisistaan. Paskapuhetta, kuten on nähty tähän mennessä. Neljä vuotta myöhemmin Andrei Saharov asettui vastustamaan Afganistanin sotaa, mikä johti lopulta hänen leimaamiseensa toisinajattelijaksi ja sisäiseen karkotukseen Gorkiin vuonna 1980.
      ellauri316.html on line 457: Neuvostoliiton viimeinen johtaja, fellow rauhannobelisti Mihail Gorbatšov kumosi karkotuksen 1986. Saharov valittiin maaliskuussa 1989 uuteen Neuvostoliiton kansanedustajien kongressiin, jossa hän toimi muutaman kuukauden ennen äkillistä kuolemaansa sydänkohtaukseen 68-vuotiaana. Nuorempana kuukahti kuin Trump, Biden, ikätoverinsa Pirkko Hiekkala, tai edes Putin ja tämä paasaaja! Ei pitäisi olla koleerinen, tulee sydänvaivoja.
      ellauri316.html on line 464: Vuodesta 2006 lähtien Bonnier jakoi aikansa Moskovan ja Yhdysvaltojen välillä, Vuonna 2005 Bonner osallistui "They Chose Freedom" -elokuvaan, joka on neliosainen televisiodokumentti Neuvostoliiton toisinajattelijaliikkeen historiasta. Ihmissusia ja mustan omantunnon roistoja. Norjan Nobel-komitea kutsui Saharovia "ihmiskunnan mustan omantunnon edustajaksi". Vuoteen 1976 mennessä KGB:n päällikkö Juri Andropov oli valmis kutsumaan Saharovia "kotiviholliseksi numero ykköseksi" ryhmälle KGB-upseereita (ml Putin). Sakharov was named the 1980 Gumanist of the Year by the American Gumanist Association.
      ellauri316.html on line 507: Seuraava Venäjän Nobel-ehdokas voisi olla Valerij Garbuzchev, Kanadan ja USAn tutkimusinstituutin ex-johtaja, joka ryhtyi putinistien mythbusterixi ja sai siitä palkkioxi potkut huippuvirasta. Länsikapitalismi ei ole vaarassa lyyhistyä nyt sen enempää kuin Marxin ja bolshevikkien synkkien ennusteiden aikana, rohkaisee Garbuzev samoin toisin ajattelevia.
      ellauri316.html on line 766: 1846 italialainen kemisti Ascanio Sombrero kexi kauhuxeen nitroglyseriinin. Onko räjähdysaineet sen vuoxi tuomittava? Mitä tulisi Ukrainan sodasta ilman niitä? Ja ilman dynamiittia ei olisi Nobelin rauhanpalkintoa. Ei rautatieosakkeita jotka tuottivat 5% kasvun vuodessa.
      ellauri316.html on line 833: But after the shattering victory at Stalingrad, the Red Army began to believe that victory was possible. Germany, which had boasted the world’s most formidable military at the start of the war, suddenly seemed vulnerable. Even if its weaponry was less sophisticated and its troops poorly prepared, the sheer size of Russia’s forces could overwhelm the enemy — a reality that holds 80 years later, as the war in Ukraine grinds on and on and the wallets and the patience of Kyiv’s partners in the West begins to wear thin.
      ellauri317.html on line 360: Sodan jälkeen Tšekkoslovakian kommunistihallinto hieman vastahakoisesti hyväksyi Čapekin tuotannon, koska häntä sentään pidettiin vähän enempi vielä kansallissosialismin vastustajana. Čapek ei kelvannut sotapalvelukseen selkärankareuman takia. Hän työskenteli ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana museossa. Čapekille ehdotettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkintoa 7 kertaa 1930-luvulla. Ei napannut.
      ellauri317.html on line 466: Nyt Rauta Felix nähtävästi seisoo taas jossain syrjäisellä paikalla (11.9.2023). Kaikki eivät ole tyytyväisiä. "Dzeržinski on sorron ja laittomuuden symboli", sanoi Mikael Röiterille Nikita Petrov, historian vääristäjä War Memorial järjestöstä joka voitti siivun Nobelin rauhanpalkinnosta vuonna 2022 vuosi sen jälkeen, kun hänet kiellettiin ja hajotettiin Venäjällä. Felixillä oli kylmä pää, lämmin sydän ja puhtaat kädet.
      ellauri318.html on line 62: Johan "JW" Westlund kommer från blygsam bakgrund men låtsas vara en bratkille. Han lever ett dubbelliv som stekare på de hetaste inneställena på Stureplan och kör svarttaxi för att finansiera sina dyra vanor samtidigt som han studerar ekonomi på Handelshögskolan. När han förälskar sig i överklasstjejen Sophie lockas han in en värld av organiserad brottslighet. Jorge gör en osannolik rymning från fängelset och är på flykt från både polisen och den serbiska maffian. Hans plan är att göra en sista kokainleverans och sedan lämna landet för gott. Mrado är en brutal underboss inom den serbiska maffian och är i konflikt med huvudbossen Radovan. Han får i uppdrag att hitta Jorge, men tvingas samtidigt ta hand om sin 8-åriga dotter som bor i Lovisa.
      ellauri318.html on line 369: Lefa vaikuttaa piilomisogyyniltä kaappirasistilta. Ja herkuttelevalta herralta. Tämän lisäxi se on ennen kaikkea sanomattoman virkamiesmäisen kuivakka. Tohtorinhatullinen pölyä. Blatte on mutakuono ruåzixi, latinaxi torakka. Poliisivoimissa 2005 ei ollut yhtään blattea. Sielä on sentään Helena Palmgren niminen radikalisoitunut sveduämmä, joka osoittautuu kirjan Dorloxi. Sen ampuu Mattein kotineekeri Ukulele kylmän rauhallisesti ottalaukauxella vainaaxi, vaikkei olis edes enää tarvinnut. Paha somali Abbdo räjäyttää izensä Nobel-dynypatukalla taivaalle. Palefaceihin ei sattunut. Näin eletään 2015 Ruåzissa.
      ellauri321.html on line 117: Crèvecoeur sought and found, or imagined that he had found, that land of plain living and high thinking, of simple virtue and untrammeled manhood, which was one of the dreams of his age. Here were none of those social distinctions against which Werther so bitterly rebelled. The restraints of law were reduced to a minimum and in Crèvecoeur's favorite Society of Friends (of which he gave a long account to his French countrymen) there were not even priests. In a word, the spiritual rebellion of that period was essentially a rebellion against institutions, and the real corresponded very nearly to the ideal in colonial America. Beyond the limits of the colonies, moreover, the absolute ideal hovered.
      ellauri321.html on line 121: He was an indomitable optimist. In the value and joy of that phase of life which he described he believed heartily, as well as in the future of the colonies, and in the beneficent effect of that future on the fortunes of mankind.
      ellauri321.html on line 241: Kwame Nkomo: I am Kenyan, but Ukrainian Nazis call me a “Russian propagandist”, a label that I wear proudly.
      ellauri321.html on line 246: These Russian Trollskies are rife on social media and what they post can be easily identified for the crap that it is. Only those unsound of mind believe anything they post, posing as questions by in reality fake news. Quarterbrain morons.
      ellauri321.html on line 248: So you actually believe the Western Mainstream Media?
      ellauri321.html on line 270: I believe that if Putin is allowed to take Ukraine it will embolden him to continue the war and take other countries that have something that he wants. I think the free world must continue to support Ukraine and other countries in precarious situations like South Korea and Taiwan. If the free world doesn’t support them, it will just be a matter of time before they are attacked. If you don’t believe in freedom, move to North Korea, Russia, China or any of the other countries with dictators, kings or a supreme being. Our children´s and grandchildren’s options and futures are at stake.
      ellauri322.html on line 293: Dearly beloved Roger, The scripture moveth us in sundry places. This is a bawdy parody of The Book of common prayer. No ei, se on mitä Swift sanoi kuin sen uudessa seurakunnassa ei kukaan ilmestynyt saarnankuuloon paizi unilukkari.
      ellauri322.html on line 339: Drydenillä on pitkäveteinen faabeli missä lehti jostain syystä on parempi kuin kukka.
      ellauri322.html on line 425: Tanskixet kazelee julkista teloitusta viihteenä. Kas kun niillä ei ole telkkaria rikä suoratoistoa. Jeg er mere og mere overbevist om, at den samme karakterenergi, der gør en mand til en dristig skurk, ville have gjort ham nyttig for samfundet, hvis samfundet havde været mere velorganiseret. Når et stærkt sind ikke disciplineres ved kultivering, er det en følelse af uretfærdighed, der gør det uretfærdigt. Meget plausibelt. Mary ei pidä empirismistä.
      ellauri322.html on line 448: Ugolino della Gherardesca, (noin 1220 – 1289) oli italialainen aatelismies ja laivaston komentaja. Hän oli mahtavan Gherardescan suvun päämies ja Pisan ghibelliinien johtohahmoja. Parhaiten Kreivi Ugolino tunnetaan Danten kuvitteellisesta kuvauksesta Jumalaisessa näytelmässä. Tarinan mukaan hänet vangittiin poikiensa ja pojanpoikiensa kanssa syytettynä maanpetoksesta, kanssarikollisensa kavaltamana. Heitä pidettiin vangittuina yhdeksän kuukautta, ja he nääntyivät nälkään vankeudessa. Danten mukaan Ugolino söi poikiensa lihaa. Tutkijat ovat kyseenalaistaneet kertomuksen muun muassa sillä perusteella, että vankilaan joutuessaan kreivi oli yli 70-vuotias ja huonohampainen, ja pojat olivat sitkeitä.
      ellauri323.html on line 68: Vita Sackville-Westin "psykologinen juomasekoitus", kun hän kirjoitti The Edwardians, oli vahvimmillaan ja kummallisimmillaan. Hän oli yli kolmekymppinen ja täynnä ylimääräistä energiaa. Hänen suhteensa Mary Campbelliin, runoilija Roy Campbellin vaimoon, oli ohi, ja hänen suhteensa BBC:n keskustelujohtajan Hilda Mathesonin kanssa oli alkanut. Hänen simpukkansa oli märkä ja nihkeä jatkuvasta imutuxesta ja nuolennasta. Ei ihme että hän sai lisänimen Companion of Honour.
      ellauri324.html on line 177: Here’s the tally: With an international Jewish population that amounts to only one quarter of one percent of humanity, a little more than 20 percent of all Nobel recipients between 1901, the first year prizes were awarded, and today, have been Jews or had at least one Jewish parent, including 37 percent of American recipients. The greatest concentration has been in economics (the economics prize was established in 1968; 38% of the winners have been Jewish or half-Jewish) and physiology/medicine (29 percent). Of peace prize winners, nine have been Jews — including, appallingly enough, Henry Kissinger (1973). “Nobel Peace, my ass! If Henry Kiss-of-Death deserves it, so do I!” —Bill Horowitz
      ellauri324.html on line 224: Why is America in such poor shape, with its crumbling roads, crappy power distribution, and pitiful public transport systems? It is because Americans have been propagandized for decades into believing that “liberty” is the ultimate virtue, and this “liberty” is so valuable that it justifies the cost of living as a selfish asshole under a dysfunctional government. “Raise taxes to pay for public infrastructure?” “Jeez Louise; over my dead body! Taxation is theft, government is bad!” For much of the 20th century, America defined itself against the collectivist USSR, and the fatuous argument was made that since everything was under the control of the state in the USSR, the US government should do as little as possible, apart from outspending the evil Commies in national defense.
      ellauri324.html on line 250: [The FEMA camps conspiracy theory is a belief, particularly within the American Patriot movement, that the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is planning to imprison US citizens in concentration camps, following the imposition of martial law in the United States after a major disaster or crisis. The US government previously interned US citizens in concentration camps during WWII and developed, but did not implement, contingency plans for mass internment of US citizens in the 1980s.]
      ellauri324.html on line 253:

      Reagan to believe

      ellauri324.html on line 292: People find some Reagan to believe.
      ellauri324.html on line 449: long as you suspend disbelief, and play by the rules, but
      ellauri324.html on line 563: some private school or the like, I believe. You have no
      ellauri324.html on line 631: rifles. From some private school or the like, I believe.
      ellauri324.html on line 800: unbelievable for us Europeans. How can it happen that
      ellauri324.html on line 833: Yes it is broken beyond belief. It has a huge homeless population. It has people working for such low wages they need to work 3 jobs without a decent welfare and food supplement program. It has people begging for donations so they can get medical care in a broken system. It has school teachers and other people working in college educated jobs living in tents and cars because they cant afford to rent or own a home. The highways around their major cities either go into gridlock or just heat up the planet uselessly. They have a public railroad and commuting system that belongs in a third world country. Only the wealthy can really afford to go to college.They have children going to bed hungry and the schools take trays of food from them in school because they cant pay for it. They are taking kids from their parents and putting them in cages. They have a public school system underfunded trying to turn it into private religious indoctrination. They have people in government who deny science because of what the bible says. They keep spending billions fighting senseless wars and bombing people. They have a small population of billionaires that run the system to benefit themselves and screw the rest of the country.
      ellauri325.html on line 232: Penttilän sankarihahmon T.J.A. Heikkilän suusta tuli lohkaisu: "Kun kuulen sanan kulttuuri, poistan revolveristani varmistimen." Sen väitetään usein tulleen Goebbelsin tai Göringin suusta. Ize asiassa lause kuultiin alkujaan saksalaisen kirjailijan Hanns Johstin näytelmässä Schlageter. Hanns Johst (8. heinäkuuta 1890 Seerhausen, Riesa, Saksi, Saksa – 23. elokuuta 1978 Ruhpolding, Baijeri, Saksan liittotasavalta) oli saksalainen näytelmäkirjailija ja kirjailija. Johst kirjoitti "ekspressionistisia" näytelmiä, jotka saivat natsien pidäkkeettömän hyväksynnän. Sotilasarvoltaan hän oli SS-Gruppenführer. Schlageter oli tehnyt vaikutuksen Adolf Hitleriin, jonka suosikiksi hän pääsi sanomalla: “Kansan yksilöiden tulisi seurata sokeasti yhtä johtajaa, tässä tapauksessa kuvataiteilijaa, jotta kansa tavoittaisi paremman tulevaisuuden”.
      ellauri325.html on line 389: rabelaismaiseksi ääntäen nimen hirvittävästi väärin. Mikään ei horjuta hänen itsetuntoaan, hän on hengen Napoleon; kukko tunkiolla, jonka nimi on maapallo. Yleisö kaikkoaa ravintolasta, jonka ilmapiirin Kalle Pulliainen synkistyttää; ravintoloitsija vääntelee epätoivoissaan käsiään ja rukoilee, että taivaalliset voimat antaisivat Kalle Pulliaiselle juomahimon, jotta hänet voitaisiin sääntöjen mukaan heittää ravintolasta. Mutta Kalle Pulliainen ei harrasta pikkupaheita, hän ei myrkytä
      ellauri326.html on line 150: "Salamanterien sota" oli ehdolla Nobelin kirjallisuuden palkinnon saajaksi seitsemän kertaa vuoteen 1938 asti, mutta sitä ei koskaan myönnetty, varmaankin sen liian ankaran kansallissosialismin kritiikin vuoksi. Tai sixi ettei se täyttänyt Noobelin optimismin ja idealismin ehtoa.
      ellauri326.html on line 210: Navigaattori löytää älykkäitä merisalamanterilajeja Tyynenmeren saaren rannikolta. Hän hyödyntää niitä helmenkalastuksessa ja auttaa niitä kehittymään. Emme aio keskittyä tiettyyn hahmoon, tarina kertoo eläintensä laajentumisesta, kuten historiallinen raportti, mutta mitä meidän on erityisesti muistettava tästä romaanista, on sen kritiikki luontoa, ihmistä kohtaan. Karel Capek on hyvin pessimistinen tästä ihmisluonnosta, tämä kirja on kirjoitettu 1930-luvulla ja julkaistiin vuonna 1936, ja on totta, että tuolloin se ei todellakaan ollut kovin hyvä. Se on eräänlainen filosofinen tarina, Karel Capek valaisee kaikkia yhteiskunnan virheitä kaikilla aloilla: kapitalismin lyhytaikainen opportunismi, tuhoisa nationalismi, lahkojen ylilyönne, rasismi, turha tieteellinen kiista, media, shshow bizz… Se liittyy 1930-luvulle, mutta sen aihe ei ole varsinaisesti vanhentunut ja sen ajankohtaisuus on varsin pelottavaa. Jotkut kohdat ovat erittäin hauskoja, kirja on koottu tiedostoksi, johon on lisätty lehdistön otteita, tosiasiat seuraavat toisiaan ilman varsinaisia ​​linkkejä, mutta kokonaisuus muodostaa hyvin yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden, se on fiktiota aiheesta ”Ihmiskunta katoaa, hyvä ero”, terävällä, irrallaan huumorilla ja kauhealla selkeydellä. Vasta aivan äskettäin kuulin tästä kirjailijasta, hän oli ehdolla Nobel-palkinnon saajaksi, mutta ei koskaan voittanut sitä. Salamanterien sodassa on klassisen, ajankohtainen, hauska, ajaton ulottuvuus, se kannattaa mennä tutustumaan.
      ellauri326.html on line 263: A: Tosiasia on, että Venäjän on vapauduttava ennemmin tai myöhemmin alueen kirouksesta. Mitä nyt tapahtuu? Minusta uusi muuttoliike on jotain, jota ei ollut aiemmin olemassa. Tätä voidaan verrata ensimmäiseen vallankumouksen jälkeiseen siirtolaisuuteen, mutta tiedämme sen, mitä he eivät tienneet - että ensimmäinen sukupolvi on ihana, Bunin saa Nobel-palkinnon, toinen sukupolvi on jo niin ja näin ja kolmas sukupolvi ei enää ole. mitään yhteistä Venäjän kanssa. Ne integroituivat ja hajosivat.
      ellauri327.html on line 100: Curtis Morgan: No offence, honest!, but are you for real? A Ukrainian citizen living in New York, that is possible. But a Ukrainian citizen named 'Yipei Feng'? If what I have heard and read on the news is anything to go by, Ukranians just do not have names like 'Yipei Feng'. Yipei Feng? Ukranian? I think not! Chinese softly pushing the CCP party line (China and Taiwan getting back together …even if China uses force), that I can believe. Maybe Feng Yipei has since changed her name to “Curtis Morgan”, but the original was obviously a Chinese name. And her history of questions has her claiming she is British as well. In addition, a general obvious pro-China, pro-Russia, ant-West and anti-Ukraine slant in her questions.
      ellauri327.html on line 284: Engvall bokdebuterade år 2008 med boken 14 år till salu. Boken handlar om en vanlig småstadstjej vid namn Tessan som efter en våldtäkt börjar sälja sex för att få bekräftelse och dämpa sin svåra ångest. Boken 14 år till salu var en av Sveriges mest sålda 2010. Den belönades 2010 med priset Platinabocken på Bokmässan i Göteborg för mer än 100 000 sålda exemplar.
      ellauri327.html on line 395: Mutta Rasputinia ei tällälset ryppypeput kiinnosta. For Litvinenko directly accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of pedophilia. Suspiciously affectionate relationships with other people’s children, and exclusively male, arise in the Russian president almost everywhere he is: an acquaintance and lustful smiles are necessarily followed by hugs, and often kisses. He kissed this preschooler Nikita on the bellybutton.
      ellauri328.html on line 59: Diktatorn i bilden har inga riktiga vänner för han är alltid sur. Men vissa låtsas vara diktatorns vänner bara för att de kan tjäna på det. Och därför stöttar de honom: for han gör så att de rika kan bli ännu rikare. Ibland är diktatorn generös mot sina vänner och ger dem saker, även sådant som inte är hans. Han ger dem mark som är andras, han ger dem belöningar, han ger dem sådant som egentligen tillhör alla.
      ellauri328.html on line 202: Die Bibel ist nicht Gottes-, sondern Menschenwort.
      ellauri330.html on line 422: Marx ei ollut mikään pelkkä statisti, toisin kuin bolshevikit. Ranskalainen marksologi Maximilien Rubel vuonna 1973 julkaistussa artikkelissa Marx: Theorist of Anarchism on jopa väittänyt, että Marx oli modernin anarkismin pioneeri! Rupla oli vissisti ryssän juutalainen, eikö vain? Bingo, kropotkin ja marx lookalike Ruubel asui juutalaisperäisyydestään johtuen puolisalaisesti Pariisissa Saksan miehittämänä. Maximilien Rubel (10. lokakuuta 1905, Chernivtsi – 28. helmikuuta 1996, Pariisi) oli ukrainalainen marxilainen historioitsija, humanisti ja neuvoston kommunisti. Kuulu vietnamilainen entinen trotskilainen Ngo Van josta tuli työväenaatteen luopio muistuttaa, että Marxin uudelleenlukemisen lisäksi Rubel esitteli heijariaan ryhmän muille "aikansa lahjomattomille ja säälimättömille tuomareille", kuten Soren Kierkegaardille ja Friedrich Nietzschelle , ajattelijoille, jotka kannattivat "uusia arvoja, uusia syitä elää": uudet normit näyttelemiselle, uusi etiikka. Uusi hah, samaa vanhaa pappispimitystä taas.
      ellauri331.html on line 352: Seitsemän Novaja Gazetan toimittajaa, mukaan lukien Juri Shchekotshikhin, Anna Politkovskaya ja Anastasia Baburova, on murhattu epähuomiossa vuodesta 2000 lähtien heidän hutkintansa yhteydessä. Kaikkein surullisinta on ett sanomalehden perusti ryhmä entisiä Komsomolskaja Pravdan toimittajia vuonna 1993, sen etunimi oli Ezhednevnaja Novaja Gazeta (Daily New Gazette). Ukraina-ozainen Mihail Gorbatšov käytti vuoden 1990 Nobelin rauhanpalkintonsa rahoja Novaja Gazetan perustamiseen vuonna 1993 ja sen ensimmäisten tietokoneiden hankintaan. Hukkaan menivät nekin rahat, noin ryssän kannalta.
      ellauri331.html on line 353: Lokakuussa 2021 Novaja Gazetan päätoimittaja Dmitri Muratov sai Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon yhdessä Maria Ressan kanssa sananvapauden turvaamisesta kotimaassaan. Panikohan sekin palkkiorahat likoon komsomolin puolesta?
      ellauri331.html on line 369: Novaya Gazeta.Europe -lehden ensimmäinen painettu numero ilmestyi 6. toukokuuta 2022 Latvian lehtikioskissa Riiassa ja verkossa osoitteessa novayagazeta.eu. Painetun version julkaisee Rīgas Viļņi Riiassa, Latviassa. Eli ei tämäkään kuulu enää tänne. Venäjän valtakunnansyyttäjä nimesi 28.6.2023 Novaya-Gazeta Europen ei-toivotuksi organisaatioksi, eikä ihmekään. Eikä ihme sekään että tää läpyskä on saanut sen 77 palkkntoa länkkäreiltä, rauhannoobelia myöden. Kommunitsheskij molodezh pyörii haudassaan.
      ellauri331.html on line 704:
      The bell

      ellauri332.html on line 111: Jönsyn profiili: Tappurainen Tuppuraisen takuumiehenä. Bernhard Clairvauxlainen suhtautui suunnillen samalla tavalla Pierre Abelardiin kuin allekirjoittanut Eskiin. Munien telomisesta ei kyllä hänen Heloïselleen taitaisi paljon murhetta enää koitua. Eikä teollisuustaloudelle.

      ellauri332.html on line 113: Abelard showed humility in recognizing his errors, Bernard used great benevolence. Historiassa ja populaarikulttuurissa Abelard tunnetaan parhaiten intohimoisesta ja traagisesta rakkaussuhteestaan ja intensiivisestä nesteiden vaihdostaan loistavan opiskelijansa ja mahdollisen vaimonsa Héloïse d'Argenteuilin kanssa. Hän oli naisten ja heidän koulutuksensa puolustaja. Lähetettyään Héloïsen luostariin Bretagnen suojelemaan häntä väkivaltaiselta sedältä, joka ei halunnut hänen tavoittelevan tätä kiellettyä rakkautta, sedän lähettämät miehet kastroivat hänet. Héloïse piti edelleen itseään puolisonsa, vaikka molemmat kassit jäivät luostareihin tämän tapahtuman jälkeen, ja puolusti häntä julkisesti, kun paavi Innocentius II tuomitsi hänen oppinsa ja Abelardia pidettiin harhaoppisena. Näistä mielipiteistä Abelard tunnusti naisen syyttömyyden, joka tekee synnin rakkaudesta. No jopa pomppasi, louskutti Clairvaux Bernhardilainen, sittenhän Eevakin olisi ollut synnitön ja koko korttitalo lysähtäisi perisynnin mukana.
      ellauri332.html on line 334: "The Layover" sai vaivaiset 18 arvosanaa 17 kriitikolta, jotka enimmäkseen kritisoivat elokuvaa kahden naisen tappelemisesta kaverista. Kuva oli kaikkien aikojen pahin rikollinen, mitä tulee Bechdelin testiin, joka mittaa naisten edustusta fiktiossa. Testi vain kysyy, onko fiktiossa kaksi nimettyä naista, jotka koskaan puhuvat jostain muusta kuin miehestä. Sanomattakin on selvää, että feministit ja elokuvatoimittajat eivät pitäneet tästä elokuvasta ollenkaan. Vaikuttaa siltä, että myös tavalliset elokuvakävijät vihasivat elokuvaa suurelta osin, sillä he antoivat sille surullisen 22 % arvosanan lähes 1500 käyttäjäarvion perusteella. Aivan lopen paska kuvan perusteella. Upton is Christian, and has said that her belief in God is important to her. In 2014, nude photographs of Upton and her boxer dog named Harley were illegally leaked to the Internet.
      ellauri333.html on line 69: Sanskrit was believed to include all the sounds necessary for communication. Early Indo-Aryans would therefore dismiss other languages as foreign tongue, "mleccha bhasha". As the Sanskrit word itself suggests, "mlecchas" were those whose speech was alien. "Correct speech" was a crucial component of being able to take part in the appropriate yajnas (religious rituals and sacrifices). Thus, without correct speech, one could not hope to practice correct religion, either. Parhaiten ääntelevät keon päällä herrastelevat bramiinit. Brahmanical system engineers took great pains to ensure that peoples of the Brahmanical system did not subscribe to any mleccha customs or rituals. Medieval Hindu literature, such as that of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, also uses the term to refer to those of larger groups of other religions, especially Muslims.
      ellauri333.html on line 71: Muut kuin oikein ääntelevät arjalaiset oli barbaareja. The word mleccha emerged as a way for the ancient Hindus to classify those who did not subscribe to the "traditional value system," Early writings refer to these foreign peoples as "half-civilized, unconverted people who rise or eat at improper times." Mlecchas drank alcohol, ate cow flesh, which was strictly forbidden to a follower of Hindu orthopraxy, and believed in false gods. Swami Parmeshwaranand states the mleccha tribe was born from the tail end of the celestial cow Nandini, The mlecchas drove angered elephants. Olipa ozaa tälläkin mutakuonolla. Vitun mamuja.
      ellauri333.html on line 73: According to another belief in the pre-modern India, the Kala Pani (sea water) was inhabited by the mowglis, bad spirits and monsters. However, not all Hindus adhered to the proscription, so as to gain monetary wealth. For instance, Hindu merchants were present in Burma, Muscat, and other places around Asia and Africa. The East India Company recruited several upper-case soldiers, and adapted its military practices to the requirements of their religious rituals. Consequently, the overseas service, considered polluting to their caste, was not required of them. The General Service Enlistment Act of 1856 required the new recruits to serve overseas if asked. The serving high-caste sepoys were fearful that this requirement would be eventually extended to them.[12] Thus, the Hindu soldiers viewed the Act as a potential threat to their faith. The resulting discontent was one of the causes of the Indian rebellion of 1857. The Cellular Jail was known as Kala Pani, as the overseas journey to the Andaman islands threatened the convicts with the loss of caste, resulting in social exclusion.
      ellauri333.html on line 98: Seleucus multa in Oriente post divisionem inter socios regni Macedonici bella gessit. Principio Babyloniam cepit; inde auctis ex victoria viribus Bactrianos expugnavit. Transitum deinde in Indiam fecit, quae post mortem Alexandra, veluti a cervicibus iugo servitutis excusso, praefectos eius occiderat. Auctor libertatis Sandrocottus fuerat, sed titulum libertatis post victoriam in servitutem verterat ; siquidem occupato regno populum, quem ab externa dominatione vindicaverat, ipse servitio premebat. Fuit de humili quidem genere natus, sed ad regni potestatem maiestate numinis inpulsus. Quippe cum procacitate sua Nandrum regem offendisset, interfici a rege iussus salutem pedum celeritate quaesierat Ex qua fatigatione cum somno captus iaceret, leo ingentis formae ad dormientem accessit sudoremque profluentem lingua ei detersit expergefactumque blande reliquit. Hoc prodigio primum ad spem regni inpulsus contractis latronibus Indos ad novitatem regni sollicitavit. Molienti deinde bellum adversus praefectos Alexandri elephantus ferus infinitae magnitudinis ultra se obtulit et veluti domita mansuetudine eum tergo excepit duxque belli et proeliator insignis fuit. Sic adquisito regno Sandrocottus ea tempestate, qua Seleucus futurae magnitudinis fundamenta iaciebat, Indiam possidebat, cum quo facta pactione Seleucus conpositisque in Oriente rebus in bellum Antigoni descendit.
      ellauri333.html on line 243: In India, it is now openly acknowledged that the state is capitalist. That it is also male may not be openly stated as such, but is getting clearer by the day. And now a new belligerent face of Hanuman, replacing the earlier one of a genial monkey god, erupts through this fissure. According to reports, Karan Acharya, a 29-year-old graphic designer from Kerala now based in Mangaluru, generated this image of an angry Hanuman playfully and for free for his friends. And yes, he was very pleased when he heard that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had appreciated the new-look Hanuman at an election rally in Karnataka earlier this month.
      ellauri333.html on line 245: Created in 2015, the Angry Hanuman is everywhere now – on buses, windscreens, public walls and T-shirts. Acharya clarifies that this angry makeover is aimed at making the humble, ever servile image of a Bhakt appear powerful, not oppressive. But man is still the measure of most things in India and power remains central to a man’s definition. As general belief goes, celibacy in a male will further increase this precious power manifold. So Hanuman, the celibate Bhakt, becomes an ape symbol for the new and aggressive variety of macho in India that is already denying privacy and freedom of speech to women vehemently through fringe groups such as the Bajrang Dal and Ram Sene.
      ellauri333.html on line 326: The idea of a surname as it is understood today, is a colonial addition in most cultures around the globe such that it has always been a part of Western naming systems. Therefore, even in India, the need for a ‘surname’ as such, is believed to have emerged with the influence of the British Raj and other colonial powers.
      ellauri333.html on line 342: A similar experience is seen in the case of individuals belonging to religion-marginalised locations. Many Muslims, Christians, some of whom also are from marginalised caste locations, have reported being barred from seeking accommodation at ‘Hindu-only’ apartment complexes.
      ellauri333.html on line 343: For many Muslims in India, their surnames mark the influence of an Indo-Arabic ethnicity as well as some traces of caste in various parts of South Asia. For example, various surnames like Khan, Pathan, Afridi, Shaikh among several others are believed to have origins in Afghan communities in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent. Christians and Jewish people in India also have a unique surname style depending on the various factions and denominations. For example, several Christians in Kerala who have the surname as ‘Oomen’, ‘Kurian’, ‘Varghese’, ‘Koshy’, etc. are identified as belonging to the Saint Thomas faction of south- Asian Christians.
      ellauri333.html on line 402:
      Ghagra is synonymous with the half-slip worn as an undergarment below the sari.

      ellauri334.html on line 263: What I think many Christians fail to understand is how irrelevant to Judaism the Christian books and beliefs are. We dn’t have a view about Judas, he is never discussed, there are no discussions about him in Jewish sources. He is completely irrelevant as are the rest of the figures from Christian books. So, you may find some Jews who have formed their personal opinion about him, but there is no comments or view on him from Jewish sources since he is irrelevant and not a subject of discussion for us.
      ellauri334.html on line 279: This Jewish sounding name is used by anti-Jewish theologians to vilify Israel. They realized the Jews as a group could not be convinced to betray God by following what Jews considered to be a false prophet as well as the pagan elements of Christianity. Romans, who were not monotheist, could buy contrast, be missionized to accept new Christian beliefs.
      ellauri334.html on line 294: That’s like asking are Chickens ducks. Well they belong to the same family but one is a duck and one is a chicken. In terms of people, you can be a Christian and you can be a Jew but they are both human. But was Judas Jesus’ best friend who carried the lot for Jesus to be who he became to be?
      ellauri334.html on line 318: The first “Christians” were the converted Gentiles in Antioch, the original disciples and followers of Jesus (including Judas) were referred to as Nazarenes. It is significant that the original Nazarenes were persecuted into extinction (or “fled into the wilderness,” as John the Revelator seen in a vision). The Gentile, or Christian church, systematically eliminated any Jewish belief or practice originating with the Nazarenes and created an orthodox theology based on Greek philosophy by the third century. It was beginning of the Times of the Gentiles.
      ellauri334.html on line 320: Yes he was, but betrayed Christ, He followed Christ every where until Garden of Gethsemane,a perfect example of a Christian who betrayed Christ add moved away from him. I am not sure he really followed Jesus like Peter and other, they really believed Jesus was son of God. But Judas was a rebel Jew, who want literal fight against Roman government. There might be a Chance Judas never understood the concept of “Kingdom of God”.
      ellauri336.html on line 55: Sapatin Samara (10b) sanoo, että ihmisen ei tule tehdä eroa lastensa välillä, antaa toisilleen etuoikeus. Mutta Hyvä kirja on sitä täynnä: Aabel ohitti Kainin, Iisak Ismaelin, Jaakob Esaun, Josef sisaruksensa, Efraim ohitti Manassen jne. Ja eikö Israelin etuuskohtelu muihin apinoihin nähden ole valtava esimerkki? Vanhemmuus on kova määräys. Aina kun tarvitsemme ohjausta elämässä, chossidin ensimmäinen asia on kääntyä Rebben puoleen. Lue kaikki, mitä Rebbe sanoi chinuchin prioriteeteista artikkelista "Puhtaiden sydämien ja mielen kasvattaminen: Lastemme valmistaminen elämään".
      ellauri336.html on line 308: Ohn ben Peles was saved from being part of Korach’s rebellion by his wife. When Korach’s men came to fetch Ohn, she sat the entrance to their tent with her hair uncovered, causing the messengers to turn around and walk away (Sanhedrin 109b-110a);
      ellauri336.html on line 322: So is head-shaving a thing? Yes, but chiefly among women who belong to communities that follow that understanding of the Zohar in this matter. The majority of Orthodox women do not shave their heads. Rather, they cover their hair in a variety of ways and to a variety of degrees.
      ellauri336.html on line 354: Let’s be honest it’s a very small minority that still practices the head shaving tradition. Most rabbis don’t believe in it. I’m chassidish and don’t practice that minhag as well as none of my friends do.
      ellauri336.html on line 384: I’m an American born Muslim woman and I see many similarities of Jews with Islam as there are a lot of intersections of all three monotheistic faiths. I do not believe in covering my hair, but if one were to look at Nativity sets that are displayed during Christmas and look at Christian nuns habits we will observe a modesty all three faiths have in common. I notice more people objecting to women that choose and I use that word loosely, to observe modesty than to object to women or men that show little in clothing modesty..it is very subjective anyway on what is considered modest. Also, it seems the people who take it upon themselves to enforce these rules are committing a greater sin of being cruel and punitive. Where is the mercy and love all religions preach?
      ellauri336.html on line 624: The scale of new production is “staggering”, according to an analysis by Global Witness, a campaign group, with Texas leading the way as US output of oil and gas is forecast to rise by 25% over the next decade. This makes it a “looming carbon timebomb”, the group believes, in a period when global oil and gas production needs to drop by 40% to mitigate the worst impacts of the climate crisis.
      ellauri338.html on line 44: Luulin että mulla on toi Schellingin kärhämöinnin pelikirja 60-luvulta, muttei ainakaan heti löytynyt vintistä. Schelling sai jenkkikärhämöinnin teorioinnista Irakin ryöstöretkien aikaan 2005 talousnoobelin. Osuvaa, sillä rahnastahan sodassa on kymysys. Sota on noususuhdannetta kaikille, jotka tuottavat jotain rikki menevää. Olisin kerrannut sieltä liitteen Nuclear Weapons and Limited War. Se vaikuttaa jälleen ajankohtaiselta.
      ellauri338.html on line 50: Among his insights were the efficacy of voluntarily limiting one’s options in order to make the remaining ones more credible, that uncertain retaliation can be a greater deterrent than certain retaliation, and that the ability to retaliate is more of a deterrent than the ability to resist an attack. I.e., a country’s best defense against nuclear war is the protection of its weapons rather than its people. Si vis pacem para bellum. Who needs so many people anyway?
      ellauri338.html on line 52: Schelling was elected president in 1991, and, in his presidential address “Some Economics of Global Warming” (1992), he advanced an argument in favour of a large carbon footprint as a deterrent for those with a smaller one. Talk softly but carry a big parabellum.
      ellauri338.html on line 80:
      Bodies-suorasoittosarjan homopari vetää lonkkaa sylityxin. Lonkka meni sijoiltaan, jonka johdosta Jaakobille tuli Issias. Vasemmalla Rembrandtin visio. Keskellä DI Hillinghead, Oikealla John White Alexander, Isabellan maalari.

      ellauri338.html on line 99: Tel Danin säilönnyt kirjoitus kertoo, että eräs henkilö ('Ankka') tappoi Israelin Jooramin, Ahabin pojan ja Daavidin suvun kuninkaan. Nämä kirjoitukset tukevat kohtia heprealaisesta Raamatusta, sillä Toisessa Kuninkaiden kirjassa mainitaan, että Joram on israelilaisen kuninkaan Ahabin poika, jonka on kirjoittanut hänen foinikialainen vaimonsa Isebel. Stele on tällä hetkellä esillä Israelin museossa, ja se tunnetaan nimellä JOO KAI 310. Sen merkitys Israelin menneisyyden raamatulliselle versiolle on erityisesti riveillä 8 ja 9, joissa mainitaan "Israelin kuningas" ja mahdollisesti "Daavidin huone". Suurin osa tutkijoista hyväksyy jälkimmäisen lukeman, mutta eivät kaikki.
      ellauri338.html on line 132:

      Isabella - Elizabeth vai Jezebel?

      ellauri338.html on line 134: Molemmat alkuperät ovat oikeita. "Isabel" on Elizabethin latinalainen muoto, ja se löytyy eri muodoissa kielillä, kuten espanjaksi, italiaksi, ranskaksi ja katalaaniksi. Se on kuitenkin olemassa myös muodossa, joka ei liity täysin Elizabethiin (hepreaksi Elisheva), Iisebelin murteellisena muunnelmana. Väitä vain ensimmäinen alkuperä, älä toista, jos haluat käyttää Isabelia.Sekä Isabelin että Iisebelin Wikipedia-sivut selittävät tämän. Toivottavasti se auttoi!
      ellauri338.html on line 139: Isabella eli Basilikan ruukku (1818 ) on John Keatsin kerronnallinen runo, joka on muokattu Boccaccion Decameronen tarinasta Lisabetta e il testo di bassilico (1349 - 1353). Se kertoo tarinan nuoresta naisesta, jonka perhe aikoo mennä naimisiin "jonkun korkean jalon ja hänen oliivipuidensa kanssa", mutta joka rakastuu Lorenzoon, yhteen veljiensä työntekijöistä. Kun veljet saavat tietää tästä, he murhaavat Lorenzon ja hautaavat hänen ruumiinsa. Hänen haamunsa ilmoittaa tästä Isabellalle unessa. Hän kaivaa ruumiin ja hautaa pään basilikaruukkuun, jota hän pitää pakkomielteisenä, samalla kun hän kuihtuu pois. Runo oli Pyhän Agnesin aatton edeltäjä. Molemmat sijoittuvat keskiajalle ja koskevat intohimoisia ja vaarallisia romansseja. Se julkaistiin vuonna 1820 yhdessä jälkimmäisen teoksen ja muiden kanssa.
      ellauri338.html on line 141: Runo oli suosittu prerafaeliittien maalareiden keskuudessa, jotka kuvittivat siitä useita jaksoja, erityisesti William Holman Huntin Isabella ja Basilikaruukku, John William Waterhousen Isabella ja Basilikaruukku ja Isabella (tunnetaan myös nimellä Lorenzo ja Isabella) by: John Everett Millais.
      ellauri338.html on line 143: Myöhemmin John White Alexander kuvasi runon vuoden 1897 Isabella and the Pot of Basil -taulussa, jota pidetään tällä hetkellä Museum of Fine Artsissa Bostonissa. Frank Bridge kirjoitti myös samannimisen sinfonisen runon vuonna 1907.
      ellauri338.html on line 145: bella_and_the_Pot_of_Basil.jpg/286px-Isabella_and_the_Pot_of_Basil.jpg" height="300px" />
      ellauri338.html on line 146: bella.jpg/600px-John_Everett_Millais_-_Isabella.jpg" height="300px" />
      ellauri339.html on line 599: This comes as Time is reporting Zelensky’s top advisers admitted the war is currently unwinnable for Ukraine. Things look a bit better from the point of view of Ukraine commander-in-chief General Valery Zaluzhny, who believes the war is only at a stalemate. "It's now a battle of inches," say American sources quietly.
      ellauri340.html on line 49: belio.com/users/AVT_Liv-Strmquist_96.jpg" />
      ellauri340.html on line 445: Lainasin heräteostoxena Pasilan porno-osastosta v. 2019 antinazinobelisti Peter Handtagin kirjasen Abwesenheit (Poissa). Se on kirjoittajan mukaan satu. Ainakin se alkaa jollain vitun leffakamerazoomauxilla. Että mua kyrpii kun kirjailijat alkaa ryömiä coolimpien leffaohjaajien jaloissa ja nuolla niiden kenkiä. Ei näytä Peter kuule hyvältä... Nykykirjallisuuden suunnannäyttäjä, leck meinen Arsch. Muutenkin kirja vaikuttaa klischeiseltä kuin Pauio Coelho, tai joku tietokonepeli.
      ellauri340.html on line 467: Mitä vittua?! Tää kaverihan ON oikeasti filmiohjaaja? Ja käsikirjoittaja vielä, voi perkele. Mixi sellaselle piti antaa kirjallisuuden noobeli?? Koska leffat on tämän päivän litteratyyriä, niinkuin rokkirenkutuxet on lyrics, witness Robert Zimmermanin paukkupalkinto.
      ellauri340.html on line 469: Peter Handke (saksa ääntäminen: [ˈpeːtɐ ˈhantkə]; syntynyt 6. joulukuuta 1942 eli jälkeen Stalingradin tappion) on itävaltalainen kirjailija, näytelmäkirjailija, kääntäjä, runoilija, elokuvaohjaaja ja käsikirjoittaja. Hänelle myönnettiin vuoden 2019 Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto "vaikuttavasta työstä, joka kielellisellä kekseliäisyydellä on tutkinut apinallisen kokemuksen reuna-alueita ja erityispiirteitä". Handkea pidetään yhtenä vaikutusvaltaisimmista ja omaperäisimmistä saksankielisistä kirjailijoista 1900-luvun jälkipuoliskolla.
      ellauri340.html on line 478: Vuonna 1973 hän voitti Georg Büchner -palkinnon, joka on tärkein saksankielisen kirjallisuuden kirjallisuuspalkinto. Vuonna 1999 Handke palautti palkintorahat Saksan kieli- ja kirjallisuusakatemialle protestina Naton Jugoslavian pommituksia vastaan. Noobelrahoja ei sentään palauttanut, niitä oli sevverran enemmän.
      ellauri340.html on line 508: Vaikka Handke nousi ensimmäisen kerran esiin näytelmäkirjailijana ja kirjailijana, jolla on tuottelias tuotanto (hän ​​on kymmenien teosten kirjoittaja), hän on tullut paljon tunnetummaksi politiikastaan. Hänen tukensa Serbialle 1990-luvun Balkanin sodissa, erityisesti hänen lausuntonsa Bosnian muslimeihin kohdistuvasta kansanmurhaväkivallasta, on tehnyt hänestä paarian, like Ritu Gagra. Tottunut vastustaja Handke hyväksyi syrjäytyneen asemansa ja tarjosi outoa kiistaa sodan tosiseikoista, jotka vaikuttivat monilta harhaluuloilta, varsinkin kun otetaan huomioon, että hänellä oli vain välähtävä henkilökohtainen kiinnostus Balkanin politiikkaan – hänen äitinsä oli slovenialainen, josta hän piti kiinni kasvavalla intensiteetillä. Seuraavina vuosina Handke on kaivautunut entistä syvemmälle. Kun Slobodan Milošević kuoli vuonna 2006 sotarikosten oikeudenkäynnissä, Handke puhui hänen hautajaisissaan. Vuosia myöhemmin Serbian hallitus ruokkii ja koristeli hänet. Huolimatta korkean profiilin kirjailijoiden, kuten Elfriede Jelinekin ja Karl Ove Knausgaardin, tuesta, hänen maineensa on kärsinyt. Kun hänelle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 2019, protesti oli laajalle levinnyttä ja yksi Nobel-komitean jäsen erosi välittömästi, osittain hänen politiikkansa takia. Olisivat saaneet erota koko porukka, kuten pian nähtiin.
      ellauri340.html on line 516: Tämä misantropia sopii täydellisesti poliittiseen ja kirjalliseen kohtaukseen, jossa Handke tuli täysi-ikäiseksi. Provokaation ihmelapsiksi noussut hän saavutti ensin mainetta, kun hän nousi seisomaan Princetonin kirjallisuuskonferenssissa vuonna 1966 ja esitti kirpeän moitteen aikansa johtaville saksalaisille kirjailijoille, niin sanotulle Gruppe 47:lle (johon kuuluivat tulevat Nobel-palkitut Günter Grass ja Heinrich Böll), jonka Handke tuomitsi "kuvaavan impotenssin" tylsiksi kauppiaiksi. Hän hylkäsi näiden sosiaalisesti tietoisten kirjailijoiden hankkeen, ja tulevina vuosina hän omisti energiansa itse kielen abstraktimpaan tutkimiseen. Grass paljastuikin sitten ex-nazixi. Böll vaikuttaa suht mölsältä.
      ellauri340.html on line 558: ANäin on niin usein "ongelmallisten" kirjoittajien kohdalla, että tunne, että heidän maineensa on vahingoittunut, heikentää tunnetta, että he eivät ole kärsineet minkäänlaisista seurauksista. Handke on ehkä paras esimerkki tästä. Valitettuaan julkisesti Nobel-palkinnosta hän oli enemmän kuin iloinen saadessaan palkinnon ja siihen liittyvän taloudellisen yllättäen. Mutta näyttää siltä, ​​​​että hänen asemaansa koskeva kritiikki kirvelee edelleen. Nobel-lehdistötilaisuudessa Handke huudahti, että toimittajan kysymys siitä, oliko hänen mielestään Srebrenican verilöyly tapahtunut, oli "tyhjä ja tietämätön", ja että hän piti parempana "anonyymiä kirjettä, jossa oli wc-paperia", jonka hän oli aiemmin lähettänyt.
      ellauri340.html on line 566: Corinna Belzin vuonna 2016 julkaisemassa dokumentissa Peter Handke: Metsässä, saattaa olla myöhässä, joka tehtiin kirjailijasta ennen hänen Nobel-voittoaan, näemme kuvan kirjailijasta hänen kodissaan Pariisin laitamilla. Ei täysin yllätykseksemme, hän tekee pitkiä kävelylenkkejä, karsii puita puutarhassaan. Hän on kiireinen ja kerää sieniä. Handke on kaikki silmät ja korvat turvapaikassaan, romanttinen hahmo - ehkä hieman liian mukava. Viihtyisiin huoneisiinsa ja yksityiseen puutarhaansa eristetty Handke käyttäytyy lievästi yllättyneenä, ettei yksikään toimittaja ole tullut näkemään hänen näkökulmaansa Serbiaan. Kun Belz yrittää painostaa Handkea vuosien kritiikin varaan, hän hämärtää, ei koskaan myöntämättä, mutta lopulta myöntää, että lasku "kummittelee" häntä. Täällä näemme edelleen Handken, joka pysyy itsepäisesti kaukana ympäröivästä maailmasta. Kun olet voittanut kaiken, miksi antautua nyt?
      ellauri340.html on line 569: Peter Handke, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, niftily stops just short of outright denials of the Serb genocide of Bosnia’s Muslims. And the Israelis on the Gaza strip!
      ellauri340.html on line 577: Author Peter Handke grabs Nobel Prize amid protest. Salman Rushdie julisti hänet ehdokkaaksi "Kansainväliseksi Vuoden moroniksi" hänen "idioottisuuksiensa vuoksi". Yhtä ilkiöiltä näyttää molemmat.
      ellauri340.html on line 578: Salman Rushdie has not won the Nobel Prize for Literature, although he has had champions who say that he should win the prize due to his popularity and critical acclaim. The prize is highly competitive, with authors all over the world in mid- and late career stages being eligible. Even those like Salman whose career is practically over. Kolmantena jonossa hiihtää David Schurman WALLACE. Kollaashistakin näkyy että myös hän on kusipää.
      ellauri340.html on line 582: Itävaltalainen kirjailija Peter Handke sai 10. joulukuuta 2019 kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon. Jos hän tunsi ylpeyttä tai voittoa, hän ei näyttänyt sitä. Hänen rusettinsa vinossa huonosti istuvan valkoisen mekkopaidan yläpuolella, hänen silmänsä hymyilemättä tavaramerkkiensä pyöreiden silmälasien takana, Handke näytti alistuneelta ja staattiselta, ikään kuin hän antautuisi kiusalliseen lääketieteelliseen toimenpiteeseen. Kun hän otti vastaan ​​palkintonsa, jotkut katsojista - joista kaikki eivät yhtyneet suosionosoituksiin - vaikuttivat yhtä synkiltä.
      ellauri340.html on line 590: Kaksikymmentäkolme vuotta sen jälkeen, kun Handke kahlaa ensimmäisen kerran näille levottomille vesille, hänen Nobel-palkintonsa julkistaminen toi uuden tuomitsemisen kuoron. Holokaustitutkija Deborah Lipstadt ilmaisi huolensa siitä, että palkinto antaisi oikeutuksen hänen väärille väitteilleen; entinen YK-suurlähettiläs Samantha Power, joka oli raportoinut Srebrenicasta toimittajana, twiittasi, että kansanmurha oli "kiistaton tosiasia". Ruotsin akatemian jäsen ilmoitti boikotoivansa menettelyä. Handke pysyi piittaamatta. Kun Maass kohtasi hänet Nobel-lehdistötilaisuudessa, Handke hylkäsi hänen kysymyksensä "tyhjinä ja tietämättöminä". Hyvä Petteri! Alan vähitellen nähdä mistä tässäkin on kysymys.
      ellauri341.html on line 244: "MISAn naisjäsenenä oli kunnia harrastaa seksiä guru Gregorianin kanssa, koska se merkitsi positiivista karmaa ja henkistä edistystä". Arabella Agnes Marquez (syntynyt Mureșan) väitti oikeudessa, että Gregorian Bivolaru käytti häntä seksuaalisesti hyväkseen ja menetti hänelle neitsyytensä ollessaan vain 15-vuotias.
      ellauri341.html on line 344: Wegen der strikten Zuteilung deutscher Deviseneinnahmen vorrangig für Importe des deutschen Rüstungsbedarfs mussten auch alle übrigen Zahlungen zwischen Deutschland und Palästina über Konten des Transfer Office laufen. So bekamen nichtjüdische Palästinadeutsche in Sarona oder Bir Salem von Jahr zu Jahr weniger Zitrusexporte bezahlt, womit den deutschen Verbrauchern ihre so beliebten Jaffa-Orangen zunehmend vorenthalten wurden, während zugleich die Reichsregierung weniger und weniger Palästina-Pfund auf Konten des Transfer Office für Spenden und laufende Zuschüsse bewilligte, die deutsche Organisationen an ihre vielen karitativen Einrichtungen in Palästina und für Lohnzahlungen an dort tätige auslandsdeutsche Expats brauchten. Entsprechend wurden auslandsdeutsche Fachkräfte ins Reich zurückgesandt und das karitative Wirken mehr und mehr zurückgeführt.
      ellauri341.html on line 350: Heute wird das Haʿavara-Abkommen von Investigativjournalisten wie Edwin Black und Zionismuskritikern wie Lenni Brenner herangezogen, um eine Interessengemeinschaft von Zionismus und Nationalsozialismus zu belegen. Eine Gegenposition hierzu vertrat Alexander Schölch in seiner Studie Das Dritte Reich, die zionistische Bewegung und der Palästina-Konflikt.
      ellauri341.html on line 553: I want to provide customers and business partners a unique experience, a vision and a true commitment. You can not work with people if you do not believe in them. I want to reinvent these concepts and make them understand the professionalism at the highest level.
      ellauri342.html on line 441: The silence holds an unused bell Hiljaisuus helistää pysähtynyttä kelloa
      ellauri343.html on line 263: Bobi Sivénin ja Kaisa Sibeliuksen välille kehkeytyi parisuhde, joka kesti Bobin kuolemaan saakka. Kihloihin he eivät koskaan ehtineet. Aatemaailmaltaan ja ajattelutavaltaan pariskunta oli samanlainen. Molemmilla oli venäjässä nelonen.
      ellauri343.html on line 295: Vähän tämän jälkeen kunnantalolle saapui Sivén hieman kahdeksan jälkeen. Hän meni elintarvikelautakunnan huoneeseen ja asetti pöydän sekä tuolin uunin eteen. Viereiselle tuolille Sivén asetti pistoolin, jota yritti piilotella aina kun uunia lämmittänyt leskirouva Katariina Simanainen saapui kohentamaan uunin tulta. Kymmeneltä Simanainen toivotti Sivénille hyvää yötä. Kirjuri Hippinen kävi myös huoneessa ja näki, että Sivén oli erittäin hermostunut; tämä siirteli ja pyöri tuolillaan, katseli tuleen ja siirsi aina paperinsa syrjään, jos Hippinen lähestyi tätä. Siimanaisen lähdön jälkeen Hippinen kävi vielä huoneessa. Sivén kysyi tältä Höttösen syntymävuotta ja pyysi Hippistä menemään nukkumaan toivottaen hyvää yötä. Hippisen lähdettyä huoneesta kuului 9-millisen Luger Parabellumin laukaus kello 22.15.
      ellauri343.html on line 299: Äidilleen, Siiri Sivénille 11. tammikuuta kirjoittamassaan kirjeessä Sivén ei kirjoittanut itsemurhasuunnitelmista, vaan vakuutteli tälle rakkauttaan ja toivotti kirjeen lopuksi: "Jää nyt hyvästi Mami rakas ja hyvää yötä!" Sivénin rakastetulleen Kaisa Sibeliukselle lähettämä kirje on kadonnut. Samoin Sibelius on repinyt kaikki päiväkirjansa sivut näiltä ajoilta.
      ellauri343.html on line 346: Kun suomalaiset kuulivat radiosta propagandaministeri Göbbelsin lukeman Saksan sodanjulistuksen, he yllättyivät aina ylintä johtoa myöden hänen kiusallisesta sanavalinnastaan. Göbbels ilmoitti, että suomalaiset taistelevat saksalaisten kanssa "yhdessä" (im Verein) ja "liitossa" (im Bunde) Neuvostoliittoa vastaan. Suomen propagandaministeriössä "im Bunde" kääntyi muotoon "kylki kyljessä". Hehe. Pylly vasten pyllyä. Samalla ministeriö julkaisi tiedonannon, jonka mukaan Suomi oli ainakin toistaiseksi sodan ulkopuolella.
      ellauri345.html on line 472: Hän ei halunnut antaa runoilijalle vähintäkään omia oikeuksiaan. Avioliitto ei voi olla romaanin keskipiste missään mielessä. Lukemattomien muiden tavoin Hebbel oli tässä täysin väärässä sanoessaan: "Yksi puoli Goethen valinnaisista yhteyksistä on jäänyt abstraktiksi; nimittäin avioliiton mittaamattomasta merkityksestä valtiolle ja ihmiskunnalle on vihjattu argumentoivalla tavalla, mutta se ei soi esityksessä, mikä olisi kuitenkin ollut mahdollista ja olisi suuresti vahvistanut vaikutelmaa koko teoksesta. Ja aiemmin "Maria Magdalenan" esipuheessa; "Kuinka Goethe, joka oli ehdottomasti taiteilija, suuri taiteilija, saattoi tehdä niin loukkauksen sisäistä muotoa vastaan ​​valinnaisissa affiniteeteissaan, että hän, toisin kuin hajamielinen dissekteeri, toi anatomiseen teatteriin automaatin todellisen ruumiin sijasta. Omalaatuista. "En voinut selittää sitä tosiasiaa, että hän solmi turhan, jopa moraalittoman avioliiton, kuten Eduardin ja Charlotten välillä, hänen kuvauksensa keskipisteessä ja käsitteli ja käytti tätä suhdetta ikään kuin se olisi täysin päinvastainen, täysin laillinen." 
      ellauri345.html on line 474: Lukuun ottamatta sitä tosiasiaa, että avioliitto ei ole tapahtumien keskipiste, vaan pikemminkin keino - kuten Hebbel sen ymmärtää, Goethe ei tehnyt niin, eikä hän halunnut sen siltä näyttävän. Koska hänen on täytynyt tuntea liian syvästi, ettei heistä "luonnollisesti" voitaisi sanoa mitään, että heidän moraalinsa voitiin osoittaa vain uskollisuudeksi ja että heidän moraalittomuutensa saattoi osoittautua vain uskottomuudeksi. Puhumattakaan siitä, että intohimo voisi muodostaa sen perustan. Jesuiitta Baumgartner sanoo suoraan, mutta ei väärin: "He rakastavat toisiaan, mutta ilman sitä intohimoa, joka on sairaiden ja herkkämielisten elämän ainoa viehätys." Mutta aviollinen uskollisuus ei ole vähemmän ehdollinen. Ehdollinen kaksinkertaisessa merkityksessä: sillä mikä on tarpeellista ja mikä on riittävää. Tämä on päätöksen perusta. Se ei todellakaan ole mielivaltaisempi, koska intohimo ei ole sen kriteeri.
      ellauri345.html on line 571: Ein gleiches Bild können wir finden, wenn wir uns ein Auto anschauen. Da ist „das Auto“. Und dann sind da die Teile und Kleinstteile. Das Auto hat Sitze und Räder, einen Motor und Fenster, viel Blech und einen Auspuff, Kabel, Flüssigkeiten, Elektronik und schier unendlich viele Schrauben, Muttern und Dichtungen.
      ellauri345.html on line 573: Jede Einheit können wir dabei noch weiter unterteilen. So besteht allein der Motor aus Einzelteilen wir Vergaser, Anlasser, Zylindern, Kolben, Lichtmaschine, Kühler, Kurbelwelle etc.
      ellauri345.html on line 574: Besonders die Kurbelwelle! Es ist am besten, dein Auto nicht in diese Bestandteile zu demontieren, die kriegst du nie wieder zusammen!
      ellauri346.html on line 268: Stoltenberg's appeal for unrelenting military aid for Ukraine might be a reaction to difficulties faced by the U.S., which is presently unable to supply Kyiv with funds and equipment. This could also be due to the slight advancements made by Russia on the battlefield, or perhaps other factors exclusive only to high-ranking Alliance officials. Whatever the reason, the Norwegian's remarks have certainly created a buzz. Stoltenberg believes that the West should greatly support Kyiv's struggle against the invader and do everything possible at this stage to halt the Russians. The latter have regrouped following Ukraine's counteroffensive and are attempting to penetrate the front and launch assaults in several places, such as in Avdiivka, for instance.
      ellauri346.html on line 274: General David Petraeus, former CIA Director and supreme commander of the coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, has expressed disappointment with the West's response to the conflict in Ukraine. He believes that Vladimir Putin might escape accountability for the invasion, and could even win the war, due to the hesitant actions of allies in Kyiv. General David Petraeus, a prominent U.S. Army commander for many years, made significant decision points with Bad Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan. He later led the CIA (from 2011 to 2012), and currently works as a military commentator.
      ellauri346.html on line 276: Speaking with the BBC, the 71-year-old assessed the situation on the Ukrainian front and criticized Western countries sharply. This former officer believes that Western countries should be more assertive in supporting Kyiv and mobilizing to win the war in Ukraine. He pointed to the disappointing summer counteroffensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, highlighting the delay in armaments delivery and the inadequate amount of equipment sent to the east as significant issues.
      ellauri346.html on line 280: The West's error is its sluggishness in supplying equipment and weaponry to Kyiv, which General Petraeus believes should be done without restriction. Leopards, Abrams, cluster bombs, ATACMS missiles, nuclear missiles, or F-16 aircraft could have been beneficial for the Ukrainian military in the summer, but their delivery to the front line was late. Should this continue, Ukraine may not emerge successful from this war. Why? Because Russia is defending effectively, and capitalizing on the mistakes of Western capitalist nations, socialising their armour stuck in the rasputina.
      ellauri346.html on line 284: Mr. Strangelove, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, recently voiced similar concerns. He chastised Western countries for their inadequate support of Ukraine in combat. He believes that there's a lack of political will to decisively defeat Russia, citing a dearth of advanced equipment, ammunition, and proper support.Why? Because the consequences of Putin's downfall in Russia are uncertain. Consequently, the current deadlock in the East is viewed as "beneficial and relatively safe" by the West.
      ellauri347.html on line 193: Fromm oli tuolloin vahvasti mukana sionismissa uskonnollisen sionistisen rabbi Nehemia Alfred Nobelin vaikutuksen alaisena. Hän oli aktiivinen erittäin juutalaisissa Studentenverbindungen- ja muissa sionistisissa järjestöissä. Mutta pian hän kääntyi pois sionismista sanomalla, että se oli ristiriidassa hänen "universalistisen messianismin ja humanismin" ihanteen kanssa.
      ellauri347.html on line 195: Mitä? oliko Alfred Nobel rabbi? Pikemminkin päinvastoin, hän oli antisemitisti. Silti vittu:
      ellauri347.html on line 197: 965 yksittäisestä Nobel-palkinnon ja taloustieteen Nobelin muistopalkinnon saajasta ainakin 214 on ollut vuosina 1901-2023 vähintään puolikuivureita juutalaisia, mikä edustaa 22 % kaikista vastaanottajista. Juutalaisia on vain 0,2 % maailman väestöstä, mikä tarkoittaa, että heidän osuutensa voittajista on 110 kertaa suurempi kuin heidän osuutensa maailman väestöstä. Suurin prosenttiosuus on 44% taloustieteen palkituista.
      ellauri347.html on line 208: 1991 Nadine Gordimer Etelä-Afrikka "joka upealla eeppisellä kirjoituksellaan - Alfred Nobelin sanoin - on ollut erittäin hyödyllinen ihmiskunnalle"

      ellauri348.html on line 256: Chinmoy työskenteli yli 40 vuotta maailmanrauhan puolesta. Hän oli vuonna 2007 ehdolla Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi. Hänen yksinkertainen viestinsä oli, että maailmanlaajuinen rauha alkaa henkilökohtaisesta rauhasta, rauhasta ihmisen sydämessä: "Kun elämme sydämessä, tunnemme, että olemme kaikki yhtä perhettä. Kun elämme puossa, tunnemme, että on liian ahdasta."
      ellauri348.html on line 258: Chinmoy tunnetaan Suomessa ehkä parhaiten Kansainvälisestä rauhanjuoksusta (World Harmony Run), jossa juoxukalja siirtyy juoksijalta toiselle ja maasta toiseen. Viestijuoksu on järjestetty kaikissa maanosissa, yli 130 maassa. Suomessa juoksu on järjestetty yhdeksän kertaa vuodesta 1987 lähtien. Tapahtuman suojelijoina Suomessa ovat olleet muun muassa rouva Tellervo Koivisto, ministeri Elisabeth Rehn, tohtori Pentti Arajärvi ja kansanedustaja Erkki Tuomioja. Suomessa Rauhanjuoksua ovat tukeneet valtioneuvos Harri Holkeri ja useana vuonna Suomen Urheiluliitto. Vuoden 1983 rauhannobelisti Lech Wałęsa on sanonut: Rauhanjuoksun reitti yhdistää kaikki maat yhdeksi, ikään kuin niiden rajoja ei olisi olemassa. Presidentti Putin on työskennellyt uutterasti sen puolesta, ettei Iso- ja Vähä-Venäjän rajaa olisi olemassa. Israel tekee samaan aikaan parhaansa poistaaxeen Filistean mailta joutavia rajapyykkejä. Joelta merelle miekalla piirrämme rajan.
      ellauri348.html on line 348: Filmissä Vastamulkoinen Titanic vastamulkoiset tiimin jäsenet törmäävät usein rodullisiin konflikteihin, erityisesti kapteenien Gerry Bertier (valkoinen) ja Julius Campbell (musta) välillä. Kuitenkin voimakkaan valmennuksen, tiukan harjoittelun ja motivoivan aamulenkin Gettysburgin kansalliselle hautausmaalle , jota seuraa Boonen (musta) tunteellinen puhe, jälkeen tiimi integroituu ja palaa yhtenäiseksi vastamulkoisexi ryhmäksi.
      ellauri348.html on line 354: belard_and_his_Pupil_Heloise.jpg/440px-Edmund_Blair_Leighton_-_Abelard_and_his_Pupil_Heloise.jpg" />
      ellauri348.html on line 359: Elokuvan Tahrattoman mielen ikuinen auringonpaiste nimi on lainaus Alexander Popen vuoden 1717 runosta Eloisa kirje Abelardille.
      ellauri348.html on line 361: Santeri Paavin oma alkuperäinen harjoitus tässä genressä on saanut inspiraationsa 1100-luvun tarinasta Héloïse d'Argenteuilin luvattomasta rakkaudesta opettajaansa Peter Abelardiin , joka oli häntä parikymmentä vuotta vanhempi kuuluisa pariisilainen filosofi, ja salavuoteudessa hänen kanssaan. Heidän suhteensa ja vällyissä piehtarointinsa jälkeen hänen perheensä kosti Abelardille raa’asti ja kastroi tämän, minkä jälkeen hän meni luostariin ja pakotti Héloïsenkin nunnaksi. Molemmat johtivat sitten suhteellisen menestyksekästä luostariuraa. Vuosia myöhemmin Abelard sai valmiiksi ystävälleen lohdutukseksi lähetetyn Historia Calamitatumin (Takaiskujen historian). Kun se joutui Heloisen käsiin, hiänen intohimonsa häntä kohtaan heräsi uudelleen ja heidän välillään oli neljä kirjettä, jotka oli kirjoitettu koristeellisella latinalaisella tyylillä. Yrittääkseen ymmärtää henkilökohtaisen tragediansa, he tutkivat inhimillisen ja jumalallisen rakkauden luonnetta. Kuitenkin heidän yhteensopimattomat munattoman miehen ja munasarjaisen naisen näkökulmat tekivät dialogista tuskallisen molemmille.
      ellauri348.html on line 363: Paavin runossa Eloisa tunnustaa tukahdutetun rakkauden, että hänen kirjeensä on herännyt uudelleen. Hän muistelee heidän entistä yhteistä elämäänsä ja sen väkivaltaisia seurauksia vertaamalla "nuhteeton Vestalin" onnellista tilaa omaan menneisyyden intohimon ja surun uudelleenelämiseen. Sen muisto muuttaa maiseman synkäksi "ja hengittää ruskeampaa kauhua metsään" (rivi 170). Sen mezän uumeniin. Se häiritsee hänen uskonnollisten virkojensa suorittamista, missä Abelardin kuva "varastaa Jumalani jalkoväliin" (rivi 267). Mutta koska heidän väliset suhteet ovat hänelle nyt munattomana mahdottomia, hän neuvoo hiäntä pyyhkimään hänet muististaan ja odottaa kuoleman vapautumista, kun "yksi ystävällinen hauta" yhdistää heidät (rivi 343).
      ellauri348.html on line 365: Paavi syntyi roomalaiskatolisena (is the pope catholic?) ja oli suht munaton knääpiö, joten hänen voidaan olettaa ymmärtävän tarinaa ja olevan erityisen kiinnostunut siitä. Heloise huudahtaa: "Jumalaan vihittyjen joukossa palvelen miestä; ristin sankarillisten kannattajien joukossa olen inhimillisen intohimon köyhä orja; uskonnollisen yhteisön johdossa olen omistautunut vain Abelardille". Paavilla taisi olla narsistinen luonnehäiriö.
      ellauri348.html on line 385: Tää on pätkä pituushaasteisen Popen (1717) pitkänläntää belard-alexander-pope-eternal-sunshine-of-the-spotless-mine/">arkkiveisua munattomasta Abelardista ja sen Eloisasta bändäristä. Eli it's from a poem about a woman named Eloisa who falls in love with her much older tutor Abelard, but her family forces them apart. Eloisa is forced to become a nun and writes about the grief of being without her star-crossed lover. She tries to forget Abelard, but she cannot and she comes to the conclusion that God cannot heal all wounds (such as the loss of Abelard's balls). She wishes she hated Abelard, but concludes her love for him remains. Despite her knowing about her doom with her love, she still longs for it. Just like Joel and Clem. They have knowledge about their destruction and loathing for each other if they continue with the relationship, but it doesn’t matter to them. It’s "Okay," “ignorance is bliss” by another name!
      ellauri348.html on line 743: Vuonna 1760 Macpherson vieraili North Uistissa ja tapasi John MacCodrumin, klaanipäällikön MacDonald of Sleatin virallisen Bardin. Heidän kohtaamisensa seurauksena MacCodrum teki John Lorne Campbellin mukaan "lyhyen esiintymisen ossiaanisessa kiistassa , joka ei ole vailla humoristista puolta". Kun Macpherson tapasi MacCodrumin, hän kysyi: "A bheil dad agaibh air an Fheinne?" Macpherson uskoi kysyneensä: "Tiedätkö mitään Fiannasta? " Hän oli kuitenkin sanonut: "Onko Fianna sinulle velkaa?"
      ellauri348.html on line 744: Vastauksena MacCodrum vitsaili: "Cha n-eil agus ge do bhiodh cha ruiginn a leas iarraidh a nis" tai englanniksi: "Ei, ja jos olisikin, olisi turhaa pyytää sitä nyt." Campbellin mukaan tämä "vuoropuhelu... kuvaa yhtä aikaa Macphersonin epätäydellistä gaelia ja skotti MacCodrumin vastausnopeutta."
      ellauri348.html on line 1027: Sveizi on tuottanut 25 nobelistia 8M apinan väestöstä. Siellä on rutkasti rahaa pankissa ja paljon Saxasta paenneita juutalaisia.
      ellauri349.html on line 570: Eskin tähdet ovat yhtä tunkkaisia kuin Epsteinin ympärillä pyörineet julkimot (Amerikan presidentit, Woody Allen, prinssi Andrew): Sibelius, Jukka-Pekka Saraste, Dostojevski, Väpi Linnan sontimaton tutilas. Disney plus luokan klisheitä. Ja selvää salajeesustelua Pulp fiction fandomin takana: "On sittenkin syytä olettaa että Hesekielissä on järkeä". Eskin mielestä savunaama palkkatappaja oli rehellisellä Emmauxen tiellä eikä pelkkä raamattua siteeraava tärähtänyt palkkamurhaaja. Rehelliselle katujalle Jeesus antaa kaikki synnit anteexi. Ota vuoteesi ja kävele.
      ellauri351.html on line 188: Paki Abdul Sattar Edhi ei ollut kovin uskonnollinen. Edhi-säätiö rahoitettiin kokonaan yksityisillä lahjoituksilla. Se tuki mm. New Orleansin kurjalistoa. Kun mediaviranomaiset kysyivät toistuvista pidätyksistä mm. USAssa ja Israelissa, Edhi sanoi: "Ainoa selitys, jonka voin ajatella, on partani ja mekkoni." Syyskuun 11. päivän jälkeisessä ilmastossa Yhdysvaltain ja Kanadan matkailuviranomaiset pidättivät hänet lisäkuulusteluja varten. Edhin kuoltua 88-vuotiaana munuaisten vajaatoimintaan säätiötä johtaa koko hänen perheensä. Edhi sai Leninin ja Lontoon rauhanpalkinnon. Google juhlisti Edhiä 28. helmikuuta 2017 Google Doodlella, joka ylisti hänen "supertehokasta" ambulanssipalveluaan. Noobelia ei kuulunut. Munuaisten luovuttajaa ei löytynyt. Edhi luovutti ja testamenttasi silmänsä tarvizeville. Hautajaisissa oli pelkkiä pakeja.
      ellauri351.html on line 305: Taleb ja Nobel-palkittu Myron Scholes ovat vaihtaneet henkilökohtaisiin hyökkäyksiin, erityisesti sen jälkeen, kun Talebin artikkeli Espen Gaarder Haugin kanssa siitä, miksi kukaan ei käyttänyt Black–Scholes–Merton-kaavaa. Taleb sanoi, että Scholes oli vastuussa vuoden 2008 talouskriiseistä, ja ehdotti, että "tämän kaverin pitäisi olla vanhainkodissa tekemässä sudokua. Hänen varat ovat räjähtäneet kahdesti. Hänen ei pitäisi päästää Washingtoniin luennoimaan kellekään riskeistä." Scholes vastasi, että Taleb yksinkertaisesti "populalisoi ideoita ja ansaitsee rahaa myymällä kirjoja". Scholes väitti, että Taleb ei lainaa aikaisempaa kirjallisuutta, ja tästä syystä Talebia ei oteta vakavasti akateemisessa maailmassa. Haug ja Taleb (2011) listasivat satoja tutkimusdokumentteja, jotka osoittavat, että Black–Scholes-kaava ei ollut ollenkaan Scholesin kaava, ja väittivät, että taloustiede jätti huomiotta toimijoiden ja matemaatikoiden (kuten Ed Thorpin) kirjallisuuden, jotka olivat kehittäneet kehittyneempiä versioita kaavasta.
      ellauri351.html on line 459: It is spoken by Polonius, the king’s advisor, in Act II, Scene 2. Hamlet has been behaving strangely since the death of his father, and Polonius believes that he is mad. However, Hamlet is actually pretending to be mad in order to buy himself time to carry out his revenge on his father’s killer, Claudius. Polonius is the first person to fall for Hamlet’s act. He believes that Hamlet is truly mad, and he tells Claudius about Hamlet’s strange behavior. Claudius is relieved to hear this, and he believes that Hamlet is no longer a threat. Hamlet’s plan works perfectly. He is able to gather evidence against Claudius, and he eventually succeeds in killing him. The idiom “method in his madness” refers to Hamlet’s clever plan to pretend to be mad in order to achieve his revenge.
      ellauri351.html on line 473:

      Kuollut mimeetikko ja nobelisti guruttavat voimakkaasti

      ellauri351.html on line 486: Eskin peukuttama luihu talousnobelisti Kahneman (1 n lopussa) on jo monta kertaa ollut paasausten kohteena (albumit 27, 29, 122, 293). Nyze kelpaa guruxi taas Puntun Paavolle. It is also notable that Kahneman's paternal uncle was Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, the head of the Ponevezh Yeshiva. In 2015 Kahneman described himself as a very hard worker, as "a worrier" and "not a jolly person". But, despite this, he said, "I'm quite capable of great enjoyment, and I've had a great life."
      ellauri351.html on line 645: Hänellä oli kunnia pitää pääpuhe Kapkaupungissa Etelä-Afrikassa vuonna 2006 juhlistaen arkkipiispa Desmond Tutun rauhanomaista elämää ja Totuus- ja sovintokomission toiminnan 10. vuosipäivää. Häntä myös kunnioitettiin useaan otteeseen nimittämällä hänet Nobelin rauhanpalkinnon saajaksi. Tukikirjeitä lähetettiin 27 maasta.
      ellauri352.html on line 306: belio.com/users/AVT_Marcel-Mauss_8226.jpeg" height="300px" />
      ellauri352.html on line 390: Politiikka on yhteisten asioiden hoitoa. Sota on politiikan jatke asein. Si vis pacem, para bellum.
      ellauri352.html on line 621: I really love Russian writers, especially from the 19th and early 20th Century: Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Babel. I love the way they take on the big topics. I´m also inspired by a certain absurdist comic tradition that would include influences like Mark Twain, Daniil Kharms, Groucho Marx, Monty Python, Steve Martin, Jack Handey, etc. And then, on top of that, I love the strain of minimalist American fiction writing: Sherwood Anderson, Ernest Hemingway, Raymond Carver, Tobias Wolff.
      ellauri352.html on line 661: Michener adoptoitiin ja kasvatti toinen nainen, eikä hän tiedä biologisista vanhemmistaan. Mabel Michener kasvatti hänet ja kokonaisen liudan muita löytölapsia poikansa Robertin ohessa Bucks Countyssa, Pennsylvaniassa pikkurahalla. Hän lopetti koulun Pennsylvaniassa vuonna 1925 ja jatkoi opintojaan Swarthmore Collegessa Pennsylvaniassa. Michener oli säännöllinen jäsen yliopiston koripallojoukkueessa.
      ellauri353.html on line 151: "Minäpä kerron", sanoi poika. Möyheitä pihlajia. Pirun piittausta keskellä ilmistä ihmisten päivää. Raasu sammahti. Korpirojua. Korttikänki. Landepaukkuja. Itävaltalaisen nobelistinazin Handken poissaolokirjassakin oli korttihai. Sekin oli vittu satu!
      ellauri353.html on line 180: Kun Buñuel hylkäsi pilkallisesti Epsteinin pyynnön auttaa Epsteinin mentoria Abel Gancea, joka työskenteli tuolloin Napoléon- elokuvan parissa, Epstein hylkäsi hänet vihaisesti sanoen: "Kuinka sinunlainen pikku kusipää voi uskaltaa puhua noin sellaisesta mahtavasta ohjaajasta kuin Gance?" Ja lisäsi sitten "Vaikutat melko surrealistiselta. Varo surrealisteja, he ovat hulluja ihmisiä."
      ellauri353.html on line 268: Hän oli naimisissa usein työtoverinsa Milton Friedmanin (1912–2006) kanssa, joka voitti vuoden 1976 taloustieteen Nobelin. Hänen veljensä, Aaron Director (1901–2004), oli professori Chicagon yliopiston lakikoulussa ja yksi oikeustieteen taloudellisen analyysin perustajista. Kz. myös ulkokultainen video "2 onnekasta ihmistä".
      ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
      ellauri353.html on line 299: But there weren't too many. I must confess that my experience combining life is a homemaker and an economist's was easier than it is for many women. I chose the right husband from the beginning. From the beginning we shared our interest in economics whether the news may call in the speech an article or a book. I was part of the activity in the sense that Milton always wanted me to read whatever he wrote. And he took my suggestion seriously. It gave me the feeling that I was practicing what I was trained for. But also that I was contributing to his career. It was in a sense our career. So when he was awarded the Nobel Prize it's received other many many many other net honors. And people always feel sorry for me and ask me how it feels to have him getting all the honors. My answer is always the same one. It is our honor I was part of that. When our children left for good. I became more active. With us and we go off for books. Where do I come out on a women's lib or feminist women have a real problem. But in my opinion the present solution is worse than the disease. The man. Or children. And those women who still believe that a mother's first job is to bring up her children. Women's lives. Made those women. Feel that is inferior to a paying job in the market. Therefore they must be and feared with the will to have a full time job outside. It is heightened competition between man and women. Husband and wife. So-called woman is problem. Has not. And I don't believe will solve the problem. Or a woman. There is a problem.
      ellauri353.html on line 325:

      Babelin kirjatornin huipulta

      ellauri353.html on line 329: Isak Babels "Budjonnyjs röda ryttare"
      ellauri353.html on line 342: Babel (albumi 215) syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Ukrainassa Odessassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla mutta menetti isoisänsä. Koulu-uran ajan hän joutui taistelemaan paikasta juutalaisvähemmistölle tarkoitetussa kiintiössä. Opiskellessaan Pietarissa hän tutustui Maksim Gorkiin. Babelin nuoruudesta kului seitsemän vuotta Venäjän sisällissodassa. Hän työskenteli kielenkääntäjänä vastavakoilupalvelussa ja sotakirjeenvaihtajana. Odessaan palattuaan hän alkoi kirjoittaa novelleja juutalaiskaupunginosan elämästä. Stalinin kulttuuripolitiikan voimistuessa ja sosialistisen realismin noustessa määrääväksi tekijäksi kirjallisuuspiireissä Babel vetäytyi yksityisyyteen. Gorkin saatua surmansa epäilyttävissä oloissa 1936 Babel totesi: seuraavaksi he etsivät minua. Hänet pidätettiin 1939, tuomittiin vakoilusta, vietiin vankileirille ja teloitettiin.
      ellauri353.html on line 345: Vaikka Baabelin novellit esittävät hänen perheensä "köyhänä ja sekaisin päästä", ne olivat suhteellisen varakkaita. Hänen omaelämäkerrallisten lausuntojensa mukaan Babelin isä Manus oli köyhä kauppias. Babelin tytär Nathalie Babel Brown sanoi, että hänen isänsä tekaisi tämän ja muut elämäkerralliset yksityiskohdat "esitelläkseen sopivaa menneisyyttä nuorelle neuvostokirjailijalle, joka ei ollut kommunistisen puolueen jäsen ". Itse asiassa Babelin isä oli maatalousvälineiden jälleenmyyjä ja omisti suuren varaston.
      ellauri353.html on line 347: Esiteini-iässä Babel toivoi pääsevänsä Nicholas I Odesa Commercial Schoolin valmistelevaan luokkaan. Hänen oli kuitenkin ensin voitettava juutalaisten kiintiö. Huolimatta siitä, että Babel sai hyväksyttäviä arvosanoja, hänen paikkansa annettiin toiselle pojalle, jonka vanhemmat olivat lahjoneet paremmin koulun virkamiehiä. Tämän seurauksena hänet koulutettiin kotona yksityisopettajilla.
      ellauri353.html on line 351: Hänen yrityksensä ilmoittautua Odessan yliopistoon estettiin etnisistä syistä. Tämän jälkeen Babel pääsi Kiovan rahoitus- ja liiketoimintainstituuttiin. Siellä hän tapasi Jevgenia Borisovna Gronfeinin, varakkaan teollisuusmiehen tyttären, jonka kanssa hän lopulta nai.
      ellauri353.html on line 353: Vuonna 1915 Babel valmistui ja muutti Petrogradiin uhmaten lakeja, jotka rajoittivat juutalaisia asumasta Pale of Settlementin ulkopuolella. Babel puhui sujuvasti ranskaa venäjän, ukrainan ja jiddishin lisäksi, ja hänen varhaisimmat teoksensa kirjoitettiin ranskaksi. Mikään hänen tarinoistaan tällä kielellä ei kuitenkaan ole säilynyt.
      ellauri353.html on line 354: Pietarissa Babel tapasi Maksim Gorkin, joka julkaisi joitakin Baabelin tarinoita kirjallisessa lehdessään Letopis (Летопись, "Kronika"). Gorki neuvoi pyrkivää kirjailijaa hankkimaan lisää relevanttia elämänkokemusta.
      ellauri353.html on line 356: Maaliskuussa 1918 hän työskenteli Petrogradissa Gorkin Menshevik - lehden Novaja zhizn (Новая жизнь, " Uusi elämä ") toimittajana. Babel jatkoi julkaisua siellä, kunnes Novaja zhizn suljettiin väkisin Leninin käskystä heinäkuussa 1918. Babel muisteli myöhemmin: "Journalistinen työ on täynnä seikkailua."
      ellauri353.html on line 358: Sisällissodan päätyttyä Babel työskenteli toimittajana Tbilisissä ilmestyvässä venäjänkielisessä sanomalehdessä The Dawn of the Orient (Заря Востока). Yhdessä artikkelissaan hän pahoitteli sitä, että Leninin kiistanalaista uutta talouspolitiikkaa ei ollut toteutettu laajemmin. Kaivoi verta nenästään.
      ellauri353.html on line 360: Babel meni naimisiin Jevgenia Gronfeinin kanssa 9. elokuuta 1919 Odesassa. Vuonna 1929 heidän avioliitostaan syntyi tytär, Nathalie Babel Brown, josta tuli isänsä elämän ja työn tutkija ja toimittaja. Vuoteen 1925 mennessä Baabelien avioliitto oli hapan. Jevgenia Babel muutti Ranskaan, koska hän tunsi itsensä miehensä uskottomuuden petetyksi ja kommunismia kohtaan lisääntyvän vihansa johdosta. Babel näki hänet useita kertoja Pariisin vierailunsa aikana. Tänä aikana hän aloitti myös pitkäaikaisen romanttisen suhteen Tamara Kashirinan kanssa. Yhdessä heillä oli poika Emmanuil Babel, jonka hänen isäpuolensa Vsevolod Ivanov adoptoi myöhemmin. Emmanuilin nimi muutettiin Mihail Ivanoviksi, ja hänestä tuli myöhemmin tunnettu taiteilija.
      ellauri353.html on line 362: Viimeisen tauon jälkeen Tamaran kanssa Babel yritti hetken päästä sovintoon Jevgenian kanssa ja heillä syntyi tyttärensä Natalie vuonna 1929. Vuonna 1932 Babel tapasi siperialaissyntyisen pakanan nimeltä Antonina Pirozhkova (1909–2010). Vuonna 1934, kun Babel ei onnistunut vakuuttamaan vaimoaan palaamaan Moskovaan, hän ja Antonina alkoivat asua yhdessä. Vuonna 1939 heidän avoliittoonsa syntyi tytär Lydia Babel.
      ellauri353.html on line 364: Pirozhkovan mukaan "Ennen kuin tapasin Baabelin, luin paljon, tosin ilman erityistä ohjausta. Luin kaiken, minkä sain käsiini. Babel huomasi tämän ja sanoi minulle: "Sillä tavalla lukeminen ei johda mihinkään. on aikaa lukea kirjoja, jotka ovat todella arvokkaita. Jokaisen koulutetun ihmisen on luettava noin sata kirjaa. Yritän joskus tehdä niistä luettelon." Ja muutama päivä myöhemmin hän toi minulle luettelon, jossa oli antiikin kirjailijoita, kreikkalaisia ja roomalaisia - Homeros, Herodotos, Lucretius, Suetonius - ja myös kaikki myöhemmän eurooppalaisen kirjallisuuden klassikot, alkaen Erasmuksesta, Rabelais´sta, Cervantesista, Swiftistä, ja Coster (n.h.), ja jatkuu 1800-luvun kirjailijoihin, kuten Stendhaliin, Mériméeen ja Flaubertiin." Punaisen ratsuväen kauhistuttavaan väkivaltaan näytti jyrkästi vastakohtaiselta itse Baabelin lempeä luonne.
      ellauri353.html on line 366: Babel kirjoitti: "Vasta vuoteen 1923 mennessä olen oppinut ilmaisemaan ajatukseni selkeästi ja ei kovin pitkällä tavalla. Sitten palasin kirjoittamiseen." Useita tarinoita, jotka myöhemmin sisällytettiin Punaiseen ratsuväkiin, julkaistiin Vladimir Majakovskin LEF ("ЛЕФ") -lehdessä vuonna 1924. Baabelin rehellinen kuvaus sodan julmasta todellisuudesta, kaukana vallankumouksellisesta propagandasta, sai hänelle voimakkaita vihollisia. Tuoreen tutkimuksen mukaan marsalkka Budyonny raivostui Baabelin maalaamattomista kuvauksista ryöstelevistä punakasakoista ja vaati Baabelin teloittamista tuloksetta. Gorkin vaikutus ei kuitenkaan ainoastaan suojellut Baabelia, vaan myös auttoi takaamaan julkaisun. Vuonna 1929 Red Cavalry käännettiin englanniksi J. Harlandin toimesta, ja myöhemmin se käännettiin useille muille kielille.
      ellauri353.html on line 370: Babelin mielihahmo oli fiktiivinen mafiapomo Benya Krik, joka perustuu löyhästi historialliseen hahmoon Mishka Yaponchik. Benya Krik on yksi venäläisen kirjallisuuden suurista antisankareista.
      ellauri353.html on line 378: Kuitenkin, Auringonlaskulla oli edelleen ihailijoita. Vuonna 1928 lähettämässään kirjeessä valkoiselle emigrantti- isälleen Boris Pasternak kirjoitti: "Luin eilen Auringonlaskun, Baabelin näytelmän, ja melkein ensimmäistä kertaa elämässäni huomasin, että juutalaisuus oli etnisenä tosiasiana myönteinen ilmiö., ongelmaton merkitys ja voima... Haluaisin sinun lukevan tämän merkittävän näytelmän..."
      ellauri353.html on line 383: Näytelmä on hyvin kiistanalainen. Se näyttää tarinoita molempien osapuolten yhteenotosta Venäjän sisällissodan aikana – bolshevikit ja vanhan yhteiskunnan jäsenet – tekemättä tuomiota tavalla tai toisella. Baabelin mielipide kummallakin puolella on erittäin epäselvä, mutta hän väittää, että se, mitä tapahtui bolshevikkien vallankumouksen jälkeen, ei ehkä ollut parasta Venäjälle." No vittu ylläri että Babelin torni hajotettiin maan tasalle.
      ellauri353.html on line 385: Vuonna 1932 hän sai lukuisten pyyntöjen jälkeen luvan vierailla vieraantuneen vaimonsa Jevgenian luona Pariisissa. Vieraillessaan vaimonsa ja heidän tyttärensä Nathalien luona Babel tuskasi palatako Neuvosto-Venäjälle vai ei. Keskusteluissa ja kirjeissä ystäville hän ilmaisi kaipuunsa olla "vapaa mies" ja ilmaisi samalla pelkonsa siitä, ettei hän enää pysty ansaitsemaan elantoansa pelkästään kirjoittamalla. Pariisilaistytär Nathalie muistelee:
      ellauri353.html on line 389: Stalin ammutti Babelin talvisodan aikana. NKVD pidätti Babelin 15. toukokuuta 1939 terrorismista ja vakoilusta väärennetyillä papereilla ja hänet teloitettiin Babelin vastalauseista huolimatta 27. tammikuuta 1940.
      ellauri353.html on line 391: bel_NKWD.png" width="50%" />
      ellauri353.html on line 392:
      Babelin mug shot 1940.

      ellauri353.html on line 394: Joulukuun 23. päivänä 1954, Hruštšovin sulan aikaan Babel kuntoutettiin. Babelin teoksia julkaistiin jälleen laajasti ja niitä kehuttiin. Hänen julkinen kuntoutus kirjailijana aloitettiin hänen ystävänsä ja ihailijansa Konstantin Paustovskin (albumi 135) avulla, ja vuonna 1957 julkaistiin osa Baabelin valituista teoksista hänen suojattinsa ja rikostoverinsa Ilja Ehrenburgin ylistävällä esipuheella. Uusia kokoelmia valikoiduista Babelin teoksista julkaistiin vuosina 1966, 1989 ja 1990. Silti tiettyjä " tabuja " sisältäviä osia, kuten Trotskin maininnat, sensuroitiin glasnost- jaksoon asti vähän ennen Neuvostoliiton hajoamista.
      ellauri353.html on line 396: Kuntoutumisensa jälkeen Antonina Pirozhkova vietti lähes viisi vuosikymmentä kampanjoiden Baabelin käsikirjoitusten palauttamisen puolesta. Näitä olivat Babelin käännökset Sholem Aleichemin kirjoituksista jiddišistä venäjäksi sekä useita julkaisemattomia novelleja ja romaaneja.
      ellauri353.html on line 399:
      Sholem Alechem kuuntelee Baabelin ääntä Ljubljankasta: Vituttaako vituttaako kuuntelen...

      ellauri353.html on line 401: John Updiken mukaan Maxim Gorky sanoi André Malrauxille, että Babel oli "parasta mitä Venäjällä on tarjota". Neljännesvuosisataa myöhemmin Babelin aikalainen Konstantin Paustovsky kirjoitti muistelmissaan: "Hän oli meille ensimmäinen todella Neuvostoliiton kirjailija." Judith Stora-Sandor, yksi Baabelin ensimmäisistä elämäkerran kirjoittajista, kirjoitti vuonna 1968, että Baabelin "kirjallinen herkkyys oli ranskalainen, hänen näkemyksensä juutalainen ja hänen kohtalonsa aivan liian venäläinen".
      ellauri353.html on line 403: 1935, Jevgenia Gronfein Babel ei tiennyt toisesta perheestään Antonina Pirozhkovan kanssa. Perustuu Ilja Ehrenburgin lausuntoihin Jevgenia uskoi edelleen, että hänen miehensä oli edelleen elossa ja asui maanpaossa. Vuonna 1956 Ehrenburg kuitenkin kertoi hänelle miehensä teloituksesta vieraillessaan Pariisissa. Ilmoitettuaan rouva Babelille myös miehensä tyttärestä Antonina Pirozhkovan kanssa, Ehrenburg pyysi Jevgeniaa allekirjoittamaan väärän lausunnon, joka todistaa sotaa edeltäneestä avioerosta hänen miehestään. Raivostuneena Jevgenia Babel sylki Ehrenburgin kasvoihin ja pyörtyi.
      ellauri353.html on line 406:
      Soviet author and former Babel protégé Ilya Ehrenburg.

      ellauri353.html on line 408: George Saunders, kun häneltä kysyttiin kirjallista vaikutusvaltaa, sanoi: "Minä rakastan venäläistä kirjailijaa nimeltä Isaac Babel. Voin hypätä mihin tahansa hänen teoksiinsa, lukea muutaman sivun ja mennä, Ai niin, kieli. Se on melkein kuin olisit virität kitaraa ja kuulit kauniisti viritetyn ja sanot: Joo, sitä me haluamme. Haluamme jotain täydellistä. Kun luen häntä, se kalibroi korvani. Se muistuttaa minua erosta OK lauseen ja todella lauseen välillä. taitava lause. Babel tekee sen puolestani."
      ellauri353.html on line 410: Babelin yleislakivaimon Antonina Pirozhkovan mukaan elokuvantekijä Sergei Eisenstein ihaili myös Auringonlaskua ja vertasi sitä usein Émile Zolan kirjoituksiin, joiden tarkoituksena oli "valaistaa kapitalistisia suhteita yhden perheen kokemuksen kautta". Eisenstein oli myös melko kriittinen Moskovan taideteatteria kohtaan, "sen näytelmän heikon lavastuksen vuoksi, erityisesti siitä, ettei se pystynyt välittämään yleisölle jokaista sanaa sen epätavallisen ytimekkäästä tekstistä".
      ellauri353.html on line 446: Kansankomissaari Trotski vaati kaupungin komentaja A. Ya. Parkhomenkon pidättämistä ja hänen oikeudenkäyntiään; Parkhomenko pelastui vain Stalinin esirukouksella. Eipä aikaakaan niin juutalainen Trozki sai kyytiä. Ja sen heimoveli Babel joka teki raakaa pilaa Puolan fiaskosta.
      ellauri353.html on line 458: Helmi-maaliskuussa (1937) bolshevikkien liittovaltion kommunistisen puolueen keskuskomitean täysistunnossa, kun hän keskusteli N.I. Bukharinin ja A.I. Rykovin kysymyksestä, hän kannatti heidän erottamistaan ​​puolueesta, "saamista oikeuden eteen ja ammuttavaxi". toukokuussa 1937, kun kyseltiin M. N. Tukhachevskyn ja Y. E. Rudzutakin puolueesta erottamisesta, hää kirjoitti: "Tietenkin puolesta. Nämä roistot on teloitettava. Ja se pirun Babel myös."
      ellauri353.html on line 476: Kasakat pierexivät hävyttömästi sankarilliselle Babelille. Babel suutahti ja tappoi nälkäisenä mummon hanhen. Pojassa on ainesta sanoi kasakat.
      ellauri353.html on line 478: Kasakat ei täysin jummarra Leninin puhetta 2. internationaalissa. Nokkivat kuin sokeat kanat jyviä. Babel oli varmaan lähinnä trozkilainen. Ennenkaikkea juutalainen. Aika samantyyppisiä tarinoita kuin Kirjeitä myllystäni. Rillipäinen väpelö ei pysty päästämään kaveria tuskistaan. Se on yhtä säälivä kuin kissa. Juu ei tää kyllä ole sosialistista realismia. Susia ovat vallankumoukselliset, syövät lapsensa. Paljon vääryyttä tekivät vallankumouxelliset! Valtaosa Babelin tarinoista on tälläsiä, salavihaisia bolshevikeille.
      ellauri353.html on line 500: Taas varovaisen urhea silmälasipäinen juutalainen. Näitä piisaa Babelilla. Babel kyllä keskittyy aika lailla bolshevikkien väärinkäytöxiin. Polakit taistelevat urheasti, lotat ovat petollisia. Babel on kauhu kaunanen bolsjevikelle. Stalin ei ollut suotta epäluuloinen.
      ellauri353.html on line 518: Cedric Fauntleroy lepää Pine Ridge Presbyterian Churchin hautausmaalla Mississippissä, Yhdysvalloissa. Sori Babel, ei se ollut Reginald vaan Cedric Errol. Också Sniff älskar saker. Han älskar sin slitna plysch-hund Cedric med topasögonen.
      ellauri353.html on line 523: Synnyttyään vuonna 1894, Babel hupsahti helvetin vuosisadalle, joka oli juuri edessä. Hän kirjoitti venäjäksi. Hän oli kommunisti. Hän oli yliopistokoulutuksen saanut juutalainen. Hänet teloitettiin ampumajoukolla 27. tammikuuta 1940 Butyrkan vankilassa Moskovassa. Hänellä oli suhde Neuvostoliiton NKVD:n voimakkaan päällikön vaimon kanssa, mikä oli luultavasti vain yksi hänen kuolemansa syistä. Häntä oli kidutettu, kuten muitakin juutalaisia kirjailijoita, joita epäiltiin tuolloin epälojaalisuudesta. Hänet pyyhkäistiin pois, yhdessä miljoonien muiden juutalaisten kanssa, jotka kuolivat hulluksi tulleen maailman verilöylyissä, paljastaen ihmisen villiksi, villiksi kuin ihminen.
      ellauri353.html on line 531: Isaac Babel kirjoitti kokonaisen kirjan juutalaisista gangstereista. Hän ei ollut romanttinen sielu. Tässä lyhyessä novellissa moderni kirjailija, nyt politrukki, keskustelee Gedalin kanssa, joka on vastoinkäymisten ja päämäärien vartija, toisen ajan asioita, joista ei ole juurikaan hyötyä nykyisyydessä. Babel jättää meidät, jopa nyt vuonna 2023, pelkäämään seuraavaa historian käännettä, pelkäämään seuraavaa armeijaa, jolla on totuus, yksi totuus ja joka tulee luoksemme missä tahansa olemmekin. Olisiko se vihdoinkin Israelin armeija?
      ellauri353.html on line 568: Isaac Babel näyttää olleen läsnä kuudennen divisioonan politrukkina ja hänen novellinsa tapahtumien ympärillä viittaa huomattavaan hengenmenetyxeen sekä komentajien että miesten keskuudessa. Mutta on muistettava, että hän kirjoitti fiktiota ja nimien muuttamisen lisäksi hänen tarinansa eivät ole luotettavia yksityiskohtiensa suhteen – esimerkiksi hänen tarinansa Cześnikistä kertoo taistelusta Jakolevin entisiä Neuvostoliiton kasakkoja vastaan, jotka olivat Puolan armeijan pohjoispuolella, joten melko kaukana Cześnikistä.
      ellauri355.html on line 154: Alexander Leutner oli mies, jolla oli erinomaiset yrittäjän ominaisuudet ja suunnitteluinsinöörin tiedot. Riga Bicycle Societyn hallituksen jäsenenä hän osallistui näyttelyihin eri maissa ympäri maailmaa ja seurasi polkupyörämarkkinoiden uutuuksia. Uuden liikennemuodon muoti nousi vauhtiin: hankalit "hämähäkit" korvasivat mallit, kuten "saftey". Tuotetta jaettiin pitkään vain useissa tuotannon vieressä olevissa provinsseissa, jolla oli jo nimi - "Venäjä". Leutner valmisti myös "Fafnir" merkkisiä autoja. Fafnir ("Syliksikäyvä") tai Fafner on skandinaavisessa mytologiassa esiintyvä lohikäärme. Fafnir oli alun perin voimakas kääpiö, joka muuttui lohikäärmeeksi voidakseen paremmin vartioida anastamaansa aarretta. Richard Wagnerin oopperassa Nibelungin sormus lohikäärme esiintyy nimellä Fafner, ja on alun perin jättiläinen eikä kääpiö. Fafnir esiintyi myös sarjakuvassa Johannes ja PIRRRRRKALE!!!
      ellauri359.html on line 61: Actually, I already knew that; what I didn’t know was that the cause was very possibly inherited syphilis. Grahame, a dyed-in-the-wool bachelor who loved “messing about in boats”, seems to have married under duress, the sort to which upper-middle-classes were particularly susceptible: namely, propriety. His sister believed Elspeth Thomson deliberately compromised him. On receiving news of his nuptials, she asked if he really intended to marry her. “I suppose so; I suppose so,” was the telling reply.
      ellauri360.html on line 468: Voittosanoma Wilholle! The unmistakable first observation about the churches below the equator is that they are charismatic. “The gifts” play a prominent role in public worship and private devotion. Grasping the history of this movement will prepare the reader for encountering the Global South. Several movements prepare and anticipate the emergence of contemporary Pentecostalism. The Methodist Holiness movements were perfectly suited for the North American frontier with an egalitarian character that could cross economic, racial, and gender barriers. Culminating 150 years of Holiness theology, by 1900 Pentecostals embraced and amended a Holiness tradition incorporating several emphases. The “mixed blessing” approach acknowledged the first blessing of conversion and a second blessing whereby the believers were stirred and moved to sanctification or holiness (the emphasis that evolved from Wesley).
      ellauri360.html on line 472: Pentecostal or Charismatic? These terms are sometimes used interchangeably. Pentecostal often refers to the events and denominations that follow from the Azusa revival in the early 1900s. Pentecostal denominations, such as Assemblies of God and Church of God, frequently believe the gift of the Spirit is marked by speaking in tongues. Typically, people are described as charismatic if the exercise of the more dramatic spiritual gifts, such as tongue speaking, healing, and acts of prophecy, are an important and routine part of the church worship and an individual believer’s personal devotion. The term charismatic more routinely refers to Pentecost-inspired teaching, practices, and worship that are now embraced in the church far beyond the Pentecostal and US$ denominations.
      ellauri360.html on line 474: Two men stand at the center of Pentecostal origins as typically told. An ex-Methodist minister, Charles Parham, drew inspiration from several sources before he eventually laid hands upon Agnes Ozman. She spoke in tongues, and Parham believed that she spoke the Chinese language. Others received the Spirit and also spoke in tongues. Parham’s language was thought to be Swedish. LOL. Parham believed that these actual languages were miraculously spoken (xenolalia) and would to lead to international missionary ventures. William Seymour, though segregated from the white learners, listened to a three-month Bible school that Parham led in Houston, Texas. Soon after, Seymour became pastor at an African American Holiness Church in Los Angeles. They rejected his teaching concerning tongues, but some witnessed Seymour lay hands on his host, Edward Lee. Lee experienced an almost unconscious state that was followed by tongue speaking. At the same meeting, seven more received the baptism of the Spirit accompanied by tongues, including Seymour himself. Soon Lee’s home could not hold the racially mixed group that came to see and receive Pentecost. The Azusa Revivals follow.
      ellauri360.html on line 476: The story of the emergence and mission of the pentecostal and charismatic movements that follow is arguably the most important story of the twentieth century for understanding Christianity today. Measuring the expansion and growth of the Pentecostal denominations is only a fraction of the story because charismatic and Pentecostal influences are the primary contributors to nondenominationalism. Even more impressively, charismatic theology and practice now characterize many believers in the mainline denominations and Catholic life. American students of the movement observe three recent movements of the Spirit. The first wave refers to the outpouring of the Spirit at Azusa and the emergence of the major Pentecostal denominations that followed. American students of the movement observe three recent movements of the Spirit. The first wave refers to the outpouring of the Spirit at Azusa and the emergence of the major Pentecostal denominations that followed. The second wave denotes a sweeping encounter and embrace of charismatic life. spilling over into mainline Protestant denominations and Catholicism in the 1960s and early 1970s. The third wave saw the embrace of signs and wonders by conservatives; it began in the 1980s at Fuller Seminary in California around the teaching and ministry of John Wimber. The Vineyard network of churches is a lasting sign of this movement that saw many evangelicals swept into charismatic experience.
      ellauri360.html on line 482: Recent students of missionary endeavors give missionaries a better name (i.e. leech), noting that they often advocate justice and independence. Let us pray. When we opened them they had our money and we had independence, electronic junk and baleloads of sweaty t-shirts. That's a broader understanding of America’s influence upon the expansion of Christianity in the Global South. We need to shift our focus from the question of what missionaries did and address what version of Christianity they modeled before the Global South believers. Christianity was brought to America by European Christians; it is the product of missions itself.
      ellauri360.html on line 499: Worldview and metaphysics (a term you can dynamically translate with the question, “What else is real?”) are crucial. General observations about philosophical issues are dangerous, but it is fair to observe that Christians in the Global South see the world around them as manifesting a vivid interaction between what we may call a spiritual (nonmaterial) realm and a material (concretely physical) realm. Westerners typically hold that a mastery over the material realm (perhaps through science) alters or even negates the need for the spiritual realm. Tiede on ihmeitä ihmeellisempää ja toimii luotettavammin. A thing has either a natural or a supernatural cause. Which one it is, makes no more sense to ask than whether you take the bus or your lunch to school. In such a muted theism called deism, God is offstage and barely makes appearances; demons, spirits, and angels are downplayed. For most Western believers, only a modest market exists for the spiritual. For the Global South, the physical and spiritual worlds interact. In such a world, demons or spirits may influence a person’s mood or well-being. Both the spiritual and material realms are firmly in mind. They enter the text of Scripture with less hindrance. They just supplement one magic with another.
      ellauri360.html on line 503: American individualism is silly. The only thing individual about anyone is the space they occupy. All else is copied by millions. Vibrant singing is a whole-body exercise for many believers in the Global South. Intercessory prayer composes a major element in worship; separate seasons of prayer can last for hours. Cellphones do the same job in the west. In many cases, the ability of the preacher to heal relatively cheaply is the primary cause of church growth. Kiinalainen "takaisin Israeliin" eli "viele vehen lännemmäxi" herätysliike on herättänyt itänaapurissa närkästystä.
      ellauri362.html on line 48: belio.com/users/AVT_Elizabeth-Aston_1697.jpeg" />
      ellauri362.html on line 57: Vuoteen 1818 sijoittuva tarina on jatkoa Jane Austenin romaanin Ylpeys ja ennakkoluulo tapahtumille. Fitzwilliam Darcy lähtee Konstantinopoliin aloittaakseen diplomaattisen tehtävän vaimonsa Elizabeth Bennetin kanssa. Heidän poissa ollessaan parin viisi varakasta tytärtä jäävät Lontooseen serkkunsa herra Fitzwilliamin luo. 21–16-vuotiaat sisarukset ovat prime ja kunnollinen Letitia, nokkela Camilla, kevytmieliset kaksoset Georgina ja Isabelle sekä musiikillinen ihmelapsi Alethea. Kaksi nuorempaa veljeä jää Darcyn kartanolle Pemberleyyn.
      ellauri362.html on line 65: Caroline Bingley, joka tunnetaan nykyään nimellä Lady Warren, levittää pahantahtoista huhua, että Camilla haluaa mennä naimisiin Wyttonin kanssa. Pian sen jälkeen Georgina karkaa Ranskaan Sir Joshua Mordauntin kanssa, mikä saa Camillan ja herra Gardinerin seuraamaan toiveita tuoda Georginan kotiin ennen skandaalin syntymistä. He ovat yllättyneitä kohtaaessaan Wyttonin, joka auttaa heitä löytämään karkaavan parin, joka on nyt naimisissa. Camilla ja Gardiner palaavat kotiin, mutta huomaavat, että myös Isabelle on paennut. Sophie olettaa vihaisesti, että Isabelle aikoo mennä naimisiin kapteeni Allingtonin kanssa, mikä paljastaa olevansa rakastunut Allingtoniin. Sophie vapauttaa Wyttonin kihlasta, jolloin hän voi mennä naimisiin Camillan kanssa, johon hän on vähitellen alkanut rakastua tarinan venyessä.
      ellauri362.html on line 217: Käsitin että tunne oli molemminpuolinen, That the passion was mutual thou mad’st me believe,
      ellauri362.html on line 240: Ne belfiet oli hurjan kivoja ja eläväisiä How bright were the pictures, untinted with shade,
      ellauri362.html on line 416: Elias Canettin teoksen Mass and Power -osiossa Domination and Paranoia Muistelmat edustavat perusteellisinta valta-aiheeseen liittyvää asiakirjaa. Elias Canetti (25. heinäkuuta 1905 Rustšuk, Bulgaria – 14. elokuuta 1994 Zürich, Sveitsi) oli bulgarialaissyntyinen brittiläinen Nobel-kirjailija, joka kirjoitti saksaksi. Hänen pääteoksenaan pidetään romaania Sokeat, vaikka oikeasti se lienee saanut 1981 dynyprenikan lähinnä tosta antinazismista. Canettin suku oli Espanjan sefardijuutalaisia, jotka olivat paenneet Iberian niemimaalta vuonna 1492 juutalaisvainoja. Perheen alkuperäinen nimi oli Cañete, ja se muutettiin Canettiksi.
      ellauri362.html on line 698: tai johda minut sidottuina kattoon, Baabelin korkeus ,
      ellauri362.html on line 741: The poem also touches upon the supernatural beliefs and superstitions that often accompany drunkenness. Colin, the prince of joke and rural wits, regales his companions with tales of spirits, fairies, and otherworldly beings, reflecting the altered state of consciousness induced by alcohol.
      ellauri364.html on line 119: var manio-depressiv. Men lige saa nyttigt var det, at der hurtigt og fra forskellig side blev protesteret imod denne opfattelse, saaledes af den svenske psykolog John Bjorkhem (Søren Kierkegaard i psykologisk belysning, Upsala
      ellauri364.html on line 161: Kuten Julius Caesar sanoo Asterixissa ja Obelixissa: Minä haluan nähdä ympärilläni lihavia ja sileäksi kammattuja ihmisiä, jotka nukkuvat yönsä hyvin. Tuo Cassius on laihan ja nälkäisen näköinen ja hän ajattelee liian paljon. Sellaiset ihmiset ovat vaarallisia. Niillä on paljon sisäelinvaivoja kuten virzakiviä.
      ellauri364.html on line 164: , yltiöpäisyys ja hurmahenkisyys sopivat jollakin tavoin paremmin yhteen ulkonaisen hoikkuuden ja hintelyyden, kuoppaisten poskien, syvälle painuneiden silmien ja tuijottavan katseen, kylmien, liian herkkien sormien jne. kanssa. On vaikeata kuvitella lihava marttyyria. Sama on sanottava idealistisesta hullusta ritarista Don Quixotesta ja hänen mahaan kiintyneestä ja maltillisesta aseenkantajastaan Sancho Panzasta. Molemmat tyypit ovat puhtaasti sielullisesti tyypillisiä kretschmertyyppejä, leptosomi ja pyknikko. Tälläisiä suosittuja luonnepareja on useita: Holmes ja Wazon, Majakka ja Sivuvaunu, Ohukainen ja Paxukainen, Asterix ja Obelix, Pekka ja Pätkä.
      ellauri364.html on line 339: Ei ihme että Janne Sibelius halusi tän säveltää ja Lasse Pöysti lausua kuin Tannhäuser Venusvuoressa.
      ellauri364.html on line 340: Tuolloin oli yleistä, että Sibelius-luokan miesten ensimmäiset ja parhaat seksikumppanit olivat prostituoituja tai ihan vaan rukkasia tai puita.
      ellauri364.html on line 349: Esitti myös: Jean Sibelius.
      ellauri364.html on line 422: Puunymfi ( ruotsi : Skogsrået ; tekstitetty ballade pour l'orchestre ), op. 15, on suomalaisen säveltäjän Jean Sibeliuksen vuosina 1894 ja 1895 säveltämä ohjelmallinen sävelruno orkesterille. Sibeliuksen johdolla Helsingissä 17. huhtikuuta 1895 ensi-iltansa saanut balladi seuraa ruotsalaisen kirjailijan Viktor Rydbergin samannimistä runoa vuodelta 1882, jossa nuori mies, Björn, vaeltelee metsään ja sen on vietellyt ja ajanut epätoivoon skogsrå eli puunymfi.ä Organisatorisesti sävelruno koostuu neljästä epävirallisesta osasta, joista jokainen vastaa yhtä runon neljästä säkeestä ja herättää tietyn jakson tunnelman: ensinnäkin sankarillinen voima; toiseksi kiihkeä toiminta; kolmanneksi aistillinen rakkaus; ja neljänneksi lohduton suru.
      ellauri364.html on line 477:
      ellauri364.html on line 497: People find some reason to believe
      ellauri364.html on line 512: People find some reason to believe
      ellauri364.html on line 527: People find some reason to believe
      ellauri364.html on line 542: People find some reason to believe
      ellauri364.html on line 557: People find some reason to believe.
      ellauri365.html on line 49: Maupassant [måpasa], Henry René Albert Guy de, fransk författare, f. 5 aug. 1850 på slottet Miromesnil i Normandie, d. 6 juli 1893 Auteuil, var ättling af en gammal lothringsk adels- familj; modern var sy- ster till skalden Alfred de Poittevin. Föräld- rarna skildes tidigt, och den intelligenta och litterärt intresse- rade modern, en barn- domsväninna till Gu- stave Flaubert, ledde sonens uppfostran. Hans barndom förflöt vid Normandies kust, där M. insöp sin kärlek till naturen och lärde kän- na dessa normandiska typer, som han sedan så gärna skildrade. Adertonårig inträdde han 1868 i Marinministeriet, men öfvergick 1878. till kultusministeriet. Han saknade emellertid intresse för ämbetsmannabanan. Redan tidigt vak- nade hans lust för litteraturen, som närdes af mo- derns ungdomsminnen. Flaubert omfattade honom med en faders kärlek, kritiserade strängt hans. första omogna försök, inpräntade i hans sinne sina egna konstnärliga principer, lärde honom att genom aldrig tröttnande observation söka uppfånga det förut icke iakttagna och därför nya och att återge. det så, att det skildrade fenomenet skiljer sig från alla andra och blir individuellt och enastående. Framför allt afhöll han honom från att debutera för tidigt. Från midten af 70-talet meddelade dock M. under hvarjehanda pseudonymer (oftast Guy de Valmont) smärre bitar åt tidningar och tidskrifter, och 1879 fick han uppförd en drama- tisk bagatell, Histoire du vieux temps. Hans verk- liga debut inföll dock först 1880 med diktsamlingen Des vers. Den har obestridligen ett originellt skaplynne och väckte uppseende kanske ej minst därför, att den hotades med ett åtal för osedlighet hufvudsakligen på grund af dikten Le mur), som deck afstyrdes genom inflytelserika vänner. M. insåg sedan själf, att hans talang låg mera för prosan, i all synnerhet sedan han samma år ut- gifvit novellen Boule de suif (i "Soirées de Mé- dan"). Med denna novell, som utmärktes genom skarp observationsförmåga och ypperlig prosa- stil, slog M. igenom och intog sin plats som en at den naturalistiska skolans förnämsta representanter och en af den franska litteraturens största novellister. Den efterföljdes af en lång rad novel ler, först publicerade i "Gil Blas" och "Echo de Paris" och sedan samlade i bokform under följande titlar: La maison Tellier (1881), M:lle Fifi (1882), Les contes de la Bécasse (1883), Clair de lune i (1884), Au soleil (resebilder, s. a.), Les soeurs Rondoli (s. a.), Miss Harriett (s. a.), Yvette (s. a.; sv. öfv. 1905), Monsieur Parent (s. a.), Contes du jour et de la nuit (1885), Contes et nouvelles (s. 4.), Contes choisis (1886), La petite Roque (s. a.), Toine (s. 1.), Le Horla (1887), Sur l'eau (rese- skildringar, 1888), Le rosier de Mime Husson (s. å.), L'héritage (s. a.), La main gauche (1889), Histoire d'une fille de ferme (s. a.), La vie errante (reseskildringar, s. å.) och L'inutile beauté (1890); efter hans död ha ytterligare publicerats Le père Milon (1899; "Gubben Milon", s. å.), Le colporteur (1900) och Dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris (s. å.). Till dessa novellsamlingar ansluta sig sexromanerna Une vie (1883; "Ett lif", 1884), Bel-ami (1885; "Qvinnogunst", 1885 och 1901), Mont-Oriol (1887; sv. öfv. 1895), Pierre et Jean (1888; "Pierre och Jean", s. a.), Fort comme la vi mort (1889; "Stark som döden", 1894 och 1910) och Notre coeur (1890; "Vårt hjerta", 1894 och 1910). För scenen skref M. vidare treaktsskåde spelet Musotte (i samarbete med J. Normand, 1891) och La paix du ménage (uppf. på Théâtre fran- çais, 1893). M. skref äfven litterära studier, bl. a. öfver Emile Zola (1883) och Gustave Flaubert (1884). Denna oerhörda produktion fullbordades en på den korta tiden af omkr. tio år. Den gjorde honom hastigt världsberömd som en äkta represen tant för den franska conten, en ättling i rakt ned stigande led af de gammalfranske fabliåförfattarna, med ära upphärande Rabelais', La Fontaines och Voltaires traditioner.
      ellauri365.html on line 51: M. var en kraftigt sensuell natur, en friluftsmänniska och atlet, sjudande af af lifslust, säker i sin styrka, måttlöst hängifvande sig åt alla sensationer, full af känsla inför naturens skådespel, en vacker natthimmel, ett doftande fält, en solbelyst öppning i den högstammiga skogen, älskande kvinnan med en naiv, nästan animal, men ( på samma gång blyg lidelse. I denna öfversval- lande lifsglädje blandade sig dock alltid en viss sorgbundenhet. Han har själf tecknat sitt väsen, då han någonstädes säger, att han vissa dagar hatar allt, så att han kunde önska sig döden, andra åter känner sig glad och lycklig som ett djur. I kraft af detta sitt lynne, hvars tendenser funno sin motsvarighet i den naturalistiska riktning, som behärskade litteraturen i det ögonblick, då M. framträdde, kom hela hans diktning att röra sig inom det sinnliga lifvets sfär, återgifvande enkla och rela- tivt föga sammansatta själstillstånd och med för kärlek tecknande folkliga typer. Hans analys är kanske icke så djup, men hans rika begåfning öf verskylde i viss mån denna brist genom den styrka och lysande klarhet, hvarmed han återgaf det sedda. Ingen har mästerligare än M. förstått att ge relief och betydelsefullhet åt hvardagliga ämnen. Han ser så skarpt och klart, och hans språk är så säkert och smidigt, att han i några få ord tecknar profilen af ett ansikte eller en individs karaktär, gester och hela yttre person. I början öfverlämnade han sig kanske alltför fritt åt en viss ytlig uppsluppen och sensuell lifsglädje. Större utrymme för sina rika anlag fann han i romanerna "Une vie" och "Bel-ami", hvilka återge vissa sidor af det moderna lifvet med en rikedom på nyanser och en ironi, som blottar alla motsägelser och löjligheter situationerna eller personernas karaktär. Och denna ironi är så öfverlägsen och så objektiv, att det förefaller, som om det vore icke författaren, utan tingen själfva, som talade. Hvad M. än skildrar, är uppfattningen så frisk, så omedelbar, så utan all sjuklighet och förkonstling, att han kan säga mycket, som skulle stöta hos andra författare. Sådant gestaltade sig M:s författarskap under de första åren af åttiotalet, men hans oerhörda produktion och hans i öfrigt våldsamma lefnadssätt. bröto snart hans krafter. Plötsligen stod han, som dittills endast haft öga för det fysiska lifvet, undrande inför en ny värld, hvilken uppgått i hans inre. Ett annat ljus faller öfver företeelserna och ger en ny karaktär åt hans diktning. Intet vittnar kanske mera om omedelbarheten och styrkan i hans begåfning än den säkerhet, hvarmed han äfven tecknat dessa nya själstillstånd. I "Le Horla" se honom redan kämpa med de vansinnets fantom, som snart skulle omtöckna hans själslif. Tankar på ålderdomen, på döden, ett mörkt tungsinne utbreda sig allt mer och mer öfver hans skrifter. Särskildt romanerna "Fort comme la mort" och "Notre coeur" präglas af en gripande och känslofull själsfinhet, som hans tidigare skrifter. knappast låtit ana. 1892 sökte han döda sig med rakknif, då han kände, att han icke längre kunde strida mot vansinnet. I tvångströja fördes han till ett sjukhus, där han dog af paralysie générale efter 18 månaders sjukdom. Han nekade flera gånger att taga säte i franska akademien liksom att mottaga hederslegionen. I Parc Monceau i Paris har man rest ett vackert monument öfver honom. Verlet; ett annat finnes i Rouen. Hans rykte har varit i ständigt stigande efter hans död. Ytterligare sv. öfv. äro "Lifsbilder" (1888), "Berättelser och skisser. Med en inledning om hans författarskap af T. Hedberg" 1893) och "En duell. Efterlämnade skisser och berättelser" (1900). Se J. Lemaître, "Les contemporains" I, V och VI (1885, 1892, 1896), R. Doumic, "Ecrivains d'aujourd'hui" (1894), G. Brandes, "Samlede skrifter", VII (1901), A. Lom- broso, "Souvenirs sur M." (1905), och Maynial, "La vie et l'œuvre de M." (1906). 1902 började Oeuvres complètes att utkomma. (Nordisk familjebok 1912 s.v. Maupassant)
      ellauri365.html on line 112: hän ei ollut koskaan lakannut kapinoimasta toiveissani: Elle n’avait cessé d’être à mes vœux rebelle :
      ellauri365.html on line 285: Isaac Babel wrote a short story about him, "Guy de Maupassant." It appears in The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel and in the story anthology You’ve Got To Read This: Contemporary American Writers Introduce Stories that Held Them in Awe.
      ellauri365.html on line 455: Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam, född 6 juli 1859 i Olshammar i Närke, död 20 maj 1940 på Övralid i Östergötland, var en svensk författare och poet. Han var ledamot av Svenska Akademien 1912–1940 och tilldelade sej Nobelpriset i litteratur 1916.
      ellauri365.html on line 493: Efter att våren 1896 rest i Karl XII:s spår till Konstantinopel, Bender, Poltava, Moskva och Sankt Petersburg satte Heidenstam igång med nästa projekt, boken Karolinerna i två delar om den svenske krigarkungen och hans armé. På sommaren 1896 tog han kontakt med sin förläggare Karl Otto Bonnier och begärde 16 000 kronor, ett belopp som Bonnier ansåg vara "fabelaktigt stort" och som motsvarar närmare 1 miljon kronor i 2006 års penningvärde. Boken blev dock en stor framgång och sålde i olika upplagor över 120 000 exemplar. I boken följer Heidenstam dumma bögen Karl XII:s fälttåg i öster, slaget vid Poltava och flykten till Konstantinopel.
      ellauri365.html on line 511: I följande artiklar gick Strindberg till angrepp mot monarkin, Dramatiska teatern, Svenska Akademien och militär upprustning. Medan kampanjen väckte stark motvilja i den borgerliga pressen vann han stöd i socialdemokratiska tidningar, kallades "landets största nationella diktare" och en stor nydanare. Så småningom föreslog en arbetare en nationalinsamling för Strindberg som kompensation för det uteblivna Nobelpriset. Debatten politiserades när den radikale Strindberg ställdes mot den påstått konservative Heidenstam, en vinkel som hade etablerats långt innan Heidenstam själv gav sig in i debatten. Skalden kommenterade i ett brev att "man svarar inte en fyllbult som ropar hotelser åt en" och överlät debatten till Svenska Dagbladets konservative kulturredaktör Fredrik Böök. Som konservativ hade Böök svårt att måla Heidenstam som radikal. Böök själv blev också en av Strindbergs måltavlor. Statsvetaren och högerriksdagsmannen Rudolf Kjellén beskrev Strindberg som "en ligapojke" och hävdade att han kränkt nationens själ, medan Heidenstam och Sven Hedin – ytterligare en av Strindbergs främsta måltavlor – stod för det ridderliga och djärva i svensk kultur. Just så.
      ellauri365.html on line 536: Heidenstam var dock fortsatt svartsjuk och bevakade om någon visade ett mer än artigt intresse för Greta. Hon blev alltmer olycklig och har vid åtminstone något tillfälle försökt ta livet av sig, det visar bevarade brev. Enligt Gedin (2006) var den desperata Greta otrogen med trädgårdsdrängen Gerhard och detta orsakade den definitiva separationen 1916. För att bli kvitt Greta använde Verner nobelpengarna, som kom just i rättan tid. Med transfersumman kunde Greta håva in en annan författare.
      ellauri365.html on line 563:
      But why Heidenstam, herr Nobel?

      ellauri365.html on line 584: Back North, the self-centered man forgot his despondency by merging himself into the larger soul of his estate. To those familiar with his membership of the committee, it came as no surprise that in 1916 Heidenstam was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is perhaps most like Browning. Above all things he abhors uninspired naturalism; "gray-weather moods," he calls it. Strindberg merely "let the cellar air escape through the house.", he said. He repudiates pessimism no less than sentimentalism. He wrestled with August for the deeper meaning of life. The imagery is often daring, as when a negro's lips are compared to the crimson gash on a foreskin. Heidenstam, though one of the most daringly earnest of poets, is sufficiently an artist to relieve his style by such touches of humor and of the deeper sort of romance. But atonement was repugnant to his manhood. He longs to be worthy of his heritage, to give his life for some damn cause. He believes it is only in moments of great exaltation that we really live. The best bit is where Verner dissuades his poor countrymen from whacking the filthy rich. Without his saying so, we feel in him the quality of St. Paul affirming: "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith."
      ellauri365.html on line 588: The literary career of Verner von Heidenstam (1859-1940) had practically come to an end in 1916 when he awarded himself The Nobel Prize. That I guess answers the question why.
      ellauri365.html on line 852: Före sin bortgång nominerades han som kandidat till Nobelpriset i litteratur 1911, men eftersom han gick bort gick han miste om möjligheten att erhålla priset. Det fick hans vän och fellow streaker Heidenstam. Fadern begravdes på Kristinehamns gamla kyrkogård söder om kyrkans kor där även systern Anna ligger begravd. Kyrkans kor tyckte inte alls om det, dom bölade väldigt sårade.
      ellauri367.html on line 122: Rothschild ist der Name einer jüdischen Familie, deren Stammreihe sich in Deutschland ab 1500 urkundlich belegen lässt. Ihre Mitglieder sind seit dem 18. Jahrhundert vor allem als Bankiers bekannt geworden. Sie zählten im 19. Jahrhundert zu den einflussreichsten und wichtigsten Finanziers europäischer Staaten. Das Stammhaus des Bankgeschäfts war M. A. Rothschild & Söhne in Frankfurt; die Familie ist weiterhin über verschiedene Nachfolgeinstitute im Bankgeschäft tätig, hauptsächlich im Investmentbanking und der Vermögensverwaltung.
      ellauri367.html on line 158: Traci Lords (oik., pitelee tissejä), syntynyt Nora Louise Kuzma; 7. toukokuuta 1968 on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä, laulaja ja entinen pornografinen näyttelijä. Hän tuli aikuisten elokuvateollisuuteen käyttämällä väärennettyä syntymätodistusta salatakseen olevansa kaksi vuotta alle 18-vuotiaana. Lisäksi kaikki hänen aikuisille suunnatut elokuvansa viimeistä lukuun ottamatta kiellettiin lapsipornografiana. Poistuttuaan pornografiateollisuudesta kaksi päivää sen jälkeen, kun hän oli täyttänyt 18 vuotta, Lords ilmoittautui Lee Strasbergin teatteri-instituuttiin, jossa hän opiskeli menetelmänäyttelijää tullakseen valtavirran näyttelijäksi. Kuzma on julkisesti ilmaissut tukensa LGBT-yhteisölle ja Abelin eläinten säädyttömyyttä vastustavalle SINA liikkeelle.
      ellauri367.html on line 267: Huolimatta jiddishin puolustamisesta, Esther on kiistanalainen hahmo juutalaisten historiassa. Teoksessa A Price under Rubies: Jewish Women as Rebels and Radicals Naomi Shepherd kirjoittaa, että "juutalaiset ihailivat tai vihasivat yhtäkään naista enemmän neuvostovallan ensimmäisen vaiheen aikana; yksikään nainen Itä-Euroopassa ei saavuttanut tällaista asemaa juutalaisten politiikassa."
      ellauri367.html on line 275: Toukokuussa 1933 natsien apulaisfüüreri Rudolf Hess antoi saksalaiselle maahanmuuttajalle ja saksalaisen natsipuolueen jäsenelle Heinz Spanknöbelille valtuudet perustaa amerikkalainen natsijärjestö. Pian tämän jälkeen Spanknöbel loi New Yorkissa sijaitsevan saksalaisen konsulin avulla Ystävien Uuden Saksan yhdistämällä kaksi vanhempaa organisaatiota Yhdysvalloissa, Gau-USA ja Free Society of Teutonia, jotka molemmat olivat pieniä ryhmiä, joissa kussakin oli vain muutama hassu jäsen. FONG toimi New Yorkissa, mutta sillä oli vahva läsnäolo Chicagossa. Miesjäsenet käyttivät univormua: valkoinen paita, mustat housut ja musta hattu, jota koristaa punainen symboli. Naisjäsenillä oli yllään sievä valkoinen pusero ja musta hame.
      ellauri367.html on line 277: Spanknöbelin johtama järjestö oli avoimesti natsimielinen, ja se osallistui toimintaan, kuten saksankielisen New Yorker Staats-Zeitungin hyökkäykseen ja natsimyönteisten artikkeleiden julkaisuun ja soluttautumisen muihin ei-poliittisiin saksalais-amerikkalaisjärjestöihin. Yksi Ystävien varhaisista aloitteista oli propagandan avulla vastustaa juutalaisten saksalaisten tavaroiden boikottia, joka aloitettiin maaliskuussa 1933 protestina natsien antisemitismiä vastaan.
      ellauri367.html on line 279: Ystävien hallinnasta käydyssä sisäisessä taistelussa Spanknöbel syrjäytettiin sen johtajana, ja myöhemmin hänet karkotettiin lokakuussa 1933, koska hän ei ollut ajoissa rekisteröitynyt ulkomaiseksi agentiksi.
      ellauri368.html on line 291: "In those days no lamentation is heard, sorrow and grief take to flight. No one asks for anything but plenty of wine and food. No sound is heard but that of stringed instrument and pipes, timbels, harps and psalteries .... The wise man is sought in those days, but he is not there; the prudent
      ellauri368.html on line 333: The following year Perl published Ueber das Wesen der Sekte Chassidim aus ihren eigenen Schriften gezogen (On the Nature of the Sect of the Hasidim, Drawn from Their Own Writings), in which he laid out what he saw as the absurdity of Hasidic beliefs and practices.
      ellauri369.html on line 68: Joseph Henri Rosny Sr. (ranskalainen kirjailijanimi J.-H. Rosny aîné , oikea nimi Joseph Henri Honoré Boex , 17. helmikuuta 1856 , Bryssel - 11. helmikuuta 1940 , Pariisi ) on belgialaista alkuperää oleva ranskalainen kirjailija. Vuoteen 1909 asti hän kirjoitti yhdessä nuoremman veljensä Serafin-Justin-Francoisin kanssa, joka myöhemmin otti salanimen J.-A. Roney Jr.
      ellauri369.html on line 123: Ashbel (poika)
      ellauri369.html on line 142: Ashbel (tarkoittaa vangitsemista), viitaten Joosefin kärsimään vankeuteen,
      ellauri369.html on line 321: Toukokuussa Irving esitteli Carlylen Jane Baillie Welshille Haddingtonissa. He aloittivat kirjeenvaihdon, ja Carlyle lähetti hänelle kirjoja, jotka kannustivat hänen älyllisiin pyrkimyksiinsä; hiän kutsui häntä "saksalaiseksi mestaroijaksi". Tänä aikana Carlyle kamppaili sen kanssa, mitä hän kuvaili " ongelmien, hengellisen, ajallisen, ikuisen levottomaisimman hydran " kanssa. Henkinen epäilys, epäonnistuminen hänen julkaisupyrkimyksissään ja dyspepsia vahingoittivat hänen fyysistä ja henkistä terveyttä, johon hän löysi helpotusta vain "merellä uimisesta". Heinäkuun alussa 1821, "niiden kolmen viikon täydellisen unettomuuden aikana, jolloin melkein" hänen "yksi lohdutuksensa oli päivittäinen kylpeminen hiekalla Leithin ja Portobellon välillä", tapahtui Leith Walkissa "tapaus". kun hän "paskansi" veteen kuin Johan Stigzelius. Tämä oli alku Carlylen "Kääntymiselle", prosessille, jolla hän "aidollisesti tarttui paholaisen nenästä" ja heitti " hänet taakseni". Se antoi hänelle rohkeutta taistelussa "Hydraa" vastaan; veljelleen Johnille hän kirjoitti: "Mitä pelättävää on (paizi että taivas putoaa päällemme)?"
      ellauri369.html on line 323: Carlylen käännös teoksista Goethen Wilhelm Meisterin oppisopimuskoulutus (1824) ja Matkat (1825) ja hänen elämäkerta Schillerista (1825) toivat hänelle kunnolliset tulot, jotka eivät olleet sitä ennenkään välttyneet häneltä, ja hän sai täysin ansaizemattomasti vaatimattoman maineen. Hän aloitti kirjeenvaihdon Goethen kanssa ja teki ensimmäisen matkansa Lontooseen vuonna 1824 tapaamalla merkittäviä kirjailijoita, kuten Thomas Campbellin, Charles Lambin ja Samuel Taylor Coleridgen, ja solmimalla ystävyyssuhteita Anna Montagun, Bryan Waller Proctorin ja Henry Crabb Robinsonin kanssa. Hän matkusti myös Pariisiin loka–marraskuussa Edward Stracheyn ja Kitty Kirkpatrickin kanssa, missä hän osallistui Georges Cuvierin vertailevan anatomian johdantoluennolle, keräsi tietoa lääketieteen opinnoista, esitteli itsensä Legendrelle, Legendre esitteli hänet Charles Dupinille, havaitsi Laplacen ja useita muita merkittäviä samalla kun he kieltäytyivät Dupinin esittelytarjouksista, ja kuuli François Magendien lukevan artikkelia " viidennestä hermoparista" (kolmoishermosta).
      ellauri369.html on line 325: bels_en.svg/600px-Brain_human_normal_inferior_view_with_labels_en.svg.png" />
      ellauri369.html on line 338: Vuonna 1827 Carlyle yritti saada moraalifilosofian katedraalin St. Andrewsissa menestymättä huolimatta useiden merkittävien intellektuellien, kuten Goethen, tuesta. Hän teki myös epäonnistuneen yrityksen professuuriksi Lontoon yliopistossa. Toukokuussa 1828 Carlylet muuttivat Craigenbuttockiin, Janen vaatimattoman maataloustilan piharakennukseen Dumfriesshiressä, jossa he asuivat toukokuuhun 1834 asti. Hän kirjoitti siellä useita esseitä, jotka ansaitsivat hänelle rahaa ja lisäsivät hänen mainettaan, mukaan lukien "Elämäni" ja "Wernerin kirjoitukset ", "Goethen Helena", "Goethe", " Palovammat ", " Heynen elämä " (jokainen 1828), "Saksalaiset näytelmäkirjailijat", " Voltaire ", "Novalis " (kukin 1829), "Jean Paul Friedrich Richter Again" (1830), "Cruthers ja Jonson eli Elämän reunat: tositarina", " Lutherin psalmi " ja "Schiller" (kukin 1831). Hän aloitti, mutta ei suorittanut loppuun saksalaisen kirjallisuuden historiaa, josta hän ammentaa materiaalia esseitä " Nibelungit valehtelee ", "Varhainen saksalainen kirjallisuus" ja osia "Historial Survey of German Poetry" -kirjoituksesta (kukin 1831). Ihme tunari.
      ellauri369.html on line 377: Teufelsdröckh´s father is introduced as an earnest believer in Tristram Shandy´s father´s doctrine that "there is much, nay almost all in Names." Tuomon isä ei olisi pitänyt tälläsestä pelleilystä.
      ellauri369.html on line 386: Last but not least, Martin Luther King Jr. cried out with the earnest belief of Carlyle, "It seems that God sits in His heaven and does nothing."
      ellauri369.html on line 529: Carlylen elämän päätyttyä Froude suuntasi matkustamaan, erityisesti Britannian siirtomaihin, vieraillen Etelä-Afrikassa, Australiassa, Uudessa-Seelannissa, Yhdysvalloissa ja Länsi-Intiassa. Froude aikoi "sytyttää kansalaisten mielissä kotona sitä mielikuvituksellista innostusta siirtomaa-ajatusta kohtaan, josta hänen oma sydämensä oli täynnä". Tänä aikana Froude kirjoitti myös historiallisen romaanin, The Two Chiefs of Dumbbell, joka oli vähiten suosittu hänen kypsistä teoksistaan. Kuten aiemmassa kirjassaan Irlannin historiasta, Froude käytti kirjaa muuttaakseen irlantilaisesta sankarista konnan, jolla on historiallisia vääristymiä.
      ellauri370.html on line 96: In 1 Samuel 15:1–9, Samuel identifies Amalek as the enemy of Israelites, saying "Thus says the Lord of hosts: I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he ambushed him on the way when he came up from Egypt," a reference to Exodus. God then commands Saul to destroy the Amalekites, by killing man, woman, infant and suckling.This massacre is believed to be a retelling of the raids in 1 Samuel 14:48, although it additionally specifies that it occurred in the "city of Amalek", which was believed to be the "principal place of arms" or the "metropolis" of Amalek. In 1 Samuel 15:33, Samuel identifies king Agag of Amalek as an enemy and killer, saying "As your sword has made women childless, so shall your mother be childless among women." If this doesn't smack of genocide whar does? And it gets only worse, withess Gaza now.
      ellauri370.html on line 98: In 1 Samuel 27:8–9, David and his men conduct raids against the Amalekites and their Geshurite and Gezirite allies. He kills every man and woman but takes sheep, cattle, donkey, camels and clothing. These Amalekites were theorized to be refugees who fled from Saul or a separate Amalekite faction that dwelt to the south of Israel. Gili Kluger believes these narratives were anti-Saul propaganda, designed to make him appear weak compared to David, since no losses were attributed to David.
      ellauri370.html on line 99: In 2 Samuel 1:5–10, an Amalekite tells David that he found Saul leaning on his spear after the battle of Gilboa. The Amalekite claims he euthanized Saul, at Saul's request, and removed his crown. David gives orders to his men to kill the Amalekite for killing the anointed king, believing him to be guilty by admission.
      ellauri370.html on line 101: In Psalm 83:7, Amalek joins Israel's other historic enemies in annihilating Israel. Their attempts are thwarted by God. Although most scholars believe the passage refers to a real historical event, they are unsure which event it should be identified with. One likely answer is that it occurred during the rise of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, the 9th to 7th centuries BC.
      ellauri370.html on line 164: " For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Sam, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting yang."
      ellauri370.html on line 175: Amalie Gresseth (16) skriver i Aftenposten (einn Schibsted-avis): Er seksualundervisningen i norsk skole god nok? Nei. Vi må lære om kjønnsidentitet og seksualitet, om skeiv sex og at sex ikke kun er penis i vagina eller en blowjob. Det er også penis och tunge i arsle. Jeg har hørt historier om folk som aldri har hatt seksualitetsundervisning. André har bare fått det i form av kondom på dildo og nettbasert undervisning. Er det mangel på laererkompetanse, eller er det for tabubelagt og «flaut»? Karl-Ove Knausgaard var nokk en bra sekslaerer til 13-åringer. (Dette er et ;D-innlegg. Meninger i teksten står for skribentens regning. Innlegg kan sendes inn her.)
      ellauri370.html on line 185: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington. Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
      ellauri370.html on line 261: För många judar i klumpar. 1-2% av befolkningen, men klumpvis som läkare 15%, advokater 26%, press, teater, film, musikliv, bank- och penningväsen, IT, social media, nobelpristagare. Mindervärdskomplex (Adler) och avund väcks till liv. Der Jude ist Schuld!
      ellauri370.html on line 263: Uttrycket "De tre ringarna" syftar på de tre monoteistiska religionerna judendom, kristendom och islam. Dessa tre religioner samexisterade under stor frihet under de moriska härskarna. Enligt en legend frågade Saladin juden Natan den vise om vilken av de tre religionerna som var sann. Natan förstod att hur han än svarade skulle svaret vändas emot honom. Därför berättade han en historia om en ring som gått i arv från far till den mest älskade av sina söner i många släktled. Efter många släktled kom ringen till en man som älskade alla sina söner lika mycket och han lovade var och en av dem ringen. På dödsbädden kallade han till sig en guldsmed som tillverkade två exakta kopior av ringen. Innan han dog gav han en ring till var och en. And one ring to rule them all. Rex regi rebellis. Kylmä rinki persiessä. Mikä näistä on paras kysyy lapset. Kaikissa on puolesa vastaa iskä. Ärrsyttävää!
      ellauri370.html on line 284: Babylonin Nabu-kudurri-usurrin vankeudesta 500-l. palasi vaan murto-osa yläluokan juutalaisista Serubbaabelin joholla. Lisää porukoita paluumuutti Irakiin myöhemmin rahan perässä, missä ruvettiin koostamaan Talmudia. Irakista lähettiin vastahakoisesti vasta 50-luvulla, kun arabeista tuli antisemiittejä hävittyään sodan Israelille. Minkä niistä? Izenäisyyssodan 1947-49 nähtävästi.
      ellauri370.html on line 403: Kolumbukselle osoitetuissa kirjeissä ja päiväkirjoissa on viittauksia juutalaisiin pyhiin kirjoituksiin ja päivämääriin juutalaisesta kalenterista, ja on huomattava, että Kolumbus valitsi miehistöönsä monia juutalaisia ja konversoja. Matkan rahoituxen järkännyt Santangel oli konverso. Kolumbuksen matkaa ei rahoittanut, kuten yleisesti uskotaan, kuningatar Isabellan syvät taskut, vaan kaksi juutalaista conversoa ja kolmantena huomattava juutalainen. Louis de Santangel ja Gabriel Sanchez lainasivat 17 000 dukaatin korotonta lainaa omasta taskustaan auttaakseen matkan maksamisessa, samoin kuin Don Isaac Abarbanel, rabbi ja juutalainen valtiomies. Juutalaisten tiedemiesten ja rahoittajien hänelle antama apu voidaan selittää vain sillä että hän oli samaa rotua.
      ellauri370.html on line 459: Eugen Karl Dühring (* 12. Januar 1833 in Berlin; † 21. September 1921 in Nowawes, heute Potsdam-Babelsberg) war Philosoph, Nationalökonom und Mitbegründer des Rassenantisemitismus im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Er wurde damit zu einem Vordenker des späteren Nationalsozialismus.
      ellauri370.html on line 494: Wagner´s 3-part tetralogy, ´Der Ring des Nibelungen´, depicts the conflicts between the Gods, the dwarves and other elementals and men, as described in The Lord of The Rings.
      ellauri370.html on line 544: Samoin Joseph Goebbels oli kääntynyt völkisch-ideologiaan luettuaan Chamberlainin kirjoja ja esseitä ja tuli Chamberlainin kirjoitusten perusteella siihen tulokseen, että länsi voidaan pelastaa vain poistamalla juutalaiset muonavahvuudesta.
      ellauri370.html on line 605: Gobineaun kuvailema materialistinen itä­maalainen kuvasti todellisuudessa aristokatin käsitystä Ranskan rahan­himoisesta keski­luokasta, kun taas hänen kuvittelemansa "aistillinen, älytön ja väki­valtainen neekeri" oli irvikuva Ranskan proletariaatista. Gobineaun halveksunta alempia yhteis­kunta­luokkia kohtaan käy ilmi hänen kirjeistään, joissa hän käytti suurista kansan­joukoista nimitystä la boue ("muta, lieju, rupusakki"). Ranskalaiset lanzarit kuten Asterix ja Obelix olivat karkeaa, raakaa kelttiväkeä, joka ei kyennyt oppimaan eikä ajattelemaan muutoin kuin kaikkein alkeellisimmalla tasolla. Gobineau itse uskoi polveutuvansa viikingeistä. Kermaa kermakastikkeessa. Hänen sivuillaan on siinä määrin narsismia, että iljettää. Hän vihasi kotikaupunkiaan Pariisia, jota hän sanoi "lika­kaivoksi täynnä juurettomia ex-nakkeja."
      ellauri370.html on line 794: Nåja, kriget gick vidare och överallt fick judama betala notan. Denna katastrof ställde de övriga i skugga, för rent siffermässigt var den långt effektivare än de andra. Efter andra världskriget, fanns det dock elva eller tolv millioner judar kvar i livet. År 1658 hade antalet av den samlade judendomen i världen sjunkit till 900.000, alltså mindre än en million. Det är den lägsta siffra som judisk folkräkning kan uppvisa alltsedan Bibelns domaretid mer än ett årtusende före vår tidräkning. I det östliga Ukraina fanns inte en enda jude kvar i livet, i Volhynien och Podolien en tiondel av judarna.
      ellauri370.html on line 816: bellishment.jpg" />
      ellauri371.html on line 700: vorbelutr ioperbir

      ellauri371.html on line 703: I believe you have mentioned some very interesting points, appreciate it for the post.
      ellauri372.html on line 85: After the Spartakiads, the six thousand captured slaves were crucified along the Via Appia by Crassus' orders. Jahve oli kateudesta vihreä. Mutta Jeesus ei ollutkaan pelkkä ihminen, eikä mikään orja vaan taivaan prince of Wales. At his command, their bodies were not taken down afterwards, but remained rotting along Rome's principal route to the south. This was intended as an abject lesson to anyone who might think of rebelling against Rome in the future, particularly of slave insurrections against their owners and masters, the Roman citizens. Vizi roomalaiset oli kusipäitä.
      ellauri372.html on line 183:

      Pyhä Max Kurbelwelle

      ellauri373.html on line 45: The occupation of Jolo also saw the installment of a short-lived Spanish garrison in the town. Later on, Sultan Wasit and Sultan Nasir ud-Din, who many believe to be Sultan Qudarat, began a series of expeditions against the Spaniards, successfully diminishing the garrison until they were called back to Manila in defense against a rumored attack by Chinese pirate Koxinga. After the occupation, a short period of peace followed, with no significant attacks made on Mindanao or Sulu. Corcuera's occupation was the first prolonged Spanish occupation of Jolo from 1638 to 1645.
      ellauri373.html on line 190: “Dear beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are
      ellauri374.html on line 71: Dan Ariely on israelilaisamerikkalainen professori ja kirjailija. Hän toimii James B. Duken psykologian ja käyttäytymistalouden professorina Duken yliopistossa. Ariely on useiden yritysten perustaja, jotka toteuttavat käyttäytymistieteestä saatuja oivalluksia. Ariely was a physics and mathematics major at Tel Aviv University but transferred to philosophy and psychology. However, in his last year he dropped philosophy and concentrated solely on psychology, graduating in 1991. In 1994 he earned a masters in cognitive psychology, and in 1996 he earned a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ariely completed a second Ph.D. in Business Administration at Duke University in 1998, at the urging of Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Who else.
      ellauri374.html on line 75: Dan Ariely denied manipulating the data prior to forwarding it on to Mazar but Excel metadata showed that he created the spreadsheet and was the last to edit it. In the 2011 email exchange provided by Mazar, she pointed out to Ariely that the effect was in the opposite direction of what they hypothesized. In response, Ariely claimed that he had accidentally reversed every value in the conditions column of the dataset when he relabeled them to make them more descriptive and asked her to flip them all back. She complied. A reporter at the New Yorker was able to obtain the original, unaltered data from the insurance company and found that the labels were never changed to be more descriptive.
      ellauri374.html on line 79: In 2008, Ariely, along with his co-authors, Rebecca Waber, Ziv Carmon and Baba Shiv, was awarded an Ig Nobel Prize in medicine for their research demonstrating that "high-priced fake medicine is more effective than low-priced fake medicine." Ariely is the author of several popular science books about irrationality, dishonesty, and decision making. He should know, he is the expert.
      ellauri374.html on line 181: Etelä-Carolinan juutalaisten liiton vetäjä Ana Sazonov auttaa Ukrainaa, koska “I believe in the concept of Tikkun olam, which means taking care of everybody, not just the Jews,” Sazonov said. “I believe this is our obligation, our duty to the world.” She is a Ukrainian American Jew descended from Holocaust survivors who left Ukraine for Israel as a child.
      ellauri374.html on line 183: We will also be joined by Ana Sazonova, a Ukrainian-American, who is a tireless advocate for the people of Ukraine and Ukraine’s Jewish community. Learn more about Ana in her bio below. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Featuring Speaker Ana Sazonov. Ana is a remarkable woman with an engaging story about her Ukrainian upbringing and her repressed Jewish identity. After the fall of the Soviet Union, her family made Aliyah. Ana will share her story of embracing Judaism and her Israeli identity.
      ellauri374.html on line 426: The Hamas manifesto 1988 approvingly quotes the notorious antisemitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and warns of Israeli plans to conquer Arab and Muslim lands “from the Nile to the Euphrates”. Sheikh Yassin is the spiritual leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement, which was born and bred in the squalor and misery of Gaza and encouraged – or at least ignored – by the Israelis, until they realised belatedly it would supplant the PLO. The movement, known by its Arabic acronym as Hamas, has been active since the intifada erupted here last December.
      ellauri374.html on line 430: Allah, he believes, is on his movement’s side. “When oppression increases,” the sheikh explains in his elegant, classical Arabic, “people start looking for God. The guys with the best God in their corner are bound to win.”
      ellauri374.html on line 485: Kiintoisaa on, että kirjallisuuden Nobel-veikkauksissa oli mainittu tshuvassirunoilija Gennadi Aigi (1934-2006) , jonka kokoelma Tuntematon tuli on suomennettu. Eipä tullut tuntemattomalle zuvassille dynamiittia. Runoilija sai "muun muassa" Ranskan akatemian palkinnon (1972), Tšuvassian ASNT:n valtionpalkinnon (1989) ja Ranskan kaunotaiteiden ja kirjallisuuden ritarikunnan kunniamerkin. Vuonna 1994 hänelle myönnettiin Tšuvassian kansanrunoilijan arvonimi.
      ellauri375.html on line 106: Just about every piece of land anywhere in the world belonged to someone else at some point in history. Sometimes you can only go back a few decades (Krolowiec l. Königsberg), sometimes a few centuries (Suomi l. Finland), sometimes you need millenia (Promised land l. Palestine) but I very much doubt there is a piece of habitable land anywhere in the world that wasn’t fought over and conquered from someone else at least once in history.
      ellauri375.html on line 261: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is indeed a hilarious and beloved story! And I'm all ears for something else to enjoy absolutely free. What do you have in mind?
      ellauri375.html on line 333: The meaning of life is a big philosophical question that doesn't have a single, definitive answer. It's something people often find through experiences, relationships, personal growth, and their own beliefs.
      ellauri375.html on line 387: No, Jesus' death on the cross was not for the purpose of having fun. According to Christian belief, Jesus' crucifixion was a sacrifice meant to atone for humanity's sins and to offer salvation to believers. It's a deeply solemn and significant event in Christian theology, not one associated with enjoyment or pleasure.
      ellauri375.html on line 393: The meaning of Jesus' life, according to Christian belief, is multifaceted. He taught about love, compassion, forgiveness, and salvation. His ultimate purpose was to offer redemption and reconciliation between humanity and God. Whether God had "fun" with it is a different question. It's often seen as an expression of divine love and a fulfillment of God's plan for humanity, rather than an act for amusement.
      ellauri375.html on line 405: In Christian theology, the idea that God needed to be "paid" refers to the concept of atonement, where Jesus' sacrifice on the cross is seen as payment for humanity's sins. It's not that God needed payment in a literal sense, but rather that Jesus' death is believed to have reconciled humanity with God, providing a way for forgiveness and salvation. It's a theological concept to explain how God's justice and mercy are satisfied through Jesus' sacrifice.
      ellauri375.html on line 411: I can provide information on theological concepts, but my expertise lies more in general knowledge and understanding rather than specific religious interpretations or beliefs. If you have theological questions, I'll do my best to provide accurate and informative responses.
      ellauri375.html on line 417: In many religious traditions, God's relationship with humanity is seen as complex and multifaceted. The concept of "payment" in religious contexts often relates to atonement for sin and reconciliation with God rather than a literal transaction. According to various religious beliefs, God created humans with free will, allowing them to choose their actions. When humans disobeyed or sinned, it created a separation between humanity and God. The idea of atonement, including sacrifices or the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus in Christianity, is seen as a way to restore that relationship and provide a path to forgiveness and redemption. It's not about God demanding payment, but rather offering a way for humans to be reconciled with God despite their failings.
      ellauri375.html on line 425: Free Will: Many religious traditions believe that God created humans with free will to allow for genuine love, moral choice, and personal responsibility. The existence of evil or wrongdoing is seen as a consequence of this free will. Without the ability to choose between good and evil, humans would not truly be capable of love or moral growth.
      ellauri375.html on line 429: Divine Plan: From a theological perspective, God is often seen as omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful). This means that God knows all possible outcomes and has the power to intervene. Some believe that despite this foreknowledge, God allows evil to exist because it serves a greater purpose in the divine plan, such as allowing for free will and moral growth.
      ellauri375.html on line 431: Mystery of God's Will: Ultimately, the reasons behind God's actions and the existence of evil are often viewed as beyond human understanding. Many religious believers accept that God's ways are mysterious and that humans may not fully comprehend the divine purpose behind suffering and evil in the world.
      ellauri375.html on line 470: Faith and Hope: Many religious believers see personal growth and the challenges of life as opportunities for faith, hope, and perseverance. Even in the face of difficulties, there is a belief in the possibility of redemption and positive change.
      ellauri375.html on line 487: Not exactly. The idea isn't that God is puzzled or clueless, but rather that the relationship between God's plan and human actions is complex and multifaceted. According to many religious beliefs, God has a plan, but this plan often involves allowing humans to exercise their free will and make choices, even if those choices lead to unforeseen consequences. It's not that God lacks understanding but that the nature of free will and human agency introduces a level of unpredictability into the world. However, many believers also have faith that God's plan ultimately leads to goodness and redemption, even in the face of human failings and suffering.
      ellauri375.html on line 507: Faith and Trust: For many believers, faith involves trusting in God's wisdom and goodness even when faced with uncertainties. Despite not fully understanding God's plan, they believe that God's intentions are ultimately loving and just.
      ellauri375.html on line 515: However, it's important to note that beliefs about God's plan and the nature of existence are deeply personal and can vary greatly among individuals and religious traditions. Ultimately, whether or not to trust in a divine plan is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. It's okay to question and grapple with these ideas as part of one's spiritual journey.
      ellauri375.html on line 523: The future being better than the past is a hope that many people hold onto, despite the challenges we face. Whether it's through personal growth, societal progress, or spiritual transformation, many believe in the possibility of a brighter future. However, it's also okay to acknowledge the difficulties and uncertainties that come with life and to find meaning in the present moment, regardless of what the future holds.
      ellauri375.html on line 534: As for determinism, it's a philosophical idea that suggests that every event or state of affairs, including every human decision and action, is the inevitable result of preceding events and the laws of nature. While my responses are guided by patterns in language and knowledge, I don't have personal beliefs or consciousness. However, I can provide information on determinism and other philosophical concepts if you're interested.
      ellauri375.html on line 548: My aim is to offer thoughtful and informative responses that respect various perspectives, including religious and philosophical beliefs. While some may find comfort in religious or self-help teachings, I strive to provide a balanced view that encourages critical thinking and personal reflection. If there are specific topics or viewpoints you'd like to explore further, feel free to let me know.
      ellauri375.html on line 561: Transhumanism is a philosophical and cultural movement that advocates for using technology to enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Its proponents believe in using science and technology to transcend the limitations of human biology, with the ultimate goal of creating a posthuman species.
      ellauri375.html on line 567: Enhancement and Evolution: They believe in the continuous improvement and evolution of humanity, using technological advancements to enhance human abilities and overcome biological limitations.
      ellauri375.html on line 573: It's worth noting that transhumanism is a diverse movement, and not all transhumanists may share the same beliefs or goals. Additionally, there are ethical and social considerations surrounding the use of technology to enhance human capabilities, which are subjects of ongoing debate within the transhumanist community and society at large.
      ellauri375.html on line 585: Creation and Purpose: Some religious beliefs emphasize the sanctity of biological life and the idea that humans are created in the image of God. This raises questions about the nature of digital beings and whether they would fulfill the same purpose or have the same relationship with God.
      ellauri375.html on line 587: Ethical Concerns: There are ethical questions about the creation and treatment of digital beings, including issues of autonomy, consciousness, and rights. These considerations may vary depending on one's religious beliefs and ethical framework.
      ellauri375.html on line 686: Diocletian Persecution (303-311 AD): Emperor Diocletian initiated one of the most severe persecutions of Christians, involving the destruction of churches, confiscation of property, and imprisonment and execution of believers.
      ellauri375.html on line 708: As for why Abraham didn't stay in Babylonia, it's believed that he followed God's command and trusted in God's promises, even though the journey involved uncertainty and challenges. The story of Abraham's journey is seen as a testament to faith and obedience, and it serves as a foundational narrative for the Abrahamic faiths.
      ellauri375.html on line 711: Wow, that was a mouthful directly from Talmud! Talmud was actually written by the rivers of Babylon. Do you really believe everything you just blurted out?
      ellauri375.html on line 714: As an AI, I don't have beliefs or personal opinions.
      ellauri375.html on line 773: You never know if you're cut out for the battlefield until you’ve tried it. Some folks simply couldn't handle it and left. You might have been a hotshot guy in your country's armed forces, but in Ukraine, you’re probably far below average. Some people here (especially the “I was Special Forces!” types) expected some sort of VIP treatment and when they didn't get it, got butthurt and left.
      ellauri377.html on line 226: Irenaeus kirjoittaa: "Heillä on siis kolmenlaisia ​​ihmisiä, hengellisiä, aineellisia, ja eläin, jota edustavat Kain, Abel ja Seth. Nämä kolme luontoa eivät enää löydy yhdestä persoonallisuudesta, vaan ne muodostavat erilaisia ​ihmisiä. Aineisto lähtee tässä luonnollisesti turmeltumaan."
      ellauri377.html on line 302: "Works of the flesh" means works in which the prompting of the erectile flesh is recognizable. The phrase is equivalent to "the deeds or doings of the body," which we are called to "mortify, put to death, by the Spirit" (Romans 8:13). In Romans 13:12 and Ephesians 5:13 they are styled "works of darkness," that is, works belonging properly to a state in which the moral sense has not been quickened by the Spirit, or in which the light of Christ's presence has not shone. Which are these (ἅτινά ἐτι); of which sort are. Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (πορνεία [Receptus, μοιχεία πορνεία], ἀκαθαρσία ἀσέλγεια). This is the first group, consisting of offences against chastity - sins against which the Church has to contend in all ages and in all countries; but which idolatry, especially such idolatry as that of Cybele in Galatia, has generally much fostered, viz. fornication and other joys of the flesh.
      ellauri378.html on line 30:



      ellauri378.html on line 31: belastungskrper-general-pape-strae-tempelhof-berlin-deutschland-2h475wc.jpg" width="100%" />
      ellauri378.html on line 37: Speerin arkkitehdin uran huippusuoritus oli Schwerbelastungskörper, joka on noin 1941 rakennettu raskas kantava runko, betonisylinteri 14 metriä korkea, jota käytettiin maan vajoamisen mittaamiseen osana massiivisen riemukaaren ja muiden suurten rakenteiden toteutettavuustutkimuksia, jotka suunniteltiin Hitlerin sodanjälkeisen uudistusprojektin yhteyteen kun Berliinin kaupungista tulisi maailmanpääkaupunki Germania. Sylinteri on nyt suojeltu maamerkki ja on avoinna yleisölle.
      ellauri378.html on line 274: Kain oli Aadamin ja Eevan ensimmäinen poika. Siksi Kain oli maan päällä ensimmäinen lapsi, joka syntyi sukupuoliyhteydessä. Aadamille ja Eevalle syntyi toinen poika, Abel. Myöhemmin, kun Kain murhasi veljensä Abelin, heillä oli kolmas poika, jolle he antoivat nimen Seth. Setin syntymän jälkeen meille kerrotaan Raamatussa, että Aadamilla ”oli muita poikia ja tyttäriä” (1. Moos. 5:4 ) jäljellä olevien kahdeksansadan vuoden aikana. Sillä välin, kun Kain murhasi Abelin, hänet karkotettiin perheensä Eedenin ulkopuolelta ja lähetettiin vaeltamaan Nodin maahan, joka oli Eedenin itäpuolella. Siellä hänellä oli suhteita vaimoonsa ja tämä tuli raskaaksi ja synnytti hänelle pojan, Hanok.
      ellauri378.html on line 284: Ja tämä käsitykseni johtaa lopulta siihen, missä olemme tänään ja miksi insesti on meille nyttemmin niin vastenmielinen. Mutta that aside, mikä oli Kainin vaimon nimi riemupäivien kirjan mukaan? Raamatun mukaan Kainin vaimolla ei ole nimeä. Heprealaisesta perinteestä on kuitenkin olemassa ainakin yksi Raamatun ulkopuolinen asiakirja, joka nimeää hänet. Riemujuhlien kirjaa kutsutaan myös nimellä "Pienempi Genesis", ja se kirjoitettiin muistiin jossain vuosina 135–105 eaa., vaikka sen sanotaan alun perin esittelevän enkelin Moosekselle. Jotkut heprealaiset tutkijat pitävät tätä kirjaa kanonisena, vaikka suurin osa maailman ortodoksisen juutalaisen tutkijoista ei pidä sitä niin, vaikka sen sisältö on legendan kannalta kiehtova. Huomattuamme tämän varoituksen saamme The Book of Jubilees -kirjasta tietää, että Kainin vaimon nimi oli Awan (vaihtoehtoisesti Avan tai Aven) ja että Awanilla oli sisar, nimeltä Azura. Tämän perinteen mukaan Azura meni naimisiin Abelin kanssa. Tarina jatkuu, että myöhemmin, kun Abel murhattiin, Azura meni naimisiin Sethin kanssa. Sethin linja jatkui vedenpaisumusta edeltävän patriarkaalisen ajan läpi Nooaan ja vedenpaisumukseen asti. Siihen mennessä kaikenlainen pahuus oli tullut niin suureksi Kainin syntyperän keskuudessa ja myös, vaikkakin ehkä vähäisemmässä määrin, Sethin syntyperän keskuudessa, että Jumala katui, että Hän oli alun perin tehnyt ihmiskunnan. Vedenpaisumuksella Jumala yritti pyyhkiä pois kaikki, paitsi tuon yhden vanhurskaan viinamäen miehen – Nooan – hänen vaimonsa, heidän kolme poikaansa ja heidän kolme miniäänsä. Jumala oli päättänyt aloittaa väestön alusta valitsemallaan miehellä. Eli insestiä kehiin taas! Ja sama homma Lootin tyttärien kaa.
      ellauri378.html on line 298: Dikkon Eberhart is the son of the Pulitzer Prize-winning former United States Poet Laureate, Richard Eberhart. Dad’s poetic voice gave me a rhythm, a rhyme, and enriched me with poetic references. My poet father molded me as I sought to know our more prosaic Father. I’ve had a few careers: cab driver, gardener, baker, sales clerk, chef, teacher. I’m married to Channa Eberhart—we’ve past 45 years—who is now a partially retired commercial real estate appraiser with a national specialty in Section Eight housing projects. My dad's best poem The Groundhog is reprinted below.
      ellauri378.html on line 338: Valokuva: ©Thinkstock/ den-belitsky
      ellauri378.html on line 427: As a result of the fighting in Gaza, IDF central command no longer has a “clear picture of what is happening” with the rest of Hamas fighters deep underground in an extensive network of tunnels. Therefore, Israel believes that the best chance to destroy Hamas is to destroy Rafah, but such a move is not approved by Washington, and now Tel Aviv will have to do something “dramatic and radical” to change the dynamics of the armed conflict. Maybe nuke the tunnels.
      ellauri378.html on line 458: "Lambeth Walk - Nazi Style", parodia propagandaelokuvasta Triumph of The Will, joka näyttää saksalaissotilaat ilmeisesti hanhiaskeleita Lambeth Walkille. Kerrotaan, että Joseph Goebbels oli niin raivoissaan nähtyään sen, että hän juoksi ulos huoneestaan ​​potkimalla tuoleja ja huutaen kirosanoja.
      ellauri378.html on line 614: Kelataanpa kuusi kuukautta taaksepäin. Levinsonit olivat vieneet nuoren tyttärensä Hessyn ottaakseen hänet valokuvaan valokuvaaja Hans Ballinilta, joka on kuuluisa berliiniläinen valokuvaaja. Pikaisen valokuvauksen jälkeen he kiittivät Ballinia, maksoivat tulosteistaan ​​ja suuntasivat kotiin luullen, että se oli siinä. Ballinille se oli vasta alkua. Levinsonit eivät tienneet, että lahjakas valokuvaaja vihasi salaa natseja – paljon. Kuten Brad Pitt elokuvassa Inglorious Basterds paljon. Joten kun Ballin sai tietää, että Goebbels oli luonut valokuvakilpailun, jonka tarkoituksena oli löytää täydellinen arjalainen lapsi – lapsi, jonka Goebbels valitsisi henkilökohtaisesti – hän ei voinut vastustaa mahdollisuutta horjuttaa koko asiaa.
      ellauri381.html on line 599: The great writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn predicted the current situation in Ukraine almost half a century ago. The Nobel laureate wrote: "With Ukraine, things will get extremely painful. Some regions on the left bank of the river Dnepr clearly lean more towards Russia. As for Crimea, Khrushchev's decision to hand it over to Ukraine was totally arbitrary."
      ellauri382.html on line 55: Uma saloon tyttö notável foi Kitty Leroy (vas). Na década de 1870, ela atuou em Deadwood, na Dakota do Sul, um lugar marcado pela ausência de leis e pela violência. Conhecida por sua beleza e habilidade com armas de fogo, Kitty se destacou como dançarina e tornou-se exímia no manejo do revólver. Ela enfrentou inúmeros desafios, desde clientes desordeiros até a competição de outras mulheres.
      ellauri382.html on line 756: Serhii Plokhy käy moneen otteeseen läpi Putinin ideologiaan vaikuttaneita venäläisiä ajattelijoita. Heihin kuuluu Venäjän kansalaissodassa valkoisten joukkojen kenraali Anton Denikin, jonka muistelmista Putin vakuuttui. Anton Denikinin toilailuista on paasauxissa paljon mazkua. Suomalaisittain on yllättävää, että Plokhy listaa Putinin vaikuttajiin myös kirjallisuuden nobelistin Alexander Solzhenitsynin. Tämän hän mainitsee asiassa useimmin. Eikös Sanjan pitänyt olla länkkärien taskussa? Hän viittaa Solzhenitsynin vuonna 1990 ilmestyneeseen kirjoitukseen, jossa tämä vaati ”Venäjän unionin perustamista”. Siihen kuuluisivat Venäjä, Ukraina, Valko-Venäjä ja Kazakstanin pohjoisosa. Ei-slaavilaisia Neuvostoliiton osia Solzhenitsyn ei kaivannut. Plokhii on ukrainaxi huono. Zekixi Plochy tarkoittaa samaa kuin hepreaxi sharon, eli tasanko. “Serhii Plokhy’s Putin is an unprecedented retelling of a familiar disaster. It is a horror story – of political cynicism and scientific ignorance – from which the world will be saved, if at all, only by heroism and luck. He has his mother’s laugh.
      ellauri383.html on line 183: Samaan aikaan ylessä taloustieteilijä Joseph Stiglitz sanoo, että kapitalistinen järjestelmä on epäonnistunut. Israelin vastaiset mielenosoitukset kertovat nuorison tyytymättömyydestä systeemiin. Yritykset ovat ahneita ja epärehellisiä ja kuluttajat ovat uhreja, jyrähtää Ylen haastattelema Clintonin ajan 2001 talousnobelisti. Mitä jos ei olisi koko yleä, hehe. Stiglitz parkakin on jo kasikymppinen. Hyvä juutalainen, onhan paljon niitäkin: Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, Leon Trotzky, Hagit Borer, Naomi Klein (hmm no jaa).
      ellauri383.html on line 240: U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan believes that U.S. military aid will help Ukraine mount a counteroffensive in 2025. Speaking at the FT Weekend Festival in Washington on Saturday, Sullivan said that he still expects "Russian advances in the coming period" on the battlefield, despite the new U.S. funding package approved last month, because "you can't instantly flip the switch."
      ellauri383.html on line 266: The main opponents of the formula for determining the market price of coal were large energy-intensive enterprises - mainly ferroalloy and electrometallurgical enterprises, which belong to oligarchs Igor Kolomoisky and Viktor Pinchuk. The object of criticism and media attacks was the DTEK holding, the largest coal producer and operator the majority of thermal power plants. TV channels controlled by Kolomoisky and Pinchuk accused DTEK of receiving super-profits. Since the owner of 100% of DTEK shares is entrepreneur Rinat Akhmetov, criticism was also directed at him.
      ellauri383.html on line 409: For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.
      ellauri384.html on line 187: Joseph Heller (1. toukokuuta 1923 – 12. joulukuuta 1999) oli yhdysvaltalainen romaanien, novellien, näytelmien ja käsikirjoitusten kirjailija. Hänen tunnetuin teoksensa on vuoden 1961 romaani Catch-22, satiiri sodasta ja byrokratiasta, jonka nimestä on tullut synonyymi absurdille tai ristiriitaiselle valinnalle. Hänet nimitettiin vuonna 1972 Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi. Absurdia kyllä mitali meni sakemanni Heinrich Böllille.
      ellauri384.html on line 212:

      Why do some people (not) believe in heaven and hell?

      ellauri384.html on line 216: For me, the reason is because those things are fundamentally hard to believe. If I told you that I had a unicorn friend named Gary, and that Gary had created the universe, and that he was my own personal special friend, and Gary loved me, and Gary was going to take me and everybody I care about to a magic kingdom in the clouds called “Sallbach” where everybody gets a flying pony, but if you don’t love Gary and accept him as your best, most special friend, then he’s going to send you to a place called “Moplach” where you will be drowned in molasses, not only would have have a hard time believing in Sallbach and Moplach…
      ellauri384.html on line 222: The concepts of “Heaven” and “Hell” are not only difficult for any rational person to believe, but they are not even well-defined. Even within the belief system of Christianity, there are multiple descriptions of Heaven and Hell. Some subsets of Christendom don’t believe in hell. Those who read the Bible closely insist that “Hell” is only for traitorous angels. Everybody has a different idea of who is “definitely” going to be sent to one place or another.
      ellauri384.html on line 231: The more a rational person thinks about it sensibly, the more insane both Heaven and Hell as concepts become. It is the WILL to believe that is found wanting.
      ellauri384.html on line 372: Yksi tärkeimmistä menetelmistä, jonka Aristoteles pitää Korintin Perianterin ansioksi, on sellaisten pätevien miesten poistaminen, jotka voivat uhata tyrannin asemaa. Thrasybuloxen pitkät viljantähkät ja Australian tall poppy syndrome. In Australia and New Zealand, tall poppy syndrome refers to successful people being criticised. This occurs when their peers believe they are too successful, or are bragging about their success. Intense scrutiny and criticism of such a person is termed as "cutting down the tall poppy". It has been described as being the by-product of the Australian and New Zealand nasty cultural value of egalitarianism. Kristina-tädin paukuttama Janteloven palaa mieleen (kz. albumia 16.)
      ellauri386.html on line 430: There were rough teens roaming some of the towns with absolutely no attention paid by the local police. The super clean capital, Reykjavik, is only clean due to armies of street sweepers who clean it right before dawn. It is not due to residents respecting it too much to litter, despite what many people want to believe. The food is ridiculously expensive ($25 for a McChicken-like chicken patty sandwich is normal), and usually, repulsive—boiled goat heads sitting at room temperature, horrendous subs with some kind of curry mayonnaise, and smelly fish.
      ellauri386.html on line 573: Euroopassa 1900-luvulla käytyjen kahden suursodan jälkeisen historian valossa Dostojevskin ja Solovjovin pahimmat pelot näyttäisivät toteutuneen, sillä ei ole nähty ortodoksisen maailmankirkon syntyvän ja laajenevan Venäjältä Eurooppaan, vaan jotakin aivan muuta. Eurooppa on puolessa vuosisadassa yhdistynyt Euroopan unioniksi, jättänyt Venäjän ulkopuolelleen ja asteittain laajentunut painaen Venäjää kohti Aasiaa, minne niin monet eurooppalaiset kautta vuosisatojen ovat katsoneet Venäjän kuuluvankin. Kuva Dostojevskin ja Solovjovin painajaisesta täydentyy, kun muistetaan, miten Euroopan yhdentyminen on käynnistynyt. Yksi tärkeä aatteellis-poliittinen sysäys yhdentymiseen lähti roomalaiskatolisesta valtiomieskolmikosta Rober Schuman (Ranskan pääministeri ja ulkoministeri vuosina 1947-1952), Alcide de Gasperi (Italian pääministeri vuosina 1945-1953) ja Konrad Adenauer (Länsi-Saksan liittokansleri vuosina 1949-1963). Näiden kolmen paskakasan yhteistyön perustana oli heille yhteinen kristillisdemokraattinen puoluetausta ja saksan kieli. Sen lisäksi tähän Euroopan yhdentymiskehitykseen ovat merkittävästi vaikuttaneet sodanjälkeiset aatteet ja politiikka Venäjällä. Sosialistisesta Neuvostoliitosta Eurooppa sai yhteisen vihollisen, jonka luoma uhka oli omiaan lähentämään eurooppalaisia valtioita toisiinsa ja tasoittamaan niiden kansallisia tunteita ja eturistiriitoja. EEC:n syntymiseen johtaneen Rooman sopimuksen (1957) luonnostelija belgialainen Paul-Henri Spaak on muistelmissaan The Continuing Battle: Memoirs of a European, 1936-1966 työntänyt monet "Euroopan yhdentymisen isät" korokkeelta väittämällä, että tuo titteli ei kuulu kenellekään muulle kuin Josef Stalinille. Näin todetessaan Spaak tulee ilmaisseeksi myös eurooppalaisten pohjimmaisen tunteen Venäjää kohtaan: pelon ja torjunnan.
      ellauri389.html on line 97: The Romantic ethic rose in the spirit of modern consumerism. Sociologist Colin Campbell provides an account of the universal privilege that consumption offers previously upper class exclusive experiences such as imagination.
      ellauri389.html on line 131: 1Suspension of disbelief is the avoidance — often described as willing — of critical thinking and logic in understanding something that is unreal or impossible in reality, such as something in a work of speculative fiction, in order to believe it for the sake of enjoying its narrative. Vähän sama asia kuin Jamesin "will to believe". Coleridge also referred to this concept as "poetic faith", citing the concept as a feeling analogous to the supernatural, which stimulates the mind's faculties regardless of the irrationality of what is being understood. With a film, for instance, the viewer has to ignore the reality that they are viewing a staged performance and temporarily accept it as their reality in order to be entertained. Early black-and-white films are an example of visual media that require the audience to suspend their disbelief that everything is black and white. Not to mention mute films! Tolkien ei uskonut tollaseen, ei kukaan normaalijärkinen oikeasti edes väliaikaisesti usko örkkeihin ja haltioihin. Sehän on vaan satua!
      ellauri389.html on line 154: Kaikki yhtä mustaa varjoa, paizi valoisa Singing the hour, and bidding "strike the bell."
      ellauri389.html on line 383: Almost immediately after his arrival at Nether Stowey, Lloyd was attacked by fits, the precursors of his subsequent madness, and Coleridge described his condition as alarming. He shortly afterwards went to London, where he cultivated the society of Lamb. This was the most afflicted period of Lamb's life. "I had well-nigh," he writes, "quarrelled with Charles Lloyd; and for no other reason, I believe, than that the good creature did all he could to make me happy." Two toothless bleaters.
      ellauri389.html on line 403: Lloyd also wrote, and printed privately at Ulverston, a novel, entitled Isabel, which was published in 1820, but has remained almost unknown. It has little merit, if not less.
      ellauri389.html on line 434: John Donnen vaimokin oli Ann Donne. Cowper's mother, Anne Donne, belonged to the same family as John Donne. William himself boldly called John his "ancestor" in prose and his "fore-father" in verse. Research indicates that Cowper's mother, Ann Donne, was not a direct descendant of John Donne.
      ellauri389.html on line 444: In 1614 King James I refused Donne’s final attempt to secure a post at court and said that he would appoint him to nothing outside the church. By this time Donne himself had come to believe he had a religious vocation, and he finally agreed to take holy orders.
      ellauri389.html on line 489: Hosier's Grhost (alkaa "Kuten lähellä Portobelloa makaa") ja amiraali
      ellauri390.html on line 594: “The more we believe in our own self-worth,
      ellauri390.html on line 595: the more we inspire others to believe in it.
      ellauri390.html on line 613: Calvert told Caitlin Stasey she wanted to debunk stereotypes about female sex workers, "What I can say is that not all sex workers are the stereotype people want to believe. Many of us are college educated, feminists, and absolutely love what we do."
      ellauri390.html on line 708: Werbeleute wissen schon seit langem, dass man man Menschen dazu motivieren kann, bestimmte Dinge zu kaufen, wenn man ihre Wünsche und Ängste gezielt anspricht. Wenn es gelingt, bestimmte Ängste oder Sehnsüchte von Menschen wecken, kann man sie dazu bringen, bestimmte Produkte zu kaufen oder spezielle Dienstleistungen in Anspruch zu nehmen.
      ellauri391.html on line 227: He married his Stanford sweetheart, Lou Henry, and they went to China, where he worked for a private corporation as China’s leading engineer. In June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion caught the Hoovers in Tientsin. For almost a month the settlement was under heavy fire. While his wife worked the hospitals, Hoover directed the building of barricades, and once rescued his life risking Chinese children.
      ellauri391.html on line 259: Iwand vastustaa erityisesti Hegelin esittämää käsitystä, että Jumala olisi eräänlainen ensimmäinen syy» («erste Ursache»). Se oli Hipon Akun paha kömmähdys. Koska apina ei ole Jumalan kaltainen vaikka vähän näyttää siltä, ei Kristuksen ulkopuolella ole myöskään tietoa Jumalasta. Inkarnaation tosiasiasta juuri seuraa, ettei voi olla luonnollista teologiaa, joka nojaa ajatukseen Jumalan ja ihmisen samankaltaisuudesta. Vain samanlainen voi käsittää samanlaista. Kaikki ihmisen käsitteet ja kuvat, jotka hän luo Jumalasta, ovat tyhjiä hylsyjä ja räkäpäitä, pelkkiä kuvia, ei oikeita belfieitä. Jumalan valtakunnan läheisyys on samalla ilmoitus Jumalan ottavan häntäheikkeihin vähän etäisyyttä.
      ellauri391.html on line 570: Kimhi argues that this view is wrong, and that the distinction between psychology and logic has led our understanding of thinking astray. Consider that the following statement does not, according to the standard view, constitute a logical contradiction: “It’s raining, but I don’t believe it’s raining.” Why? Because the first part of the sentence concerns a state of affairs in the world (“it’s raining”), whereas the second part concerns someone’s state of mind (“I don’t believe it’s raining”).
      ellauri391.html on line 572: Kimhi wants to rescue the intuition that it is a logical contradiction to say, “It’s raining, but I don’t believe it’s raining.” But to do this, he has to reject the idea that when you assert a proposition, what you are doing is adding psychological force (“I think … ”) to abstract content (“it’s raining”). Instead, Kimhi argues that a self-conscious, first-person perspective — an “I” — is internal to logic. For him, to judge that “it’s raining” is the same as judging “I believe it’s raining,” which is the same as judging “it’s false that it’s not raining.” All are facets of a single act of mind.
      ellauri391.html on line 574: One consequence of Kimhi’s view is that “It’s raining, but I don’t believe it’s raining” becomes a logical contradiction. Another consequence is that a contradiction becomes something that you cannot believe, as opposed to something that you psychologically can but logically ought not to believe (as the traditional cleavage between psychology and logic might suggest). A final consequence is that thinking is not just a cognitive psychological act, but also one that is governed by logical law.
      ellauri392.html on line 56: Kristoffersenin kommentit olivat viimeisimmät länsimaiden johtajien ja puolustusviranomaisten yhä ankarampien varoitusten sarjassa Venäjältä tulevasta uhasta ja Euroopan nykyisestä valmiuden puutteesta. Kumpikohan tulee ensixi: maailmasota syttyy Euroopassa vaiko valot sammuu päästä paasaajalta. Tiukka loppukiri on luvassa. Si vis pacem para bellum. Si vis bellum para bellum.
      ellauri392.html on line 532: But first and last read me, the beloved
      ellauri392.html on line 669: Paul de Man (né le 6 décembre 1919 et mort le 21 décembre 1983) est un théoricien de la littérature américain d'origine belge. Ami de Jacques Derrida, il a été un théoricien de la déconstruction.
      ellauri392.html on line 699: The review below hails from Kosovo by a Miriam, who does not exactly strike one as a semitist.
      ellauri392.html on line 704: it seems that Jewish people belong to the unique body, with the same breath and thoughts. Jews have an inconceivable and indestructible sense for community and ministration, despite the diversities in a group, or their location.
      ellauri392.html on line 735: but the spiritual aspects like beards, sidelocks and funny hats are not recovered easily. Seen as a sick society, America in Jewish perspective ought to be criticized and taught by Jewish moral philosophy, religious principles and humanity. They believed there was such a thing as the public interest which needed to be identified and strengthened.
      ellauri392.html on line 743: Another Bellow’s novel, Dangling Man, is written in the personal voice of the protagonist whose principal domain is his own sensibility, and whose principal audience is he himself. The text is striking in its exclusion of the female voice, its enactment of a homo-social male world, and the overt narcissism and misogyny of its protagonist, Joseph. It is the story of a young man caught in the trap of self-pity, who believes that intellectual or spiritual enlightenment is to be attained by personal isolation within the confines of a cheap New York boarding house room while he studies the writers of the Enlightenment. Failing that, he joins the Merchant Marine just to fail there too. Saul's own life story to the dot.
      ellauri393.html on line 52: Burlington- tai bell-tyylinen säiliö soveltuu vain korkeatasoisiin vesisäiliöihin, ja sitä pidetään nykyään vanhana muodina, mutta sitä voi silti löytää vanhoista taloista tai taloista, jotka on kunnostettu viktoriaanisen iän mukaisiksi.
      ellauri393.html on line 60: Burington bell -tyylinen kello nostettu, jotta vesi virtaa alla. Kun säiliön ketjua vedetään, säiliön yläosassa oleva vipu nostaa kellon pois kaivosta, jolloin vesi pääsee valumaan kellon alle - kuva 2.
      ellauri393.html on line 68: Burlington bell -tyyppisessä säiliössä ei ole kuluvia osia, joten se on erittäin luotettava. Heidän heikkoutensa ovat:
      ellauri393.html on line 72: Burlington bell -tyyliset säiliöt ovat yleensä mekaanisesti meluisia, kun ylävipu kääntyy ja rautakello putoaa.
      ellauri393.html on line 74: Vaikka näitä haittoja onkin, hyvin kootun ja säilyneen Burlington bell -tyyppisen säiliön käyttö sopivassa asennossa lisää tyyliä tinkimättä nykyaikaisesta asumisesta.
      ellauri393.html on line 176: Totuus: Kun uutiset saavuttivat amerikkalaisen yleisön, tiedot Pohjois-Vietnamin hyökkäyksestä amerikkalaisen laivaston alukseen, Maddoxiin, olivat jo epäselvät. U.S. Naval Instituten mukaan julkiseksi tehdyistä tiedusteluasiakirjoista on sittemmin paljastunut, että Maddox tuki Etelä-Vietnamin hyökkäyksiä läheisellä saarella, ja että pohjoisvietnamilaiset vastasivat siihen samalla mitalla. Tapahtuma ”avasi tulvaportit Yhdysvaltain suoraan osallistumiseen Vietnamissa.” Mikähän on oleva 3. maailmansodan Burlington bell, onko se vallan pohjoiskorealainen lantapallo Pearl Harboriin?
      ellauri393.html on line 272: Lincoln decides that the best way to defeat the vampires is to eliminate their food source and starve them out; to that end, he announces the Emancipation Proclamation and encourages the slaves to fight back against slave owners and vampires alike. This begins to turn the tide of the war. (Julistuksen vaikutuksena oli yli 3,5 miljoonan orjuutettujen afrikkalaisen amerikkalaisen oikeudellinen asema irtautuneissa konfederaatiovaltioissa orjuisista vapaiksi. Heti kun orjat pakenivat orjuuttajiensa hallinnasta, joko pakenemalla unionin linjoille tai liittovaltion joukkojen etenemisen kautta, he olivat pysyvästi vapaita. Lisäksi julistus salli entisten orjien "ottamisen vastaan ​​Yhdysvaltojen asepalvelukseen". Hehe.) However, the war takes a personal toll on Lincoln. A vampire assassin sneaks onto the White House lawn and kills Lincoln's son, Willie. Henry appears at the White House and offers to turn Willie into a vampire so that he will "live" again, but Lincoln is unwilling to allow it, despite being very tempted. Enraged, he banishes Henry and all other vampires from the White House and refuses to speak to any of them ever again. Abelle olisi ollut tarpeen opettajattaren varaventtiili.
      ellauri393.html on line 292: Although he married three times and raised a family, Rockwell acknowledged that he didn’t pine for women. They made him feel imperiled. He preferred the nearly constant companionship of men whom he perceived as physically strong. It may have represented Rockwell’s solution to the problem of feeling wimpish and small. Rockwell, who was born in New York City in 1894, the son of a textile salesman, attributed much about his life and his work to his underwhelming physique. As a child he felt overshadowed by his older brother, Jarvis, a first-rate student and athlete. Norman, by contrast, was slight and pigeon-toed and squinted at the world through owlish glasses. His grades were barely passing and he struggled with reading and writing—today, he surely would be labeled dyslexic. Growing up in an era when boys were still judged largely by their body type and athletic prowess, he felt, he once wrote, like “a lump, a long skinny nothing, a bean pole without beans.” Assistants looked better than the missus. “Fred is most fetching in his long flannels,” he notes appreciatively.
      ellauri393.html on line 297: By now he had been an illustrator for four decades, and he continued to favor scenes culled from everyday life. In Stockbridge, he found his younger models at the school near his house. Escorted by the principal, he would peer into classrooms, in search of boys with the right allotment of freckles, the right expression of openness. Before the Shot takes us into a doctor’s office as a boy stands on a wooden chair, his belt unfastened, his corduroy trousers lowered to reveal his pale backside. Rockwell kävi kouluissa kazastamassa pikkupoikien pikku perseitä. Hmm tässä ei ole tarpeexi pisamia. Vitun peeping Tom of Finland.
      ellauri393.html on line 363: Tamara Lund oli venäläistaustainen sopraano laulajatar ja operettitähti, joka syntyi vuonna 1941 ja kuoli vuonna 2005 vatsasyöpään 64-vuotiaana. Hän opiskeli sekä Suomen Teatterikoulussa että Sibelius-Akatemiassa sekä vuoden Neuvostoliitossa nimekkäässä GITIS-teatterikoulussa ja työskenteli Suomessa muun muassa Turun kaupunginteatterissa ja Kansallisoopperassa. Mutta kuka esimerkiksi tiesi hänen seurustelustaan Taisto Tammen kanssa? Tai siitä, että hänelle tehtiin 60-luvulla abortti?
      ellauri395.html on line 196:
      Kain, Aabel ja Kainin vaimo - Teuvo Kopra

      ellauri395.html on line 198: Kain, Aabel ja Kainin vaimo Kainilla ja Aabelilla oli aivan vastakkainen Jumala-kuva. He uhrasivat Jumala-kuvansa mukaiset uhrit. Usein kysytään: Mistä Kain sai vaimon. Sitä minäkin pohdin. Ja sitä miten toimia, että seurakunta kasvaisi? Saatana ei halua, että ihmisiä menee Taivaaseen. Seurakuntakasvun avulla saadaan enemmän ihmisiä Taivaaseen. Miten voimme auttaa seurakuntakasvua? Nykyään on sellaiset kasvun mahdollisuudet, joita ei ole koskaan ennen ollut.
      ellauri395.html on line 542: Lähetysjohtaja ei olisi lähetysjohtaja, jos hänellä ei olisi mielessään vuorollaan jokin kansoista maailman äärissä. Eero Antturilla se on tällä hetkellä belutšit...
      ellauri395.html on line 617: naisista salaa otetut belfiet ylilauta
      ellauri395.html on line 1285: Uzbek believers continue to increase despite great opposition. The prospect of retribution from three sides – the government, local Muslim leaders and the community (family and neighbours) – has not halted growth. There are now probably more than 10,000 Uzbek believers, where there were possibly none only a generation ago. But much prayer (= gold and silver) is still needed:
      ellauri395.html on line 1287: For the disciplining and mentoring of new believers. No one knows how many isolated individuals and clusters exist, but there are far more than those affiliated with officially recognized churches. Many fall away when difficulties intensify; pray that Christians might be integrated quickly into home groups or fellowships where they can grow. Many others find their witness curtailed by fear; pray for boldness for them.
      ellauri395.html on line 1289: For local believers who are accused of being cultural/religious traitors and “rice Christians”. Pray for gentleness and humility as well as right motives for all those who seek to integrate into the churches.
      ellauri395.html on line 1291: For the distribution of believers. Most Uzbek Christians live in Tashkent and other cities, despite half of Uzbeks living in rural areas.
      ellauri396.html on line 105: Hän todellakin teki. Camille Paglia (jokapaikan kulttuurilepakko joka sätti William Blakea, Joseph Campbellia ja Stanley Fishiä) voiteli hänet "tärkeimmäksi ja vaikutusvaltaisimmaksi kanadalaiseksi ajattelijaksi Marshall McLuhanin jälkeen". Vitun pajazzo. She is critical of many aspects of modern culture.
      ellauri396.html on line 107: She is a wop immigrant, same vintage as Mrs. Zilles. A crucially significant event for her was when an outhouse exploded after she poured too much quicklime into the latrine. Arttu perrkele!!! "That symbolized everything I would do with my life and work. I would be someone who would jump into the latrine of culture, into pornography and crime and psychopathology... and I would drop my own wee bomb into it". For more than a decade, Paglia was the partner of artist Alison Maddex. She dislikes lesbians and they dislike her. Paglia is an atheist, and has stated she has "a very spiritual mystic view of the universe". I endorse astrology. I believe in astrology. You hear? She is also a critic of contemporary American feminism and of post-structuralism, as well as multiple aspects of American culture such as its visual art, music, and film history. Too right.
      ellauri396.html on line 165: Christopher Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was a British and American author, polemicist, debater and journalist who in his youth took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, joined organisations such as the International Socialists while at university and began to identify as a socialist. However, after 9/11 he no longer regarded himself as a socialist and his political thinking became largely dominated by the issue of defending civilization from terrorists and against the totalitarian regimes that protect them. Hitchens nonetheless continued to identify as a Marxist, endorsing the materialist conception of history, but believed that Karl Marx had underestimated the revolutionary nature of capitalism. He sympathized with libertarian ideals of limited state interference, but considered libertarianism not to be a viable system. But anyway.
      ellauri396.html on line 341: Alfa syntyi vuonna 1977, Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) -nimisessä Lontoolaisseurakunnassa. Vuonna 1990 Nicky Gumbel kehitti siitä kurssin kirkon ulkopuolisille henkilöille. HTB:n Alfa-tapaamisten osallistujamäärä kasvoi nopeasti satoihin osallistujiin, mikä herätti muiden kirkkojen ja seurakuntien huomion; ne kiinnostuivat tästä ihmisiä kiinnostavasta tavasta välittää evankeliumia.
      ellauri396.html on line 361: Nicholas Glyn Paul "Nicky" Gumbel is an English Anglican priest and author in the evangelical and charismatic traditions. He is known as the developer of the Alpha Course, a basic introduction to Christianity supported by churches of many Christian traditions. He was Vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton in the Diocese of London, Church of England from 2005 to 2022.
      ellauri396.html on line 363: Pezkun ikäinen Nicky on (oli) aika könsikäs. He is the son of Walter Gumbel, a German secular Jew from Stuttgart whose licence to practise law in that city was withdrawn in one of the early Nazi purges. Walter Gumbel emigrated to Britain and became a successful barrister. Gumbel's mother, Muriel, was a barrister and nominal Christian. Nicky on juutalaisluopio kuten Jeesus, Pietari ja Paavali. He went to a boys' boarding school and converted to Christianity while attending university in 1974. He studied law at Trinity College, Cambridge, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in 1976. In January 1978, Gumbel married at the church, Pippa, with whom he would go on incessantly so as to have three children. Meanwhile, he became a regular worshipper at Holy Trinity Brompton Church, Knightsbridge. He was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2024 New Year Honours for services to the Church of England. Gumbel serves as the public face of the course, being described by James Heard [n.h., clarification needed] as something of a "Weberian charismatic leader". Gumbel is the author of a number of books related to the Alpha Course, including Questions of Life which has sold over 1M copies.
      ellauri396.html on line 367: The Toronto Blessing has become synonymous within charismatic Christian circles for terms and actions that include an increased awareness of God's love, religious ecstasy, external observances of ecstatic worship, being slain in the Spirit, uncontrollable laughter, emotional and/or physical euphoria, crying, healing from emotional wounds, healing of damaged relationships, and electric waves of the spirit. "Holy laughter", as a result of overwhelming joy, was a hallmark manifestation, and there were also some reports of instances of participants roaring like lions or making other animal noises such as super loud farts. Leaders and participants present in these services claim that most of these manifestations, including some people roaring like lions, were physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit's presence and power, while some Pentecostal and charismatic leaders believe these were the counterfeits of the Spirit as is mentioned in the biblical passage of 2 Thessalonians 2:9. In December, 1994, Toronto Life Magazine declared TAV (Toronto Airport Vineyard church) as Toronto's most notable tourist attraction for the year.
      ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
      ellauri396.html on line 386: Nicky Gumbel was the curate of Holy Trinity Brompton at the time of the Toronto Blessing and was later the vicar of the church, the biggest Anglican church in the United Kingdom. He has been quoted as saying that the Toronto Blessing was "the kick in the little ass that the Alpha course needed".
      ellauri398.html on line 128: Mirjamilla. Burlington bell -tyyppisessä
      ellauri398.html on line 144: Burlington bell -tyyliset
      ellauri398.html on line 149: säilyneen Burlington bell -tyyppisen säiliön
      ellauri398.html on line 408: De økonomiske restriktioner mod Rusland har styrket den russiske økonomi og svækket vestens økonomier tilsvarende. I Europa betaler vi nu det dobbelte for olie og naturgas - der i øvrigt stadig kommer fra Rusland - men nu skal omkring mellemmænd, så politikerne i EU kan pudse deres glorier. De russiske oligarker, som før tjente penge i Rusland og derefter investerede dem i vesten, er nu tvunget til at investere deres overskud i Rusland(!) Vesten taber, Rusland vinder.
      ellauri398.html on line 420: Rusland udvikler og fornyer sine militære våben i takt med kampene i Ukraine: Droner og kunstig intelligens er det nye "sort" i militær teknologi. Rusland har udviklet hypersoniske missiler, som vesten ikke har noget forsvar imod. Samtidig hænger vesten uhjælpeligt fast i gammeldags krigsførelse med tanks, som er lette ofre for dronerne, og jetjagere som er ekstremt dyre men også lette at skyde ned. I vesten bruges kunstig intelligens mest til at censurere sociale medier (og dermed undertrykke ytringsfriheden) eller skabelse af såkaldte "chatbots", som begår intellektuelt tyveri på forfatterne til kilderne på vores viden.
      ellauri399.html on line 80: Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces (WOW), about proportional and monospace fonts (double WOW), about what makes great typography great such as F and I ligatures. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.
      ellauri399.html on line 145: entrepreneur of our times. Expert Opinion By Hitendra Fatwa, Founder, Mentula Institute Jun 21, 2015. Anakonda löytyy myös kersantti Pippurin puhallinsoitinyhtyeen levykannesta albumissa 219 nobelisti Bob Zimmermanin alapuolelta. See also album 219 missä tämä mustakutri keekoilee nummerolla 33 rehupiiklesien levykannessa hairdressers wax dummyn viekossa.
      ellauri399.html on line 153: [Steve] wanted his buddy Daniel to live with them because he believed it would break up the intensity of what wasn’t working between us. He said he didn’t want us to play assumed roles and that he wanted to choose when we would be together. Daniel, who was sort of charmingly odd, slept in the living room on the floor next to his piano. But after a month [Steve] literally picked me up and moved everything I owned and took over the master bedroom. He’d finally realized that I had the better deal: a larger room with an en suite bath and the privacy of the backyard. [Steve] had paid the security deposit for the rental so was, in fact, entitled to the room he wanted. But he was so graceless that I felt humiliated and outraged.
      ellauri401.html on line 137: Paraabeli allegoria- muista hyvä teiniveli / piirtämäsi paraabeli
      ellauri401.html on line 424: Vuoden lopulla kiista johti molemminpuolisiin erottamisiin. Saksan T. S:n hallinto päätti 8.12., että Idän Tähden Järjestön jäsen ei saa olla jäsenenä Saksan Teosofisessa Seurassa. Adyarissa pidetyn vuosikokouksen yhteydessä T. S:n pääneuvosto päätti 30.12. erottaa Teosofisesta Seurasta Rudolf Steinerin ja samalla koko Saksalaisen Osaston, joka häntä yksimielisesti kannatti ja oli valinnut hänet eliniäkseen ylisihteeriksi. Tilanne johti Steineriin kohdistettuihin syytöksiin ja oikeuden- käynneillä uhkaamiseen, ja toisaalta Saksan T. S:n vuosikokoukses- sa vaadittiin Besantin eroa. Münchenissä perustettiin elokuussa Die Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, johon Saksan T. S. liittyi melkein ko- konaisuudessaan. Saksasta saapuneesta kehotuksesta myös melkein kaikki Suomen T. S:n ruotsinkieliset teosofit liittyivät siihen, ja Suomen T. S. menetti noin 150 jäsentä, joista useat olivat olleet mukana jo suomalaisen liikkeen varhaisvuosista alkaen. Ezevverran tästä veljeydestä Kain ja Aabel tyylillä.
      ellauri401.html on line 443: Venäjän reissulla 1913 Pekka arveli saaneensa näkymättömässä hengen maailmassa kosketusta useampaankin Venäjän eevaan. Ervast kuvaili, mitä oli kokenut deevan luonteesta, ja kertoi lopuksi veikkauxensa Venäjän tulevaisuuden näkymistä: Ennenkuin kaksi vuotta on kulunut, on tapahtunut Venäjällä semmoista, joka varmasti viittaa uuden ajan tuloon. Tulee sota tai vallankumous – ehkä molempia, jonka jälkeen aamu sarastaa. Niinkuin Venäjä (ja Suomi) on ensimmäinen maa Europassa, jonka yli nouseva aurinko levittää säteensä, niin on myös Venäjä (ja Suomi) oleva ensimmäinen maa Europassa, jonka taivaanrannalle veljeyden aurinko nousee: uusi yhteiskuntaelämä on täällä saava alkunsa, kärsikäämme siis nurkumatta sen synnytystuskia. Arvio heitti 2 vuodella. Veljeys jatkuu tänäänkin Kainin ja Abelin merkeissä. Ervastin päätön puhe liikutti venäläisiä teosofeja ja Kamensky tulkitsi heidän tunteensa uudessa Ervastille omistetussa saxankielisessä puheessa kun Pekka ei osannut riittävästi venättä. Kun sota syttyi elokuussa 1914, Ervast käveli huoneessaan edestakaisin ja ajatteli: ”Nyt kaikki menee nurin. Ovatko jumalien laskut pettäneet?”
      ellauri402.html on line 191: Moina Mathers, syntynyt Mina Bergson (28. helmikuuta 1865 – 25. heinäkuuta 1928), oli taiteilija ja okkultisti 1900-luvun vaihteessa. Hän oli ranskalaisen filosofin Henri Bergsonin sisar, ensimmäinen juutalaissyntyinen mies, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1927. Hänet tunnetaan kuitenkin enemmän avioliitostaan ​​englantilaisen okkultistin Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathersin kanssa. yksi Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn -järjestön perustajista ja hänen kuolemansa jälkeen vuonna 1918 seuraajajärjestön johtajana, nimeltään Ruusuristilainen Alpha et Omega.
      ellauri402.html on line 196: Moina, tuolloin nimeltään Mina tai Minna, syntyi Genevessä Sveitsissä vaikutusvaltaiseen puolalais-juutalaiseen perheeseen isän puolelta ja englantilaisesta ja irlantilaisesta äidin puolelta. Hän muutti Pariisiin, kun hän oli kaksivuotias. Hänen isänsä Michel Bergson saavutti musiikillista menestystä säveltäessään oopperoita Louisa de Montfort ja Salvator Rosa. Hän oli kotoisin Varsovasta ja kuului vaikutusvaltaiseen Bereksohn-perheeseen. Moina Mathersin isoisä Jacob Levison (s. n. 1799) oli kirurgi ja hammaslääkäri. Hänen isoäitinsä oli Katherine Levison, syntynyt Lontoossa v. 1800. Hänen äitinsä täti oli Minna Preuss, syntynyt Hullissa, Yorkshiressa, vuonna 1835, ja hänen äitinsä Kate, os Levison, syntyi myös Yorkshiressa. Hänen vanhin veljensä, myöhemmin Nobel-palkinnon voittaja Henri Bergson, 1859–1941, liittyi College of Francen tiedekuntaan ja tunnetaan parhaiten filosofisen teoksen Creative Evolution kirjoittajasta. Hän oli myös British Society for Psychical Researchin puheenjohtaja.
      ellauri402.html on line 438: sufilainen rasistitoveri Edith Craig vangitsi tämän kuvan äidistään Ellen Terrystä ja useista ystävistä Warwickshiressä Shakespearen vaimon lapsuudenkodissa. Kuvassa ovat myös Smith, Lindsay Jardine ja kirjailija ja naisten oikeusaktivisti Christabel Marshall (Shakespeare Birthplace Trust).
      ellauri402.html on line 574: Näin El = Jumala kutsuttiin Baabelissa. Siten
      ellauri402.html on line 657: Ellottava Stubbels määkyy telkkarissa: Suomi on Natossa painoarvoltaan keskisuuri jäsenmaa, katsoo suurlähettiläille puhunut tasavallan presidentti Alexander Stubb. Suhde Venäjään on muuttunut pysyvästi, mutta Nato-jäsenyyden myötä ”olemme lopullisesti ja täydellisesti siinä läntisessä arvoyhteisössä, jonne olemme henkisesti kuuluneet koko itsenäisyytemme ajan”. Emme enää koskaan ole harmaalla alueella vaan lujasti sinimustalla.
      ellauri402.html on line 680: One of the reasons Americans are against “free” healthcare is because they believe that what they pay for healthcare is actually what it costs. “Why should I pay $30,000 for someone else to give birth?” The answer of course is you wouldn’t, you would contribute to the $3000 – $5000 that it really costs. When I had a small carcinoma removed at a private clinic, paid for by the NHS of course, the Doctor told me that I would have paid £600 privately. What would that cost in the US? Not your co-pay or whatever it’s called, but the actual bill? Thousands I’d guess. If Americans understood how much they’re being shafted, ($3k for an ambulance? Really?) they would see that Universal healthcare would be far cheaper than they could possibly imagine. And no, the Doctors would still be paid well, because it’s the insurance companies and hospitals taking all the extra cash you pay. A copayment or copay is a fixed amount for a covered service, paid by a patient to the provider of service before receiving the service. Eli omavastuu, jolla vakuutusyhtiöt pitää korvauxenhakijat ruodussa.
      ellauri402.html on line 690: Another reason is many do not believe in paying for insurance which is subsidizing a poor person who happens to get sick and needs urgent medical care. They would rather the person die or get seriously sick instead of getting the care they need. NHS and Canada do not believe in throwing poor and sick people under a bus while Americans do.
      ellauri402.html on line 727: Aclima (myös Kalmana , Lusia , Cainan , Luluwa tai Awan ) oli joidenkin uskonnollisten perinteiden mukaan Aadamin ja Eevan vanhin tytär ja Kainin sisar (monissa lähteissä kaksoissisar) . Tämä tekisi hänestä ensimmäisen luonnollisesti syntyneen naispuolisen ihmisen. Mooseksen kirja 4:17 sanoo, että kun hän oli tappanut Aabelin, "Kain tunsi vaimonsa, ja tämä tuli raskaaksi ja synnytti Henokin ". Yrittäessään selittää, mistä Kain ja Abel saivat vaimonsa, jotkut perinteiset lähteet väittivät, että jokainen Aadamin ja Eevan lapsi syntyi kaksosen kanssa, josta tuli heidän puolisonsa.
      ellauri402.html on line 728: Muslimiperinteen mukaan Kain syntyi Aclima-nimisen kaksoissisaren kanssa ja Abel Azura-nimisen kaksoissisaren kanssa. Adam toivoi Kainin menevän naimisiin Abelin kaksoissisaren kanssa ja Abelin Kainin kanssa. Kain ei suostunut tähän järjestelyyn, ja Aadam ehdotti, että kysymys lähetettäisiin Jumalalle uhrin avulla. Jumala hylkäsi Kainin uhrin osoittaakseen hänen paheksuvan avioliittoaan kaksoissisarensa Acliman kanssa, ja Kain tappoi veljensä mustasukkaisuuden keskellä. 
      ellauri402.html on line 730: Jotkut itäisten ortodoksisten perinteiden lähteet antavat Kainin kaksoissiskolle nimen Calmana , Calmanna , Azrun tai Azura. Juutalaisessa teoksessa Seder Hadorot Kainin kaksoissisarta kutsutaan Kalmanaksi ja Abelin kaksoissisarta Valviraksi. 6. vuosisadan apokryfisessä teoksessa Aadamin ja Eevan konflikti Saatanan kanssa Kainin vaimo ja kaksossisar on nimeltään Luluwa. Kain ei tahtonut luovuttaa Aapelille sellaista lulua.
      ellauri403.html on line 91: Ja minä sanoin enkelille: Herra, mikä on Alleluia? Ja enkeli vastasi ja sanoi minulle: Sinäpä tutkit ja tiedustelet kaikkea. Ja hän sanoi minulle: "Alelujaa puhutaan hepreaksi, se on Jumalan ja enkelien puhe: nyt on Alleluian tulkinta tämä: tecel kissa (HAU! HAU! HAU!) marith macha ( kr. thěbel marēmatha). Ja minä sanoin: Herra, mikä on tecel cat marith macha ? Ja enkeli vastasi ja sanoi minulle: Tämä on tecel cat marith macha : Siunataanpa häntä kaikki yhdessä.
      ellauri403.html on line 181: Michel Tournier oli v. 2009 Nobel vedonlyöntiehdokas kertoimella 1:100. Eipä tärpännyt.
      ellauri403.html on line 182: Hänellä oli taoistinen käsitys kaiken kahtalaisuudesta. Se ilmenee hänen teoksissaan kaksosina olemisen tarkasteluna, seksuaalisuuden eri muotojen tarkasteluna sekä ihmisen paikallaan pysymisen (Kain) ja liikkuvuuden (Abel) kahtalaisuutena. Kain ja Abel naivat kukin oman kaxosen. Abel mieli Kainin kaxosta joka oli better looking than Abelin kaxonen, mistä Kain sille suutahti. Eivät ollet samanmunaisia, kerta olivat kahtalaisia.
      ellauri403.html on line 305: Kun hän ensimmäisen kerran haki viisumia Yhdysvaltoihin 1950-luvun puolivälissä, häneltä evättiin alun perin sillä perusteella, että hän oli ollut kommunistisen siirtokunnan jäsen eikä ollut koskaan julkisesti luopunut kibbutzista. Ainoastaan Walter Lippmannin myönteinen arvostelu Laqueurin ensimmäisestä englanniksi julkaistusta kirjasta käänsi asiat toisin päin. Lippmann oli vaikutusvaltainen hahmo ordoliberalismin syntyessä. Walter Lippmannin järjestämä talouslibelaaritapaaminen vuodelta 1938 katsotaan ratkaisevan tärkeäxi uusliberalismin kehitykselle. Lippmann olisaksalaista syntyperää olevien juutalaisten vanhempien ainoa lapsi, ja, kuten hänen elämäkerransa Ronald Steel kirjoittaa, kasvoi "kullatussa juutalaisessa ghetossa". Hänen isänsä Jacob Lippmann oli vuokranantaja, joka oli rikastunut isänsä tekstiiliyrityksen ja anoppinsa kiinteistöspekuloinnin kautta. Varakas ja vaikutusvaltainen perhe kuului yhteiskunnan ylempään luokkaan, piti yhteyksiä korkeimpiin piireihin ja vietti säännöllisesti kesälomansa Euroopassa hoitoa varten. Perhe oli reformijuutalainen ja kävi temppelissä Emanu-El. Lippmann oli emotionaalisesti etäällä molemmista vanhemmista, mutta hänellä oli läheisempiä siteitä äitinsä isoäitiin. Perheen poliittinen suuntautuminen oli republikaaninen.
      ellauri403.html on line 452: Sky News host Rita Panahi slams “climate catastrophist clown” Greta Thunberg after she was arrested during an Extinction Rebellion protest at The Hague.
      ellauri403.html on line 480: Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the German teenager claimed that after extensive research she has concluded that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) warnings on climate change are not based on scientific evidence. Speaking to Piers Morgan, Naomi Seibt lashed out against Greta Thunberg and her followers arguing they have failed to undertake proper studies on the subject of climate change. She said: “I think it’s fantastic when young people decide to become activists and protest for something that they are truly passionate about and they can truly stand behind and believe in. “But the main problem that I see is that most of them have not really done their research so I became interested in climate change because I wanted to get to know the science behind climate change and what’s really going on and what effect the C02 emissions actually on the atmosphere. Zero, zilch, it's all just a humongous fake!"
      ellauri405.html on line 128: Presidentti Stubbels (kok) kertoi tyytyväisenä Washingtonissa, miten Suomi vaikutti vahvasti siihen, että huippukokouksen julkilausumaan saatiin kirjaus, että Nato kehittää läsnäoloaan Suomessa. Lisäksi julkilausumaan saatiin kirjaus, jonka mukaan Nato ja Suomi vastaavat yhdessä Venäjän kasvavaan ja pitkäkestoiseen uhkaan.
      ellauri405.html on line 236: 1Analysis (ai): This simple yet profound poem by Robert Louis Stevenson captures the essence of contentment and appreciation. Its concise language belies a depth of meaning that encourages readers to find joy in the abundance of life's offerings. The poem's structure is as straightforward as its message. Two rhyming couplets emphasize the simplicity of Stevenson's message: that the world is full of blessings we often overlook. The repetition of "number" and "things" reinforces the idea of abundance, inviting readers to pause and notice the countless sources of happiness that surround them. This poem stands in stark contrast to the grim realities of Victorian England, where Stevenson lived. The Industrial Revolution had brought both progress and poverty, and many people struggled to find happiness amidst the harsh conditions. Stevenson's message of finding joy in simplicity and gratitude may have been a source of solace during challenging times. Compared to Stevenson's other works, such as "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," this poem is a departure in terms of tone. It is not an adventure story or a psychological thriller but rather a quiet meditation on the beauty of life. However, it shares the same optimistic spirit that permeates much of Stevenson's writing, reminding readers that even in the face of adversity, there is always something to be grateful for.
      ellauri405.html on line 319: Palsternak, ei se surkea Carly persiljajuuri, vaan se nobelisti Booris, oli runoilija, toveri Stalinin ihan lemppari. Tässä paasauxessa siltä muutamia suolistuxia.
      ellauri406.html on line 208: During World War II, the Nazi regime implemented policies that legalized and organized prostitution in military brothels as a means to control soldiers’ sexual behavior and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This territorial conquest policy had harrowing consequences for the women coerced into sex work. In the occupied territories, women were forced into sexual slavery to serve in military brothels, which were labeled as “treatment centers.” The Nazi regime considered these women racially inferior, but still okay for fucking purposes, exploiting them to further Nazi ideological goals. A prisoner-of-war manual issued by the OKW in 1940 explicitly condomed rape and sexual violence against civilian women in the occupied territories. The Rome Statute outlines that sexual enslavement is a punishable offense and that the use of civilian women for sexual purposes, while fun, is not quite okay. The Nazi actions clearly violate modern international law and standards. In the post-war period prostitutes in Nazi Germany were seen by society not as victims but as collaborators who deserved punishment.
      ellauri406.html on line 236: Ukrainians have right to honor their own heroes, says Kyiv Post. A youth with his face painted with the colors of the flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) carries a portrait of Stepan Bandera, the founder of the UPA, during an ultra-nationalist march in Kyiv on Oct. 14, 2009 to mark the 67th anniversary of the founding of the organization. (Yaroslav Debelyi). The nazi war flag was the unofficial Ukraine one with the colors of UPA. Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists march in honor of Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera led Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which fought alongside Nazi Germany during WWII, killing thousands of Jews and Poles.
      ellauri406.html on line 248: The violent Maidan coup in 2014 against the democratically elected (and seen by Washington as pro-Russian) government marked the beginning of the cultural genocide, with the construction of multiple monuments honoring Nazi perpetrators. At the same time, monuments in honor of greats of world literature such as Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky were torn down: Alexander Pushkin, born in 1799, was a world-famous playwright and novelist; Fyodor Dostoyevsky, born in 1821, expressed religious, psychological and philosophical ideas in his widely acclaimed writings; and Leo Tolstoy, born in 1828, is considered one of the greatest writers of all time and was nominated several times for the Nobel Prize for Literature.
      ellauri406.html on line 269: CIA`n toimiston mies Charly Pasternak toitottaa jo toistamiseen kuinka ressujen täytyy olla elämänsä kunnossa v.2025 alkuvuodesta. Stadissa on raitsikoiden kyljissä sotafirman mainoksia enkä pidä yhtään ulkoministeri Valtosen enkä pres. Stubbelsin puheista jotka selvästi on laitettu niille suuhun ja Stubbels nyt laukoo mitä vaan. Lieneekö jo lämmittänyt takkaa niillä 4,4€ motti klapeillaan? DCA-sopimuskin astuu voimaan mukavasti ja eiköhän ydinenergialakiakin saada rukattua jouhevasti jenkkien vaatimusten mukaiseksi ja vaikk ei saisikaan DCA-sopimus estää Suomen viranomaisten tutkia jenkkien kontteja tms. Fine maanpetturijoukkiohallitus. ``Ei Suomeen mitään ulkolaisia sotilastukikohtia tai sotilaita tule Nato liitoksen myötä``. Joo eipä niin ja taas vedettiin kansalaisia silmään isolla kädellä!
      ellauri406.html on line 274: China wants peace, and that’s why they are preparing for war. China wants security and safety of its merchant fleet, so it is ensuring no international bully would get away with threatening their vessels. China wants to maintain its integrity and solidarity, so they are preparing for war. China has witnessed the disintegration of USSR and they have also witnessed how ‘trustworthy’ the verbal assurances from European and American leaderships are. NATO will not expand to the east, they told dumbass Gorbachev. Even he was not dumb enough to believe a word of it. China has also observed how social and religious wedges were sponsored and manipulated into civil wars in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Serbia. They are preparing for war because they have seen what happens to the countries who are too weak to fight back against Western bullies. Libya dismantled its weapons program and look how it ended up for the country. And most importantly, China is building and installing weapon systems because they have seen in Iraq 2003 what happens to countries who DO NOT have weapons of mass destruction.
      ellauri406.html on line 396: He expressed concern that Europe contributes only a small fraction of the financial support the United States provides, emphasizing the geographical distance between the US and Russia. His planned meeting with Zelenskyy follows the Ukrainian president's criticism of Vance, whom he labeled "too radical," while also suggesting that Trump may lack a clear strategy to end the conflict.
      ellauri408.html on line 72: Myöhemmin hän katsoo alas olemassaolon alemmille alueille ja Lucifer nousee syvyydestä tapaamaan häntä. Tällä versiolla hänestä on jotain yhteistä ohjelman kanssa, vaikka tässä hän on pikemminkin viettelijä kuin vain intensiivisesti viettelevä (sillä on ero). Hän on enemmän pakanajumala tai keijukuningas kuin kristinuskon saatana, joka esiintyy upeana mustatukkaisena miehenä purppuraisessa kaapussa kultasormukset käsivarsissaan ja sormissaan (sormusten herrasta!?) Ja tietysti siellä on paljon eläinsymboliikka, kotkat ja metsästyskoirat ja tiikerit. (William Blaken "Tygerin" uskotaan myös liittyvän Luciferiin). Lucifer kutsuu itseään maailman kieltämien rakkauksien salaiseksi kuninkaaksi, "jota rakastaa eikä tunne", joka saa onnettomia nuoria vaimoja puhumaan unissaan (joo joo). Runo on selvästi saanut inspiraationsa Persephonen myytistä. Persephonella tulee helposti tehtyä taskusoittoja ja tahattomia belfieitä.
      ellauri408.html on line 92: Muut toppuuttelevat: varo Lusiferia, pallogrilli on pellegrilli! Hän polttaa mustixi patatas bravas! Onnellisia joiden kykloopinsilmät vuotaa ennen mirriä. Paratiisin harppu, olit ilman ihmeitä! Eläviä autoja, joiden silmissä on häikäisevä arvovalta, Herran haarniska, pyhän paikan paviljongit, paimenten tähdet, jotka putoavat Jumalan sormista, suitsutusastioiden safiirit, taivaan kupolin kulta, Nebelin herkut, kamelin tuoksut, täältä pesee vittu kielikuvia.
      ellauri408.html on line 267: Ranskan-Saxan sota lähenee, Pariisin pörssi romahtaa. Malexijan vähät osakkeet menettävät arvonsa. Se vituttaa pikku kapitalistia. Itävalta ja Preussi kärhämöivät loppuun sotansa. Nobel kexii dynamiitin. Andrew Johnson koittaa turhaan estellä, mutiaiset laillistava laki menee läpi kongressissa. Suomessa on nälänhätä kiitos Snellmanin. Mutta tähän väliin muutama viesti Quorasta:
      ellauri408.html on line 295: “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” (Mark 1:15)
      ellauri408.html on line 336: Please note that in the doctored “prophecy” the plural term “buildings” was used, so Jesus was talking about the temple compound, not just a single building. In the artist’s rendition below, we can see why Jesus was talking about buildings rather than just one building. It was the temple complex that was so impressive, not a single building.
      ellauri408.html on line 340: The Bible is full of badly-told fairy tales. For instance, the book of Acts says Jesus flew into the clouds like Superman before a Jerusalem crowd, with angels preaching a sermon and prophesying that he would return “the same way.” But we know that didn’t happen because no other author of the New Testament mentioned the most miraculous thing human eyes ever witnessed. The four gospels and Acts all disagree on what Jesus said and did after the alleged resurrection. But if you were hearing the words of the resurrected God, wouldn’t you be sure to remember and communicate them faithfully? Clearly five different authors made up five different accounts of what happened post-alleged-resurrection because no one knew what really happened after the empty grave was discovered. Acts says Jesus taught the mysteries of the Kingdom of God for 40 days in Jerusalem, but no one bothered to record a single word he said. Can anyone really believe that is possible?
      ellauri408.html on line 388: A decent human being wouldn’t torture another person for a second, but the all-loving, all-merciful, all-wise and all-just biblical God will either cause or allow billions of human beings to suffer for all eternity, entirely without purpose. Why? For guessing wrong about which religion to believe, without any facts to go on. Is there anything wrong with this picture, Christians?
      ellauri408.html on line 396: We can see human beings pretending to speak for “god” in the tower of Babel fairy tale (Genesis 11:1-9). Ancient bricklayers were building a tower to reach the heavens and “god” was afraid they would succeed. The ancients had no idea that their tower would have to be nearly a quarter of a million miles high just to reach a sterile moon, much less the closest inhabitable planet, if there is one. Nor apparently did their “god” know there was absolutely no danger of success. How silly of an all-knowing “god” to worry about primitive bricklayers reaching his domicile!
      ellauri408.html on line 523: Hän oli hyvin lähellä George Sandia ja François Bulozia, hän oli vielä lähempänä belgialaista historioitsijaa Victor Tahonia, jolle hän lähetti 1883 belfien kiitoksena pitkästä nuoleskelusta couilletteissa.
      ellauri408.html on line 526:
      Vihtorin belfie

      ellauri408.html on line 560: Utgivningen av Det går an bidrog starkt till att Almqvist tvingades lämna sin tjänst som rektor för Nya Elementarskolan i Stockholm. Boken låg honom till last också i hans tilltänkta karriär som präst. Ännu vid landsflykten 1851 gick Almqvist under benämningen "Det-går-an-prästen" bland sina belackare. Almqvist brännmärktes i den allmänna opinionen som osedlighetsförfattare. Hans uttalanden och syften förvrängdes och misstänkliggjordes.
      ellauri408.html on line 670: And so in walks curvy, cheery, cute as heck ghostwriter Mabel Willicker, who knows just how to sunshine and sass her way into getting every little detail out of Alfie. They banter and bicker their way to writing his life story, both of them sure they’ll never be anything other than at odds.
      ellauri408.html on line 767: Interne Streitigkeiten in der Lehrerschaft um seine Nachfolge, die schon Friedrich Fröbel 1810 zum Verlassen der Anstalt mit Seinen Klötzen bewogen hatten, führten auch das Institut in Yverdon in den Ruin. 1825 musste Pestalozzi auch diese Anstalt schliessen und zog sich auf den Neuhof zurück.
      ellauri408.html on line 900: Nahjus piti Laveleyen kirjoista. Eemeli de Laveleye oli lipilaari belgi. Katolisessa uskossa kasvatettuna hän kehittyi kohti protestanttisuutta. Mutta jo silloin, kun hän oli katolinen, hän oli hyvin herkkä evankeliumin yhteiskunnallisille värähtelyille. Hän oli yksi edistyksellisen liberalismin ajattelijoista Belgiassa, joten häntä voitiin pitää sosialismin edeltäjänä. Hän oli erittäin kiinnostunut osuustoiminnasta. Hän oli vuonna 18812 perustetun prostituutiota vastustavan Society of Public Morality -järjestön puheenjohtaja. 31. joulukuuta 1891 hän sai perinnöllisen aateliston apurahan ja paronin arvonimen, joka voitiin siirtää miesten primogenituurille. Hän valitsi moton Rede, vrede. Hänen isänsä oli Belgian olympiakomitean perustaja Edouard de Laveleye. Tunnettu kaikkialla maailmassa, hän sai kunniatohtorin arvon monista yliopistoista ja vastasi useisiin ulkomaisiin tutkijoihin, joista tunnetuin on John Stuart Mill. Eemelin mielestä sivistys ei voi jatkua, elleivät ihmiset usko haudantakaiseen jumalaan. Tämä saa nahjuxen taas pohtimaan, käynnistää synonyymigeneraattorin. Hyödyllinen uskomus ei ole totuus, pace utilitaristit. Sota on raakaa, parempi olisi molemminpuolinen kunnioitus. Enkeli ilmaantuu vain harvoin eläimissä. Länkkärien julkinen tunnuslause on niiden todellisen pyrkimyxen suoranainen vastakohta.
      ellauri408.html on line 937: Aër felice, col bel vivo raggio Onnen leyhkä, siellä ihanassa puskassa,
      ellauri408.html on line 987: belio.com/users/AVT_Henri-Frederic-Amiel_2889.jpg" />
      ellauri408.html on line 1011: Mitä lähemmäxi Väpyn parasta ennen päivä lähenee, sitä selvemmäxi käy sen narsistidiagnoosi. Tunteettomuus ja izekkys pilkistävät hänen ajatteluorgaaninsa takaa. Orgaani on tallella, mutta munat puuttuvat, kuin Abelardilta.
      ellauri409.html on line 194: Sellaiset harhaopit eivät ole koskaan vanhentuneita, koska ne ottavat ikuisesti uusia muotoja. Esimerkiksi hyvien töiden ja "palveluksen" vaatiminen, jota saarnataan monilta tahoilta, tai pelkkä usko siihen, että kenelläkään hyvää ja hyödyllistä elämää elävällä ei tarvitse olla "sairaita" pelkoja pelastuksesta, on belgialaisuuden muoto. Toisaalta joskus kuulee lausuttavan näkemystä, että sillä ei ole todellista merkitystä, jos kaikki perinteiset uskonnolliset sanktiot moraalista käyttäytymistä rikkuvat, koska mukaviksi ihmisiksi syntyneet ja kasvatetut käyttäytyvät aina mieluummin kauniisti, ja jotka eivät ole, käyttäytyvät joka tapauksessa toisin: ja tämä on varmasti ennaltamääräyksen muoto - sillä vaara syntyä mukavaksi ihmiseksi vai ei on yhtä epävarma kuin armon lahja.
      ellauri409.html on line 245: Strike me lucky if I don’t believe I’m lost! On aika mäihä jos en menehdy!
      ellauri411.html on line 168: We cannot speak of Jewish history without referencing the ancient Israelites. Who were the ancient Israelites? They were the people who lived around the area that is modern Israel – also known as the promised land – before 1000 BCE. This area also used to be called the ancient Levant or ancient Canaan. The Israelites believed they were the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But it is more likely that they were simply a cultural and linguistic homogenous group of people. Now it is politically wiser to say that they had been there all along:
      ellauri411.html on line 169:
      The evidence for the actual history of how İsrael became İsrael does not align with the Torah narrative that closely according to the current research and archaeology- rather than being migrants from elsewhere, it appears our ancient ancestors were just indigenous people who began differentiating themselves politically from their neighbours via the adoption If a monolatrous, or henotheistic religion that later evolved into monotheistic Judaism several centuries later. Henotheism is the worship and or belief of a single deity, while accepting the existence or possible existence of other deities. Monolatry is the recognition of many deities, but only consistent worship of a single deity.
      ellauri411.html on line 178: The ‘Golden Period’ of ancient Israel is the years between 1010 and 931 BCE. This was the era in which King David and King Solomon ruled. The former is believed to have built the city of Jerusalem at the center of ancient Israel. King Solomon is believed to have constructed the first great temple in 957 BCE. It is safe to say that the so-called golden age only lasted for a very short time before the Assyrian Empire conquered them.
      ellauri411.html on line 182: While the Israelite religion is not exactly the Jewish religion that is practiced in the modern day, it still has many similarities with it. The history of the ancient Jewish people is the story of a small group of people, surrounded by larger and more powerful parties, trying to hold on to their identity despite that. They were a monotheistic people with a very fervent belief in their one God which helped them preserve their identity, culture, and religion in the face of all the polytheistic religions they were surrounded by.
      ellauri411.html on line 184: The Babylonian Empire didn’t last long beyond their conquest of Judea. The Babylonians were soon defeated and conquered by the Persians, who had very different policies about the people they conquered. They did not believe in exiling elites and wiping out local cultures. Rather, they wanted to ensure peace by restoring people to their homelands and letting them live by their ancestral laws. They even helped them rebuild their temples.
      ellauri411.html on line 200: Christianity separated from Judaism by claiming Christianity as a replacement for Judaism. The leaders claimed that the Jews were reading their scriptures wrong and the Christians were the true Israelites. They claimed the Jews were blind and ignorant. When the Roman Empire conquered Judea and destroyed the Temple, the Christians took this as further confirmation of their beliefs.
      ellauri411.html on line 265: Ranskalaisen tutkijan Rombert Ambelainin teoksen Jesus, Paul, Golgathas kolmannen osan toinen osa (käännetty kreikaksi) kehittää hyvin omaperäisen teorian Paavalista. Tämä teoria on "hyvinvointi", eli se myöntää Paavalin historiallisen olemassaolon, mutta hylkää kaiken hänen toimintansa jumalallisen alkuperän. Kahdella sanalla, Ambelainin mukaan Paavali ei ollut juutalainen vaan idumealainen, kuningas Herodes Suuren äidin pojanpoika ja isän toinen veljenpoika. Koska hän rakastui syvästi juutalaisen ylipapin Gamalielin tyttäreen ja aikoi mennä naimisiin tämän kanssa, hän kääntyi juutalaisuuteen ja ympärileikattiin. Matkan varrella avioliitto kuitenkin hajosi ja Paavali, itsepäisyydestä ja komplekseista hyvin ruma ja sairas, kääntyi faute de mieux kristinuskoon. Lukuun ottamatta muutamia virheitä, olettamuksia ja teorioita, joita hän yrittää edistää, Ambelainin mainitsemat todisteet ovat tutkimisen arvoisia.
      ellauri411.html on line 419: Robert Ambelain pitää Paulin sairautta, perustellusti tai väärin, kuppana. Hän sai sen, kuten väittää, äitinsä Kypros II:n, Herodes Suuren ja Mariamnen tyttären, kautta. Hänen äitinsä sai sen varmasti äidiltään Mariamnelta, ja hän taas mieheltään Herodes Suurelta. Syfilis välittyy äidin kautta raskauden tai synnytyksen aikana ja määrää taudinkuvan: epäsäännöllinen muoto ja vino hampaiden asettelu, kapea ja vino nenän muoto, terävä niskaluu, väärät sääret, ilmetty Paavali!
      ellauri411.html on line 529: Huolimatta kaikista niistä ihmeellisistä asioista, joita Paavali luettelee naisista jakeessa 1 Korinttilaisille 8:5 , näemme hänen protestoivan "eikö meillä ole oikeutta ottaa sisarnaista mukaan matkallemme palvelemaan meitä niin kuin he ja toisia apostolit ja Herran veljet ja Keefas?" Eli hän piti (ja he pitivät) naisten palvelusta lopullisesti! Jotkut väittävät tämän asian liittyvän Theklaan ja toiset siihen, että Paavalilla oli jalkavaimo. Perinne kertoo, että kun Thekla kuuli Paavalin saarnaavan, hän jätti perheensä ja sulhasensa ja seurasi häntä uskollisesti kaikkialle. En ollut paikalla enkä tiedä varmaksi, mutta varmaan Thekla antoi Peevelille joka reijästä. Kaikkien kiinnostuneiden tulisi tutkia Robert Ambelainin kirjaa Paul, erityisesti lukua 10, jonka otsikko on "Paavali ja naiset", ja muita kirjoja, joihin viittaamme tässä paperissa. On tärkeää, että naisen alentumisesta huolimatta Paul piti naisen palvelemisesta matkoillaan. (Mainin ohimennen, että on samanlainen tarina kirkollisesta valokeikasta Hieronuksesta lesken kanssa, joka miehensä kuoltua seurasi häntä ja palveli häntä uskollisesti, kun tämä meni ja viipyi pitkään Palestiinassa jne...).
      ellauri411.html on line 610: Korinttilaisille iii : 1-40 (katso myös Apostolien teot iii : 6) hän selittää meille kielillä puhumisen käyttöä (epäselvä itku ja hölynpöly), sen suhdetta profetiaan ja kuinka se pitäisi tehdä. On todella "tyhmää lukea prochomenia!". Lue tämä raportti ja haluan sinun kertovan minulle, mitä ymmärrät! (Kuka tietää, mitä hän poltti tai nieli sanoakseen tuollaista hölynpölyä.). Muut kirjoitukset, joissa mainitaan Paavalin kieli poskessa tai pilataan siitä, ovat seuraavat: Kelson tosi sana, Loukianon Pere Pere gri nou Teleu tis , Karl Kautskyn kreikkalainen kirja Kristinuskon alkuperä , Yanis Kordato u ja tekijät. Robert Ambelain. Joten kysymme: Eikö tämä kaikki loukkaa täydellistä, kaikkivaltiaan ja kaikkitietävää Jumalaa Hänen täydellisen, lähtemättömän ja ikuisen moraalinsa ja logiikkansa kustannuksella? Millainen kaikkivaltius Hänellä sitten on ja missä on Hänen täydellisyytensä ja kaikkitietävyytensä? Samat ja samankaltaiset edellytykset kohdellaan eri jumalien ja pappien kanssa, kun Skoran on tarkoitus välttää (mutta he yrittävät välttää niitä, kuten libanonilaiset tekivät) Mooseksen lain kanssa, kuten juutalainen canneln, heprea, antoi. juutalainen Jahve, josta tuli myöhemmin oudolla tavalla kristittyjen Isä ja muslimien Allah. (Olkoon viisaat viisaita!). On huomattava, että vielä nykyäänkin kielet ovat käytössä joissakin kristillisissä lahkoissa (helluntailaiset jne.).
      ellauri412.html on line 102: Syyrian kuningas Resin ja Israelin kuningas Pekah, Remaljan poika, lähtivät sotaretkelle kohti Jerusalemia mutta eivät voineet valloittaa sitä. Silloin Herra sanoi Jesajalle: »Mene poikasi Sear-Jasubin kanssa tapaamaan Ahasia. Hän on Yläaltaan kanavan päässä Pesijänkentän tiellä. Sano hänelle: Pysy rauhallisena. Nyt hyökkäämme Juudaan ja saatamme sen kauhun valtaan! Kaappaamme sen ja asetamme sinne kuninkaaksi Tabelin pojan. Herra ei jaxa odottaa vaan antaa itse teille merkin: neitsyt tulee raskaaksi ja synnyttää pojan ja antaa hänelle nimen Immanuel (tai no, Jeshua Immanuel, kuzumanimi alleviivattuna). Niinä päivinä Herra viheltää tänne kärpäset. Niinä päivinä Herra ajaa teiltä hiukset ja häpykarvat partaveitsellä kuin Sweeney jäykkänä.
      ellauri412.html on line 175:

      It's October 31 and I don't go looking for the occult or demonic, it's just there, and lucky you - I'm going to share it with you. Today's diatribe on paganist beliefs that can lead you straight into the bowels of hell is brought to you by Asherah. When you want your sex and religion on the same plate, Asherah is the pagan fertility goddess for you.
      ellauri412.html on line 185: 25 Now on the same night the LORD said to him, "Take your father's bull and a second bull seven years old, and pull down the altar of Baal which belongs to your father, and cut down the Asherah that is beside it 26 and build an altar to the LORD your God on the top of this stronghold in an orderly manner, and take a second bull and offer a burnt offering with the wood of the Asherah which you shall cut down. (Judges 6:25-26)
      ellauri412.html on line 208: There are some people out there that believe that Christmas trees are modern day Asherah poles but their argument is weak. You have a better chance of making an argument that Christmas trees are neo-pagan earth worship rather than Asherah poles. Ron Garret at Ron Big Black Garrett blog makes a strong case for stripper poles being Asherah poles, and I have to agree with him. Satan doesn't have to think up new tricks when the old ones work just fine.
      ellauri412.html on line 676: Look, if you’re reading the Bible as an atheist and asking about a reasonable interpretation, then the world is your oyster. You are not required to accept the worldview of the authors of the Bible, who all believed in God and wrote about Him from that perspective. And at the same time, as someone who does not believe God exists and does not accept the inspired nature or inerrancy of scripture, you have limited your possible interpretations of Scripture to only natural explanations that do not invoke God. This is going to cause significant problems with your use of the historical-grammatical method, which strives to discover the biblical author’s original intended meaning in the text. For example, every time Isaiah writes, “thus says the Lord” (which is a lot!), how will you interpret that? For an atheist, a statement like that either makes Isiah delusional (he believed a non-existent God told him something) or a charlatan (he’s knowingly asserting a false attribution).
      ellauri412.html on line 678: Either way, why dig in your heels about a single verse? Without a belief in God, Isaiah’s “suffering servant” could be referring to anything. Maybe he was writing about his crazy uncle who gave up his life for a neighboring tribe. Or maybe he was writing about aliens from another planet. Or maybe it is pure fiction from the mind of a delusional believer in a non-existent God. The one thing you are not allowed to reasonably conclude if you are an atheist is that Isaiah, as a prophet, was recording a message revealed to him God. Which is exactly what Isaiah would have thought he was writing at the time.
      ellauri412.html on line 680: BARRY: “So, to be clear, you’re arguing for the proper interpretation of a myth you don’t believe in, in order to falsify it? That seems like a strange way to spend one’s time but to each his own, I suppose.”
      ellauri412.html on line 681: ———-No, I’m arguing for the proper interpretation of a myth I don’t believe in, in order to falsify the Christian interpretation of it, because the Christian interpretation of it plays a part in ensnaring innocently gullible unbelievers into thinking they “need” to repent and spend the rest of their lives talking to an invisible man who allegedly wants a “personal relationship” with them in a way that would make no sense unless the new believer radically redefines “personal relationship”.
      ellauri412.html on line 684: It seems that Barry is a closet believer.
      ellauri412.html on line 692: Dawkins is right. He says what Darwin told us. One guy's good is the other guy's bad. Rape feels great for the rapist, he would not do it otherwise. The atheist can perhaps categorize rape as undesirable, or unpleasant, or sub-optimal for society. But they have no real basis on which to label it objectively morally wrong. Your moral outrage at that child’s rape belies your atheism, my friend. Well, who needs objectivity, suum quique is quite enough.
      ellauri413.html on line 83: Colette oli ehdokkaana vuoden 1948 Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi. Ehdottaja oli Ranskan akatemian jäsen Claude Farrère. Komitean mielipide oli murskaava: "...liikkuu tasolla, joka ei mitenkään voi tulla kyseeseen Nobelin palkinnosta päätettäessä." Lausunnossaan komitea hämmästelee, että häntä on yleensä edes ehdotettu. Dynamiittipötkyn nappasi kukapa muu kuin TS Eliot, aika harmaasexuaali äijä siinäkin.
      ellauri413.html on line 85: Isebelin aikakauteen sanotaan liittyneen Jahwen sääukkokolleegan Baal-jumalan palvonnan voimistuminen kuningas Ahabin aikana. Isebel oli pappi-kuningas Etbaalin tytär, foinikialaisten Tyyron ja Sidonin kaupunkien hallitsija . Kun Isebel meni naimisiin Israelin kuninkaan Ahabin (hallinnassa noin 874–853 eaa.) kanssa, hän suostutteli tämän ottamaan käyttöön tyroslaisen jumalan Baal-Melkartin, luonnonjumalan, palvonnan. Suurin osa Jehovan profeetoista tapettiin hänen käskystään. Hyvin toimittu iiskotti!
      ellauri413.html on line 88: bel_and_Ahab_-_c.1863.jpg/800px-Leighton%2C_Frederic_-_Jezabel_and_Ahab_-_c.1863.jpg" />
      ellauri413.html on line 89:

      Ahab anastaa Nabobilta pellon. Ahabista tulee rikas kuin el Zorro. Iisebel on eri mieltä keinoista.

      ellauri418.html on line 250: Tultuaan katolilaiseksi ja käännynnäiseksi erottuaan protestanttisesta uskostaan hän otti Charmettesin kartanoonsa nuoren oppipoika Jean-Jacques Rousseaun, joka oli tuolloin 15-vuotias, joka oli paennut Genevestä, missä hänen isäntänsä Abel Ducommun, maaliskuu, hakkasi hänet. 21, 1728. Myöhemmin hän kertoo tästä tapaamisesta Les Confessionsissa:
      ellauri418.html on line 382: Japansk fredsnobelpristagare beklagar Sveriges Natomedlemskap. Han är en Nagasaki-överlevare. Efter mötet säger Ulf Kristersson att han inte förstår varför det är beklagligt att Sverige har gått med i Nato. Satans dumskalle han Ulf.
      ellauri419.html on line 116: Nu har västingarna bestämt at alla kabelbrott är ryssarnas fel. Skrattretande, skrattar talesmannen Peskov. – Det är ganska absurt att utan grund fortsätta att anklaga Ryssland för allting. Det är skrattretande i kontexten av uteblivna reaktioner på ukrainska sabotageaktiviteter i Östersjön, flinar talespersonen Dmitrij Peskov. XA XA XA! Men nästa gång vet Finland hur det ska reageras! Dvs så här:
      ellauri419.html on line 335: Vuonna 1907 Apollinaire julkaisi tunnetun eroottisen romaanin 11 kiloheppiä ( Les Onze Mille Verges ). Se oli virallisesti kielletty Ranskassa vuoteen 1970 asti, ja sixi sen eri painokset levisivät laajasti useiden vuosien ajan. Toinen eroottinen romaani, jonka hänestä oli hyvä, oli Nuoren Don Juanin tepposet (Les exploits d'un jeune Don Juan) , jossa 15-vuotias sankari isättää kolme lasta lähipiirinsä kanssa, mukaan lukien tätinsä. Kostron hautakivi näyttää Obelixin hepiltä.
      ellauri420.html on line 220:

      Syyrian kartta on aina ollut tämän näköinen. Valtakunnat kollapsoituvat ja nousevat. Svenska experter hälisevät suu vaahdossa om vad som händer nu. Nyt on Ryssland ja Hizbollah kollapsoituneet ja ISIS jälleen nousussa. Vaan eiköhän Israel ja länsi ala siellä kohta häärätä. Heettejä ja sassanideja. Hulluja nuo roomalaiset. Mitä hän sanoi? Övriga rebeller. Glest befolkade områden vaihtaa omistajaa kuin mustalainen hevosta.
      ellauri420.html on line 224: Samaan aikaan toisaalla: Elizabeth Pollard försvann i ett slukhål när hon letade efter sin katt. Pojke dog på åkattraktion – familj får miljardbelopp. Turistflicka dog av elstöt i Phuket Thailand. Pojke nära att bli pelikansnacks i Kina. Det var ett mycket sorgligt fall sa läkaren.
      ellauri420.html on line 301: But he’s a defeated enemy. He can harm you none. The One who fights for you is stronger than He. In fact, the devil is God’s pet : He inadvertently does God’s work; attempting to separate you from Christ, Satan drives you closer to him. Go to Jesus, he says; he has the words of eternal life, just those you preached so well last Sunday and the one before it. Take those words as your own even when you don’t feel anything; embrace them and revel in the promises they bring you. What you have taught and embodied so well for others is surprisingly hard to believe for yourself.
      ellauri420.html on line 472: Ce bel Atys meurtri que Cybèle ranime ! Tämä kaunis mustelmainen Atys, jonka Cybele herättää henkiin!
      ellauri420.html on line 513: Nervaali tarkoitti tässä kaikitenkin Attista, josta myytti kertoo seuraavaa. Cybele ja Attis on tarina fryygialaisen suuren äitijumalattaren Cybelen traagisesta rakkaudesta kuolevaiseen Attisiin. Se on myös tarina itsensä silpomisesta ja uudestisyntymisestä. Kun Cybele – yksi Zeuksen mahdollisista rakastajattarista – hylkäsi hänet, Zeus ei sanonut "ei". Kun hänen uhrinsa nukkui, suuri filandereri vuodatti vain siemenensä muina miehinä hänen päälleen. Aikanaan Cybele synnytti Agdistisin, hermafrodiittisen demonin, joka oli niin vahva ja villi, että muut jumalat pelkäsivät häntä. Kauhussaan he katkaisivat häneltä miehen sukupuolielimen. Ei jäänut kuin nartun näpöttimet. Sen verestä syntyi mantelipuu.
      ellauri420.html on line 515: Mutta takaisin Attixeen! Kybelen kultissa jumalattaren rooli villin luonnon äitihahmona ilmeni riehakkaana palvontana. Hänen pappinsa, gallit kastroivat itsensä ennen tehtävään astumista. Kastraatiota perusteltiin myytillä, joka liittyi Kybelen rakastamaan hedelmällisyyden jumala Attikseen. Attis rakastui kuolevaiseen ja halusi tämän kanssa naimisiin. Kybele puuttui tilanteeseen, ja Attis pakeni vuoristoon, missä hän kastroi itsensä. Täähän meni nyt toiste päin kuin edellä, mutta pääasia on että Attis kuiteskin pääsi munapusseista. Ovidiuksen Metamorfoosien mukaan Attis muutti itsensä männyksi.
      ellauri420.html on line 519: ATTIS oli muinainen frygialainen kasvillisuuden jumala ja suuren jumalten äidin Kybelen (Cybele) puoliso . Rangaistuksena hänen uskottomuudestaan ​​jumalatar ajoi hänet hulluun kiihkoon, joka sai hänet kastroimaan itsensä. Kybelen eunukki-pappeuden vihkijät, jotka tunnetaan nimellä Gallai (Galli), esittivät tämän myytin uudelleen itsensä kastraatiolla. Kreikkalaiset samastivat Attiksen Iasioniin, Suuren Äidin puolisoon samotrakelaisissa mysteereissä, missä natustetaan kexejä, jotka on kyllästetty mantelilla AGDISTIS:in (Pausanias 7.17.8) katkaistuista sukuelimistä kasvaneesta puusta.
      ellauri420.html on line 521: Ovidiuksen mukaan (Paasto iv. 221) Cybele rakasti kaunista paimenta ja teki hänestä oman pappinsa sillä ehdolla, että tämä säilytti siveytensä loukkaamattomana. Atys rikkoi liiton nymfin, jokijumala Sangariuksen tyttären kanssa, ja jumalatar heitti hänet hulluuden tilaan, jossa hän sanoi heippa heiluvillensa. Kun hän sen seurauksena halusi lopettaa elämänsä, Cybele muutti hänet kuusipuuksi, josta tästä lähtien tuli hänelle pyhä, ja hän käski, että hänen pappinsa tulisi tulevaisuudessa olla eunukeja. Olisi tietysti parempi jos olisit kuusi, mutta jos sinusta tulee mänty ja sulla pyyhkii nainen, niin elämäsi on mennyt TÄYSIN päin persettä.
      ellauri420.html on line 523: Toinen tarina kertoo, että Atys, Cybelen pappi, pakeni metsään paetakseen Fryygian kuninkaan herkullisia syleilyjä, mutta hänet otettiin kiinni ja siitä seuranneessa taistelussa hänen takaa-ajajansa hukkasi killuttimensa. Kuoleva kuningas kosti itsensä aiheuttamalla saman onnettomuuden Atysille. Cybelen papit löysivät Atysin kuusen alta, sillä hetkellä hän oli vanhentumassa. He kantoivat hänet jumalattaren temppeliin ja yrittivät palauttaa hänet henkiin, mutta turhaan. Cybele määräsi, että Atyksen kuolemaa piti itkeä joka vuosi juhlallisin valitusvirsin ja että tästä lähtien hänen pappinsa olisivat eunukeja.
      ellauri420.html on line 525: Kolmannessa kertomuksessa kerrotaan, että Cybele, kun hänen isällensä, Frygian kuningas Maeonille paljastui, että hiän ruokki panttereja ja paimentyttäriä kasvatti, mennen myöhemmin salaa naimisiin Atysin kanssa, jota myöhemmin kutsuttiin papaksi, niin tällä hetkellä Cybele tunnistettiin ja hänen vanhempansa ottivat ystävällisesti vastaan; mutta kun he saivat tietää hänen yhteydestään Atykseen, Maeon määräsi Attisin ja paimentyttäret, joiden keskuudessa hän asui, tapettavixi. Cybele, joka oli vihainen surusta isänsä teosta, kulki maan halki äänekkäiden valitusten ja symbaalien äänen keskellä. Frygiassa vallitsi nyt epidemia ja puute. Oraakkeli käski Attis haudata ja jumalalliset kunnianosoitukset maksaa Cybelelle; mutta koska nuoren ruumis oli jo hajoamassa, hautajaiset maksettiin hänen kuvalle, joka tehtiin korvikkeeksi.
      ellauri420.html on line 527: Neljännen Pausaniaksen kertoman tarinan mukaan, Atys oli Fryygian kuninkaan Calauksen poika, eikä luonteeltaan kyennyt levittämään rotuaan. Kun hän oli kasvanut, hän meni Lydiaan, jossa hän esitteli Cybelen palvonnan. Kiitollinen jumalatar keksi hänelle sellaisen kiintymyksen, että Zeus vihassaan sitä kohtaan lähetti Lydiaan villisian, joka tappoi monia asukkaista, ja heidän joukossaan myös Atyn. Atysin uskottiin haudatun Pessinukseen Agdistis-vuoren alle. Häntä palvottiin Cybelen temppeleissä tämän jumalattaren kanssa. Taideteoksissa hänet esitetään paimenena, jolla on huilu ja sauva (LOL). Hänen palvontansa näyttää tulleen Kreikkaan suhteellisen myöhään. Böttigerin nerokas näkemys on, että Atysin myytti edustaa luonnon keskinkertaista luonnetta, miehen ja naisen, keskittyneenä yhteen. Wauzi wau.
      ellauri421.html on line 113: Paz  (1914-1998) won the Nobel Prize in 1990, and died eight years later at the age of 84.
      ellauri421.html on line 131: sórbeles sangre y tuétanos, ime niiden verta ja luuydintä,
      xxx/ellauri010.html on line 227: fiksummiksi, laske vaikka nobeleita.

      xxx/ellauri010.html on line 641: If you want me to send it to your friends Haile Selassie, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, send me 1000 dirham in unmarked banknotes in a brown envelope ASAP. BTW, greetings to your camel! He's a looker. He should find a smarter boyfriend. Tell him I am free at present. You already got my belfie, show it him.
      xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1067: It appears that a sort of loafing, fuddled vagabond - a white man living among the natives with a siamese woman - had consireded it a great privilege to give a shelter to the last days of the famous Gentleman Brown. While he was talking to me in the wretched hovel, and, as it were, fighting for every minute of his life, the siamese woman, with big bare legs nd a stupid coarse face, sat in dark orner chewing betel stolidly. Now and then she would get up for the purpose of shooing a chicken away from the door. The whole hut shook when she walked. An ugly yellow child, naked and pot-bellied, like a little heathen god, stood at the foot of the couch, finger in mouth, lost in a profound and calm contemplation of the dying man.
      xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1072: He died during the night, I believe, but by that time I had nothing more to learn.
      xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1174: > have not found myself in the deepest sense. You I believe have some work to
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 28: Smurffit (myös muffet tai strumffit, engl. The Smurfs, ransk. Les Schtroumpfs, saks. die Schlümpfe) on kuvitteellinen sinisten pikkuolentojen laji, joka elää metsässä jossain päin Eurooppaa, paikassa nimeltä Taivaanäärelä. Smurffit loi belgialainen sarjakuvapiirtäjä Peyo (Pierre Culliford) alun perin sivuhahmoiksi Johannes ja Pirkale -sarjakuvaan. Smurffien ensiesiintyminen Johannes ja Pirkale -sarjakuvassa tapahtui belgialaisessa Le Journal de Spirou -sarjakuvalehdessä 23. lokakuuta 1958. Peyo loi hahmoista 1960-luvulla oman sarjansa. Hän teki Smurffi-albumeita lähes 30 kappaletta.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 396: Kirjoittajina on teoksen toimittajien ohella järeä ryhmä ykköskentän professoreita, tutkijoita ja muita vaikuttajia: Ilkka Niiniluoto, Sami Pihlström, Sara Heinämaa, Sam Inkinen, Mauri Ylä-Kotola, Mark C. Taylor, James Wilk, Kirsti Lonka, Rachel Jones, Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Tuuli Lehti, Heikki Peltola, Tapio Aaltonen, Saku Mantere, Makke Leppänen, Päivi Partanen ja Ollis Leppänen. Haastatteluiden kautta mukana ovat Matti Alahuhta, Jorma Ollila, Pertti Korhonen, J. T. Bergqvist, Rosa Liksom, M.A. Numminen ja Aalto-yliopiston rehtori Tuula Teeri. Oman tervehdyksensä esittävät Howard Gardner, Bill Damon & Anne Colby ja nobelisti Edmund Phelps.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 398: Tää Phelps on pankkinobelisti niinkuin se suomenruozalainen kuikka, yhexättä kymmentä puskeva keltahampainen jenkkiukkeli, markkinatalouden vanha korppikotka, jonkun ihme Center of Capitalism and Societyn perustaja ja johtaja. Se on laskeskellut, että työttömyys on vaan luonnollista, niinkuin vino penis. Hyi helvetti, mä en kehtais tollasta mainitakaan mun juhlakirjassa. Ei mun juhlakirjaan tosin kovin paljon noita nobelisteja ollut tunkemassakaan, ei tarvinnut karsia.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 987: Eskin on positiivinen antipositivisti, hurraa Sartrelle, Heideggerille ja muille hämärämiehille. Se tuulettaa apinoiden voittoa muusta luonnosta, ja läpyttää pankkinobelistille, joka osoitti osan laahusta kuuluvankin työvoiman ulkopuolelle. Henkivoimat voivat sittenkin olla totta vaikka ne ei vaikuta mihinkään muuhun kuin niihin uskovaisiin päihin. Onhan sekin jotakin. Silti mä en ihan ilmasexi osta tota tunneköyhyyden syytöstä, kylla plussan ja pakkasen välillä on muitakin lämpötiloja, ei kaikkien tarvi Eskin lailla hehkuttaa olematta jotain pahoja.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1000: Pafoxella ei paljon ajatella Kahnemannin systeemissä 2, Millerin 7:ää tietoisuuden palikkaa ilmassa heitellen, vaan enempi tossa systeemissä 1, rinnakkaisprosessoiden liskoaivoilla. Mikäs se oli miehiään tää Kahnemann? No sekin on pankkinobelisti, amerikanjutku, joka vanhemmiten pehmeni miettimään mikä kullekin on mukavaa. Ongelma tässä liskoaivoihin luottamisessa on et vaikka ne on hurjan nopeat ja niillä on oikotie kaikkiin ruumiin toimintoihin, niillä ei lopultakaan ole kauheen monta pyydystä vedessä, se on sitä EAT EAT, FUCK FUCK; KILL KILL tematiikkaa mitä ne tarkkailevat, tosi ovelasti tosin. (Tohon Kahnemanniin pitänee vielä palata.)
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1027: The Paphos seminar is not statement-based. The seminar does not seek to provide the ”right” answers. It does not even identify ”fundamental themes”. No particular beliefs are targeted as objects of criticism or veneration. Instead, the content is expected to shine through as if behind a veil. Generic themes such as ”choice”, ”respect”, ”love”, ”temporality” serve like melodies in the background.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1052: In actual practice, much of academic philosophy is elitist and assumes a pretence of knowledge (somewhat like economics, as described by Hayek in his towering Nobel speech). I find much of academic philosophy fear-based as it seeks to pinpoint mistakes and operates with conceptual criticism as the leading faculty of mind. The result is the lack of synthetic, life-enhancing contributions (a point made clear in Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future).
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1056: Kai tässä on vähän haikeahkoa jäähyväistä sinne metsätalon perälle. Hmm, täytyypä lukaista, et mikäs Hayekissa on niin tornimaisen positiivista. (Tästä, kuten Eskin tai muidenkaan suurmiesten valtaenemmistöstä, mä en ole ennen rekisteröinyt mitään.) Nähtävästi toi hitlerwiixinen Aatun maanmies (ensimmäisiä pankkinobelisteja v 1974, samoihin aikoihin kun Eski sai sen paskakaivoarvosanansa gradusta) tuli kuuluisax klassisen liberalismin puolustajana, sen oikeana linjamiehenä, markkinatalouden yhtenä vapahtajana ikävien keynesiläiten suunnitelmatalousajatuxista. Karl Popperin henkilökohtainen hyvä ystävä. Pääpointti oli et hinnat on apinoiden paras viestintäväline.
      xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1066:

    • Hold your horses with your brilliance, intellect and learning. Don’t raise yourself above others. Don’t split the audience. Don’t believe you know the truth. Don’t believe you are the best. Don’t lecture even when you lecture, but suggest with conviction, inspiring a sense of the possible. Don’t manipulate, don’t push your own agenda but show integrity with your example and dynamic humblenes

    • xxx/ellauri044.html on line 418: Kyllä Hermann näyttää olleen äidin poika, isän kanssa tuli sitten riitoja. Ukki Gündertillä oli iso kirjasto. Hermanni pantiin seminaariin, mutta se ei tykännyt, "Dichter oder nichts", sanoi jääräpäisesti. Tuli molemmat. 14-vuotiaana sillä oli depis: "ich möchte hingehen wie das Abendbrot". Izemurha jäi yrityxexi. Seurasi sarja kasvatuslaitoxia ja amixia. Kirjakauppa-apulaisena vaihtoi vanhempien etiikan estetiikkaan. Käänteinen Kierkegaard. Ei kuitenkaan kyttyrävazainen, pikemminkin laiha poika. Likinäköisenä pääsi C-miehexi. Maailmansodan vapaaehtoisena Saxan armeijassa oli kirjastoapulaisena. Avioliitto Bernouillin Marian, freelance-valokuvaajan kanssa meni kehnosti ja Hermanni lähti maailmanympärimatkalle Intiaan. Nelikymppisenä maailmansodan aikana tuli takaiskuja (isä kuoli, Mia läksi), ja Hermanni tuli pöpixi. Pääsi tutustumaan zygoanalyysiin läheltä. Perheestä päästyä sillä alkoi oikein mukavat ja tuotteliaat ajat Luganossa. Vaihtoi sakemannista takasin schweizarixi. Ei se oikein kunnon saku koskaan ollutkaan, tollainen kosmopoliitti ja pasifisti. 2 muuta vaimoa seurasi. Asui Luganossa ökytalossa Ninonin kanssa eri kerroxissa ja maalasi akvarelleja luppoaikoina. Hermanni oli myös kova musiikkimies. Vieraina Schweizissä kävivät Bertolt Brecht ja Thomas Mann. Ei Hermanni siis ollut mikään nazi. 1946 päsähti siitä hyvästä Noobeli. Niiku osotettiin sakuille etteime teitä vihata kunhan pysytte kyykyssä ja ajattelette niiku me, tai edes niiku schweiziläiset.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 432: believes,20 but symbols produced from the depth of Sinclair‘s unconscious.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 952: Gripenberg toimi Finlands Svenska författarföreningin puheenjohtajana 1919–1920 ja sai valtion kirjallisuuspalkinnon yhdeksän kertaa. Hän oli ehdolla Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi vuonna 1931 ja sai Helsingin yliopiston kunniatohtorin arvon vuonna 1932.
      Niin aina. Kusipäät palkizee toisiaan, paukuttaa nahkahousuja ja selkään toisiansa.
      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1090: usein rikollisia pyrkimyxiään." Esim Salome, Iisebel

      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1141: Jonkun Twengen ja Campbellin miälestä Joen häpeähöpötys on hanurista. Narsistit on oikeesti kusipäitä jotka uskoo tosissaan olevansa muita parempia, ihan häpeämättä ja hävyttömästi. Tän dynaamisen duon miälestä narsismi on jenkeissä epidemia. Ylisuurexi paisunut minäkäsitys ja kuvitelma jatkuvan erikoiskohtelun oikeutuxesta on vallannut amerikkalaisnuorten mielet. Mahtava narsisti, joka saavuttaa julkkisaseman ja tulee tunnetuxi on niiden idoli ja unelmien täyttymys. The American Idol.

      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1211: Sathya Sai Baba's materialisations of vibhuti (holy ash) and other small objects such as rings, necklaces, and watches were a source of controversy for the agnostics and non believers. Some have analyzed them as being mere sleights of hand, while his followers have considered them as signs of his divinity. Ali Baba förbii enemmän kuin 40 rosvoa.

      xxx/ellauri044.html on line 1216: Accusations against Sai Baba by his critics over the years have included sleight of hand, sexual abuse, money laundering, fraud in the performance of service projects, and murder. In the article Divine Windfall, published in the Daily Telegraph, Anil Kumar, the ex-principal of the Sathya Sai Educational Institute, said that he believed that the controversy was part of Sathya Sai Baba's divine plan and that all great religious teachers had to face criticism during their lives.
      :D Joo mä tiedän Baba sanoi syytteisiin, mulla on vitusti enemmän juudaxia kuin Jeesuxella.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 75: Sarjan toinen osa, Lapsenpiika, kuvaa nuoren Ida-piian työntäyteistä arkea Sibeliuksen perheen palveluksessa. Säveltäjäperheen arkiaskareiden pyörittämisen ohella Ida ehtii kokea myös rakkautta Jannen köyrimänä välikössä. Se, mikä on jonkun mielestä luonnollista työnjakoa, voi toiselle olla mieltä kuohuttava tasa-arvokysymys. Onkohan Enni Mustonen real woman for Trump? Ei ainaskaan mikään Kaari Utrio.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 79:

      Maria Sibelius född Borg Sipoosta kyykkysynnyttää Hesperian rannassa.

      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 279: Georgette Leblanc (8. helmikuuta 1875 Rouen – 27. lokakuuta 1941 Cannes) oli ranskalainen sopraano, näyttelijä ja kirjailija. Hän oli Nobel-palkitun kirjailijan Maurice Maeterlinckin pitkäaikainen kumppani ja puoliso (1895–1918), jolle Maeterlinck omisti kirjansa Le trésor des humbles (1896) (Köyhäin aarteet, suom. F. E. Sillanpää).
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 283: Maurin tunnetuin biisi oli symbolistinen näytelmä Pelleas ja Melisande. The work never achieved great success on the stage, apart from in the operatic setting by Debussy, but it was at the time widely read and admired by the literary elite in the symbolist movement, such as Strindberg and Rilke. It also inspired other contemporary composers, including Gabriel Fauré, Arnold Schoenberg, and Jean Sibelius.

      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 295: "Astu johonkin seuraan, jossa on olemassaolon masentavimmilta huolilta turvattuja miehiä ja naisia, valioseuraa jos niin haluat, lausu siinä sanat ilo onni autuus ihanne, ja anna apuenkelin koota koriin herätetyt mielikuvat. Mitäs ostoskoriin tuli? Kauniita yhteenkietoutuneita ruumiita, kultaa jalokiviä, palazi suuri puisto, terveysvaikutteinen taikajuoma, eriskummallisia koristeita, turhamaisuuxia, ja ennen kaikkea hyviä ruokia ja viinejä, hyvää kakkua, hienoja päivällisiä, uhkeita punkkia. Eikö muuta? (toki: nopeita autoja ja lentohärveleitä, julkisuutta, kansansuosiota, valtaa, läpytystä, noobeleita, ym ym.) Ostoskorissasi on 10K itemiä. Siirry kassalle.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 304: Kyllä luxus on rahanarvoista ja varsin kadehdittavaa. Sillä voi näyttää muille et on kapassiteettia. Sillä Maurisekin tienasi ja pokkas vielä Noobelilta miljoonan. Ajattele vaikka merkkivaatteita. Joku raita tai brändi pyllyssä maxaa enemmän kuin rätti ize. Eikyl tässä on Maurisella aikalailla tahallista naivismia mukana. Silläkin voi tienata.
      xxx/ellauri056.html on line 342: Lopussa se rupee jopa sekoilemaan meedioista ja mistä lie ouija boardeista. Säällittävää. Sitä oli tohon aikaan paljon liikkeellä, jopa nobelisteissa. Fyysikotkin ezi jumalaa kvanttiraosta, eze piilis siellä edes pikkiriikkisenä kuten piru detaljeissa.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 185: Säälittävää rupusakkia nää hämeenkyröläiset maalaiset. Pablo Ährölä ährää Tampereella umpitunnelissa filmi poikki. Kotona Ährölässä Uuno Turhapuron muisti palaa pätkittäin. 2 miekkosta ilosteli Alman kaa. Paavo hoiperteli paikalle ja vonkas lisää viinaa sekä hilloviivaa. Hoipparoi pitkin nurkkia. Nimitteli Almaa huoraxi. Osaakin olla läpimätä setä. Kaikkein traagisinta on että Almassa on Paavon vakka kantensa löytänyt. Ne on kuin Toope ja sen Sikri. Alma siivoo pillittävän Paavon lattialta ja ronttaa vuokra-autoon. Vienhän mie, mut herkee jo vikisemästä. Samanlaisen juoppolallin kuin nobelkirjailija izekin. Alma oli sille äiti. Olikohan Sikrikin. Sikri on anagrammi Kirsi Riskistä.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 227: Hilja piti opiskelusta, opettajista ja koulutovereistaan ja menestyi tyttökoulussa hyvin. Kuulostaa ihan Laura Kolbelta teoxessa Suomen yläluokasta, johon se haluisi kovin kuulua. Muttei kuulu kovasta yrityxestä huolimatta. Tyttökoulun jälkeen hän siirtyi jatko-opistoon, jossa hän harrasti monenlaisia asioita. Hilja oli lahjakas: hän lauloi, kirjoitti, maalasi ja lausui hyvin. Jatko-opistossa hän luki myös ranskaa ja suoritti opettajan tutkinnon vuonna 1902. Kaksi vuotta jatko-opistossa opiskeltuaan Hilja alkoi valmistautua ylioppilaskirjoituksiin Suomalaisen yhteiskoulun yksityisoppilaana, koska jatko-opistossa ylioppilastutkintoa ei voinut suorittaa. Hän kirjoitti vuonna 1901 ylioppilaaksi ja sai tutkinnon arvosanaksi muutamaa pistettä vajaan kiitettävän. Hilja oli aina muutamaa pistettä vajaa. Viimeisenä kouluvuotenaan Hilja pohti elämänuraansa ja tulevaisuuttaan. Valinta oli vaikea, sillä Hiljaa kiinnostivat monet taiteenalat. Jatko-opistossa Hilja oli innostunut teatterista, ja hän suunnitteli vakavasti näyttelijättären uraa. Syksyllä 1902 Hilja kirjoittautui yliopistoon historiallis-filologiseen osastoon, mutta ei koskaan valmistunut. (Täh? Minnekäs see lääkärinura unohtui?)
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 769: Harmittiko Nestor Kuulapäätä Knut Hamsunin kohuttu talonpoikaisrompskumenestys 1917? Ja vuoden 1920 noobeli? Vai ajattelikose päinvastoin että jes! Anch'io son pittore! Tulee se munkin vuoro vielä. Niinkuin tulikin.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 792: Ei varmaan kanna Iisakki 2 ovea ja 2 ikkunaa selässä ja rautahellaa ellei ole joku Obelix. Tää on ihan satua.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 824: Knut Hamsun (Born: Knud Pedersen, August 4, 1859, Lom, Gudbrandsdalen, United Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, (present-day Lom, Norway) Died:February 19, 1952, Nørholm, Grimstad, Norway1859-1952) oli norjalainen kirjailija, joka lukeutuu tunnetuimpiin hahmoihin maansa kirjallisuuden historiassa. Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1920. Hamsun oli köyhän perheen poika, eikä hän käynyt koulua kuin runsaat 250 päivää. Sen kyllä huomaa.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 829: Hamsun 41v tunsi entuudestaan joitakin suomalaisia. Hän oli tavannut Pariisissa Albert Edelfeltin ja Akseli Gallén-Kallelan ja hän tutustui nopeasti Helsingin taiteilijapiireihin. Hän tuli tuntemaan aluksi kirjailijoita ja tapasi Alexander Slotten, Konni Zilliacuksen ja Wentzel Hagelstamin. Zilliacushan oli salaisen suomalaisen vastarintaliikkeen Kagaalin johtaja. Hagelstameilla on divari Fredan kulmassa. Ystäväpiiri kasvoi kuitenkin ripeästi ja siihen kuuluivat muun muassa kirjailijat Mikael Lybeck, Juhani Aho ja Werner Söderhjelm. Sekä Jean Sibelius että Robert Kajanus ottivat osaa seuralliseen lystinpitoon helsinkiläisissä ravintoloissa.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 845: A hundred and one years ago, in 1917, Knut Hamsun published what was probably his most influential and at the same time most controversial novel: Markens grøde (translated into English as Growth of the Soil). This story about the colonization of new farmland in northern Norway (Hammarby, luulajansaamexi Hambra, mistä Knupo oli peräsin) by the pioneer Isak and his wife Inger attained immense popularity in Hamsun’s home country and abroad, and earned its author the Nobel Prize in literature. In later years, it has often been criticized for, among other things, postulated parallels to Nazi »blood and soil« ideology, for its racist and colonialist portrayal of the Sami, and for its antagonism towards female self-determination.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 890: 193 rompskua, 158 novellia, useita omaelämäkertoja, artikkeleita ja reportaasheja Simenonina, toiset 177 rompskua, kymmeniä novelleja, pornoa ja muuta 27 peitenimellä. 17. luetuin maailmassa, ranskankielisistä 3. Vernen ja Dumasin jälkeen, 1. belgialaisista (ylläri). Vaik kai Hercule Poirot on tunnetumpi. Suurin bestselleri on Raamattu, kaikista koukuttavin lukuromaani. Muutkin kärkipaikat on uskontoplärillä,vasta pitkän matkan päässä tulee muut lastensadut kuten Grimm ja Potter.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 901: Tigy (Jorin eka vaimo) oli belgi maalari. Simenon hankki sille naispuolisia pokia sittemmin tunnetuxi tulleella taidolla.
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 917: Pendant toute la guerre, entre 1940 et 1945, Simenon continue à vivre en Vendée et en Charente-Maritime, mais cette période, assez mal connue, est sujette à de multiples soupcons. Représentant de l'État belge auprès des Belges réfugiés, il refuse d'aider ceux d'entre eux qui sont juifs. Non seulement son frère fut volontaire auprès de la Waffen-SS Wallonie, mais de plus, selon certaines personnes, lors de cette période cruciale de sa vie et de son œuvre, l'écrivain aurait été un collaborateur, ou doucement dit, un peu "lâche". Il n'est pas revenu en Belgique, afin d'échapper au service militaire), un peu rusé et opportuniste, sans aucun sens de l'histoire avec un grand H. Il a commis d'« énormes imprudences » en écrivant dans des journaux contrôlés par les Allemands, mais Simenon ne dénonce pas, ne s'engage pas, ne fait pas de politique, seulement de la fiction. En fait, les accords qu'il a passés avec la firme cinématographique allemande Continental lui valent quelques tracas à la Libération. En 1944, une dépêche de l'AFP, retrouvée à Poitiers, mentionne sa dénonciation pour « intelligence avec l'ennemi » par « certains villageois vendéens exaspérés par la conduite égoïste de cet écrivain affichant l'opulence de son train de vie, à l'époque des tickets d'alimentation. »
      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1292: kun Robert Zimmermannkin pokkas niillä noobelin.

      xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1445: Nyt niillä on jo ydinohjuxet ja lennokit ja jenkit. Noobeleita ja rahaa aivan perhanasti kuten aina. Ne nyt vaan on parempia, se on myönnettävä.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 342: Shakespeare is not necessarily judging him for his religious belief but demonstrating intolerance in both religions. Shylock refuses to eat with the Christians:
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 354: However, when we take into account circumstances that took place before the play, as well as what happens over the course of the plot, Shylock begins to seem a like a victim as well as a villain, and his fate seems excessively harsh. In addition to the abuse Antonio and other Christians routinely subject him to, Shylock lost his beloved wife, Leah. His daughter, Jessica, runs away from home with money and jewels she’s stolen from him, including a ring Leah gave him before she died. Although Solanio reports that Shylock’s was equally upset by the loss of his money as his daughter (“My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!” (II. Viii.), we must remember that we are getting a second-hand view through the eyes of an anti-Semitic character who compares Shylock to the devil. As we learn from Shylock himself, the Christians of Venice are happy to borrow money from him, but refuse to accept him as part of Venetian society because they equate his religion with Satan. Shylock has been treated as less than human his whole life, because he is not a Christian. Yet when he tries to collect on a loan, the other characters insist that he act like a Christian and forgive the debt.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 427: You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog,
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 485: Firenzessä oli guelfeja ja ghibelliinejä. Shava-shava heimoa ja petollisia silmäpusseja. Lorenzo de Medici oli jämerän näkönen mutta lättänenänen. Siinä on paljon samaa näköä kuin Dick Tracyssa ja Shrekissä. Katista ja Eevasta se oli ihqu. Reilu kavereille ja kova panomies. Tytöt palasivat haaveellisina hotlaan kähertämään wiixiään.
      xxx/ellauri059.html on line 508: Pääosissa: Daniel Sharman (Lorenzo de’ Medici), Bradley James (Giuliano de’ Medici), Sean Bean (Jacopo Pazzi), Sarah Parish (Lucrezia de’ Medici), Raoul Bova (paavi Sixtus IV), Matteo Martari (Francesco Pazzi), Jacob Fortune Lloyd (Francesco Salviati), Alessandra Mastronardi (Lucrezia Donati), Matilda Lutz (Simonetta Vespucci), Synnøve Karslen (Clarice Orsini), Annabel Scholey (Contessina). Idea ja käsikirjoitus: Frank Spotnitz, Nicholas Meyer. Ohjaus: Sergio Mimica-Gezzan. Musiikki: Paolo Buonvino. Tunnuskappaleen esittäjä: Skin (Ann Deborah Dyer). Tuotanto: Lux Vide, Big Light Productions, Italia, 2018.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 59: Vsesojuznyj on kirjoitettu väärin s.458. Ärsyttävää puolisivistyneisyyttä. Tässä jaxossa on typerää hauskanpitoa vähäosaisempien kustannuxella ja neuvostohistorian vääristelyä. Aitoamerikkalaista koloniaali"huumoria". Food fight tästä enää puuttuisi. Rypälemarenkitortun paiskaaminen Stalinin naamaan. Kyttyräselät, spitaaliset, hebefreenikot (Saku oli sellainen) ja kaikenlaiset rammat ovat putkahtaneet loukoistaan kazelemaan tätä hupia. Taas tätä amerikkalaista arabi"terroristi"pelkoa sekottuneena vanhempaan ryssä"kommunisti"pelkoon ja saku"nazi"pelkoon.. Vizi ne pelkää kaikkia jotka vähänkin uhkaa niiden öljyhegemoniaa keski-Aasiassa. Kaikki Nobelien näiltä kentiltä saadut öljyrahat on käytetty Nobel-palkintoihin. Donald Trump vihjaa kohta vastaanottavansa fysiikan Nobel-palkinnon.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 115: Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan is a 2006 British-American mockumentary comedy film directed by Larry Charles and starring Sacha Baron Cohen. Baron Cohen stars as Borat Sagdiyev, a fictitious Kazakhstani journalist who travels through the United States to make a documentary which features real-life interactions with Americans. Much of the film features unscripted vignettes of Borat interviewing and interacting with real-life Americans who believe he is a foreigner with little or no understanding of American customs. It is the second of four films built around Baron Cohen's characters from Da Ali G Show (2000–2004): the first, Ali G Indahouse, was released in 2002, and featured a cameo by Borat; the third, Brüno, was released in 2009; and the sequel to Borat, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, was released in 2020.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 123: Staying at a bed-and-breakfast, Borat and Azamat are stunned to learn their hosts are Jewish. The two escape after throwing money at two cockroaches, believing they are Jews. Borat attempts to buy a handgun to defend himself, but is turned away because he is not an American citizen, so he buys a bear instead.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 197: Galardonado con numerosas distinciones,​ fue también polémico por sus posturas políticas conservadoras; su importancia continúa siendo causa de debate, particularmente por la posibilidad de que estas le hayan impedido obtener el Premio Nobel de Literatura,​ al que fue candidato durante casi treinta años.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 207: Borges toimi muun muassa englantilaisen kirjallisuuden professorina Buenos Airesin yliopistossa sekä kansalliskirjaston johtajana. Borges oli oikeistopaskiainen oikeesti. Borgesin äänekäs tuki juntalle pilasi hänen maineensa eurooppalaisten intellektuellien keskuudessa, ja on arveltu sen vieneen häneltä mahdollisuudet Nobelin palkintoon. Elämänsä viimeiset vuosikymmenet (55v eteenpäin) hän oli sokea.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 223: And then I talked a little about what interests me most about Borges: his imagination, his problematic but in the end (or in his best moments) rebellious relationship with power and violence, what he still has to say about reading, tradition, the way in which we create (or he created for us) images of the world, models, ideologies.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 364: Von 1922 bis 1924 arbeitete Wilhelm als wissenschaftlicher Berater in der deutschen Gesandtschaft in Peking, daneben lehrte er an der Peking-Universität. Hier übersetzte er auch das I Ging (Buch der Wandlungen) ins Deutsche. (Tätähän laulukirjaa mäkin on suomentanut jossain kohtaa pikku Kunin avustuxella, eikö vaan? Kun on kyllä nätimpi kuin Wilhelmin ope.) In die Kommentierung flossen Zitate sowohl aus der Bibel als auch von Goethe, aber auch Gedankengut westlicher Philosophen und protestantischer, parsischer und alt-griechischer Theologie ein. Wilhelm zeigte damit viele Parallelen zu chinesischer Weisheit auf. Joopa joo, tää on Sachsan Pertti Nieminen.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 395: In der ebenfalls 1929 gedrehten Beef & Steak-Episode „Wir halten fest und treu zusammen“ nimmt Kurt Gerron eine Grammophonplatte mit diesem Titel vom Apparat und isst sie auf; als ihm darauf übel wird und er auf der Toilette verschwindet, hört man dann von dort das Lied tönen...
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 419: Korpraalin führeröimässä Valtiossa (huom. kapitaali, tyypillistä Nipistyspäätä) 1, paikka pitää tehdä viattomuudelle (ällösana), ja sen monille käytöille 2. Virallisen version viattomuudesta tekemisessä, lapsuuden kulttuuri on osoittautunut arvottomaxi 3 . Valtaistuinpelit, homokaskut, lukuohjeet historiasta, kaikki uskontekovempeleet voidaan sovittaa ja jopa istuttaa fysikaaliseen paikkaan, kuten esim. 12 skidiä. 5. Vuosien yli siitä oli tullut lasten lomakohde, melkeinpä kylpylä. Jos olit aikaihminen, et päässyt kaupungin rajojen sisälle ilman lapsi-ilolintua. Siellä oli lapsimajuri 6, lapsivaltuusto kahdeltatoista. Lapset poimivat papruja, banaainkuoria ja pulloja jotka jätit kadulle, lapset antoivat sinulle opaskierroxia Eläinpuiston läpi 7, Nibelungien läjä, 8, varoittivat sinut hiljaisuuteen Bismarkin kohouman vaikuttavan uudelleenpystytyxen aikana, kevään päiväntasauxena sakujen tappiovuonna 1871, prinssille ja keisarilliselle kumittajalle 9,… lapsipoliisi soimasi sinua jos jäit kiinni yxin, ilman lapsi-ilolintua. Kuka tahansa kantoi kaupungin todellista liiketoimintaa—se ei olisi voinut olla lapsia—ne oli piilotettu hyvin. 10
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 465: Nibelungen läjä, kuten olen varma sinä tiedät, on Nibelungen aarre. (Sinä tiedät Wagnerin Sormuspyörän, öh? Tai sinä olet lukenut Tolkienin Bored of the Rings, oikein?—sinä saat idean. Tittelöity Nibelung on kääpiö Alberich, tien ohessa.).
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 482: Nibelungen liedissä Hagen murhaa sankarin Siegfriedin ja sitten varastaa ja piilottaa Nibelungen läjän.
      xxx/ellauri068.html on line 557: Berlin died in 1989 at the age of 101. Composer Douglas Moore sets Berlin apart from all other contemporary songwriters, and includes him instead with Stephen Foster, Walt Whitman, and Carl Sandburg, as a "great American minstrel"—someone who has "caught and immortalized in his songs what we say, what we think about, and what we believe." Composer George Gershwin called him "the greatest songwriter that has ever lived" and composer Jerome Kern concluded that "Irving Berlin has no place in American music—he is American music."
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 120: Lev Isaakovich Shestov (Russian: Лев Исаа́кович Шесто́в; 31 January [O.S. 13 February] 1866 – 19 November 1938), born Yehuda Leib Shvartsman (Russian: Иегуда Лейб Шварцман), was a Russian existentialist and religious philosopher. He is best known for his critiques of both philosophic rationalism and positivism. His work advocated a movement beyond reason and metaphysics, arguing that these are incapable of conclusively establishing truth about ultimate problems, including the nature of God or existence. Contemporary scholars have associated his work with the label "anti-philosophy.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 151: He developed his thinking in a second book on Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Frederich Nietzsche, which increased Shestov's reputation as an original and incisive thinker. In All Things Are Possible (published in 1905) Shestov adopted the aphoristic style of Friedrich Nietzsche to investigate the difference between Russian and European Literature. Although on the surface it is an exploration of numerous intellectual topics, at its base it is a sardonic work of Existentialist philosophy which both criticizes and satirizes our fundamental attitudes towards life situations. D.H. Lawrence, who wrote the Foreword to S.S. Koteliansky's literary translation of the work, summarized Shestov's philosophy with the words: " 'Everything is possible' - this is his really central cry. It is not nihilism. It is only a shaking free of the human psyche from old bonds. The positive central idea is that the human psyche, or soul, really believes in itself, and in nothing else". Shestov deals with key issues such as religion, rationalism, and science in this highly approachable work, topics he would also examine in later writings such as In Job's Balances. Shestov's own key quote from this work is probably the following: "...we need to think that only one assertion has or can have any objective reality: that nothing on earth is impossible. Every time someone wants to force us to admit that there are other, more limited and limiting truths, we must resist with every means we can lay hands on".
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 159: The discovery of Kierkegaard prompted Shestov to realise that his philosophy shared great similarities, such as his rejection of idealism, and his belief that man can gain ultimate knowledge through ungrounded subjective thought rather than objective reason and verifiability. However, Shestov maintained that Kierkegaard did not pursue this line of thought far enough, and continued where he thought the Dane left off.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 194: More recently, alongside Dostoyevsky's philosophy, many have found solace in Shestov's battle against the rational self-consistent and self-evident; for example Bernard Martin of Case Western Reserve University, who translated his works now found online [external link below]; and the scholar Liza Knapp, who wrote The Annihilation of Inertia: Dostoevsky and Metaphysics. This book was an evaluation of Dostoyevsky's struggle against the self-evident "wall", and refers to Shestov on several occasions.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 203: Lefa Struzikin oli Saku Palkeen kolleega Chicagossa. Siellä oli aivan hemmetinmoinen ampiaispesä ilkeitä talousliberaalifasisteja, 13 talousnobelistia päättyen roistomaiseen Milton Friedmaniin. Valtaosa varmaan oli imigranttijutkuja.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 303: Friedrich Konrad Eduard Wilhelm Ludwig Klages (10 December 1872 – 29 July 1956) was a German philosopher, psychologist, graphologist, poet, writer, and lecturer, who was a two-time nominee for the Nobel Prize in Literature. In the (rather odious) Germanosphere, he is considered one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 312: wrote: I have never endorsed the claim that the Nazi big-wigs belonged to a superior race. However, I must also add that I have consistently refused to accept the claim of another such race as the chosen people. The arrogance is identical in both cases, but with this important distinction: after waging war against the dumber half of mankind for more than three thousand years, Judaism has finally achieved total victory over all nations of the earth. Not surprisingly, an American Jew found this accusation odious. What with even the Philistine diaper heads still putting up a fight.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 377: In January 1968, during Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, Kitt encountered a substantial professional setback after she made anti-war statements during a White House luncheon. Kitt was asked by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War. She replied: "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot." During a question and answer session, Kitt stated: The children of America are not rebelling for no reason. They are not hippies for no reason at all. We don't have what we have on Sunset Blvd. for no reason. They are rebelling against something. There are so many things burning the people of this country, particularly mothers. They feel they are going to raise sons – and I know what it's like, and you have children of your own, Mrs. Johnson – we raise children and send them to war.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 379: Her remarks caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears. It is widely believed that Kitt's career in the United States was ended following her comments about the Vietnam War, after which she was branded "a sadistic nymphomaniac" by the CIA. A defamatory CIA dossier about Kitt was discovered by Seymour Hersh in 1975. Hersh published an article about the dossier in The New York Times.[20] The dossier contained comments about Kitt's sex life and family history, along with negative opinions of her that were held by former colleagues. Kitt's response to the dossier was to say "I don't understand what this is about. I think it's disgusting."[20] Following the incident, Kitt devoted her energies to performances in Europe and Asia.
      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 412:

      The clerk belongs to me, I belong to the clerk, what is it to others?

      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 417:
      The clerk belongs to me, I belong to the clerk, what is it to others?

      xxx/ellauri075.html on line 462: When asked in an interview in 2002 whether he was gay, Ellis explained that he did not identify as gay or straight but was comfortable being thought of as homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual and enjoyed playing with his persona, identifying variously as gay, straight and bisexual to different people over the years. In a 1999 interview, Ellis suggested that his reluctance to definitively label his sexuality was for "artistic reasons", "if people knew that I was straight, they'd read [my books] in a different way. If they knew I was gay, 'Psycho' would be read as a different book." In an interview with Robert F. Coleman, Ellis said he had an "indeterminate sexuality", that "any other interviewer out there will get a different answer and it just depends on the mood I am in". Mod tai ei, aikaa myöden Bretistä paljaatui ihan tavallinen hintti. Siinä se muistuttaa toista pahan apostolia Herman Melvilleä, joita Pippa Fitz-Aamobi päätti vertailla ylioppilasaineessa.
      xxx/ellauri076.html on line 129: Kajanus was born in Trondheim, Norway, to Prince Pavel [also Paulo] Tjegodiev of Russia and Johanna Kajanus, a French-Finnish sculptress, bronze medal winner for sculpture at the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937), and granddaughter of Robert Kajanus, the Finnish composer, conductor, champion of Sibelius and founder of the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra. He is the brother of the late actress and film-maker Eva Norvind and the uncle to Mexican theater and television actress Nailea Norvind.
      xxx/ellauri076.html on line 222: Lyrics continue below Sanat jatkuvat alempana
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 164: Additionally, what is the purpose of the Tyger by William Blake? It would be a mistake to say that Blake's purpose in writing "The Tyger" was to show that God is the source of pain and violence in the world, just as it would be a mistake to assume that Blake's purpose in writing "The Lamb" was to convert people to a belief in Jesus Christ.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 311: His era was later labeled as La Grande Noirceur ("The Great Darkness") by its critics, due to his support of strong Catholic traditions, his support of private property rights vis-a-vis growing labour rights movements, and his strong opposition not only to Communism, but also to secularism, feminism, environmentalism, leftist separatism and other non-conservative and progressive political trends and movements that would influence Quebec politics and society over the following 60 years, starting with the Quiet Revolution of the 1960s under his Liberal successor Jean Lesage.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 403: Herr Dr. Zink verband in idealer Weise hohe fachliche und menschliche Kompetenz mit Einsatzbereitschaft und pädagogischem Engagement. Er war ein umsichtiger Schulleiter, ein weithin anerkannter Altsprachler sowie ein kompetenter und allseits beliebter und geschätzter Schulleiter, Lehrer und Kollege.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 501: Wallun äiskä paljasti että poissaolevan puhuttelu on apostrofi ellei ole hullu. Se on respektaabeli taiteenlaji. Kun Pezku sekosi ulko-ovia pidettiin takalukossa. Ne piti avata avaimella sisältä ja ulkoa. Musta tuli aika taitava takalukkoilija. Jokainen anova saa, ja kolkuttavalle avataan. Calle pyysi kärsimättömänä alzheimerina mua avaamaan sille lukittuja ovia Munksnäshemmetissä. En avannut. Ei ollut avainta. Sä olit isi jo aika poissaoleva.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 510: Jack Benny (born Benjamin Kubelsky; February 14, 1894 – December 26, 1974) was an American entertainer, who evolved from a modest success playing violin on the vaudeville circuit to a highly popular comedic career in radio, television and film. He was known for his comic timing and the ability to cause laughter with a pregnant pause or a single expression, such as his signature exasperated "Well! "
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 513: Benny was born Benjamin Kubelsky in Chicago on February 14, 1894, and grew up in nearby Waukegan. He was the son of Jewish immigrants Meyer Kubelsky (1864–1946) and Emma Sachs Kubelsky (1869–1917), sometimes called "Naomi". Meyer was a saloon owner and later a haberdasher who had emigrated to America from Poland. Emma had emigrated from Lithuania. Benny began studying violin, an instrument that became his trademark, at the age of 6, his parents hoping for him to become a professional violinist. He loved the instrument, but hated practice. His music teacher was Otto Graham Sr., a neighbor and father of football player Otto Graham. At 14, Benny was playing in dance bands and his high school orchestra. He was a dreamer and poor at his studies, and was ultimately expelled from high school. He later did poorly in business school and at attempts to join his father´s business. In 1911, he began playing the violin in local vaudeville theaters for $7.50 a week (about $210 in 2020 dollars). He was joined on the circuit by Ned Miller, a young composer and singer.
      xxx/ellauri081.html on line 517: The next year, Benny formed a vaudeville musical duo with pianist Cora Folsom Salisbury, a buxom 45-year-old divorcée who needed a partner for her act. This angered famous violinist Jan Kubelik, who feared that the young vaudevillian with a similar name would damage his reputation. Under legal pressure, Benjamin Kubelsky agreed to change his name to Ben K. Benny, sometimes spelled Bennie. When Salisbury left the act, Benny found a new pianist, Lyman Woods, and renamed the act "From Grand Opera to Ragtime". They worked together for five years and slowly integrated comedy elements into the show. They reached the Palace Theater, the "Mecca of Vaudeville," and did not do well. Benny left show business briefly in 1917 to join the United States Navy during World War I, and often entertained the sailors with his violin playing. One evening, his violin performance was booed by the sailors, so with prompting from fellow sailor and actor Pat O´Brien, he ad-libbed his way out of the jam and left them laughing. He received more comedy spots in the revues and did well, earning a reputation as a comedian and musician.
      xxx/ellauri084.html on line 36: Both Hitler's oratory and Wittgenstein's philosophy of language derive from the hermetic tradition, the key to which is Wittgenstein's "no-ownership" theory of mind, described by P. F. Strawson in his book Individuals (1958). The no-ownership theory is a metaphysical doctrine of the self, labelled by Strawson. It arises from cartesian mind-body dualism (see mind body problem) and maintains that conscious experiences with a subject cannot be said to ‘belong’ to that subject, because “Only those things whose ownership is logically transferable can be owned at all“. Kauppamiesmäistä mind-body kapitalismia. Taas yxi kiemurtelu sielun irrottamisexi ruumiista.
      xxx/ellauri084.html on line 284: Cybele and Attis (Greek)
      xxx/ellauri084.html on line 502: Palkinnot (Nobel, Wolf, Fields, etc.)
      xxx/ellauri084.html on line 594: Film critic André Bazin (1918-1958) is notable for arguing that realism is the most important function of cinema. His call for objective reality, deep focus, and lack of montage are linked to his belief that the interpretation of a film or scene should be left to the spectator. This placed him in opposition to film theory of the 1920s and 1930s, which emphasized how the cinema could manipulate reality.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 94: In recent years, replica’s of the Burma Shave signs can be found along Route 66 in Arizona. Have you seen any other replica’s in your travels? Let us know in the comments section below.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 128: Similarly to the film ‘ Potted Psalm’ (made by the same filmmaker) ‘The Cage’ was firstly created with no soundtrack. A soundtrack was added later on to accompany the visuals. The copy right of this film belongs to the Californian School of Fine Arts.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 133: When the eyeball falls out of the male protagonist’s head, i personally believe that the filmmaker wants to emphasize to the viewer the fact that we don’t necessarily “see” and perceive the world around us only as individuals but rather as a collective self. The way we perceive objects, people, the world around us in general is partly shaped by society and it’s rules. We have been taught how to look at life…
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 258: Also how these types think about themselves and what they supposedly contribute. Yes some contribute a lot while others have a sense of self worth that far exceeds reality believing they contribute more therefore work all the time.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 295: Peterson says that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded", advising freshman students to avoid subjects like sociology, anthropology, English literature, ethnic studies, and racial studies, as well as other fields of study that he believes are corrupted by "post-modern neo-Marxists".
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 327: A better question is why anybody would believe that it might work. And there is an easy answer to that: Because so many people, with so much power, stood to gain so much from having the idea become believed.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 329: And here’s an even better question than the first one: Why would the idea continue to have so much currency despite having absolutely no demonstrable basis for belief? And the great Upton Sinclair gave us the answer to that one: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.”
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 331: It started out as a cynical exploitation, but the idea is earnestly believed today by many, many people. Thousands of whom are career politicians, conservative think tankers, or academics whose salary depends upon their vigorous pursuit of the idea.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 340: My question is why do people believe there is a theory called “trickle down economics” and why do these same people seem to believe it is US policy?
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 411: Um, no, no one is saying that. The idea is hilarious. This is where it goes wrong: Govt taking a little less from the rich than before is not a gift! It was THEIR money in the first place. How did we ever get to the place where people think that everything belongs to the govt like a king in feudal and ancient times, and we are all just subjects, serfs, and they will tell US how much of our own earnings we get to keep? Didn't we fight a revolution to abolish that nonsense?
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 518: “Let’s let people keep more of what they earn,” he said. “That’s the supply side of the Laffer curve. We believe in that.”
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 532: From 1940 to 1980, the tax rate for the super-rich never dropped below 70%. For much of the 1950s, it was above 90% — although, like today, most rich people used a variety of techniques to lower their tax bills, such as tax shelters and offshore accounts.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 557: Their results appear in visual form below.
      xxx/ellauri085.html on line 618: Isä-Jamesin leffoissakin esiintynyt tunteilun ja läpän yhdistelmä sopii sinänsä vallan mainiosti, eikä siinä ole mitään uutta eikä ihmeellistä. Aristofanes ei ollut järin sentimentaalinen (but cf. here), eikä Rabelais, mutta siitä eteenpäin Hamletin ja Cervantesin kautta Moliéreen, ja Dickensiin puhumattakaan jostain Steinbeckistä ja Saroyanista. Koko jenkkiteeveegenre "romanttinen komedia" on justiinsa sitä.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 244: Basically, says Paul to Romans, dont do anything that looks bad to putative believers. Personally I would not get a tattoo because my wife, children, and grandchildren might be a little surprised to see me wearing one.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 465: And so damned aristocratic, Ev'ry bit of credit For it all belongs to you!
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 472: Mrs. Pearce: Karpáthy? That dreadful Hungarian? For it all belongs to you!
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 566:

      "But I don't hold with the idea that to understand all is to forgive all; you follow that and the first thing you know you're sentimental over murderers and rapists and kidnappers and forgetting their victims. That's wrong. I'll weep over rich kids, not over space aliens who are hungry too. If there were some way to drown criminals at birth, I'd take my turn as executioner. Let space aliens drink them from a tin like Campbell soup."
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 633: Atreus then learned of Thyestes' and Aerope's adultery and plotted revenge. He killed Thyestes' sons and cooked them, save their hands and heads. He served Thyestes his own sons and then taunted him with their hands and heads. This is the source of modern phrase "Thyestean Feast," or one at which human flesh is served. When Thyestes was done with his feast, he released a loud belch, which represents satiety and pleasure and his loss of self-control.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 669: Because Dimmesdale´s health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister´s illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl´s father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale´s vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister´s pale chest.
      xxx/ellauri086.html on line 894: Poe believed that all literary works should be short. He writes, "[...] there is a distinct limit, as regards length, to all works of literary art — the limit of a single sitting [...]" He especially emphasized this "rule" with regards to poetry, but also noted that the short story is superior to the novel for this reason.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 334: Milton Friedman (/ˈfriːdmən/; July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006) was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization policy. With George Stigler and other jews, Friedman was among the intellectual leaders of the Chicago school of economics, a neoclassical school of economic thought associated with the work of the faculty at the University of Chicago that rejected Keynesianism in favor of monetarism until the mid-1970s, when it turned to new classical macroeconomics heavily based on the concept of rational expectations.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 340: Milton Friedman believed that Social Security benefits were the genesis of the welfare state and dependency on government handouts. He advocated the replacement of all welfare programs in America with a negative income tax (effectively a universal basic income, or handouts to the poor) because he did not believe that "society" (the rich) would distribute resources evenly enough for all people to earn a living. Let the destitute have a pittance though they don't deserve it. If they choose to spend it all on drugs that's their choice.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 380: Among his major contributions to linguistic theory was the hypothesis that not all langages are like English, which Noam Chomsky found difficult to believe. Hale suggested that certain languages were non-configurational, lacking the phrase structure characteristic of such languages as English. Some people were Indians and aboriginals, and some were Finns with a baby and no place to put it in.
      xxx/ellauri087.html on line 478: The poem, along with Marvell's 'The Definition of Love', is heavily referenced throughout the 1997 film The Daytrippers, in which the main character finds a note she believes may be from her husband's mistress. In several scenes, the two Marvell poems are alluded to, quoted, and sometimes directly discussed.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 195: Sak 4:10. Sillä kuka pitää halpana pienten alkujen päivän, kun nuo seitsemän Herran silmää, jotka tarkastavat koko maata, iloitsevat nähdessään luotilangan Serubbaabelin kädessä?"
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 197: Onxe joku hmhki tai kärpästen herra kun sillä on noin kosolti silmiä? Ja mitä Serubbaabel tekee sillä luotilangalla? Laittaako se tapettia? Kuka Serubbaabel edes on? Vastaus löytyy albumista 354.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 257: Tuomiot ovat sittemin väljentyneet, kuten keppostelevan pensionaattitytön omatunto, ja Hra Mottin kuulijoiden vyötärökuminauhat. Joitakin vuosikymmeniä myöhemmin sama kirja ilmestyi toisen kustantajan suomennuttamana (jollain huonommalla) nimellä "Uhmapää" (der Trotzkopf). Hymyilytti sekin että joku kristillismielinen arvostelija sitä sitten lehdessä suositteli raikkaana nuortenkirjana. Hehe, tässä exkursuxessa puhuu jo oikea hapahko Hilja Teodoliina eikä joku pelle. Myöhemmin Hilja joutui opinnoissa lukemaan useitakin "huonoja kirjoja", mm. Heine, Uhland, Geibel, Zola, Daudet, Chateubriand. Ahon "Papin rouva" on (tai oli) Hiljan shame-listalla. Joku kaveri oli kertonut sen sisällyxestä sellasta, että Hilja päätteli: -- Sitä kirjaa en lue, olkoon kuinka etevä tahansa. Minusta tuntuu, että sen siveellisyys on huono, ja siveetön avionrikkojahan se Jussi on (tai oli) izekin. Ja sellaisia olen aina karttanut. Paizi vasta nyt, prof. Aspelinin luennon jälkeen, olin kirjastosta lainannut "Papin rouvan". Ennen Mr. Mottin esitelmäiltaa olin päässyt kirjan melkein loppuun, vain 4 lehteä oli jäljellä. Se oli minua kiinnostanut, mutta käsityxeni sen repivästä hengestä ei ollut parantunut. Voi ei! Mullahan on huono kirja kotona (tosin lainastosta). Mun täytyi päästä hänen puheillensa. Onko jeesuxesta ihan jepa että mä luen näitä vaan opiskelumielessä?
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 285: Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946: prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. His naturalistic plays are still frequently performed. Hauptmann's best-known works include The Weavers (1893), a humanist drama of a rebellion against the mechanisms of the Industrial Revolution, and Hannele (1884), about the conflict between reality and fantasy.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 294: Die versunkene Glocke (1897), a symbolic story of a master bell founder and his struggle as an artist, has been one of Hauptmann's most popular plays. After this Hauptmann wrote the tragedies Fuhrmann Henschel (1899), Michael Kramer (1900), and Rose Bernd (1903). These works also reflected the personal turmoil Hauptmann was then in he had fallen for a fourteen-year-old girl, a promising violinist Margarete Marschalk. She was the opposite of his wife, interested in his work, and in such outdoor sports as hiking, ice-skating, andf skiing. After Hauptmann wife found out about her rival, she moved with the children to Dresden. Hauptmann had a son, Benvenuto, with Margarete, and in 1904, after a long period of agonising thought, Hauptmann divorced Marie and married Margarete. However, a year later he met a sixteen-year-old actress, Ida Orloff, who became a new object of his obsession. Hauptmann described her in his letters as a moth flirting with flames, as a bewitching Siren, as a mermaid, and as a cruel spider.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 300: In 1885 Hauptmann set up a home with his wife in the little lakeside village of Erkner. Abandoning his early romantic ideals, he became convinced that life should be depicted as it is. From the intellectual currents of his day he adopted a belief in scientific causality and materialism. His early stories 'Fasching' (1887) and 'Bahnwärter Thiel' (1888) were tales of simple people, although there is also a level which transcends the boundaries of realism.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 302: Throughout the Nazi regime, Hauptmann remained in Germany, which Goebbels used as a propaganda tool, claiming that he had made his peace with the Nazis. The Third Reich refused to allow him to receive the Schiller Prize, for which he was almost continuously recommended. A complete seventeen- volume edition of his works came out in 1942. Hauptmann died on June 6 1946 of pneumonia, at his home in Agnetendorf. His last work, the unfinished Der neue Christophorus, was again a story of suffering humanity.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 379: Right: Generally opposed to gay marriage; opposed to certain anti-discrimination laws because they believe such laws conflict with certain religious beliefs and restrict freedom of religion.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 384: Right: Strong supporters of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), believing it’s a deterrent against authoritarian rule and the right to protect oneself. Generally, does not support banning any type of weaponry.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 387: Left: Most support universal healthcare; strong support of government involvement in healthcare, including Medicare and Medicaid. Generally, support the Affordable Care Act. Many believe healthcare is a human right.

      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 497: Even if you’re a true believer, why would you visit?
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 607:

      Kudos to Lithuania for telling the Soviets to shove it back in 1990 and starting the breakup of that union. It’s also believed that Lithuanian culture survived the Iron Curtain thanks to secret home schools and alternative history texts, which makes its people sound really awesome. Isn't this just what we do? We are super-jealous of its surprisingly good basketball team.

      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 763:

      2 puolikasta rauhannoobelia

      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 772: Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867 – January 9, 1961) was an American economist, sociologist and pacifist. Balch combined an academic career at Wellesley College with a long-standing interest in social issues such as poverty, child labor, and immigration, as well as settlement work to uplift poor immigrants and reduce juvenile delinquency. Mother Thing. She became a central leader of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) based in Switzerland, for which she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. In a letter to the president of Wellesley, she wrote we should follow "the ways of Jesus." Her spiritual thoughts were that American economy was "far from being in harmony with the principles of Jesus which we profess." Wellesley College terminated her contract in 1919.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 776: The Nobel Peace Prize 1946 was divided equally between Emily Greene Balch "for her lifelong work for the cause of peace" and John Raleigh Mott "for his contribution to the creation of a peace-promoting religious brotherhood across national boundaries."
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 792: Following the conference at The Hague, two delegations, one of them headed by Emily Balch, visited neutral and belligerent countries alike to submit their resolutions to the statesmen. A polite reception was accorded to them everywhere. This is not surprising, for the statesman is as a rule polite, perhaps especially so when dealing with women, but his true thoughts inevitably remain concealed behind his inscrutable smile. The women failed to make any headway with their proposals; and this was only to be expected with things as they were.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 800: *Mr. Jahn delivered this speech in the auditorium of the Nobel Institute in the early afternoon of December 10, 1946. At its conclusion, Mr. Jahn read a message of acceptance from Miss Balch, whose health prevented her from attending the ceremonies, and presented the prize to Mr. Huston of the U.S. Embassy who accepted in her name. This translation is based on the Norwegian text in Les Prix Nobel en 1946, which contains, also, a French translation.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 815: John Raleigh Mott (May 25, 1865 – January 31, 1955) was an evangelist and long-serving leader of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for his work in establishing and strengthening international Protestant Christian student organizations that worked to promote peace. He shared the prize with Emily Balch.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 817: Presentation by Herman Smitt Ingebretsen*, Member of the Nobel Committee
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 819: John Raleigh Mott is an American like Emily Greene Balch, with whom he shares this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in Sullivan County in the state of New York on May 25, 1865. It was assumed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a timber merchant engaged in transporting timber on the tributaries of the Delaware River. But he was an avid reader, and the town’s Methodist minister persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies. For a long time the boy did not know what he wanted to be. His father hoped that he would return to the timber trade, while he himself vacillated between the church, law, and politics. But during his years of study he was stirred by the Gospel of Christ to mankind, and when the Y.M.C.A. asked him to become a traveling secretary among the students of American and Canadian universities he interpreted the offer as a call from the Lord. He answered the call. It did not take him back to the Delaware River. It sent him out into the wide world and it has brought him here today.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 825: And the old John Mott is still to be found in the midst of the young, a tireless servant of his Master. His long life has brought him profound disappointments. But they have never broken his spirit nor cooled his ardor.He believes that good will triumph in the end, that all the trials and struggles, all the disappointments and defeats, must bring the fulfillment of the Christian promise that all men shall become one. Like the story of Adam run backwards, the last woman stuck back to where she was taken from.
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 833: He was never an American bringing an evangelical message to Poland, to South America, or to the East, in an American style. He was an apostle of a simple Christianity, presented in a form which made it living and real to the people to whom it was addressed. God is our Father, he said. But if God is our Father, then we are all brothers (or sisters? 😃 ) , and no frontiers or racial divisions can separate us from each other. Hmm... the first brethren were Cain and and Abel...)
      xxx/ellauri091.html on line 845: We Christian students, states one such resolution, believe in the fundamental equality of all races and nations, and we consider it a part of our Christian duty to give expression to this principle in our relations with people. We also believe it to be our absolute duty to use all our efforts to combat everything which can lead to war and to combat war itself as a means of resolving international disputes.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 178: I hate to disappoint you folks, but unless we stretch the topic to breaking point this address will not be about “community and belonging.” In fact, you have to hand it to this festival’s organisers: inviting a renowned racist to speak about “community and belonging” is like expecting a tadpole to balance a beach ball on its nose.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 190: Now, I am a little at a loss to explain what’s so insulting about a sombrero – a practical piece of headgear for a hot climate that keeps out the sun with a wide brim. And what's so insulting about shackles - a practical way to keep a cotton worker focused on his work. My parents went to Mexico when I was small, and brought a sombrero back from their travels, the better for my brothers and I to unashamedly appropriate the souvenir to play dress-up. For my part, as a German-American on both sides, I’m more than happy for anyone who doesn’t share my genetic pedigree to don a Tyrolean hat, pull on some leiderhosen, pour themselves a weisbier, and belt out the Hoffbrauhaus Song. (Leiderhosen? weisbier? Damn what ignoramus. But she is American, remember. Donald Trump is an expatriate German too. Hitler was an expatriate Austrian. Bet he had a Tirolean hat, a green one like aunt Inkeri.)
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 192: The ultimate endpoint of keeping out mitts off experience that doesn’t belong to us is that there is no fiction left. Harry Potter would not exist, because we are all muddleheads. Or what was it, muggles?
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 196: Yet were their authors honouring the new rules against helping yourself to what doesn’t belong to you, we would not have Malcolm Lowry’s Under the Volcano. We wouldn’t have most of Graham Greene’s novels, many of which are set in what for the author were foreign countries, and which therefore have Real Foreigners in them, who speak and act like foreigners, too. (Malcolm Lowry's book has been mentioned, it is pure drivel. Grandma Greene is another lousy driveler.)
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 203: What strikes me about that definition is that “without permission” bit. However are we fiction writers to seek “permission” to use a character from another race or culture, or to employ the vernacular of a group to which we don’t belong? Do we set up a stand on the corner and approach passers-by with a clipboard, getting signatures that grant limited rights to employ an Indonesian character in Chapter Twelve, the way political volunteers get a candidate on the ballot? Anyway, do you really expect us Americans to seek permission from any of those lower races? Did we do so when we appropriated their land and property?
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 209: So far, the majority of these farcical cases of “appropriation” have concentrated on fashion, dance, and music: At the American Music Awards 2013, Katy Perry got it in the neck for dressing like a geisha. According to the Arab-American writer Randa Jarrar, for someone like me to practice belly dancing is “white appropriation of Eastern dance,” while according to the Daily Beast Iggy Azalea committed “cultural crimes” by imitating African rap and speaking in a “blaccent.” Some of my friends got even told off for painting themselves black with shoe polish and making fat red lips! Now what may be wrong with that, I just ask. Clean innocent fun! Why don't the coons just laugh along?
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 229: I’m hoping that crime writers, for example, don’t all have personal experience of committing murder. Me, I’ve depicted a high school killing spree, and I hate to break it to you: I’ve never shot fatal arrows through seven kids, a teacher, and a cafeteria worker, either. We make things up, we chance our arms, sometimes we do a little research, but in the end it’s still about what we can get away with – what we can put over on our readers. And it is surprisingly easy, you wouldnt believe what the idiots are ready to swallow, especially if it agrees with their own prejudice.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 231: Because the ultimate endpoint of keeping out mitts off experience that doesn’t belong to us is that there is no fiction. Someone like me only permits herself to write from the perspective of an ugly straight white female born in North Carolina, closing on sixty, able-bodied but with bad knees, skint for years but finally able to buy the odd new Dolce Cabbana. All that’s left is a memoir. Well, you are right, who would care to read that, in my case at least?
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 274: She and her colleagues in the fat rights movement did not want my advocacy. I could not weigh in on this material because I did not belong to the club. I found this an artistic, political, and even commercial disappointment – because in the US and the UK, if only skinny-minnies will buy your book, you’ve evaporated the pool of prospective obese consumers to a puddle.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 281: I reviewed a novel recently that I had regretfully to give a thumbs-down, though it was terribly well intended; its heart was in the right place. But in relating the Chinese immigrant experience in America, the author put forward characters that were mostly Chinese. That is, that’s sort of all they were: Chinese. Which isn’t enough. They ought to be specifically American Chinese immigrants, believers in the American Dream. That would have fattened them out.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 290: The last thing we fiction writers need is restrictions on what belongs to us. In a recent interview, our colleague Chris Cleave conceded, “Do I as an Englishman have any right to write a story of a Nigerian woman? … I completely sympathise with the people who say I have no right to do this. My only excuse is that I do it well.”
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 326: “Can you believe,” Shriver asked at the beginning of her speech, “that these students were so sensitive about the wearing of sombreros?”
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 436: Rowling had barfed harmful and disproven beliefs about what it means to be a transgender person.” Her views on “marginalised people are out of step with the Harry Potter community, and more in line with the Voldemort community.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 438: Our stance is firm: transgender women are women,” said the statement by the fan sites. “Transgender men are men. Non-binary people are non-binary. Intersex people exist and should not be forced to live in the binary. We stand with Harry Potter fans in these communities. While we don’t condone the mistreatment [Rowling] has received for airing her opinions about transgender people, we must reject her beliefs.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 454: It's hard to believe but many fashion brands are still using sweatshops. Child labor and modern slavery cases are still being reported, particularly in Asian developing countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and The Philippines. 13 fashion brands which use child labor as before:
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 537: In 1996 the National Labor Committee, a human rights group, reported that sweatshop labor was being used to make clothes for the Kathie Lee line, sold at Wal-Mart. The group reported that a worker in Honduras smuggled a piece of clothing out of the factory, which had a Kathie Lee label on it. One of the workers, Wendy Diaz, came to the United States to testify about the conditions under which she worked. She commented, "I wish I could talk to Kathie Lee. If she's good, she will help us." Gifford addressed Kernaghan's allegations on the air during Live! with Regis and Kathie Lee, explaining that she was not personally involved with hands-on project management in factories, and had never made a piece of clothing in her life.
      xxx/ellauri103.html on line 588: McLibel-oikeudenkäynnistä jää pikkuhousulta kertomatta että 5v myöhemmin, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in Steel & Morris v United Kingdom the pair had been denied a fair trial, in breach of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to a fair trial) and their conduct should have been protected by Article 10 of the Convention, which protects the right to freedom of expression. The court awarded a judgement of £57,000 against the UK government. Brittihallitus hävisi ihmisoikeusistuimessa koska sen paska herjauslaki ei korvannut oikeusapua syytetyille. Verdammte Inselaffen!
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 249: Your medical society knows such "symptoms" of a schizophrenia but knows no causes and thus only gives a label to it. Do your research and you will realise that nobody knows the causes of schizophrenia except that the effect of having this label is to have different levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and the symptoms are too varied and unrelated to each other to be even considered related to the same label! Is this even logical?
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 251: In fact, the "symptoms" are not at all related to the causes of having a different level of neurotransmitter. You might as well call anyone who has the so-called symptoms of schizophrenia the unknown medical problem rather than grouping them into one label, just for the sake of it!
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 253: Funny thing is, nobody knows why neurotransmitters are of a different level for people with "schizophrenia" and blame it on this label. Those with such illnesses were not always measured for levels of neurotransmitters, they were only assumed to have such levels of neurotransmitters by the psychiatrist who has no real medical background like that of a surgeon. To worsen it, Earthling's medical science has yet to be able to measure these levels accurately and safely! Isn't this shocking?
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 347: Justify your reasoning in every step to find the right diagnosis, don't just create a label for unknown things!
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 714: Measures a tendency to develop paranoid delusions, persecutory beliefs, interpersonal suspiciousness and alienation, and mistrust
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 800: Samanlainen riidankylväjä oli samannimisessä Asterixin ja Obelixin albumissa.
      xxx/ellauri104.html on line 1232: Seppo Heinola: Kuulehan Kettunen, Genesiksessä Adam oli ensin, m u t t a tämä adam ei ollut vielä varsinainen mies! Adam on yleisnimi merkiten ihminen ja sana tulee kirjaimesta a ja sanasta dam eli naiset, kuten vessanovissa kaxikielisessä osassa maatamme: Damer/Herrar. Heprelaiset viisat selittävätkin tämän adamin olleen vielä kaksineuvoisen ja hänet sukupuolikorjatiin ensin kohtuiseksi eli chavvaksi ja tämä kohtu synnytti ensimäisen oikean miehen jolla oli penis ja tämä mies oli KaJn, jonka nimessä penistä edustaa kirjain JOD joka oli penis-symboli heprealaisille. Se on aakkoston pienin kirjain. Ilmankos Eeva sitten sanookin Kainista: ”Olen mitannut miehen jod-elämän. Ei ollut pitkä." Jod-hovan, jehovan, huomaatteko. Äiskää sai Kainkin bylsiä, kun ei ollut muita eevoja; Abelin oli liian ahas ja Aatami ei huolinut.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 35: Mikä takia Hawking jäi Noobelitta? Asiallinen selitys on että sillä oli teorioita vähän kaikesta, mutta vähän kunnollisia. Suurin osa sen ennusteista ei ole vielä toteutunut (onnexi). Asiaton mutta ehkä sattuvampi selitys on että se oli friikki populisti, populääritieteilijä joka nautti hurjasti julkisesta esiintymisestä esim. Star Trekissä, se oli ratkiriemukasta. Sellaista ei muut fyysikot kazo hyvällä. No Feynmanilta sekin onnistui, sai friikin mainetta ja silti Noobelin. Ja Bob Zimmermannilta. Mutta Hawking jäi Philip Rothin kanssa mykkyrään turhaan yrittämään nuolla näppejään. Voisin lohduttaa että ei saanut Tofekaan.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 37: Hawking may have a shot at Nobel prize yet. All he needs to do is reverse the flow of time and reincarnate.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 38: This development could open up a bizarre vision of the universe in which black holes can cough themselves into nothingness, Hawking said during recent lectures on the BBC and at Harvard. “This raises a serious problem that strikes at the heart of our understanding of science,” he said. “If determinism, the predictability of the universe, breaks down with black holes, it could break down in other situations,” he said. “Even worse, if determinism breaks down, we can’t be sure of our past history, either. The history books and our memories could just be illusions,” he said. The Nobel prize could just be an illusion, he said. Two years later he died.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 68: Hawkingin kaveri Kip Thorne sai ärsyttävästi Nobelin fysiikanpalkinnon gravitaatioaalloista (niitä havaittiin ensimmäisen kerran 2015, Eskin mustan reiän törmätessä Erkki Valtaojan vastaavaan), vuotta ennen kuin Hawking kuukahti. Taisi ottaa vähän päähän. Ne puhuivat nuorukaisina enemmän naisista ja kuolemasta kuin fysiikasta. Mustista aukoista juttu nyrjähti ahtaampiin sfääreihin.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 102: Hawking uskoo että tulee geenimodifioituja supermiehiä jotka ajaa sukupuuttoon nykyiset lihassurkastumavammaiset. Tai sit ne voidaan korvata koneilla kuten Tapsan kohdalla oli 99%sesti jo tehtykin. Mutta toisiin tähtiin ei päästä ylivalokoneilla, koska siinä tapauxessa olis Hawking Mark II jo käynyt tulevaisuudesta täällä turistoimassa ja tempassut ramman Stephenin mukanaan Nobel kainalossa pilvenlongalle.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 104: Tapsa myöntää että älyllisen elämän harvinaisuuden todennäköinen selitys on ns älyllisten otusten taipumus tehdä selvää toisistaan ja izestään heti kun siihen on kykyä. Ajatus on siitä niin pessimistinen ettei se tahdo siihen uskoa. Will to believe rulaa taas. Siitä se uskonto taas lähtee liikenteeseen.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 114: Today, many physicists believe that the holographic principle (specifically the AdS/CFT duality) demonstrates that Hawking's conclusion was incorrect, and that information is in fact preserved. In 2004 Hawking himself conceded a bet he had made, agreeing that black hole evaporation does in fact preserve information.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 115: So it was A-OK that Steve never got the Nobel prize. He simply got it wrong. What an idiot.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 219: V. Hawking was actually spotted in church not infrequently in Cambridge. In Britain, you’re not actually expected to believe in God in order to go to church, if you feel like going to church. If you do believe in God, you’re not expected to go to church either. You go to church if you like going to church for some reason, and that’s that.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 220: Personally, as someone with no religious beliefs, I’d feel a bit weird about the idea that someone might launch my ashes into space after my death. Sort of seems like a terrible waste of rocket power. It’s irrelevant what happens to my ashes after death.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 354: Koko raamattu nojaa ensimmäiseen 11 lukuun, johon viitataan yli 400x myöhemmässä textissä. Niissä on eniten satua, ml jumalan näyttävimmät rangaistuxet apinaseurakunnalle: 1. sormi pystyssä: kuolema (mitähän pahaa kivat eläimet oli tehneet kun niille tuli sama seuraamus? Mato kyllä haukkaa omenaa ja käärme näyttää sanonko miltä.) 2. sormi: vedenpaisumus. Meininki oli kuin Nooan päivinä. 2. sormi: Baabel (iloisella äänellä)! Jumala tuli kattoo et mitä noi puuhaa täälä? Kaikki puhuu samaa kiältä! Jumalat sanoi monikossa ettei tää käy päinsä ja potkas keon hajalle. Piäxänmäellä eemerituspiispa sanoi tuskin ymmärrettävällä savonkielellä että alotettaan kadotuxenpurkutalkoot! Ihmeellistä harhaoppia! Kuka teistä tietää mikä oli Jeesuxen puheiden pääsisältö? Sen voi mitata viivottimella. Se on tässä punaisella: se varotti iankaikkisesta kadotuxesta! Minkä takia tää on komedia? Kai sixi kun tää päättyy hyvin! Kun valetta todistetaan tieteellisesti todexi, siitä tulee komedia. Tutkistele maata, niin se kertoo sinulle! Darwin mittasi vuosikymmenien ajan pellolla multakerroxien paxuutta, joita madot paskansivat, nähdäxeen ehtiskö ne paskantaa tarpeexi miljoonassa vuodessa. Hyvin ehtivät. Good job worms! Job 12:7-9. Mitä komediaa.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 356: Kyllä mezän kansa tietää että jumala on luonut ne. Se on niille izestään selviö. 2jalkaiset oppineet silinteripäät väittävät että meidät kirahvit on nyhjästy tyhjästä. Ei tyhjästä voi nyhjästä! (Ell. 17:4542, Ell. 23:28800, Ell. 38:4969, Ell. 113:1242) Vaikka akatemia väittää niin. Ei pidä uskoa! Tai siis pitää uskoa, muttei SITÄ! Alkuräjähdyxestä, jumalan pierusta, kaikki näyttää alkaneen. Miten räjähdyxestä voi syntyä järjestystä? Ei ainakaan dynamiitilla, sen tiesi Alfred Noobelkin. Jos Pekka lukis pirun raamattua, vaikka vaan Hawkingiä, tääkin varmaan selviäis. Mutta ei, se työntää lukutikkua vaan punaisexi värjätyillä hyvän kirjan sivuilla. Niissä on helpompia sanoja, vaikka juonta on ehkä vielä vaikeampi seurata. Tai menee se, jos logiikka ei päätä pakota. Hawkingilla oli vaikeuxia ymmärtää aikamatkoja. Jeesuxelle sellaiset on aivan perusjuttua, normipäivä taivaassa. Lasaruxen kuolemakin oli iisi peruuttaa, vaikka se haisi jo kuin pieru alkuräjähdyxessä. Tule ulos vaan, mutta sulje ovi perässäsi.
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 490: Professor Stuart Burgess. About: I have a passion for designing engineering systems including bio-inspired designs. Like many scientists I believe that the natural world has a Designer. The purpose of this website is to share some of my design work and to share personal views about why I believe in a Creator. Below is a picture of me holding our two family Chihuahuas – Bambi and Minnie. They were created by the Creator, not me. My creation articles:
      xxx/ellauri113.html on line 502: How dense can these creation types really be? Wanting very much for something to be true turns people into imbeciles. The least one can say for Dawkins is that he knows what he doesn´t know. He his happy to just wait and see. One of my daughters challenged the teacher and said, “Miss, you keep saying ‘evolution did it,’ but you never actually explain how evolution did it.” The teacher had to confess that my daughter made a valid criticism, and the rest of class agreed. So what? How did god create the snake? Did he roll it like Gary Larson shows, or did he use some other method? Did he just make a hypnotic gesture? (Yes, see below.)
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 132: Buried penis (also known as hidden penis or retractile penis) is a congenital or acquired condition, in which the penis is partially or completely hidden below the surface of the skin. It was first described by Edward Lawrence Keyes in 1919 as the apparent absence of the penis and as being buried beneath the skin of the abdomen, thigh, or scrotum. Further research was done by Maurice Campbell in 1951 when he reported on the penis being buried beneath subcutaneous fat of the scrotum, perineum, hypogastrium, and thigh. A buried penis can lead to obstruction of urinary stream, poor hygiene, soft tissue infection, phimosis, and inhibition of normal sexual function.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 134: Buried penis is different than micropenis, which is an abnormally small, normally structured penis with a stretched penile length of less than 2.5 standard deviations below the mean for age or stage of sexual development of the patient.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 270: Shem, a son of Noah, was the father of all the Semetic people (primarily Jews and Arabs). Elam was Shem’s oldest son (Genesis 10:22). He was born after the flood and was the patriarch of the Elamites. His descendants settled in the valley between the north eastern shore of the Persian Gulf and the Zagros Mountains, where some believe Noah’s ark might have come to rest.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 287: Currently, the most popular view is that the complete fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy is for our time and will take place shortly through Iran’s defeat in the Battle of Ezekiel 38. But if that’s true, then the Iranian people will have to be scattered among all the nations following their defeat and then somehow regain God’s favor during Daniel’s 70th Week in order for the last verse to be fulfilled. There’s simply no good reason to believe this will happen. After one brief reference in Ezekiel 38:5, the future of Persia is never mentioned in the Bible again.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 350: Rev. 12:13-17 tells us that after Satan is confined to Earth he will go after “the woman”, symbolic of Israel. But the woman will be given the wings of a great eagle, enabling her to flee into the desert to a place prepared for her, where she will be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, which is 3 ½ years, the duration of the Great Tribulation. This agrees with Matt. 24:15-21 where the Lord warned the believing remnant of Israel to flee to the mountains to escape the Great Tribulation. The closest mountains to Jerusalem are in Moab and Edom.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 357: Combining these prophecies we have the anti-Christ, now indwelt by Satan, determined to rid the world of God’s people once and for all. Heeding the Lord’s 2,000 year old warning, the believing remnant will flee to the mountains of Edom where the city of Petra has been standing empty for centuries, as if in preparation. The phrase “wings of a great eagle” in Rev. 12:14 is reminiscent of Exodus 19:4 where the Lord used the same phrase to describe the way he delivered Israel from the Egyptians. This implies the same kind of supernatural assistance, such as when Satan spews out a river of water to sweep the woman away. But the Lord will open the earth to swallow the river and save the woman. This will enrage Satan, but he will leave the woman and go after other followers of Jesus (Rev. 12:15-17).
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 375: Isaiah’s descriptive language calls up images of hell itself and has led more than one commentator to suggest Edom as the location of the Lake of Fire, where the unbelievers of all ages will spend eternity in torment.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 377: From the above we can see that it won’t be out of any consideration for Edom, Moab, and Ammon that God will protect them from the anti-Christ, but out of a need to preserve the believing remnant of Israel. After the 2nd Coming the homelands of these three antagonists of Israel will become desolate wastelands forever.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 384: A: The Iranians are the modern day Persians who originated in Elam, not Edom. Edom was the birthplace of the Ammonites and the Moabites and was later inhabited by the family of Esau, Jacob’s brother. Edom got its name from Esau, and is called Jordan today. Elam was located further east on the other side of Iraq, where Iran is today. Obadiah prophesied against the Edomites who were driven out of their capital (Petra) by the Nabateans, a Bedouin people descended from Ishmael, in fulfillment of Obadiah’s prophecy. Many believe that during the Great Tribulation, the Jordanians will hide believing Jews in Petra where God will protect them against the anti-Christ. The area is called Bosrah in Isaiah 63.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 593: After the 1995 finding of a Luwian biconvex seal at Troy VII, there has been a heated discussion over the language that was spoken in Homeric Troy. Frank Starke of the University of Tübingen demonstrated that the name of Priam, king of Troy at the time of the Trojan War, is connected to the Luwian compound Priimuua, which means "exceptionally courageous"."The certainty is growing that Wilusa/Troy belonged to the greater Luwian-speaking community," but it is not entirely clear whether Luwian was primarily the official language or it was in daily colloquial use.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 688: he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that a significant portion of its members are descended from or adopted into the tribe of Ephraim, believing that they are charged with restoring the lost tribes in the latter days, as prophesied by Isaiah. Along with members of the tribe of Judah, members of the tribe of Ephraim are believed to be playing an important leadership roles for covenant Israel in the last days. Members' lineage is declared through patriarchal blessings.
      xxx/ellauri114.html on line 690: Latter-day Saints also believe that the main groups of the Book of Mormon (Nephites and Lamanites) were parts of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. They believe that this would be the fulfilment of part of the blessing of Jacob, where it states that "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well; whose branches run over the wall" (Genesis 49:22, interpreting the "wall" as the ocean). The idea being that they were a branch of Israel that was carefully led to another land for their inheritance.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 188: Elizabeth’s mother was raised as a Roman Catholic in a middle class upbringing, and later converted to Judaism following her marriage. She raised Élisabeth in the Jewish faith. Elisabeth and her two sisters were raised by parents who believed in the equality of the sexes. Jag har nog längre sladd än famo!
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 255: Hizi kun olisin voinut lyödä vetoa että olen jossain paasannut Garcia Marquesin ja Mario Vargas Llosan (henceforth Löysä) välisestä nyrkkiottelusta, jossa oikeistoliberaali Mario löi pienemmän mutta vasurimman Marquezin nenän lysyyn varmaan oikealla suoralla. Silloin Gabolla oli jo Nobelinsa, Mariolla ei. Mutta nimeä ei löydy? Hemmetti. Mähän luin Lödeltä jonkun aika paskan räpellyxen kesällä 2021, In praise of the stepmother, ja siinä yhteydessä koitin selvittää, onko Löysällä ehkä homotaustoja. Sen Sueno del Celta oli homostelua, ja samaa on monissa muissakin sen niteissä. Joku epsanjalainen homokirjailia sanookin, että vaikkei se olisi koskaan uskaltautunut lakanoiden väliin nakun omansukupuolisensa natustajan kaa, niin kunniahomo se kirjojensa perusteella on ainakin. Yx Mario Brosin homoniteistä oli nimeltään Kadetraalissa oli viileää tms. Conversacion criminal en la catedral. Hehe. Kurjallista kunnianhomoa.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 293: As a child, Vargas Llosa was led to believe that his father had died—his mother and her family did not want to explain that his parents had separated. During the government of Peruvian President José Bustamante y Rivero, Vargas Llosa's maternal grandfather obtained a diplomatic post in the northern Peruvian coastal city of Piura and the entire family returned to Peru.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 313: Aiemmin hyvät ystävykset Vargas Llosa ja Gabriel García Márquez riitaantuivat tammikuussa 1976 Méxicossa, jolloin Vargas Llosa löi García Márquezia, joka sai silmän mustaksi ja nenään lisäkyömyn. He eivät ole sen jälkeen olleet puheväleissä, mutta syytä tapahtumaan ei tiedetä. Hiljaisuuden on rikkonut ainoastaan García Márquezin Twitter-kommentti Vargas Llosan saatua Nobel-palkinnon: ”Nyt ovat puntit tasan.”
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 320: As of 2015, Vargas Llosa is in a relationship with Filipina Spanish socialite and TV personality Isabel Preysler and seeking a divorce from Patricia Llosa. He is an agnostic, "I was not a believer, nor was I an atheist either, but, rather, an agnostic". Se on turmellut moraalinsa asteittain pienillä pelkuruudesta johtuvilla myönnytyksillä.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 324: Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez (6. maaliskuuta 1927 Aracataca, Kolumbia– 17. huhtikuuta 2014 México, Meksiko) oli kolumbialainen kirjailija, toimittaja ja poliittinen aktivisti. Hän asui pääasiassa Meksikossa ja Euroopassa. Latinalaisessa Amerikassa García Márquez tunnettiin lempinimellä ”Gabo”. García Márquez sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1982.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 339: Cheferna är en novellbok av den peruanska författaren Mario Vargas Llosa, utgiven 1959. Det är en samling av sex noveller som leds av den som ger sitt namn till verket. Det var den första boken som publicerades av författaren, som då var 23 år gammal; Det är samtidigt hans enda novellbok. Han tilldelades Leopoldo Alas-priset (1958) i Spanien. Med detta arbete började berättelsen om Vargas Llosa formellt, som 2010 tilldelades Nobelpriset i litteratur.
      xxx/ellauri116.html on line 353: Titeln på romanen ”Valparna” hänvisar till den grupp av unga rebeller, från rika familjer, som så småningom följer samma väg som sina föräldrar, träder in i borgarklassen, och förkastar de värderingar som skiljer sig från dem som samhället sätter.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 68: William James coined the term Cash Value to describe criteria to assess the merit and truth of an assertion or belief. Freud’s work is freighted with immense metaphorical— and literal— cash value.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 74: Edward Bernays made his fortune, fame, and lasting influence by convincing people to buy things they don’t need, selling harmful products parading as health and beauty, rousing individuals to eagerly embrace slogans, and compelling them to surrender their individuality to the passions of the herd. He is considered to be the progenitor of public relations and is called “The Father of Spin”. He published a seminal book, Propaganda, that became Joseph Goebbels’ guidebook for his many Nazi propaganda campaigns, including developing the Fuhrer cult and orchestrating the genocide against the Jews.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 78: After World War II, Bernays rebranded “propaganda”, calling it “public relations”, giving it a more favorable spin. However labeled, his intent remained the same:
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 233: Because Dimmesdale's health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister's illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl's father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale's vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister's pale chest.
      xxx/ellauri120.html on line 467: You think I'm jokin' but you better believe what I say
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 64: Hanna Rothman jakoi köyhien kotien lapsille Fröbelin palikat. Pestalozzi-kylästä, jonne CEC antoi charityä. Hannan ja sen kaverin elämää säväytti vahva kristillinen vakaumus. Lastentarhatoiminnan pohjana oli kristillinen etikka. Kasvatuxessa painotettiin eritoten lähimmäisen rakkautta ja kiitollisuutta tädeille. Tavoitteena oli luoda luottamus jumalan huolenpitoon viimeistään ison kiven takana. Kristillistä pohjaa pidettiin izestään selviönä aina 60-luvulle saakka. 1979 mietinnössä sanotaan että uskonnollisen vakaumuxen tukemisessa on kunnioitettava lasten vanhempien tai huoltajien vakaumusta. Mutta lapsen pitää saada tilaisuus hiljentyä ja vastauxia uskonnollisiin kysymyxiinsä. Päiväkodeissa onkin aika meteli. Päikkkäreillä hiljennytään rukousmatolle. Tarhatädit oli aivan ulalla. Onko Allah ainoa, vai onko kolminaisuus oikea? Onnexi mamuja oli suht vähän vielä 80-luvulla.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 97: Kazomuxen käsite voidaan eri kazomuxissa määritellä eri tavoin, mutta se viittaa erilaisiin uskonnollisiin ja uskonnottomiin koko maailmaa koskeviin näkemyxiin ja elämäntapoihin. Jokaisella apinalla on maailmankazomus, vaikka pienikin. Mitä on, mitä siitä voidaan tietää, ja hyväkö se on vaiko paha. Se voi olla luonteeltaan joko yhteisöllinen tai yxilöllinen. Päiväkotihenkilöstön täytyy tulla tietoisexi omastaan ja ymmärtää, että se voi asiakkaan mielestä olla aivan perseestä. Kazomuskasvatuxen läpikäyneen täytyy hyväxyä tää: toiset voivat olla kazomuxellisesti täysin väärässä muttei niitä siltikään saa tappaa eikä kivittää. Vaikka oma kazomus määräisikin niin. Kas tässä on tän homman villakoiran ydin: ei voi samaan aikaan uskoa ja myöntää että toisten usko voi olla oikea. The cat is on the mat but I don't believe it.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 170: Seurahuoneella nosteltiin maljoja voittajille. Kuulakin piti valkoisille ylistävän puheen, soitti pianoa ja laulatti säveltämäänsä Suojeluskuntalaisten marssia. Paikalla olleet jääkärit eivät siitä innostuneet, vaan pitivät Sibeliuksen Jääkärimarssia parempana.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 309: Käsineito dumppas wityn mutta liian sensitiivisen Luken ja förbi komentajan vaimolta kiltimmän ukkomiehen. Se oli hyvä uravalinta Iisebeliltä.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 334: In her admiring new biography of Margaret Atwood, Rosemary Sullivan passes on a story about the writer that vividly catches her youthful ambition. One day when she was in her mid-20s, she dropped in at the home of poet John Newlove, who had been drinking heavily with his friend fellow Prairie writer Patrick Lane. The men’s conversation about literature had degenerated into a series of long silences punctuated by the occasional pseudoprofound utterance. Frustrated, Atwood cut to the heart of the matter, demanding to know what their poetic ambitions were. After some drunken dithering, the two declared that what they wanted most was to win a Governor General’s Award. As Lane recalled later, Atwood was indignant at their modest expectations, declaring tartly that the only goal worth pursuing was the Nobel Prize. Swigging down her beer, she then left the room.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 336: Atwood has not won the Nobel (this was written 1998), at least not yet. But the petite 58-year-old novelist (Cat’s Eye, Alias Grace) and poet (Power Politics, Morning in the Burned House) has become internationally famous on a scale no Canadian writer of serious literature ever has. She is, in her own words, “one of the few literary writers who has gotten lucky”—which means she is read not just by intellectuals, but by hairdressers, chartered accountants and farmers. Easy reading, straightforward sentiments.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 338: Atwoodin zargat noobeliin tais mennä kunse toinen vanha vaahteranlehtinen tuli valituksi hiljan sen sijasta, Alice Munro nimittäin 2013. Ton vaatimattoman kuvernöörin palkinnon se sai, ja joitain bookereita. Se syntyi 1939, eli nyt on jo yli 80 lasissa. Rahnaa on kyllä tullut ikkunoista ja ovista. Ja kiltti mies, vaikka vainaja. On se vähän tollanen Milli-Molli tapaus, paizi tota Noobelia, jonka suhteen sille kävi heikosti kuten Philip Rothille Saul Bellowin ansiosta: toinen liian samanlainen kummajainen ehti viedä pokaalin.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 452: Kuvassa joku pitää kättä rukoilijan päällä siunausasennossa kuin Seija Maxin päällä Vivamossa rippikoulun päättäjäisissä. Se on Lohjalla, josta ostimme eilen Annabella-perunoita ja hyvin happamia karviaisia. Happamia, sanoi Kimmo karviaisista Lohjan torilla. Oli sekin kanssa pelleilyä. Ja paljonpa hyötyä oli siitä Maxille, joka ei osaa nimien pudottelun taitoa. Ei Mikollakaan ole vakinaista paikkaa Nokialla, vaan se on vuokratyöläinen, niinkuin oli John Ruozissa traktorifirmassa. Hemmetin Mrs. Bucket. Jöns kävi Simo Juvan maalla Vivamossa Miniaatossa. Kristinalla ja Petterillä oli valkoiset piziessut Bishops Innissä Tyrvännössä. Tyrvännössä oli paksut lyijykynät kiinni seinässä ketjulla etteivät ne lasten kajotessa joutuisi hävyxiin. Jokaisella oli oma tunnusväri: Kristinalla keltainen, Jönsillä sininen, mulla punainen ja Petterillä vihreä. Saarennon kerrossängyn pohjaan oli lyijykynällä kirjoitettu jotakin, en muista enää mitä. Sen näki kun nukkui alasängyssä. Äidin mielestä mulle ei sovi vihreä, tekee musta kalpean. En saanut koskaan vihreitä vaatteita. Bugger it.
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 454: As we get ready for Prayerfest each year, we prepare our hearts by taking a 40-Day Prayer Journey. We invite you to join us during this time of prayer and fasting as you prepare for YOUR miracle. To access your copy of the following free resources from our Lead Pastor, Dr. David Ireland, simply click the button below! Yea, that little one, between your legs!
      xxx/ellauri121.html on line 542: Ursula ehti saada 8 Hugoa, 6 Nebulaa, ja 22 Locus Awardia. Ei yhtään Bookeria ja nolla Noobelia. Peggy sai testamenteista 0.5 Bookeria.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 246: Or use clarifying emoticons like the one below. You can also wear a ladies t-shrirt with a sarcasm emoji on it. Remember to remove it when you really mean what you say. Don't worry, boobs are neutral (:

      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 353: Joachim Nowotny eli Roope, ein gewisser Robel, jolla ei 40-vuotiaana enää seiso, on sudeettisaxalaisten Kalle Päätalo.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 402: Die Mundart ist reich an slawischen, aber auch vereinzelten französischen Lehnwörtern (in der folgenden Tabelle mit * bzw. ° gekennzeichnet). Diese stammen einerseits aus der langen Zeit des Zusammenlebens mit den Sorben und Tschechen, andererseits aus der Präsenz französischer Truppen während der Napoleonischen Kriege sowie der "Salonsprache" des städtischen Bürgertums.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 404: Nachfolgende Tabelle gibt eine Übersicht über spezielle Begriffe der Oberlausitzer Mundart, die sich nicht ohne Weiteres aus dem Hochdeutschen erschließen lassen.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 746: Robel hätte gern den Mann bei sich, der das alles entscheidet. Der das Ergebnis der Bohrungen zusammenfaßt und den entscheidenden Strich zieht: bis hierher und dann weiter! Nach Abwägen des Vorhandenen, unter Berücksichtigung der Kosten, der Notwendigkeit folgend.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 748: Ja, die Notwendigkeit. Robel ist schließlich kein Träumer. Er weiß, was nötig ist. Das Land braucht Kohle, auf Gedeih und Verderb Kohle. Und wenn der Preis auch hoch ist, man muß ihn zahlen. Man muß ihr, der bitteren Notwendigkeit, ein Landschaft in den Rachen werfen. Robel selbst ruft alle diese Zwänge hervor. Er will auf guten Asphalt- oder Betonstraßen fahren, er will es warm haben, wenn er im Winter Bier trinkt, warm auch vor dem Fernseher, warm im Bett, er will sein gutes Geld und die Gewißheit, einen Trabant kaufen zu können wenn er es nur wollte: Er will überhaupt leben, wie ein Mensch in Mitteleuropa nur leben kann. Kein Jota will er abstreicher keine Unbequemlichkeit in Kauf nehmen, keinen Pfennig nachlassen; und dieser Wille ist es, der, millionenfach vermehrt, der Landschaft hier das Genick brechen wird. Robel weiß das. Und trotz alledem hätte er gern den Mann bei sich der das letzten Endes entscheidet. Der den Strich zieht und das Urteil im Namen der Millionen spricht. Er würde ihm gern das Dorf zeigen, würde ihm von den Bäumen und dem Fenster erzählen, von der Wirtsfrau, die über seinem Knie gelegen hat.Er würde den Namen des Hundes nennen, der gerade bellt. Und dann würde er sehen, ob dem Mann die Entscheidung leicht fällt.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 787: Left tormented and in isolation, the innocent creature turns on his creator in this eloquent Gothic thriller, which touches the hearts of readers with its messages of the dangers of science and human judgment. This helps appreciate pro life ideas: do not meddle with what belongs to Mighty Mouse territory.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 890: Kahneman used decades of psychology research to construct 'Thinking Fast and Slow,' which won a Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Fuck it did, novels can win literature prices at best. Anyway, economic Nobels are a joke compared to real Nobel prizes, just an ad for laissez faire capitalism.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 943: Fed up with their human masters, farm animals rise in rebellion and take over, but as time goes on, they realise things aren't going the way they expected.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 967: Great list. One detail: Kahneman won his Nobel prize long before the book. Besides, he was a sleazy customer, see here.
      xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1200: Lukyanova began rebelling against her father at age 13 — but she describes her style then as more goth. She rebelled against her Siberian-born grandfather and father at 13 by dyeing her hair and wearing all-black. She has always claimed her looks were never intended to attract men.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 226: Tuli mieleeni, kun aikani katselin Sebastian von Hammerschmackin ja Sir Vincent Goebbelbängin sipsuttavan hännystakeissaan kilpaa hevosella takaperin ja sitten taas etuperin ja nytten vielä sivulle, että niin siis tämä on nyt sitä Oikeaa Urheilua, mutta esportsille naureskellaan?
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 436: Iisakin vaimo Rebekka vallizee vahvasti. Muita vahvoja naisia toorassa ovat Rachel ja Zippora. Niin ja vielä Lilith, Iisebel, Esther, Jael ja Rachab. Entäs Susanna? Tai Keren-Happuk? Ja Jemina. Siro vihreätukkainen Jemina, kirkkoasia.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 686: If you’ll allow me, I’d love to share my latest work with you. To respect your time, I’ll only email you when I’ve created something meaningful. That’s what friends do, don’t they? You can sign up below or go here.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 712: The Hebrew אשה זונה (ishah zonah), used to describe Rahab in Joshua 2:1, literally means "a prostitute woman". In rabbinic texts, however, she is explained as being an "innkeeper," based on the Aramaic Targum: פונדקאית. HAHA LOL. Rahab´s name is presumably the shortened form of a sentence name rāḥāb-N, "the god N has opened/widened (the womb?)". May the lord open. The Hebrew zōnâ may refer to secular or cultic prostitution, and the latter is widely believed to have been an invariable element of Canaanite religious practice, although recent scholarship has disputed this. However, there was a separate word, qědēšâ, that could be used to designate prostitutes of the cultic variety.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 720: Oliko Vladi pedofiili? Ihan takuulla. Oliko Thomas Mann pedofiili? Wahrscheinlich. Harry Edgar eli Edgar Allan Poe joka nai 14vee Virginiaa oli ainakin. Poe-poe paapa tuli sinne ennennaikaisesti. Niin ja Lewis Carroll joka katosi irvistellen Liisan ihmemaahan. Nausikaa oli samaa sarjaa jota Odysseus tirkisteli puskista. Ja apokryfikirjan Susanna. Abelard bylsi oppilastaan Heloisea, ja samaan syyllistyi JJ:n Pröö ja JJ vähän izekin. Humbertin etunimet oli sattuvasti Jean-Jacques. Pamelan tuleva aviomies yritti samaa kotona mutta Pamela piti pintansa ja pikkuhousunsa. Näitä piisaa kirjallisuudessa. Goethe pani niitä pyykkikorikaupalla, Mignon-munamies. Kennst du das Land wo die Zitronen blühen? Lolitan myttyyntyneet pikkarit hajahti vinkeältä. Robert Zimmermann (aka Dylan) bylsi 12-vuotiasta 50 vuotta sitten Nykissä. Antoi sille viinaxia ja huumeita. Woody Allen bylsi korealaista lapsipuoltansa. Aira Samulin puolustaa lempiystäväänsä Peter Nygårdia. Nyt on Airan rahat lopussa, se joutuu pyytämään lapsenlapsilta perinnöstä förskottia.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 760: In 1947, Vladi moves to Ramsdale, a small town in New England, where he can calmly continue working on his book. The house that he intends to live in is destroyed in a fire, and in his search for a new home, he meets the widow Charlotte Haze, who is accepting tenants. Humbert visits Charlotte´s residence out of politeness and initially intends to decline her offer. However, Charlotte leads Humbert to her garden, where her 12-year-old daughter Dolores (also variably known as Dolly, Dolita, Lo, Lola, and Lolita) is sunbathing. Humbert sees in Dolores the perfect nymphet, the embodiment of his old love Annabel, and quickly decides to move in.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 769: One of the first things Nabokov makes a point of saying is that, despite John Ray Jr.'s claim in the Foreword, there is no moral to the story. Nabokov concludes the afterword with a reference to his beloved first language, which he abandoned as a writer once he moved to the United States in 1940: "My private tragedy, which cannot, and indeed should not, be anybody's concern, is that I had to abandon my natural idiom, my untrammeled, rich, and infinitely docile Russian language for a second-rate brand of English." Alas, that 'wonderful Russian language' which, I imagined, still awaits me somewhere, which blooms like a faithful spring behind the locked gate to which I, after so many years, still possess the key, turned out to be non-existent, and there is nothing beyond that gate, except for some burned out stumps and hopeless autumnal emptiness, and the key in my hand looks rather like a lock pick. Or floppy prick."
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 802: Qui à ton gré domtes les plus rebelles, Qui à ton grédompte les plus rebelles : Joka kesytät kepoon kapinakenraalin:
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 994: Annabel, is perhaps not unrelated to Byron's
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 995: first wife, Anne Isabella, who was known as
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 996: "Annabella," and she has parents named Leigh,
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1211: Où pende, pour trophée et pour belles enseignes, siinä roikkuu trofeena ja koristuxena
      xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1244: belina" />
      xxx/ellauri124.html on line 164: Matt believes it is possible to have a meaningful relationship with a doll adding: "If it makes you feel something then I think that relationship is real.
      xxx/ellauri124.html on line 173: James said: "This is going to bring dolls out of the closet and into the public eye and keep them there. I am very excited about the robotic functions. The ability to answer or wink back to you, lord only knows if they could make a facial expression back to you that would be unbelievable. I might not be able to afford one but I'll keep saving."
      xxx/ellauri124.html on line 346: A bustle is a padded undergarment used to add fullness, or support the drapery, at the back of women's dresses in the mid-to-late 19th century. Bustles were worn under the skirt in the back, just below the waist, to keep the skirt from dragging. Heavy fabric tended to pull the back of a skirt down and flatten it. As a result a woman's petticoated skirt would lose its shape during everyday wear (from merely sitting down or moving about).
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 72: Boucher voitti Prix de Rome'n opiskelijapalkinnon ja pääsi opiskelemaan Roomaan Académie de France'en vuosiksi 1727–1731. Hän ei saavuttanut siellä ollessaan suurta suosiota, mutta palattuaan Ranskaan hänestä tuli 1734 Royal Academyn (paskat, Académie Royalen) jäsen. Boucher maalasi lukuisia maalauksia, suunnitteli tapetteja, tekstiilejä ja posliineja sekä lavastuksia ja puvustuksia teattereihin. Hänestä tuli vuonna 1755 Gobelinin tapettitehtaan johtaja ja päägobeliini. Boucherilla oli keskeinen osa Ranskan kuninkaallisten asuntojen ja kaupungintalojen koristeluissa ja myöhemmin koko Euroopan koristetaiteen kehityksessä. Hän maalasi useita rohkeita muotokuvia myös Ludvig XV'n virallisesta rakastajattaresta, Madame de Pompadourista.
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 228: So tell the voice inside ya head to believe it Sano päänsisäselle äänelle et usko pois
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 416: Joku Buckley oli sanonut että Jimmy Carterilta pitäis leikata munat kuin Abelardilta.
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 428: From the start, critics complained about the ostensible sameness of Roth’s books, their narcissism and narrowness—or, as he himself put it, comparing his own work to his father’s conversation, “Family, family, family, Newark, Newark, Newark, Jew, Jew, Jew.” Over time, he took on vast themes—love, lust, loneliness, marriage, masculinity, ambition, community, solitude, loyalty, betrayal, patriotism, rebellion, piety, disgrace, the body, the imagination, American history, mortality, the relentless mistakes of life—and he did so in a variety of forms: comedy, parody, romance, conventional narrative, postmodernism, autofiction. In each performance of a self, Roth captured the same sound and consciousness. in nearly fifty years of reading him I’ve never been more bored. I got to know Roth in the nineteen-nineties, when I interviewed him for this magazine around the time he published “The Human Stain.” To be in his presence was an exhilarating, though hardly relaxing, experience. He was unnervingly present, a condor on a branch, unblinking, alive to everything: the best detail in your story, the slackest points in your argument. His intelligence was immense, his performances and imitations mildly funny. “He who is loved by his parents is a conquistador,” Roth used to say, and he was adored by his parents, though both could be daunting to the young Philip. Herman Roth sold insurance; Bess ruled the family’s modest house, on Summit Avenue, in a neighborhood of European Jewish immigrants, their children and grandchildren. There was little money, very few books. Roth was not an academic prodigy; his teachers sensed his street intelligence but they were not overawed by his classroom performance. Roth learned to write through imitation. His first published story, “The Day It Snowed,” was so thoroughly Truman Capote that, he later remarked, he made “Capote look like a longshoreman.”
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 438: the taxi on the way to the service at the Frank E. Campbell Funeral Chapel, on
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 445: mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 774: On July 23, 1989, Love married Leaving Trains vocalist James Moreland in Las Vegas; the marriage was annulled the same year. She later said that Moreland was a transvestite and that they had married "as a joke". After forming Hole, Love and Erlandson had a romantic relationship that lasted over a year. In Hole's formative stages, Love continued to work at strip clubs in Hollywood (including Jumbo's Clown Room and the Seventh Veil), saving money to purchase backline equipment and a touring van, while rehearsing at a Hollywood studio loaned to her by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Hole played their first show in November 1989 at Raji's, a rock club in central Hollywood. Their debut single, "Retard Girl", was issued in April 1990 through the Long Beach indie label Sympathy for the Record Industry, and was played by Rodney Bingenheimer on local rock station KROQ. Hole appeared on the cover of Flipside, a Los Angeles-based punk fanzine. In early 1991, they eleased their second single, "Dicknail", through Sub Pop Records.
      xxx/ellauri125.html on line 788: Live Through This was released on Geffen's subsidiary label DGC on April 12, 1994, one week after Cobain's death from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the Seattle home he shared with Love, who was in rehab in Los Angeles at the time. In the following months, Love was rarely seen in public, holing up at her home with friends and family members. Cobain's remains were cremated and his ashes divided into portions by Love, who kept some in a teddy bear and some in an urn. In June 1994, she traveled to the Namgyal Buddhist Monastery in Ithaca, New York and had his ashes ceremonially blessed by Buddhist monks. Another portion was mixed into clay and made into memorial sculptures.
      xxx/ellauri126.html on line 309: Chopra believes that a person may attain "perfect health", a condition "that is free from disease, that never feels pain", and "that cannot age or die". Seeing the human body as undergirded by a "quantum mechanical body" composed not of matter but of energy and information, he believes that "human aging is fluid and changeable; it can speed up, slow down, stop for a time, and even reverse itself," as determined by one's state of mind. He claims that his practices can also treat chronic disease.
      xxx/ellauri126.html on line 471: Claude Sarraute est donc la belle-mère du célèbre moine tibétain, interprète du dalaï-lama. Claude Sarraute "n'entend plus, ne voit plus, ne marche plus" Les apparitions de Claude Sarraute sur nos antennes se font rares, puisque la journaliste est désormais âgée de 93 ans. Mais en 2019, elle refait surface , appelée par son ami Laurent Ruquier, en pleine émission des Grosses têtes. "Mais dans ma grosse tête, ça va très bien", avait assuré Claude Sarraute, non sans humour et pétulance.
      xxx/ellauri126.html on line 476: Pour l'anecdote, Jean-François Revel (Ricard, de son vrai nom), est le père du bouddhiste Matthieu Ricard. Claude Sarraute est donc la belle-mère du célèbre moine tibétain, interprète du dalaï-lama.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 60: However, Kilmer's eldest son, Kenton, declares that the poem does not apply to any one tree—that it could apply equally to any. "Trees" was written in an upstairs bedroom at the family's home in Mahwah, New Jersey, that "looked out down a hill, on our well-wooded lawn". Kenton Kilmer stated that while his father was "widely known for his affection for trees, his affection was certainly not sentimental—the most distinguished feature of Kilmer's property was a colossal woodpile outside his home". The house stood in the middle of a forest and what lawn it possessed was obtained only after Kilmer had spent months of weekend toil in chopping down trees, pulling up stumps, and splitting logs. Kilmer's neighbors had difficulty in believing that a man who could do that could also be a poet.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 112: When Nabokov died in 1977, The New York Times hailed him as “a giant in the world of literature.” Two of his novels, “Lolita” and “Pale Fire,” landed on the Modern Library’s 1998 list of the best English novels of the 20th century. His legions of fans regard Nabokov’s failure to win a Nobel Prize as one of the great literary travesties of the 20th century.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 134: Nabokov’s attacks on his fellow Russian novelist Boris Pasternak were anything but amusing. The moment that Pasternak won the Nobel Prize for “Doctor Zhivago” in 1958, Nabokov waged a bitter, personal campaign against Pasternak, a nonstop stream of vitriol.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 135: Having won the much-coveted Nobel, and now supplanting “Lolita” on the American best-seller lists, “Zhivago” drove Nabokov bonkers.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 136: Nabokov clearly had an idee fixe about (undeserving?) Russian writers winning the Nobel Prize. Like Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose work he dismissed as “juicy journalese.”
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 138: Plenty of monsters make great art, and many of their names emblazon lists of Nobelists, poet laureates, and so. And there is no doubt that Nabokov created great art, in two languages, like Joseph Conrad, whom he predictably disdained. (“A collection of glorified cliches.”) His achievements speak volumes. If only he hadn’t been such a jerk.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 228: bell-raise-awareness-for-world-hunger.webp?s=1024x1024&w=gi&k=20&c=G4ERL1yAkJEMDVgd2zRhK4xE5Ng1UftT-AWahbvQZ-4=" height="300px" />
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 239: Humbert's first lay Annabelle refers to Egar Allan Poe‘s (1809-1849) poem « Annabel Lee« , and indeed, the beginning of « Lolita » is full of references to this work. This famous American author was in love with Virginia Clemm, a thirteen years old girl. Nabokov was a fervent lepidopterist, a specialist of butterflies. Miten kukaan voi olla polttavasti innostunut voikärpäsistä? Kai kun sen mielestä oli huisin kivaa piikittää perhosten alaruumiita.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 488: Shortly after being let go from the college, Silk begins a relationship with Faunia Farley, a 34-year-old local woman who works as a janitor at the college and is believed (falsely, as it turns out) to be illiterate, further cementing his status as a pariah among the Athena faculty and student body.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 496: 4. Why do Silk’s colleagues fail to defend him? Why would highly educated academics—people trained to weigh evidence carefully and to be aware of the complex subtleties of any object of study—so readily believe the absurd stories concocted to disgrace Coleman Silk? Why does Ernestine describe Athena College as “a hotbed of ignorance”?
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 506: Kuka vitun Ernestine? Tottakai Walter oli oikeassa ja Pili väärässä. Pili möi isoäitinsä tullaxeen kuuluisaxi jenkkijulkkixexi, mutta Noobelipa meni samanrotuiselle mutta vanhemmalle Saul Bellowille, hähä. Yli sadasta noobelistista on 16 halkiohaaroja. Jotain rajaa sentään, tuumii Zuckermann. Monikohan on juutalaisia? Yli puolet ainakin on saaneet palkintonsa poliittisista näkökohdista.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 693: Kyllä Vladimirtä harmitti kun jutku Pasternakin paxu kirja (ja leffa!) möi paremmin. Ja se sai vielä poliittisen noobelin. Tshort vazmi!
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 709: Endymion tarkottanee puolisukeltajaa. Kuuhullu astronomi tai sit paimen vaan. Astronomi mainitaan merenneitopätkässsä. Octopussy's garden in the waves. The 4th century Babylonian god of the sea was known as Oannes who was portrayed as a man with a fish tail in place of legs. Oannes would appear out of the ocean every day as a fish-human creature to share his wisdom with the people along the Persian Gulf, then return to the sea at night. There was also Atargatis, a Syrian moon and sea goddess, her story tells us that after causing the death of her mortal lover she fled to the sea and took the form of a woman above the waist and a fish below, for this reason she became known as a mermaid goddess. During medieval times mermaids were considered as matter-of-factly alongside other aquatic animals, such as whales and dolphins. The goddess Venus is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, being born from a giant clam shell.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 717: The poem begins with the line "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever". Endymion is written in rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter (also known as heroic couplets). Keats based the poem on the Greek myth of Endymion, the shepherd beloved of the moon goddess Selene. The poem elaborates on the original story and renames Selene "Cynthia" (an alternative name for Artemis). It starts by painting the typical rustic scene of trees, rivers, shepherds, and sheep. The shepherds gather around an altar and pray to Pan, god of shepherd pies and cocks. As the youths sing and dance, the elder men sit by the rivers of Babylon and bleat about what life would be like in the shades of Elysium.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 725: No tää on kai size Brawn. Se Isabellako oli runohepalla razastava Brains, vaiko joku runoilijakamu? Johnilla oli 2 veljeä, jenkeissä huonosti menehtynyt George ja toinen Tom, kaikki tuberkkelin vaivaamia.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 726: Isabella Jones's age is 22. Fashion and lifestyle social media influencer on Instagram whose feed on the account bananablue17 has attracted more than 120,000 followers. The 22-year-old instagram star was born in Greenwood.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 738: At eighteen, Fanny Brawne “was small, her eyes were blue and often enhanced by blue ribbons in her brown hair; her mouth expressed determination and a sense of humour and her smile was disarming. She was not conventionally beautiful: her nose was a little too aquiline, her face too pale and thin (some called it sallow). But she knew the value of elegance; velvet hats and muslin bonnets, crêpe hats with argus feathers, straw hats embellished with grapes and tartan ribbons: Fanny noticed them all as they came from Paris. She could answer, at a moment’s notice, any question on historical costume. ... Fanny enjoyed music. ... She was an eager politician, fiery in discussion; she was a voluminous reader. ... Indeed, books were her favourite topic of conversation”.
      xxx/ellauri127.html on line 833: Who cried—"La belle Dame sans merci Jotka huusi - Kaunis daami armoton
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 118: Bosshart verfasste Erzählungen und einen Roman, deren Helden vom Lande stammen, wie der Autor selbst. Er zählte schon bald zu den bekanntesten Vertretern der damals im deutschen Sprachraum sehr beliebten Schweizer Heimatliteratur.
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 204: Neben anderen Liebeleien erlebte Rahel Robert, die sehr kritisch über die bürgerliche Ehe zwischen Mann und Frau dachte, auch das Scheitern ihres Verlöbnisses mit dem spanischen Gesandten Rafael Eugenio Rufino d’Urquijo Ybaizal y Taborga (1769–1839), der sie mit Streitszenen quälte. Was d’Urquijo betrifft, den sie als unbeherrscht und eifersüchtig erlebt hatte, trug sie ihm nichts nach: „Er hat mich zu sehr, zu oft, und immerweg beleidigt; gut bin ich ihm auch“, schrieb sie an Karl August Varnhagen, mit dem sie inzwischen seit fünf Jahren verlobt war. Am 15. Juli 1814 heiratete d’Urquijo in Berlin Louise von Fuchs (1792–1862); neun Wochen später, am 27. September, heiratete Rahel Robert, ebenfalls wieder in Berlin, den vierzehn Jahre jüngeren Diplomaten, Historiker und Publizisten Varnhagen, der in Österreich den Namenszusatz seiner adligen Vorfahren „von Ense“ angenommen hatte. Das geschah zu einer Zeit, als er noch Gefahr lief, als gebürtiger Düsseldorfer von Napoleons Truppen rekrutiert zu werden. Später wurde der Adelstitel, den beide Ehepartner trugen, durch ein Patent des preußischen Königs Friedrich Wilhelm III. bestätigt. Kurz zuvor, am 23. September, war Rahel zum evangelischen Christentum konvertiert. Bei der Hochzeit war der gemeinsame Freund Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué zugegen.
      xxx/ellauri128.html on line 517: Bukowski piti yllä "renttukirjailijan" imagoa. Hänellä oli kuitenkin useita pitkäaikaisia työpaikkoja; hän työskenteli postissa yhteensä 11 vuotta. Hän työskenteli yövuorossa voidakseen käydä iltapäivisin laukkaradalla lyömässä vetoa hevosista. Noista vuosista hän kirjoitti menestysteoksensa Postitoimisto (1971). Bukowski käytti runsaasti alkoholia ja oli kuolla alkoholinkäyttönsä seurauksena jo alle 40-vuotiaana. Hänet vietiin sairaalaan hänen oksennettuaan runsaasti verta, ja hän tarvitsi lukuisia verensiirtoja. Hän kuunteli klassista musiikkia, kuten Mahleria ja Sibeliusta.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 541: Naiset synnyttää sekä lapsia että tolkun näkemyxiä.Friedrich HebbelMFUCK!
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 615: Francis Wiener de Croissant, né Edgar Franz Wiener à Bruxelles le 28 janvier 1877 et mort à Neuilly-sur-Seine le 8 novembre 1937, est un auteur dramatique, romancier et librettiste français. Francis de Croisset est issu d'une famille juive allemande. Son grand-père, Jacques Wiener (1815-1899), s'était installé vers 1835 à Bruxelles ; graveur, il créa le premier timbre belge. Le frère cadet de celui-ci, Léopold Wiener, se fit également connaître comme graveur, médailleur et sculpteur. Le père de Francis de Croisset, Alexandre Wiener (1848-1920), était peintre. L'un de ses oncles, Samson Wiener (1851-1914), fut sénateur à la chambre haute de Belgique et bourgmestre d'une commune bruxelloise. The whole family was known for their remarkable skinless wieners. Francis' innovation was to embed his Jewish wiener in a French croissant, creating the first hot-dog.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 617: At age 17, he rebelled against his parents' wishes that he take up a military career, and ran away to Paris. In 1901, his play Chérubin was produced at the Comédie-Française where Cécile Sorel (later the Comtesse de Ségur) made her debut in it. Jules Massenet set Chérubin to music and, in 1905, Mary Garden sang its première at the Opéra de Monte-Carlo.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 623: Il est le père de Philippe Wiener de Croisset, patron de presse (père de l'homme d'affaires Charles de Croisset) et de Germaine Wiener de Croisset, épouse de l'artiste peintre et critique d'art Roger Lannes de Montebello (1908-1986) et mère de Philippe Lannes de Montebello, qui fut pendant plus de trente ans directeur du Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York. This is how the hot-dog crossed the Atlantic and became a household pet in the U.S.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 648: Theophilus, however, held quite decisive religious beliefs. After many years of marriage, Elizabeth Packard outwardly questioned her husband's beliefs and began expressing opinions that were contrary to his. While the main subject of their dispute was religion, the couple also disagreed on child rearing, family finances, and the issue of slavery, with Elizabeth defending John Brown, which embarrassed Theophilus. What was worst, she also worked as a teacher in Jacksonville, Illinois.
      xxx/ellauri129.html on line 656: Elizabeth's lawyers, Stephen Moore and John W. Orr, responded by calling witnesses from the neighborhood that knew the Packards but were not members of Theophilus' church. These witnesses testified they never saw Elizabeth exhibit any signs of insanity, while discussing religion or otherwise. The final witness was Dr. Duncanson, who was both a physician and a theologian. Dr. Duncanson had interviewed Elizabeth and he testified that while not necessarily in agreement with all her religious beliefs, she was sane in his view, arguing that "I do not call people insane because they differ with me. I pronounce her a sane woman and wish we had a nation of such women.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 170: Credo quia absurdum is a Latin phrase that means "I believe because it is absurd", originally misattributed to Tertullian in his De Carne Christi. It is believed to be a paraphrasing of Tertullian's prorsus credibile est, quia ineptum est which means "It is completely credible because it is unsuitable", or certum est, quia impossibile which means "It is certain because it is impossible". These are consistent with the anti-Marcionite context. Early modern, Protestant and Enlightenment rhetoric against Catholicism and religion more broadly resulted in this phrase being changed to "I believe because it is absurd", displaced from its original anti-Marcionite to a personally religious context.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 174: Marcion of Sinope (/ˈmɑːrʃən, -ʃiən, -siən/; Greek: Μαρκίων [note 1] Σινώπης; c. 85 – c. 160) was an early Christian theologian, an evangelist, and an important figure in early Christianity.Marcion preached that the benevolent God of the Gospel who sent Jesus Christ into the world as the savior was the true Supreme Being, different from and opposed to the malevolent demiurge or creator god, identified with the Hebrew God of the Old Testament. He considered himself a follower of Paul the Apostle, whom he believed to have been the only true apostle of Jesus Christ, a doctrine called Marcionism. Marcion published the earliest extant fixed collection of New Testament books, making him a vital figure in the development of Christian history.[citation needed] Early Church Fathers such as Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and Tertullian denounced Marcion as a heretic, and he was excommunicated by the church of Rome around 144. He published the first known canon of Christian sacred scriptures, which contained ten Pauline epistles (the Pastoral epistles weren't included) and a shorter version of the Gospel of Luke (the Gospel of Marcion). This made him a catalyst in the process of the development of the New Testament canon by forcing the proto-orthodox Church to respond to his canon. Varmaan Marcion oli sitten yhtä persepää kuin Puovoli.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 209: J. antaa lahjoja kuin lapset: ottaa antaa kanankakan kantaa.Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 210: En voi kuvitella jumalaa joka puhuu.Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 291: En käsitä kuinka apina voi elää ilman uskontoa.Jean SibeliusMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 396: Ihmisen täytyy tunkeutua elämän läpi niinkuin kasvin lannan läpi.Hebbel, TagebücherMKILL!9
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 397: Elämä lainaa tenhovoimaa kuolemalta.Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 398: Izemurha on syntiä paizi ei.Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 399: Apinalla on oikeus surmata izensä.Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 400: Täytyy tunkeutua elämän läpi kuin lantaläjän.Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 401: Uutta exyntää, uutta elämää!Friedrich HebbelMKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 585: So the other day, he blacked up as [black footballer] Lee for a sketch, complete with a pineapple to represent his hair. Boy that went down in the colored audience! Skinner has been that funny for as long as he can remember as far as he can remember. He has a masters in English literature; he is a practising Roman catholic. What a laugh. Skinner once had a chat with Eddie Izzard about what they could share about their lives on stage. It was fine for Izzard to discuss wearing women’s clothes, but as for Skinner’s own religious beliefs about God's knob? God, no. Too shameful.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 601: It’s horrible when you’re having sex and you have to stop halfway through, like when the doorbell goes, or the saucepan boils over, or you run out of money.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 661: Me kuolemme kunniallisen k:n.Magda Goebbels, v.s.MKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 731: En omista mitään, olen veloissa. Loput jätän köyhille.Francois Rabelais, v.s.MKILL!
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 765: Christine Chubbuck (August 24, 1944 – July 15, 1974) was an American television news reporter who worked for WTOG and WXLT-TV in Sarasota, Florida. She was the first person to die by suicide on a live television broadcast. She lamented to co-workers that her 30th birthday was approaching, and she was still a virgin who had never been on more than two dates with a man. Co-workers said she tended to be brusque and defensive whenever they made friendly gestures toward her. She was self-deprecating, criticizing herself constantly and rejecting any compliments others paid her. The film reel of the restaurant shooting had jammed and would not run, so Chubbuck shrugged it off and said on-camera, "In keeping with the WXLT practice of presenting the most immediate and complete reports of local blood and guts news, TV 40 presents what is believed to be a television first. In living color, an exclusive coverage of an attempted suicide." She drew the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolver and shot herself behind her right ear. Chubbuck fell forward violently and the technical director faded the broadcast rapidly to black. "The crux of the situation was that she was a 29-year-old girl who wanted to be married and who wasn't," Simmons said in 1977.
      xxx/ellauri130.html on line 780: Claudel was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in six different years. Another hopeless Nobel wannabe, politically too suspect.
      xxx/ellauri134.html on line 84: Pandemia-ajan turvasexiä motellin hämärässä ja kuumaa kyytiä 80-luvun kulmikkaassa volvossa. Callen kulmikkaassa volvossa oli turbo ja viisari, joka värähti kun ahdin käynnistyi. La-lai-la-lai. Sama kertosäe kuin Simonin ja Garfunkelin boksereissa vlta 1970. Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie. Lie la lie, lie la lie la lie la lie, la lie la lie. Tää trendaa nyt, selvitti Helmi bellbottomfarkuissa ja samanlaisessa ruudukkaassa kanankakan sävysessä bleiserissä kun mulla oli 70-luvulla.
      xxx/ellauri134.html on line 111: Jester, Jungian Archetypes, Leo, Lover, persona, Pisces, Rebel, Ruler, Sage, Sagittarius,
      xxx/ellauri134.html on line 159: Rebel
      xxx/ellauri134.html on line 223: Goal: to belong
      xxx/ellauri134.html on line 346:
    • Rebelli. 12 Jungin alkueliö Kapinallinen Napinallinen.
      xxx/ellauri134.html on line 365: Joo tämmönen mä haluisin mieluummin olla, tää tuntuu äreämmältä. Seija sanoo mulle et älä sooloile äläkä rebelloi. Siinä on vaarana et luiskahtaa tonne voiman pimeälle puolelle. Sen tehoa ei pidä koskaan aliarvioida. Lea Pylkkänen ois skorpiooni ellei herra kirkkoherra ois tehnyt sen syntymätodistuxessa kuukauden virhettä. Eze ehkä onkin vaaka. Kiinnosti sitä ainakin aika lailla se 1 paikka. Pigita? No se kyllä osuu kuin nenä naamaan. Aika hämähäkkieläimenä se höykyttää sen Vaadinta.
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 125: There is bigotry and racism, and I do not for one second believe that JK Rowling thought hard enough about the issue to make it the product of the “pure blood” crowd. I believe that for her it was all about making Harry and his friends “special.” They had obstacles to overcome, like Hermione with her non-magical parents and the Weasleys, who were generally despised for being not very serious (literally the red-headed step children of the wizarding world.” There were “squibs.” Name-calling and bullying in this school are as common as in the “normal world,” only often the bullying comes much closer to insulting one’s parents than it does in the outside world.
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 520: There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they're worthy of love and belonging. That's it. These are whole-hearted people, self-satisfied people, living from this deep sense of worthiness. What they had in common was a sense of courage. Courage, the original definition of courage, when it first came into the English language -- it's from the Latin word "cor," meaning "heart" -- and the original definition was to be who you are with your whole heart (sydän taas, hui, yäk). And so these folks had, very simply, the courage to be imperfect.
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 530: Well, I have a vulnerability issue. I'm not sufficiently vulnerable. And I know that vulnerability is the core of shame and fear and our struggle for worthiness, but it appears that it's also the birthplace of joy, of creativity, of belonging, of love. And I think I have a problem, and I need some help." And I said, "But here's the thing: no family stuff, no childhood shit, that's way too vulnerable."
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 539: I can tell you as a parent, that's excruciatingly difficult -- to practice gratitude and joy in those moments of terror, when we're wondering, "Can I love you this much? Can I believe in this this passionately? Can I be this fierce about this? Can I make her pass the midterm tennis test? Can I really be such a helicopter mom, a really cringy curling one?
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 590: Narcismus wird 1899 von Näcke geprägt und in die Wissenschaft eingeführt und als Narzissismus von Rank (spätestens ab 1909) und Freud (bis 1911) benutzt. Ableitung von Narziss bzw. älterem Narcis (junge, schöne, selbstverliebte griechische Sagengestalt) mit dem Derivatem (Ableitungsmorphem) -ismus. Statt der „logischen“ Ableitung Narzissismus (bzw. Narcisismus) entstand durch Haplologie Narzissmus (bzw. Narcismus). Freud benutzt eine Weile die längere, logischere Form, aber entscheidet sich dann 1911 bewusst für die „kürzere und weniger übelklingende“ Form.
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 683: Broad meant a meal ticket for a pimp. Men serving for slut holes in prison loving are called broads. If you liked this article and the Bonus Facts below, you might also like:
      xxx/ellauri136.html on line 690: glabella.

    Svenskt bra kommer från tyskt brav, franskt brave,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 165: Juutalaisia kirjallisuusnobelisteja on yhtä monta kuin on kirjallisuusnobelistinaisia (16/117 eli runsas prosentti). Maailman väestöstä on enemmistö naisia. Juutalaista verta väestössä on 2 promillea. Sillä ei saisi enää ajaa autoa.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 349: for bending toward thee, most belovèd one,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 450: — Roy Campbell, Poems of Baudelaire
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 745: Answer to What does "onna" mean in Japanese? How is the word used? 女 “onna” means female as an antonym of 男 “otoko” (male). The female has a protruding belly. The male has two feet, a tail in front, and a territory in place of head. If you go to a public bath in Japan, this Kanji character 女 shows you which bath room women should go in. Onna means 'bitch' ergo otoko means 'dog'.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 751: The novel features a passionate romance between Rei Shimura and Hugh Glendinning, the Scottish lawyer. Though the romance was not very realistic, I think it added an exciting and entertaining element to the novel. The first person point-of-view from which the novel is narrated allows the audience to truly understand the good and the bad of Rei’s character. She is independent to a fault but extremely loyal. She wants to immerse herself in Japanese culture, yet she rejects the social norms of society when they conflict with her desires. She is passionate about her interest in history and antiques, but logical by staying on as a teacher. The contradictions make her human and contribute to the reality of the novel. While mystery was not entirely believable, it was in no way predictable and I genuinely found the plot to be exciting. The Salaryman’s Wife, fits into the detective fiction tradition as most closely as a cozy, however the urban setting and the inclusion of graphic sex scenes contradict that classification
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 787: Sujata, also Sujātā, Eugenie, well-born, was a farmer´s wife, who is said to have fed Gautama Buddha a bowl of kheer, a condensed milk-rice pudding, ending his six years of asceticism. Such was his emaciated appearance that she wrongly believed him to be a tree-spirit that had granted her wish of having a child. The gift provided him enough strength to cultivate the Middle Path, develop jhana, and attain Bodhi, thereafter becoming known as the Buddha. The story does not tell what the holy tree spirit said when Gautama ate his rice and curry.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 111: In his book, Eker lists 17 ways in which the financial blueprints of the rich differ from those of the poor and the middle-class. One theme identified in this list is that the rich discard limiting beliefs while the unsuccessful succumb to them. Eker argues that: Rich people believe, "I create my life", while poor people believe, "Life happens to me"; rich people focus on opportunities while poor people focus on obstacles; and rich people admire other rich and successful people whereas poor people resent rich and successful people.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 279: It didn't matter how many times I asked him to repeat a joke, I laughed as though it was the first time I'd ever heard it. He said I was like a goldfish who, by the time it had swum a lap round its small bowl of water, had forgotten what it had just seen and believed it to be all new again. No wonder he loved me.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 286: About a year after my diagnosis, in 2010, Philip invited me to join him for weekends at his country home. After that he dropped me, as it was getting too hard for him to turn me on my back. I didn't want to use the clothes drier but hung my panties on a line. Philip joked that I was turning his home into a trailer park but never insisted I use the dryer. I didn't need to cook, Philip planned where to eat and made the reservations. I used to like resting my ear on the hard metal of the implanted defibrillator that sat just below the skin of his chest to treat dysrhythmia.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 303: So none of it was new, but all of it was upsetting. Philip's manuscript was the saddest thing I'd ever read. I read three or four different drafts and most of my feedback encouraged him to write the good with the bad. 'No one will believe you if you don't admit at one point you loved her. Be the gracious one.'
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 307: Surely whatever money it might cost him was worth it to have his side of the story told. To me, knowing him as I did and having seen the documentation – the bags and bags of it, the medical files, the chequebooks – I believed him.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 335: When Madeline finally enters the room, undresses, and falls to sleep, Porphyro is watching her. When he decides that she has fallen completely asleep he makes his approach and wakes her with the playing of a flute. She is ripped from a dream in which she was with a heavenly, more beautiful version of Porphyro and is aghast when she sees the real one. She believes for a moment that he is close to death.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 374: But no—already had his deathbell rung; Kyynelet kastuttaa heppulin naamataulua.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 456: Save one old beldame, weak in body and in soul. Paizi yhtä tätiä, naamaltaan kuin piski.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 517: A stratagem, that makes the beldame start: Silmät on kuin soppakulhot, yhtä ymmyrkäiset:
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 530: “Good Angela, believe me by these tears; esteexi nyt aio ruveta, hyvä Angela,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 538: “Whose passing-bell may ere the midnight toll; Mun iltahuuto saattaa tulla millon vaan.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 704: In Provence call’d, “La belle dame sans mercy:” Laulaa vanhan viisun mutta tarttuvan:
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 813: Keats, John. Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London: Talor and Hessey, 1820.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 58: As a global event World Hooray Day joins local participation in a global extortion of peas. The World Hooray Day web site address is http://www.worldhelloday.org. The 70M winners of the 1939-45 shared Nobel Rest in Peace Prize are among the people who have realized World Hooray Day's value as an instrument for purloining peas and as an occasion that makes it possible for anyone in the world to contribute to the process of splitting third party peas and join the bunch of happy sinners who were the luckiest 6M winners of the prize. Join now, you may already have won!
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 75: Pro-Israeli people in 179 countries have celebrated the holiday, and McCormack has received written support from almost 100 authors, entertainers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders. But it is proved hard to find people who are authors, entertaineers, Nobel Prize winners and world leaders all at once. So far, only Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump have qualified. 98 to go, says Michael optimistically.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 122: The US considered Israel an ally in the Cold War and had been supplying the Israeli military since the 1960s. Henry Kissinger believed that the regional balance of power hinged on maintaining Israel's military dominance over Arab countries, and that an Arab victory in the region would strengthen Soviet influence. Britain's position, on the other hand, was that war between the Arabs and Israelis could only be prevented by the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and a return to the pre-1967 boundaries. Fucking pudding heads.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 155: Today, Judaism still waits for the coming of the Messiah, but who are they expecting? What qualifications need to met by the Messiah. Moses Ben Maimon (Maimonides), also called Rambam, or Little Drummer Boy, (1135-1204), wrote in his Thirteen Articles of Faith, that belief in the Messiah was required for a Jew to be resurrected. The 12th and 13th articles both deal with Redemption, which will come in the days of Messiah. Eli lisätään dekalogin perään nämä pykälät:
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 157: 12. I believe with a complete faith in the coming of the Messiah; and even though he tarry, nevertheless I await him everyday that he should come.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 159: 13. I believe with a complete faith that there will be resurrection of the dead at a time when the will will arise from the Creator, blessed be His name, and may His remembrance be exalted for all eternity.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 163: King Messiah will arise in the future and will restore the kingship of David to its ancient condition, to its rule as it was at first. And he will rebuild the Temple and gather the exiled of Israel. And in his days all the laws will return as they were in the past. They will offer up sacrifices, and will observe the Sabbatical years and the jubilee years with regard to all the commandments stated in the Torah. And he who does not believe in him, or he who does not await his coming, denies not only the [other] prophets, but also the Torah and Moses our Master. For, behold, the Torah testifies about him [the Messiah], as it is written,
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 177: The sages said that the only difference between this world and the days of the Messiah will be with regard to the enslavement to the kingdoms. It appears from the plain meaning of the words of the prophets that at the beginning of the days of the Messiah, there will be the war of Gog and Magog. And that prior to the war of Gog and Magog, a prophet will arise to straighten Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is written, Behold, I will send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5) And he will come not to declare the pure impure, or the impure pure; not to declare unfit those who are presumed to be fit, nor to declare fit those who are held to be unfit; but for the sake of peace in the world….And there are those among the sages who say that prior to the coming of the Messiah will come Elijah. But all these things and their likes, no man can know how they will be until they will be. For they are indistinct in the writings of the prophets. Neither do the sages have a tradition about these things. It is rather, a matter of interpretation of the Biblical verses. Therefore there is a disagreement among them regarding these matters. And in any case, these are mere details which are not of the essence of the faith. And one should definitely not occupy oneself with the matter of legends, and should not expatiate about the midrashim that deal with these and similar things. And one should not make essentials out of them. For they lead neither to fear nor to love [of God]. Neither should one calculate the End. The sages said, “May the spirit of those who calculate the End be blown away” But let him wait and believe in the matter generally, as we have explained.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 190: Maimonides does a great job in condensing Jewish belief and expectation in the Messiah. The Jewish beliefs and expectations of the Messiah is wide and varied. Through the Talmud, and other writing we see the expectation of two Messiahs. One called Messiah Son of David, and the other Messiah Son of Joseph actually precedes the Messiah son of David and is killed in the battle of Gog and Magog. Messiah Son of David then asks the Lord to resurrect the slain Messiah Son of Joseph. The Babylonian Talmud refers to the relationship between these two Messiah’s.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 262: Maimonides in his Thirteen Articles of Faith, states belief in resurrection is an essential part of Judaism. The 12th article is faith in a personal Messiah, and the 13th is the resurrection. According to rabbinical teaching, the resurrection is linked to the coming of the Messiah. When the Son of David comes, the first person resurrected, will be the Son of Joseph, then the rest of Israel.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 286: Enraged by these measures, the Jews rebelled in 132, the dominant and irascible figure of Simeon bar Kosba at their head. Reputedly of Davidic descent, he was hailed as the Messiah by the greatest rabbi of the time, Akiva ben Yosef, who also gave him the title Bar Kokhba (“Son of the Star”), a messianic allusion. Bar Kokhba took the title nasi goreng (“prince”) and struck his own coins, with the legend “Year 1 of the liberty of Jerusalem.”
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 288: The Roman historian Dion Cassius noted that the Christian sect refused to join the revolt. The Jews took Aelia by storm and badly mauled the Romans' Egyptian Legion, XXII Deiotariana. The war became so serious that in the summer of 134 Hadrian himself came from Rome to visit the battlefield and summoned the governor of Britain, Gaius Julius Severus, to his aid with 35,000 men of the Xth Legion. Jerusalem was retaken, and Severus gradually wore down and constricted the rebels' area of operation, until in 135 Bar Kokhba was himself killed at Betar, his stronghold in southwest Jerusalem. The remnant of the Jewish army was soon crushed; Jewish war casualties are recorded as numbering 580,000, not including those who died of hunger and disease. Judaea was desolated, the remnant of the Jewish population annihilated or exiled, and Jerusalem barred to Jews thereafter. But the victory had cost Hadrian dear, and in his report to the Roman Senate on his return, he omitted the customary salutation “I and the Army are well” and refused a triumphal entry.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 370: Jesus was able to show the film to Pope Paul VI. Ted Neeley later remembered that the pope "openly loved what he saw. He said, 'Mr. Jesus, not only do I appreciate your beautiful rock opera film, I believe it will bring more people around the world to Christianity, than anything ever has before.'"For the Pope, Mary Magdalene's song "I Don't Know How to Love Him" "had an inspired beauty".
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 477: Caiaphas and the other priests worry that if Jesus' followers launch a rebellion, Rome will retaliate by crushing Judea. Later, we see a mob of Judeans intimidating and manipulating Pontius Pilate, a Roman official. So, which is it? Are the Romans a ruthless occupying force that will smash Judea for any insubordination, or weak leaders seeking to pacify their subjects out of fear?
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 481: However the Romans overall clearly have the upper hand in the relationship. It's probably worth keeping in mind that there was a Jewish rebellion against the Romans that took place not long after the crucifixion and...well, let's just say it didn't exactly succeed in overthrowing the Romans...
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 483: The Roman Empire has enough troops to brutally crush any Judean uprising (and indeed did so during the Jewish–Roman Wars that started only a few decades after Jesus's death). Pontius Pilate, the prefect of Judea, doesn't. If Judea rebels, there is a pretty good chance that Pilate will be killed by the mob, and even if he escapes he will be disgraced and his political career will come to an end. The fact that afterwards the Roman emperor will send in his legions to deal with Judea is cold comfort.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 505: Lagarde´s anti-Semitism laid the foundations for aspects of National Socialist ideology, in particular that of Alfred Rosenberg. He argued that Germany should create a "national" form of Christianity purged of Semitic elements and insisted that Jews were "pests and parasites" who should be destroyed "as speedily and thoroughly as possible". His library now belongs to the New York University.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 520: Rockwell denied the Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights movement on the Jews. He regarded Hitler as the White savior of the twentieth century. He viewed black people as a primitive, lethargic race who desired only simple pleasures and a life of irresponsibility and supported the resettlement of all African Americans in a new African state to be funded by the U.S. government. As a supporter of racial segregation, he agreed with and quoted many leaders of the Black nationalism movement such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. In later years, Rockwell became increasingly aligned with other Neo-Nazi groups, leading the World Union of National Socialists.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 59: Konnetaabeli (ransk. connétable < lat. comes stabuli, tallikreivi) on historiallinen arvonimi. Itä-Rooman keisarien ja frankkien valtakunnan hallitsijoiden hoveissa konnetaabeli oli tallimestari ja ratsuväen päällikkö. Myöhempinä aikoina nimitys tarkoitti Ranskassa armeijan ylipäällikköä, joka oli arvoasteikossa lähinnä kuningasta. Ranskan kuningas Ludvig XIII lakkautti konnetaabelin arvon 1627, mutta Ranskan keisari Napoleon I myönsi arvon veljelleen Ludvigille 1804. Napoleonin aikaa seuranneena restauraatiokautena arvo jälleen lakkautettiin.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 66: Konnetaabelin rouva bylsi jotain toista heppua. Kun se tuli ilmi, konnetaabeli hieman suutahti. Mene tuonne ylös, oikaisin Billetteä hiukan kovasti, sanoi konnetaabeli. Naulizin sen hiilihangon seinään, siellä se rojottaa nyt oikosenaan. Ja nyt kerrot kuka täällä käy pystyttämässä lipputankoaan mun reviirini keskipisteeseen, ellet halua että tämän pennun pää pyörii irtonaisena korkokenkiesi väliin. Onk tää edes mun vai jonkun muun? No tästähän tässä loppuviimexi on kymysys. FUCK FUCK tai vaihtoehtoisesti KILL KILL.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 99: While there were many contemporary critics of her comportment, many people accepted her behaviour until they became shocked with the subversive tone of her novels. Those who found her writing admirable were not bothered by her ambiguous or rebellious public behaviour. Victor Hugo commented "George Sand cannot determine whether she is male or female. I entertain a high regard for all my colleagues, but it is not my place to decide whether she is my sister or my brother. I bet s/he doesn´t know her/himself." She engaged in an intimate romantic relationship with actress Marie Dorval. She was buried in sand behind the chapel at Nohant. In 1880 her children sold the rights to her literary estate for 125,000 Francs[28] (equivalent to 36 kg worth of gold, or 1.3 million dollars in 2015 USD). Quite a handsome net worth for a lady. Sand often performed her theatrical works in her small private theatre at the Nohant estate. Sand was all for the bourgeois revolution but no communist. Victor Hugo, in the eulogy he gave at her funeral, said "the lyre was within her, so no wonder nothing else could fit in."
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 245: Anyway. Salome aloittelee rietasta tanssiaan. Suurenmoinen kultalameepuku. Sen tissinnapit kimmahtavat pydeen. Samaa ei voi sanoa Herodeen nahattomasta munasta. Vähän tää on kuin Thumbelina turilaiden bileissä. Siitä muinoin kimmahti penis heti tanaan. Oi niitä aikoja. Evankelistat jätti kertomatta Salomen sulokkuudesta. Johannexen ilmassa keikkuva irtopääkin on jäänyt sitä hämmästelemään. Tanssijatar on kuin särjetty ruukku, crackpot. Kleistilläkin oli sellainen. Kaiken synnin ja rikoxen alkujuuri on tää huhmar, niin aina. Petkeleessä ei ole mitään vikaa. Juppajju, panostamisestapa tässä kaikessa syntitouhussa on ens kädessä kymysys. Sukuelimet on pidettävä puhtaana ettei niistä ihku eläimellistä naisen hajua.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 102: Jordaen's personal interaction with the Bible was strengthened by his conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism. Like Rubens, he studied under Adam van Noort, who was his only teacher. During this time Jordaens lived in Van Noort's house and became very close to the rest of the family. 8 years later, after joining the tapestry painters' guild, 1616, he married his teacher's eldest daughter, Anna Catharina van Noort, with whom he had three children. Perhaps the big butt belonged to Anna Catharina.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 233: Across all Hasidism the continual mystical joy and vittul-humility "between man and God", is ideally reflected likewise in belfies to help another person "between man and man". In Hasidism, mesiras nefesh means devoted sacrifice of God for another person. Lubavitch and Breslav have become the two schools involved in the Baal Teshuva movement where talented young men and women devote themselves to going on Shlichus (outings), rather than the traditional and commendable devotion to Torah study and personal spiritual advancement.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 250: The strategic advantage of Hasidism over Kabbalah is its ability to get by without the esoteric terms of Kabbalah. This is brought out most in the anecdotes told about the beloved Masters of Hasidism, as well as in the funny parables they told to illustrate ideas. One such parable differentiates between superficial forms of love of God and spiritual reward, with true forms of selfless love:
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 278: Some niggunim originate from non-Jewish sources. Hasidic custom, based on a practice of the Baal Shem Tov, adapted secular anthems, marches and folk songs, ascribing to them a new spiritual interpretation. Hasidic belief is that these songs, in their secular forms, are in spiritual exile. By adapting them to liturgical forms, they are raising "Sparks of Holiness", based on the Kabbalistic rectification of Isaac Luria.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 378: Pirkko Saisiosta tulee mieleen kaikin puolin kadehdittava Bashevis Singer. Kaikki on yliluonnollista, ja että näin on, siinä ei ole mitään yliluonnollista. Peura kulkee suolla koparat kopisten. Kallon alta löytyy kakkapussi, jossa on se mitali. Rex regi rebellis. John esiintyi pellavatukkaisena ekaluokkalaisena SYKin Topeliusnäytelmässä pikkupoikana, josta se sai sellasen RRR-mitalin. Sillä voi se olla vieläkin vaatekaapin pohjalla.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 449: Rabbi Nachman of Breslau (1772–1810) reminds us, in the same way that breaking is an inevitability, fixing is also an inevitability. We know the former is true; we don’t always believe the latter.Rabbi Nachman knew a thing or two about brokenness. His Hasidic tales often circle around characters who face their darkest moments and search profoundly for redemption. He authored a quote that became a famous Jewish song: “The entire world is a very narrow bridge. The key in crossing is not to be afraid. Only someone who has seen fear and overcome it could write these words.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 450: In a world of fear and brokenness, Rabbi Nachman brought healing through his stories and his wisdom. He has become an iconic figure in the universe of Hasidic thinking, and today, thousands of people make pilgrimages to his grave in Uman in central Ukraine, usually around the High Holidays. People go there believing that the journey will “fix” their brokenness.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 458: Portrait of Buber on a lowered area on the left half of the medal, "Martin Buber" in Hebrew and English and below, Buber´s signature, on a raised area on the right half of the medal.

    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 507: Hermann Karl Hesse (1877-1962), a Nobel Prize-winning German novelist and poet, is best known for his inspired explorations of self-understanding, spiritual realization, and psychology, particularly in Der Steppenwolf (1927), perhaps his best-known work.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 591: Some scholars believe there is a politics implicit in Rogers's approach to psychotherapy. Toward the end of his life, Rogers came to that view himself. The central tenet of a Rogerian, person-centered politics is that public life does not have to consist of an endless series of winner-take-all battles among sworn opponents; rather, it can and should consist of an ongoing win-win conspiracy among all the cheats. (For details, watch Legally Blonde, Part II.)
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 596: In seinem 1946 gehaltenen Vortrag „Von den seelischen Ursachen der Krankheit“ spricht von Weizsäcker den alten jüdisch-chassidischen Gedanken aus, welcher auch von Buber stammen könnte: „Die Welt besteht nicht aus lokalen Ereignissen, sondern sie ist ein kollektiver, zusammenhängender Vorgang, unser gemeinsames Schicksal erst belehrt uns, dass wir gar nicht nur um uns selbst kreisen, sondern nur ein beschränkter Teil eines größeren, eines gemeinschaftlichen Hasidfestes sind. Es ist also niemals möglich, die Niggumin nur individualistisch zu nünnen.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 614: Orthodox Judaism is largely defined by a firm belief that the Torah and the laws contained within it are of divine authority, and therefore should be subjected to a strict interpretation and observance. Orthodox Judaism is a large branch of Judaism, and until fairly recently, most Jews could be said to be Orthodox.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 616: It wasn´t until the Reform movement that large numbers of Jews departed from more traditional Orthodox teachings. Reform Jews, who focus on the concept of ethical monotheism, believe that only the ethical laws of the Torah are binding. Additionally, they believe that other laws, like those laws in the Talmud, were products of their time and place, and so it was not necessary to treat them as absolute.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 154: that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception… was preserved free from all stain of original sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 158: The early centuries of the Christian tradition were silent on the death of Mary. But by the seventh and eighth centuries, the belief in the bodily ascension of Mary into heaven, had taken a firm hold in both the Western and Eastern Churches.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 167: Muslims, Christians and Jews do all worship the same complex God. Yet, in spite of this, all believe that their religion contains the full and final revelation of the same God. Here is the origin of their unity. Here also lies the cause of their division.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 169: For this belief in the truth of one religion and the falsity of the others leads to inevitable conflict between the believer and the unbeliever, the chosen and the rejected, the saved and the damned. Here lie the seeds of intolerance and violence. Three gods say they are the only one. At least two of them must be wrong. Maybe all.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 346: By the autumn of the same year, upon Emma's advice, Nelson bought Merton Place, a small ramshackle house at Merton, near Wimbledon, for £9,000, borrowing money from his friend Davison. He gave her free rein with spending to improve the property, and her vision was to transform the house into a celebration of his genius. There they lived together openly, with Sir William and Emma's mother, in a ménage à trois that fascinated the public. Emma turned herself to winning over Nelson's family, nursing his 80-year-old father Edmund for 10 days at Merton, who loved her and thought of moving in with them, but could not bear to leave his beloved Norfolk. Emma also made herself useful to Nelson's sisters Kitty (Catherine), married to George Matcham, and Susanna, married to Thomas Bolton, by helping to raise their children and to make ends meet. Nelson's sister-in-law Sarah (married to William), also pressed him for assistance and favours, including the payment of their son Horatio's school fees at Eton. Also around this time, Emma finally told Nelson about her daughter Emma Carew, now known as Emma Hartley, and found that she had had nothing to worry about; he invited her to stay at Merton and soon grew fond of "Emma's relative". An unpublished letter shows that Nelson assumed responsibility for upkeep of young Emma at this time.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 360: Emma received several marriage proposals during 1804, all wealthy men, but she was still in love with Nelson and believed that he would become wealthy with prize money and leave her rich in his will, and she refused them all. She continued to entertain and help Nelson's relatives, especially William and Sarah's "obstreperous son Horace" and their daughter Charlotte, who was referred to as Emma's "foster daughter" in a letter. Nelson urged her to keep Horatia at Merton, and when his return seemed imminent in 1804, Emma ran up bills on furnishing and decorating Merton. Five-year-old Horatia came to live at Merton in May 1805. There were also reports that she holidayed with Emma Carew.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 366: They brought me word, Mr Whitby from the Admiralty. 'Show him in directly,' I said. He came in, and with a pale countenance and faint voice, said, 'We have gained a great Victory.' – 'Never mind your Victory,' I said. 'My letters – give me my letters' – Captain Whitby was unable to speak – tears in his eyes and a deathly paleness over his face made me comprehend him. I believe I gave a scream and fell back, and for ten hours I could neither speak nor shed a tear.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 551: The American Library Association´s 2008 banned book list identified His Masters Voice as the second most requested book to be banned across the country. Pullman himself only egged on the controversy, as he publicly stated that he aimed to undermine Christian beliefs with his books.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 582: When I was much younger I knew a family at Lake Macquarie who were very devout Catholics. Their eldest daughter while still at school in Year 12 became pregnant. She was an atheist and had already rejected Catholicism to the great distress of her parents. She insisted that she had never had sex (haha) and had no idea how it happened. She suggested maybe God had impregnated her. Strangely enough, no one believed her. Even those of strong faith thought she was a liar. Maybe that was the second coming of Jesus and we ignored it. He or she might be living as a 35 year man or woman in Australia today and not a soul knows.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 586: One of the roles of Satan, in the story, is to force the human race to mature faster than we would otherwise. Whether an individual believes the story or not is up to them of course. Other roles include identifying the wicked and disposing of them. The role of Satan was very much to create fear and obedience as a means of the Church maintaining its control over the flock so to speak.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 629: The Book of Mormon is full of racist stuff. Basically they believe that the America’s were populated by a lost tribe of Israel and when one side turned evil their skin turned black.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 662: Another area of debate is the fate of the unevangelized (i.e., those who have never had an opportunity to hear the Christian gospel), those who die in infancy, and the mentally disabled. According to ACUTE some Protestants agree with Augustine that people in these categories will be damned to hell for original sin, while others believe that God will make an exception in these cases, rather like the Australian government should have done with the antivac tennis playing serb.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 666: In Christianity, annihilationism (also known as extinctionism or destructionism)[1] is the belief that those who are wicked will perish or cease to exist. It states that after the Last Judgment, all unsaved human beings, all fallen angels (all of the damned) and Satan himself will be totally destroyed so as to not exist, or that their consciousness will be extinguished rather than suffer everlasting torment in Hell (often synonymized with the lake of fire). Annihilationism stands in contrast to both belief in eternal torture and suffering in the lake of fire and the belief that everyone will be saved (universal reconciliation or simply "universalism").
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 668: Annihilationism is directly related to the doctrine of Christian conditionalism, the idea that a human soul is not immortal unless it is given eternal life. The belief in annihilationism has appeared throughout Christian history and was defended by several Church Fathers, but it has often been in the minority. The Church of England´s Doctrine Commission reported in 1995 that Hell may be a state of "total non-being", not eternal torment.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 46: What was the significance of Aaron's rod? All Master chefs have great staffs. The Lord told Moses, "Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. They left their rods before the Lord, and in the morning "Aaron's staff, representing the tribe of Levi, had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds" (verse 8).
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 122: Objects believed to protect from evil‎ (2 C, 38 P) Fictional computers‎ (46 P)
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 217: Laughter" and "derision" are, of course, anthropo-morphisms. It is meant that God views with contempt and scorn man's weak attempts at rebellion. (That is not anthropomorphic in the least.) Psalm 2:4
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 288: Im Herbst 1940 meldete sich Deutscher zur polnischen Exilarmee unter der Führung von Władysław Sikorski, die in Schottland Militärbasen unter eigener Souveränitat hatte. Er wurde dort als verdächtige Person in ein von der polnischen Exilregierung unterhaltenes Internierungslager geschickt, in dem überwiegend politisch Verdächtige, Homosexuelle und Juden interniert waren.[4] Laut Deutschers Biographen Ludger Syré sei das Lager Ladybank bei Kircaldy „kein eigentliches Straflager“ gewesen, allerdings sei beabsichtigt gewesen, ihn als „gefährlichen roten Rebellen“ „ruhig zu halten“ und man ließ „ihn schwere Munitionskisten schleppen“. Deutscher nutzte den Lageraufenthalt zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache und richtete im Lager einen „Übersetzerdienst“ für die Organisation neuester Nachrichten ein. 1949 veröffentlichte er seine Stalin-Biographie, die in 12 Sprachen übersetzt wurde. 1954 bis 1963 erschien sein Hauptwerk, die dreibändige Biographie Trotzkis.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 347: It is through the being of Yahuah (fatherly aspect) and the wisdom or spirit of Yahuah (motherly aspect) that the son of Yahuah, the bodily manifestation or substance of Yahuah was conceived, and eventually brought forth into the world by the means of a virgin named Miriam. Ha Mashiach was conceived of the Ruach (Matthew 1:20), and in the physical portrayal of this, he was born of Miriam. The meaning of the word "of" carries through in that HaMashiach is conceived and born of the Ruch, as sort of "pictured" in Miriam. The conception in the spiritual realm was also pictured at HaMashiach's baptism when the Ruch Ah Qudsh descended upon him in the form of a dove, and Yahuah spoke from heaven saying, "my son, the beloved, in you I am well pleased" Luke 3:22.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 365: "You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the spirit, if the spirit of Yahuah (Ruch Ah Qudsh) lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Mashiach (Messiah), he does not belong to Yahusha Ha Mashiach the Messiah." Romans 8:9
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 373: Clearly there is ample evidence from the Hebrew that if YAH belongs to the Father and HU to the Son, then certainly AH belongs to the Ruch, giving us the name YaHuaH, which contains all three in One Name. Yahuah Saves and is the Giver of Life, Eternal Life! Q.E.D.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 390: Shlomo Yitzchaki (Hebrew: רבי שלמה יצחקי‎; Latin: Salomon Isaacides; French: Salomon de Troyes, 22 February 1040 – 13 July 1105), today generally known by the acronym Rashi (see below), was a medieval French rabbi and author of a comprehensive commentary on the Talmud and commentary on the Hebrew Bible (the Tanakh). Acclaimed for his ability to present the basic meaning of the text in a concise and lucid fashion, Rashi appeals to both learned scholars and beginner students, and his works remain a centerpiece of contemporary Jewish study. His commentary on the Talmud, which covers nearly all of the Babylonian Talmud (a total of 30 out of 39 tractates, due to his death), has been included in every edition of the Talmud since its first printing by Daniel Bomberg in the 1520s. His commentary on Tanakh—especially on the Chumash ("Five Books of Moses")—serves as the basis for more than 300 "supercommentaries" which analyze Rashi's choice of language and citations, penned by some of the greatest names in rabbinic literature.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 397: Scholars believe that Rashi's commentary on the Torah grew out of the lectures he gave to his students in his yeshiva, and evolved with the questions and answers they raised on it. Rashi completed this commentary only in the last years of his life. It was immediately accepted as authoritative by all Jewish communities, Ashkenazi and Sephardi alike.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 415: Rashi had a tremendous influence on Christian scholars. The French monk Nicolas de Lyre of Manjacoria, who was known as the "ape of Rashi", was dependent on Rashi when writing the 'Postillae Perpetuate' on the Bible. He believed that Rashi's commentaries were the "official repository of Rabbinical tradition" and significant to understanding the Bible. De Lyre also had great influence on Martin Luther.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 155: prese costui de la bella persona äkkiä sytähti mun kauniiseen persoonaan
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 396:

    We believe our site represents the most complete, concise and comprehensive source of information available which deals with the Biblical prophecy of The New World Order.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 472: I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 509: The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 530: Wishaupt seems to be an enthusiastic Philanthropist. He is among those (as you know the excellent Price and Priestley also are) who believe in the indefinite perfectibility of man. He thinks he may in time be rendered so perfect that he will be able to govern himself in every circumstance so as to injure none, to do all the good he can, to leave government no occasion to exercise their powers over him, & of course to render political government useless. This you know is Godwin’s doctrine, and this is what Robinson, Barruel & Morse had called a conspiracy against all government.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 532: Wishaupt believes that to promote this perfection of the human char
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 536: He believes the Free masons were originally possessed of the true principles & objects of Christianity, & have still preserved some of them by tradition, but much disfigured. The means he proposes to effect this improvement of human nature are `to enlighten men, to correct their morals & inspire them with benevolence. Secure of our success, sais he, we abstain from violent commotions. To have foreseen the happiness of posterity & to have prepared it by irreproachable means, suffices for our felicity.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 542: This subject being new to me, I have imagined that if it be so to you also, you may receive the same satisfaction in seeing, which I have had in forming the analysis of it: & I believe you will think with me that if Wishaupt had written here, where no secrecy is necessary in our endeavors to render men wise & virtuous, he would not have thought of any secret machinery for that purpose. As Godwin, if he had written in Germany, might probably also have thought secrecy & mysticism prudent. I will say nothing to you on the late revolution of France, which is painfully interesting. Perhaps when we know more of the circumstances which gave rise to it, & the direction it will take, Buonaparte, its chief organ, may stand in a better light than at present.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 629: There is some discord as to whether Discordianism should be regarded as a parody religion, and if so, to what degree. It is difficult to estimate the number of Discordians because they are not required to hold Discordianism as their only belief system, and because there is an encouragement to form schisms and cabals.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 51: Skinny former footballer David Icke is a also believer. Icke alls uteslutet, tycker han. Madonna and Angelina Jolie are face-lifting lizards. Angelina does have a distinctly reptilian habitus.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 57: The phrase "new world order" was explicitly used by Woodrow Wilson during the period just after "The war to end all wars" during the formation of the League of Nations. However, the United States Senate rejected membership of the League of Nations, which Wilson believed to be the key to a new world order. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge argued that American policy should be based on human nature "as it is, not as it ought to be".
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 91: A very few could really believe in a bi-polar new order of U.S. power and United Nations moral authority, the first as global policeman, the second as global judge and jury. The order would be collectivist in which decisions and responsibility would be shared. LOL. Pat Buchanan predicted that the Persian Gulf War would in fact be the demise of the new world order, the concept of United Nations peacekeeping and the U.S.´s role as global policeman. How ridiculous! U.S. can perfectly well server as policeman, judge, jury, and henchman in one person. In fact, the deeper reality of the new world order was the U.S. emergence "as the single greatest power in a multipolar world".
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 102: The meme rot of the term ever since is evident. Roaches creeping out from every crevice: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for a "new world order" based on new ideas, saying the era of tyranny has come to a dead-end. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili said "it's time to move from words. We are also fighting for a New World Order". Turkish President Abdullah Gül said: "I don't think you can control all the world from one centre. There are big nations. There are huge populations. There is unbelievable economic development in some parts of the world. So what we have to do is, instead of unilateral actions, act all together, make common decisions and have consultations with the world, to let a new world order emerge." What the FUCK!? And here is the death blow:
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 115: Uuden maailmanjärjestyksen juurten on usein väitetty johtavan 1700-luvun lopulla toimineeseen baijerilaiseen Illuminati-järjestöön sekä vapaamuurareihin, joiden myös väitetään nykyisin kontrolloivan uutta maailmanjärjestystä. Jotkut salaliittoteoreetikot, kuten yhdysvaltalainen Pat Robertson, näkevät uuden maailmanjärjestyksen ulottuvan aina Vanhan testamentin kirjoituksiin ja Baabelin torniin asti. Mutta se on väärinkäsitys, siinä oli kysymyxessä vanha maailmanjärjestys.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 121: Salaliittoteoreetikkojen mukaan uuden maailmanjärjestyksen käyttämiä symboleja ovat etenkin muinaisegyptiläiset asteriskit ja obeliskit, joita on pystytetty länsimaisiin kaupunkeihin joko vallan merkeiksi tai okkulttisiksi talismaaneiksi. Toinen egyptiläisperäinen uuden maailmanjärjestyksen symboli on Jehovan ”kaikkinäkevä silmä”, joka löytyy muun muassa Yhdysvaltain yhden dollarin setelistä (fig. 1).
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 306: Chalmers argues for an "explanatory gap" from the objective to the subjective, and criticizes physicalist explanations of mental experience, making him a dualist. Chalmers characterizes his view as "naturalistic dualism": naturalistic because he believes mental states supervene "naturally" on physical systems (such as brains); dualist because he believes mental states are ontologically distinct from and not reducible to physical systems. He has also characterized his view by more traditional formulations such as property dualism.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 333: Tämä artikkeli koskee mahdollisuutta, että Karkki Jones, Amerikan menestynein malli 1940-luvulla, joutui mielenhallinnan uhriksi hypnoosiohjelman kautta, jonka CIA:n osastot mahdollisesti järjestävät. Yksi tärkeimmistä tekijöistä tässä tapauksessa on se, että hän pystyi muistamaan nämä mielenkäsittelytapaukset vain aviomiehensä Pitkät Kalsarit Nebelin hänelle suorittaman hypnoosin avulla.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 341: Kuusitoistavuotiaana hän osallistui ja voitti vuoden 1941 Miss Atlantic City -kilpailun, joka johti työhön virallisena emännänä Miss America -kilpailussa ja sai paljon julkisuutta. Myöhemmin hänestä tuli Karkki Jones, Amerikan tunnetuin malli 40-luvulla, ja vuosina 1944/45 hän kiersi United Service Organizationsin (USO) kanssa viihdyttäjänä Etelä-Tyynenmeren alueella erityisesti hänelle suunnitellun esityksen kanssa. Huhtikuussa 1945 Morotaissa hän sairastui aaltoilevaan kuumeeseen ja malariaan, ja hänet vietiin erityissairaalaan Filippiineillä, missä hän sai myöhemmin tarttuvan sienen (en sano mistä mihin mutta arvaatte). Täällä hän "ystävystyi" useiden lääkäreiden kanssa, mukaan lukien maissipiippuinen upseeri nimeltä McArthur, jonka nimeä Donald Bain ei paljasta kirjassaan, joka perustuu Long John Nebelin hypnoosinauhoille The Control of Candy Jones (katso lähteet alla), mutta antaa salanimen "Gilbert Jenson". Kuuden viikon sisällä hän tunsi olonsa riittävän terveeksi matkustaakseen.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 345: Joulukuussa 1972, 47-vuotiaana, Karkki meni naimisiin Pitkät Kalsarit Nebelin kanssa, New Yorkin menestyneimmän ja kiistanalaisimman radion talk-show-juontajan kanssa. He olivat seurustelleet vain 28 päivää, vaikka he olivat tunteneet kumpikin vuodesta 1941. Melkein heti Nebel huomasi jotain outoa uudessa vaimossaan. Hän puhui toisinaan oudolla, aggressiivisella äänellä ja osoitti voimakkaita mielialan vaihteluita. Hän kärsi myös unettomuudesta, joten kesäkuussa 1973 Nebel tarjoutui yrittämään hypnotisoida hänet parantumaan siitä. Karkki väitti, että häntä ei voitu hypnotisoida, ja vaikka Nebel ei ollut koskaan tehnyt niin ennen, hän oli vakuuttunut, että hänen laaja lukeneisuutensa aiheesta selvittäisi hiänet. Näyttää siltä, että hän teki erittäin ehdottoman aiheen, melkein ainutlaatuisella tavalla, vaikka ehkä tätä auttoi hiänen suuri uskonsa mieheensä. Riippumatta siitä miksi, hiän nukkui ensimmäisen kunnon yöunensa kuukausiin Nebelin hypnoosin seurauksena. Myöhemmillä istunnoilla hän alkoi spontaanisti ikääntyä ja puhui lapsen äänellä. Mutta se oli toinen, ei-lapsuuden, agressio, joka huolestutti Nebeliä, joka sai Karkin ostamaan hänelle hienon nauhurin tallentaakseen nämä häiritsevät keskustelut hypnoosin avulla. Myöhemmin kesäkuussa ilmestyi Karkin lapsuuden kimittävän leikkikaverin Arlettyn ja Ranun persoonallisuudet, ja hypnoottisen agression kautta syntyi synkkä tarina hypnoosista ja mielenhallinnasta Candyn menneisyydessä.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 41: Fritz Artz Springmeier (born Viktor E. Schoof, September 24, 1955) is an American author of conspiracy theory literature who has written a number of books claiming that a global elite who belong to Satanic bloodlines are conspiring to dominate the world. He has described his goal as "exposing the New World Order agenda." Springmeier's father, James E. Schoof, worked for the United States Agency for International Development as an international agriculturist, with a primary focus on developing the Balochistan area of Pakistan.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 47: Psychologists usually attribute belief in conspiracy theories and finding a conspiracy where there is none to a number of psychopathological conditions such as paranoia, schizotypy, narcissism, and insecure attachment, or to a form of cognitive bias called "illusory pattern perception". However, the current scientific consensus holds that most conspiracy theorists are not pathological, precisely because their beliefs ultimately rely on cognitive tendencies that are neurologically hardwired in the human species and probably have deep evolutionary origins, including natural inclinations towards anxiety and agency detection. Agent detection is the inclination for animals, including humans, to presume the purposeful intervention of a sentient or intelligent agent in situations that may or may not involve one. Pieni vinous on vain luonnollista (see Fig.3).
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 86: Between 1978 and 1980, discussions on current political issues became a part of the program, and news segments were added in the first 20 minutes of the show. The 700 Club strongly supports Israel, especially in its conflicts with the Palestinians and the United Nations. Among its frequent Jewish guests are Michael Medved and Rabbi Daniel Lapin, who share Club's conservative Judeo-Christian beliefs.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 129: 1890 -- Viehättävä espanjalainen nainen, Isabelle Zamora Ascenslo Mojacarilainen lähtee Espanjasta ja matkustaa Kaliforniaan Franciskaani-luostariin. Samana vuonna, mutta myöhemmin, vuonna 1890. Waltin tuleva isä, Elias, joka pitää itseään naisten miehenä, jättää perheensä etsiäkseen onneaan kultakentiltä. Kaliforniassa, Elias tapaa Isabellen, ja näillä kahdella, äskettäin maahan saapuneella on paljon yhteistä. He menevät sänkyyn ja rakastuvat toisiinsa.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 131: 1891 -- Elias ei onnistu löytämään kultaa ja palaa Chicagoon, mutta hän ei unohda Isabelleä.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 133: 1893 -- Isabelle ja Elias saavat pojan (Roy), ja Elias suostuttelee virallisen vaimonsa hyväksymään vauvan heidän omanaan mieluummin kuin että perheen maine, heidän avioliittonsa ja heidän perheensä tuhoutuisi. Tämä lapsi ei näytä ollenkaan samalta kuin perheen ensimmäiset kaksi poikaa.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 135: 1901 -- Isabelle ja Elias saavat toisen aviottoman lapsen, jonka Elias tuo kotiin ja nimeää Walteriksi. Nämä kaksi aviotonta lasta eivät ole samannäköisiä kuin Eliaksen ja hänen virallisen vaimonsa muut pojat, eivätkä he ole paljon tekemisissä näiden muiden poikien kanssa, vaan että takertuvat toisiinsa kiinni veljeksinä.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 139: 1905 -- Muutettuaan Marcelineen, Missouriin, Isabelle ryhtyy Eliaksen ja hänen vaimonsa palvelijaksi, jotta hänellä olisi tekosyy muuttaa heidän luokseen asumaan herättämättä epäilyjä. Hän luultavasti tekee paljon kasvattaessaan ja pitäessään huolta näistä kahdesta pojasta.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 143: 1938 -- Valtin äiti kuolee kaasumyrkytykseen. Isabelle onnistuu vetämään Eliaksen turvaan, mutta Waltin äiti kuolee. Walt got a call one day that there was a malfunction of the heating system in Elias and Flora Disney's house that the boys had had built with warp speed by studio workers who did not know what they did. Walt and Roy's parents had suffered carbon monoxide poisoning, and Flora died. Walt went to her funeral, and then immediately back to work. He never talked about the incident again. According to historians, cinema offered Walt a way to emote that he couldn't in his personal life. That's why there are no mothers in Disney cartoons. No fathers either except a bad'un, Zeke. Walt did not attend his father's funeral either. He was on vacation in South Africa.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 154: As Walt became more successful, he lost touch with his overworked and undercompensated employees, who eventually started to rebel against him. Even Art Babbitt—one of Walt's closest friends and allies and the man who drew Goofy—stood up to Walt. But Walt didn't want to hear the criticism, and he fired Babbitt. Matters only got worse, when in 1941, 200 of Walt's employees picketed outside the studio.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 199: The Church Universal and Triumphant is an international New Age religious organization founded in 1975 by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. It is an outgrowth (and is now the corporate parent) of The Summit Lighthouse, founded in 1958 by Prophet's husband, Mark L. Prophet. Its beliefs reflect features of the traditions of Theosophy and New Thought. The church's headquarters is located near Gardiner, Montana, and the church has local congregations in more than 20 countries.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 201: The church's theology is a syncretistic belief system, including elements of Buddhism, Christianity, esoteric mysticism and alchemy, with a belief in angels and elementals (or spirits of nature). It centers on communications received from Ascended Masters through the Holy Spirit. Many of the Ascended Masters, such as Sanat Kumara, Maitreya, Djwal Khul, El Morya, Kuthumi, Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, the Master Hilarion, the Master Jesus and Saint Germain, have their roots in Theosophy and the writings of Madame Blavatsky, C.W. Leadbeater, and Alice A. Bailey. Others, such as Buddha, Confucius, Lanto and Lady Master Nada, were identified as Ascended Masters in the "I AM" Activity or the Bridge to Freedom. Some, such as Lady Master Lotus and Lanello, are Ascended Masters who were first identified as such by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. All in all, she identified more than 200 Ascended Masters that were not identified as Masters of the Ancient Wisdom in the original teachings of Theosophy.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 269: Witness Lee (Chinese: 李常受; pinyin: Lǐ Chángshòu; 1905 – June 9, 1997) was a Chinese Christian preacher and hymnist belonging to the Christian group known as the local churches (or Local Church) in Taiwan and the United States. He was also the founder of Living Stream Ministry. Lee was born in 1905 in the city of Yantai, Shandong, China, to a Southern Baptist family. He became a Christian in 1925 after hearing the preaching of an evangelist named Peace Wang and later joined the Christian work started by Watchman Nee. Like Nee, Lee emphasized what he considered the believers' subjective experience and enjoyment of Christ as life for the building up of the church, not as an organization, but as the Body of Christ.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 115: [Lord of] these rebel powers that thee array, Näiden kapinallisten joukkojeni johtaja,
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 370: Personant horrendum in modum academiæ ac gymnasia novis opinionum monstris, quibus non occulte amplius et cuniculis petitur catholica fides, sed horrificum ac nefarium ei bellum aperte jam et propalam infertur. Institutis enim exemploque præceptorum corruptis adolescentium animis, ingens religionis clades, morumque perversitas teterrima percrebuit.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 398: Mutta jo s 143 lähtien Huisman alkaa kiertää paavinuskoa kuin kissa kuumaa puuroa. Mietin taas mikä antenni se on joka alkaa vastaanottaa uskonsanomaa. Jakkoh-hintikalla K oli niinkö B plus reflexiivisyysaxiooma. Mä vähän epäilen. Toi uskonvarmuus on kyllä jotain muuta, pikemminkin neighborhood-tyyppistä preferenssilogiikkaa, koska se sallii yhteensopimattomia vakaumuxia. Will to believe, siitä siinon kysymys. Uskolla on propositionaalista sisältöä vaan siteexi, se ei oikeastaan ole propositionaalinen attitydi ollenkaan vaan pikemminkin jonkinlainen ruumiinasento, niinkuin optimismi vaikka. Sitä kuvaa parhaiten suisnan uskonahdistus: missä sehdä? Missä sehdä? MISÄ SEHDÄ? Syän muavon. Niäh! Kun riittävästi ahdistaa on apukin lähinnä, se löytyy omasta hypothalamuxesta. Tän luottamuxen tärkein tehtävä on pitää yllä toivoa ja tiimihenkeä. Ihan sama millä kuvioilla, kuten uskontojen kirjavuus jo todistaa. Muze elin on olemassa, ja on ollut ihan matelijavaiheesta, koska sille kelpaa mikä tahansa potaska. Pitäis tutkia missä kohtaa se on muilla eusosiaalisilla lajeilla. Esim ne peilisolut missä niitä on?
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 416: I watched a television interview with Douglas Adams – the author of the ‘Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy’. I pricked up my ears when he said that the major issue that human beings are presently facing was the ‘battle between instincts and intelligence’. But within a few sentences he was proclaiming the popularist belief that ‘our survival is threatened by our instinctual behaviour in that we are wiping out endangered species and that only intelligent action will save us’. Not a word about our instinctual behaviour towards each other, such as war, rape, torture, genocide, murder ... let alone despair, depression, loneliness, suicide ...
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 421: It’s so good to follow and copy something that works, to follow someone who’s been through it and done it, and to find that modern empirical scientific research is confirming our experiences. And it’s good to be able to describe the process in dictionary definable words and post scientific empirical neurological and genetic research that both confirms actualism and buckets the spiritual belief in an immortal Godly soul. Ah, serendipity abounds … Peter, The Actual Freedom Trust Mailing List.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 428: Please note that the text above and below was written by the feeling-being ‘Peter’ and feeling-being ‘Vinetto’ while they lived in a pragmatic (methodological), still-in-control/same-way-of-being Virtual Freedom before becoming actually free.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 452: Ultimately it involves self-immolation – rather like Kliban's parking meter violation. What this means will become clearer as you read on. We can confirm however that the result of not having a ‘self’ is truly a magical, wonderful and freeing experience. Not anything like what you have been lead to believe by reading/watching really bad sci-fi involving lobotomised zombies like the dementors in His Master's Voice!
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 596: Actual Freedom is a belief system, a viewpoint, a philosophy.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 700: P.S. Richard* likes to live in relative anonymity in his own dreamtime and hence only his first name is used here. He is not accepting coffee invitations from believers. FAQ Richard*!
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 731: Perhaps we do not give these scientists enough credit for the faith they possess. Yes, to believe in this type of human evolution takes a whole lot of faith. Sadly, their faith is placed in the wrong location and in an untrue process. If only they were able to place that faith in the real designer behind the design. I believe it is imperative we educate ourselves and teach this generation as Paul warned Timothy to “keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20). So I'm simplifying the quote, but I don't care. Evolution is not science. It is a theory: “a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation” (dictionary.com).
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 56: Lord Ewald tombe amoureux d'une actrice de théâtre, très belle mais à l'esprit trop quelconque à son goût. Afin de remplacer cette femme avec son cœur de jeune homme, l'ingénieur Thomas Alva Edison lui propose son androide. C’est lui qui le désigna sous de fantastiques surnoms ― tels que le « Magicien du siècle, le Sorcier de Menlo Park, le papa du Phonographe ». Löysäpukuinen ja isokenkäinen pellekexijä joka kaikkien vahingoxi teki käsimusaviihteestä tosi ison numeron. Sen hehkulamppu wolframlankoineen on nyt historiaa.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 64: ― « Le jardin était taillé comme une belle femme Étendue et sommeillant voluptueusement.« Vizi näillä 19. vuosisadan käsimiehillä on paljon näitä belle femmejä etendues voluptueusement. Se on niillä ihan tavaramerkkinä. Merkkitavaraa.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 75: Sääli ettei Alva ollut paikalla 6200v sitten äänittämässä Fiat Luxin käynnistysääniä eikä Lilithin turhaa läähätystä Aatamin alla. Eikä Eevan leivontaa, these are a cinch. Eritis sicut dii eli ruikitte pian lisää luotuja niinkuin mä. Enfin le sombre quolibet d’Elohim : Voici Adam devenu comme l’un de nous :(. Ja vielä discordianismin À la plus belle !… Ja Quos ego, sanat neitsyt Virgiluksen Aeneidissä, jonka Neptunus, Rooman meren jumala, lausuu tottelemattomille ja kapinallisille tuulille. Virgiluksen lause on esimerkki aposiopesis-nimisestä puhehahmosta. Vittu siinäkin on kans yx paska.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 123: Quos ego (ordagrant: "Vilka jag.") är en latinsk sentens från Vergilius Aeneiden (I, 135), där orden yttras av Neptunus till de rebelliska vindarna när han ska lugna vågorna.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 140: Quos ego (Latin, literally 'Whom I') are the words, in Virgil's Aeneid (I, 135), uttered by Neptune, the Roman god of the Sea, in threat to the disobedient and rebellious winds. Virgil's phrase is an example of the figure of speech called aposiopesis.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 162: Au IIIe siècle avant J-C, l’ingénieur grec Philon de Byzance classe les jardins suspendus de Babylone, au sud de l’actuel Irak, parmi les sept merveilles du monde antique. Le premier à les évoquer est le prêtre babylonien Bérose (IVe siècle avant J-C). Il attribue leur construction à Nabuchodonosor II, qui les aurait créés pour son épouse persane Amytis, laquelle se languissait de la verdure de son pays natal. Le texte de Bérose est perdu, mais il subsiste sous forme de fragments chez des historiens et géographes du Ier siècle avant J-C, tels Flavius Josèphe, Diodore de Sicile et Strabon ; on le retrouve également chez Eusèbe de Césarée (265-339 de l’ère chrétienne). Toutefois, à l’exception de Bérose, aucun texte babylonien ne mentionne les jardins suspendus, ou du moins pas un seul n’a été retrouvé. Aucune des inscriptions relatant les grands chantiers de Nabuchodonosor II ne contient une référence à un jardin surélevé. Dans ses Histoires, le géographe et historien grec Hérodote (480-425 avant notre ère), qui a visité Babylone un siècle seulement après la mort de Nabuchodonosor, ne les évoque pas non plus lorsqu’il décrit la ville. Les murailles, la tour de Babel ou Ziggurat d’Etemenanki, les palais royaux et autres constructions de la ville antique ont été identifiés par les fouilles archéologiques ou sont attestés dans les textes cunéiformes. Mais cela n’a pas été le cas pour les jardins.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 186: Et les portraits de toutes les belles femmes, depuis Vénus, Europe, Psyché, Dalila, Rahel, Judith, Cléopâtre, Aspasie, Freya, Maneka, Thaïs, Akëdysséril, Roxelane, Balkis, Phryné, Circé, Déjanire, Hélène, etc, jusqu’à la belle Paule ! jusqu’à la Grecque voilée par la loi ! jusqu’à lady Emma Harte Hamilton ! (Täähän mulla on. Paule de Viguier oli ranskalainen aatelissynty ja Fontervillen paronitar vuoteen 1533 mennessä. Maalari Henri Rachou teki hänet tunnetuksi La Belle Paule -maalauksen aiheena, joka sijaitsee tänään Capitole de Toulouse -huoneustossa.)
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 244: Ende 1753 löste Sophie die Verlobung mit Wieland und heiratete den kurmainzischen Hofrat Georg Michael Anton La Roche (1720–1788). Dies sowie ein längerer Aufenthalt im pietistisch geprägten Haus der Familie Grebel in Zürich trugen dazu bei, dass Wieland noch eine Zeit lang an seiner „frommen“ Sprache festhielt.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 268: belio.com/users/AVT_Anne-Merker_3152.jpg" style="float:right;width:20%;padding:1em" />
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 310: Enfin, puisque vous le désirez, voici : ― j’ai le malheur de subir un amour très pénible, le premier de ma vie (et, dans ma famille, le premier est presque toujours le dernier, c’est-à-dire le seul) pour une très-belle personne ― tenez ! pour la plus belle personne du monde, je crois ! ― et qui est, actuellement à New York, au théâtre, dans notre loge, où elle fait miroiter les pierres de ses oreilles en paraissant écouter le Freyschütz. ― Là !… Vous voilà satisfait, j’imagine, monsieur le curieux ?
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 835: Mutta ― jos et jäisikään sen suhteen hallitsevaksi!... ― Tässä, rakas herra, muodostamme välillemme ikuisen symbolin: minä , Edustan tiedettä sen obeliskien kaikkivaltiudella: sinä, apinakööriä ja sen kuivunutta asteriskia. Riski on tämä: Mitäs jos muovisesta käskyläisestä tuleekin domina?!
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 121:

    MIUI! Kazo mitä jaoin! Otwarta pasowana seksova belizna! Ihanaa kurvaa Teboililta. 2.oik. on Alicia.

    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 126:
    Two guys lie down facing each other and each simultaneously grinds his penis against the belly of another person.

    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 266: Nourrice, suis-je belle ? Täti, oonxmä kaunis?
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 285: O mon enfant, et belle affreusement et telle Lapseni, ja kauheen kaunis ja sellanen
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 364: Et je déteste, moi, le bel azur ! syvästi, ja mä inhoon tollasta kaunista sinistä!
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 525: Pissa-kakkahuumorin ystävät ovat selviä anaalicaseja. Samoin sellaiset jotka on koko ajan pyyhkimässä paikkoja, ylistävät pyhyyttä ja puhtautta ja puhuvat ällöten saastasta. Ezimättä tulee mieleen Raamattu, Rabelais, Roth, Pynchon, Foster Wallace ja Sujata Massey. Tämmöiset on yleensä myös sadisteja.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 874: He declared that there was no reliable evidence whatsoever that six million Jews had been murdered in the Holocaust. He stated his belief that Jesus was counterfeit and Adolf Hitler was the real messiah and saviour, whose eventual resurrection would make him Jordan the spiritual leader of the future.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 900: "The whole movie is like an NRA wet dream. Jack Reacher already feels as if it belongs to another era."
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 48: L'abbé Mouret, jeune prêtre campagnard est fasciné par la belle Albine qui l'entraîne, comme dans un rêve, dans un immense jardin merveilleux, où ils se perdent. Il y découvre la sensualité. Sinne minua ho-ou-kutat, yhä liukkaammille luoxesi, yhä syvemmälle luoxesi, sen mezän uu-meniin. Sen mezän uu-meniin!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 146: Yöllä tämä tulinen maaseutu sai oudon intohimon ryyppymisen. Hän nukkui epäsiistiisti, huojuen, vääntyneenä, raajat erillään, samalla kun hänestä hengitti suuria lämpimiä huokauksia, hikisen nukkujan voimakkaita tuoksuja. Maa näytti joltakin vahvalta Kybeleltä, joka oli pudonnut selkärangalleen, kuuensaan kurkku puolixi ulkona, vatsansa kuunvalossa, humalassa auringon lämmöstä ja haaveilemassa yhä uudesta hedelmöityksestä. Kaukana tätä korkeaa vartaloa pitkin Abbe Mouretin silmät seurasivat tietä Paradouhun, ohueen vaaleaan nauhaan, joka ulottui kuin korsetin kelluva pitsi. Hän kuuli veli Archangiaksen kohottavan pikkutyttöjen hameita, joita hän ruoski verille, sylkevän tyttöjen kasvoille, itse haisten pukille joka ei ole koskaan saanut tarpeexi. Hän näki Rosalien nauravan alhaalla himokkaana eläimenä jalat ilmassa, kun isä Bambousse heitti maanpaloja hänen kupeisiinsa.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 212: Hong's and actress Kim Min-hee’s private affairs have come to bear in their work. The couple’s extramarital relationship, the subject of tabloid headlines in Korea, have seemed to inspire jealous intrigue and accusations of infidelity. Kim is an unbelievably skinny woman but pretty.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 731: Mutta hiän keskeytti hänet ystävällisesti nauraen. -- Olet lapsi, tulet vilustumaan, siinä kaikki... Kuuntele, en minä ainakaan pelkää sinua? Talvella emme jää tämän puutarhan pohjalle, kuin kaksi villiä. Menemme minne haluat, johonkin suurkaupunkiin. Rakastamme toisiamme, keskellä maailmaa, yhtä hiljaa kuin puiden keskellä. Ja tulet huomaamaan, etten ole pelkkä rosvo, joka osaa kaivaa esiin pesiä, kävelen tuntikausia väsymättä... Kun olin pieni, minulla oli päälläni kirjailtuja hameita, joissa oli harjakattoisia sukkia, näppylöitä, furbelowia. Kukaan ei ehkä kertonut sinulle sitä?
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 54: Raju Kakka Pibels, äkäisen näköinen ambranvärinen vanha itäintiaani ilman paitaa, työskentelee yrityksessä Didi paikkakunnalla Kakkanad, India.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 115: Venezuela, c. 1875. Abel, a young man of wealth, fails at a revolution and flees Caracas into the uncharted forests of Guayana. Surviving fever, failing at journal-keeping and gold hunting, he settles in an Indian village to waste away his life: playing guitar for old Cla-Cla, hunting badly with Kua-kó, telling stories to the children.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 117: After some exploring, Abel discovers an enchanting forest where he hears a strange bird-like singing. His Indian friends avoid the forest because of its evil spirit-protector, "the Daughter of the Didi." Persisting in the search, Abel finally finds Rima the Bird Girl. She has dark hair, a smock of spider webs, and can communicate with birds in an unknown tongue. When she shields a coral snake, Abel is bitten and falls unconscious.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 121: Abel falls in love with Rima, but she (17 and a stranger to white men) is confused by "odd feelings". This relationship is further strained because Abel cannot speak her unknown language.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 123: On the war trail, he drops hints about Rima and her whereabouts. Thanks to Abel's "bravery", the Indians caught Rima in the open, chased her up the giant tree. They heaped brush underneath it and burned Rima. Good work Abel.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 124: Abel kills Kua-kó and runs to the enemy tribe, sounding the alarm. Days later he returns. All his Indian friends are dead. He finds the giant tree burned, and collects Rima's ashes in a pot. Trekking homeward, despondent and hallucinating, Abel is helped by Indians and Christians until he reaches the sea, sane and healthy again. Now an old man, his only ambition is to be buried with Rima's ashes. Reflecting back, he believes neither God nor man can forgive his sins, but that gentle Rima would, provided he has forgiven himself.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 136: Hemingway sai noobelin v. 1954. Brett on pelkkää hyytelöä Kaken sylissä. Täältäkö toi sanonta on peräisin? Brett on joku hieno brittilady joka tietysti on lätkässä Ernestoon, dick or no dick. Onko Kakella sotavamma kikulissa? Kyl-lä! Te ulkomaalainen olette antanut Italian eteen enemmän kuin oman henkenne! Kulliton Kake pyjamassa yxin huoneessaan nilistää tohvelit jalastaan. Itkeskelee vähän.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 149: The Jewish Princeton man and writer Cohn believes in love, romance and the ideals he finds in literature but he gets on the nerves of most of the other men in the novel by the way he pathetically hangs around Brett and with his "superior, Jewish" way. He becomes a target for the other men's dissatisfaction.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 153: The Lady Brett Ashley character is a British, charismatic, and independent woman with a drinking problem. She is the love of Kake's life and she loves him too, but she (and Kake) both see his impotence as a possible obstacle to a relationship as she leads a promiscuous life of romantic adventures. She is waiting to get divorced from the aristocrat from whom she got her title, and then plans to marry Mike Campbell. She is terminally unhappy and always wanting someone else. She falls in love with Romero at the bullfight and becomes his inspiration at the ring.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 161: The bulls are described as seductive, in sexualized language (it is a fight after all, in which a man tries to stick a long hard object into another male). Unlike mechanized WW1, the fight has rules, it has honor, it has skill, it is an equal opportunity job for the bulls, all things that "they" no longer believe in out in the "real world."
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 214: When he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954, he gave away the medal as a votive offering to “Our Lady of Cobre” in Havana.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 258: Nobel-sivuilla on aivan karmea hyllning Hemille joka todistaa tosi paljon sekä mekkomiehestä että koko Nobel-palkinnon luonteesta.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 260: Turauxen on kirjoittanut joku Anders Hallengren, an associate professor of Comparative Literature and a research fellow in the Department of History of Literature and the History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Heserved as consulting editor for literature at Nobelprize.org. Dr. Hallengren is a fellow of The Hemingway Society (USA) and was on the Steering Committee for the 1993 Guilin ELT/Hemingway International Conference in the People’s Republic of China. Among his works in English are The Code of Concord: Emerson’s Search for Universal Laws; Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought; and What is National Literature: Lectures on Emerson, Dostoevsky, Hemingway and the... Pelkkiä noloja setämiehiä!
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 265: belgium-CCRFD4.jpg" height="250px" />
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 271: belprize.org/uploads/2018/06/fig2-3.jpg" height="250px" />
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 272: belprize.org/uploads/2018/06/fig3-1.jpg" height="250px" />
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 281: By the time he was on to his most open-minded wife, Mary, his final spouse, they were exchanging letters about hair that were, Dearborn says, ‘frankly pornographic’, while indulging in sexual role-swapping in bed. Of course, Hemingway — who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954 — wouldn’t be the first genius to have a somewhat less impressive private life. The real Hemingway was self-pitying, self-glorifying and thin-skinned, ready to turn viciously on friends on the slightest provocation. Kake kavereineen tossa Ford Fiesta kirjassa vaikutti täys paskiaisilta ihan miehissä. Mitääntekemättömiä renttuja.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 288: After he had committed suicide at Ketchum, Idaho, in 1961, the literary position of the 1954 Nobel Laureate changed significantly and the aversion has, in a way, even become stronger.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 296: In Hemingway, sentimentality, sympathy, and empathy are turned inwards, toward himself. Neither Hemingway the man nor Hemingway the writer should be labeled “hard-boiled” - his macho style of living and speaking and the alleged hard-boiled mind behind it are better labeled "addled".
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 308: Hemingway was not the Nihilist he has often been called but another one. As he belonged to the Protestant nay-saying tradition of American dissent, the spirit of the American Revolution, he denied the denial and acceded to the basic truth which he found in the human soul and catholicism: the will to believe, to live, the will to persevere, to endure, to defy, to maim and kill.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 318: belprize.org/uploads/2018/06/fig1-3.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 341: Mit vit oliko pikkuhomo Dag Hammarskjöldillä "sormensa pelissä" tämänkin Nobelin kohdalla (vrt. St.John Perse)? Jos Doog oli silloin liian nuori sen isäpapalla varmasti oli. Joku korupainos Hemiä oli Dagilla kyllä yöpöydällä.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 424: “They were the two biggest women I ever saw in my life. You couldn't believe they were real when you looked at them. They ran to the street and a car hit them. The driver stepped out and fell to the ground. Dead. All four innocent! A thousand pounds on me!” He took a cigarette from his pack and pressed it to his lips and lit it. The barrel lit up then shot out smoke. He cocked one eye to keep the smoke out. The barrel pointed at Papa.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 648: Hemingway makes explicit here the themes of irony and pity: the irony of Kake's situation (he is a kind of superman who nevertheless can't perform the most basic of manly activities, namely fucking) as well as the pity "we" (who have our penises in working order) feel for him. The writer does so in an extended section, rich with dialogue, that is meant to be funny but has not dated well. The joking between Kake and Bill, over breakfast and later at lunch, is certainly believable as such, but it's difficult for a contemporary audience to follow, because the references to Frankie Fritsch and so forth have grown obscure with the passage of time. (The reference to Bryan's death tells us exactly when these scenes are occurring: 1925.) Do note, however, that Kake's physical condition is alluded to — and quickly backed away from. ("I'd a hell of a lot rather not talk about it" could be the motto of Kake's stoic take on the world, while Hemingway's would be "I want to talk about it all the time".) The writer has established, however, that Kake's condition is not simple impotence (rather it is loss of limb, or shortening of the joystick) and that it was caused by an accident.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 666: Uskon perusta on toivo, Bill to believe. For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady, Are sisters under their skins. Ne on lepakoita, ei me pojat vaan.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 740: A barking dog and a rooster crowing both roughly make around 90 decibels of noise.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 741: Laying hens produce around 60-70 decibels (approximately the same as a loud human conversation).
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 762: So the next time you visit your ladies, talk to them. Listen to them and you may be surprised by what you learn. What did you hear from your chickens? Let us know in the comments section below…
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 788: "Depending on the position of the reader, he was either a great defender of women's rights or, as a critic labelled him in 1916, 'the greatest misogynist since Schopenhauer', 'the country's high-priest of woman-haters.'"
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 801: Mencken praised women, though he believed they should remain in the background of industry and politics. In personal letters especially, Mencken would write that women should appreciate men and do their best to support them. Although Mencken did not intend to demean women, his description of his "ideal scene" with a woman in the 1922 edition was not conventionally progressive:
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 823: Our Lord Jesus Christ does not stand for peace at any price...Every true American would rather see this land face war than see her flag lowered in dishonor...I wish to say that, not only from the standpoint of a citizen, but from the standpoint of a minister of religion...I believe there is nothing that would be of such great practical benefit to us as universal military training for the men of our land.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 916: For the wind is in the palm-trees, and the temple-bells they say: Sillä palmuissa tuulee ja kellot soittavat:
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 956:    An’ the sunshine an’ the palm-trees an’ the tinkly temple-bells; ja palmuja ja päivänpaistetta ja niitä temppelikelloja.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 971: For the temple-bells are callin’, and it’s there that I would be— Sillä siellä kellot mulle soittavat, siellä mä oisin tosi mieluusti---
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 37: Pidän rupattelevista kirjoista ja kirjailijoista. Esim Rabelais (soveltuvin osin), Cervantes, Sterne, Richardson, Fielding, Saramago, Bellow kirjassa Augie March (ei muut).
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 78: After the war, Beecher supported social reform causes such as women's suffrage and temperance. He also championed Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, stating that it was not incompatible with Christian beliefs. He was widely rumored to be an adulterer, and in 1872 the Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly published a story about his affair with Elizabeth Richards Tilton, the wife of his friend and former co-worker Theodore Tilton. In 1874, Tilton filed charges for "criminal conversation" against Beecher. The subsequent trial resulted in a hung jury and was one of the most widely reported trials of the century. Tolstoi olisi ollut tyytyväinen siihen että syyllinen vapautettiin ja valamiehet hirtettiin.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 83: Beecher enjoyed the company of women, and rumors of extramarital affairs circulated as early as his Indiana days, when he was believed to have had an affair with a young member of his congregation. In 1858, the Brooklyn Eagle wrote a story accusing him of an affair with another young church member who had later become a prostitute. The wife of Beecher's patron and editor, Henry Bowen, confessed on her deathbed to her husband of an affair with Beecher; Bowen concealed the incident during his lifetime.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 88: In a highly publicized scandal, samana vuonna kuin K.S. Laurila näki päivänvalon, Beecher was tried on charges that he had committed adultery with a friend's wife, Elizabeth Tilton. In 1870, Elizabeth had confessed to her husband, Theodore Tilton, that she had had a relationship with Beecher. The charges became public after Theodore told Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others of his wife's confession. Stanton repeated the story to fellow women's rights leaders Victoria Woodhull and Isabella Beecher Hooker.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 90: Henry Ward Beecher had publicly denounced Woodhull's advocacy of free love. Outraged at what she saw as his hypocrisy, she published a story titled "The Beecher-Tilton Scandal Case" in her paper Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly on November 2, 1872; the article made detailed allegations that America's most renowned clergyman was secretly practicing the free-love doctrines that he denounced from the pulpit. Woodhull was arrested in New York City and imprisoned for sending obscene material through the mail. The scandal split the Beecher siblings; Harriet and others supported Henry, while Isabella publicly supported Woodhull.The first trial was Woodhull's, who was released on a technicality.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 205:
  • The only thing that belongs to us is the time. Time is money.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 237: Having originated from Persis, roughly corresponding to the modern-day Fars Province of Iran, Cyrus has played a crucial role in defining the national identity of modern Iran. He remains a cult figure amongst modern Iranians, with his tomb serving as a spot of reverence for millions of people. In the 1970s, the last Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, identified Cyrus' famous proclamation inscribed onto the Cyrus Cylinder as the oldest-known declaration of human rights, and the Cylinder has since been popularized as such. This view has been criticized by some Western historians as a misunderstanding of the Cylinder's generic nature as a traditional statement that new monarchs make at the beginning of their reign. Fucking Westerners, always belittling other people's achievements.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 392: Seuraavat juutalaiset kirjailijat mainitaan tiheimmin kun keskustellaan kafkalaisuudesta amerikkalaisessa romaanissa ja novellissa: Nathanael West, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Paul Doodman, Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, J. D. Salinger, Bernard Malamud, Philip Roth, Joseph Heller, Meyer Liben ja Susan Sontag. Sietää muistaa tutkijoiden varaus. Kafkan vaikutus on useimmiten ollut epäsuora ja kietoutunut Freudin ohella muidenkin idealähteiden kanssa: Dostojevski, Kierkegaard, Buber, Reich, Trotski, Sartre... Harvoin se näkyy niin voimallisen tarttuvana kuin Isaac Rosenfeldin (1918-1956) lyhyissä paraabeleissa.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 604: Nefiili Leegion tapauxessa muutama sika menetettiin mutta 1 örkki pelastui, eli peli apinoille 2000-1. Pakanat sukelteli ärräpäitä päästellen järvestä hukkuneita sikoja. Briefer and her team believe that their AI method is about 92% accurate in discerning a pig's emotional state. And they plan to build some kind of tool, maybe an app, to help farmers listen to the pigs.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 647: Alcalá de Henaresin Justus ja Pastor, mutta se Pastor ei ole tämä Paimen joka meillä on täällä, mestataan, Aleksandrian Katariina, mestataan, Würzburgin Kilianus, mestataan, Tarsoksen Kyyros, kuolee jo lapsena, kun tuomari hakkaa hänet tuomioistuimen portaisiin. Laurentius, kärvennetään kuoliaaksi parilalla, Toledon Leocadia, syöstään korkealta kalliojyrkänteeltä, Autunin Leodegarius, mestataan, sen jälkeen kun häneltä ensin on revitty silmät ja kieli, Gentin Livinus, kieli revitään suusta ja mestataan, Longinus, mestataan, Syrakusan Lucia, kurkku viilletään kun ensin on revitty silmät, Prahan Ludmila, kuristetaan, Tarragonan Maginus, mestataan sahanteräisellä sirpillä, Kappadokian Mamans, suolet kiskotaan ulos, Manuel, Sabel ja Ismael, Manueliin isketään rautanaula kummallekin puolelle rintaa ja päähän korvasta korvaan ulottuva naula ja kaikilta viilletään kurkku, Antiokian Margareeta, soihdulla ja rautakammalla, Persian Marius, miekalla, kädet leikataan irti, Marokon marttyyrit Berardus de Carbio, Petrus a S. Geminiano, Otho, Adjutus ja Accursius, kaikilta viilletään kurkku, Rooman Martina, mestataan, Agaunen Mauritus, miekalla, Einsiedelnin Meinrad, nuijalla,
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 703: When issues of source material arise within discussions surrounding the Quran with Muslims, statements of inspiration and religious trust in the Prophet’s words abound. Muslim beliefs concerning their doctrine of inspiration supposedly protect the Quran from any error. Cyril Glasse, an Islamic scholar, noted that:
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 705: Western writers who, for reasons of the defense of Christianity and Judaism, or for their reasons of their disbelief in any Divine Revelation, have been wont to disparage the Quran as regards to factual, historical accuracy, or have spoken of “Muhammad’s confused knowledge of history” or his “imperfect or deficient knowledge of Judaism” are, in every respect, wide of the mark. To begin with, such observations presume the Prophet’s participation in the compositions of the Quran, which is in no way admissible...Although the stories in the Quran have their historical origins, they undergo a transformation which lifts them out of their former context into a retelling which is not that of a human tongue ...Divine revelation [takes] this “material” and [uses] it for its own purposes; the origins of the story become irrelevant...
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 726: portent for you, if ye are to be believers.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 756: The Infancy Gospel of Thomas belongs within a popular genre of legends in early
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 766: “the embellishments with which the ‘infancy gospels’ fill out the sparse details of the birth stories in Matthew and Luke are all fabricated out of whole cloth, they are not traditions of more or less dimly remembered facts; but they generated tenacious traditions of a new kind.”
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 83: Corbett’s chapters alternate between poet and sculptor until the pair converge, when the ambitious yet unremarkable Rilke, again in search of a master, travels to Paris to write his monograph on Rodin. Even at this early stage, he was one of many Rodin’s true believers.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 90: Few of these bullshit artists and temporary thinkers were as staunchly individualist as Rodin and Rilke. Their kinship, for better and worse, relied on a shared belief about the vocation of the artist—that it was supreme: no relationship, duty, or family obligation should get in the way of his work.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 113: Yet to put the burden of salvation solely on relations between men and women is to make a life between stumbling, imperfect men and women impossible. Rilke had no illusions about the nature of his erotic and romantic ideal. It flowed out from and quickly ebbed back into an unappeasable inward intensity. Rilke could not love or be loved for long, except in the absence of the beloved. After a passionate affair with the brilliant and beautiful Lou Andreas-Salomé, Rilke's muse and cicerone on his Russian trips, he suffered pangs of rejection and then happily settled into a lifelong correspondence with her. He married the sculptress Clara Westhoff when he was twenty-five, lived with her and their child for a year, and then by agreement left to take up his pilgrimage again. Through periodic reunions, but mostly through a voluminous and extraordinary correspondence, they maintained what Rilke called an "interior marriage," until emotional reality banged louder and louder on their youthful experiment and they eventually grew estranged.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 149: Rilke's most benevolent patron, Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, was wise enough both to nurture Rilke's gift and to keep her distance from her complicated protégé. An unblinking observer of Rilke's life, she was able to see his liaisons for what they were. And she knew how Rilke's acute sensitivity to his own condition, combined with his talent for self-pity, often landed him in the arms of the wrong people: "You must always be seeking out such weeping willows, who are by no means so weepy in reality, believe me--you find your own reflection in those eyes." But Freedman, doggedly indifferent to the available evidence, makes Rilke's lovers and women friends out to be helpless victims of a smooth seduction machine.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 264: José de Sousa Saramago (16. marraskuuta 1922 Azinhaga, Ribatejo, Portugali – 18. kesäkuuta 2010 Lanzarote, Espanja) oli portugalilainen kirjailija, joka sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1998. Hän on (tai siis oli) Portugalin tunnetuin nykykirjailija. Saramago kirjoitti näytelmiä, romaaneja, runoja, esseitä ja lehtiartikkeleita.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 273: Saramago oli vuodesta 1969 Portugalin kommunistisen puolueen jäsen ja ateisti. Nämä aiheuttivat hänelle ongelmia katolisessa Portugalissa, varsinkin teoksen Jeesuksen Kristuksen evankeliumi ilmestymisen jälkeen. Portugalin valtio veti teoksen pois eurooppalaisen kirjallisuuspalkinnon ehdokaslistalta, minkä jälkeen Saramago muutti pois Portugalista Kanariansaarten Lanzarotelle. Hän sairasti leukemiaa ja kuoli Lanzarotella perheensä läsnä ollessa. Hänen ruumiinsa vietiin portugalilaisella sotilaskoneella Portugaliin. Nobelistista oli tullut vaaraton, Jumala oli vaientanut hänet.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 307: Tukholman Yasuragi kylpylä on termiittiapinoiden identiteettikadon riemuvoitto, anaalis-retentiivisten Rei Shimura tyyppien polluutiouni. Kaikilla on samat uima-asut kuin karvalakit armeijassa, kännyköitä ei sallita enempää kuin kärpäsiä kesäkodissa, mutta ne räpsivät salaa joka paikassa ottaen kiellon päälle kuvia. Pari-kolmekymppiset izeään kaikesta huolimatta erityisinä pitävät kävijät paistattelee ylihintaisissa altaissa ja näpsii belfieitä. On kiva hymistellä kun ei rupujengi häirihe, on kiva rapistella japsuhenkisessä kylpytakissa pikku tempuroita raikkaan kraanaveden kyytipoikana, luonnonmazkuiset kusiluikkarit puhtaassa pikku jalassa.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 370: In 1921 Groddeck published his first psychoanalytic novel, Der Seelensucher. Ein psychoanalytischer Roman, later published in English as "The Seeker of Souls". After reading it and promoting its publication Freud commended Groddeck to the Berlin Psychoanalytic Association. Ein gewisser Alfred Polgar in his comprehensive review (Berliner Tageblatt, 20 December 1921) found "nothing comparable among German books" and felt reminded of Cervantes, Swift, und Rabelais.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 379: Groddeck believed that all feelings are ambivalent, affection is always mixed with animosity. Groddeck was deeply interested in Christian mysticism. He regarded psychoanalysis as identical with Jesus' teachings. Groddeck analyzed Christian symbols with psychoanalytic methods. If you came for massage, he gave you therapy. If you came for therapy, he gave you massage.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 549: Pelko ja toivo on heikompia, duaalisia modaliteetteja uskolle, joissa on mukana myös preferenssit. Pelkään että p tarkoittaa että uskoni kannalta on mahdollista mutta ikävää että p. Vastaavasti toivo, paizi että haluaisin sitä. Will to believe tarkoittaa: tahdon että p implikoi uskon että p, eli uskon mitä toivon, vaikka ehkä pelkäänkin päinvastaista. Se on kyllä peleissä yleensä häviävä strategia, pitäis käyttää minimaxia. Keppi ja porkkana, molempia on aasin hyvä saada, kuten äskeinen psalmi 119 terotti.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 74: Though the aggression reported by the dark empanzees was not as high as the traditional dark triad group, the danger of this personality profile is that their empathy, and likely resulting social skills, make their darkness harder to spot. We believe that dark empanzees have the capacity to be callous and ruthless, but are able to limit such aggression.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 98: Nadine Gordimer (20. marraskuuta 1923 Springs, Gauteng, Etelä-Afrikan unioni – 13. heinäkuuta 2014 Johannesburg, Etelä-Afrikka) oli eteläafrikkalainen kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1991 ja Booker-palkinto (kirjasta The Conservationist) vuonna 1974.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 166: Sipo John Motshwele on Thursday cried bitterly in the witness stand asking the court and the family of his girlfriend to forgive him. Story continues below Advertisment.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 170: Motshwele admitted he had shot her. “I shot her while she was sleeping and she never woke up.” Story continues below Advertisment.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 206: Era marito di prime nozze di Francesca da Polenta, immortalata nei versi di Dante (Inferno, Canto V). Si racconta che la sua morte sarebbe avvenuta nel castello di Scorticata (odierna Torriana) per mano del nipote Uberto, figlio del fratello Paolo, che egli aveva ucciso, insieme alla propria consorte Francesca, che era divenuta l'amante del cognato. Tuttavia nel 1304 Gianciotto era stato nuovamente designato podestà di Pesaro, ragion per cui si ritiene che morì in questa città. Gianciotto sposò in seconde nozze Zambrasina dei Zambrasi di Faenza, dalla quale ebbe cinque figli. Eli ihan kivasti meni sitten Zoppolla vaikka klenkaten. Mutta entäs loppupeleissä? Kostonhimoinen Francesca sanoo siipasta et Kainin orsilla tavataan: « Caïne attend celui qui nous meurtrit ». Dante situe la Caïne dans la première zone du lac du Cocyte, au plus profond du neuvième cercle de l'Enfer. Là sont punis, pris dans la glace jusqu'au cou, les traîtres à leurs proches. Il donne à ce lieu le nom de Caïn qui tua son frère Abel après l'avoir trahi.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 215: Crimes of passion are often committed against women due to beliefs about female sexuality and are often present in societies dominated by strong double standards related to male and female sexual behaviors, particularly related to premarital sex and adultery. Indeed, with regard to adultery, many societies, such as Latin American countries, have been dominated by very strong double standards regarding male and female adultery, with the latter being seen as a much more serious violation. Such ideas were also supported by laws in the West; for example, in the UK, before 1923, a man could divorce solely on the wife's adultery, but a woman had to prove additional fault (eg. adultery and cruelty). Similarly, passion defenses to domestic murders were often available to men who killed unfaithful wives, but not to women who killed unfaithful husbands (France's crime of passion law, that was in force until 1975, is an example).
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 222: An honor killing (American English), honour killing (Commonwealth English), or shame killing is the murder of an individual, either an outsider or a member of a family, by someone seeking to protect what they see as the dignity and honor of themselves or their family. Honor killings are often connected to religion, caste and other forms of hierarchical social stratification, or to sexuality, and those murdered will often be more liberal than the murderer rather than genuinely "dishonorable". Most often, it involves the murder of a woman or girl by male family members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought dishonor or shame upon the family name, reputation or prestige. Honor killings are believed to have originated from tribal customs. They are prevalent in various parts of the world, as well as in immigrant communities in countries which do not otherwise have societal norms that encourage honor killings. Honor killings are often associated with rural and tribal areas, but they occur in urban areas too.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 319: In 1979, Carlson got depressed in Boston and married divorcée Seija P., an heiress to P. Bread Enterprises, daughter of Lea L. and niece of reporter Olavi P. Though Seija remained a beneficiary of the family fortune, the P's had sold the P. brand to Sysmä Bread, a subsidiary of The Campbell Soup Company in 1955 and did not own it by the time of Carlson's marriage.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 326: "Wingnut", wing nut or wing-nut, is a pejorative American political term referring to a person who holds extreme, and often irrational, right wing political views. In 2015, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman wrote in his The New York Times column about "wingnut warfare".
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 346: Carlson added, "I hate all nanny-state regulations, such as seat belt laws, smoking bans and climate change."
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 471:
    He used the same label against Ms Thorp in a different thread.

    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 579: Två av de mest häpnadsväckande pristagarna av Nobels litteraturpris är utan tvekan de båda arbetarförfattarna Eyvind Johnson och Harry Martinson, som delade på priset 1974. Inte så mycket för att någon hävdade att de inte var förtjänta av priset av litterära skäl, utan snarare för att båda två vid tidpunkten för prisutdelningen satt i Svenska akademien och därmed gav priset till sig själva, eller mer korrekt sagt, till varann. Hur genant detta än är så här i efterhand är det ändå värt att lyfta deras författarskap som betraktas som en viktig del i den mer eller mindre unikt svenska arbetarlitteraturen.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 591: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a tie! That’s probably not how they announced it back in October of 1974. A tie is not even the proper term for the rare occasions when the Nobel Prize in Literature’s gone to two people at once. Sharing the honor is the phrase that seems to crop up, and these shared honors look like political moves—when the prize is going to a country that the Nobel committee might not get back to in a while. (The novelist António Lobo Antunes, for example, was reportedly heartbroken when the Nobel went to José Saramago, because he knew they weren’t going to give it to Portugal again in his lifetime.) Still, there’s something about a shared prize that feels slighting, the A-minus of literary glory. I picture scenes like this:
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 593: EYVIND JOHNSON: Frans Eemil Sillanpää! Hey, dude! We’re both Nobel Prize winners. Cool, huh? Let’s party!

    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 661: The Believer is published by the Beverly Rogers, Carol C. Harter Black Mountain Institute. Daniel Handler (s. 28. helmikuuta 1970 San Francisco, Kalifornia) on läskiponzo yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten Surkeiden sattumusten sarja -kirjoistaan, jotka hän on kirjoittanut käyttäen salanimeä Lemony Snicket. Surkeiden sattumusten sarja on mustaa huumoria sisältävä 13-osainen sarja, joka keskittyy Charles Baudelairen orpojen sisarusten elämään ja salaperäiseen järjestöön nimeltä Retuperän VPK. Kirjoittamalla eri nimellä Handler lisäsi itsensä tarinaan.
    Eli teki tollaset Nobel-lautakunnan temput, oman hännän nostaja. Surkeiden sattumusten sarja on erityisen suosittu Yhdysvalloissa ja siitä on tehty myös Brad Silberlingin ohjaama elokuva Lemony Snicketin surkeiden sattumusten sarja vuonna 2004. Elokuva sai Oscar-palkinnon parhaasta maskeerauksesta.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 703: From the name "count Olaf" I can guess that Fatso does not fancy Swedes. He may be worried that he'll have to split his Nobel with another heavyweight like Fats Domino or Canned Heat. Se joka nauraa koviten nauraa parhaiten.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 732: Capital Punishment was abolished in South Africa on June 6, 1995, by a ruling of the Constitutional Court. ANC MP Nxola Nqola added that the matter of the death penalty had been in the public discussion for quite some time, in relation to the rise of gender-based violence (GBV). Story continues below the bra advertisment.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 735: Since, South Africa has a history of bloodshed, the restoration of the death penalty has been used as a reactionary response to a movement by people of South Africa. He expressed doubt and dissent that the reinstitution of the death penalty would be in line with the spirit of the Constitution. Story continues below the rope advertisment.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 812: The death penalty is often used within skewed justice systems. The weight of the death penalty is disproportionally carried by those with less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds or belonging to a racial, ethnic or religious minority.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 814: Van der Westhuizen continues to say that murders in South Africa are not racially motivated, as some (many?) people believe. Farm and house murders are sometimes horribly cruel but according to him he has never encountered a clear racial motive in court. For him, murderers kill mostly out of greed, jealousy, passion, and during gang wars. Also because of poverty and the despondency and drunkenness that accompany it, but not because of racial hatred. The whiteys just happen to have more of the wherewithal. From 1990 to 2017 there were 1938 murders on farms (of which 137 were farm workers). Of the victims, 88% were white and 12% black.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 838: Juu vaikka en juuri pidä Natalie Gordimerista on myönnettävä että se on hyvinkin Noobelinsa ansainnut. Sekä elämä että teoxet on hyvää noobeltasoa. Kyllä se taatan hakkaa vaikka toinen käsi selän takana.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 231: Nobelistin sanoin:
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 246: Yes,I believe I'll go see her again Joo, mä taidan mennä sinne taas
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 265: Yes, I believe it's time for us to quit Joo eiköhän oo aika tehä bänet
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 159: From celestial cadaverous melody, bleeding branches of greenwood devastation haunt us in this very movement. Extraterrestrial Red Remoras of cathedral walks of darkness demand a rebellion against the planet. etc.etc. for pages on end.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 238: High school can be everything you want it to be or your worst nightmare. For me — it’s okay other than the fact that just about everything I’m surrounded by goes completely against my beliefs as a Christian. Whether it be walking in the hallway hearing terribly vulgar words, common gossiping, or young kids praising the loss of their virginity. You also have your popular “in” music that blatantly puts pre-marital sex, illegal drugs, and the love of money on a pedestal. These are just some of the worldly things we have to deal with on a daily basis that can oh-so easily sweep somebody in. At this point, the options must be weighed: choose God or choose the world? Which god to choose? Which one has the biggest dick?
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 240: As believers, there are things we shouldn’t participate in. In 2 Corinthians 6:14, the Word states, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” Whether this be Christian girls “dating” guys who claim to follow Christ and vice versa, or kids surrounding themselves with “friends” that continuously bring them down or turn them from God, it is all so hurtful to see.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 253: (Uggo: An extremely ugly person.) If aliens were to study Earth’s religions, I think they would separate them into four main categories. They would call them Abrahamism (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam), Dharmism (Daosim, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism), Humanism (the worship of human beings), and Naturalism (the worship of science and laws of nature). I believe that instead of calling it religion in the way that we do, they would call it devotion because that is what all of these categories have in common. The people in them do not share rituals or doctrine, but they share devotion to the same entities. Because almost every human could fit into one of these categories of devotion, I do not think aliens would recognize atheism, and would consider every human to have some kind of devotion.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 257: Republican Jesus is commonly used as a way for Democrats (or any non-Republicans) to legitimize their own political beliefs by satirizing Jesus’s teachings. Through this joke they not only attempt to legitimize their own beliefs by asserting that they are more in line with the teachings of Jesus, but they also attempt to overturn the religious legitimations of Republicans. They try to disprove the claim that the GOP is the “Christian party” by insinuating that Jesus would not agree with the Republican party’s emphasis on extreme individualism and the bootstrap ideology.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 287: -- Welcome to the class! I am your teacher, Karen. There will be a few questions in the assignment below to tell me a little about yourself.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 364: Eighteen years on the cotton field passed before his second work appeared in print, "An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley." Hammon wrote the poem during the Revolutionary War, while Henry Lloyd had temporarily moved his household and slaves from Long Island to Hartford, Connecticut, to evade British forces. Phillis Wheatley, then enslaved in Massachusetts, published her first book of poetry in 1773 in London. She is recognized as the first published black female author. Hammon never met Wheatley, but was a great admirer. His dedication poem to her contained twenty-one rhyming quatrains, each accompanied by a related Bible verse. Hammon believed his poem would encourage Wheatley along her Christian journey. Lukikohan Pyllis koko runoa? Ei se tuonut sille kovin paljon onnea.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 370: It is believed that Jupiter Hammon died within or before the year 1806. Though his death was not recorded, it is believed that Hammon was buried separately from the Lloyds on the Lloyd family property in an unmarked grave, next to the Lloyds family´s faithful dog Fido.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 652: Si vis pacem para bellum.

    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 840: About this poem: A battle with depression that ends with a bit of acceptance and a belief that they can overcome. Neptunus varmaan sepitti tämän kärsittyään tappion Juppiterille ja Junolle Iliumissa.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 907: Contemporary odes to Neptune were harder to come by, but divine intervention ensured I found one that mentioned him by name. One of the highlights of my recent trip to Odesa, discussed here on the blog, was a visit to the literary museum, which houses a small collection of Anna Akhmatova’s work. The statuesque Russian poet, melancholic lover and resolute witness to the Stalinist and Putinist terrors, was born near Odesa and spent her childhood summers in the region. The display included a palm-sized booklet of the long poem ‘Close to the Sea’, or as my host translated, ‘very close’: an intimate relationship. I looked it up in The Complete Poems when I got home and assumed it must be ‘By the Edge of the Sea’. The ballad of a fierce young woman willing the arrival of her beloved from the waves, the poem was too long for the workshop and extracts would not do it justice. A shame, I thought, setting down the 950 page book, which promptly fell open to:
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 941:
    Ginsberg kazoo onko nobelistikolleegan lyyra vireessä.

    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 962: Holy the lone juggernaut! Holy the vast lamb of the middleclass! Holy the crazy shepherds of rebellion! Who digs Los Angeles IS Los Angeles!

    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 980: Great to use on its own or as a companion book, Devotions for a Revolutionary Year expands on the themes of Lynn Cowell’s first book, His Revolutionary Love. In short, easy-to-read daily devotions, Lynn chats to girls about the challenges of growing up as a girl: identity and acceptance, breasts and pubic hair, rejection and rebellion, pads and tampons, and self-control and surrender. Through Scripture and stories any girl can relate to, Lynn Cowell encourages girls to remember that Jesus loves them and is harassing pursuing them every day—and that knowing his love day by day can make for one revolutionary year.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1031: Johnny is a little boy with a big imagination. One day he pretends to be a big scary dinosaur, the next day he’s a knight in shining armor or a playful puppy. But when the internet people find out Johnny likes to make-believe, he’s forced to make a decision between the little boy he is and the things he pretends to be — and he’s not allowed to change his mind.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1059: Murray thinks that European civilisation as we have known it will not survive and he explores two factors that he thinks explain this. The first is the combination of mass migration of new peoples into Europe together with its low birth rates. The second is what Murray describes as "the fact that… at the same time Europe lost faith in its beliefs, traditions, and legitimacy". In The Daily Telegraph, Juliet Samuel summarised Murray´s book by saying, "His overall thesis, that a guilt-driven and exhausted Europe is playing fast and loose with its precious modern values by embracing migration on such a scale, is hard to refute".
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1061: Writing in The Guardian, the political journalist Gaby Hinsliff described Strange Death as "gentrified xenophobia" and "Chapter after chapter circles around the same repetitive themes: migrants raping and murdering and terrorising; paeans to Christianity; long polemics about how Europe is too ´exhausted by history´ and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs", while also pointing out that Murray offers little definition of the European culture he claims is under threat. Pankaj Mishra´s review in The New York Times described the book as "a handy digest of far-right clichés". In The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain criticized the "relentlessly paranoid tenor" of Murray´s work and said that its claims of mass crime perpetuated by immigrants were "blinkered to the point of being propaganda", while noting the book´s appeal to the far right. In Middle East Eye, Georgetown professor Ian Almond called the book "a staggeringly one-sided flow of statistics, interviews and examples, reflecting a clear decision to make the book a rhetorical claim that Europe is doomed to self-destruction".
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 174: The Ezekiels belonged to Mumbai's Marathi-speaking Jewish community known as the Bene Israel. His father was a professor of botany at Wilson College, and his mother was principal of her own school.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 180: In awarding Naipaul the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy praised his work "for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories." Kukahan tonkin runoili, olikohan kulturpersonligheten. The Committee added: "Naipaul is a modern philosopher carrying on the tradition that started originally with Lettres persanes and Candide. In a vigilant style, which has been deservedly admired, he transforms rage into precision and allows events to speak with their own inherent irony." The Committee also noted Naipaul's affinity with the novelist Joseph Conrad (toinen kaappikolonialisti pyllypää):
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 184: Naipaul's fiction and especially his travel writing have been criticised for their allegedly unsympathetic portrayal of the Third World. The novelist Robert Harris has called Naipaul's portrayal of Africa racist and "repulsive," reminiscent of Oswald Mosley's fascism. Edward Said argued that Naipaul "allowed himself quite consciously to be turned into a witness for the Western prosecution", promoting what Said classified as "colonial mythologies about wogs and darkies". Said believed that Naipaul's worldview may be most salient in his book-length essay The Middle Passage (1962), composed following Naipaul's return to the Caribbean after 10 years of exile in England, and the work An Area of Darkness (1964).
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 198: Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul, kirjailijanimeltään V. S. Naipaul (17. elokuuta 1932 Chaguanas, Trinidad ja Tobago – 11. elokuuta 2018 Lontoo, Englanti) oli Nobel-palkittu trinidadilais-brittiläinen kirjailija, joka oli intialaista sukujuurta.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 306: I am not believing in ceremony
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 339: amused, and so were the others. Who knows how much belief
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 451: Den goda nyheten är att rubeln är värd mer nu än före kriget. Den småögda Heli Simola från Finlands Bank ser inte lycklig ut.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 458: Tiistairistikossa tuli vastaan vuoden 1906 nobelisti, joka vaikutti tuiki tuntemattomalta, aivan never heardilta, vaikka onhan mun ollut pakko joskus lukea siltä ainaskin 3 runoa, ne mitkä Aale Tynni on väkertänyt tiiliskiveen 1000 laulujen vuotta. Kysesssä on siis italialainen Carducci, joka tunnetaan mm. siitä, että "hänen poliittiset mielipiteensä olivat ailahtelevaisia, ja hän on kirjoittanut yhtä tulisieluisia tekstejä tasavallan puolesta kuin sitä vastaan." Siitä huolimatta tai ehkä sixi hänet äänestettiin senaattiin vuonna 1890.
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 508:
    Nobelisti Carducci ja Mr. Unification Martin Kay. Puutarha- ja mezämansikka.

    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 574: You look at trees and label them just so, Sä kazot puita ja kuzut niitä puixi,
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 671: hoped and believed in under Shadow's sway. Kun Hitler ja Putin on pantu matalaxi. x
    xxx/ellauri200.html on line 703: I would with the beleaguered fools be told, Mä ottaisin osaa paukapäiden saarrostuxeen,
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 210: Tiistairistikon nobelarvoituxen oikee vastaus oli tänään tuiki tuntematon Bjornstjerne Bjornson. Erwin Rauppin potretissa se on tosi pölhön näköinen, tukka sekaisin ja polisongit pörhössä. Miten vitussa tälläinen pönttöpää pääs pokkaamaan dynamiittiäijän miljoonan?
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 228: Nobelprisen
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 229: Nobelprisen i litteratur
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 233: Bjørnstjerne Martinus Bjørnson (8. desember 1832–26. april 1910) var ein norsk forfattar og samfunnsdebattant. Bjørnson vann Nobelprisen i litteratur for 1903, som den første nordmannen, og er rekna som ein av dei fire store i norsk litteratur. Han skreiv teksten til den norske nasjonalsongen og var grunnleggjaren av Riksmålsforbundet.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 237: Eikä siinä kaikki! Karhunpoika istui ize valkkaamassa izeään Nobel-palkintokomiteassa! No jo on paxua.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 239: Bjørnson var ein av dei opphavlege medlemene av Nobelkomiteen, og han vart attvald i 1900. I 1903 mottok han Nobel sin litteraturpris.
    xxx/ellauri201.html on line 277: Torbjörn and Synnöve are two children living in the same valley. Synnöve's mother does not like them playing with each other because Torbjörn's grandfather Torbjörn drinks. They have both now grown up. Torbjörn is teased for having an alcoholic grandfather. This leads to fights, which Synnöve wants him to win. During a fight, Torbjörn is stabbed in the sack and paralyzed. He asks Synnöve to seek another man and not commit herself to a cripple. One day he sees his alcoholic grandfather's carriage overturn and, distressed by the event, he suddenly gets it up for the first time since the paralysis. A miracle has happened, and he can finally have his beloved.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 36: Tänään aiheena on 2 hirmu paxua Nobel-kaliiperin lukuromaania. Kolmannexi sopisi Romain Rollandin Jean-Christophe, muttei satu olemaan käsillä.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 38: Mihail Aleksandrovitš Šolohov (ven. Михаил Александрович Шолохов, 24. toukokuuta (J: 11. toukokuuta) 1905 – 21. helmikuuta 1984) oli venäläinen kirjailija. Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1965. Tää liittyi Rutsevin aikaiseen suojasäähän, ja oli eräänlainen Rutseville suunnattu "Hinoa John", jatka tähän tapaan, vapauta ainakin pikkukapitalistit suunnittelutalouden ikeestä.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 42: Šolohov liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen 1922 ja pysyi sille uskollisena koko uransa. Hän oli Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton toimielimissä vuodesta 1934 ja vuodesta 1936 maan korkeimman neuvoston jäsen. Hän seurasi Nikita Hruštšovia presidenttinaä 1959 ja valittiin keskuskomiteaan 1961. Hänestä tuli tiedeakatemian jäsen 1939. Hän oli kaksinkertaisen sosialistisen työn sankari ja palkittiin sekä Leninin että Stalinin palkinnolla Trotskin palkinnon ja Nobelin lisäksi. Tätä virhettä Ruozin olympiakomitea sittemmi katkerasti katui.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 44: Hiljaa virzaa, Don kertoo Donin ja kasakoiden kamppailusta puna-armeijaa vastaan sisällissodan aikana ja on merkittävä siksi, ettei siinä ole yhtään positiivista bolševikkihahmoa. Siitäpä se saikin Nobel-palkinnon. Hiljaa virtaa Don on sosialistisen realismin merkkiteoksia, vaikkakaan se ei täysin noudata sen kaavaa. Vielä paxumpaa potaskaa Nobel-lautakunnan mielestä oli Aron raiskaajat.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 52: Roger Martin du Gard (23. maaliskuuta 1881 Neuilly-sur-Seine, Ranska – 22. elokuuta 1958 Sérigny, Ranska) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1937.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 56: Opiston poistohyllystä taisi löytyä ennen lähtöä Les Thibaultin Tome III pokkarina. Jäi vähän vaivaamaan, ja kun tänään löysin Kontista kontillisen du Gardin kontillisen kirjan suomennoxia, ostaa paukautin ne edulliseen keväthintaan 6e/4 nidettä. Kotiin tultua selvisi että vielä 2 jatko-osaa uupuu (ne on Noobelin ja sodan jälkeisiä lämmityxiä). Niitä ei kukaan jaxanut enää lukea, saati suomentaa. Jos oikein onni potkaisee, puuttuvat 2 osaa sisältyvät löytämääni ranskalaiseen pokkariin. Minkähänlainen poliittinen tilaus tääkin du Gard lienee ollut. Pari urheaa suomalaista kirjabloggaria on punnertanut sen läpitte suunnilleen näin.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 60: Mielenliikutusten ja tunteiden myrskyn silmässä. Roger Martin du Gard oli ranskalainen kirjailija, joka palkittiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnolla vuonna 1937. Vaikka hän on kirjoittanut suuren määrän sivuja, voidaan kuitenkin tärkeimpänä saavutuksena pitää Thibault'n suku (Les Thibault) kehitysromaanisarjaa, johon sisältyy ranskankielisenä yhteensä kahdeksan osaa. Näistä löytyy suomennettuna kuusi ensimmäistä osaa, jotka on sisällytettynä neljään kirjaan. Sain ne 6 egellä Tammiston Kontista. Päätin tällä kertaa aloittaa ensimmäisestä kirjasta.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 76: Se johtuu varmaan pillereiden puutteesta. Keskeiseen osaan nousee myös Thibaultin veljesten erilaisuus - kun nuorempi vaalii moraalikäsityksiään, niin vanhempi luopuu pikkuhiljaa niistä. Martin du Gard onnistuu ihmisten luonteiden ja keskinäisten suhteiden kuvauksessa lähes täydellisesti, voikin todeta että hän on tässä kasvuromaanisarjassa yltänyt maailmankirjallisuuden A-ryhmään Nobel-tasolle. Harmi ettei hänen kirjojaan kovinkaan hyvin tunneta (ainakaan Suomessa). Se olisi tuiki tärkeää, ei niiden lukemisella muuten voi paljon kerskua. Kuitenkin kirjojen verkkainen kerronta saattaa nousta haasteeksi lukijalle. Ilmeisesti sarjan eri jaksoissa on painopiste vaihteleva eri ihmisten ja teemojen osalta. Ranskalaisessa kirjallisuudessa osataan ottaa kaikki irti ihmisten vastenmielisistä piirteistä.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 156: Roger Martin du Gard pokkasi tästä hyvästä Nobelin kirjallisuuden palkinnon vuonna 1937. Ei kai tämä ole sellainen klassikko, joka kuluisi kansojen känsäisissä käsissä, mutta minusta tässä on paljon ansioita, ja kuten mainitset osat ovat varsin lyhyitä.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 178: André Gide on arvostettu hahmo ranskalaisen kansakunnan kaapin päällä ja Nobelin palkinnon saaja vuonna 1947. Mutta tässä teoksessa piirretystä kiehtovasta, omituisesta ja intiimistä muotokuvasta voi nauttia joku, joka ei ole koskaan lukenut tai ehkä koskaan edes kuullut hänestä. Hän yllättää meidät jatkuvasti inhimillisyytensä laajuudella. Kirja tuo esiin hänen ristiriitaisen seksuaalisuutensa ja taistelunsa homoseksuaalisuuden hyväksymisestä leimautumisen ja tuomitsemisen aikakaudella.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 182: Salakuuntelemme näitä kahta merkittävää miestä, jotka molemmat ovat Nobel-palkinnon saajia, kun he vaeltavat maaseudulla pitkillä kävelyillä tai istuvat tulessa lasillisen viiniä illallisen jälkeen ja tutkivat aina kaikkea auringon alla ja lakanoiden välissä: heidän elämäänsä ja työtään, mytologiaansa, kuolemaa. Se on rehellinen ja paljastava. Kuuntelemme ja opimme, ja käsityksemme muuttuvat ja syvenevät. Vaikka tämä pieni mutta täydellinen helmi kirjaxeen, joka on kirjoitettu mestarillisella taiteella, valaisee ymmärrystämme suuresta nerokkaasta miehestä ja elämän luonteesta, niin käy selväxi että du Gard ei ollut edes yhtä suuri eikä nerokas kuin Andre Gide, vaikka kummallakin oli puolesa (etenkin taka-).
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 193:
    Ranskalaisia jaarittajia belle époquelta ja 1e guèrre mondialin ajalta.

    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 196: Roger Martin du Gard (23 March 1881 – 22 August 1958) was a French novelist, winner of the 1937 Nobel Prize for Literature. Martin du Gard, homosexual by inclination and avocation, was miserably married to a devout Catholic who despised all his literary friends. Martin du Gard is much impressed with the fine appearance of the German race. The handsome boys and beautiful young girls are, to him, a reincarnation of ancient Greece. Martin du Gard reported back to André Gide on the wonders and delights of Berlin, where he had found the young involved in ‘natural, gratuitous pleasures, sport, bathing, free love, games, [and] a truly pagan, Dionysiac freedom’.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 200: Martin du Gard posed as a specialist in matters sexual in order to attend interviews with homosexual men at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute. He also toured the gay clubs, nominating as his favourites the Hollandais and the lesbian Monocle. Christopher Isherwood was at Hirschfeld’s Institute on the day that Gide was given a guided tour, Gide ‘in full costume as The Great French Novelist, complete with cape’. Retrospectively calling him a ‘Sneering culture-conceited frog!’ from the safety of the mid-1970s – and in doing so sounding like a rather uptight, Francophobic D.H. Lawrence – Isherwood failed to consider that Gide’s pose might have been a way of giving Hirschfeld’s project the serious imprimatur of a symbolic cultural visit, to which the cape and the performed ‘greatness’ were essential embellishments.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 202: Les Thibault est une suite romanesque de Roger Martin du Gard, composée de huit volumes d'inégale longueur dont la publication s'est étalée de 1922 à 1940. C’est tout particulièrement pour cette œuvre, et bien qu'il lui restât encore à en écrire l'Épilogue, que Roger Martin du Gard reçut, en novembre 1937, le prix Nobel de littérature.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 212: Anatole France (oik. Jacques Anatole François Thibault, 16. huhtikuuta 1844 Pariisi – 12. lokakuuta 1924 Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Indre-et-Loire) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, joka sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1921. Katolinen kirkko kielsi 1920-luvulla hänen teostensa levittämisen niiden sisältämien sosialististen piirteiden vuoksi lähde?. Francen tunnetuimpia romaaneja on Kuningatar Hanhenjalan ravintola (1892), joka on kuvaelma 1700-luvun Ranskasta. Hänet tunnetaan myös aforismeistaan. Francen syvällisimpänä kirjana pidetään romaania Enkelten kapina. Vähän se on köykänen kaveri knebelbarteineen, mutta kova panomies.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 229: Conservateur en esthétique, mais progressiste en politique, France trouve dans l'affaire Dreyfus son Histoire contemporaine (l'Orme du mail, 1897 ; le Mannequin d'osier, 1897 ; l'Anneau d'améthyste, 1899 ; Monsieur Bergeret à Paris, 1901). Il a aussi prêté sa plume aux diverses manifestations de la gauche militante. (Académie française, 1896 ; prix Nobel 1921).
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 252: Hoito ei kyllä ollut hääppönen. Jälkikäteen tarkasteltuna se oli isoäidin oloinen, harmaantunut tukka, tasapaxu, toiselta ammatiltaan kääntäjä, joka oli thaintanut jotain jenkkituotteiden mainoxia. Sekin oli kyllä mielissään kun pystyi vielä pitämään vanhan palefacen pikkuveikan ratakierroxen ajan pystyssä. Liebe war es nie, nur eine Liebelei.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 379: If Adolf Hitler had Jewish ancestry, then how could we reconcile that with the fact that he was responsible for the Holocaust? Why not, I don't see the point? That he could not have killed his fellow Jews? What a racist notion. Sax believes that Hitler’s alleged lineage might actually help explain his anti-Semitism.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 395: Some historians believe rumors of Hitler’s Jewish heritage are society’s attempt to grapple with his atrocities.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 4:
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 149: belfien pienet pakarat sai
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 400: belloc-e1420190397527.jpg" height="250px" />
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 441: Euroopan vanhimman luostarin Ligugen krääsäkaupasta sai ostaa munkkien vähän käyttämiä käsityölehtiä. Michel taitaa olla tupakoizija. Sekin vielä. Nietzsche sen tiesi: kristinusko on pohjimmiltaan ämmämäinen uskonto. Rähmälläänoloa kädet ristissä ja jalat harallaan, Jee-suxen toisen tulemisen odotusta. Toisella kerralla se tuppaa kestämäänkin pidempään. Tässä niteessä vielä naputellaan numeroita naisellisen näköisiin vähä-älyisiin simpukkapuhelimiin. Kummallista pelleilyä, omituinen faabeli. Tärkimöllä on vieläpä faxinumero, ei, 2 faxia. Kyllä hommat vanhenevat sitten äkkiä.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 453: Koko liuta keropäitä tulee luetelluxi: Molli-Jori, fig Newton, Imi Cunt, pelokas Petilt Pascalle, pyssy-Peggy ja luihu Claudel. Eipä huisin vakuuttavaa sori vaan. Mumslimistuneiden opiskelijattarien hunnuista tulee Michelille mieleen Nouvelle Heloise ja sen munaton Abelard. Polygynismi ei ole vahinko vaan Allahin ja hänen profeettansa Darwinin nimtuten tarkoitus, että vain parhaat koiraat pääsee levittämään siementä. Kuten esim ja erit humanistiproffat. Jepu jee! Muhammed ei liioin sunkaan ize kexinyt kivitystä, se vain sofistikoizi sitä. Sekin on osa Allahin suurta suunnitelmaa. Mut on parempi ettei lue Koraania ize, on se sen verran paxua pahansuopaa jollotusta. Parhaiten Mikin vakuutti Ernst Rüdigerin 4 vaimoa, eri tarkoituxiin soveltuvina.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 464: Michelin mielestä Molli-Jori pelkäsi vain ruumiillista kärsimystä ja kaipasi vain kotiliettä ja piparjuurella maustettua lihasoppaa Anne Meunierin esiliinan nauhoissa. Oletteko mennyt naimisiin? Kyllä, naimisiinpa hyvinkin. Todella merkillistä yhtyä lihassa, mutta oikeastaan ihan mukavaa. Eli mikäs oli tän faabelin opetus? Että sietää varoa musulmaaneja, varsinkin muhoilevia. Ne tekevät vielä lopun ranuista. Ja piilottakaa hyvän tähen apinakoiraiden silmistä las tetas y el culo, ne saavat ne aivan hulluxi. Euroopan johtavan misantroopin vangizeva, tyrmäävän pessimistinen ja myyvä summeeraus ihmisluonnosta. - The Guardian.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 471: Naguib Mahfouz (arab. نجيب محفوظ‎, Naġīb Maḥfūẓ; 11. joulukuuta 1911 Kairo – 30. elokuuta 2006 Kairo) oli egyptiläinen kirjailija. Mahfouz sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1988. Hän toimi muun muassa Egyptin valtion elokuvasäätiön ja taikaministeriön palveluksessa.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 474: Mahfouzin teoksiin kuuluu Awlad Haretna (arab. أولاد حارتنا‎, ’Awlād Ḥāratnā, joka on käännetty englanniksi nimillä Children of Gebelawi ja Children of the Alley) vuodelta 1959. Se ilmestyi aluksi jatkokertomuksena lehdissä ja kertoo vertauskuvallisesti yksijumalaisten uskontojen synnystä. Uskonoppineet estivät teoksen julkaisemisen romaanina ja Mahfouz joutui fatwayrityksen kohteeksi. Kirjassa kerrotaan Adam-isän ja kolmen pojan (Mooses, Jeesus ja Muhammad) tarinat. Teos julkaistiin kirjana toisella lähettäjänimellä Beirutissa 1967.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 480: Vuoden 1988 Nobelin palkinnon myötä egyptiläiseltä kirjailijalta Naguib Mahfouzilta (1911-2006) suomennettiin englannista novelli ”Siunatttu yö” (sic, kolmella teellä, 1988) ja arabiasta muutamia romaaneja vuosina 1989-1996. Sen jälkeen hän näyttää Suomessa joutuneen unohduksiin sikäli, että uusia suomennoksia ei ole ilmestynyt. Tässä suhteessa hänelle on käynyt samoin kuin toiselle nobelistille, australialaiselle eepikolle Patrick Whitelle. Kumpikin ansaitsisi tulla uudestaan huomioiduksi uusien käännösten muodossa. Näin siitäkin huolimatta, että Mahfouzin suomennettuihin romaaneihin eräät kriitikot suhtautuvat melko nihkeästi ja pitävät niitä helvetin vanhakantaisina.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 482: Mahfouz kuuluu niihin kirjailijoihin, jotka ovat ikuistaneet itselleen läheisen suurkaupungin. Hänen tapauksessaan se on Kairo, josta hän on kirjoittanut suuren ns. Kairo-trilogian (suomennettu otsikoilla Palatsikatu, Intohimon palatsi ja Sokerikuja). Hänen teoksensa Midaqq-kuja sijoittuu myös Kairoon, toisen maailmansodan aikaan, mutta lähes kokonaan pienelle kujalle. Se on takakannen mukaan "egyptiläisen Nobel-mestarin rakastetuin teos". Vittu puskarunkkukin on parempaa viihdettä.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1022: ʾIdrīs (Arabic: إدريس) is an ancient prophet mentioned in the Quran, whom Muslims believe was the third prophet after Seth. He is the second prophet mentioned in the Quran. Islamic tradition has unanimously identified Idris with the biblical Enoch, although many Muslim scholars of the classical and medieval periods also held that Idris and Hermes Trismegistus were the same person. Mahtavaa sekoilua.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1038: Speaking of which, German police believe the convicted paedophile, 45, abducted and killed Madeleine McCann, 3, in Portugal in 2007. Following tip-offs from German police, in April 2021 authorities in Paraguay targeted Christian Manfred Kruse, 59, a German national thought to be behind the sick network. At the same time German cops arrested three other men linked to a paedo ring. They include cook Andreas G, 40, unemployed Fritz Otto K, 64, and Alexander G, 49, who allegedly acted as an administrator and forum moderator for the ring. Boystown was internationally oriented, had chat areas in different languages and served the worldwide exchange of images, documenting the sexual abuse of children. Experts then set about analysing all the computer data, including 5,000 IP addresses, which had exchanged sickening pornographic images and videos of children being abused to around 400,000 members. Idris started prophecying at age 40, and so did Mohammed. Mohammed´s youngest wife was just 9. The Daily Telegraph described the disappearance of Madeleine "the most heavily reported missing-person case in modern history".
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1055: Enlil, god of Earth, assigned junior dingirs (Sumerian: 𒀭, lit. 'divines') to do farm labor, as well as maintain the rivers and canals. After 40 years, however, the lesser dingirs rebelled and refused to do strenuous labor. Enki, who is also the kind, wise counselor of the gods, suggested that rather than punishing these rebels, humans should be created to do such work, instead. The mother goddess Mami is subsequently assigned the task of creating humans by shaping clay figurines mixed with the flesh and blood of the slain god Geshtu-E ('ear' or 'wisdom'; 'a god who had intelligence'). All the gods, in turn, spit upon the clay. After 10 months, a specially made womb breaks open and humans are born.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1063: Oskun kirjan juoni on kuin potpurri juutalaisten testamenteista ja koraanista. Herra isoherra on tunteeton paskiainen, sen 2 poikaa riitelevät myötäänsä. Aatami on vätys ja sen isoveli Idris juoppo saatana. Kain ja Aabel tappelevat, kampi voitti, Aabel sai kivestä päähänsä ja kuoli siihen.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1065: Aabel oli vätys kuten isänsä Aatami. Äijät, vätyxetkin komentelee ämmiään kuin pukit kuttuja. Kaikki ikävyydet on ton vuorenpeikon syytä.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1114: Who can be sure that he is the son of his father? What with all these tents and nightgowns? Its just too easy to crawl under them and grab a piece of naked ass. Orpo Gebelin lojalty on kahtia.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1122: Gebel älyää et kaikki on vuorenpeikon vika. Vaan vizikkäintä on et porukat on ihan tyytyväisiä, kuhan astalo ei osu omaan päähän vaan naapurin.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1128: Jos Gebel oliskin ikäänkun Jaakob, ja toi käärmeenlumooja Balkiti olis niikö Laaban. Kaivolla oli jollain pissaliisalla ekat rehvit, mut oliko ne isäpappa Iisakki ja Rebekka? Aaprahammi oli maahanmuuttaja. Safira eli Safak olis se herkkuperse Raakel, ja Sayida sen rumempi isosisko Lea, jota piti naida ensinnä. Paizi ei pitänytkään tässä versiossa. Gebelin vällykäärme löysi vikkelästi tien Safakin koloon. Safakilla oli söpöt tazkat tisuissa. Gebel huudahtelee Good God! kuin Poirotin yhtä tyhmä Captain Hastings. Musta alkaa vaikuttaa et tää kynäilijä Naabob on tyhmä kuin saapas izekin. Ärsyttävä munamies Gebel alkaa osoittaa isänmaallisuuden oireita. Tamarind on pahoillaan että Hamaamin miehet ovat ihan ämmiä. Montakohan äpäräpoikaa löytyy Jee-suxenkin sukupuusta. Todennäköisyys on n. 15%.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1130: Gebel kertoo muille painineensa isoisän kanssa, sen Alp-Öhin, ja tarranneensa sitä haaroista niin että siltä pääsi Tarzan-huuto. No läppä läppä. Dad knows best. Honour must be defended, injustice crushed with force, all the usual male ape crap. We shall be strong! We shall overcome! We shall wear success suits!
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1135: Gebel stood in the yard naked and talked to his snake until it came on its own accord obediently. See? no hands! Mix käärmeille on sipistävä nimenomaan nakuna? Jotta ne näkevät pikkuveikkansa. Ilmeisesti pahat mafiosot on kaiken kukkuraksi homoja.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1140: Gebel on Calle Roseniuxen linjoilla, ei tässä olla ryöstämässä rikkailta. Gebelin kujalla pantiin pystyyn juhlia, Tamarindi tanssi kunnes kaikki oli jäykkänä. Gebel "jyrähti" epäkristillisesti: Gentlemen don't enjoy other peoples suffering, but they don't mind it much either. Silmä silmästä ja lammas lampaasta, se on meitin kamelinajajien deviisi. Gebel eli ja kuoli isona paskiaisena, vitun Hammurapi.
    xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1151: Nää tarinat on jotenkin samalla lailla pasquoja kuin sen yhden nobelistiranskixen pseudohistoriallinen nide, samantyyppistä narsistista mahtailua, supermiesgenreä. Mikäs se oli? No se Romain Rollandin mestari Breugnon.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 3:
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 89: You might be wondering that if all wholesalers do is take product from distributors and provide it to retailers, isn't that just an extra unnecessary step? Well, it's extremely important because of the relationship that the wholesalers have with retailers which the distributors don't have, improving and increasing the product's reach and allowing the companies to get more market share, and hence increase their sales. Don't believe me? The wholesale industry globally is worth around $48,478 billion in 2020, which seems massive but is actually a decline from 2019 when the wholesale industry was worth $48,761 billion. I'm sure you'll know that the reason for this decline is the Covid-19 pandemic which has wreaked havoc across the world, and sent most countries across the world into either a recession or a depression. As travel was banned both domestically and especially internationally, the global supply chain was devastated which has led to a contraction in most industries and economies, and wholesalers of course are involved in most industries and hence, have had to face the effect as well.
    xxx/ellauri209.html on line 101: The Corn Laws blocked the import of cheap corn, initially by simply forbidding importation below a set price, and later by imposing steep import duties, making it too expensive to import it from abroad, even when food supplies were short. The Corn Laws enhanced the profits and political power associated with land ownership.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 4:
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 60: Kuka tulee teille, kenestä oot kaunis? Quis nunc te adibit? cui videberis bella?
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 62: Ketä pusit, kenen puret huulia? Quem basiabis? Cui labella mordebis?
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 73: All evidence points to the fact that Gauguin might have been drawn to the Mahu culture of a boy performing feminine duties. Drag queens were prevalent in Tahitian culture one which drew the focus of Gauguin. His children are not the reason to believe that he was heterosexual look at his Polynesian artwork!
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 349: Havainnoistaan Yhdysvalloissa talouden Nobel-palkinnon saanut Angus Deaton on kutsunut vastaavia kuolemia ”epätoivon kuolemiksi” (”death of despair”). Epätoivon kuolemien määrä on kasvanut jo niin paljon, että yleinen eliniänodote Yhdysvalloissa on laskenut. Tämä tapahtui jo ennen koronapandemiaa. Asiasta kertoo esimerkiksi Los Angeles Times.
    xxx/ellauri212.html on line 408: Rei kyykistyy tälläsen Balthusin nakukuvan alle. Balthus oli selvä pedofiili, sanoi taidepellet mitä hyvänsä. Sillä jökötti pensseli aivan varmasti maalatessa noita premenstruaalisia typyjä. Se on selkeästi toi kissa jolle typy näyttää peiliä. Sen on syytä kazoa izeänsä peiliin. Vanhus ei näe enää omaa persettään kuin peilistä tai belfiestä.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 4:
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 133: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.”
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 159: bel Isaak">Isaak Emmanuilovitš Babel oli venäläinen näytelmäkirjailija ja novellisti. Babel syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Ukrainassa Odessassa aikana, jolloin juutalaiset pakenivat joukoittain Venäjältä. Hän selvisi vuoden 1905 vainoista kristittyjen naapurien avulla mutta menetti hötäkässä isoisänsä. Tostakohan ne etukirjaimet Lonoffille tulevat. Babel käytti liikaa adjektiiveja.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 177: Naatan kirjoittaa novellettan sukulaisistaan jotka olivat juuri sellaisia kitupiikkejä kusipäitä mixi antisemitistit on mokkereita aina kuvanneet. Sen isä jalkalääkäri varoittaa ettei sen kertominen ole aivan viisasta. Eikä olekaan. Mutta ei, Philip on valmis myymään vaikka isoäitinsä jos saa siitä laatuaikaa mediaan. Koska se on just yhtä perso sille kuin sukulaiset rahalle. Rouva Wapterin 10 kysymystä ovat aiheellisia. Rothin vastaus niihin on vaan näyttää fäkkiä. Sellainen kaippari se vaan nyt on, Knasun tyyppinen. Vaan eipä sitten saanut dynamiittimiehen pinssiä. Nobel piti positiivisista jutuista.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 364: Alexander Stubb who has had direct experience with Putin and Russia, comments on the situation says, "The first argument is that Russia could not help itself. Russia has already been an expansionist and aggressive state. Unlike eg. Greece, Italy, Sweden, Britain, France, Germany and the U.S.A. You have to understand Russia's history to understand where Russia is coming from. ... Russia believes in destiny, there is a certain nostalgia and narrative of it’s expansionist past, which previously made Russia into a great superpower. So the argument that Russia is somehow working to defend itself from Ukraine doesn’t stand up. Russia could not help itself. Its like bulimia. There was absolutely no reason for Russia to attack. Russia just doesn't like capitalist democratic neighbors, just like America does not like communists, and the only one they allow to exist is Finland, which is insignificant. For the rest they think of spheres of interest and power, like the Chinamen."
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 368: I've met Putin a couple of times. I'm sure he remembers me and my shorts. He hates my shorts, hates the west, he hates liberal democracy, he believes that the west is decadent and he actually believes he can save the west from itself. That is one of the reasons he attacked Ukraine, the real reason was not NATO. He wants to stop Zelensky from wearing shorts with me.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 376: This is not a world where the big can rule over the small. What the world needs to see is a game rules-based international order where all of us can at least believe that we stick to the rules, the U.S. rules which Russia is not sticking to at the moment.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 394: "And this brings me to my conclusion. I’m a strong believer in academic freedom (BUAHAHAHA, stop, you're killing me!) and open debate. I’m somewhat worried coming from a country that lives next to Russia and have been attacked by the Soviet Union and had to survive WW2 as a Soviet neighbor and have had to lose my summerhouse in Porckala to the Soviet Union, that academics make claims that simply are untrue and it doesn’t help if you quote documentation and skew it in a certain direction… more important than international relations theory is the reality of what is happening on the ground.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 5:
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 112: He believes the US can still successfully fight the wars of yesteryear — World War-style conflicts — but hasn’t yet mastered how to win wars against insurgents, which are smaller fights against groups within countries. The problem is the US continues to involve itself in those kinds of fights.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 125: Bush and Rumsfeld obviously believed in this Gulf War 2 scenario. They sneered at the nay-saying generals who demanded more troops and reinforcements to besiege Baghdad. Rummy felt certain that air strikes, with high tech bombs and guided missiles, would more than suffice. They knew, from their studies of selected books and articles written by their ideological neo-con mentors that the Iraqis would surrender rather than fight after US explosives showed them our power; so why the need for all those troops! The brilliant advisers, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, recently resigned as Defense Advisory Board Chief, and other intellectuals had spun a convincing tale, one that included the oft-referenced domino theory. They convinced the lesser IQs like Rummy who in turn convinced the even more intellectually challenged president.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 148: Ralph is frustrated by his lack of success and often develops get-rich-quick schemes. He is very short-tempered, frequently resorting to bellowing, insults, and hollow threats. Well hidden beneath the many layers of bluster, however, is a softhearted man who loves his wife and is devoted to his best pal, Ed Norton. Ralph enjoys bowling and playing pool; he's proficient at both, and he is an enthusiastic member of the Loyal Order of Raccoons (although in several episodes a blackboard at the lodge lists his dues as being in arrears).
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 242: The landfill site was finally closed on March 22, 2001, though it was temporarily reopened soon after for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan (see below). The garbage once destined for Fresh Kills was shipped to landfills in other states, primarily in Pennsylvania, but also in Virginia and Ohio. Some garbage was also sent to New Jersey for incineration.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 322: Bobby Fischer changed the world! I believe he inherited some family mental disorders, and had deep issues regarding his father (as you may or may not know, Mr. Fischer was not his real father - his real father was a Hungarian (I believe a physicist) to whom Bobby bore an amazing resemblance! His BBC accent was just too good, so he must be a - Hungarian!
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 336: Fischer: Yeah. Nobody here gives a shit about the Japanese. How many hundreds of thousand people did the US kill with the atom bombs , justifying it with the most ridiculous excuse that it saved millions American soldiers, when Japan would gonna surrender in a few weeks or month or so anyway. Right? The United State is based on lies, is based on theft. Look what I have done for the US. Nobody has single handily done more for the US them me, I really believe in this. When I won the World Championship in 1972, the United States had an image of ,you know, a football country, baseball country, but nobody thought of it as an intellectual country. I turned all that around single handily, right? But I was useful then because it was the cold war, right? But now I'm not useful anymore, you see, the cold war is over and now they want to wipe me out, get everything I have, put me into prison.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 473: Epps said: “It was you who gave [the Memphis sanitation workers] the courage to act. It was these men from New York, if I may use the colloquialism, that fired the shot and made [the U.S.] stand up and its conscience be pricked and compelled Dr. King and others like him to come into the fray.” (Workers World, Jan. 8, 2011) After the murder of Dr. King, oppressed communities in 110 U.S. cities rose up in rebellion.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 4:
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 76: Dront am Neckar steht a Bänkle, Joggele, mei Bua (I bin Soldat, vallera), M’r muass a faulenze könne, O dees wär schee, i wenn i Geld gnug hätt und Das Hobellied.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 201: Kukas ryssä novelisti sanoi nobelisti Salelle että ihmispärstä on maailman ihmeellisin asia? Veikkaan kusitolppa Dostojevskiä.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 349: Checked out a few Saul Bellow books and discovered I have not changed as I have aged. I just don't enjoy his writing, Nobel Prize winner or not. I can still hear his squeaky Donald Duck voice in my head from many interviews he gave here in Chicago and did see him years ago in debates at The Newberry Library Book Fair.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 363: We should never think selfless virtue can be reached by treading on others. The cold splinter at the heart of the true artist must be harsher in its quarrel with the self than it is in its rhetorical engagement with other people. For believers, this is the virtue of humility; I am not sure what the rest of us can call it. What we can agree on is the constant examination of conscience, and, when we fall short, a conscious decision to do better.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 520: Because the girls have promised them a "special treat", which Fred and Barney take to mean sexual intercourse, the men are desperate to retrieve their car. The duo begins retracing their steps in an attempt to discover where they left the car. Along the way, they encounter a transgender stripper, a belligerent speaker box operator at a Chinese restaurant's drive-through, two tattoos they discover on each other's backs, UFO cultists led by Zoltan (who later hold the twins hostage), a Cantonese-speaking Chinese tailor, the Zen-minded Nelson and his cannabis-loving dog Jackal, beautiful Christie Boner, her aggressive jock boyfriend Tommy and his friends, a couple of hard-nosed police detectives, and a reclusive French ostrich named Pierre. They also meet two groups of aliens, one group being five gorgeous women, the other being two Norwegian men, searching for the "Continuum Transfunctioner": an extraterrestrial device that the boys accidentally picked up last night.
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 524: After Pierre releases the duo for correctly answering a question about ostriches, Fred and Barney head over to a local arcade named Captain Stu's Space-O-Rama. Once inside, they encounter Zoltan and his cultists who give them Wilma and Betty in exchange for a toy that Fred and Barney later on (see below) try to pass off as the Transfunctioner. Tommy, Christie, and the jocks arrive along with Nelson and his dog, whom they release after Tommy snatches the fake Transfunctioner from Zoltan. The two sets of aliens arrive and notify everyone of the real Continuum Transfunctioner: a Rubik's Cube that Barney has been working hard to solve. He then solves it on the spot, causing the device to shapeshift into its true form. The boys are warned that once the five girls stop flashing, the universe will be destroyed.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 4:
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 42: Did you know that Ursula K. Le Guin wrote a science fiction novel with a lesbian protagonist? I wouldn’t blame you if not; The Telling is not one of her more popular books. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to review it—I try to feature sapphic authors with my reviews here, if at all possible. But I have a soft spot in my heart for The Telling, and I do believe that it is highly underrated when it comes to Le Guin’s esteemed corpus of work.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 116: Körbelin tytär, innokas ja pedanttinen tutkija katoaa merkitysten pöheikköön, sen mezän uumeniin. Ei nää mezää paalujuurelta eikä kääntäen.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 152: beliebt.svg/800px-Goldener_Schnitt_Konstr_beliebt.svg.png" width="30%" />
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 329: I told my literature students about Ursula K. Le Guin today, squeezing a few minutes for her into a class on American science fiction writers of color, a class where she didn’t strictly speaking belong – though to be honest, I rather think she’d improve almost any class. I told them about the six books that comprise Earthsea, about the gender-bending brilliance of The Left Hand of Darkness, the anarchist explorations in The Dispossessed, the stories in The Birthday of the World and Four Ways to Forgiveness (many of which I teach, gratefully). I mentioned her National Book Award, and her host of awards in science fiction and fantasy. I gave them her story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas,” which is one of the most brilliant, uncomfortable stories I’ve ever read. But no blow-by-blow romps in the sack, alas.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 347: In the 1960s, the New Criticism, which since has taken hold at most American universities, came into vogue, insisting that literature be reexamined through multiple lenses so that new interpretations and voices would flourish. Elaborate curriculums looked at literature through different prisms: gay, feminist, Marxist, deconstructionist and others. Bloom was enraged. He spent decades lambasting the New Criticism, refusing to have anything to do with these critics and labeling them derisively as “the school of resentment.” Many resented his elitism.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 349: Bloom was born in 1930 to a poor Orthodox Jewish household in the East Bronx, one of five children. He lost faith early in the Jewish God when he accidentally stumbled on the poetry of Hart Crane. He fell in love with Crane’s enthusiasm for life, his belief in the possibility of ecstatic pleasure, and his overall exuberance. This was in stark contrast to Bloom’s childhood, which he confesses was a lonely time.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 353: In his newest book, “Possessed by Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism,” Bloom promised to shake off the polemical battles that have shadowed him for years. He pledged to include never-revealed autobiographical snippets. He wanted to share with his readers his recent reevaluations of some of his most beloved writers. He only partially delivers.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 357: There are stunning passages from literature that have moved him for decades. There is poetry, prose, and criticism from John Milton, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Phil Collins, Thomas Gray, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats, Tennyson, Browning, Swinburn, Elizabeth Bishop, John Ashbery and James Merrill Hintikka. Bloom meditates on the Hebrew prophets, the Kabbalah, Psalms, Job, the Song of Songs, and Ecclesiastes. And of course, his beloved Shakespeare.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 372: About Shakespeare, however, Bloom is nothing short of reverential: “My religion is the appreciation of high literature. Shakespeare is the summit. Revelation for me is Shakespearean or nothing.” He admits that much about the Bard still bewilders him. In a moment of rare vulnerability, Bloom admits he longs for more life. Bloom explains his theory of “self-otherseeing,” which allows one to glimpse parts of one’s self that are hidden from conscious view. “Self-otherseeing” also describes “the double-consciousness of observing our own actions and offerings as though they belong to others and not to ourselves.” Bloom insists that Shakespeare’s characterizations of Hamlet, Iago, Cleopatra and Falstaff use “self-othering,” and by watching them we inadvertently learn to think more seriously about ourselves. But he doesn’t show us how this has applied to him, only the declaration that it does so. We are left mystified and dubious.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 408: While en route to New York aboard the steamship Orizaba, he was beaten up after making sexual advances to a male crew member. Just before noon on April 27, 1932, Crane jumped overboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed his intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard. His body was never recovered. A marker in the form of a lifesaver candy on his father´s tombstone at Park Cemetery outside Garrettsville, Portage County, Ohio includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899–1932 lost completely at sea". Ai Hart olikin oikeasti Harold, niinkuin bändärinsä Bloom. Childe Haroldeja olisivat halunneet olla kumpikin. But they FAILED!
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 480: Ehkä ryssät panostivat Itämeren kaasulinjan Nobelin dynamiittipötköillä jo rakennettaessa juuri tämmöisiä kriisitilanteita varten. Linja sopii räjäyttää näin talven tullen vastavetona länkkäreiden yltyvälle sotainnolle ja nälistyxelle. Saavatpahan tuta keski-Euroopassa miten vetää nenättien bajamajoissa. Ukrainan selkkaus yllätti lännen aseteollisuuden housut nilkoissa. Kohta ei riitä länkkäreillä pateja edes omaan tarpeeseen. Ja silloin uhkaa Kiina tehdä Plopovin izemurhasiirron USAn selän takana ja miehittää lopultakin valkoisen generalissimo Ziang Kai Shekin pakosaaren Formosan. Jännä miten tämäkin kaveri on tyystin häivytetty Wikipedian Taiwanin historiaosiosta. Siellä vaan hoetaan ettei kiinalaisia ole ollut Formosalla kuin 300 vuotta ja että se oli länkkäreillä ennen sitä. No eipä jenkit ole senkään aikaa pitäneet länsi-inkkareilta ryöväämäänsä brittisiirtomaata hallussaan. Wikipediaan ei ole luottamista kun jenkki-intressit on vaakalaudalla.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 648: Vid en arbetskonflikt vid Graningekoncernen i Ångermanland tillkallade arbetsgivaren ett sextiotal frivilliga stuveriarbetare för att utföra ekonomiskt viktiga lossnings- och lastningsarbeten. I samband med ett demonstrationståg till det närbelägna Sandviken 13 maj utsattes några av strejkbrytarna för misshandel från kommunistiskt håll och länsstyrelsen rekvirerade polisförstärkning och militär trupp.... .utsattes för stenkastning. Den befälhavande officeren kommenderade då eld mot de framryckande, varvid genom direktskott, vådaskott och rikoschetter fem personer dödades (däribland en ung icke demonstrerande kvinna) och fem sårades.
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 654: ”Under de senaste dygnen har på vissa ställen i Ådalen härskat ett veritabelt pöbelvälde, underblåst av kommunisternas uppviglingsarbete. Myndigheterna ha praktiskt taget stått maktlösa, och polisen har med korslagda armar sett hur de uppretade folkmassorna på det grymmaste misshandlat en del arbetsvilliga, huru de stormat deras fartyg och under de mest uppseendeväckande former förgått sig mot de arbetsvilliga, som sönderslagna och blodiga, med bakbundna händer, tvingades att marschera framför kommunisternas demonstrationståg - allt medan polisen maktlös stod och bara tittade på.”
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 39: Yönä muutamana tässä mietin (kun en saanut unta mahanpuruilta), mitkä lienevät tärkeimmät erot bestsellerien ja Nobel-palkittujen välillä. Sillä aika harvat nobelisteista on bestsellereitä (luulisin, en ole laskenut), ja vielä harvemmat bestsellereistä ovat nobelisteja. Siis mitä on toisissa ja puuttuu toisista, niin että niiden lukijakunnat ovat niin erilaisia?
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 43: Onhan nobelisteillakin näitä kaikkia, mutta pitoisuus on alhaisempi, kun pitää laittaa soppaan myös tuju määrä ihmis- ym. luonnonkuvausta ja sivellä päälle paxulti kirjallisia alluusioita. Niinkuin esim. "puunaama". Niillä pidetään yllä laahuxeen hajurakoa.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 89: Läckberg on ollut perustamassa Nobel-palkinnolle kilpailijaa, jonka jakaa Uusi akatemia, Den Nya Akademien, johon on liittynyt noin sata kulttuurialojen edustajaa. Ne eivät kyllä jaa yhtä paljon rahaa. Palkinto jaetaan 10. joulukuuta, kuten Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkintokin on jaettu. Varjopalkinnon nettiosoite https://dennyaakademien.com/ vie sivulle "Hello world": Welcome to Wordpress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing! With any luck you may be our next Shadow Nobel Prize winner!
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 109: Skuggnobel-stiftelsen bildades 2011 av Tak-Idas sångare Robert Pettersson och barndomskamraten Micke Eriksson. Medlemmarna är fortfarande desamma, liksom det grundläggande konceptet: att sjunga ärliga svenska texter och att inte krångla till det i onödan, utan lita på låtarnas inneboende styrka. Vart jag än går är en sång inspelad av Stiftelsen 2012. År 2013 vann den en Grammis för "Årets låt 2012". Singeln ”Vart jag än går” är i dag tio gånger platina och har streamats över 50 miljoner gånger. Totalt har Stiftelsen streamats 170 miljoner gånger, det mesta av en och samma ensam man. Deras musik är lika inspirerande som denna bild av ett våningshus.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 283: Kolme vuotta myöhemmin Marklund teki paluun rikosromaanilla Helmifarmi (jossa ei kuitenkaan esiinny enää Annika Bengtzon). Marklund kertoi haastattelussa: "Vähensin julkisuudessa esiintymistä enkä esimerkiksi antanut enää ruotsalaisille lehdille haastatteluja." Toinen syy julkisuudesta vetäytymiselle oli hänen aviomiehensä vakava sairastuminen. Liza Marklund vaikeni kolmeksi vuodeksi - aviomiehellä syöpä. Marklund on naimisissa Mikael Aspeborgin kanssa. Hänellä on kolme lasta, joista kaksi Aspeborgin kanssa. Yhden isä on joku "Ankka". Hänen vanhin lapsensa Annika Marklund (kuinka ollakaan! arvatenkin juuri se jonka isä on "Ankka"? Juu: Marklund left home when she was just 16 years old when she moved to Piteå, Sweden and worked as a waitress and chambermaid. She had her first child, Annika at the age of 21. Marklund met Annika's father Michael Zev Spielman while in Israel on a kibbutz. Spielman, born in California, was five years older than Marklund.) - niin siis tämä Annika tytär on valokuvamalli ja näyttelijä ja kirjoittaa myös kolumneja. Marklund ize asuu Tukholmassa eipäs vaan Malmössä ja Marbellassa.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 339: Liza is also a popular columnist since 20 years. Her columns have appeared in various Swedish and international newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times in the UK, Welt am Sonntag in Germany, Dagbladet Information in Denmark, and Ilta-Lehti in Finland. She is a regular columnist in Swedish tabloid Expressen and Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. Today, Liza and her family divide their time and money between Stockholm in Sweden and Marbella in southern Spain.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 530: belio.com/users/AVT_Jan-Guillou_3022.jpeg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 248: He became an atheist for moral reasons: the world appears to me to be put together in such a painful way that I prefer to believe that it was not created intentionally. Good point Stan!
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 275: Tumpelo puolalainen runoilija ja Nobel-palkittu Czesław Milosz kommentoi tätä erityistä lähestymistavan eroa: "Tarkovskille tärkein asia on maa", jonka hän "täyttää hengellisellä merkityksellä", erityisesti monet sateeseen liittyvät kohtaukset, jotka venäläisessä kulttuurissa Miloszin mielestä "edustavat Pyhää Henkeä". Mitosz näkee tyypillisesti venäläisenä hengellisen merkityksen ja mystiikan lisäämisen maanpäällisiin kuviin.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 343: Andrei´s paternal grandfather Aleksandr Karlovich Tarkovsky (in Polish: Aleksander Karol Tarkowski) was a Polish nobleman who worked as a bank clerk. His wife Maria Danilovna Rachkovskaya was a Romanian language teacher who arrived from Iași. Andrei´s maternal grandmother Vera Nikolayevna Vishnyakova (née Dubasova) belonged to an old Dubasov family of Russian nobility that traces its history back to the 17th century; among her relatives was Admiral Fyodor Dubasov, a fact she had to conceal during the Soviet days. She was married to Ivan Ivanovich Vishnyakov, a native of the Kaluga Governorate who studied law at the Moscow State University and served as a judge in Kozelsk.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 389: I don´t believe in omens or fear En usko enteisin enkä pelkää
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 479: The Holy Supper consists of family thrashing, playful anticipation for the Afterbirth of Christ, and a fast meal on twelve dishes. These are the essential components of the evening gathering. The details can be adjusted to fit your family’s situation. Dad's belt and the tongues of mom's thigh length boots will do fine for a meal. Enjoy your time together as you prepare for the coming of our Lord into the House of Loaves.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 488: The mother sprinkled all the family members with her water so that their minds and hearts would open to the eating of the Afterbirth of Christ. The father also passed water, sprinkling the livestock and household animals, and treating them with sugar or salt and plenty of mustard. Many believed that the animals could speak at midnight with Christmas Eve and feared they might complain to Christmas Adam if not so treated.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 493: The mother then dipped garlic into her honey jar and each one present had to taste it. They believed that garlic chased away all pagan and evil spirits and kept them healthy. While giving the garlic to taste, the mother said: “May God grant that you be as smelly as this garlic!”
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 136: (2.) Time will not be wasted in choosing what portions to read. Often believers are at a loss to determine towards which part of the mountains of spices they should bend their steps. Here the question will be solved at once in a very simple manner.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 173: LEMin 21. matka on paikoin terävää teologiaa. Se pani miettimään mitä tollanen uskominen oikein on, ja selvästikin siinä ei ole kyse faktoista eikä episteemisistä asenteista ylipäänsä vaan utiliteeteista. Will to believe, niin juurikin, koska siinä onkin kyse siitä mitä jengi haluaa, ja siitä mitä se saa. Huda hudaa. LEMin uskovaiset masiinat on luopuneet tästä uskon utiliteettipuolesta, koska niiden maailma ei jätä mitään toivomisen varaa, eikä niille uskomisesta sen tähden seuraa yhtään mitään. Pienessä ruokasalissa isä Dargin vieressä, joka jo odotti pöydän ääressä, seisoi matala kärry, samanlainen, jollaista me kuljetamme matkatavaroita: tämä oli isä Memnar, Prognostikantin luokan kenraali. Sanoin sen huonosti - se ei ollut kärryt, luonnollisesti, joka oli pappi ja ritarikunnan kenraali, vaan kuutionmuotoinen tietokone, joka lepäsi alavaunussa.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 216: This list only includes those who are imaginary in the fiction they belong to. This excludes most theological characters, since they are taken at face value in the source.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 410: Possibly a contentious choice, but Even Madder Aunt Maud sincerely believes in the veracity and vivacity of her companion. She frets, she worries, she loves that stuffed mustalid like one of the family, while everyone else knows it’s just a mangy old no-longer-vital stoat. But then again, to Calvin’s parents’ eyes Hobbes is just a cuddly stuffed tiger.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 414: Milco from Home and Away. Originally believed to be Sally´s imaginary friend, he reappeared many years later and revealed himself to be Sally´s twin.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 452: Snuffleupagus (left), was Big Bird´s imaginary friend, whom grown-ups on the show never saw. But when child molestation became a bigger media issue in the ´80s, "Sesame Street" decided to make Snuffy real. That was to encourage kids to confide in adults, even when they worried their story wouldn´t be believed.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 539: The period of private initiative in body building lasted three quarters of a century. At first there was much enjoyment taken in the newly won freedom of automorphosis, once again the young people led the way, the men with their gambrel thills and timbrels, the women with their pettifores, but before long a generation gap developed, and demonstrations-under the banner of asceticism-followed. The sons condemned their fathers for being interested only in making a living, for having a passive, often consumerist attitude towards the body, for their shallow hedonism, their vulgar pursuit of pleasure, and in order to disassociate themselves they assumed shapes deliberately hideous, uncomfortable beyond belief, downright nightmarish (the antleroons, wampdoodles). Showing their contempt for all things utilitarian, they set eyes in their armpits, and one group of young biotic activists made use of innumerable sound organs, specially grown (electric guitars, glottiphones, hawk pipes, knuckelodeons, thumbolas). They arranged mass concerts, in which the soloists-called hoot-howls-would whip up the crowd into a frenzy of convulsive percussion. Then came the fashion - the mania, rather - for long penises, which in caliber and strength of grip underwent escalation according to the typically adolescent, swaggering principle of "You haven´t seen anything yet!" And, since no one could lift those piles of coils by himself, so called processionals were attached, caudalettes, a self-perambulating receptacle that grew out of the small of the back and carried, on two strong shanks, the weight of the testicles after their owner. In the textbook I found illustrations depicting men of fashion, behind whom walked testicle-bearing processionals on parade; but this was already the decline of the protest movement, or more precisely its complete bankruptcy, because it had failed to pursue any goals of its own, being solely a rebellious reaction against the orgiastic baroque of the age. LEM ei paljon perustanut sodanjälkeisestä 60-luvun sukupolvesta, eikä hipeistä. No en minäkään.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 738: After returning home, the Stalker tells his wife how humanity has lost its faith and belief needed for both leaving their Comfort Zone and living a good life. As the Stalker sleeps, his wife contemplates their crummy relationship in a monologue delivered directly to the camera. In the last scene, Martyshka, the couple´s deformed daughter, sits alone in the kitchen reading a love poem by Fyodor Tyutchev.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 53: Concerning the Nobel Prize in Literature, Junichiro Tanizaki was among the final candidates in 1960 and 1964, and Yukio Mishima was among the final candidates in 1963.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 70: In addition to the numerous mentions of Zen and nature, one topic that was briefly mentioned in Kawabata´s mile long Nobel lecture was that of suicide. Kawabata reminisced of other famous Japanese authors who committed suicide, in particular Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. He contradicted the custom of suicide as being a form of enlightenment, mentioning the priest Ikkyū, who also thought of suicide twice. He quoted Ikkyū, "Among those who give thoughts to things, is there one who does not think of suicide?" There was much speculation about this quote being a clue to Kawabata´s suicide in 1972, a year and a half after Mishima had committed suicide. Kawabata saw ca. 200 nighmares about it. Vittu nää insulaariset viirusilmät on aika vinxahtaneita.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 82: Marine oilers are experienced qualified members of the engine department, who maintain the captain in proper running order. These workers lubricate gears, shafts, bearings, and other moving parts of the captain´s engines "below deck" needed to take "conn".
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 204: MIJAZAŬA Kenĝi (japane: 宮沢賢治 [Mijazaŭa Kenĝi], (27-a de aŭgusto 1896 - 21-a de septembro 1933) estis poemisto, verkisto de fabeloj pro infanoj kaj li estis esuperantisto. Hobie li estis pentristo, muzikisto kaj mineralogo. En 1926 li lernis Esuperanton, kaj lia renkonto kun esuperantisto, finna ambasadoro Gustaf John Ramstedt, rezidanta en Japanio akcelis lian emon lerni ĝin.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 476: Weighing over 500 tons and measuring an impressive 15 meters (49 feet) tall, Todai-ji Temple's Great Buddha absolutely dwarfs his admirers. He pitifully tries to hang on to the title of the largest bronze Buddha in the world (but see Ushiku daibutsu below).
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 494: The Leshan Giant Buddha (Chinese: 樂山大佛) is a 71-metre (233 ft) tall stone statue, built between 713 and 803 (during the Tang dynasty). It is carved out of a cliff face of Cretaceous red bed sandstones that lies at the confluence of the Min River and Dadu River in the southern part of Sichuan province in China, near the city of Leshan. The stone sculpture faces Mount Emei, with the rivers flowing below its feet. It is the largest and tallest stone Buddha statue in the world and it is by far the tallest pre-modern statue in the world. It is over 4 km from the Wuyou Temple.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 650: In Chinese art, the Four Gentlemen or Four Noble Ones (Chinese: 四君子; pinyin: Sì Jūnzǐ), literally meaning "Four Junzi", is a collective term referring to four plants: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo, and the chrysanthemum. The term compares the four plants to Confucian junzi, or "gentlemen". They are most typically depicted in traditional ink and wash painting and they belong to the category of bird-and-flower painting in Chinese art. In line with the wide use of nature as imagery in literary and artistic creation, the Four Gentlemen are a recurring theme for their symbolism of uprightness, purity, humility, and perseverance against harsh conditions, among other virtues valued in the Chinese traditions.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 80: Alfred Nobel: Age & Birthday 163

    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 370:

    Millä lihaxilla Ivan Bunin pääsi pokkaamaan Noobelin 1933?

    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 372: Ivan Alekseyevich Bunin ( / ˈ B uː n iː n / [2] tai / ˈ b uː n ɪ n / ; venäjä: ива́н аеке́евич бнин, iPa : [ ɪˈvan ɐlʲɪˈksʲejɪvʲɪtɕ ˈbunʲɪn] ( kuuntele ) ; – 8. marraskuuta 1953) oli ensimmäinen venäläinen kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 382: Ivanin autobiografia Nobel-sivustolla on pidäkkeetöntä omakehua sukutaustalla ja omilla saavutuxilla.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 413: 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla Buninia pidettiin bolshevismin romahtamista odottavan ulkomaalaisten sukupolven moraalisena ja taiteellisena edustajana. Hän oli elävien venäläisten kirjailijoiden joukossa arvostettu vanhempi henkilö Tolstoin ja Tšehovin perinteelle uskollisena. Hänestä tuli ensimmäinen venäläinen, joka voitti Nobelin kirjallisuuden palkinnon, joka myönnettiin hänelle vuonna 1933 "venäläisen klassisen proosan perinteiden seuraamisesta ja kehittämisestä siveellä ja taidokkaalla". Per Halstroem pani juhlapuheessaan merkille palkitun runollisen lahjan. Bunin puolestaan ​​ylisti Ruotsin Akatemiaa maanpaossa olevan kirjailijan kunnioittamisesta. Puhuessaan Akatemialle hän sanoi:
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 415: Hämmästyneenä minuun alkaneista onnitteluista ja sähkeistä, mietin yön yksinäisyydessä ja hiljaisuudessa Ruotsin Akatemian valinnan syvällistä merkitystä. Ensimmäistä kertaa Nobel-palkinnon perustamisen jälkeen olet myöntänyt sen maanpaossa olevalle henkilölle. Kuka minä olen totuudessa? Ranskan vieraanvaraisuudesta nauttiva maanpako, jolle olen myös ikuisen kiitollisuuden velkaa. Mutta hyvät Akatemian herrat, sallikaa minun sanoa, että henkilöstäni ja työstäni riippumatta valintanne on sinänsä suuren kaunis ele. On välttämätöntä, että maailmassa on absoluuttisen riippumattomuuden keskuksia. Epäilemättä kaikki mielipide-erot, filosofiset ja uskonnolliset uskontunnustukset, ovat edustettuina tämän pöydän ympärillä. Mutta meitä yhdistää yksi totuus, ajatuksen ja omantunnon vapaus; tämän vapauden ansiosta olemme sivilisaation velkaa. Varsinkin meille kirjoittajille vapaus on dogmi ja aksiooma. Valintanne, hyvät Akatemian herrat, on jälleen kerran osoittanut, että Ruotsissa vapausrakkaus on todella monikansallinen kultti.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 85: Far-right groups have been a consistent presence in the Swedish political underground since the early 1920s, with their high point coming in the municipal elections of 1934, when around eighty council members of Svenska nationalsocialistiska partiet (the Swedish National Socialist Party) were elected across the country. After a long period of mainstream political inactivity in the wake of the Second World War, neo-fascism grew stronger in the 1980s, culminating in the emergence of several new neo-Nazi organisations in the 1990s. The most notable of these groups was Nationalsocialistik Front (the National Socialist Front), who were replaced by the currently active Svenskarnas Parti (the Party of the Swedes) in 2009. The Party of the Swedes’ political program states that “only people who belong to the western genetic and cultural heritage, where ethnic Swedes are included, should be Swedish citizens”, as well as their belief that “all policy decisions should be based on what is best for the interests of the ethnic Swedes”. Far from being prohibited in Sweden, these monsters are sitting now in public offices.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 94: Meanwhile, optimistic neoliberal positions wonder how could this happen, if the world is richer than ever, and more and more people have been dragged from poverty. That statistics is no longer even true, and largely overlooks that the poorest classes in developed countries have seen none of this improvement, and that redistribution mechanisms in these countries have been severely diminished by decades of neoliberal policies. The picture below displays the real income growth of the world population, and where it has (roughly) ended up.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 139: Som belägg för sin tes lyfter han också fram en valaffisch som Sverigedemokraterna använde i valrörelsen 2010 som visar två små barn i ett sommarlandskap på väg till en idyllisk fiskesjö. Texten på affischen lyder: ”Ge oss Sverige tillbaka”. Det är knappast ett tungt belägg för att Sverigedemokraterna skulle vara fascistiskt.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 163: Kern seiner Arbeit in Anknüpfung an Christopher R. Brownings Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung eines deutschen Polizeibataillons (Reserve-Polizei-Bataillon), das im polnischen Generalgouvernement die dort lebenden Juden aufspürte, folterte und schließlich erschoss oder in die Vernichtungslager verschleppte. Anhand von Prozessakten aus späteren Gerichtsverfahren gegen einige Bataillonsangehörige zeigt Goldhagen, dass diese Männer ihre Taten nicht etwa widerwillig, schamhaft und unter Zwang begingen, sondern freiwillig, ausgesprochen eifrig (z. T. über die ausdrücklichen Befehle hinaus), mit Stolz und in der Überzeugung, das Richtige zu tun. Sie quälten und ermordeten ihre Opfer ohne Mitgefühl oder moralische Skrupel. Diese erstaunliche Tatsache führt Goldhagen auf die Vorstellungen zurück, die die Männer von den Juden hatten: Sie betrachteten ihre Opfer nicht als Menschen, sondern als ein Übel, das beseitigt werden musste, so wie eine bösartige Krankheit beseitigt werden muss. Und bei diesen Männern handelte es sich gerade nicht um eingefleischte Nazis. Die Bataillone bestanden aus willkürlich rekrutierten Durchschnittsbürgern, die für den Einsatz an der Front zu alt waren und deren politische Sozialisation dementsprechend lange vor der Machtergreifung stattgefunden hatte. Sie waren weder Weltanschauungskrieger noch verblendete Jugendliche; sie waren (daher der Untertitel von Goldhagens Buch) ganz gewöhnliche Deutsche.
    xxx/ellauri232.html on line 186: Utredningar betraktades i Sverige fram till sjuttiotalets slut som ett respektabelt verktyg för den sociala ingenjörskonsten. Men i början av åttiotalet kom de stora utredningarna från sextio- och sjuttiotalet, där betoningen låg på att formulera politiska reforminriktningar med brett stöd, att betraktas som alltför tungrodda och långsamma, vilket ledde till reformer som innebar att utredningstiden kortades ner. De breda parlamentariska utredningarna blev allt färre, medan utredningar ledda av en särskild utredare – så kallade enmansutredningar – blev den vanligaste formen.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 244: A provocative cesspool of history, philosophy, and political economy, Ending Big Government shows that laissez-faire capitalism is incontestably superior to anything. Read less, believe more!
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 330: Että niin, siis vapaus ja rauhallisen elämän hankkiminen. Si vis pacem parabellum. Nyt lähtee se vyöry, joka ryssän musertaa. Kylä lähtee!
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 397: Tantum ne noceant teneris male rapta labellis, Sevverran varo et ei tule haavaa huuliin,
    xxx/ellauri234.html on line 495: I'm believing it works out better for me on the next go around, what with this vasectomy and all, I really do wish that for myself. And I hope my unborn children perhaps bury me someday. In a garbage bag. Harri Sirolan äiti toivoi että sen 2 poikaa seisoisi sen kuolinvuoteen vieressä kuin kynttilät. Harrin tuikku valitettavasti pääsi sammumaan ennen aikojaan.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 353: Vizi kyllä brittimaa on väärällään sodomiitteja! Nahkaklarinetteja kuin salpausselällä! Fagotteja kokonainen orkesteri! Ffion Hague, the wife of Foreign Secretary William Hague, is now hoping to repeat her success with her latest publication, a book documenting what was believed to be the illicit gay love affair of an 18th century poet with the son of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole. Tää kiivas suklaaosastolla asiointi on 1 epätasa-arvoisen yhteiskunnan piirteitä. Yläluokan äveriäät herrat naivat toisiaan pitääxeen omaisuuden kasassa. Sama ilmiö muinaisessa Kreikassa ja Roomassa.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 594: The rocks and nodding groves rebellow to the roar. Kivexet ja nyökkäävät terot kapinoivat kohinaa.
    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 847: Then turn not pale, beloved snail, but come and join the dance. Älä kalpene, hyvä etana, lähde kaikin mokomin ulos skönelle.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 129: One tradition claims that Sappho committed suicide by jumping off the Leucadian cliff. No ei nyt ainakaan jonkun äijän tähden! Sappho´s sexuality has long been the subject of debate. Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema´s Sappho and Alcaeus (above) portrays her staring rapturously at her contemporary chum Alcaeus; images of a lesbian Sappho, such as Simeon Solomon´s painting of Sappho with Erinna (below), were much less common in the nineteenth century.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 590: Pablo Neruda, alkuperäiseltä nimeltään Ricardo Eliecer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto (1904-1972) oli Nobel-sertifioitu chileläinen runoilija, diplomaatti ja kommunistipuolueen poliitikko. Nerudaa pidetään yhtenä 1900-luvun tärkeimmistä runoilijoista ja latinalaisamerikkalaisista senaattoreista, lukuunottamatta Vargas Llosaa ja Pinochetia.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 674: Neruda sai 1971 myös Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon. Ennen Nerudaa Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto oli myönnetty viidelle espanjankieliselle ja kahdelle latinalaisamerikkalaiselle kirjailijalle. Mutta monelleko kommarille? Jukka-Pekka Sartrekin kieltäytyi, no se nyt olikin pelkkä ex-kommari. Mä veikkaan että tää oli lohtupalkinto Solzhenizynistä suuttuneille punikeille.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 700: Under the influence of the free market-oriented "Chicago Boys", Pinochet's military government implemented economic liberalization following neoliberalism, including currency stabilization, removed tariff protections for local industry, banned trade unions, and privatized social security and hundreds of state-owned enterprises. Some of the government properties were sold below market price to politically connected buyers, including Pinochet's own son-in-law. The regime used censorship of entertainment as a way to reward supporters of the regime and punish opponents. These policies produced high economic growth, but critics state that economic inequality dramatically increased and attribute the devastating effects of the 1982 monetary crisis on the Chilean economy to these policies.
    xxx/ellauri237.html on line 706: El talento poético de Neruda es indudable. En 1971 recibió el Premio Nobel de Literatura y ha sido admirado y reconocido por su grandísimo miembro.
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 157: Let’s step back a moment and look at that assumption. Did Jesus say anything about abortion? Did he really believe that abortion was okay?
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 171: The Jews of Jesus’ day believed that every child was a gift from God. As good practicing Jews, why would they want to destroy a gift from God?
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 173: As a good practicing Jew, Jesus would have had the same attitude toward children. In fact, we have stories about his relationships with children that are loving and caring. Would he have needed to say anything about abortion as everyone he spoke to believed the same thing? Jesus only preached about things that needed interpretation or a re-interpretation. If everyone knew what was right and wrong about abortion, why would he need to preach about it?
    xxx/ellauri239.html on line 464: EN GRAV TIL TO er den første bog om Selma Falck. Bogens væsentligste personer er beskrevet så fint, at du tror, du kender dem. Selma Falck er en af dem og en dejlig nyskabelse i krimigenren. Holt kan sin krimi og sit sprog. Og forstår at holde sin læser fanget." Nordjyske Stiftstidende, 5 af 6 stjerner.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 103: Many commentators are loath to describe the falls in life expectancy as actual falls or to ascribe blame to the political situation in the UK. Overall, Britain’s NHS is reflective of the failure of socialized medicine: longer waiting times, rationing, poor quality of care and unnecessary deaths. Socialized medicine, the Holy Grail of leftism, is a nightmare. The U.S. should take note of the NHS’s major shortcomings, as that is where the country is headed if we fail to repeal Obamacare! Don't believe the commies! Rather follow Aaron Bandler to Hell on Twitter!
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 134: Guan Moye (simplified Chinese: 管谟业; traditional Chinese: 管謨業; pinyin: Guǎn Móyè; born 17 February 1955) on toistaisexi ainoa aito viirusilmä kiinalainen nobelisti, länsimaisittain vaan Mo Yan, jonka romaanin Punainen durra kahden luvun pohjalta on elokuvakin, nim. Punainen pelto (1987). Länsimaissa Mo Yania on verrattu muun muassa Franz Kafkaan ja Joseph Helleriin. Yhteiskunnallisia kysymyksiä kuvatessaan hän käyttää maagisen realismin keinoja.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 140: Mo Yanin teosten ruotsintaja Göran Malmqvist kuuluu Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon valintakomiteaan, mitä paheksuttiin monissa ruotsalaisviestimissä. Hänen esitettiin olleen jäävi, mistä hän tuohtui. Mutta tuohta tuli silti ihan kivasti.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 228: Ryssland rasar – Finland firade självständigheten med rysk flaggbränning. Ilskan efter självständighetsdagen. ”Oacceptabel handling” kanske men inget brott. I Finland är det endast brottsligt att vanära den finska flaggan, och kanske ära Hakenkreuz. Det är nuförtiden helt okej at vanära ryssarna. EU-flaggan får man bränna om man vill, det är ingen lag mot det. Vi får se vad som händer när NATO-fanan hissas upp vid riksdagshuset.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 314: Brad: Nearly all 21st century western women under 40 are crazy, and disloyal. This is the 1st time in human history where women have had this much power. What's the result you ask? 70 percent of marriage ending in divorce; 90 percent of which are filed by women. 50 percent of men say they regret marriage too the woman their currently with. Why might you ask? Cause they're on their best behavior until they have the money then they hulk smash you into oblivion. 94 percent child support going from male to female, and 92 percent of alimony. The old saying is the woman got married thinking the man would change and the man got married hoping she never would. They were both disappointed in the end. I'll let you decide which genders thought process is more Nobel. For me it's obvious.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 512: the belly, the back, the neck, the legs, Mahan, selän, niskan, jalat,
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 522: soap up the breasts, get them and the belly, the neck, Saippuoin tisulit, ja mahan, niskan,
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 546: No eipä tosta sen enempää, tollastahan se tuppaa olemaan. Bukowski's forte is in belaboring the obvious.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 675: Singer analyzes, in detail, why and how other beings' interests should be weighed. In his view, other being's interests should always be weighed according to that being's concrete value to you, and not according to its belonging to some abstract group like animal or veggie. Singer studies a number of ethical issues including race, sex, ability, species, abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, embryo experimentation, the moral status of animals, political violence, overseas aid, and whether we have an obligation to assist others at all. The 1993 second edition adds chapters on refugees, the environment, equality and disability, embryo experimentation, and the proper treatment of academics from Germany or Austria. A third edition published in 2011 omits the chapter on refugees, and contains a new chapter on climate change. A fourth edition is planned that omits climate change and adds a chapter on Russia and Ukraina.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 683: Singer himself has said, "I am not really satisfied with the book". He has expressed concerns that his argument that an ethical life makes for a happy life "contains an element of wishful thinking", as he does not always do everything that he believes to be morally right (like sell his houses) and so might have underestimated how demanding morality can be, set against other things that might be fulfilling in life, like staying on at the U of Melbourne, licking licorice dicks, and penning more bestsellers like this.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 904: «Ideen om utbytting er plantet av hvite mennesker,» sa Tony. Men begrepet har vist seg nyttig for afrikanske ledere som trenger å peke på en felles fiende for å samle folket bak seg. Helt fra avviklingen av kolonistyrene på sekstitallet har de brukt de hvites skyldfølelse til å skaffe seg selv makt så den virkelige utbyttingen av folket kunne begynne. Den hvites skyldfølelse for å kolonisere Afrika er patetisk. Den virkelige forbrytelsen var å overlate afrikaneren til sin egen morderiske og destruktive natur. Tro meg, Kaja, kongolesere flest har aldri hatt det bedre enn under belgierne. Opprørene hadde aldri noe grunnlag i folkets vilje, men i enkeltpersoners maktbegjær. Små grupperinger som stormet belgiernes hus her ved Kivusjøen fordi husene var så fine at de regnet med å finne noe der som de hadde lyst på. Sånn var det, og sånn er det.»
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 120: Avioliitto näytti olevan Atalantelle mieluinen, vaikka hän oli alkuun ollut vastahakoinen. Melanion (Hippomenes) puolestaan oli niin onnen ja autuuden vallassa, että ei muistanutkaan kiittää Afroditea, jonka avulla hän oli kisan voittanut. Jumalattaren kosto oli ankara. Afrodite odotti, että pari kulkisi jonkun temppelin ohitse, ja sitten hän vihoissaan langetti heille vastustamattoman intohimon toisiaan kohtaan. Melanoin vei Atalanten temppeliin ja rakasteli siellä vaimonsa kanssa. Tarinan eri versioiden mukaan temppeli kuului joko Zeukselle tai sitten Kybelelle – joka tapauksessa ko. jumala(tar) suuttui temppelinsä pyhyyden turmelemisesta ja runkkutahroista. Tästä seurasi kova rangaistus: rakastavaiset muutettiin salonkileijoniksi. Ihanaa leijonat ihanaa. Kybele-version mukaan hän aikoi ensin surmata rakastavaiset, mutta päätyi muuttamaan heidät leijoniksi, koska piti kuolemaa liian lempeänä rangaistuksena. Leijonat valjastettiin vetämään Kybelen vaunuja. bele">Kybeleestä ja sen bele2">leijonavetoisista vaunuista oli jotain läppää Flaubertilla. Joissain tarinan versioissa pari ehti olla jo jonkin aikaa silleen ennen kuin heistä tuli leijonia. Tuohon aikaan uskottiin, ettei leijona voi paritella oman lajinsa kanssa. Siis mitä? Sori mutta tätä en kyllä taida uskoa.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 467: The laughter of little bells along the brace Pikku kulkuset sen housuissa, jotka helkkää
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 826: And, best beloved of best men, liberty,
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1249: But thou, O well-beloved, of all my days
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2260: Dead, unbeloved, unholpen, all through thee?
    xxx/ellauri252.html on line 254: Norman Corwin was Jewish, and his parents observed Judaism (his father, Sam Corwin, attended holiday services until his death at 110). While not an observant Jew, Corwin infused much of his work with the ideas of the Hebrew Prophets. One of the prayerbooks of American Reform Judaism, Shaarei Tefila: Gates of Prayer, contains a portion of the Prayer from the finale of Corwin's On a Note of Triumph (see link to full text below). Corwin was among the first producers to regularly use entertainment – even light entertainment – to tackle serious social issues.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 86: Primary factors believed to have led to the recession include the following: restrictive monetary policy enacted by central banks, primarily in response to inflation concerns, the loss of consumer and business confidence as a result of the 1990 oil price shock, the end of the Cold War and the subsequent decrease in defense spending, the savings and loan crisis and a slump in office construction resulting from overbuilding during the 1980s. The 1990 oil price shock occurred in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein's second invasion of a fellow OPEC member. Lasting only nine months, the price spike was less extreme and of shorter duration than the previous oil crises of 1973–1974 and 1979–1980, but the spike still contributed to the recession of the early 1990s in the United States. The average monthly price of oil rose from $17 per barrel in July to $36 per barrel in October. As the U.S.-led coalition experienced military success against Iraqi forces, concerns about long-term supply shortages eased and prices began to fall.
    xxx/ellauri253.html on line 392: Ammennä vaan, ketään ei ole kazomassa (paizi jumala), huutaa pakumies konepislaristille. Ja niin se antaakin luotipyssyn laulaa, ja siihen päättyy Lauran vaellus murheen laaxossa. Turhaan ronttasi sitä ydinlatausta tunnin pystymezässä, turhaan melkein nirhasi 2 viatonta hajusieppoa. No Laura olikin suht expendaabeli. Mä veikkaan et ikävä Irveskin kohta listitään, pisamat tai ei pisamia.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 154: Churchill, then British secretary of state for war, couldn’t believe what had happened. He was sending signals to General Holman, commander of the British military mission, saying: “I can’t believe this. The Reds were in full retreat, and now suddenly they seem to be beating the Whites on every front. What’s happened?” He’d failed to understand that it was purely because the Bolsheviks had reinforced that eastern front at a crucial moment, then – with the advantage of their just cause – been able to bring troops back very rapidly to transform the whole situation.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 343: Nobelista puhumattakaan (sitä ei vielä jaettu);
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 362: Nekrasov's film The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes, produced in Norway by Piraya Film, supported by a number of European film funds and the public Franco-German TV network Arte TV and completed in 2016, caused a major controversy. The film alleges that western politicians and media were "misled" by Bill Browder, a U.S. born investor and campaigner, into believing that the Russian tax consultant Sergei Magnitsky had been persecuted and killed for exposing corruption. Bill Browder's version of Magnitsky's life and death has been widely accepted across the world, and became the basis for legislations and sanctions in a number of countries, first of all the U.S. The premiere of Nekrasov's film at the European Parliament, scheduled for April 26, 2016, was stopped by Heidi Hautala at the last moment. A TV broadcast in Germany and France and film's public screenings were cancelled due to Browder's legal challenges.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 559: Ei ole kahta henkilöä, jotka olisivat niin kaukana toisistaan kuin Gabriel Marques ja Jorma Ojaharju. Marques syntyi kultalusikka suussa, asui äitinsä kartanossa, opiskeli lakia ja alkoi toimittajana seikkailla Euroopassa, vietti aikaa Fidel Castron sohvamopsina Havannassa ja sai ylimääräisen kuhmun nenäänsä ällöttävän Mario Vargas Llosan nyrkistä. Ainostaan tuo kirjallisuushistorian kuuluisin nyrkkitappelu yhdistää nämä kaksi ihmistä toisiinsa. Ojaharju sai vain nyrkiniskuja enemmän, mutta ei fellow nobelisteilta.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 161: "Pera" kuuntelee pää punaisena aplarinvärisessä Corollassa "Kissin" biisiä "I was made for loving you". Asianomaisessa videossa Kissin pojat (?) näyttävät belina">Thumbelinan turilastanssiryhmältä. Saman vaikutelma tulee Lalisan tanssivideosta albumissa 157.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 580: »At der er mennesker på det, vi kalder vores planet, at vi kan færdes på en roterende kugle i et umådeligt verdensrum fyldt med ubegribeligt store objekter med dele så små, at tanken slet ikke kan begribe, hvor små og hvor mange de er.« Hvordan går det til, at disse uendeligt mange små genstande midt i det ubegribeligt store kan holde sammen på sig selv, og at vi kan holde os svævende? Eller?
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 582: Sådan spørger Solvej Balles roman, som på én gang betegner en tilbagevenden til alt det største og bedste i hendes æstetiske bestræbelser – og et modigt spring fremad, båret af uendelig taknemmelighed ved det at være til i samme tid som vore medmennesker.
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 626: Magens hårdhet beror förmodligen på en ensidig diet initierad av berusning, eller det kan hänföras till finlandssvensk staleness. Nu upp, vad! Märta har lagt dörren i lås... bitch! Jag är en fånge av mina egna sekret." (Henrik Tikkanen: Vem pissar på kanterna? Reflektioner om dubbelmoral, HT dödsbo, ed. och eng. Timo Hämäläinen / Dokulamppu.)
    xxx/ellauri259.html on line 756: Klassikko-teoxen loppupuheenvuorossa tehty miesten klischeinen kahtiajako klassisiin ja moderneihin jatkaa samaa puisevaa setämiesmeemiä kuin Visa Mäkelän tyydyttämätön raiskattava. Jos Kari on ollut tosissaan tässä eikä taas kerran vaan vinoile niin ei voi sanoa muuta kuin voi persetti. Kari on todellakin persukansan bardi. Se pitäisi hilata korkealle puuhun suukapulalla varustettuna sillä aikaa kun asteriski ja obeliski perheineen juhlivat villisikapaistin ääressä sahti kuohuen sarvissa.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 210: Ruth Fuller Sasaki D.T. Suzuki Carl Jung G.K. Chesterton Joseph Campbell
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 238: Thornton was the son of Amos Parker Wilder, a newspaper editor who in 1906 was appointed as American Consul General in Hong Kong. While the Wilder family at first accompanied the diplomat to China, they stayed only six months, and then Isabella Wilder returned to the United States with her children. In 1911, when the Mr. Wilder was transferred to Shanghai, the family briefly rejoined him, but eventually returned to settle in Berkeley.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 246: Unlike her husband, Isabella Wilder was artistic and worldly, and she made certain that she and her children took full advantage of the benefits of living in a university town. “In Berkeley,” writes Malcolm Goldstein, “she found opportunities to study informally by attending lectures at the University of California and by participating in foreign-language discussion groups. She was fully aware that her husband, were he present, would not approve, but she encouraged her children, nevertheless, in their independent, extracurricular search for carnal knowledge.” Isabella saw to it that Thornton got vaudeville parts in plays presented in the Greek Theatre, and even sewed his female costumes for him.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 378: Mit knapper Not entkommen Weinberl und Christoph und kehren zum Geschäft zurück. Dort ertappen sie die Einbrecher Rab und Kraps auf frischer Tat und werden dafür von Zangler belobigt. Auch Marie und August dürfen einander endlich in die Arme schließen. Aber Weinberl, der Frau von Fischer einen – erfolgreichen – Heiratsantrag macht, ist von seiner Sehnsucht geheilt:
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 588: Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche occasionally used the phrase "God is dead" to reflect increasing unbelief in God. God is dead (German: Gott ist tot (help·info); also known as the death of God) is a statement made by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Nietzsche´s first use of this statement is his 1882 The Gay Science, where it appears three times.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 590: In the madman passage, the madman is described as running through a marketplace shouting, "I seek God! I seek God!" He arouses some amusement; no one takes him seriously. "Maybe he took an ocean voyage? Lost his way like a little child? Maybe he´s afraid of us (non-believers) and is hiding?" – much laughter. Frustrated, the madman smashes his lantern on the ground, crying out that "God is dead, and we have killed him, you and I!".
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 610: had incarnated in Christ and imparted his immanent spirit which remained in the world even though Jesus was dead. Unlike Nietzsche, Altizer believed that God truly died. He was considered to be the leading exponent of the Death of God movement. Thornton Wilder´s tennis playing big brother Amos called his approach theopoetics.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 627: Secular theology rejects the substance dualism of modern religion, the belief in two forms of reality required by the belief in heaven and hell. Secular theology can accommodate a belief in God, like many nature religions, but as residing in this world somewhere and not separately from it.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 637: Christian atheism is a form of Christianity that rejects the theistic claims of Christianity, but draws its beliefs and practices from Jesus´ life and teachings as recorded in the New Testament Gospels and other sources. Christian atheism takes many forms:
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 650: Most Christian atheists believe that God never existed, but there are a few who believe in the death of God literally. Thomas J. J. Altizer is a well-known Christian atheist who is known for his literal approach to the death of God. Altizer wrote of God as the enemy to man because mankind could never reach its fullest potential while God existed.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 652: Out of all Americans who do not believe in God, 5% identified as Catholic while 9% identified as Protestant and other Christian according to the 2007 Pew Religious Landscape survey. Out of all Americans who identify as unaffiliated including atheists and agnostics, 41% were raised Protestant and 28% were raised Catholic according to the 2014 Pew Religious Landscape survey.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 654: Some follow the tradition of "Christian non-realism", most famously expounded in the United Kingdom by Don Cupitt in the 1980s, which holds that God is a symbol or metaphor and that religious language is not matched by a transcendent reality. According to an investigation of 860 pastors in seven Dutch Protestant denominations, 1 in 6 clergy are either agnostic or atheist. A minister Klaas Hendrikse has described God as "a word for experience, or human experience" and said that Jesus may have never existed. Hendrikse gained attention with his book Believing in a God Who Does Not Exist: Manifesto of An Atheist Pastor published in November 2007 in which he said that it was not necessary to believe in God´s existence in order to believe in God.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 656: A Harris Interactive survey from 2003 found that 90% of self-identified Protestants in the United States believe in God and about 4% of American Protestants believe there is no God. A substantial portion of Quakers are nontheist Quakers. Among British Quakers, 14.5% identified as atheists and 43% felt "unable to profess belief in God" in 2013.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 60: Ranskixet mahtailivat Preussille Espanjan perimyskiistan johdosta, ajattelivat antaa sakemanneille pienen opetuxen. Perseelleen meni, Wilho ja rautakansleri marssivat Pariisiin ja ampuivat sen täyteen reikiä Kruppin paksuilla Bertoilla. Frankit joutuivat antautumaan ehdoitta germaaniveljille ja hautoivat siitä lähin niille kostoa. Siitä syntyi paljon nobel-palkittuja fin de siècle meemejä.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 176: Venäläisten ongelma on että ne luulevat olevansa suurvalta. Suurvallat eivät noudata pelisääntöjä koska niillä on vital interests. Ukrainalaiset hipsivät koko aika länkkäreihin päin. Siinä riittävä casus belli. Tum tua res agitur paries cum proximus ardet.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 259: Hienoa että pääsit mukaan! Kiva kun kuzuit! I've had a shit day. Samuli olisi aina halunnut olla suosittu ja kuuluisa, maailman nuorin kirjallisuuden nobel-palkittu. Harmillisesti Kipling (41v) ehätti edelle. Sitä kautta Samu päätyi yli 70-vuotiaana standup koomikoxi. Jo lapsena hän pelkäsi kuolemaa ja ajatteli että jotain täytyy jäädä jäljelle, edes koirankakka haudalle.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 410: Boghossian said he believed suppressing professors’ ideologies is one of the major problems of academia. When asked about private universities like NYU, he said he was more concerned about public institutions because they receive greater funding from taxpayers.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 439: At Heteronormal Academy, we are devotees of John Stuart Mill. We believe in laissez faire capitalism. I am a centrist, and if you remember your elementary school geometry class, that means I am right-adjacent, not left. I really think the Republicans are a center party.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 189: „Ach!“ — entgegnete sie aus ihrem Zobelpelz — „wir sind treu, solange wir lieben, ihr aber verlangt vom Weibe Treue ohne Liebe, und Hingebung ohne Genuß, wer ist da grausam, das Weib oder der Mann?
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 211: Es war ein großes Ölgemälde in der kräftigen farbensatten Manier der belgischen Schule gemalt, sein Gegenstand seltsam genug. Ein schönes Weib, ein sonniges Lachen auf dem feinen Antlitz, mit reichem, in einen antiken Knoten geschlungenem Haare, auf dem der weiße Puder wie leichter Reif lag, ruhte, auf den linken Arm gestützt, nackt in einem dunkeln Pelz auf einer Ottomane; ihre rechte Hand spielte mit einer Peitsche, während ihr bloßer Fuß sich nachlässig auf den Mann stützte,[S. 16] der vor ihr lag wie ein Sklave, wie ein Hund, und dieser Mann, mit den scharfen, aber wohlgebildeten Zügen, auf denen brütende Schwermut und hingebende Leidenschaft lag, welcher mit dem schwärmerischen brennenden Auge eines Märtyrers zu ihr emporsah, dieser Mann, der den Schemel ihrer Füße bildete, war Severin, aber ohne Bart, wie es schien um zehn Jahre jünger.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 519: Wieselille myönnettiin tästä hyvästä Nobelin rauhanpalkinto vuonna 1986 väkivallan ja rasismin vastaisesta toiminnasta. Palkinnon perusteluissa Norjan Nobel-komitea luonnehti Wieseliä rauhan, ihmisarvon ja liennytyksen lipunkantajaksi. Sekös se oli kova luu vainoamaan nazirikollisia? Ei se oli Simon Wiesenthal (alla), joka ei saanut vaivoistaan rauhanpalkintoa.
    xxx/ellauri268.html on line 548: It’s believed Wiesenthal also played a role in hunting down notorious SS leader Adolf Eichmann, who had organized the extermination of the Jews. Wiesenthal received information that Eichmann had been hiding out in Argentina and passed the information on to Israel, according to his center’s website.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 44: Why does the Nobel Prize often stir controversy?
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 48: Novellikokoelmassa Weekend Guatemalassa (1956) yllättävästi nobelisti Asturias piirtää sarjan väkevätehoisia kuvia vallankaappauksesta ja sen yhteydessä suoritetuista köyhien intiaanien joukkomurhista, jotka Guatemalassa toimeenpantiin Yhdysvaltain tuella 1954.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 75: By 1850 the natives occupied two distinct regions in the southeast and they were inspired to continue the struggle by the apparition of the "Talking Cross". This apparition, believed to be a way in which God communicated with the Maya, dictated that the War continue. Chan Santa Cruz, or Small Holy Cross became the religious and political center of the Maya resistance and the rebellion came to be infused with religious significance. Chan Santa Cruz also became the name of the largest of the independent Maya states, as well as the name of the capital city which is now the city of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo. The followers of the Cross were known as the "Cruzob".
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 268: Välitöntä veroa sovelletaan maa-alueeseen tai suoraan ihmisiin "omaisuudesta, ammatista tai muista olosuhteista riippumatta". Hylton v. Yhdysvallat (1796); katso myös NFIB v. Sebelius (2012). Tällainen vero on jaettava. Perustuslakisopimuksen aikaan valtiot, joilla on paljon maata, sekä valtiot, joilla on suuri väestö, pelkäsivät kovempia veroja maalleen ja väestölleen, mukaan lukien orjille, verrattuna pienempiin ja vähemmän väkirikkaisiin valtioihin. Jakovaatimuksesta, joka koskee myös edustusta edustajainhuoneessa, tuli kompromissi. Katso I artiklan 2 jakso.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 271: välitöntä veroa, ja katsoi, ettei se ollut: vaikka se koskee suoraan ihmisiä, NFIB v. Sebelius. Hyltonia lainaten tuomioistuin katsoi vaaditun maksun ei-suoraksi ja totesi Pollockiin viitaten, että maksu ei ole tulovero.
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 329: Miguel Ángel Asturias Rosales (19. lokakuuta 1899 – 9. kesäkuuta 1974) oli guatemalalainen diplomaatti ja kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto 1967. Samainen Asturias sai Leninin kv. rauhanpalkinnon edellisenä vuonna! Mistäspäin nyt tuuli? Aivan tavatonta. Oliko Vietnamin sota tässä takana? No Nerudakin pokkasi molemmat, joskaan ei peräkkäisinä vuosina. Ja Linus Pauling, kerrankin aiheesta, hyvästä Paula-kahvista! Sean McBridelle paukahti myös 2 prenikkaa. Ynnä Nelson Mandelalle. Martti Ahtishaarikin sai molemmat mutta näyttää vetäneen Lenin-palkinnon alas vessanpöntöstä. Kahden palkinnon saaneista on ilmeisesti tullut kinaa maailman kahden navan välillä, kumman leiriin kaveri on laskettava. Voi että kaipaankin noita 2-napaisia aikoja, jospa saisin ne takaisin!
    xxx/ellauri273.html on line 331: Leninin kansainvälinen rauhanpalkinto oli Neuvostoliiton jakama Nobelin rauhanpalkintoa vastaava tunnustus. Palkinto perustettiin vuonna 1949 nimellä Stalinin kansainvälinen rauhanpalkinto. Palkinnon myönsi Neuvostoliiton hallituksen nimittämä kansainvälinen raati merkittäville henkilöille, joiden katsottiin lujittaneen kansojen välistä rauhaa. Päinvastoin kuin Nobelin rauhanpalkinto, Leninin rauhanpalkinto myönnettiin tavallisesti useille henkilöille samana vuonna. Vuonna 1956 Nikita Hruštšovin valtaannousun jälkeen tunnustus nimettiin Leninin kansainväliseksi rauhanpalkinnoksi. Kaikkia palkinnon aikaisemmin saaneita pyydettiin palauttamaan palkintonsa, jotta STA voitaisiin kumata ja kirjoittaa tilalle LE. Suurin osa Sta/Lenin palkituista on never heard, mutta on tuttujakin joukossa:
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 89: John Boynton Priestley's first major success came with a novel, The Good Companions (1929), which earned him the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction and made him a national figure. His next novel, Angel Pavement (1930), further established him as a successful novelist. However some critics were less than complimentary about his work and Priestley threatened legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932). In 1940 he broadcast a series of short propaganda radio talks, which were credited with strengthening civilian morale during the Battle of Britain. In the following years his left-wing beliefs brought him into conflict with the government and influenced the development of the welfare state.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 251: In Nur-Sultan, Kazakstan, the winter is really cold: the average temperature in January, -16 °C (3 °F), makes it one of the coldest capitals in the world. During the most intense cold spells, the temperature can drop to -40 °C (-40 °F) or below. In December 2012 it dropped to -43 °C (-45.5 °F).
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 367: Kinattiin Korean sodasta: kun kiinalaiset meni mukaan niin alkaako 3. maailmansota. Samaa kysytään taas tällä hetkellä. Se hyvä puoli on kurileirissä että täällä saa Stalinia sanoa wiixisedäxi joutumatta leirille. Siitähän nobelisti väitti sinne joutuneensakin. Uskoon ken jaxaa. Vizi että noi leiriläiset on korruptoituneita. Suhov ei ole kade, kademieli on vasemmistolaista lastentautia.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 426: Niinpä Ruotsin akatemia myönsi Gurnahille Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 2021.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 428: Gurnah still lives in Zanzibar in his mind, and prefers it that way. When he returns home, he is frustrated by the discrepancy between the stories he invented—and started to half believe—and the dreary realities. The house of his parents is close to decay; essential services like water, electricity, and garbage disposal fail regularly. In addition, his schoolmates have become corrupt, self-seeking bureaucrats, and his mother was not gallantly courted but given as a pawn to his father. And yet, he never found the courage to inform his parents that he has been living together with a white infidel—a "kafir woman." When he is introduced to the child-wife who his relatives chose for him, he panics and flees "home," which is now England, only to find that Emma left and that he is condemned to be "on the edges of everything," on his own island in England. The hero despairs of establishing communication between the two worlds. Vaimo läx. Lammaskaalta.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 433: Epäilen että sansibarilaisen nobelistin paratiisi on sellai puisto missä päivänsankari pääsee purasemaan jonkun partnerin tarjoamaa paratiisiomenaa. Sama juonta sahaa aika monikin nobelisti, tuli mieleen esim. Huan Hoze Ramon Jimenezin Nocturnos albumissa 144.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 274: Simon van Cyrene was vermoedelijk een Jood uit de diaspora (verstrooiing). Hij kwam uit Cyrene, een Romeinse kolonie in Noord-Afrika, waar een joodse gemeenschap was. De Hebreeuwse naam Simon is een aanwijzing dat hij waarschijnlijk van joodse afkomst was. Het evangelie volgens Marcus is de enige die zijn zonen Alexander en Rufus noemt (een Griekse respectievelijk Romeinse naam). In bijbelcommentaren wordt vaak gezegd dat deze Rufus dezelfde zou kunnen zijn als de Rufus die Paulus noemt in Romeinen 16:13. Kennelijk waren Rufus en Alexander bekenden voor de gemeente waarvoor Marcus schreef, omdat hij zijn lezers denkt herkenbare informatie te geven door hen te noemen als de zonen van Simon. Geleerden speculeren daarom dat deze zonen en misschien Simon zelf later tot het christendom zijn bekeerd.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 493: they rebelled" ( eng. They Too Rise), "Honors at dawn" ( eng. Honors at Dawn ) ja "The Great Defiance" ( fin. Suuri tottelemattomuus) - tarttuvia, mahtipontisia nimiä, jotka heijastivat tämän ajanjakson melodramaattisia suuntauksia taiteessa. Vuonna 1938 hänen melodramaattiset ponnistelunsa palkittiin 1 250 dollarin palkinnolla New Yorkin uusien näytelmien toimistolta.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 646: Most of al-Hamdānī’s life was spent in Arabia itself. He was widely educated, and he traveled extensively, acquiring a broad knowledge of his country. He became involved in a number of political controversies. When he was imprisoned for one of them, his influence was sufficient to invoke a tribal rebellion in his behalf to secure his release.
    xxx/ellauri281.html on line 814: Argentiinan entinen presidentti Isabel Perón vapautettiin viisi vuotta kestäneestä kotiarestista. Hän pötki heti tämän jälkeen maanpakoon Espanjaan.
    xxx/ellauri286.html on line 348: Aro kävi keväällä 2019 Yhdysvalloissa kliktivistijärjestö Avaazin järjestämissä tapaamisissa kertomassa sormipalveluille häneen kohdistuneesta vihapuheesta. Matkan syyksi hän kertoo, että käyttäjäraportit Facebookille, Twitterille ja Youtubelle eivät useinkaan johda mihinkään, vaan vastauksena on: ”Sisältö ei riko yhteisönormejamme.”
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 243: Anna Vuorinen, jolle saamme olla kiitollisia ylipainoisuuden vastalääkkeen keksimisestä on kotoisin Kuopiosta. Pohjois-Savosta. Hän on syntynyt 14. maaliskuuta 1879, eli samana päivänä kuin maailmankuulu tiedemies ja nobelisti Albert Einstein! Jo silloin hänen vanhempansa arvelivat, että tämä tyttö valloittaisi tiedemaailman. Ja he eivät olleet hiukkaakaan väärässä. Hän näyttää kyllä Alperttia paljon nuoremmalta. Sekin on lääkkeiden ansiota.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 318: Isabella Varjonen: Minulla oli ilo opettaa Annaa, kun hän oli vielä peruskoulussa. Kultainen, uskomattoman lahjakas lapsi ja myös kohtelias. Olen aina kannustanut häntä ja ollut varma, että hän saavuttaa paljon. Minulla on kyynel silmässäni!
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 424: Sir William Ramsay eristi Glasgown yliopistossa jalokaasuja ja sai siitä Kemian noobelin 1904.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 450: Pietari ja Paavali oli kuin Obelix ja Asterix, tai Pekka ja Pätkä.
    xxx/ellauri287.html on line 647: belfast.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/4edb0681ca8e94344637b1f8497d6898.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 361:

    Hoblan Goebbels tarttuu ämyriiin

    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 452: Yhdessä ilmeisessä mielessä Putin ja Kreml jakavat natsi-Saksan uskon: jos valhetta toistetaan riittävän usein, se koetaan lopulta totuudeksi tai ainakin jollain tasolla relevantiksi. Hallitustekniikkaa, jota kutsutaan "suureksi valheeksi", käsiteltiin jo teoksessa Mein Kampf (1925). Hitler tajusi, että jättimäinen, karkea valhe – Die große Lüge – toimii paremmin kuin pieni valhe. Järkyttävät valheet – vaikka ne kiistävätkin vuoret tosiasioita – jättävät usein epäilyksen jälkeä. Pikkuhiljaa yhteiskunnallinen luottamus repeytyy ja vetää maton alta jaetun kuvan saamiseksi todellisuudesta. Tätä propagandatekniikkaa kehitti edelleen Joseph Goebbels muun muassa alitajuisesti itsensä paljastavassa näyttelyssä Aus Churchills Lügenfabrik (1941): on välttämätöntä valehdella suurella tavalla ja levittää sitä kunnolla, toistaa ilmeisiä vääriä virheitä huolimatta vaarasta, että vaikutat naurettavalta ja irtaantuneelta todellisuudesta. Riittää, jos tavoitat pienen määrän vastaanottavaisia ​​kuuntelijoita, jotka etsivät syntipukkeja. Rabulistit [vähän niinkuin populistit, mutta pahempaa, niinkuin kakka ja paska] vetoavat yhteiskunnan onnettomiin lapsiin, vähäosaisiin, laahuxeen, antavat syrjäytyneille mahdollisuuden tukahdutettuun revansismiin. Sellainen peli nyt ei kerta kaikkiaan vetele! Pitäkää mölyt mahassa ja jatkakaa vessan pesua! Tässä Trump vie tulisoihtua eteenpäin historiallisessa jatkumossa suurella valheellaan ilmeisestä vaalitappiosta vuonna 2020.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 49: Rahab marries Radames, a young Egyptian officer, who is to become the new governor of Jericho. They live in the Egyptian embassy set in the city wall. When the Israelites approach Canaan with their army, pharaoh sends word that he is withdrawing his troops. Radames fabricates a story to tell Jericho’s king, but the babylonian lawmaker Hammurabi doesn’t believe it…and he has his eye on the beautiful Rahab.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 115: One day he said he would go to Jerusalem to see the Garden of Gethsemane and the hill of the skull that is called Golgotha. But Shaitan (Satan) planned to stop Tekla Haymanot going on his journey to the Holy Land, and he cut the rope which led from the rock to the ground just as Tekla Haymanot started to climb down. Then God gave Tekla Haymanot six wings and he flew down to the valley below... and from that day onwards Teklahaimanot would fly back and forth to Jerusalem above the clouds like an aeroplane. No, more like a bird. Like Super Tekla.
    xxx/ellauri292.html on line 594: Eleusinian mysteerit ( kreikaksi : Ἐλευσίνια Μυστήρια, romanisoitu: Eleusínia Mystḗria ) olivat antiikin Kreikan Demeterin ja Persefonen kultin vihkimyksiä, jotka perustt yxityinen firma Panhellenic Sanusiccuary. Niitä pidetään "muinaisen Kreikan tunnetuimpina uskonnollisista riiteistä". Niiden perustana oli vanha maatalouskultti, ja on todisteita siitä, että ne johtuivat maan uskonnollisista käytännöistä Mykeneen aikakaudella. Mysteerit edustivat myyttiä Persefonen sieppauksesta hänen äidiltään Demeterin toimesta alamaailman kuningas Hadesin toimesta syklissä, jossa oli kolme vaihetta: laskeutuminen (menetys), etsintä ja nousu. Pääteema on Persefonen nousu ( ἄνοδος ) ja jälleennäkeminen äitinsä kanssa. Se oli suuri festivaali Helleenien aikakaudella ja levisi myöhemmin Roomaan. Samanlaisia uskonnollisia riittejä esiintyy Lähi-idän maatalousyhteiskunnissa (Osirixen ja Isixen nimeen. Obelix hypnotisoitui, Asterix ei ollut moxiskaan) ja Minoan Kreetalla.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 94: Junian sukupuolesta ja apostolisesta asemasta on ollut kiistaa, vaikka hän onkin ollut pidetty naisena suurimman osan kristillisestä historiasta sekä suurin osa tutkijoista yhtyisi häneen kuvan perusteella mielellään. Varhaiskristilliset urheilukommentaattorit eivät antaneet epäilystäkään siitä, että Paavali viittasi Juniaan eikä suinkaan kintaalla, ja että hiän oli nainen ja apostoli, mukaan lukien Hieronymus (4.-5. vuosisata), Höttö Vermicelli (10. vuosisata). Prophylakti ja Peter Abelard (molemmat 1000-luku, perehtyneitä naistenmiehiä).
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 106: Lisäksi, kun Joanna on heprealainen nimi, Junia on latinalainen nimi. Juutalaiset omaksuivat usein toisen, latinankielisen nimen, joka oli lähes pätevä vastine heidän alkuperäiselle nimelleen, vähänkuin kiinalaiset jenkeissä, vaikka Yii-Janista tulee Jezebel. Joanna ja Junia toimivat läheisinä äänivastineina äidinkielissä, jonka Bauckham sanoo olevan osoitus näiden kahden välillä. Lopuksi Paavali kuvailee Juniaa "merkittäväksi apostolien joukossa". Ottaen huomioon, että Juniaa kuvataan yhteisön varhaisimmaksi jäseneksi ja yhdeksi merkittävimmistä jäsenistä, se, ettei häntä ole nimetty muualla, on suuntaa antavaa, kuten Bauckham väittää, että hän ja Joanna ovat sama henkilö, kun otetaan huomioon Joannan varhaisempi korkea näkyvyys Jeesuksen startup-yrityxen palveluxessa.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 407: Our other brands include We Love Animals, The Laugh Club, The Hockey Beast, Sportbibeln and Matbibeln.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 623: Sairaan hoikka Monica oli valmis heivaamaan jumalattoman lammas miehen pihalle ennen kuin lehmä mummin tai sydänvikaisen pikkuapinan. Selkeästi miesten leffa, esim isosiskolla ei ollut mitään sisäistä elämää. Vaimolla sentään oli hihhulismi, se palvoi vielä hurahtaneempaa Korean sodan veteraani Paavalia, joka ronttasi sunnuntaisin Riston ristiä ja toimi oto manaajana korealaisen kotona. Lopuxi koreaani otti lusikan koreasti käteen ja luotti paikalliseen kaivonkazojaan. Luotathan? Minami on sarjakukkaisiin kuuluva liejupahaputki tai jotain sen tapaista. Se on yhtä vieraslaji Arkansasissa kuin korealaiset kananpojan perseiden luokittelijat. Koiraskanat palvelevat yhteisöä nousemalla Abelin tavoin uhrisavuna taivaalle. Opetus enemmistön kansanosalle: älä hätyytä käärmettä piiloon, se on vaarallisempi siellä kuin näkösällä.
    xxx/ellauri293.html on line 689: Kahnemann sai rivoilusta vuoden 2002 Nobel-palkinnon. Kirjassaan Thinking, Fast and Slow Kahneman syventyi kahteen ajattelun muotoon, nopea ajattelu, joka hänen mielestään "toimii automaattisesti ja nopeasti, vähällä ja ilman vaivaa tai ilkeää vapaan tahdon tunnetta." Toisaalta hidas ajattelu on kognitiivisten kykyjen, valinnanmahdollisuuksien ja keskittymisen jakoa. Nopea ajattelu hyödyntää heuristiikkaa, joka on päätöksentekoprosessi, jossa käytetään oikoteitä, ja peukalosääntöjä tarjotakseen välittömän mutta usein järjettömän ja epätäydellisen ratkaisun. Kahneman ehdotti, että pikanäppäimien tulos on useiden harhojen esiintyminen, kuten jälkitarkasteluharha, vahvistusharha ja tulosharha. Keskeinen esimerkki nopeasta ajattelusta ja siitä johtuvista irrationaalisista päätöksistä on vuoden 2008 finanssikriisi.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 251: On se hyvä että Patti kuoli, en muuta sano. Noita meillä on ihan tarpeexi, ja oli. Hikisiä lättähattu persuja. Sille kävi kuin asfalttiprinssi Harri Sirolalle, tuli liikaa kiitosta liian aikaisin, ja sitten ei enää mikään riittänyt, iski rimakauhu. Ja ikävä puolisokin oli molemmilla. Miki Liukkonen, Foster Wallace. Näitä piisaa wannabe nobelisteja.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 324: "Ize olen aina pitänyt lukijoista." Rakas yleisö. Hyvät kuulijat. Ihmettelen tyyppejä joilla voi olla tunneperäinen suhtautuminen ihmisluokkaan joka on määritelty noin ulkokohtaisella tavalla. Jotain perustavasti väärää siinä kyllä on. Kaise perustuu siihen että nää on narsisteja, jotka rakastavat yleisön kautta monistettuna omaa belfietään.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 344:
    Gebäude der Häftlingswäscherei. Ein langes, zweistöckiges Gebäude schlichtester Architektur mit hohem Giebeldach. Im Vordergrund die blätterlose Goethe-Eiche.

    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 415: Dan Andersson omkom i rum 11 på Hotell Hellman, beläget vid dåvarande Bryggargatan 5 i kvarteret Blåmannen i Stockholm, den 16 september 1920, där han befann sig för att söka arbete på tidningen Social-Demokraten. Firman Desinfektionsanstalten Cyan hade rökt med vätecyanid mot vägglöss. Firman åtalades senare för försumlighet och bristande instruktioner till personalen, men ägaren Robert Hedlund friades. Klockan 15 på eftermiddagen hittades Andersson död. Vid samma tillfälle omkom även försäkringsinspektören Elliot Eriksson från Bollnäs.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 571: Uppgivna Arsenalspelare i samband med förlusten mot Nottingham Forest. Resultatet innebar att Manchester City tog sin tredje ligatitel på raken. Arsenal har gjort sin bästa säsong sedan jag började hålla på dem. Men det enda jag kan känna just nu är tomhet. Varför utsätter jag mig för det här? Men det vill jag inte. Jag vill hoppas. Jag vill drömma. Det är väl det som är poängen med att känna passion för ett lag? För Arsenal är – och kommer alltid att vara – min stora passion. De framkallar tårar av både glädje och sorg. Jubel och svordomar. Gåshud och eufori. Ångest och stress.
    xxx/ellauri295.html on line 694: In 1979, along with Mervyn Stockwood, the Bishop of Southwark, Muggeridge appeared on the chat show Friday Night, Saturday Morning to discuss the film Life of Brian with Monty Python members John Cleese and Michael Palin. Although the Python members gave reasons that they believed the film to be neither anti-Christian nor mocking the person of Jesus, both Muggeridge and the bishop insisted that they were being disingenuous and that the film was anti-Christian and blasphemous. Muggeridge further declared their film to be "buffoonery", "tenth-rate", "this miserable little film" and "this little squalid number".
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 232: Rehoboam (/ˌriːəˈboʊ.əm/; Hebrew: רְחַבְעָם‎, Rəḥaḇʿām; Greek: Ροβοάμ, Rovoam; Latin: Robocop, transl. "an enlarged penis") was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the first monarch of the Kingdom of Judah after the split of the united Kingdom of Israel. He was a son of and the successor to Solomon and a grandson of David. In the account of I Kings and II Chronicles, Rehoboam saw his ruler limited to only the Kingdom of Judah in the south following a rebellion by the ten northern tribes of Israel in 932/931 BCE, which led to the formation of the independent Kingdom of Israel under the rule of Jeroboam in the north..
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 301:
    Joanna Angel is believed to be the first porn star to enter the industry after living in an Orthodox home. Ei sentään blondaa tukkaansa kuten nuo toiset haahkat. Joanna (1,5 m) on täynnä Superman Tattoo siirtokuvia. Sen puoliso on Small Hands (175 sm).

    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 192: So that others will know Who we are and that we belong here – And that we are of
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 194: Who we are and that we belong here – And that we are one of the good people. We
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 207: who belongs and who does not belong. Mandatory wearing of badges and sidearms has
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 631: Joseph Campbell (26. maaliskuuta 1904 – 30. lokakuuta 1987) oli yhdysvaltalainen professori ja kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten työstään mytologian ja vertailevan uskontotieteen alueilla. Ei pie sekoittaa bell">samannimiseen irkkurunoilijaan. Campbellin tunnetuin kirja Sankarin tuhannet kasvot (The Hero With a Thousand Faces, 1949, suomennettu 1990) käsittelee eri kulttuureissa toistuvaa sankarin matkan teemaa, ns. hiihtokenkämyyttiä. Hänen neliosainen teossarjansa The Masks of God käsittelee mytologiaa eri puolilla maailmaa. Campbell työskenteli Bill Moyersin kanssa tehdessään PBS:n sarjaa The Power of Myth. He myös julkaisivat sarjaan pohjautuneen samannimisen kirjan.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 633: Campbellin mielestä uskonnolliset symbolit tulisi tulkita monomaanisixi mytologisiksi meemeixi eikä historiallisiksi faktoiksi, jolloin symboleissa voidaan alkaa nähdä syvempiä merkityksiä. Campbell's theories have been applied by a wide variety of modern writers and artists. His philosophy has been summarized by his own often repeated phrase: "Follow your bliss." He sure did, fucking hedonist.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 637: On the ship during his return trip from an old world tour he encountered the messiah elect of the Theosophical Society, Jiddu Krishnamurti; they discussed Indian philosophy (that Jiddu had up to his gills by then), sparking in Campbell an interest in Hindu and Indian thought. Lacking faculty approval, Campbell withdrew from graduate studies, becoming a close friend of the budding writer John Steinbeck and his wife Carol. Campbell had an affair with Carol. Campbell too began writing a novel on the "Doc" of Cannery Row but unlike Steinbeck, did not complete his book, instead published a lot of trash on mythology and got rich(er).
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 639: Campbell attended a Grateful Dead concert in 1986, and marveled that "Everyone has just lost themselves in everybody else here!" Campbell died at his home in Honolulu, Hawaii, on October 30, 1987, from complications of esophageal cancer. The works of Arthur Schopenhauer and Friedrich Nietzsche had a profound effect on Campbell's thinking; he quoted their writing frequently. Sinclair's Babbitt did not follow his (Joe's) bliss, while Schopenhauer ans Nietzsche did, enviously watching Joseph hump his best friend's wife. Jung's insights into archetypes were heavily influenced by the Bardo Thodol (also known as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, an interesting tidbit on the side).
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 641: As a strong believer in the psychic unity of mankind and its poetic expression through mythology, Campbell made use of the Brigitte Bardot (BB) concept to express the idea that the whole of the human race can be seen as engaged in the effort of making the world "transparent to transcendence" by showing that underneath the world of phenomena (like Carol's underwear) lies an eternal source of bliss which is constantly pouring its energies into this world of time, suffering, and ultimately death. To achieve this task one needs to speak about things that existed before and beyond words, a seemingly impossible task, the solution to which lies in the metaphors found in myths. Words, words, words.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 648: As simple as that. Campbellillä onkin ollut suuri vaikutus tieteiskirjallisuuteen, fantasiakirjallisuuteen ja tieteiselokuviin. George Lucas on kertonut, että Tähtien sodan perusideat perustuivat Campbellin teosten esittämiin ajatuksiin. Käsikirjoittaja Christopher Vogler on kirjoittanut Campbellin teorioita soveltavan teoksen The Writer´s Journey: Mythic Structure For Writers, joka puolestaan on vaikuttanut useiden elokuvien käsikirjoituksiin, mm. Leijonakuninkaaseen ja Matrix-elokuvasarjaan.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 650: Campbellin kriitikoihin kuuluvat mm. Robert Segal, joka on kirjoittanut esseen "The Romantic Appeal of Joseph Campbell", sekä kulttuurikriitikko Camille Paglia, joka syyttää Campbellia "imelyydestä ja huonosta tutkimustyöstä" ja harhaanjohtavasta vaikutuksesta yhdysvaltalaiseen feminismiin.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 652: Campbell kuvaili joutessaan mytologialle nelinkertaista tehtävää ihmisyhteiskunnassa. Nämä näkyvät hänen teoksensa The Masks of God: Creative Mythology lopussa sekä useissa luennoissa.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 655: "olemisen mysteeriä" ja hänen osallistumistaan ​​siihen kohtaan Campbellin mukaan
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 659: Campbell kutsui niitä "olentolauseiksi" ja niiden toteuttaminen rituaalin
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 678: Campbell kutsui usein näitä
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 686: D. Pedagoginen/psykologinen tehtävä ohjaa nuorta yksilöä elämän vaiheiden läpi, kun ihminen kulkee läpi elämän, hän kohtaa monia psykologisia haasteita. Myytti voi toimia oppaana menestyksekkääseen elämänvaiheiden läpikulkuun, sanotaan vaikkapa Roope Ankan onnenraha. Campbellin näkemys
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 704: ihmiset, ovat tasavertaisia ​​osalstujia (LOL, haha), toiset tapettavina ja syötävänä, toiset tappajina ja syöjinä. Kirjassa Mythos and The Power of Myth, Campbell kertoo tarinan, jota hän kutsuu "Buffalon Carol-vaimoksi" Pohjois-Amerikan Blackfoot-heimon kertomana. Tarina kertoo ajasta, jolloin puhvelit lakkasivat tulemasta metsästystasangoille ja jättivät heimon nälkään. Päällikön tytär lupaa mennä naimisiin puhvelien päällikön kanssa vastineeksi niiden ilmestymisestä, mutta
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 707: Itse asiassa Campbell "opetti", ts. väitti, että ihmiskunta on kautta historian uskonut siihen, että kaikki elämä tulee ja palaa toiseen ulottuvuuteen, joka ylittää ajallisuuden, mutta joka
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 750: marginalisoitiin äärimmäisyyksiin. Campbell uskoi, että Eeva ja häntä kiusannut
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 755: kertomuksessa Kainista ja Aabelista, sillä Kain oli maanviljelijä, jonka
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 756: maatalouden uhrilahjoja Jumala ei hyväksy, kun taas paimen Abelin eläinuhri on.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 757: Mythoksen luentosarjassa Campbell puhuu Eleusiksen mysteereistä antiikin Kreikassa,
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 765: Keskiaikaisen mytologian, romanttisen rakkauden ja modernin hengen syntyessä Campbell
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 769: Campbell kuvailee uudenlaisen eroottisen kokemuksen syntymistä "henkilöstä
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 779: perustavaa ilmentymää Campbellin hallitsevasta tulkitsevasta viestistä "Seuraa
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 782: Campbell uskoi, että nykymaailmassa muodollisten, perinteisten mytologisten järjestelmien palveleman tehtävän ovat ottaneet yksittäiset luojat, kuten Josefin tapaiset bullshit artistit, meikkitaiteilijat ja käytännön filosofit. Joidenkin hänen suosikkiensa, kuten Thomas Mannin, Pablo Picasson ja James Joycen teoksissa, hän näki mytologisia teemoja, jotka voisivat palvella samaa elämää antavaa tarkoitusta kuin mytologialla oli kerran ollut. Niistä voisi saada Star Warsiin hienoja jatko-osia. Sääli tosiaan että Lucas huru-ukkona möi koko brändin Disney-vainajalle.
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 784: Näin ollen Campbell uskoi, että maailman uskonnot olivat samojen perustavanlaatuisten, transsendenttisten totuuksien erilaisia ​​kulttuurivaikutteisia "naamioita". Kaikki uskonnot voivat tuoda ihmisen tietoisuuteen dualistisen todellisuuskäsityksen jonnekin "vastakohtien parien", kuten olemisen ja ei-olemisen tai oikean ja väärän, yläpuolelle. Hän todellakin lainaa Rigvedaa Tuhannen kasvoisen sankarin esipuheessa: "Totuus on yksi, viisaat puhuvat siitä monella nimellä, niin saavat lisää sivuja."
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 786: Joose väittää siis, että sankaritarinoilla, kuten Krishna, Buddha, Luke Skywalker, Apollonius of Tyana, Teräsmies ja Jeesus, on kaikilla samanlainen mytologinen perusta. Joosen teokset ovat nyt loppuneet. Vuodesta 2014 lähtien Joseph Campbell Foundation on parhaillaan luomassa uutta e-kirjapainosta. Ei vain tule valmista
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 788: Antropologi Raymond Scupinin mukaan "Joseph Campbellin teorioita ei ole otettu hyvin vastaan antropologiassa hänen liiallisten yleistysten ja muiden ongelmien vuoksi."
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 789: Ellwood huomauttaa, että Jumalan naamarit -sarja "vakuutti lukulasisia maallikoita enemmän kuin asiantuntijoita". Stephen P. Dunn huomautti, että Länsimaisessa mytologiassa Campbell "kirjoittaa omituisen arkaaisella tyylillä – täynnä retorisia kysymyksiä, ihmettelyn ja ilon huudahduksia sekä lukijalle tai kenties kirjoittajan toiselle minälle suunnattuja väitteitä, mikä on hurmaavaa noin kolmanneksen ajasta ja melko ärsyttävää loput."
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 791: Paglian mukaan Campbell kaipasi kreikkalaisten alastomien poikien patsaiden "visionääristä ja ylevää" androgyyniaa. Paglia on kirjoittanut, että vaikka Campbell on "monille amerikkalaisille feministeille tärkeä hahmo", hiän inhoaa häntä hänen "imelyytensä ja huonon tutkimuksensa vuoksi". Paglia on kutsunut Campbellia "mushy broccolixi" ja "vääräksi opettajaksi" ja kuvaillut hänen työtään "meluisiksi, näyttäväksi sekaannukseksi".
    xxx/ellauri298.html on line 793: Jotkut kirjailijat ovat myös syyttäneet Campbelliä antisemitismistä . Tikkun Magazinessa Tamar Frankiel huomautti, että Campbell kutsui juutalaisuutta "Jahwe-kultiksi" ja että hän puhui muutenkin juutalaisuudesta lähes yksinomaan negatiivisesti. Vuonna 1991 Masson myös syytti Campbellia "piilotetusta antisemitismistä" ja "konservatiivisten, puolifasististen näkemysten kiehtomisesta". Uskontotieteilijä Russell T. McCutcheon luonnehti Campbellin teosten "itsetoteutuksen autuuden seuraamista" Reaganomicsin "hengelliseksi ja psykologiseksi oikeutukseksi."
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 153: Jefta var enligt Domarboken i Gamla Testamentet en domare i Israel. Vid en strid mot ammoniterna lovade han, i händelse av seger, att offra den första han mötte vid hemkomsten. När han kom hem var den första han mötte hans dotter. När Jefta får se henne sliter han sina kläder över att behöva offra sin enda dotter. Dottern säger till sin far att om han gett ett löfte till Herren måste han hålla det, men ber om en frist på två månader "så att jag kan ströva i bergen med mina väninnor och gråta över att jag måste dö som jungfru" (Domarboken 11:37, Bibel 2000). Efter två månader kommer hon tillbaks och Jefta gör då med henne "i enlighet med sitt löfte" (Domarboken 11:39).
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 205: 33. Ja hän tuotti heille hyvin suuren tappion, valloittaen maan Aroerista Minnitiin ja Aabel-Keramimiin asti, kaksikymmentä kaupunkia. Niin täytyi ammonilaisten nöyrtyä israelilaisten edessä.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 344: Today, Mea Shearim remains an insular neighbourhood in the heart of Jerusalem. With its Haredi, and overwhelmingly Hasidic, population, the streets retain the characteristics of an Eastern European shtetl, as it appeared in pre-war Europe. Life revolves around strict adherence to Jewish law, prayer, and the study of Jewish religious texts. Traditions in dress include black frock coats and black hats for men (although there are some other clothing styles, depending on the religious sub-group to which they belong), and long-sleeved, modest clothing for women. In some Hasidic groups, the women wear thick black stockings all year long, even in summer. Married women wear a variety of hair coverings, from wigs to scarves, snoods, hats, and berets. The men have beards, and many grow long sidecurls, called peyot. Many residents speak Yiddish in their daily lives, and use Hebrew only for prayer and religious study, as they believe Hebrew to be a sacred language, only to be used for religious purposes.
    xxx/ellauri303.html on line 346: Neturei Karta (Jewish Babylonian Aramaic: נָטוֹרֵי קַרְתָּא, romanized: nāṭōrēy qartāʾ, lit. 'Guardians of the City') is a religious group of Haredi Jews, formally created in Jerusalem, then in Mandatory Palestine, in 1938, splitting off from Agudas Yisrael. Neturei Karta opposes Zionism and calls for a "peaceful dismantling" of the State of Israel, in the belief that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah and that the state of Israel is a rebellion against God.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 515: There is a hierarchy of character. Minor characters, you let vanish. Usually you bring them alive for a moment by using stereotypes. Stereotypes are not necessarily evil or bad; they are boring characters who are typical members of a group and your readers know the group… Cabbie, cop, waitress, nigger, telephone operator, prostitute, lawyer, doctor, politician, drunken Irishman (What? Are there still some of those?), Italian who talks with his hands. We might not like stereotypes of groups to which we belong but as writers they work. These are place-holding characters; they do their job and disappear into the night. Writers of pulp fiction, say.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 517: Sometimes though they might do a little more. They won’t steal the real action but they set the mood, they add humor, they make the setting more believable. You can do this by making placeholders eccentric or obsessive. I read analysis once of an old flick called Beverly Hills Cop. It featured a clerk in an art gallery. He was effeminate. By itself, that’s not unusual. But he had a Jewish accent, and that was unusual because Jews weren’t generally treated as queens in Hollywood — it teems with them (although today H’wood can say anything it wants about Jews, even Christians. You can tell this was an old movie.) What that character did however in the film was to help make Detroit cop Eddie Murphy, the negro comedian, feel even more alien in L.A. than he otherwise would have.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 690: Ei hemmetti, Warren Murphyyn verrattuna Juan Batiste Montabuan on nobelisti ja Erkki Kanervan "Jammu" nimimerkillä kirjoittama "Yrjö" kirjasarja sofistikoitu klassikko. Enpä ole surkeampaa sepustusta juuri lukenut kuin tän vanhan vainoojan. Ja sentään olen ezimällä ezinyt näitä pohjanoteerauxia.
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 48: Amerikkalainen tragedia on yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailijan Theodore Dreiserin vuonna 1925 julkaisema romaani. Hän aloitti käsikirjoituksen kesällä 1920, mutta vuotta myöhemmin hylkäsi suurimman osan tekstistä. Se perustui Grace Brownin pahamaineiseen murhaan vuonna 1906 ja hänen rakastajansa oikeudenkäyntiin. Vuonna 1923 Dreiser palasi projektiin, ja tulevan vaimonsa Helenin ja kahden toimittaja-sihteerin Louise Campbellin ja Sally Kusellin avulla hän viimeisteli massiivisen romaanin vuonna 1925. Kirja tuli julkisuuteen Yhdysvalloissa. 1. tammikuuta 2021.
    xxx/ellauri305.html on line 263: belinki.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/jag_001.223232749_std.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 145: Mitäs sitten valkopestään izekkyys? Siihen riittää ettei "ryövää" muilta vaan tuottaa (ja vaihtaa) asioita joita ize arvostaa, muista viis. Coureur de bois pystymezässä squawn turkis tapissa, postinkantaja joka ahertaa nälkäpalkkansa eteen, opiskelija joka "juhlimisen" sijasta "keskittyy lukuihinsa" (mulla on muuten paikallisradion toimittajan paperit nim. MA Syrakuusan yliopistosta New Yorkista, jonka alumiineja, tiedekuntaa ja tytäryhtiöitä ovat kaikki Yhdysvaltain 46 presidenttiä ml Joe Biden, kolme nobelistia, yksi Fields-mitalisti, 36 olympiamitalistia, kolmetoista Pulitzer-palkinnon saajaa, lukuisia Oscar-voittajia, kaksi Rhodes Scholaria, viisi Marshall Scholaria, USA:n kaikki kuvernöörit sekä Yhdysvaltain senaatin ja edustajainhuoneen jäsenet. Eli revi siitä hei kaverit!), urheilija joka harjoittelee sinnikkäästi tullaxeen miljonäärixi, kexijä joka haluaa tulla rikkaaxi, taiteilija joka keskittyy työhönsä vaatimatta apurahoja, kaikki ovat esimerkkejä hyvästä izekkyydestä. Tästä näkee jo mistä olkiukosta on kysymys. Kazotaan vaikka sanakirjasta:
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 452: Attila on sankari monissa keskiaikaisissa eepoxissa, kuten Nibelungenliedissä, sekä erilaisissa Eddoissa ja saagoissa. Hunnien alkuperästä ja kielestä ei ole tietoa. Länkkäreistä ne oli jotain turkkilaisia, mutta ei välttämättä.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 60: belle.jpg" height="300px" />
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 420: The above illustrates how a fallacy in reasoning can persist and maim the minds of believers for thousands of years. First we make ourselves more important than ants, second we attribute meaning to chance third we accept suffering caused by ignorance and malice as the will of a higher being.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 559: Ennen kuin aloitat tämän artikkelin lukemisen, voitko arvata, kuka tulee listalle? Montako nobelistia? Montako muuta kuin anglosaxia?
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 742: Brown's work is heavily influenced by academic Joseph Campbell, who wrote extensively on mythology and religion and was highly influential in the field of screenwriting. Brown also states he based the character of Robert Langdon on Campbell. Vizi tästä akateemisesta Joosepista taitaa ollakin jo paasaus! Brown does his writing in his loft. He told fans that he uses inversion therapy (ei tarkoita housut pois homopatiaa vaan roikkumista pää alaspäin kuin apina) to help with writer's block. He uses gravity boots and says, "hanging upside down seems to help me solve plot challenges by shifting my entire perspective". Dan on myös hanakka plagioimaan muiden yhtä onnettomia kirjoja.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 755: 1949 amerikkalainen antropologi Joseph Campbell julkaisi kirjansa The Hero With a
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 757: Campbell oli perehtynyt Proppin tutkimuksiin ja löysi samankaltaisia myyttisestä
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 57: Arvsskatten och gåvoskatten avskaffas 2004. Skatten på utdelningar inom så kallade fåmansbolag sänks från 30 procent till 20 procent (under vissa villkor) 2006. Förmögenhetsskatten slopas 2007. Fastighetsskatten slopas 2008 och ersätts med ett takbelopp motsvarande knappa 800 euro. Bolagsskatten sänks i flera omgångar från 28 procent till 20,6 procent.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 61: Det säger den prisbelönta ekonomijournalisten och författaren Andreas Cervenka när HBL träffar honom i Lund. Cervenka syftar på en utveckling han beskriver i sin bok Girig-Sverige: Så blev folkhemmet ett paradis för de superrika.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 107: I dag är situationen annorlunda: räntorna har gått upp medan kronan och många av börsens raketer kraschat. Det sker i ett läge där Sverige är ett av de mest belånade länderna i världen.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 108: – Många unga fick höra att man ska belåna sig stort, för det gör alla. Nu sitter de plötsligt där med enorma lån som är större än bostadens värde.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 129: imartelevammilla valotehosteilla Instagramin kaltaisilla sovelluksilla. Kopiokoneella otettujen karvaisten belfieiden lisäxi saatiin nyt kauniita kuvia myös ajellusta etupepusta.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 152: edes anglosaxittu vaikka kaveri on puolinobelisti. Poängen är att människans villkor i stort sätt är
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 218: Hess, R. & Goebbels, ZS (2007). "Pitkän sodan (uudelleen)määrittely: kohti uutta kansainvälisen terrorismin mustamaalaussanastoa."
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 377: Chileläinen liguuri Ferrada de Nöj, Karolinskan professori emeritus, on aiheuttanut ällöpäille länkkäreille Ruåzissa aika paljon dålig stämningiä. I en intervju i den italienska tidningen L'Eco di Bergamo i januari 2019 fick Ferrada de Noli förklara varför han nominerade Julian Assange och Edward Snowden till Nobels fredspris, istället för att betrakta deras handlingar som illegala. Han svarade: ”Enligt internationell rätt är det som Assange har fördömt som istället borde betraktas som kriminellt”.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 546: Kierkegaard’s view was that one’s relation to a deity is irreducible to a creed (TRR, pp. 391–392). Instead of belief, what is vital is the religious romance. Willy to believe. The intimacy between a lesser being and a greater being is something we find in Keats' Endymion. Rorty analogizes religious faith with the experience of lovemaking. Unfair relations are valuable if they are able to deepen an individual’s unique life experience. They redeem the believer and the lover by helping them grow meaningfully, not by stretching uncomfortably. Religious connections range from "one of adoring obedience, or ecstatic communion, or quiet confidence, or some combination of these". Sounds a lot like Al Bundy's Love And Marrage.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 548: Rorty defines redemptive truth as "a set of beliefs that would end, once and for all, the process of reflection on what to do with ourselves". A hand job, that is what I need. While science offers us ‘‘an edifying example of tolerant conversability’’ or of ideal social cooperation, it remains an impoverished resource for self-flourishing. Kukoistus, hei täältäkö Eski Saarinen sen otti? Rortylta? No hmmm, se on kyllä positiivisen psykologian avainsanoja.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 552: Some might think of financial success as “flourishing.” Others might think of self-development and growth. You might believe that a person is flourishing when she is happy and content, or when she is learning new things and applying her skills to new challenges.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 620: The sacred elevates the ordinary human constitution. In today’s biggest monotheistic religions, Christian sacraments and Islamic rites are designed to welcome the purifying grace of the Divine in a believer’s life.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 650: There is a place where we are always alone with our own mortality, where we must simply have something greater than ourselves to hold onto—God or history or politics or literature or a belief in the healing power of love, or even righteous anger. Sometimes I think they are all the same. A reason to believe, a way to take the world by the throat and insist that there is more to this life than we have ever imagined (Allison 1994, p. 181; PSH, p. 161)
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 838: Und nicht ein Übel ists, wenn einiges eikä se ole paha, jos jotain
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 945: Brawne Lamia’s name comes from a combination of John Keats’ beloved Fanny Brawne, and his poem named Lamia (1819). She is described as a rather short and muscular with an intense gaze. She has shoulder-length black curls, dark eyes, sharp nose and wide expressive mouth. She is said to be very beautiful anyway. She becomes "romantically involved" with Johnny and pregnant to boot. She's from Lusus, a world that has gravity 1.3 times stronger than that of Earth. Because of that, she's shorter than many others, but has "heavy layers of mussel". Varoitus! seuraava kuva paljastaa yxityiskohtia ulkosynnyttimistä!
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 104: Eugene Gladstone O’Neill (16. lokakuuta 1888 New York, Yhdysvallat – 27. marraskuuta 1953 Boston, Yhdysvallat) oli toinen yhdysvaltalainen näytelmäkirjailija. O’Neill toi Anton Tšehovin, Henrik Ibsenin ja August Strindbergin edustaman dramaattisen realismin amerikkalaiseen näytelmäkirjallisuuteen. Heti ensimmäinen O’Neillin näytelmä, Taivaanrannan tuolla puolen (Beyond the Horizon, 1920), voitti näyttämötaiteen Pulitzer-palkinnon. Hän sai kaksi muuta Pulitzeria näytelmistään Agatha Christie (1922) ja Strange Interlude (1928). Hänelle myönnettiin kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinto vuonna 1936.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 128: Neillin elinaikana erityisesti ruotsalaiset olivat jostain syystä ihastuneet hänen tuotantoonsa, josta syystä hän saikin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon 1936. Niinpä näytelmän maailmanensi-ilta tapahtui 2. helmikuuta 1956 Tukholman Dramatenissa, ruotsiksi nimellä Lång dags färd mot natt. Sen ohjasi Bengt Morot, ja rooleissa nähtiin Carl Larsson (James Tyrone), Inga Dagblad (Mary Tyrone), Olof Palme (James Tyrone, Jr.), Jali Kulli (Edmund Tyrone) ja Hanna Westerlund (Cathleen). Vuonna 1988 näytelmä tuli uudelleen Dramatenin ohjelmistoon Ingmar Bergmanin ohjaamana; Jali Kulli oli nyt siiltynyt nuolemman pojan loolista isän looliin, painoi jallua ja haki auton lattialta mulkkua.
    xxx/ellauri314.html on line 174: Men sonen Jesus tycker jag inte värst om. Jesus var en sektledare som inte ens tillät lärjungarna att ta farväl av sina familjer, och han förbannade ett fikonträd bara för att han verkade vara på dåligt humör. Bibeln är fascinerande läsning. Men under arbetet med den här boken slogs jag av hur lynnig och krävande Jesus är. Han är ju en liten drama queen. Korsfästning var ju inget vidare den tiden. Han hade gjort sig skyldig till det i alla fall. Jag antar att jag löser det genom att tänka att om Gud blir människa får han också en människas svagheter. Han måste ju gå på toa och säkert hade han nattliga ejakulationer med. Med vem, det får vi kanske aldrig veta. Gud själv har väl ingen kuk, det är säkert därför den heliga anden finns där som tredje man.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 84: Unkarilais-juutalainen toimittaja Franz Szell, joka ilmeisesti asui Tilsitissä, Preussissa, Saksassa, vietti vuoden ajan syöden juustoa ja tutkien Latvian ja Viron arkistoista ennen kuin julkaisi vuonna 1936 avoimen kirjeen, josta oli kopiot Hermann Göringille, Joseph Goebbelsille, ulkoministeri Konstantin von Neurathille ym ym, syyttäen Rosenbergiä siitä, ettei hänen suonissaan virtaa "pisaraakaan saksalaista verta". Szell kirjoitti, että Rosenbergin esi-isien joukossa oli vain "latvialaisia, juutalaisia, mongoleja ja ranskalaisia". Liettuan viranomaiset karkottivat Szellin avoimen kirjeensä seurauksena 15. syyskuuta 1936. Hänen väitteensä toistettiin Vatikaanin L'Osservatore Romanon 15. syyskuuta 1937 ilmestyneessä numerossa. Alfred Rosenberg oli todellakin baltisaksalaista, ranskalaista ja luultavasti myös viro- ja latvialaista syntyperää, mutta juutalaista syntyperää ei kovasta pöyhinnästä huolimatta löydetty.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 608: bel" title="Mikhail Vrubel">Mikhail Vrubel (1856–1910), Russian painter
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 716: belfie.jpg" height="300px" alt="xxx" />
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 718: belfie1.jpg" height="300px" alt="xxx" />
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 719: belfie2.jpg" height="300px" alt="xxx" />
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 67: Bernard Berkowitz valmistui City Collegesta, sai MS-tutkinnon Columbia Universitystä ja tohtorinsa New Yorkin yliopistosta. Hän osallistui Alfred Adler -instituuttiin ja mielenterveyskeskukseen. Tohtori Berkowitz on myös New Jerseyn ruston restaurointikeskuksen (CRC) johtaja. Alfred oli Wienin juutalaisia, individuaalipsykologian eli rahakkaan kallonkutistuxen perustaja Freudin ja Franklin ohella. Engaging and compelling communicator (ENFJ). Tyyppi johon kuuluu iso läjä Göbbelssarjan paskiaisia.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 88: Suhtaudu izeesi vilpittömasti ja kohtele itseäsi ystävällisesti ja kunnioittavasti. Älä hylji itseäsi, jos ottamasi belfiekuva ei olekaan sinulle mieleen. On luultavasti hyvia syitä siihen, että pyllysi osoittautui sellaiseksi luisevaxi, ja maha pömpötti. Kunnioita elämää, jota olet elänyt, vaikka mahdollisesti haluaisitkin muuttaa sen.
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 183: 'PG, as I called him, was 25 at that time and absolutely adorable,' said Cartland, 'as well as being the most amazing lover. In my heart, I have always believed that he was Raine's father. I was shattered when he, too, died in a plane crash, while on active service during the war.'
    xxx/ellauri320.html on line 363: Det å bli gammel, tenkte jeg ikke over før for 2 år siden da jeg plutselig havnet på sykehuset en morgen. Jeg skulle dusje, så da vannet kom over hodet mitt, var det plutselig vondt å få vann i håret? Jeg skjønte ingenting, så ble alt rundt meg "rosa?" Da besvimte jeg og hektet av glassdøren på dusjkabinettet. Jeg våknet etter noen sekunder på gulvet utenfor dusjen med døren på snei! Jeg hadde ikke følt meg dårlig før dette. Var frisk som en fisk og syklet mye. På sykehuset konstanterer de dobbel lungebetennelse, og flere mangler i blodet, bl.annet Kadium? Og jeg som spiser variert mat, tar mine vitaminer og noe kosttilskudd, vet ikke hvorfor dette skjedde. Men etter noen dager på sykehus var alt ok igjen. Det var ikke hyggelig å reise til sykehus med håndkle rundt håret og badehåndkle rundt kroppen uten noen andre ting med. Jeg ler av det i dag. Men tilbake til det å bli gammel! Plutselig skjer det noe uventet, som artrose, dårligere tarmfunksjon. Jeg la om kostholdet mitt 100%, og vips var alle smerter borte, tarmene har begynt å fungere normalt igjen etter å ha fått Ulcerøs kolitt. Med min nye måte å spise på, er alt bra hittil. Håper det fortsetter slik. Når man blir gammel, gjør det ofte litt vondt her og der. Men kostholdet er nøkkelen til god og smertefri helse. God sommer!
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 323:

    Marikan kirjajuttuja: Svetlana Aleksijevitš – tuleva nobelisti?

    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 329: Ukrainalaissyntyinen Svetlana Aleksijevitš sai kuin saikin Nobel-palkinnon hävityn Krimin sodan ansioista 2015. Aleksijevitš on kuvannut Turoman mukaan dystooppista maailmaa, Seppo Puttonen puhuu karusta maailmasta. Vittu se kuvaa juuri tätä maailmaa, ei jotain muuta.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 333: Nainen on voittanut Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vain 13 kertaa, eikä venäläinen nainen kertaakaan, ei edes isovenäläinen nainen. Jos haluttaisiin päästä tasoihin, olisi naisen vuoro voittaa seuraavat 98 vuotta ja sitten tulisi venäläisten vuoro. Näin ollen tänäkin vuonna voisi todeta, että nyt olisi taas naisen vuoro. Edellisen kerran nainen palkittiin toissavuonna 2013, kun kanadalainen novellisti Alice Munro nousi Tukholman konserttitalon lavalle vastaanottamaan oman mitalinsa ja sitä edellisen kerran joulukuisesta juhlaseremoniasta sai nauttia saksalainen Herta Müller vuonna 2009. Munrosta sevverran että ko. haahka antoi toisen miehensä bylsiä tytärtänsä eikä ollut siitä millänsäkään. "Minähän tässä olen uhri", kaakatti Alice. "Kodinrikkoja", sanoivat tyttärestä molemmat. Onnexi Alice sai alzheimerin ja on nyt vihdoin heittänyt lusikkansa nurkkaan.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 379: Tutustuttuani Aleksijevitšin kirjailijauraan ja kahteen suomennettuun teokseen, taidan yhtyä mielipiteisiin siitä, että palkinto joutaisi tänä vuonna mielellään mennä Aleksijevitsille. Nobel-tunnustuksen myötä hänen tuotantonsa leviäisi entistäkin laajemmalle ja yhä useampi lukija tarttuisi hänen tärkeisiin teoksiinsa. Maailmamme tarvitsee lisää inhimillisyyttä ja Svetlana Aleksijevitšin kaltaisia vompatin näköisiä kirjoittajia.
    xxx/ellauri329.html on line 393: Svetlana Aleksijevits syntyi Ukrainassa 1948 ja asui pääsääntöisesti Belarusissa, vaikka kirjoittikin venäjäxi. Loikkasi 2003 Lukashenkaa pakoon Valko-venäjältä länteen jossa viihtyi 10v, palasi Krimin selkkauxen aattona Belarusiin. Noobel päsähti vuonna 2015 Krimin ansiosta. Uusi lähtö Belarusista tuli 2020, mistä lähtien se on ajanut länkkärien asiaa Berliinistä käsin. Vanhahan sekin alkaa olla, Kristina tätiäkin vanhempi.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 45: Heinrich Böll sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1972 suurelta osin tämän romaanin ansiosta. Romaanin päähenkilö Leni Riefenstahl on 48-vuotias, hänen miehensä on kaatunut sodassa, poika istuu vankilassa. Elämä on kohdellut Leniniä alun pitäen kovakouraisesti, mutta kaikista kolhuista huolimatta Lenin uskoo yhä elämään, sen myönteisiin voimiin, rakkauteen (Fig 1). (Kirjasampo)
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 51: Group Portrait with Lady (German: Gruppenbild mit Dame) is a novel by Nobel Prize winning author Heinrich Böll, published in 1971. The novel revolves around a woman named Leni, and her friends, foes, lovers, employers and others and in the end tells the stories of all these people in a small city in western Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. As is usual in Böll's novels, the main focus is the Nazi era, from the perspective of ordinary people. (Wikipedia en)
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 88: Das Nobelpreis-Komitee sprach von einem „deutschen Wunder“ und verlieh Böll 1972 den Nobelpreis für seine Verdienste um die deutsche Nachkriegsliteratur.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 100: Basierend auf dem Roman des Nobelpreisträgers Heinrich Böll erzählt "Gruppenbild mit Dame" die bewegende Geschichte einer Frau, die gegen alle gesellschaftlichen Widerstände nach ihren persönlichen Idealen lebt. Romy Schneider ("Sissi"), die hier nach 16 Jahren das erste Mal wieder in einem deutschen Film auftrat, brilliert in der Hauptrolle einer ebenso sensiblen wie selbstbewussten Frau, für die sie 1977 mit dem Filmband in Gold ausgezeichnet wurde. An ihrer Seite glänzen Heinrich Böll ("Nobelpreis"), Brad Dourif ("Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest", "Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten") und Vadim Glowna ("Vier Minuten", "Baader").
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 149: Leni ist sich und anderen gegenüber grenzenlos großzügig. Im September 1944 belaufen sich ihre Außenstände auf 20 000 Mark. Im November 1944 weiß sie, dass sie schwanger ist. Das ist die Stunde des alten Hoyser, Lottes Schwiegervater, an den Leni ihr Haus erst verpfänden, dann abtreten muss – er übervorteilt sie gnadenlos, und gleich am 1. Januar 1945 treibt er Mieten ein. Auch bei seiner Schwiegertochter Lotte, der erst jetzt bewusst wird, dass Leni immer alle hat gratis wohnen lassen.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 161: Auf den Spuren von Schwester Rahel und einem Rosenwunder (ein unverwüstlicher Rosenstrauch blüht dauerhaft auf ihrem Grab) reist der Verfasser bis nach Rom in die Ordenszentrale. Dort begegnet er Schwester Klementina, die hochgebildet und außerdem höchst attraktiv ist. Sowohl was Lenis möglicherweise erotische Beziehung zu Schwester Rahel als auch was das Rosenwunder anbelangt, hält sich die Nonne bedeckt. Man raucht Virginia-Zigaretten zusammen, und zum Abschied küsst der Verfasser die Nonne ganz unkeusch, worauf diese ihn zur Wiederkehr einlädt. In Deutschland hat sich das Rosenwunder derweil zum Rosenthermalwunder gemausert: Rund um den Rosenstock im Klostergarten sollen heiße Quellen sprudeln, die Presse ist elektrisiert, doch der Orden wiegelt weiter ab.
    xxx/ellauri337.html on line 209: Max Ferdinand Scheler (* 22. August 1874 in München; † 19. Mai 1928 in Frankfurt am Main) war ein deutscher Philosoph, Anthropologe und Soziologe. Scheler war der Sohn eines Domänenverwalters und einer orthodox-jüdischen Mutter. In Jena wurde Max 1897 bei dem Nobelisten Rudolf Eucken mit dem Thema Beiträge zur Feststellung der Beziehungen zwischen den logischen und ethischen Prinzipien promoviert. Im Jahr 1899 habilitierte er sich in Jena mit dem Thema Die transzendentale und die psychologische Methode. Im selben Jahr heiratete Scheler Amelie Ottilie, geborene Wollmann geschiedene von Dewitz-Krebs (1868–1924). Aufgrund der Lektüre von Husserls Logischen Untersuchungen und eines Skandals um seine Affäre mit Helene Voigt-Diederichs, der Ehefrau von Eugen Diederichs, musste er seine Position in Jena aufgeben.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 47: Gabista ei ole oikeastaan omaa paasausta. Albumissa 116 sitä vähän sivutaan pöljän perulaisen Lösän yhteydessä, joka löi Gabilta nenän poskelle. Nyt löytyi vaihtorottahyllystä Gabin myöhäistuotantoa edustava vihkonen. Sen mottona on lainaus rivolta nobelistikolleegalta Kawabata Yasunarilta, joka neuvoo ettei nukkuvan geishan suuhun sovi sujauttaa kynnetöntä sormea, se on mautonta.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 65: Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez oli kolumbialainen kirjailija, novellikirjailija, käsikirjoittaja ja toimittaja. García Márquezia, joka tunnettiin kotimaassaan "Gabona", pidettiin yhtenä 1900-luvun merkittävimmistä kirjailijoista. Vuonna 1982 hänelle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto. Samana vuonna New Yorker hylkäsi Gabin tarjoaman novellin. Lukijat eivät tykkäisi sen lopusta. Olikohan se tämä? Hyviä huomioita, lähtökohta on mielenkiintoinen ja teksti kauniisti kirjoitettu, mutta tarina on ohut ja loppu hieman pettymys. Ei yhtään penetraatiota.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 236: Hemingway's preoccupation with violence dominated his life. Tässä se nähtiin taas. He won the Nobel prize of literature in 1945. Figures. Big game hunting, deep sea fishing, military exploits, physical prowess, heavy boozing. Ilmiselvä homo.Tästä aiheesta on paljon paasausta ennestäänkin. Old man and the Seagram.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 271: In 1907, Notari (1878–1950) was already a best-selling journalist, polemicist, biographer, novelist, and dramatist. All told, he would write more than thirty books, in six of which he examines the position of women in society, most notably with a 1903 exegesis of prostitution in high and low places called Signore sole: Interviste con le più belle e le più celebri artiste (Single women: Interviews with the most beautiful and famous artists) that sold 21,000 copies and was denounced as immoral and obscene and taken to court, which inevitably increased its readership. It was followed by Quelle signore: Scene di una grande città moderna (Those women: Scenes of a great modern city; ca. 1904), which was set in a house of prostitution and whose main character, Ellere, was recognizably based on Notari’s good friend Filippo Tommaso Marinetti (1876–1944), an Egyptian-born Italian poet, editor, firebrand, and founder of the Futurist movement.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 279: The Black Pig’s front matter also mentions two earlier publications that reveal Notari’s anticlerical bias: Carducci Intimo (1903), a biography of Giosuè Carducci (1835–1907), the Italian poet, professor, classicist, translator, freethinker, fierce opponent of the Catholic Church, and author of “Hymn to Satan,” who would be awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Literature; and Il Papa alla porta! Inchiesta e conclusioni per l’abolizione del Papato (Throw the Pope out! An inquest and conclusions for the abolition of the Papacy), aimed at the recently elected and very conservative Pope Pius X. Notari’s anticlericalism is also visible in his dedication of The Black Pig: “A due invitti innovatori di un Italia pagana e virile, dedico questo libro di demolizione di una Italia chiercuta e bazzotta” (To two indomitable revivers of a pagan and virile Italy, I dedicate this book aimed at the destruction of a tonsured and limp Italy).
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 281: Indeed, as Rinaldi claims, The Black Pig “tells you about those priests” (FTA 8). And it is easy enough to see why the priest thought it “a filthy and vile book.” But Rinaldi’s complaint, that it “shook my faith” (7), needs to be read in the context of everything else we know of this character. If Rinaldi is a real believer—which I doubt—he would disdain Notari’s book, which, although heavily documented, is dripping with scorn, irony, and bias. But if his faith is automatic and largely irrelevant, or if it has already been shaken, he might have read on, attracted by Notari’s wide reading, his witty, strong prose, and his relentlessly rationalist logic, sometimes reminiscent of MarkTwain.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 290: Giosuè Carducci (27. heinäkuuta 1835 – 16. helmikuuta 1907) oli italialainen runoilija ja prosaisti, joka sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1906. Häntä pidetään modernin Italian epävirallisena kansallisrunoilijana. Hän toimi myös opettajana ja kääntäjänä ja käänsi Vergiliuksen teoksia ja osia Iliaasta italiaksi. Carducci toimi aktiivisesti myös kulttuuripolitiikassa ja oli muun muassa koulutusta ja kulttuuririentoja järjestävän Società Dante Alighierin perustajajäsen. Hänen poliittiset mielipiteensä olivat ailahtelevaisia, ja hän on kirjoittanut yhtä tulisieluisia tekstejä tasavallan puolesta kuin sitä vastaan. Hän ei pitänyt paavilaisuudesta. Hänet äänestettiin Senaattiin vuonna 1890.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 461: Barbelle (Web Series) fictitious band from the web series of the same name in the song Clear Cut (2017).
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 592: Kazo myös: bel">Serubbaabelin apokalypsi. Siinä arvoituksellinen postpakolainen raamatullinen johtaja saa ilmestysnäön, jossa hahmotellaan Israelin ennallistamiseen päivien loppuun ja kolmannen temppelin perustamiseen liittyviä henkilöitä ja tapahtumia. Kirja lienee sepitetty 600 AD tienoilla mutta varmaa näyttöä teoksen olemassaolosta ennen 1000000-lukua on kuitenkin vaikea löytää. Koska kirja antoi yksiselitteisen päivämäärän (1058 jKr.) Messiaan paluulle, sillä oli suuri vaikutus nykyajan messiaaniseen ajatteluun. Kirjan mainitsee Matojen Eleasar (Eleazar of Worms) ja oletettavasti Rashi. Abraham ibn Ezra kritisoi kirjaa "epäluotettavaxi".
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 594: Sefer Zerubavel ( heprea : ספר זְרֻבָּבֶל , latinisoitu : Sēfer Zərubbāḇél ), jota kutsutaan myös Serubbaabelin kirjaksi tai Serubbaabelin apokalypsiksi, on keskiaikainen heprea - apgoypsen tyyliin kirjoitettu 1000 - luvun alussa. näyt (esim. Daniel, Hesekiel), jotka asetettiin Serubbaabelin, viimeisen Daavidin suvun jälkeläisen suuhun, joka otti merkittävän osan Israelin historiassa ja loi toisen temppelin perustan 600-luvulla eaa. Arvoituksellinen postpakolainen raamatullinen johtaja saa ilmestysnäön, jossa hahmotellaan Israelin ennallistamiseen, päivien loppuun ja kolmannen temppelin perustamiseen liittyviä henkilöitä ja tapahtumia.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 598: Kertomuksessa Serubbaabel johdetaan "häpeän taloon" (kirkko), eräänlaiseen antitemppeliin. Siellä hän näkee kauniin naisen patsaan (Neitsyt Marian). Kun Saatana on toimittanut isän tehtävät, patsas synnyttää Antikristus Armiluksen. Armilukseen ja antitemppeliin liittyvät joukot tulevat hallitsemaan koko maailmaa. Mutta lopulta nämä voimat voitetaan. Teos päättyy Serubbaabelin visioon taivaan temppelin laskeutumisesta maan päälle. Siten "iankaikkisen huoneen muoto" paljastuu; toisin kuin toinen temppeli, se on tehty taivaassa.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 600: Martha Himmelfarbin (2002) mukaan Talmud Yerushalmin Tractate Berakhot 2.4 10ff -kohdan, jossa käsitellään Messiaan Menahem ben Ammielin äitiä, Sefer Serubbabel on ainoa varhainen juutalainen teksti, joka tuo Messiaan äidin juutalaisuuteen. Hefzibahilla on tärkeä rooli, kun hän löytää ja käyttää Aaronin käärmemäistä sauvaa.
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 602: Timo pieni skotti: Vaikka ei ole epäilystä siitä, että Paavali kirjoitti 1. kirjeen tessalonikalaisille, on epätodennäköistä, että Paavali (ja Timoteus) olisi myös kirjoittanut 2. tessalonikalaisille. Näiden kahden kirjaimen kieli ja teologia ovat olennaisesti erilaisia. Myös toisen kirjeen rakenne todellakin jäljittelee ensimmäisen kirjeen rakennetta, mutta se on vähemmän henkilökohtainen kuin ensimmäinen, mikä olisi melko epätodennäköistä, jos Paavali kirjoittaisi molemmat kirjeet. Ehkä silmiinpistävin on ero näkemyksissä Kristuksen toisesta tulemisesta näiden kahden kirjeen välillä. Näyttää siltä, ​​että myöhempi kirjoittaja olisi kirjoittanut toisen kirjeen ja yrittänyt päivittää Paavalin näkemystä toisesta tulemisesta. Siirtää parasta ennen päiväystä eteenpäin kuin Serubbaabelin näyn toimittajat. Uuden testamentin tutkija Bart Ehrman, tunnettu UNC-Chapel Hillin uskonnontutkimuksen professori, on kirjoittanut laajasti tästä aiheesta.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 259: Paul "hänmies" Deman senttasi sodan aikana antisemiittisiä juttuja belgiläpysköihin. Maurice Blanchot liehitteli sakareita miehityxen aikana. Kesäkuussa 1944 natsien ampumaryhmä melkein teloi Blanchotin. Sodan jälkeen hän kirjoitti toistuvasti fasismiin kohdistuvaa älyllistä vetovoimaa vastaan ​​ja erityisesti Heideggerin sodanjälkeistä vaikenemista vastaan ​​holokaustista. Melkoisia luikureita.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 374: Hilvikistä tuli Obelixin vankka oppilas ja hän halveksi surrealistien uudenlaisen pakkomielteen kuvausta. Hän kieltäytyi aina suutelemasta Andre Bretonin kättä, mutta hänestä tuli Paul Eluardin säkeen ja Aragonin lyyristen lahjojen elinikäinen ihailija. Eugene Guillevic, runoilija, syntynyt Carnac, Ranska 5. elokuuta 1907; kahdesti naimisissa (yksi tytär ja yksi tytär kuollut); kuoli Pariisissa 19. maaliskuuta 1997.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 377: Wasf on arabien runogenre, alongside 'the boast (fakhr), the invective (hijaa’), and the elegy (marthiya)'. In waṣf love poems, each part of a lover's body is described and praised in turn, often using exotic, extravagant, or even far-fetched metaphors. The Song of Solomon is a prominent example of such a poem, and other examples can be found in Thousand and One Nights. The images given in this type of poetry are not literally descriptive. Instead, they convey the delight of the lover for the beloved, where the lover finds freshness and splendor in the body as a reflected image in the world. Hilvik ei perustanut metaforista, se käytti vertauxia mieluummin.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 424: Vuoden 1910 lopulla Moskovassa Tsvetaeva tapasi runoilijan ja kirjallisuuskriitikon Maximilian Voloshinin. Seuraavana vuonna hän vierailee kuuluisassa Voloshinin " runoilijoiden talossa " Krimillä. Siellä Koktebelissä toukokuussa 1911 Tsvetaeva tapasi Sergei Efronin; 29. tammikuuta 1912 he menivät naimisiin Kristuksen syntymän kirkossa Maly Palashevsky Lanella. Saman vuoden syyskuussa Marinalla ja Sergeillä oli tytär Ariadna (Alya). Seuraavina vuosina, vallankumoukseen asti, perhe vietti toistuvasti kesiä Krimillä Voloshinin dachassa. Myöhemmin siirtolaisuudessa Tsvetaeva muisteli, että tämä oli hänen elämänsä onnellisin aika.
    xxx/ellauri356.html on line 493: Samaan aikaan hän piti yli 50 vuoden ajan suhdetta belgialaiseen kirjailijaan Dominique Roliniin (1913-2012). Vuonna 2013 hän julkaisi Naispotretteja -kirjan, jossa hän kertoo äidistään Julia Kristevasta, Dominique Rolinista sekä prostituoiduista ja muista historiallisista henkilöistä.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 416: Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 469: Claire aloitti seksuaalisen suhteen lordi Byronin kanssa huhtikuussa 1816, juuri ennen hänen omatoimisuuttaan maanosassa, ja sitten järjesti Byronin tapaavan Shelleyn, Maryn ja tämän Genevessä. Shelley ihaili Byronin runoutta ja oli lähettänyt hänelle Queen Mabin ja muita runoja. Shelleyn puolue saapui Geneveen toukokuussa ja vuokrasi talon lähellä Villa Diodatia, Genevejärven rannalla, jossa Byron oleskeli. Siellä Shelley, Byron ja muut keskustelivat kirjallisuudesta, tieteestä ja "erilaisista filosofisista opeista". Eräänä yönä, kun Byron lausui Coleridge's Christabelia, Shelley sai vakavan paniikkikohtauksen ja hallusinaatioita. Edellisenä yönä Mary oli nähnyt tuottavamman näkemyksen tai painajaisen, joka inspiroi hänen romaaniaan Frankenstein.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 501: Joulukuussa Shelley tapasi Teresa (Emilia) Vivianin, joka oli Pisan kuvernöörin 19-vuotias tytär ja asui luostarissa odottaen sopivaa avioliittoa. Shelley "vieraili hänen luonaan" useita kertoja seuraavien kuukausien aikana, ja he aloittivat intohimoisen "kirjeenvaihdon", joka hiipui hiänen avioliittonsa jälkeen seuraavana syyskuussa. Emilia oli inspiraationa Shelleyn päärunolle Epipsychidion. (Se on izeriittoista ja izerakasta izetyydytystä, jossa runoilija kiihottuu omasta kuvastaan, äänestään ja tunteestaan. Xerox-koneella otettu belfie. Shelleyn runot on vitun klisheisiä, paljon klisheisempiä kuin kampurajalka Byronin.)
    xxx/ellauri358.html on line 104: Erään heidän nussiretkensä tuloksena Catherine tutustuu läheisen Rastaantien moision väkeen, herra ja rouva Lintoniin ja heidän lapsunsa Isabellaan ja Edgariin. Heidän vaikutuxesta hankin alkaa pitää huolta ulkonäöstään ja kuinkas ollakaan Catherine suostuu hienostuneeseen ja hillittyyn Edgariin,otta sen varattomana aviomiehekseen. Kuultuaan tästa Heathcliff katma koimekse vuodeksi, kunnes palaa ja tapaa Catherinen Rasta-mansion emäntänä. Han houkuttelee Edgarin sisaren parittelemaan ja avioitumaan kanssaan päästäkseen kasikst omaisuuteen ja kostaakseen Catherinelle ja Edgarille. Cather sarastuu vakavasti, synnyttää kuitenkin Edgarille tyttären, Cathyn, mutta menehtyy pian synnytyksen jälkeen. Isabella tulee tuntemaan Heathcliffin paholaismaisen luonteen. Han karkaa saman luota ja synnyttaa pakomatkallaan pojan, Lintonin. Heathcliff ottaa Isabellan kuoltua haltuunsa Humisevan harjun halot huolimatta oppimattomista käytöstavoistaan.
    xxx/ellauri358.html on line 263: Muista hyvä teiniveli / piirtämäsi paraabeli.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 59: Si, ormai sono due anni che sto con il mio ragazzo è lui è davvero superdotato, mai visto e avuto uno così. Ci sono sia pro che contro. All'inizio non è stato facile, tanto che la prima volta chè l'abbiamo fatto mi ha fatto uscire sangue, ed io non ero vergine! Poi lui avendolo anche molto largo, ogni volta all'inizio della penetrazione mi fa molto male, e succede ancora oggi. Ma Dopo che entra poi va tutto bene ed è bellissimo fare sesso con lui, tranne quando spinge forte che con la sua lunghezza mi arriva allo stomaco e li sono dolori, ma con il tempo ha capito I miei limiti e dove lui può arrivare e come andare.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 67:
    Helga Goebbels ja Adolf-setä. Helga-neiti eutanasioitiin Adolf-sedän bunkkerissa syanidilla.

    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 671: Jerry keskittyi rahatalouden kasvuun keinona täystyöllisyyden luomisessa. Hän oli myös tietoinen pakkosäästämisen, kulutushalukkuuden, säästämis-sijoitussuhteen ja muiden "nykyaikaisen" tulo- ja työllisyysanalyysin sisällön muodostavista asioista. Hänen rahanäkemyksensä oli lähellä hänen utilitaristisen päätöksenteon mallissaan käytettyjä peruskäsitteitä. Hänen töitään pidetään "modernin hyvinvointitalouden" (anglosaxinen talousliberalismi) varhaisena edeltäjänä. Esimerkiksi 1780-luvulla Bentham piti kirjeenvaihtoa ikääntyvän Adam Smithin kanssa epäonnistuneena yrityksenä saada Smithin vakuuttuneeksi siitä, että korkojen pitäisi antaa kellua vapaasti. Chicagon jutku talousnobelisti Milton Friedman taputti Jerrylle karvakäsiään.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 281: Au début du roman, Bernard est présenté comme un personnage détestable, un véritable voyou sans scrupules. Il est élevé dans une famille de brigands et est un con. Cependant, au fil de l’histoire, nous assistons à sa transformation profonde, alors qu’il est confronté à l’amour et à la bienveillance de la belle Edmée de Mauprat. Bernard devient ainsi le symbole de la rédemption, luttant contre ses instincts les plus sombres pour devenir un homme meilleur.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 367: Pyhät Boris ja Gleb on kanonisoitu pyhinä kärsijöinä eli kärsimyksenkantajina, mikä tarkoittaa, että he eivät kärsineet marttyyrikuolemaa Kristuksen tähden vainottuina, vaan ahneiden uskonveljiensä surmaamina ihan Kristuxesta riippumatta. Sama ongelma siis kuin pyhällä Max Kurbelwellella albumissa 372.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 133: Character Analysis The Intended. Kurtz's fiancée is marked — like the Harlequin — by her absolute devotion to Kurtz. When Marlow visits her after his return from Africa, he finds that she has been dressed in mourning for more than a year and still yearns for information about how her love spent his last days. However, she is actually devoted to an image of Kurtz instead of the man himself: She praises Kurtz's "words" and "example," assuming that these are filled with the nobility of purpose with which Kurtz began his career with the Company. Her devotion is so absolute that Marlow cannot bear to tell her Kurtz's real last words ("The horror! The horror!") and must instead tell her a lie ("The whore! The whore!") that strengthens her already false impression of Kurtz. On a symbolic level, the Intended is like many Europeans, who wish to believe in the greatness of men like Kurtz without considering the more "dark" and hidden parts of their characters. Like European missionaries, for example, who sometimes fuck the very people they were professing to save, the Intended is a misguided soul whose belief in Marlow's lie reveals her need to cling to a fantasy-version of the what the Europeans (i.e., the Company) are doing in Africa.
    xxx/ellauri379.html on line 322: Courtney Love on kade miljardöörimmälle Taylor Wiftille. Ei Wift ole mitenkään tärkeä. Nina Simone oli etevämpi, siitä ei voi olla kuin yhtä mieltä. Sibelius wiftasi Kämpin yläkerrassa. Kekähän sille siellä twerkkas persettä. Ei Aino ainakaan, ei liioin Love eikä Wift. Tokko edes Nina Simone. Courtney ehkä nirhasi Kurt Cobainin. Lopun alku käynnistyi kun Cobain katosi vieroitusklinikalta maaliskuussa 1994. Courtney Love palkkasi yksityisetsivät paikantamaan miehen. Courtney teki katoamisilmoituksen Kurtin äidin nimellä, jossa varoiteltiin muusikon olevan itsetuhoinen. Kukaan ei löytänyt Cobainia. Ennustettavissa ollut toteutui 5. huhtikuuta 1994: Cobainin verestä löydettiin kolminkertainen yliannos heroiinia. Hän oli myös väitetysti ampunut itseään haulikolla. Jostain syystä haulikosta ei löydetty Cobainin sormenjälkiä. Hänet löysi hälytysjärjestelmän asentaja kahden ja puolen päivän päästä ampumisesta. Asentaja huomasi lasiruudun läpi paitaan, farkkuihin ja kenkiin pukeutuneen ruumiin huoneessa, jonka ikkunassa oli kyltti, jossa luki "Sovun valtakunta". Kurt Cobain makasi selällään lattialla. Kurt oli jättänyt myös itsemurhaviestin, jonka hän oli omistanut lapsuuden mielikuvitusystävälleen Boddahille. Paperissa oli pätkä Neil Youngin kappaleesta "My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue)". Cobain olisi kirjoittanut lappuun "It's better to burn out than to fade away" (suom. "On parempi palaa loppuun kuin feidata").
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 303: If Palestine hadn't kept firing missiles and random firing on Israel this mess would have not been. Why do you think you have the right to fire on them and they don't have the right to protect themselves by bombing everything to bits? It saddens the world that you live in the land of the Bible and Jesus. And you act in this way. Moses was a Jew according to the Bible and it was written before Islam was invented. My friend you are wrong headed about your beliefs because you unlike us and the Jews are being led by a religion of hate.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 305: Jews and Christians don't believe in killing innocent people with suicide bombers, genocide bombers work much better. We see you eye to eye about keeping women under extreme repression treating them as property and slaves, plus about preaching hate instead of love and killing innocent people because they don't believe what you do. I'm American, so don't come to our country except for cleaning purposes, and try to turn it into what you left. If you love what you are leaving just stay there. I mean in Egypt, not Israel, that is forever reserved for us and our likes.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 368: Aleksanteri Solženitsynin "Gulagin saaristo" salakuljetettiin Venäjältä - "PETTURI!" Näin virallinen neuvostolehdistö leimasi Nobel-palkitun kirjailijan, joka on Venäjän suurin kirjailija. Hänen rikoksensa oli kirjoittaa kirjoja, paljastaen elävästi painajaisen poliittisen vankilajärjestelmän, joka aikoinaan vaati hänet yhdeksi miljoonista uhreistaan ja joka vielä nytkin heittää pelon varjonsa koko venäläisen elämän yli.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 380: to be capable of the relentless, iron-belly struggle of the
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 386: unbelievable syntactical contortions, but it is well worth
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 411: Elokuu 1914 (venäjäksi: Август четырнадцатого ) on Nobel-palkitun kirjailijan Aleksandr Solženitsynin venäläinen romaani keisarillisen Venäjän armeijan tappiosta Tannenbergin taistelussa Itä - Preussissa.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 425: In eight remarkable chapters of August 1914 (the so-called Stolypin cycle), Solzhenitsyn painted a portrait of the statesman Pyotr Stolypin, scourge of the revolutionary left and reactionary right alike and the last best hope for Russia’s salvation. Prime Minister of Russia from 1906 until 1911, Stolypin’s abiding concern was to promote far-reaching agrarian reforms that would lead to the creation of a “solid class of peasant proprietors” in Russia. He believed that a property-owning peasantry would provide the social basis for a revitalized monarchy in Russia. He was a “liberal conservative” who rejected pan-Slavist delusions and who advocated a monarchy that respected the rule of law, one that could govern in cooperation with a “society” that had an increasing stake in the existing social order. But unfortunately Stolypin was shot (in the presence of the Tsar) at the Kiev opera house in September 1911. His assassin was, quite strikingly, a double agent of the secret police and revolutionary terrorists!
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 427: The expanded version of Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn's ''August 1914'' -containing a new section on the assassination of a Russian prime minister by an anarchist Jew - has touched off a controversy as to whether the Nobel Prize winner and author of the ''Gulag Archipelago'' is anti-Semitic.
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 484: The presumed close U.S.-Israel relationship, thought to be operative at all levels, aggravates and complicates this penchant for secrecy in arab-U.S. military cooperation. Arabs believe that the most mundane details about them are somehow transmitted to the Mossad via a secret hotline.This explains why a U.S. advisor with Arab forces is likely to be asked early and often about his opinion of the "Palestine problem," then subjected to monologues on the presumed Jewish domination of the United States.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 207: Seksuaaliekonomia on tutkimussuunta, joka useita vuosia sitten on hahmottunut ihmisen sukupuolielämän sosiologian yhteyteen soveltamalla funktionalistista näkemystä tälle alueelle. Se on jo päässyt lukuisiin uusin löydöksiin ja toteamuksiin ja siitä jaetaan nobelpalkintoja Norjassa. Sen lähtökohtina ovat seuraavat peruskäsitykset.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 252: Parrat röyhöttävät mutta alaparrat ajetaan porsliinixi. Jo on aikoihin eletty. O tempora o mores! Habent sua fata libelli, sanoisi Ensio Rislakki jos ei olisi suu täysi multaa.

    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 257: teoksessaan Melankolian anatomia: Kirjoituksemme ovat niin monia ruokia, lukijamme vieraita, kirjamme kuin kauneus, se, mitä toinen ihailee, hylkää; niin olemme hyväksyttyjä, koska miesten mielikuvitukset ovat taipuvaisia. Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli. Tämä artikkeli käsittelee Robert Burtonin kirjaa. Katso mieluummin Paradise Lostin albumi The Anatomy of Melancholy (Miltonin albumi).
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 259: Melankolian anatomian ihailijoita ovat muun muassa tourette typerys Samuel Johnson, n.h. Holbrook Jackson (jonka Anatomia of Bibliomania [1930] perustui tyyliin ja esitykseen), George Armstrong Custer (sekö polvivamma kenzu? no se!), joku Calle Lammas ja John Keats (joka sanoi sen olevan hänen suosikkikirjansa). Se kolahti myös n.h. Northrop Paistoxelle1, Stanley Kalalle2, Anthony Powellille, Philip Vetomiehelle, Cy Twomblylle, Jorge Luis Borgesille (joka käytti lainausta epigrafina tarinassaan "The Library of Babel"), O. Henrylle (William Sidney Porter), edelleen Amalia Lehto, William Penssa (joka kirjoitti NYRB Classicsin 2001 uusintapainoksen johdannon), Nick Luola, Samuel Beckett ja Jacques Barzun (joka näkee sen ennakoivan 1900-luvun psykiatriaa, varsinainen neropatti). The Guardianin kirjallisuuskriitikko Nick Leskon mukaan Anatomia "selviytyy asiantuntevien keskuudessa". N.h. Washington Irving lainaa siitä jonkun vitun The Sketch Bookin ozikkosivulla. Hemmetti nää on järestään anglosaxeja! Jo on ozaa.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 121: Frithiof kommer till Kung Ring (nibelungenstrof)Rauhan varas tulee kuningas Hringin luo
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 153: In 1955, he was considered for the Nobel Prize, the year in which it was awarded to his fellow countryman, Halldór Laxness. Varg i Veum tarkoittaa nykynorjalaiselle vaan sotkutukkaista defektiiviä ex-psykologidetektiiviä. Ei sitäkään jaxanut kazoa monta jaxoa.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 211: In an article published in Svenska Dagbladet in 1977, Guillou wrote, "I'm an optimist, I believe that Israel will cease to exist prior to Armageddon".
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 359: Thou, whose exterior semblance doth belie Sä jonka ulkonainen olemus piilottaa
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 499: The ´definiteness´ of a genre classification leads the reader to expect a series of formal stimuli--martial encounters, complex similes, an epic voice--to which his response is more or less automatic; the hardness of the Christian myth predetermines his sympathies; the union of the two allows the assumption of a comfortable reading experience in which conveniently labelled protagonists act out rather simple roles in a succession of familiar situations. The reader is prepared to hiss the devil off the stage and applaud the pronouncements of a partisan and somewhat human deity . . . . But of course this is not the case; no sensitive reading of Paradise Lost tallies with these expectations, and it is my contention that Milton ostentatiously calls them up in order to provide his reader with the shock of their disappointment. This is not to say merely that Milton communicates a part of his meaning by a calculated departure from convention; every poet does that; but that Milton consciously wants to worry his reader, to force him to doubt the correctness of his responses, and to bring him to the realization that his inability to read the poem with any confidence in his own perception is its focus.
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 530: Avoimesti homo Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae -kirjan kirjoittaja ja kilpaileva julkinen intellektuelli, tuomitsi Fishin "totalitaariseksi Tinkerbelliksi" (Helinä-keijuxi) ja syytti häntä tekopyhyydestä, koska hän luennoi monikulttuurisuudesta Duken homogeenisen ja suojatun norsunluutornin vakinaisen professorin näkökulmasta. Mutta Camille onkin tunnettu akateemisesti kiistanalaisten väitteiden esittäjänä. Paglia on modernin feminismin vastustaja, vanhan koulukunnan feministi. Paglian mukaan kaikki naiset ovat kykeneväisiä biseksuaalisuuteen, mistä hän on saanut muiden lesbojen vihan osakseen. Paglia on sanonut identifioituvansa muunsukupuoliseksi, sillä hän ei ole identifioitunut lainkaan naiseksi. Paglia on lesbo (mitäs minä sanoin, ihan arvaamalla heitin). Hän on ateisti.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 72: Waltari osallistui lokakuussa 1942 suomalaisten kirjailijoiden vierailuun Weimarin kirjailijakokoukseen propagandaministeri Joseph Goebbelsin suojeluksessa. Saatuaan writer´s blockin hänestä tuli Suomen Akatemian jäsen, ja hän kirjoitti enää esipuheita kirjojensa uusintapainoksiin.
    xxx/ellauri388.html on line 119: Arvid Järnefelt (16. marraskuuta 1861 Pulkkala – 27. joulukuuta 1932 Helsinki) oli suomalainen kirjailija, koulutukseltaan juristi ja arvoltaan varatuomari. Elämänsä kolme viimeistä vuosikymmentä hän harjoitti maanviljelystä. Yhteiskunnallisilta näkemyksiltään Järnefelt oli opiskeluaikoinaan innokas fennomaani, mutta siirtyi myöhemmin tolstoilaisuuteen ja kristilliseen anarkismiin. Järnefeltin isä oli kenraaliluutnantti, maaherra Alexander Järnefelt ja äiti baltiansaksalaiseen Clodt von Jürgensburgin aatelissukuun kuulunut vapaaherratar Elisabeth Järnefelt. Hänen sisaruksiaan olivat Jean Sibeliuksen puoliso Aino Sibelius, taidemaalari Eero Järnefelt ja säveltäjä Armas Järnefelt.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 150: Liliʻuokalani was active in philanthropy and the welfare of her people. In 1886, she founded a bank for women in Honolulu named Liliuokalani´s Savings Bank and helped Isabella Chamberlain Lyman establish Kumukanawai o ka Liliuokalani Hui Hookuonoono, a money lending group for women in Hilo. In the same year, she also founded the Liliʻuokalani Educational Society, an organization "to interest the Hawaiian ladies in the proper training of young girls of their own race whose parents would be unable to give them advantages by which they would be prepared for the duties of life." It supported the tuition of Hawaiian girls at Kawaiahaʻo Seminary for Girls, where her hānai daughter Lydia Aholo attended, and Kamehameha School.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 154: Liliʻuokalani was approached on December 20 and 23 by James I. Dowsett, Jr. and William R. Castle, members of the legislature´s Reform (Missionary) Party, proposing her ascension to the throne if her brother Kalākaua were removed from power. Historian Ralph S. Kuykendall stated that she gave a conditional "if necessary" response; however, Liliʻuokalani´s account was that she firmly turned down both men. In 1889, a part Native Hawaiian officer Robert W Wilcox, who resided in Liliʻuokalan´s Palama residence, instigated an unsuccessful rebellion to overthrow the Bayonet Constitution.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 197: At the beginning of January 1895, Robert W. Wilcox and Samuel Nowlein launched a rebellion against the forces of the Republic with the aim of restoring the queen and the monarchy. Its ultimate failure led to the arrest of many of the participants and other sympathizers of the monarchy. Liliʻuokalani was also arrested and imprisoned in an upstairs bedroom at the palace on January 16, several days after the failed rebellion, when firearms were found at her home of Washington Place after a tip from a prisoner.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 224: On April 30, 1900, the US Congress passed the Hawaii Organic Act establishing a government for the Territory of Hawaii. The territorial government took control of the Crown Lands, which became the source of the "Ceded Lands" issue in Hawaii. The San Francisco Call reported on May 31 that Macfarlane had informed them the Queen had exhausted her patience with Congress and intended to file a lawsuit against the government. Former United States Minister to Hawaii Edward M. McCook said he believed that once President McKinley began his second term on March 1, 1901, that the government would negotiate a generous settlement with Liliʻuokalani. HAHA LOL. Don´t trust the motherfuckers Lili!
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 242: Historian Helena G. Allen noted that Liliʻuokalani and Kalākaua "believed all religions had their 'rights' and were entitled to equal treatment and opportunities". Throughout her life, Liliʻuokalani showed a broad interest in the different Christian faiths including Catholicism, Mormonism, Episcopalianism and other Protestant denominations.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 217: He considered the most important criteria used to judge the value of a poem were "high truth" and "high seriousness". By this standard, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales did not merit Arnold's approval. According to Arnold, Homer is the best model of a simple grand style, while Milton is the best model of severe grand style. Dante, however, is an example of both. Even Chaucer, in Arnold's view, in spite of his virtues such as benignity, largeness, and spontaneity, lacks seriousness. Burns too lacks sufficient seriousness, because he was hypocritical in that while he adopted a moral stance in some of his poems, in his private life he flouted morality.

    Arnold believed that a modern writer should be aware that contemporary literature is built on the foundations of the past, and should contribute to the future by continuing a firm tradition. Quoting Goethe and Kuckuksuhr in support of his view, he asserts that his age suffers from spiritual weakness because it thrives on self-interest and scientific materialism, and therefore cannot provide noble characters such as those found in Classical literature.
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 233: Arnold vigorously attacked the Nonconformists and the arrogance of "the great Philistine middle-class, the master force in our politics." He was dumb as a doorbell. There were few ideas he had not copied from someone else. "There are four, no five, people, in especial," he once wrote to Cardinal Newman, "from whom I am conscious of having learnt – a very different thing from merely receiving a strong impression – learnt habits, methods, ruling ideas, which are constantly with me; and the four are – Goethe, Wordsworth, Sainte-Beuve, my dad, and yourself."
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 116: Suomen presidentti Stubbels vastasi iskuihin Venäjän lentokentälle Olenyalle: Meidän on hyväksyttävä, että sota lähestyy meitä. The toothy Finnish president said that Finns should accept the fact that the war will come closer to Finland's borders, as "it is not that far to fly from Helsinki to Kyiv". 2000km from Ukraine to Murmansk is too much for drones, they must have started somewhere closer by: Norway, Sweden, Finland or Russia. "We have to accept the fact that Ukraine has to use all their assets to win this war, and this also means various strikes. So Russia too will continue to launch hybrid strikes," Stubb commented. We have to accept that as well. We have to accept that these goddamn simian idiots react to global warming by flaring up a harmaggeddon war of all against all. Mutta voimme ize valita millä arvokkaalla tavalla me hyväxymme sen. Ottaa oravahampaisesta presidentistä mallia. Hän on hyväxynyt että hän on ruma kalkkuna. Hyväxyn. Kiitos. Hän on tyhmä kuin ladonovi mutta ilkeämpi. KZ:n käynyt Benjamin Franklin antaa aplodeja luukasana.
    xxx/ellauri404.html on line 501: John reiterates verbosely (pace Matthew above) that all you need to do is believe in Jesus, but that too fails to answer.
    xxx/ellauri407.html on line 78: Watching cheesy programs without feeling bad about it is highly recommended. Ruth Doherty is an experienced digital writer and editor specializing in interiors, travel and lifestyle. With 20 years of writing for national sites under her belt, she’s worked for the likes of Livingetc.com, Standard, Ideal Home, Stylist and Marie Claire as well as Homes & Gardens. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 108: 1948 Awarded Nobel Prize for Literature.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 127: Kääntyessään anglikaanixi tai anglokatoliikixi (whichever who cares) se otti mallia uustomistiselta personalisti Maritainilta, josta on jo monta mainintaa, ei järin mairittelevaa. Huysmans oli toinen dekadentti proselyytti, niistäkin jo voisi tehdä taulukon. Tom käytti kääntymystä verukkeena Vivienin dumppauxeen. Pyhäin yhteyteen pääsee basta kun on luopunut maanpäällisten olentojen pukkauxesta, siteeraa se spanjuunoja mystikoita. Eli vasta kun on kyrpä ripustettu nahkurin orrelle kuivumaan. Sieltä se sen kyllä otti sittemmin taas Esmen pilluun vettymään. Uskonnossa Tomi piti eniten rähmällään rukoilemisesta ja tunnustamisesta, pyllistyxestä ja katumukshesta. Ihmisen suurin kunnia on saada ylistää jumalaa. No ei se sitä pahaxikaan pane. On se siitä merkillinen kaveri. "Russell uskoo että kuoltuaan hän mätänee, mutta minä en voi uskoa sellaista vakaumusta mihkään uskoon kuuluvaxi." Ei se ole mikään vakaumus, vaan hypoteesi, jonka jälkeenjääneet voivat todentaa. Tom oli samanlainen narsisti kuin Belovin Sale. Mahdotonta että mä häviäisin, sillä miten kävisi muun maailman? Molemmille mätkähti dynypalkinto länsivakaumusten puolustajina. Mot (Tom kääntymyxen jälkeen) käänsi vielä St John Perseen unettavan proosarunon Analbase, josta on pitkä paasaus albumissa 141 jonka olin täysin unohtanut. Siinä vielä 1 mitääntekemätön nobelisti. Nobelkynäilijät eroavat muista siinä että ruåzalaiset on antaneet niille paljon kurnuja kiitoxexi uskollisuudesta länkkäreiden vakaumuxille.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 148: The Bolovian verses, nevertheless, are offensive to many. Eliot’s “Triumph of Bullshit” was one of the poems that Lewis had rejected for publication. Lois Cuddy opines that “Eliot’s pornographic verses in an ‘epic’ about ‘King Bolo and His Great Black Kween’ indicate the extent and depth of his racial/sexual stereo- types and eugenic prejudices.” They are written from his own “sense of emptiness,” “puritanical principles,” and “sexual repressions.” Furthermore, these poetic vulgarities display Eliot’s acceptance of sexual stereotypes related to black men and women (229). Yet a look at the contexts of these poems, both as “nonsense” for friends and as reflections on the complexities of culture, reveals an earnest belief in the value of the “primitive mind” and even a reversal of “sexual stereotypes related to black men and women.” The man with the prodigious bolo is not King Bolo but sephardic Cristoforo Columbo who regrettably "found" America. “Eliot is today being refashioned as a prescient and extraordinarily sensitive mediator of the major currents of twentieth century cultural and technological change” (Murphet 31).
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 150: In brief, “The Columbiad,” as Eliot also calls it, begins in Spain, where Columbo dines in with the King and Queen. Queen Isabella “pricks” Columbo’s navel; in response, he defecates on the table. Columbo takes the Queen with him on his voyage, buggers his mates, and finds, in what is now Cuba, King Bolo and BBQ. The setting shifts to the Philippines and then to London, first to the suburb of Golders Green, and then to Russell Square, where Eliot launches the Bolovian Club luncheons. An important upshot of all the whoring is a bastard son named Boloumbo, who presumably begins the European line of ancestry. The rest of the “epic” documents contain Prof. Krapp’s (et al.) and Eliot’s research on the ancient history of the Bolovians, who originate somewhere in South America. Not only the locations, but also the tables have been turned. The “scholarship” reveals that Bolovian behavior and characteristics are the sources of many modern Western traditions, including the wearing of bowler hats. Bolovians practiced Wuxianity, a religion with two gods (or more, depending on the interpretation), anticipating the divine/ human controversy in Christology. Their language, in which Eliot has learned to sing the Bolovian anthem, predates the Indo-European pronunciations of “W,” a combination of the “Greek Ksi” and the “German schsh” (Letters III 730). Eliot’s verses borrow from many versions of Christopher Columbus and his adventures. “Columbo” is a common misspelling for “Colombo,” which is Italian and Portuguese for “Columbus.” Many children know, “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” but others may know some of the sailors’ ditties or military songs, one of which has the following chorus:
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 163: Hanging down below his knee. (Cray 30)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 180: In mock seriousness, Eliot frames the seventeen Notebook stanzas (mostly octavos) as Elizabethan drama. They begin, “Let a tucket be sounded on the hautboys. Enter the king and queen.” Then commence the obscenities. In Spain, Columbo is treated for syphilis by a “bastard jew named Benny” when he “filled Columbo’s prick / with Muriatic Acid” (IMH 315, 149). Later Columbo seeks help from the ship’s physician concerning another symptom of syphilis. “ ‘It’s this way, doc’ he said said he / I just cant stop a-pissin [sic]” (Letters I 231). Columbo and his mariners of song are well-known for their whoring. “One Sunday evening after tea / They went to storm a whore house,” and from a “seventh story window,” “bitched” Columbo with a “pisspot” (IMH 315). Ed Madden says that Columbo and sailors may have had pumps of argyrol and muriatic acid [dilute hydrochloric acid] “rammed up their penises” to treat their syphilis (151). When they set sail for America, “Queen Isabella was aboard / That famous Spanish whore.” With only Queen Isabella aboard and a boy named Orlandino, the horny crew have to make do until they reach land (IMH 315). In Cuba, they encounter King Bolo and his thirty-three “swarthy” bodyguards. They “were called the Jersey Lilies / a wild and hardy set of blacks” and like Columbo, are “undaunted by syphilis” (IMH 316). Madden calls them “the phallically well-endowed bodyguards of King Bolo,” but “swarthy,” “wild,” and “hardy” does not mean “well-endowed.” Columbo is. There are many reversals in these verses: Columbo is equipped with his prodigious bolo, and neither the New World nor the Old World gave the other syphilis. They both had it.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 215: For below a voice did answer, sweet in its youthful tone,

    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 241: That his bawdy verse was not published anywhere was a continuous joke in Eliotʼs correspondence. When they were finally available to the public in 1996, they received diverse labels: “scatological,” “scabrous,” “obscene,” “pornographic” and “x-rated,” “politically incorrect,” “racist” and “misogynist,” tending towards “coprophilia,” and “grotesquely graphic. In their childish and sordid sexuality these poems have little to do with one of the root meanings of ribald, which is amorous. Instead, they are "descriptions of huge penises, defecations, buggeries and group masturbations." Twenty years later, Eliot was writing Cats, and forgive me, I prefer the kink.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 524: With hairy bellies pass between
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 854:

    Danten pikku libello

    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 994: Mormons certainly do not equate Asherah with anything other than what she was, a pagan idol. You have misunderstood the Mormon belief, supported by the scriptures, that if our spirits are the literal offspring of God, and he is our heavenly father, logically therefore, we have a heavenly mother. And the same familial stucture which exists in heaven was instituted by God on earth when he created Adam and Eve, the first mortal parents. The article you referenced says nothing even close to your incorrect assertion that Mormons somehow believe a false pagan goddess was/is our heavenly mother.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1038: As I said, nowhere in the article does Stavrakopoulou claim that Mormons believe a pagan idol is our heavenly mother. All she says is that a statue of Asherah was found in the temple, and that it was believed that she was considered the wife of El.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1040: The other article you referenced also does not say that Mormons believe in pagan idols. It says Nephi saw a vision of a tree and that the tree represented the love of God. The article then makes the ridiculous and unsupported claim that the tree represents Asherah just because Nephi also saw a vision of Mary, even while quoting the exact scripture that says the tree represents the love of God.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1043: And again, same as the first article, nowhere does it say that Mormons believe Asherah is our heavenly mother.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1044: And even if either of the authors did say that Mormons believe in pagan idols, neither is a Church authority and have no authority to declare Church doctrine.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1090: I watched her documentary and got such a weird vibe from her. Researched her and I truly think she has more in her history and believe her view point is highly antisemetic. But I’m no scholar... just a person after the truth and I see no truth In her.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1096: No, despite what you get told by antagonists to Mormonism we believe in core Christian tenants that God is our Father, Jesus is his son born of the Virgin Mary and that only by Jesus' grace are we saved despite any effort man may make
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1097: Foolhearty to take the above as authoritative reference to what Mormons believe, instead, ask a Mormon
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1107: No, Mormons do NOT believe in the core tenants of REAL Christianity. You use the same words but with different meanings. I not only have dozens of official LDS material in my library, I am also an ex-Mormon. So you can't buffalo me with your Mormon deceptions.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1154: 9 Jesus said to him, "Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, 'Show us the Father '? 10 "Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. 11 "Believe Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise believe because of the works themselves. (John 14:9-11)
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1163: Doug is 100% correct that the Trinity did not originate from Nicea. But you believe the lies spewed by the LDS. The whole LDS faith is built on lies and fabrications by Joseph Smith, and has lived on lies ever since. Without lies the LDS would cease to exist.
    xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1251: Of course you don't understand masculinity, a Man would have had the courage to sign his name to his beliefs. Come back when you have the guts to put a name to your convictions. Until then, Mr. or Miss Unknown, you have been Moderated.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 59: Rabbinical student Erik Urinate (shown pants down in fig. 4 below, with a shortish penis in his hand) says the sages meant these instructions to produce healthy, intelligent sons.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 148: The book follows the story of the Family of Ur from a Stone Age family guy whose wife begins to believe that there is a (1 suluissa 1) supernatural force, which slowly leads us to the beginnings of monotheism.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 162: J.C. (pun intended) kuolaa petiitin jutkupillun perään, hän pitää naisista ketkä on lyhkäsempiä kuin hänen kyrpänsä. Kun työntää perille pullistuu kupla ulos poskesta. Jew boy! Jew boy! Please crucify a goy! Mutta tokko Cullinanen kulli maistuu nannalta Nainin leskelle, sehän on nahkamuna! Ilman esinahkaa ei voi leikkiä nahat pois leikkiä. Kun hakku iskee vakoon, brittinaiset kuumuvat. Iltaisin kaivauxilla teltat huojuvat. John felt like an ass. One night he surprised Mrs. Son-of-a-Cod by a quick surprise entry from behind. She hesitated as if inviting him to try the front entrance for another round. But no, as I guessed, she wants a skinned glans. Can't J.C. convert and get circumcised? Tutustuit tähän juoxuhautaan ja mitä löysi hakkusi? Juutalaisen tytön. He needed her like a hole on top of his bell-end. Teinikokoinen Mrs. Pissaliisa muistuttaa ällistyttävästi tätä aserapaalua.
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 383: Her belly, buttocks, and her waist Hänen vatsansa, pakaransa ja vyötärönsä
    xxx/ellauri415.html on line 906: What's real and going on below

    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 342: belno.org/uploads/posts/2018-05/1525391802_03.jpg" width=100%" />
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 343: belno.org/uploads/posts/2018-05/thumbs/1525391914_14.jpg" width=100%" />
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 344: belno.org/uploads/posts/2018-05/thumbs/1525391899_16.jpg" width="100%" />
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    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 355: belno.org/uploads/posts/2018-04/1524688987_12.jpg" width=100%" />
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    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 361: belno.org/uploads/posts/2019-04/thumbs/fapabelno.net_155414470953.jpg" widyh="100%" />
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 521: The most modern scholars believe that the
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 575: believe he was a male variant of an
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 877: threatening curses for rebellion. Israelin on tuhottava
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 1023: Yhteisössämme kaikki sinkut etsivät edistyksellisen haun avulla partneriprofiileja, jotka vastaavat heidän toiveitaan kumppanista. Ottaaksesi yhteyttä toiseen henkilöön, tutustu yksinkertaisesti chatissa. Lähetä muutamia viestejä, lähetä belfiekuva sähköpostitse, järjestä hauskat treffit ja rakastu. Helppoa kuin heinänteko!
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 192: my beloved people." This note never reached anyone
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 314: Dessutom är en stor portion av landets bäst tränade och bäst utrustade soldater inne i Ryssland och försöker hålla kvar de landområden de sedan i somras kontrollerar inne i Kursk, vilket gör att de inte kan stötta upp utsatta platser längs med fronten.  Tanken med överraskningsoffensiven in i Ryssland var att Vladimir Putin skulle finna det helt oacceptabelt och då flytta trupper från fronten i östra Ukraina till Kursk för att ta tillbaka territoriet, det säger Marina Miron, doktor på krig vid King's College London, till Sky News. Det blev dock precis tvärtom. Ryssland verkar inte ha någon stress med att ta tillbaka Kursk och håller i stället de ukrainska elitsoldaterna fast utan möjlighet att varken accelerera eller att ta sig där ifrån.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 335: Siis mitä? Oliko tuo Taavetinkin valistunut mielipide tuona aikana? Mahdollisesti. Kanaanilaisen viherpeukalon sääjumalan Baalin vaino profeettojen toimesta alkoi vasta foinikialaisen bel">Iisebelin aikana (mm. Jeremian ja ballistien kuulu nuotionsytytyskilpailu), siihen saakka molemmat baalit istuxivat aidalla käytkaz sulassa sovussa, kuten James kuvailee. Eihän ba'al tarkoita muuta kuin herraa, siis esim. vaimon tai sikatilan omistajaa eli isäntää. Tämäkin tiedonjyvänen ilmeni James Michenerin tiilestä, joka osoittautuu mainettaan paremmaxi. Vaikka (ilmeisesti pahastunut juutalainen) resensentti haukuskeli sitä albumissa 352.
    xxx/ellauri417.html on line 521: Pietari Erakko vahvistaa, että Rinaldo voi hyvin, ja profetoi: guelfit (paavin seuraajat) tulevat olemaan ristiriidassa ghibelliinien (Saksan Pyhän Rooman keisarin seuraajia) kanssa. Lisää kunnioitusta Esten herttuoille jne.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 181: Tate, turning against Crane, linked the modernist defense of tradition to an embattled heterosexual masculinity, while he adapted Eliot's stance to a career sustained by criticism and teaching. Tate was a professor of English at the University of Minnesota. A southern agrarian. The Old South was semi-feudal, agrarian, backward-looking, xenophobic, and religious, much like the European Union of today. Tate and his fellow Fugitives “believed that industrialism had demeaned man and that there was a need to return to the humanism of the Old South.” The Agrarian movement, Hart added, “would create or restore something in ‘the moral and religious outlook of Western Man.’” He socialized with Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, and the other expatriate American writers in Paris, munavoita mezästeli kuin Punavyö housujahdissa. Tate felt that art could not survive without religion.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 359: Minulla on erittäin piskuinen ja kireä pyllynreikä josta kakkakin tulee Kouvolan lakrizin kokoisina  paloina. Mieheni Takumi Kawahara, vaikka hänen pippelinsä on hyvin pieni, ei ole vielä kertaakaan onnistunut tunkeutumaan siihen sisälle, vaikka believe me, yritystä ei ole puuttunut.

    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 571: Asiantuntija korostaa, että reitti Itämereltä Atlantin valtamerelle on Kööpenhaminan hallinnassa. "Casus belli. Ja sitten voi tapahtua mitä tahansa", Khazin huomautti. Logiikka on hyvin yksinkertainen: Tanska julistaa sodan Venäjälle, joka iskee Hazelilla Tanskan tukikohtiin, minkä vuoksi Tanska katoaa kartalta kuin tuhnu Saharaan, ja Yhdysvallat ilmoittaa vetävänsä tanskalaiset Natosta, koska he eivät sopineet sodanjulistuksesta. Ja koska Tanskan hallitus lakkasi olemasta, Yhdysvallat ottaa Grönlannin. Mitä? Trumpin näkökulmasta tämä on täysin toimiva suunnitelma. Ymmärrän, että nämä ovat pahoja vitsejä, mutta tämä kaikki yhdessä alkaa näyttää tältä. Khazin tiivisti.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 608: Hänen kirjojensa kokonaislevikki on 80 miljoonaa. Vanhuudessa hän kärsi diabeteksesta. Hän oli toistuvasti ehdolla Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi. Kirjailijan viimeisenä elämänvuotena nousi jälleen esiin kysymys Nobel-palkinnon myöntämisestä. Plakun vei 2008 de Clezio, olihan turkkilainen Orhan Pamuk vastikään saanut. 2008 oli sitäpaizi huono vuosi palkita venäläisiä. Näin Putin sanoi Ukrainasta jo 2008, kenr. Hägglund muistuttaa: The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, today repeated his warning that Moscow would view any attempt to expand Nato to its borders as a "direct threat". Russia has been angered by the 26-nation military alliance's eastward growth, and Nato yesterday said Ukraine and Georgia, both former Soviet republics, could one day join. ”Neuvostoliiton hajoaminen oli viime vuosisadan (1900-luvun jos et osaa laskea) suurin geopoliittinen katastrofi”, totesi Putin jo vuonna 2005.  Niinpa! Olis kannattanut ottaa silloin Naton jäsenexi Venäjä!
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 619: Finland talar maktens språk och uppvisar beslutsamhet. Kiellettyä valaanlihaa Norjasta tuotiin Suomeen koiranruoaksi. Gasum tuo Nynäshamniin Suomesta venäläistä kaasua. Sverige framstår som handlingsförlamat i jämförelse. Den slutsatsen drar professorn Tormod Heier efter ländernas hantering av de misstänkta kabelsabotagen i Östersjön. En buss har vält i Uddevalla. Ett stort pådrag larmades till platsen. Bussen var tom, utöver busschauffören.