ellauri003.html on line 678: Pirkko ja Calle. Ruoka ei valmis. Herkkusienet. Automatka Vermontiin. Katetut sillat. Walden Pond. Kalle juoksee. Falstaff. Great Western. Pääsiäinen. Niagara Falls. Kanada.
ellauri073.html on line 220: Negativity on vastapuolen haukkumista, esim. Push polling: George W. Bush used push polls in his 1994 bid for Texas Governor against incumbent Ann Richards. Callers asked voters "whether they would be more or less likely to vote for Governor Richards if they knew that lesbians dominated on her staff."
ellauri158.html on line 450: P. 2. prop. 11. Primum, quod actuale mentis humanae esse constituit, nihil aliud est, quam idea rei alicuius singularis actu existentis. [in: P. 2. prop. 12., prop. 13., prop. 20., prop. 48., P. 3. prop. 2., prop. 3., prop. 10., gener. aff. defin., P. 4. prop. 37., P. 5. prop. 9., prop. 38.]
ellauri158.html on line 461: P. 2. prop. 13. Obiectum ideae humanam mentem constituentis est corpus, sive certus extensionis modus actu existens, et nihil aliud. [in: P. 2. prop. 15., prop. 19., prop. 21., prop. 21. schol., prop. 23., prop. 24., prop. 26., prop. 29., prop. 38., prop. 39., P. 3. prop. 3., prop. 10., gener. aff. defin., P. 5. prop. 23., prop. 29., etiam in: Ep. 66. §. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 571: -- P. 2. prop. 16. coroll. 2. Sequitur secundo, quod ideae, quas corporum externorum habemus, magis nostri corporis constitutionem, quam corporum externorum naturam indicant. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. schol., P. 3. prop. 14., prop. 18., gener. aff. defin., P. 4. prop. 1. schol., P. 4. prop. 9., P. 5. prop. 34.]
ellauri158.html on line 591: -- P. 2. prop. 18. schol. Quid sit memoria. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 2., P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 52., aff. defin. 4., P. 4. prop. 13., P. 5. prop. 21.]
ellauri158.html on line 615: P. 2. prop. 23. Mens se ipsam non cognoscit, nisi quatenus corporis affectionum ideas percipit. [in: P. 2. prop. 29. coroll., prop. 47., P. 3. prop. 9., prop. 30., prop. 53., aff. defin. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 664: -- P. 2. prop. 31. coroll. Hinc sequitur, omnes res particulares contingentes et corruptibiles esse. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15.]
ellauri158.html on line 684: -- P. 2. prop. 35. schol. Exemplum. [in: P. 2. prop. 49. schol., P. 3. aff. defin. 27., P. 4. prop. 1. schol., P. 5. prop. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 746: P. 2. prop. 48. In mente nulla est absoluta sive libera voluntas, sed mens ad hoc vel illud volendum determinatur a causa, quae etiam ab alia determinata est, et haec iterum ab alia, et sic in infinitum. [in: P. 2. prop. 49., prop. 49. coroll., P. 3. aff. defin. 6., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 752: -- P. 2. prop. 49. schol. De adversariorum obiectionibus. Quid haec doctrina a usum vitae conferat. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 1.]
ellauri158.html on line 771: P. 3. prop. 3. Mentis actiones ex solis ideis adaequatis oriuntur; passiones autem a solis inadaequatis pendent. [in: P. 3. prop. 9., prop. 56., gener. aff. defin., P. 4. prop. 15., prop. 24., prop. 28., prop. 35., prop. 35. coroll. 2., prop. 51., prop. 52., prop. 59., prop. 61., prop. 63., prop. 64., P. 5. prop. 3., prop. 4. schol., prop. 18., prop. 20. schol., prop. 36., prop. 40., prop. 40. coroll., prop. 42.]
ellauri158.html on line 779: -- P. 3. prop. 9. schol. Voluntas, appetitus, cupiditas. [in: P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 27. coroll. 3., prop. 28., prop. 37., prop. 39. schol., prop. 55. coroll. 2., prop. 56., prop. 57., prop. 58., aff. defin. 1., P. 4. prop. 19., prop. 26.]
ellauri158.html on line 782: -- P. 3. prop. 11. schol. Tres affectus primitivi: cupiditas, laetitia, tristitia. [in: P. 3. prop. 15., prop. 15. coroll., prop. 19., prop. 20., prop. 21., prop. 23., prop. 34., prop. 35., prop. 37., prop. 38., prop. 53., prop. 55., prop. 55. coroll. 2., prop. 56., prop. 57., prop. 59., aff. defin. 2., aff. defin. 3., aff. defin. 4., P. 4. prop. 8., prop. 18., prop. 29., prop. 30., prop. 41., prop. 42., prop. 43., prop. 44., prop. 51.]
ellauri158.html on line 784: P. 3. prop. 13. Cum mens ea imaginatur, quae corporis agendi potentiam minuunt vel coercent, conatur, quantum potest, rerum recordari, quae horum existentiam secludunt. [in: P. 3. prop. 20., prop. 23., prop. 25., prop. 27. coroll. 3., prop. 28., aff. defin. 29.]
ellauri158.html on line 786: -- P. 3. prop. 13. schol. Amor, odium. [in: P. 3. prop. 15. coroll., prop. 17., prop. 19., prop. 20., prop. 22., prop. 28., prop. 29., prop. 30. schol., prop. 33., prop. 34., prop. 35., prop. 38., prop. 39., prop. 40., prop. 44., prop. 45., prop. 48., prop. 49., prop. 55. coroll. 2., aff. defin. 6., aff. defin. 7., P. 4. prop. 57.]
ellauri158.html on line 790: -- P. 3. prop. 15. schol. Sympathia, antipathia. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 8., aff. defin. 9.]
ellauri158.html on line 794: P. 3. prop. 18. Homo ex imagine rei praeteritae aut futurae eodem laetitiae et tristitiae affectu afficitur, ac ex imagine rei praesentis. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., P. 4. prop. 9. schol., prop. 12.]
ellauri158.html on line 796: -- P. 3. prop. 18. schol. 2. Spes, metus, securitas, desperatio, gaudium, conscientiae morsus. [in: P. 3. prop. 50., prop. 50. schol., aff. defin. 13., aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., P. 4. defin. 6.]
ellauri158.html on line 797: P. 3. prop. 19. Qui id quod amat destrui imaginatur, contristabitur; si contra autem conservari, laetabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 21., prop. 36. coroll., prop. 42., aff. defin. 12., aff. defin. 13., P. 5. prop. 19.]
ellauri158.html on line 798: P. 3. prop. 20. Qui id quod odio habet destrui imaginatur, laetabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 23., prop. 28., aff. defin. 11., aff. defin. 12., aff. defin. 13.]
ellauri158.html on line 801: -- P. 3. prop. 22. schol. Commiseratio, favor, indignatio. [in: P. 3. prop. 27. schol., prop. 27. coroll. 3. schol., aff. defin. 18., aff. defin. 19., aff. defin. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 805: -- P. 3. prop. 24. schol. Invidia. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2., prop. 55. schol., aff. defin. 23.]
ellauri158.html on line 809: -- P. 3. prop. 26. schol. Superbia, existimatio, despectus. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 21., aff. defin. 22., aff. defin. 28.]
ellauri158.html on line 810: P. 3. prop. 27. Ex eo, quod rem nobis similem et quam nullo affectu prosecuti sumus, aliquo affectu affici imaginamur, eo ipso simili affectu afficimur. [in: P. 3. prop. 22. schol., prop. 23. schol., prop. 27. coroll. 1., prop. 27. coroll. 3., prop. 29., prop. 30., prop. 31., prop. 32., prop. 40., prop. 47., prop. 49. schol., prop. 52. schol., prop. 53. coroll., aff. defin. 33., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 50. schol., prop. 68. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 811: -- P. 3. prop. 27. schol. Commiseratio, aemulatio. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 18., aff. defin. 33.]
ellauri158.html on line 812: -- P. 3. prop. 27. coroll. 1. Si aliquem, quem nullo affectu prosecuti sumus, imaginamur laetitia afficere rem nobis similem, amore erga eundem afficiemur. Si contra eundem imaginamur eandem tristitia afficere, odio erga ipsum afficiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 32., aff. defin. 19., aff. defin. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 815: -- P. 3. prop. 27. coroll. 3. schol. Benevolentia. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 35.]
ellauri158.html on line 818: -- P. 3. prop. 29. schol. Ambitio, humanitas, laus, vituperium. [in: P. 3. prop. 31. schol., prop. 53. coroll., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 24.]
ellauri158.html on line 820: -- P. 3. prop. 30. schol. Gloria, pudor, acquiescentia in se ipso, poenitentia. [in: P. 3. prop. 34., prop. 35., prop. 40. schol., prop. 41. schol., prop. 42., aff. defin. 28., aff. defin. 29., aff. defin. 30., aff. defin. 31.]
ellauri158.html on line 821: P. 3. prop. 31. Si aliquem imaginamur amare vel cupere vel odio habere aliquid, quod ipsi amamus, cupimus vel odio habemus, eo ipso rem constantius amabimus etc. Si autem id, quod amamus, eum aversari imaginamur, vel contra, tum animi fluctuationem patiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 35., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 34. schol., prop. 37., P. 5. prop. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 824: P. 3. prop. 32. Si aliquem re aliqua, qua unus solus potiri potest, gaudere imaginamur, conabimur efficere, ne ille illa re potiatur. [in: P. 3. prop. 32. schol., aff. defin. 33., P. 4. prop. 34.]
ellauri158.html on line 825: -- P. 3. prop. 32. schol. Homines natura invidi, ambitiosi, misericordes. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. schol., aff. defin. 23., aff. defin. 33., P. 4. prop. 34., etiam in: TP cap. 1. art. 5.]
ellauri158.html on line 835: P. 3. prop. 39. Qui aliquem odio habet, ei malum inferre conabitur, nisi ex eo maius sibi malum oriri timeat; et contra, qui aliquem amat, ei eadem lege benefacere conabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 2., prop. 40. schol., prop. 41. schol., aff. defin. 34., aff. defin. 36., P. 4. prop. 34., prop. 37. schol. 2., prop. 45., prop. 45. coroll. 1., prop. 45. coroll. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 836: -- P. 3. prop. 39. schol. Bonum, malum. Timor, metus, verecundia, consternatio. [in: P. 3. prop. 51. schol., aff. defin. 39., aff. defin. 42., P. 4. prop. 70.]
ellauri158.html on line 840: -- P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 2. Si aliquis imaginatur, ab aliquo, quem antea nullo affectu prosecutus est, malum aliquod prae odio sibi illatum esse, statim idem malum eidem referre conabitur. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 37., P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2.]
ellauri158.html on line 841: -- P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 2. schol. Ira, vindicta. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 37.]
ellauri158.html on line 843: -- P. 3. prop. 41. schol. Gratia seu gratitudo. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 34., P. 4. prop. 49., prop. 57. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 853: -- P. 3. prop. 47. schol. Demonstratur aliter. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 11., aff. defin. 32.]
ellauri158.html on line 861: -- P. 3. prop. 51. schol. Audax, intrepidus, pusillanimus. Poenitentia et acquiescentia in se ipso. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 25., aff. defin. 27., aff. defin. 40., aff. defin. 41., aff. defin. 42.]
ellauri158.html on line 862: P. 3. prop. 52. Obiectum quod simul cum aliis antea vidimus, vel quod nihil habere imaginamur, nisi quod commune est pluribus, non tamdiu contemplabimur, ac illud, quod aliquid singulare habere imaginamur. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2. schol., aff. defin. 4., aff. defin. 10.]
ellauri158.html on line 863: -- P. 3. prop. 52. schol. Admiratio, consternatio, veneratio, horror, devotio, contemptus, irrisio, dedignatio. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2. schol., aff. defin. 4., aff. defin. 5., aff. defin. 11., aff. defin. 42.]
ellauri158.html on line 864: P. 3. prop. 53. Cum mens se ipsam suamque agendi potentiam contemplatur, laetatur; et eo magis, quo se suamque agendi potentiam distinctius imaginatur. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. schol., prop. 58., aff. defin. 25., P. 5. prop. 15.]
ellauri158.html on line 866: P. 3. prop. 54. Mens ea tantum imaginari conatur, quae ipsius agendi potentiam ponunt. [in: P. 3. prop. 55., aff. defin. 25., aff. defin. 29.]
ellauri158.html on line 867: P. 3. prop. 55. Cum mens suam impotentiam imaginatur, eo ipso contristatur. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 26., P. 4. prop. 53.]
ellauri158.html on line 869: -- P. 3. prop. 55. schol. Humilitas, philautia. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 25., aff. defin. 26., P. 4. prop. 34., prop. 57. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 873: -- P. 3. prop. 56. schol. Luxuria, ebrietas, libido, avaritia, ambitio. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 44., aff. defin. 45., aff. defin. 46., aff. defin. 47., aff. defin. 48.]
ellauri158.html on line 881: P. 3. gener. aff. defin. Affectus, qui animi pathema dicitur, est confusa idea, qua mens maiorem vel minorem sui corporis vel alicuius eius partis existendi vim, quam antea, affirmat, et qua data ipsa mens ad hoc potius, quam ad illud cogitandum determinatur. [in: P. 4. prop. 7., prop. 7. coroll., prop. 8., prop. 9., prop. 14., P. 5. prop. 3., prop. 4. coroll., prop. 17., prop. 34., prop. 40. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 932: P. 3. aff. defin. 1. Cupiditas est ipsa hominis essentia, quatenus ex data quacumque eius affectione determinata concipitur ad aliquid agendum. [in: P. 4. prop. 15., prop. 18., prop. 19., prop. 21., prop. 37., prop. 59., prop. 61., P. 5. prop. 26., prop. 28.]
ellauri158.html on line 933: P. 3. aff. defin. 2. Laetitia est hominis transitio a minore ad maiorem perfectionem. [in: P. 5. prop. 17., prop. 27.]
ellauri158.html on line 934: P. 3. aff. defin. 3. Tristitia est hominis transitio a maiore ad minorem perfectionem. [in: P. 4. prop. 64., P. 5. prop. 17.]
ellauri158.html on line 935: P. 3. aff. defin. 4. Admiratio est rei alicuius imaginatio, in qua mens defixa propterea manet, quia haec singularis imaginatio nullam cum reliquis habet connexionem. [in: P. 4. prop. 59.]
ellauri158.html on line 936: P. 3. aff. defin. 5. Contemptus est rei alicuius imaginatio, quae mentem adeo parum tangit, ut ipsa mens ex rei praesentia magis moveatur ad ea imaginandum, quae in ipsa re non sunt, quam quae in ipsa sunt.
ellauri158.html on line 937: P. 3. aff. defin. 6. Amor est laetitia concomitante idea causae externae. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 7., P. 4. prop. 34. schol., prop. 44., prop. 57., P. 5. prop. 2., prop. 15., prop. 17. coroll., prop. 32. coroll.]
ellauri158.html on line 938: P. 3. aff. defin. 7. Odium est tristitia concomitante idea causae externae. [in: P. 4. prop. 34., P. 5. prop. 2., prop. 17. coroll., prop. 18.]
ellauri158.html on line 939: P. 3. aff. defin. 8. Propensio est laetitia concomitante idea alicuius rei, quae per accidens causa est laetitiae.
ellauri158.html on line 940: P. 3. aff. defin. 9. Aversio est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius rei, quae per accidens causa est tristitiae.
ellauri158.html on line 941: P. 3. aff. defin. 10. Devotio est amor erga eum, quem admiramur.
ellauri158.html on line 942: P. 3. aff. defin. 11. Irrisio est laetitia orta ex eo, quod aliquid, quod contemnimus in re, quam odimus, inesse imaginamur.
ellauri158.html on line 943: P. 3. aff. defin. 12. Spes est inconstans laetitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de cuius eventu aliquatenus dubitamus. [in: P. 4. prop. 47.]
ellauri158.html on line 944: P. 3. aff. defin. 13. Metus est inconstans tristitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de cuius eventu aliquatenus dubitamus. [in: P. 4. prop. 47., prop. 63.]
ellauri158.html on line 945: P. 3. aff. defin. 14. Securitas est laetitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de qua dubitandi causa sublata est.
ellauri158.html on line 946: P. 3. aff. defin. 15. Desperatio est tristitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de qua dubitandi causa sublata est.
ellauri158.html on line 947: P. 3. aff. defin. 16. Gaudium est laetitia concomitante idea rei praeteritae, quae praeter spem evenit.
ellauri158.html on line 948: P. 3. aff. defin. 17. Conscientiae morsus est tristitia concomitante idea rei praeteritae, quae praeter spem evenit.
ellauri158.html on line 949: P. 3. aff. defin. 18. Commiseratio est tristitia concomitante idea mali, quod alteri, quem nobis similem esse imaginamur, evenit. [in: P. 4. prop. 50.]
ellauri158.html on line 950: P. 3. aff. defin. 19. Favor est amor erga aliquem, qui alteri benefecit. [in: P. 4. prop. 51.]
ellauri158.html on line 951: P. 3. aff. defin. 20. Indignatio est odium erga aliquem, qui alteri malefecit. [in: P. 4. prop. 51. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 952: P. 3. aff. defin. 21. Existimatio est de aliquo prae amore plus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 48.]
ellauri158.html on line 953: P. 3. aff. defin. 22. Despectus est de aliquo prae odio minus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 48.]
ellauri158.html on line 954: P. 3. aff. defin. 23. Invidia est odium, quatenus hominem ita afficit, ut ex alterius felicitate contristetur, et contra ut ex alterius malo gaudeat. [in: P. 5. prop. 20.]
ellauri158.html on line 955: P. 3. aff. defin. 24. Misericordia est amor, quatenus hominem ita afficit, ut ex bono alterius gaudeat, et contra ut ex alterius malo contristetur.
ellauri158.html on line 956: P. 3. aff. defin. 25. Acquiescentia in se ipso est laetitia orta ex eo, quod homo se ipsum suamque agendi potentiam contemplatur. [in: P. 4. prop. 52., P. 5. prop. 27., prop. 32., prop. 36. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 957: P. 3. aff. defin. 26. Humilitas est tristitia orta ex eo quod homo suam impotentiam sive imbecillitatem contemplatur. [in: P. 4. prop. 53.]
ellauri158.html on line 958: P. 3. aff. defin. 27. Poenitentia est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius facti, quod nos ex libero mentis decreto fecisse credimus. [in: P. 4. prop. 54.]
ellauri158.html on line 959: P. 3. aff. defin. 28. Superbia est de se prae amore sui plus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 49., prop. 55., prop. 57.]
ellauri158.html on line 960: P. 3. aff. defin. 29. Abiectio est de se prae tristitia minus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 55.]
ellauri158.html on line 961: P. 3. aff. defin. 30. Gloria est laetitia concomitante idea alicuius nostrae actionis, quam alios laudare imaginamur. [in: P. 4. prop. 49., prop. 58., P. 5. prop. 36. schol.]
ellauri158.html on line 962: P. 3. aff. defin. 31. Pudor est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius actionis, quam alios vituperare imaginamur.
ellauri158.html on line 963: P. 3. aff. defin. 32. Desiderium est cupiditas sive appetitus re aliqua potiundi, quae eiusdem rei memoria fovetur, et simul aliarum rerum memoria, quae eiusdem rei appetendae existentiam secludunt, coercetur.
ellauri158.html on line 964: P. 3. aff. defin. 33. Aemulatio est alicuius rei cupiditas, quae
ellauri158.html on line 966: P. 3. aff. defin. 34. Gratia seu gratitudo est cupiditas seu amoris studium, quo ei benefacere conamur, qui in nos pari amoris affectu beneficium contulit. [in: P. 4. prop. 71.]
ellauri158.html on line 967: P. 3. aff. defin. 35. Benevolentia est cupiditas benefaciendi ei, cuius nos miseret.
ellauri158.html on line 968: P. 3. aff. defin. 36. Ira est cupiditas, qua ex odio incitamur ad illi quem odimus malum inferendum.
ellauri158.html on line 969: P. 3. aff. defin. 37. Vindicta est cupiditas, qua ex reciproco odio concitamur ad malum inferendum ei, qui nobis pari affectu damnum intulit.
ellauri158.html on line 970: P. 3. aff. defin. 38. Crudelitas seu saevitia est cupiditas, qua aliquis concitatur ad malum inferendum ei, quem amamus, vel cuius nos miseret.
ellauri158.html on line 971: P. 3. aff. defin. 39. Timor est cupiditas maius quod metuimus malum minore vitandi.
ellauri158.html on line 972: P. 3. aff. defin. 40. Audacia est cupiditas, qua aliquis incitatur ad aliquid agendum cum periculo, quod eius aequales subire metuunt. [in: P. 4. prop. 69.]
ellauri158.html on line 973: P. 3. aff. defin. 41. Pusillanimitas dicitur de eo, cuius cupiditas coercetur timore periculi, quod eius aequales subire audent. [in: P. 4. prop. 69.]
ellauri158.html on line 974: P. 3. aff. defin. 42. Consternatio dicitur de eo, cuius cupiditas malum vitandi coercetur admiratione mali, quod timet.
ellauri158.html on line 975: P. 3. aff. defin. 43. Humanitas seu modestia est cupiditas ea faciendi quae hominibus placent, et omittendi quae displicent.
ellauri158.html on line 976: P. 3. aff. defin. 44. Ambitio est immodica gloriae cupiditas.
ellauri158.html on line 977: P. 3. aff. defin. 45. Luxuria est immoderata convivandi cupiditas vel etiam amor.
ellauri158.html on line 978: P. 3. aff. defin. 46. Ebrietas est immoderata potandi cupiditas et amor.
ellauri158.html on line 979: P. 3. aff. defin. 47. Avaritia est immoderata divitiarum cupiditas et amor.
ellauri158.html on line 980: P. 3. aff. defin. 48. Libido est etiam cupiditas et amor in commiscendis corporibus.
ellauri164.html on line 591: Moses’ moment of greatest failure came when the people of Israel resumed complaining, this time about food and water (Num. 20:1-5). Moses and Aaron decided to bring the complaint to the Lord, who commanded them to take their staff, and in the people’s presence command a rock to yield water enough for the people and their livestock (Num. 20:6-8). Moses did as the Lord instructed but added two flourishes of his own. First he rebuked the people, saying, “Listen, you rebels, shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then he struck the rock twice with his staff. Water poured out in abundance (Num. 20:9-11), but the Lord was extremely displeased with Moses and Aaron.
ellauri164.html on line 707: To understand why God didn’t pronounce judgement, let’s notice what Moses did. He leads the people to the rock, calls them rebels, and instead of speaking to the rock he hits it twice with this staff. Moses is having a temper tantrum. In the prior examples in Numbers Moses never speaks harshly or loses patience. Moses is also breaking the pattern and this is the clue to understanding his sin.
ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
ellauri164.html on line 806: Note that the Bible says (vs. 8) that Moses is to take “the” staff. By that God means the staff of Aaron, the High Priest. What do we know about this staff?
ellauri172.html on line 285: 26 Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry(E) and beat it with his staff. 28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth,(F) and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?(G)”
ellauri315.html on line 501: Rodina (venäjäksi: Родина; Homeland) on Pavel Lunginin ja Timur "Lenk" Weinsteinin kehittämä venäläinen poliittinen trilleri-televisiosarja, joka perustuu israelilaiseen Hatufim-sarjaan, jonka on luonut Gideon Riffraff. Rodina on toinen Hatufim-sovitus Howard Gordonin ja Alex Gansan amerikkalaisen version Homeland jälkeen.
xxx/ellauri138.html on line 74: Rohn became a college dropout after just one year and started his professional life by working as an evil human resource manager for department store Sears. Around this time, a friend invited him to a lecture given by famous entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff. In 1955, Rohn joined Shoaff's direct selling business AbundaVita as a distributor.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 50: The staff is miraculously transformed into a snake and then back into a staff. The staff is thereafter referred to as the "rod of God" or "staff of God" (depending on the translation). And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs".
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 59: Finally, God tells Moses to get water for the Israelites from a rock by speaking to the rock (Numbers 20:8). But Moses, being vexed by the complaining of the Israelites, instead of speaking to the rock as God commanded, strikes the rock twice with the staff. Because Moses did not obey God's command to speak to the rock, implying lack of faith, God punished Moses by not letting him enter into the Promised Land (Numbers 20:12). Taisit jo mainita albumissa 64.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 65: There are many speculations about what has happened to Moses's staff.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 525: Cornelius, Barnaby and their dates arrive and are unaware that Horace is also at the restaurant. Dolly makes her triumphant return to the restaurant and is greeted in style by the staff. She sits in the now-empty seat at Horace´s table and proceeds to tell him that no matter what he says, she will not marry him. Fearful of being caught, Cornelius confesses to the ladies that he and Barnaby have no money, and Irene, who knew they were pretending all along, offers to pay for the meal. She then realizes that she left her handbag with all her money in it at home. The four try to sneak out during the polka contest, but Horace recognizes them and also spots Ermengarde and Ambrose. In the ensuing confrontation, Vandergelder fires Cornelius and Barnaby, and they are forced to flee as a riot breaks out. Cornelius professes his love for Irene. Horace declares that he would not marry Dolly if she were the last woman in the world. Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he´s bored and lonely, she will be living the high life.