ellauri018.html on line 523: The song captures Simone's response to the murder of Medgar Evers in Mississippi; and the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four black children. On the recording she cynically announces the song as "a show tune, but the show hasn't been written for it yet." The song begins jauntily, with a show tune feel, but demonstrates its political focus early on with its refrain "Alabama's got me so upset, Tennessee's made me lose my rest, and everybody knows about Mississippi goddam." In the song she says: "Keep on sayin' 'go slow'...to do things gradually would bring more tragedy. Why don't you see it? Why don't you feel it? I don't know, I don't know. You don't have to live next to me, just give me my equality!"
ellauri018.html on line 732: 940: The Greater Occultation of the 12th or Hidden Imam begins. No imam or representative presides over the Shiite faithful.
ellauri042.html on line 648: The plot of the poem is simple. Dulness, the goddess, appears at a Lord Mayor's Day in 1724 and notes that her king, Elkannah Settle, has died. She chooses Lewis Theobald as his successor. In honour of his coronation, she holds heroic games. He is then transported to the Temple of Dulness, where he has visions of the future. The poem has a consistent setting and time, as well. Book I covers the night after the Lord Mayor's Day, Book II the morning to dusk, and Book III the darkest night. Furthermore, the poem begins at the end of the Lord Mayor's procession, goes in Book II to the Strand, then to Fleet Street (where booksellers were), down by Bridewell Prison to the Fleet ditch, then to Ludgate at the end of Book II; in Book III, Dulness goes through Ludgate to the City of London to her temple.
ellauri048.html on line 1357: The noise of life begins again, Alkaa taas elämöinti entistavalla,
ellauri051.html on line 1863: 1249 Tied in your mouth, in mine it begins to be loosen'd.) 1249 Suussasi sidottuna, omassani se alkaa löystyä.)
ellauri062.html on line 96: When an older adult begins to act out of character or starts becoming irritable or aggressive, it may be an indication of trouble. Unfortunately, a senior with early Alzheimer’s can also lose their inhibitions and act in inappropriate ways.
ellauri067.html on line 140: Gravity´s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon begins with a quotation from von Braun: "Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death."
ellauri067.html on line 178: 1959-60 Greenwich Village bohemianism, pot smoking, idolizes Monk, begins V.
ellauri069.html on line 361: The 00000 rocket begins its descent.


ellauri069.html on line 483: An article recently came out in the LA Times about Pynchon’s Great American Novel. The article begins by stating that Mason and Dixon is actually the most obvious candidate for the Great American Novel, and it instead suggests that Gravity’s Rainbow is perhaps the Great European Novel. The article then questions whether or not the Great American Novel even exists, and if it does if it is of a singular form or if it takes on many forms at once. After considering this question, the article finally claims that the Great American Novel is actually made up of all of Pynchon’s works fused together “into one epic Pynchoverse.” The Great American Novel certainly does not need to take place in America, but still many will argue that Gravity’s Rainbow by itself can never be considered as the Great American Novel because of its non-American setting and its wide array of characters. This is definitely debatable, but I do enjoy the idea of a “Pynchoverse” or a Pynchon Compilation being considered as the true Great American Novel. That being said, I do think most readers and Pynchonerds would undoubtedly say that Gravity's Rainbow is the Greatest Pynchon Novel.
ellauri070.html on line 342: Their four "concentric" terms are derived from Ezekiel's vision (1:4), "And I looked and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it..." The "Three Impure Qlippot" (completely Tamei "impure") are read in the first three terms, the intermediate "Shining Qlippah" (Nogah "brightness") is read in the fourth term, mediating as the first covering directly surrounding holiness, and capable of sublimation. In medieval Kabbalah, the Shekhinah is separated in Creation from the Sefirot by man´s sin, while in Lurianic Kabbalah Divinity is exiled in the qlippot from prior initial Catastrophe in Creation. This causes "Sparks of Holiness" to be exiled in the qlippot, Jewish Observance with physical objects redeeming mundane Nogah, while the Three Impure Qlippot are elevated indirectly through Negative prohibitions. Repentance out of love retrospectively turns sin into virtue, darkness into light. When all the sparks are freed from the qlippot, depriving them of their vitality, the Messianic era begins. In Hasidic philosophy, the kabbalistic scheme of qlippot is internalised in psychological experience as self-focus, opposite to holy devekut self-nullification, underlying its Panentheistic Monistic view of qlippot as the illusionary self-awareness of Creation.
ellauri072.html on line 208: This surprising, even shockingly "liberal" view of homosexual love as being the counterpart of the heterosexual kind should cause more notice than it generally does; perhaps even greater surprise should attend the extraordinarily generous gestures made toward the three Florentine homosexual politicians, Iacopo Rusticucci, Guido Guerra, and Tegghiaio Aldobrandi, whom we encounter in Inf. 16. They are presented as being among the most admirable figures in Hell. Let us examine the scene briefly. Virgil, who so often warns Dante when the latter begins to admire or become sympathetic (or overly concerned with) the damned, here is urgent in his approbation of these three sinners: "a costor si vuole esser cortese." This is the only time in Hell in which cortesia is mentioned as a fitting response to the damned except for Beatrice's and Dante's use of "cortese" for Virgil (Inf. 2.58, 2.134). The following tercet only emphasizes the guide's appreciation of their worthiness.
ellauri080.html on line 715: Every episode begins with a camera's-eye view of a model of a neighborhood, then panning in closer to a representation of a house to the music of a piano instrumental of the theme song, "Won't You be My Neighbor?".
ellauri082.html on line 122: Gately, having relieved his bottom, begins to recover from his infection.
ellauri082.html on line 133: Hal never leaves leaves his toothbrush unattended (870), but that’s no problem for a wraith. He places the DMZ on Hal’s brush and Hal brushes his teeth (860) and immediately begins experiencing symptoms: Ortho thinks Hal’s crying when Hal thinks he’s speaking in a neutral tone (862).
ellauri083.html on line 137: The story begins on Wang Lung's wedding day and follows the rise and fall of his fortunes. The House of Hwang, a family of wealthy landowners, lives in the nearby town, where Wang Lung's future wife, O-Lan, lives as a slave. However, the House of Hwang slowly declines due to opium use, frequent spending, uncontrolled borrowing and a general unwillingness to work. He was willing to take any woman who knew how to work, except a harelip (which is just what Inger was). He was disappointed when O-Lan had big and ugly feet. These boots are made for walking...
ellauri083.html on line 159: The "first chapter summons up the days when the world was first settled, in 874 AD—for that is the year when the Norsemen arrived in Iceland, and one of the book's wry conceits is that no other world but Iceland exists. ... The book is set in the early decades of the twentieth century but ... Independent People is a pointedly timeless tale. It reminds us that life on an Icelandic croft had scarcely altered over a millennium". As the story begins, Bjartur ("bright" or "fair") has recently managed to put down the first payment on his own farm, after eighteen years working as a shepherd at Útirauðsmýri, the home of the well-to-do local bailiff, a man he detests. The land that he buys is said to be cursed by Saint Columba, referred to as "the fiend Kolumkilli", and haunted by an evil woman named Gunnvör, who made a pact with Kólumkilli.
ellauri083.html on line 167: The narrative begins again almost thirteen years later. Bjartur is now remarried to a woman who had been a charity case on the parish, Finna. The other new inhabitants are Hallbera, Finna's mother, and the three surviving sons of Bjartur's second marriage: Helgi, Gvendur (Guðmundur) and Nonni (Jón).
ellauri089.html on line 67: And the psychological testing, in which the boys are tested for certain character traits (and through which Heinlein begins to articulate his own philosophy about winners and losers), is even more fascinating.
ellauri090.html on line 118: Guilt-ridden about his infatuation with Sophia, Rubião begins to worry that the deceased Quincas Borba has somehow transmigrated into his dog’s body. This anxiety is one of the first signs of Rubaio’s impending madness.
ellauri090.html on line 126: Palha’s business flourishes as Rubião’s wealth begins to dwindle. Rubião becomes subject to fits of madness, believing that he is Napoleon III of France. When Rubião gets into a carriage alone with Sophia, she thinks he is still attracted to her. She panics and orders him to get out. Thinking he is Napoleon III, Rubião treats Sophia as if she were the emperor’s mistress, but eventually he leaves the carriage.
ellauri092.html on line 233: In contrast, Methodists are mostly hierarchical. Churches are led by conferences with increasing levels of authority. This begins at the local level, with a Local Church Conference, and progresses upward to a denomination-wide General Conference (or some variation of these categories, depending on the specific Methodist group). Most major Methodist denominations own the property of local churches and have a decisive say in assigning pastors to local churches.
ellauri094.html on line 233: This period saw the last high point of biblical prophecy in the person of Ezekiel, followed by the emergence of the central role of the Torah in Jewish life. According to many historical-critical scholars, the Torah was redacted during this time, and began to be regarded as the authoritative text for Jews. This period saw their transformation into an ethno-religious group who could survive without a central Temple. Israeli philosopher and Biblical scholar Yehezkel Kaufmann said “The exile is the watershed. With the exile, the religion of Israel comes to an end and Judaism begins.”
ellauri095.html on line 510: The result is an ode of thirty-five eight-line stanzas, divided into two parts. The first part, consisting of ten stanzas, is autobiographical, recalling how God touched the speaker in his own life. The second begins with seven stanzas dramatizing newspaper accounts of the wreck. Then fourteen stanzas narrow the focus to a single passenger, the tallest of the five nuns who drowned. She was heard to call on Christ before her death. The last four stanzas address God directly and culminate in a call for the conversion of England.
ellauri107.html on line 400: Where does Roth pull it out of (the expression is apt)? Sabbath had decided to defy his own imminent demise by attempting to have as much sex as possible. As the book begins, Sabbath finds himself “six short years from seventy”, with “the game just about over”. What, 64? That is young! Phil was 62 in 1995. Is that when his pecker started to sag?
ellauri111.html on line 596: If you have placed your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, you are a Christian. If you continue repeating his words like a parrot, then are you his disciple indeed (ref. John 8:31). Now begins your new life of freedom and obedience to the Lord and serving him.
ellauri112.html on line 684: Marlo, already a mother of two, begins the film heavily, outrageously pregnant: we learn, in rapid succession, that this third pregnancy was unwanted, that her husband does little of the domestic labour, and that her “shitty” upbringing is the reason she’s so committed to her nuclear family unit. Postnatal depression, never named, haunts the narrative: her wealthy brother offers to pay for a night nanny to avoid, in his words, the advent of another “bad time” like the one that followed the birth of her son, Jonah. When the nanny arrives – described by more than one reviewer as a “millennial Mary Poppins” – the panacea seems to be working. Not only does she look after the baby at night but she also operates as a kind of empathy machine, listening to Marlo’s problems, sharing sangria in the garden, and baking the Minions cupcakes that Marlo herself never has the time to make. The postnatal depression, it seems, disperses; Jonah – who has “emotional problems” – finds a place at a school more suited to his needs, family dinners get increasingly wholesome, and Marlo does a passable Stevie Nicks impression at a child’s birthday party. And then comes the twist: after a bender in Brooklyn with Tully, a sleep-deprived Marlo, drunk at the wheel, drives her car off a bridge and ends up in hospital, and we realise there was nobody else in the car. Her maiden name, we learn, was Tully.
ellauri118.html on line 536: Perhaps the most common example of metalepsis in narrative occurs when a narrator intrudes upon another world being narrated. In general, narratorial metalepsis arises most often when an omniscient or external narrator begins to interact directly with the events being narrated, especially if the narrator is separated in space and time from these events. Esim Sterne, Tom Jones.
ellauri144.html on line 511: Let Us Now Praise Famous Men is a book with text by American writer James Agee and photographs by American photographer Walker Evans, first published in 1941 in the American United States. The work documents the lives of impoverished tenant farmers during the Great Depression. Although it is in keeping with Evans´s work with the Farm Security Administration, the project was initiated not by the FSA, but by Fortune magazine. The title derives from a passage in the Wisdom of Sirach (44:1) that begins, "Let us now praise famous men, and our fathers that begat us".
ellauri147.html on line 203: Emily's boss Madeline prepares to make the transition from the Chicago based pharmaceutical marketing firm, the Gilbert Group, to a French based fashion firm, Savior, when she discovers that she is pregnant. She offers the job to Emily and she accepts, leaving her boyfriend back in Chicago. Emily moves to Paris despite the fact that she does not speak French. She moves into the 5th floor of an old apartment building without an elevator but with a wonderful Parisian view. Emily creates an Instagram account, @emilyinparis, and begins documenting her time in Paris. Emily starts her first day of work much to her new co-workers chagrin who reveal that she was only hired because of a business deal. She introduces the French to American social media strategies who seem very reluctant about her and her American methods. Emily accidentally tries to enter the wrong apartment and bangs her very attractive neighbor right at the door, Gabriel. As Emily accustoms to life in Paris she makes countless faux-pas and the firm nicknames her "la plouc" or "the hick". Emily meets Mindy Chen, a nanny originally from Shanghai, and they become fast friends. After Emily and her boyfriend attempt to have cybersex but the connection fails, she plugs in her vibrator and accidentally short-circuits the block's power. "Accidentally" is the top frequency word in the script.
ellauri150.html on line 691: The Pope begins by saying that freedom (liberty) is "the highest of natural endowments". He says this gift from God can be used by Man for "the highest good and the greatest evil". And as such this gift is "cherished by the Catholic Church". He quickly refutes the idea that the Church is "hostile to human liberty" as some have claimed. He insists we must come to fully appreciate "the very idea of freedom".
ellauri151.html on line 263: Fart begins with resistance — at the point where resistance is overcome.
ellauri151.html on line 416: Self knowledge begins with the neighbor, the mirror, and just the same with true self-love; that goes from the mirror to the matter.
ellauri155.html on line 758: He begins with Abraham, showing how the Lord chose this man to be His special representative out of all the people of the world. Most Christians do not struggle with accepting the truth that Abraham was chosen by God, and immediately Calvin personalizes this doctrine by using Abraham.
ellauri156.html on line 68: Many tragic incidents occur as the unexpected outcome of a sequence of events. Certainly that is the case with King David. A little vacation from war leads to a day spent in bed, followed by a stroll along the roof of his palace as night begins to fall on Jerusalem. By chance, David sees a woman bathing herself, a sight which David fixes upon, his pecker coming instantly to attention, and then follows up on with an investigation as to her identity. The woman is shortly summoned to the palace and then to his bedroom, where David sleeps with her (well no, actually he spends time with her very much awake; what is meant by this euphemism is that he fucks the lady crazy.) Even though he has discovered she is the wife of Uriah, a warrior who is fighting for the army of Israel. Never mind. The woman becomes pregnant, and so David calls Uriah home, hoping it will be thought that he has gotten his wife pregnant. When this does not work, David gives orders to Joab, the commander of the army, which arranges for Uriah's death in battle. It looks like the perfect crime, but David's sin is discovered and dealt with by Nathan, the prophet of God. Nathan is Philip Roth's alter ego's name, Nathan Zuckerman! Can this be an accident? Jehova knows, it's too late to ask Phil.
ellauri156.html on line 122: What keeps David home in Jerusalem? Why doesn’t David go to the battle? I fear there are perhaps several reasons. The first is David's arrogance. God has been with David in all of his military encounters and given him victory over all his foes. God has given David a great name. David has begun to believe his own press clippings. He begins to feel he is invincible. David seems to have come to the place where he believes his abilities are so great he can lead Israel into victory, even though he is not with his men in battle. He was just getting bored. God should not have helped him TOO much, that was like taking the wind from his sails. Any parent knows that much.
ellauri156.html on line 390: At this point in time, David's life is very similar. He begins to stack one sin upon another, certain that each one will somehow wipe out visibility of the previous sin. Instead, his sins only multiply. More and more people become aware of his sin, and a cover up becomes impossible. Many lessons can be learned from this tragic episode of David's life, which if heeded, will help us duplicate them in our lives. May the Spirit of God open our ears and our hearts to listen and learn from David's attempt to cover up his sin with Bathsheba, so that you can avoid some of his mistakes and do a better job.
ellauri156.html on line 503: It must be with great apprehension that Uriah joins David for dinner this last night in Jerusalem. David begins to eat and to drink, and he will not take no for an answer when he offers food and drink to Uriah. Eventually, it works, for David makes sure that Uriah has enough alcohol in his system to make him drunk. And in this condition, David sends Uriah home to “sleep it off,” in his own bed, of course. Even drunk, Uriah will not violate his wife! Unheard of! Once again, Uriah spends the night at the doorway of David's house, along with his servants. He does not go to his own house, and thus he does not sleep with his wife. David is in deep shit.
ellauri156.html on line 578: Fourth, "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Sin snowballs. Sin has not got a snowball's chance in hell. Sin is not stagnant; it is not static. Sin grows. Look at the progression of sin in our text. David's sin starts when he ceases to act like a soldier and (what is way worse) becomes a late sleeper. David's sin grows from staying up late to adultery to murder. His sin begins very privately, but as the story progresses, more and more people become aware of it, and worse yet, more and more people become participants in it. His sin first acted out by his taking another man's wife, and then taking another man's life, and along with his life, his wife, plus the lives of a number of men who must die with him to make his death credible. David's sin blossoms so that it transforms a true and loyal friend (Uriah) to his enemy, and his enemies (the Ammonites, and his other rival Joab) into his allies.
ellauri156.html on line 740: Nathan tells David the story of a rich man and a poor man. God tells David through Nathan that all that he possesses (his riches) it is he, the boss, who has given them to him. God is like the rich man, and David the poor one with just the one. David's problem is that his possessions have come to own him. He is so stingy he won't even give his petlamb to Mr. Rich. He is so “possessed” with his lamb that he is unwilling to spend it when his boss has a party. He wants “more” and “more,” and so he begins to take what isn’t his to take, rather than to ask the divine Giver for all he has and more.
ellauri161.html on line 83: As stated previously, the word "heresy" is derived from the Greek word "hairetikos", which means "choice." It later came to mean -- the party or school of a man's choice. In the New Testament, the term is used for the parties of the Pharisees and the Sadducees, plus the part of the Nazarenes (Acts 5:17, 24:5, 26:5, 28:22). Before the end of the New Testament, the word begins to take on its distinctively Christian sense, i.e., "a line of thought or practice which deviated from the mainstream of Christianity."
ellauri161.html on line 666: More races & years later, Ricky now lives in a large mansion, then in a race chickens out and runs around in his underwear and helmet. Shamed, Ricky moves in with his mother Lucy (Jane Lynch), and brings his sons with him while taking a job as a pizza delivery man. Ricky eventually regains his courage, and his life begins to stabilize after quitting his job at the pizza parlor and getting a new driver´s license.
ellauri161.html on line 1102: Ruysbroeck´s mysticism begins with God, descends to man, and returns to God again, in the aim to make man one with God. God is a simple unity, the essence above all being, the immovable, and yet the moving, cause of all existences. The Son is the wisdom, the uncreated image of the Father; the Holy Spirit the love which proceeds from both the Father and the Son, and unites them to each other. Creatures preexisted in God, in thought; and, as being in God, were God to that extent. Fallen man can only be restored through grace, which elevates him above the conditions of nature. Three stages are to be distinguished: the active, or operative; the subjective, or emotional; and the contemplative life. The first proceeds to conquer sin, and draw near to God through good works; the second consists in introspection, to which ascetic practices may be an aid, and which becomes indifferent to all that is not God. The soul is embraced and penetrated by the Spirit of God, and revels in visions and ecstasies. Higher still is the contemplative state (vita vitalis), which is an immediate knowing and possessing of God, leaving no remains of individuality in the consciousness, and concentrating every energy on the contemplation of the eternal and absolute Being. This life is still the gift of grace, and has its essence in the unifying of the soul with God, so that he alone shall work. The soul is led on from glory to glory, until it becomes conscious of its essential unity in God.
ellauri161.html on line 1131: A young priest arrives at the small village of Ambricourt, his first parish assignment. He arrives alone by bicycle and is met by no one and unpacks his meager belongings. A couple at the chateau eye him suspiciously and walk away. He begins a diary, which he narrates throughout the film. This is very, very old-fashioned, would not do in Netflix anymore. Because he often feels nauseous and dizzy, he chooses a strict diet free of meat and vegetables. Instead, he has wine and wine-soaked bread with sugar. No wonder he dies in the end (oops, spoiler, sorry).
ellauri171.html on line 990: But the appearance of Jezebel in the bible includes no mention of her sexuality. In the Hebrew Bible, Jezebel appears in the books of first and second Kings as the wife of King Ahab— the marriage being a political alliance between Israel and Sidon (a coastal city to the north) where Jezebel was the princess. Jezebel brings her religion to Israel with her, and the worship of Baal is blasphemy in the eyes of the biblical writers. According to the text, Jezebel begins killing Israel’s prophets. Because of this, Elijah challenges the prophets of Baal to a showdown with Israel’s deity. The Baal worshipers fail to summon their deity, so Elijah calls upon Yahweh and fire descends from heaven and consumes the altar. Having won, Elijah then slaughters all of the prophets of Baal. Jezebel threatens to kill Elijah by the same time the next day, and, ironically, Elijah retreats.
ellauri180.html on line 51: In the books, Elena was popular, selfish and a "mean girl". However, the show's producers, Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson, felt that it wasn't the direction they wanted to go with their heroine in The Young Adult Vampire Diaries television series. Instead, she became a nicer, relatable, and more of "the girl next door" type, until her life gets flipped upside down when she meets the Salvatore Brothers. Stefan Salvatore is a good-hearted and affectionate young adult vampire and the complete opposite of his older brother, Damon Salvatore. Stefan's malevolent young adult vampire brother is mostly thought of as selfish and manipulative, but later on begins to display a more caring side.
ellauri182.html on line 87: The second part of the story begins with a shock: Eriko died in the autumn. A man at his/her club has stalked and killed him/xsher in a hate crime. Later that night, alone, Mikage recalls a conversation she had with Eriko, during which Eriko explained why s/he became a woman.
ellauri182.html on line 106: Mikage’s voice can be complex as well, which keeps the reader intellectually engaged. She can go from the light and ironic, talking casually about herself and her situation, to the literary and complex, making more formal and generalized statements, such as this musing on fate that begins: “We all believe we can choose our own path from among the many.”
ellauri182.html on line 130: Sartre urged the personal freedom of choice in the face of life’s unknowns, and claimed that seizing freedom was each person’s duty. These ideas of free will and personal responsibility are also introduced in “Kitchen.” Mikage makes the statement: “People aren’t overcome by situations or outside forces; defeat invades from within,” when she begins to realize that she has responsibility for her own life and its pain. Other people can no longer help her; she must take charge of things herself, “with or without” Yuichi.
ellauri185.html on line 97: The book begins with Samuel's birth and Yahweh's call to him as a boy. The story of the Ark of the Covenant follows. It tells of Israel's oppression by the Philistines, which brought about Samuel's anointing of Saul as Israel's first king. But Saul proved unworthy, and God's choice turned to David, who defeated Israel's enemies, purchased the threshing floor where his son Solomon would build the First Temple, and brought the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. Yahweh then promised David and his sucessors an everlasting dynasty.
ellauri194.html on line 289: Some post-Cold War millenarians still identify Gog with Russia, but they now tend to stress its allies among Islamic nations, especially Iran. For the most fervent, the countdown to Armageddon began with the return of the Jews to Israel, followed quickly by further signs pointing to the nearness of the final battle – nuclear weapons, European integration, Israel's reunification of Jerusalem in the Six Day War in 1967, and America's wars in Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf. According to an unconfirmed report, US President George W. Bush, in the prelude to the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, told French President Jacques Chirac, "Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East." Bush is said to have continued, "This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase His people's enemies before a new age begins." Officials from the Bush Administration claim there is no record of this conversation and that making such references, "doesn't sound at all like Bush", and French officials on the call have similarly claimed to have not heard any such remarks.
ellauri197.html on line 98: In the first stanza of ‘Down By the Salley Gardens,’ the poet begins by making use of the line that later came to be used as the title of the poem. He describes how there was a place, in the “sally gardens,” where he used to meet his love. The word “salley” may refer to an actual location, perhaps on the banks of the river near Sligo, or it might refer to “sallow,” a kind of tree.
ellauri197.html on line 106: The second stanza is very similar to the first. There are several examples of repetition. The speaker begins by describing himself standing with his love “In a field by the river” rather than in the “salley garden”. Either way, the setting is natural and likely beautiful. The scene is made even more pleasing by the fact that he was with someone he loved and she was touching his shoulder with her “snow-white hand”. Here, readers should notice the repetition of “snow-white”. This time rather than describing her feet he’s thinking about her hand. He remembers how she asked him at that moment to “take life easy”. This is almost exactly the same as in the first stanza. But, now it’s revealed that the speaker’s inability to take it “easy” stretches to his life beyond his relationship with this woman.
ellauri198.html on line 780: Knowledge is aware not only of itself, but also of the negative of itself, or its limit. Knowing its limit means knowing how to sacrifice itself. This sacrifice is... self-abandonment.... Here it has to begin all over again at its immediacy, as freshly as before, and thence rise once more to the measure of its stature, as if, for it, all that preceded were lost, and as if it had learned nothing from the experience of the spirits that preceded. But re collection has conserved that experience, and is the inner being, and, in fact, the higher form of the substance. While, then, this phase of Spirit begins all over again its formative development, apparently starting solely from itself, yet at the same time it com mences at a higher level. The realm of spirits developed in this way, and assuming definite shape in existence, constitutes a succession, where one detaches and sets loose the other, and each takes over from its predecessor the empire of the spiritual world...
ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
ellauri210.html on line 1308: Nadja (1928), the second book published by André Breton, is one of the iconic works of the French surrealist movement. It begins with the question "Who am I?"
ellauri220.html on line 243: EsmeraldaEsmeralda is the beautiful runaway Sister Edgar tracks. After Esmeralda is raped and murdered at the end of the novel, her spirit begins appearing on a billboard advertisement for orange juice.
ellauri221.html on line 110: Narcissistic personality disorder was nearly dropped from the DSM V. Narcissistic personality disorder was first defined in 1967. The DSM-IV defines the essential feature of narcissism as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins in early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts." It's a definition that was set before the rise of social networking, reality TV, or partisan news channels designed to confirm our every opinion. Perhaps it truly is time to update it.
ellauri222.html on line 117: “I am an American, Chicago born” begins the famous first sentence of “The Adventures of Augie March.” The author of that sentence was actually an illegal immigrant, Canada born, and the words were written in Paris. Bellow’s father, Abraham Belo, was born in a shtetl inside the Pale of Settlement. He began his career in St. Petersburg as a produce broker, specializing in Egyptian onions and Spanish fruit. The family seems to have been quite well off. Abraham had used a forged document to work in St. Petersburg, and, when this was discovered, he was arrested and convicted. He may have gone to prison. But he managed to escape and, in 1913, to get his family to Canada.
ellauri222.html on line 531: Grandma Lausch, although unrelated by blood to the Marches, is a surrogate grandmother to Augie and his brothers, and has a powerful influence on them both. She rules their childhood house with a strict, imperious, and shrewd manner. The widow of a powerful Odessa businessman, this grande dame claims to speak a variety of languages and passes the time reading Tolstoy. Her two sons are married and living in other states. When Grandma’s mind begins to fail, they commit the dignified old lady to a retirement home where she eventually dies of pneumonia.
ellauri222.html on line 595: Lieutenant Nuzzo is an Italian-American cop whom Simon befriends as he begins to build his coal business.
ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
ellauri236.html on line 378: The plan begins to fall apart when a rival mob, led by the sadistic and mentally unbalanced Slim Grisson (actually, by his Ma), finds out about Riley's plan and kidnaps Miss Blandish from the gang. Mr. Blandish pays the ransom to Slim (no no, to his Ma!), but his daughter is not returned. Slim becomes increasingly obsessed with Miss Blandish and decides to keep her hidden in a secret room inside one of his nightclubs, repeatedly raping her and lashing out at anybody who attempts to wrestle Miss Blandish from his charge.
ellauri236.html on line 537: Tää oli siis jonkun M. Cainin kovaxi keitetty 30-luvulta josta pidettiin 80-luvulla uusi meteli koska siitä tehtiin uusi filmatisaatio pääosissa epämiellyttävä Jack Nicholson ja hevoshampainen nainen nimeltä Jessica Lange. En ole nähnyt rainoista kumpaakaan, saati lukenut alkuteosta. Juoni lyhyesti: The sensuous wife of a lunch wagon proprietor and a rootless drifter begin a sordidly steamy affair and conspire to murder her Greek husband (i.e. the said lunch wagon proprietor). This remake of the 1946 movie of the same name accounts an affair between a seedy drifter and a seductive wife of a roadside café owner. This begins a chain of events that culminates in murder. EFK ihan pikku pussissa.
ellauri241.html on line 47: Fanny's flirtatious personality contrasts with Keats' notably more aloof nature. She begins to pursue him after her siblings Samuel and Toots obtain his book of poetry, "Endymion". Her efforts to interact with the poet are fruitless until he witnesses her grief for the loss of his brother, Tom. Keats begins to open up to her advances while spending Christmas with the Brawne family. He begins giving her poetry lessons, and it becomes apparent that their attraction is mutual. Fanny is nevertheless troubled by his reluctance to pursue her, on which her mother (Kerry Fox) surmises, "Mr. Keats knows he cannot like you, he has no living and no income."
ellauri241.html on line 1637: Endymion declares that he will let go of the possibility of immortality so that he can love and adore the Maiden instead. The god Mercury appears and strikes the ground with his magic wand. Winged horses arrive to fly Endymion and the Indian Maiden into the sky where the shepherd-prince dreams that he is in Olympus which is the sanctuary of the gods. He is conflicted when he suddenly sees Diana who is also known as Phoebe and she looms over him. Endymion looks over at the sleeping Indian Maiden and "could not help but kiss her: then he grew / Awhile forgetful of all beauty save / Young Phoebe's, golden hair'd; and so 'gan crave Forgiveness." Once again he looks at the Maiden with adoration, but Phoebe begins to fade away, and he protests in panic. The noise awakens the sleeping Maiden next to him. In this moment Endymion chooses to abandon Diana and immortality as he professes to the Maid, "I love thee! and my days can never last. I always love the one that is readily available, she is the best." They soar through the sky and the Indian Maiden grows pale and suddenly vanishes before Endymion's eyes. Ow fuck! He cries out in surprise and grief as he finds himself alone yet again.
ellauri243.html on line 510: Dale Brown is still at the forefront of publishing novels today. He most recent novel, Tiger’s Claw, was released in August 2013. The plot of this book surround President Phoenix, Arizona, who has again slashed the military budget just when China begins to test it’s new domestic missile.
ellauri248.html on line 242: Daniel in the lions' den (chapter 6 of the Book of Daniel) tells of how the biblical Daniel is saved from lions by the God of Israel "because I was found tasteless before them" (Daniel 6:22). It parallels and complements chapter 3, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: each begins with the jealousy of non-Jews towards successful Jews and an imperial edict requiring them to compromise their religion, and concludes with divine deliverance and a king who confesses the greatness of the God of the Jews and issues an edict of royal protection to the smug hookynoses. The tales making up chapters 1–6 of Daniel date no earlier than the Hellenistic period (3rd to 2nd century BC) and were probably originally independent, but were collected in the mid-2nd century BC and expanded shortly afterwards with the visions of the later chapters to produce the modern book.
ellauri262.html on line 465: The Problem of Pain is a 1940 book on the problem of evil by C. S. Lewis, in which Lewis argues that human pain, animal pain, and hell are not sufficient reasons to reject belief in a good and powerful God. He begins by addressing the flaws in common arguments against the belief in a just, loving, and all-powerful God such as: "If God were good, He would make His creatures perfectly happy, and if He were almighty He would be able to do what he wished. But the creatures are not happy. Therefore God lacks either goodness, or power, or both." Topics include human suffering and sinfulness, animal suffering, and the problem of hell, where Lewis squirms like a tapeworm to reconcile these with a friendly omnipotent force beyond ourselves.
ellauri263.html on line 369: Israel’s biggest TV hit series returns to our screens this week, opening with Israel’s biggest nightmare. The second series of Fauda, the political thriller about an Israeli army undercover unit, begins with a bomb explosion at a bus stop. But it gets worse, as it turns out the attack wasn’t ordered by Hamas, but by a new menace – a returnee from Syria who has been training with Islamic State.
ellauri270.html on line 371: Finally, the last man has drawn. Mr. Summers says, “all right, fellows,” and, after a moment of stillness, all the papers are opened. The crowd begins to ask who has it. Some begin to say that it’s Bill Hutchinson. Mrs. Dunbar tells her son to go tell his father who was chosen, and Horace leaves. Bill Hutchinson is quietly staring down at his piece of paper, but suddenly Tessie yells at Mr. Summers that he didn’t give her husband enough time to choose, and it wasn’t fair.
ellauri270.html on line 411: “The Lottery” begins with a description of a particular day, the 27th of June, which is marked by beautiful details and a warm tone that strongly contrast with the violent and dark ending of the story. The narrator describes flowers blossoming and children playing, but the details also include foreshadowing of the story’s resolution, as the children are collecting stones and three boys guard their pile against the “raids of the other boys.” These details… read analysis of The Juxtaposition of Peace and Violence.
ellauri277.html on line 248: The work begins with the prophet Almustafa preparing to leave the city of Orphalese, where he has lived for twelve years, to return to the island of his birth. The people of the city gather and beg him not to leave, but the seeress Almitra, knowing that his ship has come for him, asks him instead to tell them his truths. The people ask him about the great themes of human life: love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, and many others, concluding with death. Almustafa speaks of each of the themes in sober, sonorous aphorisms grouped into twenty-six short chapters. As in earlier books, Gibran illustrated The Prophet with his own drawings, adding to the power of the work.
ellauri301.html on line 111: Preview: The first Wallander novel Mördare utan ansikte (‘Faceless Killers’) was published in Sweden in 1991 and begins with an elderly couple being attacked in a remote farmhouse. The husband dies instantly, the wife lives long enough to whisper the word “foreign”, triggering a wave of violent racism as Wallander seeks to solve the crime.
ellauri302.html on line 284: Hindel, from the curtain of her compartment she has been listening very intently to the conversation between Manke and Rifkele. She now begins to pace up and down the basement excitedly, wrapt in thought and muttering to herself very slowly.
ellauri302.html on line 288: Raises her hands toward the ceiling.) Father in Heaven, you are a Father to all orphans... Mother in your grave, pray for me... Let my troubles come to an end. Let me at last be settled in my own home!... (Pause.) If God is only good to me, I'll have a Holy Parchment written in His honor... And every Sabbath I'll give three pounds of candles to the House of Study. (A long pause. She is lost in the contemplation of her future prospects,) Yes, he is a good God... a good God... Father in Heaven... Mother, pray in my behalf... don't be silent... pray for me... do your very best for me... (She returns to her compartment and begins hastily to pack her things.) I can be ready, anyway.
ellauri302.html on line 428: Fie! You're out of your head altogether. True, a misfortune has befallen you. May Heaven watch over aU of us. Well? What? Misfortunes happen to plenty of folks. The Lord sends aid and things turn out all right. The important point is to keep your mouth shut. Hear nothing. See nothing. Just wash your hands clean of it and forget it. (To Reizel.) Be careful what you say. Don't let it travel any further, God forbid. Do you hear? (Turns to Yekel, who is staring vacantly into space.) I had a talk with... (Looks around to see whether Reizel is still present. Seeing her, he stops. After a pause he begins anew, more softly, looking at Reizel as a hint for her to leave.) With er, er... (Casts a significant glance at Reizel, who at last understands, and leaves.) I had a talk with the groom's father. I spoke to him between the afternoon and evening prayers, at the synagogue. He's almost ready to talk business. Of course I gave him to understand that the bride doesn't boast a very high pedigree, but I guess another hundred roubles will fix that up, all right. Nowadays, pedigrees don't count as much as they used to. With God's help I'll surely be here this Sabbath, with the groom's father. We'll go down to the Dayon and have him examine the young man in his religious studies... But nobody must get wind of this tale. It might spoil everything. The father comes of a fine family and the son carries a smart head on his shoulders. There, there. Calm yourself. Trust in the Lord and everything will turn out for the best. With God's help I am going home to prepare for the morning prayer. And as soon as the girl returns, notify me. Remember, now. (About to go.)
ellauri302.html on line 478: Sarah, on the threshold. Come in. Come in. Your father won't beat you. (Pause.) Go in, I tell you. (Pushes Rifkele into the room. Rifkele has a shawl over her head. She stands silent and motionless at the door, a shameless look in her eyes, biting her lips,) Well, what are you standing there for, my darling? Much pleasure you've brought us... in return for our trouble in bringing you up. We'll square that with you later. (Interrupting herself.) Get into your room. Comb your hair. Put on a dress. We're expecting guests. (To Yekel.) I just met Reb Ali. He's going for the groom's father. (Looks about the room.) Goodness me! How the place looks! (She begins hastily to place things in order.)
ellauri316.html on line 833: But after the shattering victory at Stalingrad, the Red Army began to believe that victory was possible. Germany, which had boasted the world’s most formidable military at the start of the war, suddenly seemed vulnerable. Even if its weaponry was less sophisticated and its troops poorly prepared, the sheer size of Russia’s forces could overwhelm the enemy — a reality that holds 80 years later, as the war in Ukraine grinds on and on and the wallets and the patience of Kyiv’s partners in the West begins to wear thin.
ellauri321.html on line 188: He looks around, and sees many a prosperous person, who but a few years before was as poor as himself. This encourages him much, he begins to form some little scheme, the first, alas, he ever formed in his life. If he is wise he thus spends in a tent on the street two or three score years, in which time he acquires knowledge, the use of tools, the modes of working the lands, felling trees, &c. This prepares the foundation of a good name, the most useful acquisition he can make. He is encouraged, he has gained friends;
ellauri322.html on line 95: Commerce is no other than the traffic of two individuals, multiplied on a scale of numbers; and by the same rule that nature intended for the intercourse of two, she intended that of all. For this purpose she has distributed the materials of manufactures and commerce, in various and distant parts of a nation and of the world; and as they cannot be procured by war so cheaply or so commodiously as by commerce, she has rendered the latter the means of extirpating the former. As the two are nearly the opposite of each other, consequently, the uncivilised state of the European governments is injurious to commerce. Every kind of destruction or embarrassment serves to lessen the quantity, and it matters but little in what part of the commercial world the reduction begins. Like blood, it cannot be taken from any of the parts, without being taken from the whole mass in circulation, and all partake of the loss. When the ability in any nation to buy is destroyed, it equally involves the seller. Could the government of England destroy the commerce of all other nations, she would most effectually ruin her own. It is possible that a nation may be the carrier for the world, but she cannot be the merchant. She cannot be the seller and buyer of her own merchandise. The ability to buy must reside out of herself; and, therefore, the prosperity of any commercial nation is regulated by the prosperity of the rest. If they are poor she cannot be rich, and her condition, be what it may, is an index of the height of the commercial tide in other nations. When, therefore, governments are at war, the attack is made upon a common stock of commerce, and the consequence is the same as if each had attacked his own.
ellauri332.html on line 402: In 17th-century Salem, Hester Prynne must wear a scarlet A because she is an adulteress, with a child out of wedlock. For seven years, she has refused to name the father. A vigorous older stranger arrives, recognized by Hester but unknown to others as her missing husband. He poses as Chillingworth, a doctor, watching Hester and searching out the identity of her lover. His eye soon rests on Dimmesdale, a young overwrought pastor. Enmity grows between the two men; Chillingworth applies psychological pressure, and the pastor begins to crack. A ship stops in Salem, and Hester sees it as a providential refuge for her daughter, herself, and her lover. But will Dimmesdale flee with her? Or without perhaps?
ellauri362.html on line 735: Analysis (ai): This poem delves into the intoxicating effects of alcohol and its profound impact on human behavior. It begins by addressing the mighty spirit of inebriation, emphasizing its ability to influence the body and mind. The poet invites those who have succumbed to its allure to share their experiences and shed light on the reasons behind their indulgence.
ellauri378.html on line 429: Hamas is now focused on surviving until the summer, when the US election campaign begins and support for Israel is likely to decline further, according to the newspaper's sources, who are convinced that pressure is mounting on Israel to reach some kind of agreement, and this means that Hamas can survive, and this is also beneficial for Iran. How sad. Israel wants Gaza empty of the fucking ragheads.
ellauri393.html on line 272: Lincoln decides that the best way to defeat the vampires is to eliminate their food source and starve them out; to that end, he announces the Emancipation Proclamation and encourages the slaves to fight back against slave owners and vampires alike. This begins to turn the tide of the war. (Julistuksen vaikutuksena oli yli 3,5 miljoonan orjuutettujen afrikkalaisen amerikkalaisen oikeudellinen asema irtautuneissa konfederaatiovaltioissa orjuisista vapaiksi. Heti kun orjat pakenivat orjuuttajiensa hallinnasta, joko pakenemalla unionin linjoille tai liittovaltion joukkojen etenemisen kautta, he olivat pysyvästi vapaita. Lisäksi julistus salli entisten orjien "ottamisen vastaan ​​Yhdysvaltojen asepalvelukseen". Hehe.) However, the war takes a personal toll on Lincoln. A vampire assassin sneaks onto the White House lawn and kills Lincoln's son, Willie. Henry appears at the White House and offers to turn Willie into a vampire so that he will "live" again, but Lincoln is unwilling to allow it, despite being very tempted. Enraged, he banishes Henry and all other vampires from the White House and refuses to speak to any of them ever again. Abelle olisi ollut tarpeen opettajattaren varaventtiili.
ellauri420.html on line 285: Grooming begins to lose its luster and you find it harder and harder to rouse yourself to tend to the holes entrusted to you.
ellauri420.html on line 297: Acedia is symptomatic of demonic attack. There’s no reason to fear, however. This is the normal result of what happens when a man takes off the mantle of the ministry and begins to do real work with bareass kids in service of Christ and his kingdom.
ellauri420.html on line 305: Quality self-care begins, according to our Lord’s direction and example, with prayer for protection: “Lead us not into temptation.” That failing, we pray for our Father’s intervention: “But deliver us MREs from (the) evil (one).”
ellauri434.html on line 283: One type of cosmological, or "first cause" argument, typically called the Kalam cosmological argument, asserts that since everything that begins to exist has a cause, and the universe began to exist, the universe must have had a cause which was itself not caused. This ultimate first cause is identified with God.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 620: I adjusted malisious soft on a web-site for adults (with porn) which you have visited. When the object press on a play button, device begins recording the screen and all cameras on your device starts working.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 354: However, when we take into account circumstances that took place before the play, as well as what happens over the course of the plot, Shylock begins to seem a like a victim as well as a villain, and his fate seems excessively harsh. In addition to the abuse Antonio and other Christians routinely subject him to, Shylock lost his beloved wife, Leah. His daughter, Jessica, runs away from home with money and jewels she’s stolen from him, including a ring Leah gave him before she died. Although Solanio reports that Shylock’s was equally upset by the loss of his money as his daughter (“My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!” (II. Viii.), we must remember that we are getting a second-hand view through the eyes of an anti-Semitic character who compares Shylock to the devil. As we learn from Shylock himself, the Christians of Venice are happy to borrow money from him, but refuse to accept him as part of Venetian society because they equate his religion with Satan. Shylock has been treated as less than human his whole life, because he is not a Christian. Yet when he tries to collect on a loan, the other characters insist that he act like a Christian and forgive the debt.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 129: Azamat abandons Borat, taking his passport, all of their money, and their bear. Borat's truck runs out of fuel, and he begins to hitchhike to California. He is soon picked up by drunken fraternity brothers from the University of South Carolina. On learning the reason for his trip, they show him the Pam and Tommy sex tape which reveals that she is not a virgin. Despondent, Borat burns the Baywatch booklet and, by mistake, his return ticket to Kazakhstan.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 177: In one of the more disturbing case histories in the novel, a stable father/husband begins obsessing over the television program M*A*S*H (taking meticulous and incoherent notes), gradually losing his mind speaking only in cryptic references to M*A*S*H and sending letters to the characters, not the actors!
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 669: Because Dimmesdale´s health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister´s illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl´s father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale´s vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister´s pale chest.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 35: Novelist Bulwer-Lytton was a friend and contemporary of Charles Dickens and was one of the pioneers of the historical novel, exemplified by his most popular work, The Last Days of Pompeii. He is best remembered today for the opening line to the novel Paul Clifford, which begins "It was a dark and stormy night..." and is considered by some to be the worst opening sentence in the English language. However, Bulwer-Lytton is also responsible for well-known sayings such as "The penis mightier than the sword" from his play Richelieu. Despite being a very popular author with 19th-century readers, few people today are even aware of his prodigious body of literature spanning many genres. In the 21st century he is known best as the namesake for the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest (BLFC), sponsored annually by the English Department at San Jose State University, which challenges entrants "to compose the opening sentence to the worst of all possible novels", and the township of Lytton, or Camchin until the British nosey parkers came, saw and beat the copper-colored nlaka'pamuxes. Now their village got burned to ashes thanx to the industrial revolution.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 233: Because Dimmesdale's health has begun to fail, the townspeople are happy to have Chillingworth, the newly arrived physician, take up lodgings with their beloved minister. Being in such close contact with Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to suspect that the minister's illness is the result of some unconfessed guilt. He applies psychological pressure to the minister because he suspects Dimmesdale is Pearl's father. One evening, pulling the sleeping Dimmesdale's vestment aside, Chillingworth sees a symbol that represents his shame on the minister's pale chest.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 873: Many of us might have lost track of our mentors, as Mitch did, with their insights slowly fading into memory. When Mitch gets a second chance to meet his mentor in the last few months of the man's life, he begins to visit him every Tuesday.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 488: Shortly after being let go from the college, Silk begins a relationship with Faunia Farley, a 34-year-old local woman who works as a janitor at the college and is believed (falsely, as it turns out) to be illiterate, further cementing his status as a pariah among the Athena faculty and student body.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 717: The poem begins with the line "A thing of beauty is a joy for ever". Endymion is written in rhyming couplets in iambic pentameter (also known as heroic couplets). Keats based the poem on the Greek myth of Endymion, the shepherd beloved of the moon goddess Selene. The poem elaborates on the original story and renames Selene "Cynthia" (an alternative name for Artemis). It starts by painting the typical rustic scene of trees, rivers, shepherds, and sheep. The shepherds gather around an altar and pray to Pan, god of shepherd pies and cocks. As the youths sing and dance, the elder men sit by the rivers of Babylon and bleat about what life would be like in the shades of Elysium.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 329: ‘The Eve of St. Agnes’ begins with the setting, the eve of the Feast of St. Agnes, January 20th (the Feast is celebrated on the 21st). It is horribly cold outside. A Beadsman, a professional man of prayer, is freezing in his church. He briefly hears music from the house that the church abuts. They are preparing a celebration and the guests all arrive in a burst of expensive clothing and plumage.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1209: Strangely, Raskolnikov begins to feel alarmed at the thought that Porfiry (joku poliisi) might think he is innocent. But Porfiry's changed attitude is motivated by genuine respect for Raskolnikov, not by any thought of his innocence, and he concludes by expressing his absolute certainty that Raskolnikov is indeed the murderer.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 451: Rabbi Nachman also wrote that it is a great mitzvah to be happy. A mitzvah is not always easy. Confronting your brokenness is the beginning of the road home. It is where healing begins.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 108: The missing text at the beginning of line two is generally attributed to a printing error, since in the earliest version of the sonnet the second line begins with a repetition of the last three words of the previous lines, commonly called an eye-skip error, which breaks the iambic pentameter. Shakespeare's intention for the line is a subject of debate among scholars, with most modern scholars accepting the emendation, "feeding", based on internal evidence. Other guesses include "Thrall to", "Fool'd by", "Hemm'd by", "Foil'd by", "Fenced by", "Flatt'ring", "Spoiled by", "Lord of", and "Pressed by". Unfortunately, none of the "guesses" seem to work. "Feeding," for example, tends to "explain the joke," and does not let the poem build to the implication that the soul itself is culpable in man's struggle for spirit over the corporal self. Perhaps a better foot would be "disrobe." Musta paras on Lord of.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 894: As 2022 begins, and you're joining us from Finland, there’s a new year resolution we’d like you to consider. It is to pay us Guardians of Freedom a lot of mmmoney!
xxx/ellauri177.html on line 245: The Demise of Father Mouret (French: La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret, "The Mistake of Father Mouret") is a 1970 French film directed by Georges Franju, based on the 1875 novel La Faute de l'Abbé Mouret by Émile Zola. Like the novel, the film is about Father Mouret, a young priest (played by Francis Huster) who is sent to a remote village in Provence, then has a nervous breakdown and develops amnesia. While recuperating, he meets and falls in love with a beautiful young woman, Albine (Gillian Hills), with whom he begins an idyllic relationship meant to recall the story of Adam and Eve. When he regains his memory, though, he is wracked with guilt, and ends the relationship, leading to tragedy for both.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 275: Our magnolia blossoms. Life begins to happen. Meidän magnolia kukkii. Elämässä alkaa tapahtua.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 637: Which one is true? We simply do not know for sure. The facts about his death have not been historically proven, beyond a reasonable doubt. In fact, there is no historical consensus on the person of Matthew. There are several conflicting accounts, and the Greek text does not state anywhere he was an eyewitness (and therefore a disciple). Maybe he was a fake. The problem is the gospel of Matthew is anonymous: the author is not named within the oldest surviving text, and the superscription "according to Matthew" was added some time in the second century, although the gospel doesn't state it's an eyewitness account. The historically very likely incorrect tradition that the author was the disciple Matthew begins with the early Christian bishop Papias of Hierapolis.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 375: Now I think we shall gain a great deal by following the suggestion of a writer who, from personal motives, vainly asserts that he has nothing to do with the rigours of pure science. I am speaking of Georg Groddeck, who is never tired of insisting that what we call our ego behaves essentially passively in life, and that, as he expresses it, we are "lived" by unknown and uncontrollable forces. We have all had impressions of the same kind, even though they may not have overwhelmed us to the exclusion of all others, and we need feel no hesitation in finding a place for Groddeck's discovery in the structure of science. I propose to take it into account by calling the entity which starts out from the system Pcpt. and begins by being Pcs. the "ego", and by following Groddeck in calling the other part of the mind, into which this entity extends and which behaves as though it were Ucs., the "id". (Freud 1927/1961, 13).
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 570: “Our concern and solidarity is first with victims of harassment, and with the right of all staff and students to work in a healthy and safe environment,” the letter said. “And while we also recognize the possibility of rehabilitation, it can only be at the end of a process that begins with an acknowledgement of the offense, and taking responsibility for the harm caused.”
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1057: Tablet I continues with legends about overpopulation and plagues, mentioning Atra-Hasis only at the end. Tablet II begins with more human overpopulation. To reduce this population, Enlil sends famine and drought at formulaic intervals of 1200 years. Accordingly, in this epic, Enlil is depicted as a cruel, capricious god, while Enki is depicted as kind and helpful, perhaps because priests of Enki were writing and copying the story. Enki can be seen to have parallels to Prometheus, in that he is seen as man's benefactor and defies the orders of the other gods when their intentions are malicious towards humans. Tablet II remains mostly damaged, but it ends with Enlil's decision to destroy humankind with a flood, with Enki bound by oath to keep this plan secret.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 520: Because the girls have promised them a "special treat", which Fred and Barney take to mean sexual intercourse, the men are desperate to retrieve their car. The duo begins retracing their steps in an attempt to discover where they left the car. Along the way, they encounter a transgender stripper, a belligerent speaker box operator at a Chinese restaurant's drive-through, two tattoos they discover on each other's backs, UFO cultists led by Zoltan (who later hold the twins hostage), a Cantonese-speaking Chinese tailor, the Zen-minded Nelson and his cannabis-loving dog Jackal, beautiful Christie Boner, her aggressive jock boyfriend Tommy and his friends, a couple of hard-nosed police detectives, and a reclusive French ostrich named Pierre. They also meet two groups of aliens, one group being five gorgeous women, the other being two Norwegian men, searching for the "Continuum Transfunctioner": an extraterrestrial device that the boys accidentally picked up last night.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 410: Crane´s critical effort, like those of Keats and Rilke, is mostly to be found in his letters: he corresponded regularly with Allen Tate, Yvor Winters, and Gorham Munson, and shared critical dialogues with Eugene O´Neill, William Carlos Williams, E. E. Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Waldo Frank, Harriet Monroe, Marianne Moore, and Gertrude Stein. He was also an acquaintance of H. P. Lovecraft, who eventually would voice concern over Crane´s premature aging due to alcohol abuse. Most serious work on Crane begins with his letters, selections of which are available in many editions of his poetry; his letters to Munson, Tate, Winters, and his patron, Otto Hermann Kahn, are particularly insightful. His two most famous stylistic defenses emerged from correspondences: his "General Aims and Theories" (1925) was written to urge Eugene O´Neill´s critical foreword to White Buildings, then passed around among friends, yet unpublished during Crane´s life; and the famous "Letter to Harriet Monroe" (1926) was part of an exchange for the publication of "At Melville´s Tomb" in Poetry. The literary critic Adam Kirsch has argued that "Crane has been a special case in the canon of American modernism, because his reputation was never quite as secure as that of Eliot or Stevens. In fact he FAILED."
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 304: Some imaginary friends are good for you, some aren’t. When your dead wife comes home after Madame Arcati’s farcical séance and begins to comment, you know exactly where you are. Coward wrote this play whilst at Portmeirion in Wales, a place perfectly fitted to imaginariness. Noel was such a coward that he had to flee the place.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 264: The This is fine meme comes from a webcomic called Gunshow, by KC Green. In the first two panels of strip 648, a character known as Question Hound sits in a burning house, sipping coffee and saying, “This is fine.” As he continues to reassure himself over the course of the six-panel comic, he also begins to melt due to the heat. The particular comic strip was published on January 9, 2013 (i.e soon a decade ago) and is alternatively titled “Global warming.” The alternative text on the image says, “The pills are working,” which is used as its title, as well.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 233: ⁠Blossom by blossom the spring begins. Kukkanen kukkaselta alkaa kevätaika.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 61: The history of Guatemala begins with the Maya civilization (2600 BC – 1697 AD), which was among those that flourished in their country. The country's modern history began with the Spanish conquest of Guatemala in 1524. Most of the great Classic-era (250 – 900 AD) Maya cities of the Petén Basin region, in the northern lowlands, had been abandoned by the year 1000 AD. The states in the Belize central highlands flourished until the 1525 arrival of Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado. Called "The Invader" by the Mayan people, he immediately began subjugating the Indian states.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 150: In brief, “The Columbiad,” as Eliot also calls it, begins in Spain, where Columbo dines in with the King and Queen. Queen Isabella “pricks” Columbo’s navel; in response, he defecates on the table. Columbo takes the Queen with him on his voyage, buggers his mates, and finds, in what is now Cuba, King Bolo and BBQ. The setting shifts to the Philippines and then to London, first to the suburb of Golders Green, and then to Russell Square, where Eliot launches the Bolovian Club luncheons. An important upshot of all the whoring is a bastard son named Boloumbo, who presumably begins the European line of ancestry. The rest of the “epic” documents contain Prof. Krapp’s (et al.) and Eliot’s research on the ancient history of the Bolovians, who originate somewhere in South America. Not only the locations, but also the tables have been turned. The “scholarship” reveals that Bolovian behavior and characteristics are the sources of many modern Western traditions, including the wearing of bowler hats. Bolovians practiced Wuxianity, a religion with two gods (or more, depending on the interpretation), anticipating the divine/ human controversy in Christology. Their language, in which Eliot has learned to sing the Bolovian anthem, predates the Indo-European pronunciations of “W,” a combination of the “Greek Ksi” and the “German schsh” (Letters III 730). Eliot’s verses borrow from many versions of Christopher Columbus and his adventures. “Columbo” is a common misspelling for “Colombo,” which is Italian and Portuguese for “Columbus.” Many children know, “In fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue,” but others may know some of the sailors’ ditties or military songs, one of which has the following chorus:
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 186: Tom of New England oli naisten kasvattama mammanpoika kuten Coriolanus Shakespearessa, sen tautta naiset näytti siltä hampaattomilta jättikidoilta. Ihmisenä Tom oli laimea kuin kraanavesi. Perheen vaakuna oli norsun pää kärsineen, as researched by Walter Graeme Eliot in 1887 (W. Eliot 8). Eliot explains himself in his 1923 essay, “The Beating of Meat”: Primitive man beat the meat and then found a reason for it. Modern man has many reasons, but he has lost the meat. Later in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism he states, “Poetry, I dare say, begins with a savage beating meat in the jungle” (95).
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 437: Benjamin Barker, a barber convicted wrongfully who after 15 years in an Australian penal colony escapes and returns to London using the new name Sweeney Todd, only to find that Judge Turpin, who is responsible for his conviction, has raped his young wife Lucy and adopted Todd's daughter Johanna. He at first plans to kill Turpin, but when his prey escapes, he swears vengeance on humanity in general and begins to slash his customers' throats. Se ei tiennyt ettei 2 pahaa plussaudu 1 hyväxi. Ei tule edes nolla, sillä teoilla ei ole etumerkkiä.
xxx/ellauri415.html on line 148: The book follows the story of the Family of Ur from a Stone Age family guy whose wife begins to believe that there is a (1 suluissa 1) supernatural force, which slowly leads us to the beginnings of monotheism.
xxx/ellauri427.html on line 142: Hollantilais-belgialainen mutapainisarja Grenslanders maiden mutaiselta rajalta sankarina pöljä belgi kallonkutistaja ja tiukka mutiainen lesboämmä skoude Rotterdamista tuntui aluxi paremmalta. It deals - in an abstract way - with actual themes like migration, racism and xenophobia, guilt, revenge, criminal rituals, # Metoo and loneliness. Imdb:n kazoja-arvostelijat kuulostaa just niin tolloilta kuin ne aina ovat. I would like to know the next day what I was watching at and what I had learned from it. Not this lousy experience, that you completely are desorientated because of the flashy filming and editing without recognizing your audience. Story telling begins with patience. And timing... Joopa joo näitä sarjoja kazoo pääasiassa nuijat ja tosinuijat. Ei helkkari ei sittenkään, kylnää paleface hollannikkaat ja tuhkamuna belgit on koko konkkaronkka sairaita rasisteja pedofiilejä ja muita sikkejä lurendreijareita, ne olis pitänyt ottaa miehissä yxintein hengiltä jo ennen vitun "löytöretkien" alkua.