ellauri080.html on line 783: During Gandhi's time as a dissident in South Africa, he discovered a male youth had been harassing two of his female followers. Gandhi responded by personally cutting the girls' hair off, to ensure the "sinner's eye" was "sterilised". Gandhi boasted of the incident in his writings, pushing the message to all Indians that women should carry responsibility for sexual attacks upon them. Such a legacy still lingers. In the summer of 2009, colleges in north India reacted to a spate of sexual harassment cases by banning women from wearing jeans, as western-style dress was too "provocative" for the males on campus.
ellauri164.html on line 667: Moses messed up. He did something which resulted in God banning him from the Promised Land. What did he do to warrant such a punishment?
ellauri184.html on line 536: Under the first Christian emperor, Constantine, the two rescripts of Antoninus on circumcision were re-enacted and again in the 6th century under Justinian. These restrictions on circumcision made their way into both secular and Canon law and "at least through the Middle Ages, preserved and enhanced laws banning Hebrews from circumcising non-Hebrews and banning Christians or slaves of any religious affiliation from undergoing circumcision for any reason." Hyvä pojat!
ellauri196.html on line 638: The Taft–Hartley Act amended the 1935 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), prohibiting unions from engaging in several unfair labor practices. Among the practices prohibited by the Taft–Hartley act are jurisdictional strikes, wildcat strikes, solidarity or political strikes, secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns. The NLRA also allowed states to enact right-to-work laws banning union shops. Enacted during the early stages of the Cold War, the law required union officers to sign non-communist affidavits with the government.
ellauri355.html on line 90: In a decree, Yeltsin ordered the transfer of the CPSU archives to the state archive authorities, and nationalized all CPSU assets in the Russian SFSR (these included not only party committee headquarters but also assets such as educational institutions and hotels).[citation needed] The party's Central Committee headquarters were handed over to the Government of Moscow. On 6 November, Yeltsin issued a decree banning the party in Russia. These decrees issued by Yeltsin were illegal under Soviet law.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 383: Left: Favors laws such as background checks or waiting periods before buying a gun; banning certain high capacity weapons to prevent mass shootings.

xxx/ellauri091.html on line 384: Right: Strong supporters of the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms), believing it’s a deterrent against authoritarian rule and the right to protect oneself. Generally, does not support banning any type of weaponry.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 250: The Queen was also remembered for her support of Buddhist and Shinto priests in Hawaii and became one of the first Native Hawaiians to attend a Buddha´s Birthday party on May 19, 1901, at the Honwangji mission. Her attendance in the celebration helped Buddhism and Shinto gain acceptance into Hawaiian society and prevented the possible banning of the two religions by the Territorial government. Her presence was also widely reported in Chinese and Japanese newspapers throughout the world, and earned her the respect of many Japanese people both in Hawaii and in Japan itself, with the exception of Rei Shimura.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 599: A law banning women under the age of 23 from traveling abroad without a parent or guardian, with the purpose of "increased morality and preservation of the gene pool" passed in the Kyrgyz parliament in June 2013. As the prices of imported agrichemicals and petroleum are so high, much farming is being done by hand and by horse, as it was generations ago. Kirgisiassa ei ole nettiä. Kyrgyzstan was ranked 99th in the Global Innovation Index in 2024. Hyvä Kirgisia!