ellauri002.html on line 70: John Dowland (1563 – 1626) was an English Renaissance composer, lutenist, and singer. He is best known today for his melancholy songs such as "Come, heavy sleep", "Come again", "Flow my tears", "I saw my Lady weepe" and "In darkness let me dwell", but his instrumental music has undergone a major revival, and with the 20th century's early music revival, has been a continuing source of repertoire for lutenists and classical guitarists.
ellauri014.html on line 1139: Tässä kohtaa joko alko Rusoota itteäänki tympästä, tai sit sen kustantaja vihelsi pelin poikki, kun kuusisataa tiheellä kirjotettua sivua tuli täyteen. Juliesta tehdään kyllä pikainen loppu, se ikäänkuin liukastuu vaan saippuaan. Jollain piknikillä se hyppää kengännauhoihinsa kompastuneen pojan perään jorpakkoon ja saa vettä väärään kurkkuun, vilustuu yhtä pahasti kuin esi-isämme Kalle-Kustaa, ja se on auf Wiedersehn. Tän meille raportoi tähän asti vaiti ollut kotihengetär Fanchon.
ellauri014.html on line 1182: Eikä nenäliinakohtauxet edes lopu tähän. Fanchonin pulzarimies tulee takasin rievuissa kuin joku tuhlaajapoika ja saa Jullen jengiltä ihokkaita pyykkikorikaupalla. Kaikki on iloisia ja sulkee sen toistaiseksi komeroon.
ellauri014.html on line 1839: Old Ocean’s gray and melancholy waste,—
ellauri035.html on line 443: And the stiff anchorite forgets to pray;
ellauri042.html on line 730: There is no doubt that Dostoevsky´s writing witnesses a large awareness of and sometimes even obsession with religious, philosophical and emotional questions as well as question of guilt. Myshkin from the novel “The Idiot” shared many character traits with his creator, such as russophilia, hyperreligiosity with profound belief in the Russian-orthodox church, melancholy, auras of happiness, generalized seizures. Furthermore, Dostoevsky wrote in large letters, and his style was sometimes compulsive and abrupt.
ellauri046.html on line 266: Kierkegaard is known for many things. . . . He is not, however, generally known for his humor. Who might reasonably be nominated as the funniest philosopher of all time? With this anthology, Thomas Oden provisionally declares Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)--despite his enduring stereotype as the melancholy, despairing Dane--as, among philosophers, the most amusing.
ellauri049.html on line 637: Paul Valéry välitti luennoissaan Mallarmén ajatuksia Kirjasta, josta Maurice Blanchot sai ajatuksia teoksiinsa Kirjallinen avaruus (1955) ja Le livre à venir (1959, Tulevaisuuden kirja). Mallarmén ja Lautréamont’n runokielen uudistus on aiheena myös Julia Kristevan väitöskirjassa La révolution du language poétique (Runokielen vallankumous, 1969). Jean-Paul Sartren postuumisti ilmestyneessä teoksessa Mallarmé. La lucidité et sa face d’ombre (Mallarmé. Älyn kirkkaus ja sen varjopuoli, 1986) Sartre korottaa Mallarmén runoilijaksi ylitse muiden. Mallarmé on suuresti vaikuttanut myös muihin ranskalaisiin ajattelijoihin, kuten Roland Barthesiin, Jacques Derridaan, Michel Foucault'hon ja Jacques Lacaniin.
ellauri051.html on line 1184: 591 The heave'e'yo of stevedores unlading ships by the wharves, the refrain of the anchor-lifters, 591 Ahtaustyöntekijät purkavat laivoja laitureilta, ankkurinnostajien refriini,
ellauri051.html on line 1404: 804 I anchor my ship for a little while only, 804 Ankkurin alukseni vain hetkeksi,
ellauri053.html on line 152: The term 'Pre-Raphaelite' conjures up visions of tall, willowy creatures with pale skin, flowing locks, scarlet lips, and melancholic expressions. The paintings of these models and muses, who were often the artists' wives and mistresses, defied Victorian standards of beauty and caused much controversy.
ellauri053.html on line 465: Suurimmat egoistit uskoo sielunsa katoomattomax. Niin myös Prospero ja nähtävästi tää sen Sancho Panzakin:
ellauri054.html on line 295: Its melancholy, long, withdrawing roar, Sen masentuneen pitkän ulosvedon,
ellauri060.html on line 509: For the topsails are hoisted and the anchors aweigh,
ellauri063.html on line 432: Infinite Jest is a postmodern encyclopedic novel, famous for its length and detail and for its digressions that involve endnotes (some of which themselves have footnotes). It has also been called metamodernist and hysterical realist. Wallace's "encyclopedic display of knowledge" incorporates media theory, linguistics, film studies, sport, addiction, science, and issues of national identity. The book is often humorous yet explores melancholy deeply.
ellauri063.html on line 436: Burtonin Melancholia oli aika samantapainen. Puu kasvoi Brooklynissa tyttö luki kirjaston kirjoja läpi aakkosjärjestyxessä ja oli päässyt Burtoniin kunnes kiltti kirjastonhoitaja lainasi sille jotain tyttökirjoja. Alcottin ja Austenin se oli ehtinyt jo lukea.
ellauri065.html on line 482: "Captain" Virgulino Ferreira da Silva (Brazilian Portuguese: [viʁɡulĩnu feˈʁejɾɐ da ˈsiwvɐ]), better known as Lampião (older spelling: Lampeão, Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐ̃piˈɐ̃w], meaning "lantern" or "oil lamp"), was probably the twentieth century's most successful traditional bandit leader. The banditry endemic to the Brazilian Northeast was called Cangaço. Cangaço had origins in the late 19th century but was particularly prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s. Lampião led a band of up to 100 cangaceiros, who occasionally took over small towns and who fought a number of successful actions against paramilitary police when heavily outnumbered. Lampião's exploits and reputation turned him into a folk hero, the Brazilian equivalent of Jesse James or Pancho Villa.
ellauri066.html on line 476: Wrong you anglo saxon philistines! It is a technical term in Aristotle and appears in Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy 1621. Godly CS Lewis knew it too.
ellauri066.html on line 520: During the seventeenth century, Robert Burton wrote in his work The Anatomy of Melancholy, "Out of these two [the concupiscible and irascible powers] arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία, a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere."[37]
ellauri069.html on line 72: The combination of melancholia, compulsive typing, and too much alcohol might describe a lot of writers.
ellauri080.html on line 65: Hippocrates (?c.460-377 or 359 BC) (the "father of medicine") categorized people into different temperaments (phlegmatic, humid, bilious, melancholic), each of which described a constellation of tendencies.
ellauri080.html on line 70:
ellauri088.html on line 351: Hemmetti se on piipunrassin näköinen, tokko nousee maasta muuta kuin toisten seteleitä. Se neuvoo kuin Don Quichote Sancho Panzaa luvussa 43:
ellauri088.html on line 353: Cuando subieres a caballo, no vayas echando el cuerpo sobre el arzón postrero, ni lleves las piernas tiesas y tiradas y desviadas de la barriga del caballo, ni tampoco vayas tan flojo que parezca que vas sobre el rucio: que el andar a caballo a unos hace caballeros; a otros, caballerizos. Sea moderado tu sueño, que el que no madruga con el sol, no goza del día; y advierte, ¡oh Sancho!, que la diligencia es madre de la buena ventura, y la pereza, su contraria, jamás llegó al término que pide un buen deseo.
ellauri092.html on line 447: Kaarle Krohn oli erehdyttävästi Pancho Villan näköinen, Ilmari oli paljon nyhverömpi. Isä Julius oli iso partapozo kuten sanottu.
ellauri095.html on line 135: A short fellow of 5’2 or 3”, he was enthusiastic, had a high-pitched voice, loved to sketch and write poems, was close to his family, and had warm, lifelong friends from Oxford, fellow Jesuits, and Irish families. For recreation he visited art exhibitions and old churches, and enjoyed holidays with his family, friends, and fellow Jesuits in Switzerland, Holland, the Isle of Wight, the Isle of Man, Whitby on the North Sea, Wales, Scotland, and the West of Ireland. During these holidays, he loved to hike and swim. His passions were nature (especially trees), ecology, beauty, poetry, art, his family and friends, his country, his religion, and his God. His curse was a lifelong “melancholy” (his word) which in 1885 in Dublin became deep depression and a sense of lost contact with God.
ellauri095.html on line 145: After several years of ill health and bouts of diarrhoea, Hopkins died of typhoid fever in 1889 and was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, after a funeral in St Francis Xavier Church in Gardiner Street, located in Georgian Dublin. He is thought to have suffered throughout his life from what today might be labelled bipolar disorder or chronic unipolar depression, and battled a deep sense of melancholic anguish. However, his last words on his death bed were, "I am so happy, I am so happy. I loved my life." He was 44 years of age.
ellauri095.html on line 225: This and his isolation in Ireland deepened a gloom that was reflected in his poems of the time, such as "I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, not Day". They came to be known as the "terrible sonnets", not for their quality but according to Hopkins's friend Canon Richard Watson Dixon, because they reached the "terrible crystal", meaning they crystallised the melancholic dejection that plagued the later part of Hopkins's life.
ellauri095.html on line 227: Several issues led to a melancholic state and restricted his poetic inspiration in his last five years. His workload was heavy. He disliked living in Dublin, away from England and friends. He was disappointed at how far the city had fallen from its Georgian elegance of the previous century. His general health suffered and his eyesight began to fail. He felt confined and dejected. As a devout Jesuit, he found himself in an artistic dilemma. To subdue an egotism that he felt would violate the humility required by his religious position, he decided never to publish his poems. But Hopkins realised that any true poet requires an audience for criticism and encouragement. This conflict between his religious obligations and his poetic talent made him feel he had failed at both.
ellauri098.html on line 472: Sometimes ENFPs can seem scattered and directionless, and they often have no interest in the mundane details of day-to-day life. They tend to need others to keep them anchored and focused.

ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
ellauri110.html on line 351: Pepys may also have dallied with a leading actress of the Restoration period, Mary Knep. "Mrs Knep was the wife of a Smithfield horsedealer, and the mistress of Pepys"—or at least "she granted him a share of her favours". He called her husband "an ill, melancholy, jealous-looking fellow" and suspected him of abusing his wife. Knep provided Pepys with backstage access and was a conduit for theatrical and social gossip. When they wrote notes to each other, Pepys signed himself "Dapper Dickey", while Knep was "Barbry Allen" (a popular song that was an item in her musical repertory).
ellauri112.html on line 717: Tully takes care of the baby with effortless technique, letting Marlo know she can also help with anything else around the house, even tips for re-starting Marlo and Drew’s sex life. She spouts hip, up to date trends and the kind of facts fresh college kids throw around. But it’s not a feel-good narrative. Through Tully Marlo is looking back at an earlier age, when life was simpler, breezier. We soon realize Tully isn’t teaching Marlo anything, she’s reminding her of the past. In one scene the two decide to sneak out to a bar, but the moment isn’t just fun, it’s also melancholic. Marlo warns Tully that your 20’s are great, but then “your 30’s come around the corner like a big dumpster truck.”
ellauri117.html on line 142: Lebensgeschichte: Der in Prag geborene und kurzgewachsene Kafka war der älteste überlebende Sohn einer gutsituierten jüdischem Kaufmannsfamilie. Obwohl seine Mutter aus einer Familie von Mystikern, Intellektuellen und Künstlern stammte, hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die grüblerische, melancholische Persönlichkeit ihres Sohnes und seine Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben zu verstehen. Auch seinem Vater war der sensible Franz ein Rätsel und die Zielscheibe seines beißenden Spotts. Franz unterwarf sich schließlich dem Willen des Vaters und schlug gegen seine Neigung eine günstige Juristenlaufbahn ein.
ellauri118.html on line 1133: While he lay ill, a number of brisk lads tried an experiment upon the old woman. Having dragged her out of her house, they hung her up until she was near dead, let her down, rolled her some time in the snow, and at last buried her in it and there left her, but it happened that she survived and the melancholy man died.
ellauri143.html on line 69: Varṇāśrama (varna-ashrama "väri-väsymättömyys") refers to the “laws relating to four castes”—Brāhmaṇa, Kṣatriya, Vaiśya and Śūdra and to four stages of (he-man) life—the student, the householder, the anchorite and the religious mendicant are expounded in the code of Manu and are applicable to Indian Society alone. Muut älkööt sotkeutuko tähän. Kuulitteko, pysykää poissa! Älä nyt tuu!
ellauri158.html on line 1061: P. 4. prop. 42. Hilaritas excessum habere nequit, sed semper bona est, et contra melancholia semper mala.
ellauri159.html on line 1391: Temperamental Optimism and Pessimism, 33. How reconcile with life one bent on suicide? 38. Religious melancholy and its cure, 39. Decay of Natural Theology, 43. Instinctive antidotes to pessimism, 46. Religion involves belief in an unseen extension of the world, 51. Scientific positivism, 52. Doubt actuates conduct as much as belief does, 54. To deny certain faiths is logically absurd, for they make their objects true, 56. Conclusion, 6l.
ellauri161.html on line 616: For the anchors, Kate and Randall are just another pair of guests, just another story, on their show. Don't these movie critics realize that this is a "joke" on them? Of course they do, but they have to earn their living too.
ellauri161.html on line 641: By the way, this is a comedy with several parts that aren’t funny, often deliberately so. It’s also a horror film about substance being smothered by fluff instead of coexisting in healthy moderation. Sometimes tonally jagged is OK. Sharp and broad. Awkward and devastating. If you can’t call out danger without sounding alarmist, how do you actually sound an alarm? (Sheesh, think of what’s changed since 2011’s “Melancholia.”) Hyvä pointti Matt! Tässä sotketaan genrejä ihan kiitettävällä tavalla, ei ihme että jenkkiturvelot on exyxissä.
ellauri161.html on line 851:

anchor">Yleiset termit ja lausekkeet

ellauri182.html on line 139: The alternative is of course the sexless intimacy of the fag hag and her chosen friends. The heroines of Yoshimoto’s fiction are not exactly fag hags, nor are they innocent. Mikage and Satsuki are young women. But grown-up sexual relationships are still beyond their grasp. Instead, in the security of their private kitchens, they dream nostalgic dreams, and shed melancholy tears about the passing of time. This is the stuff of great Japanese poetry, and absolute kitsch. Yoshimoto Banana is not yet a mistress of poetry, but she is a past master of kitsch.
ellauri182.html on line 157: L’introduction à la théorie du phénomène psychique est également publié en 1971. Il traite, dans d'autres essais, des auteurs occidentaux tels que Georges Bataille, Maurice Blanchot, Michel Leiris, Henry Mille, Carl-Gustav Jung ou encore Gaston Bachelard, et dialogue avec Michel Foucault ou Jean Baudrillard.
ellauri189.html on line 112: Before engaging in battle Wacław visits his father-in-law and Maria (who slowly fades away, feeding on an ever-diminishing hope) to bring them the good news. The patriotic miecznik cannot, in spite of his advanced age, refrain from joining the band of his son-in-law, leaving his home and daughter without protection. The Tartars are finally (but not without difficulty) defeated and Wacław, in exultant mood, rides by night over the boundless steppe to unite with his wife as the messenger of victory. When he arrives, the manor-house of the miecznik appears to be abandoned. There are no signs of life. Entering a room, he discovers Maria, lying on a couch, her clothes in disorder, like a marble statue. It is evident that her vital strength has been extinguished, but he tries to make himself believe that she has only fainted and rushes out of the house, shouting: “O, water, water!”. Thereupon the “small figure” of a melancholy youth (“pacholę”) jumps from the thicket and relates to Wacław the events that have happened.
ellauri189.html on line 197: man’s habitation, as the melancholy look of Friendship that sets out on a journey;)
ellauri191.html on line 1846: "who in the quest for the melancholic soul of his native city has discovered new symbols for the clash and interlacing of cultures"
ellauri192.html on line 653: Professor Gibian, who was born in Prague, said that he has been translating some of the more recent Seifert poems for his own edification and pleasure. "They are a combination of the intimate lyrical tone of Czech poetry," he said, "heavily influenced by French Surrealism with much of the eroticism characteristic of Czechoslovak poetry in this century. His earlier poetry was sometimes melancholy but his recent work is conversational, very compassionate. He has written a cycle of poems about Prague. All this brings back my life and loves in Prague." All these Czechs are teaching Russian in the U.S., who would bother to learn Czech anyway?
ellauri206.html on line 299: Porte le Soleil noir de la Mélancolie. Bears the black Sun of Melancholia.
ellauri210.html on line 50: William Sydney Porter (September 11, 1862 – June 5, 1910), better known by his pen name O. Henry, was an American short story writer. Amerikkalainen pikkukonna ja pakinoizija joka hyvin amerikkalaisittain yhdisti nämä ammatit, tehden kahta työtä rinnakkain. Sen mielikirja oli Burtonin Anatomy of Melancholy. Nuorena se vietti aikaa Texasissa päästäkseen pahasta yskästä. Yskä parani mutta jano paheni. Se nai kauniin mutta tubisen vaimon vastoin perheen tahtoa. Sen poika kuoli synnytyksessä
ellauri210.html on line 1460: Andrew Lang FBA (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is best known as a collector of folk and fairy tales. The Andrew Lang lectures at the University of St Andrews are named after him. Ei sentään koko yliopisto. Eikös se ole se missä kaikki Englannin kruunun kermaperseet keitetään? He died of angina pectoris on 20 July 1912 at the Tor-na-Coille Hotel in Banchory, Banchory, survived by his wife.
ellauri222.html on line 599: Kayo Obermark is Mimi and Augie’s neighbor in the student boarding house. Kayo, an unkempt university student, is melancholy and brilliant. He shares with Augie his philosophy that “everyone has bitterness in his chosen thing.”
ellauri222.html on line 795: Though in some ways separated from American society, Bellow's protagonists also strongly connect their identity with America. Augie begins his adventures by claiming, "I am an American, Chicago born—Chicago, that somber city." Almost all of Bellow's novels take place in an American city, most often Chicago or New York. Through his depiction of urban reality, Bellow anchors his novels in the actual world, and he uses the city as his central metaphor for contemporary materialism. Although recognizing the importance of history and memory, Bellow's novels maintain a constant engagement with the present moment. His characters move in the real world, confronting sensuous images of urban chaos and clutter that often threaten to overwhelm them. Looking down on the Hudson River, Tommy Wilhelm sees "tugs with matted beards of cordage" and "the red bones of new apartments rising on the bluffs." Sammler denounces contemporary New Yorkers for the "free ways of barbarism" that they practice beneath the guise of "civilized order, property rights [and] refined technological organization." In Humboldt's Gift, which is replete with images of cannibalism and vampirism, Charlie Citrone sees Von Trenck, the source of his material success, as "the blood-scent that attracted the sharks of Chicago." Acknowledging the influence of the city on his fiction, Bellow himself has remarked, "I don't know how I could possibly separate my knowledge of life such as it is, from the city. I could no more tell you how deeply it's gotten into my bones than the lady who paints radium dials in the clock factory can tell you." However, although the city serves to identify the deterministic social pressures that threaten to destroy civilization, Bellow's heroes refuse to become its victims and instead draw on their latent nondeterministic resources of vitality to reassert their uniquely American belief in individual freedom, as well as their faith in the possibility of community.
ellauri241.html on line 64: "Leimiä" on englantilaisen runoilijan John Keatsin kirjoittama kerronnallinen runo, joka ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran heinäkuussa 1820 julkaistussa teoksessa Leimiä, Isabella, Pyhän Agnesin aatto ja muut runot. Runo on kirjoitettu vuonna 1819, kuuluisasti tuottavan ajanjakson aikana, joka tuotti hänen vuoden 1819 oodit. Se sävellettiin pian hänen hittinsä "La belle dame sans merci" ja hänen oodiensa jälkeen Melancholylle, Indolencelle, kreikkalaiselle uurnamallille ja satakielelle, ja juuri ennen "To Autumnia".
ellauri241.html on line 164: Thou beauteous wreath, with melancholy eyes, Sinä kaunis seppele, melankolisilla silmillä,
ellauri241.html on line 311: Fresh anchored; whither he had been awhile Tuore ankkuri; missä hän oli ollut jonkin aikaa
ellauri241.html on line 1161: But mingled up; a gleaming melancholy;

ellauri241.html on line 1220: So sad, so melancholy, so bereft!

ellauri241.html on line 1311: What a melancholy thought: O he had swoon'd

ellauri241.html on line 1391: Old rusted anchors, helmets, breast-plates large

ellauri243.html on line 188: 1. Barking at the ape 2. Box lunch at the ‘Y’ 3. Breakfast in bed 4. Brushing one’s teeth 5. Carpet-munching 6. Chewing the she-Fat 7. Clam-jousting 8. Clam-lapping 9. Cleaning the fish tank 10. Connie lingus 11. Contacting the aliens 12. Conversing with moses 13. Devil’s kiss 14. Dinner beneath the bridge 15. Doing it the French way 16. Donning the Beard 17. Drinking from the furry cup 18. Eating at the ‘Y’ 19. Eating fur pie 20. Eating out 21. Eating the peach 22. Eating squirrel 23. Eating sushi from the barbershop floor 24. Eating tinned mussels 25. Egg mcmuff 26. Face-fucking 27. Facing the nation 28. Fanny-noshing 29. Fence-painting 30. French-kissing Mr. Lincoln 31. Fuzz sandwich 32. Giving face 33. Gnawing on roast beef 34. Going downstairs for breakfast 35. Going south 36. Gomorrahry 37. Gorilla in the washing machine 38. Growling at the badger 39. Gumming the monster 40. Husband’s supper 41. Kissing between the hips 42. Kissing the wookie 43. Lady braille 44. Lady Semaphore 45. Larking 46. Lapping the gap 47. Lapping the lint trap 48. Lick-a-chick 49. Lickety-slit 50. Licking anchovy 51. Lip service 52. Lip-synching to the fish-fueled jukebox 53. Low-calorie snacking 54. Making mouth music 55. Medicating the hairy paper cut 56. Mopping the vulva 57. Mustache-riding 58. Muff-diving 59. Mumbling in the moss 60. Munching the bearded clam 61. One-man band 62. Oyster-gargling 63. Parting the fuzz 64. Pastrami sandwich 65. Pearl-diving 66. Placating the beaver 67. Playing in the sandbox 68. Playing the hair harmonica 69. Prawn breath 70. Pruning the orchid 71. Pug-noshing 72. Pussy-nibbling 73. Seafood dinner 74. Sipping at the fizzy cup 75. Sitting on a face 76. Slurping at the furry coconut 77. Smoking the fur 78. Sneezing in the basket 79. Spa time For Lady Boner 80. Speaking in tongues 81. Spraying the crops 82. Tackling the Brazilian 83. Talking to the canoe driver 84. Talking to lassie 85. Telephoning the stomach 86. Testing the echo in the love cave 87. Testing the waters 88. Tipping the velvet 89. Tongue-fucking 90. Tonguing the bean 91. Trimming the hedges 92. Velvet buzzsaw 93. Wearing the feed bag 94. Wearing the Sticky Beard 95. Whispering into the wet ear 96. Whispering to Venus 97. Whistling in the dark 98. Worshiping at the altar 99. Yaffling 100. Yodeling in the canyon 101. January Nelson
ellauri247.html on line 353: Johnson displayed signs consistent with several diagnoses, including depression and Tourette syndrome. According to Boswell, Johnson "felt himself overwhelmed with an horrible melancholia, with perpetual irritation, fretfulness, and impatience; and with a dejection, gloom, and despair, which made existence misery".
ellauri254.html on line 105: Venäläiset Serapion-veljet eli Sanchotin liha ja leikkele (ven. Серапио́новы бра́тья, Serapionovy bratja) oli nuorten venäläisten kirjailijoiden yhteenliittymä 1920-luvulla Pietarissa ja Leningradissa.
ellauri257.html on line 530: All this to say that the Yiddish writer’s other women — not the sexy but the stolid, those who accompanied him at home for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health — are crucial to the understanding of how he looked at the world. Alma was his anchor. Despite his betrayals, he always returned to her. Her silence, her resignation, might be disheartening to modern sensibilities. Yet she grounded him, and not only as an artist.
ellauri297.html on line 62: Mitä tulaa intertextuaalisuuteen, niin onhan tällästä paasausta ollut maailman sivu, epäluotettavia kertojia ja kirjallista lainausta, ota vaikka koko juutalaisten historia, kuten kreikkalaistenkin (vaikka Plutarkhos), ja sitten vielä 1600-luvulla Burtonin Melancholia. Nytten on koko internetti yxi iso intertexti. Kazo vaikka:
ellauri321.html on line 73: As a character, Sam Weller complements Mr. Pickwick, just as Sancho Panza complements Don Quixote. Whereas Mr. Pickwick is innocent and elderly, Sam is experienced and young, the most intelligent character in the novel. If Mr. Pickwick loses his temper easily, Sam is quite self-possessed. While Mr. Pickwick has no romantic intentions, Sam carries on a... Скрыть
ellauri322.html on line 316: Maria istuu täällä pimppunsa kanssa, jolla hän oli soittanut makeita, valitettavan melodioita. Hänen asemansa merkitsee melankoliaa, joka tunnetaan ja on usein kopioitu saksalaisen taidemaalari Albrecht Dürerin kaiverruksesta Melancholia I vuodelta 1514; suru-asento on myös peräisin muinaisesta haudan helpotuksesta. Vaikka se esitetään näkyvästi ja luonnollisen kokoisena, Marian muoto on maalattu pehmeällä fokuksella, ilman kovia reunoja tai vahvoja ääriviivoja. Hänen kasvonsa ovat täydellisessä profiilissa harmaata pilveä vasten, huulet hieman auki; hän katselee tyhmänä kirkkaan sinisistä silmistä. Sen lihassa on kiinalaisen nuken viileä, arvokas rakenne. Hänen hiuksensa ovat kasattuina, eivät korkealle, kuten sen ajan suurenmoiseen tyyliin, vaan vihertävän nauhan pitämässä
ellauri323.html on line 135: And I daresay, indeed, that had he never met Zuleika, the irresistible, he would have lived, and at a very ripe old age died, a dandy without reproach. For in him the dandiacal temper had been absolute hitherto, quite untainted and unruffled. He was too much concerned with his own perfection ever to think of admiring any one else. Different from Zuleika, he cared for his wardrobe and his toilet-table not as a means to making others admire him the more, but merely as a means through which he could intensify, a ritual in which to express and realise, his own idolatry. At Eton he had been called “Peacock,” and this nick-name had followed him up to Oxford. It was not wholly apposite, however. For, whereas the peacock is a fool even among birds, the Duke had already taken (besides a particularly brilliant First in Mods) the Stanhope, the Newdigate, the Lothian, and the Gaisford Prize for Greek Verse. And these things he had achieved currente calamo, “wielding his pen,” as Scott said of Byron, “with the easy negligence of a nobleman.” The dandy must be celibate, cloistral; is, indeed, but a monk with a mirror for beads and breviary—an anchorite, mortifying his soul that his body may be perfect.
ellauri364.html on line 59:
Sanchotin liha ja leikkele riisuu hysteeristä potilasta luennolla. Kazojat jäykistyvät. Potilas teeskentelee pyörtymistä.

ellauri364.html on line 164: , yltiöpäisyys ja hurmahenkisyys sopivat jollakin tavoin paremmin yhteen ulkonaisen hoikkuuden ja hintelyyden, kuoppaisten poskien, syvälle painuneiden silmien ja tuijottavan katseen, kylmien, liian herkkien sormien jne. kanssa. On vaikeata kuvitella lihava marttyyria. Sama on sanottava idealistisesta hullusta ritarista Don Quixotesta ja hänen mahaan kiintyneestä ja maltillisesta aseenkantajastaan Sancho Panzasta. Molemmat tyypit ovat puhtaasti sielullisesti tyypillisiä kretschmertyyppejä, leptosomi ja pyknikko. Tälläisiä suosittuja luonnepareja on useita: Holmes ja Wazon, Majakka ja Sivuvaunu, Ohukainen ja Paxukainen, Asterix ja Obelix, Pekka ja Pätkä.
ellauri369.html on line 74: Vuonna 1885 hän muutti Pariisiin. Hän oli yksi kuuluisan "Viiden manifestin" allekirjoittajista ja kritisoi Emile Zolaa. Vaikka manifestissa tunnustetaan Émile Zolan lahjakkuus, se kritisoi häntä eksymisestä vulgaariin, vakavuuden puutteesta ja itsensä toistamisesta kaupallisissa tarkoituksissa, mikä tahraa hänen työtään. Se neuvoo häntä erityisesti ottamaan yhteyttä tohtori Charcotiin (monesta yhteydestä jo tuttu hysteerikkoja näytösluonteisesti hypnotisoinut Sanchotin liha ja leikkele) sairaalloisten pakkomielteidensä hoitamiseksi.
ellauri389.html on line 57: In previous critical examinations of Lamb, Samuel Taylor Coleridge is usually cited as the archetypal representative of romantic imagination that Lamb tried to ape (esp. Sam's colonialistic Kubla Kurkussa). The celebrated philosopher and poet was Lamb's childhood friend, and hence anchors the predominantly biographical criticism on Lamb that accounts for his distinctively precious tone as an evasive expression of his sense of literary inferiority. Similarly, Lamb's 10 years older sister Mary, who murdered their mother in 1796, has been suggested as another source of Charles's supposed romantic agony.
ellauri389.html on line 152: jotka tekee vahdinvaihtoa, tai yxi syvä ääni vain, Of seamen, in the anchored bark, that tell
ellauri389.html on line 405: Meanwhile Lloyd was placed in an asylum near York, from which he escaped about 1818, and found his way back to Westmoreland, where he suddenly reappeared at De Quincey's cottage. De Quincey vividly describes his condition and conversation, but does not mention, what he privately told Woodhouse, that Lloyd laboured to convince him of his (Lloyd's) identity with the devil, and in trying to establish this assertion ultimately reasoned himself out of it. This anecdote confirms the testimony of Talfourd: "Poor Charles Lloyd! Delusions of the most melancholy kind thickened over his latter days, yet left his admirable intellect free for the finest processes of severe reasoning."
ellauri389.html on line 446: Two years after his ordination, in 1617, Anne Donne died at age 33 after giving birth to a stillborn child. Grief-stricken at having lost his emotional anchor, Donne vowed never to marry again, even though he was left with the task of raising his children in modest financial circumstances at the time.
ellauri391.html on line 270: HJ Iwand kritisoi Bultmannia siitä että tämä tyhjentää inkarnaation logoxen lihaan. Sanchotin liha ja leikkele. Eine Lager Aufschnitt. Ich nehme nur eine Scheide. Khalkedonin riittämätön formulointi. Idealistit pyrkivät digitoitumaan jumalan kavereixi kuin suurvisiiri Ahmed Ahne, kalifixi kalifin paikalle. Hyvä kalifi Harun el Pullah ei pidä siitä. Materialistit toisaalta ovat lihansyöjiä. Käyttävät sandaaleissa hajunsyöjiä.
ellauri392.html on line 644: Arching our way, it never anchors; it's Kaareutuen meihin päin, ei se koskaan rantaudu; se
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 146: Tämä on taistelua tuulimyllyjä vastaan, huokaa mersupersujen Don Leuka, joka putkahti jostain puskista entisen Sancho Möhömahan paikalle. Haistakaa iso paska persunuiverot ja painukaa pilkkiavantoihinne ahventen ruuaxi.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 847: Till the dirges of his Hope that melancholy burden bore kaluaa kuin koiranluuta yhtä sanaa onneton:
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 705: Mix indieenifilmi Sonorassa Pancho Villan kannattaja oli vielä roistompi kuin rasistinen nazi? Oliko tää joku oikeistoveto amer. kazojien mielixi? Mixi wiixekkästä äärimiehestä oli tehty vielä izekkäämpi kuin partajehusta? Ei sunkaan Pancho Villa ollut kommari? No ei varsinaisesti, mutta se oli Robin Hood, joka otti maata rikkailta ja jakoi köyhille. Se on tarpeexi paha synti jo. Sonoran sankareista Alma ja sen pulska mies on rikkaita kauppiaita, talousliberaaleja. Eitää mikään kommarifilmi ole vaikka rasisminvastainen. Mutta niin on talousliberaalitkin. Selän väristä ei väliä, wetback tervetuloa, greenback on vihreä.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 709: Juan Batiste Montabuanin (sic credits E. Saarinen) el Zorro seikkaili Mexikon tulenhehkuisen taivaan alla teräskuntoisena 1800-luvun loppupuolelta (infantan miekkamiehet) 1900-luvun alkuun asti (Chicagon mafia) mikä oli sikäli outoa että nuorukaisena sen sieppasivat mukaan v. 1910 Mexikon vallankumouxen kapinakenraalit Zapata etunenässä ja tappoivat sen vanhemmat. Mutta don Jaimelle on kaikki mahdollista, kun sen alla on hyvä razu Jamie. Joka eli yhtä kauan, ellei sitä vaivihkaa vaihdettu toiseen samannimiseen. Ehkä Zorrollekin kävi näin, vertaa Nastamuuumio. Antonio Banderas muuten on esittänyt sekä Zorroa että Villan Panchoa. Se on niin sopivasti mexikaanon näköinen.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 725: Samoihin aikoihin monet muut kansan sankarit alkoivat järjestäytyä ja tarttua aseisiin, kuten Pancho Villa pohjoisessa ja Emiliano Zapata etelässä. He häiritsivät Meksikon armeijaa ja alueensa johtajien hallintaa.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 731: Pian tämän jälkeen Madero ja Pino Suárez ammuttiin, kun heitä oltiin siirtämässä vankilasta toiseen. Huerta oli luultavasti antanut tappokäskyn päästäkseen valtaan. Huerta julistautui tämän jälkeen presidentiksi. Hänen nousunsa presidentiksi ilman vaaleja sai vallankumouksen liekit jälleen leimahtamaan. Pohjois-Meksikossa Venustiano Carranza kieltäytyi hyväksymästä Huertan presidenttiyttä ja vaati, että presidentti oli valittava vaaleilla, kuten perustuslaissa määrättiin. Carranza kutsui johtamaansa liikettä perustuslailliseksi vallankumoukseksi. Pancho Villa ja muutamat muut kapinallisjohtajat liittoutuivat Carranzan kanssa.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 733: Oliko Pancho perustuslaillinen as in POP, Georg C. Ehrnrooth ja Tuure Junnila? Näillä ei kyllä ollut wiixiä.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 741: Huerta ei saanut tilannetta hallintaansa, vaan epäjärjestys jatkui vuosikausia. Kapinakenraaleita rahtas myötäänsä rajan tuntumassa don Jaimen Villanuevassa. Pancho Villa riehui maan pohjoisosassa ja useat eri ryhmät taistelivat presidentin paikasta. Lopulta Venustiano Carranza anasti presidentin paikan vuonna 1915. Hän onnistui pysymään vallassa muutaman vuoden, mutta vuonna 1920 hänet kukisti hänen entinen liittolaisensa Álvaro Obregón, josta tuli maan vahva mies myös niiksi ajoiksi, jolloin hän ei ollut presidenttinä. Tämä lopetti levottomuudet, eivätkä ne alkaneet uudelleen huolimatta siitä, että Obregón murhattiin vuonna 1928. Tämän jälkeen PRI-puolue otti Meksikon tiukkaan hallintaan, ja vallankumous päättyi.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 743: Väitöstilaisuus on päättynyt. Mites kävi Pancho Willalle?
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 745: José Doroteo Arango Arámbula (5. kesäkuuta 1878 – 20. heinäkuuta 1923), joka tunnettiin paremmin vallankumousnimellään Francisco Villa tai sen diminutiivillä Pancho Villa oli yksi Meksikon vallankumouksen kuuluisimmista kenraaleista.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 747: Villa syntyi Rio Granden kylässä Durangossa nimellä Doroteo Arango. Hän oli mestitsi, jolla oli myös afrikkalaissyntyisten orjien verta suonissaan. (Ks. allaoleva rotusekoitusmatriisi). Perhe eli velkaorjuudessa. Kuusitoistavuotiaana Villa tappoi hacendadon, tilanomistajan, pojan, koska tämä oli raiskannut hänen siskonsa. Tämän vuoksi hän pakeni vuorille ja ryhtyi lainsuojattomaksi. Seuraavat 16 vuotta hän terrorisoi seudun maanomistajia vuorilta käsin käyttäen nimeä Pancho Villa. Nimen alkuperä on epäselvä. Se oli kenties lainattu kuolleelta roistolta tai Doroteon omalta isoisältä Jesús Villalta. Kolmenkymmenen vuoden iässä Villa oli koonnut itselleen omaisuutta ja opetellut vankilatuomioidensa aikana lukemaan.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 749: Kuolleelta roistolta? Wikipedia ei vaikuta aivan puolueettomalta tässä. Kyllä se sitten varmaan oli kommari. Katolinen mummi Rosario ei olisi tykännyt. Ja huonostipa kävi Pancholle, kuten näätte jos luette eteenpäin.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 756: Tosin trokarigringopahis (joka ei edes osaa espanjaa, vittuako se tekee Sonorassa) kuoli myös, samoinkuin sen koomikkopari joka varmaankin oli mestizi ellei suorastaan zambo. Ne oli tehneet useampiakin virheitä. Hiekkaan tukehtuivat kun I'itoh vimmastui. Pani jauhot suuhun jauhonaamalle ja virnuilijalle. Wiixivallu Sancho Panza käveli vaan myräkkään ja katosi. Kiltit intiaanit pelastuivat, ja vingut samaten. Tää oli hyvä ohjelma, täst mie piän. Kunnossa oli I'itohin teodikeaa. Hyvixille kävi hyvin ja pahixille huonosti.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 760: 20. heinäkuuta 1923 Villa oli palaamassa ristiäisistä, kun hänen ohitseen ajoi auto, josta kuului: Viva Villa. Se oli sovittu merkki ja sillä hetkellä luoteja alkoi viuhua Villan kaaraa kohti. Villa kuoli lähes heti. Muut kuolleet olivat hänen autonkuljettajansa ja kaksi henkivartijaa. Yksi henkivartija pääsi pakoon ja kertoi ihmisille Pancho Villan kuolleen. Teosta vahvin epäilty on ollut Álvaro Obregón, joka oli tuolloin Meksikon presidenttinä, mutta murhaa ei ole virallisesti selvitetty. Mitäs turhia.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 762: Pancho Villa on esittänyt itseään elokuvissa vuosina 1912–1914. Sittemmin (varsinkin 1900-luvun alussa) häntä ovat esittäneet useat näyttelijät useissa elokuvissa, yhtenä viimeisimmistä Antonio Banderas tv-elokuvassa And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself vuonna 2003. Se voisi olla hauska nähdä. Tää Wikipedian risteytystaulukko on muuten eri sekava. Mutta sekava on asiakin ja aivan joutava.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 292: Hauptmann's early dramas reflect the influence of Henrik Ibsen, but the production of Die Weber, a dramatization of the Silesian weavers' revolt of 1844, brought him fame as the leading playwright of his generation. Hauptmann did not only want to give realistic details, but he paid a great deal of attention to historical accuracy, and studied various dialects. His weavers are "flat-chested, coughing creatures of the looms, whose knees are bent with much sitting." The women's clothes are ragged, but some of the young girls are not without charm � they have "delicate figures, large protruding melancholy eyes." Structurally the play, which was at first banned, was innovative � there is no single, individual hero in the cast of more than 70 characters. (Didn't exceed the 80 character limit of first generation mainframe computers.)
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 822: 'A Confederacy of Dunces' was written 11 years after Toole committed suicide. Ignatius O'Reilly is a 30-year-old man living with his mother in New Orleans, who comes into contact with many French Quarter characters while searching for employment. Though comical, there is a deep streak of melancholy that runs through Reilly's character, and Toole's ability to combine these two aspects beautifully won him the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1981. The moral (as usual): everybody is the Steven of his or her own life. A complete turd. Supposedly funny. Parochial baloney.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 536: In his memoirs, he calls his father “bashful” and his mother “reserved.” Between them, they filled the house with “melancholy reticences and unexpressed doubts.” Some of the silence surrounded a particular subject: the family’s Jewishness. This was not exactly hidden, but it was not brought to the fore, either. Maurois, who was born Émile Herzog on July 26, 1885, found out that he was Jewish at the age of about six, when a friend at the local Protestant church told him so. His parents confirmed it, but they also spoke highly of Protestantism.
xxx/ellauri169.html on line 471: Sometimes you can tell from the first shot. In “Compartment No. 6,” the camera follows a young woman at a party as she leaves a bathroom and enters a living room full of gathered friends. That walking, back-of-the-head shot is one of the soggiest conventions of the steadicam era, a facile way of conveying characters’ own fields of vision while anchoring the action on them. The familiarity of this trope suggests both limited imagination and an unwillingness to commit to a clear-cut point of view.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 396: Rosenfeld oli amerikkalainen juutalainen kirjoittaja, josta tuli merkittävä jäsen New Yorkin älymystössä. Rosenfeld wrote one novel (Passage from Home, 1946), which, according to literary critic Marck Shechner, "helped fashion a uniquely American voice by marrying the incisiveness of Mark Twain to the Russian melancholy of Dostoevsky."
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 907: Contemporary odes to Neptune were harder to come by, but divine intervention ensured I found one that mentioned him by name. One of the highlights of my recent trip to Odesa, discussed here on the blog, was a visit to the literary museum, which houses a small collection of Anna Akhmatova’s work. The statuesque Russian poet, melancholic lover and resolute witness to the Stalinist and Putinist terrors, was born near Odesa and spent her childhood summers in the region. The display included a palm-sized booklet of the long poem ‘Close to the Sea’, or as my host translated, ‘very close’: an intimate relationship. I looked it up in The Complete Poems when I got home and assumed it must be ‘By the Edge of the Sea’. The ballad of a fierce young woman willing the arrival of her beloved from the waves, the poem was too long for the workshop and extracts would not do it justice. A shame, I thought, setting down the 950 page book, which promptly fell open to:
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 446: The year was 1945. Prostitution in America is a respectable business. The sisters weren’t talented and weren’t educated or good looking, but they certainly were not lacking in entrepreneurship. With few available choices, the Venezuela’s set up their business. "Rancho El Ángel" was a bordello featuring as the main dish, you guessed it, the four sisters. An attached bar serving hot mineral oil with ball bearings in it was added to increase the allure.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 231: Angus, the imaginary companion of the anchorite St Ungulant in Small Gods
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 478: anchor=center&mode=crop&width=640&height=0&format=auto&quality=90&rnd=131482975210000000" />
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 510: anchor=center&mode=crop&width=640&height=0&format=auto&quality=90&rnd=131482975290000000" />
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 516: anchor=center&mode=crop&width=640&height=0&format=auto&quality=90&rnd=131482975300000000" />
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 326: And Melancholy mark'd him for her own. Ja Melankolia merkitsi hänet omakseen.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 431: Sometimes you can tell from the first shot. In “Compartment No. 6,” the camera follows a young woman at a party as she leaves a bathroom and enters a living room full of gathered friends. That walking, back-of-the-head shot is one of the soggiest conventions of the steadicam era, a facile way of conveying characters’ own fields of vision while anchoring the action on them. The familiarity of this trope suggests both limited imagination and an unwillingness to commit to a clear-cut point of view. When used cannily, it can convey ambiguous neutrality and looming mystery, but, more often, it suggests the merely functional recording of action, which is exactly what’s delivered in “Compartment No. 6,” opening in theatres on Wednesday. The movie sinks, fast and deep, under the weight of dramatic shortcuts, overemphatic details, undercooked possibilities, unconsidered implications. It’s heavy-handed, tendentious, and regressive—and it should come as no surprise that it’s on the fifteen-film shortlist for the Best International Feature Oscar.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 617: In den Gedichten hält er sich in kurzen, leicht verständlichen Sätzen an keine Regeln des Reims oder Rhythmus, aber ab 1974 schleicht sich auch ein melancholischer Akzent in seine Schriften ein.
xxx/ellauri259.html on line 703: Today, some aspects, such as the increasingly important role given to the (now retired) news anchor Arvi Lind are a bit old-fashioned. Likewise the ending isn't as sharp nor farcical as it attempts to be. Yet the film does uncover some universal truths from the behavior of Finnish men, particularly when automobiles are concerned. The men are all alcoholic sad sacks, failures in every aspect, yet they wish to have one field in which they shine and that is with cars.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 95: Memories of My Melancholy Whores, on Gabriel García Márquezin romaani. Kirja julkaistiin alun perin espanjaksi vuonna 2004, ja Edith Grossmanin englanninkielinen käännös julkaistiin lokakuussa 2005.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 106: Memories of My Melancholy Whores on Gabriel García Márquezin novelli. Kirja julkaistiin alun perin espanjaksi vuonna 2004. Vanha toimittaja, joka on juuri juhlinut 90-vuotissyntymäpäiväänsä, etsii seksiä nuoren prostituoidun kanssa, joka myy neitsyytensä auttaakseen perhettään. Seksin sijaan hän löytää rakkauden ensimmäistä kertaa elämässään.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 98: Cixous'n pitkäaikainen läheinen ystävä ja elämänkumppani, filosofi Jacques Derrida piti elossa ollessaan Cixous'ta merkittävimpänä elossa olevana ranskalaiskirjailijana. Cixous on nyt 86-vuotias, Derrida jo 20v vainaja. Hiän on kirjoittanut paitsi Derridasta myös muun muassa James Joycesta, Clarice Lispectorista, Marina Tsvetajevasta, Maurice Blanchot'sta, Ingeborg Bachmannista, Thomas Bernhardista, Franz Kafkasta, Heinrich von Kleistista, William Shakespearesta ja muista antiikin tragedioista.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 176: Hän hieroi säännöllisesti olkapäitä Edmond Jabèsin, Gabriel Bounouren ja Maurice Blanchotin kanssa ja yhdisti vähitellen voimansa Jean-Luc Nancyn, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthen ja Sarah Kofmanin kanssa. Järisyttävän kiinnos. Ainakin se oli kova poika verkostoitumaan.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 242: Derrida jatkoi kirjallisuuden lukemista kirjoittaen laajasti Maurice Blanchotista, Paul Celanista ja muista. Sanchotin liha ja leikkele.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 257: Muita vaikutteita Derridaan olivat Martin Heidegger, Platon, Søren Kierkegaard, Alexandre Kojève, Maurice Blanchot, Antonin Artaud, Roland Barthes, Georges Bataille, Edmund Husserl, Emmanuel Lévinas, Ferdinand de Chaussure, Søren Kierkehaard, Sigmund Freud, Claude Lévi-Strauss, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, JL Austin ja Stéphane Mallarmé. Paizi Austinista se ei tajunnut tuon taivaallista [ lähde: Searle ]. Talmudin dekonstruktio ei ole kovin suosittua, mutts sitäkin on yritetty.
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 259: Paul "hänmies" Deman senttasi sodan aikana antisemiittisiä juttuja belgiläpysköihin. Maurice Blanchot liehitteli sakareita miehityxen aikana. Kesäkuussa 1944 natsien ampumaryhmä melkein teloi Blanchotin. Sodan jälkeen hän kirjoitti toistuvasti fasismiin kohdistuvaa älyllistä vetovoimaa vastaan ​​ja erityisesti Heideggerin sodanjälkeistä vaikenemista vastaan ​​holokaustista. Melkoisia luikureita.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 257: teoksessaan Melankolian anatomia: Kirjoituksemme ovat niin monia ruokia, lukijamme vieraita, kirjamme kuin kauneus, se, mitä toinen ihailee, hylkää; niin olemme hyväksyttyjä, koska miesten mielikuvitukset ovat taipuvaisia. Pro captu lectoris habent sua fata libelli. Tämä artikkeli käsittelee Robert Burtonin kirjaa. Katso mieluummin Paradise Lostin albumi The Anatomy of Melancholy (Miltonin albumi).
xxx/ellauri387.html on line 486: "Who?" said Pococurante sharply; "that barbarian who writes a tedious commentary in ten books of rumbling verse, on the first chapter of Genesis? that slovenly imitator of the Greeks, who disfigures the creation, by making the Messiah take a pair of compasses from Heaven´s armory to plan the world; whereas Moses represented the Deity as producing the whole universe by his fiat? Can I think you have any esteem for a writer who has spoiled Tasso´s Hell and the Devil; who transforms Lucifer sometimes into a toad, and at others into a pygmy; who makes him say the same thing over again a hundred times; who metamorphoses him into a school-divine; and who, by an absurdly serious imitation of Ariosto´s comic invention of firearms, represents the devils and angels cannonading each other in Heaven? Neither I nor any other Italian can possibly take pleasure in such melancholy reveries; but the marriage of Sin and Death, and snakes issuing from the womb of the former, are enough to make any person sick that is not lost to all sense of delicacy. This obscene, whimsical, and disagreeable poem met with the neglect it deserved at its first publication; and I only treat the author now as he was treated in his own country by his contemporaries."