ellauri006.html on line 904: Jumala särje heidän hambans heidän suuhuns

ellauri008.html on line 1205: Siihen valuu tuubansuoltajien pahin pilssivesi,

ellauri065.html on line 513: ebin: sometimes spelled "epin", is an intentional misspelling of the word "epic" which is often associated with the character Spurdo Spärde and ironic meme culture. According to Encyclopedia Dramatica, the term "epin" was coined as a shortened form of the phrase epic win in June 2009 on 4chan´s /b/ (random) board, where it was spammed repeatedly and accused of being a forced meme. On June 7th, several Urban Dictionary definitions for "epin" were submitted. According to the s4s Wiki, the term "ebin" was subsequently coined as a Spurdo Spärde-style misspelling of epin on the Finnish image board Kuvalauta to avoid bans for posting the word "epic." Derived senses:
ellauri066.html on line 920: Sweden’s per-capita case counts and death rates have been many times higher than any of its Nordic neighbors, all of which imposed lockdowns, travel bans, and limited gatherings early on. Over all in Sweden, thirteen thousand people have died from COVID-19. In Norway, which has a population that is half the size of Sweden’s, and where stricter lockdowns were enforced, about seven hundred people have died. Finland, 866.
ellauri093.html on line 708: Olin lähettänyt merimies Erkille sukkia ja vanhoja alushousujani postize vuosien varrella. Nyt saataisiin vihdoin tavata ihan lihassa, tosin kuppasairaalassa. Mutta pitihän mun viedä sille hedelmiä: banskuja viikunoita ja luumuja.
ellauri108.html on line 189: Rastas differ on whether they regard dreadlocks as compulsory for practicing the religion. Some Rastas do not wear their hair in dreadlocks; within the religion they are often termed "cleanface" Rastas, with those wearing dreadlocked hair often called "locksmen". Some Rastas have also joined the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Christian organisation to which Haile Selassie belonged, and these individuals are forbidden from putting their hair in dreadlocks by the Church. In reference to Rasta hairstyles, Rastas often refer to non-Rastas as "baldheads", or "combsome", while those who are new to Rastafari and who have only just started to grow their hair into dreads are termed "nubbies". Members of the Bobo Ashanti sect of Rastas conceal their dreadlocks within turbans, while some Rastas tuck their dreads under a rastacap or tam headdress, usually coloured green, red, black, and yellow. Dreadlocks and Rastafari-inspired clothing have also been worn for aesthetic reasons by non-Rastas. For instance, many reggae musicians who do not adhere to the Rastafari religion wear their hair in dreads. A Rasta man wearing a rastacap has been sighted in Jamaica.
ellauri108.html on line 239: The Bobo Ashanti sect was founded in Jamaica by Emanuel Charles Edwards through the establishment of his Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress (EABIC) in 1958. The group established a commune in Bull Bay, where they were led by Edwards until his 1994 death. The group hold to a highly rigid ethos. Edwards advocated the idea of a new trinity, with Haile Selassie as the living God, himself as the Christ, and Garvey as the prophet. Male members are divided into two categories: the "priests" who conduct religious services and the "prophets" who take part in reasoning sessions. It places greater restrictions on women than most other forms of Rastafari; women are regarded as impure because of menstruation and childbirth and so are not permitted to cook for men. The group teaches that black Africans are God's chosen people and are superior to white Europeans, with members often refusing to associate with white people. Bobo Ashanti Rastas are recognisable by their long, flowing robes and turbans.
ellauri147.html on line 382: She frequently bans pictures of her beautiful mother on Instagram.
ellauri182.html on line 43: At times in the story, Mikage thinks about fat and freedom fries while searching for meaning. Despite believing in premonitions, she does not believe in fate, but in the individual freedom of “constantly making choices.” I realized that the world did not exist for my benefit. Hoo hoo jaa jaa. Keskittyisit bansku vaan tekemään niitä kylmiä paloja. Maaginen realismi on syvältä.
ellauri185.html on line 827: Results: American Indians/Alaska Natives had a significantly higher and 50% or greater prevalence for 7 conditions (anotia or microtia, cleft lip, trisomy 18, encephalocele, lower, upper, and any limb deficiency). Cubans and Asians, especially Chinese and Asian Indians, had either significantly lower or similar prevalences of these defects compared with non-Hispanic Whites.
ellauri210.html on line 95: Freud ei oikeastaan tykännyt food fighteistä eikä banskunkuorista. Kunnon vizissä on FUCK! ja KILL! ainexia.
ellauri210.html on line 1177: Carlos Paul Ruiz São Paulosta symppaa Jannea. “Derriere Son Double”, Este volumen de poemas, saludado con entusiasmo por Breton, es sin duda uno de los más importantes de la poesía francesa de los últimos tiempos. Por lo que dice y lo que revela constituye el testimonio apasionante de un espíritu (que aún no había alcanzado la veintena) obsesionado por la idea de las tinieblas que nos rodean. Es cierto que los términos “vide”, “gouffre”, “abime”, habían pasado sobre todo a partir de Víctor Hugo (recordemos su famoso verso “J’interrogue l’abime etant moi-même gouffre”) a ser tópicos de una cierta retórica ajenas a sus verdaderos significados. Mas en Duprey subanse por las paredes. Para rendir cuentas de su visión de las tinieblas, Duprey se inclina a la práctica y a la expresión de un cierto humor negro que llevó a Breton a incluirlo en su famosa antología.
ellauri223.html on line 178: Bacon valittiin parlamenttiin vuonna 1584 ja hän toimi sen jäsenenä yhtensä 36 vuoden ajan. Baconin ura lähti todelliseen nousuun kuitenkin vasta kun kuningatar Elisabet I kuoli vuonna 1603 ja Bacon siirtyi Jaakko I:n palvelukseen. Samana vuonna hänet lyötiin ritariksi. Vuonna 1613 Baconista tuli tuomari, ja viisi vuotta myöhemmin hän sai lordikanslerin ja Verulamin paronin arvonimen. 60-vuotias Bacon nimitettiin St. Albansin varakreiviksi. Myöhemmin samana vuonna häntä syytettiin lahjusten ottamisesta, johon hän myönsi syyllisyytensä. Bacon sai 40 000 punnan sakot ja hänet tuomittiin vankeuteen Lontoon Toweriin. Hän ehti viettää vain neljä päivää vankeudessa ennen armahdustaan eikä hänen tarvinnut maksaa sakkoja, mutta Bacon ei enää tapahtuneen jälkeen voinut toimia parlamentin jäsenenä tai poliittisessa virassa. Twice paid, kuten sanottiin uudessa Atlantixessa.
ellauri223.html on line 200: In 1621, Bacon, by now styled as Viscount St Albans, was accused of taking bribes, heavily fined, and removed from Parliament and all offices. Lady Bacon personally pleaded with the Marquis of Buckingham for the restoration of some of Bacon's salary and pensions, to no effect. They lost York House and left the city in 1622.
ellauri223.html on line 210: Less than a fortnight after Bacon's death from pneumonia on 9 April 1626, Alice, Lady St Albans, married courtier Frodo Underhill, at the Church of St Martin in the Fields, London, 20 April 1626. Soon after, on 12 July 1626, Charles I of England knighted him at Oatlands. They lived together at Old Gorhambury House, St Albans, Hertfordshire.
ellauri223.html on line 212: The Viscountess St Albans, as she still preferred to be called, spent much of her marriage in Chancery proceedings, lawsuits over property. The first year was over her former husband's estate, trying to get what was left of Bacon's property, without his much greater debts. She was opposed in this by Sir John Constable, her brother in law, who had held some of the estate in trust. In 1628 she filed suits for property owned by her late father. In 1631, she and her husband both filed suit against Nicholas Bacon, of Gray's Inn, their former friend, who had married Sir John Underhill's niece, and gotten Underhill to sign an agreement for a large dowry and extensive property, including some property of Alice that Sir John did not have rights to, and could only inherit after her death. Their petition to court stated that Bacon had tricked Underhill "who was an almost totally deaf man, and by reason of the weakness of his eyes and the infirmity in his head, could not read writings of that nature without much pain," to sign a paper not knowing what it contained.
ellauri223.html on line 214: In 1639, Viscountess St Albans and Sir Frodo Underhill became estranged, and began to live separately. In a later lawsuit, after her death, Underhill blamed Robert Tyrrell, or Turrell, their manservant, for this alienation of affections. In her will of 1642, she left half her property to Turrell, and other property to her nephew, Stephen Soames. She was buried in the old Parish Church of Eyworth, Bedfordshire, 9 July 1650, near her mother, and her sister, Lady Dorothy Constable.
ellauri226.html on line 236: Bronx census, such as Japanese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Cubans,
ellauri241.html on line 1354: In empurpled vests and crowns, and turbans.

ellauri249.html on line 390: In post-Napoleonic England, when there was a notable absence of Jews, Britain removed bans on "usury and moneylending," and Rubenstein attests that London and Liverpool became economic trading hubs which bolstered England's status as an economic powerhouse. Jews were often associated with being the moneymakers and financial bodies in continental Europe, so it is significant that the English were able to claim responsibility for the country's financial growth and not attribute it to Jews. It is also significant that because Jews were not in the spotlight financially, it took a lot of the anger away from them, and as such, antisemitism was somewhat muted in England. It is said that Jews did not rank among the "economic elite of many British cities" in the 19th century. Again, the significance in this is that British Protestants and non-Jews felt less threatened by Jews because they were not imposing on their prosperity and were not responsible for the economic achievements of their nation.
ellauri294.html on line 619: Bluthin uran aikana oli monia projekteja, jotka päätyivät tuottamatta tai keskeneräisiin studioiden sulkemisen, hänen katkaistujen kumppanuuksiensa vuoksi Steven Spielbergin kanssa tai vuoden 1983 videopelien romahduksen vuoksi. Monet taidesuunnittelut, animaatiotestit ja videot näistä keskeneräisistä projekteista harhailevat edelleen verkossa kuin sieluttomat bansheet.
ellauri338.html on line 229: Vuonna 1991 julkaistiin monografia "Vodkan historia", jossa Pokhlebkin yritti selvittää "milloin vodkan tuotanto aloitettiin Venäjällä ja aloitettiinko se aikaisemmin vai myöhemmin kuin muissa maissa". Syy monografian kirjoittamiseen oli Pokhlebkinin itsensä mukaan kansainvälinen kiista 1970-luvun lopulla vodkan valmistuksesta, kun kirjan kirjoittajan mukaan "useita neuvostovodkamerkkejä joutui boikotin kohteeksi ulkomaisilla markkinoilla”. Länsieurooppalaiset ja amerikkalaiset yritykset, joiden vodkan tuotanto alkoi aikaisemmin kuin Neuvostoliitossa (vuosina 1918-1921, kun taas Neuvostoliitossa 1924), kyseenalaistivat Soyuzplodoimportin oikeuden myydä ja mainostaa tuotettaan vodkana. Neuvostoliittoa pyydettiin etsimään eri nimi vodkamerkeilleen (kuten Stolichnaya , Posolskaya, Pshenichnaya, Sibirskaya, Kubanskaya, Yubileynaya, esimerkiksi "alkoholijuoma".
ellauri346.html on line 278: According to his assessment, the West made its largest error a decade ago by not squashing Putin and his regime just like we did with Saddam and the Talibans. The annexation of Crimea and destabilization of Eastern Ukraine should have elicited a stern response from NATO and Western nations. It was at this juncture that Russia's president realized he could push boundaries further, culminating in the invasion. "Putin realized that he could avoid responsibility for the invasion of Ukraine because we did not take enough measures", the officer opined.
ellauri378.html on line 662: Expatriate Cubans condemned the game for its depiction of American special forces trying but failing to kill a young Fidel Castro, regrettably killing instead only a body-double. The Cuba-based pro-Fidel Castro website Cubadebate said the game "empowers sociopathic attitudes of American children and adolescents, the main consumers of these virtual games." 25M copies had been sold by 2013.
ellauri403.html on line 263: On March 6 the Crimean parliament voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, with a public referendum on the matter scheduled for March 16, 2014. The move was hailed by Russia and broadly condemned in the West. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk affirmed Kyiv’s position that Crimea was an integral part of Ukraine. On the day of the referendum, observers noted numerous irregularities in the voting process, including the presence of armed men at polling stations, and the result was an overwhelming 97 percent in favour of joining Russia. The interim government in Kyiv rejected the result, and the United States and the EU imposed asset freezes and travel bans on numerous Russian officials and members of the Crimean parliament. On March 18 Putin met with Aksyonov and other regional representatives and signed a treaty incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Western governments protested the move. Within hours of the treaty’s signing, a Ukrainian soldier was killed when masked gunmen stormed a Ukrainian military base outside Simferopol. Russian troops moved to occupy bases throughout the peninsula, including Ukrainian naval headquarters in Sevastopol, as Ukraine initiated the evacuation of some 25,000 military personnel and their families from Crimea. On March 21 after the ratification of the annexation treaty by the Russian parliament, Putin signed a law formally integrating Crimea into Russia.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 708: et rubans coquets des houlettes, Ja paimensauvojen sievät nauhat,
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 547: Tämän kuultuaan Franciscus riisui kledjunsa (taas), heitti pois skebansa ja (tyhjän) lompsansa ja vaihtoi nahkavyönsä naruun. Tarina ei kerro oliko Ransun keppi ollut sitä ennen paljonkin liossa.
xxx/ellauri173.html on line 104: MELIBOEUS. Tityre, tu patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi MELIBOIOS. Tityyri, sä pyökin lavean katon alla röhnöttävä,
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 224: Although condemned by international conventions and human rights organizations, honor killings are often justified and encouraged by various communities. In cases where the victim is an outsider, not murdering this individual would, in some regions, cause family members to be accused of cowardice, a moral defect, and subsequently be morally stigmatized in their community. In cases when the victim is a family member, the murdering evolves from the perpetrators' perception that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the entire family, which could lead to social ostracization, by violating the moral norms of a community. Typical reasons include being in a relationship or having associations with social groups outside the family that may lead to social exclusion of a family (stigma-by-association). Examples are having premarital, extramarital or postmarital sex (in case of divorce or widowship), refusing to enter into an arranged marriage, seeking a divorce or separation, engaging in interfaith relations or relations with persons from a different caste, being the victim of a sexual crime, dressing in clothing, jewelry and accessories which are associated with sexual deviance, engaging in a relationship in spite of moral marriage impediments or bans, and homosexuality.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 346: Carlson added, "I hate all nanny-state regulations, such as seat belt laws, smoking bans and climate change."
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 313: banswers.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/shutterstock_715481152-1024x892.jpg" height="200" />
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 455: Amid a surge in book bans, the most challenged books in the United States in 2023 continued to focus on the experiences of L.G.B.T.Q. people or explore themes of race.

xxx/ellauri380.html on line 457: Amid an explosion of books bans across the country, the association counted more than 4,200 challenged titles, which is the most in a single year since it began tracking this information more than two decades ago. In the years leading up 2021, when the increase really took off, the average number of titles challenged in a given year was about 275, according to the library association. --- Thanx for reading The New Yourk Times, your time's up.
xxx/ellauri417.html on line 343: Puuhuiluporukoiden toinen tai kolmas sukupolvi tekee ansiota lasten peräaukolla porkkanoilla ja banskuilla. On se surkeaa.