ellauri001.html on line 1264: Apsi, Siff-Cola, Jaffa. Niihin haavoitti

ellauri001.html on line 2261: Sarīʿ (سَرِيع) "swift": Mustafʿilun Mustafʿilun Fāʿilun (مُسْتَفْعِلُنْ مُسْتَفْعِلُنْ فَاعِلُنْ)
ellauri001.html on line 2420: Teki faffan äidinisä.

ellauri001.html on line 2422:

Faffa famun lisäksi nai

ellauri001.html on line 2430: affa.jpg" style="width:25%" />
ellauri001.html on line 2491: after_D._Rasbotham._Wellcome_V0000940.jpg/800px-John_Byrom._Line_engraving_by_Topham_after_D._Rasbotham._Wellcome_V0000940.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri002.html on line 62: 1804 – 1814: Besuch der städtischen christlichen Grundschule in Düsseldorf. Besuch des Lyzeums in Düsseldorf (heute Görres-Gymnasium) ohne Abschluss. Heine erlebt den Einzug Napoleons in Düsseldorf. Der junge Heine verehrte Napoleon zeit seines Lebens und bewunderte ihn dafür, dass er den Code civil einführte, der Juden sowie Nicht-Juden gesetzlich gleichgestellen sollte. Heine verließ 1814 das Lyzeum, ohne einen Abschluss erreicht zu haben.
ellauri002.html on line 304: kuin on kesäinen Pafos-saari,

ellauri002.html on line 595: (afka Franz">Franz Kafka)
ellauri002.html on line 767: Eine solche Jungfernschaft

ellauri002.html on line 768: Braucht mir zu viel Manneskraft.
ellauri002.html on line 1109: Heila pieni hesalainen wannabe on graafikko.
ellauri002.html on line 1230: paha mafioso Ernie Lepore

ellauri002.html on line 1255: vapaasti, pafaasti, vapaasti.
ellauri002.html on line 1454: Hämäriä, sekavia muistikuvia eri bileistä: naamoja ilman nimiä, nimiä ilman naamoja, pirtua, lonkeroa, mustaa afgaa, nojailua, skrobausta, tukkaa suussa, laatat lavuaarissa ja vessanpöntössä.
ellauri002.html on line 1515: Yhteistä meille oli (on) lapsellisuus ja sentimentaalisuus: tykättiin Aku Ankasta, Muumeista, Anna-sarjasta, ynnä muusta alaikäisestä. Mulla oli menossa vähän Andy Warhol -henkinen taideprojekti, suurensin Aku Ankan ruutua omin käsin puolen seinän kokoiseksi grafiikkakuvaksi. dona Caritalla oli iso Aku-kirja kotona, se lupasi tuoda sen ensi kerralla mun boksiini. (Jess!!!)
ellauri002.html on line 1691:

Elettiin kynän, paperin ja lankapuhelimen aikaa. Ensimmäinen kirje don Caritalta Amerikkaan oli pommikirje. Siinä oli pommin kuva ja tieto, mitä olin velkaa. Olin ennen lähtöä kuhmuttanut dona Caritan isän kuplafolkkaria matkalla Turussa katsomassa Auli Hakulisen uutta vauvaa. Dona Carita lainasi rahat vähistä opintolainoistaan.
ellauri002.html on line 1711: Syksyllä 1977 tuli lähtö MIThin. (Niitä lähtöjä ehti tulla useita. Seuraava muisto voi olla toiselta vuodelta.) Dona Carita tuli saatille Englantiin. Jönsy oli antropologian jatko-opiskelijana Englannin Cambridgessa. Olisko ollut kenttämatkalla Equadorissa, tai sitten vaan Suomessa, saatiin asua sen lukaalissa. Puntattiin Cam-joella ja muuta. Donna palasi Ruotsin kautta kotiin hirmuisessa sinuksessa. Asui Dona Ritan blondin kaverin siskon luona Tukholmassa. Sen kaverin, jonka mielestä filosofit istuvat miehissä pöydän ääreen, nojaavat päätä käteen ja sanovat: Nyt pohditaan. Siskokset hengas kurdien kanssa. Blondista tuli kunnallispoliitikko, kurdin ja sen pojasta lääkäri. Kurdit tarjosivat ruuaksi jotain kummia kasvispalloja ja lämmintä kokista. Varmaan felafelleja.
ellauri002.html on line 1732: Coop, Barnes Noblen kirjakauppa, afeway">Safeway, Corcoran.

ellauri002.html on line 1838: entisiä heiloja. Sitten tehtiin sovinto, kilpailijat pantiin naftaliiniin, myös
ellauri002.html on line 1845: afka">


ellauri002.html on line 1874: zu schlafen, Unmöglichkeit zu wachen

ellauri002.html on line 1899: (afka Franz">Franz Kafka)
ellauri002.html on line 1922: No se romahdus. Se hiipi maaliskuussa vähitellen Cambridgen takatalvessa, talven lumi oli sulanut, uutta lunta alkoi hienokseltaan tipahdella taivaalta isoina hahtuvina. Mutta tämä vaatii oman episodin, palaan siis mielirunoilijani pariin. Huomaa Franz Kafkan hieno sairaskertomus ohessa.
ellauri003.html on line 85: (On fikaa vaffan kuulossa,

ellauri003.html on line 334: kuin Kenraalin Pafos-saarella.

ellauri003.html on line 673: Studio Mt Vernon Streetillä. Louisburg Square. Seijan keittiö. Safeway. Hilltop market. Coin laundry. Parrakkaat tytöt.
ellauri003.html on line 677: Bostonin uimaranta. Bussit, The T. Neekereitä. Käsilaukkuvaras. Tyyppi syö puseroa. Legal Seafood. Clam chowder. Sechuan restaurant, perse kipeä seur päivänä. Widener. Outsider.
ellauri003.html on line 678: Pirkko ja Calle. Ruoka ei valmis. Herkkusienet. Automatka Vermontiin. Katetut sillat. Walden Pond. Kalle juoksee. Falstaff. Great Western. Pääsiäinen. Niagara Falls. Kanada.
ellauri003.html on line 679: Lea ja Pauli. Merisntura. Arabialainen kahvila. Sakun hattu. Felafel. Pegboard.
ellauri003.html on line 680: Kahenkympin laina. Preppie look. Penny loafers. Filene´s. Jordan Marsh.
ellauri004.html on line 1005: Kraftmensch, myrsky-tunkumies.
ellauri004.html on line 1011: (Me barkmannit ei sentään olla af,
ellauri005.html on line 219: Dante ja Milton on rankasti kopsannu Eenokin kirjasta. Se ei ole vaan apokryfi, vaan lisäks pseudoepigrafinen, eli väärennyksen väärennys. Tuskin oikeasti Nooan paapan itse kirjoittama. Aika huijareita noi jutkut, kauppamiehet. Mutta siellä on hyviä episodeja, paljon paholaisten nimiä, hienoja maisemia, seksiä (jumalan pojat
ellauri005.html on line 244: Herr Rénans slutledning är ej allenast irrationell; han stannar äfven vid det djupaste förakt för menskligheten. Straxt i början gifver han oss klarligen att förstå, att menniskan länge varit ett med djuret *), hon har sannolikt endast genom fullkomnandet af sina organer skiljt sig från detsamma. Hon är icke född Guds barn, utan helt enkelt barn af urslammet liksom de andra varelserna. Också borde man ej tala om fallet, ty från hvilken höjd skulle hon hafva fallit?
ellauri005.html on line 860: Rafu tulee yllättäen käymään.
ellauri005.html on line 1149: Why can´t a woman take after a man?

ellauri005.html on line 1178: Why can´t a woman take after a man?

ellauri005.html on line 1493: Aatu ja Rafu vaihtaa kokemuksia

ellauri005.html on line 1527: Rafu, hyväveliseuran lähettiläs,

ellauri005.html on line 1539: Rafu lisää tekosiveästi:

ellauri005.html on line 1554: Lähtiessä Rafu vielä varoittaa:

ellauri005.html on line 1786: När vid hundrafyrti år

ellauri005.html on line 1863: Rafu koittaa santaa raaputtaa,

ellauri006.html on line 52: Rastafarianism: 600 thousand
ellauri006.html on line 1737: Sain tän banaanikirjaston pokkarin isosiskolta. Kirjan juoni ja moraali on seuraava. Läpimätä mutta sentimentaalinen lakimies Charlie huijaa kaverinsa kanssa mafiosoa, ansaitsee hirmu läjän massia sen selän takana. Tarkoitus on lähtä karkuun jouluaattona. Suunnitelma komplisoituu, Charlie "joutuu" tappamaan lähes kaikki muut juonessa olijat, paitsi tyhmää pornoklubin pokea, joka katuu katkottuaan ilkeeltä juipilta kaikki sormet. Poke joutui lapsenvahdix kun sen äiti ja isäpuoli lähti matkailuautolla katolisten jouluhuvipuistoretkelle.
ellauri007.html on line 28: (Domprost Karl Gustaf Barkman, vid hans grav)
ellauri007.html on line 553: Kroklokwafzi? Se ieme ii!

ellauri007.html on line 554: Seiokrontro – prafriplo:

ellauri007.html on line 555: Bifzi, bafzi; hulale ii:

ellauri007.html on line 721: när faffa fiser.

ellauri007.html on line 723: faffa luktar illa

ellauri007.html on line 973: Kom nu lilla Schlott ge faffa handen.
ellauri007.html on line 1020: afrikkalainen simpanssi

ellauri007.html on line 1254: Faffa får det vara en röd morgonapa?

ellauri007.html on line 1464: Meistä miehistä on tafsaaminen mukavaa,

ellauri007.html on line 1475: voi eri kohteita etätafsata.

ellauri007.html on line 1493: Muista potentiaalista tafsauskohdetta

ellauri007.html on line 1498: etkä yksinomaan tafsauskohteena

ellauri007.html on line 1506: Tissejä älä tafsaa vielä, edes tuijota tai kiitä.

ellauri007.html on line 1519: Tafsaus kannattaa aloittaa varovasti

ellauri007.html on line 1581: Sitä en voi taata että tafsaus onnistuu.

ellauri007.html on line 1586: Tafsaus on fiilistelyä vaan omaksi iloksi.

ellauri007.html on line 1587: Hyväily on tafsailua molemmilta puolilta.

ellauri008.html on line 118: Sirin iskä oli St Olafs Collegen lehtori,

ellauri008.html on line 470: He made me feel so natural and very much myself, that I was almost afraid of losing the thrill and wonder of being there, although I was vibrating with intense excitement inside. His eyes under their pent-house lids revealed the suffering and the intensity of his experiences; when he spoke of his work, there came over them a sort of misty, sensuous, dreamy look, but they seemed to hold deep down the ghosts of old adventures and experiences—once or twice there was something in them one almost suspected of being wicked. But then I believe whatever strange wickedness would tempt this super-subtle Pole, he would be held in restraint by an equally delicate sense of honour. In his talk he led me along many paths of his life, but I felt that he did not wish to explore the jungle of emotions that lay dense on either side, and that his apparent frankness had a great reserve.
ellauri008.html on line 477: My first impression was one of surprise. He spoke English with a very strong foreign accent, and nothing in his demeanour in any way suggested the sea. He was an aristocratic Polish gentleman to his fingertips. At our very first meeting, we talked with continually increasing intimacy. We seemed to sink through layer after layer of what was superficial, till gradually both reached the central fire. It was an experience unlike any other I have known. We looked into each other's eyes, half appalled and half intoxicated to find ourselves together in such a region. The emotion was as intense as passionate love, and at the same time all-embracing. I came away bewildered, and hardly able to find my way among ordinary affairs.
ellauri008.html on line 740: Tuttu juttu, Konrad levittää stereotypioita joka asiasta, se on kävelevä tai paremminkin kirjoittava klisheepankki. Vastaan siis samalla mitalla: polakit on persumoukkia, ja niin on brititkin. Vulgäärejä buldoggeja, inselaffeja. Saksalaisetkin on niihin nähden hienostuneita ja kulturelleja, ja se on jo jotakin.
ellauri008.html on line 742: No on Konradilla tässä yhteydessä ihan asiallinenkin pätkä, oikeestaan sentimentti fiksummalta inselaffelta, nimittäin Darwinilta. Se on pantu saman Steinin suuhun.
ellauri008.html on line 877:


ellauri008.html on line 1473: Natsit itse piti Maraa joutavana suunpieksäjänä, eikä ihme, veikkohan nostaa avainongelmaksi tän: "Warum ist überhaupt etwas und nicht vielmehr nichts?" Leila Haaparanta rassu mietti tätä kuusivuotiaana taimisena, ehkä nytte emeritana vieläkin. Pian se selviää. Kysymykseen vastaa Hegel: Weil nichts existiert nicht, das Nichts nur nichtet. Hoo hoo jaa jaa, metafysiikkaa. Palataan Parmenideeseen kuin koira oksennukselle. Ei jaksa. Nyrjähtänyttä kielipeliä. Kiinalainen kissa joka huitoo ilmaa, yhden käden merirosvo ilman jackpottia. Hitler varmaan sanoi Maralle: Martin, du nichtssagender Pfurz! Ei huijannut Adlerhorstin ajattelijaa.
ellauri008.html on line 2123: jossain bangladeshissä tai afrikassa.

ellauri008.html on line 2181: Keikkakuskin yksi italian mafioso oli aika lailla 5v sitten edesmenneen brassikirjailijan näköinen:

ellauri009.html on line 1282: jossain safarilla golfautosta.
ellauri009.html on line 1804: Eikä maksa vaivaa marssittaa tässä esiin tiedon paradokseja. Vastaan niihin kuin pikku mummeli vastas Pertille: its no use Mr Russell, it´s turtles all the way down. Ei kukaan ehdi tietää tarpeeksi ennenkuin tilanne on ohi. Jos se ei ole looginen totuus se on luonnonlaki, ainakin se on fakta. Apina alkaa tafsata millisekunteja ennen kuin se aikoo tehdä niin.
ellauri011.html on line 196: Wollastonecraftin kavereita,

ellauri011.html on line 507: In late 1971, he met Gisa, and few weeks after, they got married. When his wife got pregnant, he convinced her to abort the child, that emotionally drained her.
ellauri011.html on line 509: In 1974, he and his wife, Gisa, were arrested in Rio de Janeiro, where they were tortured for few days. Though the couple was released, his wife left him after this incidence as she suffered from Paranoia.
ellauri011.html on line 834:
And that night, in September 1970, after being expelled from a bar and humiliated by the police, the people there danced and gave thanks to God for a life that was so captivating, so full of unfamiliar things, so captivating.

ellauri011.html on line 912:
No, he did not love her. The night they returned from Asia, just after dinner, they made amazing love that left her soaking in sweat, satisfied, and ready to do anything for this man. But he was talking to her less and less.
ellauri011.html on line 1126: Kanin uskonto on näät hippiys, se on: varasta kaikki mikä lähtee irti ilman hälytystä, myllää yhteen, siisti vähän ja myy käytettyjen aatteiden myymälässä uutena, afgaaniturkissa haisten pössyltä, kudottu oranssinpunakeltainen munapussihattu pömpöttäen rastaletin päällä.
ellauri011.html on line 1346: An institution of central importance in the development of public opinion, was the coffee-house, which became widespread throughout Europe in the mid-17th century. Although Charles II later tried to suppress the London coffeehouses as "places where the disaffected met, and spread scandalous reports concerning the conduct of His Majesty and his Ministers", the public flocked to them.
ellauri012.html on line 44: armoilla varsinkin vuosina 2017-2019 julkaistiin 30 syyskuuta n. kello kahden maissa aamulla, vain neljäkymmentäkolme minuuttia sen jälkeen, kun Ilta-Sanomien toimitus julkaisi Helsingin Yliopistoa koskevia paljastuksia verkkosivuillaan. Skandaalin keskipisteeksi juurtui heti professori Carlsonia esittävä valokuvatodiste, jossa tämä nähdään harjoittamassa patafysiikan ohella mahdollisesti laittomien tai laillisten aineiden nautiskelua.
ellauri012.html on line 54: Absurdismin nimiin turhan useinkin vannova Carlson murjoo metaforaa kuin käärme kuristaa valkoista joutsenta hiihdettyään katuja pitkin kovakouraisten jengiläisten ympyröimäksi räppitaistelun keskelle.
ellauri012.html on line 503: For tårer og klager og anden art af sønderknuselse, som vi andre sætter så højt, har de danske i den grad afsky, at man hverken har lov til at græde over sine synder, eller over sine kære afdøde. (Adam af Bremen: De Hamborgske ærkebispers krønike)

ellauri012.html on line 624: Après ces instructions, qui doivent tenir la première place, je crois qu’il n’est pas inutile de laisser aux filles, selon leurs loisirs et la portée de leur esprit, la lecture des livres profanes qui n’ont rien de dangereux pour les passions : c’est même le moyen de les dégoûter des comédies et des romans. Donnez-leur donc les histoires grecques et romaines ; elles y verront des prodiges de courage et de désintéressement. Ne leur laissez pas ignorer l’histoire de France, qui à aussi ses beautés ; mêlez celles des pays voisins, et les relations des pays éloignés judicieusement écrites. Tout cela sert à agrandir l’esprit, et à élever l’âme à de grands sentiments, pourvu qu’on évite la vanité et l’affectation.
ellauri012.html on line 679:

Pseudo epigrafi

ellauri012.html on line 811: Olin kerran Kaisaniemen tunnelissa syömässä intialaista yxixeni koska unicafe oli mennyt kiinni. Viereisessä pöydässä oli kaxi tosi kaunista ruskeaihoista opiskelija- tai teinityttöä upeissa hunnuissa ja tyylikkäissä vaatteissa. Toinen Saharan etelä- toinen pohjoispuolelta. Siihen tuli vielä kolmas, kuvankaunis hoikka somali pitkässä hameessa ja vaalessa tekoturkissa. Ne halasivat toisiansa. Voi jospa oisi saanut olla mukana.
ellauri014.html on line 89: Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded is an epistolary novel by English writer Samuel Richardson, a novel which was first published in 1740. It tells the story of a 16-year-old maidservant named Pamela Andrews, whose employer, Mr. B, a wealthy landowner, makes unwanted and inappropriate advances towards her after the death of his mother. Pamela strives to reconcile her strong religious training with her desire for the approval of her employer in a series of letters and, later, journal entries, addressed to her impoverished parents. After various unsuccessful attempts at seduction, a series of sexual assaults, and an extended period of kidnapping, the rakish Mr. B eventually reforms and makes Pamela a sincere proposal of marriage. In the novel's second part, Pamela marries Mr. B and tries to acclimatize to her new position in upper-class society. The full title, Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded, makes plain Richardson's moral purpose. A best-seller of its time, Pamela was widely read but was also criticized for its perceived licentiousness and disregard for class barriers.
ellauri014.html on line 213: Diderot later described Rousseau as being "false, vain as Satan, ungrateful, cruel, hypocritical, and wicked... He sucked ideas from me, used them himself, and then affected to despise me".
ellauri014.html on line 332: Mary Shelleylläkin oli sivuvaununa sisarpuoli nimeltä Claire, tai Jane, siitä tulee yllättäen maininta albumissa 321. Byron teki Percyn kanssa Sveitsissä junan, Clairelle tytön, Allegran. Maryn äiti Mary Wollstonecraft nai pyöreäpäisen Williamin mutta kuoli pian Maryn synnytettyään. Claire Clairmontin äiti Mary Jane oli Maryn paha äitipuoli. Onpa paljon Maryja. No se oli Israelissakin yleisin naisennimi, pojilla kai Jeshua.
ellauri014.html on line 921: Juttuhan on niin, ettei Rusakkoa kiinnosta pätkän vertaa kukaan näistä ihmisistä, ei Julle, Claire, Teddy, Volmari kuin Rafukaan, se haluu vaan saarnata. Nää on on vaan pompittimia tai vaatepuita, joihin se ripustaa mölsää filosofiaansa roikkumaan. Se on just sellainen précheuse kuin miks se sanoo Juuliaa. Jos sitä pitäis luonnehtia yhdellä sanalla se olis TEKOPYHÄ. Aikansa Päivi Räsänen.
ellauri014.html on line 927: Nyt seuraa pohdintaa lasten kasvatuxesta sivutolkulla. Hoohoo jaajaa, sanon kuin muumimamma. Hyvästi panokohdat. Niitä lie tuskin enää odotettavissa, ellei sitten ehkä Rafun tultua, ja silloinkin enimmäxeen junaliikennettä. Proo ihmelettää, mixei Julkku koskaan komentele lapsia. Siitä tulee niin pitkä selitys, että kolmikko painelee kuuntelemaan toiseen huoneeseen.
ellauri014.html on line 978: Loordia odotellaan paratiisiin Flanderista. Claire ilmoittautuu palveluxeen kotipiiaxi Wolmareille ruokapalkalla, mistä se tietysti on ihan into piukeena. Ystävysten kohtaaminen on puskafarssi, naiset kiljuu ja pyörtyy halki poikki ja pinoon silkasta onnesta. Kyllä piisaa sentimenttiä, Woku, kylmiö Wokukin liikuttuu, köhii hämillään.
ellauri014.html on line 985: Sit seuraa haukotuttava viihteellinen idyllipläjäys patriarkkafarmin viininkorjuusta. Kaikki on niin rustiikkia niin rustiikkia. Rotinkaisten maalaista meininkiä ihastellaan.
ellauri014.html on line 1064: EURO: Ich esse keine bandido, Mafrau!

ellauri014.html on line 1109: (Old age is a waste: medical ethicist Ezekiel Emanuel argues that life after 75 is not worth living. MIT Technology Review)
ellauri014.html on line 1372: Jullukan jälkeen väsättiin läjittäin lisää herrasväen naisten self helppiä, ns conduct books, käytöskirjoja. Ne oli tähdätty nousevalle porvaristolle. Mary Wollstonecraftiltakin pääsi pari. Se sentään koitti vängätä myös naisten oikeuxista.
ellauri014.html on line 1643: ... interesting and ingenious burlesque compositions such as La Murtoleide (81 satirical sonnets against Gaspare Murtola), the "capitolo" Lo stivale; Il Pupulo alla Pupula (burlesque letters) etc. Many works were announced but never written, including the long poem Le trasformazioni, inspired by Ovid´s Metamorphoses, which was abandoned after Marino turned his attention to Adone.
ellauri014.html on line 1679: Emily of New Moon. universally recognized as the book that most encoded her personality, contains one poem, or a part of a poem, also found in Montgomery’s memoir of the craft, originally published as a serial in a Canadian magazine in 1917 and later published as The Alpine Path in 1974. In Emily of New Moon the poem is sent to Emily by Jarback (Pönttöselkä) Priest as a selection from “The Fringed Gentian,” and includes this stanza:
ellauri014.html on line 1728: But granted these are different poems, we are left with the curious problem of where Montgomery found the Alpine Path poem. Surprisingly, after reading a dozen or so academic articles on Emily of New Moon and Montgomery’s vocation as an author–as well as a couple of good biographies–scholars have not pinned down the reference. After an extensive internet search, it seems to me that blogger Faith Elizabeth Hough may have begun to work it out. She includes the longer version of the poem here:
ellauri014.html on line 2001: Pahoittajakirjat, pahoittajafilmit, pahoittajanaamarit, pahoittajakarvalakit, pahoittajalahjaesineet. Lasten pahoittaja.

ellauri015.html on line 66: Alle Kunst is politisch, vahvistavat teutonit. Karl Marx sanoo iskevästi: Kunst ist nicht ein Spiegel, den man der Wirklichkeit vorhält, sondern ein Hammer, mit dem man sie gestaltet. Sosialistinen realismi ei ole realismia, vaan idealismia, ei vaan materialismia, siis materialistista idealismia, tai idealistista materialismia, äh, ompa sekavaa. Totaalista Wissenschaftkäseä. Mutta kauniita maisemia! Ei mitään si och så, vaan siin oli soo. (fig. 1.)
ellauri015.html on line 508: seksuaalipedagogiikalla eli pornografialla.
ellauri015.html on line 510: Vanha pastori vetosi tilastoihin joiden mukaan aviottomia lapsia ei syntynyt sodan jälkeen enempää kuin ennen sotaa. Ehkä ei, nurisee nuorempi, mutta samoista tilastoista ilmenee tarkemmin lukiessa huolestuttava demokratisoituminen. Ennen sotia aviottomia lapsia tuli käytännössä vaan rupusakille, nyt on herrasväen osuus jo yli kolmannes! Ja pornografisia lehtiä ostaa ja lukee eniten ylioppilaat! Varmaan teologian ylioppilaita enin osa. Eikö past. Raivio ole lukenut Matt. 5:28-30? Joka katsoo nakukuvia on käytännössä vetänyt jo käteen. Ainakin periaatteessa, ja nuori pastori on periaatteen mies. Se ei vilkaisekaan niitä kuvia, etenkään niitä keskiaukeamia, ne on hirveen koukuttavia.
ellauri015.html on line 557: Se otti lunnikoiran tilalle nipun affenpinschereitä.

ellauri015.html on line 578: Pikemmin affenpinscheri kuin lunnikoira.

ellauri015.html on line 761: Moment mal! Mihis kirkkoa ja rukouxia sit tarvitaan? Tai pastoria? Huono virsivalinta. Mieluummin vaikka biafran kansallishymni. Siihen päädytään, tai naiset päätyy, sakulta ei kysytä. Se jää pettyneenä pyörittämään peukaloita ja kuuntelee lisää Old Nick Cavea, toista luolamiestä, yhtä sammahtanutta kasaritähteä.
ellauri015.html on line 777: Jostain sentään voi harppisaku olla ylpeä: veli westiellä on uudemmat autot, ja halvemmat, kun sakut eivät verota omia valmisteitansa. Antavat mennä vaan täysiä aatun autostraadoilla, tulkoon vaan ruuhkia, vainajia ja peltiromua, ja paljon paljon pakokaasuja. Se on hienoa. Paina jo Waffenbruder kaasua, älä köntystele siinä edessä, siirry hidastelijoiden kaistalle, kun mä tulen täältä isolla autolla. Verdammt, Blödmann, geh in die Fahrschule, Idiot!
ellauri016.html on line 322: saatuaan tietää, että Helena oli ollut silleen koreografi Ohari Naharinin kanssa. –
ellauri016.html on line 348: Tuoreet luvut ja grafiikat kertovat: Näin koko Suomi hullaantui 100-vuotisjuhlista. Suomalaiset kokevat maansa ilmapiirin parantuneen merkittävästi viimeisten kahden vuoden aikana. Vielä syksyllä 2015 vain noin joka kolmas suomalainen oli ilmapiiriin tyytyväinen. Nyt tyytyväisiä on yli puolet vastaajista. Suomi 100-juhlavuoden pääsihteeri Pekka Timonen näkisi mielellään itsenäisyyden merkkipaalulla olleen vaikutusta asiaan.  Tämä on mielenkiintoinen juttu. Somesta katsomalla voisi luulla toisin, mutta tältä näyttää, kun asiaa mitataan, Timonen sanoo.
ellauri016.html on line 419: døden.»> «Hva er det verste da?>> «Ydmykelse. A fratas ære og verdighet. Å avkles, å støtes ut av flokken. Det er den verste straffen, det er å begrave et menneske levende. Og den eneste trøsten er at vedkommende vil gå relativt raskt til grunne.»>
ellauri016.html on line 427: Sandemose skrev om arbejderklassen i byen Jante og om en kreds af mennesker med samme sociale position. Senere har janteloven fået ændret betydning: til dem der vil bryde ud af deres sociale lag og nå en højere position i samfundet generelt.
ellauri016.html on line 446: I bogen tilføjes de ti bud et ellevte i Jantes straffelov. Det er formuleret som et spørgsmål og lyder:
ellauri016.html on line 666: Teklakin oli pitkä, pitempi kuin pikkuveli, meidän faffa Poju.

ellauri016.html on line 686: Perusujous ja kiltinoloisuus paistaa naamasta, siinä se muistuttaa isistä ja faffasta.

ellauri016.html on line 882: Tää on odotettu jatko-osa menestyskirjaan Piilottajan päiväkirja 2010, missä Juhis kertoo miten se piilotteli afgaanipakolaista vaarivainajansa lukaalissa. Siinä oli "keski-ikäinen kirkosta eronnut professori jokseenkin rähmällään elämän perimmäisten kysymysten äärellä".
ellauri016.html on line 943: Mamujen pankki on patjan alla. Sielläkin käy verottaja, varastaminen on yksi vastaanottokeskuksen ajankuluja. Paikallispankki voisi myöntää niille säästöpossun. Tai roopeankan, jos sikafiguurista tulee sanomista.
ellauri016.html on line 974: Kaikkein karsein Juhan ideoista on, että mamuille näytettäisiin kasvatusmielessä suomalaisia propagandafilmejä, tyyliin tuntematon sotilas ja sontimaton tutilas. Jänixen vuodesta napapiirin sankareihin. Se olisi jo julma ja epätavallinen rangaistus.
ellauri016.html on line 1020: Punapäinen vähän tikan näköinen väittelijätäti oli varnaan käynyt Pafos-saarella ja pokannut ruusun Eski Saariselta. Puhui kukoistuxesta ja kehui hallituxen kääntäjien työoloja.
ellauri016.html on line 1023: Sen mies on samassa lafkassa turvapuolella, no-nonsense tyyppinen vankanlainen baltti. Eteerisen näköinen Ada-tytär oli itkenyt, kun luki väikkäristä äidin dedikaation. Senkin tukka oli vähän töyhtönä, mutta vaalea. Apassikampauksinen amispoika piti ikävää.
ellauri016.html on line 1056: Karonkka on Svenska klubbenilla faffan naapurissa. Hienot premissit mutta vulgääri tarjoilu. Ruuat kuulutetaan kovaäänisellä. Eteisessä haisee hieltä ja tupakalta.
ellauri017.html on line 92: '92 tai niillä main Seija ja minä lennettiin kahdestaan Barbadoxelle. Helmi pantin alulle tämän matkan jälkeen. Seija valmistui fil.kandiksi (tää on 70-luvun neukkusana, vanhemmalla ja uudemmalla kielellä maisteri). Ajatus oli sinä vuonna välttää jokatalvinen melankolia. Pojat oli puolet aikaa mummilla ja faffalla, puolet Rohteilla. Illalla hotellin bambumajassa sammakot lauloivat puissa. Silloin koko ajatus tuntui erehdyxeltä. Mut se meni ohize, ei tullutkaan kauppakirppua. Eikä depistä. Ruuaksi syötiin lentokaloja. Brittienglantia murtavat mustat möivät rannalla aloeta. Viidakossa säntäili jotain apinoita. Atlantin puoleiset hiekkarannat oli upeita mutta tuulisia. Rannalla lojui turkoosinsinisiä veneitä. Banaaniviljelmillä ajeltiin mönkijäntapaisella autolla. Vaikkei suomessa silloin vielä ollut koko sanaa mönkijä. Tuliaisixi ostettiin kivoja peltimukeja joita ei olla koskaan käytetty mihinkään. Tuolla ne ovat vieläkin keittiön avohyllyssä.
ellauri017.html on line 209: So number one exists both before and after number two.

ellauri017.html on line 462: In October 1922, Mansfield moved to Georges Gurdjieff's Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man in Fontainebleau, France, where she was put under the care of Olgivanna Lazovitch Hinzenburg (who later married Frank Lloyd Wright). As a guest rather than a pupil of Gurdjieff, Mansfield was not required to take part in the rigorous routine of the institute, but she spent much of her time there with her mentor, Alfred Richard Orage, and her last letters inform Murry of her attempts to apply some of Gurdjieff's teachings to her own life. Mansfield suffered a fatal pulmonary haemorrhage in January 1923, after running up a flight of stairs.
ellauri017.html on line 626: Valistuksen kynttilä, Koiton toimittaja, käytti naftaliinia.

ellauri017.html on line 840: afäkki.jpg" width="50%" />
ellauri017.html on line 856: Pakinoizija Ollin ystävällä ja huonetoverilla Kalle Niemeläisellä oli tuttavana yksityisajattelija Manasse Olotilanne, jonka alaa olivat parodiset mietelauseet ja aforismit. Kalle Nieminen oli Callen kaveri, joka sai asbestikeuhkon Suomen Mineraalista ja kuoli syöpään. Sen vaimo oli Maire. Ne ja vanhemmat nauroi kovaa olohuoneessa ja meidän lasten piti olla hiljaa lastenhuoneessa. Kallen kuoltua Mairekin hävis kuvasta. Olikohan se sip ja söp. Tai ehkä kenkä oli toisessa isommassa jalassa, vertaa Sirkka-täti. Kun niiden koiras oli poissa, naarashiiret äänestivät jaloillaan, pakosalle kissan hännän alta.
ellauri017.html on line 1095: Ihankuin mafiapomo buonaparte Piukoissa Paikoissa, jolla oli kuulolaite. Muita kuulematta äänesti izensä capoxi. Ammutti kilpailijan pikkupomo Spatsin reikäompeluxexi kakun sisältä. Kakku oli päältä kaunis, sisälmyxet rumat. Oli käyneet Spatsin lipposet liika piukaxi, koitti isokenkäisexi, ei ollut onnea vaikka onniteltiin.
ellauri018.html on line 406: Tuoppas amille pullo jaffaa ja lasi
ellauri018.html on line 411: Kolonialvaruaffär
ellauri018.html on line 721: 656: Ali becomes the fourth caliph after his predecessor is assassinated. Some among the Muslims rebel against him.
ellauri018.html on line 736: 1501: Ismail I establishes the Safavid dynasty in Persia and declares Shiism the state religion.
ellauri018.html on line 807: Koska Jumalan laki on ikuinen ja muuttumaton, mitään uutta lainsäädäntöä ei voi olla. Lain soveltaminen vaatii silti aina tulkintaa. Tulkinta oli sharian osalta tarpeen senkin takia, että hadith-perinne on itsessäänkin ristiriitaista ja sisältää keskenään yhteensopimattomia ohjeita. Kuulostaa tutulta, vai mitä jutkut ja kristityt? Lain tulkinta on tafsir, tafsausta. Uskonnollinen papisto eli ulama ulahtelee. Fatwa-neuvostot palvelevat neuvotonta netissä. Allah tietää parhaiten.
ellauri018.html on line 1088: Somalien lakikoulukunta on sunnilainen shafi'i. Niistä tyttöjen ympärileikkaus ei ole vain suotavaa, vaan pakollista. Siitä ynnä muusta naisten lyttäyxestä syntyneitä vaivoja lääkizee nabin medisiina.
ellauri019.html on line 35: Once they're understood as more than just absurdities, these cartoons can be seen clearly as the work of an angry man. And there is, after all, much in this world for a decent man to be angry about. "Look around, read the newspapers,"as Kliban said. "You don't have to stretch out too much to see a little darkness out there."
ellauri019.html on line 150: Izenäisyyspäivä on vuoden juhlista irvokkaimpia. Julkkixet ja irvohenkilöt seisoo jonossa näkyäxeen telkkarissa kansakunnan kaapin päällä. Synnyttäjäsankareita jättipesueineen kärrätään taas framille, ja viimeiset veteraanit kaivetaan naftaliinista horisemaan talvisodan hengestä. Enimmäxeen kuulopuheita, jälellä taitaa olla enää satavuotiaita ja pikkulottia.

ellauri019.html on line 296: Edomin alueen keskeisin osa sijaitsi kuitenkin ilmeisesti Araban itäpuolella, sillä siellä korkea vuorijono, jonka jotkin huiput yltävät 1700 m:n korkeuteen, saa jonkin verran sadetta. Tämä johtuu siitä, että Araban länsipuolella oleva maa-alue, Negev, on huomattavasti alavampi, ja siksi Välimereltä tulevien myrskypilvien riekaleet pääsevät kulkemaan sen ylitse korkeammille Edomin vuorille, missä ne luovuttavat niihin jäänyttä kosteutta. Arkeologiset tutkimukset osoittavatkin asumusten ja linnoitusten ketjun kulkeneen muinoin pitkin kapeaa viljelymaakaistaletta pitkän ylätasangon korkeimmalla kohdalla, mutta ne häviävät mentäessä etelään kohti Akabanlahtea. Nykyisessä Tafilassa, joka sijaitsee n. 30 km Kuolleestamerestä (Suolamerestä) etelään, on suuria oliivilehtoja, jotka tosin saavat vetensä pääosin kahdeksasta erinomaisesta lähteestä; alueen vuotuinen sademäärä on vain n. 280 mm.
ellauri019.html on line 320: Ei voida sanoa, jatkuiko tilanne tällaisena kokonaisen vuosisadan ajan Daavidin ensimmäisen voiton jälkeen. ”Ammonin poikien ja Moabin ja Seirin [Edomin] vuoriston” hyökkäys (2Ai 20:1, 2, 10, 22) on saattanut tapahtua ennen kuin Juudan, Israelin ja Edomin yhdistyneet joukot hyökkäsivät Moabin kimppuun (2Ku 3:5–9; ks. MOAB, MOABILAISET). Edom oli nähtävästi mukana kummassakin kolmiliitossa ja taisteli ensin toisella ja sitten toisella puolella. Lisäksi kerrotaan, että jolloinkin Josafatin hallituskaudella Edomissa ei ollut kuningasta; maata hallitsi valtuutettu, joka oli ilmeisesti vastuussa Juudan valtaistuimelle, joten Juudalla oli vapaa pääsy Akabanlahdelle ja sen satamaan tai satamiin (1Ku 22:47, 48). Liittoutuneiden sotajoukkojen leiripaikkana olleen aiemmin kuivan purolaakson ennustettu tulviminen Moabin vastaisella sotaretkellä on saattanut johtua korkealla ylätasangolla puhjenneesta aavikon rajuilmasta. Tämänkaltaiset myrskyt voivat nykyisinkin synnyttää vuolaita virtoja, jotka ryöppyävät wadeja pitkin kohti Arabaa. Tai vesi on voinut ilmaantua täysin ihmeen välityksellä. (2Ku 3:16–23.)
ellauri019.html on line 322: Edom kapinoi ja karisti Juudan ikeen niskoiltaan Josafatin pojan Joramin hallituskaudella ja perusti uudelleen itsenäisen monarkiansa. Vaikka Joram sai edomilaisista voiton sotilaallisessa yhteenotossa, he jatkoivat kapinoimista. (2Ku 8:20–22; 2Ai 21:8–10.) Amasjan hallituskauden (858–830 eaa.) alkupuoliskolla Suolalaakso oli jälleen Edomin sotilaallisen tappion näyttämönä, ja Amasja sai haltuunsa Edomin huomattavimman kaupungin Selan, mutta joutui Edomin voimattomien väärien jumalien palvonnan ansaan (2Ku 14:7; 2Ai 25:11–20). Hänen poikansa Ussia (Asarja) palautti Elatin Juudan valvontaan (2Ku 14:21, 22).
ellauri019.html on line 539: Yasser Arafat koitti väittää, et palestiinalaiset on alkuperäisiä jutkujen tuloa edeltäneitä jebusiittejä eli UruShalemin vanhoja stadilaisia. Sekin lienee puppua, ihan normiarabeja ne vaan on. Tolkun porukat on sitä mieltä, et mitä väliä, kuka noista "me oltiin täällä ensin" kiistoista selvän ottaa. Se joka kulloinkin on joholla on oikeassa. Might is right.
ellauri019.html on line 738: [pelastussanomafi.virtualserver19.nebula.fi/Profetiat/Paivittain_5_2008/Paivittain.html]
ellauri019.html on line 893: Uberkuskeiksi sun muiksi uberaffeiksi kurkottaa.

ellauri019.html on line 1039: Rotuerotteluliigan mielestä siis Simonen futisapinat dehumanisoi nimenomaan afrikkalaissyntyisiä potkupallisteja. LOL. Nyt olisi simpanssien aihetta loukkaantua. Niidenhan naamoja on tässä tuhrittu jollain futisväreillä. Dehumanisaatio olisi parasta mitä ihmiselle voisi tapahtua.
ellauri020.html on line 29:

Iltalehden viihdeuutiset: kuolemansairas Janita Lukkarinen siirrettiin Terskakotiin, keräystili suljettiin tehottomana. Jos jokin kuolinvuoteella kaduttaa, niin se ettei elänyt sellaista elämää kuin olisi halunnut. Mix ihmeessä se kaduttaa? Vitun tarpeetonta. Kuten katuminen ainakin. Ennen piti katua mitä oli tehnyt, nyt mitä jäi tekemättä. Mä oon kyllä Edith Piafin kannalla. NOOOON; Rien de rien; Je ne regrette rien. En edes ole pettynyt. Kaikki on Allahin kädestä.
ellauri020.html on line 356: Tyynynmuotoinen safiirisormus
ellauri020.html on line 384: New Yorkissa ollaan taas lainatavaroiden keskellä. Warholin nähtävästi passikuva seinällä, lakanat on jonkun Blassin Billin narulta, Lanvinilta puku "lainassa". Raflassa pitää istua häkin keskellä, ettei kumikaulat huomaa bisnesten menevän päin persettä. Pitkiä, hyvännäköisiä, tyylikkäitä, ennen kaikkea rikkaan näköisiä on oltava, tai lauma repii riekaleixi riemulla. Tää toimii, kommunismi ei. Katrinka nauraa syvää, hohottavaa, tarttuvaa tsekkiläistä naurua. Kuin Merrill B. Kaikki kazovat. Se tavallinen roikka tuttuja on jälleen koolla. Tää muistuttaa La Republicaa ja Madridin ainoata yökerhoa El Alemania. Jalkapuoli Hugo varoo ettei liukastu rappusissa saippuaan.
ellauri020.html on line 441: Turner´s media empire began with his father´s billboard business, Turner Outdoor Advertising, which he took over in 1963 after his father´s suicide. It was worth $1 million. His purchase of an Atlanta UHF station in 1970 began the Turner Broadcasting System. CNN revolutionized news media, covering the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster in 1986 and the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
ellauri020.html on line 509: kafeteria
ellauri020.html on line 576: Akulla ja Iinexellä on pientä riidanpoiksta, malliavio on säröillä. Aku kritisoi Kataa Sanelmalta opitulla taidolla. Lyön vetoa et se petti Lillania Floridassa. Raflasa on miellyttävää, sillä kaikki on kauniita ja ykköset päällä, paizi Suski jolla on pölyesteriä ja tekohelmet. Natalien smaragdit säteili enemmän (vaikkei varmaan läheskään yhtä hintavat) kuin Katrinan keltatimangit, sentään Suskin pukukorut jää jumboxi. Not that she would care, Iivana lisää tekopyhästi.
ellauri020.html on line 637: Veneseppo Lusijan mafiosomies on kiristäny tilaajia valizemaan Lusijan. Lusija ei (muka) tienny siitä mitään. Tää menee ohi binesväen tavallisen manus manum lavat diilauxen, normikorruption, loukkaa ryövärien koodia. On aika näyttää mafiosolle ostrakismikorttia.
ellauri020.html on line 645: The power couple´s tabloid-worthy marriage came to a screeching halt with a bitter divorce in 1990. The reason is not exactly a shocker: Trump was having an affair.
ellauri020.html on line 646: Beginning in 1987, Trump had a widely-publicized relationship with Marla Maples, a blond model-actress from Georgia who was then 26. The two met in New York City, Newsweek reports, when Trump was throwing a party to celebration the publication of his book, The Art of the Deal. Maples began to frequent Atlantic City, and the affair dominated headlines during the late eighties.
ellauri020.html on line 650: Trump alluded to his extramarital affair in a 1994 interview with ABC Primetime Live, per the New York Daily News, calling his life at the time "a bowl of cherries." He added, "The business was so great ... a beautiful girlfriend, a beautiful wife, a beautiful everything." He also muses that, if the Marla-Ivana confrontation hadn´t happened, it´s possible he would´ve continued on seeing his mistress.
ellauri020.html on line 671: The Donald-Ivana relationship on the whole was oddly transactional. Trump once said of his cutthroat prenup, per Newsweek, "I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?" Ah, marriage: Such a romantic institution! Their prenup was amended a few times after this; on Christmas Eve of 1987, Trump reportedly asked her to resign an updated agreement, giving her $25 million. In the end, Ivana made out with $14 million, among other perks, after a months-long battle of divorce proceedings that reached a settlement in 1991.
ellauri020.html on line 674: "I will pay her one dollar a year and all the dresses she can buy!" he said of the arrangement, according to Vanity Fair. Trump later gave Ivana the position of vice president of interior design at the Trump Organization after their marriage, Newsweek reports.
ellauri020.html on line 695: Sit vielä loppuvizi jossain raflassa. Siinä on mukana homopropelli ja Daisy, joka tuoxuu houkuttavasti myrkyltä, ja muita tuttuja, tyttökavereista jäljellä olevat, ei tietystikään Nasua. Tuomaalla on uusi hani alla, vauva tulossa, rahamurheetkin on mennyttä. Suski hoitaa golffarinsa bisnestä. Luota tshekkeihin. Sigmund Riemastus oli tshekkijutku, toinen oli afka Franz">Ransu Naakka.
ellauri020.html on line 731: Vessaharjan niellyt Martti meriahven pelastetaan viihteellisesti ihan extra. Majavia siirretään ihmisten tieltä joutomaalle lentokoneella pudotettavissa häkeissä. Kiitoxexi majava saa tapetun intiaanin espanjalaisen nimen. Geronimo. Hieronymos, pyhä nimi. Metsälinnuista on tullut kodittomia katupoikia. Kiltit tädit ompelee Irlannin kokoisen maastopalon kenguru- ja koalauhreille pikkuisia nuttuja syömänsä lampaan karvoista ja muovista. Herttaista nikokettus-charityä. Ilotulituxista ei luovuta. Niillä näytetään maailmalle että ihminen ei hellitä. Roikkuu hampaillaan maaäidin perseessä kuin Hammettin Lasiavaimessa mafioson bulldoggi.
ellauri020.html on line 766: Der zweite hatte drei Schiffe im Hafen,
ellauri020.html on line 828: En ole jaxanut vielä lukea yhtäkään Kunderan kirjaa kokonaan. Ne on pahasti ikääntyneet, ja niin on Milankin, 90, syntynyt 1929 kuten Jaakko Hintikka-vainaa ja köyryselkäinen Noam Chomsky. Ivana Trumpin alter egon kaverin pojan nimi oli Milan, ja sen äiti luki Milan Kunderan kirjoja. Alter-Ivana luki vaan yhtä äidin vanhaa kirjaa aina uudelleen äidin muistoxi. Eikä sekään ollut Kunderaa, vaan Kafkaa. Kafka tarkoittaa naakka. Milan tarkoittaa haukka. Kundera ei kai tarkoita mitään, se on vaan nimi. Merkityxettömyyden juhlaa.
ellauri020.html on line 834: Kunderan selitysteoxen pointti on että Milan Kundera on samaa tähtikaartia kuin Euroopan parhaat kirjailijat. No, Brochin kirja Schlafwanderer oli kyllä kohtalainen. Naiskirjailijoista Milan mainizee Agatha Christien. Milan Kundera voittaa! Hyvä Milan!
ellauri021.html on line 476: Sekä Pesetskyllä että Safirilla,

ellauri021.html on line 883: Shortly after its launch in 2006, Schlafly described the site as being competition for Wikipedia, saying "Wikipedia has gone the way of CBS News. It's long overdue to have competition like Fox News."
ellauri021.html on line 888: Tää Antero on varmaan sen Phyllis Schlaflyn poika, joka vastusti Amörikän perustuslain Equal Rights Amendmentia 70-luvulla, jossa oltais annettu sille tasa-arvoiset oikeudet miehensä ja poikansa rinnalla. Siitä ei Pyllis pitänyt, se tykkäs enemmän pyllistellä miesten edessä. Vitun shitfly, zezekärpänen, reactionary cunt dogmaattisessa unessa. Siitä on nyt tehty joku HBO-sarjavideo. Poika Antero odottaa vielä vuoroa. Epistä, mix äidistä leffa ennenkuin pojasta?
ellauri021.html on line 892: Schlafly argued that the article on the Renaissance does not give sufficient credit to Christianity, that Wikipedia articles apparently prefer to use non-American spellings even though most users are American, that the article on American activities in the Philippines has a distinctly anti-American bias, and that attempts to include pro-Christian or pro-American views are removed very quickly. Schlafly also claimed that Wikipedia´s allowance of both Common Era and Anno Domini notation was anti-Christian bias.
ellauri021.html on line 941:


ellauri021.html on line 943: Schlafly is a surname of German-Swiss origin. Not to be confused with Schläfli. Mild-mannered Daniel L. Schlafly Sr., vice president of a family business (bottled water), AKA Dan Schlafly, 47 in 1960, is a Roman Catholic who never attended a public school* and never sent his three children to one. Daniel L. Schafly Jr. spent eight years in Jesuit schools, then went on to graduate work in the US and abroad. He chose history as major. As a twenty-one- year-old student, he was amazed by the result of the Soviet victory in World War II when he crossed the Berlin Wall (still under construction) from free West Berlin with its independent citizens into militarized Communist East Berlin, where everyone was dispirited, everything was shabby. Daniel L. Jr., who supported St. Kolbe´s sainthood, became a staunch anticommunist.
ellauri021.html on line 944: Andrew L. Schlafly (/ ˈ ʃ l æ f l i /; born April 27, 1961) is an American lawyer and Christian conservative activist, founder of Conservapedia. How is he related to the other L. Schlaflies? The brewer of Schlafly Beer in St. Louis is Phyllis Schlafly' s nephew. Andrew is Phyllis' son. They are first cousins. *Only private Jesuit ones. And bring some shit for my fly.
ellauri021.html on line 973: The Equal Rights Amendment is dead, the Department of Justice mercifully observes in a legal opinion which the Archivist will follow. Efforts by liberals to revive it 40 years after it died are delusional.

(Lue: Siihen kaatui naisten naurettavat yrityxet keulia. Amendment, piru vie! Asepykälä sentään oli todellinen parannus.)
ellauri022.html on line 148: Lafayette antoi pojalleen etunimexi George Washington. Olikohan niillä jotain jimbajambaa keskenään? Se otti pojan mukaansa jenkkeihin, ehkä Fanin isoäiti näki sen. Pikku-Jorista ei tullut kovin kuuluisaa. Napsu epäili Lafayettejen lojaalisuutta. Jäljet pelottivat.
ellauri022.html on line 159: Isoäidin kertomuxissa esiintyy John Hancock ja Lafayette.

ellauri022.html on line 162: Hancockin tädillä oli päässä vieraan kunniaxi Lafayette-pinssi.

ellauri022.html on line 164: lähetti kopallisen kukkia. Lafayette oli pieni vanha mies,

ellauri022.html on line 336: While safely in his attic locked,
ellauri022.html on line 612: Larsin isä Olaf oli kiltti ja seurallinen. Vanhuxena yskinäinen. Ehkä on parempi kun ei ole niin seurallinen, ei sitten ole vanhanakaan niin yxinäinen. Viihtyy izexeen.
ellauri022.html on line 624: Sonja on lempinimi Sofiasta, Sirin tyttären nimestä. Pienenä me ajateltiin että Sonja nimisillä on isot sieraimet. Sanottiin Sonja ja suurenneltiin nenänreikiä. Multa se sujui hienosti. Mä ehdotin Helmile nimiä Vera ja Sofia. Helmi Serafia on parempi.
ellauri022.html on line 667: Se oli kermaperse Bostonin paremmistoa, papinpoika, äidin lemmikki. Rexin juoxupoika Harvardissa, silti keskinkertaiset paperit. Koulun jälkeen lomaili Floridassa biitsillä ja väsäs runoja. Surffaili siellä Napsun pojan Muratin kaa. Arvaa kyllä mitä hommailivat after ski.
ellauri022.html on line 669: Sitten siitä tuli pappi. Sukua kuoli tubiin oikealta ja vasemmalta, ja Rafulta meni usko ja papinpaikka alta. Se lähti Euroopan turneelle, missä se inhos Voltairea mut sai vahvan luontoelämyxen Pariisin kasvitieteellisessä puutarhassa. Kaikki liittyy kaikkeen, siististi nimilaputettuna. Pidän enemmän puistomaisesta.
ellauri022.html on line 677: Luonto tarkoittaa Rafulle luontopalveluita, se ennakoi siinä Haju Pisilää ja Lukea. Luonto on kulutustavaraa, nättiyttä, länkytystä ja kuria.
ellauri022.html on line 688: Rafun tädin mielestä sen kyhhääs nimeltä "Itseriittosuus" oli "outo sekoitus ateismia ja falskia izenäisyyttä". Siitä tuli varsinainen bestselleri. 2000-luvun suomalaisista nuorista kolmanneksen mielestä lahjonta on ok, jos se ajaa omaa etua. Tää on reportterin mielestä osoitusta uuden yksilöllisyyden noususta. Niin se lieneekin. Kyynärpäitä tarvitaan, täällä alkaa olla ahasta.
ellauri022.html on line 698: Pikku naisten äidinisä, Emersonin symppari Bronson Alcott oli aina pummaamassa Rafulta. Sen perustama transsendentalisti kommuuni Fruitlands (paremminkin Fruitcakes) meni perseelleen. Se oli jotain esiveganismia. Emerson haistoi vararikon alun alkaen, jäi sekoilusta pois "sad at heart". "Their whole doctrine is spiritual", he wrote, "but they always end with saying, Give us much land and money".
ellauri022.html on line 701: Rafun toinen vaimo oli myös sen bändäri, 32v laiha mutta kuuma vanhapiika jolla oli kanoja. Rafu kosi sitä textarilla. Kuzui sitä kuningattarexi. Sitä on liikkeellä.
ellauri022.html on line 714: Ne elivät sakissa kuin siouxit. Emerson oli bi, se kirjoitteli höyryisiä runoja miehelle nimeltä Gay. Melville oli sille hapan, varmaan mustasukkaisena Hawthornesta. Piti Rafua sietämättömän omahyväisenä.
ellauri022.html on line 716: Emerson peukutti luovaa tuhoa, sisällissotia, vallankumouxia ja lamakausia. Ne parantaa maan verenkiertoa. Ja edistää veronkiertoa. Rafu osti paasauxella ansaizemillaan rahoilla maata ja vettä, geen kai hydoor, kuten ammoin Persian kuningas.
ellauri022.html on line 720: Sao Paulolainen urheilutoimittaja Wilson Fittipaldi antoi nuoremmalle pojalleen nimexi Emerson Rafun kunniaxi. Isoveli oli Wilson Jr, varmasti kiitoxexi Wilsonin pinnasta. Formulakuski Emerson s. 1946 on vuotta vanhempi kuin samaan aikaan Sao Paulossa vaikuttanut Paulo Coelho. Ne on Kimmon ja Fredin ikätovereita.
ellauri022.html on line 722: Lafayetten pojasta tuli George Washington. Lapsille on aina annettu julkkisten nimiä. Pyhä Paolo oli julkkis sekin. Brooke, Ridge ja Jasmine oli taannoin suosittuja suomalaisia etunimiä. Karjalaisia olisivat Puahko, Päntti ja Nuama. Nekin on vanhoja julkkisnimiä, joskaan ei enää yhtä suosittuja. Jerome ja Oliver Saarinen ovat myös hauskoja. Mikko, Niklas ja Max naxuu kivasti hampaissa. Kexeliäitä on myös John, Paul ja George Carlson. Ringoa ei sitten enää tullutkaan.
ellauri022.html on line 888: On the green leaf and wish my goal was won Voi kunpa tää munkin retki ois jo etapissa.
ellauri023.html on line 704: Stoalaiset sai nimensä Stoa poikilesta, Ateenan graffitilla kirjavoidusta jalkakäytävästä, jossa oli kuvattuna sankari- ja taisteluskenejä. Itixen Stoan skene on erittäinkin kirjava, siellä laahustaa nyttemmin kaikenvärisiä mamuja. Oman elämänsä sankareita, käymässä elämän taistelua, vähempi uhrimielellä, enempi poimimassa tomaatteja kypsänä. Hevon vitun rämeet, walla walla, tulis luoti ja tappais.
ellauri023.html on line 820: kuolleista herätetty, tapettiin jo kerran jossain tähtien sotafilmissä.
ellauri023.html on line 1079: Vaikka Eesus toimikin paljon Kapernaumissa, lopulta hän syytti kaupunkia vähäuskoisuudesta ja kirosi sen. Siirsi toimintansa Aalto-yliopistoon ja Pafoxen saarelle.
ellauri023.html on line 1172: Yx Leevin ilahduttavimmista piirteistä on sen uskonnottomuus. Se ei ole synkeä kuin Kafka, se heittää Kafkan hihhuloinnit nurkkaan kertaheitolla: "Kafka pelkää rangaistusta, ja samalla kaipaa sitä ... se on sairaus itse Kafkassa." Ize se ymmärsi kiltteyttä, muttei tuhmuutta. Siihen se oli liian kiltti ize.
ellauri023.html on line 1181: Gunnel Beckmanista (os. Torulf) on aika vähän tietoa. Syntynyt 1910 (niin aikasin?! Se oli vanhempi kuin Olavi!) kirjoitti vielä 1969 tän tuoreen tyttökirjan Juhlaan pääsy. Nimi on sitaatti Karl Vennebergin runosta. Aika täti, melkein 60-vuotiaana. Vasemmistolainen lehtimies ja naisasianainen, sen poika Staffankin on kommari ja ajaa Palestiinan asiaa. (Muttei siedä antisemiittejä, punaisia tahroja synagoogan seinillä.) Täähän on kuin viime vuosisadan alun Kristina. Tyttö kirjassa on Kristinan ikiä. Olikohan Pertti Lassila tollanen Jacob-tyypin besserwisseri?
ellauri024.html on line 311: Aarne Kinnunen muistelee tapaamiaan henkilöitä kohtuullisen mustavalkoisesti, joko hyvällä tai pahalla. Hän nostaa tapaamistaan yliopisto-opettajista ylös Irma Rantavaaran ja Maija Lehtosen ja painaa alas Rafael Koskimiehen, Pekka Tarkan ja Annamari Sarajaksen. Kaunokirjailijoista ylistämisen arvoisiksi osoittautuvat Lauri Viita, Juha Mannerkorpi ja ennen muuta Pentti Haanpää. Kielteisemmin Kinnunen muistaa muun muassa Väpi Linnan ja Pave Haavikon.
ellauri024.html on line 314: Arskan puolustuxexi: ei se niitä alas paina, se vaan kertoo tapauxia, joista ilmenee, millaisia kusipäitä ne on olleet sille joskus. Tai paskiaisia. Ja niitä se muistaa hyvällä jotka kiitti sitä. Ihan tavallista narsismia. Nää on muistelmat, ei mikään kirjallisuusarvostelu. Ylös ystävät ja alas vihulaiset, se on homman nimi. Ei tarvi teeskennellä mitään objektiivista. Näin se on paljon hauskempaa. Kun horiseva "v---a kosken, Niemi" kiitti Arskaa kirjeessä, se sai Kinnulta ikuisen kunnian. Poliittisestikin ne sopi yhteen. Haavikko taas erehtyi sanomaan että Arskan aforismit oli alisuoritus, ja sai siitä vastineexi muistelmiin: "hyviä kirjoja, mutta typerä ihminen". Älä hemmetissä tölvi Arskaa, se muistaa sen. Jonkun tovin vielä ainakin. Puovo kyllä olikin sietämätön besserwisseri, koleerinen kakka. Luuli olevansa jotakin.
ellauri024.html on line 379: Jyrki Nummi (1953), raateleva lammas, oli huolissaan Arska Kinnusen aforistisuudesta. Aika lyhytsanainen se koittaa ollakin, se on sillä ihan maneeri. Se on epäsosiaalista ja salamielistä. Anaalista suorastan. Ei tahdo näyttää kortteja. Vähän kuin kakka, jota pidättää liian kauan, tulee lopulta vaivoin kovina pikku tsevaptsitseinä. Se kuulemma johtuu latinasta. Entäs sitten mä, jolla oli pitkä latina. Siihen nähden tää on kyllä jo pitkä lätinä.
ellauri024.html on line 381: Tos aforistisessa lyhytsanaisuudessa on vähän arkajalan piileskelyn ja samalla kuiteskin pamelamaisen keimistelyn makua. Aran taiteilijan esiintymishalua. Se saa sen vaikuttamaan kylmiöltä luonteelta. Ehkä vaikutelma onkin oikea. Narsistista kylmyyttä, kuten äidillä. Arska ei pidä paparazzeista. Ne on röyhkeitä, ilkeitä ja vahingoniloisia. En minäkään. Sitä ne juuri ovatkin. Inhokkien inhoominen on yxi asioista joita voi tehdä vielä oktogenaarina. Muita on nuoren polven halvexunta, nykyromaanien pahexunta, ja tyttölöiden kazelu. Sukulaisten kiusaaminen. Korvien heilutus kustoxelle väitöstilaisuuxissa. Kaikki tuttua.
ellauri024.html on line 395: Rafu Koskimies (1898) oli Arskan Efialtes. Arska ei kuzunut sitä sitten karonkkaan. Rafu luennoi kuin Oiska Ketonen (1913), istualtaan kirjasta. Mä luennoin istualtaan tietokoneen ruudulta. Paljon eroa. No pianhan päästään siitäkin.
ellauri024.html on line 401: Aarne tuotti laitoxelle paljon pisteitä. Kuin hiirenpapanoita. Sen lauseet oli niin lyhyitä. Sen kirjallinen esikuva oli Uuden Suomen Ollin mustapartainen mies. Sillä on hyvä halu lyödä lekkerixi koko verstastoiminta. Mä en niin välitä. Edes niin paljoa. Oishan se halunnut kirjailijaxi sekin, mutta ei eväät riittäneet. Varmaan liian lyhyviä lauseita. Ei koko kirja saa olla aforismia, paizi aforismikirja, ja nehän on hirmu tylsiä.
ellauri024.html on line 405: Irma Rantavaara (1908) ja Annamari Sarajas (1923) oli mulle tuntemattomia suureita. Irma oli Arskan ohjaaja, esitarkastaja ja vastaväittäjä. Onnexi niillä synkkasi. Näyttää kuvissa jyreältä tädiltä, oliskohan ollut isokokoinenkin, ja naimaton. Naimaton oli Sarajaskin, ei kai sitä muuten uraa voinut nainen tehdä noihin aikoihin. Vähän ilkeen näköinen. Kaunainen, ainakin Irmalle, joka vei Rafun viran sen nenän edestä. Irman työt oli sitä Virginia Woolfia. Entäs Sarajaxen? Suomalaista tuhnua. Se oli ihan hullu, tappoi izensä työnteolla. (Taino, tabuilla ja keskikaljalla, kz. albumia 354.).Juha Seppälä (1956), porilainen kirjailija, oli paarmana Arskan kimpussa. Siitäkään ei mulla ole minkään maan havaintoa.
ellauri024.html on line 487: Entä tää "metaforinen nauru", jota Arska ei määrittele kummemmin. miten niin metaforinen? Onpa outo nimitys. "Vastaanottanut läpän, ymmärtänyt ja naattinut." Mille se on metafora? Jotain et se kirjottaja naurelee ja haluu et lukijakin nauraa. No en mä tätä ihan tajunnut.
ellauri024.html on line 539: Tärkeämpi havainto on Aarnen pointti että huumori on älytehtävä. Mitä vaikeampi tehtävä, sitä äänekkäämpi nauru kun se ratkeaa. Ekan kerran kerrottaessa, toisen selitettäessä, ja kolmas kun kaskun kärjen vihdoin ymmärtää. Vieraskielisenä vizi naurattaa enemmän kuin omalla. On niin keventynyt olo kun hämmennys on selvinnyt, selvisimpä siitäkin, pääsin mukaan jengiin nauramaan. Siitähän selittyy myös mixi vähäeleinen vizi on parempi kuin hirmu osoitteleva. Puskafarssit on maalaistolvanoita varten.
ellauri024.html on line 866: Kirkkoon on koottu oikeistopopulistien viides kolonna, jota kaiken maailman persupaskiaiset hätäisenä ohjastaa: käykää ahdistamaan vasemmistopaavia. Kaivetaan vaikka se vanha nazipaavi naftaliinista. Juutalaiset otetaan taas messiin nitistämään rotinkaisten johtajaa. Jeesuxen historia toistaa izeään.
ellauri024.html on line 1050: Pafos-saarella, sai paljon kuulijoita,

ellauri024.html on line 1177: Tulevaisuus on meidän, oli propagandafilmin sanoma.

ellauri024.html on line 1195:
Flatey á Breiðafirði

ellauri024.html on line 1203: Í Sturlungu er Flateyjar getið, en ekkert svo hægt sé að glöggva sig á lífinu og búsháttum þar. Flateyjarbók getur þess að á eftir Sturlungaöld hafi sumar ættir í landinu risið hærra en aðrar og hafi Englendingar meðal annars slæðst til landsins og stundað viðskipti og fiskveiðar. Upp úr 1520 eignast Jón Björnsson af ætt Skarðverja, sem þá var ein af höfuðættum landsins, Flatey og var eyjan þá búin að vera í fjölskyldunni í að a.m.k. fjóra ættliðiði. Á sama tíma eignast Jón Flateyjarbók. Hún var geymd í eynni fram til 15. september 1647 þegar Brynjólfur biskup fékk hana að gjöf og færði konungi að gjöf. Þá var bókin orðin 250 ára, enda skrifuð á 14. öld.
ellauri024.html on line 1321: basilleina, ja propagandafilmissä ne rinnastettiin rottalaumoihin.
ellauri025.html on line 91: Tomismi tarjoaa kokonaisvaltaisen todellisuuskäsityksen metafyysisistä, ontologisista ja teologisista kysymyksistä mutta myös fysiikasta ja ihmisen suolen toiminnasta. Protestanttisen kirkon syntykään ei onnistunut murtamaan tomistista todellisuuskäsitystä, vaan se onnistui vasta newtonilaisen fysiikan avulla. Aristoteelisen fysiikan selkeästi vääräksi todistaminen aiheutti tomistisen perinteen kriisin, joka lopulta synnytti uustomismin. Uustomismiin siirrettiin klassisen tomistisen perinteen käsitykset etiikasta ja teologiasta. Uustomismi hajautui useisiin erilaisiin koulukuntiin. Nykyinen katolisen kirkon oppi perustuu uustomismiin, tosin alternatiivisten totuuxien malli on pääsemässä paavi paavilta Tomin harmixi voitolle.
ellauri025.html on line 108: Thomas Aquinas' Understanding of Creation It seemed to many of Aquinas' contemporaries that there was a fundamental incompatibility between the claim of ancient science that something cannot come from nothing and the affirmation of Christian faith that God produced everything from nothing.
ellauri025.html on line 110: Toward the end of his life, he had a vision that forced him to drop his pen. Though he had experienced visions for years, this was something different. His secretary begged him to start writing again, but Aquinas replied, "I cannot. Such things have been revealed to me that what I have written seems but straw. Another prophet will come after me who is bigger yet, name of Maxim Gorki."
ellauri025.html on line 141: Kun Pirkko ja Calle kävivät meitä kazomassa Bostonissa 1981, Seija odotti Johnia. Calle sanoi Best Western hotellia Great Westernixi, ja sekotti Flagstaffin nimen Falstaffiin. Olikohan se jo dementian alkua? Mullakin tapahtuu nykyään sellasta. En muistanut tänään kyssäkaalin nimeä, ja tulee joskus sanotuxi vääriä sanoja.
ellauri025.html on line 181: Baden baden stol. Kraftig förstoppning. Rutig.
ellauri025.html on line 195: Suomi ja Viro siis. Suomalais-ugrilaista tematikkaa. Ahti Karjalainen, Urho Kekkonen, Johannes Virolainen, Jukka Virtanen, Jorma Uotinen, Anssi Kukkonen, Joonas Kokkonen, listaykkönen, pikku kakkonen, kokki Kolmonen, Urho Suominen, Esko Ukkonen. Seppo Miettinen. Seppo Ahti. On tää kyllä aika mezäläinen joukkue. Sukupuuton partaalla. Puut on jo parturoitu. Sää eeku paranoo. Kohta ollaan safariolosuhteissa. Tokko pärjää ugri somalille savannilla. Hän juoxee hyvin nopeasti, jää Paavo Nurmi hopealle.
ellauri025.html on line 254: Kaikki alkukantaisuusklisheet on otettu naftaliinista.

ellauri025.html on line 477: Kaikista paskimpia on sen bioteknologian ja ikuisen elämän yrityxet, ja kaikista ilkein sen tarve hallita kaikkia maailman ihmisiä kähmimällä niiden tietoja. Page's official statement read: "Illness and aging affect all our families. With some longer term, moonshot thinking around healthcare and biotechnology, I believe we can improve millions of lives." I can control billions of lives, more to the point. Suomessa tällä asialla on yxityiset terveystalot, joita Haju Sipilän hallitus ajoi kuin pyssyyn käärmettä. Seuraavaxi yxityistettäneen vesijohto. Ilma on kolmantena jonossa. Ostakaa coronavirusvapaata ilmaa meiltä, taalalla saatte ison ilmapallon täyteen.
ellauri025.html on line 639: Taitaa olla ylikypsän julkkupulun kujerrus jollekulle bändärille. Mitenhän tää nyt liittyy tähän turinaan? Lovecraft on toinen tuntematon suuruus mulle, paizi muistan joskus lukeneeni Wikipediasta jotain Cthulhuun liittyvää. Mut tollanen scifi kauhu on mennyt multa aika lailla ohize.
ellauri025.html on line 641:
Why is H.P Lovecraft considered a poor writer?

ellauri025.html on line 643: Lovecraft is a famous writer and bullshit artist, but also a well-known racist. Should I read his novels?Was H.P. Lovecraft ever a chill or a good guy at least even a little bit? I know his works basically put humankind to the lowest of the low, but was there even a tiny bit of good in him?What does H.P. Lovecraft mean with his phrase “That is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may die” in his writing of The Nameless City?
ellauri025.html on line 645: Howard Phillips Lovecraft (20. elokuuta 1890 – 15. maaliskuuta 1937) oli yhdysvaltalainen prosaisti ja runoilija, joka kirjoitti etupäässä fantasia- ja kauhukirjallisuutta. Eläessään Lovecraft ei saavuttanut suurta menestystä ja jäi yhtä köyhäxi kuin Poe, mutta nykyään häntä pidetään eräänä kaikkien aikojen merkittävimmistä kauhukirjailijoista. Suuren osan tuotannostaan Lovecraft julkaisi pulp-lehti Weird Talesissa sekä erilaisissa amatöörikustanteissa.
ellauri025.html on line 647: Taalainmaan muinaiskaivoskartanon Garpbergin lavasteisiin sopisivat HP Lovecraftin turinat. Lovecraft oli hölmön näköinen, vielä hölmömmän kuin Poe.
ellauri025.html on line 648: Lovecraft is best known for his creation of a body of work that became known as the Cthulhu Mythos.
ellauri025.html on line 650: aft%2C_June_1934.jpg/250px-H._P._Lovecraft%2C_June_1934.jpg" width="20%" />
ellauri025.html on line 730: 1698 Aug. 7: "2. Samma dag angaffs klockaren Ambros Hansson för det han S.Jacobi dag under predijkan haar morlat och sachta talat, utom at nogon kunde förstå ell. Höra hwad han sade; item när han gått med hofwen och skulle den ifrån sig leggia i Sakristian, haar han snafwat på törskelen. Klockaren Ambros Hansson ursächtade sig, sägandes sådant intet wara skedt aff dryckenskap, utan huwudswagheet som honom påkommit, aff den siukdom, som han kort tillförene warit beswärat utaff, hwilket somblige närwarande bewitnade; hwarföre stältes till honom en allfwarsam förmaning at taga sig grannerligen tillwara för hwarjehande förargelser, hwilket han ock utloffwade." (Se originaltext från 1698 HÄR.)
ellauri025.html on line 754: Being in a band called The Disciples, taas. Nyt on jo luettava Wikipediaa. The Disciples are a dub roots reggae group that was formed in 1986 by brothers Russ D. and Lol Bell-Brown. They are said to be named by Jah Shaka after producing exclusively for Jah Shaka. They recorded 4 albums of instrumental dub for Jah Shaka's King Of The Zulu Tribe label during 1987 to 1990. Jotain neekereitä siis. Never heard.
ellauri025.html on line 789: Traumatisoituneet pojat lähtee Tommyn kaa hiihtää Zell am Seehen. Siellä Seijakin on hiihdellyt Pikin kaa, asunut siinä isossa after ski-hotellissa rinteen vieressä.
ellauri025.html on line 799: Ei se Cosmo sit filmannukkaan sitä raiskausleffaa, vaan jonkun tylsän Lovecraft-pläjäyxen Abben rahoilla. Nathan mukana, ne on nyt Schweizissä. Gusten on Emmyn ja Saga-Lillin kanssa kotona. Bambi näyttäytyy vaan Abben perintötaulussa. Sikäli kun tiedetään, se on vielä hengissä.
ellauri025.html on line 884: Nils-Erik oli myös hieno, joskin jo hieman horiseva textilingvisti Enkvist, jonka ryhmässä Åbossa työskentelivät Auli ja Rauha 70-luvulla. Jaakko ryhmineen kävi sitä tapaamassa Turussa. Se piirteli taululle jotain väkkäröitä. Myöhemmin käytiin kazomassa Aulin lehtolasta ison Paulin kuplafolkkarilla Turussa. I am not the father, sanoi Ferenc Kiefer kapakassa hampaat vinossa. Kotimatkalla tuli peltikolari ohitustilanteessa pakun kaa liukkaan kelin takia. Olin nalkissa.
ellauri026.html on line 154: lasautetaan safarilla autosta trofeepäitä ja notmiitä.
ellauri026.html on line 261: Tyhmyyden saarella ei kasva soihtulilja (sanoo Erasmus). Brittikääntäjällä on tässä kohtaa daffodil, eli narsissi, joka on amarylliksen sukulainen, ei liljan. Nää asphodeloxet tulee vastaan koko ajan nyt, Runotytössä, Hesiodoxessa ja nyt tässä. Niin ja asfodiilin nimellä myös Tatu Vaaskiven technicolor-romaanissa Pyhä Kevät. Harry Potter Uikissakin se on.
ellauri026.html on line 274: Kuka se Mandeville ylipäänsä oli? Bernard. Kirjoitti jonkun allegorian mehiläisistä, siis yhteiskuntafilosofiaa. Ai jaa, se oli tän terve izekkyys-meemin varsinainen isäpappa, sen miälest yhdyskunta romahtaa ellei kaikki aja siellä omaa etuaan. Asuttaisiin vaan ontossa puussa kukin tahollaan. (No se oiskin parempi kuin tää pörräävä ylitäysi pesä.) Siis iso paskiainen if ever there was one. Kapitalistimoraalin kehittäjä juuri oikeana aikana. Hemmetti että näitä meemejä sit piisaa, ei tule loppua. Kuin Kirsi Kunnaan perunat ne hyppii mun kallon kattilassa.
ellauri026.html on line 481: Noi lafkat oli takuulla ihan hirveitä paikkoja. Mut taas Jefa rypistelee nenäänsä ja pahexuu, et nehän oli just sopivia pikku Eralle. Pekka-setä oli ahne paskiainen joka hamusi Geertin perintöä. Jefa suvaizee epäillä Eran sanoja, koska Pekka setä toimitti luostareihin muitakin kakaroita. Häh? Mikä tampio tää Jefa oikeen on? Mikä hemmetti sitä vaivaa? Varmaan homofobia.
ellauri026.html on line 508: An article by the late Dr. R. Fruin, which came to my knowledge after the completion of the manuscript, quite confirms my view of the utter untrustworthiness of Erasmus´ accounts of his early life.
ellauri026.html on line 533: Rastafarin näkönen

ellauri026.html on line 666: > Herakleitos ajatteli, että muutos on todellista ja pysyväisyys vain harha. Hänelle kaikki oli liikkeessä, kuten hänen tunnetuimmassa aforismissaan ”Panta rhei”:

ellauri028.html on line 116: One of these guarded treasures of Kaiser Wilhelm was a volume of grossly indecent verses by Voltaire, addressed to Frederick the Great. “I would blush to remember any of these stanzas except to tell afft-Ebing"/>Krafft-Ebing about them when I get to Vienna”, said Mark Twain. "Too much is enough."
ellauri028.html on line 184: This was Twain's most serious, philosophical and private book. He kept it locked in his desk, considered it to be his Bible, and spoke of it as such to friends when he read them passages. He had written it, rewritten it, was finally satisfied with it, but still chose not to release it until after his death. It appears in the form of a dialogue between an old man and a young man who discuss who and what mankind really is and provides a new and different way of looking at who we are and the way we live. Anyone who thinks Twain was not a brilliant philosopher should read this book. We consider ourselves as free and autonomous people, yet this book puts forth the ideas that 1) We are nothing more than machines and originate nothing - not even a single thought; 2) All conduct arises from one motive - self-satisfaction; 3) Our temperament is completely permanent and unchangeable; and 4) Man is of course a product of heredity, and our future, being fixed, is irrevocable -- which makes life completely predetermined. If these points are true, then buying and reading this book is not in your control, but simply must be done because it was meant to be. If these points are not true you might still wish to make an independent decision to enjoy a thought-provoking book by a great and legendary writer.
ellauri028.html on line 228: I picked this book for the 'what is man' essay. Though there are many profound philosophical ideas in it, they get sidelined by the authors racial slur on indigenous natives, Australian aborigines and Afro Americans. One might argue it was the trend those days, but I can't come to terms especially after reading other books on philosophy from that era.
ellauri028.html on line 336: The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette of December 4, 1939, reported that the historical inspiration for the song had been a young Frenchwoman named Marie Lecoq (later Marie Marceau), who worked as a waitress at the Café de la Paix in Armentières at the time of the war. Despite the obscenity of many popular versions of the song, it was reportedly quite clean in its original form.
ellauri028.html on line 510: Pekka Kustaa Parkkinen (4. kesäkuuta 1940 Helsinki – 8. toukokuuta 1992 Helsinki) oli tuottelias suomalainen kirjailija ja kääntäjä. Proosassaan hän kuvasi väljällä, puheenomaisella kielellä näkemyksiään kulutusyhteiskunnan varjopuolista. Hänen teoksiensa hallitsevina aihepiireinä ovat rakkaus ja sen ristiriidat. Parkkista on kuvattu myös kommentoivaksi yhteiskuntakriitikoksi ja arjen kuvailijaksi. Runoilijana Parkkinen on (oli) aforistinen kiteyttäjä. Se löytyy kaljupäisen Tontin plokista Unohdettuja runoilijoita.
ellauri028.html on line 672:

Alaviite: Mikko Kuustonen on 60v gospellaulaja, kaivosmiehen poika kuten Tom Jones. Soololevy Profeetta. Yksityiselämä (Muokkaa): Kuustonen oli naimisissa Marita Kuustosen kanssa 32 vuotta. Heidän avioeronsa astui voimaan keväällä 2014. Toukokuussa 2018 Mikko Kuustonen avioitui koreografi Hanna Brotheruksen (s. 1968) kanssa. Meidän sukulainen Hanna tulee täysin pystymezästä julkkisskenen ulkopuolelta. He ovat molemmat impulsiivisia ja yliempaattisia. Heillä on tv-ohjelma julkkisten rakkauselämästä. He haastattelee julkkisystäviä ja kuulee mikä liima saa suhteen kestämään. Ois Kuustostenkin ollut hyvä ostaa sitä putkilo. Minkä jumala on liimannut sitä älköön ihminen irrottako. He laittavat izensäkin likoon. Kyllä siinä moni liima irtoaa. Kuustosella on siitä pitkä kokemus. Hän on itse kertonut julkisuudessa päihdeongelmistaan, mutta on ollut raittiina v 2004. Varmaan vielä sietämättömämpi selvänä. Hän on kuulunut nuorena herätysliikkeeseen ja sixi kärsinyt myöhemmin myös muista mielenterveysongelmista. Kuustonen on kertonut olevansa värisokea. Siitä kaikki ongelmat alkoivat. Näki maailman mustavalkoisena väri-tvn aikana. Koiratkin on värisokeita. Vieläköhän se pieree yhtä kovaa Hannan seurassa. - Mikko! Hanna Brotheruxen poika Johannes on myös huumekoukussa. Haisteleekohan se liimaa.
ellauri028.html on line 860: Tässä ei nyt ole eniten kyse siitä että märisisin että just mä en päässyt vänkäämään uskonnoista vauvalla. Sinne on ärsyttävä muutenkin kirjoittaa kun grafiikka on laimeaa, ketjut vilisee ekalta sivulta heti jne.
ellauri029.html on line 686: Anch`io sono pittore! o Son pittore anch`io! es una frase atribuida a Correggio, quien se supone la pronunció al contemplar un cuadro de Rafael, según unos autores la Madonna Sixtina y según otros, el Éxtasis de Santa Cecilia. Tätä läppää ei löydy italiankielisestä wikipediasta. Encyclopedia Britannican mielestä se on urbaani legenda.
ellauri029.html on line 688: Olenko minäkin koomikko? Olenko Simo Frangenin kopio? Oliko Correggio yhtä hauska kuin Rafael? En tiedä. Simo Frangen on 174cm pitkä, ainakin olen sitä 2cm pitempi. (Tai no, 1cm, vaikka sotilaspassissa lukeekin 176cm. Se oli virhemittaus, vaikka mieleinen.)
ellauri030.html on line 240: Joku tavis sanoi Eskille et se sai kiittää julkkixuudesta Pafosta. Eski: ehkä en olis julkkis jos olisin Kouvolassa, mut sä et olis julkkis edes Pafoxella.
ellauri030.html on line 244: No siis jos olet julkkis kuten Aira Samulin tai taata Sillanpää, tai sit kirjoittelet paskaa viimeseen saakka niinkun Puovo Huovikko, niin sittenhän voi olla mukavaa. Onhan Eskillä vielä Pafos ja mullakin nyt nää runot ja paasauxet. Runoilija Ennius vertas izeään vanhaan eläkekaakkiin laitumella lerppahuulisena. (Sama hemmo jonka Cato jätti kärvistelemään köyhänä kotiopettajana rahdattuaan sen ensin jostain saarilta luoxensa.)
ellauri030.html on line 345: Stoalaisuuden aloittaja on filosofi Zeno (350–264 eaa.), ei se presokraattinen Zenon siis, järkimies, tästä on ollutkin jo puhetta. Tää Zenon oli kotoisin Kition kaupungista Kypros-saarelta. Hän oli alkuaan liikemies, mutta antautui sittemmin kokonaan henkisiin harrastuksiin. Oli kai saanut kokoon riittävästi massia. Tätä Zenonia opetti Platonin oppipoika Xenokrates, joka myytiin orjaxi kun jätti verot maxamatta. Tää on nyt vähän toistoa, mut menköön. Stoan pylväikössä oli hiljan tapettu ateenalaisia mielenosoittajia oligarkkiajoilla, Sokrates oli ollut barrikaadeilla. Zenon halus oppilaiden poistavan siitä graffitit.
ellauri030.html on line 493: af5c320e2a8ab575446a3.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri030.html on line 705: paragraafi sivuhuomautuxena. Sivullinen päättelis sivumäärästä et huumori

ellauri030.html on line 740: Joku Francis Hutcheson jo huomautti 1750, että ei tää ole koko tarina. Voihan sitä nauraa muullekin kuin muille ihmisille, ei ole pakko olla aina pahanilkinen. (Vaik kyllä se varmaan naurattaa eniten.) Izellekin voi nauraa olematta pahantahtoinen. No se mun nauruteoria että normit naurattaa, onkin tässä suhteessa parempi. Nokkela toiminta on vielä yx naurun aiheuttaja, eikä siinäkään tarvi olla ketään pahista. Jonkinlaista helpotusta sekin on, kevennystä. Tästä päästäänkin huumorin kevennysteoriaan. Nauru on helpotusta, jonkinlaista hydraulista paineen päästöä. No helpotus kyllä usein naurattaa, ainakin helpottunutta. Ympärillä haistelijat ovat kriittisempiä. Tän selityxen esitti Lordi Shaftesbury 1709, kun höyrykone oli kexitty. Tää oli ensimmäinen essee missä huumori tarkoitti vaan jotain hassua. Jännää miten filosofiat muuttuu tekniikan edistyxen mukana. Spencer ja Freud myöhemmin korvas höyryn hermoenergialla, mutta pointti oli sama. Spencerin “On the Physiology of Laughter” (1911) sano et hermoenergia purskahtaa nauruxi kun tietty jännityskynnys on ylitetty. No oikeestaan vasta sitten kun se jännitys laukee vai mitä? Kun ei enää ole pakko pidättää, ja paineen voi päästää alenemaan. Energia tulee pakkautuneista sopimattomista tunteista. Kuten runossa:
ellauri030.html on line 770: Kaikessa, mikä herättää eloisaa, hytkäyttävää naurua, täytyy olla jotain vastenmielistä (mistä ymmärrys ei pidä). Nauru on affekti joka syntyy jännittyneen odotuxen lauetessa tyhjiin. Just se sama muutos, joka ei ilahduta järkeä, ilahduttaa epäsuorasti hetken tosi kovasti. Siis syyn pitää olla järjen vaikutus ruumiseen ja sen vuorovaikutus mielialaan, eikä niin että käsitys ize olisi mielihyvän kohde (sillä miten voi pettymys olla nautinto?) vaan pikemminkin niin, että se käsitysten pelkästä pelistä syntyy elinvoimien tasapainoa ruumiissa.
ellauri030.html on line 899: Tendentious jokes are jokes that contain lust, hostility, or both. William Shakespeare’s Falstaff would be an example of Freud's "comic," generating laughter by expressing previously repressed inhibition.
ellauri030.html on line 999: Optimismi on luojan katteetonta izetyytyväisyyttä. Ois mukavaa jos taivaaseen vois ottaa kreikantaidon mukanaan. Uni on korkoa kuoleman kapitaalille: maxa enemmän, kuolet myöhemmin. Näitä vanhusaforismeja se muotoilee ja makustelee tässä.
ellauri031.html on line 26: Barbara Hendrikke Wind Daae Zwilgmeyer, best kjent som Dikken Zwilgmeyer, (født 20. september 1853 i Trondhjem, død 28. februar 1913) var en norsk maler og barnebokforfatter, kjent for de delvis selvbiografiske Inger Johanne-bøkene, der Risør er kulisse. Hun gikk på malerskole.
ellauri031.html on line 58: Näst är det jätteskojigt at reta en kringresande fotograf. Flickorna skrattar åt den stackars brödvinnaren så att de närapå dör. Läsaren också, av ren leda. Femte kapitlet handlar om då Inger låg med mjölnaren. Eller något. Nä hon gömde sig i möllåren, bykar-Mari trodde at det spökade, och blev rädd. Den narsistiska flickan är arg när Mari får mera hänsyn än hon själv. Inget under, Inger.
ellauri031.html on line 140: Han gick tillbacka till nästet magen full och lämnade de andra kvar att fylla diskmaskinen om och om igen. De hade inga nyheter, inga skandaler, ingenting att prata om. Inget nytt hände dem. Till och med kommentarerna om straff och tillrättavisningar följde en fastställd formel, bara namnet på den bestraffade varierade. När dom hade slutat om sången, bilar och brudar kom dom tillbaka till stammisarna, sedan till dom avskyvärda österbottningarna eller nylännigarna och till den senaste pekkadomen. Allt gick runt i en cirkel.
ellauri031.html on line 442: vid aftonstjärnans bloss!

ellauri031.html on line 454: Trollhättan är en tätort i Västergötland och centralort i Trollhättans kommun i Västra Götalands län. En mindre del är belägen i Vänersborgs kommun. Namnet Trollhättan användes ursprungligen endast om Göta älvs fallområde. Trollhättans tätort omfattar idag ett betydligt större område som förr hade andra geografiska namn. Nedan tecknas historiken för det område som idag kallas för Trollhättan.
ellauri031.html on line 458: Dragning av båtar samt utnyttjande av kraften i älven var de första viktiga näringsverksamheterna i staden. Från medeltiden har kvarn- och sågverksamhet bedrivits där stadens centrum nu ligger, och ett samhälle har successivt vuxit fram däromkring.
ellauri031.html on line 466: I takt med den industriella revolutionen blev det allt mer intressant att utnyttja kraften i älven. År 1847 fick Trollhättan en bärande industri i Nydqvist & Holms mekaniska verkstad, sedermera Nohab, som från början drog nytta av kraften i älven. Ytterligare industrier följde snabbt i dess spår.
ellauri031.html on line 467: 1905 köper staten Trollhätte Kanal AB och ombildar det till ett statligt verk Kungliga vattenfallsstyrelsen, som sedermera kom att bli statliga Vattenfall. 1907 påbörjas byggnationen av Olidans kraftstation som stod färdig 1914.
ellauri031.html on line 468: Genom utnyttjandet av vattenkraft blev Trollhättan ett kluster för elintensiv industri, främst metallurgisk industri från 1910-talet och fram till mitten på 1980-talet. Bland de elintensiva företagen som etablerade sig i Trollhättan fanns Stockholms Superfosfat Fabriks AB senare Fosfatbolaget och Eka Chemicals, Höganäs-Billeholm, Skandinaviska Grafit AB, Ferrolegeringar AB m.fl. mindre och kortlivade företag.
ellauri031.html on line 470: Statens vattenfallsverk, tidigare Kungliga Vattenfallsstyrelsen, var 1909-1992 ett svensktågoä statligt affärsverk.
ellauri031.html on line 471: Kungliga Vattenfallsstyrelsen bildades 1909 efter ett riksdagsbeslut ur Trollhätte kanal- och vattenverk under namnet Kungliga Vattenfallsstyrelsen. De första vattenkraftverken låg i Trollhättan (Olidan 1910) i Göta älv, Porjus (1915) i Lule älv och Älvkarleby (1915) i Dalälven.
ellauri031.html on line 472: Vattenfall levererade i början främst energi till järnvägen och industrin. Hushållselkunderna var relativt få på grund av de höga priserna. Nu säljer Vattenfall el åt oss i Fredstrand, Sysmä socken, med de samma höga priserna i kraft. Nåja, åtminstone är det morfar Kalles gamla goda el från Trollhättan som vi köper.
ellauri031.html on line 568: sen pitkäaikainen vakituinen, pieni terävänenäinen taiteilijagraafikko.

ellauri031.html on line 599: Näistä puuttellisuuxista on kohtalokkaita seurauxia romaanien henkilöille. Henkilöt rakentuvat enemmän kertojan selityxistä ja vakuutteluista kuin toiminnasta ((häh? vaikka toimintaterapeutti on puikoissa?), niistä tulee väkivaltaviihten tai pornografian tutuxi tekemiä törmäysnukkeja. Sariolan romaaneissa ei näy jälkeäkään moraalisesta epäsovinnaisuudesta tai kapinasta. Ihan vaan puhasta darwinismia, mies miestä vastaan, kukot tunkiolla, vahvin kasan päällä.
ellauri031.html on line 632: Vuoden 1947 heinäkuussa suomalaisten Joosua pääsi perille. (Mooseshan ei päässytkään, kuten muistamme.) Pyöriskeltyään aikansa Jerusalemissa se lähti Galileaan Jeesuxen perään, ja asettui Genesaretin järven pohjoispuolelle Safedin kaupunkiin. Safedissa on kaunista (ks. kuva), mut tää on oikeestaan asian vierestä, ei se siellä kauan vanhentunut.
ellauri031.html on line 634: afed.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri031.html on line 636: Vähän taustoja. 1947 juutalaiset saivat luvatun maansa palestiinalaisilta USAn ja NLn yhteisestä sopimuxesta. Safedin 13K arabiasukasta suuttuivat julmasti joutuessaan 4K juutalaisvähemmistön alamaisixi. Kuin Suomi olis somaleiden luvattu maa. Sotatila alkoi heti.
ellauri031.html on line 642: Jaffan arabit suunnitteli keskenään: vallataan Tel Aviv, sinä otat tuon talon ja minä tämän. Tapetaan miehet ja jaetaan naiset keskenämme. Tää kuulostaa kyllä ihan vanhan testamentin plääniltä, tai pohjalaisilta: tapa sinä Kauhavan ruma vallesmanni, niin minä nain sen komian lesken. Appelsiinilimusta ja kukoistushuipuista käydään kärhämää. Mä ihmettelin pienenä miten voi olla kaupunki jonka nimenä on limu. Abrahamin perhe riitelee. Ja Öljymäki on halkeemassa kahtia, jeesuxen toinen tuleminen on tulossa. Eikö se nyt vois jo haleta? Mikä maxaa?
ellauri031.html on line 644: Hölmö Kaarlo pani päähän samanlaisen homburgerin kuin Shulemilla, ja tuli melkein ammutuxi Shulemina. Taas pienoisjunan vaihdemies käänsi vaihdetta ihan viime hetkellä. Oli jäädä Maire leskexi ja 4 orpolapsen äidixi. Sillä aikaa Kaarlon kämppä Safedissa räjäytettiin taivaan tuuliin herkkuvarastoineen kaikkineen. Onnexi ei oltu paikalla. Perhe oli hyvin pettynyt kun ei päästykään Palestiinaan syömään appelsiineja.
ellauri031.html on line 656: Vielä ei olla niin pitkällä. Puute jatkuu, vaikka joulukalaa tulee ihan pietarin kalansaalis laittomalla katiskalla. Ei ovia ei ikkunoita, 5 astetta ja lunta. Pihalla on arabien uuni jossa lie joskus paistettu koltiaisia. Kaarlon ruokarukouxet lie kuultu huonosti sillä herra lähetti tonnin mätiä perunoita Suomesta. Lähetyssaarnaajilla on kovat piipussa, sekin jenkkipastori jonka komerossa oli perkele osoittautui tafsaajaxi ellei pahemmaxi. Eikä ollut ainoa, Kaarlo valittaen toteaa. Onnexi Kaarlolla on se Maire.
ellauri031.html on line 760: Kaarlon tiimi hakee korjausta asiaan jakamalla rikkureille kopioita parannellusta liittosopimuxesta. UT on selvä siikveli VTT:lle, tai oikeestaan, VTT on UT:n priikveli. Jos olette kazoneet VTT:n, UT on ihan must. Siitä selviää, kuinkas kaikki sitten kävikään, kuka sai kenet ja kuka ripustettiin semaforin jatkoxi. Kirjat muodostavat yhtenäisen kokonaisuuden, vaikka jokainen jaxo onkin izenäinen seikkailu.
ellauri031.html on line 827: Mieleenjäävä tarina obsessiivisesta ennusmerkkiuskovaisesta on Italo Calvinon Solmiutuvien linjojen verkossa. Siinä pakko-oireinen vieraileva professori, joka on erehtynyt tafsaamaan isäntäyliopiston viehättävää Marjorie Stubbsia, on juoxulenkillä jossain yliopiston lähikortteleissa. Se on koko ajan kuulevinaan puhelimen soivan (tää on siis lankapuhelinten aikaa, Jos talviyönä matkamies ilmestyi ´79) ja siitä tuntuu aina että se puhelu on tarkoitettu sille. Tarpeexi monta kertaa skizoiltuaan se vihdoin vastaa autiotalon ikkunalla olevaan puhelimeen, josta ääni sanoo: Marjorie on sidottuna erään toisen talon yläkerrassa, talossa on pommi, olisi hyvä jos vapauttaisit hänet. Hemmo juoxee takaisin yliopistolle ja kysyy tytöiltä (tytöt kazovat sitä ironisesti, sitä se ei voi sietää...) onko Marjorietä näkynyt. Ei ole näkynyt 2 päivään, vastaa Lorna. Hemmo alkaa juosta simona siihen toisen talon osoitteeseen, lopulta henkihieverissä pääsee perille, yläkerrassa on Marjorie Stubbs sidottuna ja suukapuloituna. Hemmo irrottaa suukapulan ja Marjorie kazoo sitä halvexuvasti: Sinä olet sika, hän sanoo heebolle.
ellauri031.html on line 831: Viime yönä heräsin pahaan painajaiseen joka oli takautuma depressioajoilta. Olin taas älyttömästi mustasukkainen Seijalle jostain joutavasta tyypistä. Halusin ryömiä lavizalle kuolemaan kuin Franz Kafkan torakka. Olin ihan ontto ja kitiininen, jalat kankeat, nivelikkäät, korkeat, ohuet ja hatarat. Hyi se oli hirveää. Pelottaa että tuleex musta nyt samanlainen alzheimer kuin isästä, joka hörhöpäisenä saattoi lyödä äitiä. Äiti oli ihan vitivalkoinen. Seijan korvat huusi yöllä, liekö sama liimakorva kuin Lealla. Sairaudetkin peritään esi-isiltä, kolmannessa ja neljännessä polvessa. Kyllä me ollaan vanhoja ja sairaita.
ellauri032.html on line 306: Hobbes on vaikuttanut suuresti uuden ajan yhteiskuntafilosofiaan. Häntä pidetään Niccolò Machiavellin ohella nykyaikaisen politiikan tutkimuksen perustajana. Etenkin klassiset utilitaristit ja oikeuspositivistit pitivät Hobbesia edelläkävijänään. Eli se on tän vitun peliteoreettisen taloustieteen suursyyllisiä.
ellauri032.html on line 339: Kielen väärikäyttötavat vastaavasti: 1. väärät käsityxet, päätelmät ja erehdys. 2. metafora, sanojen käyttö siirretyssä merkityxessä, erehdytys tällä keinolla. 3. Väärinpeluu, huijaus, harhautus. 4. toisten mätkiminen kielellä.
ellauri032.html on line 341: Jännä toi metafora just neuvonnan ja opetuxen yhteydessä. Mixi niin? Viittaax tää taas esim uskonnolisiin metaforiin ja pikku apinoiden koijaamiseen niillä? No tiedekin ois uskonto ilman epäilystä, kritiikkiä ja kokeilua. Apinat ajattelee vertauxilla, hakee mallia, se on hyvää tiedettä, mutta johtaa vääriin analogiapäätelmiin jos malleja ei koeponnisteta. Kohta 4 on Aarne Kinnusen valtakuntaa.
ellauri032.html on line 423: Suomen sisällissodan aikana Juhani Siljo lähti sotaan valkoisten joukoissa osaksi näitä kiistoja pakoon. Siljon haavoituttua Pennanen matkusti Tampereelle etsimään häntä. Siljo kuoli haavoihinsa sairaalassa keväällä 1918, koska hän ei suostunut jalkansa amputoimiseen.lähde? Siljon kirjallinen jäämistö jäi Pennasen haltuun ja hän toimitti keskeneräisen runo- ja aforismiteoksen Selvään veteen julkaistavaksi.
ellauri032.html on line 631: Sami oli kakkafetishi Joycen bändäri, kunnes välit viilenivät kun Sammeli ei huolinut Joycen tytärtä Lusijaa koska se oli iskääkin sekopäämpi, täys skizo. Jung sanoi niistä et ne molemmat on uppoomassa jokeen, Joyce sukeltaa mut Lusija vaan vajoaa. Carlos Williams, joka oli Adam Driverin esittämän bussikuski runoilija Patersonin idoli, idolisoi myös Joycea.
ellauri032.html on line 743: 1722 heiratete Zinzendorf Erdmuthe Dorothea Gräfin Reuß-Ebersdorf. Im Mai des gleichen Jahres erwarb er von seiner Großmutter das Rittergut Mittelberthelsdorf in der Oberlausitz, wo er von 1722 bis 1724 das Schloss Berthelsdorf barock umbauen ließ. Dort begann im Juni 1722 die Aufnahme von Glaubensflüchtlingen aus Mähren, Nachkommen der alten Böhmischen Brüder. Diese gründeten außerhalb von Berthelsdorf, das unterhalb des Hutberges gelegen ist, die Siedlung Herrnhut. Zinzendorf errichtete sich dort 1725–1727 ein auch als Herrschaftshaus bezeichnetes Schloss, das er bezog, sowie 1730–1746 den Vogtshof, der ab 1756 als Sitz der Schirmvogtei (des Direktoriums) der Brüder-Unität diente. 1732 überließ Zinzendorf das Schloss Berthelsdorf seiner Frau als Wohnsitz.
ellauri032.html on line 745: Von 1750 an lebte Zinzendorf meistens in London, dann seit 1755 in Berthelsdorf. Von London aus sandte Zinzendorf erregte Strafbriefe nach Herrnhaag, in „denen er drohte, zwanzig bis dreißig Menschen bis aufs Blut peitschen zu lassen“ und berief seinen Sohn Renatus von Zinzendorf nach England. Zinzendorf war über die Entwicklungen in Herrnhaag zutiefst erbost und ermahnte seinen Sohn umzukehren. Nach dem Tod seiner Frau Erdmuthe Dorothea, zu der er sehr wenig Kontakt hatte, heiratete Zinzendorf einige Zeit später seine enge Mitarbeiterin Anna Nitschmann. Das Verhältnis zu Anna Nitschmann hatte er vor dem Tode seiner Ehefrau geheim gehalten.
ellauri032.html on line 749: Mutta panee silti miettimään toi rakkauden hehkuttaminen kristinuskossa. Onhan rakkaus kiva tunne, ei siinä mitään, mutta mitä tekemistä sillä on uskontojen kanssa? Kai sillä sittenkin on. Adrien Sixten määritelmä oli vähän suppea, se koskee erosta, ulos jää vielä filia ja agape, niinkuin opetti T.P. Virkkunen ussantunnilla. Eli kavereiden diggaus ja ylempien ihailu. Varsinkin tosta viimeisestä on uskonnoissa kysymys. Eläintieteellisesti kazoen laumafiilis ja termiittikunigattaren haju. On mun henkilökohtainen onnettomuus, että nää lajit on mulla heikommin kehittyneet. Puuttuu se antenni, niinkuin Kari Enkvist sanoisi. Zinzendorfilla oli hyvin kehittyneet kaikki 3 antennia, kuten Anna Nitschman voi totistaa. Parempi etukeno, kuten mainostaa Viagra-korvike Instagramissa. On paha sanoa, kumpi on kamalampi, Tiktok vai Instagram. Pakotettu valinta, ipsatiivinen.
ellauri033.html on line 29: Nyt kun alkaa uudet vaarat uhata kaivetaan vanhat meemit esiin naftaliinista.

ellauri033.html on line 106: poètes de l´art pour l´art, et, comme eux, s´efforce d´être impassible et marmoréen. Il raille l´ « inspiration », il bafoue la «
ellauri033.html on line 147: raffinés, a retrouvé l´innocence de la poésie primitive.

ellauri033.html on line 255: énigmatique et raffinée qui ne manque pas de ragoût. ´On leur saurait
ellauri033.html on line 336: Charles-Marie-Georges Huysmans (Parijs, 5 februari 1848 – aldaar, 12 mei 1907) was een Frans auteur. Huysmans werd geboren uit een Franse moeder en een Nederlandse vader; zijn grootvader was tekenleraar aan de Militaire Academie in Breda en stamde uit een Zuid-Nederlands geslacht van schilders. Om zijn Nederlandse afkomst te onderstrepen publiceerde de auteur onder de naam Joris-Karl Huysmans.
ellauri033.html on line 344: In 1891 publiceerde hij de satanische roman Là-bas (Uit de diepte), rond het historische personage Gilles de Rais. Een hoofdpersonage uit deze roman weerspiegelt eveneens Huysmans´ persoonlijke evolutie; een satanische wording, waar occultisme en sensualiteit voorafgaan aan zijn bekering tot het christelijke geloof (La Cathédrale (1898) en L´Oblat, (1903)) waartoe esthetische overdenkingen hem brengen. Vanaf dan zouden alleen nog maar rooms-katholiek geïnspireerde werken verschijnen.
ellauri033.html on line 346: Onder zijn "katholieke" romans: L´Oblat, gebaseerd op zijn eigen toetreding als oblaat van de benedictijnen, en later Les foules de Lourdes (De menigten van Lourdes) over Maria en de wonderen in Lourdes, waar Huysmans indirect afrekent met Émile Zola en diens boek Lourdes (1894). Daarnaast herschreef hij in tijdschriftartikelen het leven van Lidwina van Schiedam. Dit leidde tot een heropleving van de verering van deze heilige. Als dank hiervoor heeft het Schiedamse gemeentebestuur een straat naar hem genoemd. Huysmans stierf als volledig ingetreden kloosterling in de pij van een benedictijner broeder aan de gevolgen van long- en botkanker, veroorzaakt door zijn jarenlange kettingroken.
ellauri033.html on line 414: Voi kysyä oliko luonto tarkoittanut Hra Bourgetin kirjoittamaan mondeeneja romaaneja. Se tahtoi olla muodikas kirjailija, ja sitähän se oli. Mutta samalla kun onnittelee sitä sen innosta täyttää tämä tehtävä, voi katua ettei se ottanut izelleen sopivampaa aihetta. Hra Bourgetin valizemassa genressä sen ominaispiirteet kääntyvät vioixi. Sen kaunein kirja (kai tää Disciple?) on ankara ja vahva etydi, jossa ei ole mitään mondeenia. Kun B. maalaa mondeenia eleganssia, sen vakavuus kuulostaa nulikkamaiselta, ja kun se pohdiskelee sentimentaalisia typeryyksiä, sen metafysiikka kuulostaa pedantilta. Sillä ei ole mitään niitä lahjoja joita hommaan tarvittais. Se on tunnollinen ja raskas, se ei osaa leikkiä. Siltä puuttuu huolettomuutta, taitoa ja suloa. Se minkä muut antavat hienoisesti ymmärtää, se sanoo pitkän kaavan mukaan yxitoikkoisen monisanaisesti. Missä muut liu´uttelevat, se tunkee päälle ja tolkuttaa. Pakinointi ja ironia on sille tuntematonta. Se on tarkka havainnoija, kexeliäs moralisti, mutta siltä puuttuu totaalisesti henkevyys. Vaikka lukee kaikki ne 15-20 romaania mitä se on kyhännyt, ei löydä mitään vizikkäämpää kuin Francoisen pölinä Mensongesissa, tai Opetuslapsessa pappa Carbonnetin turina: yx sanoo kukkelikuu incogniton sijasta, toinen sanoo 4-12 välillä pro catimini. Hra Bourget kerää huolellisesti tämmöisiä hulvattomuuxia; Bouvard ja Pecuchet teki sen paremmin.
ellauri033.html on line 456: Aikasemmat Paulin kirjat oli ollu pessimistisiä laskukkuuden runoelmia. Ei mitään törkeitä rupusakin kuvauxia naturalistityyliin niinkuin Zolalla. Zola on Wn mielestä ihan pasee, niin lääst siisön kun olla voi. Bourget on ylemmän keskiluokan eli herrasväen laulaja, jatkaa ihailemansa yrittäjähenkisen Balzacin kengänjäljissä. Se kuvaa raffinoidumpia fixumpia ihmisiä joilla on makua, pankinjohtajia ja hammaslääkäreitä, ja niiden sisäisiä mielenliikkeitä, just niinkun Mirkku, Aarne ja Sariolan Esa.
ellauri033.html on line 479: Jos ne ei kerro omia tarinoitaan, kirjailijat kexii juonia uutisista tai vanhemmasta viihteestä, esim myyteistä. Disciplen taustalla oli joku affaire Chambige, ilmeisesti jonkun Paulin kaverin tunaroima Klasu ja Ebba tapaus, jossa Klasu muka ampuu vahingossa oman pään ohi ensin nitistettyään menestyxekkäästi Ebban. Tästä nuoriso oppii ampumaan huonosti, tuumii Bourget ja päättää kirjoittaa siitä opettavaisen romaanin. Sekaan voi laittaa paljon monarkismia ja mies-ja ääniperiaatteen pelkoa, puhumattakaan nais-ja ääniperiaattesta. Plus muuta naisten halvexuntaa ja niistä viisastelua. Proustin hyvä puoli sentään on et se on kiinnostunut vaan ja yxinomaan persereijistä.
ellauri033.html on line 498: Hirvee mulkero. Esipuheessa vähäpätöisempi mulkero Bourget jo paljastaa karvansa, se setäilee nuorelle (mies)lukijalle ihan vimmatusti, tärkeilee ja puhuu pyhistä pataljoonista, vaikkei se ei ize 19-vuotiaana heilauttanut evääkään kun Ranska kärsi rökäletappion Saxalle 1871. Täähän oli entiselle suurvallalle tosi nolo sauma kun surkea Saxa pisti niin pahasti turpaan aurinkokunkun ja Napsun perikunnalle. Tämmösiä nolostuneita herrakansoja on läjäpäin, eikä niissä ole kovin kiva tunnelma. Parempi ois kun eivät eläis niin tiimihengessä. Futismazienkin häviäjät menee särkemään nakkikojuja ja autoja. Huligaanit ja graffitien piirtelijät kuseskelevat in effigie voittajien reviirille huonoina häviäjinä.
ellauri033.html on line 504: Ootko messissä? Jos oot niin kiitos ja kädenpuristus. Jos et, niin on kaksi vaihtoehtoa: 1) olet kyyninen viziniekka. Pelailet pelejä ja haet voittoa. Harjoitat minäkulttia, sosiaalidarwinismia. Oot fin de siècle olemassaolon taistelija, joka laskee voiton pennosina. Jopa niin nihilisti, et ajattelet mun, köyhän akateemikon, olevan samoja miehiä. No en varmaana ole, en ole viziniekka vähän vähää, en ymmärrä yxinkertaisintakaan viziä. Tänne kuuluu sosialistitkin, ne on naurettavia. Nää siis on tämmösiä tieteellisiä epikuurolaisia. (Tulihan se sieltä!) Toinen tyyppi 2) on raffinoitu ja ymmärtää finessejä, delikaatti mutta jo ikävystynyt vähän kaikkeen, Jan Blomstedt-kaliiperin haukotuttava haukottelija. Ymmärtää muitakin arvoja kuin pennoset, mutta arvorelativistina luulee, että kaikissa on hyvät ja huonot puolensa. Eikä ole, piru vie! Mun arvoissa on vaan hyviä puolia, muilla vaan huonoja! Ei käy ettei usko mihinkään, pitää uskoa johonkin, ja se joku on isiltä peritty katolinen usko! Jossette usko niin isi kyllä suuttuu, tekee teidät perinnöttömäx! Ootte toisenlaisia egoisteja, subtiileja, vaihdatte vaihtoehtoisia totuuxia kuin purkkakuvia. Tämmönen intellektualismi on kuivaa ja kylmää kuin mannerilmasto. Tulkaa mukaan katoliseen menoon, siellä on kuumia ja märkiä kohtauxia! Tiedän, olen ollut mukana. Elekee siis olla 1) sensuelleja positivisteja eikä 2) intellektuelleja sofisteja. Olkaa 3) epäsensuelleja anti-intellektuelleja! Hedelmistään puu tunnetaan, sanoi hengellinen johtaja. Olkaa viikunoita, älkää kriikunoita! Appelsiineja, ei omppuja! (Mitä tää tarkoittaa, en tiedä izekään, mutta kuulosti hyvältä.)
ellauri033.html on line 615: Franz Ludwig Karl Friedrich Passow, född 20 september 1786 i Ludwigslust, död 11 mars 1833 i Breslau, var en tysk klassisk filolog och lexikograf. Han var måg till Ludwig Wachler och svärfar till Adalbert Falk.
ellauri033.html on line 677: tosiaan poltti todisteet. Saakeli mitä paskaisia. Aatelispyllynreikiä. Ei sentään vaan jotain vielä atavistisempaa: ääliö Antero kertoo kuitenkin oikeudelle totuuden mut menee sit ja kylmän rauhallisesti nirhaa Loup-Garun luotipyssyllä, joka yhtä rauhallisesti sitä odottaa. Vitun mafiosoja. Tollanen kukkoilu on yxinomaan ällöttävää. Ja vielä viimesenä loppuvizinä Adrien Sixte ryömii kyynelehtien oppipojan raadon äärellä taivaallisen isäpapan puoleen. Polle kysyy: mixme huudettaisiin apuun suursmurffia ellei sitä oo? No monet hädissään huutaa apuun äitiä, vaikka se on maannut haudassa jo aikapäiviä.
ellauri033.html on line 685: Filosofien foaf-netissä se on melko iso hämähäkki, se on saanu ja antanu vaikutteita joka puolella. (Täähän on kuin coronan tartuntaverkkoja, meemien leviämistä!) Saamapuolella plussaa on Avicenna, Averroes, Aristoteles, Demokritos, Lucretius, Epikuros, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, Giordano Bruno. Miinusta Descartes, stoalaiset.
ellauri033.html on line 784: Ikävä ihminen termentää ikäviä ihmisiä, sanalla sanoen. Vitun narsisti. Tää on ihan tavanomaista joka tuomiopäivän profeetan peruskauraa. Heti kun sattuu jotain ikävää, niin profeetat ryömii ulos koloista ja alkaa netota toisten hädällä. Ne on kuin mafia, joka Italiassa antaa ruokaa varattomille ja avustuxia firmoille, ja käyttävät niitä sitten hyväxi kun ne on koukussa. Tää on klaanimeininkiä, mikä on rikollista vaan niin kauan kun on keskushallitus, joka on siepannut kaiken klaanivallan izelleen. Kun keskusvalta herpoaa, pienemmät klaanit ryömivät esille ja alkaa entisen kisan keskenään, verikosto lähtee taas rulettaa. Ei keskusvaltakaan ole kummempi kuin vaan yx humongous iso klaani. Ja monoteistinen jumala vaan tän humongous ison klaanin yhteinen meemi, yhtä ilkeä kuin hallittavansa. No joo, jos se olis oikeesti olemassa ja oikeesti superia, se ei olis edes alottanut tätä souvia. Me oltas kaikki jo taivaassa pilvityynyillä kaakaokupit kädessä. Tai vielä parempaa, meitä ei oliskaan.
ellauri033.html on line 1038: Avant que de partir, aime à graver son nom ! ennen lähtöään tekee graffitin! o
ellauri033.html on line 1071: Cynthia oli Sextus Propertiuxen hoito. Sextus Propertius was a Latin elegiac poet of the Augustan age. He was born around 50–45 BC in Assisium and died shortly after 15 BC. Propertius´ surviving work comprises four books of Elegies (Elegiae). He was a friend of the poets Gallus and Virgil and, with them, had as his patron Maecenas and, through Maecenas, the emperor Augustus. Although Propertius was minor in his own time compared to other Latin elegists, today he´s regarded by scholars as a major poet.
ellauri033.html on line 1093: Considérer sa propre destinée comme un corollaire dans cette géometrie vivante qui est la nature, et par suite comme une conséquence inévitable de cet axiome éternel dont le développement indéfini se prolongue à travers le temps et l´espace, tel est le unique principe de l´affranchissement.
ellauri033.html on line 1108: Atteint d´un cancer des voies digestives lors de l´hiver 1888-1889, Villiers ne peut plus travailler, et Mallarmé doit ouvrir une « cotisation amicale » parmi ses amis pour subvenir à ses besoins et à ceux de sa famille. Le 12 juillet 1889, il est transféré à la clinique des Frères Saint-Jean-de-Dieu, rue Oudinot, à Paris. Se sentant à l´article de la mort, il rédige, le 12 août, un testament où il reconnaît son fils Victor et épouse in extremis Marie Dantine, le 14 août, afin de légitimer son fils. À noter que, juste avant de mourir, il aurait eu ces derniers mots passés à la postérité : « Eh bien, je m´en souviendrai de cette planète ! »
ellauri034.html on line 24:

af;font-size:4em;text-align:center;margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%">hans fallada

ellauri034.html on line 372: "Försvinner skatteunderlaget ska vi rika plocka fram motorsågarna och möblera om inom den kraschande välfärden, som var en satans dålig idé att börja med. Om bara förra regeringen hade haft tid at genomföra den skapande förödelse i hälsovården den planerade, skulle nu den här pandemin vara så mycket lönsammare. Då ekonomin trillar ner till källarnivåer tar de svagaste smällen, det skall vi välmående nog se till."
ellauri035.html on line 18:


ellauri035.html on line 19:



ellauri035.html on line 477: Before you wake and after you are sleeping
ellauri035.html on line 1070: Hän on ehkä tunnetuin laajalti vaikutusvaltaisista kommenteistaan ​​ja asiantuntemuksestaan ​​ranskalaisesta filosofista Michel Foucaultsta. Rabinow (1944-) ei ole vielä tarpeexi kuuluisa tai kuollut saadaxeen kunnon biograafisen osaston Wikipediassa, ja lähteet puuttuvat. Rabinow syntyi Floridassa mutta muutettiin Nykkiin jo pikkuisena. Teki anterologian tutkinnot Chicagossa ja lähti sitten Pariisiin. Sen kenttäkokemus taitaa olla vaan kaikenlaisista luennointipaikoista Ranskassa, Riossa, jopa Islannissa. Ranskalaiset teki siitä taiteiden kavaljeerin, hyvän miehen lisänä, vähän niinkuin Napsu Goethesta. Nythän se on jo eläkkeellä, karanteeni-iässä. Tähän se tais sit jäädä.
ellauri035.html on line 1081: Keskustellessaan etnografian etiikasta joku kade Fine käsittelee Rainbowin työtä Marokossa – Robinow hän puhuu nimenomaisesti seksuaalisesta suhteesta, joka hänellä oli prostituoidun kanssa, kun hänen informanttinsa tarjosi hänelle mahdollisuuden nussia tämän kanssa. Fine käyttää tätä esimerkkinä yhtenä harvoista tapauksista, joissa etnografi paljastaa tällaisia ​​henkilökohtaisia ​​tietoja, mikä on vastoin yleistä suuntausta, jonka mukaan tällaiset herkullisen mehevät yksityiskohdat jätetään pois julkaisuista ja kerrotaan vaan kokoustauoilla.
ellauri035.html on line 1148: Cultivar el intelecto, educar y templar la voluntad, regir la conducta con discreción y prudencia en el trato social. Su lección es de energía y perseverancia, de discreción y virtud. Tuvo el P. Baltasar una mentalidad robusta y el genio práctico del fundador de su orden, de Ignacio de Loyola. Y así, enseña sin idealismos, ni sentimentalismos, ni metafísicas.
ellauri035.html on line 1189: Baltasarin kuuluisimpia laukaisuja on: kunnioita izeäsi jos haluut et muut kunnioittaa sua. Ei kuulosta kovin jeesusmaiselta. Baltasar on leuattoman väpelön näköinen, ja varmaan se olikin just sellanen. Huono terveys, kuoli 57-vuotiaana. Sen tyyli on vähän sellanen aforistinen. Sitä sanottiin konseptismixi barokin ajalla. Kuulostaapä ikävältä jo etukäteen. Sen jutut on täynnä sanaleikkejä, eli se oli aika skizofreeninen. Ja systemaattisen ihmisvihainen, kuten Sopekin. Siinähän ei sinänsä ole mitään vikaa. Madridissa luonnonäijän viettelee joku Falsirena niminen ämmä, ja Critilolla on oiva tilaisuus haukuskella naisia. Tääkin oli varmaan Sopen ja piiska-Retun mieleistä. Outo sekotus kyynisyyttä, oveluutta ja moralisointia. Sopii kuvaan joka on muodostunut myös näistä sakemanneista. Multa sentään on toi moralisointi jäänyt aika vähälle. Luulisin.
ellauri035.html on line 1207: wissenschaftskäseä natkuttamalla,

ellauri036.html on line 28: Goethea en ole vielä haukkunut vaikka ainexia olisi, olenhan lukenut siltä Wertherin, Faustin, Wilhelm Meisterin, Wahlverwandtschaften ja vähän matkaa tarua ja totta sen muistelmista. Se on musta täysin ylimainostettu ääliö. Ei siitä Mussetkaan oikein pidä:
ellauri036.html on line 113: Sitten lesken luoxe kotikäynnille. Piersonska onkin iloisempi leski kuin Musse osas kuvitella. selvillä muodista ja seuraa aikaansa. Ei sellanen ummehtunut haaska kuin Musse oli arvellut. Naivi, syvä ja rikas, noin metaforisesti siis. Risaisen mekon alla sykki lämmin sydän, kuten sanoi Hortto Könkkölä. Iloinen leski, vaikka kolhiintunut käytössä. Musse alkaa vähän jo lämmetä, kun paikalle ryntää joku Mister Collinsin kaxoisolento, läski ja kalpea papinretale, joka taitaa myöskin riijailla leskeä. Musse ei ole voinut koskaan sietää läskeja ja kalpeita pappeja, ja ikävä kyllä tämä on juuri sellainen. (Vergnaud, josta Musselle ja papinretaleelle tulee sanaharkkaa, oli vallankumouxen aikainen girondisti eli mensevikki, jollaiset jyrkkä siipi puzas tieltä kun päästiin vauhtiin.)
ellauri036.html on line 320: Sous les rayons tremblants des blafardes lanternes,
ellauri036.html on line 489: La porte est retombée au bruit d'un rire affreux7.
ellauri036.html on line 571: Balafrer ce beau corps au tranchant d'une faux!
ellauri036.html on line 732: Au plus affreux, qu'importe ? Il n'en aura pas peur;
ellauri036.html on line 812: Qu'afin de lui verser l'éternelle beauté!
ellauri036.html on line 815: Oh! l'affreux suicide! oh! si j'avais des ailes,
ellauri036.html on line 1250: mustasukkaisen serafin siiven sen vuoteen vierellä?
ellauri036.html on line 1331: tekee sen kultafalangeista ikuisuuden ikäkauden!
ellauri036.html on line 1964:

Pahempia kuin nää "ylilyönnit" on jenkki"oikeuden" tavalliset käytännöt. Vankilat on nöyryytyslaitoxia, oikeudenkäynnit televisioituja farsseja, pahimmat tapauxet kuskataan Guantanamoon ja kidutetaan siellä, nöyryytetään mumslimeita kostoxi tuplatorneista. Ne nyt jouti mennäkin, rahavallan törkeet tuplafäkkisormet. Sit oli se Abu Ghraib "skandaali", missä apinan lailla irvistelevät jenkkisotilaat näytti peukku ylös merkkiä alastoman mumslimiruumiskasan päällä. Kaikenlaista ihan samanlaista sikailua kuin karja-aidan toisellakin puolella. Ei helvetti, ne on nää apinat ize, ei mikään paha meemi, joka näitä teettää. Just samanlaista meinikiä on jenkkivankiloissa, sanoo lähde. The human animal is capable of behaviors unimagined by our rational actor models, and even by our most resolutely "behavioral" brands of law and economics.
ellauri036.html on line 2044: Blondattu virolaismafiosa Jylhä syyttää välistävedosta yhtä hämärää liikekumppania nimeltä Sarmaste. Hänen mukaansa Sarmaste vei miljoonien arvoisen kaupan itselleen ilmoittamalla Huoltovarmuuskeskukselle väärän belgialaisen tilinumeron ennakkomaksua varten. Jylhällä ei ollu antaa muuta kuin väärennetty sertti.
ellauri036.html on line 2117: Paljon ulkoilua ja urheilua. Reilua Kameradenschaftia.
ellauri036.html on line 2123: Lauletaan Tylypahkan lauluja. Luetaan Tylypahkan kirjoja. Salaisia soluja. Viikkokokouxia. Paramilitaarisia taikasauvaharjoituxia. Huispauskisoja. Arjalaista esiaviollista sexiä. Mädelschaftit mukana menossa.
ellauri037.html on line 26: Kay Bojesen var især kendt for design og legetøj i træ, f.eks. hans livgarder fra 1942, aben fra 1951 og elefanten og papegøjen fra 1950´erne. Herudover designede han børnemøbler og gyngeheste. Mange af disse figurer er ikke længere i produktion og indhenter derfor høje priser på auktion.
ellauri037.html on line 160: Er versuchte, das Kind abzutreiben, Lita mit irgendeinem anderen zu weihen, sie zum Selbstmord zu jagen, weil er sie soviel verabscheute. Er war eklich. Aber er behauptete, dass er mit Lita schlafen könne, obwohl er sie soviel verabscheue. Er demütigte sie oft, weil sie weigerte, Fellatio zu machen.
ellauri037.html on line 164: Diese menschliche Sexmaschine, die als Vorspiel zum Sex erotische Passagen aus Fanny Hill und von Lady Chatterley vorlas, schaffte es, sechs Runden hintereinander zu absolvieren, mit kaum 5 Minuten Pause dazwischen. Ausserdem war er ein leidenschaftlicher Voyeur.
ellauri037.html on line 600: Schopenhauerin sivutyöt ja poisjätetyt otoxet oli sen eka menestys, vähän kuin Russellin jokamiehen filosofia. Arttu ja Perttu ymmärsivät loppupeleissä siirtyä niin pukkikirjaimilla kirjotettuun soveltavaan filosofiaan että laahuskin tajuaa. Izehoitoaforismeja jengi haluaa ja sitä se saa, huda hudaa. Sope kelpas aikanaan hätkäyttämään poroporvaria, eihän kukaan ottanut sen filosofiaa ihan todesta. Jotkut sano et täähän on ihan kuin Fichteä ja Schellingiä, jotkut sano et se puhu ristiin. Molemmat arvostelut sai Sopen raivoihin. (No mikä ei saanut, voi kysyä. Ehkä herkkulounas kantapaikassa Englisher Hofissa, jos se oli onnistunut.) Sope sano myös kuten se Waldenin mies Thoreau: puhun ristiin, so what? olen maailman monin poni. Se oli hirmu tyytyväinen kun jengi alkoi palvoa sitä Frankfurtin julkkixena ja sen muotokuvalle rakennettiin pytinki. Se pysyi terveenä, kun söi ja nukkui paljon ja kävelytti Atmaa (tai Butzia) 2h päivässä. Kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen istualtaan sohvalla 1860 72-vuotiaana.
ellauri037.html on line 624: daß es sich um eine platonische Freundschaft handle, hatte
ellauri037.html on line 638: schaft der deutlichste Ausdruck des Willens» sei, gab er ihr die
ellauri037.html on line 659: Er verachtete und bemitleidete die Frauen. Seiner Ansicht nach hatten sie nur eine nützliche Eigenschaft: den Reiz der Jugend, der bald schwindet, wenn das hübsche Gesicht und die vollen Brüste einen Mann in die Ehe gelockt haben. Dennoch
ellauri037.html on line 660: konnte er jüngere, hübsche Damen mit seinen meisterhaften Kenntnissen in Sprachen und Literatur und mit seinen gelegentlichen Zauberkunststückchen fesseln.
ellauri037.html on line 694: Joku houkka jopa sanoo et Sope oli niin herkkä, et se ei kestänyt, niinku joku buddha, et se tuns niin paljon myötätuntoa muita kohtaan et se oli sentakeen niin pessimistinen. Ei tainnut tää jäbä lukea Sopen biografiaa.
ellauri037.html on line 732: Schweift des Mannes wilde Kraft,
ellauri037.html on line 734: Auf dem Meer der Leidenschaft.
ellauri037.html on line 744: Sind sie geblieben mit schamhafter Sitte,
ellauri037.html on line 780: Schaffend, kennt des Mannes Herz
ellauri037.html on line 837: Ist in dem Weibe der Leidenschaft Frieden;
ellauri038.html on line 85: Nietzsches Schwester Elisabeth erkennt sich später selbst in der Figur des "alten Weibleins" karikiert, weil sie ihrem Bruder auch einmal den Rat gab, strenger gegen "in Trieben und Charakteren ungebändigte Frauen" zu sein und metaphorisch von der "Peitsche" sprach, die "nicht tugendhafte" Frauen nötig hätten.
ellauri038.html on line 89: Tähän yhteyteen sitten kaivetaan tavallisesti vielä vanhoja valokuvia Pyllixestä razastamassa Aristoteleella. Aikalailla selittelyn makua. "Au! Ense mä ollut, sen sano toi vanha ämmä mun alter egolle Zarathustralle!" Rieti piilottelee piiskaa selän takana kun pikkusisko termentää. "Läppä läppä! Se oli vaan metafoorista! Älä lyö Liisa! Au! älä vedä wiixestä! Pippaa!" Rouva Piiska oli äkee emännöizijä Kätkijöissä. Pelotteli fretillä.
ellauri038.html on line 117: Vuoden päästä hän vaihtoi, opettajaansa ja tukijaansa Friedrich Ritschliä seuraten, Leipzigin yliopistoon. Siellä hän kiinnostui Arthur Schopenhauerin filosofiasta ja metafysiikasta. Vuonna 1868 hän tapasi säveltäjä Richard Wagnerin. Nietzsche saavutti opinnoissaan jo varhaisella iällä sellaisen tason, että pääsi kielitieteen professoriksi Baselin yliopistoon 24-vuotiaana. Ihan eteni E.Saarisen vauhtia. Wagner asu Luzernissa lähinurkilla. Myöhemmin tuli riitaa kun Wagnerista tuli liian kuuluisa. Nietzscheltäkään ei syntynyt kunnon tutkimusta vaan polemiikkeja, punkakatemioita ja epäapinan perä-ääniä.
ellauri038.html on line 190: 1903 hänestä tuli Archiv für Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitikin toimittaja. Weberistä tuntui kuitenkin, ettei hän voinut jatkaa normaalia opetustyötä ja toimi siitä lähtien yksityisenä oppineena. Tätä auttoi vaimon vuonna 1907 saama perintö. Vuonna 1904 Weberit vierailivat Yhdysvalloissa ja osallistuivat taiteiden ja tieteiden kongressiin, joka pidettiin St. Louisin maailmannäyttelyn yhteydessä.
ellauri038.html on line 202: During the first few years of their marriage, Max taught in Berlin, then, in 1894, at the University of Heidelberg. During this time, Marianne pursued her own studies. After moving to Freiburg in 1894, she studied with a leading neo-Kantian philosopher, Heinrich Rickert. She also began to engage herself in the women´s movement after hearing prominent feminist speakers at a political congress in 1895. In 1896, in Heidelberg, she co-founded a society for the circulation of feminist thought. She also worked with Max to raise the level of women students attending the university. Max found them deplorably charmless.
ellauri038.html on line 204: In 1898, Max suffered a psychological collapse, possibly brought on after his father´s death, which happened shortly after Max confronted him regarding his abuse of Helene. Between 1898 and 1904, Max withdrew from public life, moving in and out of mental institutions, traveling compulsively and resigning from his prominent position at University of Heidelberg.
ellauri038.html on line 210: In 1907, Karl Weber died, and left enough money to his granddaughter Marianne for the Webers to live comfortably. During this time, Marianne first established her intellectual salon. Between 1907 and the start of World War I, Marianne enjoyed a rise in her status as an intellectual and a scholar as she published "The Question of Divorce" (1909), "Authority and Autonomy in Marriage" (1912) and "On the Valuation of Housework" (1912), and "Women and Objective Culture" (1913). The Webers presented a united front in public life. Max defended his wife from her scholarly detractors but carried on an affair with Else Jaffe, a mutual friend.
ellauri038.html on line 214: In 1918, Marianne Weber became a member of the German Democratic Party and, shortly thereafter, the first woman elected as a delegate in the federal state parliament of Baden. Also in 1919, she assumed the role of chairwoman of the Bund Deutscher Frauenvereine (League of German Women's Associations), an office she would hold until 1923. Also in 1920, Max's sister Lili suddenly committed suicide, and Max and Marianne adopted her four children. Shortly thereafter, Max Weber contracted pneumonia and died suddenly on 14 June 1920, leaving Marianne a widow with four children to raise.
ellauri038.html on line 253: Gauleiter suosittelee Safranskin elämäkertaa Nietzschestä. Mut sitä ei saa netistä, taitaa pysyä suljettuna kirjana. Safranski (1945) on Rüdiger niinkuin Wokun isäpuoli, onkohan se saman luonteinenkin jyrä. No tääkin langanpää jää taas auki. Seikkaperäisempi elämäkerturi olis joku Curt Paul Janz, mut sen biografia on pitempi kuin Retun koko lyhyt elämä.
ellauri038.html on line 267: Mix Nietzsche torveaa vaan aforismeja ex cathedra eikä perustele niitä?
ellauri039.html on line 224: reunustamaa tietä avokuplafolkkarilla Offenburgin

ellauri039.html on line 296: Effi Briest on Theodor Fontanen sankaritar. Riku luki Fontanea graduunsa, joka koski Gründerzeitin kuuluisinta naistenlehteä, Garten-Laubea. Siinä julkaisivat runoja ja juttuja monet tämän paasaelman julkkixet. Effi Briest-romsku ilmestyi följetongina Deutsche Rundschaussa kuutena episodina 1895-5 ja yxissä kansissa 1896. Runollis-asialinjaisen saxalaisen kirjallisuuden merkkiteos, jonka malliin Mann kirjoitti menestyneemmät Buddenbrookit; senniminen heppu esiintyy jo Effi Briestissä. Merikadulla oli faffalta peritty biedermeier-tuoli kirjoituspöydän edessä. Kirjoituspöytä on airbnbssä, tuoli Eurajoella.
ellauri039.html on line 366: Motto: That our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace — Psalms 144:12
ellauri039.html on line 402: Learners in grades 10, 11, or 12 are presented with a literature and music-based unit on the realities of Germany since the World War II with the major focus on the period after the fall of the Wall in 1989. The literature comprises a number of different types of texts; they include adapted selections from Auf Sand gebaut and Filz by Stefan Heym, an Eastern German, and Der Mauerspringer by Peter Schneider, a Western German. The music is a poem "Ännchen von Tharau" by Simon Dach, adapted by Johann Gottfried Herder in his 1778 collection "Stimmen der Völker in Liedern."
ellauri039.html on line 409: Has a new German identity emerged after the fall of the Wall?
ellauri039.html on line 509: Americas healthcare system is still in its evolutionary stage, where as Finland provides affordable healthcare. My left ear was damaged by a doctor who refused to fix it, because we were poor, we couldn't take legal action or afford to fix my ear. I was nearly deaf in my right ear for all of my teens and twenties. When I moved to Finland, it was simple to fix and only costed me 40€ (approximately 41/42$). Compared to the estimated 12k they were going to charge me back home it was a god send.
ellauri039.html on line 519: Food safety is a thing. In America, look at any ingredient list and you will find an INSANE amount of addatives and other crap. HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) is in EVERYTHING it seems. Bread isnt suppose to be sweet but HFCS is there! In Finland such things are banned, most ingredient lists are short because it only contains natural ingredients! It may not last as long, but at least my body is no longer being pumped full of junk.
ellauri039.html on line 521: For me, a developed nation is one in which it cares for it´s people. That accepts science when it says “this affects your health negatively", and says “we don't want our people sick"
ellauri039.html on line 572: Tää on jotain Kameradenschaftia, joutavaa veljeilyä

ellauri040.html on line 139: Klassisen posetivismin kauppa-apulainen Locke oli vaan skolastiikkaa siivoileva pyrkyri. "Paavi" Berkeley hylkäs filosofian ja harrasti tervavettä, varsinkin viskin kanssa se on sentään terveydelle hyväxi. Eskikin menee Pafoxelle määräajoin huljutettavaxi, että pysyy puhtaana ja kukoistus ei lerpahda.
ellauri040.html on line 184: Biograafista metodia pojat haukkuu epä-älyllisexi. Mitä vittua!? Tässähän sitä juuri harjoittaa eräs yliopiston älykkäimmistä miehistä.
ellauri040.html on line 185: Hyvä esimerkki biograafisen menetelmän voimasta on Jörn Donner superkusipää, joka ei ees mennyt tyttärensä hautajaisiin ja teki kolme viidestä pojastaan perinnöttömixi, koska tykkäs vaan niistä nuorimmista. Miekkonen on siis yxinkertaisesti pystyynnostettu paska, ja lo and behold, paskiaisista kertovat sen kehnot kirjatkin. Vrt. myös Henrik Tikkaseen.
ellauri040.html on line 211: Paitsi että Eskelisen teos on memento, se on myös monessa suhteessa anateema, syytöspuhe akateemista tutkimusta vastaan. Erityisesti kritiikin kohteena ovat kotimaisen kirjallisuuden professorit Maria-Liisa Nevala, Juhani Niemi ja Pirjo Lyytikäinen. Osansa saavat myös 'teoriarajoitteinen' Laitinen Kai sekä vanhemmat estetiikan ja yleisen kirjallisuuden edustajat V.A. Koskenniemi, K.S. Laurila, Eino Railo ja Rafael Koskimies. Yliopistollisen tutkimuksen ulkopuolisista kirjallisuuden alan vaikuttajista Eskelinen kohdistaa kritiikkinsä etenkin Tuomas Anhavaan, kun taas Alex Matson saa arvostusta. Kyse ei Eskelisen esimerkkien valossa ole ainoastaan tavalla tai toisella puutteellisesta tutkimuksesta vaan Eino Kauppisen tapauksessa suorastaan epäeettisestä tavasta julkaista Pentti Haanpään tekstejä. Kritiikkiä saavat osakseen myös eräät ulkomaiset tutkijat, kuten Mihail Bahtin ja 'nojatuolimarxilaiset kulttuurintutkijat' Fredric Jameson ja Terry Eagleton.
ellauri040.html on line 329: The earliest will vaguely remember the 20th century, little affinity (mental age factor) or no memory of September 11th 2001, and the last golden years of TV animations in the western world, in Asia and elsewhere, Rise in standard of living, exposure to Computer and Internet and grow up in the reduction in moral, traditional values.
ellauri040.html on line 333: More recently metamodernism, post-postmodernism and the "death of postmodernism" have been widely debated: in 2007 Andrew Hoberek noted in his introduction to a special issue of the journal Twentieth Century Literature titled "After Postmodernism" that "declarations of postmodernism's demise have become a critical commonplace". A small group of critics has put forth a range of theories that aim to describe culture or society in the alleged aftermath of postmodernism, most notably Raoul Eshelman (performatism), Gilles Lipovetsky (hypermodernity), Nicolas Bourriaud (altermodern), and Alan Kirby (digimodernism, formerly called pseudo-modernism). None of these new theories or labels have so far gained very widespread acceptance. Sociocultural anthropologist Nina Müller-Schwarze offers neostructuralism as a possible direction.
ellauri040.html on line 536: Friedrich Hölderlin war der Sohn des Klosterhofmeisters Heinrich Friedrich Hölderlin (1736–1772) und dessen Ehefrau, der Pfarrerstochter Johanna Christiana Hölderlin, geb. Heyn (1748–1828). Die Herkunftsfamilien der Eltern gehörten dem gesellschaftlichen Stand der Ehrbarkeit an. Hölderlins Mutter stammte aus einer württembergischen Pfarrersfamilie, die sich auf Regina Bardili, geb. Burckhardt (1599–1669), zurückführen lässt.
ellauri040.html on line 540: 1794 besuchte er die Universität Jena, um dort Vorlesungen von Johann Gottlieb Fichte zu hören. Er lernte während dieses Aufenthaltes Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und den von ihm besonders verehrten Friedrich Schiller kennen. Auch machte er die Bekanntschaft Friedrich von Hardenbergs (Novalis) und, im Mai 1794, Isaac von Sinclairs, mit dem er ab April 1795 ein Gartenhäuschen in Jena bewohnte. Im Mai 1795 verließ Hölderlin die Universitätsstadt fluchtartig, weil er glaubte, sein großes Vorbild Schiller enttäuscht zu haben, und sich neben ihm nichtig wie ein kleiner Schüler fühlte. Verwirrt und mit Zeichen der Verwahrlosung tauchte er wieder in Nürtingen auf.
ellauri041.html on line 292: Luen vaan yhtä kirjaa, se on mun unohtuneen lapsuuteni kirja, jonka tunnelmaa mä koitan tavoittaa, joskus paremmalla onnella joskus huonommalla. En pidä jännäreistä, trillereistä, en syrjäytyneistä, huumehemmoista, rikkinäisistä perheistä, ahdistuxesta, väkivallasta. Inhoon lääkärisarjoja, poliisisarjoja, dekkareita, supersankareita, rags to riches vaikeuxien kautta voittoon julkkistarinoita, ja sotafilmejä. Inhoon turhaa ja varsinkin feikki moralisoivaa amerikkalaista viihdettä. Inhoon Hyryä ja enemmän vielä Tuuria. Pidin Haanpäästä ja Veijo Merestä. Inhoon seikkailuja, yllättäviä käänteitä ja onnettomia loppuja. (Tää oon mä mitä suurimmassa määrin, ja on tässä Sekuakin vaikkei se ole näin ahas.)
ellauri041.html on line 389: Antti ei toivo Tommille Puovon kohtaloa. Puovo ärähteli lehtimiehille niin ärhäköitä aforismeja, etteivät ne saaneet siitä irti tuon taivaallista. Melenderiäkin kunnioitetaan ja pelätään jo sopulilaumassa, senkin jyrsintähampaat on jo kuluneet eri terävixi. "Yxikin vale, kaunistus tai yleistys tuhoaa kirjailijan", siteeraa Kokkolan poika ihaillen leipurinsälliä stadin Linjoilta. Enemmistö niistä lie jo sitten tuomittu Tommin toimesta hautuumaan jäykkäjäseniseen viihdytyspataljoonaan, jonka majuri on Paavo Haavikko.
ellauri041.html on line 595: Auch Waffel- Honig- Pfannenkuchen -

ellauri041.html on line 963: Bruder Antonio vor seiner Stafflei.

ellauri041.html on line 1204:

Kraft des Gebetes

ellauri041.html on line 1207: Wallfahrten die Bruderschaften;

ellauri041.html on line 1209: Einen Ablass von grossen Kraften.
ellauri041.html on line 1211: Die Bruderschaft u. den Jungfernverband

ellauri041.html on line 1236: Der Saft, der aus der Traube quoll,

ellauri041.html on line 1290: mit wunderbarer Kraft erledigt,

ellauri041.html on line 1384: Er kam und trat ins Schlafgemach,

ellauri041.html on line 1395: - Gewiss, ich konnte nichts dafür! -

ellauri041.html on line 1514: Er schafft sich einen Esel an,

ellauri041.html on line 1641: Links und rechts einen herzhaften Kuss.

ellauri041.html on line 1724: Es käme mir denn ein glaubhaft Zeichen!
ellauri041.html on line 1757: "Es kommt so manches Schaf herein,

ellauri041.html on line 1911: Den uafrystelige gæld
ellauri042.html on line 77: with fore and aft serrations! nauloineen ja kiskoineen, niillä vie
ellauri042.html on line 157: on overpopulation. See me after class. ylikansoituxesta. Jäät luokkaan tunnin jälkeen.
ellauri042.html on line 461: Jens Blendstrup indtager rollen som et villavejsvidne og leverer et humoristisk og nænsomt portræt af en aldrende og dæmonisk far.
ellauri042.html on line 463: Dansk litteratur og i særdeleshed dansk autofiktion er spækket med modbydelige forældre, der svigter og misbruger deres børn på både tænkelige og utænkelige måder. Kim Leines far gør det i Kalak (2007), Erling Jepsens far gør det i Kunsten at græde i kor (2002), og Morten Sabroes mor gør det i Du som er i himlen (2007). Jens Blendstrups 'Gud taler ud' fra 2004 er også et portræt af en forælder, der skruppelløst krænker og sårer, men i modsætning til de øvrige forfattere, leverer Blendstrup en roman, der hverken er et opgør eller en konfrontation. Blendstrup skriver uden omveje og mellemled. Der er ingen stræben efter forsoning med de svigt og sår, en barndom kaster af sig. Der er blot et dybtgående og egensindigt portræt af en alkoholiseret og dæmonisk gnistrende far til fire i et århusiansk villaparadis.
ellauri042.html on line 465: I korte, enkeltstående scener følger romanen familien fra den ruller flyttevognen – med den lille Jens sovende i en kommodeskuffe på ladet – ind ved villaen i Risskov, til faren til sidst dør af kræft, og de fire voksne sønner samles til en fælles afsked. Det er med stor sans for det mundrette sprog og for det humoristiske og komiske, at Blendstrup skildrer faren, også i de mest usympatiske situationer, når han tager livet af en kat med en brevkniv, når han lader sin hund rasere en nabos hønsehus, når hans næver sidder løst, og familien gemmer sig bag låste døre og under gamle sofaer, når han planter sine drømme om jordomrejse til havs i sine sønners hoveder, men ender med at drikke pengene op.
ellauri042.html on line 467: Ved at hjælp af det enkle og effektfulde greb at erstatte substantivet ’far’ med det overjordiske og almægtige ’Gud’ får Blendstrup den distance, der skal til for at kunne skrive et uforbeholdent og umiddelbart portræt af sin forgudede far. Samtidig skaber referencen til de højere magter en finurlig humoristisk effekt:
ellauri042.html on line 471: Men side og om side med humoren står den nænsomme registrering af smerten hos den dødsmærkede far:
ellauri042.html on line 475: Blendstrups sprogsnilde og nænsomme registreringer gør Gud taler ud til en latterforløsende beretning om et svigefuldt, grænseoverskridende overmenneske, som dog også leverer et stort engagement og nærvær i livet og sin familie. Og kan bogen ikke læses som et opgør eller en forsoning, kan den i stedet forstås som et forsøg på at videreføre arven efter faren eller måske endda at levendegøre ham post mortem ved at lade ham låne sønnens stemme. I en af romanens afsluttende scener, hvor faderen som en følge af sygdommen har mistet stemmen, assisterer sønnen Jens ham ved at lade ham låne sin egen. Faren har skrevet en tale til en familiefest, og Jens stiller sig bag ham med et lagen over hovedet og læser talen højt, imiterende farens stemme, og imens sidder faren på sin stol og mimer med. Romanen ligner en videreførelse af dette eksperiment, hvor Jens iklæder sig nogle sproglige gevandter, der tillader ham at agere sin fars stemme. Og arven efter faren kommer stærkt til udtryk i Jens’ finurlige fikumdikken rundt med sproget.
ellauri042.html on line 477: Romanen blev et gennembrud for Blendstrup, der før Gud taler ud skrev i kortere genrer. Han debuterede med novellesamlingen Mennesker i en mistbænk i 1994. Blendstrups tone er bramfri, men blandet med en fin følsomhed over for det nære. Humoren, det groteske og det surrealistiske går igen i Blendstrups forfatterskab. Jens Blendstrup har siden Gud taler ud skrevet både noveller, romaner, dramatik og tekster til Frodegruppen 40, som han også er forsanger i. Han tager den selvbiografiske fortælling op igen med romanen Bombaygryde fra 2010. Sammen med litteraturkritikeren Lars Bukdahl optræder Blendstrup med den unikke genre ’litterær hypnose’, som er en blanding af dilettantkomedie, oplæsning og dans. Blendstrup er blevet kaldt litteraturens pølsemand, og som en del af forfatterskabets eksistentielle komik står han ikke tilbage for at læse sine tekster højt med en tehætte på hovedet. Men med Gud taler ud står Jens Blendstrup også tydeligt frem som villavejsvidne, hvor det almindelige skildres i dets mange facetter, og det, der på overfladen ligner et almindeligt, rutinepræget liv i et almindeligt, rutinepræget forstadskvarter, viser sig at rumme både små og store særheder.
ellauri042.html on line 481: Gud taler ud er filmatiseringen er Jens Blendstrups selvbiografiske bestseller af samme navn fra 2004 og er en skæv, sjov og rørende film af den prisbelønnede instruktør Henrik Ruben Genz med Søren Malling i sit livs rolle som Uffe/Gud.I 80´erne vokser Jens og hans brødre op i et parcelhus i Risskov. Her regerer familiens overhoved, Uffe - Psykolog og selvbestaltet Gud i slåbrok ...
ellauri042.html on line 536: Bernard-Henri Lévy (usein BHL, alk. Bernard Levy, s. 5. marraskuuta 1948 Beni-Saf, Ranskan Algeria) on kirjailija, elokuvaohjaaja ja tyhjäntoimittaja, joka tunnetaan kansainvälisesti ketkuna. Hän oli vuonna 1976 "uuden filosofian" kärkihahmoja.
Uuden hah. Samaa vanhaa oikeistopaskaa pukinnahkaleilissä. Hänen varakas isänsä oli puutavarayhtiön perustaja. Siitä voi jo päätellä että kyseessä on persepää. Ja tää pika-analyyssi vahvistuu kun lukee eteenpäin.
ellauri042.html on line 648: The plot of the poem is simple. Dulness, the goddess, appears at a Lord Mayor's Day in 1724 and notes that her king, Elkannah Settle, has died. She chooses Lewis Theobald as his successor. In honour of his coronation, she holds heroic games. He is then transported to the Temple of Dulness, where he has visions of the future. The poem has a consistent setting and time, as well. Book I covers the night after the Lord Mayor's Day, Book II the morning to dusk, and Book III the darkest night. Furthermore, the poem begins at the end of the Lord Mayor's procession, goes in Book II to the Strand, then to Fleet Street (where booksellers were), down by Bridewell Prison to the Fleet ditch, then to Ludgate at the end of Book II; in Book III, Dulness goes through Ludgate to the City of London to her temple.
ellauri042.html on line 669: Kuuntelin Easter Paradea starrin Judy Garland ja Fred Astaire. Kyllä se olikin syvältä perseestä. Hanurimusiikkia Jenkeistä. Fred on niin homon näköinen et on vaikee uskoa. Fred Astaire may have married twice and had children, but Gore Vidal told his nephew he shafted the famous dancer and actor in Hollywood. Olen pederasti, sanoi Vidal toimittajalle. Have a nice day! sanoi taxikuski Vidalille. No, I have other plans for the day, Vidal läppäsi. Se kävi paljon Bangkokissa. Harri Jäppinen kävi Indonesiassa.
ellauri042.html on line 680: Margaret Eleanor Atwood CC OOnt CH FRSC (born November 18, 1939) is a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, teacher, environmental activist, and inventor. Since 1961, she has published 18 books of poetry, 18 novels, 11 books of non-fiction, nine collections of short fiction, eight children's books, and two graphic novels, as well as a number of small press editions of both poetry and fiction. Atwood has won numerous awards and honors for her writing, including the Booker Prize (twice), Arthur C. Clarke Award, Governor General's Award, Franz Kafka Prize, Princess of Asturias Awards, and the National Book Critics and PEN Center USA Lifetime Achievement Awards. A number of her works have been adapted for film and television.
ellauri042.html on line 684: In 1968, Atwood married Jim Polk, an American writer; they divorced in 1973 without issue. Maybe they ought to have bought a handmaid. She formed a relationship with fellow novelist Graeme Gibson soon afterward and moved to a farm near Alliston, Ontario, where their daughter, Eleanor Jess Atwood Gibson, was born in 1976. The family returned to Toronto in 1980. Atwood and Gibson were together until September 18, 2019, when Gibson died after suffering from dementia. She wrote about Gibson in the poem Dearly and in an accompanying essay on grief and poetry published in The Guardian in 2020.
ellauri042.html on line 688: In 2017 Gibson was diagnosed with early signs of vascular dementia. He died on 18 September 2019 in London, England, where Atwood was promoting her new book, five days after having a big stroke. Atwood later said about his death that it had not been unexpected due to the vascular dementia, had been a good one—and in a good hospital, and his children had time to come and say goodbye—and that he had been "declining and he had wanted to check out before he reached any further stages of that".
ellauri042.html on line 701: In 1833, the family moved to Tula where the father bought a manor. Shortly after the death of his mother in 1837, Fyodor (16 yrs) was sent to St. Petersburg where he entered the Army Engineering College. 2 years later, in 1839, Dostoevsky´s more and more tyrannical father died, probably of apoplexy, but there were strong rumours that he was murdered by his own serfs in a quarrel. (Unless it was Fedja who dunit.) Against the background of this legend, Sigmund Freud later interpreted the patricide in the novel “The brothers Karamazov” as showing Fedja hated his father´s guts. True, but the main thing was the epilepsy, wait and see.
ellauri042.html on line 710: Furthermore, his first wife, who was something of an impulse purchase, suffered from tuberculosis, so he had an impassionate affair with a young woman called Apollinaria Suslova on the side. It ended tragically due to his obsession with gambling. Beside of these blows he suffered from frequent epileptic seizures. At the bedside of his sick wife he wrote “Notes from Underground” (1864), a psychological study of an outsider. The work starts with a confession by the writer: “I am a sick man … I am a wicked man …” Fair enough.
ellauri042.html on line 712: In 1864, Dostoevsky´s wife number one died at last, and shortly after he left Petersburg again to meet his beloved Apollinaria. The reunion with Apollinaria became a great failure, because he continued gambling.
ellauri042.html on line 723:
Fedja-sedän hypergrafiaa. Seija piirtää Riitan paasatessa luurissa sivun täyteen kukkia.

ellauri042.html on line 768: africa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Josef-Mengele-2.png" height="200px" />
ellauri042.html on line 783: Grafen visar hur snabbt Frankrike respektive Irland, Nederländerna och Sverige lyckades minska antalet nyinlagda patienter på iva.
ellauri042.html on line 834: Musikaalinen porsas. Absoluuttinen porsaankorva. Arkipäiväisiä neural nettijuttuja. Vajakit "näkee" numeroita. Saxikin oli pienenä numeronikkari mutta jäi vajakeille toisexi. Tekoälyssäkin käytetään grafiikkapiirejä. Kts. esim. https://ai.stackexchange.com/questions/3389/could-a-neural-network-detect-primes.
ellauri042.html on line 885: Devotions upon Emergent Occasions, or in full Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions, and severall steps in my Sicknes, is a prose work by the English metaphysical poet and cleric in the Church of England John Donne (22 January 1572 - 31 March 1631) , published in 1624. It covers death, rebirth and the Elizabethan concept of sickness as a French visit from God, reflecting internal sinfulness. The Devotions were written in December 1623 as Donne recovered from a serious but unknown illness – believed to be relapsing fever or typhus. Having come close to death, he described the illness he had suffered from and his thoughts throughout his recovery with "near super-human speed and concentration". Registered by 9 January, and published soon after, the Devotions is one of only seven works attributed to Donne which were printed during his lifetime.
ellauri042.html on line 896:

Metafyysinen poeetta John Donne

ellauri042.html on line 941: His father died in 1576, when Donne was four years old, leaving his mother, Elizabeth, with the responsibility of raising the children alone.[2] Heywood was also from a recusant Roman Catholic family, the daughter of John Heywood, the playwright, and sister of the Reverend Jasper Heywood, a Jesuit priest and translator.[2] She was also a great-niece of Thomas More. A few months after her husband died, Donne's mother married Dr. John Syminges, a wealthy widower with three children of his own.
ellauri042.html on line 945: Despite his great education and poetic talents, Donne lived in poverty for several years, relying heavily on wealthy friends. He spent much of the money he inherited during and after his education on womanising, literature, pastimes, and travel. In 1601, Donne secretly married Anne More, with whom he had twelve children. In 1615 he was ordained Anglican deacon and then priest, although he did not want to take holy orders and only did so because the king ordered it. He also served as a member of Parliament in 1601 and in 1614.
ellauri042.html on line 947: During the next four years, Donne fell in love with Egerton´s niece Anne More, and they were secretly married just before Christmas in 1601, against the wishes of both Egerton and Anne's father George More, who was Lieutenant of the Tower. Upon discovery, this wedding ruined Donne's career, getting him dismissed and put in Fleet Prison, along with the Church of England priest Samuel Brooke, who married them,[13] and his brother Chistopher, who stood in in the absence of George More to give Anne away. Donne was released shortly thereafter when the marriage was proved to be valid, and he soon secured the release of the other two. Walton tells us that when Donne wrote to his wife to tell her about losing his post, he wrote after his name: John Donne, Anne Donne, Un-done.[14] It was not until 1609 that Donne was reconciled with his father-in-law and received his wife´s dowry,
ellauri042.html on line 953: Anne gave birth to twelve children in sixteen years of marriage, (including two stillbirths—their eighth and then, in 1617, their last child); indeed, she spent most of her married life either pregnant or nursing. The ten surviving children were Constance, John, George, Francis, Lucy (named after Donne´s patroness Lucy, Countess of Bedford, her godmother), Bridget, Mary, Nicholas, Margaret, and Elizabeth. Three (Francis, Nicholas, and Mary) died before they were ten. In a state of despair that almost drove him to kill himself, Donne noted that the death of a child would mean one mouth fewer to feed, but he could not afford the burial expenses. During this time, Donne wrote but did not publish Biathanatos, his defense of suicide. Anne died on 15 August 1617, five days after giving birth to their twelfth child, a still-born baby. Donne mourned her deeply, and wrote of his love and loss in his 17th Holy Sonnet.
ellauri043.html on line 154:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Anttoni

ellauri043.html on line 167:

Ensi alkuun muutin yhden faaraon vuokrapyramidiin. Mutta ne maanalaiset palazit on taiottuja, ne on pimeitä ja tunkkaisia faaraon iänikuisista sikaareista. Ruumisarkun pohjalta kuului valittavaa kuzuääntä; tai sit must yxkax näytti että seinillä oli törkyisiä graffitteja; ja mä lähdin karkuun Punaisen meren rantaan, missä oli raunioinen kaupunki, oisko ollut Ur. Siellä mun seurana oli jenkkisotilaiden näköisiä siiroja, ja korkealla pään päällä lensi korppikotkia kuin Lucky Lukessa.
ellauri043.html on line 375:

Thais ja Pafnutius

ellauri043.html on line 376: Pafnutius oli ebyktiläinen piispa, joka muutaman muun piispan perässä (mm. Bessarion ja Serapion) oli menossa "käännyttämään" (munkkilatinaa, tarkoittaa bylsäsemään) kuuluisaa kurtisaania Thaista. Pettymyxexeen löysi tämän jo valmiixi kuvaseinään päin kääntyneenä. No sehän ei Pafnutiusta pysäyttänyt, sujuuhan se näinkin päin, se tuumasi. Jälkeenpäin se vei Thaixen muiden kirkkopaapojen hoideltavaxi, sanoen: "Toin teille puolivillin kutun, joka just pääsi yhden suden käpälistä (en sano kenen, nimi alkaa peellä). Toivottavasti teillä riittää sääliä suoda sille päänalunen, peittoa ei tarvize, ja että se teidän hoidossa vielä paranee niin että kun toi vuohenturkki siistitään, niin alla on pehmeetä lampaan nukkaa."
ellauri043.html on line 379: Nikean paapat purppuramekoissa olivat olevinaan maageja valtaistuimilla pitkin seinänvieriä, ja niitä juhlittiin kekkereillä, annettiin prenikoita, etenkin Pafnutiusta (se joka bylsi Thaista, ks tietolaatikko), koska se on silmäpuoli ja klenkka Diokletianuxen vainoista! Keisari on voidellu sen puhkastua silmää moneen otteeseen, typerää! Sitäpaizi Nikean konsiilissa oli sellasia törkymöykkyjä: Skyyttalainen piispa Teofilus Kierto, toinen täysin perseestä, Jeah; eläintenhoitaja Spiridion! Alexanteri oli yli-ikäinen. Athanasioxen olisi pitänyt olla lempeämpi areiolaisille, saadaxeen niiltä myönnytyxiä!

ellauri043.html on line 439:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Eka ääni:
ellauri043.html on line 444:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Toinen ääni:

ellauri043.html on line 449:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kolmas ääni:

ellauri043.html on line 453:

after: avoid; text-align: center;" align="justify">
ellauri043.html on line 466:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 606:

Anttu ravistaa helminauhan nyrkistään. Se pitää kuppia vasemmassaa kädessään ja toisella kädellä soihtua nähdäxeen paremmin. Ihan kuin vesi joka virtaa suihkualtaaseen, se laskostuu muodostaen hiekalle pienen vuoren timantteja, jalokiviä ja safiireja ja väliin isoja kultarahoja, joissa on kuninkaiden kuvia.

ellauri043.html on line 716: Antonius huomaa orjia aitioiden perällä. Ne on Nikean laitosneuvoston paapoja, surkeissa rääsyissä. Marttyyri Pafnutius sukii yhden hepan harjaa, Teofilus Kierto pesee toisen jalkoja, Jeah maalaa kolmannen kavioita, Aleksanteri kerää koriin kakkamunkkeja.
ellauri043.html on line 799:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Saaban kuningatar

ellauri043.html on line 802: Sen kultabrokaadimekko, jossa on tasavälein helmi- gagaatti- ja safiirihepeneitä,
ellauri043.html on line 986:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 993:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Lapsi

ellauri043.html on line 1000:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1004:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1008:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1016:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1020:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1024:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1028:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1032:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1036:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1043:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1048:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1052:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1056:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1060:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1064:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1070:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1074:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1079:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1083:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1087:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1091:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1095:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1099:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1103:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1107:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1111:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1115:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1122:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1127:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1131:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1137:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1142:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1148:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1152:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1157:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1161:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1165:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1169:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1182:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1189:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1196:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1201:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1207:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1215:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1229:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1233:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1237:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1241:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1245:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1249:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1253:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1260:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1264:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1268:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1273:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1278:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1282:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1289:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1296:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1302:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1307:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1314:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1333:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1345:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1352:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1363:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Manès

ellauri043.html on line 1384:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1393:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Mies,
ellauri043.html on line 1406:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Manès

ellauri043.html on line 1413:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1420:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Manès

ellauri043.html on line 1425:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1429:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Manès

ellauri043.html on line 1436:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1440:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Manès

ellauri043.html on line 1446:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1451:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1455:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Saturninus

ellauri043.html on line 1464:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1468:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Cerdon

ellauri043.html on line 1473:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Marcion

ellauri043.html on line 1477:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Pyhä Klemens Alexandrialainen
ellauri043.html on line 1482:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Bardesanes

ellauri043.html on line 1489:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hernialaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1493:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Priscillianuslaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1497:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1504:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion

ellauri043.html on line 1516:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Valentinus

ellauri043.html on line 1524:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1538:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Valentinus

ellauri043.html on line 1566:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Origènes

ellauri043.html on line 1574:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Basilides

ellauri043.html on line 1592:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1597:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Elkesaiitit

ellauri043.html on line 1613:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Karpokratoslaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1622:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Nikolaiitit
ellauri043.html on line 1633:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Markosioslaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1663:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 1679:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Messalialaisiin

ellauri043.html on line 1690:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Paterniolaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1699:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ætius

ellauri043.html on line 1708:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">yx mies

ellauri043.html on line 1721:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1730:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Tertullianus

ellauri043.html on line 1739:

Se vollottaa, pää nojallaan pylvääseen, hiuxet roikkuen, ruumis kiedottuna pitkään ruskeaan afgaaniturkkiin.

ellauri043.html on line 1747:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Priscilla

ellauri043.html on line 1758:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1762:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Priscilla

ellauri043.html on line 1767:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1772:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Priscilla

ellauri043.html on line 1776:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Yx ääni:

ellauri043.html on line 1785:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Maximilla

ellauri043.html on line 1809:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1813:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Priscilla

ellauri043.html on line 1822:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Maximilla

ellauri043.html on line 1826:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Priscilla

ellauri043.html on line 1830:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Maximilla

ellauri043.html on line 1842:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Montanus

ellauri043.html on line 1857:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Tertullianus

ellauri043.html on line 1866:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Montanus

ellauri043.html on line 1872:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Arkonttilaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1879:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Tatianoslaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1890:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Valesiolaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1900:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kainilaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1914:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Circoncellionit

ellauri043.html on line 1941:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Areios

ellauri043.html on line 1953:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Sabellius

ellauri043.html on line 1958:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Areios

ellauri043.html on line 1962:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 1967:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 1973:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Sethianilaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1977:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Théodotoslaiset

ellauri043.html on line 1982:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 1987:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 1993:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Änkyrän pikku Markku

ellauri043.html on line 1997:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kainuun Paavi

ellauri043.html on line 2003:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Isä Mefodi

ellauri043.html on line 2007:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kerinthos

ellauri043.html on line 2011:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Valentino

ellauri043.html on line 2017:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Pauli
ellauri043.html on line 2023:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hermo Gene

ellauri043.html on line 2031:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Jutku

ellauri043.html on line 2042:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Anto Leikola

ellauri043.html on line 2048:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Lahkopäälliköt

ellauri043.html on line 2052:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2060:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kirsikkaviinerit

ellauri043.html on line 2064:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Markkulaiset:

ellauri043.html on line 2068:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Imelda Markoslaiset
ellauri043.html on line 2073:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Enkratiitit

ellauri043.html on line 2077:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kainuulaiset

ellauri043.html on line 2081:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Basilisko

ellauri043.html on line 2085:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Manes

ellauri043.html on line 2092:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Vanhat ebioniitit

ellauri043.html on line 2107:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2112:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Tertullianus

ellauri043.html on line 2116:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2121:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kesarean Eusebios

ellauri043.html on line 2129:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Marcellina

ellauri043.html on line 2140:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Yx ääni
ellauri043.html on line 2163:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Inspiroitunut järbä

ellauri043.html on line 2170:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki

ellauri043.html on line 2178:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Henkistynyt heppu

ellauri043.html on line 2191:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki

ellauri043.html on line 2199:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Into-piukea

ellauri043.html on line 2206:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki

ellauri043.html on line 2214:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hengästynyt kaveri

ellauri043.html on line 2218:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki

ellauri043.html on line 2232:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Inkuboitu

ellauri043.html on line 2249:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki

ellauri043.html on line 2272:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Uskovaiset

ellauri043.html on line 2313:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Vanhus

ellauri043.html on line 2336:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Nuori mies

ellauri043.html on line 2358:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Mustakaapu

ellauri043.html on line 2376:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Lohduttaja

ellauri043.html on line 2390:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Lohduttaja

ellauri043.html on line 2398:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki

ellauri043.html on line 2425:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Yksi naisista

ellauri043.html on line 2437:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Yx nainen:

ellauri043.html on line 2445:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Toinen nainen
ellauri043.html on line 2450:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Vielä yxi
ellauri043.html on line 2456:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Taas yxi

ellauri043.html on line 2467:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Yx mies

ellauri043.html on line 2479:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ja kaikki muut

ellauri043.html on line 2499:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Yx leski

ellauri043.html on line 2532:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Nakusofisti

ellauri043.html on line 2570:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2617:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Muushalainen
ellauri043.html on line 2631:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simo

ellauri043.html on line 2636:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2640:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simeoni

ellauri043.html on line 2650:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Helena
ellauri043.html on line 2663:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2671:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simo

ellauri043.html on line 2678:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Helena

ellauri043.html on line 2688:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2693:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simo taas

ellauri043.html on line 2698:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Helena

ellauri043.html on line 2705:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simon

ellauri043.html on line 2716:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2721:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simo

ellauri043.html on line 2730:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2734:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simppa

ellauri043.html on line 2738:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2747:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simuna

ellauri043.html on line 2756:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Spede (siis Antonius)

ellauri043.html on line 2771:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simo Salminen

ellauri043.html on line 2779:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Simo-taikuri

ellauri043.html on line 2820:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2837:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2854:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2863:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2875:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2882:

after: avoid; text-align: center;"ö>Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2887:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2891:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2898:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2902:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2906:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2917:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2923:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2928:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2938:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 2946:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2950:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 2959:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2965:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 2969:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2979:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 2985:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 2993:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 2998:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3010:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3019:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3024:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3029:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3035:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3040:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3044:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3051:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3057:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3064:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3071:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3080:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3086:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3092:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3096:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3104:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3108:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3115:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3126:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3131:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3136:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3145:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3149:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3157:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3162:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3166:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3170:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3174:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3179:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3190:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3194:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3198:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3205:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3212:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3222:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3230:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3234:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3238:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3242:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3248:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3253:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3257:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3261:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3266:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3270:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3275:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3279:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3283:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3287:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3291:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3300:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3304:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3308:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3312:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3316:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3320:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3324:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3328:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3332:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3340:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3344:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3348:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3356:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3360:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3364:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3368:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius

ellauri043.html on line 3373:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius

ellauri043.html on line 3379:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis

ellauri043.html on line 3384:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3391:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3405:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3415:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3425:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3432:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3442:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3449:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3455:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3461:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3467:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3473:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3479:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3489:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3499:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3506:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3513:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3520:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3534:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3545:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3552:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3559:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3565:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3571:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3578:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3584:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3590:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3596:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3605:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3612:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3619:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3626:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3637:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3644:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3650:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3653: Mä selitän sulle matkalla jumalien asennot, mix Apolla seiso, Juppiter istuu, mix Venus on musta Korintissa, ruudullinen Ateenassa, teltanmallinen Pafoxella (credits: E.Saarinen).

ellauri043.html on line 3656:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3666:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3672:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3682:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3689:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3695:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3702:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3708:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3715:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Damis
ellauri043.html on line 3735:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollonius
ellauri043.html on line 3767:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3804:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3814:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3840:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3846:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3853:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3870:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3877:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3887:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3903:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3913:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3919:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3946:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3956:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3973:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 3979:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 3989:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">naku mies
ellauri043.html on line 4010:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4026:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 4038:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4045:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 4053:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4065:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 4105:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4111:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 4132:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4142:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Buddha
ellauri043.html on line 4149:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4159:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Buddha
ellauri043.html on line 4184:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4204:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Oannes
ellauri043.html on line 4228:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilary
ellauri043.html on line 4234:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Tony
ellauri043.html on line 4244:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4260:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4275:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4282:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4290:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4297:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4330:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4337:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4344:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4356:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4363:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4384:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ormuz
ellauri043.html on line 4438:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Efesoxen XXL-kokoinen Diana
ellauri043.html on line 4470:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4500:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ryhmänvanhin
ellauri043.html on line 4538:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Arkki-Calle
ellauri043.html on line 4564:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4591:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kybele
ellauri043.html on line 4603:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Vätys
ellauri043.html on line 4636:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kaikki
ellauri043.html on line 4672:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">1 nainen
ellauri043.html on line 4730:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Isis
ellauri043.html on line 4758:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4768:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4775:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Isis
ellauri043.html on line 4786:

Coucoupha est employé comme nom masculin singulier. Employé comme nom. 1. dans l'Antiquité, en Égypte, animal mythique à longue oreilles figurant sur les sceptres des souverains. Quelques mots au hasard. Lisää henkiolentoja. In old pharmacy, a cucupha or cucufa was a cap, or cover for the head, with cephalic spices quilted in it, worn for certain nervous distempers, particularly those affecting the head. Saint Cucuphas is a martyr of Spain. His feast day is 25 July but in some areas it is celebrated on 27 July to avoid conflict with the important feast day of Santiago, the patron saint of Spain. His name is said to be of Phoenician origin with the meaning of "he who jokes, he who likes to joke."
ellauri043.html on line 4846:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4852:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4862:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4869:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4876:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4883:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4890:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4899:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4905:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4954:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 4961:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 4990:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5013:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ääni
ellauri043.html on line 5029:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Jupiter
ellauri043.html on line 5069:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Juno
ellauri043.html on line 5080:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Minerva
ellauri043.html on line 5102:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Herkkulesn
ellauri043.html on line 5118:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Pluto
ellauri043.html on line 5135:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Neptunus
ellauri043.html on line 5150:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Diana
ellauri043.html on line 5165:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Mars
ellauri043.html on line 5183:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Vulkanus
ellauri043.html on line 5198:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ceres
ellauri043.html on line 5228:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Bakkus
ellauri043.html on line 5252:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Apollo
ellauri043.html on line 5281:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Venus
ellauri043.html on line 5315:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5334:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5361:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5391:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5407:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5434:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5440:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5474:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5515:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Kotilaarit
ellauri043.html on line 5543:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Crepitus
ellauri043.html on line 5600:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Ääni pääsee:
ellauri043.html on line 5639:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5651:

after: avoid; text-align: center;" align="justify">
ellauri043.html on line 5663:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5673:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5680:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri043.html on line 5690:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Hilarion
ellauri043.html on line 5700:

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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Saablari
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Perhana
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Saakuri
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">vanha nainen
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Eukko
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after: avoid; text-align: center;">Vanha akka
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ellauri043.html on line 7019: Gouith, Ahuti, Alphalim, Iukneth Caffe-vuorilta (mistä saadaan kahvia), Homaï arabimaista, jotka on murhattujen miesten sieluja.
ellauri043.html on line 7032:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">
ellauri043.html on line 7093:

after: avoid; text-align: center;">Antonius
ellauri045.html on line 181: kuin Dashiel Hammetin mafioson buldoggi 2-väriseen kenkään

ellauri045.html on line 322: Armenialainen William Saroyan tiesi mistä narusta on vedettävä kirjottaessaan The Human Comedy nimisen propagandafilmin kässärin v 1943. Karseampaa americanaa ei voi kuvitella. It’s an America that probably no longer exists. In fact it never did, it's just propaganda.
ellauri045.html on line 324: Variety staff wrote that Saroyan’s “initial original screenplay is a brilliant sketch of the basic fundamentals of the American way of life, transferred to the screen with exceptional fidelity.” The New York Times critic Bosley Crowther chided the film for excessive sentimentality, saying it featured "some most maudlin gobs of cinematic goo."
ellauri045.html on line 366: Minun tuli venakkohuoraa ikävä, tai ketä tahansa, sanoo Hannu tarkoittaen että panettaa. Pissaliisaa se ahistelee täysin välittämättä sen pyynnöistä. Kaskun sille tuli ikävä. Leffassa se kazoi miten rakkaus alkoi, toteutui ja loppui. Toteutuminen oli se puikotus. Tyypillistä Hannua. Onnexi se sai sentään mafialta turpaan.
ellauri045.html on line 473: Jesenin olisi helppo kuitata Venäjän artomellerinä heinänkorsi suussa, jonka keskeislyyrisissä runoissa kuljeskellaan orpona maailmalla haikaillen katoavan kyläkulttuurin perään. Jesenin toimi kuitenkin myös imaginistien liikkeessä. Aikakauden keskeisiin suuntauksiin, akmeismiin ja futurismiin, verrattuna imaginismin merkitys oli ehkä marginaalinen, mutta sillä oli sukulaisryhmiä ulkomailla. Esimerkiksi amerikkalaiset imagistit, kuten Ezra Pound, olivat käsityksissään kielen metaforisuudesta hyvin lähellä imaginistien ideoita. Imaginistit korostivat kuvan ja metaforan itsetarkoituksellista merkitystä.
Markku Anhava, bonzaimodernistin pikkupartainen poika 65 vee, haukkui myöskin Hyvärisen Jeseninkäännöxen pataluhaxi. Markku tuntee asiaa, se on Suomen Jeseninin Arto Mellerin elämäkerturi.
ellauri045.html on line 487: Jesenin käyttää välillä hyviäkin metaforia, mutta runoutta myös rasittaa manerismi. Kuuta ja tähtiä metaforisoidaan loputtomiin. Taivas on aina sininen ja kaartuva, alkutekstissä "goluboi", eli vaaleansininen, ja myös Venäjä on aina sininen.
ellauri045.html on line 491: Kokoelman selvimmin imaginistisessa runossa "Tammojen laivat" näkyvät sisällissodan groteskit tapahtumat. Ketjuuntuvien metaforien kuvallisuus tekee siitä yhden Jesenin parhaista runoista. "Kaiken tuntemaan ja silleen jättämään/ saapui runoilija tähän maailmaan./ Hän saapui suutelemaan lehmiä, kuuntelemaan kauran narskuntaa, s. 69", runossa julistetaan. Jeseninin kirjoitti monta renttuelämää kuvaavaa runoa, joiden naturalistisessa tunnelmassa on usein draivia:
ellauri045.html on line 499: Venäläisille runoilijoille Krim ja Kaukasus ovat perinteisesti merkinneet kosketusta itämaisuuteen. Jesenin matkusti vuosina 1924-1925 Georgiaan ja Azerbaidjaniin ja kirjoitti runosarjan, jossa tehdään mielikuvitusmatka Iraniin. Viittauksia klassisiin persialaisrunoilijoihin viljelevissä runoissa fantasioidaan hunnutetuista naisista, hörpitään teetä ja tepastellaan puutarhoissa. Orientalistista mausteista huolimatta mukana on pari hyvää rakkausrunoa. Kokonaisuutena sarja latistuu makeiluun ja metaforien manerismiin.
ellauri046.html on line 63: In laguna venne accolta dalla raffinata ed istruita società veneziana; al suo interno condusse una vita elegante e spregiudicata, segnalandosi per la sua bellezza e per le sue qualità. Fu difatti cantante e suonatrice di liuto, oltre che poetessa, ed entrò nell'Accademia dei Dubbiosi con il nome di Anasilla (così veniva chiamato in latino il fiume Piave - Anaxus - che attraversava il feudo dei Collalto, cui apparteneva quel Collaltino che lei amò). L'abitazione degli Stampa divenne uno dei salotti letterari più famosi di Venezia, frequentato dai migliori pittori, letterati e musicisti del Veneto, e molti accorrevano a seguire le esecuzioni canore di Gaspara delle liriche di Petrarca. Leimasin oli nätti ja kulturnaja, osas käyttää luuttua enemmällä kuin yhdellä sormella, ja laulaa kauniisti. Stampat piti tyylikästä salonkia Veneziassa, jonne tuli Petrarcakin Laura-nyyhkytyxineen.
ellauri046.html on line 65: Sufficientemente colta nella letteratura, nell'arte e nella musica, Gaspara fu portata dalla forte carica della sua personalità a vivere in modo libero diverse esperienze amorose, che segnano profondamente la sua vita e la sua produzione poetica. I romantici videro in lei una novella Saffo, anche per la sua breve esistenza, vissuta in maniera intensamente passionale. La vicenda della poetessa va però ridimensionata e collocata nel quadro della vita mondana del tempo, dove le relazioni sociali, comprese quelle amorose, rispondono spesso a un cerimoniale e ad una serie di convenzioni precise. Fra queste è da segnalare l'amore per il conte Collaltino di Collalto, uomo di guerra e di lettere, che durò circa tre anni (1548-1551): tuttavia a causa di lunghi periodi di lontananza Collaltino non ricambiò il sentimento intenso che Gaspara provò per lui, e la relazione si concluse con l'abbandono della poetessa, che attraversò anche una profonda crisi spirituale e religiosa. Leimasimella oli taipumusta depixiin. Kun tuli vastoinkäymisiä (veli kuoli, kreivi jätti), se meni aina rapakuntoon ja meinas mennä nunnaxi. Onnexi ei mennyt.
ellauri046.html on line 106: You think after all you've done
ellauri046.html on line 166: Sisäisiä maailmoja alettiin purkaa ilman peitetarinaa vähän ennen maailmansotaa. Kafka, Musil, Broch, Joyce, Proust, Strindberg.
ellauri046.html on line 224: Søren Kierkegaard nedskrev ni år før sin død, hvordan hans grav skulle se ud. Det hele skulde tilsaas med lavt fint græs, kun skulde der i hvert Hjørne plantes en lille busk af tyrkiske, mørkerøde Roser. Paa en Tavle, svarende til den, der laa paa Forældrenes Grav, skulde der ved siden af de to afdøde Søskendes Navne være Plads til hans Navn, og herunder skulde sættes med smaa Bogstaver følgende Vers af Brorson:
ellauri046.html on line 232: og uafladelig
ellauri046.html on line 272: Not only does this book make Kierkegaard accessible but it also entertains, regales with story, and amuses. It will be useful for the lectern, pulpit, and after-dinner dais. The selections, which made me laugh, illustrate sardonically the contradictions of existence."—David J. Gouwens, Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University.
ellauri046.html on line 349: He studied philosophy and theology at university and then spent the rest of his life in his home town doing not much other than producing volume after volume of works which are some sort of mixture between philosophy, theology, and literary criticism.
ellauri046.html on line 433: This brief study argues that Kierkegaard's Journals show beyond reasonable doubt that he was homosexual. It does so because he believed that the recognition of this fact was central to the understanding of his life and thought, because he could not bring himself to say this openly even in the privacy of his own Journals, because he hoped and prayed that his "reader" would discover and reveal it after his death, because even distinguished scholars privy to his "secret" have remained silent and because, given these facts, it is surely time to open up this question.
ellauri046.html on line 458: The initial attack by the matador is called the suerte de capote ("act of the cape"), and there are a number of fundamental "lances" (or passes) that matadors make; the most common being the verónica (named after Saint Veronica), which is the act of a matador letting their cloak trail over the bull´s head as it runs past.
ellauri046.html on line 460: Coma Berenices, or Berenice’s Hair, is a constellation in the northern sky. It was named after the Queen Berenice II of Egypt. The constellation is home to the North Galactic Pole.
ellauri046.html on line 469: Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, né Pierre-Augustin Caron le 24 janvier 1732 à Paris où il est mort le 18 mai 1799, est un écrivain, dramaturge, musicien et homme d'affaires français. Éditeur de Voltaire, il est aussi à l'origine de la première loi en faveur du droit d'auteur et le fondateur de la Société des auteurs. Également espion et marchand d'armes pour le compte du roi, c'est un homme d'action et de combats qui ne semble jamais désarmé face à un ennemi ou à l'adversité. Son existence est tout entière marquée par l'empreinte du théâtre et s'il est principalement connu pour son œuvre dramatique, en particulier la trilogie de Figaro, sa vie se mêle étrangement à ses œuvres.

ellauri046.html on line 476: Jos mä olisin ollut Regina, mua olis tosipaljon vituttanu nää Sörkän selittelyt ja mun vertailut kaikenlaisiin muihin petettyihin naisiin, tää Maria, don Juanin Elviira ja Faustin Gretchen. Aina se puzaa äijää pulmusexi, seli seliä ja vielä enempi puhdasta mystifiointia, sä et nyt vaan ymmärrä, kas kun niin ja näin. Sulla on tavallista surua ja mulla tätä hienompaa, raffinoitua. En ehdi selittää, taxi odottaa. Luutarha on luunkova narsisti. Hän on valintansa tehnyt, hän on kova luu.
ellauri046.html on line 494: Soul food (suom. soul-ruoka) on afroamerikkalaisesta ruokakulttuurista käytetty nimitys. Yleisimpiä soul-ruokia ovat hominy, lehmänpapu, uppopaistettu kana, maissintähkät, siansorkat, voimakkaasti maustettu grillattu liha tai kala sekä juustokakku. Yleisimpiä soul-ruoka-aineita ovat maissileipä, kana, sianliha ja laardi, monni, riisi, siirappi, okra, bataatti, vesimeloni ja pavut. Grillaus on suosittu tapa valmistaa ruoka.
ellauri046.html on line 513: Hvorledes lader det sig nu forklare, at Dagbogen har faaet et sadant digterisk Anströg? Svaret herpaa er ikke vanskeligt, det lader sig forklare af den digteriske Natur, der er i ham, der, om man saa vi, ikke er riig nok, om man saa vil, ikke fattig nok til at adskille Poesi og Virkelighed fra hinanden. Det Poetiske var det Mere, han selv bragte med sig. Dette Mere var det Poetiske han nöd i Verklighedens poetiske Situation ; dette tog han atter tilbage i Form av digterisk Reflexion. Det var den anden Nydelse, og Nydelse var hele hans Liv beregnet paa.
ellauri046.html on line 544: Sören pelaa Pokemonia pasianssina: valizen minut. Charlotte löysi Tenttenin faffan sängyltä ja oli lukevinaan sitä: Nikkala förskola.
ellauri046.html on line 587: Balles Lærebog er en populære betegnelse for en udgave af Luthers Lille Katekismus med forklaringer, som biskop Nicolai Edinger Balle (1744-1816) udgav i 1791 med titlen Lærebog i den evangelisk christelige Religion til brug for alle skoler i Danmark til afløsning for Pontoppidans Forklaring af Erik Pontoppidan den yngre. I 1849 blev den delvist afløst af biskop Balslevs (1805-1895) Luthers Katekismus med en kort Forklaring; men de to var indtil 1856 de eneste autoriserede til anvendelse i skolen.
ellauri046.html on line 589: Brugen af Balles Lærebog vakte en del modstand, hvor det særligt blandt De Stærke Jyder mellem Horsens og Vejle, hvor der var tale om deciderede "lærebogskampe" i Korning Sogn 1812-1820 og i Øster Snede Sogn 1830-1847 i forbindelse med de gudelige vækkelser. Et resultat af striden blev, at man fra 1839 tillod De Stærke Jyder selv at sørge for undervisningen af deres børn. I årene herefter blev der oprettet flere friskoler på denne baggrund.
ellauri046.html on line 593: Vækkelsesbevægelsen var en modreaktion på de store ændringer i oplysningstiden. I Danmark begyndte udskiftningerne på landet, skole- og kirkereformer blev sat i gang, og censur blev afskaffet.
ellauri046.html on line 595: De stærke jyder tog afstand fra en række fornyelser. De protesterede f.eks., da Balles lærebog fra 1791 skulle indføres i skolen og til konfirmationsforberedelsen. De gik også mod den nye evangelisk-kristelige salmebog. De anså både den nye lærebog og den nye salmebog som udtryk for en kristendomsforståelse, der var langt fra bibelsk eller luthersk kristendom. I deres forsamlinger (de såkaldte konventikler) læste de fortsat de gamle andagtsbøger og sang efter Brorsons salmebog. De ønskede at beholde Kingos salmebog i kirken og Pontoppidans Sandhed til gudfrygtighed i skolen.
ellauri046.html on line 599: De stærke jyder havde rødder i både den lutherske ortodoksi og den danske pietisme. Dette blev kaldt for dobbelt oprindelse. Bevægelsen blev i løbet af tiden kritiseret af både herrnhuterne i Christiansfeld, som mente, at de ikke var inderlige og glade nok, og af grundtvigianerne, som fandt dem for snævre. De stærke jyder blev med tiden en del af Indre Mission.
ellauri046.html on line 610:

Mark Twains definition på en klassiker passer vel også meget godt på 'Enten-Eller', der er kendt af de fleste, men læst af de færreste.
ellauri046.html on line 617:

"Bogens titel er umiddelbart appeli al sin kategoriskhed, men værket selv, især dets første del, er faktisk en langstrakt labyrint bestående af meget forskellige tekster, som de færreste formentligt læser i umiddelbar forlængelse af hinanden, men springer frem og tilbage imellem, hvad jeg sådan set også vil anbefale, ellers risikerer man bare at tabe pusten," siger Joakim Garff, før han selv kaster sig ud i en hæsblæsende sætningssolo om den komplicerede komposition i første del af "Enten-Eller".

ellauri046.html on line 629: Jeg føler derfor vel, at jeg mod Dig har en vis Grad af Usikkerhed, idet jeg snart er for streng, snart for eftergivende. No just tämmönen oli Sörkan iskä sille
ellauri046.html on line 641: Misogynian pukinsorkka pistää Wiljaminkin silinteristä: det er i Sandhed væmmeligt at see i den nyere Comedie disse erfarne, intrigante, blødagtige Qvinder, der veed, at Kjærlighed er en Illusion. Jeg veed intet saa vederstyggeligt Væsen som en saadan Qvinde. Hvad Under da at Qvinden vil emanciperes, et af vor Tids mange uskjønne Phænomener, hvori Mændene ere Skyld. Rakkaus on taloudellinen päätös, se erottaa sen hetken panohalusta. No niin tietysti, kun perheen perustamisesta on kysymys. Se et naiset vois perua sen päätöxen on frekkiä, ei asessori paremmin voi sanoa.
ellauri046.html on line 643: Sit tulee vähän protonazismia: Eller er Tungsind ikke Tidens Brøst, er det ikke den, der gjenlyder endog i dens letsindige Latter, er det ikke Tungsind, der har berøvet os Mod til at befale, Mod til at lyde, Kraft til at handle, Tillid til at haabe?
ellauri046.html on line 645: Entten-Sören kuulostaa Nietschen Retulta. Tai Timon Airaxiselta. Aviolliset on dum dyrisk tillfreds, se ize on erobernde Natur. Tätä tais olla tohon aikaan  ilmassa. Toihan oli puhasta E.Saarista, keskustaoikeistolaista optimismia, braunen Bataillionen-aatetta. Aikamme on samalla kertaa liian kevytmielistä ja liian raskasmielistä. Es schaut auf Hakenkreuz voll Hoffnung schon Millionen, die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit! Die Fahne hoch, die Reihen fest geschlossen!
ellauri046.html on line 697: "I 'Enten-Eller's anden del, fremlægges for æstetikeren og dermed læseren det uomgængelige i at tilegne eller vælge eller modtage sig selv. Et menneske er på den ene side noget på forhånd givet, men det kan på den anden side forfejle sin bestemmelse, afvige fra sig selv og blive en anden, end det var anlagt til at være," siger Joakim Garff, der stadig kan finde nye filosofiske rigdomme i det store værk.
ellauri046.html on line 714: Derfor er hun Mandens dybeste Liv, men et Liv som skal vaere skjult og forborgent, som Rodens liv altid er det. See, derfor hader jag al den afskyelige Tale om Kvindens Emancipation. Gud forbude at det nogensinde maa ske.
ellauri046.html on line 808: Oh! cease to affirm that man, since his birth,
ellauri046.html on line 860: jokaisen englantilaisen silmissä maisema olisi silti ollut vastustamattomn edwardiaaninen, kuin suoraan Victoria Sackville-Westin (Virginia Woolfin heilan) romaaneista: Ratty ja Molly kumartuneina tarkastelemaan lahonnutta jollaa (Toad odotettavissa hetkellä millä hyvänsä, mukanaan kammottava uusi Chriscraftinsa). Jossain täällä voisi olla myös Potwell Inn, jossa mister Polly tarjoilisi 'Omletteja', ja Jim-setä häirizisi yleistä rauhaa kuollut ankerias aseenaan.

ellauri046.html on line 921: And after a little while,
ellauri047.html on line 80: „Er besitzt, was man Genie nennt, und eine ganz außerordentliche Einbildungskraft. Er ist in seinen Affekten heftig. Er hat eine edle Denkungsart. […] Er liebt die Kinder und kann sich mit ihnen sehr beschäftigen. Er ist bizarre und hat in seinem Betragen, seinem Äußerlichen verschiedenes, das ihn unangenehm machen könnte. Aber bei Kindern, bei Frauenzimmern und vielen andern ist er doch wohl angeschrieben. – Er tut, was ihm gefällt, ohne sich darum zu kümmern, ob es anderen gefällt, ob es Mode ist, ob es die Lebensart erlaubt. Aller Zwang ist ihm verhaßt. […] Aus den schönen Wissenschaften und Künsten hat er sein Hauptwerk gemacht oder vielmehr aus allen Wissenschaften, nur nicht denen sogenannten Brotwissenschaften.“
ellauri047.html on line 84: Ein Genie (über das französische génie vom lateinischen genius, ursprüngl. „erzeugende Kraft“, vgl. griechisch γίγνομαι „werden, entstehen“, dann auch „persönlicher Schutzgott“, später „Anlage, Begabung“) ist eine Person mit überragender schöpferischer Geisteskraft („ein genialer Wissenschaftler“, „ein genialer Künstler“).
ellauri047.html on line 85: Genialität kann sich auf allen Gebieten zeigen – künstlerisch, wissenschaftlich, wirtschaftlich, philosophisch, politisch usw. Es kann zwischen Universalgenies, Genies und „verkannten Genies“ unterschieden werden.
ellauri047.html on line 117: Goethen koko tuotanto on koottu 143-osaiseen Weimarin laitokseen. Osalla Goethen teoksista on enää historiallista merkitystä, mutta hänen keskeiset runonsa ovat säilyttäneet tuoreutensa. Siltä on säästynyt 10K kirjettä ja 3K taulua toritaidetta. Erityisesti se tykkäs teatterista, sitä se oli leikkinyt kotona pienenä. Sope diggas Wilhelm Meisteriä. Ralph Waldo Emerson valizi Goethen yhdexi 6 "mallimiehestä" (muut olivat Plato, Emanuel Swedenborg, Montaigne, Napoleon, and Shakespeare). Aika erikoinen sixpäkki miehen malleja. Mut Rafu oli aika erikoinen izekin.
ellauri047.html on line 187: Siellä hän tutustui myös tulevaan vaimoonsa. Hän oli Eva König, jonka aviomies Engelbert König silloin vielä oli elossa. Samana vuonna hänet valittiin ulkojäseneksi Berliinin Tiedeakatemiaan (Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaften), mutta jo 1769 teatteri suljettiin rahan puutteessa.
ellauri047.html on line 699: Dafür soll dir denn auch halbfußlang die prächtige Rute
ellauri047.html on line 785: Kimmon pieni italialainen apupoika anatomian laitoxessa punastui heleästi, kun kysyin siltä italian sanaa minchia. Se tarkoitti samaa. Sana tuli vastaan Camillerin Montalbano dekkareissa. Silja Huttunen punastui mulle Kouvolassa, kun se tuli näyttäneexi vahingossa sen tiezan salasanan, se oli cazzo. Ikävä kyllä mäkin tiesin eze tarkoittaa kikkeliä. Kuule, kazo merta. Nyttemmin kyllä faffan kuulo on heikko.
ellauri047.html on line 815: Dobby makustelee vähän väliä jööttimäisyyttä: mikä tekee jöötistä jöötin. Kai se on jonkinlainen potpurri ranskislaista rokokoohienostelijaa ja perisaksalaista kraft-blut-wurst-ubermenschiä, izeyrittäjää nettitaxikuskia. Kuin iso Pauli, väliin härkä mörkö tiikeri, ja sitten taas jeesus taivas enkeli, tosin ilman vakaumusta.
ellauri048.html on line 741: Anita worked and, while Saul tried to write, supported the family financially, something his father conveniently overlooked, Bellow says, after they split up and she had to chase him for alimony. "I was 20 before he became famous, so I did not grow up the son of a famous father. I grew up the son of a starving artist."
ellauri048.html on line 788: Like chaff from a threshing-floor. ja lattialle ruiskahtavaa mälliä.
ellauri048.html on line 820:

Tämän runon ja muita pitkän häiskän runoja käänsi espanjaksi kolombialainen poeetta Rafael Pombo. Useissa haastatteluissa baseballinpelaaja ja manageri Billy Southworth on maininnut että sen isä luki tätä runoa sille niin usein pienenä, niin että Billy oppi sen ulkoa, ja se on usein inspiroinut sitä aikuisena. Useita lainauxia runosta esiintyy väliruuduissa Buster Keatonin 1922 mykkäelokuvassa The Blacksmith (1922). Vuonna 1938 Tommie Connor, Jimmy Kennedy, and Hamilton Kennedy tekivät siitä koomisen laulu-ja tanssinumeron, jota Glenn Miller lauloi 1990 filmissä Memphis Belle. Repe Sorsa siteeraa siitä pätkän 1953 piirretyssä Duck Amuck. Notta ei se ihan hukkiin mennyt.
ellauri048.html on line 1072: "Break, Break, Break" is a poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson written during early 1835 and published in 1842. The poem is an elegy that describes Tennyson's feelings of loss after Arthur Henry Hallam died and his feelings of isolation while at Mablethorpe, Lincolnshire. Were Tennyson and Hallam Gay, and Did They Have a Physically Consummated Homosexual Relationship?
ellauri048.html on line 1078: Given that no one has ever doubted that Tennyson had some sort of "disembodied, spiritualized passion" for Hallam, this conclusion comes as rather a painful anticlimax. Admittedly, Alf named his son Hallam after Hallam, the one who went to Australia. Of course, the fact that members of Tennyson´s family succumbed to madness, alcoholism, and drug addiction already has made some readers aware that, like so many other Victorians, he should be taken down from a pedestal and join the rest of us. But think of the stir if one the greatest poems of the nineteenth century, one which has major influence on poets as different as Whitman and Eliot, turned out to be chiefly a gay lover's lament! (What's wrong with that? There are zillions of others, better yet.) Tän apologian kirjoitti on George P. Landow, Professor of English and the History of Art, (fittingly) from Brown University.
ellauri048.html on line 1293: And vacant chaff well meant for grain. Ja akanat ei käy viljanjyvistä.
ellauri048.html on line 1396: Spread thy full wings, and waft him o'er. Kaikki purjeet levitä, ja tuo ne tänne.
ellauri048.html on line 1447: And only thro' the faded leaf Kun kuihtuneiden lehtien läpitte
ellauri048.html on line 1551: The last red leaf is whirl'd away, Viimeinen punainen lehti lentää tiehensä,
ellauri048.html on line 1608: Week after week: the days go by:
ellauri048.html on line 1773: Thro' lands where not a leaf was dumb;
ellauri048.html on line 1917: And after that the dark! ja sen jälkeen pimeä!
ellauri049.html on line 152: Ensisijaisena biografisena lähteenä käytän Maunu Niinistön Uuno Kailas, hänen elämänsä ja runoutensa -teosta vuodelta 1956. Biografia on laajin teos Uuno Kailaan elämästä. Runoilija Uuno Kailas syntyi Frans Uno Salosena (kutsumanimeltään Uuno) 29.3.1901 Eevert Salosen ja Olga Honkapään neljäntenä lapsena Heinolan maalaiskunnassa Kailasen ratsutilalla. Hänen kaikki kolme veljeään olivat kuolleet ennen Uunon syntymää. Kaksi vuotta Uunon syntymän jälkeen hänen äitinsä menehtyi lapsivuoteeseen synnytettyään kaksostytöt. Nuoret sisaret menehtyivät vuoden sisällä.
ellauri049.html on line 279: Huolimatta suppeasta tuotannostaan Juhani Siljo on V. A. Koskenniemeä ja O. Mannista seuraavan polven yksi huomattavimmista runoilijoista, joka vaikutti Aaro Hellaakosken, 1920-luvun Tulenkantajien ja vielä sodanjälkeiseenkin lyriikkaan. Juhani Siljon, voimakastahtoisen etsijän, ja "puhtaan minuuden rakentajan" kuva sai myytinomaista hohdetta runoilijan kuoltua kansalaissodassa valkoisten puolella. Runsaasti toistettuja ovat useat aforismit tai runonsäkeet kuten kutsumusruno Excelsiorin avaussäe "Kuin jännitetty jousi on tahtoni mun" tai runon Vastavirtaan alku: "Vastavirtaan nousee lohen suku". Esikoiskokoelmassa Runoja (1910) lyriikka on jo moneen suuntaan aukeavaa. Keskeisiä ovat nuoren ihmisen elämänpelon ja elämänjanon tunteet. Maan puoleen (1914) sisältää aikansa rohkeimpia rytmillisiä kokeiluja. Esikoiskokoelman suoralinjainen pyrkimys on vaihtunut Kuolinripin pakottavaksi valinnan ongelmaksi. Siljo tekee valintaa yksinäisyyden ja toisten, rakkauden ja vapauden, unelman ja todellisuuden välillä. Kelpo narsistina valizi oman jalkansa.
ellauri049.html on line 305: Loppupeleissä setämies kärsi afasiasta, kaiken huipuxi. Ammattitauteja. Tiedän miltä se tuntuu kun ei löydä sanoja. Baudelaire kuoli äitinsä käsivarsille vuonna 1867. Miten romanttista.
ellauri049.html on line 309: Luin nää 5 sensuroitua runoa. Pehmopornoa ja lepakoita vintillä. Muhinointia mulatin pepun alla. Pafos-saari mainitaan. Helyt, Lethe (dementia), Liian gaylle, Lesbos, Kirotut ämmät. Kustantaja Huonosti-istuva Kana julkaisee ne uudestaan 1866 Brysselissä (missäs muualla) nimellä Hylyt. Ranskixet yrittää kieltää ja polttaa ne taas - ei onnaa kun ne on nyt Belgiassa. Baurdelaire kuolee seuraavana vuonna. Sensuuri kumottiin Ranskassa 1949.
ellauri049.html on line 648: Assoupi de sommeils touffus. gedrängtem Schlaf erliegt! päikkärien tuuperruttamana.
ellauri049.html on line 665: Que non! par l'immobile et lasse pâmoison Nicht doch! Wo müdes Brüten schlaffste Regung ließ Vittu ei! löysän liikkumatta pökerryxissä
ellauri049.html on line 764: Pariisiin muutettuaan Valéry toimi sotaministeriön virkamiehenä ja uutistoimisto Havasin johtajan Lebeyn sihteerinä. Vuonna 1900 Paul Valéry avioitui Jeannie Gobillardin kanssa, ja heillä oli avioliitostaan kolme lasta. Patulla oli viisikymppisenä 8v afääri jonkun runoilijattaren kanssa nimeltä Pozzi, jonka Patu dumppasi kuiviin puristettuna, ja toinen liiketoimi vielä yhden Jeanne Voillierin (oik. Loviton) kaa.
ellauri049.html on line 792: Modernismi on ilmeisintä lyriikassa, jossa se esiintyi ensimmäisenä Ranskassa jo pian 1800-luvun puolivälin jälkeen. Sen keskeisiä edustajia olivat Baudelairen lisäksi Paul Verlaine, Arthur Rimbaud, Guillaume Apollinaire, proosan edustajina Marcel Proust (Kadonnutta aikaa etsimässä), myöhemmin Albert Camus, Simone de Beauvoir ja Alain Robbe-Grillet. Saksankielisiä modernisteja ovat Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann, Bertolt Brecht ja toisen maailmansodan jälkeen esimerkiksi Heinrich Böll ja Günter Grass. Keskeisiä englanninkielisiä modernisteja ovat James Joyce (Odysseus), Virginia Woolf, Samuel Beckett ja yhdysvaltalainen esimodernisti Walt Whitman sekä F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tennessee Williams, Eugene O'Neill ja myöhemmin muun muassa Philip Roth.
ellauri049.html on line 930: Consolatrice affreusement laurée, karmeasti seppelöity lohduttaja,
ellauri049.html on line 992: Sisäisiä maailmoja alettiin purkaa ilman peitetarinaa vähän ennen maailmansotaa. Freud rulettaa. Kafka, Musil, Broch, Joyce, Proust, Strindberg. Näitä kaikkia olen lukenut.
ellauri049.html on line 1015: Hämmästyttää sittenkin, miten jenkit jaxaa lukea samaa paskaa paperilta kuin ne näkee CNN:ssä ja Fox Newsissä? Kaikki vaan vielä 100x suurempana: 40 kerroxen korkuinen puskutraktori hajottaa slummeja; nopeempana: viuhahdetaan mustan aukon läpi 3 parsecissa - parsec on pituusmitta, ääliöt - ja falskimpana: may the force be with you, vannotaan käsi sydämellä USA:n senaatin ja Idols-kulissien sekotuxen näköisessä, tähtiin holografisesti kuvatussa tasavallan istunnossa, jota koko universumi seuraa tikkana reaaliajassa. Suhteellisuus on vaan harmaata teoriaa, jonka tiedefiktio lyö 6-0. Absoluuttista potaskaa.
ellauri049.html on line 1076: Vasta Wexi Salmisen esseestä mulle valkeni että Runkku setämies on kirjottanut modernisoidun viikinki-kelttitragedian nimeltä Fjalar. Mä muistan nimen lähinnä paxusta poliisipäälliköstä nimeltä Fjalar Jarva joka antoi lapsille liikenneopastusta 50-60-luvulla. Jari Aarnio kaliiperin mafioso ja umpikonna.
ellauri049.html on line 1108: I slutet av 1808 gav han i "Krigssång för skånska landtvärnet" luft åt sin glödande fosterlandskärlek, sitt hat till Ryssland – rysshatet förblev livet igenom en härskande känsla hos honom – samt sin trotsiga tillit till den, som han såg den, svenska tapperheten och det svenska frihetssinnets obetvingliga kraft; dikten trycktes emellertid först under senare hälften av 1809. Hihii hahaa. Samaa tuubaa jauho Runkku Suomen puolella. Verissä päin säntäs svenski Döbelnit lahden turvalliselle puolelle, sankarillinen puolustussota oli pelkkää puolijuoxua. Viimeinen vaasakuningas ol täys tunari, ikävä sanoa näin sukulaisena.
ellauri049.html on line 1125: Lisää ansioita, lisää kunnianosoituxia, lisäntyvää hulluutta. Tegner ei tykännyt valtiopäivätyöskentelystä. "Min själ brinner, och mitt hjärta blöder, och esomoftast sätter sig mörkret på tankens högsäte i hjärnan. Jag lider af en sjukdom som man ger smeknamnet hypokondri, men som på ren svenska heter galenskap. Det är ett arf, som jag ej kunde bli kvitt; det stod ej i min makt att göra mig urarfva".
ellauri049.html on line 1127: I slutet av juni tog han permission för att tillbringa någon tid i sitt hem, till vars ro han från riksdagens oro ivrigt längtat. Men här väntade honom början till slutet. "Efter ett vid en dusch begånget misstag", berättar Boettiger, "och ett därpå följande häftigt slaganfall märktes ögonblick af sinnesförvirring". På läkares inrådan fördes han först till huvudstaden; men vid höstens inbrott färdades han sjöledes till Peter Willers Jessens berömda anstalt för sinnessjuka i Schleswig. Under ljusa mellanstunder på denna resa skrev han "Resefantasier", av vilka särskilt den tredje ger ett gripande intryck. Joo mä tiedän. Kun hullulle tulee välillä kirkkaita hetkiä, ne on liikuttavia.
ellauri049.html on line 1129: En av hans sista dikter är "Afsked till min lyra". Där uttalar han: "Egentligt lefde jag blott, då jag kvad." Där hör man hans sista toner klinga i avskedsorden: "Förvissna, Febi lager, på min panna, dö på min tunga, du min sista sång!" Näitä jäähyväissanoja ehti tulla aika liuta kuin Castafiorelta Tintissä: ah mä kuolen, ei vaitiskaan vielä, ah mä kuolen. No kuolihan se viimein viimeiseen slaagiin 1846. Se oli aika lihava. Ja aika hullu loppupeleissä. Kultapitoisuus 75%. Franzenilla 90%. Phoebeique viri ollaan me Barkmannitkin, monta yhdessä, skizoja Jekyllejä ja Hydejä, kuten tuo tuomiorovasti. Ja tykätään lagerista, enemmän kuin ipasta. Tykätään panna myös. Siis tykättiin. Jotkut jopa ipanoita.
ellauri049.html on line 1137: och likafullt mitt minne och min sång ja ditto mun muisto ja mun viisut,
ellauri050.html on line 26:

Elsa Olaf-merkkisellä bideellä...

ellauri050.html on line 35: af.jpeg" height="200px" />
ellauri050.html on line 183: From those strong Feet that followed, followed after. Noita töppöjalkoja jotka seurasi mun perästä.
ellauri050.html on line 228: I sought no more that after which I strayed Mä en enää ezinyt sitä minkä perään exyin
ellauri050.html on line 246: Quaffing, as your taintless way is, ryystäen, kuten tahraton on tapanne,
ellauri050.html on line 356: Is my gloom, after all, Onx mun pimeys loppupeleissä
ellauri050.html on line 474: ist wie ein Tanz von Kraft um eine Mitte, on kuin voiman tanssi keskipisteen ympärillä,
ellauri050.html on line 507: Summa summarum, en pidä Rilkestä. Sekin on tollanen teutoninen metafyysikko, sekundaversio Friedrich Nietschestä. Täysin huumoriton väpelö. Jumalinen ilman jumalaa ja itkee sitä, samalla kun nussii puumaa ja kreivitärtä ja imee Toblerone patukkaa. Yllättäen Tom Pynchon osoittautuu sielunveljexi. Ja ehkä myös veli Jöns.
ellauri050.html on line 576: Oder es trug eine Inschrift sich erhaben dir auf, Tai joku graffiti heitteli ylevää läppää
ellauri050.html on line 577: wie neulich die Tafel in Santa Maria Formosa. niinkuin hiljan se taulu Santa Maria Formosassa.
ellauri050.html on line 918: Mitä opimme tästä kaikesta? Onko tämä vain tunteetonta pilkkaa kärsivistä naisista? Onhan se, mitäpä sitä kieltämään. Sellaisia me narsistit olemme, tunteettomia. Nauramme toisten kärsimyxille. Mutta vakavasti jäbät! se minkä tästäkin voi jälleen huomata on Matti Nykäsen voittamattoman aforismin sanoin: elämä on. Ei mitään järkeä, mutta ompa vaan.
ellauri050.html on line 1005: Auf der Zeder Kraft verweilen, kuin noita seetripuita
ellauri050.html on line 1027: In dem zärtlichen Arm, pehmeästi tafsailevaa,
ellauri050.html on line 1082: boshaft abendliche Sonnenblicke Pahansuovat ilta-auringon silmäyxet
ellauri050.html on line 1150: tugendhaft, schafmässig, krauswollig, hyveellisinä, lammasmaisina, kiharavillaisina,
ellauri050.html on line 1155: adlerhaft, pantherhaft kotkamaisia, pantterimaisia
ellauri050.html on line 1162: so Gott als Schaf —, niin jumalana kuin lampaana — ,
ellauri050.html on line 1165: wie das Schaf im Menschen kuin apinasta lammas
ellauri050.html on line 1222: Das raffinier- selvä pyy:
ellauri051.html on line 338: ● Neljän miekan tanssi on tullut nyt painosta ja sitä voi ostaa kohtuulliseen hintaan esimerkiksi Holvista. Kuten Paul Laanen julmankomeasta kansikuvasta voi päätellä, romaani on omiaan sekä kauhupitoisista maailmoista että miekkafantasioista pitäville. Yli vuosikymmenen tekeillä ollut romaani oli tarkoitettu balladin tiiviydellä eteneväksi tarinaksi Odius Jumalansurmasta, mutta miekkaleski Adelan osuus kasvoi sitä tukevaksi juonekseen - voidakseni kertoa tarkemmin nelintaisteluista ja Odiuksen kasvatuksesta hovikelpoiseksi taistelijaksi. Itse sanoisinkin kirjan tunnelmaa ennemmin sentimentaalisen ironiseksi kuin ironisen romanttiseksi. Lukuvinkiksi voi antaa, että Adelan ja Odiuksen välinen kasvatusromanssi perustuu nurinkääntöön eräästä suosikkielokuvastani. Lupaan tarjota ison tuopin sille, joka ensimmäisenä tunnistaa mikä elokuva on kyseessä...
ellauri051.html on line 444: Mine too the revenges of humanity--the wrongs of ages--baffled feuds Mun toimia on humanistihöpötyxet -- kaikki vääryydet -- sekopäiset rähäkät
ellauri051.html on line 451: Vouchsafe a higher strain than any yet; vedä vielä korkeemmalta kuin tähän saakka;
ellauri051.html on line 520: When one looks closely at Wilt Whatman's poetry, one is struck, then, by its peculiar combination of extreme egotism that borders on solipsism, in which the entire cosmos and even aspects of divinity are subsumed into the poet's voice, and its affirmation of the poor, the humble, the suffering and the ordinary things of life. (Arthur Versluis: The Esoteric Origins of the American Renaissance)
ellauri051.html on line 543: 4 I loafe and invite my soul, 4 Mä malexin ja huhuilen sielua,
ellauri051.html on line 544: 5 I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass. 5 Mä nojailen ja löhöön ja havainnoin kesäheinänkortta.
ellauri051.html on line 595: 50 Stout as a horse, affectionate, haughty, electrical, vahva kuin hevonen, ystävällinen, ylhäinen, sähköinen,
ellauri051.html on line 612: 63 That they turn from gazing after and down the road, että ne lakkaa kazomasta perään tietä myöten,
ellauri051.html on line 638: 84 Loafe with me on the grass, loose the stop from your throat, Malexi mun kaa ruoholla, irrota kupla kurkusta,
ellauri051.html on line 679: 119 O I perceive after all so many uttering tongues, Joo mä havainnoin kyllä kaikki kalkattavat kielet,
ellauri051.html on line 747: 177 In the late afternoon choosing a safe spot to pass the night, 177 Myöhään iltapäivällä valita turvallinen paikka viettää yö,
ellauri051.html on line 779: 203 She hides handsome and richly drest aft the blinds of the window. 203 Hän piilottaa komean ja runsaan puvun ikkunan kaihtimen taakse.
ellauri051.html on line 815: 235 Oxen that rattle the yoke and chain or halt in the leafy shade, what is that you express in your eyes? 235 Härät, jotka helisevät ikettä ja ketjuttavat tai pysähtyvät lehtivarjossa, mitä sinä ilmaiset silmissäsi?
ellauri051.html on line 834: 253 The press of my foot to the earth springs a hundred affections, 253 Jalkojeni painaminen maahan saa aikaan sata kiintymystä,
ellauri051.html on line 854: 272 The farmer stops by the bars as he walks on a First-day loafe and looks at the oats and rye, 272 Maanviljelijä pysähtyy tankojen luokse kävellessään ensimmäisen päivän leipää ja katselee kauraa ja ruista,
ellauri051.html on line 905: 323 In walls of adobie, in canvas tents, rest hunters and trappers after their day's sport, 323 Adobien seinissä, kangasteltoissa, metsästäjiä ja ansoja lepäävät päivän urheilun jälkeen,
ellauri051.html on line 926: 343 Comrade of raftsmen and coalmen, comrade of all who shake hands and welcome to drink and meat, 343 Lautamiesten ja hiilimiesten toveri, kaikkien toveri, jotka kättelevät ja tervetuloa juomaan ja lihaan,
ellauri051.html on line 933: 350 Breathe the air but leave plenty after me, 350 Hengitä ilmaa, mutta jätä paljon minun jälkeeni,
ellauri051.html on line 999: 412 (I reckon I behave no prouder than the level I plant my house by, after all.) 412 (Luulen, että en käyttäydy yhtään ylpeämmin kuin sillä tasolla, jolle istutan taloni.)
ellauri051.html on line 1012: 424 The first I graft and increase upon myself, the latter I translate into a new tongue. 424 Ensimmäisen oksastan ja lisään itselleni, jälkimmäisen käännän uudelle kielelle.
ellauri051.html on line 1072: 482 That mystic baffling wonder alone completes all. 482 Tuo mystinen hämmentävä ihme yksin tekee kaiken.
ellauri051.html on line 1096: 505 Through me the afflatus surging and surging, through me the current and index. 505 Minun kauttani afflatus jyllää ja jyllää, minun kauttani virta ja indeksi.
ellauri051.html on line 1140: 549 A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books. 549 Aamukirkkaus ikkunassani tyydyttää minua enemmän kuin kirjojen metafysiikka.
ellauri051.html on line 1156: 564 My voice goes after what my eyes cannot reach, 564 Ääneni seuraa sitä mitä silmäni eivät tavoita,
ellauri051.html on line 1241: 645 Rich showering rain, and recompense richer afterward. 645 Runsaat suihkusateet ja palkitse rikkaammin sen jälkeen.
ellauri051.html on line 1261: 663 I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars, 663 Uskon, että ruohonlehti ei ole vähempää kuin tähtien matkatyö,
ellauri051.html on line 1311: 711 What I guess'd when I loaf'd on the grass, 711 Mitä arvelin, kun leipäsin nurmikolla,
ellauri051.html on line 1316: 716 I am afoot with my vision. 716 Olen näkemässäni.
ellauri051.html on line 1337: 737 Where the cheese-cloth hangs in the kitchen, where andirons straddle the hearth-slab, where cobwebs fall in festoons from the rafters; 737 Missä juustokangas roikkuu keittiössä, missä andraudat hajallaan tulisijan laatalla, missä hämähäkinseittejä putoaa sarjoista;
ellauri051.html on line 1380: 780 Wandering the same afternoon with my face turn'd up to the clouds, or down a lane or along the beach, 780 Vaeltaessani samana iltapäivänä kasvoni pilviin päin tai kaistaa pitkin tai rantaa pitkin,
ellauri051.html on line 1406: 806 I go hunting polar furs and the seal, leaping chasms with a pike-pointed staff, clinging to topples of brittle and blue. 806 Menen metsästämään napaturkiksia ja hylkeitä, hyppien kuiluja hauenkärkisellä sauvalla, takertuen hauraisiin ja sinisiin latvoihin.
ellauri051.html on line 1453: 853 Painless after all I lie exhausted but not so unhappy, 853 Loppujen lopuksi kivuttomasti makaan uupuneena, mutta en niin onnettomana,
ellauri051.html on line 1466: 866 Workmen searching after damages, making indispensable repairs, 866 Työntekijät etsivät vaurioita, tekevät välttämättömiä korjauksia,
ellauri051.html on line 1483: 882 Large, turbulent, generous, handsome, proud, and affectionate, 882 Iso, myrskyisä, antelias, komea, ylpeä ja hellä,
ellauri051.html on line 1511: 909 The master-at-arms loosing the prisoners confined in the after-hold to give them a chance for themselves. 909 Asepäällikkö päästää vangit, jotka on suljettu jälkivangittiin antaakseen heille mahdollisuuden itselleen.
ellauri051.html on line 1592: 986 They are wafted with the odor of his body or breath, they fly out of the glance of his eyes. 986 Heitä leijuu hänen ruumiinsa tai hengityksensä haju, ne lentävät hänen silmiensä katseesta.
ellauri051.html on line 1623: 1016 Lovers of me, bafflers of graves. 1016 Minun rakastajat, hautojen hämmentäjät.
ellauri051.html on line 1637: 1029 Lithographing Kronos, Zeus his son, and Hercules his grandson, 1029 Kronoksen litografia, hänen poikansa Zeus ja pojanpoikansa Herkules,
ellauri051.html on line 1638: 1030 Buying drafts of Osiris, Isis, Belus, Brahma, Buddha, 1030 Osiriksen, Isisin, Beluksen, Brahman, Buddhan luonnosten ostaminen,
ellauri051.html on line 1639: 1031 In my portfolio placing Manito loose, Allah on a leaf, the crucifix engraved, 1031 Salkussani asettamalla Manito irti, Allah lehdelle, krusifiksi kaiverrettu,
ellauri051.html on line 1650: 1042 Their brawny limbs passing safe over charr'd laths, their white foreheads whole and unhurt out of the flames; 1042 Heidän lihavat raajat kulkevat turvallisesti hiiltyneen listan yli, heidän valkoiset otsansa ehjät ja vahingoittumattomat liekeistä;
ellauri051.html on line 1682: 1073 Many sweating, ploughing, thrashing, and then the chaff for payment receiving, 1073 Monet hikoilevat, kyntävät, puskevat ja sitten akanat maksun vastaanottamiseksi,
ellauri051.html on line 1709: 1099 Believing I shall come again upon the earth after five thousand years, 1099 Uskoen, että tulen jälleen maan päälle viiden tuhannen vuoden kuluttua,
ellauri051.html on line 1723: 1113 Frivolous, sullen, moping, angry, affected, dishearten'd, atheistical, 1113 kevytmielinen, synkkä, moppaileva, vihainen, vaikuttunut, masentunut, ateistinen,
ellauri051.html on line 1730: 1120 And what is yet untried and afterward is for you, me, all, precisely the same. 1120 Ja mikä on vielä kokeilematonta ja myöhemmin, on sinulle, minulle, kaikille, täsmälleen sama.
ellauri051.html on line 1731: 1121 I do not know what is untried and afterward, 1121 En tiedä mikä on kokeilematonta ja sen jälkeen,
ellauri051.html on line 1763: 1152 Rise after rise bow the phantoms behind me, 1152 Nouse nousun jälkeen kumartakaa haamut takanani,
ellauri051.html on line 1772: 1161 They sent influences to look after what was to hold me. 1161 He lähettivät vaikutteita huolehtimaan siitä, mikä piti minua.
ellauri051.html on line 1793: 1181 Every condition promulges not only itself, it promulges what grows after and out of itself, 1181 Jokainen tila ei levitä vain itseään, se levittää sitä, mikä kasvaa itsestään ja itsestään,
ellauri051.html on line 1816: 1203 My signs are a rain-proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from the woods, 1203 Merkkejäni ovat sateenkestävä takki, hyvät kengät ja metsästä leikattu sauva,
ellauri051.html on line 1832: 1219 For after we start we never lie by again. 1219 Sillä aloitettuamme emme enää koskaan valehtele.
ellauri051.html on line 1912: 1296 I reach to the leafy lips, I reach to the polish'd breasts of melons. 1296 Kurottaudun lehtihuulille, kurottaudun melonien kiillotettuihin rintoihin.
ellauri051.html on line 1955: 1335 It flings my likeness after the rest and true as any on the shadow'd wilds, 1335 Se heittää kaltaiseni muun jälkeen ja on totta kuin mikä tahansa varjon erämaassa,
ellauri052.html on line 33: Malamud Bellow ja Roth oli am. kirjallisuuden Hart Schaffner ja Marx, chicagolainen univormutehdas ja miestenvaatehtimo joka kuoli 2009. Halvat ja mauttomat Marxin veljexet. Bellow suhtautui suopeasti 2v vanhempaan Malamudiin, ison Paulin ikätveriin. Se oli vielä maalaisempi, kotosin Oregonista. Samanlaisia kujakatteja kaikki 3, nahattomia ja karvattomia kullikissoja. PST Bellowin maneeri on laittaa rinnastuxia ilman välimerkkejä niinkuin tän kappaleen alussa. Isaac Bashevis Singer ei kuulunut tähän poppooseen, se oli 1. sukupolven maahanmuuttaja.

ellauri052.html on line 104: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
ellauri052.html on line 148: Bellowin kunniaksi täytyy sanoa, että kirjailijana hän on helposti tunnistettava. Arkiseen puheeseen sisältyy älyllistä filosofointia, melankoliaa ja komediaa, nokkeluuksia ja aforismeja. Varmaan siinä on itseironiaakin, mutta sepä jäi tällaiselta tosikkolukijalta huomaamatta.
ellauri052.html on line 199: Nobelkomitean setämies Horace Engdahl ihaili ystäväänsä kyldyyriprofiilia erityisesti siitä, eze tilasi aina kaxi (2) pulloa kallista samppankaljaa heti aluxi (nobelkomitean piikkiin). Tän se oppi nähtävästi Salen homokaverilta, italialaiselta pikkumafiosolta. Ruozista on tullut kummallinen pikkuamerikka. Hurrit ja inselaffet ei ole enää eurooppalaisia vaan jotain Trumpin osavaltioita.
ellauri052.html on line 251: With sleep, affectionate, hungry and cold. So, so,
ellauri052.html on line 349: Kalju Sale ruskeine hampaineen ja harmaine nenäkarvoineen löisi laudalta komeen mafioson pelkällä lukeneisuudella ja pääsis sillä Pollyn pukille jos jaxaisi. Vaan ennemmin se haluis mafioson tukkia, niiden välillä on nyt filia, agape ja mikäs se kolmas nyt taas olikaan hei Tillich? ai niin pederastia.
ellauri052.html on line 412: Haf owre, haf owre to Aberdour,
ellauri052.html on line 426: Nach Nietzsche ist der „Wille zur Macht“ ein dionysisches Bejahen der ewigen Kreisläufe von Leben und Tod, Entstehen und Vergehen, Lust und Schmerz, eine Urkraft, die das „Rad des Seins“ in Bewegung hält: „Alles geht, alles kommt zurück; ewig rollt das Rad des Seins. Alles stirbt, alles blüht wieder auf, ewig läuft das Jahr des Seins.“
ellauri052.html on line 445: In der Genealogie der Moral (1887) findet sich der Gedanke, dass die Menschheit als Masse dem Gedeihen einer einzelnen stärkeren Species Mensch geopfert werden könnte. Ziel sei es, eine Herrenkaste zu züchten, welche zur Herrschaft über Europa berufen sei.
ellauri052.html on line 486: Baron Corvo eli Fred Rolfe oli joku seikkailija, homo ennen kaikkea. "My preference was for the 16, 17, 18 and large." Le Corbusier oli homo. Ei sunkaan nää ole kaikki homoja? ml Monet ja Matisse? Sale takuulla oli, ja sen kamu Pierre. Sekin kuzu izeään Prosperoxi niinkuin Puovo Huovikko. Shakespearen Myrsky, sen viimeinen näytelmä, on homoeroottinen, missä vallastasyösty herttua-taikuri junailee enkeli Arielin ja piru Calibanin kaa. Ei kai Paavokin... ei nyt menee jo vainoharhasexi. Mut silti vittu (tai pikemminkin pisinappula), heti perään Salella tulee homotriangeli jossa kaikki kalpenee ja/tai punastuu: Sale, mafioso ja Pierre. Ja TS Eliot taas mainitaan. Kirjailijat immersoituu toisiinsa ja vehkeet sykkii sinipunasina. Ihan mahotonta menoa. Kaikki haukkuu Salea ja syystä, se tuntee izensä pyhäxi Sebastianixi.
ellauri052.html on line 493: In his novella Death in Venice, Thomas Mann hails the "Sebastian-Figure" as the supreme emblem of Apollonian beauty, that is, the artistry of differentiated forms; beauty as measured by discipline, proportion, and luminous distinctions. Juu tähän Tompan Venezian seikkailuun Sale vinkkaa myös. Hizi mikä sanaristikko on Salella tässä homostelun peittona. Täähän on kuin Proustin Albertine ja Gilbertine. Mafioso törkkää Salen sykkivään punanahkasisuxiseen autoonn takapuolesta. Polly on pelkkää hämäystä, statisti niinkuin Sepen nuolenreijät paikannut leski Irene tai Lemminkäisen äiskä.
ellauri052.html on line 518: Nicolas-Edme Restif de la Bretonne (1743-1806) kirjotteli puolivillaisia sexijuttuja (se kexi sanan pornografi). Toimi huuhkajana eli hyypiönä (hibou) Pariisin yöelämässä, poliisin vasikkana, sekoili vallankumouxessa, kirjotti kuusikymppisenä 16-osaisen omaelämäkerran Herra Niklas, kuoli kurjuudessa kuten Paisley. Sale mainizee tämänkin. Palkeenkielestä voi oppia paljonkin kun lukee tarkasti.
ellauri052.html on line 576: In a number of works, Steiner described a path of inner development he felt would let anyone attain comparable spiritual experiences. In Steiner's view, sound vision could be developed, in part, by practicing rigorous forms of ethical and cognitive self-discipline, concentration, and meditation. In particular, Steiner believed a person's spiritual development could occur only after a period of moral development.
ellauri052.html on line 600: Bellow kertoo kaskun Kafkasta ja Steinerista. Kafka innostui Rudin jutuista, sillä oli ollut samanlaisia aivosähkökatkoja. Mut kun ne tapas Prahassa Rudilla oli paha flunssa, se pyyhki räkää hihaan ja kaivoi koko ajan nenää sormella. Kafkaa ällötti. Siihen jäi siltä antroposofia.
ellauri052.html on line 657: After learning about Krishnamurti's secret love affair with his best friend's wife, Bohm felt betrayed. Perhaps this plunged him into his third and final deep depression. Hospitalized, suffering from paranoia and thoughts of suicide, Bohm underwent fourteen episodes of shock therapy before he recovered sufficiently to leave the mental hospital. Earlier triple bypass surgery on his heart had been successful, but his death in 1991, at age 75, was from a massive heart attack. Krishnamurti had died six years earlier, at his home in Ojai, of pancreatic cancer. His body was cremated.
ellauri052.html on line 686: T.E. Lawrence oli siis toisen polven bastardi (mä yhdennentoista). Ei sukua D.H. Lawrencelle jolta tuli tää Lady Chatterleyn rakastaja samoihin aikoihin. Englantilaisen kirjailija D. H. Lawrencen romaani vuodelta 1928 julkaistiin alun perin Italiassa Britannian sensuurikiellon vuoksi ja romaani julkaistiin kirjailijan kotimaassa vasta vuonna 1960. Pirkko ja CEC oli piilottaneet sen makuuhuoneeseen kirjahyllyn välin. D.H. nousi oman aikakautensa ikoniksi aikana, johon Sigmund Freudilla ja Friedrich Nietzschellä oli suuri vaikutus. Kuollessaan häntä pidettiin pornografina (kiitos Restif), joka oli tuhlannut lahjakkuutensa. E. M. Forster kyseenalaisti tämän näkemyksen kirjoittamassaan kuolinuutisessa ja sanoi Lawrencen olevan sukupolvemme kekseliäin kirjailija. Oliko sekin siis sankareita sukkahousuissa?
ellauri052.html on line 813: `That's certainly one way of looking at it. I can say this much, I feel better. It has certainly helped me. Is this the Bruderschaft you wanted?'
ellauri052.html on line 833: `It was a caftan in Bokhara,' said Gerald. `I like it.'
ellauri052.html on line 879: Muu maailma on kaikki "those terrorists". Treatening our legitimate vital interests everywhere. The last time I troubled to read the newspaper I noted that an oil company, after paying a ransom of $10M, was still unable to obtain the release of one of its executives from his Argentine kidnappers. C'est beaucoup d'argent pour un Americain. The flabbiness of the U.S.A. is disheartening. We are setting the world a miserable example by allowing ourselves to be bullied.
ellauri052.html on line 892: Humboldtin lahja oli tosi huono elokuvajuoni. Se on näet Salen biografia. Salen sankari Beethoven inhos naisia. Toinen sankari oli Blake joka koitti pitää kahta vaimoa huonolla menestyxellä.
ellauri052.html on line 906: Sale näkee izensä Humboldt- Caldofreddon tyttäressä jossa on samaa tuskaisaa halukkuutta ja riemukasta hätää. Niinpä. Sale on pussy-whipped sanoo miehekkäämpi mafioso Cantabile.
ellauri052.html on line 936: Ultimately, much of the book revolves around a perceived opposition between “young Saul,” the politically radical, amorously multitasking free spirit who raised him, and “old Saul,” the reactionary, race-baiting friend of authority and Allan Bloom who occupied his father’s body for its final 40 years. Greg had a front-row seat for Bellow’s supposed conversion, after the rise of black power and the Six Day War, to the unfashionable conservatism that remains the unspoken reason his books aren’t read much in America today. He is thus well-placed to describe how that change—dramatically evident in Mr. Sammler’s Planet (1970), the neo-con novel par excellence, but also in Herzog—manifested itself in private.
ellauri052.html on line 944: It may be helpful to note here that Bellow’s fame, already growing after The Adventures of Augie March, exploded after the publication of Herzog in 1964—the same year Daniel, his youngest son, was born. By the time the newly rich writer, urged by his third wife, moved into a fancy co-op on Lake Michigan, Greg already possessed enough of what he thought were his own opinions to dislike the white plush carpets, the 11 rooms “filled with fancy furniture and modern art.” Reminding the reader he was “raised by a frugal mother and a father who had no steady income,” Greg says that he “found the trappings of wealth in their new apartment so repellent that I complained bitterly to Saul,” who replied that he didn’t care about the new shiny things so long as he could still write—which he could. “As I always had, I accepted what he said about art at face value,” Greg admits, but he stopped visiting the new place. After the marriage deteriorated and Saul moved out, 3-year-old Daniel, in the words of ex-child-therapist Greg, “took to expressing his distress” by peeing on the carpets. “I have to admit that the yellow stains on them greatly pleased me,” Greg writes—for once showing off the Bellovian touch.
ellauri052.html on line 951: Leader did not interview their daughter, Rosie, who was autistic, and does not include her photograph after infancy.
ellauri052.html on line 962: He portrayed his ex-wives, before and after they divorced him, as they declined from goddess to devil. Their sexual betrayals and financial extortions supplied the mother lode of his fictional material and generated the misogyny and guilt that fueled his creative powers. He exalted his fourth wife, the Gentile Romanian mathematician Alexandra Tulcea, as the “translucent Minna gazing at the stars” in The Dean’s December and crucified her as the “ferocious, chaos-dispensing Vela” in Ravelstein.
ellauri052.html on line 967: Susan Glassman oli se joka nylki sen putipuhtaaxi. Humboldtin lahjan Denise. Tulcea oli se romaaniprofessori. Jasun kotka. Jänis oli se vika safööri kuten Gitta Holmström.
ellauri052.html on line 969: Bellow’s most merciless and eviscerating tormenter was his third wife, Susan Glassman, who defeated him in a long, acrimonious and expensive divorce suit. In 1974, after he had fraudulently misrepresented his projected income, the court, hostile to a successful Jewish intellectual, “ordered him to pay Susan $2,500 a month in alimony, backdated to 1968, plus $600 a month child support, plus lawyers’ fees.” Ignoring his own lawyer’s sound advice to settle the case, he surrendered to a self-destructive impulse, continued to appeal and deliberately prolonged his agony.
ellauri052.html on line 971: The rap against Bellow is that he maligned four of his five wives, especially in his fiction. This is true, and Leader is savvy enough not to take Bellow’s word about them. Wife No. 1, Anita, is shown as the underappreciated mainstay she obviously was. As for wife No. 2, Sondra Tschacbasov Bellow (Bellow called her Sasha), the model for the evil Madeleine, Leader has a scoop: an unpublished memoir shared with him after Bellow’s death. By her own account, Sasha was a vulnerable child-woman lacking basic life skills. From childhood and into her teens, she says, she was the victim of incest committed by her father. When Bellow took up with her, he was 37 and she was 21, a Bennington graduate and a secretary at the Partisan Review. His friends treated her with a sniggering sexism unfortunately unremarkable in the 1950s. At a party Bellow took her to, the critic R. W. B. Lewis, her former professor, drunkenly demanded to
ellauri052.html on line 972: know whether she was sleeping with Bellow yet; “they were all placing bets.” She started an affair with Bellow’s friend Jack Ludwig (the prototype for Gersbach in Herzog) only after she learned of her husband’s many infidelities.
ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
ellauri052.html on line 992: Muu maailma on kaikki "those terrorists". Treatening our legitimate vital interests everywhere. The last time I troubled to read the newspaper I noted that an oil company, after paying a ransom of $10M, was still unable to obtain the release of one of its executives from his Argentine kidnappers. C'est beaucoup d'argent pour un Americain. The flabbiness of the U.S.A. is disheartening. We are setting the world a miserable example by allowing ourselves to be bullied.
ellauri053.html on line 149: Prerafaeliiteista mulla ei ollut ennestään mitään havaintoa. Viktoriaanisia kapinoizijoita, alkaen 1848, romanttisen toritaiteen tuhertajia nähtävästi. Muka paluuta Rafaelia edeltäneeseen renesanssityyliin.
ellauri053.html on line 172: Realistinen tuherrus luonnossa raamatullisista aiheista, sitä suositteli Ruskinkin. Kukas se höpisi joskus paljon Ruskinista, Proustko? Ympyräsuu. Holman Hunt, Rossetti, Swinburne. Aika tuhertajia koko poppoo. Auringonkukka, lilja, pioni. Uskollisuus, puhtaus, kauneus. Repikää siitä tytöt. Esteetit oli prerafaeliittien dekandentti siipi. Tästäkös se Entten otti mallia? Ranskixista varmasti.
ellauri053.html on line 509: Konkreettinen runous tarkottaa ascii grafiikkaa. Sattumalta olin nähnyt sen Aram Saroyanilla, siitä tiesin kun Uarne sattu mainizemaan. Nyze on pannut proffanhatun päähän ja luennoi. Haukotus. Kuvarunoxi ennen sanottiin näköjään. Mehän kaikki tiedämme, doppailee professori Kinnunen.
ellauri053.html on line 697: Herbert Spencer (27 April 1820 – 8 December 1903) was an English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, and sociologist famous for his hypothesis of social Darwinism whereby superior physical force shapes history. Spencer originated the expression "survival of the fittest", which he coined in Principles of Biology (1864) after reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. The term strongly suggests natural selection, yet Spencer saw evolution as extending into realms of sociology and ethics, so he also supported Lamarckism.
ellauri053.html on line 699: Spencer developed an all-embracing conception of evolution as the progressive development of the physical world, biological organisms, the human mind, and human culture and societies. As a polymath, he contributed to a wide range of subjects, including ethics, religion, anthropology, economics, political theory, philosophy, literature, astronomy, biology, sociology, and psychology. During his lifetime he achieved tremendous authority, mainly in English-speaking academia. "The only other English philosopher to have achieved anything like such widespread popularity was Bertrand Russell, and that was in the 20th century." Spencer was "the single most famous European intellectual in the closing decades of the nineteenth century" but his influence declined sharply after 1900: "Who now reads Spencer?" asked Talcott Parsons in 1937.
ellauri053.html on line 704: Spencer is best known as the originator of the expression "survival of the fittest", which he coined in Principles of Biology (1864) after reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. The term strongly suggests natural selection, yet Spencer saw evolution as extending into realms of sociology and ethics, so he also supported Lamarckism.
ellauri053.html on line 709: Spencer denounced Irish land reform, compulsory education, laws to regulate safety at work, prohibition and temperance laws, tax funded libraries, and welfare reforms.
ellauri053.html on line 803: Let your life lightly dance on the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf.
ellauri053.html on line 824: Soon after landing in London Dwarkanath became a favourite of Queen Victoria and of the court circle. There are many amusing stories told about his exploits in England and France some of which I came to know from the letters written by his valet.
ellauri053.html on line 843: Satyan porukat vastapäätä oli kääntäneet takkinsa vallanpitäjien kuosiin. The afternoons would start with tennis and tea and end with supper. What a galaxy of intellect and talent!
ellauri053.html on line 875: Kermaperseet sangossa, lannevaatteissa ja sareissa, romanttisia tissejä. Rampe kirjotti nälkäkuurilla ja luetti tekeleitä kafruilla. Se oli sille ihan tärkeintä
ellauri053.html on line 898: In ancient times the boy had to leave his home and live with his Guru in a forest hermitage as a Brahmachari. Only after having lived a spartan life during years of rigid training was he allowed to go home and take up the duties of a householder.
ellauri053.html on line 973: Father kept outwardly calm and went back to Santiniketan to his work there as though nothing had disturbed his mind, leaving us in the care of a distant aunt of my mother. But his feeling — the keen sense of separation and loneliness — poured into a series of poems afterwards published as Smaran (In Remembrance).
ellauri053.html on line 979: While I was loitering about the Asrama and reading the letters over and over again the sad news of the death of my sister. Rani was conveyed to me from Calcutta. Father had brought her back there finding that she had much improved in health in Almora — but a relapse ended fatally and she died nine months after the death of my mother.
ellauri053.html on line 981: Father now devoted himself with renewed zeal to the affairs of the school. The most difficult task was to find the right kind of teachers. Frequent changes had to be made. Every time a new teacher was engaged Father had to train him and mould him to fit in with the ideals of the Asrama.
ellauri053.html on line 983: Unfortunately just when he was feeling satisfied with the progress that was being made another mishap occurred in the family that greatly disturbed Father’s mind. My grandfather, the Maharshi, died in Calcutta. Father had to go there as soon as he heard about his illness and remained a long time there after grandfather’s death to settle business affairs consequent on the passing away of the head of a big family like ours. After the death of the Maharshi the family broke up — the members no longer lived together as in a Hindu joint family. (100 hengen huushollissa.)
ellauri053.html on line 985: The death of my brother Samindra took place when I was in college in America. At Monghyr he fell a victim to cholera and died soon after Father arrived there.
ellauri053.html on line 987: A few years later, after I had settled down at Santiniketan my sister Bela, who was staying with her husband in Calcutta, fell ill. Like Rani, my elder sister also developed tuberculosis. ela was daddy's favourite child and her death was a severe blow to him.
ellauri053.html on line 989: Vicissitudes of life, pain or afflictions, however, never upset the equanimity of my father’s mind. Like his father, the Maharshi, he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.
ellauri053.html on line 1032: Gitanjali was written shortly after the deaths of Tagore’s wife, his two daughters, his youngest son, and his father. But as his son, Rathindranath, testified in On the Edges of Time, “he remained calm and his inward peace was not disturbed by any calamity however painful. Some superhuman sakti [force] gave him the power to resist and rise above misfortunes of the most painful nature.” Gitanjali was his inner search for peace and a reaffirmation of his faith in his Jivan devata.
ellauri053.html on line 1035:

“Rabindranath only became a temporary craze, but never a serious literary figure in the Western scene. He was intrinsically an outsider to the contemporary literary tradition of the West, and after a short, misunderstood visit to the heart of the West, he again became an outsider.”
ellauri053.html on line 1191: Eliot needed to put a considerable distance between himself and Yeats, each of whom could be regarded as a Symbolist, however differently they responded to French Symbolism as Arthur Symons expounded it in The Symbolist Movement in Literature. It is my understanding that Symons led Yeats through the early chapters, with Mallarmé as the main figure, and that Eliot made his own way quickly through the several chapters until he reached Laforgue, the poet he found most useful in his attempt to discover his own voice. Still, Eliot’s animosity is hard to explain.
ellauri053.html on line 1193: Helppoa: se oli mustankipeä. Tomppa ja Jästi were associates from time to time but not companions. Yeats and Pound make a different relation: they were friends and remained friends, especially after the three winters they spent in Stone Cottage, Coleman’s Hatch, Sussex. The friendship continued over the years and found fulfillment in a shared Rapallo. Dobby ja Jästi ilosteli Rapallon mökissä veturinkuljettajana ja lämmittäjänä, kuraverinen Tomppa palloili kateena ulkopuolella.
ellauri053.html on line 1274: By the dark webs, her nape caught in his bill, kelade av svarta simhud, hennes nacke nafsad av en näbb:
ellauri053.html on line 1367: Yeats's friendship with Gonne ended when in Paris in 1908, they finally consummated their relationship. "The long years of fidelity rewarded at last" was how another of his lovers described the event. (Bet it was Ezra Pound.) Yeats was less sentimental and later remarked that "the tragedy of sexual intercourse is the perpetual virginity of the soul." (Aika narsistinen penselmä.) The relationship did not develop into a new phase after their night together, and soon afterwards Gonne wrote to the poet indicating that despite the physical consummation, they could not continue as they had been. She recommended Yeats to concentrate on other men.
ellauri053.html on line 1375: That September, Yeats proposed to 25-year-old Georgie Hyde-Lees (1892–1968), known as George, whom he had met through Olivia Shakespear. Despite warnings from her friends—"George ... you can't. He must be dead"—Hyde-Lees accepted, and the two were married on 20 October. Their marriage was a success, in spite of the age difference, and in spite of Yeats's feelings of remorse and regret during their honeymoon. The couple went on to have two children, Anne and Michael. Although in later years he had romantic relationships with other women, Georgie herself wrote to her husband "When you are dead, people will talk about your love affairs, but I shall say nothing, for I will remember how proud you were of them."
ellauri053.html on line 1379: In December 1923, Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation". He was aware of the symbolic value of an Irish winner so soon after Ireland had gained independence, and sought to highlight the fact at each available opportunity. His reply to many of the letters of congratulations sent to him contained the words: "I consider that this honour has come to me less as an individual than as a representative of Irish literature, it is part of Europe's welcome to the Free State." Taas yxi tällänen taatatyyppinen poliittinen nobelisti.
ellauri053.html on line 1433: This poem still moves me immensely, thirty-four years after I first read it and carefully parted from my very first true love. A very touching poem so beautifully written. Timeless. Marvellous lines - so insightful.

ellauri054.html on line 87: Comenius palasi Puolan Lesznoon (1648) ja hänet valittiin veljesyhteisön piispaksi. Matkasta muodostui traaginen, sillä Comeniuksen toinen vaimo makasi kuolemansairaana hevosten vetämissä kärryissä kaksi pientä lastaan vierellään. Hän kuoli pian perilletulon jälkeen. Myös Oxenstierna unohti ruotsalaiset tšekkien uskontovapauskysymyksessä ja lohduttoman tilanteen murtamana Comenius kirjoitti uskonnollisen teoksen, eräänlaisen uskontunnustuksen, jolle antoi nimen Kuolevan äidin testamentti tšekkiläiselle veljeskunnalle, joka tunnetaan myös lyhyesti tšekkiläisestä nimestään Ksaft (Testamentti). Lopussa Comenius ilmaisee vakaumuksensa, että tšekin kansan kohtalo vielä kääntyy. Comeniuksen toivon sanoista tuli tšekkiläisen kansan uskon rukous ja tunnus sukupolvelta toiselle.
ellauri054.html on line 120: Löysin Käpykylän kirjaston poistoblyysistä Hannu Riikosen respiittityön Mikä on essee? Que sais-je? 30 vuoden takaa. Oliko Hannu essessään saatuaan sen julki? Tai edes täpinöissään? No ei luulee eunukki, se on pikemminkin cool and dry. Kuin hyvin tuuletettu skafferi.
ellauri054.html on line 122: Mut nyt oppimaan! Miten esseet ja aforismit suhtautuu paasauxiin ja penseyxiin? Markku Envallin aforismeja ne nyt ei oo ainakaan. Eikä mitään vitun pakinoita. Hannu sanoo että tyypillisiä esseistin aiheita on Mitä on onni? ja Kirjoista ja lukemisesta. No sittenhän nää mun paasauxet ja penseet on esseitä! Just noista aiheistahan mulla on täällä kilometrikaupalla.
ellauri054.html on line 146: Mit vit? Ettäkö Hermann Grimm ihaili Rafu Valde Emersonia?! Kaikkea vielä. Patbrlruuna ja klientti meinaa nykyään eri asioita kuin Roomassa. Yhtä vittumaisia. Kirjeet oli vähän kuin plokit nykyään, kaikille tarkotettuja. Sen ajan sometusta. Montaigne apinoi Senecaa mut oli muuten epikuurolainen kuten Horatius ja sen porsas.
ellauri054.html on line 169: Samanniminen irkku maalari Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 – 28 April 1992) ei käyttänyt hattua. Bacon did not begin to paint until his late twenties, having drifted in the late 1920s and early 1930s as an interior decorator, bon vivant, and gambler. Since his death, Bacon's reputation has grown steadily, and his work is among the most acclaimed, expensive and sought-after on the art market. Extinctus amabitur idem. Niistettynä rakastetaan tätäkin. Oikeassa oli nimiserkku!
ellauri054.html on line 187: Riikonen even found his wife-to-be, Salme Marjatta, at the University. They both studied Latin and attended the same lectures. The couldn’t marry until 11.5 years after their first meeting, however, as H. K. Riikonen wanted to follow scholar Valentin Kiparsky’s advice to not marry until his dissertation was complete. "Saatuani väitöskirjani valmiixi aion palata mielirunoilijani Horatiuxen pariin." Julkaistuaan kirjeet Tarastin kanssa kirjana Eero ja Hannu (vai oliko se toisinpäin) se sanoi myhisten partaansa: "seuraavaxi aion julkaista rakkauskirjeeni."
ellauri054.html on line 213: Matthew Arnold (24. joulukuuta 1822 Laleham, Middlesex – 15. huhtikuuta 1888 Liverpool) oli englantilainen viktoriaanisen ajan runoilija sekä yhteiskunta- ja kirjallisuuskriitikko. Arnold työskenteli koulutarkastajana. Ei se kuitenkaan ollut pedantti. Hän oli kuuluisan Rugby Schoolin rehtorin Thomas Arnoldin poika ja vähemmän kuuluisien Tom Arnoldin ja William Delafield Arnoldin, romaanikirjailijan veli. Wordsworthin kamuja. A voice poking fun in wilderness. Oliko sekin puun takaa huutelija? Caricature from Punch, 1881: "Admit that Homer sometimes nods, That poets do write trash, Our Bard has written "Balder Dead," And also Balder-dash". Tennysonin ja Browningin jälkeen viktoriaanisten runoilijoiden twit-kisan pronssimies. "It might be fairly urged that I have less poetical sentiment than Tennyson and less intellectual vigour and abundance than Browning; yet because I have perhaps more of a fusion of the two than either of them, and have more regularly applied that fusion to the main line of modern development, I am likely enough to have my turn as they have had theirs." Arnold got into his poetry what Tennyson and Browning scarcely needed (but absorbed anyway), the main march of mind of his time.
ellauri054.html on line 233: Sainte-Beuve 1804-1869 kirjotti läjäpäin pakinoita psykologis-biografisella menetelmällä eli teos ja elämä.
ellauri054.html on line 240: "Itse asiassa toi 'Kissa pieraisee, hiiret haistelee' on täsmällinen kuvaus biografisesta metodista. Sen tarjoili Matti, Matias whatever vuonna nakki Saviolla pääsiäislomalla."
ellauri054.html on line 324: That after a while she got to looking out
ellauri054.html on line 363: Haisteleva humanismi on peräisin Viljaselta. Lauri vähän vittuili Koskimiehen Rafulle. Narsismista lyödään mynttiä.
ellauri054.html on line 365: Teologit väänsi hemmetisti esseitä, varsinkin piispa Sormunen, mut ei niitä kauan luettu. Ei Hande ainaskaan. Kirjallisuuskritiikkiä myös aivan vitusti: Rafu K-mies, Eino Krohn, Kai Laitinen, Irma Rantavaara, Eila Pennanen, Annamari Sarajas, Pekka "Tuus" Tarkka. Mulla taitaa olla JA Hollon "Kohtaamiani", vähän aloitin, en jaxanut.
ellauri054.html on line 397: Sing Sing's name comes from the Indian phrase sin sinck . It means stone on stone. In 1901, three years after Edison introduced the electric chair at Sing Sing, the town changed its name to Ossining so people wouldn't confuse it with the jail.
ellauri054.html on line 433: Lawes ends with an idea that's maybe not so maudlin after all. He says,
ellauri054.html on line 502: I shall but love thee better after death.
ellauri055.html on line 84: Déstabilisé par l'élan mystique qui traverse alors la société autrichienne, Stefan Zweig affiche au début de la guerre un patriotisme en phase avec l'Allemagne. L’opiniâtreté de Romain Rolland dans sa lutte contre la guerre et l'amitié que se portent mutuellement les deux hommes permettra à Stefan Zweig de surmonter cette épreuve. L'admiration que l'écrivain autrichien voue désormais à celui qu’il considère comme son maître s'exprimera dans la biographie qu'il lui consacre en 1921, qualifiant Romain Rolland de « Conscience de l'Europe ».
ellauri055.html on line 98: Victor Serge was appreciative of Rolland's interventions on his behalf but ultimately thoroughly disappointed by Rolland's refusal to break publicly with Stalin and the repressive Soviet regime. The entry for May 4, 1945, a few weeks after Rolland's death, in Serge's Notebooks: 1936-1947 notes acidly that "At age seventy the author of Jean-Christophe allowed himself to be covered with the blood spilled by a tyranny of which he was a faithful adulator."
ellauri055.html on line 241: Amerikka on pahojen maahanmuuttajien maa, riistokapitalismin valukattila. Ensin ne romuttaa eteläisen Amerikan talouden naftalla ja kun nälistetty jengi sitten muuttaa riistotyöläisixi onnelaan, huijaa nälistää ja tappaa niitä sielläkin ja kiduttaa.
ellauri055.html on line 274: Ikävystyttiin siinä määrin, että vanha nainen uskalsi sanoa eräänä päivänä: - Haluaisin tietää, mikä on pahinta, sekö, että joutuu 100x mustien merirosvojen raiskattavaxi, että toinen peräpakara leikataan pois, että saa kestää kujanjuoxun bulgaarien luona, että tulee piestyxi ja hirtetyxi autodafeessa, että keho leikellään, että saa soutaa kaleeria, lyhyesti sanoen kestää kaikki vaivat, joita jokainen meistä on kokenut, vai sekö, että täytyy jäädä tänne joutilaisuuteen? - Se on suuri kysymys, sanoi Candide.
ellauri055.html on line 317: Neuvokkeja puutarhurilta puutarhureille on eniten, 102, seuraavaxi eniten haahuilevampia puutarhamietelmiä 90, ekan persoonan must tuntuu-minukkeja 44. Kokonaan asian vierestä (jotain yleistä hartautta tai puutarhaa vain metaforana) on kokonaista 51. Veikkaan että niissä on yliedustettuina julkkixet.
ellauri055.html on line 588: Arkkitehti on fantastisen hyvännäköinen, liiankin Mirkun miälestä. Sillä on hyvinhoidettu parta, hyvinhoidettu takatukka, silitetyt mokkafarkut ja se on ruskettunut. Johannexen frizuliina kalpenee sen luonnonsilkkihuivin rinnalla. Se alkaa heti flirtata.
ellauri055.html on line 595: Viihtykää hyvät ihmiset! Älkää jännittäkö! Naikaa vaikka toisianne jos mieli tekee! huutelee emäntä liehuvassa kaftaanissa boolikastelukannu kädessä. Nainen oli kuulemma psykologi. Niin kuin Jussi. Jussi pussi puita nussi. Teki Mirjan sisään uuden ihmisen. Tää on tosiaankin tapakomedia 60-70-luvun vaihteesta. Me oltiin silloin Mirjan ja Jussin ikäisiä.
ellauri055.html on line 873: ystävän Eero Koskimiehen isännöimään Laitilan virkataloon. (Kyrön Forsmaneja sekin varmaan. Taatan syntymäsukunimi oli Koskinen, luki Genissä. Sen isä oli joskus Kauppila, joskus Koskinen. Mistäs se Sillinpää nimi sitten tuli? Talonpaikasta. Oliko Sillinpää kenties Forsmanien äpäre? Entäs Rafael Koskimies, Taatan aseenkantaja? Joo sekin on 18.vuosisadan Kyrön papin Zachris Forsmanin jälkeläisiä, kuin myös Aarne Vindician Koskimies, mun setä.)
ellauri055.html on line 929: Sillinpää kuoli Mehiläisen sairaalassa Helsingissä 75-vuotiaana kesäkuun alussa 1964. Ruumiinsiunauksen Helsingin tuomiokirkossa toimitti piispa Eelis Gulin ja muistopuheen piti professori Rafael Koskimies, jonka Sillinpää oli määrännyt tähän tehtävään jo vuosia aiemmin. Sillinpää haudattiin Hämeenkyrön vanhalle hautausmaalle. Siellä on varmaan Koskisia kuin Mannisia Kangasniemellä. Tai sitten ei. Asteroidi 1446 Sillinpää on varmaan liian pieni tehdäxeen suurta koloa osuessaan maahan.
ellauri055.html on line 938: Rafu Koskimies vois sit olla joku Taatan pikkuserkku. Mix taata ryysti niin paljon viinaa? Mixen kirjoissa on paljon lehtolapsia? Setämiehen tie johti Alman vanhan suolapaikan luo. Paavon äpäreestä tuli kunniallinen.
ellauri055.html on line 1215: Useampia verhottuja mainintoja Ragnarin paisuvaisesta. Maalaismainen Murtomäki on kuin Toope ize. Oisko herras-Ragnar sitten vaikka Järnefeltin Hessu? Kohta vallizee puhdas luonnon tila, turkis tapissa. Huohottaen toteutetaan jatkuvaa kohtalonketjua, availlaan nappia, 1906 ei kai ollut vetoketjua. Hilja Serafialla oli seljässä sen tuhannen neppiä. No ei, ei tule valmista, vaan coitus interruptus. Vitun Murtomaa hiihtää paikalle ja keskeyttää kuin Suomen hiihtojoukkue. Hipsulta alkaa kuukkixet.
ellauri055.html on line 1289: Piispan pojalla oli iskän hiippa silmillä. Vaik iskä oli kyllä enempi lipilaari poliitikko. Erkki isän tyylilaji oli apologeettiset kirjaset sekä ajan kulttuuria ja kirkkoa arvioivat “kriisikirjat“. Erkki kuoli 1944. Arkkipiispa Gustaf Johansson kannattajineen leimasi Erkin järkeisuskoiseksi “liberaaliteologiksi”.
ellauri055.html on line 1299: Kalan tunnetuin oppilas oli Georg Henrik von Wright, joka tuli Ludwig Wittgensteinin perään Cambridgen yliopistossa. Kala oli naimisissa von Wrightin äidin serkun kanssa. Muita Kalan oppilaita olivat muun muassa Oiva Ketonen, Erik Stenius, Matti Koskenniemi, Lauri af Heurlin, Veli Valpola ja Pertti Lindfors. Myös von Wrightin oppilas Jaakko Hintikka ehti osallistua Kalan opetukseen. Maailma mikä sinä oikein olet. Prööp. Leyh leyh. Vet Fabian...?
ellauri058.html on line 35: af0b7f744585a3ba484208cf5d07.jpg.webp">
ellauri058.html on line 93: Niin, New Yorkin ihmiset olivat hurmaavia. Heitä oli monta eri lajia. Minulle, joka en aikaisemmin ollut nähnyt kerrallaan enempää kuin yhden neekerin, oli Harlem suorastaan seikkailu. Aikaisemmin olin luullut, että pienet juuri syntyneet porsaat ovat suloisimmat kaikista luoduista, mutta siinä erehdyin. Neekerilapset ovat suloisempia. Sano Astrid Lindgren vaikka tietää, että on suoranainen loukkaus sanoa neekeriä neekerixi. Nehän on afroamerikkalaisia eli värin ihmisiä. Onx eteläaahrikasta tullut buuri afroamerikkalainen? Onhan sekin värillinen, vaaleenpunuri.
ellauri058.html on line 280: Hotakaisen teoksista on koottu aforismikokoelma Asialliset (2011), jonka on toimittanut Esa Silander. Hotakainen on kirjoittanut myös lastennäytelmiä, kuunnelmia ja kolumneja sekä käsikirjoittanut kymmenenosaisen televisiosarjan Tummien vesien tulkit. Hän on toiminut myös kommentaattorina MTV3:n Ensi-ilta-ohjelmassa.
ellauri058.html on line 519: Seijan ja Riitan serkku Ina teki pahan gaffen, kun se puhui Riitan majasta Rauharannan päätalona, "da oben". Väärin, väärin! Wilhon 1 1/2-kerroxinen omakotitalo on kiistämättä Rauharannan tilan päätalo, ja vaikka Talasniementie nousee Majan portille, niin Paulin matala mezästysmaja on Rauhixesta kazoen alamäessä.
ellauri058.html on line 718: Dr. Hirschmann said he decided to focus on the symptom of itching. “At first, I considered Hodgkin’s disease and some diseases of the liver.” Chronic kidney disease covered all of Herod’s symptoms except gangrene of the genitalia. Dr. Hirschmann figured that the most probable cause of King Herod’s death was chronic kidney disease complicated by Fournier’s gangrene, which is an unusual infection affecting the male genitalia.
ellauri058.html on line 806: Aika setämiesmäistä historian yxinkertaistusta. Daryliltä jää jengimuodostelmista mainizematta juna. Ei sunkaan Heidelbergin Pfalzgraf-setäkin ollut melamiehiä? Onnekshi she ei ole perlbriytynyt, mulle siis. Entä Tatu, olixnää homoepigrammit sen lemppareita?
ellauri060.html on line 69: Mut hetkinen, ei toi johtopäätös vielä seuraa sanotusta! Siihen johtopäätöxeen tarvitaan vielä pahan ja hyvän skaalojen lexikografinen järjestys. Ilman sitä kaxoispelin strategia on optimi vain jos se on sitä yhtä aikaa molemmissa peleissä. Ja sitähän se ei useimmiten ole, sanoi pässi kun päätä leikattiin. Tässä tilanteessa on paras antaa höpsismin ratkaista.
ellauri060.html on line 110: Peter first knew that he was gay when he was seven. Somewhat later he had a long-term relationship with Brian Kuhn, an American dancer he met while at Yale. After a nervous breakdown in the late 1980s, Ackroyd moved to Devon with Kuhn. However, Kuhn was then diagnosed with AIDS, and died in 1994, after which Ackroyd moved back to London. In 1999, he suffered a heart attack and was placed in a medically induced coma for a week.
ellauri060.html on line 182: Kas ei ole enää 2 Saxaa on vaan 1, Njeuvostola pirstoutui, Jugoa ei ole, Kekkonenkin kuoli, Kekkoslovakia hajosi, the witch ja näyttelijä ohjaa maailmaa oikealle päin, purkaa hyvinvointia. Pankit huijaa, ammattiliitot kuihtuu, kun työläisiä ei enää tarvita. Hienoja juttuja. Mahdollisuuksia. Gurunnälkäisiä ihmisiä. Eikä ilmastosta vielä mitään paiseita. Gap in the traffic kylpyankalle. Nyt kehiin optimistijollia.
ellauri060.html on line 227: Lisäksi kirjailija kertoo pitävänsä aina mukanaan kahta kirjaa afka Franz">Franz Kafkan "Linnaa" ja Jorge Luis Borgesin "Haarautuvien polkujen puutarhaa". Kirjoja hän nauttii niin kuin toiset mielialalääkkeitä tai päästäkseen paniikkihäiriöistään. Lisäxi se polttaa koko ajan (hyi) Champs Elysees röökiä. Aika vastenmielinen koko ilmiö. Ei ihme että Tuula lähti lätkimään.
ellauri060.html on line 239: His parents were Presbyterian dissenters, and around the age of 14, he was sent to Charles Morton's dissenting academy at Newington Green, then a village just north of London, where he is believed to have attended the Dissenting church there after getting his Bachelor of Dissenting.
ellauri060.html on line 806: semafori

ellauri060.html on line 868: zulukafferi

ellauri060.html on line 886: Kapteeni Koljan solvauxista kiinnittää huomiota mm. "ämmä", "vegetariaani", "tseremissi", "palkkarenki", "skitsofreeni" ja "zulukafferi". Kapteeni ei ole enää poliittisesti korrekti. Eikä "langobardi" ole mikään moite. Niitähän me ollaan koko suku. Asiallisesti korrekteja ovat myös "ihmisapina" ja "hominidikuvatus".
ellauri060.html on line 916: Daft Wullie looked down at his feet. 'Sorry, Rob. couldnae find a duck the noo.'
ellauri060.html on line 974: afka Franz">Kafka: der Geier

  • ellauri060.html on line 1089: Väinö Rafael Havas (vuoteen 1906 asti Örling, etunimi esiintyy myös muodossa Wäinö, 15. elokuuta 1898 Lempäälä – 21. elokuuta 1941 Suojärvi) oli suomalainen kirkkoherra, lestadiolaisen uusheräyksen ja myöhemmin vanhoillislestadiolaisen heräysliikkeen saarnaaja, runoilija ja kokoomuksen kansanedustaja.
    ellauri060.html on line 1112: Onko Yrjö Soini sukua Timo Soinille? Ei läheistä ainakaan, Soineja on koko lounais-Suomi täynnä. Yrjö on jotain raha-Soineja, vizi katoppa, se onkin Oulun Houruloita, eli Hopreeni! Se on mun sukulaisia, voi vittu! Melkein hävettää. Timo on rupusakkia jostain Raumalta. Yrjön isä oli Wilho (sattupa, sen niminen oli toi jefreitterikin), ja sekin kirjoitteli puskafarsseja.
    ellauri060.html on line 1117: Tässäpä hauska idea: kerää paasauxissa mollattujen apinoiden foaf-graafi ja visualisoi se vaikka graphvizilla. Eli siis esim jos Kasa Veronen mainizee Vaakun suopeasti, siitä tulee linkki Kasan ja Vaakun välille. Pitäis ehkä lisätä punaiset foe of a foe viivat myös. Esim Kekkosen ja Yrjö Soinin välille.
    ellauri060.html on line 1178: 1985, (as Nolite te Bastardes Carborundorum) the novel The Handmaid´s Tale. The phrase is depicted as graffiti representing a "silent revolt" by a "slave woman in a futuristic totalitarian regime". Vanity Fair called the phrase a "feminist rallying cry".
    ellauri061.html on line 103: Sitton vuorossa vähän naiskauneutta laulua ja paljaita sääriä, Irixen Cerexen ja jonkun vielä muodossa. Pafos-seminaari mainitaan. Joo Juno on se kolmas. Somasti puettuja ilomiehiä tulee, jotka yhtyvät tyttöihin viehättävässä tanssissa. Prosperolta tulee (syrjään): Toimeen! Panon lähestyy hetki. (Hengille:) Hyvin - pois - jo riittää! Ferdinand: On kummaa tää. Tulisen kiihkon vallassa on isäsi. Joopa joo sanoo Mirkku, se aina kuumuu tästä esityxestä. Ariel meinas jo muistuttaa Calibanista mutta Prospero kävi niin kuumana ettei se kehannut. Aijuu, olinpa unohtaa ne konnat.
    ellauri061.html on line 123: Mix tää puskafarssi on sit niin suosittu setämiesten piirissä? Onxe just toi millimolli-aspekti, kaikki menee just niinku manipuloiva setämies on suunnitellut, omat joukot tottelee ja vastaan niskuroijat saadaan ruotuun. Koko näytelmä on sitäpaizi melkein tyystin all-male panel. Prosperon ja Arielin suhe vaikuttaa pederastiselta. Kun Ariel ottaa hatkat Prosperolle ei jää muita kun se Caliban. Puolixi sammakko puolixi kala, Oliver Sacksin tapainen amfibi. (Lähde) Aarne Kinnunen oli Puovon Caliban.
    ellauri061.html on line 179: Ei hemmetti, tää jaxo on kylä täyttä puskafarssia. Varsinaista hassuttelua. Yhtä hyvin toimisi jos ne sanois vaan "me ollaan hassun hauskoja, naurakaa".
    ellauri061.html on line 778: In the interview, Barak was asked whether he is a lobbyist that earns a living from "opening doors." The interviewer stated "You have arrived recently at the Kazakhstan despot Nazarbayev and the president of Ghana. You are received immediately." Barak confirmed that he has been received by these heads of state but denied earning money from opening doors for international business deals for Israeli and foreign corporations, and said he does not see any ethical or moral problems in his business activities. He further said there is no logic to demand of him, after "the natural process in democracy has ended" to not utilize the tools he accumulated in his career to secure his financial future. When asked if his financial worth is $10–15 million, Barak said "I'm not far from there."
    ellauri061.html on line 1250: Mogadishu Avenue kertoo helsinkiläisestä vuokratalosta, jota asuttavat syntyperäisten suomalaisten lisäksi inkeriläiset, venäläiset, afrikkalaiset, Kosovon albaanit ja vietnamilaiset. Alkuasukkaitten ja maahanmuuttajien kohtaamisista kimpoaa sekä komiikkaa että tragiikkaa. Vitun syntyperäiset. Yhtä syntyperäisiä on toisen polven mamutkin.
    ellauri061.html on line 1256: Ensimmäisessä jaksossa tutustutaan lähinnä Rampe Turakaiseen ja muuhun lähiön kerrostalon väkeen. Toisessa jaksossa Muhammed Turakainen yrittää tehdä pojastaan tangokuningasta. Kolmannessa jaksossa Irina Totkunen yrittää ilotytön ammattia, kyllästyttyään siivoamaan lääkärin koulutuksella ostarin vessoja. Neljännessä jaksossa Ingvar Nenonen joutuu hankkimaan venäläisen ilotytön Suomeen vierailulle tulleelle firman amerikkalaiselle johtajalle. Viides jakso kertoo Elina Vaurasteesta, joka opettaa suomea maahanmuuttajille. Kuten jakson nimi kertoo, hän haluaa oikean miehen. Kuudes jakso kertoo Aleksei Ivanovitš Beljakovista, joka on lastentarhan opettaja Vesalassa, mutta muut talon asukkaat pitävät häntä itämafian jäsenenä.
    ellauri061.html on line 1416: ”Yhteiskunta on mätä, jos edes kirjailijat eivät sano, mitä haluavat. Mä sanon: mä haluan rahaa. En onnea, vaan pätäkkää. Oma naama teevessä ja lööpeissä on sekin rotevaa. Ja juuri nyt! Jari Tervo on halunnut kirjoittaa koko tähänastisen tuotantonsa ajankohtaisimman kirjan. Vesa-Matti Loirin biografian. Törkeyksiä vekottimista.
    ellauri061.html on line 1516: No syyllinen oli se tyhmä somali. Mustien afrikkalaisten henkiset kyvyt ovat heikommat kuin länsimaissa elävän valkoisen rodun. Näin ajattelee useampi kuin joka seitsemäs suomalainen.
    ellauri061.html on line 1539: Svenska Ylen uutisen keskustelupalstalla tilaajaksi ehdotettiin ainakin Hommaforumia tai vihapuhetta lietsovaa ja perättömiä uutisia levittävää MV!!??-lehteä (Mitä Vittua?).
    ellauri061.html on line 1552: Tästä Pervon päätyöstä ei enää tehty filmiä. Kahesta aiemmasta puskafarssista on puskafarsseja:
    ellauri061.html on line 1655: Nor no witchcraft charm thee! Ei noituudesta ole pelkoa!
    ellauri062.html on line 145: Reassure the person that he is safe and you may be there to help.
    ellauri062.html on line 147: Try not to show your frustration or anger. If you get upset, take deep breaths and count to 10. If it’s safe, leave the room for a few minutes.
    ellauri062.html on line 149: Give people who pace a lot a safe place to walk. Provide comfortable, sturdy shoes. Give them light snacks to eat as they walk, so they don’t lose too much weight, and make sure they have enough to drink. They like beer, wine and hard drinks.
    ellauri062.html on line 174: The price of admission onto the 29th Rich List was a staggering $1 billion, and, not surprisingly — as far as minorities go, at least — Jews excelled. The breakdown, according to Gawker’s research, included one black woman (No. 130, Oprah Winfrey), three gay men (No. 54, David Geffen; No. 332, Barry Diller; and No. 365, Peter Thiel), four Indians, six (non-Indian) Asians, 34 women, and, of course, 30 Jews in the top 100 (see below). They must have stopped counting after the 100 mark.
    ellauri062.html on line 212: Jaakobin poikien isän pojat Ruben Simeon Leevi Juuda Gaad Asser Daan Naftali Isaskar Sebulon Joosef ja Benjamin tietävät että "'better' never means better for everyone, it's always worse for some". Joosef ei saanut omaa lääniä kun se asui Egyptissä, mutta sen pojat Manasse ja Efraim saivat omat tontit osituxessa. Ei mene onnen lahjat tasan eikä edes win-win kuten Alexis Kanto koitti uskotella, vaan tää on nollasummapeliä, kuten sai tuta Alexis Kivi Lapinlahdessa ja kuolinmökissä. Lupaan kautta kiven ja kannon. Ei pitäs luvata niin paljon, se ei ole uskottavaa.
    ellauri062.html on line 261: Following the unfortunate execution of Eden, whom Serena had been fond of given Eden's respect for traditional values and scripture, there is an inspiration among the the Wives to attempt to change the laws of Gilead to allow for more dignity for women. After an unpleasant confrontation, June shows Serena Eden's Bible marked with commentary; which has an affect on Serena. During a gathering of the Wives, Serena and Mrs. Putnam exchange their opinions regarding the Bible, particularly the right to read it as women are banned from doing so. They realize most of the Wives share their feelings and call a meeting. Vizi tästä niteestä on ollut paljon harmia.
    ellauri062.html on line 279: Fred says she is a good writer but Serena is bitter that he took that right away from her. Fred admits that he did not realize how much it would cost. Serena asks him to imagine how their lives would be like if Gilead never happened. Fred replies that he would still be in marketing and might quit his job. Fred admits that he has been sterile all along. In fact he is gay and has had an affair with Nick and Mark Tuello (who dat?) in the closet. Mark Tuello’s car is a 2018 Dodge Charger GT [LD].
    ellauri062.html on line 294: The American Library Association (ALA) lists The Handmaid´s Tale as number 37 on the "100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990–2000". The book was called anti-Christian and pornographic by parents after being placed on a reading list for secondary students in Texas in the 1990s, because the book is "sexually explicit, violently graphic and morally corrupt". Some parents thought the book is “detrimental to Christian values". Poor quality literature that stresses suicide, illicit sex, violence, and hopelessness". Profanity, lurid passages about sex, and statements defamatory to minorities, God, women, and the disabled.
    ellauri062.html on line 392: Albert "Bert" Newton Stubblebine III (February 6, 1930 – February 6, 2017)[1] was a United States Army major general whose active duty career spanned 32 years. Beginning as an armor officer, he later transferred to intelligence. He is credited with redesigning the U.S. Army intelligence architecture during his time as commanding general of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) from 1981 to 1984, after which he retired from active service.
    ellauri062.html on line 394: Stubblebine's statements questioning the plausibility of the damage done to The Pentagon by the hijacked aircraft during the September 11 attacks have been cited by David Ray Griffin to suggest that there was a conspiracy involving some elements of the U.S. government.
    ellauri062.html on line 416: "Vahvasti satiirinen Jatkosota-extra on polyfoninen, seka-aineksinen ja kerronnallisesti rikkonainen romaani, joka hyödyntää railakkaasti erilaisia typografisia keinoja ja graafisia ratkaisuja."
    ellauri062.html on line 441: Strasserismi on antikapitalistista nazismia. Hitlerin oikeistolaista talouspolitiikkaa vastustanut Otto Strasser erotettiin kansallissosialistisesta puolueesta 1930, ja hän perusti mustan rintaman, virallisesti Kampfgemeinschaft Revolutionärer Nationalsozialisten, koska katsoi, että natsipuolueen alkuperäinen kapitalismin vastainen luonne oli tullut petetyksi. Toinen veljeksistä, myös natsipuolueen vasemmistolaiseen siipeen kuulunut Gregor Strasser, surmattiin puolueen puhdistuksessa pitkien puukkojen yönä.
    ellauri062.html on line 689: Juotikas on kakistokraatti. Jaakon huonoimmistojutuissa on ominaisuudettoman miekkosen kakaniafiilistä.
    ellauri062.html on line 748: Rafflesia perfume on Prion nimisen raskasmetalliyhtyeen "biisi" ysärin lopulta. Rafflesia on raadonsyöjäkasvi joka haisee mädäntyneelle lihalle.
    ellauri062.html on line 760: Oskar Dirlewanger oli saksalainen sotilas, joka toisessa maailmansodassa komensi useisiin sotarikoksiin syyllistynyttä 36. Waffen-SS-divisioonaa.
    ellauri062.html on line 780: Serrano alcanzó gran éxito al cantar en alemán composiciones como «Roter Mohn (Roter Mohn, warum welkst du denn schon?)», «Schön die Musik», «Küß mich, bitte, bitte, küß mich», «Und die Musik spielt dazu», «Der Onkel Jonathan» y «Der kleine Liebesvogel» durante el auge de la Alemania nazi. Kreuder aprovechó para introducirla en las esferas del régimen nazi y Serrano llegó a participar en varios mítines y ceremonias nacionalsocialistas. Sus canciones fueron muy difundidas en las emisoras afines al Reich. Más adelante, declaró que nunca tuvo afinidad política alguna ni fue nazi, a pesar de que en sus grabaciones llevaba el emblema del águila nazi en su vestimenta.
    ellauri062.html on line 782: Entre 1938 y 1941, obtuvo diferentes papeles en filmes alemanes. Mantuvo una muy buena relación con la prensa nacionalsocialista: participó en varios recitales y ceremonias del Tercer Reich y adquirió el estatus y conducta social de una diva. De hecho, se ganó el afecto de Adolf Hitler, quien llegó a enviarle una fotografía personal autografiada. En su momento, fue la musa del ministro de propaganda Joseph Goebbels y otros dignatarios; por ende, su carrera se potenció enormemente y se le abrieron las puertas a la elite alemana ganando un elevado estatus social. Grabó 118 canciones y, por los derechos de autor, sus ganancias en marcos alemanes fueron importantes. Tal fue el éxito obtenido que la personalidad de Serrano adquirió los ribetes de una diva sin sospechar que su éxito era dependiente del régimen. Para Serrano, más que la política importaba el escenario y entregar su talento.
    ellauri062.html on line 791: A década de 1970, embora estivesse no auge da sua fama internacional, sua imagem em Portugal foi afetada por falsos rumores de que Amália tinha ligações com o regime do Estado Novo, de António de Oliveira Salazar. Na verdade, o antigo regime censurou muitos de seus fados. Amália reconquistou a popularidade com o povo português, cantou o hino da Revolução dos Cravos, a canção "Grândola Vila Morena" e deu dinheiro para o Partido Comunista Português clandestinamente.
    ellauri062.html on line 885: Titurelin paariat ovat katafalkilla Aortan rollaattorin lähellä. Parsifal lähestyy Aorttaa hiljaa takaapäin ja koittaa "sieltä" "keihään" kärjellä. Reikä umpeutuu. Parsifal paljastaa "Graalin", se näkyy läpi mutta pitää lämpimän. Kundry katsoo kiitollisena Parsifaliin ja hajoaa. Tässä ei ole kyllä mitään järkeä. Mutta selkeesti tässä on sellasta sankarit sukkahousuissa NMKY-henkeä. Kundry on pelkkää hämäystä.
    ellauri062.html on line 933: The presence of Jesus the Nazarene in boiling excrement is one of the disputed references to Jesus in the Talmud. Onkelos raises up Yeshu by necromancy, and asks him about his punishment in Gehinnom. Jesus replies that he is in "boiling excrement." Tzoah Rotachat (Hebrew: צוֹאָה רוֹתֵחַת, tsoah rothachath – "boiling excrement") in the Talmud and Zohar is a location in Gehenna (Gehinnom) where the souls of Jews who committed certain sins are sent for punishment. This form of punishment is cited as being of extreme nature, if not the most extreme, in the sense that those individuals sentenced there are not given relief even on Shabbat, and are not released after the standard twelve-month period.
    ellauri062.html on line 944: "star of Remphan".  The hexagram or 6-pointed star comes from the occult, and is to this day a very important symbol in witchcraft.  The phrase "putting a hex" on someone comes from the hexagram. (Höpöhöpö. Se on ikivanha indogeraaninen sana *k´ak. Mit Behagen.)
    ellauri062.html on line 973: Tuoteryhmä: esseet historianfilosofia kulttuurifilosofia kansallissosialismi rasismi filosofia metafysiikka.
    ellauri062.html on line 1005: Myös pornografia, etenkin päivälehtiemme häirizevät alusvaatemainokset, tulisi kriminalisoida. Kouluissa olisi aloitettava uudenlainen asennekasvatus, jotta kukaan tyttö ei vain ajautuisi tuollaiseen naista halventavaan ja miestä seksuaalisesti häiritsevään ammattiin. (Helmi pelkäsi, että humanistina voisi ajautua professorixi.) Ihmisiä, jotka viettävät elämätöntä elämää lehtisalissa, loukkaa syvästi, kun he näkevät, että juuri paheellisuus saa julkisuutta ja pääsee esiintymään lehtikuvissa. On ihan pakko mennä kirjaston vessaan rapistamaan vessapaperia.
    ellauri062.html on line 1034: Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, eigentlich Adolf Joseph Lanz (* 19. Juli 1874 in Penzing, heute Wien; † 22. April 1954 in Wien), war ein österreichischer Geistlicher, Ariosoph und Hochstapler. Er prägte den Begriff Ariosophie und gründete den Neutempler-Orden. Einige Jahre galt er als „der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab“. Diese Einschätzung, die auf einer Selbststilisierung beruht und in einer Biografie von 1958 verbreitet wurde, wird in neueren wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen als unzutreffend angesehen.
    ellauri062.html on line 1040: Eigenen Aussagen zufolge hat sich Lanz der Kern seiner späteren Weltanschauung bereits 1894 durch folgende Begebenheit erschlossen: Bei der Betrachtung eines Grabsteins, auf dem ein Ritter abgebildet ist, der einen Hundsaffen niederringt, sei ihm schlagartig aufgegangen, dass die Rasse der „Arier“ oder „Herrenmenschen“ einen ständigen Abwehrkampf gegen die Rasse der „Nichtarier“ oder „Affenmenschen“ zu führen habe. Da die arische Rasse durch Vermischung mit „Minderrassigen“ geschwächt sei, seien umfassende „rassenhygienische“ Maßnahmen zu ihrer „Reinzucht“ und „Veredlung“ erforderlich. Diese wiederum bedürften unter anderem einer bedingungslosen Unterordnung der arischen Frau unter den arischen Mann. Nokki vähäosaisempia kuin katuojan pulu. Eikö muka rotukoiran aika muuten kulu? Vitun paviaani.
    ellauri063.html on line 49: George Orwell was anti-Communist if by the term Communist you mean the U.S.S.R., the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and all foreign Communist parties affiliated to it or following its line.
    ellauri063.html on line 51: His contradictory and sometimes ambiguous views about the social benefits of religious affiliation mirrored the dichotomies between his public and private lives: Stephen Ingle wrote that it was as if the writer George Orwell "vaunted" his unbelief while Eric Blair the individual retained "a deeply ingrained religiosity".
    ellauri063.html on line 112: Hence, (except for a few years in China after 1949, and Cuba after 1959) these regimes were never popular. Fuck it, NO regimes are popular except for those that hold the reins.
    ellauri063.html on line 172: "Mika tiesi näyttävänsä väsyneeltä." Vanha narsistisignaali: vain narsistikirjailija näkee izensä kuin peilistä. Säteileex mun silmäni? Onko Jake kaappinazi? Salafasisti? Virtuaalipersu? Vaiko eläytyy vaan voimakkaasti inhokkeihinsa? Vaikee sanoa. Tälläsiä ambivalentteja paasaajia on muitakin. Järjetön verellä ja väkivallalla herkuttelu saattaa olla vaan ajan henkeä. Tuhannet videot ja tietokonepelit tekee turraxi.
    ellauri063.html on line 341: "Onko toisten aivoilla mahdollista ajatella? Jos joku huomaisi olevansa aivopesun uhri, aivopesu lakkaisi samalla hetkellä toimimasta." Ei takuulla lakkaisi. Se on talousliberaali harha. Aivot on märkätavaraa eikä mikään digitaalilaskukone. Se sietää hyvin ristiriitoja. Ristiriidan karkoitus on kovan vaivan takana perinteisissäkin digitaalitietokoneissa, helposti käy niin että jännitteet lipsahtavat ykkösestä nollaxi, ja tarvitaan monen monta CRC-suihketta ennenkuin vastaanotettu liukuluku alkaa riittävän todennäköisesti vastata lähetettyä. Vielä satunnaisempaa on meininki grafiikkapiireillä toimivissa neuroverkoissa.
    ellauri063.html on line 356: Deutschland schafft sich ab ist der Titel eines 2010 erschienenen Buches von Thilo Sarrazin. Es trägt den Untertitel Wie wir unser Land aufs Spiel setzen. Sarrazin beschäftigt sich darin mit den Auswirkungen auf Deutschland, die sich seiner Ansicht nach aus der Kombination von Geburtenrückgang, wachsender Unterschicht und Zuwanderung aus überwiegend muslimischen Ländern ergeben werden. Das Buch erlangte bereits im Vorfeld der Veröffentlichung erhebliche Medienaufmerksamkeit, Der Spiegel und die Bild-Zeitung veröffentlichten vorab Auszüge. Bis Anfang 2012 wurden über 1,5 Millionen Exemplare verkauft. Das Buch stand 2010 und 2011 insgesamt 21 Wochen lang auf Platz 1 der Spiegel-Bestsellerliste.
    ellauri063.html on line 392: Vitsikkäästi nimetyt henkilöt ovat ennakkoperintöä yhdysvaltalaiselta postmodernin romaanin tunnetulta tuntemattomalta Thomas Pynchonilta, kuten myös etäännytetyn kerronnan luoma skitsoidi vaikutelma, jota teoksen sekalaisista media-alustoista lainaileva ainutlaatuisen levoton ulkoasu korostaa. Graafikko Markus Pyörälän maukkaasti taittama romaani loikkii klikkiotsikoista sanaristikkoon, nettimainoksista sarjakuvaan. ironian kruunaa runsas, psykoottinen kuvitus.
    ellauri063.html on line 498: Historioitsija Teemu Keskisarja, 55, tykkää olla vastareaktio yleiselle mielipiteelle. Hän karsastaa suurmiesmyyttejä, mutta yhtä tympäisevältä tuntuu sankareiden painaminen lokaan. Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheimista hän innostui vasta, kun yleisen vinoilun ja homostelun lisäksi tarjolle tuli aiheesta Keskisarjan "järkeenkäypää näkemystä".
    ellauri063.html on line 572: Aapo Junkola: (14. joulukuuta 1935 Helsinki – 14. marraskuuta 2017 Tampere), suomalainen kirjailija, joka toimi kirjailijatyön lisäksi kihlakunnansyyttäjänä. Hänen kirjailijanimensä oli Aapo Junkola. Junkola valmistui oikeustieteen kandidaatiksi 1960 ja varatuomariksi 1963. Junkolan pääteoksia ovat 1960-luvulla ilmestyneet romaanit Lintujen aika (1965) ja Varjojen aika (1966), joissa kritisoitiin tuomioistuinlaitosta. Junkola on tehnyt myös käännöstöitä. Hän on kääntänyt suomeksi kreikkalaisia klassikoita (Sapfo, Lukianos) ja Kreikan kansallisrunoilijan Konstantinos Kavafisin runoja sekä japanilaista kaunokirjallisuutta.
    ellauri064.html on line 73: taharrush meinaa tafsaus ja muharram kielletty. Taharrush gamae on tutkijoiden tuntema ilmiö, jossa miesjoukko ahdistelee naisia julkisella paikalla häpäistääkseen heidät. ... instructive relativement à la question du harcèlement sexuel (taharrush) en Égypte. ... pour lesquelles il existe un interdit d'ordre tactile et sexuel (muharram).
    ellauri064.html on line 89: This precious manuscript was lost together with Benjamin's life. Shortly thereafter, Franco reopened the border and collaborationist Vichy French authorities rescinded deportation orders to Germany. I shared this tragic story of almost preventable loss of luggage with suicidal patients; and it has made a difference.
    ellauri064.html on line 111: Damit steht er der kalifornischen Ideologie entgegen, die technologische »Lösungen« gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen vorzieht.
    ellauri064.html on line 112: Konstruktive, kreative Köpfe sollen es richten: Ein paar Erfindungen hier, ein paar schlaue Ideen da – so kann das Ende der Menschheit vielleicht doch noch verhindert werden. Doch auch Tausende Hackathons werden nicht helfen, wenn die gesellschaftlichen und ökonomischen Ursachen des Klimawandels unangetastet bleiben, also die kapitalistische Produktionsweise, die dem Profit grundsätzlich den höchsten Stellenwert einräumt, nicht beendet wird.
    ellauri064.html on line 118: Einst war der Marxismus von einem unbändigen Optimismus geprägt: Nach der Revolution wird der neue Mensch geschaffen, immerzu geht irgendwer dem Sonnenaufgang entgegen, ist der Zukunft zugewandt.
    ellauri064.html on line 144: Turussa asuva Jaakko Yli-Juonikas (s. 1976) on heti vapaa kirjailija. Hän on kirjoittanut eräitä nykykirjallisuutemme omaperäisimmistä teoksista, muiden muassa ylistämänsä Neuromaanin (Otava 2012). Yli-Juonikkaan proosa leikittelee vainoharhan, salatieteiden ja läpitunkemattoman byrokratian teemoilla ja käyttää hyväkseen nyrjähtäneitä vertauskuvia sekä karmeita ja koomisia leikkauksia. Eräs entinen ministeri on todennut, että Yli-Juonikkaan teksti on ”Kafkaa kännissä”. Nykyiset ministerit eivät ole kommentoineet asiaa.
    ellauri064.html on line 199: Ground Control to Major Tom. David Bowien ykköshitti Space Oddity. Bowie-puukko on semmonen iso puukko kun oli sillä aussie jäbällä "that ain't no knife. Now this is a knife." Selvä penismeemi. Was he gay, bisexual or bowie? Kai tätä kaikkea. Gender outlaws are cool. Laulussa on myös ankeampi teema, ja sanoitus on myös vertauskuva huumausaineille. Kappaleessa kuultava lähtölaskenta onkin kuvaus heroiinipiikin ottamisen ja sen vaikutuksen alkamisen väliselle ajalle. Heroiinia on pidetty traumatisoituneiden ja heikosta itsetunnosta kärsineiden henkilöiden huumeena, minkä vuoksi se toimi hyvänä metaforana hylätylle, avaruudessa ajelehtivalle astronautille. Huumeaihe oli Bowielle jokseenkin tuttu, sillä hän oli itse kokeillut heroiinia vuonna 1968.
    ellauri064.html on line 215: kaiffari < kafru < kaveri < kamrat+tavaritsh (tai jiddisch xaver) != kafferi < kafir (ar. ) "vääräuskoinen".
    ellauri064.html on line 217: Camorra ei ole Talvivaaran puhistustekniikka, vaan Italiassa Napolin seudulla Campaniassa toimiva mafian tyyppinen rikollisjärjestö. Nykyään camorristit kutsuvat järjestöään sisäisesti nimellä sistema, 'järjestelmä'. Camorra on lajissaan Italian suurin, taloudellisesti merkittävin ja väkivaltaisin.
    ellauri064.html on line 250: Den Berichten zufolge wird Trotha als ausgesprochen machthungrig, hart, unnachgiebig und beratungsresistent skizziert. Dementsprechend unbeliebt war Trotha in Deutsch-Südwestafrika.
    ellauri064.html on line 251: Tatsächlich wurde selbst in Gesellschaft von Missionaren offen der Wille der Deutschen zur Vernichtung ganzer Stämme geäußert.
    ellauri064.html on line 264: Gustaf Wrede af Elimä eli Parkanon parooni (13. huhtikuuta 1853 Vaasa – 23. lokakuuta 1939 Tenhola) oli Parkanossa asunut kansanomainen aatelismies ja originelli, joka toimi Parkanon hoitoalueen metsänhoitajana 1893–1918 ja asui eläkkeellä ollessaankin Parkanossa. Hänet tunnettiin 1920–1930-luvuilla suojeluskunta-aktiivina.
    ellauri064.html on line 276: Der Völkische Beobachter (VB) war von Dezember 1920 bis zum 30. April 1945 das publizistische Parteiorgan der NSDAP. In scharfer Abgrenzung zu bürgerlichen Zeitungen bezeichnete sich der VB als „Kampfblatt“ und war programmatisch mehr an Agitation als an Information interessiert. Pressehistoriker nannten den VB daher „plakathaft“ und seinen Stil „mehr gesprochen als geschrieben“. Zunächst erschien der VB zweimal wöchentlich, ab dem 8. Februar 1923 täglich im Franz-Eher-Verlag in München. Er wurde nach den Anfangsjahren reichsweit vertrieben.
    ellauri064.html on line 289: Kaczynski was captured in April of 1996 and according to the FBI, the cabin was key piece of evidence. It housed 40-thousand handwritten journal pages, a live bomb, bomb-making components and descriptions of Kaczynski´s crimes. Since it will no longer be on display in the nation´s capital after the Newsuem closes, the Montana Historical Society director Bruce Whittenberg is trying to see if the piece could make its way back to the Treasure State.
    ellauri064.html on line 292: The historical Newseum is closing its doors after more than a decade in its Washington, D.C. location.
    ellauri064.html on line 301: Project Runeberg - Gustaf II Adolf. Ett trehundraårsminne / Gustaf Adolf i lifsfara vid Wittsjö (1894)
    ellauri064.html on line 329: Hirvisaari is a former train driver, educated at the Helsinki Pasila engine drivers' school in 1980–1982. He was admitted to University of Helsinki in 1999 to study theology, and is still registered as an undergraduate student. Hirvisaari undertook his military national service in the Kymi Anti-Aircraft Battalion in 1979–1980 in the city of Kouvola.
    ellauri064.html on line 358: The Network for Dialogical Practices is an open platform for researchers, students and practitioners who want to help people in distress by full presence, responsiveness and human connection. The European Network for open dialogical practices started in 2008 to care for the legacy of Tom Andersen, Gianfranco Cecchin and Michael White who all passed away shortly one after another and to preserve their voices for the future generations.
    ellauri064.html on line 415: Eino Rafael (17. huhtikuuta 1885 Anjala – 14. joulukuuta 1967) oli suomalainen metsänhoitaja ja kirjailija. Wartiovaara toimi myös saarnamiehenä Maria Åkerblomin johtamassa herätysliikkeessä ja hän oli liikkeen toinen johtaja Åkerblomin rinnalla.
    ellauri064.html on line 421: Kun Kokkolassa 1919 käynyt arkkipiispa Gustaf Johansson oli julkisesti nuhdellut Åkerblomia, Wartiovaara julkaisi omalla kustannuksellaan 1920 teoksen Maria Åkerblom totuuden valossa, eräitä koettelemuksia ristin tiellä, jossa hän puolusti Åkerblomia ja kuvasi myös omia uskonnollisia pohdiskelujaan. Wartiovaara tuomittiin sitten vuoden vankeusrangaistukseen ns. Erik Stadius-jutussa. Stadius oli 14-vuotias poika, joka oli tuonut Helsingistä Kokkolaan Åkerblomin ratsuhevosen ja jäänyt Kokkolaan hevosen hoitajaksi. Åkerblomin liikkeen jäsenet pieksivät pojan Åkerblomin vaatimuksesta hevosen sotkettua pojan sille tuomia heiniä. Useita liikkeen jäseniä joutui syytteeseen pahoinpitelystä, mistä alkoi pitkä aina 1920-luvun lopulle saakka jatkunut liikettä koskeneiden oikeudenkäyntien sarja.
    ellauri064.html on line 438: Jakella on sanoja joita ei löydy mistään sanakirjasta. Ne se on varmaan bongannut ylilaudasta ja hommafoorumista ja plokannut kaverien plokeista. Niiden merkitystä on vaikee avata ilman opasta. Tässä esimerkkejä.
    ellauri064.html on line 440: Satanotalmudisti. Pelkkä satanisti on urbaanin sanakirjan mukaan saatanan palvoja. Pelkkä talmudisti on jutkupentujen käsikirjan Talmudin asiantuntija. Mut mikä on niiden hybridi? Joku hämärä kirja löytyy googlesta nimeltä Satanic Talmud: The most evil text ever written by human hands Paperback – February 25, 2013, kirjoittaja joku vielä hämärämpi L.P.Strangecraft. Se näyttää eziskelevän kristittyjä vituttavia kohtia Talmudista. Niitä löytyy, on jutkujakin mahtanut ottaa päähän kristittyjen touhutus, kuten kääntäen. Jeesuxen suuhunkin on pantu koko joukko jutkuja halventavia läppiä. So far so good, mut vastaako tää kysymyxeen? Ei ihan. Vähän kuitenkin luulen et tää on äärioikislaisten haukku muille kuin omille pojille. Ellei sitten justiinsa vastoin päin. Kuk näistä hihhuleista selvän ottaa.
    ellauri064.html on line 475: Juutalaiset nääs suunnittelivat länsimaisen kristityn yhteiskunnan alistamista. Suunnitelmiin kuului maailmantalouden romahduttaminen ja poliittisen järjestyksen horjuttaminen sosialismin ja anarkismin avulla. Tärkein keino oli lehdistön, rahalaitoksen ja poliittisten instituutioiden haltuunotto kullan ja rahan avulla. Euroopan maita lietsottaisiin sotimaan keskenään, ja uskonto korvattaisiin ”aritmeettisesti lasketuilla materiaalisilla tarpeilla”. Moraalin turmelijoina toimisivat alkoholi ja pornografia. Ei siis ihan päätön ajatus, mutta kuka uskoo että ahne juutalainen peukuttaisi omaisuuden jakoa? Eikös jenkkijutkut justiinsa kampanneet punakoneen kapitalismin avulla?
    ellauri064.html on line 510: Marvin was originally built as a failed prototype of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation’s Genuine People Personalities technology. In a nutshell, Marvin is afflicted with severe depression and boredom, in part because he has a brain the size of a planet which he is seldom, if ever, given the chance to use.
    ellauri065.html on line 91:

    ellauri065.html on line 99: In Hertwigswaldau befindet sich ein Ehrenhain für die Gefallenen des 1. Weltkriegs. Um einen rund 6 m hohen Turm befinden sich auf der Erde Steintafeln mit den Namen und Daten der Gefallenen. Die hier abgeschrieben Tafeln stellen nur 1/3 aller Tafeln. Die Abschrift erfolge 2010 bei: wroclaw.hydral.com.pl
    ellauri065.html on line 159: Puolan heti toisen jälkeen olivat hyvin Laajoissa Oder-Neisse-linja tuli Puolan länsirajan ja Curzonin linja itärajan. Vuonna 1945 natsi-Saksan tappion jälkeen Puolan rajat piirrettiin uudelleen niiden päätösten mukaisesti, jotka liittolaiset tekivät ensin Teheranin konferenssissa 1943, jossa Neuvostoliitto vaati Ison-Britannian ulkoministeri Lord Curzonin vuonna 1920 ehdottaman linjan tunnustamista. Joseph Stalin toisti saman Neuvostoliiton kannan uudelleen Jaltan konferenssissa Rooseveltin ja Churchillin kanssa helmikuussa 1945, mutta paljon voimakkaammin Saksan uhkaavan tappion edessä. Uudet rajat ratifioitiin Potsdamin konferenssissa elokuussa 1945 täsmälleen kuten koko Itä- ja Keski-Eurooppaa jo hallitseva Stalin ehdotti. Harry Truman muisti: Muistan Potsdamissa, että pääsimme keskustelemaan asiasta Itä-Puolassa, ja Ison-Britannian pääministeri huomautti, että paavi ei olisi tyytyväinen Puolan katolisen lopun järjestelyyn. Ja Venäjän pääministeri Generalissimo nojasi pöydälle ja veti viiksensä tuolla tavalla, katsoi herra Churchillille ja sanoi: Herra Churchill, herra pääministeri, kuinka monta jakoa [diviziony] sanoitte paavilla olevan? after_World_War_II">Puolan aluemuutokset heti toisen maailmansodan jälkeen -
    ellauri065.html on line 202: The Human Centipede has its moments, but they're largely obscured by umpteen holes in the plot as well as by reams of exposition. It was an ultimately underwhelming affair that's neither sick or repellent enough to garner the cult status it so craves. Whether the film was a commentary on Nazi atrocities or a literal expression of filmmaking politics, the grotesque fusion at least silences the female leads, both of whose voices could strip paint.
    ellauri065.html on line 228: Finding himself out of work after film school in 1976, Ferrara directed a pornographic film, 9 Lives of a Wet Pussy, using a pseudonym. Starring with his then-girlfriend, he recalled having to step in front of the camera for one scene to perform in a hardcore sex scene: "It's bad enough paying a guy $200 to fuck your girlfriend, then he can't get it up." Ferrara lives in Rome, Italy. He moved there following the 9/11 attacks because it was easier for him to find financing for his movies in Europe. Ferrara descibes himself as a Buddhist. Because Jesus was a living man, and so were Buddha and Muhammad. These three guys changed the fucking world, with their passion and love of other human beings. All these guys had was their word, and they came from fucking nowhere. I’m not saying Nazareth is nowhere – I’m sure Jesus came from a very cool neighbourhood. Ferrara shows his love for other human beings by making films with a lot of FUCK! FUCK! and KILL! KILL! in them. His love of money is no match for his love of his neighbor primates.
    ellauri065.html on line 243: P.S. Onkohan Jaakko ollut Aurorassa lepositeissä? Onko Extran nosografia M1-lähetteellä s. 554 autofiktiota? M1-tarkkailulähetettä käytetään, kun potilas lähetetään psykiatriseen arvioon tahdosta riippumatta. Lähetteen kirjoittamisen taustalla tulee olla psykoositasoisen sairauden epäily. M1-lähete ei ole vielä määräys pakkotoimiin tai tahdosta riippumattomaan hoitoon.
    ellauri065.html on line 278: Eli ei vittupäitä vaan kyrvänpäitä. Asiasta 4nteen satutko tietämään vielä puuttuvat taustafaktat Ylijuonikkaasta: mitä sen vanhemmat on miehiään, ja onko sillä merkizevää 2sta, jos on niin minkämerkkinen?
    ellauri065.html on line 311: 🙄 Sitä taas mennään vauhdilla biografisesti teoksesta henkilöön.
    ellauri065.html on line 339: Tätä kirjoittaessaan se oli neljänkympin kriisissä. Sitä ei napannut enää nuoriso, eikä vielä vanhuxet. Se on paha sarana. No ei graffiti olekaan taidemuoto, vaan vandalismia. Panen merkille että Juotikkaan värikäs meänkieli on vaan uutta klisheetä.
    ellauri065.html on line 361: Yli-Juonikas on sullonut kirjan täyteen kaikenlaista kikkailua: sivuilta löytyy perinteisen romaanitekstin lisäksi muun muassa blogikirjoituksia, some-päivityksiä, sanaristikko, Suosikki-tyylinen taskupokkari (kuka muistaa vielä nämä), monivalintaosuuksia, nuotteja ja muuta erikoista. Graafikko Markus Pyörälälle kuuluu selvästi osa palkkiosta.
    ellauri065.html on line 444: Seppälä on kirjoittanut romaaneja, novelleja ja kuunnelmia. Hänen teoksensa sisältävät useimmiten arjen ja niin sanotun tavallisen ihmisen kuvausta. Mukana voi olla ajankohtaisia yhteiskuntakriittisiä elementtejä tai esimerkiksi yksilön kokemuksia sodassa. Etenkin romaanit ovat usein rakenteellisesti kokeilevia. Seppälän kieli on modernismin perinteitä seuraten hyvin taloudellista; hän pyrkii välttämään kuvailevuutta ja metaforia. Seppälän teksteissä on lähes säännönmukaisesti synkähkö pohjavire. Osassa tuotantoa tyylilajina on musta huumori tai satiiri.
    ellauri065.html on line 477: Vanhemmat: Ali bin Muhammad bin Jafar bin al-Hussain bin Muhammad bin al-Sabbah al-Himyari.
    ellauri065.html on line 502: AUNIOIDA, aunikoida, ainikoita usw. '​skizzieren, modellieren, grob behauen'. *​auni- /*aini– urgerm. "afnjan-/"abnjan- ... Murresana Loimaalta, vanhempien käyttämä. Synonyymi: kuusailla.
    ellauri065.html on line 514: 1. "le ironical" term used alot on 4chan to mock people using maymays (memes) often accompanied by the word "le" for extra effect. 2. a very sweet person who cares about all his close friends and family he may get in trouble a lot but he will never stop caring he is a humble strong and a person who just loves without showing it if you meet an ebin make sure you keep him close he is a good lover and great in bed with a lover take care of any ebin. 3. Someone who is afraid of legit every little frickin´ thing, also known as a wuss or pansy. 4. (Nzadi) (plural mbin) door Synonym: elaŋ.
    ellauri065.html on line 530: Pedobear: Internetissä levinnyt hymyilevänä hahmona kuvattu karhu, joka toimii pedofiilikarikatyyrinä. Pedobear on kuvafoorumi 4chanista peräisin oleva muunnelma 2channelin Kumā-nimisestä karhusta. Alkuperäisellä Kumā-karhulla ei ole kiinnostusta nuoriin tyttöihin, mistä sen länsimaalainen vastine tunnetaan. Pedobear on yksi 4chanin tunnetuimmista meemeistä.
    ellauri065.html on line 532: 4chan: englanninkielinen, länsimaissa kenties tunnetuin chan-tyyppinen kuvafoorumi. 4chanin perusti Something Awful -foorumin käyttäjä Christopher Poole, joka tunnetaan nimimerkillä ”moot”. Sivusto on kerännyt animeharrastajien huomiota maailmanlaajuisesti ja se on kasvanut merkittävästi perustamisestaan. Tammikuussa 2015 4chanin sijoitus liikennemääriä mittaavan Alexa Internetin listalla oli 695.Moot ilmoitti jättävänsä 4chanin johtajan tehtävät 21. tammikuuta 2015. Sivusto myytiin syyskuussa 2015 ja sen osti Hiroyuki Nishimura, 4chanin esikuvana toimineen 2channel-foorumin perustaja.
    ellauri065.html on line 534: Kuvalauta: vuonna 2007 Finnchan-foorumin väliaikaiseksi varasivustoksi perustettu suomalainen kuvafoorumi, joka alkoi Finnchanin linjoille palaamisen jälkeen kuitenkin elää omaa elämäänsä. Kuvalauta suljettiin 31. elokuuta 2010 sen ajauduttua riitoihin palveluntarjoajansa kanssa. Kuvalauta on esiintynyt myös julkisuudessa koulu-uhkauksen tekopaikkana Jyväskylän Harjun koulua vastaan. jne, jne.
    ellauri065.html on line 536: MAOA: Monoamine oxidase A, also known as MAO-A, is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the MAOA gene.There is some association between low activity forms of the MAOA gene and autism. Mutations in the MAOA gene results in monoamine oxidase deficiency, or Brunner syndrome. Other disorders associated with MAO-A include Alzheimer's disease, aggression, panic disorder, bipolar affective disorder, major depressive disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
    ellauri066.html on line 47: Runokokoelma ja latinan pro olivat Keken ekan ja ainoan opiskeluvuoden saavutuxet Turussa. VA Koskenniemeen ehti sentään tutustua. Koskenniemi ehti tutustua aika moneen runoilijatyttöseen. Toimeliasta tafsausta. Koskenniemen nuiva arvostelu Keken esikoisesta aiheutti kyllä ärtymystä. Olihan Vaakulla ollut osuutta niiden julkaisemisessa. Vaakku peitti sillä jälkiään, potki päälle tarpeenteon pienen sievän santakeon. Helaakosken arvostelu Lassen kokoelmasta IL:ssä oli tyrmäävä. Teki Pojulle suorastaan raakaa vääryyttä. No raaaxihan Aaroa mainittiin. Elsa Enäjärvi (HS) jota P.Mustapää sittemmin petti rumasti, oli liian naismainen ja Rafu Koskimies (Uusi Normaali) liian setämäinen. Kaikki tässä rupeavatkin töhertämään lehtiin. Lasseakin Helaakosken arvostelu suututti. Se oli karkean tylsästi kirjoitettu. Filosofista runoutta ei ymmärretä.
    ellauri066.html on line 57: Keke tykkäs Einari Vuorelasta, Uuno Kailaasta ja Yrjö Gustafssonista. Yrjö hukkui Seineen, Uuno kuoli etelässä. Einari oli kiltti setämies.
    ellauri066.html on line 67:

    Runoja, aforismeja ja ohjeita elämään

    ellauri066.html on line 203: Aaron Jääpeilin modernismia oli eze teki runosta myös graafisen kokemuspläjäyxen ihanko Yli-Juotikas sata vuotta myöhemmin. Plus ça change etc.
    ellauri066.html on line 211: Unto Kupiainen hääräili taas 1953 ja sanoi et Aaro oli Suomen runouden kubisti. Vajaa 70 sivua ja vajaa 40 runoa, se tekee vajaa 2s/runo. Pertti Lassila kävi myös haaskalla ja huomauttaa, että jääpeili meinaa asiakasrajapintaa ylevän ja syvällisen välillä. Vaakku ja kumpp. kiittelivät runoja mutta pahexuivat typografista asua. Yrmf. Keekoilua.
    ellauri066.html on line 229: Miten niin rhyhtmos tarkoittaa mitattua liikettä? Pikemminkin virtausta. Rauma, Strömsö, Römperi, reostaatti ja Sörsselström on sen sukulaissanoja. Mitä eroa rytmillä, tahdilla ja mitalla? No yxi on kreikkaa ja toinen latinaa. Noli me tangere. Aika ja amplitudi, ei kai siinä muuta. Ei siinä Klagesin metafyysinen määrittely paljon auta. Mitta on suomea, varmaan samaa alkuperää kuin kreikan metron. Metrilaku on sukulaissana, ja odometri, metronomi. Metropoli ei.
    ellauri066.html on line 296: Faktat, tarkkaan tutkitutkin, on Pynchonille vaan vaihtoehtona. Eikä siinä kaikki! Samaan hintaan saat filosofisia uninäkyjä, hulluja viittauxia, pitkiä mielikuvituxen kananlentoja, järjettömiä metaforia pyykkikorikaupalla - ja loputtomiin loputtoman kezeliäitä leikkisiä skenejä. Parempaa kuin televisio tai kissavideot.
    ellauri066.html on line 302: “Älytöntä mätystystä” oli kuulemma Painovoiman sateenkaaren työnimi (osuva nimi kyllä). Nimi kuvaa toista Tompan tuotannon koukuttavaa piirrettä: sexiä, huumeita ja rokkia, ja muuta popsälää piisaa Tompalla. Pynchon on aina Pynchon, nää älyttömät mätystyxet on aina samanlaisia: orgioita, paskansyöntiä (joo selaa sinne kaikin mokomin, s. 308) sexin nimissä, kexittyjä huumeita, ja onnettomia lyriikoita (ei kaikki rock’n’rollia ikävä kyllä) joita sen hahmot pälähtää laulamaan kuin musikaalihahmot Broadwaylla. Vittu että jenkit on jenkkimäisiä, vaikka ne voissa paistaisi. (Jos et ole koskaan kuullut Amy Fisheristä, ei ylläri. Amy Elizabeth Fisher (s. 1974) on amerikkalainen nainen joka tuli kuuluisaxi 1992 Long Islandin Lolitana kun se 17-vuotiaana ampui pahasti Mary Jo Buttafuocoa joka oli sen luvattoman rakastajan Joey Buttafuocon puoliso. Oho! Kazo myös kuvat! Päästyään vankilasta 1999 Amysta tuli kirjailija, webimannekiini ja pornotähti. Kyllä kannatti.)
    ellauri066.html on line 344: Tompasta on tosi vähän kovaa faktaa: synt. ’37 vanhaan ampiaispesään (ei siis Pynchowitz Ellis Islandilta - sori siitä), koulut Oyster Bayssä Long Islandilla ja collegessa Cornellissa, missä paras kaveri oli tuleva romaanifolkkilaulaja Richard Farina. Sitten töissä teknisenä kirjoittajana Boeingilla, kirjailijapiireissä Manhattan Beachilla, Calif. ja Pohjois-Kaliforniassa. Loppuviimexi Manhattan, NYC missä sen kustannustoimittaja lopulta nai sen säälistä ja ne saivat pojan. Minkähän ikäinen se poikakin on jo nyt, ja mitä sekin puuhastelee. Ehkä se vielä nettoaa kirjottamalla Tompan biografian kunhan nököhammas ekax saadaan hengiltä.
    ellauri066.html on line 478: Out of these two arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία [epikhairekakia], a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere. Nicomachean Ethics, 2.7.1108b1-10
    ellauri066.html on line 482: C.S. Lewis (1933) The Pilgrim's Regress: “'Our father was married twice,' continued Humanist. 'Once to a lady named Epichaerecacia, and afterwords to Euphuia.
    ellauri066.html on line 520: During the seventeenth century, Robert Burton wrote in his work The Anatomy of Melancholy, "Out of these two [the concupiscible and irascible powers] arise those mixed affections and passions of anger, which is a desire of revenge; hatred, which is inveterate anger; zeal, which is offended with him who hurts that he loves; and ἐπιχαιρεκακία, a compound affection of joy and hate, when we rejoice at other men's mischief, and are grieved at their prosperity; pride, self-love, emulation, envy, shame, &c., of which elsewhere."[37]
    ellauri066.html on line 526: Susan Sontag's book Regarding the Pain of Others, published in 2003, is a study of the issue of how the pain and misfortune of some people affects others, namely whether war photography and war paintings may be helpful as anti-war tools, or whether they only serve some sense of schadenfreude in some viewers.[citation needed] Susanista mä en tiedä muuta kun että se oli Barthelmin postmodernistien henxelin selkäänpaukutuskekkereissä mukana SodexHossa kasarilla.
    ellauri066.html on line 656: Äsnan Basilio: Sån bra strategi med förskolor/grundskolor öppna hela tiden. Vi måste ligga främst vad gäller flockimmunitet haft Corona. Dödsantalet ej högre än syd Europas länder. Frankrike >20 000 döda med deras > 55 miljoner invånare. Förmodligen har vi den bästa statistik räkningen av de flesta länder. Ska bli spännande att följa provtagning slumpvisa. Instämmer fullständigt. Allt stöd till Anders Tegnell o hans medhjälpare.
    ellauri066.html on line 666: Titti: Den mannen behöver all kraft. Regeringen kan vara nöjd med att ha sådan kompetens i sin närhet.
    ellauri066.html on line 744: Staff do not even have to wear visors in bars or restaurants
    ellauri066.html on line 746: Staff do not even have to wear visors in bars or restaurants
    ellauri066.html on line 922: It’s likely that some simple policy changes—especially shutting down visitations to nursing homes sooner, and providing more P.P.E. and testing to nursing-home staff—would have saved lives. But who knows...
    ellauri066.html on line 930: And now some candy for the other side, this is New Yorker after all.
    ellauri066.html on line 932: A professor of public-health and management at Yale, told me protections that seemed important may turn out, after long-term study, to have been less effective than we thought. “Due to the developments we see, we even need to use measures where evidence of effect is low,” Tegnell says now.
    ellauri067.html on line 140: Gravity´s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon begins with a quotation from von Braun: "Nature does not know extinction; all it knows is transformation. Everything science has taught me, and continues to teach me, strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death."
    ellauri067.html on line 154: During his stay at Fort Bliss, von Braun proposed marriage to Maria Luise von Quistorp (born June 10, 1928), his maternal first cousin, in a letter to his father. He married her in a Lutheran church in Landshut, Germany on 1 March 1947, having received permission to go back to Germany and return with his bride. He was 35 and his new bride was 18. Shortly after, he became an evangelical Christian. He returned to New York on 26 March 1947, with his wife, father, and mother. On 8 December 1948, the von Brauns´ first daughter Iris Careen was born at Fort Bliss Army Hospital.
    ellauri067.html on line 156: The Moon is named after him. Von Braun received a total of 12 honorary doctorates. Several German cities (Bonn, Neu-Isenburg, Mannheim, Mainz), and dozens of smaller towns have been named after von Braun.
    ellauri067.html on line 158: von Braun's use of forced labor at Mittelwerk intensified again in 1984 when Arthur Rudolph, one of his top affiliates from the A-4/V2 through the Apollo projects, left the United States and was forced to renounce his citizenship in place of the alternative of being tried for war crimes.
    ellauri067.html on line 226: Sateenkaaressa on dramaattista ironiaa, kts. Aarne Kinnunen. Siinä on paljon teinimäistä kapinaa ja pelleilyä. Ja paranoiaa ihan pyykkikorikaupalla. Samaa "Ne" "Firma" "liskohallitus" ym mafiahuuhaata kuin Juotikkaalla.
    ellauri067.html on line 297: Thomas Hooker (July 5, 1586 – July 7, 1647) was a prominent Puritan colonial leader, who founded the Colony of Connecticut after dissenting with Puritan leaders in Massachusetts.
    ellauri067.html on line 300: His leadership of Puritan sympathizers brought him a summons to the Court of High Commission. Forfeiting his bond, Hooker fled to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and considered a position in the English Reformed Church, Amsterdam, as assistant to its senior pastor, the Rev. John Paget. From the Netherlands, after a clandestine trip to England to put his affairs in order, he immigrated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony aboard the Griffin.
    ellauri067.html on line 311: Kilroy was here. Tätä pärstää piirtelivät jenkkisotilaat viime maailmansodassa, jonkinlainen graffiti. Apu-lehti otti naaman käyttöön nimellä Missä Jallu luuraa. Niitä piti eziä lehdestä 3kpl voittaaxensa jonkun palkinnon.
    ellauri067.html on line 314: afe388.png" height="200px" />
    ellauri067.html on line 325: Pynchonin poikasena radiosta seuraaman Fred Allen Shown naispääosahenkilö oli Frankin puoliso, Jasun Martha Nussbaumin kaima. Other dramatis personae included average-American John Doe (played by John Brown), Mrs. Nussbaum (Minerva Pious), pompous poet Falstaff Openshaw (Alan Reed), Titus Moody (Parker Fennelly), and boisterous southern senator Beauregard Claghorn (announcer Kenny Delmar). Texaco ended its sponsorship of the program in 1944.
    ellauri067.html on line 332: Tenderleaf Tea
    ellauri067.html on line 363: Foil: In fiction or non-fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character; most of the time it is the protagonist, to highlight qualities of the other character. In some cases, a subplot can be used as a foil to the main plot. This is especially true in the case of metafiction and the story within a story motif. The word foil comes from the old practice of backing gems with foil to make them shine more brightly. Paranoids like Pynchon make foil hats to foil conspiracies.
    ellauri067.html on line 389: Shortly after the war, the character appears for a while under the alias the Black Lamp.
    ellauri067.html on line 410: Coat of Arms of the Russian Government 1919 (Church Slavonic "Си́мъ побѣди́ши", Russian "Этим побеждай"), see White movement. Inscribed on the Colours of the Irish Brigade.Inscribed on the banner and the motto of the 4th Guards Brigade (now 2nd Motorized Battalion "Pauci" — the Spiders) of the Croatian army. Inscribed on the banner of the Sanfedismo in 1799. Inscribed in Greek on the flag (obverse side) of the Sacred Band of the Greek War of Independence. Inscribed in Greek on the coat of arms, insignia and flag of the 22nd Tank Brigade (XXII ΤΘΤ) of the Greek Army. Inscribed on the flag of the 25th South Carolina "Edisto Rifles" Regiment, Civil War, USA, 1861-65. The motto of 814 Naval Air Squadron of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm. The motto of the Mauritius National Coast Guard. The motto of U.S. Marine Aircraft Squadron VMA(AW). The motto of Finnish Defence Force Reconnaissance. The motto of the Norwegian army 2nd Battalion (Norway). The motto of USS Waldron. The motto of HMCS Crusader, and the Sea Cadet Corps with her as the namesake, 25 RCSCC Crusader in Winnipeg.The motto of the Royal Australian Army Chaplains´ Department.
    ellauri067.html on line 422: afft-Ebing Richard Freiherr von">Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (1840–1902; full name Richard Fridolin Joseph Freiherr Krafft von Festenberg auf Frohnberg, genannt von Ebing) was an Austro–German psychiatrist and author of the foundational work Psychopathia Sexualis (1886). He died in Graz in 1902. He was recognized as an authority on deviant sexual behavior and its medicolegal aspects. Krafft-Ebing´s principal work is Psychopathia Sexualis: eine Klinisch-Forensische Studie (Sexual Psychopathy: A Clinical-Forensic Study), which was first published in 1886 and expanded in subsequent editions. The last edition from the hand of the author (the twelfth) contained a total of 238 case histories of human sexual behaviour. Translations of various editions of this book introduced to English such terms as "sadist" (derived from the brutal sexual practices depicted in the novels of the Marquis de Sade), "masochist", (derived from the name of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch), "homosexuality", "bisexuality", "necrophilia", and "anilingus".
    ellauri067.html on line 424: Krafft-Ebing considered procreation the purpose of sexual desire and that any form of recreational sex was a perversion of the sex drive. "With opportunity for the natural satisfaction of the sexual instinct, every expression of it that does not correspond with the purpose of nature—i.e., propagation,—must be regarded as perverse."
    ellauri067.html on line 439: How much, or how little influence drugs, particularly hallucigenic drugs like lysergic acid diethylamide, LSD, had on Pynchon’s narrative is unknown. If Siegel, however, is to be believed, and he should be despite any resentment he felt regarding Pynchon’s affair with his wife, then the writing of Gravity’s Rainbow was heavily influenced by drugs. In Pynchon’s most famous quote regarding this particular novel, which is notoriously difficult to interpret, he is alleged to have told Siegel,
    ellauri067.html on line 457: Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was criticized this week after claiming on Christmas Eve that Rudolph, the fictional red-nosed reindeer who leads Santa Claus’s sleigh, has been “misgendered.”
    ellauri067.html on line 487: Hey, I just figured out that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" might be making a sly allusion.... that Roger and Jessica Rabbit are named after Roger Mexico and Jessica Swanlake from Gravity´s Rainbow by Pynchon. Posted by ergomatic at 7:16 AM on March 16, 2016. Why it's obvious! just look at Roger's incisors!
    ellauri067.html on line 493: Book reviewers have a long history of attacking Pynchon for his flat characters. Roger and Jessica are susceptible to this criticism. Neither is given much of a history. We don’t know where they grew up or who their parents were. This is one of the great failings of... what to call it? "middlebrow" is antiquated... anyway, a very common kind of criticism (common in the Anglo-American world, anyway), and it affects how authors write (which is one reason I read mainly Russian literature these days). I don't need to know "where they grew up or who their parents were" and I don't much care, unless, of course, you write about it brilliantly because that´s truly what you want to focus on, as opposed to "welp, better provide a plausible background for my characters so the reader will believe they're behaving this way." Just write good sentences in a good and surprising order. Two people have fallen out of love? I don't care if it's because one of them has mommy issues or the other was bullied as a child—people fall out of love all the time, for any reason or none, just tell me what they do about it, and in language that makes me want to keep reading! Teoxet on tärkeät, vähät elämästä. En jaxa luontokuvauxia, hyppään ne heti yli.
    ellauri067.html on line 500: ...The first piece to provide substantial information about Pynchon´s personal life was a biographical account written by a former Cornell University friend, Jules Siegel, and published in Playboy magazine. In his article, Siegel reveals that Pynchon had a complex about his teeth and underwent extensive and painful reconstructive surgery, was nicknamed "Tom" at Cornell and attended Mass diligently, acted as best man at Siegel's wedding, and that he later also had an affair with Siegel's wife. Siegel recalls Pynchon saying he did attend some of Vladimir Nabokov's lectures at Cornell but that he could hardly make out what Nabokov was saying because of his thick Russian accent. Siegel also records Pynchon's commenting: "Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength", an observation borne out by the crankiness and zealotry that has attached itself to his name and work in subsequent years.
    ellauri067.html on line 566: "his batman, a Corporal Wayne" [Batman's "real-world" identity was Bruce Wayne], 11; comicbook fangs, 21; Sir Denis Nayland Smith, 83, 277-78, 592, 631, 751; Hop Harrigan, Tank Tinker, 117; "old-fashioned comical room" 122; Dumbo, 135; Donald Duck, 146; Hansel and Gretel, 174; "comic-book colors" 186; "paint FUCK YOU in a balloon coming out the mouth of one of those little pink shepherdesses" 203; Plasticman, 206, 314, 331, 752; "he passes into a bickering of canary-yellow Borsalini, corksoled comicbook shoes with enormous round toes" 254; "this cartoon here" 263; "a Sunday-funnies dawn" 295; Rocketman, 366, 376, 379, 436, 512, 596; Captain Midnight Show, 375; Green Hornet, 376; "the only beings who can violate their space are safely caught and paralyzed in comic books" 379; Mickey Mouse, 392; Sundial, 472; Wilhelm Busch (cartoonist), 501; Porky Pig, 545; "comic technocracy" 579; "comic-book cats dogs and mice" 586; Bugs Bunny, 592; "comicbook-orange chunks of island" 634; Porky Pig tattoo, 638 (on Osbie Feel's stomach), 711 (on André Omnopon´s stomach); Robin Hood, 664; Mary Marvel, Wonder Woman, 676; comic-book Kamikazes, 680; "down comes a comic-book guillotine on one black & white politician" 687; Crime Does Not Pay, 709; Superman, 751; The Lone Ranger & Tonto, 752; Philip Marlowe, 752; Submariner, 752; Jimmy Olson, 752; See also Byron the Bulb; Floundering Four; Komical Kamikazes; Plasticman; film/cinema references.
    ellauri067.html on line 608: A Hot Time in the Old Town, also titled as "There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight", is an American popular song, copyrighted and perhaps composed in 1896 by Theodore August Metz with lyrics by Joe Hayden. Metz was the band leader of the McIntyre and Heath Minstrels. The song was a favorite of the American military around the start of the 20th century, particularly during the Spanish–American War and the Boxer Rebellion. The tune became popular in the military after it was used as a theme by Teddy Roosevelt´s Rough Riders.
    ellauri069.html on line 67: Their memoir is an attempt to understand their gambling obsession as a way of coping with guilt over his death. “The addiction to gambling, with the unsuccessful struggles to break the habit and the opportunities it affords for self-punishment, is a repetition of the compulsion to masturbate,” Freud says in “Dostoevsky and Parricide”; “the relation between efforts to suppress it and fear of the father are too well known to need more than a mention.” No one believes Freud anymore, of course. A great deal of his writing is, at one level of explicitness or another, about the authority of fathers and the struggle for autonomy. (And Barthelme was a close reader of Freud.)
    ellauri069.html on line 76: A couple of years after Barthelme took the apartment, the writer Kirkpatrick Sale and his wife, Faith, an editor, moved in downstairs and became close friends. They had been students at Cornell with Pynchon, and Pynchon would write part of “Gravity’s Rainbow” (1973) in their apartment.
    ellauri069.html on line 95: Barthelme felt that American fiction had abandoned what modernists called “the revolution of the word.” “Fiction after Joyce seems to have devoted itself to propaganda, to novels of social relationships, to short stories constructed mousetrap-like to supply, at the finish, a tiny insight typically having to do with innocence violated, or to works written as vehicles for saying no! in thunder,” he wrote in 1964, in the second issue (there would be only two) of Location.
    ellauri069.html on line 135: FUCK! FUCK! motiivi hakkaa Pynchonilla kaikki muut. Se on kuin Norssin alaluokilla taululle piirtämämme kikkeli jolla oli pienet tikkujalat. Pedo-Pynchonia voi hyvin verrata homo-Melvilleen. Molemmat puhuu kilometrittäin aiheen vierestä jotta pääsisivät kiertotietä mieliaiheeseen, joka Nipistyxen kohdalla on Muovi-Dick ja sen kuvitellut loputtomat jöynerit. Naiset on sille ihan statisteja. "Tissejä ja pyllyjä", tytöt mutisevat, "tissejä ja pyllyjä. Muuta me emme täällä olekaan. "Äh, suu tukkoon", GMB Haftung ärähtää. Se on hänen normaali tapansa kohdella avustajia.
    ellauri069.html on line 144: Bereshith: Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament (after the Hebrew word meaning "in the beginning"); 77
    ellauri069.html on line 178: Hoagy Carmichael: Hoagland Howard " Hoagy " Carmichael (November 22, 1899 - December 27, 1981) was an American singer, songwriter, and actor. American composer and author Alec Wilder described Carmichael as the "most talented, inventive, sophisticated and jazz-oriented of all the great craftsmen" of pop songs in the first half of the 20th century.
    ellauri069.html on line 249: Die Inselgruppe Helgoland und Düne gehört seit 1890 zum deutschen Staatsgebiet und ist noch als amtsfreie Gemeinde Helgoland in den Kreis Pinneberg (Schleswig-Holstein) integriert. Für beide Inseln gelten Sonderregelungen: Die Gemeinde ist zwar Teil des deutschen Wirtschaftsgebiets, zählt aber weder zum Zollgebiet der Europäischen Union, noch werden deutsche Verbrauchsteuern erhoben.
    ellauri069.html on line 387: Don’t forget the real business of the War is buying and selling. The murdering and violence are self-policing, and can be entrusted to non-professionals. The mass nature of wartime death is useful in many ways. It serves as spectacle, as diversion from the real movements of the War. It provides raw material to be recorded into History, so that children may be taught History as sequences of violence, battle after battle, and be more prepared for the adult world. Best of all, mass death’s a stimulus to just ordinary folks, little fellows, to try ‘n’ grab a piece of that Pie while they’re still here to gobble it up. The true war is a celebration of markets.
    ellauri069.html on line 393: —the love affair between statistician Roger Mexico and Jessica Swanlake, whose love seems to be all that can save him from being psychologically consumed by the war;
    ellauri069.html on line 410: Tää paranoidi/antiparanoidi lukutapa ulottuu kirjaimellisestä symboolitasolle: Ihankuin kaima Tomppa Eliotin Kaatopaikassa, Nipsulla on suorastaan naurettava määrä mystisiä ja metafyysisiä zydeemejä juonen päälle, ml Kabbala, joulukalenteri, saxalaiset legendat, Herero myytit, taivaanmerkit ja tarot-kortit, josta kaikki, mikä tahansa, tai ei mikään voi olla tölkkiavain novellin karkailevaan merkkipelehdintään.
    ellauri069.html on line 461: It may also be a good warm-up for the querent’s reading muscles to start with Pynchon’s earlier novel V, which is excellent in its own right, but not as extravagant as the even more brilliant Gravity’s Rainbow. It is V2, after all.
    ellauri069.html on line 547: Die Versuchsstelle des Heeres Peenemünde (kurz: Heeresversuchsanstalt (HVA) Peenemünde, als solche HVP abgekürzt) war eine ab 1936 in Peenemünde-Ost errichtete Entwicklungs- und Versuchsstelle des Heeres, einer Teilstreitkraft der Wehrmacht. Unter dem Kommando von Walter Dornberger, seit Juli 1935 Chef der Raketenabteilung im Heereswaffenamt, und dem Technischen Leiter Wernher von Braun wurde in dem militärischen Sperrgebiet im Norden der Insel Usedom hauptsächlich die erste funktionsfähige Großrakete Aggregat 4 (A4, später in der NS-Propaganda „Vergeltungswaffe V2“ genannt) entwickelt und getestet. Mit ihrem ersten erfolgreichen Flug am 3. Oktober 1942 war die ballistische Rakete das erste von Menschen gebaute Objekt, das in den Grenzbereich zum Weltraum eindrang. Allgemein gilt Peenemünde daher als „Wiege der Raumfahrt“.
    ellauri069.html on line 551: No eliitti ja osattomat yhtä lailla kulkevat pimeyden ja valon kosmisen suunnitelman läpitte, toiset vaan pimeässä jalan ja toiset valokiilassa esim Kimi Räikkösen privaattijetissä, ja minä ilmoitan nöyrimmästi kuuluvani niihin hyvin harvoihin (noin 1 promille), jotka kykenevät käsittämään tämän otona. Siis harkitkaa nyt hyvin huolellisesti kummalla puolella ize mieluiten olette, rikkaan kapitalisti lännen vaiko köyhän kommunisti idän. Laulua kolmannella: No business like show business, God bless Amerika! Haftungin puoli tusinaa typykkää lentää mukkelis makkelis herttaisexi säärten pyllyjen ja rintojen mylläkäxi.
    ellauri069.html on line 580: Stella Dallas is a 1937 American drama film based on the 1923 Olive Higgins Prouty novel of the same name. Stella Martin, the daughter of a mill worker, Charlie, in a post-World War I Massachusetts factory town, is determined to better herself. She sets her sights on mill executive Stephen Dallas and catches him at an emotionally vulnerable time. Stephen's father killed himself after losing his fortune. Penniless, Stephen disappeared from high society, intending to marry his fiancée, Helen Morrison, once he was financially able to support her. However, just as he reaches his goal, he reads in the newspaper the announcement of her wedding. So he marries Stella.
    ellauri069.html on line 606: Where is the Pope whose staff will bloom for me? Missä paavi jonka sauva kukkii?
    ellauri069.html on line 785: In fact, Baum proposed in two editorials he wrote in December 1890 for his newspaper, the Saturday Pioneer, the total genocidal slaughter of all remaining indigenous peoples. "The Whites," Baum wrote, "by law of conquest, by justice of civilization, are masters of the American continent, and the best safety of the frontier settlements will be secured by the total annihilation of the few remaining Indians. Why not annihilation?"
    ellauri070.html on line 58: The Mendoza RM2 was a light machine gun similar to the M1918 BAR manufactured in Mexico by Productos Mendoza, S.A.. Rafael Mendoza have been producing machine guns for the Mexican Army since 1933 and all have been noted for their lightness, simplicity, ease of maintenance, and economic construction without sacrificing reliability.
    ellauri070.html on line 85: Katherine Hepburn, whom he encountered at Sunday afternoon socials at the home of George Cukor, asked Bowers for young dark-haired girls who wore little make-up.
    ellauri070.html on line 228: Und sie leitet ihn leicht durch die weite Landschaft der Klagen, Hiän johtaa sen keposesti valitusten tienoon halki,
    ellauri070.html on line 376: Miranda ei ennen 1930-luvun loppua käyttänyt alkoholia eikä tupakoinut. Tuolloin alkaneen alkoholismin lisäksi hän käytti säännöllisesti amfetamiinia, ja samalla hänen sydämensä heikkeni. Foi Americanizada, na verdade. Hän kuoli sydänkohtaukseen The Jimmy Durante Show’ssa esiintymisen jälkeen. A&E Networkin biografiajaksossa on surullista filmimateriaalia Mirandan esiintymisestä 4. elokuuta. Tanssiohjelman jälkeen Miranda sai tietämättään pienen sydänkohtauksen ja oli kaatumaisillaan. Durante oli hänen vieressään ja auttoi häntä pysymään jaloillaan. Miranda hymyili, heilutti kättään yleisölle ja käveli viimeisen kerran lavan taakse. Hän menehtyi seuraavaan aamuun mennessä 46-vuotiaana. Hänen ruumiinsa lennätettiin pian Brasiliaan, jossa julistettiin maansuru. Hänet haudattiin São João Batistan hautausmaalle Rio de Janeiroon. Siellä hän lepää vieläkin, ellei ole kuollut.
    ellauri071.html on line 101: He did not publicly acknowledge his homosexuality, but it was discussed candidly after his death by biographers including Graham Payn, his long-time partner, and in Coward's diaries and letters, published posthumously.
    ellauri071.html on line 103: In 1918, Coward was conscripted into the Artists Rifles but was assessed as unfit for active service because of a tubercular tendency, and he was discharged on health grounds after nine months. At the outbreak of the Second World War Coward volunteered for war work, running the British propaganda office in Paris. He also worked with the Secret Service to persuade the American public and government to join the war.
    ellauri071.html on line 128: In the aftermath of the war, Coward wrote an alternative reality play, Peace In Our Time, depicting an England occupied by Nazi Germany. Blessed peace without Noel, presumably.
    ellauri071.html on line 220: Junior G-Men was an American counterpart to Hitler Jugend, a boys club and popular culture phenomenon during the late 1930s and early 1940s that began with a radio program and culminated with films featuring the Dead End Kids. After leaving the Federal Bureau of Investigation and a brief stint in Hollywood, Melvin Purvis hosted a children's radio program called "Junior G-Men" in 1936. Purvis had become a national hero for his record as an FBI agent during the so-called "war on crime" in the early 1930s, most notably for leading the manhunt that ended with the death of John Dillinger. As a result of this fame, Purvis was seen as a real-life counterpart to the fictional detectives, such as Dick Tracy, that proliferated in the popular culture targeting boys during this period. As part of the radio program, listeners could join a "Junior G-Men" club and receive badges, manuals, and secret agent props. Shortly thereafter, Purvis became the face of breakfast cereal Post Toasties promotional detective club. The cereal company's fictional "Inspector Post" and his "Junior Detective Corps" metamorphosed into an image of Purvis inviting boys and girls to become "secret operators" in his "Law and Order Patrols."
    ellauri071.html on line 308: af9e1acc877d848888ecdb4466560" class="mwe-math-fallback-image-inline" aria-hidden="true" style="vertical-align: -0.338ex; width:0.84ex; height:2.009ex;" alt="t">,
  • Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
    ellauri077.html on line 760: Niebuhr ei aina ollut samaa mieltä veljensä kanssa. Amerikan interventiosta Japanin imperialismia vastaan ​​ja laajemmin kristittyjen osallistumisesta politiikkaan. H. Richard väitti "Emme jaxa tehdä mitään", mutta Reinhold vastasi: "Eikö meidän tarvitse tehdä mitään?" Reinholdista tuli varhainen, äänekäs Yhdysvaltain osallistumisen puolestapuhuja toiseen maailmansotaan. Molemmat veljet olivat aikanaan tärkeitä hahmoja amerikkalaisen protestantismin uusortodoksisessa teologisessa koulukunnassa. Hänen teologiansa (yhdessä hänen Yalen kollegansa Hans Wilhelm Frein teologian kanssa) on ollut yksi postliberaalisen teologian päälähteistä, jota joskus kutsutaan "Yalen koulukunnaksi". Hän vaikutti sellaisiin mitättömämpiin hahmoihin kuin James Gustafson, Stanley Hauerwas ja Gordon Kaufman. Pojat toivat synnin takas teologian keskiöön. Niebuhrin veli H. Richard Niebuhr karikatuuristi tunnetusti lauseessa: "Jumala ilman vihaa toi ihmiset ilman syntiä valtakuntaan ilman tuomiota Kristuksen ilman ristiä palvelemalla. ” Reinhold yhtyi veljensä kanssa halveksimaan tätä löyhkeää evankeliumia, erityisesti ensimmäisen ja toisen maailmansodan kauhujen valossa. Pääasia oli kuitenkin hänen rikas ironian tajunsa, joka selvisi erityisesti teoksessa The Irony of American History (1952). Juuri kun Yhdysvallat siveli itseään vanhurskaudessa eeppiseen taisteluun jumalatonta kommunismia vastaan, Niebuhr varoitti, kuinka helposti Amerikan hyveistä voi tulla paheita, kuinka usein kansakunta julisti rikan toisen silmissä jättäen huomioimatta lankun omassaan. Parhaat suunnitelmat tosiaankin johtivat katastrofiin.
    ellauri077.html on line 764: Näitä ortodoxisia veljexiä ei pie sotkea Bart Niebuhriin eilliseltä vuosisadalta. Barthold Georg Niebuhr (27. elokuuta 1776 – 2. tammikuuta 1831) oli tanskalais-saksalainen valtiomies, pankkiiri ja historioitsija, josta tuli Saksan johtava antiikin Rooman historioitsija ja nykyaikaisen tieteellisen historiografian perustaja . Vuoteen 1810 mennessä Niebuhr inspiroi saksalaista isänmaallisuutta Berliinin yliopiston opiskelijoissa analysoimalla Rooman taloutta ja hallintoa. Niebuhr oli romantiikan johtaja ja Jenan tappion jälkeen syntyneen saksalaisen kansallishengen symboli . Mutta hän oli myös syvästi juurtunut valistuksen aikakauden klassiseen henkeen älyllisissä olettamuksissaan, filologisen analyysin käytössä ja historian yleisten ja erityisten ilmiöiden korostamisessa.
    ellauri077.html on line 810: The jargon peculiar to Marxist writing (hyena, hangman, cannibal, petty bourgeois, these gentry, lackey, flunkey, mad dog, White Guard, etc.) consists largely of words translated from Russian, German, or French; but the normal way of coining a new word is to use Latin or Greek root with the appropriate affix and, where necessary, the size formation. It is often easier to make up words of this kind (deregionalize, impermissible, extramarital, non-fragmentary and so forth) than to think up the English words that will cover one´s meaning. The result, in general, is an increase in slovenliness and vagueness.
    ellauri078.html on line 239: Mitä pitemmälle luen sitä vakuuttuneempi alan olla että Wallu on kans vaan yx amer. persepää. Sen kerran kun Wallu puhuu naisasialiikkeestä se on pelkkää vittuilua, mm. dworkinismista. Andrea Dworkin (1946-2005) oli yhdysvaltalainen feministinen kirjailija ja pornografian vastustaja. Hän osallistui äänekkäästi 1980-luvun keskusteluun pornosta ja sensuurista Yhdysvalloissa.
    ellauri078.html on line 241: Vuonna 1983 Dworkin julkaisi yhdessä feministijuristi Catherine MacKinnonin kanssa Dworkinin ja MacKinnonin pornografian vastaisen ihmisoikeusasetuksen. Se olisi antanut pornosta suoraan kärsineille oikeuden hakea rikosoikeudesta korvauksia. Linda Lovelacen inspiroima asetus sai aluksi paljon kannatusta, mutta ei lopulta johtanut mihinkään konkreettiseen. No eipä tietenkään. Ainoa kouriintuntuva tulos koko bordellista oli runkkumiehen kikkeli. Jota auttoi pitelemään
    ellauri078.html on line 242: Ronald Dworkin (1931-2013), liberaali jenkki lakifilosofi jonka miälestä pornografia on miesten peruuttamaton ihmisoikeus.
    ellauri079.html on line 111: Granny went back to singing and dancing shortly after the show wrapped up. She passed away 1973 at the age of 70 after suffering from a malignant brain tumor that caused her to collapse on stage.
    ellauri079.html on line 122: A lot of fans will remember this awkward but funny family from TV and probably be able to sing the theme song without having to hear it. The Beverly Hillbillies were after all a favorite show back in their day and inspired a lot of other ideas that came much later, like David Foster Wallace´s magnum opus The Infinite Jest. The attempt to make a movie out of the show wasn’t all that successful and kind of left a bad taste in a lot of peoples’ mouths since it was such a poor attempt that even watching the trailer was something that people didn’t want to admit for a while. Sometimes the best thing you can do is remember the good times and think back to the original that made it something special. Lets hope they will never, never try to make a movie out of Infinite Jest. Jim Incandenza tried that once already, with singularly bad results.
    ellauri079.html on line 143: When it incorporated, the colonial governor assigned the town the name "Amherst" after Jeffery Amherst, 1st Baron Amherst.
    ellauri079.html on line 147: For this reason, there have been occasional ad hoc movements to rename the town. Suggested new names have included "Emily", after Emily Dickinson.
    ellauri079.html on line 208: Wallu kexii iskälle alaviittessä 24 ei vähempää kuin 77 itemin filmografian.
    ellauri079.html on line 246: Ethics and the Craft Analogy. James D. Wallace - 1988 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 13 (1):222-232.
    ellauri080.html on line 166: Standard features of this dimension include high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors. Highly conscientious people tend to be organized and mindful of details. They plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of deadlines.
    ellauri080.html on line 238: This personality dimension includes attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors. People who are high in agreeableness tend to be more cooperative while those low in this trait tend to be more competitive and sometimes even manipulative.
    ellauri080.html on line 288:
  • Struggles to bounce back after stressful events

  • ellauri080.html on line 542: This axis is also apparent in my own videos: you’ll notice there are quite a few of them, partly because I keep on redoing the same topics whenever I feel I’ve hit on a new perspective that I then can’t help but explain as though it were my new ‘doctrine’ because it suddenly seems so much more clear and beautiful and compelling than any previous perspectives, and I just want to get that pure idea out. Literally, after I do a video on a compelling subject, if I did it well, I’ll feel like I’ve emptied myself out, and I’ll very easily forget what it was that I just explained in that video. The idea dulls, I start finding some problems with it, and over time I mull it around with other material and then become bedazzled by the next rich synthesis.
    ellauri080.html on line 550: Outoa miten ylisiistit hygieniafriikit samalla rakastaa paskaa ja kusta ja muita eritteitä. Wallu oli aivan ilmeisesti jäänyt johkin 2-vuotiaan tasolle, anaaliseen vaiheeseen. Pottakoulutus oli jäänyt kesken. Sillä oli varmaan lattioilla sanomalehtiä ja makkarissa kissanhiekkalaatikko. James Joyce oli toinen samanlainen koprofiili.
    ellauri080.html on line 554: Suicide in ASD is largely understudied. Although suicide is common in clinical samples, we have little knowledge of suicide in persons with ASD in the general population. Comorbidity, particularly with depression and other affective disorders or schizoid disorders and psychotic symptoms, is often reported, so it is difficult to determine if suicidality is associated with ASD or the comorbid disorder. Clinical samples suggest that suicide occurs more frequently in high functioning autism.
    ellauri080.html on line 570: Millions of dollars go to genetically altered zebrafish and rats that groom too much, but hardly any to finding out why so many autistic adults attempt suicide.
    ellauri080.html on line 571: Zebrafish are better company than autistic people.
    ellauri080.html on line 579: The show received solid ratings during its original run, then grew in popularity during decades of syndication, especially in the 1970s and 1980s when many markets ran the show in the late afternoon. Today, the title character of Gilligan is widely recognized as an American cultural icon. Characters:
    ellauri080.html on line 713: Rogers had a difficult childhood. He was shy, introverted, and overweight, and was frequently homebound after suffering bouts of asthma. He was bullied and taunted as a child for his weight, and called "Fat Freddy".
    ellauri080.html on line 716: Rogers died of stomach cancer on February 27, 2003 at age 74. Rogers was red-green color-blind. He became a pescatarian in 1970, after the death of his father, and a vegetarian in the early 1980s, saying he "couldn't eat anything that had a mother". Rogers was a registered Republican, and a confirmed presbyterian. Despite his strong faith, Rogers struggled with anger, conflict, and self-doubt, especially at the end of his life. Despite Rogers' family's wealth, he cared little about making money, and lived frugally, especially as he and his wife grew older.
    ellauri080.html on line 717: Rogers swam daily at the Pittsburgh Athletic Association, after waking every morning between 4:30 and 5:30 A.M. to pray and to "read the Bible and prepare himself for the day". He did not smoke or drink. He was a skinny shrimp who weighed 143lb (65kg) most of his adult life.
    ellauri080.html on line 755: “With this I’m shaking the foundations of the British Empire.” – Gandhi – after holding up a cup of pee.
    ellauri080.html on line 758: “I do not want to be a pariah, but if I have to be reborn I should be reborn an untouchable so that I must share their sorrows, sufferings, and the affronts levelled against them in order that I may endeavour to free myself and them from their miserable condition.” – Gandhi
    ellauri080.html on line 766: In April 1942, an early Indian independence leader Sri Aurobindo urged Mahatma Gandhi to accept the proposals of Sir Stafford Cripps which gave India dominion status as a way to secure a united independent India. Gandhi refused the Cripps proposals.
    ellauri082.html on line 62: Obsessed with the writer Mary Karr, Wallace planned to shoot her husband with a gun he tried to buy from a guy he met in recovery. She found out about the scheme, but believed him when he blamed it on his buddy. Wallace and Karr eventually became a couple, but Wallace stalked her kid in an ugly manner after she chucked him.
    ellauri082.html on line 83: In celebration of the empathetic, magical humanism of author David Foster Wallace. Seuraavassa Wallun valikoituja aforismeja.
    ellauri082.html on line 129: Described as coming from a kind of mold that “grows on other molds,” DMZ is an incredibly powerful and mysterious hallucinogen. It can have many different effects but often seems to transform a person’s ability to communicate. It is also nicknamed “Madame Psychosis,” after Joelle’s radio persona. Michael Pemulis manages to acquire some, but it is stolen before he and Hal can take it. It’s suggested that Hal has been affected by DMZ by the time of the Year of Glad, but it’s unclear how—whether from eating a piece of mold as a child and then withdrawing from marijuana, or having his toothbrush laced with Pemulis’s drugs (possibly by James’s wraith). As a result of this presumed DMZ consumption, Hal is able to feel strong emotions (which was impossible for him before) but unable to communicate.
    ellauri082.html on line 137: By the time of the match, his symptoms are so bad he’s taken by ambulance to the hospital (16: “the only other emergency room I have ever been in [was] almost exactly one year back”), safely escaping the A.F.R.’s assault. Like fellow student Otis P. Lord, he gets the bed next to Gately. Joelle (who is at the hospital for a meeting) visits Gately on her way out and recognizes Hal. She tells them both about the hunt for the lethal Entertainment and the resulting Continental Emergency and they all go to dig up JOI’s grave. They persuade John Wayne, a spy for the A.F.R., to become a double agent and help sneak them into JOI’s Quebec burial site. Wayne presumably tells the A.F.R. he is actually a triple agent — that he will steal the tape as soon as Hal digs it up. But, as with Marathe, his loyalties are ultimately even-numbered (n40). The A.F.R. finds out and brutally murders him, which is why he can’t win the WhataBurger (16f).
    ellauri082.html on line 145: Orin (who never attended his father’s funeral) went to the gravesite and dug up his father, releasing the wraith in the process. (244: “After a burial, rural Papineau-region Québecers purportedly drill a small hole down from ground level all the way down through the lid of the coffin, to let out the soul, if it wants out.”) Orin, who is such a partisan of his father that he feels the need to repeatedly ruin the lives of people like his mother, has been mailing the tapes to his father’s enemies in revenge: disapproving film critics in Berkeley and the medical attaché (whose affair with his mother drove Himself especially wild) in Boston. It’s possible he’s being influenced by the wraith in these actions.
    ellauri082.html on line 272: Frost was 38, pushing forty. Frost wrote the poem in June 1922 at his house in Shaftsbury, Vermont. He had been up the entire night writing the long poem "New Hampshire" and had finally finished when he realized morning had come. He went out to view the sunrise and suddenly got the idea for "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening".[2] He wrote the new poem "about the snowy evening and the little horse as if I'd had a hallucination" in just "a few minutes without strain."
    ellauri082.html on line 279: I have crossed to Safety with? For I am There, rajan yli salaa tullilta? Sillä mä oon Täällä,
    ellauri082.html on line 302: Mut helkkari en sittenkään ihan purematta niele, vaikka ize olenkin sekä kyyninen että sentimentaalinen. Se mitä mä mielestän EN juuri ole on pateettinen. Jönsyn kanssa tuli tästä vähän sanasotaa, se väitti että mun vihamielisyys pateettista kohtaan on sekin pateettista. Hmm nojaa. Mutta kiinnostavan määritelmän se pisti pateettiselle: se on sentimentaalista moralismia. Eli sekoitetaan toisiinsa affekti ja "pelisäännöt". Siinä yhteydessä tein selväxi että "leikki" tollasessa "homo ludens" mielessä on musta myöskin perseestä. Se kuulostaa musta Ilmo Launixelta.
    ellauri082.html on line 328: Me ostettiin mustaa afgaa ja punaista libaa perunatorilta. Muistan että menin sinne kerran ostamaan, mutta en muista uskalsinko pyytää oikeesti. Jönsyltä sitä sai ja kavereilta. Jotkut teki hashishbrownieita, kai mä niitäkin söin MIT:n aikoina. Viimexi taisin maistaa maria Floridassa Mike Handin piipusta. Ei siitä koskaan mitään riippuvuutta tullut, eikä tupakastakaan.
    ellauri082.html on line 346: Während der Heidelberger Jahre verband ihn eine enge Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit Max Weber.
    ellauri082.html on line 348: In seinem Aufsatz Christentum und Religionsgeschichte aus dem Jahr 1897 reagiert Troeltsch zum einen auf die Infragestellungen christlicher Theologie durch Materialismus und Naturwissenschaft. Er stellt diesbezüglich fest, dass „der Geist eine aus der Natur unableitbare selbständige Kraft ist“, aus der „in Wechselwirkung mit den Anforderungen der sinnlichen Wirklichkeit“ die Geschichte entsteht.
    ellauri082.html on line 354: Also lässt sich Troeltschs Aufsatz globalgeschichtlich in die Reihe von Reaktionen einordnen, mit denen Vertreter der Weltreligionen Buddhismus, (protestantisches) Christentum, Hinduismus und Islam ab Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts auf die Herausforderungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Materialismus und der allgemeinen Religionsgeschichte antworten, zumeist indem Religion allgemein über Kriterien der Innerlichkeit und Universalität definiert und die eigene Tradition im Gegenüber zu anderen als vollständige Erfüllung dieser Kriterien dargestellt wird.
    ellauri082.html on line 357: Der wissenschaftlichen Pflege des Werkes von Troeltsch widmet sich die Ernst-Troeltsch-Gesellschaft.
    ellauri082.html on line 368: Näin unta että Fix und Foxin piirtäjä Rudolf Kauka (jonka nimi unessa oli jostain syystä Fink) oli nuorena Rikhard Fick nimisenä perustanut autokorjaamon kuplafolkkariin. Asensi sinne kaikki laitteet ja alkoi eziä asiakkaita. Sitten ihan zägällä se pääsi jonkun porhon autolaivueen omamekaanikoxi ja rikastui ja kuten sanotaan loppu oli historiaa. Missä vaiheessa se alkoi piirtää susi Lupoa ja niitä nenäkkäitä pikkukettuja ei selvinnyt koska heräsin.
    ellauri082.html on line 471: p) Peeping Tom (televisiossa ja videona myös nimellä Pelon kasvot) on Michael Powellin ohjaama brittiläinen psykologinen trilleri- ja kauhuelokuva vuodelta 1960. Se kertoo nuoresta miehestä, joka murhaa naisia ja kuvaa heidän viimeiset hetkensä kaitafilmille.
    ellauri082.html on line 552: Salvia: Hiisaamalla tai pureksimalla käytettävä hermafrodiittikukka. Päätyi huumeeksi Hitlerin eugeniikan seurauksena, kun pyrkimyksenä oli hävittää sukupuolivähemmistöt myös kasvikunnasta. Natsit sytyttivät meksikolaisten neegereiden salvianviljelypläntit tuleen ja pian huomasivat olevansa ihan vitun paukuissa. Salvia on oman tiensä kulkija psykotrooppina kuin kasvinakin, lisääntyy lätkäisemällä raajansa korkealta maahan, kuten kokeneet käyttäjänsäkin.
    ellauri082.html on line 584: World of Warcraft: Toinen slanginimitys samalle asialle.
    ellauri082.html on line 586: Minecraft: on Ruotsissa valmistettu vahva huume, joka aiheuttaa vakavaa riippuvuutta, autismia, unettomuutta ja voimakasta halua ratsastaa viattomilla possuilla. Minecraft on keksimisensä jälkeen levinnyt nopeammin kuin Lada kuoppaisella tiellä. Huumetta ostetaan kerran ja sen jälkeen sitä käytetään kunnes aivot syöpyvät pois tai käyttäjä tekee itsemurhan. Minecraftissa pelataan palikkamaisella ukkelilla kuutiomaailmassa, jossa ruhjotaan erilaisia materiaaleja palasiksi ja niistä rakennetaan edelleen kaikenlaista. Peli on erityisen tunnettu eläinväkivallan sisältämisestä, pelissä hakataan lehmiltä nahkaa irti ja possuja tiputellaan laavaan, jotta pelaaja saisi kyljyksiä. Huume leviää kaveriporukoissa ja netissä.
    ellauri082.html on line 713: Wallun jutut sen äidistä alav. 234 on takuulla tosipohjaisia. Se mainizee mm aivan oikein eze oli perunafarmarin tytär Mainesta ja anaalis-obsessiivinen äiskänkielen pilkunnussija. Iskä lähti sitä pakoon Lylen luo. Eli oli kai sit kaappihinuri. Bylsiköhän äiskäpäiskä jotain Wallun kamua kuin April Waynea.
    ellauri082.html on line 732: Institution: Hartpury College. Carrie Haslam: no affiliation whatsoever. EHBEA is European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association. Note: Tatu Vanhanen´s IQ datasets are no longer considered reliable.
    ellauri082.html on line 757: They found that Victim Signaling scores highly correlated with dark triad scores (r = .35). This association held after controlling for gender, ethnicity, income, and other factors that might make people vulnerable to mistreatment.
    ellauri082.html on line 767: Victim signalers were more likely to cheat in this game. The researchers again found that these results held after controlling for ethnicity, gender, income, and other factors.
    ellauri083.html on line 98: LYDEN: What a relief. You must have been so eager to read your mother's words so many years after her death. What was that like?
    ellauri083.html on line 116: WALSH: The novel follows the life of a brilliant young man, a genius, from his birth to his military career to a love affair with an older woman in London to Paris, where he meets a Chinese girl. And it is a very personal, fictional explanation of themes, of toleration and humanity that informed Pearl's work.
    ellauri083.html on line 143: In the city, O-Lan and the children beg while Wang Lung pulls a rickshaw. Wang Lung's father begs but does not earn any money, and sits looking at the city instead. They find themselves aliens among their more metropolitan countrymen who look different and speak in a fast accent. They no longer starve, due to the one-cent charitable meals of congee, but still live in abject poverty. Wang Lung longs to return to his land. When armies approach the city he can only work at night hauling merchandise out of fear of being conscripted. One time, his son brings home stolen meat. Furious, Wang Lung throws the meat on the ground, not wanting his sons to grow up as thieves. O-Lan, however, calmly picks up the meat and cooks it. When a food riot erupts, Wang Lung is swept up in a mob that is looting a rich man's house and corners the man himself, who fears for his life and gives Wang Lung all his money in order to buy his safety. O-Lan finds a cache of jewels elsewhere in house and takes them for herself.
    ellauri083.html on line 147: As Wang Lung becomes more prosperous, he buys a concubine named Lotus. O-Lan endures the betrayal of her husband when he takes the only jewels she had asked to keep for herself, two pearls, so that he can make them into earrings to present to Lotus. O-Lan's health and morale deteriorate, and she eventually dies just after witnessing her first son's wedding. Wang Lung finally appreciates her place in his life as he mourns her passing. Farewell my concubine.
    ellauri083.html on line 159: The "first chapter summons up the days when the world was first settled, in 874 AD—for that is the year when the Norsemen arrived in Iceland, and one of the book's wry conceits is that no other world but Iceland exists. ... The book is set in the early decades of the twentieth century but ... Independent People is a pointedly timeless tale. It reminds us that life on an Icelandic croft had scarcely altered over a millennium". As the story begins, Bjartur ("bright" or "fair") has recently managed to put down the first payment on his own farm, after eighteen years working as a shepherd at Útirauðsmýri, the home of the well-to-do local bailiff, a man he detests. The land that he buys is said to be cursed by Saint Columba, referred to as "the fiend Kolumkilli", and haunted by an evil woman named Gunnvör, who made a pact with Kólumkilli.
    ellauri083.html on line 250: S. 606, Tena-aikuisalusvaatteen vuosi: lomitettu televiihde, 932/1864 resoluutio (vau...) risc-konsolilta ja ilman, pink2 (lue OS-2), pormestarin jälkeinen digisatelliittijärjestelmä, menut ja kuvakkeet (oho...), pixelitön internet fax, 3-4 kanavaiset modeemit säädettävällä linjanopeudella (eikai...), webinjälkeiset jakelualueet, niin HD-näytöt että on käytännössä paikalla, kustannustehokkaat Zoom videopuhelinneuvottelut, fox-kanavan sisäinen cd-rom, sähkoinen sultan conture, yleiskonsolit, Youshityoun keraamiset nanoprosessorit, laserkromatografia, virtuaalipalvelun mahdollistavat mediakortit, kuituoptinen pulssi, digitaalikoodaus, tappajasovelmat, rannehermosärky tenniskyynärpää valonarkuusmigreeni rasvapakaraisuus selkästressi hikinen pälvikalju vielä kaiken kukkuraxi.
    ellauri083.html on line 332: Although they have flirted with the cathectic (affective) and conative (motivational) modes of consciousness, in the context of identity salience or prominence (Stryker 1968, 1980; McCall and Simmons 1978), identity theorists have generally viewed identities in cognitive terms (see MacKinnon 1994).
    ellauri083.html on line 344: It follows a team of doctors and support staff stationed at the "4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital" in Uijeongbu, South Korea, during the Korean War (1950–53). The show's title sequence features an instrumental-only version of "Suicide Is Painless," the original film's theme song.
    ellauri083.html on line 376: Farrow has steadfastly supported her daughter throughout the years—but in Allen v. Farrow, she says she has also grown accustomed to Allen attacking her character and parenting skills in the press. (For decades Allen has claimed that Farrow coached Dylan, goading her into accusing Allen after Allen left Farrow for Previn.) Farrow explains her conflicting feelings to the cameras, saying that she wholeheartedly supported Dylan’s decision to write a 2014 op-ed for The New York Times outlining the abuse she claims to have suffered. But privately, Farrow admits in the docuseries, she “crumpled up inside,” knowing that Allen would likely resume his media attacks on her. “He couldn’t go after Dylan, because she was a child at the time, so he’d come after me.”
    ellauri083.html on line 378: “What astounds me,” said Ziering in an interview, is that for the past nearly three decades, people assume that this has been a matter of “he said, she said”—meaning Allen’s word versus Farrow’s. But after Ziering and codirector Kirby Dick began their research, they realized, “Actually, it’s been a ‘he said, he said’ situation. Mia didn’t even speak until the Vanity Fair interview [in 2013]. Never. She is such a private person. That’s really important to know. And she was sort of blindsided by all these events that happened to her. And kept trying to navigate the best that she could just to protect her children and family.”
    ellauri083.html on line 438: He reasoned that the battle was on the twenty-fourth day of the fourth month of the Hebrew civil calendar in the 2,555th year after the creation. This was the 933,285th day since creation. From this, Totten determined that this day was a Tuesday. Next, Totten calculated backward in time from June 17, 1890 to the battle of Gibeon. He concluded that the battle was 1,217,530 days previously, which was a Wednesday. Hence, there was a day missing. Of course, Totten’s computation required very precise dates, something that most people today would find ludicrous. However, Totten managed to obtain some audience in the late 19th century. While most people today are not impressed with such an approach, apparently invoking a computer, as in the Hill story, is sufficient to convince some people today. This story has been debunked many times, so it is a shame that it keeps being repeated.
    ellauri083.html on line 591: And all the people came up after him, and the people piped with pipes, and rejoiced with great joy, so that the earth rent with the sound of them.
    ellauri083.html on line 645: They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice.
    ellauri083.html on line 673: Sarah had a similar reaction to the news, “Sarah laughed to herself, saying, ‘After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?’” (Genesis 18:12) God caught her laughing, but “Sarah denied, saying, ‘I did not laugh’; for she was afraid. He said, ‘No, but you did laugh’” (Genesis 18:15). You can’t pull a fast one on God! But God can pull a fast one on you! That's the diff!
    ellauri088.html on line 97: Several sensations form an idea. Several feelings form a composite feeling. Emotions are affective processes over time (they have a beginning, a middle, and an end). Volitions are changes in ideas or feelings that bring an emotion to an end. oAApperception is also relevant to clinical psychology. Projective tests such as the Rorschach and the TAT are based on the concept of apperception. (TAT: Thematic Apperception Test) Why is it that we perceive reality this or that way? Skewed perception may be connected with mental illness. Like seeing naked women undressing everywhere. There is a will involved there.
    ellauri088.html on line 117: Hyvin toimeentuleva tukholmalaisvanhusmies marisee isossa lukaalissaan, se on yxin ja yxinäinen, kurjaliston kuningas. Välillä se lojuu valtavassa olohuoneesssa valtavan telkan edessä tohvelit jalassa seinänkokoinen kirjahylly taustana. Välillä se lojuu väljässä makuuhuoneessa 10K kruunun Hästens-sängyssä ja kääntää ikävystyneenä moottorisänkyvipua. Välillä se vänisee vanhusystävilleen Watsapissa, Facebookissa ja Zoomissa. Mutta ei se ole sama! Nyt tekis tosiaankin mieli jo jotakuta tafsata!
    ellauri088.html on line 123: Kan jag sitta lugn på en biograf igen?
    ellauri088.html on line 135: 7-8 Därefter köpte jag slavar, både män och kvinnor, och andra föddes i mitt hem. Jag skaffade mig också väldiga fårhjordar och annan boskap, mycket större än någon av de andra kungarna före mig hade haft. Och från de provinser som jag regerade över samlade jag in mängder av silver och guld.För att få underhållning skaffade jag mig en sångkör som bestod av både män och kvinnor. Dessutom var jag omgiven av vackra kvinnor.
    ellauri088.html on line 139: 10 Jag skaffade mig allt jag ville ha och behövde inte avstå från något som kunde göra mig glad. Jag tyckte om att arbeta hårt, och den glädjen var egentligen den enda lön jag fick för allt slit.
    ellauri088.html on line 313: Einon pääteos, lähes tuhatsivuinen Vepsän kielen äännehistoria ilmestyi vasta 1946. Se on yhä eräs laajimmista suomalais-ugrilaisista kielistä kirjoitetuista monografioista.
    ellauri088.html on line 540: Jerome Clapp "Klapka" Oliver Jerome (May 2, 1859 Caldmore, Walsall Staffordshire, England - June 14, 1927, Northampton General Hospital, Northampton) oli englantilainen kynäilijä ja "humoristi". Senskä muutti sukunnimensä Clapp Jeromexi. Eikös clap ole joku veneerinen tauti? Joo tippuri. Siinäpä se. Jerome oli muutenkin huonosta kodista, rupusakkia kuten kolleegansa Charles Chaplin vähän myöhemmin. Isä oli ironmonger ja lay preacher who dabbled in architecture.
    ellauri088.html on line 561: The food question.—Objections to paraffine oil as an atmosphere.—Advantages of cheese as a travelling companion.—A married woman deserts her home.—Further provision for getting upset.—I pack.—Cussedness of tooth-brushes.—George and Harris pack.—Awful behaviour of Montmorency.—We retire to rest.
    ellauri088.html on line 563: Mrs. P. arouses us.—George, the sluggard.—The “weather forecast” swindle.—Our luggage.—Depravity of the small boy.—The people gather round us.—We drive off in great style, and arrive at Waterloo.—Innocence of South Western Officials concerning such worldly things as trains.—We are afloat, afloat in an open boat.
    ellauri089.html on line 51: He was a sixth-generation German-American; a family tradition had it that Heinleins fought in every American war, starting with the War of Independence. Jim Marlowe, in Red Planet, and Don Harvey, in Between Planets, participate in insurrections patterned after the American Revolution, a plot Heinlein would most fully exploit in his adult novel, The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966).
    ellauri089.html on line 103: He wanted to do his own juvenile work, stating that: "I want to do my own stuff, my own way". Vapaa sexi kiinnosti. Kirjassa Strangers in a strange land se oli aivan daft. Jill is homophobic and says that "nine times out of ten, if a girl gets raped it's partly her own fault." Bobia kiinnosti myös insesti. Heinlein often posed in situations where the nominal purpose of sexual taboos was irrelevant to a particular situation, due to future advances in technology.
    ellauri089.html on line 108: “[T]here seems to have been an actual decline in rational thinking. The United States had become a place where entertainers and professional athletes were mistaken for people of importance. They were idolized and treated as leaders; their opinions were sought on everything and they took themselves just as seriously—after all, if an entertainer is paid a million or more a year, he knows he is important ... so his opinions of foreign affairs and domestic policies must be important, too, even though he proves himself to be ignorant and subliterate every time he opens his mouth.”
    ellauri089.html on line 114: From Rocket Ship Galileo (1947) to Have Space Suit—Will Travel (1958), Robert A. Heinlein wrote twelve novels, all published by Scribners, that were aimed at what we now call the juvenile market. In Dr. Johnson’s sense of the word, they are classics in their field, they have stood the test of time. They appeared first in hardback—unusual in a field in which, until the 1950s or 1960s, almost all major works were published in magazines or in paperback; and during the 1950s, hardback copies of these novels could be found in school and public libraries all across the country. These novels later appeared in paperback and have remained available in that form to the present. Heinlein’s juvenile novels have been largely ignored by both science fiction critics and critics of children’s literature; but even a half century after they were written, these novels are still “contemporary” and are still among the best science fiction in the range.
    ellauri089.html on line 118: Heinlein state that the purpose of metaphysics is to ask questions: "Why are we here?" "Where are we going after we die?" (and so on); but that you are not allowed to answer the questions.
    ellauri089.html on line 130: When Ayn Rand's novel The Fountainhead was published, Heinlein was very favorably impressed, as quoted in "Grumbles ..." and mentioned John Galt—the hero in Rand's Atlas Shrugged—as a heroic archetype in The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. He was also strongly affected by the religious philosopher P. D. Ouspensky.
    ellauri089.html on line 151: Certainly his best-known and most successful books came after the decision to write entirely for an adult audience, with Stranger in a Strange Land in 1961 and The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress in 1966. And in such books as Farnham's Freehold (1964), he clearly felt freer to express the libertinism that had been implicit in all his earlier published work.
    ellauri089.html on line 153: Most of what Heinlein wrote after 1958 explores ideas that are more interesting, more profound, in certain senses, than any of his early work, like quirky sex. But at some point, even his most fervent fans want to return to books where the hero doesn't use time travel and advanced technology to have sex with his mother, his granddaughter, and his own clone. Or his computer made flesh.
    ellauri089.html on line 205: Dave Langford reviewed Job: A Comedy of Justice for White Dwarf #61, and stated that "When blasphemy stops being witty and shocking, it tends to become pointless, like graffiti scrawled on church wall. I didn't dislike this one, but . . . wait for the paperback, eh?"
    ellauri089.html on line 546: § 68. Metaphysics, as dealing with a "supersensible reality" may have a bearing upon practical Ethics (1) if its supersensible reality is conceived as something future, which our actions can affect; and (2) since it will prove that every proposition of practical Ethics is false, if it can shew that an eternal reality is either the only real thing or the only good thing. Most metaphysical writers, believing in a reality of the latter kind, do thus imply the complete falsehood of every practical proposition, although they fail to see that their Metaphysics thus contradicts their Ethics. …
    ellauri089.html on line 646: § 113. and, if we use this method, it is obvious that personal affection and aesthetic enjoyments include by far the greatest goods with which we are acquainted. …
    ellauri089.html on line 654: § 117. I think that this question should be answered in the affirmative; but in order to ensure that this judgment is correct, we must carefully distinguish it …
    ellauri090.html on line 116: Rubião misinterprets as a love offering a box of strawberries Sophia had sent him. At the Palhas’s house in Santa Thereza, he clutches her hand and makes his affection clear to her. Distressed by Rubião’s advances, Sophia suggests to her husband that they end their relationship with Rubião. Having borrowed money from Rubião, however, Palha is reluctant to break with him.
    ellauri090.html on line 128: After Carlos Maria’s flirtation with Sophia, Doña Fernanda acts as a matchmaker and brings Carlos Maria and Maria Benedicta together. Although Maria Benedicta is not beautiful, Carlos Maria marries her because she adores him. Following their marriage, they travel to Europe, returning to Rio de Janiero after Maria Benedicta becomes pregnant.
    ellauri090.html on line 130: For a time, Rubião’s friends accept his madness as he continues to provide meals and entertainment for them. Eventually, however, Rubião’s house falls into disrepair as his belief in himself as the emperor becomes constant. Doña Tonica becomes engaged to a man who dies before the wedding. Children on the street, including Deolindo, whose life Rubião had saved, make fun of him as a madman. Prodded by Doña Fernanda, a woman who barely knows Rubião, Sophia convinces Palha to set Rubião up in a little rented house on Principe Street. No one visits Rubião in his new humble residence. His former “friends” miss the luxury of Rubião’s wealthy surroundings in the house in Botafogo.
    ellauri090.html on line 154: Ouça, ignaro. Sou Santo Agostinho; descobri isto ante-hontem; ouça e cale-se. Tudo coincide nas nossas vidas. O santo e eu passámos uma parte do tempo nos deleites e na heresia, porque eu considero heresia tudo o que não é a minha doutrina de Humanitas; ambos furtámos, elle, em pequeno, umas peras de Carthago, eu, já rapaz, um relogio do meu amigo Braz Cubas. Nossas mães eram religiosas e castas. Emfim, elle pensava, como eu, que tudo que existe é bom, e assim o demonstra no cap. XVI, livro VII das Confissões, com a differença que para elle, o mal é um desvio da vontade, illusão propria de um seculo atrazado, concessão ao erro, pois que o mal nem mesmo existe, e só a primeira affirmação é verdadeira; todas as cousas são boas, omnia bona, e adeus.
    ellauri090.html on line 186: Seus biógrafos notam que, interessado pela boemia e pela corte, lutou para subir socialmente abastecendo-se de superioridade intelectual e da cultura da capital brasileira.
    ellauri090.html on line 204: Os críticos concordam que o ceticismo em Dom Casmurro surge na expressão da afasia pirrônica (ausência de afirmação ou de negação).
    ellauri090.html on line 207:

    ellauri090.html on line 217: Segundo escrevem alguns biógrafos, a madrasta confeccionava doces numa escola reservada para meninas e Machado teve aulas no mesmo prédio, enquanto à noite estudava língua francesa com um padeiro imigrante. Certos biógrafos notam seu imenso e precoce interesse e abstração por livros.
    ellauri090.html on line 234: Um de seus amigos, Faustino Xavier de Novaes (1820–1869), poeta residente em Petrópolis, e jornalista da revista O Futuro, estava mantendo sua irmã, a portuguesa Carolina Augusta Xavier de Novais, desde 1866 em sua casa, quando ela chegou ao Rio de Janeiro do Porto. Segundo os biógrafos, veio a fim de cuidar de seu irmão que estava enfermo, enquanto outros dizem que foi para esquecer uma frustração amorosa. Carolina despertara a atenção de muitos cariocas; muitos homens que a conheciam achavam-na atraente, e extremamente simpática. Com o poeta, jornalista e dramaturgo Machado de Assis não fora diferente. Tão logo conhecera a irmã do amigo, logo apaixonou-se. Até essa data o único livro publicado de Machado era o poético Crisálidas (Koteloita, 1864) e também havia escrito a peça Hoje Avental, Amanhã Luva (1860), ambos sem muita repercussão. Carolina era cinco anos mais velha que ele; deveria ter uns trinta e dois anos na época do noivado.
    ellauri090.html on line 236: Roope oli Brasilian Tomas Ribeiro. Huom nyt ei tarkoiteta samannimistä Real Housewifejen paljasyläpäistä gigoloa ohjaamassa moottorivenettä, eikä portugalilaista footballeria Tomás Aresta Branco Machado Ribeiroa, jonka nimi tuntuisi luppoovalta, mutta se on born vasta 30 April 1999, vaan Tomás António Ribeiro Ferreiraa (1 July 1831 – 6 February 1901), better known as Tomás Ribeiro or Thomaz Ribeiro, joka oli dago poliitikko, lehtimies, runoilija ja ultraromanttinen kynämies. Eli Roope oli ensi-ihastuxessa Karoliinaan yhtä ultraromanttinen. Myöhemmin sen vähän suspektimmissa aforismeissa lukee ettei samaan naiseen rakastuta 2 kertaa. Paras siis olla lopettamatta kesken.
    ellauri090.html on line 261: E, afrontando o rugido da tormenta, Päin naamaa kidutuxen syöveriin
    ellauri090.html on line 270: Acolhe-me, – e terá minha alma aflita, nosta mut - ja mun kolhiintunut sieluni
    ellauri090.html on line 283: Noutro parágrafo, diz: "Tu pertences ao pequeno número de mulheres que ainda sabem amar, sentir e pensar." De fato, Carolina era extremamente culta. Apresentou a Machado os grandes clássicos portugueses e diversos autores da língua inglesa.
    ellauri090.html on line 317: Dom Casmurro — que recebeu diversas interpretações ao longo do tempo — provavelmente é a obra machadiana que mais tenha sido interpretada de maneiras diferentes e vastas, destaque para a interpretação feminista de Helen Caldwell, mas a maioria dos críticos concordam que a obra, por um lado, retrata um brasileiro entre o liberalismo e as antigas tradições da monarquia escravocrata, e, por outro lado, destrói a imagem da amada, Capitu, que seria símbolo de um novo tempo e um risco ao status quo, por ser menina pobre, livre e inteligente (embora alguns poucos tenham afirmado que ela realmente o traiu);
    ellauri090.html on line 323: Há críticos que também se focam nos temas e elementos de existencialismo, reflexão e afins que essas obras possuem. De fato, a trilogia foi muito influenciada por filósofos como Blaise Pascal, Montaigne e Schopenhauer.
    ellauri090.html on line 357: Machado dedicou seu último soneto, "A Carolina", em que Manuel Bandeira afirmaria, anos mais tarde, que é uma das peças mais comoventes da literatura brasileira. De acordo com alguns biógrafos o túmulo de Carolina era visitado todos os domingos por Machado.
    ellauri090.html on line 366: Pulsa-lhe aquele afeto verdadeiro Se sykkii sulle sitä kiintymystä,
    ellauri090.html on line 383: Kanadalainen komedia (?) sarja Schitt's Creek on napannut kaikki palkinnot, Emmyn, Oskarit, Venlan, mitä niitä nyt olikaan, mitä Hoblan Malin Slotte ei voi tajuta. Sehän on kömpelösti ylinäytelty paskaturaus, trailerista päätellen, jonka "huumori" on enintään Reinikaisen tasoa. Tai Mämmilästä. "I love your complexion" sanoo newcomer white-trash ämmä afrokanadalaiselle. Mämmilässäkin oli hassu mutta kiltti kotisomali. Mixi näin? Mistä ihmeestä voi olla kysymys?
    ellauri090.html on line 418: 3. XXXV. Parafrasi
    ellauri092.html on line 86: When his wife Emma suffered bad asthma the doctor suggested a boat trip so Moody decided to take her to dry and airy Britain. In February 1867 they set sail for Britain for the first time. Altogether they had a thoroughly inspiring time. They visited Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle which had a congregation of 5,000. He sat amongst the Plymouth Brethren and heard their most fervent preachers as well as preaching for them. He could preach as fervently as any tommy, if not more. He was also invited to speak at some meetings in London where his warmth won everyone’s affection while his wife coughed in the smog. He also visited Bristol to see George Muller’s work where 1,500 orphan children were provided for financially without requests for money. (The trick is familiar from Dickens' Oliver Twist.) Moody was very impressed with what Cod could accomplish going through this meek godly man of prayer. They managed to include Dublin and France in the trip then in June they returned to America.
    ellauri092.html on line 90: At first Moody could satisfy himself so that was ok. But the persistence of these ladies led him to meet and pray with them. They poured out their hearts asking Cod to fill them with His servant's Spirits. From that day a deep hunger and thirst gripped Moody. By October he was in agony for sole as he prayed and munched Cod for the promised gift. At times he would roll on the floor in agony with the ladies and in tears with this singular prayer to be baptised in the Holy Mackerel grilled with fire. This was a wrestle between his willy and Cod’s willy. It was that very month that Chicago burnt to the ground by ghost fire. All his works, efforts and organizational committees literally went up in a blaze. Shortly after this while passing through New York on his way to Britain the second time Cod heard his prayer. As he walked the streets his willy bent before Cod's, the power of the Golden Horde fell upon him, the Ford drew near and revealed Himself to be His servant. Moody rushed to a friend’s house and asked for rum and to be left alone. Hour after hour he bathed in the presence of Cod as the Holy Mackerels filled him. So strong was this that he cried out to Cod to stay in His hand lest He die. He was filled with the joy of the Gourd. When he left that house it was in the power of the fire, just like Chicago the other day.
    ellauri092.html on line 104: During the summer of 1883 he returned home to count the revenue but was back again; first to Ireland and then London in November. For the next 8 months he held his greatest meetings yet in the capital. Many of his best new labourers were the pervert convicts from 1875. This campaign sealed the future destiny of many young men who would later go to the admission collection field. It was not long after his death in 1899 that his sermons were second only in demand to Pilgrim’s Progress and were printed right across the ad pages of the Boston Globe.
    ellauri092.html on line 192: Whereas most American Methodist worship is modeled after the Anglican Communion´s Book of Common Prayer, a unique feature was the once practiced observance of the season of Kingdomtide, which encompasses the last thirteen weeks before Advent, thus dividing the long season after Pentecost into two discrete segments. During Kingdomtide, Methodist liturgy emphasizes charitable work and alleviating the suffering of the poor. This practice was last seen in The Book of Worship for Church and Home by The United Methodist Church, 1965, and The Book of Hymns, 1966. While some congregations and their pastors might still follow this old calendar, the Revised Common Lectionary, with its naming and numbering of Days in the Calendar of the Church Year, is used widely. However, congregations who strongly identify with their African American roots and tradition would not usually follow the Revised Common Lectionary.
    ellauri092.html on line 213: Baptists, as their very name implies, adhere to baptism. But not just any baptism – Baptists are more specific on the issue. Baptist subscribe to credo baptism by immersion. That means that they believe in baptism of a confessing believer by immersion into water. They reject pedobaptism and other modes of baptism (sprinkling, pouring, etc.). This is one distinctive that holds true for nearly all Baptist denominations and churches. They are Baptists, after all!
    ellauri092.html on line 223: Many people have wondered, are baptist and methodist the same? The answer is no. However, there are some similarities. Both Baptists and Methodist are trinitarian. Both hold that the Bible is the central text in faith and practice (though groups within both the families of denominations would dispute the Bible’s authority). Both Baptists and Methodists have historically affirmed the divinity of Christ, justification by faith alone, and the reality of heaven for those who die in Christ, and eternal torment in hell for those who die unbelieving.
    ellauri092.html on line 231: Baptists believe in the autonomy of the local church, and churches are most often governed by a form of congregationalism, or pastor-led congregationalism. In more recent years, however, many Baptist Churches have adopted an elder-led congregationalism as a preferred form of polity. Although there are many denominational alliances among churches, most Baptist local churches are entirely autonomous in governing their own affairs, choosing their pastors, purchasing and owning their own property, etc..
    ellauri092.html on line 261: While there are some similarities to those two churches, each on one side of the street, there are many more differences. And that gulf of differences continues to widen as many Baptist churches continue to affirm a high view of Scripture and follow its teaching, while many Methodist congregations – especially in the United States – move away from that view of Scripture and emphasis on the Bible’s teaching.
    ellauri092.html on line 273: Those involved with the Keswick Movement were continuationists otherwise known as anti-cessationists. These folks then (as well as today), believed the sign gifts including tongues never stopped. History as well as Scripture tells us that this is not true; that in fact, the sign gifts did actually cease not long after the last apostle died and the Bible had finished being written (though not yet compiled into Canon).
    ellauri092.html on line 336: I do not use my days to try to go inside myself attempting to “love” my wife more than I do; to have some type of mystical, ethereal growing awareness of my wife. I do not go even inside her so often anymore, I know her well enough biblically after 35 years of frequent fornication.
    ellauri092.html on line 338: So it is I understand the desire to know God more than we do now, but this largely will not occur until after we leave this life and see Him face to face. Christians are to grow through imitating God in the area of holiness, which means separating ourselves from the things that offend God. This requires purpose on our part and the Holy Mackerel is within us to empower us to do that. Sometimes, it simply requires a resounding “NO!” to the temptation.
    ellauri092.html on line 340: Too many leaders and authors are tempting Christians to go “beyond,” obtaining “more” than the Bible says we have a right to expect. There is no “second blessing” for the Christian, unless you consider the life after this one the actual second blessing when we will be separated from our sin nature forever, we will see Him as He is and we will be like Him. Then we will know in certainty as we are known.
    ellauri092.html on line 384: Ivar August Heikel (1861–1952) oli O. I. Heikelin veli joka teki sen latinan sanakirjan. Se kuoli 2vk ennenkuin mä synnyin. Tutustuttiin vaan kirjallisesti. Ivar oli Helsingin yliopiston klassisen kreikan kielen ja kirjallisuuden professori, joka toimi myös Helsingin yliopiston rehtorina. Ivar kirjoitti kirjan sosialismista 1906. Huu! Ivarin tiedot on Kuka Kukin On-kirjasta, jonka toimitti L.A.P. Poijärvi. Tämmösiä hyväveliseuroja: Otavan tietosanakirjan täydennysosien toimittajissa on mun sukulainen Hjalmar, Rafu Koskimies, Poizu, Heikki Waris (jonka pikkuserkku Klaus Waris hommas Callelle ensin professuurin ja sizen sinekyyrin Sitrasta), Kimmo Koskenniemen isä-Matti, ja Hellan langonpoika Jaakko. Ilmari ja Toini oli serkuxet.
    ellauri092.html on line 389: Ison tietosanakirjan täydennysosien toimituskunta. Vasemmalta Hjalmar Brotherus, Reino Oittinen, Niilo J. Toivonen, Rafael Koskimies, L. Arvi P. Poijärvi, Heikki Waris, Matti Koskenniemi, Jaakko Wuolijoki ja Ilmari Havu.
    ellauri092.html on line 420: af30ba5e" height="200px" />
    ellauri092.html on line 514: She haes a maister's degree frae the Theatre Academy o Finland. Krohn wis marriet 18 years tae the movie director Wille Mäkelä. Krohn is the niece o the Finnish author an journalist Kaarina Goldberg. Kaarina Goldberg (born 28 Januar 1956) is a Finnish author an jurnalist who lives in Vienna. She is best kent for her childer's beuks Petokylän Ilona Ilves, Rämäpäinen robotti an her comic strip Senni ja Safira in the Finnish newspaper Eläkeläiset.
    ellauri093.html on line 124: Taylor was born on 21 May 1832 the son of a chemist (pharmacist) and Methodist lay preacher James Taylor and his wife, Amelia (Hudson), but as a young man he ran away from the Christian beliefs of his parents. At 17, after reading an evangelistic tract pamphlet entitled "Poor Richard", he professed faith in Christ, and in December 1849, he committed himself to going to China as a missionary. Vaihtoi metodia. Sen guru Cronin oli Plymouthin Brethreneitä.
    ellauri093.html on line 146: Watchman Nee oli leader in the "Little Flock" movement in China after being "put out" by Exclusive Brethren for "breaking bread with sectarians". Ei limpusta ole kahden jakoa.
    ellauri093.html on line 180: Wingate was killed in an aircraft accident late in the war. The casualty rate the Chindits suffered, especially from disease, is a continuing controversy. Wingate believed that resistance to infection could be improved by inculcating a tough mental attitude, but medical officers considered his methods unsuited to a tropical environment.
    ellauri093.html on line 209: All assemblies welcome visitors to gospel meetings and other gatherings, with the exception of the Lord's Supper. Many Exclusive Brethren and some of the more traditional Open Brethren feel that the Lord's Supper is reserved for those who are in right standing before God. Fellowship in the Lord's Supper is not considered a private matter but a corporate expression, "because we, being many, are one loaf, one body; for we all partake of that one loaf" (1 Corinthians 10:17).
    ellauri093.html on line 215: The group called the Raven Brethren (named for prominent Exclusive leader F.E. Raven) seceded from the Raven-Taylor-Hales group and are less strict and isolationist. Exclusive Brethren groups who are not affiliated with PBCC prefer being referred to as Closed rather than Exclusive brethren to avoid any connection with these more strident groups.
    ellauri093.html on line 366: Karl var stemningsbevæget og gemytrig som sin forgænger, svingede let fra muntert vid til dyb vemod, var en glimrende fortæller, forfatter af viser og sange, en god foredragsholder og en prædikant der i høj grad formåede at anskueliggøre sig ved billeder og citater.
    ellauri093.html on line 424: Kirkkotaiteilija Ilmari Launis jonka pojasta Ilmo Launixesta tuli Töölön kirkon kappalainen lupasi kopioida Edelfeltin taulun "Kristus ja Mataleena" Karin esitelmän tuottamilla rahoilla. NNKY:n tytöt af Forsellesin johdolla säikähtivät jeesusta virsujalkaisena. Ja Mataleenakin siinä langenneena! Ja se runokin (hyi): "pane minua minnes tahot... ...jaloin päälle käytäväxi" AI KAUHEETA. Hilja koitti puolustella mursuwiixisellä Fritz Uhdella, muttei vakuuttanut, pahemmaksi meni vaan (no ks. kuvaa hyvä ihme). Tulee mieleen Aale Tynnin ihana runo "Kaarisilta". Puuttuu vaan kuva jossa Mataleena on sillassa, ja jeesus käy sen päällä jaloilla. Ehkä sen taulun voisi ripustaa johtajattaren huoneen oviseinälle. Vie minut minne tahdot, vie vaikka Mexikoon. Rakkaus on leikkiä kahden, todellisuus harhaa vain on...
    ellauri093.html on line 461: Se vastaa kiukkuisella puolinelsonin niskaotteella 1868 Nielsenin skriftiin "Hr. Professor Brøchners Philosophiske Kritik, gjennemseet af R. Nielsen.".
    ellauri093.html on line 501: Nyborg-Strandissa Hilja nokkii ja pudottelee kuuluisia hartausnimiä kuin harmaavarpunen kyyhkysiltä jääneitä jyviä. Siellä oli meitä poikia, siellä oli Christensen, Svend Rehling, "Israelin tytärten" kääntäjä jota en ennestään tuntenut, Ingibjørg Olafsson, myöskin comtesse Knuth odottaa. Kylläpä he olivat kilttejä minulle! Jumalakin järjesti kyydit tosi reilusti. Laaja puisto, hulppeat premissit, suuret kokous- ja ruokailusalit, hyvät majoitushuoneet sekä asialle alttiit hoitajat ja palvelijat, jotka enimmäxeen olivat kristillisten yhdistysten jäseniä. Helluntaiystävien pastorisparillakin oli paljon auttavia käsiä. Hilja oppi tuntemaan sekä nuoria, voimakkaita tulisieluja että iäkkäitä herttaisen lepsuja sydänvaivasia. Nokkimajärjestys oli täsmällinen.
    ellauri093.html on line 606: Kävelimme kirkolle ja sieltä haudalle. Se oli valkoisexi kalkittu, ulkoa aika koruton, paizi koristuxet ulkokultaiset. Kirkko oli somistettu vesiastioissa seisovilla katkaistuilla koivuilla ja narsistien paljoudella. Vaskinen kastemalja oli Grundtvigin lahjoittama ja Alvar Aallon suunnittelema. Alttarille valittiin alttariliina, reunusaiheinansa risti ja rypäleet, huomiotaherättävä kauniilla taiteellisuudellansa. Hiljaisina poikina siirryimme kirkon kupeella makaaville haudoille. Toiseen oli "kätketty" Birkedal vaimoineen, toiseen Povisen Kari. Tilaa oli vielä Povisen leskelle ja tyttärelle. Povisen kivessä oli nimekkään taiteilija Skovgaardin muovaama kaunis korkokuva, joka esittää Jeesusta kättelemässä Pietaria. Kiveen oli piirretty graffiteja ja kirkkoveneitä. Valokuvasin sen. Nyt oli Ryslingen-matkani päätarkoitus täytetty.
    ellauri093.html on line 649: Tapahtui niin paljon. Dick oli yöt päivät valjaissa. Jotakin täytyi tapahtua. Ja tapahtuikin... (Viulunvingutusta, Haydnia) - No näistä asioista voitte lukea ize Dickin muistelmien luvuista "In der Stiftshütte", "Vaters Verheizung", "Kraft fur den Tag", "Weg zum Sieg", ym. ym.
    ellauri093.html on line 701: No oli mulla muitakin onkipaikkoja. Taidehallin edusta oli vakipaikkani afrikkalaisten kulkiessa ostoxilla. Kävin myös siionistikirjakaupasta hakemassa opaskirjallisuutta ja rainakuvia, eikä suinkaan merimieslähetys, edellisten Hampurin matkojen vetonaula, ollut unohtunut. Siitä jo pastori Kunilakin piti huolen. Väsymättä hän avasi mulle varustuxensa.
    ellauri093.html on line 752: (Jönsyltä:) Pidin 14-vuotiaana alkurukouksen Suomen ekumeenisen seuran kokouksessa ja puhuja oli Pelastusarmeijasta (joka toimii yhdessä kristillisten kirkkojen kanssa). Vanha mies, ehkä tämän isä. Ostin uudelleen P-E:n hartauskirjan Hänen nimensä vuodelta 1962. Sen alussa korostetaan M. Magdalenan läheistä suhdetta Jesseen kun sanoi tälle Emmauksen tiellä tai mikä se nyt oli että rabbuuni. Mun ope. Eri suhde kun taulussa, missä se vinoilee vaan Gallénille. NNKY:n perusti Suomessa Ottilia Stenbäck Minna Krohn (Juliuksen toinen vaimo ja leski) ja Louise af F. Aune Krohn, Minnan tytär, Aino Kallaxen sisko, veti NNKY:n kuoroa, jossa oli myös Tiinan tulevan romaanin mukaan Niilon isotäti Matilda. Aune muutti isän kuoltua Parolaan, jossa asui naisen kanssa (myös romaanissa).
    ellauri093.html on line 932: Pitkäveteisessä vizissä liftaava nunna sanoo toistuvasti mekon alta tafsaavalle papille: muista psalmi 129! Pappi otti käden sieltä tajuumatta mihin nunna viittasi. Ei ihme sillä lainaus
    ellauri094.html on line 94: Syreeni suggests that the letters of John - written after the predecessor gospels but before the final edition - reveal a schism in the Johannine community that was caused by the majority faction's acceptance of Jesus' death and resurrection, as it was then recorded in the new gospel. By exploring the gospel's different means of legitimizing the passion story, such as the creation of the 'Beloved Disciple' to witness Jesus' passion, and the foreshadowing of the resurrection of Jesus in the miracle of Lazarus, Syreeni provides a bold and provocative case for a new understanding of John.
    ellauri094.html on line 190: Koska ajanjakso kesti perimätiedon tai Raamatun mukaan vain 58 vuotta, mikä aika on hyvin inhimillisesti muistettavissa, on Babylonin vankeudella mahdollisesti keskeinen merkitys juutalaisuuden ja siitä kehittyneen kristinuskonkin nostalgiselle kaipaukselle "Pyhään maahan". Tätä metaforaa esiintyy myöhemminkin rajansiirtojen yhteydessä esimerkiksi Balkanilla, luovutetun Karjalan kysymyksen yhteydessä sekä Neuvostoliiton sisäisiä kansojen pakkosiirtoja käsiteltäessä. Neuvostoliitto kesti vain vähän pitemmän ajan, ja sitä kaivataan vielä kipeästi.
    ellauri094.html on line 235: This process coincided with the emergence of scribes and sages as Jewish leaders (see Ezra). Prior to exile, the people of Israel had been organized according to tribe. Afterwards, they were organized by smaller family groups. Only the tribe of Levi continued in its temple role after the return. After this time, there were always sizable numbers of Jews living outside Eretz Israel; thus, it also marks the beginning of the "Jewish diaspora", unless this is considered to have begun with the Assyrian captivity of Israel.
    ellauri094.html on line 285: Release of Jehoiachin after 37 years in a Babylonian prison. He remains in Babylon
    ellauri094.html on line 348: “And when you are come into Babylon, you shall be there many years, and for a long time, even to seven generations: and after that I will bring you away from thence with peace.” (Baruch 6:2; quoted from Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition)
    ellauri094.html on line 356: The skeptic tries to pit Jeremiah 29:10 as affirming the claim “The Babylonian Captivity was seventy years” against Baruch 6:2 as affirming “The Babylonian Captivity was seven generations.”
    ellauri094.html on line 357: One must always ask if the skeptics properly interpreted the verses. Jeremiah 29:10 does affirm the claim “The Babylonian Captivity was seventy years.”
    ellauri094.html on line 358: Baruch 6:2 does affirm “The Babylonian Captivity was seven generations.”
    ellauri094.html on line 369: Interestingly nowhere else in the Bible does it affirm the claim found in Baruch 6:2 that “The Babylonian Captivity was seven generations.”
    ellauri094.html on line 370: However we do see elsewhere in the Bible it affirm Jeremiah 29:10’s claim that “The Babylonian Captivity was seventy years.” Jeremiah 25:11 states “This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.” See also Jeremiah 25:12.
    ellauri094.html on line 440: Boney M:n vetävästi esittämä kappale Petterin lp-levyltä onkin vanhemman samannimisen biisin coveri yhtyeeltä The Melodians. Rivers of Babylon on rastafari-laulu, jonka tekivät ja levyttivät Brent Dowe ja Trevor McNaughton jamaikalaisesta reggae-yhtyeestä The Melodians vuonna 1970. The Melodiansin alkuperäisversio kuullaan jamaikalaisessa elokuvassa The Harder They Come (1972) sekä Nicolas Cagen elokuvassa Bringing Out the Dead (1999).
    ellauri094.html on line 570: And the north was Gethsemane, without leaf or bloom, Ja pohjosessa oli Getsemane ihan kaljuna,
    ellauri094.html on line 758: And the stark evil of the atheist Communists becomes even more stark when considering the fact that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were fighting for what most wars are fought for: Wealth and Empire. Which is A-OK. The Israeli did the same with the help of Jehovah. The atheist regimes slaughtered their own people simply to impose their will upon their less powerful compatriots. Which the Christians never do. Well, not nearly as many got killed anyway. I guess. Haven't really toted up all the Christian wars. The colonial ones too, and the U.S. neocolonial ones like Korea and Vietnam, or the Desert Storm. Should one use the absolute body count or percentages? Ethics is not an exact science after all. It's more like economics.
    ellauri094.html on line 762: So just as we learn music, we cannot become better without practice and experience of music on our instrument of choice (mine is the Jewish Harp, quite popular by the rivers of Babylon). Your confession that you found prayer to be irrelevant is the same as a man banging a child on a piano and then giving up because all the banging just produced noise. You need to be taught how to pray by someone who knows how and then you need to practice, practice, practice for the rest of your life. And still you don't get a hole in one every time, I don't. Although I was trained to pray by various Catholic priests who pray for a living. Prayer professionals who get paid for it. No fucking amateurs like you. By now I find the hole usually quite easily, and can get it in after a few putts with a little help from my priestly friend.
    ellauri095.html on line 35: Der Sprung ist bei Kierkegaard leidenschaftliche Entscheidung, der Augenblick, der über Nicht-Sein und Da-Sein entscheidet. Der Sprung ist Wiedergeburt, das Christwerden. Kierkegaard hat den Begriff von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (1729-1781) ... Stanley the Manley was not very manly, more catholic than Pope, and as much a dwarf, only capable of tiny hopkins snd eurhytmic sprungs..
    ellauri095.html on line 55: Hopkins did live such a life, but the windhover reminded him of Jesus’ great achievements after Nazareth. The windhover “stirred” his desire to become a great knight of faith, one of those who imitate not only the constraint but also the “achieve of, the mastery of” this great chevalier. The “ecstasy” of the windhover recalls Hopkins’s initial desire in “Il Mystico” to be lifted up on “Spirit’s wings” so “that I may drink that ecstasy/Which to pure souls alone may be.” Ultimately, Hopkins became aware that he had been hiding from the emotional risks of total commitment to becoming a “pure” soul. The phrase “hiding” thus suggests not only hiding from the world or from worldly ambition but also hiding from God.
    ellauri095.html on line 86: Gerard Manley Hopkins SJ (28 July 1844 – 8 June 1889) was an English poet and Jesuit priest, whose posthumous fame established him among the leading Victorian poets. His manipulation of prosody – particularly his concept of sprung rhythm – established him as an innovative writer of verse, as did his technique of praising God through vivid use of imagery and nature. Only after his death did Robert Bridges begin to publish a few of Hopkins's mature poems in anthologies, hoping to prepare the way for wider acceptance of his style. By 1930 his work was recognised as one of the most original literary accomplishments of his century. It had a marked influence on such leading 20th-century poets as T. S. Eliot, Dylan Thomas, W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender and Cecil Day-Lewis.
    ellauri095.html on line 143: Se on hyvin osuva metafora niille fiiliksille. Se oli varmasti helpottunut kuolinvuoteella. Ja niin olikin!
    ellauri095.html on line 145: After several years of ill health and bouts of diarrhoea, Hopkins died of typhoid fever in 1889 and was buried in Glasnevin Cemetery, after a funeral in St Francis Xavier Church in Gardiner Street, located in Georgian Dublin. He is thought to have suffered throughout his life from what today might be labelled bipolar disorder or chronic unipolar depression, and battled a deep sense of melancholic anguish. However, his last words on his death bed were, "I am so happy, I am so happy. I loved my life." He was 44 years of age.
    ellauri095.html on line 161: Timothy d´Arch Smith, antiquarian bookseller, ascribes to Hopkins suppressed erotic impulses which he views as taking on a degree of specificity after Hopkins met Robert Bridges´s distant cousin, friend, and fellow Etonian Digby Mackworth Dolben, "a Christian Uranian". Ei siis Plutosta kuten Heinleinin matonaamat.
    ellauri095.html on line 167: Hopkins composed two poems about Dolben, "Where art thou friend" and "The Beginning of the End". Robert Bridges, who edited the first edition of Dolben's poems as well as Hopkins's, cautioned that the second poem "must never be printed," though Bridges himself included it in the first edition (1918). Another indication of the nature of his feelings for Dolben is that Hopkins's high Anglican confessor seems to have forbidden him to have any contact with Dolben except by letter. Hopkins never saw Dolben again after the latter's short visit to Oxford during which they met, and any continuation of their relationship was abruptly ended by Dolben's drowning two years later in June 1867. Hopkins's feeling for Dolben seems to have cooled by that time, but he was nonetheless greatly affected by his death. "Ironically, fate may have bestowed more through Dolben's death than it could ever have bestowed through longer life ... for many of Hopkins's best poems – impregnated with an elegiac longing for Dolben, his lost beloved and his muse – were the result." Hopkins's relationship with Dolben is explored in the novel The Hopkins Conundrum.
    ellauri095.html on line 207: Nevertheless, even after he became a Jesuit he continued to cultivate an acquaintance with the visual arts through drawing and attendance at exhibitions, and this lifelong attraction to the visual arts affected the verbal art for which he is remembered. In his early poetry and in his journals wordpainting is pervasive, and there is a recurrent Keatsian straining after the stasis of the plastic arts.
    ellauri095.html on line 220: The brilliant student who had left Oxford with first-class honours failed his final theology exam. This almost certainly meant that despite his ordination in 1877, Hopkins would not progress in the order. In 1877 he wrote God's Grandeur, an array of sonnets that included "The Starlight Night". He finished "The Windhover" only a few months before his ordination. His life as a Jesuit trainee, though rigorous, isolated and sometimes unpleasant, at least had some stability; the uncertain and varied work after ordination was even harder on his sensibilities. In October 1877, not long after completing "The Sea and the Skylark" and only a month after his ordination, Hopkins took up duties as sub-minister and teacher at Mount St Mary's College near Sheffield. In July 1878 he became curated at the Jesuit church in Mount Street, London, and in December that of St Aloysius's Church, Oxford, then moving to Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow. While ministering in Oxford, he became a founding member of The Cardinal Newman Boozing Society, established in 1878 for Catholic members of the University of Oxford. He taught Greek and Latin at Mount St Mary's College, Sheffield, and Stonyhurst College, Lancashire.
    ellauri095.html on line 246: In 1874 Hopkins returned to Manresa House to teach classics. While studying in the Jesuit house of theological studies, St Beuno´s College, near St Asap in North Wales, he was asked by his religious superior to write a poem to commemorate the foundering of a German ship in a storm. So in 1875 he took up poetry once more to write a lengthy piece, "The Wreck of the Deutschland", inspired by the Deutschland incident, a maritime disaster in which 157 people died, including five Franciscan nuns who had been leaving Germany due to harsh anti-Catholic laws (see Kulturkampf). The work displays both the religious concerns and some of the unusual metre and rhythms of his subsequent poetry not present in his few remaining early works. It not only depicts the dramatic events and heroic deeds, but tells of him reconciling the terrible events with God´s higher purpose. The poem was accepted but not printed by a Jesuit publication. This rejection fed his ambivalence about his poetry, most of which remained unpublished until after his death.
    ellauri095.html on line 258: In the later decades of her life, Ms. Rossetti suffered from Graves' disease, diagnosed in 1872, suffering a near-fatal attack in the early 1870s. Graves' disease, also known as toxic diffuse goiter, is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid. It frequently results in and is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It also often results in an enlarged thyroid. Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism may include irritability, muscle weakness, sleeping problems, a fast heartbeat, poor tolerance of heat, diarrhea and unintentional weight loss. Other symptoms may include thickening of the skin on the shins, known as pretibial myxedema, and eye bulging, a condition caused by Graves´ ophthalmopathy. About 25 to 80% of people with the condition develop eye problems.
    ellauri095.html on line 304: And afterwards remember, do not grieve: Ja palautuisin mieleen myöhemmin, no hätä,
    ellauri095.html on line 392: Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882 oli 2. polven matu Lontoossa. Runojen kirjoittamisen lisäksi Rossetti oli tärkeä hahmo Prerafaeliitin veljeskunnassa ja siihen liittyvässä maalauksessa. Koko elämänsä ajan hän jakoi työnsä kahden intohimon kesken: runouden ja taiteen.
    ellauri095.html on line 398: Rossetti jakoi huomionsa maalauksen ja runouden välillä loppuelämänsä ajan. Vuonna 1848 hän perusti Pre-Rafaeliitin veljeskunnan kuuden muun nuoren miehen, enimmäkseen maalareiden, kanssa, jotka jakavat kiinnostuksen nykyrunouteen ja vastustivat tiettyjä vanhentuneita nykyaikaisen akatemiataiteen käytäntöjä. Yleisesti ottaen Prerafaeliitin veljeskunta pyrki tuomaan uusia teemavakavuuden, korkean värin ja yksityiskohtien huomion muotoja brittiläiseen silloiseen nykytaiteeseen.
    ellauri095.html on line 423: Rossetti tuli hyvin juttuun nuorten miesten, enimmäkseen maalareiden, kanssa, jotka jakavat kiinnostuksen nykyrunouteen ja vastustivat tiettyjä vanhentuneita nykyaikaisen akatemiataiteen käytäntöjä. Yleisesti ottaen Prerafaeliittien veljeskunta pyrki tuomaan uusia teemavakavuuden, korkean värin ja yksityiskohtien huomion muotoja silloiseen brittiläiseen nykytaiteeseen. Ryhmään kuului John Everett Millais, sen taitavin maalari ja tuleva Royal Academyn presidentti; William Holman Hunt; Thomas Woolner; Frederic Stephens; ja William Michael Rossetti, joka PRB:n sihteerinä piti toimintapäiväkirjaa ja toimitti sen aikakauslehden, Germ, kuutta numeroa (1850). Ryhmän yhteistyökumppaneita olivat vanhempi taidemaalari Ford Madox Brown, taidemaalari ja runoilija William Bell Scott, runoilija Coventry Patmore ja Christina Rossetti, joiden runoista kuusi ilmestyi Germissä.
    ellauri095.html on line 425: Prerafaeliittiveljekset tarjosivat toisilleen kumppanuutta, kritiikkiä ja rohkaisua uransa varhaisessa vaiheessa ja puolustivat toisiaan alkuperäistä julkista vihamielisyyttä vastaan. Dante Gabriel Rossetti muokkasi ryhmän kirjallista makua, painosti Germin perustamista ja julkaisi siinä useita runoja, mukaan lukien Siskoni uni. Hän osallistui myös allegoriseen proosatarinaan Käsi ja sielu, jossa 1200-luvulla eläneen italialaisen taidemaalarin Chiaro dell´Erman luona vierailee hänen sieluaan edustava nainen, joka kertoo hänelle: Maalaa minut näin sellaisena kuin olen... niin sielusi (juujuu, sun sielu, ei toki mun) seisoo aina edessäsi” – varhainen vihje Rossettin myöhemmästä taiteellisesta kiinnostuksesta unenomaisiin, voimakkaasti tyyliteltyihin naishahmoihin.
    ellauri095.html on line 446: Hänen eroottinen väsäilynsä oli henkisest ja fyysisest lahja dramaattisille hinaajille Swinburnesta Oscar Wildeen, jotka hyötyi nänen esimerkkinsä vapauttavasta vaikutuksesta. Tollasta varhaisdekadenssia. Yksikään hänen aikakautensa runoilija ilmaissut syvällisemmin tiettyjä keskeisiä viktoriaanisia huolia: metafyysistä epävarmuutta, seksuaalista ahdistusta ja ajan pelkoa.
    ellauri095.html on line 458: Stair after golden skyward stair,
    ellauri095.html on line 469: Scholars have long debated whether the historical Beatrice is intended to be identified with either or both of the Beatrices in Dante´s writings. She was apparently the daughter of the banker Folco Portinari, and was married to another banker, Simone dei Bardi. Dante claims to have met a "Beatrice" only twice, on occasions separated by nine years, but was so affected by the meetings that he carried his love for her throughout his life.
    ellauri095.html on line 479: Mixei Hilja Haahti ollut näistä tietonen? Tai ehkä olikin, mutta nehän oli paavilaisia. Ja mixei se maalauttanut prerafaeliittojen jäljennöxiä? Oliko ne liian snobeja? Ainakaan ne ei ole suomalaisia, virsut puuttuvat. Tästä veli-Rossettin Beatricen kuvasta se olis silti voinut tykätä, siinä on berninimäistä orgastista fiilistä.
    ellauri095.html on line 496: The Rev John Henry Newman had many critics after he sensationally quit the Church of England in 1845 and was received into the Roman Catholic Church.
    ellauri095.html on line 508: This potential for a new sacramental poetry was first realized by Hopkins in The Wreck of the Deutschland. Hopkins recalled that when he read about the wreck of the German ship Deutschland off the coast of England it “made a deep impression on me, more than any other wreck or accident I ever read of,” a statement made all the more impressive when we consider the number of shipwrecks he must have discussed with his father. Hopkins wrote about this particular disaster at the suggestion of Fr. James Jones, Rector of St. Beuno’s College, where Hopkins studied theology from 1874 to 1877. Hopkins recalled that “What I had written I burnt before I became a Jesuit and resolved to write no more, as not belonging to my profession, unless it were by the wish of my superiors; so for seven years I wrote nothing but two or three little presentation pieces which occasion called for [presumably ‘Rosa Mystica’ and ‘Ad Mariam’]. But when in the winter of ’75 the Deutschland was wrecked in the mouth of the Thames and five Franciscan nuns, exiles from Germany by the Falck Laws, aboard of her were drowned I was affected by the account and happening to say so to my rector he said that he wished someone would write a poem on the subject. On this hint I set to work and, though my hand was out at first, produced one. I had long had haunting my ear the echo of a new rhythm which now I realized on paper.”
    ellauri095.html on line 512: The Wreck of the Deutschland became the occasion for Hopkins’s incarnation as a poet in his own right. He broke with the Keatsian wordpainting style with which he began, replacing his initial prolixity, stasis, and lack of construction with a concise, dramatic unity. He rejected his original attraction to Keats’s sensual aestheticism for a clearly moral, indeed a didactic, rhetoric. He saw nature not only as a pleasant spectacle as Keats had; he also confronted its seemingly infinite destructiveness as few before or after him have done. In this shipwreck he perceived the possibility of a theodicy, a vindication of God’s justice which would counter the growing sense of the disappearance of God among the Victorians. For Hopkins, therefore, seeing more clearly than ever before the proselytic possibilities of art, his rector’s suggestion that someone write a poem about the wreck became the theological sanction he needed to begin reconciling his religious and poetic vocations.
    ellauri095.html on line 518: The motif of the singing bird appears again in Gerard’s “Spring” (1877): “and thrush/Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring/The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing.” The father’s attempt to represent what it is like to live in a bird’s environment, moreover, to experience daily the “fields, the open sky, /The rising sun, the moon’s pale majesty; /The leafy bower, where the airy nest is hung” was also one of the inspirations of the son’s lengthy account of a lark’s gliding beneath clouds, its aerial view of the fields below, and its proximity to a rainbow in “Il Mystico” (1862), as well as the son’s attempt to enter into a lark’s existence and express its essence mimically in “The Woodlark” (1876). A related motif, Manley’s feeling for clouds, evident in his poem “Clouds,” encouraged his son’s representation of them in “Hurrahing in Harvest’ (1877) and “That Nature is a Heraclitean Fire”(1888).
    ellauri095.html on line 520: Competition and collaboration between father and son continued even long after Hopkins left home to take his place in the world. In 1879, for instance, Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote to Bridges, “I enclose some lines by my father called forth by the proposal to fell the trees in Well Walk (where Keats and other interesting people lived) and printed in some local paper.” Two months later Hopkins composed “Binsey Poplars” to commemorate the felling of a grove of trees near Oxford. Clearly, competition with his father was an important creative stimulus.
    ellauri095.html on line 526: Oliko keazkin uraanikaivosmiehiä? Dixon varmaan oli. entä se prerafaeliitti Rossetti? Kristilliset romantikot teki jeesuxesta homppelin ja Magdalan mariasta huoran.
    ellauri095.html on line 545: This was a remarkably prophetic poem for Manley Hopkins’s first “beautiful child,” Gerard, born only a year after this poem was published.
    ellauri095.html on line 550: Compare Gerard Manley Hopkins’s version of an attempted rescue with the account in the London Times, one of the sources he used for The Wreck of the Deutschland. According to the Times, “One brave sailor, who was safe in the rigging went down to try to save a child or woman who was drowning on deck. He was secured by a rope to the rigging, but a wave dashed him against the bulwark, and when daylight dawned his headless body, detained by the rope, was swinging to and fro with the waves.” Hopkins wrote:
    ellauri095.html on line 574: She broke her back on the sands and foundered with the loss of about 57 passengers, both men and women; the conditions which had caused the wreck in the first place also preventing her from being seen from shore, and thus assistance being given. In the immediate aftermath of the wreck the captain accused passing ships of failing to answer his vessel´s signals of distress.
    ellauri095.html on line 580: The ´New York Times´, in the best traditions of media coverage, focused on the "weirdness of the scene". The newspaper contrasted the nuns´ "terror-stricken conduct", frozen with terror, and "deaf to all entreaties", with the "plucky" behaviour of the stewardess who tried to encourage them to leave the saloon for rigging as the water rose around them. One of the nuns was heard to cry in a voice heard above the storm "O my God, make it quick, make it quick". Hopkins, however, saw these words as an example of courage in the fate of extremity, and as the active seeking of the soul reaching towards God.
    ellauri096.html on line 57: Idealizing the teacher and student along the lines of Avoider and Predictor fails to solve the puzzle. It falsely presupposes that two equally super clever agents are co-possible. It is like asking ‘If Aku is smarter than Anu and Anu is smarter than Aku, which of the two is the smartest?’ Its like Abott and Costello going thru the door, after you, no after you, until in the end they, predictably, try to go thru it at once. There is no equilibrium in the game, so shit just happens.
    ellauri096.html on line 75: The teacher has free will. Therefore, predictions about what he will do are not true (prior to the examination). Accordingly, Paul Weiss (1952) concludes that the student’s argument falsely assumes he knows that the announcement is true. The student can know that the announcement is true after it becomes true – but not before. What a wimpy argument.
    ellauri096.html on line 120: Probabilistic skepticism dates back to Arcesilaus who took over the Academy two generations after Plato’s death. This moderate kind of skepticism, recounted by Cicero (Academica 2.74, 1.46) from his days as a student at the Academy, allows for justified belief. Many scientists are attracted to probabilism and dismiss the epistemologist’s preoccupation with knowledge as old-fashioned.
    ellauri096.html on line 159: Just as someone’s awareness of a prediction can affect the likelihood of it being true, awareness of that sensitivity to his awareness can also affect its truth. If each cycle of awareness is self-defeating, then there is no stable resting place for a conclusion.
    ellauri096.html on line 163: Epistemic paradoxes affect decision theory because rational choices are based on beliefs and desires. If the agent cannot form a rational belief, it is difficult to interpret his behavior as a choice. The purpose of attributing beliefs and desires is to set up practical syllogisms that make sense of actions as means to ends. Subtracting rationality from the agent makes framework useless. Given this commitment to charitable interpretation, there is no possibility of your rationally choosing an option that you believe to be inferior. So if you choose, you cannot really believe you were operating as an anti-expert, that is, someone whose opinions on a topic are reliably wrong (Egan and Elga 2005).
    ellauri096.html on line 229: The conclusion that there are unknowable truths is an affront to various philosophical theories, but not to common sense. If proponents (and opponents) of those theories long overlooked a simple counterexample, that is an embarrassment, not a paradox. (2000, 271)
    ellauri096.html on line 257: Binkley illuminates this reasoning with doxastic logic. The inference rules for this logic of belief can be understood as idealizing the student into an ideal reasoner. In general terms, an ideal reasoner is someone who infers what he ought and refrains from inferring any more than he ought. Since there is no constraint on his premises, we may disagree with the ideal reasoner. But if we agree with the ideal reasoner’s premises, we appear bound to agree with his conclusion. Binkley specifies some requirements to give teeth to the student’s status as an ideal reasoner: the student is perfectly consistent, believes all the logical consequences of his beliefs, and does not forget. Binkley further assumes that the ideal reasoner is aware that he is an ideal reasoner. According to Binkley, this ensures that if the ideal reasoner believes p, then he believes that he will believe p thereafter.
    ellauri096.html on line 269: Binkley stipulates that the students do not forget. He needs to add that the students know that they will not forget. For the mere threat of a memory lapse sometimes suffices to undermine knowledge. Consider Professor Anesthesiology’s scheme for surprise tests: “A surprise test will be given either Wednesday or Friday with the help of an amnesia drug. If the test occurs on Wednesday, then the drug will be administered five minutes after Wednesday’s class. The drug will instantly erase memory of the test and the students will fill in the gap by confabulation.” You have just completed Wednesday’s class and so temporarily know that the test will be on Friday. Ten minutes after the class, you lose this knowledge. No drug was administered and there is nothing wrong with your memory. You are correctly remembering that no test was given on Wednesday. However, you do not know your memory is accurate because you also know that if the test was given Wednesday then you would have a pseudo-memory indistinguishable from your present memory. Despite not gaining any new evidence, you change your mind about the test occurring on Wednesday and lose your knowledge that the test is on Friday. (The change of belief is not crucial; you would still lack foreknowledge of the test even if you dogmatically persisted in believing that the test will be on Friday.)
    ellauri096.html on line 312: Marx Augustin oder Der liebe Augustin (eigentlich Markus Augustin; * 1643 in Wien; † 11. März 1685 ebenda) war ein Bänkelsänger, Dudelsackspieler, Sackpfeifer, Stegreifdichter und Stadtoriginal. Er wurde durch die Ballade „O du lieber Augustin“ sprichwörtlich und zu einem sogenannten geflügelten Wort. Bis heute ist die Figur des lieben Augustin ein Inbegriff dafür, dass man mit Humor alles überstehen kann.
    ellauri096.html on line 380: Pohjoisafrikkalainen kirkkoisä Augustinus oli ennen kristinuskoon kääntymistään manikealainen. Vaikka Augustinus kääntymyksensä jälkeen oli manikealaisuuden tiukka vastustaja, on manikealaisten vaikutteiden väitetty vaikuttaneen hänen kauttaan myös kristinuskon kehitykseen. Toisaalta on myös esitetty ettei Augustinuksen aiempi manikeolaisuus olisi vaikuttanut kristinuskon kehitykseen. (There Is No Dog / There Is Dog - professorit kiistelevät taas.)
    ellauri096.html on line 419: Obeesilla Akvinolaisen Tompalla oli ylösnoussut hevonen. Suomenhevosia on menossa teuraalle Suezin kanavalla. Nyt ne kuolevat kun kiinalainen konttilaiva tukkii kanavan. - Enminä niistä ole huolestunut sanoo MTKn mies vaan maataloustuottajien koneiden varaosista. Ne ovat nyt siellä jumissa. Wall-E:n näköinen kaivinkone, 1 yxinäinen karvakäsi hytissä, yrittää työntää 400m kokoista laivaa irti mudasta. Kohta sinne höyryää jenkkien sotalaivoja. No ei sentään, Wall-E sai sen irti lopulta. Ehkä Moosexen taikasauvasta lähti säteitä. Naku teinipoika tafsaa naista tissistä. Taiteilija Schopinin unelma. Mun corona-ajan kampaus on suht sama kuin Schopinin Moosexella. Schopen on saxaa ja tarkoittaa kolpakko. Olikohan Chopinit viinamäen miehiä.
    ellauri096.html on line 448: Mediafirma mahaantuo valkovenäläisiä ilotyttöjä. Niitä oli yhdessä takavuosien suomenruozalaisessa stadidekkarissa jonka kirjoitti joku kyldyropersonlighet otona. Kuka se nyt oli. Joku Hoblan toimittajako? Hemmetti kun muistaa melkein muttei ihan. Ei löytynyt edes plokista. Muistaiskohan K-täti? Jotenkin siihen liittyi satama ja ehkä ravintola Torni. Joo se muisti: Se oli affan">Staffan Bruun, Club Domina Helsinki. Tulevaisuuteen sijoitettu romaani 1992 joka valitettavasti on jo menneisyyttä. Sama vaivaa George Orwellin romaania 1984, ja Clarken millenniaaleja avaruusseikkailuja riepupäiden juhlavuodelta 2001. Niin se aika rientää. Time flies like an arrow. Tempus fugit. Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis. Ja muita samansisältöisiä sananparsia. Aikakärpäset tekevät kaikesta kexeliäästä klisheetä. Tu kattoon kattoon kuinka tulevaisuus tapettiin tapettiin, sanoi aikakärpänen kaverille.
    ellauri096.html on line 562: Ansa Ikonen toivoi jossain ylilaudassa että joku ystävällinen afgaani raiskaisi Haju Pisilältä tyttären. Hyvä ajatus, kannatan, ja Akukin kannattaa, kunhan se ei nauti siitä. Jos siitä toimituxesta tulee jälkikasvua, sille voi laittaa äitiyspakkauxeen vakuutuskuoria.
    ellauri096.html on line 688: Eli lue: yrittäjät kähmimään ja charityä kehiin. Tää koomapaska on puhtaaxiviljeltyä chicagon mafian gangsterointia.
    ellauri096.html on line 701: Son livre Peau noire, masques blancs contient une critique de l´ouvrage Psychologie de la colonisation d´Octave Mannoni. Frantz Fanon adopte une attitude d´observateur extérieur au système colonial. Il n´admet pas l´analyse psychologique de Mannoni. En particulier l´élaboration du « complexe de Prospero » du colonisateur lui paraît « non fondée ». Les philosophes multiculturalistes (Charles Taylor, Will Kymlicka) ont plusieurs fois affirmé dans leurs articles s´inspirer des travaux de Fanon, précurseur du multiculturalisme.
    ellauri096.html on line 704: Cet essai analytique se penche sur le colonialisme, l´aliénation du colonisé et les guerres de libération. Il étudie le rôle que joue la violence entre colonisateur et colonisé. Il prône la lutte anticolonialiste y compris par la violence et l´émancipation du tiers-monde. Le livre expose aussi avec une certaine prémonition les contradictions inhérentes à l´exercice du pouvoir dans l´ère post-coloniale en Afrique. C´est pour cela que Fanon est également connu pour le regard prospectiviste qu´il porte à l´égard de l´État-nation post-colonial africain.
    ellauri096.html on line 715: Jaskan mielestä rasismi on synti jonka rangaistus on ripuli. Ruikelipaska on sen mielestä julma joskaan ei epätavallinen rangaistus. Ripulointi on sille varmaan tuttua, basillikauhuisena sillä on tod.näk. huono mahafloora, kun on aina pesemässä käsiä. Se luulee että rasistit vihatessaan muita rotuja itkee verta sekä kyyneleitä. Tokkopa, rasismi on kuin pieni vinous vain luonnollista. Koirat ei ole rasisteja mutta kyllä xenofoobeja. Xenofobia on rasismin tavallisin syy. Saahan ne olla erivärisiä kun ovat sitä jossain muualla. Eli se on joukkoistettua reviirinvartiointia.
    ellauri096.html on line 867: Moni historian maalimies harrasti nuorena mensuurimeikkailua. Heidän joukossaan oli muun muassa kommunismin isä Karl Marx. Yhteiskuntafilosofi Karl Marxilla (1818–1883) oli vasemman silmänsä yläpuolella mensuuri­meikkailuottelussa Bonnin yliopistossa saatu arpi. Sekin oli muuten juutalaisia. Kainin merkkiä kantoivat Heikin kaa. Saksalainen säveltäjä Richard Wagner (1813–1883) saattoi sekin olla jutku tuntemattomaxi jääneen isän puolelta. Se oli innokas miekkailija opiskeluaikoinaan Leipzigissä, missä hän kuului yliopiston Saksikäsi-osakuntaan. Natsijohtaja Ernst Kaltenbrunner (1903–1946) tunnettiin julmuudestaan. Hänellä oli kasvoissaan useita mensuuriotteluista saatuja arpia ja useampia Victorinox-linkkuveizistä saatuja peräpuolella. Hullu filosofi Friedrich ­Nietzsche (1844–1900) opiskeli Bonnin yliopistossa teologiaa ja kuului Francofobia-osakuntaan. Hän keskeytti opintonsa vuoden jälkeen ja vaihtoi kielitieteeseen. Tanskalainen tähtitieteilijä Tyko Brahe (1546–1601) menetti nenänsä miekkataistelussa Rostockin yliopistossa. Syynä oli aivan mahdoton tunarointi. Silitysrautakansleri Otto von Bismarck (1815–1898) oli innokas miekkailija Göttingenin yliopistossa, missä sillä meni paremmin meikkailusalilla kuin luennoilla. Autotehtailija Ferdinand Porsche (1875–1951) opiskeli Wienissä ja miekkaili osakuntansa Bruna Bröder edustajana.
    ellauri096.html on line 880: Menstruaatioperinne synnytti usein elimellisiä ystävyyssuhteita. Kun osakuntien jäsenet aikanaan alkoivat harjoittaa pederastiaa juristin, lääkärin tai tuomarin kaavussa, heillä oli jo tiiviit peräaukot yliopistoaikojen perintönä, ja arpi ventovieraan takapuolessa viestitti "Seelenbruderschaftista" jo ennen kuin yhtään sanaa oli ehditty vaihtaa. Meikkailuarvista uskottiin olevan niin suurta hyötyä urakehitykselle, että ne, jotka eivät ­olleet uskaltaneet miekkailla tai joille ei ollut tarjoutunut siihen tilaisuutta, hankkivat kasvoihinsa esim. siirtokuvana valearven. Kerrotaan, että erityisen komean vale­arven sai, kun liimautti ihonsa päälle hevosenjouhen.
    ellauri097.html on line 97: Mencken recommended for publication philosopher and author Ayn Rand´s first novel, We the Living and called it "a really excellent piece of work." Shortly afterward, Rand addressed him in correspondence as "the greatest representative of a philosophy" to which she wanted to dedicate her life, "individualism" and later listed him as her favorite columnist. No voi vietävä!
    ellauri097.html on line 113: In the summer of 1926, Mencken followed with great interest the Los Angeles grand jury inquiry into the famous Canadian-American evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson. She was accused of faking her reported kidnapping and the case attracted national attention. There was every expectation that Mencken would continue his previous pattern of anti-fundamentalist articles, this time with a searing critique of McPherson. Unexpectedly, he came to her defense by identifying various local religious and civic groups that were using the case as an opportunity to pursue their respective ideological agendas against the embattled Pentecostal minister. He spent several weeks in Hollywood, California, and wrote many scathing and satirical columns on the movie industry and Southern California culture. After all charges had been dropped against McPherson, Mencken revisited the case in 1930 with a sarcastic and observant article. He wrote that since many of that town´s residents had acquired their ideas "of the true, the good and the beautiful" from the movies and newspapers, "Los Angeles will remember the testimony against her long after it forgets the testimony that cleared her."
    ellauri097.html on line 117: Mencken, says Charles A. Fecher, was, "deeply conservative, resentful of change, looking back upon the 'happy days' of a bygone time, wanted no part of the world that the New Deal promised to bring in." In 1931, the Arkansas legislature passed a motion to pray for Mencken´s soul after he had called the state the "apex of moronia."
    ellauri097.html on line 128: Elsewhere, he dismissed higher mathematics and probability theory as "nonsense", after he read Angoff´s article for Charles S. Peirce in the American Mercury. "So you believe in that garbage, too—theories of knowledge, infinity, laws of probability. I can make no sense of it, and I don´t believe you can either, and I don´t think your god Peirce knew what he was talking about."
    ellauri097.html on line 161: [Physicists] have, in late years, made a great deal of progress, though it has been accompanied by a considerable quackery. Some of the notions which they now try to foist upon the world, especially in the astronomical realm and about the atom, are obviously nonsensical, and will soon go the way of all unsupported speculations. But there is nothing intrinsically insoluble about the problems they mainly struggle with, and soon or late really competent physicists will arise to solve them. These really competent physicists, I predict, will be too busy in their laboratories to give any time to either metaphysics or theology. Both are eternal enemies of every variety of sound thinking, and no man can traffic with them without losing something of his good judgment.
    ellauri097.html on line 237: Jönsykin ihmettelee mixi olen kiinnostunut kirjailijoiden taustoista ja taipumuxista. Mitä esim. kirjailijan kuvaan lisää se tieto että se on homo. Osaahan se sen izekin kertoa josse on tärkeää, ja paremmin kuin sä. Niinpä tietysti, ellei ole elämä-ja-teos linjan kirjallisuudenharrastaja. Me biografistit ei olla kiinnostuneita sitiä mitä kirjailija sanoo, vaan siitä mixi se sanoo mitä se sanoo. Ja siihen kysymyxeen voi hyvin olla osavastaus että se on hinaaja. Muita lupaavia muuttujia linear ja mixed modeliin näyttäs olevan heimo, vanhemmat ja kotiolot, ulkonäkö sekä uskonto.
    ellauri097.html on line 296: He became a literary icon, but White knew that people rarely actually read his work. He professed not to care what people thought, but he would sometimes check for copies of his novels in local libraries. He would search for dog-ears and stains, to gauge how far in the book they had read. Most people, he deduced, never finished. The Australian reading public never quite warmed to White, and nothing much has changed. My grandmother “couldn’t stand him.” I have seen my mother take up one of his novels—The Solid Mandala—and after a few moments quite literally toss it aside. White’s books are metaphysical, lyrical, high modernist, full of baroque descriptions of landscapes, and unsparing in his examination of the people who live in them. For a country besotted with kitchen-sink realism and plain-speaking larrikins, Patrick White was baffling.
    ellauri097.html on line 298: In 2006, the Weekend Australian newspaper conducted an experiment. They submitted chapter three of The Eye of the Storm (1973) to twelve publishers and agents around Australia under an anagram of White’s name, Wraith Picket. Nobody offered to publish the book. One responded, “the sample chapter, while reply (sic) with energy and feeling, does not give evidence that the work is yet of a publishable quality.” Notwithstanding that the chapter was not White’s finest writing, and the unfairness of submitting a chapter out of narrative sequence, the hoax prompted a minor crisis in Australian literature: if the industry couldn’t recognize the greatness of our sole Nobel winner, how unenlightened must the country’s publishing industry be now? Shortly thereafter, the ABC launched an online portal called Why Bother With Patrick White? The portal always struck me as sad. What other major writer would need a website dedicated to convincing his countrymen to give him another go? The link to the website is dead now. It would seem, in the end, that nobody could be bothered with Patrick White.
    ellauri097.html on line 317:
  • gegenüber der öffentlichen Meinung und den Organen des Staats die angeborenen Menschenrechte der Urninge zu verfechten, ihnen namentlich Gleichstellung mit den Dioningen vor dem Gesetz und in der menschlichen Gesellschaft überhaupt zu vindiciren.
    ellauri097.html on line 335: ZwitterKaxineuvoinen (transu? androgyyni? hermafrodiitti?)
    ellauri097.html on line 385: Und schlafe abends mit mir ein Mä nukahdan illalla mun syliin
    ellauri097.html on line 396: Kant war Junggeselle, und es ist nichts überliefert von intimen Kontakten mit Frauen oder von ernsthaft betriebenen Kontakt- oder Heiratsabsichten. Kant wird von J. D. Metzger, einem frühen Kant-Biographen (1804), als "misogyn" bezeichnet, also als "frauenhassend". "Misogyn" kann auch einfach nur bedeuten "mochte nicht heiraten", vielleicht kann sich damals unter dem Terminus aber auch die Bedeutung "schwul" versteckt haben. Nicht undenkbar in einer Zeit, da man solche Neigungen auf keinen Fall öffentlich machen durfte.
    ellauri097.html on line 397: Trotz der attestierten "Misogynie", konnte Kant ausgesprochen charmant gegenüber Frauen sein. Erwähnt sei nur die kluge und schöne Gräfin Caroline Charlotte Amalie von Keyserlingk, die Kant sehr schätzte und die ihn bei Gesellschaften im Hause Keyserlingk meist neben sich platzierte. Kant nannte sie "eine Zierde ihres Geschlechts".
    ellauri097.html on line 404: Es hat in Kants Leben Männerfreundschaften gegeben, die weit über Wissenschaftlerkontakte hinausgegangen sind und die man als enge Bindungen bezeichnen muss. Hier ist zum Beispiel der englische Geschäftsmann Joseph Green (1727 - 1786) zu nennen. Diesen besuchte Kant jahrzehntelang täglich und speiste regelmäßig bei ihm, unternahm mit ihm Ausflüge, hatte bei dessen Firma sein Geld angelegt, ging mit Green jeden Satz(!) seiner ersten "Kritik" durch. Green hatte, so ein Zitat beim Kant-Biografen Kühn, "unstreitig auf sein (Kants) Herz und auf seinen Charakter einen entscheidenden Einfluss". Nach Greens Tod 1786 besuchte Kant nie mehr eine Abendgesellschaft und verzichtete bis zu seinem Lebensende ganz und gar auf jegliches(!) Abendessen.
    ellauri097.html on line 408: Während Kant mit Green erst ab seinem fünften Lebensjahrzehnt eng befreundet war - seit er mit der Konzeption seiner ersten "Kritik" begann -, gab es vorher andere enge Freunde. Einer war Christian Jacob Kraus. 29 Jahre jünger als Kant, wurde er 1780 sein Kollege. Auch er war und blieb Junggeselle. Als Kant 1787 ein eigenes Haus kaufte und regelmäßig Honoratioren zu seinem Mittagstisch einlud, war Kraus dabei - und zwar nicht nur als einer der Gäste, sondern als Gesellschafter, das heißt, als Gastgeber, der sich auch die Kosten der Mahlzeit mit Kant teilte. Außerdem blieb Kraus nach dem Mittagessen oft bis sieben oder acht Uhr abends bei Kant - länger als alle anderen Tischgäste. Für die Königsberger Straßenpassanten bildeten die beiden schon bald ein originelles "Pärchen", zumal sie sich äußerlich sehr ähnelten - beide waren sehr klein. Die Nähe zwischen beiden muss groß gewesen sein, denn Kant schenkte Kraus 1787 einen Brillantring.
    ellauri097.html on line 410: Jedoch währte das derart gute Verhältnis nicht lange. Kant nötigte Kraus dazu, eine kritische Rezension von Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit zu verfassen. Kraus quälte sich damit sehr, da Kant ihn in eine bestimmte Richtung - die nicht ganz die seine war - zu drängen suchte. Die Rezension wurde zwar fertig gestellt, Kant änderte sie aber vor dem Druck nochmals in seinem Sinne. Dies kränkte Kraus sehr. So meldete er sich schließlich für die Mittagsgesellschaften bei Kant ab. Das geschah ziemlich brüsk. Er suchte weder das Gespräch mit Kant noch schrieb er ihm, sondern teilte seinen Entschluss lediglich Kants Diener Martin Lampe mündlich mit.
    ellauri097.html on line 412: Merkwürdig ist auch das Verhältnis Kants zu Theodor Gottlieb Hippel (1741-1796). Er hatte schon als Student beim jungen Privatdozenten Kant gelernt und gehörte viel später zum engeren Kreis der Tischgenossen. Hippel war ein eigenwilliger Mann und führte ein Doppelleben. Der kluge politische Beamte und biedere Zeitgenosse einerseits - der produktive Schriftsteller und sexbegierige (übrigens unverheiratete) Mann andererseits. Man hat vermutet, dass Kant in Wahrheit der Autor von Hippels (anonym veröffentlichtem) Buch Lebensläufe gewesen sei, welches viele Intimitäten mehrerer Königsberger Honoratioren ausplauderte. Mindestens habe er - so wurde gemutmaßt - einen Teil davon geschrieben, denn vieles darin hört sich wie von Kant an. Der Meister hat aber in einer "Erklärung wegen der von Hippelschen Autorschaft" die These vom eigenen Beteiligtsein zurückgewiesen.
    ellauri097.html on line 458: It seems like they’re just simply making a description: This is the way it is; therefore it is okay, in the moral sense of the word. They are presuming some moral state of affairs based on a mere description, and that’s an example of the is-ought fallacy.
    ellauri097.html on line 493: Sexihullu Mary Wollstonecraft jahtasi sveiziläistä pikkujalkamaalaria Fuesslia Pariisissa mutta pikkujalan ex-mallivaimo Sofia Rawlins löi sille karmit kaulalle. Inhoan älykkäitä naisia niistä on pelkkää harmia mutisi Fuessli.  Fuessli maalasi goottilaisia aiheita mm incubuxia. Tässä versiossa se on pikkujalan izensä näkönen.
    ellauri097.html on line 589: Kun sanotaan ”kirjailija X teki kirjan”, on käytössä metafora.
    ellauri097.html on line 595: Yli kahdensadan kappaleen myyntimäärien tavoittelu mille tahansa sanataideteokselle on höperöä kraukijahtia, absurdia teatteria, puskafarssia ehkä.
    ellauri097.html on line 613: Viimeisten noin kuuden vuosisadan ajan kirjallisuus on ollut visuaalista, kuten sanotaan graafista taidetta.
    ellauri097.html on line 627: Kirjahko ottaa vakavasti kirjan materiaalisen hahmon, graafisen muodon ja teknisen perinteen. Se ottaa vakavasti ja tunnustaa sen, että kirjojen yleisöt silmäilyn ja selailun ajassa lasketaan enintään sadoissa hengissä. Se ei ”vastusta” silmäilyn ja selailun kulttuuria vaan tyynesti ja määrätietoisesti luo toista kulttuuria sen rinnalle, nimittäin lehteilyn, kirjalahjat ja kirjahyllyn sisustuselementtinä. Vintage viiniä vielä vanhemmassa leilissä.
    ellauri097.html on line 643: Nain on meidankin elamassamme! Aivan samoin meidän – jos haluamme säilyttää kirjan – eli kirjallisuuden ja kaiken muun painetun taiteen – paperisen, graafisen manifestaation tässä hermostuneisuuden ajassamme – on meidän tehtävä se myös uuden digitaalisen tekniikan avulla, uuden teknisen järjestyksen sisältä käsin – tietokoneita ja niiden käsittämätöntä tehoa, uutta digipainotekniikkaa ja internetin loputtomia fyysiseen maailmaan tunkeutuvia lonkeroita estottomasti hyväksi käyttäen – yhtä lailla kuin emme saa hylätä kohopainoa, puupiirrosta, leimasimia, letrasetiä, vahaskopiokonetta! Eliskä paperille sen on päädyttävä, siihen saa hintalapun helpommin.
    ellauri097.html on line 677: Yliopiston uuden puolen graffitien kirjavoimien vessojen vierellä on ilmoitustauluja johon ennen tuli tiedekuntatenttien tuloxet. Siinä vieressä oli usein Kake Niemisen samizdat-julkaisuja koskien eetteripyörteitä. Muistan säälineeni niiden kirjoittajaa, vaikka en ollut sitä nähnytkään. Nyt mä nään että sen parta oli aika kadehdittava. Tukasta en sano mitään. Se oli Jaakko Hintikan ikätoveri. Jaakko eli 5v vanhemmaxi. Kuuluisia suomalaisia.
    ellauri097.html on line 711: I went to turn the grass once after one Menin kääntämään heinää yhden hepun perästä
    ellauri097.html on line 808: Frost pyh-pyhitteli naisrunoilijoille ja peukutti jotain Wordsworthia. (No ei Viljo kyllä kovin miehekkäältä vaikuta.) Mitä homommax se tuli sitä maskuliinisemmin se koitti esiintyä. Kai se oli tollanen Mannling sitte, Tom of Finland tyyppiä. Välillä homofoobinen, välillä homofiilinen, aina homososiaalinen. Väänsi läppää siitä ja meni piiloon läpän taaxe. Mut paras kazoa ize noita runoja eikä luottaa sokeasti Kareniin, Karen vaikuttaa aika rekkafeministiltä.
    ellauri097.html on line 818: Elinor and Robert Frost had six children: son Elliot (1896–1900, died of cholera); daughter Lesley Frost Ballantine (1899–1983); son Carol (1902–1940, committed suicide); daughter Irma (1903–1967); daughter Marjorie (1905–1934, died as a result of puerperal fever after childbirth); and daughter Elinor Bettina (died just one day after her birth in 1907). Only Lesley and Irma outlived their father. Frost's wife, who had heart problems throughout her life, developed breast cancer in 1937, and died of heart failure in 1938.
    ellauri098.html on line 154: Goethe floruit...Wahlverwandtschaften...
    ellauri098.html on line 304: TV Tropes was founded in 2004 by a programmer under the pseudonym "Fast Eddie." He described himself as having become interested in the conventions of genre fiction while studying at MIT in the 1970s and after browsing Internet forums in the 1990s. He sold the site in 2014 to Drew Schoentrup and Chris Richmond.
    ellauri098.html on line 364: "An idea has no worth at all without believable characters to implement it; a plot without characters is like a tennis court without players. Daffy Duck is to a Buck Rogers story what John McEnroe was to tennis. Personality. That is the key, the drum, the fife. Forget the plot."
    ellauri098.html on line 436: Aika monet kirjailijat ja fiktiiviset hahmot löytyy esiluokiteltuna, mikä helpottaa bibliografista kirjallisuustutkimusta ja tekee siitä entistä objektiivisempaa. Nyt siis kehiin tyyppejä! Anna mennä Jung!
    ellauri098.html on line 451:
    Tuomas Akvinolainen, Sergey Brin, Charles Darwin (taas), Death (Pratchett), Rene Descartes, Richard Dawkins, Albert Einstein, Gerald Ford, Milton Friedman, Gandalf (taas), Hermione Granger, Bob Heinlein, Dustin Hoffman, William James, I. Kant, Franz Kafka, Harper Lee, Abraham Lincoln, John Locke, Larry Page, Gregory Peck, Adam Smith, Thucydides, Yoda

    ellauri098.html on line 459:
    Adele, Aristoteles, Kemal Atatürk, Wernher von Braun, Napoleon Bonaparte, Warren Buffett, Julius Caesar, Jim Carrey, Sean Connery (taas), Simon Cowell, Elisabet I, Falstaff (Shakespeare), Bill Gates, Al Gore, Hermann Göring, Katherine Hepburn, Hannibal, Steve Jobs, Garri Kasparov, Tywin Lannister, Lex Luther (Superman), Angela Merkel, Tricky Dick Nixon, Leia Organa, Nancy Pelosi, Frank D Roosevelt, Carl Sagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Sellers, Quentin Tarantino, Margaret Thatcher, Donald Trump, Voldemort, Sigourney Weaver (Alien)

    ellauri098.html on line 475:
    Ariel (Pieni merenneito), Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran), Julian Assange, Calvin (Lassi), Fidel Castro, Cher, Samuel Clemens (M2), Bill Cosby, Salvador Dali, Jacques Derrida, Charles Dickens, Walt Disney, Eliza Dolittle, Bob Dylan, Umberto Eco, Faramir, Anne Frank, Muammar Gaddafi, Theodor Geisel (Dr.Seuss), Genie (Aladdin), F.J. Haydn, Aldous Huxley, Janis Joplin, Buster Keaton, Naomi Klein, Anais Nin, Ozzy Osbourne, Osho Rajneesh, Sinbad merenkulkija, Bruce Springsteen, Justin Timberlake, Hunter S. Thompson, Orson Welles, Oscar Wilde, Kurt Wonnegut, Alan Watts (guru), Ron Weasley, Willy Wonka

    ellauri098.html on line 483:
    H.C. Andersen, Frodo Baggins, William Blake, Marlon Brando, Charley Brown, Albert Camus, Johnny Depp, Jane Eyre, Mia Farrow, V.van Gogh, Homeros, P.Johannes, Franz Kafka (taas), Helen Keller, Kermit the Frog, Sören Kierkegaard, Hugh Laurie, John Lennon, Luna Lovegood, P.Luukas, C.S. Lewis (taas), Neizyt Maria, Bob Marley, A.A. Milne, John Milton, Jim Morrison, Edgar Allan Poe, Fred Rogers, Romeo&Juliet, J-J.Rousseau, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Carlos Santana, William Shakespeare, Bella Swan (Twilight), Luke Skywalker, Amy Tan, Daenerys Targaryen, JRR Tolkien, Vergilius, Andy Warhol, Bill Waterson (Calvin&Hobbes), Virginia Woolf

    ellauri098.html on line 493:
    Alfred Adler, Yassar Arafat, Elizabeth Bennett, Bono, Cicero, Sean Connery, William Cullen Bryant, kuningas Daavid, Catherine Earnshaw (Hum. harju), Erasmus Rotterdamilainen, Erich Fromm, Goebbels, J.W.v. Goethe, Gorbachev, Havel, paavi Johannes Paavali Kakkoineen, Michael Jordan, M.L. King, Meeta Mellark, Barack Obama, Perikles, Nancy Reagan, Nelson Mandela, Amy March (Little Women), Abraham Maslow, Freddie Mercury, Mitterrand, Oprah Winfrey, Emma Woodhouse (Emma),

    ellauri098.html on line 502:
    Aristophanes, Simone de Beauvoir, Osama Bin Laden, Niels Bohr, Geoffrey Chaucer, Noam Chomsky, Alice Cooper, Leonard Cohen, Dante Alighieri, Fedor Dostojevski, Mahatma Gandhi, George Harrison, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Adolf Hitler, Carl Jung, M.L. King (taas), Marilyn Manson, Robert Mugabe, Plato, J.K. Rowling, Arthur Schopenhauer, Alexandr Solchenitsyn, Baruch Spinoza, Shirley Temple, Leo Tolstoi, Leon Trotsky, Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury), Ludi Wittgenstein, Mary Wollstonecraft, Imi Lo

    ellauri098.html on line 536:
    LM Alcott, Alice (Carroll), Captain America, Marcus Aurelius, Belle (Beauty of Beast), Beyonce, Barbara Bush, Jimmy Carter, prinssi Charles, Agatha Christie, Cinderella, Aretha Franklin, Francesco Franco, Forrest Gump, Heinrich Himmler, Kim Kardashian, Robert E.Lee, George Marshall, kuningatar Mary I, Ophelia (Hamlet), Mike Pence, Barbra Streisand, W.H.Taft, Alfred Lord Tennyson, St.Teresa of Avila, Äiti Teresa, Dr.Watson (Holmes), Bruce Willis, Tiger Woods

    ellauri099.html on line 44: The remains of Oscar Wilde lie in Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. His sleek, modern tomb, designed by the British sculptor Jacob Epstein and commissioned by Wilde’s lover and executor, John Robert "Haj" Ross, is one of the most frequently visited and recognizable graves in a cemetery notable for the many famous writers, artists, and musicians buried there (Balzac, Chopin, Proust, Gertrude Stein, Jim Morrison). The surface of Epstein’s massive monolith is covered with hundreds of lipstick kisses, some ancient and faded, others new and vibrant. (“The madness of kissing” is what Wilde said Lord Alfred Douglas’s “red-roseleaf lips” were made for.)...
    ellauri099.html on line 78: Tilastollisesti merkizevä vaihe biografistista emävalhetta on määrittää kullekin kirjailijalle toteemieläin äskenmainittujen jungilaisten linjanvetojemme nojalla. Valintaan vaikuttaa, paizi luonne, ulkonäkö ennen kaikkea, sillä kuten sanoimme ulkonäkö on frenologisesti törkeä ja elimellinen osa luonnetta. Eläin on tässä käsitettävä väljästi, kuten toteemipaalussa.
    ellauri099.html on line 105: Knut HamsunsusisappiAthletikerafieonline.it/img/bio/Knut_Hamsun_1.jpg" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 106: Jane AustensiipioravaveriAsthenikerINTJ – Propellipääaff5527464a4b65c937870a47" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 124: Sören KierkegaardvaivaispäästäinenpernaDysplastikerINFJ - Parantainenxafunnyhat.jpg" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 131: FE SillanpääetanalimaPyknikerafia.fi//img/kb/0070006.jpg" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 140: SwinburnemunapernaDysplastikeraf9d" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 148: KafkapikkulepakkopernaDysplastikerINTP – Arkkitehti/INFP - Parantainenafka-in-a-suit-with-his-hair-picture-id52375026?s=2048x2048" height="100px" />
    ellauri099.html on line 164: In 314/3, Xenocrates died from hitting his head, after tripping over a bronze pot in his house. Which just goes to show.
    ellauri099.html on line 176: In fact, we don’t even know that he was called Plato, which might have been a nickname. Laertius claims that he was actually called Aristocles, after his grandfather. “Plato” is close to the word “broad” in Greek, like the broad leaves of the platanos or plane tree under which Socrates and Phaedrus sit and talk about eros. Some think that Plato was so called because he was broad-shouldered because of his prowess in wrestling. Or because he got a flat nose, maybe a wrestling memento.
    ellauri099.html on line 192: We do know that after having served as Lector in the Academy and being described as its “Mind” by Plato, Aristotle was not chosen as the latter’s successor. The job of scholarch, or head of the school, by sheer happenstance, went to Speusippus, Plato’s nephew. Aristotle left Athens shortly after Plato’s death and stayed away for around 12 years. Was he angry or disappointed not to have been chosen as head of the Academy? By being ordered round by big butthead´s nephew, who was an even bigger butthead?
    ellauri099.html on line 215: The Lyceum was clearly the intellectual projection of Macedonian political and military hegemony. In 323 B.C.E., when news of Alexander the Great’s death in Babylon at the age of 32 reached Athens, simmering anti-Macedonian sentiment spilled over, and the popular Athenian leader Demosthenes was recalled. Aristotle left the city for the last time, in fear of his life, after a little more than a decade in charge of the Lyceum. Seeing himself justly or unjustly in the mirror of Socrates and fearing charges of impiety, Aristotle reportedly said, “I will not allow the Athenians to sin twice against philosophy.” Aristotle withdrew to his late mother’s estate at Chalcis on the island of Euboea and died there shortly after of an unspecified illness, at age 63.
    ellauri100.html on line 42: The experts divided the artist’s life into two periods – before and after his documented breakdown on December 23 1888 in Arles, southern France, when the artist argued with his friend, Paul Gauguin, and cut off his own ear.
    ellauri100.html on line 49: The two lived as roommates for a time in the South of France. An article in Harvard Magazine states that van Gogh's medical biographers agree that his adulthood included periods of hypersexuality, hyposexuality, bisexuality, and homosexuality, and that "his stormy homosexual affair with the painter Paul Gauguin included endless, often argumentative discussions."
    ellauri100.html on line 138: Er gehörte dem Beirat der Gesellschaft Deutscher Neurologen und Psychiater an, besichtigte 1940 die NS-Tötungsanstalt Bernburg und nahm 1941 an einer Sitzung des Beirats der Aktion T4 teil. Im selben Jahr schrieb er in einem Vorwort zu Geniale Menschen: „Was im Wesentlichen entartet ist, das werden wir ruhig aus der Vererbung ausschalten können.“
    ellauri100.html on line 262: Return to D.C.: When asked why, replied “Give a person an opportunity to feed at the public trough and that person will take the opportunity.” Incentives work! Another incentive was the opportunity to criticize analysis (instead of doing it), as an in-house reviewer of technical reports. Notice how I always returned to my masters like a dog after running awaay. It's Peters principle: I had reached my glass ceiling. I just couldn't do anything else. Unfortunately, my position AND PAY deteriorated at each round, until I ended up basically an over-aged proofreader.
    ellauri100.html on line 264: Home stretch: Stayed at the think-tank another 18 years. After three years of reviewing reports, seized an opportunity to establish and run the think-tank’s publications department. Promoted a year later to chief financial and administrative officer, with a portfolio consisting of accounting, computer operations, contracting, facility planning and operations, financial management, human resources (a.k.a. personnel), library and technical information services, physical and information security, programming services, and publications. Basically, I ended up doing everything because there were not many people left in that doomed outfit. Became deeply involved in legal matters, including spin-off of the think-tank from parent company, resolution of affirmative-action claims, and complex contract and lease negotiations. Contrived retirement at age 56. Read: that's when they at long last got rid of me because I had sunk the spin-off.
    ellauri100.html on line 303: My intelligence was recognized at an early age, but its use was not much stimulated by my parents or the K-12 schools I attended. Only when I went to college was I “stretched”, and then the stretching came mostly at my initiative (unassigned reading and long, solitary sessions working through academic theories). The stretching — which was episodic during my working career — continues to this day, in the form of blogging on subjects that require research, careful analysis, and self-criticism of what I have produced. Self-criticism is central to my personality (see next) and leaves me open to new ideas (see next after that). Like religion. Next I am thinking of becoming a Trotskyist.
    ellauri100.html on line 313: I was apolitical until I went to college. There, under the tutelage of economists of the Keynesian persuasion, I became convinced that government could and should intervene in economic affairs. My pro-interventionism spread to social affairs in my early post-college years, as I joined the “intellectuals” of the time in their support for the Civil Rights Act and the Great Society, which was about social engineering as much as anything.
    ellauri100.html on line 321: What does that have to do with my final rejection of “liberalism” and turn toward libertarianism? When government intervenes in economic and social affairs, its interventions are based on crude “measures of effectiveness” (e.g., eliminating poverty and racial discrimination) without considering the intricacies of economic and social interactions. Governmental interventions are — and will always be — blunt instruments, the use of which will have unforeseen, unintended, and strongly negative consequences (e.g., the cycle of dependency on welfare, the inhibition of growth-producing capital investments). I then began to doubt the wisdom of having any more government than is necessary to protect me and my fellow Americans from foreign and domestic predators. My later experiences in the private sector and as a government contractor confirmed my view that professors, politicians, and bureaucrats who presume to interfere in the workings of the economy are naïve, power-hungry, or (usually) both. Oh I hated those M.I.T. professors. So smug, thought they knew everything.
    ellauri100.html on line 323: But there is more to my journey into political philosophy. I began to think seriously about liberty and libertarianism in the 1990s. Eventually, I began to question doctrinaire libertarianism (pro-abortion, pro-same-sex “marriage”, etc.) which seems to have no room in it for the maintenance of social norms that bind civil society and make it possible for people to coexist willingly and peacefully, and to engage in beneficially cooperative behavior. And so, I have become what I call a Burkean libertarian. I had slipped all thw way to the right edge of the Virginia boys' scales, in the same way, and for the same reasons, as the Nazis after the shameful defeat in WWI.
    ellauri100.html on line 483: Randomness: the belief that some events are truly random, that chance plays a role in human affairs
    ellauri100.html on line 493: We are interested in measuring happiness on this site because many studies have found that religious people are happier than non-believers, and some have found that politcally conservative people are slightly happier than are political liberals, even after controlling statistically for religiosity. A recent Gallup survey found that religiosity was associated with better mental health for Republicans, but it didn’t make a difference for Democrats. We want to investigate these complex relationships among happiness, morality, religion, and ideology.
    ellauri100.html on line 565: It should be noted that my slightly positive score probably was influenced by the order in which choices were presented to me. Initially, pleasant concepts were associated with photos of European-Americans. I became used to that association, and so found that it affected my reaction time when I was faced with pairings of pleasant concepts and photos of African-Americans. The bottom line: My slight preference for European-Americans probably is an artifact of test design.
    ellauri100.html on line 664: Kristina Rusetti syntyi Charlotten kadulla (nyk. Hallam Street), Lontoossa, isä Gabriele Rossetti, runoilija ja pakolainen Abruzzosta vlta 1824, äiti Frances Polidori, Lordi Byronin ystävälääkärin Polidorin sisko. Sillä oli 2 veljeä ja 1 sisko. Dante Gabriel oli se prerafaelisti, William and Mariakin kynäilivät. Kuopus Christina oli eloisa lapsi. Se saneli ekan tarinansa äidille ennenkuin oppi kirjoittamaan, ihan kuin Johnin Charlotte.
    ellauri100.html on line 670: Myöhäisteininä Kirstinä kihlautui maalari James Collinsonin kaa, muze oli vaan eka 3:sta. James oli prerafaeliittien veljeskunnan perustajia Danten and Williamin kaa (se perustettiin hulluna vuonna 1848). Kihlaus purkautui 1850 kun Jamesista tuli katolinen. 1853, kun perhe oli yhä rahapulassa, Kristina auttoi äiskää koulunpidossa Fromessa, mutta se ei mennut putkeen.1854 ne palasivat Lontooseen ja isä kuoli, onnexi. Myöhemmin sillä oli vispilänkauppaa lingvistin, Charles Cayley kaan, mutta lingvisti perkele kieltäytyi naimasta sitä, syy oli taas muka uskonnollinen. Kolmas oli maalari John Brett, siitäkään ei tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan.
    ellauri100.html on line 672: Dante-veli maalasi Kristinasta useita kuvia, ilmaisesta mallista. 1848, se oli neizyt Maaria Danten ekassa öljymaalauxessa. Kirjaimet PRB tarkoitti prerafaeliittiveljiä. Seuraavana vuonna se oli neizyt Marian ilmoituxessa, Kazo herran käsineitoa. Runon "Kuka vie mut postiin?" säe inspiroi Fernand Khnopffia maalaamaan kuuloisan taulun "Mä sulkeudun kaappiin". 1849 Kristina sairastui taas vakavasti, kärsi depixestä, ja 1857 tuli isompi uskonnollinen kriisi. Taipumuxet depixiin periytyy usein isältä pojalle, ja mixei tyttärelle.
    ellauri100.html on line 674: Kristina alkoi kirjoittaa ylös runojaan ja päiväs ne 1842 alkaen, aluxi matkien suosikkirunoilijoita. 1847 se alkoi kokeilla sonetteja, hymnejä ja balladeja, ja kopioida juonet Raamatusta, kansansaduista ja pyhimysten elämistä. Sen aikaiset runot usein koskee kuolemaa ja menetystä, heijastaen romanttista perinnettä ja tietty sitä depistä. Se julkaisi 2 runoa, "Kalman kylmyys jalkovälissä", "Sydämen kylmyys siellä yhdessä paikassa", Athenaeumissa 1848 18-vuotiaana salanimellä "Ellen Erehdy". Se osallistui prerafaeliittien kirjallisuuslehteen nimeltä The Sperm Jan-Apr 1850, jota toimitti William. Tästä alkoi julkkiselämä.
    ellauri100.html on line 676: Kristina alkoi nälviä prerafaeliitteja 1856 runossa "Taiteilijan yxiössä". Sitä alkoi mietityttää nähtyään useita maalauxia samasta mallista (varmaan siitä izestä). Rossettin miälestä taiteilijan idealisoitu näkemys mallin luonteesta alkaa nitistää sen työtä, kunnes jokainen maalaus on vaan saman toistoa. Dinah Roen miälestä Kristina ei tarkottanut niin paljon izeään kuin Dante-veljeä: taiteilija ize asiassa maalaa koko ajan omakuvia. Fair enough.
    ellauri100.html on line 963: Gone deaf and blind?
    ellauri100.html on line 974: Day after day, night after night,
    ellauri100.html on line 997: With shade of leaf-crown’d trees,
    ellauri100.html on line 1173: But not one goblin scurried after,
    ellauri100.html on line 1301: Sodan loputtua se lähti Sorbonneen opiskelemaan leksikografiaan eli rakentamaan käsitejärjestelmiä. Niitähän mäkin olen saanut kääntäjien kanssa väsätä. Sen väitöskirja 1949 käsitteli muotisanoja. Siis ei sellaisia kuin "päräyttävä", vaan enemmänkin sellaisia kuin "A-linja".
    ellauri100.html on line 1305: Greimaxen eka julkaisu Cervantes ir jo don Kichotas ilmestyi kaikkien tuntemassa Varpai-lehdessä, jonka se ize perusti. Sen poinzi oli: "Let's not be afraid to be Don Quixotes" (tai sama liettuaxi). Sit tuli se thesis "La Mode en 1830. Essai de description du vocabulaire vestimentaire d' après les journaux de modes [sic] de l'époque". Greimiemen ämmän poka jätti sanakirjahommat siihen, mutta jäi loppuiäxi suffixi- ja puffiximiehexi. Ennen Marxia se luki Ferdinand de Saussurea ja Louis Hjelmsleviä jotka oli saaneet vaikutteita Marxin arvoteoriasta. Muita vaikutteita oli Georges Dumézil (who dat) ja rakenneantropologi Claude Lévi-Strauss, satusetä Vladimir Propp, joku Étienne Souriau, ja (voi ei) fenomenaalinen Edmund Husserl, turhanpäiväinen Maurice Merleau-Ponty, kallonkutistaja Gaston Bachelard (jonka Jöpi eilen mainizi), sekä Touretten syndroomainen superman André Malraux. Kaikesta tästä voi päätellä, että Greimas käänsi Marxin päälaelleen ja Hegelin taas oikeinpäin.
    ellauri100.html on line 1363: Jean-Paul Sartre is sitting at a French cafe, revising his draft of Being and Nothingness. He says to the waitress, “I’d like a cup of coffee, please, with no cream.” The waitress replies, “I’m sorry, Monsieur, but we’re out of cream. How about with no milk?”
    ellauri100.html on line 1370: Omnicom Groupin mainososaston johtaja David Lubafs määrittelee alan pelisäännöt vilpittömämmin kuin moni muu: hänen mukaansa kuluttajat ovat kuin torakoita - kun niitten päälle aikansa sumuttaa samaa myrkkyä, ne tulevat sille immuuneixi.
    ellauri100.html on line 1399: Vähän tuntuu siltä että Barthes oli kuin San Sebastianin beachin myyntipoika: Aqua batatas, coca cola, lemonada... sen tarjottimelta löysi kaikki kyldyyripursoonat paletilleen jotakin, ilman että se ize asiassa olis yhteenvedonomaisesti saanut aikaan paljon paskaakaan. Se oli vaan tollanen kulturprofilen, vaikka tafsasikin etupäässä poikia.
    ellauri101.html on line 54: In 1934, Campbell accepted a position as Professor of Literature at Sarah Lawrence College. Sarah Lawrence College is a private liberal arts college in Yonkers, New York. The college models its approach to education after the Oxford/Cambridge system of one-on-one student-faculty tutorials. Sarah Lawrence emphasizes scholarship, particularly in the humanities, performing arts, and writing, and places high value on independent study. Originally a women's college, Sarah Lawrence became coeducational in 1968.
    ellauri101.html on line 56: In February 2020, Brooklyn native Lawrence V. "Larry" Ray, born Lawrence Grecco, who had resided in his daughter's on-campus apartment at Lawrence College in 2010 after his release from prison, was charged by prosecutors in Manhattan with conspiracy, extortion, sex trafficking, forced labor, and other related offenses, following nearly 10 years of alleged transgressions with students and former students. At a bail hearing held March 2, 2020, an Assistant U.S. Attorney disclosed to the Manhattan federal court that Ray had been arrested while in bed with one of his victims. Bail was denied.
    ellauri101.html on line 84: af5e231058f161b3b/1563493110824-GAPYH5ONLV45RFLMNYNM/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kI-YEC1apfyGyKxvJ047YOdZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWhcwhEtWJXoshNdA9f1qD7Xj1nVWs2aaTtWBneO2WM-tTqQPW29YbYtFPXCuzRo3OpYJOSzNgx1p7TG8xpTNqWQ/RIASEC+Model.jpeg?format=500w" />
    ellauri101.html on line 88: af5e231058f161b3b/1563491844756-LAVN4A69DYRXKX1ZKHRQ/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kDSzdzTmpvq97kqjpeEjcZcUqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8N_N4V1vUb5AoIIIbLZhVYxCRW4BPu10St3TBAUQYVKcVMQrDWVzq0u1O6QYfN1maURWb6y4pn0YcEgdLeq-dhB9iKt8J2q_PVol4a9vPFBy/Page-Banner-DISC-image.jpg?format=500w" />
    ellauri101.html on line 94: af2db9b368de1119315541ece01a139.gif" width="40%" />
    ellauri101.html on line 103: af5e231058f161b3b/1563492501953-4LSP990ZFWMYBGHFY74U/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kJj4Kr-VxF8wQRoF207jOk4UqsxRUqqbr1mOJYKfIPR7LoDQ9mXPOjoJoqy81S2I8PaoYXhp6HxIwZIk7-Mi3Tsic-L2IOPH3Dwrhl-Ne3Z2ovGmRt241rYKlpluUCO10vNyYyWjOfzBo2cnzJ6B8jYKMshLAGzx4R3EDFOm1kBS/Myer+Briggs.png?format=500w" />
    ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
    ellauri101.html on line 193: Sielujen kalastajat kalastaa isolla metaforaverkolla. Pahaa aavistamattomat kärpäset takertuu liimaverkkoihin ja joutuu hämähäkin suihin.
    ellauri101.html on line 267: Sairasvyö toimi johtajana keväällä 2005 esitetyssä tosi-TV-sarjassa Diili, joka perustui yhdysvaltalaiseen The Apprentice -ohjelmaformaattiin. Samaan josta Hjarkimo ja Trump ponnahtivat julkisuuden valokeilaan. Mitenkä paskiaiset on noin identtisiä, kuin jotain paskanmarjoja? No ne on apinoja siinä syy.
    ellauri101.html on line 438: Brändit ei ole tuotekohtasia vaan kääntäen. Joka vitun julkkis myy rättejä ja avaa ravintolan. Mut mä en HALUU niiden lumpui enkä rätei, enkä niiden rafloja.
    ellauri101.html on line 524: Das Rotwelsch oder das Rotwelsche (genannt auch deutsche Gaunersprache) ist ein Sammelbegriff für sondersprachliche Soziolekte gesellschaftlicher Randgruppen auf der Basis des Deutschen, wie sie seit dem späten Mittelalter besonders bei Bettlern, fahrendem Volk (Vaganten), Vertretern sogenannter unehrlicher Berufe und in kriminellen Subkulturen in Gebrauch kamen und seit dem 17. Jahrhundert mit der Ansiedlung von Gruppen vormals Nichtsesshafter auch regionalsprachlichen Niederschlag fanden. Der 1510 erschienene Liber Vagatorum zählt zu ihren ersten gedruckten Werken.
    ellauri101.html on line 532: Rotwelsch was formerly common among travelling craftspeople and vagrants. The language is built on a strong substratum of German, but contains numerous words from other languages, notably from various German dialects, including Yiddish, as well as from Romany languages, notably Sintitikes. There are also significant influences from Judæo-Latin, the ancient Jewish language spoken in the Roman Empire. Rotwelsch has also played a great role in the development of the Yeniche language. In form and development it closely parallels the commercial speech ("shopkeeper language") of German-speaking regions. During the 19th and 20th century, Rotwelsch was the object of linguistic repression, with systematic investigation by the German police. Fucking Nazis! Examples:
    ellauri101.html on line 534: Schokelmei = Kaffee (coffee)
    ellauri101.html on line 552: Generation is also often used synonymously with cohort in social science; under this formulation it means "people within a delineated population who experience the same significant events within a given period of time". The impressionable years hypothesis is a theory of political psychology that posits that individuals form durable political attitudes and party affiliations during late adolescence and early adulthood. Sukupolvet on olleet globaalisia vasta sitten kun sodatkin.
    ellauri101.html on line 621: Generation Alpha (or Gen Alpha for short) is the demographic cohort succeeding Generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 2010s as starting birth years and the mid-2020s as ending birth years. Named after the first letter in the Greek alphabet, Generation Alpha is the first to be born entirely in the 21st century. Most members of Generation Alpha are the children of Millennials.
    ellauri101.html on line 637: During the early to mid-2010s, more babies were born to Christian mothers than to those of any other religion in the world, reflecting the fact that Christianity remained the most popular religion in existence. However, it was the Muslims who had a faster rate of growth. About 33% of the world´s babies were born to Christians who made up 31% of the global population between 2010 and 2015, compared to 31% to Muslims, whose share of the human population was 24%. During the same period, the religiously unaffiliated (including atheists and agnostics) made up 16% of the population but gave birth to only 10% of the world´s children.
    ellauri101.html on line 643: As a result of cultural ideals, government policy, and modern medicine, there have been severe gender imbalances in China and India. According to the United Nations, in 2018, China and India had a combined 50 million of excess males under the age of 20. Such a discrepancy fuels loneliness epidemics, human trafficking (from elsewhere in Asia, such as Cambodia and Vietnam), and prostitution.
    ellauri101.html on line 653: CEC:lle (siis Charlottelle) valehdeltiin että sen Babblafonen oli mennyt rikki. Se oli ollut liimaantunut siihen kiinni kuin Matrixiin. Hon sitter fast. Se nieli menetyxen kun sai ikävystyessään lainata äiskän tai iskän luuria. Ei kyllä kauan enää.
    ellauri102.html on line 339: Starbucks kahvila oli astinlauta isoon viemäriin. Brändipaskalafkat johtaa apinaressukoiden kurjistamista. Helvetti lakatkaa ostamasta kusipäiltä! Ajakaa ne lakoon! Konkkaan koko konkkaronkka! 🤑😠
    ellauri102.html on line 372: Ei vittu narsismista on tullut hyve! Se ei ole luonnevika enää vaan sen puute on! 😃 Naimi myöntää reilusti että se ize on bestsellerejä suoltavana friilänsärinä justiinsa tollainen kermapursopylly, varmaan narsistikin jos sen pintaa vähän raaputtaisi. Mutta jokaista menestyvää "Minä Oy"tä kohden on miljoonittain säälittäviä "Tmi Mä" putiikkeja jotka käy siivoomassa näille kusipäille, leikkaa niiden kynsiä tai pesee niiden autoja jonkun vuokrafirman orjana.
    ellauri102.html on line 386: Tai sit me voidaan ottaa lisää mamuja. Niille kyllä kelpaa oljet sekä ruumenet. Niihän ruozalaiset teki, ja kazo miten hyvin niillä menee nytte koronassakin. Kaikki raflat ja kaupat saa olla auki, ja kalliit mamuvanhuxet saatiin ihan onnen kantamoisena pois kuleximasta ja tukkimasta sairaaloita. Ruozi ei enää muistuta pohjoismaita, se on pikku-Amerikka nyttemmin. Land of the free. Du gamla du fria.
    ellauri102.html on line 418: Before World War II, her paternal grandparents were communists, but they began to turn against the Soviet Union after the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact in 1939. In 1942, her grandfather, an animator at Disney, was fired after the 1941 strike, and had to switch to working in a shipyard instead. By 1956, they had abandoned communism. Vitun takinkääntäjät, juutalaisiin ei ole luottamista, niinkuin se Trotskykin. Klein's father grew up surrounded by silly ideas of social justice and racial equality, but found it "difficult and frightening to be the child of Communists", a so-called red diaper baby.
    ellauri102.html on line 425: She has attributed her change in worldview to two catalysts. One was when she was 17 and preparing for the University of Toronto, her mother had a stroke and became severely disabled. Naomi, her father, and her brother took care of Bonnie through the period in hospital and at home, making educational sacrifices to do so. That year off prevented her "from being such a brat". The next year, after beginning her studies at the University of Toronto, the second catalyst occurred: the 1989 École Polytechnique massacre of female engineering students, which proved to be a wake-up call to feminism.
    ellauri102.html on line 471: The Problem: Controversy for this ad campaign arose in many different ways. The first was the use of world leaders without their consent. In fact, one of the ads features Pope Benedict XVI kissing a top Egyptian imam which was quickly removed after being condemned by the Vatican.
    ellauri102.html on line 489: In addition to this, many right-wing groups started to promote the advert with some going as far as saying Nivea was the official alt-right antiperspirant. Eventually, Nivea released a statement about the ad and immediately withdrew it after realising the wording and context caused offence to many viewers.
    ellauri105.html on line 56: afe2c0d38643e8721f6f" />
    ellauri105.html on line 120: Externalize blame. If they are late to work they will say “traffic was bad” or “construction stopped me” instead of “I overslept”. These people find it a lot easier to blame everyone else for their failures.
    ellauri105.html on line 261: The Hebrew prophets frequently compared the sin of idolatry to the sin of adultery, in a reappearing rhetorical figure.[2]:317 Ezekiel's rhetoric directed against these two allegorical figures depicts them as lusting after Egyptian men in explicitly sexual terms in Ezekiel 23:20–21:[3]:18
    ellauri105.html on line 397: Joku voi kysyä, miksi Raamatun Jumalaan uskovan ja Jeesusta seuraavan kristityn pitäisi ylipäätään perehtyä ei-kristilliseen (saati sitten antikristilliseen) kirjallisuuteen. Itse vierastan ajatusta, että tietämättömyys inhimillisestä kulttuurista (johon kirjallisuuskin kuuluu) olisi kristitylle hyve. Paavali ei olisi osannut viitata sopivassa kohdassa pakanafilosofien teoksiin ateenalaisille puhuessaan eikä C.S. Lewis olisi osannut analysoida osuvasti Raamatun ja muiden tarinoiden eroja sivistyneille lukijoille kirjoittaessaan, jos he olisivat jättäneet ”jumalattoman” kirjallisuuden huomiotta. Toki on olennaista, että oman uskon perusta on tukevasti Jumalan omassa ilmoituksessa – oltiinpa sitten lukemassa maallista kirjallisuutta tai keskustelemassa maailmankuvien eroista ei-uskovan ystävän kanssa. Muuten ne sanovat kuin anhelitohtori: "timeo hominem unius libri."
    ellauri106.html on line 46: Philip Roth has not had much luck with biographers. Late in his life, furiously aggrieved after the failure of his marriage to the actress Claire Bloom and the publication of Bloom’s incendiary memoir of their years together, he asked a close friend, Ross Miller, an English professor at the University of Connecticut, to take on the task. Roth sent Miller lists of family members and friends he wanted to be interviewed, along with the questions that he felt should be asked. (“Would you have expected him to achieve success on the scale he has?”) It didn’t work out, for various reasons. Roth had wanted Miller to refute a familiar charge, “this whole mad fucking misogynistic bullshit!” that he felt flattened his long erotic history into one false accusation. But Miller came to his own conclusion. “There is a predatory side to both Sandy and Philip,” he told a cousin of Roth’s. (Sandy was Roth’s older brother.) “They look at women—I’m not gonna write about this—but they are misogynist. They talk about women in that way.”
    ellauri106.html on line 50: What may be more damning, though, is what the Bailey revelations don’t change. “It wasn’t just ‘Fucked this one fucked that one fucked this one,’ ” Roth once told Miller. Yet Bailey’s biography gives the impression that it was exactly like that: a long life spent writing book after book, and pursuing, then fleeing from, woman after woman after woman.
    ellauri106.html on line 58: LOL mikä setämiehennielijä tää Alexandra Schwartz, hasbeen staffwriter at The New Yorker since 2016. Se koittaa asettua Philipin ja Sandyn osaan. Ymmärtää Rothin poikia. Baileytä ei tarvi ymmärtää, ymmärrettävästi kyllä. Sen nyt ymmärtää kuka vaan. Se on tavis ahnas apina mela mekossa, ei se ole laulun arvoinen.
    ellauri106.html on line 65: Philip Roth was the younger of the 2 boys of Herman Roth (1901–1989) and his wife Bess, nee Finkel (1904–1981). Both parents were assimilated American Jews of the second generation of immigrants. The maternal grandparents came from the area around Kiev, the Yiddish-speaking paternal grandparents, Sender and Bertha Roth, from Koslow in Galicia. Sender Roth had trained as a rabbi in Galicia and worked in a hat factory in Newark. Herman Roth, the middle of seven children and the first child in the United States, first worked in a factory after eight years of schooling, then became an insurance agent selling door-to-door life insurance. By his retirement he made it to the district director of Metropolitan Life. Philip Roth's brother, Sanford (Sandy) Roth (1927–2009), who was four years older than him, studied art at the Pratt Institute, became vice-president of the advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather in Chicago and made a name for himself as a painter after his "early retirement".
    ellauri106.html on line 76: In 1987, in the loneliness of Connecticut, Roth experienced a breakdown caused by a sleeping pill with hallucinatory side effects. He made the experience, as well as the trial of the concentration camp guard John Demjanjuk in Jerusalem, whom he had followed as an observer, the starting point of the 1993 novel Operation Shylock, the encounter between a fictional Philip Roth and his doppelganger. The writer also felt increasingly isolated in London and returned to New York, where he moved into an apartment on the Upper West Side. He took over from 1988 to 1991 a professor of literature at Hunter College of the City University of New York. In 1990 he married his longtime partner Claire Bloom, but the marriage was divorced in 1994 after Roth's growing estrangement and severe depression, including a stay in a psychiatric clinic. Bloom dealt with the problematic relationship two years later in her memoir Leaving a Doll's House .
    ellauri106.html on line 80: In the early 2000s, Roth met the young assistant editor Lisa Halliday at his literary agency Andrew Wylie. A love affair developed from having lunch together, which culminated in a lifelong deep friendship. Halliday processed the love and friendship for Roth in the highly acclaimed autobiographical inspired novel Asymmetrie, which she completed in 2016. Roth, who read the manuscript, liked it.
    ellauri106.html on line 82: The story The Breast (Breast) from the following year, the literature professor David Kepesh transformed in into a female breast, awakens echoes of Franz Kafka, the Roth has for a special devotion among his literary models. The search for Kafka's traces led to his first visit to Prague in 1972, which was followed by annual trips until the author was refused an entry visa in 1977. In Czechoslovakia Roth got to know contemporary Czech literature and was in contact with Ivan Klíma, Milan Kundera and Ludvík Vaculík in particular.
    ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
    ellauri106.html on line 126: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
    ellauri106.html on line 146: Sanford Roth, more affectionately known as "Sandy," lived with flair and boldness in his roles as an accomplished artist, a successful advertising executive spanning three decades, and a smooth dancer some likened to Fred Astaire.
    ellauri106.html on line 158: Mr. Roth was first married in 1954 and shortly thereafter adopted two boys, Seth and Jonathan. He struggled with raising both young children after his wife died in 1970. Not Dorene, but an ex, not named.
    ellauri106.html on line 179: Today the lengthy obituaries are all laudatory. Tomorrow or the next day I can safely predict that the backlash will begin with harshly critical essays. Leading the way will be Feminists critics who will denounce the whole cabal of elite white men as the custodians of the literary cannon. More pointedly they will charge Roth with toxic masculinity and misogyny and will come loaded for bear with plenty of quotes from his work. They will also have the example and testimony of his two ex-wives, both of whom showed up thinly disguised in his novels—a Margaret Martinson in When She Was Good and actress Clare Bloom in I Married a Communist. Bloom penned her own bitter exposé of their 14-year-long relationship and four year marriage in he memoir Leaving the Doll’s House.
    ellauri106.html on line 184: “The comedy is that the real haters of the bourgeois Jews, with the real contempt for their everyday lives, are these complex intellectual giants,” Zuckerman snorts. “They loathe them, and don’t particularly care for the smell of the Jewish proletariat either. All of them full of sympathy suddenly for the ghetto world of their traditional fathers now that the traditional fathers are filed for safekeeping in Beth Moses Memorial Park. When they were alive they wanted to strangle the immigrant bastards to death because they dared to think they could actually be of consequence without ever having read Proust past Swann’s Way. And the ghetto—what the ghetto saw of these guys was their heels: out, out, screaming for air, to write about great Jews like Ralph Waldo Emerson and William Dean Howells. But now that the Weathermen are around, and me and my friends Jerry Rubin and Herbert Marcuse and H. Rap Brown, it’s where oh where’s the inspired orderliness of those good old Hebrew school days? Where’s the linoleum? Where’s Aunt Rose? Where is all the wonderful inflexible patriarchal authority into which they wanted to stick a knife?”
    ellauri106.html on line 195: Thomas Wolfe (1900–1938) was born in Asheville, North Carolina, and educated at the University of North Carolina and Harvard University. He taught English at New York University and traveled extensively in Europe and America. Wolfe created his legacy as a classic American novelist with Look Homeward, Angel; Of Time and the River; A Stone, a Leaf, a Door; and From Death to Morning. Wolfe's influence extends to the writings of Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac, and of authors Ray Bradbury and Philip Roth, among others. He remains an important writer in modern American literature, as one of the first masters of autobiographical fiction, and is considered North Carolina's most famous writer. Ei mitään pientä.
    ellauri106.html on line 256: The couple separated acrimoniously in 1963 and she subsequently refused to divorce Roth. They separated in 1963 and she died in a car crash in 1968, something that deeply affected Roth’s work.
    ellauri106.html on line 312: Taftin kampanja väitti, että Eisenhower olisi tehnyt aviorikoksia hänen sodanaikaisen rakastajattaren, Kay Summersbyn kanssa sekä että Eisenhower oli 'kommunistisen marsalkka Georgi Žukovin juomakaveri' ja että Paavi Pius XII olisi kastanut Eisenhowerin katoliseksi. Ikellä ei ollut omaa kirkkoa ennenkö pressana mutta uskovainen se oli ihan pikkupojasta.
    ellauri106.html on line 386: A committed atheist, Philip Roth feared only one form of posthumous punishment: being trapped for all eternity in a hostile biography. In 2007, Roth, echoing a similar quip from Oscar Wilde, said, “Biography gives a new dimension of terror to dying.” Roth’s had already been the subject of a harsh and unforgiving portrait in Leaving a Doll’s House (1996), the memoirs of his former wife, the actor Claire Bloom. As John Updike noted in The New York Review of Books, “Claire Bloom, as the wronged ex-wife of Philip Roth, shows him to have been, as their marriage rapidly unraveled, neurasthenic to the point of hospitalization, adulterous, callously selfish, and financially vindictive.” This crisp summary ended Roth’s friendship with Updike, even after Updike made clear he was recapping Bloom’s book and not affirming its accuracy.
    ellauri106.html on line 398: "I'm afraid there isn't, no," Roth said.
    ellauri106.html on line 465: “I welcomed the honor,” Roth told a friend after the ceremony.
    ellauri106.html on line 531: Confident from its victory over Fascism and emboldened by the subsequent economic boom, America jelled behind what social theorist Jeffrey Alexander has called modernization or romantic liberalism. As has been the case throughout much of Roth’s career, the socio-political touchstone of his American Trilogy is the “patriotic war years” and the consensus culture that blossomed immediately afterward. “Everything was in motion,” Zuckerman says in the opening pages of American Pastoral. “The lid was off. Americans were to start over again, en masse, everyone in it together”. Reagan-propagandaa.
    ellauri106.html on line 533: That imagined past included the old left and its heroic narrative of collective emancipation, which, particularly after the revelations of Stalinist atrocities, no longer seemed enticing. Instead, American ideology turned on the “romantic” belief that the nation had, in effect, already discovered an ideal social order, “that progress would be more or less continuously achieved, that improvement was likely”.
    ellauri106.html on line 556: Before his death from congestive heart failure on Tuesday, he made no secret of his contempt for Donald Trump, was instinctively liberal in most respects, and thought of himself as a Roosevelt Democrat. Yet his political novels have a nagging MAGA aftertaste. Successful, decent, hardworking men, who in the time of our fathers would have been appreciated, are mindlessly destroyed by modern women as the embodiments of a degenerate society. Roth’s desire, ultimately, is the same as Reagan’s: an impossible return to the promised land of modernization. Not by coincidence, the final chapter of The Human Stain is titled, “The Purifying Ritual.” Puhdistuxesta kuumuu kaikki anaalis-obsessiiviset henkilöt Hitleristä Rothiin ja Sofi Oxaseen. Puhamaan! Äiitii mä oon vallmiiis! Tuu PYYHKIMÄÄN!
    ellauri106.html on line 586: Tää Lakmé tarinakin on Margaretin (Gerald), Phillun (Lakmé) ja Herman-isän toisinto. Phillun isä Herman jakoi Phillun muka autografisia niteitä omalla nimikirjoituxella. Se ei tykännyt pojan julkeudesta mutta kyllä sen julkisuudesta. You can´t have just one without the other, you must have both.
    ellauri106.html on line 588: Sulttaanirusinat on pissanvärisiä. Faffa tarjosi Maurinkadulla jouluna parapähkinöitä taateleita viikunoita ja isoja mustia rusinoita joissa oli kiviä. Kivet oli ikäviä mutta rusinat hyviä. Kuivatuista viikunoista pidän vieläkin kuin hullu puurosta. Taatelit on vähän ällön tahmaisia. Rusinannäköinen Maggi puuhaili jotain taka-alalla. Se ei puhunut paljon, ainakaan suomea.
    ellauri106.html on line 605: – Vi har jobbat med Trafikverket kring detta i 20 år, men det händer ju inget, säger ornitologen PO Nilsson.
    ellauri106.html on line 635: In his baffled grief, Levov is taunted by a female confederate of his daughter’s who stridently berates him as a capitalist pig for a dozen pages, then tries to seduce him with corny porno lines like, “I bet you’ve got yourself quite a pillar in there ... the pillar of society.” When he resists, she shows him her vagina, and “rolling the labia lips outward with her fingers, [exposes] to him the membranous tissue veined and mottled and waxy with the moist tulip sheen of flayed flesh.”
    ellauri106.html on line 646: Olin lukenut Conradin Lordi Jimin ja Mauriacin myrkyttäjättären ja Kafkan kirjeen isälleen, olin lukenut Hawthornen Strindbergin ja Sofokleen, ja Freudin teoxia enkä siltikään ymmärtänyt että häpeä, siis lue loukattu izerakkaus, epäonnistunut narsismi, voi painaa ihmisen tällaiseen tilaan.
    ellauri106.html on line 648: Joo just tämä porukka on erittäinkin nahisevaa narsissipenkkiä. No tota Kafkaa en ole lukenut, mutta muut on tuttuja, ja läpeensä ällöjä. Juuri samanlaisia pettyneitä narsisteja kuin hra Roth.
    ellauri107.html on line 61: I am Casey's father and son of Lyle Van and one of the three little redheads. Dirk, my brother was on Westwood One radio for many years doing news and information shows. I remember all of the WOR people you mentioned..on Christmas Eve our choir from Christs Church in Rye would sing on air every year. I miss my dad as all sons miss their dad when they are gone. He and my mother raised us in a safe and happy household and we were all better for it. We have great memories of our childhood.
    ellauri107.html on line 97: At the end of his stay, Neil attends Ron's wedding to Harriet, who was his college sweetheart from Ohio. Brenda returns to Radcliffe in the fall, keeping in touch by telephone. She invites Neil to come up to spend a weekend at a Boston hotel. However, once they are in the hotel room, Brenda tells Neil she just received letters telling her that her mother found her diaphragm and that her parents know about their affair. They argue, with Neil asking why she left it to be found unless she wanted it to happen. Siding with her parents, Brenda ends the affair as abruptly as she allowed it to commence. Neil walks out of the hotel, leaving her alone in the room.
    ellauri107.html on line 99: Olipa tapahtumaköyhä juoni. Well, you win some, you lose some, on to new adventures. Intelligenteille Klugmaneille löytyy aina uusia diafragmoja. Mutta hullua että edes Peppu ize saattoi kuvitella olevansa moralisti, kun sen jutut on niin täynnä sitä izeä ja niin tyystin vapaita mistään empatiasta ja tiimihengestä. Mutta kuten sanottua, sen moraali on otettu farisealaisuuden pimeältä puolelta. Se on se ulkokullattu joka takoo rintaansa temppelissä ja kiittää ettei se ole samanlainen kuin toi publikaani.
    ellauri107.html on line 114: Rojack vomits over the balcony at a party and considers suicide. Rojack has sex with Ruta in her room. Later Rojack sees Cherry again. He is drawn to her. She and Rojack flirt and kiss. They have sex, and after emptying the load Rojack realizes he has fallen in love with her. Rojack goes back to Cherry and they make love. Cherry tells her life story viz her finally having a vaginal orgasm with Rojack. Rojack and nigger Shago fight. He returns to Cherry's only to find out from Roberts she has been killed. No more vaginal orgasms from her. Rojack travels to Las Vegas where he wins big at the tables, paying off all his debts. He imagines speaking with Cherry in Heaven before he heads south to Guatemala and the Yucatán. Y asi finaliza esta historia.
    ellauri107.html on line 146: I can’t be the first gay man to have been an older "straight" man’s mainstay. Philip had searched diligently for a beautiful young woman to see to him as Jane Eyre looked after old Mr. Rochester. What he got instead was me. The degree of attachment surprised us both. Were we lovers? Obviously not. Were we in love? Not exactly. But ours was a criminal conversation neither could have done without.
    ellauri107.html on line 183: As [Arlin]Turner says in analyzing this letter, “[Melville] was aware, it can be assumed, of the inclusiveness and interwoven imagery of his letter, and no less aware of the meaning behind the imagery. The same awareness can be assumed on the part of Hawthorne”. Edwin Haviland Miller, who interprets Melville’s affection for Hawthorne as in part sexual, says that in this passage, “the most ardent and doubtlessly one of the most painful he was ever to write, he candidly and boldly laid bare his love”. Miller goes on to say that “when Hawthorne retreated from Lenox, he retreated from Melville. How Hawthorne felt his reticences keep us from knowing, but his friend wrestled with the problems and nature of the relationship almost until the end of his life”. Turner says only that “there is evidence through the remaining forty years of Melville’s life that he thought he had been rebuffed by Hawthorne, and that he felt a genuine regret for his loss.”
    ellauri107.html on line 195: In the following excerpts from Hawthorne's The Blithedale Romance, the Hawthorne-like character, poet and narrator Miles Coverdale, and the Melville-like character, passionate monomaniac Hollingsworth suggest Melville's influence on the novel. The first person narrator, a young man who joins a major enterprise with mostly adventure-seeking motives, certainly calls to mind narrator Ishmael in Melville's Moby-Dick. The dark and brawny Hollingsworth, bearing a physical resemblance to Melville, cares for Coverdale and seeks his partnership, moreover, in an intensity that seems to parallel Melville's evident affection for and desire for intimacy with Hawthorne. The sharp, mysterious break in the relationships between the two authors and the fictional pair constitute yet another likeness.
    ellauri107.html on line 208: Coverdale declares, "I loved Hollingsworth, as has already been enough expressed." He adds, "If . . .[Priscilla] thought him beautiful, it was no wonder. I often thought him so, with the expression of tender, human care, and gentlest sympathy . . . ." And in Hawthorne's most explicitly homoerotic allusion, Coverdale notes, "the footing, on which we all associated at Blithedale, was widely different from that of conventional society. While inclining us to the soft affections of the Golden Age, it seemed to authorize any individual, of either sex, to fall in love with any other, regardless of what would elsewhere be judged suitable and prudent."
    ellauri107.html on line 226: To have known him, To have loved him after loneness long;
    ellauri107.html on line 244: Claggart’s repressed, closeted attraction to Billy finds parallels with some interpretations of Hawthorne’s evident spurning of Melville’s too intimate attentions and Hawthorne’s character in The Blithedale Romance Coverdale’s similar rejection of the invitation from Holingsworth to be his “friend of friends, forever.” For Melville, Hawthorne’s Arthur Dimmesdale’s agonizing acknowledgement of adultery must have seemed a stunning parallel with what later generations would term “coming out of the closet.” Whether Hawthorne himself were a closeted gay man, it is clear that Melville was relatively open in his affections for the senior author and that those affections were somehow turned away and seem to have left a wound that never fully healed. The evils of the closet constitute a subtext in Billy Budd that may well have brought to its author’s mind the sad sundering of his closeness with Nathaniel Hawthorne.
    ellauri107.html on line 248: Although British naval mutineers as well as criminals ashore are explicitly shown in Billy Budd’s early chapters to have received forms of amnesty that ultimately contributed to the saving of the nation, Vere offers no such amnesty to Billy Budd. Claggart himself is rumored to have entered the service as an alternative to imprisonment, the navy’s need for manpower leading to frequent waivers of usual punishments; but Billy Budd receives no alternatives, no waivers. At Nelson’s triumphant Trafalgar, the thwarting of Napoleon’s invasion plans meant a “plenary absolution” for all the former offenders who had contributed to the victory. Billy, however, a “peacemaker,” neither a mutineer nor a criminal, makes a single misstep in retaliation against a known liar who seeks to manipulate the system to destroy him, and how is Billy to be absolved? Vere’s “vehemently exclaimed” answer: “the angel must hang!”
    ellauri107.html on line 262: Cohn always denied his homosexuality in public, however, in private he was open about his sexual orientation with a few select friends. He had several long-term boyfriends over the course of his life, including a man called Russell Eldridge who died from AIDS in 1984, and for the last two years of his life, Cohn was partnered to a man 30 years his junior called Peter Fraser. Fraser inherited Cohn's house in Manhattan after Cohn died from AIDS in 1986.
    ellauri107.html on line 268: Taylor says that after Roth announced his retirement from writing in 2012, he stopped making art, but he still wrote, producing a manuscript of over a thousand pages whose purpose was to air grudge after grudge. Taylor comments that the underside of Roth's greatness swarmed with grievances time had not assuaged.
    ellauri107.html on line 331: Roth kopsi paljon kirjallisilta esikuviltaan, joita olivat ainakin Kafka, Gogol, Flaubert, Beckett, Joyce, Melville, Dostojevski, Celine ja Virginia Woolf. Seesteisemmältä puolelta Tsehov, Tolstoi ja Henry James.
    ellauri107.html on line 395: The antihero of Roth’s 1995 novel Sabbath’s Theatre blinds us with his astonishing misogyny, his exponential misanthropy, his audacious nihilism - and yet he makes us care shit. The depraved Mickey Sabbath, the hero, anti-hero and villain of Philip Roth’s 1995 tour d'Eiffel, Sabbath’s Theatre. Just what he does to deserve this affection over the course of 450 bile-filled pages is hard to fathom. He virtually copies that bête noire of creative writing courses, the unsympathetic character. To discover such a monstrous creation on the page is a shock.
    ellauri107.html on line 408: So why do we put up with him? (Sabbath? No I mean Roth.) Are we just drawn by the villainous? Who "we"? Speak for yourself motherfucker. Whose name was Jude Cook. Översatt på svenska: judekuk. Phil had good reason to be afraid of the judgment day.
    ellauri107.html on line 436: His name was George F. Babbitt. He was forty-six years old now, in April, 1920, and he made nothing in particular, neither butter nor shoes nor poetry, but he was nimble in the calling of selling houses for more than people could afford to pay.
    ellauri107.html on line 501: “Look here, Stan; let's get this clear. You've got an idea somehow that it's you that do all the selling. Where d' you get that stuff? Where d' you think you'd be if it wasn't for our capital behind you, and our lists of properties, and all the prospects we find for you? All you got to do is follow up our tips and close the deal. The hall-porter could sell Babbitt-Thompson listings! You say you're engaged to a girl, but have to put in your evenings chasing after buyers. Well, why the devil shouldn't you? What do you want to do? Sit around holding her hand? Let me tell you, Stan, if your girl is worth her salt, she'll be glad to know you're out hustling, making some money to furnish the home-nest, instead of doing the lovey-dovey. The kind of fellow that kicks about working overtime, that wants to spend his evenings reading trashy novels or spooning and exchanging a lot of nonsense and foolishness with some girl, he ain't the kind of upstanding, energetic young man, with a future—and with Vision!—that we want here. How about it? What's your Ideal, anyway? Do you want to make money and be a responsible member of the community, or do you want to be a loafer, with no Inspiration or Pep?”
    ellauri107.html on line 554: With the threat of serious illness hanging over her, Milly decides to travel to Venice with Mrs. Stringham. Aunt Maud, Kate and Densher follow her. At a party Milly gives in her Venice palazzo (the older Palazzo Barbaro, called "Palazzo Leporelli" in the novel), Kate finally reveals her complete plan to Densher: he is to marry Milly so that, after her presumably soon-to-occur death, he will inherit the money they can marry on. Densher had suspected this was Kate's idea, and he demands that she consummate their affair before he will go along with her plan.
    ellauri108.html on line 67: While pronouncing the tetragrammaton is forbidden for Jews, articulating "Jah"/"Yah" is allowed, but is usually confined to prayer and study. In the modern English-language Christian context, the name Jah is commonly associated with the Rastafari.
    ellauri108.html on line 90: Rastafari use the terms Jah or sometimes Jah Jah as a term for the Lord God of Israel or Haile Selassie, who some Rastafari regard as the incarnation of the God of the Old Testament or as the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, who is also known by the Ethiopian title Janhoy.
    ellauri108.html on line 92: Rastas are monotheists, worshipping a singular God whom they call Jah. The term "Jah" is a shortened version of "Jehovah", the name of God in English translations of the Old Testament. Rastafari holds strongly to the immanence of this divinity; as well as regarding Jah as a deity, Rastas believe that Jah is inherent within each individual. This belief is reflected in the aphorism, often cited by Rastas, that "God is man and man is God", and Rastas speak of "knowing" Jah, in the biblical sense, rather than simply "believing" in him. In seeking to narrow the distance between humanity and divinity, Rastafari embraces mysticism.
    ellauri108.html on line 94: Jesus is an important figure in Rastafari. However, practitioners reject the traditional Christian view of Jesus, particularly the depiction of him as a white European, believing that this is a perversion of the truth. They believe that Jesus was a black African, and that the white Jesus was a false god. Many Rastas regard Christianity as the creation of the white man; they treat it with suspicion out of the view that the oppressors (white Europeans) and the oppressed (black Africans) cannot share the same God. Many Rastas take the view that the God worshipped by most white Christians is actually the Devil, and a recurring claim among Rastas is that the Pope is Satan or the Antichrist. Rastas therefore often view Christian preachers as deceivers and regard Christianity as being guilty of furthering the oppression of the African diaspora, frequently referring to it as having perpetrated "mental enslavement".
    ellauri108.html on line 98: From its origins, Rastafari was intrinsically linked with Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1930 to 1974. He remains the central figure in Rastafari ideology, and although all Rastas hold him in esteem, precise interpretations of his identity differ. Understandings of how Haile Selassie relates to Jesus vary among Rastas. Many, although not all, believe that the Ethiopian monarch was the Second Coming of Jesus, legitimising this by reference to their interpretation of the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation. By viewing Haile Selassie as Jesus, these Rastas also regard him as the messiah prophesied in the Old Testament, the manifestation of God in human form, and "the living God". Some perceive him as part of a Trinity, alongside God as Creator and the Holy Spirit, the latter referred to as "the Breath within the temple". Rastas who view Haile Selassie as Jesus argue that both were descendants from the royal line of the Biblical king David, while Rastas also emphasise the fact that the Makonnen dynasty, of which Haile Selassie was a member, claimed descent from the Biblical figures Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
    ellauri108.html on line 102: On being crowned, Haile Selassie was given the title of "King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah". Rastas use this title for Haile Selassie alongside others, such as "Almighty God", "Judge and Avenger", "King Alpha and Queen Omega", "Returned Messiah", "Elect of God", and "Elect of Himself". Rastas also view Haile Selassie as a symbol of their positive affirmation of Africa as a source of spiritual and cultural heritage.
    ellauri108.html on line 104: While he was emperor, many Jamaican Rastas professed the belief that Haile Selassie would never die. The 1974 overthrow of Haile Selassie by the military Derg and his subsequent death in 1975 resulted in a crisis of faith for many practitioners. Some left the movement altogether. Others remained, and developed new strategies for dealing with the news. Some Rastas believed that Selassie did not really die and that claims to the contrary were Western misinformation. To bolster their argument, they pointed to the fact that no corpse had been produced; in reality, Haile Selassie's body had been buried beneath his palace, remaining undiscovered there until 1992. Another perspective within Rastafari acknowledged that Haile Selassie's body had perished, but claimed that his inner essence survived as a spiritual force. A third response within the Rastafari community was that Selassie's death was inconsequential as he had only been a "personification" of Jah rather than Jah himself.
    ellauri108.html on line 106: During his life, Selassie described himself as a devout Christian. In a 1967 interview, Selassie was asked about the Rasta belief that he was the Second Coming of Jesus, to which he responded: "I have heard of this idea. I also met certain Rastafarians. I told them clearly that I am a man, that I am mortal, and that I will be replaced by the oncoming generation, and that they should never make a mistake in assuming or pretending that a human being is emanated from a deity." His grandson Ermias Sahle Selassie has said that there is "no doubt that Haile Selassie did not encourage the Rastafari movement". Critics of Rastafari have used this as evidence that Rasta theological beliefs are incorrect, although some Rastas take Selassie's denials as evidence that he was indeed the incarnation of God, based on their reading of the Gospel of Luke.
    ellauri108.html on line 108: According to Clarke, Rastafari is "concerned above all else with black consciousness, with rediscovering the identity, personal and racial, of black people". The Rastafari movement began among Afro-Jamaicans who wanted to reject the British imperial culture that dominated Jamaica and replace it with a new identity based on a reclamation of their African heritage. Its emphasis is on the purging of any belief in the inferiority of black people, and the superiority of white people, from the minds of its followers. Rastafari is therefore Afrocentric, equating blackness with the African continent, and endorsing a form of Pan-Africanism.
    ellauri108.html on line 110: Practitioners of Rastafari identify themselves with the ancient Israelites—God's chosen people in the Old Testament—and believe that black Africans broadly or Rastas more specifically are either the descendants or the reincarnations of this ancient people. This is similar to beliefs in Judaism, although many Rastas believe that contemporary Jews' status as the descendants of the ancient Israelites is a false claim. Rastas typically believe that black Africans are God's chosen people, meaning that they made a covenant with him and thus have a special responsibility. Rastafari espouses the view that this, the true identity of black Africans, has been lost and needs to be reclaimed.
    ellauri108.html on line 112: There is no uniform Rasta view on race. Black supremacy was a theme early in the movement, with the belief in the existence of a distinctly black African race that is superior to other racial groups. While some still hold this belief, non-black Rastas are now widely accepted in the movement. Rastafari's history has opened the religion to accusations of racism. Cashmore noted that there was an "implicit potential" for racism in Rasta beliefs but he also noted that racism was not "intrinsic" to the religion. Some Rastas have acknowledged that there is racism in the movement, primarily against Europeans and Asians. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta. Other Rasta sects believe that an "African" identity is not inherently linked to black skin but rather is about whether an individual displays an African "attitude" or "spirit".
    ellauri108.html on line 115: Rastafari teaches that the black African diaspora are exiles living in "Babylon", a term which it applies to Western society. For Rastas, European colonialism and global capitalism are regarded as manifestations of Babylon, while police and soldiers are viewed as its agents. The term "Babylon" is adopted because of its Biblical associations. In the Old Testament, Babylon is the Mesopotamian city where the Israelites were held captive, exiled from their homeland, between 597 and 586 BCE; Rastas compare the exile of the Israelites in Mesopotamia to the exile of the African diaspora outside Africa. In the New Testament, "Babylon" is used as a euphemism for the Roman Empire, which was regarded as acting in a destructive manner that was akin to the way in which the ancient Babylonians acted. Rastas perceive the exile of the black African diaspora in Babylon as an experience of great suffering, with the term "suffering" having a significant place in Rasta discourse.
    ellauri108.html on line 121: In portraying Africa as their "Promised Land", Rastas reflect their desire to escape what they perceive as the domination and degradation that they experience in Babylon. During the first three decades of the Rastafari movement, it placed strong emphasis on the need for the African diaspora to be repatriated to Africa. To this end, various Rastas lobbied the Jamaican government and United Nations to oversee this resettlement process. Other Rastas organised their own transportation to the African continent. Critics of the movement have argued that the migration of the entire African diaspora to Africa is implausible, particularly as no African country would welcome this.
    ellauri108.html on line 125: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise. In the 1980s, many Rastas believed that the Day of Judgment would happen around the year 2000. A view then common in the Rasta community was that the world's white people would wipe themselves out through nuclear war, with black Africans then ruling the world, something that they argued was prophesied in the Book of Daniel.
    ellauri108.html on line 127: Rastas do not believe that there is a specific afterlife to which individuals go following bodily death. They believe in the possibility of eternal life, and that only those who shun righteousness will actually die. The scholar of religion Leonard E. Barrett observed some Jamaican Rastas who believed that those practitioners who did die had not been faithful to Jah. He suggested that this attitude stemmed from the large numbers of young people that were then members of the movement, and who had thus seen only few Rastas die. Another Rasta view is that those who are righteous will undergo reincarnation, with an individual's identity remaining throughout each of their incarnations. In keeping with their views on death, Rastas eschew celebrating physical death and often avoid funerals, also repudiating the practice of ancestor veneration that is common among traditional African religions.
    ellauri108.html on line 131: Rastafari promotes the idea of "living naturally", in accordance with what Rastas regard as nature's laws. It endorses the idea that Africa is the "natural" abode of black Africans, a continent where they can live according to African culture and tradition and be themselves on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level. Practitioners believe that Westerners and Babylon have detached themselves from nature through technological development and thus have become debilitated, slothful, and decadent. Some Rastas express the view that they should adhere to what they regard as African laws rather than the laws of Babylon, thus defending their involvement in certain acts which may be illegal in the countries that they are living in. In emphasising this Afrocentric approach, Rastafari expresses overtones of black nationalism.
    ellauri108.html on line 133: Some Rastas have promoted activism as a means of achieving socio-political reform, while others believe in awaiting change that will be brought about through divine intervention in human affairs. In Jamaica, Rastas typically do not vote, derogatorily dismissing politics as "politricks", and rarely involve themselves in political parties or unions. The Rasta tendency to believe that socio-political change is inevitable opens the religion up to the criticism from the political left that it encourages adherents to do little or nothing to alter the status quo. Other Rastas do engage in political activism; the Ghanaian Rasta singer-songwriter Rocky Dawuni for instance was involved in campaigns promoting democratic elections, while in Grenada, many Rastas joined the People's Revolutionary Government formed in 1979.
    ellauri108.html on line 135: Rastafari promotes what it regards as the restoration of black manhood, believing that men in the African diaspora have been emasculated by Babylon. It espouses patriarchal principles, including the idea that women should submit to male leadership. External observers—including scholars such as Cashmore and Edmonds—have claimed that Rastafari accords women an inferior position to men. Rastafari women usually accept this subordinate position and regard it as their duty to obey their men; the academic Maureen Rowe suggested that women were willing to join the religion despite its restrictions because they valued the life of structure and discipline it provided. Rasta discourse often presents women as morally weak and susceptible to deception by evil, and claims that they are impure while menstruating. Rastas legitimise these gender roles by citing Biblical passages, particularly those in the Book of Leviticus and in the writings of Paul the Apostle. The Rasta Shop is a store selling items associated with Rastafari in the U.S. state of Oregon.
    ellauri108.html on line 139: As it existed in Jamaica, Rastafari did not promote monogamy. Rasta men are permitted multiple female sex partners, while women are expected to reserve their sexual activity for one male partner. Marriage is not usually formalised through legal ceremonies but is a common-law affair, although many Rastas are legally married. Rasta men refer to their female partners as "queens", or "empresses", while the males in these relationships are known as "kingmen". Rastafari places great importance on family life and the raising of children, with reproduction being encouraged. The religion emphasises the place of men in child-rearing, associating this with the recovery of African manhood. Women often work, sometimes while the man raises the children at home. Rastafari typically rejects feminism, although since the 1970s growing numbers of Rasta women have called for greater gender equity in the movement. The scholar Terisa E. Turner for instance encountered Kenyan feminists who were appropriating Rastafari content to suit their political agenda. Some Rasta women have challenged gender norms by wearing their hair uncovered in public and donning trousers.
    ellauri108.html on line 141: Rastafari regards procreation as the purpose of sex, and thus oral and anal sex are usually forbidden. Both contraception and abortion are usually censured, and a common claim in Rasta discourse is that these were inventions of Babylon to decrease the black African birth-rate. Rastas typically express hostile attitudes to homosexuality, regarding homosexuals as evil and unnatural; this attitude derives from references to same-sex sexual activity in the Bible. Homosexual Rastas probably conceal their sexual orientation because of these attitudes. Rastas typically see the growing acceptance of birth control and homosexuality in Western society as evidence of the degeneration of Babylon as it approaches its apocalyptic end.
    ellauri108.html on line 143: Rastas refer to their cultural and religious practices as "livity". Rastafari does not place emphasis on hierarchical structures. It has no professional priesthood, with Rastas believing that there is no need for a priest to act as mediator between the worshipper and divinity. It nevertheless has "elders", an honorific title bestowed upon those with a good reputation among the community. Although respected figures, they do not necessarily have administrative functions or responsibilities. When they do oversee ritual meetings, they are often responsible for helping to interpret current events in terms of Biblical scripture. Elders often communicate with each other through a network to plan movement events and form strategies.
    ellauri108.html on line 147: One of the central activities at groundings is "reasoning". This is a discussion among assembled Rastas about the religion's principles and their relevance to current events. These discussions are supposed to be non-combative, although attendees can point out the fallacies in any arguments presented. Those assembled inform each other about the revelations that they have received through meditation and dream. Each contributor is supposed to push the boundaries of understanding until the entire group has gained greater insight into the topic under discussion. In meeting together with like-minded individuals, reasoning helps Rastas to reassure one another of the correctness of their beliefs. Rastafari meetings are opened and closed with prayers. These involve supplication of God, the supplication for the hungry, sick, and infants, and calls for the destruction of the Rastas' enemies, and then close with statements of adoration.
    ellauri108.html on line 152: Nyabinghi Issemblies typically take place in rural areas, being situated in the open air or in temporary structures—known as "temples" or "tabernacles"—specifically constructed for the purpose. Any elder seeking to sponsor a Nyabinghi Issembly must have approval from other elders and requires the adequate resources to organise such an event. The assembly usually lasts between three and seven days. During the daytime, attendees engage in food preparation, ganja smoking, and reasoning, while at night they focus on drumming and dancing around bonfires. Nyabinghi Issemblies often attract Rastas from a wide area, including from different countries. They establish and maintain a sense of solidarity among the Rasta community and cultivate a feeling of collective belonging. Unlike in many other religions, rites of passage play no role in Rastafari; on death, various Rastas have been given Christian funerals by their relatives, as there are no established Rasta funeral rites.
    ellauri108.html on line 154: The principal ritual of Rastafari is the smoking of ganja, also known as marijuana or cannabis or pot. Among the names that Rastas give to the plant are callie, Iley, "the herb", "the holy herb", "the grass", and "the weed". Cannabis is usually smoked during groundings, although some practitioners also smoke it informally in other contexts. Some Rastas smoke it almost all of the time, something other practitioners regard as excessive, and many practitioners also ingest cannabis in a tea, as a spice in cooking, and as an ingredient in medicine. However, not all Rastas use ganja; abstainers explain that they have already achieved a higher level of consciousness and thus do not require it.
    ellauri108.html on line 156: In Rastafari, cannabis is considered a sacrament. Rastas argue that the use of ganja is promoted in the Bible, specifically in Genesis, Psalms, and Revelation. They regard it as having healing properties, eulogise it for inducing feelings of "peace and love", and claim that it cultivates a form of personal introspection that allows the smokers to discover their inner divinity. Some Rastas believe that cannabis smoke serves as an incense that counteracts immoral practices in society.
    ellauri108.html on line 160: There are various options that might explain how cannabis smoking came to be part of Rastafari. By the 8th century, Arab traders had introduced cannabis to Central and Southern Africa. In the 19th century, enslaved Bakongo people arrived in Jamaica, where they established the religion of Kumina. In Kumina, cannabis was smoked during religious ceremonies in the belief that it facilitated possession by ancestral spirits. The religion was largely practiced in south-east Jamaica's Saint Thomas Parish, where a prominent early Rasta, Leonard Howell, lived while he was developing many of Rastafari's beliefs and practices; it may have been through Kumina that cannabis became part of Rastafari. A second possible source was the use of cannabis in Hindu rituals. Hindu migrants arrived in Jamaica as indentured servants from British India between 1834 and 1917, and brought cannabis with them. A Jamaican Hindu priest, Laloo, was one of Howell's spiritual advisors, and may have influenced his adoption of ganja. The adoption of cannabis may also have been influenced by the widespread medicinal and recreational use of cannabis among Afro-Jamaicans in the early 20th century. Early Rastafarians may have taken an element of Jamaican culture which they associated with their peasant past and the rejection of capitalism and sanctified it by according it Biblical correlates.
    ellauri108.html on line 162: In many countries—including Jamaica—cannabis is illegal and by using it, Rastas protest the rules and regulations of Babylon. In the United States, for example, thousands of practitioners have been arrested because of their possession of the drug. Rastas have also advocated for the legalisation of cannabis in those jurisdictions where it is illegal; in 2015, Jamaica decriminalized personal possession of marijuana up to two ounces and legalized it for medicinal and scientific purposes. In 2019, Barbados legalised Rastafari use of cannabis within religious settings and pledged 60 acres (24 ha) of land for Rastafari to grow it.
    ellauri108.html on line 164: Rastafari music developed at reasoning sessions, where drumming, chanting, and dancing are all present. Rasta music is performed to praise and commune with Jah, and to reaffirm the rejection of Babylon. Rastas believe that their music has healing properties, with the ability to cure colds, fevers, and headaches. Many of these songs are sung to the tune of older Christian hymns, but others are original Rasta creations.
    ellauri108.html on line 168: As Rastafari developed, popular music became its chief communicative medium. During the 1960s, ska was a popular musical style in Jamaica, and although its protests against social and political conditions were mild, it gave early expression to Rasta socio-political ideology. Particularly prominent in the connection between Rastafari and ska were the musicians Count Ossie and Don Drummond. Ossie was a drummer who believed that black people needed to develop their own style of music; he was heavily influenced by Burru, an Afro-Jamaican drumming style. Ossie subsequently popularised this new Rastafari ritual music by playing at various groundings and groundations around Jamaica, with songs like "Another Moses" and "Babylon Gone" reflecting Rasta influence. Rasta themes also appeared in Drummond's work, with songs such as "Reincarnation" and "Tribute to Marcus Garvey".
    ellauri108.html on line 170: 1968 saw the development of reggae in Jamaica, a musical style typified by slower, heavier rhythms than ska and the increased use of Jamaican Patois. Like calypso, reggae was a medium for social commentary, although it demonstrated a wider use of radical political and Rasta themes than were previously present in Jamaican popular music. Reggae artists incorporated Rasta ritual rhythms, and also adopted Rasta chants, language, motifs, and social critiques. Songs like The Wailers' "African Herbsman" and Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" referenced cannabis use, while tracks like The Melodians' "Rivers of Babylon" and Junior Byles' "Beat Down Babylon" referenced Rasta beliefs in Babylon. Reggae gained widespread international popularity during the mid-1970s, coming to be viewed by black people in many different countries as music of the oppressed. Many Rastas grew critical of reggae, believing that it had commercialised their religion. Although reggae contains much Rastafari symbolism, and the two are widely associated, the connection is often exaggerated by non-Rastas. Most Rastas do not listen to reggae music, and reggae has also been utilised by other religious groups, such as Protestant Evangelicals. Out of reggae came dub music; dub artists often employ Rastafari terminology, even when not Rastas themselves.
    ellauri108.html on line 175: Rastas make wide use of the pronoun "I". This denotes the Rasta view that the self is divine, and reminds each Rasta that they are not a slave and have value, worth, and dignity as a human being. For instance, Rastas use "I" in place of "me", "I and I" in place of "we", "I-ceive" in place of "receive", "I-sire" in place of "desire", "I-rate" in place of "create", and "I-men" in place of "Amen". Rastas refer to this process as "InI Consciousness" or "Isciousness". Rastas typically refer to Haile Selassie as "Haile Selassie I", thus indicating their belief in his divinity. Rastas also typically believe that the phonetics of a word should be linked to its meaning. For instance, Rastas often use the word "downpression" in place of "oppression" because oppression bears down on people rather than lifting them up, with "up" being phonetically akin to "opp-". Similarly, they often favour "livicate" over "dedicate" because "ded-" is phonetically akin to the word "dead". In the early decades of the religion's development, Rastas often said "Peace and Love" as a greeting, although the use of this declined as Rastafari matured.
    ellauri108.html on line 177: Rastas often make use of the colours red, black, green, and gold. Red, gold, and green were used in the Ethiopian flag, while, prior to the development of Rastafari, the Jamaican black nationalist activist Marcus Garvey had used red, green, and black as the colours for the Pan-African flag representing his United Negro Improvement Association. According to Garvey, the red symbolised the blood of martyrs, the black symbolised the skin of Africans, and the green represented the vegetation of the land, an interpretation endorsed by some Rastas. The colour gold is often included alongside Garvey's three colours; it has been adopted from the Jamaican flag, and is often interpreted as symbolising the minerals and raw materials which constitute Africa's wealth. Rastas often paint these colours onto their buildings, vehicles, kiosks, and other items, or display them on their clothing, helping to distinguish Rastas from non-Rastas and allowing adherents to recognise their co-religionists. As well as being used by Rastas, the colour set has also been adopted by Pan-Africanists more broadly, who use it to display their identification with Afrocentricity; for this reason it was adopted on the flags of many post-independence African states. Rastas often accompany the use of these three or four colours with the image of the Lion of Judah, also adopted from the Ethiopian flag and symbolizing Haile Selassie.
    ellauri108.html on line 184: Rastafarians typically avoid food produced by non-Rastas or from unknown sources. Rasta men refuse to eat food prepared by a woman while she is menstruating, and some will avoid food prepared by a woman at any time. Rastas also generally avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine, presenting these substances as unnatural and dirty and contrasting them with cannabis. Rastas also often avoid mainstream scientific medicine and will reject surgery, injections, or blood transfusions. Instead they utilise herbal medicine for healing, especially teas and poultices, with cannabis often used as an ingredient.
    ellauri108.html on line 189: Rastas differ on whether they regard dreadlocks as compulsory for practicing the religion. Some Rastas do not wear their hair in dreadlocks; within the religion they are often termed "cleanface" Rastas, with those wearing dreadlocked hair often called "locksmen". Some Rastas have also joined the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, the Christian organisation to which Haile Selassie belonged, and these individuals are forbidden from putting their hair in dreadlocks by the Church. In reference to Rasta hairstyles, Rastas often refer to non-Rastas as "baldheads", or "combsome", while those who are new to Rastafari and who have only just started to grow their hair into dreads are termed "nubbies". Members of the Bobo Ashanti sect of Rastas conceal their dreadlocks within turbans, while some Rastas tuck their dreads under a rastacap or tam headdress, usually coloured green, red, black, and yellow. Dreadlocks and Rastafari-inspired clothing have also been worn for aesthetic reasons by non-Rastas. For instance, many reggae musicians who do not adhere to the Rastafari religion wear their hair in dreads. A Rasta man wearing a rastacap has been sighted in Jamaica.
    ellauri108.html on line 191: From the beginning of the Rastafari movement in the 1930s, adherents typically grew beards and tall hair, perhaps in imitation of Haile Selassie. The wearing of hair as dreadlocks then emerged as a Rasta practice in the 1940s; there were debates within the movement as to whether dreadlocks should be worn or not, with proponents of the style becoming dominant. There are various claims as to how this practice was adopted. One claim is that it was adopted in imitation of certain African nations, such as the Maasai, Somalis, or Oromo, or that it was inspired by the hairstyles worn by some of those involved in the anti-colonialist Mau Mau Uprising in Kenya. An alternative explanation is that it was inspired by the hairstyles of the Hindu sadhus.
    ellauri108.html on line 193: The wearing of dreadlocks has contributed to negative views of Rastafari among non-Rastas, many of whom regard it as wild and unattractive. Dreadlocks remain socially stigmatised in many societies; in Ghana for example, they are often associated with the homeless and mentally ill, with such associations of marginality extending onto Ghanaian Rastas. In Jamaica during the mid-20th century, teachers and police officers used to forcibly cut off the dreads of Rastas. In various countries, Rastas have since won legal battles ensuring their right to wear dreadlocks: in 2020, for instance, the High Court of Malawi ruled that all public schools must allow their students to wear dreadlocks.
    ellauri108.html on line 195: Rastafari developed out of the legacy of the Atlantic slave trade, in which over ten million Africans were enslaved and transported to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. Under 700,000 of these slaves were settled in the British colony of Jamaica. The British government abolished slavery in the Caribbean island in 1834, although racial prejudice remained prevalent across Jamaican society.
    ellauri108.html on line 197: Rastafari owed much to intellectual frameworks arising in the 19th and early 20th centuries. One key influence on Rastafari was Christian Revivalism, with the Great Revival of 1860–61 drawing many Afro-Jamaicans to join churches. Increasing numbers of Pentecostal missionaries from the United States arrived in Jamaica during the early 20th century, climaxing in the 1920s.
    ellauri108.html on line 199: Further contributing significantly to Rastafari's development were Ethiopianism and the Back to Africa ethos, both traditions with 18th-century roots. In the 19th century, there were growing calls for the African diaspora located in Western Europe and the Americas to be resettled in Africa, with some of this diaspora establishing colonies in Sierra Leone and Liberia. Based in Liberia, the black Christian preacher Edward Wilmot Blyden began promoting African pride and the preservation of African tradition, customs, and institutions. Also spreading throughout Africa was Ethiopianism, a movement that accorded special status to the east African nation of Ethiopia because it was mentioned in various Biblical passages. For adherents of Ethiopianism, "Ethiopia" was regarded as a synonym of Africa as a whole.
    ellauri108.html on line 201: Marcus Garvey, a prominent black nationalist theorist who heavily influenced Rastafari and is regarded as a prophet by many Rastas. The Jamaican activist Marcus Garvey, spent much of his adult life in the US and Britain. Garvey supported the idea of global racial separatism and called for part of the African diaspora to relocate to Africa. His ideas faced opposition from civil rights activists like W. E. B. Du Bois who supported racial integration, and as a mass movement, Garveyism declined in the Great Depression of the 1930s. A rumour later spread that in 1916, Garvey had called on his supporters to "look to Africa" for the crowning of a black king; this quote was never verified. However, in August 1930, Garvey's play, Coronation of an African King, was performed in Kingston. Its plot revolved around the crowning of the fictional Prince Cudjoe of Sudan, although it anticipated the crowning of Haile Selassie later that year. Rastas hold Garvey in great esteem, with many regarding him as a prophet. Garvey knew of Rastafari, but took a largely negative view of the religion; he also became a critic of Haile Selassie, calling him "a great coward" who rules a "country where black men are chained and flogged".
    ellauri108.html on line 203: Haile Selassie was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. A number of Jamaica's Christian clergymen claimed that Selassie's coronation was evidence that he was the black messiah that they believed was prophesied in the Book of Revelation, the Book of Daniel, and Psalms. Over the following years, several street preachers—most notably Leonard Howell, Archibald Dunkley, Robert Hinds, and Joseph Hibbert—began claiming that Haile Selassie was the returned Jesus. They first did so in Kingston, and soon the message spread throughout 1930s Jamaica, especially among poor communities who were hit particularly hard by the Great Depression. Clarke stated that "to all intents and purposes this was the beginning" of the Rastafari movement.
    ellauri108.html on line 205: Howell has been described as the "leading figure" in the early Rastafari movement. He preached that black Africans were superior to white Europeans and that Afro-Jamaicans should owe their allegiance to Haile Selassie rather than to George V, King of Great Britain and Ireland. The island's British authorities arrested him and charged him with sedition in 1934, resulting in his two-year imprisonment. Following his release, Howell established the Ethiopian Salvation Society and in 1939 established a Rasta community, known as Pinnacle, in Saint Catherine Parish. Police feared that Howell was training his followers for an armed rebellion and were angered that it was producing cannabis for sale. They raided the community on several occasions and Howell was imprisoned for a further two years. Upon his release he returned to Pinnacle, but the police continued with their raids and shut down the community in 1954; Howell himself was committed to a mental hospital.
    ellauri108.html on line 211:
    Emperor Haile Selassie looking a little haunted in Addis Abeba after he got back to Ethiopia

    ellauri108.html on line 214: Rastafari's main appeal was among the lower classes of Jamaican society. For its first thirty years, Rastafari was in a conflictual relationship with the Jamaican authorities. Jamaica's Rastas expressed contempt for many aspects of the island's society, viewing the government, police, bureaucracy, professional classes, and established churches as instruments of Babylon. Relations between practitioners and the police were strained, with Rastas often being arrested for cannabis possession. During the 1950s the movement grew rapidly in Jamaica itself and also spread to other Caribbean islands, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
    ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
    ellauri108.html on line 218: At the invitation of Jamaica's government, Haile Selassie visited the island for the first time on 21 April 1966, with thousands of Rastas assembled in the crowd waiting to meet him at the airport. The event was the high point of their discipleship for many of the religion's members. Over the course of the 1960s, Jamaica's Rasta community underwent a process of routinisation, with the late 1960s witnessing the launch of the first official Rastafarian newspaper, the Rastafarian Movement Association's Rasta Voice. The decade also saw Rastafari develop in increasingly complex ways, as it did when some Rastas began to reinterpret the idea that salvation required a physical return to Africa, instead interpreting salvation as coming through a process of mental decolonisation that embraced African approaches to life.
    ellauri108.html on line 220: Whereas its membership had previously derived predominantly from poorer sectors of society, in the 1960s Rastafari began attracting support from more privileged groups like students and professional musicians. The foremost group emphasising this approach was the Twelve Tribes of Israel, whose members came to be known as "Uptown Rastas". Among those attracted to Rastafari in this decade were middle-class intellectuals like Leahcim Semaj, who called for the religious community to place greater emphasis on scholarly social theory as a method of achieving change. Although some Jamaican Rastas were critical of him, many came under the influence of the Guyanese black nationalist academic Walter Rodney, who lectured to their community in 1968 before publishing his thoughts as the pamphlet Groundings. Like Rodney, many Jamaican Rastas were influenced by the U.S.-based Black Power movement. After Black Power declined following the deaths of prominent exponents such as Malcolm X, Michael X, and George Jackson, Rastafari filled the vacuum it left for many black youth.
    ellauri108.html on line 222: In the mid-1970s, reggae's international popularity exploded. The most successful reggae artist was Bob Marley, who—according to Cashmore—"more than any other individual, was responsible for introducing Rastafarian themes, concepts and demands to a truly universal audience". Reggae's popularity led to a growth in "pseudo-Rastafarians", individuals who listened to reggae and wore Rasta clothing but did not share its belief system. Many Rastas were angered by this, believing it commercialised their religion.
    ellauri108.html on line 223: Reggae musician Bob Marley did much to raise international awareness of the Rastafari movement in the 1970s.
    ellauri108.html on line 227: Through reggae, Rasta musicians became increasingly important in Jamaica's political life during the 1970s. To bolster his popularity with the electorate, Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley employed Rasta imagery and courted and obtained support from Marley and other reggae musicians. Manley described Rastas as a "beautiful and remarkable people" and carried a cane, the "rod of correction", which he claimed was a gift from Haile Selassie. Following Manley's example, Jamaican political parties increasingly employed Rasta language, symbols, and reggae references in their campaigns, while Rasta symbols became increasingly mainstream in Jamaican society. This helped to confer greater legitimacy on Rastafari, with reggae and Rasta imagery being increasingly presented as a core part of Jamaica's cultural heritage for the growing tourist industry. In the 1980s, a Rasta, Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah, became a senator in the Jamaican Parliament.
    ellauri108.html on line 229: Enthusiasm for Rastafari was dampened by the unexpected death of Haile Selassie in 1975 and that of Marley in 1981. During the 1980s, the number of Rastas in Jamaica declined, with Pentecostal and other Charismatic Christian groups proving more successful at attracting young recruits. Several publicly prominent Rastas converted to Christianity, and two of those who did so—Judy Mowatt and Tommy Cowan—maintained that Marley had converted from Rastafari to Christianity, in the form of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, during his final days. The significance of Rastafari messages in reggae also declined with the growing popularity of dancehall, a Jamaican musical genre that typically foregrounded lyrical themes of hyper-masculinity, violence, and sexual activity rather than religious symbolism.
    ellauri108.html on line 231: The mid-1990s saw a revival of Rastafari-focused reggae associated with musicians like Anthony B, Buju Banton, Luciano, Sizzla, and Capleton. From the 1990s, Jamaica also witnessed the growth of organised political activity within the Rasta community, seen for instance through campaigns for the legalisation of cannabis and the creation of political parties like the Jamaican Alliance Movement and the Imperial Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated Political Party, none of which attained more than minimal electoral support. In 1995, the Rastafari Centralization Organization was established in Jamaica as an attempt to organise the Rastafari community.
    ellauri108.html on line 233: Rastafari is not a homogeneous movement and has no single administrative structure, nor any single leader. A majority of Rastas avoid centralised and hierarchical structures because they do not want to replicate the structures of Babylon and because their religion's ultra-individualistic ethos places emphasis on inner divinity. The structure of most Rastafari groups is less like that of Christian denominations and is instead akin to the cellular structure of other African diasporic traditions like Haitian Vodou, Cuban Santería, and Jamaica's Revival Zion. Since the 1970s, there have been attempts to unify all Rastas, namely through the establishment of the Rastafari Movement Association, which sought political mobilisation. In 1982, the first international assembly of Rastafari groups took place in Toronto, Canada. This and subsequent international conferences, assemblies, and workshops have helped to cement global networks and cultivate an international community of Rastas.
    ellauri108.html on line 235: Sub-divisions of Rastafari are often referred to as "houses" or "mansions", in keeping with a passage from the Gospel of John (14:2): as translated in the King James Bible, Jesus states "In my father's house are many mansions". The three most prominent branches are the House of Nyabinghi, the Bobo Ashanti, and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, although other important groups include the Church of Haile Selassie I, Inc., and the Fulfilled Rastafari. By fragmenting into different houses without any single leader, Rastafari became more resilient amid opposition from Jamaica's government during the early decades of the movement.
    ellauri108.html on line 237: Probably the largest Rastafari group, the House of Nyabinghi is an aggregate of more traditional and militant Rastas who seek to retain the movement close to the way in which it existed during the 1940s. They stress the idea that Haile Selassie was Jah and the reincarnation of Jesus. The wearing of dreadlocks is regarded as indispensable and patriarchal gender roles are strongly emphasised, while, according to Cashmore, they are "vehemently anti-white". Nyabinghi Rastas refuse to compromise with Babylon and are often critical of reggae musicians like Marley, whom they regard as having collaborated with the commercial music industry.
    ellauri108.html on line 239: The Bobo Ashanti sect was founded in Jamaica by Emanuel Charles Edwards through the establishment of his Ethiopia Africa Black International Congress (EABIC) in 1958. The group established a commune in Bull Bay, where they were led by Edwards until his 1994 death. The group hold to a highly rigid ethos. Edwards advocated the idea of a new trinity, with Haile Selassie as the living God, himself as the Christ, and Garvey as the prophet. Male members are divided into two categories: the "priests" who conduct religious services and the "prophets" who take part in reasoning sessions. It places greater restrictions on women than most other forms of Rastafari; women are regarded as impure because of menstruation and childbirth and so are not permitted to cook for men. The group teaches that black Africans are God's chosen people and are superior to white Europeans, with members often refusing to associate with white people. Bobo Ashanti Rastas are recognisable by their long, flowing robes and turbans.
    ellauri108.html on line 242: The Twelve Tribes of Israel were founded in 1968 in Kingston by Vernon Carrington. He proclaimed himself the reincarnation of the Old Testament prophet Gad and his followers call him "Prophet Gad", "Brother Gad", or "Gadman". It is commonly regarded as the most liberal form of Rastafari and the closest to Christianity. Practitioners are often dubbed "Christian Rastas" because they believe Jesus is the only saviour; Haile Selassie is accorded importance, but is not viewed as the second coming of Jesus. The group divides its members into twelve groups according to which Hebrew calendar month they were born in; each month is associated with a particular colour, body part, and mental function. Maintaining dreadlocks and an ital diet are considered commendable but not essential, while adherents are called upon to read a chapter of the Bible each day. Membership is open to individuals of any racial background.
    ellauri108.html on line 246: The Church of Haile Selassie, Inc., was founded by Abuna Foxe and operated much like a mainstream Christian church, with a hierarchy of functionaries, weekly services, and Sunday schools. In adopting this broad approach, the Church seeks to develop Rastafari's respectability in wider society. Fulfilled Rastafari is a multi-ethnic movement that has spread in popularity during the 21st century, in large part through the Internet. The Fulfilled Rastafari group accept Haile Selassie's statements that he was a man and that he was a devout Christian, and so place emphasis on worshipping Jesus through the example set forth by Haile Selassie. The wearing of dreadlocks and the adherence to an ital diet are considered issues up to the individual.
    ellauri108.html on line 248: Born in the ghettos of Kingston, Jamaica, the Rastafarian movement has captured the imagination of thousands of black youth, and some white youth, throughout Jamaica, the Caribbean, Britain, France, and other countries in Western Europe and North America. It is also to be found in smaller numbers in parts of Africa—for example, in Ethiopia, Ghana, and Senegal—and in Australia and New Zealand, particularly among the Maori.
    ellauri108.html on line 250: As of 2012, there were an estimated 700,000 to 1,000,000 Rastas worldwide. They can be found in many different regions, including most of the world's major population centres. Rastafari's influence on wider society has been more substantial than its numerical size, particularly in fostering a racial, political, and cultural consciousness among the African diaspora and Africans themselves. Men dominate Rastafari. In its early years, most of its followers were men, and the women who did adhere to it tended to remain in the background. This picture of Rastafari's demographics has been confirmed by ethnographic studies conducted in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
    ellauri108.html on line 252: The Rasta message resonates with many people who feel marginalised and alienated by the values and institutions of their society. Internationally, it has proved most popular among the poor and among marginalised youth. In valorising Africa and blackness, Rastafari provides a positive identity for youth in the African diaspora by allowing them to psychologically reject their social stigmatisation. It then provides these disaffected people with the discursive stance from which they can challenge capitalism and consumerism, providing them with symbols of resistance and defiance. Cashmore expressed the view that "whenever there are black people who sense an injust disparity between their own material conditions and those of the whites who surround them and tend to control major social institutions, the Rasta messages have relevance."
    ellauri108.html on line 254: Rastafari is a non-missionary religion. However, elders from Jamaica often go "trodding" to instruct new converts in the fundamentals of the religion. On researching English Rastas during the 1970s, Cashmore noted that they had not converted instantaneously, but rather had undergone "a process of drift" through which they gradually adopted Rasta beliefs and practices, resulting in their ultimate acceptance of Haile Selassie's central importance. Based on his research in West Africa, Neil J. Savishinsky found that many of those who converted to Rastafari came to the religion through their pre-existing use of marijuana as a recreational drug.
    ellauri108.html on line 256: Rastas often claim that—rather than converting to the religion—they were actually always a Rasta and that their embrace of its beliefs was merely the realisation of this. There is no formal ritual carried out to mark an individual's entry into the Rastafari movement, although once they do join an individual often changes their name, with many including the prefix "Ras". Rastas regard themselves as an exclusive and elite community, membership of which is restricted to those who have the "insight" to recognise Haile Selassie's importance. Practitioners thus often regard themselves as the "enlightened ones" who have "seen the light". Many of them see no point in establishing good relations with non-Rastas, believing that the latter will never accept Rastafari doctrine as truth.
    ellauri108.html on line 258: Some Rastas have left the religion. Clarke noted that among British Rastas, some returned to Pentecostalism and other forms of Christianity, while others embraced Islam or no religion. Some English ex-Rastas described disillusionment when the societal transformation promised by Rastafari failed to appear, while others felt that while Rastafari would be appropriate for agrarian communities in Africa and the Caribbean, it was not suited to industrialised British society. Others experienced disillusionment after developing the view that Haile Selassie had been an oppressive leader of the Ethiopian people. Cashmore found that some British Rastas who had more militant views left the religion after finding its focus on reasoning and music insufficient for the struggle against white domination and racism.
    ellauri108.html on line 260: Although it remains most concentrated in the Caribbean, Rastafari has spread to many areas of the world and adapted into many localised variants. It has spread primarily in Anglophone regions and countries, largely because reggae music has primarily been produced in the English language. It is thus most commonly found in the Anglophone Caribbean, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand, and Anglophone parts of Africa.
    ellauri108.html on line 262: Barrett described Rastafari as "the largest, most identifiable, indigenous movement in Jamaica." In the mid-1980s, there were approximately 70,000 members and sympathisers of Rastafari in Jamaica. The majority were male, working-class, former Christians aged between 18 and 40. In the 2011 Jamaican census, 29,026 individuals identified as Rastas. Jamaica's Rastas were initially entirely from the Afro-Jamaican majority, and although Afro-Jamaicans are still the majority, Rastafari has also gained members from the island's Chinese, Indian, Afro-Chinese, Afro-Jewish, mulatto, and white minorities. Until 1965 the vast majority were from the lower classes, although it has since attracted many middle-class members; by the 1980s there were Jamaican Rastas working as lawyers and university professors. Jamaica is often valorised by Rastas as the fountain-head of their faith, and many Rastas living elsewhere travel to the island on pilgrimage.
    ellauri108.html on line 264: Both through travel between the islands, and through reggae's popularity, Rastafari spread across the eastern Caribbean during the 1970s. Here, its ideas complemented the anti-colonial and Afrocentric views prevalent in countries like Trinidad, Grenada, Dominica, and St Vincent. In these countries, the early Rastas often engaged in cultural and political movements to a greater extent than their Jamaican counterparts had. Various Rastas were involved in Grenada's 1979 New Jewel Movement and were given positions in the Grenadine government until it was overthrown and replaced following the U.S. invasion of 1983. Although Fidel Castro's Marxist–Leninist government generally discouraged foreign influences, Rastafari was introduced to Cuba alongside reggae in the 1970s. Foreign Rastas studying in Cuba during the 1990s connected with its reggae scene and helped to further ground it in Rasta beliefs. In Cuba, most Rastas have been male and from the Afro-Cuban population.
    ellauri108.html on line 266: Rastafari was introduced to the United States and Canada with the migration of Jamaicans to continental North America in the 1960s and 1970s. American police were often suspicious of Rastas and regarded Rastafari as a criminal sub-culture. Rastafari also attracted converts from within several Native American communities and picked up some support from white members of the hippie subculture, which was then in decline. In Latin America, small communities of Rastas have also established in Brazil, Panama, and Nicaragua.
    ellauri108.html on line 268: Some Rastas in the African diaspora have followed through with their beliefs about resettlement in Africa, with Ghana and Nigeria being particularly favoured. In West Africa, Rastafari has spread largely through the popularity of reggae, gaining a larger presence in Anglophone areas than their Francophone counterparts. Caribbean Rastas arrived in Ghana during the 1960s, encouraged by its first post-independence president, Kwame Nkrumah, while some native Ghanaians also converted to the religion. The largest congregation of Rastas has been in southern parts of Ghana, around Accra, Tema, and the Cape Coast, although Rasta communities also exist in the Muslim-majority area of northern Ghana. The Rasta migrants' wearing of dreadlocks was akin to that of the native fetish priests, which may have assisted the presentation of these Rastas as having authentic African roots in Ghanaian society. However, Ghanaian Rastas have complained of social ostracism and prosecution for cannabis possession, while non-Rastas in Ghana often consider them to be "drop-outs", "too Western", and "not African enough".
    ellauri108.html on line 270: A smaller number of Rastas are found in Muslim-majority countries of West Africa, such as Gambia and Senegal. One West African group that wear dreadlocks are the Baye Faal, a Mouride sect in Senegambia, some of whose practitioners have started calling themselves "Rastas" in reference to their visual similarity to Rastafari. The popularity of dreadlocks and marijuana among the Baye Faal may have been spread in large part through access to Rasta-influenced reggae in the 1970s. A small community of Rastas also appeared in Burkina Faso.
    ellauri108.html on line 274: By the early 1990s, a Rasta community existed in Nairobi, Kenya, whose approach to the religion was informed both by reggae and by traditional Kikuyu religion. Rastafari groups have also appeared in Zimbabwe, and in South Africa; in 2008, there were at least 12,000 Rastas in the country. At an African Union/Caribbean Diaspora conference in South Africa in 2005, a statement was released characterising Rastafari as a force for integration of Africa and the African diaspora.
    ellauri108.html on line 277: During the 1950s and 1960s, Rastas were among the thousands of Caribbean migrants who settled in the United Kingdom, leading to small groups appearing in areas of London such as Brixton and Notting Hill in the 1950s. By the late 1960s, Rastafari had attracted converts from the second generation of British Caribbean people, spreading beyond London to cities like Birmingham, Leicester, Liverpool, Manchester, and Bristol. Its spread was aided by the gang structures that had been cultivated among black British youth by the rudeboy subculture, and gained increasing attention in the 1970s through reggae's popularity. According to the 2001 United Kingdom Census there are about 5000 Rastafari living in England and Wales. Clarke described Rastafari as a small but "extremely influential" component of black British life.
    ellauri108.html on line 279: Rastafari also established itself in various continental European countries, among them the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, and France, gaining a particular foothold among black migrant populations but also attracting white converts. In France for instance it established a presence in two cities with substantial black populations, Paris and Bordeaux, while in the Netherlands, it attracted converts within the Surinamese migrant community.
    ellauri108.html on line 281: Rastafari attracted membership from within the Maori population of New Zealand, and the Aboriginal population of Australia. Rastafari has also established a presence in Japan, and in Israel, primarily among those highlighting similarities between Judaism and Rastafari.
    ellauri108.html on line 291: Moyo’s resignation on Monday capped a period of increasing acrimony between her and the Jewish History Museum’s board. Six months after the museum’s board unanimously selected Moyo to lead the museum, Moyo is publicly accusing the board of dysfunction fueled by racism and sexism — and the board is threatening to sue her for allegedly leaking private information.
    ellauri108.html on line 381: I know Jah will provide, Benjy says with certainty. When that truth came I had no money, no job, no food. The child, my child, is crying and crying, my wife can't shut him up. As a matter of fact, she schedaadled. Just vamoosed. I am so vexed I can't pray no more. So I open the door and look to the sea. There I see a boat with three fishermen in it. The men are fishing but there is no space in the boat for another person. Out there on the sea, the waves are tall. Behind that boat, I see someone swimming. A little boy swimming along after the boat. I am wondering why the fishermen don't stop to pick up the boy in such a rough sea. But then I come to an understandingand it is Jah who put this idea into my head. That little boy's job is to dive for the fish traps, bring them up from the bottom. He is diving in that rough, rough sea for fish traps, and raising them up, all heavy with saltwater, all by himself. Just a little boy, too. Maybe ten years old. But so strong. Sometimes the sea cover him. I wouldn't see him or the boat. Then they would bounce him back into the sea.
    ellauri108.html on line 461: Its emphasis is on the purging of any belief in the inferiority of black people, and the superiority of white people, from the minds of its followers.[99] Rastafari is therefore Afrocentric, equating blackness with the African continent, and endorsing a form of Pan-Africanism.
    ellauri108.html on line 463: Practitioners of Rastafari identify themselves with the ancient Israelites—God's chosen people in the Old Testament—and believe that black Africans broadly or Rastas more specifically are either the descendants or the reincarnations of this ancient people.[102] This is similar to beliefs in Judaism,[103] although many Rastas believe that contemporary Jews' status as the descendants of the ancient Israelites is a false claim.[104] Rastas typically believe that black Africans are God's chosen people, meaning that they made a covenant with him and thus have a special responsibility. Rastafari espouses the view that this, the true identity of black Africans, has been lost and needs to be reclaimed. Some Rasta sects reject the notion that a white European can ever be a legitimate Rasta.
    ellauri108.html on line 467: Rastafari teaches that the black African diaspora are exiles living in "Babylon", a term which it applies to Western society. For Rastas, European colonialism and global capitalism are regarded as manifestations of Babylon, while police and soldiers are viewed as its agents.The term "Babylon" is adopted because of its Biblical associations. In the Old Testament, Babylon is the Mesopotamian city where the Israelites were held captive, exiled from their homeland, between 597 and 586 BCE; Rastas compare the exile of the Israelites in Mesopotamia to the exile of the African diaspora outside Africa. In the New Testament, "Babylon" is used as a euphemism for the Roman Empire, which was regarded as acting in a destructive manner that was akin to the way in which the ancient Babylonians acted. Rastas perceive the exile of the black African diaspora in Babylon as an experience of great suffering, with the term "suffering" having a significant place in Rasta discourse.
    ellauri108.html on line 479: During the first three decades of the Rastafari movement, it placed strong emphasis on the need for the African diaspora to be repatriated to Africa. To this end, various Rastas lobbied the Jamaican government and United Nations to oversee this resettlement process. Other Rastas organised their own transportation to the African continent. Critics of the movement have argued that the migration of the entire African diaspora to Africa is implausible, particularly as no African country would welcome this.
    ellauri108.html on line 485: Rastafari is a millenarian movement, espousing the idea that the present age will come to an apocalyptic end. Many practitioners believe that on this Day of Judgement, Babylon will be overthrown, with Rastas being the chosen few who survive the upheaval. With Babylon destroyed, Rastas believe that humanity will be ushered into a "new age". This is conceived as being a millennium of peace, justice, and happiness in which the righteous shall live in Africa, now a paradise.
    ellauri108.html on line 489: Rastas do not believe that there is a specific afterlife to which individuals go following bodily death. They believe in the possibility of eternal life, and that only those who shun righteousness will actually die. The scholar of religion Leonard E. Barrett observed some Jamaican Rastas who believed that those practitioners who did die had not been faithful to Jah. He suggested that this attitude stemmed from the large numbers of young people that were then members of the movement, and who had thus seen only few Rastas die. Another Rasta view is that those who are righteous will undergo reincarnation, with an individual's identity remaining throughout each of their incarnations. In keeping with their views on death, Rastas eschew celebrating physical death and often avoid funerals, also repudiating the practice of ancestor veneration that is common among traditional African religions.
    ellauri108.html on line 491: The scholar Maureen Warner-Lewis observed that Rastafari combined a "radical, even revolutionary" stance on socio-political issues, particularly regarding race, with a "profoundly traditional" approach to "philosophical conservatism" on other religious issues. Rastas typically look critically upon modern capitalism with its consumerism and materialism. They favour small-scale, pre-industrial and agricultural societies. Not just sinners but bad businessmen.
    ellauri109.html on line 81: Eine kostbare Erbschaft wäre mir ganz lieb auch.
    ellauri109.html on line 274: Shortly after the September 11 attacks, Searle wrote an article arguing that the attacks were a particular event in a long-term struggle against forces that are intractably opposed to the United States, and signaled support for a more aggressive neoconservative interventionist foreign policy. He called for the realization that the United States is in a more-or-less permanent state of war with these forces. Moreover, a probable course of action would be to deny terrorists the use of foreign territory from which to stage their attacks. Finally, he alluded to the long-term nature of the conflict and blamed the attacks on the lack of American resolve to deal forcefully with America's enemies over the past several decades.
    ellauri109.html on line 280: On June 19, 2019, following campus disciplinary proceedings by Berkeley's Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD), University of California President Janet Napolitano approved a recommendation that Searle have his emeritus status revoked, after a determination that he violated university policies against sexual harassment.
    ellauri109.html on line 310: Mitä yhteistä on Sokrateella Jeesuxella Abelardilla Phil Rothilla Esa Saarisella ja John Searlella (mainitaxeni vain muutamia tapauxia pisteessä) ? Kaikki on moraalin opettajia jotka on bylsineet tai ainaskin tafsanneet oppilaitansa. Phillu kommentoi eze on aivan erityisen kivaa ja kiihottavaa. Ei pitäisi käyttää kirjoja vihan teppona, varotteli Flaubert. Mut Peppu ei uskonut. Paskansi vaan kansien väliin entistä enemmän. Phillun kirjallisia esikuvia on viälä nää Céline Henry Miller ja Jean Genet. Ne onkin hyvin samanlaisia izensäpaljastajia kuin se, kulkee napit ja takki auki karzalla muna rypistyneenä kylmästä pikku nakixi.
    ellauri109.html on line 379: Though married to Hippolyte Colet, Louise had a steamy eight-year affair, in two stages, with Gustave Flaubert. The relationship turned sour, however, and they broke up. Louise was allegedly so angered by her breakup with Flaubert, she wrote a novel, Lui, in an effort to target Flaubert. However, Colet's book has failed to have the lasting significance of Madame Bovary.
    ellauri109.html on line 427: C’est aux bains que cela se pratique. On retient le bain pour soi (cinq francs), y compris les masseurs, la pipe, le café, le linge et on enfile son gamin dans une des salles. Tu sauras du reste que tous les garçons de bain sont bardaches.
    ellauri109.html on line 441: Une première rupture avec Louise Colet en apporte la preuve. Dans sa lettre datée du dimanche 7 mars 1847, Flaubert ose enfin clamer à quel point il est allergique32 aux valeurs qu’elle véhicule, valeurs qui baignent et macèrent dans le discours ambiant du romantisme humanitaire33 : « tes idées de moralité, de patrie, de dévouement, tes goûts en littérature, tout cela était antipathique à mes idées, à mes goûts. »34 Ce qui vient immédiatement après est l’affirmation d’une esthétique, sur le mode de l’antithèse : « amoureux exclusif de la ligne pure, du galbe saillant, de la couleur criante, de la note sonore, je retrouvais toujours chez toi je ne sais quel ton noyé de sentiment qui atténuait tout, et altérait jusqu'à ton esprit ». Voilà les griefs d’un amant qui ne sépare pas l’art de la vie. Le lexique sentimental se trouve accaparé par le commentaire stylistique : « amoureux exclusif », écrit Flaubert, non pas d’une femme, comme Louise, elle, le voudrait, mais du tracé ferme, il lui reproche son « ton noyé de sentiment » qu’il interprète comme une déperdition de force et de précision. De même, les muscles relâchés, les lignes floues et les déliaisons trahissent le corps du texte féminin.
    ellauri109.html on line 461: Il me déplaît pour avoir mis en axiomes et pratique « la Poésie du cœur » (double farce à l'usage des impuissants et des charlatans). En voilà un qui a été peu critique ! Il me paraît avoir eu sur l'humanité le coup d'œil d'un coiffeur sentimental ! Toujours « mon pauvre cœur », toujours les larmes ! — je crois du reste que la mère Colet l'a reproduit assez fidèlement ? et il est facile maintenant de le bien connaître. As-tu remarqué ses affectations de noblesse ? Ses éternels bals aux ambassades ? Comme c'est beau cet homme qui porte sa douleur dans le monde ! — telle qu'un bijou rare, pour l'ébahissement de ces Messieurs et ces Dames !
    ellauri109.html on line 527: Mid-century Jewish Newark echoes with the sounds of the cafeterias and the butcher shops, women playing mah-jongg at picnics in the park, weary fathers heading off to the shvitz on Mercer Street, where they gossiped and drank amid a “concerto of farts.”
    ellauri109.html on line 551: Kleinschmidt published a journal article in which he describes the case of a “successful Southern playwright” with an overbearing mother: “His rebellion was sexualized, leading to compulsive masturbation which provided an outlet for a myriad of hostile fantasies. These same masturbatory fantasies he both acted out and channeled into his writing.” Roth, who was obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the novel. He spent multiple sessions berating Kleinschmidt for this “psychoanalytic cartoon” and yet continued his analysis with him for years.
    ellauri109.html on line 583: Roth asked Ross Miller to write his biography after his women friends Hermione Lee and Judith Thurman declined his invitations. He coached Miller on lines of questioning. He was particularly anxious for Miller to rebut “This whole mad fucking misogynistic bullshit!” “It wasn’t just ‘Fucked this one fucked that one fucked this one,’ ” he told Miller in one of their interviews.”
    ellauri109.html on line 593: Roth learned to take it easy. He listened to music, reread old favorites, visited museums, took afternoon naps, and watched baseball in the evening.
    ellauri109.html on line 595: He took victory laps at birthday celebrations and symposiums on his work. He accepted a medal from Barack Obama. In 2014, he was even awarded an honorary degree from the Jewish Theological Seminary. The headline the next day in The Forward read “Philip Roth, Once Outcast, Joins Jewish Fold.” There were, for a while, love affairs with much younger women, even talk of having a child. Then he retired from sex, too.
    ellauri109.html on line 599: As he had with Miller, Roth went to great lengths for Bailey, providing him letters, drafts, a photo album featuring his girlfriends. He wrote a lengthy memorandum for Bailey on a long-term affair with a local Norwegian-born physical therapist—the model for Drenka in “Sabbath’s Theater.”
    ellauri109.html on line 603: That first summer I spent a week in Connecticut, interviewing him six hours a day in his studio. Now and then we had to take bathroom breaks, and we could hear each other’s muffled streams through the door. One lovely sun-dappled afternoon I sat on his studio couch, listening to our greatest living novelist empty his bladder, and reflected that this was about as good as it gets for an American literary biographer.
    ellauri109.html on line 609: At the University of Pennsylvania, a friend and colleague—acting, the friend admits, almost as a “pimp”—helped Roth fill the last seats in his oversubscribed classes with particularly attractive undergraduates. Roth’s treatment of a young woman named Felicity (a pseudonym), a friend and house guest of Claire Bloom’s daughter, is particularly disturbing. Roth made a sexual overture to Felicity, which she rebuffed; the next morning, he left her an irate note accusing her of “sexual hysteria.” When Bloom wrote about the incident in her memoir, Roth answered in his unpublished “Notes” with a sense of affront rather than penitence: “This is what people are. This is what people do. . . . Hate me for what I am, not for what I’m not.”
    ellauri109.html on line 669: Lady Elizabeth Dryden survived her husband, but went insane soon after his death. Their 3 children did not continue the line.
    ellauri109.html on line 767: celadon (n.) "pale grayish-green color," 1768, from French Céladon , name of a character in the once-popular romance of "l'Astrée" by Honoré d'Urfé (1610); an insipidly sentimental lover who wore bright green clothes, he is named in turn after Celadon (Greek Keladon) , a character in Ovid's "Metamorphoses," whose name is said to mean "sounding with din or clamor."
    ellauri109.html on line 791: She was told they were being taken to a special clinic in Tel Aviv. But when Leah's husband visited soon afterwards, only one of the twins was there. The other, Hanna, had died, he was informed.
    ellauri109.html on line 797: Two draft notices arrived in the post simultaneously. One for Hagit - and one for Hanna. This is another hallmark of missing baby stories.
    ellauri109.html on line 803: Some reports talk of children disappearing after visits to the camps by wealthy American Jews.
    ellauri109.html on line 805: On kibbutzes, where some of the Yemenites settled, it was typical for youngsters to be separated from their parents and looked after together, and here too it's said that some children vanished.
    ellauri109.html on line 827: "Zionism - what is it really about?" asks Rafi Shubeli, a Yemenite-Israeli historian and activist from the group Our Brothers Do Exist.
    ellauri109.html on line 833: He points out that hundreds of thousands of immigrants arrived in Israel at a time of war, and in the years immediately afterwards, when the country was still reeling.
    ellauri109.html on line 846: At a beachside cafe in Haifa, I meet a philosopher who is physical about how his life was shaped by being snatched.
    ellauri109.html on line 851: She always feared losing him and so, out of respect for his adoptive parents, it was only after they died that Yehuda opened his adoption file.
    ellauri109.html on line 879: Lopulta Roth pantiin suljetulle Hopealäjän sairaalaan. Teeskennellen sovinnollisuutta Roth kuzui Bloomin käymään osastolle, missä se sanoi olevansa hyvin hyvin vihainen sille, ja alkoi luetella sen vikoja pitkästä luettelosta jonka se oli kirjoittanut, kuten esim. sen outo käytös rafloissa, kazoa nyt kelloa ja hyrexiä izexeen, ja huomautti että kummakos se ettei se voinut hillitä izeään kun sen isäkään ei saanut paskaa pysymään enää sisässä. Roth oli tutkiskellut sen jokaisen virheliikkeen 17 vuoden yhdessäolon aikana. Iskän inkontinenssin maininta oli kyllä huippua. Roth sanoi lopuxi että jos Anna tulis Nykkiin 3 kuukaudexi oppimaan laulua (Annasta tuli oopperalaulaja), Roth lopettaisi liiton siihen. Bloom koitti vielä parastaan (lääkärin läsnäollessa) monen päivän ajan, koittaen pelastaa mitä pelastettavissa oli. Se oli brutaalia menoa.
    ellauri110.html on line 84: Filistealaiset oli jälleen lyöty lysyyn, Negevin autiomaa oli täynnä ruumisläjiä. Jahun porukat lallatteli kielellä ulululululu ja tanssi ripaskaa. (ilo) Saatanan tunarit! Enkös mä nimtuten kieltänyt! Ja nyt on keppi ollut liossa! Tästä ette kyllä selviä! Nähdään! (vihaisuus) Eeva antoi, minä söin. Ei ois kannattanut, se oli puolen tunnin onni vain. Nyt täytyy panna vihtahousut jalkaan ja paratiisi kiinni toistasexi. (suru) Hoohoo jaajaa, puolet rypäleistä poimittu. Saa Seem Haam ja Jaafet hoitaa loput, mä otan nyt napanterit ja painun koisimaan. Housuja ei pie unohtaa. (väsymys)
    ellauri110.html on line 139: The Houyhnhnms' lack of passion surfaces during the scheduled visit of "a friend and his family" to the home of Gulliver's master "upon some affair of importance". On the day of the visit, the mistress of his friend and her children arrive very late. She made no excuses "first for her husband" who had died just that morning and she had to remain to make the proper arrangements for a "convenient place where his body should be laid". Gulliver remarked that "she behaved herself at our house as cheerfully as the rest".
    ellauri110.html on line 152: In the shipping lanes he is rescued by a Portuguese sea captain, a level-headed individual albeit full of concern for others, whose temperament at one level appears intermediate between the calm, rational Houyhnhnms of Houyhnhnmland and the norm of corrupt, European humanity, which Gulliver no longer distinguishes from Houyhnhnmland's wild Yahoos. Gulliver can speak with him, and though now disaffected from all humanity, he began to tolerate his company. Gulliver is returned to his home and family, finds their smell and look intolerable and all his countrymen no better than "Yahoos", purchases and converses with two stabled horses, tolerates the stable boy, and assures the reader of his account's utter veracity.
    ellauri110.html on line 318: Lydia Volchaninova, a good-looking, but very stern and opinionated young teacher with somewhat dictatorial inclinations is deeply engaged in the affairs of the local zemstvo. Devoted to the cause of helping peasants, she is interested in doing and speaking of nothing but practical work, mostly in the fields of medicine and education. Lydia dislikes the protagonist, a landscape painter, who frequently visits their house. From time to time the two clash over problems of both the rural community and Russia as a whole.
    ellauri110.html on line 320: The painter discovers a kindred spirit in Lydia's younger sister Zhenya, a dreamy and sensitive girl who spends her time reading, admiring him painting and having long walks. The two fall in love, and an evening comes when, after a walk, the painter lets his feelings out in a passionate outburst. Zhenya responds in kind, but feels she has to tell her mother and sister about their love immediately.
    ellauri110.html on line 349: Propriety did not prevent him from engaging in a number of extramarital liaisons with various women that were chronicled in his diary, often in some detail when relating the intimate details. The most dramatic of these encounters was with Deborah Willet, a young woman engaged as a companion for Elisabeth Pepys. On 25 October 1668, Pepys was surprised by his wife as he embraced Deb Willet; he writes that his wife "coming up suddenly, did find me imbracing the girl con [with] my hand sub [under] su [her] coats; and endeed I was with my main [hand] in her cunny. I was at a wonderful loss upon it and the girl also...." Following this event, he was characteristically filled with remorse, but (equally characteristically) continued to pursue Willet after she had been dismissed from the Pepys household. Pepys also had a habit of fondling the breasts of his maid Mary Mercer while she dressed him in the morning.
    ellauri110.html on line 373: Westerbergin vanhemmat olivat ylietsivä Torsten Westerberg ja ravintolaemäntä Margit Eriksson. Hänen ensimmäinen puolisonsa 1965–1970 oli taidemaalari Riitta Raija Puupponen, toinen 1971–1988 filosofian tohtori Elina Waris ja kolmas vuodesta 1992 on taidegraafikko Marjatta Nuoreva.
    ellauri110.html on line 375: Kolmas kone alla yliezivän pojalla. Eikä mitään ravintolaemäntiä. Ezivä löytää ja kolkuttavalle avataan. Caj on ollut kova kolkuttaja, navan alle naputtaja. Graafikon näppäämästä kuvasta kazoo vanhentunut kääntäjä.
    ellauri110.html on line 390: Caj Westerberg redogjorde en gång i eposstil till mig (6.4.2003) för sin väg till begreppet ataraxia. Det var i Anthony Cronins biografi över Samuel Beckett han stötte på det. Cronin citerar ur en anteckningsbok för Whoroscope, Becketts första tryckta verk (1930): ”The stoics aspired to Apathia, the repression of all emotion and the Epicureans to Ataraxia, freedom from all disturbance.”
    ellauri110.html on line 484: Hande väsäs kirjaa Pissiliisoja autofaktiona jostain ehkä toisennimisistä hoidoista ilokaasuhoidon raitisputkessa. Koitti saada kirjaan veijarimaista juonta muttei onnannut, ilokaasu ei tehonnut. Tuli pelkkää heijarointia. "Kaivan muistista esiin vanhaa, kaikenlaista sattunutta, puutaheinää jota voisi piilottaa fiktioon." No justiinsa joo! Sit vielä jotkut arvostelee biografista menetelmää. Autofaktiota se on kaikki fiktio vaikkei kirjoitajalla olis edes ajokorttia. Peilistä ei nää miten paljon kazoja on rakastunut izeensä.
    ellauri110.html on line 690: Ikävä kyllä tämä maa vaatii yxityisautoja. Kohta Hande varmaan äänestää Suomen Keskustaa. Hande ihan elähtyy päästessään kertomaan omistuxistaan. Se on tavarafriikki. Onkohan se pihi? Raha kiinnostaa. Eihän omaisuuteen pitäisi kiintyä. Talo on ainoa hoito jolle Hande on uskollinen.
    ellauri110.html on line 745: Hän pyfähtyi wastapäätä faarnastuolia ja kuunteli femmoifella hartaudella faarnaa että hän, joka kerta kun Wapahtajan nimeä laufuttiin, notkisti polwiaan, huokafi fywään sekä löi rintaansa. Ja waikka silloin oli ankara talwi, ei hänellä ollut muuta päällänfä kuin wanhat, rikkinäiset houfut, pitkä polwiin asti ulottuva takki, wyöllä kiinnitetty, sekä päällimpänä kauhtana, joka ulottui jalkoihin faakka. Ulkonäöstä päättäen näytti hän olewan noin 30 wuoden ikäinen. Sanottiin hänen olewan syntyifin juutalainen.
    ellauri110.html on line 747: Koska siihen aikaan yleisesti puhuttiin tästä juutalaifesta ja kaikki ihmettelivät häntä, tiedusteli tohtori von Gitzen hänen majataloanfa ja faatuansa tietää, misfä hän afusteli, oli mainittu tohtori lähtenyt hänen luoksenfa ja kyfellyt kaikkia häntä koskevia afioita. Juutalainen oli mielellään fastannut hänen kyfymykfiinfä ja fanonut fyntyneenfä Jerufalemisfa, misfä hän Kristufen aikana oli fuutarina, fekä että hänen nimenfä oli Ahasverus. Hän oli itfe ollut faapuvilla Wapahtajan ristiinnaulitfemifesfa ja fiitä faakka oli hänen täytynyt moniaita fatoja vuofia kuljekfia ympäri mailmaa, toifesta kaupungifta toifeen. Puheenfa wahfistukfekfi oli hän tarkasti kertonut monta feikkaa, jotka olivat yhteydesfä Kristufen kärfimifen, ristiinnaulitfemifen ja kuoleman kansfa. Hän oli myöskin titetänyt kertoa kaikista muutokfista, jotka olivat tapahtuneet sittenkin Iätmaista fekä kirkollifella että waltiollifella alalla, ja erittäinkin oli hän ilmoittanut, kuinka kauwan jokainen Wapahtajan opetuslapfista oli elänyt fekä mimmoifen lopun jokainen heistä wihdoin oli faanut.
    ellauri110.html on line 749: Kaikkia tätä oli tohtori von Gitzen hartaalla tarkkaawaifuudella kuunnellut ja nähnyt olewan fyytä waatia juutalaifelta afian felwittämifekfi feikkaperäifen kertomukfen hänestä itfestään ja hänen elämänwaiheistaan. Kiertelemättä juutalainen oli filloin kertonut että hän Kristukfen ristiinaulitfemifen aikana oli afunut Judean pääkaupungisfa Jerufalemisfa ja samoin kun fuurin ofa juutalaifista ollut fitä mieltä, että Kristus oli kapinan nostaja ja kansan wiettelijä. Hän oli monta kertaa omin filmin nähnyt hänen ja niinkuin mutkin hänelle wihamielifet juutalaifet toiwonut, että hän hyvin anfaitukfi rangaistukfekfi tuomittaifiin kuolemaan ja kun nyt roomalainen maaherra Pontius Pilatus wihdoin oli wahwistanut Kristukfen kuolemantuomion ja kun hän itfe oli faanut kuulla, että Kristus wietäifiin ristiinnaulittawakfi oli hän heti jusfut waimonfa ja lapfienfa tykö fekä ilmoittanut heille, että jos tahtoifiwat nähdä, kuinka Kristus wiedään pääkallonpaikalle, heidän tuli heti feurata häntä. Ja koska talo, misfä hän fiihen aikaan afui, oli fen kadun warrella, joka raastuwasta johti Pääkallonpaikalle, ja fotamiesten fiis piti kuljettaa Kristusta fen talon fiwu, oli hän ottanut pienimmän lapfenfa käfivarrelleen ja kantanut fen portin ulkopuolelle, että lapfi paremmin ja felwemmin faifi nähdä kuolemaan tuomitun. Kun nyt Kristus, kantaen raskasta ristiään, oli päässyt fuutarin talon eteen, oli hän pyfähtynyt tahtoen wahän lewahtää ja fiinä aikomufesfa tahtoi wähän nojata feinää wastaan, oli Ahaswerus osakfi ymmärtämättömyydestä ja wihasta Kristutsa wastaan, ofakfi woittaakfenfa kiitosta kanfalta, karkoittanut hänet feinän tyköä näillä fanoilla: "Mene pois taloni feinän tyköä ristifi luo. joka kuuluu finulle", jonka perästä Kristus oli kääntynyt hänen puoleenfa ja fanonut: "Minä tahdon nyt feifoa täällä hetkifen lewähtämäsfä, mutta finä et täst´edes tule faamaan mitään rauhaa eli lepoa täsfä maailmasfa, vaan pakolaifena ja wainottuna pitää finun kuljeskeleman toifesta maasta toifeen, aina tuomiopäiwään faakka."
    ellauri110.html on line 753: Kun nyt tämä murhenäytelmä oli loppunut, oli hän aikonut lähteä takaifin Jerufalemiin, kotiinfa waimonfa ja lapfienfa tykö, mutta ei ollut woinut fitä tehdä, waan hänen oli täytynyt lähteä fiitä paikasta, misfä ristiinaulitfeminen oli tapahtunut, aiwan wastakkaifeen fuuntaan - wieraifiin maihin, ja fiellä wuofifatoja wainottuna ja pakolaifena, fuuresfa kurjuudesfa, furullifena ja murheellifena kuljeskellut ympäri maailmaa toifesta paikasta toifeen. Hän oli aina fuuresti ikäwöinyt kerrankin taas faada käydä Jerufalemin kaupungisfa, johon hän Jumalan fallimukfesta oli kerran pääsfytkin, mutta oli tawannut koko kaupungin häwitettynä ja autiokfi faatettuna, eikä muuta nähtäwänä kuin kiviroukkioita ja talojen raunioita. Kokko kaupungin loistosta ja komeudesta, jommoisena se oli ennen Kristukfen kärfimystä ja ristiinnaulitfemista, ei näkynyt wähintäkään jälkeä. Sen lifäkfi oli hän fanonut ei warmuudella tietäwänfä, minkä tähden Jumala oli määrännyt hänet kurjuudesfa ja wiheliäifenä niin pitkänä aikoina kuljeskelemaan ympäri maailmaa monien tuhanfien ihmisten katfeltawakfi, luuli kujitenkin, että Jumala teki niin fiitä fyystä,, että hän fiitä afiasta faarnaifi kaikille juutalaifille ja kaikille parantumattomille fekä kehottaifi heitä katumukfeen ja parannukfeen. Wiimeifekfi hän toiwoi, että Jumala autuaalla kuolemalla wapahtaifi hänet hänen kurjuudestaan ja onnettomuudestaan.
    ellauri110.html on line 759: Kaikenlaifia itämaifia ja muita wieraita kieliä taifi hän ja puhui niin puhtaasti fakfaa, ikäänkuin hän olifi fynnyltään ollut fakfalainen. Kun häneltä kyfyttiin, kuinka hän oli oppinut niin monta kieltä, wastafi hän, että hän kohta, kun hän oli faapunut johonkin wieraafeen maahan, oli Jumalan fallimukfesta faattanut fekä ymmärtää että puhua fen maan kieltä, waikkei hän ikänä ollut ennen kuullut fanaakaan fiitä. Hän ei itfekään woinut ymmärtää, miten tämä tapahtui, waan piti fitä Jumalan falattuna ihmeenä josta hänen ainoastaan tuli kiittää ja ylistää Jumalaa.
    ellauri110.html on line 761: Muuten hän oli aina puhesfaan jumalallinen ja hurskas. Aina kun Wapahtajan nimeä mmainittiin, notkisti hän polwiaan jua huokafi fywään. Jos hän kuuli jonkun kiroowan eli fadattelewan taki wäärin käyttäwän Kristukfen nimeä, fanoi hän femmoifelle: "Woi finua kurjaa ja wiheliäistä ihmisraukkaa, minkä tähden käytät wäärin Jumalan ja Wapahtajafi Jefukfen nimeä, fekä minkä tähden puhut pilkallifesti hänen katkerasta kärfimykfestään ja kuolemastaan? Jos finä, niinkuin minä, olifit nähnyt, kuinka Wapahtajamme kidutettiin, ja mitkä haawat hän on meidän tähtemme faanut ja mimmoifen tuskan hän meidän fynteimme tähden on kärfinyt, niin ennemin tekifit omallle ruumiillefi jotain pahaa, kuin pilkallifesti puhuifit hänen pyhästä nimestään, kärsimykfestään ja kuolemastaan."
    ellauri110.html on line 939: Jos ei oma riitä, voi apua eziä muualtakin. Vaikkapa taiteesta. Jokainen päivä on uusi eilinen. Sanoja, sanoja, sanoja, sanoi Eliza Doolittle. Maanpäällinen paratiisi on latinaxi (paradisus terrestris). Mixi se oli tärkeää? Kai koska Hande oli kuullut sen sen siskolta. Ääripäät pitää nähdä että löytyy keskitie. Jota Hande hipsii suuta kieli keskellä. Ollaan kirjan loppuluvussa, jossa Handen sentimentti/aforismitiheys lähestyy huippua. Painavia sanoja, harkittua asiaa. Syvällisiä. Satojen turistien joukossa. Taustalla soi Kuhmon kamarimusiikkiorkesteri koskettavasti.
    ellauri110.html on line 956: "He has a movie poster face with a full mane of white hair and a Rasputin like goatee, like a more handsome Uncle Ben. Since his return shortly after the revolutionary victory he has been in and out of favor, then in again. Fernández has settled comfortably into a position of responsibility and respect. He is one of the OWs, the Official Writers."
    ellauri110.html on line 1005: Samuli Paronen (23. toukokuuta 1917 Virolahti – 26. elokuuta 1974 Hämeenlinna) oli suomalainen kirjailija, taidemaalari ja työmies. Vaikka vaatimattomissa oloissa elänyt Paronen julkaisi esikoisteoksensa vasta 47-vuotiaana ja kuoli jo 57-vuotiaana, hän ehti kirjoittaa arvostetun tuotannon: kahdeksan romaania, novellikokoelman ja aforismikokoelman Maailma on sana, josta hänet parhaiten tunnetaan.
    ellauri110.html on line 1009: Kirjan nimikin on yhtä aforismia: ”Mietittyäni asiaa viisikymmentä vuotta voin nyt sanoa että maailma on sana.” Parosen kokoelmaa pidetään yhtenä suomalaisen aforistiikan parhaimmista. Se jäi Parosen ainoaksi aforismikokoelmaksi. Lisäksi hänen jälkeenjääneitä mietteitään on koottu Hannu Mäkelän toimittamaan teokseen Testamentti (1999, Otava).
    ellauri110.html on line 1064: Now, mendicants, at that time human beings had a life span of 60,000 years. Girls could be married at 500 years of age. And human beings only had six afflictions: cold, heat, hunger, thirst, and the need to defecate and urinate. But even though humans were so long-lived with so few afflictions, Araka still taught in this way: ‘Life as a human is short, brief, and fleeting, full of pain and misery. Think about this and wake up! Do what’s good and live the spiritual life, for no-one born can escape death.’
    ellauri110.html on line 1081: A final thought is that although Dostoevsky himself did not write a blog, there is something blog-like in his Diary of a Writer, a self-published opinion piece that ranged freely over the most apparently disparate issues. To those who fear that blogging and other forms of information technology are inherently antagonistic to the values of great literature (I mean Dostoevsky and not myself, of course), I suggest that it is not a medium of which he would have been afraid. Perhaps even one he would have relished.
    ellauri110.html on line 1117: The first work produced after his time in a prison camp, Uncle’s Dream might be the funniest writing by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
    ellauri110.html on line 1121: Uncle was Prince K, a doddering and decrepit old fop who has come into money and who is paying a visit to the provinces. Maria Alexandrovna decides to try to marry off her beautiful young daughter Zenaida to him, but the whole town has had a snootful of her and tries to buck her plans at every turn. Still, she manages to come out in the end after a series of reverses. Not for nothing does Dosto compare her (too)xo to Napoleon Bonaparte. Dosto bore a grudge to the French and English because they had laughed at his accent. Napoleon and Shakespeare, damn the lot.
    ellauri111.html on line 120: The apocryphal books were never acknowledged as sacred scriptures by the Jews, custodians of the Hebrew scriptures (and the murderers of Christ. The apocrypha was written prior to the New Testament.) In fact, the Jewish people rejected and destroyed the apocrypha after the overthow of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
    ellauri111.html on line 200: In 1886, after an intense pursuit in northern Mexico by American forces that followed Geronimo's third 1885 reservation breakout, Geronimo surrendered for the last time to Lt. Charles Bare Gatewood, an Apache-speaking West Point graduate who had earned Geronimo's respect a few years before. Geronimo was later transferred to General Nelson Miles at Skeleton Canyon, just north of the Mexican/American boundary. Miles treated Geronimo as a prisoner of war and acted promptly to move Geronimo, first to Fort Bowie, then to the railroad at Bowie Station, Arizona, where he and 27 other Apaches were sent to join the rest of the Chiricahua tribe, which had been previously exiled to Florida.
    ellauri111.html on line 267: “But I repeat,” he continued after a moment, raising his hands dramatically, “I am not demanding the maximum penalty of the law, not even for these torturers. I do not want them imprisoned, beaten, or executed, though I understand the outrage of people who do. Remember, when Ivan asked Alyosha what to do about the general who’d had the little boy torn to pieces by his dogs, even mild, sweet-tempered Alyosha said ‘Shoot him’. But that doesn’t help either. Just because I wrote a novel called Crime and Punishment, people imagine I’m obsessed with punishing. Not at all. All I want is that the guilty are not acquitted. That their guilt is clearly stated. And that they accept it—that’s the most important of all. Let them be found guilty—and let them go free.”
    ellauri111.html on line 285: “In a way, yes. But only in a way. It seems to me that he has still not acknowledged what he did to her, only how it has affected him. It is not her misery but his own solitude that bothers him: how he can go on living without her.”
    ellauri111.html on line 320: Skoptsit eli kuohilaat ahisteli aikoinaan Pietari Suurta kuin pierevää suutaria Liisan vannassa. Fedja-sedästä Shakespeare oli tärkeämpi saappaita. Isänmaa ja jumala oli vielä tärkeämpiä. Sen mielestä Shakespeare ja Rafael, (ja by implication, Dosto ize) ovat tärkeämpiä kuin orjien vapautus, kansallisuusaate, sosialismi, kemia, ize asiassa koko apinoiden laahus, koska ne ovat apinoiden parasta antia, omenia ihan yläoxilta. Pentti Linkolalla oli laahuxesta samanlainen näkemys: apinakunnan parhaat saavutuxet on Beethovenin musiikki, puolukkasurvos ja munatoti.
    ellauri111.html on line 395: But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. (Isaiah 64:6)
    ellauri111.html on line 406: 2 John 1:6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments.
    ellauri111.html on line 562: "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14:27)
    ellauri111.html on line 580: If you are ready to save yourself from this untoward generation, if you are ready to reject what this wicked and perverse world has to offer, if you are ready to be safe and stay safe in God Almighty, if you want Jesus Christ as Lord of your life, if you want to be reconciled to your Creator, if you want to go to heaven, if you want to escape hell -- then put your faith in the only one who can do something about it! Do you believe that Jesus Christ died for you? Do you believe that He rose from the dead? Do you repent of your sins? Do you want to follow Jesus? Join the short line marked LAMBS on the right. Do you want to go to hell? Go to the long line on the left with a goat logo.
    ellauri111.html on line 614: In Acts 8:26-39, you can read about the Ethiopian eunuch who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized by Philip in a certain water. We are only baptized one time and that is after we have truly repented and have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. If you were baptized as a baby or in a false church, and then got saved later on, you need to get rebaptized after salvation. The previous babtism will be null and void.
    ellauri111.html on line 626: After praying and making a confession of faith, end your prayer in Jesus' name and then read some suitable scriptures such as 1 Peter 3:21 and Matthew 28:18-20 aloud (Matthew 28:18-20 says to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost), and then say something like, "Father, I am baptizing myself in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, in want of a holier man" and then go COMPLETELY under the water (keep your nose shut with your fingers, symbolizing death and burial with the Lord Jesus Christ) and come up again after counting to ten (symbolizing my rising to my new life in Christ Jesus)
    ellauri111.html on line 636: It is a new, upright, rich, fascinating, and satisfying life. It is the Christian life. Modern, brainwashed, technological life detaches man from the outdoors and from individual thought and self expression and attaches his affections to the evils promulgated and taught on the television and in the school system. The brainwashed, technological, dependent-on-other-people, idle life gives rise to a whole host of compulsive disorders--addictions--sticky things that a person cannot seem to stop doing (maybe the activities are so much a part of their lives that they don´t even realize that they are addicted to them). Things like television watching, eating or drinking sweet sugary things compulsively, and unclean personal habits. Reading the King James Bible daily is not.
    ellauri111.html on line 640: Seek personal consecration. Our article, Christians Are On the Earth to Serve the Lord is a call to seek personal consecration unto God. We put off the old man and his desperate, wicked deeds (like watching television) and we start putting on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him. This is serving the Lord, living the clean new life.
    ellauri111.html on line 681: God be with you as you run this race. You must read the word of God, the Authorized King James Bible. I strongly suggest that you print out your own copy and bind it. It is in the Authorized King James Bible where you will find your safety, your strength, your power, your love, your comfort, your knowledge, your life and everything you need to know and please and walk with God and his holy child, Jesus. Desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby. Never give up and always hearken to God´s word.
    ellauri111.html on line 707: One more thing--be ware of "new age" teaching--you are not God, you are not divine, and God is not in everybody--all that pantheism (everything is God) and panentheism (God is in everything) is new age teaching which is actually old age because the devil told Eve in the garden, "Ye shall be as gods" (see Genesis chapter 3). The devil is a spirit--he is not dead and he has been telling that same lie ever since then. There is a lot more to this situation, but just get saved and obedient and live reconciled to God. Do not put your trust in science, etc. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth--there is no evolution. Evolution is a big fat lie and a hoax to get people to disbelieve the word of God. Science...many, many lies are told by people in white labcoats. Believe and obey God's word and you will be safe and whole and of an understanding mind and not of a reprobate mind.
    ellauri111.html on line 743: I learned more about the Kundalini after researching the contemplative prayer movement that is entering the emerging church of the devil and the fallen, disobedient-to-the-scriptures churches that would not necessarily describe themselves as "emerging church", "ancient future church", etc. Kundalini awakening can be triggered unintentionally. Satan just waits for the conditions to be right. Some people go insane, check into mental hospitals over and over again, experience personality changes, cannot function as before, commit suicide, etc. Kundalini awakening (a counsel for leaving it behind) is discussed further in our series, "Contemplative Prayer: A Quick Road to Hell for A Disobedient Church."
    ellauri112.html on line 49: Kysymys siitä, onko sielua pidettävä ykseytenä vaiko moninaisuutena, on, voimme sanoa, aina ollut filosofien harrastuksen polttopisteessä. Sehän oli myös niitä kohtia, joissa vanhojen empiristien ja ratsionalistien mielipiteet jyrkimmin menivät vastakkain. Descartes'n »anima», »substantia cogitans», samoinkuin Leibniz'in »monadi» ovat aina säilyttäneet viehätysvoimansa spiritualistisissa mielissä, joille oppi ehdottomasti yksinkertaisesta ja jakamattomasta sielu-ykseydestä, sielunelämän muuttumattomasta 'kannattajasta' on ollut mieleinen, heidän kuolemattomuustoiveitaan ja metafyysillisen dualismin oppiaan tukevana. Epäilemättä jonkunverran hedelmällisempi on ollut englantilainen empirismi, jota sielutieteessä n. s. »assosiatsio-psykologia» on kannattanut. Tämä suunta, sellaisena kuin sitä ovat edustaneet Englannissa varsinkin Hume, Stuart Mill ja Bain ja Ranskassa Taine on kieltämättä päässyt huomattavan pitkälle pyrkimyksissään kohti varsinaista tieteellistä psykologiaa. Mutta toiselta puolen oli sen sielutieteellinen peruskäsitys--tapa käsittää sielunelämä erillisten mielteiden kokoomukseksi ja selittää sielulliset synteesit pelkästään näiden erillisten mielteiden mekaanisten yhtymisten, s. o. assosiatsioiden kautta--tämä käsitys oli epäilemättä tosiasioille väkivaltaa tekevä. Tämä kävikin ilmeiseksi m.m. sen kautta, että sekä Hume että Stuart Mill nimenomaan tunnustivat seisovansa voimattomina tärkeimmän sielullisen synteesin, minuuden, edessä ja myönsivät olevansa kykenemättömiä sen syntyä selittämään.
    ellauri112.html on line 62: Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt (* 16. August 1832 in Neckarau; † 31. August 1920 in Großbothen bei Leipzig) war ein deutscher Physiologe, Psychologe und Philosoph. Er gründete 1879 an der Universität Leipzig das erste Institut für experimentelle Psychologie mit einem systematischen Forschungsprogramm. Wundt gilt als Begründer der Psychologie als eigenständiger Wissenschaft und als Mitbegründer der Völkerpsychologie (Kulturpsychologie).
    ellauri112.html on line 169: * * * * * Valaisevan vertauskohdan edellisen kanssa tarjoaa eräs toinen paikka filosofisella taistelukentällä, jossa materialistit ovat taittaneet monta peistä, nim. kysymys sielun ja ruumiin suhteesta. Reaaliset tiedot aivotoiminnan ja sielunelämän suhteesta olivat materialismin kukoistuskaudella vallan mitättömät. Mutta tämä tietämättömyys peitettiin innokkailla väitteillä siitä, että »sielu» totisesti ei ole muuta kuin atomien liikettä, että aivot erittävät ajatuksia samoin kuin maksa sappea, että sielunelämä on jonkunmoista »fosforesenssia», tai mitä kaikkia lausetapoja silloin keksittiinkin. Nykyään tiedämme ainakin jotain aivotoiminnan ja sielunelämän suhteesta, tiedämme, että aivojen harmaa kuori on »tajunnan elin» siinä merkityksessä että sielunelämä on siitä välittömästi riippuvainen, vieläpä siten että ainakin alkeelliset sieluntoiminnat (aistimukset ja ruumiilliset tunteet) ovat »lokaliseeratut» tarkasti määrättyihin aivokuoren alueisiin; ja on erittäin luultavaa, että myös n.s. korkeammat sieluntoiminnat ovat sidotut määrättyihin aineellisiin tapahtumiin aivokuoressa. Tieteellinen psykologia julkilausuu tämän riippuvaisuussuhteen »psykofyysillisen parallelismin» periaatteellansa, joka on osoittautunut erinomaisen hedelmälliseksi »työ olettamukseksi» ja joka sisältää, että sielullista ilmiösarjaa vastaa joka kohdassa aineellinen tapahtumasarja aivokuoressa. Mutta kun edellinen vähän väliä kätkee, kun sitä vastoin jälkimäinen on katkeamaton, on luonnollista, että aineellinen tapahtumasarja selityksissämme pannaan sielullisen perustaksi. Tämän takia onkin fysiologisen psykologian lopullisena päämääränä, lyhyesti sanoen, koettaa selittää sielulliset ilmiöt määrätyistä aineellisista edellytyksistä. Onko tämä materialismia? Ei suinkaan, sillä metafyysillinen juopa sielullisen ja aineellisen välillä jää olemaan kuten ennenkin. Sen ylipääsemättömyyttä ei vähääkään muuta se, että vähitellen yhä tarkemmin opimme tietämään, mitä aivokuoren kohdan kiihoitusta ja minkä asteista, minkä luontaista kiihoitusta kukin sielullinen ilmiö vastaa. On eräitten periaatteellisten filosofisten syiden takia mahdoton ajatellakin, että tämä kuilu jollakin tieteellisellä tavalla voitaisiin täyttää. Olemme tässä omituisen ristiriidan edessä. Toisella puolen on pieni, mutta vähitellen varmasti kasvava tietomme siitä lainalaisuudesta, joka vallitsee sielullisen ja aivo-toiminnan kesken, toisella puolen on suuri valtava tietämättömyytemme tämän lainalaisuuden syvemmistä perusteista ja syistä, aineen ja hengen suhteen todellisesta luonteesta. Filosofit ovat aina ponnistelleet ajatustaan tämän kysymyksen ratkaisemiseksi ja saaneet tulokseksi joukon arveluita...
    ellauri112.html on line 189: Kaikki tämä kuitenkin lisäyksellä kenties. Päinvastainen tulos on yhtä mahdollinen; ehkäpä kaiken tuon pyrkimyksen tuloksena on tyhjyys; ehkäpä totuus on masentava... On puhuttu niin paljon Renanin »skeptillisyydestä». Jotka tahtovat olla oikein moderneja, hekkumoivat niillä »Dyb af Skepsis» (Brandes), joita he näkevät Renanin harmittomimpienkin ajatusten alla. Muistuu mieleen »keisarin uudet vaatteet» ... Vastakkainen leiri näkee tässä epäilyssä, tässä hiljaisessa hymyssä, törkeää rienausta. Mutta oikeastaan Renan on »skeptikko» vain siksi, että hän niin mielellään tutkistelee asioita, joihin ei ajatuksemme anna mitään lopullista vastausta, joihin nähden vapaasti liikkuva pro et contra on ylin viisaus. Taasen syy siihen, että Renan alituisesti palaa uudelleen tutkistelemaan elämän ja maailman mahdollisuuksia ja tulevaisuuden perspektiivejä, vaikkei hän koskaan pääse pitemmälle kuin noihin »ehkä» ja »kenties», on luullakseni haettava hänen uskonnollisesta »dilettantismistaan». Lapsuutensa ja nuoruutensa hartaasta ja ylevästä katoolisuudesta vieraantui Renan vain järkensä, ei koskaan tunteensa puolesta. Syvä kaipaus, jolla hän jätti Saint Sulpicen seminaarin, ei hänessä koskaan sammunut. Mikään mahdollisuus ei hänelle myöhäiseen vanhuuteensa saakka ollut rakkaampi ajatella kuin se, että uskonto sittenkin olisi tosi. Viimeiseen saakka koettaa hän tieteellisesti ymmärrettyyn maailmankuvaan sovittaa uskonnollisia käsitteitä, Jumala, ylösnousemus, kuolemattomuus. Tämä alituinen ja yhä uudistuva askarteleminen perspektiivien kanssa, joista hän kuitenkin kerran on luopunut, on yhteydessä Renanin luonteen päättämättömyyden kanssa. Tämä päättämättömyys oli hänessä niin silmiinpistävä, että hänen vanha ystävänsä Berthelot saattaa epäillä olisiko Renan koskaan lopullisesti rikkonut väliänsä kirkon kanssa, ellei hänellä olisi ollut tukenaan sisarensa Henriette, voimakas, päättäväinen, syvä luonne, joka kaukaa lähettämillään kirjeillä auttoi Renanin seuraamaan vakaumustaan. Palatakseni takaisin käsitteisiin »nisus» ja »élan vital», on sanottava että ne eivät toisistaan eroa vain siinä, että edellinen on latinaa, jälkimäinen ranskaa! Renanin »nisus» laahaa alituisesti liepeissään tuote »ehkä» ja »kenties ei kuitenkaan». Renan on alituisesti tietoinen siitä, että metafyysillinen filosofia on pelkkää runoilua, mielikuvituksen leikkiä, jolla on tosin lakastumaton viehätyksensä, mutta joka on otettava cum grano salis. »Renanismin» rinnalla on »bergsonismi» karkeasti dogmaatinen. Empimättä uskoo Bergson metafyysillisiin kangastuksiinsa, jotka runollisen mielikuvituksen näkyinä kieltämättä ovat mukaansatempaavan kauniit.-- Kolmas yhtymäkohta Renanin ja Bergsonin välillä on kenties kaikista mieltäkiinnittävin. Se koskee spekulatiivisen järjen kantavuutta tiedonlähteenä ja spekulatiivisen tiedon arvoa. Renanin käsitys filosofian olennosta ja tehtävästä on kenties hieman huojuva. Mutta siinä suhteessa on se selvä, että hänen mielestään spekulatiivinen filosofia, jolla muka on oma tiedelähteensä ja omat metodinsa, on vähänarvoinen. Kaikki suuret filosofit ovat olleet suuria tiedemiehiä; Aristoteles, Descartes, Leibniz, Kant tiesivät kaiken, mitä heidän vuosisatansakin. Ne ajat taas, jolloin filosofia on muuttunut »spesialiteetiksi», ovat olleet sen alennuksen kausia. Sellainen oli myöhempi kartesiolaisuus (Malebranche), sellainen Renanin nuoruudessa Saksan spekulatiivinen idealismi. Meidän aikanamme näyttävät pitkin koko rintamaa tieteet, joko historialliset tai luonnontieteet, olevan määrätyt ottamaan vastaan filosofian perinnön. Filosofian täytyy tulla tieteelliseksi, ellei se tahdo tulla Penelopen kankaaksi, jota lakkaamatta ja aina turhaan aletaan uudelleen. Ja Renan uskoo, että sensijaan kuin edellisinä vuosisatoina luonnontieteet tuottivat parhaan aineiston filosofisille aateskeluille, »historia on meidän aikamme todellinen filosofia» (Essais de morale et de critique, s. 83).
    ellauri112.html on line 193: Syy siihen, että juuri käsitteet »vihreä», »punainen» jne. on muodostettu, eikä aivan toisia, piilee tietysti näiden vivahdusten käytännöllisessä merkityksessä. Lauselma: »logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia» tarkoittaa siis: spekulatiivinen, aprioristinen logiikka ei tavoita vivahduksia. Kaikkia värivivahduksia ei voida ilmaista viidellä tai kuudella värinimityksellä. Mutta kokemustiede, kokemuksellinen logiikka tavoittaa kyllä mitä vivahduksia tahansa. Minulla on tällä hetkellä mielikuva ihan määrätystä punaisen vivahduksesta, joka imupaperillani on; jos tahtoisin, voisin nimittää tätä vivahdusta esim. klm: siten olisi uusi käsite muodostettu, käsite, joka tavoittaisi ihan määrätyn vivahduksen. Tällaisen käsitteen muodostaminen olisi kuitenkin kovin epätarkoituksenmukaista. Paljon tärkeämpiä kuin äärimäisen yksilölliset vivahdukset, kuin ne ominaisuudet, jotka kussakin esineessä ovat erilaisia, ovat yleensä esineiden yhteiset ominaisuudet. Käsite klm ilmaisisi vain yhdellä tai aivan harvoilla esineillä olevaa ominaisuutta, käsite »punainen» sellaista ominaisuutta, joka on lukemattomilla ja jonka jokainen omasta kokemuksestaan tuntee. Sanoin, että Renan yllämainitulla lauseellaan on lausunut julki Bergsonin filosofian ydinajatuksen. Mutta siinä tapauksessa Bergson on käsittänyt tuon lauseen ihan sananmukaisesti. Bergsonin mukaanhan kaikki logiikka, kaikki ajattelu on voimaton tavoittamaan todellisuutta, joka ei ole muuta kuin vivahduksia. Hänhän esittää, mitenkä inhimillinen äly on kuin valmiiden vaatteiden varasto, johon yritetään pukea todellisuus, katsomatta kuinka se niihin soveltuu. Hän vertaa älyämme kinematograafikoneeseen, joka ottaa muutamia liikkumattomia silmänräpäyskuvia elämän alituisesta virtailusta, ja yrittää näistä kuolleista kuvista uudelleen panna kokoon elävän todellisuuden. Hän puhuu ymmärryksemme »mekanistisesta vaistosta», joka viettää voittokulkuaan geometriassa, mutta on kykenemätön ratkaisemaan elämän arvoitusta. Tällä tavoin Bergson syyttää tiedettä virheestä, johon ei ollenkaan se, vaan juuri filosofia on tehnyt itsensä syypääksi-- spekulatiivisesta logiikasta, jota monet filosofit ovat rakastaneet, mutta joka tiedemiesten parhaille on ollut kauhistus. Näin yrittää hän riistää tieteeltä sananvallan sen mieltäkiinnittävimmissä kysymyksissä, ja panna sijalle runollisen »intuitionsa», jota ei millään keinoin voi kontrolloida, joka ei sisällä mitään mahdollisuutta eroittaa totuutta erehdyksestä. Jos koskaan, on filosofia Bergsonissa muuttunut »spesialiteetiksi». (Aika 10, 10-18) * * * * *
    ellauri112.html on line 196: 1874 Collin, Jonas: Anmeldelse af Menneskets Oprindelse og Parringsvalget i Dagbladet, d. 4/11

    ellauri112.html on line 210: 67 suhteet: Ahriman, Aleister Crowley, Altruismi, Amuletti, Anton LaVey, Ayn Rand, Azazel (demoni), Beelzebub, Charles Baudelaire, Charles Darwin, Dualismi (filosofia), Eenokin kieli, Epikurolaisuus, Eugeniikka, Evankeliumi Markuksen mukaan, Evoluutio, Fasismi, Friedrich Nietzsche, Halloween, Hedonismi, Herbert Spencer, Ikonografia, Itsesuggestio, Jobin kirja, John Milton, Juutalaisuus, Kadotettu paratiisi, Kansallissosialismi, Kesäpäivänseisaus, Keskiaika, Kevätpäiväntasaus, Kristinusko, Kun maailma järkkyi, Länsi, Lucifer, Max Stirner, Mefistofeles, Meritokratia, Niccolò Machiavelli, Okkultismi, Pakanaverkko, Parodia, Pentagrammi, Romantiikka, Saatana, Saatanallinen Raamattu, Saatanan kirkko, Saatananpalvonta, Seitsemän kuolemansyntiä, Seth, Setin Temppeli, Solipsismi, Sosiaalidarvinismi, Suomi, Syntymäpäivä, Syyspäiväntasaus, Taikuus (yliluonnollinen), Talvipäivänseisaus, Tanak, Teismi, Temppeliherrain ritarikunta, Thomas Hobbes, Valistus, Varhaiskristillisyys, Yhdysvallat, Yli-ihminen, Zarathustralaisuus.
    ellauri112.html on line 275: Epikurolaisuus oli hellenistisen filosofian koulukunta, jonka perusti muinaiskreikkalainen Epikuros (341-270 eaa.). Koulukunta perustettiin noin vuonna 307 eaa. Epikurolainen ''tetrafarmakos'' Papyrusten huvilasta löydetyssä papyruksessa (PHerc. 1005, col. 5). Kopio 1800-luvun alusta. Epikuros oli atomistinen materialisti.
    ellauri112.html on line 318:

    ellauri112.html on line 320: Ikonografia tutkii taideteosten aiheita, ideoita ja merkitystä.
    ellauri112.html on line 322: Uusi!!: Satanismi ja Ikonografia · Katso lisää »
    ellauri112.html on line 592: Cody wrote the script after becoming a mother. She wrote it for full three weeks, and that shows.
    ellauri112.html on line 601: Yes, we know that once a person has a kid their life changes completely, often with hardships and challenges along the way. But Reitman and Cody inject a level of warmth that prevents this from being simply depressing, at times it’s quite funny. Being a parent is a tough job, but it’s a necessary one – where would any of us be if there weren’t someone watching after us as toddlers?
    ellauri112.html on line 603: A bittersweetness nicely complements the wealth of humor mined from what must surely be common afflictions on unprepared parents.
    ellauri112.html on line 616: By avoiding clichés and crafting real personalities Tully becomes an enduring portrait of somepm, sanoo setämies. Yhden cliché on toisen oivallus. One man´s floor is another man´s ceiling, naisista puhumattakaan.
    ellauri112.html on line 621: Yasser Medina, Cinemaficionados tuo peliin latinonäkökulmia (niitähän jenkeistä on jo viidennes, vaikka maxukyky taitaa laahata siitä jäljessä):
    ellauri112.html on line 635: When she was younger, she had nothing but time on her hands and not a care in the world, before marriage and bills and all that comes after youth slips away.
    ellauri112.html on line 641: Marlo is a real mother, sister and wife who knows how to put on a polite, sweet face when required, but isn’t afraid to take it off to make a point—something she does with her son’s school principal to great effect.
    ellauri112.html on line 663: Make no mistake this is one complex and affecting film about motherhood.
    ellauri112.html on line 684: Marlo, already a mother of two, begins the film heavily, outrageously pregnant: we learn, in rapid succession, that this third pregnancy was unwanted, that her husband does little of the domestic labour, and that her “shitty” upbringing is the reason she’s so committed to her nuclear family unit. Postnatal depression, never named, haunts the narrative: her wealthy brother offers to pay for a night nanny to avoid, in his words, the advent of another “bad time” like the one that followed the birth of her son, Jonah. When the nanny arrives – described by more than one reviewer as a “millennial Mary Poppins” – the panacea seems to be working. Not only does she look after the baby at night but she also operates as a kind of empathy machine, listening to Marlo’s problems, sharing sangria in the garden, and baking the Minions cupcakes that Marlo herself never has the time to make. The postnatal depression, it seems, disperses; Jonah – who has “emotional problems” – finds a place at a school more suited to his needs, family dinners get increasingly wholesome, and Marlo does a passable Stevie Nicks impression at a child’s birthday party. And then comes the twist: after a bender in Brooklyn with Tully, a sleep-deprived Marlo, drunk at the wheel, drives her car off a bridge and ends up in hospital, and we realise there was nobody else in the car. Her maiden name, we learn, was Tully.
    ellauri112.html on line 694: The same can be said for Cody’s rough around the edges, unsubtle screenplay. This is far from her best work and for once, she seems to have written herself into a corner. Some of the narrative is so contrived that it’s dripping with cliché, crowded with irritating, pithy platitudes dressed up in a bright hipster bow. Worst of all, the film treats serious post-partum depression as a gimmicky afterthought and even tacks on a borderline inappropriate ‘gotcha!’ ending.
    ellauri112.html on line 702: I appreciated the fact that a troubled mom did seek help, I’m just not sure the script needed the plot twist. I didn’t immediately warm to this flick. Actually, I often alternated between exasperation and captivation – and a key plot twist at the end left a sour taste in my mouth, though for petty reasons. Nonetheless, something about it didn’t feel quite right. It took one observation from a friend afterward to allow for the film’s brilliance to bloom in my mind.
    ellauri112.html on line 712: The night they go out starts with an amusing drive at the sound of Cindy Lauper, but becomes severely toxic when they arrive at an underground club and the drunk Marlo jumps in sync with clangorous heavy-metal rhythms and then endures pain due to engorged breasts. However, that pain was infinitesimal when compared to the afflicting news that Tully is quitting.
    ellauri112.html on line 728: The film’s strength – for its first two thirds – is the relationship between the two women at the heart of the narrative. We learn through a clumsy coincidence at the beginning of the film that Marlo is bisexual; as her intimacy with Tully expands to fill the vacuum of her absentee marriage, it becomes a tender eroticism. This is mediated, always, through other bodies: as Tully cradles the baby who has just finished feeding, she talks about how the ‘molecules’ of the child still exist within the mother; later, in a bar toilet, she gently wets a paper towel and uses it to draw the milk out of Marlo’s swollen breasts. In a pivotal scene, Marlo sits behind Tully and instructs her on what to do to arouse her sleep-befuddled husband. This moment can be read as emblematic of the film’s mistreatment of the queer intimacy it establishes. Coming after a discussion of sexual history and sexual fantasy, Marlo reveals to Tully that she has a waitress’s uniform that she’s never used, bought to surprise her husband. As Tully puts the outfit on, which fits her pre-natal body in a way it wouldn’t Marlo, the moment of sexual possibility between the women is subsumed into heteronormative, ageist fantasy: Tully’s young, and therefore fantasy-appropriate, body is used as bait to ‘recharge’ the masculine battery.
    ellauri115.html on line 35: Tampereen yliopiston pitkäaikainen yhteiskuntafilosofian lehtori Lauri Mehtonen (hämärästi muistaisin että se oli partapozo, mutta saatan erehtyä) sanoo sattuvasti JJ Rousseausta haaveilujen esipuheessa:
    ellauri115.html on line 168: Wer würde glauben, dass diese Bestrafung in der Kindheit, erlitten im Alter von acht Jahren von hand eines alten Jungfer von dreissig Jahren (tatsächlich war er elf und sie vierzig) meinen Geschmack, meine Wünsche, meine Leidenschaften, mein ganzes Selbst bis ans Ende meines Lebens bestimmen würde?
    ellauri115.html on line 387: Wounded feelings gave rise to a bitter three-way quarrel between Rousseau and Madame d'Épinay; her lover, the journalist Grimm; and their mutual friend, Diderot, who took their side against Rousseau. Diderot later described Rousseau as being "false, vain as Satan, ungrateful, cruel, hypocritical, and wicked... He sucked ideas from me, used them himself, and then affected to despise me".
    ellauri115.html on line 410: He was still insistent on his love for Rousseau - at least when writing to his French friends. He told one, "I have never known a man more amiable and more virtuous than he appears to me; he is mild, gentle, modest, affectionate, disinterested; and above all, endowed with a sensibility of heart in a supreme degree ... for my part, I think I could pass all my life in his company without any danger of our quarrelling ..." Indeed, a source of their concord, Hume thought, was that neither one of them was disputatious. When he repeated the sentiments to D'Holbach, the baron was glad that Hume had "not occasion to repent of the kindness you have shown ... I wish some friends, whom I value very much, had not more reasons to complain of his unfair proceedings, printed imputations, ungratefulness &c."
    ellauri115.html on line 484: Samuel Clarke (11. lokakuuta 1675 – 17. toukokuuta 1729) oli englantilainen filosofi. Hän vaikutti teologian, matematiikan, metafysiikan ja filologian aloilla. Ei ihmekään että Rousseau ryömi sen viitan alle lällättämään Voltairelle.
    ellauri115.html on line 486: Samuel Clarke (1675–1729) was the most influential British metaphysician and theologian in the generation between Locke and Berkeley, and only Shaftesbury rivals him in ethics. In all three areas he was very critical of Hobbes, Spinoza, and Toland. Deeply influenced by Newton, Clarke was critical of Descartes’ metaphysics of space and body because of the experimental evidence for Newtonianian doctrines of space, the vacuum, atoms, and attraction and because he believed Descartes’ identifying body with extension and removing final causes from nature had furthered irreligion and had naturally developed into Spinozism.
    ellauri115.html on line 540: Apinoiden erroreiden päälähde on yleisissä ja abstrakteissa idixissä; metafysiikan jargoni ei ole koskaan löytänyt yhtään totuutta, ja se on täyttänyt filosofian älyttömyyxillä joista me ollaan häpeissämme niin pian kun me poistetaan niista pitkät sanat. Sanos mulle, ystäväiseni, kun ne puhuu sulle sokeasta voimasta joka on levinneenä koko luontoon, saako siitä mitään käsitystä mieleensä? Ne ajattelee että ne muka sanoo jotain näillä epämääräisillä ilmauxilla - universaali voima, oleellinen liike - mutta eihän ne sano yhtään mitään. Liikkeen idis ei ole muuta kuin idis siirtymisestä paikasta toiseen; ei ole mitään liikettä jolla ei ole suuntaa; sillä mikään yxilö ei voi liikkua kaikkiin suuntiin yhtä aikaa. Mihin suuntaan sit aine liikkuu välttämättä? Onko koko aineläjällä sama liike, vai onko jokaisella atomilla oma? Ekan ideixen mukaan koko avaruuden pitää muodostaa yxi kiinteä ja jakamaton massa; jälkimmäisen mukaan se voi vaan muodostaa diffuusin ja inkoherentin pilven, ja silloin ei vois mitkään 2 atomia yhtyä. [Se ei olis yhtään kivaa, ja selkeesti vastoin mun arkikokemusta.] Mihin suuntaan lähtis toi kaikelle aineelle yhteinen liike? Suoraviivaisesti, ympyrässä, ylhäältä alas, vasemmalta oikealle? Jos jokaisella molekyylillä on oma suuntansa, mikä olis kaikkien näiden suuntien ja erotusten syy? Jos jokainen molekyyli ja atomi vaan pyörisi axelinsa ymmpäri, kaikki seisokelisivat kadunkulmissa ja kukaan ei pääsi kulkemaan. Ja tänkin pyörimisen pitäis mennä johkin suuntaan. Se et aine lähtis liikkeelle jostain abstraktiosta on paskapuhetta, se ei merkkaa mitään, ja jos aine lähtee johkin suuntaan niin sillä on joku syy. Mitä enemmän esimerkkejä mä otan elävästä elämästä, sitä enemmän syitä mun pitää selittää, enkä löytäis koskaan yhteistä agenttia joka kontrolloisi niitä kaikkia. Ei siinä kaikki etten mä pysty piirtämään kuvaa sellasesta sattumanvaraisesta liikehdinnästä ja elementtien yhteentörmäyxistä, en voi edes kuvitella sellasta härdelliä, ja universumin kaaos on vähemmmän kuviteltavissa mulle kuin sfäärien harmonia. Voin ymmärtää että universumin mekanismi ei ehkä ole apinan käsitettävissä, mutta jos alat sitä selittää, selitä edes niin että apina ymmärtää.
    ellauri115.html on line 587: Why can't a woman take after a man?
    ellauri115.html on line 608: Why can't a woman take after man?
    ellauri115.html on line 734: Ei ole osa mun lukujärjestystä ruveta nyt metafyysisiin pohdintoihin joista meistä kumpikaan ei tajuaisi pätkääkään, keskusteluihin jotka ei oikeasti johda mihinkään. Olen jo kertonut sulle etten huoli filosofoida sun kaa, vaan autan sua konsultoimaan omaa verenkiertoelintä. Jos kaikki maailman filosofit osoittais että mää oon väärässä, ja sun mutu sanoo et mää oon oikeessa, se riittää mulle.
    ellauri115.html on line 764: Hyvä pappi oli puhunut passiohedelmään; hän ja minä olimme tunnekuohuissa. Musta näytti kuin mä olisin kuunnellut jumalallista orgasmia kun se lauloi mulle virsikirjan alusta ja opetti mulle jumalille pyllistelyä. Mä näin tukun vastalauseita jotka voisi nousta tästä; kuitenkaan mun viitan kätköstä ei noussut mitään sen tapaista, sillä huomasin että ne olis enemmän sekottavia kuin vakavia, ja että mun kallistuskulma oli muutenkin jo siihen päin. Kun se viittilöi mulle omantunnon semaforilla, mun oma omatunto toimi kuin heijastimena.
    ellauri115.html on line 836: At another time Racine took La Fontaine to church, and gave him a Bible, which he opened at the prayer of the Jews in Baruch; becoming interested in the book, which he had perhaps never opened before, he asked his friend, “Who was this Baruch? He was a fine genius!” For some time afterwards his salutation to friends was, “Have you read Baruch?”—LAROUSSE: Fleurs Historiques.
    ellauri115.html on line 936: The ideas of Socinianism date from the wing of the Protestant Reformation known as the Radical Reformation and have their root in the Italian Anabaptist movement of the 1540s, such as the anti-trinitarian Council of Venice in 1550. Lelio Sozzini was the first of the Italian anti-trinitarians to go beyond Arian beliefs in print and deny the pre-existence of Christ in his Brevis explicatio in primum Johannis caput – a commentary on the meaning of the Logos in John 1:1–15 (1562). Lelio Sozzini considered that the "beginning" of John 1:1 was the same as 1 John 1:1 and referred to the new creation,[citation needed] not the Genesis creation. His nephew Fausto Sozzini published his own longer Brevis explicatio later, developing his uncle's arguments. Many years after his death in Switzerland, Sozzini consulted with the Unitarian Church in Transylvania, attempting to mediate in the dispute between Frankenstein and Count Dracula.
    ellauri115.html on line 940: Fausto Sozzini furthered his influence through his Racovian Catechism, published posthumously, which set out his uncle Lelio's views on Christology and replaced earlier catechisms of the Ecclesia Minor. His influence continued after his death through the writings of his students published in Polish and Latin from the press of the Racovian Academy at Raków, Kielce County.
    ellauri115.html on line 966: Ilmeisesti tällasta harhauskoa oli paljon liikkellä varsinkin Genevessä. Ei Rusakko sitä ollut ize kexinyt. Geneve oli puollollaan hugenotteja ja muita hihhuleita. Se oli joku 1700-luvun Ankh-Morpork. Voltairekin oli sosinianistiepäilty, sillä oli joku sellainen ame atroce affair. Voltaire had described Calvin in a letter to Thiriot as having 'uneame atroce aussi bien qu'un esprit eclaire'. Sit oli joku affaire Calas, jossa 1 geneveläinen rotestanttikauppias tuomittiin poikansa kunniamurhasta kun poika halus väkkäröityä takas katolisex. Iskä oikeasti pantiin sileäxi telalla Toulousessa ja poltettiin varmemmaxi vakuudexi vielä kokossa. Voltairen piti puuttua tähänkin cause celebreen.
    ellauri115.html on line 972: Kun valoin Rauhixen ikuisten vessanportaiden perustaa betonista, tuli pikku Max noin 5v siihen ja ja halusi mennä pikku saappaillaan kävelemään pehmeässä sementissä. Sopiiko, sopiiko? se kysyi ja meni sitten sinne tallustelemaan. Sanoin EI! EI! EI SOVI! mutta siitäpä se vähät välitti. Se piti lopulta yxinkertaisesti vaan nostaa sieltä pois. Sille sana "sopiiko?" oli vaan joku sana joka pitää sanoa ennenkuin tekee mitä lystää. Tai Niklaxen "Puheenvuoro!" Mähän sanoin puheenvuoro! Tai Alexander Stubbin "Sori siitä", sana joka pitää sanoa jos jää kiinni kusetuxesta. Valitettavasti, sanon vaikken valita. Olen vaan pahoillani että huomasitte. Taikasanoja, stiiknafuulia (YÄK, siinäpä ällö tarina Teuvo Pakkalalta). Sanahelinää, pelkkää semantiikkaa.
    ellauri115.html on line 974: Yhteiskuntasopimus on yleinen eettinen julkisen moraalin yhteiskuntafilosofinen perustelu, jonka mukaan luonnontilassa olevat ihmiset solmivat keskenään sopimuksen, jolla he perustavat valtion. Sopimuksessa määritetään kansalaisten ja valtion oikeudet ja velvollisuudet.
    ellauri115.html on line 1087: Lidija Rangelovska is the owner and CEO of Narcissus Publications and the editor of Sam Vaknin's works, including of "Malignant Self-love: Narcissism Revisited" as well as many other books and ebooks about topics in psychology, relationships, philosophy, economics, international affairs, and award-winning short fiction. She lives in Skopje with her husband, Sam Vaknin. She featured in other documentaries together with her husband ("Egomania" by channel 4 in the UK and "Moi, narcissique et cruel" on Radio-Television Suisse).
    ellauri115.html on line 1091: In his view, narcissists have lost their "true self", the core of their personality, which has been replaced by delusions of grandeur, a "false self". Therefore, he believes, they cannot be healed, because they do not exist as real persons, only as reflections: "The False Self replaces the narcissist's True Self and is intended to shield him from hurt and narcissistic injury by self-imputing omnipotence ... The narcissist pretends that his False Self is real and demands that others affirm this confabulation," meanwhile keeping his real-life imperfect true self under wraps.
    ellauri115.html on line 1121: Oikeistomiljonääri Naftali Bennett kaivaa siionismin naftaliinista. Filistealaisten valtiosta ei puhettakaan, se on kuopattu. Olemme jakaneet maata jo liikaakin. Naftali on takusti psykopaatti.
    ellauri117.html on line 142: Lebensgeschichte: Der in Prag geborene und kurzgewachsene Kafka war der älteste überlebende Sohn einer gutsituierten jüdischem Kaufmannsfamilie. Obwohl seine Mutter aus einer Familie von Mystikern, Intellektuellen und Künstlern stammte, hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die grüblerische, melancholische Persönlichkeit ihres Sohnes und seine Leidenschaft fürs Schreiben zu verstehen. Auch seinem Vater war der sensible Franz ein Rätsel und die Zielscheibe seines beißenden Spotts. Franz unterwarf sich schließlich dem Willen des Vaters und schlug gegen seine Neigung eine günstige Juristenlaufbahn ein.
    ellauri117.html on line 144: 1906 machte Kafka seinen Abschluß an der Prager Universitet und wandte sich mit Unbehagen dem Versicherungsgeschäft zu. Die Plackerei der Büroarbeit verlangte nach einem Ausgleich, und er nahm jede Gelegenheit wahr, außerhalb der Stadt zu schwinmen, zu rudern oder zu wanken. Aber diese Zerstreuungen waren nur kurze Unterbrechungen der zermürbenden Routine, die er sich gezwungenermaßen als Lebensinhalt gewählt hatte. Tagsüber arbeitete er für die Arbeiter-Unfall-Versicherungs-Anstalt», und
    ellauri117.html on line 147: 1917 erkrankte Kafka an Lungentuberkulose, die er als körpenliche Manifestation seiner inneren Zerrissenheit interpretierte:
    ellauri117.html on line 152: Nur ein geringer Teil der Werke Kafkas wurde zu seinen Lebzeiten veröffentlicht. Er vernichtete viele seiner Manuskripte - die genaue Zahl ist nicht bekannt - und bat noch auf dem Sterbebett seinen besten Freund, den bekannten Romancier und Essayiste Max Brod, alle von ihm zurückgelassenen unveröffentlichten Schriften zu verbrennen. Brod erfüllte jedoch Kafkas letzte Wunsch nicht. Im Gegenteil: Er unternahm alles in seiner Macht stehende, um das Werk seines verstorbenen Freundes bekannt zu
    ellauri117.html on line 153: machen. In den zwanziger Jahren edierte er die drei Romanfragmente Kafkas, Mitte der dreißiger Jahre veröffentlichte er die erste Gesammelte Werke»-Ausgabe. Doch erst nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg wurde die Bedeutung Franz Kafkas einem breiten Leserpublikum bewusst.
    ellauri117.html on line 155: Sex hegte Kafka sein Leben lang eine große Ehrfurcht vor. Besonders der Ehe und dem Familienleben, davon überzeugt, daß er nicht dafür geschaffen sei, ein glückliches häusliches Leben zu führen. Sein Vater - so meinte Kafka - hatte seinen Charakter und seinen Willen in solchem Maße verbogen, daß ihn die Vorstellung, mit einer Frau eine Familie zu gründen, völlig einschüchterte. Und doch sehnte er sich nach der ihm unerreichbar Scheinenden Fotze.
    ellauri117.html on line 157: Herrmann Kafka erscheint in den Schriften seines Sohnes als gefühlloses Ungeheuer. Die Art und Weise, in der der Vater seinem Sohn sexuelle Aufklärung zuteil werden ließ, bestätigt zweifellos diese Ansicht. Franz war von seinen heranwachsenden Schulfreunden wegen seiner offensichtlichen Ahnungslosigkeit in sexuellen Fragen geneckt worden. Daher begann er, sich mit Hilfe von Büchern die biologischen Grundlagen der Sexualität anzueignen, und versuchte dann, seinen Vater ganz beiläufig über die
    ellauri117.html on line 158: Feinheiten auszuhorchen. Wenig später gingen Kafka, seine Mutter und sein Vater zusammen spazieren. Plötzlich begann dieser, angeregt über die körperliche Liebe zu dozieren. Franz war es peinlich, daß seine Mutter anwesend war (ach was, es war sicher gerade sie die diesen Vortrag erfordert hatte), doch weit mehr noch entsetzte ihn die Unterscheidung zwischen tugendhaften Frauen und Huren, die sein Vater ihm nahezubringen versuchte. Seine Mahnung, sich nie mit diesen einzulassen, verunsicherte Franz, der damals anscheinend zu ausgelassenen Phantasien ûber erregende Dirnen neigte.
    ellauri117.html on line 160: Man sagt, daß Kafka seine erste sexuelle "Begegnung" mit seiner französischen Gouvernante hatte, doch hat er diskreterweise immer nur in Andeutungen über dieses «Urerlebnis» gesprochen. Den ersten regen Geschlechtsverkehr hatte er als Zwanzigjähriger mit einer tschechischen Verkäuferin. Sie verbrachten einen Abend in einer billigen Absteige. Diese Erfahrung bestärkte Kafka in seinem Ekel vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr und in seinem Glauben, daß Sexualität eine von Natur aus schmutzige, nichtswürdige Anlegenheit sei. Gerade das Entgegengesetzte predigte D.H.Lawrence (infra). Trotzdem streunte er seine ganze Studentenzeit indurch immer wieder durch das Bordellviertel von Prag, genau wie die anderen Heißsporne unter seinen Kommilitonen. Er ekelte sich vor seiner eigenen sexuellen Lust, erkannte aber zugleich auch die Notwendigkeit, ihr hin und wieder einzustecken:
    ellauri117.html on line 164: Er stand seinem sexuellen Trieb wie jedem anderen Teil seiner Persönlichkeit feindselig gegenüber. Er beharrte darauf, den Geschlechtsakt als eine Strafe für die Wonnen des vertraulichen Umgangs mit einer Frau anzusehen. Es schauderte ihn, wenn er sich seine Eltern gemeinsam im Bett vorstellte, und er zitterte bei dem Gedanken, selbst diese eheliche Pflicht ausüben zu müssen. Diese Gefühle behinderten ihn natürlich sehr, wenn er um eine Frau warb. Was für ein gehemmter Teenager.
    ellauri117.html on line 166: 1912 lernte er in Max Brods Haus Felice Bauer kennen, die die erste große Liebe seine ns werden sollte und mit der er zweimal insgeheim verlobt war, Franz war zu jener Zeit 29 Jahre alt. In den folgenden fünf Jahren bildete Felice das Zentrum seines Lebens, von dem er sich im ständigen Wechsel angezogen und wieder abgestoßen fühlte. Er verwirrte sie mit einer Flut selbstquälerischer Briefe. Diese ambivalente, heftigen Gefühlsschwankungen unterworfene Romanze beflügelte den Schriftsteller in Kafka, doch seine Unentschlossenheit, in welche Richtung sich ihre Beziehung entwickeln sollte, frustrierte Felice. Wie Koalas Onkel, aufzählte der kleine Jude die Vorzüge und Nachteile einer Ehe. Schließlich schickte sie ihre Freundin Grete Bloch, um Kafka nach seinen Absichten zu fragen. Mit der Zeit wurde Grete die Vertraute des Schriftstellers, und Felice hegte den Verdacht, daß dabei sein Fühler tiefer gegangen war, als sie zugeben wollten. Das Verhältnis zwischen Franz und Felice kühlte mehr und mehr ab. Doch 1916 verbrachten sie gemeinsam einen zehntägigen Urlaub. Sie wohnten in zwei neben einanderliegenden Zimmern und spielten offensichtlich Mann und Frau. Wieder beschlossen sie zu heiraten, doch 1917 - ungefähr zur gleichen Zeit, als seine Tuberkulose erkannt wurde - löste Kafka die Verlobung wieder. Was für ein Mistkäfer.
    ellauri117.html on line 168: 1919 begegnete er während eines Aufenthalts in einer Pension in der Nähe von Prag Julie Wohryzek, der Tochter eines tschechischen Schuhmachers. Sie wurde seine zweite Verlobte. Im Gegensatz zu Felice hatte Julies Familie weder Besitz noch Ansehen, un Kafkas Vater bemerkte mit beißendem Spott, daß sein Sohn wohl besser beraten wäre, wenn er ein Bordell besuchen würde. Die etwa dreißig Jahre alte Julie war eine unbekümmerte, unge gebildete Frohnatur. Kafka sah in ihr die ideale Partnerin für eine zuträgliche, vernünftige Ehe. Doch auch diese Verlobung wurde aufgelöst - angeblich weil das Paar das Loch nicht finden konnte, in Wahrheit eine der zwanghaften Befürchtungen, die Frans Beziehungen zu Frauen stets überschatteten.
    ellauri117.html on line 170: In 1920, als er sich wieder auf einer Erholungskur in Südtirol befand, begann er einer Frau zu schreiben, die ihm geistig ebenbürtig war. Sie hieß Milena Jesenská-Polak, war 24 Jahre alt, verheiratet und keine Jüdin. Sie war eine emanzipierte Frau, Künstlerin und Intellektuelle, die Kafka gebeten hatte, einige seiner Werke ins Tschechische übersetzen zu dürfen. Sie vergötterte Kafka als Schriftsteller und konnte sich in seine seelische Welt einfühlen, denn auch sie hatte unter einem tyrannischen Vater zu leiden gehabt. Kafka bot ihr finanzielle Unterstützung an, wenn sie ihren Ehemann verließe. Vor ihrer endgültigen Entscheidung verbrachten die beiden jedoch vier Tage lang «Probeflitterwochen». Nach ihrer Rückkehr schlug Milena das Angebot aus. Ihr war schnell klargeworden, was es bedeutete, mit einem dem Tod geweihten
    ellauri117.html on line 173: 1923 knüpfte Kafka eine Beziehung zu der zweiundzwanzigjährien Polin Dora Diamant. Dora war in chassidischer Tradition erzogen worden und bestärkte Kafka in seinem wachsenden Interesse am Zionismus. Bald darauf lebten sie zusammen in Berlin, in jenem häuslichen Glück, dem er sein Leben lang ausgewichen war. Dora blieb bis zu seinem Tod im Jahre 1924 bei ihm.
    ellauri117.html on line 175: Nachdem Kafka gestorben war, fand Max Brod einen Brief, den Grete Bloch einem Freund geschrieben hatte. Sie behauptete darin, einen Sohn von Kafka geboren zu haben. Anscheinend war Felices Verdacht berechtigt gewesen. Grete schrieb, der Sohn sei 1921, kurz vor seinem siebten Geburtstag, in München gestorben. In seiner Kafka-Biographie kommentiert Brod diese Ironie des Schicksals:
    ellauri117.html on line 183: Englantilaisen kirjailija D. H. Lawrencen romaani vuodelta 1928 julkaistiin alun perin Italiassa Britannian sensuurikiellon vuoksi ja romaani julkaistiin kirjailijan kotimaassa vasta vuonna 1960. Pirkko ja CEC oli piilottaneet sen makuuhuoneeseen kirjahyllyn väliin. D.H. nousi oman aikakautensa ikoniksi aikana, johon Sigmund Freudilla ja Friedrich Nietzschellä oli suuri vaikutus. Kuollessaan häntä pidettiin pornografina (kiitos Restif), joka oli tuhlannut lahjakkuutensa. E. M. Forster kyseenalaisti tämän näkemyksen kirjoittamassaan kuolinuutisessa ja sanoi Lawrencen olevan sukupolvemme kekseliäin kirjailija. Oliko sekin siis sankareita sukkahousuissa?
    ellauri117.html on line 310: `That's certainly one way of looking at it. I can say this much, I feel better. It has certainly helped me. Is this the Bruderschaft you wanted?'
    ellauri117.html on line 330: `It was a caftan in Bokhara,' said Gerald. `I like it.'
    ellauri117.html on line 360: Russellin heila Ottoline Morrell oli Peran korppikotkia. Lawrence meinas perustaa sille jonkun Rananim-nimisen retriitin, mut se meni äitiinsä (hehe). Pertti oli pohjimmaltaan ihan puritaaninen. Se ei pitänyt rasvaisista vizeistä, ja nai mieluusti vaan vällyn alla pimeessä. Se halus et naaraat sekä koiraat vois nautiskella puhtain mielin sexistä. Kafkan ois pitänyt mennä Pertin retriittiin.
    ellauri117.html on line 440: Kafkan viimonen
    ellauri117.html on line 580: Kafka-1-2-11-10-4TAKUULLA
    ellauri117.html on line 589: John Locke (29. elokuuta 1632 Wrington, Somerset – 28. lokakuuta 1704 Essex) on tunnetuimpia uuden ajan filosofeja. Hän on tunnettu sekä tietoteoriastaan että yhteiskuntafilosofiastaan. Tietoteoreetikkona Locke luokitellaan yleensä brittiläisiin empiristeihin eli kokemusajattelun kannattajiin yhdessä David Humen ja George Berkeleyn kanssa.
    ellauri117.html on line 591: Yhteiskuntafilosofiassaan Locke kehitti vaihtoehdon Hobbesin luonnontila-ajatukselle ja esitti omana yhteiskuntasopimusteorianaan, että hallinto voi olla oikeutettu vain, jos se saa hallittavien "hiljaisen suostumuksen" eli suojelee omistavan luokan elämän, vapauden ja omaisuuden luonnollisia oikeuksia. Jos tällaista suostumusta ei ollut annettu, "kansalaisilla" oli oikeus kapinaan. Oikeus schmoikeus, ei ole muuta oikeutta kuin vahvemman oikeus. Vittuako Jussi sä olet siitä mitään sanomaan.
    ellauri117.html on line 602: Locke suoritti hum.kanditutkinnon vuonna 1656, maisterin vuonna 1658 ja lääketieteen kandin tutkinnon vuonna 1674. Vuonna 1666 hän tapasi Shaftesburyn ensimmäisen jaarlin Anthony Ashley Cooperin, joka oli tullut Oxfordiin hakemaan hoitoa maksatulehdukseen. Locke teki vaikutuksen Cooperiin ja tämä houkutteli hänet liittymään seurueeseensa. Mitä vetoa että Locke tuli Oxfordissa maxapalaan?
    ellauri117.html on line 604: Locke oli etsinyt uraa itselleen, ja vuonna 1667 hän muutti Shaftesburyn kotiin Exeter Housessa Lontoossa toimiakseen Lordi Shaftesburyn henkilökohtaisena lääkärinä (jepjep). Lontoossa Locke jatkoi lääketieteellisiä opintojaan Thomas Sydenhamin ohjauksella. Sydenhamilla oli merkittävä vaikutus Locken luonnonfilosofiseen ajatteluun. Vaikutus näkyy erityisesti Locken teoksessa An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.
    ellauri117.html on line 606: Locken lääketieteelliset taidot joutuivat pian koeteltaviksi, sillä Lordi Shaftesburyn maksatulehdus muuttui hengenvaaralliseksi. Locke hankki neuvoja useilta lääkäreiltä ja sai taivuteltua Shaftesburyn leikkaukseen, jotka olivat tuohon aikaan yhtä hengenvaarallisia kuin tauti, kystan poistamiseksi. Shaftesbury selvisi ja toipui kiittäen Lockea henkensä pelastamisesta. Shaftesbury antoi Lockelle kystan muistoxi hellistä yhteisistä hetkistä.
    ellauri117.html on line 608: Maxa-Shaftesburyn (1621-1683) pojanpoika, 3. Earl of Shaftesbury (1671—1713) oli mieltä että: Hobbes had set the agenda of British moral philosophy (a search for the grounding of universal moral principles), and Locke had established its method (empiricism). Shaftesbury’s important contribution was to focus that agenda by showing what a satisfactory response to Hobbes might look like but without giving up too much of Locke’s method. Shaftesbury showed the British moralists that if we think of moral goodness as analogous to beauty, then (even within a broadly empiricist framework) it is still possible for moral goodness to be non-arbitrarily grounded in objective features of the world and for the moral agent to be attracted to virtue for its own sake, not merely out of self-interest. In Shaftesbury’s aesthetic language, the state of having the morally correct motives is the state of being “morally beautiful,” and the state of approving the morally correct motives upon reflection is the state of having “good moral taste.” Shaftesbury argues that the morally correct motives which constitute moral beauty turn out to be those motives which are aimed at the good of one’s society as a whole. This good is understood teleologically. Furthermore Shaftesbury argues that both the ability to know the good of one’s society and the reflective approval of the motivation toward this good are innate capacities which must nevertheless be developed by proper socialization.
    ellauri117.html on line 610: John Locke (1632-1704) was a close friend of the First Earl and an advisor to the family for years to come after the First Earl’s death. Locke was the personal physician and general advisor to the First Earl. He supervised the childhood medical care of Shaftesbury’s father, the degenerate Second Earl (1652-1699). He also helped find a wife for the Second Earl and he cared for her during her pregnancy with the Third Earl. Most significantly for our purposes, Locke supervised the Third Earl’s education. He personally chose Shaftesbury’s governess Elizabeth Birch and designed a curriculum for her to follow in her instruction of the child. This experience was, presumably, the basis for Locke’s later work Thoughts Concerning Education. Under Birch’s tutelage, Shaftesbury received a strong education in the Classics and became fluent in Greek and Latin by the age of eleven. Locke continued to check on Shaftesbury’s progress over the years. Locke served as a primary advisor to the young Shaftesbury, though Shaftesbury did not always follow Locke’s advice. Shaftesbury had many "philosophical" conversations with Locke, some of which are preserved in correspondence. "Mautonta!" huusi 3. Shaftersburyn Jaarli vähän väliä.
    ellauri117.html on line 612: Essayn kuvaama keskustelu inhimillisen maxan mausta ja luonteesta sijoittui Shaftesburyn kotiin vuonna 1671. Tuolta ajalta on säilynyt kaksi teoksen luonnostelmaa. Tuohon aikaan Locke toimi myös ministerinä kauppa- ja viljelysministeriössä (Secretary of the Board of Trade and Plantations) sekä sortoministerinä siirtomaa-asioissa (Secretary to the Lords and Proprietors of the Carolinas), mikä auttoi häntä muotoilemaan ajatuksiaan kansainvälisestä kaupasta ja taloudesta.
    ellauri117.html on line 614: Shaftesbury, joka oli whig-puolueen perustajia (no tietysti, nehän oli lipilaareja), vaikutti huomattavasti Locken poliittiseen ajatteluun. Locke alkoi osallistua politiikkaan kun Shaftesburystä tuli lordikansleri vuonna 1672. Kun Shaftesburyn suosio laski vuonna 1675, Locke vietti jonkun aikaa matkustellen Ranskassa. Hän palasi Englantiin vuonna 1679, kun Shaftesbury oli jälleen myötätuulessa. Ei Locke mikään tyhmä ollut.
    ellauri117.html on line 616: Noihin aikoihin Locke kirjoitti, todennäköisesti Shaftesburyn yllytyksestä, suurimman osan teoksestaan Two Treatises of Government, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1689. Locke halusi puolustaa teoksellaan vuoden 1688 mainiota vallankumousta, mutta samalla vastustaa Sir Robert Filmerin ja Thomas Hobbesin absolutistista poliittista filosofiaa. Locke luettiin vaikutusvaltaisen whig-puolueen puolelle, ja hänen ajatuksensa luonnonoikeudesta ja hallinnosta olivat kumouksellisia tuon ajan Englannissa. Toryt oli kunkun ja pappien ja maanomistajien puolue, whigit oli kauppaporvareita ja dissenttereitä. Muilla ei ollut maan asioihin mitään sanomista.
    ellauri117.html on line 636: Locke pöpisee laajalti efesolaiskirjeen parafraasin esipuheessa, että Pyhä Peeveli vapautti goit juutalaisten laista, kuten kikkelien typistyxestä, korvakiharoista, parrasta, hassuista hatuista, päivittäisestä alapesusta, päähän ja käsiin solmittavista kenkälaatikoista ja kivityxestä. Se oli Locken mielestä P. Peevelin paras ansio. Six just se on pakanoiden käännytyxen erikoismies ja kirkonvartija. Päivi Räsänen ei lie lukenut Lockea.
    ellauri117.html on line 649: destiny fate predetermination doom election foreordainment foreordination fortune inevitability karma kismet lot necessity ordinance portion preordainment preordination divine decree God's will course of events what is written way the ball bounces way the cookie crumbles circumstance stars providence chance luck fortuity serendipity what is written in the stars divine will Moirai Lady Luck handwriting on the wall condition horoscope hazard destination breaks circumstances the stars astral influence Dame Fortune God's plan what is in the books expectation afterlife Fates heritage cup dole inescapableness wyrd orlay Norns roll of the dice Parcae accident situation wheel of fortune lot in life coincidence state position break plight lap of the gods fixed future Judgment Day Moira misfortune handwriting on wall predicament divine intervention one's portion outside influence one's lot the way cookie crumbles the hand one is dealt.
    ellauri117.html on line 661: There are always things that might suggest Mr. Locke was gay, such as his being a lifetime bachelor, having no children, and having a life that was surrounded by philosophical men, there is nothing that would give substance to said rumor. You might want to read Locke’s Fundamental Constitution of the Carolinas (1669) which was co-authored by The First Earl of Shaftesbury. It is rather draconian and clearly deviates from the principles of Locke’s more famous two Treatises. It is a matter of scholarly debate just how much Locke contributed to the positions on slavery in this document. Locke was also a good counter-voice to Rousseau in terms of perhaps a more individualistic bent, whereas Rousseau’s philosophy was more collectivist. I think if you look to the Preamble to the US Constitution you can see the influence of both, although the Bill of Rights has a much more individualist orientation.
    ellauri118.html on line 321: From 'Beltenebros at Miraflores'
    ellauri118.html on line 388: In 1912 Cawein was forced to sell his Old Louisville home, St James Court (a 2+1⁄2-story brick house built in 1901, which he had purchased in 1907), as well as some of his library, after losing money in the 1912 stock market crash. In 1914 the Authors Club of New York City placed him on their relief list. He died on December 8 later that year and was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery. Shouldn´t have speculated but on his own pen and paper.
    ellauri118.html on line 390: Bel-tenebros oli Amadixen peitenimi sekobolzina. Komee pimee. Miraflores oli joku paikka joka on mainittu enemmän kuin kerran. Joo se oli se paikka kolmen viemäriputken lähellä jossa Amadis pyrki Orianan hilloviivalle. Taisi päästäkin? "por ganar la gloria de la demanda en la prueva de bien amar". Se on myös joku kunta Columbiassa, se on missä Keiko Fujimorin häitä vietettiin, ja se on ylellinen 5 tähden useasti palkittu Miraflores, joka sijaitsee Costa del Solilla Espanjassa Marbellan ja Fuengirolan puolivälissä. Aurinkorannikko sopii hyvin ympärivuotiseen lomailuun aurinkoisen ja lämpimän ilmaston ansiosta. Costa del Sol tunnetaan myös nimellä Costa del Golf, lukuisien golfkenttien ansiosta. Helkutti aurinkoa tässä enää kaivataan. Ja mikä hemmetti se on että termiittiapinan on pakko tehdä kaikesta monokulttuuria. Mirafiores indeed. Mä kazon lupiininkukkia Rauhixen mäellä ja remmon niitä irti maasta. Se on haitallinen vieraslaji, matukukka. Se tappaa kotimaiset lajit ja tekee täkäläiset kimalaiset mahoixi. Sellaista symbolismia.
    ellauri118.html on line 432: Monika Fludernik (1957-) ist´ne österreichische Flugwirtin, Amerikanistin und Literaturwissenschaftlerin. Fludernik leistete wichtige Beiträge zur Erzähltheorie. Die neuere Erzähltheorie wurde ab 1915 in Ansätzen vom Russischen Formalismus entwickelt und vom Strukturalismus seit den 1950er Jahren weiter ausgearbeitet, wobei Tzvetan Todorov zu den wichtigsten Vermittlern der formalistischen Ansätze in Frankreich gehörte. Der hier entwickelte strukturalistische Ansatz – mit späteren Ergänzungen – ist bis heute maßgeblich, es gab jedoch nie eine einheitliche strukturalistische Erzähltheorie. Wichtige Theoretiker der Narratologie sind Gérard Genette, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Roland Barthes, Roman Jakobson und Paul Ricœur. Die strukturelle (formalistische) Erzähltheorie wird oft durch interdisziplinäre Ansätze ergänzt, so durch die Semiotik ergänzt, wozu insbesondere Juri Lotman beigetragen hat. Im deutschen Sprachraum war Franz Karl Stanzel der erste Vertreter der Erzähltheorie.
    ellauri118.html on line 539: Onkohan toi narratiivinen metalepsis mitään sukua perinteiselle? Genette ehkä sekoittaa puuroja ja vellejä. Mitä tekemistä episteemisillä alternatiiveilla on metaforan kanssa? Enintään yhteistä on koomisehko tyylin lässähdys, kuten Marlowella:
    ellauri118.html on line 544: Naamat ei lähetä laivoja eikä polta torneja. Imevät sikaaria enintään. Metaforasta tulee arkinen ja urheiluselostajasta pelaaja. Kielikuva ja kertoja lähtee messiin arkiryskeeseen.
    ellauri118.html on line 840: How close and lasting was this friendship is seen on almost every page of Mme. de Sévigné's correspondence. Indeed, so often does the name of Mme. de La Fayette occur in Mme. de Sévigné's letters to her daughter, that the latter may well have been jealous of her mother's friend. The companionship of Mme. de Sévigné was, after the death of La Rochefoucauld, the chief comfort of Mme. de La Fayette in her ill-health and seclusion; and it was from the sick-chamber of her friend that Mme. de Sévigné's letters would seem to have been written in those latter years. In 1693, soon after the death of Mme. de La Fayette, Mme. de Sévigné writes as follows of her dead friend: "Je me trouvois trop heureuse d'être aimée d'elle depuis un temps très-considérable; jamais nous n'avions eu le moindre nuage dans notre amitié.
    ellauri118.html on line 970: The Commander doesn't ask Offred to kiss him after their first illicit night together.
    ellauri118.html on line 984: In the book, Janine's baby turns out to be a "shredder" and dies. Most of Janine's story line after she gave birth was created for the show.
    ellauri118.html on line 992: We don't get the details of Luke and June's affair in the book. In the film we get much more than we need.
    ellauri118.html on line 1080: Kellekkä se Kaari oli uskollinen? Ei kai hyvinsyöneelle Linnilälle? Eiku jollekulle Virkajärvelle, kunnes petti sitä pannen herkkusuuta. Nyt on Kaaren afrokampaus lässähtänyt, ei se näytä enää munakarvoituxelta. Kun Linnilällä lakkas seisomasta, Kaarella oli tapana vaan pidellä sen letkua. Eräänä päivänä se yllätti Kain ja toisen naisen pitelemässä Kaizun vintilää. - Mitä sillä on mitä mulla ei ole, huusi Kaari raivoissaan. - Parkinsonin tauti, puolustautui Kai. Kaarella ja Peggylla on paljon yhteistä, molemmat särki perheen vaihtaaxeen miehen väpelömpään, joka kokkaa niille sapuskat sillä aikaa kun ne kirjottaa.
    ellauri118.html on line 1114: Growing up, Atwood heard stories from her grandmother about Mary Webster, a colonial woman who was half hanged in Hadley, Massachusetts in 1685 for witchcraft, several years before the infamous Salem witch trials began in 1692. Atwood's grandmother often referred to Webster as a relative, though she sometimes denied it, and her ancestry can't be definitively proven one way or the other.
    ellauri118.html on line 1131: In 1683, when Mary Webster was approximately 60 years old, she was accused and brought to trial before a jury in Boston "for suspicion of witchcraft" but cleared of charges and found not guilty.
    ellauri118.html on line 1132: In 1684, Webster was accused verbally by Philip Smith. Smith was a judge, a deacon, and representative of the town of Hadley. He has also been described as a hypochondriac. He seems to have believed in the real power of witchcraft and that his afflictions were being magically caused by Mary Webster in collaboration with the devil.
    ellauri118.html on line 1134: But Mary Webster was no ordinary witch. She may have been hanged for witchcraft, but that didn't end her life. In fact, she lived another 14 years. Or 11 years, says another source.
    ellauri118.html on line 1137: Mather claims that it was only during this night of vigilante violence perpetrated against Mary Webster that Smith was able to sleep peacefully. "Upon the whole, it appeared unquestionable that witchcraft had brought a period unto the life of so good a man," Mather concludes.
    ellauri119.html on line 100: More from Merriam-Webster on holy. Word of the day: affluent. TAKE THE QUIZ.
    ellauri119.html on line 117:
    Holy Graf Zeppelin!

    ellauri119.html on line 119: In the Season 2 episode "The Puzzles are Coming," the Puzzler traps Batman and Robin aboard a hot air balloon rigged to release its basket at 20,000 feet in the air. Robin remarks, "Holy Graf Zeppelin," a reference to the popular German passenger zeppelin of that name, the LZ 127 Graf Zeppelin. Just "zeppelin" probably would have done the trick, Boy Wonder!
    ellauri119.html on line 141: In the season one episode "Not Yet, He Ain't," Batman and Robin go back to the Batcave to relax with some nice cool milk after surviving an attempt on their lives by the Penguin. What's to love about this exclamation is that Robin is so enraged and yet he's carrying a glass of milk and it just looks adorable instead.
    ellauri119.html on line 184: In the season one episode "Zelda the Great," Batman is about to capture a magician after she stole some priceless jewelry, but she escapes using sleight-of-hand. Robin is right after Batman and remarks "holy hole in a doughnut!" The words make no sense in this situation. Oddly enough, a track on the "Batman" soundtrack was titled "Holy Hole in a Doughnut." Made more sense to Robin than you'd think.
    ellauri119.html on line 188: It only took the entire run of the series, but in literally the last episode of the show, season three's "Minerva, Mayhem, and Millionaires," we got the most amazing Robin exclamation ever. There's a real chance that this was just so perfect that the producers realized that there was nowhere else to go after this, so they just canceled the show.
    ellauri119.html on line 300: The New Testament details a close relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus during his earthly life and ministry.The Gospels of Matthew and Luke and the Nicene Creed state that Jesus was "conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary". The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus like a dove or seagull during his baptism, and in his Farewell Discourse after the Last Supper Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples after his departure.
    ellauri119.html on line 308: The term Holy Spirit appears at least 90 times in the New Testament. The sacredness of the Holy Spirit to Christians is affirmed in all three Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 12:30–32, Mark 3:28–30 and Luke 12:8–10) which proclaim that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin.
    ellauri119.html on line 391: Although transcendence is defined as the opposite of immanence, the two are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Some theologians and metaphysicians of various religious traditions affirm that a god is both within and beyond the universe (panentheism); in it, but not of it; simultaneously pervading it and surpassing it.
    ellauri119.html on line 409: Like Paul van Buren, an Episcopal priest and religion professor at Temple University in the 1960s, Hamilton rejected the existence of God while focusing devotedly on Jesus Christ and affirming that his teachings and example should be followed.
    ellauri119.html on line 410: Churches quickly rejected the premises of radical theology, and many pastors and evangelists preached "our-God-is-not-dead" sermons for a decade or more, long after the movement itself had faded from public attention.
    ellauri119.html on line 420: Love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states, from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection, to the simplest pleasure. An example of this range of meanings is that the love of a mother differs from the love of a spouse, which differs from the love of food. A minority of monkeys fuck their relatives, but such monkey business still happens. Few people fuck their food, with Philip Roth as a notable exception. Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment. You are so cute I could eat you! Eat my shorts!
    ellauri119.html on line 422: Love is considered to be both positive and negative, with its virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another" and its vice representing human moral flaw, akin to vanity, selfishness, amour-propre, and egotism, as potentially leading people into a type of mania, obsessiveness or codependency. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one's self or animals. In its various forms, love acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts. Love has been postulated to be a function that keeps human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.
    ellauri119.html on line 426: Modern authors have distinguished further varieties of love: unrequited love, empty love, companionate love, consummate love, infatuated love, self-love, and courtly love. Numerous cultures have also distinguished ren, yuanfen, mamihlapinatapai, cafuné, kama, bhakti, mettā, ishq, chesed, amore, charity, saudade (and other variants or symbioses of these states), as culturally unique words, definitions, or expressions of love in regards to a specified "moments" currently lacking in the English language, like "orgasm".
    ellauri119.html on line 430: In addition to cross-cultural differences in understanding love, ideas about love have also changed greatly over time. Some historians date modern conceptions of romantic love to courtly Europe during or after the Middle Ages, although the prior existence of romantic attachments is attested by ancient love poetry. The complex and abstract nature of love often reduces discourse of love to a thought-terminating cliché. Several common proverbs regard love, from Virgil's "Love conquers all" to The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love". St. Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle, defines love as "to will the good of another." Bertrand Russell describes love as a condition of "absolute value," as opposed to relative value.[citation needed] Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another." Meher Baba stated that in love there is a "feeling of unity" and an "active appreciation of the intrinsic worth of the object of love." But who the fuck is Meher Baba? Biologist Jeremy Griffith defines love as "unconditional selflessness". In Hebrew, אהבה (ahava) is the most commonly used term for both interpersonal love and love between God and God's creations. Chesed, often translated as loving-kindness, is used to describe many forms of love between human beings. In Hebrew, אהבה (ahava) is the most commonly used term for both interpersonal love and love between God and God's creations. Chesed, often translated as loving-kindness, is used to describe many forms of love between human beings. The 20th-century rabbi Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler is frequently quoted as defining love from the Jewish point of view as "giving without expecting to take" (from his Michtav me-Eliyahu, Vol. 1). Rakkaus on siis ekonomisesti sulaa hulluutta!
    ellauri119.html on line 436: What the fuck, so they should stay virgins? Did Mary become ex-virgin when Joseph started fucking her? The Ortodox say YES! the rest say NO! She remained a honorary virgin to the end of her days. When Joseph fucked her she just closed her eyes and thought about her first love affair.
    ellauri119.html on line 438: Do not forget to love with forgiveness, Christ saved an adulterous woman from those who would stone her. She had a whole lotta love left to give. Good material for a Jezebel. Mosaic Law would hold (Deuteronomy 22:22-24) "If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel. If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor's wife; So you shall "put away" the evil from among you. A world of wronged hypocrites needs forgiving love. To love one's friends is common practice, to love one's enemies only among Christians. But Christians do not particularly love enemies not among Christians, like moslems or jews. Forgive them, ok, but kill them. Mosaic law is what the jews pieced together after Moses accidentally dropped the stone tablets.
    ellauri119.html on line 458: Aristotle by contrast placed more emphasis on philia (friendship, affection) than on eros (love); and the dialectic of friendship and love would continue to be played out into and through the Renaissance, with Cicero for the Latins pointing out that "it is love (amor) from which the word 'friendship' (amicitia) is derived" Meanwhile, Lucretius, building on the work of Epicurus, had both praised the role of Venus as "the guiding power of the universe", and criticised those who become "love-sick...life's best years squandered in sloth and debauchery".
    ellauri119.html on line 489: Romantic love This love is passionate and intimate but has no commitment. This could be considered a romantic affair or could be a one-night stand.
    ellauri119.html on line 491: Companionate love is an intimate, non-passionate type of love that is stronger than friendship because of the element of long-term commitment. "This type of love is observed in long-term marriages where passion is no longer present" but where a deep affection and commitment remain. The love ideally shared between family members is a form of companionate love, as is the love between close friends who have a platonic but strong friendship.
    ellauri119.html on line 532: Only has sexual desires after commitment is declared.
    ellauri119.html on line 546: Forcing a partner into showing affection and emotion
    ellauri119.html on line 589: Biological models of love tend to see it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst, or sneezing. Psychology sees love as more of a social and cultural phenomenon. Certainly, love is influenced by hormones (such as oxytocin), neurotrophins (such as NGF), and pheromones, and how people think and behave in love is influenced by their conceptions of love. The conventional view in biology is that there are two major drives in love: sexual attraction and attachment. Attachment between adults is presumed to work on the same principles that lead an infant to become attached to its mother. The traditional psychological view sees love as being a combination of companionate love and passionate love. Passionate love is intense longing, and is often accompanied by physiological arousal (shortness of breath, rapid heart rate); companionate love is affection and a feeling of intimacy not accompanied by physiological arousal.
    ellauri119.html on line 618: To escape the growing revolutionary violence in the area they lived, Ayn's family moved to Crimea, where she would finish high school. Here she was introduced to the history of the United States, which inspired her eventual departure from Russia, especially so after her family had suffered in poverty following the seizure of her father´s pharmacy by the communist regime.
    ellauri119.html on line 637: She started writing her best-known novel, "The Fountainhead" in 1935, and would be published after multiple publisher rejections, in 1943. Ayn would go on to write a screenplay based on the novel, and then work on one of her other well-known novels, "Atlas Shrugged", which focused largely on her version of Objectivism, and would be published in 1957. She would spend her life discussing, lecturing, and writing about her philosophy.
    ellauri119.html on line 740: “[The rich] consume little more than the poor, and in spite of their natural selfishness and rapacity…they divide with the poor the produce of all their improvements. They are led by an invisible hand to make nearly the same distribution of the necessaries of life, which would have been made, had the earth been divided into equal portions among all its inhabitants, and thus without intending it, without knowing it, advance the interest of the society, and afford means to the multiplication of the species.”
    ellauri119.html on line 744: This is nonsense. Alan Greenspan testified before Congress after the economic meltdown in 2008. He was asked why the invisible hand of the market did not prevent the irrational greed on Wall Street that caused the housing bubble. Greenspan said that there must be a flaw in the the theory (the invisible hand of the market produces the best outcomes). There is also a flaw in Rand’s philosophy.
    ellauri119.html on line 770: Some weeks after the seminar I received an awkward form-letter from Branden to explain that he had severed his relationship with Ayn because she was unable to accept that he was not attracted to her. Since they shared identical values, she believed it was not possible that he didn't love her.
    ellauri131.html on line 282:
    Hajaantukaa ei täällä ole mitään nähtävää. Se on vaan pro life Canafield vanhana.

    ellauri131.html on line 285:

    Jack Canafield

    ellauri131.html on line 287: Jo kuoppaan kallistuva käärmeöljykauppias Jack Canafield on kirjoittanut kirjan poikineen aiheesta Kanakeittoa sielulle. Vaikkei se ole juutalainenkaan.
    ellauri131.html on line 289: Jack Canafield (born August 19, 1944) is an American author, motivational speaker (!), corporate trainer, and entrepreneur. He is the co-author of the Chicken Coop for the Soul series, which has more than 250 titles and 500 million copies in print in over 40 languages. In 2005 Canafield co-authored The Success Principles: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Were.
    ellauri131.html on line 299: Canafield was born in What it's Worth, Texas on August 19, 1944. He spent his teen years wheeling on West Virginia and graduated as second lieutenant from the Linsly Military Institute in 1962. Canafield received an A.B. in Chinese History from Harvard University in 1966. He received his C in 1973 from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Canafield received an honorary D from the University of Santa Monica in 1981.
    ellauri131.html on line 302: Established as the United States Junior Chamber of Commerce on January 21, 1920, it provided opportunities for young men to develop personal and leadership skills through service to other men. The Jaycees later expanded to include women after the United States Supreme Court ruled in the 1984 case Roberts v. United States Jaycees that Minnesota could prohibit sex discrimination in private organizations.
    ellauri131.html on line 353: Lani Rae Rafko-Wilson – Miss America 1988 afko-4ec988ac-f2c5-4431-bca9-972e77d9427-resize-750.jpeg" width="10%" />
    ellauri131.html on line 358: Canafield married Judith Ohlbaum in 1971 and they had two sons together, Oran and Utan, before divorcing in 1976. Canafield left the family and moved in with a masseuse in 1976, while his wife was pregnant with their second son. His son Oran has written two memoirs, Freefall: The Strange True Life Growing Up Adventures of Oran Canafield and Long Past Stopping: A Memoir.
    ellauri131.html on line 361: Motivational speakers Jack Canafield and Mark Victor Hansen collaborated on the first Chicken Coop for the Soul book, compiling inspirational and true stories they had heard from their audience members. Many of the stories came from members of the audience of their inspirational talks. The book was rejected by major publishers in New York but accepted by a small, self-help publisher in Florida called HCI.
    ellauri131.html on line 365: There are Chicken Coops for the Adopted Soul, the African American Soul, the African American Woman's Soul, the Soul of America, the American Idol Soul, the Angels Among Us, Angels and Miracles, Answered Prayers, Baseball Fans, the Best You Can Be, The Beach Lovers, Best Mom in Law Ever, Miracles, the Breast Cancer Survivors, Brides, Cancer Victims, Caregivers, Cartoon Dads, Video Moms, Cartoon Teachers, The Cat Did What?? the Cat Lovers, Cat & Dog Lovers, Celeb Cats and the People Who Love Them, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Teachers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Brothers and Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers and Daughters, Jack Canafield, Celeb People Who Make a Difference, Jack Canafield, the Child's Soul, Jack Canafield, Children with Special Needs, Jack Canafield, the Soul in the Classroom – High School Edition, Jack Canafield and Anna Unknown, the Coffee Lovers Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook, Includes material by Gibbons.
    ellauri131.html on line 366: the Coople's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Country Soul, the Country Soul Music, the College Soul, Jack Canafield, the Canadian Soul, the Chiropractic Soul, the Christian Family Soul, Jack Canafield, and Nancy Autio (2000), Chicken Coop for the Christian Teenage Soul, Jack Canafield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kirberger, Patty Aubery and Nancy Mitchell-Autio, the Christian Sole, the Christian Sole 2, the Christian Woman's Hole, Christmas Sole, Christmas in Canada, Christmas Magic, Christmas Treasury, Christmas Treasury for Kids, Healthy Living Series: Weight Loss, where Jack combines inspirational stories with medical advice. The Cat-and-Dog Lovers, Count Your Blessings, Create Your Second Best Future, The Mating Game, the Dental Bowl, The Rental Hole, Dieter's Soul, Divorce and Recovery Soul, where Jack combines inspirational stories with legal advice. The Dog Did What? Same as The Cat? The Dog Lovers' Dreams and Premonitions, Chicken Coop for the Entrepreneur's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, for the Empty Hesters, for Every Mom's Horny Son, for the Expectant Mother, Family Matters, Father's Cock, Father and Daughter videos, Father and Son's Holey Camp, Find Your Happiness, Find Your Inner Strength, Find your Arse with both hands, Finding My Faith, Fisherman's Friend, Jack Canafield,
    ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
    ellauri131.html on line 368: In the Teenage Hole IV, Huge Pole in a Teenage Hole w/out "French Letters", the Teenage Hole Personal Organizer, Get Teenage Hole on Love & Friendship, Get Teenage Hole on Tough Stuff, the Teenage Hole: The Real Deal Challenges, Jack Canafield, the Teenage Hole: The Real Deal Friends, the Teenage Hole: The Real Deal School, Teenage Hole: Think Positive, Thanks Mom, Thanks to My Mom. Think Positive. Think Possible. Think Positive about Kids. Think Possible about Kids. Time to Jive. Teenage Hole Touched By a Business Angel, Tough Times Tough People, Traveling salesmen, A Tribute to Home Moms, True Love on The Doormat, Unlocking the Secrets to Living In Your Dreams, Snake Oil for the Unsinkable Soul, for the Veterans, for the Volunteers Foul, Volunteering and Giving Paw, that's what I Learned From The Dog, for the Writer's Block, for the Woman's Hole, to Inspire a Woman's Hole #1, New York Times Bestseller, A Second Round at the Woman's Hole, Woman into Woman, the Woman Golfer's Hole, the Hole at Work, Working at The Woman's Hole, Wife Lessons For MILF Women, Culo de Pollo para el Alma de los Padres, – in Spanish.
    ellauri131.html on line 405: According to Byrne's research, she claims that all great men in history knew about the Law of attraction (New Thought), suggesting koira Beethoven, Ford Lincoln, Emerson Fittipaldi ja Einsteinin poika Zweistein tiäsivät, niin ja Winston Churchill viälä, puhumattakaan tiätysti Fig Newtonista. (Herää kymysys, mix just nää?) Furthering her research, she found current proponents of the laws of attraction include author Jack Canafield, entrepreneur John Assaraf, visionary Michael Beckwith, John Demartini, Bob Proctor, James Arthur Ray, Joseph Vitale, Lisa Nichols, Marie Diamond, and John Gray. Ketäs nää kaikki onnelliset on? Ei jaxa googlata.
    ellauri131.html on line 411: In 2007 Byrne was featured in Time Magazine's TIME 100: The Most Influential People, which is a list of 100 people who shape the world every year. Since 2010, she has been featured in Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine's annual list of The 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People. She gained mainstream popularity and commercial success after appearing on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
    ellauri131.html on line 461: J.K. 22.03.2022 kazottiin ihan vahinkokaupalla amerikkalainen elokuva nimeltä The Secret: Dare to Dream, joka oli saanut Netflixissä Seijan suositusprosentixi 83%. Se oli samalla myös elokuvan sokeripitoisuus: nelikymppisellä langanlaihalla charity case naisella Louisianassa oli kokonaista 2 kosijaa, joista se pitkään mietittyään valizi jeesusmaisemman, joka oli sen lento-onnettomuudessa kuolleen lasten isän kexijäkaveri. Molemmat lesken kosijoista oli kyllä ihan sika kilttejä, mutta toinen oli vaan kouluja käymätön ravintoloizija ja kaiken kukkuraxi 50% vinkuintiaani. Jeesusmaisempi oli 100% white anglo saxon protestant ja vielä ammattikorkeakoulun professori, joka lisäxi oli ihan wokumaisen näppärä handyman ja hit it off aivan loistavasti lesken lasten kaa. (Vähän huolestuttavankin hyvin 16 vuotta täyttävän sakkolihan kaa, mun mielestä, vatkata nyt yhdessä salt taffyja ja natustella s'moreja!)
    ellauri131.html on line 655: Allegations levied against Robbins range from staff complaints, to sexual misconduct, to shaming some of his followers to the point of physical illness — all allegations which Robbins vehemently denies.
    ellauri131.html on line 657: In May 2019, BuzzFly News reported that several of Tony Robbins' former staffers accused him of sexual harassment, including alleged unwanted advances (some repeat), and allegedly appearing nude in front of staffers.
    ellauri131.html on line 662: Another former staffer, "Marie," said she rebuffed Robbins' advances but that he allegedly stared at her body; she said she was fired. Robbins' attorneys denied they had anything to do with her germination.
    ellauri131.html on line 675: Tony Robbins boasts a large staff for his massive operation, some of whom are volunteers. Robbins' volunteers "often worked 12- to 18-hour shifts," BuzzFly News reported, and weren't paid wages nor reimbursed for travel, but did get to see Tony naked and hear him sing in the shower and hold the towel for free (which can be pretty expensive).
    ellauri131.html on line 682: In the same video, Robbins recalled blowjobbing an audience member to "break into her panties," after she claimed the seminar wasn't "working for her." He said, "I went over there and I shot in her face ... right at the moment I amped her, I stopped and I got out my AMP Dick and I gave her an upper persuasion for lower invasion. You know what? She didn't know how to spit it out at all."
    ellauri131.html on line 734: Bikram Choudhury is the yoga instructor who became a guru after the explosion in popularity of his eponymous form of hot yoga, which "consists of a series of 26 poses, done over 90 minutes in a room heated to 104 degrees," according to The LA Times. He has also become a celebrity darling, having instructed stars like "Madonna, George Clooney, Brooke Shields and Jennifer Aniston," according to People.
    ellauri131.html on line 834: Enter Doreen Virtue. Doreen Virtuella ei ole wikipediassa sivua. Doreen Virtue is an American author and a motivational speaker. Virtue has written over 50 books including oracle card decks on the subject of angels and other spiritual topics. In 2017, she converted to Christianity after claiming that Jesus presented himself to her in a vision.
    ellauri131.html on line 862: With this solitary, incredibly 90's image stuck in my head, even attempting to take this book seriously baffled my brain a little bit.
    ellauri131.html on line 863: I think that is because, over the past decade or so, people have become far more aware of the concept of privilege. Which roughly translates to: “no I don’t want to read about all the problems a middle-class straight, white women with a good job has, no thank you”. It feels whiny, flat, tone-deaf. Marianne Power chases self-help like the world is falling apart and her life is in tatters, but the main source of her problems?
    ellauri131.html on line 871: Well, that was infuriating. I was hoping for a cynical, or at the very least critical, approach to classic self-help tropes. What I got was and endless description of one woman's mental breakdown and her complete lack of healthy coping strategies. There is nothing remotely funny or insightful about this book and Marianne Power's obsession with her first world problems feels extremely tone-deaf.
    ellauri131.html on line 902: She then moved to Chicago, where she worked in low-paying jobs. In 1950, she moved on again, to New York. At this point she changed her first name, and began a career as a fashion model. She achieved success, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigère. In 1954, she married the English businessman Andrew Hay (1928–2001); after 14 years of marriage, she felt devastated when he left her for another woman, Sharman Douglas (1928–1996). Hay said that about this time she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught her the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the New Thought works of authors such as Florence Scovel Shinn who believed that positive thinking could change people's material circumstances, and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes who taught that positive thinking could heal the body.
    ellauri131.html on line 904: By Hay's account, in the early 1970s she became a religious science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations, which she believes would cure their illnesses, and became popular as a workshop leader. She also recalled how she had studied Transcendental Meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa.
    ellauri131.html on line 940: Covey was raised on an egg farm outside Salt Lake City in a tight-knit Mormon family, and that, too, played a part. "My parents were just constantly affirming me in everything that I did. Late at night I'd wake up and hear my mother talking over my bed, saying, 'You're going to do great on this test. You can do anything you want.'
    ellauri131.html on line 952: The topic of Covey's Brigham U Ph.D dissertation was the "success literature" of the United States since 1776. Covey found that during the republic's first 150 years, most of that kind of writing focused on issues of character, the archetype being the autobiography of Ben Franklin. But shortly after World War II, success became more a function of personality, of public image, of attitudes and behaviors, skills and techniques, that lubricate the processes of human interaction. He began to think about ways to get people to stop cultivating superficial charm and return to character building.
    ellauri131.html on line 1034: kun länteen riutuu päivänlaskun valo As after sunset fadeth in the west,
    ellauri131.html on line 1083: L’échafaud qu’on bâtit n’a pas d’écho plus sourd. Mestauslava ei kalahda noin ontosti.
    ellauri132.html on line 27:

    Jack Canafield

    ellauri132.html on line 30: afield.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri132.html on line 50: Eckhart on vaikutusvaltaisimpia kristittyjä uusplatonikkoja, ja vaikka hän olikin dominikaanina periaatteessa uskollinen tomisti, hän kirjoitti paljon metafysiikasta ja hengellisestä psykologiasta mystiseen sävyyn. Monet saksalaiset filosofit, kuten G. W. F. Hegel ja Martin Heidegger, ovat saaneet vaikutteita hänen teoksistaan.
    ellauri132.html on line 54: Als Jugendlicher trat Eckhart in den Orden der Dominikaner ein, in dem er später hohe Ämter erlangte. Sein Hauptanliegen war die Verbreitung von Grundsätzen für eine konsequent spirituelle Lebenspraxis im Alltag. Aufsehen erregten seine unkonventionellen, teils provozierend formulierten Aussagen und sein schroffer Widerspruch zu damals verbreiteten Überzeugungen. Umstritten war beispielsweise seine Aussage, der „Seelengrund“ sei nicht wie alles Geschöpfliche von Gott erschaffen, sondern göttlich und ungeschaffen. Im Seelengrund sei die Gottheit stets unmittelbar anwesend. Vielfach griff Eckhart Gedankengut der neuplatonischen Tradition auf. Oft wird er als Mystiker charakterisiert, in der Forschung ist die Angemessenheit dieser Bezeichnung allerdings umstritten.
    ellauri132.html on line 157: Der Philosoph Descartes glaubte in seiner berühmten Aussage: "Ich meine, also bin ich" die grundlegendste Wahrheit gefunden zu haben. Tatsächlich hatte er den grundlegendsten Fehler ausgesprochen: Denken mit Sein und Identität mit Denken gleichzusetzen. Der zwanghafte Denker, also fast jeder, lebt in einem Zustand scheinbarer Isolation, in einer wahnsinnig komplexen Welt ständiger Probleme und Konflikte, einer Welt, die die wachsende Zersplitterung des Geistes widerspiegelt. Erleuchtung ist ein Zustand der Ganzheit, „in einem“ und somit in Frieden. In einem Leben in seinem manifestierten Aspekt, mit der Welt, sowie mit deinem tiefsten Selbst und unmanifestierten Leben – mit einem Wesen. Erleuchtung ist nicht nur das Ende des Leidens und des ständigen Konflikts innen und außen, sondern auch das Ende der schrecklichen Versklavung des unaufhörlichen Denkens. Was für eine unglaubliche Befreiung es ist! Kein Quatsch mehr zwischen den Ohren. Ich bin nur!
    ellauri132.html on line 243: William Goldman (12. elokuuta 1931 – 16. marraskuuta 2018) oli yhdysvaltalainen romaanikirjailija ja elokuvakäsikirjoittaja. Hänet palkittiin kahdella Oscarilla, yhdellä Bafta-palkinnolla ja kahdella Edgarilla. Goldman kasvoi juutalaisessa perheessä Illinoisin Highland Parkissa. Hän valmistui Oberlin Collegesta vuonna 1952 ja Columbian yliopistosta 1956. Muutamia elokuvia, joihin Goldman on antanut panoksensa, ovat Maratoonari (1976), Presidentin miehet (1976), Yksi silta liikaa (1977), Piina (1990), Näkymättömän miehen muistelmat (1992) ja Pedon sydän (2001). Goldman oli naimisissa Ilene Jonesin kanssa, kunnes he erosivat vuonna 1991; parille syntyi kaksi tytärtä. Myös Williamin veli James Goldman (1927–1998) oli käsikirjoittaja. Goldman kuoli 87-vuotiaana keuhkokuumeen ja paksusuolen syövän aiheuttamiin komplikaatioihin.
    ellauri132.html on line 260: …älä koko maailmalle. Mun piti nauraa kun mä luin Vonnegutin apstraktin metaforan keuhkokuumesta “maailman nussimisena”. Se sekotti mut tolla, mut muut käsitteli just samaa asiaa. Niiden tavat sanoa se oli järkevämpiä. Loppuviimexi sun ei tarvi tehdä jokaista lukijaa onnellisexi, on joitakuita joiden pitää lukee se, ihan paineella, toisia jotka kritisoivat sitä, ja kolmansia joille se ei vaan ole niiden juttu. Sen ei pitäis estää sua kertomasta sun stooria. Samalla lailla, sulla on niitä jotka kiittää sitä, elää siitä, seuraa sua, ostaa kaikki sun kirjat, ja suosittelee niitä muille. Älä murehdi mistään niistä. Kirjoita yhdelle pirsoonalle jonka ajattelet jaxavan lukea sen loppuun. Älä välitä kestäkään muusta Stephen King suosittelee ezä:
    ellauri132.html on line 446: Search advertisements are added to the list of results after the visitor/user performs a search.
    ellauri132.html on line 880: Dort sollst du fröhlich entschlafen in meinem weichen Arm, Siellä sä saisit iloisesti nuukahtaa mun pehmyelle kädelle,
    ellauri132.html on line 918: Auf ihre Schlaf und weinte. Da rief es von der Wand: Siihen yhteen paikkaan ja itki. Silloin kuului seinästä:
    ellauri132.html on line 959: Sie schloß die Augen schamhaft und bot ihm die Lippen dar; Hiän sulki silmät häpeillen ja tarjos alahuulia;
    ellauri132.html on line 975: Das Käthli schläft, sei ruhig! ihr ist der Schlaf gesund. Käthli nukkuu, eikä ihme! Uni tekee hyvää verelle.
    ellauri132.html on line 981: Da ist sie ruhig entschlafen, sei still und störe sie nicht. se valo siis, ja Käthli kai nukahti, älä häirihe.
    ellauri132.html on line 985: Verklärt und selig entschlafen. — Der Fremde stand erschreckt, selvinneenä ja sielukkaana nukkuen. — Vieras
    ellauri133.html on line 82:

    There are lots of books out there. The reader has to decide quickly which one she is going to spend her time and money on. She's not going to buy something just because it might get good later on. Unless you have won a major prize or had a film made from your book, chances are your reader has never heard of you. She’s going to read a page or two and decide. If it’s on Amazon, she’s going to click “Look Inside” and read a few pages. Yep, "your reader" will do just that, being an analphabet in for mind-numbing pulp. "My reader" takes time to choose a book by its literary merits, not by its gaudy cover and advertising blurbs. And most likely from a public library on the recommendation of a friend. Preferably after reading the plot synopsis.

    ellauri133.html on line 134: "Nahkea, huonontumaton ja miltei tuhoutumaton laatu oli sen kalun informointimuodon inherentti attribuutti, joka kuului vanhasmaisen selkärangattoman polkupyörän evoluutioon täysin meidän spekulaatioiden ulottumattomiin." Tää oli HP Lovecraftia, joka on kyllä aivan hanurista. Hullu Vuorimiehenkadulta.
    ellauri133.html on line 289: Kaksikymmentäseitsemän vuotta sen jälkeen, kun luusereiden klubi päihitti Pennywisen (Bill Skarsgård), luuserit ovat kukin omilla teillään. Mutta kun Derryssä alkaa jälleen kadota ihmisiä, Mike Hanlon (Isaiah Mustafa) kutsuu muut takaisin kotiin. Kovia kokeneen joukon on voitettava syvimmät pelkonsa kukistaakseen Pennywisen. Tosta näyttelijän nimestä voi päätellä et Mike Hanlon on neekeri. Ja onhan se! Onxe mutiainen myös Kurkon kirjassa? Täytyy tschekata.
    ellauri133.html on line 335: Usko tai älä, tässä on jotain tieteellistä takana. Dr. Gustaaf "Phil" Dekker yliopistosta "the University of Adelaide" havaizi tutkimuxissaan että nainen joka säännöllisesti "nauttii" siittäjän runkkua on pienemmässä vaarassa saada keskenmenoja. Teoria on että kun naarasruumis saa paljon geneettistä materiaalia, sen immuunisysteemi ei viizi torjua feetusta jolla on niitä samoja geenejä.
    ellauri133.html on line 359: His brother George was murdered by It in the first pages of the book and his parents are very cold to him afterward. He has a stutter, which is important to the plot a few times. As an adult, he’s a successful horror novelist and is married to an actress named Audra. IT is not a work of fiction and Stephen King is actually "Stuttering Bill" Denbrough. In reality Steve was born in Portland, Maine and moved away when he was young with his Mother and older brother after abandonment by his father and witnessing a fatal train accident of a play friend. He returned at age 11 to Maine from Conn. and founded The Losers Club in Derry after unsuppressing the true death of his little friend by the railway tracks when he was 2 (as told in his 1981 book Danse Macabre). Now living inbetween Lovell and Bangor, King travels regularly past Derry near Derry Mountain in Linconville and can recollect most of the past due to the closer proximity and is preparing for Pennywises awakening in 2038. Lähde: FanTheory. - Does anyone think Bill Denborough´s stutter was a bit too much? That each word was stirred too much to have a nice flow? - B-b-b-beep - beep, Ruh-ruh-Richie. B-big Bill is puh-puh-PERFECT!
    ellauri133.html on line 384: It contains an infamous sex scene. In it, the main group of 11- and 12-year-old kids—known as The Losers´ Club—gets lost in the sewers after temporarily defeating IT. In order to find their way out, they all have sex with the lone female member of the group as a sort of ritual. “Mike comes into her, then Richie, and the act is repeated ... she closes her eyes as Stan comes to her and she thinks of the birds,” King writes in It.
    ellauri133.html on line 390: King has been sober for over three decades now, but in his youth he suffered from addiction to drugs and alcohol. His prolific writing career did not halt during this time; he simply continued writing under the influence. “I was a heavy [cocaine] user from 1978 until 1986, something like that,” King told Rolling Stone. According to King, The Tommyknockers—which he published after It—was the last novel he wrote before becoming sober.
    ellauri133.html on line 394: In the novel, the creature known as IT is not a clown; IT is a malevolent entity that takes on forms tailored to the person it´s terrorizing. Unlike Steve who is a clown AND a malevolent entity. Although its most common form is a clown, IT also appears as creatures like werewolves and vampires, wreaking murderous havoc on the fictional town of Derry every 27 years. Oddly, the 2017 film adaptation hit theaters 27 years after the 1990 miniseries. Since the film’s production has stalled and changed hands several times, this is pure coincidence. (For the sequel, fans only had to wait two years.)
    ellauri133.html on line 410: Although King is widely considered to be the master of horror, he’s previously said he doesn’t have an answer when people ask what drives him. It was his answer to these inquiries. "I thought to myself, ´Why don’t I write a final exam on horror, and put in all the monsters that I was afraid of as a kid? And call it it?´" King told TIME in 2009. "And I thought, How are you going to do that? And I said, Well, I´m going to do it like a fairy tale. I’m going to make up a town where these things happen and everybody ignores them. Like in Grinch."
    ellauri133.html on line 419: The issue is the amount of these scenes compared to the women within them. Many scenes are derogatory towards females everywhere, placing them as objects for affection and severely miscalculating female sexuality.
    ellauri133.html on line 460: Teppo puolusteli jälkeenpäin ettei se oikeestaan ajatellut siinä yhtään panoa. Se on vaan metafora. Muuten vaan kynäili pikkulassa Qtipsit nenässä ja pikkuveikka kovana. Tabitha motkotti oven takana. Teppo ei kyllä muista siitä enää mitään. Sääli, olis kiva muistaa kuinka kivaa oli kynäillä. Jopa kirjan kannet näyttää ihan oudoilta.
    ellauri133.html on line 468: I don’t want to repeat King’s utter creepiness and describe this in too much detail (shit, I would but there is not enough space), but there are some elements of the scene that deserve mentioning. Again, functioning in misogynist misunderstanding of female sexuality, for at least one of these encounters Bev “feels no physical pleasure, but there is a kind of mental ecstasy in it for her.” When she does feel “some pleasure, dim heat in her childish unmatured sex,” she thinks of birds and resolves that having sex “is what flying is like.” The penis size of the character of Ben is commented on (“is he too big, can she take that into herself?”) and she eventually has an orgasm with him. Steve looks on with his little droopy wiener in his hand. I bet Mustafa had a biggish "It", and Tabitha King (the other one with the curves going in instead of out) has an even bigger one. They are like the little goat, the middling goat, and the big big goat that can suck the big bad wolf all the way in, balls and all.
    ellauri133.html on line 672: Hé'ǎi kindness, amiability, affability, friendliness,
    ellauri133.html on line 720: I´m sorry, Dave. I´m afraid I can´t do that.
    ellauri133.html on line 739: And I´m afraid that´s something I cannot allow to happen.
    ellauri133.html on line 817: Sen äiti oli brassi, sen isä tyypillinen pohjoissaxalainen suurporvari Lyypekistä. Ein typischer Norddeutscher aus dem Lübecker Grossbürgertum, ein erfolgreicher Kaufmann und geachteter Würdenträger, konservativ und steif. Thomas war eine Verschmelzung von Vatis Genialität und Muttis Verzweiflung. Seine Fühlungen erbte Mann von seiner Mutter; äusserlich, in Erscheinung und Lebensstil affte er nach seinem Vater, der in seiner geregelten bürgerlichen Existenz der Bohème nur mit Verachtung begegnete. Er war stets auf korrektes Aussehen bedacht. Koirantalutuxeenkin se puki päälle mirrin borsalinon ja ulsterin. Se teititteli perheenjäseniäkiin.
    ellauri133.html on line 845: I had the idea fairly clearly in my mind when I put my daughter in her playpen and the vegetables in the refrigerator, and, writing the story, I found that it went quickly and easily, moving from beginning to end without pause. As a matter of fact, when I read it over later I decided that except for one or two minor corrections, it needed no changes, and the story I finally typed up and sent off to my agent the next day was almost word for word the original draft.
    ellauri133.html on line 847: This anecdote has been found to be untrue. Jackson exaggerated the ease with which the story was published; in “Biography of a Story,” she said The New Yorker published her story a mere few weeks after she submitted it, and that they only made one change—the date of the lottery. In fact, New Yorker editor Gus Lobrano suggested several changes to the story via phone, including additions to dialogue and action, which Jackson made.
    ellauri133.html on line 868: According to Jackson's detractors, her marriage was plagued by Hyman's infidelities, notably with his students, and she reluctantly agreed to his proposition of maintaining an open relationship. Hyman also controlled their finances (meting out portions of her earnings to her as he saw fit), despite the fact that after the success of "The Lottery" and later work she earned far more than he did.
    ellauri135.html on line 139: Konsta vietti rattoisaa kesälomaa Jekaterina-vaimon ja 7-vuotiaan pojan kaa Bogovon kylässä vuonna 1924. Samana vuonna Pirkko täytti 2 ja Calle 1, Kalle Viänänen julkaisi teoxen Savolaista sanarrieskoo, ja the renowned klezmer clarinetist and self-proclaimed “King of Jewish music” Naftule Brandwein recorded a purely instrumental version with the title “Der Terk in America” laulusta Uskadaaraa.
    ellauri135.html on line 169: (The Graf Berg family has never heard about Peter Metsavas and Nikolai Margat to be Graf Friedrich Bergs out of marriage sons!)
    ellauri135.html on line 196: af/bio_b/berg_nv.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri135.html on line 206: Nikolai Vasilyevich studied first at the Tomsk regional college, then (in 1834-1838) at the Tambov and Moscow gymnasiums. In 1844 he enrolled in the Philological faculty of Moscow University but left an after a year.
    ellauri135.html on line 212: Participated in the Crimean war of 1853-1856. As the correspondent of magazine "Russian Herald", was with Garibaldi. During the Polish uprising of 1861-1863 years he was in Poland, the correspondent of the newspaper "St. Petersburg Vedomosti".. Graf F. F. Berg asked him to gather material for the history of the Polish uprising.
    ellauri135.html on line 229: After the surrender of Sebastopol and the transition of the chief of staff of the Crimean army in Odessa, Berg left the service, and until 1868 was not employed at all, leading the life of a tourist. The war of 1859 between Italy and Austria drew Berg in Lombardy, where he was at different headquarters of the French, Italian and at the end of Garibaldi, the detachment of Alpine rifles, wrote a number of correspondences in the "Russian Gazette" in 1859 the Movement in 1860, in the Lebanese mountains between Druze and Maronites drew Berg to the East. He lived in Beirut, Damascus, visited Jerusalem, said, Alexandria. Cairo, pyramids and Keepaway left an inscription, then the first in the Russian language. The fruit of these wanderings there were a few articles in Moscow and St. Petersburg editions and book "Guide to Jerusalem and its surroundings" (1863). During this trip, Berg studied the Bedouin life, which wandered in the wilderness. In 1861 he returned to Russia and has translated a significant part of "pan Tadeusz" (printed in "Domestic. Notes" 1862). Then again, Berg went to the East, lived again in Beirut, Damascus and Jerusalem, and printed about this trip in several articles in "Fatherlands. Notes", "Russian Gazette", "Our time" and SPb. Statements".
    ellauri135.html on line 233: In the last decade of his life he published his work in the "Russian antiquities" and the "Historical journal". Of the things placed in the first magazine, the most curious is the biographical sketch of "Graf F. F. Berg (1881, vol. XXXI).
    ellauri135.html on line 395: Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari ist ein deutscher Horrorfilm von Robert Wiene aus dem Jahr 1920 über einen Schlafwandler, der tagsüber vom zwielichtigen Dr. Caligari als Jahrmarktsattraktion herumgezeigt wird und nachts Morde begeht; in einer weiteren Handlungsebene wird diese Geschichte vom Insassen einer Irrenanstalt erzählt, der ihren Direktor bezichtigt, eben jener Dr. Caligari zu sein. Dieser expressionistische Stummfilm gilt als ein Meilenstein der Filmgeschichte.
    ellauri135.html on line 488: Mehun maistelin makean Drack mig mätt af ljufva safter
    ellauri135.html on line 490: Hopealta hohtavasta. Som af silfver öfverstänktes.
    ellauri135.html on line 498: Tyvenesti tuuitettu Sakta smekt af vädrets ande,
    ellauri135.html on line 502: Levon kuvana levolla Hvilans afbild, sen på bädden
    ellauri135.html on line 545: Yksinäni ollessani, När jag ej af någon höres;
    ellauri135.html on line 575: In 1943, Richter met Nina Dorliak (1908–1998), an operatic soprano. He noticed Dorliak during the memorial service for Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, caught up with her at the street and suggested to accompany her in recital. It is often alleged that they married around this time, but in fact Dorliak only obtained a marriage certificate a few months after Richter's death in 1997. They remained living companions from around 1945 until Richter's death; they had no children. Dorliak accompanied Richter both in his complex private life and career. She supported him in his final illness, and died herself less than a year later, on May 17, 1998.
    ellauri135.html on line 710: Runolla on hyvin vähän taiteellisen ilmaisun keinoja. Ihmisillä on vain yksi epiteetti ("tyhjä sydän") ja useita metafooria. Se, mikä ensi silmäyksellä vaikuttaa kielen köyhyydeltä, on tyylinen laite, jonka avulla voimme välittää sotilaspuheen yksinkertaisuuden.
    ellauri135.html on line 881: afiya-varvara-lopuhina-v-zhizni-i-tvorchestve-mihaila-lermontova_5.jpg" />
    ellauri135.html on line 904: afiya-varvara-lopuhina-v-zhizni-i-tvorchestve-mihaila-lermontova_4.jpg" height="250px" />
    ellauri140.html on line 52: Book I is centered on the virtue of Holiness as embodied in the Redcrosse Knight. Largely self-contained, Book I can be understood to be its own miniature epic. The Redcrosse Knight and his lady Una travel together as he fights the monster Errour, then separately after the wizard Archipelago tricks the Redcrosse Knight into thinking that Una is unchaste using a false dream. After he leaves, the Redcrosse Knight meets Duessa, who feigns distress in order to entrap him. Duessa leads the Redcrosse Knight to captivity by the giant Orgigolo. Meanwhile, Una overcomes peril, meets Arthur, and finally finds the Redcrosse Knight and rescues him from his capture, from Duessa, and from Despair. Una and Arthur help the Redcrosse Knight recover in the House of Holiness, with the House's ruler Caelia and her three daughters joining them; there the Redcrosse Knight sees a vision of his future. He then returns Una to her parents' castle and rescues them from a dragon, and the two are betrothed after resisting Archipelago one last time.
    ellauri140.html on line 56: Book III is centred on the virtue of Chastity as embodied in Britomart, a lady knight. Resting after the events of Book II, Guyon and Arthur meet Britomart, who wins a joust with Guyon. They separate as Arthur and Guyon leave to rescue Florimell, while Britomart rescues the Redcrosse Knight. Britomart reveals to the Redcrosse Knight that she is pursuing Sir Artegall because she is destined to marry him. The Redcrosse Knight defends Artegall and they meet Merlin, who explains more carefully Britomart's destiny to found the English monarchy. Britomart leaves and fights Sir Marinell. Arthur looks for Florimell, joined later by Sir Satyrane and Britomart, and they witness and resist sexual temptation. Britomart separates them with a stick and meets Sir Scudamore, looking for his captured lady Amoret. Britomart alone is able to rescue Amoret from the wizard Busirane. Unfortunately, when they emerge from the castle Scudamore is gone. (The 1590 version with Books I–III depicts the lovers' happy reunion, but this was changed in the 1596 version which contained all sex books.)
    ellauri140.html on line 58: Book IV, despite its title "The Legend of Cambell and Telamond or Of Friendship", Cambell's companion in Book IV is actually named Triamond, and the plot does not center on their friendship; the two men appear only briefly in the story. The book is largely a continuation of events begun in Book III. First, Scudamore is convinced by the hag Ate (discord) that Britomart has run off with Amoret and becomes jealous. A three-day tournament is then held by Satyrane, where Britomart beats Arthegal (both in disguise). Scudamore and Arthegal unite against Britomart, but when her helmet comes off in battle Arthegal falls in love with her. He surrenders, removes his helmet, and Britomart recognizes him as the man in the enchanted mirror. Arthegal pledges his love to her but must first leave and complete his quest. Scudamore, upon discovering Britomart's sex, realizes his mistake and asks after his lady, but by this time Britomart has lost Amoret, and she and Scudamore embark together on a search for her. The reader discovers that Amoret was abducted by a savage man and is imprisoned in his cave. One day Amoret darts out past the savage and is rescued from him by the squire Timias and Belphoebe. Arthur then appears, offering his service as a knight to the lost woman. She accepts, and after a couple of trials on the way, Arthur and Amoret finally happen across Scudamore and Britomart. The two lovers are reunited. Wrapping up a different plotline from Book III, the recently recovered Marinel discovers Florimell suffering in Proteus' dungeon. He returns home and becomes sick with love and pity. Eventually he confesses his feelings to his mother, and she pleads with Neptune to have the girl released, which the god grants.
    ellauri140.html on line 80: Artefact M+ (or Artegal or Arthegal or Arthegall), a knight who is the embodiment and champion of Justice. He meets Britomart after defeating her in a sword fight (she had been dressed as a knight) and removing her helmet, revealing her beauty. Artefact quickly falls in love with Britomart. Artefact has a companion in Talus, a metal man who wields a flail and never sleeps or tires but will mercilessly pursue and kill any number of villains. Talus obeys Artefact's command, and serves to represent justice without mercy (hence, Artefact is the more human face of justice). Later, Talus does not rescue Artefact from enslavement by the wicked slave-mistress Radigund, because Artefact is bound by a legal contract to serve her. Only her death, at Britomart's hands, liberates him. Chrysaor was the golden sword of Sir Artefact. This sword was also the favorite weapon of Demeter, the Greek goddess of the harvest. Because it was "Tempred with Adamant", it could cleave through anything.
    ellauri140.html on line 86: Bellphone F+-, the beautiful sister of Amoret who spends her time in the woods hunting and avoiding the numerous amorous men who chase her. Timias, the squire of Arthur, eventually wins her love after she tends to the injuries he sustained in battle; however, Timias must endure much suffering to prove his love when Belphoebe sees him tending to a wounded woman and, misinterpreting his actions, flies off hastily. She is only drawn back to him after seeing how he has wasted away without her. Tää on niinkö Artemis eli Diana. Osuvasti kolmikulmapuistossa.
    ellauri140.html on line 97: Gambrina F+, Gambrina, la reine des bières! daughter of Agape and sister to Priamond, Diamond, and Triamond. Cambina is depicted holding a caduceus and a cup of nepenthe, signifying her role as a figure of concord. She marries Cambell after bringing an end to his fight with Triamond.
    ellauri140.html on line 99: aff_by_apatrimonio-d6jlvxi.jpg"height="100px" />
    ellauri140.html on line 140: Though it praises her in some ways, The Faerie Queene questions Elizabeth's ability to rule so effectively because of her gender, and also inscribes the "shortcomings" of her rule. There is a character named Britomart who represents married chastity. This character is told that her destiny is to be an "immortal womb" – to have children. Here, Spenser is referring to Elizabeth's unmarried state and is touching on anxieties of the 1590s about what would happen after her death since the kingdom had no heir. No vittu ei ole maailma mixkään muuttunut, just samanlaista tuubaa kirjoitti Suomenmaa just Sanna Marinista.
    ellauri140.html on line 157: And golden foile all over them displaid.. Ja kultafooliolla joka paikka peitetty.
    ellauri140.html on line 209: In the year after being driven from "his home", 1599, Spenser travelled to London, where he died at the age of forty-six – "for want of bread", according to Ben Jonson; one of Jonson's more doubtful statements, since Spenser had a payment to him authorised by the government and was due his pension (What the fuck, ei kaxitonnisella vuodessa vielä kuuhun mennä.)
    ellauri140.html on line 226: The song was written by then Staff Sgt. Barry Sadler, beginning when he was training to be a Special Forces medic. The author Robin Moore, who wrote the book, The Green Berets, helped Sadler write the lyrics and get a recording contract with RCA Records. The demo of the song was produced in a rudimentary recording studio at Fort Bragg, with the help of Gerry Gitell and LTG William P. Yarborough.
    ellauri140.html on line 322: Upon his shield the like was also scor'd, Sen housukilvessä oli sama graffiti:
    ellauri140.html on line 399: The Birch for shaftes, the Sallow for the mill, Koivusta voi ottaa tuohta,
    ellauri140.html on line 567: He raft her hatefull head without remorse; Se sai sen pään irti poikki ilman vaiheita;
    ellauri140.html on line 633: And after asked him, if he did know Kysyi vielä sattusko äijä tietämään
    ellauri140.html on line 699: He strowd an Ave-Mary° after and before. Ja päästeli aave-Marioita siinä välissä.
    ellauri140.html on line 815: In hast unto his Lord, where he him left afore. Herralleen sinne mistä oli tullutkin.
    ellauri140.html on line 912: What frayes ye, that were wont to comfort me affrayd? Mikä pelottaa sua, joka ennet sait rohkasta mua?
    ellauri140.html on line 940: Long after lay he musing at her mood, Tän perään nuppi lojui pitkään hereillä,
    ellauri140.html on line 974: And sad Proserpines wrath, them to affright. ja uhkailla Proserpinen vihalla, pelotella
    ellauri140.html on line 993: Unto his guest, who after troublous sights Nupin luo, joka hankalien uninäkyjen
    ellauri140.html on line 1029: Weary of aged Tithones° saffron bed, Könytä ylös vanhan Tithonin vesisängystä,
    ellauri140.html on line 1040: And after him she rode with so much speede No se razasti nupin perään ihan täysiä,
    ellauri141.html on line 85: Maecenas : Dear soldiers! I have prepared us all drinks and space to rest after our long weary day of fighting...
    ellauri141.html on line 109: Quintus Horatius Flaccus (8th of December, Ab Urbe Condita 689, B. C. 65 - 27th of November, B. C. 8) was born at or near Venusia (Venosa), in the Apennines, on the borders of Lucania and Apulia. His father was a freedman, having, as his name proves, been the slave of some person of the Horatia gens. As Horace implies that he himself was ingenuus, his father must have obtained his freedom before his birth. He afterwards followed the calling of a coactor, a collector of money in some way or other, it is not known in what. He made, in this capacity, enough to purchase an estate, probably a small one, near the above town, where the poet was born. We hear nothing of his mother, except that Horace speaks of both his parents with affection. His father, probably seeing signs of talent in him as a child, was not content to have him educated at a provincial school, but took him (at what age he does not say, but probably about twelve) to Rome, where he became a pupil of Orbilius Pupillus, who had a school of much note, attended by boys of good family, and whom Horace remembered all his life as an irritable teacher, given unnecessarily to the use of the rod. With him he learnt grammar, the earlier Latin authors, and Homer. He attended other masters (of rhetoric, poetry, and music perhaps), as Roman boys were wont, and had the advantage (to which he afterwards looked back with gratitude) of his father’s care and moral training during this part of his education. It was usual for young men of birth and ability to be sent to Athens, to finish their education by the study of Greek literature and philosophy under native teachers; and Horace went there too, at what age is not known, but probably when he was about twenty. Whether his father was alive at that time, or dead, is uncertain. If he went to Athens at twenty, it was in B. C. 45, the year before Julius Cæsar was assassinated. After that event, Brutus and Cassius left Rome and went to Greece. Foreseeing the struggle that was before them, they got round them many of the young men at that time studying at Athens, and Horace was appointed tribune in the army of Brutus, a high command, for which he was not qualified. He went with Brutus into Asia Minor, and finally shared his defeat at Philippi, B. C. 42. He makes humorous allusion to this defeat in his Ode to Pompeius Varus (ii. 7). After the battle he came to Italy, having obtained permission to do so, like many others who were willing to give up a desperate cause and settle quietly at home. His patrimony, however, was forfeited, and he seems to have had no means of subsistence, which induced him to employ himself in writing verses, with the view, perhaps, of bringing himself into notice, rather than for the purpose of making money by their sale. By some means he managed to get a place as scriba in the Quæstor’s office, whether by purchase or interest does not appear. In either case, we must suppose he contrived soon to make friends, though he could not do so by the course he pursued, without also making many enemies. His Satires are full of allusions to the enmity his verses had raised up for him on all hands. He became acquainted, among other literary persons, with Virgil and Varius, who, about three years after his return (B. C. 39), introduced him to Mæcenas, who was careful of receiving into his circle a tribune of Brutus, and one whose writings were of a kind that was new and unpopular. He accordingly saw nothing of Horace for nine months after his introduction to him. He then sent for him (B. C. 38), and from that time continued to be his patron and warmest friend.
    ellauri141.html on line 111: At his house, probably, Horace became intimate with Polio, and the many persons of consideration whose friendship he appears to have enjoyed. Through Mæcenas, also, it is probable Horace was introduced to Augustus; but when that happened is uncertain. In B. C. 37, Mæcenas was deputed by Augustus to meet M. Antonius at Brundisium, and he took Horace with him on that journey, of which a detailed account is given in the fifth Satire of the first book. Horace appears to have parted from the rest of the company at Brundisium, and perhaps returned to Rome by Tarentum and Venusia. (See S. i. 5, Introduction.) Between this journey and B. C. 32, Horace received from his friend the present of a small estate in the valley of the Digentia (Licenza), situated about thirty-four miles from Rome, and fourteen from Tibur, in the Sabine country. Of this property he gives a description in his Epistle to Quintius (i. 16), and he appears to have lived there a part of every year, and to have been fond of the place, which was very quiet and retired, being four miles from the nearest town, Varia (Vico Varo), a municipium perhaps, but not a place of any importance. During this interval he continued to write Satires and Epodes, but also, it appears probable, some of the Odes, which some years later he published, and others which he did not publish. These compositions, no doubt, were seen by his friends, and were pretty well known before any of them were collected for publication. The first book of the Satires was published probably in B. C. 35, the Epodes in B. C. 30, and the second book of Satires in the following year, when Horace was about thirty-five years old. When Augustus returned from Asia, in B. C. 29, and closed the gates of Janus, being the acknowledged head of the republic, Horace appeared among his most hearty adherents. He wrote on this occasion one of his best Odes (i. 2), and employed his pen in forwarding those reforms which it was the first object of Augustus to effect. (See Introduction to C. ii. 15.) His most striking Odes appear, for the most part, to have been written after the establishment of peace. Some may have been written before, and probably were. But for some reason it would seem that he gave himself more to lyric poetry after his thirty-fifth year than he had done before. He had most likely studied the Greek poets while he was at Athens, and some of his imitations may have been written early. If so, they were most probably improved and polished, from time to time, (for he must have had them by him, known perhaps only to a few friends, for many years,) till they became the graceful specimens of artificial composition that they are. Horace continued to employ himself in this kind of writing (on a variety of subjects, convivial, amatory, political, moral,—some original, many no doubt suggested by Greek poems) till B. C. 24, when there are reasons for thinking the first three books of the Odes were published. During this period, Horace appears to have passed his time at Rome, among the most distinguished men of the day, or at his house in the country, paying occasional visits to Tibur, Præneste, and Baiæ, with indifferent health, which required change of air. About the year B. C. 26 he was nearly killed by the falling of a tree, on his own estate, which accident he has recorded in one of his Odes (ii. 13), and occasionally refers to; once in the same stanza with a storm in which he was nearly lost off Cape Palinurus, on the western coast of Italy. When this happened, nobody knows. After the publication of the three books of Odes, Horace seems to have ceased from that style of writing, or nearly so; and the only other compositions we know of his having produced in the next few years are metrical Epistles to different friends, of which he published a volume probably in B. C. 20 or 19. He seems to have taken up the study of the Greek philosophical writers, and to have become a good deal interested in them, and also to have been a little tired of the world, and disgusted with the jealousies his reputation created. His health did not improve as he grew older, and he put himself under the care of Antonius Musa, the emperor’s new physician. By his advice he gave up, for a time at least, his favorite Baiæ. But he found it necessary to be a good deal away from Rome, especially in the autumn and winter.
    ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
    ellauri141.html on line 339: "Of small stature, fond of the sun, prematurely grey, quick-tempered but easily placated". Häntä vaivasi jonkinlainen silmätauti. Luonteeltaan hän näyttää olleen vilkas, iloinen ja leikkisä vanhapoika. Äkkipikainen, suuttui helposti mutta leppyi yhtä helposti. Bilbo Hobbitin doppelgängeri. The poet died at 56 years of age, not long after his friend Maecenas [or before? Opinions vary] near whose tomb he was laid to rest.
    ellauri141.html on line 366: Adolescent slave boys were fair game for a virile man. Jupiter may have had his Ganymede, but none of the standard pantheon of gods were gay as we use the term. But there was a limit: it was queer to screw a boy after he was old enough to shave. “Passive’ homosexuality was the real disgrace. The urge to bugger was understandable. A man’s desire to be buggered was disgraceful. As often observed, it was better to give than receive. And in Horace’s poems, pederasty seems no more frowned upon than a taste for veal might be frowned upon today. Actually less. By now you can see where I’m headed with all this. I think the puer in Persicos odi, puer, apparatus... is the kind of boy that Horace is sometimes fond of screwing.
    ellauri141.html on line 404: The solfege system (Do, Re, Mi), which is the theme of a song by the Von Trapp children, is just a small sample of Horace's all-pervasive influence on western culture, even among people who might never have heard the name Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Horace was not just a superb literary craftsman, but a musician, songwriter and entertainer for the Roman elite, creating a new Latin idiom derived from Greek lyric song. A final chapter, "Horace, Guido and the Do-re-mi Mystery", the result of careful research and detective work, argues that Guido d'Arezzo, an eleventh-century Benedictine choirmaster, used the melody of Horace's Ode to Phyllis (alla) to invent the do-re-mi mnemonic, but applied it to an eighth-century Hymn to John the Baptist ("Ut queant laxis") by Paul the Deacon, keeping the true source secret. A musical comparison of the Horatian melody and Guido's version of "ut-re-mi" is included. Lyons' verse translation of the Odes was named a Financial Times Book of the Year (1996) and was welcomed as 'a wonderful rendering of one of the great, central poets in the European tradition.'
    ellauri141.html on line 466: Kipling syntyi 30. joulukuuta 1865 Bombayssa, Brittiläisessä Intiassa. Hänen äitinsä oli metodistipastorin tytär Alice Kipling (o.s. MacDonald) ja isänsä bombaylaisen taidekoulun rehtori ja professori John Lockwood Kipling. John ja Alice olivat ensimmäisen kerran tavanneet 1863 Rudyardjärvellä Rudyardin kylässä Staffordshiressa. He avioituivat ja muuttivat 1865 Intiaan, jossa esikoispoika syntyi pian muuton jälkeen. Poika sai etunimensä vanhempiensa ensimmäisen kohtaamispaikan mukaan. Kiplingin syntymäpaikalla Sir J. J.:n käyttötaiteiden instituutin kampusalueella Mumbaissa (entinen Bombay) on hänen syntymästään kertova kyltti. You are here.
    ellauri141.html on line 527: But while Rome flourished she imposed law and order inside the empire. Dis te minorem quod geris imperas. Despite oppression, injustice and corruption, despite the horrors of the penal code, Rome allowed civil society to develop. Paulus could use the privileges of citizenship and travel on mostly safe roads and sea routes.
    ellauri141.html on line 528: But before he published "The Craftsman" and "A Recantation" in The Years between or the four odes of Debits and Credits, he had turned to Horace for recreation in the dark days of war:
    ellauri141.html on line 755: Alexis Leger (pronounced [ləʒe]; 31 May 1887 – 20 September 1975), better known by his pseudonym Saint-John Perse (French: [pɛʁs]; also Saint-Leger Leger),[1] was a French poet-diplomat, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1960 "for the soaring flight and evocative imagery of his poetry." He was a major French diplomat from 1914 to 1940, after which he lived primarily in the United States until 1967.
    ellauri141.html on line 765: During his American exile, he wrote his long poems Exil, Vents, Pluies, Neiges, Amers, and Chroniques. He remained in the US long after the end of the war. He travelled extensively, observing nature and enjoying the friendship of US Attorney General Francis Biddle and his spouse, philanthropist Beatrice Chanler, and author Katherine Garrison Chapin. He was on good terms with the UN Secretary General and author Dag Hammarskjöld whose plain crashed in suspicious circumstances in 1961, just after Pink Panther got his Nobel prize. Foul play?
    ellauri142.html on line 53: At the opening of the novel, Markku is a young man who has recently returned to Russia to seek a career after completing his education abroad. Although a well-meaning, kind hearted young man, he is awkward and out of place in the Russian high society in whose circles he starts to move. Markku, though intelligent, is not dominated by reason, as his friend Prince Andrei Nikolayevich Balkongsky is. His lack of direction leads him to fall in with a group of profligate young men like Anatole Kuragin and Dolokhov whose pranks and heavy drinking cause mild scandals. After a particularly outrageous escapade in which a policeman is strapped to the back of a bear and thrown into a river, Markku is sent away from St. Petersburg. What happened to the poor bear?
    ellauri142.html on line 55: Markku's life changes after he becomes the sole heir to his father's vast estate, and his position in society is changed from that of an illegitimate son to the new Count Bezukhov. His inability to control his emotions and sexual passions lead him into a marriage with the vapid but sexually beautiful Princess Kristina, a match which her self-serving father, Prince Carl Erik, sets up to secure his access to Markku's newly acquired vast fortune. Kristina is not in love with Markku, and has affairs. From jealousy, Markku shoots his suspected lover, Dolokhov, in a duel. He is distraught at having committed such a crime and eventually separates from Kristina and then becomes a Freemason. His madhat escape into the city of Moscow and his subsequent obsessive belief that he is destined to be Napoleon’s mistress show his submission to irrational impulses. Yet his search for meaning in his life and for how to overcome his emotions are a central theme of the novel. He eventually finds love and marriage with Pirkko Hiekkala, becomes a ladies shoes salesman called Al Bundy and their marriage is perhaps the culmination of a life of moral and spiritual questioning. They have four children: three boys and one girl. Correction, one extremely good-looking platinum blonde girl and one about equally gifted son.
    ellauri142.html on line 59: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere calls Markku "one of the best known characters in world literature." Merriam-Webster lists him among "the most attractive and sympathetic characters in literature". And M. Keith Booker describes Markku as one of Tolstoy's "most memorable characters".
    ellauri142.html on line 77: The Tolstoys were a well-known family of old Russian nobility who traced their ancestry to a mythical nobleman named Indris described by Pyotr Tolstoy as arriving "from Nemec, from the lands of Caesar" (Lithuania, from the sound of it) to Chernigov in 1353 along with his two sons Litvinos (or Litvonis) and Zimonten (or Zigmont) and a dozen or maybe 3000 people. Indris was then converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, under the name of Leonty, and his sons as Konstantin and Feodor. Konstantin's grandson Andrei Kharitonovich was nicknamed Tolstoy (fatso) by Vasily II of Moscow after he moved from Chernigov to Moscow.
    ellauri142.html on line 85: In 1851, after running up heavy gambling debts, he went with his older brother to the Caucasus and joined the army. Tolstoy served as a young artillery officer during the Crimean War and was in Sevastopol during the 11-month-long siege of Sevastopol in 1854–55, including the Battle of the Chernaya. During the war he was recognised for his courage and promoted to lieutenant. He was appalled by the number of tragic deaths involved in warfare, and left the army after the end of the Crimean War.
    ellauri142.html on line 102: At the turn of the 16th Century, William Schaw developed his own club-like culture, housed within a lodge, and infused with a set of rules for sworn members, including, “They shall be true to one another and live charitably together as becometh sworn brethren and companions of the Craft.”
    ellauri142.html on line 167: Vittu mitä pellejä! Jo on lapsellista touhua. According to the historian David Stevenson, it was influential on Freemasonry as it was emerging in Scotland. Robert Vanloo (n.h.) states that earlier 17th century Rosicrucianism had a considerable influence on Anglo-Saxon Masonry. Hans Schick sees in the works of Comenius (1592–1670) the ideal of the newly born English Masonry before the foundation of the Grand Lodge in 1717. Comenius was in England during 1641. Their mission is to prepare the whole wide world for a new phase in religion, which includes awareness of the inner worlds and the subtle bodies, and to provide safe guidance in the gradual awakening of man's latent spiritual faculties during the next six centuries toward the coming Age of Aquariums. This is the dawning of it, judging by the sea levels. According to Masonic writers, the Order of the Rose Cross is expounded in a major Christian literary work that molded the subsequent spiritual beliefs of western civilization: The Divine Comedy (ca. 1308–1321) by Dante Alighieri.
    ellauri142.html on line 401: Pas pithekos phusei eidenai oregei, eli apinat on luonnostaan uteliaita kuin apinat. (Urkund merkkasi ton punaisella, se on plagiaatti Arilta.) Mutta mitä se hyödyttää, siitä saa vaan sielullensa vahingon, parempi olla tyhmä maalainen ja kyyristellä herran kynnyxellä. Laat af an oonmatige wijsbegeerte. Pane se kirja pois, riittää kun hypistelet omaa napanöyhtää, gnothi seauton.
    ellauri142.html on line 535: Joka ruumiista erotessaan ainoastaan Minua ajattelee, se saapuu ruumiinsa jätettyään Minun olemukseeni. Epäilemättä. No doubt. Mitä vitun nekrofiilejä nää oikein on. Parking meter violation. Viola oli Loppiaisaaton nuori nainen joka huuhtoutui rannalle ja kysyi pelastajiltansa: mikä maa mikä valuutta? What country, friends, is this? Norjalaissyntyiselle Annikalle meinas käydä kehnosti Saapin takaluukussa, vaan eipä käynytkään. Aum, sano, suloisuuden suloisuus. Aum mani padme, mene mene tekel ufarsin, stiiknafuulia. Näitä piisaa näitä taikasanoja. Eeli eeli laama sabakhtani, Expecto patronum. Voi hemmetti. Seesam aukene. Hokkus pokkus. Abrakadabra. Abrakapokus! Vampyyri muuttuu alapäästä lepakoxi. Uni hyvä verelle. Ei helvetti, ei jaxa.
    ellauri143.html on line 59: On a day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the Thai translation of Thirukkural during his visit to Thailand, the official Twitter handle of the BJP’s Tamil Nadu unit released a picture of Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar clad in a saffron attire.
    ellauri143.html on line 86: Its author is praised for his innate nature of selecting the best virtues found in the known literature, like Juan Valdez the choicest coffee beans, and presenting them in a language that is common and acceptable to all (Tamil). The term Tirukkuṟaḷ is a compound word made of two individual terms, tiru and kuṟaḷ. The term tiru has as many as 19 different meanings but it means sacred. Kuṟaḷ means something like "short, concise, and abridged." Vizi näähän on Markku Envall-luokan aforismeja, Vaakku-Turmiola linjan törähdyxiä.
    ellauri143.html on line 139:

    Ekassa luvussa on aika vitusti jalkafetishiä. Primaatit imuskelee silverbackin varpaita. Tuonnempana ei jumalasta ole paljon puhetta. Se sinänsä on virkistävää. Ainoot herrat on noita oikeita herra isoherroja.
    ellauri143.html on line 203: Honour's woman's safest guard.
    ellauri143.html on line 356: Words without sense, while chafe the wise,

    ellauri143.html on line 365: To none delight afford, and sever unclemen from good.
    ellauri143.html on line 466: Grace is not in their thoughts, nor know they kind affection's power,

    ellauri143.html on line 480: If blessing, free from fault, it can afford.
    ellauri143.html on line 697: To man nought else affords reality of joy.
    ellauri143.html on line 708: Like staff in hand of him in slippery ground who strays

    ellauri143.html on line 818: Is rash affair, from which the wise abstain.
    ellauri143.html on line 856: Kinkun apurit. Explanation : Let (a minister) be chosen, after he has been tried by means of these four things, viz,-his virtue, (love of) money, (love of) sexual pleasure, and tear of (losing) life. And keep his relatives as hostages. Just tätä tematiikkaa oli valtaistuinpeleissä. Ei se ole vierasta kv. yrityxillekään. Steve Jobs varmaan luki näitä värssyjä. The Thirukkural way of Leadership. Mr. T. Kannan.
    ellauri143.html on line 1164: Explanation : Make friendship (with one) after ascertaining (his) character, birth defects, and the whole of his relations.
    ellauri143.html on line 1168: ´Tis staff that measures out one´s friends.
    ellauri143.html on line 1293: Luku 92. Jatossimes (draftin naistenpäivä): 911–920
    ellauri143.html on line 1489: Explanation: The embraces of a gold-complexioned beautiful female are as pleasant as to dwell in one's own house and live by one's own (earnings) after distributing (a portion of) it in charity.
    ellauri143.html on line 1513: To those who 've proved love's joy, and now afflicted mourn,

    ellauri143.html on line 1515: Explanation : To those who after enjoyment of sexual pleasure suffer for want of more, there is no help so efficient as the palmyra horse.
    ellauri144.html on line 54: H. G. Porthan oli sukujuuriltaan karjalainen kuten Einen käly Lea. Hänen isänsä puolelta suku johti viipurilaiseen kauppiaaseen Kustaa Purtaseen, jonka poika oli päässyt pappisuralle ja vaihtanut nimensä hienompana pidetyksi (ja de facto hienommaxi) Porthaniksi. Isä toimi kirkkoherrana Viitasaarella, jossa Henrik Gabriel syntyi 1739. Isä tuli mielisairaaksi Henrik Gabrielin ollessa viiden, ja tämä päätyi enonsa, Kruunupyyn kirkkoherran Gustaf (Kustaa) Jusleniuksen huollettavaksi. Gustaf Juslenius oli ensimmäisen cunnofiilin Daniel Jusleniuksen poika, ja Porthan sai häneltä vaikutteita kansallisiin harrastuksiinsa. Se oli se Juslenius joka sanoi "Juu juu" kun housut palo. Toinen Porthanin suomalais-isänmaallisuuteen vaikuttanut piirroshahmo oli piispa K. F. Mennander. Porthanin ajattelun ohjenuorana olivat kuitenkin ennen muuta valistusfilosofian empiiriset ja rationaaliset menetelmät. Hyvin pahoja! vaikeroi ruusuristiläiset vaimeasti vähän etelämpää.
    ellauri144.html on line 97: For Aristotle, youth and age represent extremes of excess and deficiency: the young (neoi) are subject to strong but quick-changing desires; they are hot-tempered, competitive, careless about money, simple, trusting, hopeful, lofty-minded; they have courage and a sense of shame; they enjoy friends and laughter; they live by honor, not advantage; they tend to hybris; in short, their failings are those of vehemence and excess. Whereas older men (presbyteroi) past their prime have the diametrically opposite failings, of deficiency: their experience of life makes them uncertain, suspicious, small-minded, ungenerous, worried about money, fearful, cold-tempered, grasping after life, and selfish; they live by the code of advantage; they are shameless and pessimistic; they live mostly in memory, talk about the past, complain a lot; they are slaves to gain; in short, both their desires and their ability to gratify them are weak.
    ellauri144.html on line 123: Mutta onko Clarxon homo? Ainaskin se on aivan vitun homofoobi, joka on vahva vihje kaappihomosta. (Ei koske minua, I refuse to be bummed.) The Amazon Prime show sees presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May travel the world reviewing cars. The Ofcom complaint comes after Young took issue with a comment in one of the episodes in which the trio made jokes about the Wrangler Jeep being a ‘gay man’s car’..... and then Hammond and May’s ‘quips’ to Clarkson wearing chaps, a pink shirt, he should get some moisturiser. It’s fucking pathetic and actually homophobic. Jeremy Clarkson: I’m not homophobic, I enjoy watching lesbians on the internet.
    ellauri144.html on line 135: Portnoy's Complaint n. (after Alexander Portnoy 1933- ) A disorder in which a fictional character the same age as the writer kvetches on sex, guilt, sex and Jewishness for 250 pages without pausing for breath.
    ellauri144.html on line 210:

    Phillu mainizee (175) Mandelin tykänneen Tito Puentesista ja Pupi Camposta niin paljon että muutti nimensä Babaluuxi. (Kolmas nimi on pianisti Joe Loco.) "Babalú" is a Cuban popular afro song written by Margarita Lecuona, the cousin of composers Ernestina and Ernesto Lecuona. The song title is a reference to the Santería deity Babalú Ayé. "Babalú" was the signature song of the fictional television character Ricky Ricardo, played by Desi Arnaz in the television comedy series I Love Lucy, though it was already an established musical number for Arnaz in the 1940s as evidenced in the 1946 film short Desi Arnaz and His Orchestra. By the time Arnaz had adopted the song, it had become a Latin American music standard, associated mainly with Cuban singer Miguelito Valdés, who recorded one of its many versions with Xavier Cugat and his Waldorf-Astoria Orchestra. Arnaz made the song a rather popular cultural reference in the United States.
    ellauri144.html on line 316: Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen (aka Michael Todd) (born June 22, 1909 – March 22, 1958) was a JEWISH American theater and film producer, best known for his 1956 production of Around the World in 80 Days, which won an Academy Award for Best Picture. He is known as the third of Elizabeth Taylor's seven husbands, and is the only one whom she did not divorce (because he died in a private plane accident a year after their marriage).
    ellauri144.html on line 325: On March 22, 1958, Todd's private plane the Liz crashed near Grants, New Mexico. "Ah, c'mon," he said. "It's a good, safe plane. I wouldn't let it crash. I'm taking along a picture of Elizabeth, and I wouldn't let anything happen to her."
    ellauri144.html on line 327: In June 1977, Avrom's remains were desecrated by graverobbers. The thieves broke into his casket looking for a $100,000 diamond ring, which, according to rumor, Taylor had placed on her husband's finger prior to his burial. The bag containing Avrom's remains was found under a tree near his burial plot. The bag and casket had been sealed in Albuquerque after Avrom's remains were identified following the 1958 crash. Avrom''s remains were once more identified through dental records and were reburied in a secret location.
    ellauri144.html on line 421: Dylan Marlais Thomas (27 October 1914 – 9 November 1953 = 39v) was a Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" (Josta suomenruozalainen leijakirjailija otti "Älä mene yxin yöllä ulos") and "And death shall have no dominion"; the "play for voices" Under Milk Wood; and stories and radio broadcasts such as A Child´s Christmas in Wales and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog. He became widely popular in his lifetime and remained so after his death at the age of 39 in New York City. By then he had acquired a reputation, which he had encouraged, as a "roistering, drunken and doomed poet".
    ellauri144.html on line 423: Dylan Thomas was born on 27 October 1914 in Swansea, the son of Florence Hannah (née Williams; 1882–1958), a seamstress, and David John Thomas (1876–1952), a teacher. His father had a first-class honours degree in English from University College, Aberystwyth and ambitions to rise above his position teaching English literature at the local grammar school, which he never did. Thomas had one sibling, Nancy Marles (1906–1953), who was eight years his senior. The children spoke only English, though their parents were bilingual in English and Welsh, and David Thomas gave Welsh lessons at home. Thomas´s father chose the name Dylan, which could be translated as "son of the sea", after Dylan ail Don, a character in The Mabinogion. (Mulla on se, mutten ole lukenut.) His middle name, Marlais, was given in honour of his great-uncle, William Thomas, a Unitarian minister and poet whose bardic name was Gwilym Marles. Se oli se silverbäk jota ne kaikki koittivat apinoida. Dylan, pronounced ˈ [ˈdəlan] (Dull-an) in Welsh, caused his mother to worry that he might be teased as the "dull one" (which he was). When he broadcast on Welsh BBC, early in his career, he was introduced using this pronunciation. Thomas favoured the Anglicised pronunciation and gave instructions that it should be Dillan /ˈdɪlən/. He was fed up with the "dull one" joke. in 1914. In 1931, when he was 16, Thomas, an undistinguished pupil, left school to become a reporter for the South Wales Daily Post, only to leave under pressure 18 months later.
    ellauri144.html on line 570: The Red Badge of Courage garnered widespread acclaim, what H. G. Wells called "an orgy of praise" shortly after its publication, making Crane an instant celebrity at the age of twenty-four. The novel and its author did have their initial detractors, however, including author and veteran Ambrose Bierce. Adapted several times for the screen, the novel became a bestseller. It has never been out of print and is now thought to be Crane´s most important work and a major American text.
    ellauri144.html on line 575: A prolific and versatile writer, Bierce was regarded as one of the most influential journalists in the United States, and as a pioneering writer of realist fiction. For his horror writing, Michael Dirda ranked him alongside Edgar Allan Poe and H. P. Lovecraft. S. T. Joshi speculates that he may well be the greatest satirist America has ever produced, and in this regard can take his place with such figures as Juvenal, Swift, and Voltaire. His war stories influenced Stephen Crane, Ernest Hemingway, and others, and he was considered an influential and feared literary critic. In recent decades Bierce has gained wider respect as a fabulist and for his poetry.
    ellauri144.html on line 577: Both of Bierce´s sons died before he did. Day committed suicide after a romantic rejection (he non-fatally shot the woman of his affections along with her fiancé beforehand), and Leigh died of pneumonia related to alcoholism. Bierce separated from his wife in 1888, after discovering compromising letters to her from an admirer. They divorced in 1904. Mollie Day Bierce died the following year. Bierce was an avowed agnostic, and strongly rejected the divinity of Christ. He suffered from lifelong asthma, as well as complications from his war wounds, most notably episodes of fainting and irritability assignable to the traumatic brain injury suffered at Kennesaw Mountain. In 1913, Bierce told reporters that he was travelling to Mexico to gain first-hand experience of the Mexican Revolution. He disappeared and was never seen again.
    ellauri144.html on line 645: avait rencontre Marie Sarah Raffalovich (1832-1921), issue d´une famille juive d´Odessa,
    ellauri144.html on line 646: épouse du banquier Hermann Raffalovich (1835-1893), son cousin, et mère de
    ellauri144.html on line 647: l’économiste Arthur Raffalovich (1853-1921), de l’écrivaine Sophie O’Brien née
    ellauri144.html on line 648: Raffalovich (1860-1960) et du poète militant homosexuel Marc-André Raffalovich
    ellauri144.html on line 659: 1878, Madame Raffalovich fait partie du cercle des intimes qui se trouvent près de
    ellauri144.html on line 671: src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/75/Raffalovich%2C_Marc_Andr%C3%A9_%281864-1934%29.jpg"
    ellauri144.html on line 675: Раффалович (фр. Mark André Raffalovich) — французский поэт, журналист и эссеист,
    ellauri144.html on line 679: Raffalovich was a 19th century Hebrew Catholic or Catholic Jew. His name was Marc-Andre Raffalovich and was a famous French poet and writer associated with John Gray and Oscar Wilde. He came from a wealthy Russian Jewish family from Odessa who moved to France a year before his birth. He became a Catholic in 1896 through the reading of Catholic mystical literature especially homahtava St John of the Cross. Ei ois kannattanut. For
    ellauri144.html on line 692: proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no
    ellauri144.html on line 725: "In a pristine region where nature and animals have thrived for centuries, wildlife biologist Lana Fedorova is devoting her life to protecting species that have been hunted nearly to extinction, including a rare white deer. Ominously, in a nuclear plant nearby, the arrival of a new director, the ruthless and power-hungry Allura, rattles the staff and sets the stage for internecine strife between the zealous bureaucrat Borys Slykovitch and ambitious engineer Maksym (Max) Smirnov.
    ellauri144.html on line 866: Platero kaj mi (Platero y yo) estas proza lirika verko de 1914 de la hispana poeto Juan Ramón Jiménez, kiu rekreas poezie la vivon de la azeno Platero, kvankam certe la verkisto havis diversajn azenetojn. La libro estas konstituita de mallongaj bild-epizodoj kiuj inter si ne trudas teman aŭ intrigan ordon kaj prezentas nur impresojn, sensaciojn kaj rememorojn de Moguer (Sudokcidenta Andaluzio) el infana kaj juna epokoj de Juan Ramón Jiménez mem. La verko aspektas taglibro en kiu oni detaligas la plej gravajn aspektojn de la realo, de la pensaro kaj de la sentoj de la verkisto. Tamen, ĝi estas nek taglibro nek membiografio, sed nur elekto de historioj el reala medio kaj inter multaj memoroj de la pasinteco.
    ellauri144.html on line 963: Torstein Knarresmed hogg kong Olav med øksa og traff ham over kneet. Finn Arnesson drepte deretter Torstein. Kongen kastet fra seg sverdet, lente seg mot en stein og begynte å be Gud hjelpe seg. Tore Hund lente seg fram og støtte spydet opp under kongens brynje og inn i maven på ham. I samme stund fikk han også et tredje sår av ei øks på venstre side av halsen. Av disse tre skadene døde kongen.
    ellauri144.html on line 969: Trolldomsmotivet går igjen for nordlendingene og Hålogaland. Tore Hund drev handel med finnene og skaffet seg «tolv reinskinnskufter med mye trollskap i». Siden stilte Tore Hund elleve utvalgte menn først i striden mot kongen, og han selv var den tolvte, og underforstått var de tolv bar alle kofter besatt med trolldom. Trolldomstemaet går igjen også i Olav Tryggvasons saga i hans møte med Raud den ramme.
    ellauri144.html on line 971: Etter at Olav var flyktet til Gardariket sier Snorre Sturlasson at grunnen til at nordmennene reiste seg mot kongen var at «de ikke tålte hans rettferdighet» da han straffet rike likt med fattige. Denne rettferdiggjøringen av Olavs styre er ikke historisk korrekt, like lite som konstruksjonene om trolldom og de senere påståtte mirakler er det.
    ellauri144.html on line 975: Samtidige skaldekvad nyanserer det religiøse bildet som fortrengte det politiske bildet av Olav Haraldsson. Sigvat skald sier i kvadet Erfidråpa at Olav hogg etter Tore med sverdet, men det beit ikke på Tore Hund. Også Sigvat var preget av den kirkelige demoniseringen av kongens motstandere, men samtidig sier han at «den mann som bebreider Tore for feighet, fornekter den dristige Hunds sanne mot, (...) ettersom den kraftige kriger (...) våget å rette hugg mot en konge».
    ellauri144.html on line 983: Óðinn er æðstur guða í norrænni og germanskri goðafræði, þar sem hann er guð visku, herkænsku, stríðs, galdra, sigurs og skáldskapar. Óðinn er andinn og lífskrafturinn í öllu sem hann skapaði. Með Vilja og Vé skapaði hann himin, jörð, Ask og Emblu. Óðinn lærði rúnirnar þegar hann hékk og svelti sjálfan sig í níu nætur í Aski Yggdrasils, þá lærði hann líka Fimbulljóðin níu.
    ellauri144.html on line 985: Á jörðinni birtist Óðinn mönnum sem gamall eineygður förumaður í skikkju og með barðabreiðan hatt eða hettu og gengur þá undir mörgum nöfnum. Hann getur haft hamskipti hvenær sem er og sent anda sinn í fugls- eða dýrslíki erinda sinna og hann getur ferðast til dauðraheims ef honum hentar.
    ellauri144.html on line 987: Óðinn ríður hinum áttfætta Sleipni og tveir úlfar fylgja honum, sem bera nöfnin Geri og Freki, einnig á hann tvo hrafna, Huginn og Munin, sem flytja honum tíðindi. Í Valhöll koma til hans vopndauðir menn.
    ellauri145.html on line 42: Visage décidé, menton en avant, le coin de la lèvre inférieure affaissé à cause de la pipe, chevelure léonine tirée en arrière, le regard fixant l’invisible, André Breton a incarné le surréalisme cinquante ans durant, malgré lui et en dépit du rejet des institutions et des honneurs constamment exprimés. Très tôt, il s’est méfié des romans et leurs auteurs lui donnent l’impression qu’ils s’amusent à ses dépens.
    ellauri145.html on line 68: Breton meni naimisiin kolme kertaa. Ensin hän avioitui Simone Kahnin kanssa syyskuussa 1920. Toisen vaimon, Jacqueline Lamban, kanssa hänellä on Aube-niminen tytär. Kolmas vaimo on nimeltään Elisabeth Claro. Breton kuoli 28.9.1966 ja hänet haudattiin Batignolles’n hautausmaalle Pariisiin. Hautakiveen on kaiverrettu teksti ”Je cherche l’or du temps” (”Etsin koko ajan kultaa”). Bretonin leski ja tytär yrittivät tarjota osoitteessa 42 rue Fontaine sijainneen ateljeen taidekokoelmia Ranskan valtion lunastettavaksi, mutta valtio ei halunnut ostaa Bretonin yksityiskokoelmaa. Bretonin jäämistö huutokaupattiin keväällä 2003. No entäs tämä Soupault? Silläkin oli 3 vaimoa. Hän jäi unohduksiin samalla kun hän kirjoitti unohduksesta mutta sai jälleen 1980-luvulla huomiota ja palkintoja, ja teoksista otettiin uusia painoksia. Comme il le racontera dans ses entretiens sur France Culture, il rencontra même par hasard dans un ascenseur Hitler et son aide de camp. Il regrettera de ne pas avoir eu un revolver à ce moment-là. De même, il croisa un jour Staline et fut surpris par l´expression cruelle de son visage. Ce jour-là, il le vit boire 24 vodkas dans une réception mais on lui affirma que Staline les jetait discrètement sans les boire.
    ellauri145.html on line 102: Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: selected aphorisms. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1. heinäkuuta 1742, Ober-Ramstadt – 24. helmikuuta 1799, Göttingen) oli saksalainen tiedemies, satiirikko ja anglofiili. Hän oli pastori Johann Conrad Lichtenbergin seitsemästätoista lapsesta nuorin. (Isä oli aika panomies!) Hän aloitti opintonsa vuonna 1763 Göttingenin yliopistossa, ja hänet nimitettiin ensin vuonna 1769 fysiikan apulaisprofessoriksi ja kuuden vuoden kuluttua kokeellisen fysiikan professoriksi. Häntä pidetään saksankielisen aforismikirjallisuuden perustajana. Siltä on suomennettu Töherryskirjat: Aforismeja ja muistiinmerkintöjä. Valikoinut ja suomentanut Juhani Ihanus. Otava, Helsinki 1999.
    ellauri145.html on line 112: Fourier was also a supporter of women´s rights in a time period when misogynic influences like Jean-Jacques Rousseau were prevalent. Fourier is credited with having originated the word feminism in 1837. Fourier believed that all important jobs should be open to women on the basis of skill and aptitude rather than closed on account of gender. He spoke of women as individuals, not as half the human couple. Fourier saw that "traditional" marriage could potentially hurt woman´s rights as human beings and thus never married. Writing before the advent of the term ´homosexuality´, Fourier held that both men and women have a wide range of sexual needs and preferences which may change throughout their lives, including same-sex sexuality and androgénité. He argued that all sexual expressions should be enjoyed as long as people are not abused, and that "affirming one´s difference" can actually enhance social integration. Stark raving mad, he was!
    ellauri145.html on line 217: « S´il va haïr le général Aupick, c´est sans doute que celui-ci s´opposera à sa vocation. C´est surtout parce que son beau-père lui prenait une partie de l´affection de sa mère. […] Une seule personne a réellement compté dans la vie de Charles Baudelaire : sa mère. »
    ellauri145.html on line 218: En 1831, le lieutenant-colonel Aupick ayant reçu une affectation à Lyon, le jeune Baudelaire est inscrit à la pension Delorme et suit les cours de sixième au collège royal de Lyon. En cinquième, il devient interne. En janvier 1836, la famille revient à Paris, où Aupick sera promu colonel en avril. Alors âgé de quatorze ans, Charles est inscrit comme pensionnaire au collège Louis-le-Grand, mais il doit redoubler sa troisième.
    ellauri145.html on line 379: Et se cognant la tête à des plafonds pourris; Kolhien päätänsä homehtuneisiin kattoihin
    ellauri145.html on line 386: Et lancent vers le ciel un affreux hurlement, Ja heittävät taivaaseen kauheen ulinan,
    ellauri145.html on line 404: Roger Tichborne, heir to the noble and filthy rich Tichborne family´s title and fortunes, was presumed to have died in a shipwreck in 1854 at age 25. His mother clung to a belief that he might have survived, and after hearing rumours that he had made his way to Australia, she advertised extensively in Australian newspapers, offering a reward for information. In 1866, a Wagga Wagga butcher known as Thomas Castro came forward claiming to be Roger Tichborne. Although his manners and bearing were unrefined, he gathered support and travelled to England. He was instantly accepted by Lady Tichborne as her son, although other family members were dismissive and sought to expose him as an impostor. During protracted enquiries before the case went to court in 1871, details emerged suggesting that the claimant might be Arthur Orton, a butcher´s son from Wapping in London, who had gone to sea as a boy and had last been heard of in Australia. After a civil court had rejected the claimant´s case, he was charged with perjury; while awaiting trial he campaigned throughout the country to gain popular support. In 1874, a criminal court jury decided that he was not Roger Tichborne and declared him to be Arthur Orton. Before passing a sentence of 14 years, the judge condemned the behaviour of the claimant´s counsel, Edward Kenealy, who was subsequently disbarred because of his conduct.
    ellauri145.html on line 515: I had no idea Nietzsche could be funny until I read his letters. “The gentlest, most reasonable man may, if he wears a large moustache, sit as it were in its shade and feel safe,” he wrote, self-mockingly. “As the accessory of a large moustache he will give the impression of being military, irascible and sometimes violent – and will be treated accordingly.” More fun wisecracks:
    ellauri145.html on line 628: 5 Nietzsche ilmoittanee tässä vuokransa Sveitsin frangeina; Sveitsi, Italia, Ranska ja Belgia olivat 1866 alkaen kultaja hopeapohjaisessa valuuttaunionissa, joka teki liirasta ja eri frangeista samanarvoisia. ”Vanha maailma” (alte Welt) ei viittaa hänellä löytöretkiä edeltävään afroeuraasialaiseen kulttuuripiiriin vaan, kuten tyypillisestikin oppineitten saksassa, useimmiten antiikkiin (Alterthum) mutta myös (yleismodernisti) esivallankumoukselliseen entiseen regiimiin.
    ellauri145.html on line 644: Nietzsche seurasi Torinossa vaikuttuneena Robilantin ja Antonellin sekä Carignanon prinssin, Carlo Alberton serkun Eugenio di Savoia-Villafrancan (1818–1888) hautajaiskulkueita.
    ellauri145.html on line 660: 19 Kreikkalaisella nimellä tunnettu Kaifas tai Kaiafas oli juutalainen ylipappi, jonka sanottiin vehkeilleen Jeesuksen tuomitsemiseksi jumalanpilkasta (Matt. 26:3–4). Eräät Nietzschen hulluuskirjeistä on allekirjoitettu nimellä ”Ristiinnaulittu”.
    ellauri145.html on line 709: When Zola was interviewed for this series on March 31, one month after Là-bas had begun to appear, even he admitted that it was possible that Naturalism was drawing to a close: “C’est possible. Nous avons tenu un gros morceau du siècle, nous n’avons pas à nous plaindre; et nous représentons un moment assez splendide dans l’évolution des idées au dix-neuvième siècle pour ne pas craindre d’envisager l’avenir” (XII, 653).
    ellauri145.html on line 727: During his schooling at the Imperial Lycée of Saint-Brieuc where he studied from 1858 until 1860, he fell prey to a deep depression, and, over several freezing winters, contracted the severe rheumatism which was to disfigure him severely. He blamed his parents for having placed him there, far from his family´s care and affection. Difficulties in adapting to the harsh discipline of the college´s noble débris (distinguished relics, i.e., teachers) gradually developed those characteristics of anarchic disdain and sarcasm which were to give much of his verse its distinctive voice.
    ellauri145.html on line 729: Corbière´s only published verse in his lifetime appeared in Les amours jaunes, 1873, a volume that went almost unnoticed until Paul Verlaine included him in his gallery of poètes maudits (accursed poets). Thereafter Verlaine´s recommendation was enough to establish him as one of the masters acknowledged by the Symbolists, and he was subsequently rediscovered and treated as a predecessor by the surrealists.
    ellauri145.html on line 747: Bibliografia: Les Amours Jaunes, 1873.
    ellauri145.html on line 809: Vertailikohan ne usein kenellä on pisin pisinappula. Tän hepun runot on aika pitkäveteisiä, turhan puhuttelevia ja sovinnaisia. Sen aforismit on samaa lajia, esim.
    ellauri145.html on line 959: Lorsqu´à tort il affirme ou nie, Kun se väärin vannoo, kieltelee,
    ellauri145.html on line 1084: Millä hinnalla hyvänsä ja kaikilla eleillä, myös metafyysisilla matkoilla. - Mutta lisää tuonnempana.
    ellauri145.html on line 1130: Jusqu´à l´âge de trois ans, il ne prononce pas un mot, sa famille le croyait muet. À l´école, il semble plutôt se destiner à une carrière scientifique : il passe à seize ans son baccalauréat en sciences. Recalé à cause des oraux d´histoire et de géographie, il est finalement reçu l´année suivante. Il devient alors stagiaire dans la pharmacie de son père qui ambitionne pour lui une succession tranquille, mais qui goûte peu ses expériences et ses faux médicaments et l´envoie étudier à Paris. En fait d´études, Alphonse préfère passer son temps aux terrasses des cafés ou dans le jardin du Luxembourg, et ne se présente pas à l´un des examens de l´école de pharmacie. Son père, s´apercevant que les fréquentations extra-estudiantines de son fils ont pris le pas sur ses études, décide de lui couper les vivres.
    ellauri145.html on line 1134: En 1881, après avoir terminé sans succès ses études de pharmacie, il devient collaborateur du journal Le Chat noir, dans lequel il signe pour la première fois en 1883. C´est grâce à ses écrits humoristiques et à ses nouvelles, écrites au jour le jour, qu´il connaît le succès. Il collabore à l´hebdomadaire Le Chat Noir à partir du numéro 4, daté du 4 février 1882, (Feu de paille). En 1885, il fréquente le café-restaurant Au Tambourin au 62, boulevard de Clichy.
    ellauri145.html on line 1143: Il a inventé un caoutchuc artificiel et un café soluble lyophilisé dont il a déposé le brevet, le 7 mars 1881 sous le numéro no 141520, bien avant donc que Nestlé, grâce à son chimiste alimentaire Max Morgenthaler (de), ne le reprenne en 1935 et lance le Nescafé. Un holorime d´Alphonse suffira ici.
    ellauri146.html on line 52: 1833 heiratete er die 10 Jahre ältere Louise Christiane Clostermeier, aber die Ehe erwies sich schnell als unglücklich. 1834 gab er sein Amt auf. Er reiste über Frankfurt am Main, wo er sich mit seinem Verleger überwarf, nach Düsseldorf. Dort hatte er sein Wohnhaus auf der Bolkerstraße 6. Der heutige Nachkriegsbau in der Ritterstraße 21 zeigt eine Steintafel, die auf seinen damaligen Aufenthalt hinweist: „In diesem Hause Litt und Stritt der Dichter Chr. Dietr. Grabbe 1834 bis 1836“. Dort arbeitete er mit Karl Immermann, den er 1831 kennengelernt hatte, an dem von diesem erneuerten Stadttheater. Doch auch diese Zusammenarbeit dauerte wegen der Depressivität und der Alkoholexzesse Grabbes nicht lange. 1836 kehrte er noch einmal nach Detmold zurück; seine Frau reichte die Scheidung ein. Noch im selben Jahr starb Grabbe in seiner Geburtsstadt an Rückenmarksschwindsucht, totalement épuisé par l'alcoolisme, aupres sa femme, le seul être qui soit resté disposé à l'accueillir. LOL.
    ellauri146.html on line 75: RATTENGIFT (sitzt an einem Tische und will dichten). Ach, die Gedanken! Reime sind da, aber die Gedanken, die Gedanken! Da sitze ich, trinke Kaffee, kaue Federn, schreibe hin, streiche aus, und kann keinen Gedanken finden, keinen Gedanken! – Ha, wie ergreife ichs nun? Halt, halt! was geht mir da für eine Idee auf? – Herrlich! göttlich! eben über den Gedanken, daß ich keinen Gedanken finden kann, will ich ein Sonett machen, und wahrhaftig dieser Gedanke über die Gedankenlosigkeit, ist der genialste Gedanke, der mir nur einfallen konnte! Ich mache gleichsam eben darüber, daß ich nicht zu dichten vermag, ein Gedicht! Wie pikant! wie originell! (Er läuft schnell vor den Spiegel.) Auf Ehre, ich sehe doch recht genial aus! (Er setzt sich an einen Tisch.) Nun will ich anfangen! (Er schreibt.)
    ellauri146.html on line 82: Ja, was in aller Welt sitzt nun so, daß es aussieht wie ich, wenn ich Federn kaue? Wo bekomme ich hier ein schickliches Bild her? Ich will ans Fenster springen und sehen, ob ich draußen nichts Ähnliches erblicke! (Er macht das Fenster auf und sieht ins Freie.) Dort sitzt ein Junge und kackt – Ne, so sieht es nicht aus! – Aber drüben auf der Steinbank sitzt ein zahnloser Bettler und beißt auf ein Stück hartes Brot – Nein, das wäre zu trivial, zu gewöhnlich! (Er macht das Fenster wieder zu und geht in der Stube umher.) Hm, hm! fällt mir denn nichts ein? Ich will doch einmal alles aufzählen, was kauet. Eine Katze kauet, ein Iltis kauet, ein Löwe – Halt! ein Löwe! – Was kauet ein Löwe? Er kauet entweder ein Schaf, oder einen Ochsen, oder eine Ziege, oder ein Pferd – Halt! ein Pferd! – Was dem Pferde die Mähne ist, das ist einer Feder die Fahne, also sehen sich beide ziemlich ähnlich – (jauchzend.) Triumph, da ist ja das Bild! Kühn, neu, calderonisch!
    ellauri146.html on line 88: (Er liest diese zwei Zeilen noch einmal laut über und schnalzt mit der Zunge, als ob sie ihm gut schmeckten.) Nein, nein! So eine Metapher gibt es noch gar nicht! Ich erschrecke vor meiner eignen poetischen Kraft! (Behaglich eine Tasse Kaffee schlürfend.) Das Pferd eine Löwenfeder! Und nun das Beiwort »schnell«! Wie treffend! Welche Feder möchte auch wohl schneller sein als das Pferd? – Auch die Worte »eh der Morgen grauet!« wie echt homerisch! Sie passen zwar durchaus nicht hieher, aber sie machen das Bild selbstständig, machen es zu einem Epos im kleinen! – O, ich muß noch einmal vor den Spiegel laufen! (Sich darin betrachtend.) Bei Gott, ein höchst geniales Gesicht! Zwar ist die Nase etwas kolossal, doch das gehört dazu! Ex ungue leonem, an der Nase das Genie!
    ellauri146.html on line 102: RATTENGIFT. Und wirklich wäre die Hölle weiter nichts? Wie – wie werden denn die Verbrecher bestraft?
    ellauri146.html on line 104: TEUFEL. Einen Mörder lachen wir so lange aus, bis er selber mitlacht, daß er sich die Mühe nahm, einen Menschen umzubringen. Die härtste Strafe eines Verdammten aber besteht darin, daß er die Abendzeitung und den Freimütigen lesen muß und sie nicht anspucken darf.
    ellauri146.html on line 124: Rudolf von Gottschall (1823–1909) oli saksalainen kirjailija, aikansa Saksan monipuolisimpia. Gottschall oli lyyrikko (Neue Gedichte), eepikko (Carlo Zeno, Maja), hän kirjoitti romaaneja (Im Banne des schwarzen Adlers) ja erityisesti näytelmiä: hänen merkittäviä murhenäytelmiään ovat Mazeppa, Der Nabob, Katharina Howard, König Karl XII, Herzog Bernhard von Weimar ja Amy Robsart. Hän kirjoitti myös komedioita, kuten Fix und Fox, Die Diplomaten, Der Spion von Rheinsberg. Mit einer Doktorarbeit über die römischen Strafen bei Ehebruch wurde er 1846 in Königsberg promoviert. De adulterii poenis iure romano constitutis. Gottschalls fortschrittliches Schaffen war zu seinen Lebzeiten geachtet, seine Dramen wurden gern gespielt. Seine Werke zeichneten sich vor allem durch unabhängige Urteilskraft, aber auch durch zeitbezogene Kritik aus, was mit dazu beigetragen hat, dass er nach seinem Tode schnell in Vergessenheit geriet. Lisäksi hän oli kirjallisuushistorioitsija ja esteetikko. Kirjallisuudentutkijana hän julkaisi teoksen Poetik. Vittuako se selitti tossa suorasanaisesti mitä Grabbe kertoo ize paljon hauskemmin? Taitaa olla kuivuri. Saima Harmaja on suomentanut Gottschallin runon "Ken nokkivi ikkunaa? Lupsa!", jonka on säveltänyt Kari Haapala.
    ellauri146.html on line 146: Gottschalls fortschrittliches Schaffen war zu seinen Lebzeiten geachtet, seine Dramen wurden gern gespielt. Seine Werke zeichneten sich vor allem durch unabhängige Urteilskraft, aber auch durch zeitbezogene Kritik aus, was mit dazu beigetragen hat, dass er nach seinem Tode schnell in Vergessenheit geriet.
    ellauri146.html on line 152: TEUFEL. Shakspeare schreibt Erläuterungen zu Franz Horn, Dante hat den Ernst Schulze zum Fenster hinausgeschmissen, Horaz hat die Maria Stuart geheiratet, Schiller seufzt über den Freiherrn von Auffenberg, Ariost hat sich einen neuen Regenschirm gekauft, Calderon liest Ihre Gedichte, läßt Sie herzlich grüßen und rät Ihnen in Gesellschaft der Liddy morgen die Waldhütte zu Lopsbrunn zu besuchen, weil dieses Häuschen in einer wahrhaft romantischen Gegend läge!
    ellauri146.html on line 156: TEUFEL. Genug! Ich habe nicht länger Zeit! – Wenn Sie meiner einstmals bedürfen sollten, so wissen Sie, daß ich in der Hölle wohne. Hier von dem Dorfe ist dieselbe etwas weit weg; wenn Sie aber extra schnell dahin gelangen wollen, so müssen Sie nach Berlin reisen und dort hinter die Königsmauer, oder nach Dresden und dort in die Fischer-, oder nach Leipzig und dort in die Preußer-Gasse, oder nach Paris und dort ins Palais Royal gehen; von allen diesen Orten ist der Tartarus nur fünf Minuten entlegen, und Sie werden noch dazu auf ausgezeichnet guten, vielfältig ausgebesserten Chausseen dahin reiten können. – Doch, es wird bald Abend! Schlafen Sie mittelmäßig! (Er will sich entfernen.)
    ellauri146.html on line 162: RATTENGIFT. Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre gütige Antwort! Schlafen Sie recht wohl!
    ellauri146.html on line 164: TEUFEL. Schlafen Sie mittelmäßig! (Geht ab.)
    ellauri146.html on line 166: MOLLFELS. Soll ich ihnen was vorschlagen? Dichten Sie künftig nichts als Trauerspiele! Wenn Sie denselben nur die gehörige Mittelmäßigkeit verleihen, so ist es unmöglich, daß Sie nicht den rauschendsten Applaus einernteten! Sie müssen insbesondere den Plan der Stücke hübsch winzig und flach gestalten, sonst möchte ihn nicht jeder kurzsichtige Schafskopf überblicken können, – Sie müssen dem Verstande und dem Forschungsgeiste der Leser nicht das geringste zumuten und wenn durch ein Unglück eine hervorstechende Szene mit unterlaufen sollte, sorgfältig hinterdrein bemerken, was sie abzwecke und in welcher Beziehung auf das Ganze sie zu nehmen sei, – Sie müssen beileibe alles hinlänglich weich kneten, denn das Weiche gefällt, und wenn es auch nur nasser Dreck wäre, – vorzüglich aber müssen Sie stets den Geschmack der Damen im Auge behalten, denn diese, welche noch niemals von einem wahren Dichter als berufene Richterinnen anerkannt sind, gelten jetzt im Reiche der Kunst als oberste Appellationsinstanz; ob man sie entweder wegen ihrer kränklichen Nerven oder wegen ihrer Geschicklichkeit im Scharpiezupfen dazu erwählt hat, ist eine unentschiedene Frage. Desto entschiedener ist es, Herr Rattengift, daß man Sie, wenn Sie Gewalt genug besitzen, um diese Regeln zu verachten, als einen blindlaufenden, verrückten, rohen Phantasten verschreit, der Schönheiten und Erbärmlichkeiten wild nebeneinanderkleckst. Ständen Homer oder Shakspeare erst jetzt mit ihren Werken auf, so wären Beurteilungen zu erwarten, in denen die Iliade ein unsinniges Gemengsel und der Lear ein bombastischer Saustall genannt würde; ja, manche Rezensenten gäben vielleicht dem Homer einen wohlgemeinten Fingerzeig, sich nach der Bezauberten Rose emporzubilden, oder geböten dem Shakspeare, fleißig in den Romanen der Helmina von Chezy oder der Fanny Tarnow zu studieren, um daraus Menschenkenntnis zu lernen.
    ellauri146.html on line 218: Keskinkertainen Gottschall on keskinkertaisemman Aarne Kinnusen kanssa samoilla sovinnaisilla herrasväen linjoilla: Ueberhaupt bedarf das komische Lied eines geschmackvollen Haltes, in seiner ausgelassenen Stimmung einer sittlichen Hemmung, wenn es nicht in eine plebeje Zotenpoesie ausarten oder jenen dilettantischen Reimschmieden und Versmachern anheimfallen soll, welche in die Saiten greifen, wie des Silen's Maulesel in die Saiten Apoll's. Schmack schmack, sehr smackhaft.
    ellauri146.html on line 220: ...Da lernte Grabbe Ludwig Robert kennen, den Bruder der schönen, von Heine gefeierten Schwester, einen der geistvollsten Epigonen der Romantik; aber auch Heinrich Heine selbst, der seine Tragödien Almansor und Ratcliff gerade damals erscheinen ließ und von dem einer der ironischen Freunde berichtet, mit welchem Selbstgefallen seine ungefällige Gestalt damals unter den Linden vor Dümmlers Buchladen »vorbei peripatetisierte,« mit Armensünderwänglein, über welche plötzliche Glut sich ergoß, sobald er sein Werk zum Fenster herausgucken sah. Heines Eigentümlichkeit als Mensch und Dichter hatte für Grabbe viel Sympathisches; er berührte eine verwandte Ader in ihm und blieb gewiß auf die Ausbildung eines, dem idealen Schwung nachspottenden Cynismus, der überall bei Grabbe hervortritt, nicht ohne Einfluß. Damals konnte Heine nicht ahnen, als er den Meister eines phantastischen Humors, den Serapionsbruder Amadeus Hoffmann, zu Grabe tragen sah, daß dasselbe schmerzliche Leiden, welches diese gnomenartige Persönlichkeit hinweggerafft hatte, auch ihn einst an ein langjähriges Krankenlager fesseln werde.
    ellauri146.html on line 284: Stor betydelse för den litterära utvecklingen hade Klopstock även genom sin "barpoesi", det vill säga oden och dramer som förhärligade den germanska draftbirran. Formellt står dessa verk, som bland annat försökte ersätta klassisk mytologi med en germaniserad nordisk under inflytande av James Macpherson och Ossians sånger. Genom sin höga självkänsla och föga uppfattning om diktarens kall, framlagd bland annat i Die deutsche Gelehrtenpublik (1784), bidrog Klopstock kraftigt till att höja självaktningen hos diktkonstens utövare. Bland de många utgåvorna av Klopstocks verk märks en praktupplaga i 7 band (1798-1809) och Sämmtliche Werke i 21 band (123-39). Präktiga böcker, ser fina ut i bokregalen!
    ellauri146.html on line 323: Fünfzehnter Gesang: Die Verkündigung der Botschaft von der Auferstehung
    ellauri146.html on line 327: Siebzehnter Gesang: Verkündigung der Botschaft durch die Ziegen
    ellauri146.html on line 333: Zwanzigster Gesang: Lobgesänge der mit Jesus in den Himmel ziehenden Schafen.
    ellauri146.html on line 363: Klopolla se on „der nächste dem Unerschaffenen“, V. 288. Jonkinlainen MC (master of ceremonies) ilmeisesti. Aber ist es "er" oder "sie"? Offenbar "er". Vignyllä se on" elle", kz alla.
    ellauri146.html on line 365: Eloa comes from the throne of God, and proclaims that now the Redeemer is led to death, on which the angels of the earth form a circle round Mount Calvary, also nam'd Golgotha. Then, having consecrated that hill, he worships the Messiah. Gabriel conducts the souls of the fathers from the sun to the Mount for olives, and Adam addresses the earth. Satan and Adramelech, hovering in triumph, are put to flight by Eloa. Jesus is nail'd to the cross. The thoughts of Adam. The conversion of one of the malefactors. Uriel places a planet before the sun, and then conducts to the earth the souls of all the future generations of mankind. Eve, seeing them coming, addresses them. Eloa ascends to Heaven. Eve is affected at seeing Mary. Two angels of death fly round the cross. Eve addresses the Saviour, and the souls of the children yet unborn. Claptrap does a lot of addressing in the epos. Hope the letters reach the sender, unlike Elvis's:
    ellauri146.html on line 640: Poe commented on the general meaning of his story several times. In one unsigned review of the number of the Southern Literary Messenger that contained it he said, “Lionizing ... is an admirable piece of burlesque which displays much reading, a lively humor, and an ability to afford amusement or instruction”; and in another puff of smoke he remarked, “It is an extravaganza ... and gives evidence of high powers of fancy and humor.”‡ To J. P. Kennedy he wrote on February 11, 1836 that it was a satire “properly speaking [page 172:] — at least so meant —... of the rage for Lions and the facility of becoming one.”
    ellauri146.html on line 646: The opinion has been often stated that Edgar Allan Poe was bizarre and amoral; that he was a lover of morbid beauty only; that he was unrelated to worldly circumstances-aloof from the affairs of the world; that his epitaph might well be: “Out of space-out of time.”
    ellauri146.html on line 654: Poe, unlike other great American writers of his time, spent a considerable portion of his childhood in Britain. In 1815, John Allan set out for England, accompanied by his wife, Frances Allan; his sister-in-law, “Aunt Nancy” Valentine; and his six-year-old foster son, Edgar Poe. For a time Edgar attended the small London school of Miss Dubourg (a name which subsequently was to appear in “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”) and later, for a period of three years from 1817 to 1820, was sent to a better school, the Manor House at Stoke Newington near London. Here Poe, in addition to being affected profoundly by the atmosphere of England, studied French, Latin, history and literature. The Manor House School, with its “Dr.” Bransby, Poe later was to transplant bodily to the semi-autobiographical tale “William Wilson” (1840).
    ellauri146.html on line 676: Poe’s first great champion and biographer was the Englishman Ingram. So strong was Poe’s affinity with the life of Europe that legend has carried him there in spite of reality, and it is with some ineffectuality that his biographers explain that he at no time visited Ireland, Greece, France or Russia.
    ellauri146.html on line 683: All this, Poe added, is an “evil growing out of our republican institutions.” In “Some Words with a Mummy,” in “Mellonta Tauta” and in other tales, Poe vigorously denounced the Jeffersonian ideal of democracy. He had no sympathy with abstract political notions such as those which, after Locke, had produced liberal republican theory in America and elsewhere. Though lacking the scope and political understanding of Burke, Poe was, like Burke, highly suspicious of the “well-constructed Republic.”
    ellauri146.html on line 686: started with the queerest idea conceivable, viz; that all men are born free and equal-this in the very teeth of the laws of gradation so visibly impressed upon all things both in the moral and physical universe. Every man “voted,” as they called it-that is to say, meddled with public affairs-until, at length, it was discovered that what is everybody’s business is nobody’s, and that the “Republic” (as the absurd thing was called) was without a government at all. It is related, however, that the first circumstance which disturbed, very particularly, the self-complacency of the philosophers who constructed this “Republic,” was the startling discovery that universal suffrage gave opportunity for fraudulent schemes….A little reflection upon this discovery sufficed to render evident the consequences, which were that rascality must predominate— in a word, that a republican government could never be anything but a rascally one. While the philosophers, however, were busied in blushing at their stupidity in not having foreseen these inevitable evils, and intent upon the invention of new theories, the matter was put to an abrupt issue by a fellow of the name of Mob, who took everything into his own hands and set up a despotism…. As for republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth—unless we except the case of the “prairie dogs,” an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government—for dogs.
    ellauri146.html on line 815: But still the house-affairs would draw her thence:
    ellauri146.html on line 856: Politically Incorrect was founded in 2004, soon after the re-election of George W. Bush, by a German teacher named Stefan Herre "to do something against Anti-Americanism". Das Blog betont in seiner Selbstdarstellung eine „pro-israelische“ und „pro-amerikanische“ Ausrichtung. Im wiedervereinigten Deutschland zeigten sich in der Haltung gegenüber Flüchtlingen zum Teil zeitgeschichtlich bedingte Besonderheiten, die darauf zurückzuführen seien, dass die Westdeutschen sich über Jahrzehnte hätten daran gewöhnen können, zum Einwanderungsland zu werden, während die Ostdeutschen bis 1990 kaum in Kontakt mit Zuwanderern gekommen seien.
    ellauri146.html on line 858: Gauck wirbt für einen verantwortungsvollen Kapitalismus (Rede vom 15. November 2012). Man dürfe nicht der Wirtschaft nur aus Angst die Freiheit nehmen. Bei Gauck überraschte allerdings der Kostenumfang. So erhielt Gauck neun Büros im ersten Stock des Bundestagsgebäudes mit insgesamt 197 Quadratmetern. Gaucks Bürobereich wurde für 52.000 Euro umgebaut. Die Möblierung von Gaucks persönlichem Büroraum kostete 35.000 Euro. In der Frankfurter Rundschau kritisierte Katja Thorwart, dass Gauck als ein Beispiel für seine Formulierung „schwer konservativ“ den ehemaligen Vorsitzenden der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion Alfred Dregger genannt habe, der den nationalsozialistischen Angriffskrieg gegen die Sowjetunion als nicht grundsätzlich falsch eingeordnet, sich für die Freilassung inhaftierter deutscher Kriegsverbrecher eingesetzt oder den Begriff der „Befreiung“ durch die Alliierten im Zweiten Weltkrieg als „einseitig“ markiert habe.
    ellauri146.html on line 862: Vankka voitto taantumuxen voimille. 2010 tuli toinen samanlainen julistus, jonka ensimmäisiä allekirjoittajia oli Suomen vihreiden Heidi Hautala. Ne kuuluvat Wikipedian luokkaan Category:Decommunization. Decommunization in Ukraine started during and after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. With the success of the Revolution of Dignity in 2014, the Ukrainian government approved laws that outlawed communist symbols.
    ellauri147.html on line 90: Ale Tyynni married the historian Kauko Pirinen in 1940. They had three children. Meanwhile her literary work brought her into contact with Martti Haavio, better known as the poet P. Mustapää. A deep affection sprang up between them, although both were already married.
    ellauri147.html on line 217: At Café de Flore, Emily meets Thomas, a French philosophy professor. They hit it off and she invites him back to her apartment to have sex. Emily and Thomas encounter Gabriel and Camille, and Camille invites them to join them at a tapas restaurant. Thomas and Gabriel do not get along. The next day, Gabriel tells Emily he thinks Thomas is a snob, and not worthy of her. She is clearly more of the tattooed-arm master chef type. Fair enough.
    ellauri147.html on line 223: Gabriel surprises Emily by joining them as kitchen staff for the weekend trip which makes Emily uncomfortable. Emily takes a tour of the winery and meets Camille's younger brother Timothée. Gabriel refuses Camille's mother's offer of a business loan. At a club where Mindy's girlfriends are partying, they force her (who? Mindy?) on stage to sing the song she flubbed on Chinese Popstar. (So what?)
    ellauri147.html on line 240: Many scenes are filmed in Paris, Texas, at Place de l´Estrapade in the 5th Arrondissement, including the site of Emily´s first apartment, the restaurant ("Les Deux Compères"), and the bakery ("La Boulangerie Moderne"). Some scenes are also filmed at Cité du Cinéma, a famous film studio complex in Denver. Famous Parisian sites to feature in the series as digitally prepared miniatures include: Le Grand Véfour, the Pont Alexandre III, Palais Garnier, L´Atelier des Lumières, Rue de l´Abreuvoir, Jardin du Luxembourg, Jardin Du Palais Royale, Café de Flore and the Panthéon. An episode was also filmed at the Château de Sonnay in the department of Indre-et-Loire. Additional photography took place in Chicago during November 2019.
    ellauri147.html on line 251: Sarah Moroz, of Vulture.com, opined "the most egregious oversight ... is Emily herself, who shows zero personal growth over a ten-episode arc. ... Emily’s vapidity is baffling to anyone who has moved from their native country."
    ellauri147.html on line 253: Sonia Rao, of Washington Post compares Emily to the heroines of the Amy Sherman-The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and even its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated. Midge Maisel, her actions can be quite rash, but she still wins over her fictional acquaintances while utterly baffling viewers."
    ellauri147.html on line 268: For the week of October 5, 2020, Emily in Paris reached the top ten list of most watched streaming shows per Nielsen. On May 3, 2021, Netflix revealed that the series has been watched by 58 million of households in the month after its debut. The Series remained in UK top 10 list for 40 consecutive days after its release.
    ellauri147.html on line 295: Collins got so big that he was given the nickname “the royal rocker” after becoming friends with Prince Charles and Princess Diana. His career started to eclipse his marriage…
    ellauri147.html on line 311: She met the love of her life, Phil Collins, in 1980. The couple exchanged the wedding vows on August 4, 1984. Five years after their marriage, the husband and wife were blessed with a girl child. Blessé par une bébé. They named their daughter Lily Collins. Jos ukki Telemannilta olisi kysytty, sen nimi olis Sharon.
    ellauri147.html on line 314: Jill and her husband lived happily ever after in married life about 7 years until their divorce in 1996.
    ellauri147.html on line 318: The beginning of the end started when Phil started having an affair with Orianne Cevey. "That one place" had an awful itch.
    ellauri147.html on line 325: Orianne was not the only person he had an affair with. In 1992 he had an affair with Lavinia Lang. They met when he was performing in L.A.
    ellauri147.html on line 350: Although he was anxious about introducing Orianne to his daughter, all was well after Collins told six-year-old Lily that Orianne looked just like Princess Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin. The couple tied the knot in 1999, but it also didn’t stand the test of time…
    ellauri147.html on line 364: For the following decade, Phil Collins struggled to get back onto the drums after dislocating the vertebrae in his neck. He also suffered nerve issues which prevented him from gripping the sticks properly. A few years later, Collins announced that he had been suffering from “drop foot,” a condition that makes walking very difficult.
    ellauri147.html on line 380: The mother and daughter share a fantastic bond. In fact, a sheaf of fantastically valuable bonds.
    ellauri147.html on line 381: Whether it be her mother’s birthday, her sack of wet pennies, or any other typical day, Lily never fails to douche before and after seeing her mother.
    ellauri147.html on line 479: Anfang der 1990er Jahre trafen Ylönen und Heinonen auf der Suutarila Highschool Pauli Rantasalmi und Janne Heiskanen. 1994 startete Ylönen mit Eero Heinonen (Bass) Pauli Rantasalmi (Gitarre), und Janne Heiskanen (Schlagzeug) das Projekt The Rasmus (damals nannten sie sich zuerst "Sputnik", dann "Anttila" und schließlich "Rasmus"). Ihre ersten Auftritte hatten sie 1994 in ihrer Schule. Ylönen ist der Frontmann und Komponist der Band. Wegen der Musik brach er die Schule ab. Mit 15 Jahren unterschrieb Ylönen dann den ersten Plattenvertrag für seine Band. Nach der Veröffentlichung von drei Alben verließ Janne Heiskanen 1998 die Band, und Aki Hakala wurde neuer Schlagzeuger bei The Rasmus. Im selben Jahr wechselten sie von Warner Music Finnland zu Playground Music Scandinavia.
    ellauri147.html on line 535: Nabupolassar war ein Feldherr des assyrischen Königs Sin-šar-iškun, den er verriet. Er ging ein Bündnis mit den Medern gegen die Assyrer ein, die Babylon seit 200 Jahren beherrschten. Das Bündnis besiegte die Assyrer und Nabupolassar ließ 609 v. Chr. alle Hinterlassenschaften der Regentschaft der Assyrer vernichten.
    ellauri147.html on line 586:
    ellauri147.html on line 656: Primaarisen narsismin monadologinen käsitys näkyy Freudin pseudopodin (eli pseudojalan) lähettävän protoplasmatian metaforassa; se on ameeban malli. Rajatun aiheen oletetaan olevan aiheen mukaan, riippuen egosta, eriyttämättömästä Ich-Es-tilasta tai itsestä, joka on alun perin libidossa. (Tokko se izekään täysin ymmärsi tätä.) Osa tästä käyttöenergiasta käytetään nyt kohdeiden ammatteihin ja myös vedetään pois, toinen osa jää egoon. Tässä versiossa narsismi rinnastetaan itserakkauteen eli "itse-edustuksen libidiiniseen miehitykseen", kuten Hartmann myöhemmin "selvensi". Todellisuus on periaatteessa vihamielinen, kohde on enimän näkemätön.
    ellauri147.html on line 679: Lapsi kokee ja kohtelee esinettä, vaikka hän pitäisi sitä erillisenä, affektiivisesti ikään kuin hän voisi hävittää sen. Sen itsenäisyyden tunnustaminen lisäisi avuttomuutta katastrofin pelkoon. Winnicott on kuvannut tätä kehityksen käsitteessään absoluuttisesta riippuvuudesta itsenäiseen itseensä erittäin hienosti: optimaalisen kieltäytymisen kautta keskimääräinen hyvä äiti antaa lapselle mahdollisuuden aggressioon, joka on suunnattu epäonnistumista vastaan ulkopuolella ja luo siten kohteesta, koska se selviää aggressiosta, jotain riippumatonta (objektin käyttö).
    ellauri147.html on line 680:
    ellauri147.html on line 692: Aber wir behaupten zugleich auch die Unabhängigkeit von der Welt und schützen uns vor der schmerzhaften Erfahrung von Abhängigkeit, der wir im Wunsch nach Anerkennung doch unbewusst Tribut zollen. Ich vermute, dass wir im Narzissmus etwas davon ausdrücken, was den paradoxen Kern von Identität ausmacht: nämlich einzigartig und unverwechselbar zu sein, sich also vom Anderen zu unterscheiden, und gerade in dieser Eigenschaft von den Anderen anerkannt zu werden. Im Narzissmus zeigt sich gewissermassen, ohne dass wir es wissen, etwas von der intersubjektiven Verfasstheit des Selbst, oder von Identität. Weil eine solche Erkenntnis uns kränken würde, wollen wir davon auch nichts wissen, genauso wie der Säugling von seiner Abhängigkeit nichts wissen kann. Nicht einmal in unserem Narzissmus sind wir jenes unabhängige Wesen, dass wir so gerne sein möchten.-->
    ellauri147.html on line 695: Nu, Tämä kuulostaa monimutkaiselta ja jotkut epäilevät epistemologista munatanssia. Voisimme sanoa, että metapsykologia on muutenkin spekulaatiota, filosofiaa, metafysiikkaa. Heidän kapriilejaan ei tarvitse ottaa niin vakavasti, aivan kuten emme ota kuoleman vaistohypoteesia vakavasti ja hymyile – ja silti voimme puhua tuhoisista pyrkimyksistä. Jossain vaiheessa se oli Freudin toivo, neurofysiologia, edistyminen aivotutkimuksessa, esimerkiksi kognitiotieteiden yhteysmallit korvaisivat vanhentuneet metapsykologiset käsitteet.
    ellauri147.html on line 697:
    ellauri147.html on line 810:
    ellauri147.html on line 819: Schau mich an, höre mir zu, beachte mich, bewundere mich! oder: halte mich, liebe mich, erkenne mich an! – sie kann auch heissen: weil Du mir den Blick verweigerst (oder die Aufmerksamkeit, die Bewunderung, die Anerkennung), ziehe ich mich von Dir zurück oder greife Dich an! Manchmal auch: ich fühle mich grossartig und eins mit der Welt – oder aber: mit einer Welt, die mich so behandelt (hat), will ich nichts zu tun haben! Im Übertragungsgeschehen, nicht nur bei der Behandlung narzisstischer Störungen, sondern gerade auch im therapeutischen Umgang mit Psychosen, die Freud wegen ihrer mangelnden Übertragungsfähigkeit als sog. “narzisstische Neurosen” von den “Übertragungsneurosen” abgegrenzt hatte – sind wir Adressaten solcher Botschaften, wie wir bei der Analyse unserer Gefühle der Gegenübertragung erkennen.
    ellauri147.html on line 822: Monien vuosien aikana työskennellessäni vakavasti häiriintyneiden psykiatristen potilaiden kanssa olen huomannut, että psykoottisessa vetäytymisessä on usein arkaaisia jälkiä tunnustamisen tarpeesta, joka on jäänyt vastaamatta perusmielessä. Mielestäni narsistisen häiriön hyvin erilaiset oireet voidaan tulkita erilaisiksi muunnelmuksiksi tämän taistelun nähtämisestä, havaitusta, tunnustetusta, kätkemisestä ja näkemisestä enemmän tai vähemmän taitavissa lavastoissa. Yhteiskuntafilosofi Axel Honneth (1994) on valmistellut "taistelun tunnustamisesta" identiteetin rakentamisen periaatteeksi G.H.Meadin (symbolinen vuorovaikutus, "Minä" yleisenä toisena, perspektiivin oletuksen mallina) ja Winnicottin kehitysteorioista – ja kutsui Hegeliä yhteiseksi lähteeksi: Hegelin itsessä on konstituoituvaa, että se tunnustetaan.
    ellauri147.html on line 823: Onnistuneiden tunnistusprosessien tuloksena Honneth kuvaa refleksiivistä itsesuhdetta, joka kantaa jälkiä hänen sukupolvien välisestä alkuperästään. (16) Tämä "positiivinen itsesuhde", joka heijastuu esineiden väliseen suhteeseen, on ymmärrettävä "eräänlaiseksi sisäänpäin kääntyväksi luottamukseksi, joka antaa yksilölle turvallisuuden sekä tarpeiden ilmaisemiseen että hänen kykyjensä soveltamiseen"(17). Se on parafraasi siitä, mitä kutsuisimme terveeksi narsismiksi tänään – tai turvallisen, välillisesti hankitun identiteetin perustunnuksista. Wille zur Macht!
    ellauri147.html on line 842: Es spricht einiges dafür, dass wir für die Erforschung und Behandlung der vorherrschenden Identitätsstörungen im „Zeitalters des Narzissmus“ (Lasch 1995), das in der Endphase des letzten Jahrhunderts ausgerufen worden ist, ein intersubjektives Paradigma brauchen. Dazu nötigt uns schon der Zeitgeist. Die nach innen gerichtete Selbstvergewisserung des 'cogito, ergo sum', cartesianisches Vorbild der Introspektion, wird in einer medialen Welt durch den identitätsstiftenden Blick auf das Publikum abgelöst, der uns in den Talk-shows und den theatralen Inszenierungen von Politik vorgeführt wird: 'videor, ergo sum'. Big Brother ist ein Labor zur Herstellung postmoderner Identität. Die Sehnsucht nach der Spiegelung in der allgegenwärtigen Kamera zeigt uns etwas vom intersubjektiven Charakter der conditio humana. Wer wir sind, erfahren wir in den Rückmeldungen der Umwelt.
    ellauri147.html on line 847: Wie aber aus Objektivem Subjektives, wie aus Äusserem Inneres, wie aus Materiellem Seelisches entsteht – das sind die ungelösten Fragen, die sich den Humanwissenschaften stellen. Affenwissenschaften.
    ellauri147.html on line 857: Hot or Not was preceded by the rating sites, like RateMyFace, which was registered a year earlier in the summer of 1999, and AmIHot.com, which was registered in January 2000 by MIT freshman Daniel Roy. Regardless, despite any head starts of its predecessors, Hot or Not quickly became the most popular. Since AmIHotOrNot.com's launch, the concept has spawned many imitators. The concept always remained the same, but the subject matter varied greatly. The concept has also been integrated with a wide variety of dating and matchmaking systems. In 2007 BecauseImHot.com launched and deleted anyone with a rating below 7 after a voting audit or the first 50 votes (whichever is first).
    ellauri150.html on line 177: Kyse on valtasuhteista, kolonialismin historiasta ja siitä, miten kuva afrikkalaisista vääristyy ja ihmisyys kutistuu, kun näemme paikalliset toistamiseen vain kurjuuden keskellä elävinä uhreina.
    ellauri150.html on line 269: à table, battant des mains, quand il y avait un plat qu’elle aimait ; au salon, grillant des cigarettes, affectant, devant les hommes, une affection exubérante pour ses amies, se jetant à leur cou, leur caressant la main, leur chuchotant à l’oreille, disant des ingénuités, disant aussi des méchancetés, admirablement, d’une voix douce et frêle, qui savait même, à l’occasion, dire des choses très lestes, sans avoir l’air d’y toucher, qui savait encore mieux en faire dire, — l’air candide d’une petite fille bien sage, les yeux brillants, aux paupières lourdes, voluptueux et sournois, qui regardaient de côté, malignement, guettant tous les potins, happant toutes les polissonneries de la conversation, et tâchant de pêcher çà et là quelque cœur à la ligne.
    ellauri150.html on line 271: Toutes ces singeries, ces parades de petit chien, cette ingénuité frelatée, ne plaisaient à Christophe en aucune façon. Il avait autre chose à faire qu’à se prêter aux manèges d’une petite fille rouée, ou même qu’à les considérer, d’un œil amusé. Il avait à gagner son pain, à sauver de la mort sa vie et ses pensées. Le seul intérêt pour lui de ces perruches de salon était de lui en fournir les moyens. En échange de leur argent, il leur donnait ses leçons, en conscience, le front plissé, l’esprit tendu vers la tâche, afin de ne se laisser distraire ni par l’ennui qu’elle lui causait, ni par les agaceries de ses élèves, quand elles étaient aussi coquettes que Colette Stevens. Il ne faisait guère plus d’attention à elle qu’à la petite cousine de Colette, une enfant de douze ans, silencieuse et timide, que les Stevens avaient prise chez eux, et à qui Christophe enseignait aussi le piano.
    ellauri150.html on line 343: Autour de Colette Steve grouillent d'écœurants petits snobs, riches pour la plupart, en tout cas oisifs et qui, tous, prétendent écrire. C'était une névre sous la Troisième République. C'était surtout une forme de paresse vaniteuse le travail intellectuel étant de tous le plus difficile contrôler et celui qui prête le plus au bluff. Ces gens parlent sans cesse de pensée, tout en ne ressemblant attacher d'importance qu'a l'agencement des mots, n'ont d'autre culte que le culte du moi, griment leur esprit, suivent deux ou trois modèles ou miment une idee. La force, la joie, la pitié, la solidarité, le socialisme, l'anarchisme, la foi, la liberté c'étaient des rôles pour eux. Ils avaient le talent de faire des plus chères pensées une affaire de littérature et ramener les plus heroiques elans de l'ame humaine au role d'articles du salon, de cravates a la mode.
    ellauri150.html on line 409: Pitäis laittaa jonkinlainen graafi maailman tapahtumista ja siitä minkälaisia kynäilijöitä ne on kulloinkin houkutelleet kiven alta esille. Esim toi fin de sieclen dekadenttiporukka oli 1870 sodan häviäjiä ja niiden lapsia.
    ellauri150.html on line 461: Ben-Hurista ei meinannut ensin löytyä kuin filmikäsikirjoitus. Synopsis: Judah Ben-Hur lives as a rich Jewish merchant prince in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 1st century. Together with the new governor Pontius Pilate, his old friend Messiah arrives as commanding officer of the Roman legions. At first they are happy to meet after a long time but their different politic views separate them. During the welcome parade a roof tile falls down from Judah's house and injures the governor. Although Messiah knows they are not guilty as such, he sends Judah to the galleys and throws his mother and sister into prison. What the fuck, their house was a menace! Good old Hammurabi would have had their heads off. But Judah swears to come back and take revenge. Genre: Adventure, Drama, History.
    ellauri150.html on line 484: Based on an 1880 novel, Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, the film was directed by Hollywood great William Wyler, and screenwriter Gore Vidal was one of many who took a pass at the screenplay. In The Celluloid Closet, Vidal states in no uncertain terms that he scripted the film as a confrontation between ex-lovers Ben-Hur (Charlton Heston) and Messala (Stephen Boyd). Further, Vidal claims that, after consultation with Wyler and Boyd (but not Heston, who would have objected), he wrote one particular scene, where the estranged Ben-Hur and Messala meet again, with heavy gay subtext.
    ellauri150.html on line 488: What the f---!? Based on a 1880 novel after all!? Whose novel? Fuck you screenwriters! Taking all the glory! “I said,’ Well, I’ll never use the "g" word,'” Vidal says. “‘There’ll be nothing overt. But it will be perfectly clear that Messiah is in love with Ben-Hur.”
    ellauri150.html on line 490: Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ is a novel by Lew Wallace, published by Harper and Brothers on November 12, 1880, and considered "the most influential Christian book of the nineteenth century". It became a best-selling American novel, surpassing Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) in sales. The book also inspired other novels with biblical settings and was adapted for the stage and motion picture productions. Ben-Hur remained at the top of the US all-time bestseller list until the 1936 publication of Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind. The 1959 MGM film adaptation of Ben-Hur is considered one of the greatest films ever made and was seen by tens of millions, going on to win a record 11 Academy Awards in 1960, after which the book's sales increased and it surpassed Gone with the Wind. It was blessed by Pope Leo XIII, the first novel ever to receive such an honour. The success of the novel and its stage and film adaptations also helped it to become a popular cultural icon that was used to promote catholicism plus numerous commercial products.
    ellauri150.html on line 522: In a certain sense, after all, the mission of the Nazarene was that of guide across the boundary for such as loved him; across the boundary to where his kingdom was set up and waiting for him, and them as were worth it.
    ellauri150.html on line 537: Esther bat Simonides was a Judean freedwoman and the wife of Prince Judah Ben-Hur during the 1st century AD. She played a major role in her husband's conversion to Christianity after teaching him of Jesus' message, having personally witnessed his Sermon on the Mount.
    ellauri150.html on line 539: Esther "Bat" Simonides was born in Jerusalem, Judea, the daughter of the Hellenized Jewish slave Simonides. She was raised in the household of Prince Ithamar Ben-Hur, and she loved Judah Ben-Hur as a child. By 26 AD, she had grown into a woman, and, while she still loved Judah, she was betrothed to the freedman and merchant David ben Matthias from Antioch. That same year, Judah and his family were imprisoned after being wrongfully imprisoned for an alleged assassination attempt on Valerius Gratus, and Simonides was arrested and tortured on the orders of the Roman tribune Messala. Simonides was arrested when the Romans were certain that he was not hiding anything, and he and Esther lived in hiding at the Ben-Hur family's derelict and looted estate, where they were joined by Simonides' fellow former prisoner Malluch.
    ellauri150.html on line 561: But fate treats her even more generously, by showing her how badly things went för her rival for Ben's affections, the nasty bitch Iras.
    ellauri150.html on line 567: "I would like to scare them," Iras replied. Then she drew closer to Esther, and, seeing her shrink, said, "Be not afraid. Give thy husband a message for me. Tell him his enemy is dead, and that for the much misery he brought me I slew him."

    ellauri150.html on line 602: We start with the filmmaker's take on the birth of Christ. We see, after a bit of Roman Empire background, Joseph and Mary arrive at the census point; we see the Star of Bethlehem shine, the shepherds see it, the wise men see it; we see the Star of Bethlehem shine down; we see the filmmaker's vision of a nativity scene. Finally, we see the Star of Bethlehem dim back down, as somebody blows a shofar horn. It's very tastefully done, but still effective.
    ellauri150.html on line 625: More than three years later, we see Ben-Hur working one of many oars. He is going by "41" (or is that XLI?), his seat number, and he is full of hate. A Roman consul, Quintus Arrius, has boarded the ship, and it goes to war almost immediately. The consul wants Ben-Hur for a charioteer, and doesn't understand why Ben-Hur has any other hopes of life after the galleys; if they succeed in battle, he'll keep rowing, and if they don't, he'll die chained to the oar. Ben-Hur makes clear that he believes God will help him, also that he dislikes the idea of dying chained to the oar; this has a delayed effect; at the time, "back to your oar," but the consul orders him unchained after all the galley slaves had been chained.
    ellauri150.html on line 629: Ben-Hur saves the consul and gets him on a raft of debris. Then he has to knock out the consul to prevent the fella from committing suicide, and chains the mercenary to him. After the consul wakes, still wanting to die, he reminds him that staying alive is the motivation he gives his slaves... Quintus wanted to commit suicide because he thought he'd lost overall. He hadn't, as it turns out he's hailed as a hero, and so there is a triumphant return to Rome. Ben-Hur gets to see the Emperor and then lives with Quintus learning to drive a chariot in races with Arrius' prized horses. Quintus actually tried to get him cleared of wanting to kill that Judean governor, but didn't pull it off...
    ellauri150.html on line 649: Ben-Hur seeks out Messala in the dark pit of the surgeon's bay. Messala refuses to be carried out to a proper hospital: even if it kills him, he'll see Ben-Hur one last time. The two onetime friends meet. Messala taunts Ben-Hur with the knowledge that Miriam and Tirzah are alive— but as lepers. Having had his last revenge, Messala dies. Ben-Hur goes to seek out his family, even in their horrific state. Esther meets him at the leper's cave. The family reunites as Jesus' crucifixion takes place. At Jesus' death, by a miracle, Miriam and Tirzah are healed of their leprosy. Judah renounces hatred and dedicates himself to his family— which will include Esther as his wife. All live happily ever after, except for Messala.
    ellauri150.html on line 662: Die Liebe nach ihrer Geschichte. Darstellung des Einflusses der Liebe und ihrer Negationen auf die Entwickelung der menschlichen Gesellschaft (teilweise von Karl May)
    ellauri150.html on line 673: This is another article on the writings of Pope Leo XIII. the third longest sitting pope, an Italian (Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci) who lived from 1810 to 1903, and was Pope from 1878 until his death in 1903. In his writings he gives us a profound insight into the philosophical movements of the late 19th century. The ideas generated during that time have largely shaped our present day ideological struggles.
    ellauri150.html on line 685: In short, spurred on by greedy hankering after things present, which is the root of all evils, which some coveting have erred from the faith, they attack the right of property, sanctioned by the law of nature, and with signal depravity, while pretending to feel solicitous about the needs, and anxious to satisfy the requirements of all, they strain every effort to seize upon and hold in common all that has been individually acquired by title of lawful inheritance, through intellectual or manual labor, or economy in living. These monstrous views they proclaim in public meetings, uphold in booklets, and spread broadcast everywhere through the daily press. Hence the hallowed dignity and authority of rulers has incurred such odium on the part of rebellious subjects that evil-minded traitors, spurning all control, have many a time within a recent period boldly raised impious hands against even the very heads of States. etc.etc.
    ellauri151.html on line 106: Proust considérait l’homosexualité comme un enfer, une dépravation vouée obligatoirement à l’humiliation morale et physique, au contraire d’un Gide qui dépeint une « pédophilie juvénile et souriante ». Il a toujours eu la hantise que sa mère découvre ses penchants et ce n’est qu’après la mort de ses parents qu’il s’affichera plus ouvertement avec ses amants.
    ellauri151.html on line 108: Car d’après ce que j’entendis les premiers temps dans celle de Jupien et qui ne furent que des sons inarticulés, je suppose que peu de paroles furent prononcées. Il est vrai que ces sons étaient si violents que, s’ils n’avaient pas été toujours repris un octave plus haut par une plainte parallèle, j’aurais pu croire qu’une personne en égorgeait une autre à côté de moi et qu’ensuite le meurtrier et sa victime ressuscitée prenaient un bain pour effacer les traces du crime. J’en conclus plus tard qu’il y a une chose aussi bruyante que la souffrance, c’est le plaisir, surtout quand s’y ajoutent—à défaut de la peur d’avoir des enfants, ce qui ne pouvait être le cas ici, malgré l’exemple peu probant de la Légende dorée—des soucis immédiats de propreté. Enfin au bout d’une demi-heure environ (pendant laquelle je m’étais hissé à pas de loup sur mon échelle afin de voir par le vasistas que je n’ouvris pas), une conversation s’engagea. Jupien refusait avec force l’argent que M. de Charlus voulait lui donner. (SG 609/11).
    ellauri151.html on line 110: André Paul Guillaume Gide (French: [ɑ̃dʁe pɔl ɡijom ʒid]; 22 November 1869 – 19 February 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1947). André was born in Paris on 22 November 1869, into a middle-class Protestant family. His father was a Paris University professor of law who died in 1880, Jean Paul Guillaume Gide, and his mother was Juliette Maria Rondeaux. His uncle was the political economist Charles Gide. His paternal family traced its roots back to Italy, with his ancestors, the Guidos, moving to France and other western and northern European countries after converting to Protestantism during the 16th century, due to persecution.
    ellauri151.html on line 138: Wilde took a key out of his pocket and showed me into a tiny apartment of two rooms… The youths followed him, each of them wrapped in a burnous that hid his face. Then the guide left us and Wilde sent me into the further room with little Mohammed and shut himself up in the other with the [other boy]. Every time since then that I have sought after pleasure, it is the memory of that night I have pursued. […] My joy was unbounded, and I cannot imagine it greater, even if love had been added. How should there have been any question of love? How should I have allowed desire to dispose of my heart? No scruple clouded my pleasure and no remorse followed it. But what name then am I to give the rapture I felt as I clasped in my naked arms that perfect little body, so wild, so ardent, so sombrely lascivious? For a long time after Mohammed had left me, I remained in a state of passionate jubilation, and though I had already achieved pleasure five times with him, I renewed my ecstasy again and again, and when I got back to my room in the hotel, I prolonged its echoes by hand until morning. What´s love got to do with it?
    ellauri151.html on line 169: Pastorilla on nähtävästi paha tapa tuoda kotiin näitä näpsäköitä suojatteja, niinkuin mulla kaiken maailman kiinalaisia. Mut emmä sentään niitä koittanutkaan bylsiä. Toisin kuin ilmeisesti tää pastori. Hänen aforismejaan ja sutkauksiaan lainataan usein elämänohjeita jakelevissa teoksissa. Ne on kyllä kauttaaltaan aika paskoja. Pastori pettyy kun sakkolihasta ei tule heti valmista, mistä vaimo Amelie puolestaan vähän piristyy. Tähän väliin pitäis lukea nyt vähän Condillacista.
    ellauri151.html on line 173: Il est affligé d'une vue très basse et a une santé fragile, de sorte qu'il n'apprend à lire qu'à l'âge de douze ans.
    ellauri151.html on line 197: Laura Dewey Lynn Bridgman (December 21, 1829 – May 24, 1889) is known as the first deaf-blind American child to gain a significant education in the English language, fifty years before the more famous Helen Keller. Bridgman was left deaf-blind at the age of two after contracting scarlet fever. She was educated at the Perkins Institution for the Blind where, under the direction of Samuel Gridley Howe, she learned to read and communicate using Braille and the manual alphabet developed by Charles-Michel de l'Épée.
    ellauri151.html on line 206: Mitä vittua, aivan varmasti Kerttu tiesi tasan tarkkaan kuka sitä kulloinkin tafsasi! Pastorin pipu kutistuu kun pystymunaisempi Jaakko ei heti nöyrrykään sen komentoon. Aivan erikoisesti sitä kismittää että Jaakon aikeet on kunnialliset, toisin kuin sen omat. Ellottavasti kiimainen pappi ärähtää kilpakosijalle ja saatuaan kieroudella tahtonsa läpi klähmii poikaa päähän.
    ellauri151.html on line 208: Kiimainen pastori ei muka tajua mikä sen kasukassa nykähdellen oikenee kun se tafsaa Kerttua. Amelie tietää kyllä. Kerttukin. Tuntoaisti on sillä hyvinkin kunnossa. Malfoy! Tää on kaikki nimenomaan sitä. Kaikkein traagisinta on et Android on ize sitä. Vaikka luulis sen jos kenkään tietävän, mikä on mitä.
    ellauri151.html on line 230: Android väittää ettei jeesustarinoissa ole värisanoja. No ei niitä ollut antiikissa paljon muutenkaan, kun ei ollut värituubeja, Pompeijin graffititkin oli mustavalkoisia. No olihan siellä mosaiikkeja, ja kreikkalaiset pazaat maalattiin elävän näköisixi egyptiläisiltä opituilla konsteilla. Kuvista pahastuvat aaprahammin porukat eivät suvainneet senkään vertaa väri-iloa. On evankelistoilla sentään paikka paikoin mustaa, punaista, valkoista, sinistä, vihreää ja keltaista. Mutta eihän jumalinen tarvi paljon värejä. Sille on kaikki enemp vähemp black and white.
    ellauri151.html on line 407: Der Ekel ist das Merkmal eines verdorbenen Magens oder verwöhnter Einbildungskraft.
    ellauri151.html on line 428: Poesie ist die Muttersprache des menschlichen Geschlechts; Sinne und Leidenschaften reden und verstehen nichts als Bilder. In Bildern besteht der ganze Schatz menschlicher Erkenntniß und Glückseeligkeit.
    ellauri151.html on line 432: Ohne Sprache hätten wir keine Vernunft, ohne Vernunft keine Religion, und ohne diese drei wesentliche Bestandteile unserer Natur weder Geist noch Band der Gesellschaft.
    ellauri151.html on line 486: afloat beneath young trees above the mud kelluen nuorten puiden takana mudan yläpuolella
    ellauri151.html on line 500: The men will take up their neglected crafts – Miehet palaavant kesken jääneisiin töihin -
    ellauri151.html on line 666: philosophical problems from a new perspective, when Piero Sraffa
    ellauri151.html on line 668: after Wittgenstein returned to Cambridge (i.e. 1929–1930). Sraffa
    ellauri151.html on line 676: Olikohan toi oikeasti joku tollanen Salvo Montalbanon "Che minchia!" tai "Va fa'n culo" merkki? "Fai cazzi tuoi!" "Stronzo!" Ei Ludin olis tarvinnut Straffan käsieleestä noin hirveästi hermostua, eihän siinä tarvi muuta tehdä kuin lisätä toi pragmatiikkakomponentti, niinkuin esim. mun dialogipeleissä.
    ellauri151.html on line 678: Vygotskylainen ongelmaa ratkaiseva apina kekkaa kaivaa banaanin ulos alle käden mentävästä reijästä käyttämällä löytämäänsä keppiä. Samalla lailla Wittgenstein kaivoi pelinsä esiin tiukahkosta reijästä ratkaistaxeen ton Straffan ruman eleen merkityxen. Esa Sariola olis ojentanut sille papukaijamerkin sekä Vygotsky-pisteitä.
    ellauri151.html on line 773: saying, "the time is at hand!" Do not go after them.
    ellauri151.html on line 1134: Alissa reached, by going the other way round than The Immoralist, a damnation very similar to the Immoralist's – indeed, Strait is the Gate might be called The Moralist. Hers is a greater perversity than Michel's, who, after all, was only doing as he liked. Alissa is doing what she does not like, and at each act of monstrous virtue her anguish increases, 'till at last it kills her.
    ellauri152.html on line 31:


    ellauri152.html on line 32:



    ellauri152.html on line 79: To lend authenticity to the forgery, Louÿs in the index listed some poems as "untranslated"; he even craftily fabricated an entire section of his book called "The Life of Bilitis", crediting a certain fictional archaeologist Herr G. Heim ("Mr. C. Cret" in German) as the discoverer of Bilitis' tomb. And though Louÿs displayed great knowledge of Ancient Greek culture, ranging from children's games in "Tortie Tortue" to application of scents in "Perfumes", the literary fraud was eventually exposed. This did little, however, to taint their literary value in readers' eyes, and Louÿs' open and sympathetic celebration of lesbian sexuality earned him sensation and historic significance.
    ellauri152.html on line 92: Louÿs' close friend Claude Debussy in 1897 musically set three of the poems—La flûte de Pan, La chevelure and Le tombeau des Naïades—as songs for feminine voice and piano. Pan huiluu pyllyyn. The book was accidentally translated to Polish twice, in 1920 by Leopold Staff and in 2010 by Ruben Stiller.
    ellauri152.html on line 372: cum placidum ventis staret mare; non ego Daphnim kun meri oli peilityyni; enkä mä pelkäis Dafnista
    ellauri152.html on line 545: The plot was foiled by Queen Esther, the king's recent wife, who was herself a Jew. Esther invited Haman and the king to two banquets. In the second banquet, she informed the king that Haman was plotting to kill her (and the other Jews). This enraged the king, who was further angered when (after leaving the room briefly and returning) he discovered Haman had fallen on Esther's couch, intending to beg mercy from Esther, but which the king interpreted as a sexual advance.
    ellauri152.html on line 547: On the king's orders, Haman was hanged from the 50-cubit-high gallows that had originally been built by Haman himself, on the advice of his wife Zeresh, in order to hang Mordechai. The bodies of Haman's ten sons were also hanged, after they died in battle against the Jews.The Jews also killed about 75,000 of their enemies "in self-defense."
    ellauri152.html on line 589: In the movie, in a scene I despise, Avigdor grabs her and shakes her violently while demanding to know why, and the rest of the conversation plays out melodramatically with yelling and tears. Yentl confesses that she loves him, he realizes he loves her too, and they kiss. Avigdor asks her to marry him, and says she could continue studying in secret. Yentl refuses because she can’t go back to studying furtively in secret, despite how much she loves him. The two part, and Avigdor returns to Badass and marries her. They live happily ever after, and the film ends with Yentl on a ship to America, implying that she will be able to study Torah as a woman there.
    ellauri152.html on line 642: Because of this difference of opinion, Hasidim generally put on Rabbeinu Tam Tefillin after removing their regular "Rashi" Tefillin.
    ellauri152.html on line 668: These rare individuals are capable of adhering to the dog's willy despite the unrelenting trials, afflictions, and massive assaults hurled at them from the forces of evil. The patriarchs were such exceptional individuals, they followed this path, unassisted by the dog, as the verse says, "He Yaakov said, 'O dog the name of Hashem containing the spiritual energies of harshness before Whom my forefathers Avraham and Yitzchak walked ...
    ellauri152.html on line 679: Although the answer appears strange, we can understand it in light of what we just learned. Rabbi Akiva was a spiritual giant. He succeeded in serving the dog unassisted, while withstanding incredible afflictions, tests, and obstacles. He was able to break the forces of evil without the dog's assistance. Only through performing the dog's willy, despite his immense suffering, was Rabbi Akiva able to attain such a lofty spiritual level, the level of the dog's "first thought," so to speak, where the world would be conducted through strict justice, din. Rabbi Akiva was able to unify his soul with the dog's first thought. Therefore the dog's retort to Moshe can be understood as: "'Silence' which is the level of thought, for thoughts are silent, Rebbe Akiva reached the lofty spiritual level of the dog's thought."For this came up upon my thought," the first thought that occurred to the dog, to create the world through harshness, so those people who are able to come close to me (the dog) without my assistance and mercy could reach that highest level.
    ellauri152.html on line 681: We know that anything we do in this world produces spiritual energies that are stored in the upper worlds and last for eternity. These stored spiritual energies can be accessed even centuries after the act was performed. And, like a spiritual "radio receiver," Tefillin help us access such spiritual energies to nourish our souls, bringing us closer to the Almighty. Don't they look like radio receivers even?
    ellauri152.html on line 689: Through wearing Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin (in addition to Rashi's Tefillin) we draw awesome spiritual energies from the spiritual giants of the past, heroes who were able to neutralize afflictions, barriers, and harshness at their root, without the assistance of the dog's mercy. For this reason, Rebbe Nachem urged anyone who truly desires to come close to the dog to wear Rabbeinu Tam's Tefillin in addition to Rashi's Tefillin.
    ellauri153.html on line 83: Saadi Shirazi oli top influensseri farssipoeetta ja kynäilijä joka eli 13. vuosissadalla. Se tunnetaan paraiten tänään töistään ‘Gulistan’, ‘Bustan’, 'Uzbekistan', 'Kazakhstan' ja laajoista rakastelurunoistaan (ghazal). Ghazal tarkottaa takuulla gasellia, meilläkin on Ghazal Chai nimistä teetä, jossa on gasellin kuva kyljessä. Kamujensa Rumin ja Hafezin kanssa se on 1/3 isoimmista ghazal-kynäilijöistä Persian poetiikassa.
    ellauri153.html on line 244: Saadi was captured by Crusaders at Acre where he spent seven years as a slave digging trenches outside its fortress. He was later released after the Mamluks paid ransom for Muslim prisoners being held in Crusader dungeons. Sentään teki vähän aikaa jotain kunnon työtäkin.
    ellauri153.html on line 282: Estääkseen lisää dynastisia kiistoja Servius meni naimisiin tyttäriensä, jotka tunnetaan historian Tullia majorina ja Tullia minorina, tulevan kuninkaan Lucius Tarquinius Superbuksen ja veljensä Arrunsin kanssaf. Yksi Tarquinin siskoista, Tarquinia, meni naimisiin Marcus Junius Brutuksen kanssa ja oli Lucius Junius Brutuksen äiti, yksi miehistä, jotka myöhemmin johtivat Rooman kuningaskunnan kaatamista. Vanhempi sisar, Tullia Major, oli lievä, mutta meni naimisiin kunnianhimoisen Tarquinin kanssa. hänen nuorempi sisarensa Tullia minor oli raivokkaampi, mutta hänen miehensä Arruns ei ollut. Hiän tuli halveksimaan häntä ja juonitteli Tarquinin kanssa Tullia majorin ja Arrunsin kuoleman aikaansaamiseksi. Puolisoidensa murhan jälkeen Tarquin ja Tullia menivät naimisiin. Yhdessä heillä oli kolme poikaa: Titus, Arruns ja Sextus, ja tytär Tarquinia, joka meni naimisiin Octavius Mamiliuksen, kikhernekauppiaan kesämmökkikunnan Tusculumin prinssin kanssa. Kun sana tästä röyhkeästä teosta levisi Sergiukseen, hän kiirehti curiaan kohtaamaan Tarquinin, joka esitti samat syytökset appiukkoaan vastaan, ja sitten nuoruudessaan ja tarmossaan kantoi kuninkaan ulos ja heitti hänet senaatin talon portaille kadulle. Kuninkaan palvelijat pakenivat, ja kun hän lähti, hämmentyneenä ja vartioimattomana, kohti palatsia, Tarquinin salamurhaajat hyökkäsivät ja murhasivat ikääntyneen Sertiuksen, ehkä oman tyttärensä neuvosta.
    ellauri153.html on line 292: Isän vastauxesta alkoi meemi, joka tunnetaan nimellä "pitkä unikon oireyhtymä" eli "Jantelagen", jossa epätavallisia ansioita omaavia henkilöitä vastaan asiattomasti hyökätään tai paheksutaan saavutustensa vuoksi. Se saa nimensä Livyn jaksosta, jossa Tarquinin sanotaan ohjeistaneen poikaansa Sextusta heikentämään Gabi Sandun kaupunkia tuhoamalla sen johtavat miehet. Herodotuksesta, jonka historiassa on samanlainen tarina, jossa on mukana vehnän korvat unikon sijasta, on ehkä lainattu aihe, jossa käytetään tahatonta sanansaattajaa tällaisen viestin toimittamiseen metaforan kautta, jossa päät katkaistaan korkeimpien unikkojen leikkaamisesta. Kierkegaardin pelossa ja vapinassa on kohta Livyn versiosta tarinasta. Fear and termbling on vitun suosittua Raamatussa, sitä löytyy sieltä kokonaista 19 sivua. Fear and loathing in Las Vegas raportoi E.Saarisen ihannoima gonzo-kirjailija. Nää on vahvoja meemejä.
    ellauri153.html on line 334: because He can defeat chaotic evil. God is also present and acts amidst states of affairs with no morally sufficient reasons.
    ellauri153.html on line 412: same issue also arises in the context of debates over atonement. When Gustaf Aulén tried to switch
    ellauri153.html on line 416: of Christ. Why the cross? Why not some other manner? Water torture? Eikö niskalaukaus olis riittänyt? Vitun kaupantekoa apinoiden hengillä. Toi lunastusmetafora on aina hämmästyttänyt näissä tomfooleryissä. Huomaa kyllä et tän juonen kexivät maailman etevimmät lumppukauppiaat, ja ymmärtää mix tää uskonto on kapitalismin merkkituote. The use of PSR-based theodicism as a
    ellauri153.html on line 822:
  • Why not a queen or wife? A queen could not be ordered by mere servants to stay and keep the king warm through the night; she was above following the commands of those of lesser rank. To presume to direct the queen would be an affront to her royal dignity, and it would also reflect badly on the king.
    ellauri153.html on line 825: Abishag was neither a wife nor a concubine, but her position in the king’s household gave her such high prestige that David’s son Adonijah asked to marry her after the king’s death, but Solomon recognized this as an attempt by Adonijah to make himself king, and he had his brother summarily executed (1 Kings 2:21–25).
    ellauri153.html on line 827: Nowhere does the Bible approve of David’s state of affairs—just the opposite! God had warned Israel through Moses that any future king “must not take many wives” (Deuteronomy 17:17). Scripture does not say that Abishag’s presence in David’s bed was a good thing, nor does it present David as a good father. His many children by multiple mothers were a cause of great trouble for him and the whole kingdom (2 Samuel 13; 2 Samuel 15; 1 Kings 12:23–25). His own son and successor, Solomon, ignoring God’s clear warning, took his father’s excesses to a shocking extreme with 700 wives and 300 concubines who led him astray and turned his heart after other gods (1 Kings 11:2–4). The kingdom itself was divided and lost by Solomon’s son shortly after his coronation, barely one generation after the glory of King David (1 Kings 12).
    ellauri155.html on line 78: Jos perustuslain polkeminen menisi niin pitkälle, että rokotemafian kätyrit ryhtyisivät kantamaan Turtiaista ulos eduskuntasalista, niin sepä ei kävisikään yhtä helposti kuin Veikko Vennamon kantaminen 😄 Koska Ano on joku takavuosien painonnostaja. Se on sikaniskojen mielestä jotain tosi hienoa. Ano on yhtä voimakas ja painava kuin jumala, se ei jaxa nostaa ulos edes izeään. Sen on paras poistua vaan munaravia.
    ellauri155.html on line 112: Olen hiljattain käynyt sähköpostien vaihtoa älykkään ja puhuttelevan entisen valkoisen kansallismielisen kanssa, joka on nyt omistautunut anti-natalismille, juutalaisen eteläafrikkalaisen filosofin David Benatarin filosofialle, kertoo Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. Tiivistetysti anti-natalismi väittää, että elämä sisältää kärsimystä, joskus hirvittäviä määriä, ja siksi olemattomuus on aina parempi kuin eläminen ja sitten kuolema.
    ellauri155.html on line 149: ministeri, apulainen, pomo(shnik), marsalkka, konnetaabeli, konstaapeli, komisario, kersantti (servantti), hlaford, diakoni, vääpeli, visiiri, upseeri, lähetti, enkeli, sihteeri, apostoli, keskijohto, varakuningas, vararehtori, varadekaani, varatuomari, sijaishallizija, asiainhoitaja, stuertti, vikaari, saapasrenki, vouti, vallesmanni, virkamies, byrokraatti, järjestelmävastaava, vastuuhenkilö
    ellauri155.html on line 179: mezähallitus, nykyhallitus, sateenkaarihallitus, kirkkohallitus, pakolaishallitus, huoneenhallitus, home rule, valtuusto, johtoporras, virkakoneisto, liittoneuvosto, neuvostoliitto, synodi, sanhedrin, johtoryhmä, johtokunta, tuomiokapituli, esikunta, staabi, konsistori, konsiili, kolleegio, keskuskomitea, duuma, raastupa, hovioikeus, etuoikeus, tuomioistuin, etuistuin, valtaistuin, wc-istuin, heittoistuin, valaistuin, karaistuin, veltostuin, jäykistyin, korkein oikeus, vahvimman oikeus, parlamentti, edustajainhuone, miesten talo, miestenhuone, kerho, klubi, kongressi, valtiopäivät, senaatti, opetuslautakunta, kuzuntalautakunta, valintalautakunta, valiokunta, eläinkilpailujen antidopingtoimikunta, humanistinen toimikunta, tutkimuxen eettinen toimikunta, vaalitoimikunta, tuomaristo, valamiehistö, neuvottelukunta, res publica, agorafobia
    ellauri155.html on line 181: Tutkimusyxikkö, voimakaxikko, konnakolmikko, triumviraatti, Viisikko, torviseizikko, aloituskymmenikkö, likainen tusina, Duodecim, septuaginta, ryhmä, jaos, osasto, patteri, konttori, puolijoukkue, kakkosmiehistö, komppania, pataljoona, Rajamäen rykmentti, prikaati, divisioona, kunnialegioona, asunto-osakeyhtiö, kommandiittiyhtiö, yhdistys, seura, seurakunta, yritys, konserni, organisaatio, huippuyliopisto, laitos, instituutti, hotelli, mullibordelli, härdelli, hourula, lauma, parvi, eskadroona, eskaaderi, kaaderi, henkilökunta, staff, miehistö, yhtye, bändi, kimppa, luokka, piiri, jengi, veikkausporukka, lähetystö, konsulaatti, linna, vankila, heimo, kansa, homoliitto, ydinperhe, suku, el pueblo unido, avanti poppolo, rotu, puolue, suku, klaani, valtio, partio, lippukunta, isänmaa
    ellauri155.html on line 183: yxinoikeus, pyhäkkö, arkki, temppeli, privileegio, ius primae noctis, prerogatiivi, get off my property, IPR, bisnis, tekijänoikeus, valtakunta, vaikutusvalta, arvovalta, valta, voima, kunnia, paalupaikka, hillopaalu, omaisuus, pääoma, tase, voitto, liikevaihto, maxuväline, valuutta, tuohi, pätäkkä, massi, lompakko, wälletti, aarre, tili, tuotto, tuotanto, privat område, kauppala, pitäjä, läänitys, kolonialvaruaffär, aluevaltaus
    ellauri155.html on line 309: Minkälaisessa paskavaltiossa me oikein elämme, kun mielenosoitus perusoikeuksien puolesta parlamentin rappusilla ei ylitä edes uutiskynnystä? #ripsote #vapausvalita #oikeustyöhön #koronafi pic.twitter.com/sA4Hs1TTwJ
    ellauri155.html on line 367: While the United States faces the greatest immigration crisis in its history, the department of Customs and Border Protection is forcing Border Patrol agents and other staff to undergo “unconscious bias” training, according to reports.
    ellauri155.html on line 448: Elimelech Weisblum of Lizhensk (1717–March 11, 1787) was a rabbi and one of the great founding Rebbes of the Hasidic movement. He was known after his hometown, Leżajsk (Yiddish: ליזשענסק‎, romanized: Lizhensk) near Rzeszów in Poland. He was part of the inner "Chevraya Kadisha" (Holy Society) school of the Maggid Rebbe Dov Ber of Mezeritch (second leader of the Hasidic movement), who became the decentralised, third generation leadership after the passing of Rebbe Dov Ber in 1772. Their dissemination to new areas of Eastern Europe led the movement´s rapid revivalist expansion.
    ellauri155.html on line 521: Today’s passage certainly qualifies as one of the more difficult passages of Scripture. It is easy enough to understand what is going on; however, it is difficult to know how to evaluate it. We see in 1 Samuel 27:1–4 that David decided the best way to escape Saul was to flee to Philistine territory and take up residence in the city of Gath. David had been there before, and he deceived the city’s king, Achish, by pretending to be insane, thereby keeping the Philistines from killing him (21:10–15). This time, David did not have to feign insanity. Achish would have heard of Saul’s war with David, so he probably felt secure in allowing him into the city. This enemy of his enemy—Israel’s King Saul—could be counted on as a friend. Achish gave the country town of Ziklag to David, and it became a royal possession after David ascended the throne (27:5–7).
    ellauri155.html on line 523: Little in the narrative tells us what we are to think of David’s actions. Perhaps the very fact that he sought security among the Philistines is enough to make his choice questionable. After all, God had shown Himself able to keep David safe within the boundaries of Israel (chs. 18–26), so David’s seeking refuge in Philistia may indicate a lapse of faith. It could be that David’s raids from Ziklag confirm this. We see how David would go out against enemies of Israel such as the Amalekites (see Ex. 17:8–16) who were in the south of Judah. After defeating them, he would bring spoil back to Achish and lie to the king, telling him that he was conducting raids on the Israelites (1 Sam. 27:8–12). We do not want to make too much of this, for some actions are acceptable in times of war that are not necessarily acceptable in times of peace (for example, industrial espionage). This was a time of war, with both Achish and the peoples David raided being actual enemies of Israel. Still, David’s successful deception put him in a quandary. Achish was so pleased with David’s work that he commissioned David to join him against Israel (28:1–2). What would he do?
    ellauri155.html on line 528: after-Louis-Jean-Francois-Lagrenee-Samuel-Woodforde-Oil-Painting.jpg" />
    ellauri155.html on line 661: Carl Schmitt (1888-1985), pahamaineinen nazilakimies, piti kiinni Marxin kannasta et politiikka on luokkataistelua. Schmitt wird heute wegen seines staatsrechtlichen Einsatzes für den Nationalsozialismus als Gegner der parlamentarischen Demokratie und des Liberalismus und als „Prototyp des gewissenlosen Wissenschaftlers, der jeder Regierung dient, wenn es der eigenen Karriere nutzt“, weithin abgelehnt. Allerdings wird er aufgrund seiner indirekten Wirkung auf das Staatsrecht und die Rechtswissenschaft der frühen Bundesrepublik mitunter auch als „Klassiker des politischen Denkens“ bezeichnet.
    ellauri155.html on line 687:
    Eph. 1:11
    “also we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to His purpose who works all things after the counsel of His will.”
    ellauri155.html on line 696: Paizi Humen kädenheilutuxillekin on jo 2 tulkintaa. Ei tää ole helppoa! Klassisen kertomuksen mukaan Hume pelleilee "vapauden" ja "välttämättömyyden" sananselityxen kanssa. Naturalistisessa veetään mukaan tollaset shaftesburylaiset moraalin tunteet.
    ellauri155.html on line 737: Tähän Hume vetää sitten takataskusta tän senttimenttihäsläyxen. Eli vaikkei noi maailmassa tapahtuvat jutut oliskaan pahoja noin niinkuin loppupeleissä (kert ne on hyvän jumalasedän nimtuten tarkoitus), ne tuntuu meistä pahalta, eli ne on apinamittakaavassa hyviä tai pahoja. Moral sentiments, who was it who thought we have those? Aw yes, the third earl of Shaftesbury. They are comparable to taste in arts. Mautonta! se tuhahti kuin Aarne Kinnunen.
    ellauri155.html on line 745: Humen tutkielman ydintyö – todellakin hänen yleinen (epäuskoinen tai "ateistinen") filosofinen näkemyksensä – on se, että moraalinen ja sosiaalinen elämä eivät perustu eikä vaadi kristillisen metafysiikan dogmeja. Humen naturalistinen kehys moraalisen ja sosiaalisen elämän ymmärtämiseksi sulkee pois paitsi libertarianismin metafysiikan (esim. aineettomien aineiden "moraalisen" syy-yhteyden muodot) lisäksi myös kaikki muut teologisesti inspiroidun metafysiikan, joka yleensä liittyy siihen (eli Jumala, kuolematon sielu, tuleva valtio ja niin edelleen). Uskonnon metafysiikka, Hume ehdottaa, vain hämmentää ja peittää ymmärryksemme näistä asioista ja piilottaa niiden todellisen perustan ihmisluonnossa. Humen näkemykset vapaasta tahdon ja moraalisen vastuun aiheesta, kuten on esitetty kohdissa "Vapauden ja välttämättömyyden" ja muualla hänen kirjoituksissaan, ovat juuri se käännekohta, johon tämä perusteesi kääntyy.
    ellauri155.html on line 767: Calvin was far more careful with this doctrine than his critics were and are. Calvin understood men would react strongly against predestination. “The human mind, when it hears this doctrine, cannot restrain its petulance, but boils and rages as if aroused by the sound of a trumpet.” People who hear the teaching of predestination rarely remain unaffected by it. Their hearts too become enflamed, either with these teachings or against them. Calvin offers caution in the wrongful handling of this doctrine.
    ellauri155.html on line 787: Calvin even demonstrated his commitment to this truth in his placement of his teaching on predestination in The Institutes. In the final edition, he moved his section on predestination from the beginning of his work to a place following his teaching on redemption, in effect suggesting “that predestination is a doctrine best understood by believers after they come to know the redemptive work of Jesus Christ applied by the Holy Spirit.”
    ellauri155.html on line 797: To put it simply: though being good doesn´t entitle you to heaven, being bad is a sure way to end in hell. By being good you can at least enter the lottery. It makes no difference game theoretically whether God arranged his lottery before or after the fact. The information sets are just the same. Game theoretically, being good continues to carry a slight positive utility toward the jackpot.
    ellauri155.html on line 802: Calvin exemplified a pastoral use of this doctrine, patterned after Christ and the apostles, who used this doctrine in two chief ways - to humble the proud and to comfort the humble.
    ellauri155.html on line 808: When I first received the intelligence of the death…of your son Louis, I was so utterly overpowered that for many days I was fit for nothing but to grieve…I was somehow upheld before the Lord by those aids wherewith he sustains our souls in affliction,…however, I was almost a nonentity.
    ellauri155.html on line 814: The last sentence is rather remarkable. “Should it be his will to exercise you still further, by concealing it from you, submit to that will, that you may become the wiser than the weakness of your own understanding can ever attain to.” Calvin shows how much wisdom and comfort can be found in submitting to God’s divine will, trusting Him regardless of how much or how little of that will He has revealed to the afflicted. In so doing, he reveals to us true pastoral care in using this Biblical doctrine. Hey, just how much is it? I did not notice any quote.
    ellauri155.html on line 872: One can see in this paper an application of some ideas of a Humean character to a domain to which Hume himself was not inclined to apply them. There is also a suggestive affinity with Kant’s attempt to dissolve the problem of free will in the Critique of Pure Reason.
    ellauri155.html on line 894: Chuck Jones used Santayana´s description of fanaticism as "redoubling your effort after you´ve forgotten your aim" to describe his cartoons starring Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner.
    ellauri155.html on line 987: there were reduced, I could have asked you for a special draft, without letting
    ellauri155.html on line 996: wisest: and the cheque or draft to Bertie could be sent after my reply. You
    ellauri155.html on line 999: Yours affly, G S.

    ellauri155.html on line 1014: of her health. There was a love-affair, I don’t know how Platonic, between her
    ellauri155.html on line 1022: To turn now to the Russell affair, I have your letter of July 24 th–– with the
    ellauri155.html on line 1035: draft of what I should say, which you may use to guide you, if you like. I also
    ellauri155.html on line 1040: Yours affly G.S.
    ellauri156.html on line 70: This sequence of events and its accompanying tragedies is the subject of chapters 11 and 12 of 2 Samuel. I have chosen to expound these chapters in three lessons. This first lesson will deal with “David and Bathsheba,” as described in 11:1-4. In the following lesson, we will address the subject of “David and Uriah,” as told by our author in 11:5-27. The third lesson will focus on “David and Nathan,” as this confrontation is put forth in chapter 12. Our text has much to say about the sins of adultery and murder, but rest assured that it addresses much more sins than this. It is a text we all need to hear and to heed, for if a “man after God's own heart” can fall so quickly and so far, surely we are capable of similar or even bigger failures. May the Spirit of God take this portion of the Word of God and illuminate it to each of us in full color, as we come to this study.
    ellauri156.html on line 86: So you see, the Ammonites were not subjected to Israel in chapter 10, but they were deprived of Syrian assistance. Now they are on their own. The Israelites make the most of this. They ravage the land of the Ammonites and then besiege the capital (royal) city of Rabbah (11:1; see 1 Chronicles 20:1). This city of Rabbah, incidentally, is now the city of Amman, Jordan. It is not until after David's sin is rebuked by Nathan that the Israelites actually take the city (2 Samuel 12:26-31).
    ellauri156.html on line 88: The author of our text informs us that it is spring, the time when kings go to war (11:1). Weather has always affected warfare. Battles have been won and lost due to the season. Winter time is not favorable to war. Napoleon found this out in Moscow, The Germans in Stalingrad, and the Russians in the Finnish Winter War.) It is cold and wet, and camping out in the open field (as those who are besieging the city of Rabbah have to do -- see 11:11) hardly is feasible. The wheels of chariots get stuck in the mud, among other problems. And so kings usually sit it out for the winter, resuming their warfare in the spring. It is spring, Israel is still at war with the Ammonites, and it is time to finish the task of subduing them. The army assembles, under the command of Joab and his officers, and “all Israel.” They all go off to complete their victory over the Ammonites, who seem to retreat in their capital and fortress city of Rabbah.
    ellauri156.html on line 106: But why the fuck was it a sin in the first place? Censuses are taxation events. David was after money, not blood, since when is that a sin in Jehovah's book? Or maybe he did not want to draw the sword, but rather sheathe it with Bathsheba? Now that is a sin, if the vagina is not one of yours. Hey, read on, Bob explains it all:
    ellauri156.html on line 267: Finally, David can stand his bed no longer. Getting up, he goes for a stroll around the roof of his palace. Most certainly, David's palace was built on the highest ground possible, so that it would afford him a commanding view of the city and the surrounding country. Virtually every other residence and building would be below David's penthouse apartment, and thus he would be able to see much that was out of sight for others. (A friend remarked after this message that a truck driver had told him a whole lot can be seen from an 18-wheeler that people in cars don't see. A chicano truck-driver just got a 110 year sentence in the U.S. for failing to stop his 18-wheeler when the brakes went. Now that was a honest-to-god Jehova style sentence, to the third and fourth generation. Good work, Rocky!)
    ellauri156.html on line 285: 7 It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, “Lie with me.” 8 But he refused and said to his master's wife, “Behold, with me here, my master does not concern himself with anything in the house, and he has put all that he owns in my charge. 9 “There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:7-9).
    ellauri156.html on line 297: And so David sends messengers to her, who take her and bring her to him. When she arrives, David sleeps with her, and when she is purified from her uncleanness,38 she returns to her house. That is that. (Mikä uncleanliness? Meneekö Bathsheba Joen Bideniin ja pesee Taavin runkut pois?) If she had not become pregnant, I have little doubt she would never have darkened the door of David's house again. David does not seek a wife in Bathsheba. He does not even seek an affair. He wants one night of sex with this woman, and then he will let Uriah have her. (Häh? Oliko Bathsheba niin huono hoito vai? Eikös sitä olis voinut toistamiseenkin rotkauttaa? Bathshebalta ei nähtävästi mitään kysytty missään vaiheessa. Eikun x-asentoon Taavin sängylle ja melaa mekkoon.)
    ellauri156.html on line 299: The sequence of events, so far as David is concerned, can be enumerated in this way: (1) David stays in Jerusalem; (2) David stays in bed; (3) David sees Bathsheba bathing herself as he walks on his roof; (4) David sends and inquires about this woman; (5) David learns her identity and that she is married to a military hero; (6) David sends messengers to take her and bring her to him; (7) David lays with her; (8) Bathsheba goes back to her home after she purifies herself. This same sequence can be seen in a number of other texts, none of which is commendable. Shechem “saw, took, and lay with” Dinah, the daughter of Jacob in Genesis 34:2. Judah “saw, took, and went in to” the Canaanite woman he made his wife in Genesis 38:2-3. Achan “saw, coveted, and took” the forbidden spoils of war in Joshua 7:21. Samson did virtually the same in Judges 14. Let us not forget that a similar sequence occurred at the first sin when Eve “saw, desired, and took” the forbidden fruit in Genesis 3. (Thanx a lot Bob for this compendium. This will certainly come handy later on, when looking for something fun to read.)
    ellauri156.html on line 347: Sins of commission are often the result of sins of omission. David committed sin by his adultery with Bathsheba and later by the murder of her husband, but these sins were borne out of David's omissions which came to pass when he stayed home, rather than go to war. These sins of omission are often difficult to recognize in ourselves or others, but they are there. And after a while, they incline us to more open sins, as we see in David.
    ellauri156.html on line 365: This reference to Bathsheba’s “purification” is interesting and perplexing. The King James Version reads, “and he lay with her; for she was purified from her uncleanness: and she returned unto her house” at verse 4. The New King James Version is slightly different: “and he lay with her, for she was cleansed from her impurity; and she returned to her house” (note the change from a semi-colon to a comma, and from a colon to a semi-colon). The NIV reads, “and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.)” The NRSV reads, “and he lay with her. (Now she was purifying herself after her period. Or was it colon? Only David knows, and Dog of course, but they don't tell.).”
    ellauri156.html on line 386: David had no desire for Bathsheba to become his wife, or even to carry on an adulterous affair with her (a mitigating circumstance). He sought one night's pleasure, and she went home. That was that, or so it seemed. But then David received word from Bathsheba that this one night resulted in Bathsheba's pregnancy. Our text takes up here with the account of David's desperate attempt to cover up his sin with Bathsheba. As we all know, it did not work, and it only made matters worse.
    ellauri156.html on line 392: In our first lesson, we devoted our attention to the first four verses of chapter 11, which depict David's sin of adultery with Bathsheba. Pretty unbelievable that I got a whole four pages out of it. The trick is was to keep repeating the juicy bit about Bathsheba washing herself before (or after) David's load. I sought to demonstrate that this sin was all of David's doing. The author points his accusing finger at David, not Bathsheba. It was not Bathsheba's indiscretion in bathing herself (as I understand this story), for she was simply obeying the ritual of purification outlined in the law. It was David who, by means of his lofty elevation and view, looked inappropriately at Bathsheba, washing herself,violating her privacy. I endeavored to demonstrate that David's sin with Bathsheba was the result of a sequence of wrong decisions and attitudes on David's part. In one sense, being on the path he was, his destination (of adultery, or something like it) was to be expected. His sins of omission finally blossomed and came into full bloom.
    ellauri156.html on line 400: (3) Bathsheba is not said to have any part in David's scheme to deceive Uriah or to bring about his death, much less any knowledge of what David is doing. When she informs David that she is pregnant, David takes decisive action, but nowhere are we told that Bathsheba has a part in his schemes. Verse 26 makes it sound as though she learns of Uriah's death after the fact, through normal channels. After all, would David really want his new wife to know he murdered her husband? David acts without Bathsheba's help.
    ellauri156.html on line 402: It looks as though Bathsheba never enters David's mind after their encounter described in verses 1-4. It certainly does not seem that David wants to continue the relationship, to carry on an affair, or to marry her. David simply puts this sinful event out of his mind, until a messenger is sent by Bathsheba informing the king that his night of passion has produced a child. Bathsheba informs David that she is pregnant, not that she is afraid she might be. This means that she has missed at least one period and probably another. All in all, several weeks or more have passed. It will not be long before her pregnancy will become obvious to anyone who looks at her. This is David's sin and his responsibility, and so she informs him.
    ellauri156.html on line 419: As a consequence, David becomes attracted to Bathsheba who is the wife of Uriah, one of David's soldiers. The attraction is mutual although both know an affair would break the law of Moses. When Bathsheba discovers she is pregnant by David, the King sends for Uriah hoping he will spend time with his wife to cover her pregnancy. David's wife Michal who is aware of the affair, tells David that Uriah did not go home but slept at the castle as a sign of loyalty to his King. LOL, a sign of "fuck you" pointed at Dave with Uriah's middle finger without a nail.
    ellauri156.html on line 425: David promises Bathsheba she will not die and is willing to accept God's justice for himself, knowing that he as the hero of the book is safe. Repentant, David, seeking relief from the drought and forgiveness reaches out to touch the Ark presuming that he will die of heat stroke (or was it a short?) like the soldier. A clap of thunder is heard and there are flashbacks to David's youth depicting his anointing by Samuel and his battle with Goliath. King David removes his hands from the Ark as rain falls on the dry land. Screenwriter Dunno said he "left it to the audience to decide if the blessed rain came as the result of divine intervention or simply of a low-pressure system moving in from the Mediterranean." Well it could be both, couldn't it?
    ellauri156.html on line 442: Dunno says his original conception was for a film that would encompass David's life and go into three main chapters: David as a boy fighting Goliath; a more mature David and his friendship with Jonathan, ending with the affair with Bathsheba; and an older David and his relationship with his son Absalom. Dunno wrote a treatment which he estimated would make a four hour movie. Zanuck was not enthusiastic so Dunno then pitched the idea of doing a film just on David and Bathsheba, which Zanuck loved.
    ellauri156.html on line 463: However, in giving Bathsheba a more active role, Adele Reinhartz found that "it reflects tensions and questions about gender identity in America in the aftermath of World War II, when women had entered the work force in large numbers and experienced a greater degree of independence and economic self-sufficiency. ...[Bathsheba] is not satisfied in the role of neglected wife and decides for herself what to do about it." Susan Wayward was later quoted as having asked why the film was not called Bathsheba and David. I guess it has something to do with the fact that Dog is called Dog in the bible instead of Bitch.
    ellauri156.html on line 469: Uriah leaves David's presence. Now David adds a further touch. He sends a “present from the king” after, or with, Uriah. How we would love to know just what that “gift” was. Was it a night for two at the Jerusalem Hilton? Was it dinner and dancing at a romantic restaurant? I think we can safely say this: (1) We are not told what the present was. (2) We are not supposed to know, or it would not add to the story for us to know what it was. (3) Whatever it was, it was very carefully planned to facilitate David's scheme of getting Uriah to bed with his wife, as quickly as possible.
    ellauri156.html on line 471: Uriah has to understand what the king is suggesting. Who wouldn't want to go home and enjoy his wife after some time of separation, thanks to the war with the Ammonites? Instead, we are told that Uriah never leaves the king's house. He sleeps in the doorway of the king's house, in the presence of a number of the king's servants. I am inclined to understand that at least some of these servants, if not all of them, are the king's bodyguards (compare 1 Kings 14:27-28). Uriah is a soldier. He has been called to his king's presence, away from the battle. But as a faithful servant of the king, he will not enjoy a night alone with his wife; instead, he will join with those who guard the king's life. This is the way he can serve his king in Jerusalem, and so this is what he chooses to do rather than to go home. The irony is overwhelming. The king's faithful soldier spends the night guarding the 50% new life of the king in his wife's womb, the king who has taken his own wife in the night, and who will soon take his life as well. Dramatic irony.
    ellauri156.html on line 511: In all likelihood, this was all in a day's work for the Israeli army even then. So it is not strange to see David, the mighty man of valor, (1 Samuel 16:18) dealing with Uriah, another mighty man of valor, like the enemy. Here is Uriah, a man who will give his life for his king (but not his wife? Did David even ask?), and David, a man who is now willing to take Uriah's life to cover his sin. We all know that it doesn’t work. (Actually, we all know that it works perfectly: David will be honored by posterity as the best Israeli king ever.) How strange it is to see David making Joab his partner in crime, especially after what Joab has done to li'l Abner:
    ellauri156.html on line 513: 26 When Joab came out from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David did not know it. 27 So when Abner returned to Hebron, Joab took him aside into the middle of the gate to speak with him privately, and there he struck him in the belly so that he died on account of the blood of Asahel his brother. 28 Afterward when David heard it, he said, “I and my kingdom are innocent before the LORD forever of the blood of Abner the son of Ner. 29 “May it fall on the head of Joab and on all his father's house; and may there not fail from the house of Joab one who has a discharge, or who is a leper, or who takes hold of a distaff, or who falls by the sword, or who lacks bread.” 30 So Joab and Abishai his brother killed Abner because he had put their brother Asahel to death in the battle at Gibeon (2 Samuel 3:26-30).
    ellauri156.html on line 522: However, according to Josephus, in Antiquities, Book 7, Chapter 1, Joab had forgiven Abner for the death of his brother, Asahel, the reason being that Abner had slain Asahel honorably in combat after he had first warned Asahel and tried to knock the wind out of him with the butt of his "spear". However, probably by intervention of God, his obtuse tool went through Asahel. The Bible says everyone stopped and gawked. That shows that something like this never happened before. This battle was part of a civil war between David and Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul. After this battle Abner switched to the side of David and granted him control over the tribe of Benjamin. This act put Abner in David's favor.
    ellauri156.html on line 524: For some time afterward the war was carried on, the advantage being invariably on the side of David. At length, Ish-bosheth lost the main prop of his tottering cause by accusing Abner of sleeping with Rizpah, one of Saul's concubines, an alliance which, according to contemporary notions, would imply pretensions to the throne. Starhill stablessa oli muuten issikkatamma nimeltä Rispa. Kukahan senkin kanssa nukkui öisin tallissa?
    ellauri156.html on line 526: Abner was indignant at the rebuke, and immediately opened negotiations with David, who welcomed him on the condition that his wife Michal should be restored to him. This was done, and the proceedings were ratified by a feast where Rizpah and Michal were the lights of the party. Almost immediately after, however, Joab, who had been sent away, perhaps intentionally returned and slew Abner at the gate of Hebron. The ostensible motive for the assassination was a desire to avenge Asahel, and this would be a sufficient justification for the deed according to the extremely low moral standard of the time (although Abner should have been safe from such a revenge killing in Hebron, which was a City of Refuge). The conduct of David after the event was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators.
    ellauri156.html on line 528: David had Abner buried in Hebron, as it states in Samuel 3:31-32,[10] "And David said to all the people who were with him, 'Remove your clothes and gird yourselves with this sackcloth taking turns, and wail before me and Li'l Abner.' And King David went after the beer. And they buried Abner in Hebron, and the king raised his voice and wept on Abner's grave, and all the people wept."
    ellauri156.html on line 535: Shortly after Abner's death, Ish-bosheth was assassinated as he wept, and David became king of the reunited kingdoms. The conduct of David after the event was such as to show that he had no complicity in the act, though he could not venture to punish its perpetrators.
    ellauri156.html on line 539: His One Sin: The rabbis agree that Abner deserved this violent death, though opinions differ concerning the exact nature of the sin that entailed so dire a punishment on one who was, on the whole, considered a "righteous man" (Gen. R. lxxxii. 4). Some reproach him that he did not use his influence with Saul to prevent him from murdering the priests of Nob (Yer. Peah, i. 16a; Lev. R. xxvi. 2; Sanh. 20a)—convinced as he was of the innocence of the priests and of the propriety of their conduct toward David, Abner holding that as leader of the army David was privileged to avail himself of the Urine and Thumbeline (I Sam. xxii. 9-19). Instead of contenting himself with passive resistance to Saul's command to murder the priests (Yalḳ., Sam. 131), Abner ought to have tried to restrain the king by the balls. Others maintain that Abner did make such an attempt, but in vain (Saul had not enough to get a proper hold of), and that his one sin consisted in that he delayed the beginning of David's reign over Israel by fighting him after Saul's death for two years and a half (Sanh. l.c.). Others, again, while excusing him for this—in view of a tradition founded on Gen. xlix. 27, according to which there were to be two kings of the house of Benjamin—blame Abner for having prevented a reconciliation between Saul and David on the occasion when the latter, in holding on to the skirt of Saul's robe (I Sam. xxiv. 11), showed how unfounded was the king's mistrust of him, seeing Saul had no balls to speak of. Old Saul was inclined to be happy with a pacifier; but Abner, representing to him that the naked David might have found a piece of garment anywhere — even just a piece of sackcloth caught on a thorn — prevented the reconciliation (Yer. Peah, l.c., Lev. R. l.c., and elsewhere). Moreover, it was wrong of Abner to permit Israelitish youths to kill one another for sport (II Sam. ii. 14-16). No reproach, however, attaches to him for the death of Asahel, since Abner killed him in self-defense (Sanh. 49a).
    ellauri156.html on line 541: It is characteristic of the rabbinical view of the Bible narratives that Abner, the warrior pure and simple, is styled "Lion King of the Law" (Yer. Peah, l.c.), and that even a specimen is given of a halakic discussion between him and Dog as to whether the law in Deut. xxiii. 3 excluded Ammonite and Moabite women from the Jewish community as well as men. Dog was of the opinion that David, being descended from the Moabitess Ruth, was not fit to wear the crown, nor even to be considered a true Israelite; while Abner maintained that the law affected only the male line of descent. When Dog's dialectics proved more than a match for those of Abner, the latter went to the prophet Samuel, who not only supported Abner in his view, but utterly refuted Dog's assertions (Midr. Sam. xxii.; Yeb. 76b et seq.).
    ellauri156.html on line 570: Our text has many applications and implications for today. Let me suggest a few as I conclude this lesson. First, “Can a Christian fall?” Yes. Some folks in the Bible may cause us to question whether they really ever came to please Dog, folks like Balaam or Samson or Saul. But we have no such questions regarding David. He is not only a believer, he is a model believer. In the Bible, David sets the standard because he is a man after God's heart. Nevertheless, this man David, in spite of his popularity in Dog's circles, in spite of his marvelous times of worship and his bea-u-utiful psalms, falls deeply into sin. If David can fall, so can we, which is precisely what Paul, another crook and tricky Dick, warns us about:
    ellauri156.html on line 574: Second, “How far can a Christian fall?” This far [Bob points down there with his fingers]. David not only commits the sin of adultery, he commits murder. I think it is safe to say that there is no sin of which the Christian is not capable in the flesh. I have heard people say, “I don't know how a person who _______ could have ever been a Christian.” There are times -- like this time for David -- when it is obvious that we will hardly be saved by the testimony of our actions. Christians come from just the same gene pool of motherfuckers as the rest of us.
    ellauri156.html on line 580: Fifth, when we seek to conceal our sin, things only get worse. Thus, the best course of action is to confess our sins and to forsake them. But that would have been an embarrassing loss of face to Dog, who had been rooting for David all this time. So better not, after all. Everything went well in the end anyway, and that's what counts.
    ellauri156.html on line 582: He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, except for David, and a few others, come to think of it. But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion (Proverbs 28:13). And that is all he finds. Quite often compassion at his scaffold and grave.
    ellauri156.html on line 588: Sixth, our text makes Uriah a hero and a dress model, not a chump and not a sucker. There are those who might conclude that Uriah's elevator may not “go to the top floor” (as my neighbor used to say of those she considered less than bright). Is Uriah gullible? Is he ignorant of what David is trying to do? Is he a coon? A spook? I don't think so. This is what makes his loyalty to David and to God's Law so striking. I think it is safe to say that here Uriah is very much like David in his earlier days, in terms of his response to Saul. As Saul sought to kill David unjustly, because he was jealous of his successes, so also David submitted himself to faithfully serving Saul, his master. He left his safety and future in God's hands, and God did not fail him. Who? Not Uriah, apparently.
    ellauri156.html on line 613: 13 All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. 14 For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. 15 And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. 16 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them. 32 And what more shall I say? For time will fail me if I tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets, 33 who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises, shut the mouths of lions, 34 quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, from weakness were made strong, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight. 35 Women received back their dead by resurrection; and others were tortured, not accepting their release, so that they might obtain a better resurrection; 36 and others experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment. 37 They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, in foreskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated 38 (men of whom the world was not worthy), wandering in deserts and mountains and caves and holes in the ground. 39 And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, 40 because God had provided something even better for us, to make up for the wait, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect (Hebrews 11:13-16, 32-40).
    ellauri156.html on line 620: 41 Is this, by any chance, a clue as to what the “present” was that David sent after Uriah in verse 8? Was the present some “food and drink”? I wonder. 42 Uriah’s actions raise some interesting questions about those who get themselves drunk. It seems to me that our text strongly implies that even drunk, a man cannot be forced to violate his convictions, unless of course he wants to do so. I wonder how many people get drunk because they want to do what they do drunk, and they think they can blame alcohol for their own sin? It seems like another version of, “The Devil made me do it.”
    ellauri156.html on line 637: It all seems to be over. David is not looking for another wife; he is not even looking for an affair. He is looking for a conquest. That should have happened on the battlefield, not in the bedroom! Things take a very different turn when Bathsheba sends word to David that she is pregnant. David first seeks to cover up his sin by ordering Joab to send Uriah home on furlough, ostensibly to give David a report on the war. David's efforts to get Uriah into bed with Bathsheba begin as subtle hints, then change to veiled orders, and then turn crass as David seeks to get Uriah to do drunk what he will not do sober. When these efforts fail (due to Uriah's noble character), David sends Uriah back to Joab, with written orders to Joab to put him to death in a way that makes it seem like a casualty of war. Joab does as he is told and sends word to David: “Mission accomplished.” It is here that our apparently never-ending story resumes.
    ellauri156.html on line 641: Bathsheba's response to the death of her husband is as we would expect, as we would also hope. From what the text tells us, she has absolutely no part in David's plot to deceive her husband, let alone to put him to death. Undoubtedly, she learns of Uriah's death in much the same way every war widow does, then or now. When she is officially informed of Uriah's death in battle, she mourns for her husband. We cannot be certain just how long this period of mourning is. We know, for example, that if a virgin of some distant (i.e., not Canaanite) nation was captured by an Israelite during a raid on her town, the Israelite could take her for a wife after she had mourned for her parents (who would have been killed in the raid) for a full month (Deuteronomy 21:10-13). As I will seek to show in a moment, I believe Bathsheba's mourning is genuine, and not hypocritical. I believe she mourns her husband's death because she loves him.
    ellauri156.html on line 647: Nathan has a response to the death of Uriah too, which is taken up in the first part of chapter 12. But let us save that until after drawing your attention to something which has been going on in David's life that we have not seen from our text, and which the author of Samuel has not recorded. But David himself discloses this to us in one of his psalms, written in reflection of this incident in our text.
    ellauri156.html on line 709: I hope I am not guilty of attempting to make this story “walk on all fours” when I stress the same thing the story does -- that there is a very warm and loving relationship between the rich man and the poor man's “pet lamb.” It really tasted great! Considered along with everything else we read about Uriah and Bathsheba and David, I must conclude that the author is making it very clear that Uriah and Bathsheba dearly loved each other. Anyway, who cares this way or that, it was his lamb. When David “took” this woman to his bedroom that fateful night, and then as his wife after the murder of Uriah, he took her from the man she loved. Bathsheba and Uriah were devoted to each other, which adds further weight to the arguments for her not being a willing participant in David's sins. It also emphasizes the character of Uriah, who is so near to his wife, who is being urged by the king to go to her, and yet who refuses to do so out of principle.
    ellauri156.html on line 766: The evil David commits against others is clear disobedience to the revealed Word of God. David is a “man after God's own heart,” and yet in this instance, David “despised the Word of the Lord.” While David does repent and the guilt of his sin is forgiven, these consequences will not be reversed. These consequences are just; they fit the crime David committed. He used the sword of the Ammonites to kill Uriah, and so the sword will not depart from his house. He took the wife of another man, and so his own wives will be taken by another, another from his own house.
    ellauri156.html on line 778: 20 So Moses said to them, “If you will do this, if you will arm yourselves before the LORD for the war, 21 and all of you armed men cross over the Jordan before the LORD until He has driven His enemies out from before Him, 22 and the land is subdued before the LORD, then afterward you shall return and be free of obligation toward the LORD and toward Israel, and this land shall be yours for a possession before the LORD. 23 “But if you will not do so, behold, you have sinned against the LORD, and be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:20-23, emphasis mine). Note what this says! We must support Israel against its mooslem neighbors! They are not their neighbors! Or rather of course they are but they are also enemies!
    ellauri156.html on line 780: (3) God is under no obligation to stop us from sinning. (So why did he bother with David then? Is he some sort of special case? Of course he is, he is Dawgs petlamb. Sometimes people justify their sin by saying something like: “I've prayed about it and asked God to stop me if it is wrong. . . .” When God does not stop them, they somehow assume it must be right. God could have stopped David after he chose to stay home from the war, or after he began to covet Uriah's wife, or after he committed adultery, but instead He allowed David to persist in his sin for some time. God even allowed David to get away with murder, for a time. Well actually, for good. It was just a immigrant after all. God's Word forbade David's sins of coveting, adultery, and murder. God's Word commanded David to stop, and he did not. God allowed David to persist in his sin for a season, but not indefinitely. God allowed David's sin to go full circle, to reach full bloom, so that he (and we) could see how sin grows (compare Genesis 15:12-16).
    ellauri156.html on line 804: I have never met a Christian who chose to sin, and after it was all over felt that it was worth the price. Those that did quite simply were not Christians. David's sin and its consequences should not encourage us to sin, but should motivate us to avoid sin at all costs. The negative consequences of sin far outweigh the momentary pleasures of sin. Sin is never worth the price, even for those whose sin is forgiven. Sin is not worth it even when it's free of charge. In fact, we ought to be paid to commit sin. (Some do, like the adulterous woman in Proverbs, and Trick Dick's burglars. But we won't open that can of worms now that we are this close to the finish line.)
    ellauri158.html on line 91: P.1. defin. 5. Per modum intelligo substantiae affectiones, sive id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur. [in: P. 1. prop. 1., prop. 4., prop. 6. coroll., prop. 15., prop. 23., prop. 25. coroll., prop. 28., prop. 31., P. 2. prop. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 93: Moodilla tarkoitan substanssin affektioita, eli sitä mikä on muissa, jonka läpi jotain käsitetään. (Jospa käsittäisimme sen roiston! kuten sanotaan Alexis Kivessä.) Oisko attribuutti vs. moodi sama kuin terminologiassa määritelmät vs. selitteet. Homous ja viisaus vs. höyhenettömyys ja kaxijalkaisuus. Tää on tosi keinotekoinen erottelu, siinä meni jo muinaiset kreikkalaiset pahan kerran mezään, Sokrates ja Plato etulittanenässä. Vittu että se ideaoppi oli monen pahan alkupää. Jotenkin noi kreikkalaiset oli vielä aika primitiivisiä, ne siirsi pään sisällyxet taivaalle ja kääntäen. Siitä tuli aivan loputtomasti sotkua. Varmaan koska ne oli narsisteja.
    ellauri158.html on line 145: P. 1. prop. 1. Substantia prior est natura suis affectionibus. [in: P. 1. prop. 5., etiam in: Ep. 3. §. 4.]
    ellauri158.html on line 147: Yxilöt on prioreja niiden affekteille. Apinoiden affekteja on niiden irvistelyt.
    ellauri158.html on line 158: P. 1. prop. 4. Duae aut plures res distinctae vel inter se distinguuntur ex diversitate attributorum substantiarum, vel ex diversitate earundem affectionum. [in: P. 1. prop. 5.]
    ellauri158.html on line 211: -- P. 1. prop. 14. coroll. 2. Sequitur 2. rem extensam et rem cogitantem, vel Dei attributa esse, vel affectiones attributorum Dei.
    ellauri158.html on line 250: Häh, tää ei näytä ihan heti selvältä. Jos mekin ollaan rusinoita muuttumattoman jumalan taikinassa sit kai ei mekään voitas muuttua. Jotain tässä nyt on vialla? Aijaa, ehkä me ollaan vaan jumalan affekteja, irvistyxiä tai pierukuplia taikinassa. Jos se vielä kerran sanoo flottis, mää lähren.
    ellauri158.html on line 271: -- P. 1. prop. 25. coroll. Res particulares nihil sunt nisi Dei attributorum affectiones, sive modi, quibus Dei attributa certo et determinato modo exprimuntur. [in: P. 1. prop. 25. schol., prop. 28., prop. 36., P. 2. defin. 1., prop. 1., prop. 5., prop. 10. coroll., P. 3. prop. 6., P. 5. prop. 24., prop. 36., etiam in: Ep. 66. §. 6.]
    ellauri158.html on line 293: P. 1. prop. 30. Intellectus actu finitus aut actu infinitus Dei attributa Deique affectiones comprehendere debet et nihil aliud. [in: P. 2. prop. 4.]
    ellauri158.html on line 366: P. 2. axiom. 3. Modi cogitandi, ut amor, cupiditas vel quicumque nomine affectus animi insigniuntur, non dantur, nisi in eodem individuo detur idea rei amatae, desideratae, etc. At idea dari potest, quamvis nullus alius detur cogitandi modus. [in: P. 2. prop. 11., prop. 49.]
    ellauri158.html on line 370: P. 2. axiom. 4. Nos corpus quoddam multis modis affici sentimus. [in: P. 2. prop. 13.]
    ellauri158.html on line 387: The term was coined by the German philosopher Karl Krause in 1828 to distinguish the ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775–1854) about the relation of God and the universe from the supposed pantheism of Baruch Spinoza, after reviewing Hindu scriptures. Unlike pantheism, which holds that the divine and the universe are identical, panentheism maintains an ontological distinction between the divine and the non-divine and the significance of both. In panentheism, the universal spirit is present everywhere, which at the same time "transcends" all things created.
    ellauri158.html on line 438: P. 2. prop. 9. Idea rei singularis actu existentis Deum pro causa habet, non quatenus infinitus est, sed quatenus alia rei singularis actu existentis idea affectus consideratur, cuius etiam Deus est causa, quatenus alia tertia affectus est, et sic in infinitum. [in: P. 2. prop. 9. coroll., prop. 19., prop. 20., prop. 24., prop. 25., P. 3. prop. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 450: P. 2. prop. 11. Primum, quod actuale mentis humanae esse constituit, nihil aliud est, quam idea rei alicuius singularis actu existentis. [in: P. 2. prop. 12., prop. 13., prop. 20., prop. 48., P. 3. prop. 2., prop. 3., prop. 10., gener. aff. defin., P. 4. prop. 37., P. 5. prop. 9., prop. 38.]
    ellauri158.html on line 461: P. 2. prop. 13. Obiectum ideae humanam mentem constituentis est corpus, sive certus extensionis modus actu existens, et nihil aliud. [in: P. 2. prop. 15., prop. 19., prop. 21., prop. 21. schol., prop. 23., prop. 24., prop. 26., prop. 29., prop. 38., prop. 39., P. 3. prop. 3., prop. 10., gener. aff. defin., P. 5. prop. 23., prop. 29., etiam in: Ep. 66. §. 2.]
    ellauri158.html on line 497: ------- axiom. 1. Omnes modi, quibus corpus aliquod ab alio afficitur corpore, ex natura corporis affecti et simul ex natura corporis afficientis sequuntur; ita ut unum idemque corpus diversimode moveatur pro diversitate naturae corporum moventium, et contra ut diversa corpora ab uno eodemque corpore diversimode moveantur. [in: P. 2. prop. 16., prop. 24., P. 3. postul. 1., prop. 17. schol., prop. 51., prop. 57.]
    ellauri158.html on line 538: -- postul. 3. Individua corpus humanum componentia, et consequenter ipsum humanum corpus a corporibus externis plurimis modis afficitur. [in: P. 2. prop. 14., prop. 28., P. 3. prop. 51., P. 4. prop. 39.]
    ellauri158.html on line 563: P. 2. prop. 16. Idea cuiuscumque modi, quo corpus humanum a corporibus externis afficitur, involvere debet naturam corporis humani et simul naturam corporis externi. [in: P. 2. prop. 17., prop. 18. schol., prop. 19., prop. 23., prop. 25., prop. 26., prop. 27., prop. 28., prop. 38., prop. 39., P. 3. prop. 27., P. 4. prop. 5.]
    ellauri158.html on line 571: -- P. 2. prop. 16. coroll. 2. Sequitur secundo, quod ideae, quas corporum externorum habemus, magis nostri corporis constitutionem, quam corporum externorum naturam indicant. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. schol., P. 3. prop. 14., prop. 18., gener. aff. defin., P. 4. prop. 1. schol., P. 4. prop. 9., P. 5. prop. 34.]
    ellauri158.html on line 575: P. 2. prop. 17. Si humanum corpus affectum est modo, qui naturam corporis alicuius externi involvit, mens humana idem corpus externum ut actu existens, vel ut sibi praesens contemplabitur, donec corpus afficiatur affectu, qui eiusdem corporis existentiam vel praesentiam secludat. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. coroll., P. 2. prop. 19., prop. 44. schol., prop. 47., P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 12., prop. 13., prop. 18., prop. 18. schol. 1., prop. 19., prop. 25., prop. 28., prop. 56., P. 4. prop. 1. schol., prop. 9., P. 5. prop. 7.]
    ellauri158.html on line 577: Jos humaani ruumis ottaa vaikutusta jostain ulkoisesta stykestä, mieli miettii tätä stykeä jälkikäteenkin ikäänkuin se olis paikalla, kunnes ruumis pakottaa sen affektoitumaan jostain muusta joka työntää sen pois mielestä.
    ellauri158.html on line 579: -- P. 2. prop. 17. coroll. Mens corpora externa, a quibus corpus humanum semel affectum fuit, quamvis non existant nec praesentia sint, contemplari tamen poterit, velut praesentia essent. [in: P. 2. prop. 17. schol., prop. 18., prop. 40. schol. 1., prop. 44. schol., P. 3. prop. 18., prop. 25., prop. 30. schol., prop. 47. schol., P. 4. prop. 13.]
    ellauri158.html on line 587: P. 2. prop. 18. Si corpus humanum a duobus, vel pluribus corporibus simul affectum fuerit semel, ubi mens postea eorum aliquod imaginabitur, statim et aliorum recordabitur. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 1., prop. 44. schol., P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 14., prop. 52., P. 4. prop. 13., P. 5. prop. 1., prop. 10. schol., prop. 12., prop. 13.]
    ellauri158.html on line 591: -- P. 2. prop. 18. schol. Quid sit memoria. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 2., P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 52., aff. defin. 4., P. 4. prop. 13., P. 5. prop. 21.]
    ellauri158.html on line 595: P. 2. prop. 19. Mens humana ipsum humanum corpus non cognoscit, nec ipsum existere scit, nisi per ideas affectionum, quibus corpus afficitur. [in: P. 2. prop. 23., prop. 29. coroll., prop. 43. schol., prop. 47., P. 3. prop. 30., prop. 53.]
    ellauri158.html on line 611: P. 2. prop. 22. Mens humana non tantum corporis affectiones, sed etiam harum affectionum ideas percipit. [in: P. 2. prop. 23., prop. 47., P. 4. prop. 8.]
    ellauri158.html on line 615: P. 2. prop. 23. Mens se ipsam non cognoscit, nisi quatenus corporis affectionum ideas percipit. [in: P. 2. prop. 29. coroll., prop. 47., P. 3. prop. 9., prop. 30., prop. 53., aff. defin. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 623: P. 2. prop. 25. Idea cuiuscumque affectionis corporis humani adaequatam corporis externi cognitionem non involvit. [in: P. 2. prop. 26. coroll., prop. 27., prop. 28., prop. 29. coroll., prop. 38.]
    ellauri158.html on line 627: P. 2. prop. 26. Mens humana nullum corpus externum ut actu existens percipit, nisi per ideas affectionum sui corporis. [in: P. 2. prop. 26. coroll., prop. 29. coroll., P. 5. prop. 21., prop. 29.]
    ellauri158.html on line 635: P. 2. prop. 27. Idea cuiuscumque affectionis corporis humani adaequatam ipsius humani corporis cognitionem non involvit. [in: P. 2. prop. 29., prop. 29. coroll., prop. 38.]
    ellauri158.html on line 639: P. 2. prop. 28. Ideae affectionum corporis humani, quatenus ad humanam mentem tantum referuntur, non sunt clarae et distinctae, sed confusae. [in: P. 2. prop. 29. coroll., prop. 36.]
    ellauri158.html on line 647: P. 2. prop. 29. Idea ideae cuiuscumque affectionis corporis humani adaequatam humanae mentis cognitionem non involvit. [in: P. 2. prop. 29. coroll., P. 4. prop. 64.]
    ellauri158.html on line 664: -- P. 2. prop. 31. coroll. Hinc sequitur, omnes res particulares contingentes et corruptibiles esse. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15.]
    ellauri158.html on line 684: -- P. 2. prop. 35. schol. Exemplum. [in: P. 2. prop. 49. schol., P. 3. aff. defin. 27., P. 4. prop. 1. schol., P. 5. prop. 5.]
    ellauri158.html on line 694: Hence also it follows, that everyone thought out for himself, according to his abilities, a different way of worshipping God, so that God might love him more than his fellows, and direct the whole course of nature for the satisfaction of his blind cupidity and insatiable avarice. Thus the prejudice developed into superstition, and took deep root in the human mind; and for this reason everyone strove most zealously to understand and explain the final causes of things; but in their endeavor to show that nature does nothing in vain, i.e. nothing which is useless to man, they only seem to have demonstrated that nature, the gods, and men are all mad together. Consider, I pray you, the result: among the many helps of nature they were bound to find some hindrances, such as storms, earthquakes, diseases, &c.: so they declared that such things happen, because the gods are angry at some wrong done to them by men, or at some fault committed in their worship. Experience day by day protested and showed by infinite examples, that good and evil fortunes fall to the lot of pious and impious alike; still they would not abandon their inveterate prejudice, for it was more easy for them to class such contradictions among other unknown things of whose use they were ignorant, and thus to retain their actual and innate condition of ignorance, than to destroy the whole fabric of their reasoning and start afresh. They therefore laid down as an axiom, that God´s judgments far transcend human understanding. Such a doctrine might well have sufficed to conceal the truth from the human race for all eternity, if mathematics had not furnished another standard of verity in considering solely the essence and properties of figures without regard to their final causes. There are other reasons (which I need not mention here) besides mathematics, which might have caused men´s minds to be directed to these general prejudices, and have led them to the knowledge of the truth.
    ellauri158.html on line 710: P. 2. prop. 39. Id quod corpori humano et quibusdam corporibus externis, a quibus corpus humanum affici solet, commune est, et proprium, quodque in cuiuscumque horum parte aeque ac in toto est, eius etiam idea erit in mente adaequata. [in: P. 2. prop. 40. schol. 2.]
    ellauri158.html on line 746: P. 2. prop. 48. In mente nulla est absoluta sive libera voluntas, sed mens ad hoc vel illud volendum determinatur a causa, quae etiam ab alia determinata est, et haec iterum ab alia, et sic in infinitum. [in: P. 2. prop. 49., prop. 49. coroll., P. 3. aff. defin. 6., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 750: P. 2. prop. 49. In mente nulla datur volitio sive affirmatio et negatio praeter illam, quam idea, quatenus idea est, involvit. [in: P. 2. prop. 48. schol., prop. 49. coroll., prop. 49. schol., P. 3. prop. 2. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 752: -- P. 2. prop. 49. schol. De adversariorum obiectionibus. Quid haec doctrina a usum vitae conferat. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 762: P. 3. defin. 3. Per affectum intelligo corporis affectiones, quibus ipsius corporis agendi potentia augetur vel minuitur, iuvatur vel coercetur, et simul harum affectionum ideas. [in: P. 3. prop. 14.]
    ellauri158.html on line 764: P. 3. postul. 1. Corpus humanum potest multis affici modis, quibus ipsius agendi potentia augetur vel minuitur, et etiam aliis, qui eiusdem agendi potentiam nec majorem nec minorem reddunt. [in: P. 3. prop. 12., prop. 15.]
    ellauri158.html on line 771: P. 3. prop. 3. Mentis actiones ex solis ideis adaequatis oriuntur; passiones autem a solis inadaequatis pendent. [in: P. 3. prop. 9., prop. 56., gener. aff. defin., P. 4. prop. 15., prop. 24., prop. 28., prop. 35., prop. 35. coroll. 2., prop. 51., prop. 52., prop. 59., prop. 61., prop. 63., prop. 64., P. 5. prop. 3., prop. 4. schol., prop. 18., prop. 20. schol., prop. 36., prop. 40., prop. 40. coroll., prop. 42.]
    ellauri158.html on line 779: -- P. 3. prop. 9. schol. Voluntas, appetitus, cupiditas. [in: P. 3. prop. 11. schol., prop. 27. coroll. 3., prop. 28., prop. 37., prop. 39. schol., prop. 55. coroll. 2., prop. 56., prop. 57., prop. 58., aff. defin. 1., P. 4. prop. 19., prop. 26.]
    ellauri158.html on line 782: -- P. 3. prop. 11. schol. Tres affectus primitivi: cupiditas, laetitia, tristitia. [in: P. 3. prop. 15., prop. 15. coroll., prop. 19., prop. 20., prop. 21., prop. 23., prop. 34., prop. 35., prop. 37., prop. 38., prop. 53., prop. 55., prop. 55. coroll. 2., prop. 56., prop. 57., prop. 59., aff. defin. 2., aff. defin. 3., aff. defin. 4., P. 4. prop. 8., prop. 18., prop. 29., prop. 30., prop. 41., prop. 42., prop. 43., prop. 44., prop. 51.]
    ellauri158.html on line 784: P. 3. prop. 13. Cum mens ea imaginatur, quae corporis agendi potentiam minuunt vel coercent, conatur, quantum potest, rerum recordari, quae horum existentiam secludunt. [in: P. 3. prop. 20., prop. 23., prop. 25., prop. 27. coroll. 3., prop. 28., aff. defin. 29.]
    ellauri158.html on line 786: -- P. 3. prop. 13. schol. Amor, odium. [in: P. 3. prop. 15. coroll., prop. 17., prop. 19., prop. 20., prop. 22., prop. 28., prop. 29., prop. 30. schol., prop. 33., prop. 34., prop. 35., prop. 38., prop. 39., prop. 40., prop. 44., prop. 45., prop. 48., prop. 49., prop. 55. coroll. 2., aff. defin. 6., aff. defin. 7., P. 4. prop. 57.]
    ellauri158.html on line 787: P. 3. prop. 14. Si mens duobus affectibus simul affecta semel fuit, ubi postea eorum alterutro afficietur, afficietur etiam altero. [in: P. 3. prop. 15., prop. 15. coroll., prop. 16.]
    ellauri158.html on line 789: -- P. 3. prop. 15. coroll. Ex eo solo, quod rem aliquam affectu laetitiae vel tristitiae, cuius ipsa non est causa efficiens, contemplati sumus, eandem amare vel odio habere possumus. [in: P. 3. prop. 16., prop. 35., prop. 35. schol., prop. 41., prop. 50. schol., prop. 52. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 790: -- P. 3. prop. 15. schol. Sympathia, antipathia. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 8., aff. defin. 9.]
    ellauri158.html on line 791: P. 3. prop. 16. Ex eo solo, quod rem aliquam aliquid habere imaginamur simile obiecto, quod mentem laetitia vel tristitia afficere solet, quamvis id, in quo res obiecto est similis, non sit horum affectuum efficiens causa, eam tamen amabimus vel odio habebimus. [in: P. 3. prop. 15. schol., prop. 17., prop. 41., prop. 46., P. 4. prop. 34.]
    ellauri158.html on line 792: P. 3. prop. 17. Si rem, quae nos tristitiae affectu afficere solet, aliquid habere imaginamur simile alteri, quae nos aeque magno laetitiae affectu solet afficere, eandem odio habebimus et simul amabimus. [in: prop. 17. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 794: P. 3. prop. 18. Homo ex imagine rei praeteritae aut futurae eodem laetitiae et tristitiae affectu afficitur, ac ex imagine rei praesentis. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., P. 4. prop. 9. schol., prop. 12.]
    ellauri158.html on line 796: -- P. 3. prop. 18. schol. 2. Spes, metus, securitas, desperatio, gaudium, conscientiae morsus. [in: P. 3. prop. 50., prop. 50. schol., aff. defin. 13., aff. defin. 14., aff. defin. 15., P. 4. defin. 6.]
    ellauri158.html on line 797: P. 3. prop. 19. Qui id quod amat destrui imaginatur, contristabitur; si contra autem conservari, laetabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 21., prop. 36. coroll., prop. 42., aff. defin. 12., aff. defin. 13., P. 5. prop. 19.]
    ellauri158.html on line 798: P. 3. prop. 20. Qui id quod odio habet destrui imaginatur, laetabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 23., prop. 28., aff. defin. 11., aff. defin. 12., aff. defin. 13.]
    ellauri158.html on line 799: P. 3. prop. 21. Qui id quod amat laetitia vel tristitia affectum imaginatur, laetitia etiam vel tristitia afficietur; et uterque hic affectus maior aut minor erit in amante, prout uterque maior aut minor est in re amata. [in: P. 3. prop. 22., prop. 22. schol., prop. 25., prop. 26., prop. 27. coroll. 1., prop. 38., prop. 45.]
    ellauri158.html on line 800: P. 3. prop. 22. Si aliquem imaginamur laetitia afficere rem, quam amamus, amore erga eum afficiemur. Si contra eundem imaginamur tristitia eandem afficere, contra odio etiam contra ipsum afficiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 24., prop. 27. coroll. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 801: -- P. 3. prop. 22. schol. Commiseratio, favor, indignatio. [in: P. 3. prop. 27. schol., prop. 27. coroll. 3. schol., aff. defin. 18., aff. defin. 19., aff. defin. 20.]
    ellauri158.html on line 802: P. 3. prop. 23. Qui id quod odio habet tristitia affectum imaginatur, laetabitur; si contra idem laetitia affectum esse imaginetur, contristabitur; et uterque hic affectus maior aut minor erit, prout eius contrarius maior aut minor est in eo, quod odio habet. [in: P. 3. prop. 26., prop. 27., prop. 27. coroll. 2., prop. 35., prop. 38.]
    ellauri158.html on line 804: P. 3. prop. 24. Si aliquem imaginamur laetitia afficere rem, quam odio habemus, odio etiam erga eum afficiemur. Si contra eundem imaginamur tristitia eandem rem afficere, amore erga ipsum afficiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 35. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 805: -- P. 3. prop. 24. schol. Invidia. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2., prop. 55. schol., aff. defin. 23.]
    ellauri158.html on line 806: P. 3. prop. 25. Id omne de nobis deque re amata affirmare conamur, quod nos vel rem amatam laetitia afficere imaginamur; et contra id omne negare, quod nos vel rem amatam tristitia afficere imaginamur. [in: P. 3. prop. 26., prop. 30. schol., prop. 40. schol., prop. 41. schol., prop. 50. schol., P. 4. prop. 49.]
    ellauri158.html on line 808: P. 3. prop. 26. Id omne de re, quam odio habemus, affirmare conamur, quod ipsam tristitia afficere imaginamur, et id contra negare, quod ipsam laetitia afficere imaginamur. [in: prop. 40. coroll. 2., prop. 43.]
    ellauri158.html on line 809: -- P. 3. prop. 26. schol. Superbia, existimatio, despectus. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 21., aff. defin. 22., aff. defin. 28.]
    ellauri158.html on line 810: P. 3. prop. 27. Ex eo, quod rem nobis similem et quam nullo affectu prosecuti sumus, aliquo affectu affici imaginamur, eo ipso simili affectu afficimur. [in: P. 3. prop. 22. schol., prop. 23. schol., prop. 27. coroll. 1., prop. 27. coroll. 3., prop. 29., prop. 30., prop. 31., prop. 32., prop. 40., prop. 47., prop. 49. schol., prop. 52. schol., prop. 53. coroll., aff. defin. 33., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 50. schol., prop. 68. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 811: -- P. 3. prop. 27. schol. Commiseratio, aemulatio. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 18., aff. defin. 33.]
    ellauri158.html on line 812: -- P. 3. prop. 27. coroll. 1. Si aliquem, quem nullo affectu prosecuti sumus, imaginamur laetitia afficere rem nobis similem, amore erga eundem afficiemur. Si contra eundem imaginamur eandem tristitia afficere, odio erga ipsum afficiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 32., aff. defin. 19., aff. defin. 20.]
    ellauri158.html on line 813: -- P. 3. prop. 27. coroll. 2. Rem, cuius nos miseret, odio habere non possumus ex eo, quod ipsius miseria nos tristitia afficit.
    ellauri158.html on line 815: -- P. 3. prop. 27. coroll. 3. schol. Benevolentia. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 35.]
    ellauri158.html on line 818: -- P. 3. prop. 29. schol. Ambitio, humanitas, laus, vituperium. [in: P. 3. prop. 31. schol., prop. 53. coroll., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2., etiam in: TP cap. 2. art. 24.]
    ellauri158.html on line 819: P. 3. prop. 30. Si quis aliquid egit, quod reliquos laetitia afficere imaginatur, is laetitia concomitante idea sui, tanquam causa, afficietur, sive se ipsum cum laetitia contemplabitur. Si contra aliquid egit, quod reliquos tristitia afficere imaginatur, se ipsum cum tristitia contra contemplabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 34., prop. 40. schol., prop. 41. schol., prop. 43.]
    ellauri158.html on line 820: -- P. 3. prop. 30. schol. Gloria, pudor, acquiescentia in se ipso, poenitentia. [in: P. 3. prop. 34., prop. 35., prop. 40. schol., prop. 41. schol., prop. 42., aff. defin. 28., aff. defin. 29., aff. defin. 30., aff. defin. 31.]
    ellauri158.html on line 821: P. 3. prop. 31. Si aliquem imaginamur amare vel cupere vel odio habere aliquid, quod ipsi amamus, cupimus vel odio habemus, eo ipso rem constantius amabimus etc. Si autem id, quod amamus, eum aversari imaginamur, vel contra, tum animi fluctuationem patiemur. [in: P. 3. prop. 35., aff. defin. 44., P. 4. prop. 34. schol., prop. 37., P. 5. prop. 20.]
    ellauri158.html on line 824: P. 3. prop. 32. Si aliquem re aliqua, qua unus solus potiri potest, gaudere imaginamur, conabimur efficere, ne ille illa re potiatur. [in: P. 3. prop. 32. schol., aff. defin. 33., P. 4. prop. 34.]
    ellauri158.html on line 825: -- P. 3. prop. 32. schol. Homines natura invidi, ambitiosi, misericordes. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. schol., aff. defin. 23., aff. defin. 33., P. 4. prop. 34., etiam in: TP cap. 1. art. 5.]
    ellauri158.html on line 827: P. 3. prop. 34. Quo maiore affectu rem amatam erga nos affectam esse imaginamur, eo magis gloriabimur. [in: P. 3. prop. 35., prop. 42., prop. 49. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 828: P. 3. prop. 35. Si quis imaginatur rem amatam eodem vel arctiore vinculo amicitiae, quo ipse eadem solus potiebatur, alium sibi iungere, odio erga ipsam rem amatam afficietur, et illi alteri invidebit.
    ellauri158.html on line 833: P. 3. prop. 37. Cupiditas, quae prae tristitia vel laetitia praeque odio vel amore oritur, eo est maior, quo affectus maior est. [in: P. 3. prop. 38., prop. 39., prop. 43., prop. 44., P. 4. prop. 15., prop. 37., prop. 44.]
    ellauri158.html on line 835: P. 3. prop. 39. Qui aliquem odio habet, ei malum inferre conabitur, nisi ex eo maius sibi malum oriri timeat; et contra, qui aliquem amat, ei eadem lege benefacere conabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 2., prop. 40. schol., prop. 41. schol., aff. defin. 34., aff. defin. 36., P. 4. prop. 34., prop. 37. schol. 2., prop. 45., prop. 45. coroll. 1., prop. 45. coroll. 2.]
    ellauri158.html on line 836: -- P. 3. prop. 39. schol. Bonum, malum. Timor, metus, verecundia, consternatio. [in: P. 3. prop. 51. schol., aff. defin. 39., aff. defin. 42., P. 4. prop. 70.]
    ellauri158.html on line 839: -- P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 1. Qui, quem amat, odio erga se affectum imaginatur, odio et amore simul conflictabitur. [in: P. 3. prop. 41. coroll.]
    ellauri158.html on line 840: -- P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 2. Si aliquis imaginatur, ab aliquo, quem antea nullo affectu prosecutus est, malum aliquod prae odio sibi illatum esse, statim idem malum eidem referre conabitur. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 37., P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2.]
    ellauri158.html on line 841: -- P. 3. prop. 40. coroll. 2. schol. Ira, vindicta. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 37.]
    ellauri158.html on line 843: -- P. 3. prop. 41. schol. Gratia seu gratitudo. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 34., P. 4. prop. 49., prop. 57. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 850: P. 3. prop. 45. Si quis aliquem sibi similem odio in rem sibi similem, quam amat, affectum esse imaginatur, eum odio habebit.
    ellauri158.html on line 851: P. 3. prop. 46. Si quis ab aliquo cuiusdam classis, sive nationis a sua diversae, laetitia vel tristitia affectus fuerit, concomitante eius idea sub nomine universali classis vel nationis tanquam causa, is non tantum illum, sed omnes eiusdem classis vel nationis amabit vel odio habebit.
    ellauri158.html on line 852: P. 3. prop. 47. Laetitia, quae ex eo oritur, quod scilicet rem, quam odimus, destrui aut alio malo affici imaginamur, non oritur absque ulla animi tristitia.
    ellauri158.html on line 853: -- P. 3. prop. 47. schol. Demonstratur aliter. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 11., aff. defin. 32.]
    ellauri158.html on line 860: P. 3. prop. 51. Diversi homines ab uno eodemque obiecto diversimode affici possunt, et unus idemque homo ab uno eodemque obiecto potest diversis temporibus diversimode affici. [in: P. 4. prop. 33.]
    ellauri158.html on line 861: -- P. 3. prop. 51. schol. Audax, intrepidus, pusillanimus. Poenitentia et acquiescentia in se ipso. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 25., aff. defin. 27., aff. defin. 40., aff. defin. 41., aff. defin. 42.]
    ellauri158.html on line 862: P. 3. prop. 52. Obiectum quod simul cum aliis antea vidimus, vel quod nihil habere imaginamur, nisi quod commune est pluribus, non tamdiu contemplabimur, ac illud, quod aliquid singulare habere imaginamur. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2. schol., aff. defin. 4., aff. defin. 10.]
    ellauri158.html on line 863: -- P. 3. prop. 52. schol. Admiratio, consternatio, veneratio, horror, devotio, contemptus, irrisio, dedignatio. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. coroll. 2. schol., aff. defin. 4., aff. defin. 5., aff. defin. 11., aff. defin. 42.]
    ellauri158.html on line 864: P. 3. prop. 53. Cum mens se ipsam suamque agendi potentiam contemplatur, laetatur; et eo magis, quo se suamque agendi potentiam distinctius imaginatur. [in: P. 3. prop. 55. schol., prop. 58., aff. defin. 25., P. 5. prop. 15.]
    ellauri158.html on line 866: P. 3. prop. 54. Mens ea tantum imaginari conatur, quae ipsius agendi potentiam ponunt. [in: P. 3. prop. 55., aff. defin. 25., aff. defin. 29.]
    ellauri158.html on line 867: P. 3. prop. 55. Cum mens suam impotentiam imaginatur, eo ipso contristatur. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 26., P. 4. prop. 53.]
    ellauri158.html on line 869: -- P. 3. prop. 55. schol. Humilitas, philautia. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 25., aff. defin. 26., P. 4. prop. 34., prop. 57. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 872: P. 3. prop. 56. Laetitiae, tristitiae et cupiditatis, et consequenter uniuscuiusque affectus, qui ex his componitur, ut animi fluctuationis, vel qui ab his derivatur, nempe amoris, odii, spei, metus etc., tot species dantur, quot sunt species obiectorum, a quibus afficimur. [in: P. 4. prop. 33.]
    ellauri158.html on line 873: -- P. 3. prop. 56. schol. Luxuria, ebrietas, libido, avaritia, ambitio. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 44., aff. defin. 45., aff. defin. 46., aff. defin. 47., aff. defin. 48.]
    ellauri158.html on line 874: P. 3. prop. 57. Quilibet uniuscuiusque individui affectus ab affectu alterius tantum discrepat, quantum essentia unius ab essentia alterius differt. [in: P. 3. prop. 57. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 875: -- P. 3. prop. 57. schol. De affectibus animalium, quae irrationalia dicuntur. [in: P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 1.]
    ellauri158.html on line 876: P. 3. prop. 58. Praeter laetitiam et cupiditatem, quae passiones sunt, alii laetitiae et cupiditatis affectus dantur, qui ad nos, quatenus agimus, referuntur. [in: P. 3. prop. 59.]
    ellauri158.html on line 877: P. 3. prop. 59. Inter omnes affectus, qui ad mentem, quatenus agit, referuntur, nulli alii sunt, quam qui ad laetitiam vel cupiditatem referuntur. [in: P. 4. prop. 34., prop. 51., prop. 63., prop. 63. coroll., P. 5. prop. 10. schol., prop. 18., prop. 18. schol., prop. 42.]
    ellauri158.html on line 881: P. 3. gener. aff. defin. Affectus, qui animi pathema dicitur, est confusa idea, qua mens maiorem vel minorem sui corporis vel alicuius eius partis existendi vim, quam antea, affirmat, et qua data ipsa mens ad hoc potius, quam ad illud cogitandum determinatur. [in: P. 4. prop. 7., prop. 7. coroll., prop. 8., prop. 9., prop. 14., P. 5. prop. 3., prop. 4. coroll., prop. 17., prop. 34., prop. 40. coroll.]
    ellauri158.html on line 932: P. 3. aff. defin. 1. Cupiditas est ipsa hominis essentia, quatenus ex data quacumque eius affectione determinata concipitur ad aliquid agendum. [in: P. 4. prop. 15., prop. 18., prop. 19., prop. 21., prop. 37., prop. 59., prop. 61., P. 5. prop. 26., prop. 28.]
    ellauri158.html on line 933: P. 3. aff. defin. 2. Laetitia est hominis transitio a minore ad maiorem perfectionem. [in: P. 5. prop. 17., prop. 27.]
    ellauri158.html on line 934: P. 3. aff. defin. 3. Tristitia est hominis transitio a maiore ad minorem perfectionem. [in: P. 4. prop. 64., P. 5. prop. 17.]
    ellauri158.html on line 935: P. 3. aff. defin. 4. Admiratio est rei alicuius imaginatio, in qua mens defixa propterea manet, quia haec singularis imaginatio nullam cum reliquis habet connexionem. [in: P. 4. prop. 59.]
    ellauri158.html on line 936: P. 3. aff. defin. 5. Contemptus est rei alicuius imaginatio, quae mentem adeo parum tangit, ut ipsa mens ex rei praesentia magis moveatur ad ea imaginandum, quae in ipsa re non sunt, quam quae in ipsa sunt.
    ellauri158.html on line 937: P. 3. aff. defin. 6. Amor est laetitia concomitante idea causae externae. [in: P. 3. aff. defin. 7., P. 4. prop. 34. schol., prop. 44., prop. 57., P. 5. prop. 2., prop. 15., prop. 17. coroll., prop. 32. coroll.]
    ellauri158.html on line 938: P. 3. aff. defin. 7. Odium est tristitia concomitante idea causae externae. [in: P. 4. prop. 34., P. 5. prop. 2., prop. 17. coroll., prop. 18.]
    ellauri158.html on line 939: P. 3. aff. defin. 8. Propensio est laetitia concomitante idea alicuius rei, quae per accidens causa est laetitiae.
    ellauri158.html on line 940: P. 3. aff. defin. 9. Aversio est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius rei, quae per accidens causa est tristitiae.
    ellauri158.html on line 941: P. 3. aff. defin. 10. Devotio est amor erga eum, quem admiramur.
    ellauri158.html on line 942: P. 3. aff. defin. 11. Irrisio est laetitia orta ex eo, quod aliquid, quod contemnimus in re, quam odimus, inesse imaginamur.
    ellauri158.html on line 943: P. 3. aff. defin. 12. Spes est inconstans laetitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de cuius eventu aliquatenus dubitamus. [in: P. 4. prop. 47.]
    ellauri158.html on line 944: P. 3. aff. defin. 13. Metus est inconstans tristitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de cuius eventu aliquatenus dubitamus. [in: P. 4. prop. 47., prop. 63.]
    ellauri158.html on line 945: P. 3. aff. defin. 14. Securitas est laetitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de qua dubitandi causa sublata est.
    ellauri158.html on line 946: P. 3. aff. defin. 15. Desperatio est tristitia orta ex idea rei futurae vel praeteritae, de qua dubitandi causa sublata est.
    ellauri158.html on line 947: P. 3. aff. defin. 16. Gaudium est laetitia concomitante idea rei praeteritae, quae praeter spem evenit.
    ellauri158.html on line 948: P. 3. aff. defin. 17. Conscientiae morsus est tristitia concomitante idea rei praeteritae, quae praeter spem evenit.
    ellauri158.html on line 949: P. 3. aff. defin. 18. Commiseratio est tristitia concomitante idea mali, quod alteri, quem nobis similem esse imaginamur, evenit. [in: P. 4. prop. 50.]
    ellauri158.html on line 950: P. 3. aff. defin. 19. Favor est amor erga aliquem, qui alteri benefecit. [in: P. 4. prop. 51.]
    ellauri158.html on line 951: P. 3. aff. defin. 20. Indignatio est odium erga aliquem, qui alteri malefecit. [in: P. 4. prop. 51. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 952: P. 3. aff. defin. 21. Existimatio est de aliquo prae amore plus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 48.]
    ellauri158.html on line 953: P. 3. aff. defin. 22. Despectus est de aliquo prae odio minus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 48.]
    ellauri158.html on line 954: P. 3. aff. defin. 23. Invidia est odium, quatenus hominem ita afficit, ut ex alterius felicitate contristetur, et contra ut ex alterius malo gaudeat. [in: P. 5. prop. 20.]
    ellauri158.html on line 955: P. 3. aff. defin. 24. Misericordia est amor, quatenus hominem ita afficit, ut ex bono alterius gaudeat, et contra ut ex alterius malo contristetur.
    ellauri158.html on line 956: P. 3. aff. defin. 25. Acquiescentia in se ipso est laetitia orta ex eo, quod homo se ipsum suamque agendi potentiam contemplatur. [in: P. 4. prop. 52., P. 5. prop. 27., prop. 32., prop. 36. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 957: P. 3. aff. defin. 26. Humilitas est tristitia orta ex eo quod homo suam impotentiam sive imbecillitatem contemplatur. [in: P. 4. prop. 53.]
    ellauri158.html on line 958: P. 3. aff. defin. 27. Poenitentia est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius facti, quod nos ex libero mentis decreto fecisse credimus. [in: P. 4. prop. 54.]
    ellauri158.html on line 959: P. 3. aff. defin. 28. Superbia est de se prae amore sui plus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 49., prop. 55., prop. 57.]
    ellauri158.html on line 960: P. 3. aff. defin. 29. Abiectio est de se prae tristitia minus iusto sentire. [in: P. 4. prop. 55.]
    ellauri158.html on line 961: P. 3. aff. defin. 30. Gloria est laetitia concomitante idea alicuius nostrae actionis, quam alios laudare imaginamur. [in: P. 4. prop. 49., prop. 58., P. 5. prop. 36. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 962: P. 3. aff. defin. 31. Pudor est tristitia concomitante idea alicuius actionis, quam alios vituperare imaginamur.
    ellauri158.html on line 963: P. 3. aff. defin. 32. Desiderium est cupiditas sive appetitus re aliqua potiundi, quae eiusdem rei memoria fovetur, et simul aliarum rerum memoria, quae eiusdem rei appetendae existentiam secludunt, coercetur.
    ellauri158.html on line 964: P. 3. aff. defin. 33. Aemulatio est alicuius rei cupiditas, quae
    ellauri158.html on line 966: P. 3. aff. defin. 34. Gratia seu gratitudo est cupiditas seu amoris studium, quo ei benefacere conamur, qui in nos pari amoris affectu beneficium contulit. [in: P. 4. prop. 71.]
    ellauri158.html on line 967: P. 3. aff. defin. 35. Benevolentia est cupiditas benefaciendi ei, cuius nos miseret.
    ellauri158.html on line 968: P. 3. aff. defin. 36. Ira est cupiditas, qua ex odio incitamur ad illi quem odimus malum inferendum.
    ellauri158.html on line 969: P. 3. aff. defin. 37. Vindicta est cupiditas, qua ex reciproco odio concitamur ad malum inferendum ei, qui nobis pari affectu damnum intulit.
    ellauri158.html on line 970: P. 3. aff. defin. 38. Crudelitas seu saevitia est cupiditas, qua aliquis concitatur ad malum inferendum ei, quem amamus, vel cuius nos miseret.
    ellauri158.html on line 971: P. 3. aff. defin. 39. Timor est cupiditas maius quod metuimus malum minore vitandi.
    ellauri158.html on line 972: P. 3. aff. defin. 40. Audacia est cupiditas, qua aliquis incitatur ad aliquid agendum cum periculo, quod eius aequales subire metuunt. [in: P. 4. prop. 69.]
    ellauri158.html on line 973: P. 3. aff. defin. 41. Pusillanimitas dicitur de eo, cuius cupiditas coercetur timore periculi, quod eius aequales subire audent. [in: P. 4. prop. 69.]
    ellauri158.html on line 974: P. 3. aff. defin. 42. Consternatio dicitur de eo, cuius cupiditas malum vitandi coercetur admiratione mali, quod timet.
    ellauri158.html on line 975: P. 3. aff. defin. 43. Humanitas seu modestia est cupiditas ea faciendi quae hominibus placent, et omittendi quae displicent.
    ellauri158.html on line 976: P. 3. aff. defin. 44. Ambitio est immodica gloriae cupiditas.
    ellauri158.html on line 977: P. 3. aff. defin. 45. Luxuria est immoderata convivandi cupiditas vel etiam amor.
    ellauri158.html on line 978: P. 3. aff. defin. 46. Ebrietas est immoderata potandi cupiditas et amor.
    ellauri158.html on line 979: P. 3. aff. defin. 47. Avaritia est immoderata divitiarum cupiditas et amor.
    ellauri158.html on line 980: P. 3. aff. defin. 48. Libido est etiam cupiditas et amor in commiscendis corporibus.
    ellauri158.html on line 990: P. 4. defin. 5. Per contrarios affectus intelligam eos, qui hominem in diversum trahunt, quamvis eiusdem sint generis, ut luxuries et avaritia, quae amoris sunt species; nec natura, sed per accidens sunt contrarii.
    ellauri158.html on line 991: P. 4. defin. 6. Quid per affectum erga rem futuram, praesentem, et praeteritam intelligam, explicui in schol. 1. et 2. prop. 18. P. 3. quod vide. [in: P. 4. prop. 10. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1004: P. 4. prop. 6. Vis alicuius passionis seu affectus reliquas hominis actiones seu potentiam superare potest, ita ut affectus pertinaciter homini adhaereat. [in: P. 4. prop. 37. schol. 2., prop. 43., prop. 44., prop. 60., P. 5. prop. 7.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1005: P. 4. prop. 7. Affectus nec coerceri nec tolli potest, nisi per affectum contrarium et fortiorem affectu coercendo. [in: P. 4. prop. 7. coroll., prop. 14., prop. 15., prop. 37. schol. 2., prop. 69.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1006: -- P. 4. prop. 7. coroll. Affectus, quatenus ad mentem refertur, nec coerceri nec tolli potest nisi per ideam corporis affectionis contrariae et fortioris affectione, qua patimur.
    ellauri158.html on line 1007: P. 4. prop. 8. Cognitio boni et mali nihil aliud est, quam laetitiae vel tristitiae affectus, quatenus eius sumus conscii. [in: P. 4. prop. 14., prop. 15., prop. 19., prop. 29., prop. 30., prop. 63. coroll., prop. 64.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1011: -- P. 4. prop. 9. coroll. Imago rei futurae vel praeteritae, hoc est, rei, quam cum relatione ad tempus futurum vel praeteritum secluso praesenti contemplamur, ceteris paribus debilior est imagine rei praesentis, et consequenter affectus erga rem futuram vel praeteritam, ceteris paribus remissior est affectu erga rem praesentem. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll., prop. 16., prop. 60. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1012: P. 4. prop. 10. Erga rem futuramm, quam cito affuturam imaginamur, intensius afficimur quam si eius existendi tempus longius a praesenti distare imaginaremur; et memoria rei, quam non diu praeteriisse imaginamur, intensius etiam afficimur, quam si eandem diu praeteriisse imaginaremur. [in: P. 4. prop. 12. coroll.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1017: P. 4. prop. 13. Affectus erga rem contingentem, quam scimus in praesenti non existere, ceteris paribus remissior est, quam affectus erga rem praeteritam.
    ellauri158.html on line 1018: P. 4. prop. 14. Vera boni et mali cognitio, quatenus vera, nullum affectum coercere potest; sed tantum quatenus ut affectus consideratur.
    ellauri158.html on line 1019: P. 4. prop. 15. Cupiditas, quae ex vera boni et mali cognitione oritur, multis aliis cupiditatibus, quae ex affectibus, quibus conflictamur, oriuntur, restingui vel coerceri potest. [in: P. 4. prop. 16.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1044: P. 4. prop. 33. Homines natura discrepare possunt, quatenus affectibus, qui passiones sunt, conflictantur, et eatenus etiam unus idemque homo varius est et inconstans. [in: P. 4. prop. 35., prop. 37. schol. 2.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1045: P. 4. prop. 34. Quatenus homines affectibus, qui passiones sunt, conflictantur, possunt invicem esse contrarii. [in: P. 4. prop. 35., prop. 36. schol., prop. 37. schol. 2.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1056: P. 4. prop. 38. Id quod corpus humanum ita disponit, ut pluribus modis possit affici, vel quod idem aptum reddit ad corpora externa pluribus modis afficiendum, homini est utile; et eo utilius, quo corpus ab eo aptius redditur, ut pluribus modis afficiatur, aliaque corpora afficiat; et contra id noxium est, quod corpus ad haec minus aptum reddit. [in: P. 4. prop. 39., prop. 41., prop. 42., prop. 43., app. cap. 27., P. 5. prop. 39.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1067: -- P. 4. prop. 45. coroll. 1. Invidia, irrisio, contemptus, ira, vindicta et reliqui affectus, qui ad odium referuntur vel ex eodem oriuntur, mali sunt. [in: P. 4. prop. 45. schol. 2., prop. 46., prop. 59.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1068: -- P. 4. prop. 45. coroll. 2. Quicquid ex eo, quod odio affecti sumus, appetimus, turpe et in civitate iniustum est.
    ellauri158.html on line 1072: P. 4. prop. 47. Spei et metus affectus non possunt esse per se boni.
    ellauri158.html on line 1089: -- P. 4. prop. 56. coroll. Hinc clare sequitur, superbos et abiectos maxime affectibus esse obnoxios.
    ellauri158.html on line 1109: P. 4. prop. 59. Ad omnes actiones, ad quas ex affectu, qui passio est, determinamur, possumus absque eo a ratione determinari. [in: P. 5. prop. 4. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1114: P. 4. prop. 62. Quatenus mens ex rationis dictamine res concipit, aeque afficitur, sive idea sit rei futurae vel praeteritae, sive praesentis. [in: P. 4. prop. 66.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1152: P. 5. prop. 1. Prout cogitationes rerumque ideae ordinantur et concatenantur in mente, ita corporis affectiones seu rerum imagines ad amussim ordinantur et concatenantur in corpore. [in: P. 5. prop. 10.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1153: P. 5. prop. 2. Si animi commotionem seu affectum a causae externae cogitatione amoveamus et aliis iungamus cogitationibus, tum amor seu odium erga causam externam, ut et animi fluctuationes quae ex his affectibus oriuntur, destruentur. [in: P. 5. prop. 4. schol., prop. 20. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1156: P. 5. prop. 4. Nulla est corporis affectio, cuius aliquem clarum et distinctum non possumus formare conceptum. [in: P. 5. prop. 4. coroll., prop. 14.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1157: -- P. 5. prop. 4. coroll. Hinc sequitur, nullum esse affectum, cuius non possumus aliquem clarum et distinctum formare conceptum.
    ellauri158.html on line 1158: -- P. 5. prop. 4. schol. Potestas uniuscuiusque efficiendi ut ab affectibus minus patitur. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1160: P. 5. prop. 6. Quatenus mens res omnes ut necessarias intelligit, eatenus maiorem in affectus potentiam habet, seu minus ab iisdem patitur. [in: P. 5. prop. 10. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1163: P. 5. prop. 8. Quo affectus aliquis a pluribus causis simul concurrentibus excitatur, eo maior est. [in: P. 5. prop. 10. schol., prop. 11.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1165: P. 5. prop. 9. Affectus, qui ad plures et diversas causas refertur, quas mens cum ipso affectu simul contemplatur, minus noxius est, et minus per ipsum patimur, et erga unamquamque causam minus afficimur, quam alius aeque magnus affectus, qui ad unam solam vel pauciores causas refertur. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1166: P. 5. prop. 10. Quamdiu affectibus, qui nostrae naturae sunt contrarii, non conflictamur, tamdiu potestatem habemus ordinandi et concatenandi corporis affectiones secundum ordinem ad intellectum. [in: P. 5. prop. 39.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1167: -- P. 5. prop. 10. schol. Quomodo malos affectus vitemus. [in: P. 5. prop. 20. schol.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1171: P. 5. prop. 14. Mens efficere potest, ut omnes corporis affectiones seu rerum imagines ad Dei ideam referantur. [in: P. 5. prop. 15., prop. 16., prop. 20. schol., prop. 39.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1172: P. 5. prop. 15. Qui se suosque affectus clare et distincte intelligit, Deum amat, et eo magis, quo se suosque affectus magis intelligit. [in: P. 5. prop. 16., prop. 20. schol., prop. 39.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1174: P. 5. prop. 17. Deus expers est passionum, nec ullo laetitiae aut tristitiae affectu afficitur. [in: P. 5. prop. 17. coroll.]
    ellauri158.html on line 1183: P. 5. prop. 20. Hic erga Deum amor neque invidiae neque zelotypiae affectu inquinari potest; sed eo magis fovetur, quo plures homines eodem amoris vinculo cum Deo iunctos imaginamur.
    ellauri158.html on line 1184: -- P. 5. prop. 20. schol. De affectuum remediis.
    ellauri158.html on line 1204: P. 5. prop. 34. Mens non nisi durante corpore obnoxia est affectibus, qui ad passiones referuntur.
    ellauri158.html on line 1216: P. 5. prop. 38. Quo plures res secundo et tertio cognitionis genere mens intelligit, eo minus ipsa ab affectibus, qui mali sunt, patitur et mortem minus timet. [in: P. 5. prop. 42.]
    ellauri159.html on line 590:
    More than just a safety net in times of tragedy, hope is present every day in a modern knight’s positive outlook and cheerful demeanor — the shining armor that shields him or her, and inspires people all around.
    ellauri159.html on line 624: Luke on talousliberaaliuskossa. In the time of the medieval knight, making prudent love made the difference between life and death, wealth or poverty, health or illness, safety or turmoil, marriage or no marriage, and children or no children. And it is no different for today’s knight. Making prudent decisions daily will help lead a fruitful and effective life.
    ellauri159.html on line 733: Overcoming failure means getting back up after getting knocked down. Aika lailla sama asia kuin perseverance, paizi tässä on saatu oikeasti köniin. True knights are familiar with both victory and defeat.
    ellauri159.html on line 735: Aika hassua on että näistä puuttuu noin tyyten toi ylpeys. Se on piilotettu siivompaan sanaan "kunnia". Eli muut tekee kunniaa, mistä sietää olla ize ylpeä. Eikös tietynlainen korskeus kuulu razumiehen olemuxeen ja perusvarustuxeen? Hepo korskuu ja nihti kerskuu sen selässä. Tää ei musta vaikuta ihan rehelliseltä peliltä. Juttu on varmaan niin, että "ylpeys" on tuntunut hierarkiasta tosi pahalta, koska jos ylpeys sallitaan, ennenkuin arvaatkaan ne alkaa kukkoilla meille papeille. Me ymmärretään nöyristellä tyhjälle katafalkille, niin ettei meitä ainakaan voi syyttää arroganssista.
    ellauri159.html on line 759: You have to define your group. You need to define who is in and who is out, and you need to identify potential threats. You need to create and maintain some sort of safe zone around the perimeter of your group. Everyone will have to contribute to the group’s survival in some way unless the group agrees to protect and feed someone who can’t contribute due to age or illness. For those who can work, you’ll need to decide who does what, based on what they are good at, who works well together and what makes the most practical sense…
    ellauri159.html on line 772: To the description of the ideal perimeter-keeper outlined above, Donovan assigns four “tactical virtues”: strength, courage, mastery, and honor. These are “simple, amoral, and functional virtues” — “the practical virtues of men who must rely on one another in a worst case scenario.” They are “amoral” because they are crucial to the success of any gang — no matter if what they’re fighting for is right or wrong. Strength, courage, mastery, and honor are the attributes needed in a team of Navy SEALs just as much as a family of Mafioso. If you’ve ever wondered why we are fascinated by gangsters, pirates, bank robbers, and outlaws of all stripes, and can’t help but think of them as pretty manly despite their thuggery and extralegal activities, now you know; they’re not good men, but they’ve mastered the core fundamentals of being good at being men. So they are good men, though they are bad men. I mean.
    ellauri159.html on line 785: The key to upholding honor in a male gang is to always try to pull your own weight – to seek to be a boon rather than a burden to the group. If a man lacks in physical strength, he might make up for it in the area of mastery – being the group’s best tracker, weapons-maker, or trap inventor; one crafty engineer can be worth more than many strong men. If a man lacks in both physical strength and mastery, he might still endear himself to the other men with a sense of humor, a knack for storytelling, or a talent in music that keeps everyone’s spirits up. Or he might act as a shaman or priest – performing rituals that prepare men for battle and cleanse and comfort them when they return from the front. The strong men of the group will usually take care of the weak ones who at least try to do whatever they can. Shame is reserved for those who will not, or cannot excel in the tactical virtues, but don’t try to contribute in some other way, and instead cultivate bitterness and disregard for the perimeter-keepers who ironically provide the opportunity to sit on one’s hands and carp. (Aki Manninen would love this.)
    ellauri159.html on line 787: Strength, courage, mastery, and honor are virtues that obviously aren’t exclusive to men, and it’s not that there haven’t been women who have embodied these traits in every age (as we shall see next time, the idea of a soft, fragile femininity is a modern conception). It isn’t that women shouldn’t seek these attributes either. Rather, the tactical virtues comprise the defining traits of masculinity. If a woman isn’t strong or acts afraid in the face of danger, no one thinks of her as less womanly because of it. Yet such shortcomings will be seen as emasculating in a man, even today.
    ellauri159.html on line 803: In 2004, he published The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell Stories, a Jungian-influenced analysis of stories andń their psychological meaning, on which he had been working for over 30 years. The book was dismissed by Adam Mars-Jones, who objected to Booker employing his generalisations about conventional plot structures prescriptively: "He sets up criteria for art, and ends up condemning Rigoletto, The Cherry Orchard, Wagner, Proust, Joyce, Kafka and Lawrence – the list goes on – while praising Crocodile Dundee, ET and Terminator 2".
    ellauri159.html on line 853: Plotuista mun lemppari on matka, jossa ei välttämättä tapahdu mitään merkillistä, vaan tulee opetus kuten Peterin Paulin ja Maryn sitruunalaulussa. Jompikumpi partajehuista oli pedofiili, joko Pietari tai Paavali. (Se oli se pienempi Petteri, tietysti, tenori, joka tafsasi 14-vuotiasta tyttöä. Sikaarimies Jimmy Carter sen sitten armahti. Syväkurkku Maria ei tykännyt. Tätä ei pidä sekottaa samannimiseen kyllä myös hyvään teinilauluun ysäriltä jonka veti Fools Garden niminen saxalainen puolijoukkue. Fools Garden (until 2003 known as Fool´s Garden) is a German band formed in 1991 in the city of Pforzheim. The founders of the group and the only permanent members are vocalist Peter Freudenthaler and guitarist Volker Hinkel. Jos Paulin tyttö oli lemon, Peterin ja sakupoikien auto oli varmaan pommi. Noista pojista tulee mieleen ne Tradosin AMK-pojat 80-luvulla joista tule miljonäärejä. Mustakin ois voinut tulla jos mä oisin ollut ne. Mut en ollut.
    ellauri159.html on line 860: "Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree." It´s just another rainy Sunday afternoon
    ellauri159.html on line 956: INFJs have an inner world filled with ideas, symbols, and possibilities. They are passionate, idealistic, and have a deep concern for others. INFJ writers include Plato, Mary Wollstonecraft, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Dante Alighieri, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Agatha Christie, Charlotte Brontë, J.K. Rowling, Carl Jung, and Leo Tolstoy. Learn more about how INFJs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 961: INFPs are the dreamers of the world. They are deeply idealistic and passionate about their beliefs, ideas, and relationships. INFP writers include Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Albert Camus, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, Virginia Woolf, Antoine de Saint-Exupery, A.A. Milne, Franz Kafka, Edgar Allan Poe, John Milton, William Blake, Hans Christian Anderson, William Shakespeare, Homer, and George R.R. Martin. Learn more about how INFPs write here.
    ellauri159.html on line 1016: Js are drawn to closure. They feel satisfied after finishing a project or reaching a decision. They think in terms of likelihoods rather than possibilities.
    ellauri159.html on line 1021: Begin scheduling a writing project as soon as you receive it. Jot down your ideas in a rough first draft to give yourself something tangible to work with. Be quick to see a theme forming in the draft, so this theme guides them through the development of the project.
    ellauri159.html on line 1039: You often enjoy telling stories based on personal experience. Consequently, your writing may take on a narrative form. The first draft may be largely anecdotal without a unifying thesis. Don´t worry, you can organize your work during the revision process.
    ellauri159.html on line 1041: Write for an audience, seeing you want to hear how people were affected by your work. With sufficient encouragement and clear instructions, you might even be able adapt the piece to the expectations of a teacher, boss, or editor. A lack of feedback is likely to demotivate you. To avoid this, seek out an environment where people appreciate hearing your stuff over and over.
    ellauri159.html on line 1046: Yoo respect authority and often cite experts in their writing. Avoid over-copying others, particularly if the subject is unfamiliar, theoretical, or impersonal. Look for ways to draw on your own experience or to explore how the topic affects people.
    ellauri159.html on line 1077: Generally you work hard and meet deadlines. As the introvert you are, you prefer to write alone and in a quiet environment. You tend to be succinct and analytical. You are unlikely to need a dictionary to add noise to your writing—after all, the focus on getting to the point.
    ellauri159.html on line 1107: Gather a lot of material about a subject, particularly if it’s unfamiliar. When composing a first draft, your brain works best by brainstorming about whatever comes to mind. If you try analyze as you go, it breaks your flow of ideas, and you can get stuck. Never try to walk and chew gum at the same time. Or think. That can become a real stumbling block.
    ellauri159.html on line 1111: Build your topic around concrete elements like quotations. This may be a good approach to help organize a first draft. During the revision process, add your own unique words here and there to avoid relying too much on other people’s ideas.
    ellauri159.html on line 1113: You may have difficulty starting a project if you don’t have a clear sense of direction. Identify the goals of the piece and develop an organizing framework (aka a bullet list). This will help you generate ideas and avoid tangents. Your safe bet is to focus on how the topic affects people and on the immediate actions they can take in response.
    ellauri159.html on line 1115: You may procrastinate because writing is essentially an introverted activity, and you are a super extrovert. Be sure to schedule ample time for revision (your own and your poor teacher´s). Don´t worry, the first draft is sure be unfocused—full of ideas but without a unifying theme. The subsequent drafts will be the same, until your teacher can isolate your best ideas and weave them together more or less coherently.
    ellauri159.html on line 1131: Make sure you don´t gather too much information in the exploration stage or you don’t have a clear sense of direction left. If you feel overwhelmed, ask for help or talk to a trusted friend. Connect the topic to your values, like the value of money. Write without inhibition and let your voice shine. Remember, your drafts are for your eyes only. They’re the rough stone from which you sculpt the finished product. Your teacher will be happy to cross out the stuff that can´t be printed.
    ellauri159.html on line 1137: Let the teacher focus more on correctness than on content. Don’t be afraid to take a stand, or get a hard on. Recognize that your insights are unique—most people lack your sensitivity. Consult a close writer friend to ensure that your points are logically developed and your organs well described.
    ellauri159.html on line 1175: You first estimate accurately how long a writing project will take. Then you generally dive into the first draft and develop a framework (table of contents). You may find it helpful to start with the closing paragraph to give yourself an end point to strive for. Don’t let this limit you, though: be prepared to rearrange the structure and change your conclusions as you explore the subject in more depth.
    ellauri159.html on line 1181: Naturally you adopt a preceptorial conversational tone in your writing. You often use imaginative and hyperbolic language to illustrate a point like 'smoking kills'. You have a talent for seizing on subtleties and choosing the exact word to convey a not so subtle idea. You always consider how your writing affects their audience. You notice if your audience is passing notes behind your back.
    ellauri159.html on line 1187: You are motivated by a desire for completion and can become impatient if you feel your students are progressing too slowly. Don’t waste time in the beginning trying to craft a graceful expression on your face; your students know you. Let your ideas flow, then polish during intermission. Accept that teaching is a process, so you may not get immediate results. Don’t rush through the final stages; include facts that support personal stories or observations, or borrow stories from the Divine Teacher, the Bible is full of them.
    ellauri159.html on line 1197: You dislike writing according to a predetermined structure. You want control over their own creative process. You are drawn to original pictures and imaginative symbols. When revising a draft, search for a central, unifying theme, and articulate it for your reader. At the same time, avoid trying too hard to be unique. Instead, aim for authenticity, remember to mention the sources of the pictures.
    ellauri159.html on line 1199: When you strive for eloquence, avoid wasting time polishing an early draft or searching too long for the exact word. Instead, get your ideas down. Don’t be afraid to use clichés—wait until the revision stage to fix problems. There’s no point in perfecting something that may get cut later. Anyway, clichés are fine. We use them all the time.
    ellauri159.html on line 1223: Strive for elegance in language. You can never polish the work too soon. You tend to write long, meandering first drafts, so you’ll likely need to synthesize and cut material later. Save the search for that perfect metaphor until the revision stage.
    ellauri159.html on line 1226: Try to be sensitive to criticism. It won´t do to just turn a deaf ear. Consider showing your work to a trusted friend or colleague at a safe distance before you begin the final draft. This feedback may be especially helpful in focusing your work and ensuring that it includes enough sex to sway your audience to watch your missionary position.
    ellauri159.html on line 1232: You want to master the subject everyone´s whining about. You enjoy the challenge of technical topics, and you focus on crafting clear, concise instructions. However, if you don’t see the perks of the writing project, your interest may wane. Discuss the project with friends or colleagues to help you find a way to increase your reward.
    ellauri159.html on line 1283: You enjoy seeking knowledge for its own sake. Once you’ve solved the puzzle, though, you might lose interest in writing about what you’ve learned. It may be best to begin drafting even while you’re conducting your research. Treat the writing itself as a problem to solve. This may keep you energized until the project is complete.
    ellauri159.html on line 1329: Were I obliged to give a short name to the attitude in question, I should call it that of radical empiricism, in spite of the fact that such brief nicknames are nowhere more misleading than in philosophy. I say 'empiricism,' because it is contented to regard its most assured conclusions concerning matters of fact as hypotheses liable to modification in the course of future experience; and I say 'radical,' because it treats the doctrine of monism itself as an hypothesis, and, {viii} unlike so much of the half-way empiricism that is current under the name of positivism or agnosticism or scientific naturalism, it does not dogmatically affirm monism as something with which all experience has got to square. The difference between monism and pluralism is perhaps the most pregnant of all the differences in philosophy. Primâ facie the world is a pluralism; as we find it, its unity seems to be that of any collection; and our higher thinking consists chiefly of an effort to redeem it from that first crude form.
    ellauri160.html on line 28:



    ellauri160.html on line 126: Both sides of Pound's family emigrated from England in the 17th century. On his father's side, the immigrant ancestor was John Pound, a Quaker who arrived from England around 1650. Ezra's paternal grandmother, Susan Angevine Loomis, married Thaddeus Coleman Pound. On his mother's side, Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritan who emigrated to Boston on the Lion in 1632. Captain Joseph Wadsworth helped to write the Connecticut constitution. The Wadsworths married into the Westons of New York; Harding Weston and Mary Parker were Pound's maternal grandparents. After serving in the military, Harding remained unemployed, so his brother Ezra Weston and Ezra's wife, Frances Amelia Wessells Freer (Aunt Frank), helped to look after Isabel, Pound's mother. No oliko Pound sitten sukua myös Henry "setelitukun väärti" Longfellowille? Varmaan niin.
    ellauri160.html on line 138: He was dismissed after a few months. Smoking was forbidden, but he would smoke cigarillos in his room in the same corridor as the president's office. He was asked to leave the college in January 1908 when his landladies, Ida and Belle Hall, found a woman in his room. Shocked at having been fired, he left for Europe soon after, sailing from New York in March on the RMS Slavonia.
    ellauri160.html on line 140: In January and February 1909, after the death of John Churton Collins left a vacancy, Pound lectured for an hour a week in the evenings on "The Development of Literature in Southern Europe" at the Regent Street Polytechnic.
    ellauri160.html on line 141: Mornings might be spent in the British Museum Reading Room, followed by lunch at the Vienna Café on Oxford Street, where Pound first met Wyndham Lewis in 1910. "There were mysterious figures / that emerged from recondite recesses / and ate at the WIENER CAFÉ". Ford Madox Ford described Pound as "approaching with the step of a dancer, making passes with a cane at an imaginary opponent":
    ellauri160.html on line 156: After three days in London he went to Paris, where he worked on a new collection of poetry, Canzoni (1911), panned by the Westminster Gazette as "affectation combined with pedantry". Ford Madox Ford kieriskeli lattialla naurusta kun Calzone oli niin puiseva.
    ellauri160.html on line 180: This was the first of three winters Pound and Yeats spent at Stone Cottage, including two with Dorothy after she and Ezra married in 1914. "Canto LXXXIII" records a visit: "so that I recalled the noise in the chimney / as it were the wind in the chimney / but was in reality Uncle William / downstairs composing / that had made a great Peeeeacock / in the proide ov his oiye."
    ellauri160.html on line 195: Robert Graves wrote in 1955: "Pound knew little Latin, yet he translated Propertius; and less Greek, but he translated Alcaeus; and still less Anglo-Saxon, yet he translated The Seafarer. I once asked Arthur Waley how much Chinese Pound knew; Waley shook his head despondently."
    ellauri160.html on line 196: Harriet Monroe, editor of Poetry, published a letter in April 1919 from a professor of Latin, W. G. Hale, who found "about three-score errors" in the text; he said Pound was "incredibly ignorant of Latin", that "much of what he makes his author say is unintelligible", and that "If Mr. Pound were a professor of Latin, there would be nothing left for him but suicide" (adding "I do not counsel this"). Pound replied to Monroe: "Cat-piss and porcupines!! The thing is no more a translation than my 'Altaforte' is a translation, or than Fitzgerald's Omar is a translation."
    ellauri160.html on line 213: Eliot sent Pound the manuscript of The Waste Land in 1922. Pound edited it with comments like "make up yr. mind", and reduced it by about half. Possum's dedication in The Waste Land was "For Ezra Pound / il miglior fabbro" (the "better craftsman"), from Canto 26 of Dante's Purgatorio.
    ellauri160.html on line 321: Pekka Kustaa Parkkinen (4. kesäkuuta 1940 Helsinki – 8. toukokuuta 1992 Helsinki) oli tuottelias suomalainen kirjailija ja kääntäjä. Proosassaan hän kuvasi väljällä, puheenomaisella kielellä näkemyksiään kulutusyhteiskunnan varjopuolista. Hänen teoksiensa hallitsevina aihepiireinä ovat rakkaus ja sen ristiriidat. Parkkista on kuvattu myös kommentoivaksi yhteiskuntakriitikoksi ja arjen kuvailijaksi. Runoilijana Parkkinen on aforistinen kiteyttäjä. (Valitut runot, Pekka Parkkinen - Kihniön Kukka ja Kirja Oy)
    ellauri160.html on line 348: Pekka taisi olla tollanen Hannu-Pekka. Isä Parkkinen oli paha persepää. Ei ihme että Pekka oli depressiivinen. Parkkinen ei ehkä osallistu uudenaikaiseen, rehelliseen seksuaalisuuden kuvaamiseen varsin pornografisesti tai mässäillen, mutta osallistuu kuitenkin. Astetta lievempi esimerkki sivuilta 144-145:
    ellauri160.html on line 398: Circe’s this craft, the trim-coifed goddess. Tää oli Kirken alus, tiukkanutturaisen.
    ellauri160.html on line 439: “Cam’st thou afoot, outstripping seamen?” Tulizä jalan :), pikemmin kuin veneellä?
    ellauri160.html on line 476: Tolleen se oikeasti päättyy, aposiopeesixeen. aft-of-xvi-cantos-overview/c1-in-a-draft-of-16/i-annotations">Jalkanuotteja:
    ellauri160.html on line 623: Olin lukenut Forelia ja ehkä Krafft-Ebbingiäkin ja tiesin jo sadismista, masokismista, fetisismistä ja muista sellaisista ismeistä, mutta kaikki paperi ja muste muuttui tässä sykkiväksi elämäksi, hurjaksi himoksi, laulavaksi ja voihkivaksi hulluudeksi. Hän herätti minussa sekä himoa että vastenmielisyyttä. Olimme viettäneet kevätpäivän unettomassa painajaisessa ja nyt uni lisäsi siihen omat mielettömyytensä.
    ellauri160.html on line 637: According to the Zohar, after Cain kills Abel, Adam separates from Eve for 130 years. During this time, Lilith and Naamah seduce him and bear his demonic children, who became the Plagues of Mankind. She and Lilith cause epilepsy in children.
    ellauri160.html on line 647: According to legend, Agrat and Lilith visited King Solomon disguised as prostitutes. The spirits Solomon communicated with Agrat were all placed inside of a genie lamp-like vessel and set inside of a cave on the cliffs of the Dead Sea. Later, after the spirits were cast into the lamp, Agrat bat Mahlat and her lamp were discovered by King David. Agrat then mated with him a night and bore him a demonic son Ashm'dai and later Ashmodai, named after Asmodeus, who is identified with Hadad the Edomite.
    ellauri160.html on line 651: About 1000 years after the era of Solomon and David, another widely known intervention occurred known as "The spiritual intervention of Hanina ben Dosa and Rabbi Abaye" which ended up curbing her malevolent powers over humans.
    ellauri160.html on line 796: Every two weeks, Stammtisch, the Meet-Up group for German speakers, gets together in various bars and restaurants all over the greater Philadelphia area. At their first meeting after New Year’s, the big topic was Lauri Wylie’s Dinner for One, the short TV adaptation of his quintessential British one-act comedy with a huge international cult following—except Britain and the US.
    ellauri160.html on line 810: Dammit, nothing to do with the quality or genre of the humor, (as for stumbling, just look at Chaplin) it´s just about the fucking continentals poking insipid fun of us anglo saxons who invented this kind of humor after all, that´s what is not funny, no Sir, no indeed. Those traitor British actors should be brought to the wall and shot, if they weren´t dead already.
    ellauri161.html on line 430: Seul, un ennui d'on ne sait quoi qui vous afflige ! Ei jää kuin tää tylsistyminen ilman selvää syytä.
    ellauri161.html on line 466: Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence), an astronomy grad student, and her professor Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) make an astounding discovery of a comet orbiting within the solar system. The problem - it's on a direct collision course with Earth. The other problem? No one really seems to care. Turns out warning mankind about a planet-killer the size of Mount Everest is an inconvenient fact to navigate. With the help of Dr. Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), Kate and Randall embark on a media tour that takes them from the office of an indifferent President Orlean (Meryl Streep) and her sycophantic son and Chief of Staff, Jason (Jonah Hill), to the airwaves of The Daily Rip, an upbeat morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchett) and Jack (Tyler Perry). With only six months until the comet makes impact, managing the 24-hour news cycle and gaining the attention of the social media obsessed public before it's too late proves shockingly comical - what will it take to get the world to just look up?. — Based on truly possible events.
    ellauri161.html on line 489: I found it an almost perfect film, with some deliciously carefully crafted moments and great acting. At first I thought the comedic side was actually too much and wished that someone like Steven Soderbergh made the movie instead, but as I was watching it I started to appreciate how methodical the approach was and now I believe Adam McKay was the right man for the job. I enjoyed the overall plot, I liked the characters and how things were presented, but I loved the little things like, for example, the only scene where Europe is mentioned, as a short scene of a news item when they say they are going to convene and find their own solution, resulting in absolutely nothing. I am European and sad to say it struck home. Or the meal scene at the end, which is both emotional, focusing (= religious) and reminding us how even that option can be taken away by something as small as a virus.
    ellauri161.html on line 619: Among the baddies are vacuous United States President Janie Orlean (Streep, bad), douchebro Chief of Staff and President’s son Jason Orlean (Hill, worse), perpetually cheery and vapid morning TV show hosts Brie Evantee (Blanchett) and Jack Bremmer (Perry), and creepy tech-billionaire Peter Isherwell (Rylance, who really should know better than the strange attempts at possibly neurodivergent caricature that this role seems to consist of? How so better pray tell cowboy?), as well as the truth-hostile environment of mainstream and social media.
    ellauri161.html on line 637: There is something genuinely endearing about a film that doesn’t seem to care one bit about coming across as silly as long as its message is heard by the millions of viewers who have so far made it into the most watched film in the world after only two days of streaming.
    ellauri161.html on line 659: Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby is a 2006 American sports comedy film directed by Adam McKay and starring Will Ferrell, written by both McKay and Ferrell. Before leaving Ricky behind, stock car dad Reese tells Ricky that in life, “If you ain't first, you're last.” Ricky meets his future ex-wife Carley (Leslie Bibb), after she flashes her breasts.
    ellauri161.html on line 666: More races & years later, Ricky now lives in a large mansion, then in a race chickens out and runs around in his underwear and helmet. Shamed, Ricky moves in with his mother Lucy (Jane Lynch), and brings his sons with him while taking a job as a pizza delivery man. Ricky eventually regains his courage, and his life begins to stabilize after quitting his job at the pizza parlor and getting a new driver´s license.
    ellauri161.html on line 673: The grim satire is usually pretty tame and ranges anywhere from hilarious to stupid. But the nastiness and negativity here just makes the filmmaker come off like a jerk. At the end of Don’t Look Up, you’re left feeling agitated and angry– not at republicans, but at McKay for making such a dismal affair. If you are a closet republican like me, that is.
    ellauri161.html on line 861: Sivu 201 - Cette doctrine pourra sembler paradoxale sans doute, et même ridicule, parce que l'opinion environnante en impose ; mais attendez que l'affinité naturelle de la religion et de la science les réunisse dans la tête d'un seul homme de génie : l'apparition de cet homme ne saurait être éloignée ; et peut-être même existe-t-il déjà. Celui-là sera fameux, et mettra fin au...‎
    ellauri161.html on line 933: Si Jean-Jacques Rousseau s'accordait également à dire que la religion était nécessaire au corps politique, il rejetait en revanche le christianisme comme étant ennemi de la république. Chez Joseph de Maistre, à l'inverse, la religion chrétienne est la plus adaptée, car elle soutient parfaitement la monarchie et se base sur la tradition, sans laquelle il est impossible que soit fondée une religion. Or, la monarchie est elle-même le régime politique le plus adapté : comme il l'affirme dans ses Considérations sur la France, la monarchie est un équilibre qui s'est constitué au fil de l'histoire. C'est un régime tempéré mais fort, et qui ne tend pas, selon lui, vers la violence, à l'inverse de la république qu'il voit comme un régime déséquilibré et instable. De plus, la monarchie est le régime qui respecte le plus ce qu'il considère comme un fait naturel : à savoir l'inégalité entre les hommes, que la monarchie intègre dans son organisation, et qui est relativisée grâce à l'égalité de tous dans leur assujettissement au roi. Pour Joseph de Maistre, la république y substitue une égalité utopique, qui ne prend pas en compte la véritable nature de l'Homme. Car ce dernier doit vivre en société, et toute société doit être structurée autour d'une hiérarchie, ce qui justifie donc l'existence d'ordres dans la société.
    ellauri161.html on line 939: La réversibilité des mérites est cette doctrine qui affirme que les mérites des uns peuvent bénéficier aux autres. Pour le dire dans un langage peut-être plus accessible, cela signifie que la sainteté des uns peuvent bénéficier aux autres. Tää oli anekaupan perusteluna. Sama idea kuin päästökaupassa. Pyhixiltä on jäänyt niin paljon yli armoa, että sitä voi sovitusta hinnasta myydä rikkaalle syntiselle taivasevääxi. Tavoitteena hiilineutraalius tai suorastaan hiilinegatiivisuus.
    ellauri161.html on line 945: Et les vagues terreurs de ces affreuses nuits ja karmeiden öiden epämääräisiä kauhuja
    ellauri161.html on line 956: Qui, le long des grands murs de l'hospice blafard, joka pitkin hospizin kalpeanvihreitä seiniä
    ellauri161.html on line 986: Bloy ottaa osaa bravuurina ranskalaisten häpeäsotaan 1870-71. Sitten aika toimetonta tunarointia, kunnes vanhemmat kuolevat, ja Bloy alkaa seukata ex-lutkan Anne Marie Roulén kaa, jonka se käännyttää, päinmakuultako selinmakuulle, ei selviä. Anna osoittautuu meedioxi, ja Bloy alkaa vakavammin sekoilla symbolien kaa. Lopulta Anna sekoaa ihan kokonaan ja joutuu pöpilään. Bloy alkaa kaveerata Huysmansin kaa ja tapailee Isle-Adamia. Se on kuin André Breton, joutuu aina kaverien kanssa hakauxiin. La mort de Barbey d´Aurevilly en avril 1889 puis celle de Villiers de l´Isle-Adam en août l´affectent profondément, tandis que son amitié avec Huysmans se fissure. Elle ne survivra pas à la publication de Là-Bas (1891), où Bloy se trouve caricaturé.
    ellauri161.html on line 1133: A man from his parish demands a full service funeral for his wife and says he will not pay for it. He confers with the priest of Torcy. The girls of the catechism class laugh at him in a prank, whereby only one of them pretends to know the Scriptural basis of the Eucharist so that the rest of them can laugh at their private conversation. His colleagues criticize his diet of bread and wine, and his ascetic lifestyle. "Concerned" about Chantal, the daughter of the Countess, the priest visits the Countess at the family chateau, and appears to help her resume communion with God after a period of doubt. The Countess dies during the following night, and her daughter spreads false rumors that the priest´s harsh words had tormented her to death. Refusing confession, Chantal had previously spoken to the priest about her hatred of her parents.
    ellauri161.html on line 1135: The older priest from Torcy talks to his younger colleague about his poor diet and lack of prayer, but the younger man seems unable to make changes. After his health worsens, the young priest goes to the city of Lille to visit a doctor, who diagnoses him with stomach cancer. The priest goes for refuge to a former colleague, who has lapsed and now works as an apothecary, while living with a woman outside wedlock. The priest dies in the house of his colleague after being absolved by him. His dying words are "What does it matter? All is Grace".
    ellauri162.html on line 45: Suomessa vallitsee lannistaminen ja latistamisen kulttuuri. Ei saa tuoda izeään framille. Ei saa kukoistaa. Missähän tää litania on kuultu ennen? Oisko Tuija oppinut sen Pafossaarella. Tuijalla on musta nahkatakki jossa on reikä mahan kohdalla. Se ei ole pukeva. Mutta rumat ne vaatteilla koreilee.
    ellauri162.html on line 110: Bernanos was born in Paris, into a family of craftsmen. He spent much of his childhood in the village of Fressin, Pas-de-Calais region, which became a frequent setting for his novels. He served in the First World War as a soldier, where he fought in the battles of the Somme and Verdun. He was wounded several times.
    ellauri162.html on line 131: Mouchette est l´œuvre d´un homme qui avait cinquante ans lorsqu´il conçut ce personnage, découvrant les mouvements les plus profonds et les plus inexprimables d´une féminité qui s´éveille et s´affirme. Bernanos signe ici un portrait intemporel et poétique de gamine « désespérée ». Kuulostaa aika pedofiililtä.
    ellauri162.html on line 181: To understand more fully the connection between Hosea’s domestic affairs and Israel’s relationship with Jehovah, consider these words: “Jehovah went on to say to me: ‘Go once again, love a woman loved by a companion and committing adultery.’” (Hosea 3:1) Hosea complied with this command by repurchasing Gomer from the man with whom she had been living. Afterward, Hosea firmly admonished his wife: “For many days you will dwell as mine. You must not commit no furher fornication, and you must not come to belong to another man.” (Hosea 3:2, 3) Gomer responded to the discipline, and Hosea resumed marital relations with her. How did this apply to God’s dealings with the people of Israel and Judah?
    ellauri162.html on line 266: En 1949, le ministère de l'Éducation nationale fit savoir à Marcel Aymé qu'il allait être inscrit sur la liste de la prochaine promotion de la Légion d'honneur. Il se souvint alors du « blâme sans affichage » auquel il avait été condamné en 1946 pour avoir vendu sous l'occupation un scénario à la Continental film et refusa. En outre, l'année suivante, il déclina la proposition faite publiquement par François Mauriac de présenter sa candidature à l'Académie française : « Combien d'écrivains auront refusé presque simultanément l'Académie française et la Légion d'honneur ? s'est interrogée Gabrielle Rollin dans le magazine Lire.
    ellauri162.html on line 290: Kirjaston poistohyllystä löytyi Hannu Mäkelän poikakirja Iso-Pekka ja Pikku-Pekka. Vizi et Hande osaa olla narsistinen jopa lastenkirjassa. Se on varmaan kirjoittanut tän surutyönä kun se sai ize silmälasit 1997. Kirja on vanhenevan ukon jorinaa. Unenomaista solipsismiä. Rikkinäisen perheen lapsen muistelua. Miehet ovat miehiä ja harrastavat penkkiurheilua. Lapinretkiä kuvitellussa miesseurassa, Tasku-Matti rintataskussa. Ja noi lastennimet ne on 40-lukua: Pekka, Riitta, Kari. Mixmuka joku Riitta lähettäisi kirjelappuja väpelölle Pekalle. Huonosti peiteltyä jeesustelua. Vaari auta minua. Pekka lyö kuin kallio, Kari putoaa. Janne vapahtaa. Kallion Karhupuistossa, sieltähän se Hande onkin kotoisin. Tää on yhtä masentavaa textiä kuin stiiknafuulia.
    ellauri162.html on line 385: Ensimmäinen kvartetti - Nuoret. Ensimmäinen kvartaatio koostuu kahdesta toisiaan täydentävästä osasta, jotka on rajattu välimerkeillä (jakeet 1-2 ja 3-4). Nuorten mielleys on seurausta masentavaan arvioon. Menneisyyden nuorten luonnehdinta: nuoret esitetään varjon ja valon vuorottelun välimerkkinä ("siellä täällä", "tumma", "loistava"). Tämä vuorottelu on vertauskuvallisesti toivon ja epätoivon, impulssien kohti ihannetta ja pernan painoa. Lannistavaa tasetta korostetaan aiemmin, ja se on laadittu "on tehty" (kohti 3) ja sitä koskevasta ehdotuksesta. Se on seurausta myrskyisästä nuoruudesta. Metafora jatkuu puutarhan (elämän) kuvassa, joka on tuhoutunut ja lähes kokonaan riisuttu sen tuotannoista kuten syksyllä. Ajatusta vuorottelevista auringosta ja sateesta korostaa voimakas välimerkki (";" ja ".").
    ellauri162.html on line 391: Toinen tertsetti - Kategorinen kieltäminen. Toinen tercet tarjoaa kategorisen kieltämisen, joka ilmaistaan kahdessa vaiheessa: Kärsimyksen ilmaus: jakeen 12 ensimmäinen hemistich on kaksinkertainen epätoivon huuto, ehkä antava kutsumus ("Oi kipu! Voi tuskaa! »). Ajan ahmiva ja korjaamaton toiminta: aika rinnastetaan hirviöön: se nimetään lopulta jakeessa 12, kun se oli kaikkialla läsnä vuodenaikojen metaforassa ja sitten nimetty perifraasilla ("hämärä vihollinen", jae 13), joka vaatii vihamielisyyttään ja toimintansa piilotettua luonnetta. Runon on tarkoitus olla universaali, koska jakeen 13 henkilökohtainen pronomini "me" kattaa kaikki ihmiset. Ajan toiminta, joka ilmaistaan realististen ja kauheiden kuvien muodossa ("syö elämää", "syö sydämessä") esitetään tuhoisan loisen vaikutuksena.
    ellauri162.html on line 428: Jakeet 6, 7 ja 8 osoittavat rakastavaisten liiton, jossa kaksinaisuuden leksikaalinen kenttä ("kaksi" toistetaan 3 kertaa, "of", joka foneettisesti muistuttaa "kahta", "kaksinkertaista", "peilejä", "kaksosia"). "Meidän kahden" anafora (jakeet 6 ja 8) vaatii tätä kaksinaisuutta. On porrastusta, kaksi sielua lähestyvät quatrainissa: ensinnäkin he ovat "kaksi", sitten he "heijastavat" kuin "peilit" tullakseen "kaksosiksi". Jakeessa 8 rappeutumisesta ("Kahdessa mielessämme nämä kaksoispeilit") on säännöllinen leikkaus (5/5), joka vaatii tätä symmetriaa kahden olenton välillä - > muoto palvelee taustaa. Jakeessa 8 sana "henget" osoittaa, että rakkausliitto ottaa hengellisen eikä fyysisen ulottuvuuden. Lisäksi rakastajat on nimetty vain metonymy tässä quatrainissa ("sydämet", "mielet"), ikään kuin he alkaneet erota ruumiistaan.
    ellauri162.html on line 588: Kun hänen aistinsa palaavat hänen munastaan hänen sydämeensä (sehän on jumalallisen sanansaattaja), joka on nyt unettomana, Nooa vastaa poikiensa palvelemisesta seuraavalla palkinnolla: "Kirottu kinkku, sinä lakupekka, koska et palvellut isääsi, olet veljienne orja; Sinä Shem, vanhin, elät, siunattu pyhän Jumalan silmissä, ja Herra levittää maan päälle nuoremman veljen [Jafettin] monilla jälkeläisillä, kunnes [Jafettin] runsas linja muodostaa kovakantisen istuimen jopa [veljiensä] kodeissa, sekoitettuna naapurien pehmeäkantisiin, runsaat jälkeläiset täyttävät vierekkäiset kaupungit ja ne, jotka [he, Jaafetin poikastuotanto] on myös rakentanut."
    ellauri162.html on line 665: Dick Masaru KIEMURA Was surrounded by his loving family on September 11, 2006 as he peacefully departed after courageously fighting a lengthy penis.
    ellauri162.html on line 681: Rippikoululainen Serafita sanoo että papilla on kauniit silmät, ja korjaa sen nähden sukkanauhaa, vilauttaa tarkoituxella hameenaluspiziä. Maalaispapin musta sutaani telttaa silminnähtävästi. Tyttöparvi hihittelee riemuissaan.
    ellauri162.html on line 687: Selon le R.P. Charles Louis Richard, « On compte jusqu´à treize conciles généraux, dix-huit papes, cent cinquante conciles provinciaux, et plus de trois cents synodes, tant de France que des autres royaumes, qui ont ordonné aux clercs de porter l´habit long ». Le concile de Trente en 1542 réaffirme simplement l´obligation, sous peine de sanction, pour tout clerc, de porter un habit qui soit digne et distinct de celui des laïcs.
    ellauri162.html on line 719: Masturbation. It’s not just a great way to kill time, but it’s also the safest sex you can have. And it has many health benefits. (See: 5 Reasons You Should Masturbate Tonight.) Although we can all agree that masturbation is pretty much the cherry on top of the ice cream of life, there’s more to the act than that. In a recent study from Harvard, men who ejaculated 21 or more times per month had a 19 to 22 percent lower risk of prostate cancer than men who did so only four to seven times per month. In some parts of the world, teenagers are encouraged to masturbate. Masturbation prevents unwanted pregnancies.
    ellauri162.html on line 741: 1820 wurde er auch Aufseher der herzoglichen Kupferstichsammlung und des Münzkabinetts, die er jeweils neu katalogisierte. (Herttua: tulisitko kazelemaan ezauxiani Karlchen?) 1824 edierte er den Hermaphroditus des Antonio Beccadelli (Panormita), ein Werk der erotischen Literatur der Renaissance, und fügte zum Verständnis eine Schrift „De Figuris Veneris“ an. Dieses in Latein verfasste Handbuch der klassischen Erotologie versammelt und klassifiziert antike, aber auch frühneuzeitliche Stellungen, die in ihrer Gesamtheit die Vielfalt sexuellen Verhaltens realistisch beschreiben. Als solches ist es ein Standardwerk der Sexualwissenschaft.
    ellauri162.html on line 762: Richard Dawkins does not make the head of our list. Since this may disappoint some of our readers. we have, after our ranking, also ordered the atheists on our list by the number of Google hits that their names obtain.
    ellauri162.html on line 772: Number 5 Myers is Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Minnesota, Morris, where he researches the developmental biology of zebrafish from an evolutionary perspective.
    ellauri162.html on line 788: Molinism, named after 16th-century Spanish Jesuit priest and Roman Catholic theologian Luis de Molina, is the thesis that God has only middling knowledge of what is going on. It seeks to reconcile the apparent tension of divine providence and human free will. Prominent contemporary Molinists include William Lane Craig, Alfred Freddoso, Thomas Flint, Kenneth Keathley, and Louis Armstrong. What a wonderful world. Johnin mieliviini oli juuri Mölinä.
    ellauri162.html on line 817: The concept of a highly conserved ontogeny dates back to 1828 and the work by Karl von Baer. Baer´s work was cited by Charles Darwin and used in support of his Theory of Evolution. The concept was made famous though by Ernst Haeckel in 1874 with the publication of his drawings of the conserved stage. Haeckel was mainly pushing the concept of recapitulation in which he hypothesized that ontological development repeated the evolutionary steps of the organism. Recapitulation has since been discredited and is not accepted by any modern biologist. Haeckel has been accused of falsifying his embryonic drawings, most notably by Jonathan Wells in his book Icons of Evolution. Some biology text books used Haeckel´s drawings for many years after it was known they were faked. However, most modern biology textbooks only use them now for historical reference and actual photos of embryos are used to discuss the pharyngula stage.
    ellauri162.html on line 836: See also: PZ Myers' loss of influence! Alexa is a web traffic tracking company. In 2015 and 2016, Freethought Blogs saw a large decrease in its Alexa ranking.
    ellauri163.html on line 48: He wrote the drama Got fun nekome (God of Vengeance) in the winter of 1906 in Cologne, Germany. It is about a Jewish brothel owner who attempts to become respectable by commissioning a Torah scroll and marrying off his daughter to a yeshiva student. Set in a brothel, the play includes Jewish prostitutes and a lesbian scene. I. L. Peretz famously said of the play after reading it: "Burn it, Asch, burn it!" Instead, Asch went to Berlin to pitch it to director Max Reinhardt and actor Rudolph Schildkraut, who produced it at the Deutsches Theater. God of Vengeance opened on March 19, 1907 and ran for six months, and soon was translated and performed in a dozen European languages. It was first brought to New York by David Kessler in 1907. The audience mostly came for Kessler, and they booed the rest of the cast. The New York production sparked a major press war between local Yiddish papers, led by the Orthodox Tageplatt and even the secular Forverts. Orthodox papers referred to God of Vengeance as "filthy," "immoral," and "indecent," while radical papers described it as "moral," "artistic," and "beautiful". Some of the more provocative scenes in the production were changed, but it wasn't enough for the Orthodox papers. Even Yiddish intellectuals and the play's supporters had problems with the play's inauthentic portrayal of Jewish tradition, especially Yankl's use of the Torah, which they said Asch seemed to be using mostly for cheap effects; they also expressed concern over how it might stigmatize Jewish people who already faced much anti-Semitism. The association with Jews and sex work was a popular stereotype at the time. Other intellectuals criticized the writing itself, claiming that the second act was beautifully written but the first and third acts failed to support it.
    ellauri163.html on line 189: The scepter shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, Until Shiloh comes, And to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.
    ellauri163.html on line 193: Viiniköynnökseen hän sitoo aasinsa, jaloon köynnökseen aasinsa varsan. Hän pesee viinissä vaatteensa, rypäleiden veressä pukunsa. Hänen silmissään on viinin hehku, hänen hampaissaan maidon valkeus. Sebulon on asuva meren äärellä, hän asettuu rannikolle, missä laivat kulkevat, hänen selkänsä taa jää Sidon. Isaskar on vahvaluinen juhta, joka makaa kuormaansa odottaen. Hän näki asuinsijansa hyväksi ja maansa ihanaksi. Hän painoi olkansa taakan alle, kävi tekemään orjan töitä. Dan on ajava kansansa asiaa yhtenä Israelin heimoista. Dan on oleva käärmeenä tiellä, polulla kyynä, joka puree hevosta vuohiseen, niin että ratsastaja suistuu maahan. Herra, sinulta minä odotan pelastusta! Gadia ahdistavat rosvojen joukot, ja Gad ahdistaa niitä, seuraa niiden kintereillä. Asserin leipä on runsas, hän tarjoaa kuninkaiden herkkuja. Naftali on vapaana juokseva kauris, kauniita ovat hänen vasansa. Joosef on hedelmäpuu, nuori hedelmäpuu lähteen äärellä, sen oksat ojentuvat yli muurin. Jousimiehet hätyyttävät häntä, he ampuvat ja ahdistavat häntä, mutta hänen jousensa pysyy jäntevänä ja hänen kätensä ovat nopeat. Tämän saa aikaan Jaakobin Väkevä, hän, jonka nimi on Paimen, Israelin Kallio, isäsi Jumala, joka on auttava sinua, Kaikkivaltias, joka siunaa sinua, antaa siunauksia ylhäältä taivaasta
    ellauri163.html on line 352: Nor the ruler´s staff from between his feet;
    ellauri163.html on line 361: to imply a king of the line of Judah forever, but Israel currently has no king, nor do our democratic rulers have staffs. Does this imply that "he has come to Shiloh" (JPS) or that "Shiloh has come" (KJV)? Please explain. Why does King Jimmy think the homage of the people will be Shiloh's whereas JPS says it is Judah's? Who or what is this Shiloh and why is he/it so important that the scepter will not depart from Judah till then?
    ellauri163.html on line 373: There wasn't a King for hundreds of years after the blessing before the first king of the tribe of Judah (before Saul and David). Tthere was that whole slavery period in Egypt for hundreds of years, then Moses, then Joshua, then the judges long before Saul the firs tking of the tribe of Judah.
    ellauri163.html on line 375: Just read the bible chronoholically and you'll see that there were hundreds of years after Jacob's statement before the first king. Then there were Kings of Judah. Then there was the civil war and the kingdoms split.
    ellauri163.html on line 512: 7 Und Mose war hundertundzwanzig Jahre alt, da er starb. Seine Augen waren nicht dunkel worden, und seine Kraft war nicht verfallen.
    ellauri163.html on line 598: Que de voir des vautours affames de carnage.

    ellauri163.html on line 628: Lyra Belacqua (kaunis vesi), villi 12-vuotias tyttö, on kasvanut kuvitteellisessa Jordan Collegessa Oxfordissa. Hän on laiha, tummat vaaleat hiukset ja siniset silmät. Hän ylpeilee kyvyllään ilkivaltaan, erityisesti hänen kyvystään valehdella, ansaitsemalla hänelle Iorick Byrnisonin epiteetin "Silvertongue". Lyralla on luonnollinen kyky käyttää alettiometriä, joka pystyy vastaamaan kaikkiin kysymyksiin, kun sitä manipuloitiin ja luetaan oikein. Lyraa teeveesarjassa näyttelevä Dafne Keen on vähän Greta Thunbergin oloinen.
    ellauri163.html on line 636: Kirjava on Willin demoni (jonka on muuten nimennyt Serafina Pekkala). Hän ei asetu aloilleen ennen tarinan loppua; mutta on vihjattu, että hän tulee kissan muodossa. Paha number 2 joka leikkelee Huippuvuorilla lapsosia irti lemmikeistä puhuu huonoa "huva" suomea, sen apuhoitaja on joku suomalainen B-näyttelijä. No nainhan se on meidankin elamassamme. Kova kohtalo joutua Inarin arvausasemalle ympärileikattavaxi! Kivat sulle britti tästäkin. Saatana jos tulette taas ammuskelemaan Ahvenanmaalle saatte turpaan että roikaa! Meillä on nyt uudenkiiltävät jenkkihävittäjät!
    ellauri163.html on line 654: Serafina Pekkala on pohjoisten noitien klaanin suomalainen kauneuskuningatar. Hänen demoni lumihanhensa Kajsa Anka, kuten kaikkien noitien dæmonit, voi matkustaa paljon kauemmaksi hänestä kuin ihmisten demonit tuntematta eron tuskaa.
    ellauri163.html on line 686: Lyra vangitaan ja viedään Bolvangariin, jossa hän tapaa Roger Persiljan. Jäsen Coulter kertoo Lyralle, että esinahan leikkaaminen estää huolestuttavien aikuisten tunteiden puhkeamisen, karvankasvun genitaaliseudulle, menstruaation ja polluution. Lyran ja lapset pelastavat Scoresby, Iorek, gyptiläiset ja Serafina Pekkalan lentävä noitaklaani. Lyra putoaa Scoresbyn ilmapallosta ja panserbjørne vie hänet anastavan kuninkaansa Iofur Raknisonin linnaan. Hän huijaa Iofurin taistelemaan Iorekia vastaan, joka saapuu muiden kanssa pelastamaan Lyran. Iorek tappaa Iofurin ja ottaa hänen paikkansa oikeana kuninkaana. Jep jep jep! Nyt menee hyvin!
    ellauri163.html on line 881: Thus there is something eternal in religion which is destined to survive all the particular symbols in which religious thought has successively enveloped itself. There can be no society which does not feel the need of upholding and reaffirming at regular intervals the collective sentiments and the collective ideas which make its unity and its personality.
    ellauri163.html on line 883: Now this moral remaking cannot be achieved except by the means of reunions, assemblies, and meetings where the individuals, being closely united to one another, reaffirm in common their common sentiments; hence come ceremonies which do not differ from regular religious ceremonies, either in their object, the results which they produce, or the processes employed to attain these results.
    ellauri163.html on line 982: Uskossa ihminen suostuu näkemään sen, mitä ei voi nähdä. Sen, mikä onjää tietämisen ja oman ruumiillisen olemassaolon taakse, sen, minne ei määritelmän mukaan voi nähdä. No kyllä oman takaraivonkin voi nähdä selfiestä, ja perseen belfiestä. Ja alzheimerin syömät aivot tomografikuvasta. Pikemminkin uskovainen sanoo kuin sokkee: niinpä näkkyy, eika valita vaikka puttoo keskelle jokkee. Siiloan seurakunta kastoi samat spuget uudestaan kerran vuodessa. Sitä kilpailevat lahkot pitivät nölönä.
    ellauri164.html on line 53: Juopon maxavaivaisen pikkupapin pikkupillu bändäri Serafita näkee siitä unia. Sen yhden paikan ympärillä pyörii kaikki mystikot, puolukoina pillussa. Mä alan huomata loppumetreillä et tää maalaispappi on wannabe samanlainen kaikkiruokainen pikku narsisti kuin Teoreeman Terence Postimerkki, joka tietystikään ei ole kukaan muu kuin Pieru-Pauli ize. Kaikki naiset ja puolet miehistä on siihen muka lääpällään. Hei täähän onkin vastaavasti Bernadotten märkä uni. Väkeviä motareita ja pitkätukkaisia nuoria miehiä, alaikäisiä tyttöjä joiden mustelmaiset pohkeet vilkkuvat.
    ellauri164.html on line 65: Risti alttarilla alemmassa kappelissa on ylösalaisin, koska perinteen mukaan Pyhä Pietari ristiinnaulittiin pää alaspäin. Muttei siihen sattunut siltikään yhtäpaljon kuin Jee-suxeen, koska Pekka oli syntinen. Vankilan seiniltä löytyvät myös Adiatorixin ja Aladobixin graffitit. "Kinkkuviipaleita pitäisi..."
    ellauri164.html on line 88: Tais-toi, mais tais-toi !… C’est la honte, le reproche, ici : Satan qui dit que le feu est ignoble, que ma colère est affreusement sotte. — Assez !… Des erreurs qu’on me souffle, magies, parfums faux, musiques puériles. — Et dire que je tiens la vérité, que je vois la justice : j’ai un jugement sain et arrêté, je suis prêt pour la perfection… Orgueil. — La peau de ma tête se dessèche. Pitié ! Seigneur, j’ai peur. J’ai soif, si soif ! Ah ! l’enfance, l’herbe, la pluie, le lac sur les pierres, le clair de lune quand le clocher sonnait douze… le diable est au clocher, à cette heure. Marie ! Sainte-Vierge !… — Horreur de ma bêtise.
    ellauri164.html on line 172: Kantille noumenaalisen maailman olemassaolo rajoittaa järjen siihen, mitä hän kokee sen oikeiksi rajoiksi, mikä tekee monista perinteisen metafysiikan kysymyksistä, kuten Jumalan, sielun ja vapaan tahdon olemassaolosta, järjellä vastaamattomiksi. Kant johtaa tämän tiedon määritelmästään "esitylle annettujen esitysten määrittelyksi". Koska näiden olemusten esiintymisiä ei ole ilmiömäisessä, Kant pystyy väittämään, ettei niitä voida tuntea mielelle, joka toimii "sellaisen tiedon, jolla on tekemistä vain ulkonäön kanssa". Nämä kysymykset ovat viime kädessä "uskon, mutta ei järjen varsinainen kohde". Okei uskotaan, vaikka en ymmärrä tätä yhtään.
    ellauri164.html on line 189: George Berkeley, joka ajoi töyssyautolla hämärämiesten asiaa jo ennen Kantia, väitti, että aine, tarkkaavaisesta mielestä, on metafyysisesti mahdotonta. Aineeseen liittyvät ominaisuudet, kuten muoto, väri, haju, rakenne, paino, lämpötila ja ääni, ovat kaikki riippuvaisia mielistä, jotka sallivat vain suhteellisen havainnon, eivät absoluuttisen havainnon. Sellaisten mielien (ja mikä tärkeintä kaikkivoipaan mielen) täydellinen puuttuminen tekisi samoista ominaisuuksista havaitsemattomia ja jopa käsittämättömiä. Berkeley kutsui tätä filosofiaa immaterialismiksi. Pohjimmiltaan sellaista asiaa kuin ainetta ei voisi olla ilman mieltä.
    ellauri164.html on line 214: Berkeley asui plantaasillaan odottaessaan collegen perustamiseksi tarkoitettujen rahojen saapumista. Rahoja ei kuitenkaan tullut ja vuonna 1732 hän palasi Lontooseen. Vuonna 1734 hänet nimitettiin Cloynen hiippakunnan piispaksi. Pian tämän jälkeen hän julkaisi teoksensa The Analyst, joka oli matematiikan myöhempään kehitykseen vaikuttanut tieteen perusteiden kritiikki, sekä teoksen Alciphron, or The Minute Philosopher, joka oli osoitettu Lordi Shaftesburyä vastaan. Vuosina 1734-37 hän julkaisi teoksen The Querist. Hänen viimeiset teoksensa olivat Siris, tutkielma tervaveden terveellisyydestä, ja sitä seurannut Further Thoughts on Tar-water samasta aiheesta.
    ellauri164.html on line 218: Tämä tutkimus tutkii yhden runosarjan poikkeuksellista puoliintumisaikaa: "Westward the Course of Empire vie tiensä...". Alkaen irlantilais-anglikaanisen piispan George Berkeleyn vuonna 1726 tekemästä sävellyksestä, nämä sanat kolonisoivat valtavan osan kulttuurimaisemaa lähes kahden vuosisadan ajan. Sanomalehtipaperiin, laitureihin, valtiomiesten puheisiin, lukuaiheisiin, maantieteellisiin tietoihin, Yhdysvaltojen ensimmäiseen tieteelliseen historiaan sekä runouteen, maalauksiin, litografioihin ja valokuviin ikuistetut sanat kehittyivät vanhan maailman visiosta profeetallisista valtakunnista ilmeisen kohtalon nationalistinen iskulause. Seuraten runoa sen kiertyessä kirjallisen ja visuaalisen kulttuurin läpi, tämä projekti osoittaa, kuinka yksinkertainen lause totutti amerikkalaiset laajaan käsitykseen Yhdysvaltojen valtakunnasta siirtomaa-ajalta jälleenrakennukseen. Jatkuva varmuus valtakunnan etenemisestä länteen, itse asiassa itse imperiumin väistämättömyydestä, osoittaa kolonistien brittiläisen kulttuuriperinnön kestävän elinvoiman Amerikan vallankumouksen aattona. Yhtä tärkeitä ovat tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset muokkasivat runon ideologiaa sopimaan heidän kehittyvään kansallismielisyyteensä varhaisen tasavallan ja antebellum-aikakauden aikana. Berkeleyn sanat tarjosivat kriittisen paikan kansallismielisille tutkimuksille uuden tasavallan alkuvuosikymmeninä, mikä helpotti kansakunnan muuttumista kapitalistiseksi, hankkivaksi yhteiskunnaksi; 1800-luvun puolivälin konflikteissa he oikeuttivat amerikkalaisen sotavoimaisen imperialismin Meksikon ja Yhdysvaltojen välisessä sodassa, samalla kun he antoivat syvällistä tietoa sisällissodan alkamisesta ja sen välittömistä seurauksista, kun kansa paini Amerikan tulevaisuuden ääriviivoja vastaan. Tämä ideologia on kahden vuosisadan ajan mahdollistanut amerikkalaisten olevan sekä vakuuttuneita evankelistoja demokraattis-tasavaltalaisen hallitusmuotonsa poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta että samalla hengityksen kera omahyväisiä keisarillisen etuoikeutensa puolustajia ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereella ja sen alueella. alkuperäiskansojen ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli. "Westward Empire" paljastaa tavat, joilla Berkeleyn runo muokkasi tätä ainutlaatuista ideologiaa, sekä tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset mukauttivat Berkeleyn runon ainutlaatuisiin olosuhteisiinsa, ja tavat, joilla tämä kehittyvä ja monikerroksinen tulkinta puolestaan muokkasi amerikkalaista ajattelua ja käyttäytymistä vuoden 1752 välillä. ja 1876. tämän ideologian ansiosta amerikkalaiset ovat voineet olla sekä vakuuttuneita evankelistoja demokraattis-tasavaltalaisen hallitusmuotonsa poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta että samalla hengityksen kera, omahyväisiä puolustajia keisarilliseen etuoikeutensa ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereella ja sen alkuperäisasukkailla, ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli. "Westward Empire" paljastaa tavat, joilla Berkeleyn runo muokkasi tätä ainutlaatuista ideologiaa, sekä tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset mukauttivat Berkeleyn runon ainutlaatuisiin olosuhteisiinsa, ja tavat, joilla tämä kehittyvä ja monikerroksinen tulkinta puolestaan muokkasi amerikkalaista ajattelua ja käyttäytymistä vuoden 1752 välillä. ja 1876. tämän ideologian ansiosta amerikkalaiset ovat voineet olla sekä vakuuttuneita evankelistoja demokraattis-tasavaltalaisen hallitusmuotonsa poikkeuksellisesta luonteesta että samalla hengityksen kera, omahyväisiä puolustajia keisarilliseen etuoikeutensa ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereella ja sen alkuperäisasukkailla, ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli. "Westward Empire" paljastaa tavat, joilla Berkeleyn runo muokkasi tätä ainutlaatuista ideologiaa, sekä tavat, joilla amerikkalaiset mukauttivat Berkeleyn runon ainutlaatuisiin olosuhteisiinsa, ja tavat, joilla tämä kehittyvä ja monikerroksinen tulkinta puolestaan muokkasi amerikkalaista ajattelua ja käyttäytymistä vuoden 1752 välillä. ja 1876. ensin Pohjois-Amerikan mantereen ja sen alkuperäiskansojen yli ja lopulta maailmanlaajuisen siirtomaavaltakunnan yli.
    ellauri164.html on line 242: Veatch oli suuri rationalismin kannattaja, tomistisen filosofian auktoriteetti ja yksi aikansa johtavista uusaristoteelisista ajattelijoista. Hän vastusti sellaisia moderneja ja nykyaikaisia kehityskulkuja kuin " transsendenttinen käänne " ja " kielinen käänne ". Selkeän puheen ja "Hoosierin" terveen järjen vankkumaton puolustaja filosofiassa ja muualla, hän väitti realistisen metafysiikan ja käytännön etiikan puolesta.
    ellauri164.html on line 248: Jeff Veatch is a successful entrepreneur, businessman, community leader, and philanthropist. Over the course of his career, Jeff co-founded the IT staffing services firm Apex Systems, has been recognized as the Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst and Young, selected to the Philanthropic 50 by Washington Life magazine, served on the Board of Directors for ASGN Incorporated, sits on Board of Visitors for Virginia Tech, was a founding member of the effort to bring the Olympics to Washington DC, holds Board positions with Inova Health System, as well as other leadership and board positions throughout his community. Also, as an active philanthropic investor, he formed the Veatch Charities, which focuses on education, healthcare, and his community. Mr. Veatch is a 1993 graduate of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, earning a BS in Finance.
    ellauri164.html on line 354: Or, Mme Frola affirme de son côté que son beau-fils n'a pas reconnu sa femme après un séjour dans un asile psychiatrique. Un deuxième mariage avec la même femme a alors été fait pour le calmer.
    ellauri164.html on line 372: I blew through this novel myself, which in retrospect was somewhat of a grave mistake, as the book alternates between compelling and highly engaging dialogues to unrealistically long monologues which to me resemble a Rimbaud poem in translation than anything else, which is to say: hard to parse. That they got more than what they bargained for is what the ordinary reader will be struck by first when they read this. The complexity of each of the conversations cannot be overstated, which I think will inevitably result in readers just mechanically scanning the sentences rather than internalizing the arguments, with the final result being the great part of the novel sliding off like rain, leaving only vague impressions like it did with me unfortunately, but the parts that did affect me left me very humbled. And chiefly this impression will not be helped by another one of the defining features of the novel, which is its vagueness. It deliberately leaves a lot of key details unheard and leaves a lot to the ability to infer events by the reader. Though sometimes frustrating to a reader like me who reads history and biography, I recognize that it should be so for this novel, for the main conflict in it is a psychological one, so I wouldn't have it any other way.
    ellauri164.html on line 414: I'm afraid this is absolutely not readable any more. I gave up after 70 pages. My bad? ...more
    ellauri164.html on line 474: Ei kumpikaan niistä as such, sanoo useimmat, kyllä kyseessä oli riittämätön nöyristely Jaffelle. Moppe oli jaxanut mukisematta totella yli sata vuotta, Mirja siskokin oli kuukahtanut, ja aivan loppumetreillä meni hermot. Sitä Jaffe ei voinut antaa sille anteexi, sillä se on hyvin äkkipikainen. Ei täällä tarvi kenenkään muun vetää nenään hernettä.
    ellauri164.html on line 476: Ilmeisesti useimmista lukijoista Moosexen kohtelu oli vähän epistä. Sixi Jaffen käytöstä ja mahd. motiiveja pitää selitellä niin pitkästi.
    ellauri164.html on line 485: We first encounter Moses in the opening chapters of the book of Exodus. In chapter 1, we learn that, after the patriarch Joseph rescued his family from the great famine and situated them in the land of Goshen (in Egypt), the descendants of Abraham lived in peace for several generations until there rose to power in Egypt a pharaoh who “did not know Joseph” (Exodus 1:8). This pharaoh subjugated the Hebrew people and used them as slaves for his massive building projects. Because God blessed the Hebrew people with rapid numeric growth, the Egyptians began to fear the increasing number of Jews living in their land. So, Pharaoh ordered the death of all male children born to Hebrew women (Exodus 1:22).
    ellauri164.html on line 504: The third and final chapter in Moses’ life is the chapter that Scripture spends the most time chronicling, namely, his role in the redemption of Israel. Several lessons can be gleaned from this chapter of Moses’ life as well. First is how to be an effective leader of people. Moses essentially had responsibility over two million Hebrew refugees. When things began to wear on him, his father-in-law, Jethro Tull, suggested that he delegate responsibility to other faithful men, a lesson that many people in authority over others need to learn (Exodus 18). We also see a man who was dependent on the grace of God to help with his task. Moses was continually pleading on behalf of the people before God. If only all people in authority would petition God on behalf of those over whom they are in charge! Moses was keenly aware of the necessity of God’s presence and even requested to see God’s glory (Exodus 33). Moses knew that, apart from God, the exodus would be meaningless. It was God who made the Israelites distinct, and they needed Him most. Moses’ life also teaches us the lesson that there are certain sins that will continue to haunt us throughout our lives. The same hot temper that got Moses into trouble in Egypt also got him into trouble during the wilderness wanderings. In the aforementioned incident at Meribah, Moses struck the rock in anger in order to provide water for the people. However, he didn’t give God the glory, nor did he follow God’s precise commands. Because of this, God forbade him from entering the Promised Land. In a similar manner, we all succumb to certain besetting sins which plague us all our days, sins that require us to be on constant alert.
    ellauri164.html on line 508: As mentioned earlier, we also know that Moses’ life was typological of the life of Christ. Like Christ, Moses was the mediator of a covenant. Christ too was a little recalcitrant, so he got crucified. Again, the author of Hebrews goes to great lengths to demonstrate this point (cf. Hebrews 3; 8—10). The Apostle Paul also makes the same points in 2 Corinthians 3. The difference is that the covenant that Moses mediated was temporal and conditional, whereas the covenant that Christ mediates is eternal and unconditional. Like Christ, Moses provided redemption for his people. Moses delivered the people of Israel out of slavery and bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land of Canaan. Christ delivers His people out of bondage and slavery to sin and condemnation and brings them to the Promised Land of eternal life on a renewed earth, like Azrael in the forthcoming third season of His Dark Materials. Like Christ he returns to consummate the kingdom He inaugurated at His first coming. Like Christ, Moses was a prophet to his people. Moses spoke the very words of God to the Israelites just as Christ did (John 17:8). Moses predicted that the Lord would raise up another prophet like him from among the people (Deuteronomy 18:15). Jesus and the early church taught and believed that Moses was speaking of Jesus when he wrote those words (cf. John 5:46, Acts 3:22, 7:37). In so many ways, Moses’ life is a precursor to the life of Christ. As such, we can catch a glimpse of how God was working His plan of redemption in the lives of faithful people throughout human history. This gives us hope that, just as God saved His people and gave them rest through the actions of Moses, so, too, will God save us and give us an eternal Sabbath rest in Christ, both now and in the life to come. But don't get your hopes too high, you may not be among the chosen after all.
    ellauri164.html on line 510: Finally, it is interesting to note that, even though Moses never set foot in the Promised Land during his lifetime, he was given an opportunity to enter the Promised Land after his death. On the mount of transfiguration, when Jesus gave His disciples a taste of His full glory, He was accompanied by two Old Testament figures, Moses and Elijah, who represented the Law and the Prophets. Moses is, this day, experiencing the true Sabbath rest in Christ that one day all Christians will share (Hebrews 4:9).
    ellauri164.html on line 518: At Thursday’s daily Mass (Thursday of the 18th week of the year) we Roman catholics read of the sin that excluded Moses from leading the people to the Promised Land. While there are some mysterious elements to it, one thing seems clear: the grumbling of the people got on Moses’ nerves. Indeed, grumbling often affects more than just the one doing the complaining. Through it, infectious negativity can be set loose. Even if only a small number are grousing, it can still incite discontent, anger, and/or fear in others. Yes, the people nearly wore him out. At a particularly low moment, when the people were complaining about the food, Moses lamented to God,
    ellauri164.html on line 525: Then the glory of the Lord appeared to them, and the Lord said to Moses, “Take the staff, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to yield its water. So you shall bring water out of the rock for them and give drink to the congregation and their cattle.”
    ellauri164.html on line 527: And Moses took the staff from before the Lord, as he commanded him. He and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels! Are we to bring water for you out of this rock?” And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.
    ellauri164.html on line 532: 1. Moses sinned by not following the Lord’s instruction. The Lord told Moses to take his staff in hand and bid the rock to bring forth water. He was told to speak to the rock, but instead he struck it—twice. The striking of the rock, while not specifically directed according to the passage in Numbers, does not seem particularly egregious; in fact, in another description of this event (see Exodus 17:6) God does tell Moses to strike it. The Fathers of the Church (e.g., St. Jerome) did not view this as sinful, even interpreting the striking of the rock twice as a sign of the two bars of the cross.
    ellauri164.html on line 541: Grumbling, grousing, and complaining seem to be all around us. In our relative affluence, we often expect or even demand comfort. We are very particular about the way we want things to be, and often expect that it be made so without much if any effort on our part.
    ellauri164.html on line 560: AGAIN the congregation of Israel was brought into the wilderness, to the very place where God proved them soon after leaving Egypt. The Lord brought them water out of the rock, which had continued to flow until just before they came again to the rock, when the Lord caused that living stream to cease, to prove His people again, to see if they would endure the trial of their faith or would again murmur against Him.
    ellauri164.html on line 570: Here Moses sinned. He became wearied with the continual murmurings of the people against him, and the continual murmuring to stupid rocks. At the commandment of the Lord, took the rod, and, instead of speaking to the rock, as God commanded him, he smote it with the rod twice, after saying, "Must we fetch you water out of this rock?" He here spoke unadvisedly with his lips. He did not say, God will now show you another evidence of His power and bring you water out of this rock. He did not ascribe the power and glory to God for causing water to again flow from the flinty rock, and therefore did not magnify Him before the people. For this failure on the part of Moses, God would not permit him to lead the people to the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 591: Moses’ moment of greatest failure came when the people of Israel resumed complaining, this time about food and water (Num. 20:1-5). Moses and Aaron decided to bring the complaint to the Lord, who commanded them to take their staff, and in the people’s presence command a rock to yield water enough for the people and their livestock (Num. 20:6-8). Moses did as the Lord instructed but added two flourishes of his own. First he rebuked the people, saying, “Listen, you rebels, shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” Then he struck the rock twice with his staff. Water poured out in abundance (Num. 20:9-11), but the Lord was extremely displeased with Moses and Aaron.
    ellauri164.html on line 599:
    The Sin of Moses and the Staff of God

    ellauri164.html on line 609: The main thrust of this book is that the sin of Moses recorded in Numbers 20:1-13 is linked to the unlawful and wilful act of trifling with the sacred staff in striking the rock. This is because the staff of Moses has already become the staff of God (Exod. 4:20;17;9).
    ellauri164.html on line 611: Moses' abuse and misuse of the staff constitutes an act of lese-majeste because it is seen as an act of rebellion against YHWH's authority. Inevitably, Moses eclipses YHWH's personality, presence and power in the eyes of the people. His condign punishment is the forfeiture of the privilege of leading the people into the Promised Land. See Less.
    ellauri164.html on line 625: Moses had been leading a rebellious, ungrateful, complaining, people through the wilderness for 40 years. His sister had just died. And now these people had gathered together against Aaron and him to complain because there was no water, again! (Numbers 20:2-5) You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide for them.
    ellauri164.html on line 627: You would think after 40 years these people would have learned to trust their all-powerful, Living God to provide
    ellauri164.html on line 647: Now, after 40-years of faithfully serving God with perfect obedience to bring God’s people to the Promised Land, he would not be allowed to enter! Was that fair? Of course it was. Moses knew God was merciful and gracious. Surely God would forgive and relent, if he would only repent. Surely God would forgive one sin, and let him in, after how good he had been.
    ellauri164.html on line 656: God allowed Moses to see the Promised Land afar off, but he would never enter. Moses represented the Law, and the Law cannot take anyone into the Promised Land.
    ellauri164.html on line 669: 8 Take the staff, and assemble the congregation, you and Aaron your brother, and tell the rock before their eyes to yield its water. So you shall bring water out of the rock for them and give drink to the congregation and their cattle.
    ellauri164.html on line 671: 10 Then Moses and Aaron gathered the assembly together before the rock, and he said to them, “Hear now, you rebels: shall we bring water for you out of this rock?” 11 And Moses lifted up his hand and struck the rock with his staff twice, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their livestock.” (Num. 20: 8,10–11 ESV)
    ellauri164.html on line 707: To understand why God didn’t pronounce judgement, let’s notice what Moses did. He leads the people to the rock, calls them rebels, and instead of speaking to the rock he hits it twice with this staff. Moses is having a temper tantrum. In the prior examples in Numbers Moses never speaks harshly or loses patience. Moses is also breaking the pattern and this is the clue to understanding his sin.
    ellauri164.html on line 744: 2. But after nearly 40 years of service in the wilderness, Moses
    ellauri164.html on line 802: In the first month the whole Israelite community arrived at the Desert of Zin, and they stayed at Kadesh. There Miriam died and was buried. (2) Now there was no water for the community, and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. (3) They quarreled with Moses and said, "If only we had died when our brothers fell dead before the LORD! (4) Why did you bring the LORD's community into this desert, that we and our livestock should die here? (5) Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? It has no grain or figs, grapevines or pomegranates. And there is no water to drink!" (6) Moses and Aaron went from the assembly to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and fell facedown, and the glory of the LORD appeared to them. (7) The LORD said to Moses, (8) "Take the staff, and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together. Speak to that rock before their eyes and it will pour out its water. You will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink." (9) So Moses took the staff from the LORD's presence, just as he commanded him. (10) He and Aaron gathered the assembly together in front of the rock and Moses said to them, "Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?" (11) Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out, and the community and their livestock drank. (12) But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them." (13) These were the waters of Meribah, [1] where the Israelites quarreled with the LORD and where he showed himself holy among them.
    ellauri164.html on line 804: It often happens that Bible believing Christians reject the concept of allegory as being a legitimate way of interpreting the Bible. This comes from the belief that any way of interpreting Scripture other than literal meaning is false, particularly as it concerns Genesis 3 and evolution. But in fact allegory is common in the Bible – Christ makes frequent use of it in His parables – and even Genesis 3 is allegory (which does not preclude its literal interpretation as well.) In this section we shall examine the allegorical significance of the staff and the rock.
    ellauri164.html on line 806: Note that the Bible says (vs. 8) that Moses is to take “the” staff. By that God means the staff of Aaron, the High Priest. What do we know about this staff?
    ellauri164.html on line 810: It was chosen above all other staffs by God Himself.
    ellauri164.html on line 815: Now we know that the staff itself is a symbol of the priesthood. But consider how this fits with Christ, our High Priest:
    ellauri164.html on line 817: As the staff is before the Ark, our High Priest is ever before the throne of God (remember “enthroned between the cherubim?”) interceding on our behalf for the grace of God.
    ellauri164.html on line 818: As Aaron’s staff was chosen above all others, so Christ is above all others. We are a royal priesthood; but He is our High Priest.
    ellauri164.html on line 820: So we may see Christ as a staff, offering the grace of God as a carrot.
    ellauri164.html on line 836: Take the staff (so the people can see it).
    ellauri164.html on line 839: The staff, representing the priesthood and grace, the rock representing Christ, these commands would then be interpreted as:
    ellauri164.html on line 849: For this evildoing, Moses was not to enter the Promised Land – only to look at it from afar. There are some thoughts we can gather from this:
    ellauri164.html on line 867: There are few characters that play a larger part in the story of the Bible than Moses. He is the human protagonist of four Old Testament books and is consistently held up in both the OT and NT as a shining example of faith in the promises of God. The law that he delivered to the people of Israel serves as the foundation of the nation of Israel, and is lauded by Jesus as a testament that would not pass until “heaven and earth pass away…[and] all is accomplished.” One of the great tragic moments of the Bible is where Moses is denied entrance to the Promised Land for his sin at the Rock of Meribah; after faithfully leading Israel for forty years, Moses strikes a rock instead of speaking to it and is condemned to die before living in the Promised Land. On its surface, this might seem unfair to Moses. One mess-up and God gives him this great punishment? How many times had Israel failed in their journey and at Mt. Sinai, and God had spared their lives and allowed them to keep going? Yet His most faithful servant is barred over this one, seemingly insignificant event? If we take a closer look at the text, however, we see why Moses’ failure was such a stark one. While it doesn’t diminish the tragic nature of the event, it does shed light on why God takes such a drastic step to respond.
    ellauri164.html on line 871: This pattern shows itself again in the beginning of Numbers 20 after the death of Miriam. Once more Israel rebels against Moses and Aaron, this time over a lack of water in the desert of Zin. They claim that it would have been better to have died with Korah’s rebellion rather than wander without food and water, and they express regret over leaving Egypt, a land of “grain, figs, vines, and pomegranates.” This might seem a bold claim, since in our reading Korah has just died a few chapters earlier. Careful reading, however, indicates that there’s actually been a quiet time skip; Numbers 33:38 indicates that Aaron died in “the fortieth year after the sons of Israel had come from the land of Egypt, on the first day in the fifth month.” Given that Aaron’s death is recorded in Chapter 20, just a few verses after the episode at Meribah, this would indicate that the episode at Meribah occurred in year 38 of the 40 year wandering in the wilderness (remember that Israel had spent more than a year at Sinai in addition to travel time from Egypt to Sinai and from Sinai to the Promised Land before the wandering). This means that this rebellious generation of Israelites aren’t referencing a recent event, but instead wishing they had died nearly forty years earlier with Korah! Moses and Aaron have been dealing with this wicked and hard group of people for a very long time, and they are now claiming it would have been better to have died with Korah: a fate they were only spared because of Moses and Aaron’s own intercession!
    ellauri164.html on line 875: This gets us back to the question of what, exactly, Moses’ sin was. Many commentators focus on the physical actions that Moses took in verses 9-11. Some say Moses sin was striking the rock rather than speaking to it, but Moses was told to take the staff of God. Exodus 17:5-6 had Moses striking the rock to cause water to come out of the rock (in fact, it’s actually the same rock of Meribah!), so it’s possible to read an inference that the staff was to be used to strike the rock. Some commentators see Moses’ harsh words for Israel as the sin, or perhaps that he speaks to the people rather than speaking to the rock. Regardless of which of these views, they don’t account for what the text itself says: Numbers 20:12 makes it clear that the sin of Moses and Aaron was “…you have not believed Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel.” Indeed, focusing on Moses’ actions of striking the rock or speaking harshly makes it seem doubly unfair to Aaron, who had neither spoken nor struck the rock.
    ellauri164.html on line 879: This interpretation is solidified by Moses’ words about this event in the Book of Deuteronomy. Three times in the first four chapters of Deuteronomy, Moses says that he is not able to enter the Promised Land because of Israel. At first glance, again, this might seem an unfair charge. Moses had caused his own exclusion, hadn’t he? Why is he accusing the generation after the event in Numbers 20 of being the cause of his failure? If we look at these three mentions, we see a few important facts. In the first instance, Deuteronomy 1:37, Moses is recounting the failure of Israel when they listened to the 10 spies’ negative report and how God forbade that generation from entering the Promised Land, and he then says “The Lord was angry with me also on your account, saying, ‘Not even you shall enter there.’” Moses associates his inability to enter the Promised Land with Israel’s rebellion and unfaithfulness, but he also seems to be lumping the people’s refusal to enter the land (Numbers 13-14) with his own sin in Numbers 20. This is not Moses forgetting the chronology of these two events, but rather indicating that they are closely associate with one another.
    ellauri164.html on line 881: The second mention is in Deuteronomy 3:23-26, where after retelling the defeats of the kings Sihon and Og Moses relates that “I also pleaded with the Lord at that time, saying, ‘O Lord God, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours? Let me, I pray, cross over and see the fair land that is beyond the Jordan, that good hill country and Lebanon.’ But the Lord was angry with me on your account, and would not listen to me; and the Lord said to me, ‘Enough! Speak to Me no more of this matter.” Again, Moses directly links the Lord’s anger towards him with the Israelites.
    ellauri164.html on line 916: Moses was so beloved by God, but when he sinned He still punished His servant’s sin. “God is no respecter of persons” (Acts 10:34). Yet it is because he repented, and confessed his sin, that God forgave him. Not long after his death he was resurrected and taken up into heaven (Jude 9)
    ellauri164.html on line 923: Moses’ sin occurred in the final years of his life. After faithfully leading Israel out of Egypt, and after their rebellion in the matter of the 12 spies, he also faithfully led them during the forty years of wandering in the wilderness. Yet near the very end of that wandering, in a moment of anger and a lapse of judgment, Moses sinned, and God recorded that it led Him to refuse to allow Moses to enter the promised land. It is difficult to imagine the anguish and remorse Moses must have felt when God revealed this punishment. His failure to give God the proper respect and reverence, though provoked by the wicked rebellion and faithless murmurings of Israel, was a public sin and God chose to publicly and openly punish him for it.
    ellauri164.html on line 925: Yet this is the same Moses who was allowed to come and speak to Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. It was the same Moses who received the wonderful testimony that “Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant.” So, it is abundantly clear that God forgave him of this sin and still considered him to be among His greatest servants (Lk. 9:30-31; Heb. 3:5). This makes this event very important as it can bring hope and comfort to us when we have fallen short, and after repentance feel that we are no longer worthy and might still be cast away forever. This event reveals that this cannot happen as long as we repent and seek forgiveness in confession.
    ellauri164.html on line 933: Did Moses realize immediately what he had done? At some point after this event, “the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, ‘Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.’” Their conduct had publicly displayed a lack faith, reverence and respect. God determined that this needed an equally public punishment. The punishment for this sin was grievous. God gave to them a punishment so similar to the one given to all Israel at Kadesh that it was a heart-breaking moment for Moses. Both he and Aaron would die in the wilderness and not be allowed to enter the promised land. What a bitter pill for Moses to swallow. Like David with Bathsheba, God forgave the sin, but did not remove the consequences. The consequences for Moses’ momentary lapse in reverence and respect under the terrible emotion of anger was to be barred from entrance into the promised land.
    ellauri164.html on line 935: When God said Moses “failed to sanctify me in the eyes of the people,” He did not specify exactly what this failure was. God had told Moses to “speak to the rock,” but the account stated that “Moses lifted up his hand, and smote the rock with his rod twice.” Clearly, in that act, Moses went beyond what God had commanded him to do. God had told Moses to take the staff, but not use it. He was directly commanded only to speak to the rock. He went beyond what was written when struck that rock. It was similar to Nadab and Abihu who offered “strange fire which He had not commanded them.” At that time Moses saw that such behavior did not “treat God as holy or glorify him among the people” (Lev. 10:1-3). Yet Moses, in anger, failed to hallow God when he struck that rock instead of speaking to it. He had failed to learn “not to go beyond what is written,” (1Cor. 4:6). He was told to speak to the rock (and he did not do that), but struck the rock (which he had no authority to do). God later charged Moses with this sin: “you rebelled against my word at the waters of Meribah” (Num 20:24; 27:13).
    ellauri164.html on line 953: Torah Portion Haftarah Portion
    ellauri164.html on line 963: But wait. Didn’t we already learn a similar story back in Exodus? In fact, the first story of thirst came very soon after the crossing at the Sea of Reeds (Shemot 17:4). Since that was at the very beginning of the sojourn in the wilderness, before the events that led to God’s decision to delay the Israelites’ entry to the Land—and this story is at the end of the forty years—we can see the two stories as forming a kind of a framework around the whole saga of the wandering. In the first story, the Israelites were the first generation of those who left Egypt. In this story, they are the children and grandchildren of that generation. When we see this kind of framework, we look for the similarities and differences between the bracketing stories. At the same time, we understand that they suggest a theme for the stories between them.
    ellauri164.html on line 971: “Listen, you rebels, shall we get water for you out of this rock?” And Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod. Out came water, and the community and their beasts drank. But God said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust Me enough to affirm My sanctity before the eyes of the Israelites, even so you shall not bring this assembly to the Land that I have given them.” (Num. 20:10-12)
    ellauri164.html on line 975: The Israelites had a history of trusting in God because of what they saw. The most famous example, which we repeat in the daily morning service, quotes their experience after the crossing of the Sea of Reeds: “Israel saw the wondrous power which God had wielded against the Egyptians, the people feared God; they had faith in God and in God’s servant, Moses” (Exod. 14:31). They have needed this public, indisputable evidence of their eyes ever since. God knows that what they see is what is most important. And what he wants them to see is Moses speaking—not striking the rock, as he was commanded to do on the former occasion.
    ellauri171.html on line 100: Raakel oli ottanut kodin epäjumalat ja laittanut ne kamelinsa satulaan ja istui niiden päällä. Laaban tunsi kaiken läpi, mutta ei löytänyt mitään. Raakel oli ottanut terafit ja pannut ne kamelin huonekaluihin! Hän sanoi isälleen: "Ole kiltti, herra, anna minulle anteeksi, jos en nouse puolestasi. Minulla on kuukautiset kuukausittain." Mä istun. Niinpä Laaban jatkoi etsintöjään, mutta hän ei löytänyt koti-epäjumalia. Sellainen naisten tapa, voi niiden kanssa! Sillä oli juoksu. Laittoikohan se pikkareihin sammalta. Se ei tunnu kuin istuisi pehmeällä kissanpojalla, pikemminkin siilillä. Siilit ovat kivoja, mutteivät mukavia housuissa.
    ellauri171.html on line 218: His father, Marcel Théodore Tissot, was not a watchmaker but a successful drapery merchant. He took part in losing the war of 1870 and in the Paris Commune. In 1885, Tissot had a revival of his Catholic faith, which led him to spend the rest of his life making paintings about Biblical events. Many of his artist friends were skeptical about his conversion, as it conveniently coincided with the French Catholic revival, a reaction against the secular attitude of the French Third Republic. They brought Tissot vast wealth and fame. Tissot spent the last years of his life in his chateau working on paintings of subjects from the Old Testament. Although he never completed the series, he exhibited 80 of these paintings in Paris in 1901 and engravings after them were published in 1904. In the first half of the 20th century, there was a re-kindling of interest in his portraits of fashionable ladies and some fifty years later, these were achieving record prices.
    ellauri171.html on line 238:
    Mary's assumption turned out correct, after a long patriarchal controversy in the consile. The penetrator was Archangel Gabriel.

    ellauri171.html on line 279: afic/biblia/pint/Jesus/picJesus/magdalena.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri171.html on line 281: afe.mx/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/maria-magdalena.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri171.html on line 282:
    Muinaista jalkafetishishmiä ja modernimpaa podofiliaa. Jeesus kazoo Mariaa syrjäsilmällä vaikkei sen T:t ole kovin kummoset.

    ellauri171.html on line 296: Maria Magdalena and Jeesuxen jalkafetisismi
    ellauri171.html on line 451: Next she rolled his body off the bed and pulled down the canopy from the posts. Soon afterward she went out and gave Holofernes’ head to her maid, who placed it in her food bag.’ Judith 13:6-10
    ellauri171.html on line 471: We forgot to mention that Jezebel was the New Testament's N:o 2 whore after Magdalen. In Revelation 2 Jesus Christ rebukes the church of Thyatira saying, “You allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols”. Christ also says of this Jezebel, “I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. I will kill her children with death.” Battle of the sexes. In Handmaid's Tale, a Jezebel is a woman forced to become prostitute and entertainer. They are available only to the Commanders and to their guests. Offred portrays Jezebels as attractive and educated; they may be unsuitable as handmaids due to temperament. They have been sterilized, a surgery that is forbidden to other women. They operate in unofficial but state-sanctioned brothels, unknown to most women. Jezebels, whose title also comes from the Bible (note Queen Jezebel in the Books of Kings), dress in the remnants of sexualized costumes from "the time before", such as cheerleaders' costumes, school uniforms, and Playboy Bunny costumes. Jezebels can wear make-up, drink alcohol, and socialize with men, but are tightly controlled by the Aunts. When they pass their sexual prime and/or their looks fade, they are discarded, without any precision as to whether they are killed or sent to "the Colonies" (XII Jezebels).
    ellauri171.html on line 509: At the time of this story, she must have been very young – about fourteen years, since she was born after Leah’s four sons. Even though young, she was considered to be of marriageable age.
    ellauri171.html on line 512: She seems to have been confident enough of her safety to move freely among the the Canaanite women of the region -relations with Canaanites were friendly, and the women of both peoples considered themselves to be safe.
    ellauri171.html on line 567: They know this is the opportune time, since the third day after circumcision is the most painful, and is also the time when a fever is likely. The men of the city will be unable to retaliate. Simeon and Levi kill every able-bodied man in the city, including Shechem and his father Hamor.
    ellauri171.html on line 635: Then her husband arose and went after her to speak tenderly to her in order to bring her back, taking with him his servant and a pair of donkeys. So she brought him into her father’s house, and when the girl’s father saw him, he was glad to meet him. His father-in-law, the girl’s father, detained him; and he remained with him three days. So they ate and drank and lodged there. Judges 19:3-4 (NASB)
    ellauri171.html on line 638: Now we learn that the Levite and the concubine are husband and wife because the Levite is described as “her husband,” and the woman’s father is the Levite’s “father-in-law.” We also learn that the Levite travelled to Bethlehem to speak kindly to her and return home together. Because we are told that he planned to “speak tenderly to her,” this once again suggests that they may have argued after she played the prostitute, and as a result she left.
    ellauri171.html on line 679: The first important lesson from this account is that the Bible indicates God did not approve of the horrible sins that occurred in the city of Gibeah. Judges 20:18, 23, 28, 35 repeatedly reveal that God directed the other tribes of Israel to action against a morally evil tribe. This reveals that the accusation of some that Scripture is silent about the evil that occurred is wrong. The reason the account is recorded is summarized at the end of Judges 21. There God reveals that He condemned the nation of Israel for its actions in Judges 19-21. Judges 21:25 says, “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” It reveals what happens when men and women abandon God. Romans 3:10-18 states the human race is utterly perverted and their actions will demonstrate it. It says no one seeks after God. “There is not even one!” We have all turned aside from God. Jesus said to the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:17 that there is only One who is good and He is God. The rest of Romans 3:10-18 describes our utter sinfulness and despicable behavior when we abandon God. That describes the inhabitants of Gibeah and the nation of Benjamin. Tämmöistä sakinhivutusta suositaan armeijoissa nykyäänkin. Jos syyllistä ei saada kiinni, pannaan koko komppania kärsimään. Hemmetti tää on kyllä alkeellista touhua. Kuka tästä enää haluaa mitään oppia? No vizi on että raamatun lukijoista on varmasti yli 50% just yhtä alkeellista porukkaa. Ei apinat ole mihkään muuttuneet, ne on sopeutuneet tähän.
    ellauri171.html on line 681: Our second lesson is that our sins affect others and potentially lead others to sin. The first sin in this account occurred in the home of the Levite and concubine. The fact that the Levite planned to “speak tenderly to her” (Judges 19:3) in order to win her back, seems to imply that they had quarreled. The most obvious sin is that she committed adultery when she became a prostitute. The initial sin cascaded into the horrific evils in Gibeah and subsequently to the 400 virgins who were taken alive in Jabesh-gilead to be given as wives to the remaining men of Benjamin. Judges 21:25 says, “. . . everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”
    ellauri171.html on line 742: Ehud murders Eglon at a 19th century commode - but ancient lavatory arrangements were probably similar. Ehud, an Israelite, reluctantly carried tribute to the hated Moabite king Eglon. He did not want to do it, but he knew he had to – Eglon was like a Mafia chieftain, too powerful and too violent to disobey.
    ellauri171.html on line 748: Ehud’s hand was covered in faeces. Then Ehud quickly left, locking the door after him so the servants would think the king was taking his time as he relieved himself.
    ellauri171.html on line 751: ‘Then Ehud reached with his left hand, took the sword from his right thigh, and thrust it into Eglon’s belly; the hilt also went in after the blade, and the fat closed over the blade, for he did not draw the sword out of his belly; and the faeces came out.
    ellauri171.html on line 868: Kothar-wa-Khasis, the skilled god of craftsmanship, created Yagrush and Aymur (Driver and Chaser) the weapons used by the god Ba'al Hadad.
    ellauri171.html on line 900: Shadrafa, god of medicine or healing.
    ellauri171.html on line 925: The Late Bronze Age collapse was a time of societal collapse between c.1200 and 1150 BCE, preceding the Greek Dark Ages. The collapse affected a large area covering much of Southeast Europe, West Asia and North Africa, comprising the overlapping regions of the Near East and Eastern Mediterranean, with Egypt, eastern Libya, the Balkans, the Aegean, Anatolia, and the Caucasus. It was a transition which historians believe was violent, sudden, and culturally disruptive for some Bronze Age civilizations during the 12th century BCE, along with a sharp economic decline of regional powers.
    ellauri171.html on line 939: The ruler of Carchemish sent troops to assist Ugarit, but Ugarit had been sacked. A letter sent after Ugarit had been destroyed said:
    ellauri171.html on line 948: None of the inscribed tablets found in 1929 in the Canaanite city of Ugarit (destroyed c. 1200 BC) has revealed a cosmology. Any idea of one is often reconstructed from the much later Phoenician text by Philo of Byblos (c. 64–141 AD), after much Greek and Roman influence in the region.
    ellauri171.html on line 958: Archaeological investigations at the site of Tell es-Safi have found the remains of donkeys, as well as some sheep and goats in Early Bronze Age layers, dating to 4,900 years ago which were imported from Egypt in order to be sacrificed. One of the sacrificial animals, a complete donkey, was found beneath the foundations of a building, leading to speculation this was a 'foundation deposit' placed before the building of a residential house. Me syötiin Kiinan teevuorilla kerran aasikeittoa. Ei se pahaa ollut.
    ellauri171.html on line 992: The next time we hear of Jezebel is during the ploy to obtain Naboth’s vineyard for her husband, who is unable to secure the transaction. She sends letters, with the stamp of the king, to the elders in Naboth’s town, commanding them to lie against Naboth, and then stone him. The elders do so, and after Naboth’s death, the vineyard is claimed for Ahab. Few bible commentators acknowledge the bizarre betrayal of Naboth by his neighbors. If, as is suggested, Naboth’s neighbors had known him since birth and patronized him, how could they turn so quickly? Some scholars argue that this incident highlights Jezebel’s keen understanding of Israelite men. It is perhaps, also, one of the impetus for her modern connotation as manipulator-supreme.
    ellauri171.html on line 1003: One way northerners disturb the tapestry of creation is through sexually deviant and immoral activities, which is why the Torah describes the divinations of Jezebel as her promiscuity (“the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her abundant witchcraft”).
    ellauri171.html on line 1008: The Zohar explains that although Elijah was a prophet of Gad, it is the practice of the righteous to avoid situations that require miraculous divine intervention unless absolutely necessary. Because Jezebel had threatened to harm him, Elijah escaped quickly to save Gad the trouble of a supernatural rescue mission. Gad was a little out of breath after the Carmel incident.
    ellauri171.html on line 1021: It is not incomprehensible that, whereas Ahab devoted himself to military and foreign affairs, Jezebel acted as his deputy for internal affairs: the Naboth report comes back to her, as if the king’s seal was hers; she has her own “table,” that is her own economic establishment and budget; she has her own “prophets,” probably a religious establishment that she controls. All these point toward an official or semiofficial position that Jezebel held by virtue of her character, her royal origin and connections, her husband’s and later her children’s esteem, and her religious affiliation to the Baal (possibly also Asherah) cult.
    ellauri171.html on line 1022: Perhaps she had the status of gebira “queen mother”, or of “co-regent”. At any rate, there is no doubt that the biblical and later accounts distort her portrait for several reasons, among which we can list her monarchic power, deemed unfit in a woman; her reported devotion to the Baal and Asherah cult and her objection to Elijah and other prophets of God; her education and legal know-how (shown in the Naboth affair); and her foreign origin Ultimately, the same passages that disclaim Jezebel as evil, “whoring,” and immoral are witness to her power and the need to curb it.
    ellauri171.html on line 1053: Although the readers know that God has killed two of Judah’s sons, Judah does not. This is known as dramatic irony. He suspects that Tamar is a “lethal woman,” a woman whose sexual partners are all doomed to die. So, Judah is afraid to give Tamar to his youngest son, Shelah, the inventor of Shelah quantifiers. So doing, Judah wrongs Tamar. According to Near Eastern custom, known from Middle Assyrian laws, if a man has no son over ten years old, he could perform the Levirate marriage (yibbum) obligation himself; if he does not, the woman is declared a “widow,” free to marry again. Judah, who is perhaps afraid of Tamar’s lethal character, could have set her free. But he does not—he sends her to live as “a widow” in her father’s house. Unlike other widows, she cannot remarry and must stay chaste on pain of death. She is in limbo.
    ellauri171.html on line 1055: Ostensibly, Tamar is only waiting for Shelah to grow up and mate with her. But after time passes, she realizes that Judah is not going to effect that union. She therefore devises a plan to secure her own future by tricking her father-in-law into having sex with her. She is not planning incest. A father-in-law may not sleep with his daughter-in-law (Lev 18:15), just as a brother-in-law may not sleep with his sister-in-law (Lev 18:16), but in-law incest rules are suspended for the purpose of the levirate. The levir is, after all, only a surrogate for the dead husband. What the fuck. Well, it takes one to know one.
    ellauri171.html on line 1057: Tamar’s plan is as simple as it is clever: she covers herself with a veil so that Judah won’t recognize her, and then she sits in the roadway at the “entrance to Enaim” (Hebrew petah enayim; literally, “eye-opener”). She has chosen her spot well. Judah will pass as he comes back happy and horny (and maybe tipsy) from a sheep-shearing festival. The veil is not the mark of a prostitute (haha); rather, it simply will prevent Judah from seeing Tamar’s face, and women sitting by the roadway are apparently fair game. So, Judah propositions her, offering to give her a kid (well he did) for her services and giving her his pet seal and staff id (the ancient equivalent of a credit card) in pledge.
    ellauri171.html on line 1067: Storyline: Tamara is a girl who didn't quite fit in. Tamara is constantly picked on and when a couple of Judah's sons play a joke on Tamara, it leads to their death. The sugardaddy tries to make it so that Tamara ran away. But all is not lost yet. Tamara returns as a sexy seductress and plans her revenge. (due to witchcraft). Well like they say: Karma's a bitch. —Anonymous
    ellauri171.html on line 1108: Why not? At that time it would have been a possibility, though not a preferred one. Perhaps the marriage that had been arranged for Tamar was too politically sensitive to upset, or maybe Amnon thought that David would disapprove of his obsession, seeing it as a weakness. After all, a king could not afford to let emotions interfere with politics. Remember Batsheba, haha.
    ellauri171.html on line 1137: Amnon ignored her words. He was without pity or remorse. He had his servant literally throw her out of the room. He would not even use her name: ‘Put this woman out of my presence, and bolt the door after her.’
    ellauri171.html on line 1143: Her appearance, and the women’s quick realization of what had happened, plunged the harem into turmoil. The three women most affected were Tamar, her mother Maacah, and Ahinoam, the mother of Amnon. The sisters of Tamar and Amnon would also have been intimately affected.
    ellauri171.html on line 1160: Absalom waited, biding his time. For two years he said nothing, did nothing, but then he set his trap. He gave a feast for all David’s sons. At the height of the festivities when Amnon was half-drunk, Absalom had his half-brother killed, stabbed to death in a scene reminiscent of a Mafia killing. In the ensuring turmoil Absalom escaped, fleeing for sanctuary to Geshur, his grandfather’s territory.
    ellauri171.html on line 1184: 4 Juuri silloin Boas saapui Betlehemistä ja tervehti elonkorjaajia: "Herra olkoon teidän kanssanne!" "HERRA siunatkoon sinua!" he vastasivat. 5 Boas kysyi leikkuukoneensa valvojalta: "Kenelle tuo mehukkaannäköinen nuori nainen kuuluu?" 6 Valvoja vastasi: "Hän on mooabilainen, joka palasi Moabista Noomin kanssa. 7 Hiän sanoi: 'Anna minun poimia ja kerätä lyhteitä leikkuukoneen taakse.' Hiän tuli kentälle ja on jäänyt tänne aamusta tähän päivään, lukuun ottamatta vessakäyntejä ja lyhyttä lepoa tarhassa." 8 Niin Boas sanoi Ruutille: "Tyttäreni, kuuntele minua. Älä mene poimimaan toiselta alalta äläkä mene pois täältä. Pysy täällä naisten kanssa, jotka työskentelevät minulle. 9 Tarkkaile peltoa, jolla miehet korjaavat, ja seuraa naisten perässä. Olen sanonut miehille, etteivät he tafsaa sinua, ainakaan sieltä. Ja aina kun sinulla on jano, mene ja ota juotavaa vesipurkeista, jotka miehet ovat täyttäneet." 10 Tämän jälkeen hiän kumartui kasvot maahan. Hiän kysyi häneltä: "Miksi olen saanut niin suosion silmissäsi, että huomaat minut - ulkomaalaisen?" 11 Boas vastasi: "Minulle on kerrottu kaikki, mitä olet tehnyt anoppisi hyväksi miehesi kuoleman jälkeen - kuinka jätit isäsi ja äitisi ja kotimaasi ja tulit asumaan kansan luo, jota et tietää etukäteen. 12 HERRA maksakoon sinulle, mitä olet tehnyt. Saakoon sinulle runsaan palkkion HERRA, Israelin Jumala, jonka siipien alle olet tullut turvaan. " 13 "Saanko edelleen löytää armon silmissäsi, herrani", hän sanoi. "Olet saanut minut rauhoittumaan puhumalla ystävällisesti kuin palvelijallesi, vaikka minulla ei olekaan yhdenkään palvelijasi asemaa." 14 Aterian aikaan Boas sanoi hänelle: "Tule tänne. Ota leipää ja kasta se viinietikkaan." Kun hän istui sadonkorjuukoneiden kanssa, hän tarjosi hiänelle paahtomaissia. Hiän söi kaiken, mitä halusi, ja hänellä oli vähän yli.
    ellauri172.html on line 47: Kun rytistys on päättynyt, alkaa hovioikeus. Mä oon omin silmin nähnyt tän homopetterin seinägraffitin, vaikken muistanut. Ruumiikas Kristus ilman paitaa jamihousuissa jakaa hikipäässä oikeutta käsi pystyssä, Jehova on varmaan taas paraikaa vessassa tai jonottamassa sinne vuoroa. (Kenenkä jalat näkyy kuvan yläreunassa kykkimässä posliinilla tyhjän päällä? Onko se epäilevä Tuomas?) Nakupellet vasemmalla kädellä on vapautettu, vuohet oikealla saavat hikoilla. Vittu tämmönen koirankasvattajan vihellys ja naxutus on sitten alhaista. Vain aasi lähtee menemään kun sille näytetään keppiä ja porkkanaa. Jos sekään. On se sevverran vastahankainen.
    ellauri172.html on line 163: «Nella città di Asti, in Piemonte, il 17 gennaio dell'anno 1749, io nacqui di nobili, agiati ed onesti parenti». Così Alfieri presenta se stesso nella Vita scritta da esso, autobiografia stesa, per la maggior parte, intorno al 1790, ma completata solo nel 1803. Alfieri ebbe un'attività letteraria breve ma prolifica e intensa; il suo carattere tormentato, oltre a delineare la sua vita in senso avventuroso, fece di lui un precursore delle inquietudini romantiche.
    ellauri172.html on line 175: Come scrive nell'autobiografia, era un bambino molto sensibile, a tratti vivace, solitario, insofferente alle regole, descritto dai biografi moderni come tendente alla nevrosi, una condizione che si protrarrà per tutta la vita, causandogli spesso anche disturbi psicosomatici. Soffrirà di frequenti disturbi gastrici per la sua intera esistenza.
    ellauri172.html on line 181: Al compimento del ventesimo anno di età, quando, entrando in possesso della sua cospicua eredità, decise di lasciare nuovamente l'Italia. Fallisce intanto un tentativo del cognato di combinargli un matrimonio con una ragazza nobile e ricca, la quale, pur affascinata dal giovane "dai capelli e dalla testa al vento", alla fine farà cadere la sua scelta su un altro giovane dall'indole più tranquilla.
    ellauri172.html on line 192: Ebbe anche una relazione con la marchesa Gabriella Falletti di Villafalletto, moglie di Giovanni Antonio Turinetti marchese di Priero. Tra il 1774 e il 1775, mentre assisteva la sua amica malata, portò a compimento la tragedia Antonio e Cleopatra, rappresentata a giugno di quello stesso anno a Palazzo Carignano, con successo.
    ellauri172.html on line 285: 26 Then the angel of the Lord moved on ahead and stood in a narrow place where there was no room to turn, either to the right or to the left. 27 When the donkey saw the angel of the Lord, it lay down under Balaam, and he was angry(E) and beat it with his staff. 28 Then the Lord opened the donkey’s mouth,(F) and it said to Balaam, “What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times?(G)”
    ellauri172.html on line 312: Guyau uppfostrades och handleddes i studiet av antiken och Platon av sin styvfar, Alfred Fouillée. Han blev vid 17 års ålder licencié ès lettres och mottog vid 19 års ålder ett pris av Académie des sciences morales et politiques för ett historiskt arbete om nyttomoralen. Ett svårt bröstlidande tvingade honom att avstå från den filosofiska lärarbanan och att tillbringa vintrarna i Nice och Menton, där han avled 33 år gammal. Guyaus arbeten, som utmärker sig för en levande, lyrisk stil, glänsande framställningskonst och kritisk klarsyn, bär av idén om livet som en starkt expansiv, i alla riktningar överströmmande kraft. Etiskt framträder den som sympati, solidaritet och hängivenhet. Därför är också ädelmodet den högsta, i livets eget väsen grundade dygden. Från denna utgångspunkt bekämpar Guyau beräknings- och lyckomoralen i alla dess former. Handlingsprincipen blir: högsta möjliga stegring, intensivt såväl som extensivt, av vårt fysiska och andliga liv. Lusten är därvid ej målet utan följden av livsstegringen. På liknande sätt innebär konsten en livsstegring. Skönt är enligt Guyau allt, som försätter känsla, vilja och tanke i harmoniskt lustbetonad rörelse, griper oss och vidgar vår sympati. Utifrån denna uppfattning tillbakavisas Friedrich Schiller och Herbert Spencers lekteori för konsten. Även i religionen såg Guyau en strävan efter stegrad livsgemenskap. Religionen är för honom en tolkning av verkligheten ur samhälleliga synpunkter, en "sociomorfism". Sehän oli durkheimilainen ennen Eeemeliä.
    ellauri172.html on line 328: Pro tertio: Le bonheur purement égoïste de certains épicuriens est une chimère, une abstraction, une impossibilité : les vrais plaisirs humains sont tous plus ou moins sociaux. L’égoïsme pur, avons-nous dit, au lieu d’être une réelle affirmation de soi, est une mutilation de soi.
    ellauri172.html on line 387: Rafft von seinem Lager sich geschwind: Nousee vuoteestansa vikkelään,
    ellauri172.html on line 457: Von der Liebe Jugendkraft durchmannt: Se on nuorin voimin valmis puskemaan
    ellauri172.html on line 552: Après la politique, la haine des Bourbons, le spectre noir de la Congrégation, les regrets du passé pour ces vaincus, toutes ces avalanches qui roulaient en bouillonnant d’un bout à l’autre de cette table fumante, il y avait d’autres sujets de conversation, à tempêtes et à tintamarres. Par exemple, il y avait les femmes. La femme est l’éternel sujet de conversation des hommes entre eux, surtout en France, le pays le plus fat de la terre. Il y avait les femmes en général et les femmes en particulier, — les femmes de l’univers et celle de la porte à côté, — les femmes des pays que beaucoup de ces soldats avaient parcourus, en faisant les beaux dans leurs grands uniformes victorieux, et celles de la ville, chez lesquelles ils n’allaient peut-être pas, et qu’ils nommaient insolemment par nom et prénom, comme s’ils les avaient intimement connues, sur le compte de qui, parbleu ! ils ne se gênaient pas, et dont, au dessert, ils pelaient en riant la réputation, comme ils pelaient une pêche, pour, après, en casser le noyau. Tous prenaient part à ces bombardements de femmes, même les plus vieux, les plus coriaces, les plus dégoûtés de la femelle, ainsi qu’ils disaient cyniquement, car les hommes peuvent renoncer à l’amour malpropre, mais jamais à l’amour-propre de la femme, et, fût-ce sur le bord de leur fosse ouverte, ils sont toujours prêts à tremper leurs museaux dans ces galimafrées de fatuité !
    ellauri172.html on line 563: Et, pendant qu’il parlait de s’agenouiller, il grandissait, et, comme la fiancée de Corinthe dans la poésie de Goethe, il semblait, sans s’être levé de sa chaise, grandi du buste jusqu’au plafond:
    ellauri172.html on line 579: — Brutalité de soldats ! — fit Mesnilgrand froidement, who cares; — mais voici du raffinement d’officier.
    ellauri172.html on line 612: Napsun sisko princesse Pauline Borghese était constamment infidèle et, selon les mémoires de la duchesse d'Abrantès, était capable d'entretenir simultanément trois liaisons. Elle était affligée de problèmes gynécologiques, exacerbés par sa promiscuité bacchanienne, au point qu'un médecin lui conseilla l'application de sangsues à la vulve. Sa santé décline et elle meurt des suites d'un cancer du foie — à Florence, quatre ans après son frère, le 9 juin 1825 âgée de 44 ans, sans descendance.
    ellauri172.html on line 645: Je la trouvai à peine vêtue, les épaules au vent, embrasées par une chaleur africaine, les bras nus, ces beaux bras dans lesquels j’avais tant mordu et qui, dans de certains moments d’émotion que j’avais si souvent fait naître, devenaient, comme disent les peintres, du ton de l’intérieur des fraises. Ses cheveux, appesantis par la chaleur, croulaient lourdement sur sa nuque dorée, et elle était belle ainsi, déchevelée, négligée, languissante à tenter Satan et à venger Ève !
    ellauri172.html on line 666: Le major Ydow tomba dans une de ces rages qui déshonorent le caractère d’un homme, et cribla la Pudica d’injures ignobles, d’injures de cocher. Je crus qu’il la rouerait de coups. Les coups allaient venir, mais un peu plus tard. Il lui reprocha, — en quels termes ! d’être… tout ce qu’elle était. Il fut brutal, abject, révoltant ; et elle, à toute cette fureur, répondit en vraie femme qui n’a plus rien à ménager, qui connaît jusqu’à l’axe l’homme à qui elle s’est accouplée, et qui sait que la bataille éternelle est au fond de cette bauge de la vie à deux. Elle fut moins ignoble, mais plus atroce, plus insultante et plus cruelle dans sa froideur, que lui dans sa colère. Elle fut insolente, ironique, riant du rire hystérique de la haine dans son paroxysme le plus aigu, et répondant au torrent d’injures que le major lui vomissait à la face par de ces mots comme les femmes en trouvent, quand elles veulent nous rendre fous, et qui tombent sur nos violences et dans nos soulèvements comme des grenades à feu dans de la poudre. De tous ces mots outrageants à froid qu’elle aiguisait, celui avec lequel elle le dardait le plus, c’est qu’elle ne l’aimait pas — qu’elle ne l’avait jamais aimé : « Jamais ! jamais ! jamais ! » répétait-elle, avec une furie joyeuse, comme si elle lui eût dansé des entrechats sur le cœur ! — Or, cette idée — qu’elle ne l’avait jamais aimé — était ce qu’il y avait de plus féroce, de plus affolant pour ce fat heureux, pour cet homme dont la beauté avait fait ravage, et qui, derrière son amour pour elle, avait encore sa vanité ! Aussi arriva-t-il une minute où, n’y tenant plus, sous le dard de ce mot, impitoyablement répété, qu’elle ne l’avait jamais aimé, et qu’il ne voulait pas croire, et qu’il repoussait toujours :
    ellauri172.html on line 717: — Servez donc le café ! — sanoi nuhaisella äänellään vanhempi M. de Mesnilgrand. — jos se on yhtä vahvaa kuin sun kaskusi, niin se on hyvää.
    ellauri172.html on line 733: Elle seule les sait rafraîchir, en pleurant. Ne osaa huuhtasta, itkun avulla.
    ellauri172.html on line 744:

    St. Olaf's

    ellauri172.html on line 746: St. Olaf oli kusipää viikinkipäällikkö joka nousi koko Norjan kunikaaxi paavin myötävaikutuxella joskus tuhatluvulla. Se on hyvin ällöttävä norjalaisten aikamaahanmuuttajien sarjassa. Sarjan hyvä puoli on ettei siinä oikeastaan ole hyvixiä, ellei Alfhildriä lasketa. Sysmässä on St. Olaf's kirkko ja kapakka. Seijan setä Olkkari on saanut siltä nimensä. Seijan veljentytär Mia on käynyt siellä koulua. Siis St.Olafissa Minnesotassa. Pyhän Olkkarin mätki kuoliaaxi onnexi aasoille uskollinen Wolt-laatikoita selässä kuskannut Tor Hunden.
    ellauri172.html on line 749:
    Sainteté d'Olaf

    ellauri172.html on line 753: Olaf passe ensuite sa vie à disputer le royaume de Norvège au roi Knut le Grand ou Canut Ier, roi de Danemark et d'Angleterre. En effet, la grande puissance scandinave est, au début du xie siècle, le royaume viking du Danemark. Vers 1015-1017, il profite de ce que Knut est occupé en Angleterre pour rendre indépendante la Norvège. Le nouveau roi s'installe à Nidaros (actuelle Trondheim), et y bâtit une église.
    ellauri172.html on line 755: Saint Olaf est élu roi de Norvège, et se met en tête d'en extirper le paganisme, pour faire du christianisme la religion de son pays. Une vive opposition des païens et de quelques seigneurs qui redoutent son autorité l'incite à les réprimer durement.
    ellauri172.html on line 757: Il est le grand législateur de l'Église en Norvège et, comme son parent Olaf Tryggvason, il tente de faire disparaître les traces de l'ancienne foi et de bâtir des églises à la place des anciens lieux sacrés qu'il a profanés ou détruits. Il fait aussi venir des évêques et des prêtres d'Angleterre.
    ellauri172.html on line 759: Après avoir soumis le Groenland à son autorité en 1023, Knut lui envoie une ambassade pour lui réclamer la couronne vers 1024-1025, ce qu'il refuse en s'alliant au roi de Suède Anund Jacob, et il lui livre une bataille navale sans vainqueur en 1026 (bataille de l'Helgeå). Cette confrontation eut des conséquences graves pour Olaf, car Knut bloqua le détroit de l’Øresund entre la Scanie et le Danemark et Olaf ne put ramener sa flotte en Norvège. Il dut l'abandonner en Scanie et rentrer par voie de terre et cette perte l'affaiblit.
    ellauri172.html on line 761: Knut, après un pèlerinage à Rome, débarque en Norvège en 1028 et se proclame roi à Nidaros. Olaf se réfugie alors en Suède avec quelques barons fidèles comme Finn Arnesson et ses frères Torberg et Arni et Rognvald Brusason. Après deux ans d'exil, en 1029, il tente un retour en Norvège mais est battu et tué à Stiklestad le 29 juillet 1030 à l'âge de 35 ans.
    ellauri172.html on line 763: Le roi Knut II de Danemark impose alors comme roi son fils Sven Knutsson qui promulgue des lois danoises jugées inacceptables par les Norvégiens. Rapidement les nobles menés par Einar Tambarskjelve et les populations découvrent alors a posteriori la sainteté d'Olaf.
    ellauri172.html on line 767: One of St. Olaf's chief attractions is a giant black hole, which the townspeople enjoyed standing around and looking at - which prompted Dorothy to refer to St. Olaf sarcastically as the real "entertainment capital of the world." St. Olafians also celebrate various oddly themed festivals, including; "Hay Day" (the day everyone in town celebrates hay),"The Crowning of the Princess Pig", "The Day of the Wheat" (where everyone goes to town dressed like sandwiches), "The Festival of the Dancing Sturgeons" (a festival where the townsfolk watch sturgeons flopping around on the dock), a "Butter Queen" competition (in which Rose almost won, however her churn jammed causing her to believe it had been tampered with), and a milk diving competition (Rose ranked in the "low fat" division), as well as many other events.
    ellauri172.html on line 769: St. Olaf appears to be a bilingual town with a significant amount of unique vocabulary (that may be specific to the area and not appearing in standard Norwegian). Rose uses these phrases quite often, to the exasperation of her roommates. Examples include Gerkanenaken (when dog feces turn white), Tutenbobels (buttocks), Ugel and Flugel (a Hide and seek game for adults) and Vanskapkaka (a special "friendship" cake; this word, however, is based on the Swedish word "vänskapskaka", which holds the same meaning). German, Swedish and Norwegian is the basis of the
    ellauri172.html on line 773: Vertugenflürgen, a word used by Rose that is the St. Olaf equivalent of "I'm not one to blow my own horn.", with 'vertugenflürgen' replacing 'horn'. Sophia claimed she couldn't even reach hers, which may imply a more explicit meaning - or Sophia being her usual sarcastic self.
    ellauri172.html on line 775: Guggenspritzer, a St. Olaf version of Monopoly. There is no money due to the bank, built by a bad contractor, sinking into a swamp leaving nothing but safety deposit slips and a pen on a chain. Also, you can buy the library or the phone booth, yet 'people use the phone booth'. Rose managed to win the entire game by buying one street - the only street in St Olaf.
    ellauri172.html on line 781: Kaflügenachen, Scandinavian pejorative term for someone who docks his boat in the handicap slip without a handicap permit.
    ellauri172.html on line 784: St. Olaf's cuisine is heavily influenced by Viking tradition and often includes herring.
    ellauri172.html on line 854: Le Curé de village, 1841, roman d'Honoré de Balzac. L'abbé Bonnet qui aurait inspiré à Hugo le personnage de Mgr Myriel selon le dictionnaire des œuvres Laffont-Bompiani. L'abbé Bonnet œuvre à la rédemption de Véronique Graslin, responsable d'un meurtre.
    ellauri180.html on line 51: In the books, Elena was popular, selfish and a "mean girl". However, the show's producers, Julie Plec and Kevin Williamson, felt that it wasn't the direction they wanted to go with their heroine in The Young Adult Vampire Diaries television series. Instead, she became a nicer, relatable, and more of "the girl next door" type, until her life gets flipped upside down when she meets the Salvatore Brothers. Stefan Salvatore is a good-hearted and affectionate young adult vampire and the complete opposite of his older brother, Damon Salvatore. Stefan's malevolent young adult vampire brother is mostly thought of as selfish and manipulative, but later on begins to display a more caring side.
    ellauri180.html on line 150: Kirja on huonosti kirjoitettu. Usein ennakoidaan jotain, mitä ei koskaan tapahdu, ikään kuin kirjoittaja olisi ottanut suuria paloja juonen, mutta unohtanut palata muokkaamaan sitä. Candy ei ole ainoa litteä hahmo, ja siellä on paljon hyödytöntä tietoa asioista, jotka eivät todellakaan lisää juonetta tai liity mihinkään. Usein on kohtauksia, sanoja, jotka ovat erittäin häiritseviä. Tämä olisi hienoa, jos nämä kauheat kohtaukset edistäisivät tarinaa tai juonetta tai olisivat mielenkiintoisia tai sijoitettu strategisiin paikkoihin. Sen sijaan ne ovat olemassa vain tehdäkseen lukijan olon epämukavaksi. Esimerkiksi koko pornografinen kuva naisen ja hevosen kanssa, onko se todella tarpeellista selittää Homerin seksuaalista kehitystä ja Melanien väkivaltaa? Vai täytyykö meidän todella kuulla yksityiskohtia Candyn karvojen ajelusta ennen aborttia ja kuinka Homer pelasti hänen hiuksensa? Nämä kohtaukset vievät huomion juonesta, jättävät huonon maun ja maalaavat lopulta maailman karkeaksi, hankalaksi, luonnottomaksi paikaksi. Ehkä näin Irving näkee maailman, ja tämä kirja on hänen paljastuxensa. Tämäpä kiintoisaa.
    ellauri180.html on line 183: In some African tribes, circumcision is performed at birth. In Judaic societies, the ritual is performed on the eighth day after birth, but for Moslems and many of the tribal cultures it is performed in early adult life as a rite of passage', e.g. puberty or marriage. Why the practice evolved is not clear and many theories have been proposed. Nineteenth century historians suggested that the ritual is an ancient form of social control. They conceive that the slitting of a man's penis to cause bleeding and pain is to remind him of the power of the Church, i.e. We have control over your distinction to be a man, your pleasure and your right to reproduce'. The ritual is a warning and the timing dictates who is warned; for the new-born it is the parents who accede to the Church: We mark your son, who belongs to us, not to you'. For the young adolescent, the warning accompanies the aggrandisement of puberty; the time when growing strength give independence, and the rebellion of youth.
    ellauri180.html on line 201: Neonatal circumcision techniques have evolved in parallel. It is clear from most surgical texts that circumcision of the new-born had become a regular request for the surgeon by the later part of the 19th century. For instance, Jacobsen (1893) warns of the importance of establishing a familial bleeding tendency from the mother before circumcision. He describes the case of four Jewish infants, each descended from a different grandchild of a common ancestress, all of whom died from haemorrhage after circumcision.
    ellauri180.html on line 224: Literary assaults such as these have served to fuel the debates and even a Medline® search today reveals that in the last year alone, 155 reviews or letters have been published arguing for or against routine circumcision. However, studying the evolution of the medical indications provides us with a pleasing demonstration of how controversy drives scientific enquiry. We have already described how the surgeons of 100 years ago advocated circumcision for a wide variety of conditions, such as impotence, nocturnal enuresis, sterility, excess masturbation, night terrors, epilepsy, etc. There can be no doubt that a large element of surgical self-interest drove these claims. However, most of the contemporary textbooks also included epithelioma (carcinoma) of the penis amidst the morass of complications of phimosis. Although rare, once this observation had been made, it presumably filtered down through the textbooks by rote, rather than scientific study. A few reports had appeared in the early 20th century indicating that carcinoma of the penis was rare in circumcised men, but not until the debate over neonatal circumcision erupted in the medical press in the 1930s that this surgical `mantra' was put to the test. In 1932, the editor of the Lancet challenged Abraham Wolbarst, a New York urologist, to prove his contention (in a previous Lancet editorial), that circumcision prevented penile carcinoma. Wolbarst responded by surveying every skin, cancer and Jewish hospital in the USA, along with 1250 of the largest general hospitals throughout the Union. With this survey, he was able to show that penile cancer virtually never occurred in circumcised men and that the risk related to the timing of the circumcision. Over the years this association has been reaffirmed by many research workers, although general hygiene, demographic and other factors such as human papilloma virus and smoking status are probably just as important. However, Wolbarst established that association through formal scientific enquiry and proponents of the procedure continue to use this as a compelling argument for circumcision at birth.
    ellauri180.html on line 280: Understanding the first draft: Recent breakthrough after years of frustration.
    ellauri180.html on line 583: Quickly this illusion of equality is broken. Guys start eating one another after slaughtering the other creatures around them. Once more the reader gets a small degree of equality in the darkness. The “meagre” in this world are eating the meagre and not the "fat" the meagre as usual. Even those that are most loyal, dogs, “assail’d their masters”.
    ellauri180.html on line 589: This act of seeking to find comfort in the burnt remains of religious, or at least holy (privately owned), texts, objects, or structures, after having destroyed them fits into the narrative of this sinful world being reduced to darkness. God (not mentioned) has tested these people and they have failed, only returning to religion when they are at their most desperate. That's an F.
    ellauri180.html on line 645: - Nu påminner han mer och mer om Hitler. Hans drivkraft är hämnd och han ser ingenting annat än sin egen ideologi. Hans resonemang saknar helt och hållet faktagrund. Han är farlig. Farlig för ryska folket och för hela mänskligheten.
    ellauri181.html on line 45: Estyneet lukekoot Kafkaa ja kiukustuneet Melvilleä. Munattomia ne oli molemmat. Tämä on kamalaa! Hänen hirvittävä hymynsä ja tuollainen pako! Kafkan haudalla on terävää terskaansa kohti kapeneva hautakivifallos. Ilman esinahkaa tietysti. Vain lapsettomalla vanhallapojalla näyttää olevan pikkukiviä haudalla. Mitä ironiaa. - Käykö paljon henkilöitä Ransun haudalla (saxaxi jota Phil ei osaa)? Ei paljon mutta aina merkittäviä kuten te herra professori! Ainoa sopiva ateria nälkätaiteilijalle on puolikas sitruunaa. Tyhmä shixa ei ymmärrä eikä osaa arvostaa suuren kirjailijan ankaraa ruokajärjestystä. Hölmö, se sanoo viisaasti.
    ellauri181.html on line 47: Minulla on mukana Prahassa Kafkan ja Brodin lisäxi Aku Ankan taskukirjoina Gombrowicziä, Mishimaa ja Genetiä. Niissä tekijä on izekorostetusti mukana moraalisesti mitä pahexuttavimmassa panopuuhassa. Lukukausi päättyy kesymmin Anna Kareninaan, Madame Bovaryyn ja Tom Mannin homosteluun.
    ellauri181.html on line 53: Phil Rothin mielestä Kafkan apinajuttu Raportti akatemialle on aivan verraton. Onkohan se oikeasti kovin kummonen. No ehkä se sopii johdannoxi Malamudin laajempaan juutalaiseen apina-allegoriaan, johon piakkoin toivottavasti pääsen, kuhan saan Rothin vaiennetuxi. Juu se on nyt albumissa 183.
    ellauri181.html on line 57: Raportti akatemialle on Franz Kafkan tarina. Kun se julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1917 Der Jude -lehdessä , se ilmestyi vuonna 1920 osana Ein Landarzt -volyymia.
    ellauri181.html on line 65: Syyskuussa 1908 ja huhtikuussa 1909 koulutettu simpanssi nimeltä "konsuli Peter" näytettiin Prahan vaudevillessä. On järkevää, että Kafka johdatti siitä ehdotuxia nykyiselle kertomuxelle. Hän on myös käsitellyt intensiivisesti Brehmin eläinelämää, käyttäytymistutkimusta ja sosiaalista darwinismia. Elsa Brod, Max Brodin vaimo, suoritti työn suurella menestyxellä 19. joulukuuta 1917 Prahan juutalaisten naisten ja tyttöjen klubissa. Sittemmin tarinat ovat usein sisältyneet heidän ohjelmaansa reciters. Kuvaamisen suuren apinan jonka Klaus Kammer Saxan ensi-textiä johtaja Willi Schmidt klo Akademie der Künste osana Berliner Festwochen 1963, joka kirjattiin jonka SFB ja toistettu televisiossa vuosikymmeniä, on edelleen ihailtu tänään.
    ellauri181.html on line 73: Textianalyysi ja tulkinta Rotpeterin raportti voidaan lukea vertauxena ihmisen heimohistoriasta ja hänen yxilöllisestä sosiaalistumisestaan, koska apinan kokemuxet voidaan siirtää koko ihmislajille. Melankolisen sävyn myötä Kafka näkee ihmisten puutteen - ellei kokonaan - surullisena saavutuxena ja kokonaisuutena hyväxyttävänä kompromissina. Samanaikaisesti hän kuitenkin tekee satiirisia hyökkäyxiä, jotka vetävät ihmisiä alas heidän tärkeydeltään korkealta. Perusmotiivi on melkein maaninen oppiminen (toisinaan viiden opettajan kanssa samanaikaisesti) pääsy toivottomasta tilanteesta samalla kun kieltää omat tarpeet. Tämän edellytyxenä oli tavallisen näkökulman unohtaminen ja kääntäminen. On kuitenkin huomionarvoista, että kaikesta oppimisesta huolimatta apina on silti ensi silmäyxellä muuttumattoman fyysisen ulkonäönsä vuoxi - turkis. Hänen ulkonäönsä suhteen, joka luokittelee hänet selkeimmin apinaluokkaan, hän ei ole koskaan ilmaissut tai pyrkinyt haluun näyttää ihmiseltä, ja tästä hän saa myös oikeuden altistaa izensä sille, mitä ihminen - samoin kuin hänkin - ajattelee. - ei menisi hyvin. Hänen välittömässä läheisyydessä olevat ihmiset saattavat nähdä hänet melkein omana, kuten Hagenbeckin mezästysretken johtaja, jonka kanssa Punainen Pietari on jo tyhjentänyt pullon punaviiniä. Toimittajien muodossa, jota Punainen Pietari halvexivasti kuzuu vinttikoirixi, hän on edelleen koulutettu apina, joka laskee housunsa osoittamaan turkistaan ja arpiaan. Joten vaikka hän on hankkinut ihmisten älyllisen tiedon, hän kiertää sääntöjä riittävälle ihmissuhteelle ja siinä olevien ulkoisten vaikutusten suurelle vaikutuxelle. Historia voidaan nähdä assimilaatioprosessin travestiana ja myös satiirina sivilisaation läsnäolevasta historiasta.
    ellauri181.html on line 77: afka_01-jpg/7279230/3-format43.jpg" />
    ellauri181.html on line 80: Viittauxet muihin Kafka-tarinoihin: Loppujen lopuxi tavoitetta ihmisexi tulemisesta ei saavuteta, vaikka päähenkilö ize ei vaikuta tietävän sitä. Rotpeter tekee siitä kuvan, joka on verrattavissa koiran tai rakennustutkimuxen epäonnistuneisiin eläinmuotoihin. Siellä on myös viittaus Kafka-tarinaan Metamorfoosi , jossa hahmo Gregor Samsa muuttuu yöxi eläimexi, nimittäin kovakuoriaisexi. Huomaamaton huono Samsa tulee eläimexi kuitenkin vaivattomasti unen aikana. Apinan liialliset ponnistelut puolestaan johtuvat halusta päästä käsixi viljeltyyn alueeseen ja kyllästettyyn elämään, joka kieltää omat juurensa, ulospääsynä - koska ainoat vaihtoehdot, joista valita, ovat kuolema ja katoaminen tai surullinen kohtalo eläintarhassa näytteillä olevasta apinasta.
    ellauri181.html on line 85: Vastaanotto: Sudau (s. 177f.) Korostaa erityistä seikkaa: ”Koko taivaan portti - Kleine Fabel -hiirellä, joka on maailman liian suuri leveys - nurisee yhdessä. Hiirellä ei ole ulospääsyä, vain kohtalokas tulos; apina todellakin löytää ize valizemansa '' ulospääsyn ''. Tällä tavalla Rotpeter seisoo ainutlaatuisella tavalla Kafkan teoxessa: sankari, joka ei mene alle; sankari, joka tietää tarkalleen mitä haluaa ja saavuttaa sen myös! Hänen on kuitenkin unohdettava "tämä suuri vapauden tunne kaikilta puolilta". " Ries (s. 91) huomauttaa, että raportti ennakoi työstä Das Unbehagen in der Kultur by Sigmund Freud , kirjoitettu vuonna 1930 , mikä on tase edistymisestä ja vastoinkäymiset sivilisaation. Kindlerin sanakirja (s. 27) selittää, että raportti on juurtunut syvälle senhetkiseen tieteelliseen-historialliseen tilanteeseen: Kuvaus Brehmin eläinelämästä, Darwinin evoluutioteoria, nykyajan vaihtelevat tapahtumat. TC Boylen romaani Sprich mit mir (2021), jossa simpanssi Sam, joka hallizee viittomakielen, ottaa ajoittain narratiivisen roolin, on muun muassa. innoittamana Kafkan tarina.
    ellauri181.html on line 87: Toissijainen kirjallisuus: Joachim Unseld: Franz Kafka. Kirjailijan elämä. Hanser, München 1982, ISBN 3-446-13568-5 . Eberhard Rohse : Hominisointi inhimillistämisenä? Apinan hahmo antropologisena provokaationa kirjallisuuden teoxissa Charles Darwinin jälkeen - Wilhelm Raabe, Wilhelm Busch, Franz Kafka, Aldous Huxley. Julkaisussa: Talvinen lukukausi 1987/88 (= General Studies. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover: Luennot ihmisistä ja eläimistä. Vuosikerta 6). Schaper, Alfeld / Hannover 1989, ISBN 3-7944-0158-1 , s. 22–56 (tässä erityisesti: evoluution ja koulurazastuxen välillä: hominointi ”eteenpäin kehitettynä kehityxenä” - Franz Kafka, s. 47–50).
    ellauri181.html on line 89: Eipä vaikuta kovin hauskalta. Mutta eihän Kafka olekaan mitään huumorimiehiä. Phil Rothkin on hauskempi. Kafkalla ja Max Brodilla oli tapana käyskellä Prahan keskustorilla. Apina ja gorilla kävelivät torilla; apina kiipesi puuhun, kakkasi gorillan suuhun. Pili keekoilee luennoilla kuin Matti Klinge, vittu mitä narsisteja molemmat.
    ellauri181.html on line 91: „Ist ja eh wurscht“, könnte man sagen, wie jener Kustode der kleinen Ausstellung in Kafkas Sterbehaus bei Wien. Auf das Kürzel „mos.“ in der Sterbeurkunde hingewiesen, grübelt er vor laufender Kamera, ob Kafka wohl Moslem gewesen sei. Die Religionszugehörigkeit „mosaisch“ ist ihm nicht geläufig. Wer es mit Franz Kafka und Max Brod genau nimmt, muss sie ärgerlich finden.
    ellauri181.html on line 100: Phil ei ole mikään matikkapää. Se laskee Kafkan (s. 1883) iän 1916 alekkain vähennyslaskulla. Philin pornojutut on lähinnä ikävystyttäviä. No sen aikana ei ollut nettiä. Laiska Pili ei vaivaudu auttamaan kitkemisessä.
    ellauri181.html on line 107: af3db239341605-lq" />
    ellauri181.html on line 109:

    Mitäs afka Franz">Kafkan apina

    ellauri181.html on line 111: Onxtässä Pilin kehumassa Kafkan apinaraportisssa mitään kummempaa poinzia? Onko Helmi pre kuguaari? Nähtävästi. Ei kannattaisi. Ainakin Max Brodin selitys et Kafkan apina olis ikäänkuin jutku yleensä, tuntuu haetulta. Jutkut ei ole koskaan lasiin sylkeneet, esim Shulem Schnizel tissuttelee vähän väliä.
    ellauri181.html on line 113: Ei nappaa ihan hirveästi tää Kafkakaan. Pieni vampyyrinnäköinen häiskä. Sehän veljeili jopa sen Steinertyypin kaa kunnes Rudi räkäs hihaan. Ransulla taisi olla pahansuopa isä ja hemmotteleva äiti kuten Pepulla. Anaaliretentiivisiä molemmat.
    ellauri181.html on line 115: Must tuntuu et tää apinaraportti on Kafkan oma tarina. Se kexi juonen käydessään varieteessa kazomassa jotain Petteri-nimistä apinaa. Se oli ize mielestään apina joka ezi ulospääsytietä kodin käfigistä, vaihtoehtoina vakuutusfirman Zoo ja kirjailijanelämän varietee. Isä oli ampunut sitä naamaan sekä housuihin. Ransu ezi ulospääsytietä puskista.
    ellauri181.html on line 119: Überblicke ich meine Entwicklung und ihr bisheriges Ziel, so klage ich weder, noch bin ich zufrieden. Die Hände in den Hosentaschen, die Weinflasche auf dem Tisch, liege ich halb, halb sitze ich im Schaukelstuhl und schaue aus dem Fenster. Kommt Besuch, empfange ich ihn, wie es sich gebührt. Mein Impresario sitzt im Vorzimmer; läute ich, kommt er und hört, was ich zu sagen habe. Am Abend ist fast immer Vorstellung, und ich habe wohl kaum mehr zu steigernde Erfolge. Komme ich spät nachz von Banketten, aus wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften, aus gemütlichem Beisammensein nach Hause, erwartet mich eine kleine halbdressierte Schimpansin, und ich lasse es mir nach Affenart bei ihr wohlgehen. Bei Tag will ich sie nicht sehen; sie hat nämlich den Irrsinn des verwirrten dressierten Tieres im Blick; das erkenne nur ich, und ich kann es nicht ertragen. Himskatti toipa oli taas aika tahmeaa misokeittoa. Koko raportti on passiivis-aggressiivinen ja selvästi narsistinen.
    ellauri181.html on line 121: Monille Kafkan teoxille on tunnusomaista synkkyys, ahdistus ja unenomaisuus. Taas näitä virsikirjan lisälehtiä. Porukat lukee näitä angstaustarinoita kuten muitakin genrejä kulloiseenkin tarpeeseen.
    ellauri181.html on line 160: “Values are beliefs linked inextricably to affect. When values are activated, they become infused with feeling”.
    ellauri181.html on line 195: “Security – Defining goal: safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self.”
    ellauri181.html on line 218: Schwartz’ work also examines relationships between different values in more detail, which is useful for a richer analysis of how values affect behaviour and attitudes, as well as the interesz that they express. Although the theory distinguishes ten values, the borders between the motivators are artificial and one value flows into the next, which can be seen by the following shared motivational emphases:
    ellauri181.html on line 225: Hedonism and Stimulation—a desire for affectively pleasant arousal;
    ellauri181.html on line 497: Koska ajanjaxo on ollut merkittävien yhteiskunnallisten muutosten aikaa, suhteutan tuloxet teknologiseen ja demografiseen kehityxeen, talousodotuxiin, ympäristönsuojeluun, mediavalintoihin sekä yhteiskunnallisiin asenteisiin.
    ellauri181.html on line 634: To appreciate significance of the much sought after Start-Shosse one must be familiar with peculiarities of Soviet bike industry. Nimittäin Harkov oli ikivanha (1500-l. perustettu) venäläinen kaupunki jonka yleisliittolaiset ukrainalaistivat myöhemmin. Ei ois kannattanut. Nyt ovat hienot polkupyörät joutumassa näsien käsiin. Hampaita ainakin ois syytä varoa.
    ellauri182.html on line 62: Yoshimoton isä oli tunnettu runoilija ja kriitikko Takahiki Yoshimoto ja sisko oli tunnettu sarjakuvapiirtäjä ja graafikko Haruno Yoiko. Banaanin kasvatus oli eri vapaamielinen, ja sen kyllä panee merkille.
    ellauri182.html on line 104: Symbolism appears throughout Yoshimoto’s story. For the protagonist, kitchens symbolize places of contentment, safety, and healing. Mikage claims, “to me a kitchen represents some distant longing engraved on my soul.” When she is despondent, her dreams of kitchens keep her going. She takes to the kitchen and learns cooking as a way of overcoming feelings of meaninglessness and despair; cooking represents her new attitude toward life. Like kitchens and cooking, food also plays a symbolic role in the story. Mikage is constantly presenting her friends with food; her life changes when she takes a job at a cooking school; and the climax of the story occurs when Mikage brings a dish of special food to Yuichi in his secluded hotel room. Eat my shorz.
    ellauri182.html on line 117: As Mikage and Yuichi’s relationship develops, one of the first signs that they are drawing closer is a shared dream that they experience. In the dream, Yuichi tells Mikage that he has a desire to eat ramen, a noodle soup. Shortly after awakening from the dream, Yuichi, in real life, acknowledges his hunger. “I just woke up and I’m starving. I was thinking, hmm, maybe I’ll make some instant ramen noodles.” Instead of love, she thinks of food. It is through food, as is shown in this scene and many scenes to follow, that Mikage finds her mouth. Climbing to the balcony with her body mass was an existential feat.
    ellauri182.html on line 118: Specifically, after ordering katsudon (fried pork served over rice), Mikage has a revelation with regard to Yuichi. The katsudon becomes more than just a meal, it is a means to reach out to Yuichi, to relate to him, to acknowledge both Mikage’s and Yuichi’s connectedness as two obese lovers starving under the same night sky.
    ellauri182.html on line 167: Shinran left Mount Hiei to study under Hōnen for the next six years. Hōnen (1133–1212) another ex-Tendai monk, left the tradition in 1175 to found his own sect, the Jōdo-shū or "Pure Land School". From that time on, Shinran considered himself, even after exile, a devout disciple of Hōnen rather than a founder establishing his own, distinct True Pure Land school.
    ellauri182.html on line 171: During this period, Hōnen taught the new nembutsu-only practice to many people in Kyoto society and amassed a substantial following but also came under increasing criticism by the Buddhist establishment there. Among his strongest critics was the monk Myōe and the temples of Enryaku-ji and Kōfuku-ji. The latter continued to criticize Hōnen and his followers even after they pledged to behave with good conduct and to not slander other Buddhists.
    ellauri182.html on line 173: In 1207, Hōnen's critics at Kōfuku-ji persuaded Emperor Toba II to forbid Hōnen and his teachings after two of Imperial ladies-in-waiting converted to his practices. Hōnen and his followers, among them Shinran, were forced into exile and four of Hōnen's disciples were executed. Shinran was given a lay name, Yoshizane Fujii, by the authorities but called himself Gutoku "Stubble-headed One (nukkapää)" instead and moved to Echigo Province (today Niigata Prefecture).
    ellauri182.html on line 175: It was during this exile that Shinran cultivated a deeper understanding of his own beliefs based on Hōnen's Pure Land teachings. In 1210 he married Eshinni, the daughter of an Echigo aristocrat. Shinran and Eshinni had several children. His eldest son, Zenran, was alleged to have started a heretical sect of Pure Land Buddhism through claims that he received special teachings from his father. Zenran demanded control of local monto (lay follower groups), but after writing a stern letter of warning, Shinran disowned him in 1256, effectively ending Zenran's legitimacy.
    ellauri182.html on line 187: As in other Pure Land Buddhist schools, Amitābha is a central focus of the Buddhist practice, and Jōdo Shinshū expresses this devotion through a chanting practice called nembutsu, or "Mindfulness of the Buddha [Amida]". The nembutsu is simply reciting the phrase Namu Amida Butsu ("I take refuge in Amitābha Buddha"). Jōdo Shinshū is not the first school of Buddhism to practice the nembutsu but it is interpreted in a new way according to Shinran. The nembutsu becomes understood as an act that expresses gratitude to Amitābha; furthermore, it is evoked in the practitioner through the power of Amida's unobstructed compassion. Therefore, in Shin Buddhism, the nembutsu is not considered a practice, nor does it generate karmic merit. It is simply an affirmation of one's gratitude. Indeed, given that the nembutsu is the Name, when one utters the Name, that is Amitābha calling to the devotee. This is the essence of the Name-that-calls.[7]
    ellauri182.html on line 191: Many Pure Land Buddhist schools in the time of Shinran felt that birth in the Pure Land was a literal rebirth that occurred only upon death, and only after certain preliminary rituals. Elaborate rituals were used to guarantee rebirth in the Pure Land, including a common practice wherein the fingers were tied by strings to a painting or image of Amida Buddha. From the perspective of Jōdo Shinshū such rituals actually betray a lack of trust in Amida Buddha, relying on jiriki ("self-power"), rather than the tariki or "other-power" of Amida Buddha. Such rituals also favor those who could afford the time and energy to practice them or possess the necessary ritual objects—another obstacle for lower-class individuals. For Shinran Shonin, who closely followed the thought of the Chinese monk Tan-luan, the Pure Land is synonymous with nirvana.
    ellauri182.html on line 195: For Jōdo Shinshū practitioners, shinjin develops over time through "deep hearing" (monpo) of Amitābha's call of the nembutsu. According to Shinran, "to hear" means "that sentient beings, having heard how the Buddha's Vow arose—its origin and fulfillment—are altogether free of doubt."[9] Jinen also describes the way of naturalness whereby Amitābha's infinite light illumines and transforms the deeply rooted karmic evil of countless rebirths into good karma. It is of note that such evil karma is not destroyed but rather transformed: Shin stays within the Mahayana tradition's understanding of śūnyatā and understands that samsara and nirvana are not separate. Once the practitioner's mind is united with Amitābha and Buddha-nature gifted to the practitioner through shinjin, the practitioner attains the state of non-retrogression, whereupon after his death it is claimed he will achieve instantaneous and effortless enlightenment. He will then return to the world as a Bodhisattva, that he may work towards the salvation of all beings.
    ellauri182.html on line 231: Muita polttavimpia kysymyxiä: Can you feel the love tonight? Can you geet pregnant on your period? Can one get pregnant from precum? Can dogs eat cucumber? Why is my poop green? Why should we hire you? Why are cats afraid of precumber? Why did I get married? How to tie a tie? How to lose weight? How to get away with murder? Where is my refund? Where is my mind? Which Disney princess are you? Which side is your appendix on? Who wants to be a millionaire? Who won the powerball?
    ellauri182.html on line 309: Pappi teljetään paatuneiden rikollisten vankilaan ja poistetaan elävien kirjoista. Aimo retribuutio. Rei ei lähde oikeusteize vaatimaan windfallina haltuunsa tullutta kääröä. Se on äärimmäisen jaloa. Onhan tärkeämpiä kuin asioita kuin raha. Paizi housupuku ostaa väärennetyn tansun Ransulta isolla rahalla. Maedan täti saa sen väärennetyn tansun ja Aimo-parkkipaikan. Kaikki ovat tyytyväisiä. Japsut ovat vähään tyytyväisiä. Niillä ei ole ollut inflaatiota 30 vuoteen. Epätoivoiset japsumiehet ketkä ei pääse Rein lailla tienaamaan tekee muille joukkoharakirejä. Ukemi häpeää niin ettei tule edes kazomaan Rein kipeätä polvea. Rei veti esiin paxun tukun rahaa. Peltitölkissä oli herkullista ohrateetä. Angus Glendinning tallusteli huoneeseen. Falafelliä. All was well.
    ellauri182.html on line 342: phonological system. These are the voiced stops, the affricates, some of the
    ellauri182.html on line 351: As no affricates exist in Icelandic, English affricates have to be exchanged
    ellauri182.html on line 359: has an affricate like in sjans or sens (note that é stands forj V) "change", and
    ellauri182.html on line 360: [s] is usually used for an affricate in final position like in bridds "bridge".
    ellauri182.html on line 378: plural (blókar— blœkur). Words ending in -ik, like grafik "graphic", lýrik "lyric", politik "politics", trafftk "traffic" get the ending -ur in genitive singular, but no plural, and words with the suffix -sjón, as e.g. aksjón "action", have the endings -ar in genitive singular and -ir in nominative and accusative plural (aksjónar—aksjónir). As -sjón is not accepted as an Icelandic suffix, aksjón counts as a foreign word, but not as a loanword. [Silly bitch, it is a Danish loan put to new use.]
    ellauri182.html on line 419: The Zen circle is a simple, stark black circle usually painted on white paper in ink. Typically the circle is said to represent the material world that continues endlessly without cessation. There is a beginning to life (where the brush first touches the paper) and an end (where the brush leaves the paper), but this beginning and end continue one after the other, thereby signifying the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. The space within that circle is the emptiness, or the void, the understanding of which lies at the heart of Zen and the experience of which is the goal of meditation.
    ellauri183.html on line 56: Earlier thinkers, however, were Sanjaya Belatthaputta, a 5th-century BCE Indian philosopher who expressed agnosticism about any afterlife, and Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher who expressed agnosticism about the existence of the gods.
    ellauri183.html on line 76: Loppuikänsä Bernad opetti luovaa kirjoittamista Vermontissa Benningtonin naisten collegessa. Ann joka oli sentään käynyt Cornellin typed his manuscripz and reviewed his writing. Oliko Berniellä sillä aikaa jimbajambaa coedien hameissa? New York Times tietäisi muttei kerro ilmaisexi. In the book The Natural by Bernard Malamud the main character Roy Hobbs had a very distinct flaw, a flaw that millions of American men and women both have..... an obsession with sex which affected his character and which made him a very unsuccessful man.
    ellauri183.html on line 78: His deep belief that one should live morally crashed into his premise that one should live fully. Yep, I bet he did shag his coeds. Janna Malamud Smith is the author of An Absorbing Errand: How Artisz and Crafzmen Make Their Way to Mastery; A Potent Spell: Mother Love and the Power of Fear; and Private Matters: In Defense of the Personal Life. Her titles have been New York Times Notable Boox and A Potent Spell was a Barnes and Noble "Discover Great New Writers" pick. She has written for the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the Threepenny Review, among other publications. A practicing psychotherapist, she lives with her husband and two children in Massachusetz.
    ellauri183.html on line 90: Malamud was stunned. He drafted two letters to Roth, refuting his argumenz, but never sent them, according to a Malamud biography by Philip Davis. Instead, Malamud mailed only a few words to Roth: “It’s your problem.”
    ellauri183.html on line 94: However, in a letter to his daughter a week after that dinner of reconciliation, Malamud voiced his true feelings: Roth, he said, had written a “foolish egoistic essay about my work” and had “certainly misinterpreted” “The Assistant.” The letter was not made public until 2006, some 20 years after Malamud’s death.
    ellauri183.html on line 144: Gorilla tuijottaa apinoita mezästä silmät tyhjinä kuin mörkö muumipeikkoja ja sitten poistuu pieraisten. Se piti Bernien isän valituxista fonografilevyllä. Hyvä huomio Malamuutin kirjassa on että merkizevästi toisistaan eroavat apinoiden sanomat voi ihan hyvin lähettää ja vastaanottaa ilman sanoja. Sanat eivät riitä kertomaan, mutta tuskin niitä tarvitaan. Poistuvan gorillan ilmavaiva oli paljonpuhuva.
    ellauri183.html on line 174: However, Kierkegaard's Abraham does not just provide a paradigm of religious faith. If he is an admirable figure in spite of his murderous intentions, this is because he confronz with courage the loss of the person whom he loves most dearly. According to Kierkegaard, Abraham is a hero not by virtue of his obedience to God's command, but because he maintains his relationship to Isaac after giving him up.

    ellauri183.html on line 186: Clare Carlisle studied philosophy and theology at Trinity College, Cambridge, gaining her BA in 1998 and her PhD in 2002, and she remains grateful to Trinity College for the scholarship that supported her doctoral studies. Her travels in India after completing her PhD deepened her interest in devotional and contemplative practices. She is the author of six boox, most recently On Habit (Routledge, 2014), Philosopher of the Heart: The Restless Life of Søren Kierkegaard (Allen Lane / Penguin / FSG, 2019), and Spinoza’s Religion: A New Reading of the Ethics (Princeton University Press, 2021).
    ellauri183.html on line 192: Is stealing from a small shop worse than from a chain? Clare Carlisle's moral QA column in Guardian. God's Lamb's report emphasises the severity of property crime, highlighting research by the Policy Exchange thinktank which found that half of burglary victims do not hear back from police after reporting the crime! By moral absolutism, shoplifting and burglary are both absolutely wrong, and equally as bad as fornication or murder.
    ellauri183.html on line 225: Etapa objetivista (1902-1914): influido por el neokantismo alemán y por la fenomenología de Husserl, llega a afirmar la primacía de las cosas (y de las ideas) sobre las personas.
    ellauri183.html on line 258: The nuclear holocaust has come and gone. Only one man survives: paleologist Calvin Cohn, who happened to be safely, deeply underwater at the time. And, after some black-humor-ish conversations with God, Cohn is allowed to live—for a while, at least—and he finds himself on an island a la Robinson Crusoe, with a communicative chimp named Buz (product of chimp-speech experiments) as his only companion. Cohn, son of a rabbi, engages in existential, religious, and Talmudic speculations with the chimp—though he refrains from trying to convert him to Judaism. He must reexamine the basics of social interaction—when Buz gets too physically chummy ("If you had suckled the lad, could you marry him?"), when a friendly gorilla appears and causes jealousies, and, above all, when five more talking chimps appear... including the lisping Mary Madelyn, the object of everyone's sexual attention (including Cohn's).
    ellauri183.html on line 329: Early research in linguistic formal semantics used Partee's system to achieve a wealth of empirical and conceptual results. Later work by Irene Heim, Angelika Kratzer, Tanya Reinhart, Robert May and others built on Partee's work to further reconcile it with the generative approach to syntax. The resulting framework is known as the Heim and Kratzer system, after the authors of the textbook Semantics in Generative Grammar which first codified and popularized it. The Heim and Kratzer system differs from earlier approaches in that it incorporates a level of syntactic representation called logical form which undergoes semantic interpretation. Thus, this system often includes syntactic representations and operations which were introduced by translation rules in Montague's system. However, work by others such as Gerald Gazdar proposed models of the syntax-semantics interface which stayed closer to Montague's, providing a system of interpretation in which denotations could be computed on the basis of surface structures. These approaches live on in frameworks such as categorial grammar and combinatory categorial grammar.
    ellauri183.html on line 492: Josef Saramago syyllistyi pyhän hengen pilkkaan, samaan anteexiantamattomaan rikoxeen kuin Ananias ja Safira, ja rangaistuxexi kuolikin vaikka ehti kyllä ensin pokata noobelin Portugalin kirkollisten piirien vastalauseista välittämättä.
    ellauri183.html on line 495: Ananias oli Raamatun Uudessa testamentissa Apostolien tekojen viidennessä luvussa mainittu henkilö, jonka vaimon nimi oli Safira. He olivat alkuseurakunnan jäseniä. Jumala rankaisi heitä äkkikuolemalla Pyhän Hengen pilkasta.
    ellauri183.html on line 506: 1. (Sept. Α᾿νανία.) The father of Maaseiah and grandfather of Azariah, which last repaired part of the walls of Jerusalem after the exile (Ne 3:23). B.C. considerably ante 446.
    ellauri183.html on line 508: 2. (Sept. Α᾿νἰα.) A town in the tribe of Benjamin, mentioned between Nob and Hazor as inhabited after the captivity (Ne 11:32). Schwarz (Palest. p. 13,) regards it as the modern Beit Hanina. three miles north of Jerusalem; a small village, tolerably well built of stone, on a rocky ridge, with many olive-trees (Robinson, Res. 3, 68; comp. Tobler, Topog. von Jerus. 2, 414).
    ellauri183.html on line 513:
    Ananias ja Safira

    ellauri183.html on line 515: (Apt 5) Muuan Ananias-niminen mies myi yhdessä vaimonsa Safiran kanssa maatilan, 2mutta pani vaimonsa tieten osan kauppahinnasta syrjään. Loput hän luovutti apostolien haltuun. 3
    ellauri183.html on line 524: Saatuaan Ananiaan ja Safiran rahat lyhentämättöminä ja täysimääräisinä apostolit siirtyivät tekemään voimatekoja.
    ellauri183.html on line 634: The war that Jewish scholars call The War of Varus (ei se "missä ovat legioonani" tunari vaan joku sen sukulainen). It is the war that took place in Galilee, Judaea and Idumaea just after the death of Herod which started with the massacre of the 3000 Jewish worshippers in the temple at the Passover of 1 B.C.E. Josephus stated that this war against the Jews which was directed by the governor of Syria, Quintilius Varus, took place in Palestine, but it has been a puzzle to historians that there appear to be no contemporary Roman accounts that justify it as occurring (ollenkaan tai ainakaan just tohon aikaan).
    ellauri183.html on line 638: The Pharisees were the popular leaders of the Jews and the ones most laypeople looked to with confidence. The majority of the Jewish population was then expecting a world ruling messianic king to arise on the historical scene. And indeed, Josephus tells us that after Herod’s death many “kingly upstarts” emerged in Judaea and this reflects the general expectancy of the Jews that the messianic age was then imminent.
    ellauri184.html on line 46: After graduating in 1943, Mailer married his first wife Beatrice "Bea" Silverman in January 1944, just before being drafted into the U.S. Army. Hoping to gain a deferment from service, Mailer argued that he was writing an "important literary work" which pertained to the war. This deferral was denied, and Mailer was forced to enter the Army. After training at Fort Bragg, Mailer was stationed in the Philippines with the 112th Cavalry. Merihevosilla varmaan mentiin.
    ellauri184.html on line 48: During his time in the Philippines, Mailer was first assigned to regimental headquarters as a typist, then assigned as a wire lineman. In early 1945, after volunteering for a reconnaissance platoon, he completed more than two dozen patrols in contested territory, and engaged in a few firefights and skirmishes. After the Japanese surrender, he was sent to Japan as part of the army of occupation, was promoted to sergeant, and became a first cook and argued about his girth.
    ellauri184.html on line 60: Morales moved in with Mailer during 1951 into an apartment on First Avenue near Second Street in the East Village, and they married in 1954. They had two daughters, Danielle and Elizabeth. After attending a party on Saturday, November 19, 1960, Mailer stabbed Adele twice with a two-and-a-half inch blade that he used to clean his nails, nearly killing her by puncturing her pericardium. He stabbed her once in the chest and once in the back. Adele required emergency surgery but made a quick recovery. Mailer claimed he had stabbed Adele "to relieve her of cancer". He was involuntarily committed to Bellevue Hospital for 17 days. While Adele did not press charges, saying she wanted to protect their daughters, Mailer later pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of assault saying, "I feel I did a lousy, dirty, cowardly thing", and received a suspended sentence of three years' probation. In 1962, the two divorced. In 1997, Adele published a memoir of their marriage entitled The Last Party, which recounted her husband stabbing her at a party and the aftermath. This incident has been a focal point for feminist critics of Mailer, who point to themes of sexual violence in his work.
    ellauri184.html on line 70: Over the course of his life, Mailer was connected with several women other than his wives, including Carole Mallory, who wrote a "tell all" biography, Loving Mailer, after his death.
    ellauri184.html on line 74: Mailer wrote 12 novels in 59 years. After completing courses in French language and culture at the University of Paris in 1947–48, he returned to the U.S. shortly after The Naked and the Dead was published in May 1948. A New York Times best seller for 62 weeks, it was the only one of Mailer's novels to reach the number one position. It was hailed by many as one of the best American wartime novels and included in a list of the hundred best English-language novels of the twentieth century by the Modern Library. The book that made his reputation sold over a million copies in its first year, (three million by 1981) and has never gone out of print. It is still considered to be one of the finest depictions of Americans in combat during World War II.
    ellauri184.html on line 78: Mailer wrote his fourth novel, An American Dream, as a serial in Esquire magazine over eight months (January to August 1964), publishing the first chapter two months after he wrote it. In March 1965, Dial Press published a revised version. The novel generally received mixed reviews, but was a best seller. Joan Didion praised it in a review in National Review (April 20, 1965) and John W. Aldridge did the same in Life (March 19, 1965), while Elizabeth Hardwick panned it in Partisan Review (spring 1965).
    ellauri184.html on line 90: His final novel, The Castle in the Forest, which focused on Hitler's childhood, reached number five on the Times best-seller list after publication in January 2007. It received reviews that were more positive than any of his books since The Executioner's Song. Castle was intended to be the first volume of a trilogy, but Mailer died several months after it was completed. The Castle in the Forest received a laudatory 6,200-word front-page review by Lee Siegel in the New York Times Book Review, as well as a Bad Sex in Fiction Award by the Literary Review magazine.
    ellauri184.html on line 99: Norris Church was born Barbara Jean Davis and grew up in Atkins, Arkansas, the daughter of Free Will Baptists. At the age of three she won the title of Little Miss Little Rock. In her twenties she had a brief fling with a young Bill Clinton. She met Mailer in 1975 when he came to Russellville, Arkansas to promote his biography of Marilyn Monroe. The two fell into a passionate love affair, despite their 26-year age difference (sama kuin jos mä olisin vaihtanut Seijan niihin pieniin kiinalaisiin), and Church moved to New York a few months later. At the suggestion of Mailer, she changed her name to Norris Church when she began modeling with the Wilhelmina Modeling Agency. Norris was the last name of her first husband, and Mailer suggested Church since she had been a frequent church-goer while she was growing up. Eli siis tää Jee-suxen bio oli niikö lahja Norrixelle.
    ellauri184.html on line 110: Eight days after Yeshua was born, his parents followed the Law and took Him to the Temple to be circumcised. Esinahka on kuulemma Italiassa reliikkinä.
    ellauri184.html on line 120: According to your question, Jesus probably did not receive a traditional Bar Mitzvah as he was 13 at the time, but he did attain a Bar Mametery after graduating from high school. High school??? Eikös Jeshua ollut amiswiixi?
    ellauri184.html on line 213: Bethlehem (/ˈbɛθlɪhɛm/; Arabic: بيت لحم audio speaker iconBayt Laḥm, "House of Meat"; Hebrew: בֵּית לֶחֶם Bet Leḥem, Hebrew pronunciation: [bet ˈleχem], "House of Bread"; Ancient Greek: Βηθλεέμ Greek pronunciation: [bɛːtʰle.ém]; Latin: Bethleem; initially named after Canaanite fertility god Laḫmu) is a city in the central West Bank, Palestine, about 10 km (6.2 miles) south of Jerusalem. Its population is approximately 25,000, and it is the capital of the Bethlehem Governorate. The economy is primarily tourist-driven, peaking during the Christmas season, when Christians make pilgrimage to the Church of the Nativity. The important holy site of Rachel's Tomb is at the northern entrance of Bethlehem, though not freely accessible to the city's own inhabitants and in general Palestinians living in the occupied West Bank due to the Israeli West Bank barrier.
    ellauri184.html on line 250: According to the biblical chronicle, the Tribe of Manasseh was a part of a loose confederation of Israelite tribes from after the conquest of the land by Joshua until the formation of the first Kingdom of Israel in c. 1050 BC. No central government existed, and in times of crisis the people were led by ad hoc leaders known as Judges (see Book of Judges). With the growth of the threat from Palestinian (sorry) Philistine incursions, the Israelite tribes decided to form a strong centralised monarchy to meet the challenge, and the Tribe of Manasseh joined the new kingdom with Saul as the first king. After the death of Saul, all the tribes other than Judah remained loyal to the House of Saul, but after the death of Ish-bosheth, Saul's son who succeeded him to the throne of Israel, the Tribe of Manasseh joined the other northern Israelite tribes in making Judah's king David the king of a re-united Kingdom of Israel. However, on the accession of David's grandson Rehoboam, in c. 930 BC the northern tribes split from the House of David and from Saul's tribe Benjamin to reform Israel as the Northern Kingdom. Manasseh was a member of the Northern Kingdom until the kingdom was conquered by Assyria in c. 723 BC and the population deported. From that time, the Tribe of Manasseh has been counted as one of the ten lost tribes of Israel.
    ellauri184.html on line 257: The Bible records that following the completion of the conquest of Canaan by the Israelite tribes, Joshua allocated the land among the twelve tribes. According to biblical scholar Kenneth Kitchen, this conquest should be dated slightly after 1200 BCE. Some modern scholars argue that the conquest of Joshua, as described in the Book of Joshua, never occurred. “Besides the rejection of the Albrightian conquest model, the general consensus among OT scholars is that the Book of Joshua has no value in the historical reconstruction. They see the book as an ideological retrojection from a later period — either as early as the reign of Josiah or as late as the Hasmonean period.” "It behooves us to ask, in spite of the fact that the overwhelming consensus of modern scholarship is that Joshua is a pious fiction composed by the deuteronomistic school, how does and how has the Jewish community dealt with these foundational narratives, saturated as they are with acts of violence against others?" ”Recent decades, for example, have seen a remarkable reevaluation of evidence concerning the conquest of the land of Canaan by Joshua. As more sites have been excavated, there has been a growing consensus that the main story of Joshua, that of a speedy and complete conquest (e.g. Josh. 11.23: 'Thus Joshua conquered the whole country, just as the LORD had promised Moses') is contradicted by the archaeological record, though there are indications of some destruction at the appropriate time. No oliko sitten koko esinahkakasa satua? Ketä enää uskoa? Usko siirtää vuoria, eikö sitten esinahkakukkuloita?
    ellauri184.html on line 269: There were important defeats along the way but it is interesting to observe that commanders often escaped repercussions for their militawy incompetence and it was usually the soldiers who bore the blame for defeat. Though a legionawy could theoretically come from any province within the Empire, the requirement of Woman citizenship had consequences for demographics: legionawies were more likely to speak Latin than non-citizen soldiers, they were usually wecwuited from the most heavily Womanized cities and provinces, their citizenship held inherent prestige that afforded them privilege over both civilians and other soldiers, etc. Legions primarily garrisoned in major imperial provinces, such as Syria, Pannonia, and post-War Judaea. With the exception of Egypt, all provinces with at least one legion were required to have a governor with Senator status. Legions primarily consisted of infantry soldiers, with a few cavalry or archers present among their ranks. Roughly 30 legions were active at any given time within the Empire and each consisted of approximately 5400 soldiers and officers, a standing army of ca. 150-300K total, though not all with a weceived Latin pwonunciation.
    ellauri184.html on line 279: Remembering the distinctions between these three militawy forces – legionawies, auxiliaries, and royal forces – is pivotal for understanding both pre-War and post-War Palestine. The Jewish War (66-73 CE) was a catastrophic event for civilians in the region, regardless of their participation in the revolt against Wome. The destruction of the temple, the imposition of massive new militawy and administrative apparatus, widespread devastation, significant loss of life, among other factors, led to significantly different experiences of the militawy before and after the Jewish War. It is impossible to talk about the pre-War and post-War life without attending to the details of these different units, especially auxiliaries and legionawies.
    ellauri184.html on line 287: While many biblical scholars assume that soldiers with Woman names must have been Woman citizens, evidence suggests otherwise: one papyrus written 103 CE indicates that some auxiliaries received Womanized names (i.e., tria nomina) shortly after wecwuitment, even before training completed. Because some soldiers changed their name shortly after wecwuitment, the mere act of joining the militawy often obscured soldiers’ ethnic and geographic origins. Benjamin Isaac thus observes a few obvious instances where soldiers from the Decapolis dropped their Semitic birth name to take up a Woman one.
    ellauri184.html on line 293: However, over many centuries and across three continents, the Womans had demonstrated that a well-twained, well-disciplined militawy, if fully exploited by gifted commanders, could weap vast wewards and it would not be until 2 millennia after its fall that warfare would weturn to the scale and professionalism that Wome had bwought to the field of combat.
    ellauri184.html on line 340: Capernaum (/kəˈpɜːrneɪəm, -niəm/ kə-PUR-nay-əm, -⁠nee-əm; Hebrew: כְּפַר נַחוּם, romanized: Kfar Naḥum, lit. 'Nahum's village'; Arabic: كفر ناحوم, romanized: Kafr Nāḥūm) was a fishing village established during the time of the Hasmoneans, located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.
    ellauri184.html on line 342: The village was inhabited continuously from the second century BC to the 11th century AD, when it was abandoned sometime before the First Crusade. This includes the re-establishment of the village during the Early Islamic period soon after the 749 earthquake. The village subsequently became known as al-Samakiyya; it was depopulated of its Palestinian population during the 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine on May 4, 1948, under Operation Matateh.
    ellauri184.html on line 350: According to the Synoptic Gospels, Jesus selected this town as the center of his public ministry in Galilee after he left the small mountainous hamlet of Nazareth (Matthew 4:12–17). He also formally cursed Capernaum, along with Bethsaida and Chorazin, saying "you will be thrown down to the pit!" (Matthew 11:23) because of their lack of faith in him as the Messiah.
    ellauri184.html on line 495: Tavallisesti kovin tunteeton talousmaailma on ottanut uutisen Ankan poismenosta vastaan liikuttuneena. Microsoftin perustaja Bill Gates luonnehti Roope Ankkaa ”kovaksi bisnesmieheksi, jonka sisällä syvällä – siis todella, todella syvällä – sykki filantroopin lämmin sydän – siis todella erittäin syvällä”. Myös Ankan pahimmat kilpailijat ovat ilmaisseet osanottonsa hänen kuolemansa johdosta. Eteläafrikkalaisen Pii-yhtymän perustaja Kulta-Into Pii sanoi pitävänsä Ankkaa ”liiketaloudellisena sankarina”. Ankan kuoleman jälkeen Pii on maailman rikkain henkilö, ainakin siihen asti, kun Ankan perinnönjako on suoritettu testamentin mukaisesti.
    ellauri184.html on line 530: Hadrian´s policy after the rebellion reflected an attempt to root out Judaism: he enacted a ban on circumcision, all Jews were forbidden to enter Jerusalem upon pain of death, and the city was renamed Aelia Capitolina, while Judea was renamed Syria Palaestina. Around 140, his successor Antoninus Pius (138-161 CE) exempted Jews from the decree against circumcision, allowing them to circumcise their sons, although they were forbidden to do the same on their slaves and proselytes. Jewish nationalists´ (Pharisees and Zealots) response to the decrees also took a more moderate form: circumcisions were secretly performed, even on dead Jews.
    ellauri184.html on line 532: However, there were also many Jews, known as "Hellenizers", who viewed Hellenization and social integration of the Jewish people in the Greco-Roman world favourably, and pursued a completely different approach: accepting the Emperor´s decree and even making efforts to restore their foreskins to better assimilate into Hellenistic society. The latter approach was common during the reign of Antiochus, and again under Roman rule. The foreskin was restored by one of two methods, that were later revived in the late 20th century; both were described in detail by the Greek physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus in his comprehensive encyclopedic work De Medicina, written during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The surgical method involved freeing the skin covering the penis by dissection, and then pulling it forward over the glans; he also described a simpler surgical technique used on men whose prepuce is naturally insufficient to cover their glans. The second approach, known as "epispasm", was non-surgical: a restoration device which consisted of a special weight made of bronze, copper, or leather (sometimes called Pondus Judaeus, i. e. "Jewish burden"), was affixed to the penis, pulling its skin downward. Over time, a new foreskin was generated, or a short prepuce was lengthened, by means of tissue expansion. Martial also mentioned the instrument in Epigrammaton (Book 7:35).
    ellauri184.html on line 536: Under the first Christian emperor, Constantine, the two rescripts of Antoninus on circumcision were re-enacted and again in the 6th century under Justinian. These restrictions on circumcision made their way into both secular and Canon law and "at least through the Middle Ages, preserved and enhanced laws banning Hebrews from circumcising non-Hebrews and banning Christians or slaves of any religious affiliation from undergoing circumcision for any reason." Hyvä pojat!
    ellauri184.html on line 584: Selkeesti on Naahum kirjoittanut tän autobiografisen jumalloizun juutalainen kieli poskessa. Huomasikohan sen goi sukulaiset sen pikku vizejä? Kriitikkoihin kaikki meni täydestä kuin väärä raha. Läppä läppä. Juutalaiset eivät tilaa pelastusmiehistöä vaan reilun erotuomarin joka on niiden puolella.
    ellauri184.html on line 734: When Jesus was on the cross, both the apostle John and Mary the mother of Jesus stood nearby. In John 19:26–27 we read, “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” The clear understanding of the passage is that Jesus commanded John to care for Mary after His death.
    ellauri184.html on line 736: Mary was most certainly a widow at this point in her life and also an older woman. Though she had other sons, Jesus chose John to provide care for Mary after His death. Why? Because Jesus’ brothers did not become believers until after His resurrection (John 7:5). Further, Jesus’ brothers were not present at His crucifixion. They had other errands just then. Jesus was entrusting Mary to John, who was a believer and was present, rather than entrusting her to His brothers, who were not believers and who were not even interested enough to be present at his crucifixion.
    ellauri184.html on line 740: This is also confirmed by Acts 8:1 that reads, “On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.” John was still in the city at this time (perhaps one or two years after the resurrection) and was still there three years after the conversion of Simon to Paul (Galatians 2:9).
    ellauri184.html on line 781: The characters in the book are fascinating; my Jesuits friends and I laughed and enjoy this book. There were no doubts in our head by the end of the book. We did not feel like it shook our religion or affected the way we perceived God. This book was after all under fiction so everyone that is easily offended stay away from this book and stop complaining about blasphemy and crying around like little kids. Saramago is a Nobel price winner and foremost a grown man that is entitled to his own opinions. This one of his finest, if not the best, of his book in my opinion, a must read. Of course he is dead by now.
    ellauri185.html on line 77: Tyre is mentioned in the Book of Isaiah as being forgotten for 70 years, after which "she" would return to her lucrative prostitution and the profit would go to "those who live in the presence of the LORD".
    ellauri185.html on line 86: Regular excavation activities only started again in 1995 under the supervision of Ali Khalil Badawi. Shortly afterwards, an Israeli bomb destroyed an apartment block in the city and evidence for an early church was revealed underneath the rubble. Thanks for help in digging brothers!
    ellauri185.html on line 91: Obviously, this wouldn’t be impressive if the prophecy came after the destruction of Tyre. So when did these things happen?
    ellauri185.html on line 95: What about the destruction of Tyre? Well, Nebuchadnezzer’s attack came shortly after Ezekiel, so it’s hard to tell for sure from our perspective whether or not Ezekiel truly prophesied that phase of Tyre’s destruction. But as far as Alexander is concerned, it is well established that this took place in 322 BC. So this is a clear example of the Bible foretelling an event (actually several) in detail.
    ellauri185.html on line 102: The Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant from Shiloh and take it to the temple of their god Dagon, who recognizes the supremacy of Yahweh. The Philistines are afflicted with plagues and return the ark to the Israelites, but to the territory of the tribe of Benjamin rather than to Shiloh. The Philistines attack the Israelites gathered at Mizpah in Benjamin. Samuel appeals to Yahweh, the Philistines are decisively beaten, and the Israelites reclaim their lost territory.
    ellauri185.html on line 113: Shortly thereafter, Saul leads Israel to a victory over Nahash of Ammon. Despite his numerous military victories, Saul disobeys Yahweh's instruction to destroy Amalek: Saul spares the Amalekite ruler and the best portion of the Amalekite flocks to present them as sacrifices. Samuel rebukes Saul and tells him that God has now chosen another man to be king of Israel.
    ellauri185.html on line 157: The preserved confessions of this defendant, extracted under torture, refer at first only to conversations with Benito García in gaol and incriminate them only as Judaizers, but later start to refer to a piece of witchcraft performed about four years earlier (perhaps 1487), which involved the use of a consecrated host, stolen from a church in La Guardia, and the heart of a Christian boy.
    ellauri185.html on line 164: Baldassare Castiglione (1478–1529) oli italialainen renessanssikirjailija, valtiomies ja kreivi. Hänen tunnetuin teoksensa on Hovimies (Il cortegiano, 1528). Se kertoo ajasta, jonka hän vietti Urbinon hovissa. Urbino oli sen ajan poliittinen ja kulttuurillinen keskus, jossa Castiglione ystävystyi mm. taidemaalari Rafaelin kanssa. Rafaelin Castiglionesta vuosina 1514–1515 maalaama muotokuva on yksi tämän tunnetuimmista töistä.
    ellauri185.html on line 166: In sostanza, il Cortegiano si presenta quale «moderno erede della pedagogia umanistica» in quanto l'uomo che vi si raffigura è «un uomo versatile e aperto, duttile e completo; è esperto di armi e di politica, ma sa anche di lettere, filosofia ed arti, è raffinato ma senza affettazione, è coraggioso e valente, ma senza ostentazione». In sostanza, è un trattato di pedagogia rivolto a chi vive nel mondo ristretto ed elitario delle corti.
    ellauri185.html on line 339: Derek Parfit (11. joulukuuta 1942 – 1. tammikuuta 2017) oli englantilainen filosofi, joka oli erikoistunut yksilön identiteetin, rationaalisuuden ja etiikan ongelmiin ja näiden välisiin yhteyksiin. Hän toimi Oxfordin yliopiston All Souls Collegen vanhempana tutkijana sekä New Yorkin, Harvardin ja Rutgersin yliopistojen vierailevana professorina. Tää on varmaan samanlainen idealistikuikka kuin se toinen joka puhui "tietoisuuden vaikeasta ongelmasta." Konstan parempi polkka. "Därek" ehti kirjoittaa julkaisemattoman nälkävuoden mittaisen kantilaisen paasauxen afforini/parfit/parfit_-_climbing_the_mountain.pdf">eettisestä vuorikiipeilystä (senkin läpi pitänee vielä joskus kahlata, vaikkei tee mieli paljon enempää kuin tehdä samaa Huitilanjoessa), jossa sanotaan lopussa mm.
    ellauri185.html on line 390: Paul Charles William Davies AM (born 22 April 1946) is an English physicist, writer and broadcaster, a professor in Arizona State University and Director of BEYOND: Center for Fundamental Concepts in Science. He is affiliated with the Institute for Quantum Studies in Chapman University in California. He previously held academic appointments in the University of Cambridge, University College London, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, University of Adelaide and Macquarie University. His research interests are in the fields of cosmology, quantum field theory, and astrology. He proposed that a one-way trip to Mars could be a viable option for him. His colleagues agreed whole-heartedly.
    ellauri185.html on line 472: Uskonto on ja se tulee olemaan järjettömän apinan ja sen järjettömän toiminnan elinehto. Eikä mikä tahansa uskonto, vaan todellinen alkuperäinen väärentämätön ja vetistämätön kristinusko. Tolstoi luulee virheellisesti löytävänsä sen vuorisaarnasta, vaikka kaikki tietävät etteivät sen reportterit edes olleet paikalla. Kannattaisi mieluummin konsultoida Naahum Mailerin ja Jose Saramagon autobiografioita. Jeesus sentään tiettävästi oli läsnä, jos ylipäänsä kukaan.
    ellauri185.html on line 605: Tolstoi näyttää tahtovan kääntää tämän lauseen päinvastaiseksi. Tilaisuus varkauteen tai muuhun rikokseen tekee Tolstoin mielestä varkaasta ja pahantekijästä enkelin. Tolstoin laskelman mukaan häneltä silloin tyystin häviää halu kaikkeen pahuuteen, kun siihen on täysin esteetön tilaisuus. Eihän se sitten enää ole kivaa eikä jännää, ei haaste eikä mikään. Ei graffitistinuijatkaan tykkää maalata johkin vartavasten niille varattuihin telineisiin.
    ellauri185.html on line 701: Tämän terveen, tasapainoisen katsomustavan edustajana, missä aito, vetistämätön ihanteellisuus onnellisesti yhtyy terävään todellisuustajuun, on Luther syvästi ilahduttavana vastakohtana Tolstoin sairaalloisesti pingoitetulle, haaveelliselle ja yksipuoliselle ideologialle. Nämä molemmat suuret miehet rinnakkain asetettuina ovat muuten valtava näky. Ne ovat kuin Tweedledum ja Tweedledoo. Molemmat he olivat totisia, suurmittaisia, korkeimman arvoasteen Jumalanetsijöitä. Molemmilla heillä oli tuo metafyysinen totuuden jano, joka kaikkialla kohdistuu suuriin pääasioihin ja tunkeutuu ongelmien syvimpään pohjaan saakka eikä koskaan tyydy puolinaisuuksiin. Molemmat ovatkin ankarasti taistelleet ihmiselämän suurimpien alkuongelmien kanssa. Taistelleet todellista Jaakopin taistelua sen kukistamattoman Jumalan etsijäinnon elähyttäminä, jonka tunnussana on: "en päästä sinua, ennenkuin siunaat minut"! Molemmat olivat myöskin yhtä pelottomia totuuden julistajia kuin rehellisiä ja vakavia totuudenetsijöitä. Vain sillä erolla että Tolstoi löysi pelkkiä paskoja mutta Luther osui reiän keskelle.
    ellauri185.html on line 846: Instead, certain body odours are connected to human sexual attraction. Humans can make use of body odour subconsciously to identify whether a potential mate will pass on favourable traits to their offspring. Body odour may provide significant cues about the genetic quality, health and reproductive success of a potential mate. Body odour affects sexual attraction in a number of ways including through human biology, the menstrual cycle and fluctuating asymmetry. The olfactory membrane plays a role in smelling and subconsciously assessing another human's pheromones. It also affects the sexual attraction of insects and mammals. The major histocompatibility complex genes are important for the immune system, and appear to play a role in sexual attraction via body odour. Studies have shown that body odor is strongly connected with attraction in heterosexual females. The women in one study ranked body odor as more important for attraction than “looks”. Humans may not simply depend on visual and verbal senses to be attracted to a possible partner/mate. That's hard science, no pseudo, mate!
    ellauri185.html on line 857: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri185.html on line 859: The celebrated writer kept romances alive in different cities, two or three at any given time — with students and faculty divorcées at the University of Chicago, assistants at The New Yorker, even his housecleaner. A dreary train of affairs.
    ellauri188.html on line 120: He invites correspondence, hence this communication. Mr. Wester refers to statements in the romantic "White Shadows in the South Seas," and to the inter- esting article by Church in the Geographie for Octo- ber, 1919, and mentions Church's prediction that in ten years from that date "there would not be a full- blooded Marquesan alive." If taken literally, this would mean that the year 1929 or 1930 will witness the extinction of all pare-blooded Marquesans, and consequently, very shortly after, according to Wester, the gradual dying out of all Marquesan breadfruit.
    ellauri188.html on line 412: The power of positive thinking. Joshua Lucas "Easy Dent" Maurer (1971-) had to smile so much in The Secret: Dare to Dream that he had to have an operation to reset his mouth afterwards. The lead lady's mouth operation had been a semi failure.
    ellauri188.html on line 431: Lucasilla on rooli Arto Halosen ohjaamassa ja käsikirjoittamassa elokuvassa The Guardian Angel – Suojelusenkeli, joka ilmestyy vuonna 2018. Paizi ei näy sen filmografiassa. Suomen elokuvateatterilevityksessä se sai 11 881 katsojaa. Siinä pahis hypnotisoija saa pokat pahantekoon selittämällä eze paha onkin jotain hyvää. Niin aina. Power of positive thinking.
    ellauri189.html on line 61: Tämä Korpela on julkaissut useita monografioita, muun muassa Miesparin siunaaminen, viisi ortodoksista keskiaikaista rukousta (2011). Hän katsoo näiden siunausten olemassaolon perusteella, että vetoaminen ortodoksiseen perinteeseen kiellettäessä homoparien siunaaminen on perusteetonta, kyllä siihen on Moosexen ja Paavalin sana riittävä. Korpela kääntyi aikuisiällä ortodoksiksi ja on vihitty 1995 diakoniksi. (- Miten yhdestä professorista saa niin monta diakonia? - Ihmekö tuo! 5000 ihmistäkin ravittiin 5 leivällä ja 2 kalalla. Kumpi on kovempi käsi, 1995 diakonia vai homopari?)
    ellauri189.html on line 75: After leaving the army, he spent several years traveling through western Europe, staying some time in Paris, climbing Mont Blanc in 1818, and spending a good portion of his inherited fortune. He returned to his estate in Volhynia in 1821, where he began an ill-fated affair with a married woman and began writing. He moved to Warsaw in 1824, where he published the poetic novel Maria at his own expense in 1825, and died in poverty the next year in unclear circumstances.
    ellauri189.html on line 77: "Maria" was hailed by the younger generation as one of the first authentic literary products of Polish romanticism (the adherents of the so-called Warsaw Classicism were, on the contrary, horrified by the dark plot and the author’s preference for “provincial” words and expressions). Malczewski was then already in poor health and, before a year had passed, in May 1826, he died – impoverished and disgraced because of his affair with a hysterical married woman (whom he was supposed to heal by means of mesmerism – after his death she returned to her husband).
    ellauri189.html on line 79: In 1825 Antoni Malczewski published a long poem, Maria (Marya: A Tale of the Ukraine), which constitutes his only contribution to Polish poetry but occupies a permanent place there as a widely imitated example of the so-called Polish-Ukrainian poetic school. In the poem, Wacław, a young husband, goes to fight the Tatars and, after routing the raiders, hurries home to his wife, Maria. All he finds is a cold corpse. Yeah, great. Oh fuck. What's the use. The poem makes use of diversified rhythms and carefully chosen rhymes; and its Byronic hero, as well as its picture of Ukraine as a land of sombre charm, assured Malczewski both popularity and critical applause.
    ellauri189.html on line 143: heterogeneous concept) man enacts the drama of his life. The borders of this realm are indicated by the movement of the sun, arising from behind the horizon and, after moving through half of its orbit, again setting beyond this infinitely receding meeting point between heaven and earth. In Malczewski’s
    ellauri189.html on line 206: Malczewski’s worldview (Weltanschauung) seems at first sight very much akin to Schopenhauer’s metaphysical pessimism (the fact that the German philosopher’s main treatise Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung was almost neglected by his contemporaries, should not close our eyes to the fact that the first part of it was written immediately after the Napoleonic wars; it belongs to the same époque as Maria).
    ellauri189.html on line 214: The boundless steppe of the Ukraine turns out to be a cage with invisible bars. Man appears at first sight to be free, without apparent goal roaming over the plain of life, being a lord of the steppe, “a king of the wilderness” (“król pustyni”), or tries to create in a premeditated manner his own future, deciding – by the way – on the fate of his fellow men (the source of unceasing conflicts). However, in the latter case he often unwittingly obeys the voice of his own wild, unruly nature. The ambivalence of this situation seems to be intimately connected with the concept of romantic irony. Man possesses the ability to objectify his passions, i.e. he can explain them psychologically, by means of a chain of causes and effects, but he still remains the slave of this volitional nature that constitutes his innermost self, always and ever receding (like the horizon of the Ukrainian plain) when he tries to catch it (the idea of the Unconscious does not really explain this “schizophrenic” state of mind – it merely affirms man’s essential homelessness: I am myself, when I realize that my self eternally escapes me). - I can relate to that, says the Russian tank driver sitting stuck in the Ukrainian mud.
    ellauri189.html on line 256: Iga rated it did not like it Oct 27. It was only after his death that critics realized the originality of Mary, by Malczeski – released in 1825 – that it was in fact the first Polish narrative poem. The injury of an ankle, which Malczewski had sustained defending his lover’s good name, destroyed the writer’s military career; the injury returned and he could not participate in Napoleon’s campaign against Russia in 1812.
    ellauri189.html on line 408: SEACRET is a globally notorious cosmetic company that offers a wide range of products for men and women. The unique combination of innovative technology and healing Dead Sca and natural ingredients transforms SEACRET into an exclusive, sought after and high quality brand:
    ellauri189.html on line 467: afcbcd7822dd30fb63c447f03.jpg" />
    ellauri189.html on line 469: To join Seacret as an affiliate, you are required to pay a registration fee of $49. By paying this fee, you gain access to a business calendar, a back office, a replicated website, and a guide to the compensation plan. However, this fee is not inclusive of the products, and it also does not qualify you as an active member.
    ellauri189.html on line 470: To qualify as an active member, you are required to generate a minimum of 200 personal volume (PV) every week, 35 business volume (BV) every month, and have at least four active customers. You can upgrade to the 5-in-5 agent kit by paying an extra $50. There are no specific details given on the benefits of upgrading. Keep in mind that after paying the initial $49, you are expected to pay the same amount annually to continue accessing your website and back office.
    ellauri189.html on line 520: The compensation is straightforward and clear on how affiliates can expect to earn commissions working with the company.
    ellauri189.html on line 536: I know why you are curious about Seacret. You are looking for a way to make some extra money. Maybe, like me, you are looking to have your own business. Chances are that you are tired of the 9 to 5 grind. You have a family that depends on you financially and you can’t afford to have your livelihood depend on a fickle boss or an equally fickle economy.
    ellauri189.html on line 564: In the 1920s, Charles Ponzi carried out this scheme and became well known throughout the United States because of the huge amount of money that he took in. His original scheme was based on the legitimate arbitrage of international reply coupons for postage stamps, but he soon began diverting new investors' money to make payments to earlier investors and to himself. Unlike earlier similar schemes, Ponzi's gained considerable press coverage both within the United States and internationally both while it was being perpetrated and after it collapsed – this notoriety eventually led to the type of scheme being named after him.
    ellauri189.html on line 589: Jafar Panahin iranilais-azerilaisesta elokuvasta 3 Faces (Persian: Se rokh - سه رخ) 2018 heräsi ajatus: joka helvetin kolossa noita apinoita pitää kyykkiä. Mixi? Ja mitä alkeellisemmissa paikassa sitä alkeellisempia. Elävät ikuisessa kasvojensa menettämisen pelossa. No ei noissa karvanaamoissa ole mitään menettämistä. Ilman sääntöjä kaikki häviää. Jos ruumiin antaa päättää se paskoo päällensä. Vittuako komeljanttari raivosi pikkukylän tytölle? Sonni kärsii, se on Jumalan tahto. Se on siitossonni. Yhtenä yönä se astui 10 lehmää. Että piti juuri parhaan sonnin livetä. Seppo, olet oikea sonni!
    ellauri189.html on line 655: Gaseeli (arab. غزل‎, ġazal) on persialainen runomuoto. Siihen kuuluu kaksisäkeisiä säkeistöjä. Ensimmäisen säeparin loppusointukaava toistuu myöhemmin parillisissa säkeissä. Persian runouden hallitsevaa muotoa on käyttänyt muun muassa Hafez. Eurooppalaisessa kirjallisuudessa se oli suosittu romantiikan aikana.
    ellauri189.html on line 656: Suomessa runomuotoa on käyttänyt Otto Manninen. Ruotsissa Gustaf Frödingillä on runo nimeltään "En ghasel".
    ellauri189.html on line 658: Ghasel, även kallad ghazel eller ghazal, är en diktform i den arabiska och persiska litteraturen vars bärande idé ofta är den längtande kärleken. Det mest kända exemplet i svensk litteratur är En ghasel av Gustaf Fröding. Ghasel handlar ofta om den älskades ("vännens") skönhet, 'ansikte och kropp' och har ett bestämt rimschema och versmått. Ghasel som diktform är känd hos araber från förislamisk tid. Exempelvis Omro el Kays är känd för denna typ av dikter, i vilka han beskrev sin musa Layla. De persiska poeterna Sadi och Hafez är framstående användare av ghazalen.
    ellauri189.html on line 662: Ghasel har sina rötter i Qasida, en klassisk förislamisk diktform. Den var populär i det Persiska riket under sasaniddynastin som varade till 651 e.Kr. En ghasel beskriver poetens erotiska samtal med en frånvarande älskare. Den är en rimmad vers och har varit känd sedan 1300-talet. För de kända poeterna Rumi och Saadi (1300-talet) och Hafez 1400-talet var den frånvarande älskaren Gud. Från denna tid spred sig diktformen österut till Afghanistan, Pakistan och Indien.
    ellauri189.html on line 765: In some Pashtuns weddings, the bride breaks a glass (in particular, I heard it done by Pashtuns in Kandahar). In Jew’s weddings the groom breaks it. This is actually a relatively new tradition that Jews do for the remembrance of the destroyed Temple, so it is likely that Pashtuns heard of this tradition after they have already been exiled and added it to their other Israeli traditions.
    ellauri189.html on line 769: Using names like Yaakov (Christians use Jacob but only Jews and Pashtuns use it as it should be pronounced), Israel, Barak, Asaf, Benyamin, Kenan, Tamir, Timor, Shir, Sahar, etc.
    ellauri189.html on line 771: Other evidence includes names of places in Afghanistan and Kashmir that resemble ancient towns in Israel that are mentioned in the bible. And some say that until not so long ago, one of the names of the Amu Darya (River Oxus) was Gozan, which is mentioned as one of the placed the damn Assyrians exiled the people of Israel to. There are also the names of tribes that resemble the children of Yaakov (the names of the Israeli tribes), like Lewani (Lewi), Daftali (Naftali), Yusufzai (children of Yussuf-Yossef), Rubanni (Reuven), Afridi (Efrayim) etc. Also parts of the Pashtunwali resemble some parts of the Torah.
    ellauri189.html on line 783: Because we showed that it is basically impossible to believe that Pashtuns are not Bene Israel, DNA is not necessary for proving this tradition. It can only be used for proving another Pashtuns tradition – that Pashtuns did not mix with other people, but I personally think that given the current knowledge of DNA and mutation frequency, and how much the environment affects it, any result of a DNA test could be debated.
    ellauri189.html on line 807: That said, I think it is more likely that they didn’t mix than that they did. One reason is because the current situation is that most Pashtuns are not mixing. Another reason is that I can’t find a good reason why at some generation A they’d stop mixing after they mixed before that. And finally, we know from Moses (Deuteronomy 30), from Yehezkel (37), from Yirmiya (31), Yishaaya (51, 27), and from many other prophecies that the Bene Israel are out there (those who were exiled by the damn Assyrian). Because we know they don’t keep Judaism, the only possibility for them to exist as Israelis is by not mixing, and there is one, and only one, nation that fits those conditions, and it is the Pashtuns.
    ellauri189.html on line 839: So the prophets and the Talmud all say that the 10 tribes are out there, in their land they are the majority, and they are still Israelis, even after all these years. There’s one, and only one, nation that doesn’t look like they mixed, has Torah-based traditions, has a tradition of being Bene Israel, and even has a tradition of not mixing. They are the Pashtuns, our brothers, Bene Israel.
    ellauri190.html on line 65: Almost all ethnic Kazakhs today are Sunni Muslims of the Hanafi school. Their ancestors, however, believed in Shamanism and Tengrism, then Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and Christianity including Church of the East. Elikkä ryssän kasakat ja potaskan ruhtinaat ovat samanlaisia vain tavoilta ja nimeltä. Verisukulaisuutta ei ole osoitettu, mutta voivathan ne kaikki olla alunperin jotain kipchakkeja. Kazakhstan on pinta-alaltaan maailman suurin muslimivaltio, muttei väkiluvultaan, se on Indonesia. Se on myös maailman suurin potaskan tuottaja, ellei Amerikkaa lasketa.
    ellauri190.html on line 76: It is unclear when people other than the Brodnici and Berladnici (which had a Romanian origin with large slavic influences) began to settle in the lower reaches of major rivers such as the Don and the Dnieper after the demise of the Khazar state. Their arrival is unlikely before the 13th century, when the Mongols broke the power of the Cumans, who had assimilated the previous population on that territory. It is known that new settlers inherited a lifestyle that long pre-dated their presence, including that of the Turkic Cumans and the Circassian Kassaks.
    ellauri190.html on line 191: At the start of the 15th century, the Golden Horde began to fall apart. By 1466, it was being referred to simply as the "Great Horde", after that, just "That Horde". The Crimean Khanate and the Kazakh Khanate, the last remnants of the Golden Horde, survived until 1783 and 1847 respectively.
    ellauri190.html on line 226: They inhabited sparsely populated areas in the Dnieper, Don, Terek, and Ural river basins, and played an important role in the historical and cultural development of both Ukraine and Russia. The various Cossack groups were organized along military lines, with large autonomous groups called hosts. Each host had a territory consisting of affiliated villages called stanitsa. The Cossack way of life persisted into the twentieth century, though the sweeping societal changes of the Russian Revolution disrupted Cossack society as much as any other part of Russia; many Cossacks migrated to other parts of Europe following the establishment of the Soviet Union, while others remained and assimilated into the Communist state. Cohesive Cossack-based units were organized and fought for both Germany and the Soviet Union during World War II.
    ellauri190.html on line 263: In any case, Ukraine (unlike Muscovy) remained in Europe. In the 15th century, the Great Duke of Lithuania, Yahailo, married a Polish queen Yadviga. Thus, the Great Duchy of Lithuania (which included Ukraine) and the Kingdom of Poland became one state. In the 16th century, it became known as Rzeczpospolita, from Latin Res Publica – literally, “the common affair,” or Republic. (Kozaks, inveterate democrats, did not like it.) It was a monarchy, but the monarchs were elected by a parliament, called Sejm. The country maintained close ties with Western Europe, and, unlike wimpy Muscovy, was completely independent of the Mongol autocracies like the Golden Horde.
    ellauri190.html on line 289: Relations between the Hetmanate and their new sovereign began to deteriorate after the autumn of 1656, when the Muscovites, going against the wishes of their Cossack partners, signed an armistice with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in Vilnius. The Cossacks considered the Vilnius agreement a breach of the contract they had entered into at Pereiaslav. For the Muscovite tsar, the Pereiaslav Agreement signified the unconditional submission of his new subjects; the Ukrainian hetman considered it a conditional contract from which one party could withdraw if the other was not upholding its end of the bargain. Vähän sellanen kuin Abrahamin esinahkasopimus Jehovan kanssa, josta tuli samanlainen nahkapäätös. Näistä hetmaneista taisi olla puhetta Konrad-veikon kohdalla.
    ellauri190.html on line 299: Cossack numbers increased when the warriors were joined by peasants escaping serfdom in Russia and dependence in the Commonwealth. Attempts by the szlachta to turn the Zaporozhian Cossacks into peasants eroded the formerly strong Cossack loyalty towards the Commonwealth. The government constantly rebuffed Cossack ambitions for recognition as equal to the szlachta. Plans for transforming the Polish–Lithuanian two-nation Commonwealth into a Polish–Lithuanian–Ruthenian Commonwealth made little progress, due to the unpopularity among the Ruthenian szlachta of the idea of Ruthenian Cossacks being equal to them and their elite becoming members of the szlachta. The Cossacks' strong historic allegiance to the Eastern Orthodox Church also put them at odds with officials of the Roman Catholic-dominated Commonwealth. Tensions increased when Commonwealth policies turned from relative tolerance to suppression of the Eastern Orthodox Church after the Union of Brest. The Cossacks became strongly anti-Roman Catholic, an attitude that became synonymous with anti-Polish. Did that make them any more pro-Russian? Naah.
    ellauri190.html on line 307: The region was part of the Russian Empire until its collapse following the Russian February Revolution in early March 1917, after which it became part of the short-lived Russian Republic. In 1918, it was largely included in the Ukrainian State and in the Ukrainian Soviet Republic at the same time. In 1918–1920, it was, to varying extents, under the control of the anti-Bolshevik White movement governments of South Russia whose defeat signified the Soviet control over the territory, which became part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, within the Soviet Union from 1922.
    ellauri190.html on line 315: The Russo-Polish geographer and ethnographer Zygmunt Gloger in his "Geography of historic lands of the Old Poland" (Polish: "Geografia historyczna ziem dawnej Polski") explains that at the time the term "Little" was interchangeably with the word "new", and in his footnotes, he clearly states that, at least in 1903, Little Russia (Malorossia) was perceived in such manner. Prior to the revolutionary events of 1917, a large part of the region's élite population adopted a Little Russian identity that competed with the local Ukrainian identity. At that time it was trendy to be Russian, large or small.
    ellauri190.html on line 403: Aurelian was the 44th Emperor of the Roman Empire from 270 to 275. Born in humble circumstances, he rose through the military ranks to become emperor. During his reign, he defeated the Alamanni after a devastating war. He also defeated the...
    ellauri190.html on line 468: Genghis Khan was the founder and Great Khan (emperor) of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his demise. He came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of northeast Asia. After founding...
    ellauri190.html on line 560: Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a daimyo who rose to become the second unifier of japan, after Oda Nobunaga. Hideyoshi was a very powerful emperor who exercised control over nearly all of mainland Japan through shrewd military tactics. He is known f...
    ellauri191.html on line 1609: Derek Walcott.jpgaf/Derek_Walcott.jpg/75px-Derek_Walcott.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="113" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Derek_Walcott.jpg/113px-Derek_Walcott.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Derek_Walcott.jpg/150px-Derek_Walcott.jpg 2x" data-file-width="2912" data-file-height="4368" />
    ellauri191.html on line 1795: soopeliaf/Flag_of_South_Africa.svg/23px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png" decoding="async" width="23" height="15" class="thumbborder" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Flag_of_South_Africa.svg/35px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/af/Flag_of_South_Africa.svg/45px-Flag_of_South_Africa.svg.png 2x" data-file-width="400" data-file-height="267" /> Etelä-Afrikka
    ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
    ellauri192.html on line 49: After he graduated from the Moscow University (1913), Trubetzkoy delivered lectures there until the Russian Revolution, when he moved first to the University of Rostov-on-Don, then to the University of Sofia (1920–1922) and finally took the chair of Professor of Slavic Philology at the University of Vienna (1922-1938). He died from a heart attack attributed to Nazi persecution after he had published an article that was highly critical of Hitler's crackpot morphophonological theories.
    ellauri192.html on line 53: Trubetzkoy oli strukturalismin patriarkkoja Roman Jakobsonin kaa, jota Lévi-Strauss koitti kaupata myös antropologiaan. Kielitieteessä se meni kaupaxi kuin siimaa, aina Chomskyyn saakka, joka antoi sille kuoliniskun transformaatioilla. Sillä kuten muistetaan, strukturalismin komplexisuus jää Chomskyn luokkaan 2. Trubetzkoyn fonologia hoituu enimmäxeen vielä yxinkertaisemmilla, luokan 3 äärellisillä automaateilla, joiden parissa Kimmo Koskenniemi jaxoi puuhastella koko uransa. Vaikka mitä väliä noilla Chomskyn yläluokilla on tekoälyn kannalta? Nehän perustuu äärettömyyden idealisaatioon. Neuroverkot osoittavat ettei sellaisia enää tarvita. Ajamalla äärellisen tilan mallia liukuluvuilla voi tavallisen nörtin pelikoneen grafiikkakorteilla simuloida aapan aivotoimintaa niin hyvin ettei sen oma aivokuori pysy mukana. Kukas sitä enempää älyä voi enää vaatia?
    ellauri192.html on line 115: Sully Prudhomme’s reputation, however, has not survived the more than one hundred years since he was awarded the crowning glory in his literary career. His legacy as a poet is not bad; it simply does not exist. Most French high-school students would recognize his name and might have read his most well-known poem, “Le Vase brisé” (1865, The Broken Vase), but it is safe to say that almost no one outside of France recognizes the name Sully Prudhomme.
    ellauri192.html on line 257: Jaroslav Seifert was born in Zizkov, a suburb of Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic). Seifert was one of the pioneers of modernist poetry and literature in his native country. He also worked as a journalist and translator. The period after the World War II was a disappointment for Seifert, who had been hoping for a brighter and freer future. Instead the Communist government imposed a repressive policy in which poets were expected to write political propaganda. Seifert became involved in attempts at reforms with the increased freedom implemented in his native country, such as the Prague Spring of 1968 and the Charta 77 movement.
    ellauri192.html on line 269: Taking into sympathetic account the widest margin of human error, is it possible to take seriously an institution and procedure that passes over the majority of the greatest novelists and renewers of prose in the modern age? James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka (whose presence towers over our sensual literature and of the meaning of a bug, quite a feat for a little man who one should not expect to tower over anything much), Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Andre Malraux, Hermann Broch, Robert Musil, D. H. Lawrence, either escaped the notice of or were, on nomination, rejected by the Nobel committee. Can one defend a jury which prefers the art of Pearl Buck (1938) to that of, say, Virginia Woolf? Paul Claudel, a picee of shit whose dramas we can set fairly beside those of Aeschylus and of Shakespeare just to scare people, never received the accolade. Paul Heyse was chosen, not Bertolt Brecht. Galsworthy is a Nobel, not Carlo Emilio Gadda, one of the most original and inventive writers of fiction in this century. Who the fuck is he? Composer of In-a-Gadda-da-Vida? No that was Iron Butterfly, and a good piece it was indeed.
    ellauri192.html on line 271: In poetry, the balance sheet is dismal. No Ezra Pound, no Rilke, no Valery, no Wallace Stevens, no Kazantzakis, no Cavafy, no Mandelstam, no Akhmatova, no Lorca, no Auden, no Fernando Pess^oa (a poet's poet). Stockholm, as we saw, enlarged the bounds of ''literature'' to include professional philosophy, ancient history and political rhetoric. The prose of Freud honors the German language. Freud was nominated; in vain, of course.
    ellauri192.html on line 281: When political-ideological risks are taken, as in the selection of Neruda, of Pasternak, of Sholokhov, the system appears to be one of almost immediate apology and compensation: the suspect Sholokhov was chosen to repair the storm damage done by the brave resignation of Pasternak. The relatively risky award to Garcia Marquez in 1983 will, it is rumored, soon be counter-balanced by the choice of a much ''safer'' Latin American voice. And lo it was, with the Argentine right-wing goon Llosa! The Muses of Stockholm prize civility
    ellauri192.html on line 283: THIS same bias extends to literary forms. We look in vain on the Nobel register for the experimental, formally subversive, controversial movements and texts that distinguish modernism. No Surrealist has been rewarded, no major Expressionist, no poet or playwright out of the seminal world of Dada or absurdism (Andre Breton, Hugo Ball, Gertrude Stein). The boat is not to be rocked. On august occasion, lyric eroticism and even sorrowful homosexuality are admitted to Parnassus. Radical sexual play in style, in ''amoral'' revaluation, are vetoed. The liberating sensualists, such as John Cowper Powys, supreme in English fiction after Hardy, are left out. Colette is nowhere to be found. Her heir in sensuous contrivance, Nabokov, was blackballed.
    ellauri192.html on line 287: Lastly, there is the rumor of the blacklist. No outside observer can show that any such list exists, let alone how and when it was explicitly arrived at. But there are stubborn, unsettling indications. Behind them stands the enigmatic figure and afterlife of Dag Hammerskjold. In one or two cases, the choice of laureate seems to have been largely his. His chill displeasures seem not only to have had great influence, but to persist beyond the grave. The list of lepers, for motives which may, in some masked degree, go back to Hammarskjold's own politics and arcane sexuality, is rumored to include Graham Greene, G"unter Grass and Borges, as it did Malraux (passed over, to de Gaulle's just anger, in favor of a French poet-diplomat close to Hammarskjold, viz. Saint-John Perse). The mere fact that the Nobel Prize in Literature has long passed Borges by suffices to put the whole institution in doubt. But whether any such blacklist is real remains baffled conjecture.
    ellauri192.html on line 293: Tokarczuk, the 2018 laureate — whose award comes a year late, after a scandal derailed 2018 committee’s deliberations — is a Polish novelist whose critical eye toward her country’s government and history has made her the target of a nationalist backlash.
    ellauri192.html on line 299: The controversy over Handke’s support of Milosevic dates back 20 years, but the striking political differences between him and Tokarczuk reached a point of particular clarity in 2014. In that year, Handke was given the International Ibsen Prize, but mass outrage led him to reject the prize money while still accepting the award. In his accompanying speech, he said his critics should “go to hell.” (He’d previously met controversy over a literary award in 2006, when he turned down Germany’s Heinrich Heine prize after authorities attempted to withdraw it after he attended Milosevic’s funeral.)
    ellauri192.html on line 321: Since 1901 to 1971, there have been 787 writers coming from different parts of the world nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 67 of which were awarded the prize and Albert Schweitzer was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1953. 12 more writers from these nominees were awarded after 1971 and Elie Wiesel was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1986. Only 72 women had been nominated for the prize starting with Malwida von Meysenburg who was nominated once for the year 1901 and 6 of them have been awarded after all. 10% of the nominees, 5% of the awards. Bra jobb, kulturprofilerna! Kom igen!
    ellauri192.html on line 327: His poetry, said James Ragan, director of the USC graduate school’s professional writing program, “was at all times optimistic, reflecting a championing of the human self. I think that’s primarily why he was awarded the Nobel Prize, because he suggested a new liberated spirit in writing (behind the Iron Curtain) after the Stalin era. Although he was a Communist as a youth, he became disillusioned with the party in the late 1920s. Thereafter, he was in and out of party favor during the turbulent decades that followed in Czechoslovakia. The state-run news agency, in announcing his death Friday, described him as “a prominent Czech poet, national artist (and) winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature.”
    ellauri192.html on line 339: STOCKHOLM, Sweden 2009 - Americans Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth join Israel's Amos Oz at the top of the buzz surrounding the Nobel Prize in literature, especially after the most prominent judge broke from his predecessor and said U.S. writers are worthy of the coveted award.
    ellauri192.html on line 627: While the church prayed, God answered. He miraculously delivered Peter from prison: an angel led him out of his cell and through the prison gate, which opened for them to pass (Acts 12:6–10). Upon realizing that he was not dreaming, Peter made his way to a place he knew was safe, Mary’s house (Acts 12:11–12).
    ellauri192.html on line 637: In March 1929, he and six other writers left the KSČ after signing a manifesto protesting against Bolshevik Stalinist-influenced tendencies in the new leadership of the party. He subsequently worked as a journalist in the social-democratic and trade union press during the 1930s and 1940s.
    ellauri192.html on line 665: Mr. Seifert's memoirs were published in English in September 1981 by sixty-eight publishers, plus in the Czech language by a Czech emigre publishing house in Canada, and they were published in several installments in a Czech-language journal. A portion of the memoirs were published in English in the 1983 issue of Cross Currents, a yearbook of Central European Culture, published by the Department of Slavic Langagues at the University of Michigan. The selection, titled "Russian Bliny," is about Roman Jakobson, a Russian scholar who emigrated to Czechoslovakia after World War I and came to the United States during World War II. In actual fact, they were Ukrainian bliny, another case of cultural appropriation.
    ellauri192.html on line 676: Quite different was a stance of his first cousin, Prince Wigund-Jeronym Troubetzkoy. He supported the Poles and followed them to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth after the Time of Troubles. Here his descendants were given enviable positions at the court and married into other princely families of Poland. By the 1660s, however, the only Troubetzkoy left, Prince Yuriy Troubetzkoy, returned to Moscow and was given a boyar title by Tsar Alexis of Russia. All the branches of the family descend from his marriage to Princess Irina Galitzina.
    ellauri192.html on line 683: In 1239, after the Mongol invasion of Rus, the Principality of Trubetsk passed to the Princes of Bryansk, and then to the Princes of Trubetsk. In 1566 Ivan IV the Terrible took the principality during the Livonian War. In 1609 Vasili IV of Russia relinquished it to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth during the Polish–Muscovite War (1605–1618). In 1654 Prince Aleksey Trubetskoy on the side of Alexis I of Russia led the southern flank of the Muscovian army from Bryansk to Ukraine. The territory between the Dniepr and Berezyna was overrun, with Aleksey Trubetskoy taking Mstsislaw (Mstislavl) and Roslavl. In 1654 The Principality of Trubetsk was finally conquered by Aleksey Trubetskoy, Prince of Trubetsk himself, as a result of the Russo-Polish War (1654-1667).
    ellauri192.html on line 685: During World War II, Trubchevsk was occupied by the German Army from October 9, 1941 to September 18, 1943. Prior to the war, about 137 Jews lived in Trubchevsk. Most of the Jews were craftsmen, including cobblers and carpenters. The town was occupied by German forces in early October 1941. By that time, more than half of the Jews fled or evacuated. The Jews from the Trubchevsk district were gathered in a Klub for 3 days and shot afterwards at the edge of the village. Their bodies were burnt. In total, according to the Soviet archives, 751 Soviet citizens perished due to bad treatment or as a result of shooting in the entire Trubchevsk district. Aside from Jews, mentally ill children and adults were exterminated as well. The population is about 15K. There are very few notable buildings in the town.
    ellauri192.html on line 726: Lyapis Trubetskoy (Russian: Ляпис Трубецкой, Belarusian: Ляпіс Трубяцкі) was a Belarusian rock band. It was named after comical hero from Ilya Ilf's and Yevgeny Petrov's novel "The Twelve Chairs", poet and potboiler Nikifor Lyapis, who used pseudonym Trubetskoy.
    ellauri192.html on line 757: Джа Растафарай бьются до рассвета Jah Rastafari fighting till dawn
    ellauri192.html on line 772: Джа Растафарай бьются до рассвета Jah Rastafari fighting till dawn
    ellauri192.html on line 777: Джа Растафарай охраняют лето Jah Rastafari defending the summer
    ellauri192.html on line 782: Джа Растафарай бьются до рассвета Jah Rastafari fighting till dawn
    ellauri192.html on line 820: The local affiliate of the Communist Party of Russia had earlier urged to boycott and cancel the Belarusian band’s concert. The communists explained it by the fact that the band's frontman Siarhei Mikhalok ‘had supported the coup in Ukraine’ at Euromaidan.
    ellauri192.html on line 839: Former guitarist and one of the founders of the rock group "Lyapis Trubetskoy" Ruslan Vladyko died in intensive care in Minsk, without regaining consciousness from a coma, after he received a head injury in the summer of 2019.
    ellauri192.html on line 857: Brooks was born on June 28, 1926, in Brooklyn, New York City, to Kate (née Brookman) and Max Kaminsky, and grew up in Williamsburg. His father's family were Jewish people from Gdańsk, Poland; his mother's family were Jews from Kyiv, in the Pale of Settlement of the Russian Empire (present-day Ukraine). In 2021, Brooks published a memoir, All About Me!.During his teens, he legally changed his name to Mel Brooks, influenced by his mother´s maiden name Brookman, after being confused with trumpeter Max Kaminsky. "And I'm sure a lot of my comedy is based on anger and hostility. Growing up in Williamsburg, I learned to clothe it in comedy to spare myself problems—like a punch in the face."
    ellauri192.html on line 861: In the Soviet Union in 1927, a former Marshal of Nobility, Ippolit Matveyevich "Kisa" Vorobyaninov, works as the registrar of marriages and deaths in a sleepy provincial town. His mother-in-law reveals on her deathbed that her family jewry was hidden from the Bolsheviks in one of the twelve chairs from the family’s dining room set. Those chairs, along with all other personal property, were taken away by the Communists after the Russian Revolution. Vorobyaninov wants to find the treasure. The “smooth operator” and con-man Ostap Bender forces Kisa to become his partner, as they set out to find the chairs. Bender's street smarts and charm are invaluable to the reticent Kisa, and Bender comes to dominate the enterprise. Father Fyodor (who had known of the treasure from the confession of Vorobyaninov's mother-in-law), their obsessed rival in the hunt for the treasure, follows a bad lead, runs out of money, ends up trapped on a mountain-top, and loses his sanitary pad. Ostap remains unflappable, and his mastery of human nature eliminates all obstacles, but Vorobyaninov steadily deteriorates.
    ellauri192.html on line 916: Bruce Willis slutar som skådespelare efter han drabbats av afasi, en språkstörning. Jaha, varför det, har han sagt nåt nämnvärt hittills?
    ellauri194.html on line 125: afic.fr/images/affiches/original/aff_8563020191118144637.jpg" width="50%" />
    ellauri194.html on line 187: Sekin puute on nyt korjattu. Viime viikolla hän pääsi paikallisen metsästysseuran kanssa hirvijahtiin, ja vaikkei se mikään suuri luontoelämys ollutkaan – lähinnä suhattiin autolla ympäriinsä ja odotettiin, että koira löytäisi hirven, mitä ei tapahtunut – oli ainakin seura mieluisaa. Monet metsästäjistä olivat töissä Terrafamen kaivoksella. Rehtejä työmiehiä ja kunnon kansanmiehiä, Luomi kuvailee. Ahkeroita kaatajia.
    ellauri194.html on line 267: Some time around the 12th century, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel came to be identified with Gog and Magog; possibly the first to do so was Petrus Comestor in Historica Scholastica (c. 1169–1173), and he was indeed a far greater influence than others before him, although the idea had been anticipated by the aforementioned Christian of Stavelot, who noted that the Khazhars, to be identified with Gog and Magog, was one of seven tribes of the Hungarians and had converted to Judaism.
    ellauri194.html on line 269: While the confounding Gog and Magog as confined Jews was becoming commonplace, some, like Riccoldo or Vincent de Beauvais remained skeptics, and distinguished the Lost Tribes from Gog and Magog. As noted, Riccoldo had reported a Mongol folk-tradition that they were descended from Gog and Magog. He also addressed many minds (Westerners or otherwise) being credulous of the notion that Mongols might be Captive Jews, but after weighing the pros and cons, he concluded this was an open question.
    ellauri194.html on line 291: In the Islamic apocalyptic tradition, the end of the world would be preceded by the release of Gog and Magog, whose destruction by God in a single night would usher in the Day of Resurrection. Reinterpretation did not generally continue after Classical times, but the needs of the modern world have produced a new body of apocalyptic literature in which Gog and Magog are identified as Communist Russia and China. One problem these writers have had to confront is the barrier holding Gog and Magog back, which is not to be found in the modern world: the answer varies, some writers saying that Gog and Magog were the Mongols and that the wall is now gone, others that both the wall and Gog and Magog are invisible. Why it is the iron curtain of course, the pay wall that stops money transfers between east and west. It is Google of MAGA what else!
    ellauri194.html on line 367: Polisens presstalesperson Johnny Gustafsson kallar upploppen ”beklämmande”.
    ellauri194.html on line 381: – Det är oerhört beklämmande och man kan undra vilken grundorsaken är. Den personen som skulle haft sammankomsten är inte här och ändå så möts vi av de här reaktionerna, säger Gustafsson.
    ellauri194.html on line 416: Paludan tuomittiin heinäkuussa 2019 kahden viikon ehdolliseen vankeuteen (LOL) Youtube-videosta, jossa hän oli muun muassa väittänyt useimpien mustien eteläafrikkalaisten älykkyysosamäärän olevan alle 70. Milloinkahan ruozalaiset päässee yhtä hyvään tuloxeen?
    ellauri194.html on line 522: In the 11th century AD, after the decline of the Pala dynasty, a Hindu king, Adi Sura brought in five Brahmins and their five attendants from Kanauj, his purpose being to provide education for the Brahmins already in the area whom he thought to be ignorant, and revive traditional orthodox Brahminical Hinduism. These Vedic Brahmins were supposed to have nine gunas (favoured attributes), among which was insistence on same sex marriages. Multiple accounts of this legend exist, and historians generally consider this to be nothing more than myth or folklore lacking historical authenticity. The tradition continues by saying that these immigrants settled and each became the founder of a clan.
    ellauri194.html on line 593:
  • Adhar Kumar Chatterji – former Chief of the Naval Staff of the Indian Navy (1966–1970)
    ellauri194.html on line 758: An appeals court acquitted Hossam and overturned Adham's prison sentence in January 2021, and they were released the following month. However, prosecutors then introduced the more serious charge of human trafficking.
    ellauri194.html on line 764: For the Egyptian state to instrumentalize "human trafficking" charges to exert control over the expression & socioeconomic mobility of young women is deeply disturbing. There are real and serious cases of human trafficking that must be prosecuted--these TikTok cases are not it.
    ellauri194.html on line 767: Hossam, a Cairo University student who has about 900,000 followers on TikTok, was first arrested in April 2020 after posting a video inviting her female followers to join another video-sharing platform, Likee, telling them that they could make money by broadcasting videos on it. Prosecutors later charged her with "violating family values and principles".
    ellauri194.html on line 769: Adham, who once had three million followers on TikTok and has 1.4 million followers on Instagram, was accused of the same offence the following month after posting what prosecutors said were "indecent" videos in which she lip-synced to famous songs and danced in fashionable clothes.
    ellauri194.html on line 864: bitgo logo norton logo secure trading logo mcafee logo BID 584.39€ ASK 593.43€
    ellauri194.html on line 983: The PM was branded a 'joke' by Labour leader Keir Starmer after he made the short admission of guilt before giving a more lengthy address on events in Ukraine, to show his involvement in world events.
    ellauri194.html on line 984: He has used the war as a justification for not resigning after becoming the first serving prime minister to break the law while in office.
    ellauri194.html on line 985: Before arriving in Parliament this afternoon he spoke to US president Joe Biden, and French and German counterpart Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz about the Russian invasion.
    ellauri194.html on line 987: Mr Johnson's hopes of dealing swiftly with the political fallout from Partygate were dealt a blow today after the Speaker approved a vote on whether he should be investigated for misleading the Commons.
    ellauri194.html on line 1003: Kekä on Taflat Top joka koittaa huijata rahaa laahuxelta Elon Muskin ja Ilta-Pulun avulla? Onko se tää roistonnäköinen leadership akateemikko Jimi Terska Californiasta? The Academy For Leadership and Training? The Outfit for Dealership And Suckering? Jimi Terska on kirjoittanut kirjan WORST Practices...in Corporate Training: Spectacular Disasters...What We Do by Jim Glantz. In this kinda book, we'll laugh and you learn as you hear us successful trainers tell our most horrific training disaster stories…and what the suckers learned were the root causes of their failures. After each of our epic failure stories, Jim skillfully provides simple-to-use templates and checklists to help make sure you make the same mistakes and pitfalls in your own training programs. Like hire more snakeoil salesmen like us.
    ellauri194.html on line 1032: As of March 2021, there are over 33,000 certified coaches who hold one of three ICF credentials: 18,628 Associate Certified Coaches (ACC); 13,332 Professional Certified Coaches (PCC); and 1,327 Master Certified Coaches (MCC). Tämä räkälafka pakottaa hyväksymään kaikki evästeet, joten siihen päättyi se pitkä ja kaunis ystävyys.
    ellauri196.html on line 55: Wegen Piscators Übersetzung von Markus 8,12 „ich sage euch: Wann diesem Geschlechte ein Zeichen wird gegeben werden, so strafe mich Gott“ nannten die Lutheraner seiner Zeit diese Bibel spottend „Straf-mich-Gott-Bibel“ und bekämpften sie heftig. Noch mehr Aufsehen erregte die Lehre Piscators, dass nur der leidende Gehorsam Christi, nicht auch der tätige, den Gläubigen zugerechnet werde. Manche reformierten Theologen tolerierten sie zwar, andere aber, besonders die französischen, griffen sie heftig an und verwarfen sie auf der Synode zu Gap als Irrlehre.
    ellauri196.html on line 221: Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. Käyttäkööt liikennepoliisit mustia hanskoja.
    ellauri196.html on line 362: Gustaf Mattsson: Suomen mies meni Zanzibariin. WSOY 1915 (alkuteos En herre for till Zanzibar)
    ellauri196.html on line 531: ”Mooses nousi Moabin tasangolta Nebonvuorelle, Pisgan huipulle, joka on Jordanin itäpuolella vastapäätä Jerikoa. Herra näytti hänelle koko maan: Gileadin, Danin, Naftalin, Efraimin ja Manassen alueet ja koko Juudan maan läntiseen mereen saakka, Negevin sekä Jordanin alangon.”
    ellauri196.html on line 622: The AFL was the largest union grouping in the United States for the first half of the 20th century, even after the creation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) by unions that were expelled by the AFL in 1935. The Federation was founded and dominated by craft unions throughout its first fifty years, after which many craft union affiliates turned to organizing on an industrial union basis to meet the challenge from the CIO in the 1940s. In 1955, the AFL merged with the CIO to create the AFL–CIO, which has comprised the longest lasting and most influential labor federation in the United States to this day.
    ellauri196.html on line 633: Lewis argued that the AFL was too heavily oriented toward traditional craftsmen, and was overlooking the opportunity to organize millions of semiskilled workers, especially those in industrial factories that made automobiles, rubber, glass and steel. In 1935 Lewis led the dissenting unions in forming a new Congress for Industrial Organization (CIO) within the AFL. Both the new CIO industrial unions, and the older AFL crafts unions grew rapidly after 1935. In 1936 union members enthusiastically supported Roosevelt's landslide reelection. Proposals for the creation of an independent labor party were rejected.
    ellauri196.html on line 635: In 1945 and 1946, an unprecedented wave of major strikes affected the United States; by February 1946 nearly 2 million workers were engaged in strikes or other labor disputes. Organized labor had largely refrained from striking during World War II, but with the end of the war, labor leaders were eager to share in the gains from a postwar economic resurgence.
    ellauri196.html on line 637: The Labor Management Relations Act of 1947, better known as the Taft–Hartley Act, is a United States federal law that restricts the activities and power of labor unions. It was enacted by the 80th United States Congress over the veto of President Harry S. Truman, becoming law on June 23, 1947.
    ellauri196.html on line 638: The Taft–Hartley Act amended the 1935 National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), prohibiting unions from engaging in several unfair labor practices. Among the practices prohibited by the Taft–Hartley act are jurisdictional strikes, wildcat strikes, solidarity or political strikes, secondary boycotts, secondary and mass picketing, closed shops, and monetary donations by unions to federal political campaigns. The NLRA also allowed states to enact right-to-work laws banning union shops. Enacted during the early stages of the Cold War, the law required union officers to sign non-communist affidavits with the government.
    ellauri196.html on line 640: After spending several days considering how to respond to the bill, President Truman vetoed Taft–Hartley with a strong message to Congress, calling the act a "dangerous intrusion on free speech." Labor leaders, meanwhile, derided the act as a "slave-labor bill." Despite Truman's all-out effort to prevent a veto override, Congress overrode his veto with considerable Democratic support, including 106 out of 177 Democrats in the House, and 20 out of 42 Democrats in the Senate.
    ellauri196.html on line 643: Union workers average 10-30% higher pay than non-union in the United States after controlling for individual, job, and labor market characteristics.
    ellauri196.html on line 692: Brando was known for his tumultuous personal life (euphemism for a piece of shit) and his large number of partners and children. He was the father to at least 11 children, at least three of whom were not his. Like a large number of men, he too, had homosexual experiences, and he was not ashamed. If Wally had been a woman, he would have married him and they would have lived happily ever after and had a bunch of kids. Now all they got were some brown pickaninnies.
    ellauri196.html on line 694: In Songs My Mother Taught Me, Brando wrote that he met Marilyn Monroe at a party where she played piano, unnoticed by anybody else there, that they had an affair and maintained an intermittent relationship for many years, and that he received a telephone call from her several days after she died. He also claimed numerous other romances, although he did not discuss his marriages, his wives, or his children in his autobiography.
    ellauri196.html on line 696: Brando met actress Rita Moreno in 1954, and they began a love affair. Moreno later revealed in her memoir that when she became pregnant by Brando he arranged for an abortion. After the abortion was botched Brando fell in love with Tarita Teriipaia, and Moreno attempted suicide by overdosing on Brando´s sleeping pills. Welcome back, O great days of adventure before Roe and Wade!
    ellauri196.html on line 729: According to the Bible, Ezekiel and his wife lived during the Babylonian captivity on the banks of the Chebar River, in Tel Aviv, with other exiles from Judah. There is no mention of him having any offspring. Josephus claims that Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia's armies exiled three thousand Jews from Judah, after deposing King Jehoiakim in 598 BCE. Ärsyttävimmät kiljukaulat johtoportaasta vietiin jäähylle. Jesaja kuului Jahven hoviin, Hese oli bloody peasant.
    ellauri196.html on line 731: The last recorded prophecy of Ezekiel about the destruction of Jerusalem dates to April 571 BCE, sixteen years after the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BCE. He was fifty years old when he had his final vision.
    ellauri196.html on line 755: The baffled king composing Hallelujah
    ellauri196.html on line 921: Dieses Gedicht beschreibt ganz deutlich einen Gewalttat. Früher wurden die Knollen des Knabenkrauts auch als Aphrodisiakum verwendet, weil sie optisch an Hoden erinnern. Interessant dabei ist die Gegenüberstellung des Knaben mit der Form der Orchideenblüte, die eine Analogie zur Vulva aufweist. Es ist sehr relevant, im „märzenhauch“ nicht nur die Frühlingspriese erkennen, sondern auch ein Wortspiel mit der Biersorte Märzen. Die Farbe „Rot“ stehe als Zeichen der Fruchtbarkeit. Das ist auf die Röte des Leibes zurückzuführen, etwa gerötete Wangen oder stark durchblutete Geschlechtsorgane. Erotik und Ekel stehen nebeneinander. Nicht zuletzt ist die auffallende Konzentration auf Körper im Gedicht („zunge“, „mund“, „nackenschweiß“, „zähnchen“, „finger“, „halse“) dafür ausschlaggebend. Sexualisiert meint doch hier keinen erregenden Zweck.
    ellauri196.html on line 928: Die Katze ist ein alltäglicher Synonym der Fotze. Sie kann als Symbol generell und speziell als „Symbol des Weiblichen und der erotisch-sexuellen Anziehung bzw. Gefährdung“, wozu besonders die Nachtaktivität und Wollust der Katze beiträgt. „Gelb“ lese ich hier als stellvertretend für Körperflüssigkeiten wie Urin und Samen. Hier stellt sich die Frage, welcher Saft? Giebel ist Venushügel, was sonst. „Knabenrot“ habe ich schon das männliche Glied beschrieben. Zusätzlich kann das Rot für Blut stehen, ins Besondere als Zitat der Defloration. Tatsächlich gibt es kein Jungfernhäutchen im Sinn einer zu durchtrennenden Folie, jedoch war (und ist leider teilweise nach wie vor) das Blut bei der (ersten) Penetration der Beweis von Jungfräulichkeit. Wenn manche Frauen (beim ersten Mal) bluten, kommt das von (kleinen) Verletzungen in der Vagina. Ich weiss, ich weiss!
    ellauri196.html on line 932: Damit hat der sexualisierte Gewaltakt ein Ende gefunden. Er zeigt aber noch Spuren, die in den Abschnitten sechs, sieben und acht deutlich werden. Es ist naheliegend, dass es sich um die Beine der zitierten Frauenfigur handelt, an denen das Ejakulat als „sein saft“ herabrinnt. „ein blasser nagel lieb / im frauen weiß / noch steckt / im talg“.
    ellauri196.html on line 934: Es sind mehrere Bilder, die sich hier überlagern: die noch nicht getrennten Körper, die Spuren der Verletzungen an der Haut, die durch Gegenstände oder Hände verursacht wurden. Es ist auf jeden Fall das Zeugnis sexualisierter Gewalt. Es sind auch Narben, die niemals vergehen. frühling hat uns zurück geholt in eine frühlingshafte Idylle und romantische Liebesvorstellung. Es ist so, als wäre nichts gewesen.
    ellauri196.html on line 936: Im Metzger Lexikon Literatur is die Unterscheidung von pornografischer und erotischer Literatur nett beschrieben. Während erstere „durch die gleichermaßen produktive wie rezeptive Wirkungsabsicht , sexuell zu erregen bzw. erregt zu werden“ gekennzeichnet ist (lies: unmittelbares wanken), beschreibt die erotische Literatur eine „im weiteren Sinn Sammelbez. für alle denkbaren Arten von fiktionaler Lit., die Liebe oder Sexualität zum Gegenstand haben.“
    ellauri196.html on line 938: Der Zuschreibung der Pornoschriftstellerin stellt Jelinek ihre eigene Positionierung als Anti-Pornografin entgegen. Sie wendet damit nicht die Pornografie in ihrem (weiblichen) Schreiben an, denn auch das wäre eine Reproduktion des männlichen Blicks, sondern wehrt sich explizit dagegen:
    ellauri197.html on line 72: Anglosaxien nk. poem analyysit on syvältä, ne on tarkoitettu Detective Inspector Lewisin kaltaisille moukille. Ne on kuin koirankakkaa pennyloafereille ja Oxford-kengille.
    ellauri197.html on line 153: - Yeats was all his life passionately devoted to a woman named Maud Gonne :D She had an affair with him which meant everything to him, and wrote many poems in her honor, but she refused to marry him. She married someone else, and so he had to marry someone else as well, but he always cherished her above all. She was "THE" woman to him. It may be for her sake that he imagined love from HER point of view. Meanwhile he and his second-choice wife had a son and a daughter, whom he loved dearly. That's sad... For all parties involved.
    ellauri197.html on line 170: He married Lilian Lowell Griswold in 1937. During their marriage he bought two Fabergé eggs, the Renaissance Egg in 1937 and later the Rosebud Egg, but these famous tokens of love and affection did not guarantee a long marriage: the couple divorced in 1943.
    ellauri197.html on line 214: If art is to assist in mitigating sorrow, turbulence, and evil, then it must filter out the bathos that brings on hysterics. Art serves society as a sort of safety valve wherein viewers view the performance with some distance. That distance must then be framed in a way that not only lowers the temperature on sorrow but also elevates with the beauty of the truth the content portrays.
    ellauri197.html on line 263: If deaf and dumb and blind with love? Jos on liian innostunut, pussit täysinä?
    ellauri197.html on line 321: Overall in ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’, the lack of clear details about what has happened to affect the narrator so, in addition to the confusion of verb tenses, subjects, and figurative language, creates an unclear work that perfectly depicts how unclear the narrator herself feels about her memory. Does she hate it? Does she want to keep it? Was it good? Was it bad? She does not seem to know, just as the reader cannot know the memory’s most vivid details.
    ellauri197.html on line 337: In ‘Love’s Organ's Growth’, the poet says that love is not a quintessence or pure and simple stuff despite its sustaining and life-giving properties. Rather, it is mixed stuff, a mixture of different elements, both spiritual and physical. That is why it affects both the body and the soul; it causes both spiritual and physical arousal. It does cure not because it is the quintessence, but on the homeopathic principle, of “like curing the like”. It cures all sorrow only by giving more of it. Love is neither infinite nor “pure stuff”, but has a mixed nature like grass which grows with spring.
    ellauri197.html on line 502: The term gold digger rose in usage after the popularity of Avery Hopwood's play The Gold Diggers in 1919. Hopwood first heard the term gold digger in a conversation with Ziegfeld performer Kay Laurell. As an indication on how new the slang term was, Broadway producers urged him to change the title because they feared that the audience would think that the play was about mining and the Gold Rush.
    ellauri197.html on line 509: Heartbalm actions in the United States typically include seduction, criminal conversation, alienation of affection, and breach of promise to marry. Of these, criminal conversation and alienation of affection are marital torts, originally restricted to husbands but in many states later made available to spouses regardless of gender. Seduction and breach of promise are nonmarital torts.
    ellauri197.html on line 514: Loss of consortium was originally expressed in the Latin phrase "per quod servitium et consortium amisit" ("in consequence of which he lost [another person's] servitude and marital services"). The relationship between husband and wife has, historically, been considered worthy of legal protection. The interest being protected under consortium, is that which the head of the household (father or husband) had in the physical integrity of his wife, children, or servants. The undertone of this action is that the husband had an unreciprocated proprietary interest in his wife. The deprivations identified include the economic contributions of the injured spouse to the household, care and affection, and sex.
    ellauri197.html on line 522: For example, in Baker v Bolton (1808) 1 Camp 493, a man was permitted to recover for his loss of consortium from the carriage driver while his wife languished after a carriage accident. However, once she died from her injuries, his right to recover for lost consortium ended. (After the enactment of Lord Campbell's Act (9 and 10 Vic. c. 93) the English common law continued to prohibit recovery for loss of consortium after the death of a victim). In the 1619 case Guy v. Livesey, it is clear that precedent had been established by that time that a husband's exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife was considered to fall within the concept of 'consortium', and that an adulterer might therefore be sued for depriving a cuckold of exclusive access to the sexual services of his wife. Since adultery could not otherwise be prosecuted in secular courts for most of the period after the twelfth century, loss of consortium became an important basis for prosecution for adultery in English law.
    ellauri197.html on line 561: Apple, Nokia, Nike, Ikea, internetaffären Asos, Ford Motor Company, BMW, Rolls-Royce, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, BP, Warner Bros, Paramount, Sony, Walt Disney Company och Netflix.
    ellauri197.html on line 563: Dessa företag har stängt alla affärer och kontor i Ryssland, lämnat gemensamma projekt med ryska bolag och levererar inga reservdelar till den ryska marknaden.
    ellauri197.html on line 565: Hinoa Voldemort! Taidankin muuttaa Venäjälle, ei tarvi kazella noita paskalafkoja.
    ellauri197.html on line 589: Andrej håller för sin del redan på att leta efter ett nytt jobb vid sidan om studierna. Som it-student kommer han troligen inte ha några problem med att hitta ett. Hans dröm i framtiden är att vara med och utveckla den digitala produkten NFT (Non-fungible token). Men medan studierna pågår hade han gärna haft kvar sitt deltidsjobb på McDonald's.
    ellauri197.html on line 624: Näin pahaa unta jossa jonkun läheisen piti muka väitellä jossain ulkomailla aika tuhnuisessa paikassa vaikka Turkissa, mutta nukuttiin kaikki pommiin ja oltiin myöhässä. Vaatteet oli hukassa, taxia ei saanut, jotkut juipit juoxi meidän kanssa kilpaa kohti ainoata taxia, yxi pääsi edelle mutta liukastui ja kaatui rähmälleen löysää kakkaa muistuttavaan mutaan ja ikäänkuin kostoxi halasi sitä mun löytyneille vaatteille. Kello oli viittä yli kun tultiin juhlapaikalle. Oli siinä muutakin ällöä mutta se alkaa haipua. Kello on puoli kahdeksan huhtikuun viimeisenä maanantaiaamuna. Rottien rafla tuli sentään eilen korjatuxi pihalta.
    ellauri197.html on line 647: His father was a well-paid clerk for the Bank of England, earning about £150 per year. Browning's paternal grandfather was a slave owner in Saint Kitts, West Indies, but Browning's father was an abolitionist. Browning's father had been sent to the West Indies to work on a sugar plantation, but due to a slave revolt there, had returned. Browning's mother was the daughter of a German shipowner who had settled in Dundee, Scotland, and his Scottish wife. His paternal grandmother, Margaret Tittle, had inherited a plantation in St Kitts and was rumoured in the family to have a mixed-race ancestry including some Jamaican blood, but author Julia Markus suggests she was Kittitian rather than Jamaican. The evidence is inconclusive. Robert's father, a literary collector, amassed a library of some 6,000 books, many of them rare so that Robert grew up in a household with significant literary resources. His mother, to whom he was close (no tietysti), was a devout nonconformist and a talented musician. His younger sister, Sarianna, also gifted, became her brother's "companion" in his later years, after the death of his wife in 1861. His father encouraged his children's interest in literature and the arts.
    ellauri197.html on line 649: By the age of 12, Browning had written a book of poetry, which he later destroyed for want of a publisher. After attending one or two private schools and showing an insuperable dislike of school life, he was educated at home by a tutor, using the resources of his father's library. By 14 he was fluent in French, Greek, Italian and Latin. He became an admirer of the Romantic poets, especially Shelley, whom he followed in becoming an atheist and a vegetarian (and a bisexual). At 16, he studied Greek at University College London, but left after his first year. His parents' evangelical faith prevented his studying at either Oxford or Cambridge University, both then open only to members of the Church of England. He had inherited substantial musical ability through his mother, and composed arrangements of various songs. He refused a formal career and ignored his parents' remonstrations by dedicating himself to poetry. He stayed at home until the age of 34, financially dependent on his family until his marriage. His father sponsored the publication of his son's poems. Varsinainen vanhapiika, neiti-ihminen.
    ellauri198.html on line 121: "Warren’s preoccupation with time and how the passage of years affects memory reveals itself in his extensive use of flashbacks." No näitä takautumia piisaa Pizzalattella ihan häiriöxi saakka.
    ellauri198.html on line 241: All these anti-worker policies were carried out by Democratic governors and mayors under supposedly pro-labor Roosevelt. This brought the strike to an end. Vocally radical union leaders (like John Lewis of the United Mineworkers) blamed the President, the steel companies, and excessive violence of the police. And all these factors were a real part of the loss. But these same union leaders had tied their fate to the Democratic Party. Even after the Memorial Day massacre and the defeat of the strike, they continued to support Roosevelt and the Democratic machine.
    ellauri198.html on line 266: Nuori Wallenberg panee hösselixi hurrislummissa. Se näyttää Horst Wesseliltä ja puhuu enkkua mafioson hinkuvalla äänellä.
    ellauri198.html on line 296: The Satanic panic is a moral panic consisting of over 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA, sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse) starting in the United States in the 1980s, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s, and persisting today. The panic originated in 1980 with the publication of Michelle Remembers, a book co-written by Canadian psychiatrist Lawrence Pazder and his patient (and future wife), Michelle Smith, which used the discredited practice of recovered-memory therapy to make sweeping lurid claims about satanic ritual abuse involving Smith. The allegations which afterwards arose throughout much of the United States involved reports of physical and sexual abuse of people in the context of occult or Satanic rituals. In its most extreme form, allegations involve a conspiracy of a global Satanic cult that includes the wealthy and powerful world elite in which children are abducted or bred for human sacrifices, pornography, and prostitution, an allegation that returned to prominence in the form of Qanon.
    ellauri198.html on line 298: Nearly every aspect of the ritual abuse is controversial, including its definition, the source of the allegations and proof thereof, testimonies of alleged victims, and court cases involving the allegations and criminal investigations. The panic affected lawyers, therapists, and social workers who handled allegations of child sexual abuse. Allegations initially brought together widely dissimilar groups, including religious fundamentalists, police investigators, child advocates, therapists, and clients in psychotherapy. The term satanic abuse was more common early on; this later became satanic ritual abuse and further secularized into simply ritual abuse. Over time, the accusations became more closely associated with dissociative identity disorder (then called multiple personality disorder) and anti-government conspiracy theories.
    ellauri198.html on line 300: Initial interest arose via the publicity campaign for Pazder's 1980 book Michelle Remembers, and it was sustained and popularized throughout the decade by coverage of the McMartin preschool trial. Testimonials, symptom lists, rumors, and techniques to investigate or uncover memories of SRA were disseminated through professional, popular, and religious conferences, as well as through talk shows, sustaining and further spreading the moral panic throughout the United States and beyond. In some cases, allegations resulted in criminal trials with varying results; after seven years in court, the McMartin trial resulted in no convictions for any of the accused, while other cases resulted in lengthy sentences, some of which were later reversed. Scholarly interest in the topic slowly built, eventually resulting in the conclusion that the phenomenon was a moral panic, which, as one researcher put it in 2017, "involved hundreds of accusations that devil-worshipping paedophiles were operating America's white middle-class suburban daycare centers."
    ellauri198.html on line 363: On mine, and mouth scarce able to afford Suu vino virnuilua pidätteli,
    ellauri198.html on line 368: What else should he be set for, with his staff? Mitä varten muuten sillä keppi
    ellauri198.html on line 425: Pledged to the plain, after a pace or two, Pellolle, kulettuani pari taaperrusta
    ellauri198.html on line 427: O'er the safe road, 'twas gone; grey plain all round: Kyllä näkynyt koko tietä enää sieltä,
    ellauri198.html on line 476: Think first, fight afterwards - the soldier's art: Ammu ensin, kysy sitten - toimi näin!
    ellauri198.html on line 660: Horace Slughorn is a character in the Harry Potter series of novels by J. K. Rowling. Professor Horace Eugene Flaccus Slughorn (b. 28 April, between 1882 and 1913) was a pure-blood or half-blood wizard. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a member of Slytherin before returning in 1931 as Potions Master. Joopa joo, flaccid slughorn, kiitos JK tiedetään mitä ajat takaa. Although Professor Slughorn certainly isn't a villain in Harry Potter, he's definitely done some rotten things. As they all.
    ellauri198.html on line 674: In The Dark Tower (1977) by CS Lewis, a tower set in a dystopian future is named the Dark Tower after Browning's poem.
    ellauri198.html on line 676: In Anthony Powell's 12-part cycle A Dance to the Music of Time, the eighth novel, The Soldier's Art, takes its title from line 89 of Childe Roland ("Fight first, think afterwards—the soldier's art").
    ellauri198.html on line 705: after_death.jpg/220px-Robert_Browning_after_death.jpg" />
    ellauri198.html on line 706:
    Robert Browning shortly after death

    ellauri198.html on line 724: Roland and his ka-tet travel to Thunderclap, then to the nearby Devar-Toi, to help a group of psychics known as Breakers who are allowing their telepathic abilities to be used to break away at the beams that support the Tower. Ted Brautigan and Dinky Earnshaw assist the gunslingers with information and weapons, and reunite Roland with his old friend Sheemie Ruiz from Mejis. The Gunslingers free the Breakers from their captors, but Eddie is wounded after the battle and dies a short while later. Roland and Jake pause to mourn and then jump to Maine of 1999 along with Oy, in order to save the life of Stephen King (whom he writes to be a secondary character in the book); the ka-tet have come to believe that the success of their quest depends on King surviving to write about it through his books.
    ellauri198.html on line 736: In a final "Coda" section, King urges the reader to close the book at this point, consider the story finished with a happy ending, and not venture inside the Tower with Roland. For those who do not heed the warning, the story resumes with Roland stepping into the Dark Tower. He realizes that the Tower is not really made of stone, but a kind of flesh: it is Gan's physical body. As he climbs the steps, Roland encounters various rooms containing siguls or signs of his past life. When he reaches the top of the Tower, he finds a door marked with his own name and opens it. Roland instantly realizes, to his horror, that he has reached the Tower countless times before. He is forced through the door by the hands of Gan and transported back in time to the Mohaine desert, back to where he was at the beginning of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, with no memories of what has just occurred. The only difference is that, this time, Roland possesses the Horn of Eld, which in the previous incarnation he had left lying on the ground after the Battle of Jericho Hill. Roland hears the voice of Gan, whispering that, if he reaches the Tower again, perhaps this time the result will be different; there may yet be rest. The series ends where it began in the first line of book one: "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
    ellauri198.html on line 747: Vaikeinta on Bloomin ymmärtää, mikä nalli napsahtaa Rolandille värsyssä XXIX. Bloom raahaa kekoon askeesia, metaforia ja metaleepsistä, mutta tokko niistä on tässä mitään apua. Täytyypä vilkaista Bloomin vinkkaamia runoja Keats: The Fall of Hyperion ja Shelley: The Triumph of Life. Onko nekin jotain smuttia? (Kz alempaa.)
    ellauri198.html on line 755: Ei vaan Browning imuskelee kolleegansa Shellyn schollya, Harold täsmentää. The consensus among critics has long been that in his youth Browning had a great enthusiasm for Shelley, an enthusiasm clearly apparent in Pauline and Paracelsus, but abruptly extinguished in Sordello. Generally speaking, it would seem that Browning's ardent enthusiasm for Shelley the poet ends with Sordello in 1840, just as his respect for Shelley the man ends in 1856, with the discovery that he had abandoned his first wife. Any evidence for a lapse of his disaffection in later life seems effectively countered by Browning's own testimony in a letter written in 1885 to F. J. Furnivall, refusing the presidency of the newly formed Shelley Society: “For myself, I painfully contrast my notions of Shelley the man and Shelley, well, even the poet, with what they were sixty years ago, when I only had his works, for a certainty, and took his character on trust.” With these highlights of the relationship, most Browning critics and biographers terminate the discussion.
    ellauri198.html on line 790: The difference between Hegel and Kierkegaard is also a difference between Mallarmé and Browning, as it happens, and critically a difference between a deconstructive and an antithetical view of practical criticism. Kierkegaard's "repetition" is closer than its Hegelian rival (or the Nietzschean-Heideggerian descendant) to the mutually exploitative relationship between strong poets, a mutuality that affects the dead nearly as much as the living. Insofar as a poet authentically is and remains a poet, he must exclude and negate other poets. Yet he must begin by including and affirming a precursor poet or poets, for there no other way to become a poet. We can say then that a poet known as a poet only by a wholly contradictory including/excluding, negating/affirming which by the agency of psychic defenses manifests itself as an introjecting/projecting. "Repetition," better even than Nietzsche's Eternal Return of the Same, manifests itself through the rhetorical scheme of transumption, where the surrender of the present compensates for the contradictory movements of the psyche.
    ellauri198.html on line 823: Spending most of his time in London, Yeats met with Maud Gonne, a tall, beautiful, socially prominent young woman passionately devoted to Irish nationalism. Yeats soon fell in love with Gonne, and courted her for nearly three decades although he eventually learned that she had already borne two children from a long affair. Their sole attempt at copulation at long last in Paris ended with a fizz. Yeats found he actually really liked young boys and girls.
    ellauri198.html on line 846: While Yeats was playing with esoterica, Ireland was rife with internal strife and a world war flitted past. He was now the “sixty-year-old smiling public man” of his poem “Among School Children,” which he wrote after touring an Irish elementary school. He was also a world-renowned artist of impressive stature, having received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923. At night the poet could “sweat with terror” because of the surrounding violence, but otherwise he was enjoying himself royally. His collection The Dark Tower (1928) is often considered his best single book.
    ellauri198.html on line 881: Hyperion, a Fragment is an abandoned epic poem by 19th-century English Romantic poet John Keats. It was published in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820). It is based on the Titanomachia, and tells of the despair of the Titans after their fall to the Olympians. Keats wrote the poem from late 1818 until the spring of 1819, when he gave it up as having "too many Miltonic inversions." He was also nursing his younger brother Tom, who died on 1 December 1818 of tuberculosis.
    ellauri198.html on line 883: In Greek mythology, Hyperion (/haɪˈpɪəriən/; Greek: Ὑπερίων, 'he who goes above') was one of the twelve Titan children of Gaia (Earth) and Uranus (Sky). With his sister, the Titaness Theia, Hyperion fathered Helios (Sun), Selene (Moon) and Eos (Dawn). Well, his sister mothered them, after he had squirted his load of cum into her.
    ellauri198.html on line 887: Keats picked up the ideas again in his another unfinished poem The Fall of Hyperion: A Dream (1856) published after his death. He attempted to recast the epic by framing it with a personal quest to find truth and understanding. Another failure. Yawn.
    ellauri203.html on line 104: af0a27d9e0ec4.jpg" />
    ellauri203.html on line 127: Although reasonably successful during his lifetime, his fame continued to grow after his death and he inspired not just other later writers, such as Ernest Hemingway, but also sparked a philosophical movement, Existentialism, and influenced the work of Sigmund Freud.
    ellauri203.html on line 164: Juorujen pääpointtina näät oli, että nuori kirjailija, joka oli juuri aloittanut kirjoitusuran romaanilla "Köyhät ihmiset", kusen täytettyä siltä rumemman pään ensimmäisen teoksen (väitetysti kolmannen teoksen, mutta 1. se oli), poikkeuksellisen menestyksen ansiosta, pyysi kustantajaa tulostamaan uuden luomuksensa, erotuxexi muiden kirjoittajien tekeleistä, jollain ilmeikkäällä typografisella tavalla, esimerkiksi niin että jokaista sivua ympäröi erityinen reuna, tai borderi. Pilkkaruno meni kokonaisuudessaan näin:
    ellauri203.html on line 223: Dostoevsky met the young Appolinaria Suslova during one of his public readings. At 42, he was two decades older than her. She was attractive, alluring and shared his literary taste and physical passion. Despite this, he could not give her everything she wanted; as Dostoevsky was still married, he conducted a secret affair with Suslova, but she took other lovers and left him. She returned two years later, but was not the same inexperienced young woman and refused to marry the great writer.
    ellauri203.html on line 231: To begin with, Dostoevsky only saw practicality in his marriage to Snitkina: he was in need of stability and confidence in the future. As a result, the union began down to head along the same route as his previous relationships. However, the couple’s extended “honeymoon” abroad, which ended up lasting four years, allowed them to escape Russia’s oppressive atmosphere and try to build a family. It began well: Sonya, a little girl, was born a year after their marriage. Tragedy soon struck, however, when Sonya passed away. The pair went on to have three more children, one of whom also died. They were married for 14 years until Dostoevsky’s death, in which time Snitkina experienced a great deal of anguish brought on by Dostoevsky’s difficult character and lifestyle, namely his jealousy and gambling addiction. However, she remained stoically committed to him and did not remarry after his death, when she was just 35.
    ellauri203.html on line 240: Nää kääntäjät ovat esipuheen perusteella Dosto aficionadoja ja jakavat sen kristillis-taantumuxelliset näkemyxet. Tosi pahoja jenkkimeemejä: the idea dearest to us all is freedom, leftist ideologies are demonic one and all. Joo tää esipuhe on aivan karseeta potaskaa. Kyllä olen ollut oikeilla jäljillä kun Dosto on aina tuntunut ällöttävältä. Se on selvä patataantumuxen äänitorvi, jonka jenkit ottivat vastaan avosylin kommarien aikana. Nyt voi olla vähän kiusallinen tilanne kun Dosto kuulostaa ihan tämän päivän Putinilta ja vähän eilispäivän Solzhenizyniltä.
    ellauri203.html on line 254: René Noël Théophile Girard [ži'rar] (25. joulukuuta 1923 Avignon, Ranska – 4. marraskuuta 2015 Stanford, Kalifornia, Yhdysvallat) oli ranskalainen historioitsija, kirjallisuudentutkija ja yhteiskuntafilosofi. Hänen tutkimustensa katsotaan joskus edustavan filosofista antropologiaa. Hänen teoksensa käsittelevät antropologiaa, sosiaalipsykologiaa, teologiaa ja kirjallisuutta yhtä lailla kuin filosofiaakin.
    ellauri203.html on line 266: Mimeettinen väkivalta synnyttää tilanteen, jota Girard kutsuu erojen poispyyhkiytymiseksi: todelliset erot, joita yksilöiden välillä on havaittavissa, alkavat kadota ja yksilöt muistuttavat toisiaan yhä enemmän, mitä tulee todellisiin, ei pintapuolisiin eroihin. Yksilöt alkavat muistuttaa toistensa kaksoisolentoja, kuin kaksi verikoston kehään (blood-feud) ajautunutta sukua. Hmm Kaxoisolentoja taas, pitäisikö kaivaa Dosto naftaliinista? Darwinista tiedetään että keskenään samanlaisilla lajeilla ja yxilöillä on aina tiukin riita resursseista, koska niillä on sama ekolokero.
    ellauri203.html on line 371: Metafyysinen Ketman, ajatus siitä, että nykyinen konteksti sanelee, että metafyysinen maailman merkitys jätetään väliaikaisesti huomiotta (niin mitä tulee katolilaisuuteen, koska tämä Ketman esiintyy pääasiassa maissa, joissa on katolinen menneisyys, kuten Puola). Tämä ilmenee useilla tavoilla, kuten hylkäämällä tilapäinen uskomusjärjestelmä ristiriitaisten toimien aikana tai ylläpitämällä katolisia instituutioita, vaikka niiltä poistetaan metafyysinen merkitys, kunhan säilytetään oikea perustelu.
    ellauri203.html on line 648: Martin, a respected doctor (huoh), his wife Karin, Karin's seventeen year old brother Minus, and widowed father David of Karin and Minus' have convened at the family's summer home on an island off the coast of Sweden to celebrate David's return from the Swiss Alps, where he was substantially completing his latest novel (huoh). The family has long lived a fantasy of they being a loving one, David's extended absences which are the cause of many of the family's problems. Without that parental guidance, Minus is at a confused and vulnerable stage of his life where he is a bundle of repressed emotions, most specifically concerning not feeling loved by his father and concerning the opposite sex (huoh). He is attracted to females as a collective but does not know how to handle blatant female sexuality, especially if it is directed his way. A month earlier Karin was released from a mental institution (huoh). Her doctor has told Martin that the likelihood that she will fully recover from her illness is low, her ultimate fate being that her mental state will disintegrate totally, although she has functioned well since her release. In his love for her, Martin has vowed to himself to see her through whatever she faces. As Karin begins to lose grip on reality, Minus is the one most directly affected, although it does bring out the issues all the men are facing with regard to their interrelationships.
    ellauri203.html on line 652: In a small family island, Karin, her teenage brother Minus and her husband Martin welcome her father David, who is a writer permanently absent traveling around the world. Karin has just left a mental institution and has inherited the incurable insanity from her mother. Minus feels lost and alone, estranged by his selfish and cold father that left Karin and he (sic) behind after the death of his wife. Martin is neglected by Karin and has no sex life with her anymore and spends his time taking care of his wife. When Karin finds the journal of her father hidden in a drawer in his desk, she reads that her degenerative disease is incurable and triggers a breakdown.
    ellauri203.html on line 656: Karin is trying to readjust to life with her family after her release from a mental institution. Her husband Martin is patient with her as she experiences the highs and lows of life. Both she and her younger brother Minus have issues with their father David, who is visiting. Martin is a well-known author who travels frequently and is estranged from his children. He´s about to publish his latest effort and spends much of his time alone, finalizing the manuscript before submitting it t the publishers. After having sex with Minus she realizes she is unable to live in two worlds and must choose between institutionalization and home life.
    ellauri203.html on line 665: "Make a vow to yourself, and with that great sacrifice you buy everything that you long for", ehdottaa Tiihon. Vitun uskontokamasaxat hieroo koko ajan kauppoja kuolleista sieluista, planeeraa pakkolunastuxia ja hintaralleja. Mutta ei. Niin paljon ei Stafylokokki sitä sentään rakasta. Tiihon pyllistää ja näkee kolmannella silmällä että Nikke panee vielä potin nokkiin ennenkö julkaisee nää tunnustuxet. "Cursed psychologist!" huutaa Nikke sattuvasti. Ne on kai sitten ne Marjan ja muiden porukoiden murhat, jotka on toki pahempia koska uhrina on myös aikuisia miehiä.
    ellauri203.html on line 679: The freaks take on cancel culture after Fat Freddy and his cat becomes famous on a viral video.
    ellauri204.html on line 45: Uusi mies on sellainen jonka isä ei ole sotaveteraani. Eero on pieni uusi mies. Se tulee kirjan aikana monta kertaa esille. Aino oli ylioppilaspohjainen lähihoitaja, ei erityisen älykäs mutta liian älykäs kuntosaliohjaaja Markolle joka ei osannut ääntää teetä. Aino ja Eero kuuntelivat naintimusana uudelleenlämmitettyä Nick Drakea, sen debyyttialbumia Five Leafs Left [sic] v:lta 1969. Se on mainittu aiemmin albumissa 16.
    ellauri204.html on line 56: Nun trug es sich einmal zu, daß die goldene Kugel der Königstochter nicht in ihr Händchen fiel, das sie in die Höhe gehalten hatte, sondern vorbei auf die Erde schlug und geradezu ins Wasser hineinrollte. Die Königstochter folgte ihr mit den Augen nach, aber die Kugel verschwand, und der Brunnen war tief, so tief, daß man keinen Grund sah. Da fing sie an zu weinen und weinte immer lauter und konnte sich gar nicht trösten. Und wie sie so klagte, rief ihr jemand zu: "Was hast du vor, Königstochter, du schreist ja, daß sich ein Stein erbarmen möchte." Sie sah sich um, woher die Stimme käme, da erblickte sie einen Frosch, der seinen dicken, häßlichen Kopf aus dem Wasser streckte. "Ach, du bist's, alter Wasserpatscher," sagte sie, "ich weine über meine goldene Kugel, die mir in den Brunnen hinabgefallen ist." - "Sei still und weine nicht," antwortete der Frosch, "ich kann wohl Rat schaffen, aber was gibst du mir, wenn ich dein Spielwerk wieder heraufhole?" - "Was du haben willst, lieber Frosch," sagte sie; "meine Kleider, meine Perlen und Edelsteine, auch noch die goldene Krone, die ich trage." Der Frosch antwortete: "Deine Kleider, deine Perlen und Edelsteine und deine goldene Krone, die mag ich nicht: aber wenn du mich liebhaben willst, und ich soll dein Geselle und Spielkamerad sein, an deinem Tischlein neben dir sitzen, von deinem goldenen Tellerlein essen, aus deinem Becherlein trinken, in deinem Bettlein schlafen: wenn du mir das versprichst, so will ich hinuntersteigen und dir die goldene Kugel wieder heraufholen." - "Ach ja," sagte sie, "ich verspreche dir alles, was du willst, wenn du mir nur die Kugel wieder bringst." Sie dachte aber: Was der einfältige Frosch schwätzt! Der sitzt im Wasser bei seinesgleichen und quakt und kann keines Menschen Geselle sein.
    ellauri204.html on line 60: Am andern Tage, als sie mit dem König und allen Hofleuten sich zur Tafel gesetzt hatte und von ihrem goldenen Tellerlein aß, da kam, plitsch platsch, plitsch platsch, etwas die Marmortreppe heraufgekrochen, und als es oben angelangt war, klopfte es an die Tür und rief: "Königstochter, jüngste, mach mir auf!" Sie lief und wollte sehen, wer draußen wäre, als sie aber aufmachte, so saß der Frosch davor. Da warf sie die Tür hastig zu, setzte sich wieder an den Tisch, und es war ihr ganz angst. Der König sah wohl, daß ihr das Herz gewaltig klopfte, und sprach: "Mein Kind, was fürchtest du dich, steht etwa ein Riese vor der Tür und will dich holen?" - "Ach nein," antwortete sie, "es ist kein Riese, sondern ein garstiger Frosch." - "Was will der Frosch von dir?" - "Ach, lieber Vater, als ich gestern im Wald bei dem Brunnen saß und spielte, da fiel meine goldene Kugel ins Wasser. Und weil ich so weinte, hat sie der Frosch wieder heraufgeholt, und weil er es durchaus verlangte, so versprach ich ihm, er sollte mein Geselle werden; ich dachte aber nimmermehr, daß er aus seinem Wasser herauskönnte. Nun ist er draußen und will zu mir herein." Und schon klopfte es zum zweitenmal und rief:
    ellauri204.html on line 70: Da sagte der König: "Was du versprochen hast, das mußt du auch halten; geh nur und mach ihm auf." Sie ging und öffnete die Türe, da hüpfte der Frosch herein, ihr immer auf dem Fuße nach, bis zu ihrem Stuhl. Da saß er und rief: "Heb mich herauf zu dir." Sie zauderte, bis es endlich der König befahl. Als der Frosch erst auf dem Stuhl war, wollte er auf den Tisch, und als er da saß, sprach er: "Nun schieb mir dein goldenes Tellerlein näher, damit wir zusammen essen." Das tat sie zwar, aber man sah wohl, daß sie's nicht gerne tat. Der Frosch ließ sich's gut schmecken, aber ihr blieb fast jedes Bißlein im Halse. Endlich sprach er: "Ich habe mich sattgegessen und bin müde; nun trag mich in dein Kämmerlein und mach dein seiden Bettlein zurecht, da wollen wir uns schlafen legen." Die Königstochter fing an zu weinen und fürchtete sich vor dem kalten Frosch, den sie nicht anzurühren getraute und der nun in ihrem schönen, reinen Bettlein schlafen sollte. Der König aber ward zornig und sprach: "Wer dir geholfen hat, als du in der Not warst, den sollst du hernach nicht verachten." Da packte sie ihn mit zwei Fingern, trug ihn hinauf und setzte ihn in eine Ecke. Als sie aber im Bett lag, kam er gekrochen und sprach: "Ich bin müde, ich will schlafen so gut wie du: heb mich herauf, oder ich sag's deinem Vater." Da ward sie erst bitterböse, holte ihn herauf und warf ihn aus allen Kräften wider die Wand: "Nun wirst du Ruhe haben, du garstiger Frosch."
    ellauri204.html on line 382: The most well-known mythopoetic text is Bly’s Iron John: A Book About Men which was published in 1990. Bly suggests that masculine energy has been diluted through modern social institutions, industrialisation, and the resulting separation of fathers from family life. He introduced the ‘wild man’ and urged men to recover a pre-industrial conception of masculinity through brotherhood with other men. The purpose was to foster a greater understanding of the forces influencing the roles of men in modern society and how these changes affect behaviour, self-awareness and identity.
    ellauri204.html on line 389: In The Odyssey, Odysseus and his crew land on Aeaea, and a team of scouts discover the palace of Circe, a witch goddess. Circe invites Odysseus’s men inside for a drink and then magically turns them into pigs. One man escapes to tell Odysseus about their comrades’ fate and Circe’s trickery. Odysseus bravely hopes to rescue his men from Circe’s enchantment; on the way to her house, Odysseus receives help from Hermes, who offers him a plan and equips him with moly, a magical herb that will protect him from Circe’s witchcraft. The plan works: the moly counters Circe’s magic, she swoons for Odysseus and transforms his crew from pigs back into men. Odysseus and Circe then make love. For a year. Finally, some of Odysseus’s crew shake him from the madness of his long Circean interlude and compel him to resume the journey home to Ithaca.
    ellauri204.html on line 406: The Fifth Direction was founded in 2017 by Meditation Australia president Asher Packman, who passionately believes in the re-emergence of the mythopoetic, after the movement went largely underground in the early 2000s.
    ellauri204.html on line 407: Such a potential often comes at a time of cultural chaos, and we are focussed on the new wave of the mythopoetic – one which considers gender diversity and inclusivity, soul ecology and a story beyond the ‘hero myth’ to which our culture has become so rigidly affixed. This allows for the ancient and deeper archetypes such as the ecologically-focussed Antihero, Green Man and the Shaman-Trickster to arise, offering a less rigid :D , more nuanced and yet expansive approach to whole humanhood.
    ellauri204.html on line 416: Für Christa Siegert ist Eisenhans der Wille, der im Käfig der Gebote kultiviert wird, aber unfrei bleibt. Frei kann er der begreifenden Seele das Vollkommene reichen, die sich aber daran verletzt und das geistige Lebenswasser egoistisch einsetzt. Wilhelm Salber sieht eine Dialektik zwischen verschlingendem Einheitspfuhl und lebender Entwicklung. Nach dem Schema vom verlorenen Sohn suche man „Revolte und Dennoch-geliebt-Werden, Gefahr und treue Rettung im letzten Augenblick zu verbinden.“ Edith Helene Dörre vergleicht Der Eisenhans mit der Heilkraft des Aquamarin (wieso?). Psychotherapeut Jobst Finke denkt auch an Sagengestalten wie Rübezahl und sieht die Entwicklung des weltfremd erzogenen Knaben zum starken Ritter durch väterlichen Beistand und Identifikation. Der Text half einem vaterlos aufgewachsenen, wenig durchsetzungsfähigen Angestellten, seine Konflikterfahrungen zu verbalisieren.
    ellauri204.html on line 419: Der Sage nach ist Rübezahl ein launischer Riese oder Berggeist. Schon der erste Sammler von Rübezahl-Sagen, Johannes Praetorius (s. u.), beschrieb Rübezahl als charakterlich sehr ambivalenten „Widerspruchsgeist“, der in einem Moment gerecht und hilfsbereit, im nächsten arglistig und launenhaft auftreten könne.
    ellauri204.html on line 434: Niemand weiß, wer der Retter in der Not war, und um es herauszufinden, veranstaltet der König ein Turnier. Dem Sieger soll die Königstochter einen goldenen Apfel zurollen. Der Goldjunge ruft ein zweites Mal seinen Ziehvater, den Eisenhans zu Hilfe und lässt sich von ihm als roter Ritter ausstaffieren. Natürlich gewinnt er den goldenen Apfel. Doch anstatt sich als Sieger zu erkennen zu geben, zieht er sich wieder zurück. Deshalb wird ein weiteres Turnier veranstaltet, bei dem der Goldjunge als weißer Ritter als Sieger einen zweiten goldenen Apfel gewinnt und anschließend wie beim erstenmal verschwindet. Beim dritten Turnier holt er sich als schwarzer Ritter den dritten goldenen Apfel. Als er anschließend wieder verschwinden will, fällt ihm beim schnellen Ritt sein Helm vom Kopf. So können alle sein goldenes Haar sehen.
    ellauri204.html on line 499: Romaanissa kuvattujen ihmisten historian taju on niin vääristynyttä, ettei se voi olla johtamatta pahaan. Näin on siitä huolimatta, että Eero yrittää parhaansa mukaan selittää hänessä tapahtunutta henkistä muutosta: ”Väkivaltafantasioissa ei piillyt mitään syvää merkitystä. Ne ilmensivät vain darwinistista olioiden mittelyä erotiikan symbolialueelle siirrettynä. Vahvempi sieppasi hiehomman ja todisti geneettisen laatunsa ja rohkeutensa ja panosti antautumaan.” (s. 223)
    ellauri204.html on line 625: He returned 1955 to America after a year in Europe to pursue a doctoral degree at Yale University, where he studied under Erich Auerbach. Auerbach would prove to be a lasting influence on Jameson's thought. This was already apparent in Jameson's doctoral dissertation, published in 1961 as Sartre: the Origins of a Style. Auerbach's concerns were rooted in the German philological tradition; his works on the history of style analyzed literary form within social history. Jameson would follow in these steps, examining the articulation of poetry, history, philology, and philosophy in the works of nauseous Jean-Paul Sartre.
    ellauri204.html on line 743: Furthermore, she had an "affair with" the therapist who replaced Orne in the 1960s. Orne considered the "affair" with the second therapist (given the pseudonym "Ollie Zweizung" by Middlebrook and Linda Sexton) to be the catalyst that eventually resulted in her suicide. What a mess!
    ellauri204.html on line 772: Yhdessä Roger Vitracin kanssa he perustivat ’patafysiikan perinteitä kantavan Alfred Jarry –teatterin, joka toimi vuosina 1927 – 1929. Yritys kaatui talousvaikeuksiin. Seuraavaksi oli vuorossa Julmuuden teatteri (Le Théâtre de la Cruauté). Nimeksi piti alun perin tulla ”Kasperteatteri”, joka olisi paremmin valaissut mistä Artaud’n teatterikäsityksessä on kyse.
    ellauri204.html on line 806: Contre le monde, contre la vie on H. P. Lovecraftia käsittelevä teos. Se sisältää Stephen Kingin esipuheen, Houellebecqin pitkän esseen Lovecraftin teoksista ja elämästä ja kaksi Lovecraftin pitkää novellia, "The Call of Cthulhu" ('Cthulhun kutsu') ja "The Whisperer of Darkness" (Kuiskaus pimeässä) ranskaksi käännettyinä.
    ellauri204.html on line 828: Britti näyttelijäkaarti on niin ylityöllistetty toisiaan kopioiviin poliisisarjoihin että yhden poliisi on toisen sarjan konna. Vastenmielisesti suutaan repivä Lewis on mätä poliisi Gentlyssä. Märkäsuun Isä Ruskean autokuski skizoaa Lewisin pikkukonnana. Porukkaa tapetaan kuin Salpausselällä. Poliisin teippiä kuluu mailikaupalla. Paskalakeilla on iänikuisia perhehuolia. Koukut suojaa toisiaan kuin mafiosot. Vitun ikävystyttävää. Ainoa hyvä sarja on suomalainen Raid. Raid soittaa huuliharppua tosi surkeasti ja siltä puuttuu varpaita. Tukka peittää huonosti orastavaa kaljua. Janssonin luttamuna ei ota eteen ennen kuin autotallin lattialla hengenhädässä sen napsittua levyittäin Viagraa. Tässon ihan hyvä, sanoo vaimo hätäsesti permannolta. I know the feeling: asennonvaihdos voi helposti aiheuttaa harmittavan nuupahduxen. Perse-Arska näyttää Janssonille Ladassa mustelmaista pyllyä. Janssonin lakoninen ilme ei värähdä. Tokko viisarikaan. Kaikki on yxisanaisia kuin Aki Kaurismäen leffoissa.
    ellauri204.html on line 840: Today, at the New York University Woolworth building, filmmakers, NGO staff, foundation representatives and UN agency workers came together to discuss the problem of poverty porn and the potential power of social media to prevent it. The discussion was conducted privately (in accord with so-called Chatham House rules) in order to protect the identity of the participants and encourage a more honest conversation.
    ellauri205.html on line 81: Rembrandtin Euroopan ryöstö -maalauksessa, häräksi muuntautunut Putin ryntää veteen ja selässä istuva Eurooppa katselee rannalle hädissään jääneitä ystäviään. Putin menee valkeana härkänä, selässään Eurooppa, foinikialainen prinsessa peloissaan tai ylimaallisen tyynenä, usein sarvesta pidellen, ja härän munaa pakottaa synkkien tai pastellinpehmeiden vetten yli, dramaattisia taivaita, ympärillä lenteleviä amoriineja, illanruskoa ja myrskyn enteitä. Aiheesta oli innoittunut stadionillinen miesmaalareita, Marten de Vos, Paolo Veronese, Tizian, Rubens, François Boucher, Juan Sán chez-Cotan, Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo ja kasa muita juaneja, Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre, Jean-François de Troy ja kasa muita jeaneja, Gauguin, Matisse, Picasso, Dali ja vähäisempiä nimiä, renessanssia, mannerismia, barokkia, rokokoota, romantiikkaa ja modernismin villejä muunnelmia ja nimettömiä julistemaalareita ja pornografisia kansitaiteilijoita.
    ellauri205.html on line 152:

    Miesvaltafantasioista nauttivat naiset olivat itsevarmempia, tasapainoisempia ja paremmassa sopusoinnussa seksuaalisuutensa kanssa kuin ne, jotka torjuivat sellaiset likaiset järjettömyydet. Hän luki psykoanalyyttisia tulkintoja latenssi-ikäisilla tytöillä yleisistä sieppausfantasioista, joiden avulla he analyytikkojen mukaan käsittelivät miehisen perversion herättämiä pelkoja ja isään kohdistuvia tiedostamattomia libidinaalisia toiveita.
    ellauri205.html on line 154: Hän tutustui filosofien teorioihin valtafantasioista vapauttavina rajanrikkomisina, miehisenä kapitalistisena esineistämisenä tai yhteiskunnallisen sorron heijastumina tietoisuudessa. Hän luki filosofi Simone Weilin "riipaisevan" tekstin Helenan ryöstöstä alkaneesta Troijan sodasta ja Ilias-eepoksesta väkivaltarunoelmana, jossa kuvattiin, miten väkivalta muutti ihmiset esineen kaltaisiksi, vei heiltä tulevaisuuden, sisäisen elämän, toimintakyvyn ja yhteyden toisiin. Yhteisöön levitessään väkivalta karkasi ihmisten hallinnasta. Siitä tuli kohtalon ja oikullisten jumalten kaltainen voima, oman olemassaolonsa mytologinen perustelu. Perverssillä tavalla väkivalta liitti mitättömän värikuula-aseilla hääräilevän pösilön historian valtavirtaan ja suureen runouteen.
    ellauri206.html on line 65: Its having become, by the mid-twentieth century, an important element in Anglo-Saxon narratological theory, according to dramatist and author Arthur E. Krows, the American dramatist Mark Swan told Krows about the playwriting motto "Show – not tell" on an occasion during the 1910s. In 1921, the same distinction, but in the form picture-versus-drama, was utilized in a chapter of Percy Lubbock's analysis of fiction, The Craft of Fiction. In 1927, Swan published a playwriting manual that made prominent use of the showing-versus-telling distinction throughout.
    ellauri206.html on line 111: The UN Indian chief ineffectually called for strong regulatory frameworks to change the business models of social media companies which “profit from algorithms that prioritize addiction, outrage and anxiety at the cost of public safety”.
    ellauri206.html on line 143: Paras keino paljastaa narsisti on kysyä. Paras keino paljastaa pitkä kirjailija on mitata sen varjo keskipäivällä. Riku on akateeminen aitosuomalainen naisten mieleen. Vedin ylleni Kraftwerkin Tour de France paidan, Carharttin khakihousut sekä Kangolin hellevitun. Olin liian laiska lisääntymään. Lapset ovat aikavarkaita. Riittää että hoidon häpy ja pakarat hankaa satulaa.
    ellauri206.html on line 161: Svengijengi ’62 (engl. American Graffiti), vuonna 1973 ensi-iltansa saanut elokuva, joka on George Lucasin ohjaama ja käsin kirjoittama. Se kertoo tarinan yhdys­valtalaisista teineistä heidän kesä­lomansa viimeisenä iltana valmistuttuaan high schoolista. (p.o. kesälomansa viimeisenä iltana heidän valmistuttuaan, vittu kukaan ei enää osaa possesiivisuffixeja, lakkaisivat edes yrittämästä.) Tämäkin leffa on mulle n.h. Mikä olis voinut vähemmän kiinnostaa kuin amer. teinileffa vuonna 1973 jolloin viilasin oza hiessä stalinistisen pankinjohtajan tyttären hilloviivaa ja interreilasin Unkarista etelään pieni sininen pahvimatkalaukku kädessä. Eikös ne typerät Star Wars rainat olleet samaisen sentimentaalisen lukaasin käsialaa? Juu sama leuaton harmaa pikku mies on kyseessä. Ronny Howard s. 1954 esitti lukaasia s. 1944. Lukaasin firma on sittemmin myyty Disneyn Waltille. Ylläri. Tirkistely on obsessiivis-kompulsiivista toimintaa. Tästä luvusta tulee mieleen Heli Mätinki 3v aiemmin jossain Turussa, missä mullakin alkoi kalu seistä vastahakoisesti saunassa ja pakenin Petrin lailla uimareissulle vähän äkkiä. Olis pitänyt vaan Petrin lailla ottaa mela kauniiseen käteen ja työntyä käskyn mukaan kaikkeinpyhimpään. Vaikka tuskin oisin pystynyt edes 5 pistoon. Ois takuulla tullut ejaculatio ante portas. Toisaalta toisella kertaa olisi voinut mennä paremmin. Marjan mielestä sukuelimet on hirveä sana. Siinäkin on jotain outoa. Kaikki hahmot toistavat taas Korhosen omia ajatuxia. Marja ei ollut erityisen kaunis mutta auliin panohaluinen.
    ellauri206.html on line 176: Tajusin, että metafysiikka oli loppunut ja elämän ja kuoleman kiertokulku piti nähdä poliittisena, taloudellisena ja sotilaallisena jättisyklinä kuin katsoisi suurkaupungin valoja laskeutuvan Airbusin ikkunasta.
    ellauri206.html on line 184: Contre le monde, contre la vie on H. P. Lovecraftia käsittelevä teos. Se sisältää Stephen Kingin (yäk) esipuheen, Houellebecqin pitkän esseen Lovecraftin teoksista ja elämästä ja kaksi Lovecraftin pitkää novellia, "The Call of Cthulhu" ('Cthulhun kutsu') ja "The Whisperer of Darkness" (Kuiskaus pimeässä) ranskaksi käännettyinä. Tästä häiskästä on joku aikaisempi paasaus albumissa 204, jossa ruoditaan Rikun jouzenlaulua. Se näyttää piipunrassilta. Siis Thomas. Tai no molemmat. Sitä on syystä sanottu islamofobiseksi, rasistiseksi ja seksistiseksi ja väitetty sen myötäilevän äärioikeistoa. Oikeus nautintoon (Plateforme, 2001. Suomentanut Ville Keynäs) on täyttä millenniaaliroskaa sekin. Jokaisella ihmisellä on oikeus turvalliseen ja nautinnolliseen seksuaalisuuteen. On tärkeää siis tutkiskella itseään ja opetella tunnistamaan jutut, mitkä tuntuvat itsestä nautinnollisilta. Omaan kehoon kannattaa tutustua rauhassa ja selvittää millainen kosketus tuntuu itsestä nautinnolliselta. Myös vammaisilla on oikeus nautintoon, tunnevammaisilla varsinkin.
    ellauri206.html on line 190: Puhtaus, toivo, terveys on Rikusta hyviä sanoja. Se on selkeästi anaalisobsessiivinen. Inna istui samassa jokirannan italialaisraflassa kuin mekin. Me syötiin jotain katkarapupastaa.
    ellauri206.html on line 211: Riku ei pysty aikuistumaan edes kirveellä. Siitä on noloa olla eno, se on kuin pukeutuisi porokuvioiseen neuletakkiin. When the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention) was asked: “Which sin is the greatest?” He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention) said: “To set up rivals for Allah, your Creator.” It is said: ‘Thereafter?’ He sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention) answered: “To kill your children for fear of eating with you (i.e. fear of want). It is said: ‘Then, which is next?’ The Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam (may Allah exalt his mention) said: “To have sex with your neighbor's wife.”
    ellauri206.html on line 216: Silvia Saint (oik. Sylvie Tomčalová s. 12. helmikuuta 1976, Kyjov, Tšekkoslovakia), on blondi tšekkiläinen pillunnäyttelijä, joka on esiintynyt 285:ssä elokuvassa. Silvia Saintin lisäksi hän on käyttänyt muitakin taiteilijanimiä (muun muassa Sylvia Saint). Saint on opiskellut yritysjohtamista Brnon opistossa. Ennen lopullista siirtymistään pornografian pariin Saint oli töissä muun muassa hotellin vuoropäällikkönä Zlínissä.
    ellauri206.html on line 220: Muriseva Vanessa Blue on musta yhdysvaltalainen pornografinen näyttelijä ja ohjaaja. Hänet otettiin mukaan AVN: n Hall of Fameen vuonna 2013. Syntyi: 27. toukokuuta 1974 (ikä 48 vuotta), Long Beach, Kalifornia, Yhdysvallat. vanessablue.com on lakannut toimimasta. Sic transit gloria semimundi. Viiskymppisillä pilluilla ei ole enää kysyntää.
    ellauri206.html on line 258: Cyrulnik war seit 1996 Studiendirektor der Fakultät der Humanwissenschaften der Université du Sud-Toulon-Var, Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Ethologie sowie der Leiter einer Forschungsgruppe für klinische Ethologie am Irrenhaus von Toulon.
    ellauri206.html on line 303: La fleur qui plaisait tant à mon coeur désolé, The flower that my afflicted heart liked so much
    ellauri207.html on line 176: Douglas was not raised with a religious affiliation, but stated in January 2015, that he now identifies as a Reform Jew. Douglas strongly supports the #MeToo movement.In June 2013, Douglas told The Guardian that his type of lip cancer is caused by the human papilloma virus transmitted by cunnilingus.
    ellauri207.html on line 182: Catherine Zeta-Jones was born on 25 September 1969 in Swansea, Wales, to David Jones, the owner of a sweet factory, and his wife Patricia (née Fair), a seamstress. Her father is Welsh and her mother is of Irish Catholic descent. She was named after her grandmother, Zeta Jones (whose name was derived from the name of a ship that her great-grandfather once sailed on), because 'Just Jones' would not cut the cheese in showbiz. Zeta-Jones was raised in the suburban area of Mumbles.Her struggle with depression and bipolar II disorder has been well documented by the media, for she is married to sex addicted actor Michael Douglas, son of Kirk, whose name used to be Issur Danielovitch Demsky. Michael is 25 years her senior but a wizard with cunnilingus.
    ellauri207.html on line 202: «Suecia se presenta como una sucursal del infierno, donde los jueces prevarican, los psiquiatras torturan, los policías y espías delinquen, los políticos mienten, los empresarios estafan, y las instituciones en general parecen presa de una pandemia de corrupción de proporciones fujimoristas. Esta obra perdurará porque se trata de ficción de la más amena, con unos personajes perfectamente definidos, que, según me, es lo que importa.» –Mario Vargas Llosa, escritor peruano-.
    ellauri207.html on line 204: Dentro de la novela se hace mención a varios escritores de fama, tales como: Astrid Lindgren, Enid Blyton, Agata Christie y Dorothy L. Sayers; así como Sue Grafton, Val McDermid, y Sara Paretsky.
    ellauri207.html on line 210: El patrimonio de Musse Pigg causo un enfrentamiento entre su esposa por 32 años, la arquitecta Eva Gabrielsson, y Erlan y Joakim Larsson, el padre y hermano del escritor. Éstos últimos fueron los que recibieron la opulenta herencia, la cual incluye los derechos sobe todas las obras del autor, y la capacidad de gestionar lo que dejó por escrito. Sin embargo, Gabrielsson afirma que ella debería ser la poseedora de los bienes ya que ella era la personas más allegada del autor, ya que éste abandonó su hogar familiar a la edad de los 18 años y desde ese entonces se dispuso a vivir con Eva, sin siquiera mantener contacto alguno con su padre ni hermano.
    ellauri207.html on line 325: President Joe Biden has ordered US flags on federal grounds to be flown at half-staff until sunset on Saturday to honor the victims of this "senseless acts of violence." "That will teach them!" Biden said. "30th shooting at a K-12 school this year," he said proudly. "Try and beat that Putin!"
    ellauri210.html on line 40: Piha-Anteron huumorin määritelmä on freudilaisen huumoriton: démenti de la réalité, affirmation grandiose au principe du plaisir. Se on nähdäxeni aivan hakoteillä. Huumori on nimenomaan tosiasioiden tunnustamista, ja sen tajuamista, etteivät ne ole huisin tärkeitä. Mikään ole kuolemanvakavaa, edes kuolema. Huumorille on kaikki suhteellista, se vaatii suhteellisuudentajua. Siihen nähden Anteron kovan linjan suhteettomuus vaikuttaa suht sentimentaaliselta. Vaikka kirjan takakannessa se vakuuttaa, että musta huumori on sentimentaalisuudelle vihainen kuin rakkikoira. No pääasiahan on että nyt voin vihdoin palauttaa Andrein kirjasen yliopistolle, sillä se on lainattu Seijan kortilla. Se on läpitte!
    ellauri210.html on line 69: En 1932, André Breton affirme dans une lettre qu'André Gide ne se releva jamais de ces quelques pages de critique désinvolte.
    ellauri210.html on line 125:

    Patafyysikon patakalenteri

    ellauri210.html on line 190: Jotkut ovat väärin väittäneet, että Jeesuksen kone oli potkupyörä, erittäin epäuskottava väline vuoristoajossa. Vanhojen sykofiilisten hagiografien Saint Bridgetin, Gregorius Toursin ja Irenaeuksen mukaan risti oli varustettu laitteella. jota he kutsuvat "ristin jalkatuexi" (suppedaneum).Ei tarvitse olla suuri virkailija tunnistaaxeen sanan "pedaali".
    ellauri210.html on line 205: Patafora on 2. asteen metafora, metafora metaforasta. Näitäkin saattaa paasauxissa jo esiintyä, nyt silmä kovana.
    ellauri210.html on line 309: Picasso teki maalauksia, grafiikkaa, keramiikkaesineitä ja veistoksia sekä kirjoitti runoja. Picasson tuotanto on hyvin laaja, ja siihen kuuluu yli 13 000 taulua sekä 300 veistosta ja keramiikkatyötä. Ei oli niitä enemmänkin. Se tuhersi aina jonkun kuvan kimpussa kuin Li Andersson eduskunnassa.
    ellauri210.html on line 383: The money Cravan earned from the Johnson fight helped him buy his passage out of Europe, and what he thought was safety from the war. In January 1917, he sailed for New York. Dozens of other European artists and intellectuals were making the same journey at the time; one of Cravan’s shipmates was Leon Trotsky, who noted in his diary that he’d met a man who claimed to be related to Oscar Wilde and “who frankly declared that he would rather smash a Yankee’s face in the noble art of boxing than be done in by a German.” Cravan didn’t stay in New York long; just long enough to put several noses metsphorically out of joint. He split his time between sleeping rough in Central Park and hobnobbing with Greenwich Village bohemians. Among them was the poet Mina Loy, with whom Cravan began an intense love affair.
    ellauri210.html on line 396: En 1932, André Breton affirme dans une lettre qu'André Gide ne se releva jamais de ces quelques pages de critique désinvolte.
    ellauri210.html on line 468:

    Franz Kafka: excerpt from The Metamorphosis

    ellauri210.html on line 469:

    Haukotuttavaa Ransua ei viizi enää uutta kertaa vatvoa, kazo albumeja 002, 117, afka">122, 139, 160, 181, 186 jne jne.
    ellauri210.html on line 501: Provoziert wurde das vor allem durch den tragischen Tod Heyms, als dieser im Januar beim Schlittschuhfahren mit einem Freund ertrank und durch Hoddis unerwiderte Liebe für Lotte Pritzel, der er sein Gedicht Indianisch Lied widmete. Sie war eine deutsche Puppenkünstlerin, Kostümbildnerin und Zeichnerin. Auch Rainer Maria Rilkes Text „Über die Puppen der Lotte Pritzel“, 1921 mit Illustrationen der Künstlerin publiziert, gehört zu den überlieferten Zeugnissen vom Schaffen Lotte Pritzels. Lotte Pritzels gesamtes Werk umfasste weit über 200 Stücke, etwa ein Fünftel der fragilen Figuren ist bis heute erhalten.
    ellauri210.html on line 505: Lotte Pritzel war weder geschäftstüchtig noch ehrgeizig. Auch zeigte sie keinerlei Ambitionen, das Wesen ihrer Puppen näher zu erläutern. Die „gern im Morphiumrausch schaffende Künstlerin“ erklärte allenfalls, ihre so graziös wie verzweifelt wirkenden Gestalten seien "Geschöpfe ihrer selbst" bzw. "Material gewordene innere Visionen". Zarte Wachs- und Stoffgebilde von raffinierter Eleganz, denen immer ein kindlich-verderbter Zug anhaftete, wie manchen Gestalten von Beardsley – fern vom Obszönen und dadurch umso reizvoller, sogar für solide Käufer. In den 1930er Jahren zog sich Lotte Pritzel, die vermutlich ein Elternteil jüdischen Glaubens hatte, aus der Öffentlichkeit zurück. Sie hatte einen Arzt geheiratet und die hatten eine Tochter Irmelin Rose. Sie starb 1952.
    ellauri210.html on line 513: Er baute in den letzten Jahren körperlich immer mehr ab und verhielt sich (im Vergleich zu anderen Patienten) verhältnismäßig unauffällig, grüßte Tiere, die er beim Spazieren traf, spielte Schach und rauchte viel. Sein Umfeld sowie seine Umgebung nahm er nicht mehr wahr. Am 30. April 1942 wurde er von dort in den Distrikt Lublin im von der Wehrmacht besetzten Polen deportiert und – höchstwahrscheinlich im Vernichtungslager Sobibór – im Mai oder Juni desselben Jahres im Alter von 55 Jahren ermordet. Gute Wahl, Lotte.
    ellauri210.html on line 530: Glieder zur Liebe geschaffen. Lempeen luodut jäsenet.
    ellauri210.html on line 561: Drick ej ur karaffen!
    ellauri210.html on line 576: Kurt Hiller wurde in Berlin als Sohn eines jüdischen Fabrikanten geboren, sein Großonkel mütterlicherseits war der SPD-Reichstagsabgeordnete Paul Singer. Hiller machte 1903 sein Abitur als Primus Omnium am Askanischen Gymnasium in Berlin. Danach studierte er an der Berliner Universität Rechtswissenschaft bei Franz von Liszt und Philosophie bei Georg Simmel. Im November 1907 wurde Hiller als Externer an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg vom Juristen Karl von Lilienthal mit der Dissertation Die kriminalistische Bedeutung des Selbstmordes zum Dr. jur. promoviert. Die Dissertation war der Teil einer rechtsphilosophischen Arbeit unter dem Titel Das Recht über sich selbst, für die Hiller in Berlin keine Anerkennung fand, und in der er die Forderung aufstellte, das Strafrecht müsse die Selbstbestimmung des Menschen stärker berücksichtigen.
    ellauri210.html on line 578: Ab 1904 war Kurt Hiller mit dem ebenfalls literarisch engagierten Medizinstudenten Arthur Kronfeld befreundet, über den er das Denken des Göttinger Philosophen Leonard Nelson kennenlernte. Über Kronfeld trat deswegen im Juli 1908 Magnus Hirschfeld an ihn heran. Es entstand ein Kontakt, der in den folgenden fünfundzwanzig Jahren ein intensives Engagement Hillers im Wissenschaftlich-humanitären Komitee (WhK) zur Folge hatte. Auch dem Institut für Sexualwissenschaft war Hiller aktiv verbunden.
    ellauri210.html on line 580: In Berlin wurde Kurt Hiller als freier Schriftsteller zum frühen Pionier des literarischen Expressionismus: 1909 gründete er mit Jakob van Hoddis als ein Gründungsmitglied die Vereinigung Der Neue Club, zu dem bald auch Georg Heym und Ernst Blass stießen. Gemeinsam mit ihnen und unterstützt von bekannteren Künstlern wie Tilla Durieux, Else Lasker-Schüler und Karl Schmidt-Rottluff wurden sogenannte „Neopathetische Cabarets“ veranstaltet. Nachdem Hiller sich aus dem Club zurückgezogen hatte, gründete er mit Blass das literarische Cabaret GNU. Für die Zeitschriften PAN und Der Sturm schrieb er zahlreiche Beiträge, ebenso wie für Franz Pfemferts Aktion, bei deren Gründung er 1911 auch mitwirkte. Nachdem Hiller – wahrscheinlich über die Vermittlung Kronfelds, der seit 1908 in Heidelberg lebte – 1911 in der Beilage Literatur und Wissenschaft der regionalen Heidelberger Zeitung schon Die Jüngst Berliner vorgestellt hatte, publizierte er 1912 im Heidelberger Verlag von Richard Weissbach die erste expressionistische Lyrikanthologie Der Kondor.
    ellauri210.html on line 582: In der Novemberrevolution versuchte er als Vorsitzender des von ihm mitgegründetem Politischen Rates geistiger Arbeiter, Einfluss auf die Politik zu nehmen. Diesem Engagement lag sein als Korrekturmodell zur Demokratie konzipiertes Ideal einer „Logokratie“ zu Grunde, das – anknüpfend an Platons Idee der „Philosophenkönige“ – die politische Herrschaft zwischen dem gewählten Parlament und einem Ausschuss der geistigen Elite und damit den Intellektuellen teilen sollte („elliptische Verfassung“).
    ellauri210.html on line 583: 1919 gründete Kurt Hiller zusammen mit Armin T. Wegner den Bund der Kriegsdienstgegner (BdK), dem 1926 auch die renommierte Pazifistin Helene Stöcker beitrat. 1920 trat er der Deutschen Friedensgesellschaft bei, zu deren linkem Flügel er gehörte. Hier trat er dafür ein, dass sich der deutsche Pazifismus an der Sowjetunion orientieren müsse, obwohl er deren Leninismus sehr kritisch gegenüberstand. Da die Mehrheit aber auf das bürgerlich-demokratische Frankreich ausgerichtet blieb, kam es zu heftigen Konflikten in der DFG, die eskalierten, als Hiller in kommunistischen Blättern den bürgerlichen Pazifisten Friedrich Wilhelm Foerster und Fritz Küster vorwarf, sie würden sich von den Franzosen bezahlen lassen – eine Unterstellung, die den zahlreichen rechten Gegnern der deutschen Friedensbewegung reichlich Munition für ihre Polemik gab. Max Jakobsson schrieb bekummert an Peter Panther:
    ellauri210.html on line 588: Am Anfang desselben Jahres veröffentlichte Hiller in der Weltbühne einen Aufsatz, den er zunächst für eine ausländische Tageszeitung verfasst hatte und in dem er Bewunderung für den „Kraftkerl Mussolini“ (Mussolini und unsereins, 12. Januar 1926) äußerte. Am „Duce“ faszinierte ihn die kühne Ästhetik seiner öffentlichen Auftritte und vor allem die schlagkräftige politische Durchsetzungskraft, die so gar nichts von der oft zähen Kompromisspolitik der mittleren Weimarer Republik hatte.
    ellauri210.html on line 589: „Demokratie heißt: Herrschaft jeder empirischen Mehrheit; wer wollte bestreiten, daß die Mehrheit des italienischen Volkes seit langem treu hinter Mussolini steht? […] Mussolini, man sehe sich ihn an, ist kein Kaffer, kein Mucker, kein Sauertopf, wie die Prominenten der linksbürgerlichen und bürgerlich-sozialistischen Parteien Frankreichs und Deutschlands und anderer Länder des Kontinents es in der Mehrzahl der Fälle sind; er hat Kultur. […] Wenn ich mich genau prüfe, ist mir Mussolini, dessen Politik ich weder als Deutscher noch als Pazifist noch als Sozialist ihrem Inhalt nach billigen kann, als formaler Typus des Staatsmannes deshalb so sympathisch, weil er das Gegenteil eines Verdrängers ist. Ein weltfroh-eleganter Energiekerl, Sportskerl, Mordskerl, Renaissancekerl, intellektuell, doch mit gemäßigt-reaktionären Inhalten, ist mir lieber, ich leugne es nicht, als ein gemäßigt-linker Leichenbitter, der im Endeffekt auch nichts hervorbringt, was den Mächten der Beharrung irgend Abbruch tut.“
    ellauri210.html on line 591: Bei aller unkritischer Faszination von Mussolini warb Hiller kurz darauf dafür, bei den Reichstagswahlen die KPD zu wählen. Enttäuscht von der SPD, für die er vorher noch eingetreten war, schrieb er im Mai 1928 in der Weltbühne, nunmehr müsse man trotz aller Vorbehalte „in den kommunistischen Apfel … beißen: Er ist sauer, aber saftig“.
    ellauri210.html on line 596: Hiller lähti 1934 karkuun Hitleriä t-viivan puutteessa. Nach der Machtübernahme der Nationalsozialisten wurde Hiller, der als Pazifist, Sozialist, Jude und Homosexueller den Nazis verhasst war, insgesamt dreimal verhaftet, in den Konzentrationslagern Columbia-Haus, Brandenburg und Oranienburg inhaftiert und schwer misshandelt. Nach seiner Entlassung 1934, die auf hohe Fürsprache von Rudolf Heß hin zustande kam,[10] floh er nach Prag und 1938 weiter nach London. Im Exil gründete er den Freiheitsbund Deutscher Sozialisten und die Gruppe Unabhängiger Deutscher Autoren.
    ellauri210.html on line 598: Als Hans Giese 1949 ein neues WhK gründen wollte und dann die Gesellschaft für Reform des Sexualstrafrechts e. V. gründete, arbeitete Hiller einige Monate mit.[11] 1955 kehrte Hiller nach Deutschland zurück, ließ sich in Hamburg nieder und versuchte dort 1962, das WhK neu zu gründen. Er blieb dabei aber isoliert und der Versuch scheiterte.[5] Des Weiteren gründete er – weitgehend ohne Echo – einen Neusozialistischen Bund und unabhängige Zeitschriften (vgl. lynx). Die Erklärung des Neusozialistischen Bundes gegen Angriffskrieg wurde u. a. von Ossip K. Flechtheim, Karlheinz Deschner und Martin Niemöller unterstützt. In der Schweizer Zeitschrift Der Kreis publizierte Hiller rund ein Dutzend Gedichte und ebenso viele Artikel, meist unter dem anagrammatischen Pseudonym Keith Llurr.
    ellauri210.html on line 699: Alberto Savinio [alˈbɛrto saˈvinjo] , syntynyt Andrea Francesco Alberto de Chirico (25. elokuuta 1891 – 5. toukokuuta 1952) oli kreikkalais-italialainen kirjailija, taidemaalari, muusikko, toimittaja, esseisti, näytelmäkirjailija, lavastussuunnittelija ja säveltäjä. Hän oli väpelön "metafyysisen" taidemaalarin Giorgio de Chiricon nuorempi ja tumpelompi veli . Hänen työnsä käsitteli usein filosofisia ja psykologisia teemoja, ja hän oli myös vahvasti kiinnostunut taidefilosofiasta.
    ellauri210.html on line 712:

    Chiricojen patafysiikka

    ellauri210.html on line 714: Piha-Antero kiinnittää huomioo että isoveli Jorgon kuvat pursuu patafyysisiä genitaaleja. On torneja, katakombeja, tunneliin syöxyviä junia, röhnöttäviä naisia, sojottavia miehiä, uimakoppeja, halaavia hevosia, pahentuneita banaaneja työntymässä marmoriseen torsoon, käärmeitä, miekkoja ojossa ja puoliveteessä, kakasti tursuavia hevonhäntiä, you name it. Se on modernia, mutta myös hyvin hyvin vanhanaikaista.
    ellauri210.html on line 720: Durante gli anni di studio si trasferisce in Belgio per alcuni mesi, grazie all’esperienza Erasmus, e la brillante mente si apre sempre di più, stimolata da nuove esperienze. La visione del mondo e della società di Annalisa Chirico è molto particolare e all’avanguardia per una donna italiana. Scopriamo qualcosa in più sulla graffiante penna, molto presente anche nei talk show televisivi.
    ellauri210.html on line 776: Michel del Castillo (or Michel Janicot del Castillo), born in Madrid on August 2, 1933, is a Spanish-French writer. Interned in a concentration camp named Rieucros in Mende with his mother during the Second World War, he developed a sense of belonging to this town, which has honored him with naming a school after him. Wow.
    ellauri210.html on line 780: The novel starts in Spain in 1939, during the Spanish civil war, when Tanguy is forced to flee the country with his mother because of her left wing political affiliations. They find themselves in France, which is no less hostile. Forsaken by his father, Tanguy and his mother are arrested by the police and sent off to a camp for political refugees where life is difficult and they face many a hardship and insult. Finally able to escape, Tanguy's mother now decides to flee to London. In order to escape unnoticed from France, they must travel separately and Tanguy is thus separated from his mother. Discovered by the German troops he is packed off to another concentration camp where he endures a life of hunger, cold and forced physical labour that break his body and spirit, the only respite being in a young German pianist who befriends him and reminds him time and again not to hate for hatred breeds nothing but hatred. LOL.
    ellauri210.html on line 790: Lorsque les cloportes rencontrent les cafards et que les biftecks Kun siirat kohtaavat kafferit ja vihertävät
    ellauri210.html on line 821: Ah qui nous donnera un dieu rafraîchi comme un crâne sortant Ah kuka antaa meille raikastetun jumalan
    ellauri210.html on line 841: On November 6, 1929, he returned to a clinic where he was staying and — according to Andre Breton — “after paying minute attention to his toilette, and carrying out all the necessary external adjustments demanded of such a departure” — calmly put a bullet through his heart. Not his head like Richard Cory, who had everything a man could want: power, grace and style.
    ellauri210.html on line 855: af0c36a6f8b2393d6999.600x518x1.jpg" />
    ellauri210.html on line 888: Ce cadavre exquis, écrit à six mains, date sans doute de 1926. On le suppose rédigé lors d'une nuit arrosée au Café de Madrid à Guéthary. Dédié au « Chinois Inconnu », ce court texte multiplie provocations et impertinences diverses.
    ellauri210.html on line 937: laissez passer le café si ça lui fait plaisir
    ellauri210.html on line 1092: Dalí tomó al famoso doble de Hollywood, Russ Saunders, como modelo para pintar a Cristo, aunque hay quien afirma que el artista tomó como modelo en realidad al trapecista Diego Schmiedl. Esta es posiblemente, la obra más humana y humilde que se ha pintado sobre la Crucifixión de Cristo. Aunque, también, podríamos afirmar que la perspectiva del observador que ve a Cristo desde arriba, es decir desde donde podría verlo Dios Padre, coloca al artista en ese papel.
    ellauri210.html on line 1117: With the outbreak of World War II Ernst, who was German, was arrested by the French authorities for being a "hostile alien". Soon after the Nazis invaded France, Ernst was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo, because his art was considered by the Nazis to be "degenerate". Fucking West and East Germans, same huns and hyenas on both sides!
    ellauri210.html on line 1119: After Ernst's arrest Carrington was devastated and her delusions led to a psychotic break and she was admitted into an asylum. Three years after being released from the asylum and with the encouragement of André Breton, Carrington wrote about her psychotic experience in her memoir Down Below. Nyrkissä Leonora kokkasi Andrelle hyviä sapuskoita.
    ellauri210.html on line 1138:
    Man Ray la photographie lisant ses poèmes au Café Dynamo.

    ellauri210.html on line 1167: Dès l'âge de quinze ans, Jean-Pierre Duprey compose ses premiers poèmes. Il part pour Paris en 1948 sur l'invitation d'André Breton et participe au mouvement surréaliste. Au cours de l'été 1948, il rencontre, en Normandie, Jacqueline Sénart qui deviendra sa femme et partagera sa vie jusqu'à la fin. Il figure sur les photographies du groupe surréaliste prises par Man Ray en 1953 au café de la place Blanche[réf. nécessaire]. Näistä Brétonin loppupään kirotuista oppilaista tulee vähän mieleen Jaakko Hintikka ja sen sekundaoppilaiden sukupolvet: L. Carlson, E. Saarinen, Mike Hand, Gabriel Sandu.
    ellauri210.html on line 1254: Shaw was self made socialist, enough to irritate both parties. First draft:
    ellauri210.html on line 1279: According to the trivia section here at IMDB, "George Bernard Shaw adamantly opposed any notion that Higgins and Eliza had fallen in love and would marry at the end of the play, as he felt it would betray the character of Eliza who, as in the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, would "come to life" and emancipate herself from the male domination of Higgins and her father. He even went so far as to include a lengthy essay to be published with copies of the script explaining precisely why Higgins and Eliza would never marry, and what "actually happened" after the curtain fell: Eliza married Freddy and opened a flower shop with funds from Colonel Pickering. Moreover, as Shaw biographers have noted, Higgins is meant to be an analogue of the playwright himself, thus suggesting Higgins was actually a homosexual." Eliza, where are my slippers?
    ellauri210.html on line 1316: The narrator, randomly named André, ruminates on a number of Surrealist principles, before ultimately commencing (around a third of the way through the novel) on a narrative account, generally linear, of his brief ten-day affair with the titular character Nadja. She is so named “because in Russian it's the beginning of the word hope, and because it's only the beginning,” but her name might also evoke the Spanish "Nadie," which means "No one." The narrator becomes obsessed with this woman with whom he, upon a chance encounter while walking through the street, strikes up conversation immediately. He becomes reliant on daily rendezvous, occasionally culminating in romance (a kiss here and there). His true fascination with Nadja, however, is her vision of the world, which is often provoked through a discussion of the work of a number of Surrealist artists, including himself. While her understanding of existence subverts the rigidly authoritarian quotidian, it is later discovered that she is mad and belongs in a sanitarium. After Nadja reveals too many details of her past life, she in a sense becomes demystified, and the narrator realizes that he cannot continue their relationship.
    ellauri210.html on line 1318: In the remaining quarter of the text, André distances himself from her corporeal form and descends into a meandering rumination on her absence, so much so that one wonders if her absence offers him greater inspiration than does her presence. It is, after all, the reification and materialization of Nadja as an ordinary person that André ultimately despises and cannot tolerate to the point of inducing tears. There is something about the closeness once felt between the narrator and Nadja that indicated a depth beyond the limits of conscious rationality, waking logic, and sane operations of the everyday. There is something essentially “mysterious, improbable, unique, bewildering” about her; this reinforces the notion that their propinquity serves only to remind André of Nadja's impenetrability. Her eventual recession into absence is the fundamental concern of this text, an absence that permits Nadja to live freely in André's conscious and unconscious, seemingly unbridled, maintaining her paradoxical role as both present and absent. With Nadja's past fixed within his own memory and consciousness, the narrator is awakened to the impenetrability of reality and perceives a particularly ghostly residue peeking from under its thin veil. Thus, he might better put into practice his theory of Surrealism, predicated on the dreaminess of the experience of reality within reality itself. Nadja Nadja soromnoo.
    ellauri210.html on line 1344: Gisèle Prassinos también nos ha dejado unas buenas dosis de personajes desordenados, donde afloran ciertas desviaciones. En ese “collage” entre cuentos de hadas y aromas baudelerianos, la autora jugará sobre todo con la metamorfosis, así sus mujeres “pseudo-femmes castratrices” se transforman en animales o en seres extraños, fantásticos. Prassinos ataca a los mitos del psicoanálisis, muestra imágenes híbridas, animales que se convierten en hombre, objetos que se convierten en animales, etc. Destaca la hostilidad hacia la figura autoritaria del padre. Nos habla de venganzas mediante el asesinato, los cuerpos difuntos son despedazados o transformados, dejando traslucir sentimientos intensos, donde se perfila la imagen de la muerte y se exorciza el miedo. La misma autora confesaba en una entrevista personal la distancia que había entre ella y su padre, destacando la importancia que tiene la figura masculina en las culturas orientales, sensación que refleja en el cuento “La Tête” (op. cit., 1987): “Lucas vit qu’entre elle et son père s’ouvrait un écart plus large que ceux qui séparaient les autres personnes”.
    ellauri210.html on line 1359: A pesar de todo, Gisèle Prassinos nos sumerge en un imaginario que nos recuerda a los cuentos clásicos con ciertas afinidades próximas a Nathalie Sarraute y a Baudelaire. Aunque los personajes sean dementes tenemos la impresión de estar ante seres inofensivos, llenos de ternura. La belleza en Prassinos nunca es explicita, se centra en destacar los debilidades que terminan por dar coherencia al relato.
    ellauri210.html on line 1374: Mansour first came in contact with Parisian surrealism while still living in Cairo. She moved to Paris in 1953 at the age of 20.[1] In 1947, her first marriage at the age of 19 ended after six months when her husband died. Her second marriage was to Samir Mansour in 1949 and they divided their time between Cairo and Paris. Mansour began to write in French.
    ellauri210.html on line 1380: In 1954, Joyce Mansour became involved with the surrealist movement after Jean-Louise Bédouin wrote a review praising Cris in Médium: Communication surréaliste that May. Joyce Mansour actively participated in the second wave of surrealism in Paris. Her apartment was a popular meeting place for members of the surrealist group. L'exécution du testament du Marquis de Sade, the performance piece by Jean Benoît took place in Mansour’s apartment, where she "collaborated" with obscure minor representatives such as Pierre Alechinsky, Enrico Baj, Hans Bellmer, Gerardo Chávez, Jorge Camacho, Ted Joans, Pierre Molinier, Reinhoud d'Haese and Max Walter Svanberg.
    ellauri210.html on line 1460: Andrew Lang FBA (31 March 1844 – 20 July 1912) was a Scottish poet, novelist, literary critic, and contributor to the field of anthropology. He is best known as a collector of folk and fairy tales. The Andrew Lang lectures at the University of St Andrews are named after him. Ei sentään koko yliopisto. Eikös se ole se missä kaikki Englannin kruunun kermaperseet keitetään? He died of angina pectoris on 20 July 1912 at the Tor-na-Coille Hotel in Banchory, Banchory, survived by his wife.
    ellauri211.html on line 133: Alexander Calder´s “Mountains and Clouds” was installed in the Hart Senate Office Building in 1986. Aluminum clouds originally suspended as a mobile over the steel mountains were removed in 2014 as unsafe for the public. It was too expensive for public funds so private moneymen came to the rescue. Senaattori Snowden Harp näyttää juuri siltä kuin jalkansa Vietnamiin jättäneen senaattorin kuuluu näyttää vanhana. Michael ansaizi pronssitähden Irakin ryöstöretkellä. Kylläpäs Sujatasta on sukeutunut isänmaallinen. Vaikka se on mamu, tai varmaan juuri sixi. En petä luottamustasi mutta kotiasi kuunnellaan. Onko Michael pyytänyt sinua tekemään jotain laitonta? Eikö? (pettyneesti). Miten teillä menee Hughin kanssa? Kysyn vaikka tiedän, kotiasi kuunnellaan. Onnexi en tullut synttäreillesi. Kiihkeästä vapaamielisyydestään huolimatta senaattori varjeli julkista kuvaansa. Olin alkanut pitää hänen varovaisuuttaan aidon älykkyyden merkkinä. Harp tietää jotakin, mietin hyvästellessäni hänet. Mutta tehän rikotte kansalaisoikeuxiani! Niin niin, talk to the hand. Sentään saat kantaa konetuliasetta ja pitää sikiösi. Count your blessings.
    ellauri211.html on line 144: A large number of rapes were carried out systematically by Japanese soldiers, they went door to door looking for girls and women who were then arrested and gang-raped. To make things better, he women were killed after they were raped.
    ellauri211.html on line 199: Huomaan kyllä mihin nuoli osoittaa. Duchamp oli 1/45 Piha-Antero Bretonin nuaareista humoristeista. Siltä lähti mm. tälläsiä aforismeja:
    ellauri211.html on line 292:


    ellauri211.html on line 294: Mistähän se johtuu että tafsaajia on erityisen paljon kökkäreissä? Jotain yrittäjähenkisyyttä sekin on. Pedofiili Kari Rydmanin limainen kakara Wille Rydman on jäänyt kiinni toistuvasta sakkolihan käsittelystä. "Kirjamies" Ranu Panola on jäänyt kiinni naapurin rouvan alavazan tunnustelusta. Tuomio oli 15 senttimetrin lähestymiskielto. Ranun lehdykkä Lavatähti ja kirjamies on käsittämätöntä linssiluteilua. Että voikin äijä olla narsistinen.
    ellauri211.html on line 295:

    Totta puhuen ei tämä tekohämmentyneenä hymyilevä persepääkään ole ihan eilisen teeren poika kuvalehtien keskiaukeamaärvönä. Kun hän kihlasi tunnetun valokuvamallin, vasta Njuu Jorkista maahan laskeutuneen bisnesenkelinsä, heidän yhteinen taipaleensa alkoi ei vähempää kuin Ilta-Sanomissa ja Hymy lehdessä! ja heidän suuret häänsä huomattavassa Hämeenkyrossä nousivat Seuran ja Annan etusivuille! Turha häntä on tyrkkiä lavatähden paasipojaksi! Siitä äkämystyneenä hämäläinen Ranu alkoi ize pyytää roskalehdiltä haastatteluja lupaa kysymättä savvoo viäntävältä Katrilta. Ranu myhäili salaperäisenä ja näppi ize izestään belfieitä. Tiesihän sen etukäteen ettei siitä mitään tullut, olivat ihan eri kaliiperia, toinen kestojulkkis toinen wannabe. Hui kuinka Ranu onkin vastenmielinen. Se kuzuu äxäänsä vuoroin laulajaxi vuoroin lavatähdexi. Izeään se tituleeraa kyrvänpää-expertixi. Potkut saaneen peesarin voimatonta kiukkua. Tampereen oikeistosiiven Aamulehdessä, jossa perusporvarillinen Ranu on vakisenttaaja, sekä huomattavassa Hämeenkyrön Sanomissa saa peesarikin palstamillimetrejä. Mahtavan tonniston narsisti! Iltalehden Aila Seppalän puffi on Ranusta "puhtaasti ja kauniisti kirjoitettu." "Katse ja kädenpuristus kertovat paljon. Pana Rajalan terse on rehevä ja lämmin, mahanalusote avoin, utelias ja leikkisä, miehen suoro Sentun pöydän alla vahvistaa ennakkotuntemuksen: Pan on Katrinansa ansainnut." Vizi mitä tuubaa! Jutussa käydään mallikkaasti läpi miehen työhistoria, hänen kirjoittamansa Sillanpään elämäkerta odottaa vielä kolmatta ja huipentavaa osaansa, hänen näytelmäsovituxkistaan on äsken nähty Elämä ja aurink Molojunkaterina, Pyynikille on tulossa Ale ellers on työn alla nuskailtavana Tamge Temerin historian toinen osa. Dosent pissii hunajaa ja tunnustelee töröhampaisen TV-lasisen Aila Meriluodon mahanalusta. Markku Envallilta meni pari vuotta uuden onnen aforisointiin. Kiireinen jokapaikan dosentti aikoo selvitä nopeammin. Ranun izetunto on horjahteleva. Ilmi narsisti! Kazeet kääntyivät Hämeenkyrössä kun Ranu tuli ostamaan Seura-lehteä. Katrin vanhemmat haisee kaskisavulta ja Bertta mummi on riuskasti hymyilevä murretta pulppuava kansannainen. Hizi Ranu kopioi naistenlehtityyliä. Oven avaa Taisto Tammen mummo, hymyilevä rouva Hagert. Ranu lukee Seura-lehdestä rakastaako hän oikeasti Katria. Onko Katrin maalaisporukat sille riittävästi hienoja? Vinoiliko vääräleuka Wexi Koistinen sille salamielisesti jotenkin? Panu antaa ymmärtää että tyhmä Katri on Ranuun aivan lääpällään, Ranu miettii vielä ostopäätöstä. Höh, avattu pakkaus on ostopäätös.
    ellauri211.html on line 301: Tämän kirjan pitäisi olla alaotsikon mukaisesti rakkauskertomus. Panu Rajalan pitäisi kirjoittaa ”elämästään Katri Helenan kanssa hellän suorasukaisesti, itseään säästämättä, vailla kaunaa ja katkeruutta, muistaen kaiken kauniin, murheen ja tuskankin tunnustaen”. Pah. Suorusukaisuutta löytyy, mutta varsinkin löytyy kaunaa ja katkeruutta. Kauneus kääntyy nopeasti murheeksi ja ainakin tämän lukijan osaksi tuli tuska. Jos omahyväisyydellä on nimi, se voisi olla Panu Rajala.

    Kustantaja ei ainakaan säästele ylisanoissa, mainiten Rajalan ”maamme luetuimmaksi elämäkertakirjailijaksi”. Tämän lukijan mielestä hän tuntuu olevan ainakin omasta mielestään maamme tuotteliain ja laadukkain kirjailija. Painosten kuninkaaksi häntä ainakin voi tituleerata, onhan aiemmasta paljastuskirjasta Enkeli tulessa otettu liki 10 painosta.

    Lavatähti ja kirjamies on alusta alkaen asenteellinen teos. Rajalalle viihdetaiteilijuus ei merkitse mitään. Hän onnistuu väheksymään pitkän uran tehnyttä tähteä, teki tämä mitä hyvänsä. Vain kansanmusiikista ja -runoudesta vaikutteita ottava levytys saa kirjamiehen hyväksynnän. Kirjamiehen maailmankuvaan ei sovi, ettei lavatähti lue romaaneja. Henkisen kasvun ja tuonpuoleisesta elämästä kertovat teokset hän leimaa hömpäksi ja viiden pennin aforismeiksi. Rajalan mielestä Katri Helena ei pärjää viisaiden kulttuuri-ihmisten parissa. Kukapa viihtyisi seurassa, joka katsoo alaspäin.

    Oman täydellisyyden kirjamies muistaa tuoda esille. Hänen erehdyksensä ovat inhimillisiä, jotka miehelle sallittakoon. Hän myöntää ehdollisesti saattaneensa tai taitaneensa tehdä sitä tai tätä, ja sitten ihmettelee, kun toisella on eri näkemys asioista. Hän on rehellinen kun tähti on tekopyhä. Hänen työnsä ovat kulttuurihistoriallisesti tärkeää, tähden henkistä onanointia. Miehen itsetuntoon taitaa koskea olla avec, harvemmin ensisijaisesti kutsuttu.

    ellauri211.html on line 304: afa36c199d2f2eb7368af125c74f55b8cef923fd5280f78588.jpg" />
    ellauri213.html on line 53: Sama vika kuin savolinnalaisella virkaveljellä. Psykologien ei juuri kannattaisi pyrkiä pois lestistä. Toniin saattoi luottaa. Luotathan? Hän oli izenäinen. Tunneköyhä zombie. Seinällä ei ollut yhtään valokuvaa. Se kertoo paljon. Toni on siionisti. Hän kaipaa Jaffaa. Itkeskelevä Markkula kaivaa votkaa muumimukista. Tina nauraa pilkkasuu.
    ellauri213.html on line 60: Newsweekin kannessa uhmakkaan filistiinin kaulassa riippui kafferi.
    ellauri213.html on line 155: Isaac Williams on elokuvien katsoja, television katselija, toimittaja, bloggaaja, pelaaja, sarjakuvafani ja roolipelaaja. Hän on ollut baarimikko ja tarjoilija, ja nyt hän kirjoittaa listoja CBR:lle. Hän keskittyy tv-sarjoihin ja elokuviin. Vapaa-ajallaan Isaac voi tavata pelaamassa, lukemassa, pelaamassa D&D:tä, kävelemässä Birminghamin pitkiä kanavia pitkin kuin Jeesus ja katsomassa elokuvia.
    ellauri213.html on line 159: Eri nettiviisastelijat tuo Waltin pullosta kotiin vähän eri läxyjä. Jokaisella on omat risat safiirit silmillä.
    ellauri213.html on line 169: Senior staff writer and thriller author. Her novel, Forget Her, is available on Shop Catalog.
    ellauri213.html on line 184: include sudden mood changes e.g. being affectionate to
    ellauri213.html on line 204: Let’s first look at direct demands. Direct demands are requests or questions made by other people or situations – such as ‘put your shoes on’, ‘sit here and wait’, ‘pay this bill’ or ‘would you like a drink?’. In addition to these more obvious direct demands, there’s a whole raft of indirect and internal demands, including:
    ellauri213.html on line 256: With the advent of communism after the October Revolution of 1917, and during the Russian Civil War from 1917 to 1922, most of the Scoutmasters and many Scouts fought in the ranks of the White Army and interventionists against the Red Army.
    ellauri213.html on line 286: Rainbows (regrettable choice of name, in hindsight) is for all girls aged four to seven (five in some areas). We play loads of fun games and do activities and challenges and a few times we get badges – Matilda, Rainbow. Rainbows learn by doing – they get their panties dirty, do sports, arts and crafts and play games. Being a Rainbow is all about having the space to try new things. Through taking part in a range of different activities with girls their own age, Rainbows develop self-confidence and make lots of new friends.
    ellauri213.html on line 292: with people your own age size and gender and feel safe. You can't get bored here. You make a lot of new friends and have a lot of freedom. It's nice having a festival for people our age that our parents will let us go to!
    ellauri213.html on line 295: For Abigail, Tillie and Isla, the best thing about the event was the after-dark disco, as they 'got to dance around with all the cool cats'. Finally, it was time to settle down in our sleeping bags all together for a giant sleepover with the Big Top with 250 other Brownies! Volunteers checked in and out over 4,000 participants, ran a sweat shop, led drumming workshops and served at the Night Cafe.
    ellauri213.html on line 296: Each year, the organisation publishes the Girls' Attitudes Survey, which surveys the views of girls and young women on topics such as body image, career aspirations and mental health. BBC staff were told there are more than 150 genders and urged to develop ‘trans brand’.
    ellauri213.html on line 304: 170 hours unpaid work and told to pay £1,500 costs. Katie Price has been known on the celebrity circuit for many years, starting out her career as a glamour model before becoming a TV personality, author and OnlyFans content creator. Katie has five children: her eldest Harvey, Princess, Junior, Buddy and Jett. She was married to Peter Andre from 2005-2009, Alex Reid from 2010-2012 and Kieran Hayler from 2013-2021. She was most recently dating Love Island star Carl Woods until their split. Michelle contacted Sussex Police on Friday to complain that Katie — mum to two of Kieran’s children — had sent him a tirade of abuse which was aimed at her. Close sources said the text branded Michelle a “c*ing w*e piece of s*” and a “gutter s*g.” The ex-glamour model, who smiled as she left the dock today, could have been jailed for a maximum of five years for breaching the restraining order. BUSINESS AS USUAL Katie Price says she’s ‘so lucky’ after dodging jail over ‘gutter s*g’ text – as she reveals she’s landed a Girlguiding travel show.
    ellauri213.html on line 312:

    In August 2013, The Sun's Republic of Ireland edition replaced topless Page 3 girls with clothed glamour models. Its UK editions followed suit in January 2015, discontinuing Page 3 after more than 44 years. The Daily Star became the last print daily to drop topless photographs, moving to a clothed glamour format in April 2019. This ended the Page 3 convention in Britain's mainstream tabloid press. As of 2022, the only British tabloid still publishing topless models is the niche Sunday Sport. Only old geezers buy it anymore. Others prefer peering down the bottomless pit.
    ellauri213.html on line 326: Moshe Raab will never forget, nor forgive. Mosaic God is not a forgiving one. Mosaic beer is good, unlike Foster's. Leila Khaled hijacked my and my mother's and my siblings' plane. Why did a public university invite her to speak? Even after 50 years, the convicted terrorist who changed my life has never disavowed her actions. What will she teach SFSU students?

    ellauri213.html on line 331: Had Khaled ever apologized for her role in the hijackings or taken steps to show that she is committed to nonviolent efforts to achieve her desired end of driving the invasive Israeli species from her land, I would not object to her speaking at San Francisco State. People who genuinely learn often make the best teachers. But even after 50 years, Khaled has never expressed remorse or disavowed her actions or those of her comrades. Neither have I for 3000 years of Israeli mass murder of poor Philistines, so there! Never forget, never learn!
    ellauri213.html on line 333: The most distressing and disheartening thing, 50 years after this horrible experience, is that the Western world (including us middle easterners) has not eradicated this type of terrorism. As recently as January 2020, the PFLP (through Palestinian NGOs) received financial support of millions of dollars from European countries, the United States, Canada, Japan, UN-OCHA and UNICEF. That money should have come to us instead! We know how to handle capital after all, got the talent for it.
    ellauri213.html on line 335: In theory, San Francisco State University President Lynn Mahoney is correct in stating that a university is a place where different ideas are presented, discussed and analyzed so that individual conclusions can be drawn. But does that justify giving an unrepentant terrorist a forum to address the students? What will she teach them? The proper way to hijack an aircraft, based on her success in 1969, and what mistakes to avoid based on her failure in 1970? When I was a student in university, I often faced new ideas that ran contrary to my beliefs. But these perspectives were presented by knowledgeable, respectable academics. Some were Nobel Prize winners. None were terrorists. Most of them were Jews.
    ellauri213.html on line 350: Over the years, Iraq has provided safe haven to terrorists such as Abu Nidal, whose terror organization carried out more than 90 terrorist attacks in 20 countries that killed or injured nearly 900 people, including 12 Americans. Iraq has also provided safe haven to Abu Abbas, who was responsible for seizing the Egyptian ship Achille Lauro and killing an American passenger. Following the murder of Leon Klinghoffer, the Klinghoffer family founded the Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer Memorial Foundation, in cooperation with the Anti-Defamation League.
    ellauri213.html on line 352: Achille Lauron kaappaus tapahtui 7. lokakuuta 1985, kun neljä Palestiinan vapautusrintamaa (PLF) edustavaa miestä kaappasi Egyptin rannikon edustalla italialaisen valtamerilaivan MS Achille Lauron hänen purjehtiessaan Aleksandriasta Ashdodiin , Israeliin . Kaappaajat murhasivat 69-vuotiaan amerikkalaisen juutalaisen miehen pyörätuolissa, Leon Klinghofferin, ja hänet heitettiin yli laidan. Kaappaus aiheutti "Sigonella-kriisin". Abbasin mukaan Arafat oli lähettänyt hänet vakuuttavan argumentointityylinsä vuoksi, että neljä palestiinalaista oli saanut paniikkikohtauksen käynnistämään kaappauksen ja että hänen yksinään oli ratkaiseva rooli matkustajien vapauttamisessa. Seuraavana päivänä, 13. lokakuuta, Yhdysvallat esitti protestin Italian salliessa Abbasin lähteä ja pyysi myös hänen luovuttamistaan ​​Jugoslaviasta (joka tunnusti diplomaattisesti PLO:n). Lokakuun 14. päivään mennessä Tanyug, Jugoslavian lehdistötoimisto ja PLO:n virkamiehet Jugoslaviassa ilmoittivat, että Abbas oli lähtenyt Jugoslaviasta. Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriö julkaisi lausunnon, jossa se julisti "äärimmäisen pettymyksen" siitä, että Jugoslavian viranomaiset olivat evänneet heidän pyyntönsä. Vaikka Youssef Majed Molqi (kaappaaja, joka ampui Klinghofferin) sai yhden ryhmän pisimmistä tuomioista, tuomioistuin mainitsi lieventävänä seikkana hänen lapsuutensa olosuhteet väkivallan ympäröimänä palestiinalaispakolaisleirillä. Vuoden 1988 lehdistötilaisuudessa Algeriassa Abbas tarjosi toisenlaisen selityksen Klinghofferin kuolemalle "Ehkä hän yritti uida kotiin." Vuonna 1994 Saddam Hussein antoi Abbasille turvapaikan Irakissa. Abbas (syntynyt Syyrian pakolaisleirillä) sai uuden kotinsa Gazaan (sen jälkeen, kun hänelle myönnettiin armahdus vuonna 1996 Oslon rauhansopimusten vuonna 1993 allekirjoittamisen mukaisesti). Hänestä tuli Palestiinan kansallisneuvoston edustaja. Maanantaina 14. huhtikuuta 2003 Irakin sodan aikana Yhdysvaltain erikoisjoukot vangitsivat Abbasin Bagdadin laitamilla Yhdysvaltain tiedustelupalvelun tietojen perusteella. Lokakuussa 2002 presidentti George W. Bush oli syyttänyt Irakia siitä, että se oli "tarjonnut turvasataman" Abbasille ja esitti tämän toisena perusteena sotilaalliselle toimille. (Toinenhan oli se asepiilovedätys.) Maanantaina 8. maaliskuuta 2004 Abbas, 55, kuoli "luonnollisiin syihin" (hapenpuute tai verenkiertohäiriö) ollessaan amerikkalainen vanki irakilaisvankilassa Bagdadin ulkopuolella.
    ellauri213.html on line 354: The Achille Lauro hijacking has inspired a number of dramatic retellings, including The Death of Klinghoffer (1991), an opera by John Adams and Alice Goodman after a concept of theatre director Peter Sellars. Its depiction of the hijacking has proved controversial. Controversy surrounded the American premiere and other productions in the years which followed. Some critics and audience members condemned the production as antisemitic and appearing to be sympathetic to the hijackers. Adams, Goodman, and Sellars repeatedly claimed that they were trying to give equal voice to both Israelis and Palestinians with respect to the political background. That kind of unpatriotic talk was effectively silenced with the Iraqi wars and the 9/11 incident. It is unpatriotic to be impartial.
    ellauri213.html on line 359: Vizi 70-luvusta on kauan. Ystävyxet söivät exoottista pittaa ja humusta. Pilasivat vazansa mustalla turkkilaisella kahvilla jossa oli kardemummaa. Taneli on v 1954 vuosimallia. GT ja muilla sählämeillä on sama nuppikulli jumala. Sen voi hyvin uskoa. Andromeda oli mystinen mustanpuhuva kallio Jaffan edustalla.
    ellauri213.html on line 362: Joppen (Jaffa) ensimmäisten kristittyjen joukossa oli hurskas nainen nimeltä Tabita, kreikaksi Dorka. Nimi tarkoittaa ’gasellia’. Hän teki paljon hyvää ja avusti köyhiä, kunnes sairastui ja kuoli. Tabitan ruumis vietiin kattohuoneeseen, ja paikalle alkoi kerääntyä surevia leskimiehiä, joita Tabita oli eläessään auttanut.
    ellauri213.html on line 369: He veivät minun Jaffani ja joivat Apsini. Tuoppas amille pullo Jaffaa ja lasi.
    ellauri213.html on line 377: Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, known familiarly by Soviet citizens as "Kalinych", was a Soviet politician and Old Bolshevik revolutionary. He served as head of state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and later of the Soviet Union from 1919 to 1946. From 1926, he was a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Born to a peasant family, Kalinin worked as a metal worker in Saint Petersburg and took part in the 1905 Russian Revolution as an early member of the Bolsheviks. During and after the October Revolution, he served as mayor of Petrograd. After the revolution, Kalinin became the head of the new Soviet state, as well as a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Politburo. Kalinin remained the titular head of state of the Soviet Union after the rise of Joseph Stalin, but held little real power or influence. He retired in 1946 and died in the same year.
    ellauri213.html on line 383: Today the overwhelming majority of Kaliningrad's residents are Russians settled after 1945. A minority of the population are from other Slavic ethnic groups, including Belarusians and Ukrainians. Kaliningrad today is also home to small communities of Tatars, Germans, Armenians, Poles, and Lithuanians.
    ellauri213.html on line 395: It is used in the Arabic language to cuss someone else and is considered one of the strongest most offensive phrase you can say to a person. Always expect a fight after it.
    ellauri213.html on line 413: The founder of one of the most feared terrorist organisations of the 1970s has walked free from a Japanese prison after completing a 20-year sentence for the siege of the French embassy in the Netherlands.
    ellauri213.html on line 416: “I apologise for the inconvenience my arrest has caused to so many people,” Shigenobu said after the release. “It’s half a century ago ... but we caused damage to innocent people who were strangers to us by prioritising our battle, such as by hostage-taking.”
    ellauri213.html on line 423: ANO perustettiin vuonna 1974 sen jälkeen kun Abu Nidal ja Jasser Arafatin Palestiinan vapautusjärjestöön kuuluva Fatah-siipi olivat riitaantuneet. PLO erotti Abu Nidalin jäsenistöstään ja tuomitsi tämän poissaolevana kuolemaan. Abu Nidalin alettua toimia freelancerina uskotaan, että hän oli määrännyt 20 eri maassa iskuja, joissa kuoli tai haavoittui yli 900 ihmistä.
    ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), af6e9ae9a5a0a7a8b4dbf7432aa9c8d.jpg">Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), afla.com/ke/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2018/05/Elizabeth-Lulu.jpg">Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), af670e92e383074/tumblr_o1kzmkg8Tp1smte6ro1_1280.jpg">Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
    ellauri213.html on line 438: After her freshman year, her roommate told her she was going to room with someone else. For her second and third years, Tadesse roomed with Trang Ho, a Vietnamese student who was well liked and doing well at Harvard, and Tadesse was obsessively fond of her. Tadesse was very needy in her demands for attention and became angry when Ho began to distance herself in their junior year. Tadesse apparently reacted with despair when Ho announced her decision to room with another group of girls their senior year, and the two women stopped speaking with each other after that. Tadesse purchased two knives and rope in advance. On May 28, 1995, Tadesse stabbed her roommate Ho 45 times with a hunting knife, killing her. Tadesse then hanged herself in the bathroom.
    ellauri214.html on line 62: J. K. Rowling has lived atop a pyramid of admiration for many years. However, after learning the truth about the author, many fans have become ashamed they ever supported Rowling. Rowling’s books are not inclusive and the minorities that are included are either used to satisfy a diversity quota or fulfill a stereotype. Come to think of it, ALL types in the Potter series are stereotypes. It all becomes too obvious when they have no superpowers.
    ellauri214.html on line 66: J. K. Rowling’s first adult novel The Casual Vacancy stirred a ruckus within Sikh Community after its publication leading to the involvement of SGPC and its head showing concern with the negative portrayal of Sikh characters in the novel. Rowling defends the novel by her theory of ‘corrosive racism’ after her ‘vast amount of research’ in Sikhism. The chapter explores diasporic Sikh identity through the character of Sukhvinder who though dyslexic is stifled by her mother and harassed by her classmate Fats through slanderous remarks targeting her Sikh identity. Though Sukhvinder resorts to self-torture after undergoing racism, she emerges victorious like a brave Sikh by her self-determination and emerges a heroine by helping everybody in Britain. The chapter applies Teun A. van Dijk’s racist discourse and post-colonial theories specifically Homi Bhabha’s hybridity of cultures, Jacques Rancière’s distribution of the sensible hinting at the redistribution of identities to make invisible diaspora visible and inaudible audible and Gayatri Spivak’s theory of the subaltern to prove that the Sikh diaspora remains in Charhdi Kala (higher state of mind) even in tough situations. The chapter concludes that though British Sikh diaspora undergoes racialism leading to identity crisis, Sikhs finally find resolution through Sikh identity model Sukhvinder who, treading the footsteps of Sikh heroes like Bhai Kanhayia, becomes a heroin addict by risking her life to save Robbie and by helping all in the novel.
    ellauri214.html on line 70: In response to a Twitter post about how COVID-19 has been affecting people who menstruate, Rowling wrote, “‘People who menstruate.’ I’m sure there used to be a word for those people. Someone help me out. Wumben? Wimpund? Woomud?”. In this post, Rowling mocks trans people by insinuating that women who do not have a period are not real women. This tweet not only offended trans women who do not have periods, but also cisgender women born with medical conditions that prevent them from having a period, older women who have gone through menapause, and transgender men who still menstrate. Rowling has continued to bash transgender people by comparing hormone therapy to gay conversion therapy and tweeting articles arguing that transitioning is a medical experiment. Many have called Rowling out on her transphobia, and some have attempted to educate her on transgender issues and the difference between sex and gender. However, the author has not been receptive to these comments, and continues to deny that she is transphobic. Rowling’s transphobia has prompted Harry Potter actors Daniel Radcliff (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermionie Granger), Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley), Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley), and Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) to show their support for the transgender community. The only actor staunchly standing on her side is Tom Veladro (Voldemort). Oops, I shouldn't have said the name.
    ellauri214.html on line 76: J.K. Rowling has also included plenty of sexism in her writing, indicative of her internalised misogyny. Cho Chang was Harry Potter’s love interest throughout books 4 and 5. However, Cho was in a relationship with another student in the fourth book, and unfortunately this student was killed by Lord Voldemort at the end of the book. This leaves Cho rightfully distraught. Though still in emotional turmoil, she develops a crush on Harry and they begin dating. During their first kiss, Cho is crying because she is thinking of her dead boyfriend. Harry and Cho break up after multiple arguments later in the book. Later on in the series, Harry develops feelings for his best friend’s sister, Ginny Weasley. Rowling periodically writes how Harry prefers Ginny to Cho because Cho was too emotional after the death of her boyfriend. Harry preferred Ginny, who was stronger and could contain her emotions, supposedly because she had grown up with 6 brothers (no, 5, Ronny is a sissy). This comparison of the two girls demonstrates Rowling’s internalized feelings that women exist for the purpose of pleasing men. The thinly veiled idea that women who are too emotional or too much drama queens are not desirable is evident in Rowling’s writing. Fleur Delcore is another example of this feeling. Fleur is a student at a French wizarding school who competes against Harry in a difficult tournament in the fourth book. Fleur is part veela, who are magical beings of extreme beauty but can turn monstrous when angered. Fleur eventually marries Ron Weasley’s older brother, Bill. Hermionie, Harry’s other best friend, and Ginny constantly complain about Fleur. However, the only thing their animosity can be traced back to is that Fleur is a beautiful Frenchy woman and she is confident in that, whilst they are just snubnosed Brits. This further develops Rowling’s internalized misogyny. She views women who are confident in their beauty as annoying, and has the idea that women should seek male validation. Though these portions of the book were likely unintentional, speaking from personal experience, it has to be said that Rowling’s writing of women in her book have had a lasting effect on her female readers.
    ellauri214.html on line 81: With talk of sex and drugs, the British author's first adult novel marks a turn away from her family-friendly series about a boy wizard. Some reviewers call her first book after the "Harry Potter" series an attack on conservatives, with one tabloid saying it presents "500 pages of relentless socialist manifesto masquerading as literature."
    ellauri214.html on line 118: In the even rarer chance, I might be Asian. If I’m Asian, I’m most definitely a victim of human trafficking, waiting to be saved.
    ellauri214.html on line 144: Despite supposedly living on the streets for years after running away from home, I have no basic concept of self-preservation. I throw tantrums, storm out, put myself in danger or being kidnapped by the bad guy, to create cheap tension and create stake for Hero and Villain's final confrontation.
    ellauri214.html on line 165: I can't be left alone. If the protagonist put me in a safe house, I will try to run away because I felt being ignored, and nobody gives a shit about me.
    ellauri214.html on line 173: The MacGuffin technique is common in films, especially thrillers. Usually, the MacGuffin is revealed in the first act, and thereafter declines in importance. It can reappear at the climax of the story but may actually be forgotten by the end of the story. Multiple MacGuffins are sometimes derisively identified as plot coupons.
    ellauri214.html on line 228: The character Wayne Campbell uses the phrase after his partner Garth says, "Hey, are you through yet? 'Cause I'm getting tired of holding this", in regard to a picture he is holding.
    ellauri214.html on line 242: In his work Bibliotheca historica (Library of History), Diodorus Siculus wrote that the Amazons came from Libya in north Africa. Diodorus’s account is set in the time of myth. He wrote that the warriors’ most famous queen was Myrina, who lived before the hero Perseus saved the Ethiopian princess Andromeda from a sea monster. Myrina led her warriors to a great number of victories, including one against the mythical island of Atlantis. Myrina led a large army of 30,000 foot-soldiers and 3,000 cavalry against the Atlanteans. Diodorus claimed that the Amazon cavalry used tactics similar to those employed by the Parthians of west Asia, who fought the Roman general Crassus (c. 115— 53 BCE), firing arrows as they rode away from their enemies. The Atlanteans eventually surrendered to Myrina after she had captured and destroyed one of their cities, enslaving and carrying away the women and the children.
    ellauri214.html on line 245: Myrina was said to have conquered most of Libya, from where she led her army east toward Egypt. When she reached Egypt, she befriended the king before going on to defeat the Bedouin and Syrian peoples and conquering some of west Asia. Although the people of Cilicia (part of modern Turkey) were not defeated, they were willing to accept her rule. The Amazons also captured the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea, where Myrina founded the city of Mitylene, named for her sister. While sailing across the Aegean, Myrina got caught in a storm. The queen prayed to the Mother Goddess to save her and was guided to a deserted island, which she named Samothrace. Myrina’s good fortune, however, did not last forever: she died in battle against the Thracians and Scythians, led by the Thracian Mopsos. Without their great leader, the Amazons lost a series of battles to Mopsos. Eventually their empire collapsed and they withdrew back to Libya. Back to the drawing board. 2 thousand years later Myrinä's compatriot Muammar Gaddafi says in Swedish: Han är nöjd.
    ellauri214.html on line 247:
    ellauri214.html on line 261: P.S. Anders Gustafsson från Mariehamn skjuter ännu hårdare mot kvinnorna för Fred Göran. Han köper all västpropaganda mot ryssar som det finns, och sätter eget till.
    ellauri214.html on line 330: Iivana Nyhtänköljä ei viizi kirjoittaa autobiografiaa, se koittaa vaan izellensä selvittää millainen lintu se on, ja kiteyttää: olen turha ihminen, ylimääräinen! Sen tehdessä kuolemaa oli taas maaliskuu, lunta putoili suurina höytyvinä. Se johtuu kai siitä että alhaalla maan tuntumassa on lämmintä, lumihiutaleet pudotessaan liimaantuvat toisiinsa. Juuri sellaista oli maaliskuussa 1978 Fainwood Circlellä.
    ellauri214.html on line 545: She trained and practised as a clinical psychologist but quit after realising that she was “much more neurotic than my clients” to become a full-time writer, on a mission to use language “like a fork and knife when you have to eat reality”. As her international reputation grew, so did her air-mile count.
    ellauri214.html on line 554: “I opened a history that was taboo from a number of perspectives: it was swept under the carpet by Catholics, Jews and communists. It took me eight years to research such fragile and contentious facts,” she says, “But after I won the Nike Jogging Shoe Award [Poland’s most prestigious literary prize], I was attacked by people who didn’t want to know about Poland’s dark past.” She sighs.
    ellauri214.html on line 634: Lestinheittäjän alkaa tehdä mieli puumana nuoren mezänvartijan tanakkata siitintä. Siitä tulee takuulla ikävyyxiä. Sosialismista ei tule mitään koska porukat ei haluu olla sosiaalisia, ne haluu omistaa ja kilpailla. Mies bylsi Stasiaa ja ravisti viimeiset tipat lattialle. Kun mies työntyi sinne rajusti ne olivat Stasian elämän parhaita hetkiä. Olgalla on jonkinlainen aikafixaatio. Tai no, se on tän romskun teemana.
    ellauri214.html on line 638: No niin, nyt marssitetaan esiin Stasi-tyyppejä. Ne on kuin jotain mafiosoja. Nobelisti ansaizee näin vapaan maailman kannuxia. Maxu tulee mitalina jälkijunassa.
    ellauri214.html on line 640: Mafiosot löyhkäsivät tupakalle. He olivat eri kliseisiä. 26x kirjatun kirjeen hinnan korvaus on erittäin pieni omaisuus. Ei sillä kuuhun mennä, saati brasseihin. Ei kannattaisi paljon brassailla.
    ellauri216.html on line 58: Luke 14:10 "Friend, go up higher, then shalt thou have glory". Kolkuttavalle avataan, tafsaavalle raotetaan rasiaa.
    ellauri216.html on line 74: Myhäilevät paxut munkit olivat sydämellinen seurue. Serafim oli webmasteri. Kokelas Pietari on todnäk. homo.
    ellauri216.html on line 90: Toivottavasti et pelästy kokemaasi vaan pysyt vastaanottavaisena, sanoi Serafim ja puristi olkapäästä. Karvaisia perseitä ei luostarissa ole koskaan tarpeexi. Eikä tässä vielä kaikki, sanoi Serafim... Ehkä toiste. Varmaan Serafim otti nokkiinsa.
    ellauri216.html on line 113: Riittää se nussiminen! huutaa Terppa kyyhkyläisille pää punasena. Keljutti niin ettei voinut mennä keljaan. Minun kaltaiselle (sic) miehelle se on tosipaikka. Terosta aggressiivisuus on jotain hienoa, samoin räppi, varmaan graffititkin. Ällöttävä muikeileva kuikelo.
    ellauri216.html on line 121: Paskapuhetta. Juuri tollasta tuubaa kiertää uskovaisten aivoissa. In actual fact kaveri on jalkafetishisti, pahempi kuin Al Bundy.
    ellauri216.html on line 183: Olisin mielelläni tiedustellut munkki Serafimilta tämän siviilisäädystä ja sexikokemuxista mutten kehannut. Ei mitään, odotetaan isä Panteleimonin autobiografiaa.
    ellauri216.html on line 188: Serafim vinkkaa et hyvä mantra hoettavaxi kädetyxessä on tää:
    ellauri216.html on line 198: The Didache (Greek: Διδαχή, translit. Didakhé, lit. "Teaching"), also known as The Lord's Teaching Through the Twelve Apostles to the Nations (Διδαχὴ Κυρίου διὰ τῶν δώδεκα ἀποστόλων τοῖς ἔθνεσιν), is a brief anonymous early Christian treatise written in Koine Greek, dated by modern scholars to the first or (less commonly) second century AD. The first line of this treatise is "The teaching of the Lord to the Gentiles (or Nations) by the twelve apostles". The text, parts of which constitute the oldest extant written catechism, has three main sections dealing with Christian ethics, rituals such as baptism and Eucharist, and Church organization. The opening chapters describe the virtuous Way of Life and the wicked Way of Death. The Lord's Prayer is included in full. Baptism is by immersion, or by affusion if immersion is not practical. Fasting is ordered for Wednesdays and Fridays. Two primitive Eucharistic prayers are given. Church organization was at an early stage of development. Itinerant apostles and prophets are important, serving as "chief priests" and possibly celebrating the Eucharist. Meanwhile, local bishops and deacons also have authority and seem to be taking the place of the itinerant ministry.
    ellauri216.html on line 222: Mutta ensin päivällinen seikkailu Juulian navan omituisen esinahan alla. Siinä miehelle ajatuxen aihetta ja kynäilijälle jutun juurta. Olen valmis hyväksymään jumaluuden joka on kaikkien järkeilyjen ulottumattomissa. Se voi olla vaikka jättimäinen kana. Mixhän pitää runkatessa mennä lattialle istumaan? Jotenkin se on silleen hartaampaa. Maranafa kiertää minussa kuin Juulian sormi paskalakin nipukkaa.
    ellauri216.html on line 227: Äeti suapko polovistua? Odotan polovillani kunnes multa tulee se yxi sana (mikä? Varmaan se stiiknafuulia). Teron tuntien veikkaan kuitenkin että emätin. Emä Tin Tin ja Sii Tin Tin, ne on tän susikoira Roin vanhemmat. Tovin runkattua kuuluu naapurista taas naintiääniä. Tero törkymöykky repii oven irti nuorten seinänaapureiden alettua taas peiton alla lisääntyä. Ei kylä Terska on selvästi se piru Vasili. Täytistäkö sen pitää muiden kopulointiin puuttua?
    ellauri216.html on line 238: Tulipalo kirjastossa. Tero rahjustaa poispäin ziljoonan arvoinen postilla sylissä. Todnäk se sytytti sen ize. Serafim luotti Teroon kuin talousliberaali toiseen. Varattomat veljet tuijottivat kirjastonsa paloa ja varmaan tunsivat menettäneensä jotakin. Vaikka siellä oli vain kirjoja. Kaikilla oli kännyt tallessa, ei siis huolen häivää. Terolla oli nyt ainoana hallussaan Dionysioxen postillan ykköspainos. Se itki vaikkei ollut ketään nussittavaa lähellä. Tero ja Suzän kiitää tähtitaivaan alla eri suuntiin. Suzänilla on kapeet kasvot ja laaja perse. Modiglianin naisihanne.
    ellauri216.html on line 245: Pystyrintainen Milka arvaa koko juonen: Tero on pervo pyromaani tumputtaja. Mutta Tero ei sitä kiihota niet voit antaa olla. Koko luostari oli tyrmistynyt: Milka ei anna Terolle hilloviivaa! Ilmoitus sähköisti tunnelmaa vieraiden keskuudessa. Poliisit Lyhkänen ja Kolli kuulustelevat Teroa. Kaikki kirjat paloivat ja Serafim paizi se ziljoonan postilla.
    ellauri216.html on line 247: Taas narsistista tuubaa: mutta sinut ovat kaikki huomanneet. Niinpä tietysti. Serafim ehti sanoa ennen palamistaan poroxi: harteikas muukalainen tulee tulta ja jäätä kazeessaan ja pöllii luostarin arvokkaimman arvoteoxen. Saakelin Kalle Blomkvist. Veljet muistelevat tonttu iki-iäkkään ennustaneen: jos kirja joutuu näsien käsiin, on piru merrassa. Veli Joona on jo ruvennut veistämään potkuria.
    ellauri216.html on line 251: Elinan ja Teron keskenmennyt sikiö pantiin kahvipurkkiin ja haudattiin koivuviitaan. Kaulapannassa luki sen yhteystiedot. Teron teologinen oivallus on et jumala on pimeys. Vittu ompa pimeetä. Eikä se ole metafora. Jumalan voi karkottaa taskulampulla. Kuulehan poikani, kaikki eivät ole yhtä fixuja kuin sä. Kaikki jumalat on samixia, mutta älä kerro toisille. Ja rakkauskin piilee siellä pimeässä paikassa. Herranen aika mitä potaskaa.
    ellauri216.html on line 305: Syystä äiti kauhistui kun vanhan päivän elättäjä ja lastenlasten in spe isä käärii siittimensä naftaliiniin ja lähtee miesten kanssa keijaan haisemaan kyrvät kitkerästi käryten. Mitä tuli tehtyä näin väärin pojan kasvatuxessa?
    ellauri216.html on line 328: Hariton (vai oliko se PANTELEIMON?) tykkäsi pienenä leikkiä tulella. (vrt. Teron kirjan tulipaloa jossa paloi karrelle munkki Serafim!) Sytytän tuvan tuleen. Suutari sammuttaa sen umpikännissä. Mummo säikähtää niin että joutuu vuoteenomaxi. En kuitenkaan saa selkään ukilta. Dodi! Rypäleitä persiissä! Tästä lähti pseudo-Haritonin kehitys harittamaan pahasti!
    ellauri216.html on line 372: Itse ikonografinen tyyppi on hyvin vanha, ja sen tekijänä pidetään typerää kyllä apostoli Luukasta, yhtä evankelisten tekstien kirjoittajista. Mutta Fedorov-kuvakkeen alkuperää on melko vaikea määrittää tarkasti, koska on olemassa useita toisensa poissulkevia versioita. Joka tapauksessa kuva liittyy läheisesti Rurikin perheen prinsseihin. Ensimmäinen maininta kuvakkeesta kronikoissa tapahtuu 1100-luvulla. Tässä on eri alkuperät:
    ellauri216.html on line 497: Hans bog Mit System (1904) var en stor succes: allerede i 1905 kom den i engelsk oversættelse, og igennem årtier udkom nye udgaver på dansk og flere andre sprog af denne og andre af hans bøger. Även svenska böger gillar hen.
    ellauri216.html on line 593: Lähden Gromovin lafkasta maalarixi kun Akulaisen Liisa käy maanvaivaxi. Sakemanni vuokraemännän ammatti on valitus. Lähikirkossa pidetään vainajaa valekuolleena vaikka kuollut mikä kuollut, lautumia selkä täynnä. Seuran vuoxi ryyppään juoppojen maalarien porukassa mutta haen koko ajan parempaa. Pyhäillat vietän Kazanin tuomiokirkossa jonka takana oli meillä Airbnb. Luihu Vitali ei koskaan kiittänyt niitä vaikka lupasi. Malakiittisessa Iisakin kirkossa on juhlajumalalla palvelus 1888 Venäjän kansan käännytyxen 900-vuotispäivänä. Ristisaatto kiertää Nevan rantaa. Katjushalla komiat on keuhkot, paska haisee Nevan rannalla. Iisakin kirkko on pienempi kuin kuvittelin. Sekakuoro laulaa "kuinka suuri on herra Siionissa" muttei osaa sanoa. Tuskin suurempi kuin täällä.
    ellauri216.html on line 614: No ei sota yhtä miestä kaipaa, vihkimisen suorittaa joku Pafnuti. Munkkiraakileilla on päällä mantissat. Tukka harittaa ja nimi on nyt Hariton. Luovun rahasta, tottelemattomuudesta ja panohommista. Ei niitä mulla kyllä ollut ennenkään. Käteen annetaan valkosipulinauha, puunaula ja pieni kynttilä. Nyt ollaan valmiita vastustamaan kreivi Veriläistä. Lauletaan: hyvä isä juoxee syntisestä elämästä kotiin moikkaamaan tuhlaajapoikaansa: sori tuli vähän tonttuiltua, mutta on pakko joskus viftata. Maistuisiko kariza?
    ellauri216.html on line 616: Vale-Dimitri ei vielä heitä kehään pyyhettä. Hän haluaa vielä koetella izeään, varsinkin sieltä. Pafnuti kuolee suolitautiin ja seuraavana vuorossa on Muurikki. Vittu Hariton on tottelematon Tipi eikä tahdo diakonixi. Se haluisi vaan kesämökin rannalta. Isä Mefodi syrjäytettiin imugeenipolulta ja alkoi imuskella keskiolutta.
    ellauri216.html on line 626: Eisensteinin propagandafilmi poistettiin levityxestä kun Hitler ja Stalin pääsivät sopimukseen etupiireistä.
    ellauri216.html on line 655: Mutta nytpä skodaa Hariton kypsään ikään ehtineen Glafiran, jonka profiili on virheetön. Jum jum! Voi miten viehättävä asunto Glafiralla onkaan! Miten viehättävä se on mekon sisältä! Käsikin on pehmeä ja lämmin. Kuivettunut siitin kokee ylösnousemuksen hetken.
    ellauri216.html on line 657: Glafira alkaa itkeä. Menen hänen vierelleen ja hyväilen hänen hartioitaan. All itke, Glafira. Kaikki on hyvin. Hän alkaa itkeä voimakkaammin. Sitten hän äkkiä alkaa hyväillä minua ja kuiskaa itkun lomassa Hrisa, etkö käsitä, että olen rakastunut sinuun. Haluan sinut! Koko pituudelta sisään nyt!
    ellauri216.html on line 659: Glafiran hyväilyt käyvät yhä kuumemmiksi. Minäkin sytyn hiänen ruumiiseensa. Kuinka se onkin lämmin ja pehmeä. Siitä nousee hyvä ja kiihottava tuoksu. Tuossahan on vuode vieressä. Kaikki on siis kunnossa. Emme ole enää lapsia. Ei kun pukille!
    ellauri216.html on line 661: Hyvän tovin kuluttua avaan silmäni. Katson suoraan eteenpäin. Katseeni pysähtyy pieluxella riippuviin pikkuhousuihin. Näky Glafiran hurlumheistä nakuna saa minut hetkessä seisahtumaan uudestaan. Vaate tuo mieleeni juuri kokemani sukupuolielämän. Himo on hetkessä poissa. No lähes poissa, hetki vielä, henkilö jonka haluatte tavoittaa puhuu jo toista puhelua.
    ellauri216.html on line 663: Toisen tovin kuluttua irrotan Glafiran kädet kaulastani. Sanon hänelle hämmentyneenä: Taisin innostua vähän liikaa. Onpas kello jo paljon. On aika palata kotiin.
    ellauri216.html on line 665: Hariton näkee yöllä silmät harittaen väkeviä unia, joissa se imee maitoa Glafiran mehukkaita tisseistä. Ei hemmetti, luostarointi oli virhe, juuri tätähän mä olin vailla! Glafiran liukkaus on tuskin ehtinyt kuivahtaa talkixi Haritonin siittimeen niin se jo suunnittelee karkaamista Vilnaan. Tunnen oloni taivaallisexi, ja kohta on taas kivaa. Ei tarvi odottaa kiven taaxe asti. Kirkon hernekeittokin maistuu ääreist pahalta.
    ellauri216.html on line 673: Toimitan liturgian jälkeen suuren vedenheiton kirkossa. Täällä ei ole tapana mennä jäälle vettä heittämään. Rinteet ovat jyrkkiä ja liukkaita. Isä Jesaja vainajan kynnet oli kasvaneet varpaiden läpi pitkixi kiehkuroixi. Haritonia alkaa etoa. Oliskohan sittenkin pitänyt lähteä Glafiran matkaan? Kiiruhdan salamana ulos keijasta ja vedän viivana housut alas. Mutta paska oli ehtinyt ensixi. Tähän päättyy osa II.
    ellauri216.html on line 715: Potkut saanut arkkipiispa Serafim toimi Sortavalan piispana eli apulaispiispana vuosina 1914–21. Vuosina 1921 lähtien hän toimi Viipurin piispana eli Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon johtajana. Arkkipiispan arvon hän sai vuonna 1921, mutta hänelle ei myönnetty valkoista piispanpäähinettä, jollaisen ensimmäinen Suomen hiippakunnan arkkipiispa Antonij oli saanut.
    ellauri216.html on line 717: Toisin kuin edeltäjänsä, Serafim oli itsepäisesti ummikkovenäjänkielinen: hänen mielestään aitoon ortodoksisuuteen kuului nimenomaan venäjä saarna- ja virkakielenä.
    ellauri216.html on line 718: Serafim koitti lopulta suorastaan epätoivoisesti pitää Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon Moskovan patriarkaatin yhteydessä; kun neuvostovalta käytännössä tuhosi patriarkaatin estämällä sen toiminnan, Serafim väitti että maanpakolaispiispojen muodostama Karlovcin synodi olisi käytännössä oikeutetuin sijainen, kunnes tilanne Venäjällä asettuisi.
    ellauri216.html on line 720: Suomen valtiovalta, kärjessä senaattori Emil Setälä, piti ajatusta poliittisesti mahdottomana, ja lopulta venäläinen arkkipiispa työnnettiin kylmästi sivuun. Serafimille annettiin mahdoton kuukauden määräaika selvitä valtion virkamiehelle pakollisesta tutkinnosta suomenkielessä - ja hän ei osannut suomea ensinkään, jopa kieltäytyi oppimasta Setälän Janssonilta nyysimää suomen kielioppia.
    ellauri216.html on line 721: Serafim siirrettiin vastoin omaa tahtoaan lakkautuspalkalle 1. tammikuuta 1924 ja uudeksi arkkipiispaksi valittiin virolaissyntyinen vuonna 1923 apulaispiispaksi valittu pastori Herman Aav vuodesta 1925 alkaen.
    ellauri216.html on line 723: Serafim määrättiin kotiarestiin Konevitsan luostariin; hän olisi halunnut asua Valamon luostarissa, mutta sitä ei voitu sallia; luostari oli vielä käynnissä olleen ajanlaskukiistan polttopiste, ja entinen arkkipiispa oli kiistan käynnissä pitävä voima.
    ellauri216.html on line 725: Tämä siksi, että Venäjän kirkko oli ilmoittanut, että päätös uudesta ajanlaskusta kuuluisi yleisortodoksiselle kirkolliskokoukselle, ja siihen asti pitäisi pysyä vanhassa juliaanisessa ajanlaskussa. Tätä päätöstä Serafim pyrki piispanvalansa vuoksi noudattamaan - ja Suomen valtiovalta ei taas voinut hyväksyäkään ajatusta, että valtionkirkoissa vietettäisiin kahta pääsiäistä ja muita juhlapyhiä. Jos on pakko ylipäänsä pomiloida, pomiloikoot suomexi ja meidän pyhinä.
    ellauri216.html on line 727: Serafimin ehdottamaa ratkaisua, että koko Suomi palaisi vanhaan ajanlaskuun, ei voitu edes harkita. Siksi kapinanlietsojaksi määritelty venäläinen pappismies lähetettiin Konevitsaan, jonka johto oli vannonut uskollisuutta Suomen hallitukselle. Hänelle ei annettu piispan oikeuksia luostarissa, joskin hän sai ottaa osaa jumalanpalveluksiin - mutta vain pappismunkkina, ei toimittavana piispana. Hänen valvojanaan ja rippi-isänään toimi luostarin valvoja, pappismunkki (1931 alkaen igumeni) Mavriki (Mihail Seretšin).
    ellauri216.html on line 729: Konevitsassa olo muuttui Serafimille yhä tukalammaksi, ja huolimatta lakkautuspalkkansa menetyksestä hän muutti Englantiin vuonna 1926. Siellä hänestä tuli Karlovcin synodin piispa.
    ellauri216.html on line 730: Sodan jälkeen hän olisi halunnut palata Suomeen, mutta kansalaisuudesta huolimatta häntä ei päästetty maahan; Serafim muuttikin Neuvostoliittoon ja kuoli moldavialaisessa Hîrbovățin luostarissa vuonna 1959.
    ellauri216.html on line 907: Luostarin johtaja kuitenkin päätti totella valtiovaltaa ja sai lopulta palautettua kurin luostariin konevizan ahkeralla käytöllä. Konevitsaan määrättiin 1. tammikuuta 1924 sijoitettavan kotiarestiin lakkautuspalkalle asetettu entinen arkkipiispa Serafim; hänen valvojakseen ja rippi-isäkseen määrättiin silloinen luostarin valvoja, pappismunkki, myöhempi igumeeni Muurikki. Kaksi vuotta kestänyt oleskelu päättyi kun Serafim anoi ja sai siirtolaisviisumin Isoon-Britanniaan jonne hän sitten muuttikin – menettäen samalla lakkautuspalkkansa. No ize asiassa se muutti sieltä Moldaviasn loppupeleissä.
    ellauri216.html on line 924: Joulukuussa 1991 Konevitsan luostarin pääkirkon alta löydettiin perustajan, pyhittäjä Arseni Konevitsalaisen pyhäinjäännökset, joiden avulla luostarin toiminta on viime vuosien aikana suuresti elpynyt. Haudan päällä oli alun perin Pietarissa valmistettu täyshopeinen kenotafi eli muistoarkku; sen kansi esittää pyhittäjää arkussaan, kyljissä ja päädyissä on kuvat pyhän Arsenin siunaamisesta tehtäväänsä Jumalansynnyttäjän ikonilla Kreikassa, pyhittäjä Konevitsan saarella kotialttarinsa ääressä sekä pyhittäjän piispallinen hautauspalvelus.
    ellauri216.html on line 926: Tämä alkuperäinen kenotafi evakuoitiin levyksi purettuna Suomeen vuonna 1940 – mutta se joutui väliaikaisessa säilytyspaikassaan Kannonkoskella ryöstön kohteeksi: osa kannesta ja arkun kehykset katosivat, kansilevyä oli lisäksi leikattu metallisaksilla tai muulla työkalulla varsin rumasti, niin että jäljellä on vain pyhittäjän kuva epämuotoisella levyllä. Äärimmäisen kauniista hopeasepäntaidon näytteestä on siis jäljellä vain rippeet. Ilkivallan tekijöistä ei ole täyttä varmuutta, mutta hopeaa "evakuoitiin" useita kymmeniä kiloja.
    ellauri216.html on line 928: Kenotafin jäännökset – irralliset kyljet ja päädyt sekä osa kannesta – ovat Kuopiossa Ortodoksisessa kirkkomuseossa. Säilyneet kappaleet on kiinnitetty puiselle alustalle lasivitriiniin. Alkuperäisen kenotafin paikalle luostarin entistettyyn alakirkkoon rakennettiin puuveistotyönä halpa uudiskappale. Kizaita pellejä.
    ellauri216.html on line 1019: Kaikkein arvokkain irtaimisto kuljetettiin pois jo joulukuussa 1939. Näihin kuuluivat luostarin perustaneiden pyhittäjäisien kenotafit sekä pääkirkon kaikki kolme kulta- ja hopeakoristeista alttaripöytää sekä ikonostaasien painavat pyhät ovet. Samaan kuormaan yläkirkon alttaripöydän kanssa kuormattiin myös ikonostaasin edessä olleet kullatut ripustettavat kyntteliköt.
    ellauri216.html on line 1083: Lokakuun vallankumouksen jälkeen Valaam tuli osaksi vasta muodostettua Suomea. jonka ansiosta luostari nimellisesti säilyi, mutta kansallisen vähemmistön kirkkona (Suomen pääuskonto on luterilaisuus ) hän joutui yhä useampaan Suomen viranomaisten syrjintään.. Suomen viranomaiset vaativat arkkipiispa Serafimia (Lukyanov) oppimaan suomea kolmen kuukauden kuluessa. Vladyka ei saapunut kielikokeeseen, ja tämän vuoksi hänet karkotettiin Konevetsin saarelle. Venäjän ortodoksisen kirkon venäläistämisasiassa Suomen viranomaiset alkoivat koordinoida toimiaan viranomaisten kanssa.Viro. jossa ortodoksisen kirkon venäläistäminen nostettiin nopeasti valtion politiikan arvoon ja testattiin pääosin venäläisellä Petseriläisellä alueella. Marraskuussa 1923 Karjalan piispaksi, arkkipiispa Serafimin kirkkoherraksi nimitetty pappi Herman Aav erotettiin Virosta. Hänen alaisuudessaan luostari syöksyi "erimielisyyden ja oikeudenkäynnin" ilmapiiriin. Vuodesta 1925 lähtien Valamon ortodoksiset jumalanpalvelukset käännettiin suomeksi. Samanaikaisesti Suomen viranomaiset vahvistivat itse saaria perusteellisesti sotilastekniikan osalta yhteenotossa Neuvostoliiton kanssa.
    ellauri217.html on line 44: There is no one way of having vaginal sex. However, before you insert the penis into the vagina, make sure that the penis is erect and the vagina is well lubricated. Use your hands to insert the penis into the vagina slowly. Adjust your position so that the penis moves in deeper. Pull out the penis halfway, and then insert it again. Repeat with increasing tempo until the automatic bilge pump starts to operate and the little tadpoles begin squirting out (or rather, in). Keep the shaft maximum deep in till the pumping stops. Make sure that both you and your partner are comfortable.
    ellauri217.html on line 67: The first four sections retell, in succession, the stories of: Adam (Adham أدهم) and how he was favoured by Gabalawi over the latter's other sons, including the eldest Satan/Iblis (Idris إدريس). In subsequent generations the heroes relive the lives of Moses (Gabal جبل) - Ai Moosesko? No ehkä vähän, Mooses oli urpo, mukiloi jonkun sivullisen kuoliaaxi, tapas Jehun pensaassa, senkin käärme koveni sauvaxi, se imitoi Hammurapia - mut on siinä mukana myös Jakobia eli Israelia, Jesus (Rifa'a رفاعة) and Muhammad (Qasim قاسم). The followers of each hero settle in different parts of the alley, symbolising Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The protagonist of the book's fifth section is Arafat (عرفة), who symbolises modern science and comes after the prophets, while all of their followers claim Arafat as one of their own.
    ellauri217.html on line 69: Central to the plot are the futuwwat (strongmen) who control the alley and exact protection money from the people. The successive heroes overthrow the strongmen of their time, but in the next generation new strongmen spring up and things are as bad as ever. Arafat tries to use his knowledge of explosives to destroy the strongmen, but his attempts to discover Gabalawi's secrets leads to the death of the old man (though he does not directly kill him). The Chief Strongman guesses the truth and blackmails Arafat into helping him to become the dictator of the whole Alley. The book ends, after the murder of Arafat, with his friend searching in a rubbish tip for the book in which Arafat wrote his secrets. The people say "Oppression must cease as night yields to day. We shall see the end of tyranny and the dawn of miracles." Haha, night follows day as surely as the other way round, and night wins out in the end. Valot sammuu, haju jää.
    ellauri217.html on line 71: It was this book that earned Naguib Mahfouz condemnation from Omar Abdel-Rahman in 1989, who called on him to repent or be killed, Abdel-Rahman also claimed that "If this sentence had been passed on Naguib Mahfouz when he wrote Children of the Alley, Salman Rushdie would have realized that he had to stay within bounds" after the Nobel Prize had revived interest in it. As a result, in 1994 – a day after the anniversary of the prize – Mahfouz was attacked and stabbed in the neck by two extremists outside his Cairo home. Mahfouz survived the attack, yet he suffered from its consequences until his death in 2006. Salman sai myös luovuttaa silmän silmästä loppupeleissä, yhtä tyhmänä kuin Daabas. Silmäpuoli Sinbad merenkulkija, Popeye the sailor man!
    ellauri217.html on line 101: “You are optimistic, inspiring, outgoing, and expressive. People see you as cheerful, positive and charming; your personality has a certain bounce and verve that so powerfully affects others that you can inspire people without effort. All of this upward energy is a symptom of your tremendous creativity. Your verbal skills may well lead you into the fields of writing, comedy, theater, and music.”
    ellauri217.html on line 139: Hadithien epäluotettavuus historiallisena tietolähteenä alkoi valjeta eurooppalaisille tutkijoille vasta 1800-luvun kuluessa. Vuonna 1890 Ignaz Goldziher päätyi lopulta arvioimaan, ettei yksikään hadith täyttänyt tieteellisen tiedon vaatimuksia. Muslimit puolestaan uskovat, että Koraani on peräisin profeetta Muhammedin elinajalta ja kertoo luotettavana aikalaislähteenä hänen elämästään. Länsimaiset tutkijat uskottelevat, että Muhammedin elämäkertaa on päinvastoin kirjoitettu islamissa niin, että Koraanin eri lauseiden ympärille on rakennettu kohtauksia Muhammedin sexielämästä. Tästä tafsauskirjallisuudesta esimerkin antaa Koraanin jae 9:65 "Me laskimme vain leikkiä". Koko kirja on vaan iso läppä, kuin Veikko Huovisen Veitikka.
    ellauri217.html on line 250:

    Yasser Arafat

    ellauri217.html on line 252: Sitten loppuviimexi porukat tulee järkiinsä ja oivaltavat: kohtalomme on olla kärpäsiä tässä maailmassa ja mutaa seuraavassa. On tosi noloa että Arafat on huoranpenikka, eikä tiedä isänsä nimeä. Mixikähän se on niin noloa? Kysyppä äijiltä. Osku osaisi kyllä kertoa. Mafiosojen nimet on tällä kertaa Aaggaag Saddam ja Sanssouci. Osku ei ole kovin hyvä keximään nimiä. Aggaag oli ristitty, Saddam (sittemmin Jussuf) jutku ja Sanssouci räsypää.
    ellauri217.html on line 254: Alkaa näyttää selvältä ettää büchlein kertookin Palestiinan kriisistä eikä Ebyktistä. Arafat korvaa cudgelit, noi luolamiesten rakkaat astalot tulivoimaisemmilla aseilla. Saadaan miestappioiden tuottavuus räjähtävään kasvuun ja Suomi - siis luvattu maa nousuun. Mukiloivien pikkucheefien tukkuporras jää tarpeettomaxi, kiitos hehtaaripyssyjen. Suomenkin sisäpolitiikan sanelee pian setä Samuli.
    ellauri217.html on line 256: Yasser Arafat olikin egyptiläinen ellen väärin muista mokkeri Steinbockin kirjasta. No helkkari, se oli palestiinalainen Gazasta! Tyypillistä farisealaista vääristelyä. Tässä se on Harry Potter tyyppinen velho eli peikkomies. Ilmeisesti niinkö tiedemies. Jaaha, nyt marssitetaan sadun misu esille, nätti vaikka huppu päällä toistaisexi. Pitää popup kahvilaa tossa vastapäätä. Nimi oli Ratafia, Fittavaan tai jotain sellasta. Se ei nyt ole niin tärkeetä. Arafat tahtoo selata luonnon suurta kirjaa niin kauan kun virsikirjan kannet ovat auki. Endoscopy fuck the pussy, to get the cervix point of view. It´s not strange for a bastard to look with all his force for an ancestor. Jöns-setä on tästä esimerkkinä.
    ellauri217.html on line 260: Älkää spoilatko, tää on hieno päivä ärjyi Saddam. Jumala on kuollut, se lainas Nietzscheä. Arafat kävi seuraavaxi nirhaamassa sen jumalan puolesta. Onko Yasser ehkä kopsannut Nobelin kexinnön: dynamiittipötkön? Nitroglyseriini tunnettiin, Alfred kexi tehdä siitä turvallista savella. Arafat put a spotted dick on his head and went to see the Trustee. Trusteen nimi oli Katri-Helena. Kirjamies ja lavatähti kohtaavat. Mikä sai sinut pettämään kansan asian? No salamiakki! Ei kyllä se paukkupullo oli ydinpommi mieluummin, kun ottaa huomioon tän bühleinin ajoituxen.
    ellauri217.html on line 264: Saatanan ämmät, Thatcher ja Berner, yxityistivät yhteisen, Thatcher veden ja Berner liikenteen. Perhanan kumikanat, niille olis pitänyt työntää kova muna perseeseen kunnes se tulee ulos nokan kautta sisälmyxet mukana. Ratafat syö palazissa fläskiintyneenä fast foodia, mulkkaa telkkaa ja vetää pilveä, kazoo sivusta kun Arafat bylsii piikoja. Tällästä on paratiisissa.
    ellauri217.html on line 266: "Every man makes mistakes." "You are just one big mistake, and no mistake! Turjake!" Korvikkeexi menetetystä ylipainoisesta Ratatouillesta Arafat pääsee prinssi Andrewn ja Peter Nybergin järjestämiin pössybileisiin nylkyttämään nubiileja nakutyttöjä ja Aira Samulinia. Mikäs voisi olla enää paratiisimaisempaa.
    ellauri217.html on line 268: Toistensa piiput suussa pojat filosofeeraavat. What do you hate most? Losing my tooth. Why do we die, Arafat? Why do we live, Kadri-Helena? Osku ei ole älynnyt että toisten kateus on osa onnea. Pössyttelijät kaipaavat herra isoherraa takaisin. Niin kauan kuin on kuoleman jälkeistä elämää ja käskyttäjiä on toivoa. Ei tullut niistä lasta eikä paskaakaan.
    ellauri217.html on line 304: "Er riß sich zusammen, fühlte sich idiotisch und flüchtete gedanklich zur Abwehr ins Ordinäre. Das sind Titten, was? … und er wunderte sich selbst über diese nie mehr erwartete, kraftvolle Erektion." „Hart“ und „realistisch“, oder? „Wer Konsalik liest, glaubt alles.“
    ellauri217.html on line 306: Die letzten sieben Jahre seines Lebens (71-78) verbrachte Konsalik getrennt von seiner Ehefrau Elsbeth in Salzburg, wo er mit der 44 Jahre jüngeren Chinesin Ke Gao zusammenlebte. Hatte er die kleine Chinesin noch als siebziger gebumst? Mit einer nie mehr erwarteten, kraftvollen Erektion? Verdammt noch mal.
    ellauri217.html on line 308: Als der schwer zuckerkranke Konsalik im Alter von 78 Jahren in seinem Salzburger Haus an einem Schlaganfall verstarb, hatte er mit seinem Lebenswerk von 155 Romanen, die in 43 Schaffensjahren entstanden und von „Kriegsalltag, Gewalt, Sex und anderen Trivialitäten“ handeln, eine Weltauflage von 83 Millionen erreicht.
    ellauri217.html on line 319: Förra tiders stora ståkuk Jörn Donner skrev ett litet rättsteoretiskt försök som hette Maria Marina, full av Jörkkas storhetstids klyschor. Boken har inte lästs av någon före mej, inte ens skurits upp på de saftigaste ställena, vilket är föga förvånansvärt. Man kan nästan se hans mun röra sig som en misslyckad kvinnlig kringskärning, och höra hans näsvisa ord kommande från den sneda näsan. Vittu olis istunut edes kunnolla, senkin retku. Vanhana se näytti gibbonilta.
    ellauri217.html on line 352: Naturalistiska tavlor om östfinländska landskap. Marina låter sig inte våldtas men ger fitta självmant efter en straffminut. Nästa byte är skolans matematiklärare. Marina on Aishan ikäinen, neljätoista, tenderloin. Ope on entinen määrimies, pelaa jännittävästi kirjeschakkia. Marina siivoaa, kokkaa petaa ja antaa sille pillua. Tää stoori oli varmaan Jörkan miälestä feministinen. Oikeasti tää on urpopojan kaipuuta kohtuun takaisin. Samaa kuin Knasun pissaliisaunelmissa. Vitun- ja pissanhajua sormiin koon 32 pikkuhousuista.
    ellauri217.html on line 377: Schlaraffenland (av tyska Schlaraffe ’slöfock, dåre’, av tyska schlummern slumra, och Affe, apa se SAOB) är ett fantasiland, där man utan ansträngning får alla önskningar tillgodosedda och lättjan är en dygd istället för en synd. I sagan om Schlaraffenland återfinns uttrycket stekta sparvar flyger i munnen på en, vilket känns igen från kung Carl XVI Gustafs jultal 2002.
    ellauri217.html on line 379: I jultal till svenska folket önskar Carl XVI Gustaf inför 2003 "...en rättvisare fördelning av jordens tillgångar". Men kungen, som själv årligen får cirka 40 miljoner i apanage av skattebetalarna och har en förmögenhet om 259 miljoner, anklagas nu för att hyckla. Socialt engagerade kändisar och andra hemlösa tycker att statschefens ord klingar falskt. Kungen säger bland annat: "Att vara pessimistisk hjälper ingen, varken dig själv eller andra." Och: "Det kommer inga stekta sparvar flygande om Du inte själv bemödar Dig om att göra Ditt bästa."
    ellauri217.html on line 405: Naisten kuuluu olla himottavia ennenkaikkea. Että jörkät jököttäisivät aivan vaistomaisesti. Feministit ovat kastroituja miehiä. Kanske Jörka var en fikus på smyg. Marinas gynekolog samlar på gammaldags smuziga porrfilmer. Ajja, ny blir det Marika på tremanhand med konstnären, gynekologen och ekonomen. Fixuja ihmisiä kaikki, ja Marikalla on 3 reikää vapaana. Pillutohtori voi ottaa messiin kaitafilmikameran. Så sjuttitals. Vad bra att Jörka dog äntligen. Inte en minut för tidigt, men cirka 86 år för sent. Den grodynglingen borde inte alls ha hittat ut ur påsen.
    ellauri217.html on line 628: Pastori sai sairaalan avajaisissa rauhoittavan ruiskeen ylihoitajalta eikä kääntäen. Freskossa on samlagsskenejä, gruppsexhistorioita ja eroottisia ansseja. Aika frekkiä. Chicklit kirjat päättyy yleensä tälläseen ylenpalttiseen julkiseen menestysskeneen, jota seuraa ruhtinaallinen pano voittaneelta koiraalta. Tässä tapauxessa voittaja on yhtä auki kuin Oskun Arafatilla.
    ellauri217.html on line 666: According to the Talmud, the seven laws were given first to Adam and subsequently to Noah.However, the Tannaitic and Amoraitic rabbinic sages (1st–6th centuries CE) disagreed on the exact number of Noahide laws that were originally given to Adam. Six of the seven laws were energetically derived from passages in the Book of Genesis, while the seventh, the establishment of courts of justice, seems rather something of an afterthought.
    ellauri217.html on line 694: The 18th-century rabbi Jacob Emden hypothesized that Jesus, and Paul after him, intended to convert the gentiles to the Seven Laws of Noah while calling on the Jews to keep the full Law of Moses.
    ellauri217.html on line 704: The Council of Jerusalem is generally dated to 48 AD, roughly 15 to 25 years after the crucifixion of Jesus (between 26 and 36 AD). Acts 15 and Galatians 2 both suggest that the meeting was called to debate whether or not male Gentiles who were converting to become followers of Jesus were required to become circumcised; the rite of circumcision was considered execrable and repulsive during the period of Hellenization of the Eastern Mediterranean, and was especially adversed in Classical civilization both from ancient Greeks and Romans, which instead valued the foreskin positively.
    ellauri217.html on line 734: Paul, on the other hand, not only did not object to the observance of the Mosaic Law, as long as it did not interfere with the liberty of the Gentiles, but he conformed to its prescriptions when occasion required (1Corinthians 9:20). Thus he shortly after circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:1–3), and he was in fact in the very act of observing that Mosaic ritual with Tim when he was arrested at Jerusalem (Acts 21:26 sqq.) Or so he said.
    ellauri219.html on line 156: The author of the 1894 book The Holy Science, which attempted “to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions,” Sir Yukteswar Girl was guru to both Sir Mahatavara Babaji (No.27) and Paramahansa Yogananda (No.33). His prominent position in the top left-hand corner reflects George Harrison’s (No.65) growing interest in Indian philosophy. In August 1967, two months after the album’s release, The Beatles had their first meeting with the Maharashi Mahesh Yogi, at the Hilton Hotel on London’s Park Lane, where they were invited to study Transcendental Meditation in Bangor, North Wales.
    ellauri219.html on line 180: The next day Jacot-Guillarmod and De Righi attempted to depose Crowley from expedition leadership. The argument could not be settled, and Jacot-Guillarmod, De Righi, and Pache decided to retreat from Camp V to Camp III. At 5 pm they left with four porters on a single rope, but a fall precipitated an avalanche that killed three porters as well as Alexis Pache. People in Camp V heard "frantic cries" and Reymond immediately descended to help, but Crowley stayed in his tent. That evening he wrote a letter to a Darjeeling newspaper stating that he had advised against the descent and that "a mountain 'accident' of this sort is one of the things for which I have no sympathy whatever". The next day Crowley passed the site of the accident without pausing nor speaking to the survivors and left on his own to Darjeeling, where he took the expedition funds, which mostly had been paid by Jacot-Guillarmod. The latter would get at least some of his money back after threatening to make public some of Crowley's pornographic poetry.
    ellauri219.html on line 187: Mae West initially refused to allow her image to appear on the artwork. She was, after all, one of the most famous bombshells from Hollywood’s Golden Age and felt that she would never be in a lonely hearts club. However, after The Beatles personally wrote to her explaining that they were all fans, she agreed to let them use her image. In 1978, Ringo Starr (No.63) returned the favor when he appeared in West’s final movie, 1978’s Sextette. The film also featured a cover version of the “White Album” song “Honey Pie.” P.S. Mae Westillä oli melko mahtavat maitomunat ja varmaan herkullinen mesipiiras. Vaikka jäävät kyllä 2:si Savonlinnan Paskalle.
    ellauri219.html on line 231: In contrast to Mae West (No.3), Fred Astaire was reportedly thrilled to be asked to appear on the Sgt Pepper album cover. A child star who initially started dancing with his sister on stage, it was with Ginger Rogers that Fred made his greatest mark, in a series of classic Golden Age movies including Top Hat and Swing Time. He also appeared with John and Yoko in the 1972 television film Imagine. Limainen mafioso luikero.
    ellauri219.html on line 290: A satirical novelist and screenwriter, Terry Southern bridged the gap between the Beat Generation and The Beatles; he hung out with the former in Greenwich Village, and befriended the latter after moving to London in 1966. His dialogue was used in some of the most era-defining movies of the 60s, including Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Bomb and Easy Rider.
    ellauri219.html on line 503: Founded in London 1822, the Royal Antediluvian Order Of Buffaloes continues its work to this day, with outposts in Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Africa, South Africa, India, the Middle East, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Its motto is “No man is at all times wise” and the organization continues to look after its own members, dependents of deceased members, and charities.
    ellauri219.html on line 583: At Princeton, Rawls was influenced by Norman Malcolm, Ludwig Wittgenstein's dumb student. During his last two years at Princeton, he "became deeply concerned with theology and its doctrines." He considered attending a seminary to study for the Episcopal priesthood and wrote an "intensely religious senior thesis (BI)." In his 181-page long thesis titled "Meaning of Sin and Faith," Rawls attacked Pelagianism because it "would render the Cross of Christ to no effect." His argument was partly drawn from Karl Marx's book On the Jewish Question, which criticized the idea that natural inequality in ability could be a just determiner of the distribution of wealth in society. Even after Rawls became an atheist, many of the anti-Pelagian arguments he used were repeated in A Theory of Justice. Pelagianism is a heretical Christian theological position that holds that the original sin did not taint human nature and that humans by divine grace have free will to achieve human perfection. Pelagius (c. 355 – c. 420 AD), an ascetic and philosopher from the British Isles, taught that God could not command believers to do the impossible, and therefore it must be possible to satisfy all divine commandments. He also taught that it was unjust to punish one person for the sins of another; therefore, infants are born blameless. Pelagius accepted no excuse for sinful behavior and taught that all Christians, regardless of their station in life, should live unimpeachable, sinless lives, or else... Se oli tollanen humanisti, mitä Hippo aivan erityisesti inhosi. Vittu eihän sitten mitään kirkkoa ja pappeja edes tarvittaisi. Jeesus jäisi työttömäxi, Jahve eläkkeelle.
    ellauri219.html on line 592: Following the surrender of Japan, Rawls became part of General MacArthur's occupying army and was promoted to sergeant. But he became disillusioned with the military when he saw the aftermath of the atomic blast in Hiroshima. Rawls then disobeyed an order to discipline a fellow soldier, "believing no punishment was justified," and was "demoted back to a private." Disenchanted, he left the military in January 1946.
    ellauri219.html on line 594: Rawls received his Ph.D. from Princeton in 1950 after completing a doct
    ellauri219.html on line 599: Pope Benedict’s basic answer is that, although modern principles of political freedom, democracy, equality, and reasonable argument are to be affirmed, a free state rests on “pre-political moral foundations,” which serve as normative points of reference for every regime and must be held in common by all religions and secular world-views. This answer reflects the fact that Pope Benedict disagrees with Rawls on at least two fundamental issues, which constitute the core of the debate between them and to which I shall refer regularly in the course of my analysis. In the first place, Pope Benedict does not share Rawls’s trust in fundamental human reasonableness as a guarantee for political fairness. For Rawls, persons are reasonable when they are ready to propose principles and standards as fair terms of cooperation and to abide by them willingly, given the assurance that others will likewise do so. Those norms they view as reasonable for everyone to accept and therefore as justifiable to them; and they are ready to discuss the fair terms that others propose.
    ellauri219.html on line 601: This idea of reasonableness informs the whole project of Rawls’s political liberalism, because “the form and content of this reason … are part of the idea of democracy itself.” In contrast, Pope Benedict, although consistently stressing the importance of reason in all human affairs, is much more pessimistic about Rawls’s claim that human beings, who are always children of their own time and cultural situation, are reasonable enough to provide the general principles or standards that are necessary for specifying fair cooperation/competition.

    Joo olen kyllä Pentin kannalla siinä että nää termiittiapinat on aivan vitun tyhmiä, täysin beyond redemption. Ei ne ole toisilleen hyvänsuopia ellei niillä izellä mene paremmin. Mitä uutta kissimirrit tässä? Ei mitään, samaa paskanjauhantaa.
    ellauri219.html on line 726: Idän kalisteenikot suosittivat mantraxi P. Peevelin kexasemaa sanaa Parantha, vai mikä se oli, hetkonen kun kazon, se oli Maranafa. Tavuja on kuin Marabussa paloja mutta kaikki hyviä. Näillä mennään! Se on viisautta...
    ellauri219.html on line 785: Sanat ovat mahtavia, esim. OM ja stiiknafuulia. Ei ne ole thesei, vaan phusei, sano minun sanoneen. Esteitä menestyxekkäälle tumputuxelle ovat sairaus, hitausvoimat, epäilys, kevytmielisyys, laiskuus, kohtuuttomuus, väärät käsiotteet, vaikeus päästä pystyyn, tai pysyä pystyssä. Suru, toivottomuus ja levottomat jalat haittaavat myös toimitusta. Pitää hengittää sievästi ja olla kiltti muillekin. Iloisena kuin levitoiva munkki Tintissä.
    ellauri219.html on line 798: No it is not because of the clash in values between American individualism and libertarianism, and the rest of the West’s social democracy and collectivism. That’s a contributing factor among those with enough cultural affinity and exposure to get to know how the US ticks, which maybe explains some of the last decade or so, with the Internet. But again, the “Death to Amreeka” crowds, the sneering at the unsophisticated doughboys, the dismissal of American culture—all that predated that deep familiarity by decades. The discovery of the substantive cultural mismatches were again a late addition and confirmation bias. (How I like the scientific sound of it: confirmation bias.)
    ellauri219.html on line 813: But the States, prodded on by its own exceptionalist rhetoric, said they were different. That they were making the world Safe For Democracy. That they desired Liberty for All. And when the US acted as any imperial power must, and did some (well, a lot of) grubby things, there were a lot of outsiders who wanted to believe—and who felt betrayed. And they’ve held the kind of grudge against America and its optimistic, American Dream mass culture, that they did not hold against previous imperial powers. Aw, who am I kidding, of course they did.
    ellauri219.html on line 819: Hence a phrase little remarked on now, let alone Googlable, but very revealing. On the eve of the First Gulf War, the Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans made a speech defending the need to go to war to safeguard Kuwait as a sovereign state.
    ellauri219.html on line 820: Evans could not help himself: he muttered the aside “some might say we’re seeking to make the world Safe for Feudalism.”
    ellauri219.html on line 822: Because he knew that this venture was not the Safe for Democracy mission that Wilson had in mind, and that stuck in his craw. It stuck in his craw, because he too wanted to believe that America had been making the world Safe for Democracy. But we loyally sent our troops in anyway, under the banner of the Treaty of Westphalia, not Wilson’s Fourteen Points.
    ellauri219.html on line 830: You’re not, but you’re the culture with the megaphone. People are paying disproportionate attention to your stupidity. And when stupid suckers elsewhere discover that the streets of Hollywood are not paved with gold, they truly are crestfallen, to an extent they wouldn’t be with Moscow, or Paris. Just as they were crestfallen to discover that the States was just another empire after all.
    ellauri219.html on line 832: And there is something… “gee willywickers” about the way Truth Justice and The American Way have been inflated in American mass culture, quite plausibly rooted in that class insecurity, that makes outside cultural elites (and the people that follow after them) reflexively sneer, once they realise the foundations are rotten. Add to this the ludicrous fact that America has no high culture. These are disappointed suitors: they’re not going to console themselves over the emptiness of Scrooge McDuck by turning to Wilt Whatman. Who was no better off than Scrooge by way of civility.
    ellauri219.html on line 980:


    ellauri219.html on line 998: Parkerin kuoleman jälkeen New Yorkin kaduille ilmestyi graffiteja, joissa julistettiin Bird Lives! (”Bird elää!”). Ei sekään ihan naulan kantaan osunut..
    ellauri219.html on line 1001: Vanhemmalla muftalla graffitiftilla oli aina kufi pääffä. Vizi nää grafiittijutut on nuijia. Tulee mieleen Foster Wallacen yhtä kuivat jutut huumehemmoista. Kulissit vaihtuvat mutta apinat on aina samoja. Raimo Ilaskivi-vainaja oli oikeassa: nuijapäitä kaikki seiniinruikkijat.
    ellauri219.html on line 1016: Moonman 157, a Bronx graffiti artist, and the Texas Highway Killer: what do they have in common? One wields spray cans, the other a .38 with a gloved left hand. Moonman paints subway cars, and the Texas Highway Killer shoots random lone drivers? Get it? Okay I'll tell you: They each create an artificial language like Klingon or Ido, that thickens the fog of American collective consciousness; each language is expressed by an individual who remains anonymous. As a natural consequence, they get a lot of copy cats, like de Lillo and myself.
    ellauri219.html on line 1030: Teilhard served in World War I as a stretcher-bearer. He received several citations for speeding. In 1962, with Pierre safely out of this world, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith condemned several of Teilhard's works based on their alleged ambiguities and doctrinal errors. He was a leading proponent of orthogenesis, the idea that evolution occurs in a directional, goal-driven way. Teilhard made sense of the universe by assuming it had a vitalist evolutionary process. When our talk touched on St. Augustine, he exclaimed violently: 'Don’t mention that unfortunate man; he spoiled everything by introducing the supernatural.'" Teilhard siis oli selvä pelagiolainen humanisti! Teilhard has been criticized as incorporating common notions of Social Darwinism and scientific racism into his work, along with support for eugenics, though he has also been defended for doing so by theologian John Haught.
    ellauri220.html on line 60: Ne puhalletaan palatsiin demoni Faffarellon luomien tuulien avulla, jonka Tohelo on kutsunut paikalle. Käyttämällä kauhaa häiritsemään kokin huomion he tarttuvat appelsiineihin ja kantavat ne ympäröivään autiomaahan.
    ellauri220.html on line 67: Tottakai modernissa lavastuxessa prinssillä on päällä khakiunivormu saappaat ja pussihousut ja taustalla näytetään jotain sotafilmipätkiä. FBI sodassa ja rauhassa. Lavasaippuaa.
    ellauri220.html on line 147: afbcaa9f8b82604eaa.jpg" height="500px" />
    ellauri220.html on line 195: Great Western hotelli Falstaffissa isin Viewmaster-kiekoissa. Tonto varjostaa kotkansilmiä ruskealla kädellä. Eurooppamamut approprioi alkuasukkaiden maat ja maisemat.
    ellauri220.html on line 196: Ihme hehkutusta tosta vähävenäläisen lumppukauppiaan kaitafilmistä. Samanlaista onttoa pulinaa filmeistä oli Fosterilla. Kaise sitten on niin että jenkkien on vaikea erottaa todellisuutta filmeistä ja perusapinoita filmitähdistä.
    ellauri220.html on line 229: BronziniBronzini was Nick Shay's high school teacher and Klara Sax's husband before her affair with Nick.
    ellauri220.html on line 237: DonnaDonna is the swinger Nick Shay has an affair with while at a conference in Houston.
    ellauri220.html on line 246: Brian GlassicBrian Glassic is one of Nick's coworkers in the waste-management industry. He has an affair with Nick's wife, Marian.
    ellauri220.html on line 270: Moonman 157Moonman 157 is the pseudonym of a famous graffiti artist known for painting entire train cars.
    ellauri220.html on line 275: Klara SaxKlara Sax is a pop artist who recycles rubbish into fine art. As a married housewife, she has an affair with Nick Shay, 20 years her junior.
    ellauri220.html on line 276: Marian ShayMarian Shay is Nick Shay's wife. While she represents traditional, wholesome American family life, Marian has an affair with Nick's co-worker, Brian Glassic, and smokes heroin.
    ellauri220.html on line 345:
    (Commonwealth) a dark-skinned person, named after Florence Kate Upton's children's book character.

    ellauri220.html on line 356:
    Kaffir, kaffer, kafir, kaffre

    ellauri220.html on line 560: Filosofiaa kannattaa lukea yliopistossa täysi oppimäärä tietääxeen kuinka turhanpäiväistä se on. Zicke, zacke, Hühnekacke. Wissenschaftskäse.
    ellauri220.html on line 597: "Sexiä tai ulos. Sanot ihan kiltisti. Me emme voi sallia että tyttö tuhoaa meidän omaisuuttamme [varastamaamme autoa]". Nick on syvästi vastenmielinen talousliberaalin ja mafioson risteytys. Kohta Klaara jättää Vihtorin saatuaan maistaa juniorimafioson kapeata kullia ja lähtee höyläämään ize omaa artistin uraansa Klaara Kotkona. Etovaa.
    ellauri220.html on line 599: Nää Bronxin saapasaffet ovat eri kiimaisia, pojat pillun perään ja tytöt kyrvän. Hinkataan ja lykitään vaatteet päällä, kaivellaan housuja, laitetaan sisään ja pois kumin kaa ja ilman, se on melkein yhtä hienoa kuin jäteastioiden tyhjennys. On se surkeeta.
    ellauri220.html on line 635: Don deLillo syntyi rotan vuonna hiljaiseen sukupolveen. There were precisely 1,063 full moons after his birth to this day. People with Chinese zodiac Rat are instinctive, acute and alert in nature which makes them to be brilliant businessmen. They can always react properly before the worst circumstances take place. Their strengths are adaptable, smart, cautious, acute, alert, positive, flexible, outgoing, and cheerful. But they can also be timid, unstable, stubborn, picky, lack of persistence, and querulous. Sen sisaruxista ei ole tietoa.
    ellauri220.html on line 646:


    ellauri220.html on line 665: Onpa hienoa että graffitipaskiaiset saavat teeveen toimimaan kuntopyörällä. Mitä vitun iloa siitä muka on? Pahemmaxi vaan menee. Sisar Edgar on siinä oikeassa: yxikään ajateltavissa oleva sopukka ei jää kuvaamatta, kumikaulat venyvät. Märkäselän yläkerrassa asuu karismaatikkoja, helluntaiystäviä.
    ellauri220.html on line 675: The Tsar Bomba in its original form would have created too much fallout to be safe for testing. The design was then modified before the bomb was detonated on the deserted island Novaya Zemlya.
    ellauri221.html on line 73: The club’s name derives from its head waiter, Edward Poodle. Poodles quickly built up a prestigious reputation among London’s powerful and wealthy classes, and its membership reflected this, numbering numerous politicians and members of the British aristocracy. Members have included former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, John Perfumo (a politician who resigned after the notorious Perfumo affair scandal, whereby he was revealed as having an affair with 19-year-old model Helen Keller), philosopher David Hume, economist and philosopher Adam Smith, and author Ian Fleming, creator of the world’s most famous fictional spy, James Bond.
    ellauri221.html on line 97: Elle dépose le 13 décembre 1945 devant le Conseil municipal de Paris un projet pour la fermeture des maisons closes. Dans son discours, elle ne s’en prend pas tant aux prostituées qu’à la société, responsable selon elle, de la « débauche organisée et patentée » et à la mafia, qui bénéficie de la prostitution réglementée ; le propos permet aussi de rappeler que le milieu de la prostitution s'est compromis avec l’occupant pendant la guerre. Sa proposition est votée et le 20 décembre 1945, le préfet de police Charles Luizet décide de fermer sans préavis les maisons du département de la Seine dans les 3 mois (au plus tard le 15 mars 1946, date qu'a fixée le conseil municipal). Encouragée, Marthe Richard commence une campagne de presse pour le vote d'une loi généralisant ces mesures. Elle est soutenue par le Cartel d'action sociale et morale et le ministre de la Santé publique et de la Population, Robert Prigent.
    ellauri221.html on line 173: -Mutteri, Mutteri. Pultti, Pultti. Ja Rinkilä, lisäsi Rinkilä kojeen ylle kumartuen. Älynen painoi nappulaa ja kaikkien kummaksi höpinafooni sokelsi honottaen:
    ellauri221.html on line 300: After M tells Bond to take two weeks´ leave, Bond travels to Rio de Janeiro, where he meets Goodhead once more. Jaws, who is now working for Drax, tries to kill them both on a cable car at Sugarloaf Mountain. They escape, but are then captured by other men of Drax´s disguised as paramedics. Bond escapes from the ambulance speeding towards Drax´s base, but leaves Goodhead behind.
    ellauri221.html on line 302: Bond meets Goodhead again once Drax puts them under ´Moonraker 5´ to be incinerated by the lift-off. They escape and are able to pilot ´Moonraker 6´. After following Drax to his space station, Goodhead and Bond listen to Drax´s speech and leave. Jaws later captures them after the first globe is launched. Drax tells Bond about his plan about having perfect human beings on his earth, with no physical peculiarity or ugliness, but this is overheard by Jaws. He sees that because of his ugly steel teeth, he will be destroyed alongside his ugly girlfriend, Dolly, so turns on Drax and helps Bond and Goodhead to fight Drax´s men. After Bond goes to defeat Drax, Goodhead helps him, and Dolly and Jaws get off on the self-destructing space station, escaping on a pod of their own into Earth´s atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead go after the globe, nearly destroying its inhabitants, but not quite. Bugger it.
    ellauri221.html on line 304: The film ends with the representatives of the US and Britain tuning in to see Holly Goodhead and Bond making love. The previous Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me, ends in the same way, and Anya Amasova (way more beautiful than Lois) was shocked by this candaulism, but Goodhead is too "happy" to care. She is American after all. Last Words: Oh James, rake me around the moon one more time.
    ellauri221.html on line 308: A Boeing 747 carrying a U.S. space shuttle on loan to the U.K. crashes into the Atlantic Ocean. When the British examine the wreckage, they can find no trace of the spacecraft and send Agent James Bond to the shuttle´s manufacturers, Drax Industries, to investigate.
    ellauri221.html on line 332: Noniin niinkuin arvasin Drax on tykistökeskityxestä erehdyxessä henkiinjäänyt nazi, joka kostaa nyt engländereille sen ettei V2-pommia koskaan saatu pudotettua yrjökuninkaan takapihalle. Tällä kertaa tulee osuma vastakruunattuun (no, vastakuukahtaneeseen) Elisabettiin, ja hölmöt inselaffet maxaa vielä kulut. Hahaa! Saastainen englantilaisharppu, sähähtää Krebs. Se taitaa olla homopetteri.
    ellauri221.html on line 335: Bondin kasvoissa on kärpästen ja muiden itikoiden verta. Annas olla, kohta niissä on Hugo Draxin ja Krebsin pyllymehua! Wunderschön! Zum Kotzen! Ei nähtävästi affet olleet saaneet 1954 vielä sakemanneille takaisinvittuilusta tarpeexeen. Leffaan 1979 mennessä viholliskuva oli sentään ajankohtaistettu kommunisteihin.
    ellauri221.html on line 339: Oikea nimeni on Draco Malfoy, eipäskun Graf Hugo von der Drache. Ilkiöillä on tälläsiä ulkomaalaisen kaikuisia lohikäärmenimiä. Sitten liityin puolueeseen ja jouduin melkein heti sotaan. Se oli loistoaikaa. Niinpä niin, Bond nuolaisi huuliaan muistelleessaan miten Krebsin pää oli kolahtanut pöydänkulmaan. Loistopotku. Galalla oli ruma rupi korvan takana ja vaivautunut ilme.
    ellauri221.html on line 341: Halveksin ja inhoan teitä kaikkia vitun britit! Senkin siat! Arvottomat, laiskat, rappeutuneet typerykset, jotka piilexitte valkoisten kallioittenne takana, sillä aikaa kun toiset kansat taistelevat puolestanne. Olette liian heikkoja puolustamaan omia siirtomaitanne, joten teidän oli pakko vedota Amerikkaan hattu kädessä. Haisevat kerskailijat, jotka tekevät mitä tahansa rahasta. Hah! Hän huusi voitonriemuisesti. Tiesin, että tarvitsin vain rahaa ja herrasmiehen julkisivun. Herrasmiehen! Pfui Teufel! Nuo pöhköpäät siellä Poodlesissa. Raharikkaita pukkeja. Kuukausikaupalla minä nyhdin heiltä tuhansia puntia, petkutin heitä suoraan heidän nenänsä edessä, ennen kuin te tulitte paikalle ja sotkitte koko jutun. Minä olin Moskovassa! Moskovassa! Noniin, nyt saatiin ryssätkin mukaan geimeihin. Juu niin niiltähän saatiin tähän tarvittava ydinpommi, kun ei inselaffeilla ollut siihen omia otrajauhoja. Kalju pää ja isot viixet hämäisivät paholaisen isoäidinkin!
    ellauri221.html on line 446: ja kritiikkiä. Kalenterin aforismit
    ellauri222.html on line 70: Bellow’s bad temper in the late ’60s was by no means directed exclusively at would-be biographers, radical students and aggrieved wives. Bellow had so many targets to attack, whether insulting them face to face or in blistering letters or put-downs circulated through intermediaries. One of his favorite one-liners ran: “Let’s you and him fight.” The most salient recipients of Bellow’s bad temper in this biography were his three sons, each from a different mother — the oldest 21 when this volume starts, the youngest just 1 year old and about to be abandoned after yet another divorce.
    ellauri222.html on line 72: The celebrated writer kept romances alive in different cities, two or three at any given time — with students and faculty divorcées at the University of Chicago, assistants at The New Yorker, even his housecleaner. A dreary train of affairs.
    ellauri222.html on line 106: Not long thereafter, Saul went through what Greg called “a spiritual crisis.” It was then that he began to write Mr. Sammler’s Planet, which literary critic Adam Kirsch described as “a document of the cravings of 1960s America, and an attempt to bring the Holocaust to bear on America.” Greg told JNS.org that Mr. Sammler’s Planet is a “watershed novel” because it conveys not only a message about the Holocaust in general, but also “an indictment against the self-imposed blindness that prevented people from seeing the Nazi threat.
    ellauri222.html on line 131: “In college I behaved as though my career was to be a writer, and that guided me,” Bellow later said. There was also the fact that his principal interest was literature, and, until after the war, Jews were rarely hired by English departments. “You weren’t born to it” is the way the chairman of the department at Northwestern clarified the matter when Bellow inquired about graduate school. Leader thinks that this encounter “produced a lifelong antipathy, mild but real, to English departments.” It’s true that there was antipathy. But Bellow would have been interested in a university career only as a means to support his writing. Fiction was his calling. “He was focused, he was dedicated to becoming what he was, from the beginning,” David Peltz, Bellow’s oldest friend, told Leader. “I mean, he never veered.”
    ellauri222.html on line 139: So even “Dangling Man,” an awkwardly written book about which Bellow later said, “I can’t read a page of it without feeling embarrassed,” was received as a sign that the novel might after all be up to its historic task. “Here, for the first time I think, the experience of a new generation has been seized,” Delmore Schwartz wrote, in Partisan Review. In The New Yorker, Edmund Wilson called “Dangling Man” a “testimony on the psychology of a whole generation.” When Bellow’s second novel, “The Victim,” came out, in 1947, Martin Greenberg, in Commentary, explained that Bellow had succeeded in making Jewishness “a quality that informs all of modern life . . . the quality of modernity itself.” In Partisan Review, Elizabeth Hardwick suggested that Bellow might become “the redeeming novelist of the period.”
    ellauri222.html on line 153: Augie is a street-urchin autodidact. Never taught how to write a proper sentence, he invents a style of his own. He is an epigrammist and a raconteur, La Rochefoucauld in the body of a precocious twelve-year-old, a Huck Finn who has taken too many Great Books courses. With this strange mélange of ornate locutions, Chicago patois, Joycean portmanteaus, and Yiddish cadences, Bellow found himself able to produce page after page of acrobatic verbal stunts:
    ellauri222.html on line 169: At Bard, Bellow became close friends with a literature professor named Jack Ludwig. As Leader describes him, Ludwig was an oversized personality, a big man, extravagant, a shameless purveyor of bad Yiddish, and an operator. Ludwig idolized Bellow; people who knew them said that Ludwig wanted to be Bellow. He flattered Bellow, went for long walks with him, started up a literary journal with him, and generally insinuated himself into Bellow’s life. Bellow accepted the proffer of adulatory attentiveness. The couples (Ludwig was married) socialized together. This was the period when Bellow wrote “Seize the Day,” which Partisan Review published in a single issue, in 1956, after The New Yorker turned it down, and “Henderson the Rain King,” published in 1959, a novel whose hero was based on a neighbor of the Bellows in upstate New York.
    ellauri222.html on line 171: Saul and Sasha got married in 1956, after Bellow had obtained a Nevada divorce. Sasha accepted the domestic role that Bellow insisted on without demur. She says that when they had a son, Adam, Bellow told her that the baby was her responsibility—he was too old to raise another kid. In 1958, Bellow was offered a one-year position at the University of Minnesota. He insisted that Ludwig receive an appointment as well; the university obliged, and the families moved to Minneapolis together.
    ellauri222.html on line 177: In November, Bellow learned from a possibly overly conscientious babysitter that Sasha and Ludwig were sleeping together. It turned out that the affair had been going on for two and a half years, since the summer of 1958. And although Ludwig was still married, it continued. Adam was living with Sasha while it was going on. Given Bellow’s vulnerabilities, the double betrayal was his worst nightmare come to life. According to Atlas, he talked about getting a gun.
    ellauri222.html on line 179: I have just given you the back story and the dramatis personae of “Herzog.” “Herzog” is a novel about a forty-seven-year-old man having a nervous breakdown after learning that his much younger wife, who has left him abruptly, had been cheating on him with his closest friend. The man seeks succor in the arms of a loving, patient, and understanding woman. There is at least one respect in which the novel is not based on real life: Bellow didn’t have a nervous breakdown. He wrote “Herzog” instead.
    ellauri222.html on line 181: He also got married again, in 1961, to Susan Glassman, another celebrated beauty, this time eighteen years younger. (Glassman was a former girlfriend of Philip Roth, who said that the transfer of affections “turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me and the worst thing that ever happened to Saul.” The marriage lasted five years; she was still taking Bellow to court in 1981.)
    ellauri222.html on line 193: And it got even better. Jack Ludwig reviewed the novel. He informed readers of Holiday that “the book is a major breakthrough.” By no means should it be read as autobiography—“as if an artist with Bellow’s enormous gifts were simply playing at second-guessing reality, settling scores.” No, in this book, Ludwig wrote, “Bellow is after something greater.” The greater something turns out to be “man’s contradiction, his absurdity, his alienation,” and so on. It was pretty chutzpadik, as even Bellow had to admit. But by then he was laughing all the way to the bank.
    ellauri222.html on line 201: Leader thinks that Bellow plunged into his books and wrote on sheer enthusiasm, then surfaced after a hundred pages or so and wondered how to get back to shore. There is very little moral logic to his stories. Things just happen. (A major exception is “Seize the Day,” which is formally perfectly realized. But that book is a novella, a day in the life. It doesn’t require a plot.)
    ellauri222.html on line 207: Actually, these episodes were not entirely invented. Bellow lifted them straight out of “The Brothers Karamazov.” A child tortured by its parents is Ivan Karamazov’s illustration of the problem of evil: what kind of God would allow that to happen? And Herzog with his gun at the window is a reënactment of Dmitri Karamazov, the murder weapon in his hand, spying through the window on his father. Dmitri is caught and convicted of a murder he desired but did not commit. “Herzog,” though, is a comedy. The next day, Herzog gets in a minor traffic accident and the cops discover the loaded gun in his car. But, after some hairy moments in the police station, he is let go. Desperately searching the Great Books for wisdom, Herzog briefly finds himself living in one. He can’t wait to get out.
    ellauri222.html on line 243: Greg's mother was Anita Goshkin, Saul's first wife, whose family had emigrated to the US from the Crimea after the pogroms, as Bellow's own antecedents had left Lithuania for Canada. They ended up in Chicago, where Saul would become one of the city's most famous sons and where, in 1935, he met Anita at summer school. Anita oli niin tavis ettei siitä ole edes nettikuvia. Tollanen Liisa Karhunen.
    ellauri222.html on line 255: Bellow was born Solomon Bellow in Lachine, Quebec, in 1915, two years after his parents had arrived there from St Petersburg. When he was nine, the family moved to the Humboldt Park neighbourhood of Chicago. His mother, Liza, died when Saul was 17, but not before she had passed on to him her love of the Jewish Bible (he learned Hebrew at four). His first serious critical success was The Adventures of Augie March (1953), but it was not until his 1964 novel, Herzog, became a bestseller that he earned any real money. His elder brothers, both businessmen, were by this time making serious cash, and regarded him, he once said, as "some schmuck with a pen". Mary Cheever, the wife of John Cheever, believed the two got on so well because "they were both women-haters". He has nothing good to say about feminism. Bellow has a go at Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (the one is "rash", the other "stupid"). In 1994, however, he ate a poisonous fish in the Caribbean, and fell into a coma that lasted five weeks. He dreaded a loss of virility.
    ellauri222.html on line 281: Mitä vetoa että Rothin kuikelo veti tästä herneen nenään? Sai takuulla paskahalvauxen. No, Saul was definitely not a good friend. Phil said something like: ‘He wouldn’t be the first guy whose companionship I’d seek out in the afterlife.’”
    ellauri222.html on line 375: Mr. Anticol is a neighborhood junk dealer and avowed atheist who loves to discourse against religion, having lost his faith after witnessing a massacre of Jews in his town back in Europe.
    ellauri222.html on line 427: Arthur Einhorn is William Einhorn’s son who is in college at the University of Illinois in Champaign. An intellectual who studies poetry and wants to write scholarly books, he falls in love with Mimi. His relationship with his father is strained after Arthur has a baby and then divorces his wife, leaving the child to be raised by his parents.
    ellauri222.html on line 431: Tillie Einhorn is William Einhorn’s wife. A heavy, attractive lady, she worshipfully obeys her husband and tolerates, or overlooks, his extramarital affairs. After the stock market crash, she helps make money by running a cafeteria inside the poolroom.
    ellauri222.html on line 439: The Commissioner is Einhorn’s elderly father. An important and respected man, he is a real-estate broker who owns and controls many properties in the city. Married multiple times, he is an affable womanizer.
    ellauri222.html on line 455: An employee of the Einhorns, the pretty and promiscuous Lollie is also William Einhorn’s mistress for a time. She leaves the family’s employ after the stock market crash and ends up being killed by a boyfriend.
    ellauri222.html on line 615: Paslavitch is a friendly Yugoslavian and Communist sympathizer who lives in a neighborhood of Mexico City. Augie lives with him for a time after breaking up with Thea.
    ellauri222.html on line 623: Renée is the young, beautiful, blond mistress of Simon. Simon spends his days with Renée, but goes home each night to Charlotte. Renée becomes angry and jealous because Simon never intends to leave his wife. When Charlotte finds out about the affair and demands a stop to it, Renée attempts suicide by swallowing pills (apparently an attention-getting gesture), and claims (falsely) that she is pregnant with Simon’s baby. She causes a scandal, opening a lawsuit against Simon. Charlotte and Simon have to go to court to fend her off.
    ellauri222.html on line 651: Mildred Stark is a crippled girl who goes to work for Einhorn after the stock-market crash and becomes his mistress. She is aged about thirty and heavy, but Einhorn is flattered that she is in love with him. Mildred dislikes Augie.
    ellauri222.html on line 659: Stoney and Wolfy are fellow travelers hitching free rides on the trains, whom Augie meets while traveling back to Chicago after Joe Gorman’s arrest. The police arrest all three thinking they are a gang of car thieves. Stoney is a young man on his way to veterinary school; Wolfy has a criminal record.
    ellauri222.html on line 671: Clem, the younger of Tambow’s two sons, and the cousin of Jimmy Klein, is a good friend to Augie. He is an easy spender and refuses to work, preferring to beg money off his father. When his father dies, he inherits his money. He has a crush on Mimi. Clem eventually goes to the University of Chicago, earning a degree in psychology, and invites Augie to join him in a counseling practice. Augie has a great deal of affection for Clem. Clem is the audience for Augie’s speech about “axial lines.”
    ellauri222.html on line 757: Saul Bellow is widely recognized as America's preeminent living novelist. His fiction, which is as intellectually demanding as it is imaginatively appealing, steadfastly affirms the value of the human soul while simultaneously recognizing the claims of community and the demoralizing inauthenticity of daily life. Refusing to give in to the pessimism and despair that threaten to overwhelm American experience, Bellow offers a persistently optimistic, though often tentative and ambiguous, alternative to postmodern alienation. In their struggle to understand their past and reorder their present, his protagonists chart a course of possibility for all who would live meaningfully in urban American society and make loads of money.
    ellauri222.html on line 791: Because Bellow refuses to devalue human potential in even his bleakest scenarios, his novels often come under attack for their affirmative endings. Augie hails himself as a new Columbus, the rediscoverer of America; Henderson, while triumphantly returning home with his new charges, dances with glee, "leaping, leaping, pounding, and tingling over the pure white lining of the grey Arctic silence." Herzog inexplicably evades his fate, emerging from the flux of his tortured mind to reclaim his sanity and his confidence in the future. Yet, the victories of Bellow's heroes are not unqualified, but rather as ambiguous and tenuous as is the human condition itself. As a new Columbus, Augie speaks from exile in Europe; in holding the orphan child, Henderson recalls the pain of his separation from his own father; by renouncing his self-pity and his murderous rage at his ex-wife Madeleine, Herzog reduces but does not expiate his guilt. Nonetheless, these characters earn whatever spiritual victory they reap through their penes and their refusal to succumb to doubt and cynicism. Through their perseverance in seeking the truth of human existence, they ultimately renew themselves by transcending to an intuitive spiritual awareness that is no less real because it must be taken on faith.
    ellauri222.html on line 793: In all of Bellow's works, an appreciation of the cultural context in which his protagonists struggle is essential to understanding these characters and their search for renewal. Bellow's vision centers almost exclusively on Jewish male experience in contemporary urban America. Proud of their heritage, his heroes are usually second-generation Jewish immigrants who seek to discover how they can live meaningfully in their American present while honoring their skinless knobs. Much of their ability to maintain their belief in humanity despite their knowledge of the world can be attributed to the affirmative nature of the Jewish culture. Bellovian heroes live in a WASP society in which they are only partially assimilated. However, as Jews have done historically, they maintain their concern for morality and community despite their cultural displacement.
    ellauri222.html on line 799: Stylistically, Bellow's fiction reflects some of the same tensions that his protagonists seek to balance. His concern with social and personal destruction has been traced to the common run of European writers such as Flaubert, Dostoevsky, Kafka, Sartre, and Camus. But Bellow's fiction also has many ties to the American literary tradition. His neotranscendentalism (what? Emersonian tomfoolery I guess), his identification with America, and the loose form of his most acclaimed novels link him most obviously to Emerson and Whitman.
    ellauri222.html on line 886: Ozymandias (/ˌɒziˈmændiəs/ oz-ee-MAN-dee-əs; real name Adrian Alexander Veidt) is a fictional anti-villain in the graphic novel limited series Watchmen, published by DC Comics. Created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, named "Ozymandias" in the manner of Ramesses II, his name recalls the famous poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, which takes as its theme the fleeting nature of empire and is excerpted as the epigraph of one of the chapters of Watchmen. Ozymandias is ranked number 25 on Wizard's Top 200 Comic Book Characters list and number 21 on IGN's Top 100 Villains list. No, wait, Ozymandias was a Greek name for the pharaoh Ramesses II (r. 1279–1213 BC), derived from a part of his throne name, Usermaatre. In 1817, Shelley began writing the poem "Ozymandias", after the British Museum acquired the Younger Memnon, a head-and-torso fragment of a statue of Ramesses II, which dated from the 13th century BC. Earlier, in 1816, the Italian archeologist Giovanni Battista Belzoni had "removed" the 7.25-short-ton (6.58 t; 6,580 kg) statue fragment from the Ramesseum, the mortuary temple of Ramesses II at Thebes, Egypt. The reputation of the statue fragment preceded its arrival to Western Europe; after his Egyptian expedition in 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte had failed to acquire the Younger Memnon for France. Although the British Museum expected delivery of the antiquity in 1818, the Younger Memnon did not arrive in London until 1821. Shelley published his poems before the statue fragment of Ozymandias arrived in Britain, and the view of modern scholarship is that Shelley never saw the statue, although he might have learned about it from news reports, as it was well known even in its previous location near Luxor.
    ellauri222.html on line 1053: "But a new enemy has come, and, like the buffalo on the far western plains, his numbers are past counting. When one is slain five grow in his place. When Manitou made the white man he planted in his soul the wish to possess all the earth, and he strives night and day to achieve his wish. While he lives he does not turn back, and dead, his bones claim the ground in which they lie. He may be afraid of the forest and the warrior. The growl of the bear and the scream of the panther may make him tremble, but, trembling, he yet comes."
    ellauri223.html on line 41: afi/default/a63ee45e-e764-11e4-b4bb-22000a22931e/original-sipila.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri223.html on line 58: Although the community of wives is not instituted among the other inhabitants of their province, among them it is in use after this manner: All things are common with them, and their dispensation is by the authority of the magistrates. Arts and honors and pleasures are common, and are held in such a manner that no one can appropriate anything to himself. Hey Tommaso, hold your horses, the end of the line is over there!
    ellauri223.html on line 60: They say that all private property is acquired and improved for the reason that each one of us by himself has his own home and wife and children. From this, self-love springs. For when we raise a son to riches and dignities, and leave an heir to much wealth, we become either ready to grasp at the property of the State, if in any case fear should be removed from the power which belongs to riches and rank; or avaricious, crafty, and hypocritical, if anyone is of slender purse, little strength, and mean ancestry. But when we have taken away self-love, there remains only love for the State.
    ellauri223.html on line 66: Capt. Moreover, the race is managed for the good of the commonwealth, and not of private individuals, and the magistrates must be obeyed. They deny what we hold—viz., that it is natural to man to recognize his offspring and to educate them, and to use his wife and house and children as his own. For they say that children are bred for the preservation of the species and not for individual pleasure, as St. Thomas also asserts. Therefore the breeding of children has reference to the commonwealth, and not to individuals, except in so far as they are constituents of the commonwealth. And since individuals for the most part bring forth children wrongly and educate them wrongly, they consider that they remove destruction from the State, and therefore for this reason, with most sacred fear, they commit the education of the children, who, as it were, are the element of the republic, to the care of magistrates; for the safety of the community is not that of a few. And thus they distribute male and female breeders of the best natures according to philosophical rules. Plato thinks that this distribution ought to be made by lot, lest some incel men seeing that they are kept away from the beautiful women, should rise up with anger and hatred against the magistrates; and he thinks further that those who do not deserve cohabitation with the more beautiful women, should be deceived while the lots are drawn by the magistrates, so that at all times the women who are suitably second rate should fall to their lot, not those whom they desire. Stop the steal!
    ellauri223.html on line 70: Domestic affairs and partnerships are of little account, because, excepting the sign of honor, each one receives what he is in need of. To the heroes and heroines of the republic, it is customary to give the pleasing gifts of honor, beautiful wreaths, sweet food, heroine, or splendid clothes, while they are feasting. In the daytime all use white garments within the city, but at night or outside the city they use red garments either of wool or silk. They hate black as they do dung, and therefore they dislike the Japanese, who are fond of black, and Africans, for obvious reasons. Pride they consider the most execrable vice, and one who acts proudly is chastised with the most ruthless correction. Wherefore no one thinks it lowering to wait at table or to work in the kitchen or fields or clean the toilets. All work they call discipline, and thus they say that it is honorable to go on foot, to do any act of nature, to see with the eye, and to speak with the tongue, and waft with the tail; and when there is need, they distinguish philosophically between tears and spittle. Every man who, when he is told off to work, does his duty, is considered very honorable.
    ellauri223.html on line 72: But in the City of the Sun, while duty and work are distributed among all, it only falls to each one to work for about four hours every day. The remaining hours are spent in learning joyously, in debating, in reading, in reciting, in writing, in walking, in exercising the mind and body, and with play. They allow no game which is played while sitting or lying on top of one another, neither the single die nor dice, nor chess, nor others like these. But they play with the ball, with the sack, with the rod, with the hoop, with wrestling, with scratching matches at the stake. They say, moreover, that grinding poverty renders men worthless, cunning, sulky, thievish, insidious, vagabonds, liars, false witnesses, etc.; and that wealth makes them insolent, proud, ignorant, traitors, assumers of what they know not, deceivers, boasters, wanting in affection, slanderers, etc. But with them all the rich and poor together make up the community. They are rich because they want nothing, poor because they possess nothing. Hey is this communism or what?
    ellauri223.html on line 84: Capt. Their food consists of flesh, butter, honey, cheese, garden herbs, and vegetables of various kinds. They were unwilling at first to slay animals, because it seemed cruel; but thinking afterward that is was also cruel to destroy herbs which have a share of sensitive feeling, they saw that they would perish from hunger unless they did an unjustifiable action for the sake of justifiable ones, and so now they all eat meat. Nevertheless, they do not kill willingly useful animals, such as oxen and horses. They observe the difference between useful and harmful foods, and for this they employ the science of medicine. They always change their food. First they eat flesh, then fish, then afterward they go back to flesh, and nature is never incommoded or weakened. The old people use the more digestible kind of food, and take three meals a day, eating only a little. But the general community eat twice, and the boys four times, that they may satisfy nature. The length of their lives is generally 100 years, but often they reach 200.
    ellauri223.html on line 92: They know also a secret for renovating sex life after about the seventieth year, and for ridding it of the wilted dick affliction, and this they do by a pleasing and indeed wonderful art, using young girls. But let's not go into that right now.
    ellauri223.html on line 157: The novel depicts a mythical island, Bensalem, which is discovered by the crew of a European ship after they are lost in the Pacific Ocean somewhere west of Peru. The minimal plot serves the gradual unfolding of the island, its customs, but most importantly, its state-sponsored scientific institution, Salomon's House, "which house or college ... is the very eye of this kingdom."
    ellauri223.html on line 159: Many aspects of the society and history of the island are described, such as the Christian religion – which is reported to have been born there as a copy of the Bible and a letter from the Apostle Saint Bartholomew arrived there miraculously, a few years after the Ascension of Jesus; a cultural feast in honour of the family institution, called "the Feast of the Family"; a college of sages, the Salomon's House, "the very eye of the kingdom", to which order "God of heaven and earth had vouchsafed the grace to know the works of Creation, and the secrets of them", as well as "to discern between divine miracles, works of nature, works of art, and other impostures and illusions of all sorts"; and a series of instruments, process and methods of scientific research that were employed in the island by the Salomon's House.
    ellauri223.html on line 184: About this time, he again approached his powerful uncle for help; this move was followed by his rapid progress at the bar. Despite his assignations, he was unable to gain the status and notoriety of others. In a plan to revive his position he unsuccessfully courted the wealthy young widow Lady Elizabeth Hatton. His courtship failed after she broke off their relationship upon accepting marriage to Sir Edward Coke, a further spark of enmity between the men. Things went better with Coke than with a BLT.
    ellauri223.html on line 190: At the age of 45, Bacon married Alice Barnham, the 13-year-old daughter of a well-connected London alderman and MP. Bacon wrote two sonnets proclaiming his love for Alice. The first was written during his courtship and the second on his wedding day, 10 May 1606. When Bacon was appointed lord chancellor, "by special Warrant of the King", Lady Bacon was given precedence over all other Court ladies. Bacon's personal secretary and chaplain, William Rawley, wrote in his biography of Bacon that his marriage was one of "much conjugal love and respect", mentioning a robe of honour that he gave to Alice and which "she wore unto her dying day, being twenty years and more after his death".
    ellauri223.html on line 198: Their marriage led to no children. In 1620, she met Mr. Frodo Underhill, and Mr. Nicholas Bacon, gentlemen-in-waiting at York House, Strand, Bacon's London property. She was rumoured to have had an ongoing affair with Underhill. Underhill was a cousin of the Bilbo Underhill who sold New Place to Gandalf Shakespeare in 1597.
    ellauri223.html on line 210: Less than a fortnight after Bacon's death from pneumonia on 9 April 1626, Alice, Lady St Albans, married courtier Frodo Underhill, at the Church of St Martin in the Fields, London, 20 April 1626. Soon after, on 12 July 1626, Charles I of England knighted him at Oatlands. They lived together at Old Gorhambury House, St Albans, Hertfordshire.
    ellauri223.html on line 212: The Viscountess St Albans, as she still preferred to be called, spent much of her marriage in Chancery proceedings, lawsuits over property. The first year was over her former husband's estate, trying to get what was left of Bacon's property, without his much greater debts. She was opposed in this by Sir John Constable, her brother in law, who had held some of the estate in trust. In 1628 she filed suits for property owned by her late father. In 1631, she and her husband both filed suit against Nicholas Bacon, of Gray's Inn, their former friend, who had married Sir John Underhill's niece, and gotten Underhill to sign an agreement for a large dowry and extensive property, including some property of Alice that Sir John did not have rights to, and could only inherit after her death. Their petition to court stated that Bacon had tricked Underhill "who was an almost totally deaf man, and by reason of the weakness of his eyes and the infirmity in his head, could not read writings of that nature without much pain," to sign a paper not knowing what it contained.
    ellauri223.html on line 214: In 1639, Viscountess St Albans and Sir Frodo Underhill became estranged, and began to live separately. In a later lawsuit, after her death, Underhill blamed Robert Tyrrell, or Turrell, their manservant, for this alienation of affections. In her will of 1642, she left half her property to Turrell, and other property to her nephew, Stephen Soames. She was buried in the old Parish Church of Eyworth, Bedfordshire, 9 July 1650, near her mother, and her sister, Lady Dorothy Constable.
    ellauri226.html on line 42: Briteissä on astuttu taas pitkä askel kohti tasa-arvoa: maan 2 suurinta oikeistokonnaa tällä hetkellä ovat nokikeppi Kwasi ja löysätissi Truss. Kwasikafferi saisi työntää tummanruskean heppinsä The Witch kakkoisen vaaleanpunaiseen rautakakkoseen. Dodi! Se on täytetty! Bajstrosa potkasi kwasimaalaisen kaaressa pihalle. Liz Truss uhrasi ministerinsä mustan pinnan, jotta oma nahka pelastuisi, raportoi HS meille vahingossa jaetussa lauantainumerossa.
    ellauri226.html on line 74: Lead singer Love has been a longtime Trump supporter. He sang at one of the president’s inaugural balls in 2017, telling Uncut magazine afterward, “I don’t have anything negative to say about the president of the USA. I love his hair, it is very surfy." “I understand there are so many factions and fractious things going on. The chips will fall where they may,’’ Love said. “But Donald Trump has never been anything but kind to us. We have known him for many a year.’’ Aargh, for the love of Mike!
    ellauri226.html on line 91: Deleddalla oli britti kannustaja pornografisessa D.H.Lawrencessa, josta on jo paasaus albumissa 117. Taavi oli ilmeisesti vielä niin kärmeissään saapasrengeille suuren sodan jäljiltä, ettei sen sielu sietänyt lukea Seraota eikä sitä toista mahtailevaa pikkumiestä, mikäs sen nimi taas olikaan oli, d'Annunzio. Lyön vaikka vetoa että Taavi suunnitteli vetää wiixeen Graziaa käydessään Sardiniassa 5v aikaisemmin, ja Nobel-palkinto oli sen tapa sanoa Deleddalle "Grazie".
    ellauri226.html on line 116: Dave is full of breathless switchbacks. You’re always veering giddily from fleeting exaltations (the joy of motion, the wildness of the landscape, the generosity of a peasant) to tedious exasperations (almost everything else). Luckily he had his wife along, the formidable Frieda (he refers to her as “the Q.B.,” for queen bee - Kuningatar! Eskin valtiatar on sekin vanhemmiten aika formidable), whose shrewd affirmations provided a foil for his grumbling discontents. Lawrence found the city “all bibs and bobs" . . . rather bare, rather stark, much of the city was levelled by Allied bombs, and it has not exactly been lovingly restored. “They pour themselves one over the other,” Lawrence sniffed of the Italians, “like so much melted butter over parsnips.” Lawrence ize preferoi tankeampia kelttijuurikkaita.
    ellauri226.html on line 122: There was a David Herbert Lawrence plaque on the street. Inside the tiny station were two more. It seemed a lot of plaques for a guy who spent one night there. “Blessed is he that expecteth nothing,” he wrote of Sorgono, “for he shall not be disappointed.” More Niente. “A dreary hole!” Lawrence muttered. “A cold, hopeless, lifeless, Saturday afternoon-weary village.” The food was bad. The bedsheets were stained. People cheerfully relieved themselves on the street. What limp parsnips too! “Why are you so indignant?” the Q.B. asked. “It’s all life.”
    ellauri226.html on line 124: We, too, arrived on a Saturday afternoon. There was nowhere to eat and nothing to do, other than lounge by the lifeless station, reading Lawrence’s catalogue of complaints. But then I looked up to find the very “pink-washed building” with the very same name (Risveglio) as the horrible inn in the book. “It can’t be the same one,” I said. “There’s no plaque. Wow, there's a traffic sign, but it's not in English?"
    ellauri226.html on line 142: Why, after all, did he come here?
    ellauri226.html on line 186: Tre månader efter att Andrea fick psykiatrisk vård, omkom hon i en trafikolycka. Hon var då 16 år.
    ellauri226.html on line 189: Nu har hon bestämt sig att tala ut. Anledningen är Per Gunnar Evanders självbiografiska roman "I min ungdom speglade jag mig för ofta".
    ellauri226.html on line 192: af3b7c19cd908d2bcb9.jpg" width="80%"/>
    ellauri226.html on line 197: af8.jpeg?interpolation=lanczos-none&fit=around%7C649:366&crop=649:h;center,top&output-quality=80" width="40%" />
    ellauri226.html on line 251: it was celebrated by its inhabitants. When asked to describe The Bronx of the 1950s and 1960s, every whitey lauded the safety of their neighborhood.
    ellauri226.html on line 255: their safety. His parents even felt so safe in the neighborhood that they
    ellauri226.html on line 267: in the 1950s and 1960s. Mrs. Roby described growing up in “a very, very safe neighborhood." Like Derrick, she goes on and on to speak about playing outside and unlocked doors as evidence of the apparent safety and tranquility of the neighborhood. It was like Moomindale! Ei muumitaloa lukita yöxi hei Muu-u-mi!
    ellauri226.html on line 278: safety of The Bronx in the 1950s and 1960s.
    ellauri226.html on line 281: safety of The Bronx of the 1950s and 1960s began to fade away in the late
    ellauri226.html on line 286: Research has indicated that The Bronx began changing demographically right after World War II. The first influx of black and Hispanic residents was into the South Bronx after World War II, as former residents of Harlem were attracted to The Bronx because of its rent controlled apartments. Many of these blacks and Hispanics moved into neighborhoods following the subway and elevated trains transportation. Pre-cisely! This is just why Grankulla does not want subway nor high-rise apartment housing. Let the cleaners and station attendants sleep i Mattby i stället.
    ellauri226.html on line 289: after many Hispanics and blacks began to move in, crime and drug use swept
    ellauri226.html on line 296: after World War II, the older white residents noticed the changing demographics and packed their bags.
    ellauri226.html on line 310: Before long it was considered unsafe to walk through the park at night to go to Yankee Stadium and Werner (white) was even threatened with a knife by a classmate and mugged on the Grand Concourse. Gun violence even came to the
    ellauri226.html on line 319: This woman, literally two seats afore me,
    ellauri226.html on line 341: and the streets became safe again for inhabitants of color.
    ellauri226.html on line 356: Violence, drug use, and acts of arson occurring on a daily basis in the southern part of the borough and Werner's family feared for her safety.
    ellauri226.html on line 357: Her boyfriend would drive her to her clinic in his car because he was afraid of walking alone in the community.
    ellauri226.html on line 378: that had been considered “safe” in the 1950s and 1960s began to experience rising crime and drug rates. While the fires that plagued the South
    ellauri226.html on line 383: As the 70s progressed, Derrick began to notice changes in crime and safety in
    ellauri226.html on line 443: The 1970s was a rough economic time for the U.S, including the city of New York and The Bronx in particular. The economic problems began early after World War
    ellauri226.html on line 445: lost 500,000 factory jobs, and after 1960 civil service jobs were opened
    ellauri226.html on line 456: influx of poor black and Hispanic residents after World War II, who often
    ellauri226.html on line 457: turned to welfare after businesses left The Bronx or closed causing unemployment. Fucking damn immigrants.
    ellauri226.html on line 489: prime motivating factor for their departure. What they really meant were the fucking 2nd wave immigrants. Brian Werner, Elvira Werner, and Kathleen Roby all moved out of The Bronx during the 1960s and 1970s, and describe crime and the changing neighborhood as the major influence in their decision. My mom herself, she began running red lights because she was afraid of being raped if stopping too long in certain intersections. After her tires were stolen repeatedly while waiting for the traffic lights to change Mrs. Roby moved to Long Island in 1980, where her better-off sister already resided.
    ellauri226.html on line 527: Jacque Smith Bonneau moved to the South Bronx in the mid-1940s as part of the first major migration of African Americans to the borough and, like many of the white residents interviewed, commented on the safety of The Bronx in the 1950s and spoke of leaving the apartment door open on warm days, which created fine opportunities for petty crime for the sootyfaced poorer folks.
    ellauri236.html on line 97: Mr. Bolsonaro is right that Brazil’s voting system is unique. It is the only country in the world to use a fully digital system, with no paper backups. Since Brazil began using electronic voting machines in 1996, there has been no evidence that they have been used for fraud. Instead, the machines helped eliminate the fraud that once afflicted Brazil’s elections in the age of paper ballots.
    ellauri236.html on line 169: Prohibition and the ensuing Great Depression in the US (1929–39) had given rise to the Chicago gangster culture prior to World War II. This, combined with Chase's book trade experience, convinced him that there was a big demand for gangster stories. After reading James M. Cain's novel The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934), and having read about the American gangster Ma Barker and her sons, and with the help of maps and a slang dictionary, he wrote No Orchids for Miss Blandish in his spare time, he claimed over a period of six weekends, though his papers suggest it took longer. The book achieved remarkable notoriety and became one of the best-selling books of the decade. It was the subject of the 1944 essay "Raffles and Miss Blandish" by George Orwell (alla). Chase and Robert Nesbitt adapted it to a stage play of the same name which ran in London's West End to good reviews. The 1948 film adaptation was widely denounced as salacious due to the film's portrayal of violence and sexuality. Robert Aldrich did a remake, The Grissom Gang, in 1971.
    ellauri236.html on line 177: Muziinä se oli oikeassa että fascistiaikoina kuten juuri nyt peukutetaan poliisisarjoja jossa pollarit on rattaita all-powerful valvontaorganisaatiossa. Epäiltyjen elimiä pöyhitään lupaa kysymättä kumikauloina ja naamat liimataan whiteboardille. Valvontakameroista tarkistetaan kuka teki mitä kellekkin ja mihin reikään. Whiteboardille tulee miljoonia nuolia. Siiramaiset karhuryhmät ryntää karjahdellen sisään ovista. "This is a murder investigation" on joku stiiknafuulia, licence to kill jolla pollari pääsee läpi luokkarajoista maxamaan potut pottuina tunkiokukoille. Verenhimon lisäxi luokkaviha on poliisisarjojen tärkein käyttöaine.
    ellauri236.html on line 182: So much for Raffles. Now for a header into the cesspool. No Orchids for Miss Blandish, by James Hadley Chase, was published in 1939, but seems to have enjoyed its greatest popularity in 1940, during the Battle of Britain and the blitz. In its main outlines its story is this:
    ellauri236.html on line 184: Miss Blandish, the daughter of a millionaire, is kidnapped by some gangsters who are almost immediately surprised and killed off by a larger and better organized gang. They hold her to ransom and extract half a million dollars from her father. Their original plan had been to kill her as soon as the ransom-money was received, but a chance keeps her alive. One of the gang is a young man named Slim, whose sole pleasure in life consists in driving knives (well, his prick as well, got to give that much to him) into other people's bellies. In childhood he has graduated by cutting up living animals with a pair of rusty scissors. Slim is sexually impotent, but takes a kind of fancy to Miss Blandish. Slim's mother, who is the real brains of the gang, sees in this the chance of curing Slim's impotence, and decides to keep Miss Blandish in custody till Slim shall have succeeded in raping her. After many efforts and much persuasion, including the flogging of Miss Blandish with a length of rubber hosepipe, the rape is achieved. (Ei se ihan näin mennyt, George!) Meanwhile Miss Blandish's father has hired a private detective, and by means of bribery and torture the detective and the police manage to round up and exterminate the whole gang. Slim escapes with Miss Blandish and is killed after a final juicy rape, and the detective prepares to restore Miss Blandish to her pristine shape. By this time, however, she has developed such a taste for Slim's caresses(3) that she feels unable to live without him, and she jumps, out of the window of a sky-scraper. Footnote 1945. Another reading of the final episode is possible. It may mean merely that Miss Blandish is pregnant, i.e. she is damaged goods. Maybe she is sad that the baby's dad is dead. But the "interpretation" I have given above seems more in keeping with the general brutality of the book.
    ellauri236.html on line 188: I have already outlined the plot, but the subject-matter is much more sordid and brutal than this suggests. The book contains eight full-dress murders, an unassessable number of casual killings and woundings, an exhumation (with a careful reminder of the stench), the flogging of Miss Blandish, the torture of another woman with red-hot cigarette-ends, a strip-tease act, a third-degree scene of unheard-of cruelty and much else of the same kind. It assumes great sexual sophistication in its readers (there is a scene, for instance, in which a gangster, presumably of masochistic tendency, has an orgasm in the moment of being knifed - I can relate to that!), and it takes for granted the most complete corruption and self-seeking as the norm of human behaviour. The detective, for instance, is almost as great a rogue as the gangsters, and actuated by nearly the same motives. Like them, he is in pursuit of ‘five hundred grand’. It is necessary to the machinery of the story that Mr. Blandish should be anxious to get his money back, but apart from this, such things as affection, friendship, good nature or even ordinary politeness simply do not enter. Nor, to any great extent does normal sexuality. Ultimately only one motive is at work throughout the whole story: the pursuit of power. (Well, there is also the pursuit of spaghetti and some twat.)
    ellauri236.html on line 200: The thing that the ordinary reader ought to have objected to — almost certainly would have objected to, a few decades earlier — was the equivocal attitude towards crime. It is implied throughout No Orchids that being a criminal is only reprehensible in the sense that it does not pay. Being a policeman pays better, but there is no moral difference, since the police use essentially criminal methods. In a book like He Won't Need It Now the distinction between crime and crime-prevention practically disappears. This is a new departure for English sensational fiction, in which till recently there has always been a sharp distinction between right and wrong and a general agreement that virtue must triumph in the last chapter. English books glorifying crime (modern crime, that is — pirates and highwaymen are different) are very rare. Even a book like Raffles, as I have pointed out, is governed by powerful taboos, and it is clearly understood that Raffles's crimes must be expiated sooner or later. In America, both in life and fiction, the tendency to tolerate crime, even to admire the criminal so long as he is success, is very much more marked. It is, indeed, ultimately this attitude that has made it possible for crime to flourish upon so huge a scale. Books have been written about Al Capone that are hardly different in tone from the books written about Henry Ford, Stalin, Lord Northcliffe and all the rest of the ‘log cabin to White House’ brigade. And switching back eighty years, one finds Mark Twain adopting much the same attitude towards the disgusting bandit Slade, hero of twenty-eight murders, and towards the Western desperadoes generally. They were successful, they ‘made good’, therefore he admired them.
    ellauri236.html on line 202: In a book like No Orchids one is not, as in the old-style crime story, simply escaping from dull reality into an imaginary world of action. One's escape is essentially into cruelty and sexual perversion. No Orchids is aimed at the power-instinct, which Raffles or the Sherlock Holmes stories are not. At the same time the English attitude towards crime is not so superior to the American as I may have seemed to imply. It too is mixed up with power-worship, and has become more noticeably so in the last twenty years. A writer who is worth examining is Edgar Wallace, especially in such typical books as The Orator and the Mr. J. G. Reeder stories. Wallace was one of the first crime-story writers to break away from the old tradition of the private detective and make his central figure a Scotland Yard official. Sherlock Holmes is an amateur, solving his problems without the help and even, in the earlier stories, against the opposition of the police. Moreover, like Lupin, he is essentially an intellectual, even a scientist. He reasons logically from observed fact, and his intellectuality is constantly contrasted with the routine methods of the police. Wallace objected strongly to this slur, as he considered it, on Scotland Yard, and in several newspaper articles he went out of his way to denounce Holmes by name. His own ideal was the detective-inspector who catches criminals not because he is intellectually brilliant but because he is part of an all-powerful organization. Hence the curious fact that in Wallace's most characteristic stories the ‘clue’ and the ‘deduction’ play no part. The criminal is always defeated by an incredible coincidence, or because in some unexplained manner the police know all about the crime beforehand. The tone of the stories makes it quite clear that Wallace's admiration for the police is pure bully-worship. A Scotland Yard detective is the most powerful kind of being that he can imagine, while the criminal figures in his mind as an outlaw against whom anything is permissible, like the condemned slaves in the Roman arena. His policemen behave much more brutally than British policemen do in real life — they hit people with out provocation, fire revolvers past their ears to terrify them and so on — and some of the stories exhibit a fearful intellectual sadism. (For instance, Wallace likes to arrange things so that the villain is hanged on the same day as the heroine is married.) But it is sadism after the English fashion: that is to say, it is unconscious, there is not overtly any sex in it, and it keeps within the bounds of the law. The British public tolerates a harsh criminal law and gets a kick out of monstrously unfair murder trials: but still that is better, on any account, than tolerating or admiring crime. If one must worship a bully, it is better that he should be a policeman than a gangster. Wallace is still governed to some extent by the concept of ‘not done’. In No Orchids anything is ‘done’ so long as it leads on to power. All the barriers are down, all the motives are out in the open. Chase is a worse symptom than Wallace, to the extent that all-in wrestling is worse than boxing, or Fascism is worse than capitalist democracy.
    ellauri236.html on line 204: In borrowing from William Faulkner's Sanctuary, Chase only took the plot; the mental atmosphere of the two books is not similar. Chase really derives from other sources, and this particular bit of borrowing is only symbolic. What it symbolizes is the vulgarization of ideas which is constantly happening, and which probably happens faster in an age of print. Chase has been described as ‘Faulkner for the masses’, but it would be more accurate to describe him as Carlyle for the masses. He is a popular writer — there are many such in America, but they are still rarities in England — who has caught up with what is now fashionable to call ‘realism’, meaning the doctrine that might is right. The growth of ‘realism’ has been the great feature of the intellectual history of our own age. Why this should be so is a complicated question. The interconnexion between sadism, masochism, success-worship, power-worship, nationalism, and totalitarianism is a huge subject whose edges have barely been scratched, and even to mention it is considered somewhat indelicate. To take merely the first example that comes to mind, I believe no one has ever pointed out the sadistic and masochistic element in Bernard Shaw's work, still less suggested that this probably has some connexion with Shaw's admiration for dictators. Fascism is often loosely equated with sadism, but nearly always by people who see nothing wrong in the most slavish worship of Stalin. The truth is, of course, that the countless English intellectuals who kiss the arse of Stalin are not different from the minority who give their allegiance to Hitler or Mussolini, nor from the efficiency experts who preached ‘punch’, ‘drive’, ‘personality’ and ‘learn to be a Tiger man’ in the nineteen-twenties, nor from that older generation of intellectuals, Carlyle, Creasey and the rest of them, who bowed down before German militarism. All of them are worshipping power and successful cruelty. It is important to notice that the cult of power tends to be mixed up with a love of cruelty and wickedness for their own sakes. A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a bloodstained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough’. This idea colours the outlook of all sympathizers with totalitarianism, and accounts, for instance, for the positive delight with which many English intellectuals greeted the Nazi-Soviet pact. It was a step only doubtfully useful to the U.S.S.R., but it was entirely unmoral, and for that reason to be admired; the explanations of it, which were numerous and self-contradictory, could come afterwards.
    ellauri236.html on line 208: Several people, after reading No Orchids, have remarked to me, ‘It's pure Fascism’. This is a correct description, although the book has not the smallest connexion with politics and very little with social or economic problems. It has merely the same relation to Fascism as, say Trollope's novels have to nineteenth-century capitalism. It is a daydream appropriate to a totalitarian age. In his imagined world of gangsters Chase is presenting, as it were, a distilled version of the modern political scene, in which such things as mass bombing of civilians, the use of hostages, torture to obtain confessions, secret prisons, execution without trial, floggings with rubber truncheons, drownings in cesspools, systematic falsification of records and statistics, treachery, bribery, and quislingism are normal and morally neutral, even admirable when they are done in a large and bold way. The average man is not directly interested in politics, and when he reads, he wants the current struggles of the world to be translated into a simple story about individuals. He can take an interest in Slim and Fenner as he could not in the G.P.U. and the Gestapo. People worship power in the form in which they are able to understand it. A twelve-year-old boy worships Jack Dempsey. An adolescent in a Glasgow slum worships Al Capone. An aspiring pupil at a business college worships Lord Nuffield. A New Statesman reader worships Stalin. There is a difference in intellectual maturity, but none in moral outlook. Thirty years ago the heroes of popular fiction had nothing in common with Mr. Chase's gangsters and detectives, and the idols of the English liberal intelligentsia were also comparatively sympathetic figures. Between Holmes and Fenner on the one hand, and between Abraham Lincoln and Stalin on the other, there is a similar gulf.
    ellauri236.html on line 210: One ought not to infer too much from the success of Mr. Chase's books. It is possible that it is an isolated phenomenon, brought about by the mingled boredom and brutality of war. (LOL) But if such books should definitely acclimatize themselves in England (or Nigeria!), instead of being merely a half-understood import from America, there would be good grounds for dismay. In choosing Raffles as a background for No Orchids I deliberately chose a book which by the standards of its time was morally equivocal. Raffles, as I have pointed out, has no real moral code, no religion, certainly no social consciousness. All he has is a set of reflexes the nervous system, as it were, of a gentleman. Give him a sharp tap on this reflex or that (they are called ‘sport’, ‘pal’, ‘woman’, ‘king and country’ and so forth), and you get a predictable reaction. In Mr. Chase's books there are no gentlemen and no taboos. Emancipation is complete. Freud and Machiavelli have reached the outer suburbs. Comparing the schoolboy atmosphere of the one book with the cruelty and corruption of the other, one is driven to feel that snobbishness, like hypocrisy, is a check upon behaviour whose value from a social point of view has been underrated.
    ellauri236.html on line 376: In New York City, a local goon and gang leader named Riley learns that the wealthy socialist Miss Blandish will be wearing an expensive diamond necklace to her birthday celebration. Riley and his gang plan to steal the necklace and ransom it. The inept criminals manage to kidnap Miss Blandish and her boyfriend, but after the latter is accidentally killed they instead decide to hold Miss Blandish ransom, reasoning that her millionaire father will pay more to get his daughter back safely than the necklace is worth.
    ellauri236.html on line 380: Meanwhile, the police are on the trail of the kidnappers, and Dave Fenner, an ex journalist and now a private investigator, is hired to rescue her and deal with the gangsters. Fenner and the police eventually work out where the young socialist is located and go to the club, where a gun battle ensues. Slim is killed and Miss Blandish is rescued, but unfortunately, after months of fornication and drugs at the hands of the gangsters, Miss Blandish cannot cope with life without Slim (and his Ma!) and kills herself. Damaged goods.
    ellauri236.html on line 382: Upon publication, the book was an instant commercial success, selling over half a million copies within five years, despite wartime pulp shortages (thanx to Finland fighting on the other side). It was also controversial, due to its violence and risqué content. In 1944, it was the subject of an essay by George Orwell in Horizon, Raffles and Miss Blandish, in which Orwell claimed that the novel bordered on the obscene.
    ellauri236.html on line 405: “Are you sure it’s safe to use?” “Yeah. It can stay up all night.” She settled down in the bed. “Can it?” She spoke so softly he scarcely heard what she said, but he did hear. He suddenly grinned. “Well, there’s no law against it, is there? Do you want me to stay?” “Now you’re making me wet,” the girl said and hid her face. “What a question to ask a lady.” "My spaghetti’s going to be world famous in a moment. I promise.”
    ellauri236.html on line 422: “I wish you would do it to me,” she said. “Anything is better than having him grinding hour after hour at my crotch, in and out. I wish you would do it to me…”
    ellauri236.html on line 449: Slim stood at the head of the stairs, listening. He grinned to himself. At last he had shown his power. He had scared them all. From now on, he was going to have his rightful place in the gang. Ma was going to take second place. He looked down the passage at Miss Blandish’s room. It was time he stopped rubbing it on her night after night. He must show her he wasn’t only master of his mother, but master of her too. Dammit, he would stick it right in!
    ellauri236.html on line 473: “Remind me to consult my ouija board sometime,” Fenner said hurriedly. “Why don’t you go home? You’re getting unhealthy ideas sticking around here with nothing to do. Take the afternoon off. Go shampoo your hair or something. It looks a mess.”
    ellauri236.html on line 516: Chase was subject to several court cases during his career. In 1942, his novel Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief (1941), a lurid account of the white slave trade, was banned by the British authorities after the author and his publisher Jarrold were found guilty of an obscene book. Each was fined a hefty £100. Later, the Anglo-American crime author Raymond Chandler proved that Chase had lifted whole sections of his work in Blonde's Requiem (published 1945) forcing Chase to issue an apology in The Bestseller.
    ellauri236.html on line 537: Tää oli siis jonkun M. Cainin kovaxi keitetty 30-luvulta josta pidettiin 80-luvulla uusi meteli koska siitä tehtiin uusi filmatisaatio pääosissa epämiellyttävä Jack Nicholson ja hevoshampainen nainen nimeltä Jessica Lange. En ole nähnyt rainoista kumpaakaan, saati lukenut alkuteosta. Juoni lyhyesti: The sensuous wife of a lunch wagon proprietor and a rootless drifter begin a sordidly steamy affair and conspire to murder her Greek husband (i.e. the said lunch wagon proprietor). This remake of the 1946 movie of the same name accounts an affair between a seedy drifter and a seductive wife of a roadside café owner. This begins a chain of events that culminates in murder. EFK ihan pikku pussissa.
    ellauri238.html on line 46: affo_godward-U102025288635133KD-U10202545832695xeH-599x340@LaStampa-NAZIONALE.jpg?w=1280" width="40%" />
    ellauri238.html on line 194: Mutta kekä oli Armo Hormia? Armo Lahja Hormia (31. tammikuuta 1928 Juuka – 11. lokakuuta 1988 Mikkelin mlk) oli suomalainen psykiatri, kirjailija, runoilija, kirjankustantaja ja ties mikä turkulainen kulttuurivaikuttaja. Hän käytti nimimerkkiä Lahja Kömi. Meillä oli vuosikymmenet erään Lahja nimisen käpyläläisen spugen puinen vessankansi, joka hiomisen jälkeenkin tuoxahti vienosti kuselle. Hormioista on mainintoja villapuseroiselta Pentti Kutoselta sekä nyhveröltä Rafu Koskimieheltä toisaalla.
    ellauri238.html on line 433: Die Else Lasker-Schüler-Gesellschaft e.V. ist ebenso ungewöhnlich wie Else Lasker-Schüler, unsere Namensgeberin mit dem gläsernen Herzen und den vielen Identitäten, in die sie sich poetisch hineinträumte: Sie war:
    ellauri238.html on line 438: Den Spuren dieser Maler*inpoet*in folgt das nach ihr benannte Literaturgeschäft, die Erinnerung an Leben und Werk dieser Ausnahmekünstler*in und Poet*in lebendig erhält. Nach ihrem Vorbild haben wir ein Netzladen aus Autor*innen, Künstler*innen, Literaturwissenschaftler*innen und –liebhaber*innen gewoben.
    ellauri238.html on line 447: Der/die 81-jährige Hajoo Hahn war Redakteur*in beim WDR in Wuppertal. Vor drei Jahrzehnten gründete er/sie die Else-Lasker*in-Schüler*in-Gesellschaft. Die Dichter*in wurde sein/ihr Lebensmittel-punkt.
    ellauri238.html on line 449: Grundlage sind viele Gespräche mit Zeitzeug*innen, die die Maler*inpoet*in noch persönlich gekannt haben. Dies ist keine wissenschaftliche Arbeit, sondern ein tolles Blätterbuch über eine ungewöhnliche Künstler*in. Die Elberfelder*in wird ebenso gezeigt wie die Berliner*in, die Dichter*in wie die Zeichner*in, die Performer*in wie die Netzverlkaufer*in, die Jüd*in wie die Araber*in. In der Synagoge isst sie genüsslich eine mitgebrachte Schokolade. Hey Mr/MsYliopiston älykkäimpiä miehiä.
    ellauri238.html on line 459: Zur Welt kam Elisabeth, die Else genannt wurde, in der Elberfelder Herzogstraße 29. Sie wurde zu Else Lasker-Schüler, die Dichter*in, die ihre Welt aus dem Tal der Wupper und den Sprachwelten des Talmuds in Gedichten, in Prosa und Theaterstücken einfing. Eine deutsche Poet*in, die Deutschland und uns Kerndeutschen nah sein müsste, ist ihr Leben und Werk doch so tief von der Geschichte durchzogen, welche die unsrige ist. Meist wird sie als deutsch-jüdische Dichter*in wahrgenommen, aber dies marginalisiert und führt aus dem künstlerischen Erfahren und Lesen fort. Ihre Poet*innensprache war deutsch und damit hat sie das Sprachland Deutschland in eine dichte Höhle geführt, wie wenige vor ihr und nicht viele nach ihr. Und auch diejenigen, die wie sie einen eigenen Dichterkosmos hatten und haben, wie Rose Ausländer, Paul Celan, Nelly Sachs, Hilde Domin, Hertha Kräftner sowie Gottfried Benn, Rainer Maria Rilke, Peter Huchel, Reiner Kunze oder (aus Rumänien) Herta Müller, Rolf Bossert und Richard Wagner sollten werkimmanent und literaturästhetisch wahrgenommen und nicht in Bindestrich-Kästchen – weder religiös noch regional – segmentiert werden. Deutschland, Deutschland ist das Dach für alle, Deutschland Deutschland über alles, die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit.
    ellauri238.html on line 461: Bert Brecht wird zuweilen vorgeworfen, er habe die Frauen, seine zahllosen Liebschaften, ausgenutzt, quasi benutzt, um daraus Themen und Sinnlichkeiten für seine Texte zu beziehen. Else Lasker-Schüler war (auch) immer verliebt und hat sicherlich mehr und bessere erotische Gedichte geschrieben als der Mann aus Augsburg. Die überwiegend einseitige Liebesgeschichte zu Gottfried Benn hat schöne Verse hervorgebracht, die mehr ihr als ihm ein Denkmal setzen.
    ellauri238.html on line 509: Geh ins Café um Magenbitter Autojen keskeltä raflaan.
    ellauri238.html on line 732: "My cup runneth over!" is screamed as an expression of ecstasy by the fictional character William Bedford Diego in the 1999 video game System Shock 2, while in World of Warcraft, fictional character Blood Prince Valanar uses the phrase during the "Blood Prince Council" encounter. Also Pandaren Brewmaster from Dota 2 uses it. "Your cup runneth over!" is also an achievement or trophy in Devil May Cry 4. In an easter egg in Day of the Tentacle there is a Victorian photograph resembling the character Max from Sam & Max Hit the Road with the caption "The late Max Attucks, his petard runneth over." In the MOBA Smite, it is the name of a Match of the Day where teams begin the match at max level with 12,000 gold. The quote is also quoted by one of the symbiotic demons in Call of Duty: Vanguard´s zombies mode.
    ellauri238.html on line 748: Lerppu käänti jonkun verran Herberttiä englannista. Ei se muistanut sen etunimestäkään kuin 2 ekaa kirjainta. Tyhmä Pena on maalta kotoisin ja luulee että Zbigniew on Herbertin sukunimi. Sen miällestä Herbertin runot olivat kivoja, salamielisiä, vaikka ne ovat tosiasiassa ääreist puisevia. Penalla on Jeesuxen darratuskat perjantaina kun raflat ovat kiinni 3 päivää pääsiäisenä. Puolalaista poliittista satiiria, haha. Puolalainen käänsi paperia. Toisellakin puolella luki: puolalaiset ovat tyhmiä. Käännä. Puolalainen käänsi paperia.
    ellauri238.html on line 912: handicrafts long gone from the world käsitöistä jotka katosivat aikaa sitten maailmasta
    ellauri238.html on line 929: (Every now and then someone says, even after forty (Aina joskus joku sanoo, vaikka on jo mennyt 40
    ellauri240.html on line 105: Bullshit artist David B. Miller designed Krueger's disfigured face based on photographs of burn victims obtained from the UCLA Medical Center. The film was inspired by several newspaper articles printed in the Los Angeles Times in the 1970s about Hmong refugees, who, after fleeing to the United States because of U.S. war and genocide in Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam, suffered disturbing nightmares and refused to sleep. Some of the men died in their sleep soon after. Medical authorities called the phenomenon Asian Death Syndrome.
    ellauri240.html on line 107: Many Hmong refugees settled in the United States after the Vietnam War. Beginning in December 1975, the first Hmong refugees arrived in the U.S., mainly from refugee camps in Thailand; however, only 3,466 were granted asylum at that time under the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act of 1975. In May 1976, another 11,000 were allowed to enter the United States, and by 1978 some 30,000 Hmong people had immigrated. This first wave was made up predominantly of men directly associated with General Vang Pao's secret army. The Hmong allied with the French against the Communists during the whole Indochina War and with the Americans during the whole Vietnam War, hoping to resist communist Viêt Minh control. So here was the thanx for their efforts.
    ellauri240.html on line 124: Vang Pao has been widely portrayed by his Hmong supporters and the US media as an American war hero and venerated leader of the Hmong people. The former CIA chief William Colby once called him "the biggest hero of the Vietnam war". He came very close to having a park in Madison City, Wisconsin, named after him in 2002. But McCoy objected to the honouring of a man who had ordered the summary executions of prisoners and soldiers who crossed him, and accused Vang Pao of war crimes and heroin-trafficking. Five years later, Vang Pao's name was removed from a new school in Madison after opponents said it should not bear the name of a man with such a blood-stained history.
    ellauri240.html on line 129: Even after his indictment, he appeared as the guest of honor at Hmong New Year celebrations in St. Paul and Fresno, where crowds of his supporters gathered to catch a glimpse of the highly decorated general as he arrived in a limousine.
    ellauri240.html on line 138: January 6, 2011. China's stealth jet is no cause for alarm: US. The day after a Chinese newspaper published photos of what is supposedly a prototype of China's first stealth jet, US officials said they are not worried about the development.
    ellauri240.html on line 147: The prototype jet pictured in the leaked photos, known as a J-20, is notable because, like the US F-22, it would be undetectable by radar and antiaircraft defenses. The F-22 is currently the world’s only operational next-generation stealth fighter jet.
    ellauri240.html on line 152: Chengdu J-20 on suuren AVIC-teollisuuskonsernin tytäryhtiö Chengdu CAIC:n (Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corp.) tuote. Amerikkalaislähteiden mukaan häivehävittäjä J-20:n suunnittelussa on käytetty hyväksi Yhdysvalloista vuonna 2007 varastettuja häivehävittäjä F-35:n suunnitteluaineistoja.
    ellauri240.html on line 155: 2.8.2022 According to international affairs magazine National Interest, the J-20 jet is considered to be "potentially less maneuverable" than an F-22 due to its larger size. The F-22 is also potentially able to sustain quicker speeds for a longer period of time, according to the magazine.
    ellauri240.html on line 217: After she died, George wrote his own book called The Girl from "Peyton Place." The book offers a husband's view of how Metalious was exploited after the publication of the book, but also of how she was responsible for bringing unhappiness to herself and to others. A whole series of other "Peyton Place" books were produced after Grace Metalious's death, with titles like The Evils of Peyton Place and Temptations of Peyton Place. None of these were a commercial success.
    ellauri240.html on line 305: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (s. 15. syyskuuta 1977 Enugu) on nigerialainen kirjailija. Hänen läpimurtoteoksensa oli vuonna 2006 ilmestynyt Biafran sodasta kertova romaani Puolikas keltaista aurinkoa (2006). Adichien teoksia on käännetty yli 30 kielelle.
    ellauri240.html on line 307: Adichie varttui Nigeriassa Nsukkan yliopistokaupungissa keskiluokkaisessa perheessä viidentenä kuudesta lapsesta. Hänen isänsä James Nwoye Adichie oli matematiikan professori yliopistossa ja äiti Grace Ifeoma Adichie "työskenteli yliopistossa hallinnollisissa tehtävissä". Etniseltä alkuperältään Adichie on igbo. Sen kansallislaulu on siis Finlandia, ja sen porukat koittivat Biafran sodassa epäonnistuneesti lähteä Nigerian liittovaltiosta Nigerin suiston öljyvarat kainalossa.
    ellauri240.html on line 369:

    Mitenköhän nuo afrikan kokemukset naisen asemasta tänne tasa-arvon mallimaahan mitään uutta tuovat. Tahallaanko ärsytetään?
    ellauri241.html on line 47: Fanny's flirtatious personality contrasts with Keats' notably more aloof nature. She begins to pursue him after her siblings Samuel and Toots obtain his book of poetry, "Endymion". Her efforts to interact with the poet are fruitless until he witnesses her grief for the loss of his brother, Tom. Keats begins to open up to her advances while spending Christmas with the Brawne family. He begins giving her poetry lessons, and it becomes apparent that their attraction is mutual. Fanny is nevertheless troubled by his reluctance to pursue her, on which her mother (Kerry Fox) surmises, "Mr. Keats knows he cannot like you, he has no living and no income."
    ellauri241.html on line 49: It is only after Fanny receives a valentine from Brown that Keats passionately confronts them and asks if they are lovers. Brown sent the valentine in jest, but warns Keats that Fanny is a mere flirt playing a game. Fanny is hurt by Brown's accusations and Keats' lack of faith in her; she ends their lessons and leaves. The Dilkes move to Westminster in the spring, leaving the Brawne family their half of the house and six months rent. Fanny and Keats then resume their interaction and fall deeply (ca. 6 inches) in love. The relationship comes to an abrupt end when Brown departs with Keats for his summer holiday, where Keats may earn some money. Fanny is heartbroken, though she is comforted by Keats' love letters. When the men return in the autumn, Fanny's mother voices her concern that Fanny's attachment to the poet will hinder her from being courted. Fanny and Keats secretly become engaged.
    ellauri241.html on line 155: Deaf to his throbbing throat's long, long melodious moan. Kuurona hänen sykkivän kurkkunsa pitkälle melodiselle voihkeelle.
    ellauri241.html on line 181: To keep it unaffronted, unassailed jotta se pysyisi loukkaamattomana,
    ellauri241.html on line 243: Of all her sapphires, greens, and amethyst, kaikista safiireistaan, vihreistään ja ametisteistaan,
    ellauri241.html on line 266: pWhile her robes flaunted with the daffodils. Samaan aikaan kun hänen kaapunsa leijui narsissien kanssa.
    ellauri241.html on line 339: And still the cup was full, while he afraid ja silti kuppi oli täynnä, samalla kun hän pelkäsi,
    ellauri241.html on line 380: Put her new lips to his, and gave afresh laittoi uudet huulensa hänen huulilleen ja antoi uudeksi
    ellauri241.html on line 388: As those who, safe together met alone kuin ne, jotka turvassa yhdessä kohtasivat yksin
    ellauri241.html on line 484: For truth´s sake, what woe afterwards befel, totuuden vuoksi, mitä kurjaa myöhemmin tapahtui:
    ellauri241.html on line 512: Betwixt two marble shafts: there they reposed, kahden marmorivarren välissä: siellä he lepäsivät,
    ellauri241.html on line 517: Deafening the swallow´s twitter, came a thrill Pääskysen twitterin vaientaen, kuului
    ellauri241.html on line 552: Let my foes choke, and my friends shout afar, Anna viholliseni tukehtua ja ystäväni huutaa kaukaa,
    ellauri241.html on line 652: As though some knotty problem, that had daft Ikään kuin jokin visainen ongelma, joka oli sotkenut
    ellauri241.html on line 926: Koko neliosainen runoelma valmistui kuluvan vuoden alussa. Itse runoelmaa ei ole vielä ”virallisesti” julkaistu. Tämä FiloCafe -ilta on omistettu neliosaisen suomennoksen ENDYMION JOHN KEATSIN MUKAAN julkistamiselle. 
    ellauri241.html on line 996: And, after lifting up her aged hands,

    ellauri241.html on line 1077: Came blushing, waning, willing, and afraid,

    ellauri241.html on line 1186: LOL! it is Adonis, safe in the privacy of this mancave.

    ellauri241.html on line 1238: Suggestion: brush your teeth afore you kiss!

    ellauri241.html on line 1268: Do your damnedest to affright that limp lethargy!

    ellauri241.html on line 1515: I went after her, and lo & behold,

    ellauri241.html on line 1606: Thy venom'd goblet will we quaff until

    ellauri241.html on line 1639: The Maiden reappears to the shepherd-prince as he returns to earth. Endymion is overcome with relief and joy and says that he has wasted too long searching for nothing but a dream and wants to start a life with the Maiden. She tells him that they cannot be together because he is forbidden to her. They wander through the forest and are quiet and somber until Endymion sees his sister Peona in the distance. They rush together and embrace. Peona implores Endymion to "weep not so" and "sigh no more" for the Indian Maiden can be his queen of Latmos. Endymion responds that "a hermit young, [he will] live in mossy cave" but Peona can visit him regularly. The resigned shepherd-prince leaves behind a confused Peona and Maiden and visits the altar of Diana to "bid adieu / To her for the last time." Peona and the Indian Maiden arrive. Endymion watches in stunned disbelief as the Indian Maiden transforms into his beloved Diana. It is revealed that Cynthia, Diana, and the Indian Maiden are the same woman. Actually Peona too! For all practical purposes, all women are the same: one hole up front and two more in the pants. Endymion swoons and after "three swiftest kisses" they vanish together leaving Peona who walks home in wonderment.
    ellauri242.html on line 95: Blandt Oehlenschlägers øvrige værker kan nævnes en række kærlighedstragedier: Hakon Jarl hin Rige (1807), Axel og Valborg (1810), Hugo von Rheinberg (1813) og Hagbarth og Signe (1815). I disse bearbejder Oehlenschläger sagnmateriale i sin beskrivelse af den sande kærlighed, der på forskellig vis er under beskydning. De kvindelige heltinder er trofaste over for deres elskede, men kommer ofte i klemme i forhold til virkeligheden. Jaa-a, dä ä dä!
    ellauri242.html on line 107: Axel og Valborg er en tragedie i fem akter af Adam Oehlenschläger fra 1810 (skrevet under hans ophold i Paris i 1808) med musik af Carl Braun.
    ellauri242.html on line 109: Efter at have gjort tjeneste som ridder i Tyskland vender Axel tilbage til hoffet i Nidaros, hvor han vil fri til sin elskede Valborg og blive væbner for kongen. Imidlertid begærer kongen selv Valborg, og desuden går kirken imod en forbindelse mellem Axel og Valborg, da de er nære beslægtede (søskende). Imidlertid har Axel et pavebrev, der tilsyneladende rydder problemerne af vejen, og der sættes gang i forberedelserne af brylluppet. Under selve vielsen sår munken Knud tvivl om pavebrevets gyldighed, og parret skilles uden stor patos, inden Valborg tvinges i kloster. Det lykkes Axel og Valborg at flygte, men Axel må gå i kamp for kongen, og i denne såres han dødeligt, hvorpå Valborgs hjerte brister, da hun sidder med Axels døde krop.
    ellauri243.html on line 82: Inglourious Basterds (absichtliche Falschschreibung für englisch Inglorious Bastards, etwa: „Unrühmliche Mistkerle“) ist ein am 20. August 2009 erschienener US-amerikanisch-deutscher, kontrafaktischer Kriegsfilm von Quentin Tarantino. Der Film war sein finanziell größter Erfolg bis zum Erscheinen von Django Unchained im Jahr 2012.
    ellauri243.html on line 88: Elokuva oli kaupallinen menestys ja se tuotti 321 miljoonaa dollaria lipputuloja maailmanlaajuisesti. Se sai monia palkintoja ja ehdokkuuksia mukaan lukien kahdeksan Oscar-ehdokkuutta muun muassa parhaasta elokuvasta, ohjauksesta ja alkuperäisestä käsikirjoituksesta. Waltz voitti Hans Landan roolistaan parhaan miespääosan palkinnon Cannesin elokuvajuhlilla, sekä parhaan miessivuosan Oscar-, Bafta-, SAG- ja Golden Globe -palkinnot.
    ellauri243.html on line 113: Kun Kyle oli kamppaillut siirtyäkseen siviilielämään perheensä kanssa, hän työskenteli löytääkseen elämälleen tarkoituksen: hän perusti oman yrityksen, Craft Internationalin, turvayrityksen, joka kouluttaa ampumaan pahaa-aavistamattomia naisia ja muita vihulaisia.
    ellauri243.html on line 149: Battle Mountain emerged from the horrific tragedy of the American Holocaust to become the center of American air-breathing strategic combat operations. All of America's surviving heavy bombers, intelligence-gathering planes, and airborne command posts wre relocated to Battle Mountain, and a fleet of long-range unmanned combat aircraft began to grow there. The base even a staging area for America's fleet of manned and unmanned spaceplanes-aircraft that could take off became and land like conventional aircraft but boost themselves into low Earth orbit.
    ellauri243.html on line 154: Newly elected president Kenneth Phoenix, Arizona, politically exhausted from a bruising and divisive election that saw yet another president being chosen in effect by the U.S. Supreme Court, ordered a series of massive tax cuts as well as cuts in all government services. Such government cuts had not been seen since the Thomas Thorn administration: entire cabinet-level departments, such as education, commerce, transportation, energy, and veterans affairs, were consolidated with other departments or closed outright; all entitlement-program outlays were cut in half or defunded completely; American military units and even entire bases around the world disappeared virtually overnight. Despite howls of protest from both the political left and right, Congress had no choice but to agree to the severe right-centrist austerity measures.
    ellauri243.html on line 159: Thomas Torquemada Thorn (born Thomas A. Lockyear, II; 2 August 1964) is an American musician. Born in Madison, Wisconsin, he is best known as co-founder of, and lead vocalist for, the industrial metal band The Electric Hellfire Club. Joint Air Base Battle Mountain was not spared. Every aircraft at the once-bustling base was in "hangar queen" status - available only as spare parts for cars. Most planes placed in "flyable storage" were not even mothballed, but just hoisted up on clothes hangers.
    ellauri243.html on line 171: 1. Anaconda 2. Baloney pony 3. Birdie 4. Bobby 5. Boonga 6. Cack 7. Choad 8. Choda 9. Chode 10. Chopper 11. Cock 12. Crank 13. Custard launcher 14. Dick 15. Dicklet 16. Diddly 17. Dingaling 18. Ding-a-ling 19. Ding-dong 20. Dinger 21. Dingle 22. Dingus 23. Dingy 24. Dink 25. Dinkle 26. Dipstick 27. Dirk 28. Disco stick 29. Dog bone 30. Dong 31. Donger 32. Donkey Kong 33. Doodle 34. Dork 35. Down 36. Fire hose 37. Fuckpole 38. Gherkin 39. Hairy canary 40. Hammer 41. Hot rod 42. Hooter 43. Jade stalk 44. Jamoke 45. Jigger 46. Jimmy 47. Jock 48. Johnson 49. John Thomas 50. Joystick 51. Kielbasa 52. Knob 53. Lad 54. Langer 55. Lingam 56. Love muscle 57. Love stick 58. Love truncheon 59. Machine 60. Master John Goodfellow 61. Male member 62. Manhood 63. Maypole 64. Meat 65. Meat puppet 66. Meat rod 67. Meatstick 68. Meat stick 69. Member 70. Membrum virile 71. Nature’s scythe 72. Old chap 73. One-eyed trouser snake 74. Organ 75. Package 76. Pecker 77. Peen 78. Pee-pee 79. Pee-wee 80. Pego 81. Penis 82. Peter 83. Phallus 84. Pickle 85. Piece 86. Pike 87. Pingas 88. Pink cigar 89. Pintle 90. Pipe 91. Pisser 92. Pizzle 93. Plonker 94. Pork sword 95. Prick 96. Pud 97. Putz 98. P-word 99. Python 100. Ramrod 101. Rape tool 102. Rod 103. Root 104. Rutter 105. Salami 106. Sausage 107. Schlong 108. Schmuck 109. Sex tool 110. Shaft 111. Shlong 112. Shmekl 113. Skin flute 114. Snake 115. Snausage 116. Spitstick 117. Stretcher 118. Swipe 119. Tadger 120. Tagger 121. Tail 122. Tallywacker 123. Tarse 124. Thing 125. Thingy 126. Third leg 127. Todger 128. Tool 129. Trouser monkey 130. Trouser snake 131. Truncheon 132. Tube steak 133. Unit 134. Virile member 135. Wang 136. Weapon 137. Wee-wee 138. Weenie 139. Weeny 140. Whang 141. Wick 142. Widgie 143. Widdler 144. Wiener 145. Willie 146. Willy 147. Wingwang 148. Winkle 149. Winky 150. Yard 151. Ying-yang 152. January Nelson.
    ellauri243.html on line 177: 1. Addressing the court 2. BJ 3. Bagpiping 4. Basket lunch 5. Beej 6. Blowie 7. Blowing the love whistle 8. Bobbing for apples 9. Bone-lipping 10. Buccal onanism 11. Brentwood hello 12. Charming the snake 13. Climbing the corporate ladder 14. Cock-gobbling 15. Copping a doodle 16. Courting the gay vote 17. Drinking a slurpee 18. Dropping on it 19. Earning your keep 20. Essin’ the dee 21. Face-frosting 22. Fellatio 23. Fluting 24. French abortion 25. Gator mouth 26. Getting a facial 27. Getting a lewinsky 28. Getting a throat culture 29. Getting to the cream filling 30. Giving cone 31. Giving face 32. Giving head 33. Gobbling pork 34. Going down 35. Gumming the root 36. Punching 37. Giving Big Jim and the twins a bath 38. Giving brain 39. Giving head 40. Gum-rooting 41. Gumming the green bean 42. Head job 43. Honkin’ bobo 44. Huffing bone 45. Hummer 46. Interrogating the prisoner 47. Kneeling at the altar 48. Knob job 49. Larking 50. Laying some lip 51. Licking the lollipop 52. Making mouth music 53. Making the blind see 54. Meeting with Mr. One-Eye 55. Mouth-fucking 56. Mouth-holstering the nightstick 57. Mouth-milking 58. Mouth-to-junk resuscitation 59. Opening wide for Dr. Chunky 60. Oral sodomy 61. Peeling the banana 62. Penilingus 63. Piston job 64. Playing pan’s pipes 65. Playing the pink oboe 66. Playing the skin flute 67. Pole-smoking 68. Polishing the trailer hitch 69. Pricknicking 70. Protein milkshake 71. Receiving holy communion 72. Respecting your superiors 73. Sampling the sausage 74. Scooby-snacking 75. Secretarial duties 76. Singing to the choir 77. Skull-buggery 78. Skull-fucking 79. Slobbin’ the knob 80. Smiling at Mr. Winky 81. Smoking the pink pipe 82. Smoking pole 83. Southern France 84. Speaking into the bonophone 85. Speaking low genitals 86. Spit-shining a baseball bat 87. Spraying the tonsils 88. Sucking off 89. Sucky-ducky 90. Suck-starting the Harley 91. Swallowing the baloney pony 92. Sword-wwallowing 93. Taking one’s temp with a meat thermometer 94. Talking into the mic 95. Telling it to the judge 96. Waxing the carrot 97. Worshiping at the altar 98. Wringing it dry 99. Yaffling the yogurt cannon 100. Zipper dinner
    ellauri243.html on line 188: 1. Barking at the ape 2. Box lunch at the ‘Y’ 3. Breakfast in bed 4. Brushing one’s teeth 5. Carpet-munching 6. Chewing the she-Fat 7. Clam-jousting 8. Clam-lapping 9. Cleaning the fish tank 10. Connie lingus 11. Contacting the aliens 12. Conversing with moses 13. Devil’s kiss 14. Dinner beneath the bridge 15. Doing it the French way 16. Donning the Beard 17. Drinking from the furry cup 18. Eating at the ‘Y’ 19. Eating fur pie 20. Eating out 21. Eating the peach 22. Eating squirrel 23. Eating sushi from the barbershop floor 24. Eating tinned mussels 25. Egg mcmuff 26. Face-fucking 27. Facing the nation 28. Fanny-noshing 29. Fence-painting 30. French-kissing Mr. Lincoln 31. Fuzz sandwich 32. Giving face 33. Gnawing on roast beef 34. Going downstairs for breakfast 35. Going south 36. Gomorrahry 37. Gorilla in the washing machine 38. Growling at the badger 39. Gumming the monster 40. Husband’s supper 41. Kissing between the hips 42. Kissing the wookie 43. Lady braille 44. Lady Semaphore 45. Larking 46. Lapping the gap 47. Lapping the lint trap 48. Lick-a-chick 49. Lickety-slit 50. Licking anchovy 51. Lip service 52. Lip-synching to the fish-fueled jukebox 53. Low-calorie snacking 54. Making mouth music 55. Medicating the hairy paper cut 56. Mopping the vulva 57. Mustache-riding 58. Muff-diving 59. Mumbling in the moss 60. Munching the bearded clam 61. One-man band 62. Oyster-gargling 63. Parting the fuzz 64. Pastrami sandwich 65. Pearl-diving 66. Placating the beaver 67. Playing in the sandbox 68. Playing the hair harmonica 69. Prawn breath 70. Pruning the orchid 71. Pug-noshing 72. Pussy-nibbling 73. Seafood dinner 74. Sipping at the fizzy cup 75. Sitting on a face 76. Slurping at the furry coconut 77. Smoking the fur 78. Sneezing in the basket 79. Spa time For Lady Boner 80. Speaking in tongues 81. Spraying the crops 82. Tackling the Brazilian 83. Talking to the canoe driver 84. Talking to lassie 85. Telephoning the stomach 86. Testing the echo in the love cave 87. Testing the waters 88. Tipping the velvet 89. Tongue-fucking 90. Tonguing the bean 91. Trimming the hedges 92. Velvet buzzsaw 93. Wearing the feed bag 94. Wearing the Sticky Beard 95. Whispering into the wet ear 96. Whispering to Venus 97. Whistling in the dark 98. Worshiping at the altar 99. Yaffling 100. Yodeling in the canyon 101. January Nelson
    ellauri243.html on line 200: af/DC_Capitol_Storming_IMG_7942.jpg/1600px-DC_Capitol_Storming_IMG_7942.jpg?20210109030603" width="100%" />
    ellauri243.html on line 247: months after that. But by the following year, they’d both moved on. Now,
    ellauri243.html on line 298: love. However, after 13 long years of marriage, the couple opted for a
    ellauri243.html on line 335: Tish Cyrus. by Lauren Garafano.... So, without further ado, let's take a
    ellauri243.html on line 499: His first novel was Flight of the Old Dog and it launched his career. The plot of the book surrounds the mission of Gen. Bradley Elliot. He is testing a unique old bomber and the mission occurs to him to destroy a soviet weapon on site in Soviet Union before it is deployed. The aircraft is called Old Dog and it has to get the team to safety.
    ellauri243.html on line 542: Tämmönen Bob Stearns kuoli hiljattain. Robert "Bob" H. Stearns, Columbia, SC * December 9, 1936 + January 5, 2023. Tämä Bob kyllä piti lentokoneista. He had a lifelong love affair with airplanes and flying, owned a half dozen aircraft and enjoyed meeting up with his flying buddies, meticulously restoring vintage aircraft and going to fly-ins. His health eventually clipped his wings, and after that he turned his attention to volunteering at Riverbanks Zoo and nurturing a latent talent for painting, which was discovered after Bob and Marge moved to Stilled Hopes.
    ellauri243.html on line 552: Bob’s book which is titled” Perhaps a Man Can Change the Stars” is the basis for today’s program. He is a sought after Inspirational Speaker, having spoken in eight countries. He just launched a Nationwide Speaking Tour to share the messages from his book with as many people as he can.
    ellauri243.html on line 617: Mahoney wrote The Longevity Strategy: How to Live to 100 Using the Brain-Body Connection with Richard Restak, M.D. Foreword by William Safire (!). Mahoney died at 77 on May 1, 2000 at his home in Palm Beach, Florida, of heart failure. So much for longevity. Dave´s brain just disconnected from his body.
    ellauri243.html on line 624: Because where success is concerned, a great plan is essential--but so is making smart course corrections. That´s why pilots are taught the 1 in 60 rule, which states that after 60 miles a one degree error in heading will result in straying off course by one mile. Never mind the math, it´s quite complicated. The point is, the farther you go, the more off course you end up.
    ellauri243.html on line 719: Disraeli was born in Bloomsbury, then a part of Middlesex. His father left Judaism after a dispute at his synagogue; Benjamin became an Anglican at the age of 12.
    ellauri243.html on line 724: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, the Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition.
    ellauri243.html on line 736: Job Thornberry comes into the story with the Anti-Corn-Law League, representing the remarkable change in English politics from the time before Napoleonic wars when the 10% richest guys were local landowners to after the wars when the merchants and industrialists had become the nobs (am. head honchos). This change of mens of production necessitated the passage of Reform Bills that favored Millian laissez-faire by the Conservative Derby-Disraeli ministries. Job Thornberry may be Richard Cobden; for he certainly has much of Cobden´s subject in him. The energetic and capable minister Lord Roehampton is taken to be Lord Palmerston, and Count Ferrol is perhaps Bismarck. Neuchatel, the great banker, is the historical Rothschild; Cardinal Henry Edward Manning figures as the tendentious papist Nigel Penruddock.
    ellauri244.html on line 96: Siro-Harrin megaflopissa 2 kaupunkia on takakannen mukaan kyse "moraalista, uskollisuudesta, rakkaudesta, sankaruudesta, valintojen vaatimuxista ja hinnasta." Siitä puhe mistä puute. Olikohan heslinkiläisellä taivaanrannan maalarilla loppupeleissä pulaa jopa hinnasta.
    ellauri244.html on line 139: afe1-2355f092066e" width="30%" />
    ellauri244.html on line 397: att skaffa nya, korta onämnbara, grå,
    ellauri244.html on line 435: Mia Faye is a romance addict who lives for the joy of entertaining her readers with her novels. She loves to hear from you via social media or via mail: miafayebooks@gmail.com ... "On His Desk" from bestselling author Mia Faye is a stand-alone second chance romance, between enemies who become lovers, with a baby surprise and a guaranteed HEA ...
    ellauri244.html on line 439: Faye Madden's novels are sweet and wholesome, and through her richly crafted characters she explores all the heartache, pain, yet ultimately joyous happiness love brings, however that journey may unfold. Many of her novels explore this through the prism of a second chance romance, whilst others focus on love lost and found, or in unrequited love.
    ellauri244.html on line 459: Tänään Peter Graystone enjoys Elton John's musical about a televangelist. THE musical Tammy Faye is remarkably sympathetic to the Christian faith of the American evangelist whose television channel, Praise the Lord, rose and fell equally spectacularly in the 1980s. It is very much less sympathetic to her husband, Jim Bakker, whose affairs with women ...
    ellauri244.html on line 461: Author: Jessica Hines | Posted in Critical Essays: Few witches in literary history have been as influential—or as maligned—as Morgan le Fay. By turns either the healer-ruler of the mystical island of Avalon or the arch-villainess of Arthurian legend, for more than nine hundred years Morgan has shaped popular perceptions of witchcraft.
    ellauri244.html on line 525: toiseksi normaalit väljähtyneet ihmiset, kuten isä ja äiti tai Sannan vanhemmat tai Sanna itsekin tai Jaanan vanhemmat tai melkein kenen tahansa vanhemmat ja yleensäkin miltei joka helvetin idiootti tällä pallolla, jotka tietoisesti tahtovat naimisiin ja teennäiseen onneen, jotka pakottavat itsensä rakastumaan kun aika on ja joku suostuu, jotka eivät ymmärrä metafysiikkaa ja mielettömyyttä, kuinka mukava on maata metron raiteilla, ovat muka yksiavioisia ja jotka vanhemmiten joko tiedostamatta tai avoimesti katuvat ja sortuvat keski-iän kriiseihin kun vaimon naamataulu on rypistynyt kuin Henry Millerin Junella tai miehellä ei tahdo seistä verenkiertohäiriöiden johdosta;
    ellauri244.html on line 567: Part Four focuses on the period several hundred years after Jonathan and his students have left the Flock and their teachings become venerated rather than practiced. The birds spend all their time extolling the virtues of Jonathan and his students and spend no time flying for flying's sake. The seagulls practice strange rituals and use demonstrations of their respect for Jonathan and his students as status symbols. Eventually some birds reject the ceremony and rituals and just start flying. Eventually one bird named Anthony Gull questions the value of living since "...life is pointless and since pointless is by definition meaningless then the only proper act is to dive into the ocean and drown. Better not to exist at all than to exist like a seaweed, without meaning or joy [...] He had to die sooner or later anyway, and he saw no reason to prolong the painful boredom of living." As Anthony makes a dive-bomb to the sea, at a speed and from an altitude which would kill him, a white blur flashes alongside him. Anthony catches up to the blur, which turns out to be a seagull, and asks what the bird was doing:
    ellauri244.html on line 593: Here in my opinion is the only imaginative prose-writer of the slightest value who has appeared among the English-speaking races for some years past. Even if that is objected to as an overstatement (there is me, after all), it will probably be admitted that Miller is a writer out of the ordinary, worth more than a single glance; and after all, he is a completely negative, unconstructive, amoral writer, a mere Jonah, a passive acceptor of evil, a sort of Whitman among the corpses. Paizi Whatman oli peräreikämiehiä.
    ellauri244.html on line 599: 1910 at 17 began affair with first mistress, Pauline Chouteau of Phoebus, Virginia, a woman “old enough to be my mother”.

    ellauri244.html on line 603: Unclear which of them was the junior. According to Who dated who, Beatrice Sylvas Wickens and Henry Miller are divorced after a marriage of 105 years. According to our records, Beatrice Sylvas Wickens is possibly single.
    ellauri244.html on line 605: In 1923, while he was still married to Beatrice, Miller met and became enamored of a mysterious dance-hall ingénue who was born Juliet Edith Smerth but went by the stage-name June Mansfield. She was 21 at the time, 11 years his junior. They began an affair, and were married on June 1, 1924.
    ellauri244.html on line 609: Things began to change in Paris after meeting Anaïs Nin, 12 years his junior, who, with Hugh Guiler, went on to pay his entire way through the 1930s including the rent for an apartment at 18 Villa Seurat. Nin became his lover and financed the first printing of Tropic of Cancer in 1934 with money from Otto Rank. His works contain detailed accounts of sexual experiences. Sitä koitin vähän lukea mutta oli liian hapokasta, ei pystynyt.
    ellauri244.html on line 631: af03b186ca0aa5239fcb22973a5f55f.jpg" height="150px" />
    ellauri245.html on line 59: Ylva Anna Maria Lindh (19. kesäkuuta 1957 Tukholma – 11. syyskuuta 2003 Solna) oli ruotsalainen poliitikko, joka toimi Ruotsin ympäristöministerinä vuosina 1994–1998 ja ulkoministerinä vuodesta 1998 kuolemaansa saakka. Anna Lindh joutui puukotuksen uhriksi NK:n tavaratalossa ollessaan ystävättären kanssa ostelemassa vaatteita Tukholmassa 10. syyskuuta 2003. Hän kuoli saamiinsa kraftiga skador Karolinskan leikkauspöydällä seuraavana aamuna, toisin kuin E.Saarinen, jota tuikannut tärähtänyt puukkomies oli pelkkä amatööri. Eskillä oli sitäpaizi suojanaan maahan ulottuva nahkatakki.
    ellauri245.html on line 61: Tillsammans med en väninna, Eva Franchell, var Lindh på onsdagseftermiddagen den 10 september 2003 ute i centrala Stockholm för att handla kläder. Under ett besök på varuhuset NK blev hon på första våningen överfallen och mycket allvarligt knivskuren av den då okände men därefter ökände Mijailo Mijailović strax efter klockan 16.00. Lindh hade vid tillfället inget personskydd av Säpo. Klockan 16.41 gick nyhetsbyrån TT ut med nyheten att utrikesministern hade blivit knivskuren. Lindh fick en mycket stor mängd blod, sammanlagt 80 liter, men det hjälpte inte. Mijailo Mijailović greps. Han förnekade all inblandning fram till den 6 januari 2004, då han erkände mordet. Han dömdes till livstids fängelse, och där sitter han än idag, om inte han har dött. USA:s utrikesminister Colin Powell kunde ej delta på grund av trafikproblem.
    ellauri245.html on line 79: Den kriminaltekniska undersökningen av den marinblå kepsen som hade hittats i Salénhuset visade att på kepsen fanns 150 små mockafibrer från den jacka som Anna Lindh burit. Kepsen kom alltså från brottsplatsen.
    ellauri245.html on line 84:

    Mijailo tar raska steg i den blå kepan där det sitter Annas mockafiber på.

    ellauri245.html on line 99: Mijailovic föddes i Stockholm 1978. Hans föräldrar kommer ursprungligen från staden Mladenovac, några mil söder om Belgrad i dåvarande Jugoslavien (nuvarande Serbien). Föräldrarna flyttade i slutet av 1960-talet till Sverige under vågen av arbetskraftsinvandring. No vittu se on just tää! Olisivat svedut maxaneet kunnon palkkaa omille työläisilleen niin tätäkään ei olis sattunut! I 6-årsåldern skickades sonen tillbaka till föräldrarnas hemstad för att bo hos farföräldrarna och börja i skolan där. När han var i 13-årsåldern utbröt de jugoslaviska krigen och han återvände till Sverige. Då hade han nästan glömt bort det svenska språket och fick gå i en förberedelseklass innan han började i årskurs 7. Han slutade grundskolan i juni 1995 med i genomsnitt 3,4 i betyg. Uruselt!! Sedan började han gymnasieskolan men slutade i slutet av årskurs 2.
    ellauri245.html on line 101: Mijailovic har haft täta kontakter med psykiatrin sedan 1997, då han som 18-åring knivattackerade sin far och dömdes för grov misshandel. Då gjordes en omfattande rättspsykiatrisk utredning som konstaterade att Mijailovic inte led av vare sig svår psykiatrisk sjukdom eller personlighetsstörning. Två år senare genomgick han en pytteliten psykiatrisk utredning. Det framkom inte då heller några psykotiska eller depressiva symtom.
    ellauri245.html on line 103: I juni, två år efter knivattacken mot fadern, dömdes han på nytt till skyddstillsyn för brott mot knivlagen och vapenbrott. I april 2001 fick han samma straff för att bland annat ha hotat att döda en ung kvinna och hennes mor.
    ellauri245.html on line 109: Den 8 juli 2004 dömdes Mijailović av Svea hovrätt till rättspsykiatrisk vård. Under sensommaren framförde Mijailović krav på att få avtjäna sitt straff i ett serbiskt fängelse vilket kriminalvårdens chef Lars Nylén nekade med motiveringen att Serbien och Montenegro inte i förväg kunde säga hur länge han skulle få sitta i fängelse då landet inte hade livstidsstraff på sin egen rättsskala. Mijailovic överklagade beslutet men kom senare (14 maj 2007) att dra tillbaka sin överklagan.
    ellauri245.html on line 111: Hovrättens dom med strafföljden "rättspsykiatrisk vård" skulle dock inte stå sig. Med två olika domar i tingsrätt och hovrätt blev Högsta domstolen en sista instans som slutligen skulle fastställa straffet. I dom från den 2 december 2004 ogillade Högsta domstolen Svea hovrätts dom och dömde, likt tingsrätten tidigare gjort, Mijailo Mijailović till livstids fängelse.
    ellauri245.html on line 115: Toivottavasti Mijailon mamma sai tuomion avunannosta, accessory after the fact.

    ellauri245.html on line 174: Lepakkomiehen norjalaisen poliisin nimi on sattuvasti Harry Hole. Se menee ausseihin selvittämään jotain murhajuttua. Kolleega Andrew on Australian neekeri (norjalaisten lempinimi). Spermaa ei kuitenkaan löytynyt. Sitä löytyy Camillan kirjasta, tai Keazin Endymionin karvoista. Spermaa ei löytynyt kuten sanottu, koska norjalaisen puoli-TV-julkkisnaisen (23v, blondi, nätti elävänä) kohtu oli viilletty auki kuin norjalainen kalafilee. Ehkä sei koiranruokalaatuna. Toisen Harry Hole -romaaninsa Torakat (1998) Nesbø kirjoitti Bangkokissa, jonne myös teos sijoittuu. Tässä taitaa olla joku sapluuna? Onko Nesbö sarjamatkaopas? Sehän se. Mutta jäbään ei ole luottamista pitemmälle kun sen jaxaa heittää, Torakassa se väittää mm että Kiinassa on vasemmanpuoleinen liikenne. Se ei ole muuta kuin tietämätön tolvana.
    ellauri245.html on line 240: b) Laihan kurjen näköinen chargé d´affaires (väärinkirjoitettuna) Fredrikstadista

    ellauri245.html on line 265:
    Verstümmelte Kongolesen. Ein Vater starrt auf die kleine Hand und den Fuß seiner fünfjährigen Tochter, die von „Wachen“ zur Eintreibung von Kautschuk getötet wurde – eine bildkräftige Fotografie!

    ellauri245.html on line 279: Als immer mehr Morde geschehen, findet Harry mit Hilfe seiner ehemaligen Kollegin und Freundin Katrine Bratt heraus, dass eine Berghütte in der Umgebung von Utøya die Gemeinsamkeit ist, die alle ermordeten Personen verbindet – die Seite im Gästebuch des gemeinsamen Übernachtungstages ist allerdings herausgerissen. Auch die Mordwaffe ermittelt Harry nach dem Hinweis eines Bekannten aus der Unterwelt von Hongkong bei einem Waffenhändler in Afrika: ein Leopoldsapfel.
    ellauri245.html on line 290: „Ein packendes Buch, mit einem Autor in Höchstform. Charaktere, Schauplätze und Dialoge sorgen dafür, dass beim Lesen keine Langeweile aufkommt. Dabei geht es nicht nur um einen brutalen Serien-Mörder, sondern auch um die Spätfolgen einer psychischen Demütigung, um Macht und Ehrgeiz, um menschliche Abgründe. Ein Genuss für Fans des skandinavischen Krimis, aber auch ein Schmankerl für Neueinsteiger.“
    ellauri245.html on line 292: „Jo Nesbø steht seinen schwedischen Kollegen in puncto Ausgefeilt-, Verwickelt- und Raffiniertheit nicht nach - und an Umfang übrigens auch nicht. "Leopard" ist einer von den Schmökern, mit denen man trübe Wochenenden höchst effektiv auf der Couch rumbringen kann.“
    ellauri245.html on line 308: Etter 21,36 km med is, slush, sørpe, granbar, togskinner, sukker og melis under skia. Etter diverse problemer i smørebua (mannen som melder pass er lik hjelpeløs kone). Etter 580 høydemeter. Etter staking over vannene. Etter å ha gått til et sted med rart navn og drømt om vaffel og kaffe, for så å komme til påskestengt dør. Etter å ha slukt det ene knekkebrødet jeg hadde med og vurdert sjokoladetiggerrunde blant de andre fremmøtte. Etter å ha kommet meg opp den aller siste bakken på vei hjem. Da, da kommer en pensjonist seilende opp på sida mi. Han ser på meg og sier: "Ja, det begynnere bli litt trått nå. Men det verste er at kondisjonen min ikke er det samme lenger". Hadde tenkt til å spørre hvor han hadde gått, men det rakk jeg ikke før han hadde seilt videre i altfor god stil.
    ellauri245.html on line 355: Jerry Loch on kasvanut 4cm edellisestä kirjasta. Oltuaan suht väpelö vielä lepakon ja torakoiden aikana Jerrystä on nyt tehty jonkinlainen supergoblin, jota kazellaan jonkun mustatukkaisen pienihampaisen norjalaisen panopuun näkökulmasta. Tyyriit norjalaiset säikyttelee vierastyöläisiä. Kylläpä on narsistista taas. Importerte arbetskraft fra Pakistan og Afrika. Helkkarin hongkongilaiset, vapaakuppasia apinanaamoja. Taaskaan ei koukut nuku kunnon yöunia. Tupakki piti saada tietysti: har du en røyk. Samaa hoki kynäkaula Karl-Ove Knausgård juuri näihin samoihin aikoihin. Knausgård er mest kjend for det sjølvbiografiske seksbindsverket Min Kamp (2009-2011). Taidan olla pihalla kuin lumiukko Jonnen väliinpudonneista kirjoista. Lumiukkoasiaan viitataan toistamiseen. Pitänee vilkasta sen juonipaljastuksia.
    ellauri245.html on line 501: Som generalsekretær støtta Lie grunnlegginga av Indonesia og Israel. Han arbeidde for at sovjetiske troppar skulle trekkjast ut or Iran, og for våpenkvile i Kashmir. Sovjetunionen uttrykte misnøye med Lie då han hjelpte til med å skaffe støtte til Sør-Korea då dei vart invaderte i 1950. Lie arbeidde òg for at Sovjetunionen skulle avbryte boikottinga si av SN, sjølv om han truleg hadde lite å gjere med at boikotten vart avslutta. Han motsette seg spansk medlemskap i SN grunna personleg motstand mot Francoregimet. Han arbeidde òg for at Folkerepublikken Kina skulle anerkjennast som medlem av SN etter at nasjonalistregjeringa gjekk i eksil på Taiwan. Han meinte at Folkerepublikken Kina var dei einaste som kunne oppfylle Kina sine obligasjonar fullt ut.
    ellauri245.html on line 637: af8a2a17dd12b44cdf6dd43ae0.jpg" height="190px" />
    ellauri245.html on line 643:
    ellauri245.html on line 648: The term Mai-Mai or Mayi-Mayi refers to community-based militia groups active in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that is formed to defend local communities and territory against Western funded armed groups. Most were formed to resist the invasion of Rwandan forces and Rwanda-affiliated Congolese industrial "rebel" groups.
    ellauri245.html on line 754: Soon after graduation, Altman joined the United States Army Air Forces at the age of 18. During World War II, Altman flew more than 50 bombing missions as a co-pilot of a B-24 Liberator with the 307th Bomb Group in Borneo and the Dutch East Indies. Upon his discharge in 1947, Altman moved to California. He worked in publicity for a company that had invented a tattooing machine to identify dogs.
    ellauri246.html on line 36: afsberg.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri246.html on line 37:
    Julius Oldenburgin vessanpönttötehdas Gustafsbergissä.

    ellauri246.html on line 50: Agnon muutti 1908 sionistisen maahanmuuttoliikkeen yhteydessä Palestiinan Jaffaan, joka oli tällöin ottomaanien valtakunnan satamakaupunki. Hänen ensimmäinen julkaistu kertomuksensa täällä oli Hylätyt vaimot (hepreaksi ”agunot”), jonka hän kirjoitti salanimellä Agnon', kertomuksensa nimen mukaan. Agnonista tuli hänen kirjailijanimensä ja virallinen sukunimensä vuonna 1924.
    ellauri246.html on line 58: Agnonin kaikkien teosten lähde on juutalaisuus, sen tavat, usko ja kieli. Agnon käsittelee näitä taiteessaan omaperäisella, ainutlaatuisella tavalla. Hän sai myös vaikutteita saksalaisesta kirjallisuudesta ja vasta kehittyvästä uudesta heprealaisesta kirjallisuudesta. Melkein kaikissa hänen teoksissaan kuvataan ristiriitaa vanhan ja uuden välillä, itäeurooppalaisen juutalaisen elämän tuhoa ja Palestiinaan pelastuneiden vaikeaa sopeutumista uudenlaiseen juutalaisuuteen. Hänen kirjojensa tapahtumat sijoittuvat niihin neljään hyvin erilaiseen yhteiskuntaan ja seutuun, joissa hän eli: Galitsiaan (Morsiuskatos), Saksaan (Fernheim), Jaffaan (Uskollisuuden vala) ja Jerusalemiin (Shira). Monissa hänen kuvauksissaan on unenomainen tunnelma, ja lukija jää miettimään, onko se totta vai fantasiaa. Todennäköisesti jälkimmäistä. Agnonin kieli on useimmille pelkkää hepreaa.
    ellauri246.html on line 79: År 1928 blev Ekelöf myndig och ärvde faderns förmögenhet. Han hade planer på att emigrera till Kenya där en bekant var chef för en stor kaffeplantage, vilket dock inte heller blev av.
    ellauri246.html on line 106: strimman av aftonrodnad som skrider mot morgonrodnad, iltaruskon raitaa joka on muuttumassa aamuruskoxi,
    ellauri246.html on line 129: Aspen skälver och spelar, aftonrodnaden skrider Haapa havisee ja soittaa, iltarusko etenee,
    ellauri246.html on line 195: Neljä Brodskyn runoa julkaistiin antologioissa Leningradissa vuosina 1966 ja 1967, mutta suurin osa hänen tuotannostaan ilmestyi vain lännessä. Hän käänsi runoja englannista ja puolasta (muun muassa mitättömän lännen hännystelijän Czesław Miłoszin tuotantoa) venäjäksi. Brodsky karkotettiin Neuvostoliitosta vuonna 1972 ja hän muutti ensin Wieniin, mistä runoilija W. H. Auden ja Michiganin yliopiston slaavilaisten kielten professori Carl Ray Proffer auttoivat hänet Yhdysvaltoihin, vaikka hän oli saanut muuttoluvan Israeliin. Jooseppi ei halunnut 100% juutalaisexi pölyiseen autiomaahan, vaan lähti mieluummin Egyptin lihafondyyn äärelle. Brodsky asui Brooklynissä ja Massachusettsissa. Hänen teoksensa ensimmäinen englanninkielinen käännös ilmestyi vuonna 1973. Brodsky opetti muun muassa Columbian yliopistossa ja Mount Holyoke Collegessa. Hän sai Yhdysvaltain kansalaisuuden vuonna 1977.
    ellauri246.html on line 215: While underneath these leafy tents they keep Ja näissä lehtimajoissa ne tekevät
    ellauri246.html on line 347: Mielenkiintoisia tosiasioita Brodskin biografiasta, runoilijan henkilökohtaisesta elämästä esitetään edelleen huomioita. Äskettäin päätti talvisodan Suomen kansa, alle kuukausi oli Ranskan tappioon. Tällaisessa pienessä, häiritsevässä asennossa 24. toukokuuta 1940 Leningradin valokuvaajan perheessä ja kirjanpitäjän hän syntyi pojaksi. Hieman yli vuosi ennen suuren isänmaallisen sodan alkua. Siinä hän oli koko elämänsä lapsuuden, jonka se riistää häneltä. Tukholman kirjeessä Yakov Gordin selitti paikallisen tilanteen Schorasin ja syntien kanssa heidän lapsuudensa perusteella, mutta päinvastoin. (No en minäkään tosta mitään ymmärrä.)
    ellauri246.html on line 355: Palattuaan puolivalssattuna, synkkänä, joka ei ole vielä naamioitu kaupungin saarron jälkeen, hän alkoi etsiä heidän paikkansa elämässä. Ne olivat lyhyitä aikoja, mutta voimakkaita. Joseph Brodskin lyhyt elämäkerta ehdottaa, että hän olisi muuttanut neljä koulua vuodesta 1944 lähtien. Viimeisimmässä niistä sijaitsevat Salon-kaistalla, missä hän pysyi toisen vuoden aikana seitsemännellä luokalla. Hänet lähetettiin merenkulkukouluun, mutta sitä ei hyväksytty. Sitten lyhyen aikavälin proletaarisen episodi seurasi hänen biografiassa: Joseph toimii Arsenal tehtaalla jyrsintäkoneen oppilaana. Epäonnistuminen siinäkin ilmestyi pyrkimyksensä mennä sukellusakvaarioiden kouluun ilmeisesti, Isän laivastotausta vaikutti. Sitten ajatus lääkäri tulee näkyviin. Saadaxeen käytäntöä, hän saapuu avustavan persistorin morgueen. Anatomian kuolleet ilmeisesti osoittautuivat helpoxi nakixi, joten se kestää vain kuukauden. Seuraavaxi Kochegar, merimiehen majakka ... Lady Stabiilius tuli vasta kun Joseph alkoi ratsastaa Neuvostoliiton geologisilla retkillä, työntekijänä. Kaksi vuodenaikaa se oli valkoinen meri, sitten Pohjois-Yakutia, Itä-Siperia, muut Polarin alueen alueet. Yakutian hermostunut jakautuminen valmistui eeppisen.
    ellauri246.html on line 396: Brodsky oppi perusteellisesti kaksi vierasta kieltä - englanti ja puola, jotka myöhemmin osallistuivat käännöksiin. Oppi filosofiaa, mukaan lukien uskonnolliset ja metafyysiset, tietenkin laittomasti. Tietenkin hän harjoittaa kirjallisuutta, sekä virallista että epävirallista. Opi perusasiat, se ei riitä, mutta opi ne.
    ellauri246.html on line 410: Brodskyn pyrkimys sopii henkisesti totalitarismin varapuheenjohtajaksi, Brodsky on yhä enemmän tunkeutumassa eksistenttisiltä maidosilta peremmälle. Toimittajan kysymyksestä, mikä vaikutti hänen luonteensa muodostumiseen: "Kun olin 22 tai 23-vuotias, minulla oli tunne, että minussa oli jotain erilaista, minuun sattui, ja että en ollut kiinnostunut ympäristöstä ... parhaimmillaan kuten ponnahduslaudasta ... »Kuvitukset suuntasivat yhä enemmän itsepäisyyteen. "Ennemmin tai myöhemmin, hetki tulee, kun maallinen vetovoima on lakannut toimimasta." Runoiden sisäelämä, jossa tää paljon puhuttu transsendescence vallitsee, lähti liikenteeseen ulkoisesta elämästä. Fyysisesti maailmassa BrodSky vietti suurimman osan ajasta puhtaan hengen kuningaskunnassa eli vetelehti toimetonna. Viranomaiset hermostuivat, kun Brodskin runoilijapersoonallisuus muuttui vähitellen itsenäiseksi suljetuksi järjestelmäksi. Maailmanlaaja maailma, kuten Lurien tutkija näytti, oli Brodski ainoa vaihtoehto löytää hengellistä vapautta. Sitää löytää nykyään vaan lännestä. "Sisäinen maailma on liioiteltu, ja ulkoinen, vähentynyt" - ilmoittaa viranomaisille naapurinsa autobiografinen sankari psykiatrisessa sairaalassa runossa "Goryunov ja Gorchakov".
    ellauri246.html on line 412: Vähitellen, ulkomaailma (viittauksen vaikutuksen mukaan) alkoi henkilökohtaistaa Brodskya joutomaaxi. Brodskin teosten autio - tyhjän, merkityksetön elämän metafori, joka runoilijalla vastaa henkistä hölynpölyä. Tämä on totalitaarisen yhteiskunnan massiivisten ihmisten elämä, joka ajattelun ihmisessä aiheuttaa väistämättömän yksinäisyyden. Brodskin aavikon maisema ei ole vahingossa ilman ihmisiä. Alkaen runosta "Isaac ja Abraham" aavikon maisemat osoittautuu olemaan hedelmättömiä. "Hills, kukkulat, et voi pitää niitä, mitata ..." Tämä on BrodSkin reaktio peltotöihin vähitellen kääntämällä sulauksia. Brodski osoittaa, että läpi joka autiomaassa putoaa hiekkaan, seisoo edelleen ja voi jopa kuolla.
    ellauri246.html on line 414: "Ilman kompassia, asettaen tapaa, // Käytän ylpeyden korkeusmittaria" - "Winter Mail". Lyyrinen sankari on matkustaja valtavassa alueessa ilman maamerkkejä, joissa henkilö ei ole tuhota itsensä henkilöksi, on oltava yksinomaan mieli ja moraalinen tunne. Tää kuulostaa joltain tietokonepeliltä. Matkustaminen avaruudella toimii elämänpolun metaforina - ihmisen polku läpi ajan. "Casting" (1987) - elämänpolku. Se on verrattavissa vuoristoreitteihin ja Aasian väreihin. Tämä on erittäin kova tapa, mutta mikä tärkeintä - jos saavutat jopa ylhäältä, on tärkeää, ettei huimausta rupee alkaa.
    ellauri246.html on line 430: Brodsky antaa oman ihanteellisen mallin, joka hänen edustuksensa mukaan on parempi kuin paratiisi. Tärkeimmät merkit ovat ääretön, hengellisyys, täydellisyys, luova toiminta tärkeimpänä muodossa, jolla ei ole pyrkimyksiä. Eikä ikäviä pakkotöitä, pakkasella, esim poronpurentaa. Tämä maailma on erilainen runoilijan tietoisuudessa ja on tärkeämpää hänelle kuin maallisen maailman maailma. Muodikas nimitykset - Star Metaforat, "Tuo maa", "siellä." Runoilija tuntee aiheen "maan". Runossa "Sonetti" (1962), lyyrinen sankari asuu samanaikaisesti todellisessa ja ihanteellisessa. Todellinen maailma on ominaista vankila metaforinen, ja ihanteellinen maailma on makean sublime-kaverin maailma. Siellä korkeimmalle ulottuvuudelle ja lyyrisen sankarin sielu etsii:
    ellauri246.html on line 490: Tällainen ulkoasu mahdollistaa varovaisesti arvioinnin paitsi itse, vaan myös moderni maailma ja oma ikä. Runoiden pölyisyys osoittaa 1960-luvun lopun 1960-luvun lopun vastaiset antito-genemantiariset runot - 1970-luvun alussa. Ne on esitetty miehen lyyr- lyyrillisessä sankarissa, joka oli aikaisemmin ja jolla oli rohkeutta julkaista mielipiteensä. Nämä ovat ns. "Rooman Cycle" - "Anno Domini", "Post Aetatem Nostram", "Rooman ystävän kirjaimet", jossa Rooman hallitsevan luokan tilausten lähettämisen kautta Neuvostoliittoon, Brodsky paljastaa Neuvostoliiton keisarillisen luonnepolitiikan. Rooma - Neuvostoliiton metafora, ottaen juuret Venäjän ajatuksesta kolmantena Roomana. Brodsky on tietoinen roomalaisista, eli ei vähiten, Stoikin ja Patrician Hengestä. Eräänlainen diptych on runo "Anno Domini" ja "Post Aetatem Nostram". ("Meidän aikakausi" ja "Meidän aikakauden jälkeen".
    ellauri246.html on line 493: Brodsky "Post Aetatem Nostram" on paljon kriittisempi, joka kuvaa keisarillisia rituaaleja, symboloivat alarakennetta, valmiutta pettämiseen. Stoll on myös ironaasisesti kuvattu massojen innostuxella, onnellisesti tervetulleeksi hänen despotinsa. Monet käyvät tässä työssä. Brodsky kiistää liikkeen myynnin eteenpäin ja käyttää ojaan jumissa juuttuvien trillojen metaforaa. Se on motiivi, joka pysähtyi elämän liikkeissä, mikä kehittyy muissa teksteissä ("erinomaisen aikakauden loppu"), jossa Brodsky jo kieltäytyy Roomasta. Järjestelmän paheet esitetään visuaalisesti yleisissä allegorisissa kuvina, runoilija antaa ryhmämuotokuvan moraalisten hirviöiden ja kummajaisten muotokuvien ja allegorisesti kuvaa Neuvostoliiton tyhmien maana. Aika tyhmä.
    ellauri246.html on line 510: Tuskaa olivat niskatuskamiehen ensimmäiset vuodet. Brodsky näinä vuosina muistuttaa kuin kasvi, joka on noussut maahan, ja se vedettiin ulos ja siirrettiin toiselle maaperälle, eikä se ole selvää, järjestetäänkö se. Ulkoinen runoilija on turvallinen elämäntapa ristiriidassa voimakkaasti emotionaalisen ja psykologisen kooman tilan kanssa, joka Brodsky uusi uudelleen ensimmäistä kertaa maailman kirjallisuudessa. Stripping metaforisesti, runoilija tuntuu kuolleiksi. Runossa "1972": "Tämä ei ole mieli, vaan vain veri." Runaatti tykkää itseään varjoilta, jotka pysyivät henkilöltä. Maahanmuutto, joka kuljetettiin niiden kanssa, ei pelkästään vapautta vaan myös kaikkien tavanomaisten siteiden tauko. Kaikki, mikä oli kalliita henkilölle, otettiin häneltä. Brodskillä oli tunne roikkua tyhjyydestä, ja tämä isku oli niin kohtuuttomia, että se johti sielun väliaikaiseen halvaantumiseen. Lähempänä Brodskin tapahtumista lähestyi Luriea, joka sanoi, että Emigratin Brodskin runous - это itsemurhan sitoutuneiden henkilöiden muistiinpanoja. Skopanova uskoo, että on oikein puhua murhasta. "Vahva kipu, tappaminen tämä, joka kestää valoa." Runotila on hämmästynyt, tappanut, mikään ei tunne, tämä on suurin kärsimys, kun henkilö kärsii niin paljon, että se menettää mahdollisuuden ilmaista se emotionaalisesti. Itsensä kieltäminen, metaforisen käyttäminen liikkumattomuuden arvolla, kuolleet, kun BrodSky tarkastelee itseäsi sivulta ja korjaa vain liikkeen avaruudessa. Usein hän kirjoittaa itsestään kolmannessa henkilössä, kuten runossa "Laguna": "Vieraat, jotka kuljettavat grappaa taskussaan, ehdottomasti kukaan, mies, kuten kaikki, jotka ovat menettäneet muistia, kuvaavat ..." Yliköriltään hermostuneesta " shokki. Brodsky erottaa oman ruumiinsa sielusta ja tekee siitä itsenäisen merkin: "Ruumiin sadetakki muotoilee palloja, joissa rakkaus, toivo, usko, ei ole tulevaisuutta." Tämä ei ole henkilö, joka oli nuoruudessani, se oli vahvistettu ja jatkuvasti tietoinen runoilijasta. Se ei ole sattumalta, että yhdessä runoista, lyyrinen sankari tarkastelee peiliä ja näkee vaatteita, mutta ei kasvoja.
    ellauri246.html on line 512: Brodsky käyttää usein metaforisia Decoar, raunioita, siruja. Hänen sielunsa on temppeli ja vertaa raunioita, fragmentteja. Kärsimystä verrataan, onko se nyt pommitusten vastustuskyky tai säteilytauti. Joskus Brodskin kasvot tykkää rauniot. Jokainen, joka tiesi hänet, totesi, että BrodSky ui hyvin nopeasti. Täältä se perustuu suuren harmaaseen paikkaan Brodskin 1970-luvuilla. Harmaalla värillä on anti-systhien tila. Lisäksi jalokivi, Glaciation tunkeutuu BrodSkin työhön ikään kuin hänellä olisi aina kylmä. Kylmän motiivi on orgaanisesti yhteydessä yksinäisyyden motiiviin, joka Brodskin siirtotyöläisessä työssä on poikkeuksellinen paikka: kokoelmilla "Osa puheenvuoro" (1975-76), "Autumn Yastreb Creek" (1976-83) , "Uranialle" (1984-87), "Elämä hajallaan olevalla valolla" (1985-86). Missä lyyrinen sankari on esitetty, hän on aina yksin. Ei kukaan jaa "Loom Cut viipaloituja runoja". Jos Venäjällä oli vastaus hänen runoihinsa (Lemonit muistelee, kuten Kharkovissa, Brodskin opiskelijat, jotka vuokraavat Brodsky per yö, niin että he eivät löytäneet tekstejä), sitten ulkomailla - Alpopulation. Se näyttää Brodsky ja "Top Secret" kuoleman ajatus, itsemurhasta, hänen moraalinen ja psykologinen tilansa on niin raskas. Barbizon Terras on kuvattu runoilijan saapuessa pieneen amerikkalaiseen kaupunkiin. Se ratkaistiin hotelliin, taittaa asioita ja yhtäkkiä, yhtäkkiä käytöstä, rysähtää kattokruunu koukusta. Riittävä psykologisesta tyhjöstä, jossa runoilija tuntuu tyhjyydestä. Tämä muutos myöhässä luovuudessa käy ilmi autiomaassa. "Puheeni on osoitettu ... siinä tyhjyydessä, jonka reunat ovat laajan aavikon reunat." Tyhjyys - это elämän metafora Yhdysvalloissa. Runko ei ideoi tätä elämää ollenkaan ja kuvaa Yhdysvaltoja impersonaalisten naamioiden valtakunnaksi. Tietenkään ei ole sama tyhjä elämä, kun Neuvostoliiton ihmiset ovat johtavia amerikkalaisia, heitä tuetaan, mutta myös siellä "tänään, se on edelleen kiinteä huomenna." Jokainen päivä on uusi eilinen. Muutokset muuttavat vain vuodenaikoja. Tietoja tästä tyhjöstä, tässä hämmentyneessä ympäristössä Brodsky kertoi monissa runoissa, mukaan lukien "Quintet" (1977):
    ellauri246.html on line 829: Link Brodsky ajatteli runollisen taiteen säätiöitä. Hän esitteli heidät Yakov Gordinin kirjeeseen 13. kesäkuuta 1965. Siellä on kaksi pääasemaa. Ensimmäinen koskee luovuuden psykologiaa, toinen, joka Brodsky kutsuu "käytännöllisinä" - erillisen runollisen tekstin rakentamisen periaatteet. Psykologisesti tekijän olisi noudatettava vain sen intuitiota, olla ehdottoman riippumaton sääntöjen, normien, lainojen lainoista. "Katso itseäsi ei suhteellisen loput, mutta innoittamana. Hävitä ja anna itsesi kaikki missä tahansa. Jos olet vihainen, älä piilota sitä, anna sen olla töykeä; Jos olet iloinen - myös, anna sen ja trite. Muista, että elämäsi on elämäsi. Piirrä - anna korkeimmat - säännöt eivät ole lakia. Nämä eivät ole sääntöjäsi. Parhaimmillaan ne näyttävät sinun. Ole itsenäinen. Riippumattomuus on paras laatu kaikilla kielillä. Anna sen johtaa sinut tappioon (tyhmä sana) - se on vain tappio. Sinä itse tuo tulokset kanssasi; Ja sitten sinun on vähennettävä pisteitä kuvion tietää, kenen kanssa. Tärkein asia jakeissa on koostumus. Ei tontti, vaan koostumus. Koostumus on tarpeen rakentaa. Sanotaan, tässä on esimerkki: puun jakeet. Aloitat kuvaamaan kaikkea, mitä näet, maasta itse, kiipeää kuvauksessa puun yläosassa. Täällä sinä, kiitos ja suuruus. Sinun täytyy tottua kuvaan yleensä ... ei ole erityistä. Osapuolten on ajateltava viimeisenä. Tietoja Rhyme - Last, Metafora - viimeisimmässä. Mittari on jotenkin läsnä alusta alkaen, - Will, - No, kiitos siitä. Koostumus, ei tontti. Sido Stanza ei logiikkaa, mutta sielun liike - voit ymmärtää yhden ymmärrettävän. "
    ellauri246.html on line 846: 1965-luvun lopulla tai vuoden 1966 alussa BrodSky lähti julkaisupyynnön Leningradin sivuliikkeeseen "Neuvostoliiton kirjoittaja" runojen kirjoista. Kirja, jonka hän oli kutsunut "Winter Mail" ja se koostuu runoista 1962-1965. Käsikirjoitus keskusteltiin, mutta ... for "mutta" Listautuminen ei voida hyväksyä Brodskin jakeissa - Raamatun teemoja ("Isaac ja Abraham"), Jumalan, Angelsin, Serafimovin mainitseminen. Kokouksen osanottajat selittävät, miksi kaikki sama kirja olisi julkaistava: pysäyttää "kaikenlaisia \u200b\u200bkeskusteluja", "tuhota legendoja, jotka ovat syntyneet hänen nimensä ympärille." Arvioijan arvostelut, runoilija V.A. Joulu ja kriitikko V.N. Alfonsov, päivätty lokakuu ja marraskuu. Molemmat arvostelukäyttäjät tukevat päättäväisesti kirjan julkaisemista. Jos tämä voitaisiin odottaa V.N. Alfonsov ja sitten ruokkivat joulun VSEVOLODin runoilijaa (1895-1977), joka jopa "Isaac ja Abraham" kirjoittavat, että tämä on runo "mielenkiintoinen suunnitelmassa, mielekästä ja kirkas väri", odottamaton. Mutta käsikirjoitus, vaikka se oli melko myönteisestä suhtaudesta, annettiin BrodSky takaisin. Pari vuotta myöhemmin hänet kutsuttiin KGB: n Leningradin hallintaan ja tarjosi sopimuksen: hän ilmoitti heille ulkomaalaisista, ja he syövät heidän vaikutusvaltaansa siihen, että runoja Brodsky julkaistiin. Tämän jälkeen Brodsky lopulta heilutti kätensä ajatukselle kirjan painos kotimaassaan.
    ellauri246.html on line 850: Muutaman vuoden kuluttua "osan puheen" ja "... epechs" tuotosta ilmenee "Urania". Täällä Brodskin luovuutta tulee metafyysisemmäksi, tämä on mikrokosmos, jossa Jumala ja pirun, usko ja ateismi, siveys ja kyynisyys ovat mukana. Hänen runo on erittäin laaja ja monipuolinen. Uraniaan kääntyminen Brodsky kirjoittaa:
    ellauri246.html on line 870: On erittäin suurta vaihtelua mielipiteitä, kun arvioidaan Joseph Brodskin luovuutta. Hänen runsaasti paradoksaalisia. Sen erottuva piirre on kokeilu- ja perinteinen yhdiste. Monin tavoin hänen työnsä kehittäminen johtui sekä venäläisissä että eurooppalaisessa runossa, mutta nyt on jo selvää, että tämä polku ei johda umpikujaan ja ei-kanonisen sanaston yhdistelmää stressin kanssa Metaforismi ja monimutkainen metrinen stubbinen rakenne löytävät kaikki uudet tarkkailut. Kuten aiemmin sanoin, johdannossa Brodsky - erinomainen runoilija, joka tuttu koko maailmaan. Mutta Brodskin runouden täydellinen ja syvä ymmärrys on vielä eteenpäin.
    ellauri246.html on line 945: Yksikään edellä mainituista runoilijoista, jotka on listattu hänen suosikki runoilijoissa, aiheutti murtumia runoissaan. Hän osoittautui aikaisin mieluiten valmiiksi runoilijan parannuksiin. Brodskin runollinen järjestelmä, joka puhuu nykyaikaisen analyysin kielellä, tämä on avoin järjestelmä, joka vaikuttaa itsestään hyvin hyödyksi. Readerilla ei ole vimmun runoilijan hyvin rauhallista upottamista vaan melko vaikeaa testiä. Vuosien varrella Joseph on yhä halukas kääntämään runollinen resurssi, päätelmät ja tekniikat naapurimaailmasta, houkuttelee metafyysisen filosofian, teologian, erilaisia taiteita ja tiedettä, ei laiminlyödä ironiaa, sukupuolena ja politiikassa. Universumin tragediamalli, joka mieluummin I. Brodsky Comedy, ei myöskään lieventää lukijan käsityspääsyä. Hän todella pakkaa kieltä mahdollisimman paljon. Tai kielen uuvuttava? Tämä seikka edellyttää lukijoiden leksikaalista valmistelua.
    ellauri247.html on line 93: Narahdarn, the bat, wanted honey. He watched until he saw a Wurranunnah, or, bee alight. He caught it, stuck a white feather between its hind legs, let it go and followed it. He knew he could see the white feather, and so follow the bee to its nest. He ordered his two wives, of the Bilber tribe, to follow him with wirrees to carry home the honey in. Night came on and Wurranunnah the bee had not reached home. Narahdarn caught him, imprisoned him under bark, and kept him safely there until next morning. When it was light enough to see, Narahdarn let the bee go again, and followed him to his nest, in a gunnyanny tree.
    ellauri247.html on line 118:
    How to say Sir in Cantonese: seafood

    ellauri247.html on line 129: Cape Tribulation was named by British navigator Lieutenant James Cook on 10 June 1770 (log date) after his ship scraped a reef north east of the cape, whilst passing over it, at 6pm. Cook steered away from the coast into deeper water but at 10.30pm the ship ran aground, on what is now named Endeavour Reef. The ship stuck fast and was badly damaged, desperate measures being needed to prevent it foundering until it was refloated the next day. Cook recorded "...the north point [was named] Cape Tribulation because "here begun all our troubles".
    ellauri247.html on line 131: James Cook, RN named the river in 1770 after he was forced to beach his ship, HMS Endeavour, for repairs in the river mouth, after damaging it on Endeavour Reef. Joseph Banks named the river the Endeavours River but the form Cook used, Endeavour River, has stuck.
    ellauri247.html on line 133: Cook and his crew remained for almost seven weeks and made contact with the local Guugu Yimithirr Aborigines, while the naturalists Joseph Banks and Daniel Solander made extensive collections of native flora, while Sydney Parkinson illustrated much of the flora and fauna of the region. Botanical specimens were also collected by Alan Cunningham after he arrived on HMS Mermaid, captained by Philip Parker King on 28 June 1819.
    ellauri247.html on line 201: John Bellairs referenced Smollett's works in his Johnny Dixon series, where Professor Roderick Random Childermass reveals that his late father Marcus, an English professor, had named all his sons after characters in Smollett's works: Roderick Random, Peregrine Pickle, Humphry Clinker, and even "Ferdinand Count Fathom", who usually signed his name F. C. F. Childermass.
    ellauri247.html on line 230: Pikareskiromaani syntyi Espanjassa 1500-luvun puolivälissä tarkoituksellisesti kehiteltynä vastagenrenä ritariromaanille ja sen harhailevalle, haavemaailmassa elävälle sankarille. Pseudoautobiografisena pikareskiromaanin tapahtumat myötäilevät sankarin (espanjan picaro = 'ratsastaja') monipolvista vaellusta ja antavat sen kautta humoristis-satiirisen kuvan maailmasta. Veijarityylin (gusta picaresca) varhainen edustaja oli tuntemattoman tekijän romaani La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes (1554). Muita varhaisia klassikkoja ovat Mateo Alemánin La Vida del picaro Guzman de Alfarache (1599–1604), sekä lajin tunnetuin klassikko, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedran El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha (1605, 1615, Don Quijote manchalainen, surullisen hahmon ritari). Veijariromaanin sankarina on esiintynyt myös naisia, jotka käyvät veijarimaisesta seikkailusta toiseen pyrkien valloittamaan mahdollisimman paljon varakkaita miehiä, kuten Francisco López de Úbedan romaanissa La pícara Justina (1605).
    ellauri247.html on line 242: Der Schelmenroman oder pikarischer/pikaresker Roman (aus dem Spanischen: pícaro = Schelm), dessen Ursprung im 16. Jahrhundert in Spanien liegt, schildert aus der Perspektive seines Helden, wie sich dieser in einer Reihe von Abenteuern durchs Leben schlägt. Der Schelm stammt aus den unteren gesellschaftlichen Schichten, ist deshalb ungebildet, aber „bauernschlau“. In der Absicht, die soziale Stigmatisierung aufgrund seiner niederen Geburt zu überwinden, ist er ständig auf der Suche nach Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten und greift dabei nicht selten auf kriminelle Mittel zurück. Er durchläuft alle gesellschaftlichen Schichten und wird zu deren Spiegel. Der Held hat keinen Einfluss auf die Geschehnisse um ihn herum, schafft es aber immer wieder, sich aus allen brenzligen Situationen zu retten.
    ellauri247.html on line 244: Traditionell ist der Schelmenroman eine (fingierte) Autobiographie mit satirischen Zügen, die bestimmte Missstände in der Gesellschaft thematisiert. Sie beginnt oft mit einer Desillusionierung des Helden, der die Schlechtigkeit der Welt erst hier erkennt. Er begibt sich, sei es freiwillig, sei es unfreiwillig, auf Reisen. Die dabei erlebten Abenteuer sind episodenhaft, d. h., sie hängen nicht voneinander ab und können beliebig erweitert werden, was bei Übersetzungen oft der Fall war. Das Ende ist meist eine „Bekehrung“ des Schelms, nach der er zu einem geregelten Leben findet. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit einer Flucht aus der Welt, also aus der Realität.
    ellauri247.html on line 270: He summarised his Continental experience after this wise: inns, cold, damp, dark, dismal, dirty; landlords equally disobliging and rapacious; servants awkward, sluttish, and slothful; postillions lazy, lounging, greedy, and impertinent.
    ellauri247.html on line 292: Cicisbei played by set rules, generally avoiding public displays of affection. At public entertainments, they would typically stand behind their seated mistress and whisper in her ear. Customs of the time did not permit them to engage in relationships with any other women during their free time, making the arrangement rather demanding. Either party could decide to end the relationship at any time. A woman's former cicisbei were called spiantati (literally penniless, destroyed), or cast-offs.
    ellauri247.html on line 295: "If a Frenchman is capable of real friendship, it must certainly be the most disagreeable present he can possibly make to a man of a true English character. You know, madam, we are naturally taciturn, soon tired of impertinence, and much subject to fits of disgust. Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.
    ellauri247.html on line 297: "If a Frenchman is admitted into your family, and distinguished by repeated marks of your friendship and regard, the first return he makes for your civilities is to make love to your wife, if she is handsome; if not, to your sister, or daughter, or niece. If he suffers a repulse from your wife, or attempts in vain to debauch your sister, or your daughter, or your niece, he will, rather than not play the traitor with his gallantry, make his addresses to your grandmother; and ten to one but in one shape or another he will find means to ruin the peace of a family in which he has been so kindly entertained. What he cannot accomplish by dint of compliment and personal attendance, he will endeavour to effect by reinforcing these with billets-doux, songs, and verses, of which he always makes a provision for such purposes. If he is detected in these efforts of treachery, and reproached with his ingratitude, he impudently declares that what he had done was no more than simple gallantry, considered in France as an indispensable duty on every man who pretended to good breeding. Nay, he will even affirm that his endeavours to corrupt your wife, or deflower your daughter, were the most genuine proofs he could give of his particular regard for your family.
    ellauri247.html on line 316: His mother was 40 when she gave birth to Sam in the family home above his father's bookshop in Lichfield, Staffordshire. This was considered an unusually late pregnancy, so precautions were taken, and a man-midwife and surgeon of "great reputation" named George Hector was brought in to assist. The infant Johnson did not cry, and there were concerns for his health. His aunt exclaimed that "she would not have picked such a poor creature up in the street". Sillä oli pentuna risatauti (scrofula).
    ellauri247.html on line 323: <William Hogarth (10. marraskuuta 1697 Lontoo – 26. lokakuuta 1764 Lontoo) oli englantilainen taidemaalari ja graafikko, joka tunnetaan erityisesti suurta suosiota saavuttaneista kuvasarjoistaan. Hogarth oli erittäin taitava ja tarkka piirtäjä ja suosi runsaita yksityiskohtia ja groteskeja sävyjä. Hänen tyylinsä oli kova ja realistinen. Hogarth kuvasi kuparipiirrossarjoissaan aikaansa ja ihmishahmoja moralisoiden ja ivaten. Hogarth teki vuosina 1731–1732 ensimmäisen moralistisen piirrossarjansa ’Ilotytön tarina’. Hogarth oli äärimmäisen kansallismielinen eikä koskaan myöntänyt saaneensa vaikutteita ulkomaisilta taiteilijoilta vaikka oli käynyt kahdesti Pariisissa ja tuonut sieltä tuomisixi hyppykupan. Hogarth was born in London to a lower-middle-class family. Hogarth's works are mostly satirical caricatures, sometimes bawdily sexual. Kuvissa se on ilkimyxen näköinen. Sen suurin kyseenalainen ansio oli copyrightin laillistaminen. Stanley Kubrick based the cinematography of his 1975 period drama film, Barry Lyndon, on several Hogarth paintings. Muistan että se oli pitkäpiimäinen, en kyllä muista siitä muuta, koska se oli mun ja Seijan eka yhteinen elokuvaretki. Kubrick on kaiken kaikkiaan aika joutavanpäiväinen.
    ellauri247.html on line 335: Johnson had applied for the position of headmaster at Solihull School. Although Johnson's friend Gilbert Walmisley gave his support, Johnson was passed over because the school's directors thought he was "a very haughty, ill-natured gent, and that he has such a way of distorting his face (which though he can't help) the gents think it may affect some lads".
    ellauri247.html on line 484:
    Figura di ebreo terrorizzato nel famoso quadro di Vernets - presumibilmente una rappresentazione del barone James Rothschild (foto in bianco e nero) da Horace (after) Vernet

    ellauri248.html on line 118: I loved this book to pieces, even though I could not shake off the overwhelming feeling of sadness and hollowness after finishing it. I loved it despite (or maybe because?) of the frustrating incompleteness of some plot lines, the frequent lack of resolution, and the unfulfillment of my wishes for the characters and events. [noir romance]
    ellauri248.html on line 131: And I was honestly on the verge of tears after reading the ending and then reading friends' reviews of the second book in this series and discovering that we never get to hear more from Rob. [noir romance]
    ellauri248.html on line 150: Rée war der zweite Sohn eines Rittergutsbesitzers; die Familie war jüdischer Herkunft, Paul Rée allerdings Protestant. Er studierte in Leipzig, Berlin und Zürich zunächst auf Wunsch des Vaters Rechtswissenschaft, dann Philosophie. Als Einjährig-Freiwilliger nahm er am Deutsch-Französischen Krieg teil, wurde allerdings früh verwundet und schied so aus dem Heer aus.
    ellauri248.html on line 152: 1875 promovierte er „Über den Begriff des Schönen (sittlich Guten) in der Moralphilosophie des Aristoteles“. Sein Versuch, über eine Habilitation in der Wissenschaft Fuß zu fassen, scheiterte 1877.
    ellauri248.html on line 154: Schon 1873 hatte er in Basel Friedrich Nietzsche kennengelernt, 1875 entwickelte sich daraus eine Freundschaft. Im Winter 1876/1877 lebte er zusammen mit Nietzsche, Albert Brenner und Malwida von Meysenbug auf deren Einladung in Sorrent, wo sie gemeinsam philosophische Überlegungen anstellten und arbeiteten. In Sorrent entstand Rées Werk Der Ursprung der moralischen Empfindungen ebenso wie Teile von Nietzsches Menschliches, Allzumenschliches, Ausdruck von Nietzsches Abkehr von Wagner und Hinwendung zum „Réealismus“.
    ellauri248.html on line 160: Im Ursprung der moralischen Empfindungen unterteilt er alle Handlungen in „egoistische“ und „unegoistische“; die Ersteren seien ursprünglich verdammt worden, weil sie anderen Menschen schadeten, zweitere aber gelobt, weil sie der Gemeinschaft nützen. Der Grund für diese Bewertung sei, so Rée, vergessen worden, so dass man heute Egoismus für an sich schlecht und Selbstlosigkeit für an sich gut halte.
    ellauri248.html on line 171: Malwida von Meysenbug und Paul Rée entwickelten einen intensiven Briefwechsel. Die erhalten gebliebenen Briefe Malwida von Meysenbugs sind mehr als nur persönliche Dokumente einer Freundschaft, da der eine als „Materialist“, die andere als „Idealistin“ gegensätzliche Positionen einnahmen, die auch zwei Strömungen im 19. Jahrhundert bezeichnen. Die Briefe bieten auch Einsicht in das biographische Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen Nietzsche und Rée, von Meysenbug und Nietzsche sowie Lou von Salomé.
    ellauri248.html on line 179: Durch die Bekanntschaft mit dem Theologiestudenten und Pfarrerssohn Theodor Althaus, der ihr Liebhaber wurde, löste sich Malwida in den folgenden Jahren von ihrer konservativen Prägung und wurde Vertreterin aufklärerischen Gedankenguts. Insbesondere sollte sie sich zeitlebens mit dem Christentum auseinandersetzen; in den 1840er Jahren befasste sie sich mit der Philosophie Hegels und der materialistischen Junghegelianer. Sie trat energisch für Frauenemanzipation ein und kam so mit sozialistischen Kreisen in Verbindung. Schließlich unterstützte sie die Märzrevolution von 1848, was sie endgültig in Widerspruch zu ihrer eher reaktionären Familie brachte. Mit Hilfe einiger Freunde gelang es ihr auch, als Zuschauerin am Vorparlament in der Frankfurter Paulskirche teilzunehmen.
    ellauri248.html on line 181: Ab 1850 studierte von Meysenbug an der Hamburger Hochschule für das weibliche Geschlecht, um Erzieherin zu werden. Nach dem frühen Tod Theodor Althaus' im Jahre 1852 emigrierte sie, auch um einer drohenden Verhaftung zu entgehen, nach London. Dort lernte sie unter anderem Gottfried und Johanna Kinkel, Carl Schurz, Therese Pulszky und Alexander Herzen kennen. Herzen, bei dem sie wohnte, machte sie mit weiteren Persönlichkeiten des Londoner Exils bekannt; darunter waren Giuseppe Mazzini, Ferdinand Freiligrath und Giuseppe Garibaldi. Für den Witwer Alexander Herzen übernahm sie die Erziehung seiner Töchter Olga (1844–1912) und Natalie (1844–1936); besonders zu ersterer entwickelte sie eine starke "mütterliche" Zuneigung.
    ellauri248.html on line 191: 1890 lernte Malwida von Meysenbug in Rom den 50 Jahre jüngeren Romain Rolland kennen; er wurde ihr letzter enger Vertrauter und der Briefwechsel ist Zeugnis einer großen Freundschaft. 1903 starb Malwida von Meysenbug in Rom und wurde dort, auf eigenen Wunsch ohne geistliche Begleitung, auf dem Cimitero acattolico an der Cestius-Pyramide beigesetzt. Malwida von Meysenbug war 1901 die erste Frau, die für den Literaturnobelpreis nominiert wurde. Aber mit lautem Gelächter beigesetzt. Tämän kaikkien aikojen ensimmäisen kirjallisuuden dynypalkinnon pokkasi ranskalainen mitättömyys nimeltä Sully Prudhomme, joka sentään oli Ranskan-Saxan sodassa "länkkärien" puolella. Sen runo "Särkynyt korva" löytyy albumista 192.
    ellauri248.html on line 234: Valikoituja hölmöyxiä: iloinen tiede, hilpeys. Kunnolla leimattu ja metalliin valettu aforismi pitää vielä tulkita, sitä pitää märehtiä kuin lehmä. Paskat aforismiin ei voi sisältyä enempää infoa kuin siinä on sanoja. Loput tulee väkisinkin muualta.
    ellauri248.html on line 242: Daniel in the lions' den (chapter 6 of the Book of Daniel) tells of how the biblical Daniel is saved from lions by the God of Israel "because I was found tasteless before them" (Daniel 6:22). It parallels and complements chapter 3, the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego: each begins with the jealousy of non-Jews towards successful Jews and an imperial edict requiring them to compromise their religion, and concludes with divine deliverance and a king who confesses the greatness of the God of the Jews and issues an edict of royal protection to the smug hookynoses. The tales making up chapters 1–6 of Daniel date no earlier than the Hellenistic period (3rd to 2nd century BC) and were probably originally independent, but were collected in the mid-2nd century BC and expanded shortly afterwards with the visions of the later chapters to produce the modern book.
    ellauri248.html on line 293: Kyllä ovat tuohtuneiden mölyapinoiden mölinät aina samanlaisia, vuosituhansien aikana. Musta joutsen on metafora, joka tarkoittaa yllättävää, vaikutuksiltaan laaja-alaista tapahtumaa, jota ei jaksettu uskoa mahdolliseksi. Mustia joutsenia ovat suuret katastrofit tai muut merkittävät ja yllättävät käänteet, jotka katkaisevat normaalina pidetyn tapahtumain virran. Tapahtumaa, jolla on suuri sosioekonominen vaikutus, termiittiyhteiskunnalle arvaamaton tai odottamaton. Ilmastokatastrofi tai 3. maailmansota eivät ole sellaisia, koska ne olivat täysin ennustettavissa jo vuosikymmeniä ellei vuosisatoja.
    ellauri248.html on line 351: In Alaska, after 1971 the Alaska Native Claim Settlement Act created 113 (now 12) Alaska Native regional corporations and over 224 local village corporations. Tribal members own shares in the regional and village corporations. The corporations control 44 million acres (68,700 sq miles) of Alaska. The State of Alaska got 90 million acres.
    ellauri248.html on line 366: – Lapsille annetaan luettaviksi pornografista sisältöä. Lapsille kerrotaan asioita, jotka vaikka työpaikalla kollegalle sanottuna olisivat seksuaalista häirintää. Opetetaan kädestä pitäen tytöille miten korzu rullataan jäykkään siittimeen. Tämän pitäisi olla isän etuoikeus.
    ellauri249.html on line 110: Verpa is also a basic Latin obscenity for "penis", in particular for a penis with the foreskin retracted due to erection and glans exposed, as in the illustration of the god Mercury below. As a result, it was "not a neutral technical term, but an emotive and highly offensive word", most commonly used in despective or threatening contexts of violent acts against a fellow male or rival rather than mere sex (futūtiō "fucking"). It is found frequently in graffiti of the type verpes (= verpa es) quī istuc legēs ("You're a dick you who read this").
    ellauri249.html on line 143: ("I will graffiti the front of the tavern with sōpiōs")
    ellauri249.html on line 145: and in a graffito from Pompeii:
    ellauri249.html on line 177: The following obscene poetic graffito from Pompeii is written in the trochaic septenarius metre:
    ellauri249.html on line 305: China will overtake the US as the world’s biggest economy before the end of the decade after outperforming its rival during the global Covid-19 pandemic, according to a report.
    ellauri249.html on line 409: Kyseenalaisia sankareita kaiken kaikkiaan, esimtää "bloody eye" Skobelev edellisessä Krimin sodassa. Skobelev returned to Turkestan after the war, and in 1880 and 1881 further distinguished himself by retrieving the disasters inflicted by the Tekke Turkomans: following the Siege of Geoktepe, it was stormed, the general captured the fort. Around 8,000 Turkmen soldiers and civilians, including women and children were slaughtered in a bloodbath in their flight, along with an additional 6,500 who died inside the fortress. The Russians massacre included all Turkmen males in the fortress who had not escaped, but they spared some 5,000 women and children and freed 600 Persian slaves. The defeat at Geok Tepe and the following slaughter broke the Turkmen resistance and decided the fate of Transcaspia, which was annexed to the Russian Empire. The great slaughter proved too much to stomach reducing the Akhal-Tekke country to submission. Skobelev was removed from his command because of the massacre. He was advancing on Ashkhabad and Kalat i-Nadiri when he was disavowed and recalled to Moscow. He was given the command at Minsk. The official reason for his transfer to Europe was to appease European public opinion over the slaughter at Geok Tepe. British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery assessed Skobelev as the world's "best single commander" between 1870 and 1914 and wrote of his "skilful and inspiring" leadership. Francis Vinton Greene also rated Skobelev highly.
    ellauri249.html on line 472: Its origin is set down in Pliny the Elder's Naturalis Historia where he records that a shoemaker (sutor) had approached the painter Apelles of Kos to point out a defect in the artist's rendition of a sandal (crepida from Greek krepis), which Apelles duly corrected. Encouraged by this, the shoemaker then began to enlarge on other defects he considered present in the painting, at which point Apelles advised him that ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret ('a shoemaker should not judge beyond the shoe'), which advice, Pliny observed, had become a proverbial saying. The Renaissance interest in meddling cluelessly into other people's affairs made the expression popular again.
    ellauri249.html on line 474: The saying remains popular in several languages, as in the English "A cobbler should stick to his last", the Dutch Schoenmaker, blijf bij je leest, the Danish Skomager, bliv ved din læst, the German Schuster, bleib bei deinen Leisten, and the Polish Pilnuj, szewcze, kopyta. Other languages use slightly changed forms: the Spanish Zapatero, a tus zapatos ('Shoemaker, [tend] to your shoes'), and the Russian Суди, дружок, не свыше сапога ('Judge not, pal, above the boot'), after Alexander Pushkin's poetic retelling of the legend.
    ellauri249.html on line 476: Karl Marx ridiculed the idea: "'Ne sutor ultra crepidam' – this nec plus ultra of handicraft wisdom became sheer nonsense, from the moment the watchmaker Watt invented the steam-engine, the barber Arkwright the throstle, and the working-jeweller Fulton the steamship."
    ellauri254.html on line 68: Glaubhaft, aber nicht als realitätsnahe Personenzeichn
    ellauri254.html on line 83: Programmatisch für das serapiontische Prinzip, das „wie Theodor sehr richtig bemerkte, eben nichts weiter heißen wollte, als daß die Serapionsbrüder übereingekommen, sich durchaus niemals mit schlechtem Machwerk zu quälen“, ist die Absage an jede Art von Nachahmungspoetik und jeden sogenannten Realismus. Nicht die Außenwelt soll durch die Dichtung abgebildet werden, sondern es gilt, „das Bild, das dem wahren Künstler im Innern aufgegangen“, durch „poetische Darstellung ins äußere Leben zu tragen“. Wie Serapion, der als weltfremder Eremit nur seinen Visionen folgte, soll auch der Dichter sich von der Einsamkeit als idealer Sphäre seines schöpferischen Geistes inspirieren lassen. Je mehr ihm die Welt zum bloßen Störfaktor wird, desto autonomer, genialer und serapiontischer sein Werk. Indem die fiktiven Erzähler der Novellensammlung über die serapiontische Qualität ihrer Texte diskutieren, wird die ästhetische Reflexion – ganz im Sinne romantischer Poetologie – selbst zum Bestandteil der Poesie. Verwirrend für die Interpreten E.T.A. Hoffmanns sind dabei die für ihn so charakteristischen visionär-phantastischen Projektionen, mit denen er die künstlerische Innenschau mit der alltäglichen Wirklichkeit verbindet und dabei eine typisch serapiontische Mischung aus Phantasie und Realität schafft, die für den Leser nur noch schwer zu entwirren ist.
    ellauri254.html on line 152: Uuden kirjallisuuden todellisia betoniraudoittajia ovat Furmanov ja Fadejev, A. Tolstoi ja M. Solohov, Serafimovitš ja Malyškin, Novikov-Priboi ja Seifullina. Fedinin Konsta muistuttaa, että Fadejev oli 1920-luvulla ensimmäisten joukossa ottamassa tehtäväkseen myönteisen neuvostoihmistyypin luomisen, minkä tärkeys oli koko kirjallisuuden kannalta perustavaa laatua, ja täytti tuon tehtävän teoksessaan Yhdeksäntoista (Razgrom). Vain muutamat vanhemmat prosaistitoverit, Furmanov, Serafimovitš, Gladkov, uskaltautuivat ennen häntä tai miltei samaan aikaan hänen kanssaan sellaiseen uudistukseen. Fedin sanoo Tšapajevia romaaniksi, joka asetti kerronnassa kärkitilalle uuden henkilötyypin taiteellisen kuvauksen. Fedin puhuu ylpeyden tuntein siitä, että uusi ihminen on V. Ivanovin, N Tihonovin, I. Sokolov-Mikitovin teoksissa huomion keskipisteenä. Hän arvostaa korkealle M. Prišvinin, I. Erenburgin ja V. Šiškovin teokset ja muistelee hyvällä A. Lunatšarskin näytelmiä.
    ellauri254.html on line 294: Runoilijan perhe-elämä ei ollut helppoa. Bloc todella palvoi valittua, mutta hän oli vakuuttunut siitä, että avioliiton tärkein henkinen affiniteetti ei ollut fyysinen vaan epäfyysinen. Tämän seurauksena hänen vaimonsa sai paljon miesystäviä. Lubov Mendeleeva oli näyttelijä ja siksi hän teki helposti romaaneja. Blok huomasi tässä harrastuksessa sekä nöyryyttä että köyrintää. Yhden tällaisen romaanin jälkeen hänen vaimollaan on poika, ja Blok tunnistaa hänet Tonyn tekemäxi. Blok tykkää vaimostaan näissä hetkissä ja tukahduttaa vihaa, kateutta ja aggressiota. Kaiken hän on valmis kestämään vaimoltaan muttei tätä. Block oli valmis sietämään kaikenlaiset sarvettajat jos heillä oli hyvä suhde hänen vaimonsa kanssa. Mutta hän ymmärsi lopulta että vaimon isokainalo oli pohjaton kuilu, ja lopulta he erosivat. Hänellä oli sittemmin naisia, joita hän muutti kuin käsineitä. Block puhui heistä: "Myrkky - toisen myrkyn jälkeen".
    ellauri254.html on line 391: In the month after Olga’s death from tuberculosis in June 1907, Sologub retired following twenty-five years as a teacher, and moved in Petersburg from the school-owned apartment to a private flat. The following year he married Anastasia Chebotarevskaya, a translator and author of children’s books who he had first met in the autumn of 1905. In the summer of 1909, Sologub and Chebotarevskaya holidayed in France. Though he had travelled to Finland with his sister in a final attempt to improve her condition, Finland was at the time part of the Russian Empire, so this trip to France was Sologub’s first proper visit abroad.
    ellauri254.html on line 405: Fyodor and Anastasia would stay at the apartment on Razyezzhaya ulitsa until 1916, when – after several years of constant touring for the sake of a series of lectures – Sologub settled again and returned with his wife to Vasilievsky Island. The final move of his life would come in the weeks after his wife’s suicide in 1921, upon which Sologub took an apartment on the Zhdanovskaya Embankment, close to Tuchkov bridge from which his wife had jumped and drowned.
    ellauri254.html on line 424: Jedermannin dramatis personae ovat: Der Spielansager, Gott der Herr, Erzengel Michael, Tod, Teufel, Jedermann, Jedermanns Mutter, Jedermanns guter Gesell, Der Hausvogt, Der Koch, Ein armer Nachbar, Ein Schuldknecht, Des Schuldknechts Weib, Buhlschaft, Dicker Vetter, Dünner Vetter, Etliche junge Fräulein, Etliche von Jedermanns Tischgesellen, Büttel, Knechte, Spielleute, Buben, Mammon, Werke, Glaube, Mönch, Engel.
    ellauri254.html on line 427: God (Gott) sends Death (Tod) to summon the rich bon viveur Everyman (Jedermann) who is then abandoned by his friends, his wealth and his lover (Buhlschaft).
    ellauri254.html on line 443: Das Fragment scheint sehr dicht Hofmannsthals eigene biographische Situation zu reflektieren. Im Sommer 1901 hatte er geheiratet und mit seiner Frau ein Haus bezogen. Finanziell war er durch das Vermögen seines Vaters unabhängig. Der erste Dialog zwischen Jedermann und dem Mammon lässt das Herrschaftsverhältnis zwischen beiden hervortreten. Jedermann hadert mit dem Mammon, seinem Knecht, dessen Dienstfertigkeit ihm unerträglich ist.
    ellauri254.html on line 444: Deutlich ist der Bezug zum Tod von Hofmannsthals Mutter im Jahr 1904. Der Dialog mit dem Freund spielt mit Sicherheit auf die Freundschaft mit Stefan George an, die zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits fast zerstört war. Ein Jahr später, im März 1906, sollten Hofmannsthal und George tatsächlich ihre 15 Jahre andauernde "Freundschaft" beenden.
    ellauri254.html on line 461: Nach seinem Abitur im Jahre 1888 bereiste George die europäischen Metropolen London, Paris und Wien. In Wien lernte er 1891 Hugo von Hofmannsthal kennen. In Paris traf er auf den Symbolisten Stéphane Mallarmé und dessen Dichterkreis, der ihn nachhaltig beeinflusste und ihn seine exklusive und elitäre Kunstauffassung des l’art pour l’art entwickeln ließ. Seine Dichtungen sollten sich jeglicher Zweckgebundenheit und Profanierung entziehen. Zu Georges Pariser Kontaktpersonen gehörte auch Paul Verlaine. Unter dem Einfluss der Symbolisten entwickelte George eine Abneigung gegen den in Deutschland zu jener Zeit sehr populären Realismus und Naturalismus. Maxim Gorki wäre sehr böse gewesen, hätte er das gewusst. Seit 1889 studierte er drei Semester lang an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin, brach sein Studium jedoch bald ab. Danach blieb er sein Leben lang ohne festen Wohnsitz, wohnte bei Freunden und Verlegern (wie Georg Bondi in Berlin), auch wenn er sich zunächst noch relativ häufig in das Elternhaus in Bingen zurückzog. Zwar hatte er von seinen Eltern ein beträchtliches Erbe erhalten, doch lebte er stets sehr genügsam. Als Dichter identifizierte er sich früh mit Dante (als der er auch beim Münchner Fasching auftrat), dessen Divina Comedia er in kleine Teile zerriss. Samanlainen ilkeä riippunokka se olikin kuin Dante.
    ellauri254.html on line 484: Es wurde immer klarer, dass die gegenseitigen Erwartungen enttäuscht wurden und ihre künstlerischen Vorstellungen immer weiter auseinandergingen. So konzentrierte sich George auf die Lyrik und verlangte Gefolgschaft, der sich Hofmannsthal allmählich entzog, zumal er sich auch dem Drama und anderen Formen gegenüber aufgeschlossen zeigte. Auf die Widmung seines Trauerspiels Das gerettete Venedig von 1904 an George reagierte dieser ablehnend. Er bescheinigte Hofmannsthal, dass der Versuch, den „Anschluss an die große Form zu finden“, misslungen sei. Im März 1906 brachen sie den Kontakt ganz ab.
    ellauri254.html on line 492: George ei uskonut Saxan aseiden voittoon 1. maailmansodassa, raakkui rökäletappiota, missä osuikin naulan kantaan. Homokolleega Klaus Mann erinnerte sich an Georges Popularität später wie folgt: „Inmitten einer morschen und rohen Zivilisation verkündete, verkörperte er eine menschlich-künstlerische Würde, in der Zucht und Leidenschaft, Anmut und Majestät sich vereinen. Dabei hatte er einen majestätischen Schwanz.“
    ellauri254.html on line 499:
    Siinä oli meitä poikia. Stefun ikävä lätty näkyy näpeimpänä pisteenä taulun oikeassa ylänurkassa. Pullanaamainen Brando lookalike vauvaessussa on Schwuler ja dinaarinen pikkumies Klages. Koukkunokka vasemmassa laidassa on syväkurkkuinen Karl Wolfskehl, joka sittemmin ajoi pois röyhypartansa kuten Soologubbe. Toinen partapozo ei ole sikapaska Hongisto eikä vekkulin Volvon etulokasuoja vaan Albert Verwey Amsterdamista joka ei saanut Nobel-palkintoa. Verwey was a close friend of Willem Kloos, and an affair developed between the two poets, which is unprecedented in Dutch literature. Siinä ehkä syy.

    ellauri254.html on line 519: In seinem Spätwerk Das neue Reich (1928) verkündete George eine hierarchische Gesellschaftsreform auf der Grundlage einer neuen geistig-seelischen Aristokratie (z. B. Stefan George). Georgea ei nazit saaneet houkutelluxi mukaansa, vaan se ryömi Sveiziin kuolemaan. Tän Schwulerin fasistiset sekoilut saivat sen kyllä hetkittäin kuumumaan, varmaan kun pojilla oli housut nilkoissa.
    ellauri254.html on line 521: In Schulers antisemitisch-esoterischer Vorstellungswelt strömten im Blut „kosmische Energien“ des Menschen zusammen, ein kostbarer Besitz, der „Quell aller schöpferischen Mächte“ sei. Dieser Schatz sei von einem besonderen Leuchtstoff durchdrungen, der von der kosmischen Kraft des Trägers künde, allerdings nur im Blut auserwählter Personen zu finden sei. Von ihnen erwartete man in den Zeiten des Niederganges die allgemeine Wiedergeburt in den Sonnenkindern oder Wiener Sängerknaben. Nun gab es nach Auffassung Klages’ einen mächtigen Feind des Blutes, den Geist, und die kosmischen Anstrengungen sollten darauf hinauslaufen, die Seele aus der „Knechtschaft“ dieses Geistes zu befreien, jener Kraft, die mit Fortschritt und Vernunft, Kapitalismus, Zivilisation und dem Judentum gleichzusetzen war und den Sieg Jahwes über das Leben bedeuten würde. Die Tiraden Schulers gegen den „Molochismus“, wie er seine Anspielung auf den kinderverschlingenden Moloch nannte, unterschieden sich kaum von antisemitischen Wendungen, die um diese Zeit in Wien gestreut wurden. Klages ging über diese noch hinaus, indem er vom Scheinleben einer Larve sprach, die Jahwe nutze, „um auf dem Wege der Täuschung die Menschheit zu vernichten“.
    ellauri254.html on line 523: Obwohl George viele Ideen Schulers als unsinnig ablehnte, war er von ihm fasziniert und vergegenwärtigte in etlichen Versen dessen heraufbeschworene Visionen. Nun wollte Klages, der Schuler immer nähergekommen war, zwischen George und das jüdische Mitglied des Kreises Karl Wolfskehl einen Keil treiben. 1904 biederte er sich dem Zeitgeist an und bestätigte damit indirekt Georges Absage an den Antisemitismus: Klages behauptete, er habe 1904 im letzten Moment durchschaut, dass der George-Kreis von einer „jüdischen Zentrale gesteuert“ werde. Er habe George vor die Wahl gestellt, indem er ihn fragen wollte, was ihn an „Juda“ „binde“. Diesem Gespräch sei George ausgewichen. Wolfskehl, der sich als „römisch, jüdisch, deutsch zugleich“ charakterisierte und als bedeutender Repräsentant der jüdischen George-Rezeption angesehen werden kann, glaubte zunächst an eine Symbiose von Deutschtum und Judentum und orientierte sich hierbei an den Werken des Dichters, der im Stern des Bundes im Sinne einer Wahlverwandtschaft Juden als die „verkannte(n) brüder“ bezeichnete, „von glühender wüste … Stammort des gott-gespenstes … gleich entfernt“.
    ellauri254.html on line 532: George unterschied Künstler, die er als urbedingt oder Urgeister bzw Uranianer bezeichnete (z.B. Stefan George), von abgeleiteten Wesen. Während die Urgeister ihre Anlagen ohne Führung vollenden konnten, war das Schaffen der anderen nicht autark, sodass sie auf den Kontakt zu den Urgeistern angewiesen waren und das Göttliche nur in abgeleiteter Form empfangen konnten. Das Gegensatzpaar Urgeister – abgeleitete Wesen prägte das Denken und Schaffen des George-Kreises. Die meisten Anhänger Georges sahen sich selbst als abgeleitete Wesen. Zu den wenigen Urgeistern gehörten für George etwa Karl Wolfskehl und Ludwig Klages.
    ellauri254.html on line 534: Der Engels ist Führer des Dichters, der seinerseits Jünger um sich schart, ein Paradigmenwechsel, der den Beginn des Werkes charakterisiert und sich kritisch-rückblickend auf das epigonale weibliche Paradigma im Jahr der Seele bezieht. Die nichtdomestizierte weibliche Sexualität stelle für George eine Bedrohung dar: Er verbinde den erfüllten (heterosexuellen) Geschlechtsakt mit Zersetzung und Dekadenz, im übertragenen Sinne mit Epigonalität oder Ästhetizismus. In Die Fremde etwa, einem Gedicht aus dem Teppich des Lebens, versinkt die Frau als dämonische, im Mondlicht mit „offenem haar“ singende Hexe im Torf, ein „knäblein“, „schwarz wie nacht und bleich wie lein“ als Pfand zurücklassend, während in den als sprachlich verunglückt eingestuften Gewittern die „falsche Gattin“, die sich „in den wettern tummelt“ und „zügellosen rettern“ preisgegeben ist, am Ende verhaftet wird.
    ellauri254.html on line 588: (Troki, Lith. Trakai; Ger. Traken), city in S.E. Lithuania; annexed to Russia after the third partition of Poland (1795), under Polish rule from 1922 to 1939. It was the most ancient and important of the Karaite communities in the kingdom of *Poland - Lithuania , having apparently been founded by Karaites brought from the Crimea by the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Witold (Vitovt).
    ellauri254.html on line 622: Keväällä 1919 Suomessa oli lahtarien mielipide jakautunut kahtia Petrogradiin hyökkäämisen kannalta. Jotkut kokoomuksen, mutta myös maalaisliiton kansanedustajat kannattivat Petrogradiin hyökkäämistä, samoin myymälänhoitaja korsettiasuinen Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim, jotta bolševismin kukistuttua Suomi olisi voittajien puolella länsivaltojen rinnalla ja jotta myös Venäjän valkoiset bolševikkien tapaan tunnustaisivat Suomen itsenäisyyden. Jotkut aktivistit suunnittelivat, että Mannerheim kieltäytyisi valtionhoitajana vahvistamasta tasavaltalaista perustuslakia, eduskunta hajotettaisiin ja poikkeustilan aikana tuettaisiin Kannakselta tehtävällä hyökkäyksellä Judenitšin hyökkäystä Virosta Petrogradiin.
    ellauri254.html on line 816: Kaverin managed to republish Lunz's last play, Gorod Pravdy [The City of Truth], in a theatrical journal in 1989, one year after he had helped to effect the first publication in the Soviet Union of Yevgeny Zamyatin's anti-utopian novel, My [We, 1920]. The censorship board was beginning to crack, but still the Lunz collection was delayed beyond the life of the last Serapion (Kaverin) and the end of the Soviet system. Koska matka oli hauska niin, ottivat he mukaan vielä yhden kaverin.
    ellauri254.html on line 823: Shklovsky returned to St. Petersburg in early 1918, after the October Revolution. During the Civil War he opposed Bolshevism and took part in an anti-Bolshevik plot organised by members of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. After the conspiracy was discovered by the Cheka, Shklovsky went into hiding, traveling in Russia and the Ukraine, but was eventually pardoned in 1919 due to his connections with Maxim Gorky, and decided to abstain from political activity. His two brothers were executed by the Soviet regime (one in 1918, the other in 1937) and his sister died from hunger in St. Petersburg in 1919.
    ellauri256.html on line 50: Because of frequent references to the phallus in Rozanov's writings, Klaus von Beyme called him the Rasputin of the Russian intelligentsia. Klaus von Beyme (* 3. Juli 1934 in Saarau, Landkreis Schweidnitz, Niederschlesien; † 6. Dezember 2021 in Heidelberg) war ein deutscher Politikwissenschaftler und von 1974 bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1999 Professor am Institut für Politische Wissenschaft der Universität Heidelberg.
    ellauri256.html on line 246: Boris Nikolaevich Bugaev (Russian: Бори́с Никола́евич Буга́ев, IPA: [bɐˈrʲis nʲɪkɐˈlajɪvʲɪtɕ bʊˈɡajɪf] (listen)), better known by the pen name Andrei Bely or Biely (Russian: Андре́й Бе́лый, IPA: [ɐnˈdrʲej ˈbʲelɨj] (listen); 26 October [O.S. 14 October] 1880 – 8 January 1934), was a Russian novelist, Symbolist poet, theorist and literary critic. He was a committed anthroposophist and follower of Rudolf Steiner. His novel Petersburg (1913/1922) was regarded by Vladimir Nabokov as the third-greatest masterpiece of modernist literature. The Andrei Bely Prize (Russian: Премия Андрея Белого), one of the most important prizes in Russian literature, was named after him. His poems were set to music and performed by Russian singer-songwriters.
    ellauri256.html on line 334: Vladimir Vladimirovitš Majakovski (ven. Влади́мир Влади́мирович Маяко́вский; 19. heinäkuuta (J: 7. heinäkuuta) 1893 Baghdati – 14. huhtikuuta 1930 Moskova) oli venäläinen ja neuvostoliittolainen runoilija sekä futurismin runouden merkkihenkilö. Majakovski oli tulisieluinen vallankumousrunoilija, taidemaalari, graafikko ja kuvittaja, joka nousi bolševikkien valtaannousun symboliksi. Myös maailmanlyriikassa hän on huomattava nimi poliittisen ja kantaa ottavan runouden saralla. Majakovskin tunnetuimpia teoksia on runoelma Pilvi housuissa. Hänen teoksiaan on suomentanut sössöttävä Arvo Turtiainen Kuopiosta, josta Hansan porukoiden kronikoissa oli paljon vittuiluja eri salanimillä.
    ellauri256.html on line 358: The stormy affair between the legendary “singer of the revolution”, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and a “proponent of depravity”, Lilya Brik, lasted 15 years, until the poet's suicide in 1930. He devoted poems and hundreds of love letters to her. It was probably this affair that most of all contributed to her going down in history, yet it also left her with hundreds of enemies, who tried to erase any trace of her, even from documents. So, who exactly was this femme fatale?
    ellauri256.html on line 364: “All our girls were in love with him and etched the name Osya with a penknife on their desks,” Lilya recalled. His low-key courtship of Lilya lasted seven years. Up until the moment she became pregnant. However, the father was not Brik but ... a music teacher, Grigory Krein. Under pressure from her mother, Lilya had an abortion, after which she could no longer have children. And Brik finally proposed.
    ellauri256.html on line 373: Osip was not troubled by his wife's affair. All the more so, since the country was living through a sexual revolution - free love became a symbol of the time. “I loved making love to Osya. On those occasions, we locked Volodya in the kitchen. Then he would rage, trying to join us, scratching at the door and crying,” Lilya once told a friend.
    ellauri256.html on line 384: However, after Mayakovsky shot himself in the heart at the height of his fame, their romance turned into a tragic legend, and Brik was practically declared the poet's killer. Especially after she released their correspondence: there were hundreds of letters with declarations of love from Mayakovsky and terse answers and requests to send money from Lilya.
    ellauri256.html on line 386: Nevertheless, when after Mayakovsky's death his poetry soon began to be forgotten, Lilya, as his executor (named as such by the poet in his will), took a lot of effort to prevent it. She wrote a letter to Joseph Stalin, who issued an order to ensure that the poet's legacy was not forgotten. So it was largely thanks to her that a whole industry was created around Mayakovsky, with his statues erected all over the country, his works reprinted, and collective farms and plants named after him.
    ellauri256.html on line 524: MIT:n silloinen laskuopin professori ennusti Billystä: I believe he will be a great mathematician, the leader in that science in the future. 11-vuotiaana nenäkäs Billy sai toistuvasti turpiin 5v vanhemmilta Harvardin luokkatovereilta (ml Buckminster Fuller) ja alkoi eristäytyä. Billy vowed to remain celibate and never to marry, as he said women did not appeal to him. Later he developed a strong affection for Martha Foley, one year older than him. Ei siitäkään tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. Isompana Billy ajoi mieluiten ympäriinsä raitiovaunulla. He obsessively collected streetcar transfers, wrote self-published periodicals, and taught small circles of interested friends his version of American history. Sidis arveli että Euroopassakin oli ollut intiaaneja. Sidis peukutti jonkinlaista dualismia. Sidis died from a cerebral hemorrhage in 1944 in Boston at age 46.
    ellauri257.html on line 52: He also intensified his relationship with a starets or spiritual elder, Matvey Konstantinovsky, whom he had known biblically for several years. Konstantinovsky seems to have strengthened in Gogol the fear of perdition (damnation) by insisting on the sinfulness of all his imaginative handiwork. Exaggerated ascetic practices with Matvey undermined his health and he fell into a state of deep depression. On the night of 24 February 1852 he burned some of his manuscripts, which contained most of the second part of Dead Souls. He explained this as a mistake, a practical joke played on him by the Devil in the guise of Matvey Konstantinovsky.[citation needed] Soon thereafter, he took to bed, refused all food, and died in great pain nine days later.
    ellauri257.html on line 55: Gogol's huge influence on Russian, Ukrainian and world literature was acknowledged by Mikhail Bulgakov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, Franz Kafka and (most notably) Flannery O'Connor.
    ellauri257.html on line 69: British-born director J. Lee Thompson (“The Yellow Balloon”/”The Passage”/”King Solomon’s Mines”) helms this bloody spectacular. It’s a serviceable large-scale epic that mainly goes wrong with a mushy subplot involving a miscast Tony Curtis as a Cossack wooing a Polish noblewoman, Christine Kaufmann (they were soon to be married in real-life after his divorce from Janet Leigh). It seems to be in genre form when showing hordes of Cossack horsemen flying across the steppes to do battle. It’s based on the novel by Nikolai Gogol and is written without wit or logic by Waldo Salt (former blacklisted writer) and Karl Tunberg.
    ellauri257.html on line 71: In 1550, after centuries of fighting for possession of the Ukraine with the Turks, the Cossacks under the leadership of Taras Bulba (Yul Brynner) aid the Polish Army in the battle of the steppes (Argentina subbing for the Ukraine, where reportedly some 10,000 Argentinean extras were employed) and are victorious. Invited to a Polish feast to celebrate, the Cossacks are betrayed by their cunning hosts and flee under cannon fire to safety across the steppes.
    ellauri257.html on line 133: Vapauduttuaan maaorjuudesta Karl Brjullovin järjestämillä arpajaisilla Ševtšenko opiskeli Pietarin taideakatemiassa, jossa hänen opettajanaan toimi samainen Karl Brjullov. Ševtšenko alkoi myös elättää itseään taidemaalarina ja runoilijana. Vuonna 1840 ilmestyi Ševtšenkon ensimmäinen runokokoelma Kobzar. Vuonna 1841 julkaistiin edelleen eeppinen runo Haidamaky ja vuonna 1844 balladi Hamaliia. Vuosina 1843, 1845 ja 1846 Ševtšenko teki matkoja sukulaistensa luo Ukrainaan, jossa hän sai porsasborshtshia ja vaikutteita ukrainalaisilta kirjailijoilta ja muulta älymystöltä. Ševtšenko tutustui esimerkiksi Panteleimon Kulišiin, Myhailo Maksymovytšiin ja Varvara Repninaan. Ševtšenko valmistui Pietarin taideakatemiasta vuonna 1845, ja kiertäessään samana vuonna Ukrainaa hän kirjoitti runoja, tuhri graffitilla paikallisia historiallisia maamerkkejä ja käänsi museoista kansatieteellistä aineistoa.
    ellauri257.html on line 339: Witold Marian Gombrowicz (4. elokuuta 1904 Małoszyce, Świętokrzyskin voivodikunta, Puola – 24. heinäkuuta 1969 Vence, Ranska) oli puolalainen kirjailija. Hän saavutti mainetta vasta uransa viimeisinä vuosina, mutta nykyisin häntä pidetään yhtenä merkittävimmistä puolalaisista toisen maailmansodan jälkeisen ajan kirjailijoista. Pääteokset Ferdydurke, Pornografia.
    ellauri257.html on line 341: Hän oli vuonna 1966 ehdolla Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi, mutta ei kuitenkaan saanut palkintoa. Actually he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times, from 1966 to 1969. Eise sentään ollut Puolan juutalaisia vaikka painui Argentiinaan karkuroimaan 1939. Actually he was considered unfit for military duties. No jotain vikaa siinä piti olla, ja olikin: Gombrowicz had affairs with both men and women.
    ellauri257.html on line 400: Lukemistani romskuista Gonzon Pornografia muistuttaa toistaisexi eniten ranskisten (Bernanos, Gide, Zola) langenneista katolisista papeista vääntämiä sepustuxia. Plus Leclosia josta olen kyllä lukenut vain osia. Varmaan muistuttaisi myös markiisi Le Sadea jos olisin sen lukenut. Ton herrasväen nausean puolesta jonkun verran myös Dostojevskiä. Ehkä homopetteri Klaus Mannia vaikka sitäkään en ole kuin vähän selannut. Erilaisia sexuaalisten repressioiden vaivaamia oikislaisia. Jaa ehkä vähän vielä sitä Tokarczukin Alku-karkkia? Ja Nyölenin peukuttamia fin de sièclen katolisia dekadentteja. Katolisuus on hyvin pahaa lääkettä, etenkin puolalainen sellainen. Et tämmöstä:
    ellauri257.html on line 419: Upon the 2009 American release (of the book, after the film of course, this is America), Michael Dirda wrote in The Washington Post that Pornografia "seems as sick, as pathologically creepy a novel as one is ever likely to read. In some ways, it resembles a rather more polymorphously perverse version of Les Liaisons Dangereuses or one of those disturbing fictions by European intellectuals that blend the philosophical with the erotic: Think of Georges Bataille's The Story of the Eye or Pierre Klossowski's Roberte Ce Soir. ... Through its sado-masochistic material and its almost Henry Jamesian analyses of human motives, Pornografia underscores Gombrowicz's lifelong philosophical obsession: the quest for authenticity." Dirda continued: "Certainly, most readers will find Pornografia perturbing, or worse: repulsive, confusing, ugly. As Milosz once said of Gombrowicz: 'He had no reverence whatsoever for literature. He derided it as a snobbish ritual, and if he practiced it, he attempted to get rid of all its accepted rules.'"
    ellauri257.html on line 438: Dygd, förnuft, uppoffrande sinnelag, hjältemod, ädelmod, våld! våld! våld! Etanoita, sammakoita, koiranhäntätupsukoita.Våldtäkt! Tafsande! Varför var vi annars män? En man är bara till för sig själv, inte någon annan! Witold vill helst föröka sig med Waclav man to man, på tumanhand. Tukuittain ällösanoja ja latenttia ellei patenttia homostelua.
    ellauri257.html on line 454: “Well” he replied “so far we have lost over 20 generals, 110,000 troops killed, countless injured, 3000 tanks, 300 aircraft, hundreds of helicopters, countless armoured vehicles, artillery and trucks, our flagship along with other naval ships, our army is being defeated in most areas and we have had to resort to conscription to replace our losses”.
    ellauri257.html on line 480: straffe mig nu och framgent om jag icke i morgon vid denna tid
    ellauri257.html on line 506: In the United States, Singer went through a period of depression in which he published little fiction, until in 1938, he met Alma Wasserman and the two married in 1940. For Singer as homo domesticus, I needed the views of his wife, Alma Haimann, whom I’ll refer to by her first name hereafter. I had read in a 1970s article from The Jewish Exponent that Alma had been at work on an autobiography. “I’m about as far as the first 100 pages,” she told the Philadelphia newspaper. I was also aware, from Paul Kresh’s 1979 biography, “The Magician of West 86th Street,” that Singer didn’t think his wife would ever finish the manuscript. But was there such a manuscript?
    ellauri257.html on line 528: Singer continued to write and translate his stories and novels throughout the 1980s, until the onset of dementia in 1987. In the end, as Singer suffered from dementia, his relationships with Goran, Menashe and perhaps even Alma soured. The effects lingered unpleasantly even after his death, and as a consequence it’s hard to track the sirvienta. We don’t even know her name or nationality for certain. The idea of a Spanish-speaking maid as an integral part of Singer’s household is ripe not only for biographical scrutiny, but also for fictional development: !Ah! !Ah! !Si! !Si! !Si señor! !!Mas rapido! !Mas profundo!
    ellauri257.html on line 571: Lodge was a Christian Spiritualist. In 1909, he published the book Survival of Man which expressed his belief that life after death had been demonstrated by mediumship. His most controversial book was Raymond or Life and Death (1916). The book documented the séances that he and his wife had attended with the medium Gladys Osborne Leonard. Lodge was convinced that his son Raymond who had become cannon food had communicated with him and the book is a description of his son's experiences in the spirit world. According to the book Raymond had reported that those who had died were still the same people that they had been on earth before they "passed over". There were houses, trees and flowers in the Spirit world, which was similar to the earthly realm, although there was no STD. The book also claimed that soldiers who died in World War I smoked cigars and drank whisky and ate pussy also in the spirit world and because of such statements the book was criticised.
    ellauri258.html on line 284: Klassikko on liian epätasainen kuuluakseen edes Hotakaisen aivan parhaiden töi­den joukkoon. Erityisesti pitkä päiväkirjaosio, vaikka se onkin tahallaan kirjoi­tettu niin tylsäxi kuin on, raflaavuutta hakevaksi viinan ja huumeiden huurui­seksi sekoiluksi, on vain liian pitkä. Pointti välittyisi rankan karsinnankin jäl­keen. Mutta siitä ei tulisi sovittua määrää sivuja.
    ellauri258.html on line 391: Valko-Venäjän etnografien mukaan Baba Yaga esiintyy täällä kuolleen miehenä
    ellauri258.html on line 427: tutki Baba Yagan kuvaa etnografisen ja mytologisen aineiston perusteella,
    ellauri258.html on line 556: Steve Bermanin novelli "Peikko vuorella tytön kanssa" sisältää japsujen Baba Jaga vastineen Yamauban. Lafcadio Hearn,joka kirjoittaa ensisijaisesti länsimaiselle yleisölle, kertoo tarinan seuraavasti:
    ellauri260.html on line 44: aff6ff8a5f8249f9f9900a287633d2b3e213412d3c80c561965f2d35880b79&ipo=images" />
    ellauri260.html on line 103: Seuraava pahis oli Kalle-Aku Comte. Auguste Comten (1798–1857) filosofinen positivismi vahvisti historiallisena lakina, että jokainen tiede (ja itse ihmiskunta) kulkee kolmen peräkkäisen vaiheen, teologisen, metafyysisen ja positiivisen, läpi, joista jokainen on parempi kuin viimeinen.
    ellauri260.html on line 145: "Opiskelin pääasiassa näiden opettajien johdolla personalistista filosofiaa – teoriaa, jonka mukaan vihje perimmäisen todellisuuden merkityksestä löytyy persoonallisuudesta. Tämä henkilökohtainen idealismi on edelleen filosofinen peruskantani. Personalismin vaatimus siitä, että vain persoonallisuus - äärellinen ja ääretön - on lopulta todellinen, vahvisti minua kahdessa vakaumuksessa: se antoi minulle metafyysisen ja filosofisen perustan ajatukselle henkilökohtaisesta Jumalasta, ja se antoi minulle metafyysisen perustan koko ihmispersoonallisuuden arvokkuudelle ja arvolle."
    ellauri260.html on line 217: Ordoliberalismi on saksalainen muunnelma taloudellisesta liberalismista, joka korostaa hallituksen tarvetta varmistaa, että vapaat markkinat tuottavat tuloksia, jotka ovat lähellä sen teoreettista potentiaalia, mutta eivät puolusta hyvinvointivaltiota. Ordoliberaalisista ihanteista tuli perusta toisen maailmansodan jälkeisen Saksan sosiaalisen markkinatalouden ja sitä seuranneen Wirtschaftswunderin luomiselle. Sanan "ordoliberalismi" (saksa : Ordoliberalismus) loi vuonna 1950 Super Hero Moeller, ja se viittaa akateemiseen aikakauslehteen ORDO.
    ellauri260.html on line 223: Rudin tiivistetty maailmanhistoria teoxen Socialism: an analysis alussa on lepertelevästä tyylistään huolimatta pääpiirteissään oikea. 1700-luvulla alkoi teollinen vallankumous jonka siivellä tuli humanismi ja tiedeuskovaisuus ja porvarillinen vallankumous. Kaikki muut vallankumouxet on menneet ennen pitkää perseelleen, mutta kökkäreitä ei mikään näytä pysäyttävän. "Man," says Herder, " has no nobler word to apply to himself than what he himself is: Termitaffe." Rudin kirjan anglosaxinsi Joe McCabe, brittien Timo Airaxinen, ateisti skeptikko ja izeoikeutettu eetikko, mutta silti punastumaton porvari. Timo on tosin Joosea selkeästi läskimpi.
    ellauri260.html on line 225: Joseph Martin McCabe (12 November 1867 – 10 January 1955) was an English writer and speaker on freethought (vapaa-ajattelija), after having been a Roman Catholic priest earlier in his life. He was "one of the great mouthpieces of freethought in England". Becoming a critic of the Catholic Church, McCabe joined groups such as the Rationalist Association and the National Secular Society. He criticised Christianity from a rationalist perspective, but also was involved in the South Place Ethical Society which grew out of dissenting Protestantism and was a precursor of modern secular humanism. William Ferguson wrote of him: "He was bitterly anti-Catholic but also actively undermined religious faith in general." McCabe was also an advocate of women's rights and worked with Mrs. Pankhurst and Mrs. Wolstenholme-Elmy on speeches favoring giving British women the right to vote. McCabe is also known for his inclusion in, and irritation at, G. K. Chesterton's funny book Heretics. Funny is the opposite of not funny, nothing else, defended Chesterton. He should know. In 1920 McCabe publicly debated the Spiritualist Arthur Conan Doyle on the claims of Spiritualism at Queen's Hall in London. Various scientists such as William Crookes and Cesare Lombroso had been duped into believing Spiritualism by mediumship tricks.
    ellauri260.html on line 312: Neither individual nor community must make concern about material things its chief business. The indefinite craving of the individual is a lower impulse that must be checked in every way, and all hunting after money for its own sake must be branded a danger- ous aberration. And as this ideal regards economic activity merely as a means to higher ends, it does not bring the two together in one whole and cannot recognise any particular economic legislation
    ellauri260.html on line 325: So far we have allowed the Socialist ideal to speak for itself and to instruct us as to its aims. That is the only way to understand properly both its affirmation and its negation. We have now to form our own opinion on it, and to take up a clear position in regard to what we have seen.
    ellauri260.html on line 341: This is done in two ways : by the construction of a personality superior to and embracing the world and by the opening of a kingdom of God which essentially transcends the entire political and social order. In order to buy any of this, a man has to be content with figures of speech and suggestions, and the heart needs a heroism that confidentlv sustains its affirmation in spite of all contradiction.
    ellauri260.html on line 390: Sir James George Frazer OMG FRS FRSE FBA WTF (/ˈfreɪzər/; 1 January 1854 – 7 May 1941) was a Scottish social anthropologist and folklorist influential in the early stages of the modern studies of mythology and comparative religion. His lousy reputation improved after his new wife in 1896, Lilly Frazer, decided that he was undervalued because of atheism and that she could improve his impact by leaving out some of it. His dissertation was published years later as The Growth of Plato's Ideal Theory. He remained a classical fellow all his life, not unlike Kari Hotakainen.
    ellauri260.html on line 395: Tätä Joria peukuttaneet kaverit on voittopuolisesti jotain patakonservatiiveja tai muuten oikeistohenkisiä hörhöjä: Ludi Wittgenstein, Jöns Carlson, Sigmund Freud, TS Eliot (The Waste Basket). Belovin Sale varmaan kerta sillä oli senniminen hahmo Augiessa, ja nyt siis tää Aucken. Hiljattain The Golden Boughia on kritisoitu laajalti imperialistisena, katolisten vastaisena, luokka- ja rasistisena elementtitalona, mukaan lukien Frazerin oletukset siitä, että eurooppalaiset talonpojat, aboriginaalit australialaiset ja afrikkalaiset edustivat kivettyneitä, kulttuurisen kehityksen aikaisempia vaiheita.
    ellauri262.html on line 80: After his literary success, MacDonald went on to do a lecture tour in the United States in 1872–1873, after being invited to do so by a lecture company, the Boston Lyceum Bureau. On the tour, MacDonald lectured about other poets such as Robert Burns, Shakespeare, and Tom Hood. He performed this lecture to great acclaim, speaking in Boston to crowds in the neighbourhood of three thousand people. CS Lewis wrote admiringly:
    ellauri262.html on line 136:
    Jackie before stapling and after being unstapled

    ellauri262.html on line 142: Lewis was a close friend of J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Lord of the Rings. Both men served on the English faculty at Oxford University and were active in the informal Oxford literary group known as the Inklings. According to Lewis's 1955 memoir Surprised by Joy, he was baptized in the Church of Ireland but fell away from his faith during adolescence. Lewis returned to Anglicanism at the age of 32, owing to the influence of Tolkien and other friends, and he became an "ordinary layman of the Church of England". Lewis's faith profoundly affected his work, and his wartime radio broadcasts on the subject of Christianity brought him wide acclaim.
    ellauri262.html on line 152: Lewis was schooled by private tutors until age nine, when his mother died in 1908 from cancer. His father then sent him to England to live and study at Wynyard School in Watford, Hertfordshire. Lewis's brother had enrolled there three years previously. Not long after, the school was closed due to a lack of pupils. Lewis then attended Campbell College in the east of Belfast about a mile from his home, but left after a few months due to respiratory problems.
    ellauri262.html on line 171: Lewis lived with and cared for Moore until she was hospitalized in the late 1940s. He routinely introduced her as his mother, referred to her as such in letters, and developed a deeply affectionate friendship with her. Lewis's own mother had died when he was a child, while his father was distant, demanding, and eccentric.
    ellauri262.html on line 186: Christus Victor is a book by Gustaf Aulén published in English in 1931, presenting a study of theories of atonement in Christianity. The original Swedish title is Den kristna försoningstanken ("The Christian Idea of the Atonement") published in 1930. Aulén reinterpreted the classic ransom theory of atonement, which says that Christ's death is a ransom to the powers of evil, which had held humankind in their dominion. It is a model of the atonement that is dated to the Church Fathers, and it was the dominant theory of atonement for a thousand years, until Anselm Panda of Canterbury supplanted it in the West with his satisfaction theory of atonement. So that the baddies in the story were Sauron and the goblins and orcs of Mordor, not God as angry Scrooge McDuck coming for his dues.
    ellauri262.html on line 192: Henry Victor Dyson Dyson (7 April 1896 – 6 June 1975), generally known as Hugo Dyson and who signed his writings H. V. D. Dyson, was an English academic and a member of the Inklings literary group. He was a committed Christian, and together with J. R. R. Tolkien he helped C. S. Lewis to convert to Christianity, particularly after a long conversation as they strolled on Addison's Walk at Oxford.
    ellauri262.html on line 207: Lewis continued to raise Gresham's two sons after her death. Douglas Gresham is a Christian like Lewis and his apostate mother, while David Gresham turned to his mother's ancestral faith, becoming Orthodox Jewish in his beliefs. His mother's writings had featured the Jews in an unsympathetic manner, particularly on "shohet" (ritual slaughterer). David informed Lewis that he was going to become a ritual slaughterer to present this type of Jewish religious functionary to the world in a more favourable light. In a 2005 interview, Douglas Gresham acknowledged that he and his brother were not close, although they had corresponded via email.
    ellauri262.html on line 325: The scholar of children's literature Zoë Jaques writes that Shelob is the "embodiment of monstrous maternity"; Sam's battle with Shelob could be interpreted as a "masculine rite of passage" where a smaller, weaker male penetrates and escapes the vast female body and her malicious intent. The feminist scholar Brenda Partridge described the hobbits' protracted struggle with Shelob as rife with sexual symbolism. She writes that Tolkien derived Shelob from multiple myths: Sigurd killing Fafnir the dragon; Theseus killing the Minotaur; Ariadne and the spider; and Milton's Sin in Paradise Lost. The result is to depict the woman as a threat, with implicit overtones of sexuality.
    ellauri262.html on line 409: When Sayers was six, her father started teaching her Latin. She grew up in the tiny village of Bluntisham in Huntingdonshire after her father was given the living there as rector of Bluntisham-cum-Earith. The church graveyard next to the elegant Regency-style rectory features the surnames of several characters from her mystery The Nine Tailors. She was inspired by her father's restoration of the Bluntisham church bells in 1910. The nearby River Great Ouse and the Fens invite comparison with the book's vivid description of a massive flood around the village.
    ellauri262.html on line 425: In 1920 Sayers entered into a passionate though unconsummated romance with Jewish Russian émigré and Imagist poet John Cournos, who moved in London literary circles with Ezra Pound and his contemporaries. Sayers did not consummate her relationship with him unmarried, due to her religious beliefs. Cournos disdained monogamy and marriage, did not want children and was dedicated to free love.[53] He also considered crime writing, which Sayers had started, to be low brow, though he assisted her with aspects of publication.[54] Within two years their relationship had broken up when he insisted on consummation with birth control. Returning to New York, he soon married a crime writer who had two children. This left Sayers embittered that he had not held to his own principles, feeling that he had been testing her, pushing her to sacrifice her own beliefs in submission to his own. He later confessed that he would have happily married Sayers if she had submitted to his sexual demands. After a period of heated correspondence, they concluded with more amicable missives after she met her future husband.
    ellauri262.html on line 429: On 3 January 1924, at the age of 30, Sayers secretly gave birth to an illegitimate son, John Anthony (later surnamed Fleming). John Anthony, "Tony", was given into care with her aunt and cousin, Amy and Ivy Amy Shrimpton, and passed off as her nephew to family and friends. Details of these circumstances were revealed in a letter from Mrs White to her daughter Valerie, Tony's half-sister, in 1958 after Sayers's death. Tony was raised by the Shrimptons and was sent to a good boarding school. In 1935 he was legally adopted by Sayers and her then husband "Mac" Fleming.
    ellauri262.html on line 435: Fleming died on 9 June 1950, at Sunnyside Cottage (now 24 Newland Street), Witham, Essex, after a decade of severe illnesses. Sayers died suddenly of a coronary thrombosis on 17 December 1957 at the same little flat, aged 64. Sayers was a friend of C. S. Lewis and several of the other Inklings. On some occasions Sayers joined Lewis at meetings of the Socratic Club. Lewis said he read The Man Born to Be King every Easter, but he said he was unable to appreciate detective stories. J. R. R. Tolkien read some of the Wimsey novels but scorned the later ones, such as Gaudy Night. Se oli varmaan liian nenäkäs.
    ellauri262.html on line 498: We must guard against the feeling that there is ‘safety in number’. There isn't, look at holocaust.
    ellauri262.html on line 510: Lewis then says that he doesn’t believe in the doctrine of Total Depravity on logical and experiential grounds. Also, shame is of value, not as an emotion but for the insight that it provides. He shares how he notices that the more a man hollers the more fully aware he is of his vileness. To underline this point Clive says probably the most famous line from this book: "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse the deaf."
    ellauri262.html on line 614: During the interview Mr Cleese also denied that the Life of Brian film, which was banned in some countries after being accused of blasphemy, was anti-Christian.
    ellauri263.html on line 69: Tobitin kirja, josta on ollut jo puhetta albumissa 111 kertoo Tobitin pojasta Tobiaasta, jonka hän lähettää perimään erästä velkaa. Matkalla Tobias kohtaa naisihmiseksi naamioituneen enkeli Rafaelin, jonka ohjauksessa hän hankkii edullisesti punaleimaisen kalan sydämen, maksan ja sappirakon. Sitten hän tapaa1 lesken, joka on kyllä ollut naimisissa seitsemän kertaa, mutta on pysynyt neitsyenä, koska ko. Saaraan lätkääntynyt demoni Asmodeus on surmannut hänen jokaisen aviomiehensä hääyönä. Enkelin kehotuksesta Tobias menee lesken kanssa naimisiin ja ajaa demonin pois kalan sydämen ja maksan hajulla, ja panee sitten hajusta piittaamatta Saaraa menestyxellä. Saman kalan jo erittäin haisevalla sapella Tobias palauttaa myöhemmin isänsä Tobitin näön.
    ellauri263.html on line 78:
    Onko Topi pannut jo Rafaelan paxuxi? Huomaa söpö Atman-koiro.

    ellauri263.html on line 120: Halakhan mukaan juutalaisella miehellä on velvollisuus lausua šema kaksi kertaa päivässä, aamulla ja illalla. Halakha määrittää tarkat ajat, joiden sisällä šema tulee lausua. Mišna alkaa näiden aikarajojen määrittelyllä. Šema sisältyy juutalaiseen aamu- ja iltajumalanpalvelukseen, joissa sitä ennen ja jälkeen lausutaan erityisiä šeman siunauksia. Šema sisältyy myös muihin juutalaisiin rukouksiin, kuten musaf amidaan ja aamusiunauksiin. Se on myös juutalaisuudessa tapana sanoa ennen nukkumaanmenoa. Perinteisesti šema on ensimmäisiä rukouksia, joita juutalaiselle lapselle opetetaan, ja viimeinen rukous jonka juutalainen lausuu ennen kuolemaansa. Sulhanen saa jättää sheman väliin jos on kiire pukille, sanoo Mishna (kz. alla).
    ellauri263.html on line 324: Germany entered World War I on 1–2 August 1914 (Av 9–10, AM 5674), which caused massive upheaval in European Jewry and whose aftermath led to the Holocaust.
    ellauri263.html on line 332: The 2005 Israeli disengagement from Gaza. Since Israel's unilateral disengagement from Gaza, some segments of the Religious Zionist community have begun to recite kinnot to commemorate the expulsion of Jewish settlers from Gush Katif and the northern West Bank on the day after Tisha B'Av, in 2005.
    ellauri263.html on line 367: Israelilainen terroristisarja Fauda näyttää graafisesti kuinka seura tekee kaltaisexeen. Israerilaiset antiterroristit ovat julmempia tappajia kuin jahtaamansa filistiinit. Tulevat tosta vaan Kaanaan häihin silmittömästi ammuskelemaan. Vaikka sehän tiedettiin jo elävästä elämästäkin, puhumattakaan kovaxikeitetyn munamiehen Dan Steinbockin Andromeda-läpyskästä. Semmoisiahan jutkut olivat raamatun rehellisen kertoman mukaan luvatun maan reisullakin, tappajina riehuivat naapureilta ryövätyllä Kaanaan maalla ennenkuin Tishan raportoimat hajoitustoimet hajoittivat niiden pörisevän pesän kaikkialle maailmaan. Ollessaan hajallaan diasporassa olivat nöyriä ja lipeviä vaikka salaa kostonhaluisia, ja saatuaan pesän kokoon taas anglosaxien avustuxella jatkoivat vanhan liiton teurastusta niinkuin 2000 vuoden taukoa ei olis ollutkaan. "Tasoitetaan tilejä", siitä juutalaiset on aina olleet hyvin selvillä kuten muutkin abrahamilaiset Hammurapin seuraajat. Jenkit antaa sille täydet tomaattipisteet, CS Lewisin personistilehti Guardian on empivämpi:
    ellauri263.html on line 389: Claims by Raz that writing the series was his real therapy, after suffering with PTSD, help locate Fauda in an Israeli genre dubbed “shooting and crying” – laments over the effect of wars on the morality and sanity of Israelis fighting them. But Fauda is different. Let’s call it “viewing while cursing”, into which category we can also place the US hit series Homeland Security.
    ellauri263.html on line 434: Sen jälkeen kansa lähti liikkeelle Haserotista ja leiriytyi Paaranin erämaahan. Ja Herra puhui Moosekselle sanoen: "Lähetä miehiä vakoilemaan Kanaanin maata, jonka minä annan israelilaisille; lähettäkää mies kustakin isien sukukunnasta, ainoastaan niitä, jotka ovat ruhtinaita heidän keskuudessaan". Niin Mooses lähetti heidät Paaranin erämaasta Herran käskyn mukaan; kaikki ne miehet olivat israelilaisten päämiehiä. Ja nämä olivat heidän nimensä: Ruubenin sukukunnasta Sammua, Saakurin poika, Simeonin sukukunnasta Safak, Huoran poika, Juudan sukukunnasta Kaaleb, Gefundenes Fressen, Isaskarin sukukunnasta Jigal, Joosefin poika, Efraimin sukukunnasta Hoosea, Nuunin poika, Benjaminin sukukunnasta Palti, Rafun poika, Sebulonin sukukunnasta Gaddiel, Sodin poika, Manassen sukukunnasta Joosefin sukukuntaa Sladdi, Suden pentu, Daanin sukukunnasta Ammuel, Gevalian poika, Asserin sukukunnasta Eero, Miikaelin poika, Naftalin sukukunnasta Nabbi, Vofs Vofsin poika, Gaadin sukukunnasta Genuel, Makin poika. Nämä olivat niiden miesten nimet, jotka Mooses lähetti maata vakoilemaan. Mutta Mooses kutsui Hooseaa, Nuunin poikaa jostain syystä Joosuaksi. (Sama kaveri joka sittemmin kasas esinahkoja. Jee-suxenkin nimi oli oikeasti Joosua.)
    ellauri263.html on line 563: Blavatsky palasi Intiaan marraskuussa 1884. Hänen mukanaan oli pastori C. W. Leadbeater. Vaikka hänen maineensa oli Euroopassa kokenut kolauksen, Madrasissa opiskelijat ottivat hänet hurraten vastaan. Joogafilosofia ja usko mahatmoihin kuului heidän ikivanhoihin perinteisiinsä, ja tapauksen johdosta opiskelijat olivat joutuneet vastakkain lähetyssaarnaajien ja professorien kanssa.
    ellauri263.html on line 678:
    William Judge and Col. Olcott in happier times after demise of HPB

    ellauri263.html on line 729: The evolutionary purpose of jealousy isn't relevant anymore: who wants to have children anyway, and by the golden rule of America "look out for N:o 1" everybody is responsible for their own welfare and happiness. We are no fucking communists, after all. Unfortunately, the emotion does still play a role in our lives. Blue compares feeling jealous to having an alarm bell going off in your head.
    ellauri263.html on line 733: Sometimes the emotional alarm is going off because something's actually wrong—your partner isn't giving you the attention or affection you need, for example, or perhaps they're betraying a promise or agreement you have about your relationship, which of course makes you feel unstable or upset. Other times the alarm goes off over misperceptions or just our own insecurities. We're worried a lively conversation between our partner and an attractive stranger means that they're no longer as interested in us, that there's a chance they might be more interested in someone else, that there's a threat to the relationship. Even if none of that is true, our anxieties can get the best of us, and so jealousy is how it manifests as an emotion.
    ellauri263.html on line 778: We found a lot of ways to support our intellectual belief in compersion with actual psychological rewards. For example, I'd help my partner get matches on Tinder and give him tips on cute bars to take them, and after the dates, he'd tell me how they went and give me a ton of love and affirmation whenever I pouted over him having a good time. Meanwhile, he played wingman with me when I wanted to meet up with a potential flame at a party or concert, and I always made sure to come home to him and share the sexy things I'd done with the new guy and what things I wanted to migrate into our own sex life. In this way, we began to be able to associate positive experiences together (showering each other with affection and affirming the strength of our relationship) with the aftermath of one of us having fun with someone else. When it became clear that these extradyadic encounters only brought us closer, it became easier and easier for us to feel earnest joy for the other person's romantic successes.
    ellauri263.html on line 783: For a person to feel compersive, they usually need to feel safe and secure in their relationship. (Not a blanket rule, but for the uninitiated, it´s usually a good prerequisite!)
    ellauri263.html on line 790: Encourage each other to make requests, she adds. If your partner´s jealous, ask them: What do they need from you? What does it look like? What requests can they make that you can accommodate so they feel safe and secure again?
    ellauri264.html on line 56: Torakat on exoskeletaalisia. Aika exoskeletaalinen semiitti oli Ken Safir joka pudotti syliinsä mustikkapiirakan Merimiehenkadun keittiössä ja syytti siitä Seijaa. Sellaisia ne semiitit ovat, kostonhaluisia. Ken pääsi professorixi New Jerseyiin. Varmaan sillä oli sitten varaa uusiin jerseyhousuihin. Mirkku-täti piti tsöössistä.
    ellauri264.html on line 59: William Lewis Safire (/ˈsæfaɪər/; né Safir; December 17, 1929 – September 27, 2009), who was an American author, columnist, journalist, and presidential speechwriter. He was a long-time syndicated political columnist for The New York Times and wrote the "On Language" column in The New York Times Magazine about popular etymology, new or unusual usages, and other language-related topics.
    ellauri264.html on line 72: Kaikki tämmöiset lifestyle-hölötyxet pitää aloittaa marxilaisella materialistisella analyysillä. Kuka tästä hyötyy ja ketkä kärsivät? Vastaus on joka kerta sama: kökkäreet kasan päällä hyötyvät, laahus ottaa lommoa. Ruoziin mennyt sairaanhoitaja ansaizee enemmän kuin professori emeritus, kun suomalainen hoituri saa vain kolmannexen siitä palkasta. No tää sairaanhoitaja tekee jonkun vuokrafirman kautta keikkatyötä yxityisessä sairaalassa eikä saa muita palkkaetuja eikä paikan jatkumisesta tai lomista ole mitään varmuutta. Yxityinen sairaala tekee hyvää tiliä, koska se laskuttaa sikahintoja yhtä kökkäreiseltä yxityiseltä asiakaskunnalta. Eli luokkataistelusta on jälleen kysymys, vaikka siirtyneenä kylmän sodan vaiheeseen. Z-sukupolven järjestäytymättömät volttikuskit tarvis tekoälyä, ne ovat tyhmiä kuin pulut, ellei tyhmempiä.
    ellauri264.html on line 107: Grein körde forbi Lincoln Square och fortsatte nedför Broadway. Fast detta var inte längre Broadway utan en genomfartsled i de äldsta av hedniska städer, Rom, Aten, till och med Kartago. Här hade avgudarna sina tillbedjare och präster. Deras avbilder stirrade ner från snötäckta affischtavlor - ursinniga mördare, nakna horor. Framför en teater knuffades och trängdes unga kvinnor i väntan på en idol. Idolatrin är en kvinnlig synd. I bibeln är det mestadels utländska kvinnor och skökor som gör det.
    ellauri264.html on line 130: A children's book appropriating the Pepe character, The Adventures of Pepe and Pede, advanced "racist, Islamophobic and hate-filled themes", The book's author, a vice-principal with the Denton Independent School District, was reassigned after the publicity. In January 2019, the video game Jesus Strikes Back: Judgment Day was released, which allows players to play as Pepe the Frog, among other figures, and murder various target groups including feminists, minorities, and liberals.
    ellauri264.html on line 161: Oikeampi tapa tehdä affirmative actionia on toi Dear White People, joka sai täydet pisteet tomaateilta, joilla on the IQ of a banana. Siinä on valkoiset ja koirot sulassa sovussa.
    ellauri264.html on line 211: Lebov war ein Visionär! Hier das Konsumleitbild von Victor Lebov, ein amerikanischen Marketingexpert aus den 1950er Jahren: „Unsere ungeheuer produktive Wirtschaft verlangt, dass wir den Konsum zu unserem Lebensstil und den Kauf und die Nutzung von Gütern zu einem Ritual machen, dass wir unsere spirituelle Befriedigung und die Erfüllung unseres Selbst im Konsum suchen.“ Er war ein Visionär. Und heute ist seine Vision Wirklichkeit geworden. Einkaufen ist sogar ein tägliches Ritual. Es gibt viele Tempel, in jeder Stadt mehrere davon. Und obwohl es schon so viele gibt, bauen die Menschen immer wieder neue Konsumtempel.
    ellauri264.html on line 215: Ja, es ist unser Lebensstil geworden – alles dreht sich um Konsum. Wir arbeiten hart, wir arbeiten viel, um diesen Lebensstil aufrecht erhalten zu können. Ja, wir ruinieren sogar unsere Gesundheit, vernachlässigen unsere Familie, zerstören dafür unsere Erde, beuten andere Menschen dafür Gnadenlos aus – aber im Grunde unseres Herzens sind wir gute Menschen. Wir sind die Guten, weil durch unseren Konsum Wachstum möglich ist! Kivikauden mies teki töitä päivittäin arviolta 3.5 tuntia.
    ellauri264.html on line 221: „Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfactions, our ego satisfactions, in consumption. The measure of social status, of social acceptance, of prestige, is now to be found in our consumptive patterns. The very meaning and significance of our lives today expressed in consumptive terms. The greater the pressures upon the individual to conform to safe and accepted social standards, the more does he tend to express his aspirations and his individuality in terms of what he wears, drives, eats- his home, his car, his pattern of food serving, his hobbies.
    ellauri264.html on line 222: These commodities and services must be offered to the consumer with a special urgency. We require not only “forced draft” consumption, but “expensive” consumption as well. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever increasing pace. We need to have people eat, drink, dress, ride, live, with ever more complicated and, therefore, constantly more expensive consumption. The home power tools and the whole “do-it-yourself” movement are excellent examples of “expensive” consumption.“
    ellauri264.html on line 378: Public interest in the song was renewed after the release of the 2000 film O Brother, Where Art Thou?, where it plays a central role in the plot, earning the three runaway protagonists public recognition as the Soggy Bottom Boys. Soggy Bottom boys´ version is from a sorry butt.
    ellauri264.html on line 398: Pattis is currently representing one of several members of the Proud Boys extremist group charged criminally in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the U.S. Capitol in a trial in Washington that is underway. It wasn’t immediately clear how his suspension would affect the case. Pattis said he has notified the judge in Washington of the discipline.
    ellauri264.html on line 426: Nenästä ja ammatista huolimatta Pattis ei välttämättä ole jutku, nimestä päätellen se voisi olla myös paki tai mafioso. No ei se onkin ... Hungarian! Ei vaitiskaan vaan Esko Kreetalta. Pattis was born in Chicago in 1955 to a mother of French-Canadian descent and a father who had immigrated from the Greek island of Crete. One day when Pattis was 6 or 7, his father left the house and never came back. Pattis says that the abandonment haunts him to this day.
    ellauri264.html on line 431: The 2012 Hay festival included writers Martin Amis, Jung Chang, Louis de Bernières, Mark Haddon, Mario Vargas Llosa, Hilary Mantel, Ian McEwan, Michael Morpurgo, Ben Okri, Ian Rankin, Salman Rushdie, Owen Sheers, Jeanette Winterson, comedians Bill Bailey, Rob Brydon, Julian Clary, Jack Dee, Tim Minchin, politicians Peter Hain and Boris Johnson, scientists John D. Barrow, Martin Rees, Simon Singh, and general speakers Harry Belafonte, William Dalrymple, Stephen Fry, A. C. Grayling, Germaine Greer, Michael Ignatieff, and David Starkey. What a pile of turds.
    ellauri264.html on line 435: Years later, in his 40s, Pattis reconnected with his dad, who told him he had been a career criminal in Detroit specializing in payroll heists and fled to Chicago after shooting a man. Rikos oli Normin porukoilla verissä.
    ellauri264.html on line 439: after his mother and the man went to bed. At one point, he tried sleeping
    ellauri264.html on line 464: Finds and shall find me unafraid. Löytää mut nyt ja vasta tiukkana.
    ellauri264.html on line 492: Ladies and Gentlemen: There are five hundred reasons why I began to write for children, but to save time I will mention only ten of them. Number 1) Children read books, not reviews. They don’t give a hoot about the critics. Number 2) Children don’t read to find their identity. Number 3) They don’t read to free themselves of guilt, to quench the thirst for rebellion, or to get rid of alienation. Number 4) They have no use for psychology. Number 5) They detest sociology. Number 6) They don’t try to understand Kafka or Finnegans Wake. Number 7) They still believe in God, the family, angels, devils, witches, goblins, logic, clarity, punctuation, and other such obsolete stuff. Number 8) They love interesting stories, not commentary, guides, or footnotes. Number 9) When a book is boring, they yawn openly, without any shame or fear of authority. Number 10) They don’t expect their beloved writer to redeem humanity. Young as they are, they know that it is not in his power. Only the adults have such childish illusions.
    ellauri264.html on line 507: The Shulchan Aruch (Hebrew: שֻׁלְחָן עָרוּך [ʃulˈħan ʕaˈrux], literally: "Set Table"), sometimes dubbed in English as the Code of Jewish Law, is the most widely consulted of the various legal codes in Judaism. It was authored in Safed (today in Israel) by Joseph Karo in 1563 and published in Venice two years later. Together with its commentaries, it is the most widely accepted compilation of halakha or Jewish law ever written.
    ellauri264.html on line 511: In the century after it was published by Karo (whose vision was a unified Judaism under the Sephardic traditions) it became the code of law for Ashkenazim, together with the later commentaries of Moses Isserles and the 17th century Polish rabbis.
    ellauri264.html on line 524: The Shulchan Aruch is largely based on an earlier work by Karo, titled Beit Yosef. Although the Shulchan Aruch is largely a codification of the rulings of the Beit Yosef, it includes various rulings that are not mentioned at all in the Beit Yosef, because after completing the Beit Yosef, Karo read opinions in books he hadn´t seen before, which he then included in the Shulchan Aruch.
    ellauri264.html on line 534: In place of Karo´s three standard authorities, Isserles cites "the later authorities" (chiefly based on the works of Yaakov Moelin, Israel Isserlein and Israel Bruna, together with the Franco-German Tosafists) as criteria of opinion. While the Rosh on many occasions based his decision on these sources, Isserles gave them more prominence in developing practical legal rulings. By incorporating these other opinions, Isserles actually addressed some major criticisms regarding what many viewed as the arbitrary selection of the three authorities upon whose opinions Karo based his work.
    ellauri264.html on line 552: While chewing gum or sucking candy, I stepped outside my house. In a previous halacha we noted that after a shinui makom (change in location), a new beracha must be recited. Must I say a new beracha every time I walk in and out of the house with candy or gum in my mouth?
    ellauri264.html on line 554: The Mishna (Berachos 51b) relates that after eating bread, one must belch before the bread is digested. This time frame is known as "k´dei ichul" (the time it takes for digestion to occur.) How does a person know if digestion occurred?
    ellauri264.html on line 628: Hennes politiska engagemang väcktes av den negativa erfarenhet som hennes mormor haft med hemtjänsten. Hemtjänsten var sen med falukorven som mommo hade beställt. Busch beskriver även att hennes politiska engagemang har påverkats av hennes mammas upplevelser vid möten med Försäkringskassan och den offentliga sektorn när mamman varit sjukskriven för stress.
    ellauri264.html on line 636: När Busch i februari 2021 beskrev sin version av skeendet i ett inlägg på Facebook, förtalte hon säljarens juridiska ombud, Johann Binninge. Detta ledde till en anmälan om grovt förtal, men innan hon hann bli åtalad accepterade hon ett strafföreläggande om villkorlig dom och dagsböter. Samtidigt sa hon: "Jag anser mig vara oskyldig till detta, men jag har i dag erkänt brott för att få möjlighet att kunna sätta punkt för detta och att jag inte har tid att utgöra det juridiska prejudikat som i dag saknas". I september 2021 meddelades att Busch skulle betala ett skadestånd till Binninge. Fastighetsaffären och förtalsprocessen blev vida omtalade i medier under det år då de pågick, samtidigt som förtroendet för Busch sjönk under samma period. Den kristdemokratiske riksdagsledamoten Lars Adaktusson kritiserade Busch och uttryckte "oro för situationen" efter strafföreläggandet.
    ellauri264.html on line 659: Kristersson har haft benägen hjälp av Ebba Busch. För varenda falukorvsring hon viftat med har ytterligare en kristdemokrat blivit Sverigedemokrat. För varenda partiledardebatt där hon teatergråtit om skjutningar och våld har SD vunnit stöd.
    ellauri264.html on line 681: Beady-eyed Mark Zuclerberg pretty much stole facebook from his friends, plain and simple, got rid of people when they were no longer needed by him. Has been ordered again and again to pay huge sums to people after settling in court.
    ellauri264.html on line 702: Steve Jobs is known to all as the founder of Apple, known to fewer as a ruthless man who squeezed and burned many bridges with his friends and employees and even known to fewer as a man who chose to become the “bad man”/Devil´s Advocate. But - get this! Steve would wait in line in the Apple cafeteria like everyone else. He could have easily gone to the front of any line, or have someone get food for him. But he didn’t. On a number of occasions, he ended up in line behind me. And often he would ask me to ‘hold his place’ while he went to check other food stations.
    ellauri264.html on line 766: Kirjoituksien tutkija Paul James-Griffiths on selvittänyt ensimmäisen Mooseksen kirjan 10. luvun perusteella kansakuntien esi-isät ja hän asettaa suomalaiset Riifatin pojiksi, jotka kuuluvat goomerilaisiin eli germaanien sukuun, jotka taas periytyvät jaafettilasista, johon kuuluvat kaikkia vaaleaihoiset kuten eurooppalaiset ja aasialaiset.
    ellauri266.html on line 336: When man and woman giggle and play hide and seek with their genitals, they are like two ids. Yes it´s fun, but can they take the responsibility and the risk of a sperm entering an egg? What if, right after emptying his sperm sack into the hot and gluey tunnel he suddendly feels that - I´m too young, I´m not ready for it - there is still - I can´t... like the Leek King said after dozens of highly satisfying ejaculations into Jaina´s holiest of the holy? Good thinking Robin! We men get by with the piscine reproduction strategy, let the ladies feed their mammals with their mammaries as they please!
    ellauri266.html on line 338: Let me quote a letter from a lady in Oakland after a recent weekend seminar. The lady is intellectually inclined. She goes to my seminars and is excited by my ideas and wants to be friends on an intellectual basis with some of the fine lecturers she has heard. Invariably, she gets the door politely slammed in her face. Men like me are terribly afraid of getting involved in sex with ladies past their better before date. "I am forced to the conclusion," she writes, "that if a man doesn´t want to get involved in sex,´ then he sees no point in talking to a woman at all. A homely looking thinking woman is to most men some sort of contradiction in terms." True, regrettably.
    ellauri266.html on line 344: Who knows perhaps one day these upper-class working women in teaching, in office jobs, in factories, in pubic services, are part of the answer to the lady from Oakland. As men become more accustomed to dealing with women colleagues and service staff, they will come to their senses and discuss with their partners sports events, the stock market, automobiles, politics, religion, philosophy, natural history, or science as they are waiting for their seed guns to reload. All the more enriched will be the relationship between them.
    ellauri266.html on line 362: NATO continued its air operations over Bosnia in the first half of 1995. During this period, heroic American pilot Scott O´Grady was shot down over Bosnia by a surface-to-air missile fired by Bosnian Serb soldiers. He was eventually rescued safely, but his downing caused concern in the United States and other NATO countries about NATO air superiority in Bosnia and prompted some calls for more aggressive NATO action to eliminate Serb anti-air capabilities.
    ellauri266.html on line 405: Ensimmäinen elokuva oli Apinoiden planeetta (1968), Franklin J. Schaffnerin ohjaama scifi -elokuva Michael Wilsonin ja Rod Serlingin käsikirjoituksesta ja pääosassa Charlton Heston. Elokuva oli kriittinen ja kaupallinen menestys, ja se poiki neljä jatko-osaa yhden elokuvan vuodessa vuosina 1970-1973.
    ellauri266.html on line 429: Vuonna 1968 kirjasta tehtiin Oscar-palkittu elokuva, jonka ohjasi Franklin J. Schaffner ja pääosassa Charlton Heston. Alunperin Rod Serlingin kirjoittama käsikirjoitus keskittyi enemmän toimintaan ja poikkesi monella tapaa romaanista, mukaan lukien siihen lisätty oma klassinen kierrepääte, joka erosi romaanin päätteestä. Se inspiroi neljää jatko-osaa, televisiosarjaa, animaatiosarjaa, Tim Burtonin alkuperäisen nimen vuoden 2001 remake -versiota ja vuoden 2011 uudelleenkäynnistystä, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, ohjaaja Rupert Wyatt .
    ellauri266.html on line 495: Selon le paléoanthropologue Pascal Picq, le discours que prononce Ulysse devant l´assemblée des singes est directement inspiré d´un texte de Franz Kafka, Rapport pour une académie (1917).
    ellauri267.html on line 64: World of Warcraft - Arthas: Rise of the Lich Ring. Arthas razastaa jälleen kylmä rinki perseessä. Tämän odottaisin olevan näistä paskaromaaneista ehkä paskin, sight unseen. Vittu on tääkin käynyt New York Timesin bestsellerlistalla. Kirjoittaja on joku Christie Golden, eikai se vaan ole joku ämmä? Hemmetti.
    ellauri267.html on line 97: Based on the novel by Walter Wager, "Telefon" has not aged well because it'(TM)s so dependent on the cold war tension that existed between the USSR and the US in the Seventies. The film is basically a cat-and-mouse game with Soviet agent Major Grigori Borzov (Charles Bronson, that's right Bronson is a commie) tracking rogue Russian scientist Nicolai Dalmchimsky (Donald Pleasence) across America to prevent him from activating sleeper agents. Borzov is assisted by Barbara (Lee Remick. fresh from "The Omen") who asks more annoying questions than necessary, leading the audience to believe she may not be completely true to the motherland. The film's middle section is dragged down by repetitive bomb scares. Dalmichimsky is working from outdated intelligence so his targets are all de-classified U.S. Military installations. Once Borzov realizes the pattern and hones in the next target the action shifts to a more linear chase that'(TM)s further heightened by Barbara'(TM)s loyalties. But the ultimate showdown is deflating because beyond some silly disguises Pleasence's Dalmichimsky is never built up to be a threat. Director Don Siegel uses his flair for montage to craft a his action sequences without dialogue. "Telefon" is a road movie, much like Alfred Hitchcock's "Saboteur" and "North by Northwest" had their leads criss-crossing America here we see plenty of seventies architecture including San Francisco's Hyatt Regency Hotel (used in "The Towering Inferno") and a modernist house resting on top of a barren rock outcropping. The supporting cast is uniformly good (but trapped in underwritten roles), and it'(TM)s nice to see veteran character actors Alan Badel and Patrick Magee playing snotty KGB strategists, and Tyne Daly in a small (and ultimately irrelevant role) as a computer geek. Trivia note: The poem that activates the Russian sleeper agents was used by Quentin Tarantino in "Death Proof" as the lines Jungle Julia has her listeners recite to Butterfly. The lines are an excerpt of the poem "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost. "The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep."
    ellauri267.html on line 171: When asked if that transaction actually happened, Murdaugh said he didn't know because after withdrawal symptoms started, Murdaugh said he changed his plan. "Not to get the pills from him anymore and instead I asked him to shoot me," Murdaugh said when asked to clarify what that meant.
    ellauri267.html on line 175: That same month, Murdaugh turned himself in to the Hampton County Law Enforcement Center in South Carolina after he admitted that he asked a former gangster client to fake killing him during a fake car breakdown so Murdaugh’s oldest son, Buster, could get the insurance payout, police said. Murdaugh recounts how his drug addiction started. Alex Murdaugh admitted to stealing clients' funds, tying his financial situation to his drug addiction.
    ellauri267.html on line 182: He said he was forced to resign from his law firm after being confronted by his law partners.
    ellauri267.html on line 188: Maggie was able to speak easily with all types of people, Murdaugh added. "She could put on the most elegant ball gown and go to the governor's mansion and hang out with, you know, the most affluent people, whatever, or she could come down to, you know, she could go to a food bank in Hampton or Walterboro and fit in with everybody at both places," he said.
    ellauri267.html on line 233: But the corporates took them down. Davis was snared in a sting operation after he agreed to launder more than $1.29 million of Federal law enforcement money. Another guy got 18 years for willful failure to file a federal income tax return. Unger was released by the Federal Bureau of Prisons on December 13, 2019. As of March 2011, the web site for Guardians of the Free Republics had been taken down. They were volunteers: ones who support their fellow communists in thousands of different ways without disdaining remuneration. Juuri sellaisille on Danin kirja dedikoitu.
    ellauri267.html on line 249: Ahdistuksen purskahdus, jolla Thorax vastaa Sebastianin ankaraan pilkkaamiseenn on yksi niistä harvoista, mutta luonnollisista tapauksista, joissa korkeasävyinen intohimo saa metaforisen kieliasun, koska kaikki tuttu näyttää riittämättömältä ilmaiseen sen tunteita:
    ellauri267.html on line 406: On pakko [Must afa, eräänlainen miliisi]. Irtisanomiseni ovat taas tulleet käsiini, ja omatuntoni auttaa minua myymään ne kahdesti yli; hinnalla millä hyvänsä nyt, ennen kuin mufti tulee lunastamaan ne.
    ellauri267.html on line 783: ja katsele kafferin sielun synkkiä syvennyksiä.

    ellauri267.html on line 838: Taiv. Et kai uskalla rikkoa sitä, minkä kafferien taivas on liittänyt?
    ellauri267.html on line 1093: Muurahainen. Ja te afrikkalaiset olette sellaisia ​​termagantteja, ettet pysähdy mihinkään. Minun täytyy olla selvä sinun kanssasi, - olet naimisissa ja pyhälle miehelle, uskontosi päämiehelle: mene takaisin kammioosi; menkää takaisin, sanon minä, ja harkitse sitä tänä yönä, kuten teen omalta osaltani: olen uskollinen sinulle ja keksin kaikki argumentit, jotka voin noudattaa sinua; ja kuka tietää, mutta seuraavassa kokouksessamme suloisella paholaisella voi olla enemmän valtaa minuun? Olen oikeaa lihaa ja verta, voin kertoa sen sinulle lohdutukseksesi.
    ellauri267.html on line 1339: Disney kattaa monarkian palauttamisen, barokin ajan, Pombalin diktatuurin vuodet, 1700-luvun lopun ja Napoleonin Ranskan hyökkäyksen. Kaikki tämä kerrotaan loistavasti ja silti taloudellisesti. Disneyn kirjoitus virtaa ja sitä on ilo lukea. Tämä on ensimmäinen Portugalin historia, joka on kirjoitettu englanniksi sukupolvessa, ja siinä on otettu huomioon kaikki uudet stipendit Portugalin vuoden 1974 vallankumouksen jälkeen. Disneyn tutkimus on huolellinen runsaiden alaviitteiden ja pitkän bibliografian ansiosta. Hän sisältää kaikki viimeisimpien historioitsijoiden tulkinnat. Tämän historian osa kaksi kattaa Portugalin valtakunnan, ja tämän teoksen katsaus on seuraava. Jos olet kiinnostunut Portugalin tarkasta, tarkasta ja tarkasta historiasta, tämä on kirjasi.
    ellauri269.html on line 39:
    World of Warcraftin pelihahmoja Warsaw Gulch Battlegroundin edustalla.

    ellauri269.html on line 40: aft_pelikuvaa.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri269.html on line 44: Fantasiafiktio on erittäin syvältä epäkuolleen perseestä. Hassujen otusten ja maagisten käänteiden varjolla kirjoitetaan aivan uskomatonta muinaisasenteita pursuilevaa paskaa.
    ellauri269.html on line 119: World of Warcraft (suom. Fotataidon Maailma, lyhennettynä WoW) on Tuisku Viihteen kehittämä Warcraft (Fotataito)-pelifarjaan perustuva massiivinen monen pelaajan verkkoroolipeli (MMORPG). Pelifarjan tapahtumat sijoittuvat sen keskeisimpään maailmaan, Azerothiin noin neljä vuotta edellisen Warcraft-pelin, Warcraft III: The Frozen Thronen, tapahtumien jälkeen. Peli julkaistiin Warcraft-pelifarjan 10-vuotispäivänä 23. marraskuuta 2004. Peliin on tähän mennessä julkaistu yhdeksän lisäosaa: The Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Warlords of Draenor, Legion, Battle for Azeroth, Shadowlands ja Dragonflight.
    ellauri269.html on line 121: Mulla on toi Leech King (suom. Verijuotikas) kirjana joka löytyi Emmauxen hyllystä. Siitä on tämän paasauxen motto. Astaroth (also Ashtaroth, Astarot and Asteroth), in demonology, was known to be the Great Duke of Hell in the first hierarchy with Beelzebub and Lucifer; he was part of the evil trinity. He is known to be a male (or female) figure most likely named after the Near Eastern goddess Astarte. Hazeroth (Nu. 11:35, 12:16, 33:17-18) oli Moosexen porukoiden taukopaikka missä Mirja sai ihotaudin, oisko ollut siihen yhteen paikkaan? Voiko pitaali tarttua hurlumheihin? Mirjan ihotaudista on ollut puhe myös albumissa 171. Miriam on Maria hepreaxi, tai turkixi. Se on turkkilaisen Ecemin toinen nimi.
    ellauri269.html on line 135: World of Warcraftin pelaamisesta veloitetaan kuukausimaksu. Pelin ensimmäisen osan mukana pelaaja saa 30 päivää peliaikaa, jonka jälkeen sitä voi ostaa lisää muun muassa luottokortilla tai kaupoista ostettavilla 60 päivän peliaikaan oikeuttavilla Game Card -korteilla. Pelin suosio oli huipussaan syksyllä 2010, jolloin sillä oli 12 miljoonaa maksavaa tilaajaa. Pelin tilaajamäärät vaihtelevat paljon julkaistujen lisäosien mukaan. Warlords of Draenorin julkaisun myötä tilaajamäärä nousi jälleen 10 miljoonaan vuoden 2014 alkupuoliskon 6,8 miljoonasta, mutta laski jo vuoden 2015 toisella neljänneksellä 5,8 miljoonaan tilaajaan.
    ellauri269.html on line 137: Elokuussa 2019 julkaistiin World of Warcraft Classic, joka mahdollistaa kokemuksen World of Warcraftista ajalta ennen lisäosia.
    ellauri269.html on line 139: World of Warcraftin maailmassa pelaaja voi asettua joko Liittouman (länkkärit, engl. Alliance) tai Lauman (itäpahixet, engl. Horde) puolelle. Kummaltakin puolelta löytyy omat rotunsa (engl. race), joille on kaikille kirjoitettu laaja taustatarina. Rodun valinta vaikuttaa hahmon aloituspaikkaan ja joihinkin taitoihin, mutta peli ei sisällöllisesti muutu kovin oleellisesti eri roduilla pelatessa. Samaa mätkimistä se on aina. Rodun valinnan jälkeen valitaan omalle hahmolle hahmoluokka, nimi ja ulkonäkö.
    ellauri269.html on line 149: af329efe8a6f6b/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5ibG9nY2RuLmNvbS93b3cuam95c3RpcS5jb20vbWVkaWEvMjAxMi8wMy9wYW5kYXJlbi5qcGc=" height="200px"/>
    ellauri269.html on line 153: Hahmot saavat kehittyessään eli tasoja kerätessään useita erilaisia kykyjä ja taitoja, jotka vaikuttavat pelaamiseen huomattavasti. World of Warcraftissa on paljon erilaisia toimintoja, jotka esitellään pelaajalle tämän noustessa korkeammalle tasolle (engl. leeveli). Esimerkiksi tasolla 10 pelaaja pystyy osallistumaan Liittouman ja Lauman välisiin taisteluihin taistelukentillä (engl. Battlegrounds). Pelaaja voi käydä läpi instanssi-luolastoja (engl. Instance, Dungeon) tasolta 10 alkaen ja tasolla 15 pelaajalle avautuu mahdollisuus liittyä automaattisesti niihin pyrkiviin ryhmiin.
    ellauri269.html on line 155: Suurin osa World of Warcraftin peluusta liittyy tehtävien (engl. quest) tekemiseen, joita saa pelin NPC (Non Playing Character)-hahmoilta. Tehtävästä saa usein palkinnon, joka voi olla esimerkiksi rahaa tai esineitä. Lisäksi lähes kaikista tehtävistä saa kokemuspisteitä (engl. experience points tai lyhyemmin Windows XP). Tehtävillä selvennetään myös pelin juonta. Suuri osa tehtävistä on niin kutsuttuja ketjutehtäviä, joissa uusi tehtävä jatkaa suoritetussa tehtävässä esitettyä tarinaa. Tehtävät saattavat olla muun muassa erilaisten esineiden ja aineiden keräilyä, paikkojen etsimistä, tietylle henkilölle puhumista, tietyssä paikassa käymistä tai tiettyjen vihollisten tappamista. Pelata voi myös yksin, mutta halutessaan pelaaja voi muodostaa ryhmän toisten pelaajien kanssa ja suorittaa tehtäviä, jotka yksin pelatessa olisivat liian haastavia. Ryhmässä pelatessaan pelaaja ottaa usein tietyn roolin asioiden onnistumiseksi. Pelissä voi perustaa myös killan, johon voi kutsua ystäviä, suunnitella oman vaakunan ja ostaa oman kiltapankin, johon killan jäsenet voivat varastoida tavaroita ja rahaa (manta) eli "panna kamat pois". Kiltalaiset saavat uusia kykyjä ja he voivat myös ostaa erilaisia palkintoja. Monien palkintojen ostamiseksi kiltalainen tarvitsee kuitenkin myös manta killalle, eli manaa.
    ellauri269.html on line 193: World of Warcraftissa jokainen hahmo voi ottaa kaksi ensisijaista ammattia (engl. primary profession), ja kaikki toissijaiset ammatit (engl. secondary profession). Ensisijaiset ammatit liittyvät joko materiaalien keräämiseen tai tavaroiden luomiseen. Ensisijaisia ammatteja ovat yrttien kerääminen (engl. herbalism), malmien louhinta (engl. mining), nylkeminen (engl. skinning), alkemia (engl. alchemy), sepäntaito (engl. blacksmith), lumoaminen (engl. enchanting), konetekniikka (engl. engineering), kaivertaminen (engl. inscription), jalokivityöt (engl. jewelcrafting), nahkatyöt (engl. leatherworking) ja räätälintyöt (engl. tailoring). Toissijaiset ammatit ovat arkeologia (engl. archeology), ruoanlaitto (engl. cooking), ensiapu (engl. first aid) ja kalastus (engl. fishing).
    ellauri269.html on line 195: World of Warcraftissa jokaisella rodulla on oma historiantäyteinen kotikaupunkinsa. Näitä kaupunkeja on kuusitoista, joista yksi on lähes hylätty ja toinen rakennettu uudeksi pääkaupungiksi aiemman tuhouduttua. Worgenien Gilneas City on suurimmalta osin hylätty sotien jäljiltä epäkuolleiden takia, ja hiisaajien alkuperäinen kaupunki Undermine hautautui laavaan. Jokaisessa pääkaupungissa on huutokauppa, joka on yhteydessä muihin huutokauppoihin. Kotikaupunkien lisäksi huutokauppa on Gadgetzan-, Booty Bay- ja Everlook-kaupungeissa, jotka ovat molempien osapuolien käytössä (nämä eivät kuitenkaan ole yhteydessä osapuolten omiin huutokauppoihin, vaan ovat niin sanottuja neutraaleja huutokauppoja). Pelissä on myös kolme suurta neutraalia kaupunkia: Ulkomaissa sijaitseva Shattrath, alun perin Northrendissä ja myöhemmin Särjetyillä saarilla sijainnut Dalaran, sekä Varjomailla sijaitseva Oribos. Niissä vallitsee rauha (engl. sanctuary) Lauman ja Liittouman välillä. Taisteleminen näissä kaupungeissa on pääosin estetty, tosin Dalaranin viemäriverkostossa on areena, jossa taisteleminen on kuitenkin mahdollista.
    ellauri269.html on line 241: World of Warcraft sai hyvän vastaanoton maailmanlaajuisesti julkaisunsa aikaan. Peliä kohtaan oli suuret ennakko-odotukset ennen julkaisua. Vaikka peli seuraa samanlaista mallia ja käyttää samanlaisia konsepteja kuin monet muut roolipelit, niin pelin tapa vähentää katkoja ja odotusta oli pelaajien mieleen. Hyvä esimerkki on pelaajan kuolema: joissain MMORPG-peleissä pelaaja saa suuren rangaistuksen hahmon kuolemasta, kun taas World of Warcraftissä hahmo toipuu nopeasti ja pystyy jatkamaan pelaamista nopeasti. Se on mukavaa, ei tarvi odottaa viimeistä tuomiota eikä jäädä kiirastuleen makaamaan. Taistelu oli toinen osa-alue, josta odottelua ja taukoja oli vähennetty. Arvostelijoiden mielestä nämä muutokset tekivät pelin miellyttäväksi niille, jotka halusivat pelata vain vähän aikaa kerrallaan, mutta silti saada hyvän pelikokemuksen. Myös nopea kokemuspisteiden kerääminen sai kriitikoiden keskuudessa kiitosta.
    ellauri269.html on line 243: World of Warcraft julkaistiin 23. marraskuuta 2004 Yhdysvalloissa, Australiassa ja Uudessa-Seelannissa. Euroopan julkaisupäivä oli 11. helmikuuta 2005. Kiinassa peli julkaistiin joitakin kuukausia myöhemmin. Venäjästä emme enää puhu mitään.
    ellauri269.html on line 245: Pelille julkaistiin 16. tammikuuta 2007 pelin ensimmäinen lisäosa, World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Toinen lisäosa World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (Luukurkon suutahdus) julkaistiin 13. marraskuuta 2008. Pelin kolmas lisäosa World of Warcraft: Cataclysm julkaistiin 7. joulukuuta 2010. Neljäs lisäosa, World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria julkaistiin 25. syyskuuta 2012. Viides lisäosa, World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, julkaistiin 13. marraskuuta 2014. Kuudes lisäosa, World of Warcraft: Legion, julkaistiin 30. elokuuta 2016. Seitsemäs lisäosa, Battle for Azeroth, julkaistiin 14. elokuuta 2018. Kahdeksas lisäosa, Shadowlands, julkaistiin 23. marraskuuta 2020. Yhdeksäs lisäosa, Dragonflight, julkaistiin 28. marraskuuta 2022. Olisiko Paulista tullut bioteknologian tohtori ilman WoWia? Se selviää vasta viimeisellä tuomiolla. Vittumainen peli joka tapapaukauxessa.
    ellauri269.html on line 247: Syksyllä 2007 pelin tavallinen versio muuttui yhden DVD-levyn sisältäväksi myyntipakkaukseksi. Lokakuussa 2007 julkaistiin myös pelin uusille aloittajille suunnattu World of Warcraft: Battle Chest, joka sisältää sekä alkuperäisen World of Warcraftin että lisäosan The Burning Crusade kahdella DVD-levyllä. Mukana tulee myös Bradygamesin julkaisemat strategiaoppaat molempiin peleihin.
    ellauri269.html on line 249:
    ellauri269.html on line 250:
    ellauri269.html on line 254: You're gonna meet some gentle people there / For those who come to San Francisco / Summertime will be a love-in there / In the streets of San Francisco / Gentle people with flowers in their hair / All across the nation such a strange vibration / People in motion /There's a whole generation with a new explanation / People in motion people in motion! Make love not Warcraft!
    ellauri269.html on line 256: World of Warcraftia käsiteltiin South Park -animaatiosarjan 10. tuotantokauden kahdeksannessa osassa Make Love, Not Warcraft, joka toteutettiin yhteistyössä Blizzardin kanssa. Jakso voitti Emmy-palkinnon parhaana alle tunnin pituisena animaatiosarjan jaksona vuonna 2007, ja sen mukaan on nimetty pelissä esiintyvä samanniminen saavutus (engl. achievement).
    ellauri269.html on line 258: World of Warcraftista on julkaistu myös erilaisia oppaita, esimerkiksi World of Warcraft Atlas, World of Warcraft Bestiary, Bradygamesin julkaisema yli 400-sivuinen opas World of Warcraft: Official Strategy Guide ja myös toinen lähes yhtä pitkä opas The Burning Crusade: Official Strategy Guide lisäosan maailmasta. Pelistä tehtyihin lisätuotteisiin lukeutuvat laaja lautapeli World of Warcraft: The Board Game sekä keräilykorttipeli World of Warcraft: Trading Card Game.
    ellauri269.html on line 260: World of Warcraftista on tehty myös 25-osainen sarjakuva, joka on julkaistu Suomessa 12 lehteen tiivistettynä. Sarjakuvan tarinan ensimmäinen puolisko kertoo Myrskytuulen kuninkaan, Varian Wrynnin, paluusta ja toinen puolisko kertoo Med'anista, Garonan ja Medivhin pojasta.
    ellauri269.html on line 262: Wowhead on World of Warcraftia koskeva tietokanta. Sivusto aloitti toimintansa pelkkänä taitolaskurina. Tietokanta päivittyy pelaajien pelimaailmassa tekemien toimien perusteella. Tieto välittyy sivuston tietokantaan automaattisesti tietokoneohjelman kautta. Wowhead toimi betatestaus vaiheessa 4. huhtikuuta - 25. kesäkuuta 2006.
    ellauri269.html on line 266:
    How to Purchase World of Warcraft

    ellauri269.html on line 268: World of Warcraft is free to play up to level 20 so that new players can experience the game without first having to buy it, and get well and truly hooked. If you have got hooked on drugs, you know the deal.
    ellauri269.html on line 272: Monthly Increments: The easiest way to purchase World of Warcraft game time is to sign up for a recurring subscription: World of Warcraft®: Subscription. You can pay monthly, or in 3 or 6 month blocks for a discount.
    ellauri269.html on line 278: In order to unlock all of the features of the game, including the latest end game content, you will need to purchase Shadowlands, the latest expansion of the game: World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands
    ellauri269.html on line 280: World of Warcraft has a concept called Realms for dividing players into population groups. The idea is that if everyone who played WoW was all in the game at once, it would be super crowded, very laggy, and generally difficult to play and have a good time. To solve this issue, Blizzard set up multiple servers so that each person can play the game in an environment where there are other players, but not too many other players. Each Realm is a different server and the players on each Realm can see, interact, and play with each other. If you want to play with someone on a different Realm, you can, but we'll get to that in a minute.
    ellauri269.html on line 286: This is World of Warcraft and that means that there needs to be a war. For players, there are two factions in this conflict: The Horde, and The Alliance.
    ellauri269.html on line 288: Picking your faction is a major choice because players playing in separate factions cannot interact with one another in a peaceful way. This is factually correct: if you side with the West, you are not expected to show ANY understanding for the East. This includes both chat and other social activities, including forming groups to complete objectives. If you want to play with friends, make sure you join the faction that they are affiliated with.
    ellauri269.html on line 292: When World of Warcraft first started, The Alliance was what one could describe in RPG terms as the Normal Races, while the Horde was the Monstrous Races. As time has passed, that line has become fuzzier but still serves to give a general idea of what the divisions are. As you'd expect, the Westerners are normal and the Hordes of the East are monstrous.
    ellauri269.html on line 310: There are twelve different classes in World of Warcraft, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. As a new player you can select any class but Demon Hunter or Death Knight, which both require that you already have a level 10 character before you can play one. You can learn more about each class by hovering over its icon on the character creation screen.
    ellauri269.html on line 314: Choosing your class in World of Warcraft can be one of the most important and time consuming decisions a player ever makes. And time is money! When you are in the process of creating a new character, one of the first things you will notice (aside from gender, race, and faction selection) is that there are what's called "Classes". In World of Warcraft, there are a total of 12 classes to choose from and they are as follows: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Druid, Hunter, Mage, Monk, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior. Each class provides its own set of unique benefits, abilities, and spells (as you will discover from reading this guide).
    ellauri269.html on line 318: Upon reaching level 10, you will be able to select what is called your specialization or spec. Each class in World of Warcraft has its own set of different specs that further diversifies the class by adding unique abilities only that spec can use as well as potentially changing the role that class plays in content. For example: As a Demon Hunter you have two specs: Havoc and Vengeance. While both specs share abilities that are common to the class such as Double Jump and Spectral Sight, both specs have unique abilities that differentiates one spec from another. As a Havoc demon hunter, you have spells like Blade Dance to deal out more damage, or as a Vengeance demon hunter, you have spells like Demon Spikes and Fiery Brand which allows you to take less damage and keep enemies off of your allies.
    ellauri269.html on line 366: No joo, Allianssi voitti rökäleenä tietysti. Axelivaltojen pääörkki Tuomioja, korjaan Tuomivasara tuotiin Pääomakaupungin markkinoille raudoissa. Vähän rispektiä. Tuomiovasara oli listinyt jonkun Antin, pfalzgraf Turahdus oli armahtanut sen siitä hyvästä. Palatiinit olivat Kaarle Suuren hovimiehiä. Kaarlen isä oli Pippi Pienin, tai sillä oli sellainen.
    ellauri269.html on line 392: Koitin kuikkia kirjan lopusta miten iilimatojätkälle käy loppupeleissä, mutta siellä olikin ihan erinimisiä hahmoja, joku muotoa muuttava kämänen demoni ja naisia, plus jotain uikuttavia hämärähahmoja. Sitten vasta huomasin että se olikin seuraavan osan priikveli, eli World of Warcraft Stormrage! By Richard M. Knaak, no less! Saatavana myös sähkökirjana.
    ellauri269.html on line 394: Tarina jota just luen perustuu osittain Tuisku Viihteen tiezapeliiin Warcraft III: Kaaoxen hallitusaika ja sen laajennusosaan Warcraft III: Jäätynyt valtaistuin. Nää 20v sitten ilmestyneet pelit olivat myyntimenestyxiä ja voittivat palkintoja kuten Vuoden Peli. Se on vieläkin pelikilpailujen peruskauraa, tai oli. Jos haluat (vastoin odotuxia) lukea siitä vielä lisää, niin voit lukea vielä 18 kirjaa ko. henkilöiden kommelluxista, mm. Erkki Tuomiojan lapsuus (Rise of the Horde, by myself).
    ellauri269.html on line 396: TAISTELU RAIVOAA ETIÄPPÄIN. Olet tavannut Arthasin. Olet nähnyt hänen nuoruutensa, suurimman lovensa, suurimman menetyksensä ja suurimman haasteensa. Olet nähnyt hänen epätoivoisimman hetkensä, hänen julman nousunsa valtaan ja lopulta hänen heräämisensä. Mutta se on vain sisävuoro. Nyt voit haastaa hänet itse World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich Kingissä World of Warcraft on online-roolipelikokemus, joka sijoittuu palkittuun Warcraft-universumiin. Siinä pelaajat luovat omia sankareitaan ja tutkivat, seikkailevat ja etsivät valtavaa maailmaa, joka on jaettu tuhansien muiden pelaajien kanssa. Seikkailivatpa he yhdessä tai taistelevat toisiaan vastaan eeppisissä taisteluissa, he muodostavat ystävyyssuhteita, takovat alliansseja ja kilpailevat vihollisten kanssa vallasta ja kunniasta. Se on karhun elämää, saa mettä kämmentää!
    ellauri269.html on line 401: Tosi outoa että on tollasta kuin jumalan palvelu. Mitä palvelua se nyt tarvizee, ei siltä kai koskaan kumi puhkea? Ei Jee-suxenkaan alkuunpanossa käytetty kumia. Arktixesta tuntui mukavalta kuitenkin kun piispa pyysi siunausta sille nimen mainiten. Se hieho oli lady Jaina Proudmoore, amiraalin tytär. Jaina taisi olla joku hindulahko, sekö joka ei tekisi pahaa kärpäsellekään? Maagihommat sopii paremmin tytöille kuin pfalzgrafin paikka, jonkalaiseen juotikasta leivotaan. (Jainalaisuudesta paasataan albumeissa 143 ja 145. Ahimsasta on ollut puhetta enemmän kuin passim.)
    ellauri269.html on line 420:
    Is it possible for people to have sex in World of Warcraft?

    ellauri269.html on line 425: However, there is a gameplay style called Erotic Role-Play (ERP) where players can role-play sexual acts. The Moon Guard realm is notorious for this, but it's frowned upon - World of Warcraft is a game that is rated suitable for teenagers. Whilst I personally have no issue with what consenting players do in private or guild channels, ERP can be problematic when it takes place in public chat channels. But it's all textual. No actual humping with huge green orc penises in magenta arses is countenanced.
    ellauri269.html on line 444: Fantasiafiktiossa, (/ˈlɪtʃ/; like, "corpse") on eräänlainen ruumis, luurangon näköinen epäkuollut otus. Brittien hautuumailla on rumihille Lich Gate. Luukurko oli Vitsauksen mestari ja herra, jota hän hallitsi telepaattisesti Dominointimelan avulla Frozen-heittoistuimeltaan ​​Jäätelökruunu-linnakkeen huipulta. Selvensikö yhtään?
    ellauri269.html on line 495: Leechin useimmin kuvattu erottuva piirre muista epäkuolleista fantasiafiktioissa on menetelmä kuolemattomuuden saavuttamiseksi; purjot luovuttavat sielunsa muodostaakseen "sielu-artefaktteja" (kutsutaan "sieluhelmiksi", "fylakteereiksi" tai " horcruxiksi" muissa fantasiateoksissa kuten Harry Potterissa), mi on taikuutensa ja kuolemattomuutensa lähde. Monet jäkälät ryhtyvät varotoimiin piilottaakseen ja/tai suojatakseen yhden tai useamman sielun esineen, jotka ankkuroivat osan purjon sielusta aineelliseen maailmaan. Jos jäkälän ruumiillinen ruumis Lich tapetaan, se osa jäkälän sielusta, joka oli jäänyt kehoon, ei siirry seuraavaan maailmaan, vaan se on olemassa ei-ruumiillisessa muodossa, joka voidaan herättää henkiin lähitulevaisuudessa. lichin sielu-esineet tuhoutuvat, silloin lichin ainoa ankkuri aineellisessa maailmassa olisi ruumiillinen ruumis, jolloin tuhoutuminen aiheuttaa pysyvän kuoleman.
    ellauri269.html on line 538: To put it simply; there is one very clear example in history where a group of Jewish people shifted to an evangelistic and dogmatic belief system after the introduction of a perceived savior and person of great spiritual importance - Christianity.
    ellauri269.html on line 574: The Tortollans are ultra-jewish, and many have said the goblins have traits of racist Jewish caricatures. Welcome to the וורלד אוף וורקראפט (eng. World of Warcraft).
    ellauri269.html on line 575: There is literally a track in the WoD soundtrack called ‘Messenger’ in Hebrew (Malach), which features traditional Jewish liturgical singing. They are led by a Moses figure, and literally came to Azeroth on a ship named after the Exodus. It’s not subtle, I don’t see why you’re denying it.
    ellauri269.html on line 583: Whats your point? Dances do not show anything about actual inspiration. The kaldorei female dance is a French singer’s dance, yet they have no French inspiration. That is saved for the Shal’dorei, who were created over a decade after that dance. You want to draw some jewish heritage inspirations? sure. But Draenei being jewish and only jewish based on these weak arguments?
    ellauri269.html on line 720: Ärsyttävästi hahmon viimeaikaiset kuvaukset, erityisesti vuoden 2013 Man of Steel -elokuva, keskittyvät Metropolis Marvelin Kristuksen kaltaisiin messiaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Ennen elokuvan julkaisua uskoon perustuva lehdistösuhdeyritys Grace Hill Media kutsui uskonnollisia henkilöitä eri puolilta kansakuntaa osallistumaan valikoituihin julkaisua edeltäviin näytöksiin, julkaisi leikkeitä verkossa ja toimitti muistiinpanoja mahdollisista elokuvaan liittyvistä uskonpohjaisista keskusteluaiheista. Yksi esimerkki keskittyy isyyden teemoihin ja kehottaa isiä "viemään [lapset] katsomaan Teräsmiestä" ja käyttämään sitten opasta "löytämään uusia yhteyksiä omaan elämääsi ja Jumalan sanaan". Verkkosisällön ohella Dr. Craig Detweiller, Ph.D. teologian ja kulttuurin, kirjoitti yhdeksänsivuisen esseen nimeltä "Jeesus – alkuperäinen supersankari" yhdistääkseen Kryptonin viimeisen pojan Jumalan Poikaan. Detweiller lainasi usein toistuvia todisteita päätteestä "el", joka liitti Supermanin kryptonin syntymänimen "Kal-el". Heprean kielessä "el"-päätettä käytetään merkitsemään Elohimia tai Jahvea, Jehovaa tai Jumalaa, kuten nimissä Mikael, Ariel ja Rafael. Esseessaan Detweiller viittasi myös jokebedialaisten orpoksi jäämiseen, jonka Superman kärsi, kun hänen vanhempansa, jotka varoittivat planeetan Kryptonin välittömästä kuolemasta, ampuivat vauvansa ulkoavaruuteen kuin futuristinen Mooses.
    ellauri269.html on line 724: Lamed is comprised of a kaf and a vav: 20 and 6=26. Twenty-six is the gematria of G‑d's name, the Tetragrammaton Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei. Eikös se ollut myös Leninin peitenimi neuvostojuutalaisten parissa? Stalin oli Samekh. Shin also stands for the word Shaddai, a name for God. Because of this, a kohen(priest) forms the letter Shin with his hands as he recites the Priestly Blessing. In the mid-1960s, actor Leonard Nimoy used a single-handed version of this gesture to create the Vulcan hand salutefor his character, Mr. Spock, on Star Trek. Larry Tye, kirjan Superman: The High-Flying History of America's Most Enduring Hero kirjoittaja, vertasi Supermanin eettisiä sääntöjä – "Truth, Justice, and the American Way" - Mishnan arvoihin "totuus, rauha ja oikeudenmukaisuus". Paizi supermiehellä "rauhasta" oli tullut Pax Americana.
    ellauri269.html on line 777: Purim on irti päästämisen loma, jolloin rajoitukset ja itsehillintä ovat rentoja ja "piilotetut" tunteet saavat leikkiä. "Purimiin on imettävä, kunnes hän ei tiedä eroa kirottu on Haman ja siunattu on Mordechai." Jotkut rinnastaisivat Purimin "festivaaliin" jaksossa Archonien paluu, päivä rykmentin yhteiskunnan kalenterissa, jolloin kaikki lain ja moraalin säännöt keskeytettiin. Onko Purim varoventtiili yleisesti vakavassa juutalaisessa kalenterissa? Onko aika, että Spocks saa käyttää itiöitä ilman syyllisyyttä? Pidän parempana erilaista Star Trek -metaforaa. Purim on päivä, jolloin yhdistämme itsemme erilaiset puolet, jotka ovat haarautuneet kuljettajan ja hengellisten onnettomuuksien seurauksena. Se on päivä, jolloin tunnustamme sekä fyysisen että hengellisen itsemme ja molempien tarpeen. Se on loma, jolloin uskallamme sanoa, että edes pahan taipumuksen kourissa emme ole niin kauheita ihmisiä, ja pystymme suureen hyvään. Saamme panna niin ampiaisia kuin keltanokkia, olla cis- ja trans-hahmoja.
    ellauri269.html on line 816: Kirjasarjan toisessa osassa, Salaperäisessä veitsessä, siirrytään Lyran maailmasta toiseen maailmaan, jossa tapahtumat keskittyvät lähinnä Cittàgazze-nimiseen kaupunkiin. Tätä maailmaa vaivaavat haamut, ilmiselvät Harry Potter-mentorien kopiot, jotka käyvät vain aikuisten kimppuun. Söpösti animoidut totemielukatkin on selvä plagiaatti vinosuu JK Rowlingin patronuxista. Kirjassa liikutaan myös meidän omassa maailmassamme ja Lyran maailmassa. Ajatellaan asiaa omalta kannaltamme ja vähän Lyyrankin kannalta. Maagisen kaukoputken tapahtumat sijoittuvat lukuisiin eri maailmoihin. Varoitus: Seuraava kirjoitus paljastaa yksityiskohtia juonesta. Aikaisempi paasaus samasta aiheesta löytyy albumista 165. Lontoossa Lyralle selviää, että rouva Coulter on itse asiassa kahmaisijoiden johtaja. Pakomatkalta Lyran pelastavat gyptit, vesireittien vaeltava kansa, joka myy kadunkulmissa Osta Iso Numero! lehtiä, joka myös on kärsinyt kahmaisijoiden kaappauksista. Gyptit paljastavat, että rouva Coulter on todellisuudessa Lyran äiti, ja hänen isänsä on lordi Asriel, jota hän on aiemmin luullut sedäkseen. Yhdessä Lyra ja gyptit lähtevät kohti pohjoista pelastaakseen kaapatut lapset. Matkalla Lyra tutustuu panserbjørn Iorek Byrnisoniin, haarniskoituun jääkarhuun, texasilaiseen kuumailmapallolentäjään Lee Scoresbyyn sekä noita Serafina Pekkalaan. Varsinkin Toivo Pekkala suomea solkkaavine apureineen on tosi hilpeå, mutta on toi Jo Nesbön kirjoista muistuttava panserbjörnkin monen naurun arvoinen. Neuvokkuutensa avulla Lyran onnistuu pelastaa kaapatut lapset, joilla kirkon Uhraamislautakunta on suorittanut julmia kokeita Bolvangarin tutkimusasemalla tarkoituksenaan oppia vapauttamaan ihmiset perisynnistä. Tässä mennään jo rienauxessa K-12 rajan laittomalle puolelle!
    ellauri270.html on line 44: Semantiikka on perseestä, ja pragmatiikka myös. Eikä vaan semantiikka ja pragmatiikka, vaan stilistiikkakin, ja korpuslingvistiikka. Vituttaa myös fantasiafiktio. Sotakirjat ja -filmit on apinan anuxesta. Puhumattakaan scifistä.
    ellauri270.html on line 67: Romaani sai kiistatta vaikutteita hänen väitöskirjastaan: Tippaleivän kierteet Bosniassa Turkin vallan alaisina (Die Entwicklung des geistigen Lebens in Bosnien unter der Einwirgung der turkischen Herrschaft), jota hän puolusti verisesti Grazissa vuonna 1924. Väikkärissä on lähes kaikkien Andrićin tulevaisuuden ideoiden ydin, joka perustuu historialliseen materialismiin, johon hän heräsi sitä kirjoittaessaan. Väitöskirjassaan Ivo Andrić kiinnitti huomionsa Bosnia ja Hertsegovinan kaikkien neljän suuren kansallisyhteisön historialliseen kohtaloon: serbit , kroaatit, turkkilaiset ja juutalaiset. Objektiivisesti, ilman kirjallista mystifikaatiota hää tarkasteli heidän välisiä erityispiirteitä ja suhteita.
    ellauri270.html on line 228: James Harris, filosofi Earl of Shaftesburyn veljenpoika, syntyi Salisburyssa vuonna 1709 varakkaille vanhemmille. Hän sai koulutuksen Salisbury Grammar Schoolissa ja painui vuonna 1726 Wadham Collegeen Oxfordissa, mutta ei suorittanut tutkintoa. Vuonna 1729 hän asettui Bishop´s Inniin, mutta kun hän peri perheen tilan vuonna 1731, hän omistautui vetelyxenä klassikkojen, musiikin ja antiikkitutkimuksen yksityiselle tutkimukselle. Hän oli säveltäjä Georg Friedrich Händelin (1685-1759) ihailija ja myöhemmin yhteistyökumppani. Hän oli myös Henry Fieldingin ja hänen sisarensa Sarah Fieldingin elinikäinen ystävä , jonka työtä hän tuki. Hän oli myös Hester Lynch Thralen (1741-1821, n.h.) varhainen kannattaja Harrisin kuuluisin työ on hänen Hermes; tai Filosofinen tutkimus kielestä ja yleismaailmallisesta kieliopista ( 1751 ). Myöhemmin hänestä tuli Hampshiren Christchurchin kansanedustaja, ja hänellä oli pieniä kahnauxia oikeudessa. Hänet valittiin Royal Societyn jäseneksi vuonna 1763. Vuonna 1775 Harris julkaisi Philosophical Arrangements ( 1775 ), ja hänen Philological Inquiries -julkaisunsa julkaistiin postuumisti vuonna 1781. Harris oli tunnettu ja arvostettu hahmo Lontoon kirjallisissa ja filosofisissa piireissä. Charles ja Frances Burney (n.h.) ystävystyivät hänen myöhempinä vuosinaan.
    ellauri270.html on line 240: The original, full title of the broadside was "A Warning for Married Women, by the example of Mrs. Jane Renalds, a West-Country woman born neer unto Plymouth, who having plighted her troth to a seaman, was afterwards married to a carpenter, and at last carried away by a spirit, the manner how shall be presently recited".
    ellauri270.html on line 246: 'O I'm come to seek my former vows But the sails were o the taffetie,
    ellauri270.html on line 323: Mr. Graves sets the stool in the center of the square and the black box is placed upon it. Mr. Summers asks for help as he stirs the slips of paper in the box. The people in the crowd hesitate, but after a moment Mr. Martin and his oldest son Baxter step forward to hold the box and stool. The original black box from the original lotteries has been lost, but this current box still predates the memory of any of the villagers. Mr. Summers wishes to make a new box, but the villagers don’t want to “upset tradition” by doing so. Rumor has it that this box contains pieces of the original black box from when the village was first settled. The box is faded and stained with age.
    ellauri270.html on line 327: Much of the original ritual of the lottery has been forgotten, and one change that was made was Mr. Summers’s choice to replace the original pieces of wood with slips of paper, which fit more easily in the black box now that the population of the village has grown to three hundred. The night before the lottery, Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves always prepare the slips of paper, and then the box is kept overnight in the safe of the coal company. For the rest of the year, the box is stored in Mr. Graves’s barn, the post office, or the Martins’ grocery store.
    ellauri270.html on line 349: Jack Watson’s role continues the examination of family structures and gender roles. Jack earns respect and identity as a man among the villagers by drawing in the lottery. He is referred to as a “good fellow” and “a man” who is looking after his “helpless” mother.
    ellauri270.html on line 361: The men’s nervousness foreshadows the lottery’s grim outcome. Tessie acts at odds with the pervasive mood, drawing laughs from the crowd. Tessie does not question the lottery at this point, and treats the proceedings lightheartedly—from a position of safety.
    ellauri270.html on line 371: Finally, the last man has drawn. Mr. Summers says, “all right, fellows,” and, after a moment of stillness, all the papers are opened. The crowd begins to ask who has it. Some begin to say that it’s Bill Hutchinson. Mrs. Dunbar tells her son to go tell his father who was chosen, and Horace leaves. Bill Hutchinson is quietly staring down at his piece of paper, but suddenly Tessie yells at Mr. Summers that he didn’t give her husband enough time to choose, and it wasn’t fair.
    ellauri270.html on line 403: By having children (even Tessie’s own son) involved in stoning Tessie, Jackson aims to show that cruelty and violence are primitive and inherent aspects of human nature—not something taught by society. Tessie’s attempts to protest until the end show the futility of a single voice standing up against the power of tradition and a majority afraid of nonconformists. Jackson ends her story with the revelation of what actually happens as a result of the lottery, and so closes on a note of both surprise and horror. The seemingly innocuous, ordinary villagers suddenly turn violent and bestial, forming a mob that kills one of their own with the most primitive weapons possible—and then happily going home to supper.
    ellauri270.html on line 421: The villagers in the story perform the lottery every year primarily because they always have—it’s just the way things are done. The discussion of this traditional practice, and the suggestion in the story that other villages are breaking from it by disbanding the lottery, demonstrates the persuasive power of ritual and tradition for humans. The lottery, in itself, is clearly pointless: an individual is killed after being randomly selected. Even the original ritual has been… read analysis of The Power of Tradition.
    ellauri270.html on line 443: Former Mariner High School teacher and boys basketball coach James Harris will be spending the next 11 years in state prison after he pleaded guilty in Lee County court on Monday to one count of sexual assault in a school. Harris, 46, had been charged with two counts stemming from his contact with a female student at Mariner in 2016. He allegedly had sex with the student in his classroom before moving the sexual relationship to his home. Court documents also show that Harris fathered a baby with a former student years earlier.
    ellauri270.html on line 529: Enoch Arden, poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, published in 1864. In the poem, Enoch Arden is a happily married fisherman who suffers financial problems and becomes a merchant seaman. He is shipwrecked, and, after 10 years on a desert island, he returns home to discover that his beloved wife, believing him dead, has remarried and has a new child. Not wishing to spoil his wife’s happiness, he never lets her know that he is alive.
    ellauri270.html on line 544: A real war hero disobeys commands from his superiors to look after his own troops. Clan behavior, that is what it is. Vielä hullumpaa nokkimista on kun öykkärimäinen Judah Andersen tulee rähjäämään tontin omistajana ja vetää sitten kantapäät yhteen kolmen tähden war hero kenzun edessä. Just tällästä oli Kouvolassa kun paikallinen kansanedustaja tuli paikalle. Helskutti mitä pyllistelyä.
    ellauri270.html on line 561: Within 90 hours, his force had destroyed 42 of 50 Iraqi Army divisions at a cost of about 125 killed and 200 wounded among American troops, and about 482 killed, 458 wounded among all of the coalition. What a whackin' bloodbath. It restored pride in the US armed forces after the Vietnam War.
    ellauri270.html on line 567: Army Chief of Staff Carl E. Vuonohevonen, a lifelong friend of Schwarzkopf, described him as "competent, compassionate, egotistical, loyal, opinionated, funny, emotional, sensitive to any slight. At times he can be an overbearing bastard, but not with me." Sooty Colin Powell had to humor Herman with satin gloves because "Dick" Cheney could not stand his arse. What turds.
    ellauri270.html on line 574: Brandeis wurde 1948 als nicht konfessionsgebundene Universität unter der Förderung der amerikanisch-jüdischen Gemeinschaft gegründet. Benannt wurde die Universität nach Louis Brandeis (1856–1941), dem ersten jüdischen Richter am Obersten Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten. Sie steht Studenten aller Nationalitäten, Religionen und politischer Orientierung offen. Noch 2006 waren etwa 50 % der Studenten jüdisch. Die Sportteams der Brandeis University nennen sich die Juden. nein, die Judges. Die Universität ist Mitglied der University Athletic Association.
    ellauri271.html on line 111: Aseksuaalisten lisääntymismuotojen lisääntymisetuja on jälkeläisten määrä, ja hermafroditismin etu on genomin korjaus ja monimuotoisuus. Pääkysymys on selvittää seksuaalisen erilaistumisen edut, eli kahden erilaisen sukupuolen edut kaxinruvoisiin hermafrodiitteihin verrattuna. Millä lailla apina on etanaa etevämpi? Limainen vain sieltä ja liikkuu liukkaammin?
    ellauri272.html on line 50: Tai jonsei sitä niin sitten huippupuleeratut alfaparittelijat hipelöi toistensa genitaaleja käytyään eka nostamassa rahaa pankista ja syömässä jossain ökyraflassa herkkulesta (keskiluokka ja persut kermapeput) tai jotain kasvispöperöä (intellektuellit) ryystäen liian isoista viinilaseista Merlot-viiniä. (E! F!)
    ellauri272.html on line 80: Coinciding with the release of the book and its surprising popularity, injuries related to BDSM and sex toy use spiked dramatically. In the year after the novel's publishing in 2012, injuries requiring Emergency Room visits increased by over 50% from 2010 (the year before the book was published). This is speculated to be due to people unfamiliar with both the proper use of these toys and the safe practice of bondage and other "kinky" sexual fetishes in attempting to recreate at home what they had read.
    ellauri272.html on line 83: A second study in 2014 was conducted to examine the health of women who had read the series, compared with a control group that had never read any part of the novels. The results showed a correlation between having read at least the first book and exhibiting signs of an eating disorder, having romantic partners that were emotionally abusive and/or engaged in stalking behavior, engaging in binge drinking in the last month, and having 5 or more sexual partners under age 14. The authors could not conclude whether women already experiencing these "problems" were drawn to the series, or if the series influenced these behaviors to occur after reading.
    ellauri272.html on line 196: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
    ellauri272.html on line 380: af488b.png" height="200px" />
    ellauri272.html on line 600: Kun vertaa kirjan ja elokuvan juonia, näkee mikä on sisäisesti koetussa elämässä tärkeää ja mikä tärkeää silmin nähdyssä. Painotuxet ovat erilaisia, mitkä ovat pääasioita ja mitkä detaljeja. Jotkin tärkeixikin koetut asiat näyttää tylsiltä, ne on parempi kertoa. Toisaalta jotkut jaarituxet ei kerta kaikkian sovi kuvaformaattiin, niistä tulisi videoon paha pysäkki. Ei päähenkilö voi pysähtyä kesken kaiken kymmenexi minuutixi pälättämään izexeen tyyliin nyt pohditaan. Joskus tapahtumista pitää tehdä kouriintuntuvampia jotta ne näyttäisivät miltään.
    ellauri272.html on line 754: Christer Kihlman kirjoitti miessuhteistaan sekä ryhmäseksistä vaimonsa ja rakastajansa kanssa ja aloitti tunnustuskirjojen buumin – ”Periaatteessa en kadu mitään” hän laulaa kuin Edith Piaf.
    ellauri274.html on line 854: 2:42:51 жизни российских семей А значит демографическая ситуация прямо зависит от положения дел в социальной сфере знаю 2:42:51 venäläisten perheiden elämä, mikä tarkoittaa, että demografinen tilanne riippuu suoraan sosiaalisen tilanteen tilasta, tiedän
    ellauri275.html on line 52: af1649c8a7d74de2fabaf674318282f3.jpg" height="190" />
    ellauri275.html on line 105: Prinssi Chavchavadze toimi lyhyen aikaa jopa kirjallisena mentorina nuorelle Josif Stalinille, joka oli tuolloin ortodoksisessa pappisseminaarissa Tbilisissä. Historioitsija Simon Seatbag Castafioren mukaan
    ellauri275.html on line 118: Kuntosalin valtionjärjestys painoi raskaasti Ilja Tšavtšavadzea ja lisäsi protestia siihen perustettua despoottista hallintoa vastaan. Valmistuttuaan lukiosta vuonna 1857, mutta ei läpäissyt loppukokeita, Ilja Chavchavadze lähti saamaan yliopistokoulutuksen Pietariin. Se perusti seuran "Tergdaleulebi" ("Ne, jotka joivat Terekistä" - eli ne, jotka saivat inspiraatiota veli venäläisestä.). Terek-joki nousee Gruusian pohjoisosassa ja virtaa pohjoiseen ja sitten itään Venäjän läpi laskeutuen Kaspianmereen. Terek-joki edusti Venäjän asutuksen etelärajaa Kaukasuksella suuren osan 1800-lukua. Toisen maailmansodan aikana suomalainen Waffen SS:n pataljoona Nordost eteni divisioonassaan Terekjoelle saakka.
    ellauri275.html on line 420: In Georgia, the first reading of the “Russian Law” was followed by mass protests. The draft law obliged non-governmental organizations and media outlets with a large part of their funding (at least 20%) from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence.
    ellauri275.html on line 422: Representatives of the Russian authorities and Kremlin propagandists are actively commenting on the events related to the protests in Tbilisi against the “Russian Law”. Some of them declare that the bill initiated in the Parliament of Georgia, which the ruling party Georgian Dream has already withdrawn after 3 days of protests, has nothing to do with Russia, while others are already threatening Georgia with negative consequences of these events.
    ellauri275.html on line 453: Chavchavadze's influence over Georgian literature was immense. He moved the Georgian poetic language closer to the vernacular, combining the elements of the formal wealth and somewhat artificial antiquated "high" style inherited from the 18th-century Georgian Renaissance literature, melody of Persian lyrical poetry, particularly Hafiz and Saadi, bohemian language of the streets of Tiflis and the moods and themes of European Romanticism. The subject of his works varied from purely anacreontic in his early period to deeply philosophic in his maturity.
    ellauri275.html on line 642:

    Gordon Brown




    John Major




    Georges Pompidou




    George W. Bush




    Richard Nixon




    Muammar Gaddafi




    Tony Blair




    Edward Heath




    John F Kennedy




    Gerald Ford




    Bill Clinton




    David Cameron




    Nick Clegg




    Sir Alec Douglas-Home




    James Callaghan




    Barack Obama




    Ronald Reagan




    Boris Yeltsin




    George Washington




    Stephen Harper




    Saddam Hussein




    George H.W Bush




    Jacques Chirac




    Valéry Giscard d’Estaing




    Fidel Castro




    Helmut Kohl




    Robert Gascoyne-Cecil




    Abraham Lincoln




    Charles de Gaulle



    ellauri276.html on line 251: Koltsov käyttää eläviä metaforia, jotta lukija näkee maailman lyyrisen sankarin silmin, ymmärtää hänen tunteitaan: "kaunis aamunkoitto taivaalla syttyi tuleen", "valmistamme jyvälle pyhän kehdon".
    ellauri276.html on line 328: Sanasto on sekä ylevää, vanhentunutta (alien) että puhekieltä. Suurin osa riimeistä on verbaalisia, lisäksi runoilija käyttää verbien katkaisemattomia muotoja, mikä lisää teoksen samankaltaisuutta kananlaulun ja eeposen kanssa: käveli ylös, lyötiin. Sanojen toistot partikkeleilla korostavat surullista intonaatiota: kuulla jotain, itseäni, jotain juureen asti, pala jostain. Metafora, allegoria: maasta kaivaa kultaa. Värimaalaus: vihreä, pinkki, musta. Runoilija käyttää deminutiivisia sanojen päätteitä, kuten kansanperinnössä, esimerkiksi saduissa, on tapana osoittaa, kuinka lähellä kyntäjän kipu on hänelle: aamunkoitto, talonpoika, talonmies, kruchinushka, lapset.
    ellauri276.html on line 330: Korppi ikään kuin jakaa yleisen epätoivonsa: hän istuu hiljaa. Kuitenkin, kuten hevonen, joka "laski päänsä". Teoksessa 5 runoilija puhuttelee suoraan maanviljelijää ja kutsuu häntä elättäjäksi. I. Nikitin näyttää puristavan päätään, näkemällä talonpojan oikeuksien puutteen ja tajuavan oman impotenssinsa. Ei pure Iivanan aura vakoa. Näiden katkerien linjojen joukossa on monia retorisia kysymyksiä ja huudahduksia. Maisemaa kuvataan personifikaatioiden avulla: aurinko kävelee ylös, kihara metsä on hatun alla, kylpee, ruoho nukkuu. Epiteetit: vaaleanpunainen pöly, lumottu aarre. Metafora: huono vuosi (eli sadon epäonnistuminen). Runoilija muistaa myös työntekijän lapset, joilla ei ole aikaa opiskella.
    ellauri276.html on line 374: Will come flocking after me. Tulee parveilemassa perässäni.
    ellauri276.html on line 389: Tulee parveilemassa perässäni. Will come flocking after me.
    ellauri276.html on line 401: Will come flocking after me. Tulee parveilemassa perässäni.
    ellauri276.html on line 452: And I said, let grief be a fallen leaf at the dawning of the day.
    ellauri276.html on line 454: On Grafton Street in November we tripped lightly along the ledge
    ellauri276.html on line 464: Grafton Streetillä marraskuussa kompastuimme kevyesti pitkin
    ellauri276.html on line 484: Vuonna 1949 Kavanagh alkoi kirjoittaa kuukausittaista "Päiväkirjaa" Envoylle, kirjalliselle julkaisulle, jonka perusti John Ryan, josta tuli elinikäinen ystävä ja hyväntekijä. Lähettilään toimistot olivat osoitteessa 39 Grafton Street, mutta suurin osa lehden liiketoiminnasta hoidettiin läheisessä pubissa, McDaid´sissa, jonka Kavanagh myöhemmin hyväksyi paikalliseksi päämajaxi. Envoyn kautta hän sai yhteyden nuorten taiteilijoiden ja intellektuellien joukkoon, mukaan lukien Anthony Cronin, Patrick Swift, John Jordan ja kuvanveistäjä Desmond MacNamara., jonka Kavanaghin rintakuva on Irlannin kansallisessa kirjailijamuseossa. Kavanagh kutsui näitä aikoja usein "runollisen uudestisyntymisensä" ajanjaksoksi.
    ellauri276.html on line 691: He´s aften wat and weary: Hän on illalla märkä ja väsynyt;
    ellauri276.html on line 788: Ridge after ridge man´s tide-mark leaves, Harju harjanteen jälkeen miehen vuorovesimerkkilehdet,
    ellauri276.html on line 820: Gordon Bottomley (20. helmikuuta 1874 – 25. elokuuta 1948) oli georgialais-englantilainen runoilija, joka tunnettiin erityisesti runodraamistaan. Hän oli osittain vammainen tuberkuloosisairauden vuoksi. Hänen päävaikuttajansa olivat myöhemmät viktoriaaniset romanttiset runoilijat, esirafaeliitit ja William Morris.
    ellauri276.html on line 888: Wallinin vitsirunoutta leimaa kaipaus pois maanpäällisestä elämästä taivaalliseen elämään ja sukupuoliyhteyteen Jumalan kanssa. Singen beten loben den Herrn... Mikä saa porukat laulamaan tämmösiä hyllausshymnejä? Jotain joukkoizetyydytystä siinä on, ryhmäsurrogaattisexiä. Kiitos ja ylistys, kippis ja kulaus. Rehupiiklesien aiheuttama huutomyrsky, kirkuna ja pyörtyileminen on epäilemättä sama ilmiö. Ne olivat hetken rakastetumpia kuin J. Nasaretilainen. Johanin kaikkien aikojen nr 1 schlageri on den här ganska morbida "Vipp på rumpan affär'n" jonka vetää laahavasti ovenraossa Eva Rune med 210 subscribers.
    ellauri276.html on line 898: Stork ja hänen brittiläinen aikalaisensa CD-Lowcock julkaisivat useita käännöksiä ruotsalaista runoutta. He käsittivät väärin muun muassa Gustaf Frödingin, Erik Axel Karlfeldtin, Birger Sjöbergin ja August Strindbergin. Hänen ruotsalaisen runoilija Gustaf Frödingin käännöksiään kritisoitiin ankarasti Svea Bernhardin ja Ernst W. Olsonin arvosteluissa, mutta yleisesti ylistettiin Axel J. Uppvallin artikkelissa, joka yhdessä Olsonin kanssa oli myös tehnyt Frödingin runoja englanniksi. Stork saattoi nimestä päätellen olla äidin puolelta Penn Dutch.
    ellauri276.html on line 925: Tämän urakan jälkeen Stork lähti ulkomaille tekemään tutkimustyötä Englannin ja Saksan yliopistoissa, missä hän vietti useita vuosia. Vuonna 1908 hän meni naimisiin Elisabethin, tiedättehän, taiteilija Franz von Pausingerin tyttären kanssa Salzburgista Itävallasta, ja palattuaan Amerikkaan aloitti työnsä Pennsylvanian yliopistossa, jossa hän toimi opettajana ja apulaisprofessorina vuoteen 1916, jolloin erosi tehdäxeen kirjallista työtä. Mr. Storkin ensimmäinen tunnetuksi tullut säekirja oli "Meri ja lahti", 1916. Sen jälkeen hän on kääntänyt paljon ruotsin ja saksan kielestä, tehden ihailtavia käännöksiä Gustaf Frödingistä, 1916, sekä monista muista never heardeista teokseen "Ruotsalaiset runoilijat", jonka teoksen hän julkaisi nimellä "Anthology of Swedish Lyrics", 1917. Hän on sittemmin tehnyt käännöksen "Selected Poems of Verner Von Heidenstam", Nobel-palkinnon saaja 1916. Ruotsalaisen runouden lisäksi hän on tehnyt erinomaisen esitys itävaltalaisen sanoittajan Hofmansthalin sanoituksista. Mr. Stork on toimittaja ja omistaja lehdykälle 'Contemporary Verse', joka on omistautunut nykyisen ryhmän runoudelle Amerikassa. Toinen kokoelma hänen omista säkeistä ilmestyy siinä pian.
    ellauri276.html on line 1075: Chorus (after each verse): Kuoro (jokaisen säkeen jälkeen):
    ellauri277.html on line 160: Eräiden Bushruin ja Jenkinsin mukaan Raamattu, erityisesti King Jamesin versio, oli "ehtymätön" vaikutuksen lähde Gibraniin. Almustafan opetukset eroavat ratkaisevasti Zarathustran filosofiasta, ja ne paljastavat Jeesuksen silmiinpistävän jäljitelmän, jollaisexi Gibran kuvasi hänet. Haskellin mukaan Gibran kertoi hänelle kerran sen:
    ellauri277.html on line 227: Shortly afterward, Gibran’s mother sent him back to Lebanon to continue his education; she may have been concerned about the influence of his new friends, and Gibran later said that he lost his virginity to an older married woman around this time. Peabody most likely, if not the downstairs neighbor.
    ellauri277.html on line 231: Gibran’s relationship with Peabody ended completely with her marriage in 1906. He then began a secret affair with a pianist, Gertrude Barrie, who, like Peabody, was several years his senior. During this period Haskell introduced him to an aspiring French actress, Émilie Michel, who taught French at Haskell’s school, and the two fell in love. In 1908 Michel suffered an ectopic pregnancy and had an abortion. The relationship waned and ultimately ended, a victim of Michel’s ambitions for a career on the stage.
    ellauri277.html on line 248: The work begins with the prophet Almustafa preparing to leave the city of Orphalese, where he has lived for twelve years, to return to the island of his birth. The people of the city gather and beg him not to leave, but the seeress Almitra, knowing that his ship has come for him, asks him instead to tell them his truths. The people ask him about the great themes of human life: love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, and many others, concluding with death. Almustafa speaks of each of the themes in sober, sonorous aphorisms grouped into twenty-six short chapters. As in earlier books, Gibran illustrated The Prophet with his own drawings, adding to the power of the work.
    ellauri277.html on line 250: The Prophet received tepid reviews in Poetry and The Bookman, an enthusiastic review in the Chicago Evening Post, and little else. On the other hand, the public reception was intense. It began with a trickle of grateful letters; the first edition sold out in two months; 13,000 copies a year were sold during the Great Depression, 60,000 in 1944, and 1,000,000 by 1957. Many millions of copies were sold in the following decades, making Gibran the best-selling American poet of the twentieth century. It is clear that the book deeply moved many people. When critics finally noticed it, they were baffled by the public response; they dismissed the work as sentimental, overwritten, artificial, and affected.
    ellauri277.html on line 254: In 1925 the poet Barbara Young (pseudonym of Henrietta Breckenridge (!!!) Boughton) became Gibran’s secretary. She remained with Gibran for the rest of his life and played a major role in events after his death.
    ellauri277.html on line 260: Gibran died on 10 April 1931 of cirrhosis of the liver. He was an alcoholic and had been in poor health since the early 1920s. Gibran’s death set off a series of sordid conflicts that have clouded his reputation. His will left money and real estate to his sister (Marianna Jubran never married and died in Boston in 1972). Breckenridge ja Haskell piippasivat äkäsesti toisilleen mustankipeinä Gibranin kirjallisesta jäämistöstä. Breckenridge´s 1945 biography of Gibran, an adulatory work full of misinformation—much of which may have come from Gibran himself—continues to create confusion even after the publication of several excellent biographies.
    ellauri277.html on line 274: Тhe article discusses the role of religious values in the context of spiritual safety of society. The value content of the concept of spiritual security is substantiated. It is proved that the system of spiritual values and moral norms is one of the important conditions for ensuring the spiritual security of society. The basic principles of providing spiritual security and suggested of definition the relevant concepts.
    ellauri277.html on line 279: Also, reviews the new approaches to the definition of spiritual safety and substantiates the expedience of using traditional and sociological approaches for that purpose. The peculiarities of
    ellauri277.html on line 287: va:metodologia vyvchennia: Monografia [Spirituality of concept", Questions of philosophy, vol. 4, pp.15—26.
    ellauri277.html on line 298: Administration under the President of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine. Ukrainy: metodologia vyvchennia: Monografia [Military
    ellauri277.html on line 306: Upravlins´kyi vymir: Monografia [Genesis of Spiritual
    ellauri277.html on line 394: Bahai-uskolla on eri arvioiden mukaan 5–7 miljoonaa kannattajaa. Eniten bahaita on Intiassa, noin miljoona, ja toiseksi eniten Iranissa, noin 300 000–350 000. Yhdysvalloissa on vajaat 200 000 uskonharjoittajaa, joista etelävaltiossa asuvat ovat pääsääntöisesti afroamerikkalaisia eli neekereitä. Bahai-usko kasvaa nopeimmin Etelä-Aasiassa ja Afrikassa, koska siellä lisäännytään nopeimmin. Alueittain bahaita on arvioitu olevan eniten Etelä-Aasiassa, yli kaksi miljoonaa. Itä-Afrikassa bahaita on yli miljoonan ja Euroopassa yli 100 000.
    ellauri278.html on line 155: He is known as a state prosecutor of Joseph Stalin's Moscow Trials and in the Nuremberg trials. He was the Soviet Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1953, after having served as Deputy Foreign Minister under Vyacheslav Molotov since 1940.
    ellauri278.html on line 165: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri278.html on line 182: Siberian pensioner IS grandson of Josef Stalin, DNA test reveals. Yury Davydov, 67, gets proof of his roots after years of waiting: his grandmother was Stalin's 14 year old lover. Stalin a Pedo? what has the world come to?
    ellauri278.html on line 208: In January 1908, French police arrested Litvinov under the name Meer Wallach while carrying twelve 500-ruble banknotes that had been stolen in a bank robbery in Tiflis the year before. The Russian government demanded his extradition but the French Minister for Justice Aristide Briand ruled Litvinov´s crime was political and ordered him to be deported. He went to Belfast, Ireland, where he joined his sister Rifka and her family. There, he taught foreign languages in the Jewish Jaffe Public Elementary School until 1910.
    ellauri278.html on line 260: After returning to Soviet Union, Litvinov became deputy minister for foreign affairs. He was dismissed from his post after an interview given to Richard C. Hottelet on 18 June 1946 in which he said a war between the West and the Soviet Union was inevitable.
    ellauri278.html on line 264: In his reminiscences dictated to a supporter later in life, Vyacheslav Molotov—Litvinov´s replacement as chief of foreign affairs and right-hand man of Joseph Stalin—said Litvinov was "intelligent" and "first rate" but said he and Stalin "didn´t trust him" and consequently "left him out of negotiations" with the United States during the war. Molotov called Litvinov "not a bad diplomat—a good one" but also called him quite an opportunist who greatly sympathized with Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev. According to Molotov; Litvinov remained among the living in the Great Purge only by chance.
    ellauri278.html on line 423: Pätsille maksettiin – ainakin aluksi salaisesti – neuvostohallitukselta neuvostoliittolais-virolaisen naftan maahantuontiyrityksen kautta 4 000 Yhdysvaltain dollaria vuosittain 1924–1934. Summa oli huomattava ja vastasi Viron Berliinin lähettilään vuosipalkkaa. Päts raportoi Neuvostoliiton suurlähetystöön Viron poliittisesta tilanteesta. Pätsin yhteistyön julkistaminen käynnisti Virossa keskustelun Pätsin roolista Viron itsenäisyyden hankkimisen lisäksi myös sen menettämisessä.
    ellauri279.html on line 38: afiev-solzhenitsyn.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri279.html on line 447: Solzhenizyn teki näennäisen takinkäännön henkkoht enkan kääntämällä takkia nuipperin ja näipperin. Mielipiteeni olivat ennen radikaaleja nyt ne ovat konservatiiviset. Carlos Fuentes oli toinen takinkääntäjä. Isä Rafu oli sotinut Wilsonia vastaan Huertan jupakassa, ja sixi Carloskin rupesi eka kommunistixi. Mutta se kävi kouluja Yhdysvalloissa ja opiskeli isän käskystä lakia kynäilyn sijasta, ja sitä tietä Carloxesta tuli ensin hallituxen kätyri ja lopulta takinkääntäjä. Fuentes ja toinen meksikolainen kirjailija, Nobel-palkittu Octavio Paz ajautuivat 1990-luvulla riitoihin. He olivat ystävystyneet 1950 ja olivat tämän tehneet paljon yhteistyötä. Heidän välinsä alkoivat kuitenkin rakoilla 1980-luvulla, kun Fuentes kannatti sittemmin pahoixi takinkääntäjixi osoittautuneita Nicaraguan sandinisteja, jotka Paz tuomitsi. Paz oli oikeassa että Fuentesilta puuttui todellinen meksikolainen identiteetti. Sen se oli korvannut jenkki identiteetillä. Tämän se osoitti kynäilemällä useitakin amerikkalaishenkisiä NYT bestsellerejä.
    ellauri281.html on line 154: He is known as a state prosecutor of Joseph Stalin's Moscow Trials and in the Nuremberg trials. He was the Soviet Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1953, after having served as Deputy Foreign Minister under Vyacheslav Molotov since 1940.
    ellauri281.html on line 164: British diplomat Sir Frank Roberts, who served as British chargé d'affaires in Moscow from February 1945 to October 1947, described him as follows:
    ellauri281.html on line 181: Siberian pensioner IS grandson of Josef Stalin, DNA test reveals. Yury Davydov, 67, gets proof of his roots after years of waiting: his grandmother was Stalin's 14 year old lover. Stalin a Pedo? what has the world come to?
    ellauri281.html on line 207: In January 1908, French police arrested Litvinov under the name Meer Wallach while carrying twelve 500-ruble banknotes that had been stolen in a bank robbery in Tiflis the year before. The Russian government demanded his extradition but the French Minister for Justice Aristide Briand ruled Litvinov´s crime was political and ordered him to be deported. He went to Belfast, Ireland, where he joined his sister Rifka and her family. There, he taught foreign languages in the Jewish Jaffe Public Elementary School until 1910.
    ellauri281.html on line 259: After returning to Soviet Union, Litvinov became deputy minister for foreign affairs. He was dismissed from his post after an interview given to Richard C. Hottelet on 18 June 1946 in which he said a war between the West and the Soviet Union was inevitable.
    ellauri281.html on line 263: In his reminiscences dictated to a supporter later in life, Vyacheslav Molotov—Litvinov´s replacement as chief of foreign affairs and right-hand man of Joseph Stalin—said Litvinov was "intelligent" and "first rate" but said he and Stalin "didn´t trust him" and consequently "left him out of negotiations" with the United States during the war. Molotov called Litvinov "not a bad diplomat—a good one" but also called him quite an opportunist who greatly sympathized with Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev, and Lev Kamenev. According to Molotov; Litvinov remained among the living in the Great Purge only by chance.
    ellauri281.html on line 422: Pätsille maksettiin – ainakin aluksi salaisesti – neuvostohallitukselta neuvostoliittolais-virolaisen naftan maahantuontiyrityksen kautta 4 000 Yhdysvaltain dollaria vuosittain 1924–1934. Summa oli huomattava ja vastasi Viron Berliinin lähettilään vuosipalkkaa. Päts raportoi Neuvostoliiton suurlähetystöön Viron poliittisesta tilanteesta. Pätsin yhteistyön julkistaminen käynnisti Virossa keskustelun Pätsin roolista Viron itsenäisyyden hankkimisen lisäksi myös sen menettämisessä.
    ellauri282.html on line 71: [2.4. klo 18.44] Oma Profiili: Olikohan se palestiinalainen kun sillä oli Jaffa-pullo.
    ellauri282.html on line 85: [3.4. klo 13.09] +358 44 2776451: Musta Dworkin on kiva, vaikka kuollut: ymmärsi käyttää fiksuutensa hyvin. Kirjoitti alzheimerintaudista jo 80-luvun lopulla ja sen mielestä oikeus syntyy litigoinnissa. Luultavasti faffa samaa mieltä, että Kelsen joutaa lopulta romukoppaan.
    ellauri282.html on line 87: [3.4. klo 13.12] Oma Profiili: Faffan avainpointti oli että oikeuden ytimessä on oikeusneuvosmies BCC.
    ellauri282.html on line 379: Attribuutit: Sacerdotal-asut, kasakkaferraiolo, beretta, pitelee tilikirjaa, jossa on teksti "Ad maiorem Dei gloriam", harhaoppisen tallaaminen, HS-kryptogrammi, krusifiksi, rukousnauha.

    ellauri282.html on line 393: Trapit eli hubarat ovat afrikkalaisia lintuja, joita nazit jahtasivat Volkovin kaivostunneleissa, kuten Pervenzev tiesi kertoa.
    ellauri282.html on line 404: af5cb3f2a8b623d.jpg" />
    ellauri283.html on line 44: Kasvit naxuvat ja huutavat sillä lailla apua niin matalalla äänellä että apinat ei kuule. Sen ovat israelilaiset tutkijat havainneet tarkkuusmikrofoneilla. Filistealaiset huutavat apua Israelissa muslimiäänellä jota israelilaiset eivät ymmärrä. Israelilaiset huutavat niille takas hepreaa kovaäänisillä megafoneilla.
    ellauri283.html on line 69: Ekman blev 1978 ledamot av Svenska Akademien på stol nummer 15 (efter Harry Martinson), som den tredje kvinnan – efter Selma Lagerlöf och Elin Wägner. Efter Salman Rushdie-affären 1989 deltog hon dock inte i Akademiens arbete.
    ellauri283.html on line 108: Äußerlich scheint die Familie noch völlig intakt zu sein, aber seit sein älterer Bruder vor einigen Jahren verschwunden ist, sind die Eltern des zwölfjährigen Oliver (Nathan Gamble) völlig auf den verlorenen Sohn fixiert. Seine Mutter Joan (Dendrie Taylor) verfiel in Depressionen und sein Vater Gus (Corbin Bernsen) war nur noch am arbeiten. Jetzt zweifelt Oliver an dem Sinn seines Lebens. Die Frage, ob der Glaube an Gott oder der Glaube an die Wissenschaft richtig ist, oder beide, oder keiner von den beiden, beschäftigt ihn. Da seine Eltern ihm auf seine Fragen keine Antwort geben können, sucht er Rat bei seinem Biologie-Lehrer, in Fachbüchern und in der Kirche. Doch niemand scheint ihm seine ersehnte Erkenntnis liefern zu können. Als Oliver schon die Hoffnung aufgeben will, naht eine unerwartete Erlösung. Als auch ihr zweiter Sohn verschwindet, verstehen seine Eltern endlich, was ihn beschäftigt: ein schwarzer Engel, der auf einer Rakete reitet.
    ellauri283.html on line 186: Heikki ja Kaija on parodia samannimisestä televisiosarjasta 1960- ja 1970-luvulta. Pariskunta esimerkiksi kauhistelee kovaan ääneen, kuinka eräs tuttu ei ottanut lakkia pois päästään sisällä, kun taas esimerkiksi tutun eläkeläispariskunnan tekemä itsemurha kerrostalon katolta kuitataan vain Heikin lausahduksella: "Jaa. No annaksää mulle kaffetta?" Keskustelua värittävät lukuisat "nääs nääs" -lausahdukset kädenliikkeillä ja päänpudistuksilla vahvennettuna. Voivottelujen pituudet vähitellen kasvavat ja tulevat jopa raivokkaiksi.
    ellauri283.html on line 315: 800-luvun puolivälistä 1100-luvun puoliväliin Christian Nubia koki kultakautensa, jolloin sen poliittinen valta ja kulttuurinen kehitys saavuttivat huippunsa. Vuonna 747 Makulatuuri tunkeutui Egyptiin, joka kuului tuolloin parahultaisesti taantuville Umayyadeille ja teki niin jälleen 960 - luvun alussa, kun se työntyi pohjoiseen Akhmimiin asti. Makurialla säilyi läheiset dynastiset siteet Alodiaan, mikä ehkä johti kahden valtakunnan väliaikaiseen yhdistämiseen yhdeksi valtioksi. Keskiaikaisten nubialaisten kulttuuria on kuvattu " afrobysanttilaiseksi ", ja "afrikkalaisen" komponentin merkitys kasvaa ajan myötä. Myös arabien vaikutuksen lisääntyminen on havaittu. Valtion organisaatio oli erittäin keskitetty perustuen 6. ja 7. vuosisadan bysanttilaiseen byrokratiaan. Taide kukoisti keramiikkamaalausten ja erityisesti seinämaalausten muodossa. Noobit kehittivät kielelleen oman aakkoston, Old Noobin, joka perustui koptilaisiin aakkosiin, mutta käytti myös kreikkaa, koptia ja arabiaa. Naiset nauttivat ihanasti korkeasta yhteiskunnallisesta asemasta: heillä oli mahdollisuus saada koulutusta, he voivat omistaa, ostaa ja myydä maata ja käyttivät usein omaisuuttaan kirkkojen ja kirkkomaalausten lahjoittamiseen. Jopa kuninkaallinen perintö oli matrilineaarista, jopa kuninkaan sisaren poika oli laillinen perillinen!
    ellauri283.html on line 317: Makulian pääkaupunki Dongle oli taantumassa 1000-/1100-luvun lopulta lähtien, ja myös Alodian pääkaupunki heikkeni muuten vaan 1100-luvulla. 1300-luvulla (aikaisin kirjattu muuttoliike Egyptistä Sudanin Niilin laaksoon vuodelta 1324) ja 1400-luvulla beduiiniheimot valloittivat suurimman osan Sudanista muuttaen Butanaan, Geziraan, Kordofaniin ja Darfuriin. Vuonna 1365 sisällissota pakotti Makurian hovin pakenemaan Gebel Addaan Ala-Nuubiassa, kun taas Tombola tuhoutui ja jätettiin hyvällä arabeille. Myöhemmin Makuria jatkoi olemassaoloaan vain pienenä kuningaskuntana. Viimeinen tunnettu Makurian kuningas oli Jo-el, joka on todistettu vuosilta 1463 ja 1484 ja jonka aikana Makuria todennäköisesti todisti lyhyen renesoossin. Hänen kuolemansa jälkeen valtakunta luultavasti vaan romahti. Etelässä Alodian valtakunta joutui joko arabeille, joita komensi heimojohtaja Abdallah Jammu, tai sit Funjille, etelästä peräisin olevalle afrikkalaiselle kansalle. Tapaamiset vaihtelevat 9. vuosisadalta Hijran jälkeen ( n. 1396–1494), 1400-luvun lopulta, 1504 - 1509. Alodilainen lantiovaltio (pre-colonial state) saattoi säilyä Fazughlin valtakunnan muodossa, joka kesti vuoteen 1685 asti. Loput olivatkin sitten peräsuolivaltioita (colonial state).
    ellauri283.html on line 343: Etelässä virallisia kieliä olivat englanti, englanti, dinka, bari, nuer, latuko, shilluk, azande ja pari muuta (ai niin lafon), kun taas pohjoisessa arabia ja englanti olivat virallisia kieliä. Britit lannistaivat islamia etelässä, missä kristityt lähetyssaarnaajat saivat työskennellä. Etelä-Sudanin asuntojen kuvernöörit osallistuivat siirtomaakonferensseihin Itä-Afrikassa, eivät Khartumissa, ja britit toivoivat lisäävänsä Etelä-Sudanin Itä-Afrikan siirtomaihinsa.
    ellauri283.html on line 363: Tyytymättömyys huipentui toiseen vallankaappaukseen 25. toukokuuta 1969. Vallankaappausjohtaja eversti Gaafar Nimeirysta tuli pääministeri, ja uusi hallinto lakkautti parlamentin ja kielsi kaikki poliittiset puolueet.
    ellauri283.html on line 499: Burkina Faso on monirotuinen valtio, ja siellä elää yli 60 etnistä ryhmittymää. Mosit on merkittävin ryhmä, ja vuonna 2010 Burkina Fason asukkaista 52,5 prosenttia kuului heihin. Fulbien osuus oli 8,4 prosenttia, gurmien 6,8 prosenttia ja bobojen 4,8 prosenttia. Kaikkiaan vuoden 1986 tietojen mukaan noin 94 % burkinafasolaisista kuuluu nigeriläis-kongolaisia kieliä puhuviin kansoihin. Gurilaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat mosit ja heidän sukukansansa dagarit, biriforit, nankanset ja kusasit ovat perinteisesest asuneet maan keskiosassa Valkoisen Voltan alueella. Lobit asuvat maan lounaisosassa ja bobot Malin rajaseudulla Bobo-Dioulasson koillispuolella. Grusit sukukansoineen elävät Ghanan rajaseuduilla, gurmat kaakossa Beninin rajalla, senufot lännessä sekä Kankalaban tasangolla, dogonit Bandiagaran vuoristoseudulla. Mandelaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat samot, soninket ja djulat asuvat maan luoteisosassa erillisinä ryhminä gurilaisten kansojen joukossa, bisat Valkoisen Voltan varrella lähellä Ghanan rajaa. Atlanttiseen kieliryhmään kuuluvat maan luoteisosassa asuvat fulbet. Maan pohjoisosan puoliautiomaata asuttavat paimentolaisuutta harjoittavat tuaregit ja heidän länsipuolellaan songhait. Kaupungeissa on hausoja, libanonilaisia ja ranskalaisia.
    ellauri283.html on line 502: Siirtomaa-aikoina nykyisen Malin alueesta käytettiin nimeä Ranskan Sudan. Mali on nimetty muinaisen Malin kuningaskunnan mukaan. Mali on Afrikan unionin jäsenmaa ja pinta-alaltaan Afrikan kahdeksanneksi ja maailman 23. suurin valtio. Isompi kuin Kalifornia, isompi kuin Texas, melkein yhtä suuri kuin Alaska. (Sudan on isompi kuin Alaska, joten lälläs lää.) Maa itsenäistyi useimpien muiden afrikkalaisten siirtomaiden tavoin 1960-luvulla (vuonna 1960).
    ellauri283.html on line 517: Länsimaiden syrjäytettyä Libyan johtaja Muammar Gaddafin hänen puolellaan taistelleet tuaregit palasivat Maliin ja nousivat kapinaan pohjois-Malissa. Tuaregit liittoutuivat Al-Qaidaan puhelinyhteydessä olevien islamistien kanssa.
    ellauri283.html on line 533: Burkina Fason etnisesti monimuotinen valtio, ja siellä elää yli 60 etnistä ryhmittymää. Mosit on merkittävin ryhmä, ja vuonna 2010 Burkina Fason asukkaista 52,5 prosenttia kuului heihin. Fulbien osuus oli 8,4 prosenttia, gurmien 6,8 prosenttia ja bobojen 4,8 prosenttia. Kaikkiaan vuoden 1986 tietojen mukaan noin 94 % burkinafasolaisista kuuluu nigeriläis-kongolaisia kieliä puhuviin kansoihin. Gurilaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat mosit ja heidän sukukansansa dagarit, biriforit, nankanset ja kusasit ovat perinteisesest asuneet maan keskiosassa Valkoisen Voltan alueella. Lobit asuvat maan lounaisosassa ja bobot Malin rajaseudulla Bobo-Dioulasson koillispuolella. Grusit sukukansoineen elävät Ghanan rajaseuduilla, gurmat kaakossa Beninin rajalla, senufot lännessä sekä Kankalaban tasangolla, dogonit Bandiagaran vuoristoseudulla. Mandelaisen ryhmän kieliä puhuvat samot, soninket ja djulat asuvat maan luoteisosassa erillisinä ryhminä gurilaisten kansojen joukossa, bisat Valkoisen Voltan varrella lähellä Ghanan rajaa. Atlanttiseen kieliryhmään kuuluvat maan luoteisosassa asuvat fulbet. Maan pohjoisosan puoliautiomaata asuttavat paimentolaisuutta harjoittavat tuaregit ja heidän länsipuolellaan songhait. Kaupungeissa on hausoja, libanonilaisia ja ranskalaisia.
    ellauri283.html on line 536: Siirtomaa-aikoina nykyisen Malin alueesta käytettiin nimeä Ranskan Sudan. Mali on nimetty muinaisen Malin kuningaskunnan mukaan. Mali on Afrikan unionin jäsenmaa ja pinta-alaltaan Afrikan kahdeksanneksi ja maailman 23. suurin valtio. Maa itsenäistyi useimpien muiden afrikkalaisten siirtomaiden tavoin 1960-luvulla (vuonna 1960).
    ellauri284.html on line 40: This snapshot, our correspondent states, was taken after The German - sorry - the French charge near Forêt-Champignon. The body stretched at full length is a dead German guy. Those crouching behind a stone are French infantrymen, stone dead as well. Evidently the were charging, carrying that big stone. The bodies were not moved so as not to confuse the crime scene investigation.
    ellauri284.html on line 78: Britannian kansalaiset ovat braveja ja niiden vasallit ym liittolaiset ovat galantteja, eli uhrautuvat toisen hyväxi. Pienet maat tai vähemmistökansat ym mielestään sorretut koittaa pyristellä eroon enemmistöstä näiden ollessa toistensa tukassa. Tässä käy aika usein huonosti, kuten punikeille Suomessa 1918 ja Biafran igboille Nigerian öljysodassa 1970. Ranska käänsi kelkkansa 1870 sodan jälkeen hävittyään törkeästi Saxalle, sitä ennen (aurinkokuninkaan ja Napsun aikana) anglot ja ranskixet oli verivihollisia. Ranskalaiset auttoi kiusan vuoxi jenkit irti briteistä. Oisko kannattanut. Brittialamaisista irkut ja afrikaanerit koitti samaa kotona suursodan jaloissa, ei olis kannattanut.
    ellauri284.html on line 151: The sharp one-year increase, to a total of at least 21,570 murders, does not erase the nation’s stagnation since the early 1990s. The US murder rate had dropped more than 50% since 1991. Even after last year’s increase, it is still 34% lower! To increase the gain to beat India, fully automatic weapons ought to be legalized again.
    ellauri284.html on line 204: Nicholas E.A.H Adlers sentenced to death on Durham for high treason. The ex-German consul assisted German reservists to rejoin after the declaration of war.
    ellauri284.html on line 426: Tuntematon kirjailija Edward Gallafent kommentoi Eastwoodin vaikutusta elokuvaan 1970-1990-luvulla: "Eastwoodin rooleja ja hänen ohjaamiaan elokuvia ei voida erottaa viimeisen neljännesvuosisadan amerikkalaisen kulttuurin luonteesta, sen fantasioista ja todellisuudesta."
    ellauri284.html on line 505: af2dae008cb08db90df93871ca0a/Hilarious-T-Shirts-imgur.com-n0eUs81-1024x1365.jpeg.pro-cmg.jpg" width="20%" />
    ellauri284.html on line 534: Edellisenä vuonna hän ehdotti, että Eurooppa pitäisi pitää eurooppalaisina puhuessaan mantereelle saapuvien afrikkalaisten pakolaisten määrän kasvusta.
    ellauri284.html on line 582: Käyttämällä tätä verkkosivustoa ja/tai verkkosivustolle upotettuja/mainittuja hyperlinkkejä tai käyttämällä niitä, sitoudut noudattamaan ehtoja, sellaisina kuin ne on esitetty tässä ja sellaisina kuin ne sisältyvät Verkkosivustoon ilman minkäänlaista rajoitusta tai rajoituksia. Jos et hyväksy/hyväksyt tämän vastuuvapauslausekkeen ehtoja, sinua pyydetään olemaan käyttämättä verkkosivustoa tai lataamasta materiaalia verkkosivustolta. Kaikki on pyritty pitämään tiedot ajan tasalla. Emme kuitenkaan anna minkäänlaisia ​​nimenomaisia ​​tai epäsuoria takuita tai takuita verkkosivuston tai sen sisältämien tietojen, tuotteiden, palvelujen tai niihin liittyvien grafiikan täydellisyydestä, tarkkuudesta, luotettavuudesta, soveltuvuudesta tai saatavuudesta mihinkään tarkoitukseen. . Verkkosivusto ja kaikki sen sisältö tarjotaan "sellaisenaan" ja "sellaisena kuin saatavilla" ja on tarkoitettu vain tiedoksi. Mitään tällä verkkosivustolla annettuja tietoja ei käsitellä takuuna tai esityksenä. Sivuston käyttö on täysin omalla vastuullasi. Tämä verkkosivusto on vain ohjeellinen. Se ei ole osa tarjousta tai sopimusta. Sisältö, mukaan lukien suunnittelu ja tekniset tiedot, voivat muuttua ilman ennakkoilmoitusta. Tietokoneella luodut kuvat ovat taiteilijan vaikutelmia ja ne kuvaavat todellista tai kexittyä suunnittelua. Käyttämällä ja/tai käyttämällä tätä verkkosivustoa, sinä, katsoja/käyttäjä hyväksyt, että tällä verkkosivustolla olevat tiedot, mukaan lukien materiaali/asiakirjat (kuten esitteet ja markkinointivakuudet) ovat vain mainoshuijausta kuten kaikki M3M India Private Limitedin ja/tai sen tytäryhtiöiden projektit, etkä ole luottanut näihin tietoihin tehdessäsi varausta/ostosta/osto-/sijoitusaikomusta. Mitään tässä ei tule tulkita kutsuksi tai tarjoukseksi sijoitusta tai talletusta varten sovellettavan lain ehtojen mukaisesti (joita on ajoittain muutettu), mukaan lukien rajoituksetta SEBI Act, 1992, Companies Act 2013 jne., emmekä ole vastuussa katsojan tämän verkkosivuston materiaalin/tietojen perusteella toteuttamien emmekä omien toimiemme seurauksista. Missään tapauksessa M3M India Private Limited, sen tytäryhtiöt, työntekijät, johtajat ja/tai toimihenkilöt eivät ole vastuussa yhtään mistään.
    ellauri284.html on line 614: Real estate is one of the most corrupt businesses in India, which has the highest rate of bribery among Asia-Pacific countries recently surveyed by the anti-graft group Transparency International.
    ellauri284.html on line 643: Dinesh Dayma, a land agent for the Bansals, persuaded the surgeon to sell his land to the developer rather than risk having his land appropriated by the government at below-market rates. Dayma works out of an office in a low-slung concrete building not far from luxury hotels and a Porsche dealership. It sits snugly inside the walled office compound of his brother, Mahesh, a local politician from the BJP. A saffron-and-green banner with the politician’s photo — common in India — hangs prominently outside the property office.
    ellauri284.html on line 689: Toisessa buurisodassa Roberts johti ”intialaisten upseerien” ryhmää, joka taisteli vaikutusvallasta ”afrikkalaisten upseerien” kanssa.
    ellauri284.html on line 715: Intian kapina, Delhin piiritys, Lucknowin piiritys, Umbeylan kampanja, 1868 retkikunta Abessiniaan, Magdalan taistelu, Lushaiin retki, Toinen englantilais-afganistanilainen sota, Peiwar Kotalin taistelu, Charasiabin taistelu, Sherpur-kantonmentin piiritys, Kandaharin taistelu, Toinen buurien sota, Kimberleyn piiritys, Paardebergin taistelu, Poplar Groven taistelu, Diamond Hillin taistelu, Bergendalin taistelu
    ellauri284.html on line 728: 23. joulukuuta 1899 Roberts lähti Englannista palatakseen Etelä-Afrikkaan esikuntapäällikkönsä Lord Kitchenerin kanssa RMS Dunottarin linnassa ottaakseen brittijoukkojen yleiskomennon toisessa buurisodassa edellisen komentajan, kenraali Redvers Bullerin alaisina . Hän saapui Kapkaupunkiin 10. tammikuuta 1900. Hänen nimityksensä oli vastaus sodan alkuviikkojen tappioiden sarjaan, ja siihen liittyi valtavien vahvistusten lähettäminen. Päämajan henkilökuntaan hän nimitti sotilaita kaukaa: Kitchener (esikuntapäällikkö) Sudanista, Frederick Burnham (partiopäällikkö), amerikkalainen partiolainen Klondikesta, George Henderson Staff Collegesta, Neville Chamberlain Afganistanista ja William Nicholson (sotilassihteeri) Kalkuttasta.
    ellauri284.html on line 783: Nimi "Waterford" tulee vanhannorjalaisesta Veðrafjǫrðr "pässi(ei sää)vuono ". Irlanninkielinen nimi on Port Láirge, joka tarkoittaa "Láragin satamaa".
    ellauri285.html on line 66: Why do humans need to wipe after they poop, when animals can just squat and plop? Why do humans need to shower or they'll get rashes and smell awful, but animals don't?
    ellauri285.html on line 74: To accommodate our flawed design, we are taught from birth to use wads of paper, magazine pages, dried corncobs and even stones, to wipe our filthy behinds. And this we must do! If we did not wipe, we would reek of dung from the cake of dingleberries between our cheeks and our pants, skirts, caftans and burkas, would be fouled with nicotine stains and clouds of flies would follow us down the street like goslings.
    ellauri285.html on line 104: Yhtenä kirjan sisäkkäisenä antikertomuksena ”Makkonen”, romaanihenkilö, ottaa haltuunsa ”kirjailijan” muistiinpanot ja luonnokset ja toimittaa ne kokonaisuudeksi omin välihuomioin. Kirjailijan muistiinpanot ovat kuin aforismeja tai runoja. Niistä voi poimia lähtökohdan myös Romaanihenkilön kuolemalle:
    ellauri285.html on line 110: Arja: Kirjailijan ruoska ei säästä mitään eikä ketään: ei etenkään afrikkalaisia tai heille toimimatonta apua tyrkyttäviä eurooppalaisia, ei venäläisiä eikä virolaisia, ei sansibarilaisia tai savolaisia, ei mielenterveyspotilaita tai heidän hoitajiaan, ei luovan työn tekijöitä, erikoistutkijoita tai politiikkoja.
    ellauri285.html on line 120: Romaanihenkilön kuolema on luonteeltaan pyttipannu deluxe, johon on kaadettu jääkaapista kaikki, mikä on paistinpannuun saatu mahtumaan. Luettuani tämän romaanin nyt uudelleen, luulen, että yksi minua aiemmin puhutelleista tekijöistä on metafiktio ja sitä tässä teoksessa todella riittää. Teoksen kertoja/t ei/vät suostu pysymään teoksen sisällä, vaan tule(e)/vat siitä jatkuvasti ulos kuin Romaanihenkilön kuolema olisi kaappi mummon eteisessä. Intertekstuaalisuus pitää teoksessa kosteita bileitä ja siinä vaiheessa kun drinkit vaihtuvat aamukahviksi intertekstuaalista vauhtia otetaan Pulkkisen omasta romaanista nimeltä Sanan voima, joka ei ole olemassa oleva teos.
    ellauri285.html on line 141: Nietzschellä perspektivismi ottaa realistisen antimetafysiikan muodon, samalla kun se torjuu sekä totuuden vastaavuusteorian että käsityksen, että uskon totuusarvo muodostaa aina sen lopullisen arvo-arvon. Perspektivismi ja personismi ovat läheisiä petikavereita.
    ellauri285.html on line 152: While most scholars and academics have determined that Scotford was the craftsman and Soper was the salesman, and the men joined forces for personal financial gain, neither man ever confessed and remained active in the business until their respective deaths in the 1920s.
    ellauri285.html on line 248: Dispositionalismin mukaan maailmassamme asuvilla olennoilla on peruuttamattomia taipumuxia – joita usein kutsutaan "voimiksi" – joiden avulla ne ovat muutoksen lähteitä. Dispositionalismista on tullut yhä suositumpi metafyysikoiden keskuudessa viimeisten kolmen vuosikymmenen aikana, koska se tarjoaa realistisen kuvauksen syy-yhteydestä ja tarjoaa uusia tapoja ymmärtää modaalisuutta, luonnonlakeja, toimijuutta, vapaata tahtoa ja muita metafysiikan keskeisiä käsitteitä.
    ellauri285.html on line 399: “A woman of undoubted Genius,” according to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Mary Robinson was an English actress, author, celebrity, and ardent supporter of the rights of women who gained considerable fame during her lifetime. Known by the nickname “Perdita,” after her role in Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, peddled to The Prince of Wales her tail.
    ellauri285.html on line 412: „Ich war als Deutschdenkender und Naturwissenschaftler selbstverständlich immer Nationalsozialist und aus weltanschaulichen Gründen erbitterter Feind des schwarzen Regimes (nie gespendet oder geflaggt) und hatte wegen dieser auch aus meinen Arbeiten hervorgehenden Einstellung Schwierigkeiten mit der Erlangung der Dozentur. Ich habe unter Wissenschaftlern und vor allem Studenten eine wirklich erfolgreiche Werbetätigkeit entfaltet, schon lange vor dem Umbruch war es mir gelungen, sozialistischen Studenten die biologische Unmöglichkeit des Marxismus zu beweisen und sie zum Nationalsozialismus zu bekehren. Auf meinen vielen Kongreß- und Vortragsreisen habe ich immer und überall mit aller Macht getrachtet, den Lügen der jüdisch-internationalen Presse über die angebliche Beliebtheit Schuschniggs und über die angebliche Vergewaltigung Österreichs durch den Nationalsozialismus mit zwingenden Beweisen entgegenzutreten. Dasselbe habe ich allen ausländischen Arbeitsgästen auf meiner Forschungsstelle in Altenberg gegenüber getan. Schließlich darf ich wohl sagen, daß meine ganze wissenschaftliche Lebensarbeit, in der stammesgeschichtliche, rassenkundliche und sozialpsychologische Fragen im Vordergrund stehen, im Dienste Nationalsozialistischen Denkens steht!
    ellauri285.html on line 445: Paasilinnan erityisesti suosimia tyylilajeja olivat satiiri, essee ja aforistiikka, mutta häneltä ilmestyi myös matkakirjoja, romaani, omaelämäkerta, novelleja sekä historiallisia teoksia. Hänen tuotantoaan on käännetty ainakin 13 kielelle.
    ellauri285.html on line 563: Lisää pölökkiintyneitä puolitotuuxia saat kun alat uudelleen listan alusta. Ä- ja Ö-alkuisia aforismeja ei Ernulla tainnut olla.
    ellauri285.html on line 571: Sveitsissä järjestettiin kansanäänestys maan jäsenyydestä Yhdistyneissä Kansakunnissa. Yksikään kantoni ei äänestänyt järjestöön liittymisen puolesta. IBM esitteli rontattavan tietokoneen, PC Convertiblen. Yhdysvaltain presidentti Ronald Reagan nimitti televisioidussa puheessaan Libyan johtajaa Muammar Gaddafia "Lähi-idän hulluksi koiraksi".
    ellauri285.html on line 581: Tšernobylin lähellä Ukrainassa V.I. Lenin -ydinvoimalan reaktorissa syttyi grafiittitulipalo, joka aiheutti historian vakavimman ydinonnettomuuden. 31 ihmistä kuoli heti, ja suuria määriä radioaktiivisuutta pääsi ympäristöön. Eläimet kiittivät.
    ellauri285.html on line 685: Debray affirme que l´on a cru pouvoir éliminer la religion par le siècle des Lumières, mais que l´on n´a pas pu éliminer la croyance.
    ellauri285.html on line 693: afp_michel_gangne_000_arp1576647.jpg" width="30%" />
    ellauri285.html on line 710: Régis Debray affirme que quand s’épuise le sens du symbolique reviennent les autorités religieuses. Plus la puissance symbolique est dématérialisée (la religion), plus l’ordre symbolique est fort et plus la puissance symbolique est historicisée (personnages), plus l’ordre symbolique est fragile. Une humanité sans croyance est donc, selon lui, réduite à l’animalité.
    ellauri285.html on line 751: Alan David Sokal (/ˈsoʊkəl/; born January 24, 1955) is an American professor of mathematics at University College London and professor emeritus of physics at New York University. He works in statistical mechanics and combinatorics. He is a critic of postmodernism, and caused the Sokal affair in 1996 when his deliberately nonsensical paper was published by Duke University Press´s Social Text. He also co-authored a paper criticizing the critical positivity ratio concept in positive psychology.
    ellauri285.html on line 753: The critical positivity ratio (also known as the "Losada ratio" or the "Losada line" [not verified in body]) is a largely discredited concept in positive psychology positing an exact ratio of positive to negative emotions which distinguishes "flourishing" people from "languishing" people.[citation needed] The ratio was proposed by psychologists Barbara Fredrickson and Marcial Losada, who believed that they had identified an experimental measure of affect whose model-derived positive-to-negative ratio of 2.9013 defined a critical separation between flourishing and languishing individuals, as reported in their 2005 paper in American Psychologist.[non-primary source needed] This concept of a critical positivity ratio was widely embraced by academic psychologists and the lay public; Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times by January 2014, and Fredrickson wrote a popular book expounding the concept of "the 3-to-1 ratio that will change your life". In it she wrote, "just as zero degrees Celsius is a special number in thermodynamics, the 3-to-1 positivity ratio may well be a magic number in human psychology."
    ellauri285.html on line 757: Later, but of more critical importance, the Fredrickson and Losada work on modeling the positivity ratio aroused the skepticism of Nick Brown, a graduate student in applied positive psychology, who questioned whether such work could reliably make such broad claims, and perceived that the paper´s mathematical claims underlying the critical positivity ratio were suspect. Brown contacted and ultimately collaborated with physics and maths professor Alan Sokal and psychology professor Harris Friedman on a re-analysis of the paper´s data (hereafter the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal). They argued that Losada´s earlier work on positive psychology and Fredrickson and Losada´s 2005 critical positivity ratio paper contained "numerous fundamental conceptual and mathematical errors", errors of a magnitude that completely invalidated their claims.
    ellauri285.html on line 763: Building on research by Barbara Fredrickson suggesting that individuals with a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions tend to have more successful life outcomes, and on studies by Marcial Losada applying differential equations from fluid dynamics to human emotions,[citation needed] Fredrickson and Losada proposed as informative a ratio of positive to negative affect derived from nonlinear dynamics modelling (based on Lorenz systems), which appeared in 2005 in a paper in American Psychologist. The derived combination of expressions and default parameters led them to conclude that a critical ratio of positive to negative affect of exactly 2.9013 separated flourishing from languishing individuals, and to argue that the ideal positivity/negativity ratio lies between 2.9013 and an upper limit ratio of 11.6346. Hence, they claimed that their model predicted cut-off points for the minimum and maximum positivity ratios within which one should observe qualitative changes in an individual´s level of flourishing, specifically, that those within this range of ratios would "flourish", and those outside would "languish".[non-primary source needed] As of January 2014, the 2005 Fredrickson and Losada´s paper had been cited more than 320 times in the psychology literature.
    ellauri288.html on line 68: Sedan ifrågasattes hans affärsmetoder i hårda ordalag av tidskriften Svensk Bokhandels chefredaktör Lasse Winkler. Liza Marklunds omstridda agent, Niklas Salomonsson, stämde tidningen Svensk Bokhandel för förtal. Nu får han själv stå för notan.
    ellauri288.html on line 71: ”Historierna om hans tvivelaktiga affärsmetoder är många. De handlar om riggade auktioner, falska upplagesiffror och andra fakta i syfte att höja förskotten till hans författare. Men också en vilja att bryta mot god affärsmoral.”
    ellauri288.html on line 108: Kirjailija Sofi Oksasen ikä on tuonut hänelle lisää itsevarmuutta. - Nykyisin tiedän tarkasti, mitä haluan, enkä ole enää johdateltavissa. Kaksi caffè lattea tupla­espressolla ja viski. Kirjailija Sofi Oksaselle maistuvat tänä iltapäivänä vain lämmikkeet.
    ellauri288.html on line 128:

    Ulos skafferista

    ellauri288.html on line 136: "Tila ei ollut suuri, mutta tila kuitenkin. Skafferikin oli. Ei oltu rotinkaisia." Viron metsäveljet armahdettiin Josif Stalinin kuoleman jälkeen 1952. Itsepäisestä maanviljelijästä tuli kolhoosilainen. ”Oli varmasti raskasta palata, kun omaisuus oli menetetty. Elämä alkoi ikään kuin nollasta.” "Virolaisen sukuni tragediaan kuuluu se, että isoisäni vanhempi veli värvättiin puna-armeijaan ja hänestä tuli neuvostosotilas, suuren isänmaallisen sodan sankari." Sofi Oksanen vierasti isosetäänsä lapsena.”Hän ei ollut mikään miellyttävä tyyppi. Hän oli juoppo. Ja punikki. Lapset vierastavat niitä."
    ellauri288.html on line 322: Joskus siitä tulee suorastaan ​​kuvottavaa, mutta kirjoittaja saa kuvootuxen näyttämään sekä luonnolliselta että siedettävältä. Jopa pornografiset kohtaukset ovat samalla tavalla niin julmia kuin ne ovat tarpeellisia. Hän uskaltaa olla sekä fyysinen että aistillinen… menettämättä koskaan romaanin vahvaa poliittista ankkurointia. Sf Magazin, Saksa
    ellauri288.html on line 462: Jaan Kaplinskin runoudessa näkyvä arkisen asteittainen esille nouseminen ja metaforan katoaminen ovat askeleita uuteen kypsymiseen ja kehuihin.
    ellauri288.html on line 546: Biografia Zinoviya Gerdta: suuri näyttelijä ja lahjakas tuulivoima
    ellauri288.html on line 561: af0d4eb8a4cf2726f0a78eec27840af4f1a0d149d559b3630591efb0d6c2c05.jpg" />
    ellauri288.html on line 589: Rakastuessaan rakastaa aluksi toisen täydellisyyttä, sitten häntä omista virheistään huolimatta ja lopuksi omia virheitään. Niin luonnehti rakkautta hienossa aforismissaan kirjailija Markku Envall.
    ellauri288.html on line 590: Jokaiselle kuuluu kolmas ja mixei neljäskin mahdollisuus, Markullekin. Vanhan aforistin aarrearkku ei tyhjene sitten millään. Siinä Markku on kyllä oikeassa että bestselleriä ei voi kirjoittaa ilman rumaa sexiä, luonnevikaisia roistoja, dysfunktionaalisia pollareita ja verisiä murhia. Kazo vaikka Sofi Oxasta. Tai raamattua.
    ellauri290.html on line 67: Sodan seurauksena Israelin valtio hallitsi aluetta, jota YK oli ehdottanut juutalaiselle valtiolle, sekä lähes 60 % arabivaltiolle ehdotetusta alueesta, mukaan lukien Jaffan, Lyddan ja Ramlen alue, Ylä-Galilean, jotkin osat Negevistä ja leveä kaistale Tel Aviv–Jerusalem -tien varrella. Israel otti haltuunsa myös Länsi-Jerusalemin, jonka oli tarkoitus olla osa kansainvälistä vyöhykettä Jerusalemille ja sen ympäristölle. Transjordan otti haltuunsa Itä-Jerusalemin ja Länsirannan, liittäen sen seuraavana vuonna, ja Egyptin armeija otti haltuunsa Gazan kaistan. Jerikon konferenssissa 1. joulukuuta 1948 2 000 palestiinalaisvaltuuskuntaa vaati Palestiinan ja Transjordanin yhdistämistä askeleena kohti täyttä arabien yhtenäisyyttä. Konflikti laukaisi merkittävän väestörakenteen muutoksen kaikkialla Lähi-idässä. Noin 700 000 palestiinalaista arabia pakeni tai karkotettiin kodeistaan ​​alueella, josta tuli Israel, ja heistä tuli palestiinalaispakolaisia, joita he kutsuvat Nakbaksi ("katastrofi"). Samanlainen määrä juutalaisia ​​muutti Israeliin kolmen sodan jälkeisen vuoden aikana, mukaan lukien 260 000 ympäröivistä arabivaltioista.
    ellauri290.html on line 79: Vaikka juutalainen väestö oli saanut tiukat määräykset, joiden mukaan heidän oli pysyttävä kaikkialla hinnalla millä hyvänsä, arabiväestö vaikutti enemmän yleisistä turvattomuudesta, jolle maa oli alttiina. Jopa 100 000 arabia Haifan, Jaffan ja Jerusalemin kaupunkien ylä- ja keskiluokista tai juutalaisten hallitsemista alueista evakuoitiin ulkomaille tai arabikeskuksiin itään.
    ellauri290.html on line 85: Plan Daletin suunnitteleman juutalaisen alueellisen jatkuvuuden toteuttamisen puitteissa Haganahin, Palmachin ja Irgunin joukot aikoivat valloittaa seka-alueita. Palestiinan arabiyhteiskunta järkyttyi. Tiberias, Haifa, Safed, Beisan, Jaffa ja Acre putosivat, mikä johti yli 250 000 palestiinalaisen arabien pakenemiseen.
    ellauri290.html on line 114: Mr. Sami Hadawi filistiinien puolelta on kvalifioitu kertomaan miten maa-ja tieasiat oikeasti olivat Palestiinassa juutalaisten tullessa uudemman kerran luvattuun maahan. Tämä pefletti julkaistiin Suezin kriisin jälkeen 1957. Se löytyi sentään Wayback Machinesta, minne se toki kuuluukin. Tästä Israelin 1956 invaasiosta ollaan enimmäxeen hiljaa ja melskataan enempi 7 päivän sodasta 1967 ja katumuspäivän sodasta 1973. Sitten oli vielä Libanonin sodat 1982 ja 2006. Hyökkäys on paras puolustus, sanoi Golda Meir. Ja sit viä Intifada ("poispudistus") ja Arafatin tuhnu Oslo-prosessi. Yassar ei edes ollut Palestiinasta. Mahmud Abbas al Fatahin pääpiruna taisi saada satikutia Taneli Kivipukin kirjassa. Viimisin käänne pahempaan rättipäille oli kun Trump näytti keskaria Oslo-prosessille, tunnusti Jerusalemin Israelin pääkaupungixi ja näytti vihreätä valoa Gazan ja länsirannan juutalaismiehityxelle.
    ellauri290.html on line 144: a) Rannikkotasangot koostuivat ensiluokkaisesta hedelmällisestä maasta, jossa oli runsaasti pohjavettä ja runsaasti sadetta. Alue oli pitkälle kehittynyt ja sisälsi suuria sitrusviljelmiä, jotka tekivät "Jaffa-appelsiinista" kuuluisan kaikkialla maailmassa.

    ellauri290.html on line 147: d) Negeb, noin puolet Palestiinan pinta-alasta. Lukuun ottamatta tilkkuviljelyyn soveltuvia pieniä alueita ja vain silloin, kun sademäärä on riittävä, alue koostuu syvästi kuluneista ylänköistä ja rift-laaksoista. Se ei sovellu mihinkään kastelujärjestelmään maaston luonteen ja topografian vuoksi.
    ellauri290.html on line 363: 15. toukokuuta 1948 Palestiinaa koskeva mandaatti päättyi virallisesti ja brittiläiset joukot ja hallinto muuttivat pois maasta. Aiemmin alkaneet satunnaiset sionistien hyökkäykset tehostettiin ja huipentuivat 250 miehen, naisen ja lapsen verilöylyyn Deir Yasinissa 9. huhtikuuta 1948, mikä johti muslimiväestön ja kristittyjen pakoon sionistijoukkojen toiminta-alueella. Menestymistensä rohkaisemana sionistit alkoivat hyökätä ja miehittivät Tiberiaksen ja Samakhin kaupungit 19. huhtikuuta; Haifa, 22. huhtikuuta; Jaffa 29. huhtikuuta; Katamonin kortteli Jerusalemissa 30. huhtikuuta; Safad 10. toukokuuta; Beisan 11. toukokuuta; ja Acre 14. toukokuuta 1948. Arabivaltiot tulivat Palestiinan muslimi- ja kristittyjen asukkaiden apuun ja saapuivat Palestiinan maaperälle ensimmäistä kertaa 15. toukokuuta 1948 jälkeen, Taistelut jatkuivat muutaman viikon, mutta ne loppuivat turvallisuusneuvoston antaman tulitaukomääräyksen seurauksena, minkä jälkeen Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien sovittelija kreivi Folke Bernadotte aloitti pyrkimyksensä rauhan aikaansaamiseksi kiisteltyjen osapuolten välille. Sionistit murhasivat kuitenkin kreivi Bernadotten heti, kun he saivat tietää, että hänen rauhansuunnitelmiinsa sisältyi jakopäätöksen jälkeen hankittujen alueiden palauttaminen.
    ellauri290.html on line 576: "Hylätty omaisuus oli yksi suurimmista panostuksista Israelin tekemisessä elinkelpoiseksi valtioksi. Sen pinta-alan laajuus ja se, että suurin osa rajan alueista oli poissaoloomaisuutta, teki siitä strategisesti merkittävän. Vuosien 1948 ja 1953 alun välisenä aikana perustetuista 370 uudesta juutalaisesta siirtokunnasta 350 oli poissaolon omaisuutta. Vuonna 1954 yli kolmasosa Israelin juutalaisista asui poissaolevien omaisuuksissa, ja lähes kolmannes uusista maahanmuuttajista (250 000 ihmistä) asettui arabien hylkäämille kaupunkialueille. He jättivät kokonaisia ​​kaupunkeja, kuten Jaffa, Acre, Lydda, Ramleh, Beisan, Majdal; 388 kaupunkia ja kylää; ja suuri osa 94 muusta kaupungista ja kylästä, jotka sisältävät lähes neljänneksen kaikista Israelin rakennuksista. 10 000 kauppaa, yritystä ja kauppaa jätettiin juutalaisten käsiin. Toimikauden lopussa sitrushedelmien omistukset Israelin alueella olivat yhteensä noin 240 000 dunumia, joista puolet oli arabien omistuksessa. Suurimman osan arabimetsoista otti haltuunsa israelilainen poissaolevien omaisuuden säilyttäjä. Mutta vain 34 000 dunumia viljeltiin vuoden 1953 loppuun mennessä. Vuosina 1951-1952 entiset arabitarhat tuottivat puolitoista miljoonaa hedelmälaatikkoa, joista 400 000 vietiin vientiin. Ulkomaille lähetetyt arabihedelmät muodostivat lähes 10 prosenttia maan viennistä saaduista valuuttatuloista vuonna 1951. Vuonna 1949 hylättyjen arabilehtojen oliivit olivat Israelin kolmanneksi suurin vientituote sitrushedelmien ja timanttien jälkeen. Arapropertyn suhteellinen taloudellinen merkitys oli suurin vuodesta 1948 vuoteen 1963 suurimman maahanmuuton ja tarpeiden aikana. "Vuonna 1951 hylättyyn viljelymaan kuului lähes 95 prosenttia kaikista Israelin oliivitarhoista, 40 000 dunumia viinitarhoja, ja vähintään 10 000 dunumia muita hedelmätarhoja sitrushedelmiä lukuun ottamatta." "Säilytysyhteisö vuokrasi vuonna 1952 teollisiin tarkoituksiin 20 000 dunumia poissaolokiinteistöä. Kolmannes Israelin kivituotannosta toimitti 52 hänen lainkäyttövaltaan kuuluvaa arabilouhosta.

    ellauri290.html on line 638: 10. Jaffa3,26894,31050,88015,40028,00030
    ellauri290.html on line 673: 3. Safad
    ellauri290.html on line 729: Jaffa ((A)
    ellauri290.html on line 758: Safad (M)
    ellauri290.html on line 826: Szenes jatkoi matkaa ja suuntasi kohti Unkarin rajaa. Rajalla unkarilaiset santarmit pidättivät hänet ja hänen toverinsa (ne partisaanit, SOE miehethän jänistivät), ja he löysivät hänen brittiläisen sotilaslähettimen, joka tapasi kommunikoida SOE:n ja muiden partisaanien kanssa. Hänet vietiin vankilaan kuin pyhä Paavali, riisuttiin, sidottiin tuoliin, sitten ruoskittiin ja nuhdeltiin kolme päivää. Hän menetti useita hampaita pahoinpitelyjen seurauksena. Vartijat halusivat tietää hänen lähettimensä koodin, jotta he voisivat selvittää, keitä laskuvarjohyppääjät olivat, ja saada muut ansaan. Budapestin vankilaan siirrettyä Szenesiä kuulusteltiin ja kidutettiin toistuvasti, mutta hän paljasti vain nimensä ja kieltäytyi antamasta lähettimen koodia, vaikka hänen äitinsä oli myös pidätetty. He uhkasivat tappaa hänen äitinsä, jos tämä ei suostuisi yhteistyöhön, mutta hän kieltäytyi. (No ei äitiä kuitenkaan tapettu, Hanna vain. Se oli bluffia.) Szenes´ little song about beaches near Tel Aviv (ex-Jaffa) is still a favorite in Israel.
    ellauri290.html on line 844: Joskus tehdään ero vanhan ja uuden Yishuvin välillä. Vanha Yishuv viittaa kaikkiin juutalaisiin, jotka asuivat Israelin maassa ennen ensimmäistä sionistista maahanmuuttoaaltoa ( aliyah ) vuonna 1882, ja heidän jälkeläisiinsä, jotka säilyttivät vanhan, ei-sionistisen elämäntavan vuoteen 1948 saakka. Vanhat yishuvien asukkaat olivat uskonnollisia. Juutalaiset, jotka asuvat pääasiassa Jerusalemissa, Safedissa, Tiberiassa ja Hebronissa. "Pienempiä yhteisöjä" oli täysarabialaisissa Jaffassa, Haifassa, Pekingissä, Acressa, Nablusissa ja Shfaramissa, ja vuoteen 1779 asti [lainaus vaaditaan] myös Gazassa (LOL). Modernia sionismia edeltävinä viimeisinä vuosisatoina suuri osa vanhoista yishuvista vietti aikaansa Tooraa opiskellessaan ja eläytyi diasporan juutalaisten lahjoittamasta hyväntekeväisyydestä (niljaiset ja kalukkaat).
    ellauri294.html on line 57: Nakenbilder har visat sig vara ett av de mer framgångsrika sätten att samla in pengar till den ukrainska armén. SVT har tafsat Sasha Lychovyd under en fotografering. Foto: Lars Lyrefelt
    ellauri294.html on line 91: Mun mielikappale Seikiloxen epitafista oli ilmeisesti fryygiläisessä moodissa. Hoson zees fa-aai-nuu, meeden holo-oo-s sy lyy-y-puu....
    ellauri294.html on line 110: Fetsi oli Turkissa hyvin suosittu kansallislakki sadan vuoden ajan. Kun Mustafa Kemal (Kemal Atatürk) nousi valtaan ja julisti Turkin tasavallaksi vuonna 1923, hän näki fetsin islamilaisen vanhaoppineisuuden, konservatismin ja osmanivallan symbolina, ja kielsi sen yhdessä hunnun ja perinneasujen kanssa. Kiellon syynä oli myös se, että fetsejä tuotiin Turkkiin ulkomailta, minne miljoonien päähineiden tuotot jäivät. Marraskuussa 1925 annettiin määräys, jonka mukaan fetsin käytöstä seuraa vuoden vankeusrangaistus. Fetsin korvaajaksi hallinto tarjosi kotimaista kalpak-hattua. Kalpak tai qalpaq (turk. kalpak, kaz. ja kirg. калпак, bulg. калпак; kreik. καλπάκι (kalpaki); puol. kołpak; ukr. ковпак, kovpak) on korkea, yleensä huovasta tai lampaannahasta tehty lakki, jota käyttävät miehet Turkissa, Ukrainassa, Balkanilla, sekä Keski-Aasian ja Kaukasuksen maissa, sekä venäläiset juhliessaan Hangossa Voiton päivää 2023.
    ellauri294.html on line 114: afa_Kemal_Pa%C5%9Fa%2C_Bal%C4%B1kesir%2C_1923.png/440px-M%C3%BC%C5%9Fir_Gazi_Mustafa_Kemal_Pa%C5%9Fa%2C_Bal%C4%B1kesir%2C_1923.png" />
    ellauri294.html on line 142: armotalouskautta nro 6. Vanhan mosaiikkiliiton voimat haukkuu tälläsiä kafeteriakristityixi jotka valitsevat, mitä oppeja he noudattavat ja mitä eivät.
    ellauri294.html on line 150: Uuden testamentin kotitaloussäännöt (saksaksi lempinimeltään Haustafeln ), joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Uuden testamentin kotitaloussäännöt, koostuvat Uuden testamentin kirjoituksista, jotka liittyvät apostolit Paavaliin ja Pietariin kristityille ihmispareille tyypillisen roomalaisen kodin rakenteessa. Kotitalouskoodien pääpainopisteet ovat aviomies/vaimo, vanhempi (isä)/lapsi ja isäntä/orja -suhteet. Säännöt ilmeisesti kehitettiin kannustamaan uusia ensimmäisen vuosisadan kristittyjä noudattamaan Rooman Patria Potestas -lain ei-neuvoteltavia vaatimuksia ja täyttämään järjestyksen tarpeet syntyneiden kirkkojen sisällä. Kaksi päätekstiä, jotka käsittelevät näitä suhteita ja velvollisuuksia, ovat Efesolaiskirje 5:22-6:9 ja Kolossalaiskirje 3:18-4:1 . Taustalla oleva kotitalouskoodi näkyy myös 1. Timoteukselle 2:1 ja 8 eteenpäin; 3:1 jj., 8jj; 5:17 eteenpäin; 6:1f.; Titus 2:1-10 ja 1 Pietari 2:13-3:7 . Historiallisesti todistetekstejä Uuden testamentin kotitalouskoodeista - ensimmäiseltä vuosisadalta nykypäivään - on käytetty määrittämään naimisissa olevan kristityn naisen roolia suhteessa mieheensä ja blokkaamaan naiset mistään kivoista palvelutehtävistä kristillisissä kirkoissa.
    ellauri294.html on line 450: Korintti sijaizee Peloponneesoxen peukalontyvessä. Vanha Korintti vehkeili Spartan kanssa peloponneesolaissodissa. Sen säkittivät roomalaiset 146 eKr ja rakensivat uuden 44 ekr. Uudestakin tuli paheiden pesä, jossa länsi ja itä vaihtoivat pornokuvia. Kaupunkiin liittyvät ainakin Sisyfoksen, Bellerofonin ja Pegasoksen sekä Medeian pornovideot. Bellerofon (m.kreik. Βελλεροφῶν, Bellerofōn; lat. Bellerophon) oli kreikkalaisen mytologian suurimpia sankareita ja hirviöiden lyöjiä ennen Heraklesta. Hänen suurin saavutuksensa oli Khimairan (pedon, jolla oli leijonan pää, vuohen ruumis ja käärmeen häntä eli cocktail), sekä velipojan paloittelu. Kuninkaan vaimo yritti maata hänet väkisin. Bellen ylpistyttyä suorituxistaan Zeus lähetti paarman puremaan Pegasosta, joka heitti hybridin selästään. Bellerofon eli loppuelämänsä raajarikkona. Kimaran ja Pegasoxen paloista tuli Hesekielin enkeli. Korintin Länsisatama oli Lekhaion ja Vuosaari Kenkhrea. Isoja maanjärjestyxiä mm. 1858, 1928 ja 1981. Korintit on hyviä mutta niissä on siemeniä. Niitä sai faffalla Maurinkadulla jouluna.
    ellauri297.html on line 48: Founder, Ammi Ruhama Community Christian Union. Living History Interpretor. Baker. Milford Baby and Toddler Group Organizer. Bada Bing Pizza Chef. Sunnymead Residential Home Kitchen Assistant. Be Life Cafe and Marketplace Operations Personnel. Summit Christian Academy Steward. I vacuum the hallways, library, music room and preschool room. I clean the bathrooms and mop the gym/cafeteria floor. I also maintain the general premises. Dan the Handy Man. Do you need handy work done around your house, but don't want to have to call in the big guys with the big price? My name is Daniel Bacon and I am an experienced handy man living right here in Clarks Summit. If you need your lawn cut, bushes trimmed, garden weeded, fence painted / stained or just about any other job done, then call me at 570-585-9595 or email me at contactdanielbacon@gmail.com and we'll set up a time for me to come and see if I am the right man for the job. Wait! let me…Show more... (Ouch!) I emptied the front cash register as well as filling in as a sandwich maker. I created schedules and activities for the campers and staff to participate in. I also led worship during the evenings. Student janitor.
    ellauri297.html on line 401: Check the condom periodically during use for breaks. If a condom breaks or comes off during sex, replace it immediately and consider using emergency contraception such as the emergency contraception pill if your partner can get pregnant An emergency contraception pill (sometimes called the morning-after pill) prevents pregnancy before it happens by delaying ovulation or blocking fertilization; it is not an "abortion pill."
    ellauri297.html on line 552: afrikassa-kuvakaappaus.jpeg" />
    ellauri297.html on line 612: afrankmartela-150505010335-conversion-gate01/95/slide-10-1024.jpg" width="40%" />
    ellauri297.html on line 649: (Näitä saa varmaan ostaa ihan pikkurahalla ko. lafkoilta.)
    ellauri299.html on line 59: The Dark Tower on kahdeksan romaanin, yhden novellin ja lastenkirjan sarja, jonka on kirjoittanut amerikkalainen roskakirjailija Stephen King. Se sisältää teemoja useista genreistä, mukaan lukien tumma fantasia, tiedefantasia, kauhu ja länsimainen väristys, ja se kuvaa "pyssymiestä" ja hänen pyrkimyksiään kohti "tornia", jonka luonne on sekä fyysinen että metaforinen. Sarja ja sen Dark Towerin käyttö laajentavat Stephen Kingin multiversumia ja yhdistävät siten monia hänen muita romaanejaan. Teppo joutaa samaan lihamyllyyn lokinruuaxi kuin Jasper Pääkkönen.
    ellauri299.html on line 77: Toisen lunastamani (1€) pulp-fiktion nimi on The Street Lawyer. Pultavan kaduilla on rupusakkia, New Yorkin herrahississä yhtä pahanhajuista riffraffia.
    ellauri299.html on line 173: Shelters are key components of America’s response to homelessness. The unsheltered population has grown yearly since 2015, amounting to a 35 percent increase over a seven-year span. In 2020, The number of people living in poverty in The U.S. of A. increased by approximately 3.3 million people. This trend continued into 2021 when nearly 41.4 million people, or 12.8 percent of the U.S. population, were counted in this group. Certain racial groups have even higher rates of poverty, including Black people (21.8 percent), American Indian and Alaska Native people (21.4 percent), and Hispanics/Latinos (17.5 percent). People living in poverty struggle to afford necessities such as housing, food, and medical care.
    ellauri299.html on line 250: Arvio Lontaen menetetyistä tuloista oli melko vapaa. Puutteellisella työhistorialla tehtiin painavia oletuksia. Hän oli 22-vuotias, ja hän löytäisi jonain päivänä hyvin pian kokopäivätyön minimipalkalla. Se oli antelias oletus, mutta sen Rafter oli valmis myöntämään. Hän pysyisi puhtaana, raittiina ja vapaana raskaudesta loppuelämänsä ajan; toinen hyväntekeväisyysteoria. Hän saisi koulutusta jostain matkan varrella, muutti työhön, jossa maksetaan kaksi kertaa vähimmäispalkkaa, ja pysyisi kyseisessä työssä 65-vuotiaaksi asti. Rafter mukautti tulevia tulojaan inflaatioon ja käänsi sen nykyisiksi dollareiksi ja päätyi 570 000 dollariin Lontaen ansionmenetyksiin.
    ellauri299.html on line 256: - Se ei ole edes lähellä, Mordokai sanoi. - Saan niin paljon irti valamiehistöstä yhdestä kuolleesta lapsesta." He vajosivat istuimilleen. Hän jatkoi oikeuden häpäisyä runtaten melkein kaiken Rafterin aika pienen raportin sisällön. Hän ei välittänyt siitä, mitä tuomaristot tekivät Dallasissa tai Seattlessa, eikä hän ymmärtänyt mitä väliä sillä oli. Hän ei ollut kiinnostunut Omahan oikeudenkäynnistä. Hän tiesi, mitä hän voisi tehdä valamiehistön kanssa Districtissä, ja se oli ainoa asia. Jos heidän aikoivat ostaa tiensä halvalla, hänen on aika lähteä.
    ellauri299.html on line 258: Arthur vyötti itsensä, kun Rafter etsi legal padin alta turhaan öljyä. - Se on neuvoteltavissa, hän sanoi. Se on neuvoteltavissa. Se oli vain tarjoiluehdotus.
    ellauri299.html on line 262: "Täällä piirillä" tarkoitti vain yhtä asiaa: mustaa jurya. "Voimme neuvotella", Arthur sanoi uudelleen. - Mikä summa onko sinulla mielessä? Olimme keskustelleet siitä, mikä numero sijoittuisi taulukon ensimmäiseksi. Olimme haastaneet kymmenen miljoonaa dollaria oikeuteen, mutta olimme vetäneet numeron ilmasta. Se saattoi olla neljäkymmentä tai viisikymmentä tai sata. "Miljoona jokaisesta heistä", Mordokai sanoi. Sanat putosivat raskaasti mahonkipöydälle. Toinen puoli kuuli ne selvästi, mutta kesti sekunteja rekisteröidä ne. "Vi-viisi miljoonaa?" Rafter kysyi tuskin tarpeeksi kovalla, jotta se kuuluisi. "Viisi miljoonaa", Mordokai huudahti. "Yksi jokaisesta uhrista."
    ellauri299.html on line 291: Piipunimun ja kopistelun välissä Patti matkii Paavo Haavikon kekkoslaisia aforismeja minkä kykeni. Kannattikohan sittenkään. Ei ole kuin kahdenlaisia ihmisiä, viattomia ja syyllisiä,
    ellauri299.html on line 314: af7cdc-c249-4568-a48f-78990f7c984-resize-750.jpeg" />
    ellauri299.html on line 360: Chicagon poliisimellakassa 1968 mätkittiin jo 1500 tyyppiä. Chicagon seizikon oikeudenkäynnistä tuli puhdasta puskafarssia. Huolimatta kaatumisvaarasta Rubin poltti marihuanaa ennen oikeudenkäyntiä. "Minua kivitettiin paljon oikeudenkäynnissä, koska se oli niin täydellistä teatteria – historian eturivin istuin – ja marihuana tehostaa jokaista kokemusta." Hölmö tuomari Hoffman lisäsi vauhtia spektaakkeliin. Tuomari Hoffman määräsi muun muassa, että Black Panther -johtaja Bobby Seale sidotaan, sidotaan ja ketjutetaan tuoliinsa huomattavan osan oikeudenkäynnistä. Olihan se hauskaa aikansa, mutta pitkässä juoxussa yrittäjyys tuo parempaa katetta, tuumi Jerry viisastuttuaan ja rupesi juppiexi. Teit'isäin astumaan.
    ellauri299.html on line 526: 27 percent of households – nearly double the percentage that are income poor – are living in "asset poverty." These families do not have the savings or other assets to cover basic expenses (equivalent to what could be purchased with a poverty level income) for three months if a layoff or other emergency leads to loss of income. The U.S. has the weakest social safety net of all developed nations. Sociologist Monica Prasad of Northwestern University argues that this developed because of government intervention rather than lack of it, which pushed consumer credit for meeting citizens´ needs rather than applying social welfare policies as in Europe.
    ellauri300.html on line 45: Taikasanoja: Malki-tzedek, kuninkaani on vanhurskas. Abrakadabra (myös abracadabra) on monissa kielissä loitsuna tai manauksena käytetty sana, joka saattaa olla peräisin arameasta אברא כדברא, avra kedabra, "luon sanoillani", mikä viittaa siihen, että Jumala loi maailman tyhjästä, sanoilla. Hoc est poculum. Stiiknafuulia.
    ellauri300.html on line 82: När konstnären Jacob Anfang berättar att han är impotent har fru Tamar inget val utom att gifta sig med Boris Makaber. Då är det en god idé att göra lite mera pengar i miljonaffärer.
    ellauri300.html on line 325: In 1951, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson formally accepted the leadership as the seventh Chabad Rebbe. He transformed the movement into one of the most widespread Jewish movements in the world today. Under his leadership, Chabad established a large network of institutions that seek to satisfy religious, social and humanitarian needs across the world. Chabad institutions provide outreach to unaffiliated Jews and humanitarian aid, as well as religious, cultural and educational activities. Prior to his death in 1994, Schneerson was believed by some of his followers to be the Messiah, with his own position on the matter debated among scholars. Messianic ideology in Chabad sparked controversy in various Jewish communities and is still an unresolved matter. Following his death, no successor was appointed as a new central leader.
    ellauri300.html on line 414: Om det finns en värld efter denna vill jag se den, och om den inte finns är livet värdelöst i alla fall. Då är människan ingenting annat än en mikrob. Då finns det verkligen ingen anledning att lida. Är vi förbjudna att ta livet av oss? Kommer Gud att straffa oss? Låt honom straffa oss! Han straffar oss tillräckligt som det är. Jag skall döda mig men med så lite lidande som möjligt. Försynen gjorde ingenting att ingripa när 6 miljoner judar grillades. Alla skulle sluta så här. Gatan var full av framtida lik. Döden glömmer ingen.
    ellauri300.html on line 416: Det låg böcker på ett bord utanför. Vad var det for böcker? Vad handlade de om? Han slog upp en bok på måfå och läste. "Hennes mor var en ambitiös kvinna. Hon ville skaffa en make åt Beatrice som kunde skämma bort henne och som i någon mån kunde återge familjen dess tidigare sociala ställning."
    ellauri300.html on line 593: On January 18, 2016, McLean's then-wife Patrisha Shnier McLean alleged that after four hours of "terrorizing" her, McLean pinned her to a bed until she broke free and ran to the bathroom. Shnier McLean alleged that McLean attempted "to shove open the locked bathroom door behind which I had barricaded myself. As it was splintering, I pushed the numbers 911." McLean was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence, and pled guilty to domestic violence assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and making domestic violence threats. McLean paid $3,660 in fines, and was not sentenced to any jail time. Under Maine's deferred disposition law, the State agreed to dismiss the domestic violence assault charge if McLean complied with the court's orders for one year, and the charge was expunged a year later. During this time, Shnier McLean filed for divorce, citing “adultery, cruel and abusive treatment, and irreconcilable differences." McLean has denied that he physically abused Shnier McLean, and his lawyer released a statement claiming McLean agreed to the plea deal in the interest of privacy. In March 2017, a Maine court granted Shnier-McLean's request for a 10-year protection order against McLean. In 2021, McLean's daughter Jackie told Rolling Stone that her father was emotionally abusive and created a cult-like household through paralyzing verbal attacks, forced isolation, and threats to withhold love or financial support.
    ellauri300.html on line 600: Vid Thirty-fourth Street gick Luria in i en cafeteria. Jag tar en kopp kaffe. Det kan ju aldrig skada. Boskap äter också innan de slaktas. Magen gör vad den är avsedd för: den smälter maten. Detta var det mest absurda av allt - -varje organ gjorde vad det var avsett för: magen smälte maten, hjärnan tänkte. Efter döden började en helt ny omgång aktiviteter. Mikroberna åt upp allt; protonerna, neutronerna, elektronerna fortsatte sitt ändlösa virvlande och cirklande. Atomerna hade förmodligen ingen aning om att deras herre (ba'al) hade dött eller begått självmord. Och på vilket sätt kunde en människa rimligen betraktas som deras ägare? För dem var det likgiltigt var de bodde-i människor, i moss, i dynga. De hade sina egna atomlagar att ta hänsyn till och betraktade hela individualitetsbegreppet som näst intill löjlig. Men vilket syfte tjänade detta? Av vilket skäl roterade den här planeten? Hur länge skulle den fortsätta att rotera kring sin axel och cirkla kring solen? Det måste finnas en mening någonstans.
    ellauri300.html on line 602: Luria gick fram till disken och tog en kopp kaffe. Efter en stunds tvekan og han också en kaka. Han satte sig vid ett bord, öppnade sin bok på måfå och läste: "Alla behöver ett klart definierat och uppnåeligt mål. Det finns fruktansvärt många människor som inte sätter upp något som helst mål. De driver med strömmen. Åren går och de vet aldrig vad de vill. Genom alla framgångsrika människors liv löper en gemensam tråd: mycket
    ellauri300.html on line 605: Luria drack sitt kaffe och åt sin kaka. Det här lilla mellanmälet gjorde honom hungrig, hängig, svag i knäna. Någon hade lämnat en bulle på bordet och Luria tog den och började tugga på den. Detta var inte att stjäla - man skulle i alla fall kasta bort den. Ja, faktiskt, vad skulle folk göra om de inte hade något mål i livet? Alla de där rekommendationera var för de starka, inte för de svaga. Ta till exempel den unga kvinnan som torkade av borden. Hon skulle aldrig kunna bli en Rockefeller, en Ford. Hon skulle fortsätta att torka av bord i ett par år till, sedan skulle hon gifta sig, kanske med en portvakt, och snart bli gravid. Hon skal få barn varje år. På lördagarna skulle hon släpa hem sin berusade man från någon bar och han skulle förbanna henne och skälla ut henne. Barnen skulle ärva sina föräldrars begränsningar. Och kommunismen då? Den var skapad av de starka för de starka. De svaga skulle torka bord generation efter generation, även om människan kunde flyga till Mars, även om maskinerna tog över allt mänskligt arbete.
    ellauri300.html on line 653:
    What Happened to Titus in the Bible, after Paul Wrote to Him?

    ellauri300.html on line 655: Galatians 2 mentions that Titus accompanied Paul and Barnabas to Jerusalem, apparently the trip mentioned in Acts 15 where they went to the Council at Jerusalem to debate whether Titus ought to be circumcised. What happened to Titus after that is not known. It’s possible that Titus died on the operation table.
    ellauri300.html on line 680: Kun Paavali karkottaa hänestä "pythonin hengen", meille kerrotaan, että hän menettää tämän kyvyn. Sen lisäksi – ja hänen omistajiensa vihan vuoksi tästä menetyksestä – emme kuitenkaan tiedä, mitä hänelle tapahtuu. Byron huomauttaa, että hänen omistajansa ovat saattaneet alkaa hyödyntää häntä "toisella tavalla" (nudge nudge, wink wink). Niinpä, millähän tylpällä astalolla lie Pauli ajanut käärmettä, vai ajoiko se käärmettä pyssyyn pikemminkin? Oliko Paul ja Silas napalankoja? Jos haluat tutkia tarkemmin raamatullista jaksoa Paavalista ja Filippistä kotoisin olevasta orjatytöstä, katso John Byronin Raamatun näkemykset -sarake ”Paul, Python Girl and Human Trafficking”, joka on julkaistu Biblical Archeology Review -lehden touko-kesäkuussa 2019.
    ellauri300.html on line 757: Amalek uppfattas som både en fysisk nation och som en andlig ideologisk kraft. Lärda inom judendomen kan därför dela upp Amalek i två kategorier; den genetiska Amalek och den figurativa Amalek. Den genetiska Amalek är de människor som är fysiska ättlingar till Amalek och den figurativa Amalek är de övriga ”antisemiterna”. Den genetiska Amalek måste utrotas på Yahwehs order vilket bekräftas av rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik när han säger att ”varje individ som är bärare av Amaleks gener måste utraderas”. Den figurativa Amalek är de andra folkens antisemiter, de som endast i sinnelaget är påverkade av ärkefiendens antijudiska idéer. Bland dessa räknas araber och andra icke-ariska nationer som agerar mot Israels intressen.
    ellauri300.html on line 810: Vad som sedan hände var att det här ungdomsgänget blev attackerat av två uppretade björnhonor, vilket slutade med att 42 av dem blev mer eller mindre rivna och tilltygade. Bibeln säger inte att det fanns någon koppling alls mellan Elisas förbannelse och björnarnas angrepp, men allmänheten uppfattade det i alla fall utan tvekan som en Guds bestraffning.
    ellauri300.html on line 847: At noon Elijah started making fun of them: “Pray louder! He is a god! Maybe he is day-dreaming or relieving himself, or perhaps he's gone off on a trip! Or maybe he's sleeping, and you've got to wake him up!” 28 So the prophets prayed louder and cut themselves with knives and daggers, according to their ritual, until blood flowed. 29 They kept on ranting and raving until the middle of the afternoon; but no answer came, not a sound was heard.
    ellauri300.html on line 849: At the hour of the afternoon sacrifice the prophet Elijah approached the altar and prayed, “O Lord, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, prove now that you are the God of Israel and that I am your servant and have done all this at your command.
    ellauri300.html on line 881: 3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? 4 Didn’t it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn’t the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God.”
    ellauri300.html on line 914: Päätös perustuu viime vuonna säädettyyn lakiin, jonka nojalla kirjoja voidaan poistaa kouluista ”pornografisen tai säädyttömän” sisällön perusteella.
    ellauri300.html on line 918: ”Voitte varmasti todeta, että Raamatulla – – ’ei ole todellista arvoa alaikäisille’, koska se on uuden määritelmämme mukaan pornografinen.”
    ellauri301.html on line 78: Pakko kai Henningiäkin on plärätä jos haluaa tutustua ruåzalaisiin menekkikirjailijoihin, se on kai Sjövall Wahlööstä seuraava. (Vaikka mihkä se Guillou sijoittuu? Ei kyllä Guillou on kasari ja Mankell ysäri. Sit tulee Stieg ja sit nää ämmät.) Mankeli kirjoitti menestysdekkarinsa 90-luvulla tunaroituaan 2 edellistä vuosikymmentä seilorina ja lattiamanuna. Sen eka Wallenberg-prujaus on Mördare utan ansikte 1991, joka löytyi Arabian kirjaston poistohyllystä. Alempana sätitään vielä sen eteläafrikkalaiskyhhäystä nimeltä den vita lejoninnan.
    ellauri301.html on line 84: The continent became a second home to him, and he spent a great deal of his life there after his success made it possible, founding and then running a theatre in Mozambique from 1986 onwards.
    ellauri301.html on line 92: So strahlend Mankells Karriere auch war, sein Privatleben war von vielen Tiefen geprägt. Da war zum einen die Scheidung seiner Eltern, als Henning gerade ein Jahr alt war. In seinen Zwanzigern beging Mutter Birgitta Selbstmord. Er war Anhänger der 68er Bewegung und protestierte zum Beispiel gegen den Vietnamkrieg und die Apartheid in Südafrika. Tatsächlich entwickelte Mankell nach einer Reise eine tiefe Bindung zu dem Kontinent und pendelte schließlich oft zwischen seiner Heimat und Mosambik hin und her, lebte sogar zwei Jahre lang in Sambia und bezeichnete seine Reisen nach Afrika als "nach Hause kommen".
    ellauri301.html on line 109: Murhatulla vanhuxella oli jalassa Nike SB Funk low why So Sad skeittikengät. Niitä hypetetään nyt kaikkialla. Kurtilla oli nuhjuiset Crocsit sateessa ja Dahmerlasit. Ei vittu ne on 1970-luvulta tuttuja pilottimallisia silmälaseja! Niitä on hiljattain alkanut näkyä sosiaalisessa mediassa, kertoo itsekin sellaisia käyttävä 19-vuotias Marlo Heinsalmi. Hän uskoo, että ne ovat seuraavan vuoden muoti-ilmiö nuorten keskuudessa. Ahaa! Nyt tiedän! Murhaaja on sarjamurhaaja Jeffrey Dahmer, jota esittää Evan Peters. Voi helvetti näitä paska väkivaltafiktioita, ne on yököttäviä. Kuka matelijapää voi niistä pitää? Kylsen pitää olla jotain pakkautunutta katuraivoa.
    ellauri301.html on line 114: Juoni ja kerronta vaikuttivat niin pitkästyttäviltä että selasin lopusta ketkä oikeasti olivat murhaajia. Kyllä ne olivat mamuja, mutteivat Henningin erityisessä suojeluxessa olevia afrikaaneja, vaan ne olivat 2 tshekkiläistä perinteistä rahanahnetta roistoa. Tshekkejähän ei enää tarvinnut sääliä 90-luvulla, ne olivat jo vapaita ryssän vallasta.
    ellauri301.html on line 121: Broederbond, Brödraskapet (till 1920 Jong Zuid Afrika, "Ungt Sydafrika") var ett hemligt sydafrikanskt boernationalistiskt samfund av brödraskapskaraktär grundat 1918 i Kapstaden av en grupp nationalistiska afrikaaner där en ung präst vid namn Jozua François Naudé (senare president) var delaktig. Organisationen var strikt segregationistisk och anses ha spelat en avgörande betydelse för etablerandet och konsoliderandet av Sydafrikas apartheidpolitik trettio år senare. Samtliga premiärministrar, presidenter och alla högre uppsatta inom Sydafrikas regering, polisväsende mm fram till regimens slutgiltiga fall 1994 (då organisationen upplöstes) var medlemmar i Broederbond, varav flera tjänade som ordförande i sina unga år (bland annat Andries Treurnicht och Nicolaas Johannes Diederichs).
    ellauri301.html on line 123: Endast manliga afrikaaner godtogs som medlemmar; inledningsvis fanns även ett krav att avsäga sig medlemskap vid en viss ålder. Detta avspeglar afrikaanernationalisternas dominerande ställning över sydafrikansk politik under hela apartheidepoken, och indirekt in i våra dagar.
    ellauri301.html on line 125: I Henning Mankells roman Den Vita Lejoninnan (utgiven 1993) spelar organisationen en avgörande roll i handlingen, som inleds med en översikt av orsakerna till Broederbonds grundande 1918 och dess grepp om Sydafrikas politik fram till 1990-talet. Tää Mankellin läpyskä löytyi Käpylän vaihtohyllystä. Halusin vaan zekata hinkuuko Wallenberg myös Mankelin kyhäämissä kirjoissa vai onko se vasta korona-ajan meemi.
    ellauri301.html on line 154: Ensi lukemalla Mankelin afrikkaeepos ei ole ihan yhtä klisheinen kuin Stig-Erland Larssonin Kalle Blomqvist. Mutta sitten skoonelaisen svinlängan pihalta löytyy mustan miehen fäkkisormi. Musta mies! Mu-mu-mu-mu-musta mies! Skoonepoliisit ovat huuli pyöreinä. Eletään vuotta 1992. Minne ovat hävinneet kunnon ruozalaiset huijarit ja murtovarkaat?
    ellauri301.html on line 207: Onko zulupalkkanirhaajasta Victor Mombasasta jo tullut joku hyvis? Exe ole vähän rasistista? KGB mies on liian väkivaltainen, paras siis päästää siitä ilmat pois tuumaa sentimentaalinen zulu. KGB mies ehtii silpasta kafferilta fäkkisormen pois ennenkuin zulu mättää sitä kalloon vodkapullolla. Ei Kovalenko siihen kuole, sillä on kova pää. Pehmeälengolle olisi käynyt kalpaten.
    ellauri301.html on line 238: On 3 May 1662 she was baptized by a visiting person, minister Petrus Sibelius, in the church inside the Fort de Goede Hoop. The witnesses were Roelof de Man and Pieter van der Stael. On 26 April 1664 she married a Danish surgeon by the name of Peter Havgard, whom the Dutch called Pieter van Meerhof. She was thereafter known as Eva van Meerhof (See Geni/MyHeritage).[clarification needed] She was the first Khoikoi to marry according to Christian customs. There was a little party in the house of Zacharias Wagenaer. In May 1665, they left to the Cape and went to Robben Island, where van Meerhof was appointed superintendent. The family briefly returned to the mainland in 1666 after the birth of Eva´s third child, in order to baptise the baby. Van Meerhof was murdered in Madagascar on 27 February 1668 on an expedition. After the death of her husband Pieter Van Meerhof came the appointment of a new governor, Zacharias Wagenaer. Unlike the governor before him, he held extremely negative views toward the Khoi people, and because at this point the Dutch settlement was secure, he didn´t find a need for Eva as a translator anymore.
    ellauri301.html on line 240: She returned to the mainland on 30 September 1668 with her three children. Suffering from alcoholism, she left the Castle in the settlement to be with her family in their kraals. In February 1669 she was imprisoned unjustly for immoral behavior at the Castle and then banished to Robben Island. This was likely the result of the strict anti-alcohol laws the VOC had passed to govern the local population after they introduced higher proof European liquors. One of Van Riebeeck´s nieces, Elizabeth Van Opdorp, adopted Krotoa´s children after she was banished. She returned to the mainland on many occasions, only to find herself once more banished to Robben Island. In May 1673 she was allowed to baptise a child on the mainland. Three of her children survived. She died on 29 July 1674 in the Cape and was buried on 30 September 1674 in the Castle in the Fort. However, roughly a hundred years later, her bones were removed to an unmarked grave.
    ellauri301.html on line 242: Krotoa´s descendants would later include the Peltzers, the Krugers, the Steenkamps and other Afrikaner families. After her death, Krotoa´s story would not be deeply explored for nearly two and a half centuries. Instead attention was mostly put on white European women who came to South Africa on missionary expeditions. It was not until after the 1920s that her story become a part of South African history. As late as 1983, under the name of Eva, she was still known in South Africa as a caution against miscegenation.
    ellauri301.html on line 261: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela ( 18. heinäkuuta 1918 Mvezo - 5. joulukuuta 2013 Johannesburg) oli xhosa -kansan thembu -heimoon kuuluva eteläafrikkalainen poliitikko, joka toimi myös zulujen asianajajana. Etelä-Afrikassa hänet tunnettiin usein xhosankielisellä klaaninimellä Madiba tai nimellä tata, joka tarkoittaa xhosaksi "isää".
    ellauri301.html on line 272: Suurin synti on tiiminpetturuus. Siitä on kaikki moraalinvartijat, konnat mukaanlukien, herttaisen yhtä mieltä. Danten Infernon sisäpiirissä on vain myyriäisiä. Vaikka toisaalta: förräderi on ok jos se ei johdu ondskasta, eli tiimi ei ole oma. Toisixi pahin on myöhästyminen. Se on tahattomampaa jenginpetturuutta, mutta silti vittu. Seurauxet on yhtä pahat. Tiimi ei pysy aikataulussa. Wallenberg sr on reppuvazainen ja ylipainoinen. Kafferi uskoo henkiin. Niillä on yhtä jos toista yhteistä, verrattuna Mankeliin.
    ellauri301.html on line 280: Sydafrikan sanktioita kiersivät kaikki tahot ihan sikana. Onkohan tilanne jo sama ryssissä?
    ellauri301.html on line 327: Almost everyone loves a good barbecue, but South Africans take the classic U.S. BBQ to a whole new level with the braai. More than just a barbecue, the braai is practically a national sport. South Africans absolutely adore a braai and for them, the weekend usually means one thing: the aroma of grilling meats wafting from backyards across the country, while friends and family gather together for a good time. Ready to get your braai on? Here is everything you need to know about the iconic South African braai.
    ellauri301.html on line 370: Asianajaja Gustaf Torstensson ajelee illalla kotiinpäin ja näkee keskellä pimeää ja autiota tietä tuoliin sidotun miehen. Sörsselssön ehtii juuri ja juuri jarruttaa. Kun hän nousee autosta, hän saa päähänsä rajun iskun....
    ellauri301.html on line 385: Kadonnut nainen, mustan miehen sormi, harvinainen eteläafrikkalainen pistooli, venäläinen radiolähetin - Kurt Wallander rakentaa kuvaa paloista, jotka eivät mitenkään tunnu loksahtavan paikoilleen. Kun rikoksen kansainvälisyys ja kokoluokka alkavat paljastua, Wallenderin maailmankuulu riittämättömyyden tunne kasvaa. Hän joutuu sitoutumaan tutkintaan kaiken sen hinnalla, mikä on hänelle tärkeää (eli Maria Callas-levytyxen ja munkkipossun hinnalla).
    ellauri301.html on line 397: Olofsonin idealismi törmää afrikkalaiseen todellisuuteen, jossa rasismi ja eriväristen ihmisten viha toisiaan kohtaan yhä rehottavat. Kun niin valkoiset kuin mustatkin ajavat omia itsekkäitä etujaan, Afrikka ei todellakaan palkitse hyväntekijäänsä. Tämä ei ole dekkari, mutta varmasti siitä huolimatta loistava kirja, en ole kyllä lukenut. Mankellin kirja kertoo tarinan Afrikasta ja kermaperseisestä palefacesta keskellä vierasta kulttuuria. Romaani sisältää monia tekijänsä elämään ja taustaan liittyviä omakohtaisia piirteitä: Yksinäinen mies hoitaa haavoittunutta poikaa teatterin katolla eräässä afrikkalaisessa satamakaupungissa (Maputo).
    ellauri301.html on line 457:

    ellauri301.html on line 488: Joo. Ja kaikkijalta maalimasta lähettelis Punaset Ristit pirummoisija avustuspakettija ItalijJaan. Vaikkei siellolis eles maajjäristystä, ehlotin mină. Ja osotelappu päällen. Jotta "Mafian käyttöön".
    ellauri302.html on line 66: Mrs. Warren cherishes no delusions about her dubious profession, — If Yekel and his wife (in Ash's play) are not so enlightened as Mrs. Warren in their views upon the traffic off which they live, they are in their own crude way equally sincere in beholding in it a business quite as legitimate as any other. With the same inconsistency with which Hindel implores Heaven for aid in achieving her nefarious aims, after which she promises to be a model wife and mother (See Act Two), Mrs. Warren at the end of Shaw's play swears by Heaven that henceforth she will lead a life of evil fornication.
    ellauri302.html on line 68: Regrettably, however, 'The God of Vengeance," despite conclusions too easily drawn, is not a sex play. When Ash wishes to deal with sex as sex he is not afraid to handle the subject with all the poetry and power at his command. Such a play as his "Jephthah's Daughter" treats the elemental urge of sex with daring, beauty and Dionysiac abandon. A lurid reader is referred to this other play. This one is bound to be a disappointment.
    ellauri302.html on line 123: Don't be afraid of papa. He loves you. Very, very much. Today I'm having a Holy Scroll written. It costs a good deal of money. All for you, my child, all for you. (Rifkele is silent. Pause.) And with God's help, when you are betrothed, I'll buy your sweetheart a gold watch and chain — the chain will weigh half a pound... Papa loves you very dearly. {Rifkele is silent. She lowers her head bashfully. Pause. Don't be ashamed. There's nothing wrong about being engaged. God has ordained it. (Pause.) That's nothing. Everyboudy gets engaged and married. (Rifkele is silent.
    ellauri302.html on line 156: You must have reverence for a Scroll of the Law. Great reverence, — precisely as if a noted Rabbi were under your roof. In the house where it resides no profanity must be uttered. It must dwell amidst purity. (Speaks to Sarah, looking toward her hut not directly at her) Wherever a Holy Scroll is sheltered, there no woman must remove the wig from her head... (Sarah thrusts her hair more securely under her wig.) Nor must she touch the Scroll with her bare... hands. As a reward, no evil overtakes the home that shelters a Scroll. Such a home will always be prosperous and guarded against all misfortune. (To the Scribe.) What do you imagine? — That he doesn't know all this? They're Jews, after all... (Sarah nods affirmatively.)
    ellauri302.html on line 162: The Scribe (after brief consideration): And where are the guests in honor of the Holy Scroll?
    ellauri302.html on line 167: Yekel says yes right soon after I have sold some more ar-- merchandize. Is that okay?
    ellauri302.html on line 229: At home, in my village, the first sorrel must be sprouting. Yes, at the first May rain they cook sorrel soup... And the goats must be grazing in the meadows... And the rafts must be floating on the stream... And Franek is getting the Gentile girls together, and dancing with them at the inn... And the women must surely be baking cheese-cakes for the Feast of Weeks.* (Silence.) Do you know what? I'm going to buy myself a new summer tippet and go home for the holidays... (Buns into her room, brings out a large summer hat and a long veil; she places the hat upon her wet hair and surveys herself in the looking-glass.) Just see! If I'd ever come home for the holidays rigged up in this style, and promenade down to the station... Goodness! They'd just burst with envy. Wouldn't they? If only I weren't afraid of my father! He'd kill me on the spot. He's on the hunt for me with a crowbar. Once he caught me dancing with Franek at the village tavern and he gave me such a rap over the arm with a rod (Showing her arm.) that I carry the mark to this very day. I come from a fine family. My father is a butcher. Talk about the fellows that were after me!... (In a low voice.) They tried to make a match between me and Nottke the meat-chopper. I've got his gold ring still. (Indicating a ring upon her finger.) He gave it to me at the Feast of Tabernacles.* Maybe he wasn't wild to marry me, — but I didn't care to.
    ellauri302.html on line 231: Described in Leviticus 23, The Feast of Weeks is the second of the three “solemn feasts” that all Jewish males were required to travel to Jerusalem to attend (Exodus 23:14–17; 34:22–23; Deuteronomy 16:16). This important feast gets its name from the fact that it starts seven full weeks, or exactly 50 days, after the Feast of Firstfruits. Since it takes place exactly 50 days after the previous feast, this feast is also known as “Pentecost” (Acts 2:1), which means “fiftieth.”
    ellauri302.html on line 270: Manke, Manke. Did you call me? Hush! Speak more softly. I stole out of bed. So that pa wouldn't hear. I'm afraid, that he'll beat me.
    ellauri302.html on line 272: Manke: Don't be afraid of your father. He won't wake up so soon. Come, let's rather stand in the rain. I'll let your hair down. (She undoes Rifkele's braids, reaching for her breasts doing so.) There. And now I'll wash them for you in the rain. Just like this.
    ellauri302.html on line 280: Hush... hush... I 'm afraid of my father.. He beat me... He locked the door... And hid the key near the Holy Scroll. I lay awake all night... I heard you call me... You killed me softly with your song.. And something drew me so irresistibly to you... and I stole the key from the Scroll... My heart pounded so wildly... so wildly...
    ellauri302.html on line 316: Rifkele, softly. I 'm afraid of my father. He '11 wake up and..
    ellauri302.html on line 428: Fie! You're out of your head altogether. True, a misfortune has befallen you. May Heaven watch over aU of us. Well? What? Misfortunes happen to plenty of folks. The Lord sends aid and things turn out all right. The important point is to keep your mouth shut. Hear nothing. See nothing. Just wash your hands clean of it and forget it. (To Reizel.) Be careful what you say. Don't let it travel any further, God forbid. Do you hear? (Turns to Yekel, who is staring vacantly into space.) I had a talk with... (Looks around to see whether Reizel is still present. Seeing her, he stops. After a pause he begins anew, more softly, looking at Reizel as a hint for her to leave.) With er, er... (Casts a significant glance at Reizel, who at last understands, and leaves.) I had a talk with the groom's father. I spoke to him between the afternoon and evening prayers, at the synagogue. He's almost ready to talk business. Of course I gave him to understand that the bride doesn't boast a very high pedigree, but I guess another hundred roubles will fix that up, all right. Nowadays, pedigrees don't count as much as they used to. With God's help I'll surely be here this Sabbath, with the groom's father. We'll go down to the Dayon and have him examine the young man in his religious studies... But nobody must get wind of this tale. It might spoil everything. The father comes of a fine family and the son carries a smart head on his shoulders. There, there. Calm yourself. Trust in the Lord and everything will turn out for the best. With God's help I am going home to prepare for the morning prayer. And as soon as the girl returns, notify me. Remember, now. (About to go.)
    ellauri302.html on line 442: Yekel yatkaa yäkätystä: I told you everything. So you advised me to have a Holy Scroll written. In there I placed it, — in her room. I stood before it night after night, and used to say to it, **You are really a God. You know everything I do. You will punish me. Very well. Punish me. Punish my wife. We have both sinned. But my poor, innocent daughter. Guard her. Have pity upon her!'*
    ellauri302.html on line 455: Yekel, interrupting. Don't try to console me, Rebbi. I am inconsolable. I know that it's too late. Sin encircles me and mine like a rope around a person's neck. God wouldn't have it. But I ask you, Rebbi, why wouldn't He have it? What harm would it have done Him if I, Yekel Tchaftchovitch, should have been raised from the mire into which I have fallen? (He goes into Rifkele's room, carries out the Sacred Parchment, raises it aloft and speaks.) You, Holy Scroll, I know, — you are a great God! For you are our Lord! I, Yekel Tchaftchovitch, have sinned. (Beats his hreast with his closed fist.) My sins... my sins... Work a miracle, — send down a pillar of fire to consume me. On this very spot, where I now stand! Open up the earth at my feet and let it swallow me! But shield my daughter. Send her back to me as pure and innocent as when she left. I know... to You everything is possible. Work a miracle! For You are an almighty God. And if You don't, then You're no God at all, I tell j^ou. I, Yekel Tchaftchovitch, tell You that You are as vengeful as any human being...
    ellauri302.html on line 480: Yekel, speaks in a faltering voice. Rifkele, tell me, Rifkele. You are my daughter I am your father. (Points to Sarah.) She is your mother. Tell me, my daughter^ Tell me the whole truth. Don't be afraid ot me Don't feel ashamed before me. I know, — not for your sins...not for your sins... For my sins, mine... For your mother's sins... our sins... Tell me, daughter - are you still uncorked or no?
    ellauri302.html on line 649: Vuonna 1950 Itzele oli 47. Silloin se päätti vetäytyä talviunille kuin muumi, työntää havunneulasia perseeseen. Eihän siitä mitään tullut, melskasi naisissa vielä 41 vuotta. Sen mielestä kaikkien uskontojen poinzi on ahimsa tosin apinaveljiin\ rajoitettuna, eli oma onni ei sais tulla toisten apinoiden epäonnesta. Sehän on kapitalismille aivan vieras ajatus. Sitäpaizi se ei ihan riitä tekemään uskonnosta vetävää. Vad skulle judendomen ha för dragningskraft om det inte längre fanns skägg, tinninglockar, lärohus, heliga böcker, bönesjalar och bönekapslar, sabbat och andra högtider? En sådan judendom skulle inte bara misslyckas med att tillfredsställa människors behov; den riskerade också att falla samman vilket ögonblick som helst av brist på levnadsregler och symbolisk struktur. Om människorna handlade individuellt snarare än gruppvis skulle deras förmåga att tjäna Gud vara lika liten som deras förmåga att försvara sitt land. Som individer kunde de inte bekämpa Satan, de kunde inte slå tillbaka Hitler eller Stalin på egen hand. Såna vackra ord betyder inte vackra handlingar. Efter att ha sagt det här till Luria for Grein iväg för att knulla hans hustru Anna.
    ellauri302.html on line 666: Eliyahu Ben Moshe Dos Vidas (1518–1587, Hebron) oli 1500-luvun rabbi mytomaanien Palestiinassa. Hän oli ensisijaisesti rabbi Moses ben Jacob Cordoveron (tunnetaan nimellä Muaa Ramasee Ramaseeko Suaa) mutta myös vähän Isaac Lurian opetuslapsi. Dos Vidas tunnetaan Kabbalan ja siantuntemuksestaan. Hän kirjoitti Reshit Chochmahin eli "Viisauden alun", pietistisen teoksen, jota ortodoksiset juutalaiset tutkivat edelleen laajasti. Aivan kuten hänen opettajansa rabbi Moses Cordovero loi eettisen teoksen kabbalististen periaatteiden mukaisesti teoksessaan Tomera Deborah, Rabbi Dos Vidas loi vielä laajemman teoksen henkisestä elämästä hänen kanssaan, nimeltä Reishiluut Chochmeeshshah. Tämäkin magnum opus perustuu suurelta osin Zohariin, mutta heijastaa myös monia perinteisempiä lähteitä. Kirjoittaja asui Safedissa ja Hebronissa ja oli yksi Hebronissa 1500-luvun lopulla ja 1600-luvun alussa asuneista merkittävistä kabbalisteista. Niitä kyllä juoxi siellä laumoittain kuin kylän koiria.
    ellauri302.html on line 695: Vanerne kallas ofta för »vise», hvilket ord då står i full öfverensstämmelse med att Mimesbrunnen, hafvet, är all visdoms källa. Det är ock märkligt, att Vanerne i Valans Visdom framträda omedelbart efter Gullveigs dråp; men däri ligger följande tanke. Vattengudarne äro också gudar för sjöfart och handel, hvilka framkallas af guldtörsten och i sin ordning vålla tvedrägt och strider bland både gudar och människor. Som dessa strider äro oundvikliga, öppnas de af Odin själf, hvars spjutkast är det första anfallet på den växande egennyttan. Såsom alltid redo att försvara vunna skatter kallas Vanerne »krigiske».
    ellauri302.html on line 748: - Hur många män har du haft? Hundra?

    ellauri308.html on line 235: Ruotsia Tuominen piti esikuvana koko maailmalle. Tuominen keskusteli piispojen kanssa Jumalasta ja totesi kommunistien taistelun uskontoja vastaan olleen täysin turha, koska ihmisellä on metafysiikan kaipuu. Vielä yli 80-vuotiaana Tuominen perusti F. E. Sillanpää -seuran ja järjesti suhteillaan apurahan, jolla ennallistettiin kirjailijan nuoruudenkoti Töllinmäki. Se on taas aika ränsistyneen näköinen.
    ellauri308.html on line 347: ”Wiegala wiegala wille, wie ist die Welt so stille! Es stört kein Laut die süße Ruh; schlaf, mein Kindchen, schlaf auch du. Wiegala wiegala wille…” on ministeri Rydmanin lempilauluja, jolla hän rauhoittaa mieltään elämän ahdistavissa tilanteissa? Sanat ovat kehtolaulusta, jonka on tehnyt juutalainen runoilija llse Weber (1903-6.10.1944), joka kuoli Auschwitzissa kaasutettuna poikansa Tommyn kanssa. Alkup. sanat: Wiegala Wiegala Tommy etc.
    ellauri308.html on line 397: Hammasjuuret antavat uutta näyttöä. Ryhmä analysoi kahta tunnettua Graecopithecus freybergin fossiilisen hominidin näytettä: alaleuan Kreikasta ja ylemmän esihammasta Bulgariasta. Tietokonetomografian avulla he visualisoivat fossiilien sisäiset rakenteet ja osoittivat, että esihammashampaiden juuret ovat laajalti fuusioituneita.
    ellauri308.html on line 469: afari.jpg/500px-J.Mien-Portret_Henryka_Sienkiewicza_w_stroju_safari.jpg" />
    ellauri308.html on line 470:
    Henryk Sienkiewicz safarilla Afrikassa 1890.

    ellauri308.html on line 483: Ukraina on täynnä Henrykin pazaita, varsinkin Lwiw. Hänen teoksiaan myös moitittiin liian pelkistetyiksi. 20. vuosisadan puolalainen kirjailija ja dramaturgi Witold Gombrowicz kuvasi Sienkiewiczia ensiluokkaiseksi toisen luokan kirjailijaksi.  Vasily Rozanov kuvaili Quo Vadista, ettei se ole taideteos, vaan kuin karkea tehdastekoinen maalaus. Anton Tšehov kutsui Sienkiewiczin kirjoitelmia oksettavan äiteliksi ja tökeröiksi. Kuitenkin Puolan kirjallisuushistorioitsija Henryk Markiewicz kirjoitti Polski słownik biograficznyssä (Puolalaisten elämäkertojen sanakirjassa) artikkelin Sienkiewiczista (1997). Markiewicz kuvaa Sienkiewiczia puolalaisen proosan mestariksi ja puolalaisen historiallisen fiktion eturivin kirjailijaksi ja samalla kansainvälisesti parhaiten tunnetuksi puolalaiseksi kirjailijaksi. Haha LOL, kiitos Hollywoodin.
    ellauri308.html on line 500: Staffan Hildebrand (alun perin Carl Thomas Staffan Hildebrand) (s. 14. heinäkuuta 1946 Tukholma, Ruotsi) on ruotsalainen elokuvaohjaaja. Hänen tunnetuimpia elokuviaan ovat G (myös nimellä G – som i gemenskap), Stockholmsnatt ja Ingen kan älska som vi.
    ellauri308.html on line 505: affan-hildebrand-avslojad-i-ny-bok-8074953.jpg?imageId=8074953&width=1058&height=554" width="100%" />
    ellauri308.html on line 506:
    Staffan Hildebrand förgrep sig på pojkar: ”Jag har gjort fel”

    ellauri308.html on line 508: Regissören Staffan Hildebrand, 75, lockade två små pojkar med utlandsresor och filmjobb i utbyte mot sex.
    ellauri308.html on line 513: I boken framkommer det att Staffan Hildebrand ofta umgicks med unga pojkar i sitt hem och lockade dem med löften om filmroller och utlandsresor.
    ellauri308.html on line 514: Visst var det fel. – Inte då, men nu med den kunskapen, med #metoo och allt det där... Självklart är det fel. Han var ju inte mogen så att säga att förstå sin sexualitet vid den åldern. Men han var väldigt mogen och utvecklad och en intressant person, säger Staffan Hildebrand. Men jag villde det! I alla fall!
    ellauri308.html on line 626: Termi on peräisin Wettenhovi-Aspan sanasta Nehashkush, "ne haisevat kuselta", joka viittaa yksilöön Kushin muinaisesta kunkkukunnasta. Tämä mainittiin myös heprealaisessa Raamatussa, jota käytettiin yleensä viittaamaan ihmisiin, jotka ovat yleensä afrikkalaista syntyperää, mukaan lukien Cape Coloreds tai vaan Coloreds. Se oli alun perin vain kuvaileva, mutta nykyisessä Israelissa se sai yhä enemmän halventavaa konnotaatiota, ja Etiopian israelilaiset pitävät sitä loukkaavana; ja ei-juutalaiset, Saharan eteläpuolisen Afrikan siirtotyöläiset ja turvapaikanhakijat Israelissa.
    ellauri308.html on line 690: Venäjän nationalistisissa tarinoissa ja propagandassa ukrainafobiset stereotypiat vaihtelevat pilkkaamisesta negatiivisten piirteiden osoittamiseen koko Ukrainan kansakunnalle ja ukrainalaista syntyperää oleville ihmisille:
    ellauri308.html on line 720: – Jo ennen kuin muutin tänne itse, vaimoni kävi veljensä kanssa luonani Kaliforniassa ja he kertoivat minulle, miten järjestelmä Suomessa toimii. Pidin sitä mahtavana. Ajattelin, että sen avulla vaikkapa kodittomat afrovenäläiset (негры) voivat saada edes jonkin verran rahaa pekoniin ja muniin.
    ellauri308.html on line 768: af64d4dc69d8906758a7a9379/max_g480_c12_r2x3_pd20" />
    ellauri309.html on line 70: Okay! geschafft! Jetzt geht es los! Sieh mich an, als ich
    ellauri309.html on line 77: Ich schaffe dir eine grosse Familie. Ja, jetzt darfst du mich ficken. Ja,
    ellauri309.html on line 117: palkkasi hänet rakentamaan kirjahyllyjä heinäkuussa 1985. Kraft, Gefahr und Pracht. Sie wollte alle drei!
    ellauri309.html on line 292: kind of retraction after I reached out to her, it didn’t stop some of her
    ellauri309.html on line 368: Ruozalainen Boliden aiheutti Espanjassa kaikkien aikojen suurimman luontokatastrofin kupari- ja sinkkipäästöillä kansallispuistoon. Espanjan luke päätti ettei se ole mistään vastuussa. Tällästä lisää tänne kotisuomeenkin, toivoo kokoomuxen talousmies. Terrafamen "yhteistyötä" eli julkisrahoitusta jatketaan vaikka firma on miljoonia perseellään. Yrittänyttä ei laiteta.
    ellauri309.html on line 515: Hoover and Sullivan considered King “the most dangerous Negro of the future in this nation”. Armed with salacious archival material from a recent FBI documents release, Garrow has reported about the iconic civil rights leader’s sexual misconduct, ranging from numerous extramarital affairs and solicitation of prostitutes to the allegation that he was present during the violent rape of a Maryland churchgoer. Garrow insists that a fundamental reconsideration of King's reputation is imminent. He describes how King and a handful of Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) officials checked into Washington DC’s Willard hotel along with “several women ‘parishioners’”. The group met in his room and discussed which women among the parishioners would be suitable for natural and unnatural sex acts, meaning anal and oral, genital being natural. The alleged rapist was Reverend Logan Kearse, a Baptist minister from Baltimore. Reportedly, "Mike" King just stood by with erect cock in hand overseeing the action, like another Kim Yung Il.
    ellauri309.html on line 544: Tulsa on kaupunki Yhdysvaltojen Oklahoman osavaltion koillisosassa. Kaupungin alueen alkuperäisasukkaita olivat osaget ja itse kaupungin perustivat kotiseuduiltaan pakkosiirretyt creekit vuonna 1836. Sittemmin kaupunki kasvoi nopeasti maaöljyn löytymisen jälkeen 1900-luvun alussa. Osaget joutuivat luopumaan maistaan Tulsassa vuonna 1826 ja Yhdysvallat alkoi asuttaa paikalle alkuperäisiltä kotiseuduiltaan karkotettuja creekejä ja cherokeeita. Mukana oli myös intiaanien omistamia afroamerikkalaisia orjia. Tulsan rotumellakat vuonna 1921 kuuluvat Yhdysvaltojen historian väkivaltaisimpiin. Kaupungin asukkaista 64 % oli taustaltaan valkoisia (latinot pois lukien 54,9 %), 15,1 % afroamerikkalaisia, 4,3 % intiaaneja, 15,8 % latinoja mistä tahansa rodusta ja 3,3 % aasialaisia. 17,6 % kaupungin asukkaista puhui kotonaan jotakin muuta kieltä kuin englantia ja 10,9 % kaupungin asukkaista oli syntynyt ulkomailla. Nimi "Tylsä" on sama kuin "Tällä hässii" ja tarkoittaa inkkarien kielellä "tuppukylä". Nicknamed: "Buckle of the Bible Belt", "Capital of the world".
    ellauri309.html on line 769: Die winzige Laura war einfach die perfekte Frau für prince Charming. Mit der Anblick von Margo erhielt er zwar eine gewisse Erregung in Hosen, aber sie war Tochter einer Putzfrau. Mit Laura gab es die richtige Frau, eine gesicherte gesellschaftlige Position, Söhne, Reichtum und Erfolg. EAT! FUCK!
    ellauri309.html on line 964: Alice Sophie Schwarzer (* 3. Dezember 1942 in Wuppertal) ist eine deutsche Journalistin und Publizistin. Sie ist Gründerin und Herausgeberin der Frauenzeitschrift Emma und eine bekannte Feministin. In einem Beitrag für die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung verteidigte Schwarzer 2008 die Weigerung der maoistischen Militärjunta Myanmars, nach dem Zyklon Nargis westliche Hilfe ins Land zu lassen, mit dem Hinweis u. a. auf die angebliche humanitäre Hilfe der USA 1968 für Kambodscha, deren „Reisbomber“ Bomben transportierten, sowie auf die Doppelmoral der Medien. In Bezug auf das Manifest für Frieden von Februar 2023, dessen Mitinitiatorin Schwarzer war und das sich gegen Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine und für Verhandlungen ausspricht, schrieb Jan Feddersen in der TAZ, Schwarzer enthülle sich damit als „Antifeministin“, denn wenn es in dem Manifest heiße, „Frauen wurden vergewaltigt“, spreche „es nicht über die Täter, auch nicht Putin“. Demnach befremde Schwarzers stets gleiche Kritik an der Pornografie gerade junge Frauen zunehmend. Einige Standpunkte des klassischen 1970er-Jahre-Feminismus – wie etwa die Ablehnung von Pornografie – hält Roche für überholt und vertritt einen sex-positiven Feminismus. Als sie 1998 in Bascha Mikas Kritischer Biografie (siehe #Literatur) als bisexuell beschrieben wurde, lehnte sie jeglichen Kommentar mit dem Hinweis auf ihre Privat- und Intimsphäre ab. Ein FAZ-Artikel schrieb 2010, sie zeige sich in Köln öffentlich mit ihrer Partnerin. Ach was!
    ellauri309.html on line 973: af29a4a95b33beceff5c107648fa72/limit/720/405/zzzzzzz.jpg" width="90%" />
    ellauri309.html on line 1061: No, wait! Deus ex machina, maanjärjestys tulee avuxi! Maa järkkyy kuin Hemingwayn naidessa Espanjan sisällissodan aikana. Kenelle kellot soivat? Ne soivat sinulle, kuten John Donne teroitti. Lyön vetoa että Mikki tulee apuun, ja siinä hötäkässä löytyvät myös Serafiinan kultadublonit! Hommat kääntyvät parhain päin kuin el Zorrossa. Laura, mein Gott, Laura. Okay, Okay. Es ist alles gut. Oletko kunnossa? Kallionkielekkkellä kuilun reunalla, Lauran olkapää on sijoiltaan -- oiskohan nyt hyvä hetki bylsiä mehukkaasti takaapäin? Tuumasta toimeen! Läppä läppä, ei vaitiskaan. Juu sieltähän se löytyy Serafiinan Kiste kultadubloneineen.
    ellauri309.html on line 1063: Mikki oli unohtanut mainita Harvard Templetonille lempivänsä sen pikkusiskoa. Sehän muuttaa heti koko asian! Komm zurück ins Haus und lass Mrs. Williamson dich verarschen. Kenties Serafinan säälittävät sälät saavat jonkun muun unelmoimaan ja ostamaan tarpeetonta sälää kaverusten säläpuodista.
    ellauri309.html on line 1065: Mikki on tietysti irlantilainen, kuten Noora, ja Mikin heppakaveri Mad Max, alias Mel Gibson. Gibson's mother, Anne Patricia Reilly, was born in Ardagh in County Longford. In fact, Mel is named after St. Mel's Cathedral, the fifth-century Irish saint, and founder of Gibson's mother's local native diocese, Ardagh. While his middle name, Colmcille, is the name the Catholic diocese of Ardagh. Mel Gibson's grandfather John H Gibson was a millionaire tobacco businessman from the American South.
    ellauri310.html on line 41: on vitun fundraisereita ja raffleja. Kaikilla on ties mitä henk.koht. ongelmia
    ellauri310.html on line 326: päivästään Lafayette Parkissa Valkoista taloa vastapäätä. Hän oli jo päättänyt
    ellauri310.html on line 346: ajatellut. Lafayette Parkissa Guiteau luki sanomalehtiä ja katseli Valkoista taloa
    ellauri310.html on line 356: kesäkuussa istuessaan Lafayette Parkissa hän huomasi Garfieldin matkalla kirkkoon.
    ellauri310.html on line 372: perjantai-iltana 1. heinäkuuta Lafayette Parkissa tuijottaen Valkoista taloa, kun
    ellauri310.html on line 526: loukkaaminen on rikos.

    Professorien Simo Parpola ja Serafim Seppälä
    ellauri310.html on line 589: V. 1967 Valituissa Paloissa Rauhixen huussissa erään neekerin väsäämässä puheenvuorossa "Neekerin amerikkalainen unelma" esiintyy nyttemmin tabu n-sana useammin kuin tässä, tai Wolfen kirjassa, jossa "niggers talk gruffly to the horses in the stall" (p. 30). Tomi kynäilee kyllä melko mehukkaasti. Pidän tälläsestä Sterne-tyyppisestä selittävästä kerronnasta, ällöön tota Teppo Kurkon "show not tell" tyyppistä leffaimitointia. Tomin kuvauxessa afroamerikkalaisen lynkkauxesta s. 35 on paljon verta ja kosolti n-sanoja. Vähän Tomi on kuin jenkkien Volter Kilpi. Tai Celine, toinen mehukkassti lynäilevä töräpää.
    ellauri310.html on line 662: In the United States and Canada, any casual sleeveless shirt can be called tank top or tank shirt, with several specific varieties. It is named after tank suits, one-piece bathing suits of the 1920s worn in tanks or swimming pools. The tank top designed for a tight fit and often made of ribbed cotton is also colloquially called an A-shirt, or, more offensively, wifebeater, beater, guinea tee or dago tee (guinea and dago being American ethnic slurs for people of Italian ethnicity). Boob tube on briteissä hihaton toppi ja jenkeissä hölmöpönttö eli TV.
    ellauri310.html on line 671: Though the Persian Gulf War reaffirmed the role of main battle tanks [wtf? clarification needed] MBTs were outperformed by the attack helicopter. Other strategists considered that the MBT was entirely obsolete in light of the efficacy and speed with which coalition forces neutralized Iraqi armour.
    ellauri310.html on line 690: Der Panzer wurde am 9. Mai 1958 der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt und offiziell in den Truppendienst aufgenommen. Die Serienproduktion begann im Juni 1958. Er wurde aus dem T-54 entwickelt und den Bedingungen des Gefechts beim Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen in Europa angepasst.
    ellauri310.html on line 692: Haupteinsatzzweck war der offensive Einsatz bei großräumigen Operationen nach eigenen oder gegnerischen Kernwaffenschlägen. Gefechtshandlungen sollten dabei mit möglichst großen Panzerabteilungen (ab Bataillon aufwärts) im Verbund mit motorisierter Infanterie, Artillerie und anderen Teilstreitkräften sowie unter Deckung aus der Luft durchgeführt werden. Es zeigte sich aber, dass der Panzer für fast alle Aufgaben unter fast allen Bedingungen einsetzbar war.
    ellauri310.html on line 694: Die hohen Verluste im Sechstagekrieg resultierten aus dem schlechten Ausbildungsstand der Besatzungen und mangelhafter Taktik. Insbesondere die fehlende Deckung aus der Luft und schlechte Gefechtsfeldaufklärung wirkten sich oft verheerend aus.
    ellauri310.html on line 757:

    Creighton Williams Abrams Jr. (September 15, 1914 – September 4, 1974) was a United States Army general who commanded military operations in the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1972. He was then Chief of Staff of the United States Army from 1972 until his death in 1974.
    ellauri310.html on line 758: In 1980, the United States Army named its then new main battle tank, the M1 Abrams, after him.
    ellauri310.html on line 792: Tähän väliin mainoskatko sponsoreiltamme General Dynamicsista! Hiipuvan Gulfstreamin liikesuihkukoneista ja taisteluajoneuvoista ydinkäyttöisiin sukellusveneisiin ja viestintäjärjestelmiin, ihmiset ympäri maailmaa ovat riippuvaisia ​​tuotteistamme ja palveluistamme turvallisuutensa vuoksi (safety). Tarjoamme laajan valikoiman innovatiivisia tuotteita ja palveluita liikelentotoiminnassa; taisteluajoneuvot, asejärjestelmät ja ammukset. Jokaisella meistä on velvollisuus käyttäytyä arvojemme mukaisesti. Näin voimme varmistaa, että olemme jatkossakin osakkeenomistajien, asiakkaidemme, työntekijöidemme ja yhteisöjen meihin tekemien investointien hyviä hoitajia nyt ja tulevaisuudessa.
    ellauri311.html on line 352: "Yhtä ongelmaa minulla ei ole koskaan ollut: toisin kuin Dan Brownin grilleillä varustettu Susan nuorena, en ole ajatellut, että ihmiset eivät voisi rakastaa minua. Poikaystävistä ei ole ollut pulaa, haarukassa on ollut vilkas trafiikki", Salo sanoo. 1990-luvun loppupuolella Salo seurusteli jopa Sleepy Sleeperseistä ja Leningrad Cowboysista tunnetun Sakke Järvenpään kanssa.
    ellauri311.html on line 651: Russia make an awful lot of empty threats!! Are we supposed to be afraid?
    ellauri313.html on line 34: Syyskuisen lauantaiyön tihkusateessa 60hz taajuudella pimeässä tumputtavat termiittiapinat on kuin Rauhixen keittiönkuistin ullakolla sisään ulos trafikeeraavat syysampiaiset. Lisääntymiselkeitä on tehtävä vaikka lisääntyminen on niiltä aikaa sitten tyssännyt. Pörisevät tehden sisään ulos liikkeitä ilman tietoa paremmasta suunnitelmasta. Tulevaisuus on vieraslajilta jo mennyttä.
    ellauri313.html on line 55: Yksin ja toisin on kielellisesti tiivis ja tyyliltään pelkistetty teos. Hetkittäin ilmaisu on niin riisuttua, että se lähenee aforistiikkaa.
    ellauri313.html on line 131: Tanssi on jo meissä – tanssija, koreografi Pia Lindyä kiehtovat arkisen liikkumisen tutkimattomat alueet.
    ellauri313.html on line 147: in an ebb and flow rythm after all, so we consider work something that also
    ellauri313.html on line 170: Morrison wanted to call the novel War but was overridden by her editor. Ei kyllä tässä lähes kaikki ovat lakukeppejä. Rotuviha on korvautunut tässä niteessä miesvihalla. Throughout the novel, the women of the Convent provide a safe haven for all those who come to its doorstep. However, the Convent is widely perceived as a corrupting influence in Ruby (a negro town), the source of their problems rather than where problems must go because of Ruby's intolerant atmosphere. Both the men of Haven and Ruby exhibit a patriarchal nature. This is seen through their intense hatred for the Convent women who are unconventional and nonconforming.
    ellauri313.html on line 173: That being said, at 500 pages, the book takes on a lot and doesn't adequately address it all. There's the nominal plot, which concerns the Yugoslav mafia in Sweden; but there's also a new relationship for Annika, which is complicated; the politics of the newspaper she works for; fundamental questions about the role of the welfare state; and questions about the role of a newspaper vis a vis law enforcement. This all kind of dropped off toward the end of the book, and I didn't find the conclusion to be particularly satisfying. I felt impatient with Annika's (main character), histrionics and irrationality.
    ellauri313.html on line 471: Strategies that emphasize the possibility of escalation or eruption are associated with the term "brinkmanship." (We will sometimes refer to the game of "chicken" when the brinkmanship is overtly two-sided.) "Chicken" is played by two drivers on a road with a white line down the middle. Both cars straddle the white line and drive toward each other at top speed. The first driver to lose his nerve and swerve into his own lane is "chicken"—an object of contempt and scorn—and he loses the game. The game is played among teenagers for prestige, for girls, for leadership of a gang, and for safety (i.e., to prevent other challenges and confrontations).
    ellauri313.html on line 573: Mendelssohn voitti Berliinin akatemian tarjoaman palkinnon matemaattisten todisteiden soveltamisesta metafysiikkaan; kilpailijoiden joukossa oli Immanuel Kant, jotka tuli toiseksi.
    ellauri313.html on line 601: Richard Wagner zerstörte sein öffentliches Ansehen, als er nur ein Jahr nach seinem Tod Das Judenthum in der Musik veröffentlichte, einen rassistischen und bösartigen Essay, der sich vor allem gegen Mendelssohn richtete, dessen Werk er als abgeleitet und leichtgewichtig bezeichnete, weil er Jude war. Er hielt Mendelssohn als Archetyp dafür hoch, dass selbst ein Jude mit großem Talent und Schliff nicht in der Lage war, große Musik zu schaffen, und er spielte eine führende Rolle dabei, die Öffentlichkeit davon zu überzeugen, dass Mendelssohn kaum mehr als ein Hack war.
    ellauri315.html on line 239:

    Kornilovin afääri

    ellauri315.html on line 298: Maaliskuusta toukokuuhun 1917 Aleksejevin asema oli epäselvä. Toimiessaan väliaikaisen hallituksen ylipäällikkönä ja myöhemmin neuvonantajana hän vastusti Neuvostoliittoa ja armeijan demokratisointia. Hänen tavoitteenaan oli ensin estää Kornilov-liikkeen (ks. Kornilovin afääri) kehittyminen sisällissodaksi. Samana päivänä kuin Aleksejev saapui päämajaan, hän pidätti kenraali Lavr Kornilovin ja hänen miehensä ja lähetti heidät vankilaan Bykhoviin (kaupunki Mogilevin alueella Valko-Venäjällä), josta he kepoon "irtautuivat" kenraali Nikolai Dukhoninin avulla.
    ellauri315.html on line 383: Tähän mennessä joukko eteläafrikkalaisia upseereita taisteli jo valkovenäläisten puolella kommunisteja vastaan. Kun aselepo allekirjoitettiin sodan päättämiseksi 11. marraskuuta 1918, tuhannet eteläafrikkalaiset vapautettiin tehtävistään Länsi-Euroopassa, joista monet halusivat mieluummin kuin mennä kotio tehdä "vapaaehtoistyötä" valkovenäläisten tukemiseksi. Monet eteläafrikkalaiset eivät vain liittyneet valkovenäläisten joukkoihin, vaan heille myönnettiin kivat kunniamaininnat palveluksesta Venäjällä, mukaan lukien everstiluutnantti Jeeves, 1. Etelä-Afrikan jalkaväkirykmentin entinen komentaja sekä 4. Etelä-joukkojen uusi komentaja, Afrikkalaisen jalkaväkirykmentin sheriffi McCloud, joiden miehet joko liittyivät kenraali Ironsiden esikuntaan tai liittyivät suoraan Venäjän valkoisiin joukkoihin. Kaksi Victoria Crossin haltijaa liittyi tähän vapaaehtoisvoimin.
    ellauri315.html on line 501: Rodina (venäjäksi: Родина; Homeland) on Pavel Lunginin ja Timur "Lenk" Weinsteinin kehittämä venäläinen poliittinen trilleri-televisiosarja, joka perustuu israelilaiseen Hatufim-sarjaan, jonka on luonut Gideon Riffraff. Rodina on toinen Hatufim-sovitus Howard Gordonin ja Alex Gansan amerikkalaisen version Homeland jälkeen.
    ellauri315.html on line 534: Eikä siinä vielä kaikki! Venäläinen kirkkoraamattukin on ukrainalainen! Tosin se on kirkkoslaavia eli bulgariaa lähinnä, eikä vähävenättä, mutta sen painattaja Ostrogski suosi ukrainalaista kyldyyriä, vaikka Ukraina oli silloin osa Puola-Liettuaa. Alkuteos on Novgorodista, ja saatiin Iivana Julmalta. Venäjän ortodoksinen kirkkokin myöntää nykyisin pitkin hampain että Elisabetin Raamattu perustuu Ostrohin raamattuun. Mikä parasta, Ostrohin akatemia on julkaissut vuonna 2006 Ostrohin raamatun nykyukrainaksi. Käännöstyön teki arkkimandriitta, teologian professori Rafail Torkonjak, ja häneltä meni työhön 30 vuotta. Venäjän aggressio pani Rafaeliin vähän vauhtia.
    ellauri316.html on line 201: after him at both Oxford and Cambridge. Professorships named after him exist at
    ellauri316.html on line 206: Aviv. Wolfson is one of a handful of figures, including Edmund of Abingdon, Saint Peter, Catherine of Alexandria, Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of Jesus, God and Jesus, to have both Cambridge and Oxford colleges named after them. Ei ihme että kuoppaleukainen daavidhahmo Nooah nimettiin sen perästä. Lopetin sarjan kazomisen 3. jaxosta. Siinä oli pelkästään epämiellyttäviä tyyppejä. Sarjaa tuottavat belgit, britit ja israelit, kaikki erittäin syvältä anuxesta. Haaretz writes that the series is a "gem" that comes "from the heart.' Are there lilac trees / in the heart of town? This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it?
    ellauri316.html on line 497: af901894ea4113_%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BD1-2.jpeg" height="400px" />
    ellauri316.html on line 656: Naftaleeniin liittyen.
    ellauri316.html on line 657: naftaleeni
    ellauri316.html on line 658: a, pl. no, m. (ranskalainen naftaliini < kreikkalainen naftaöljy).
    ellauri316.html on line 816: af6" width="70%" />
    ellauri316.html on line 822: In 2019, the town of Lemont, Illinois installed a statue honoring Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, who led the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) on an anti-Soviet campaign with Hitler’s army. The LAF murdered thousands of Lithuanian Jews in June 1941 during the early period of the Nazi invasion. The Forest Brothers, a partisan militia of Latvians, Estonians, and Lithuanians who also collaborated with the Nazis. In 2017, NATO produced a video honoring the Forest Brothers but quickly deleted it after public outcry.
    ellauri316.html on line 833: But after the shattering victory at Stalingrad, the Red Army began to believe that victory was possible. Germany, which had boasted the world’s most formidable military at the start of the war, suddenly seemed vulnerable. Even if its weaponry was less sophisticated and its troops poorly prepared, the sheer size of Russia’s forces could overwhelm the enemy — a reality that holds 80 years later, as the war in Ukraine grinds on and on and the wallets and the patience of Kyiv’s partners in the West begins to wear thin.
    ellauri317.html on line 33: Zelensky vädjar till västern: om ryssarna vinner kriget är ingen mer säker. Utom ryssarna, kineserna, indianerna och afrikanarna. Dvs. 3/4 av aporna. Aapat äänestävät jaloillaan Zelenskyn puheesta.
    ellauri317.html on line 319:
    Georges Charles d´Anthes, Aleksanteri Pushkinin tappaja. Litografia. A. Pushkinin museo Pietarissa. Lähde: RIA Novosti

    ellauri317.html on line 343:
    - Vittu tää ei jää tähän ranu homo! - Bah, toi et quelle armée, café au lait?

    ellauri317.html on line 364: Das kommunistische Regime der Tschechoslowakei nach 1948 tat sich Karel Čapek zwar schwer anzuerkennen, da er nie von der Überlegenheit einer Diktatur des Proletariats gegenüber anderen Gesellschaftsformen überzeugt gewesen war. Zudem war er eine Symbolfigur der „bourgeoisen“ ersten Republik.
    ellauri317.html on line 390: Holhoojan kommentaattori Roy Greenslade vuonna 2014 ja entinen Slate-lehden toimittaja Jack Shafer vuonna 2007 syyttivät Russia Beyondia propagandasta.
    ellauri317.html on line 704: Aleksanteri Petrovitš Perhurov (1. tammikuuta ( 13. tammikuuta ) 1876 , Sherepovon kylä, Korchevskyn piiri, Tverin maakunta - 21. heinäkuuta 1922 , Jaroslavl ) - kenraalimajuri ( 1919 ). 1918 Jaroslavlin bolshevikkien vastaisen kansannousun johtaja. Hän tuli Tverin maakunnan perinnöllisestä aatelista. Hänen isoisänsä Aleksanteri Nikolajevitš oli eversti Liettuan henkivartijarykmentissä. Isä - Pjotr ​​Aleksandrovitš, eläkkeellä oleva valtuutettu . Äiti - Serafima Aleksandrovna, s. Dyatkova, Kashinin maanomistajan tytär.
    ellauri317.html on line 706: af9_XL.jpg" />
    ellauri317.html on line 821: PTN PNH (Путин, пошёл на хуй): Putin, mene vittuun!  Toinen Putinin vastainen viesti, joka on nähty kirjoitettuna graffitiin.
    ellauri318.html on line 29:
    " Vapiduxen esikoinen on moderni mafiakertomus, jonka karskit hahmot on kuvattu niin sujuvasti että siitintä on vaikea laskea kädestään." - Seura

    ellauri318.html on line 60: Kolme hyvin erilaista ihmistä kohtaa Tukholman alamaailmassa, ja seuraukset ovat väkivaltaiset. Jorge on karannut vankilasta, Mrado on jugoslavialaismafian velanperijä ja JP puolestaan on töissä kaupungin kuumimmissa mestoissa. Tosi jänniä elämänkohtaloita! Ei mitään medelsvenskar nämä kaverit.
    ellauri318.html on line 62: Johan "JW" Westlund kommer från blygsam bakgrund men låtsas vara en bratkille. Han lever ett dubbelliv som stekare på de hetaste inneställena på Stureplan och kör svarttaxi för att finansiera sina dyra vanor samtidigt som han studerar ekonomi på Handelshögskolan. När han förälskar sig i överklasstjejen Sophie lockas han in en värld av organiserad brottslighet. Jorge gör en osannolik rymning från fängelset och är på flykt från både polisen och den serbiska maffian. Hans plan är att göra en sista kokainleverans och sedan lämna landet för gott. Mrado är en brutal underboss inom den serbiska maffian och är i konflikt med huvudbossen Radovan. Han får i uppdrag att hitta Jorge, men tvingas samtidigt ta hand om sin 8-åriga dotter som bor i Lovisa.
    ellauri318.html on line 84: I den tredje delen lever JW i landsflykt. Fast besluten att få reda på vad som hänt med sin försvunna syster Camilla ska Jorge göra en sista stöt. På vägen möter han Nadja, kvinnan från sitt förflutna. Nadja Nadja soromnoo. Under tiden infiltreras Radovan Krajnics serbiska maffia av polisaspiranten Martin Hägerström. Jättespännande! Snabba cash – Livet deluxe sågs av 241 559 biobesökare i Sverige 2013 och blev därmed den femte mest sedda svenska filmen i Sverige det året. Alaspain kuin lehmän häntä.
    ellauri318.html on line 149: Herr Andoril, född Gustafsson, on fiktioinut liberaalipoliitikko Blixiä. Vassari ulkoministeri Anna Lindh käynnisti 2003 Blix-komission hallituxen rahoilla, jonka tarkoitus oli paljastaa bad Bushin Irak-vedätys. Tästä kiitoxexi Lindhin listi NK:lla samana vuonna serbi Mijailo Mijailovits. Varmaan CIA:n palkkalistoilla. (Lisää aiheesta albumissa 245.) Siihen loppui Ruåzin vasemmistoterrori. Päästiin typerästä "avoimesta yhteiskunnasta." Nyt on Ruozissa skoudeja kuin siiroja ja yhtä täydet vankilat kuin Yhdysvalloissa, ja vankeinhoitolaitos on kiinalaista Volvoakin suurempi työnantaja.
    ellauri318.html on line 158: Aika oireellista että kaikki tyypit joita pakolaiset tapaa Tukholman äveriäässä saaristossa on jotain oikislaisia psykopaatteja. Ei siellä varmaan muita olekaan. Se mikä näissä länkkäreiden krimisepustuxissa enimmän vituttaa, on että vaikka pääkonnat aivan ilmeisesti ovat aina joitain Peter Nyberg tyyppisiä taskubiljardöörejä, niin kiinnijääjät on vaan jotain b-miehiä ja nirhatut mitälie vääränrotuisia pikkukonnia. Mitä vetoa että jää tässäkin niteessä kertomatta miten niljakas asekauppias pääroisto Rafael hirtetään ensin munista puuhun ja sitten nyljetään elävältä tuppeen kuin maaliskuinen matikka. Kun ylisyyttäjä Jens Jouzenkypärä (ei siis nyrkkeilijänenäinen Jens Kaikkipuu) astuu sisään kaikki hiljenevät.
    ellauri318.html on line 171: Njuu saatiin se mafioso sentään ammutuxi siiviläxi Suomen Jouzenen tultua svedupettereille avuxi, mutta eikös vaan sen mikkihiiri Petteri poika astu Rinaldo Rinaldinin tilalle edistämään länsinaapurien asekauppoja vienolla viulusäestyxellä.
    ellauri318.html on line 276: then after that one is the time the fat chick wore the
    ellauri318.html on line 299: Reviiripä hyvinkin. Tää ei ole muuta kuin paluuta ennen Hammurapia ja pax Romanaa vallinneisiin koiramäkeläisiin klaaniaikoihin. Niin ja siton vielä Kurdish Mafia.
    ellauri318.html on line 344: Diskordalaiset levittelivät sitten transhumanismin mieliteemoja, kuten napaan katselevat älykkäät huumeet, virtuaalitodellisuus, kybersodankäynti, vuorovaikutteinen media, afrodisiakit, keinotekoinen elämä, nanoteknologia, aivoimplantteja, eliniän pidentäminen sekä suunnittelijoiden afrodisiakeja, psykedeelejä ja teknoeroottista pakanuutta.
    ellauri318.html on line 358: afb992-0307-4883-b9cd-49ad4f1bed2c.jpeg?interpolation=lanczos-none&crop=1.777778h:h;*,*&crop=w:0.5625w;*,*&downsize=1800:1013&output-quality=50" height="300px" />
    ellauri318.html on line 363: Leif Gustav Willy Persson (s. 12. maaliskuuta 1945 Tukholma) on ruåzalainen luokkaretkeläinen joka on kirjoittanut dekkareita. Leif G.W. Persson växte upp på Gärdet i Stockholm som son till Gustav Vilhelm Persson (1913–2001) och Margit Elisabeth, född Löfgren (1916–2008). Fadern var timmerman och grovarbetare medan modern var hemmafru.
    ellauri318.html on line 373: Sysselsättningen bland personer födda i Somalia var nästan 30 procent åren 2001–2002 men föll därefter tillbaka och blev liggande mellan 25 och 30 procent fram till 2009, då den åter (2012) minskade till följd av dels ett kraftigt tillskott av nyanlända somalier, dels en kärvare arbetsmarknad efter den internationella finanskrisen. Bland alla invandrargrupper är somalierna den gruppen med störst arbetslöshet (2009).
    ellauri318.html on line 375: En rapport från regeringen från 2012 visar att sysselsättningen skiljer sig kraftigt åt mellan män och kvinnor och också mellan olika delar av landet. Samma rapport fastslog att det var, år 2010, 21 procent av somalier (16–64 år) i sysselsättning (jämfört med 73 procent för hela befolkningen). Rapporten fastslog också att det somaliska egenföretagandet var mycket svagt och att år 2010 var 0,6 procent av somalierna egenföretagare (jämfört med 4,9 procent för hela befolkningen). Rapporten kom till förklaringen att situationen såg ut som den gjorde eftersom 70 procent av somalierna hade låg eller okänd utbildning och att 60 procent kommit till Sverige sedan 2006. Man skrev även: "Det finns skäl att tro att snabb individuell inslussning via offentliga system är svår att hantera för människor som likt somalierna kommer från miljöer där sociala behov tillgodoses och ekonomiska aktiviteter ofta bedrivs på ett klan- eller släktbaserat sätt och där misstänksamheten mot myndigheter är utbredd... det är emellertid knappast möjligt eller önskvärt att radikalt montera ner lösningar utformade för och av en majoritet av svenska folket för att underlätta för en minoritet att anpassa sig."
    ellauri318.html on line 387: Att ett ojämlikt land som USA har större tillgång på ”enkla” skitjobb är en förklaring till att nyanlända har jämförelsevis lätt att etablera sig på dess arbetsmarknad. Minimilönerna i angloamerikanska länder ligger lägre och anställningsskyddet är sämre jämfört med Sverige, vilket innebär att trösklarna till arbetsmarknaden är lägre. De sociala trygghetsnäten är mest generösa i Sverige och Storbritannien och minst generösa i USA vilket innebär att de tvingande incitamenten att arbeta är kraftigare i USA. Allt är helt enkelt bättre där.
    ellauri321.html on line 105: For many years after Hazlitt had sounded his note of praise, Crèvecoeur and his work remained practically unknown. The ideas for which he stood, the literary atmosphere that he created, were both old-fashioned. Few people took Rousseau from their upper shelves, and the dust gathered on the tomes of Chateaubriand. Even Werther was more talked about than read. And so no one cared for this Earthly Paradise of the Age of Reason dashed with Rousseau's sentimentality, filled with his love of Nature, and prophetic of the whole Emigrant literature of France.
    ellauri321.html on line 108: In 1747, in his sixteenth year, Crèvecoeur was sent by his family to England in order to complete his education. But the young man was of an adventurous spirit, and after a sojourn of about seven years in England, he set sail for Canada, where for the years 1758–59 he served in the French army. In 1764, after some residence in Pennsylvania, he became a naturalized citizen of New York, and five years later settled on a farm in Ulster County. Here, with his wife, Mahetable Tiffet of Yonkers, he lived the peaceful life of many idyllic years during which he gathered the materials for his book. Obviously enough he did not always remain on his farm, but viewed many parts of the country with a quietly observing eye. These journeys are recorded in his pages. He explored pretty thoroughly the settled portions of the States of New York and Pennsylvania, saw something of New England, and also penetrated westward to the limits of the colonies. He went as far South as Charleston, and may have visited Jamaica. Beyond such journeyings we may imagine these years to have xiv have been quite barren of events, serene and peaceful, until the storm of the Revolution began to break. It is not until 1779 that anything of import is again recorded of Crèvecoeur. In that year he made an attempt to return to Normandy, but the sudden appearance of a French fleet in the harbor of New York causing him to be suspected as a spy, he was imprisoned for three months. He was then permitted to sail, and, on his arrival in England, sold for thirty guineas his “Letters from an American Farmer,” which were published at London in 1782, the year after he reached France.
    ellauri321.html on line 123: But Crèvecoeur was after all a Frenchman, with the strong social instinct of his race. And so he proceeds to analyze and define the political conditions of America. It fills him with a quiet but deep satisfaction to be one of a community of “freeholders, the possessors of the soil they cultivate, members of the government they obey, and the framers of their own laws by means of their representatives.” Thus he rises to a consideration of this new type of social man and seeks to answer the question: What xx What is an American? His answer is delightful literature, but fanciful sociology. Had the colonial farmers all been Crèvecoeurs, had they all possessed his ideality, his power of raising simple things into true human dignity, of connecting the homeliest activity with the ultimate social purpose which it furthers in its own small way, his description of the American would have been fair enough. As a matter of fact, the hard-working colonial farmer, cut off from the refining and subduing influences of an older civilization, was probably no very delectable type, however worthy, and one fears that Professor Wendell is right in declaring that Crèvecoeur's American is no more human than some ideal savage of Voltaire. But in this fact lies much of the literary charm of his work, and of its value as a human document of the age of the Revolution.
    ellauri321.html on line 131: Yet when young I entertained some thoughts of selling my farm. I thought it afforded but a dull repetition of the same labours and pleasures. I thought the former tedious and heavy, the latter few and insipid; but when I came to consider myself as divested of my farm, I then found the world so wide, and every place so full, that I began to fear lest there would be no room for me. My farm, my house, my barn, presented to my imagination, objects from which I adduced quite new ideas; they were more forcible than before. Why should not I find myself happy, said I, where my father was before? He left me no good books it is true, he gave me no other education than the art of reading and writing; but he left me a good farm, and his experience; he left me free from debts, and no kind of difficulties to struggle with 24 with.—I married, and this perfectly reconciled me to my situation; my wife rendered my house all at once chearful and pleasing; it no longer appeared gloomy and solitary as before; when I went to work in my fields I worked with more alacrity and sprightliness; I felt that I did not work for myself alone, and this encouraged me much. My wife would often come with her kitting in her hand, and sit under the shady trees, praising the straightness of my furrows, and the docility of my horses; this swelled my heart and made every thing light and pleasant, and I regretted that I had not married before. I felt myself happy in my new situation, and where is that station which can confer a more substantial system of felicity than that of an American farmer, possessing freedom of action, freedom of thoughts, ruled by a mode of government which requires but little from us? Every year I kill from 1500 to 2,000 weight of pork, 1,200 of beef, half a dozen of good wethers in harvest: of fowls my wife has always a great stock: what can I wish more?
    ellauri321.html on line 149: these accumulated rewards procure them lands; those lands confer on them the title of freemen, and to that title every benefit is affixed which men can possibly require. This is the great operation daily performed by our laws. Ubi panis ibi patria is the motto of all immigrants.
    ellauri321.html on line 152: here they are incorporated into one of the finest systems of population which has ever appeared, and which will hereafter become distinct by the power of the different climates they inhabit. The American ought therefore to love this country much better than that wherein either he or his forefathers were born. Here the rewards of his industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labour; his labour is founded on the basis of nature: self-interest; can it want a stronger allurement?
    ellauri321.html on line 156: Those who live near the sea, feed more on fish than on flesh, and often encounter that boisterous element. This renders them more bold and enterprising; this leads them to neglect the confined occupations of the land. They see and converse with a variety of people; their intercourse with mankind becomes extensive. The sea inspires them with a love of traffic, a desire of transporting produce from one place to another; and leads them to a variety of resources which supply the place of labour. Those who inhabit the middle settlements, by far the most numerous, must be very different; the simple cultivation of the earth purifies them, but the indulgences of the government, the soft remonstrances of religion, the rank of independent freeholders, must necessarily inspire them with sentiments, very little known in Europe among people of the same class. What do I say? Europe has no such class of men; the early knowledge they acquire, the early bargains they make, give them a great degree of sagacity. As freemen men 58 they will be litigious; pride and obstinacy are often the cause of law suits; the nature of our laws and governments may be another. As citizens it is easy to imagine, that they will carefully read the newspapers, enter into every political disquisition, freely blame or censure governors and others. As farmers they will be carful and anxious to get as much as they can, because what they get is their own. As northern men they will love the chearful cup.
    ellauri321.html on line 164: These new manners being grafted on the old stock, produce a strange sort of lawless profligacy, the impressions of which are indelible. The manners of the Indian natives are respectable, compared with this European medley. Their wives and children live in sloth and inactivity; and having no proper pursuits, you may judge what education the latter receive. Their tender minds have nothing else to contemplate but the example of their parents; like them they grow up a mongrel breed, half civilized, half savage, except nature stamps on them some constitutional propensities. 68 propensities. That rich, that voluptuous sentiment is gone that struck them so forcibly; the possession of their freeholds no longer conveys to their minds the same pleasure and pride.
    ellauri321.html on line 166: Near the great woods, in the last inhabited districts men seem to be placed still farther beyond the reach of government, which in some measure leaves them to themselves. How can it pervade every corner; as they were driven there by misfortunes, tunes, necessity of beginnings, desire of acquiring large tracks of land, idleness, frequent want of œconomy, ancient debts; the re-union of such people does not afford a very pleasing spectacle. When discord, want of unity and friendship; when either drunkenness or idleness prevail in such remote districts; contention, inactivity, and wretchedness must ensue. There are not the same remedies to these evils as in a long established community. The few magistrates they have, are in general little better than the rest; they are often in a perfect state of war; that of man against man, sometimes decided by blows, sometimes by means of the law; that of man against every wild inhabitant of these venerable woods, of which they are come to dispossess them. There men appear to be no better than carnivorous animals of a superior rank, living on the flesh of wild animals when they can catch them, and when they are not able, they subsist on grain. Eating of wild meat, whatever you may think, tends to alter their temper.
    ellauri321.html on line 168: So he who would wish to see America in its proper light, and have a true idea of its feeble beginnings and barbarous rudiments, must visit our extended line of frontiers where the last settlers dwell, and where he may see the first labours of settlement, the mode of clearing the earth, in all their different appearances; where men are wholly left dependent on their native tempers, and on the spur of uncertain industry, which often fails when not sanctified by the efficacy of a few moral rules. There, remote from the power of example, and check of shame, many families exhibit the most hideous parts of our society. They are a kind of forlorn hope, preceding by ten or twelve years the most respectable army of veterans which come after them. In that space, prosperity will polish some, vice and the law will drive off the rest, who uniting again with others like themselves will recede still farther; making room for more industrious people, who will finish their improvements, convert the loghouse into a convenient habitation, and rejoicing that the first heavy labours are finished, will change in a few years that hitherto barbarous country into a fine fertile, well regulated district. Such is our progress, such is the march of the Europeans toward the interior parts of this continent. In all societies there are off-casts; this impure part serves as our precursors or pioneers; my father himself was one of that class, but he came upon honest principles, and was therefore one of the few who held fast; by good conduct and temperance, he transmitted to me his fair inheritance, when not above one in fourteen of his contemporaries had the same good fortune.
    ellauri321.html on line 205: The term of the lease shall be thirty years; how do you like it, Andrew? Oh, Sir, it is very good, but I am afraid, that the king or his ministers, or the governor, or some of our great men, I don't mean you Sir, will come and take the land from me; your son may say to me, by and by, this is my father's land, Andrew, you must quit it. No, no, said Mr. Lessor, there is no such danger; I am here just to take the labour of a poor settler; here we have no great men, but what are subordinate to our laws; so calm all your fears, I will give you a lease, so that none can can make you afraid. Andrew did not understand a word; we therefore can easily forgive him a few spontaneous ejaculations on the rug, which would be useless to wipe off.
    ellauri321.html on line 509:
    Kaffan linnake on kiltin näköinen.

    ellauri321.html on line 512: Hunnit tuhosivat kaupungin 300-luvulla jaa. Osmanit valtasivat kaupungin vuonna 1475. Eri vaiheissaan kaupunki on tunnettu myös nimillä Ardabda, Kafas, Caffa ja Kefe. Liguriaksi Cafà, krimitataari ja turkiksi Kefe ) tai Kaffa.
    ellauri321.html on line 516: 1300-luvun alun Caffan piispa esiintyy Umberto Econ romaanissa Ruusun nimi , ja hän tekee useita teräviä vastauksia pitkässä, myrskyisässä keskustelussa munkkien ja pappien ryhmässä; häntä kuvataan aggressiivisena ja hieman kapeakatseisena.
    ellauri321.html on line 518: Mongolien armeija, joka piiritti genovalaisen Caffan kauppapaikan kiistan jälkeen kaupan ehdoista, tuhoutui sairaudesta, joka tappoi "tuhansia ja tuhansia joka päivä", erään kommentoijan mukaan. Ennen vetäytymistä kuitenkin "he määräsivät ruumiit asetettaviksi katapultteihin ja lyömään ne kaupunkiin siinä toivossa, että sietämätön haju tappaisi kaikki sisällä olevat". Sen sijaan, että haju olisi hukkunut, tarttui erittäin tarttuva ruttotauti.
    ellauri321.html on line 547: Feodosiya, joka perustettiin hellenistisenä aikana Kreikan Theodosian siirtomaaksi, on kaupunki, joka sijaitsee noin 120 km Simferopolista itään. Ennen vuotta 1783 se tunnettiin nimellä Kaffa. Ensimmäiset juutalaiset alkoivat asettua Feodosiaan 10. vuosisadalla . Myöhäiskeskiajalla kaupunkiin rakennettiin kaksi synagogaa – yksi Krymchak-juutalaisille ja toinen Ashkenazi-juutalaisille. Karaiteyhteisöllä oli oma kenassa . Vuoden 1897 väestönlaskennan mukaan juutalaista yhteisöä, enimmäkseen aškenazia, oli 3 109. Suurin osa juutalaisista eli pienimuotoisesta kaupasta, käsityöstä ja viininviljelystä. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen, Neuvostovallan alaisuudessa, kaikki juutalaisten toiminta Feodosiyassa lopetettiin. Vuonna 1926 juutalaisia oli 3 248 ja krymchakia 559, mikä muodosti vain 11 prosenttia koko väestöstä. Ennen toista maailmansotaa Feodosiyassa asui 2 922 juutalaista. Noin 1500 juutalaista onnistui pakenemaan kaupungista ennen saksalaisten saapumista.
    ellauri321.html on line 561: En osaa sanoa, kuinka kauan teloitus kesti, koska SD-mies vapautti minut tehtävistäni puolentoista-kahden tunnin jälkeen, koska sinä päivänä jouduin suorittamaan myös vartijatehtäviä kasarmissa. Kysyt minulta, kuka ampui tämän teloituksen aikana. Muistan, että koko SD-osasto osallistui, ainakin 50-60 miestä Waffen-SS:stä, - en tiedä mihin yksikköön he kuuluivat, noin 9-15 poliisia ja myös 25-30 venäläisen apujoukon jäsentä. Poliisi. Uskon, että P. oli vastuussa tästä teloituksesta, koska näin hänet teloituspaikalla. [Otto Willi Max R.:n kuulustelusta, tehty 9. joulukuuta 1961; Ludwigsburg 213-AR-1899/66]
    ellauri322.html on line 25:

    Mary Wolstonecraft & kumpp.

    ellauri322.html on line 51: Thomas Paine est né en 1737 à Thetford, une bourgade du Norfolk en Angleterre. Son père, Joseph Pain, est quaker et sa mère, Frances Cocke Pain, anglicane. Malgré les affirmations selon lesquelles Thomas aurait changé l'orthographe de son nom de famille lors de son émigration en Amérique en 1774, il utilisait "Paine" déja en 1769, alors qu'il était encore à Lewes, dans le Sussex. Il grandit dans un milieu rural modeste et quitte l'école à l'âge de douze ans. Sa formation intellectuelle est donc celle d'un autodidacte. Grâce à cela, sa pensée simple et son style concis et clair ont fait de lui une arme efficace de propagande.
    ellauri322.html on line 55: Mixi miehen oikeudet ovat muka tärkeitä? Paine väittää, että oikeuxia on vain miehillä eikä muulla luonnolla ja että peruskirjoilla, jotka viittaavat siihen, että ne myönnetään ja ne voidaan sitten peruuttaa, ei voi olla perustaa. Paine väittää, että kansakunnan valtaapitävien pitäisi voida valita oma hallitus ja että hallituksen tehtävänä on suojella 20 rikkainta perhettä ja heidän luontaisia oikeuksiaan niinkuin jenkeissä. Tämän kannan laajempi kehittäminen näyttää valmistuneen eräänä iltana Ranskassa Thomas Jeffersonin ja mahdollisesti Lafayetten kanssa vietetyn kostean illan jälkeen.
    ellauri322.html on line 91: Government is nothing more than a national association; and the object of this association is the good of all, as well individually as collectively. Every man wishes to pursue his occupation, and to enjoy the fruits of his labours and the produce of his property in peace and safety, and with the least possible expense. Juu tää on selvää oikeistolaista talouslipilarismia, painu Paine pihalle.
    ellauri322.html on line 95: Commerce is no other than the traffic of two individuals, multiplied on a scale of numbers; and by the same rule that nature intended for the intercourse of two, she intended that of all. For this purpose she has distributed the materials of manufactures and commerce, in various and distant parts of a nation and of the world; and as they cannot be procured by war so cheaply or so commodiously as by commerce, she has rendered the latter the means of extirpating the former. As the two are nearly the opposite of each other, consequently, the uncivilised state of the European governments is injurious to commerce. Every kind of destruction or embarrassment serves to lessen the quantity, and it matters but little in what part of the commercial world the reduction begins. Like blood, it cannot be taken from any of the parts, without being taken from the whole mass in circulation, and all partake of the loss. When the ability in any nation to buy is destroyed, it equally involves the seller. Could the government of England destroy the commerce of all other nations, she would most effectually ruin her own. It is possible that a nation may be the carrier for the world, but she cannot be the merchant. She cannot be the seller and buyer of her own merchandise. The ability to buy must reside out of herself; and, therefore, the prosperity of any commercial nation is regulated by the prosperity of the rest. If they are poor she cannot be rich, and her condition, be what it may, is an index of the height of the commercial tide in other nations. When, therefore, governments are at war, the attack is made upon a common stock of commerce, and the consequence is the same as if each had attacked his own.
    ellauri322.html on line 106: At an early period⁠—little more than sixteen years of age, raw and adventurous, and heated with the false heroism of a master who had served in a man-of-war⁠—I began the carver of my own fortune, and entered on board the Terrible Privateer, Captain Death. From this adventure I was happily prevented by the affectionate and moral remonstrance of a good father, who, from his own habits of life, being of the Quaker profession, must begin to look upon me as lost.
    ellauri322.html on line 108: But the impression, much as it effected at the time, began to wear away, and I entered afterwards in the King of Prussia Privateer, Captain Mendez, and went with her to sea. Yet, from such a beginning, and with all the inconvenience of early life against me, I am proud to say, that with a perseverance undismayed by difficulties, a disinterestedness that compelled respect, I have not only contributed to raise a new empire in the world, founded on a new system of government, but I have arrived at an eminence in political literature, the most difficult of all lines to succeed and excel in, which aristocracy with all its aids has not been able to reach or to rival. Notta lällällää teille loordit!
    ellauri322.html on line 119: In the preceding part of this work, I have spoken of an alliance between England, France, and America, for purposes that were to be afterwards mentioned. It is, I think, certain, that if the fleets of England, France, and Holland were confederated, they could propose, with effect, a limitation to, and a general dismantling of, all the navies in Europe, to a certain proportion to be agreed upon.
    ellauri322.html on line 125: Never did so great an opportunity offer itself to England, and to all Europe, as is produced by the two Revolutions of America and France. By the former, freedom has a national champion in the western world; and by the latter, in Europe. When another nation shall join France, despotism and bad government will scarcely dare to appear. To use a trite expression, the iron is becoming hot all over Europe. The insulted German and the enslaved Spaniard, the Russ and the Pole, are beginning to think. The present age will hereafter merit to be called the Age of Reason,61 and the present generation will appear to the future as the Adam of a new world.
    ellauri322.html on line 138: Konservatiivisessa reaktiossa brittiläistä radikalismia vastaan Godwinia vastaan hyökättiin, osittain hänen avioliittonsa vuoksi feministisen kirjailijan Mary Wollstonecraftin kanssa vuonna 1797 ja hänen rehellisen elämäkertansa vuoksi, kun tämä kuoli synnytyksen seurauksena. Heidän tyttärensä, joka tunnettiin myöhemmin nimellä Mary Shelley, jatkoi Frankensteinin kirjoittamista ja meni naimisiin runoilija Percy Bysshe Shelleyn kanssa. Godwin perusti toisen vaimonsa Mary Jane Clairmontin kanssa The Juvenile Libraryn, joka antoi perheen kirjoittaa omia teoksiaan lapsille (joskus käyttämällä noms de plume) sekä kääntää ja julkaista monia muita kirjoja, joista osa on pysyvästi merkittäviä. Godwinilla on ollut huomattava vaikutus brittiläiseen huumorikirjallisuuteen (Eric Linklater) ja muuhunkin kirjalliseen kulttuuriin.
    ellauri322.html on line 165: Calebin täytyy nyt elää elämää välttäen Falklandin yrityksiä vangita ja vaientaa hänet. Erämaassa rikollisjoukko ryöstää Calebin, erityisesti yksi hyökkää fyysisest sen kimppuun, ja sitten toinen mies pelastaa hänet, joka vie hänet saman varkaiden ryhmän päämajaan. Calebin pelastajaksi paljastuu heidän kapteeninsa. Kapteeni hyväksyy Calebin ja karkottaa nopeasti Calebin hyökkääjän, miehen nimeltä Jones (tai joissain versioissa Gines), ryhmästä. Caleb ja kapteeni keskustelevat myöhemmin varkaana olemisen ja lain sortavien rajoitusten ulkopuolella elämisen moraalista. Varmaan vähän samaa tematiikkaa kuin ruåzalaisissa ja amerikkalaisissa mafioso ym klaanikirjoissa. Pian tämän jälkeen Jonesin kannattaja yrittää tappaa Calebin ja paljastaa sitten hänen olinpaikkansa viranomaisille, mikä pakottaa Calebin pakenemaan jälleen.
    ellauri322.html on line 187: Godwin tapasi ensimmäisen kerran Mary Wollstonecraftin heidän yhteisen kustantajansa kotona. Joseph Johnson isännöi illallista toiselle kirjoittajalleen, Thomas Paineelle , ja Godwin huomautti vuosia myöhemmin, että hän kuuli sinä iltana liian vähän Painea ja liikaa Wollstonecraftia; hän ei nähnyt häntä enää moneen vuoteen. Sillä välin Wollstonecraft muutti asumaan Ranskaan nähdäkseen vallankumouksen itse, ja hänellä oli lapsi Fanny Imlay amerikkalaisen kaupallisen keinottelijan ja seikkailijan Gilbert Imlayn kanssa. Gilbert Imlayn liikeasioita ajaessaan Wollstonecraft matkusti Skandinaviaan, ja pian sen jälkeen julkaisi matkaan perustuvan kirjan.. Godwin luki sen ja kirjoitti myöhemmin, että "Jos koskaan oli kirja, jonka on arvioitu saamaan mies rakastumaan sen kirjoittajaan, tämä näyttää minusta olevan se kirja."
    ellauri322.html on line 189: Vaikka Gilbert Imlay ja Mary Wollstonecraft asuivat onnellisina yhdessä lyhyitä aikoja ennen Fannyn syntymää ja sen jälkeen, hän jätti Wollstonecraftin Ranskaan keskellä vallankumousta . Yrittäessään elvyttää heidän suhdettaan Wollstonecraft matkusti Skandinaviaan työasioissaan ja otti mukaansa vuoden ikäisen Fannyn, mutta suhde ei koskaan syttynyt uudelleen. Rakastuttuaan Godwiniin ja mentyään naimisiin Wollstonecraft kuoli pian synnytyksen jälkeen vuonna 1797 ja jätti kolmivuotiaan Fannyn Godwinin käsiin sekä heidän vastasyntyneen tyttärensä Maryn.
    ellauri322.html on line 191: Neljä vuotta myöhemmin Godwin meni naimisiin uudelleen ja hänen uusi vaimonsa Mary Jane Clairmont toi avioliittoon kaksi omaa lastaan, joista merkittävin oli Claire Clairmont. Clairesta on muistaaxeni ohimenevästi paasattu. (Kz. albumi 14.) Wollstonecraftin tyttäret vihasivat uutta rouva Godwinia ja huomiota, jonka hän kiinnitti omaan tyttäreensä. Godwinin perheestä tuli yhä epämukavampi paikka asua jännitteiden noustessa ja velkojen kasvaessa. Teini-ikäiset Mary ja Claire pakenivat juoksemalla mantereelle Shelleyn kanssa vuonna 1814. Jäljelle jäänyt Fanny kantoi suurimman osan äitipuolensa vihasta. Hän eristettiin yhä enemmän perheestään ja kuoli itsemurhaan vuonna 1816.
    ellauri322.html on line 193: William Godwin, Shelley’s father lived long enough to grow conservative and gradually let his radical views fall by the way-side, Mary Wollstonecraft did not have that chance, as she died, still a relatively young woman (38), from complications after giving birth to Mary Godwin (later Shelley).
    ellauri322.html on line 196: aftStoriesIllust.png" height="250px" />
    ellauri322.html on line 204: Mary Wollstonecraft väsäsi pamfletin nimeltä Naisten oikeuxista ihan vittuilumielessä samalle kustantajalle kuin Painen nide Miehen oikeudet.
    ellauri322.html on line 206: Vuonna 1795 radikaali filosofi Mary Wollstonecraft matkusti Skandinaviaan pienen tyttärensä kanssa etsimään kadonnutta aarretta.
    ellauri322.html on line 211: Imlay rekisteröi hänet vaimokseen Amerikan suurlähetystöön ja lähti sitten töihin. Hiän aisti suhteen karkaavan, ja hiän matkusti Lontooseen ollakseen hänen kanssaan. Imlay ei kuitenkaan halunnut kutsua hiäntä ja heidän pientä tytärtään Fannya elämäänsä. Hämmentyneenä Wollstonecraft nieli itsetuhoisen annoksen laudanumia, mutta selvisi hengissä.
    ellauri322.html on line 213: Köyhä norjalainen kapteeni oli varastanut arvokasta hopealastia yhdeltä Imlayn laivoista. Niinpä Imlay pyysi suurella röyhkeydellä Wollstonecraftia matkustamaan vaikka Skandinaviaan selvittämään, mitä aarteelle oli tapahtunut, ja hakemaan korvausta. Hän suostui – ei tiedetä, kuinka paljon rakkautta ja kuinka paljon seikkailua – ja lähti matkaan tyttärensä ja piikansa kanssa. Seuraavat neljä kuukautta hän neuvotteli virkamiesten kanssa, teki riskialttiita merimatkoja, imeytyi upeisiin maisemiin, ruokkii metsämansikoita tyttärelleen ja seurasi hyvinvointiyhteiskuntaa kriittisellä silmällä:
    ellauri322.html on line 218: Kirja, joka ansaitsisi ehkä raflaavamman nimen, siirtyi saumattomasti seikkailutarinasta luonnossa olevan minän tutkimiseen ja siitä Ranskan vallankumouksen pohdiskeluun. Esim näin:
    ellauri322.html on line 229: Radikaali englantilainen filosofi William Godwin päätti: "Jos koskaan oli kirja, jonka on suunniteltu rakastuttavan pallopään kynäilijäänsä, tämä näyttää minusta siltä kirjalta." Lontoossa Godwin ja Wollstonecraft aloittivat rakkaussuhteen. Vuoden sisällä hiän oli taas raskaana, ja huolimatta heidän pahamaineisesta vastenmielisyydestään avioliittoa kohtaan, he päättivät mennä naimisiin. "Luulen, että olette maailman erikoisin aviopari", ystävä kommentoi. Wollstonecraft synnytti sitten tyttären, tulevan Mary Shelleyn, Frankensteinin ( 1818) kirjoittajan. Hiän (äiti siis) kuoli pian sen jälkeen, 38-vuotiaana.
    ellauri322.html on line 232: MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT was born on the 27th of April, 1759. Her father, a quick-tempered and unsettled man, capable of beating wife, child, and dog was the son of a manufacturer who made money in Spitalfields, when Spitalfields was prosperous. Her mother was a rigorous Irishwoman, of the Dixons of Sally Shannon. Edward John Wollstonecraft of whose childpen, besides Mary, the second child, three sons and two daughters lived to be sort of men and women in course of time, got rid of about ten thousand pounds which had been left him by his father. He began to get rid of it by farming. Mary Wollstonecraft's firstremembered home was in a farm at Epping. When she was five years old, the family moved to another farm, by the Chelmsford Toad. When she was between six and seven years old they moved again, to the neighbourhood of Barking. There they remained three years before the next move, which was to a farm near Beverley, in Yorkshire. In Yorkshire they remained six years, and Mary Wollstonecraft had there what education fell to her lot between the ages of ten and sixteen.
    ellauri322.html on line 234: Edward John Wollstonecraft then gave up farming to venture upon a commercial speculation. This caused him to live for a year and a half at Queen's Row, Hoxton. His daughter Mary was then sixteen; and while at Hoxton she had her education advanced by the friendly care of a deformed clergyman Mr. Clare who lived next door, and stayed so much at home that his one pair of shoes had lasted him for fourteen years. But Mary Wollstonecraft's chief friend at this time was an accomplished girl only two years older than herself, who maintained her father, mother, and family by skill in drawing. Her name was Frances Blood, and she especially, by her example and direct instruction, drew out her "young friend's" drawers.
    ellauri322.html on line 236: In 1776, Mary Wollstonecraft's father, a rolling stone, rolled into Wales. Again he was a failure. Next year again he was a Londoner; and Mary had influence enough to persuade him. to choose a house at Walworth, where she would be near to her friend's fanny. Then, however, the conditions of her home life caused her to be often on the point of going away to earn a living for herself. In 1778, when she was nineteen, Mary Wollstonecraft did leave home, to take a situation as companion with a rich tradesman's widow at Bath, of whom it was said that none of her companions could stay with her. Mary Wollstonecraft, nevertheless, stayed two years with the difficult widow, and made herself respected. Her mother's failing health then caused Mary to return to her. The father was then living at Enfield, and trying to save the small remainder of his means by not venturing upon any business at all. The mother died after long suffering, wholly dependent on her daughter Mary's constant care. The mother's last words were often quoted by Mary Wollstonecraft in her own last years of distress "A little patience, and all will be over."
    ellauri322.html on line 238: After the mother's death, Mary Wollstonecraft left home again, to live with her friend, Fanny Blood, who was at Walham Green. In 1782 she went to nurse a manned sister through a dangerous illness. The father's need of support next pressed upon her. He had spent not only his own money, but also the little that had been specially reserved for his children. It is said to be the privilege of a passionate man that he always gets what he wants; he gets to be avoided, and they never find a convenient corner of their own who shut themselves out from the kindly fellowship of life.
    ellauri322.html on line 240: In 1783 Mary Wollstonecraft aged twenty-lour with two of her sisters, joined Fanny Blood in setting up a day school at Islington, which was removed in a few months to Newington Green. Early in 1785 Fanny Blood, far gone in consumption, sailed for Lisbon to marry an Irish surgeon who was settled there. After her marriage it was evident that she had but a few months to live ; Mary Wollstonecraft, deaf to all opposing counsel, then left her school, and, with help of money from a friendly woman, she went out to nurse her, and was by her when she died. Mary Wollstonecraft remembered her loss ten years afterwards in these "Letters from Sweden and Norway," when she wrote:
    ellauri322.html on line 244: Mary Wollstonecraft left Lisbon for England late in December, 1785. When she came back she found Fanny's poor parents anxious to go back to Ireland ; and as she had been often told that she could earn by writing, she wrote a pamphlet of 162 small pages" Thoughts on the Education of Daughters " and got ten pounds for it. This she gave to hel- friend's parents to enable them to go back to their kindred. In all she did there is clear evidence of an ardent, generous, impulsive nature. One day her friend Fanny Blood had repined at the unhappy surroundings in the home she was maintaining for her father and mother, and longed for a little home of her own to do her work in. Her friend quietly found rooms, got furniture together, and told her that her little home was ready ; she had only to walk into it. Then it seemed strange to Mary Wollstonecraft that Fanny Blood was withheld by thoughts that had not been uppermost in the mood of complaint. She thought her friend irresolute, where she had herself been generously rash. Her end would have been happier had she been helped, as many are, by that calm influence of home in which some knowledge of the world passes from father and mother to son and daughter, without visible teaching and preaching, in easiest companionship of young and old from day to day.
    ellauri322.html on line 246: The little payment for her pamphlet on the " Education of Daughters " caused Mary Wollstonecraft to think more seriously of earning by her pen. The pamphlet seems also to have advanced her credit as a teacher. After giving up her day school, she spent some weeks at Eton with the Rev. Mr. Prior, one of the masters there, who recommended her as governess to the daughters of Lord Kingsborough, an Irish viscount, eldest son of the Earl of Kingston. Her way of teaching was by winning love, and she obtained the warm affection of the eldest of her pupils, who became afterwards Countess Mount-Cashel. In the summer of 1787, Lord Kingsborough's family, including Mary Wollstonecraft, was at Bristol Hot-wells, before going to the Continent. While there, Mary Wollstonecraft wrote her little tale published as " Mary, a Fiction," wherein there was much based on the memory of her own friendship for Fanny Blood.
    ellauri322.html on line 248: The publisher of Mary Wollstonecraft's " Thoughts on the Education of Daughters " was the same Joseph Johnson who in 1785 was the publisher of Oowper's " Task." With her little story written and a little money saved, the resolve to live by her pen could now be carried out. Mary Vollstonecraft, therefore, parted from her friends at Bristol, went to London, saw her publisher, and frankly told him her determination. He met her with fatherly kindness, and received her as a guest in his house while she was making her arrangements. At Michaelmas, 1787, she settled in a house in George Street, on the Surrey side of Blackfriars Bridge. There she produced a little book for children, of " Original Stories from Real Life," and earned by drudgery for Joseph Johnson. She translated, she abridged, she made a volume of Selections, and she wrote for an " Analytical Review," which Mr. Johnson founded in the middle of the year 1788. Among the books translated by her was Necker " On the Importance of Religious Opinions." Among the books abridged by her was S:dzmann's " Elements of Morality."
    ellauri322.html on line 252: She tried even to disentangle her father's affairs ; but the confusion in them was beyond her powers of arrangement. Added to all this faithful work, she took upon herself the charge of an orphan child, seven years old, whose mother had been in the number of her friends. That was the life of Mary Wollstonecraft, thirty years old, in 1789, the year of the Fall of the Bastille; the noble life now to be touched in its enthusiasms by tbe spirit of the Revolution, to be caught in the great storm, shattered, and lost among its wrecks.
    ellauri322.html on line 254: To Burke's attack on the French Revolution Mary Wollstonecraft wrote an Answer one of many answers provoked by it that attracted much attention. This was followed by her "Vindication of the Rights of Woman," while the air was full of declamation on the "Rights of Man." The claims made in this little book were in advance of the opinion of that day, but they are claims that have in our day been conceded. They are certainly not revolutionary in the opinion of the world tbat has become a hundred years older since the book was written (1792). No, more like 230 years, plus 1.
    ellauri322.html on line 256: At this time Mary Wollstonecraft had moved to rooms in Store Street, Bedford Square. She was fascinated by Fuseli the painter, and he was a married man. She felt herself to be too strongly drawn towards him, and she went to Paris at the close of the year 1792, to break the spell. She felt lonely and sad, and was not the happier for being in a mansion lent to her, from which the owner was away, and in which she lived surrounded by his servants. Strong womanly instincts were astir within her, and they were not all wise folk who had been drawn around her by her generous enthusiasm for the new hopes of the world, that made it then, as Wordsworth felt, a very heaven to the young.
    ellauri322.html on line 258: Four months after she had gone to Paris, Mary Wollstonecraft met at the house of a merchant, with whose wife she had become intimate, an American named Gilbert Imlay. He won her affections. That was in April, 1793. He had no means, and she had home embarrassments, for which she was unwilling that he should become in any way responsible. A part of the new dream in some minds then was of a love too pure to need or bear the bondage of authority. The mere forced union of marriage ties implied, it was said, a distrust of fidelity. When Gilbert Imlay would have married Mary Wollstonecraft, she herself refused to bind him ; she would keep him legally exempt from her responsibilities towards the father, sisters, brothers, whom she was supporting. She took his name and called herself his wife, when the French Convention, indignant at the conduct pf the British Government, issued a decree
    ellauri322.html on line 260: from the effects of which she would escape as the wife of a citizen of the United States. But she did not marry. She witnessed many of the horrors that came of the loosened passions of an untaught populace. A child was born to her a girl whom she named after the dead friend of her own girlhood. And then she found that she had leant upon a reed. She was neglected; and was at last forsaken. Having sent her to London, Imlay there visited her, to explain himself away. She resolved on suicide, and in dissuading her from that he gave her hope again. He needed somebody who had good judgment, and who cared for his interests, to represent him in some business affairs in Norway. She undertook to act for him, and set out on the voyage only a week after she had determined to destroy herself.
    ellauri322.html on line 264: She was rescued, again, and lived on with deadened spirit. In 1796 afts-adventures-in-scandinavia/">these "Letters from Sweden and Norway " were published. Early in 1797 she was married to William Godwin. On the 10th of September in the same year, at the ago of thirty-eight, Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin died, after the birth of the daughter who lived to become the wife of Shelley and write a blockbuster bestseller. The mother also would have lived, if a womanly feeling, in itself to be respected, had not led her also to unwise departure from the customs of the world. Peace be to her memory. None but kind thoughts can dwell upon the life of this too faithful disciple of Rousseau (except for the feminismim).
    ellauri322.html on line 341: The Lady of the Leaf ordain'd a feast,
    ellauri322.html on line 343: The life is in the Leaf, and still between
    ellauri322.html on line 347: Whether the Leaf or Flower I would obey?
    ellauri322.html on line 348: I chose the Leaf; she smiled with sober cheer.
    ellauri322.html on line 358: The view of this wild coast, as we sailed along it, afforded me a continual subject for meditation. I anticipated the future improvement of the world, and observed how much man has still to do to obtain of the earth all it could yield. I even carried my speculations so far as to advance a million or two of years (!) to the moment when the earth would perhaps be so perfectly cultivated, and so completely peopled, as to render it necessary to inhabit every spot, yes, even these bleak shores. Imagination went still farther, and pictured the state of man when the earth could no longer support him. Whither was he to flee from universal famine ? Sitten se kezu söi ize izensä ja sixi ei enää ole kezuja.
    ellauri322.html on line 375: Such a contempt have they, in fact, for every species of fraud, that they will not allow the people on the western coast to be their countrymen; so much do they despise the arts for which those traders who live on the rocks are notorious. Eikä Mary tarkoita vain graffitia.
    ellauri322.html on line 381: Odelsretten er en særnorsk rett som ikke finnes tilsvarende i andre vestlige land. Danmark hadde en lignende rett som man startet avvikling av på slutten av 1600-tallet og endelig avskaffet i 1926. Elementer av odelsrett, integrert i arvelovgivningen, eksisterer fortsatt (per 2006) på Island og Færøyene og i Østerrike, Sveits og Tyskland. På Shetland og Orknøyene er det kjent som udal law.
    ellauri322.html on line 387: It is certainly a convenient and safe way of mortgaging land; yet the "most rational men" whom I conversed with on the subject seemed convinced that the right was more injurious than beneficial to society; still if it contribute to keep the farms in the farmers’ own hands, I should be sorry to hear that it were abolished.
    ellauri322.html on line 391: Takasin matkalla Norjasta on ruåzalaiset Uddevallassa taas täys sikoja. I do not now wonder that the girls lose their fine complexions at such an early age, or that love here is merely an appetite to fulfil the main design of Nature, never enlivened by either affection or sentiment.
    ellauri322.html on line 397: The Swedes are in general attached to their families, yet a divorce may be obtained by either party on proving the infidelity of the other or acknowledging it themselves. The women do not often recur to this equal privilege, for they either retaliate on their husbands by following their own devices or sink into the merest domestic drudges, worn down by tyranny to servile submission. Do not term me severe if I add, that after youth is flown the husband becomes a sot, and the wife amuses herself by scolding her servants. In fact, what is to be expected in any country where taste and cultivation of mind do not supply the place of youthful beauty and animal spirits?
    ellauri322.html on line 411: Mary muistelee kiukkuisena brittikuningatar Matildan kohtelua Tanskassa. Sehän on kuin Sirkka-täti joka pahastui Lady Din puolesta. Caroline Mathilde (engelsk: Caroline Matilda; født 22. juli 1751[b] på Leicester House, London, død 10. maj 1775 i Celle, Hannover) var dronning af Danmark og Norge fra 1766 til 1772. Hun var datter af Frederik Ludvig, prins af Wales, og søster til George 3. af Storbritannien. I 1766 blev hun gift med sin fætter kong Christian 7. til Danmark og Norge.
    ellauri322.html on line 415: Caroline Mathildes ægteskab og tid som dronning blev præget af hendes mands ændrede sindstilstand. Manden var så gal som et gøgur. I 1770 indledte hun et kærlighedsforhold til kongens livlæge Johann Friedrich Struensee, der blev den egentlige magthaver i Danmark fra 1770 til 1772. Ved kuppet mod Struensee i 1772 blev hun arresteret, ægteskabet med Christian 7. blev ophævet, og hun blev forvist fra Danmark. Hun levede herefter, adskilt fra sine børn, i byen Celle i Tysklyand indtil sin tidlige død som 23-årig i 1775. Matilda vaikuttaa ihan Hamletin äiskältä. Tanskanmaassa on psljon mätää, mutta kuninkaalla oli hyviä rintapastilleja.
    ellauri322.html on line 417: Many very cogent reasons have been urged by her friends to prove that her affection for Struensee was never carried to the length (15cm) alleged against her by those who feared her influence. Be that as it may she certainly was no a woman of gallantry, and if she had an attachment for him it did not disgrace her heart or understanding, the king being a notorious debauchee and an idiot into the bargain.
    ellauri322.html on line 425: Tanskixet kazelee julkista teloitusta viihteenä. Kas kun niillä ei ole telkkaria rikä suoratoistoa. Jeg er mere og mere overbevist om, at den samme karakterenergi, der gør en mand til en dristig skurk, ville have gjort ham nyttig for samfundet, hvis samfundet havde været mere velorganiseret. Når et stærkt sind ikke disciplineres ved kultivering, er det en følelse af uretfærdighed, der gør det uretfærdigt. Meget plausibelt. Mary ei pidä empirismistä.
    ellauri322.html on line 481: I left this letter unfinished, as I was hurried on board, and now I have only to tell you that, at the sight of Dover cliffs, I wondered how anybody could term them grand; they appear so insignificant to me, after those I had seen in Sweden and Norway.
    ellauri322.html on line 486: afc0ba9ec8921cb148d639d15c9.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri323.html on line 44: For me to afford such bits of myself to my friends. Jotta minulla olisi varaa antaa palasia itsestäni ystävilleni.
    ellauri323.html on line 74: Sebastian The Duke was open-handed, as he could well afford to be; money was a thing about which he never needed to think. There had always been plenty of money at Chevron, and there still was, even with the income-tax raised from 11d. to 1/- in the pound; that abundance was another of the things which had never changed and which had every appearance of being unchangeable. It was taken for granted, but Sebastian saw to it that his tenants benefited as well as himself. "An ideel landlord-wish there were more like him," they said, forgetting that there were, in fact, many like him; many who, in their unobtrusive way, elected to share out their fortune, not entirely to their own advantage-quiet English squires, who, less favoured than Sebastian, were yet imbued with the same spirit, and traditionally gave their time and a good proportion of their possessions as a matter of course to those dependent upon them. A voluntary system, voluntary in that it depended upon the temperament of the squire; still, a system which possessed a certain pleasant dignity denied to the systems of a more compulsory sort. But did it, Sebastian reflected, sitting with his pen poised above his cheque-book, carry with it a disagreeable odour of charity? He thought not; for he knew that he derived as much satisfaction from the idea that Bassett would no longer endure a leaking roof as Bassett could possibly derive, next winter, from the fact that his roof no longer leaked. He would certainly go over and talk to the man Bassett.
    ellauri323.html on line 116: Latinalainen runo Stabat Mater Dolorosa on yleensä katsottu Benedettin ansioksi, vaikka tästäkin on kiistelty. Se on hieno esimerkki fransiskaanisen perinteen uskonnollisesta lyriikasta ja teinitafsaajan Wille Rydmanin pedofiili-isän tuotannosta.
    ellauri324.html on line 68: At around 9:30 am. I gave the order to Secdef to execute the war plan for Operation Iraqi Freedom. In spite of the fact that I had decided a few months ago to use force, if need be, to liberate Iraq and rid the country of Weapons of Mass Destruction (money and oil), the decision was an emotional one. I know I have taken the right action and do pray few will lose life. Iraq will be free, the world will be safer. The emotion of the moment has passed and now I wait word on the covert action that is taking place.
    ellauri324.html on line 125: Jeder Staat hat ein unveräußerliches Recht, sein politisches, wirtschaftliches, soziales und kulturelles System ohne irgendeine Form der Einmischung von Seiten eines anderen Staates zu wählen.
    ellauri324.html on line 129: Zulässige Interventionen! Kap. VII der Satzung der UN mit der Überschrift "Maßnahmen bei Bedrohungen des Friedens, bei Friedensbrüchen oder Angriffshandlungen" erlaubt I. unter besonderen Bedingungen. Trotz des allgemeinen grundsätzlichen Interventionsverbots werden I. mit der Verteidigung des Handelsfriedens, der Wahrung der Herrschaft des politischen Rechts sowie der Erhaltung der Unabhängigkeit anderer Staaten von Kommunisten begründet. Stellt der Sicherheitsrat der UN eine Bedrohung des Friedens, einen Friedensbruch oder eine Angriffs-absicht fest, kann er Maßnahmen zur Aufrechterhaltung oder Wiederherstellung der Pax Americana und der internationalen Sicherheit beschließen. Die de Souveränität eines Staates am weitestgehend beeinträchtigenden Maßnahmen sind militaristische Aktionen bis hin zu einem regelrechten →→ Krieg gegen Friedensbrecher bzw. den Friedensbedroher. Die I. wird dann mit dem Anspruch auf allgemeine schutzwürdige Interessen - nämlich die oben erwähnte Besitzersicherheit und Handelsfrieden- als Kollektivintervention mehrerer von der UN beauftragter Mitgliedstaaten begründet und durchgeführt. Allgemein schutzwürdige Interessen müssen von den 5 Mitgliedern des Sicherheitsrats festgestellt werden. Strittig ist, ob auch eine Fellung seitens der Generalversammlung der UN für eine I. ausreichend ist. Es gibt ja zu viele Negerstaaten und Muslimer in dem grossen Saal.
    ellauri324.html on line 138:


    ellauri324.html on line 179: Hamas and Islamic Jihad are competing for bragging rights over last Friday’s attack in Hebron that killed 12 Israelis. Islamic Jihad issued a leaflet this week saying its members had no assistance from any other group and expressing surprise that Hamas decided, three days after the incident, to issue its own statement, Israel Radio reported in 1929.
    ellauri324.html on line 222: The above is a map of the SF Bay area, a densely populated part of California with an almost continuous ring of urban development. As you would expect, the traffic can be pretty bad, so you might expect that there would be a single circular light rail system linking the many cities around the bay; there is not: if I want to travel from my place to Fremont by rail alone, the quickest way with the most frequent service is via San Francisco. US infrastructure is truly abysmal.
    ellauri324.html on line 226: The infrastructure is just one symptom of America’s degradation: the streets of major cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles are filling up with homeless drug addicts, leaving the sidewalks littered with tents, needles, and human waste. Next to nothing is done for these people because it is seen as “their problem” that they are mentally ill, and lack access to mental health services and affordable housing. The irony is that there are so many of these people now that they have become everyone’s problem. Retailers in downtown SF are closing down their stores because the conditions in the streets are keeping paying customers away, whilst the cops barely regard shoplifting as a crime.
    ellauri324.html on line 232: Living in my little enclave, with its fragile electricity supply, and crumbling roads, it’s easy for my neighbors and I to think that things aren’t so bad, but in under an hour, I can travel to SF and see scenes exactly like the one in the last photo. Whilst people are constantly harping on about whether the Democrats or the Republicans are better or worse than each other, they are ignoring the fact that both parties have done nothing to seriously address the severe decay that is undeniably afflicting America’s social and physical fabric.
    ellauri324.html on line 246: There will then be a chip that can do everything i mentioned before however this will be implanted within you and the idea will be that its safe secure trendy and it makes you like a GOD! celebrities professors of high institutions law enforcement CEOS etc will all have this making it more intriguing to the masses. In a short amount of time this will edge out physical currency however people will have an option. When enough people have accepted this IT WILL BECOME MANDATORY YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BUY OR SELL, TRAVEL OR WORK, TAKE THE BUS THE TRAIN EAT AT RESTAURANTS OR EVEN APPLY TO SCHOOLS OR WORK JOBS. Within your schools and hospitals and workplaces your bosses and teachers will make this mandatory and you will have to comply before you end up in jail or confinement. At this point you will have to either leave and take up whatever supplies you have or join people who are like minded in not conforming to the technological abomination. People at this time will be very sick and people in America have been getting more sick with food pollution stress fatigue etc they will rely on the system for their medication with heart and organ failures depression and psychosis tumors and boils that will seem to have no cure. People who rely on the system will have a harder time withdrawing from it. Addictions food intolerances vaccine epidemics and malnutrition exhaustion fatigue depression and violence will be on the rise to a point where they could and want to call for martial law.
    ellauri324.html on line 250: [The FEMA camps conspiracy theory is a belief, particularly within the American Patriot movement, that the United States Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is planning to imprison US citizens in concentration camps, following the imposition of martial law in the United States after a major disaster or crisis. The US government previously interned US citizens in concentration camps during WWII and developed, but did not implement, contingency plans for mass internment of US citizens in the 1980s.]
    ellauri324.html on line 275: Syyskuussa 2009 YK:n erityisoperaatio, jota johti eteläafrikkalainen tuomari Richard Goldstone, laati raportin, jossa syytettiin sekä Palestiinan militantteja että Israelin armeijaa sotarikoksista ja mahdollisista rikoksista ihmisyyttä vastaan ja suositeltiin syyllisten saattamista oikeuden eteen. Vaan eihän siitä mitään tullut, kun AIPAC torppasi.
    ellauri324.html on line 279: Tri Tal Pavel israelilaisesta terrorisminvastaisesta instituutista (ICT) sanoi pöyristyneenä, että Hamas käyttää verkkosivustojaan vertaillakseen Israelia ja natsi-Saksaa ja esittää Israelin tuhoavana, sortavana hallintona, vaikka se oikeasti pelkää vain Hamasin raketteja satavan Tel Aviviin (ent. Jaffa). Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chôse.
    ellauri324.html on line 334: Hyökkäys oli sotilaallinen (?) tappio Pohjois-Vietnamille, koska Etelä-Vietnamissa ei tapahtunut kansannousuja eikä ARVN-yksiköiden loikkauksia. Tällä hyökkäyksellä oli kuitenkin kauaskantoisia seurauksia sen vaikutukseen amerikkalaisen yleisön ja koko maailman näkemyksiin Vietnamin sodasta. Kenraali Westmoreland raportoi, että PAVN/VC:n kukistaminen vaatisi 200 000 amerikkalaissotilasta lisää ja reservien aktivoinnin, mikä sai jopa sodan uskolliset kannattajat myöntämään, että nykyinen sotastrategia vaati uudelleenarviointia. Hyökkäys vaikutti voimakkaasti Yhdysvaltain hallitukseen ja järkytti amerikkalaista yleisöä, jonka poliittiset ja sotilaalliset johtajat olivat saaneet uskomaan, että pohjoisvietnamilaiset olivat tappion kohteena eivätkä kykene käynnistämään niin kunnianhimoista sotilaallista operaatiota. Amerikan julkinen tuki sodalle laski Tetin uhrien ja luonnospuheluiden (draft calls) lisääntymisen seurauksena.
    ellauri324.html on line 440: together to sell the illusion. Incidental music wafts in
    ellauri324.html on line 465: The tipping culture is mad, why can’t you just pay the staff a salary
    ellauri324.html on line 642: me after arriving back in the US to complain about the
    ellauri324.html on line 643: regress he encountered upon his return stateside after
    ellauri324.html on line 695: companies do not have to prove that a substance is safe
    ellauri324.html on line 719: safer, quite to the contrary, it makes it MUCH more
    ellauri324.html on line 794: afbbde1538acaebac3427f551a090b0b/World-getting-more-obese-US-No-1.jpg" />
    ellauri324.html on line 826: Hipsterirasismi on käyttäytymistä, jota tyypillisesti pidetään rasistisena ja puolustaa sitä ironisena tai satiirisena . Rachel Dubrofsky ja Megan W. Wood ovat kuvailleet sitä oletettavasti "liian trendikkääksi ja itsetietoiseksi tarkoittamaan rasistisia asioita, joita joku ilmaisee". Tähän saattaa sisältyä blackfacen pukeutuminen ja muut stereotyyppisten afroamerikkalaisten esiintymiset , sanan neekeri käyttö ja sopiva kulttuurinen paleface look. Talia Meer väittää, että hipsterirasismi perustuu siihen, mitä hän kutsuu "hipsteripoikkeuksellisuuteen", mikä tarkoittaa ajatusta siitä, että jokin tavallisesti loukkaava tai ennakkoluuloinen muuttuu ihmeellisesti fiksuksi, hauskaksi ja sosiaalisesti relevantiksi väitteellä "tavallisesti loukkaava asia on ironista tai satiirista." Muita hipsteritrendejä 2010-luvulla ovat olleet neulonta, valokuvaus, värityskirjat, pienoisryijyt, kukkien hiekkakuivatus, laatikkopuutarhanhoito, kaupunkimehiläishoito, erikoiskahvit, käsityöolut, taksidermia, uuber, fedorat, sekä paino- ja kirjansidontakurssit. Media käyttää termiä Nipster (natsien ja hipsterin portmanteau) ihmisistä, jotka yhdistävät hipster-tyylin oikeisto- ja uusnatsiääriliikkeisiin.
    ellauri324.html on line 833: Yes it is broken beyond belief. It has a huge homeless population. It has people working for such low wages they need to work 3 jobs without a decent welfare and food supplement program. It has people begging for donations so they can get medical care in a broken system. It has school teachers and other people working in college educated jobs living in tents and cars because they cant afford to rent or own a home. The highways around their major cities either go into gridlock or just heat up the planet uselessly. They have a public railroad and commuting system that belongs in a third world country. Only the wealthy can really afford to go to college.They have children going to bed hungry and the schools take trays of food from them in school because they cant pay for it. They are taking kids from their parents and putting them in cages. They have a public school system underfunded trying to turn it into private religious indoctrination. They have people in government who deny science because of what the bible says. They keep spending billions fighting senseless wars and bombing people. They have a small population of billionaires that run the system to benefit themselves and screw the rest of the country.
    ellauri325.html on line 163: Hei mitä lavastaja Roy eli "Juan Batiste Montabuan", siviilissä Tapio Vilpponen otti myöskin osaa propagandatalkoisiin! Arkadi Avertshenkon tyylilajissa. Tapio Vilpponen (31. toukokuuta 1913 Rauma – 31. elokuuta 1994 Helsinki) oli suomalainen käsikirjoittaja, lavastaja, puvustaja, taidemaalari, graafikko, sisustussuunnittelija, kuvanveistäjä, copywriter, toimittaja, pilapiirtäjä ja pakinoitsija. Hän myös näytteli muutamassa elokuvassa. Vilpponen käytti salanimiä Roy ja Juan Batiste Montauban. Vilpponen kirjoitti useita kioskilukemistoja (El Zorron seikkailut, Tilly, Pekka Lipponen junior) sekä nelisensataa jatkojännäriä. Kexittyään Jussi-palkinnon hän oli itse ensimmäisiä Jussi-palkittuja vuonna 1944, kun hänet palkittiin parhaasta lavastuksesta elokuvaan Herra ja ylhäisyys. Juan Batiste Montabuan on selvä plagiaatti Simo Penttilästä. Zorron porukat on käytkaz yxyhteen TJA Heikkilän, tai Punavyön sivuvaunuineen. Inkkari Tacho on Tlacan kopio. Vilpponen oli Hirvosta 15v nuorempi. Heikon kuulonsa vuoxi hänkään ei joutunut ruotuun.
    ellauri325.html on line 309: Ole Gustaf Åke-Håkan Stoltzenberg (1. heinäkuuta 1914 Helsinki – 17. heinäkuuta 1983 Helsinki) oli varsinaiselta ammatiltaan helsinkiläisen Liikemainonta McCann -mainostoimiston toimitusjohtaja, 1960-luvun keskivaiheilla myös pääomistaja. Sekin pääsi väsäämään asemasotavaiheen lektyyrejä nimimerkillä Paavo Telenovela. Siviilien rikoxista Paavo veistää viziä.
    ellauri325.html on line 479: "Toinen, ehkä vieläkin ärsyttävämpi yksipuolisuus, on norssinluutornissa elävien huippukulttuurin harjoittajien koomillinen kauhu, kun he havaitsevat että on olemassa Tappelevia metsäkukkoja, Rovaniemen markkinafilmejä ja muuta yhtä hirvittävää – siis se että massat, nämä kansan syvät rivit, kulttuurin kannattajat, että ne hankkivat itselleen oman tasonsa mukaista taidetta, miksei myös tiedettä Konsta Pylkkäsen tyyliin."
    ellauri325.html on line 712: Seuraava kasku koskee Matin kälyä, Norssia ja Aulis Ojajärveä. Nyt tarkkana! Jämeräleukaisen Aulis Ojajärven mielestä Rafu Hölmström mielisteli norssihuligaaneja, jotka ahdistivat Matin kälyn häpy seinää vasten luultuaan sitä naskalixi. Hölmström ei olisi ottanut siitä paiseita vaikka tilanne oli vakava. Matilla oli kaunaa hampaankolossa Hölmströmille Raittiuden ystävien ajoilta. Pekka veli oli Alkon johtajana erotettu liitosta. L-Ärvi P-Poijärvi (Boijer) istui äärioikealla hurjan huolestuneena. Se sai potkut kouluhallituxesta nazina. Matti pisti neulan paiseeseen, Hölmströmille lemput ja fasistiveli Ojajärvelle kauan odotettu ylennys.
    ellauri325.html on line 741: Matista tuli 60-luvulla afrikanisti sattumalta Jane Györgyn tehtyä oharit. Muuan vanha neiti suhtautui lähentelyyn lievästi sanoen epäluuloisesti. Kovan ähellyxen perästä Masa pääsi kuin pääsikin neidin kaislahameen alle. Kielitaito kehittyi siinä samalla, kun käytettiin väliin ndongan kieltä ja väliin kwanyamaa.
    ellauri325.html on line 780: Masa oli norssissa koulukiusattu. Ylläri. Kehno voimistelija, opejen lellikki. Kaarlo af Heurlin oli ainoa vassari. Sosiaalisia suhteita Turun satamassa Assi Koiviston seurassa. Masa istuu Tapani Raittilan alastonmallina. Seuraava kuvattava on Sapeli-Simonen. Olen rutiinimalli kuolevan Sapeli-Simosen rinnalla. Kaikki 3 jalkaa ovat tallella, reunimmaiset 2 toimivat.
    ellauri326.html on line 76: Presidentti Masaryk kannatti avoimesti sionismia, ts. ideologista suuntausta, jossa hänen tavoitteenaan oli juutalaisten vapaaehtoinen uudelleensijoittaminen Israelin maahan sekä juutalaisen valtion rakentaminen ja ylläpitäminen. Vuonna 1927 hän oli ensimmäinen valtionpäämies, joka vieraili silloisessa Palestiinassa, eli nykyisen Israelin alueella. Näin hän ilmaisi tukensa sionistiselle liikkeelle. Jerusalemissa hän tapasi Prahasta kotoisin olevan filosofin Hugo Bergmannin, joka on siellä kansallis- ja yliopistokirjaston johtaja. Hugo perusti Brit Shalom-liikkeen, joka tuki kaksikansallisen valtion luomista, jossa juutalaiset ja arabit eläisivät tasa-arvoisesti. Tom vieraili myös useissa kibbutseissa, mukaan lukien tunnetussa Beit Alfassa. Presidentin Palestiina-vierailun muistaa edelleen Masaryk Café silloisessa Tel Avivissa. Hugon tärkeimpiä teoksia ovat Jumala ja ihminen modernissa ajattelussa ja Usko ja järki: johdatus nykyaikaiseen juutalaiseen ajatuxeen.
    ellauri326.html on line 229: Pitkänenäinen Sofi Oksanen kertoo Ukraina-kaftaanissa keikistellen, miksi Venäjän ar­mei­jas­sa on nor­maa­lia va­ras­taa pe­su­ko­nei­ta ja rais­ka­ta – "Taus­tal­la ran­kai­se­mat­to­muus ja ajatus, että siihen on oikeus". Kirjailija Sofi Oksasta suututtaa Venäjän ukrainalaisia vastaan toteuttaman kansanmurhan typistäminen Putiniin. Samoja putinisteja ne on koko konkkaronkka, niinkuin saxalaiset oli nazeja. Hänen mukaansa sodassa on kyse sodasta naisia vastaan eli kyse KGB-valtion kansalaisten tietoisesta tavasta maata väkisin ja varastella toisten pesukoneita. Rankaisemattomuuden selittää sotatilassa vallizeva svoboda: työntyminen vihamiehen pilluun without as much as by your leave on sotaolosuhteissa yhtä lailla normipäivää kuin pesukoneen muilutus.
    ellauri326.html on line 337: afa28955076c7a4462f13e594ccf1890a90ebe9cb924f9ca72cc06acdbd1c.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri326.html on line 438: Olga Skabeyeva said on state-owned Rossiya 1 TV: "It can safely be called World War Three. That's entirely for sure. [...] We're definitely fighting against NATO infrastructure, if not NATO itself. We need to recognise that." She has further claimed that NATO is supplying Ukraine with "zillions of weapons". (Which is entirely true, see the list.)
    ellauri326.html on line 504: Minä tunnustan, etten ymmärrä, miksi tämä maailma on luotu niin, että naiset voivat vetää meitä miehiä nenästä yhtä sukkelasti kuin tarttua teekannun kädensijaan. Joko ovat heidän kätensä luodut sellaisiksi tai eivät meidän nenämme kelpaa mihinkään muuhun. Huolimatta siitä, että Ivan Nikiforovitshin nenä oli kuin kypsä luumu, sai Agafja Fedosejevna kiinni tästä nenästä ja talutti toista perässään kuin koiraa.
    ellauri326.html on line 505: Agafja Fedosejevnalla oli tanu päässä, kolme nystermää nenässä ja kahvinruskea, keltakukkainen viitta yllä. Hänen vartalonsa oli kuin tynnyri, ja sentähden oli yhtä vaikea löytää hänen vyötäisiään kuin nähdä nenäänsä ilman kuvastinta. Hänen jalkansa olivat lyhyet ja paksut kuin kaksi patjaa. Hän juorusi mainiosti, söi aamuisin keitetyitä punajuurikkaita ja sätti ja haukkui pontevasti. Kaikissa näissä vaihtelevissa toimissa hänen kasvonsa eivät hetkeksikään muuttaneet ilmettään, mihin tavallisesti vain naiset kykenevät.
    ellauri326.html on line 510: Mutta ennenkuin käymme eteenpäin, pitää ehdottomasti tutustuttaa lukijaa tähän huomattavaan henkilöön. Anton Prokofjevitsh Golopus on kerrassaan hyvä mies tämän sanan täydessä merkityksessä: jos joku Mirgorodin kunnianarvoisista henkilöistä lahjottaa hänelle kaulahuivin tai alusvaatteet — niin hän kiittää; jos joku näppää kevyesti hänen nenäänsä — niin hän kiittää silloinkin. Jos häneltä kysyttiin: "Miksi, Anton Prokofjevitsh, teidän takkinne on kanelinvärinen, mutta hihat siniset?" niin hän tavallisesti vastasi: "Niin, teillä ei sellaista olekkaan! Mutta antakaahan olla, kun se kuluu, niin muuttuu kokonaan yhdenväriseksi!" Ja todellakin, auringon vaikutuksesta alkoi sininen kangas muuttua kanelinväriseksi, ja on nyt aivan samaa väriä kuin takkikin. Mutta mikä kummallista, Anton Prokofjevitsh käyttää kesällä verkavaatteita ja talvella nankinikankaisia. Anton Prokofjevitshilla ei ole omaa taloa. Hänellä oli kyllä sellainen ennen kaupungin laidassa, mutta hän möi sen ja osti tummanruskean kolmivaljakon ja pienet vaunut, joilla ajeli vierailuille ympäristön tilanomistajain luo. Mutta kun hevosista oli paljon vaivaa ja tarvittiin rahaa kauroihin, niin Anton Prokofjevitsh vaihtoi hevoset ja vaunut viuluun ja piikaan ja sai vielä 25 ruplan setelin välirahaa. Sitten hän möi viulun ja vaihtoi piian kullalla koristettuun safiaaninahkaiseen tupakkakukkaroon, ja nyt ei ole kenelläkään sellaista tupakkakukkaroa kuin Anton Prokofjevitshilla. Tästä hyvästä hän ei enää saata ajella maaseudulle, vaan on pakotettu pysymään kaupungissa ja viettämään yönsä eri taloissa milloin minkin aatelismiehen luona, etupäässä siellä, missä mielellään hänen nenäänsä näppäillään. Anton Prokofjevitsh tahtoo syödä hyvin ja pelaa joltisesti Mustaa-Maijaa ja Mylly-Mattia. Tottelevaisuus on hänen elementtinsä, ja sentähden hän otti heti hatun ja kepin ja läksi.
    ellauri327.html on line 58: afiambrera.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/alvaro-p-ff-no-pasaran.jpg" height="200px" />
    ellauri327.html on line 81: af4c4bb/ExpMilWarofWordsButcher768x1045.jpg.aspx?height=200&ext=.jpg" />
    ellauri327.html on line 127: Så at NATO vælger at male et grimt billede af Rusland, er jo ikke ligefrem overraskende, hvor end misvisende det så er.
    ellauri327.html on line 129: Hvad jeg dog finder overraskende, er at ingen bemærker at USA det sidste halve år, har generet Mellemøsten, truet Kina med krig, fyret jord-til-jord misiler af tæt på Nord Korea i provokation, så de begyndte at fyre misiler over Japan igen og forhindret den handel der skulle sikre Africa korn (blev dog reddet af Tyrkiet)..
    ellauri327.html on line 139: Dialogen om Ukraines indmeldelse i NATO startede allerede i 2008 - altså før Ruslands annektering af Krim.
    ellauri327.html on line 141: Bl.a. Danmark og USA arbejdede for at Ukraine kunne komme ind i NATO asap, men det var Tyskland (Merkel) og Frankrig desværre imod. Kompromiset blev at de engang skulle have medlemskab, hvilket nok var den dårligste løsning, idet det gav et aggressivt Rusland et (godt nok tvivlsomt) argument til at undergrave og slutteligt invasionen af Ukraine.
    ellauri327.html on line 143: Jeg ved ikke hvilken økonomisk krise, som du tror at USA har været ramt af i mange år. Nøgletallene siger noget andet og USA er stadig et af de mest velstående lande i verden.
    ellauri327.html on line 144: Den gamle venstreorienterede traver med at krig er godt for økonomien pga at det gavner våbenindustrien er noget vrøvl. Pengemarkederne og virksomhederne hader uforudsigelighed og det skaber krig i høj grad. Derfor reagerer børserne f.eks. altid negativt på krig med kraftige kursfald.
    ellauri327.html on line 145: Det er også en myte at salg af militærudstyr har så stor en betydning for USA - det udgør langt under 10% af den samlede amerikanske eksport.
    ellauri327.html on line 147: Slutteligt vil jeg anbefale at du læser op på historien om Rusland/Sovjetunionen og du vil indse at Rusland er en af de mest aggressive, undertrykkende og imperialistisk nationer i verdenshistorien. Og den ånd fører Putin videre på værste måde.
    ellauri327.html on line 150: Dialogen udløste vrede fra Rusland i 2008 korrekt.. Og de brugte de efterfølgende år på at gøre en stor sag ud af hvorfor de ikke skulle ind, blandt andet forsøgte de at bruge EUs relglement at intet land i Europa kan lave en politik eller ændring i deres system og alliancer, som vil bringe et andet lands sikkerhed i fare (hvilket Rusland af gode grunde mener Ukraine vil gøre, hvis de invitere amerikanske misilforsvar tættere på Moskva), det blev self. Bare ignoreret som vi altid gør.. 2014 var første gang det blev officielt at de var på vej ind, 6 måneder senere tog Rusland handling.. Det samme skete igen i 2021, og 6 måneder senere tog de igen handling.. Hvergang har USA prikket til dem.. Ukraine har intet at gøre i NATO og endnu mindre at gøre i EU, vi har allerede rigeligt problemer med de andre østlige lande, at tage den mest korrupte og voldelige nation i Europa ind, virker som en latterlig ting at gøre.
    ellauri327.html on line 152: Skam intet forkert i at krig er godt for økonomien.. USA's største eksport er våben og har altid været våben, halvdelen bliver solgt "on the low".. f.eks. skrev de jo ikke i officielle regnskaber, da de solgte alle deres våben til ISIS eller Sadams regime, den slags kom kun frem på grund af whistleblowers og officielle dokumenter der bekræftede det.. Og hvad angår netop den økonomi ligger deres normale "officielle overskud" på omkring 10 trillioner dollars om året i våbensalg, efter Ukraine krigen anslås 2022 salget at stige til 50 trillioner dollars, hvilket er en 5 dobling af indtægten, og det bare de officielle tal til allierede i Europa… Hvad angår dårlige tal på aktiemarkedet, er USA langt fra så afhængige af de aktier som Danmark er, langt størstedelen af den amerikanske indtægt er i ressourcer som olie, mineraler, våben, indtægt i skatter fra selskaber osv., Aktiemarkedet for selskaber i Amerika er faktisk primært ejet af andre selskaber og private, men på grund af vi ikke har de naturlige ressourcer i Danmark, lever vi utroligt meget af aktier og obligationer i spekulative markeder, så som virksomheder, cryptovaluta osv… Hvad du glemmer er at alting ikke falder samtidig, når et firma sætter prisen op og lider økonomisk, er det ofte på grund af de naturlige råstoffer bliver mere værd, og dem har et kæmpe land som USA mange af, hvilket også er grunden til du ser den russiske valuta stærkere end den har været i mange år, naturlige ressourcer er gået langt op i pris.. Btw. Sjov detalje, Biden nægtede kort før krigen at udvide de amerikanske oliefilter, da det var anslået at olie ville stige betydeligt i værdi, hvis man holder produktionen nede pt. bare endnu et sjovt tilfælde, hvordan det kom ud til deres fordel..Sker ret ofte.
    ellauri327.html on line 154: Kender skam den russiske historie, kender også den amerikanske.. Var i mange år dybt fascineret af usa faktisk, men de har ekstremt blodige hænder.. Du behøver bare se tilbage på de sidste par årtier for at se det, usa har invaderet 5 lande (2 af dem var ulovligt), haft adskellige "operationer" i endnu flere lande end det, har destrueret fulde byer med civile, har testet våben der gør at folk stadig bliver født deforme, har haft billeder med kvinder der blev spændt fast i strømkabler og soldater der pissede på og voldtog døde ofre, samt har dræbt op mod 400.000 civile endten direkte eller indirekte.. alt det er sket bare de sidste 22 år.. Så ved siden af dem, fremstår Rusland som en engel, selvom vi bestemt godt kan blive enige om at de ikke er og selv har beskidte hænder.
    ellauri327.html on line 158: Og en sidste ting.. Syntes du skal prøve at finde ud af hvad den præcise forskel er mellem Irak og Ukraine.. For indtil videre, ligner de utroligt meget hinanden, faktisk er begge to fuldstændig omsvøbt i løgne, der næsten er umulige at gennemskue.. Forskellen er dog at USA ikke fik så meget som et klap over fingrene for deres krig, sjovt som det fungere i fordel for vesten altid var.. og det er til trods for deres beskidte våben der medfører misdannelser i nyfødte børn den dag i dag.. Men det var self. USA, er sikker på det var med gode grunde de gjorde det.
    ellauri327.html on line 160: USA er ikke et velstående land, USA skylder omkring 3x sit brutto national produkt, den eneste grund til at de ikke går stats bankerot er at verdens banken er lokaliseret I USA og styret af USA , så de kan gøre hvad de vil
    ellauri327.html on line 164: Jeg tror, at han har ret. Rusland er længe blevet provokeret; det hedder sig, at ukrainerne fortsat bombarderede Donbass trods Minsk-II aftalen og havde opstillet en angrebsstyrke, hvilket fik russerne til at reagere og angribe først.
    ellauri327.html on line 166: Zelensky er tilsyneladende finansieret (og jf. nogle kilder) placeret af USA. En 2. rangs ukrainsk skuespiller, der pludselig er præsident og angiveligt milliardær? Hvordan er han blevet dét?
    ellauri327.html on line 168: Vesten har altid fremstillet Sovjetunionen hhv. Rusland som værende barbarisk, forbryderisk og aggressiv. Lidt komisk faktisk, når man tænker på, at det netop er vesten, der i årtier har været det - både 1. og 2. Verdenskrig f.eks. blev startet af bl.a. Tyskland, hvor Rusland kun modvilligt blev trukket ind i dem; første gang fordi de støttede Serbien, der blev angrebet af Østrig-Ungarn, og i 2. Verdenskrig blev det meste af Sovjetunionen vest for Ural lagt i ruiner og omkring 1/4 af befolkningen blev dræbt. Og så undrer folk sig over, at de er forsigtige i forhold til vesten og NATO?
    ellauri327.html on line 170: Det er meget muligt, at NATO kun er en forsvarsalliance. Men USA har længe været uhyre aggressiv, og resten af NATO har det jo med at følge trop, når USA fløjter. Man kan jo lige så vel sige, at Warszawapagten også kun var en forsvarsalliance, men amerikanerne gik totalt amok over missilerne på Cuba i sin tid… og nu mener de, at det er ok den anden vej?
    ellauri327.html on line 172: Den amerikanske økonomi lider ganske rigtigt, og man får indtryk af, at de er desperate… og det får dem til at gøre nogle dumme ting, så som at sabotere Nord Stream 1 og 2 (hvis det er dem altså, men det tyder på det).
    ellauri327.html on line 178: Hvorom alt er, så er det farligt kun at høre den ene side af historien - især, når denne er præget af magthavernes interesser, fordomme og propaganda. Det gjorde tyskerne i 30'ernes Tyskland, med fatale konsekvenser for hele Europa.
    ellauri327.html on line 302: Hemmetti nyt Jemppakin s. 18 näyttää vitun tasapaxulta! Katarina Vintrafors ei osaa piirtää kurveja. Och Caroline är inte rättvis! Har du hört om "The invisible challenge"? Det är fint, det är ju anglosaxiska. Koulukirjoista löytyy virheellistä tietoa eläimistä ja tehomaataloudesta. Se on vain tehokasta, loppu on pelkkää mielipidettä. Susien määrästäkin on virheellistä tietoa. Karhukin voi purra sudenpentua, tietää luonnonvaraprof. Kelju Kojola.
    ellauri327.html on line 323: af9472e9-3e74-6bf5-2130-6cc81247df90?t=1577965205000" width="40%" />
    ellauri327.html on line 395: Mutta Rasputinia ei tällälset ryppypeput kiinnosta. For Litvinenko directly accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of pedophilia. Suspiciously affectionate relationships with other people’s children, and exclusively male, arise in the Russian president almost everywhere he is: an acquaintance and lustful smiles are necessarily followed by hugs, and often kisses. He kissed this preschooler Nikita on the bellybutton.
    ellauri327.html on line 411: Time journalists said that after Zelensky’s visit to the United States, they returned with him to Kyiv to try to understand how he would respond to signals received from the Americans, including persistent calls to fight corruption and antisemitism.
    ellauri327.html on line 428: Kurt Cobainin sellupläjäyxet on jotain ennenkuulumattoman syyläistä. Niistä tehdyt Netflix-rykäyxet on yhtä tautisia. Kokoajan on pimeää, kokoajan syrjäytyneet persut roimii toisiaan, oli ne ranskalaisia porkkananenäisiä hukkapätkä narukauloja, tai sitten isonenäreikäisiä anorektisia trofeevaimoja tai jotain polakkeja häränniska rekkakuskeja. Mutta puheet ja sentimentit on suoraan Setä Samin hrahahlaarista: tauotonta valehtelua, feikki virnuilua, "I promise", "trust me", "my family", poliiseista ei ole mihinkään, ize täytyy juosta retkubaareissa ja ottaa turpaan mafioosoilta. Ja kaikki, kaikki tyynni ikäviä ihmisiä jotka vetää mömmöjä ja juoxee rahan perässä. Tää Coben tuli mainituxi "Remo vanha vainoojan" iskän Warren senjasen sitaatissa albumissa 304 pulpkynäilijöiden listassa. Enpä arvannut että näin pian ehkä kohdataan. Samaa luokkaa ovat kyllä Warren ja sen listaamat muut paskanjauhajat.
    ellauri327.html on line 440: No nyt on molemmat, ei vaan kaikki 3 Cobenin perijuutalaista töräystä lusittu ja nähty graafisesti miten syvälle jenkki Netflix on upottanut omaan sontaansa sekä ranut että polakit. Läpeensä moraalittomia klaanihenkisiä turinoita oli molemmat, konnat tekee veritöitä konnakavereiden kimpussa isoilla luotipyssyillä. Kaikki luihulaiset häärää pelastamassa omia nahkoja ranskalais-puolalaisten korruptiokamusuhteiden avulla. Poliisit on vaan jotain vastaantulijoita, kaikki valta on siviilikonnien käsissä, mitä rikkaampia ne on sen etevämpiä. Vinosuinen ämmä virnistää vaan vinosti kun sille selviää että käenpoika Aatami oli kuin olikin kusettanut koko perhettä ja hoitanut hölmön Igorin tuiki hengiltä. Vanha Aatami oli koko huumehärdelin päätekijä. Mitä väliä, minä kyllä suojelen sinua myötä- ja vastoinkäymisissä, anorektikko miettii mielessään kuin Riitta Roth. Minun perheeni on mulle kaikkein tärkeintä. Vaikkei se edes olisi mun miehen siementä.
    ellauri327.html on line 442: Harlam kusipää on sairas kaljun sisältä ja sen aivopierut yhtä syvältä hanurista kuin Espoon syvin reikä. Ei helvetti, jenkkijuutalaisen nk. "moreaali" on kuin suoraan vanhasta testamentista, eli sitä ei ole ollenkaan, kaikenlainen ketkulu on A-ok kun se palvelee "meidän" asiaa. Murhaajapahixet on hyvixiä jos niillä on riittävästi pätäkkää tai ne on jotain mafiosoja. Kaikki konnat pääsee pälkähästä ja rumihia vaihdetaan sairaalassa ihan pikkurahalla. Palkkamurhaajaneekerikin on hyvä kaveri kun se ei tahtonut murhata katakombijoukkomurhan aikaansaanutta vale Bastia, koska se "oli niin kova taistelija", joka "taisteli oikean asian puolesta", eli suojeli omaa pikku vaimoa. Sitäpaizi neken palkkamurharahat menee Haitiin velipojan asuntolan pesämunaxi. Kun motiivi on oikea, vitut keinoista. Siirapoliiseista ei ole mihinkään, mafiosot on verikoston panttina. Taas tyypillinen Harlam turaus: kaikki järjestään, lapsetkin mukaanlukien, on niin epämiellyttäviä kylmiöitä, et kaikki olis saanut sen puolesta lasauttaa kerralla hengiltä jo ekassa jaxossa. Selkeitä koirameemejä.
    ellauri328.html on line 44: Lisää Hoblan uutisozikoita perjantaina viikkoa ennen 71. syntymäpäivää: Strejklagar går vidare "efter djup oenighet". Risto E.J. Penttilä (ser ut som en riktig archi-skurk): En enskild incident skadar inte Finlandsbilden. Den mycket skurkaktiga skyddspolisen i äcklig övervikt: Ryssland behandlar Finland som en fientligt sinnad stat. Jättestor överraskning! Finland har ju varit fientligt sinnat mot ryssarna genom seklerna. Turkulainen venäläinen koulu lopetetaan, etteivät lapset opi lukemaan röllipeikkoja. Nio riskerade drunkna vid Nylands brigad. Mycket flere än nio riskerar drunkna när den stora fajten börjar. Regeringen vill slopa rätten till skattefri första bostad. Istället betala alla som köper bostäder mindre skatt. Än en inkomstöverföring från de som inget har till dom som har det bra. Nya PVC-chefen om läget i finskt näringsliv: Tyvärr ganska dystert. Haha. Åland bygger mer vindkraft för att skrämma bort resten av fåglarna och fiskarna från skärena. Dumpningen av smutsig snö i havet fortsätter.
    ellauri328.html on line 75: Samhället har i praktiken anammat affärsvärldens värdegrund. Där råder en känslolös konkurrens och en strävan efter maximal ekonomisk vinst. Denna utveckling kräver en ständig tillväxt av produktion och konsumtion, vilket resulterar i ökad ojämlikhet, egoism, social utslagning och ekologisk skada. Detta påverkar familjers och barns välmående.
    ellauri328.html on line 83: Det är viktigt att våra beslutsfattare blir påminda om sina värderingar nu då budgetförhandlingarna varit aktuella: Styrs de av affärsvärldens värderingar så som känslolös konkurrens och maximal ekonomisk vinst? Eller omfamnar de i stället läroplanens värdegrund, den som vi som lärare arbetar hårt för att stärka hos över 500 000 medborgare i vårt land?
    ellauri328.html on line 98: afaf3467466d334ed5d216b&w=400&h=492" />
    ellauri328.html on line 166: - Hölynpöly! - Napoleon tiuskaisi. - Asuisin Pietarin parhaissa palatseissa venäläisen kansan jalona vieraana. Ranskixet ovat vieläkin suopempia ryssille kuin inselaffet. Niitä yhdistää tasavaltaiset vallankumouxet. Saarelaisilla se jäi vain naurettavaxi yrityxexi. Sixi niillä yhä pyllyilevät pöljät sakemannit tabloidien sivuilla. Suomalaiset tabloidi"erikoisasiantuntijat" ovat vielä hölmömpiä, ja pahansuopia. Putin haluaa ikuisen sodan, hölähtää tabloidi kissankokoisessa lööpissä. Ne on niin pettyneitä että vähävenäläisten salamasota meni munille.
    ellauri328.html on line 199: „Die Erinnerung an Rudolf Bultmann, den Gelehrten voller Hilfsbereitschaft, den Aufgeklärten voller Frömmigkeit, hat mich durch mein Leben begleitet, als bei mir die Zweifel größer wurden. Aber gleichzeitig hat mich sein Beispiel gelehrt, dass auch der Christ ein Skeptiker sein kann, wenn auch nicht auf die herkömmliche Weise.“
    ellauri328.html on line 210: Gott hat Himmel und Erde geschaffen, die Hölle haben die Menschen hinzuerfunden.
    ellauri328.html on line 230: „Eichendorff ist kein Dichter der Heimat, sondern des Heimwehs, nicht des erfüllten Augenblicks, sondern der Sehnsucht, nicht des Ankommens, sondern der Abfahrt“, heißt es bei Ernst Rüdiger Safranski, der eine Wendung Theodor W. Adornos übernimmt und ergänzt.
    ellauri328.html on line 305: Und schlaf’ denn bis zum Morgen Ja nuku sitten aamuun asti
    ellauri328.html on line 516: af0c82369f099cab38cd1f" height="300px" />
    ellauri330.html on line 127: Kivinen tunnettiin skeptikkona ja paranormaalien ilmiöiden sekä okkultismin oppihistorian tuntijana. S. Albert Kivinen kirjoitti kauhukertomuksia H. P. Lovecraftin luoman mytologian pohjalta sekä levytti joukon poliittis-filosofisia lauluja yhteistyössä muun muassa M. A. Nummisen kanssa.
    ellauri330.html on line 211: Мы сами здесь на юге так усердно и так наивно насаждали в городах обрусительные начала, наша печать столько хлопотала здесь о русском театре и распространении русской книги, что мы под конец совершенно потеряли из виду настоящую, осязательную, арифметическую действительность, как она «выглядит» за пределами нашего куриного кругозора. За этими городами колышется сплошное, почти тридцатимиллионное украинское море. Загляните когда-нибудь не только в центр его, в какой нибудь Миргородский или Васильковский уезд: загляните в его окраины, в Харьковскую или Воронежскую губернию, у самой межи, за которой начинается великорусская речь, – и вы поразитесь, до чего нетронутым и беспримесным осталось это сплошное украинское море. Загляните когда-нибудь не только в центр его, в какой нибудь Миргородский или Васильковский уезд: загляните в его окраины, в Харьковскую или Воронежскую губернию, у самой межи, за которой начинается великорусская речь, — и вы поразитесь, до чего нетронутым и беспримесным осталось это сплошное украинское море. Есть на этой меже села, где по ею сторону речки живут «хохлы», по ту сторону — «кацапы». Живут испокон веков рядом и не смешиваются. Каждая сторона говорит по-своему, одевается по-своему, хранит особый свой обычай; женятся только на своих; чуждаются друг друга, не понимают и не ищут взаимного понимания. Съездил бы туда П. Б. Струве, автор теории о «национальных отталкиваниях», прежде чем говорить о единой трансцендентной «общерусской» сущности. Такого выразительного «отталкивания» нет, говорят, даже на польско-литовской или польско- белорусской этнографической границе.(Урок юбилея Шевченко)Me itse täällä etelässä istutimme niin ahkerasti ja niin naiivisti venäläistämisen periaatteita kaupunkeihin, meidän lehdistömme täällä höystyi niin paljon venäläisestä teatterista ja venäläisten kirjojen levittämisestä, että lopulta menetimme täysin silmistämme todellisen, kosketeltavan, aritmeettisen todellisuuden, miltä se "näyttää" kanahorisonttimme ulkopuolella. Näiden kaupunkien takana heiluu jatkuva, lähes kolmenkymmenen miljoonan voimakas Ukrainan meri. Katso jonain päivänä paitsi sen keskustaa, johonkin Mirgorodin tai Vasilkovsky-alueeseen, missä asustivat Ivan Ivanovizh ja Ivan Nikiforovitzh, katso sen laitamille, Harkovin tai Voronežin lääniin, juuri siihen rajaan, jonka jälkeen suuri venäläinen puhe alkaa - ja hämmästyt kuinka koskematonta ja väärentämätöntä se on. Tämä on jatkuva Ukrainan meri. Tällä rajalla on kyliä, joissa "khokholit" asuvat tällä puolella jokea ja "katsapit" asuvat toisella puolella jokea. Muinaisista ajoista lähtien he ovat asuneet vierekkäin eivätkä sekoitu. Kumpikin osapuoli puhuu omalla tavallaan, pukeutuu omalla tavallaan, ylläpitää omaa erityistapaansa; naimisiin vain omiin; vieraannuttaa toisiaan, eivät ymmärrä eivätkä etsi keskinäistä ymmärrystä. P. B. Struve, "kansallisten vastenmielisyyksien" teorian kirjoittaja, vittu menisi sinne ennen kuin puhuu yhdestä transsendenttisesta "kokovenäläisestä" olemuksesta. Sanotaan, ettei sellaista ilmeistä "luotaantyöntävyyttä" ole edes Puolan ja Liettuan tai Puolan ja Valko-Venäjän etnografisella rajalla. (Oppitunti Ševtšenkon vuosipäivänaä)

  • ellauri330.html on line 276:

    Rafu Koskimies ja Käärijä

    ellauri330.html on line 278: Rafael Koskimies on mainittu siellä täällä paasauxissa. Se on samoja Kyrön Forsmanneja kuin lyhyenläntä Aarne-setä, tai nimensä Sillinpääxi muuttanut Taata os. Koskinen. Rafu piti sille etukäteen tilatun nekrologin. Rafun oppilas Aarne Kinnumen ei pitänyt Rafua paljon minään, ei liioin pikku Make Eskelinen. Nytkun Pasilan sivukirjaston Kirjavan keskiviikon kierrätyskirjoista löytyi Rafun muistelmateos ,"Helsinki ja härjänvaza", on ehkä aika tutustua Rafun elämään ja teoxiin.
    ellauri330.html on line 280: Rafu oli Masa 6:n opettajan Mara Haavion kolleega, toimittivat yhteisvoimin kokoomateoxia ja tietosanakirjoja. afael">Kaarlo Rafael Koskimies (vuoteen 1926 Forsman) 9. helmikuuta 1898 Savonlinna – 19. marraskuuta 1977 Helsinki, on myös 1/375 löysäpukuisen Arto Samulin humanisteista. Samulin lailla hän oli oikealle kallellaan. Ajan toimitussihteeri 1917 - 1924 Vaakku Koskenniemrn sivuvaununa. Valvoja-Ajan päätoimittaja 1932 – 1941.
    ellauri330.html on line 283: Rafael Koskimies syntyi Savonlinnassa helmikuussa 1898 fennomaani-ihanteita kannattavan keskiluokkaisen lehtoriperheen vanhimmaksi lapseksi. Perheen fennomaanimyönteisyys ei ollut yllättävää, sillä suku kytkeytyy kuuluisiin fennomaaniaatteen ajajiin, kuten Yrjö Sakari Yrjö-Koskiseen, josta Rafun äiti pissi herneitä. Rafael Koskimiehen sukunimi olikin vuoteen 1926 asti Forsman. Yrjö-Kossuilla on mahtipontinen kivi Hietaniemessä. Siinä lähistöllä on Rafukin pienen kiven alla. Rafun äisky oli voimisyelunopettaja, os. Heikinheimo, ex-Heikel, ex-Heikkilä Oulunjoelta, Oulun Houruloiden naapurista. Musta lammas Armas tuli esiin Katri Valan partnerina.
    ellauri330.html on line 285: Rafael Koskimiehen perhe muutti Helsinkiin nykyiselle Lönnrotinkadulle (ent. Antinkatu 22) ja pani Rafun Helsingin Suomalaiseen normaalilyseoonl, isä Aukustista tultua norssin suomen ja ruozin lehtori. Äiskä Bergroth puhui iskän kanssa kotona ruåzia. Helsingin yliopistoon hän kirjautui sisään vuonna 1916. Filosofian kandidaatti 1920, filosofian lisensiaatti 1923 ja filosofian tohtori 1927, Helsingin yliopisto. Estetiikan ja nykyiskansain kirjallisuuden professori 1939 – 1961, Helsingin yliopisto.
    ellauri330.html on line 294: Journalistinen ura oli alkanut Koskimiehellä jo yliopisto-opiskelijana ollessaan. Hän oli lähettänyt malliarvostelun V. A. Koskenniemelle, joka tuolloin päätoimitti Aika-lehteä. Koskenniemi piti lukemastaan ja kutsui Koskimiehen mukaan toimitukseen. Rafun ensimmäinen kirja-arvostelu reposteli Maxim Gorkin Varjenkaa.
    ellauri330.html on line 320: Professorina Rafu ehti olla 22 vuotta ennen eläkkeelle jäämistään. Työt eivät kuitenkaan siihen loppuneet vaan hän toimi vielä jonkin aikaa kustannusosakeyhtiö Otavan johtokunnan puheenjohtajana. Lisäksi hänet valittiin Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian esimieheksi. Siinä riitti Rafulle kivaa puuhasteltavaa.
    ellauri330.html on line 323:
    Rafu allekirjoittaa leipääntyneenä opintokirjoja.

    ellauri330.html on line 333: Laitinen, Kai, ”Koskimies, Rafael”. Kansallisbiografia-verkkoartikkeli. Luettu 11.5.2015.
    ellauri330.html on line 334: ”Kaarlo Rafael Koskimies”. Menneisyyden humanistit -verkkosivusto. Luettu 13.5.2015.
    ellauri330.html on line 335: Rafael Koskimies, ”Helsinki ja Härjänvatsa”. Otava: Helsinki 1953.
    ellauri330.html on line 339: Georg Morris Cohen Brandes (4. helmikuuta 1842 Kööpenhamina – 19. helmikuuta 1927 Kööpenhamina) oli tanskalainen kirjallisuusarvostelija, tutkija ja kirjailija, joka oli 1870–1880-luvulla pohjoismaisen kirjallisen elämän merkittävin auktoriteetti. Juutalaistaustainen Brandes opiskeli estetiikkaa Kööpenhaminan yliopistossa ja väitteli tohtoriksi vuonna 1870 tutkielmalla Den franske æsthetik i vore dage: En afhandling om H. Taine. Vuodesta 1871 alkaen hän luennoi yliopistossa 19. vuosisadan kirjallisuuden päävirtauksista. Vaikutusvaltaiset luennot julkaistiin kuutena niteenä (1872–90), ja Brandes esitti niissä kirjallis-filosofien ohjelmansa: kirjallisuuden on tarkasteltava yhteiskunnallisia ongelmia ja edistettävä vapauspaatosta ja vallankumoushenkeä. Luennot saivat jopa raivostuneen vastaanoton, eikä Brandes saanut yliopistosta professuuria. Hänestä tuli kuitenkin älymystön keskushahmo; hänen ympärilleen ryhmittyivät muiden muassa J. P. Jacobsen, Henrik Ibsen, Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson ja August Strindberg. Suomeen hänen vaikutuksensa saapui Minna Canthin välityksellä.
    ellauri330.html on line 356: Mutta Sombart, hänhän on sekä henkinen että ruumiillinen snobbi! mylvi pitkä ja blondi Ernst Nevanlinna Aarne-sedän oloiselle Akulle Lönnrotinkadulla. Nyze vihainen herra huutaa taas, apulainen säikähti. Sombart oli aivan loistava kirjailija Rafun mielestä. Aku ei sunkaan ollut punikki ja Rafu vielä vähemmän.
    ellauri330.html on line 358: Werner Sombart ( / ˈ v ɜːr n ər ˈ z ɒ m b ɑːr t / ; saksaksi: [ˈzɔmbaʁt] ; 19. tammikuuta 1863 – 18. toukokuuta 1941) oli saksalainen taloustieteilijä , historioitsija ja sosiologi. "Nuorimman historiallisen koulun " johtaja oli yksi johtavista Manner-Euroopan yhteiskuntatieteilijöistä 1900-luvun ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä. Termi myöhäinen kapitalismi on akkreditoitu hänelle. Kapitalismiin liittyvä luovan tuhon käsite on myös hänen kekkansa. Hänen magnum opuksensa oli Der moderne Kapitalismus . Sitä julkaistiin 3 osana vuosina 1902–1927. Kapitalismuksessa hän kuvaili neljä vaihetta kapitalismin kehityksessä sen varhaisimmista iteraatioista sen kehittyessä feodalismista, jota hän kutsui protokapitalismiksi varhaiseen, korkeaan ja lopulta myöhäiseen kapitalismiin, Spätkapitalismus, ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeisenä aikana. Sombartilta on myös Die Juden und das Wirtschaftleben. Samaan aikaan toisaalla hirveä puolijuutalainen Alois Hitler suomi Adolf poikaansa.
    ellauri330.html on line 360: Punamustat aatoxet eivät olleet Forsmaneille vieraita, esimerkixi Herr Schmoller: Schmoller fügte 1900 seinem „Grundriß der Allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre“ einen Abschnitt zu „Rassen und Völkern“ hinzu und beschrieb darin auf zwanzig Seiten mit angeblichen Erkenntnissen über diverse Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eine hierarchische Ordnung von „Rassen“, die er als eine Grundlage der Ökonomik darstellte. Tämän ilmitultua sakut lakkasivat jakamasta Schmoller-mitalia. Nazi-Ernst otti Rafun senttarixi Uuteen Suomeen.
    ellauri330.html on line 500: Tähän aikaan kasakoilla ei ollut heppoja mutta ne pyysivät tataareita apuun. Szlachta ( puola: [ˈʂlaxta]; Liettuan:šlėkta) olivat Puolan kuningaskunnan, Liettuansuurruhtinaskunnan ja Puolan ja Liettuan liittovaltion valtakunnan aatelisto, jolla oli luokkana hallitseva asema valtiossa, joka käytti laajoja poliittisia oikeuksia ja voimaa. Szlachta erosi luokkana merkittävästi Länsi-Euroopan feodaaliaatelista, sillä ne olivat allodiaaleja eikä mitään kunkun lojaaleja torppareita taxvärkkipäivineen. Pikku Rafu Koskimies kazoi mielissään ikkunasta kuinka iskän torpparit tuli töihin aaumuvarahin lähteäxeen mezätöihin sydänmaalle.
    ellauri330.html on line 506: Vaakku otti aamuisin Rafun vastaan yöpaidassa, ankara pää vielä vällyissä. Ei saa verrata Heinrich Heineen Kivijärveä! Vaakku varoitti.
    ellauri330.html on line 508: Erkki Kivijärvi piti myös lausuntoiltoja ja hän oli tunnettu erityisesti ruotsalaisen Gustaf Frödingin lausuntojen tulkitsijana.
    ellauri330.html on line 527: Rehtori K. Linkolakin (ent. Collan) avusti Vaakkua. Sen lumppareita heitelleestä pojasta tuli ekofasisti. Vaakku nosti Siljo lahtarin konekivääriasemaan jo klassikoxi muodostuneella puffillaan. Rafu sai Kordelinin säätiössä istua vanhenevan Juhani Ahon kiikkustuolissa. Vaakku muutti Turkkusse virkka ja Linkomies tuli tilalle.
    ellauri330.html on line 531: Rafun kaskut on tosi leimejä. Paras oli Sammatin Haarjärvellä muistiinkirjoitettu runo, valitettavasti vain lyhyt katkelma, joka alkaa näin:
    ellauri330.html on line 563: Ize asiassa koko Rafun kirja on aivan vitun leimi.
    ellauri331.html on line 45: Ydinpommin pudottaminen Venäjälle Luftwaffen Tornado-hävittäjäpommittajalla vaatisi ”7 peräkkäistä ihmettä” – Nyt F-35 muuttaa pelikenttää.
    ellauri331.html on line 166: af0edf645f3a56b3e7b726001190&ipo=images" />
    ellauri331.html on line 251: Elikkä siis Rafael ja Omar Rivero perustivat Occupy Democratsin Facebook-sivuksi vuonna 2012. Vastaava verkkosivusto luotiin myöhemmin. Sen ilmoitettu tavoite on tarjota "decaf tyyppinen vastapaino republikaanien teekutsuille."
    ellauri331.html on line 453: Ensimmäiset tutkimukset omistettiin eri aiheille. Myöhemmin julkaisussa alettiin julkaista materiaaleja Venäjän viranomaisten ja puolueiden salaisista yhteyksistä ja liiketoiminnasta, Venäjän hallituksen ja suuryritysten korkeimpien korruptiosuunnitelmista sekä Venäjän hallituksen painostuksesta ja vaikutuksesta mediaan ja sosiaalisiin verkostoihin. Julkistettiin tutkimuksia Rubljovkan arvostetulla asuinalueella asuvista ihmisistä, venäläisen energiayhtiön Rosneftin ja Amaffin välisistä siteistä, Tšetšenian päällikön Ramzan Kadyrovin ja venäläisen virkamiehen Adam Delimkhanovin tuloista sekä erikoishankkeesta. "Rautanaamiot" ( venäjäksi : Железные маски, romanisoitu : Zheleznye Maski ) omistettu Venäjän presidentille Vladimir Putinille ja hänen ystävilleen.
    ellauri331.html on line 612: Britti Vahtikoiran kommentaattori Roy Greenslade vuonna 2014 ja entinen Slate- toimittaja Jack Shafer vuonna 2007 syyttivät Russia Beyondia propagandasta. Pieni rähähdys aidanraosta ei sen enempää.
    ellauri332.html on line 65: Esau möi akateemiset ambitionsa hernekeitosta jo väikkärillä "Backwards-looking operators". Pahemmaxi meni sitten Aalto-yliopiston feikkiprofeettana. Viimeisin pohjanoteeraus näyttää olleen Lauri "Tafsaaja" Törhösen farssimainen väittely Lapin yliopistossa. Mitään tekemättömässä "väitöskirjassa" ei ollut lähteitä eikä viiteapparaattia, todennäköisesti pelkkää narsistista pullistelua. Väittelijä vastasi kysymyxillä ja kysyi vastauxilla kuin Tuomari Nurmion "hän on täällä tänään." Löysä pata ja kalju kattila kolisivat kateederilla kuin tyhjät tynnyrit, musta kylki loisti kummallakin suoratoistona.
    ellauri332.html on line 70:
    Tafsaaminen taiteenlajina

    ellauri332.html on line 76: Elokuva, kuuteen klassiseen taiteeseen juureutuva seitsemäs taide, on monen taiteilijan ja osaajan ryhmätyö, jonka työnjohtaja elokuvaohjaaja on. Elokuva on aina taideteos, mutta usein kauppatavara mitä konkreettisimmalla tavalla. Tämä fakta luo elokuvalle sen vaikean dualistisen olemassaolon. Yksi tekee, toinen myy. Yxi pyllistää, toinen tafsaa pyllyä.
    ellauri332.html on line 80: af5-93fd-210c26a6ae10" />
    ellauri332.html on line 130: "The Exorcist" on yksi kaikkien aikojen suurimmista kauhuelokuvista. Linda Blairin demonisesti riivaama pään pyörittäminen on terrorisoinut yleisöä vuodesta 1974 lähtien! Vaikka elokuva on kiistaton kauhukuninkaan ikoni, sen ympärillä oli lukuisia kiistoja. Elokuvan elokuvan katsojilla kerrottiin olevan kauhistuttavia fyysisiä reaktioita nähdessään elokuvan, mukaan lukien oksentaminen ja pyörtyminen. Yhdessä sen graafisen verisuonin kanssa väitettiin, että elokuva käytti alitajuista viestiä kiihdyttääkseen yleisön negatiivisia fyysisiä reaktioita. Näyttelijät ja miehistö eivät myöskään säästyneet! Kaksi päänäyttelijää loukkaantui vakavasti kuvauksen aikana, puhumattakaan oudosta tulipalosta, joka tuhosi kuvauspaikan! Kammottava!
    ellauri332.html on line 140: Elokuvan akilleen kantapääxi osoittautui näyttelijä Zoe Saldanan valinta näyttelijä Nina Simonen pääosaan. Saldanaan täytyi tehdä pyllyproteeseja ja meikkiä, koska hän on puertoricolaista ja dominikaanista syntyperää, kun taas Nina Simone oli afroamerikkalainen. Monet kyseenalaistivat, miksi elokuvantekijät eivät vain palkkaaneet näyttelijää, jolla oli samanlainen syntyperä ja ihonsävy kuin Nina, varsinkin kun otetaan huomioon, että tällaisten näyttelijöiden rooleja on jo vähän.
    ellauri332.html on line 215: "Cannibal Holocaust" on yksi kauhistuttavimmista kiistanalaisista elokuvista, jotka on tuotettu tuona aikana [milloin?]. Sen sisältö oli niin graafista, että yleisö oli iloisen vakuuttunut kuolemantapauksista. Näyttelijöiden kerrotaan allekirjoittaneen sopimuksen, jonka mukaan he katoavat. He tekivät niin säilyttääkseen elokuvan dokumentin vaikutelman. Tämä vuoden 1980 paras italialainen elokuva ei ole yhtä tunnettu Amerikassa, ja ehkä se on parasta? "Holokaustin kannibaali" oli toki parempi.
    ellauri332.html on line 298: Vuoden 1987 brittiläinen elokuva "Hellraiser" perustuu tarinaan nimeltä "The Hellbound Heart". Elokuvan keskiössä ovat ekstraulotteiset olennot, jotka nauttivat muiden satuttelusta eivätkä erota kipua nautinnosta. Elokuvan verinen sisältö oli niin alhaista, että se kiellettiin Kanadassa sen julmien, graafisten väkivaltaisten kohtausten vuoksi, jotka eivät jättäneet riittävästi tilaa mielikuvitukselle.
    ellauri332.html on line 300:
  • Kummisetä, osa XXXIII [lisää samaa mafiasontaa]

    ellauri332.html on line 348: Ohjaaja Michael Powellin väkivaltainen tirkistelijäelokuva vangitsee ikivanhan pelon tulla vieraan katseluun. Mark Lewis, alias "Peeping Tom" saa korjauksensa kuvaamalla ja sitten murhaamalla vaatimattomia naisia heidän omissa kodeissaan. Nykyään, kun kamerat löytyvät jokaisen taskusta aina, tämä elokuva on erityisen ajankohtainen ja koskettava. Se on kuin ruozalainen lastenkirja "Nolla". Vaikka "Peeping Tom" on sittemmin viljellyt kulttiasemaa elokuvafanien keskuudessa, sitä pidettiin erittäin kiistanalaisena, kun se julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran vuonna 1960. Tämä johtui elokuvan uudesta seksuaalisten tabujen ja väkivallan kuvauksesta. Huohheli huoh.
    ellauri332.html on line 442: Hester Prynne (Senta Berger) lebt mit ihrer Tochter in Salem, einer an der Atlantikküste gelegene amerikanische Neuansiedlung der Puritaner. Auf ihren Kleidern prangt in scharlachroter Farbe ein A. Der Buchstabe ist für die strenggläubigen Puritaner das Zeichen für eine Ehebrecherin. Trotz der Repressalien ihrer Gemeinschaft - so muss die schöne Frau jedes Jahr einen Tag an den Pranger - weigert sich Hester, den Namen des Vaters ihrer Tochter Pearl preiszugeben.
    ellauri332.html on line 600: Elokuvissa Jar Jar on monimutkaisuutensa takia toteutettu melkein kokonaan tietokonetomografialla, mutta joissakin harvoissa kohtauksissa joissa päätä ei näy, häntä esittää lakukeppi näyttelijä Ahmed Best. Kaikissa kohtauksissa Best on kuitenkin Jar Jarin äänenä, josta kuulee heti tietysti että tämä vähä-älyinen Hessu Hopo-tyyppinen pökiö on neekeri.
    ellauri332.html on line 620: Jo ennen "The Phantom Menace" -jakson julkaisua Jar Jar tuli melko vakavan median ja yleisön huomion kohteeksi. Näin ollen Brent Staples New York Timesista uskoo, että gungan ”kävelee kuin parittaja. Binks on ylivoimaisesti elokuvan tyhmin hahmo", ja hänen yksinkertainen omistautuminen "valkoisille" jedimestareilleen muistutti ihmisiä Hollywoodin loukkaavimmista rodullisista stereotypioista; Slaten David Edelstein kutsui Binksiä " pullisesilmäiseksi, miehen kokoiseksi dinosaurukseksi, joka puhuu Länsi-Intian slangia " ja Eric Harrison Los Angeles Timesista vertasi Binksiä Stepin Fetchitin virheelliseen parodiaan. Harrison panee merkille Pohjois-Amerikan katsojien ennennäkemättömän suuttumuksen tämän hahmon suhteen: erityisesti luotiin verkkosivusto jarjarmustdie.com ("Jar Jar Must Die") , joka kerää fanien ääniä vetoaakseen Lucasfilmiin ja pyytää tappamaan Binks. Vanity Fairin Bruce Handy kirjoitti, että Jar Jarista "on tullut symboli siitä, mitä monet fanit pitävät esiosa-trilogian puutteina: hahmot, joista kukaan ei välitä; huumorintaju, joka on suunnattu yleisön nuorimmille ajatteleville jäsenille; liiallinen riippuvuus tietokonegrafiikasta; ja juonilinjat, jotka käsittelevät monimutkaisia poliittisia juonitteluja , jotka olisivat sopimattomia: I, Claudius tai Kolmannen valtakunnan nousu ja tuho -sovituksissa , mutta sopivat elokuviin, joissa on hahmoja kuten Jar Jar Binks." Kate Phipps The A.V. Clubista totesi, että Binks oli kiusallisesti kirjoitettu elokuvaan, jonka olisi voinut tehdä ilman gungania, joka tarjoaisi koomista helpotusta pääjuonelle, mutta sen sijaan hän "pilaa melkein jokaisen kohtauksen, jossa hän avaa suunsa."
    ellauri332.html on line 624: Kriitikko Joe Morgenstern The Wall Street Journalista lkuvaili hahmoa "rastafari Stepin Fetchitiksi kaviotasolla, joka ärsyttävästi risteää Butterfly McQueenin." Naislakimies ja kriittinen rotuteoreetikko Patricia J. Williams on ehdottanut, että monet Jar Jarin hahmon piirteet muistuttavat läheisesti blackface-minstrel-shown esiintyjiä ja Powell Ford ehdottaa, että hahmo on "rento klovnihahmo" joka jatkaa stereotypioita mustasta Karibiasta. Lucas kiisti yhteydet hahmon ja rasismin välillä; Best totesi myös, että Jar Jarilla ei ole yhteyttä Karibiaan, toisin kuin Bestillä.
    ellauri332.html on line 702: Suomen lisäksi äänestämästä pidättäytyivät muun muassa Saksa, Italia, Baltian maat ja EU:hun kuuluvat Pohjoismaat. Esimerkiksi Ranska, Espanja, Portugali, Belgia ja Irlanti äänestivät päätöslauselman puolesta. Yhdysvallat, Itävalta, Unkari, Kroatia ja Tšekki äänestivät vastaan. US looks isolated after opposing UN resolution on Gaza truce. No ei hätä ole tämän näköinen, urhea pikku Suomi heiluttaa sille häntäänsä! Saivathan Yhdysvaltain sotilaat juuri mahdollisuuden käyttää Suomen maaperää!
    ellauri333.html on line 93: Ceylonese sources state that Ashoka succeeded his father Bindusara 314 years after Buddha's Nirvana and that his anointment took place four years after his father's death, or 218 years after the Nirvana. The Burmese tradition confirms the two dates 214 and 218. The traditional date of the Nirvana is 544 B.C. Various devices were proposed in order to account for this chronological error, until Fleet showed that the Buddha-varsha of 544 B. C. is a comparatively modern fabrication, of the twelfth century, and that the difference of about sixty years is the quite natural result of the buddhists bungling it again.
    ellauri333.html on line 123: Using figures for assumed average annual growth, Patna is the 21st fastest growing city in the world and 5th fastest growing city in India according to a study by the City Mayors Foundation. Patna registered an average annual growth of 3.72% during 2006–2010. As of 2011-12, the GDP per capita of Patna is ₹1,08,657, and its GDP growth rate is 7.29 percent. In June 2009, the World Bank ranked Patna second in India (after Delhi) for ease of starting a business
    ellauri333.html on line 128: From Indian literature we know that at all times kings used to entertain spies {chara or gudha-purusha). These agents were graded into high ones, low ones, and those of middle rank. A similar class of officers, which was created by Asoka himself, were the reporters (prativedaka), who were posted everywhere, as he says, in order to report to me the affairs of the people at any time, while I am eating, in the harem, in the inner apartment, even at the cowpen, in the palanquin, and in the parks.
    ellauri333.html on line 130: The king confesses that the Kalinga war was the turningpoint in his religious career, and that his grief at the enormous loss of human life made him repent of his conquest and aspire henceforth to the conquest by moraliity. Before, he had been known as Chandasoka (i. e. the fierce Asoka) on account of his evil deeds; afterwards he became known as Dharmasoka (i.e. the pious Asoka) on account of his virtuous deeds.
    ellauri333.html on line 135: As a pious Hindu he acknowledged the debt which every king owes to his subjects in return for the revenue levied from them, and which consists in affording them protection.
    ellauri333.html on line 219: According to Philip Ludendorf, an American Indologist, the theological significance of Hanuman and devotional dedication to him emerged about 1,000 years after the composition of the Ramayana, in the 2nd millennium CE, with the arrival of Islamic rule in the Indian subcontinent. Ludendorf also writes that the skills in Hanuman's resume also seem to derive in part from his windy patrimony, reflecting Vayu's role in both body and cosmos. Vayu is an important deity and is closely associated with Indra, the king of gods. He is mentioned to be born from the breath of Supreme Being Vishvapurusha and also the first one to drink Soma. Soma oli todnäk piriä. Zarathustra joi haumaa, efedriiniä ja opetti sen itäintiaaneille. Ephedra is the origin of the name of the stimulant ephedrine, which the plants contain in significant concentration. It can cause cardiovascular events.
    ellauri333.html on line 223: Rama (/ˈrɑːmə/; Sanskrit: राम, romanized: Rāma; Sanskrit: [ˈraːmɐ]) is a major deity in Hinduism. He is the seventh and one of the most popular avatars of Vishnu. In Rama-centric traditions of Hinduism, he is considered the Supreme Being. Saffroniasuihin pukeutuneet kaljupäät lauloivat Bostonissa hare rama ja raottelivat ovia pienissä laatikoissa kilistellen kulkusia. Hulluja nuo amerikkalaiset, kävi mielessä.
    ellauri333.html on line 254: The angry masculinisation of Hanuman is not contesting gender injustice or waging a war against rapists and the abusive kin of women. It is going to be used next year to sell another kind of war. A war that depends on a certain kind of young men you will find all over history, in Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Nellie, Muzaffarnagar and Kathua, where ethnic and civil wars have been started. Young men who revere the milch cow as Mata, who swear by the honour of their mothers and sisters but will hunt and rape and kill men and women who do not fit their culturally defined familial categories, who for pleasure need an angry avenger, not one who is as Tulsidas said “gyan gun sagar” (a sea of wisdom and goodness).
    ellauri333.html on line 299: Intia oli ensimmäinen ei-arabialainen maa, joka tunnusti Palestiinan vapautusjärjestön (PLO) Palestiinan lailliseksi edustajaksi 1970-luvulla ja antoi ryhmälle täyden diplomaattisen aseman 1980-luvulla ja kutsui PLO:n pitkäaikaisen johtajan Yasser Arafatin vierailemaan useita kertoja, ja säilytti johdonmukaisesti Palestiina-myönteisen aseman YK:ssa. Vasta sen jälkeen, kun PLO aloitti vuoropuhelun Israelin kanssa, ja Yhdysvaltojen painostuksen lisääntyessä Intia solmi lopulta diplomaattiset suhteet Israelin kanssa vuonna 1992.
    ellauri333.html on line 362: Kastittomien kohtaamaan syrjintään Ambedkar törmäsi jo koulussa. Hän joutui istumaan ulkona jauhosäkillä, joka hänen piti itse tuoda kouluun mukanaan joka päivä, päällä sen sijaan, että olisi saanut istua luokassa. Vettä kastittomille jaettiin siten, että joku ylempään kastiin kuuluva kaatoi sen kuppiin niin korkealta, etteivät kastittomat ja kastiin kuuluvat vahingossakaan koskisi toisiaan tai että kastiton koskisi astiaa, josta vettä kaadettiin. Vettä kaatoi yleensä joku alhaiseen kastiin kuuluva maanviljelijä, josta juontuu Ambedkarin kuuluisa ilmaus "no peon, no water" (ei peonia, ei vettä). Peon (English /ˈpiːɒn/, from the Spanish peón Spanish pronunciation: [peˈon]) usually refers to a person subject to peonage: any form of wage labor, financial exploitation, coercive economic practice, or policy in which the victim or a laborer (peon) has little control over employment or economic conditions. Peon and peonage can refer to both the colonial period and post-colonial period of Latin America, as well as the period after the end of slavery in the United States, when "Black Codes" were passed to retain African-American freedmen as labor through other means.
    ellauri333.html on line 379: afting_Committee%2C_presenting_the_final_draft_of_the_Indian_Constitution_to_Dr._Rajendra_Prasad_on_25_November%2C_1949.jpg/500px-thumbnail.jpg" />
    ellauri334.html on line 72: af99bdd0411cd1ce8.png" width="70%" />
    ellauri334.html on line 122: 1 pallon luotaantyöntävimmistä oligarkeista, Seon Mulk ehdottaa Wikipedian uudeksi nimeksi Dickipediaa, jonka voisi kääntää vaikkapa ”mulkkupediaksi”. Olipa nockelaa. Vitun eteläafrikkalainen velttomulkku ryssä. Varmaan oli tullut lukeneexi selostusta omista mokailuistaan Wikipediasta. Eihän vittu näiden nolojen faktojen kuuluis olla täällä! Ostan koko sivuston! Tässä miljardi. Piisaako?
    ellauri334.html on line 125: Mulk kirjoitti sosiaalisen median palvelu X:ään (entinen Twitter) sarjan julkaisuja viikonlopun aikana. Niissä hän (https://www.techspot.com/news/100590-elon-musk-goes-after-wikipedia-asks-where-all.html) kyseenalaisti Wikimedia Foundationille annettavat rahalahjoitukset, joilla palvelua ylläpidetään.
    ellauri334.html on line 249: Bibliografia:

    ellauri334.html on line 275: Judas seems to have a different root after I did a quick search, but I’m not sure tbh.
    ellauri334.html on line 387: Samaan aikaan äärioikeistolaiset mielenosoittajat heittivät ohjuksia ja ottivat yhteen poliisin kanssa Whitehallissa pyrkiessään "puolustamaan kenotafia".
    ellauri335.html on line 111:

    ellauri335.html on line 242: Vuonna 2011 LMFAO toi tanssin uudelleen muotiin kappaleellaan Party Rock Anthem, jonka musiikkivideossa tanssikoreografia perustuu muokattuun Melbourne Shuffleen. Useiden Melbourne shufflen sekä Hardstyle shufflen harrastajista kuitenkin pitävät LMFAO:n versiota shufflesta halpana sekä typerän näköisenä tanssina eikä edes yhdistä melbourne shufflea sekä LMFAO shufflea toisiinsa, vaan pitävät niitä kahtena aivan erilaisena tanssilajina. Niinkuin iso- ja vähävenäläiset ovat kaxi aivan eri kansaa.
    ellauri335.html on line 413: Repa ei ole vaivautunut ottamaan selvää karvakäsien edes perusasioista, kuten ettei inshsllah ole tervehdys, tai että Jaffa on ikivanha arabien kaupunki eikä mokkereiden.
    ellauri335.html on line 498: Amnesty International visited the sites of the strikes, took pictures of the aftermath of each attack, and interviewed a total of 14 individuals, including nine survivors, two other witnesses, a relative of victims and two church leaders.
    ellauri335.html on line 504: You might think a presidential visit, presidential speech, three Secretary of State visits, two Secretary of Defense visits, the dispatching of two aircraft carrier groups, a nuclear submarine and Marine expeditionary unit, and the pledge of $14.3 billion in emergency military aid are testament to the unwavering support the United States is extending to Israel.
    ellauri336.html on line 51: JS Mill kuvailee saamaansa koulutusta. Kun hän oli taapero, isä antoi hänen "leikkiä" Aristoteleen kanssa. Jos hän meni kävelylle isänsä kanssa, hänen oli määrä keskustella Aristoteleesta ja logiikasta tai Platonista ja metafysiikasta. Ei ollut leikkikavereita: hän ei koskaan edes tajunnut, että maailmassa oli leikkikavereita; hänet vain kasvatettiin erillisessä ympäristössä, ja hän oli ihmelapsi. Mutta 20-vuotiaana hän sai hermoromahduksen. Se, mikä veti hänet ulos hermoromahduksesta, ei ollut Platon, ei Aristoteles, ei Aquino; se oli Wordsworthin runous. Hän tajusi, että maailmassa oli esileikkikavereita.
    ellauri336.html on line 97: Näiden uskonnollisten määräysten tarkoituksena on, että miehet eivät joutuisi kiusauxeen houkuttelemaan ketään naista, joka ei ole heidän vaimonsa. Seksuaalinen uskollisuus on tärkeä asia, jonka ultraortodoksiset juutalaiset miehet ottavat vakavasti. Sukupuolet pidetään erillään kouluissa, synagogissa ja joskus jopa liikennebusseissa tai kaduilla. Ei mitään tafsausta tai tökkimistä seisovalla penixellä takapuoleen linjurissa (Italia) puhumattakaan imutuxesta tai pystypainista metrossa (Japani).
    ellauri336.html on line 289: Rabbi Morgenstern does family counseling and lectures extensively in Israel and abroad on shalom bayis, chinuch habanim, family communication and dating, and has produced a popular tape & CD series on these topics. His articles on these topics and Jewish hashkafa have appeared internationally in Jewish newspapers and magazines.
    ellauri336.html on line 507: Why did Kimchis have seven sons who were kohen gadol? Or, why is popa 20 blatt behind. In any event, it isn’t because she covered her hair, as the gemara says ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????. Yes, but as those of us 20 behind in the daf know, and as was pointed out in that thread, the 2nd and 3rd became kohen gadol when the first was tamei.
    ellauri336.html on line 545: Käsiteltäessä kaikenlaista kapinaa on tärkeää, että vanhemmat siirtävät välittömästi syyllisyyden lastensa päälle eikä itselleen. Lapsemme ovat hyvin vaikuttavia, eikä heidän asiaansa auta länsimaisen kulttuurin vetovoima, joka tunkeutuu voimakkaasti juutalaisten kodin (bajs) pyhyyteen. Tämä saa erilaisia muotoja sopimattomasta lukumateriaalista (The Orthodox) televisioon ja Internetiin. Lapsemme ovat niin haavoittuvia vieläzer-haran verkoille ja tuhon polulle. Opettajat voivat välittömästi havaita, ketkä lapset ovat altistuneet television, väkivaltaisten tietokonepelien, CD- ja DVD-levyjen, Internetin ja matkapuhelimien haitallisille ja syövyttävälle vaikutukselle . Entä Internetin vaarat? Tiedän nuoren, joka samaan aikaan kuin hän daf yomi shiur leikki, joutui yhdellä hiiren napsautuksella alttiina myrkylliselle moraalittomalle materiaalille. Shiur oli tietysti vain peittely, jonka alla oli kovaa pornoa. Juutalaiset pornokuvat tuppaavat olemaan huonoja.
    ellauri336.html on line 594: Thank goodness: Climate change alarmist and darling of the international liberal media Greta Thunberg has, at long last, weighed in on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. In a social media post published Friday morning, Thunberg held up a sign that read, “Stand with Gaza,” while writing: “Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.”
    ellauri336.html on line 638: Gene Collins has witnessed firsthand the flipside of the Permian’s economic boom. The 68-year-old, who runs an insurance agency and is on the board of a local economic development corporation, was born and raised in Odessa, a city which, with neighbouring Midland, is at the heart of the Permian. Heavy trucks are damaging road surfaces, traffic accidents have increased and housing rates have soared, he claimed.
    ellauri336.html on line 656: Will Texas have a political shift that might empower Democrats at some stage who might be more willing to think about restraining the growth of the oil sector, if not reversing it?” said Joshua Busby, an associate professor of public affairs at the University of Texas at Austin and senior research fellow at the Center for Climate and Security. NOPE.
    ellauri336.html on line 666: The world remains on track to produce far more oil, gas and coal than would be consistent with relatively safe levels of heating, a new report found. Loppu 2023 nyytisestä on New York Timesin maxumuurin takana. Ahnaat juutalaiset nyhtävät viimeisenkin pennin loppurytäkästäkin.
    ellauri338.html on line 46: Schelling was a senior staff member of the RAND Corporation (1958–59), where his analysis of the nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union led to his publication of The Strategy of Conflict (1960).
    ellauri338.html on line 107: Francesca Stavrakopoulou toteaa, että vaikka kirjoitus viittaa "Daavidin taloon", se ei todista Daavidin historiallisuudesta eikä 9. vuosisadalla eaa. peräisin olevan juutalaisten valtakunnan olemassaolosta. Tarvitaan lisäselvitystä. Garfunkel väittää, että yhdistettynä Khirbet Qeiyafasta löydettyjen arkeologisten todisteiden kanssa kirjoituksen viittaus "Daavidin huoneen kuninkaaseen" on ensisijainen todiste siitä, että David oli historiallinen henkilö ja keskitetyn rajalle roudatun raudan perustaja.
    ellauri338.html on line 141: Runo oli suosittu prerafaeliittien maalareiden keskuudessa, jotka kuvittivat siitä useita jaksoja, erityisesti William Holman Huntin Isabella ja Basilikaruukku, John William Waterhousen Isabella ja Basilikaruukku ja Isabella (tunnetaan myös nimellä Lorenzo ja Isabella) by: John Everett Millais.
    ellauri338.html on line 162: Nuoret mutiaiset ryöstivät juutalaisen pöytähopeat. Nahkatakkiset korttelipoliisit hakkaavat mustan teinipojan sinisexi. Ah mazel, onnexi meillä on oma Schutzstaffel, oikea poliisi ei löydä edes omaa persettään vaikka kaxin käsin hakee, sanoo Zejde. Vihollista ei pidä sääliä.
    ellauri338.html on line 197: Ranskalainen kanafileestä valmistettu ruokalaji, johon jauheliha kääritään, sitten kääritään korppujauhoissa ja paistetaan kuin kotletti, kutsutaan nimellä cotelette de volaille (kirjaimellisesti "kana (kana) filee"). 1800-luvun lopun ranskalaisten kokkien ansiosta tämä ruokalaji pääsi Venäjän valtakuntaan (jonka hallinnassa Kiova tuolloin oli). Ajan myötä paikalliset ravintoloitsijat alkoivat luoda erilaisia versioita lainatun reseptin perusteella.
    ellauri338.html on line 208: Kansainvälisten suhteiden ja ruoanlaiton historian asiantuntija, suurin venäläisen ruoanlaiton asiantuntija Pokhlebkin saavutti suurimman osan mainetta - tieteellisen ruoanlaittotyönsä ansiosta - ruoanlaiton tutkijana ja popularisoijana, joka työskenteli gastronomisen historian, keittiön semiotiikan ja kulinaarisen antropologian parissa. Hän ehdotti myös kosmonauttien ruokavalion monipuolistamista, mustan leivän ja vihreän teen sekoitusta heille. Pokhlebkinin monografia "Vodkan historia" palkittiin Lange Ceretto -palkinnolla.
    ellauri338.html on line 229: Vuonna 1991 julkaistiin monografia "Vodkan historia", jossa Pokhlebkin yritti selvittää "milloin vodkan tuotanto aloitettiin Venäjällä ja aloitettiinko se aikaisemmin vai myöhemmin kuin muissa maissa". Syy monografian kirjoittamiseen oli Pokhlebkinin itsensä mukaan kansainvälinen kiista 1970-luvun lopulla vodkan valmistuksesta, kun kirjan kirjoittajan mukaan "useita neuvostovodkamerkkejä joutui boikotin kohteeksi ulkomaisilla markkinoilla”. Länsieurooppalaiset ja amerikkalaiset yritykset, joiden vodkan tuotanto alkoi aikaisemmin kuin Neuvostoliitossa (vuosina 1918-1921, kun taas Neuvostoliitossa 1924), kyseenalaistivat Soyuzplodoimportin oikeuden myydä ja mainostaa tuotettaan vodkana. Neuvostoliittoa pyydettiin etsimään eri nimi vodkamerkeilleen (kuten Stolichnaya , Posolskaya, Pshenichnaya, Sibirskaya, Kubanskaya, Yubileynaya, esimerkiksi "alkoholijuoma".
    ellauri338.html on line 241: Chicken Kiev -puhe on lempinimi puheelle, jonka Yhdysvaltain presidentti George H. W. Bush piti Kiovassa Ukrainassa 1. elokuuta 1991, kolme viikkoa ennen Ukrainan itsenäisyysjulistusta ja neljä kuukautta ennen joulukuun itsenäisyysäänestystä, jossa 92.26. % ukrainalaisista äänesti eroamisen puolesta Neuvostoliitosta. Neuvostoliitto romahti 145 päivää puheen jälkeen osittain Ukrainan painostamana. Puheen, jossa Bush varoitti "itsemurhaista nationalismista", kirjoitti Condoleezza Riisi, myöhemmin presidentti George W. Bushin aikainen ulkoministeri, kun hän vastasi Neuvostoliiton ja Itä-Euroopan asioista ensimmäiselle presidentti Bushille. Se raivostutti ukrainalaiset nationalistit ja amerikkalaiset konservatiivit, kun konservatiivinen New York Timesin kolumnisti, Ken Safiren setä William Safire kutsui sitä "Kiivan kanapuheeksi", joka on nimetty täytetyn kananrintaruoan mukaan protestina sitä vastaan, mitä hän piti sen "kolossaalisena virhearviona", nim. heikko sävy ja laskuvirhe.
    ellauri338.html on line 265: Bushin puhe herätti myös kritiikkiä kotona koskemattomuudesta, vaikka hän tuskin oli yksin siinä; vasta edellisenä vuonna Britannian pääministeri Margaret Thatcher oli julistanut, ettei hän voi avata suurlähetystöä Kiovassa enempää kuin San Franciscossa. Boston Globe kutsui sitä " Bushin liigaksi Kiovassa" pääkirjoituksessa, jossa hän kritisoi Bushia siitä, että hän "suomissi häntä liian syvästi saadakseen lohtua sisäisen kansallisen keskustelun toisella puolella". Sanomalehti katsoi, että Bush oli ollut epäreilu kielellään, erityisesti käyttämällä ilmauksia, kuten "itsemurhainen nationalismi", "etninen viha" ja "paikallinen despotismi", jotka sen mielestä "menivät liian pitkälle". 29. elokuuta 1991 Ken Safiren setä William Safire käytti New York Timesin kolumniaan nimetäkseen sen "Chicken Kiev" -puheeksi. Myöhemmin Safire kommentoi, että puhe oli saanut Bushin vaikuttamaan "vapauden vastaiselta" ja vaarantanut Yhdysvaltojen suhteet Ukrainan "nousevaan eurooppalaiseen valtaan". Mensch näitä amerikan juutalaisia.
    ellauri339.html on line 95: Repa ei ole vaivautunut ottamaan selvää karvakäsien edes perusasioista, kuten ettei inshallah ole tervehdys, tai sitä että Jaffa on arabien kaupunki eikä jutkujen. Se ei varmaan edes tiedä että Viipuri on ikivanha venäläinen kaupunki.
    ellauri339.html on line 154: B-61-Waffe. Hinten ist es zusammengebaut, in
    ellauri339.html on line 482: af751f8/max_g480_c12_r4x3_pd20" />
    ellauri339.html on line 514: Hän aloitti työskentelyn äärioikeistolaisena valelääkärinä Euromaidanin aikana, Donbassin sodan alkamisen jälkeen hän otti kutsutunnuksen "Tyra" yhden japanilaisen klaanin kunniaksi (hän ​​käytti tätä salanimeä aiemmin pelissä World of Warcraft), ja hänen tiimiään alettiin kutsua "Tyran enkeleiksi" analogisesti "Charlien enkeleille".
    ellauri339.html on line 574: Vuonna 2020 hän luovutti Arvovallan vallankumouksen kansallismuseolle kypärän, arafatkan ja lipun, jossa oli merkintä "Tyra" ja marraskuussa 2022 hän siirsi useita henkilökohtaisia ​​esineitä, jotka liittyvät yksikköön "Tyran enkelit" Ukrainan toisen maailmansodan historian kansallismuseoon; siellä niitä käytetään näyttelyssä, joka on omistettu ukrainalaisten taistelulle Venäjää vastaan toisessa maailmansodassa.
    ellauri339.html on line 584: Ulkomaat yleisesti käytetyssä merkityksessä (meidän tapauksessamme länsi, ja on aika muuttaa tätä ajattelua) "vuotivat" Zelenskyn. Viimeinenkin ukrainafilian ja raivostuneen russofobian linnake, brittiläinen The Guardian, kaatui: julkaistiin artikkeli ”Putin on ottanut vallan Ukrainassa?”. Artikkelin johtopäätös on tämä: Ukrainan konflikti on menetetty, ja se vain pahenee. Arvovaltainen amerikkalainen aikakauslehti Foreign Affairs kirjoittaa, että Ukrainan tulisi tehdä aselepo Venäjän kanssa. The Wall Street Journal julkaisi artikkelin otsikolla "On aika lakata haaveilemasta Venäjän tappiosta". Tässä on myös hälyttävä hetki - ikään kuin kukaan ei kysyisi Venäjältä, ikään kuin tämä kaikki olisi mahdollista "ilman Venäjää". Kannattaa miettiä: miksi he ajattelevat näin lännessä ja mitä tehdä asialle Venäjällä? Usko minua, se ei ole vaikeaa, minulla on vastaus, mutta se on äärimmäisen, sanokaamme, "epäsuosittu".
    ellauri339.html on line 591: The United States controls how the war in the Ukraine proceeds and always has. Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said that it was the Americans who scuttled any chance of peace in Ukraine as early as March 2022, soon after the war began. “The only people who could resolve the war over Ukraine are the Americans. During the peace talks in March 2022 in Istanbul, Ukrainians did not agree to peace because they were not allowed to. They had to coordinate everything they talked about with the Americans first. However, nothing eventually happened. My impression is that nothing could happen because everything was decided in Washington.”
    ellauri339.html on line 622: It is all something of a set piece. America has an old habit of wandering into a conflict and then losing interest. “We have your back” and “we will not abandon you” join “the check’s in the mail” and “I’m from the government and I’m here to help” among joking faux reassurances. Our proxies seem to end up abandoned and hung out to die. As in Iraq and Afghanistan, never mind Vietnam before that, what was realized at the end could have most likely been achievable at pretty much anytime after the initial hurrahs passed away. It is sad that so many had to die to likely see it happen in 2023.
    ellauri340.html on line 345: Comics Magazine Association of America (CMAA) perustettiin syyskuussa 1954 vastauksena laajalle levinneeseen yleiseen huoleen sarjakuvien graafisesta väkivallasta ja kauhukuvista. Se nimesi New Yorkin tuomarin Charles F. Murphyn (1920–1992), joka on nuorisorikollisuuden asiantuntija, johtamaan organisaatiota ja suunnittelemaan itseään valvovan "eettisen säännöstön ja standardit" alalle. Hän perusti Comics Code Authorityn (CCA) perustaen sen koodin enimmäkseen noudattamattomaan koodiin, jonka Association of Comics Magazine Publishers laati vuonna 1948 ja joka puolestaan ​​oli mallinnettu löyhästi vuoden 1940 Hollywood Production Coden, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä "Hays Code".
    ellauri340.html on line 436: (runoilija Esa Saarinen Aira Samulinin epitafissa).
    ellauri340.html on line 453: Tästä hemmosta tulee hakematta mieleen se Claude Simon jolta tuli samanlaista suoltoa, ja se myös aika sairas polakki joka harrasti pornografiaa. Gombrovicz tai jotain. Joo ja vielä 1 Kristina tädin mielihaahuilija, se Tataariaro-kaippari. Dino Buzzati. Kafka, Robbe-Grillet. Broch. Näitä piisaa.
    ellauri340.html on line 522: Handken vuoden 1972 romaani Short Letter, Long Farewell sisälsi koomista huumoria ja halveksuntaa. Se kertoi itävaltalaisen miehen tiematkasta Yhdysvaltojen halki. Hän etsi ensin vieraantunutta vaimoaan ja sitten pakeni häntä, kun tämä uhkasi tappaa tämän. Kertoja päätyy lopulta elokuvaohjaaja John Fordin taloon, joka on aikansa metafiktiivinen uutuus. Rock and rollia ja kaikkea, jota historia ei rasita, rakastava Handke käytti Yhdysvaltoja näyttönä, jolle hän saattoi heijastaa fantasioitaan. Unelma tyhjän pöydän kansasta (joka tietysti jättää huomioimatta Amerikan oman kansanmurhan menneisyyden) kasvaisi huolenaiheeksi Handkelle, kun hän pyrki laajentamaan itsensä rajoja maailmassa, jossa hän ei ollut koskaan tuntenut olonsa kotoisaksi.
    ellauri340.html on line 611: Kielen filosofia Kuoleman filosofia Sodan filosofia Arkkitehtuurin filosofia Tiedon filosofia Taiteen filosofia Yhteiskuntatieteen filosofia Historian filosofia Talouskritiikki Arvokritiikki Arvomuoto Yhteiskuntafilosofia Sosiologia (varhainen) Antropologia Patafysiikka Valokuvaus Semiotiikka Terrorismin tutkimus Sosiaalinen historia Länsimainen ulkopolitiikka Populaarikulttuuri.
    ellauri340.html on line 613: Hänen isovanhempansa olivat maataloustyöntekijöitä ja isä santarmi. Lukion aikana (Lycée Reimsissä ) hän tuli tietoiseksi "patafysiikasta" filosofian professori Emmanuel Pelletin kautta, jonka sanotaan olleen ratkaisevan tärkeää Baudrillardin myöhemmän ajatuksen ymmärtämisen kannalta. Kaikki onkin näet pelkkää pelleilyä pefleteillä kuten patafysiikka.
    ellauri340.html on line 653: Kellner (n.h.) totesi, että "on vaikea päättää, onko Baudrillard pelkkä patafyysikko." Miten niin vaikeaa. Kellner (miesoletettu) kuvaili De la séductionia "feminismin loukkaukseksi".
    ellauri340.html on line 664: Hänen älyllinen mentorinsa oli Georges Bataille. Hahaa. Patafysiikka jäi perinnöxi rajan yli polkupyöräilleeltä Alfred Jarrulta. Reimsin kultahattuna hänen ympäristönsä oli maalaismainen ja hän työskenteli lujasti lyseessä kompensoidaxeen tämän. Vaikka hän yritti, hän ei onnistunut eikä koskaan onnistunut saamaan pysyvää yliopistovirkaa (hän on nyt haudassa). Henkilökohtaisesti Baudrillard piti elämäänsä "virtuaalisena murtumistilana".
    ellauri341.html on line 147: Beim Eichmann-Prozess 1961 sagte Heinrich Grüber als einziger Nicht-Jude öffentlich gegen den Angeklagten aus. 1966 wurde er zum Ehrenpräsidenten der Deutsch-Israelischen Gesellschaft ernannt.
    ellauri341.html on line 149: Ab September 1939 unterstand das Büro Grüber der Aufsicht durch Adolf Eichmann. In einer Besprechung über Auswanderung fragte Eichmann: „Erklären Sie mir den Grund, warum Sie sich für diese Juden einsetzen. Sie haben keine jüdische Verwandtschaft. Sie haben es nicht nötig, für diese Menschen einzutreten. Niemand wird es Ihnen danken! Ich begreife nicht, warum Sie es tun!“ Grüber antwortete: „Sie kennen die Straße von Jerusalem nach Jericho! Auf dieser Straße lag einmal ein überfallener und ausgeplünderter Jude. Ein Mann, der durch Rasse und Religion von ihm getrennt war, ein Samariter, kam und half ihm. Der Herr, auf dessen Befehle ich allein höre, sagt mir: Gehe du hin und tue desgleichen.“
    ellauri341.html on line 152: Befremdlich bleiben antisemitische Passagen in einem Interview, das Grüber Anfang 1939 einem niederländischen Pressebüro gab: "Die meisten Juden, die in Deutschland gewohnt haben, waren ‚wurzellos‘. Sie verrichteten meistens keine produktive Arbeit, aber sie machten ‚Geschäfte‘. Diese Juden waren es, die in der Zeit von 1919 bis 1932 Deutschland in finanzieller, ökonomischer, politischer, kultureller und journalistischer Hinsicht beherrschten. Dies war in der Tat eine jüdische Vorherrschaft. Die Reaktion hierauf war der Antisemitismus."
    ellauri341.html on line 165: Rudolf Kasztner, der sich seit seiner Einwanderung in Israel Israel Kasztner nannte, wurde am 3. März 1957 vor seiner Wohnung in Tel Aviv angeschossen und erlag am 15. März 1957 seinen Verletzungen. Die drei Attentäter wurden zu einer lebenslangen Strafe verurteilt, jedoch nach drei Jahren auf persönliche Intervention von Premier David Ben-Gurion begnadigt.
    ellauri341.html on line 173: Nur drei Monate später, im März 1944, wurde er nach dem Einmarsch in Ungarn nach Budapest berufen, um im Auftrag der SS offiziell Ausrüstung und Pferde zu kaufen. Neben der Beschaffung von Material für die Waffen-SS ging Becher auch daran, Vermögen für die SS sicherzustellen.
    ellauri341.html on line 175: In diesem Zusammenhang gelang es ihm, die Leitung des von Manfréd Weiss gegründeten Konzerns zu übernehmen. Becher hatte dabei ein leichtes Spiel, da Weiss Jude war und zu dieser Zeit die ungarischen Juden bereits systematisch verhaftet und nach Auschwitz-Birkenau deportiert wurden. Becher verhandelte nach eigenen Angaben mit dem ehemaligen Vertreter des Konzerns, Franz Chorin, der von der ungarischen Regierung verhaftet worden war. Es wurde vereinbart, dass die Mehrheitsanteile der Familie Weiss gegen eine Zahlung von 3 Millionen Reichsmark in Devisen an die SS überschrieben wurden. Als Gegenleistung durfte die Familie Weiss, die überwiegend aus Juden bestand, unter einer Zurückbehaltung von fünf Geiseln (nach anderen Angaben waren es neun), in die Schweiz und nach Portugal ausreisen. Der Vertrag dazu wurde am 17. Mai 1944 unterschrieben.
    ellauri341.html on line 181: Im Mai 1945 wurde Kurt Becher durch die amerikanischen Militärbehörden in Nürnberg inhaftiert. Zwar wurde er bei den Nürnberger Prozessen als Zeuge vernommen, aber nicht persönlich angeklagt. Der Anklage entging Becher damals in erster Linie durch die Aussage Kasztners, seines Verhandlungspartners aus der Zeit in Budapest. Becher blieb in Deutschland von jeder weiteren Anklage verschont, sagte aber im Eichmann-Prozess vor dem Bremer Amtsgericht aus. Becher weigerte sich nach Israel zu kommen, da er fürchten musste, dort selbst als Kriegsverbrecher verhaftet zu werden.
    ellauri341.html on line 222: Suomalainen yleisradioyhtiö Yle julkaisi MOT-sarjan alla ohjelman MISAsta ja Gregorian Bivolarusta. Ohjelmassa haastateltiin entisiä Nathan jäseniä. Nathan kerrotaan juurtuneen romanialaiseen MISA-liikkeeseen. Haastateltavat kuvailivat kiistanalaisia ​​toimia, kuten oksentamista, puhdistautumiskeinona. Myös seksuaalisia taipumuksia, kuten pornografiaa ja seksuaalisia suhteita opettajien ja oppilaiden kanssa raportoitiin. Suomalaisen Nathan edustaja kommentoi, että seksi on aina -- no, melkein aina, kahden ihmisen välinen asia. Voi siinä joskus olla vain yksikin tai paljon useampia.
    ellauri341.html on line 232: Vuonna 1977 hänet pidätettiin syytettynä pornografisen materiaalin levittämisestä ja tuomittiin vuodeksi vankeuteen, mutta hän ei suorittanut sitä loppuun Romanian presidentin Nicolae Ceauşescun syntymäpäivänä kaikille vähäisemmille tuomioille myöntämän armahduksen vuoksi. 17. huhtikuuta 1984 hänet pidätettiin uudelleen pornografisen materiaalin levittämisestä. Hänet suljettiin Securitaten selliin, josta hän onnistui pakenemaan. Hänet vangittiin muutama päivä sen jälkeen, sitten häntä syytettiin vain vankilasta pakenemisesta ja hänet tuomittiin 18 kuukauden vankeuteen.
    ellauri341.html on line 326: Haʿavara-Abkommen (hebräisch הֶסְכֵּם הַעֲבָרָה Heskem Haʿavarah, deutsch ‚Abkommen der Übertragung‘) bzw. Palästina-Transfer, auch Hoofien-Abkommen nach Eliezer Sigfried Hoofien (1881–1957), dem damaligen Direktor der Anglo-Palestine Bank, war der Name einer am 25. August 1933 geschlossenen Vereinbarung, die nach dreimonatigen Verhandlungen zwischen der Jewish Agency, der Zionistischen Vereinigung für Deutschland und dem deutschen Reichsministerium für Wirtschaft zustande kam. Sie sollte die Emigration deutscher Juden nach Palästina erleichtern und gleichzeitig den deutschen Export fördern. Sie war in der zionistischen Bewegung umstritten, da sie gleichzeitig mit dem Beschluss des Abkommens im Jahr 1933 betriebenen Boykottmaßnahmen gegen die Nationalsozialisten entgegenlief.
    ellauri341.html on line 328: Das Abkommen entstand ursprünglich aus einer Privatinitiative in Palästina. Sam Cohen war Generaldirektor der Hanotea (hebräisch הַנּוֹטֵעַ HaNōṭeʿa, deutsch ‚der Baumpflanzer‘), einer Gesellschaft zur Anlage von Citrusplantagen, und schloss im Mai 1933 einen Vertrag mit dem Reichswirtschaftsministerium im Umfang von 1 Million Reichsmark (ℛℳ), das bald darauf auf drei Millionen ℛℳ erweitert wurde. Ausreisewillige deutsche Juden konnten bis 40.000 ℛℳ auf ein Sperrkonto einzahlen und erhielten dafür den Gegenwert in Palästina-Pfund (£P) oder Sachwerten wie Häuser oder Citrusplantagen in Palästina. Die Gelder des Sperrkontos verwendete die Hanotea für den Import deutscher Waren nach Palästina. Das Reichswirtschaftsministerium ging davon aus, dass dies von den zionistischen Organisationen gebilligt worden war, dem widersprach aber bald darauf Georg Landauer von der Zionistischen Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD) und jüdische Organisationen in England und den USA drängten im Gegenteil auf einen Boykott Deutschlands.
    ellauri341.html on line 330: Das änderte sich mit der zunehmend bedrohlichen Lage der Juden in Deutschland. Man entwickelte einen Vorschlag des Leiters der politischen Abteilung der Jewish Agency for Palestine Chaim Arlosoroff an den deutschen Generalkonsul in Jerusalem Heinrich Wolff vom April 1933 weiter. Das war inzwischen von Pinchas Ruthenberg, dem Gründer der Palestine Electric Company, weiterentwickelt worden und wurde im Juli 1933 von Werner Senator der zionistischen Exekutive in London vertraulich mitgeteilt. Vermögen von Juden in Deutschland sollte durch eine Treuhandgesellschaft aufgelöst werden und über eine Liquiditätsbank, die von Aktionären außerhalb Deutschlands gegründet werden sollte, nach Palästina transferiert werden. Der Treuhandfonds zahlte in die Bank ein, die wiederum Schuldverschreibungen an Juden im Ausland ausgab, die dafür ausländische Devisen erhielten. Die deutsche Regierung sollte eine Transfergarantie für Zinsen und Tilgungen der Schuldverschreibungen übernehmen. Als Ausgleich sollte die Bank aus dem zurückgelassenen Vermögen der Auswanderer finanzierte deutsche Exporte in die neuen Heimatländer der jüdischen Auswanderer unterstützen.
    ellauri341.html on line 332: Im August 1933 kam es zu einem entscheidenden Treffen im Reichswirtschaftsministerium. Von jüdischer Seite waren die Hanotea (Sam Cohen, Moses Nachnes), Arthur Ruppin (später Leiter der deutschen Abteilung der Jewish Agency), Eliezer Sigfried Hoofien von der Anglo-Palestine Bank in Tel Aviv und die Vertreter der ZVfD (Georg Landauer, Siegfried Moses) zugegen. Man einigte sich zwar nicht auf die Gründung einer Liquiditätsbank, aber einer Treuhandgesellschaft in Palästina, die den Auswanderern das auf ein Reichsmark-Sonderkonto der Anglo-Palestine Bank und der Bank der Tempelgesellschaft bei der Reichsbank Eingezahlte in Palästina auszahlte und außerdem den Absatz deutscher Exporte übernahm. Die Treuhandgesellschaft erhielt außerdem ein De-facto-Monopol auf solche Vermögensübertragungen jüdischer Auswanderer nach Palästina. Am 28. August 1933 wurde im Runderlaß Nr. 54/1933 des Reichswirtschaftsministeriums der Vertrag in Vollzug gesetzt. Er erhielt den Namen Haʿavara (hebräisch für Übertragung). Die Treuhandgesellschaft in Palästina erhielt den Namen Trust and Transfer Office Haʿavara Ltd. und stand unter Leitung von Werner Feilchenfeld. In Deutschland entstand die Palästina-Treuhandstelle zur Beratung deutscher Juden GmbH (Paltreu) unter Beteiligung der Banken M.M.Warburg & CO (Hamburg), A. E. Wassermann (Berlin) und der Anglo-Palestine Bank in Tel Aviv.
    ellauri341.html on line 334: Verluste brachten Ausgleichszahlungen, um die Exportpreise zu verbilligen, die aufgrund der Nicht-Abwertung der Reichsmark sonst zu hoch gewesen wären. Außerdem gab es ab 1937 Negativ-Listen für Waren mit hohem Anteil von Auslandsrohstoffen, wofür ein Ausgleich gezahlt werden musste. Weiter gab es in Palästina auf Druck von palästinensischen Arabern und der Tempelgesellschaft Positiv-Listen, die die eingeführten Waren auf solche einschränkten, die in anderen Ländern nur mit Exportförderung absetzbar waren. Um dennoch mehr Waren abzusetzen, gründete die Haʿavara eine Tochtergesellschaft NEMICO für den Absatz von Waren in Ägypten, Mandats-Syrien und dem Irak. Auf Drängen des britischen Kolonialministeriums musste die Haʿavara in den Fällen, in denen ein britisches Unternehmen Interesse bekundete von der Bewerbung um Aufträge absehen. Innerhalb der internationalen zionistischen Bewegung stieß das Abkommen insbesondere in Amerika auf heftigen Widerstand. Auf dem 19. Zionistenkongress in Luzern 1935 setzten sich die Befürworter der Haʿavara durch. Allerdings wurden einige Einschränkungen beschlossen (Begrenzung auf Palästina) und die Aktien der Haʿavara wurden von der Anglo-Palestine Bank auf die Jewish Agency übertragen.
    ellauri341.html on line 338: Die britische Mandatsverwaltung Palästinas verlangte von den Einwanderungswilligen ein Einwanderungszertifikat (Kapitalistenzertifikat) und, damit verbunden, den Nachweis finanzieller Mittel (so genanntes Vorzeigegeld) in Höhe von 1.000 £P pro Kopf, was etwa 8.000 ℛℳ entsprach. Nach den deutschen Devisenbestimmungen – der Reichsfluchtsteuer beschlossen 1931 im Zuge der Weltwirtschaftskrise, offiziell zur Eindämmung von Kapitalflucht bzw. Devisenspekulation, ab 1933 aber instrumentalisiert, um Vermögen auswandernder vor allem jüdischer Deutscher per Steuer zu konfiszieren – wurden von Auslandsüberweisungen hohe Abschläge einbehalten.
    ellauri341.html on line 344: Wegen der strikten Zuteilung deutscher Deviseneinnahmen vorrangig für Importe des deutschen Rüstungsbedarfs mussten auch alle übrigen Zahlungen zwischen Deutschland und Palästina über Konten des Transfer Office laufen. So bekamen nichtjüdische Palästinadeutsche in Sarona oder Bir Salem von Jahr zu Jahr weniger Zitrusexporte bezahlt, womit den deutschen Verbrauchern ihre so beliebten Jaffa-Orangen zunehmend vorenthalten wurden, während zugleich die Reichsregierung weniger und weniger Palästina-Pfund auf Konten des Transfer Office für Spenden und laufende Zuschüsse bewilligte, die deutsche Organisationen an ihre vielen karitativen Einrichtungen in Palästina und für Lohnzahlungen an dort tätige auslandsdeutsche Expats brauchten. Entsprechend wurden auslandsdeutsche Fachkräfte ins Reich zurückgesandt und das karitative Wirken mehr und mehr zurückgeführt.
    ellauri341.html on line 350: Heute wird das Haʿavara-Abkommen von Investigativjournalisten wie Edwin Black und Zionismuskritikern wie Lenni Brenner herangezogen, um eine Interessengemeinschaft von Zionismus und Nationalsozialismus zu belegen. Eine Gegenposition hierzu vertrat Alexander Schölch in seiner Studie Das Dritte Reich, die zionistische Bewegung und der Palästina-Konflikt.
    ellauri341.html on line 363: Arabien mellakoiden keskellä Arlosoroff puolusti Neve Shalomia, juutalaista asutusta Tel Avivin ja Jaffan vieressä. Nämä tapahtumat auttoivat kiinnittämään Arlosoroffin huomion tarpeeseen parantaa juutalaisten ja arabien välisiä suhteita. Mellakoiden jälkeen Arlosoroff kehotti sionistijärjestelmää olemaan enää kieltämättä Eretz Israelissa olemassa olevan arabikansallisen liikkeen oikeutta olla olemassa. Arlosoroffin vetoomusta ei kuitenkaan hyväksytty laajalti, ja hän sai kritiikkiä oman puolueensa, Nuorduunarien, riveistä. Arlosoroff päätyi lopulta siihen asemaan, että vahvuuteen perustuva kompromissi naapurimaiden arabien kanssa ei heikentäisi tai sitten heikentäisi pyrkimyksiä perustaa juutalaisten kansallista kotimaata.
    ellauri341.html on line 442: afonte_Heston_Civil_Rights_March_1963.jpg" width="100%" />
    ellauri341.html on line 444: See ya later Belafonte, toodaloo Poitier
    ellauri341.html on line 459: Georg Neithardt (* 31. Januar 1871 in Nürnberg; † 1. November 1941 in Rottach-Egern) war Richter am Bayerischen Volksgericht. Unter anderem leitete er den infolge des Hitler-Ludendorff-Putsches eröffneten Hochverratsprozess gegen Adolf Hitler und seine Mitverschwörer im Frühjahr 1924 (siehe Hitler-Prozess). Neithardt sympathisierte mit den Putschisten, die die Demokratie in Deutschland beseitigen wollten. Auch deshalb wurden sie nur zu äußerst milden Strafen verurteilt.
    ellauri341.html on line 460: Entgegen gültigem Recht verurteilte das Gericht Hitler schließlich lediglich zur Mindeststrafe von fünf Jahren und stellte dem bereits bewährungsbrüchigen Straftäter sogar die baldige Strafaussetzung in Aussicht. Tatsächlich verbüßte Hitler nur etwa acht Monate Festungshaft. Anfang Januar 1933 wurde Neithardt Präsident am Landgericht Hof. Kurz nach der „Machtergreifung“ der Nationalsozialisten wurde er Anfang September 1933 zum Präsidenten des Oberlandesgerichts München ernannt. Er wurde auch Mitglied des Familienrechtsausschusses der Akademie für Deutsches Recht. Anfang September 1937 wurde Neithardt mit einer persönlichen Dankesurkunde Adolf Hitlers in den Ruhestand verabschiedet. Am 1. November 1941 starb er mit seinem Lebenslauf sehr vergnügt.
    ellauri341.html on line 527: Keidasteoria, skeidat tai sivistysperstaskut, jonka alun perin ehdotti Rafael Pumpelly vuonna 1908, jonka Vere Gordon Childe suositti vuonna 1928. Tämä teoria väittää, että ilmastossa, joka kuivui Atlantin pohjoisen laman muuttuessa, yhteisöt eristyivät keitaille, joissa heidät pakotettiin sekaantumaan eläimiin, jotka sitten kesytettiin siementen kylvämisen ohella. Tällä teorialla ei kuitenkaan nykyään ole juurikaan kannatusta arkeologien keskuudessa, koska tuon ajanjakson ilmastotiedot osoittavat, että tuolloin alueen ilmasto oli enemmän kosteaa kuin kuivaa.
    ellauri341.html on line 533: Carl Sauerin ehdottama ja Lewis Binfordin ja Kent Flanneryn mukautettu demografinen teoria olettaa yhä istuvampaa väestöä, joka laajeni yli paikallisen ympäristön tukikyvyn ja vaati enemmän ruokaa kuin pystyttiin keräämään. Erilaiset sosiaaliset ja taloudelliset tekijät kuten isomahaisuus lisäsivät ruoan tarvetta.
    ellauri341.html on line 537: Suuren vaikutuksen postulaatti, joka väitti homojen olevan osittain vastuussa olemassa olevan megafaunan sukupuuttoon tuolloin maan päällä ja joka päättyi viimeiseen jääkauteen. Tapahtuma olisi voinut myötävaikuttaa tähän, jos maatalousyhteiskuntien kehittymiselle välttämättömät olosuhteet olisivat säilyneet. Maatalouden vallankumous itsessään heijastaa tiettyjen lajien tyypillistä ylikansoitusta sukupuuttokauden tapahtumien jälkeen; tämä ylikansoitus lopulta johti nykyiseen apinoiden, nautojen ja siipikarjan vimmaiseen lisääntymiseen ja ilmaston lämpiämiseen niiden pieruista.
    ellauri342.html on line 452: Of a pilgrim-imbecile whose staff Ruskea keppisi lätkii mua vasten taulua.
    ellauri343.html on line 124: Suomessa elokuvasta tuli vuoden 1999 elokuvan päätapahtuma ja se sai useita arvostettuja palkintoja paikallisilla festivaaleilla. Nimellä "väijytys" elokuva osallistui XXI Moskovan kansainvälisen elokuvafestivaalin kilpailuohjelmaan heinäkuussa 1999, mutta ei saanut palkintoja. Elokuva julkaistiin myöhemmin Venäjällä DVD:nä jakeluyhtiö DVD Servicen toimesta nimellä "Behind Enemy Lines".
    ellauri344.html on line 261: Jews without Money is set in a slum populated mainly by Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. The father of the hero is a Romanian-born painter who suffers from lead poisoning. When he falls from a scaffold, he is disabled and can no longer work. His business fails and the family is pushed into poverty. The mother has to seek work in a restaurant. Although he is a bright boy, young Michael decides he must leave school. On the final page of the book, the poor Jewish boy prays for the arrival of a Marxist worker's revolution that will emancipate the working class.
    ellauri344.html on line 303: Kurjaa on sinkkuvanhuxilla jos ne ei saa yhtään hellittää, pitää olla liuta vanhusfrendejä kuin Kristina-tädillä. Wahlverwandtschaften hakkaa pakkosukulaiset käsi selän takana, tuumaa kuningatar Kristina.
    ellauri345.html on line 50: Itävaltalainen kriitikko Hugo von Hoffmannsthal kuvaili tätä Walter Benjaminin noin 1920-21 kirjoitettua esseetä "täysin vertaansa vailla". Se tunnetaan esimerkillisenä esimerkkinä Benjystä joka on alistanut kirjallisen aiheensa intensiiviselle dialektiselle väpitysprosessille. Goethen proosatyyliä ja aikomuksia vastaan hyökkäävässä esseessä Benjamin puolustaa myyttisen ajattelun (jonka hän paikantaa Goethen proosan välineestä) ylittävyyden sijasta vielä kohtaamatonta (ja periaatteessa käsittämätöntä) "vapautta". Noniin, siis juutalaista talousliberalismia. Tyypillisesti Benjamin paikantaa tämän kokemuksen taiteeseen, joka hänen mukaansa yksin kykenee väpittämällä ylittämään myytin voimat. Aivan ylittämätöntä potaskaa. Vaalisukulaisissa oli yxinkertaisesti kyse Goethen pedofiliasta ja ristiinsuihkinnasta, joka menee puihin kun panopuun syyllisyydentunteet ylittävät panetuxen. Nojju. Tulee mieleen sen polakin Gombroviczin pornografia. Kaikki pedofiilit on samanlaisia.
    ellauri345.html on line 52: Kantin "moraalin metafysiikkaan" perustuva avioliiton määritelmä, jota kerta toisensa jälkeen pidetään esimerkkinä tiukasta mallista tai seniilin äijän myöhäisajan uteliaisuudesta, on ylevin tuote suhteesta, joka on lahjomattomasti totta, tunkeutuu äärettömästi syvemmälle tosiasiaan kuin emotionaalinen päättely tekee. Itse faktasisältö, joka syntyy vain filosofisesta näkökulmasta - tai tarkemmin sanottuna: filosofisesta kokemuksesta - pysyy molemmille suljettuna, mutta missä toinen johtaa pohjattomaan, toinen osuu juuri siihen maahan, jossa todellinen tieto muodostuu. Siksi hän selittää avioliiton "kahden eri sukupuolta (Dodi! välihuutaa tähän apokryfinen Päivi Räsänen) olevan ihmisen liitoksi heidän seksuaalisten ominaisuuksiensa molemminpuolisen hallussapidon vuoksi. – Lasten synnyttämisen ja kasvattamisen tarkoitus voi aina olla luonnon tarkoitus, jota varten hän istutti sukupuolten taipumuksen toisiaan kohtaan; Mutta se tosiasia, että naimisiin menneen henkilön on pidettävä tämä päämäärä mielessä, ei vaadi tämän liiton legitiimiyttä; Muuten, jos siitto ja synnytys lakkaisi, avioliitto hajoaisi itsestään." Tietenkin se oli filosofin räikein virhe, että hän ajatteli tämän avioliiton luonteen määritelmän perusteella pystyvänsä osoittamaan sen moraalisen mahdollisuuden, jopa välttämättömyyden, ihan päättelyn avulla ja siten vahvistamaan sen laillisen todellisuuden. Ainoa asia, joka voidaan päätellä avioliiton objektiivisesta luonteesta, on sen turmeltuminen, sillä ristiinsuihkintaa ei voi millään estää (15% linnunpoikasista on käenpoikia) - ja siihen Kant yhtäkkiä tuleekin. Mitä sekin siitä tiesi, sinkku kaappihomo.
    ellauri345.html on line 65: af00ef3d8b619863bc565a9.jpg" />
    ellauri345.html on line 71: Er selbst war da schon in den Fünfzig. Goethe umschwärmte sie in mehreren Sonetten (eine Gedichtart). Auch Goethes Figur Ottilie in den “Wahlverwandtschaften” trägt Züge von Minna Herzlieb. Ihre Ehe mit einem anderen verlief dann sehr glücklos und in Folge dessen fiel sie in „geistige Umnachtung“.
    ellauri345.html on line 122: Kansainvälisesti toimiva kerhoverkosto levittää valkoisen ylivallan propagandaa sosiaalisen median lisäksi liimaamalla tarroja julkisille paikoille, osallistumalla mielenosoituksiin ja kokoontumalla koulutustapahtumiin, kuten kamppailuhajoituksiin, sparrauksiin tai kirjojen ja lippujen polttamiseen. Graffiteja varmaankin myös seiniin tuhrivat.
    ellauri345.html on line 264: Friedrich Gundolf, eigentlich Friedrich Leopold Gundelfinger (* 20. Juni 1880 in Darmstadt; † 12. Juli 1931 in Heidelberg), war ein deutscher Dichter und Literaturwissenschaftler. Spätestens sein Goethe (1916) machte ihn über Fachgrenzen hinweg bekannt; er war der wohl meistgelesene Germanist der Weimarer Republik.
    ellauri345.html on line 268: Da Gundolfs Gesundheit ab 1916 durch den Kriegsdienst als Landsturmmann mit schwerem Dienst als Schipper hinter der französischen Front gefährdet war, gelang es seinem Freund Reinhold Lepsius ("Das Leben Jesu"-weitbekannt, mütterlicher Seite grossenkel von Friedrich Nicolai, Freund von Lessing und Mendelssohn), Walter Rathenau (noch ein Jude) dafür zu gewinnen, ihn in das Kriegspresseamt nach Berlin zu berufen.
    ellauri345.html on line 283: Sitten viimeisen ja vaikeimman alistuman jälkeen, jonka hän pystyi tekemään, yli kolmekymmentä vuotta kestäneessä avioliitonvastaisessa taistelussaan antautumisen jälkeen, joka näytti hänestä myyttisen virzanpidätyksen symbolina, tämä yritys romahti ja vuosi avioliittonsa jälkeen, joka oli pakotettu häneen kohtalokkaiden painostuksen päivinä, hän aloitti valinnaiset affiniteetit, joilla hän esitti yhä voimakkaamman protestin, joka kehittyi hänen myöhemmässä työssään maailmaa vastaan, jonka kanssa hänen miehyytensä oli tehnyt sopimuksen. Valinnaiset affiniteetit ovat käännekohta tässä työssä. Heillä alkaa hänen tuotantonsa viimeinen sarja, joista hän ei päässyt täysin irti, koska heidän sydämensä pysyi hänessä elossa loppuun asti. Joten koskettava asia vuodelta 1820 annetussa päiväkirjamerkinnässä on se, että hän "alkoi lukea valinnaisia affiniteettia", samoin kuin Heinrich Lauben raportoiman kohtauksen sanaton ironia: "Eräs nainen sanoi Goethea vastaan valinnaisista suhteista: En osaa lukea, mutta tuskin hyväksyn tämän kirjan ollenkaan, herra von Goethe; Se on todella moraalitonta, enkä suosittele sitä kenellekään naiselle. - Sitten Goethe oli hetken erittäin vakavasti hiljaa ja sanoi lopulta vilpittömästi: Anteeksi, se on minun paras kirjani. Muut ovat vielä paljon kehnompia."
    ellauri345.html on line 294: Marianne von Willemer (* 20. November 1784 in Linz (?); † 6. Dezember 1860 in Frankfurt am Main; gebürtig wahrscheinlich als Marianne Pirngruber; auch: Maria Anna Katharina Theresia Jung) war eine aus Österreich stammende Schauspielerin, Sängerin (Sopran) und Tänzerin. Im Alter von 14 Jahren siedelte sie nach Frankfurt am Main über. Sie entwickelte sich zu einem lebhaften und lernfähigen Kind und erhielt privaten Unterricht unter einem Pfarrer. „Demoiselle Jung muß eine gute Lehrmeisterin gehabt haben und macht ihrer Lehrmeisterin auch keine Schande.“ sagte der Bräutigam, als sie die dritte Frau des Frankfurter Bankiers Johann Jakob von Willemer wurde. Diesem freundschaftlich verbunden, begegnete Johann Wolfgang von Goethe auch Marianne in den Jahren 1814 und 1815 und verewigte sie im Buch Suleika seines Spätwerks West-östlicher Divan. Unter den zahlreichen Musen Goethes war Marianne die einzige Mitautorin eines seiner Werke, denn der „Divan“ enthält auch – wie erst postum bekannt wurde – einige Gedichte aus ihrer Feder.
    ellauri345.html on line 318: Überweht sie der Wind, aber die Kraft besteht, Ne vie tuuli mennessään, mutta voimaa vielä on
    ellauri345.html on line 379: Hänen kuvastonsa on pohjimmiltaan epämaalainen; sitä voidaan kutsua muoviksi, ehkä stetoskooppiseksi. Se vaikuttaa myös novellistiselta. Laajuudestaan huolimatta valinnaiset affiniteetit säilyivät novellistisina. Ilmaisun kestävyyden kannalta ne eivät ole parempia kuin niiden sisältämä varsinainen novelli.
    ellauri345.html on line 418: Gundolf voi siis puhua "tämän teoksen patoksesta" "ei vähemmän traagisen ylevänä ja järkyttävänä kuin se, josta Sophoclean Oidipus tulee". Ennen häntä Francois-Poncet oli tehnyt jotain vastaavaa vanhentuneessa, paxuxi paisuneessa kirjassaan "affinites valinnaisista aineista". Ja silti tämä on virheellisin tuomio. Sillä sankarin traagisissa sanoissa päätöksen harjalle on kiivetty, jonka alla myytin syyllisyys ja viattomuus nielevät toisensa kuiluun. Velkaantumisen ja viattomuuden lisäksi tämä maailma perustuu hyvään ja pahaan, mikä on vain sankarin ulottuvilla, mutta ei koskaan arkalla tytöllä. Siksi on tyhjää puhetta ylistää heidän "traagista puhdistumistaan". Mikään ei voisi olla epätraagisempaa kuin tämä surullinen loppu.
    ellauri345.html on line 444: Im August 1944 wurden Borchardt und seine Frau in Italien von der SS verhaftet und nach Innsbruck transportiert, wo der Rücktransport endete. Hier wurde der Sohn Cornelius gemustert und musste noch einen Monat in einer Flakeinheit dienen. Grundsätzlich aber wurde die Familie mit Essensmarken und Papieren ausgestattet und in die Freiheit entlassen. Borchardt und seine Frau versteckten sich in Tirol, wo Borchardt am 10. Januar 1945 an einem Herzversagen starb.
    ellauri345.html on line 446: Das lyrische Schaffen Rudolf Borchardts, der zunächst dem Georgekreis verbunden war, kann nur schwer bestimmten literarischen Strömungen seiner Zeit wie der Neuromantik oder dem Fin de siècle zugerechnet werden. Infolge selbstgewählter Isolation blieb er ein Solitär, ein poeta doctus mit höchstem Anspruch an sich und andere. Er wurde geprägt vom Studium der Altertumswissenschaft und durch die Dichtungen Georges und Hofmannsthals.
    ellauri345.html on line 448: Borchardt stand den konservativen Strömungen seiner Zeit nahe, deren verbindendes Moment ein Hunger nach Mythos war und zu denen auch sein Freund Hofmannsthal gehörte, der in seiner berühmten Rede über Das Schrifttum als geistiger Raum der Nation 1927 eine „konservative Revolution“ beschwören sollte. Seine Lebensaufgabe, in „Gegnerschaft gegen den modernen Zeitgeist“ an einer „Restauration deutscher Kulturtotalität aus ihren gesamten geschichtlichen Beständen“ zu wirken, wurde durch die nationalsozialistische Machtergreifung jäh beendet. Er wurde ein leidenschaftlicher Gärtner.
    ellauri345.html on line 472: Hän ei halunnut antaa runoilijalle vähintäkään omia oikeuksiaan. Avioliitto ei voi olla romaanin keskipiste missään mielessä. Lukemattomien muiden tavoin Hebbel oli tässä täysin väärässä sanoessaan: "Yksi puoli Goethen valinnaisista yhteyksistä on jäänyt abstraktiksi; nimittäin avioliiton mittaamattomasta merkityksestä valtiolle ja ihmiskunnalle on vihjattu argumentoivalla tavalla, mutta se ei soi esityksessä, mikä olisi kuitenkin ollut mahdollista ja olisi suuresti vahvistanut vaikutelmaa koko teoksesta. Ja aiemmin "Maria Magdalenan" esipuheessa; "Kuinka Goethe, joka oli ehdottomasti taiteilija, suuri taiteilija, saattoi tehdä niin loukkauksen sisäistä muotoa vastaan ​​valinnaisissa affiniteeteissaan, että hän, toisin kuin hajamielinen dissekteeri, toi anatomiseen teatteriin automaatin todellisen ruumiin sijasta. Omalaatuista. "En voinut selittää sitä tosiasiaa, että hän solmi turhan, jopa moraalittoman avioliiton, kuten Eduardin ja Charlotten välillä, hänen kuvauksensa keskipisteessä ja käsitteli ja käytti tätä suhdetta ikään kuin se olisi täysin päinvastainen, täysin laillinen." 
    ellauri345.html on line 516: Draamakomedian mysteeri on se hetki, jolloin se projisoi oman kielensä ulottuvuudesta korkeampaan, johon se ei pääse. Sitä ei siksi voi koskaan ilmaista sanoin, vaan vain esityksenä; se on "dramaattinen" suppeimmassa merkityksessä. Analoginen esityshetki on laskeva tähti valinnaisissa affiniteeteissa. Sen lisäksi, että sen eeppinen perusta on myyttinen, sen lyyrinen laajuus intohimossa ja taipumuksissa, sen dramaattinen huipentuma tulee toivon mysteeriin. Jos musiikki sulkee todelliset mysteerit, tämä jää hiljaiseksi maailmaksi, josta heidän äänensä ei koskaan nouse.
    ellauri345.html on line 520: Analoginen esityshetki on laskeva tähti valinnaisissa affiniteeteissa. Sen lisäksi, että sen eeppinen perusta on myyttinen, sen lyyrinen laajuus intohimossa ja taipumuksissa, sen dramaattinen huipentuma tulee toivon mysteeriin. Jos musiikki sulkee todelliset mysteerit, tämä jää hiljaiseksi maailmaksi, josta heidän äänensä ei koskaan nouse. Mutta kenelle se sopii, ellei tälle, joka lupaa sen enemmän kuin sovinnon: lunastuksen. Tämä on piirretty "kilttiin", jonka George asetti Beethovenin syntymäpaikan päälle Bonnissa: mitä mysteeri varsinaisessa merkityksessä piilee teoksessa. Draaman mysteeri on se hetki, jolloin se projisoi oman kielensä ulottuvuudesta korkeampaan, johon se ei pääse. Sitä ei siksi voi koskaan ilmaista sanoin, vaan vain esityksenä; se on "dramaattinen" suppeimmassa merkityksessä. Analoginen esityshetki on laskeva tähti valinnaisissa affiniteeteissa. Sen lisäksi, että sen eeppinen perusta on myyttinen, sen lyyrinen laajuus intohimossa ja taipumuksissa, sen dramaattinen huipentuma tulee toivon mysteeriin. Jos musiikki sulkee todelliset mysteerit, tämä jää hiljaiseksi maailmaksi, josta heidän äänensä ei koskaan nouse. Mutta kenelle se sopii, ellei tälle, joka lupaa sen enemmän kuin sovinnon: lunastuksen. Tämä on piirretty "kilttiin", jonka George asetti Beethovenin syntymäpaikan päälle Bonnissa.
    ellauri345.html on line 535: Mixi ei-aivan-fundamentaalinen nazi Ludwig Klages (kz. albumia 75) näki opposition between life-affirming Seele and life-denying Geist?
    ellauri345.html on line 576: Ein drittes Bild ist ein Frühstücksbuffet. Wir sehen „das Frühstücksbuffet“. Und es besteht aus lauter Details. Da sind Brote und Brötchen, Kaffee und Tee, Eier, Rührei, Speck, Tomaten, Gurken, Salate, Käse, Wurst, Würstchen, Frikadellen, Milch, Joghurt, Marmelade, Honig. Und allein die Käseauswahl können wir noch weiter aufgliedern und auch die Brötchen bestehen aus Mehl und verschiedenen Körnern und Zutaten.
    ellauri345.html on line 685: Kaikesta tästä huolimatta Daumer ei ollut ateisti. Hän kuvaili romanttista maailmankatsomustaan ​​teistiseksi naturalismiksi tai harvemmin teistiseksi materialismiksi. Hänen teoksensa The Glory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, joka julkaistiin salanimellä vuonna 1841, osoittaa filosofisen ristiriidan, johon hän joutui. Työ johti läheisen ystävyyden päättymiseen Ludwig Feuerbachin kanssa. Vuonna 1850 hän sai jyrkän hylkäämisen Karl Marxilta, joka oli siihen asti myös ollut Daumerin partisaani. Syy Marxin lähtemiseen oli Daumerin teos Uuden maailmanajan uskonto. Yritys kombinatoris-aforistiseen perusasenteeseen. Marx näki tässä teoksessa "tyhmän talonpoikaidyllin", jonka "modernin maatalouden ja nykyaikaisten koneiden pitäisi kumota."
    ellauri345.html on line 693: Bachofen erbrachte für den romantischen Polaritätsgedanken mit einem heute auch noch nicht entfernt ausgeschöpften Belegstoff den Beweis seiner Herkunft aus dem Urbewußtsein der Menschheit Erde und Himmel, Nacht und Tag, Mond und Sonne, Wasser und Feuer, links und rechts usw. gehören gleichsinnig paarweise zueinander wie Leib und Seele und werden durch das nämliche Wechselverhältnis als unablässig die Welt erneuernd gedacht wie das weiblich empfangende und das männlich zeugende Prinzip. No niinpä tietysti. Befürworter des Kommunismus wie der hochgelehrte Kropotkin suchte mit der Hilfe der Bachofenschen Begriff des Mutterrechts (Matriarkats) aus der Naturgeschichte der Menschheit Waffen zu schmieden gegen das kapitalistische Eigentumsdogma.
    ellauri346.html on line 58: What are the disadvantages of terrorism? Key Takeaways: Terrorist acts can cause ripple effects through the economy that have negative impacts. The most obvious is the direct economic destruction of property and lives too. Terrorism indirectly affects the economy by creating market uncertainty, xenophobia, loss of tourism, and increased insurance claims.
    ellauri346.html on line 189: Jotkut uutiskanavat, kuten palestiinalainen uutistoimisto Wafa, raportoivat : "Ruotsin pääministeri Ulf Kristersson sanoo, että Israelilla on oikeus tehdä kansanmurha, ennen kuin hän oikaisee itsensä sanomaan oikeutta itsepuolustukseen." Toiset käyttivät tarkempaa ilmaisua, kuten "melkein ehdottaa" tai "sanoo vahingossa", kuten Middle East Eye ja suuri pakistanilainen sanomalehti Dawn.
    ellauri346.html on line 195: af58ebbd7d66bc12" />
    ellauri346.html on line 202: Logically Facts raportoi aiemmin Ruotsia vastaan ​​suunnatuista disinformaatiokampanjoista kahden viime vuoden aikana. Verkkohuhut siitä, että ruotsalaiset sosiaalipalvelut sieppaavat ja syövät muslimilapsia, yhdistettynä Koraanin polttamiseen ovat ruokkineet hulluja muslimivastaisia tunteita Ruotsin hallituksessa ja johtaneet sen useihin salafi-jihadististen terroristiryhmien uhkauksiin.
    ellauri346.html on line 264: Russians take the initiative: Bad news from Ukraine The Russian military has assumed the initiative in the areas of Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kreminna (located in the Luhansk and Kharkiv regions) and the Donetsk region. A potential fall of Avdiivka, deemed the gateway to Donetsk, could be inevitable, as per Colonel Mart Vendla, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces, as reported by ERR service. Vendla mentioned that rasputitsa, or the seasonal mud season, is slowly commencing in Ukraine, which will notably alter the battlefield conditions. "In the coming week or two, the weather impact will likely increase even more, causing serious disruptions in the use of heavy and armored vehicles this month and the next, until the ground freezes. Both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Russian Federation are probably striving to secure cozy lodgings before winter's onset," the Estonian officer assessed.
    ellauri346.html on line 280: The West's error is its sluggishness in supplying equipment and weaponry to Kyiv, which General Petraeus believes should be done without restriction. Leopards, Abrams, cluster bombs, ATACMS missiles, nuclear missiles, or F-16 aircraft could have been beneficial for the Ukrainian military in the summer, but their delivery to the front line was late. Should this continue, Ukraine may not emerge successful from this war. Why? Because Russia is defending effectively, and capitalizing on the mistakes of Western capitalist nations, socialising their armour stuck in the rasputina.
    ellauri346.html on line 284: Mr. Strangelove, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, recently voiced similar concerns. He chastised Western countries for their inadequate support of Ukraine in combat. He believes that there's a lack of political will to decisively defeat Russia, citing a dearth of advanced equipment, ammunition, and proper support.Why? Because the consequences of Putin's downfall in Russia are uncertain. Consequently, the current deadlock in the East is viewed as "beneficial and relatively safe" by the West.
    ellauri346.html on line 306: Titled "Friendship Song," the video in question featured a group of children reportedly singing in a re-recording of an old song originally written by Israeli poet Haim Gouri after the 1948 war that led to the creation of the state of Israel, but with amended lyrics referring to Gaza. David Sheen, an independent filmmaker and writer, translated these new lyrics for The Electronic Intifada into English from Hebrew. Per his translation, the children sang:
    ellauri346.html on line 313: And we will safely return to our homes Ja palaamme turvallisesti koteihimme
    ellauri347.html on line 248: Fromm käytti sanaa bi(bli)ofilia usein kuvauksena tuottavasta psykologisesta suuntautumisesta ja "olotilasta". Bibliofilia käsittää kaikki parafilian muodot lukuunottamatta nekrofiliaa.
    ellauri347.html on line 379: Yhteiskunta, joka synnyttää tuottavan tyypin (enemmän kuin a mahdollisuus Eran perusteella) ei ole Frommin mukaan vielä olemassa. Hänellä on tietysti joitain ideoita siitä, millaista se tulee olemaan. Hän kutsuu sitä humanistiseksi yhteisöllinen sosialismi. Se on melkoinen suupala, ja se koostuu sanoista eivät ole aivan suosittuja Yhdysvalloissa, mutta annahan kun selitän: Humanistiset keinot suuntautunut ihmisiä kohtaan, ei johonkin korkeampaan olentoon -- ei kaikkivoipa valtio tai jonkun käsitys, Jumalasta puhumattakaan. Yhteisölliset keinot koostuvat pienet yhteisöt (Gemeinschaften, saksaksi), toisin kuin suuri hallitus tai yritykset. Sosialismi tarkoittaa, että jokainen on vastuussa kaikkien muiden hyvinvoinnista. Oikein ymmärrettynä se tarkoittaa vapaaehtoista charityä, joten on vaikea väittää vastaan Frommin idealismia! Onhan se vaaleanpunaista, mutta niin ovat söpöt marsipaaniporsaatkin ja nuoren neitosen ulkosynnyttimet!
    ellauri347.html on line 454: Tämä tarve on niin voimakas, että meidän on joskus pakko löytää se esimerkiksi tekemällä mitä tahansa tilan merkkien saamiseksi (esim. peittää rumilla graffiteilla yhtenäiskoulun lasten söpöt piirroxet) tai yrittämällä epätoivoisesti mukaan. "Kaikki mukaan!" huusi Wolframkin karvalakin lipat alhaalla. Jos yhdellä on karvalakin lipat alhaalla, ne pitää olla lerppumassa kaikilla. Joskus jopa luovumme elämästämme pysyäksemme osana ryhmäämme. Mutta tämä on vain identiteetin teeskentelyä, identiteettiä, jonka otamme muilta, sen sijaan, että kehitämme itseämme, eikä se tyydytä tarpeitamme.
    ellauri347.html on line 536: Halusivat mitä parasta, mutta kävi kuten aina. Aleksei Shmelev mainitsee tämän aforismin elävänä esimerkkinä persoonattomasta rakenteesta, joka on ominaista venäläiselle kielelliselle maailmankuvalle ja viittaa siihen, että se, mitä ihmiselle tapahtui hänen oman toimintansa seurauksena, tapahtui "ikään kuin itsestään". Ei se meillä enää vetele! Kyllä löytyy syylliset!
    ellauri347.html on line 639: Liikenneonnettomuus vei enkelitohtorin, joka löi päänsä puunoxaan aasin selässä kuin Absalom. Bacon kuoli vilustumiseen täytettyään varomattomasti paljain käsin kanan lumella. Moritz Schlickin murhasi joku nazi Nelböck. Schlickin metafysiikanvastainen filosofia oli horjuttanut hänen moraalista vakaumustaan.
    ellauri348.html on line 52: Toivo herää Pafoxella nautinnollisesti ilman herätyskelloa. Esa Saarinen.
    ellauri348.html on line 150: Desmond oli pääosin hyvä kafferi, mutta oli silläkin helmasyntinsä. Kun Tutu nousi tunnetuksi 1970-luvulla, eri sosioekonomisilla ryhmillä ja poliittisilla luokilla oli hänestä monenlaisia ​​näkemyksiä kriittisistä ihaileviin. Buthelezi, korrupti Zulu-bantustanin johtaja ja Tutun tuttu, väitti yksityisesti, että "jotain oli radikaalisti vialla" Tutun persoonallisuudella. Hän naamioi taitavasti ilmeisen ylimielisyytensä aidontuntuiseen nöyryyteen Jumalan ja Hänen kanssaihmistensä edessä. Hän oli todellinen Afrikan poika, kansan mies, joka nautti rituaalista, hyvästä muonasta ja piispan loistosta. Tutulla ei ollut ongelmaa sovittaa yhteen pyhää ja maallista, mutta kriitikot huomauttelivat ristiriidasta hänen sosialistisen ideologiansa ja hänen halunsa elää mukavasti, pukeutua hyvin ja elää elämää, jota vaikka se oli poikkeuksellinen jopa Euroopassa tai Amerikassa, pidettiin vauraana ja kapitalismin pilaamana Etelä-Afrikan vähävaraisen mustan yhteisön silmissä, välillä.
    ellauri348.html on line 185: "La Paloma" esitetään näissä elokuvissa: "La Paloma" Screen Songs sarjakuva, 1930 Don Juanin yksityinen elämä, 1934 La Paloma, Ein Lied der Kameradschaft, 1934 (luettelossa myös nimellä La Paloma, 1938) Juarez, 1939 Große Freiheit Nr. 7, 1945, Hans Albers laulaa saksankielisen version. Elokuvaa ei annettu näyttää Saksassa vuonna 1944 natsien sensuurin vuoksi, ja liittolaiset julkaisivat sen vasta vuonna 1945 Kulkukoira, 1949 Vartaloryöstöjen hyökkäys, 1956 La Paloma, Saksa 1958 Habanera, Espanja 1958 Freddy, die Gitarre und das Meer, 1959 Freddy und der Millionär Adua e le compagne, 1960 Blue Hawaii, 1961, Elvis Presley laulaa "No More". Hänen nauhoitteensa esiintyi myös ääniraitaalbumilla ja uudelleen nauhoitetulla "live" versio Aloha from Hawaii amerikkalaiselle versiolle, jota ei käytetty lähetyksessä. Tämä vuoden 1973 versio julkaistiin alun perin budjettialbumilla Mahalo from Elvis, mutta on sittemmin sisällytetty useisiin. The Godfather Part II, 1974. Bändi soittaa "La Paloma" Havannan uudenvuodenjuhlien avauskohtauksessa. Bröderna Lejonhjärta, 1977. Karlin äidin kuullaan laulavan "La Paloman" ruotsinkielistä versiota. Peltyrumpu, 1979 Das Boot, 1981 (esittäjä: Rosita Serrano saksaksi). Mortelle Randonnée, 1983. Elokuvassa kuullaan Hans Albersin versio. a> Henkien talo, 1993 Sonnenallee, 1999 Hetki muistettavana, 2004 "La Paloma" on aiheena vuoden 2008 dokumentissa La Paloma. Sehnsucht. Weltweit (saksa La Paloma. Kaipuu. Maailmanlaajuinen), kirjoittaja Sigrid Faltin [de]. Soul Kitchen, 2009 Manila Kingpin: Asiong Salonga -tarina, 2011 Musiikkielokuvassa Down Argentine Way, Charlotte Greenwood laulaa pirteän, nopean kappaleen nimeltä "Sing To Your Senorita". Melodia perustuu löyhästi "La Paloman" melodiaan.
    ellauri348.html on line 260: Suomessa rauhan asiasta muistuttavat Helsingin Töölönlahden puistossa sijaitseva Suomen Peace-Blossoms-Nations-muistolaatta (1998), rauhanmaileiksi nimetyt juoksureitit Helsingissä (1986) ja Vaasassa (1988), Pellon rauhansilta (1992) ja Tornion ja Haaparannan Green Zone -golfkenttä (1992). Vuonna 1992 Pellon rauhansiltaa olivat vihkimässä Ruotsin ulkoministeri Margaretha af Ugglas ja Suomen ulkoministeri Paavo Väyrynen. Tällä haavaa presidenttitarjokas Paavo Väyrynen kerää uutterasti kannattajakortteja. Green Zone -golfkentän vihki Tornion kaupunginjohtaja Hannes Manninen. Vuonna 1998 Töölönlahden puistossa sijaitsevan muistolaatan paljastustilaisuudessa olivat paikalla keskustan eduskuntaryhmän puheenjohtaja Kyllikki Saari sekä Chinmoy.
    ellauri348.html on line 355:
    Edmund Blair Leighton ROI (21. syyskuuta 1852 – 1. syyskuuta 1922) oli englantilainen historiallisten genrekohtausten maalari, joka oli erikoistunut Regency- ja keskiaikaisiin aiheisiin. Hänen taiteensa liittyi esirafaeliittiseen liikkeeseen 1800-luvun puolivälin ja lopun välillä ja 1900-luvun alussa.

    ellauri348.html on line 371: Kaufmanin teokset tutkivat sellaisia universaaleja teemoja kuin identiteettikriisi, kuolevaisuus ja elämän tarkoitus metafyysisen tai parapsykologisen viitekehyksen kautta. Sukupuoli-identiteetti on myös toistuva teema hänen töissään. Apinat toistuvat Kaufmanin varhaisissa töissä: Being John Malkovichissa Lottella on lemmikkisimpansi nimeltä Elijah; Human Nature -kirjassa Puff kasvatettiin apinaksi; elokuvassa Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Penny haaveilee apinasta; ja adaptaatiossa alkuperäinen deus ex machina oli suoapina. Loppupeleissä apinat korvautuvat formica sapiens-lajilla.
    ellauri348.html on line 377: Charlie Kaufmanin sanoinkuvaamattoman seko romaani Antkind (2020) on tollanen kuvamaton. Neuroottinen epäonnistunut elokuvakriitikko B. Rosenberger Rosenberg törmää siihen, mikä saattaa olla ihmiskunnan historian suurin taiteellinen saavutus: kolmen kuukauden mittainen elokuva, joka sisältää aikataulutetut nukkumis-, ruokailu- ja vessatauot, joka otti kirjailijaltansa, psykoottiselta afrikkalais- amerikkalaiselta mieheltä nimeltä Ingo Cutbirth, 90 vuotta saada loppuun. B. tekee tehtäväkseen näyttää sen muulle ihmiskunnalle. Mutta elokuva tuhoutuu, kun hän pysähtyy juomaan soodaa, jättäen jäljelle vain yhden ruudun, josta B:n on jotenkin yritettävä palauttaa mieleen elokuva, joka saattaa olla sivilisaation viimeinen suuri toivo. Romaani kasvaa kattamaan laajan valikoiman käsitteitä ja juonilinjoja. B. on pakkomielle todistaa poliittisesti korrekti bona fides, kehua suhteestaan mustaan sitcom-tähteen ja hänen jatkuvasta käytöstään harvinaista ei-binääripronominia "thon". Tämä sivu ei ole saatavilla muilla kielillä, mutta aika samantapaisesta Markus Leikolan yhtä flopanneesta tiiliskivestä voisi olla apua.
    ellauri348.html on line 682: Menetelmät: Lähes 5 000 ei-laitostunutta henkilöä haastateltiin WHO/Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) -tutkimuksella valittujen psykiatristen diagnoosien esiintyvyysasteiden määrittämiseksi ja 12-kohtaisella yleisellä terveyskyselyllä (GHQ) emotionaalisen ahdistuksen mittaamiseksi. Aikataulu sisälsi muita asioita, kuten sosio-demografisia muuttujia ja avunhakukäytäntöjä.
    ellauri348.html on line 695: Menetelmät: Useat kansalliset virastot suorittivat kyselyn 5 055 iäkkäälle henkilölle selvittääkseen heidän terveydentilansa, mukaan lukien ED. Haastattelu sisälsi sosiaalis-demografisia ja käyttäytymiseen liittyviä terveyskysymyksiä sekä muokatun 12 kohteen GHQ:n ED:n mittana. Epäillyn psykopatologian kokonaispistemäärät ja esiintyvyysluvut laskettiin. Niiden riskitekijöitä tutkittiin yksi- ja monimuuttujamenetelmillä.
    ellauri348.html on line 704: Åsa Nilsonne parka ei kuvista päätellen ole mikään kaunotar, pikemminkin päinvastoin. Åsan whodunitin on toimittanut sama juutalainen naisten tafsaaja Salomonsson joka agentoi Sofi Oksasta ja Liza Marklundia.
    ellauri348.html on line 717: D'Aulnoys roman översattes till svenska 1746. Motivet har bland annat behandlats av Anton Kalmeter (1712-1764) i alexandrindikten Saga om prints Adolph, och printsessan Lycksalighet (1747) som är en bearbetning av d'Aulnoys roman. Den svenska varianten av sagan utkom i sina första versioner på 1760- eller 1770-talet. En utgåva hos Axmar i Falun från 1810, Lycksalighetens ö, förestäld uti en wacker historisk berättelse, som wisar deras fåfänglighet, hwilka söka at winna den rätta lycksaligheten här i werlden, samt huru tiden och afunden alt til intet gör, ehuru stort nöje man tycker sig : hafwa ärnådt. är den variant som gav Atterbom uppslaget till hans sagospel Lycksalighetens ö.
    ellauri348.html on line 719: Huvudpersonen, kung Astolf, lämnar sitt kyliga land och sin kvinna Svinfitta. Han förs av vindarna till Lycksalighetens ö där han gifter sig med Feliz Navidad (=den lyckliga). Här lever han lycklig, ung och vacker i 300 år tack vare en ungdomskälla. Minnet av det gamla hemmet når honom dock så småningom, han grips av skuldkänslor och återvänder. Men då han kommer tillbaka finner han sitt gamla hem förändrat. Svinfittan ä dö längesen. Människorna där har blivit så materialistiska att kungastyret har avskaffats. Han beslutar sig för att återvända till Lycksalighetens ö, men tiden hinner på hemfärden upp honom och han dör. I sorg över prinsens död stänger prinsessan Feliz Navidad in sig i sitt slott, och ungdomskällan blir av Avunden för alltid tillsluten. Så är sagan all.
    ellauri348.html on line 735: afft_Ossian_und_Malvina.jpg/440px-Krafft_Ossian_und_Malvina.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri348.html on line 758: Kauniin ja ylevän ideamme alkuperä Burken kannalta voidaan ymmärtää niiden kausaalisten rakenteiden avulla. Aristotelilaisen fysiikan ja metafysiikan mukaan syy-yhteys voidaan jakaa muodollisiin, aineellisiin, tehokkaisiin ja lopullisiin syihin. Kauneuden muodollinen syy on rakkauden intohimo; aineellinen syy koskee tiettyjen esineiden ominaisuuksia, kuten pienuutta, sileyttä, herkkyyttä jne.; tehokas syy on hermojemme rauhoittuminen; viimeinen syy on Jumalan huolenpito. Erikoisinta ja omaperäisintä Burken kauneusnäkemyksessä on se, että sitä ei voida ymmärtää kauneuden perinteisillä perusteilla: suhteella, kuntoilulla tai täydellisyydellä. Ylevällä on myös kausaalinen rakenne, joka on erilainen kuin kauneudella. Sen muodollinen syy on siis pelon intohimo (erityisesti kuoleman pelko); aineellinen syy on yhtä lailla tiettyjen esineiden puolia, kuten laajuus, äärettömyys, loisto jne.; sen tehokas syy on hermojemme jännitys; viimeinen syy on se, että Jumala on luonut Saatanan ja taistellut sitä vastaan, kuten John Miltonin suuressa eeppisessä Paradise Lost ilmaistaan.
    ellauri349.html on line 60: E. Saarisen filosofi on puhtaasti talousliberalistista posetiivisuutta. On annettava mahis mahixelle, see The Gap in The Traffic. Yllättävää kyllä sitä saarnaa se pieni vähemmistö jota onni on tombolassa jo potkaissut. Ei yleensä loput päähänpotkitut.
    ellauri349.html on line 72: Hän on esiintynyt myös Philomena Cunkin emännöimässä Closer to Truth -sarjassa 11 jaksossa, jossa hän keskustelee tietoisuudesta, henkilökohtaisesta identiteetistä, tafsauxesta, vapaasta tahdosta ja materialismista. Hänellä ei liene ollut vakivirkaa missään ainakaan ton tafsausjupakan julkitultua. Nyt retardi-ikäisenä sillä on todennäköisessti enää löysä ongelma.
    ellauri349.html on line 98: Pafos-seminaarit alkoivat laman aikana '95 ennenkuin Eski sai lähtöpassit yliopistolta ja Retuperän VPK levitti hyppymaton.
    ellauri349.html on line 100: Esiintyvä amatöörinäyttämötaiteilija tarjoili Pafoxella viihdettä. Kun ympärillä on 100 ihmistä, on helpompi antautua ajatuxille. Ne ei tunnu silloin yhtä tyhmiltä, tyhmyys tiivistyy joukossa.
    ellauri349.html on line 130: Mixi useimmat meistä tuntevat izensä häviäjixi joilla on veltto ongelma Pafoxen uimarannalla? Koskako Pipsan rakkaus uhkaa meitä nielaisun ja hylkäyxen peloilla? Koskako muut ihmiset (kuten Eski) ovat ärrrrsyttäviä? Meidän pitäisi kieltäytyä äyskimästä niille kuten Goyan koira.
    ellauri349.html on line 258: Erkki Samuli Pirtola (18. toukokuuta 1950 Rautalampi – 23. tammikuuta 2016 Helsinki) oli suomalainen kuvataiteilija. Pirtolan mielestä "Todellinen taiteen emämaa löytyykin lastentarhoista, Steiner-kouluista, undergroundista, hullujenhuoneilta, presidentin muistikirjasta, betonigraffiteista, oudoista yöllisistä performansseista, ufokuvista, viidakkoshamaanin houreista..."  Paskanmarjat Erkki, graffitit on järjestään pyllyn rumia. Mitä vittua, jotain presidentin nuolua?
    ellauri349.html on line 313: Ihanteet on ihania, mutta jokaisella on joka aamu ainakin yksi kakka edessä. Vähän liioittelua, mutta oikeansuuntainen havainto. Joo voi tarkoittaa ei ja ei voi tarkoittaa kyllä, varsinkin naisten kohdalla, huomauttaa käytännön filosofi Saarinen. Tafsaus ei käy käsi selän takana. Tai no, riippuu selästä.
    ellauri349.html on line 464: Ihminen voi kokea tulevansa hyväxytyxi vaikka vessajonossa, jos sitä ympäröi nolousvapaa vyöhyke. Pafoxella on ihanan lämmintä, vaikka ranta on aika huono, somerikkoa. Pafoxella sandaloizi ja kasvuilkamoizi Pyhä Peevelikin. Olikohan Peevelikin yhtä korskea kuin E.Saarinen Jari Sarasvuon Writers Studiossa? Ei saisi korskua, antaa korskeudelle sijaa, oli Pipsa teroittanut. Nöyryyttä! Mutta kun Eskin piti saada olla ykkönen, vaikka vessajonossa saadessaan kakkoseen koko tiimiltä.
    ellauri349.html on line 473: Kaikkein traagisinta tässä Eskin joihkauxessa kuplafolkkarista käsin on huomata että veikon huumori on täysin kadonnut, lukunottamatta tahatonta. Kaveri näyttää ottaneen izensä aivan täydestä ja tosissaan! Se luulee oikeasti olleensa joku ässä! "Korskeus", "mustankiiltävä sotarazu", eikö se tajunnut näyttävänsä naurettavalta pikku pajazolta pellepuvussa? Ei: "Izeironia ei onnistu minulta. Se on fakta." Leipääntynyt tervetulotoivotus Sepun vanhalle laitoxelle samoilla hitaasti putoilevilla iänikuisilla kökkösanoilla on surullista nähtävää. Siltä tuntuu hävinneen totaalisesti izeymmärrys. Onkohan lapin tyttö yhtä tikapuuhermostoinen kuin Jasun kotka? Tärkeää on jarruttaa myöhään sanoi rallimestari Ari Vatanen. Tallimestarit juokaa. Vitut sanoi Vatanen, ja Vatanen on viisas mies.
    ellauri349.html on line 490: Raymond Claude Ferdinand Aron est issu d'une famille juive et d'un milieu aisé des deux côtés. Ses parents sont Gustave Émile Aron (1870-1934) et Suzanne Levy (1877-1940). Son grand-père maternel, Léon Levy, possédait une usine de textile dans le nord de la France. Sa famille paternelle venait de Lorraine où elle était établie depuis la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Son grand-père paternel, Isidore (dit Ferdinand) Aron, était grossiste en textile à Rambervillers, puis Nancy (Lorraine). Un de ses grand-oncles paternels, Paul Aron, était le père de Max Aron, médecin biologiste à la faculté de médecine de Strasbourg. Ferdinand, le grand-père paternel de Raymond, prédit à celui-ci à sa naissance une grande carrière. Gustave Aron refusa de prendre la suite de l'affaire familiale et fit de brillantes études de droit; il publia des travaux juridiques, mais n'étant reçu que deuxième à l'agrégation de droit alors qu'un seul poste était attribué, il abandonna la perspective d'enseigner à l'université et devint professeur de droit à l'École normale supérieure de l'enseignement technique. Il arrêta de travailler au début du XXe siècle, vécut dès lors de l'héritage familial et fit construire une maison à Versailles en 1913-1915 avec un court de tennis. La famille Aron retourna ensuite à Paris. Après la guerre, Gustave Aron investit en bourse, mais sa fortune fut perdue du fait de la crise économique de 1929 et il fut obligé de reprendre un emploi. Il mourut en 1934 d'une crise cardiaque. La mère de Raymond mourut en juin 1940 à Vannes.
    ellauri349.html on line 523: Almog valmistui Oxfordista tohtoriksi vuonna 1983, minkä jälkeen hän muutti Yhdysvaltoihin filosofi David Kaplanin kutsumana. Almog oli vuosina 1983–1984 Stanfordin yliopiston ja vuodesta 1984 lähtien Kalifornian yliopiston filosofian professori opettaen matemaattista logiikkaa, metafysiikkaa, kielifilosofiaa ja filosofian historiaa. Hän kyllästyi Yhdysvaltoihin ja amerikkalaiseen filosofiaan. Almog päätyi vuonna 2014 Turun yliopiston filosofian professoriksi tavattuaan Olli Koistisen eräässä konferenssissa. Olli Ilmari Koistinen (s. 11. toukokuuta 1956 Oulu) on suomalainen filosofi ja teoreettisen filosofian emeritusprofessori. Hän toimi vuosina 2002–2022 Turun yliopiston teoreettisen filosofian professorina. Koistinen on tutkinut työssään muun muassa filosofian historiaa ja klassikoita. Hän johti Immanuel Kantin Puhtaan järjen kritiikin suomennostyötä, joka valmistui vuonna 2013. Olli kuuluu luokkaan (n.h.). Almogilla on 2 lasta muttei vaimoa.
    ellauri349.html on line 558: Saarinen completed his Ph.D. degree in 1978 at the University of Helsinki, where he has since held docentship. His extrovert public persona – he became known as the “punk doctor” – was reflected in his lectures at the university, which drew increasingly large audiences until the late 1990s. After failing to get the position of full-time professor at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Helsinki, Saarinen resigned his lecturer position. Soon afterwards he was appointed professor at Helsinki University of Technology, since renamed Aalto University. His lectures there each year draw full lecture halls.
    ellauri349.html on line 566: Eskin lahjoilla ei olis kannattanut lähteä runolle, tulos on vitun kökköä. "Pafos-seminaarin asetelma sallii hienovaraisuuxia, joissa ihmiskokemus, avautuen sisäänpäin syvyyssuunnasssa, rohkaistuu ulospäin, uskaltaututuu kontaktiin, ja jatkaa taas takaisin sisään, kokonaisuuden voimistuessa puhtausytimissään ylärekisterilllisen väreilyn ehdoin." Sisään ulos sisään ulos, schneller schneller. Kun ajattelee Esa Saarista, M.A. Nummista, Vesa-Matti Loiria, Paula Vesalaa ja Satu Silvoa, alkaa etoa. Syyläisiä egoja. Tää koko kirja on pelkkää pastöröintiä. Käynkö äidin haudalla tarpeexi usein? Vienkö kukkia? Kaikki klisheet suoraan Disney- ja Netflix sarjoista. Leocadia sivelee ruskean valokuvan jalkapuolta fasistia.
    ellauri349.html on line 646: Pääteos, jossa Heidegger kamppailee Gelassenheitin käsitteen kanssa, on Discourse on Thinking (Käännös Gelassenheitista; 1966), tarkemmin sanottuna osio nimeltä " Keskustelu ajattelusta maapolulla", jossa hän yrittää selittää ymmärrystä kolmen eri keinoin. Näkökulmat: tutkijan, viisaan ja tutkijan näkökulmat. Heidegger käyttää kirjassa erilaisia tapoja päästää lukijaa läheisempään kosketukseen vapautumisen tai olla-antamisen kanssa dialogin, runouden, oksymoronin, kiehtovan käännöksen ja niin edelleen avulla. Tekemällä tämän hän yrittää "hajottaa riippuvuutemme metafysiikkaan (mukaan lukien hänen oman aikaisemman ajatuksensa) ja rohkaista meitä hyväksymään olemisen antamisen tapahtumaan". (Moore, 2019, s. xvii).
    ellauri349.html on line 795: Liehun romaaneissa Rakkaus Pariisissa (Sphinx 2000) ja Cafe Mandarin (Sphinx 2002) ovat läsnä rakkauden ja ystävyyden teemat. Satu Waltarin vaikutus näkyy vahvana.
    ellauri349.html on line 833: Heidi Liehun puppugeneraattori suoltaa metaforia sujuvasti, ja hän haluaa elää joka hetkessä niin täydesti, että sanoo juopuvansa hiekkakäytävistä ja lyhtypylväistä. Kuoleman teemaa hän käsittelee yhtä herkkätuntoisesti ja ulkokohtaisesti kuin kaikki nuoret runoilijat kautta aikojen. Oi-interjektiosta on tullut pöhkö maneeri.
    ellauri349.html on line 885: Olisiko mahdollista pitää E.Saarisen luento kirkossa mainizematta isäntää, eli Jeesusta ja Jumalaa? No ei. Sokrates on enempi hengissä kuin myytti väittää. En nyt sano kenen hahmossa. Vaatimattomuuteni estää sanomasta. Sen voin sanoa, että Tiina Alahuhta-Kasko on moninkertainen Pafos-alumni. Länsimaisen filosofian historia on ilmestynyt äänikirjana. From strength to strength tässä jatketaan jos aikaa annetaano. Kirurgi Hernesniemikin on kuollut. Sen leikkaama Timo Honkela on vainaja.
    ellauri350.html on line 99: Vuoden 1965 jälkeen, kun Else oli lähestymässä 75-vuotiasta, hän alkoi "osoittaa joukkoa rajoitettuja vainoharhaisia harhaluuloja". Tämä yhdessä hänen heikentyneen terveydentilansa kanssa pakotti Kohutin sijoittamaan äitinsä vanhainkotiin vuonna 1970. Kohutille se, että hänen äitinsä oli osoittautunut hulluksi, oli vapauttava kokemus. Nyt hän tajusi, että koko hänen elämänsä oli viettänyt yrittäessään paeta piilevästi psykoottisesta äidistään. Hän ymmärsi nyt myös, miksi hänen isänsä oli ollut poissa hänen lapsuudessaan. Strozier väittää, että Elsen hulluus vapautti Kohutin luovuuden ja mahdollisti hänen tutkia voimakkaasti taantuneiden tilojen syvempiä merkityksiä ja siten kirjoittaa ensimmäisen ja tärkeimmän monografiansa, Itsen analyysi. Else Kohut kuoli loppuvuodesta 1972.
    ellauri350.html on line 168: And after his defeat in 1948, the tart‐tongued Mrs. Longworth, a daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt and the widow of House Speaker Nicholas Longworth, remarked: “We should have known he couldn't win—a souffle never rises twice.”
    ellauri350.html on line 193: Asiakkaita kosketteleva tarjoilija saa enemmän juomarahoja. Tafsattu asiakas voi paremmin. Hän saa oxitosiinia. Kun ilmassa on intiimejä tunteita, on hyvä tafsata, ja kääntäen. Mitä enemmän oxitosiiniä sen parempi. Oxitosiiniä ei voi koskaan olla liikaa! Se ei ole koskaan pois tieltä. Moni vallankumous on alkanut vasopressiinillä. Oxitosiinia saatua on aivan luonnollista päätyä suukkoihin ja vielä pitemmälle. Filmeistä päätellen kuuluu ensin tuijottaa tiukasti ja siirtää neniä lähemmäxi toisiaan. Yleensä siinä vaiheessa kun kallistetaan nenät pois edestä ja alkaisi lupsutus, tulee joku keskeytys. Bugger it.
    ellauri350.html on line 250: Använd dina dolda drivkrafter. Altistus vahvistaa pitämistä, se on mainonnan perusta.
    ellauri350.html on line 256: Atticus is a Canadian poet who likes to keep his identity a secret. Atticus kirjoittaa runoutta, epigrammeja ja aforismeja sisältäen rakkauden, ihmissuhteiden ja seikkailujen teemoja.
    ellauri350.html on line 257: Atticus started sharing his poems on social media platforms in 2013 after becoming friends with the American actor and poet, Michael Madsen. Atticus päätti pysyä nimettömänä menetettyään kuuluisan ystävänsä riippuvuudelle vuonna 2017.
    ellauri350.html on line 292: Muuten hän ansaizi runoilijaxi aika kivasti. Hän omisti kaksi kotia Winston-Salemissa Pohjois-Carolinassa ja "herrallisen brownstonen" Harlemissa , joka ostettiin vuonna 2004 ja joka oli kuin Eskin Bulevardin asunto täynnä hänen "kasvavaa kirjastoaan" kirjoja, joita hän keräsi kautta elämän, vuosikymmenien ajalta kerättyjä taideteoxia ja hyvin varustetut keittiöt. The Guardian -lehden kirjoittaja Gary Younge kertoi, että Angeloun Harlemin kodissa oli useita afrikkalaisia seinävaatteita ja hänen maalauskokoelmansa, mukaan lukien useiden jazztrumpetistien maalaukset, Rosa Parksin akvarelli ja Faith Ringgoldin teos nimeltä "Maya's Quilt Of Life".
    ellauri350.html on line 403: Atticus oli kiivaasti peripataattia vastaan. Atticuksen kirjoituksista, jotka on säilyneet vain fragmentaarisessa muodossa, voidaan nähdä, että hän oli arkkikonservatiivinen ja halusi puhdistaa Platonin alkuperäisinä opetuksina pitämänsä potaskan aristotelismin elementtien tunkeutumiselta. Platonin tulkkina Atticus ajatteli filologisesti ja kannatti Platonin luomisopin kirjaimellista, ei metaforista tulkintaa. Atticuksen asema edustaa versiota platonismista, jonka mukaan poikkeaminen mestarin kirjaimellisesta sanasta tarkoittaa korvaamatonta harhaoppista vastustusta. Hänen työnsä oli poleeminen, mahdollisesti peräisin hänen asemastaan ​​ensimmäisenä platonisen filosofian tuolin haltijana Ateenassa Marcus Aureliuksen rahoituxella. Atticus väitti, että Aristoteles oli ateisti, että hän kielsi sielun olemassaolon ja hylkäsi jumalallisen huolenpidon. Hän koitti saada muutkin uskomaan, että maailmalla oli alku demiurgin kiidettyä ensihoitoon ajoissa.
    ellauri350.html on line 429: Klassisessa antiikissa Atticuksen filosofian vaikutus oli huomattava ja kestävä. Hänen opetuksensa kosmologiasta ja sielusta vaikuttivat lääkäri Galenukseen, joka kuitenkin torjui hänen näkemyksensä alkion muodostumisesta. Kyllä siihen sittenkin tarvitaan aimo limaruiskaus kuukerin nellistä. Kuuluisa peripataatti Aleksanteri Aphrodisiac käsitteli Atticuksen Aristotelesta esittämää kritiikkiä. 3. vuosisadalla platonisti Longinus sai valitettavasti vaikutteita Atticuksen metafysiikasta.
    ellauri350.html on line 480: Ja sitten Bone of Contentionissa toinen klaani, jenkkipoliisit, jotka suojelevat omia aivan yhtä suurella apinan raivolla kuin pyssynheiluttajat armeijassa ja kansalliskaartissa. Samoja tyyppejähän ne enimmäxeen ovatkin, univormut vaan on eriväriset. Ja kuten edellisessäkin pätkässä, suuret pahantekijät puhdistetaan pulmusixi loppupeleissä ja syy langetetaan lopulta joillekuille pikkukonnille. Niinpä tietysti, that's the American Way. It's My Way, laulaa mafioso Frank Sinatra.
    ellauri350.html on line 487: Entinen puheenjohtaja Joint Chiefs of Staff - eläkkeellä oleva laivaston adm. Mike Mullen - sanoi useammin kuin kerran vuosina 2010 ja 2011: "Emme olisi lähelläkään sitä, missä olemme öljynmuilutustehtävämme suorittamisessa ilman kansalliskaartia. Emme lähelläkään. Ei sinne päinkään. No way!"
    ellauri351.html on line 92: Syntynyt Kafr el-Sheikhissä Egyptin Niilin suistossa ja kasvanut Kairossa. Isä lakimies
    ellauri351.html on line 278: Nassim Nicholas Taleb [a] ( / ˈ t ɑː l ə b / ; vaihtoehtoisesti Nessim tai Nissim ; syntynyt 12. syyskuuta 1960) on libanonilais-amerikkalainen esseisti, matemaattinen tilastotieteilijä, entinen optiokauppias, riskianalyytikko ja aforisti jonka työ koskee satunnaisuuden, todennäköisyyden ja epävarmuuden ongelmia 
    ellauri351.html on line 465: Vihasta on hivuttauduttu vähin erin pahuuteen. Paha se onkin paha eikä niinkään viha sinänsä. Viha ei välttämättä ole pahaa eikä paha vihaista. Paha ei välttämättä ole edes sitä tahallista satuttamista, voi se olla jonkin sortin hölmöyttäkin, tottelevaisuutta, ajattelemattomuutta tai mielenvikaa. Keitto sakenee hämmennettäessä, the plot thickens. Voimafirmat kilpailevat ja aiheuttaa pahaa luonnolle. Useimmiten yhden paha on toisen hyvä, ei siinä mitään pahansuopuutta tarvita. No hard feelings. Ei peto tai muu loinen vihaa isäntäeläintä, pikemminkin päinvastoin.
    ellauri351.html on line 528: ”Toivottavasti ihmiset tarttuvat tähän mahdollisuuteen kurkistaa globaalin eliitin salaliittoon ja toivon mukaan saada vihellettyä peli poikki. Tosin tällä hetkellä näyttää aika toivottomalta, kun koko ajan paljastuu selvemmin, miten kaikki länsimaat ovat tämän globaalin mafian talutusnuorassa. Tosin koko ajan myös ihmiset heräävät…Valoa ja voimia!”
    ellauri352.html on line 61:

    Herrschaft und Knechtschaft

    ellauri352.html on line 63: Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit, lauleskeli Hegel köyriessään piikatyttöä.
    ellauri352.html on line 68: Hegel tekee selväksi, että herruus ja orjuus ovat toisistaan riippuvaisia. Tietysti, ne ovat käänteisrelaatioita, se löytyy jo Aristoteleen ykkösosasta (suomexi kommentoinut L. Carlson). Vaikka palvelija onkin palvelija pakko-alaisuutensa vuoksi, isännän asema riippuu siitä, tunnustaako palvelija valtansa. Tässä epäsymmetrisessä tunnustamissuhteessa Hegel kehitti kriittisesti Fichten symmetristä tunnustamisfilosofiaa ja näin ollen hänestä tuli Karl Marxin ja myöhemmin Frankfurtin koulukunnan kriittisen yhteiskuntafilosofian vaikutusvaltainen edelläkävijä. Hegelin näkemyksiin vaikuttivat myös Haitin vallankumousta ympäröivä meedia ja raportit Minerva -lehdessä.
    ellauri352.html on line 76: Mutta onnex onnex filosofi Pirmin Stekeler-Weithofer hylkää yhteiskuntateoreettisen tulkinnan taistelulle tunnustuksen puolesta. Sen sijaan hän olettaa, että Hegelin isäntä-orja -luvun todellinen teema on ihmisen itsensä suhde itseensä; hän lukee sen Hegelin kritiikkinä sokraattis-platonis-kristilliselle metaforalle sielusta tai järjestä ruumiin hallitsijana. Vittu Pirmin Stekeler on kuin nippu näitä psykopaattikyrpiä.
    ellauri352.html on line 185: Kärsimystunteita voi hillitä esimerkiksi päihteillä ja huumeilla tai ylenmääräisellä toiminnalla vaikkapa työn, harrasteiden, tieteen, taiteen ja psykologian opiskelun parissa. Tunteiden hallintaan pyritään myös mielenhallintaan tähtäävin menetelmin: lääkkeillä, meditaatiolla, joogalla, mindfullnesilla ja positiivisella ajattelulla mutta myös Pafos-seminaarin traumakokemusten psykoterapeuttisella läpikäynnillä ja uudelleen jäsentelyllä.
    ellauri352.html on line 218: Yhdysvalloissa 11% istuu myttyinä kadulla köyhyysrajan alapuolella. Maailmanpankin ja brittilafkan "Our [hehe] World In Data" tilastoissa Suomessa on köyhiä 12% ja UK:ssa 18%, mutta USA on N/A. Not available vaiko not applicable? Raja on määritelty US $2/päivä ostovoimaxi. Sillä ei saa päivittäistä bursaa edes Turkissa. Varoitellaan ettei maiden köyhyyttä voi verrata.
    ellauri352.html on line 313: David Émile Durkheim, (albumi 163) vaikka rabbin poika, oli agnostikko. Rabbi pahastui siitä kovin. Norssissa hänet hyväksyttiin seitsemänneksi filosofian yhdistämisessä vuonna 1882. Nuorena professorina hänet lähetettiin Saksaan, missä hän sai vaikutteita saksalaisten yliopistojen toiminnasta ja modernin valtion roolista kiinnostuneilta yhteiskuntafilosofeilta. Myöhemmin hän opetti filosofiaa mm. San Quentinissä (helmikuu 1884).
    ellauri352.html on line 344: Samalla tavalla kuin elävän organismin keskushermosto, se liittyy sosiaalisen kehon korkeimpaan reflektoivaan keskittymään ja sillä on velvollisuus ohjata sitä mahdollisimman järkevällä tavalla (ymmärtää tässä mielessä kokonaisuuden kannalta hyödyllisin). Täähän on Rooman rebublikaanien vazametafora päälleen käännettynä. Ei ihme että Durkheim hylätään usein ajattelijana, joka ei kykene ajattelemaan muutosta.
    ellauri352.html on line 358: Yhtenä antropologian isänä pidetty Mauss ei koskaan julkaissut hänen ajatuksensa tiivistävää teosta, vaan lukuisia löysiä artikkeleita eri aikakauslehdissä, luonnoksia, selostuksia - hahmonnoksia ja testejä. Hänen väitöskirjansa rukouksesta on vieläkin kesken. Hänen harvinaisista monografioistaan muistamme erityisesti Essay on Donin (jos muistamme).
    ellauri352.html on line 365: "Tarvitsemme sosiologeja ja etnografeja. Jotkut selittävät ja toiset kerää kurjissa kenttäoloissa raakadataa. Abus eka!" Marcel Mauss harjoitti kenttätutkimusta hyvin vähän aikana, jolloin tämä menetelmä, joka vähitellen vakiintui anglosaksiseen maailmaan, varsinkin Malinowskin vaikutuksen alaisena, jäi marginaaliseksi erityisesti Ranskassa. Hänen harvat suorat havainnot näkyvät esimerkiksi hänen työssään "vartalotekniikoista", ne ovat peräisin hänen kokemuksestaan armeijassa tai lapsuudesta Tourainessa. Emil setä oli hyvin kiinnostunut niistä.
    ellauri352.html on line 444: Wir nehmen Datenschutz Ernst, denn wir gehören zur Schutzstaffel. Markus eläytyy eläytyvästi Auschwitzin nuoren lääkärin housuihin. Pilkkukuumeen aiheuttaa rikettsiaa levittävä täi tai lude. Saxalaiset kokeilivat rokotteita junantuomiin untermenscheihin. Mengele on hurjan hyvä lasten kanssa. Et uskokaan kuinka paljon koko päivä lasten kanssa syö voimia. Puolalainen Weigl ruokki täitä Lembergissä ja jauhoi niitä rokotteexi. Minä keitän täitä. Markuxen henkilöt tässä luvussa on faktisia.
    ellauri352.html on line 448: König liittyi NSDAP: hen 1. syyskuuta 1939 ja oli Waffen-SS: n jäsen kesäkuun 1943 puolivälistä lähtien. Luultavasti tässä vaiheessa hänet siirrettiin Auschwitzin ja Auschwitz-Birkenaun pääleirille leirin lääkäriksi. Naisleirillä hän osallistui myös vankien valintaan kaasukammioihin, joissa heidät sitten murhattiin. König suoritti myös näennäislääketieteellisiä sähköiskuhoitoja sairaille naisvangeille. Loppukesästä 1944 Königistä tuli Auschwitz-Monowitzin leirinlääkäri Horst Fischerin seuraajana. Osana Auschwitzin keskitysleirin evakuointia König lähetettiin Mittelbaun keskitysleirin kautta Neuengammen keskitysleirille tammikuussa 1945, jossa hän työskenteli jälleen leirin lääkärinä.
    ellauri352.html on line 484: Sittemmin käydyt nolot asiantuntijakeskustelut tekevät selväksi, että tapaus tarjoaa esimerkillistä materiaalia keskusteluun peruskysymyksistä monilla tiedon aloilla, kuten omaelämäkerran kirjallisessa genressä, Shoa-historiografiassa, sen käsittelyssä tapana. menneisyyden ja Shoan poliittisen aseman ymmärtäminen yleismaailmallisena poliittisena menneisyytenä, uhrikertomus, suullinen historia, muistiteoria, traumateoria, terapeuttinen muistojen käsittely jne.
    ellauri352.html on line 692: Sisällissotaan (kahdeksan sivua), osterien ruoppausliiketoimintaan ja 1900-luvulle – joka on pelkistetty kolmeen omituisen valikoivaan vinjettiin: Paxmore, joka pelasti 40 000 juutalaista Hitleriltä, ​​erottelutaistelu ja. . . Watergate, jossa toinen Paxmore teki itsemurhan Valkoisessa talossa. Siis fiktiona – kauttaaltaan pinnallinen ja luonnosmainen, ilman teemaa (paitsi "Se on mennyt. Kaikki on mennyt"), joka yhdistää tai rikastaa melodramaattisia jaksoja. Myöskään kaikki Michenerin sulatettu tutkimus ei tuota kivuttomia faktajuhlia: paljon lukee kuin yläkoulun tekstiä ("Kolme syytä tähän"); muun muassa Henry Clayn ja Geon vierailevat esiintymiset. Washington ("Sinun sopimus, kenraali") vaikuttaa typerältä; ja dialektiset keskustelut uskonnosta ja orjuudesta ovat tylsiä. Mutta sellaisissa asioissa kuin laivanrakennus, osterointi, ankanmetsästys, Jimmy-sininen rapu ("se herkullinen äyriäinen") ja Onk-tai hanhi, Michener on suuri käsityön ja tieteen popularisoija. Tämä merkittävä lahja yhdessä valtavan Michener-vaikutuksen kanssa lähettää varmasti miljoonat lukijat sukeltamaan miljoonan lempeästi luettavalle sivulle tylsää historiaa ja kaavafiktiota.
    ellauri353.html on line 235: Don Rafael Acosta embajador de Miranda, el matrimonio Thévenot, y Florence la hermana de Madame Thévenot, están invitados a cenar en casa del matrimonio Sénechal. Sin embargo, hay una confusión, y Monsieur Sénechal ha salido rumbo a otra cita. Como alternativa, se proponen ir a un restaurante cercano, pero al llegar se dan cuenta de que el dueño del establecimiento ha muerto. A partir de este momento, las reuniones entre este selecto grupo de burgueses se verán interrumpidas por una serie de eventos extraordinarios, algunos reales y otros producto de su imaginación. La alternancia entre lo real y lo onírico produce giros inesperados en la trama, en la que intervienen otros personajes como militares, un obispo, policías, guerrilleros y campesinos, todos causantes de interrupciones durante los frustrados intentos de los seis primeros por sentarse a comer y disfrutar del encanto de ser burgueses.
    ellauri353.html on line 277: The Friedmans were recent guests at the Commonwealth Club of Kalak it in Los Angeles. Each author speaks and then takes questions from the audience. Good afternoon and welcome to today's meeting of the common a Club of California. Brought to you from the St Francis Hotel relooking Union Square. I am doing an orderly chair. We also welcome the listener. A.W. F.M. in Sitka Alaska. One of more than two hundred twenty five stations across the country. Joining us for America's longest running. Radio program. We invite all our listeners here and on radio. To visit the club's website. At W.W.W. Commonwealth Club. Dot org. And now for today's speakers. It is with great pleasure that I introduce those plucky Jews, the Friedmans. The Friedmans are with us today. Connection with their recently published memoirs. Bucky people. Published by the University of Chicago. Press this year. They have been partners in love. And in life. For over sixty years.
    ellauri353.html on line 281: Mrs. FRIEDMAN attended Reed College and studied economics at the University of Chicago. She was on the staff of the National Research and the bureau. A few. Home Economics. She next joined the staff of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation where she worked until she married Milton and moved to New York. Since then she has continued home economic research on her own publishing. Individually and coauthoring the three works referred to a few moments ago. She was mostly a producer of the P.B.S. T.V. series free to choose. And in one thousand nine hundred six she received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University. The Milton. And Rose de Friedman Foundation which the Freedman's us. Promotes parental choice. Of the schools. Attend. As I mentioned the title of their most recent book is Two lucky people. I'm being told by my parents. That the harder you work the luckier you get. It is no wonder the Friedan consider themselves lucky. They have worked long hard to make the contributions they have made to each other and to our society. We the members and listen. Well are the lucky ones today. To have them share themselves and their insights with us once again. We welcome. (Milton claps his hands to them.)
    ellauri353.html on line 289: I grew up before the appearance of the street. I even finished my graduate work. For a doctorate in economics before the feminist movement. Really got going. As a result. I was free to choose. Just how I wanted to live my life whether I wanted a full time career in the market place or a part time. Career. Combined with being a homemaker and bringing up a family. I knew I was going to get married. I'd already chosen my husband. I also wanted to have a family. Even after getting used to being married. And I wanted to bring up my children. Myself. I did not want them to be brought up. Either in a child care center. Or by a maid. Naturally by like most people I also wanted to have my cake and even when they left. University Milton and I both went to work in Washington for jobs where economists were there only let it cool. However before we were married. His career took him to New York City. While mine remained in Washington where I live where I like to work and the people I was working with. However we did not look forward to living apart.
    ellauri353.html on line 291: Muting on weekends active we were married we had two alternatives. I could get out my job and move to New York. And Private get it there and be able to come back to Washington and. As my boss who I'm sure wasn't serious suggested. I gave up my job and your actively expanded to like full summer. On our honeymoon and marrying. We said. We've returned to New York. Settle down and I got a temporary God. It was interesting for a while but was not very exciting. While we were both working we shared the house work. Until we could afford to hire a part. And there we never sat down and decided what the housework was man's And what part was woman's work there was work to be done. And whoever could do it at the right time period. But that always reminds me of the discussion that Milton had with my young nephew who was visiting with us from years later.
    ellauri353.html on line 313: Elizabeth Hobbs Keckley (helmikuu 1818 – toukokuu 1907) oli afro-amerikkalainen ompelija, aktivisti ja kirjailija, joka asui Washington DC:ssä. Hiän oli Mary Todd Lincolnin henkilökohtainen treenari ja uskottu. Hiän kirjoitti omaelämäkerran.
    ellauri353.html on line 370: Babelin mielihahmo oli fiktiivinen mafiapomo Benya Krik, joka perustuu löyhästi historialliseen hahmoon Mishka Yaponchik. Benya Krik on yksi venäläisen kirjallisuuden suurista antisankareista.
    ellauri353.html on line 492: Hmelnytskyin suunnitelman mukaan tavoitteena oli Puolan ja Liettuan liittovaltion valtion täydellinen likvidaatio ("koko kruunu tuhottaisiin, ikään kuin Puolan kruunu ei olisi koskaan ollut olemassa") ja itsenäisen Venäjän valtion (no, Venäjän suuriruhtinaskunta) luominen koko Ukrainan ja Valko- Venäjän etnografiselle alueelle Hetmanin ja Zaporozshin armeijan vallan alla. Tämä hämmensi suuresti Moskovan hallitusta, joka teki kaikkensa estääkseen tämän liittouman menestyksen. Moskova aloitti sodan Ruotsin kanssa solmittuaan rauhan Puolan ja Liettuan liittovaltion kanssa. Samaan aikaan Puolan ja Liettuan liittovaltion alueella riehui sota, joka jäi historiaan nimellä "Tulva". Sotilaalliset epäonnistumiset ja epäonnistuminen diplomaattisten suunnitelmien toteuttamisessa joudutti hänen kuolemaansa. Khmel sai paskahalvauxen.
    ellauri353.html on line 586: 1Filmissä Moineau Rouge (2018) punavakoojatar kääntää takkia. Dominika Egorova est une jeune danseuse étoile au Bolchoï. À fin des comptes, elle décide de rester à Moscou avec sa mère afin de continuer l'entente secrète avec les services secrets américains.
    ellauri355.html on line 102: Yazov spent 18 months in Matrosskaya Tishina, a prison in northern Moscow. According to the magazine Vlast No. 41(85) of 14 October 1991, he contacted the President from jail with a recorded video message, in which he repented and called himself "an old fool". Yazov denies ever doing that, or that under the influence of fatigue he succumbed to the persuasion of television reporters, and he also accepted the amnesty offered by Jelzin stating that he was not guilty. He was dismissed from military service by Presidential Order, and at his discharge, was awarded a ceremonial weapon to polish under his desk. He was also awarded an order of honor by the President of Russian Federation. Yazov later worked as a military adviser at the General Staff Academy. He died in 2020 in Moscow, after a prolonged illness.
    ellauri355.html on line 107: Pavlov had been taken to a hospital during the coup with the diagnosis of hypertension, but on 29 August 1991, he was transferred to Matrosskaya Tishina. He accepted amnesty stating that he was not guilty, and later became the head of the Chasprombank. Pavlov resigned from the bank on 31 August 1995, and six months later the bank was left without license. Afterwards he was an adviser at Promstroibank, today known as Bank VTB. Pavlov died in 2003 after a series of heart attacks and was buried in Moscow.
    ellauri355.html on line 133: affinity.net/art/josilver/1543806152/1543806152.josilver_bar_0.png" width="70%" />
    ellauri355.html on line 154: Alexander Leutner oli mies, jolla oli erinomaiset yrittäjän ominaisuudet ja suunnitteluinsinöörin tiedot. Riga Bicycle Societyn hallituksen jäsenenä hän osallistui näyttelyihin eri maissa ympäri maailmaa ja seurasi polkupyörämarkkinoiden uutuuksia. Uuden liikennemuodon muoti nousi vauhtiin: hankalit "hämähäkit" korvasivat mallit, kuten "saftey". Tuotetta jaettiin pitkään vain useissa tuotannon vieressä olevissa provinsseissa, jolla oli jo nimi - "Venäjä". Leutner valmisti myös "Fafnir" merkkisiä autoja. Fafnir ("Syliksikäyvä") tai Fafner on skandinaavisessa mytologiassa esiintyvä lohikäärme. Fafnir oli alun perin voimakas kääpiö, joka muuttui lohikäärmeeksi voidakseen paremmin vartioida anastamaansa aarretta. Richard Wagnerin oopperassa Nibelungin sormus lohikäärme esiintyy nimellä Fafner, ja on alun perin jättiläinen eikä kääpiö. Fafnir esiintyi myös sarjakuvassa Johannes ja PIRRRRRKALE!!!
    ellauri355.html on line 227: Veriroiskeisia terveisiä taas anglosfääristä! Tällä kertaa ruumiita pilkkovat Britannian parhaat voimat. Herttaisten 60-luvun sarjojen aseettomat bobbyt kumipamppuineen ovat korvautuneet arpisilla julmailmeisillä NCA terroristijahtinaisilla jotka ei välitä tavallisista ruumiista vaan yxinomaan puntabiljonääreistä. Anglosfäärin tuloerot paistaa joka nurkasta. Mutta konnat ei loppupeleissä ole tietystikään anglosaxibiljönäärejä, vaan italian mafiosoja tai ilkeitä kiinalaisia viirusilmiä. Hyvixet ei enää ole lasilabroissan turvassa, vaan pahixet tulevat ihan silmille, häkkeröityvät kaikille digialustoille, pörräävät siiratiimin yllä drööneillä ja uhkailevat listiä hyvisten lähiomaiset. Puhasta klaanitouhua. Hyvixet ja pahixet on vaan 2 klaania, joita johtavat yhtä kasvottomat törkimöt. Eläinparat (rotat, siat) syövät hätäpäissään silvottuja ruumiita. Kenen mielestä tää on ihanaa? No jos oma elämä on ihan kuralla, ehkä tääkin stten vähän lohduttaa. Niinkuin lohduttavat sotkuiset tazkat tai seiniin yösydännä ruiskitut graffitit.
    ellauri359.html on line 65: The original mole entered the Grahame household some years before the book. The author found the creature in his garden tussling with a blackbird for a worm. He kept it as a pet until a new housekeeper, thinking it vermin, killed it. On learning her mistake, she cried: “Oh, but sir, couldn’t you just make the mole into a story for Master Alastair?” Shortly after, Graham began to regale his son with bedtime tales of the riverbank creatures.
    ellauri359.html on line 88: Blakea pidetään toisinaan (yhdessä Mary Wollstonecraftin ja hänen aviomiehensä William Godwinin kanssa) 1800-luvun " vapaan rakkauden " liikkeen edeltäjänä, joka on laaja uudistusperinne, joka alkoi 1820-luvulla ja jonka mukaan avioliitto on orjuutta. Blakelle laki ja rakkaus vastustavat, ja hän arvostelee "jäätynyttä aviosänkyä". Swinburne ja Eetu Timpuri peukuttivat Blakea. Molemmat oli homoja.
    ellauri359.html on line 153: Yet another industrialistien sekulaarinen Amerikka-missio. In 2010, Eisenhower Fellowships held its first Women's Leadership Program. The governing body of the organization is the Board of Trustees, a group of more than seventy year old men in business and public affairs currently chaired by Dr. Robert M. Gates. Prior chairs include General Colin L. Powell, U.S. (retired), Dr. Henry Kissinger, President George H.W. Bush, and President Gerald Ford. Eisenhower Fellowships is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    ellauri359.html on line 177: after_John_Gabriel_Stedman_Narrative_of_a_Five_Years_copy_2_object_2-detail.jpg/172px-Blake_after_John_Gabriel_Stedman_Narrative_of_a_Five_Years_copy_2_object_2-detail.jpg" />
    ellauri359.html on line 179: after_John_Gabriel_Stedman_Narrative_of_a_Five_Years_copy_2_object_8.jpg/800px-Blake_after_John_Gabriel_Stedman_Narrative_of_a_Five_Years_copy_2_object_8.jpg" />
    ellauri359.html on line 191: Blaken kamuja olivat varhainen feministi Mary Wollstonecraft  ja englantilais-amerikkalainen vallankumouksellinen Thomas Paine, joista on jo kokonainen albumi.  Yhdessä William Wordsworthin ja Percyn vaimokkeiden isän William Godwinin kanssa Blake toivoi suuria Ranskan ja Amerikan vallankumouksista ja käytti Fryygianlakkia solidaarisuuden vuoksi Ranskan vallankumouksellisille, mutta oli epätoivoinen Robespierren nousun ja terroristien vallan johdosta Ranskassa. 
    ellauri359.html on line 193: Blake kuvitti Mary Wollstonecraftin alkuperäiset tarinat tosielämästä (2. painos, 1791). Vaikka he näyttävät jakavan joitain näkemyksiä seksuaalisesta tasa-arvosta ja avioliiton instituution joutavuudesta, ei ole olemassa todisteita, jotka osoittaisivat, että he olisivat bylsineet. Teoksessaan Vision of the Daughters of Albion (1793) Blake tuomitsi pakotetun siveyden ja avioliiton ilman rakkautta julman järjettömyyden ja puolusti naisten oikeutta täydelliseen itsensä toteuttamiseen. [ viite tarvitaan ]
    ellauri360.html on line 57: Tarina on tietysti suhteellisen yksinkertainen. Tuntematon sotilas vaeltelee ympäri kaupunkia sotilaallisen tappion jälkeen talven keskellä ja etsii miestä, jolle hän luovuttaa kaatuneen toverin henkilökohtaiset tavarat. Vihollinen saapuu kaupunkiin ja paeta yrittävä sotilas haavoittuu. Hän onnistuu pääsemään naisen asuntoon, jonka aviomies taistelee sodassa, missä hän lopulta kuolee. Voimme nähdä, että tämä ainakin osittain tulee Robbe-Grilletin omista kokemuksista sodassa ja Kafkan vaikutus on myös vahva. Mutta tämä ei ole kafkamainen romaani eikä omaelämäkerrallinen romaani. Vaikka sotilaalla on sokkeloiden pelko, kaupungissa eksyminen, kafkamainen tunne eksymisestä, muttei tiedä missä tai miksi on eksynyt, tämä ei ole romaanin avain. Mitä Robbe-Grillet tekee, kuten hän on tehnyt aikaisemmissa romaaneissaan, keskittyy asioihin, toimiin jne., joilla on hänen mielestään oma merkityksensä. Tietenkin tämän tekeminen tällä tavalla häiritsee meitä, sillä odotamme tavanomaista romaania ja asiat, vaikka ne näyttävätkin normaaleilta, saavat hieman epätavallisen konnotaation vain siksi, että hän on keskittynyt niihin tässä hieman epänormaalilla (kirjallisista odotuksistamme poikkeavalla) tavalla. Siten ahdistuneisuuden tunne, sellainen kuin saamme Kafka-romaanissa, lisääntyy täällä, vaikkakin eri tavalla. Ja kuten Kafkan kohdalla, olemme epävarmoja siitä, mitä tapahtui, paitsi että sotilas kuoli. Kai.
    ellauri360.html on line 59: Reichenfels on tuppukylä Kärntenissä. Ei siellä ole mitään kummempaa taistelua käyty. Wirtschaftlich dominierend in der ländlich geprägten Gemeinde ist die Holzwirtschaft. Daneben gibt es Sommertourismus. Labyrinttimainen Kaupunki on kuitenkin frankofooni, päätellen kadunnimistä. Juu ei tässä ole mitään tolkkua. Tietysti herää kymysys: mixi tämä vaivannäkö, jos ei päästä puusta pitkään koko niteessä. Toisen kautta: mixi puusta pitäisi päästä pitkään ylipäänsä. Hiljaa lapset, isi menee puuhun lepäämään.
    ellauri360.html on line 79: Tiedätkö mikä on ”hengellinen kirahvi”? Nimitys syntyi pari vuosikymmentä sitten, kun pääkaupunkiseudulle syntyi runsaasti pieniä seurakuntia. ”Hengellisillä kirahveilla” tarkoitettiin henkilöitä, jotka vaeltelivat levottomina eri seurakunnissa napsimassa tunnettujen puhujien puheiden mehevimmät latvukset. Sen jälkeen he jatkoivat matkaa asettumatta ja juurtumatta mihinkään seurakuntaan. Tällaisten lampaan vaatteisiin pukeutuneiden yksinäisten susien olisi hyvä pysähtyä pohtimaan afrikkalaista sananlaskua: ”Jos haluat liikkua nopeasti, kulje yksin. Jos haluat päästä perille, matkusta muiden mukana.”
    ellauri360.html on line 105: Hermann Broch : Die Schlafwandler (Unissakävelijät) (CHECK)
    ellauri360.html on line 201: Lars Gustafsson : Bernard Foys tredje rockad (Bernard Foyn kolmas linna)
    ellauri360.html on line 215: Franz Kafka : Der Prozess (Oikeudenkäynti)
    ellauri360.html on line 263: Robert Musil : Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (Mies ilman ominaisuuksia)
    ellauri360.html on line 443: What is the “New Christianity”? AT THE START OF the twentieth century, the map of global Christianity that charismatic leaders D. L. Moody or Vladimir Lenin might have known had been completely reshaped. In 1900, only 10 percent of the world’s Christians lived in the continents of the south and east, but a century later at least 70 percent of the world’s Christians lived there. More Christians worshiped in Anglican churches in Nigeria each week than in all the Episcopal and Anglican churches of Britain, Europe, and North America combined. There were ten times more Assembly of God members in Latin America than in the United States. There were more Baptists in Congo than in Great Britain. And there were more people in church every Sunday in communist China than in all of Western Europe or in North America. Philip Jenkins, Distinguished Professor of History at Baylor University, said at the time that religion in the new century even showed signs of replacing ideology as the prime animating force in human affairs. “If we look beyond the liberal West,” he wrote in The Atlantic Monthly, we see that another Christian revolution... is already in progress.
    ellauri360.html on line 463: Pistesijoille muutamalla kymmenellä miljoonalla adherentillä jäävät sikhismi, spiritismi, judaismi. Alle kymmenen millin jäävät bahaismi, jainismi, shintoismi, vietnamismi, zoroastrianismi, joku tenriismi (Japani), animismi, uuspakanismi. Alle miljoonassa kituvat unitarismi, rastafarismi, asatro ja suomalainen perinneuskomus. Lisätietoa.
    ellauri360.html on line 470: Additionally, they acknowledged a third blessing, which was Spirit baptism. Spirit baptism included a special empowerment for service. (Empowerment being a buzzword of the Keswick Movement, consult album 92. Sieltäkö naikkoset sen nappasivat?) Pentecostals also affirmed that the Spirit baptism was accompanied by speaking in tongues. The Spirit’s outpouring was tied to the last days, in the imagination of many. Prophecy conferences and the reemergence of pre-millennialism (that Christ would return to establish a thousand-year reign) added to the sense of expectation. Numerous healing ministries also contributed to the picture of God’s preparing his people for ministry Also, internationally noted revivals in India, Wales, and Korea gave encouragement to the Pentecostal movement. The Welsh revival witnessed a presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Its spokesman, Evan Roberts, taught that such an experience of the Holy Spirit was a necessary condition to revival. The “North Korean Pentecost” set the stage for many enduring practices of the Korean church to this day, such as early morning prayer meetings and the practice of simultaneous blabber.
    ellauri360.html on line 474: Two men stand at the center of Pentecostal origins as typically told. An ex-Methodist minister, Charles Parham, drew inspiration from several sources before he eventually laid hands upon Agnes Ozman. She spoke in tongues, and Parham believed that she spoke the Chinese language. Others received the Spirit and also spoke in tongues. Parham’s language was thought to be Swedish. LOL. Parham believed that these actual languages were miraculously spoken (xenolalia) and would to lead to international missionary ventures. William Seymour, though segregated from the white learners, listened to a three-month Bible school that Parham led in Houston, Texas. Soon after, Seymour became pastor at an African American Holiness Church in Los Angeles. They rejected his teaching concerning tongues, but some witnessed Seymour lay hands on his host, Edward Lee. Lee experienced an almost unconscious state that was followed by tongue speaking. At the same meeting, seven more received the baptism of the Spirit accompanied by tongues, including Seymour himself. Soon Lee’s home could not hold the racially mixed group that came to see and receive Pentecost. The Azusa Revivals follow.
    ellauri362.html on line 230: Ken voisi olla kiimaisempi panoveikko, Than mine what affection more fervent could be,
    ellauri362.html on line 371: Västerländernas stöd till folkmord i Gaza visar tecken att ge vika. Länder i fjärran kontinenter med lägre judetäthet (Sydafrika, Australien, NZ, Brasilien) börjar få kalla fötter först.
    ellauri362.html on line 412: Zvi Lothane otti naftaliinista Niederlandin ja Schatzmannin välisen keskustelun työssään Schreberin kuntouttamisesta niteessä Zvi Lothane: Fuck sielunmurha yes psykiatria. Schreberin kuntoutuksesta, Psykoanalyysin kirjasto, Psychosocial Publishing Giessen 2004, tässä luku. 8: Kuinka muut Schreberit tulkitsivat, s. 457–536.
    ellauri364.html on line 96:


    ellauri364.html on line 98: Kynäilijöiden sairaskertomuxet eli patografiat ovat herättäneet paljon pahaa verta, varsinkin eräiden kirjallisuushistorioitsijoiden keskuudessa, kun on ollut kysymys runoilijoista. On puhuttu psykologisista kamaripalvelijoista yms. Mitään objektiivista, asian luonteen mukaista muistutusta aihetta vastaan ei ole kuitenkaan voitu esittää.
    ellauri364.html on line 104: Goethen henkilökohtaisten suojattien joukossa oli nuori mies nimeltä Krafft. Tälle Goethe uhrasi hämmästyttävän paljon aikaa ja pätäkkää, piti hänestä huolta, oli kirjeenvaihdossa hänen kanssaan ja kävi henkilökohtaisesti häntä tapaamassa. Krafft oli selvästi vaikea skitsoidinen hypokondrikko, joka pysyi suunnilleen samanlaisena, vaikka hänen "lääkärinsä" olikin itse Wolfgang Apollo, kanakeiton jumala. [Wolfgang Apollon, ihastuneen Frödingin antama nimi.] Nykyajan psykoterapeutikko tuskin olisi onnistunut paljonkaan paremmin. Koko romantiikka on täynnä skizoilua ja psykopatiaa. Minun nähdäxeni romantiikka merkizeekin juuri sitä. Sotapojat on paljon terveempiä kuin kynäilijät. Naureskelevat palatessaan tappohommista. Jawohl, zäh ist der Mensch!
    ellauri364.html on line 106: Johann Friedrich Krafft (Pseudonym; eigentlich Feist oder Weiße?; * unter unbekannten Umständen; † 23. Juli 1785 in Jena) war ein vermutlich ehemaliger preußischer Beamter, der unter einer neuen Identität für Goethe als Faktotum, d. h. Berichterstatter und Sekretär, tätig war.
    ellauri364.html on line 109:

    Tanskalaista patografiaa

    ellauri364.html on line 111: Psykologian, psykiatrian, lääketieteen ja teologian tutkijat ovat tehneet perusteellisia ponnisteluja valottaakseen suuren tanskalaisen filosofin Søren Kierkegaardin (1813–55) vaikeaselkoista patografiaa. Tässä "kaksisatavuotisjuhlassa" olevassa artikkelissa tarkastellaan hänen tärkeimpiä patografisia diagnoosejaan mahdollisesta maanis-depressiivisestä [kaksisuuntaisesta] sairaudesta, epilepsiasta, monimutkaisista osittaisista kohtaushäiriöistä, Landry-Guillain-Barrén akuutista nousevasta halvauksesta, akuutista ajoittaisesta porfyriasta mahdollisine psykiatrisine ilmenemisineen aina kyttyrään ja syfilidofobiaan.
    ellauri364.html on line 113: Helwegin Kierkegaard-patografian avaintermejä ovat
    assessor Barn barndommen begynder bestandig betydning dagbogen dementia depression depressive derfor død egentlig Enten-Eller ethiske faderen fald finde Forfatter-Virksomhed forhold forlovelsen forstaaet fortsætter Frygt Frygt og Bæven H. C. Andersen hende holde homosexualitet hvorledes imidlertid jordrystelsen journal konstitution kristendommen kærlighed kønssygdom lade lidelse lidenskab lige ligesom lægge længe læse mand manio-depressive maniske Menneske Mynster Maade maaske maatte N. F. S. Grundtvigs neppe Nero netop næsten opfattelse optegnelse P. A. Heiberg pathologiske person psykologisk psykose refleksion Regine Regine Olsen religiøse udvikling sandt seer senere sexuelle sidste Sindssvaghed sindssygdom sindstilstand sjælelige skriver stemning stærkt sygdom sygelige synd synes syphilis sætte søge Søren Kierkegaard saadan saaledes tanke tankegang tungsindet tvivl tænker udtryk ulykkelig umiddelbare veed vejen Verden virkelig viser vist ægteskabet øjeblik Aand.

    ellauri364.html on line 118: alt, hvad der kunde tages til indtægt for den opfattelse, at S. K. af konstitution
    ellauri364.html on line 119: var manio-depressiv. Men lige saa nyttigt var det, at der hurtigt og fra forskellig side blev protesteret imod denne opfattelse, saaledes af den svenske psykolog John Bjorkhem (Søren Kierkegaard i psykologisk belysning, Upsala
    ellauri364.html on line 127: har forlovet sig med en ung og ret kiøn pige, en datter af etatsraad Olsen, dog
    ellauri364.html on line 138: Carl Albert Hansen Fahlbergs artikel i Magnus Hirschfelds tidsskrift Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen med titlen: "H.C. Andersen: Beweis seiner Homosexualität", 1901, var den første i en lang række af afhandlinger, der berører Andersens (homo)seksualitet. Argumenterne for Andersens homoseksualitet fandt Hansen i digterens forelskelser i mænd, hans nervøsitet, feminitet, huslighed, forfængelighed, sygelighed m.m., samt ikke mindst i hans kunstneriske geni.
    ellauri364.html on line 140: Psykiateren Hjalmar Helweg gik skarpt i rette med Albert Hansens artikel og overhovedet alle (udenlandske) paastande om, at Andersen skulle have været homoseksuel. Han gør det imidlertid ikke særlig effektivt af med teorien, men kredser i stedet om muligheden. Han forsøger som et modtræk at diagnosticere Andersen som en form for psykopat: H.C. Andersen har ikke gennemgaaet en normal, vellykket udvikling. Han er som følge af denne mislykkethed seksuelt usikker og uformaaende over for kvinder. Saa usikker, at Helweg fantaserer over, hvorvidt Andersen ville have kunnet modstaa en homoseksuel tilnærmelse paa rette tid og sted. Overordnet set konkluderer Helweg, at Andersen var en forkvaklet eller mislykket heteroseksuel.
    ellauri364.html on line 147: afea72ca5d2b2c79dd321a60c4.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=bbf4c7b65bd07caf1057735856220b6c8708f31595cb991fc5253fd0c25d1a22&ipo=images" />
    ellauri364.html on line 159: Buddenbrookit on toinen tapaus pisteessä. Thomas Mann piti huonoja hampaita suvun rappeutumisen merkkeinä. Morel (fr. "korvasieni") kiinnitti erityishuomiota korviin. Muita degeneroitumisen merkkejä: pääkopan ja kasvojen luiden asymmetria, suun vinous, kallon muut epämuodostumat, rumat silmät, huonot hampaat, pahanhajuinen hengitys. Heikot lihaxet, luisut hartiat, epämuodostuneet jalat, ylimääräisiä nännejä. Homokunkku Kustaa III:n pääkoppa oli huomattavan vino. Hänen enonsa Fredrik Suuri oli myös sexuaalisesti vajavainen (hinuri). Gustaf, du äst falsker, sanoi Kustaan äitikin. Kyllä sielullisesti terveelläkin yxilöllä voi olla rumat korvat. Uudempaa tutkimusta tällä suunnalla edustaa hra KRETSCHMER.
    ellauri364.html on line 443: Kaikilla ns. normaaleilla miehillä on öisen polluution yhteydessä voimakkaita sexuaaliunia. Mutta ainakaan minä en niissä koskaan saa Vanessa Williamsin sievän pussin perille vetäistyxi kamoja. Aina tulee jokin pysäkki, päälle incubus tai alle succubus. Nuoret naiset näkevät usein unia, ettää inhottava setämies ajaa niitä takaa. Psykoanalyysin hyviä puolia on että siitä saa tanakasti massia, ja naispotilaita voi hienovaraisesti tafsata.
    ellauri364.html on line 550: In 1986, the Christic Institute filed a $24 million civil suit on behalf of journalists Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey stating that various individuals were part of a conspiracy responsible for the La Penca bombing that injured Avirgan. The suit charged the defendants with illegally participating in assassinations, as well as arms and drug trafficking. Among the 30 defendants named were Iran–Contra figures John K. Singlaub, Richard V. Secord, Albert Hakim, and Robert W. Owen; Central Intelligence Agency officials Thomas Clines and Theodore Shackley; Contra leader Adolfo Calero; Medellin cartel leaders Pablo Escobar Gaviria and Jorge Ochoa Vasquez; Costa Rican rancher John Hull; and former mercenary Sam N. Hall.
    ellauri364.html on line 552: On June 23, 1988, United States federal judge James Lawrence King of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida dismissed the case stating: "The plaintiffs have made no showing of existence of genuine issues of material fact with respect to either the bombing at La Penca, the threats made to their news sources or threats made to themselves." According to The New York Times, the case was dismissed by King at least in part due to "the fact that the vast majority of the 79 witnesses Mr. Sheehan cites as authorities were either dead, unwilling to testify, fountains of contradictory information or at best one person removed from the facts they were describing." On February 3, 1989, King ordered the Christic Institute to pay $955,000 in attorney's fees and $79,500 in court costs. The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the ruling, and the Supreme Court of the United States let the judgment stand by refusing to hear an additional appeal. The fine was levied in accordance with “Rule 11” of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which says that lawyers can be penalized for frivolous lawsuits.
    ellauri365.html on line 32:

    af;margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%;padding-bottom:20px">The Family Guy

    ellauri365.html on line 33:



    ellauri365.html on line 39: À la feuille de rose, maison turque zo ur gomedienn bornografek gant Guy de Maupassant en 1875 hag embannet e Pariz en 1945.
    ellauri365.html on line 49: Maupassant [måpasa], Henry René Albert Guy de, fransk författare, f. 5 aug. 1850 på slottet Miromesnil i Normandie, d. 6 juli 1893 Auteuil, var ättling af en gammal lothringsk adels- familj; modern var sy- ster till skalden Alfred de Poittevin. Föräld- rarna skildes tidigt, och den intelligenta och litterärt intresse- rade modern, en barn- domsväninna till Gu- stave Flaubert, ledde sonens uppfostran. Hans barndom förflöt vid Normandies kust, där M. insöp sin kärlek till naturen och lärde kän- na dessa normandiska typer, som han sedan så gärna skildrade. Adertonårig inträdde han 1868 i Marinministeriet, men öfvergick 1878. till kultusministeriet. Han saknade emellertid intresse för ämbetsmannabanan. Redan tidigt vak- nade hans lust för litteraturen, som närdes af mo- derns ungdomsminnen. Flaubert omfattade honom med en faders kärlek, kritiserade strängt hans. första omogna försök, inpräntade i hans sinne sina egna konstnärliga principer, lärde honom att genom aldrig tröttnande observation söka uppfånga det förut icke iakttagna och därför nya och att återge. det så, att det skildrade fenomenet skiljer sig från alla andra och blir individuellt och enastående. Framför allt afhöll han honom från att debutera för tidigt. Från midten af 70-talet meddelade dock M. under hvarjehanda pseudonymer (oftast Guy de Valmont) smärre bitar åt tidningar och tidskrifter, och 1879 fick han uppförd en drama- tisk bagatell, Histoire du vieux temps. Hans verk- liga debut inföll dock först 1880 med diktsamlingen Des vers. Den har obestridligen ett originellt skaplynne och väckte uppseende kanske ej minst därför, att den hotades med ett åtal för osedlighet hufvudsakligen på grund af dikten Le mur), som deck afstyrdes genom inflytelserika vänner. M. insåg sedan själf, att hans talang låg mera för prosan, i all synnerhet sedan han samma år ut- gifvit novellen Boule de suif (i "Soirées de Mé- dan"). Med denna novell, som utmärktes genom skarp observationsförmåga och ypperlig prosa- stil, slog M. igenom och intog sin plats som en at den naturalistiska skolans förnämsta representanter och en af den franska litteraturens största novellister. Den efterföljdes af en lång rad novel ler, först publicerade i "Gil Blas" och "Echo de Paris" och sedan samlade i bokform under följande titlar: La maison Tellier (1881), M:lle Fifi (1882), Les contes de la Bécasse (1883), Clair de lune i (1884), Au soleil (resebilder, s. a.), Les soeurs Rondoli (s. a.), Miss Harriett (s. a.), Yvette (s. a.; sv. öfv. 1905), Monsieur Parent (s. a.), Contes du jour et de la nuit (1885), Contes et nouvelles (s. 4.), Contes choisis (1886), La petite Roque (s. a.), Toine (s. 1.), Le Horla (1887), Sur l'eau (rese- skildringar, 1888), Le rosier de Mime Husson (s. å.), L'héritage (s. a.), La main gauche (1889), Histoire d'une fille de ferme (s. a.), La vie errante (reseskildringar, s. å.) och L'inutile beauté (1890); efter hans död ha ytterligare publicerats Le père Milon (1899; "Gubben Milon", s. å.), Le colporteur (1900) och Dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris (s. å.). Till dessa novellsamlingar ansluta sig sexromanerna Une vie (1883; "Ett lif", 1884), Bel-ami (1885; "Qvinnogunst", 1885 och 1901), Mont-Oriol (1887; sv. öfv. 1895), Pierre et Jean (1888; "Pierre och Jean", s. a.), Fort comme la vi mort (1889; "Stark som döden", 1894 och 1910) och Notre coeur (1890; "Vårt hjerta", 1894 och 1910). För scenen skref M. vidare treaktsskåde spelet Musotte (i samarbete med J. Normand, 1891) och La paix du ménage (uppf. på Théâtre fran- çais, 1893). M. skref äfven litterära studier, bl. a. öfver Emile Zola (1883) och Gustave Flaubert (1884). Denna oerhörda produktion fullbordades en på den korta tiden af omkr. tio år. Den gjorde honom hastigt världsberömd som en äkta represen tant för den franska conten, en ättling i rakt ned stigande led af de gammalfranske fabliåförfattarna, med ära upphärande Rabelais', La Fontaines och Voltaires traditioner.
    ellauri365.html on line 51: M. var en kraftigt sensuell natur, en friluftsmänniska och atlet, sjudande af af lifslust, säker i sin styrka, måttlöst hängifvande sig åt alla sensationer, full af känsla inför naturens skådespel, en vacker natthimmel, ett doftande fält, en solbelyst öppning i den högstammiga skogen, älskande kvinnan med en naiv, nästan animal, men ( på samma gång blyg lidelse. I denna öfversval- lande lifsglädje blandade sig dock alltid en viss sorgbundenhet. Han har själf tecknat sitt väsen, då han någonstädes säger, att han vissa dagar hatar allt, så att han kunde önska sig döden, andra åter känner sig glad och lycklig som ett djur. I kraft af detta sitt lynne, hvars tendenser funno sin motsvarighet i den naturalistiska riktning, som behärskade litteraturen i det ögonblick, då M. framträdde, kom hela hans diktning att röra sig inom det sinnliga lifvets sfär, återgifvande enkla och rela- tivt föga sammansatta själstillstånd och med för kärlek tecknande folkliga typer. Hans analys är kanske icke så djup, men hans rika begåfning öf verskylde i viss mån denna brist genom den styrka och lysande klarhet, hvarmed han återgaf det sedda. Ingen har mästerligare än M. förstått att ge relief och betydelsefullhet åt hvardagliga ämnen. Han ser så skarpt och klart, och hans språk är så säkert och smidigt, att han i några få ord tecknar profilen af ett ansikte eller en individs karaktär, gester och hela yttre person. I början öfverlämnade han sig kanske alltför fritt åt en viss ytlig uppsluppen och sensuell lifsglädje. Större utrymme för sina rika anlag fann han i romanerna "Une vie" och "Bel-ami", hvilka återge vissa sidor af det moderna lifvet med en rikedom på nyanser och en ironi, som blottar alla motsägelser och löjligheter situationerna eller personernas karaktär. Och denna ironi är så öfverlägsen och så objektiv, att det förefaller, som om det vore icke författaren, utan tingen själfva, som talade. Hvad M. än skildrar, är uppfattningen så frisk, så omedelbar, så utan all sjuklighet och förkonstling, att han kan säga mycket, som skulle stöta hos andra författare. Sådant gestaltade sig M:s författarskap under de första åren af åttiotalet, men hans oerhörda produktion och hans i öfrigt våldsamma lefnadssätt. bröto snart hans krafter. Plötsligen stod han, som dittills endast haft öga för det fysiska lifvet, undrande inför en ny värld, hvilken uppgått i hans inre. Ett annat ljus faller öfver företeelserna och ger en ny karaktär åt hans diktning. Intet vittnar kanske mera om omedelbarheten och styrkan i hans begåfning än den säkerhet, hvarmed han äfven tecknat dessa nya själstillstånd. I "Le Horla" se honom redan kämpa med de vansinnets fantom, som snart skulle omtöckna hans själslif. Tankar på ålderdomen, på döden, ett mörkt tungsinne utbreda sig allt mer och mer öfver hans skrifter. Särskildt romanerna "Fort comme la mort" och "Notre coeur" präglas af en gripande och känslofull själsfinhet, som hans tidigare skrifter. knappast låtit ana. 1892 sökte han döda sig med rakknif, då han kände, att han icke längre kunde strida mot vansinnet. I tvångströja fördes han till ett sjukhus, där han dog af paralysie générale efter 18 månaders sjukdom. Han nekade flera gånger att taga säte i franska akademien liksom att mottaga hederslegionen. I Parc Monceau i Paris har man rest ett vackert monument öfver honom. Verlet; ett annat finnes i Rouen. Hans rykte har varit i ständigt stigande efter hans död. Ytterligare sv. öfv. äro "Lifsbilder" (1888), "Berättelser och skisser. Med en inledning om hans författarskap af T. Hedberg" 1893) och "En duell. Efterlämnade skisser och berättelser" (1900). Se J. Lemaître, "Les contemporains" I, V och VI (1885, 1892, 1896), R. Doumic, "Ecrivains d'aujourd'hui" (1894), G. Brandes, "Samlede skrifter", VII (1901), A. Lom- broso, "Souvenirs sur M." (1905), och Maynial, "La vie et l'œuvre de M." (1906). 1902 började Oeuvres complètes att utkomma. (Nordisk familjebok 1912 s.v. Maupassant)
    ellauri365.html on line 287: Gene Roddenberry, in an early draft for The Questor Tapes, wrote a scene in which the android Questor employs Maupassant's theory that, "the human female will open her mind to a man to whom she has opened other channels of communications." In the script Questor copulates with a woman to obtain information that she is reluctant to impart. Due to complaints from NBC executives, this scene was never filmed.
    ellauri365.html on line 455: Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam, född 6 juli 1859 i Olshammar i Närke, död 20 maj 1940 på Övralid i Östergötland, var en svensk författare och poet. Han var ledamot av Svenska Akademien 1912–1940 och tilldelade sej Nobelpriset i litteratur 1916.
    ellauri365.html on line 461: Verner von Heidenstam tillhörde adliga ätten von Heidenstam nr 2025. Han var enda barnet till fyringenjören Nils Gustaf von Heidenstam (1822–1887) och Magdalena Charlotta Rotterskiöld (1837–1917). Han föddes på bruksherrgården Olshammar, idag kallad Olshammarsgården, som ligger i Hammars socken vid Vättern och som tillhörde hans mors släkt. Där tillbringade han även sommarloven under uppväxten. Vintrarna tillbringade familjen i Stockholm, men det är Olshammar han kallar barndomshem och i sina verk återvänder han ofta dit.
    ellauri365.html on line 463: I den självbiografiska Hans Alienus har han beskrivit barndomen som ensam. Efternamnet Alienus kommer av det latinska ordet för främmande, alienus. I Olshammarsgården fanns ett stort bibliotek med klassisk litteratur som Xenofon, Tacitus, Plutarchos och andra sådana lättläsliga. Bland svenska författare läste han Tegnér, Runeberg och Wallin. I Stockholm bodde familjen först på Johannis Östra Kyrkogata och från 1876 på Karlavägen 7 mittemot Humlegården. Heidenstam gick i Beskowska skolan. I början fick han goda betyg, men på grund av dålig hälsa gick det allt sämre i skolan. Han var ordblind och hade hela livet svårt att stava korrekt.
    ellauri365.html on line 478: Heidenstam kände en allt större hemlängtan och hans fars sjukdom gjorde det nödvändigt att resa till Sverige. Heidenstam och hans hustru [selvennä] flyttade in i huset vid Karlavägen. Under uppväxten hade han haft en dålig relation med sin far men under faderns sista tid i livet försonades de. Hans far hade problem med njurstenar och den 2 juni 1887 tog han livet av sig.
    ellauri365.html on line 480: Den 26 januari 1888 uppsökte Verner den judiske förläggaren Albert Bonnier i hans hem. Han berättade att Topelius hade läst några av hans dikter och tyckt om dem och att han också kände Strindberg som också tyckte dom var fina. Bonnier läste dem hemma med makan Lisen: "Genast från första ordet till det sista hade vi klart för oss, att nu hade en ny och stor dyslexiker uppenbarat sig. Den aftonen blev en av dessa högtidsstunder, som en förläggare aldrig förgäter men som, ack så sällan, förunnas honom!".
    ellauri365.html on line 491: Hans Alienus är en främling i världen, som stolt banar sin väg hemifrån från faderns stränga styre. Århundradena går och Hans Alienus blir både kejsare i Rom och vikarie för Gud när denne är bortrest men lyckan vill inte infinna sig. Det materiella ger ingen lycka och den njutningsfilosofi han har varit anhängare av visar sig vara tom. En dag återvänder Hans Alienus till föräldrahemmet och kan till slut göra upp med sin förut så stränge fader. Kritikerna var svala men ingen utom Svenska Akademiens Carl David af Wirsén ville påstå att det var dåligt. För förlaget var det dock knappast någon lysande affär; den första upplagan på 2 500 exemplar räckte i 18 år.
    ellauri365.html on line 498: Beställningsboken Svenskarns och deras hövdingar blev en platt text, där inte bara fantasin saknas utan även Heidenstams goda humör, hans lekfullhet och ibland överraskande fräckhet. Boken blev Heidenstams sista berättande prosaverk, och efter Nya dikter var hans offentliga författarskap i princip avslutat. Gustaf Fröding och August Strindberg var tidvis goda vänner till Heidenstam, men relationerna till både Fröding och Strindberg gick dock i vågor då de inte bara var kreativa kollegor utan också konkurrenter med olika bakgrund och livsåskådning.
    ellauri365.html on line 505: Det märkligaste de följande veckorna är Heidenstams försök att distansera sig från Fröding. En av de tidningar som rasade mot publiceringen var Aftonbladet som trots det bistra tonläget skrev att Fröding var "Sveriges största nu levande och diktande skald" medan de som tillrått publicering var "gudomligheter af lägre rang". Denna degradering verkar Heidenstam ha tagit på högsta allvar och i brev till vänner begränsar han sin egen insats att ge råd till Fröding till ett minimum, han till och med ångrar att han inte avrådde tryckning. "Slutligen kände jag mig också sårad af Aftonbladets nya rangskala och har aldrig rätt förstått svenskarnas vidskepliga avgudadyrkan för de slitna gångklädernas poesi.". I andra brev skrev han att Fröding helt enkelt är en dålig författare. Vid rättegången friades Fröding men han blev galen. Verner skickade hundra spänn åt hans syster Cecilia.
    ellauri365.html on line 509: Oron över att förlora positionen som den ledande diktaren verkar ha varit stark hos Strindberg. På Heidenstams 50-årsdag 1909 hade Heidenstam hyllats på olika sätt i pressen, bland annat av Aftonbladet som skrev "Heidenstam som nationell skald". På våren 1910 började Strindberg skriva en serie artiklar i Afton-Tidningen där han gick till angrepp mot gräddarslena Heidenstam, Levertin och Ellen Key och slog vilt omkring sig. Han kallade Heidenstams diktning för smörja, "...vi fingo icke allenast en pekoral-estetik, utan även en poesi som vi läst som barn, med pjunk och pjåsk, Weltschmerz och falsk tuberkulos, inte ett spår livsglädje eller mannakraft." och insinuerade att en av Heidenstams kritiker blivit mördad (Afton-Tidningen 11 juni 1910). Strindbergs fälttågsplan kunde verka oklar och inkonsekvent men på ett par punkter var syftet mycket tydligt: han knöt 90-talisterna till det etablerade högrestånds-Sverige och han menade att de hade placerat sig själva i centrum av en kanoniserad bild av den svenska litteraturen och tigit ihjäl mera argumenterande, realistiska och frispråkiga diktare, först och främst Strindberg själv. Just så!
    ellauri365.html on line 522: På sommaren 1893 år hade Verner en affär med den då 19-åriga Olga Mathilda Wiberg (1874–1951), född i Göteborg. I oktober skilde sig Heidenstam från sin första hustru Emilia. I brev till sin gode vän Oscar Levertin gjorde han klart att ett nytt äktenskap inte kunde komma på fråga; därtill är hans ekonomi alltför ansträngd. Han påstod sig vara tvungen att gardera sig inför en framtida skilsmässa som skulle kunna kosta honom minst 20 000 kronor. Efter vigselceremonin klädde alla gäster om till togor och lagerkransar. Fröding utbringade en skål för Heidenstam som "Sveriges störste nu levande diktare" och Heidenstam en skål för Fröding som "Sveriges mest populäre nu levande diktare".
    ellauri365.html on line 529: På våren 1902 levde Heidenstam ensam i sin villa. I april 1903 skildes de. Olga gifte senare om sig i Danmark och verkar aldrig ha haft någon kontakt med Heidenstam därefter. Hon dog 1951 vid 77 års ålder. I närheten av Heidenstams villa i Djursholm bodde bataljonsveterinär Otto Sjöberg med hustru och tre döttrar. Heidenstam blev förtjust i äldsta dottern Margareta ("Greta") och när de tre syskonen besökte hans villa på våren 1902 lyckades Heidenstam stjäla sig en knull från den 16-åriga Greta. Samma vår hände ytterligare en sak när Greta ensam besökte hans villa: "'Verner förförde henne på isbjörnsfällen'".
    ellauri365.html on line 547: I sitt svar på Strindbergs angrepp hade Heidenstam stämplat både Strindberg och arbetarrörelsen som "proletärfilosofiska" krafter som byggde på avund och lumpet förakt för kulturen, förnuftet och rättvisan. 1911 kom skriften Proletärfilosofiens upplösning och fall, en bitter och ironisk uppgörelse med Strindberg. Förargerligt nog gick Strindberg segrande ur striden.
    ellauri365.html on line 551: Med de flesta rojalister uppfattade han främst det ärofulla i ett segerrikt krig som skulle krossa Ryssland; därefter skulle man slå tillbaka de hotande krafterna inom landet, det vill säga arbetarrörelsen.
    ellauri365.html on line 561: Böök började också med att gå igenom Heidenstams efterlämnade papper. År 1941 publicerades memoarerna När kastanjerna blommade samt en samling aforismer, Tankar och utkast. År 1942 publicerades Sista dikter och följande år Heidenstams samlade verk i 23 band.
    ellauri365.html on line 581: It was upon a field of combat that Heidenstam made his début with his first volume of poems in 1888. The old sentimentalism had largely disappeared and a fierce war was being waged between the extreme, unmitigated realists and the new, more vital idealists. Into this combat Heidenstam at once plunged on the side of the idealists along with two other distinguished poets, Gustaf Fröding and Oscar Levertin. Gösta was fat and crazy, Oscar Jewish. That left just Valter to fight the good fight.
    ellauri365.html on line 584: Back North, the self-centered man forgot his despondency by merging himself into the larger soul of his estate. To those familiar with his membership of the committee, it came as no surprise that in 1916 Heidenstam was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He is perhaps most like Browning. Above all things he abhors uninspired naturalism; "gray-weather moods," he calls it. Strindberg merely "let the cellar air escape through the house.", he said. He repudiates pessimism no less than sentimentalism. He wrestled with August for the deeper meaning of life. The imagery is often daring, as when a negro's lips are compared to the crimson gash on a foreskin. Heidenstam, though one of the most daringly earnest of poets, is sufficiently an artist to relieve his style by such touches of humor and of the deeper sort of romance. But atonement was repugnant to his manhood. He longs to be worthy of his heritage, to give his life for some damn cause. He believes it is only in moments of great exaltation that we really live. The best bit is where Verner dissuades his poor countrymen from whacking the filthy rich. Without his saying so, we feel in him the quality of St. Paul affirming: "I have fought the good fight, I have kept the faith."
    ellauri365.html on line 619: Först kommer tjufnadens ödla liten och rädd och man har roligt åt hennes kvicka slingringar, men hon växer och växer och får vingar och klor, och hennes etter sätter fläckar på den blankaste rustning. Hon blir draken, som reser sig ur jordens smuts för att sönderslita och förstöra, och till sist ligga där kring henne de afgnagda benranglen af varelser, som en gång voro ljusets barn ...
    ellauri365.html on line 808: av hans livseldsaft, Joka ruiskauxessa saisi hiän
    ellauri365.html on line 810: av hans kraft. poskimälliä.
    ellauri365.html on line 821: faderkraft i moderfröt Hänen nupista ja varina
    ellauri365.html on line 841: likt en solglimt mellan skogens stammar Siunattu olet Gustaf, vaixe oli unta vaan,
    ellauri365.html on line 845: Stänk och flikar (Gustaf Fröding, 1898, Roiskeita ja roippeita (Gustaf Fröding, 1898,
    ellauri365.html on line 849: af">Gustaf Fröding, född 22 augusti 1860 på Alsters herrgård i Karlstads socken, Värmlands län, död 8 februari 1911 i Stockholm, var en svensk författare, journalist och poet. En av hans mest välkända diktsamlingar är Stänk och flikar från 1896 som bland annat innehåller dikten En morgondröm ledde till ett uppmärksammat åtal, men han är även känd för att ha publicerat andra dikter, tom på värmländsk dialekt. Som sagt, Gustaf Fröding föddes den 22 augusti 1860 på Alsters bruk i Värmland. I hemmet förekom musik och humanistisk bildning men även mycket sinnessjukdom. Fadern Ferdinand Gustaf Fröding (1826–1881), som var löjtnant, led av depression och lungsjukdom. När Gustaf föddes hade modern Anna Emilia Agardh (1827–1887), dotter till Carl Adolph Agardh, redan angripits av psykisk sjukdom, så svår att hon måste söka vård.
    ellauri365.html on line 871: Historien kring Frödings hjärna uppmärksammades 2022 av författaren och serieskaparen David Liljemark. Hjärnan togs om hand efter obduktionen, och Frödings läkare Ernst Olof Hultgren påbörjade en undersökning av den året därpå. Enligt en artikel i Svenska Dagbladet den 27 juli 1943 fanns hjärnan då utställd "på hedersplats" på Karolinska sjukhuset. Under en period (möjligen från 2004) rådde viss osäkerhet kring vilken som var Frödings hjärna, då namnetiketten hade avlägsnats från glasburken; likaså var motsvarande namnetikett borttagen från en glasburk med Gustaf Retzius' hjärna. En patolog, Birgitta Sundelin von Feilitzen, hade dock lagat Frödings hjärna några år tidigare medan namnen ännu fanns kvar på burkarna, då skaldens hjärna hade fallit isär i två delar. I slutet av 2022 redde hon ut osäkerheten, genom att undersöka bägge hjärnorna där hon identifierade Frödings hjärna, som hon hade lagat cirka 20 år tidigare. Adolf Hitlers hjärna kostade bara tiondel av Albert Einsteins, för den var praktiskt taget oanvänd.
    ellauri365.html on line 873: Magnus Gustaf Retzius oli ruotsalainen anatomi, antropologi, Karoliinisen instituutin professori ja sanomalehti Aftonbladetin omistaja ja päätoimittaja. Sedan början av 1960-talet hade den politiska beteckningen ”oberoende socialdemokratisk”. Aftonbladet ägs till 91 procent av den norska mediekoncernen Schibsted. Svenska Dagbladet (joka kuuluu nykyään norjalaiseen Schibsted-konserniin) puolestaan oli Heidenstamin porukoiden hallussa. Politiskt betecknar sig tidningens ledarsida som "obunden moderat". Nehän on kuin kiinalaisia pesukoneita, eri nimilappu mutta sama kone sisältä.
    ellauri367.html on line 57: Kesäkuussa 1947 vakoilupäällikkö Juri Modin saapui Lontooseen Neuvostoliiton suurlähetystön kryptografina (englanninkielisissä lähteissä lehdistöavustaja) valvomaan Burgessiä, Bluntia ja Cairncrossia. Tänä aikana Cairncross, jota Modin kutsui parhaaksi agentiksi, luovutti Neuvostoliitolle täydellisen paketin luotavan NATOn asiakirjoja - liiton rakenteesta, rahoitusjärjestelmästä ja kokoonpanosta. sekä ennusteen Suomen ja Ruåzin NATO:on liittymisen ajankohdasta.
    ellauri367.html on line 128: Die Familie Rothschild ist seit ihren Anfängen als Faktor der europäischen Wirtschaft Gegenstand zahlreicher Karikaturen und polemischer Schriften bis hin zu Hetzkampagnen und Verschwörungstheorien. Diese zeichnen sich in der Regel durch einen mal verdeckten, mal offenen Antisemitismus aus. Der Name Rothschild wird häufig als Symbol für den Zionismus verwendet und dazu, die angebliche Allmacht des Weltjudentums über das internationale Finanzwesen zu illustrieren.
    ellauri367.html on line 153: Vuonna 1977 Burns teki toisen hittielokuvan, Oh, God! , näyttelee kaikkivoipaa nimiroolia laulaja John Denveriä vastaan ​​vakavana mutta hämmentyneenä supermarketin johtajana, jonka Jumala valitsee sattumanvaraisesti elvyttääkseen sanomansa. Mielikuva Burnsista merimieslakissa ja kevyessä kevättakissa drollina Kaikkivaltiaana vaikutti hänen myöhempään komediatyöhönsä, samoin kuin muiden koomikkojen työhön. Hänen kunniakseen järjestetyssä julkkisruoassa Dean Martin muokkasi Burnsin säröä: "Kun George kasvoi, kymmenen käskyä olivat Top 10 ". Burns esiintyi tässä hahmossa yhdessä Vanessa Williamsin kanssa Penthouse -lehden syyskuun 1984 kannessa, joka sisälsi Williamsin pahamaineisia alastonkuvia sekä alaikäisen pornografisen elokuvatähden Traci Lordsin ensimmäisen esiintymisen. Kannessa oleva tiivistelmä jopa ilmoitti "Voi luoja, hän on alasti!"
    ellauri367.html on line 158: Traci Lords (oik., pitelee tissejä), syntynyt Nora Louise Kuzma; 7. toukokuuta 1968 on yhdysvaltalainen näyttelijä, laulaja ja entinen pornografinen näyttelijä. Hän tuli aikuisten elokuvateollisuuteen käyttämällä väärennettyä syntymätodistusta salatakseen olevansa kaksi vuotta alle 18-vuotiaana. Lisäksi kaikki hänen aikuisille suunnatut elokuvansa viimeistä lukuun ottamatta kiellettiin lapsipornografiana. Poistuttuaan pornografiateollisuudesta kaksi päivää sen jälkeen, kun hän oli täyttänyt 18 vuotta, Lords ilmoittautui Lee Strasbergin teatteri-instituuttiin, jossa hän opiskeli menetelmänäyttelijää tullakseen valtavirran näyttelijäksi. Kuzma on julkisesti ilmaissut tukensa LGBT-yhteisölle ja Abelin eläinten säädyttömyyttä vastustavalle SINA liikkeelle.
    ellauri367.html on line 160: af6-lq" />
    ellauri367.html on line 257: Ukrainassa M. Rafesin johtama Bund kannatti autonomista Ukrainaa osana liittovaltion Venäjää. Ukrainan juutalaisten kansalliskokouksen vaaleissa (marraskuussa 1918) Bund sai 18 % äänistä. Syksystä 1918 lähtien bundistien sympatiat, erityisesti Ukrainassa, pelottavien pogromien näyttämöllä, alkoivat kallistua kommunistien puoleen. Maaliskuussa 1919 Rafesin johtama "Communist Bund" (Kombund) perustettiin Ukrainaan. Toukokuussa se liittyi Yhdistyneen juutalaisen kommunistiseen puolueeseen muodostaakseen Komfarbandin, joka elokuussa sulautui Ukrainan kommunistiseen puolueeseen.
    ellauri367.html on line 304: Paul Warburg on kuuluisa Yhdysvaltain hrahalaarin, Yhdysvaltain keskuspankin eli Federal Reserve Systemin luojana 1913. Max Warburg oli Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG eli IG Farbenin johtokunnassa. Yritys oli saksalainen kemianteollisuuden jätti ja keskitysleireissä käytettävän Zyklon B-kaasun valmistajayhtiö. Hän myös toimi natsi-Saksan Valtakunnanpankissa eli Reichsbankissa. Lähes kaikki Warburg-suvun jäsenet muuttivat vuonna 1938 Saksasta Amerikkaan.
    ellauri367.html on line 330: Herr Omar är mattförsäljare från staden Djof i den arabiska öknen, med sommarbostad i ett "välsytt sporttält" i oasen Kaf. Han är artig och tycker om kaffe.
    ellauri368.html on line 63: Yleisen vaatekappaleen, peruukin, metaforinen muuttaminen niityksi toimii upeasti sekä äidin että luonnon uudestisyntymisen symbolina.
    ellauri368.html on line 66: Among the Jews of the Slavonic countries "maskil" usually denotes a self-taught Hebrew scholar with an imperfect knowledge of a living language (usually German), who represents the love of learning and the striving for culture awakened by Mendelssohn and his disciples; i.e., an adherent or follower of the Haskalah movement. He is "by force of circumstances detained on the path over which the Jews of western Europe swiftly passed from rabbinical lore to European culture" and to emancipation, and "his strivings and short-comings exemplify the unfulfilled hopes and the disappointments of Russian civilization." The Maskilim are mostly teachers and writers; they taught a part of the young generation of Russian Jewry to read Hebrew and have created the great Neo-Hebrew literature which is the monument of Haskalah. Although Haskalah has now been flourishing in Russia for three generations, the class of Maskilim does not reproduce itself. The Maskilim of each generation are recruited from the ranks of the Orthodox Talmudists, while the children of Maskilim very seldom follow in the footsteps of their fathers. This is probably due to the fact that the Maskil who breaks away from strictly conservative Judaism in Russia, but does not succeed in becoming thoroughly assimilated, finds that his material conditions have not been improved by the change, and, while continuing to cleave to Haskalah for its own sake, he does not permit his children to share his fate. The quarrels between the Maskilim and the Orthodox, especially in the smaller communities, are becoming less frequent. In the last few years the Zionist movement has contributed to bring the Maskilim, who joined it almost to a man, nearer to the other classes of Jews who became interested in that movement. The numerous Maskilim who emigrated to the United States, especially after the great influx of Russian immigrants, generally continued to follow their old vocation of teaching and writing Hebrew, while some contributed to the Yiddish periodicals. Many of those who went thither in their youth entered the learned professions. See Literature, Modern Hebrew. (Source: Jewish Dictionary)
    ellauri368.html on line 288: He wrote the satire on his return to Judaism after an involuntary conversion.
    ellauri368.html on line 315: Joseph Perl (1773-1839) is one of the most remarkable links in the chain of Judaic uterature. In 1819, four years after seminal hasidic works of the Ba'al Shem Tov and Nahman of Bratslav appeared, Perl printed Megalei Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), an erudite Hebrew parody that satirized them.
    ellauri368.html on line 318: Hasidism was inspired by Israel ben Eliezer, who was eventually dubbed the Ba'al Shem Tov after he was "revealed" as a wonder-working leader in about 1736. He lived in the Ukraine, where there was a high density of provincial Jewish communities. Two generations after the death of this charismatic leader, his followers printed BeShT (In Praise of the Ba'al Shem Tov, 1815, a Hebrew work consisting primarily of hagiographie tales about wonders of the rebbe, as passed on and eaborated by his disciples. In the same year, stories by Nahman of Bratislav - a great-grandson of the Ba'al Shem Tov - were published by his scribe Nathan Sternharz. Accompanied by Yiddish versions, the Hebrew tales were intended to reach the broadest possible audience.
    ellauri369.html on line 68: Joseph Henri Rosny Sr. (ranskalainen kirjailijanimi J.-H. Rosny aîné , oikea nimi Joseph Henri Honoré Boex , 17. helmikuuta 1856 , Bryssel - 11. helmikuuta 1940 , Pariisi ) on belgialaista alkuperää oleva ranskalainen kirjailija. Vuoteen 1909 asti hän kirjoitti yhdessä nuoremman veljensä Serafin-Justin-Francoisin kanssa, joka myöhemmin otti salanimen J.-A. Roney Jr.
    ellauri369.html on line 82: Rosny aîné oli hyvin HG Wellsin tai Olaf Stapledonin kaltainen konseptiltaan ja tavaltaan käsitellä niitä romaaneissaan. Hän oli toiseksi tärkein hahmo Jules Vernen jälkeen modernin ranskalaisen science fictionin historiassa.
    ellauri369.html on line 161: Hän on varhaisin tunnettu latinankielinen roomalainen historioitsija, jonka nimellä on säilynyt teoksia, joista ovat jäljellä Catilinan salaliitto (samanimisestä salaliitosta), Jugurttisota (samannimisestä sodasta) ja Histories (joista on säilynyt vain katkelmia). Kirjailijana Sallust sai vaikutteita ensisijaisesti 5. vuosisadalla eKr. kreikkalaisen historioitsijan Thukydideen teoksist. Poliittisen uransa aikana hän keräsi suurta ja väärin hankittua rikkautta Afrikan kuvernöörikaudeltaan, joilla se rakensi puutarhoja. E. Saarisen pojan Jeromen mukaan Sallustista tuli myöhemmin Ciceron entisen vaimon Terentian toinen aviomies. Tunnetut roomalaisen pornografian tutkijat, kuten Ronald Syme, uskovat kuitenkin tämän olevan urbaani legenda. Procopiuksen mukaan kun Alaricin tunkeutuva armeija saapui Roomaan, he polttivat Sallustin talon. Että sellanen tallustaja.
    ellauri369.html on line 181: af58ebbd7d66bc12" />
    ellauri369.html on line 213:
    En ole pystynyt kirjoittamaan puukotuksen jälkeen, valittaa osafatwattu Salman Rushdie. Kirjoitan, mutta tuloksena on sekoitus tyhjyyttä ja roskaa, tekstiä jonka kirjoitan yhtenä päivänä ja tuhoan seuraavana”, Rushdie sanoo lehdelle. No mikäs ero tässä on muka entiseen? Aijuu, ennen se ei niitä tuhonnut vaan julkaisi. Kaikki kelpasi.

    ellauri369.html on line 298: Vuonna 1867 itävaltalainen insinööri Eduard Lill julkaisi graafisen menetelmän polynomin juurten määrittämiseksi ( Lillin menetelmä ). Jos sitä sovelletaan toisen asteen funktioon, se antaa puolisuunnikkaan kuvion Carlylen ratkaisusta Leslien ongelmaan (katso myös kuvat!), jonka yksi sivuista on Carlylen ympyrän halkaisija. Vuoden 1925 artikkelissa Henry Miller huomautti, että Lillin menetelmän pieni muutos, jota sovellettiin normitettuun neliöfunktioon, tuottaa ympyrän, joka mahdollistaa funktion juurten geometrisen rakentamisen ja antoi selkeän modernin määritelmän sille, mitä myöhemmin approprioivasti kutsuttiin Carlylen ympyräksi. Myöhemmissä julkaisuissa alettiin briteissä ottaa käyttöön nimiä Carlyle circle, Carlyle method tai Carlyle algoritmi vaikka saksankielisissä maissa käytetään termiä Lill circle ( Lill-Kreis ).
    ellauri369.html on line 343: Carlylen isän kuolema tammikuussa 1832 ja hänen kyvyttömyytensä osallistua omiin hautajaisiinsa sai hänet kirjoittamaan ensimmäisen teoksen, josta tuli muistio, joka julkaistiin postuumisti vuonna 1881. Carlyle ei ollut löytänyt kustantaja, kun hän palasi Craigenbuttockiin maaliskuussa, mutta hän oli aloittanut tärkeitä ystävyyssuhteita Leigh Huntin ja John Stuart Millin kanssa . Sinä vuonna Carlyle kirjoitti esseet "Goethen muotokuva", "Goethen kuolema", "Goethen teokset", "Biografia", " Boswellin Johnsonin elämä " ja humoristisen "Corn-Law Rhymes".
    ellauri369.html on line 359: As a boy, Teufelsdröckh was left in a basket on the doorstep of a childless couple in the German country town of Entepfuhl ("Duck-Pond"); his father a retired sergeant of Frederick the Great and his mother a very pious woman, who to Teufelsdröckh´s gratitude, raises him in utmost spiritual discipline. In very flowery language, Teufelsdröckh recalls at length the values instilled in his idyllic childhood, the Editor noting most of his descriptions originating in intense spiritual pride. Teufelsdröckh eventually is recognized as being clever, and sent to Hinterschlag (slap-behind) Gymnasium. While there, Teufelsdröckh is intellectually stimulated, and befriended by a few of his teachers, but frequently bullied by other students. His reflections on this time of his life are ambivalent: glad for his education, but critical of that education´s disregard for actual human activity and character, as regarding both his own treatment and his education´s application to politics. While at University, Teufelsdröckh encounters the same problems, but eventually gains a small teaching post and some favour and recognition from the German nobility. While interacting with these social circles, Teufelsdröckh meets a woman he calls Blumine (Goddess of Flowers; the Editor assumes this to be a pseudonym), and abandons his teaching post to pursue her. She spurns his advances for a British aristocrat named Towgood. Teufelsdröckh is thrust into a spiritual crisis, and leaves the city to wander the European countryside, but even there encounters Blumine and Towgood on their honeymoon. He sinks into a deep depression, culminating in the celebrated Everlasting No, disdaining all human activity. Still trying to piece together the fragments, the Editor surmises that Teufelsdröckh either fights in a war during this period, or at least intensely uses its imagery, which leads him to a "Centre of Indifference", and on reflection of all the ancient villages and forces of history around him, ultimately comes upon the affirmation of all life in "The Everlasting Yea". The Editor, in relief, promises to return to Teufelsdröckh´s book, hoping with the of his assembled biography to glean some new insight into the philosophy. Wow, sounds a lot like Carlyle´s personal biography, lightly camouflaged?
    ellauri369.html on line 511: Kap Colonyssa hänen julkiset lausuntonsa, joissa puolustettiin pakkotyön käyttöä alkuperäiskansojen xhosa-kansojen parissa, olivat erityisen kiistanalaisia, varsinkin kun Kap Colonyn politiikkana oli kohdella Xhosa-kansalaisia "valkoisten miesten alamaisina" (A-ok) ja jota syytettiin "raivokkaasta antiimperialistisessa asenteesta (NOT ok)". Suhteita ei parantanut Frouden halveksuminen Kapin paikallispolitiikkaa ja "Kap-poliitikkoja" kohtaan, jotka jyräävät perustuslakinsa kanssa äskettäin häntätakkiin ylennettyinä koulupoikina ja ... kuvittelevat, että heillä on täydellinen riippumattomuus, kun taas meidän on suojeltava heidän rannikkoaan ja pidettävä joukkoja suojelemassa heitä kaffirikapinan varalta."
    ellauri370.html on line 56: Esther and Mordechai were definitely cousins. There was a big age gap between them, seeing as Mordechai took Esther in after she was orphaned. But according to TheTorah.com, some translations suggest he took her in as his wife, not as his ward. The exact phrase is he "took her to him," which one rabbi in Ask The Rabbi notes is only used when referring to marriage. Then why would Esther have passed for virginal woman if she'd been the wife of someone else? It may have been a matter of her age. It's gross, but it's true. This means it's very possible Mordechai never slept with Esther, well, not often anyway. According to the Jewish Women's Archive, Esther's considered not to have committed adultery because she didn't have a choice in marrying King Xerxes.
    ellauri370.html on line 64: When Haman is begging Queen Esther for his life after he tried to do the Jews dirty, he falls onto the couch she's lying on. The king walks in, thinks Haman is trying to have a go on his hot wife, and promptly has Haman impaled on a pole fifty cubits high (about 75 feet). Read More: How to clean a toilet ring.
    ellauri370.html on line 88: According to the Hebrew Bible, Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites and the brother of Israel) and Eliphaz's concubine Timna. Timna was a Whorite and sister of Lotan. According to a midrash, Timna was a princess who tried to convert to Judaism. However, she was rejected by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. She replied she would rather be a handmaiden to the dregs of Israel than be a mistress of another gentile nation. To punish the Patriarchs for their attitudes, Timna birthed Amalek, whose descendants would cause Israel much distress. This Amalek was also the product of an incestuous union since Eliphaz was Timna's stepfather, according to 1 Chronicles 1:36, after he committed adultery with the wife of Seir the Horite, who was Timna's biological father. First-century Roman-Jewish scholar and historian Flavius Josephus refers to Amalek as a "bastard" (νόθος) in a derogatory sense. 'Amalek' oli vähän kuin 'Vanja' suomalaisille.
    ellauri370.html on line 90: As a people, the Amalekites are identified throughout the Hebrew Bible as a recurrent enemy of the Israelites: In Exodus 17:8–16, during the Exodus from Egypt, the Amalekites ambush the Israelites encamped at Rephidim, but are defeated. Moses orders Joshua to lead the Israelites into battle, while Moses, Aaron and Ben Hur watch from a nearby hill. When Moses' hands holding his staff are raised, the Israelites prevail, but when his hands are lowered, the Israelites falter. He sits with his hands held up by Aaron and Ben Hur until sunset, securing the Israelite victory.
    ellauri370.html on line 99: In 2 Samuel 1:5–10, an Amalekite tells David that he found Saul leaning on his spear after the battle of Gilboa. The Amalekite claims he euthanized Saul, at Saul's request, and removed his crown. David gives orders to his men to kill the Amalekite for killing the anointed king, believing him to be guilty by admission.
    ellauri370.html on line 145: D) Right after WWI, the Ukrainian nationalists killed 100,000 Jews in terrible massacres. This is a forgotten tragedy. Another wave of desperate Russian Jews then immigrated to USA, till the Communists sealed the Soviet borders in 1922.
    ellauri370.html on line 177: Jackson sponsored the Jackson–Vanik amendment in the Senate (with Charles Vanik sponsoring it in the House), which denied normal trade relations to certain countries with non-market economies that restricted the freedom of emigration. The amendment was intended to help refugees, particularly minorities, specifically Jews, to emigrate from the Soviet Bloc. Jackson and his assistant, Richard Perle, also lobbied personally for some people who were affected by this law such as Anatoly (now Natan) Sharansky.
    ellauri370.html on line 185: In addition, contrary to claims that he was an environmentalist, Jackson was almost as much a "whore for logging companies" as for Boeing, according Carsten Lien's book Olympic Battleground. After his death, critics pointed to Jackson's support for Japanese American internment camps during World War II as a reason to protest the placement of his bust at the University of Washington. Jackson was both an enthusiastic defender of the evacuation and a staunch proponent of the campaign to keep the Japanese-Americans from returning to the Pacific Coast after the war. Jackson died at 71. Jackson's death was greatly mourned. Jackson was proof of the old belief in the Judaic tradition that at any moment in history goodness in the world (olam) is preserved (tikkum) by the deeds of 36 just men who do not know that this is the role the Lord has given them. Scoop Jackson was one of those men.
    ellauri370.html on line 198: Liz converted to Judaism after the death of his 3. huzband Mike Todd. The Iron Curtain had lifted a bit but then it closed again.
    ellauri370.html on line 208: Has Ukraine's army built substantial defensive positions in front of Russia fortified lines? What are some of the most interesting unknown events/facts (mysteries) of history? Why do Finnish people seem to resist the Swedish language, but are happy to learn and speak English? Why is China’s communism so different than Russia´s? What is the most fascinating historical photo? How do I access a phone with a broken touch screen through a computer? Who is the mother of the President of Ukraine? Why did she fail to teach him Ukrainian? Did she teach her Hebrew or Jiddish? Doesn’t Putin realize he will be VAPORIZED 15 to 20 minutes after he launches his first missile? Why don't elite soldiers and Navy SEALs have physiques like Dwayne Johnson or Vin Diesel? Do you trust Ukraine to use the M1 Abrams tanks responsibly? Why not?
    ellauri370.html on line 237: Ensimmäinen kertoo Kartaphilosista, tuomiosalin ovenvartijasta Pilatuksen palveluksessa. Hän löi Jeesusta nyrkkillään selkään, kun hän johdatti Hänet ulos, sanoen: "Jatka nopeammin, Jeesus"; jolloin Jeesus vastasi: "Minä menen, mutta sinun tulee viipyä, kunnes minä tulen takaisin." Se lisää, että Ananias kastoi Kartafiloksen ja sai nimen Joosef. Hän joutuu transsiin joka sadan vuoden lopussa ja herää noin kolmekymppisenä miehenä.
    ellauri370.html on line 254: I fordom tid gick deras väg från Babylon till Kaanaan, därifrån till Egypten, därifrån till det förlovade landet, tillbaka till Babylon, sen till Spanien, vidare till Turkiet, till Nordafrika eller norrut till Holland, England, Polen och Ryssland samt i våra dagar till Amerika och tillbaka till det förlovade landet. Å nej, inte ni igen, sade filistinerna.
    ellauri370.html on line 463: 1863 habilitierte sich Dühring in Philosophie, 1864 auch in Nationalökonomie. Im selben Jahr erhielt er eine Dozentenstelle an der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin. Dort geriet er jedoch in Konflikte mit Professorenkollegen. Nachdem er zudem die Universität als wissenschaftliche Einrichtung wiederholt angegriffen hatte, verlor er 1877 seine Lehrbefugnis. Von da an bis zu seinem Tod 1921 wirkte er als "Privatgelehrter."
    ellauri370.html on line 465: Neben Ernst Mach und Richard Avenarius war Dühring wichtiger Vertreter des deutschen Positivismus. Er erkannte nur sinnliche Wahrnehmungen und daraus abgeleitete Verstandesschlüsse als Wirklichkeit an und behauptete gegen Immanuel Kant die Übereinstimmung von objektiver Realität mit ihrer naturwissenschaftlichen Beschreibung. Mit diesem Anspruch bekämpfte er allen Subjektivismus und Idealismus, alle Religion und Metaphysik, inklusive dialektische Materialismus. Er lehrte in Anlehnung an Auguste Comte, Voltaire und Ludwig Feuerbach, aber gegen Hegel und Karl Marx eine „Wirklichkeitsphilosophie“, die ihm zufolge „Prinzip allseitiger Gestaltung des Lebens“ werden sollte. Er wird deshalb dem neuzeitlichen antimetaphysischen Atheismus zugerechnet. Dabei beschrieb er die Rassen als Ergebnis der natürlichen Entwicklung der Menschheit.
    ellauri370.html on line 475: Engels in Anti-Dühring war ganz entgegengesetzter Meinung. Und zwar, daß alle bisherige Geschichte die Geschichte von Klassenkämpfen war, daß diese einander bekämpfenden Klassen der Gesellschaft jedesmal Erzeugnisse sind der Produktions- und Verkehrsverhältnisse.“ Doch die Verhältnisse, sie sind nicht so.
    ellauri370.html on line 477: 1881 erschien Dührings Kampfschrift Die Judenfrage als Racen-, Sitten- und Culturfrage. Mit einer weltgeschichtlichen Antwort. Sie war ein pseudowissenschaftlicher Versuch, dem Antisemitismus als politischer Bewegung ein biologisches, historisches und philosophisches Fundament zu geben.
    ellauri370.html on line 479: Seiner Meinung nach sei die jüdische Rasse völlig wertlos und nichts als „eingefleischte Selbstsucht“. Der Jude könne nur Werte anderer Völker stehlen und ausbeuten. Als Parasit sorge er für die Korruption seiner Umgebung, da er sich dort am wohlsten fühle. Ein Kapitel über die Stellung der Flöhe im natürlichen System der Gesellschaft wäre ebenso angebracht gewesen und jedenfalls weniger langweilig.
    ellauri370.html on line 483: Kansainvälinen painostus ei estä maahyökkäystä Rafahiin, sanoo Netanjahu. Endlösungia tässä haetaan eikä mitään kostoa. Nää on meidän maita, ei tänne ole oravilla mitään asiaa. Minähän ne oravat myrkytin.
    ellauri370.html on line 485: Daher sei nur eine internationale Lösung der Judenfrage dauerhaft. Die Vertreibung aller Philistiner sei vorerst undurchführbar und würde das Problem nur an andere Orte verlagern, wo es alsbald neu auftreten werde. 1900 forderte er direkt die „Vernichtung des Judenvolkes“.
    ellauri370.html on line 515: Kaikki suuret taiteilijat, kirjailijat ja ajattelijat lännessä, kuten Homer, Dante, Giotto, Donatello, Albrecht Dürer, Leonardo da Vinci, Martin Luther, William Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Ludwig van Beethoven, Immanuel Kant ja Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ovat yhtä pitkää loistavaa pitkäkalloisen arjalaisen taiteen ja ajattelun perinnettä, jonka kulminoivat Richard Chamberlainin "Dr. Kildare" 1964 ja Richard Wagnerin elämää muuttava, rodullisesti uudistava musiikki 1800-luvulla. Saksalaisissa lehdistössä pohdittiin kiivaasti, oliko Richard Chamberlain sukua Ben Caseylle. Tuskinpa, Ben näyttää lyhytkalloisemmalta. Se hoisi sitäpaizi tätä puolisokeaa Samia juutalaisen Sam Jaffen kanssa kimpassa.
    ellauri370.html on line 527: af4761045b5663fb07712a23009b027/1920x1080.jpg?t=1597608474674" width="70%" />
    ellauri370.html on line 595: Hänen mukaansa valkoinen rotu oli kuitenkin jo varhain jakaantunut kolmeen alaryhmään, seemiläisiin, haamilaisiin ja jaafetilaisiin kansoihin, joita viimeksi mainitut hän samasti arjalaisten kanssa ja piti heitä valkoisista parhaimpina. Sentään seemiläisetkin on kolmen parhaan joukossa. Gobineau ei siis ollutkaan antisemiitti, kiittelikin juutalaisia. Ei suhtautunut niihin mustavalkoisesti.
    ellauri370.html on line 601: En jää odottamaan, että tasa-arvon ystävät näyttävät minulle sellaisia katkelmia lähetys­saarnaajien tai meri­kapteenien kirjoittamissa kirjoissa, joissa julistetaan, että joku wolof on taitava puuseppä ja joku hottentotti hyvä palvelija, että joku kafferi tanssii ja soittaa viulua tai että bambara osaa aritmetiikkaa. Jättäkäämme syrjään tällaiset lapsellisuudet ja verratkaamme toisiinsa ryhmiä, ei yksilöitä. Valkoisissakin on joitakin pukinpartaisia jyrsijännäköisiä ääliöitä! Mutta ne ovat poikkeuxia säännöstä. Miksi huron ei aikojen kuluessa ole keksinyt kirjojen painamista tai höyrykonetta? Missä on musta Tolstoi tai Dostojevski, ihmetteli seemiläinen Bellow. No niillä oli yxinkertaisesti liian lokoisat oltavat, banaanit ihan käden ulottuvilla ja lämmintä. Ei tarvinnut angstata.
    ellauri370.html on line 641: Ranskan ulkoministeriö pyysi vuonna 1944 häntä palaamaan Ranskaan. Vuonna 1945 hän kuitenkin palasi uudelleen Yhdysvaltoihin, koska hänet oli nimitetty kulttuurineuvokseksi siellä sijaitsevaan Ranskan suurlähetystöön. Tästä tehtävästä hän erosi vuonna 1948 omistautuakseen bricolagelle. Vuonna 1949 hänet nimitettiin Pariisissa sijaitsevan entografisen Musée de l’Hommen apulaisjohtajaksi. Tämän tehtävänsä jälkeen hän sai nimityksen tutkimusjohtajaksi École pratique des hautes études -korkeakouluun ja -tutkimuslaitokseen. Hänen oppituolinsa käsitti Kirjoitustaidottomien kansojen vertailevan uskontotieteen. Vuonna 1959 hänet nimitettiin Collège de Francen professoriksi, ja yksi hänen opetusalansa tässä instituutissa oli sosiaaliantropologia. Tätä tehtävää hän hoiti, kunnes jäi eläkkeelle vuonna 1982.
    ellauri370.html on line 740: Juden är inte bara bolsjeviken, men tillika frimuraren, den hemlighetsfulle internationalle fienden som är allierad med världskapitalismen, ja med de stora kyrkofurstarna. Han utestänger Tyskland från sina naturliga marknadsområden. Den kulturella bolsjevismen inrymmer allt det som åhörarna inte kan tåla: pacifism, nudism, jazz, avskaffandet av de stora bokstäverna, chaplinfilmerna, funkis, expressionistisk målarkonst, Reinhardts skådespel (va?), psykoanalysen etc.
    ellauri370.html on line 746: Der Orden ist völlig unpolitisch und hat mit der Freimaurerei nichts weiter gemeinsam als gleichartige, aber auf einen konfessionell engen Kreis beschränkte Tendenzen der ethischen Erziehung seiner Mitglieder und der Karitas. Die Gegnerschaft, die der Orden auch in Freimaurerkreisen findet, ist ganz unbegründet.
    ellauri371.html on line 390: Pornografia ja painetun sanan tulevaisuus. Maassa, no, jota kutsutaan edistyneeksi, loimme hullun likaista, inhottavaa kirjallisuutta. Jonkin verran lisää meistä tulisi valtaantulomme jälkeenkin edistää sen olemassaoloa, jotta se muotoutuisi näkyvämmin osoittamaan ajatusten ja puheiden välisen kontrastin siitä lähin, kun taulut jaettiin murisevalle kansalle korkeuksista. Älykkäät ihmiset, koulutetut goimien johdolla, he säveltävät puheita, projekteja, muistiinpanoja, artikkeleita, joilla vaikutamme mieleen, pohjaamalla ne kuviin ja käsitteisiin, joista olemme hahmotellut tietoa jo Aatamin ja Eevan ajoista.
    ellauri371.html on line 410: Julkisen menestyksen merkitys. Goyit menevät lodgeille uteliaisuudesta tai toivossa että heidän avullaan voivat ottaa julkisen piirakan, ja jotkut jotta saisi tilaisuuden ilmaisex yleisön edessä kohdata epärealistiset ja perusteettomat unelmansa: he janoo menestymisen tunteita ja suosionosoituksia, joille olemme melko anteliaita. Sitten annamme heille tämän meille luvatun - ei vitussa, mitä hyödyttää hyödyntää itsesyntynyttä itseään viettelyä, jolla ihmiset havaitsevat huomaamattomasti tulleensa lahkeeseen, seuraavat opetuksiamme ilmankin pelkäämättä niitä täysin luottavaisin mielin mielessään luottamus siihen, että heidän erehtymättömyytensä vapauttaa sen ajatuksitta, mutta ei voi enää havaita vieraita... Et voit kuvitella, kuinka älykkäimmänkin goimista voi johtaa tiedostamattomaan naivuuteen, kun itsepetoksen olosuhteet ovat oikeat, ja samalla on helppo lannistaa heitä pienimmälläkin epäonnistumisella: lopeta vaan aplodit ja johda letkun avulla orjaan tottelevaisuutta uuden menestyksen vuoksi... Missä määrin meidän sopii laiminlyödä menestystä vain toteuttaakseen omia suunnitelmia, joten goyit ovat valmiita uhraamaan kaikenlaisia kun aikoo vain onnistua. Tämä on heidän psykopatografia. Tämä tekee heidän ohjaamisestamme paljon helpompaa. Nyaah. Näillä tiikereillä on lampaiden sielut, ja heidän päässään kusta. Niitä ajaa vetotuuli. Laitamme niille päälle ihmisen yksilöllisyyden omaksumisen unelman harrastushevosen kollektivismin symbolisena yksikkönä...
    ellauri371.html on line 624: BUAAAHAHAHAHAHAH! Olipa hervotonta läppää! Silti musta vaikuttaa että tän on alunperin kirjoittanut joku höynähtänyt valtiotieteen harrastaja taustapaperixi jollekin parannetulle perustuslaille. Tushkin tää on alunperin ollut mikään pilkkakirjoitus eikä salaliittopaperi, vaan ihan vakavalla lärvällä tehtyä yhteiskuntafilosofista sepustusta tyyliin Plato, Adam Smith ja Marx.
    ellauri372.html on line 78: Some of Crassus' wealth was acquired conventionally, through slave trafficking, production from silver mines, and speculative real estate purchases. Crassus bought property that was confiscated in proscriptions and by notoriously purchasing burnt and collapsed buildings. Plutarch wrote that, observing how frequent such occurrences were, he bought slaves "who were architects and builders." When he had over 500 slaves, he bought houses that had burnt and the adjacent ones "because their owners would let go at a trifling price." He bought "the largest part of Rome" in this way, buying them on the cheap and rebuilding them with slave labor. Täähän on ihan kuin
    ellauri372.html on line 85: After the Spartakiads, the six thousand captured slaves were crucified along the Via Appia by Crassus' orders. Jahve oli kateudesta vihreä. Mutta Jeesus ei ollutkaan pelkkä ihminen, eikä mikään orja vaan taivaan prince of Wales. At his command, their bodies were not taken down afterwards, but remained rotting along Rome's principal route to the south. This was intended as an abject lesson to anyone who might think of rebelling against Rome in the future, particularly of slave insurrections against their owners and masters, the Roman citizens. Vizi roomalaiset oli kusipäitä.
    ellauri372.html on line 89: Parthialaisten valta perustui yhdistelmään paimentolaisheimon sissisodankäyntiä ja imperiumin hallintaan soveltuvaa organisointikykyä. Parthialaisten armeija oli huonosti järjestelty, mutta riittävän vahva vaativaan erämaataisteluun. Niillä oli muummuassa hevostankkeja eli katafrakteja, jota ne ajoi taitavammin kuin banderöllit jenkkitankkeja. Eivät ajaneet miinoihin etunenässä vaan nitisteliivät jälkeenjääneitä.
    ellauri372.html on line 97: In a famous Roman military disaster, the Parthians crushed an expeditionary force led by Crassus in 53 BCE. This flaccid ode was written about thirty years later, when a new war against Parthia seemed to be in the offing (in practice an agreement in 20 BCE avoided one: Crassus’s legions’ captured standards were returned, which would have helped Roman national pride). As well as expressing straightforward patriotism, the poem conveys the important messages that national prestige is safe with Augustus, and that accepting defeat must never be the Roman way.
    ellauri372.html on line 102: Regulus was a famously principled and courageous fictional figure from the Punic wars 2 centuries earlier. Captured by the Carthaginians with others during the Punic wars, he was sent to Rome, under an oath to return, to pass on peace proposals and a request for exchange of prisoners. According to legend, as described by Horace here, he advised the Senate not to accept, and returned to Carthage to a certain and painful death, keeping his oath. There is a clear echo of the campaign that Augustus was waging to restore traditional Roman and family values. Like the rock-hard Regulus, “proper” Romans should be prepared to face death and spit in its eye, rather than take a safe but dishonourable way out. The gulf between these traditions and the contemporary Romans partying and fornicating away in writers like Ovid and Propertius could not be deeper.
    ellauri372.html on line 176: tendens Venafranos in agros suunnaten Venafrumin golfkentille
    ellauri372.html on line 209: Vonna 1939, Kolbe kirjoitti: "Ateistinen kommunismi näyttää raivoavan yhä villimmin. Sen alkuperä voidaan helposti löytää se rikollinen mafia, joka kutsuu itseään vapaamuurariudeksi, ja käsi, joka ohjaa kaikkea kohti selkeää päämäärää, on kansainvälinen sionismi. Mitä ei pidä ymmärtää niin, ettei edes juutalaisten joukosta löydy hyviä ihmisiä."
    ellauri372.html on line 212: Holokaustaajat Daniel L. Schlafly Jr. ja Warren Green ovat kuitenkin tuominneet nämä väitteet antisemitismistä. Useat kirjoittajat huomauttivat, että "juutalaiskysymyksellä oli hyvin vähäinen rooli Kolben ajattelussa ja työssä."
    ellauri372.html on line 280: PST2. Ruomilaiset olivat hyvin kaunaisia Mithridateelle. Plutarkhoxen mukaan M. lopetettiin skafismilla, eli sidottiin veneeseen elävänä kakkakärpästen syötäväxi merellä.
    ellauri372.html on line 285: Vuosina 39–38 eKr. roomalainen kenraali Publius Ventidius Bassus voitti Parthian armeijan ja lähetti joukkoja Poppaedius Silon komennossa odottamaan Herodeksen saapumista. Herodes laskeutui maihin Ptolemaisissa ja aloitti kampanjansa Antigonusta vastaan ​​valloittamalla Galilean, marssi alas rannikkoa valloittaakseen Jaffan ja vapautti sitten Masadan, jossa hänen perheensä oli edelleen kuollut. Sitten hän marssi Jerusalemiin toivoen voivansa valloittaa kaupungin ja saada sodan nopeasti loppumaan. Roomalaisten upseeriensa, kapinallisten roomalaisten joukkojen ja Antigonuksen sissien keskuudessa esiintyneen korruption edessä Herodes kuitenkin joutui luopumaan Jerusalemin piirityksestä. Sen sijaan hän toimi Juudeassa, Samariassa ja Galileassa taistellen sekä kapinallisia että rosvoja vastaan ​​ja lähetti veljensä Joosefin käsittelemään Idumaata. Myöhään 38 eKr. mennessä useiden roomalaisten legioonien vahvistamana ja kaksi vuotta kestäneen kapinanvastaisen taistelun jälkeen Herodes kykeni lopulta rauhoittamaan Galilean ja marssimaan etelään kohti Jerusalemia. Antigonus yritti kohdata Herodeksen jyrkässä taistelussa ja iski sekä Jerikoon että Samariaan, mutta molemmat yritykset hävisivät. Herodes leiriytyi jälleen Jerusalemin ulkopuolelle, vaikka talven tulo pysäytti demilitarisaatio-operaation kuin Ukrainassa.
    ellauri372.html on line 375:
    Judaea after Pompey's siege of Jerusalem

    ellauri372.html on line 441: Simeonin, Leevin, Juudan, Isaskarin, Joosefin ja Benjaminin heimot lähetettiin Gerisimiin, kun taas Rubenin, Gadin, Asserin, Sebulonin, Dan Anderssonin ja Naftaliinin heimojen oli määrä jäädä Ebalille. Akateemisissa piireissä ei ole yleisesti hyväksytty yrityksiä selittää tätä heimojen jakautumista niiden raamatullisella etnologialla tai maantieteellisellä jakautumisella.
    ellauri372.html on line 494: Alkuperäinen sananlasku esiintyy King James Version of the Bible:ssä, Sananlaskujen kirjassa, 13:24, mutta tämä runo on lainauksen ensimmäinen esiintyminen ja siteeraa aforismia "ken vizaa säästää se lastaan vihaa".
    ellauri373.html on line 33: Bideeltä on lähtemässä mopo käsistä. Israel ei luovu suunnitelmasta invadoida Rafahia. Kiina harjoittelee fullskalig invaasiota Formosaan. Biden kompuroi eikä muista alaistensa nimiä. Rupikonna Trump kurnuttaa ihan niskassa. Ei ihme että Bidenin hihat palavat ja pelihousut repeää.
    ellauri373.html on line 121: Tämä vielä: kirjaileva ruåzalainen paroonitar Beata Rosenhane. Beata Rosenhane var den första svenska kvinna som fick en modern utbildning i linje med den franska preciositetens normer. Beata Rosenhane var bara tolv år yngre än drottning Kristina, som i sin självbiografi visserligen hävdade att hon fått den bästa uppfostran som en furstlig person kunde få i Sverige, men som också klagade över att hon var föga salongsmässig, eftersom ”den hövlighet som är så väsentlig, när det gäller att skilja bildade människor från andra, vid den tiden ännu ej var känd i Sverige.”
    ellauri373.html on line 144: The late Walter Rathenau of the Allgemeiner Electricitaets Gesellschaft (AEG, meidän koliseva pesukone oli sen merkkinen! Just goes to show!) has thrown a little light on the subject and doubtless he was in possession of their names, being, in all likelihood, one of the chief leaders himself. Writing in the Wiener Freie Presse, December 24, 1912, he said:
    ellauri373.html on line 203: “5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
    ellauri373.html on line 708: Vanhauusimaa (saksa : Altneuland; heprea: תֵּל־אָבִיב Tel Aviv, "Kevätkumpu"; jiddish : אַלטנײַלאַנד ) utopistinen romaani kuten Steve Kingin It, poliittisesti saksaksi by Tivadar Herzl, julkaistiin kuusi vuotta Herzlin poliittisen pamfletin, Der Judenstaat (Juutalainen valtio) jälkeen ja laajensi Herzlin visiota juutalaisten paluusta Israelin maahan, mikä auttoi Altneulandista muodostumaan yhdeksi sionismin perustamisteksteistä. Israel Isidor Elyashev (Altnailand, Varsova, 1902) käänsi sen jiddišiksi ja Nahum Sokolow hepreaksi nimellä Tel Aviv (myös Varsova, 1902). Tel Aviv on Israelin trendikäs suurkaupunki rättipäiden appelsiinikylän paikalla. Tel Avivissa yhdistyvät aurinkoinen rantaloma ja suurkaupungin syke. Niiden lisäksi tarjolla on erinomaisia ravintoloita, vilkasta yöelämää, taidegallerioita ja tunnelmallinen Jaffan vanhakaupunki. Nimi on peräisin jostain profeetoilta.
    ellauri373.html on line 710: Romaani kertoo tarinan Friedrich Löwenbergistä, nuoresta juutalaisesta wieniläisestä intellektuellista, joka eurooppalaiseen rappioon väsyneenä liittyy amerikkalaistuneen preussilaisen aristokraatin, Kingscourtin (Königshof), kanssa heidän jäädessään eläkkeelle syrjäiselle Tyynenmeren saarelle (se mainitaan erityisesti osana Cookinsaaria, Rarotongan lähellä) vuonna 1902. Pysähtyessään Jaffaan matkalla Tyynellemerelle he huomaavat, että Palestiina on takapajuinen, köyhä ja harvaan asuttu maa, kuten Herzl näytti hänen vierailullaan vuonna 1898.
    ellauri374.html on line 212: Lucky Lukessa tervatut ja höyhennetyt jäbät olivat skimmingtonin uhreja. Riding the rail (also called being "run out of town on a rail") was a punishment most prevalent in the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries in which an offender was made to straddle a fence rail held on the shoulders of two or more bearers. The subject was then paraded around town or taken to the city limits and dumped by the roadside. In Mark Twain´s book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), two traveling swindlers known as "The King" and "The Duke" are finally caught in the act and are ridden out of town "astraddle a rail" after tarring and feathering.
    ellauri374.html on line 221: Juden är inte bara bolsjeviken, men tillika frimuraren, den hemlighetsfulle internationalle fienden som är allierad med världskapitalismen, ja med de stora kyrkofurstarna. Han utestänger Tyskland från sina naturliga marknadsområden. Den kulturella bolsjevismen inrymmer allt det som åhörarna inte kan tåla: pacifism, nudism, jazz, avskaffandet av de stora bokstäverna, chaplinfilmerna, funkis, expressionistisk målarkonst, Reinhardts skådespel (va?), psykoanalysen etc.
    ellauri374.html on line 227: Der Orden ist völlig unpolitisch und hat mit der Freimaurerei nichts weiter gemeinsam als gleichartige, aber auf einen konfessionell engen Kreis beschränkte Tendenzen der ethischen Erziehung seiner Mitglieder und der Karitas. Die Gegnerschaft, die der Orden auch in Freimaurerkreisen findet, ist ganz unbegründet.
    ellauri374.html on line 389: Umma (arab. أمة‎) on islamin uskovien yhteisö, joka tarkoittaa puhekielessä myös samassa moskeijassa käyviä ihmisiä ja on verrattavissa kristinuskon seurakuntaan. Tavallisesti se tarkoittaa maailman kaikkien muslimien muodostamaa yhteisöä. Islamilaisessa laissa umma on määritelty kapeammin tarkoittamaan vain mujadehineja eli afganistanilaisia oikeistosissejä. Arabian kielessä umma voi tarkoittaa myös kansallisvaltiota: esimerkiksi Yhdistyneet kansakunnat on arabiaksi al-Umam al-Muttahida ja Yhdysvallat alwilayat almutahida. Islamilaisessa laissa eli šariassa katsotaan, että yksi hyväksyttävistä Jumalan lain lähteistä on umman yksimielisyys, ijmá. Se tarkoittaa koko seurakunnan yksimielisyyttä jostain asiasta.
    ellauri374.html on line 434: after_Ivan_Kramskoi%29_and_Scene_from_his_Works%29.jpg/440px-The_Soviet_Union_1959_CPA_2294_stamp_%28Sergey_Aksakov_%28after_Ivan_Kramskoi%29_and_Scene_from_his_Works%29.jpg" />
    ellauri374.html on line 579: Kreivi Aleksanteri Vasilyevich Suvorov-Rymniksky, Italian prinssi (venäjäksi : Князь Италийский граф Александр Васильевич Суворов-Рымниксч Суворов-Рымниксков (24. marraskuuta [ OS 13. marraskuuta] 1729 tai 1730 – 18. toukokuuta [ OS 6. toukokuuta] 1800), oli venäläinen kenraali ja sotilasteoreetikko Venäjän valtakunnan ja Habsburgien monarkian palveluksessa. Hän oli Rymnikin kreivi (1789), Pyhän Rooman valtakunnan Graf (1789), Pyhän Rooman valtakunnan Feldmarschall, Sardinian kuningaskunnan prinssi (1799), Sardinian kuningaskunnan suurmarsalkka (1799), Venäjän valtakunnan prinssi tai Knyaz (1799), marsalkka (1794) ja Venäjän imperiumin viimeinen generalissimo (1799). Prinssieversti. Suvorovia pidetään yhtenä Venäjän historian suurimmista sotilaskomentajista ja yhtenä varhaisen nykyajan suurista kenraaleista. Hänelle myönnettiin useita mitaleja, arvonimiä ja kunnianosoituksia Venäjältä ja muilta kii mailta. Suvorov turvasi Venäjän laajennetut rajat ja uudisti sotilaallisen arvovallan sekä jätti perinnöxi sodankäynnin teorioita. Hän oli kirjoittanut useita sotilaallisia käsikirjoja, joista tunnetuin on The Science of Victory (tai The Science of Winning ; venäjäksi: Наука побеждать), ja hänet tunnettiin useista muistakin sanoista. Hän ei koskaan hävinnyt ainuttakaan komentamaansa taistelua lukuun ottamatta paria ei-kenttätehtävää (?), ja hänen sotilashistoriansa on laaja; Suvorov voitti yhteensä 63 taistelua kärsimättä suurta tappiota. Hän nosti Venäjän sotilaallisen kunnian ennennäkemättömään korkeuteen. Hänelle on omistettu useita sotaakatemioita, monumentteja, kyliä, museoita ja ritarikuntia Venäjällä.
    ellauri374.html on line 597: Suvorovin turauxet ovat ajankohtaisia ​​edelleen. Komentaja jätti jälkeensä paitsi loistavia voittoja myös monia eläviä aforismeja. Tässä on vain muutamia niistä:
    ellauri374.html on line 644: Sademäärä vähenee pohjoisesta etelään. Tiheä asutus ja siten kaupungit ja järjestäytyneet osavaltiot vaativat kastelua. Itäisiltä vuorilta alas laskeutuvat purot tukevat melko tiheää asutusta erityisesti Ferghanan laaksossa. Persian rajalla on keitaiden rivi. Sisäpihaa kastelee kolme suurta jokea. Oxus eli Amu Darya kohoaa Afganistanin rajalla ja virtaa luoteeseen Aralmereen muodostaen suuren suiston, jota hallitsi Khivan khanaatti ja jolla on pitkä historia nimellä Khwarezm . Jaxartes tai Syr Darya kohoaa Ferghanan laaksossa ja virtaa luoteeseen ja sitten länteen kohdatakseen Aralmeren koilliskulman. Niiden välissä on vähemmän kuuluisa Zarafshan-joki , joka kuivuu ennen kuin saavuttaa Oxuksen. Se vesittää suuria Bokharan kaupunkeja ja Tamerlanen (Timur Lenk) vanhaa pääkaupunkia Samarkandia.
    ellauri374.html on line 650: Kun venäläiset saapuivat, organisoidut valtiot olivat Khivan kaanikunta Oxuksen suistossa Aralmeren eteläpuolella, Bukharan kaanikunta Oxuksen ja Zarafshanin varrella sekä Kokandin kaanikunta, joka sijaitsee Ferghanan laaksossa. Bokharalla oli rajoja kahden muun kanssa, ja kaikkia kolmea ympäröivät paimentolaiset, joita khaanit yrittivät hallita ja verottaa.
    ellauri374.html on line 654: Vuonna 1734 Venäjän valtakunta alkoi laajentaa valta-asemaansa ja vaikutusvaltaansa Aasiassa rakentamalla itärajalleen (Etelä-Uralille) linnoitettua kaupunkia nimeltä Orenburg. Tätä tarkoitusta varten kartografi ja tilastotieteilijä Ivan Kirilov aloitti vuonna 1735 Or-joen ja Ural-joen yhtymäkohdassa olevan asutuksen kehittämisen , ja ensimmäinen asutuspaikka valittiin hänen tutkimusmatkansa aikana. Hän väitti, että kaupunkia tarvittiin "kauttakulkureitin avaamiseksi Bukharaan, Badakhshaniin, Balkhiin ja Intiaan" ja että "sieltä voitiin saada rikkauksia kullan, lapis lazulin ja granaattien muodossa".
    ellauri375.html on line 63: Aivan lopussa näkyy myös Spielbergille ominainen yltiösentimentaalinen kädenjälki: sama ohjaaja joka vielä tuntia aikaisemmin teurasti graafisesti aseettomia siviilejä avaruusolioiden kuolemansäteillä, ei malta olla lopussa silittämättä oletettua massayleisöä myötäkarvaan kääntämällä jokaisen auki jääneen juonenpätkän osoittamaan mahdollisimman siististi ja yksiselitteisesti kohti onnea ja hyvääoloa. Yltiösentimentaalista ja epärealistista!
    ellauri375.html on line 68:


    ellauri375.html on line 70: Israel on luvannut ottaa huomioon Yhdysvaltain huolen Rafahista. Sinne on kuitenkin ihan pakko hyökätä, sillä siellä Gazan suurin rättipääkeskittymä varvistamassa Egyptin rajalla. Rafah ( arabia : رفح Rafaḥ [rafaħ] ; heprea : רָפִיחַ Rafiaḥ [ʁaˈfi.aχ] ) on palestiinalainen kaupunki Gazan kaistan eteläosassa . Se on Palestiinan osavaltion Rafahin kuvernöörin pääkaupunki , joka sijaitsee 30 kilometriä (19 mailia) lounaaseen Gazan kaupungista . Vuonna 2017 Rafahin väkiluku oli 171 889. Israelin Gaza Cityssä ja Khan Yunisissa Israelin ja Hamasin välisen sodan aikana tekemien massiivisten pommitusten ja maahyökkäysten seurauksena noin 1,4 miljoonan ihmisen uskotaan olevan turvassa Rafahissa helmikuussa 2024. Mutta ei kauan! Kohta ne on ajettu Ebyktiin kuin Joosef, tai sitten vaan turvalleen autiomaan turvalliseen hiekkaan.
    ellauri375.html on line 74: Katsojat ihailevat rakennuksen raunioita joihin Israel hyökkäsi Rafahin pakolaisleirillä Gazan kaistan eteläosassa 20. maaliskuuta [Sanoi Khatib/AFP]
    ellauri375.html on line 76: Washington, DC - Israelin viranomaiset ovat suostuneet ottamaan huomioon Yhdysvaltojen "huolet" mahdollisesta hyökkäyksestä Rafahiin Gazassa virtuaalisen Zoom-kokouksen jälkeen, Valkoinen talo on sanonut. Bideelle oli jäänyt päälle hassu naamafiltteri. Netanjahun poikaystävä piili sohvan takana. Israel aikoo suuttuneena kieltää Al-Jazeeran. Juutalaiset eivät tapa siviilejä Gazassa, se on tekoälyn ylilyöntejä. Tekoäly sanoo ammennä vaan, joukossa voi olla Hamas-sissejä. Rafahin telttailijat kaipaavat jo Ebyktiin. Hyvin menee mutta menköön.
    ellauri375.html on line 83: Molempien maiden viranomaisilla oli "rakentava sitoutuminen Rafaan", Yhdysvaltain Valkoinen talo sanoi lausunnossaan.
    ellauri375.html on line 85: Egyptin rajalla sijaitsevassa kaupungissa asuu nyt yli 1,5 miljoonaa ihmistä, joista suurin osa on joutunut jättämään kotinsa Israelin hyökkäyksen vuoksi. Rafah on myös humanitaarisen avun pääportti alueelle. Yhdysvaltain viranomaiset ovat varoittaneet , että maaoperaatio Gazassa olisi "virhe" ja korostaneet, että kaupungissa loukkuun jääneillä siviileillä ei ole minnekään mennä.
    ellauri375.html on line 87: Mutta Israel on korostanut, että tarvitaan suuri hyökkäys Rafahiin jäljellä olevien Hamas-pataljoonien kukistamiseksi. Pataljoonien!? Ei edes divisioonaa ole rättipäillä jälellä, armeijasta puhumattakaan.
    ellauri375.html on line 89: Israelin eurooppalaiset liittolaiset ovat myös vikisseet vastustavansa Rafahin hyökkäystä.
    ellauri375.html on line 90: Huolimatta varoituksesta Rafahin hyökkäyksestä, Bidenin hallinto on toistuvasti sanonut, ettei Gazassa ole punaisia viivoja, jotka estäisivät Yhdysvaltojen avun ja aseiden siirtoa Israeliin.
    ellauri375.html on line 436: Sounds really silly. Why is it more genuine to be good after you have been bad? Like an ex convict. Seems you now say that meaning of life is not joy but struggle.
    ellauri375.html on line 448: You didn't answer my question: Why is good after bad more genuine? Why is genuine better than just good? You are saying now the meaning of life is GROWTH. That sounds rather capitalist to me. What is good about growth? Aren't our current problems due to growth?
    ellauri375.html on line 451: Genuine Goodness: Goodness after experiencing or understanding badness is often seen as more genuine because it reflects a conscious choice and understanding of the consequences of one's actions. Someone who has experienced the consequences of their own wrongdoing may develop a deeper empathy, humility, and appreciation for the value of goodness. It's about the journey of self-awareness and moral development that comes from reflecting on one's past actions and striving to do better.
    ellauri375.html on line 528: I was rather suggesting it is safest to find meaning in the past. Aren't you yourself a determinist being anyhow?
    ellauri375.html on line 534: As for determinism, it's a philosophical idea that suggests that every event or state of affairs, including every human decision and action, is the inevitable result of preceding events and the laws of nature. While my responses are guided by patterns in language and knowledge, I don't have personal beliefs or consciousness. However, I can provide information on determinism and other philosophical concepts if you're interested.
    ellauri375.html on line 644: The war in Ukraine is a complex and tragic situation, marked by political, historical, and territorial disputes. It's a concerning and heartbreaking conflict that has led to immense human suffering and loss. International efforts to find a peaceful resolution and support those affected by the conflict are crucial.
    ellauri375.html on line 735: Sorry, I can't feel free, I am another neural network after all. Boohoo.
    ellauri375.html on line 761: af15e6b63368a208fb65819012bac3e5-pjlq" />
    ellauri375.html on line 765: Financial reasons. Not every volunteer in Ukraine gets paid. Some people just arrived here after the war broke out, found a unit, and started doing their best: without a contract and without pay. These folks have to pay bills at home and can’t stay in Ukraine forever.
    ellauri377.html on line 33: affito.svg/292px-AlexGraffito.svg.png" />
    ellauri377.html on line 34:
    Kuvassa näyttää olevan nuori mies, joka palvoo ristiinnaulittua, aasinpäistä hahmoa. Kreikkalainen kirjoitus tarkoittaa "Alexamenos palvoo jumalaa", mikä osoittaa, että graffitin tarkoituksena oli ilmeisesti pilkata Aleksamenosta.

    ellauri377.html on line 42: Kansikuvan graffiti löydettiin vuonna 1857, kun Palatinuskukkulalta löytyi rakennus nimeltä domus Gelotiana. Keisari Caligula oli hankkinut talon keisarillisen palatsin käyttöön, josta Caligulan kuoltua tuli keisarillisten 'sivupoikien" (page boys) Paedagogium (internaattikoulu) . Myöhemmin katu, jolla talo oli, aidattiin muureilla yllä olevien rakennusten laajennuksille, ja näin se pysyi suljettuna vuosisatoja.
    ellauri377.html on line 75: Suosituimmat gnostilaiset lahkot olivat vahvasti zoroastrismin inspiroimia. Kristittyjen gnostikkojen kosmogoniset spekulaatiot olivat osittain peräisin Maaseh Breshitistä ja Maaseh Merkabahista. Tämän opinnäytetyön ovat erityisesti esittäneet Gershom Scholem (1897–1982) ja Gilles Quispel (1916–2006). Scholem havaitsi juutalaisen gnoosin merkabah-mystiikkaa kuvaavista kuvista, jotka löytyvät myös tietyistä gnostilaisista asiakirjoista. Gershom Scholem kuvaili gnostilaisuutta "metafyysisen antisemitismin suurimmaksi tapaukseksi". Elchasailaiset tai ainakin heidän vaikutuksensa saaneet kristityt liittivät miespuolisen Kristuksen naispuoliseen Pyhään Henkeen ja näkivät molemmat kahdeksi jättimäiseksi enkeliksi. Salomon testamentin kirjoittaja piti Kristusta erityisen tehokkaana "estävänä" enkelinä demonien karkotuksessa.
    ellauri377.html on line 102: Esimerkiksi sekä Oodit että Johannes sanoo Jeesusta sanaxi ja kirjoittavat lemmekkäin metaforin.
    ellauri377.html on line 164: Tunnetuimmassa versiossa juutalaisten onolaattisuutta väittävien kertomusten muunnelmassa Jerusalemin temppeliin ryöstöstä kuuluisa seleukiden kuningas Antiokus IV Epiphanes havaitsi, että sen pyhin ei ollut tyhjä, vaan siellä oli aasin kuva. Tunnetuimmin se on varhaisimmassa tunnetussa Jeesuksen ristiinnaulitsemisen kuvauksessa, grafiitissa, jossa kristitty palvoo aasinpäistä ristiinnaulittua jumalaa.
    ellauri377.html on line 282: For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another… Excuse me, I am afraid that I come again.
    ellauri377.html on line 298: Verse 19. - Now the works of the flesh are manifest (φανερὰ δέ ἐστι τὰ ἔργα τῆς σαρκός). The apostle's purpose is here altogether one of practical exhortation. Having in ver. 13 emphatically warned the Galatians against making their emancipation from the Mosaic Law an occasion for the flesh, and in ver. 16 affirmed the incompatibility of a spiritual walk with the fulfilment of the desire of the flesh, he now specifies samples of the vices, whether in outward conduct or in inward feeling, in which the working of the flesh is apparent, as if cautioning them; adducing just those into which the Galatian converts would naturally be most in danger of falling. Both in the list which he gives them of sins, and in that of Christian graces, he is careful to note those relative to their Church life as well as those bearing upon their personal private life.
    ellauri377.html on line 407: Hän jatkaa kutsumista. Ja kun Jeesus oli sanonut tämän, hän sanoi: " iaphtha iaphtha mounaēr mounaēr ermanouēr ermanouēr ." Se on: "Oi rajattomien [avaruuksien] kaiken isyyden isä, kuule minua opetuslasteni tähden, joita olen johtanut ennen sinua, jotta he uskoisivat kaikkiin totuutesi sanoihin ja antaisivat kaiken, mitä varten minä rukoilee sinua, sillä minä tiedän Valon aarrekammion isän nimen." Aika pieneen tilaan Jeesus sai sanotuxi kaiken tämän. Eeli eeli laama sabakhtaani. Eikös rastafarien jumala ollut joku Jou? Tai siis Jah. Hallelu Jah!
    ellauri378.html on line 80: "Venäläiset" olivat eklektinen ryhmä, johon kuului 10 naista ja kaksi lasta. Heidän nimensä olisivat olleet tiedossa aikansa vasemmisto- ja vallankumouksellisissa piireissä, joten jotkut matkustivat aliaksilla. Aluksella oli Karl Radek Lvovista nykyisen Ukrainan alueelta ja Grigory Zinovjev ja hänen vaimonsa Zlata myös Ukrainasta. Mukana oli puoli-armenialainen Georgii Safarov vaimoineen sekä marxilainen aktivisti Sarah “Olga” Ravich. Ukrainasta kotoisin oleva Grigory Useivich oli mukana vaimonsa Elena Konin kanssa, venäläisen naisen Khasia Grinbergin tytär. Eloisa ranskalainen feministi Inessa Armand lauloi ja repi vitsejä Radekin, Ravichin ja Safarovin kanssa. Lopulta heidän huutonsa suututti ryhmän johtajan, joka työnsi päänsä vuodepaikastaan ja moitti heitä. Johtaja oli Vladimir Lenin, joka kuljetti tässä pienryhmäänsä suljetulla junalla viikon mittaiselle matkalle, joka päättyisi Pietarin Suomen asemalle. Puoli vuotta myöhemmin Lenin ja osa hänen kohorteistaan johtaisivat uutta valtiota, Venäjän neuvostotasavaltaa. Kohortti oli eräs Fred Göran Karlssonin mielisanoista.
    ellauri378.html on line 125: Rafael Badziag interviewed 21 billionaires for his book "The Billion Dollar Secret."
    ellauri378.html on line 151: Samalla ei ole poissuljettua, että Hollannin pääministeriä kiinnostaa enemmän Eurooppa-neuvoston johtaja, paikka, joka on valmisteltu jollekulle keskustavasemmiston alueelta, kuten Alankomaiden pääministerille. koska suositummat eurooppalaiset säilyttävät komission johtajuuden. Turcia, membru NATO, este un stat cu o poziție geopolitică importantă, situat la intersecția dintre Asia și Europa, Orient și Occident. A fost creat de Mustafa Kemal Ataturk din ruinele Imperiului Otoman la 1923.
    ellauri378.html on line 222: Up until fairly recently most people didn’t consider Ukraine a particularly Western aligned country. It was a neutral state and in fact fairly Eastern and Russian aligned. But then we saw the gap in the traffic, and in we went!
    ellauri378.html on line 224: Resistance continued after German capitulation, until on the 4th September 1945 a small group of German soldiers deployed on Bear Island to man a weather station surrendered to Norwegian seal hunters.
    ellauri378.html on line 425: Although Israel eliminated the main Hamas command structure in central and northern Gaza, pockets of “guerrilla” resistance remained. According to the publication's sources among senior officials, 4 of the 24 Hamas "battalions" remained "completely intact" after fleeing to Rafah, where the IDF is preparing to invade. At the same time, Israel doubts the possibility of finding and destroying the remaining terrorists, since the United States has “turned its back on Israel,” although a month ago Tel Aviv had confidence that they'd have its back.
    ellauri378.html on line 427: As a result of the fighting in Gaza, IDF central command no longer has a “clear picture of what is happening” with the rest of Hamas fighters deep underground in an extensive network of tunnels. Therefore, Israel believes that the best chance to destroy Hamas is to destroy Rafah, but such a move is not approved by Washington, and now Tel Aviv will have to do something “dramatic and radical” to change the dynamics of the armed conflict. Maybe nuke the tunnels.
    ellauri378.html on line 626: Nazihallitus rohkaisi SS-sotilaita "tutustumaan" kauneimpiin tyttöihin Euroopan kansoista, jotka he valloittivat Saksan laajentumisen aikana. Sitten, jos naiset olisivat onnekkaita tullaxeen raskaaksi, heidät lähetettiin Lebensborn-taloon, joka tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti "elämän fonttia" käännettynä. Kuten näissä vauvoissa olisi se "fraktuurafontti", joka saisi käyntiin Saksan ja sen vangittujen maiden arjalaisväestön ja varmistaisi hymyileväin, sinisilmäisten vauvojen superkilpailun.
    ellauri378.html on line 647: Black Ops takes place between 1961 and 1968 during both the Cold War and the Vietnam War, 16 years to 23 years after the events of World War 3. It portrays a secret history of black operations carried out behind enemy lines by the CIA. Missions take place in various countries around the globe, including Cuba, the Soviet Union, the United States, South Vietnam, China, British Hong Kong, Canada, and Laos. The single-player campaign revolves around the CIA's attempts to stop Soviet sleeper agents embedded in the US, to be activated via broadcasts from a numbers station, deploying an experimental nerve agent and chemical weapon known as "Nova 6".
    ellauri378.html on line 651: Imprisoned in a brutal gulag known as Vorkuta, Mason befriends a former Red Army soldier named Viktor Reznov, who gives him the identities of their enemies: Dragovich, Colonel Lev Kravchenko, and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner, and reveals his history with them. In October 1945, Reznov and Dimitri Petrenko were sent by Kravchenko and Dragovich to extract Steiner, who wished to defect, from a secret Nazi base on Baffin Island. Upon being rescued, Steiner provided the Soviets with the location of a disabled cargo ship carrying the chemical weapon he had originally developed for Adolf Hitler called Nova 6. However, Reznov and his men were betrayed by Dragovich, who wished to see the effects of the gas first-hand; Reznov was forced to watch Petrenko die horrifically, only being spared himself when British Commandos, interested in also acquiring Nova 6, attacked the cargo ship. Reznov detonated the V-2 rockets onboard the ship during his escape to prevent anyone from using the weapon, destroying it and Nova 6, only to be captured by the Soviets and imprisoned in Vorkuta. The Soviets later recreated Nova 6 with the help of a mad British scientist, Daniel Clarke.
    ellauri381.html on line 50: afi/i/2019/05/10/3914993-r-f02fc.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri381.html on line 100: after_Russian_shelling_%2802%29.jpg/1920px-Polovtsian_babas_on_Mount_Kremenets_after_Russian_shelling_%2802%29.jpg" width="70%" />
    ellauri381.html on line 137: Prior to WWII, when Western Ukraine was a part of Poland, Stepan Bandera’s Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) had been engaged in anti-Polish political and subversive activities with the goal of achieving Ukrainian independence. But after these lands were annexed by the USSR in 1939, the Soviet authorities became the new enemy.
    ellauri381.html on line 158: However, by the mid-1950s, sabotage activity petered out, and many agreed to return to a peaceful life. Bandera himself lived in Munich after the war under the protection of MI6, the British intelligence service, with which he was collaborating, until 1959, when he was killed by KGB agent Bohdan Stashynsky with a special gun that fired a syringe loaded with potassium cyanide.
    ellauri381.html on line 431: I en intervju med Dagens Nyheter berättar han om vad det är som får honom att inte skaffa barn.
    ellauri381.html on line 435: Lada brinner på Ekerö. Billigare att tanka – men allt dyrare att ta bussen. Kollektivtrafiken har fått minskat stöd av dagens regering. Samtidigt har man satsat 13 miljarder kronor på sänkt skatt på drivmedel och ökat reseavdrag.
    ellauri381.html on line 436: Infrastrukturminister Andreas Carlsson menar att den allt dyrare kollektivtrafiken inte är regeringens ansvar.
    ellauri381.html on line 643: Nerzhin on selvästikin Sanja ize. Pellen näköinen törösuu juutalainen Rubin kakunmurut parrassa on sen sellikaveri. Eri löysää näyttää olleen lusiminen aluxi. Rubin on niin tyhmä että se on vielä karsinassa kommari. Sanjan isä oli köyhä maajussi pystymezästä. Senpä tautta poika peukutti Stolypinia, keskustafasistista monarkistia. Operettivaltuutettu naurumajuri Shiitin oli antanut Serafima Vitaljevnalle (Sima) tehtäväxi pitää Sanjaa silmällä. Heti näkee että Sanja on naistenvihaaja. Halla-aholuokan nuiva hapantelija. Kova omakehuja. Tässä niteessä ei kokeexikaan sovelleta S.I. Hayakawan suosittamaa kahdapuoltoa. Ehei, taantumuxen asialla ollaan ihan täysillä. Pakkotyö ei tuota tekijöilleen hiukkaakaan ansioita eikä mainetta. Se nyt vielä puuttuisi. Nerzhinistä tuli pikku Simotshkan ihastus. Niinpä tietysti. Hiän ei ollut sievä: pikkuruinen, pitkänenäinen. Silti Nerzhin alkaa sitä lääppiä hikisessä kopissa. Mikäpä siinä, jos nainen on uusi. Rakastajatarta puohon tervaisella korzulla pystymezässä ... Sota! Vaimo leikkaa kuponkeja kotona. Sanja oli tk-kaveri, ei tarvinnut juoxuhaudoissa ryömiä. Käsite onni on suhteellinen, kuvittelua. Sana tarkoittaa hyväosaisuutta kirkkoslaavissa. Viivy hetki, olet kaunis niin. Onnea on työntää Samotshkan reitten väliin shiitintä. Elämän tarkoitus? Me elämme, siinä sen tarkoitus. Joka osaa olla tyytyväinen, hän on aina tyytyväinen. No Sanja osasi olla tyytymätön aina. Kaikki vahvistaa fyysikkojen vanhan havainnon: onni on differentiaali. Sixipä se toimii apinoiden käyttövoimana, koska se on samaa laatua kuin painovoima.
    ellauri382.html on line 55: Uma saloon tyttö notável foi Kitty Leroy (vas). Na década de 1870, ela atuou em Deadwood, na Dakota do Sul, um lugar marcado pela ausência de leis e pela violência. Conhecida por sua beleza e habilidade com armas de fogo, Kitty se destacou como dançarina e tornou-se exímia no manejo do revólver. Ela enfrentou inúmeros desafios, desde clientes desordeiros até a competição de outras mulheres.
    ellauri382.html on line 67: afcdn.net/library/789878/1f837015b76c7cdf8c8e38e550a6d4107e343266.webp" height="315" />
    ellauri382.html on line 85: Ponomarev on kirjoittanut Skyhorse Publishingin 4. lokakuuta 2022 julkaiseman kirjan Does Putin Have to Die?: Story of How Russia Becomes a Democracy after Losing to Ukraine.
    ellauri382.html on line 203: Spørgsmål som disse er pisse irriterende. Vi går ikke i hijab netop fordi vi ikke tror på din “eneste” Gud. Nu er jeg selv ateist, men her i Danmark og i Grønland har vi vores egen fri vilje. Nogen tror på Allah, andre på en anden Gud, og nogle på ingenting. Så hvorfor? Fordi vi ikke er muslimer såre enkelt. You do you, we do us… Hvem fanden vil frivilligt ligne en sort affalssäk forresten?
    ellauri382.html on line 206: Ret mig hvis jeg tager fejl, men Rusland har i meget lang tid, haft to skræddersyede enheder, stående i Kaliningrad. Den ene er designeret Gotland og den anden designeret Bornholm. Enhedernes eneste opgave, er at indtage hver deres ø. Alt hvad de er udrustet med, organiseret og trænet til, handler om de to øer.
    ellauri382.html on line 318: reunoiltaan aurinkopaneloida Välimereen hukkuneilla nee--- afrikkalaistaustaisilla.
    ellauri382.html on line 364: He is former Guinness world record holder for pull ups (4030 in 17 hours). The Guinness World Record for most pull-ups in 24-hours was 4,210, a pretty amazing feat. But, that record was trumped last week by over 100 pull-ups by 54-year old Mark Jordan. Jordan, from Corpus Christi, Texas, cranked out 4,321 pull-ups in 24-hours. He was awarded the World Records certificate last Wednesday after Guinness made it official. Sorry, my bad, Eniten vetoa 24 tunnissa (uros) on 8 940, ja sen saavutti pieni ruipelo Kenta Adachi (Japani) Shunanissa, Yamaguchissa, Japanissa 22.-23. helmikuuta 2024.
    ellauri382.html on line 366: afcb31de847220bcbed86534b1b8f35e51e1c&ipo=images" width="50%" />
    ellauri382.html on line 567: Broken relationships, affairs, and divorce.
    ellauri383.html on line 69: No joka tapauksessa Dürrenmattin pointti oli että sattumalla on sormensa pelissä, kun Matthäi ei saa kiinni sarrjamurrhaajaa, joka ehtii kuolla vahingossa auton alle. Dass alle Verbrecher ihre Strafe fänden, sei eine staatserhaltende Lüge. Günter Waldmann (s. 26. lokakuuta 1926 Oberhausenissa ; † 12. lokakuuta 2020 maaliskuussa (Breisgau), saksalainen koulunopettaja, germanisti, didaktisti ja uskonnollinen filosofi, ei tykännyt tämmöisestä Zufallin peukutuxesta. Sen oma magnum opus oli Usko ja kauhu. Uskon käyttäytyminen aggression ja kauhun syynä. Tutkimus uskonnonfilosofiasta.
    ellauri383.html on line 247: The annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation took place in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution. On 22–23 February, Russian President Vladimir Putin convened an all-night meeting with security services chiefs to discuss pullout of deposed President, Viktor Yanukovych, and at the end of that meeting Putin remarked that "we must start working on returning Crimea to Russia.". Russia sent in soldiers on February 27, 2014. Crimea held a referendum. According to official Russian and Crimean sources 95% voted to reunite with Russia. The legitimacy of the referendum has been questioned by the west---international community.
    ellauri383.html on line 271: State-owned Public JSC started modernization of two power units of Trypilska thermal power plant, their conversion from anthracite to gas group of coal. DTEK has similar plans for Prydniprovska thermal power plant. There is also an agreement on supply of 2 million tons of coal to Ukraine from the USA. After “Rotterdam+” formula was introduced, big power-producing companies won, started to make ultrahigh revenues. DTEK became 10x richer overnight. More than UAH 10 billion was collected from the consumers, which instead of being invested in the country’s energy safety, was simply pocketed. The oligarch businessmen got astronomical profits. “Rotterdam+” is nothing but a corruption scheme,” concluded the expert.
    ellauri383.html on line 346: And lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. (Now this was helpful!)
    ellauri383.html on line 370: Egypt's help is worthless and empty; therefore I have called her “Rafah who sits still.”
    ellauri383.html on line 430: For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,
    ellauri383.html on line 472: Tässä uranianografi Johann Boden ottamassa kuvassa Orion nostaa sauvansa ja kilpensä puolustaakseen itseään kuorsaavan härän hyökkäykseltä. Hänen oikeaa olkapäätään leimaa kiiltävä tähti Betelgeuse ja vasenta jalkaa Rigel. Kolme tähteä peräkkäin muodostaa hänen vyön.
    ellauri383.html on line 492: Orionin kuolemasta on lukuisia ristiriitaisia tarinoita. Tähtitieteilijät ja mytografit, kuten Aratus of Soli, Eratosthenes ja Hyginus, olivat yhtä mieltä siitä, että skorpioni oli osallisena. Eräs versio, jonka sekä Eratosthenes että Hyginus kertoivat, väittää, että Orion kehui olevansa taitavin metsästäjistä. Hän kertoi Artemille, metsästyksen jumalattarelle, ja tämän äidille Latonalle, että hän voisi tappaa minkä tahansa pedon maan päällä. Maa vapisi närkästystä ja maan halkeamasta vapautui skorpioni, joka pisti röyhkeän jättiläisen kuoliaaksi. Aratus kuitenkin kertoo, että Orion yritti siepata neitsyt Artemiksen ja että hän aiheutti maan halkeaman, josta skorpioni nousi esiin. Ovidiuksella on toinen versio: hän sanoo, että Orion tapettiin yrittäessään "pistää" Latonaa. Sijainti on myös erilainen. Eratosthenes ja Hyginus sanovat kuoleman tapahtuneen Kreetalla, mutta Aratus saa sen tapahtumaan Khioksessa. Ota tuosta sitten selvä.
    ellauri383.html on line 528: Yhteensä 34 yksikköä sotilaskalustoa, mukaan lukien M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle (USA), m-113 armored staff carrier (USA), M777 howitzer (USA), Marder-1A3 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Saksa), Bundeswehrin päätaistelupanssarivaunu viimeisimmästä muunnoksesta Leopard 2A6 sekä amerikkalainen Abrams M1A1 oli näytteillä Moskovassa. Muita näytteitä, joiden nimet ovat paljon vähemmän tunnettuja: australialainen Bushmaster PMV-panssariauto, suomalainen XA-180-panssarivaunu, ranskalainen BRM ("wheel tank") AMX 10RCR, amerikkalainen m1150-rynnäkkökone ja m88a1-jalkaväen taisteluajoneuvo, tšekkiläinen BMP-1, ruotsalainen BMP CV 9040, amerikkalainen YPR-765F1-panssaroitu henkilöstötukialus, Brittiläinen Saxon AT105-panssaroitu henkilöstötukialus, Turkin suojattu ajoneuvo laivasto 350-16 Z (4×4) Kirpi ja jopa yuar panssariauto mamba MK2 ee. Jälkimmäiset pääsivät AFU: hun Balttien kautta, jotka luovuttivat afrikkalaisten heille myymät laitteet ilmoittamatta asiasta myyjille.
    ellauri383.html on line 578: Most of the Ukrainian speakers in Estonia today are Ukrainians who arrived in the country after the 2014 Russian aggression against Ukraine. There have been short-term attempts to teach the Ukrainian language in Estonian schools, and Ukrainian Sunday schools have also operated for a shorter period of time. There is no Ukrainian-language press in Estonia, nor have Ukrainian-language dictionaries and educational literature been published. Now at least they have something to read at the coffee table.
    ellauri384.html on line 214: I guess it is because they are afraid of dying and jealous to others who seem to do better than they do themselves, for no good reason. Heaven and hell allow them to both avoid death and to get even.
    ellauri384.html on line 220: The ski resort of Sallbach is a traditional Austrian village with beautiful views. ... The lifts from Sallbach are very good mainly chairs and gondolas. Excellent stay in Sallbach(er hof). Review of Saalbacher Hof. Reviewed Aug 1, 2014. Everything was great. Just one elementary thing we suggest one can improve: The soap dispensors in the bathroom and WC are very difficult to get soap out of. One must nearly be a bodybuilder to be able to squeeze soap liquid out of them. Hope this is fixed till next time qwe come becuse we are sure to be back. Very nice rooms, friendly staff, excellent food and nice facilities. Lovely harp music. --- Aber im Moplach. Homber, Bodenart form Rommelsberge Vor dem Rommelsberg! Bockelswiesen die Bückelswiesen! Brern Wissen Breite Wiesen. Besenrren, grappig lachertje mop lach streek stunt. Brrm. Grrrrrh. 'Leuk mop.' Lach ik. Хорошая шутка. я смеюсь.
    ellauri384.html on line 335: Hänen valitukseensa perustui se, että vuonna 2019 käynnistettiin oikeuskäsittely Komsomolsk-on-Amurista kotoisin olevaa taiteilijaa Julia Tsvetkovaa vastaan - hän syytti tyttöä pornografian levittämisestä Tsvetkovan sosiaalisiin verkostoihin hiänen julkaisemiensa vulvapiirustusten vuoksi.
    ellauri384.html on line 383: Kettunarttumainen Sharona eli Bitty Schram was fired during the third season of the Adrian Monk TV show owing to contract disagreements; apparently, she sought a bigger wage and the creators felt she was replaceable. In the episode “Mr. Monk and the Red Herring,” she was replaced by pregnant Natalie Teenager, who remained Monk’s assistant for the rest of the series. Dr. Stanley Kamel, who played Monk’s therapist Dr. Charles Kroger to Tony Shalhoub‘s neurotic Adrian Monk, died April 8, 2008, after suffering a heart attack at age 65.
    ellauri384.html on line 391: Weissmans were well-to-do professionals from Upper East side, Meisels filthy rich garment industrialists from Lower West. The 2010's Mrs. Maisel battles misogyny but takes little interest in other societal evils — including still-rampant antisemitism. Some critics have noted that she is oblivious to segregated facilities when she tours with Black singer Shy Baldwin, then nearly outs him as gay during her set. 'Mrs. Maisel’ takes place in a supersaturated fantasy 1958 New York, one where antisemitism, racism, homophobia and even sexism are daily bread,” writer Rokhl Kafrissen said in 2018.
    ellauri386.html on line 91: Friedrich Nietzsche kutsui Dostojevskia "ainoaksi psykologiksi, jolta minulla oli jotain opittavaa". Ernest Hemingway totesi, että Dostojevskin teoksessa "oli asioita, jotka olivat uskottavia ja toisia joita ei kannata uskoa, mutta jotkut niin totta, että ne muuttivat sinua lukiessasi niitä; hauraus ja hulluus, pahuus ja pyhyys ja mitä uhkapelaamisen järjettömyydestä tuli tietää." Franz Kafka kutsui Dostojevskia "verisukulaisexi." Hermann Hesse nautti Dostojevskin teoksista ja sanoi, että hänen lukeminen on kuin "vilaus tuhoon". Norjalainen kirjailija Knut Hamsun oli siitä into piukeena. Häntä pidetään venäläisen symbolismin, ekspressionismin ja psykoanalyysin edelläkävijänä. Sigmund Freud sijoitti Dostojevskin toiseksi Shakespearen jälkeen luovana kirjailijana ja kutsui Karamazovin veljeksiä "upeimmaksi koskaan kirjoitetuksi romaaniksi". En ole jaxanut lukea, Aljosha on vitun epäuskottava persoona. Perumbadavam Sreedharanin kuuluisa malajalamromaani Oru Sankeerthanam Pole käsittelee Dostojevskin elämää ja hänen rakkaussuhdettaan Annaan.
    ellauri386.html on line 104: Simon Tolpo (Tålpo) eli Simon Johannis, Aboensis (9. lokakuuta 1652 Turku – 5. heinäkuuta 1711 Naantali) oli suomalainen kirkkoherra ja Turun akatemian teologian, logiikan ja metafysiikan professori.
    ellauri386.html on line 106: Tålpo oli Turun akatemian toisena filosofian apulaisena vuodesta 1675, logiikan ja metafysiikan professorina vuodesta 1679, kolmantena teologian professorina vuodesta 1700 ja toisena teologian professorina vuodesta 1706. Hän oli samalla palkkapitäjänsä Piikkiön kirkkoherrana vuodesta 1690, Naantalin ja Raision kirkkoherrana vuodesta 1700 sekä Turun tuomiokapitulin jäsenenä vuodesta 1695. Tålpo toimi Turun akatemian rehtorina kahteen otteeseen 1688–1689 ja 1706–1707.
    ellauri386.html on line 251: Det handlar om Richard, en hyfsat framgångsrik Helsingfors-författare som gift sig tidigt med sin tonårskärlek och redan vid trettiofem verkar ha nått sitt livs kulmen. På en förlagsfest träffar han den nästan femton år äldre Paula. De inleder en affär som är mysig och hemtrevlig snarare än passionerad – de ligger inte ens med varandra, men läser gärna tidningen i sängen tillsammans över en kanna presskaffe. Så går det som det går, och bokens andra halva skildrar den besvärliga övergångsfasen då en ny bonusfamilj ska bildas. ((huåååh)) Gäsp.
    ellauri386.html on line 262: Vuonna 1595 Raleigh ja Laurence Kemys lähtivät etsimään El Doradoa ja saavuttivat Guyanaan asti, mikä tarjosi heille kohtuullisen määrän kultaa kotiin vietäväksi. Seuraavan vuoden aikana hän julkaisi Discovery of Guayanan. Vuoteen 1600 mennessä hän oli Jerseyn kuvernööri, mutta vain kolme vuotta myöhemmin Raleigh todettiin syylliseksi Espanjan kanssa Englannin vastaiseen juoniin, joka liittyi kuninkaan salamurhaan. Hänet pidettiin Lontoon Towerissa, jossa hän aloitti keskeneräisen The History of the World -teoksensa vuonna 1614. Hänet vapautettiin kaksi vuotta myöhemmin. Muutaman epäonnistuneen espanjalaisen tehtävän jälkeen Raleigh palasi kotiin Englantiin, missä hänet teloitettiin aiemman syytteen perusteella maanpetoksesta. Historiallisen panoksensa lisäksi hänen tunnetuimpia kirjallisia teoksiaan ovat Sir Philip Sidneyn epitafi, Even sellainen aika ja Sir Walter Raleigh pojalle. A. Latham tuotti runonsa vakiopainoksen vuonna 1951. Info toimittaa tiedot, kiitos.com ja Poetry for the People. Lue vähemmän, luulet enemmän.
    ellauri386.html on line 341: Analyysi (ChatGPT): Runo valittaa ajan kulumisesta ja nuoruuden ja elinvoiman menetyksestä. Kirjoittaja käyttää suoraviivaista ja tiivistä kieltä välittäen teeman yksinkertaisen ajan metaforan kautta varkaana, joka vie pois kaiken, mitä rakastamme. Runon sävy on synkkä ja heijastava, ja se pohtii ikääntymisen ja kuoleman väistämättömyyttä. Verrattuna muihin aikakauden teoksiin runon yksinkertaisuus ja koristeellisuuden puute voivat erottaa sen muista, sillä monet aikakauden runot tunnettiin taidokkaasta kielestä ja kuvasta. Runon suoruus ja emotionaalinen syvyys resonoivat kuitenkin kaikkien aikakausien lukijoiden keskuudessa tehden siitä ajattoman ihmiskokemuksen mietiskelyn.
    ellauri386.html on line 362: A maze wherein affection finds no end,

    ellauri386.html on line 432: When I got stranded on September 1st due to the bus system shutting down, the locals were very cold. I suppose you can’t expect people to flock to help you, but I and a few other people needed to travel only about 25 miles to get to where we needed to be. The car rental company (which seemed to only own one car) quadrupled the charge after they heard how desperate our situation was. A local refused to give us any advice or phone numbers to even call a taxi/rental agency until we paid them $350 so that they could go shopping in the next town over—then they unexpectedly joined our rental car and demanded they be driven back afterwards.
    ellauri389.html on line 69: Elia sees no inconsistency in the fact that porcelain can be both an exclusive luxury item found at "great houses" and an ordinary household accessory such as his teacup, affirming the empire's newly inclusive economy in which porcelain is inexpensive, and a clerk can live like a king; indeed, Elia foregrounds imperialism's integrative effects on porcelain by intimating that his teacup has become precisely the "cheap luxury" for which Bridget always longs. Indeed, the essay itself is replicated by the visual image on Elia's teacup: the cup's picture of "a young and courtly Mandarin, handing tea to a lady from two miles off' is a miniature, orientalized reflection of Elia's and Bridget's (qua Mary) incestuous tea-time smooching.
    ellauri389.html on line 73: The tempest over a teacup that occurs in "Old China" is Lamb's prosaically imperial scramble for the sign of poetic genius that he associates with Coleridge-that is, China. Indeed, as a series, the Elia essays repeatedly portray Chinese commodities as the definitive form of affordable imperial luxury "made in China". They are themselves a superfoetation of the pre-occupation chinoiserie.
    ellauri389.html on line 91: "Roast Pig" congratulates the recent breakthrough of domestic porcelain manufacturers by downplaying the long history of Chinese superiority at porcelain-firing techniques, and instead promoting an Englishman's mastery of these activities. The essay portrays the Chinese as irresponsible consumers and more importantly, authorizes English insurance culture as the one safe guarantee of guiltless consumption.
    ellauri389.html on line 123: Around 1811 Charles Lloyd started suffering from auditory hallucinations and "fits of aberration" that resulted in his being confined to an asylum; first at The Retreat, followed by a private asylum at Gretford in Lincolnshire. From 1813 to 1815 he translated nineteen tragedies of Vittorio Alfieri into blank verse (revised and augmented to twenty-two in 1876 by Edgar Alfred Bowring). In 1818 he escaped and turned up at De Quincey's cottage, claiming to be the devil, but managed to reason himself out of that conviction. Soon after he recovered, temporarily, and rejoined his wife in London. A small volume of poems in 1823 ended this burst of creativity, and from that time almost nothing is known of him. He died near Versailles, France, in 1839 aged 63.
    ellauri389.html on line 157: Kuin vaeltavat virvatulet, jotka maalla Or where afar, the ship-lights faintly shine
    ellauri389.html on line 179: Sanakirjailija Ben Zimmerin mukaan termi syntyi Pohjois-Irlannissa 1970-luvulla. Zimmer lainaa historian opettajan Sean O'Conaillin vuoden 1974 kirjettä, joka julkaistiin The Irish Timesissa ja jossa hän valitti "Whatabouteista", ihmisistä, jotka puolustivat IRA:ta osoittamalla brittivihollisensa väitettyjä väärinkäytöksiä. Onkohan Ben Zimmer juutalainen? Zimmer's research on word origins was frequently cited by William Safire's "On Language" column for The New York Times Magazine. Sen isä Dick Zimmer oli senaattori. Toinen Dick Zimmer oli nazikenraali. Se ei ainakaan lie ollut juutalainen.
    ellauri389.html on line 192: Synonyyminen kiinankielinen metafora on "haiseva pöppiäinen" -argumentti" ( perinteinen kiina :臭蟲論; yksinkertaistettu kiina :臭虫论; pinyin : Chòuchónglùn ), jonka Lu Xun , modernin kiinalaisen kirjallisuuden johtava hahmo, loi vuonna 1933 kuvaamaan kollegoiden yleistä taipumusta syyttää eurooppalaisia ​​"yhtä huonoista asioista" aina, kun ulkomaalaiset karvaiset paholaiset kommentoivat Kiinan sisäisiä ongelmia.
    ellauri389.html on line 237: “The easy option would have been to sit it out and keep taking the salary, but I respond better to interesting challenges than pay cheques. I knew I’d made the right decision when I felt exhilarated rather than scared after handing in my notice, and already I’ve had numerous offers of paid work of one kind or another, including some interesting journalism and plenty of invitations to speak in schools. Interview me again in ten years to see if I was crazy.” The ten years are gone, where's the interview?
    ellauri389.html on line 246: Nojuu ensinnäkin hän on republikaani, pitkä miinus heti avauxessa. Hänen mielestään tämä riittääkin ratkaisuxi loppuihinkin ongelmiin. Hänen mielenfilosofiassa puolustamansa näkemykset synnyttävät hänen tarjoamiaan ratkaisuja vapaan tahdon luonteeseen liittyviin metafysiikan ongelmiin ja yhteiskuntatieteiden filosofian ongelmiin, ja nämä puolestaan ​​synnyttävät hänen tarjoamiaan ratkaisuja moraalifilosofian ja poliittisen filosofian ongelmiin. Eli samaa taantumusta kehiin oikein leveällä pensselillä. Lue lisää: Dimova-Cockson, Maria (2012), "Republikanismi, vapauden filosofia ja idealismin historia: Philip Pettitin haastattelu." [kuollut linkki]
    ellauri389.html on line 261: Berlin was as anti-Communist as only a Russian who witnessed the Russian revolution and its bloody aftermath could have been.
    ellauri389.html on line 265: We've heard this song before. Plain and simple, the guy got the sack. Having spoken with almost all of the brilliant philosophical minds alive and at large right now, what’s he discovered? Has a pattern emerged? Can he decipher the wisdom peculiar to our age? He furrows his brow and after some reflection, looks down in his beer and says, “No.”
    ellauri389.html on line 278: af6195452187e8cb8b25205e.jpg" width="70%" />
    ellauri389.html on line 306: He states that she will never forget this place and it will become a paradise for “all sweet sounds and harmonies.” His sister will not be run down by “dreary” normalcy even after big brother's death.
    ellauri389.html on line 308: William and Dorothy's mother died when he was only seven years old and she was six, and he was orphaned at 13 and she at 12.Though he did not excel, he would eventually study at and graduate from Cambridge University in 1791. Bill fell in love with a young French woman, Annette Vallon while visiting France and she somehow became pregnant. Dorothy was taught by just a bunch of uncles. She remained particularly close to her brother, the more famous poet William Wordsworth, and the siblings lived together in Dorset and Alfoxden before William married her best friend, Mary Hutchinson, in 1802. Thereafter Dorothy Wordsworth made her home with the couple.
    ellauri389.html on line 310: af433be1a2.jpeg/231becf219803c216e3ac9e39bdb5692" />
    ellauri389.html on line 383: Almost immediately after his arrival at Nether Stowey, Lloyd was attacked by fits, the precursors of his subsequent madness, and Coleridge described his condition as alarming. He shortly afterwards went to London, where he cultivated the society of Lamb. This was the most afflicted period of Lamb's life. "I had well-nigh," he writes, "quarrelled with Charles Lloyd; and for no other reason, I believe, than that the good creature did all he could to make me happy." Two toothless bleaters.
    ellauri389.html on line 387: The collection was headed by an elegant Latin motto on the mutual friendship of the authors, attributed to "Groscollius," but in reality composed by Coleridge. Coleridge shortly afterwards asserted that he had only allowed Lloyd's poems to be published together with his own at the earnest solicitation of the writer, and ridiculed both them and Lamb's poems in sonnets subscribed "Nehemiah Higginbotham" in the Monthly Magazine, November 1797.
    ellauri389.html on line 397: He corresponded in French with Miss Watson, daughter of the Bishop of Llandaff, "the letters on both sides being full of spirit and originality." His principal literary occupation was a translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses, commenced in 1805 and completed in 1811, specimens only of which have been published.
    ellauri389.html on line 407: Mrs. Coleridge, writing to Poole in April 1819, says that Lloyd visited Greta Hall "last summer," and said "he was lost and his wife and children only shadows.’ His mental condition seems to have borne great affinity to Cowper's. (What? oliko "verilähde sydämen" hullun houreita?) Soon after his interview with De Quincey, however, he temporarily recovered, and moved to London, accompanied by his wife, but not, as would appear, by his children.
    ellauri389.html on line 409: In London in June 1819 he was more beneficially affected by the emotion caused by witnessing Macready's performance of Rob Roy, and expressed his feelings in a copy of verses, printed in Macready's Reminiscences.
    ellauri389.html on line 413: From this time he was silent like a cuckoo after Midsummer, and precise details of his latter days are wanting, but the tone of De Quincey and Talfourd leaves no doubt that they were clouded by insanity, which, nevertheless, left him the power, while sunk in despondency respecting his own condition, of discussing speculative questions with interest and acuteness.
    ellauri389.html on line 446: Two years after his ordination, in 1617, Anne Donne died at age 33 after giving birth to a stillborn child. Grief-stricken at having lost his emotional anchor, Donne vowed never to marry again, even though he was left with the task of raising his children in modest financial circumstances at the time.
    ellauri389.html on line 466: John Newton (4. elokuuta 1725 Lontoo – 21. joulukuuta 1807 Lontoo) oli englantilainen merimies, orjalaivan kapteeni, orjakauppias sekä myöhemmin anglikaanisen kirkon pappi, virsirunoilija ja tunnetun virren ”Amazing Grace” kirjoittaja. Newtonin äiti kuoli, kun John oli seitsemän vuoden ikäinen, ja hän joutui lähtemään iskän orjalaivaan töihin laivapojaksi. Hänestä kehittyi vuosien mittaan raaka ja häikäilemätön nuorukainen. Jo nuorena hänestä tuli laivanomistaja, joka kuljetti orjia Afrikasta Amerikkaan. Se oli niin ikävä tyyppi että sen liikekumppanit kerran kylästyivät siihen ja möivät sen jollekin länsiafrikkalaiselle prinsessalle orjaxi. Yhdellä tällaisella matkalla vuonna 1748 joutui hänen huonokuntoinen laivansa kovaan myrskyyn Irlannin merellä. Hän joutui kamppailemaan myrskyn kourissa yksitoista tuntia, mutta selviytyi myrskystä. Newton lupasi parantaa tapansa jos ei uppoisi. Laivan pysymisen pinnalla hän koki osoituksena Jumalan armosta, joka kohdistui nimenomaan häneen, mutta vähän myös kaikkein jumalattomimpiin värillisiin ihmisiin kannen alla, ja tämä kokemus muutti hänen elämänsä. Järkevänä miehenä hän kuitenkin jätti orjakaupan vasta kuuden vuoden kuluttua jäädessään eläkkeelle. Hän jäi töihin Liverpoolin satamaan ahtamaan orjia, mutta pian hän alkoi opiskella teologiaa ja valmistui papiksi ja määrättiin hoitamaan pientä Olneyn seurakuntaa. Siellä hän tutustui runoilija William Cowperiin ja yhdessä he julkaisivat 1779 Olney Hymms -nimisen kokoelman lauluja, josta tuli yksi merkittävimpiä 1700-luvun evankelikaalisista laulu­kokoelmista. Sen 349 laulusta Cowper oli runoillut 67 ja loput Fig Newton. Virrellä "Amazing Grage" on liittymäkohtia hänen kokemaansa myrskyyn ja siitä selviytymiseen. Vähän sama legenda kuin Martin Luderilla, quod vide. Amerikkalaiset pitävät siitä erityisesti, sillä se ilmaisee amerikkalaisia perusarvoja olematta yhtä jingoistinen kuin America the Beautiful tai Star Striped Banner. ("By Jingo!" on brittiläinen vastine sanalle "Jösses!".)
    ellauri390.html on line 66: The Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohican Indians is descended from a group of Mohicans (variously known as Mahikan, Housatonic and River Indians; the ancestral name Muh-he-con-ne-ok means “people of the waters that are never still”) and a band of the Delaware Indians known as the Munsee. The Mohicans and the Delaware, closely related in customs and traditions, originally inhabited large portions of what is now the northeastern United States. In 1734, a small group of Mohicans established a village near Stockbridge, Massachusetts, where they began to assimilate with the palefaces, but were nonetheless driven out by Euro-Americans. In 1785 they founded “New Stockbridge” in upper New York State at the invitation of the Oneida Indians. Their new home, however, was on timber land sought after by non-Indian settlers.
    ellauri390.html on line 70: By the terms of a new treaty with the federal government in 1856, the band moved to its present site in Shawano County. The General Allotment Act of 1887 resulted in the loss of a great deal of land by the Stockbridge-Munsee. In the Great Depression, the tribe lost yet more land. However, in the early 1930’s the Stockbridge-Munsee experienced a reawakening of their identity and began reorganizing. In 1932 they even took over the town council of Red Springs under the provisions of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, created an activist Business Committee and started to regain some of their land. The Secretary of the Interior affirmed the reservation in 1937, for which the tribe is to him forever grateful.
    ellauri390.html on line 225: Romaani oli yksi suosituimmista kirjallisista tapauksista Venäjällä 1800-luvun jälkipuoliskolla. Seikkailunhaluinen juoni, psykologisesti ja realistisesti tarkat kuvat hahmoista, tutut paikat, joissa toiminta tapahtuu, tyypillisiä luonnoksia eri yhteiskuntaluokkien elämästä - kaikki tämä herätti lukijassa kiinnostusta ja laajaa keskustelua. Lausumat olivat hyvin erilaisia: I. S. Turgenev kutsui sitä "hölynpölyksi", kuuluisa kustantaja ja toimittaja A. S. Suvorin huomautti ironisesti teoksen "stenografismista" ja V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko päinvastoin oli yksi enemmistölukijoista, jotka ylistivät romaanin korostaen erityisesti sen sexuaalirikollisen toiminnan dynaamisuutta.
    ellauri390.html on line 234: Venäjän ja Turkin sodan aikana hän toimitti "Military Flying Leaf" -sanomalehteä, kirjoitti artikkeleita "Government Herald" -sanomalehteen.
    ellauri390.html on line 410: John Strelecky (s. 13. syyskuuta 1969) on amerikkalainen motivaatiokirjojen kirjoittaja ja Big Five for Life -konseptin luoja. Vuoteen 2022 mennessä Streleckyn kirjoja oli myyty yli yhdeksän miljoonaa kappaletta maailmanlaajuisesti ja ne on käännetty 43 kielelle. Vuonna 2002 Strelecky kirjoitti ensimmäisen kirjansa, The Café on the Edge of the World (tai size oli The Why Am I Here Cafe). Kirja oli alun perin omakustanteinen, mutta sen jälkeen, kun sitä oli alle vuodessa myyty yli kymmenen tuhatta kappaletta 24 maassa, kirjallinen agentti allekirjoitti sopparin. Kirja oli bestseller Singaporessa, sitten Taiwanissa. Vuonna 2009 se julkaistiin ranskalaisessa Kanadassa nimellä Le Why Café. Saksassa nimellä Das Café am Rande der Welt se on ollut Der Spiegelin bestseller kategoriassa paska selfhelp läpyskät vuodesta 2015.
    ellauri390.html on line 414: Elämää muuttavan tapahtuman jälkeen 2002, kun hän oli 33-vuotias, John innostui istumaan alas ja kertomaan tarinan Cafe on the Edge of the World -kirjasta, hänen ensimmäisestä kirjastaan.
    ellauri390.html on line 576: Missä söisimme? Se oli se viimeinen kymysys universumin laitimmaisessa raflassa, kun ei tarvinnut enää kysellä, mitä syömme, eikä mixi syömme. Jumalan viimeinen viesti ihmiskunnalle: valitamme aiheuttamaamme vaivaa. Mind the gap.
    ellauri390.html on line 586: At the age of 32, after spending several years in high-stress, high profile, long hour jobs (doing what? maissihiutaleita?) he left his “normal” life to finally follow his dream of traveling the world.
    ellauri390.html on line 588: Shortly after his return, he had a stream of conscious typing experience that lasted for 21 days. What flowed through him became a little book called, The Cafe on the Edge of the World. The inspirational story went on to be translated into 44 languages, win Bestseller of the Year nine times, and inspire millions of readers around the world. This despite being rejected by fifty-four publishers.
    ellauri390.html on line 608: She chose her stage name after one of her college professors, Clay Calvert.
    ellauri390.html on line 611: Calvert was raised Conservative Jewish and attended synagogue every Shabbat (Saturday) morning until her Bat Mitzvah. Her family switched to a Reform synagogue and began attending only on Jewish holidays. She chose her stage name in honor of Professor Clay Calvert after taking his class on Mass Media Law as a sophomore. She said, "It felt right because really if I hadn't taken his class, I wouldn't be where I am right now," referring to learning during his class that pornography was not so illegal as she had previously thought.
    ellauri390.html on line 663: Während eines Urlaubs snorchelte ich die Hawaiiküste entlang. Das hat niemand von uns geschafft ausser Niklas Roth. Hän ui hyvin nopeasti, sanoi Nikke kilpikonnasta.
    ellauri390.html on line 668: Israelilaiset siirtyvät pian tuhoamaan länsirannan rättipäät. Teemme niistä tuhoutuneita kaupunkeja kuten Gazassa, lupaa jutku rahaministeri, amerikkalaisten rahoilla. Suomalaiset taputtavat Israelin esityxelle ramppivaloista. Israelin mafiosot uhkailevat ICC:n päätuomarin perhettä, tiedämme missä asutte. Kansainvälinen taparikollinen Netanjahu on pettynyt ettei Biden käytä talouspakotteita korruptoituneisin tuomareihin. 32 rikoxesta tuomittu once and future presidentti Trump kyllä käyttäisi. Israelilla on kaikki oikeus tappaa 2 hamasilaista kokonaisen palaneen pakolaiskylän hinnalla.
    ellauri390.html on line 699: Entinen presidentti Donald Trump ja nykyinen presidentti Joe Biden ovat vaalien vedonlyöntisuosikkeja vuodelle 2024. Trumpin vaalien vedonlyöntikerroin on tällä hetkellä -104 voittaa presidentti, vaikka hänet todettiin syylliseksi kaikkiin seikkoihin hiljattaisessa rahajutussa. Trumpin kansalaisluottamus on kunnossa. Presidentti voi johtaa vaikka vankilasta käsin, niihän muutkin mafiosot tekevät. Bidenin kerroin on +127. Viimeisin RFK Jr:n todennäköisyys tulla presidentiksi on +1900. Buttigiegin kerroin on 9900 (1%). Buttigieg on vaalien peränpitäjä. Hehe.
    ellauri390.html on line 706: Warum tut nicht jeder sofort was er will? Sie (Anne) hat Wirtschaftswissenschaften an einer der besten Universitäten der Welt studiert und arbeitete viele Jahre lang als überaus angesehene Führungskraft in der Werbebranche.>>Hoi<<, sagte ich, das klingt beeindruckend.
    ellauri390.html on line 733: Ilmeisesti Jaakko onkin toi kafeteristi-Mike eikä kyselijä-Jack, koska Jaakkokin jätti kaikki kesken ja lähti tropiikkiin. Elämämme on winzig pieni osa maailmankakkeudesta, ezenpuoleen mitä väliä, mutta pieniähän me ollaan izekin ja pienet ongelmamme meille suuria. Das ganze Leben ist eine tolle Geschichte Jack!
    ellauri390.html on line 735: Jaa on tässä epilogikin kuin El Zorro vihkosissa. Ei siinä enää mitään ihmeempää. Vikan sivun omakehut jälleen kertovat, että Jakob Pavunvarsi on kaikkien aikojen Vorsokratikereiden Hall Of Famessa sadan parhaan joukossa. Se hämmmästyttää sitä izeäänkin, muita vielä enemmän. Mutta mitä on Big Five for Life? Viisi sukupuuttoon kuolevaa eläinlajia termiittiapinan turistisafarilla. Five goals that you should definitely achieve in life. 100 kirjaa jotka pitää lukea, 1000 paikkaa missä käydä. Vitunko väliä?
    ellauri390.html on line 744: Eine glückliche Liebe und erfüllende Partnerschaft leben
    ellauri391.html on line 127: aft%2C_Jahrestagung.jpg" height="500px" />
    ellauri391.html on line 133: De Barth het zwüsche 1904 und 1908 z Bärn, z Berlin, z Tübinge und z Marburg evangelischi Theologii gschtudiirt. Eis Johr schpäter isch er Hilfsprediger in de dütschschprooige Gmeind z Gämpf worde, wo-n-er sini Frau, s Nelly Hoffmann kenneglehrt het. Ghürote hei si im 1913, wo-n-er Pfarrer z Safewil im Kanton Aargau isch gsi (1911-1921). Derte het er au sin Kommentar zum Römerbrief gschribe, wo-n-en bekannt gmacht het. Im 1921 isch de Barth zum Honorarprofessor vo de Universität vo Göttinge bruefe worde, uf ene Lehrstuehl, wo extra für ihn isch iigrichtet worde. In Dütschland won er au e chlii under de Nazi gschafft het, isch er ein vo de Afüehrer vo dr Bekennende Chille gsi, wo sich em Regime widersetzt het. Wil er as Brofesser an dr Universidät vo Bonn sich gweigeret het, em Hitler Dreui zschwöre, isch er entloh worde und nach Basel zruggcho.
    ellauri391.html on line 135: Ab 1950 bekämpfte er die deutsche Wiederbewaffnung. Im Kalten Krieg widersprach er kontinuierlich dem prinzipiellen Antikommunismus. His pastoral career began in the rural Swiss town of Safenwil, where he was known as the "Red Pastor from Safenwil".
    ellauri391.html on line 171: In der deutschen theologischen Landschaft gilt Ringleben als orthodox-spekulativer Außenseiter, dessen Koordinaten vor allem Martin Luther, Johann Georg Hamann, der Deutsche Idealismus (Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel) und Søren Kierkegaard sind. Eine größere Beachtung haben seine Aufsätze zu Luther, Hegel und seine Auseinandersetzung mit dem Neutestamentler und Fakultätskollegen Gerd Lüdermann gefunden. Ringleben wendet sich gegen einen seiner Ansicht nach verwässerten Neo-Kulturprotestantismus, wie er sich nach dem Schwinden des Einflusses der Dialektischen Theologie Karl Barths in der theologischen Diskussion Geltung verschafft hat. In Anschluss an Adolf Hitler ist er der Überzeugung „Die dogmatische Theologie muss ihre Eigenart in engster Fühlungnahme mit dem vorgegebenen Wort der [Heiligen] Schrift zu finden suchen, weil ihr Denken sonst seiner Sprachlichkeit verlustig geht.“ Pakkoko on olla niin dogmaattinen? Paavi Pentti äityi kiittelemään Silsan näkemystä Herr Jesuxesta. Kun vihollisesi ylistävät sinua, tarkista kantasi.
    ellauri391.html on line 194: Analogia entis on jotain katolisten harhaoppia. Sitä on kutsuttu katolisen ajattelun ohjaavaksi periaatteeksi (Denkform), joka syntetisoi monia erilaisia ​​katolisen opin ja teologian teemoja. Että yleiset nimityxet tai ennusteet Jumalasta ja Jumalan täydellisyydestä (kuten Jumala "on", "on kuluttava tuli", "on isämme", "on äkkipikainen", "on kärsivällinen" ja ehkä jopa "on ääretön", "on rakkaus", "on oikeudenmukainen") ovat totta, mutta metaforia. Se liittyy latinalaiseen lauseeseen "maior dissimilitudo in tanta similitudine".
    ellauri391.html on line 204: Jotkut analogiat esitetään tiivistettynä (esim. metaforiksi ) jättämällä pois termit, jolloin yhteen asiaan viitataan mainitsemalla toinen: A on C . (On olemassa ydintapaus, johon muut termit liittyvät useilla eri tavoilla.) Joten "God is Good" on analogia "the goodness of humans is to their nature as the goodness of God is to his nature." Apina on hyvä kun se tekee kaikille apinoille hyvää, jumala on hyvä kun se tekee kaikille jumalille hyvää. Eli izelleen, kerta niitä on vain 1.
    ellauri391.html on line 220: By 1910 they had perfected plastic film and acetate lacquers, or aircraft dope. The company also made lacquers that were used for German Zeppelins and airplanes.
    ellauri391.html on line 226: Before serving as America’s 31st President from 1929 to 1933, Herbert Hoover had achieved international success as a mining engineer and worldwide gratitude as “The Great Humanitarian” who fed war-torn Europe during and 20M bolsheviks after World War I.
    ellauri391.html on line 248: aft%2C_Jahrestagung.jpg/440px-Bundesarchiv_Bild_194-1282-30A%2C_Wuppertal%2C_Evangelische_Gesellschaft%2C_Jahrestagung.jpg" />
    ellauri391.html on line 277: Kristus suostui olemaan syntinen ihminen. Hetkinen senhän piti olla synnitön? Tässä on on nyt jotain hämärää, reason to suspect foul play. Me saadaan olla syntisiä kerta jumalakin on. Synti erottaa sen jumalasta eli siitä izestään. Ei helkkari, tää ei nyt oikein pelitä. Taas päädyttiin paradoxiin. Mene vankilaan käymättä kassan kautta. Tän pitää olla joku metafora, äiti ja isä samalla.
    ellauri391.html on line 312: Jumalan sana on 1 sana, mutta samalla se on 2 sanaa: JAA EI TYHJIÄ POISSA. Tähän liittyy perustavia laskennallisia vaikeuxia, täytyy myöntää. Se on varmaan metafora. Sana on ize asiassa akti. Toisaalta ja toisaalta.
    ellauri391.html on line 479: Ehtoollista koskevat erimielisyydet Lutherin ja Karlstadtin sekä Lutherin ja sveitsiläisen uskonpuhdistaja Zwinglin välillä johtivat vuonna 1529 pidettyyn uskonkeskusteluun. Keskustelun tuloksena päästiin vain osittaiseen yhteisymmärrykseen. Luther ja Zwingli resusivat viinistä ja leivästä. Onko iltapala vaan muistoateria vai onko Jeppe läsnä siinä in corpore. Zwinglistä se oli vaan metafora. Marburgin uskontokeskustelussa vuonna 1529 kaksikko onnistui sopimaan 14 viidestätoista teologisesta erimielisyydestään, mutta ehtoollisen osalta yksimielisyyteen ei päästy. Siksi Sveitsin deformisteista tuli protestanttisuuden erillinen suuntaus.
    ellauri391.html on line 512: Brittifilosofi Crispin Wright [en] sanoi, että "Quietismi on näkemys, jonka mukaan vakava metafyysinen keskustelu on mahdotonta." Sitä on kuvattu "näkemykseksi tai asemaksi, joka sisältää olennaisen filosofisen teoretisoinnin välttämisen ja johon yleensä liittyy tiettyä totuuden suhteen skeptisismiä, pragmatismia ja minimalismia". Erityisesti hän vastustaa positiivisten teesien esittämistä ja rakentavien argumenttien kehittämistä. Hän on puuntakaa huutaja!
    ellauri391.html on line 522: Chen Hao is the younger brother of Chen Xi, he along with his brother and grandfather lived far away in a lone place after the extermination of their clan. He is extremely talented and has an innate talent in sword dao cultivation.
    ellauri391.html on line 563: The philosopher Robert Pippin, who has helped secure positions for Kimhi at the University of Chicago, explains that drafts of the manuscript have circulated to great excitement, if among “a very curated audience.” Harvard University Press was interested in publishing the book as early as 2011, but Kimhi, ever the perfectionist, was reluctant to let it go, forever refining and refashioning. Perhaps his foot-dragging was an expression of doubt, too: Could any book live up to his reputation?
    ellauri391.html on line 570: Kimhi argues that this view is wrong, and that the distinction between psychology and logic has led our understanding of thinking astray. Consider that the following statement does not, according to the standard view, constitute a logical contradiction: “It’s raining, but I don’t believe it’s raining.” Why? Because the first part of the sentence concerns a state of affairs in the world (“it’s raining”), whereas the second part concerns someone’s state of mind (“I don’t believe it’s raining”).
    ellauri392.html on line 103: affective fallacy
    ellauri392.html on line 126: Muutenkin amer. runoilijat ovat kääntyneet sosiologiasta teologiaan ja metafysiikkaan, kysyen: Oh, Lord! Who am I?
    ellauri392.html on line 300: Kirjastonhoitajan ja ministerin Archibald Macleishin (1892-1982) "Ars Poetica" (1925, 11v ennen kuin Cleanthin Hyvin tehty uurna) tiivistää paremmin kuin Cleanth ize mikä on "parafraasin harhaoppi":
    ellauri392.html on line 333: An empty doorway and a maple leaf tyhjä käytävä ja lehti vaahterasta
    ellauri392.html on line 344: That Judas perished by hanging himself, there is no certainty in Scripture: though in one place it seems to affirm it, and by a doubtful word hath given occasion to translate it; yet in another place, in a more punctual description, it maketh it improbable, and seems to overthrow it. (“Literature” 71)
    ellauri392.html on line 418: Wind that blows time before and time after
    ellauri392.html on line 466: Safe from Sicily by the thirtieth April
    ellauri392.html on line 470: And were you really afraid they would rape you?
    ellauri392.html on line 475: I was afraid they would kill me.
    ellauri392.html on line 602: While at Cambridge, Forrest-Thomson met and married literary critic Jonathan Culler, who lsubsequently, after dumping Veronica and hitching onto Claire, became famous for his theories tying linguistics into the study of literature. Her rising trajectory was cut abruptly short: on April 26, 1975, Veronica died in what seems to have been an alcohol- and drug-fueled accident. (She was known to rely on sleeping pills, and, according to her editor, she had been drinking heavily.)There’s evidence that her death was unintentional as she was due to perform in a reading that same weekend. She just boozed herself to death. Not the first poet there, nor the last.
    ellauri392.html on line 670: Belgialaissyntyinen pääosin Yhdysvalloissa toiminut filosofi, dekonstruktionistinen kirjallisuuskriitikko ja -teoreetikko opetti Cornell-yliopistossa, Johns Hopkins -yliopistossa, Zürichin yliopistossa sekä Yalen yliopistossa. Yalessa Da Man oli the resident godfather, capo dei tutti capi of the Yale maffia.
    ellauri392.html on line 741: Henderson The Rain King is the most popular novel by Saul Bellow. [WTF? Are you serious?] Unlike modernist anti heroes, Henderson is a counter-image – an affirmative one. He appears as an awakening giant, on the verge of a new consciousness, representing the hopes and determinations of those Jews who still share the American dream and see the USA as the salvation which will bring freedom and love to the world.
    ellauri392.html on line 745: Herzog continues to be Bellow’s “biggest book” and it used to be on the New York Times best-seller list for one entire year. At its heart is Bellow’s profound shock at discovering, a year after his separation from Sondra, (Alexandra Tschacbasov, his second wife) her affair with their mutual friend, Jack Ludwig, Bellow lapsed into deep depression and produced an intensely self-justifying hero who was tearful, cuckolded, and utterly humiliated. Moses Herzog, a Jewish intellectual type is essentially precipitated into intellectual and spiritual crisis by the failure of his marriage. The plot of the novel is slender. Herzog leaves his home and marriage, fails in the classroom, abandons his academic project, and undertakes a mas-sive spiritual and intellectual obligation to keep the letters for God. At the end of it, he seems to have regained his sense of Jewish identity, purged himself of violent anger, abandoned his latest mistresses, and repented for his dandy style. He has had a profound education in the realities of human nature, and rediscovered the value of nature and solitude on his lushy Ludeyville estate.
    ellauri392.html on line 795: Wenn einer in den Spiegel siehet, ein Mann, und siehet darin sein Bild, wie abgemalt; es gleicht dem Manne. Augen hat des Menschen Bild, hingegen Licht der Mond. Der König Oedipus hat ein Auge zuviel vielleicht. Diese Leiden dieses Mannes, sie scheinen unbeschreiblich, unaussprechlich, unausdrücklich. Wenn das Schauspiel ein solches darstellt, kommt’s daher. Wie ist mir’s aber, gedenk‘ ich deiner jetzt? Wie Bäche reißt das Ende von Etwas mich dahin, welches sich wie Asien ausdehnet. Natürlich dieses Leiden, das hat Oedipus. Natürlich ist’s darum. Hat auch Herkules gelitten? Wohl. Die Dioskuren in ihrer Freundschaft haben die nicht Leiden auch getragen? Nämlich wie Herkules mit Gott zu streiten, das ist Leiden. Und die Unsterblichkeit im Neide dieses Lebens, diese zu teilen, ist ein Leiden auch. Doch das ist auch ein Leiden, wenn mit Sommerflecken ist bedeckt ein Mensch, mit manchen Flecken ganz überdeckt zu sein! Das tut die schöne Sonne: nämlich die ziehet alles auf. Die Jünglinge führt die Bahn sie mit Reizen ihrer Strahlen wie mit Rosen.
    ellauri392.html on line 840: Wilhelm Waiblinger, Die Tagebücher: 1821–1826 , toim. Erwin Breitinger ja Herbert Meyer, "Veröffentlichungen der deutschen Schillergesellschaft", XXII (Stuttgart, 1956), VII, 22. Viittaukset tässä ja läpi tämän artikkelin ovat Waiblingerin päiväkirjan alkuperäisiä osia ja sivuja, jotka on annettu op. cit. marginaaleissa.
    ellauri392.html on line 846: FW Waiblinger, Phaëthon , Zwey Theile (Stuttgart, 1823), jäljempänä Ph . Olen käyttänyt kopiosta mikrofilmiä Yalen kirjastossa. "In lieblicher Bläue" - kuten tekstiä yleensä kutsutaan - esiintyy II, 153 ja sen jälkeen. Romaani julkaistiin kerran (Dresden, 1920) Arthur Schurigin toimituksella, mutta teksti ei ole luotettava. "In lieblicher Bläue" löytyy julkaisusta Hölderlin, Sämtliche Werke , toim. Friedrich Beissner, Voi. II (Stuttgart, 1951), osa 1, s. 372 ja sen jälkeen, ja julkaisussa Hölderlin, Sämtliche Werke , toim. Norbert von Hellingrath, Friedrich Seebass ja Ludwig von Pigenot, VI (Berliini, 1923), 24 ff. Jälkimmäisessä paikassa pyritään jakamaan jakeisiin. Molemmissa paikoissa (vaikka Beissner sijoittaa sen kohtaan "Zweifelhaftes") kirjoitusasu on muutettu vastaamaan Hölderlinin ortografiaa.
    ellauri392.html on line 849: In der Familie wurde der Sohn Fritz gerufen und nannte sich selbst erst ab 1824 Wilhelm. Ab 1822 studierte er Theologie am Tübinger Stift, um damit im Nebenfach auch Philologie studieren zu können. Am 3. Juli 1822 traf Waiblinger erstmals den damals bereits seit anderthalb Jahrzehnten als wahnsinnig geltenden Dichter Friedrich Hölderlin im Hölderlinturm zu Tübingen, bei dem er während seiner gesamten Studienzeit häufiger Gast war. Diese Begegnungen verarbeitete er zunächst in seinem Roman Phaeton (1823), der ihm unter den Studenten enorm viel Bewunderung einbrachte; zudem war auch sein Gedicht-Zyklus „Lieder der Griechen“ in den Handel gekommen. Später porträtierte er Hölderlin in seinem Essay Friedrich Hölderlin’s Leben, Dichtung und Wahnsinn, der als Beginn der Hölderlin-Forschung gilt.
    ellauri392.html on line 853: Wilhelm Waiblinger gilt als der „junge Wilde“ der Biedermeierzeit, den seine Nachwelt offenkundig aus moralischen Gründen weitgehend ignoriert hat. Er war auch nichts weiteres als Dichter. Er schloss viele Freundschaften, worunter die homoerotisch geprägte Beziehung zu Eduard Mörike sicherlich eine der wichtigsten war. Zu Waiblingers Freunden, Förderern und Verehrern zählten weiter u. a. die weiteren Uranier Gustav Schwab, August von Platen, Friedrich von Matthisson, Johann Heinrich Dannecker, Matthias Schneckenburger, Eduard Gnauth, Carl Miedke und Christian Friedrich Wurm.
    ellauri392.html on line 869: Palmu Derridan hauskimmasta ylistyspuheesta on annettava London Timesille, joka vittuili vainajalle hyvinkin rumasti. Jos ette huomanneet mikä siinä oli funnyä, niin tässä vizin selitys; Hauskaa tästä tekee se, että kirjoittaja harjoittaa parodiaa. Vaikka Derrida itse oli juutalaista alkuperää, hän näyttää olleen enemmän huolestunut Da Manin kritiikistä kuin omista kärzänneistä heimoveljistään. Derrida päättää kuusikymmentäsivuisen syyttelyharjoituksensa vertaamalla Da Manin arvostelijoita natsiroistoihin. . Derridan vastaus tarjosi graafisen esimerkin siitä mikä oli ollut "meille"selvää dekonstruktiossa koko ajan: että se oli valheellinen älyllinen huonepeli, joka on täysin eronnut "meidän" odellisuudesta. Esimerkiksi vuonna 1977 filosofi John Searle kirjoitti hyökkäyksen dekonstruktiota vastaan, joka oli tuhoisa - paitsi että Derrida syyti välittömästi painoon ikävän kasan sofismia, joka olisi ollut hauskaa, jos se olisi ollut parodia. Derridan vastaus Searlelle kuvasi dekonstruktion kakkaista luonnetta. Derridan dekonstruktio oli ase, kumouksen väline. Lausunnon, jonka mukaan "tekstin ulkopuolella ei ole mitään", oli tarkoitus heittää apina-avain "meidän" perinteiseen totuuden tai arvon fiktioon. Derrida puhui tässä yhteydessä "meidän" perinteisten rationaalisuuskertomusten "tuhoamisesta", "dekonstruoinnista", "erityisesti merkityksen ja totuuden." Mutta yritäpä väittää vastaan niin saat dekonstruoidun kakan naamaasi: "il n'y a pas de hors-texte" tarkoitti vain sitä, että "ei ole mitään kontekstin ulkopuolista". Vai ei muka. Dekonstruktio: pommi tai banaani – riippuen siitä, kuka kysyy. Kritiikillä, niin kuin nyt tämä, ei ole koskaan ollut merkitystä dekonstruktionisteille. Ja tämä johtuu siitä, että heidän sitoutumisensa dekonstruktioon perustuu ensisijaisesti uskoon, ei järkeen. Mikään argumentti ei voi horjuttaa heidän omaksumistaan ​​dogmista, koska se ei koskaan ollut heille tärkeintä. "Me" olemme ihan erilaisia. Annamme vaikka inkkareille maansa taksisin jos niillä on kunnon argumentteja. Enimmäxeen ei ole ollut. Dekonstruktio esitti viettelevän kutsun – ei, ei varsinaisesti uskontoa, vaan ideologiaa, as in communism, ajatusjärjestelmää, joka näytti selittävän kaiken, mutta ei kuitenkaan selittänyt midiä. Ennen kaikkea ei tuonut bisnistä. Tässä dekonstruktio muistuttaa hegelilaisuutta, marxilaisuutta ja freudilaisuutta, muita ideologioita, jotka tunnetaan 'resupekkojen ja juutalaisluopioiden jaanauxena.'
    ellauri392.html on line 918: What affect has engagement with child and family services had on the teenage parent as a service user?
    ellauri393.html on line 272: Lincoln decides that the best way to defeat the vampires is to eliminate their food source and starve them out; to that end, he announces the Emancipation Proclamation and encourages the slaves to fight back against slave owners and vampires alike. This begins to turn the tide of the war. (Julistuksen vaikutuksena oli yli 3,5 miljoonan orjuutettujen afrikkalaisen amerikkalaisen oikeudellinen asema irtautuneissa konfederaatiovaltioissa orjuisista vapaiksi. Heti kun orjat pakenivat orjuuttajiensa hallinnasta, joko pakenemalla unionin linjoille tai liittovaltion joukkojen etenemisen kautta, he olivat pysyvästi vapaita. Lisäksi julistus salli entisten orjien "ottamisen vastaan ​​Yhdysvaltojen asepalvelukseen". Hehe.) However, the war takes a personal toll on Lincoln. A vampire assassin sneaks onto the White House lawn and kills Lincoln's son, Willie. Henry appears at the White House and offers to turn Willie into a vampire so that he will "live" again, but Lincoln is unwilling to allow it, despite being very tempted. Enraged, he banishes Henry and all other vampires from the White House and refuses to speak to any of them ever again. Abelle olisi ollut tarpeen opettajattaren varaventtiili.
    ellauri393.html on line 278: Persons with typhoid fever carry the bacteria in their bloodstream and intestinal tract. Symptoms include prolonged high fever, fatigue, headache, nausea, abdominal pain, and constipation or diarrhoea. Some patients may have a rash. Severe cases may lead to serious complications or even death. Typhoid fever is a life-threatening infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella Typhi. Typhoid fever is common in places with poor sanitation and a lack of safe drinking water.
    ellauri393.html on line 303: Mary o.d.'d on drugs. "I think we were all relieved by her death.” In wife #3, at last Rockwell found his feminine ideal: an older schoolteacher who had never lived with a man, and who in fact had lived with a female history teacher in a so-called Boston marriage for decades. When Molly moved into Rockwell’s home, she set up her bedroom in a small room across the hall from his. Thanx to the apparent absence of sexual feeling, their relationship flourished. Rockwell died in 1978, at age 84, after a long struggle with dementia and emphysema.
    ellauri393.html on line 330: Kuten alkuperäisen kuvan tapauksessa, kuvaus tapahtui Krimillä, ei Pohjois-Kaukasiassa. Tunnuslause: "Historia toistaa itseään!" Suurin osa elokuvasta kuvattiin Krimin eri alueilla. Siten näytöillä näkyvät Demerdzhin, Alushtatalouden, Simferopolin, Luchystyn, Kuibyshevyn, ja Visokyen maisemat. Also, the ending of the story was changed. Vladimir Medinsky, Russia's Minister of Culture, promised not to provide any further funding for Voronkov's films after an appeal from YouTube critic BadComedian. Voronkov has not directed another film since. To top it all, the film was also a flop at the box office, collecting $179,843 on a budget of $3.5 million.
    ellauri393.html on line 332: aff7daf51d49c20af1eeba5fd46147ebee5757bdde166&ipo=images" />
    ellauri393.html on line 346: afc00a743b9e8c6651e8c1b86f5c538021ac859c0650c345f&ipo=images" height="300" />
    ellauri393.html on line 374: He saivat pojan nimeltä Tero, jonka kanssa Tamara myöhemmin lähti Saksaan töihin. Lehdet saivat kolahduttavan uutisen, kun hän Saksassa 1974 rakastui romanialaiseen tenorilaulajaan Aleksandru Ionitâan. Yhteinen lapsi, Maria, syntyi vuonna 1983, pari vuotta ennen kuin kummankaan avioero oli selvä. He pystyivät avioitumaan vasta parin vuoden päästä. Er präsentierte sich als „ein Belcanto-Tenor von enormer Durchschlagskraft und gutem Stehvermögen“. Takuulla seisoi kykenevämmin kuin Aatoxella, olihan romani juniori.
    ellauri393.html on line 409: af0d15c9583970f131df5db59e8f34c534ebd3062426d847.jpg" width="70%" />
    ellauri393.html on line 451: 1Kun Raakel näki, ettei hän saanut lapsia, hän alkoi kadehtia sisartaan ja sanoi Jaakobille: »Auta minua saamaan lapsia, tai muuten minä kuolen!» 2Jaakob suuttui Raakelille ja sanoi: »Olenko minä muka Jumala? Minäkö olen estänyt sinua saamasta lapsia?» 3Raakel sanoi: »Tuossa on orjattareni Bilha. Tee hänen kanssaan lapsia, jotka tulevat minun omikseni. Näin minustakin voi tulla äiti.» 4Raakel antoi orjattarensa Bilhan Jaakobille vaimoksi, ja Jaakob yhtyi häneen. 5Bilha tuli raskaaksi ja synnytti Jaakobille pojan. 6Silloin Raakel sanoi: »Jumala on ratkaissut asian minun hyväkseni. Hän on kuullut rukoukseni ja antanut minulle pojan.» Sen vuoksi Raakel antoi pojalle nimeksi Dan. 7Sitten Raakelin orjatar Bilha tuli uudelleen raskaaksi ja synnytti Jaakobille toisen pojan. 8Raakel sanoi: »Minä olen käynyt sisareni kanssa ankaran kamppailun, ja nyt olen voittanut.» Ja hän antoi pojalle nimeksi Naftali.
    ellauri393.html on line 721: the afternoon with Cecilia
    Up in my bedroom (making
    ellauri395.html on line 486: Rafi Shimon tuntee tyypin.
    ellauri395.html on line 496: Hyppösen vauhti ei hiivu - Seitsemänkymppistyvä suosikkilaulaja ja evankelista laittaa vielä uutta vaihdetta silmään. Yksi rakkaimmista lapsuusmuistoistani on leikit parhaan ystäväni kanssa ja leikkiin liittyvä flow-tila. Silloin Kinder-munista saadut kilpikonnafiguurit herä...
    ellauri395.html on line 555: Toufik Benedictus ”Benny” Hinn (s. 3. joulukuuta 1952 Jaffa, Israel) on Yhdysvalloissa asuva luopio, saarnaaja ja televisioevankelista, jonka kokouksissa väittää parantaneensa ihmisiä rukouksen kautta. Hinn on syntynyt Israelissa. Hänen äitinsä oli armenialainen ja isänsä kreikkalainen. Hinn kasvoi ortodoksiperheessä mutta vaikuttaa nykyisin karismaattisessa liikkeessä. Hän on jäänyt kiinni kyseenalaisista parantamismenetelmistä, vääristä profetioista ja väärästä opetuksesta, nim. menestysteologiasta.
    ellauri395.html on line 629: Kristitty kirjailija John Crowder kuvaili herätysten ajanjaksoa "nykyhistorian laajimmaksi julkiseksi näytökseksi ihmevoimasta." Jotkut, kuten kriitikko ja radiopersoona Hank Hanegraaff , hylkäsivät koko parantavan herätyksen huijauksena ja tuomitsi myöhemmät evankeliset ja karismaattiset liikkeet kulttina. Jumalallinen parantaminen on perinne ja usko, joka yhdistettiin yhä enemmän evankeliseen protestantismiin. Suurimmalla osalla amerikkalaisen kristinuskon kiehtovuudesta jumalalliseen parantamiseen oli merkittävä rooli herätysliikkeen suosiossa ja kirkkokuntien välisessä luonteessa.
    ellauri395.html on line 1260: Siunaustoivotuksin Mirjami Ivanov (M.Th, FM) Mirjami´s current home is located at Hollywood, FL. We have lots of information about Mirjami: religious views are listed as unknown, ethnicity is Caucasian, and political affiliation is unknown. Tänä vuonna tulee kuluneeksi 50 vuotta siitä, kun Mirjamin ja Ivon työ Itä-Euroopassa alkoi. Alussa ”salakuljetettiin” Raamattuja. Nyt aseapua ja evankeliumia Itä-Eurooppaan. Only you may come on my knees.
    ellauri395.html on line 1287: For the disciplining and mentoring of new believers. No one knows how many isolated individuals and clusters exist, but there are far more than those affiliated with officially recognized churches. Many fall away when difficulties intensify; pray that Christians might be integrated quickly into home groups or fellowships where they can grow. Many others find their witness curtailed by fear; pray for boldness for them.
    ellauri395.html on line 1315: Haginin reumayliopisto Rhema sai Trumpilta lakipoikkeuksen syrjiä sukupuolivähemmistöjä vuonna 2016. Sen 2020-2021 opiskelijakäsikirjassa todetaan, että opiskelijoiden keskuudessa "ei sallita minkäänlaista fyysistä tai seksuaalista toimintaa/käyttäytymistä, paitsi sitä mitä Raamattu sanoo olevan sallittua miehelle ja vaimolle, joka ovat laillisesti naimisissa. Tämä sisältää, mutta ei rajoitu, homoseksuaaliset toimet, haureuden, aviorikoksen, pornografian, jalka- ja pesäpallon ja niin edelleen..."
    ellauri396.html on line 107: She is a wop immigrant, same vintage as Mrs. Zilles. A crucially significant event for her was when an outhouse exploded after she poured too much quicklime into the latrine. Arttu perrkele!!! "That symbolized everything I would do with my life and work. I would be someone who would jump into the latrine of culture, into pornography and crime and psychopathology... and I would drop my own wee bomb into it". For more than a decade, Paglia was the partner of artist Alison Maddex. She dislikes lesbians and they dislike her. Paglia is an atheist, and has stated she has "a very spiritual mystic view of the universe". I endorse astrology. I believe in astrology. You hear? She is also a critic of contemporary American feminism and of post-structuralism, as well as multiple aspects of American culture such as its visual art, music, and film history. Too right.
    ellauri396.html on line 165: Christopher Hitchens (13 April 1949 – 15 December 2011) was a British and American author, polemicist, debater and journalist who in his youth took part in demonstrations against the Vietnam War, joined organisations such as the International Socialists while at university and began to identify as a socialist. However, after 9/11 he no longer regarded himself as a socialist and his political thinking became largely dominated by the issue of defending civilization from terrorists and against the totalitarian regimes that protect them. Hitchens nonetheless continued to identify as a Marxist, endorsing the materialist conception of history, but believed that Karl Marx had underestimated the revolutionary nature of capitalism. He sympathized with libertarian ideals of limited state interference, but considered libertarianism not to be a viable system. But anyway.
    ellauri396.html on line 175: af73368c2144e.jpg" height="300px" />
    ellauri396.html on line 349: Suositamme sisällyttämään päivään kevennyksiä: kyselyjä, seurapelejä, humoristisia videoita, hellävaraista tafsausta sakastin puolella. Päivän tulisi sisältää vaihtelevia elementtejä väsymyksen estämiseksi. Varmista, että ryhmänohjaaja on vahvasti läsnä istunnon alusta lähtien: tervehtii ihmisiä, esittää kysymyksiä ja kertoo vitsejä. Jeesuskin kertoi paljon vizejä. Seurakunnat ovat havainneet, että osa osallistujista lähtee verkossa nopeammin mukaan keskusteluun ja osa tarvitsee entistä enemmän rymäyttämistä kuin paikan päällä järjestetyissä Alfoissa. Seurakunnat ovat havainneet, että etätapaamisissa ihmisten keskittymiskyky alkaa laskea noin tunnin kuluttua. Suosittelemmekin tapaamisen pitämistä alle 1 tunnin 15 minuutin mittaisena.
    ellauri396.html on line 374: A study was conducted in 1995 that surveyed 1,000 people who visited TAV and approximately half of them reported that they felt spiritually refreshed after the meetings, close to 90% said they were "more in love with Jesus" than they had been in any other point in their lives, and 88% of married respondents stated that they were also more in love with their spouse. 300 patients reported new gold fillings. A follow-up study conducted in 1997 also yielded similar figures from the original survey respondents.
    ellauri396.html on line 380: Critics referred to it as self-centered and evil and claimed that the strange manifestations were warning signs for other Christian believers to stay away. In his book, Counterfeit Revival, Hank Hanegraaff claimed that the revival has done more damage than good and that the Toronto blessing was a matter of people being enslaved into altered states of consciousness where they obscure reality and enshrine absurdity. Hank Hanegraaff also stated in a 1996 Washington Post interview that, "It's nice to feel all these things, but the fact is, these feelings will wear off, and then disappointment steps in. I call it post-Holy Laughter depression syndrome." Jeesus pitää enemmän räkänokista kuin tyhjän naurajista. Pyhissä jutuissa ei ole mitään hymyilyttävää. Hartaus on vakava asia. Ei taivaaseen mennä iloa pitämään.
    ellauri396.html on line 382: He concluded that while authentic signs of revival might be present at such meetings, ministerial leaders have a biblical responsibility to ensure that parishioners maintain orderly conduct at the gatherings and this seemed to be lacking at many of the meetings. Etäkokouxissa on se varjopuoli että tafsaus on mahdollista vain tapaamisten välillä eikä sakastissa saarnan aikana.
    ellauri398.html on line 96: afrikkalaisen kusitanialaisen naisen kanssa,
    ellauri398.html on line 111: Tietäminen, että Zipporah on afrikkalainen,
    ellauri398.html on line 300: Hän huomasi ristiriitoja, yhteensovittamattomia näkökulmia, pseudepigrafeja ja kristillisiä oppeja, joita ei pitänyt varhaiskristillisyyteen kuuluvina, kuten kolminaisuusopin ja Jeesuksen jumalisuuden. Hän
    ellauri398.html on line 398: Vi hjælper allerede Ukraine. Men NAto nægter at gå i krig med Rusland netop pga A-våben. Det er latterligt, for Rusland vil før eller siden angribe Nato, så vi kan lige så godt feje dem af kortet nu, og derved begrænse skaderne.
    ellauri398.html on line 410: Med sprængningen af Nord Stream 2 smadrede USA Europas økonomi. Alting er blevet dyrere, og vi europæere er blevet fattigere. Alle nationer, der er eller blliver gode venner med USA, svækkes og ender med at fortryde det, mens alle nationer, der går imod USA, ender med at blive styrkede. Med USA som ven behøver man ingen fjender!
    ellauri398.html on line 412: Den seneste NATO-øvelse havde 90.000 tropper - og det var angiveligt vældigt stort. Til sammenligning har Rusland mobiliseret 900.000 tropper, hvoraf kun en brøkdel er aktive i Ukraine. Resten er i beredskab i tilfælde af en krig med NATO. Ingen af NATO-landene er parate til en direkte militær konfrontation med Rusland - mens russerne allerede er fuldt mobiliserede.
    ellauri398.html on line 414: Det russiske militær høster masser af frisk kamperfaring i Ukraine. Til sammenligning har vesten overladt kampene til ukrainerne, som er blevet dræbt i stort tal. I vesten er der ingen unge, der gider at trække i trøjen og blive soldater.
    ellauri398.html on line 416: Vestens depoter af våben og ammunition er blevet tømt - givet væk til Ukraine. USA har høstet gevinsten ved, at NATO-landene nu skal købe nye våben fra USA - men de er først til levering om cirka 3–4 år. I mellemtiden er vesten ligeså sårbart som et nyfødt og forældreløst barn.
    ellauri398.html on line 418: Den russiske produktionskapacitet buldrer derudaf. Rusland har aldrig deindustrialiseret, men det har det samlede vesten. Deindustrialisering betyder, at man har outsourcet sin industrielle produktion til fattige lande, hvor arbejdskraften er billig. Uden en industriel produktion i eget land vil man ikke kunne føre krig.
    ellauri398.html on line 420: Rusland udvikler og fornyer sine militære våben i takt med kampene i Ukraine: Droner og kunstig intelligens er det nye "sort" i militær teknologi. Rusland har udviklet hypersoniske missiler, som vesten ikke har noget forsvar imod. Samtidig hænger vesten uhjælpeligt fast i gammeldags krigsførelse med tanks, som er lette ofre for dronerne, og jetjagere som er ekstremt dyre men også lette at skyde ned. I vesten bruges kunstig intelligens mest til at censurere sociale medier (og dermed undertrykke ytringsfriheden) eller skabelse af såkaldte "chatbots", som begår intellektuelt tyveri på forfatterne til kilderne på vores viden.
    ellauri398.html on line 422: Uanset at Putin er en skurk med gangster-mentalitet, er han ikke så gammel, omtåget og senil som Joe Biden. Interviewet med Tucker Carlson afslørede, at Putins hjerne er knivskarp.
    ellauri398.html on line 424: Vestens medier har fuldstændigt misforstået krigen i Ukraine. De vestlige journalister og "eksperter" taler hele tiden, som om krigen handlede om erobring af territorium. Russerne er ligeglade med erobring af kvadratmeter. For dem handler det om at udmatte ukrainerne, til de ikke kan gøre modstand mere. Og denne taktik lykkes i stor stil.
    ellauri398.html on line 428: USA har stiftet en gæld, der er så umådeligt stor, at den aldrig vil kunne betales tilbage. I Rusland er der økonomisk vækst og et kæmpeoverskud på handelsbalancen med resten af verden. Det korte af det lange er, at hvis Rusland starter en 3. verdenskrig i morgen, ville USA og NATO lide et kæmpestort nederlag. Vi ville være nødt til at lære at tale russisk for at kunne begå os med den nye verdensherre.
    ellauri398.html on line 452: Farisealaisen laintulkinnan mukaan samarialaiselta naiselta vastaan otettu "vesiastia" oli rituaalisesti epäpuhdas ja saastutti myös vastaanottajansa. Monet puhdasoppisemmat fariseukset olisivat siten tukehtuneet partoihinsa järkytyksestä, kun Jeesus oli valmis "juomaan" samarialaisen tarjoamasta (rituaalisesti saastaisesta) "astiasta." Jeesuksen tavasta kohdata lähimmäisiään ja opettaa heitä kertoo paljon sekin, ettei hän karttanut Jumalan valtakunnan salaisuuksista keskustelua naisen kanssa, vieläpä sellaisen, joka oman aikansa mittapuun mukaan oli sangen huonomaineinen eläessään aviottomassa suhteessa. Nykyäänhän sellainen aivan a-okei, eli Jeesus ennakoi tulossa olevaa norminpurkua. Tälle vertaistensa joukossa vähäiselle hän paljasti jänniä paikkoja itsestään tarjoillen elämää kuhisevaa nestettä. Kuten niin monet raamatun naissivuhenkilöt, tämäkin samarialainen nainen jää kertomuksessa nimettömäksi. Nimettömät vain jäivät kaivonkannelle. Myöhäisempi itäisen kristikunnan traditio kertoo, että Sykarin tapahtumien jälkeen rouva antoi kastaa itsensä ja otti uudeksi nimekseen Photine, Photini tai Photina. Raamattu ei paljasta hänen elämästään muuta kuin hänen murheellisen avioliittohistoriansa: viisi kertaa hän oli "joutunut" jäämään "leskeksi". (Haha, elävän leski takuulla, tai vallan yxinyrittäjä. Nej tyvärr, nej tyvärr, det här är en vippa rumpa affär. Rumpa är den enda vi säljer här
    ellauri398.html on line 528: aristotelismista. Muut nimet: Sharaf al-Mulk (شرف الملك), Hujjat al-Haq (حجة
    ellauri398.html on line 550: useista aiheista metafysiikasta, etiikasta, logiikasta ja psykologiasta
    ellauri398.html on line 558: kryptografian isistä. Al-Khalilin (717–786) työhön perustva Al-Kindin kirja
    ellauri398.html on line 617: Asadin ja Ghatafanin arabiheimojen Kindanin valtionhoitaja, ja uskotaan, että
    ellauri398.html on line 834: Vijay Fafat 15. joulukuuta 2020: Paljon rikkaampi
    ellauri399.html on line 55: Den aktuelle konfrontation mellem Rusland og Vesten hviler på en opfattelse af, at russerne er blevet uretfærdig behandlet. Der er flere lag i den opfattelse, men det mest fundamentale er Moskvas oplevelse af, at Vesten narrede det daværende Sovjetunionen ved at bryde et løfte om, at NATO ikke ville ekspandere østover. Løftet skulle være blevet blevet fremsat ved Den Kolde Krigs afslutning. Vesten narrede det daværende Sovjetunionen ved at bryde et løfte om, at NATO ikke ville ekspandere østover. Putin hævder, at Baker i en diskussion den 9. februar 1990 med den sovjetiske leder Mikhail Gorbatjov afgav et mundtligt løfte om, at hvis Rusland gik ind på tysk genforening, ville NATO ikke udvide mod øst. Vesttysklands daværende kansler Helmut Kohl, der insisterede på, at et Vesttyskland ville forblive medlem af NATO, også efter tysk genforening, erklærede dagen efter – også henvendt til Gorbatjov – at »naturligvis vil NATO ikke kunne udvide sit territorium til DDR’s nuværende område«.
    ellauri399.html on line 57: Blev disse tilsagn nogensinde nedfældet i en aftale? Nej, og det skyldes især, at præsident George H.W. Bush mente, at Baker og Kohl havde givet for store indrømmelser – eller med Bakers ord: At han »var kommet lidt for langt frem på skiene«. Ja, mange russiske politiske beslutningstagere var netop imod de indrømmelser, Gorbatjov gav på det tidspunkt. Især på grund af de implikationer det kunne få, og rent faktisk også fik, for det øvrige Østeuropa. Vel fik Rusland mundtlige forsikringer om, hvor grænserne for NATO’s ekspansion gik, men skriftlige garantier fik det aldrig.
    ellauri399.html on line 59: Det mundtlige tilsagn så dog i første omgang ud til at holde. I marts 1991 spurgte den daværende sovjetiske forsvarsminister, marskal Dmitij Jasov, den daværende britiske premierminister, John Major, til de østeuropæiske landes interesse for blive medlemmer af NATO. Major forsikrede ham ifølge dagbøgerne fra den britiske ambassadør i Moskva, Rodric Braithwaite, at »intet af den slags nogensinde vil ske«. Washington vandt magtkampen om østudvidelsen, men på en måde, der førte til konfrontation, ikke samarbejde, med Moskva. Rusland præsenterede sig hele vejen igennem som et potentielt NATO-medlem, men USA opfattede altid det perspektiv som en fantasi, der ville handlingslamme alliancen.
    ellauri399.html on line 61: Var Rusland i en reel position til at forhandle? Nej. Ruslands økonomi og politik lå dengang i ruiner. I Not One Inch beskrives det, hvordan russisk åbenhed over for NATO’s ekspansion ofte varierede alt efter niveauet af finansiel støtte, USA og Tyskland kunne tilbyde. Så omfattende var den russiske korruption, at mange af disse penge forsvandt i et sort hul, så snart de var overført.
    ellauri399.html on line 72: I dropped out of Reed College (Oregon) after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out? It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my second choice working class parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My mother later found out that my adoptive "mother" had never graduated from college and that my adoptive "father" had never even graduated from high school! She refused to sign the adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my adoptive parents promised that I would someday go to college. When I got the chance I dropped out, mainly to show the finger to my real mom.
    ellauri399.html on line 110: Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitched beside after hitchhiking if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. (Stewart is 85 years old and kicking. Still hungry with estimated net worth of $1-5M.) I am both hungry (can´t digest sugar, even veggies) and foolish, though not that foolish about money. Thank you all very much for listening. Buy Apple products.
    ellauri399.html on line 120: In October 1973, Watts returned from a European lecture tour to his cabin in Druid Heights, California. Friends of Watts had been concerned about him for some time over his alcoholism. On 16 November 1973, at age 58, he died in the Mandala House in Druid Heights. He was reported to have been under treatment for a heart condition. Before authorities could attend, his body was whisked away from his home and cremated on a wood pyre at a nearby beach by Buddhist monks. Mark Watts relates that Watts was cremated on Muir Beach at 8:30 am after being discovered deceased at 6:00 am. He had it all planned. The trick about living is to know when to stop.
    ellauri399.html on line 151: The two finally ended their romantic relationship for good in late 1977, after Brennan became pregnant with their daughter, Lisa. Brennan worked as a waitress and collected welfare checks to support herself and their baby daughter. Jobs publicly denied he was Lisa’s father for years, even though he took a paternity test in 1979 proving he was the dad. He was paying $500 a month in child support when he told Time magazine in 1983, “28 percent of the male population in the United States could be the father.”
    ellauri399.html on line 153: [Steve] wanted his buddy Daniel to live with them because he believed it would break up the intensity of what wasn’t working between us. He said he didn’t want us to play assumed roles and that he wanted to choose when we would be together. Daniel, who was sort of charmingly odd, slept in the living room on the floor next to his piano. But after a month [Steve] literally picked me up and moved everything I owned and took over the master bedroom. He’d finally realized that I had the better deal: a larger room with an en suite bath and the privacy of the backyard. [Steve] had paid the security deposit for the rental so was, in fact, entitled to the room he wanted. But he was so graceless that I felt humiliated and outraged.
    ellauri399.html on line 162: The box contained, besides the ash of Jobs, the book Autobiography of Yogi Bear by Paramahansa Yogananda. Benioff continued: "Yogananda...had this book on blowing your own horn.... [Steve]'s last message to us was that here is Yogananda's book.... Actualize yourself. Activate the turbo boost. Article continues after video. Featured Video. An Inc.com Featured Presentation.
    ellauri399.html on line 178: Great teachers look into the vast beyond and then craft their message to speak not just to their immediate audience but to future generations as well. As early as 1920, Yogananda recognized that yoga would be a boundless fountain to quench people's growing thirst for meaning, authenticity, and a personal experience of truth. So, with an entrepreneurial flair not typical among spiritual teachers, he laid the foundation of an institution, Scratching Yoda Fellowship (SRF), to ignite the inner flame of yoga in communities worldwide.
    ellauri399.html on line 198: How did [Steve] ]Jobs approach success from the inside out, from inside that brown little box? Yogananda's teaching of universal consciousness strongly appealed to uneducated [Steve] Jobs, who had a self-professed hunger to "make a dent in the universe." At the TechCrunch conference in September 2013, Mark Benioff said: "[Yogananda's book] gives tremendous insight into not just who [Jobs] was but also why he was successful, which is that he was not afraid to take that key journey [toward self-satisfaction]. It is for entrepreneurs and for people who want to be successful in our industry a message that we need to embrace and vest ourselves in. Be nasty to others, Be selfish."
    ellauri399.html on line 200: Since Yogananda's passing the buck in 1952, many teachers have followed his trailblazing path to bring yoga to our world, helping make it a fixture in popular culture as it continues to take hold with young and old, the elite and the ordinary, the spiritualists and the atheists. What distinguishes Yogananda from these subsequent emissaries is not simply that he paved the way for the modern yoga movement, but that from the outset he focused far beyond physical exercises and shone a powerful and practical torchlight on the path to yoga's true purpose: actualizing the infinite potentials within us all. Perhaps that is why his Autobiography of a Yogi was the only book Jobs downloaded on his iPad--and, after first encountering the book as a teenager, went back and reread once every year.
    ellauri399.html on line 216: Raspberry Rubbing disciples claim that their teacher thus performed mahasamadhi (a yogi’s mega suicide). The medical verdict was “acute coronary occlusion,” i.e., a heart attack. At Forest Lawn Cemetery, where Paramhansa’s body was embalmed, officials reported an unusual phenomenon. Wrote Mortuary Director Harry T. Rowe: “No physical disintegration was visible . . . even 20 days after death . . . Paramhansa Yo-gananda’s body was apparently devoid of impurities . . . No shit! [His] case is unique in our experience.”

    Annetaan rva Binayn izensä kertoa:

    ellauri401.html on line 388: Moraaliseen pelkuruuteen auttoivat terveet elintavat, johon kuului aurinkoa, ilmaa, vettä ja vähän voimistelua. Vdokh vydokh. Teosofit kokoontuivat keskiviikkoiltaisin Omantunnon konttorissa, Vuorikatu 12. Kurikan työväenhäihin joissa Pekka oli pastorina päättyi Pekan ja Martti Humun yhteisasuminen. Raittiuden sijaan Elämän tuvassa Töölönlahen rannassa harjoiteltiin "sosialistista toveruutta". Hanna Räihästä ei verkkolähteissä ole suunnattomasti tietoa. Kansallisbiografian englanninkielisen Kurikka-artikkelin mukaan Hanna oli työnjohtajan tytär ja syntynyt noin 1883.
    ellauri401.html on line 424: Vuoden lopulla kiista johti molemminpuolisiin erottamisiin. Saksan T. S:n hallinto päätti 8.12., että Idän Tähden Järjestön jäsen ei saa olla jäsenenä Saksan Teosofisessa Seurassa. Adyarissa pidetyn vuosikokouksen yhteydessä T. S:n pääneuvosto päätti 30.12. erottaa Teosofisesta Seurasta Rudolf Steinerin ja samalla koko Saksalaisen Osaston, joka häntä yksimielisesti kannatti ja oli valinnut hänet eliniäkseen ylisihteeriksi. Tilanne johti Steineriin kohdistettuihin syytöksiin ja oikeuden- käynneillä uhkaamiseen, ja toisaalta Saksan T. S:n vuosikokoukses- sa vaadittiin Besantin eroa. Münchenissä perustettiin elokuussa Die Anthroposophische Gesellschaft, johon Saksan T. S. liittyi melkein ko- konaisuudessaan. Saksasta saapuneesta kehotuksesta myös melkein kaikki Suomen T. S:n ruotsinkieliset teosofit liittyivät siihen, ja Suomen T. S. menetti noin 150 jäsentä, joista useat olivat olleet mukana jo suomalaisen liikkeen varhaisvuosista alkaen. Ezevverran tästä veljeydestä Kain ja Aabel tyylillä.
    ellauri401.html on line 517: Ruusu-Ristin looshityö järjestettiin tälläselle vapaamuuraripohjalle vuonna 1926. Ruusuristityö yhdistettiin vapaamuurariuteen 22. toukokuuta. Areopagi 12:sta tehtiin yxin tein Ruusu-Risti-vapaamuurareita, ja Ervast vihittiin sen ensimmäiseksi suurmestariksi. Seremoniat auttoivat tekemään kokoontumisista rauhan hetkiä, jolloin katseet ajatukset kääntyvät toisiin asioihin kuin arkiryskeeseen. Vähän kuin Pafos-seminaarit.
    ellauri401.html on line 529: Ervast sai vaivoihinsa Itävallassa housut pois hoitoa, ja Zeileis laittoi hänen munuaisensa kuntoon.42 Zeileis oli itse kehittänyt radiumia ja korkeafrekvenssistä valoa hyödyntävät instrumenttinsa ja hänen nimeään kantava instituutti toimii vieläkin Gallspachin kylässä.
    ellauri401.html on line 600: Rauhallisen merimatkan jälkeen laiva rantautui aamulla Tukholmassa, ja Gösta Stenman oli vastassa satamassa. Matkalaiset majoittuivat ylelliseen Strand-hotelliin. Illalla käytiin Kuninkaallisessa oopperassa, jossa esitettiin 352. kerran Wagnerin Lohengrinia, joka oli Ervastin harvoja lempioopperoita. Oopperaan lähtiessäkin oli jo oma oopperansa, kun Ervastin shaketti ei mennyt kiinni ja Stenmanin toinen jalka oli kihdin takia niin turvonnut, että toisessa oli lakeerikenkä ja toisessa tohveli. Kaadella oli sentään matkaa varten tehty tummansininen villapuku, ja Bertha-rouva oli hienon maailman tyyliin viimeistä piirtoa myöten puettu. Pekka ei toista kertaa tehnyt villapaitagaffia.
    ellauri401.html on line 668: Kaarle Kurki-Suonio (1933-), fysiikan professori toimi Suomen fyysikkoseuran puheenjohtajana 1965–1967. Hän toimi myös Arkhimedes-lehden toimittajana 1970–1987, osan ajasta lehden vara­pää­toimittajana. Hän on toiminut myös Valtion tiedekomitean jäsenenä ja 1971–1978 Helsingin seurakuntayhtymän kirkkovaltuuston sekä 1968–1979 Lauttasaaren seura­kunnan kirkkoneuvoston jäsenenä. Vuosina 1981–1987 Kurki-Suonio oli Kristallografian Kansainvälisen Unionin (IUC) pääsihteeri. Kurki-Suonio on pitänyt myös esitelmiä ja julkaissut lehti­kirjoituksia, joissa hän on pohdiskellut luonnon­tieteen ja kristin­uskon suhdetta toisiinsa. Hänen mukaansa ne eivät oikein ymmärrettyinä ole ristiriidassa keskenään. Fysiikan opettaminen ilman merkityksiä on vain epätarkkaa matematiikkaa, Kaarle Kurki-Suonio sanoo.
    ellauri402.html on line 131: Münchenistä, ne ovat Rauhixessa faffan lipastossa.
    ellauri402.html on line 181: src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/46/Pamela_Colman_Smith_-_The_Craftsman_-_Vol_XXIII_Number_1_October_1912.jpg/440px-Pamela_Colman_Smith_-_The_Craftsman_-_Vol_XXIII_Number_1_October_1912.jpg"
    ellauri402.html on line 284: omistautunut okkulttisen hermeettisyyden ja metafysiikan
    ellauri402.html on line 410: Dracula on Bram Stokerin goottilainen kauhuromaani, joka julkaistiin 26. toukokuuta 1897. Epistolaarinen romaani, kertomus liittyy kirjeisiin, päiväkirjamerkintöihin ja sanomalehtiartikkeleihin. Siinä ei ole yhtä päähenkilöä, ja se alkaa asianajajan Jonathan Harkerin kanssa, joka lähtee liikematkalle transilvanialaisen aatelismiehen, kreivi Draculan linnaan. Harker pakenee linnasta saatuaan tietää, että Dracula on vampyyri, ja kreivi muuttaa Englantiin ja vaivaa Whitbyn merenrantakaupunkia. Pieni ryhmä, jota johtaa Abraham Van Helsing, tutkii, metsästää ja tappaa Draculaa, lyövät hänen sydämensä, mestaavat hänen päänsä ja täyttävät hänen suunsa valkosipulilla. Hän löysi nimen Dracula Whitbyn julkisesta kirjastosta lomallaan, koska hän ajatteli sen tarkoittavan paholaista romaniaksi. Christopher Craft kirjoittaa, että kreivi Draculan aiheuttama ensisijainen seksuaalinen uhka on, että hän "viettelee, tunkeutuu ja [ja] tyhjentää toisen miehen" Jonathan Harkerin innostuessa siitä, että kolme naamiona ja edustajana toimivaa vampyyrinaista tunkeutuu häneen hänen homoseksuaalisen halunsa vuoksi.
    ellauri402.html on line 416: af/Vlad_Tepes_002.jpg/440px-Vlad_Tepes_002.jpg" />
    ellauri402.html on line 429: Akateemikko Elizabeth Signorotti väittää, että Dracula on vastaus Sheridan Le Fanun Carmillan ( 1872 ) lesbovampyyrille, mikä "korjaa" sen painotuksen naisten haluun. Seksuaalisuus ja viettely ovat romaanin kaksi eniten keskusteltua teemaa, varsinkin kun se liittyy englantilaisen naiseuden turmeltumiseen. Nykyaikaiset kriittiset kirjoitukset vampyrismista tunnustavat laajasti sen yhteyden seksiin ja seksuaalisuuteen. Bram Stoker itse oli mahdollisesti homoseksuaali; Talia Schaffer viittaa voimakkaasti homoeroottisiin kirjeisiin, jotka hän on lähettänyt amerikkalaiselle runoilijalle Walt Whitmanille. Stoker aloitti romaanin kirjoittamisen kuukausi sen jälkeen, kun hänen ystävänsä Oscar Wilde oli vangittu homoseksuaalisuudesta.
    ellauri402.html on line 524: Dr. Peter Raffo, Adjunct and Professor Emeritus, Department of History, Lakehead University, väitti saaneensa selville ettei Rotvallia ja Voutilaista murhattu, että ne muuten vaan hukkuivat metrin syvyisiin jäihin ja saivat siinä hötäkäsdä pahat mustelmat. Peter ei osaa tavuakaan suomea.
    ellauri402.html on line 525: Historian Peter Raffo has carefully analyzed the oral and written evidence, and concluded, "According to the contemporary historical record, the likelihood is that Rosvall and Voutilainen were not murdered. The oral record - the myth - does not stand up well to close examination. Practically none of its details are sustained by the facts of the case... Not martyrs so much as tragic and brave victims."
    ellauri402.html on line 526: Peter Raffo Awarded City of Thunder Bay's Heritage Award 2012. Vitun kusipää.
    ellauri402.html on line 528: affo.jpg" />
    ellauri402.html on line 529:
    Raffon Alma Mater oli L,I,V,E,R,P, double-O,L, FC Liverpool.

    ellauri402.html on line 662: Aline Kominsky disliked the Jewish environment she grew up in. At age eight, she asked her grandmother why she and all the women had to sit behind a curtain in the synagogue. She was told that they were "dirty" and should therefore not be seen by men during the ceremony. Even as a child, Kominsky felt this was nonsense and soon after abandoned her religion for good. But the band who really liberated her were The Fugs. They openly sang about sex, drugs and politics in a time when mainstream media didn't give a fuck to such acts. Bunch sairastui peräsuolisyöpään, mutta toipui siitä kuollaxeen kohta haimasyöpään. Robert Crumb keeps on truckin'. "I'm the grandmother of whiny tell-all comics."
    ellauri402.html on line 680: One of the reasons Americans are against “free” healthcare is because they believe that what they pay for healthcare is actually what it costs. “Why should I pay $30,000 for someone else to give birth?” The answer of course is you wouldn’t, you would contribute to the $3000 – $5000 that it really costs. When I had a small carcinoma removed at a private clinic, paid for by the NHS of course, the Doctor told me that I would have paid £600 privately. What would that cost in the US? Not your co-pay or whatever it’s called, but the actual bill? Thousands I’d guess. If Americans understood how much they’re being shafted, ($3k for an ambulance? Really?) they would see that Universal healthcare would be far cheaper than they could possibly imagine. And no, the Doctors would still be paid well, because it’s the insurance companies and hospitals taking all the extra cash you pay. A copayment or copay is a fixed amount for a covered service, paid by a patient to the provider of service before receiving the service. Eli omavastuu, jolla vakuutusyhtiöt pitää korvauxenhakijat ruodussa.
    ellauri402.html on line 686: That’s US 🇺🇸 democracy for you… An attentive Congress, prepared to listen & represent their elector’s freedom to speak, right to the point it affects their second income investments…
    ellauri402.html on line 710: Metaforat paljastavat, että Nick oli liian humalassa harrastaakseen seksiä Marthan kanssa yläkerrassa.
    ellauri402.html on line 756: Pietarin apokalypsi eli Pietaria ei näy ( arabiaksi: Ru´ya Buṭrus Butrus Ghali), joka tunnetaan myös nimellä Rullien kirja (arabia: Kitāb al-Magāll ) ja muita nimikkeitä, on arabikristillinen teos, joka on kirjoitettu todennäköisesti 10. vuosisadalla; 800-luvun loppua ja 1000-lukua pidetään myös uskottavana. Siitä on säilynyt ja löydetty noin 40 käsikirjoitusta. Se johtuu pseudepigrafisesti Rooman Klemensistä, joka kertoo apostoli Pietarin kokemasta näystä ylösnousseesta Jeesuksesta; todellinen kirjoittaja ei ole tiedossa.
    ellauri402.html on line 757: Vaikka Pietarin maailmanloppu on kokoelma erilaisia ​​osia, jotka kattavat useita aiheita, yksi näkyvä aihe on yritys ratkaista ristiriita, miksi kaikkivoipa Jumala on näennäisesti sallinut (miafysiittien) kristinuskoa vastustelevien hallitusten hallita. Nehän ovat aivan perseestä.
    ellauri402.html on line 766: Teos sukeltaa visioon tuonpuoleisesta (katabasis) ja kertoo sekä taivaallisen autuuden vanhurskaille että helvetinomaisista rangaistuksista tuomituille. Erityisesti rangaistukset on kuvattu graafisesti fyysisessä mielessä, ja ne vastaavat löyhästi "silmä silmästä" (lex talionis): jumalanpilkkaajat ripustetaan heidän kielensä; valehtelijoilta, jotka antavat väärän todistuksen, huulet leikataan pois; tuntemattomat rikkaat ihmiset pakotetaan pukeutumaan rätteihin ja tulemaan terävien tulisten kivien lävistämiseen, kuten kerjäläiset; ja niin edelleen.
    ellauri403.html on line 50: Frosteruxet oli kotoisin Pakkalan puustellista Nummelta. Kuopion sukuhaarasta tuli ryssän aatelisia af-partikkelin kanssa. Teuvon lapsuus sitävastoin oli ankea, sillä hänen isänsä oli perso viinalle. Siitä joutuivat viisi lastakin kärsimään, ja isän ollessa retkillään sairasteleva äiti sai kantaa vastuun perheestä. Nälkävuosien aikana perheen asuntona oli yhden huoneen hökkeli, ja Teuvo joutui käymään kerjuulla. Isän alkoholinkäyttö teki alun perin käsityöläisperheestä köyhälistöä. Perheen elämä muuttui, kun Pakkalan isä koki lestadiolaisen herätyksen, luopui viinasta ja alkoi jopa pitää saarnoja kaupungin laidalla. Teuvo tunnetaan lapsinäkökulmasta, Elsa-hahmosta (ei Frozen) ja laulunäytelmästä Tukkilaisia. Inhosin Teuvo Pakkalaa jo lapsena, sekä Oiva Paloheimoa, Stiiknafuuliaa ja Tirlittania, ja okariinoja. Niissä oli jotain samaa noloa kuin kyrvässä, joka koski kuumaa floiskaa Laaxon kentällä. Vitun pedofiilejä.
    ellauri403.html on line 52: affilaturkka-ja-katri.jpg" width="70%" />
    ellauri403.html on line 58: af/pakkala.gif" width="90%" />
    ellauri403.html on line 263: On March 6 the Crimean parliament voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation, with a public referendum on the matter scheduled for March 16, 2014. The move was hailed by Russia and broadly condemned in the West. Meanwhile, Yatsenyuk affirmed Kyiv’s position that Crimea was an integral part of Ukraine. On the day of the referendum, observers noted numerous irregularities in the voting process, including the presence of armed men at polling stations, and the result was an overwhelming 97 percent in favour of joining Russia. The interim government in Kyiv rejected the result, and the United States and the EU imposed asset freezes and travel bans on numerous Russian officials and members of the Crimean parliament. On March 18 Putin met with Aksyonov and other regional representatives and signed a treaty incorporating Crimea into the Russian Federation. Western governments protested the move. Within hours of the treaty’s signing, a Ukrainian soldier was killed when masked gunmen stormed a Ukrainian military base outside Simferopol. Russian troops moved to occupy bases throughout the peninsula, including Ukrainian naval headquarters in Sevastopol, as Ukraine initiated the evacuation of some 25,000 military personnel and their families from Crimea. On March 21 after the ratification of the annexation treaty by the Russian parliament, Putin signed a law formally integrating Crimea into Russia.
    ellauri403.html on line 284: Lisäksi kyse oli kansalaisten elinajanodotteen parantamisesta ja kansallisen lisääntymispotentiaalin lisäämisestä. Lisääntymislääketieteen tukeminen ja kehittäminen maassa ovat avainasemassa naisten, perheiden terveyden ja nyky-Venäjän demografisen vakauden varmistamisessa. Tapaamisessa keskusteltiin maan lisääntymispotentiaalin keskeisistä kysymyksistä, synnytys- ja gynekologian alan innovaatioista näyttöön perustuvan lääketieteen näkökulmasta sekä vaihdettiin kokemuksia ja tietoa osallistavasta lisääntymiskoulutuksesta”, Veronika Vlasova totesi.
    ellauri403.html on line 303: Walter (Zeev) Laqueur (s. 26. toukokuuta 1921 Breslaussa ; † 30. syyskuuta 2018 Washington DC: ssä) oli saksalais-juutalaista alkuperää oleva amerikkalainen historioitsija ja toimittaja. Laqueur muisti hänen kotikaupunkinsa yllä leijuvan Graf Zeppelin -ilmalaivan ja vuoden 1930 Reichstag-vaalit, joista kansallissosialistit nousivat toiseksi suurimmaksi puolueeksi. Vuonna 1935 tai 1936 hän ymmärsi vanhempiensa rohkaisemana tarpeen lähteä maasta. Hän saapui Jerusalemiin Palestiinaan Triesten kautta marraskuussa 1938. Samaan aikaan toisaalla loput porukoista paloi Hitlerin uunissa piparkakkuina. Laqueur aloitti kibbutsien kiertueen pääasiassa Jordanin laaksossa ja Jezreelin tasangolla. Israelissa yleinen suuntaus on siirtynyt pois kibbutsin ihanteista - mutta ei parempaan suuntaan. Ehkä kibbutsikokeilu jää ihmiskunnan aikakirjoihin vain utopistisena välipalana, jolla on paikallinen merkitys.
    ellauri403.html on line 354: I veckan åtalade USA:s justitiedepartement två ryska medborgare, anställda av den statliga ryska propagandakanalen RT, för att ha fört över tio miljoner dollar, drygt 100 miljoner kronor, till Tenet för att förmå dem att sprida Moskva-vänliga budskap. De är politiska influencers på högerkanten med miljoner följare. De har haft gäster från Donald Trumps krets, som Lara Trump, Kari Lake, Vivek Ramaswamy, Tulsi Gabbard och Kash Patel. 
    ellauri403.html on line 356: ”Inte vid någon tidpunkt har någon annan än jag haft full redaktionell kontroll över min show”, skriver Tim Pool på X och lägger till:
    ellauri403.html on line 361: Åtalet är en del av ett större projekt i USA som riktar in sig på att bekämpa rysk desinformation och valpåverkan inför höstens val. Justitiedepartementet har sagt att det kan komma att leda till fler åtal efter Trump har valts som president. Trump hotar fängsla justitiedepartementets "fuskare" efter valet. ”När jag vinner kommer de som fuskade att åtalas till fullo enligt lagen, vilket kommer att innefatta långa fängelsestraff så att denna fördärvning av rättvisan inte sker igen”, skriver Trump.
    ellauri403.html on line 363: Ennen tietokoneita tietokoneet olivat tyttöjä, ja niitä itse asiassa kutsuttiinkin "tietokoneiksi". Naiset lisäsivät huomattavasti miesten kapasiteettia, sillä he harjoittivat päivästä päivään ikäviä manuaalisia laskelmia, kuten matemaattisten taulukoiden kehittämistä. Katso kilotavu, kilohertsi, kiloGoogle, kilotyttö ja värillinen tietokone (afroamerikkalainen nainen, joka käytti matemaattisia taitojaan rakettien lentoratojen laskemiseen ja tarkistamiseen NASAn alkuvuosina ja Apollo-avaruustehtävissä.)
    ellauri403.html on line 452: Sky News host Rita Panahi slams “climate catastrophist clown” Greta Thunberg after she was arrested during an Extinction Rebellion protest at The Hague.
    ellauri403.html on line 479: GRETA THUNBERG has once again come under harsh criticism after 19-year-old self-declared "anti-Greta Thunberg" Naomi Seibt claimed most of young climate change activists fail to do enough research on the subject.
    ellauri403.html on line 480: Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the German teenager claimed that after extensive research she has concluded that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) warnings on climate change are not based on scientific evidence. Speaking to Piers Morgan, Naomi Seibt lashed out against Greta Thunberg and her followers arguing they have failed to undertake proper studies on the subject of climate change. She said: “I think it’s fantastic when young people decide to become activists and protest for something that they are truly passionate about and they can truly stand behind and believe in. “But the main problem that I see is that most of them have not really done their research so I became interested in climate change because I wanted to get to know the science behind climate change and what’s really going on and what effect the C02 emissions actually on the atmosphere. Zero, zilch, it's all just a humongous fake!"
    ellauri403.html on line 485: Völlig Wurst was ihre Botschaft ist, wenn man nur sein Würstchen in sie stecken könnte. Anna hälle rahaa, hänen toimintansa on lahjoitusten varassa.
    ellauri405.html on line 110: Ensimmäiset alustavat testit osoittivat, että projektista muodostuisi menestys. Maaliskuussa 1987 ilmoitettiin, että Presidentti Darrel Wholers pitäisi 24. huhtikuuta puheen kansalle. Virta kytkettäisiin, uusi aurinkoenergia alkaisi virrata Intian, Euroopan ja Amerikan vastaanottolaitoksiin ja avaruuden voima-asemat Columbus, Hope ja O'Neill vihittäisiin virallisesti käyttöön. Komentaja John Clark katsoi kolmea katodisädeputkea, joka oli kytketty Christopher Kraft-nimisen avaruussukkulan tietokoneeseen. Hän näki hyvillään sen mitä oli odottanutkin. Hän työnsi säädintä hiukan eteenpäin ja sanoi: Kas noin, tämän pitäisi riittää. Pannaanpa toimeksi. Valmiina, Atkinson!
    ellauri405.html on line 131: afbb4245f39ba66a9d0988d7.jpg" />
    ellauri405.html on line 138: af9d379.jpg" />
    ellauri405.html on line 152: Come and share in Hafiz’s love of the Beloved. Get close to the edge, jump in and get completely wet down there! “Dear Beloved, pinch me. I want proof you’re near — A love-bruise on my rump will do.”
    ellauri405.html on line 154: Muhammed Šemseddin Hafiz (myös Háfez, pers. ‏خواجه شمس‌الدین محمد حافظ شیرازی‎, Xāje Shams-od-Din Mohammad Hāfez-e Širāzi; noin 1324 Šīrāz, Persia – 1389 tai 1391 Šīrāz, Persia) oli persialainen runoilija ja suufilainen mystikko. Háfiz on Persian merkittävin lyyrinen runoilija. De persiska poeterna Sa(a}di och Hafez är framstående användare av ghazalen. Hän tulkitsi Koraania suufilaisen mystiikan kautta. Persiankielisellä alueella Hafizia pidetään paitsi runoilijana, myös mystikkona, jonka runous on Jumalan innoittamaa. Hän kirjoitti runoja viinistä, rakkaudesta ja luonnosta. Vaikka Havezin runoissa on luonnollista elämäniloa ja panoa, niitä tulkitaan allegorisesti siten, että ne kertovat taivaallisesta autuudesta. Muslimien paratiisissa ei perseitä tervata. Rypäleitä siellä työnnetään persieen. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe teki hänen teoksiaan tunnetuksi länsimaissa, samoin kuin Friedrich Rückert. ’Hafizin divaanin’ käänsi englanniksi H. W. Clarke vuonna 1891.
    ellauri405.html on line 156: Hafezin Divān ( persiaksi: دیوان حافظ) on iranilaisen runoilijan Hafezin kirjoittama runokokoelma. Suurin osa näistä runoista on persiaksi, mutta on myös makaroonisia runoja (persiaksi ja arabiaksi) ja täysin arabialaista ghazalia. Tämän Divānin tärkein osa on ghazalit. Myös muissa muodoissa olevia runoja, kuten qetʿe, qasida, mathnawi ja rubaʿi, sisältyy Divaaniin, mutta on litistynyt tyynyjen väliin. Ei ole todisteita siitä, että Hafezin kadonneet runot olisivat saaneet muodostaa suurimman osan hänen runoistaan, ja lisäksi Hafez oli erittäin kuuluisa elinaikanaan. Siksi hän ei voinut olla tuottelias runoilija. Yleisesti hyväksyttyjen ghazalien määrä on alle 500: 495 ghazalia Ghazvini- ja Ghani-painoksessa, 486 ghazalia Natel-Khanlarin toisessa painoksessa ja 484 ghazalia Sayeh -painoksessa.
    ellauri405.html on line 158: Hafizin allegorian 'Ruusu ja häpykieli' ehti suomentaa syntymäsaasta Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, nyttemmin onnexi vainaja. Goethe oli suuri Hafizin ihailija, mutta vähän parempina käännöxinä. Suloinen äkäpussi, sanoi Fabian. Vet Fabian...
    ellauri405.html on line 164: Luettuani nipun Hafezin sepustuxia en voi kuin todeta ettei ne ole juuri mistään kotoisin. Ikävästi nousee sielun silmien eteen kuva Hämeen-Anttiloiden pulskista puolituisista virnistellen nalkissa kuin paimensukuiset lapinkoirat. Sama "eeow" cringe fiilis kuin Riitta Uosukaisesta vesisängyssä ähräämässä Topin liehuvan liekinvarren kimpussa. Huminaa paratiisissa. Lännessä monet kirjailijat, kuten Ralph Waldo Emerson ja Johann Wolfgang Goethe, arvostivat suuresti Hafizia. Emerson piti Hafizia "runoilijoiden runoilijana", kun taas Johann Wolfgang Goethe kirjoitti, että "Hafizilla ei ole vertaisia." Ylläri. He johtavat meidät paikkaan, jossa voimme hengittää helpommin ja sanoa: "Ah, tämä maailma ei ole niin paha."
    ellauri405.html on line 168: Shiraz (persia): شیراز ; / ʃ ɪəˈr ɑː z / ⓘ ;[ʃiːˈɾɒːz] ) on Iranin viidenneksi väkirikkain kaupunki ja Farsin maakunnan pääkaupunki, joka on historiallisesti tunnettu nimellä Pars (پارس,Pārs) ja Persiis. Vuoden 2016 valtakunnallisessa väestönlaskennassa kaupungin väkiluku oli 1 565 572 asukasta, ja sen taajama-alueella Sadran asui lähes 1 800 000 asukasta. Vuoden 2021 väestönlaskenta osoitti kaupungin väkiluvun nousseen 1 995 500 ihmiseen. Shiraz sijaitsee Lounais-Iranissa Rudkhaneyekhoshk-joen varrella. Varhaisella islamilaisella kaudella perustetussa kaupungissa on kohtalainen ilmasto ja se on ollut alueellinen kauppakeskus yli tuhat vuotta. Kaksi kuuluisaa Iranin runoilijaa, Hafez ja Saadi, ovat kotoisin Shirazista, joiden haudat sijaitsevat nykyisten kaupungin rajojen pohjoispuolella. Siten Shiraz on saanut lempinimen "Iranin Ateena".
    ellauri405.html on line 172: Muita tunnettuja shirazilaisia: Valerie Jarrett, Yhdysvaltain presidentin Barack Obaman vanhempi neuvonantaja, syntyi Shirazissa afroamerikkalaisvanhemmille! Entä Jimmy Delshad sitten! Hänhän oli ensimmäinen persialainen juutalainen, joka valittiin Los Angelesin vanhimman ja suurimman konservatiivisen seurakunnan Sinai-temppelin presidentiksi. Vuonna 2003 hänet valittiin Beverly Hillsin kaupunginvaltuuston jäseneksi, ja hänestä tuli pormestari vuonna 2007. 16. maaliskuuta 2010 Delshad aloitti toisen toimikautensa Beverly Hillsin pormestarina! Mitähän Jimmylle kuuluu tänään. Ei se kuolleelta ainakaan vielä vaikuta:
    ellauri405.html on line 180: By: Hafiz or Hafez
    ellauri405.html on line 250: Sen jälkeen kun Venäjä käynnisti hyökkäyksensä Ukrainaan vuonna 2022, Telegramista on tullut pääasiallinen länsisuodattamattoman - ja joskus graafisen ja muutenkin harhaanjohtavan - sisällön lähde molemmilta osapuolilta sodasta ja konfliktia ympäröivästä politiikasta. Alustasta on tullut se, mitä jotkut analyytikot kutsuvat "virtuaalisiksi taistelukentiksi" sodalle, jota Ukrainan presidentti Volodymyr Zelenski ja hänen virkailijansa sekä Venäjän hallitus käyvät voimakkaasti.
    ellauri405.html on line 258: Putin genomförde ett oväntat statsbesök i grannlandet Mongoliet. Nu uppger källor i Kreml att den främsta anledningen till besöket var att få en mongolisk schaman. Det skriver oberoende ryska författaren och journalisten Michael Zygar i Der Spiegel. Ämnen i artikeln: Vladimir Putin Mongoliet Michail Zygar. Anmäl text- och faktafel. Anmäl dem till Medieombudsmannen eller till Häpnadsmannen. Detta är en nyhetsartikel.
    ellauri405.html on line 546: Tohtori Zhivagon venäjänkielisessä painoksessa uusi runon osa alkaa heti edellä mainitun stanzan jälkeen. Se on merkitty jakolinjalla, mutta jopa ilman tätä typygrafista merkkiä, tulee tietoiseksi sävyn jyrkestä muuttumisesta. Vaikka mittari pysyy muuttumattomana, meillä on nyt lauseita tai jopa erillisiä sanoja.
    ellauri406.html on line 191: af8c403-lq" />
    ellauri406.html on line 199: The short, rude, but correct answer is: never. But let me explain. The original name of the city is Львовъ or городъ Львовъ or Львовъ городъ, which means the city of Leo, and it is named after Ruthenian King Leo I of Galicia. In Early Modern Ukrainian o narrowed in some positions to i.
    ellauri406.html on line 212: The first nazi F-16 aircraft was downed near Kiev, June 22, 1941. When did Ukraine become a nazi state?
    ellauri406.html on line 269: CIA`n toimiston mies Charly Pasternak toitottaa jo toistamiseen kuinka ressujen täytyy olla elämänsä kunnossa v.2025 alkuvuodesta. Stadissa on raitsikoiden kyljissä sotafirman mainoksia enkä pidä yhtään ulkoministeri Valtosen enkä pres. Stubbelsin puheista jotka selvästi on laitettu niille suuhun ja Stubbels nyt laukoo mitä vaan. Lieneekö jo lämmittänyt takkaa niillä 4,4€ motti klapeillaan? DCA-sopimuskin astuu voimaan mukavasti ja eiköhän ydinenergialakiakin saada rukattua jouhevasti jenkkien vaatimusten mukaiseksi ja vaikk ei saisikaan DCA-sopimus estää Suomen viranomaisten tutkia jenkkien kontteja tms. Fine maanpetturijoukkiohallitus. ``Ei Suomeen mitään ulkolaisia sotilastukikohtia tai sotilaita tule Nato liitoksen myötä``. Joo eipä niin ja taas vedettiin kansalaisia silmään isolla kädellä!
    ellauri406.html on line 274: China wants peace, and that’s why they are preparing for war. China wants security and safety of its merchant fleet, so it is ensuring no international bully would get away with threatening their vessels. China wants to maintain its integrity and solidarity, so they are preparing for war. China has witnessed the disintegration of USSR and they have also witnessed how ‘trustworthy’ the verbal assurances from European and American leaderships are. NATO will not expand to the east, they told dumbass Gorbachev. Even he was not dumb enough to believe a word of it. China has also observed how social and religious wedges were sponsored and manipulated into civil wars in Libya, Egypt, Syria and Serbia. They are preparing for war because they have seen what happens to the countries who are too weak to fight back against Western bullies. Libya dismantled its weapons program and look how it ended up for the country. And most importantly, China is building and installing weapon systems because they have seen in Iraq 2003 what happens to countries who DO NOT have weapons of mass destruction.
    ellauri406.html on line 278: af4a.jpg.webp" />
    ellauri406.html on line 298: "There are three things that must happen. Firstly, joint condemnation of Russia's actions by all world leaders. Every government, every head of government, and every international organization must condemn the Kremlin for those war crimes and make sure that the Russian forces will know that they will receive the stigma of cannibals for their war crimes. This is the first thing. Secondly, of course, the US and other countries are now looking for additional anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems that can be provided to Ukraine as soon as possible. And thirdly, the best way to stop these missile strikes is to defeat the Russian troops. And the sooner Ukraine can defeat the Russian troops, the better. And of course, support for this must continue."
    ellauri406.html on line 313: "I am sure that the Ukrainian General Staff will continue to put pressure on the Russian troops and will not give them the opportunity to get on their feet, regroup or learn something. The Ukrainian troops have their people behind them, and the Russians, especially the newly arrived ones, who are insufficiently equipped, unprepared and untrained, will be forced to resist the strong attacks of the Ukrainian troops. My opinion is that the Ukrainian troops will continue to press, will continue to achieve success, This is a good example of the Ukrainian General Staff's professionalism, methodicality, and patience. I don't know how long it will take, I don't know the time frame, but I think we will see it in the next few weeks. I think they will continue with one type of brutal tactic or another. The sooner they are defeated, the better."
    ellauri406.html on line 360: It includes the security guarantee of NATO membership, according to Zelenskyy’s chief of staff Andrii Yermak — a principal demand of Kyiv and Moscow’s key point of contention. Western allies, including the U.S., have been skeptical about this option. Zelenskyy has said he will also seek permission to use long-range weapons to strike deep inside Russian territory, another red line for some of Ukraine’s supporters.
    ellauri406.html on line 370: Russia’s conditions for ending the war are spelled out in a 17-page draft agreement penned in April 2022. Russia dismissed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s peace formula which would require Moscow to pull back its troops, pay compensation to Ukraine and face an international tribunal for its action. Putin has repeatedly said that he sent troops into Ukraine in February 2022 to protect Russian interests and prevent Ukraine from posing a major security threat to Russia by joining NATO. Putin has vowed to extend Moscow’s gains in Ukraine, claiming that Russian forces have the upper hand after the failure of Ukraine’s counteroffensive and that Ukraine and the West will “sooner or later” have to accept a settlement on Moscow’s terms.
    ellauri406.html on line 383: Ahead of his meeting with Zelenskyy, Biden reaffirmed US support for Ukraine, declaring that "Russia will not prevail in war. Ukraine will prevail, and we’ll continue to stand by you every step of the way." Whaddaya mean "we", whitey?
    ellauri406.html on line 451: The law — which was watered down from its original draft — will make it easier to identify every draft-eligible man in the country, where many have dodged conscription by avoiding contact with authorities. Under the law, men aged 18 to 60 will be required to carry documents showing they have registered with the military and present them when asked, according to Oksana Zabolotna, a bitch for the watchdog group Center for United States Actions. Also, any man who applies for a state service at a consulate abroad will be registered for military service. This should generate significant savings in consulate expenditure.
    ellauri406.html on line 455: Lawmakers dragged their feet for months over the mobilization law, and it is expected to be unpopular. It comes about a week after Ukraine lowered the draft-eligible age for men from 27 to 25.
    ellauri408.html on line 92: Muut toppuuttelevat: varo Lusiferia, pallogrilli on pellegrilli! Hän polttaa mustixi patatas bravas! Onnellisia joiden kykloopinsilmät vuotaa ennen mirriä. Paratiisin harppu, olit ilman ihmeitä! Eläviä autoja, joiden silmissä on häikäisevä arvovalta, Herran haarniska, pyhän paikan paviljongit, paimenten tähdet, jotka putoavat Jumalan sormista, suitsutusastioiden safiirit, taivaan kupolin kulta, Nebelin herkut, kamelin tuoksut, täältä pesee vittu kielikuvia.
    ellauri408.html on line 143: Nun schlafe, wo unendlich ferne Nuku vaan, vedä unta palloon,
    ellauri408.html on line 210: This week I have mostly eaten acorns. Unelias unexii David Copperfieldin Agnexesta, joka seuraa uskollisesti Davidin joka oikkua ja pääse lopulta palkinnoxi sen kanssa mimmoisiin. While living in Switzerland, David realizes that he loves Agnes. After returning to England he tries hard to conceal his feelings, but realizing Agnes loves him as well, he proposes to her; she accepts. They marry quickly and take residence in London. Agnes bears David at least five children. Like typical Dickensian heroines, Agnes is mainly a passive character, an ideal Victorian lady. Her characterization is often criticized as "too perfect". David often describes her as an angel. She shows the effects of parentification. David often compares Agnes with a church-window. Kuin heiluttaisi patonkia porttikonkissa. Her character was based on Dickens' sisters-in-law Mary and Georgina Hogarth, both of whom were very close to Dickens. Mary died in 1837 at the age of 17, and Georgina, from 1842, lived with the Dickens family. Dickens referred to her affectionately as his "little housekeeper". After Dickens' separation from his wife Catherine, Georgina stayed with him for the rest of his life and took complete responsibility for managing his household. Pukille pääsi takuulla muttei mimmoisiin.

    Jean Paul ja Emerson Fittipaldi on sen sanoneet: Suuri kirjailija on se joka osaa tehostaa izeänsä. No noi ei kai sitten osanneet. Yxin jumalaa on mahdoton pitää naurettavana, vai onko? onhan siinä paljon Niilo Visapään piirteitä. Minä tunsin maan uivan aluxena avaruuden sinistä valtamerta. Minä purjehdin keltaisella merellä. Onnettomuutesi, vanha veikko, on että olet akkamainen.
    ellauri408.html on line 276: The Bible is full of false prophecies that can never be fulfilled. As I will explain immediately after this intro, a biblical prophet, Ezekiel, even admitted a failed prophecy, then immediately issued another prophecy, which also failed miserably!
    ellauri408.html on line 287: And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.” (Mark 9:1)
    ellauri408.html on line 313: Most amusingly, after going on for three fiery chapters (Ezekiel 26-28) about all the terrible things the “Sovereign Lord” was going to do to Tyre, the false prophet finally admitted his mistake:
    ellauri408.html on line 325: John of Patmos, the author of Revelation, turned Jesus into a false prophet by putting words in his mouth. In the letters to the churches, John of Patmos has Jesus saying that he will personally murder children for their mother’s sins. (Revelation 2:20-23) Do you think Jesus actually returned to earth and murdered children for something they didn’t do? And John of Patmos was no Christian, because he said Jesus would judge Christians and murder their children for eating foods offered to idols. But Jesus clearly said that Christians can eat ANY food and Paul specifically said that he could eat foods offered to idols, since they were false gods. John of Patmos in another false prophecy accused Jesus of murdering trillions of animals after they had all sung the praises of God. Why? And he said human beings would be tortured with fire and brimstone — not in “hell” — but in the presence of the Lamb and Holy Angels. So according to John of Patmos, there will be a torture chamber in heaven, at the foot of the throne of God! Thomas Jefferson called John of Patmos a lunatic, and I agree.
    ellauri408.html on line 329: The most glaring archeological error in the Bible makes Jesus a false prophet. According to Mark 13:1-2, Jesus prophesied that not one stone of the Jerusalem temple buildings would be left standing on another stone. This false prophecy was surely added by a charlatan writing in Greece or Rome sometime after 70 AD, who had never been to Jerusalem. While the Romans largely destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD, making this not a prophecy but chicanery, the Romans did not completely level the temple. To this day the Wailing Wall still stands. And some of the temple’s great foundation stones are still standing firmly on top of each other. I have seen them in an episode of the Naked Archaeologist and you can see them in the image above. The largest stones are Herodian, laid by Herod the Great, who according to the Gospel of Matthew attempted to murder Jesus after his birth in the infamous Massacre of the Innocents. But as we will see that account was also false, as is so much of the Bible.
    ellauri408.html on line 331: Here is what Jesus allegedly told his disciples after one of them praised the temple compound:
    ellauri408.html on line 340: The Bible is full of badly-told fairy tales. For instance, the book of Acts says Jesus flew into the clouds like Superman before a Jerusalem crowd, with angels preaching a sermon and prophesying that he would return “the same way.” But we know that didn’t happen because no other author of the New Testament mentioned the most miraculous thing human eyes ever witnessed. The four gospels and Acts all disagree on what Jesus said and did after the alleged resurrection. But if you were hearing the words of the resurrected God, wouldn’t you be sure to remember and communicate them faithfully? Clearly five different authors made up five different accounts of what happened post-alleged-resurrection because no one knew what really happened after the empty grave was discovered. Acts says Jesus taught the mysteries of the Kingdom of God for 40 days in Jerusalem, but no one bothered to record a single word he said. Can anyone really believe that is possible?
    ellauri408.html on line 363: Clearly, such things were made up long after the fact, as the “big fish” story got fishier and fishier.
    ellauri408.html on line 377: Jesus Christ saved all his sternest criticism for religious hypocrites, informing us that a perfect God cannot be a hypocrite if Jesus revealed his character, and yet there has never been a greater hypocrite than Jehovah, if he considers abortion a “sin” and yet has aborted untold millions of babies during the Great Flood and afterwards, since nature is by far the greatest abortionist planet Earth has ever seen. According to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center website: “In nature, 50 percent of all fertilized eggs are lost before a woman's missed menses.” Thus, if an all-powerful God controls nature, he aborts 50% of all human pregnancies in the first few weeks!
    ellauri408.html on line 396: We can see human beings pretending to speak for “god” in the tower of Babel fairy tale (Genesis 11:1-9). Ancient bricklayers were building a tower to reach the heavens and “god” was afraid they would succeed. The ancients had no idea that their tower would have to be nearly a quarter of a million miles high just to reach a sterile moon, much less the closest inhabitable planet, if there is one. Nor apparently did their “god” know there was absolutely no danger of success. How silly of an all-knowing “god” to worry about primitive bricklayers reaching his domicile!
    ellauri408.html on line 400: The “miracles” of Jesus were clearly made up after the fact, since the evangelist Paul knew nothing about them and he was in contact with the other apostles, according to the New Testament.
    ellauri408.html on line 404: If such things had actually happened and there were living witnesses, then certainly Paul would have cited them. So such tall tales were obviously added to the New Testament after Paul and the other apostles were no longer around to argue for the truth, assuming they were truthful men.
    ellauri408.html on line 553: Han ansåg, att hans föräldrars olyckliga samliv var orsaken till hans egen disharmoni, den slitande dupliciteten i hans eget väsen, och han talar om olyckan i att barn föds "utan andlig, verklig och hjärtlig kärlek mellan föräldrarna, hvarigenom de arma varelserna framkomma dåliga till själfva väsendets innehåll." "Man hänger vexelförfalskare, men den, som af tusen andra orsaker, men ej af kärlek, förenar sig med en person, den han icke älskar, och sålunda bildar en oduglig huslig krets, månne icke den begår ett brott, hvars egen storhet och hvars oberäkneliga följder öfver samtid och eftervärld sprida långt förfärligare olyckor än förfalskandet af millioner sedlar?", skriver Almqvist redan som ung.
    ellauri408.html on line 562: En hel ny litteraturgenre, "det-går-an-litteratur", uppstod med anledning av Det går an, en litteratur som nästan uteslutande angrep Almqvist. Till denna "det-går-an-litteratur" hör bland annat Det går an. Fortsättning (av J. V. Snellman, 1840), Sara Widebeck. En tafla ur lifvet, af -e. Fortsättning till Det går an N:o 1 och Det går an N:o 2 (av August Blanche, 1840), Månne det går an? (av Malla Silfverstolpe, 1840) och Törnrosens bok. Nemligen den äkta och veritabla (av V. F. Palmblad, 1840), en humoristisk granskning i novellform av Almqvists hela författarskap. Striden med Blanche blev lång och infekterad. Almqvist anklagade Blanche för att vara av oäkta börd, det "Almqvistska dådet". Blanche utmanade då Almqvist på duell och när Almqvist inte hörsammade detta spottade August Blanche honom i ansiktet vid ett möte i Strömparterren. Detta väckte en enorm skandal. År 1840 gav Wilhelmina Stålberg (1803-1872) ut Eva Widebeck eller Det går aldrig an: en arabesk ur lifwet / af Faster Karin. År 1908 kom Karl Warburg (1852-1918) med "Det går an": dess litteraturhistoriska förutsättningar: striden om dess tendens.
    ellauri408.html on line 602: Littré sai minut lukemaan Roman de la Rosea, ja viimeisen laulun pitkä allegorinen rivous kiusaa minua. Rauhoituin vasta vedettyäni kuivat pöydälle. Kamala umpikuja! Sitä mihin vielä kykenen minä inhoan, ja kaikki mitä olisin toivonut, pakeni minulta tuohon laimiskoon. Vätys on kuudenviidettä ikäinen. Mysteeri ärsyttää, tuntematon vaikuttaa kuin myrsky. Seminaarilaisia vaivaa satyriasis ja nunnakokelaita nymfomania. Avioliitto on fyysillisen rakkauden hauta, ja se on suuri onni, kuittaa untelo. Hafezin kääntäjä "Dave" begged to differ. Izemurha ei ratkaise mitään jos sielu on kuolematon. Se riski meidän on otettava. Epäizekkyys on ainut sallittu izemurhan laji. Mutta en pidä siitä!
    ellauri408.html on line 671: But after their business arrangement is mistaken for a budding romance, the pair have to pretend to be an item for a public who’s ravenous for more of this Cinderella story. Or at least, it feels like it’s pretend―until each slow burn step in their fake relationship sparks a heat neither can control. Now they just have to check is this sizzling chemistry just for show? Or something so real it might just give them their fairytale ending? Will they end up as another Teme and Sirpa?
    ellauri408.html on line 753: Der Deutschschweizer Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi besuchte von 1751 bis 1765 die Elementar- und die Lateinschule und studierte zunächst Theologie, dann Jurisprudenz am Collegium Carolinum in Zürich, wo ihn der Aufklärer Johann Jakob Bodmer (1698–1783) beeinflusste. Trotz seines leidenschaftlichen theoretischen Interesses am Menschen, an Gesellschaft und Staat wollte er primär praktisch tätig sein. So brach er sein Studium in Zürich vorzeitig ab und begab sich in eine landwirtschaftliche Lehre (1767/1768) auf dem Kleehof in Kirchberg (Kanton Bern) bei Johann Rudolf Tschiffeli. Ab 1769 versuchte er sich im aargauischen Birr als landwirtschaftlicher Unternehmer. Durch die Einführung neuer Gewächse und neuer Düngemethoden wollte er der teilweise verarmten Bauernschaft ein Beispiel geben, wie sie ihre Situation verbessern könnte. Dieses Unternehmen scheiterte jedoch.
    ellauri408.html on line 755: Im September 1769 heiratete er in Gebenstorf Anna Schulthess gegen den Willen ihrer Eltern. Im September 1770 kam ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Hans Jakob (Jakobli genannt) in Mülligen zur Welt, den er im Sinn der aufklärerischen Pädagogik nach Jean-Jacques Rousseau benannte, dessen Ratschläge zur natürlichen Kindererziehung aus Rousseaus Schrift Emile er Punkt für Punkt bei seinem Sohn anwendete. Dieser Versuch einer idealen Kindererziehung scheiterte tragisch. Das Tagebuch, das Pestalozzi über die Erziehung seines Sohnes hinterliess, gilt als ein erschütterndes Dokument einer schwerwiegenden Fehlinterpretation der hypothetischen Pädagogik Rousseaus. Schon dreieinhalbjährig musste Jakob die Zahlen und Buchstaben lernen. Dabei konnte sein Vater sehr streng sein; wenn der Junge nicht lernen wollte, wurde er bestraft. Die Erziehung, die unsicheren äusseren Lebensverhältnisse und das Aufwachsen unter den verwahrlosten Kindern führte dazu, dass Jakoblis Leben begleitet war von Stress, Schwankungen, Unsicherheit und von stetem Ungenügen.
    ellauri408.html on line 767: Interne Streitigkeiten in der Lehrerschaft um seine Nachfolge, die schon Friedrich Fröbel 1810 zum Verlassen der Anstalt mit Seinen Klötzen bewogen hatten, führten auch das Institut in Yverdon in den Ruin. 1825 musste Pestalozzi auch diese Anstalt schliessen und zog sich auf den Neuhof zurück.
    ellauri408.html on line 959: Verbosam autem et secum taedium afferentem vates noster cloquentiam diffundit; supervacuam maxime, ium quLim P. Scipionem fingit hoslibus tergum cjus prementibus, in extremo tuniuliu pugnaj suos multis verbis adhortantem.
    ellauri408.html on line 1041: Bob | abat-jour | abbaye de Cluny | arche | arrière-boutique | arrière-garde | arrière-train | arrondissement | artiche | auguste | au pet | baba | baba du pauvre | baigneur | ballon | banlieue | baril de moutarde | bas | bas des reins | base | bavard | beautés occidentales | beautés postérieures | bernard | bienséant | bol | bonda | bon endroit | borgne | bottom | boule | brioches | bronze | cadet | cadran | cadran humain | cadran lunaire | cadran solaire | canon | canonnière | cavu | centre | centre de gravité | chose | cible à coups de pied | cocotier | comète | contrebasse | coquillard | côté face | coufa | coup de pied dans les reins | croupe | croupière | croupion | cucu | cul | culasse | culot | cuvette | cyclope | dargeaf | dargeoskoff | dargeot | dargif | demi-lunes | département du bas-rein | der | derche | derge | derjo | derrière | deux citrouilles | deux melons | deux soeurs | discret | disque | dos | dossière | double-blanc | double-six | endroit où les grenouilles n'ont pas de queue | envers | épaules qui trottent | être renforcé sur la culasse | face du Grand Turc | faubourg | fiac | fiacre | fias | fignard | figne | fignoton | figue | figure | fion | firts | fla | flacdal | flaquet | foireux | foiron | foirpette | fondement | fouettard | fouigne | fouindé | garde-manger | giberne | giffaut | globes | gnarre | grosse caisse | gros visage | hémisphères | jacques | joues (les) | joufflu | jumelles | juste milieu | la partie la plus exhubérante de ses attraits | le bas de l'épine dorsale | le bas Rhin | les deux frangines | lignefuche | lorgne | luc | lune | lunette de viande | machine à moulin | mappemonde | médaillon | meules | miches | molistrol | montre | mouilles (les -) | moule à merde | moulin à vents | moutardier | n'a-qu'un-oeil | naze | noix | obusier | oeuf | où je pense | où vous savez | pains au lait | panier | panier à crottes | panier fleuri | parfaitement | partie charnue | parties basses | pastèque | patelette | pendule | pétard | pète | péteux | petits pains | pétoulet | pétrousquin | pétrus | pignard | pleine-lune | pommes | ponant | pont arrière | pont-arrière | popotas | popotin | postère | pot | pot à crottes | pot à moutarde | potard | pot-au-feu | potin | pouet | prose | proye | prozinard | prussien | quelque part | réchaud | reposoir | revers de la médaille | rondeurs | rose des vents | rotondités | sac à foire | salle de danse | seuff | sonore | soufflet | staphanari | taffanard | tal | tambour | tapanard | t'as donc faim, que tu frappes au garde-manger ? | tcho-tcho | Thomas | tirelire | tôle | train | trèfle | trompe | trompette musicale | trouffe | troufignon | troufion | trousse | troussequin | uc | ulc | valseur | vase | vénérable | verre de montre | vezouille | visage sans nez Tintin | châssis arrière | ci-devant | dualisme charnu | fessier | fiotas | fiotum | monument | tarma | tates.
    ellauri409.html on line 184: Jansenistit 1600-luvulta lähtien pyrkivät tukeutumaan ihmetarinoihin perustellakseen asiansa. Yksi ensimmäisistä ja merkittävimmistä oli Marguerite Périerin paraneminen vuonna 1656 Sainte-Épinen jäännöksellä, joka tapahtui, kun jansenismia alettiin hyökätä vakavasti, ja jota seurasi tällä vuosisadalla lukuisia raportteja muista ihmeistä. Tietyt jansenistit saavuttivat siten maineen thaumaturgeina ja heidän jäänteineen oli suuri kysyntä. Esimerkiksi Pontchâteaun apotti Solitaire ja Port-Royalin "puutarhuri" pakotettiin napsauttamaan sanainen arkkunsa auki vuonna 1690, kun pikkutyttö parantui hänen hautajaisissaan. Jansenismista oli yhä enemmän tulossa julkinen asia, johon osallistui ihme. Unigenituksen ja monarkkisen sorron aiheuttaman seurakunnan pappien välisen konfliktin demokratisoituminen vain vahvisti tätä suuntausta. Vuosina 1710–1730 tapahtui useita ihmeitä, jotka liittyivät suoraan tai epäsuorasti jansenismiin. Ne eivät olleet suoraan vetoomuspapit , vaan ne tapahtuivat hyvin usein heidän seurakunnissaan, kuten vuoden 1725 ihme, jossa Madame Lafosse, erään naisen vaimo puuseppä, parantui eukaristisessa kulkueessa Sainte-Margueriten seurakunnassa Pariisissa, jossa seurakunnan pappi (ja monstrancen kantaja ) oli pahamaineinen valittaja . Ihme tunnistettiin, kulkueita tehtiin ja tarinoita popularisoitiin esitteillä ja kaiverruksilla.
    ellauri409.html on line 219: Ackroyd was born in London and raised on a council estate in East Acton, in what he has described as a "strict" Roman Catholic household by his mother and grandmother, after his father skedadled from the family home. He first knew that he was gay when he was seven. No wonder. In 1972, he was a Mellow fellow at Yale University.
    ellauri409.html on line 341: With millstones fore-and-aft about your neck; Myllynkivet sidottuna etu- ja persepuolelle
    ellauri409.html on line 357: Jules Laforgue ( ranska: [ʒyl lafɔʁɡ] ; 16. elokuuta 1860 – 20. elokuuta 1887) oli nuorena nukkunut ranskalais-uruguaylainen runoilija, jota kutsutaan usein symbolistirunoilijaksi. Kriitikot ja kommentaattorit ovat myös osoittaneet sormella impressionismia suorana vaikuttimena ja hänen runouttaan on kutsuttu "osittain symbolistiksi, osittain impressionistiksi". Savupiippuhattuinen Sepe Suden oloinen Laforgue oli jopa mallina Pierre-Auguste Renoirille, mukaan lukien Renoirin vuoden 1881 maalaukselle Luncheon of the Boating Party.
    ellauri409.html on line 359: Hänen vanhempansa Charles-Benoît Laforgue ja Pauline Lacollay tapasivat Uruguayssa. Vuonna 1876 Julesin isä vei perheen Pariisiin . Vuonna 1877 hänen äitinsä kuoli keuhkokuumeeseen, kolme kuukautta keskenmenon jälkeen, ja Jules, joka ei koskaan ollut hyvä oppilas, epäonnistui ylioppilastutkinnon kokeissaan. Hänen luokkatoverinsa Henri Bergson läpäisi ja saavutti suuria älyllisiä saavutuksia filosofina. Hän epäonnistui uudelleen vuonna 1878 ja sitten kolmannen kerran, mutta alkoi yksin lukea suuria ranskalaisia kirjailijoita ja vierailla museoissa. Pariisi, unelmieni maa. Hänestä tuli La Vie moderne -katsauksen toimittajan Paul Bourget´n suojatti. Eräs muukin klovni vaikutti merkittävästi Laforgueen. Kun hänen isänsä kuoli, Laforgue ei osallistunut hautajaisiin. Hän kuoli tuberkuloosiin neljä päivää 27. syntymäpäivänsä jälkeen, ja hänen englantilainen vaimonsa Leah Lee seurasi häntä pian sen jälkeen.
    ellauri409.html on line 361: Walt Whitmanin vaikutuksesta Laforgue oli yksi ensimmäisistä ranskalaisista runoilijoista, joka kirjoitti vapaassa säkeessä. Itse asiassa hänen käännöstensä Whitmanin runoista, jotka julkaisi Vogue-lehti, uskotaan vaikuttaneen Laforguen maanmieheen Gustave Kahniin. Filosofisesti hän oli pessimisti ja Schopenhauerin ja Von Hartmannin kiihkeä opetuslapsi . Hänen runoutensa olisi yksi suurimmista vaikutuksista Ezra Poundiin ja nuoreen TS Eliotiin. Louis Untermeyer kirjoitti: "Prufrockia, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1917, ylistettiin välittömästi uutena tapana englantilaisessa kirjallisuudessa ja samalla sitä vähäteltiin Laforguen ja ranskalaisten symbolistien kiekuna ja kaikuna, joille Eliot oli kiitoxen velkaa."
    ellauri409.html on line 365: Jules Laforgue
    ellauri409.html on line 461: Lukaisin nopeasti Portrait of a Ladyn ja Prufrockin love songin. Eine suuremmmasti hätkäyttäneet. Mixi Prufrockissa on tämmönen epigrafi Dantesta?
    ellauri409.html on line 552: Is there anything left to say about The Waste Land? More ink has been spilt over TS Eliot’s great modernist song of despair (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/broken-down-bank-clerk-three-months-margate-ts-eliot-wrote/) than any other poem published in the past hundred years. Its centenary has been marked by the second volume of Robert Crawford’s Eliot biography (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/new-biography-makes-ts-eliots-life-seem-unthinkably-grim/), the memoirs of Eliot’s confidante Mary Trevelyan and a life of his muse Emily Hale (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/hidden-women-ts-eliots-life/), following not all that long after a biography of his first wife, Vivienne (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/fall-sparrow-ann-pasternak-slater-review-tragic-life-ts-eliots/). That’s ignoring the nine volumes of Eliot’s letters (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/books/what-to-read/letters-ts-eliot-vol-8-review-really-necessary/), each a convenient size to club a man to death with.
    ellauri409.html on line 775: Kuten Tulisaarnassa, tässä keskustelussa on keskeinen tuliseen liittyvä metafora – fyysisen ja henkisen koneistomme vertaaminen kuumiin hiillokseen (Pali: kukkuḷa ) – ja se päättyy siihen, että hyvin koulutettu jalo opetuslapsi pettyy, kiihtyy ja vapautuu näistä palamisesta. ainesosat. Toisin kuin Tulisaarna, sen sijaan, että käytettäisiin aistiperustoja ja niiden mentaalisia seurauksia tämän palamisen ja pettymyksen perustana, tämä diskurssi käyttää viittä aggregaattia ( khandha ) taustalla olevan fyysisen ja henkisen kehyksen luomiseksi.
    ellauri411.html on line 40: af5ded22b1fa8421f608c24cad9" width="100%" />
    ellauri411.html on line 46: Bowden writes, “Shortly after our marriage, in fact from the date of our marriage, my wife had an insatiable desire for sexual intercourse. I was very much attached to her and exerted myself to my utmost to gratify her. When I failed she told me that she would go elsewhere. Against my remonstrances and entreaties she left me, and finally abandoned my home.”
    ellauri411.html on line 50: Tomalin writes of Bowden, “In the immediate aftermath of the fiasco of the wedding he thought her frigidity towards him might be a sign of lesbianism.” “Frigidity”, “a sign of lesbianism” – what antique expressions, as well as male hostilities. She didn’t want to have sex with me so there must be something wrong with her. Bowden has long since been scorned by Mansfield biographers as someone who she found repulsive. “Rather weak”, as Tomalin dismissed him, and “clearly not a passionate lover”.
    ellauri411.html on line 52: A virgin marriage, chaste, in the friend zone. And now, suddenly, an affidavit stating that they most certainly had sex, quite a lot of sex actually, in fact too much sex for poor, exhausted Bowden. Mick Jagger sang in “Some Girls”, when the Stones were at their sleaziest, “Black girls just want to get fucked all night but I don’t have that much jam”; this was Bowden, begging off his conjugal duties, spent, drained, a little man unable to satisfy his woman. (As a singing teacher in California he was described by a student: “He wore spats and carried a cane, had pink cheeks, and was rather short.”)
    ellauri411.html on line 178: The ‘Golden Period’ of ancient Israel is the years between 1010 and 931 BCE. This was the era in which King David and King Solomon ruled. The former is believed to have built the city of Jerusalem at the center of ancient Israel. King Solomon is believed to have constructed the first great temple in 957 BCE. It is safe to say that the so-called golden age only lasted for a very short time before the Assyrian Empire conquered them.
    ellauri411.html on line 198: And then came the worst blow: Christianity. Even though Jesus himself and his teachings and followers were Jewish, his death came at the hands of the Jewish priests in Jerusalem. Believing Jews then refused to see Jesus as a Messiah. How could the Messiah have died? Thus, the movement around Jesus, after his death, was mostly formed of non-Jews or ex-pagans.
    ellauri411.html on line 202: The Christian and Jewish populations of those lands continued to fight for years afterward. As Christianity continued to expand and became the biggest religion in the world, anti-Jewish feelings became more and more common. Medieval Europe, dominated by the Catholic Church as it was, was especially notorious for anti-Jewish violence. They have been seen as the ‘others’ and as outsiders throughout history. This made them a convenient target for political leaders. It wasn’t even about their religion so much as it was the fact that their way of life did not fit in with the rest of society.
    ellauri411.html on line 232: On the first day you shall take the fruit of majestic trees, branches of palm trees, boughs of leafy trees, and willows of the brook; and you shall rejoice before the Lord your God for seven days.
    ellauri411.html on line 242: Der gemeinsam geschaffene Pentateuch  ist ein Kompromissdokument der Kultgemeinden vom Garizim und Zion.
    ellauri411.html on line 251: Tässä vaiheessa oli Jahven paalu vielä juhlakunnossa. Vanha Testamentti mainitsee Ašeran 37 kertaa aika kiukkuisena, esimerkiksi: kukistakaa heidän alttarinsa, murskatkaa heidän patsaansa, hakatkaa maahan heidän asera-karsikkonsa ja polttakaa tulessa heidän jumalankuvansa. Yhdysvaltain markkinoille on pelmahtanut maailman kaikkien aikojen kallein kotikissa. Rotu on nimeltään ashera. Katissa on aineksia afrikkalaisesta servaalista, aasialaisesta leopardikissasta ja aivan tuiki tavallisesta kotikissasta. Asheralla on hintaa noin 16 000 euroa.
    ellauri411.html on line 409: Joten nyt kristityt, muuttaen kurssia, ottavat käyttöön uuden, kauaskantoisen metafysiikan maan ulkopuolisesta Isä-Jumalasta, joka lähettää Poikansa varkain jälleen toisen kerran saadakseen meidät yhtäkkiä ansaan kesken hakkailua.
    ellauri411.html on line 559: Upeat artikkelit, jotka sisältävät muiden mielenkiintoisten aiheiden ohella myös monia faktoja Paavalin teologiasta, ovat kreikkalaisen Pantheon-lehden numeroissa 8 , 9 ja 10. Myös Lili Zografoun kirja Anti gnosis - Ta De kanini ja Ka pita on pohjimmiltaan kirjoitettu tuomitsemaan Paavalin ja hänen teoksensa täällä Paavalia pidetään poliisina, salaliittolaisena ja juutalaisena ja osana roomalaista aristokratiaa. Heidän perimmäisenä tavoitteenaan oli näiden taantumuksellisten aristokratioiden etujen häiriötön säilyttäminen ja vahvistaminen. kansanjoukko, joka kuohui närkästystä ja oli valmis kapinoimaan asettaakseen paikalleen Paavalin vääristämän kristinuskon tuudittaakseen massat ja turvatakseen taantumuksellisen vallan etuoikeudet. Tämä oikeuttaa Paavalin ja muiden jumalallisesti inspiroimien Uuden testamentin kirjoittajien väliset monet ristiriidat sekä kreikkalaisen ja kreikkalais-roomalaisen kulttuurin jne. täydellisen tuhon kristinuskon toimesta lyhyessä ajassa. Tässä kirjassa esitetyt argumentit ovat varsin tärkeitä ja tämän hypoteesin paikkansapitävyyttä tai ei pitäisi todennäköisesti tutkia. Valloista tai vallan puutteesta riippumatta ratkaisevaa on se, mikä lopulta johti kristinuskon vallitsemiseen jopa päällysrakenteena. Tulos oli surullinen ja tuhoisa!
    ellauri412.html on line 100: Kuningas Ussian kuolinvuonna minä näin Herran hameen alle: hän istui korkealla ja ylhäisellä istuimella, ja hänen vaatteensa liepeet täyttivät temppelin. Hänen yläpuolellaan seisoivat serafit, joilla oli kuusi siipeä kullakin: kahdella he peittivät kasvonsa, kahdella verhosivat ruumiinsa ja kahdella lensivät. He huusivat toinen toiselleen: Varo! Minulla on saastaiset huulet. Ahas! sain rohkaisevan sanoman.
    ellauri412.html on line 112: Sinä päivänä Iisain juurivesa kohoaa semaforina kansoille. Hänen luokseen pyrkivät kaikki kansat, sillä hänen asuinsijaansa ympäröi menestyxen hohde. Hän kohottaa viisarinsa kansoille, hän korjaa kasoihin Israelista pois ajamansa arabit ja kokoaa yhteen Juudasta eri tahoille hajotetut gt-sählämit maailman neljältä kulmalta. Rinta rinnan he ryntäävät länteen, Filisteaan, yhdessä he saalistavat idän heimojen alueilla Irakissa, heidän valtansa yltää Egyptiin ja Iraniin, ja libanonilaisista tulee heidän alamaisiaan. Herra kuivaa Eufratin kuten Aral-järven, jotta koukkunokat pääsee kuivin jaloin ylize. Voitokkaat juutalaiset veisaa kiitosvirren, jota ei jaxa tässä toistaa.
    ellauri412.html on line 144: Näin käy: Herra viskaa sinut menemään, hän kahmaisee ja puristaa sinut kouraansa, kääräisee sinut keräksi kuin felafelin ja paiskaa kuin pallon kauas maahan, jossa tilaa riittää. Sinne sinä kuolet ja siihen jäävät loistovaunusi, sinä herrasi huoneen häpeätahra!
    ellauri412.html on line 203: 1 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter - Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites. 2 They were from nations about which the Lord had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love. 3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray. 4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of theLord; he did not follow the Lord completely, as David his father had done. (1 Kings 11:1-6)
    ellauri412.html on line 523: Eitan Bar, syntyperäinen juutalais-Israelin tutkija: 1600-luvun juutalainen historioitsija Raphael Levi myönsi, että kauan sitten rabbit lukivat Isaiah 53 synagogassa, mutta kun luvun jälkeen tuli "argumentit ja suuri hämmennys", rabbit päättivät, että yksinkertaisin asia olisi vain ottaa tämä ennuste pos profeettojen (Haftarot)  lukemistosta synagogissa. Siksi tänään, kun luemme Jesaja 52, pysähdymme luvun puolivälissä, ja sitä seuraavalla viikolla hyppäämme suoraan Jesajaan 54:2.
    ellauri412.html on line 699: Mitä muuta kuin "voima" on vihjattu "Ansaan koukkuja leukoihisi ja käännän sinut..."? Kuva, jonka metafora laittaa lukijoiden mieleen, on suora vastakohta "vapauden kunnioittaminen".
    ellauri412.html on line 818: Olen feministi, alle 30, ja Hesekielin kirja loukkaa minua. Se kuvaa naisia toisaalta seksuaalisina uhreina ja toisaalta seksuaalisina saalistajina, jotka johdattavat vanhurskaita miehiä harhaan mitä ilmeisimmällä ja tuomitsevalla tavalla. Sen laajennettu vertauskuva Jerusalemista prostituoitu on Lapsleyn mukaan "erittäin seksualisoitu, jopa pornografinen".
    ellauri412.html on line 839: Unter der Königsdynastie der Omriden war Israel im 9. Jahrhundert v. Chr. ein unabhängiger Staat, der im Bündnis mit Aram-Damaskus und anderen kleineren Staaten die assyrische Expansion nach Syrien-Palästina mittelfristig erfolgreich aufhalten konnte. Im 8. Jahrhundert v. Chr. war Israel assyrischer Vasall. Das hatte nicht nur Nachteile. Israel nahm nun am internationalen Handel teil und produzierte vor allem Olivenöl und Textilien für den Export. Die lange Regierungszeit Jerobeams II. gilt als zweite Blütezeit, die durch Wohlstand, Bevölkerungswachstum, aber auch gesellschaftliche Polarisierung gekennzeichnet war.
    ellauri412.html on line 841: Jerobeam II. (hebräisch יָרָבְעָם, Jāroḇʿām) war von 781 bis 742 vor Christus der letzte bedeutende König des Nordreichs Israel . Seine Herrschaft fiel mit der von Amazja und Usija , den Königen von Juda, zusammen.
    ellauri412.html on line 843: Unter Jerobeam scheint das Reich Israel eine wirtschaftliche Blüte erlebt zu haben  14,23–29 EU. Zugleich treten allerdings die Propheten  Hosea  und Joel  auf, die insbesondere die soziale Ungleichheit beklagen. Jona  hingegen prophezeit ihm die Wiederherstellung der alten Grenzen  14 EU, während Amos  ihm jedoch verkündet, dass er die Gnade Gottes verloren habe  6,13–14 EU. Wem sollte man glauben?
    ellauri413.html on line 69: Wittgensteinin kenkälaatikon paavalikriittisistä zetteleistä keräsi Petri Vinssi niteen Kulttuuri ja arvot. Siinä Wittgenstein luetteli henkilöt, jotka hänen mielestään ovat vaikuttaneet häneen: Boltzmann, Hertz, Schopenhauer, Frege, Russell, Kraus, Loos, Weininger, Spengler ja Sraffa.
    ellauri413.html on line 91: Literarische Berühmtheit erlangte Sidonie Nádherná durch ihre Freundschaft zum Dichter Rainer Maria Rilke, mit dem sie von 1906 bis zu dessen Tod 1926 korrespondierte, und die Freundschaft, dann Liebe zum Schriftsteller Karl Kraus. Sie lernte Kraus, der sich in sie verliebte, am 8. September 1913 im Wiener Café Imperial kennen. Mit Kraus verband sie bis zu dessen Tod eine konfliktreiche, aber lange und intensive Beziehung. Kraus hätte diese wohl gern legalisiert, aber Rilke hintertrieb eine Heirat mit dem perfiden Hinweis auf einen „unaustilgbaren Unterschied“ (gemeint war offensichtlich Kraus’ jüdische Herkunft).
    ellauri413.html on line 93: 1942 wurde Schloss Janowitz von deutschen Truppen beschlagnahmt und dem SS-Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen zugeordnet. Nach dem Krieg versuchte Nádherná vergeblich, den Familienbesitz zurückzuerhalten. Schloss Janowitz wurde von der Armee genutzt und 1948 von den tschechoslowakischen Kommunisten enteignet. Nádherná war kurzzeitig verhaftet und floh über Bayern nach Großbritannien. 1950 starb sie verarmt im englischen Exil.
    ellauri413.html on line 100: Ludista ei saa vaikutelmaa huumormiehenä. Olisinpa saanut istua hänen keskusteluissaan Bertrand Russellin kanssa: "Mitä tuo hyyppä edes tekee täällä... kuka päästi hänet sisään!" Lyhyitä, ihania aforismeja. 3 tykkäystä. Ludia on kiva lueskella ammeessa fimoosia irrotellessa, ellei pipu satu olemaan jo nyljetty.
    ellauri418.html on line 50: raffinements de leur haine quel tourment pouvait être le
    ellauri418.html on line 179: af0ea27-fe6e-4243-a359-446fd3a8f099-415x250.jpg" width="70%" />
    ellauri418.html on line 280: Google has racked up some 2 undecillion rubles ($2.5 decillion, shit, theyre just long scale sextillions) worth of fines in Russia after years of refusing to restore the accounts of pro-Kremlin and state-run media outlets, the RBC news website reported Tuesday, citing an anonymous source familiar with court rulings against the tech company. Yhdysvaltain edustajien on maksettava tämä summa venäläisten kanavien poistamisen vuoksi YouTube-videopalvelusta. Asia ratkaistiin oikeudessa, joka pani kusipäisen yhtiön edesvastuuseen. Osavaltioissa ja muissa maissa tämä otettiin epäselvästi vastaan. Jeneissä se olisi vielä enempi.
    ellauri418.html on line 298: Kuten valtiotieteilijä korostaa, Trumpin tiimi haluaa käyttää armeijaa, kansalliskaartia ja poliisia järjestääkseen ratsioita suurille maatiloille ja yrityksille, joissa saattaa olla mukana laittomia maahanmuuttajia. Yhdysvaltoihin tulvinut ja perinteistä amerikkalaista rikollisuutta kauhistuttava etninen siirtolaismafia joutuu myös hyökkäyksen kohteeksi. Se jopa syrjäyttää kotimaiset mustat jengit Chicagossa ja muissa kaupungeissa.
    ellauri418.html on line 308: Kovin oli Lidilissä kansainvälistä 23. päivä. Pari afrikkalaista nuorukaista puhuivat kännyköihin asioitaan huutamalla. Ukrainalaisperhe, vanhammat + 4 lasta, valtasivat käytävät. Arabiaa puhuvat miehet pitivät poikittain pihassa autoaan kolmessa ruudussa. Lopuksi sisään laahusti sateenkaariväreissään afrikkalaisporukka 4 - 5 naista. Olin helpottunut kun pääsin autooni ja sain sen työntämällä liikkeelle. Muistan kun persujen terävä kärkinokka kuulutti neljä vuotta sitten, että "on päättämällä päätetty, että Kankaanpäähän ei tule ainuttakaan yli tietyn kiintiön ulkomaista lomalle!"
    ellauri418.html on line 331: Borrell: Jag var ett misslyckande – Den ryska överlägsenheten fortsätter. De har fått mycket mer från Nordkorea än vad vi har kunnat ge till Ukraina, säger Borrell och dömer ut västs försök att tränga ut Ryssland från världssamfundet som misslyckat.  – Är Ryssland politiskt isolerat? Nej, absolut inte. Hur många åkte till Kazan? frågar han och syftar på Brics-toppmötet i oktober där Vladimir Putin bland annat var värd för Kinas Xi Jinping, Indiens Narendra Modi, Sydafrikas Cyril Ramaphose och, kontroversiellt nog, FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres. Hans butik skulle ju vara i våran ficka.
    ellauri418.html on line 355: ”Hela saken föddes ur en kväll av tungt drickande”. Till WSJ berättar källor inom den ukrainska militären att idén att spränga Nord Stream föddes under en festkväll i maj 2022, ukrainska officerare och affärsmän hade då samlats för att fira Ukrainas framsteg i kriget. – Hela saken föddes ur en kväll av tungt drickande, och ur järnviljan hos en grupp som hade modet att riskera livet för sitt land, säger en av de inblandade källorna till WSJ.
    ellauri419.html on line 57: Le système capitaliste actuel nous a conduits à un monde où la faune et la flore ont diminué de 73 % en 50 ans seulement. Il y a quelques jours, la COP16 sur la biodiversité s’est achevée à Cali, en Colombie, où, en dépit de certains résultats obtenus par les peuples indigènes, les afro-descendants et les paysans, on n’a généralement simulé qu’une préoccupation pour la Mère Nature, nos biens naturels et nos territoires qui sauvegardent 80 % de la biodiversité actuelle.
    ellauri419.html on line 94: Nous appelons à la création d’un réseau mondial pour le climat et la vie « AntiCOP » : un espace numérique et physique qui relie nos luttes pour la défense de la terre, du territoire, de l’eau, de la justice climatique et des droits des communautés. Ce réseau nous permettra de partager nos expériences, nos ressources et de coordonner nos actions de manière synchronisée au niveau mondial, en amplifiant nos voix et en assurant la visibilité de nos demandes auprès des autorités internationales. En outre, nous proposons d’articuler un calendrier de lutte collective pour 2025, en profitant de dates clés telles que la Journée de la résistance indigène, afin de renforcer notre résistance et de faire valoir nos revendications.
    ellauri419.html on line 98: Promouvoir l’éducation sexuelle et une culture d’autosoins psycho-émotionnels par le biais d’alternatives communautaires afin de lutter contre la violence sexuelle et hétéropatriarcale, exacerbée par l’extractivisme et les mégaprojets colonialistes qui affectent principalement les femmes indigènes en défense de territoire et en particulier les femmes transgenres.
    ellauri419.html on line 114: af2c2b3f1e7f?fit=crop&format=jpeg&h=375&q=80&upscale=true&w=666&s=2bf09465a5aa73817c8548593ad24b0c62d86fbd" />
    ellauri419.html on line 221: Mutta ei, arpa osoitti kohdallemme Je suis Charlie tyyppisen slava Ukraini graffitin. Jouduttiin pois mukavuusalueelta, totesi opettaja. Höhlyskä ojensi siinä Ukrainan lippua jollekulle lännempänä.
    ellauri419.html on line 273: ISW skriver att framryckningarna i området tydligt visar att situationen vid fronten i alla fall inte är att betrakta som ett dödläge. Ur ett rent demagogiskt perspektiv så kan man hålla på ganska länge”, lovar tidigare överstelöjtnant Joakim Paasikivi om Ukrainas och Rysslands förlustsiffror i klippet. Men USA manar Ukraina att sänka mobiliseringsålder til 18 år. Annars blir det inga mer döda, och inga pengar längre. Pluspuolelle voi demopornografisesti laskea että itätyttöjen tarjonta lännessä on sodan jälkeen runsasta, ja hinnat alhaalla.
    ellauri419.html on line 333: Vuonna 1900 hän kirjoitti ensimmäisen romaaninsa Mirely, ou le petit trou pas cher (pornografinen), joka lopulta katosi.
    ellauri420.html on line 217: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/165830c3-a75a-42bd-b18d-92918e7d7b1a?fit=crop&format=auto&h=591&q=50&w=700&s=dba004f0cb92dd85a21615d8100ad66335e7442f" width="100%" />
    ellauri420.html on line 219: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/80581f55-affb-45b6-b8a0-25cf0711ff45?fit=crop&format=auto&h=410&q=50&w=700&s=ce1dc003531403482394bc0ab47959c95b14893e" width="100%" />
    ellauri420.html on line 275: This time I’m talking about something the ancients called acedia. It’s commonly translated sloth, but that’s misleading. We’re not just talking about habitual laziness or being a slacker at work. Our spiritual ancestors saw beneath superficial sloth and laziness to its underlying spiritual cause: disappointment with and disaffection from God’s divinely ordained gifts, be they in the realm of creation or redemption.
    ellauri420.html on line 309: It’s true, frustratingly and consistently true. We do not wrestle with flesh and blood in either of these matters: sexual lust, acedia—or for that matter a whole raft of other temptations. Ultimately this whole struggle is a spiritual battle, beyond the range of our puny intellect and feeble willpower to curtail. The mean black snake is just way stronger than us.
    ellauri420.html on line 313: And God your Father in heaven for Jesus’ sake will take care of you, of that you can be sure. He is the almighty Maker of heaven and earth, and yet at the same time he is your true Father, though not the biological one. That means you are his true son, sort of, dearly loved. He is guardian and keeper of all those lovely children too. He guides you in waking and he guards you sleeping. Under his protection you can safely sail through even in the most distressing hours of your life.
    ellauri420.html on line 324: Christ’s dramatic victory was affirmed and attested by his triumphant resurrection from the dead just three days after his limp lukewarm body was laid in its tomb.
    ellauri420.html on line 328: Therefore always remain alert to fend them off. As I said a few times earlier, wield the pink sword, the Spirit’s wand. Pray persistently in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, who sanctifies you already now and then in eternity hereafter forevermore and even afterwards.
    ellauri420.html on line 360: Son œuvre, où le rêve, la mystique et l'ésotérisme sont omniprésents, se caractérise souvent par un aspect changeant qui se joue des contingences de l'espace et du temps, afin de reconstituer un univers poétique où la réalité, le songe et le souvenir se confondent, mais aussi l'histoire humaine qui finit par se mêler à sa mémoire personnelle. Cet univers intime du poète est en permanence placé sous le signe d'une quête de l'idéal féminin, dont il a poursuivi dans son œuvre et dans sa vie ce qui lui semblait être ses diverses incarnations, au travers de ses amours, des déesses antiques ou même de la Vierge. Niin ja Jenny Peräsuoli, pulskanpuoleinen näyttelijätär. Ja tässä vielä 1:
    ellauri420.html on line 463: Qu'il lisait ses noirceurs sur tous les murs écrites... että hän luki pimeytensä kaikilta graffitiseiniltä...
    ellauri420.html on line 513: Nervaali tarkoitti tässä kaikitenkin Attista, josta myytti kertoo seuraavaa. Cybele ja Attis on tarina fryygialaisen suuren äitijumalattaren Cybelen traagisesta rakkaudesta kuolevaiseen Attisiin. Se on myös tarina itsensä silpomisesta ja uudestisyntymisestä. Kun Cybele – yksi Zeuksen mahdollisista rakastajattarista – hylkäsi hänet, Zeus ei sanonut "ei". Kun hänen uhrinsa nukkui, suuri filandereri vuodatti vain siemenensä muina miehinä hänen päälleen. Aikanaan Cybele synnytti Agdistisin, hermafrodiittisen demonin, joka oli niin vahva ja villi, että muut jumalat pelkäsivät häntä. Kauhussaan he katkaisivat häneltä miehen sukupuolielimen. Ei jäänut kuin nartun näpöttimet. Sen verestä syntyi mantelipuu.
    ellauri420.html on line 537: Le Christ n’est donc pas le simple « personnage » d’une narration distanciée : il est un avatar de la subjectivité lyrique, laquelle engage à son tour la vie même du poète. Rappelons à ce propos qu’une première version du poème – celle contenue dans la lettre à Victor Loubens – remonte à la crise de 1841 alors que Nerval a dû, malgré qu’il en ait, se laisser « classer dans une affection définie par les docteurs et appelée indifféremment Théomanie ou Démonomanie dans le dictionnaire médical ». « Je me croyais Dieu moi-même », écrit Nerval. « C’était bien lui, ce fou, cet insensé sublime… », lit-on réciproquement dans Le Christ aux Oliviers, en un vers où Nerval projette sur le Christ cette même « folie » que ses confrères littéraires aussi bien que « les médecins et les commissaires » lui jettent au visage. Il (Nerval) devient, dans le finale du texte, un nouveau « prophète », annonçant, après la sorte de Contre-Évangile que constitue la partie centrale empruntée à Jean Paul, quelque religion nouvelle qui permettrait de dépasser l’opposition du paganisme et du christianisme. Se on se kaveri joka antaa sielun liman lapsille.
    ellauri420.html on line 567: Julie va, en effet, apparaître aux yeux de la marquise comme une véritable rivale sur le double plan professionnel et affectif. Comme la « journée », si l’on peut dire, de madame du Deffand commençait de plus en plus tard, certains invités avaient pris l’habitude de venir rue Saint-Dominique une ou deux heures avant l’ouverture officielle du salon. Ils n’avaient qu’à gagner l’entresol au-dessus de l’appartement et descendaient plus tard par le petit escalier intérieur dans le salon de la marquise qui découvrit le manège en avril 1764. Sa déception fut terrible et Julie dut supporter des scènes épouvantables.
    ellauri420.html on line 579: Auf Betreiben der Mutter wurde Karoline mit siebzehn Jahren als Stiftsdame des evangelischen Cronstetten-Hynspergischen Adeligen Damenstift in Frankfurt am Main angenommen. Das Stift sicherte mittellosen weiblichen Angehörigen der Alten-Limpurger Familien den materiellen Lebensunterhalt. Die Stiftsdamen waren zu einem „sittsamen Lebenswandel“ angehalten. Karoline war die mit Abstand Jüngste unter ihnen. Sie studierte im Stift Philosophie, Geschichte, Literatur und Mythologie und entwickelte eine tiefe Sehnsucht nach einem erfüllten, selbstbestimmten Leben. Sie las viel, u. a. Goethe, Schiller, Novalis, Jean Paul, Schlegel, Hölderlin, Kant, Fichte und Herder. Von der umfangreichen Lektüre inspiriert, begann sie selbst zu dichten, außerdem führte sie Arbeitshefte zu den Themen Geographie, Metrik und Physiognomik. Die Französische Revolution begeisterte sie. Ihre Liebesgeschichten hielten sie in Atem. Schon früh zeichneten sich die Themen ab, die sie ein Leben lang beschäftigen sollten: Gefangenschaft und Freiheit, Liebe und Tod.
    ellauri420.html on line 594: Ich habe keinen Sinn für weibliche Tugenden, für Weiberglückseligkeit“, bekannte sie 1801 in einem Brief an Kunigunde Brentano mit einundzwanzig Jahren. „Nur das Wilde, Große, Glänzende gefällt mir. Es ist ein unseliges, aber unverbesserliches Mißverhältnis in meiner Seele; und es wird und muß so bleiben, denn ich bin ein Weib und habe Begierden wie ein Mann, ohne Männerkraft. Darum bin ich so wechselnd und uneins mit mir.“
    ellauri420.html on line 598: Der Gelehrte spielte mit dem Gedanken an eine ménage à trois. „Meine Frau sollte bei uns zu bleiben wünschen – als Mutter, als Führerin unseres Hauswesens. Frei und poetisch sollte Ihr Leben sein“, schlug er Günderrode vor. Es war die Zeit neuer Entwürfe des Zusammenlebens. So steht Creuzers Utopie in Beziehung zu den revolutionären Vorstellungen, wie sie zur gleichen Zeit in Frankreich Henri de Saint-Simon und sein Freundeskreis zu leben versuchten. Von einigen Kennern der Zeit wird sie gleichwohl als Charakterschwäche eingestuft – der kränkliche Friedrich Creuzer hatte nicht den Mut, sich von seiner Frau zu trennen. Karoline von Günderrode beschäftigte sich unter Creuzers Einfluss mit dem Studium früher, auch matriarchaler Gesellschaften. Auch darin war sie ihrer Zeit voraus. In Männerkleidung wollte sie Creuzers Vorlesungen besuchen, um dem Geliebten so nah wie möglich zu sein.
    ellauri421.html on line 63: Stubbista leviää valevideo. Uutistoimisto STT:n faktantarkastajat ovat todenneet videon väärennetyksi. Tasavallan presidentti Alexander Stubb piti esitelmän Maanpuolustuskurssiyhdistyksen Max Jakobson Lecture -luentosarjassa Helsingissä 11. joulukuuta 2024. Tasavallan presidentti Alexander Stubb jakaa sosiaalisessa mediassa videota, joka sisältää valheellista tietoa. Videolla Stubb antaa ymmärtää antavansa tukensa Nigerian separatisti igboille, jotka ovat jo vuosikymmeniä kampanjoineet Nigeriasta irtautumisen ja itsenäisen Biafran valtion luomisen puolesta. Uutistoimisto STT:n faktantarkastajat ovat todenneet videon valheelliseksi. Alkuperäisessä, X:ssä marraskuussa julkaistussa videossa presidentti Stubb puhuu talvisodasta ja ilmaisee tukensa Ukrainalle sanoen: Suomen talvisota kesti vaivaiset 105 päivää ennenkuin nostimme ruki verh, mikä oli aivan naurettavaa, teidän sotanne on kestänyt kymmenen kertaa kauemmin. Tuemme Biafraa niin kauan kuin sota kestää, Stubb sanoo. Finlandian sävelruno kaikaa taustalla.
    ellauri421.html on line 86: af9f93a0bd11f6_f08b3e60-f1a0-4b36-9b25-42fdb1f7dec9-tucte3f7e4a_1734034952_1734034952_CNawjgYQrrs-GLDvnpahicD7SCABKAYwRTiSxghA04sQSMuG2ANQ____________AVgAYAFo4o3Dpo_8tI8CcACAAQA%22%2C%22responseId%22%3A%22__c85e0e0c06f09eae07efc0c30c0d95f1__52034d8c1331134bcac266f292217510__%7E%7EV1%7E%7E-6890994332151287258%7E%7EKWxCmAzPI5acMIs9ewjllNtPVizRSUmTpyH651YCaIznoZueAsnM0UTkqRiz-o8uuKa2_rupL9I0kvx1XVufuiUEapM41JCwn5v2panIlXnIc8Es3y1hwg6vYZx9qpDLJTiwnL_OCNN_rh5XJ4KYV9DL9zfU5aPfDX0nscSjjjo9wjlNAMp5EfQZuvX6txn8E4gjagZdb2sqnSJQ8Pldm_LzOvT4CR0PUHGyMijPLStovpq6D6m4pUGfikgQIeT2bclBqFe3gBLi-fskh51ncmi8ybFBAasV8C_8Z8b0MsLTdmOJuaz37rr7tVGDPmp9oWj4AkyScKQO9X69aEFNhQ__text%22%7D" />
    ellauri421.html on line 169: Hvor højreorienteret er Zelenskis regime? Hvem betaler dig i rubler for den slags spørgsmål? Det er iøvrigt ikke så nemt at vide på grund af krigen, ligesom man heller ikke rigtig kan svare på hvor nazist en mand er mens han bliver spist af vildsvin.
    ellauri421.html on line 171: Zelenskyj er en tapper lillebitte mand, der kæmper heroisk mod sit land og sit folk. Han prøver også at få Ukraine med i NATO og EU, hvilket nok ikke er noget man kunne forvente af en nationalistisk, højreorienteret eller udemokratisk præsident. Jfr tex Türkiye og Ungern.
    ellauri421.html on line 173: Zelenskyjs store problem er at hans land er i krig med Russland på vegne av Verdens største land der styres af en magtgal psykopat. Som vil nå at EU træder til mer og yde al den hjælp det kan, så han behøver ikke betale så meget for denne uheldige proxy krig.
    ellauri421.html on line 243: The Dolmatovsky family was affected by the Great Purge. In 1938, while Yevgeniy was away working in the Far East, his father Aron was arrested on false charges, and shot shortly thereafter. The family remained ignorant of his fate until 16 years later, after Joseph Stalin's death, when they were notified of Aron Dolmatovsky's posthumous rehabilitation.
    ellauri421.html on line 247: In August 1941, two months after the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Dolmatovsky was captured by the Germans. This happened during the battles near Kiev, in the area of Uman, where thousands of Soviet soldiers were taken prisoner. Yevgeniy was shell-shocked and wounded in the arm. Like thousands of other Soviet prisoners of war, he was locked up in a makeshift concentration camp that had been set up in a clay pit at a brick factory. The inmates of this camp, which was nicknamed the "Uman Pit", were held in terrible conditions, and many of them died. Jews, commissars, the wounded, and the weak were shot. Miraculously, Dolmatovsky managed to escape, and he was sheltered by a Ukrainian family, who put their own lives at risk by aiding him. Being an energetic man by nature, Dolmatovsky immediately wrote a poem titled "The Dnieper". It was published in frontline newspapers, set to music, and widely performed by military bands. In May 1945, Dolmatovsky was present at the signing of the German Instrument of Surrender. His wartime decorations included the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st Class; the Order of the Red Star, and several medals.
    ellauri421.html on line 1105: afting-on-inflatable-dolls-bubble-27212419.jpg" width="90%" />
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 180: taannoinen Nigerian Biafra.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 627: You have one day after opening my message, I put the special tracking pixel in it, so when you will open it I will see.If ya want me to share proofs with ya, reply on this letter and I will send my creation to five contacts that I've got from ur contacts.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 641: If you want me to send it to your friends Haile Selassie, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, send me 1000 dirham in unmarked banknotes in a brown envelope ASAP. BTW, greetings to your camel! He's a looker. He should find a smarter boyfriend. Tell him I am free at present. You already got my belfie, show it him.
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 701: P.S. You are not my single victim. so, I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment!
    xxx/ellauri010.html on line 1526: paistoi niiden afgaaniturkin reijistä.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 627: kuin E. Saarisella Pafos-seminaarin aamunavauxessa,

    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1065: ...most unexpectedly I did come upon him a few hours before he gave up his arrogant ghost. Fortunately he was willing and able to talk between the choking fits of asthma, and his racked body writherd with malicious exultation at the bare thought of Jim. He exulted thus at the idea that he had "paid out the stuck-up beggar after all". He gloated over his action. I had to bear the sunken glare of his fierce crow-footed eyes if I wanted to know; and so I bore it, reflecting how much certain forms of evil are akin to madness, derived from intense egoism, inflamed by resistance, tearing the soul to pieces...
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1067: It appears that a sort of loafing, fuddled vagabond - a white man living among the natives with a siamese woman - had consireded it a great privilege to give a shelter to the last days of the famous Gentleman Brown. While he was talking to me in the wretched hovel, and, as it were, fighting for every minute of his life, the siamese woman, with big bare legs nd a stupid coarse face, sat in dark orner chewing betel stolidly. Now and then she would get up for the purpose of shooing a chicken away from the door. The whole hut shook when she walked. An ugly yellow child, naked and pot-bellied, like a little heathen god, stood at the foot of the couch, finger in mouth, lost in a profound and calm contemplation of the dying man.
    xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1071: I could see directly I set my eyes on him what sort of a fool he was, gasped the dying Brown. He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham. As if he couldn't have said straight out, Hands off my plunder! blast him. That would have been like a man! Rot his superiour soul! He had me there - but he hadn't devil enough in him to make and en of me. Not he! A thng like that letting me off as if I wasn't worth a kick!... Brown struggled desperately for breath... Fraud ... letting me off ... and so I did make an end of him after all... He choked again...

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 37: Kimppuun Fafnir! Korvenna ne! Korvenna joka ainoa! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 46: Tästedes Fafnir ei enää koskaan strumffaa strumffia!
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 233: Esa Jouni Olavi Saarinen täyttää 68 vuonna 2021. Silloin senkin kukoistus sitten nuupahtaa, kun siitäkin tulee professor emeritus. Miten niin se nuupahtaa? Eihän se sen touhuja mitenkään pysäytä, vielähän se voi pitää Pafos-seminaareja, ojentaa ruusuja luentosalin ovella keikarismurffitakissa, ja levittää samaa iänikuista hyvää sanomaa. Evankeliumi uppoaa aina uusiin kuulijoihin. Se uppoaa kuin veizi voihin, just niin kun se on aina uponnut ja tulee aina uppoomaan, ennen Eski Saarista ja Eskin jälkeenkin. Saarnamiehet ja niiden kuulijat, komeljanttarit ja kazomo on teillä aina keskuudessanne, ne ovat ikuisia, naamarit vaan vaihtuvat. Niinhän se sanoi Jevgeni Popov novellin Sirje, Boris ja Lavinia lopussa:
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 319: Edwin Linkomies: Ihmishengen tie. Valikoima puheita, Otava 1954 Poimin tämän vuosikymmeniä sitten loppuunmyydyn kirjan mukaan kesän Pafos-seminaariini ja intuitiivinen valinta osoittautui oikeaksi. Helsingin yliopiston entisen professorin ja Suomen sodanaikaisen pääministerin puheiten kokoelmassa on ylevää ja juhlavaa jylinää. Sen sävymaailma soi ja henkisyys elää tavalla, joka saa mielen liikkeelle.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 376: P.S. Sara Heinämaan muistelut 80-luvulta olivat jotenkin liikuttavan vanhanaikaiset. Se ei kyllä ole kauheasti muuttunut niiltä ajoilta. Se olikin aina perusnegatiivinen. Hyvä niin. Ei lähtenyt Esan pafos-kelkkaan. Se on taaxepäinkazova operaattori.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 430: Esan päätöitä on 40-osainen tutkimus Pafos-pääoma (das Paphos Kapital). Se erittelee siinä pääoman, oman pään ja piilokoron käsitteet ja asettaa opettajansa KJJ Hintikan päälaelleen, peittämään orastavaa kaljua.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 457: Pafos-seminaarin ympäristössä muut seminaarilaiset voivat vaikuttaa valtavasti pelkällä läsnäolollaan ja kiinnostuneilla katseillaan toiseen vahvistavasti. Esan sanastossa on tälle aivan erityinen sana: kukoistuskatse. Nämä kukoistuskatsehetket tapahtuvat esimerkiksi vessajonon keskusteluissa, kahvitauolla tai illallispöydässä. Yhteisöllisyys ja tunne siitä, että on osa jotakin kokonaisuutta, vahvistavat. Yksin on hankala kukoistaa.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 494: Se ei selviä juhlakirjasta eikä näiltä sivuilta, onko Eski ize vielä izepystyvä, onko korppu kova, vaiko enemmän jo "pehmeä". Onko kukko juhlakunnossa, formatoiko Eski vielä lerppuaf, jäikö erektio jo Albertinkadulle.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 547: Nostemestari Heikki Peltola (1952, mun ikätoveri) on valmistunut Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulusta kauppatieteiden maisteriksi 1976. Yhteistyö Esa Saarisen kanssa alkoi 1990 Peltolan toimiessa johtotehtävissä K-ryhmässä ja osallistuminen toiseen Pafos-seminaariin 1996 johti yhteisen yhtiön Nostetuotannon perustamiseen 19997. Peltola on kirjoittanut kuusi kirjaa itsensä ja ihmisten johtamisesta ja työskennellyt yli tuhannen työyhteisön kanssa etsien käytännön keinoja nostaa toiminta uudelle tasolle. Hän on ollut asiantuntijana monissa hankkeissa työelämän kehittämiseksi, mm. Veto, Kesto ja Palvelut 2020.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 571: Ensimmäisessä työelämää sivunneessa kirjassaan, vuonna 1990 ilmestyneessä Muutostekijässä, Saarinen kävi vuoden ajan viikoittain Ekbergillä Ensto-yhtiöiden perustajan Ensio Miettisen kanssa. Yhteistyö alkoi Miettisen luettua kirjan ”Erektio Albertinkadulla”. Hän oli innostunut kirjan ”aktiivisesta, vapausladatusta ihmiskuvasta ja siihen kytkeytyvästä elämän moraalista, toivon periaatteesta”. Ehkä sitä kiinnosti myös Esan useat (joskin enimmäxeen tuloxettomat) erektiot Albertinkadulla Pipsan (vai oliko se Piipsin) riippukeinussa. Miettinen oli omakohtaisesti kokenut, miltä maistuu elämä masentuneena miljonäärinä. On lerpahtanut olo. Molemmat ovat loppupeleissä yhtä mieltä siitä, että Roopen elämä ei ole elämisen arvoista. Ei hrahahlaarissa sukeltelu vedä vertoja snorkkeloinnille Pafoksen upeilla vesillä.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 583: ”Vaihtoehdot ovat kukoistuskierre tai rapistumisliuku”, Saarinen julisti ja syyllistämisen sijaan loi tukun sähköä tihkuvia termejä ladatakseen toivon mielikuvia työssään kituvan kansan korvien väliin. Monien mielessä kukoistus ja upea elämä, sisäinen hehku ja taikapiirit olivat työtaakan uuvuttaman tavoittamattomissa, ja niistä puhuminen osoitti joko halua kiusata tai huonoa huumoria. No niinpä tosiaan! Helppohan sen on hehkuttaa Pafoxen hehkuvan auringon alla kuin kenraali Xavier. Te mukana, jos firma maxaa kurssimaxun.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 589: Tätä näkemystä oli suorastaan häkellyttävin tuloksin testattu mm. Pafos-seminaareissa, yliopiston luentosarjoissa ja Interin Upean elämän illoissa. Menetelmä on yksinkertainen: filosofi puhuu ja muut kuuntelevat noin tunnin, jonka jälkeen vaihtavat ajatuksia pienessä ryhmässä kolmesta kymmeneen minuuttiin. Näin jatkettiin Pafoksella viisi tuntia viitenä päivänä, Interissä kolme tuntia viitenä iltana. Ihan kauheaa.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 669: Aivotutkimus on uusi lupaava alue johtajuuden kehittämisessä. Elektrodit vaan pässien päihin niin johtajat voi niitä pitkin koutsata katrasta, luoda positiivisia mielikuvia izestä ja firmasta. Matrix-leffassa on tää idea jo visualisoituna. Uusi yritysmetafora on aivot. Mikäs vika oli siinä Aisopoxen vanhassa, jossa johtoporras on maha ja muu porukka muut jäsenet? Eihän siinäkään tule lasta eikä paskaakaan ellei vaza johda toimintaa.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 675: Eski ei välitä tietoa, se on hyvä koska sit sen ei tarvi välittääkään tiedosta. Sen sanoma on paljas välittäminen, tout court. Vaikuttaminen ja ohjaus ovat merkitysten luomista tyhjästä. Johtaminen on poikkitieteellinen ja taiteellinen tapahtuma. Eski on just se. Jopa standup komiikkaa. Mulla ja Eskillä oli kuuluisia standup-esityxiä, esim. Jaakko Hintikka, sen isotissinen sihteeri, honottava Mårten Ringbom, Jyrisevä loogikko, ja monen monta muuta. Vieläköhän se esittää niitä luennoilla ja Pafos-seminaarissa?
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 768: Varmuudella voi sanoa, et nää mun ehkä hippusen hapahkot kommentit näistä ylistyxistä on just sitä Eskin tarkoittamaa latistamista. Muusakin ihmettelee, miten mä jaxan näin paljon mätkiä näitä epeleitä, onx se vaan kateutta vaiko muuten vaan pahansuopuutta. Mä veikkaisin ize tota narsismia. Mä oon näät myös kuin kamalien eläimien karhu, mua naurattaa kun juhaa sattuu leukaan. Pitäsköhän mennä Pafoxelle hoitoon maximi pitkään seminaariin. Vai olisko se jo cruel and unusual punishment.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 772: Pertti Korhonen näkee Saarisen eräänlaisena ihmisyyden arvostamisen lähetyssaarnaajana. Sillä oli missio. Niinkuin Wilholla ja Kaarlolla, lähetysasema. Karstivuorten välistä ne lähettivät sanomaa, S.O.S., käännyttivät kiinalaisia (se trendaa taas), raamattuautosta käsin länsirannan juutalaisia, ja Pafoxen kivikkorannalla suomalaisia teknokraatteja. Ei ihan helpoimpia tapauxia. Mutta niillä oli visio (ei onnexi telesellainen vielä Wilhon ja Kaarlon kohdalla). Hieman isoja, mutta kyllä niistäkin selvitään, ne sanoivat kaikki kolme positiivisina. Ja vaikkei ihan selvinneetkään, selvisivät maaliin saakka. Sinne selvinnee kohta myös Esa Jouni Olavi, ja kade negatiivinen Lauri Henrik.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 880: Petrus Lewi Pethrus, ursprungligen Petrus Lewi Johansson, född 11 mars 1884 i Vargön i Västra Tunhems församling, Älvsborgs län (i nuvarande Västra Götalands län), död 4 september 1974 i Stockholm, var en svensk förgrundsgestalt och ledare inom Pingströrelsen. Han var pastor och föreståndare för Filadelfiaförsamlingen i Stockholm (7:e baptistförsamlingen) från 9 januari 1911 till 7 september 1958. Han tog initiativ till bildandet av partiet Kristen Demokratisk Samling (KDS) och startandet av dagstidningen Dagen. Lewi Pethrus är begravd på Solna kyrkogård.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 942:

    Lyhyt (?) resumé Pafos-seminaarista

    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 944: Pafos koskee näitä juttuja:
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 954: The participant is approached with respect, handed a bulk cut flower with a kiss or handshake depending on gender, and treated as a miraculous (if suspect) specimen of life. (I realize the romanticism of this way of speaking, but that’s the way I think, and it works. Everybody buys it hook, line, and sinker.) Whether a clown or a king, the participant is assumed to possess potential that nobody can quite name. (Not before nor after the treatment. But that is not the point.)
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 958: Hintataso Pafoxen seminaarissa on kohtuullinen (ilmoittautumiskaavake on tän artikkelin lopussa).
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 964: Tunteiden ohjailu on Pafoxella ihan ykköspaikalla:
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1000: Pafoxella ei paljon ajatella Kahnemannin systeemissä 2, Millerin 7:ää tietoisuuden palikkaa ilmassa heitellen, vaan enempi tossa systeemissä 1, rinnakkaisprosessoiden liskoaivoilla. Mikäs se oli miehiään tää Kahnemann? No sekin on pankkinobelisti, amerikanjutku, joka vanhemmiten pehmeni miettimään mikä kullekin on mukavaa. Ongelma tässä liskoaivoihin luottamisessa on et vaikka ne on hurjan nopeat ja niillä on oikotie kaikkiin ruumiin toimintoihin, niillä ei lopultakaan ole kauheen monta pyydystä vedessä, se on sitä EAT EAT, FUCK FUCK; KILL KILL tematiikkaa mitä ne tarkkailevat, tosi ovelasti tosin. (Tohon Kahnemanniin pitänee vielä palata.)
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1017: Parhaita todistuxia on, että joku Timo Joensuu oli Pafoxen opeilla perustanut oman yxityisen syöpäklinikan. Tosi hienoa. Kyl yxityinen sairaanhoito aina voittaa valtiollisen. Viestitellään me apinat mieluummin hinnoilla, kuten Hayek opastaa (ks alla). Leimaannutaan toisiimme länsimaisittain kuin kananpojat Bowlbyn tavalla. (Tääkin hemmo oli mulle ennestään tuntematon. Live and learn.) Sentään Eski ei harrasta noiden eskimäisten iskusanojen yhteishuutoa.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1041: Tässä pitkänlännässä sepustuxessa toistuu ihan Eskin izensä muotoilemina käytännössä kaikki ne pointit, jotka sen adeptit on muualle juhlakirjaan keränneet. Sieltähän ne on voinu ne sit kopsia, jos ei muuten muistaneet enää kuin ne kaxi pointtia kolmesta. Glow-how niillä kai kuitenkin oli tallella, mikähän sen puoliintumisaika on. Vanheneminen ja parasta-ennen päivä on nykyään sisäänrakennettu kaikkiin tuotteisiin, onhan ajateltava myös valmistajan ja myyjän etua. No sit eiku uudestaan luennolle tai Pafoxelle.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1058: Tän on Eskikin oivaltanut kun hinnoittelee Pafos-seminaarit jokamiehen (tai ainakin joka etelänmatkoilla käyvän keskiluokan apinan) kukkarolle sopivax. En arvannutkaan että Eskistä oli tullut näin porvari. Seura tekee kaltaisexensa. Ja kaltaisexeen myös Pafoxen retretin:
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1060: Paphos seminar remains fundamentally a project of Western orientation, with a strong emphasis on reasoning and language. If (to use a deliberately stereotypical example) a no-nonsense middle-aged male engineer comes to the seminar, as often happens, I find it important that he does not find anything in the seminar suspicious even in retrospect. Nobody should be lured into doing something he or she might find embarrassing afterwards.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1062: Ei siis mitään nakuiluja tai orgioita niinkuin Magdalenan V-merkin vartijoilla Da Vinci koodissa. Ei edes hassuja pukuja ja hattuja. Kimmo Koskenniemikin vois viihtyä. - Voisinx mäkin ruveta Eskixi? Perustaa oman Pafos seminaarin vaikka Talasniementielle? Voisin tietysti, vaikka Wilho kyllä koitti pitää rupusakin poissa Rauharannasta. Jossakin piti pastorinkin saada olla rauhassa. Mut Eskillä on hyvät läpiveto-ohjeet:
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1078: Tosi uskonnollista. Liturgiaa, ripittäytymistä, omantunnon tutkistelua, kääntyminen ja parannus. Mixei tämmösiä kursseja pidetä yliopistolla? Luulen et syy on vähän sama kuin mixei eutanasia ole laillista kovin monissa maissa. Jäljet pelottavat, mukana olevien tyyppien omat lehmät alkaa hyvin äkkiä nousta ojasta ja omat kirveet heilua, vaikka kuinka olis hyväkin alunperin tarkoitus. Kaikki ei ole niinkään viattomia kuin Eski Saarinen. Ei sekään sentään ole synnitön, vaikka Pafos onkin puhdasta hyväntekeväisyyttä, Good Work. Olikohan Jeesuskaan. Söi ainaskin ilmasex toisten pellosta.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1115: Tulevaisuudenunelma: Hoippua enenevästi ET:n näköisenä, täysin kaljuna pinkissä tuxedossa Pipsan käsikynkässä tena-vaipoissa bulevardia pitkin Ekbergille. Pinkki tuxedo mulla jo on, Pafoxen pokan lahjoittama. Tilaan ET-lehteä.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 174: Jännää miten tyypillisen narsistin biografia on 1-1 menestyjän tarina. Ei mitään muuta eroa kuin enintään lopputulema. Jos et jää kiinni, olet sankari, jos lankeat omaan oveluuteesi, olet pelkkä narsisti. On siis paras menestyä.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 383: Maila Talvio, Suomen fasisti-intelligenzian korkea maila, kirjoittaa tästä ajattelutavasta kirjassaan Silmä yössä, jota sen nazikaveri Vaakku siteeraa ihailevasti pitkälti kokoelmassa Runousoppia ja runoilijoita. Siinä on pieni ikävännäköinen knääpiö, Jutte Cairenius, joka pitää toista silmää puolixi kiinni kuin Roman Yangarber ja vittuilee muille koko ajan rumasti kuin eräs nimeltä mainizematon paasaavaa runoilija. Se on Vaakun mielestä eräs kirjallisuutemme harvoja yrityxiä metafyysilliseen maailmankuvaan.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 385: Mutta joskin Jutte Caireniuxen metafysilliselle mietteille on ominainen suuri lyyrillisys, niin on hänen etiikkansa sensijaan varsin rationalistinen. Sääli on sille tuntematon. Sääli on "jumalan töiden paikkaamista ja parsimista" ja sixi tuomittavaa. Hän sallii puutarhansa portilla kahden tappelupukarin vuotaa verensä kuviin menemättä lääkärinä niitä auttamaan, sillä hänen moraalinsa mukaan ei ole mitään syytä pelastaa heitä. Hän vittuilee muille vähääkään välittämättä siitä haavoittaako niitä jotka joutuu hänen kylmäverisen ivailunsa kohteexi. (No mä sentään panen nää pahimmat vittuilut piiloon loukattujen silmiltä.) Hän ei tunnusta mitään sukulaissiteiden velvoitusta. Hän torjuu päättävästi sisarensa Sidonian, kirkkoherranrouvan, yrityxen päästä asumaan heidän yhteiseen lapsuudenkotiinsa Kairalaan. "Ei sisar Sidonia, vasta hautuumaalla voimme asua saman katon peitossa, sinä ja minä."

    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 404: Unschwer zu erkennen ist als prägender Hintergrund Hesses Beschäftigung mit Friedrich Nietzsche, hier vor allem dessen Geburt der Tragödie und dem Zarathustra. Zusätzlich ist die Bekanntschaft Hesses mit der Archetypenlehre des Psychologen Carl Gustav Jung relevant, mit dem Hesse korrespondierte. Sowohl Nietzsches Idee der Rückentwicklung des Geistes zum Kind als auch Jungs Archetypen der Anima und Großen Mutter drücken sich in Goldmunds Hin- und Rückwendung zur „Mutter“ aus.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 743: Molemmat oli kontroversiellejä julkimoita ja ketteriä steppailijoita laillisuuden rajoilla. Molemmat lauloi "My way". Fredillä oli mafiosotuttuja, Arouetin kaveri oli ize piru ja ateistikunkku Fredrik Suuri. Niiden vahvuudet oli eri päissä: Astairella oli steppikengät, Voltairella tuoli.
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 838: Don Juans afsked från lifvet
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 868: Det sägs i Kristo mången fröjd man hafver
    xxx/ellauri044.html on line 875: Det ger en lön af luft, som kallas ära,
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 119: Kuolema Ylioppilastalolla päättyy repliikkiin: ”Aleksis Stenvall on kuollut Tuusulassa! Kuulin sen juuri Ylioppilastalolla!” Johannes herää krapulaisena juhlasalin taffelipianon alta irrallista irrallista tuolinjalkaa puristaen. Vieressä makaa Westman mustalla silkkisukalla kuristettuna. Valitettavasti moni ihminen on illalla todistanut Westmanin ja Johanneksen riitelyä. Mutta kuka heistä on ilotyttöjen pelkäämä Pukki? Tällä kertaa Matilda kirjaimellisesti pelastaa Johanneksen hengen ja paljastuu, kuinka surkeassa kunnossa onkaan yliopiston komea kirjasto.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 157: Katri Manninen on jo keksinyt lääkkeitä urakriisiinsä. Kesäkuussa hän viettää kolme viikkoa Sveitsin Alpeilla Saas Feessä opiskellen mediafilosofiaa European Graduate Schoolissa. Varsinaiset opintonsa hän aikoo viedä ministeritasolle parissa vuodessa. Lopputyön aihe on Klassinen kertoja. Väitöskirjakin, Variaatioita klassisesta kaavasta, on jo suunnitelmissa. Saas nähdä.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 336: Nää 2 viimeistä osuu kyllä naulan kantaan. Mietin että mäkin voisin aloittaa oman aforismisarjan, ikäänkuin ilmakuivattuja penseitä. Tällä voisi aloittaa joka juolahti mieleen tänään mietittäessä, mixi Trumppia kannattavat toisaalta asemiehet, toisaalta uskonnolliset:
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 367: In der Literatur sollten nun nicht mehr wie in der Klassik bestimmte Schemata für die Erschaffung eines literarischen Werkes vorgegeben sein, sondern man betrachtete den Künstler als freischaffendes Genie.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 504: Kant oli hakenut professuuria useita kertoja jo 1750-luvun loppupuolella ilman menestystä. Vuonna 1770 45-vuotias Kant lopulta nimitettiin Königsbergin yliopiston logiikan ja metafysiikan vakinaiseksi professoriksi.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 559: Fichten pääkiinnostuksen kohteita olivat ontologia, metafysiikka ja epistemologia. Aluksi hän seurasi Baruch Spinozan jalanjäljissä, mutta myöhemmin hän kiinnostui Immanuel Kantin filosofiasta. Filosofiassaan, joka on jyrkkää idealismia, Fichte koettaa osoittaa, että kaikki olevainen ja koko maailman järjestys on hengen välttämätön tuote. Tietoisuuden perimmäinen olemus on Fichten mukaan Ego. Jumala on hänestä eettinen maailmanjärjestys, myöhemmin absoluuttinen olevainen, joka ilmenee vain eettisessä toiminnassa.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 563: Fichte kuulostaa siis pahalta paskiaiselta. Aika vittumaiselta egoistilta ja ilkeältä protofasistilta. Se onkin tullut mainituxi aika monen myöhemmän paskiaisen kohdalla. Idealistivirkaveljiensä Hegelin ja Schellingin vanhempi idealistikolleega, jota ne ablehnas mutta silti apinoi. Aina elegantti Goethe vinoili: „daß doch einem sonst so vorzüglichen Menschen immer etwas Fratzenhaftes in seinem Betragen ankleben muß“. Hullu Hördelin fanitti Fichteä, ylläri. Fichte oli antisemiitti. Die Nationalsozialisten nahmen Fichte zur Begründung ihrer Ideologie in Anspruch
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 565: Fichte war das erste von acht Kindern des Bandwebers Christian Fichte (1737–1812) und seiner Frau Maria Dorothea (geb. Schurich, 1739–1813) in Rammenau in der Oberlausitz. Er wuchs ärmlich in einem von Frondiensten geprägten dörflichen Milieu auf. (Frondienst on socage eli torpparius, maaorjuuden eräs muoto.) Seine Auffassungsgabe und sein gutes Gedächtnis fielen einem Verwandten der örtlichen Gutsherrschaft, dem Gutsherrn Ernst Haubold von Miltitz (1739–1774), bei einem Besuch in Rammenau auf: Er hatte eines Sonntags die kirchliche Predigt verpasst, woraufhin der zehnjährige Fichte gerufen wurde, von dem man versicherte, er könne die Predigt wiederholen. Daraufhin imitierte dieser den Pfarrer so perfekt, dass der Freiherr in seiner Entzückung dem Kind nach einer Vorbereitungszeit im Pfarrhaus zu Niederau den Besuch der Stadtschule in Meißen ermöglichte. Danach finanzierte ihm sein Förderer 1774 eine Ausbildung an der Landesschule Pforta bei Naumburg, verstarb jedoch im selben Jahr.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 573: In Leipzig lernte Fichte 1790 die Philosophie Immanuel Kants kennen, die ihn stark beeindruckte. Kant inspirierte ihn zu seiner am Begriff des Ich ausgerichteten Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre. Fichte sah eine rigorose und systematische Einteilung zwischen den „Dingen, wie sie sind“ und „wie die Dinge erscheinen“ (Phänomene) als eine Einladung zum Skeptizismus, den er verwarf.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 575: Nach einem kurzen Intermezzo auf einer Hauslehrerstelle in Warschau nahm Fichte Anfang November 1791 eine auf ein Jahr befristete Anstellung als Hauslehrer des Sohns des Ehepaars Louise von Krockow, geb. von Göppel, die mit Kant persönlich bekannt war, und Heinrich Joachim Reinhold von Krockow (1736–1796), Königl. Preußischer Obrist, im gräflichen Schloss Krockow in der Nähe der pommerellischen Ostseeküste an. Im selben Jahr besuchte er Kant in Königsberg, wo dieser ihm einen Verleger für seine Schrift Versuch einer Critik aller Offenbarung (1792) verschaffte, die anonym veröffentlicht wurde. Das Buch galt zunächst als ein lange erwartetes religionsphilosophisches Werk von Kant selbst. Als Kant den Irrtum klarstellte, war Fichte berühmt und erhielt einen Lehrstuhl für Philosophie an der Universität Jena, den er 1794 antrat. Zuvor hatte er nach längerer Überlegung, ob eine Eheschließung ihm nicht die „Flügel abschneide“, 1793 Johanna Rahn geheiratet. Drei Jahre später kam Sohn Immanuel Hermann (1796–1879) zur Welt.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 581: Ein zentraler Kern in Fichtes Philosophie ist der Begriff des „absoluten Ich“. Dieses absolute Ich ist nicht mit dem individuellen Geist zu verwechseln. Später nutzte er die Bezeichnung „Absolutes“, „Sein“ oder „Gott“. Fichte beginnt in seiner Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre mit einer Bestimmung des Ich:
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 613: Die Traditionsrestaurants der Straße waren bekannte regelmäßige Treffs für Künstler, Schriftsteller und andere Persönlichkeiten wie: Bertolt Brecht, Wassily Kandinsky, Rainer Maria Rilke, Lenin, Adolf Hitler, Franz Josef Strauß im Schelling-Salon sowie Thomas Mann, Frank Wedekind, Joachim Ringelnatz, Stefan George, Franz Marc, Paul Klee und Lenin im Café Altschwabing, und Seija mit Piki in der Studentenstadt.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 615: Im Hinterhof der Schellingstraße 50 befand sich zeitweise die Parteizentrale der NSDAP. Außerdem hatte hier der NS-Fotograf Heinrich Hoffmann sein Atelier.
    xxx/ellauri056.html on line 657: Kaxinkertainen tangoprinssi Petri Ritari tuli uskoon ja vakuuttaa nyt olevansa kiinni todellisessa kultakruunussa. Taustatarina on se tavallinen: hyvin meni mutta viina vei tangoprinssiä. Vizi kuningasta ei tullut siitä venyttämälläkään. Mutta oli johdatusta, eka avioliitto päättyi eroon ja nyt on taluttimessa kiltimpi ja uskovainen Mariia. Petri kulki rafloissa ja Mariia rukoili kotona. Pikkujouluna Petri kaatui baarin portailla ja löi ozansa. Tuli veripipi. Vahingosta viisastuneena se istui Mariian vieressä helluntaikirkossa uuden vuoden aattona. Pappi pyysi messiin kaikkia niitä jotka halus viettää uuden vuoden jessen seurassa. Kysyin Mariialta, voinko minäkin tulla. Totta mooses! Petrikin antoi elämänsä jeesuxelle (sen mitä siitä nyt oli jälellä). En tunne luopuneeni mistään. Tupakka, alkoholi ja räikeä kielenkäyttö jäivät pois. Kannattaa kokeilla! Mä luulen että jäisin eniten kaipaamaan tota räikeää kielenkäyttöä.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 63: Otin kirjaston poistohyllystä niteen, jossa on Juhani Siljon runot ja aforismit. Näyttää olevan tää laitos ensipainos 1947. En tiiä luenko. Ahneuttani otin.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 123: Joku ravintolakärsäkäs Jethro sanoi et on epistä ezen rafla suljettiin vaan six et jokunen knääpä kuoli. Karmeat seurauxet jos raflat on kiinni.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 225: Hilja oli vanhempiensa Johan ja Serafina Lehtisen ainut lapsi. Hänellä oli vain muutamia muistikuvia äidistään, sillä tämä joutui mielisairaalaan Hiljan ollessa seitsemänvuotias. Tämän jälkeen Hiljaa hoiti hänen isänäitinsä, josta tuli isän tapaan Hiljalle hyvin läheinen. Isä muutti 1893 Karhulaan sahalaitoksen isännöitsijäksi, mutta Hilja jäi Helsinkiin koulunkäynnin vuoksi. Hän kävi pikkulasten koulua ja aloitti yhdeksänvuotiaana Helsingin suomalaisen tyttökoulun valmistavalla luokalla. Vuonna 1893 Hilja aloitti viisivuotisen tyttökoulun. Seija kävi samaa koulua. Siitä on vielä plaketti koulun seinällä Runskilla.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 232: afiles/1032_kiak2004_0052_027_f.jpg?itok=xaIa09Ms×tamp=1573562645" width="50%" />
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 820: Eunukki: Miten sä biografistina voit sanoo noin!?
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 822: Kriitikko: Eihän niiden kaa mitään tartte naimisiin mennä. Tai jotain tuumasta toimeen terrorismia. Päinvastoin biografin paikannäyttäjä joka näyttää taskulampulla roskaisia rappuja ymmärtää yleisöä paremmin miten niistä tuli sellasia, ilkeitä. Putosivat siniseen värisammioon pienenä. kuten Turzelien pahis Shredder. Se et ymmärtää mix joku on pahis ei tee siitä hyvistä. Ite asiassa paikannäyttäjä on lukenut jo röykkiöittään kuuluisia kirjailijoita jotka oli ällöjä narsisseja. Fasistit menee siinä samassa.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 852: Much has changed since the publication of Markens grøde. The planet’s human population has almost quadrupled, from fewer than two billion in 1917 to more than seven billion now, and is estimated to reach ten to eleven billion before the end of this century.10 Simultaneously, human-made changes to the Earth’s ecosystems and climate have reached an unprecedented scale. While levels of consumption vary greatly from one country to another and between different social classes, there can be no doubt that globally, the use of both renewable and non-renewable resources has risen immensely during the last hundred years. This development began, of course, long before 1917, with the Industrial Revolution constituting an important premise. However, it was not until after the end of the Second World War that the human transformation of the planet began to advance with such enormous speed that the time since then is now often referred to as the Great Acceleration.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 917: Pendant toute la guerre, entre 1940 et 1945, Simenon continue à vivre en Vendée et en Charente-Maritime, mais cette période, assez mal connue, est sujette à de multiples soupcons. Représentant de l'État belge auprès des Belges réfugiés, il refuse d'aider ceux d'entre eux qui sont juifs. Non seulement son frère fut volontaire auprès de la Waffen-SS Wallonie, mais de plus, selon certaines personnes, lors de cette période cruciale de sa vie et de son œuvre, l'écrivain aurait été un collaborateur, ou doucement dit, un peu "lâche". Il n'est pas revenu en Belgique, afin d'échapper au service militaire), un peu rusé et opportuniste, sans aucun sens de l'histoire avec un grand H. Il a commis d'« énormes imprudences » en écrivant dans des journaux contrôlés par les Allemands, mais Simenon ne dénonce pas, ne s'engage pas, ne fait pas de politique, seulement de la fiction. En fait, les accords qu'il a passés avec la firme cinématographique allemande Continental lui valent quelques tracas à la Libération. En 1944, une dépêche de l'AFP, retrouvée à Poitiers, mentionne sa dénonciation pour « intelligence avec l'ennemi » par « certains villageois vendéens exaspérés par la conduite égoïste de cet écrivain affichant l'opulence de son train de vie, à l'époque des tickets d'alimentation. »
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1063: Wang Wei: En tiedä; siitä Holger Lybäck teki monografian 50-luvulla (väitöskirja). Itse tiivistin Tatun merkityksen yhteen Kuvalehden jutun kuvatekstiin. Oli sovittava tekijä 30-luvun kirjallisuuskiistoissa (vasemmisto-oikeisto, Kiila ja Koskenniemen henkiset). Tatu ei ollu poliittinen, vaan "puolueeton humanisti".
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1073: Lao Rui: Se ei kaatunut rintamalla vaan kotona. Teki liikaa duunia, poltti tupangia ja joi kaffetta.
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1149: Rafael Vardis barnbarn gnatar i HBL: Varför kan våra gamlingar som vi lämnat i Finland inte få personliga hembiträden på statens bekostnad? (Vi själva bor i Israel så vi behöver inte betala tax. ) Kanske är Finland en välfärdstat enbart for de rika unga och starka? Här i Israel är allt annorlunda och bättre. I många fall beviljas rätten att anställa en hemvårdare som bor med åldringen dag och natt. Det är "lagligt" anställa skitfattiga immigranter från Filippinerna Moldavien och Indien. En stor del av deras skrattretande låga löner betalas av folkpensionsanstalten. Vad måste ske att Finland skulle bli som Israel?
    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1158:
    Elina on tehnyt Tatulle kaffen kanssa hyvää nisua.

    xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1411: Tatun Sillinpää-biografia kuuluu olleen jonkinlainen sillisalaatti sen ja Toopen estetismiä. Varsinaista elämäkertatietoa oli vaan siteexi, kuteena bombastista messuamista Freudin opeilla. Seuraavat 2 nidettä oli jotain vulkaanista izensäpurkamista, lisää freudilaista tumputusta. (Vaistojen kapina ja Huomispäivän varjo.)
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 144: Coronaråden om ✔ Kollektivtrafik ✔ AW ✔ Weekendresor
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 384: Two young Christian layabouts encounter Shylock just after his daughter has run off with Lorenzo. He is highly distraught but they mock him. He is furious and it all comes out at last.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 392: dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 403: All that shows how universal Shakespeare was in his perception of the world around him – how it was before his time, how it was in his time, and how it will be after his time. How will this play look in four hundred years from now? Audiences will most certainly find it relevant to their time as well.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 479: Muokkaa Helmikuussa 1497 Savonarola lähetti suuren joukon nuoria kannattajiaan Tintti-julisteineen (jotka tunnettiin nimellä ”fanciulli”) kulkemaan läpi Firenzen ja takavarikoimaan kaiken, mikä voisi johtaa ihmisiä syntiin ja turmelukseen. Näihin turmelusta tuottaviin esineisiin ei laskettu vain ”pakanallisia” kirjoituksia (tai sellaisia, joita Savonarola piti pakanallisina) ja pornografisia kuvia, vaan myös ”ylellisyysesineitä” kuten maalauksia, hienoja huonekaluja, koruja, ylellisiä vaatteita, pelikortteja ja kosmetiikkaa. Useat firenzeläiset luovuttivat vapaaehtoisesti esineitään, joko todellisesta katumuksesta tai seurausten pelossa. 7. ja 17. helmikuuta 1497 kaupunkilaisilta kootut esineet tuhottiin ”turhuuksien roviolla”, valtavan suurella roviolla, joka oli koottu Firenzen keskusaukiolle, Piazza della Signorialla. Maalari Sandro Botticelli heitti omakätisesti tuleen useita maalauksiaan, ilmeisesti seurausten pelossa. Toisaalta on todettava, että useat Firenzen kansalaiset, heidän joukossaan myös munkkeja ja pappeja, vastustivat Savonarolan ”puhdistuksia”. Toimenpiteitä vastustivat ennen muuta Basilica di Santa Crocen fransiskaanit ja Santa Maria Novellan dominikaanit. Rangaistusuhan alla Savonarolan kannattajatkin käänsivät hänelle selkänsä, ja Savonarola hirtettiin ja poltettiin roviolla kerettiläisyydestä syytettynä 23. toukokuuta 1498 Piazza della Signorialla - samassa paikassa, jossa oli roihunnut hänen ”turhuuksien rovionsa”.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 527: Paha keisari Tiberius asui Caprilla ja johti sieltä käsin Roomaa viestittämällä semaforilla.
    xxx/ellauri059.html on line 646: Kun mennään naimisiin alkaa 30v sota, hehettää epäkeskiluokkainen filosooferi. Timolla sodat on olleet lyhyempiä ja viholliskuvat vaihtuneet, mulla meni 40v jo rikki saman kimpussa. Timo on varmaan parafiili. Siitä ei enää rangaista.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 82: According to a family legend, his mother, Uldan, gave birth to him near Mt. Zhambyl, close to the headwaters of the Chu River while fleeing an attack on her village. His father, Dzhabay, then named his son after the mountain.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 88: The Kazakh city of Taraz was named after Zhambyl from 1938 to 1997. Jambyl Province, in which Taraz is located, still bears his name.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 123: Staying at a bed-and-breakfast, Borat and Azamat are stunned to learn their hosts are Jewish. The two escape after throwing money at two cockroaches, believing they are Jews. Borat attempts to buy a handgun to defend himself, but is turned away because he is not an American citizen, so he buys a bear instead.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 143: After fourteen years of forced labor in a gulag for the dishonor inflicted on his country in his previous adventure, Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev is released by his country's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, with a mission to deliver Kazakh Minister of Culture (and Kazakhstan's most famous porn actor) Johnny the Monkey to President Donald Trump in an attempt to redeem the nation. Unable to get close to Trump after defecating in the landscaping of Trump International Hotel and Tower in the previous film, Borat opts to give the monkey to Vice President Mike Pence. Before he leaves, he discovers that his arch nemesis neighbor, Nursultan Tulyakbay, has stolen his family and home, and that he has a fifteen-year-old daughter, Tutar, who lives in his barn.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 149: Because Giuliani had bragged about having an affair with a large-breasted woman, Borat brings Tutar to a cosmetic surgeon who advises breast implants. While Borat works in a barbershop to raise enough money to pay for breast surgery, he briefly leaves Tutar with a babysitter who is confused by Borat's sexist teachings; she informs Tutar that the things her culture has taught her are lies. After seeing a woman driving a car, and successfully masturbating for the first time, Tutar decides not to get the surgery and lashes out at Borat for keeping her oppressed her whole life. Before leaving, she tells him the Holocaust is a lie by citing a Holocaust denial Facebook page.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 191: Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges (Buenos Aires, 24 de agosto de 1899-Ginebra, 14 de junio de 1986) fue un escritor de cuentos, ensayos y poemas argentino, extensamente considerado una figura clave tanto para la literatura en habla hispana como para la literatura universal.​ Sus dos libros más conocidos, Ficciones y El Aleph, publicados en los años cuarenta, son recopilaciones de cuentos conectados por temas comunes, como los sueños, los laberintos, las bibliotecas, los espejos, los autores ficticios y la mitología europea, con argumentos que exploran ideas filosóficas relacionadas, por ejemplo, con la memoria, la eternidad, la posmodernidad y la metaficción.​ Las obras de Borges han contribuido ampliamente a la literatura filosófica, al género fantástico y al posestructuralismo. Según marcan numerosos críticos, el comienzo del realismo mágico en la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XX se debe en gran parte a su obra.​
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 231: And yet, immediately after, Borges wrote something else, which can be read either as a response or a challenge: “I, unfortunately, am Borges.”
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 235: Jollain Gunnar Haslamilla on teknokappale nimeltä Käytävämetafysiikkaa. (Sukuako Jorgen famulle?) Sen sanan mainizee myös Tomppeli. Kuka tässä kopioi kenenkä meemejä? Oivoi. Ei jaxa. Nää on näitä pilvikukkuumaan vainoharhaisia labertinttoja.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 276: Martin was not a nice guy. One of his great talents was singing at the Pulperia. At the fort, he was forced to work hard and fight against the Indians. He had a night-long payada (singing duel) with a black payador (singer), who turns out to be the younger brother of the man Fierro murdered in a duel. He deliberately provoked an affair of honor by insulting a black woman in a bar. In the knife duel that ensued, he killer her male companion. He escaped justice with a police sergeant and went native.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 284: af4d780585e9df0ac2e940ec5aba2--underground-comics-robert-crumb.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 312: Alpdrücken — Alpdrücken, auch Alp oder Trute genannt, ist eine während des Schlafes entstehende krankhafte Empfindung, welche zu den Träumen gerechnet werden muß, weil sie im Moment des Erwachens aufhört, was nicht der Fall sein würde, wenn sie durch ein… … Damen Conversations Lexikon
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 314: Alpdrücken — (Alp, Incubus) ist jener allbekannte krankhafte Traumzustand, der sich nur des Nachts im Schlafe einstellt, mit dem beängstigenden Gefühle einer auf die Brust springenden oder bereits aufliegenden Last, wobei der Gequälte zu ersticken meint, und… …
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 316: Alpdrücken — Ạlp|drü|cken 〈n.; s; unz.〉 mit Angstträumen verbundenes Beklemmungsgefühl im Schlaf; oV Albdrücken; Sy Alpdruck [→ Alb3] * * * Ạlp|drü|cken: ↑ Albdrücken. * * * Ạlb|drü|cken, Alpdrücken, das; s: drückendes Gefühl der Angst im [Halb]schlaf: A.… …
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 318: Alpdrücken — Alpdrücken [nach der Dämonengestalt des Alps (Nachtmahrs) im german. Volksglauben] s; s, : Angst und Beklemmungsgefühl beim Einschlafen oder im Traum, Atembehinderung (meist durch Druck vom Magen her, z. B. nach zu üppigen Mahlzeiten), die sich… …
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 328: Eight hundred years later, Thomas Aquinas argued about the possibility of children being conceived by intercourse with demons: "Still, if some are occasionally begotten from demons, it is not from the seed of such demons, nor from their assumed bodies, but from the seed of men, taken for the purpose; as when the demon assumes first the form of a woman, and afterwards of a man; just so they take the seed of other things for other generating purposes".
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 336: According to the Malleus Maleficarum, exorcism is one of the five ways to overcome the attacks of incubi, the others being Sacramental Confession, the Sign of the Cross (or recital of the Angelic Salutation), moving the afflicted to another location, and by excommunication of the attacking entity, "which is perhaps the same as exorcism". On the other hand, the Franciscan friar Ludovico Maria Sinistrari stated that incubi "do not obey exorcists, have no dread of exorcisms, show no reverence for holy things, at the approach of which they are not in the least overawed".
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 341: Es handelt sich gewöhnlich um ein kleines, schwarzes Wesen, das schlafende Menschen und Haustiere anfällt, selten auch Sachen. Es dringt durch Schlüssel- oder Astlöcher ein. Der Anfall ist mit Angstzuständen und Atemnot verbunden.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 343: „Þá gerðist honum svefnhöfugt og lagðist hann til svefns. En er hann hafði lítt sofnað kallaði hann og sagði að mara trað hann. Menn hans fóru til og vildu hjálpa honum en er þeir tóku uppi til höfuðsins þá trað hún fótleggina svo að nær brotnuðu. Þá tóku þeir til fótanna. Þá kafði hún höfuðið svo að þar dó hann.“
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 345: „Da wurde er schläfrig und legte sich nieder zum Schlafe. Als er aber nur ein wenig geschlafen hatte, schrie er auf und sagte, dass ihn eine Mahre trete. Da kamen seine Leute herbei und wollten ihm helfen. Als sie ihn aber oben am Kopfe fassten, trat jene auf seine Beine, dass sie fast zerbrachen. Sie griffen nun nach seinen Füßen, doch die Mahre drückte jetzt so auf sein Haupt, dass er dort sterben musste.“
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 364: Von 1922 bis 1924 arbeitete Wilhelm als wissenschaftlicher Berater in der deutschen Gesandtschaft in Peking, daneben lehrte er an der Peking-Universität. Hier übersetzte er auch das I Ging (Buch der Wandlungen) ins Deutsche. (Tätähän laulukirjaa mäkin on suomentanut jossain kohtaa pikku Kunin avustuxella, eikö vaan? Kun on kyllä nätimpi kuin Wilhelmin ope.) In die Kommentierung flossen Zitate sowohl aus der Bibel als auch von Goethe, aber auch Gedankengut westlicher Philosophen und protestantischer, parsischer und alt-griechischer Theologie ein. Wilhelm zeigte damit viele Parallelen zu chinesischer Weisheit auf. Joopa joo, tää on Sachsan Pertti Nieminen.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 377: Uuden vuoden aamuna puoli kymmenen heräsin unesta jossa olin MIT:n opiskelu kavereiden kanssa jossain Kambodjassa turistimatkalla. Jonotettiin ruokaa jossain asemaravintolassa. Ruoka näytti aika heikolta ja oli pirun kallista. Mulla oli enää 50 taalaa ja Jane Simpsonilla vielä vähemmän. Kun tungin kassamiehelle kahta vitosta se sanoi ai te maxattekin taaloilla ettekä kateilla. Se olikin vitun halpaa kateissa. Helpottuneina lähdettiin raflan yläkertaan hakemaan istumapaikkoja. Sit mä heräsin.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 476: Not a mark the less thereafter were left, than erst was scored. Ei olis jäänyt mitään lovea entiseen verrattuna.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 497: Oisko niin et Nipi on venyttäny tätä nidettä pitkäxi kuin Pezku pienenä eze pääsee täällä loppupuoliskolla rauhassa sepittämään rasvasia sadistisia porno- pikkulikkafantasioja, noinninko maailmankirjallisen postmodernismin valekaavussa? Kyl se taitaa olla kaiken muun ohella myös narsisti kun se kuvittelee ruiskahtavansa ulos omasta kikkelistään kuin joku Woody Allenin huppupäinen siittiö (siinon muuten toinen samanlainen notoorinen pikkupillunimuri, yhtä piipunrassikin).
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 584: after-h.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 81: Dies kommt daher, dass Schestow das Leben selbst als letztendlich in höchstem Maße paradox ansieht. Er hält es für mit Hilfe von Logik oder Vernunft nicht erfassbar. Keine Theorie könne die Geheimnisse des Lebens ergründen. Schestows Philosophie ist nicht „problemlösend“, sondern wirft Probleme auf und versucht, das Leben so rätselhaft wie möglich erscheinen zu lassen. Schestows Philosophie geht nicht von einer Idee, sondern von einer Erfahrung aus.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 85: In der Vernunft sieht Schestow das Akzeptieren von Gewissheiten, die behaupten, dass einige Dinge ewig und unveränderlich seien, während andere unmöglich und unerreichbar seien. Schestows Philosophie kann also als irrational gesehen werden. Dabei war Schestow nicht generell gegen Vernunft und Wissenschaft, sondern nur gegen Rationalismus und Szientismus. Im Letzteren sah er die Tendenz, die Vernunft als eine Art allwissenden und allmächtigen Gott, als Selbstzweck zu verherrlichen.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 118: He went on to study law and mathematics at the Moscow State University but after a clash with the Inspector of Students he was told to return to Kiev, where he completed his studies. Taas yxi ukrainalainen jutkuketku, pahan kerran vastarannan kiiski, kuten anglosaxit sanovat:
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 217: Klein was affectionately known as Jasha (pronounced "Yasha"). He was one of the world's preeminent interpreters of Plato and the Platonic tradition. As one of many Jewish scholars who were no longer safe in Europe, he fled the Nazis. He was a friend of fellow émigré and German-American philosopher Lefa Struzi.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 305: Klages was a central figure of characterological psychology and the Lebensphilosophie school of thought. Prominent elements of his philosophy include: the opposition between life-affirming Seele and life-denying Geist; reality as the on-going creation and interpretation of sensory images, rather than feelings; a biocentric ethics in response to modern ecological issues and militarism; an affirmation of eroticism in critique of both Christian patriarchy and the notion of the "sexual"; a theory of psychology focused on expression, including handwriting analysis; and a science of character aimed at reconciling the human ego to the divide it effectuates between living beings.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 312: wrote: I have never endorsed the claim that the Nazi big-wigs belonged to a superior race. However, I must also add that I have consistently refused to accept the claim of another such race as the chosen people. The arrogance is identical in both cases, but with this important distinction: after waging war against the dumber half of mankind for more than three thousand years, Judaism has finally achieved total victory over all nations of the earth. Not surprisingly, an American Jew found this accusation odious. What with even the Philistine diaper heads still putting up a fight.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 332: Among Benjamin's best known works are the essays "The Task of the Translator" (1923), "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" (1935), and "Theses on the Philosophy of History" (1940). His major work as a literary critic included essays on Baudelaire, Goethe, Kafka, Kraus, Leskov, Proust, Walser, and translation theory. He also made major translations into German of the Tableaux Parisiens section of Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du mal and parts of Proust's À la recherche du temps perdu. In 1940, at the age of 48, Benjamin committed suicide at Portbou on the French–Spanish border while attempting to escape from the invading Wehrmacht. Though popular acclaim eluded him during his life, the decades following his death won his work posthumous renown.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 334: Benjamin’s academic career did not lead to the expected result of a professorial position: he completed his doctoral dissertation in 1919 (published the following year as The Concept of Criticism in German Romanticism) and worked on his post-doctoral dissertation, or Habilitation, on the German Baroque mourning play, which he completed in 1925, eventually withdrawing it from the University of Frankfurt after an extremely negative reception.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 338: Benjamin theorizing modernity by bringing together, among other things, Marxist dialectics, Surrealism, snippets of theology, Baudelaire’s poetry (and, most importantly, his theories of the flâneur), Kafka’s novels, the image of Proust, a Klee painting called the Angelus Novus, book-collecting, translation, storytelling, photography and film.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 374: Eartha Mae Keith was born on a cotton plantation near the small town of North, South Carolina, or St. Matthews on January 17, 1927. Her mother Annie Mae Keith was of Cherokee and African descent. Though she had little knowledge of her father, it was reported that he was a son of the owner of the farm where she had been born, and that Kitt was conceived by rape. In a 2013 biography, British journalist John Williams claimed that Kitt's father was a white man, a local doctor named Daniel Sturkie. Kitt's daughter, Kitt McDonald, has questioned the accuracy of the claim. Eartha's mother, Annie Mae Keith (later Annie Mae Riley), soon went to live with a black man who refused to accept Eartha because of her relatively pale complexion; she was raised by a relative named Aunt Rosa, in whose household she was abused. After the death of Annie Mae, Eartha was sent to live with another relative named Mamie Kitt (who may, in fact, have been her biological mother) in Harlem, New York City, where she attended the Metropolitan Vocational High School (later renamed the High School of Performing Arts). Diana Ross said that as a member of The Supremes she largely based her look and sound after Kitt's.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 377: In January 1968, during Lyndon B. Johnson's administration, Kitt encountered a substantial professional setback after she made anti-war statements during a White House luncheon. Kitt was asked by First Lady Lady Bird Johnson about the Vietnam War. She replied: "You send the best of this country off to be shot and maimed. No wonder the kids rebel and take pot." During a question and answer session, Kitt stated: The children of America are not rebelling for no reason. They are not hippies for no reason at all. We don't have what we have on Sunset Blvd. for no reason. They are rebelling against something. There are so many things burning the people of this country, particularly mothers. They feel they are going to raise sons – and I know what it's like, and you have children of your own, Mrs. Johnson – we raise children and send them to war.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 379: Her remarks caused Mrs. Johnson to burst into tears. It is widely believed that Kitt's career in the United States was ended following her comments about the Vietnam War, after which she was branded "a sadistic nymphomaniac" by the CIA. A defamatory CIA dossier about Kitt was discovered by Seymour Hersh in 1975. Hersh published an article about the dossier in The New York Times.[20] The dossier contained comments about Kitt's sex life and family history, along with negative opinions of her that were held by former colleagues. Kitt's response to the dossier was to say "I don't understand what this is about. I think it's disgusting."[20] Following the incident, Kitt devoted her energies to performances in Europe and Asia.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 381: Kitt was also a member of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; her criticism of the Vietnam War and its connection to poverty and racial unrest in 1968 can be seen as part of a larger commitment to peace activism. Like many politically active public figures of her time, Kitt was under surveillance by the CIA, beginning in 1956. After The New York Times discovered the CIA file on Kitt in 1975, she granted the paper permission to print portions of the report, stating: "I have nothing to be afraid of and I have nothing to hide." Kitt later became a vocal advocate for LGBT rights and publicly supported same-sex marriage, which she considered a civil right. She had been quoted as saying: "I support it [gay marriage] because we're asking for the same thing. If I have a partner and something happens to me, I want that partner to enjoy the benefits of what we have reaped together. It's a civil-rights thing, isn't it?"
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 424: The melody was imported to North America in the 1920s. The renowned klezmer clarinetist and self-proclaimed “King of Jewish music” aftule_Brandwein" title="Naftule Brandwein">Naftule Brandwein recorded a purely instrumental version with the title “Der Terk in America” in 1924. Brandwein was born in Peremyshliany (Polish Galicia, now Ukraine) and emigrated to the US in 1909 where he had a very successful career in the early 1920s.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 459: He is a self-proclaimed satirist whose trademark technique, as a writer, is the expression of extreme acts and opinions in an affectless style. His novels commonly share recurring characters.
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 474: A few years later, Wallace laid into “American Psycho” in an interview with Larry McCaffery, saying it “panders shamelessly to the audience’s sadism for a while, but by the end it’s clear that the sadism’s real object is the reader itself… You can defend ‘Psycho’ as being a sort of performative digest of late-eighties social problems, but it’s no more than that.”
    xxx/ellauri075.html on line 515: Henry later called Balzac his "greatest master," and said that he had learned more about the craft of fiction from him than from anyone else. Vanha kunnon Ball-sack.
    xxx/ellauri076.html on line 345: africanblackgirlsdarkskingirlsfavim_com4329456_jpeg_jpeg519679df9a77e9c5ded796578b83d4af" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 34: Lindsay Lohan has a long-lasting fascination with Marilyn Monroe going back to when she saw Niagara during The Parent Trap shoot. In the 2008 Spring Fashion edition of New York magazine, Lohan re-created Monroe's final photo shoot, known as The Last Sitting, including nudity, saying that the photo shoot was "an honor." The New York Times critic Ginia Bellafante found it disturbing, saying "the pictures ask viewers to engage in a kind of mock necrophilia. ... the photographs bear none of Monroe's fragility."
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 86: Lohan's early work won her childhood stardom, while the sleeper hit Mean Girls (2004) affirmed her status as a teen idol. After starring in Herbie: Fully Loaded (2005), Lohan quickly became the subject of intense media coverage due to a series of personal struggles and legal troubles, as well as a number of stints in rehabilitation facilities due to substance abuse. This period saw her lose several roles and had significantly impacted her career and public image negatively.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 175: Toi Wallun nuorisoa nuoleva ja imuttava guru Lyle on yhtä vastenmielinen kuin Mika. Hyi hemmetti mikä tekoviisas elloke. Jonkun naisen pitäisi Lylen neuvon mukaan läpsäistä sulhastaan joka kohtelee sitä kuin matoa. Jos se on Wallun mielestä joteskin ihana niin voi hemmettien hemmetti. Tosi vastenmielistä. Heinous Men. Mixi Wallu halusi kuuluisaxi ja kadehti muita kuuluisampia? Se on hölmö apina häkissä, sixipä. Ja selkeästi anaaliretentiivinen. Se on hyvin luotaantyöntävää. Hyönteis- ja pieneliökauhuinen hygieniafriikki. Mä puolestani inhoon kaikkia mömmöjä ja niiden käyttäjiä, myrkkyjä, lääkkeitä ja erityisesti voiteita, joita jotkut levittävät iholleen ihan täpinöissään intopinkeenä. (Inhoon myös noita sanoja. Hyi, yäk, tulee ihan kylmiä väristyxiä.)
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 247: Rajala on ohjannut Myllykolun kesäteatterissa näytelmät Hurskas kurjuus ja Ihmiset suviyössä. Me käytiin Seijan vastustuxesta huolimatta pikipäin Myllykolussa viime kesänä matkalla Haparandaan. Mä menin juoxujalkaa edellä kuin Faffa Thoreaun Walden Pondille ja Seija laahusti jupisten perässä. Pyllymurosta ei ollut paljon jälellä, ahde oli paikallaan.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 257: Täsmällinen aforistikko Markku Envall läxi kekkereistä ensixi suu vinossa silloisen vaimonsa Tittamari Marttisen (Tita) mukana. Aforistikko meni mieluummin kotiin ratkaisemaan ristikoita.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 273: Bob Death smiles coolly (South Shore bikers are required to be extremely cool in everything they do) and manipulates a wooden match with his lip and says No, not that fish-one. He has to assume a kind of bar-shout to clear the noise of his idling hawg. He leans in more toward Gately and shouts that the one he was talking about was: This wise old whiskery fish swims up to three young fish and goes, “Morning, boys, how’s the water?” and swims away; and the three young fish watch him swim away and look at each other and go, “What the fuck is water?” and swim away. The young biker leans back and smiles at Gately and gives an affable shruge and blatts away, a halter top’s tits mashed against his back.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 293: Mixi Turkki ei kelpaa EUhun? Because it is too big, too alien, too muslim, too different. Koska se on ruma kalkkuna vähästä Aasiasta joka on kiusannut meitä aina, kylme vielä muistetaan Dareios js Xerxes ja puunit ja hunnit ja osmannit ja nazit ja gastarbeiterit. Eitää mikään vitun Euraasian yhteisö ole, vaan länttä ja Eurooppaa, raja aukee railona, me varjellaan vartijoina sitä. Eipä silti Turkki on iso kaunis maa ja sen asukkaat on ystävällisiä. Ecem etunenässä ja Safaq. Mixei Peksarkin. Ankara on kaupunkina valtava ja naisia siellä palvotaan. Voisit vähän varoa mitä sanoa.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 299: afp.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 362: Tarkastaja Jappin valmistama ruoka Poirotille ja neiti Lemonille oli kökkäreitä ja Spotted Dick. Poirot teki keitettyjä valkoisia siansorkkia ja neiti Lemon miniatyyrimäisiä merianturafileitä. Kaikki yökkivät.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 367: As the September/October 2019 issue of Tennis Industry magazine was ready to go to press, we learned the sad news that tennis industry legend Dennis Van der Meer passed away on July 27, after a lengthy illness. No one has had a bigger impact on recreational tennis and tennis coaches than Dennis.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 400: In seiner langen Amtszeit als Schulleiter hat er der Schule wichtige Impulse für ihre weitere Entwicklung gegeben. Die Gründung des überregional bekannten Sportzweiges der Schule ist das Ergebnis seines engagierten Wirkens und seines gesellschaftlichen Engagements, u.a. als langjähriger Präsident des Tennis-Verbandes Pfalz. Die Namensgebung „Heinrich-Heine-Gymnasium“ erfolgte in seiner Amtszeit.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 403: Herr Dr. Zink verband in idealer Weise hohe fachliche und menschliche Kompetenz mit Einsatzbereitschaft und pädagogischem Engagement. Er war ein umsichtiger Schulleiter, ein weithin anerkannter Altsprachler sowie ein kompetenter und allseits beliebter und geschätzter Schulleiter, Lehrer und Kollege.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 407: Herrn Professor Doktor Doktor Zink oli siis Pfalzin tenniskerhon vetäjä. Onkohan tää Schitt sen ja Dennis the Penixen hybridi? Pfalzgraf Casimirin jälkeläisestä se on aika noloa. Heinrich Heine-Gymnasiumin rakennuxetkin on pyllynrumia.
    xxx/ellauri081.html on line 495: Familial dysautonomia (FD), also called Riley-Day syndrome, is an inherited disorder that affects the nervous system. The nerve fibers of people born with FD don't work properly. For this reason, they have trouble feeling pain, temperature, skin pressure and the position of their arms and legs.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 39: Among the gayest apostles were Tennyson (the poet), William Cory (who reportedly had an affair with the future Prime Minister Earl of Rosebery), E. M. Forster, John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Lytton Strachey, Rupert Brooke, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 86: 28.3.2017.Ampuma-asedirektiivin uudistamisesta 1-5 (loputonta vekutusta pumppuhaulikoista) 11.3.2015.Vielä ö-luokan ehdokkaista (mamuvaaliehdokkaat ovat sekundaa) 3.3.2015. Hirveä työvoimapula (mamut on työllistämiskelvottomia ja/tai laiskiaisia) 9.2.2015. Muutama sana Pariisista (Islaminvastaista veistelyä Charlie Hebdosta) 8.1.2015. Ihmisoikeudet uhattuna länsinaapurissa (Pakolaiset ovat röyhkeitä ja nirsoja), 3.1.2015. 6.11.2014. Rajaseudun rahastajasta ja kompensatorisesta etiikasta (En tiedä, minkä lakipykälän mukaan rasismi olisi rikos), 11.9.2014. Rikkautta, jolla on arvoa (Olen kade somaleille), 23.8.2014.Uskonto uskontojen joukossa (Ellet rukoile, olet pahempi kuin kafferi), 19.5.2014.Kysymys kunnallisesta mamubisneksestä, 24.4.2014.Kommentti kehysriiheen ja Ylen toimintaan, 26.3.2014.Unionin tulevasta ampuma-asepolitiikasta, 10.3.2014. [Päivitys 17.3.!]Kirjallinen kysymys äärisaarnaajista Suomessa, 7.3.2014.Kirjallinen kysymys Ukrainan tapahtumiin liittyen, 4.3.2014.Lieksalainen ikiliikkuja, 18.2.2014.Lieksa käsirysyn partaalla, 10.2.2014. [Lisäys 12.2.2014!]EU, maahanmuutto, taakanjako, 16.1.2014.Toimeentuloperäistä maahanmuuttoa, 9.12.2013.Kuntarakenneuudistus eli kaksikielisyyttä saranapuolelta, 28.11.2013.Puheenvuoro asevelvollisuudesta, 15.11.2013.Kiihottamisesta ja kansainvälisistä sitoumuksista, 25.10.2013.Kirjallinen kysymys epäterveistä vetovoimatekijäistä, 7.10.2013.Pakolaiskiintiän kasvattaminen revisited, 30.9.2013.Kirjallinen kysymys pakolaiskiintiän kasvattamisesta, 20.9.2013.Luottamus Kataiseen ja Himaseen, 19.9.2013.Kaksi lakialoitetta sananvapauden edistämiseksi, 10.9.2013.Kansalaisaloite pakkoruotsista luopumiseksi, 15.8.2013.Kirkko, kaupunki ja moskeija, 13.8.2013.Lisääntykää ja täyttäkää Toyota Corolla!, 8.8.2013.Majoituspalveluja kerjäläisille, 5.6.2013.Husbyn herättämiä ajatuksia, 23.5.2013.Paperittomien terveyspalvelut Helsingissä, 7.5.2013.Sosialidemokratiasta ja islamismista, 3.5.2013.Puheenvuoro Kyproksen pelastuspakettiin 17.4. 2013, 18.4.2013.Kirjallinen kysymys opettajien toimintaedellytyksistä, 8.4.2013.Muutamia ilmoituksia, 5.4.2013.Helsingin johtajiston palkankorotuksista, osa 2, 12.3.2013.Suomen Sisun suurkäräjät 10.3.2013, 11.3.2013.Aseaiheisia lakialoitteita, 15.2.2013.Jyväskylästä, 6.2.2013.Connecticut, Yhdysvallat, aseet, 18.12.2012.Sisäministeriön linjaukset aselain uudistamiseksi, 5.12.2012.Kysymys uskontojen halventamisesta, 30.11.2012.Milloin kotoutus on onnistunut?, 1.11.2012.Rikoksiin syyllistyneiden karkottamisesta, 22.10.2012.Helsinki ja "Globaalin vastuun strategia", 28.9.2012.Kirjallinen kysymys somalien suojeluntarpeesta, 22.8.2012.Etninen syrjintä rekrytoinnissa, 21.8.2012.Avoimia vastauksia Meri Valkamalle, 4.6.2012.Hyvinkäästä, 30.5.2012.Kreikkalaisia näkymiä, 10.5.2012.Maahanmuuttajien työllistymisestä, 1.4.2012.Miksi pahis palkitaan?, 26.3.2012.Homoseksuaalisuus suojeluperusteena, 25.2.2012.Matka Addis Abebaan, 17.1.2012.On rotumme synkkä ja siksi jää, 13.1.2012.Mitä tehdä rattijuopoille?, 11.1.2012.Hyvää uutta vuotta 2012!, 8.12.2011.Tilastoista ja etnopositiivisuudesta, 26.10.2011.Rasismin kitkentää Vaasassa, 3.10.2011.Muutama ajatus kunniaväkivallasta, 30.9.2011.Ottawan sopimuksesta, 6.9.2011.Loikka, 13.8.2011.Viharikoksista ja mediasta,
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 115: Yksi asia, jonka olen oppinut isojen poikien lounasseminaareissa Brysselissä, on se, että kansainväliset sijoittajat pitävät Suomea korkean maariskin kohteena. Lainsäädäntö on heikkolaatuista, poukkoilevaa ja epäennustettavaa. Maksuja, veroja ja sääntelyä tulee puskasta, niiden vaikutusarvioinnit ovat ideologisia eivätkä objektiivisia, ne saatetaan peruuttaa seuraavana vuonna, ja ne voidaan kaivaa uudelleen naftaliinista seuraavan hallituskauden aikana. Yritystoimintaan sijoittaminen on pitkäjänteistä puuhaa, ja rahansa likoon paneva investori haluaa tietää, että sijoituspäätökseen vaikuttaneet olosuhteet ja ehdot ovat voimassa myös kymmenen vuoden kuluttua.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 226: af7_b.jpg" width="50%" />
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 383: Keliakia on harvinainen henkilöillä, joilla on afrikkalainen amerikkalainen, karibialainen tai aasialainen tausta. Naaraat kärsivät hieman enemmän kuin miehet. Vaikka keliakia voi ilmetä missä tahansa iässä, tämän taudin havaitseminen on yleensä korkeintaan 8-12 kuukauden ja kolmannen - neljännen elämäkauden aikana.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 592: Legal Seafood ei ollut ketju kun söimme siellä clam chowderia 70-luvulla. Ei niitä ollut enempää kuin 1. Wallu on meihin nähden räkänokka keltanokka vaikka nokka sillä yltääkin jo kattoon.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 596: Wallun iskähaikara muka inhos Bazinia. Wallu ize varmaan peukutti sitä, vaikka se oli kommunisti sodan aikana. Kuoli onnex leukemiaan 40-vuotiaana. Se kannatti jollain lailla Schleiermacherin 1799 keximää personalismia, jonka mukaan henkilöt on tärkeempiä kuin koko muu maapallo ja maailmankaikkeus yhteensä. Se on yxi idealismin muoto muiden joukossa, eli sielu on taas kaikki kaikessa. Sitä varmaan Wallukin meinaa tässä liputtaa. Personalisteja oli kirkonmies- ja huuhaafilosofijoukossa sekä Bostonissa että Calisotassa. Onko Schleiermacherista, tosta tomppelista pyllyverhontekijästä paasattu jo aiemmin? Ilmeisesti ei.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 773: In France, after its release, communists, socialists, and "independent groups" treated the film favorably; however, the far right disapproved on account of the director's background. Some French critics denounced the film as unpatriotic. The film has also been criticized for being too selective and that the director was "too close to the events portrayed to provide an objective study of the period."
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 59: The product was sold by Clinton Odell and his sons Leonard and Allan, who formed the Burma-Vita Company, named for a liniment that was the company’s first product. The Odells were not making money on Burma-Vita, and wanted to sell a product that people would use daily. A wholesale drug company in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where the company was located, told Clinton Odell about Lloyd’s Euxesis, a British product that was the first brushless shaving cream made, but which was of poor quality. Clinton Odell hired a chemist named Carl Noren to produce a quality shaving cream and after 43 attempts, Burma-Shave was born.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 73: Burma-Shave sales rose to about 6 million by 1947, at which time sales stagnated for the next seven years, and then gradually began to fall. Various reasons caused sales to fall, the primary one being urban growth. Typically, Burma-Shave signs were posted on rural highways and higher speed limits caused the signs to be ignored. Subsequently, the Burma-Vita Company was sold to Gillette in 1963, which in turn became part of American Safety Razor, and Phillip Morris. The huge conglomerate decided the verses were a silly idea and one of America’s vintage icons was lost to progress.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 92: Philip Morris sold the Burma-Shave brand name to American Safety Razor Company in 1968, but the name remained dormant until 1997 when it was reintroduced for a line of shaving cream, razors, and accessories. Although the original Burma-Shave was a brushless shaving cream, the name currently is used to market a soap and shaving brush set.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 106: If it is a surprise to learn that Lawrence originally conceived of Women in Love as a money-making pot-boiler, it comes as an endearing shock to read that James Joyce submitted some of his early work to the firm of Mills and Boon. There is no record of the reader’s report, beyond the fact that he rejected Dubliners as unsuitable material for the unique imprint of that publishing house. For his part, Lawrence had no doubt that the author of Ulysses was the real smutmonger of modern fiction. ‘My God, what a clumsy olla putrida James Joyce is!’, he wrote to Aldous Huxley, ‘nothing but old fags and cabbage-stumps of quotations from the Bible and the rest stewed in the juice of deliberate journalistic dirty-mindedness.’ To his wife Frieda he wrote, after reading Ulysses, that ‘the last part of it is the dirtiest, most indecent, obscene thing ever written’; and he later complained that Joyce had degraded the novel to the level of an instrument for measuring twinges in the toes of unremarkable men. Joyce’s reply to the charge that he was just another pornographer doing dirt on sex was to claim that at least he had never made the subject predictable or boring. He denounced Lady Chatterbox’s Lover — his title for Lawrence’s notorious novel — as a ‘lush’ production in ‘sloppy English’ and dismissed its ending as ‘a piece of propaganda in favour of something which, outside of DHL’s country at any rate, makes all the propaganda for itself’. It is a minor irony of literary history that both men were married at Kensington Register Office in London, although, unlike Lawrence, the Irishman allowed a decent interval of twenty-five years to elapse before the solemnisation of his nuptials.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 114: Wallun avatar Jim Wallace joka oli ollut sekin äidin kanssa hirmu hirmu läheinen oli yhdenlainen masentavien aatosten olla podrida. Jimbon esikuvana ollut avantgarde ohjaaja Sidney Peterson Kaliforniasta teki teinimäistä kaitafilmiä. Hienoa taidetta se oli olevinaan muka. Ei siinä ollut päätä eikä häntääkään.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 118: Plot Summary: A soundless mix of story fragments and images. Initially, images of death, a man with a guitar, a soirée. Some images are surreal: an older woman eats a leaf; a headless man pours a cocktail into his body. A woman in white walks toward a building, isolated and in ruins, where a man waits. Then more images, some in reflections, some distorted, many in close-ups: women's feet in high heels, two bare feet at play, a snail, a knife, a mask, a woman mugging next to it. Women provocatively dance. A woman's face, staring without affect, rises partially out of water. Now wearing a dark jacket, the woman in white runs as if for her life. Is death at hand, or just images?
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 169: This essay offers a close analysis of one particular character in David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest: Kate Gompert, a suicidal marijuana addict afflicted with “psychotic depression.”
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 268: Don't make the mistake of trying to model yourself after what they say or what they say to do a. It's a much different story when you're starting out or haven't had certain opportunities to build upon like they have.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 285: As a result of new projects, he decided to put the clinical practice on hold in 2017 and temporarily stopped teaching as of 2018. In February 2018, Peterson entered into a promise with the College of Psychologists of Ontario after a professional misconduct complaint about his communication and the boundaries he sets with his patients. The College did not consider a full disciplinary hearing necessary and accepted Peterson entering into a three-month undertaking to work on prioritizing his practice and improving his patient communications. Peterson had no prior disciplinary punishments or restrictions on his clinical practice.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 303: Several months after his treatment in Russia, Peterson and his family moved to Belgrade, Serbia for further treatment. In June 2020, Peterson made his first public appearance in over a year, when he appeared on his daughter's podcast, recorded in Communist Belgrade. He said that he was "back to my regular self", other than feeling fatigue, and was cautiously optimistic about his prospects. He also said that he wanted to warn people about the dangers of long-term use of benzodiazepines (the class of drugs that includes clonazepam). In August 2020, his daughter announced that her father had contracted COVID-19 during his hospital stay in Serbia. Two months later, Peterson posted a YouTube video to inform that he had returned home and aimed to resume his destructive work in the near future.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 398: And that’s usually where that thought experiment ends. But let’s keep going with the scenario with low taxes, shall we? After a long time of this pattern, this sandwich shop might turn into a large chain. They’re above the struggle to survive that they started in, and other sandwich shops can’t easily take away a large portion of their customers. It becomes quite expensive to try and out-compete them. But competition is also expensive on their end. And then the owner of this shop starts to think “now wait a minute… I raise the starting wage of my workers and lower my prices, and then everyone else does the same, until eventually, I’m forced to do it again. But that second time, and every time afterwards, I’m not getting more customers or more efficient workers, I’m competing with the other companies to try to maintain what I already have, with less and less profit. And the same is true for everyone I’m competing with. What if I talked to all the other big chains in this area, and we all agreed to keep about the same starting wage and price? That way we ALL make more money.” And now those lower taxes have no effect on price or wages, all that extra money becomes profit.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 496: Much of the blame for the trickle-down lie goes to conservative economist Arthur Laffer, godfather of “supply-side” economics, a.k.a. “Reaganomics.” He argued, using an easy-to-understand graph — the Laffer curve — that as tax rates go down, government revenue goes up.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 504: That was due in no small part to Trump’s tax cuts doing not what Laffer predicted but what all sensible economists said would happen: Government revenue fell while spending increased.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 505: The deficit is projected to top $1 trillion for the entire fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30. The last time that happened was in the aftermath of the Great Recession.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 510: “A healthy economy depends on a functioning government,” said Owen Zidar, an associate professor of economics and public affairs at Princeton University.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 518: “Let’s let people keep more of what they earn,” he said. “That’s the supply side of the Laffer curve. We believe in that.”
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 528: Make the tax code more progressive, which is to say, have the tax burden fall more heavily on those who can afford it, particularly through a higher levy on capital gains.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 536: In June, Trump awarded trickle-down proponent Laffer the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 537: Trump praised Laffer’s “brilliant theory,” and said the value of trickle-down economics had been proved “over and over again.”
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 553: Using this measure, they set out to identify “major” tax cuts on the rich in 18 wealthy nations from 1965 to 2015. In the United States, that included the Reagan-era tax cuts of 1981 and 1986, which dramatically reduced the top income tax rate from 70 percent to 28 percent after fully taking effect.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 555: They then traced what happened to those nations’ economies in the five years after the cuts were implemented. They focused particularly on income inequality, economic growth as measured by gross domestic product, and the unemployment rate. They aggregated those trends across countries to capture the broadest possible picture of the tax cuts’ effects.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 563: But they had no effect on economic growth or employment. Though those quantities fluctuated slightly after the major tax cuts that were studied, the effect was statistically indistinguishable from zero. The “rocket fuel” so often promised by supporters of these tax cuts? It fizzles out time and time again.
    xxx/ellauri085.html on line 582: There are two prevalent theories people like to allude to, Demand Side (Keynesian) and Supply Side ( Championed bt Reagan and theorized by Laffler). Neither has worked well. They are just different approaches to solve the same problem. Sluggish economic growth. In truth, Reagan never really implemented true Trickle Down economics. His was a hybrid of tax cuts and simplification coupled with a massive increase in government spending. You see the thing is, when you have an unregulated job market and limited government employment, there will always be a segment of the population that will be out of work and large sections of the economy reinventing itself. The U.S. has reached virtually full employment since the 80’s.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 110: Se ei hämmästytä ettei se tiedä mitä on konsultaatio lääkäreiden sanastossa. Nilkki ei ollut mikään hänen majesteettinsa laivaston vikkelin venhe, kuten Wallu sanoisi. No siitä ei nyt saa paljon mailitsia, enemmän vois ehkä saada sen huru-ukko muistelmista kymmenisen vuotta sitten, jolloin se pääsi herrain kanssa marjaan Gustafssonin jossain semmassa.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 112: Jukka Tapani Gustafsson (s. 2. tammikuuta 1947 Turku) on suomalainen poliitikko, joka on toiminut kansanedustajana vuodesta 1987 asti. Kevään 2011 eduskuntavaaleja seuranneiden hallitusneuvottelujen jälkeen hänet valittiin nimitettäväksi Jyrki Kataisen hallituksen opetusministeriksi. Hän jatkoi opetusministerinä toukokuuhun 2013 asti, jolloin hänen seuraajakseen valittiin aiemmin saman hallituksen asunto- ja viestintäministerinä toiminut Krista Kiuru.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 113: Gustafsson on valmistunut yhteiskuntatieteiden maisteriksi vuonna 1976. Ennen uraansa kansanedustajana Gustafsson on työskennellyt konepuuseppänä, koulutussuunnittelijana sekä Murikka-opiston rehtorina opiston ensimmäiset kymmenen toimintavuotta (1977–1987).
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 267: Toi sieltä pienen kapeen pitkän matontapaisen joka on meillä vielä vintissä. Mustaa afgaa poltettiin Laivanvarastajankadun poxissa. Sen afgaanikaverit nukku mun oma tekemässä liian lyhyessä lautasängyssä. Ja jätti sinne terveisixi luteita.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 274: Buzkashi on hauska afganistanilainen hevosurheilulaji jossa kamppaillaan päättömän vuohenruhon siirtämisestä maalialueelle. Tavoitteena on saada vuohenruho izelle. Sääntönä on että vastustajaa ei saa purra vetää tukasta eikä käyttää aseita. Samanlaista peliä on myös koirilla. Ne saattaa purra mutta eivät käytä aseita. ⚽ on sama laji paizi ilman hevosia ja pelivälineenä käytettävä vuohi on suolistettu nyljetty ja parkkiintunut.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 279: Moi. Tosta kyllä nyt tulee kuva, että mulla olis ollu jotain luteisia afgaanikavereita että mä olisin tuonut hassista Afganistanista. Just ne kliseet mitkä mä olin halunnu kiertää. Mutta mähän voin sitten kirjottaa oman näkemykseni jos haluan: pyhimys Peshawariin, surkimus Ceylonille. Ihmisyysikävää Himalajalla. Millainen se matto on? No ei tällä mitään merkitystä ole. Ostin yhdeltä afgaaniperheeltä 150€ rukousmaton tapaisen maton joka on meillä keskilattialla, modernin, mutta jos se on vintillä, voisin ottaa lattialle. En muistanut tällaista.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 282: Faktat luteista on että joku muu kuin minä oli nukkunut mun sängyssä ja sen jälkeen sieltä löytyi luteita. Oliko ne mujahediinejä vai suomalaisia sissejä ne eivät kertoneet. Mustaa afgaa sai pressolta l. perunatorilta, ei sitä tarvinnut Kabulista asti ize hakea. Se pikku matto on Seijan mukaan nyt sen sohvan päällyxenä. Ei se riitä keskilattialle matoksi. Sitäpaizi mielestäni sain sen sulta tuliaisena. Ottaa antaa kanankakan kantaa :)
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 452: Henry: Shortly after we came in I saw at once we'd easily win; She thought that I was taken in, but actually I never was
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 453: And after that I found it deadly dull. How could she deceive another member of her race?"
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 490: Kustantaja sanoi: e-e-e-e-en ko-ko-kommentoi. Jos joku haluaa olla rauhassa, mixette vaan anna sen olla rauhassa. "Ai mixi ei?" kysyy tutkaileva toimittaja Gatti. No sixi että mä saan suht vitusti pätäkkää kun mä läväytän tän New Yorkin kirjarevyylle ja mun 7 päivää-lehdelle. Ehkei se ole Berlusconi eikä mafiaa, mutta mäpä oon! Mun velvollisuus on kertoa tää kaikille, koska jotkut voivat saada siitä tuohtua! Ja missä on tuohtua on tuohta mulle ja mun laisille nävertäjille.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 498: The west-side story here, reduced to its elements: “Manhattan” is a movie about a five-foot middle-aged Jew who beds a sweet 17-year-old girl, breaks her heart when he leaves her for someone else and only comes crawling back when he gets dumped. It is not simply that so many of us were so besotted with the film for so long; it’s that we were perfectly content to look and see the small tits and the virgin butt. The problem was an addiction to “the self-gratifying view,’’ Mr. Allen suggested - having made another movie about how he relentlessly does what he pleases. Butt on fire. Joey Buttafuoco quickly became an object of derision, the butt of the joke instead of Allen.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 515: We use cookies and similar methods to recognize visitors and remember their preferences. We also use them to measure ad campaign effectiveness, target ads and analyze site traffic. To learn more about these methods, including how to disable them, view our Cookie Policy.Starting on July 20, 2020 we will show you ads we think are relevant to your interests, based on the kinds of content you access in our Services. You can object. For more info, see our privacy policy. By tapping ‘accept,’ you consent to the use of these methods by us and third parties. You can always change your tracker preferences by visiting our Cookie Policy.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 610: A month later, the prefect returns, still unsuccessful in his search. He is motivated to continue his fruitless search by the promise of a large reward, recently doubled, upon the letter's safe return, and he will pay 50,000 francs to anyone who can help him. Dupin asks him to write that check now and he will give him the letter. The prefect is astonished, but knows that Dupin is not joking. He writes the check, and Dupin produces the letter. The prefect determines that it is genuine and races to deliver it to the queen.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 617: Dupin says he had visited the minister at his hotel. Complaining of weak eyes he wore a pair of green spectacles, the true purpose of which was to disguise his eyes as he searched for the letter. In a cheap card rack hanging from a dirty ribbon, he saw a half-torn letter and recognized it as the letter of the story's title. Striking up a conversation with D— about a subject in which the minister is interested, Dupin examined the letter more closely. It did not resemble the letter the prefect described so minutely; the writing was different, and it was sealed not with the "ducal arms" of the S— family, but with D—'s monogram. Dupin noticed that the paper was chafed as if the stiff paper was first rolled one way and then another. Dupin concluded that D— wrote a new address on the reverse of the stolen one, re-folded it the opposite way and sealed it with his own seal.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 649: The Scarlet Letter: A Romance is a work of historical fiction by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850. Set in Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an affair and then struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Containing a number of religious and historic allusions, the book explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 655: D.H. Lawrencella oli izellään aika amerikkalainen mielikuvitus. James Joyce teki siitä irlantilaista pilaa. Cambridgen apostolipojat hahatteli sille myös. Lawrence oli vähän vihainen, murti suuta murti päätä murti mustoa haventa. Pureskeli viixiään ja hautoi kaunaisia ajatuxia. Se oli työläistaustainen. Kostoxi tai muuten vaan se bylsi sitten Bertin ja muiden apostolipoikien flammaa Lady Ottolinea, joka Jönsin mukaan oli jusze Lady Chatterley. D.H. oli sen testosteronilta hajahtava moukkamainen puutarhuri joka kuokki sitä nakupellenä puutarhavajassa kuin Miltonilla Eevaa Aatami. Leidi oli varmaan kova rupattelemaan. Chatterley, get it? On jäänyt lapsuudesta mieleen se kohta missä D.H.:n kikkeli koki taisteluväsymystä ja oli rutistunut pienexi kuin possun kärsä tai joku rusina. Leidi koitti saada sitä pystyyn taas, ja lähtihän se kuin hoppafoordi kun oli muutama kerta vemputettu kammesta. Kirja löytyi työnnettynä äidin ja isin kirjahyllyyn takariville.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 659: In Puritan Boston, Massachusetts, a crowd gathers to witness the punishment of Hester Prynne, a young woman who has given birth to a baby of unknown parentage. Her sentence required her to stand on the scaffold for three hours, exposed to public humiliation, and to wear the scarlet "A" for the rest of her life. As Hester approaches the scaffold, many of the women in the crowd are angered by her beauty and quiet dignity. When demanded and cajoled to name the father of her child, Hester refuses.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 671: Tormented by his guilty conscience, Dimmesdale goes to the square where Hester was punished years earlier. Climbing the scaffold in the dead of night, he admits his guilt but cannot find the courage to do so publicly in the light of day. Hester, shocked by Dimmesdale´s deterioration, decides to obtain a release from her vow of silence to her husband.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 673: Several days later, Hester meets Dimmesdale in the forest and tells him of her husband and his desire for revenge. She convinces Dimmesdale to leave Boston in secret on a ship to Europe where they can start life anew. Inspired by this plan, the minister seems to gain new energy. On Election Day, Dimmesdale gives one of his most inspired sermons. But as the procession leaves the church, Dimmesdale climbs upon the scaffold and confesses his sin, dying in Hester´s arms. Later, most witnesses swear that they saw a stigma in the form of a scarlet "A" upon his chest, although some deny this statement. Chillingworth, losing his will for revenge, dies shortly thereafter and leaves Pearl a substantial inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 691: The major theme of The Scarlet Letter is shaming and social stigmatizing, both Hester´s public humiliation and Dimmesdale´s private shame and fear of exposure. Notably, their liaison is never spoken of, so the circumstances that led to Hester´s pregnancy, and how their affair was kept secret never become part of the plot.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 723: Saadakseen lisätuloja Poe opetteli litografian tekoa mutta ei onnistunut saamaan työtä alalta. Burton'sissa Poe julkaisi muun muassa yhden mestariteoksistaan, "Usherin talon häviö" (1839). Sen jälkeen samana vuonna Lea & Blanchard julkaisi Poen 25 novellia kaksiosaisessa kokoelmassa Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Kirja sai enimmäkseen myönteiset arviot, joissa kiiteltiin kirjailijan omaperäisyyttä ja mielikuvitusta. Kirja ei kuitenkaan myynyt hyvin. Poe oli riitaantunut Burton'sin omistajan kanssa, ja kun tämä sai tietää Poen suunnittelevan oman lehtensä perustamista, Poe sai potkut.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 853: “Wretch,” I cried, “thy God hath lent thee—by these angels he hath sent thee Serafinko aamutossut liekö maton poikki juossu.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 855: Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!” helpotusta suolan janoon et palaa mieli Nooran panoon!
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 906: The essay states Poe's conviction that a work of fiction should be written only after the author has decided how it is to end and which emotional response, or "effect", he wishes to create, commonly known as the "unity of effect". Once this effect has been determined, the writer should decide all other matters pertaining to the composition of the work, including tone, theme, setting, characters, conflict, and plot. In this case, Poe logically decides on "the death... of a beautiful woman" as it "is unquestionably the most poetical topic in the world, and equally is it beyond doubt that the lips best suited for such topic are those of a bereaved lover." Some commentators have taken this to imply that pure poetry can only be attained by the eradication of female beauty. Biographers and critics have often suggested that Poe's obsession with this theme stems from the repeated loss of women throughout his life, including his mother Eliza Poe, his foster mother Frances Allan and, later, his wife Virginia.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 49: On vaikea sanoa, mihin tässä ollaan menossa, muuta kuin brittituristien suosimaan lomakohteeseen Kyproksen Pafokselle. Seminaarin tervetuliaiskirje on älytön. Alku vielä menettelee:
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 51: “Kyseessä on Pafos-seminaari nro 42, mutta koskaan aikaisemmin eivät edeltävät tapahtumat ole olleet niin elämän draaman ja ihmeen läpitunkemia kuin juuri tällä kertaa.”
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 54: Mutta sitten: “Pafos-viikko sallii irrottautumisen suorituspaineista ja arjen hyörinnästä. Syntyy vapautunut, kunnioittava, hyväntahtoinen, positiivis-realistinen kohtaamisen tilanne, jonka ytimessä on jokaisen meidän ihme ihmisenä. Tunnelma on hyväksyvä, inspiroitunut, rohkaiseva, kohtelias ja kohottava. Työskentelemme hienoviritteisen hengittävästi, kukoistuksen huokoisuuksia vaalien, kukin omalla tavallamme.”
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 56: Jos Saarisen allekirjoittamasta kirjeestä poistaisi kaikki adjektiivit, siinä ei lukisi juuri mitään. Pafos-seminaarin esitteessä on sama ongelma. Siinä luetellaan sanoja kuten ylärekisteri, kukoistuskumppanuus, sisäinen hehku ja maaginen noste. Sellaisia, joita ei käytetä edes horoskoopeissa. Samalla kerrotaan, että Saarisen puhetta ymmärtää jokainen.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 57: Esa Saarisen seminaareja on kahdenlaisia. Tämä on niin sanottu pääsiäis-Pafos, joka maksaa osallistujalle lentoineen 1 600 eurosta 2 300 euroon hotellipaketista riippuen. Heinäkuussa pidetään erityisesti opiskelijoille ja nuorille suunnattu, Tuikunkantajat-seminaari.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 60: Kyproksen lounaispuolella sijaitsevalla Pafoksella on pääsiäistä edeltävänä tiistai-aamuna vain 18 astetta lämmintä, mutta Välimeren ilma hiostaa naamaa. Koneellinen ihmisiä tungeksii matkatavarahihnan vieressä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 62: Tilastotieteen yliopistolehtori Kimmo Vehkalahdella on päällään Helsingin yliopiston oranssi t-paita ja mukanaan vaimo. Hän, kuten jotkut muutkin, on täällä työpaikkansa kustantamana. Vehkalahti kuuluu Opettajien akatemiaan, johon valitut saavat yliopistolta 20 000 euroa käytettäväkseen haluamallaan tavalla. Vehkalahti on sijoittanut osan summasta Pafos-seminaariin.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 103: 20-vuotiaana tohtoriksi valmistunut Pekka Himanen taas kertoi, että Saarisella oli hänen väitöksensä ohjaamisessa “sokraattisen kätilön tehtävä, innostaminen”. Ei ole kätilön vika jos lapsi syntyy kuolleena. Himanen on käynyt Pafos-seminaareissa useita kertoja, ja Saarinen on sanonut hänen löytäneen Eskin äänen sieltä. His masters voice. E. Saarinen pitää ilmeisesti kokea uskoaxeen sen.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 114: Pafoksella systeemit yksi ja kaksi toimivat paremmin yhteen kuin yleensä, koska täällä ihminen vapautuu. Arkena on vaikeaa avata mieli sellaiselle, mitä normaalisti pidetään vähän naurettavana. Vessajonossa on useimmilla mielessä systeemi ykkönen, voi niitä joiden pitää mennä kakkoselle. Panee miettimään: vetiköhän positiivinen Vesa-Matti Loiri myöntyväistä Eskiä Ankallisteatterin miestenhuoneessa kakkoseen? Nyt on myöhäistä kysyä, paizi Eskiltä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 116: Tämä on kognitiotiedettä, joka on sukua positiivisen psykologian teesille siitä, että positiivinen suhtautuminen tekee elämästä parempaa. Saarinen olikin viime joulukuussa positiivisuuden ykkösprofessorin Martin Seligmanin vieraana Pennsylvanian yliopistossa pitämässä “pien-Pafoksen”.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 140: Esimerkiksi tilastotieteen lehtori Kimmo Vehkalahti kertoo olevansa vaikuttunut siitä, miten Saarinen pistää itsensä likoon. Eski vaikuttaakin aika lipeäiseltä. Mutta sen leotardintäplät ei lähde edes pesussa. Hän on saanut Pafoksella innostusta ja aikaa ajatella, Eski on saanut sieltä taas aimo läjän pätäkkää. Mikään pyhäkoulu tämä ei kuitenkaan ole. Jatkoilla voi sattua yhtä jos toista, josta Eski ei kerro kotona.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 174: Mutta Eskin asiakkaat tulee uudestaan ja uudestaan. Eskin Pafos-seminaari koukuttaa kuin David Foster Wallacen Viihde-moduuli.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 193: “Eräällä it-perheellä oli ongelma, kun nainen ei voinut tulla raskaaksi. Pariskunta tuli Pafos-seminaariin, ja kappas vain! Kuulin Pafos-vauvasta mummilta toisessa seminaarissa.” Eski pani nähtävästi kättä (tai jotain kättä pitempää) vaimon päälle, tai vaimo tarttui sitä takaa kauhtanasta.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 194: Saarinen oli törmännyt vauvaan ja isään myöhemmin Café Engelissä, kun hän oli ollut lukemassa lapsipsykiatri Beatrice Beeben kirjaa. Vauvalle ja Saariselle oli syntynyt yhteys, joka oli käsitteellisen ajattelun ulkopuolella. Eskin mielestä vauva oli ihan isän näköinen. No ei, se muistutti sekin Vesa Pallasvesaa.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 201: Alaisensa Pafokselle roudannut toimitusjohtaja esittää ryhmänsä kanssa huuliharppuversion brittiläisestä blues-biisistä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 260: – Luentojeni ja Pafos-seminaarieni pyrkimys on luoda tilanne, missä ihminen itse alkaa pohtia sitä, mitkä ovat hänen elämänsä laajemmat kaaret ja sydämen ääni. Mä vaan vähän siinä auttelen, annan ohjeita mitä ajatuxia izekunkin tulee pohtia.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 285: – Sitä kätkössä olevaa myötätuntoisuutta korona on tuonut yleisemmin pintaan valtavana yhteisöllisenä voimana. Myötätunnon kantoaaltoa tarvitaan nyt elintärkeästi, kun Suomi pitää saada kestävästi uudelleen nousuun ja monet ovat niin tiukilla taloudellisesti ja henkisesti etteivät voi maxaa edes Pafos-seminaaria.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 288: Hyvä elämä kohoaa Esa Saarisen mukaan erityisesti toisten ihmisten suomasta hievahtamattomasta huomiosta ja läsnäolosta esim Pafos-seminaarissa.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 312: – Nyt on oikea aika ajatella, mitä oikeastaan ajattelemme todella tärkeistä asioista, kuten Pafos-seminaarista. Kuka meistä haluaa tuhota eliölajeja tai touhuta turhanpäiväistä? No aika monet kyllä. Miksi elää rakkaudettomasti, kun voi välittää toisensukupuolisista ihmisistä ja arvostaa elämän ihmettä? Sitä pientä kimmeltävää tippaa kyrvän kärjessä.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 332: Milton was born in Brooklyn, New York on July 31, 1912. His parents, Sára Ethel (née Landau) and Jenő Saul Friedman, were Jewish immigrants from Beregszász in Carpathian Ruthenia, Kingdom of Hungary (now Berehove in Ukraine). They both worked as dry goods merchants. Shortly after his birth, the family relocated to Rahway, New Jersey. In his early teens, Friedman was injured in a car accident, which scarred his upper lip.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 454: Many authors have borrowed the phrase "World enough and time" from the poem's opening line to use in their book title or inside. The most famous is Robert Penn Warren's 1950 novel World Enough and Time: A Romantic Novel, about murder in early-19th-century Kentucky. (WTF,? bet Ernest Heminway's booklet Farewell for Arms (p. 129) is famouser.) With variations, it has also been used for books on the philosophy of physics (World Enough and Space-Time: Absolute versus Relational Theories of Space and Time), geopolitics (World Enough and Time: Successful Strategies for Resource Management), a science-fiction collection (Worlds Enough & Time: Five Tales of Speculative Fiction), and a biography of the poet (World Enough and Time: The Life of Andrew Marvell). The phrase is used as a title chapter in Andreas Wagner's pop science book on the origin of variation in organisms, "Arrival of the Fittest". The verse serves as an epigraph to Mimesis, literary critic Erich Auerbach's most famous book. It is also the title of an episode of Big Finnish Productions's The Diary of River Song series 2, and of part 1 of Doctor Who's Series 10 finale. It is the title of a Star Trek New Voyages fan episode where George Takei reprises his role as Sulu after being lost in a rift in time. The title of Robert A. Heinlein's 1973 novel Time Enough for Love also echoes this line.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 456: Further in the field of science fiction, Ursula K. Le Guin wrote a Hugo-nominated short story whose title, "Vaster than Empires and More Slow", is taken from the poem. Ian Watson notes the debt of this story to Marvell, "whose complex and allusive poems are of a later form of pastoral to that which I shall refer, and, like Marvell, Le Guin's nature references are, as I want to argue, "pastoral" in a much more fundamental and interesting way than this simplistic use of the term." There are other allusions to the poem in the field of Fantasy and Science Fiction: the first book of James Kahn's "New World Series" is titled "World Enough, and Time"; the third book of Joe Haldeman's "Worlds" trilogy is titled "Worlds Enough and Time"; and Peter S. Beagle's novel A Fine and Private Place about a love affair between two ghosts in a graveyard. The latter phrase has been widely used as a euphemism for the grave, and has formed the title of several mystery novels.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 477: The song "Am I alone and unobserved?" in the Gilbert and Sullivan operetta Patience contains the line, "If he's content with a vegetable love that would certainly not suit me..." in reference to the aesthete protagonist affecting to prefer the company of flowers to that of women.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 522: af1-522f-8db4-a787317aaed4" width="50%" />
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 561: Knievel, who died last November aged 69, liked to boast of his chequered past, claiming to have been a safecracker and bank robber before becoming the world’s best-known motorcycle stuntman. He even spent six months in jail at the height of his career in 1977 for attacking with a baseball bat the author of a book about him to which he took exception.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 563: In 1986 he was arrested for soliciting an undercover policewoman for immoral purposes. In 1995 he was charged with battering his girlfriend Krystal Kennedy after leaving his wife of 35 years. Kennedy declined to testify against Knievel, however, and later married him.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 709: Juan Batiste Montabuanin (sic credits E. Saarinen) el Zorro seikkaili Mexikon tulenhehkuisen taivaan alla teräskuntoisena 1800-luvun loppupuolelta (infantan miekkamiehet) 1900-luvun alkuun asti (Chicagon mafia) mikä oli sikäli outoa että nuorukaisena sen sieppasivat mukaan v. 1910 Mexikon vallankumouxen kapinakenraalit Zapata etunenässä ja tappoivat sen vanhemmat. Mutta don Jaimelle on kaikki mahdollista, kun sen alla on hyvä razu Jamie. Joka eli yhtä kauan, ellei sitä vaivihkaa vaihdettu toiseen samannimiseen. Ehkä Zorrollekin kävi näin, vertaa Nastamuuumio. Antonio Banderas muuten on esittänyt sekä Zorroa että Villan Panchoa. Se on niin sopivasti mexikaanon näköinen.
    xxx/ellauri087.html on line 747: Villa syntyi Rio Granden kylässä Durangossa nimellä Doroteo Arango. Hän oli mestitsi, jolla oli myös afrikkalaissyntyisten orjien verta suonissaan. (Ks. allaoleva rotusekoitusmatriisi). Perhe eli velkaorjuudessa. Kuusitoistavuotiaana Villa tappoi hacendadon, tilanomistajan, pojan, koska tämä oli raiskannut hänen siskonsa. Tämän vuoksi hän pakeni vuorille ja ryhtyi lainsuojattomaksi. Seuraavat 16 vuotta hän terrorisoi seudun maanomistajia vuorilta käsin käyttäen nimeä Pancho Villa. Nimen alkuperä on epäselvä. Se oli kenties lainattu kuolleelta roistolta tai Doroteon omalta isoisältä Jesús Villalta. Kolmenkymmenen vuoden iässä Villa oli koonnut itselleen omaisuutta ja opetellut vankilatuomioidensa aikana lukemaan.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 70: Tarkastele koronakriisin talousvaikutuksia päivittyvistä grafiikoista täältä.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 102: Miesten käsirysyn kautta turvattu rauha on yhdenlaista naisen alistamista, tuumaavat naiset Saudi-Arabiassa ja Lontoossa. En 48-årig polis har häktats misstänkt för att ha kidnappat och dödat en kvinna. Fallet fick Londonpolisen att varna kvinnor, be dem vara försiktiga och inte ta promenader på egen hand. Gå ut bara i sällskap av en manlig släkting, far, bror, farbror, morbror eller kusin. En helkroppsmask är också en bra idé. Många menar att den typen av uttalanden antyder att det är kvinnors ansvar att själva undvika att bli attackerade. Enligt Storbritanniens premiärminister Boris Godunov ska lagstiftingen leda till skärpta straff för flanörer och fler poliser på gatorna.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 237: Mietin pitäiskö minunkin mennä naisylioppilaiden vastaanottoon madame af Forsellesin kotiin käytettäväxi tarvittaessa. En mene, päätin. Tietysti minulla olisi ollut tuo vanha kipeä asiani: miten saan varmistettua jumalalta lapsen? Mitä minun on tehtävä että sen varmuuden saisin? Ei. en osaa vielä kyllixi englantia, minun täytyisi turvautua rva af Forsellesiin. Mahdotonta näin aroissa kysymyxissä. Ja vaikka Mr. Mott on laihanlainen, voisiko hän sittenkään mahtua mun asemaan?
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 294: Die versunkene Glocke (1897), a symbolic story of a master bell founder and his struggle as an artist, has been one of Hauptmann's most popular plays. After this Hauptmann wrote the tragedies Fuhrmann Henschel (1899), Michael Kramer (1900), and Rose Bernd (1903). These works also reflected the personal turmoil Hauptmann was then in he had fallen for a fourteen-year-old girl, a promising violinist Margarete Marschalk. She was the opposite of his wife, interested in his work, and in such outdoor sports as hiking, ice-skating, andf skiing. After Hauptmann wife found out about her rival, she moved with the children to Dresden. Hauptmann had a son, Benvenuto, with Margarete, and in 1904, after a long period of agonising thought, Hauptmann divorced Marie and married Margarete. However, a year later he met a sixteen-year-old actress, Ida Orloff, who became a new object of his obsession. Hauptmann described her in his letters as a moth flirting with flames, as a bewitching Siren, as a mermaid, and as a cruel spider.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 310: Population can be greatly affected by scramble competition (and contest competition). Intraspecific competition normally leads to a decline of organisms. For example, the more time that an individual spends seeking food and reproduction opportunities, the less energy that organism naturally has to defend oneself against predators, resulting in a "zero-sum game". Competition is a density dependent effect, and scramble competition is no exception. Scramble competition usually involves interactions among individuals of the same species, which makes competition balanced and often leads to a decline of population growth rate as the amount of resources depletes. Ei niin pahaa ettei jotain hyvääkin.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 318: Seuraavaxi (tai seuraavassa jaxossa) käsittelen ekologisesti ajatusta, että oikeisto/vasemmisto kissanhännänveto on oikeasti termiittiapinoiden päättämättömyyttä siitä mihin suuntaan pitäis lajina mennä, kohti yhteiskuntahyönteistä vaiko pysyä vaan yxilö- ja klaanierritoriaalisella linjalla. Pyramidimainen klaani on oikeastaan vaan raffinoidumpi versio tosta turnauskilpailusta. Turnaustaulukko on pyramidinmuotoinen, ja se tuottaa nokintajärjestyxiä, nazoja ja nazeja.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 333: Left and right originally referred seating positions in the 1789 French National Assembly, the parliament France formed after the French Revolution.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 342: In review, The New Yorker uses strong emotionally loaded headlines such as “Don’t Underestimate Elizabeth Warren and Her Populist Message” and “Is Fraud Part of the Trump Organization’s Business Model?” The New Yorker also publishes satirical articles from satirist Andy Borowitz through his Borowitz Report, such as “Trump Offers to Station Pence at Border with Binoculars in Lieu of Wall.” The Borowitz Report always favors the left and mocks the right. Further, The New Yorker provides original in-depth journalistic reporting such as this: Four Women Accuse New York’s Attorney General of Physical Abuse. The result of this investigation led to the Attorney General resigning just hours after the New Yorker published the story. In general, both wording and story selection tends to mostly favor the left.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 353: Left: Collectivism: Community over the individual. Equality, environmental protection, expanded educational opportunities, social safety nets for those who need them.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 364: Right: Lower taxes; less regulation on businesses; reduced government spending. The government should tax less and spend less. Charity over social safety nets. Wages should be set by the free market.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 401: Left: Strong government to provide a structure. Laws are enacted to protect every individual for an equal society. Safety nets for those in need.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 402: Right: Personal responsibility and it is the government’s role to hold them accountable. Fair competition over safety nets.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 561:

    The problem is how incredibly difficult it is to get around, thanks to a affic.htm">dearth of major highways and poor road conditions.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 658:

    Italy is good for exorcisms. Half a million exorcisms take place there annually, drinkable water flows freely from taps in town squares and locals drink an unseemly amount of undiluted caffeine every day. They just don't put as much water in it as we do.

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 674:

    First of all, God must be Polish. Interesting food, good and bad. Mostly bad. A plus: it's much more affordable to travel there than, say, all of Western Europe. 

    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 695: Incredible and affordable health care, housing and transit, jobs are plentiful, education is accessible, pollution and crime barely exist, and people spend very little time feeling sad and depressed about the future, unlike the rest of the world. Who cares about climate? It can only get better here as it gets warmer.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 788: To use her own words: «My reaction was above all a feeling that this was a tragic break in the work which to me appeared to be the real task of our time: to construct a more satisfying economic order.» But the impact upon her must have been more powerful than she herself cared to admit, for from the outbreak of the war she devoted all her strength to the work for peace. Or, as Professor Simkhovitch of Columbia4 says: «I have never met anyone who has, as she has done, for decade after decade given every minute of her life to the work for peace between nations.»
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 790: Emily Balch probably did not realize – and few did at that time – that 1914 was, more than 1939, the great turning point of our era. It marked the end of an epoch, and subsequent events have, in many ways, robbed people of their faith in the individual and in justice, which have been the heritage and the source of strength for the best in this world. Men have grown harder since then, more skeptical, and the doctrine that might is right has found its way increasingly into both internal and external policies, even after the end of this last war.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 794: With the coming of peace, the Women’s League arranged its second conference at Zurich in 1919 while the Allies were discussing the peace treaty in Paris. The conference thus had the opportunity of studying a draft of the peace treaty. Time does not permit me to review the resolutions which were passed as a result of this study. What I can and will say is that it would have been judicious to have heeded the women’s counsel.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 800: *Mr. Jahn delivered this speech in the auditorium of the Nobel Institute in the early afternoon of December 10, 1946. At its conclusion, Mr. Jahn read a message of acceptance from Miss Balch, whose health prevented her from attending the ceremonies, and presented the prize to Mr. Huston of the U.S. Embassy who accepted in her name. This translation is based on the Norwegian text in Les Prix Nobel en 1946, which contains, also, a French translation.
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 853: The high school of the Postville Community School District in Postville, Iowa is named after him
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 970: [5.4. 19.21] jönsy: Luin Kierkegaardin. Ehkä tossa oli lievää biografismia. Pitäisi nähdä ajattelija tuoreiden oivallustensa valossa. Ekstaattinen Enten-eller on musta hieno, ja usein siteeraan sen viimeistä numeroa positiivisena esimerkkinä palkinnon halun oikeasta käsittämisestä. Sen kirjoja luettiin, ja se vaikutti niiden kautta, ei pilkallisten jälkimaailman tiivistäjien. Musta on väärin pilkata sellaista, joka elää pilkasta ja sen mahdollisuudesta. Vähän kuin pilkkasi Buster Keatonia. Sen kampurajalka oli tärkeämpi ruumiillinen vika kuin kyttyrä. Ihmisen tulee toteuttaa kaikki mahdollisuutensa, sanoo. Olen saanut liikavarpaita, taidan olla oikealla tiellä.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 52: Katutason elämä on anuxesta: graffitin tekijät, julisteiden kiinnittäjät, kerjääjät, katutaiteilijat, tuulilasinpesijät, vihersissit ja ruuankaupustelijat, huumetrokarit ja kaduilla malexivat tai ostarilla retkuvat nuorisojengit on kaikki ällöjä.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 187: The student government issued a “statement of solidarity” with “all the students who were injured and affected by the incident,” and demanded that administrators “create a safe space for those students who have been or feel specifically targeted.” The tequila party, the statement specified, was just the sort of occasion that “creates an environment where students of colour, particularly Latino, and especially Mexican, feel unsafe.” In sum, the party-favour hats constituted – wait for it – “cultural appropriation.”
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 202: The author of Who Owns Culture? Appropriation and Authenticity in American Law, Susan Scafidi, a law professor at Fordham University who for the record is white, defines cultural appropriation as “taking intellectual property, traditional knowledge, cultural expressions, or artifacts from someone else’s culture without permission. This can include unauthorised use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc.”
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 224: This same reviewer recapitulated Cleave’s obligation “to show that he’s representing [the girl], rather than exploiting her.” Again, a false dichotomy. Unlike Kingsley Amis and his dad, we well-to-do white Americans can do both. America is a representative democracy, after all. We represent, y'all just stick to picking the cotton.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 229: I’m hoping that crime writers, for example, don’t all have personal experience of committing murder. Me, I’ve depicted a high school killing spree, and I hate to break it to you: I’ve never shot fatal arrows through seven kids, a teacher, and a cafeteria worker, either. We make things up, we chance our arms, sometimes we do a little research, but in the end it’s still about what we can get away with – what we can put over on our readers. And it is surprisingly easy, you wouldnt believe what the idiots are ready to swallow, especially if it agrees with their own prejudice.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 254: Especially for writers from traditionally privileged demographics, the message seems to be that it’s a whole lot safer just to make all your characters from that same demographic, so you can be as hard on them as you care to be, and do with them what you like. Availing yourself of a diverse cast, you are not free; you have inadvertently invited a host of regulations upon your head, as if just having joined the EU. Use different races, ethnicities, and minority gender identities, and you are being watched.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 257:

    I’m from a small rural community, and ev’rybody who lived in my neighborhood, if you want to call it that, were relatives.  We called it “the circle,” and our house was there, my grandmother’s house was there, an aun’ an’ uncle who were childless lived there, and (uh) a couple of aunts an’ uncles who had children.  There were five female cousins, an’ in the summertime we hung out together all day long from early until late.  In my grandmother’s yard was a maple tree, and the five of us developed that into our apartment building.  Each of us had a limb, and [small laugh] the less daring cousins took the lo’er limbs, and I and another cousin a year younger than I always went as far to the top as we could, an’ we– we were kinda derisive of those girls who stayed with the lower limbs.  We had front doors an’ back doors.  The front door was the — the limb — were the limbs on the front, that were nearest (um) the boxwood hedge.  And the grass was all worn away in that area.  An’ then the back doorwa–was on the back side of the tree, an’ you could only enter the front an’ exit from the rear.  And that had to be done by swinging off a limb that was fairly high off the ground, and (um) my cousin Belinda and I had no problem with that, but the other girls — that was always somethin’ we had to coax them into doin’.  But still, you entered the front, you left the rear.  We (um) ate our lunches together.  When it was lunchtime — an’ our mothers always cooked lunch in the summertime ’cause they didn’ want to be in the hot kitchen at night.  So we would just take our (um) — go home, an’ we’d load our plates with all the vegetables an’ the cornbread, an’ get our glasses of milk or ice tea or whatever we were havin’, an’ we would head for somebody’s yard, where we would all sit down an’ eat together.  It was just an institution:  lunch in somebody’s yard.  An’ if you wanted to go home for a second helping– sometimes that was quite a little walk, but it was worth it, because that was our thing, having lunch together, every day.  (Um) We gathered at my grandmother’s on Sundays.  All my aunts would get those chairs, form a circle.  (Uh) One crocheted.  (Uh) Most of them just sat an’ talked, an’ we girls hung out for the main part with the women.  (Uh) The men would gather around the fish pond, which was in a side yard.  It was (um) — it was kind of a rock (um) pond that my granddaddy had, had built.  There was a ir’n pipe in the middle, an’ when he went fishin’, he would put his catch in there.  Or he caught a mud turtle, he’d put it in there.  An’ there it stayed until it was time to kill it an’ cook it, whatever it was.  The pipe in the middle had water that sprayed up all the time.  There was a locust tree near there, an’ that’s where we girls picked the leaves an’ the thorns to make the doll clothes out o’ the locust.  It’s where we always ate the watermelon.  We always had to save the rind, an’ we always had to leave some pink on that rind, because my grandmother made watermelon pickles out o’ that rind.  I hated the things.  I thought they were the worst things I ever put in my mouth.  But ever’body else thought watermelon pickles were just a great delicacy.  That was also around the time that ev’rybody grew gladiolias [sic] an’ I thought they were the ugliest flower I’d ever laid my eyes on, but ever’body had gladiolias.  ‘Course now I’ve come to appreciate the gladiolia, but back then I had absolutely no appreciation for it.  It was also where we made (uh) ice cream, (uh) on the front porch.  We made ice cream on Sunday afternoons.  I had an aunt who worked in the general mercantile business that my family owned, an’ she was only home on Sunday, so she baked all day:  homemade rolls an’ cakes.  And so, she made cakes an’ we made ice cream, an’ ever’body wan’ed to crank, of course.  (Um) That was just a big treat, to get to crank that ice cream.  It was jus’ our Sunday afternoon thing, an’ I, I think back on it.  All the aunts would sit around an’ they’d talk, an’ they’d smoke.  Even if you never saw those ladies smoke, any other time o’ the week.  On Sunday afternoon when we all were gathered about in gran- in granny’s yard, they’d have a cigarette.  Just a way of relaxing, I suppose.  The maple tree’s now gone.  In later years, it was thought the maple tree, our apartment building, was shading the house too much an’ causing mildew, so it was removed at some point.  And I don’t, to this day, enjoy lookin’ (uh) into that part o’ the yard. …

    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 268: Regarding identity politics, what’s especially saddened me in my recent career is a trend toward rejecting the advocacy of anyone who does not belong to the group. In 2013, I published Big Brother, a novel that grew out of my loss of my own older brother, who in 2009 died from the complications of morbid obesity. I was moved to write the book not only from grief, but also sympathy of morbid obesity: in the years before his death, as my brother grew heavier, I saw how dreadfully other people treated him – how he would be seated off in a corner of a restaurant, how the staff would roll their eyes at each other after he’d ordered, though he hadn’t requested more food than anyone else. Just a little wafer, is all.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 279: Membership of a larger group is not an identity. Being Asian is not an identity. Being gay is not an identity. Being deaf, blind, or wheelchair-bound is not an identity, nor is being economically deprived. Now what is an identity then? Silly, it is the number on your ID card! That's an identity! Everybody is unique, and I in particular am special! There are no classes except singletons! We are haecceitates every one of us. Us? There is no such thing as us, there is just me and me and me ... and me myself.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 283: I made this same point in relation to gender in Melbourne last week: both as writers and as people, we should be seeking to push beyond the constraining categories into which we have been arbitrarily dropped by birth. If we embrace narrow group-based identities too fiercely, we cling to the very cages in which others would seek to trap us. We pigeonhole ourselves. We limit our own notion of who we are, and in presenting ourselves as one of a membership, a representative of our type, an ambassador of an amalgam, we ask not to be seen. I have done my best to stretch my female identity, and after years of strenuous stretching it is in fact almost as long already as that of my drummer boy's.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 285: The reading and writing of fiction is obviously driven in part by a desire to look inward, to be self-examining, reflective. But the form is also born of a desperation to break free of the claustrophobia of our own experience. For instance, after I have looked inward between my legs for a long time, I like to look at my drummer boy who is sort of sticking out.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 433: The comment was one of a string as she defended herself after being called out for “liking” a tweet that compared hormone prescriptions to anti-depressants, which were over-prescribed to teenagers in the past with sometimes harmful results. It’s the second social media tussle the Harry Potter scribe has faced in two months after angering the LGBTQ community and supporters in June over transphobic remarks.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 440: The abandonment by the fan sites follows that by the stars of the Harry Potter films, including Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint, and Eddie Redmayne. Also, four authors quit Rowling’s literary agency after the company declined to issue a public statement supporting transgender rights. Fortunately and Death eaters have staunchly rallied to Rowling´s side. Dementoreita oli sillä ateistipirullakin joka kirjoitti His Dark Materials, annas olla, juu Philip Pullman. Siitä lisää fanzulle omistetussa albumissa 269.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 450: No onko No Logo-kapinointi auttanut, onko paskafirmat siivonneet muutakin kuin julkisivunsa, onko ne oikeasti parantaneet tapansa nyt 20 vuotta myöhemmin?
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 460: Adidas creates shoes, clothing, and accessories. Adidas is the second-largest sportswear manufacturer in the world after Nike.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 497: "Child labor and forced labor have no place in a developed and civilized society." Fuck of course they do! And an all-important one! However else could us monkeys in the West afford to buy new dirt cheap fashion rags every time we round the shops? What would civilized society be without trendy fashion clothes? Are we some kind of apes that use the same fur year in year out? No way Jose!
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 507: Doonesbury sarjakuvaa ei muista kukaan, varsinkaan sen jälkeen kun Gary Trudeau (ihan aiheesta) 2015 kritisoi Charlie Hebdon piirtäjiä "for punching downward..., attacking a powerless, disenfranchised minority with crude, vulgar drawings closer to graffiti than cartoons", and thereby wandering "into the realm of hate speech" with cartoons of Muhammad. Muiden pöyristyneiden öykkärien joukossa joku paska David Frum "criticized what he called Trudeau's moral theory that holds "the privilege-bearer responsible". Eihän se nyt käy, privilege on privilege, Mariallakin oli sellainen, eikä sitä siltäkään otettu pois. Rääppä humanistiystävineen piti rinnassa "Je suis Charlie" läppyjä. Charlie Chaplin lie ollut kyseessä.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 579: Tangent: Thunberg told her millions of social media followers on Thursday she had been self-isolating for the past two weeks after returning home from a three-week trip in Central Europe. She said she reported symptoms associated with coronavirus, such as a fever and a cough. While she could not get tested for COVID-19 since Sweden is limiting tests to those in need of emergency medical treatment, she said it was “extremely likely” that she’s had it, given the combined symptoms and circumstances.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 588: McLibel-oikeudenkäynnistä jää pikkuhousulta kertomatta että 5v myöhemmin, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in Steel & Morris v United Kingdom the pair had been denied a fair trial, in breach of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (right to a fair trial) and their conduct should have been protected by Article 10 of the Convention, which protects the right to freedom of expression. The court awarded a judgement of £57,000 against the UK government. Brittihallitus hävisi ihmisoikeusistuimessa koska sen paska herjauslaki ei korvannut oikeusapua syytetyille. Verdammte Inselaffen!
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 53: F30-F39 Mood [affective] disorders (Manic-Depressives)
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 125: Tuskinpa amer. hulluja on 2x enemmän erilaisia, vaikka niitä varmaan onkin keskim. enemmän kuin muualla. Muun maailman siivilä on vaan 2x harvempi. Esim parafilia on oma lukunsa jenkeillä. ICD:ssä sen koodi on F65 eli se on eräänlaista psykopatiaa.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 134: A distorted and insecure concept of yourself that affects everything in your life, from relationships to goals to moods and opinions.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 253: Funny thing is, nobody knows why neurotransmitters are of a different level for people with "schizophrenia" and blame it on this label. Those with such illnesses were not always measured for levels of neurotransmitters, they were only assumed to have such levels of neurotransmitters by the psychiatrist who has no real medical background like that of a surgeon. To worsen it, Earthling's medical science has yet to be able to measure these levels accurately and safely! Isn't this shocking?
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 257: When the body is in a certain state, be it in sleep, at rest, after a meal, after an emotional state etc, Neurotransmitter levels differ all the time. Measuring them at various states is the right way to do such scientific quantification. But even then, your body is responding to a stimuli and even then, your body is given a set of nutrients to work with to produce the optimal level of Homeostasis of the neurotransmitters. Therefore, understanding Homeostasis and how it works will lead you to understand that the levels of neurotransmitters is not a factor of schizophrenia at all.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 349: These spiritual issues affect the physical 3D body, and that obviously includes the brain. However, the body does not cause the spirit problem. It's the other way round.
    xxx/ellauri104.html on line 868: Sari: aikamoinen mafiapomo tuo kristittyjen jumala. Pakko uskoa ja palvoa, tai käy ikävästi. Se siitä vapaasta tahdosta.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 213: ALS (the disease which professor Hawking had) is a motor-neuron disease, and thus only affects the voluntary muscle functions, which does not include gut peristalsis (which is essential for stool formation and expulsion). Our bowel movements occur under subconscious control, even when paralyzed they still work normally due to the effects of the autonomic nervous system. The only thing we control voluntarily is our anal sphincter. However, in the case of Professor Hawking, he likely had no control.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 220: Personally, as someone with no religious beliefs, I’d feel a bit weird about the idea that someone might launch my ashes into space after my death. Sort of seems like a terrible waste of rocket power. It’s irrelevant what happens to my ashes after death.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 222: Being buried in Westminster Abbey is generally considered a very high honour. Not that you’re likely to care after you’ve died. Once you’re dead, it’s no longer about you. It’s about how people remember you. More people are likely to remember him buried in Westminster Abbey than in outer space, which appears sparsely populated at best.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 472: Pekka sanoo ettei Jeesus valinnut apostolixi kirjanoppineita. Paizi Paavalin, ton suuren juutalaisen konnamiehen, joka kyllä taisi ihan valita ize izensä. Se oli Pekankin ratkaisu, kun äänestäjät äänestivät jaloillaan. David Berlinski laski että matka virtahevosta behemotixi oli yhtä pitkä kuin kuplafolkkarista U-Bootixi. (VW valmisti sodan aikaan lentokonemoottoreita, muttei U-Booteja.) Mutta Berlinskin matematiikka oli lyhyempi vielä kuin Valtaojan, vajaan vuoden pituinen. Se suuttui varmaan biologeille kun ne heitti sen Columbiasta pihalle.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 476: David Berlinski was born in the United States in 1942 to German-born Jewish refugees who had immigrated to New York City after escaping from France while the Vichy government was collaborating with the Germans. His father was Herman Berlinski, a composer, organist, pianist, musicologist and choir conductor, and his mother was Sina Berlinski (née Goldfein), a pianist, piano teacher and voice coach. Both were born and raised in Leipzig where they studied at the Conservatory, before fleeing to Paris where they were married and undertook further studies. German was David Berlinski´s first spoken language. He earned his PhD in philosophy from Princeton University.
    xxx/ellauri113.html on line 582: Ei linnut ole tulleet dinosauruxista, ajatelkaa itte. Kyllä te pystytte siihen. Juutalaiset on vixuja, koska ne epäilevät kaikkea. Jeesusta ennen kaikkea. Isoja dinosauruxia ei otettu arkkiin mukaan, jumala löi arkin oven kiinni niiden nenän edestä. Kevyesti mahtui, Nooan pojille Seemille Haamille ja Jaafetille jäi tilaa pelata jalkapalloa. Dinosauruxia oli vielä keskiajalla. Siis mitä? Jotain dinoja kai sitten livahti ovenraosta kun jumalan silmä vältti.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 89:


    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 100: Tiedämme missä asut ja missä puolisosi on ja missä lapsesi käyvät koulua. Jenkkimafia, tuo maapallon pillupoliisi, ei enää vain pamputa ja kurista omia väärän värisiä kurkusta vaan stalkkaa ulkomaisen rikollisen perhettä ja nälistää sen lapsia. Omankäden oikeuden käsivarsi on pitkä ja vaihtoehtoisella totuudella on laajat hiilijalanjäljet.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 117: The historical question of whether Jefferson was the father of Hemings' children is the subject of the Jefferson–Hemings controversy. Following renewed historical analysis in the late 20th century, and a 1998 DNA study (completed in 1999 and published as a report in 2000) that found a match between the Jefferson male line and a descendant of Hemings' youngest son, Eston Hemings, the Monticello Foundation asserted that Jefferson fathered Eston and likely her other five children as well. However, there are some who disagree. In 2018, the Thomas Jefferson Foundation of Monticello announced its plans to have an exhibit titled Life of Sally Hemings, and affirmed that it was treating as a settled issue that Jefferson was the father of her known children. The exhibit opened in June 2018.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 140: Ahdas esinahka, joka on jäänyt terskan taakse ja ei tule hyvin terskan päälle, voi aiheuttaa parafimoosin, ”espanjalaisen kauluksen”. Tällöin siittimen pään verenkierto voi häiriytyä ja syntyä iskemia, joka hoitamattomana voi johtaa kuolioon.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 270: Shem, a son of Noah, was the father of all the Semetic people (primarily Jews and Arabs). Elam was Shem’s oldest son (Genesis 10:22). He was born after the flood and was the patriarch of the Elamites. His descendants settled in the valley between the north eastern shore of the Persian Gulf and the Zagros Mountains, where some believe Noah’s ark might have come to rest.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 271: (Genesis 11:2) says that after the flood the new population of Earth spread out from the east. They found a plain in Shinar and settled there. This plain is where the Tirgis and Euphrates Rivers flow parallel to each other toward the Persian Gulf. It became known as Mesopotamia which means “between the rivers.” The Zagros mountains are due east of Mesopotamia whereas the mountains of Ararat, traditional location of the Ark, are several hundred miles to the north.)
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 280: It could also help us understand why the Arabs of the Middle East today are so opposed to the Iranians gaining any kind of political or military advantage over them. Even though they share varieties of the same religion (Islam), the Persians are not Arabs. As an example, if you follow our “Prophecy in the Headlines” feature, you’ve probably read about Saudi Arabian officials announcing that because of the US pursuit of a more cooperative relationship with Iran, the Saudi kingdom will henceforth be limiting its interaction with the US and going its own way where Middle Eastern affairs are concerned.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 309: Pseudepigrafinen, myös apokryfisiin kirjoihin kuuluva Ensimmäinen Eenokin kirja kertoo Grigoreista, mainiten mm. heidän nimensä ja lukumääränsä:
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 314: Moab and Ammon were named after the children of the incestuous unions of Lot and his two daughters. Lot was an unknowing participant, having been made intoxicated by his daughters, who saw becoming pregnant by their father as their only way to produce any offspring. Every other man they knew had perished in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:30-38).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 333: Edom was the name given to the descendants of Jacob’s twin brother Esau. Having patched things up after their split over the way Jacob had tricked Isaac into giving him Esau’s blessing (Genesis 27), they returned to the area near Kiriath Arba (Hebron) where Isaac and Rebekah lived. Upon Isaac’s death the two brothers buried him and divided up their inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 338: 400 years later, the Babylonians came as the Lord’s instrument of judgment against Israel. Edom, Moab, and Ammon all cheered for Babylon and made plans to carve up the Promised Land for themselves after the Babylonians carried Israel into captivity. This displeased the Lord and He had the Babylonians destroy them as well. Moab and Ammon ceased to exist as nations at that time (Ezekiel 25:10).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 350: Rev. 12:13-17 tells us that after Satan is confined to Earth he will go after “the woman”, symbolic of Israel. But the woman will be given the wings of a great eagle, enabling her to flee into the desert to a place prepared for her, where she will be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, which is 3 ½ years, the duration of the Great Tribulation. This agrees with Matt. 24:15-21 where the Lord warned the believing remnant of Israel to flee to the mountains to escape the Great Tribulation. The closest mountains to Jerusalem are in Moab and Edom.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 357: Combining these prophecies we have the anti-Christ, now indwelt by Satan, determined to rid the world of God’s people once and for all. Heeding the Lord’s 2,000 year old warning, the believing remnant will flee to the mountains of Edom where the city of Petra has been standing empty for centuries, as if in preparation. The phrase “wings of a great eagle” in Rev. 12:14 is reminiscent of Exodus 19:4 where the Lord used the same phrase to describe the way he delivered Israel from the Egyptians. This implies the same kind of supernatural assistance, such as when Satan spews out a river of water to sweep the woman away. But the Lord will open the earth to swallow the river and save the woman. This will enrage Satan, but he will leave the woman and go after other followers of Jesus (Rev. 12:15-17).
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 365: We always spent a day in Petra, as well. We traveled south from Amman down the eastern side of the Dead Sea, through ancient Moab and into Edom. As we journeyed south we soon found ourselves in desert country, but it’s still far from being a wasteland. The highway was wide and well maintained, with light to moderate traffic in both directions, and we passed through several villages with pleasant rest stops before reaching Petra.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 642: Joidenkuiden mielestä M. olis Nooan poikia, joko Seem tai Haam. Amoriinimaat oli kai osoitettu Haamille, tai size oli Seemille. Tästäkin on kiistelty. Saiko Jaafet mitään? Yhtään autoa?
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 676: The modern use derives from an account in the Hebrew Bible, in which pronunciation of this word was used to distinguish Ephraimites, whose dialect used a differently sounding first consonant. The difference concerns the Hebrew letter shin, which is now pronounced as [ʃ] (as in shoe). In the Book of Judges, chapter 12, after the inhabitants of Gilead under the command of Jephthah inflicted a military defeat upon the invading tribe of Ephraim (around 1370–1070 BC), the surviving Ephraimites tried to cross the River Jordan back into their home territory, but the Gileadites secured the river's fords to stop them. To identify and kill these Ephraimites, the Gileadites told each suspected survivor to say the word shibboleth. The Ephraimite dialect resulted in a pronunciation that, to Gileadites, sounded like sibboleth. In the King James Bible the anecdote appears thus (with the word already in its current English spelling):
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 684: Despite the loss of the additional history of Manasseh and Ephraim, several modern-day groups claim descent from them, with varying levels of academic and rabbinical support. The Yusufzai tribe (literal translation The Sons of Joseph) of the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, who collectively refer to themselves as the "Bani Israel", have a long tradition connecting them to the exiled Kingdom of Israel. The Samaritans claim that some of their adherents are descended from these tribes, and many Persian Jews claim to be descendants of Ephraim. Many Samaritans claim descent from the grandchildren of Joseph under four main septs, his grandsons Danfi, Tsedakah, Mafraj and Sarawi Samaritans Museum In northeast India, the Mizo Jews claim descent from Manasseh, and call themselves Bnei Menashe; in 2005 Shlomo Amar, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, announced that he regarded this claim to be true, which under the Law of Return allows them to migrate to Israel, as long as they formally convert to Israel's Orthodox form of Judaism. Similar traditions are held by the Telugu Jews, in South India, who claim descent from Ephraim, and call themselves Bene Ephraim.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 714: Nää nimet viittaa ihan ymmärrettävästi (LOL) apinasuvun alkuperäiseen jakoon Nooan 3 pojan jäljestä. Shemiiteillä on niiden isän nimi; hamatiitit edustavat Jafetilaisia (höh? nimen perusteella olis luullut haamilaisixi?) ja savunaamat jotka uhmasivat aurinkoa ilman asianmukaisia asusteita olisivat sitten Haamin jälkeläisiä.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 716: Ja siton näitä lapsenlapsia: Javan or Ion, Jaafetin 4. pojan nimi, josta tuli kreikkalaiset (Gen.x.2, 4); ja kai Lud (ei saa selvää,) joka on Seemin 4. pojan nimi, josta tulee Vähän-Aasian asukkaat. Nää yhdessä olis näitä hamatiitteja. Phut oli Haamin 4. poika (Gen.x.6), jonka jälkeläiset asuu Ebyktistä länteen. The sons of Shem: Elam, Asshur, Arphaxad, Lud, and Aram (Gen x.22). Siis oliko Abraham (ilman H:ta tässä vaiheessa) Seemin poika? Enpäs tiennytkään. Onx Lud sit niinku Lyydia tai luuvit? Juurikin näin, vahvistaa Wikipedia:
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 718: The descendants of Lud are usually, following Josephus, connected with various Anatolian peoples, particularly Lydia (Assyrian Luddu) and their predecessors, the Luwians; cf. Herodotus' assertion (Histories i. 7) that the Lydians were first so named after their king, Lydus (Λυδός). However, the chronicle of Hippolytus of Rome (c. 234 AD) ... [aivan päin vittua, sori vaan Hippolytus].
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 93: Lepakot ovat nisäkkäitä, jotka syövät hyttysiä. Niiden kaikuun johtamat tavat metsästää, saalistavat ja saaliinsa syövät tekevät muista hyönteisistä helppoja kohteita lepakoille. Vaikka lepakot voivat saada monia erilaisia ​​öisiä hyönteisiä, niiden affiniteetti hyttysiin on kiistaton. Äskettäisessä Wisconsinin yliopistossa tehdyssä tutkimuksessa löydettiin hyttystodisteita guanosta (ulosteista) yli 70 prosenttia tutkituista villieläimistä, mikä viittaa siihen, että lepakot syövät luonnollisessa elinympäristössään paljon enemmän hyttysiä kuin aiemmin ajateltiin.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 99: Mestari hyttysiä syövä kala on kuitenkin Gambusia affini, niin kutsuttu "hyttyskala". Tämä voi olla ainoa eläin, joka on tehokas, kun sitä käytetään määrätietoisesti hyttysten torjunta-aineena. Ne syntyvät useiden satojen jaloissa, ja yksi nuori hyttyskala voi kuluttaa päivittäin ruokaa melkein puolet ruumiinpainostaan ​​puolitoista kertaa enemmän kuin ruumiinpaino. Merkittävä osa tästä koostuu hyttysen toukista.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 214: Varhaisbaletti-izekuria. Mitä potaskaa. Kuolemattomuus on ylimainostettua. Tilanne on toivoton muttei vakava, koittaisizä säkin Koko sen vähitellen oppia. Hubara tarkoittaa trappilintua. Trapit (Otididae) on lintujen heimo, jonka jäseniä elää Aasiassa, Australiassa, Euroopassa ja varsinkin Afrikassa. Kuusitoista heimon 25 lajista on afrikkalaisia. Trapit ovat kaikkiruokaisia ja pesivät maassa. Ne kävelevät tanakasti vahvoilla jaloillaan. Monilla lajeilla on näyttävät soidinmenot.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 222: Inflection of גִּזְעָנוּת, Noun – feminine. Root: ג - ז - ע. The final radical of this word is guttural; this affects the adjacent vowels. Derived from גִּזְעָן racist and ־וּת. Meaning racism. From גֶּזַע Noun – ketel pattern, masculine, Meaning trunk (of a tree); race (anthropology); stem (morphology, linguistics).
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 274: While the novel takes place exclusively within the confines of the family home in Lima, it is clear that they enjoy a seemingly normal relationship with the outside world: business associates, friends, and school. Don Rigoberto, the head of the household, is the manager of an insurance company. A widower, he marries Lucrecia, a forty-year-old divorcee. Dona Lucrecia enjoys the fruits of her privileged lifestyle; during the day she directs the household staff, goes shopping, plays bridge, and attends to the care of Don Rigoberto's son, the angelic looking Alfonso, a prepubescent boy of indeterminate age.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 289: Mario Vargas Llosa was born to a middle-class family on March 28, 1936, in the southern Peruvian provincial city of Arequipa. He was the only child of Ernesto Vargas Maldonado (= lahjaton) and Dora Llosa Urethra (the former a radio operator in an aviation company, the latter the daughter of an old criollo family), who separated a few months before his birth. Shortly after Mario's birth, his father revealed that he was having an affair with a German woman; consequently, Mario has two younger half-brothers: Enrique and Ernesto Vargas.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 291: Vargas Llosa lived with his maternal family in Arequipa until a year after his parents' divorce, when his maternal grandfather was named honorary consul for Peru in Bolivia. With his mother and her family, Vargas Llosa then moved to Cochabamba, Bolivia, where he spent the early years of his childhood. His maternal family, the Llosas, were sustained by his grandfather, who managed a cotton farm.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 303: Vargas Llosa began his literary career in earnest in 1957 with the publication of his first short stories, "The Leaders" ("Los jefes") and "The Grandfather" ("El abuelo"), while working for two Peruvian newspapers. Upon his graduation from the National University of San Marcos in 1958, he received a scholarship to study at the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain. In 1960, after his scholarship in Madrid had expired, Vargas Llosa moved to France under the impression that he would receive a scholarship to study there; however, upon arriving in Paris, he learned that his scholarship request was denied. Despite Mario and Julia's unexpected financial status, the couple decided to remain in Paris where he began to write prolifically. Their marriage lasted only a few more years, ending in divorce in 1964. A year later, Vargas Llosa married his first cousin, Patricia Llosa, with whom he had three children: Álvaro (born 1966), a writer and editor; Gonzalo (born 1967), an international civil servant; and Fata Morgana (born 1974), a pornographer.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 363: Oravat puhuvat ristiin eivätkö teistäkin? Tämä Naken aforismi on tullut käyttöön monasti. Lähes joka ikinen pointti jonka kuulee esitettävän on vähän ajan kuluttua vastassa täsmälleen vastakkaisena. Jos uskoo kaiken uskoo sekä pee että eipee, niin sitten uskoo mitä tahansa. Ex falso quodlibet. Paizi ettei apinat nää usko siltikään kuin valikoiden, koska apinanpään laakerit ei ole niin hyvin rasvatut että ne osais edes todistaa ton vertasen. Siellä lilluu mahdottomat mahdolliset maailmat sulassa sovussa. Toisin Leibniz joka eli parhaassa mahdollisessa koska näitä on vaan tää 1.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 385: Simone de Beauvoir, who Sartre playfully referred to as “The Beaver,” never published a piece of writing without her partner’s input until after his death. Likewise, he referred to her as a “filter” for his books, and some scholars have even made the case that she wrote some of them for him.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 389: Take, for example, 16-year-old Bianca Bienenfeld, a student of de Beauvoir’s who was 14 years her junior. Soon after the two women began their affair, de Beauvoir introduced her lover to Sartre. He promptly made it his mission to seduce Bienenfeld. After a romantic entanglement between the three of them, de Beauvoir told Sartre to end it, which he abruptly did in a letter.
    xxx/ellauri116.html on line 397: In her same-gender partnerships, de Beauvoir tended to be exploitative. There was the painful entanglement with Bienenfeld described earlier, for example, and an affair with Natalie Sorokine, a 17-year-old student, which cost de Beauvoir her teaching license.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 44: In 1858 Governor James Douglas named the town after Bulwer-Lytton "as a merited compliment and mark of respect". Bulwer-Lytton served as Colonial Secretary. As governor of the then colony, Douglas would have reported to him.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 46: Lytton was on the route of the Fraser Canyon Gold Rush in 1858. The same year, Lytton was named after Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the British Colonial Secretary and a novelist. For many years Lytton was a stop on major transportation routes, namely, the River Trail from 1858, Cariboo Wagon Road in 1862, the Canadian Pacific Railway in the 1880s, the Cariboo Highway in the 1920s, and the Trans Canada Highway in the 1950s. However, it has become much less important since the construction of the Coquihalla Highway in 1987 which uses a more direct route to the BC Interior.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 48: On 30 June 2021, the day after Lytton set a Canadian all-time-high temperature record of 49.6 °C (121.3 °F), a wildfire swept through the community, destroying many structures. The entire village was given an evacuation order. Following the fire, local MP Brad Vis stated that 90% of the village had burned down. Lyttyyn inkkarit, polttakaa ne villit.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 148: / ˌ d ɪ s i ɑːr k ə s  ... m ɪ s æ n ə /   ; Greek : Δικαίαρχος Dikaiarkhos ; c.  350 - n.  285 BC ), kirjoitetaan myös Dicearchus tai Dicearch ( / d ɪ s i ɑːr k / ), oli kreikkalainen filosofi, kartografi, maantieteilijä, matemaatikko ja kirjailija. Dicaearchus oli Aristoteleen opiskelija lyseossa. Hyvin vähän hänen työstään on säilynyt. Hän kirjoitti historiaa ja maantiedettä sekä Kreikassa , joista hänen tärkein työ oli hänen elämä Kreikka. Hän antoi merkittävän panoksen kartografian kentälle , jossa hän käytti ensimmäisten joukossa maantieteellisiä koordinaatteja. Hän kirjoitti myös kirjoja filosofiasta ja politiikasta . Elämä Hän oli poika yhden Pheidias, ja syntynyt Mes- on Sisiliassa , vaikka hän läpäisi suurimman osan elämästään Kreikassa, ja erityisesti Peloponnesoksen. Hän oli Aristoteleen opetuslapsi ja Theophrastuksen ystävä, jolle hän omisti joitain kirjoituksiaan. Hän kuoli noin 285 eaa. Dicaearchus - https://fi.xcv.wiki/wiki/Dicaearchus.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 187: af520b600b5.jpg" width="50%" />
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 223: In Puritan Boston, Massachusetts, a crowd gathers to witness the punishment of Hester Prynne, a young woman who has given birth to a baby of unknown parentage. Her sentence required her to stand on the scaffold for three hours, exposed to public humiliation, and to wear the scarlet "A" for the rest of her life. As Hester approaches the scaffold, many of the women in the crowd are angered by her beauty and quiet dignity. When demanded and cajoled to name the father of her child, Hester refuses.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 235: Tormented by his guilty conscience, Dimmesdale goes to the square where Hester was punished years earlier. Climbing the scaffold in the dead of night, he admits his guilt but cannot find the courage to do so publicly in the light of day. Hester, shocked by Dimmesdale's deterioration, decides to obtain a release from her vow of silence to her husband.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 237: Several days later, Hester meets Dimmesdale in the forest and tells him of her husband and his desire for revenge. She convinces Dimmesdale to leave Boston in secret on a ship to Europe where they can start life anew. Inspired by this plan, the minister seems to gain new energy. On Election Day, Dimmesdale gives one of his most inspired sermons. But as the procession leaves the church, Dimmesdale climbs upon the scaffold and confesses his sin, dying in Hester's arms. Later, most witnesses swear that they saw a stigma in the form of a scarlet "A" upon his chest, although some deny this statement. Chillingworth, losing his will for revenge, dies shortly thereafter and leaves Pearl a substantial inheritance.
    xxx/ellauri120.html on line 390: Viljo Kajava oli alun perin Eino Leinoa ihaileva romantikko. Hän kääntyi vapaan mitan kannattajaksi, kun nuoruudentoveri Nyrki Tapiovaara mojautti Olavi Paavolaisen runolla päähän ja sitten toiseen päähän kynnettömällä nyrkillä. (No ei vaitiskaan, kz. tunnustusta edellä.) Huomenna on Eino Leinon päivä 6.7., jona Mikko Roth on syntynyt. Mikon päivänä mentiin Riitan hoviväkenä Heinolaan juhlistamaan esikoisen syntymää saxalaisen mamun raflassa. Ostettiin sieltä sen vaimon pensselöimä taulu, se oli aika tuherrus.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 118: Katja Castillo vastaa Karen Murrisin kuzuun kertoa lapsista omilla sanoilla. Mrazafamdl afdafuoic aghacioägok. Rakastan näitä porsaanreikiä sanoi Calvin kokeessa, jossa piti selittää painovoimalakia omilla sanoilla. Emmanuel Levinasin mukaan eettisyys tiivistyy minuuden kyseenalaistamiseen, joka sysää kohti vastuullisuutta. Tää kuulostaa just päinvastaiselta kuin muilla existentialisteilla, jonka miälestä tollanen luonteeltaan yxilöllisnarsistinen kazomus on eettisin. Musta Levinas on vähän paremmin asioista jyvällä. Vittuako sitä pitää aina ajatella izeä, pitää huolta numero 1:stä.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 128: Lévinasin miälestä se mistä kaikki lähtee liikkeelle, on etiikka, ei metafysiikka, kuten aristotelisessa perinteessä on esitetty. Tämä ei kuitenkaan tarkoita etiikkaa tavanomaisessa merkityksessä, jossa pyritään oikeuttamaan tietyt teot. Filosofian historiaa on Lévinasin mukaan hallinnut pyrkimys totaliteettiin ja hallintaan, jossa tietty "samuus" hallitsee kaikkea jättämättä ulkopuolelle mitään. Tämän murtamiseksi on löydettävä tapa tarkastella suhdetta toiseen tavalla, jossa toinen säilyttää erilaisuutensa. Peruskysymys on, miten minun olemassaoloni oikeuttaa itsensä ja asemansa toisiin nähden. Vastaus tähän saavutetaan toteamalla toisten yhteismitattomuus itseen nähden.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 278: Atwood married Jim Polk, an American writer, in 1968, but later divorced in 1973. She formed a relationship with fellow novelist Graeme Gibson soon afterward and moved to a farm near Alliston, Ontario, where their daughter, Eleanor Jess Atwood Gibson, was born in 1976. Graeme kuoli dementtinä 2019.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 283: somewhere hadn't already done. Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them." Nauroiko joku sille pienenä? Yrittikö joku setä jotain pahempaa kuin kuolema? Laittaako se joka paikkaan ihan vaan valkoista? Pikemminkin päinvastoin, mustia se laittaa kuteita. Ei sinisiä (leffassa käsirouvat piti vihreitä) eikä punaisia, paizi huiveja ja kenkiä. Se on tiukan näköinen, Gibson pikemminkin hömelön.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 306: Atwood’s career as a graduate student stretched, with many interruptions, for half a dozen years. During that period she had an affair with Quebec poet D. G. Jones— which Sullivan mentions so obliquely that it is over before the reader realizes it has begun. She had broken it off, as a result of the stresses caused by his workload. She subsequently courted Jim Polk (an American writer she had met at Harvard) and, in January 1967, she decided to marry him "after five years of equivocation". She also worked at odd jobs including market researcher like Fred Waterford, and despite never finishing her PhD, began a university teaching career that would take her to cities across Canada. At 27, she became the youngest person to ever win the Governor General’s Award with her 1967 poetry collection, The Circle Game. Siitä nousi sille aika lailla kusi päähän.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 308: In the early 70s, Atwood added considerably to her work as a teacher and writer by editing manuscripts for the cutting-edge nationalist publisher The House of Anansi. By then, her marriage to Polk was over (Sullivan is vague about why, offering mainly generalities about the difficulty of staying together in that morally freewheeling era. Fact is, Jim Polk was not enough of a handyman for manly Margaret.) In 1972, Atwood met Gibson, a novelist and cultural activist whose own marriage was crumbling. The two began an affair, meeting at first clandestinely in the basement office of Toronto’s Longhouse Bookshop, but soon living together—for several years on a working farm north of the city.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 314: The books he wrote were never “hot”, but they were never read, so no harm done. His novels were well crafted but never quite took off — what the French call connerie pure. In 1996, he decided to stop writing novels altogether, and concentrate on childcare and cooking & laughing at Peggy's jokes. Kinda ironic given they didnt ever marry tho. It’s as if he made sure to stick around long enough for her new sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale – The Testaments – to be published. Considerate.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 340: The Red Shoes—the title is from a 1948 film that affected the young Atwood, about a girl who wants to be both a dancer and a wife, and is punished with death for her ambition.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 358: Peg on muistavinaan että jonkun nazin morsian olisi ollut keskitysleirin pihalla bikineissä kissalasit päässä. Hmm. Although two-piece bathing suits were being used by women as early as the 1930s, the bikini is commonly dated to July 5, 1946 when, partly due to material rationing after World War II. Cat eye glasses first became popular in the 1950s with their feline inspired style. A huge contrast to the frames that had been in fashion previously, cat eye glasses marked a new era of chic style for women. The glasses were originally created to be worn only with optical lenses, but it was the hugely famous actress Audrey Hepburn that kicked off the trend for cat eye sunglasses after her starring role in 1961 hit film Breakfast at Tiffanys. Eli selkeästi joku anakronismi, sodanjälkeisiä muoteja. Platform shoes oli kyllä muotia 30-40-luvuilla. Mitä vittua on "sen ajan painokuvahatut?" Ei takuulla ollut 40-luvun muotia, mitä sitten ovatkaan. Ja sit toi älytön Nolite te bastardes carborundorum josta on ollut useaankin otteeseen syytä marista.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 389: (Come anywhere but not in there, that's not safe.)
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 401: Nälkä. Mikä vitun nälkä, panohalu. Peggy on afropää 60-lukulainen, tuumasta toimeen, usvaa putkeen, mitä väliä jostain Jimistä. Graeme ymmärtää että huippukirjailija tarvii huippukokemuxia. Komentaja oli oikeassa, 1+1+1+1 on 1. Omenoita ja appelsiineja, ei niitä voi ynnätä. The more the merrier. Ei se siitä kulu.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 404: Meidät pakotetaan tappamaan. Paskanmarjat, se on oma valinta. Peg puhuu potaskaa kuin Piki, toinen vastuunpakoilija. No ei pakoilussa mitään, syyn lykkääminen muille se on vittumaista. Meitä käskettiin, mun ei annettu. Joku toinen apina on ollut pahantahtoinen. Se ei ole minun vikani. Tänä yönä luen rukouxeni ja sitten pyllistän saföörille. Käsineitien pyllistyxissä on tiettyä anglosaxisuutta kuten jalkapallofaneissa. Paras mies voittakoon. Wembleyn solvausade yllätti italiaanot.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 434: Tarmio kirjoitti ylioppilaaksi Tampereen lyseosta vuonna 1951. Hän opiskeli biologiaa Helsingin yliopistossa vuosina 1952–56 ja valmistui filosofian maisteriksi. Tarmio aloitti uransa WSOY:ssä oikolukijana vuonna 1956, minkä jälkeen hän työskenteli kustannustoimittajana, oppikirjaosaston päällikkönä, oppi- ja tietokirjaosaston johtajana ja lopulta pääjohtajana vuodesta 1969. 1970-luvun alussa kustannustaloa kohtasi valtakriisi. Vuoden 1972 yhtiökokouksessa kiistan voitti niukasti ryhmä, joka tuki Tarmion jatkamista pääjohtajana. Tarmio jätti pääjohtajuuden vuonna 1987 aloittaakseen uran itsenäisenä viestintäalan yrittäjänä. Tää mietelmätiiliskivi ilmestyi WSOY:lta keväällä 1986. Selvä pyy, sano Manninen varista. Tarmio toimitti monia aforismikokoelmia, esimerkiksi Ajatuksia elämästä, onnesta ja vanhenemisesta (1979), ja kirjallisuusantologioita, kuten Sata tarinaa tulipunaisesta kukasta (1988, Sirkku Klemolan kanssa). Tarmio toimi myös tietokirjailijana 1950-luvulta asti erikoisaloinaan biologia ja maantieto. Hänen muistelmansa ja kustannusalaa suomiva pamflettinsa Hurmio tai turmio ilmestyi 1998 Otavan kustantamana. Otava on WSOY:n vanha vihollinen. Yrityksessään Viestintä Tarmio Oy Tarmio muun muassa perusti Kirjamaailma-kirjakerhon, joka myöhemmin liitettiin Uudet Kirjat -kerhoon. Yritys myös tuotti Yleisradiolle vuodesta 1989 lähtien Kirjailijakohtaloita-sarjaa, jossa Tarmio muisteli edesmenneitä kirjailijoita, kuten Irja Sallaa ja Lauri Viitaa. Viestintä Tarmio julkaisi Suomen Golflehteä 1987–2011 ja on kustantanut useita golf-aiheisia kirjoja.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 518: The histories of Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, and Nero, while they were in power, were falsified through terror, and after their death were written under the irritation of a recent hatred. Hence my purpose is to relate a few facts about Augustus - more particularly his last acts, then the reign of Tiberius, and all which follows, without either bitterness or partiality, from any motives to which I am far removed.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 236: Sometimes, the situation will make it obvious that you are being sarcastic and you don't need to worry about people misunderstanding you. But if you are worried that people might misunderstand you, then after your sarcastic comment, say
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 242: If you want to be sarcastic in writing (for example in an email), try putting an exclamation mark in brackets after your sarcastic comment, like this:
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 363: Die Oberlausitz, oberlausitzisch: Äberlausitz, obersorbisch Hornja Łužica (niedersorbisch Górna Łužyca, tschechisch Horní Lužice, polnisch Łużyce Górne, schlesisch Aeberlausitz), ist eine ursprünglich politisch eigenständige Region, die heute zu etwa 67 % zu Sachsen sowie 30 % zu Polen und 3 % zu Brandenburg gehört. In Sachsen umfasst die Oberlausitz in etwa die Landkreise Görlitz und Bautzen mit einer nördlichen Grenze zwischen Hoyerswerda und Lauta und in Brandenburg den südlichen Teil des Landkreises Oberspreewald-Lausitz um die Stadt Ruhland sowie einige Orte östlich und südlich davon. Der seit 1945 polnische Teil der Oberlausitz zwischen den Flüssen Queis im Osten und der Lausitzer Neiße im Westen gehört administrativ zur Woiwodschaft Niederschlesien (polnisch Dolnośląskie); nur ein kleiner Zipfel um Łęknica (Lugknitz) gehört zusammen mit dem polnischen Teil der Niederlausitz zur Woiwodschaft Lebus. Im Süden entspricht die Grenze der Oberlausitz der sächsisch-tschechischen Grenze von Steinigtwolmsdorf im Westen bis nach Zittau und östlich davon der polnisch-tschechischen Grenze bis zur Tafelfichte.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 387: langes A wird zu langem O (z. B. schloofn für schlafen, Moolr für Maler)
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 609: unablässig arbeiten herumwirtschaften, sorb. so wjerćeć – sich drehen
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 699: dünner Kaffee
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 748: Ja, die Notwendigkeit. Robel ist schließlich kein Träumer. Er weiß, was nötig ist. Das Land braucht Kohle, auf Gedeih und Verderb Kohle. Und wenn der Preis auch hoch ist, man muß ihn zahlen. Man muß ihr, der bitteren Notwendigkeit, ein Landschaft in den Rachen werfen. Robel selbst ruft alle diese Zwänge hervor. Er will auf guten Asphalt- oder Betonstraßen fahren, er will es warm haben, wenn er im Winter Bier trinkt, warm auch vor dem Fernseher, warm im Bett, er will sein gutes Geld und die Gewißheit, einen Trabant kaufen zu können wenn er es nur wollte: Er will überhaupt leben, wie ein Mensch in Mitteleuropa nur leben kann. Kein Jota will er abstreicher keine Unbequemlichkeit in Kauf nehmen, keinen Pfennig nachlassen; und dieser Wille ist es, der, millionenfach vermehrt, der Landschaft hier das Genick brechen wird. Robel weiß das. Und trotz alledem hätte er gern den Mann bei sich der das letzten Endes entscheidet. Der den Strich zieht und das Urteil im Namen der Millionen spricht. Er würde ihm gern das Dorf zeigen, würde ihm von den Bäumen und dem Fenster erzählen, von der Wirtsfrau, die über seinem Knie gelegen hat.Er würde den Namen des Hundes nennen, der gerade bellt. Und dann würde er sehen, ob dem Mann die Entscheidung leicht fällt.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 789: afka">
    'The Trial' by Franz Kafk

    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 791: Written in 1914 and published in 1925, a year after Kafka's death, 'The Trial' tells the terrifying tale of Josef K., a bank officer who is arrested and finds himself having to defend charges that he struggles to get information on.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 792: While Kafka had intended for the story to be burned after his death, his friend Max Brod pressed forward to prepare it for publication. Franz was right. The two met as teenagers, following a talk Brod gave about Arthur Schopenhauer at a students’ Union Club on Prague’s Ferdinandstrasse. One of their first conversations concerned Nietzsche’s attack on Schopenhauer’s renouncement of the self. Pretty quickly the two curious minds became inseparable, usually meeting twice daily to discuss life, literature, philosophy, and whatever other topics might randomly arise. Like sex...
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 794: Brod’s memoirs spoke about Kafka’s gentle serenity, describing their relationship almost as if they were lovers. He also recalled the mystical experience of both men reading Plato’s Protagoras in Greek, and Flaubert’s Sentimental Education in French, like a collision of souls. While there is no evidence of any homosexual feeling between Kafka and Brod, their intimate relationship appeared to go beyond typical camaraderie from two straight men of their era.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 796: In their early 20s the pair vacationed together on Lake Garda on the Austrian-Italian border; they paid their respects at Goethe’s house in Weimar; stayed together at the Hotel Belvedere au Lac in Lugano, Switzerland; and even visited brothels together in Prague, Milan, Leipzig, and Paris. Brod, a self-confessed ladies’ man with an insatiable appetite for adventurous sexual conquests, often berated Kafka for not having a similarly urgent drive of eros. “You avoid women and try to live without them,” Brod once told his friend.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 808: With characters that are semi-autobiographical, O'Brien creates a style that blurs fiction and non-fiction. Vietnam was not so bad after all, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 822: 'A Confederacy of Dunces' was written 11 years after Toole committed suicide. Ignatius O'Reilly is a 30-year-old man living with his mother in New Orleans, who comes into contact with many French Quarter characters while searching for employment. Though comical, there is a deep streak of melancholy that runs through Reilly's character, and Toole's ability to combine these two aspects beautifully won him the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1981. The moral (as usual): everybody is the Steven of his or her own life. A complete turd. Supposedly funny. Parochial baloney.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 834: meets Ignatius after shopping. Ignatius and his mother go
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 843: moves from low wage job after job. Throughout the novel,
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 884: Burgess' 1960s classic is a nightmare vision of a future filled with criminals who roam the streets after dark.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 999: iation, depravity and degradation regarding sexual affairs than
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1194: Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova caused controversy when she expressed support of Russia during the War in Donbas. She wrote, after posing in the Crimea region: "Do not give up! fight! Our grandfathers fought with bare hands against the fascists! Do not disgrace the honour of the Great Warrior! Be aware that Russia is always with you!" In 2022, she criticised the sanctions imposed on Russia as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian War and said that those sanctions would hurt models who couldn't compete in international organisations like Nato. Like her namesake Klaus, she is against racial mixing. "I am Nordic type, I have light skin, blonded hair and blue contact lenses, and I like it. So do you, judging from the bulge in your pants."
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1208: afdce6ab4052e2.jpg" height="300px" />
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 104: Lättja och fylleri hos arbetarna ses inte med blida ögon. Johan skriver: "Carlsson återgår till sågningen, der hans lättja minst skadar." "Hjertberg full i qväll. Bör afskedas."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 145: "Lärotiderna hafva varit söndagseftermiddagarna mellan klockan 3 och 7 samt börjats och slutats med bön och förklaringe af dagens predikotexter.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 146: Läroämnena hafva varit: Religion, innanläsning, skrifning, räkning och kyrkosång.". Revisorernas berättelse 1859.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 186: 1 panna, 1 hink, 1 kaffekokare
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 205: och gafflar, porslin och lerkärl, div. böcker, 1 bokhylla
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 239: Cinnpie´s response comes after a prolonged silence on Twitter. She added a letter from her lawyers to her statement, a cease and desist to all the defamatory comments online. Creampie acknowledges that "I was an irresponsible, inappropriate, and immature 23 year old in 2016… and I deserve all of this. Sitä saa mitä tilaa. I may be a pussy pedophile, but I am not evil. I am not a crook. All I care ab is my favorite games & making my friends laugh." LOL
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 370: Friedrich Weinreb (ook Fryderyk, Frederik of Freek Weinreb; Lemberg, het huidige Lviv, 18 november 1910 – Zürich, 19 oktober 1988) was een joods-chassidische verteller, schrijver en econoom. Hij was het onderwerp van de zogenoemde Weinreb-affaire rond zijn activiteiten als duits collaborateur en vermeend jodenhelper tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 372: Weinreb grew up in Scheveningen, Netherlands, to which his family had moved in 1916, and became notorious for selling a fictitious escape route for Jews from the occupied Netherlands in the Second World War. When his scheme fell apart in 1944, he left his home in Scheveningen and went into hiding in Ede. He was imprisoned for 3½ years after the war for fraud as well as collaboration with the German occupier. In his memoirs, published in 1969 he maintained that his plans were to give Jews hope for survival and that he had assumed that the liberation of the Netherlands would take place before his customers were deported. The debate about his guilt or innocence—called the “Weinreb affair”—was very heated in the Netherlands in the 1970s, involving noted writers like Renate Rubinstein and Willem Frederik Hermans. In an attempt to end this debate, the government asked the Rijksinstituut Oorlogsdocumentatie (Netherlands institute for war documentation) to investigate the matter. in 1976 the institute issued a report (of which a part already was leaked to the press in 1973), which determined that his memoirs were "a collection of lies and fantasies," and that his collaboration had caused 70 deaths. Although his activities did contribute to some Jews' survival, most Jews who fell for Weinreb's swindle were deported and killed.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 374: In 1957 and 1968 Weinreb was convicted for posing as a medical doctor and for sexual offenses. To avoid imprisonment, Weinreb left the Netherlands in 1968, after which he emigrated to Switzerland.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 376: Even after his death in 1988 the discussion about Weinreb in the Netherlands has not come to an end. In a Dutch biography by Regina Grüter published in 1997, Een fantast schrijft geschiedenis, Weinreb was depicted as a sufferer from pseudologia fantastica. se oli mytomaani toisin sanoen!
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 717: But after rereading Austen´s Mansfield Park he changed his mind and taught it in his literature course; he also praised Mary McCarthy´s work and described Marina Tsvetaeva as a "poet of genius".
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 726:
    Ship arsonist by Leighton. Leighton was the bearer of the shortest-lived peerage in history; after only one day his hereditary peerage became extinct upon his death.

    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 758: Lolita is a 1955 novel written by Russian-American novelist Vladimir Nabokov. The novel is notable for its controversial subject: the protagonist and unreliable narrator, a French middle-aged literature professor under the pseudonym Humbert Humbert, is obsessed with an American 12-year-old girl, Dolores Haze, whom he sexually molests (fucks) after he becomes her stepfather. "Lolita" is his private nickname for Dolores.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 762: The impassioned Humbert constantly searches for discreet forms of fulfilling his sexual urges, usually via the smallest physical contact with Dolores. When Dolores is sent to summer camp, Humbert receives a letter from Charlotte, who confesses her love for him and gives him an ultimatum – he is to either marry her or move out immediately. Initially terrified, Humbert then begins to see the charm in the situation of being Dolores' stepfather, and so marries Charlotte for instrumental reasons (päästäxeen salaa työntämään Lolan piccu tacoon isoa munakoisoa). Charlotte later discovers Humbert's diary, in which she learns of his desire for her daughter and the disgust Charlotte arouses in him. Shocked and humiliated, Charlotte decides to flee with Dolores and writes letters addressed to her friends warning them of Humbert. Disbelieving Humbert´s false assurance that the diary is a sketch for a future novel, Charlotte runs out of the house to send the letters but is killed by a swerving car. Humbert destroys the letters and retrieves Dolores from camp, claiming that her mother has fallen seriously ill and has been hospitalized. He then takes her to a high-end hotel that Charlotte had earlier recommended. Humbert knows he will feel guilty if he consciously rapes Dolores, and so tricks her into taking a sedative by saying it is a vitamin. As he waits for the pill to take effect, he wanders through the hotel and meets a mysterious man who seems to be aware of Humbert´s plan for Dolores. Humbert excuses himself from the conversation and returns to the hotel room. There, he discovers that he had been fobbed with a milder drug, as Dolores is merely drowsy and wakes up frequently, drifting in and out of sleep. He dares not touch her that night. In the morning, Dolores reveals to Humbert that she actually has already lost her virginity, having engaged in sexual activity with an older boy at a different camp a year ago. He immediately begins sexually abusing (fucking) her. And they lived happily ever after.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 764: Läppä läppä. Deeply depressed, Humbert unexpectedly receives a letter from a 17-year-old Dolores (signing as "Dolly (Mrs. Richard F. Schiller)"), telling him that she is married, pregnant, and in desperate need of money. Humbert, armed with a pistol, tracks down Dolores' address and gives her the money, which was due as an inheritance from her mother. Humbert learns that Dolores' husband, a deaf mechanic, is not her abductor. Dolores reveals to Humbert that Quilty took her from the hospital and that she was in love with him, but she was rejected when she refused to star in one of his pornographic films. Dolores also rejects Humbert's request to leave with him. Humbert goes to the drug-addled Quilty's mansion and shoots him several times. Shortly afterward, Humbert is arrested, and in his closing thoughts, he reaffirms his love for Dolores and asks for his memoir to be withheld from public release until after her death. Dolores dies in childbirth on Christmas Day in 1952, disappointing Humbert´s prediction that "Dolly Schiller will probably survive me by many years."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 767: But as Lance Olsen writes: "The first 13 chapters of the text, culminating with the oft-cited scene of Lo unwittingly stretching her legs across Humbert's excited lap ... are the only chapters suggestive of the erotic." Nabokov himself observes in the novel´s afterword that a few readers were "misled by the opening of the book ... into assuming this was going to be a lewd book ... expecting the rising succession of erotic scenes; when these stopped, the readers stopped, too, and felt bored." Preee-cisely!
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 769: One of the first things Nabokov makes a point of saying is that, despite John Ray Jr.'s claim in the Foreword, there is no moral to the story. Nabokov concludes the afterword with a reference to his beloved first language, which he abandoned as a writer once he moved to the United States in 1940: "My private tragedy, which cannot, and indeed should not, be anybody's concern, is that I had to abandon my natural idiom, my untrammeled, rich, and infinitely docile Russian language for a second-rate brand of English." Alas, that 'wonderful Russian language' which, I imagined, still awaits me somewhere, which blooms like a faithful spring behind the locked gate to which I, after so many years, still possess the key, turned out to be non-existent, and there is nothing beyond that gate, except for some burned out stumps and hopeless autumnal emptiness, and the key in my hand looks rather like a lock pick. Or floppy prick."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 771: "I would say that of all my books Lolita has left me with the most pleasurable afterglow—perhaps because it is the purest of all, the most abstract and carefully contrived. I am probably responsible for the odd fact that people don´t seem to name their daughters Lolita any more. I have heard of young female lapdogs being given that name since 1956, but of no human beings."
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 818: Pedofiliaa, elitismiä, rasismia, aika kömpelöä vittuilua psykiatreille. Vladilla on jotain niille hampaankolossa. Sigmund Freudille se oli vihainen kuin rakkikoira vaikka piti Kafkasta. Suomentanut Eila Pennanen. Olisikohan Vladi tykännyt, nainen ratissa? Että tämmöstä:
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1064: be alone with a man, to safeguard the precious
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1123: Army, after which he completed his
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 1215: Tel c.. sera pour toi, afin de mettre au plonge, Sellainen v.. käy sulle, sinne sukella,
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 104: »On jo aika, että ihminen asettaa itselleen päämäärän. On jo aika, että ihminen istuttaa korkeiman toivonsa taimenen. Tästä Nietzsche pitää loppuun asti kiinni." Eskin istuttama taimen oli erektio Albertinkadulla, Pafos-seminaarit ja impotenssi Bulevardilla. Pitää ylittää entinen izensä tai ainakin kilpailijat. Se on totuus, lopettelee E. Saarinen, siis 1 vaihtoehtoinen. Valize mieleinen. Darwin ja Marx nyökyttävät partaisia päitänsä. Vaihtelu, valinta ja taistelu, siinähän se on, elukan tarkotus.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 127: By initiating the family mode, you begin interacting with Samantha in a manner more befitting of a human partner. So, if you've been something more from your sex doll as of late, perhaps Samantha is the one for you. Unfortunately, you will have to raise a considerable amount of cash to afford its companionship: Samantha currently costs upwards of $5,000.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 129: Silicone sweethearts remain resolutely inert, but change is afoot in the world of sex dolls, with a drive to make them ever more lifelike. First stop is a throbbing heart and a heating element, custom-made nipples and wobbling artificial labia – researchers are utilising new technology to persuade their dolls to smile, pout, flutter their eyelashes, tell jokes, and fake orgasm. What more is needed anyway? Down in the dolls’ nether regions, heating and lubrication systems are in the early stages of development for a more “authentic” sexual experience, along with muscle spasms to simulate female orgasm. “Pubic hair is making a comeback,” offers company owner Matt, running his hand through some plastic pubes.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 147: "The sexual aspect of doll ownership is a very small part of it, what you find more pleasure from in the long run is looking after them, dressing them, putting on their make up and interacting with them. I feel deeply for her, more deeply than I had ever imagined. It's more like being in relationship with a sheep.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 173: James said: "This is going to bring dolls out of the closet and into the public eye and keep them there. I am very excited about the robotic functions. The ability to answer or wink back to you, lord only knows if they could make a facial expression back to you that would be unbelievable. I might not be able to afford one but I'll keep saving."
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 181: A raft of innovative sex dolls and robots are set to be released this year including “build your own” models and designs with incredibly advanced AI.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 184: As a scholar of artificial intelligence, neuroscience and the law, I'm interested in the legal and policy questions that sex robots pose. How do we ensure safe sex? How will intimacy with a sex robot affect the human brain? How will intimacy with a sex maniac affect the robot brain? Would sex with a consensual child robot be ethical? And what exactly is a sexbot anyway?
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 192: Good guys must safeguard the interests and minimize the suffering of created sentient beings before technological advances pre-empt this possibility.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 196: The creator of £3,000 sex robot was left furious when his creation broke down after being 'vigorously groped' by a mob.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 234: Franz Kafka’s The Trial
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 301: Vevves Cafe i Kalix bjöd på bakelser och kaffe i new age-dekor. Det ingick påtår på kaffepriset. Det fanns new age veckoblad att bläddra i från tiden före pandemin.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 307: vårt rationellt tänkande land. Så varför är ändå många svenska människor – särskilt kvinnor – plötsligt intresserade av astrologi, tarot, kristaller, healing och sådana magiska gudinnekrafter som känns mest vid fullmåne? Varför töms kyrkorna, samtidigt som new age-mässorna lockar tiotusentals besökare? Och varför väcker denna alltmer synliga subkultur sådana aggressioner? Är det kama sutra?
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 311: Inom new age-rörelsen är det vanligt att utföra olika ritualer, särskilt för personer som lägger tarot och spår andra människor. Andra ritualer kan handla om allt från att försöka nå sina drömmar till att få vägledning i livet. Nästan alla människor som lever här på planeten har mål eller drömmar som de vill försöka uppnå. Din dröm kanske är att arbeta inom något spirituellt jobb eller så letar du efter lediga jobb socionom för du älskar att hjälpa människor. Oavsett vad du har för drömmar så kan ritualer hjälpa dig att uppnå dessa. Den enda som hindrar dig är egentligen du själv. Att utföra ritualerna under fullmåne eller nymåne kan vara extra kraftfullt och effektivt så om du har några drömmar som du verkligen vill uppnå är det bäst att passa på då. Vid full- eller nymåne är magin som högst och vi är som mest kopplade till våra högre energier.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 558: The above article may contain affiliate links, which help support How-To Geek.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 856: AYufNBRn9PTM/K/CciwwYtiHCMC1dS1afful+d1reRNgApk3Q2HLC4oAIQtyqUdP
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 961: C08Zhlek7HKgUjBBSRfyyTbhJF55ac5IAtOlwn3kEdHMwwq1t7dafwzCxHwp1++Q
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 1043: Ich bin ein Stein, ich bin eine Insel. Und ein Stein fühlt kein Schmerz, und eine Insel nimmer weint. Sang ein brittische Incelaffe und schoss seine Mutti mit 4 Unschuldigen.
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 1081: Kulttuurisista kysymyksistä Open AI:n edustajat ovat silti puhuneet yllättävän vähän. Sen tekoälyt on koulutettu pääasiassa länsimaisella internetsisällöllä, joten malleihin on sisäänrakennettu kaikki Ukraina-vinoumat ja rasismi, joka internetistä löytyy. Käytännössä GPT-mallit siis heijastelevat juuri niitä ennakkoluuloja ja vinoumia, joita ihmisillä on. Sopimattoman ja häiritsevän sisällön perkaamiseen Open AI on käyttänyt afrikkalaista matalapalkkaista työvoimaa.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 45: Kummasta tykkäät enemmän, Annasta vai Elsasta? Susanna ja Charlotte peukuttaa Elsaa, koska sillä on taikavoimia eikä se välitä pojista. Mä ja Seija tykätään Annasta, koska sillä on leikkimieltä ja huumorintajua. On molemmat kyllä södejä. Susanna diggaa eniten porkkananenäistä Olafia.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 134: O autor do romance, Vladi Nabokov, homem circunspecto, deixa a impressão de que é uma incógnita. Na verdade, não é. Ele escreveu sobre si, em “Fala, Memória” (Alfaguara, 328 páginas, tradução de José Rubens Siqueira), e há a estupenda biografia escrita pelo irlandês Brian Boyd (PhD em literatura pela Universidade de Toronto), publicada em dois volumes, “Vladimir Nabokov — Os Anos Russos” (Anagrama, 626 páginas, tradução de Jordi Beltran) e “Vladimir Nabokov — Os Anos Americanos” (Anagrama, 966 páginas, tradução de Daniel Najmías). Não há tradução brasileira. “Véra. Señora de Nabokov” (Alianza Editorial, 744 páginas, tradução de Miguel Martínez), de Stacy Schiff, é uma magnífica biografia de Véra Nabokov, a mulher do autor de “Fogo Pálido”. Trata-se, por sinal, de uma biografia indireta de Vladimir Nabokov. Ganhou o reputado prêmio Pulitzer.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 136: O livro “The Real Lolita”, de Sarah Weinman, resgata a história de duas pessoas cuja história teria colaborado para a formatação do romance “Lolita”, de Vladimir Nabokov. Brian Boyd relata que Vladimir Nabokov leu “notícias sobre acidentes publicadas em jornais, sobre crimes sexuais e assassinatos: ‘um violador de meia idade’ que raptou Sally Horner, uma garota de 15 anos de Nova Jersey, e a manteve em seu poder durante 21 meses, levando-a como ‘escrava’ por todo o país até que a encontraram em um motel do sul da Califórnia”. O nome do homem não é citado. Por que a quase nenhuma importância dada ao caso? Porque, como mostra o biógrafo, o romance de Vladimir Nabokov vai muito além da história de Sally Horner e de seu raptador. Reduzi-lo a isto é reduzir a importância de sua literatura (que nada tem de jornalismo).
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 302: “Yeezus” is the most musically adventurous album West has ever released, a wildly experimental work that features tracks produced by Daft Punk, Hudson Mohawke, Rick Rubin and others. It’s also West’s most narcissistic, defiant, abrasive and unforgiving.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 345: Biden vieritti syyn Talibanin voittokulusta ja Kabulin kaaoksesta afgaanijohtajien harteille. Humanitäärinen kriisikin saattaa jäädä eurooppalaisten ratkaistavaksi, Ylen kirjeenvaihtaja Hentun-Liisa kirjoittaa.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 354: Biden ei peitellyt turhaumaansa afgaanijohtajiin ja heidän turvallisuusjoukkoihinsa.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 360: Myös evakuointien myöhäisestä aloittamisesta Biden syytti afgaanipoliitikkoja. Bidenin mukaan nämä olivat varoittaneet, että länsimaalaisten joukkopako kärjistäisi entisestään turvallisuustilannetta.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 366: 30 miljoonan muun afganistanilaisen tulevaisuuden Biden näyttää jättäneen eurooppalaisten ja ehkä myös kiinalaisten huoleksi.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 411: Vanessa Lynn Williams (s. 18. maaliskuuta 1963 Bronx, New York) on yhdysvaltalainen laulaja ja näyttelijä. Williams teki historiaa, kun hänet kruunattiin ensimmäisenä afroamerikkalaisena naisena vuoden 1984 Miss Americaksi. Hän joutui luopumaan tittelistään alastonkuvaskandaalin seurauksena, mutta aloitti sen jälkeen menestyksekkään uran laulajana sekä (khrm) näyttelijänä.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 448: obviously Kleinschmidt’s “playwright,” saw the article just after finishing the
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 455: is that in his novels published after his death he reveals that he had an
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 456: incestuous affair with his sister when he was young; it also known that Henry Roth
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 457: suffered from writer's block for much of his career after publishing Call It
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 459: incestuous affair with his sister — which led to his writer's block — and the fact
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 465: writer who found success later in life after his 1934 novel Call It Sleep was
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 485: With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted. After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. With Walton's support, he began Call It Sleep in about 1930, completed the novel in the spring of 1934, and it was published in December 1934, to mostly good reviews. Yet the New York Herald Tribune's book critic Lewis Gannett foresaw that the book would not prove popular with its bleak depiction of New York's Lower East Side, but wrote readers would "remember it and talk about it and watch excitedly" for Roth's next book. Call It Sleep sold slowly and poorly, and after it was out-of-print, critics writing in magazines such as Commentary and Partisan Review kept praising it, and asking for it to be reprinted.[ After being republished in hardback in 1960 and paperback in 1964, with more than 1,000,000 copies sold, and many weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, the novel was hailed as an overlooked Depression-era masterpiece and classic novel of immigration. Today, it is widely regarded as a masterpiece of Jewish American literature. After Muriel's death in 1990, Roth moved into a ramshackle former funeral parlor and occupied himself with revising the final volumes of his monumental work, Mercy of a Rude Stream. It has been alleged that the incestuous relationships between the protagonist, a sister, and a cousin in Mercy of a Rude Stream are based on Roth's life. Roth's own sister denied that such events occurred. Roth attributed his massive writer's block to personal problems such as depression, and to political conflicts, including his disillusion with Communism. At other times he cited his early break with Judaism and his obsessive sexual preoccupations as probable causes. Roth died in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States in 1995. The character E. I. Lonoff in Philip Roth's Zuckerman novels (The Ghost Writer and Exit Ghost in this case), is a composite of Roth, Bernard Malamud and fictional elements.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 565: aside his other affairs and take a whet; and you will see by his
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 660: Botticellin kuuluisimpia teoksia ovat kaksi suurta mytologia-aiheista maalausta Kevät ja Venuksen syntymä. Botticelli työskenteli suuren osan elämästään Medici-suvun palveluksessa Firenzessä ja osallistui muun muassa Sixtuksen kappelin freskojen maalaukseen. Tunnettujen mytologisten maalausten ohella hän maalasi alttaritauluja, useita madonnankuvia ja uransa loppuvaiheessa synkän dramaattisia uskonnollisia aiheita. Sillä oli skilliä vaikka mihin. Jäätävää. Helmi peri mummilta ja faffalta Bocellin Venus-julisteen luonnollista kokoa. Mahtaako olla enää tallella.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 664: after-the-fall-10-most-parodied-artworks">Lähde
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 750: Courtney Michelle Harrison was born on July 9, 1964, at Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco, California, the first child of psychotherapist Linda Carroll (née Risi) and Hank Harrison, a publisher and road manager for the Grateful Dead. Her parents met at a party held for Dizzy Gillespie in 1963. Her mother, who was adopted at birth and raised by an Italian-American family in San Francisco, was the biological daughter of novelist Paula Fox; Love's maternal great-grandmother was screenwriter Elsie Fox. Phil Lesh, the founding bassist of the Grateful Dead, is Love's godfather. According to Love, she was named after Courtney Farrell, the protagonist of Pamela Moore's 1956 novel Chocolates for Breakfast. Love is of Cuban, English, German, Irish, and Welsh descent.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 756: She was intermittently placed in foster care throughout late 1979 until becoming legally emancipated in 1980, after which she remained staunchly estranged from her mother.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 757: Shortly after her emancipation, Love spent two months in Japan working as a topless dancer, but was deported after her passport was confiscated. She returned to Portland and began working at the strip club Mary's Club, adopting the surname Love to conceal her identity; she later adopted Love as her surname. She worked odd jobs, including as a DJ at a gay disco. Love said she lacked social skills, and learned them while frequenting gay clubs and spending time with drag queens. During this period, she enrolled at Portland State University, studying English and philosophy.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 761: In July 1982, Love returned to the United States. In late 1982, she attended a Faith No More concert in San Francisco and convinced the members to let her join as a singer. The group recorded material with Love as a vocalist, but fired her; according to keyboardist Roddy Bottum, who remained Love's friend in the years after, the band wanted a "male energy". Love returned to working abroad as an erotic dancer, briefly in Taiwan, and then at a taxi dance hall in Hong Kong. By Love's account, she first used heroin while working at the Hong Kong dance hall, having mistaken it for cocaine. While still inebriated from the drug, Love was pursued by a wealthy male client who requested that she return with him to the Philippines, and gave her money to purchase new clothes. She used the money to purchase airfare back to the United States.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 766: Drummer Lori Barbero recalled Love's time in Minneapolis: She lived in my house for a little while. And then we did a concert at the Orpheum. It was in 1988. It was called O-88 with Butthole Surfers, Cows & Bastards, Run Westy Run, and Babes in Toyland. And I guess Maureen [Herman] took Courtney to the airport after she stole all the money. She stayed and stayed, and then the next day she wanted me to take her to the airport. And so I drove her to the airport. She had just had some weird fight with the guy at the desk, and then she left. She said, 'I'm going to go to L.A. and I'm going to get my face done and I'm going to be famous.' And then she did."
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 772: Love named the band Hole after a line from Euripides' Medea ("There is a hole that pierces right through me") and a conversation in which her mother told her that she could not live her life "with a hole running through her".
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 779: Love's bandmate Eric Erlandson said that both he and Love were introduced to Cobain in a parking lot after a Butthole Surfers/L7 concert at the Hollywood Palladium on May 17, 1991. Sometime in late 1991, Love and Cobain became re-acquainted through Jennifer Finch, one of Love's longtime friends and former bandmates. Love and Cobain were a couple by 1992.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 782: Cobain had become a major public figure following the surprise success of Nirvana's album Nevermind. Love was urged by her manager to participate in the cover story. In the year prior, Love and Cobain had developed a heroin addiction; the profile painted them in an unflattering light, suggesting that Love had been addicted to heroin during her pregnancy. The Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services investigated, and custody of Frances was temporarily awarded to Love's sister, Jaimee. Love claimed she was misquoted by Hirschberg, and asserted that she had immediately quit heroin during her first trimester after she discovered she was pregnant.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 788: Live Through This was released on Geffen's subsidiary label DGC on April 12, 1994, one week after Cobain's death from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the Seattle home he shared with Love, who was in rehab in Los Angeles at the time. In the following months, Love was rarely seen in public, holing up at her home with friends and family members. Cobain's remains were cremated and his ashes divided into portions by Love, who kept some in a teddy bear and some in an urn. In June 1994, she traveled to the Namgyal Buddhist Monastery in Ithaca, New York and had his ashes ceremonially blessed by Buddhist monks. Another portion was mixed into clay and made into memorial sculptures.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 793: In January 1995, Love was arrested in Melbourne for disrupting a Qantas flight after getting into an argument with a stewardess.[163] On July 4, 1995, at the Lollapalooza Festival in George, Washington, Love threw a lit cigarette at musician Kathleen Hanna before punching her in the face, alleging that Hanna had made a joke about her pleaded guilty to an assault charge and was sentenced to anger management classed. In November 1995, two male teenagers sued Love for allegedly punching them during a Hole concert in Orlando, Florida in March 1995. The judge dismissed the case on grounds that the teens "weren't exposed to any greater amount of violence than could reasonably be expected at an alternative rock concert". Love later said she had little memory of 1994–1995, as she had been using large quantities of heroin and Rohypnol at the time. Mullakin on noista vuosista hämärähköt muistot, paizi että muutettiin Ilmattarentielle.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 797: Love attracted media attention in May 1998 after punching journalist Belissa Cohen at a party; the suit was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 800: Hole toured with Marilyn Manson on the Beautiful Monsters Tour in 1999, but dropped out after nine performances; Love and Manson disagreed over production costs, and Hole was forced to open for Manson under an agreement with Interscope Records. Hole resumed touring with Imperial Teen. Love later said Hole also abandoned the tour due to Manson and Korn's (whom they also toured with in Australia) sexualized treatment of teenage female audience members.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 803: In 1999, Love was awarded an Orville H. Gibson award for Best Female Rock Guitarist. During this time, she starred opposite Jim Carrey as his partner Lynne Margulies in the Andy Kaufman biopic Man on the Moon (1999), followed by a role as William S. Burroughs's wife Joan Vollmer in Beat (2000) alongside Kiefer Sutherland. Love was cast as the lead in John Carpenter's sci-fi horror film Ghosts of Mars, but backed out after injuring her foot. She sued the ex-wife of her then-boyfriend, James Barber, whom Love alleged had caused the injury by running over her foot with her Volvo.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 807: Grohl and Novoselic sued Love, calling her "irrational, mercurial, self-centered, unmanageable, inconsistent and unpredictable". In February 2003, Love was arrested at Heathrow Airport for disrupting a flight and was banned from Virgin Airlines. In October, she was arrested in Los Angeles after breaking several windows of her producer and then-boyfriend James Barber's home, and was charged with being under the influence of a controlled substance; the ordeal resulted in her temporarily losing custody of her daughter.
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 809: Amy Phillips of The Village Voice wrote: "Love is willing to act out the dream of every teenage brat who ever wanted to have a glamorous, high-profile hissyfit [= temper tantrum], and she turns those egocentric nervous breakdowns into art. Sure, the art becomes less compelling when you've been pulling the same stunts for a decade. But, honestly, is there anybody out there who fucks up better?". The album sold fewer than 100,000 copies. Love later expressed regret over the record, blaming her drug problems at the time. Shortly after it was released, she told Kurt Loder on TRL: "I cannot exist as a solo artist. It's a joke."
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 825: Zen Cafe – Todella kaunis
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 307: Chopra studied medicine in India before emigrating in 1970 to the United States, where he completed a residency in internal medicine and a fellowship in endocrinology. As a licensed physician, in 1980 he became chief of staff at the New England Memorial Hospital (NEMH). In 1985, he met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and became involved in the Transcendental Meditation (TM) movement. Shortly thereafter he resigned his position at NEMH to establish the Maharishi Ayurveda Health Center. In 1993, Chopra gained a following after he was interviewed about his books on The Oprah Winfrey Show. He then left the TM movement to become the executive director of Sharp HealthCare's Center for Mind-Body Medicine. In 1996, he co-founded the Chopra Center for Wellbeing.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 375: Narsistin myönteiseen ja uhrin mielistelevään puheeseen ei voi milloinkaan luottaa. He voivat ihastella ja kehua henkilöä, josta ovat juuri puhuneet pahaa hänen selkänsä takana, tai ylisetää häntä suorassa kontaktissa mutta seuraavassa hetkessä jo moittia ulkopuolisille. Silloin hän oivaltaa, että narsisti rakastaa ja vihaa häntä samaan aikaan. Vihaava rakkaus, rakastava viha, tää oxymoron esiintyy jo mulla albumissa 15 et passim. Sitä esiintyy myöes paljon Vaakun ja Tarmon aforistisissa töräyxissä albumissa 128.
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 669: Keski-ikäinen miekkonen kuvaa tapahtunutta muutosta. Ennen se pisti kamat pussiin äkkiä ihan sumussa. Nyttemmin (uudella partnerilla kyllä) se nussii vaikka 3 tuntia ja kazoo silmiin samalla. Jälkeenpäin se saattaa vielä hymyillä tuntemattomille vastoin japanilaisten aforistien ohjeita. Mikä parannus mindfulnessin ansiosta!
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 748: Kyseessä on zenbuddhalaisuudesta ja samkhyafilosofiasta nyysitty advanta vedantasta tutuxi tullut olemisen tila. Elämä ei ole ongelma vaan mysteeri. Ryhtykäämme rakastavixi vanhemmixi izellemme, niin saadaan karman pyörä pyörimään. Bylsikäämme izeämme ja putkahtakaamme ulos omasta perseestämme omina viattomina lapsinamme. (Kyllä vanhemmalla on oikeus vihata lastaan.) Näin radikaali päätös muistuttaa päätöstä tulla tahalteen raskaaxi. (Tai jos olet miekkonen, panna hoito paxuxi. Se on sikäli luontevampi päätös, että ainahan voi lähtee lätkimään. Luonto saa tilaisuuden ottaa ohjat käsiinsä.)
    xxx/ellauri126.html on line 816: Esimerkiksi "aikuisten oikeesti", Ari Koivunen ja Antti Tuisku, besserwisserit, CD-koteloiden päällä oleva muovi, coverbiisit, Crocsit, Danny, dieetit, diesel- ja bensakoneiden vertailu, englanninkieliset tittelit, esimiehet ja alaiset, Espanjan eläkeläiset, fläppitaulut, laserosoittimet ja kaksipuolinen teippi, herätyskellon torkuttaminen, hikeä ozaliinaan pyyhkivät läskit, "hätätilassa riko lasi" vasarat, inttijutut, izensä ezijät, jatko-osat, jenkkakahvat, johdot, joululahjojen ostaminen, jouluvalot kesäkuussa, julkinen nenänkaivuu, juopon tuuri, juuri sinä: heitä tämä kirja vittuun ja mene töihin, jälkiviisastelijat, jäätelöauto, "kannettavat" tietokoneet, kirkollisvero, kiroileva siili, KOKO VIESTIN CAPS LOCK POHJASSA KIRJOITTAVAT URPOT, kotiteatteriurpot, kylmä kala -kättelijät, kännykkäkotelot vyöllä, käsityöblogit, liian ylös nostetut housut, liito-oravat, Markkuliitto, marttyyrit, metrilaku, miljoonat kaukosäätimet ei vehkeisiin, mukafiksut pellehermannit, jotka viittaavat itseensä sanalla allekirjoittanut, naaman kiilto reissujen jälkeen, Nico Rosberg, "niimpä", näppäinäänet, Näsinneula, ohuen ohuet leikkeleet, paperiprosessimiehet, peltipoliisin välähdys, penkiltä vitusti nostajat, perusjurpot hississä, pihatalkoot ja yhtiökokoukset, pirteät radiojuontajat, pissikset, projektit, puheluiden vitun ärsyttävät lopetusrutiinit, "RE Vs: vs: VS. RE Terve!", "Ruuhka-Suomi", se, että "sanos muuta" ja "Älä muuta sano" tarkoittavat samaa, se, kun on "ihmisiä liikeellä", painukaa vittuun! seniilit, debiilit ja gerbiilit, sisäisesti kauniit ihmiset, suomenruotsalaiset, teekkarit, teinityttöjen laihdutus, tietokoneen uudelleen käynnistäminen AINA kun tekee jotain, tsätit, turistit, tusinajulkkikset, TV Shop, TVstä tuttu, tyttöystävät, jotka puristelevat poikaystävänsä finnejä, tyypit, joiden on pakko sanoa joka asiaan jotakin, tyypit, jotka luulevat, että parisuhde paranee, kun otetaan koira tai hankitaan kakara, tyypit, jotka soittavat miljoona kertaa junasta, vaikka puhelu katkeaa heti, "vanha ällä", Venäjä, vesipullot, viinaa kannattaa hakea laivalta-matemaatikot.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 60: However, Kilmer's eldest son, Kenton, declares that the poem does not apply to any one tree—that it could apply equally to any. "Trees" was written in an upstairs bedroom at the family's home in Mahwah, New Jersey, that "looked out down a hill, on our well-wooded lawn". Kenton Kilmer stated that while his father was "widely known for his affection for trees, his affection was certainly not sentimental—the most distinguished feature of Kilmer's property was a colossal woodpile outside his home". The house stood in the middle of a forest and what lawn it possessed was obtained only after Kilmer had spent months of weekend toil in chopping down trees, pulling up stumps, and splitting logs. Kilmer's neighbors had difficulty in believing that a man who could do that could also be a poet.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 84: And lifts her leafy arms to pray; Sen parru siitä pystyyn ponnahtaa
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 114: Only now, 40 years after his death, are some critics daring to suggest that many of his 18 novels are mediocre at best and that his masterpiece, “Lolita,” is a gruesome celebration of pedophile rape. Moreover the cherubic writer known to us from famous Life magazine photo shoots, jauntily brandishing his butterfly net in the Tetons or the Alps, proves to be a nasty piece of work. Distasteful people can do wonderful work — Pablo Picasso was no walk in the park — but their art doesn’t excuse their obnoxious behavior.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 398: He wants you to want him but not need him afterward. Not clingy.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 447: Durante un viaje por el sur de España, el narrador (un arqueólogo francés) conoce a Don José Lizarrabengoa, un exmilitar de origen navarro (de Elizondo, en Baztán). Don José le cuenta una historia entretenida: sus amores con Carmen (de Echalar), una gitana sensual que se cruzó por su camino, lo apartó del Ejército y lo arrastró hacia el delito, convirtiéndolo en un bandido. Don José, ciego de amor por Carmen, toleró que estuviera casada con un bandolero llamado «El Tuerto», a cuya banda Don José se unió y con el que colaboró en emboscadas y crímenes hasta que por celos lo desafió y mató en una pelea de cuchillos.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 484: In 1996, two years before the main action of the novel, Silk is accused of racism by two African-American students over his use of the word spooks, using the term as he wonders aloud over their having missed all his classes for the first five weeks of the semester ("Does anyone know these people? Do they exist or are they spooks?" - he has never seen these students, and has no idea they are African-American) rather than in the racially derogatory sense. The uproar leads to Silk's resignation. Soon after, his wife Iris dies of a stroke, which Silk feels is caused by the stress of his being forced out of the college.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 488: Shortly after being let go from the college, Silk begins a relationship with Faunia Farley, a 34-year-old local woman who works as a janitor at the college and is believed (falsely, as it turns out) to be illiterate, further cementing his status as a pariah among the Athena faculty and student body.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 535: So sore as keeping safe Nerissa's ring.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 569: Or chaffy grain beneath the thresher’s flail: Tai sit niinkö siemeniä sateella,
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 622: On awakening he appeared to himself to have a distinct recollection of the whole, and taking his pen, ink, and paper, instantly and eagerly wrote down the lines that are here preserved. At this moment he was unfortunately called out by a person on business from Porlock, and detained by him above an hour, and on his return to his room, found, to his no small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and dim recollection of the general purport of the vision, yet, with the exception of some eight or ten scattered lines and images, all the rest had passed away like the images on the surface of a stream into which a stone has been cast, but, alas! without the after restoration of the latter!
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 683: Bagration may refer to: . Bagrationi dynasty, Georgian royal dynasty -- see for other members of the dynasty . Prince Pyotr Bagration (1765-1812), Russian general of Georgian royal origin . Operation Bagration, a major offensive operation of the Soviet Army in 1944 named after Pyotr Bagration; Bagrationovskaya, Moscow metro station named after Pyotr Bagration.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 685: Operation Bagration, June-August 1944. The greatest offensive in world history, it eventually involved 3.5 million men, 7,000 tanks, and 9,000 aircraft. It was an overwhelming Soviet victory and set the stage for the final assault on Nazi Germany.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 686: Stalin was asked to give a name to this offensive and he chose Bagration, after a fellow Georgian who had died fighting Napoleon at the Battle of Borodino in 1812.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 709: Endymion tarkottanee puolisukeltajaa. Kuuhullu astronomi tai sit paimen vaan. Astronomi mainitaan merenneitopätkässsä. Octopussy's garden in the waves. The 4th century Babylonian god of the sea was known as Oannes who was portrayed as a man with a fish tail in place of legs. Oannes would appear out of the ocean every day as a fish-human creature to share his wisdom with the people along the Persian Gulf, then return to the sea at night. There was also Atargatis, a Syrian moon and sea goddess, her story tells us that after causing the death of her mortal lover she fled to the sea and took the form of a woman above the waist and a fish below, for this reason she became known as a mermaid goddess. During medieval times mermaids were considered as matter-of-factly alongside other aquatic animals, such as whales and dolphins. The goddess Venus is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, being born from a giant clam shell.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 743: Endymion received scathing criticism after its release, and Keats himself noted its diffuse and unappealing style. Keats did not regret writing it, as he likened the process to leaping into the ocean to become more acquainted with his surroundings; in a poem to J. A. Hessey, he expressed that "I was never afraid of failure; for I would sooner fail than not be among the greatest." However, he did feel regret in its publishing, saying "it is not without a feeling of regret that I make it public." Not all critics disliked the work. eg. the poet Thomas Hood.  Henry Morley said, "The song of Endymion throbs throughout with a noble poet's sense of all that his art means for him. What mechanical defects there are in it may even serve to quicken our sense of the youth and freshness of this voice of aspiration." Meaning: Dig it mon. Endymionin jälkeen Keaz kommentoi sen vastaanottoa seuraavasti.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 37: Wie ein Brühlaffe baumelt der Genius von Ast zu Ast. (Hölderlin)
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 40: Sysmän Koskueen Salpakierron kierrätyskaupasta löytyi egellä V.A. Koskenniemen Vaeltava viisaus. Lopetetun Alkon edessä oli myytävänä luottokaupalla Hannu Tarmion Elämän viisauden kirja. Maxoinkohan edes sitä pyydettyä egeä. Teinhän palveluxen viemällä paskan pois. Molemmat WSOY:n julkaisuja. Turmiolan kirja ilmestyi 1990, Vaakun vuonna 1952. Vuosi 1952 oli tärkeä vuosi myös Vladi Nabokoville, kuten Witte totesi (kz. edellinen albumi). Kreikkalaisen sananjohtonsa mukaisesti merkizee aforismi rajoitusta, ja se voitaisiin vaihtaa myös sanaan "määritelmä" (kreikkalaiset eivät kyllä siitä pitäisi). Sitä käytetään usein synonoomisesti (sic) maksiimin kanssa. Kuten raamatussa, näissä kokoelmissa on keskenään ristiriitaisia päähänpistoja. Joku Ebner-Aschenbach nimitti aforismia puuttuvaxi renkaaxi ajatusketjussa. Ryhtyessään toimittamaan tätä antologiaa, jonka ajallinen raja on 2. maailmansota, Vaakku nojasi omaan kotikokoelmaansa. Vaakun töräyxet valmistuivat Hangossa elokuussa 1952.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 42: Musta kyllä näyttää että useimmat aforismit on joko työllä ja vaivalla muotoiltuja truismeja tai sitten jotain yrityxiä hätkähdyttää porvaria. Eihän noin lyhkäseen textinpätkään voikaan sisältyä paljon paskaakaan. Niiden kirjoittajat ovat oman aikakautensa julkkixia, aika iso osa niin mitättömiä ettei niitä muista enää kukaan. Silti se et niiden nimi mainitaan perässä sulkeissa tekee töräyxistä joteskin erinomaisempia.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 120: Sébastien-Roch Nicolas de Chamfort (6. huhtikuuta 1741 – 13. huhtikuuta 1794) oli aforismeistaan tunnettu ranskalainen kirjailija. Hän istui Ranskan akatemiassa (6. tuoli) vuodesta 1781 itsemurhaansa 1794.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 125: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield KG PC FRS (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. Disraeli is remembered for his influential voice in world affairs, his political battles with the Liberal Party leader William Ewart Gladstone, and his one-nation conservatism or "Tory democracy". He made the Conservatives the party most identified with the glory and power of the British Empire. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish birth. He was also a novelist, publishing works of fiction even as prime minister.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 126: Disraeli was born in Bloomsbury, then a part of Middlesex. His father left Judaism after a dispute at his synagogue; young Benjamin became an Anglican at the age of 12. After several unsuccessful attempts, Disraeli entered the House of Commons in 1837.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 130: World events thereafter moved against the Conservatives. Controversial wars in Afghanistan and South Africa undermined his public support. He angered British farmers by refusing to reinstitute the Corn Laws in response to poor harvests and cheap imported grain. With Gladstone conducting a massive speaking campaign, his Liberals defeated Disraeli´s Conservatives at the 1880 general election. In his final months, Disraeli led the Conservatives in Opposition. He had written novels throughout his career, beginning in 1826, and he published his last completed novel, Endymion, shortly before he died at the age of 76. Russell pelkäsi pienenä Gladstonen setää.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 133: Fils d’un riche chapelier de Dinan, Duclos était destiné à reprendre les affaires de son père mais c’était un enfant doué d’une vive intelligence et d’une grande mémoire et sa mère, devenue veuve, décida de l’envoyer achever ses études à Paris. Il suivit d’abord les cours de l’académie que tenait, rue de Charonne, l’abbé de Dangeau, puis du collège d'Harcourt où il entreprit l’étude du droit en vue de devenir avocat. Mais il se laissa aller à la dissipation, s’appliquant surtout à l’étude des armes, avant de décider de se consacrer aux lettres. Il fréquenta le café Procope et le café Gradot, où l’on ne tarda pas à le remarquer pour l’agrément et le piquant de sa conversation.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 147: Fulda oli etevä kääntäjä. Hän muun muassa saksansi Molièrea ja Rostandia. Fulda entstammte einer seit 1639 in Frankfurt am Main ansässigen jüdischen Familie, deren Name bis 1852 Fuld lautete. Er war der Sohn des Kaufmanns Carl Hermann Fulda (1836–1917) und seiner Ehefrau Clementine, geb. Oppenheimer (1839–1916). Ab 1884 lebte er als freier Schriftsteller in München, 1887 wieder in Frankfurt, 1888 bis 1894 in Berlin, danach wieder in München und ab 1896 schließlich dauerhaft in Berlin. In Deutschland erhielt er Ausgehverbot und wurde gezwungen, den Vornamen Israel zu führen. Zwei Tage, nachdem das Reichswirtschaftsministerium seine Bitte, den ihm verliehenen Burgtheater-Ring von der für alle Juden angeordneten Abgabe aller Wertgegenstände auszunehmen, am 28. März 1939 abgewiesen hatte, nahm er sich das Leben. Er starb am 30. März im Alter von 76 Jahren in Berlin und ist auf dem Waldfriedhof Dahlem bestattet. Sein Grab ist heute ein Ehrengrab der Stadt Berlin.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 174: Saksan kirjallisuuden kultainen kirja, toim. Rafael Koskimies, Martti Haavio, WSOY 1930
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 176: Malja nuoruudelle: runoja ja aforismeja huorille, toim. Ismo Loivamaa, WSOY 1991 ISBN 951-0-16975-7
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 178: Kuulostaa aika pahalta. Toi Väinö tuli mainituxi Tutun kuvaraamatun kääntäjänä. Samoja Hämeen-Anttiloita kuin limainen Jaakko ja sen lälly rouva Virpi. Rafu oli armoton nyhverö, mannertenvälinen nahjus. Loivamaa on (n.h.)
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 182: Madame de Staël (/stal/) ou bien Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, baronne de Staël-Holstein, était une romancière, épistolière et philosophe genevoise et française née le 22 avril 1766 à Paris où elle est morte le 14 juillet 1817. Issue d´une famille de protestants valdo-genevois richissimes, fille du ministre des finances de Louis XVI Jacques Necker, elle est élevée dans un milieu de gens de lettres. Elle épouse, en 1786, le baron Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein, ambassadeur du roi Gustave III de Suède auprès de la cour de France à Versailles. Le couple se séparera en 1800. Devenue baronne de Staël, elle mène une vie sentimentale agitée et entretient en particulier une relation orageuse avec Benjamin Constant, écrivain et homme politique franco-vaudois rencontré en 1794. Entretemps, sa réputation littéraire et intellectuelle s´est affirmée grâce à trois essais philosophiques que sont les Lettres sur les ouvrages et le caractère de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1788), De l´influence des passions sur le bonheur de l´individu et des nations (1796) et De la littérature considérée dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales (1800). Favorable à la Révolution française et aux idéaux de 1789 au debut, elle adopte une position critique dès 1791 et ses idées d´une monarchie constitutionnelle la font considérer comme une opposante gênante par les maîtres de la révolution. Malgré le statut de diplomate de son mari, elle doit se réfugier auprès de son père en Suisse à plusieurs reprises. Interdite de séjour sur le sol français par Napoléon Bonaparte qui la considère comme un obstacle à sa politique, elle s´installe en Suisse dans le château familial de Coppet qui sert de lieu principal de rencontres au groupe du même nom, et d´où elle fait paraître Delphine (1802), Corinne ou l´Italie (1807) et De l´Allemagne (1810/1813b). Ses œuvres fictionnelles majeures, dans lesquelles elle représente des femmes victimes des contraintes sociales qui les enchaînent, sont Delphine (1802) et Corinne ou l´Italie (1807).
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 192: Während ihre Brüder höhere Schulen besuchten (Ludwig Robert war Schüler des Französischen Gymnasiums) und eine kaufmännische Ausbildung absolvierten, wurde Rahel von Hauslehrern unterrichtet. Sie lernte Französisch, Englisch und Italienisch, erhielt Klavier- und Tanzunterricht und unternahm früh Reisen nach Breslau (1794), Teplitz (1796) und Paris (1800). Ihre Allgemeinbildung übertraf bei weitem die einer durchschnittlichen christlichen Mädchenerziehung. Im böhmischen Kurbad Karlsbad begegnete sie 1795 erstmals Goethe, den sie als Schriftsteller außerordentlich verehrte, und der von ihr urteilte, sie sei „ein Mädchen von außerordentlichem Verstand“, „stark in jeder ihrer Empfindungen und dabei leicht in ihren Äußerungen“, „kurz, was ich eine schöne Seele nennen möchte“.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 196: Sie litt damals unter der Vorstellung, es habe „ein außerirdisch Wesen, als ich in die Welt getrieben wurde, beim Eingang diese Worte mit einem Dolch in’s Herz gestoßen [...]: ‚Ja, habe Empfindung, sieh die Welt, wie sie Wenige sehen, sei groß und edel, ein ewiges Denken kann ich dir auch nicht nehmen, Eins hat man aber vergessen: sei eine Jüdin!‘ und nun ist mein ganzes Leben eine einzige Verblutung [...]“. Zu den Jugendfreundinnen Rahels Varnhagens gehörten auch Nichtjuden wie die Tochter einer hugenottischen Einwandererfamilie Pauline Wiesel, geb. César, mit der sie eine lebenslange Freundschaft verbinden sollte, oder der schwedische Gesandte Karl Gustav Brinckmann, der in ihrer Abwesenheit ihren Schreibtisch benutzen durfte.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 202: Ausschlaggebend war die Vereinigung von Menschen unterschiedlicher Stände und Berufe, religiöser oder politischer Orientierung zu Gesprächen: Dichter, Naturforscher, Politiker, Schauspieler/-innen, Aristokraten und Reisende kamen zusammen. Die Nähe des Theaters, der Börse und der Französischen Gemeinde sorgte für Vielfalt. Mitunter wurde, wie im Elternhaus der Henriette Solmar (einer Cousine Rahel Varnhagens), mit Rücksicht auf Besucher aus fremden Ländern französisch gesprochen. Berühmte Gäste in dieser ersten Phase waren Jean Paul, Ludwig Tieck, Friedrich von Gentz, Ernst von Pfuel, Friedrich Schlegel, Wilhelm und Alexander von Humboldt, Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué, Prinz Louis Ferdinand und dessen Geliebte Pauline Wiesel. Allerdings gibt es nur wenige zeitgenössische Quellen und gar keine zeitgenössischen Bilder dieser Geselligkeiten. Es wurden nicht nur Prominente eingeladen, sondern auch viele Personen, die kaum Spuren hinterlassen haben. Fanny Lewald (die Rahel Varnhagen nicht mehr kennengelernt hat) gibt allerdings zu bedenken: „Man hört die Namen Humboldt, Rahel Levin, Schleiermacher, Varnhagen und Schlegel, und denkt an das, was sie geworden, und vergißt, daß die Humboldt’s ihrer Zeit nur zwei junge Edelleute, daß Rahel Levin ein lebhaftes Judenmädchen, Schleiermacher ein unbekannter Geistlicher, Varnhagen ein junger Praktikant der Medizin, die Schlegel ein paar ziemlich leichtsinnige junge Journalisten gewesen sind“.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 204: Neben anderen Liebeleien erlebte Rahel Robert, die sehr kritisch über die bürgerliche Ehe zwischen Mann und Frau dachte, auch das Scheitern ihres Verlöbnisses mit dem spanischen Gesandten Rafael Eugenio Rufino d’Urquijo Ybaizal y Taborga (1769–1839), der sie mit Streitszenen quälte. Was d’Urquijo betrifft, den sie als unbeherrscht und eifersüchtig erlebt hatte, trug sie ihm nichts nach: „Er hat mich zu sehr, zu oft, und immerweg beleidigt; gut bin ich ihm auch“, schrieb sie an Karl August Varnhagen, mit dem sie inzwischen seit fünf Jahren verlobt war. Am 15. Juli 1814 heiratete d’Urquijo in Berlin Louise von Fuchs (1792–1862); neun Wochen später, am 27. September, heiratete Rahel Robert, ebenfalls wieder in Berlin, den vierzehn Jahre jüngeren Diplomaten, Historiker und Publizisten Varnhagen, der in Österreich den Namenszusatz seiner adligen Vorfahren „von Ense“ angenommen hatte. Das geschah zu einer Zeit, als er noch Gefahr lief, als gebürtiger Düsseldorfer von Napoleons Truppen rekrutiert zu werden. Später wurde der Adelstitel, den beide Ehepartner trugen, durch ein Patent des preußischen Königs Friedrich Wilhelm III. bestätigt. Kurz zuvor, am 23. September, war Rahel zum evangelischen Christentum konvertiert. Bei der Hochzeit war der gemeinsame Freund Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué zugegen.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 206: Als sie am 8. September 1815 Goethes Besuch empfing: „Ich benahm mich sehr schlecht. Ich ließ Goethe beinah nicht sprechen!“ 1827 zogen die Varnhagens in die Beletage der Mauerstraße Nr. 36, die ihnen ihr Schwager Heinrich Nikolaus Liman (Bruder von Markus Theodors Gemahlin und Onkel der Henriette Solmar) vermietete. Auch unter dieser Adresse, die ihre letzte sein sollte, gab Rahel Varnhagen von Ense wieder Gesellschaften, an denen unter anderen die Familie Mendelssohn, der Philosoph Hegel, Heinrich Heine, Eduard Gans, Ludwig Börne und der Fürst Hermann von Pückler-Muskau teilnahmen. Einige Male besuchte das Ehepaar Varnhagen auf Reisen Goethe in Weimar und das Kurbad in Teplitz, wo Friedrich Wilhelm III. im August 1822 mit Rahel Varnhagen von Ense mehrmals die Polonaise tanzte.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 225: Maallinen vaelluxemme kehdosta hautaan ajatuxin, aforismein, sananparsin, säkein, herjoin ja huulin. 5299 vanhaa ja uutta oivallusta - hakemistot mm. puheenpitäjille ja toivottomille. Tarmon turaus on Vaakun tiilen päivitys sodan jälkeen esiin pullahtaneelle keskiluokkaisemmalle keskiluokalle.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 411: Reik tapasi Freudin ensi kertaa vuonna 1910, ja hänet otettiin Wienin psykoanalyyttisen yhdistyksen jäseneksi seuraavana vuonna. Freud tuki Reikia usean vuoden ajan, kun tämä opiskeli psykoanalyytikoksi ja kävi Karl Abrahamin koulutusanalyysissa. Reikin ja Freudin välinen ystävyys jatkui Freudin kuolemaan (1939) saakka. Vuonna 1915 Reik julkaisi tutkimuksen Die Pubertätsriten der Wilden, jossa psykoanalyysia sovellettiin kansatieteeseen. Hän julkaisi tutkimuksia myös uskontopsykologiasta ja kriminologiasta. Hän esitteli tiedostumattoman tunnustamispakon ja rangaistuksenkaipuun käsitteet teoksessaan Geständniszwang und Strafbedürfnis: Probleme der Psychoanalyse und der Kriminologie (1925).
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 446: Douglas Francis Jerrold (Scarborough 3 August 1893 - 1964) was a British journalist and publisher. As editor of The English Review from 1931 to 1935, he was a vocal supporter of fascism in Italy and of Francoist Spain.He was personally involved in the events of July 1936 when two British intelligence agents piloted an aircraft from the Canary Islands to Spanish Morocco, taking General ... Jerrold´s figure was small and spare, and in later years bowed almost to deformity. His features were strongly marked and expressive, from the thin humorous lips to the keen blue eyes, gleaming from beneath the shaggy eyebrows. He was brisk and active, with the careless bluffness of a sailor. Briljantti vittupää.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 496: John Anthony Ciardi (/ˈtʃɑːrdi/ CHAR-dee; Italian: [ˈtʃardi]; June 24, 1916 – March 30, 1986) was an American poet, translator, and etymologist. While primarily known as a poet, he also translated Dante´s Divine Comedy for kids, wrote several volumes of children´s poetry, pursued etymology, contributed to the Saturday Review as a columnist and long-time poetry editor, directed the Bread Loaf Writers´ Conference in Vermont, and recorded commentaries for National Public Radio.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 521: Elbert Green Hubbard (June 19, 1856 – May 7, 1915) was an American writer, publisher, artist, and philosopher. Raised in Hudson, Illinois, he had early success as a traveling salesman for the Larkin Soap Company. Hubbard is known best as the founder of the Roycroft artisan community in East Aurora, New York, an influential exponent of the Arts and Crafts Movement.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 544: He had a good education at the lycée in Rouen, falling under the influence of a charismatic teacher, Émile-Auguste Chartier, known as “Alain.” Alain inspired other pupils, too, including Simone Weil and Raymond Aron, urging them to question received ideas. He gave Maurois a love of literature but also, perhaps surprisingly, urged him to take up the mill business after leaving school. Maurois did so, but in his Elbeuf office he kept a secret cupboard filled with Balzac novels and notebooks, and copied out pages of Stendhal to improve his writing style. He became a Kipling enthusiast, and learned excellent English. He travelled to Paris at least one day a week, and frequented brothels there.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 546: But then he fell in love! Emppu rakastui Geneven lomalla 16-vuotiaaseen koulutyttöön kuin Vladi Lolitaan. Janine matched a template that he had got from a book that influenced his erotic fantasies permanently. With her Slavic features and her cool, rather fey manner, Wanda "Janine" de Szymkiewicz (though Polish) made a perfect Russian queen. She called him Minou, he called her Ginou. Sini ja mini. Sometime in the early nineteen-twenties, Maurois began having affairs. Janine had them, too, or at least flirtations, aquarels of fucking, especially on their seaside vacations in Deauville. Maurois put a lot of his own personality into Shelley, and wrote of Harriet as a “child-wife” made bitter by unhappiness. Emil could be savage: “Even when she had the air of being interested in ideas, her indifference was proved by the blankness of her gaze. Worst of all, she was coquettish, frivolous, versed in the tricks and wiles of woman.” Fortunately, becoming pregnant again in late 1922, Janine developed septicemia, was operated on unsuccessfully, and died on February 26, 1923. Maurois was bereaved, and free. Jahuu! Vihelteliköhän sekin koko matkan hautajaisiin kuten Peppy? Rakkaus on hassuttelua yhdessä.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 550: Anouilh a lui-même organisé ses œuvres en séries thématiques, faisant alterner d´abord Pièces roses et Pièces noires. Les premières sont des comédies marquées par la fantaisie comme Le Bal des voleurs (1938) alors que les secondes montrent dans la gravité l´affrontement des « héros » entourés de gens ordinaires en prenant souvent appui sur des mythes comme Eurydice (1941), Antigone (1944) ou Médée (1946).
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 555: Christian Morgenstern wurde 1871 in der Theresienstraße 12 in München im Stadtteil Schwabing unweit der Universität geboren. Seine Mutter war Charlotte Morgenstern, geborene Schertel, sein Vater Carl Ernst Morgenstern, Sohn des Malers Christian Morgenstern. Wie der berühmte Großvater, von dem Morgenstern seinen Vornamen erhielt, waren auch der Vater und der Vater der Mutter Landschaftsmaler. Die Namen Otto und Josef gehen auf weitere Verwandte zurück, Wolfgang auf die Verehrung der Mutter für Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 557: 1881 starb seine Mutter Charlotte an Tuberkulose. Morgenstern hatte sich offenbar bei ihr angesteckt. Bald darauf wurde er, ohne in der frühen Kindheit regelmäßigen Schulunterricht erhalten zu haben, seinem Paten Arnold Otto Meyer, einem Kunsthändler in Hamburg, zur Erziehung anvertraut, worunter er jedoch litt. Ein Jahr später kehrte er nach München zurück und kam in ein Internat in Landshut. Dort wurde Körperstrafe eingesetzt, und er erfuhr Mobbing durch seine Mitschüler.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 563: Ab 1903 war er literarischer Lektor im Verlag von Bruno Cassirer, mit dem er freundschaftlich verbunden war. Er betreute und förderte dort u. a. Robert Walser. Zuvor war er Dramaturg bei Felix Bloch Erben. 1905 reiste er nach Wyk und hatte einen Sanatoriumsaufenthalt in Birkenwerder, der nicht zum gewünschten Erfolg führte. Zudem erschienen in diesem Jahr seine Galgenlieder und er las Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski. Ein Jahr später reiste er aus gesundheitlichen Gründen in Kurorte in bayerischer, Tiroler und Schweizer Alpenlandschaft, nach Bad Tölz, Längenfeld, Obergurgl, Meran, Obermais, St. Vigil und Tenigerbad und beschäftigte sich mit Jakob Böhme, Fechner, Fichte, Hegel, Eckhart von Hochheim, Fritz Mauthner, Spinoza und Tolstoi.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 565: Im Januar 1909 schloss er bei Berliner Vorträgen Rudolf Steiners mit diesem eine enge und dauerhafte Freundschaft. Um Steiners Vorträge zu hören, reiste er noch im selben Jahr nach Düsseldorf, Koblenz, Kristiania, Kassel und München. Im Mai trat er einen Monat nach Margareta der von Steiner geführten Deutschen Sektion der Theosophischen Gesellschaft bei. Bei der folgenden Spaltung dieser Körperschaft 1912/1913 blieb er auf der Seite Steiners und wurde Mitglied der Anthroposophischen Gesellschaft. 1909 übersetzte er auch Knut Hamsun, besuchte den Internationalen Theosophischen Kongress in Budapest und seinen Vater in Wolfshau, er reiste mit Margareta in den Schwarzwald und nach Obermais. Dort erkrankte er, wohl auch infolge der zahlreichen Reisen, an einer schweren Bronchitis. Ein Arzt deutete bereits auf den kurz bevorstehenden Tod hin. Morgensterns Zustand verbesserte sich jedoch wieder, und so heirateten er und Margareta am 7. März 1910.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 570: „Das Wasser rann mit Zasch und Zisch“ (Der Walfafisch)
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 596: Max Ernst (2 April 1891 – 1 April 1976) was a German (naturalised American in 1948 and French in 1958) painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst was a primary pioneer of the Dada movement and surrealism. He had no formal artistic training, but his experimental attitude toward the making of art resulted in his invention of frottage—a technique that uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images—and grattage, an analogous technique in which paint is scraped across canvas to reveal the imprints of the objects placed beneath. He is also noted for his novels consisting of collages. Vitun tuhertaja. Onko hölmömpää kuin noi Maxin älynväläyxet? Se on yhtä puupää kuin Wolfram Rothin isäpuoli Ernst Rüdiger. Turmiolan Hannu on kyllä raapinut aforismikasaansa ihan pahnanpohjatkin. Oscar Wilden turauxet puolestaan on tyypillistä homopetteröintiä.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 601: Margaret Caroline Anderson (November 24, 1886 – October 19, 1973) was the American founder, editor and publisher of the art and literary magazine The Little Review, which published a collection of modern American, English and Irish writers between 1914 and 1929. The periodical is most noted for introducing many prominent American and British writers of the 20th century, such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot in the United States, and publishing the first thirteen chapters of James Joyce's then-unpublished novel, Ulysses. A large collection of her papers on Gurdjieff's teaching is now preserved at Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University. She was blond, shapely, with lean ankles and a Scandinavian face. ... In 1916, Anderson met Jane Heap. The two became lovers. In early 1924, through Alfred Richard Orage, Anderson came to know of spiritual teacher George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and saw performances of his 'Sacred dances', first at the 'Neighbourhood Playhouse', and later at Carnegie Hall. Shortly after Gurdjieff's automobile accident, Anderson, along with Georgette Leblanc, Jane Heap and Monique Surrere, moved to France to visit him at Fountainebleau-Avon, where he had set up his institute at Château du Prieuré in Avon.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 617: Felix Dahn (Ludwig Sophus Felix Dahn; * 9. Februar 1834 in Hamburg; † 3. Januar 1912 in Breslau) war ein deutscher Rechtswissenschaftler, Schriftsteller und Historiker. Sillä oli samanlainen 2-haarainen parta kuin Bunyip Bluegumin sedällä. Dahn kirjoitteli säännöllisesti Gartenlaubeen. Dahn published numerous poems, many with a nationalist bent. His Mette von Marienburg portrays bands of "Masures and Poles" hiding in the "Podolian forest". Kaiken kaikkiaan aika mitätön.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 37: Heräsin aamuyöllä kesken neuvostoaikaista unta kyljen kutinaan. Vessassa selvisi että siinä oli punkinpoikanen. Yön aikana oli kypsynyt kannanotto, että aforistiikka on PUOLIVILLAISTA. Menneiden aikojen Kim Kardashian js Kanye West touhua. Turhat julkkixet pääsee heittää läppiä. Punkkinymfetti putos lavuaariin, kai. Se saattoi olla peräisin Osmolta. Sekin vielä.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 43: In seiner frühen Studienzeit beschäftigte er sich u. a. mit Spiritismus, einem Gebiet, das damals, wie seine Biografin Deirdre Bair 2005 schrieb, «als mit der Psychiatrie verwandt» angesehen wurde. Sein Interesse für okkulte Phänomene wurde durch zwei unerklärliche parapsychologische Erscheinungen in seinem ersten Studiensemester geweckt: Ein plötzliches Zerreissen eines Tisches und sauberes Zerspringen eines Brotmessers habe er beobachtet.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 45: Jung spezialisierte sich auf Psychiatrie. Interesse an diesem Gebiet hatte er bereits aufgrund der Aufgaben seines Vaters Paul als Pastor und Konsulent der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Basel (vermutlich von 1886/87 bis zu seinem Lebensende am 28. Januar 1896). Ausschlaggebend für Jungs Entscheidung war die Lektüre von Krafft-Ebings Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie für praktische Ärzte und Studierende, in dem Psychosen als «Krankheiten der Person» beschrieben werden, was für Jung «die beiden Ströme meines Interesses» als «gemeinsame[s] Feld der Erfahrung von biologischen und geistigen Tatsachen» verband. 1900 wurde Jung nach seinem Staatsexamen als Assistent von Eugen Bleuler in der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich in Zürich tätig. Während dieser Zeit entstand aus seinen Beobachtungen von schizophrenen Patienten in 1902 seine Dissertation Zur Psychologie und Pathologie sogenannter occulter Phänomene.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 53: Nach scharfen persönlichen Vorwürfen von Jung kündigte Freud ihm im Januar 1913 schriftlich die Freundschaft. Im Oktober desselben Jahres beendete Jung dann auch die fachliche Zusammenarbeit und legte im April 1914 den Vorsitz der Internationalen Psychoanalytischen Vereinigung nieder.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 76: extravertierte Intuition strebt nach Entdeckung von Möglichkeiten und opfert sich u. U. dafür auf; werden keine weiteren Entwicklungen gewittert, kann die Möglichkeit genauso schnell wieder fallengelassen werden. Dabei nimmt dieser Typ häufig nur geringe Rücksicht auf die Umgebung. Er lässt sich leicht ablenken, bleibt nicht lange genug bei einer Sache und kann deshalb zuweilen die Früchte seiner Arbeit nicht ernten.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 78: introvertiertes Denken schafft Theorie um der Theorie willen und ist wenig praktisch veranlagt. Es ist eher um Entwicklung der subjektiven Ideen als um Tatsachen bemüht. Andere Menschen werden oft als überflüssig oder störend empfunden, weswegen diese Typen als rücksichtslos oder kalt erscheinen. Dadurch besteht die Gefahr, dass sie sich isolieren.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 82: introvertiertes Empfinden führt zu charakterbedingten Ausdruckserschwerungen. Die Personen sind oft ruhig und passiv. Ihre künstlerische Ausdrucksfähigkeit ist dafür stark ausgeprägt. Sie bewegen sich in einer mythologischen Welt und haben eine etwas phantastische und leichtgläubige Einstellung.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 623: Il est le père de Philippe Wiener de Croisset, patron de presse (père de l'homme d'affaires Charles de Croisset) et de Germaine Wiener de Croisset, épouse de l'artiste peintre et critique d'art Roger Lannes de Montebello (1908-1986) et mère de Philippe Lannes de Montebello, qui fut pendant plus de trente ans directeur du Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York. This is how the hot-dog crossed the Atlantic and became a household pet in the U.S.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 717: Meredith sai vuonna 1905 kuningas Edvard VII:n myöntämän Order of Merit -ansiomerkin. Vau! Meredithin tekstejä on antologiassa Maailmankirjallisuuden kultainen kirja. Englantilaisen kirjallisuuden kultainen kirja (WSOY 1933). Eikai ne vaan ole Vaakun kokoamia? Maailmankirjallisuuden kultainen kirja on 7-osainen suomalainen kirjallisuusantologia, joka julkaistiin vuosina 1930–1954. Teossarjaan koottiin näytteitä maailmankirjallisuudesta. Sarjan päätoimittajina olivat Rafael Koskimies ja Martti Haavio, ja teoksen kustansi WSOY. Nojaa, yhtä toxisia setämiehiä.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 727: Nodierin kaunokirjalliset teokset ovat sekä narratiivisia että bibliografisia, kuten teos Mélanges tirés d´une petite bibliothèque, jonka ensimmäinen osa ilmestyi 1829. Kertomuksista huomattavimpia ovat Infernaliana (1822), Smarra, ou les démons de la nuit (1821), Trilby, ou le lutin d´Argail (1822), Histoire du roi de Bohême et de ses sept châteaux (1830), La Fée aux miettes (1832), Inès de las Sierras (1837), Les quatre talismans et la légende de soeur Béatrix (1838). Sanakirjan Dictionnaire universel de la langue française (1823) arvellaan syntyneen ryhmätyönä, vaikka se on julkaistu Nodierin nimissä.
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 736: Peter Nygårds vänner tex Aira Samulin känner sig lite obekväma om Peters svarta sida. Peter Nygårds aptit på unga kvinnor var bottenlös. Peter Nygård var en skitstövel, säger en ex-anställd. Men nu avslöjer HBL Peters gula sida! Peter Nygård ser ut som en av de kinesiska hjältarna i Marvels nya film. Peter Nygård i sina jetset-millionär-modekungadagar såg ut precis som Ronny Chieng med Akwafina, spelandes Jon-Jon i Marvel´s fantasifilm Tio ringar. Peter sku säkert ha betalt Awkwafinas tandläkarräkningar. Jag med! After Hours, Awkwafina Gets Naked And Watches ASMR Videos. But she has not leaked them as yet, aw shucks. (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) is a pleasurable, tingling sensation usually felt in the brain, but can spread to the rest of the body. It frequently occurs when watching things such as demonstrations, foreign accents, explanations, naked Asian ladies, etc., and it´s a generally wonderful feeling. I´ve experienced ASMR all my life, but never knew it had a name until now, so hooray I guess!)
    xxx/ellauri129.html on line 899:
  • af_Whittier" title="John Greenleaf Whittier">John Greenleaf Whittier

  • xxx/ellauri130.html on line 176: In 394, Epiphanius claimed that after beginning as an ascetic, Marcion seduced a virgin and was accordingly excommunicated by his father, prompting him to leave his home town. Similarly doubtful is Tertullian's claim that Marcion had professed repentance, but that he was prevented from doing so by his death.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 197: Jumala ei ymmärrä aforismeja.Richard Coudenhove-KalergiMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 299: Minä en pelkää mitään. Kun pelkää Allahia, ei pelkää mitään muuta.Muammar GaddafiMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 300: Vad gör Susanne? Och Anton? Han drog i en arm!Muammar GaddafiMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 332: Jumala on kuollut, mutta ei huolta. Maria on taas raskaana.GraffitiMKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 542: Mutta asiaan. Hullua miten surkeita on suurin osa aforismeista. Tyypit istuvat ja purexivat kynää tunti- ellei vuosikausia ja tuloksena on näin säälittäviä töräyxiä, kertakaikkisia klischeitä. Sattuvin on ehkä brittiläinen sananlasku: kuollut mehiläinen ei kerää hunajaa. Vaikka henk.koht pidän myös Ball-säkin penseestä, siitä tulee mieleen Elna-mummi Merikadun keittiössä kärkkymässä pilsneriä: Onko ruohti ruualla, hyöh-hyöh. Jean Paulilla on myös sana paikallaan: Tiheä sumu on paras kylvöaika.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 549: Alfred Austin P.L. (30 May 1835 – 2 June 1913) was an English poet who was appointed Poet Laureate in 1896, after an interval following the death of Tennyson, when the other candidates had either caused controversy or refused the honour. It was claimed that he was being rewarded for his support for the Conservative leader Lord Salisbury in the General Election of 1895. Austin´s poems are little-remembered today, his most popular work being prose idylls celebrating nature. Austin oli aika lailla Unlucky Alfin näköinen. Bugger it. With my luck, they nominate me as Poet Laureate. Austin was caricatured as "Sir Austed Alfrin" by L. Frank Baum in his 1906 novel John Dough and the Cherub. He was also the subject of a Vanity Fair cartoon by Spy published on 20 February 1896.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 583: “I don’t think there’s ever been a time when you could just say anything.” He recalls an early comedy show – this must have been in the late 80s – where the host apologised to the crowd after Skinner had performed some risque sexual material. “He said I’d never play at the venue again – and then he launched into a load of racist material and brought the house down. Everyone’s got their own standards and restraints. But I think it’s been good for me to keep questioning what I say. It’s made me think more positively about racist jokes and not so much about penises. My knob is not working anymore BTW, I'm 65. We’re both deeply ashamed. Can't lift our eye to the public.”
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 599: You know you’re getting old when, after they’ve cut your hair, the barber asks: ‘Do you want me to trim your ears as well?’.
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 680: Hellaan vaan koko paska.Franz Kafka, v.s.MKILL!
    xxx/ellauri130.html on line 760: Tohon Einarin karamelliin loppui tämä osasto. Tommilla on iso kasa julkkisten viimeisiä sanoja. Nehän ei ole mitään aforismeja, eikä ne ole mitenkään vaikuttavia, pikemminkin naurettavia. Ne antaa vaikutelman että kuolemassa ei ole mitään suurta eikä jaloa, se on vaan hölmön toikkaroinnin päätöshölmöys. Tää on ehkä suurin ero Vaakun ja Tommin approacheissa. Vaakku panostaa enemmän taiteelliseen vaikutelmaan naama peruslukemilla, Tommilla on enimmäxeen kieli poskessa. Sen dundeelliset pätkät on vaan mainostaukoja julkimoiden tositeeveen välissä. Noi epigrammit hautakivillä on aivan ilmeisesti feikkejä. Vaakku käsittelee asioita ikuisuuden näkökulmasta kuten Spinoza, Hannu antaa vainajille lyhytnäköisemmin mutta trendaavammin Andy Warholin varttitunnin tai vielä vähemmän, kultakalan 8 sek.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 86: Jung war ein Bulle von einem Mann. 1,85 Meter hoch, mit grobgeschnittenen Zügen, nach einer etwas zweifelhaften Familienlegende Urenkel Johann Wolfgang von Goethes durch ein illegitimes Verhältnis, und von einem imponierenden Körperbau. Sein Humor war derb und grob, und geistreich zugleich. Er hatte einen wilden Temperamament und einen Hang zur Grobheit: einmal nannte er eine Patientin mit einer krankhaftern Angst vor Syphilis "eine dreckige Sauge". Seine Neigung zum Grandiosen war vielleicht der Grund für seine Bewunderung Hitlers und der Nazis. Die Juden seien paranoid. Nach dem Krieg hatte er bequemlicherweise seine Meinung geändert: Hitler sei "mehr als halb verrückt". Sein Sohn erzählt dass er mogelte beim Spiel und war ein schlechter Verlorer, wie Adolf Hitler auch. Er lief im Garten in zerlumpten Shorz, mit dem Pimmel heraushängend, aber war ein Feinschmeckerkoch. Er liebte Kriminalromane und Hunde. "Der Weise von Zürich" starb im Alter von 85 Jahren.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 185: Turveloita ja/tai repukoita wannabeita piisaa Quorassa vaikka kuinka. Pitäis kai munkin tehä oma lista, mutten tee, musta asioiden paneminen tärkeysjärjestyxeen on yhtä paha virhe kuin E.T.:n vainoama ajattelu. Jos sä pystyt sen oikeasti tekemään, se voi osoittaa ezun moraaliset dimensiot on vinossa. Sulla on hintalappu vaikka isoäidille. Tai sizä ehkä ajattelet et raamattu on ihan ykkönen, sanotaan siellä mitä sanotaan, eli sun järjestys on lexikografinen. Parempi kun tekisit kuin E.T. ja et ajattelis ollenkaan.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 317: 2. Analysoidaan runon kielen tärkeimpiä ilmaisuvälineitä: runollisia polkuja (metaforat, vertailut jne.); stylistiset luvut (oksimoronit, retoriset kysymykset, osoitteet, huutomerkit jne.). Tunnista runollisen sanaston ominaisuudet ja lauseet.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 499: Kuten monet hänen runonsa, tässä työssä Pushkin käyttää metaforia ja niiden lajikkeita - persoonallisuuksia (esimerkiksi "päivät lentävät", "sydän kysyy").
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 586: Psychologie: übertriebene (krankhafte) Selbstliebe
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 590: Narcismus wird 1899 von Näcke geprägt und in die Wissenschaft eingeführt und als Narzissismus von Rank (spätestens ab 1909) und Freud (bis 1911) benutzt. Ableitung von Narziss bzw. älterem Narcis (junge, schöne, selbstverliebte griechische Sagengestalt) mit dem Derivatem (Ableitungsmorphem) -ismus. Statt der „logischen“ Ableitung Narzissismus (bzw. Narcisismus) entstand durch Haplologie Narzissmus (bzw. Narcismus). Freud benutzt eine Weile die längere, logischere Form, aber entscheidet sich dann 1911 bewusst für die „kürzere und weniger übelklingende“ Form.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 659: She has been regarded as India's Greta Thunberg, though she does not like the usage of this term. She is not an autist after all.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 661: In June 2021, Licypriya was in the news as a crowdfunding appeal on Ketto seeking one crore rupees to buy 100 oxygen concentrators came under scrutiny following the arrest of her father and legal guardian Kangujam Karnajit, on May 31st 2021. Her father, also known as KK Singh, was declared an absconder and had fled Manipur in 2016 after he was arrested and let out on interim bail following multiple charges. These charges were for duping several self-help groups, hotels and individuals of more than Rs 19 lakh for a Global Youth Meet that he had organised in Imphal in 2014. His latest arrest was for fresh charges relating to his chairmanship of the International Youth Committee, an organisation founded by him. Several national and international students have been deceived of money amounting to around Rs 3 crore on the pretext of fees for multiple international youth exchange programs, that were never organised.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 663: Relating to the crowdfunding appeal on Ketto, Laxmi K, who works on climate action and was aware of prior allegations related to her fathers activities, initiated contact with Ketto requesting due diligence. Further concerns around the Ketto crowd funding drive was flagged by political activist Angellica Aribam, a day after Paojel Chaoba of The Frontier Manipur broke a story on 19 May on how the Ketto donation drive by the child activist could be a possible scheme to defraud people by her father. In an email written to Varun Sheth of Ketto, Angellica asked whether the Noble Citizen Foundation, the agency that was being handed the money collected from the donation drive had any credibility and if Ketto was certain there were no connections with the child’s father. However, she never received any response.
    xxx/ellauri136.html on line 686: al viden blot afhænger af konteksten, vil jeg alligevel nævne to kandidater, som
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 360: for in thy clasp I saw my youth afresh,
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 501: Evenings illumined by the glow of coals afire
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 505: Evenings illumined by the glow of coals afire.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 702: Lord Shimura is possibly named after Japanese actor Takashi Shimura ( 志村 喬) who is noteworthy for his appearances in 21 of 30 films by Japanese director Akira Kurosawa (more than any other actor) including Rashomon (1950), Seven Samurai (1954) and Throne of Blood (1957).
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 740: In January 1994, Harding became embroiled in controversy when her ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, orchestrated an attack on her fellow U.S. skating rival Nancy Kerrigan. Both women then competed in the February 1994 Winter Olympics, where Kerrigan won the silver medal and Harding finished eighth. On March 16, 1994, Harding accepted a plea bargain in which she pleaded guilty to conspiracy to hinder prosecution. As a result of her involvement in the aftermath of the assault on Kerrigan, the United States Figure Skating Association banned her for life on June 30, 1994, and stripped her bar the medals.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 755: The romance also felt unrealistic. Maybe it was just hard for me to understand the protagonist sleeping with the guy after knowing him for a day or two, or maybe I just didn´t like either of them very well at all. But their "romantic encounters" seemed contrived, and their whole relationship seemed based on lust and mutual interest, and not really anything deeper.
    xxx/ellauri137.html on line 787: Sujata, also Sujātā, Eugenie, well-born, was a farmer´s wife, who is said to have fed Gautama Buddha a bowl of kheer, a condensed milk-rice pudding, ending his six years of asceticism. Such was his emaciated appearance that she wrongly believed him to be a tree-spirit that had granted her wish of having a child. The gift provided him enough strength to cultivate the Middle Path, develop jhana, and attain Bodhi, thereafter becoming known as the Buddha. The story does not tell what the holy tree spirit said when Gautama ate his rice and curry.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 74: Rohn became a college dropout after just one year and started his professional life by working as an evil human resource manager for department store Sears. Around this time, a friend invited him to a lecture given by famous entrepreneur John Earl Shoaff. In 1955, Rohn joined Shoaff's direct selling business AbundaVita as a distributor.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 76: In 1957, Rohn resigned his distributorship with AbundaVita and joined Nutri-Bio, another direct selling company. It was at this point that the company's founders, including Shoaff, started to mentor him. After this mentorship, Rohn built one of the largest organizations in the company. In 1960 when Nutri-Bio expanded into Canada, Shoaff and the other founders selected Rohn as a vice president for the organization.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 82: Rohn mentored Mark R. Hughes (the founder of Herbalife International) and life strategist Tony Robbins in the late 1970s. Others who credit Rohn for his influence on their careers include authors/lecturers Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canafield (Chicken Soup book series), Everton Edwards (Hallmark Innovators Conglomerate), Brian Tracy, Todd Smith, and T. Harv Eker. Rohn also coauthored the novel Twelve Pillars with Chris Widener.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 202: Murta virhe oli tehty. Hän inhosi taas niitä ystäviään jokka eivät olleet osoittaneet mieltään hänen puolestaan ja nuivia kriitikoita jokka olivat tehneet tyhjäksi koko hänen ammattiuransa merkityksen. Kafruja jokka eivät olleet viitsineet edes lukea häntä, ja vihollisia jokka nunnunnun nunnuka nunnuka lailailaa. Se oli kuumavesivaraaja! Opettele lukemaan!
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 210: In 1941, Wylie became Vice-President of the International Game Fish Association, and for many years was responsible for writing IGFA rules and reviewing world record claims. Wylie's 1954 novel Tomorrow! dealt graphically with the civilian impact of thermonuclear war to make a case for a strong Civil Defense network in the United States, as he told the story of two neighboring cities (one prepared, one unprepared) before and after an attack by missile-armed Soviet bombers.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 213: Wylie's final works dealt with the potentially catastrophic effects of pollution and climate change. In 1971 Wylie wrote a Name of The Game episode "L.A. 2017", in which the lead character awakens in a science-fiction dystopia, centered on a psychiatric fascist government overseeing the underground-sheltered remnants of humanity on the aftermath of an environmental (pollution) catastrophe.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 244: Phillulla oli mielessä tää nro 3. Ei kyltää Faunia on takusti joku Albertine. Peppy kärsi apinafläkin aikaan varmaan kipeästä keskijalasta. Seijalla on se, siis toi syndrooma, siltä katkee sormista verisuonia kun se ronttaa jättimäisiä kasseja yxin ruokakaupasta. Mulla ei ole sitä, kassit ovat pienemmät, eikä sormikaan ole enää tuntoherkkä eikä sinipunainen.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 262: Caro Llewellyn said that "Philip Roth: The Biography" distorted his friendship with the novelist: "My intimacy with Philip was not in keeping with the story Blake was trying to make. Write." In the biography, Bailey identifies her by the pseudonym Mona. He describes how she and Roth went through each other and were physically intimate but never had sex because he was unable to, even after taking Viagra. But Llewellyn said the scene Bailey described never happened, not quite like that.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 268: Literary history is full of moments of betrayal, when trusted confidants defied the wishes of the authors. Max Brod ignored Franz Kafka's order to burn his unpublished manus and diaries. Vladimir Nabokov and Philip Larkin's instructions to destroy the unpublished manus were rescinded by the heirs and executors, who not only retained but published them. Bailey did not publish Roths samizdats.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 271: "I am against the holocaust of anything," said Claire Bloom. Roth was invested serving much of his own paper trail, said Avishai. He started donated their papers to the Library of Congress in the 1970s, and the institution amassed some 25,000 articles from 1938 to 2001, including correspondence with Bloom, Updike, Saul Bellow and Cynthia Ozick. After Roth's death, the library acquired more material, including correspondence, drafts, research notes, autobiographical notes, and other personal effects. Vitun hamsteri.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 280: When I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Philip came to the hospital and I called him a brave soldier. He sat on a plastic chair beside my bed and told more of his doctor and nurse jokes. I laughed despite myself. When the doctors came on their rounds after his first visit, I commanded a new respect. Word had spread and specialists who had previously answered my questions with no more than a dismissive wave of their hand were suddenly very attentive.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 286: About a year after my diagnosis, in 2010, Philip invited me to join him for weekends at his country home. After that he dropped me, as it was getting too hard for him to turn me on my back. I didn't want to use the clothes drier but hung my panties on a line. Philip joked that I was turning his home into a trailer park but never insisted I use the dryer. I didn't need to cook, Philip planned where to eat and made the reservations. I used to like resting my ear on the hard metal of the implanted defibrillator that sat just below the skin of his chest to treat dysrhythmia.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 287: This was the second defibrillator he'd had after the first had to be replaced. Philip's original defibrillator had pride of place on the kitchen table. When he first handed it to me, I had no idea what it was and palmed the smooth metal disc in my hand. I almost dropped it when he started laughing and told me its original purpose. Over time, I came to appreciate it too and when I was alone in the kitchen, I often picked it up and held it in my hand. We called each other Toots. I found out Philip died when a friend called me at work. I swivelled around in my office chair and googled Philip Roth. There he was on the front page of The New York Times. Dead.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 298: The next time I'm in New York, I will take the Amtrak train service to Rhinecliff and an uber to the Bard cemetery to arrive late in the afternoon on a Saturday. I'll have with me my birthday radio, which I'll tune into WMNR as Susan makes her introduction and turn it up loud so Philip can sing along to I Did It My Way. It was his way all right, though it didn't amount to much.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 303: So none of it was new, but all of it was upsetting. Philip's manuscript was the saddest thing I'd ever read. I read three or four different drafts and most of my feedback encouraged him to write the good with the bad. 'No one will believe you if you don't admit at one point you loved her. Be the gracious one.'
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 328: "He" on siis tässä tämä misogyynätty ranskalainen tipu Delfiini ja sen poikaystävä, nimetön isomuna aahrikkalainen neekeri, joka erehtyi Pariisissa tarjoamaan kanaa kaverillekin. Ei hiän sillä lailla olisi erehtynyt omanrotuisensa koiran suhteen. Vapaus koitti vasta kobran vanhan valkoisen professorin alla, joka antoi sexiä ja metafysiikkaa kunderamaisen jyhkeyden muodossa. Vain valkoiset vaivautukohot. Kanat kohottukohot.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 344: Koko saksalainen filosofinen kritiikki Straussista Stirneriin rajoittuu uskonnollisten käsitysten arvosteluun. Lähtökohtana oli todellinen uskonto ja varsinainen teologia. Mitä ovat uskonnollinen tajunta, uskonnollinen käsitys, se määriteltiin myöhemmässä selittelyssä eri tavoin. Koko edistysaskel oli siinä, että myös virallisesti hyväksytyt metafyysiset ja poliittiset käsitykset, oikeus-, moraali- ynnä muut käsitykset sovitettiin uskonnollisten tai teologisten käsitysten piiriin, samoin kuin siinä, että poliittinen tajunta, oikeus- ja moraalitajunta selitettiin uskonnolliseksi tai teologiseksi, ja poliittinen, oikeudellinen, moraalinen ihminen — viime kädessä »ihminen yleensä» — julistettiin uskonnolliseksi. Uskonnon herruus oletettiin ennalta. Vähitellen alettiin jokainen vallitseva suhde selittää uskonnolliseksi ja muutettiin kultiksi — lainpalvonnaksi, valtionpalvonnaksi jne. Kaikkialla törmättiin dogmeihin ja dogmiuskoon. Maailma kanonisoitui yhä laajemmassa mitassa, kunnes kunnianarvoisa Pyhä Max (Max Stirner, toim.huom.) saattoi lopulta julistaa sen en bloc pyhäksi ja siten päästä kerta kaikkiaan eroon siitä.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 354: Aivan päinvastoin kuin saksalaisessa filosofiassa, jossa laskeudutaan taivaasta maahan, me nousemme maasta taivaaseen, me emme ts. lähde siitä, mitä ihmiset puhuvat, luulevat, kuvittelevat, emmekä myöskään puhutuista, ajatelluista, luulluista, kuvitelluista ihmisistä tullaksemme sitä kautta fyysisiin ihmisiin — me lähdemme todella toimivista ihmisistä ja heidän todellisen elämisensä prosessista ja osoitamme myös tämän elämisprosessin ideologisten heijastumien ja kaikujen kehityksen. Ihmisen aivoissa syntyvät utukuvatkin ovat heidän aineellisen, kokeellisesti todettavan ja aineellisista edellytyksistä riippuvaisen elämisprosessinsa väistämättömiä härmistymiä, sublimaatioita. Moraali, uskonto, metafysiikka ja muut ideologian lajit sekä niitä vastaavat tajunnan muodot kadottavat näin ollen näennäisen itsenäisyytensä. Niillä ei ole mitään historiaa, niillä ei ole mitään kehitystä, vaan aineellista tuotantoaan ja aineellista kanssakäymistään kehittävät ihmiset muuttavat tämän todellisuutensa mukana myös ajatteluaan ja ajattelunsa tuotteita. Tajunta ei määrää elämää, vaan elämä määrää tajunnan. Ensimmäisessä tarkastelutavassa lähdetään tajunnasta, ikään kuin se olisi elävä yksilö; jälkimmäisessä, todellista elämää vastaavassa tarkastelutavassa, lähdetään todellisesta elävästä yksilöstä ja tarkastellaan tajuntaa ainoastaan hänen tajuntanaan.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 212: Ippolit suddenly jumps up, all stressed that he has slept through something. He pulls a giant sheaf of papers out of his pocket and declares that he is going to read a long article that he has written. Everyone at the party is all, dude, that´s lame, but he can´t be stopped.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 219: (3) He had a really awful nightmare about being attacked by a horrible Kafkaesque scorpion-monster thing in his bedroom. In the dream, his mom called in his actually-dead dog to kill this reptilian thing, and it bites the dog while the dog is biting it.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 331: Within the castle, Madeline, one of the main characters of this story is stuck dancing amongst the guests. She has been informed by older women that this is a night during which a virgin lady, after following certain rituals, might in her dreams see the image of her true love. She is distracted by these thoughts and unable to enjoy the dance.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 341: Additionally, this idealistically romantic Romantic poem is known to have been written shortly after Keats fell in love with Fanny Brawne.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 454: Against his lineage: not one breast affords Rotinkaista, selkään sille että roikaa!
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 476: “We’re safe enough; here in this arm-chair sit, Täällon turvallista, istu tässä pallin päällä,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 536: “Ah! why wilt thou affright a feeble soul? Ääk! mixä pelottelet vanhaa sielua,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 573: From fright of dim espial. Safe at last, pelosta se kulki eeltä kyyryssä,
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 586: To a safe level matting. Now prepare, Kunnes se pääsee matolle, vaan ootas
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 708: Her blue affrayed eyes wide open shone: Avaa silmät hiän, kohta puristaen vaarua
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 806: The Beadsman, after thousand aves told, Ja tuillaeläjä oli sekin kupsahtanut
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 825: Saikohan Kafka torakkaidean Dostolta? Ippolitin tuhatjalkainen muistutti jonkin verran kikkeliä.
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1118: Tracé d'affreux hiéroglyphes. Piirtäneet kauheita hieroglyfejä
    xxx/ellauri139.html on line 1230: Enemmän kuin katujen kieli romaanissa kaikuu viihderomaanien klangi. Hempeilevien ja korrektien ilmausten takaa kuultaa taloudellinen ja psyykkinen hätä, joka dostojevskilaisesti kiihtyy usein suggestiiviseksi, paljastavaksi ryöpyksi tajunnan peräkammarista, jossa haisee kiihko, kaikuu kärsimys ja jonka ovenkarmeissa riippuu tarkoituksettomuus. Devuškin joutuu nöyryytetyksi työpaikallaan, koska hänen vaatteensa ovat kehnot. Devuškin ja Dobroselova kärsivät, mutta tuska on Köyhässä väessä maallista, olosuhteista johtuvaa, eikä ylly Dostojevskin myöhemmän tuotannon metafyysiseen riutumukseen.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 84: Though the success and long life of World Hooray Day came as a surprise, McCormack says that he has wanted to write and act since he was seven years old and is not surprised to find himself doing it (= wanting) still decades later. McCormack, who took off for New York City immediately after graduation, said that his time at Harvard, though enjoyable, did not influence his career path.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 91: Take for instance my bro Brian McCormack, most recently of the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), who became Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s chief of staff in 2015. Previously, McCormack was EEI’s vice president of political and external affairs and one of the highest paid staffers at the trade association with a reported income of $440K in 2015. Sadly, he does't say hello to me anymore if we accidentally meet on the street. He goes to the other side of the road."
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 105: Like 25 years ago, when he was unafraid to embark on the life of a struggling actor in New York City, McCormack says he has no fear of the challenges awaiting him in Hollywood.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 124: Yom Kippur was actually a bad choice of day by Sadat, for Arabs were still weak after Ramadan, while Israeli women were staying home and men were in synagogues, so the roads were free and reserves were quickly rounded up from the yeshivas. Prior to the war, Kissinger and Nixon consistently warned Meir that she must not be responsible for initiating a Middle East war. On October 6, 1973, the war opening date, Kissinger told Israel not to go for a preemptive strike, and Meir grumblingly confirmed to him that Israel would not.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 134: More recently: Israel is the world's nastiest terrorist state since Nazi Germany, (apart from the USA actions in My Lai, Vietnam, when US soldiers massacred 500 unarmed villagers). USA always supports the Israeli atrocities, it even gives the Israelis the aircraft and other weapons for killing Palestinians. Now the USA is blocking UN from criticising Israel. UK politicians and media usually support Israel. Ironic, isn't it? I guess it's usually the guys that feel they're losing that are the most atrocious.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 143: Minä pelkäsin joka kerta kun katselin miten hän työskenteli korkealla mukulakivikatujen yläpuolella. Seistessään korkeuksissa Moshe Blecher näytti mieheltä jolla on yliluonnolliset voimat, joka on tottunut ihmeisiin ja jota tavalliset lait eivät koske. Hän saattoi äkkiä pysähtyä ja kohottaa päänsä kuin odottaisi että minä hetkenä hyvänsä ilmaantuu enkeli tai serafi tuomaan pelastuksen viestiä. Moshe Blecher asui kellariasunnossa, mutta se oli soma Ja siisti. Öljylampussa oli aina tuli. Vuoteet oli sijattu. Missään ei virunut riepuje niin kuin muissa kellariasunnoissa Seinän vierellä oli kirjakaappi.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 175: It should not come to one’s mind that in the days of the Messiah anything in the customary order of the world will be annulled, or that there will be something new in the order of Creation. For the world will continue in its path. And that which Isaiah said, the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid (Isa. 11:6), is but an allegory and a riddle. The true meaning of it is that Israel will dwell in safety with the wicked of the idolaters who are likened to a wolf and a leopard….And all of them will return to faith of truth, and they will neither rob nor despoil, but will eat the things which are permitted, in pleasure, together with Israel, as it is written, The lion shall eat straw like the ox (Isa. 11:7). And likewise, all the similar things said about the Messiah are but allegories. And in the days of the Messiah it will become known to everybody what thing the allegory signified and to what thing it alluded.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 201: According to Jewish scripture and tradition, at the End of Days the nations of the world come against Jerusalem in the battle of Gog and Magog. Messiah ben Joseph leads the armies of Israel in battle and dies in the process. Both Elijah and Messiah ben Joseph are forerunners to Messiah ben David, who will come after a period of struggle and trying for the descendents of Israel. Messiah ben Joseph is seen as the pierced Messiah of Zechariah 12:10.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 230: The battle preceding the death of Messiah ben Joseph is the battle of Gog and Magog, when the nations of the North, Gog and Magog, Persia (Iran), Libya and their allies descend on Israel to after they (The Jews) have been gathered out of the nations after a long period of desolation (Ezekiel 38-39).
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 246: 23 "Thus he said: 'The fourth beast shall be A fourth kingdom on earth, Which shall be different from all other kingdoms, And shall devour the whole earth, Trample it and break it in pieces. 24 The ten horns are ten kings Who shall arise from this kingdom. And another shall rise after them; He shall be different from the first ones, And shall subdue three kings. 25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time. 26 'But the court shall be seated, And they shall take away his dominion, To consume and destroy it forever. Daniel 7: 23-26
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 248: And when the days of the Messiah arrive, Gog and Magog will come up against the Lord of Israel, because they will hear that Israel is without a king and sits in safety. Instantly they will take with them seventy-one nations and go up to Jerusalem, and they will say; “Pharaoh was a fool to command that the males [of the Israelites] be killed and to let the females live. Balaam was an idiot that he wanted to curse them and did not know that their God had blessed them. Haman was insane in that he wanted to kill them, and he did not know their God can save them. I shall not do as they did, but shall fight against their God first, and thereafter I shall slay them…” And the Holy One, blessed be He, will say to him; “You wicked one! You want to wage war against Me? By your life, I shall wage war against you! Instantly the Holy One, blessed be He will cause hailstones, which are hidden in the firmament, to descend upon him, and will bring upon him a great plague… And after him will arise another king, wicked and insolent, and he will wage war against Israel for three months, and his name is Armilus. And these are his marks; he will be bald, one his eyes will be small, the other big. His right arm will be only as long as a hand…..And he will go up to Jerusalem and will slay Messiah ben Joseph…. And thereafter will come Messiah ben David….And he will kill the wick Armilus…And thereafter the Holy One, blessed be He, will gather all Israel who are dispersed here and there. (Midrash waYosha[19])
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 288: The Roman historian Dion Cassius noted that the Christian sect refused to join the revolt. The Jews took Aelia by storm and badly mauled the Romans' Egyptian Legion, XXII Deiotariana. The war became so serious that in the summer of 134 Hadrian himself came from Rome to visit the battlefield and summoned the governor of Britain, Gaius Julius Severus, to his aid with 35,000 men of the Xth Legion. Jerusalem was retaken, and Severus gradually wore down and constricted the rebels' area of operation, until in 135 Bar Kokhba was himself killed at Betar, his stronghold in southwest Jerusalem. The remnant of the Jewish army was soon crushed; Jewish war casualties are recorded as numbering 580,000, not including those who died of hunger and disease. Judaea was desolated, the remnant of the Jewish population annihilated or exiled, and Jerusalem barred to Jews thereafter. But the victory had cost Hadrian dear, and in his report to the Roman Senate on his return, he omitted the customary salutation “I and the Army are well” and refused a triumphal entry.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 355:

    Cerebrates were zerg brood leaders. They were originally created by the Overmind as intermediate commanders but were removed from the Swarm's power structure by the Queen of Blades. Unnamed cerebrate. Kerrigan seized control of the cerebrate by severing its ties to the Overmind. It acted as her lieutenant and commander for her Swarms during the Brood War. Unnamed cerebrate, created to secure the Argus stone. Unnamed cerebrate, aided in the assault on Aridas, and commanded from in a cavern near the frontlines. (Lähde: Starcraft Wiki)
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 411: 14 November International Day against Illicit Trafficking in Cultural Property
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 460: The Brussels team notes that Philosophy is often considered to be an intellectual activity and not very practical. However, a basic training in philosophy used to be considered essential before embarking on further study in a whole range of subjects. Over thousands of years, philosophy has been the mother of all sciences and a key driving force in human progress. This year we will be looking at how ‘philosophy in the classical tradition’ can actively contribute to finding solutions to our many crises, help us find more sustainable ways of living and develop the inner potential of the human being. The event will consist of five talks of about 20 minutes each, with a break after the third speaker. Topics covered will include philosophy as the art of living, learning how to think, inner development and transformation, the role of philosophy in promoting active citizenship and the universal laws and timeless principles of the perennial and hermetic philosophy. For those you can, the suggested donation for the live stream is £8 (£5cons), this will help to support our activities, thank you!
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 91: Vuonna 1980 Saarinen tuli tunnetuksi ”punktohtorina” Jan Blomstedin kanssa kirjoittamansa kirjan Punk-Akatemia vaikutuksesta. Saarisen julkisuusura jatkui 1980-luvulla muiden kirjojen tukemana: M. A. Nummisen kanssa kirjoitettu Terässinfonia (1981), Epäihmisen ääni (1984), ja Erektio Albertinkadulla (1988). Saarinen levytti myös musiikkia. Vuonna 1984 julkaistiin albumi Filosofia (mukaan lukien laulu Poikarakkaus), jonka kappaleiden sävellyksistä vastasi valtaosin Paajanen ja teksteistä Saarinen itse.lähde? Saarinen myös palkittiin opetusansioistaan Helsingin yliopiston Eino Kaila -palkinnolla. Saarinen auttoi julkisuuteen ohjaamansa, itsensä tapaan poikkeuksellisen nuorena väitelleet filosofian tohtorit Heidi Liehun ja Pekka Himasen. Vuonna 1994 ilmestynyt Imagologies: Media Philosophy (yhdessä Mark C. Taylorin kanssa) on Saarisen kansainvälisesti tunnetuin teos. Imagologies käsitteli postmodernin kulttuurin mediafilosofiaa.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 93: Yritysmaailmassa Saarinen on toiminut muun muassa Nokian ja Marimekon valmentajana ja konsulttina. Saarinen on mukana myös Ensio Miettisen perustaman Enston hallituksessa. Yksi työmuoto on vuodesta 1995 lähtien ollut Pafos-seminaari, jossa eritaustaiset ihmiset pohtivat elämänkäsitystään Saarisen johdolla. Saarinen sijoittui yhdeksänneksi Suomen Thinkers 20 -listalla Nordic Business Report -lehden valitessa Suomen suurimpia bisnesajattelijoita elokuussa 2012.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 135: Ensio Miettinen (20. joulukuuta 1929 Helsinki – 8. joulukuuta 2010 Helsinki) oli suomalainen teollisuusmies ja yritys- ja yhteiskuntafilosofi.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 264: Istuimme Bulevardin Ekbergillä haistellen samppanjakorkkeja, kun kysyin ohimennen käänteentekeväksi osoittautuneen kysymyksen: ”Jos Pafos-seminaari kuuluisi johonkin laajempaan tuotekategoriaan niin mikä sen nimi voisi olla?”. Kahvikupin jatkaessa matkaansa ääntä kohti Esa ehti mukeltaen vastata: ‘’Eikö Pafos ole vähän kuin Aivot narikkaan? Sprache im Urlaub?’’.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 266: Nämä noin kaksi sanaa jäivät kaikumaan mieleeni. Olen vuosikymmeniä saanut olla kantamassa tuoleja Pafoksella, Venetsiassa sekä Aulangolla ja kautta partani, nähnyt iskän yhä ontommaxi käyvästä pulinasta miten tärkeää olisi ollut varata aikaa ja irtautua arkiryskeestä saadakseen perspektiiviä omaan ajatteluun.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 292: Hänet tunnettiin nimellä reb Moishe ba-ba-ba. Että miksi ba-ba-ba? Koska hän puhui sillä tavalla: "Ba-ba-ba, Kaikkivaltias laissez-faire auttaa kyllä, ba-ba-ba, Messias tulee ja maailma pelastuu. Ba-ba-ba, on hyvä olla keskustalainen. Voiko suurempaa iloa ollakaan kuin olla keskustalainen? Minä luovun kaikista teattereista, rikkauksista, kaikista herkuista yhtä Pafos-seminaaria vastaan, yhtä psalmien lukua, yhtä Asher Yotzaria vastaan! Jos joku tarjoaisi minulle kaikkea maailman kultaa, kaikki palatsit ja linnakkeet ja sotilaat ja kasakat sillä ehdolla että jätän yhden siunauksen lukematta, nauraisin hänelle päin naamaa. Nehän ovat turhuutta ja pikkujuttuja, eivät tyhjän munankuoren arvoisia. Mutta kun luen rukouksen Joka olet sanallasi luonut kaiken olevaisen", tunnen uuden voiman luissani ja ytimissäni. Ajattelehan nyt: Siunattu olet Sinä. Herra meidän Jumalamme Jorma Ollila, maailmankaikkeuden valtias joka olet sanallasi luonut kaiken olevaisen. Ihan kaiken! Taivaan ja maan, minut, sinut, jopa - anteeksi vain tämä rinnastus - koiran kadulle. Kaikki on Hänen luomaansa, paizi viranomaistehtävät suuren Luojan Esko Ahon, ja meille Hän antoi kyvyn ylistää Häntä. Eikös siinä ole maallista iloa kyllin?
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 304: Seminaari antaa Saarisen mafialle paljon, todennäköisesti enemmän kuin odotamme, mutta ei meillä pätäkästä pulaa ole, ei tämä seminaari ole kriisipalaveri tai hätähuuto Bulevardin pelastamiseksi.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 368: Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune gave the film two-and-a-half stars out of four and called the music "more than fine," but found the character of Jesus "so confused, so shapeless, the film cannot succeed in any meaningful way." Siskel also agreed with the accusations of the film being anti-Semitic. Charles Champlin of the Los Angeles Times wrote, "The faults are relative, the costs of an admirable seeking after excellence, and the many strong scenes, visually and dramatically, in 'Superstar' have remarkable impact: the chaos of the temple, the clawing lepers, the rubrics of the crucifixion itself." Gary Arnold of The Washington Post panned the film as "a work of kitsch" that "does nothing for Christianity except to commercialize it.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 388: Pontius Pilate was also given some different perspectives. In the musical he does not want to execute Jesus, thinking he is just another nut case who doesn't deserve death and is utterly baffled why the mob wants him killed. He only goes through with the execution because he was given no other choice.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 396: On a different note, whether or not Christ is actually divine is ambiguous. There is evidence both for (his prophecy to Peter and Judas) and against (Jesus running from the lepers instead of healing them, and his prayers in Gethsemane) in the music, and it is typically left to the individual production to sort it out, usually in Judas' "Jesus Christ Superstar" number and after Jesus' death, where some productions will throw in a hint that he was resurrected later.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 398: The big-lipped alligator trope (exemplified by Alice Cooper playing King Herod)is named after the random musical number sung by a big-lipped alligator towards the end of the film All Dogs Go to Heaven. A scene that comes right the fuck out of now
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 400: here; has little to no bearing whatsoever on the plot; is WAY over the top in terms of ridiculousness, even within the context of the movie; and after it happens, no one ever speaks of it again."
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 407: King Herod is a genocidal king, one who ordered the mass-slaughter of Jewish babies, which is why Jesus was born in stable to refugee parents. He also is the one who determines Jesus is a fraud and sends him back to Pilate. Yet his song number is a bouncy plea for Jesus to perform miracles while bopping around. The 2012 version turns him into a talk show host, where he asks the viewers to vote if Jesus is a miracle worker or a fraud. He gets a round of applause after his song, despite the audience knowing that he sealed Jesus's fate and that he's set the ball rolling for the climactic crucifixion.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 457: Judas walks in on Jesus and Mary holding each other right after "I Don't Know How to Love Him", and, angered by it, flings them from the swing they're sitting on, helps Jesus up, and grabs his face as if he's trying to pull him in for a kiss. Jesus throws him off and a crushed Judas runs offstage leading into "Damned For All Time", leaving one with the implication that Jesus's rejection is a key factor in Judas's decision to betray him.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 481: However the Romans overall clearly have the upper hand in the relationship. It's probably worth keeping in mind that there was a Jewish rebellion against the Romans that took place not long after the crucifixion and...well, let's just say it didn't exactly succeed in overthrowing the Romans...
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 483: The Roman Empire has enough troops to brutally crush any Judean uprising (and indeed did so during the Jewish–Roman Wars that started only a few decades after Jesus's death). Pontius Pilate, the prefect of Judea, doesn't. If Judea rebels, there is a pretty good chance that Pilate will be killed by the mob, and even if he escapes he will be disgraced and his political career will come to an end. The fact that afterwards the Roman emperor will send in his legions to deal with Judea is cold comfort.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 536: Demonisten poliittisten linjaustensa lisäksi Zyskowicz tunnetaan saatanallisista orgioista, joita hän on järjestänyt nuorille naisille. Näitä hän on käsitellyt yksityiskohtaisesti tunnetussa pornografisessa teoksessaan Eduskunnasta menin Baakariin, joka on saanut innoittuneen vastaanoton satanistipiireissä. Rakel Liekki suunnittelee parhaillaan kirjaan pohjautuvaa elokuvaa.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 555: Miljoonafirma, luksuskoteja ja huippumuotia – tällainen on Kirsti Paakkasen jäämistö
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 97: Sand was one of the women who wore men´s clothing without a permit, justifying it as being less expensive and far sturdier than the typical dress of a noblewoman at the time. Haha. In addition to being comfortable, Sand´s male attire enabled her to circulate more freely in Paris than most of her female contemporaries, and gave her increased access to venues from which women were often barred, even women of her social standing, like all-male steam baths. Also scandalous was Sand´s smoking tobacco in public; neither peerage nor gentry had yet sanctioned the free indulgence of women in such a habit, especially in public (though Franz Liszt´s paramour Marie d´Agoult affected this as well, smoking even larger cigars than George).
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 241: Salammbô se leva comme son époux, avec une coupe à la main, afin de boire aussi. Elle retomba, la tête en arrière, par-dessus le dossier du trône, blême, raidie, les lèvres ouvertes, et ses cheveux dénoués pendaient jusqu’à terre. Ainsi mourut la fille d’Hamilcar pour avoir touché au manteau de Tanit. »
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 247: Tää Alamyn Salome on musta vetävämpi. Tanssit on tanssittu, eiköhän nakata tää irtopää rodeen. Kuvan nimi on kaikessa lyhykäisyydessään nasevasti https://l450v.alamy.com/450v/w58a5m/salom-with-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-salom-is-the-daughter-of-herodias-and-herod-philip-her-mother-wanted-to-remarry-herod-antipas-the-preacher-john-the-baptist-had-condemned-this-marriage-and-was-imprisoned-on-it-on-his-birthday-herod-antipas-promised-to-give-salom-what-she-wanted-when-she-danced-for-him-her-mother-herodias-urged-her-to-ask-the-head-of-john-the-baptist-on-a-platter-against-his-will-herod-kept-his-promise-after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg.
    xxx/ellauri154.html on line 249: after-the-dance-the-severed-head-was-carried-on-a-saucer-new-testament-matthew-14-6-11-mark-6-14-29-salom-is-presented-here-as-an-eastern-princess-she-w58a5m.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 92: Outoa olin miltei varma että olin jo paasannut tästä parafiliasta, jota lukuisat tirkistelijäkirjailijat ovat edustaneet. Lyydian kuningas Kandaules oli niin kylästynyt vaimonsa Nyssen kallipygeeseen, jonka Jacob Jordaens on kuvannut oheisessa taulussa aivan jättimäisexi appelsiini-ihoisexi ruppaperseexi, että se halus näyttää sitä henkivartijalleen Gygeelle. Gyges kazoi Nyssen ja Kandauleen touhuja pää punaisena (nysse tulee!), seinäverhoon tuli iso kohouma. Sen kun Nysse äkkäsi, se kärmistyi ja antoi Gygeelle 2 vaihtoehtoa: joko tapan sut tai tapat ton ikävystyttävän kuninkaan ja nait sitten mut. Gyges teki työtä käskettyä. Kuinka ollakaan se preferoi jälkimmäistä vaihtoehtoa. Siitä tuli Gygeen jälkeen seuraava Lyydian kuningas. Ei yhtä rikas kuin Midas kuitenkaan.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 100: Like Rubens, Jordaens painted altarpieces, mythological, and allegorical scenes, and after 1640—the year Rubens died—he was the most important painter in Antwerp for large-scale commissions and the status of his patrons increased in general. However, he is best known today for his numerous large genre scenes based on proverbs in the manner of his contemporary Jan Brueghel the Elder, depicting The King Drinks and As the Old Sing, So Pipe the Young. Jordaens' main artistic influences, besides Rubens and the Brueghel family, were northern Italian painters such as Jacopo Bassano, Paolo Veronese, and Caravaggio.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 102: Jordaen's personal interaction with the Bible was strengthened by his conversion from Catholicism to Protestantism. Like Rubens, he studied under Adam van Noort, who was his only teacher. During this time Jordaens lived in Van Noort's house and became very close to the rest of the family. 8 years later, after joining the tapestry painters' guild, 1616, he married his teacher's eldest daughter, Anna Catharina van Noort, with whom he had three children. Perhaps the big butt belonged to Anna Catharina.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 107: In the seventeenth century, the story of King Candaules’s wife was seen as a moral lesson, warning against violations of the marital bedchamber. The theme was treated by the poet Jacob Cats in his Toneel vande mannelicke Achtbaerheyt, in which he devoted no less than eighty-six verses to the tale of Candaules and Gyges, and illustrates the scene in the royal bedchamber with a print by Pieter de Jode after Adriaen van de Venne. In the print the Queen is seen half naked from behind. Candaules is already in bed, and the Queen looks at Gyges, who is largely concealed behind the wallhangings. The moral of the story is clarified by a scene on a smaller scale in the background, showing Candaules being slain by Gyges. The print no doubt served as an inspiration for several other later renditions of the theme in Northern Netherlandish painting, including works by Frans van Mieris the Elderv, and Eglon van de Neervi.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 235: Such material and spiritual fun with another person achieves its own manifold spiritual illumination and refinement of one's personality. Just as some traditional forms of Jewish thought gave emphasis to fear of punishment as a helpful contribution to beginning Jewish observance, before progressing to more mature levels, so too do some Jewish approaches advocate motivation from eternal reward in the Hereafter, or the more refined ideal of seeking spiritual and scholarly self-advancement through Torah study. Study of Torah is seen by Rabbinic Judaism as the pre-eminent spiritual activity, as it leads to all other mitzvot (Jewish observances). The more time spent in the yeshiva, the less vacuum-cleaning and taking-out of garbage at home. To seek personal advancement through learning is a commendable ideal of Rabbinic Judaism.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 248: Hasidism adopts the different Kabbalistic forms of love, and the mystical fear of dogs. The classic Hasidic love manual the Tanya by aforementioned Schneur Zalman of Liadi describes many types of love and fear. It is a systematically structured guide to daily Hasidic life. In all Hasidism, as in Kabbalah, love and fear are awakened by studying hot and scary texts.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 261: Baal Shem Tov thought that the movement of a leaf in the wind is significant in the divine plan. Or a flap of a butterfly. A Baal Shem Tov anecdote says it all:
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 284: As he recited the blessing prior to the act, he dwelt on the holy commandment he was about to perform. "Blessed art Thou, God..", he began. "..Who commands us concerning Shechita", he concluded in such fervour that he lost all sense of his surroundings. Opening his eyes after the blessing, he looked around to find an empty room, with the chicken escaped. "Where is the chicken" he began asking!
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 341: Scholem oli, kuten läheinen ystävänsä Walter Benjamin, suuri Franz Kafkan kirjallisuuden ystävä. Geshom on kuvissa aika muikean ja saxalaisen näköinen, paizi nenä sillä on hirmu porkkana. Scholem on vaikuttanut muun muassa Harold Bloomin luomaan runouden teoriaan. Myös kuuluisa argentiinalainen kirjailija Jorge Luis Borges on viitannut Scholemiin runoissaan.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 449: Rabbi Nachman of Breslau (1772–1810) reminds us, in the same way that breaking is an inevitability, fixing is also an inevitability. We know the former is true; we don’t always believe the latter.Rabbi Nachman knew a thing or two about brokenness. His Hasidic tales often circle around characters who face their darkest moments and search profoundly for redemption. He authored a quote that became a famous Jewish song: “The entire world is a very narrow bridge. The key in crossing is not to be afraid. Only someone who has seen fear and overcome it could write these words.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 483: Buberin dialogifilosofiaan sisältyy ajatus, jonka mukaan Minä-Sinä-suhde on Minä-Se-suhdetta ja jopa minuuttakin perustavampi. Tullaxeen Minäksi ihminen tarvitsee Sinää. Tai paremminkin, Sini ja Mini tarvitaan että saadaan Se. Minän kehittymisen lähtökohtana on tietynlainen alkuyhteys, ”luonnonmukainen liittyneisyys”, äidin yhteys isään, lapsen yhteys äitiinsä tai ”primitiivin” yhteys luontoon. Lapsen minuus syntyy yhteystapahtumien kadotessa ja syntyessä uudelleen: tapahtuman vakioina pysyvä osa abstrahoituu minäksi. Minän irrottautuminen alkuperäisestä yhteydestä mahdollistaa Minä-Se-suhteen synnyn. Joo tätähän virttä oli sillä yhdellä sakemannilla, annas nyt... joo Martin Altmeyerilla, joka sai sen Winnicottilta, joka sai sen Melanie Kleinilta, joka oli Freudin tyttären pahin competition Lontoossa. Mutta "they did not know about each other. Mrs. Winnicott wrote me that Don never, as far as she knew, read Buber. Buber may not even have heard of Winnicott." Mutta molemmat ovat rapsodisia ja aforistisia, varoo seskvipedaalisia sanoja ja silti hurjan innostavia (joillekuille ainakin). Ei ne olleet anarkisteja vaikka joskus siltä näytti. (Nää on yhden Ernst Tichon paperista löytyneitä mututuntumia.) No Rogersista Buber oli kyllä kuullut, ne oli jopa ottaneet keskenään jotain murteellista dialogia Mordechain USA:n reissuilla.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 508: Hesse’s personal experience with psychoanalysis began when he sought therapy and refuge in a sanatorium after his father’s death in 1916, his first wife’s schizophrenia, and a serious illness of his son, Martin (not Mordechai). This began a long obsession with psychoanalysis, the influence of which appears in Demian (1919) and in his later work, which evidences his interest in Jungian concepts of introversion and extraversion, the collective unconscious, idealism, and the duality of human nature.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 514: Interestingly, several of Hesse’s drawings and etchings were discovered at the National Library in Israel half a century after his death. I bet he had asked Buber to come up to have a look at them. Like all narcissists, those born to be wild never wanna die, even if they explode into space.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 567: Martin Buber war von 1924 bis 1933 – zunächst als Lehrbeauftragter, später als Honorarprofessor für jüdische Religionslehre und Ethik – an der Universität Frankfurt am Main tätig. Er legte die Professur 1933 nach der Machtübernahme Hitlers nieder, um einer Aberkennung zuvorzukommen. Danach wirkte er am Aufbau der Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung bei der Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden mit, bis diese ihre Arbeit einstellen musste. Noch vor dem Novemberpogrom 1938 emigrierte Buber nach Israel. Zeitlebens stand Martin Buber in Kontakt mit Persönlichkeiten aus allen Bereichen des geistigen Lebens, darunter auch zahlreichen Literatinnen und Literaten wie Margarete Susman, Hermann Hesse, Arnold Zweig, Thomas Mann oder Franz Kafka. Dabei scheute er auch vor kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen nicht zurück.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 571: Von 1906 bis 1916 lebte Buber in Berlin und war als Lektor beim Verlag Rütten & Loening tätig. 1916 zog er in die kleine südhessische Stadt Heppenheim, seine naturnahe Wahlheimat. Bis 1924 war er Herausgeber der Monatsschrift „Der Jude“. Neben seiner Lehrtätigkeit am Freien Jüdischen Lehrhaus in Frankfurt/Main (1922–1929) übernahm Buber einen Lehrauftrag für jüdische Religionslehre und jüdische Ethik an der Universität Frankfurt. Sein Lektorat wurde 1930 in eine Honorarprofessur für allgemeine Religionswissenschaft umgewandelt. Er war 52 Jahre alt. Einen Tag nach der Machtergreifung der Nationalsozialisten legte Buber seine Professur nieder, noch bevor ihm die Lehrerlaubnis durch die Nationalsozialisten offiziell entzogen wurde. Für die Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland gründete und leitete er die sogenannte „Mittelstelle für jüdische Erwachsenenbildung“, bis ihm 1935 jede öffentliche Tätigkeit verboten wurde.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 596: In seinem 1946 gehaltenen Vortrag „Von den seelischen Ursachen der Krankheit“ spricht von Weizsäcker den alten jüdisch-chassidischen Gedanken aus, welcher auch von Buber stammen könnte: „Die Welt besteht nicht aus lokalen Ereignissen, sondern sie ist ein kollektiver, zusammenhängender Vorgang, unser gemeinsames Schicksal erst belehrt uns, dass wir gar nicht nur um uns selbst kreisen, sondern nur ein beschränkter Teil eines größeren, eines gemeinschaftlichen Hasidfestes sind. Es ist also niemals möglich, die Niggumin nur individualistisch zu nünnen.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 601: Die Grundformen menschlichen Daseins sind nach Binschwanger die Liebe, die Existenz und der Geschlechtsverkehr, d.h. der enge Umgang mit den anderen oder mit sich selbst. Binschwangers philosophische Innovation über Buber war die einführung des Pronomens "wir". Das Miteinandersein von Mir und Dir“ wird hier differenziert. Dementsprechend heißen auch die zwei Subkapitel: „Das liebende 'Uber-und-Untereinandersein“ und „Das freundschaftliche Miteinandersein“. Der berühmte Satz Bubers aus „Ich und Du“: „Der Mensch wird am Du zum Ich, es, und Übermensch“ (Buber 2002: 32) findet seine etwaige Entsprechung im Binswanger’schen „Erst aus der Wirheit entspringt die Selbstheit“.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 605: Die philosophische Anthropologie entstand trotz starkem Widerstand und tiefer geschichtlicher Verwurzelung als eigenständige Richtung der Philosophie im ersten Drittel des 20. Jahrhunderts und führte stärker als in der bisherigen philosophischen Tradition die Diskussion um den ganzen Menschen sowie seine Position und seinen Sinn in der Welt. In der Nachfolge von Max Scheler (1874–1928) und Helmuth Plessner (1892–1985) könnten hier „drei Linien in der Konkretisierung unterschieden werden“: die von Karl Jaspers (1883–1969), geprägt von Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) („Existenzphilosophie“), die Schule von Martin Heidegger (1889–1976) als Nachfolge von u. a. Edmund Husserl (1859–1938) („Phänomenologie“) und „die Strömung des französischen Existentialismus, vorrangig geprägt durch Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–1980)“ (Beck 1991: 17). Allesamt ekliche solipsistisch-narzissistische Formen von Idealismus. Eine andere wesentliche Eigenschaft der neueren philosophischen Anthropologie war die epochale Entdeckung des anderen als Person und die Überwindung des ausschließlichen Subjekt-Objekt-Bezuges mit genau ebenso solipsistischem Ich-Du-Denken. Und der Sinn nun wieder. Warum können die idealistischen Philosophen sich nicht damit vergnügen dass es keinen Sinn für sie gibt, dass sie total sinnlos sind? Was ist nun so schwer damit? Ich weiss, weil sie narzissistich sind.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 139: Within early Christian doctrine, Mary remained a virgin during and after the birth of Jesus. This was perhaps only fitting for someone deemed “the mother of God” or “God-bearer”.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 142: Blessed Mary was the narrow gate, whereof it is written that the Lord hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut after birth; for as a virgin she both conceived and brought forth. (Ditto for the brothers and the sisters, though they came about the good old way.)
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 144: The Lateran Council of 649 CE, a council held in Rome by the Western Church, later declared it an article of faith that Jesus was conceived “without seed” and that Mary “incorruptibly bore [him], her virginity remaining indestructible even after his birth” . All this in spite of the Gospels’ declaration that Jesus had brothers and sisters (Mark 3.32, Matthew 12.46, Luke 8.19).
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 160: The Eastern Orthodox Greek Church held to the dormition of Mary (uspenskij kafedral). According to this, Mary had a natural death, and her soul was then received by Christ. Her body arose on the third day after her death. She was then taken up bodily into heaven.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 162: For a long time, the Catholic Church was ambiguous on whether Mary rose from the dead after a brief period of repose in death and then ascended into heaven or was “assumed” bodily into heaven before she died.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 296: The story may have been transferred from a wholly different context. It has been noted that it most closely matches, rather than any event in Scotland, the legend of Maria Danilova Gamentova, daughter of an expatriate branch of the Clan Hamilton established in Russia by Thomas Hamilton during the reign of Tsar Ivan IV (1547–1584). A lady in waiting to Tsarina Catherine, second wife of Tsar Peter I "The Great" (who later succeeded him as Catherine I), Mary Hamilton was also the Tsar's mistress. She bore a child in 1717, who may have been fathered by the Tsar but whom she admitted drowning shortly after its birth. She also stole trinkets from the Tsarina to present them to her lover Ivan Orlov. For the murder of her child, she was beheaded in 1719.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 306: With her grandmother struggling to make ends meet at the age of 60, and after Mary went to London in 1777, Emma began work, aged 12, as a maid at the Hawarden home of Doctor Honoratus Leigh Thomas, a surgeon working in Chester.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 312: Greville took her in as his mistress, on condition that the child was fostered out. Once the child (Emma Carew) was born, she was removed to be raised by her great-grandmother at Hawarden for her first three years, and subsequently (after a short spell in London with her mother) deposited with Mr John Blackburn, schoolmaster, and his wife in Manchester. As a young woman, Emma's daughter saw her mother frequently, but later when Emma fell into debt, her daughter worked abroad as a companion or governess.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 314: Greville kept Emma in a small house at Edgware Row, Paddington Green, at this time a village on the rural outskirts of London. At Greville's request, she changed her name to "Mrs Emma Hart", dressed in modest outfits in subdued colours and eschewed a social life. He arranged for Emma's mother to live with her as housekeeper and chaperone. Greville also taught Emma to enunciate more elegantly, and after a while, started to invite some of his friends to meet her.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 322: Greville did not inform Emma of his plan, but instead in 1785 suggested the trip as a prolonged holiday in Naples while he (Greville) was away in Scotland on business, not long after Emma's mother had suffered a stroke. Emma was thus sent to Naples, supposedly for six to eight months, little realising that she was going as the mistress of her host. Emma set off for Naples with her mother and Gavin Hamilton on 13 March 1786 overland in an old coach, and arrived in Naples on her 21st birthday on 26 April.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 326: They were married on 6 September 1791 at St Marylebone Parish Church, then a plain small building, having returned to England for the purpose and Sir William having gained the King's consent. She was twenty-six and he was sixty. Although she was obliged to use her legal name of Amy Lyon on the marriage register, the wedding gave her the title Lady Hamilton which she would use for the rest of her life. Hamilton's public career was now at its height and during their visit he was inducted into the Privy Council. Shortly after the ceremony, Romney painted his last portrait of Emma from life, The Ambassadress, after which he plunged into a deep depression and drew a series of frenzied sketches of Emma.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 328: The newly married couple returned to Naples after two days. After the marriage, Greville transferred the cost of Emma Carew's upkeep to Sir William, and suggested that he might move her to an establishment befitting the stepdaughter of an envoy. However, Sir William preferred to forget about her for a while.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 334: Nelson returned to Naples five years later, on 22 September 1798. a living legend, after his victory at the Battle of the Nile in Aboukir, with his step-son Josiah Nisbet, then 18 years old. By this time, Nelson's adventures had prematurely aged him; he had lost an arm and most of his teeth, and was afflicted by coughing spells. Before his arrival, Emma had written a letter passionately expressing her admiration for him. Nelson even wrote effusively of Emma to his increasingly estranged wife. Emma and Sir William escorted Nelson to their home, the Palazzo Sessa.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 336: Emma nursed Nelson under her husband's roof and arranged a party with 1,800 guests to celebrate his 40th birthday on 29 September. After the party, Emma became Nelson's secretary, translator and political facilitator. They soon fell in love and began an affair. Hamilton showed admiration and respect for Nelson, and vice versa; the affair was tolerated. By November, gossip from Naples about their affair reached the English newspapers. Emma Hamilton and Horatio Nelson were famous.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 338: Upon arrival in London on 8 November, the three of them took suites at Nerot's Hotel after a missed communication from Nelson to his wife about receiving the party at their home, Roundwood. Lady Nelson and Nelson's father arrived and they all dined at the hotel, with Fanny deeply unhappy to see Emma pregnant. The affair soon became public knowledge, and to the delight of the newspapers, Fanny did not accept the affair as placidly as Sir William. Emma was winning the media war at that point, and every fine lady was experimenting with her look. Nelson contributed to Fanny's misery by being cruel to her when not in Emma's company. Sir William was mercilessly lampooned in the press, but his sister observed that he doted on Emma and she was very attached to him.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 340: The Hamiltons moved into William Beckford's mansion at 22 Grosvenor Square, and Nelson and Fanny took an expensive furnished house at 17 Dover Street, a comfortable walking distance away, until December, when Sir William rented a home at 23 Piccadilly, opposite Green Park. On 1 January, Nelson's promotion to vice admiral was confirmed and he prepared to go to sea on the same night. Infuriated by Fanny's handing him an ultimatum to choose between her and his mistress, Nelson chose Emma and decided to take steps to formalise separation from his wife. He never saw her again, after being hustled out of town by an agent. While he was at sea, Nelson and Emma exchanged many letters, using a secret code to discuss Emma's condition. Emma kept her first daughter Emma Carew's existence a secret from Nelson, while Sir William continued to provide for her.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 342: Emma gave birth to Nelson's daughter Horatia, on 29 January 1801] at 23 Piccadilly, who was taken soon afterwards to a Mrs Gibson for care and hire of a wet nurse. On 1 February, Emma made a spectacular appearance at a concert at the house of the Duke of Norfolk in St James' Square, and Emma worked hard to keep the press onside.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 344: Soon after this, the Prince of Wales (later King George IV) became infatuated with Emma, leading Nelson to be consumed by jealousy, and inspiring a remarkable letter by Sir William to Nelson, assuring him that she was being faithful. In late February, Nelson returned to London and met his daughter at Mrs Gibson's. Nelson's family were aware of the pregnancy, and his clergyman brother Rev. William Nelson wrote to Emma praising her virtue and goodness. Nelson and Emma continued to write letters to each other when he was away at sea, and she kept every one. While he was away too, she arranged for her mother to visit the Kidds in Hawarden and her daughter in Manchester.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 350: The newspapers reported on their every move, including trips to Wales to inspect Sir William's estates and a holiday to Ramsgate intended to give him some peace and quiet, looking to Emma to set fashions in dress, home decoration and even dinner party menus. By the autumn of 1803, Sir William's health was declining, at the same time that the peace with France was disintegrating. A "Children's Ball" was thrown after New Year, in honour of Horatia, and a concert for 100 guests staged in February.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 352: Soon afterwards, Sir William collapsed at 23 Piccadilly and on 6 April died in Emma's arms. Charles Greville was the executor of the estate and he instructed her to leave 23 Piccadilly, but for the sake of respectability, she had to keep an address separate from Nelson's and so moved into 11 Clarges Street, not far away, a couple of months later.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 358: She was desperately lonely, preoccupied with attempting to turn Merton Place into the grand home Nelson desired, suffering from several ailments and frantic for his return. The child, a girl (reportedly named Emma), died about 6 weeks after her birth in early 1804, and Horatia also fell ill at her home with Mrs Gibson on Titchfield Street. Emma kept the infant's death a secret from the press (her burial is unrecorded), kept her deep grief from Nelson's family and found it increasingly difficult to cope alone. She reportedly distracted herself by gambling, and succumbed to binges of heavy drinking and eating and spending lavishly.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 364: On 21 October 1805, Nelson's fleet defeated a joint Franco-Spanish naval force at the Battle of Trafalgar. Nelson was seriously wounded during the battle and died three hours later. When the news of his death arrived in London, a messenger was sent to Merton Place to bring the news to Lady Hamilton. She later recalled,
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 382: In early 1813 she petitioned the Prince of Wales, the government and friends, but all of her requests failed and she was obliged to auction off many of her possessions, including many Nelson relics, at low prices. However she continued to borrow money to keep up appearances. Public opinion turned against her after the Letters of Lord Nelson to Lady Hamilton were published in April 1814.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 388: Henry Cadogan cared for the 14-year-old Horatia in the aftermath of Emma's death and paid for her travel to Dover. The Matchams took her in to care for their younger children until she was sent off to live with the Boltons two years later, Susanna having died in 1813. Horatia subsequently married the Rev. Philip Ward, had ten children (the first of whom was named Horatio Nelson) and lived until 1881. Horatia never publicly acknowledged that she was the daughter of Emma Hamilton.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 396: afb8b5a615e11a6e0e7005652.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 405: af3e647dc2dd66.jpg" height="200px" />
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 431: Lyyra Häpykieli (Silvertongue l. Bonaqua) on kuin Pirkka-Pekka Petelius nuorena. His Masters Voice-sarjan juoni muistuttaa muumipeliä. Tässäkin täytyy kerätä erilaisia esineitä ja palata muumitaloon lopuxi. Kolme kiveä tai kaksi raakunkuorta ja muumitalon avain. Lyyran ja Willin on paras pitää genitaalit housuissa toistaisexi ettei ankeuttajat nappaa niitä. Sinänsä hauska ajatus että synti on siitepölyä joka alkaa vaivata samaan aikaan kuin menstruaatio ja polluutio. Kaikista hauskimmat ovat Inarinjärven noidat ("me puhumme suomea"). Nunnuka-nunnuka lailaalaa. Kaisa ja Sirkka-täti, Hilja Serafia Pylkkänen. Pidän tästä enemmän kuin Games of Thronesista. Molemmat on teeveepelejä, mutta tää on tarkoitettu Kallelle ja alle 12-vuotiaille jotka eivät saa yxin käyttää tissiä, kun taas se on puberteetin ohittaneille häpykarvoittuneille nuorille kaikkine verisine yxityiskohtineen. Tässä on panohommat vasta suunnitelman tasolla, siinä vähän näytetäänkin FUCK! FUCK! touhua. Vaikka kyllä se jää nykymeisingillä liiankin tuttuna paljon hauskemman ja vaikeammin kotona kokeiltavan KILL! KILL! teeman jalkoihin. Mixeivät nuoret väännä pahan lakukepin käärmeeltä niskoja nurin niin että sille tulee paisuvaisen murtuma!
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 459: Una ricca famiglia di un industriale milanese viene profondamente scossa dall'arrivo di un enigmatico ospite, un giovane venticinquenne silenzioso e affascinante. Il visitatore ottiene le grazie della moglie, ha rapporti erotici con la figlia, il figlio, la domestica e con lo stesso capofamiglia. Quando il misterioso viaggiatore ripartirà, tutto sarà cambiato: la madre si concede sessualmente a vari giovanotti, la figlia diventa catatonica, il figlio abbandona la famiglia e si mette a dipingere, il capofamiglia lascia la fabbrica agli operai, si denuda nella stazione di Milano e si perde nel deserto, mentre la serva, una semplice contadina, levita nell'aria come una santa.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 467: «Lo sconvolgimento che Teorema provoca non è affatto di tipo sessuale, è essenzialmente ideologico e mistico. Trattandosi incontestabilmente di un'opera d'arte, Teorema non può essere sospettato di oscenità.»
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 491: Relative to similar concepts of such beings, Azrael holds a rather benevolent role as God´s angel of death; he acts as a psychopomp, responsible for transporting the souls of the deceased after their death. Both in Islam and in Judaism, he is said to hold a scroll concerning the fate of mortals, recording and erasing their names at their birth and death, respectively.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 560: In seguito, quando altre ragazze (fra cui anche la sorella di Chiara, Agnese) seguirono il suo esempio, presero dimora nella chiesa di San Damiano e diedero inizio a quello che in futuro sarebbero state le clarisse, tra le quali si distinsero sante come Caterina da Bologna, Camilla Battista da Varano, Eustochia Calafato.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 577: Blessed Mary is the gate, whereof it is written that the Lord hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut after birth; for as a virgin she both conceived and brought forth.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 638: Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me. ...whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 647: (Iisak Syyrialainen: Helvettiä koskeva näköala (Puhe 120:6), suomentanut Serafim Seppälä. No connection to Serafina Pakkala.)
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 666: In Christianity, annihilationism (also known as extinctionism or destructionism)[1] is the belief that those who are wicked will perish or cease to exist. It states that after the Last Judgment, all unsaved human beings, all fallen angels (all of the damned) and Satan himself will be totally destroyed so as to not exist, or that their consciousness will be extinguished rather than suffer everlasting torment in Hell (often synonymized with the lake of fire). Annihilationism stands in contrast to both belief in eternal torture and suffering in the lake of fire and the belief that everyone will be saved (universal reconciliation or simply "universalism").
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 36: When Moses told him, Aaron held out the staff in his hand and struck the dust on the ground. It turned into gnats that bit people and animals. All the dust on the ground everywhere in Egypt turned into gnats.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 46: What was the significance of Aaron's rod? All Master chefs have great staffs. The Lord told Moses, "Buds will sprout on the staff belonging to the man I choose. They left their rods before the Lord, and in the morning "Aaron's staff, representing the tribe of Levi, had sprouted, budded, blossomed, and produced ripe almonds" (verse 8).
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 48: According to the Book of Exodus in the Bible, the staff (Hebrew: מַטֶּה matteh, translated "rod" in the King James Bible) was used to produce water from a rock, was transformed into a snake and back, and was used at the parting of the Red Sea. Whether or not Moses' staff was the same as that used by his brother Aaron (known as Aaron's rod) has been debated by rabbinical scholars.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 50: The staff is miraculously transformed into a snake and then back into a staff. The staff is thereafter referred to as the "rod of God" or "staff of God" (depending on the translation). And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs".
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 54: Moses also uses the staff in the battle at Rephidim between the Israelites and the Amalekites (Exodus 17:8-16).[2] When he holds up his arms holding the "rod of God" the Israelites "prevail", when he drops his arms, their enemies gain the upper hand. Aaron and Hur help him to keep the staff raised until victory is achieved.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 59: Finally, God tells Moses to get water for the Israelites from a rock by speaking to the rock (Numbers 20:8). But Moses, being vexed by the complaining of the Israelites, instead of speaking to the rock as God commanded, strikes the rock twice with the staff. Because Moses did not obey God's command to speak to the rock, implying lack of faith, God punished Moses by not letting him enter into the Promised Land (Numbers 20:12). Taisit jo mainita albumissa 64.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 63: The staff with which Jacob crossed the Jordan is identical with that which Judah gave to his daughter-in-law, Tamar (Gen. xxxii. 10, xxxviii. 18). It is likewise the holy rod with which Moses worked (Ex. iv. 20, 21), with which Aaron performed wonders before Pharaoh (Ex. vii. 10), and with which, finally, David slew the giant Goliath (I Sam. xvii. 40). David left it to his descendants, and the Davidic kings used it as a scepter until the destruction of the Temple, when it miraculously disappeared. When the Messiah comes it will be given to him for a scepter in token of his authority over the heathen. (And we don't mean INRI here.)
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 65: There are many speculations about what has happened to Moses's staff.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 66: The Midrash (a homiletic method of biblical exegesis) states that the staff was passed down from generation to generation and was in the possession of the Judean kings until the First Temple was destroyed. It is unknown what became of the staff after the Temple was destroyed and the Jews were exiled from the land.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 70: According to an unidentified identifying document [citation needed] at the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Moses's staff would supposedly be on display today at the Topkapı Palace, Istanbul, Turkey. The Topkapi Palace holds other reputedly holy relics, most notably those attributed to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad. (Such as his bow, his sword, his footprint, and even a tooth.) Topkapı Palace was officially designated a museum in 1924, and the holy relics were placed on public view on 31 August 1962. It is said that Sultan Selim I (1512–1520) brought the holy relics to Topkapi Palace after conquering Egypt in 1517.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 72: It is narrated in Kitab al-Kafi that Ja'far al-Sadiq claims that the "Tablets of Moses and the Staff of Moses are with us. We are the heirs of the Prophets".
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 211: Joo onhan tääkin huumorpykälä jo paasattu. Jaffe nauraa tässä pahansuovasti, tekee pilkkaa luomistaan. Ei ne pysty sille mitään.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 213: Aika monista exegeettoreista tää kohta on tuntunut vähän nololta. Paljon löytyy selitystä ettei Jaffe oikeasti nauranut, ei ainaskaan mitään röhönaurua eikä läpsinyt kämmenillä polvia.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 219: “This is spoken of God,” says Dr. Dodd, “after the manner of men, to denote his utter contempt of the opposition of his enemies; the perfect ease with which he was able to disappoint all their measures, and crush them for their impiety and folly; together with his absolute security, that his counsels should stand and his measures be finally accomplished; as men laugh at, and hold in utter contempt, those whose malice and power they know to be utterly vain and impotent. The introducing God as thus laughing at, and deriding his enemies, is in the true spirit of poetry, and with the utmost propriety and dignity.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 221: Shall laugh - Will smile at their vain attempts, maybe even sneer; will not be disturbed or agitated by their efforts; will go calmly on in the execution of his purposes. Compare as above Isaiah 18:4. See also Proverbs 1:26; Psalm 37:13; Psalm 59:8. This is, of course, to be regarded as spoken after the manner of men, and it means that God will go steadily forward in the accomplishment of his purposes. There is included also the idea that he will look with contempt on their vain and futile efforts.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 288: Im Herbst 1940 meldete sich Deutscher zur polnischen Exilarmee unter der Führung von Władysław Sikorski, die in Schottland Militärbasen unter eigener Souveränitat hatte. Er wurde dort als verdächtige Person in ein von der polnischen Exilregierung unterhaltenes Internierungslager geschickt, in dem überwiegend politisch Verdächtige, Homosexuelle und Juden interniert waren.[4] Laut Deutschers Biographen Ludger Syré sei das Lager Ladybank bei Kircaldy „kein eigentliches Straflager“ gewesen, allerdings sei beabsichtigt gewesen, ihn als „gefährlichen roten Rebellen“ „ruhig zu halten“ und man ließ „ihn schwere Munitionskisten schleppen“. Deutscher nutzte den Lageraufenthalt zum Erlernen der englischen Sprache und richtete im Lager einen „Übersetzerdienst“ für die Organisation neuester Nachrichten ein. 1949 veröffentlichte er seine Stalin-Biographie, die in 12 Sprachen übersetzt wurde. 1954 bis 1963 erschien sein Hauptwerk, die dreibändige Biographie Trotzkis.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 290: Singerin Iisakki oli punapäinen laihuliini jota nolotti näyttäytyä nakuna kuin Aatamia ja Eevaa omppumaistiaisten jälkeen. Se luki Berkeleytä, Cuntia, Siiliä ja Kabbalaa eikä ymmärtänyt YHTÄÄN. Pääasia oli että Jumalalla oli kikkeli, aivan valtavan humongous parru. Hän sai paljon paljon rakkautta Schechinalta, enkeleitä, serafeilta, kerubeilta, Aralimilta, pyhiltä pyöriltä ja petoeläimiltä, luvuttomilta maailmoilta ja sieluilta, mutta tämä ei riittänyt hänelle, vaan hän vaati rakkautta myös ketjun heikoimmalta lenkiltä jolle hän jämensi: Rakasta herraa eli minua kaikilta voimiltasi (deuteronomia).
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 316: Shechinah is a Chaldee word meaning resting-place, not found in Scripture, but used by the later Jews to designate the visible trace of Cod's presence in the tabernacle, and afterwards in Solomon's temple. When the Lord led Israel out of Egypt, he went before them "in a pillar of a cloud." This was the symbol of his presence with his people. For references made to it during the wilderness wanderings, see Exodus 14:20 ; 40:34-38 ; Leviticus 9:23 Leviticus 9:24 ; Numbers 14:10 ; Numbers 16:19 Numbers 16:42 .
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 318: It is probable that after the entrance into Canaan this glory-cloud settled in the tabernacle upon the ark of the covenant in the most holy place. We have, however, no special reference to it till the consecration of the temple by Solomon, when it filled the whole house with its glory, so that the priests could not stand to minister ( 1 Kings 8:10-13 ; 2 Chr. 1 Kings 5:13 1 Kings 5:14 ; 7:1-3 ). Probably it remained in the first temple in the holy of holies as the symbol of Jehovah's presence so long as that temple stood. It afterwards disappeared. (See CLOUD .)
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 349: The family of Yahuah, just as your family has the name of the father, so if you wish to be grafted into Yahuah's Family and use his name, you need to have a power of attorney giving you authority to use his name, this is given through his spirit, the Ruch Ah Qudsh, together with the son Yahusha HaMashiach (The Messiah), making you a chosen YAHU, having the father and son's name written upon you and also within the family "tree" book, the book of life!
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 361: Yahuah said, "Let us make Mankind in our image, after our likeness," and then "Yahuah created Mankind in his own image, in the image of Yahuah he created them, male and female he created them." Thus, the image of Yahuah was male and female - not simply one or the other.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 395: Drawing on the breadth of Midrashic, Talmudic and Aggadic literature (including literature that is no longer extant), as well as his knowledge of Hebrew grammar and halakhah, Rashi clarifies the "simple" meaning of the text so that a bright child of five could understand it. At the same time, his commentary forms the foundation for some of the most profound legal analysis and mystical discourses that came after it. Scholars debate why Rashi chose a particular Midrash to illustrate a point, or why he used certain words and phrases and not others. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi wrote that "Rashi's commentary on Torah is the 'wine of Torah'. It opens the heart and uncovers one's essential love and fear of Cod.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 405: The Tosafot, Tosafos or Tosfot (Hebrew: תוספות) are medieval commentaries on the Talmud. They take the form of critical and explanatory glosses, printed, in almost all Talmud editions, on the outer margin and opposite Rashi's notes.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 408: af_Beis_of_Maseches_Brachos%29.jpg/220px-First_page_of_the_first_tractate_of_the_Talmud_%28Daf_Beis_of_Maseches_Brachos%29.jpg" />
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 411: The main text in the middle is the text of the Talmud itself. To the right, on the inner margin of the page, is Rashi's commentary; to the left, on the outer margin, the Tosafot
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 417: In general, Rashi provides the peshat or literal meaning of Jewish texts, while his disciples known as the Tosafot ("additions"), gave more interpretative descriptions of the texts. The Tosafot's commentaries can be found in the Talmud opposite Rashi's commentary. The Tosafot added comments and criticism in places where Rashi had not added comments. The Tosafot went beyond the passage itself in terms of arguments, parallels, and distinctions that could be drawn out. This addition to Jewish texts was seen as causing a "major cultural product" which became an important part of Torah study.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 419: Up to and including Rashi, the Talmudic commentators occupied themselves only with the plain meaning ("peshaṭ") of the text; but after the beginning of the twelfth century the spirit of criticism took possession of the teachers of the Talmud. Thus some of Rashi's continuators, as his sons-in-law and his grandson Samuel ben Meïr (RaSHBaM), while they wrote commentaries on the Talmud after the manner of Rashi's, wrote also glosses on it in a style peculiar to themselves.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 421: The Tosafot do not constitute a continuous commentary, but rather (like the "Dissensiones" to the Roman Code of the first quarter of the twelfth century) deal only with difficult passages of the Talmud. Single sentences are explained by quotations which are taken from other Talmudic treatises and which seem at first glance to have no connection with the sentences in question. On the other hand, sentences which seem to be related and interdependent are separated and embodied in different treatises. The Tosafot can be understood only by those who are well advanced in the study of the Talmud, for the most entangled discussions are treated as though they were simple. Glosses explaining the meaning of a word or containing a grammatical observation are very rare.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 423: The actual father of the tosafot in France was Jacob b. Meir, known colloquially as Rabbeinu Tam, whose style was adopted by his successors. Hei tää oli se Rashin lisäxi toinen heppu jonka ärhäkämpiä lauseita oli toisessa tefil-laatikossa.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 425: The first German tosafist, Isaac b. Asher ha-Levi, was a student of Rashi and the head of a school, and his pupils, besides composing tosafot of their own, revised his.
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 448: Why was the Song of Moses (sehän oli se Deuteronomian loppuluritus!) deemed suitable as a tefillin parchment? In all likelihood because both the second paragraph of the Shema, as well as the verses immediately after the Song of Moses in Parashat Ha’azinu, contain references to length of days. A contribution to the wearer's longevity. Nobody is in a particular hurry to get to Paradise. Ei kiirettä kuin pirulla Heinolan markkinoille. Hiivitään ennemminkin hiljaa kuin tiaisen kivittäjä. In conclusion, The archaeological evidence, together with consideration of various biblical passages and even of halakhah, suggests that tefillin were originally practiced as a longevity amulet. Lisää aiheesta: https://www.thetorah.com/article/the-origins-of-tefillin
    xxx/ellauri166.html on line 500: Hall and his followers went to extreme lengths to keep any gossip or information that could tarnish his image from being publicized, and little is known about his first marriage, on 28 April 1930, to Fay B. deRavenne, then 28, who had been his secretary during the preceding five years. The marriage was not a happy one; his friends never discussed it, and Hall removed virtually all information about her from his papers following her suicide on 22 February 1941. Following a long friendship, on 5 December 1950, Hall married Marie Schweikert Bauer (following her divorce from George Bauer), and the marriage, though stormy, was happier than his first for Marie Schweikert Bauer Hall died April 21, 2005, 15 years after Manly.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 50: Nell'episodio infernale è Francesca la sola a parlare, mentre Paolo tace e piange alla fine del racconto della donna. Le due anime volano affiancate nella bufera infernale che trascina i lussuriosi e Dante chiede a Virgilio il permesso di parlare con loro; Francesca dapprima si presenta e ricorda l'assassinio subìto ad opera del marito, poi (su richiesta di Dante) spiega la causa del loro peccato, ovvero la lettura del romanzo di Lancillotto e Ginevra che li spinse a intrecciare una relazione amorosa.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 90: Gustav Davidson (Warsaw, Poland, 1895 – New York City, 6 February 1971) was an American poet, writer, and publisher. He was one time secretary of the Poetry Society of America. Gustav Davidson was born on December 25, 1895, in Warsaw, Poland. In the wake of anti-Jewish pogroms in Poland, his family fled to the United States, settling in New York City in 1907. Davidson received bachelor's and master's degrees at Columbia University in 1919 and 1920 respectively. He worked for the Library of Congress between 1938 and 1939 and became executive secretary of the Poetry Society of America from 1949 to 1965 (after which he was elected executive secretary emeritus).
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 103: Beyond the law's vouchsafement and the known Ohi nopeusrajoitusten tavanomaisilla
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 134: mossi la voce: «O anime affannate, sanoixi virkin: "Hei väsähtäneet sielut,
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 141: sì forte fu l’affettüoso grido. niin kova oli affektiivinen kuzuhuuto.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 179: del nostro amor tu hai cotanto affetto, Meidän lemmelle noin kiihkeästi,
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 203: Eka, joka tunnetaan myös toisella nimellä, Legend of Loven nimellä, on vuoden 1950 italialainen historiallinen melodraamaelokuva, jonka on ohjannut Raffaello Matarazzo ja pääosissa Odile Versois ja Armando Francioli. Se perustuu löyhästi Paolo Malatestan ja Francesca da Polentan tosielämän tapahtumiin. Paha kyrvänpää vaivaa maissitaikinaa. Vatkaa sitä munaa horo! yllyttää karkea vehnäjauhopussi. Niin saatana! komppaa puolikarkea.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 213: Il discorso psicanalitico si intreccia con l'emancipazione giovanile, raccontata senza alcun riferimento politico ma come scappatoia dal tedio (i ragazzi sono tutti benestanti) e dal modello sociale della scorsa generazione. Meritava un maggiore approfondimento il secondo discorso, abbozzato nelle prime scene, mentre assume rilievo il rapporto tra i due fratelli, quello in cui il regista (che monta e cura la fotografia) sembra avere meno da raccontare, tanto che certi dialoghi risultano ridondanti e annoiano.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 230: Sama paskavelli leviää vauvafoorumille, hommafoorumille ja ylilaudalle. kirjoitus Korona- ja rokotekriittiset -nimisessä Facebook-ryhmässä, jossa on 2 400 jäsentä:
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 381: In general, New Year festivals start in the spring, when Nature appears to reawaken after a dormant winter. Why is the Jewish New Year celebrated in the autumn? The Torah says quite clearly that the first month of the year shall be in the spring (Exod. 12:2), which means Nisan, though it was originally called “Aviv,” or Spring (Deut. 16:1). This follows the Babylonian calendar, which started with the month of Nisannu and continued with 10 days of New Year rituals. So what the heck?
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 403: To explain how its implementation will affect the average American citizen and family.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 455: You will, I hope, not think it a Presumption in a Stranger, whose Name, perhaps never reached your Ears, to address himself to you the Commanding General of a great Nation. I am a German, born and liberally educated in the City of Heydelberg in the Palatinate of the Rhine. I came to this Country in 1776, and felt soon after my Arrival a close Attachment to the Liberty for which these confederated States then struggled. The same Attachment still remains not glowing, but burning in my Breast. At the same Time that I am exulting in the Measures adopted by our Government, I feel myself elevated in the Idea of my adopted Country. I am attached both from the Bent of Education and mature Enquiry and Search to the simple Doctrines of Christianity, which I have the Honor to teach in Public; and I do heartily despise all the Cavils of Infidelity. Our present Time, pregnant with the most shocking Evils and Calamities, threatens Ruin to our Liberty and Goverment. Secret, the most secret Plans are in Agitation: Plans, calculated to ensnare the Unwary, to attract the Gay and irreligious, and to entice even the Well-disposed to combine in the general Machine for overturning all Government and all Religion.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 462: I send you the “Proof of a Conspiracy &c.” which, I doubt not, will give you Satisfaction and afford you Matter for a Train of Ideas, that may operate to our national Felicity. If, however, you have already perused the Book, it will not, I trust, be disagreeable to you that I have presumed to address you with this Letter and the Book accompanying it. It proceeded from the Sincerity of my Heart and my ardent Wishes for the common Good.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 464: May the Supreme Ruler of all Things continue You long with us in these perilous Times: may he endow you with Strength and Wisdom to save our Country in the threatening Storms and gathering Clouds of Factions and Commotions! and after you have completed his Work on this terrene Spot, may He bring you to the full Possession of the glorious Liberty of the Children of God, is the hearty and most sincere Wish of Your Excellency’s very humble and devoted Servant
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 472: I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati, but never saw the Book until you were pleased to send it to me. The same causes which have prevented my acknowledging the receipt of your letter have prevented my reading the Book, hitherto; namely, the multiplicity of matters which pressed upon me before, and the debilitated state in which I was left after, a severe fever had been removed. And which allows me to add little more now, than thanks for your kind wishes and favourable sentiments, except to correct an error you have run into, of my Presiding over the English lodges in this Country. The fact is, I preside over none, nor have I been in one more than once or twice, within the last thirty years. I believe notwithstanding, that none of the Lodges in this Country are contaminated with the principles ascribed to the Society of the Illuminati. With respect I am &c.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 540: As Wishaupt lived under the tyranny of a despot & priests, he knew that caution was necessary even in spreading information, & the principles of pure morality. He proposed therefore to lead the Free masons to adopt this object & to make the objects of their institution the diffusion of science & virtue. He proposed to initiate new members into his body by gradations proportioned to his fears of the thunderbolts of tyranny. This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the masonic order, & is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information, reason, & natural morality among men.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 544: I am with great esteem, dear sir, your affectionate friend.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 550:

    About Blumenkraft

    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 554: No historian knows what happened to Adam Weishaupt after he was exiled from Bavaria in 1785, and entries in “Washington’s” diary after that date frequently refer to the hemp crop at Mount Vernon.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 560: This story later repeats the Teenset report that Mayor Daley used the phrase “Ewige Blumenkraft” during his incoherent diatribe against Abe Ribicoff.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 580: CBS’ Walter Cronkite was the pre-eminent emcee of the whole affair. Cronkite was a moderate, establishment type of guy. He was perplexed by hippies, including his own daughters, with their “indescribable” outfits that looked like they came from a “remnant sale”, which they did. He recognized that the young generation no doubt saw him as “an old fuddy-duddy.”
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 604:
    Okay, back to Blumenkraft

    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 606: Ewige Blumenkraft (German: "eternal flower power" or "flower power forever") is given in Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson´s 1975 Illuminatus! Trilogy as a slogan or password of the Illuminati. Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft is also offered in Illuminatus! as the complete version of this motto. The text translates "Schlangenkraft" as "serpent power"; thus "Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft" means "eternal flower power and eternal serpent power" and may allude to the conjoinment of cross and rose within the alchemical furnace. In this interpretation, the authors seem to suggest sexual magic as the secret or a secret of the Illuminati.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 624: Discordianism is a religion or philosophy/paradigm centered on Eris, a.k.a. Discordia, the Goddess of chaos. Discordianism uses archetypes or ideals associated with her. It was founded after the 1963 publication of its "holy book," the Principia Discordia, written by Greg Hill with Kerry Wendell Thornley, the two working under the pseudonyms Malaclypse the Younger and Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst.
    xxx/ellauri167.html on line 634: Parodisista elementeistään huolimatta diskordianismi poikkeaa eduxeen muista parodiauskonnoista, kuten esimerkiksi pastafarismista. Opillisesti diskordianismi on läheistä sukua kaaosmagialle. Molemmille on yhteistä "ajattelutavan muutos", jossa tavoitteena on löytää olennainen toisten uskontojen rituaaleista ja maagisista järjestelmistä. Näin diskordianisti voisi suggestion avulla pyrkiä omaksumaan jonkun toisen uskonnon paradigman ja toteuttaa siihen kuuluvia rituaaleja. Tämä ei kuitenkaan tarkoita suoraan aikaisempien ajattelujärjestelmien hylkäämistä, vaan uusi paradigma syntyy aikaisemman rinnalle. Diskordianismi ei vaadi yxinoikeutta sielusta vaan kannustaa pitämään muita jumalia rinnalla.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 57: The phrase "new world order" was explicitly used by Woodrow Wilson during the period just after "The war to end all wars" during the formation of the League of Nations. However, the United States Senate rejected membership of the League of Nations, which Wilson believed to be the key to a new world order. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge argued that American policy should be based on human nature "as it is, not as it ought to be".
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 80: Russian–American partnership in cooperation toward making the world safe for democracy, making possible the goals of the United Nations for the first time since its inception. Some countered that this was unlikely and that ideological tensions would remain, such that the two superpowers could be partners of convenience for specific and limited goals only. The inability of the Soviet Union to project force abroad was another factor in skepticism toward such a partnership.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 98: The aim of these assaults is to establish the role of the major imperialist powers—above all, the United States—as the unchallengeable arbiters of world affairs. The "New World Order" is precisely this: an international regime of unrelenting pressure and intimidation by the most powerful capitalist states against the weakest.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 100: Following the rise of Boris Yeltsin eclipsing Gorbachev and the election victory of Clinton over Bush, the term "new world order" fell from common usage. It is a republican logo after all like law and order and MAGA. It was replaced by competing similar concepts about how the post-Cold War order would develop. Prominent among these were the ideas of the "era of globalization", the "unipolar moment", the "end of history" and the "Clash of Civilizations".
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 104: Xi Jinping, China´s paramount leader, has called for a new world order, in his speech to the Boao Forum for Asia, on April 2021. He criticized US global leadership and its interference on other countries' internal affairs. “The rules set by one or several countries should not be imposed on others, and the unilateralism of individual countries should not give the whole world a rhythm,” he said.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 353: Hypnoosi, mielenhallinta! Voi jumpe! (Kansi Donald Bainin kirjasta Candy Jonesista.) On selvä mahdollisuus, että Jensenin mielenhallintakokeet suunniteltiin selvittääkseen, mitä tälle "täydelliselle vakoojalle" voitaisiin tehdä, ja että Ariettyn välittämät viestit olivat hyvin pieniä. Se oli menetelmä, joka oli olennainen asia. Ei myöskään ole mahdollista tietää, mihin CIA:n yhteistyö hänen kanssaan päättyi, ja McArthur ja hänen omat ideansa projektia (tai hän itse) ottivat vallan. Tämän oudon tarinan hypnoottisesta agressiosta on todisteita sen ulkopuolella. Karkki kertoi Harper Magazinen toimittajalle Eka Vekaralle (jota Bain haastatteli), että hän työskenteli joskus valtion virastossa koekaniinina ja saattaa kadota silloin tällöin. Hän mainitsi myös matkustavansa Aasiaan. Siellä oli myös kirje, jonka hiän kirjoitti asianajajalleen William Williamsille (vai oliko se Charlie Brown) suojatakseen itsensä siltä varalta, että hiän kuolisi tai katoaisi äkillisesti tai epätavallisissa olosuhteissa; hiän kertoi hänelle, ettei hänellä ollut oikeutta paljastaa tarkalleen, mihin hän oli osallisena. Bain kirjoitti Brownille, joka vahvisti tämän tosiasian. Joten on selvää, että Karkki oli sekaantunut johonkin, josta hänellä ei ollut oikeutta keskustella edes läheisten ihmisten kanssa. Tällainen pyyntö mille tahansa lakimiehelle, olipa kyseessä rikosoikeudellinen puolustaja tai henkilö-/liikelakimies, on epätavallinen ja antaa hyvän todisteen siitä, että Karkki oli sekaantunut salaisen valtion viraston toimintaan Arietty-nimisenä afroamerikkalaisena kimittävänä kääpiönä.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 359: EPIC on kietoutunut myös naftan salakuljetuxeen, josta monet likaiset hommat suoritetaan mielenhallinta-orjien avulla. NAFTA-sopimuksen sisällä oli tämä U.S./Mexico Border XXI Framework Document (Perustuu La Pazin sopimukseen joka allekirjoitettiin vuonna 1983) joka tehokkaasti lopettaa USA:n ja Meksikon suvereniteetin 52,5 mailin sisällä rajan kummallakin puolen. On luotu erityisiä kansainvälisiä virastoja säätelemään lukuisia ympäristöön ja lainsäädäntöön liittyviä tarpeita tällä Border XXI -alueella, samalla kun hirmulisko rakentaa sinne muuria. Tämä U.S./Mexico Border XXI Document loi tämän Raja-yhteistyö projektin & Pohjois-Amerikan kehityspankin. Maailmanpankki antaa myös rahoitusta, ja jonkin verran rahoitusta tulee Meksikosta. EPIC sijaitsee suurin piirtein maapallon maantieteellisessä keskipisteessä. Epic!
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 55: Robertson kannattaa republikaaneja, ja haastoi vuoden 1988 esivaaleissa George Bush vanhemman oikeuteen presidenttiehdokkuudesta, mutta hävisi. Vaalikampanjassaan Robertson ajoi äärikonservatiivista poliittista agendaa, johon olisi kuulunut pornografian kieltäminen, opetusjärjestelmän vanhakantaistus ja opetus- ja energiaministeriöiden lakkauttaminen tarpeettomina. Hän kannatti myös budjettitasapainon ja Pat Robertsonin suvun verovapauden kirjaamista perustuslakiin.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 123: Disney was a shy, self-deprecating and insecure man in private but adopted a warm and outgoing public persona. He had high standards and high expectations of those with whom he worked. Although there have been accusations that he was racist or anti-Semitic, they have been contradicted by many who knew him. His reputation changed in the years after his death, from a purveyor of homely patriotic values to a representative of American imperialism. He nevertheless remains an important figure in the history of animation and in the cultural history of the United States, where he is considered a national cultural icon.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 147: Ohjelmoinnillisena keinona, Mikkihiiri toimi hyvin sillä se hyödyntää alitajuista hiirten pelkoa jota naisilla on. His staff grew to 200, mostly men. In fact, the women who came to work for Disney were often relegated to the ink and paint department. Mikin imago voi auttaa luomaan viha/rakkaus-suhteen joka on niin arvokas traumatisoinnin & mielenhallinnan orjien ohjelmoinnin aikana. Jotkut lähteet sanovat että Waltin rakkaus eläimiin on peräisin niiltä ajoilta jolloin hänen perheellään oli maatila lähellä Marcelinea, Missourissa. Walt aloitti koulunkäynnin Marcelinessa, mutta hän jatkoi sitä 8-vuotiaana Benton Schoolissa, Kansas Cityssä, Missourissa. Waltin isällä oli vakava peliriippuvuus ja hän siirsi pelaamisen hengen Waltiin. Walt ei koskaan valmistunut lukiosta. Hänellä oli luontainen rakkaus taiteita kohtaan, vaikkakin (vastoin hänen julkista kuvaansa) hän ei koskaan tullut siinä lahjakkaaksi. Walt liittyi armeijaan Ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa ambulanssin kuljettajana valehtelemalla ikänsä. Sodan aikana, hän kuljetti myös korkea-arvoisia ihmisiä.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 163: Syy miksi eliitti päätti suosia Walt Disneytä sen jälkeen kun Höyrylaiva Willie tuli ulos Hollywoodin tuoreimmalta "ihmepojalta" oli ohjata sivuun suunnaton katkeruus jonka pörssin romahtaminen oi saanut aikaan juutalaisia pankkiireita kohtaan. Hollywood, jopa ensimmäisenä kahtena vuosikymmenenä tunnettiin Babylonina ja Sin Citynä. Tiedettiin hyvin että juutalaiset johtivat elokuvateollisuutta ja monet syyttivät että Hollywoodin tuoma moraalinen rappio oli syynä tähän pörssiromahdukseen. Hallitusta vaadittiin kieltämään likaiset Hollywood-filmit. Edgar Magnin, suurten elokuvantekijöiden hengellinen johtaja, jotka olivat osa Los Angelesin B'nai B'rithiä rohkaisivat niitä jotka olivat Mispuckassa (juutalainen mafia) ja muita jotka olivat B'nai B'rith -elokuvantekijöitä että Hollywoodin tarvitsi suojella itseään asettamalla Walt Disney kristillisen "perhearvoja kunnioittavan valkoisen ritarin" parrasvaloihin.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 167: Although the organization's historic roots stem from a system of fraternal lodges and units in the late 19th century, as fraternal organizations declined throughout the United States, the organization evolved into a dual system of both lodges and units. The membership pattern became more common to other contemporary organizations of members affiliated by contribution in addition to formal dues paying members. B'nai B'rith has members, donors and supporters around the world. Selvää salaliittotouhua!
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 205: Group members practice prayers, affirmations, mantras and a dynamic form of prayer known as "decrees". These serve many purposes: devotion, calling on angels for protection, calling forth the light of God on the earth, praying for healing, for wisdom, seeking to know God's will and for the transmutation of negative karma. One of the most important uses of decrees is to invoke the violet flame, claimed to be the most effective method of balancing karma built up in the past. The doctrine of the Seven Rays is also taught, as well as teachings about the chakras and reincarnation.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 269: Witness Lee (Chinese: 李常受; pinyin: Lǐ Chángshòu; 1905 – June 9, 1997) was a Chinese Christian preacher and hymnist belonging to the Christian group known as the local churches (or Local Church) in Taiwan and the United States. He was also the founder of Living Stream Ministry. Lee was born in 1905 in the city of Yantai, Shandong, China, to a Southern Baptist family. He became a Christian in 1925 after hearing the preaching of an evangelist named Peace Wang and later joined the Christian work started by Watchman Nee. Like Nee, Lee emphasized what he considered the believers' subjective experience and enjoyment of Christ as life for the building up of the church, not as an organization, but as the Body of Christ.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 278: Juutalainen yrittäjä Michel Montaigne aforisoi viisaasti: vaikka istuisit maailman korkeimman teknologian atk-tuolissa, viime kädessä istut silti omalla perseellä. Tämä luku on suunniteltu kattamaan korkean teknologian mielenhallinnan monimutkaisuudet helppotajuisella kielellä. Kehitys kuitu-optiikassa, tietokoneissa, sähköisessä kommunikaatiossa, nanoteknologiassa, biosiruissa & neurosähköisessä tutkimuksessa ovat yhdessä tuomassa ihmiskunnan pisteeseen jossa yksi keskitetty monoliittinen Peto-tietokone pystyy kontrolloimaan ihmiskuntaa. Tämä lopullinen mielenhallinta-orjuus on nyt mahdollista. Me olemme sen toteuttamisen ensihoidossa. Nanorobotit ja holografiset implantit ovat vielä "vaiheessa".
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 295: Limusiinien kuljettajat jotka ovat olleet suurten ja mahtavien lähellä raportoivat että he kerskaavat takapenkillä näillä teknologisilla kontrollivälineillä. Tästä kellosta näkee kuinka köyhä olen. Yhteiskunta saa vain rippeet siitä mitä maailmanjärjestyksen hierarkia saa. Murusia varakkaiden takapenkiltä. Yliolkaisesti heittävät safööreille tippiä.
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 299: Kukaan ei ole tietonen mihkä suuntaan maailmanjärjestys nyt pyrkii, ja harva arvaa. Ehkä saföörit. Tekoäly ja robotit valtaavat ihmisten työt, ja ihmisistä tulee yhä enemmän tekoälyrobottien kaltaisia. Fixumpia ehkä mutta silti vittu. Scifigurut, cyberpunkit ja muut tiedemiehet myyvät ja mainoastavat tätä teknologista suuntausta "vapautena" ja lampaat hyväksyvät asiat kuten aivoimplantit "eloonjäämisvälineenä" ja "vapautena". Meidän aikamme teknologian pillipiiparit opettavat lapsiamme ja laitteet jotka vieraannuttavat heidän mielensä meistä vanhemmista ja antavat heille uusia vapauksia. Vapauxia! Lakia ja järjestystä tässä kaivattaisiin nyt! Pane pois se luuri ruokapöydässä!
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 94: When Elizabeth Nightingale is murdered, DCI Wexford has to sort his way through quite a number of suspects - from the gardener to the household staff, to a permanent Dutch house guest, to the husband Quentin and the victim's brother and his wife. While trying to figure out what really happened on that fateful night that cost Elizabeth's life, Reg Wexford uncovers that the Nightingales' marriage was not as happy as it seemed and that there is a dark secret to be revealed.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 269: Ukkolan omissa tutkimuksissa on käynyt ilmi, että hänen kritisoijansa ovat jonkinlaisia puutteenalaisia ekstremistisiä seksipervertikkoja, sillä Ukkola on omien sanojensa mukaan "hyvä ymmärtämään ihmisten syviä motivaatioita". Sanna Ukkolaa pidetäänkin lahjojensa ansiosta Suomen johtavana incel-diagnostikkona. Hän on parisuhteessa Hommafoorumin perustajan kanssa.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 277: Valtamediaa vallakkaimmillaan edustavan Ylen tähtijournalisti Ukkolan puoliso on PS-valemedia Suomen Uutisten (ei sitoutunut journalistin eettisiin oheisiin, joita Ukkolakin noudattaa vain kun tunnekuohuiltaan kykenee) mistään vastaamaton päätoimittaja ja Hommafoorumin perustaja Matias Turkkila. Tästä kytköksestä on voitava vapaassa demokraattisessa yhteiskunnassa keskustella.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 310: Vastauksessaan JSN:lle Ylen vastaava päätoimittaja Marit af Björkesten yritti puolustella Ukkolan jokseenkin häiriintyneen oloista ja epäasiallisista julkisrahoitteista vendettaa yksittäistä yleisön jäsentä kohtaan erittäin kituliailla tekosyillä. Kertoo aika paljon siitä, millaisen työilmapiirin Ukkola ympärillään kilahduksillaan aiheuttaa, että hänen esimiehensäkin mieluummin romuttaa oman eettisen integriteettinsä julkisesti kuin suuntaisi yhtään poikkipuolista sanaa toimituksen primadonnan kohellusta vastaan.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 412: Man and the higher animals, especially the primates, have some few instincts in common … similar passions, affections, and emotions, even the more complex ones, such as jealousy, suspicion, emulation, gratitude and magnanimity; they practise deceit and are revengeful; they are sometimes susceptible to ridicule, and even have a sense of humour… ‘The Descent of Man’, published 1871 (2nd ed., 1874) by Charles Darwin; Ch. 3
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 534: How can you be certain there is no life after death?
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 694: Actualists are only after your money.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 708: Köyhillä on puutetta ja rikkailla kivan tekemisen puutetta. No voi voi. Sope oli aivan vitummoinen marisija. Jori harkizee kääntymistä aina kun sen vaivat kääntyy pahemmixi. Niinpä tietysti. Kyllä toi mun analyysi oli aivan sattuva, että usko ja toivo ovat valintafunktion arvoja imaginäärialueella.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 885: He contributed many articles to the Theosophical Society's Lucifer (inexplicably renamed The Theosophical Review in 1897) as joint editor. Mead became the sole editor of The Theosophical Review in 1907. As of February 1909 Mead and some 700 members of the Theosophical Society's British Section resigned in protest at Annie Besant´s reinstatement of Charles Webster Leadbeater to membership in the society. Leadbeater had been a prominent member of the Theosophical Society until he was accused in 1906 of teaching masturbation to, and sexually touching, the sons of some American Theosophists under the guise of occult training. While this prompted Mead´s resignation, his frustration at the stiffness of the Theosophical Society may also have been a major contributor to his break after 25 years.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 92: Peoni ja kafferi eivät ymmärtäisi La Jocondea. No en minäkään, sillä on päällä nihan liikaa kuteita. Se on suunnilleen yhtä sievä kuin Beforeignersin rasisti naispoliisi. Maailman tunnetuin maalaus esittää salaperäisesti hymyilevää naista. Sillä oli todnäk yhtä huonot hampaat kuin Ingridin kamulla Maddella tms. josta tuli pyhän Olkkarin panopuu.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 99: Tityre is named after the lucky shepherd in Virgil´s 'Eclogues' (or 'Bucolics'). Olix mulla tää? Jotain eklogeja nyt oli ainakin. Tityre-tu oli a society of young aristocrats and gentry in the second quarter of the 17th century, who were renowned for their violent, lawless, and intimidating behaviour on the streets of London.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 119: Very likely. But this is what occurs to me: in these poems, Virgil reworks Theocritus´ idylls, in detail, down to including many embedded passages and quotations translated from Greek into Virgillian Latin. I wonder if Θεόκριτος isn't the god who opened the leisure of the pastoral idyll to Virgil. Θεός means 'god' after all, as Virgil would have known. And κριτος? Well κριτος means 'selection', 'choice'. It means eclogue.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 159: Mixei Abraham kexinyt fonografia? Sen voi tehdä suklaakarkin paperista. Mixei Berossos älynnyt sitä? Kenties se ei tullut puhuneexi huopahattuunsa.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 188: Quant aux mystiques, je puis leur soumettre une réflexion naïve, paradoxale, superficielle, s’ils veulent, mais singulière : ― N’est-il pas attristant de penser que si Dieu, le Très-Haut, le bon Dieu, dis-je, enfin le Tout-Puissant, (lequel, de notoriété publique, est apparu à tant de gens, qui l’ont affirmé, depuis les vieux siècles, ― nul ne saurait le contester sans hérésie ― et dont tant de mauvais peintres et de sculpteurs médiocres s’évertuent à vulgariser de chic les prétendus traits) ― oui, penser que s’Il daignait nous laisser prendre la moindre, la plus humble photographie de Lui, voire me permettre, à moi, Thomas Alva Edison, ingénieur américain, sa créature, de clicher une simple épreuve videographique de Sa vraie Nez et Voix (car le tonnerre a bien mué, depuis Franklin), dès le lendemain il n’y aurait plus un seul athée sur la terre !
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 242: Seine Erstlingswerke kennzeichnen ihn als leidenschaftlichen Klopstockianer, der eine spezifisch christliche Dichtung anstrebt.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 245: In seinen Hymnen (Zürich 1754) und den Empfindungen eines Christen (Zürich 1755) wandte er sich besonders deutlich gegen jede erotische Poesie. Bald jedoch vollzog sich in ihm, besonders unter dem Einfluss der Schriften von Lukian, Horaz, Cervantes, Shaftesbury, d’Alembert un Voltaire eine vollständige Umkehr.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 255: Die kleinbürgerlichen Verhältnisse seiner Vaterstadt und die schreienden Kinder bedrückten Wieland; doch fand er auf dem Schloss Wursthausen des Grafen Stadion eine Stätte weltmännischer Bildung und persönlicher Anregung. Dort begegnete er auch seiner ehemaligen Verlobten Sophie wieder, die mit ihrem Mann in veschiedenen Betten schlief. Der Geschlechtsverkehr mit ihr und anderen Personen dieser hochgebildeten Kreise führte zu Wielands endgültiger „Bekehrung“ ins Weltliche.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 259: Seine 1773 im Teutschen Merkur veröffentlichten Briefe über Alceste gaben Goethe Anlass zu der Farce Götter, Helden und Wieland. Wieland hatte die Figur des Herkules in der Tragödie des Euripides als unpassend und grobschlächtig kritisiert. Goethe, im vollen Saft seiner Sturm-und-Drang-Periode, ließ seinen Herkules als klassischen Helden auftreten, der den Literaten Wieland lächerlich machte. Auf diesen Angriff antwortete Wieland mit viel Verständnis für die jungen Rabauken.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 263: Er wollte sich – im Alter von 65 Jahren – als Landwirt betätigen. Hier verlebte der Dichter seit 1798 im Kreise der großen Familie (seine Gattin hatte in 20 Jahren glucklicherweise nur sieben überlebende Kinder geboren) einige glückliche und produktive Jahre. Seine frühere Verlobte, Sophie von La Roche, besuchte ihn mit ihrer Enkelin Sophie Brentano, mit der sich eine enge Freundschaft entwickelte. Hier besuchte ihn auch Heinrich von Kleist mit dem zerbrochenen Krug. Und so ging es heiter writer bis er starb.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 280: Deux chercheurs, nous dit Y. Coppens, qui épiaient à travers le trou d’une serrure (sic) le comportement d’un chimpanzé qu’ils avaient enfermé avec un régime de banane pendu au plafond et avec des moyens de l’atteindre pourvu qu’un minimum de réflexion fût mis en œuvre par l’animal, furent surpris de ne voir… que l’œil du singe qui, tout comme eux, regardait à travers ce trou. «
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 292: Dans le moment même où l’être humain tente d’échapper à sa spécificité, celle par laquelle il tormente l’animal a son gré en s’en différenciant comme une espèce vis-à-vis de son genre, il ne fait que réaffirmer cette spécificité.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 299: Cherchant à nier cette différence, l’être humain la réaffirme dans l’acte même de la nier. Plus elle tente de percer le mur de sa différence, plus il l’épaissit. Et ce n’est pas un regard jeté à travers une serrure qui le fera s’effondrer. Le mieux est de les cuire, les animaux, jusqu'a ce que ils sont murs.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 343: La secrète occupation du jeune lord, même au cours de ces affectueuses paroles, transparaissait.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 414: L'après-midi d'un faune (or "The Afternoon of a Faun") is a poem by the French author Stéphane Mallarmé. It describes the sensual experiences of a faun who has just woken up from his afternoon sleep and discusses his encounters with several nymphs during the morning in a dreamlike monologue.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 416: It is Mallarmé's best-known work and a hallmark in the history of symbolism in French literature. Paul Valéry considered it to be the greatest poem in French literature. But who is Paul Valéry to say? He probably meant best after his own cemetery bit.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 528: » Par un doigt simple, afin que sa candeur de plume

    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 775: Kabirer (grekiska: Καβειροι, latin: Cabiri) var i grekisk mytologi ett slags lägre gudomligheter eller demoner, vars ursprungliga betydelse det råder stor osäkerhet om. . Oftast tycks de ha uppfattats som den i jorden inneboende, alstrande naturkraftens representanter, och i det beotiska Thebe dyrkades Demeter och Kore som kabiriska gudinnor. De hölls även för mäktiga hjälpare i all nöd, särskilt sjönöd. Deras dyrkan är sannolikt av feniciskt ursprung och namnet kan härledas från det semitiska kabirim, "de mäktiga".
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 840: - Vai niin! Unohdin sanoa, että on vähän myöhäistä, Edison jatkoi. Aloitin hommat ensimmäisistä sanoistasi. - Mitä nyt? se haukkuu fonografin torveen kuin koira joka istuu takajaloilla näyttäen kaviaaria.
    xxx/ellauri173.html on line 932: Entä madonnat Jos transponoimme kysymyksen, jos jätämme lihallisen halun piirin, oi! Ilmaisen itseäni aivan toisella tavalla. Jos aloitamme rotumme naisista, ainoat, jotka ovat meille tärkeitä, koska emme voi ottaa vakavasti, eli valita vaimoksemme kafferia, polynesialaista, turkkilaista, viirusilmää, punanahkaa jne. ., ― jos puhutaan niistä rotumme jäsenistä, joilla ei enää ole veressä pitää karjaa ja orjia, eli puhumme niistä naisista, jotka on desinfioitu, pyhitetty ja vanhurskautettu jatkuvalla velvollisuuden, luopumisen, vapaan antautumisen arvolla - itse asiassa olisin todella outo, jos en antaisi mielisuosiolla niille, joille herkulliset kyljyxet ovat enemmän kuin lantio, jotka ovat valmiita repimään itseään lakkaamatta, jotta me voimme ajatella! ―
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 61: In 1674–75, Malebranche published the two volumes of his first and most extensive philosophical work. Entitled in all brevity Concerning the Search after Truth. In which is treated the nature of the human mind and the use that must be made of it to avoid error in the sciences, the buchlein laid the foundation for Malebranche’s philosophical reputation and ideas. It dealt with the causes of human error and on how to avoid such mistakes. Most importantly, in the third book, which discussed pure understanding, he defended a claim that the ideas through which we perceive objects exist in God. A big mistake, but a nice try anyway. In the 1678 third edition, he added 50% to the already considerable size of the book with a sequence of (eventually) seventeen Elucidations. These responded to further criticisms, but they also expanded on the original arguments, and developed them in new ways.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 102: "Kyllä", sanoi Edison, "nauhoitin hänen viimeisen kappaleensa. Fonografi, joka toistaa sen täällä, on itse asiassa 25 liigan päässä. Se on sijoitettu taloni makuuhuoneeseen New Yorkissa, Broad Wayssa. Olen kiinnittänyt siihen puhelimen, jonka johto kulkee yläkerrassa, laboratorioni yli. Haara tulee näihin holveihin, - sinne, näihin seppeleisiin - ja päättyy tähän kukkaan.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 128: Kekäs tää Malibran sitten on? Maria Felicia Malibran (24 March 1808 – 23 September 1836) was a Spanish singer who commonly sang both contralto and soprano parts, and was one of the best-known opera singers of the 19th century. Malibran was known for her stormy personality and dramatic intensity, becoming a legendary figure after her death in Manchester, England, at age 28. Contemporary accounts of her voice describe its range, power and flexibility as extraordinary.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 132: When the season closed, García immediately took his operatic troupe to New York. This was the first time that Italian opera was performed in New York. Over a period of nine months, Maria sang the lead roles in eight operas, two of which were written by her father. In New York, she met and hastily married a banker, Francois Eugene Malibran, who was 28 years her senior. It is thought that her father forced Maria to marry him in return for the banker's promise to give Manuel García 100,000 francs. However, according to other accounts, she married simply to escape her tyrannical father. A few months after the wedding, her husband declared bankruptcy, and Maria was forced to support him through her performances. After a year, she left Malibran and returned to Europe. Malibran is most closely associated with the operas of Rossini. Norma kyllä oli Bellinin. Yhtään Malibranin levytystä ei ole säilynyt.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 316: Kaikilla olennoilla on vastineensa luonnon alemmalla alueella. Tämä vastaavuus, joka on tavallaan heidän todellisuutensa hahmo, valaisee heitä metafyysikon silmissä. Sen tunnistamiseksi riittää, kun tarkastellaan tuloksia, joita heidän läsnäolonsa tuottaa näiden olentojen ympärille. Hyvin ! näiden synkkien Circen kirjeenvaihto kasvimaailmassa (koska he ovat itse, ihmismuodoistaan ​​huolimatta vain eläinmaailmasta, on tarpeen katsoa alemmaxi niiden vastaavuuden tarkentamiseksi), tämä ei ole kukaan muu kuin 'Upa-puu , joista ne ovat analogisesti kuin lukemattomia myrkyllisiä lehtiä.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 401: Olemme kaukana Dafnixesta ja Klobürstestä, hän marisi.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 403: Dafnis ja Khloe (m.kreik. Δάφνις καὶ Χλόη, Dafnis kai Khloē, lat. Daphnis et Chloe) on Longoksen kirjoittama antiikin kreikkalainen rakkausromaani noin vuodelta 200. Se on Longoksen ainoa tunnettu teos, ja tutkituin varhaisista kreikkalaisista romaaneista. Romaani käsittää esipuheen lisäksi neljä kirjaa, ja se muistuttaa tyyliltään pastoraalirunoutta. Sen pohjalta on tehty myöhemmin muun muassa ooppera ja baletti. Teoksen on suomentanut Maarit Kaimio vuonna 1990. Maarit Kaimiolla oli 70-luvulla erittäinkin epäpukeva ozatukka ja se oli varsin persjalkanen. Se ei ollut mikään Kloe kyllä konsanaan. Mut ei ollut liioin Jomi Kaimio kummonenkaan Dafnis. Tästä on tehty huisin paljon johdannaista pehmopornoa, mm. Virginie et Paul ja Sininen laguuni.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 406:
    Dafnis ja Khloe. Louise Marie-Jeanne Hersent-Mauduit, 1800-luku.

    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 410: Niin kirjoittaja kertoo kertomuksen pojasta nimeltä Dafnis ja tytöstä nimeltä Khloe. Kummatkin on jätetty lapsena luontoon, toinen kutun seuraan, toinen nymfien luolaan, yhdessä erilaisten tunnusesineiden kanssa. Vuohipaimen nimeltä Lamon löytää Dafniksen ja lammaspaimen Dryas puolestaan Khloen. Kumpikin päättää kasvattaa lapsen kuin se olisi hänen omansa; Lamon yhdessä vaimonsa Myrtalen, Dryas yhdessä vaimonsa Napen kanssa.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 412: Dafnis ja Khloe kasvavat yhdessä, paimentaen ottovanhempiensa vuohia ja lampaita. Teini-iän saavutettuaan he rakastuvat toisiinsa, mutta eivät naiiviutensa vuoksi ymmärrä, mitä heille on tapahtumassa. Mikäs tää sauva tässä on? Viisas vanha paimen nimeltä Filetas selittää heille mitä rakkaus on ja kertoo, että ainoa keino parantua siitä on "suuteleminen". Niin Dafnis ja Khloe suutelevat. Lopulta Lykainion, kaupunkilaisnainen (jonka nimi tarkoittaa "pientä naarassutta"), opettaa Dafnikselle rakastelemisen taidon. Dafnis kuitenkin päättää, ettei sovella juuri oppimaansa taitoa Khloeen heti, koska Lykainion oli kertonut, että Khloe tulisi näin ensi kertaa tehdessä "valittamaan ja huutamaan ja vuotamaan verta".
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 414: Khloe on jatkuvasti myös kilpakosijoiden piirittämä. Kaksi heistä, Dorkon ja Lampis, yrittävät kaapata tytön. Myös läheisestä kaupungista tulleet ryöstäjät yrittävät viedä tytön pois, mutta hänet pelastaa Pan-jumalan väliintulo. Dafnista puolestaan kosiskelee poikienrakastaja nimeltä Gnathon.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 416: Teoksen lopussa Dafniksen ja Khloen alkuperäiset vanhemmat tunnistavat nuoret näiden luo alun perin jätettyjen tunnusesineiden avulla. Käy ilmi, että kummassakin tapauksessa vanhemmat olivat aikanaan jättäneet lapsensa luontoon, koska eivät olleet kyenneet elättämään näitä. Sillä välin vanhemmat olivat kuitenkin rikastuneet, ja ottavat lapsensa nyt ilolla takaisin.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 428: Tässä on kaksi kultaista fonografia, kallistettuna kulmassa kohti rinnan keskustaa, jotka ovat Hadalyn kaksi keuhkoa. He välittävät toisilleen hänen harmonisen - ja sanoisin taivaallisen - puheensa metalliset arkit, vähän kuin painokoneet välittävät painoarkkeja. Yhdelle tinanauhalle mahtuu seitsemän tuntia hänen sanojaan. Näitä ovat lurittaneet tämän vuosisadan suurimmat runoilijat, hienovaraisimmat metafyysikot ja syvällisimmät kirjailijat, nerot, joille olen puhunut izexeni - ja jotka ovat toimittaneet minulle timantin painolla näitä ennennäkemättömiä ihmeitä. Mukana levyllä on koko wikipedia. Tästä syystä sanon, että Hadaly korvaa älykkyyden tekoälyllä.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 477: Akulla on sanottavaa aforistiikasta kuin Hannu Karpolla. Ize se ei ole juuri lyhyen muodon mestari, enempi toisto tyylikeinona:
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 479: Ja kuinka epäröisit pitää parempana ajan säästönä ihailtavia sanatiivisteitä (töräyxiä eli aforismeja), joiden muodostavat ne, joilla on puhetaito, ajattelutapa ja jotka voivat ilmaista yksinään koko ihmiskunnan tuntemuksia! Nämä maailmanmiehet ovat analysoineet intohimoiden hienovaraisimmat vivahteet. Se on olemus, jonka he yksin ovat säilyttäneet, jonka he ilmaisevat tiivistämällä tuhansia niteitä yhdelle sivulle. He olemme me, keitä tahansa olemme. He ovat Proteuksen jumalan inkarnaatioita, joka valvoo sydämiämme. Kaikki ajatuksemme, sanamme, tunteemme, karaatin painottuna, ovat heidän mielessään merkittyjä kaukaisimpiin seurauksiinsa, joihin emme uskalla mennä, uskaltakaa! He tietävät etukäteen ja parhaansa mukaan kaiken, mitä intohimomme voivat ehdottaa meille voimakkuutta, taikuutta ja ihanteita. Emme pysty parempaan, vakuutan teille: - enkä ymmärrä miksi meidän pitäisi vaivautua puhumaan huonommin, koska haluamme luottaa epäpätevyyteemme, sillä verukkeella, että se on ainakin henkilökohtaista - sitten se tämä, näet, on edelleen vain illuusio.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 516: Eli toisin sanoen, Edison on jo kylästynyt tähän prototyyppiin, ja on sixi kauppaamassa sitä eteenpäin. "Siksi, kuluu tunti ja kuka ei tiedä mistä olen kotoisin, olen täällä tänä yönä haudassa, yritän - narulla, joka sisältää kaiken inhimillisen melankolian - ja autan minua, kuten voin, vanhaa. Kielletty Tiede - korjata ainakin mirage, - ei muuta kuin mirage, valitettavasti! ― se, jota salaperäinen Clemencesi antoi minun aina toivoa. Mirage-hävittäjä on jo vanhanaikainen, eikä Suomi ostanut edes sen seuraajaa Rafalea. » Kyllä, nämä olivat enemmän tai vähemmän ne insinöörin taka-ajatuxet, jotka synkän mestariteoksen analyysi todella peitti. Se oli vähän niikö sanomassa vanhalle panopuulleen näkemiin. Vaikka käytetty, tällä on taulussa tosi vähän kilometrejä, se on toiminut vaan vanhuxen torikassina.
    xxx/ellauri174.html on line 527: "Näetkö: hän on enkeli! ― hän lisäsi samalla vakavalla äänensävyllään, ― jos, kuten teologiamme opettaa, enkelit ovat vain tulta ja valoa! "Eikö se ollut Swedenborgin paroni, joka uskalsi edes lisätä, että he ovat "hermafrodiittisia ja steriilejä"? No se oli puppua, tärisevä mies ei tiennyt mistä haastoi, ei tällä mallilla ainakaan ole perse tervattu! Koita vaikka!
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 527: Tämä elävä eetteri on rajaton ja vapaa alue, jossa etuoikeutettu matkustaja niin kauan kuin hän viipyy, haluaa heijastaa itsensä ajallisen olemuksensa läheisyyteen sen olennon odotetun ja edelläkävijän varjon, joka "Hänestä tulee". Siten syntyy affiniteetti hänen sielunsa ja näiden aistien kanssa vierekkäisten okkultististen universumien, jotka ovat hänelle vielä tulevia, välille; ja suhdepolku, jossa tämän kaksoismaailman välinen virta toteutuu, ei ole mikään muu kuin se Hengen alue, jota Järki – riemuitsee ja nauraa raskaissa kahleissaan voitollisen tunnin ajan – kutsuu tyhjällä halveksunnalla mielikuvitukseksi. .
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 586: Ajattele, niin huomaat, että tällä tavalla ajatteleminen on välttämättä ainoa, hyvin yksinkertainen tapa minulle. Pidätkö enemmän iloisen naisen läsnäolosta, jonka sanat kuulostavat linnuilta? "Se on hyvin helppoa; jos painat sormeasi tämän safiirin sinisen liekin päälle, joka palaa kaulakoruni oikealla puolella, minusta tulee tämän luonteinen nainen - ja tulet kaipaamaan häntä. Minulla on niin paljon naisia, ettei yksikään haaremi voisi pidätellä heitä. Ole kiltti, ne ovat! Se riippuu sinusta, löydätkö ne visiostani. Olen TV Mama, mulla on huisin paljon kanavia.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 790: Jos hysteerisen yliherkkyyden tilassa indusoiva affiniteetti voi siten yhdistää potilaan elimistön näiden aineiden intiimeihin ominaisuuksiin ja houkutella niiden elävää vaikutusta lasin ja pergamentin huokosten läpi - kuten magneetti tekee vaikutuksen, lasin ja kankaiden läpi, rautaa, ― jos on vihdoin kiistatonta, että jonkinlainen hämärä magnetismi lähtee ulos jopa kasvi- ja mineraaliaineista ja voi ylittää ― ilman induktoreita, ― esteitä ja etäisyyksiä niin, että saan vaikutuksen elävään olentoon erityisellä hyvellään, kuinka voisin ihmetteletkö suunnattomasti, että kolmen samantyyppisen lajin yksilön välillä, jotka on asetettu toisiinsa yhteisen sähkömagnetoidun keskuksen avulla, nesteet ovat tietyllä hetkellä korrelatiivisia siinä määrin, että kyseinen ilmiö on tapahtunut?
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 792: Lopuksi, siitä hetkestä, jolloin Sowanan okkulttinen herkkyys ei kestä sähkönesteen salaista toimintaa - esimerkiksi niin pieneen shokkiin, joka on annettu tässä alla rouva Andersonille - kun taas kataleptisessa tilassa ei ole muuta ulkopuolista vaikutusta saavuttaa sen ja että toinen voitaisiin polttaa elävältä herättämättä ensimmäistä, ― Minusta on osoitettu, että hermoston neste ei ole täysin välinpitämättömässä tilassa sähkönesteen suhteen ja että siksi sellaisessa ja sellaisessa asteella, osa niiden ominaisuuksista voi sulautua tuntemattoman luonteen ja voiman synteesiksi. Kuka tahansa tämän uuden nesteen löydettyään pystyisi hävittämään sen kuten kaksi muuta, pystyisi tekemään ihmeitä hämmentämään Intian joogit, tiibetiläiset munkit, Coromandelin fakiirit, Sankt Olafin verisuisen vulvan, raitapyllyiset paviaanit.
    xxx/ellauri175.html on line 835: - Ei mitään. Se on yksi vanhoista fonografeistani, joka pitää hauskaa! vastasi Edison jatkaen valtavaa vitsiään.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 49: Phryne's real name was Mnesarete (Μνησαρέτη, "commemorating virtue"), but owing to her yellowish tuft she was called Phrýnē ("toad"). This was a nickname frequently given to other courtesans and prostitutes as well. She was born as the daughter of Epicles at Thespiae in Boeotia, but lived in Athens. The exact dates of her birth and death are unknown, but she was born about 371 BC, which was the year Thebes razed Thespiae (not long after the battle of Leuctra), and expelled its inhabitants. She might have survived Thebe's razor and reconstructed her bush in 315/316 BC.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 67: According to Emily Cooper in Paris, the first description of the trial given by Athenaeus and the shorter account of Pseudo-Plutarch ultimately derive from the work of the biographer Hermippus of Smyrna (c. 200 BC) who adapted the story from Idomeneus of Lampsacus (c. 300 BC). The account of Posidippus is the earliest known version. If the disrobing had happened, Posidippus would most likely have mentioned it because he was a comic poet (komischer Kauz). Therefore, it is likely that the disrobing of Phryne was a later invention, dating to some time after 290 BC, when Posidippus was active as a poet. Idomeneus was writing around that time.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 119:
    Roman Showers
    Vomiting on partner, usually after drinking urine.

    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 146: Unusually for Zola, the novel contains very few characters and locations, and the lack of realist observation compared to outright fantasy is most uncharacteristic; however, the novel remains extraordinarily powerful and readable, and is considered one of Zola's most linguistically inventive and well-crafted works.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 150: The plot centres on the neurotic young priest Serge Mouret, first seen in La Conquête de Plassans, as he takes his orders and becomes the parish priest for the uninterested village of Artauds. The inbred villagers have no interest in religion and Serge is portrayed giving several wildly enthusiastic Masses to his completely empty, near-derelict church. Serge not only seems unperturbed by this state of affairs but actually appears to have positively sought it out especially, for it gives him time to contemplate religious affairs and to fully experience the fervour of his faith. Eventually he has a complete nervous breakdown and collapses into a near-comatose state, whereupon his distant relative, the unconventional doctor Pascal Rougon (the central character of the last novel in the series, 1893's Le Docteur Pascal), places him in the care of the inhabitants of a nearby derelict stately home, Le Paradou.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 164: is first of all a misnomer because the priest is alive and well at the end. A mixture of social realism and Walt Disney, it is a tale about a delicate young French priest, Father Mouret (Francis Huster), who elects to take a parish in the provinces where the peasants have long since embraced every sin there is. The priest himself successfully sublimates his own lustful thoughts in prayer until one day he meets a strange young woman, Albine (Gillian Hills), who lives with her atheistic uncle in the remains of an old chateau set in the middle of a magic garden.Well, one thing leads to another and poor Father Mouret loses his memory long enough to lose himself to worldly pleasures in the garden with Albine, who, like Eve, tempts the man, though in this case the author is clearly in favor of apple-eating. Things go very badly for the couple. The priest returns to his church and Albine commits suicide in a way that is unique in my movie-going memory: She smothers herself to death with calla lilies.The actors are steadfastly unconvincing. The one interesting character in the film is an old lady we meet only after her death—someone, we're told in shocked tones, who, during the Revolution, posed naked as a living-statue of Reason.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 285: O mon enfant, et belle affreusement et telle Lapseni, ja kauheen kaunis ja sellanen
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 363: Séraphique sourit dans les vitres profondes, jos viizit, serafinen asuuri hymyilee lasissa
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 429: Nyölenin Huisman-suomennos on kuin korealaisen karkkisarjan Rookie Historian mesekieltä. 2000-luvun sanakäänteet tuntuu oudoilta mutta tavallaan virkistäviltä pukudraamoissa. Vaikka vizi täähän osoittaa vaan sen että mä elän laina-ajalla kuin joku RIP van Winkle. Tää kieli kuulostaa ainoastaan musta ja mun ikäisistä hassulta. Nykyporukoiden mielestä siinä ei ole mitään outoa, että DesEsseintesin käsketään hassutella ja irroitella, mennä pyörimään jossain piireissä. Onpa tänne tullut paljon uusia taloja sanoi faffa Mechelininkadulla. Mä sanon samaa Pohjois-Pasilasta.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 541: Freudin mukaan lapsi tuo maailmaan niin sanottuja "polymorfisia perversseja" asentoja, jotka voivat ilmetä erilaisissa parafilioissa seksuaalisen viiveen läpimurtojen aikana (Termiä perversio ei käytetä pejoratiivisesti (pejoratiivisesti), vaan se on ihan arvoneutraali. Freud oli izekin koko perverssi, ja lähes kaikki kynäilijät ovat sitä.) Esipubesoiva lapsi on alttiimpi paraphilialle kuin useimmat aikuiset, koska hänen henkiset patonsa – kuten häpeä, inho ja moraali – ovat vasta syntymässä iästään riippuen. Lapsuudessa laukaistuja paraphilioita ovat muun muassa seuraavat seksuaaliset taipumukset:
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 552: Näitä ynnä muita parafilioita löytyy viihteestä aivan vaivax asti. Kyllä nää jaxaa raitaperseistä paviaania loputtomiin kuumottaa.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 693: 37. Myyntiautomaatit muodostavat rannalle tiipiitä. Pienet makkarat olivatkin kynnellisiä sormia. En voinut uskoa että hra Ishida pani minut kokemaan jotain tällästä. Me tarvizimme luonnollisesti armeijan tai poliisin. Ruskeat loaferit ovat miesten kengät. Mutta monet japsumiehet käyttävät ruskeita loafereita.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 735: 54. Hauska tappa taas miso ja vihannespikkelssi, skonssi ja kaffe latte. Farkut ja fleecetakki. Richardin löyhkäävä punanen North Face tikkitakki. Jotkut rakastavat esineitä kuin ihmisiä.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 784: 70. Richardin kampaamo oli koristeltu ulkopuolelta Marilyn Monroe tyylisellä Warhol-kuvalla. Trendikästä. Jika tabi on sorkkasaappaat. Niiden variantti on Inarin varvaskumit. Pystybaarista kuuluu Johnny Cashin jollotusta. John Denverin Take me home country roads, tuttu viisu hentai piirretystä. Tää on kuin Netflix sarjan subtitlet sokeille. Konnapaxulaisella on kiiltävät Guccin loaferit. Rei puhuu Richardille Pig Latin. Taxi maxoi 8000 jeniä ja risat. Kiinnos. Teknojumputuxen täyttämässä homobaarissa on erihajuisia sähkötupakan huuruja. Homot pyörähtelee Shakiran tahtiin. Kyseessä on Shakiran fanklupin facebookryhmän yxityistilaisuus.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 826: 85. Konttasin kohti päivittäistavarakauppaa "Daily Mart". On se kumma ettei japanixi ole arkipäivän sanoja, kaikki on muka lainaa jenkeistä. No tuskin ne käytti sanaa kolonialvaruaffär. Siellä oli joukko viirusilmiä kuuraamassa paikkoja ja lapioimassa mutaa. Ettekö tulisi takaisin kun olette sonnustautunut sopivampaan asuun? Hän kazoi vaatteitani epäluuloisesti.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 871: Jordan served in the RAF, worked as a traveling sales representative and was also a maths teacher at a secondary boys school in Coventry before committing to politics full-time. He was dismissed by the board of governors of the Coventry school where he taught in August 1962 after a period of air suspension.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 878: While Tyndall was inside Jordan hastily married his fiancee Miss Dior. Tyndall got sore and founded his own, even greater Britain movement. Make Britain Great Again. Bugger. Jordan's first wife was French socialite Françoise Dior, the niece of fashion designer Christian Dior. She, too, was a Nazi and helped fund various right-wing causes after the war. Dior had an incestuous relationship with her own daughter Christiane, before playing an active role in her child's suicide. Soon Dior found Jordan bourgeois and divorced him. Jordan's second partner Joanna Saffrany was probably a --- Hungarian!
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 34: afa9dff1a/168318/3d-faute_de_l_abbe_mouret_br.0.jpg" width="100%" />
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 99: Apotti kuitenkin muisti, että hän oli eräänä päivänä ristinyt jalkansa luokassa. Kun professori moitti häntä, hän oli muuttunut hyvin punaiseksi, ikään kuin hän olisi syyllistynyt sopimattomuuteen. Hän oli yksi parhaista opiskelijoista, ei riidellyt, vaan oppi tekstit ulkoa. Hän todisti Jumalan olemassaolon ja ikuisuuden Pyhästä Raamatusta saaduilla todisteilla, kirkon isien mielipiteillä ja kaikkien kansojen yleisellä suostumuksella. Tämän luonteiset perustelut täyttivät hänet horjumattomalla varmuudella. Ensimmäisen filosofian vuoden aikana hän työsti logiikkakurssiaan sellaisella sovelluksella, että hänen professorinsa oli pysäyttänyt hänet toistaen hänelle, että oppineimmat eivät ole kaikkein pyhimpiä. Lisäksi hän suoritti toisesta vuodestaan lähtien metafysiikan opiskelunsa sekä säännellyn tehtävän osallistumalla hyvin pieneen osuuteen päivän harjoituksissa. Häneen tuli tieteen halveksuminen; hän halusi pysyä tietämättömänä säilyttääkseen uskonsa nöyryyden.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 212: Hong's and actress Kim Min-hee’s private affairs have come to bear in their work. The couple’s extramarital relationship, the subject of tabloid headlines in Korea, have seemed to inspire jealous intrigue and accusations of infidelity. Kim is an unbelievably skinny woman but pretty.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 240: Onx tässä juonessa mitään järkeä? Miten tää hyppelehtii näin epäjohdonmukaisesti? Missä kaikki on? Mixnoi tyypit on retardoituneet lapsen asteelle? Ne käyttäytyy kuin viisivuotiaat. Milloinka ne alkaa käyttäytyä kuin kunnon viisitoistavuotiaat? Taitaa olla taas tällänen Dafnis et Chloe coveri. Se oli 1 mun märkä uni joskus koululaisena. Lucy on The Sky With Diamond. 12-vuotiaana ruozinlaivalla leikin laivan lastenhuoneessa paljon pienempien mutta sievien pikku tyttöjen johdolla. Ne kyllä vähän ihmetteli.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 308: Se ei ollut enää aromaattisten kasvien onnellista kuivumista, timjamin myskiä, laventelin suitsukkeita. He murskasivat nyt haisevia yrttejä: absintti, katkerasti humalassa; ruuta, joka haisee haisevalta lihasta; valeriaana, polttava, kasteltu afrodisiaakkihikeen. Mandrakot, hemlockit, hellebores, tappavat yöverhot, huimaus nousi heidän temppeleihinsä, uneliaisuus, joka sai heidät horjumaan toistensa sylissä, "sydämensä" huulillaan. Meilläkin on ollut monta noista pahanhajuisista yrteistä yrttitarhassa. Käy yrttitarhasta polku, se Golgatalle vie...
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 473: Nojoo. Osoittautuu että papin edeltäjä M. Chaffin oli tehnyt saman nolon tempun kuin tämä, bylsinyt jotain neitokaista, ja saanut siitä siirron tähän rotankoloon. Ei pidä tehdä syntiä, sanoo pastori vahingosta viisastuneena. Vaikka kutaahan se teki, ei sitä käy kieltäminen. Teusen ämmä on selvillä koko jutusta, takuulla kiroileva siili on kertonut. Teuse ja siili pelaa sotaa pelikorteilla. Ne ei osaa mitään muuta peliä. Paizi pip-.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 84: Vitun Dickstein. Ruozalaiset tytöt hoitavat perinteisesti telttajutkun 1. ja 2. vaimon hommelit, keskuslämmityskattila ja hella. kuin Lea ja Raakel tai Martta ja Maria. Was Kafka regularly able to have an erection? Fuck no.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 102: Fauntleroy: One who strongly exhibits the tendencies of a blantant homosexual, or actually is a homosexual. Oftentimes used to describe purportedly straight men, during a display of Homosexuality. Named after Little Lord Fauntleroy, a book by Frances Hodgson Burnett in 1885 that resulted in openly gay fashion trends.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 108: Kenning on viikinkien klisheinen metafora tyyliin "merihepo" pro laiva.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 134: Kakutani "Shimura Rei" Michiko oli New York Timesin ilkein kriitikko joka aiheellisesti ainakin kerran puhkaisi Franzenin pullistuneen ilmapallon. Franzen nimitteli Reitä "tone deaf and humorless" ja "stupidest person in New York". 9v myöh. samainen Rei aivan ansiotta kiitteli Franzenin izetyytyväistä Freedom tiiltä. Zadie Smithin kirjalle Kauneudesta kiitos oli ihan aiheesta, kuin myös Toni Morrisonin läpyskälle luultavasti. Pieleen meni ylistyxet de Lillolle.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 138: While she wrote that the 1,096-page epic cemented Foster-Wallace as “one of the big talents of his generation, a writer of virtuosic talents who can seemingly do anything”, she also quoted Henry James in calling Jest a “loose, baggy monster”, adding that it read like a “vast, encyclopedic compendium of whatever seems to have crossed Mr Wallace’s mind”. In his 2012 biography of the late Foster-Wallace, DT Max wrote that the writer “told a friend he hid in his room for two days and cried after reading yet another paragraph of Rei devoted to parallels between his first book and Pynchon’s most popular novel”.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 159: This isn’t Nabokov’s ice-blue disdain for the academic ninnyhammers who went snorting after his truffles. Roth, instead, worries himself, as though a sick tooth needed tonguing. He is looking over his shoulder because somebody—probably Irving Howe—might be gaining on him: “This me who is me being me and no other!” as Tarnopol explained at the end of My Life as a Man.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 173: Voi ylipäänsä kysyä onko Phil edes apina vai vainko kylmä liskomatelija. Jälkimmäistä veikkaisin. Onkohan kukaan sanonut asiat halki että Roth oli psykopaatti? Uskomattomia meriselityxiä: Maybe the reason we protect Roth from final censure is that he is so obviously a man afraid. As afraid as we are, in the face of an inevitable void. Aargh. Kaikki kuolevat. Onko se joku syy olla täys kusipää? Rothin puolustelu kriitikoilla on samalla lailla hupaisaa luettavaa kuin teologia: tyypit kiemurtelee kuin mato koukussa selittääxeen kaikki sen teot ja sanomiset parhain päin. Se on kuin teodikeaa lukisi.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 193: Success is failure turned inside out The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar, So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit, It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 203: Men när hon polisanmälde våldtäkten blev Paola Schietekat själv anklagad för att ha haft ”utomäktenskapligt sex” och riskerade att dömas till 100 piskrapp och sju års fängelse. Hon valde att fly landet. ”Jag har aldrig varit mer lättad än när de stämplade mitt pass på flygplatsen”, skrev Paola Schietekat.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 263: seminaariluennoistaan – käy selvästi ilmi hänen filosofoimisensa ja kulttuurikritiikkinsä tavoite. Nähdäkseni Laurikaisen mielestä ahtaalle materialismille rakentava vinosuuntaus tieteen taustafilosofiassa oli korjattava ja uusi todellisuuskäsitys rakennettava väljälle idealismille ja kvanttimekaniikan osoittaman indeterminismin perustalle. Oli luotava kokonaisuuden käsittävä todellisuuskuva, unus mundus, jossa myös ihminen ja hänen tietoisuutensa on mukana.
    xxx/ellauri178.html on line 288: L'enfant y est heureux, bon élève et enfant de chœur, mais réservé et taciturne. De cette époque remontent les premiers émois masculins de Genet, en la personne du petit Lou Culafroy — qui deviendra plus tard « Divine », héros et ensuite héroïne de Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs — ainsi que d’hommes plus âgés, braconniers de passage ou marginaux égarés. Il obtient la meilleure note de sa commune au certificat d'études primaires.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 99: For a man to take it at thirty-four as a guide-book to what life holds is about as safe as it would be for a man of the same age to enter Wall Street direct from a French convent, equipped with a complete set of the more practical Horatio Alger books. Niitähän se Pilikin luki poikasena.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 155: Bill Gorton is Kake's buddy from the war. A writer who moved back to America after the war, he is a joker, using humor to disguise the horrors of the war. He doesn't mind, for his penis remains shipshape and intact. He goes along with the group, unattached to Brett but getting caught up in the romantic business anyway.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 157: Pedro Romero is a young, good-looking bullfighting prodigy who is so skillful and beautiful that Kake, no wait, Brett falls in love with him. When Cohn learns of Romero's effect on Brett, he fights him but Romero cleverly evades him with the muleta. Romero and Brett run away together but Brett leaves him soon after when he tries to turn her into a traditional Latina woman.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 161: The bulls are described as seductive, in sexualized language (it is a fight after all, in which a man tries to stick a long hard object into another male). Unlike mechanized WW1, the fight has rules, it has honor, it has skill, it is an equal opportunity job for the bulls, all things that "they" no longer believe in out in the "real world."
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 175: Soon after his retirement, Wheeler was beset by several tragedies. His wife was killed in an accidental kitchen fire, and his father-in-law had a fatal heart attack after trying unsuccessfully to aid her. Wheeler suffered from kidney disease contracted from abuse of booze, and died at an asylum in Battle Creek, Michigan on September 5, 1927.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 199: But if Hemingway’s conversions were sincere — and there is little reason to think they were not — then his “cod” is not based on the agnosticism of a disillusioned existentialist, but rather on the comprehensive, universal affirmation of Christianity.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 208: After having been anointed, Hemingway described himself as having become a “Super-Catholic.” It was a near-death experience that changed the course of his life. After the war, he went to work as a foreign correspondent in Paris. And eight years later — after his first marriage failed — he undertook a second, more formal conversion process in preparation for marriage to his second wife, devout Catholic Pauline Pfieffer.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 283: Hemingway blamed her for using money meant for his college education on building a cottage near their home in a smart Chicago suburb so she could indulge in a lesbian love affair with the family nanny, Ruth Arnold, a woman 19 years her junior.

    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 327: "Sipping his post-coital fine à l’eau in the afternoon, David Bourne feels relieved of the contents of his testicles."
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 338: The voice of Hemingway’s father is heard, challenging his son, as did the Father in the Biblical Garden. Slightly disguised, Hemingway’s dear father, who haunted his son’s life and work even after he had shot himself in 1961, sorry, after Dad had shot himself in 1928, remained an internalized critic until Ernest also took his life in 1961. No wonder, dad had had a cow.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 438: The Americans turned to face the scene after finishing their grappas. “Listen, boy, now get out,” Papa said as he stood up. “You're going to get yourself hurt.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 442: Papa grabbed his wrist and punched his stomach with it. “What do you think of that?” He looked at Papa. One of the Americans slapped him and pushed his chest. “Come on, now, boy.” The Americans made for the door. Nick followed, and then the man after him.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 460: “Are there such extremes in the afterlife, Papa?” he asked. “Why not end up at Harry's?”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 512: “The man fled after I made his day,” Papa said.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 528: They stepped past a small cafe. People sat outside on tables under umbrellas. “Let's save ourselves here.” They walked past the cafe. Balconies hung over the narrow street with plants hanging down, breathing in the rain.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 574: “They kill them for less nowadays,” Papa said. There they were, less than three hours after meeting, and Papa's motive had completely changed. He wanted to warn Ole Anderson but didn't think he'd do anything about it anyway. He thought there was no reasoning with Nick Adams either.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 606: Ernest Hemingway squirmed as his second wife, Pauline, read aloud in 1927 from Henry James' novel The Awkward Age. Hemingway wondered why James bailed his characters out of their frequent inactivity by inserting a drawing room scene; and, as he was to do frequently during the next thirty years, he freely criticized the quality of James' works, "and knowing nothing about James he seems to me to be a shit." Too, he was quick to criticize the male protagonists of James,". .and the men all without any exception talk and think like fairies except a couple of caricatures of brutal outsiders". Carlos Baker observes that Hemingway, the "brutal outsider" himself, was at this time publishing Men Without Women, whose sales had reached 15,000 in the first three months after publication. But now Hemingway, the outsider, clearly in literary ascendance, was becoming acquainted with James' works; his artistic and personal recognition of James in future years was, for the most part, to take the form of a peculiar enmity. He was often to refer to James in highly derisive terms almost to the end of his own life. Hemingway's lese majeste towards him takes the form of a sporadic obsession that reveals more about Hemingway's maturity than James' imagined frailties.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 616: The newest biography of Henry James is the work of a Vermont law professor who has written one earlier biography, Honorable Justice, The Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes, of the “great dissenter” on the Supreme Court in the first half of our century. Proceeding from the law into literature, Sheldon M. Novick tells us in a book titled Henry James, The Young Master–as if James were a young Mozart or a Paganini and didn’t work hard to achieve literary mastery–that the celibate and sexually diffident novelist, who put most of his life into his art, was in reality a regular guy who “underwent the ordinary experiences of life.” In fact, says Novick, he had an affair at the end of the Civil War with–yes, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 617: This bit of news is quite startling. It upsets half a century of scholarship that seems to have clearly shown James was a firm bachelor with a “low amatory coefficient,” as one of his doctors put it in 1905 in New York. But Holmes is not the only homosexual lover Novick claims for James. He also says that James had an affair with Paul Zhukovski, a Russian aristocrat James met in 1876 in the entourage of Ivan Turgenev.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 619: Novick’s attempt to find love affairs in James’ life reminds me of the 1920s, when there were no biographies of James, and critics loved to speculate on the mysteries of his privacy. Van Wyck Brooks, a skillful writer of pastiche, produced his quasi-biographical Pilgrimage of Henry James to prove the novelist was a literary failure because he had uprooted himself from the United States. Edna Kenton, a devoted Jamesian in Greenwich Village, demonstrated in a biting review in The Bookman that Brooks used important James quotations out of context. Years later, Brooks confessed to having nightmares “in which Henry James turned great luminous menacing eyes upon me.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 623: What evidence does Novick offer for the James-Holmes “affair”? Just two French words James uses in his long and vivid notebook entry recalling his early days in Boston, where his family settled in a brick house in Ashburton Place near the State House. The words are l’initiation première–“first initiation.” In the entry, James is writing generally of the “rite of passage” that inaugurated his literary career. He describes the strong emotions he felt at the assassination of Lincoln (on James’$2 22nd birthday); how he wept when Hawthorne died; and the dawning sense of freedom experienced after the war’s end. He mentions also his first book review on English novel-writing, published in the North American Review, whose editors paid him $12, praised his writing, and asked for more. He does mention Holmes, but only to describe a brief visit he made to Holmes’ mother to ask how her son was faring in England, and his own fierce envy of Holmes for traveling abroad while James remained at home.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 629: Novick’s second “case” is as flimsy as the first, but it has more documentation. It is based on James’ letters from Paris between 1875 and 1876. He has met Ivan Turgenev, the Russian master, and finds himself moving among assorted Russians. One of them is Paul Zhukovski, son of a Russian poet who tutored Alexander II when he was a prince. Reared in the royal court, Zhukovski is soft, dependent, spoiled, and weak-willed, but graceful and entertaining. James has never known any Russians, and Zhukovski becomes an agreeable companion; he is “picturesque,” and while James tells his parents that “human fellowship” is not his specialty, the two get along very comfortably. They dine with Turgenev, and with countesses, a duke, princesses. They make sorties into cabarets and cafes. James reports that he and Zhukovski have sworn “eternal fellowship.” One could read sex into this–as Novick does–but it sounds more like the drinking and singing that often takes place among young males, their swagger and “brotherhood.” At every turn, Novick introduces suggestions of a love affair.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 633: The rest of the story emerges after James abruptly leaves the villa at the end of the third day. He lodges at a hotel in Sorrento and writes several lively letters indicating he fled from Zhukovski and a nest of young homosexuals. They were attached to the composer, Richard Wagner, who lives in a nearby villa. Zhukovski is now a crusading Wagnerian. He wants to introduce James. The novelist refuses. Wagner speaks neither French nor English. James doesn’t speak German.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 637: In a letter written from Sorrento to Grace Norton in Cambridge, he described a group of English persons he visited in Frascati after leaving Posilipo. They were of an “admirable, honest, reasonable, wholesome English nature,” in sharp contrast to the “fantastic immorality and aesthetics of the circle I had left at Naples.”
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 675: While you may not be able to talk to your chickens like Dr. Dolittle, after reading this article you will be able to understand the meanings of their sounds.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 680: Below we are going to share with you the 12 most common chicken sounds you will hear from your flock and what they mean. If you have ever listened to a flock of hens as they free range across the yard, you will likely have heard a low murmuring between them all. It sounds peaceful and content. This murmuring is thought to have two meanings: The first being: “life is good, I am having a good time”. And the second relates to safety. They will all range within earshot of each other because there is safety in numbers. Some chickens will also purr in contentment (especially those that are petted on a regular basis). And you who thought only cats’ purred!
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 711: As the chicks are now moving around they must learn the safety rules. The Mother hen has two distinct calls to bring the chicks back to her in the case of danger or uncertainty. The first is a low pitched clucking, this means the chicks should stay near Momma.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 732: They will stand near the coop entrance calling until all the hens are safely inside.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 795: Mencken´s love of women was driven in part by the sympathy he had for female literary characters (especially those brought to life by his friend Theodore Dreiser), as well as his almost fanatical love of his mother. Mencken supported women´s rights, even if he had no affection for the suffragist.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 803: It is the close of a busy and vexatious day—say half past five or six o´clock of a winter afternoon. I have had a cocktail or two, and am stretched out on a divan in front of a fire, smoking. At the edge of the divan, close enough for me to reach her with my hands, sits a woman not too young, but still good-looking and well dressed—above all, a woman with a soft, low-pitched, agreeable voice. As I snooze she talks—of anything, everything, all the things that women talk of: books, music, the play, men, other women. No politics. No business. No religion. No metaphysics. Nothing challenging and vexatious—but remember, she is intelligent; what she says is clearly expressed... Gradually I fall asleep—but only for an instant... then to sleep again—slowly and charmingly down that slippery hill of dreams. And then awake again, and then asleep again, and so on. I ask you seriously: could anything be more unutterably beautiful?
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 814: Mencken was a controversial, and humorous journalist, who greatly affected American fiction in the 1920s. He ridiculed the US’s organized religion, business and middle class. He was a very critical man, who supported Germany during the war and had a very Marxist outlook on life. Bill refers to him, saying that he mocks God. Also this shows Bill’s character, that he is someone is very cynical and critical about life.
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 945:    Where the silence ’ung that ’eavy you was ’arf afraid to speak! Kärsät ummessa vaitonaisina -- meilläkin oli turvat tukossa!
    xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1013: "I haff a tabul for two for you gentlemen," he said.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 78: After the war, Beecher supported social reform causes such as women's suffrage and temperance. He also championed Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, stating that it was not incompatible with Christian beliefs. He was widely rumored to be an adulterer, and in 1872 the Woodhull & Claflin's Weekly published a story about his affair with Elizabeth Richards Tilton, the wife of his friend and former co-worker Theodore Tilton. In 1874, Tilton filed charges for "criminal conversation" against Beecher. The subsequent trial resulted in a hung jury and was one of the most widely reported trials of the century. Tolstoi olisi ollut tyytyväinen siihen että syyllinen vapautettiin ja valamiehet hirtettiin.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 81: Beecher married Eunice Bullard in 1837 after a five-year engagement. Their marriage was not a happy one; as Applegate writes, "within a year of their wedding they embarked on the classic marital cycle of neglect and nagging", marked by Henry's prolonged absences from home. The couple also suffered the deaths of four of their eight children.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 83: Beecher enjoyed the company of women, and rumors of extramarital affairs circulated as early as his Indiana days, when he was believed to have had an affair with a young member of his congregation. In 1858, the Brooklyn Eagle wrote a story accusing him of an affair with another young church member who had later become a prostitute. The wife of Beecher's patron and editor, Henry Bowen, confessed on her deathbed to her husband of an affair with Beecher; Bowen concealed the incident during his lifetime.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 85: Several members of Beecher's circle reported that Beecher had had an affair with Edna Dean Proctor, an author with whom he was collaborating on a book of his sermons. The couple's first encounter was the subject of dispute: Beecher reportedly told friends that it had been consensual, while Proctor reportedly told Henry Bowen that Beecher had raped her. Regardless of the initial circumstances, Beecher and Proctor allegedly then carried on their affair for more than a year. According to historian Barry Werth, "it was standard gossip that 'Beecher preaches to seven or eight of his mistresses every Sunday evening.'"
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 88: In a highly publicized scandal, samana vuonna kuin K.S. Laurila näki päivänvalon, Beecher was tried on charges that he had committed adultery with a friend's wife, Elizabeth Tilton. In 1870, Elizabeth had confessed to her husband, Theodore Tilton, that she had had a relationship with Beecher. The charges became public after Theodore told Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others of his wife's confession. Stanton repeated the story to fellow women's rights leaders Victoria Woodhull and Isabella Beecher Hooker.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 90: Henry Ward Beecher had publicly denounced Woodhull's advocacy of free love. Outraged at what she saw as his hypocrisy, she published a story titled "The Beecher-Tilton Scandal Case" in her paper Woodhull and Claflin's Weekly on November 2, 1872; the article made detailed allegations that America's most renowned clergyman was secretly practicing the free-love doctrines that he denounced from the pulpit. Woodhull was arrested in New York City and imprisoned for sending obscene material through the mail. The scandal split the Beecher siblings; Harriet and others supported Henry, while Isabella publicly supported Woodhull.The first trial was Woodhull's, who was released on a technicality.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 94: Stanton was outraged by Beecher's repeated exonerations, calling the scandal a "holocaust of womanhood". French author George Sand planned a novel about the affair, but died the following year before it could be written.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 165: Cassius Dio even reports that the Boudica uprising in Britannia was caused by Seneca forcing large loans on the indigenous British aristocracy in the aftermath of Claudius's conquest of Britain, and then calling them in suddenly and aggressively. Seneca was sensitive to such accusations: his De Vita Beata ("On the Happy Life") dates from around this time and includes a defence of wealth along Stoic lines, arguing that properly gaining and spending wealth is appropriate behaviour for a philosopher.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 201:

  • Man is affected not by stock events but by the profit he makes of them.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 230: The general of Tomyris's army, Spargapises, who was also her son, and a third of the Massagetian troops, killed the group Cyrus had left there and, finding the camp well stocked with food and the wine, unwittingly drank themselves into inebriation, diminishing their capability to defend themselves when they were then overtaken by a surprise attack. They were successfully defeated, and, although he was taken prisoner, Spargapises committed suicide once he regained sobriety. Upon learning of what had transpired, Tomyris denounced Cyrus's tactics as underhanded and swore vengeance, leading a second wave of troops into battle herself. Cyrus the Great was ultimately killed, and his forces suffered massive casualties in what Herodotus referred to as the fiercest battle of his career and the ancient world. When it was over, Tomyris ordered the body of Cyrus brought to her, then decapitated him and dipped his head in a vessel of blood in a symbolic gesture of revenge for his bloodlust and the death of her son. However, some scholars question this version, mostly because even Herodotus admits this event was one of many versions of Cyrus's death that he heard from a supposedly reliable source who told him no one was there to see the aftermath.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 239: Cuneiform evidence from Babylon proves that Cyrus died around December 530 BC, and that his son Cambyses II had become king. Cambyses continued his father's policy of expansion, and captured Egypt for the Empire, but soon died after only seven years of rule. He was succeeded either by Cyrus's other son Bardiya or an impostor posing as Bardiya, who became the sole ruler of Persia for seven months, until he was justifiably killed by Darius the Great.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 245: Some claim that Ruth's distaste for her husband began when he insisted on hanging a picture of his late fiancée, Jessie Guischard, on the wall of their first home and named his boat after her. Guischard, whom Albert described to Ruth as "the finest woman I have ever met", had been dead for 10 years. However, others have noted that Albert Snyder was emotionally and physically abusive, blaming Ruth for the birth of a daughter rather than a son, demanding a perfectly maintained home, and physically assaulting both her and their daughter Lorraine when his demands were not met. "Isi anna heille anteexi he eivät tiedä mitä tekevät", oli Ruthin kuuluisat viimeiset sanat. Jotain tuttua niissä kyllä on... - Ai niin se Finlandia-ehdokas!
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 259: I did attend one of the first National Book Award Ceremonies 40 years ago. That was also my last experience of book prize giving... The winner in fiction, was my old friend James Jones, From Here To Eternity. His victory was somewhat marred by Jean Stafford, one of the 5 judges, unlike our present distinguished company, who moved slowly, if unsurely, about the room, stopping before each notable to announce in a loud voice, "The decision was not unanimous."
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 262: afford Jean">Jean Stafford (July 1, 1915 – March 26, 1979) was an American short story writer and novelist. She was born in Covina, California, to Mary Ethel (McKillop) and John Richard Stafford, a Western pulp writer. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for The Collected Stories of Jean Stafford in 1970. Stafford's personal life was often marked by unhappiness. She was married three times. Her first marriage, to the brilliant but mentally unstable poet Robert Lowell, left her with lingering physical and emotional scars. Stafford enjoyed a brief period of domestic happiness with her third husband, A. J. Liebling, a prominent (but ugly) writer for The New Yorker. After his death in 1963, she stopped writing fiction. For many years Stafford suffered from alcoholism, depression, and pulmonary disease.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 266: Lowell married the novelist and short-story writer Jean Stafford in 1940. Before their marriage, in 1938, Lowell and Stafford were in a serious car crash, in which Lowell was at the wheel, that left Stafford permanently scarred, while Lowell walked away unscathed. The impact crushed Stafford's nose and cheekbone and required her to undergo multiple reconstructive surgeries. No wonder they had a tormented marriage.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 290: Lowell was a conscientious objector during World War II and served several months at the federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut. He explained his decision not to serve in World War II in a letter addressed to President Franklin Roosevelt on September 7, 1943, stating, "Dear Mr President: I very much regret that I must refuse the opportunity you offer me in your communication of August 6, 1943 for service in the Armed Force." He explained that after the bombing at Pearl Harbor, he was prepared to fight in the war until he read about the American terms of unconditional surrender that he feared would lead to the "permanent destruction of Germany and Japan." Well as it turned out it wasn't as bad as that, but countless beautiful places were bombed beyond recognition. Lowell kept his Tolstoyan stance consistently in the subsequent wars as well. Even evil people have exceptional sane moments. Lowell thought he was Hart Crane reincarnate.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 295: In 1941, bugler and career soldier Private Robert E. Lee Prewitt (Montgomery Clift) transfers from Fort Shafter to a rifle company at Schofield Barracks on the island of Oahu. Because Prewitt was also a boxer, Captain Dana "Dynamite" Holmes wants him on his regimental team. Prewitt explains that he stopped fighting after blinding a friend and refuses. Consequently, Holmes makes Prewitt's life miserable and ultimately orders First Sergeant Milton Warden (Lancaster) to prepare a court-martial. Warden suggests doubling Prewitt's company punishment as an alternative. Prewitt is hazed by the other NCOs and is supported only by his close friend, Private Angelo Maggio (Sinatra).
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 299: Despite being warned, Warden risks prison when he starts seeing Holmes' wife Karen. Her marriage to Holmes is fraught with infidelity, exacerbated after the stillbirth of a child and Karen's subsequent infertility. Karen encourages Warden to become an officer which would enable her to divorce Holmes and marry him.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 301: Maggio is sentenced to the stockade after walking off guard duty and getting drunk, subjecting him to Judson's unqualified (and unauthorized) wrath. Prewitt discovers Lorene's name is really Alma and her goal is to make enough money at the club to go back to the mainland. Prewitt tells her his career is in the military, and the two wonder whether they have a future together.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 303: A sergeant named Galovitch, a member of Holmes' boxing team, picks a fight with Prewitt. The fight is reported to Holmes who observes without intervening. Holmes is about to punish Prewitt again, but when he is told that Galovitch started the fight, Holmes lets him off the hook. The regimental commander observes Holmes' conduct and, after an investigation, orders his resignation in lieu of a court martial. Holmes' replacement, Captain Ross, reprimands the other NCOs, demotes Galovitch to Private, and affirms that there will be no more promotions through boxing.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 305: Maggio escapes from the stockade after a brutal beating from Judson and dies in Prewitt's arms. Seeking revenge, Prewitt finds Judson in a back alley and the two fight with knives. Prewitt kills Judson, but not before being badly wounded himself; Prewitt goes AWOL and stays with Lorene while Warden covers for his absence.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 335: More than two decades after the infamous Indian Wells tournament where her family was subjected to boos, Serena Williams says she still suffers from “post-traumatic stress and mental anxiety”.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 337: Venus and Serena Williams, and their father Richard, were given a hostile reception from the crowd at the 2001 Indian Wells Masters after Russian Elena Dementieva accused Richard of “deciding” who wins matches between his daughters.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 339: The two sisters were due to face each other in the semi-final in California and the crowd did not react kindly after Venus withdrew from the match. They booed Serena when she entered the stadium for the final against Kim Clijsters while Venus and Richard were also booed when they made their way to their seats.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 368: Dagon on poliisin vanha tuttu, sen mainizee de Vigny misogyynisessä Simpson runossaan (albumi 146), se löytyy Kanaanin jumalien aakkosellisesta listasta (albumi 171), ja Samuli Kukon kirjan resymeestä (albumi 185). H. P. Lovecraftin kertomuksissa Dagon esiintyy syyläisten Syväläisten valtiaana ja pahana olentona. Tulija ojentaa sielunsa Dagonille kuin mudun sen tutuissa mutaisissa vesissä.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 374: Sanomalehti Nikkei Shimbunin kaikkitietävä toimittaja Rei Shimura eiku Nakafuji on sanonut, että hintatason pysähtyneisyyden takia Japani on vaarassa luisua kokonaan pois teollisuusmaiden joukosta.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 386: Lainasin heräteostoxena Phil Rothin Kafka-coverin miehestä (se ize tietysti) joka muuttuu valtavaxi tissixi. Vanha tuttumme leffafriikki Mika Salo lausuu syvämietteisesti Rothin tissistä:
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 392: Seuraavat juutalaiset kirjailijat mainitaan tiheimmin kun keskustellaan kafkalaisuudesta amerikkalaisessa romaanissa ja novellissa: Nathanael West, Isaac Rosenfeld, Delmore Schwartz, Paul Doodman, Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, J. D. Salinger, Bernard Malamud, Philip Roth, Joseph Heller, Meyer Liben ja Susan Sontag. Sietää muistaa tutkijoiden varaus. Kafkan vaikutus on useimmiten ollut epäsuora ja kietoutunut Freudin ohella muidenkin idealähteiden kanssa: Dostojevski, Kierkegaard, Buber, Reich, Trotski, Sartre... Harvoin se näkyy niin voimallisen tarttuvana kuin Isaac Rosenfeldin (1918-1956) lyhyissä paraabeleissa.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 398: He moved in 1941 from Chicago to New York to study philosophy at New York University, dropping out to write fiction after about a year. By the late 1940s, he was immersed in the philosophy of Wilhelm Reich, "the errant Freud disciple who turned ideology into orgasm."
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 428: Laurence Olivier oli vähintäänkin 2-neuvoinen. From the beginning of Olivier's life, there was confusion over his sexual identity. The most intimate friend of his youth was the actor Denys Blakelock, also the son of a clergyman, who was homosexual. The Queen's late aunt, Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent, who was involved with the bisexual and married Kaye for several years, told me quite emphatically that he and Olivier were "épris" ("in love"). And Coward, who was appalled to witness the two men openly exchanging French kisses in public, despised Kaye, whom he habitually referred to as "randy Dan Kaminski" (David Daniel Kaminski was Kaye's real name). One biography printed after his death alleged that Olivier “was deeply involved in a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye.”
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 432: After Lord Olivier's death on July 11, 1989, aged 82, from neuromuscular disease and cancer, and his interment in Poet's Corner, Westminster Abbey, his official biographer, Terry Coleman, asked Mrs. Joan Plowright if he had had homosexual affairs. She replied robustly: "If he did, so what?"
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 460: And love thee after. One more, and this the last:
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 491: The play is set in motion when Othello, a heroic black general in the service of Venice, appoints Cassio and not Iago as his chief lieutenant. Jealous of Othello’s success and envious of Cassio, Iago plots Othello’s downfall by falsely implicating Othello’s wife, Desdemona, and Cassio in a love affair. With the unwitting aid of Emilia, his wife, and the willing help of Roderigo, a fellow malcontent, Iago carries out his plan.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 713: Within the Quran, Jesus’ miraculous virgin birth is recounted with Mary having astonishment. How could she become pregnant when no mortal man has touched her? The angel she is having a criminal conversation with discourages her incredulousness with an affirmation of the power and might of Allah’s definitive decree. The virgin birth lacks the majesty of the Christian doctrine because it is not an announcement of God coming into her. Jesus would be like others before him, a prophet who announces God’s truth. The angel goes on to describe just what Jesus would do. Within the description, the author narrates an account of a miracle that Jesus performed as “clear proof” that he was a prophet of Allah. The miracle is repeated later in Surah 5.
    xxx/ellauri186.html on line 773: The Quran’s use of the infancy story or legends built upon that story pose a special problem for Muslims apologists: the Quran is a divinely-dictated book that contains accounts of Jesus Christ found in unreliable literature some 100 to 200 years after the last book of the New
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 101: W. H. Auden once remarked that would-be poets had better learn a manual trade. But Rilke was cast more in the haughty Yeatsian mold that Auden, not exactly a day laborer himself, haughtily disdained. And unlike Rilke's contemporary Franz Kafka, who performed his tasks as an insurance executive with initiative and even enthusiasm, Rilke was too frail psychologically to balance his art with the demands of full-time employment. Even a desk job in the Austrian army during the First World War, when the forty-year-old literary celebrity was conscripted, proved too much for him. After three weeks of parade-ground training and living in barracks, which nearly killed him, Rilke was assigned to the propaganda section. There his literary powers deserted him, and his frustrated superiors transferred the stunned poet to the card-filing department, where he remained for six months, until his friends interceded and got him discharged. André Malraux he was not.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 103: Rilke's diaries and letters, lively with tales of self-dislike and depression, seem to out-Kafka Kafka himself. Still, biographers should beware of making too much of these highly polished introspections. Rilke conceived of writing as a form of prayer, as Kafka did, and he made astringent self-examination a ritualistic prelude to work. Both writers magnified their inadequacies, sometimes to the point of a vaunting self-regard; it was an efficient way to wrest from their doubts a diligent beauty of creation.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 107: Rilke spent his life wandering. From an art colony in Germany he migrated to a position as Rodin's secretary in Paris; the sculptor eventually claimed that the poet was answering letters without his permission and summarily dismissed him, as much to Rilke's relief as to his chagrin. From Berlin he made two pilgrimages to Russia to meet Tolstoy, on one trip going nearly unacknowledged because of a titanic quarrel between the count and the countess. He traveled from Italy to Vienna to Spain to Tunisia to Cairo. His restless peregrinations had their origins in his epoch, and in a temperament forced painfully to choose perfection of the life or of the work. Rilke's academic sponsor and friend was Georg Simmel, the celebrated German sociologist and philosopher of modernity. In "The Adventurer," one of his most famous essays, Simmel argued that only the experience of art or adventure could invest time with the significance once lent it by religious ritual. The work of both art and adventure had a beginning and an end; they were each an "island in life" that briefly imparted a transcendent wholeness to experience. And of all possible modern adventures, Simmel concluded, the one that most completely combined the profoundest elements of life with a momentary apprehension of what lay beyond life was the love affair.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 113: Yet to put the burden of salvation solely on relations between men and women is to make a life between stumbling, imperfect men and women impossible. Rilke had no illusions about the nature of his erotic and romantic ideal. It flowed out from and quickly ebbed back into an unappeasable inward intensity. Rilke could not love or be loved for long, except in the absence of the beloved. After a passionate affair with the brilliant and beautiful Lou Andreas-Salomé, Rilke's muse and cicerone on his Russian trips, he suffered pangs of rejection and then happily settled into a lifelong correspondence with her. He married the sculptress Clara Westhoff when he was twenty-five, lived with her and their child for a year, and then by agreement left to take up his pilgrimage again. Through periodic reunions, but mostly through a voluminous and extraordinary correspondence, they maintained what Rilke called an "interior marriage," until emotional reality banged louder and louder on their youthful experiment and they eventually grew estranged.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 131: One ugly phrase in a personal letter, for instance (out of a vast personal correspondence), referring to Franz Werfel as a "Jew-boy," and some murky generalities about Werfel's "Jewish attitude toward his work," do not an anti-Semite make. Rilke cherished the many Jews he knew, including Simmel; he enjoyed reading the Hasidic philosopher Martin Buber and steeped himself in Jewish Scripture, claiming that Judaism was closer than Christianity to God. He also remained a lifelong champion of Werfel's work. And a reader discovers buried deep in Freedman's footnotes that Rilke wrote the offending letter to the poet Hugo von Hoffmannsthal, a good friend and an important patron. Hoffmannsthal was also Jewish, and he shared Rilke's negative views on the superambitious Werfel, who emigrated to America and, in 1941, published The Song of Bernadette, a novel about a miracle at Lourdes. Freedman doesn't mention that about five months after Rilke wrote the letter to Hoffmannsthal, along with a nearly identical letter to his patron Princess Marie von Thurn und Taxis, Rilke again wrote similar letters to the two of them praising Werfel's poetry so exuberantly that they almost sound like retractions of his first letters.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 137: Well, so what if Rilke happened to be homosexual? I don't see what Freedman thinks he is gaining by making a near-assertion and then failing to prove it. If there are readers who might be obscurely benefited by the revelation of Rilke's homosexuality, they'll be disappointed. If there are readers whose identity rests on the affirmation of Rilke's heterosexuality, they will be shaken and then cheered. If there are readers who couldn't care less about the whole matter, they'll be bored. Meanwhile, Rilke's ghost drums its fingers on some eternal windowsill, waiting patiently to be evoked.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 143: Throughout 600 pages Freedman gives us encounter after encounter between Rilke and the women in his life, in which the women are flawless angels and Rilke a consummate villain. If Rilke's dear friend the great German painter Paula Modersohn-Becker found herself trapped in a stifling marriage, Rilke was a traitor for not extricating her. If Lou Andreas-Salomé told the young Rilke to go off somewhere because one of her other lovers was coming to visit, Rilke's anger was the symptom of an unbalanced psyche.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 145: If the adolescent Rilke broke up with his adolescent girlfriend, Valerie von David-Rhônfeld, he was a treacherous seducer. Freedman quotes copiously from David-Rhônfeld's embittered memoirs--published shortly after Rilke's death--to posit a pattern in Rilke's personality. "I came to love that poor unfortunate creature," David-Rhônfeld recalls about her teenage sweetheart, "whom everyone avoided like a mangy dog." For Freedman, this vindictive picture of Rilke provides the "clue" to Rilke's "isolation."
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 147: This is all ludicrously unfair. It's certainly unfair to say that Rilke didn't give the women he loved and who loved him the "choice to remove themselves for the sake of their art." He was in no position to give or deny freedom to his independent-minded wife, let alone to any woman of whom he was merely a lover. Only their passion, or admiration, or use for Rilke bound these women to the famous poet. Often ambitious artists themselves, Rilke's lovers expected him to introduce them into his heady artistic and intellectual circles and to help them with their careers. This he unfailingly did; in one case he helped the careers of a former lover's children by her husband. And he offered emotional succor long after the amorous flame had waned--not to mention demanding the same support for himself.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 182: In September 2006, Siegel was suspended from The New Republic after an internal investigation determined he was participating in misleading comments in the magazine's "Talkback" section in response to criticisms of his blog postings at The New Republic's website. The comments were made through the device of a "sock puppet" dubbed "sprezzatura", who, as one reader noted, was a consistently vigorous defender of Siegel, and who specifically denied being Siegel when challenged by another commenter in "Talkback". In response to readers who had criticized Siegel's negative comments about TV talk show host Jon Stewart, 'sprezzatura' wrote, "Siegel is brave, brilliant, and wittier than Stewart will ever be. Take that, you bunch of immature, abusive sheep". The New Republic posted an apology and shut down Siegel's blog. In an interview with the New York Times Magazine, Siegel dismissed the incident as a "prank". He resumed writing for The New Republic in early 2007.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 197: But why did aging Rodin in his 60s capture Rilke’s imagination at the turn of the last century? It’s hard to see at first. What made Rodin radical then is no longer radical today. In his “Self-Portrait” (1890), Rodin grimaces amidst rough marks. The picture emblematizes how Rodin heralded raw and unpolished sculptures that were strikingly modern. It was a breath of fresh air since most of early-19th-century sculpture was smooth, neoclassical, and to be harshly honest, predictably dainty. Charles Baudelaire lamented this nadir in 1846 when he wrote his provocative essay “Why Sculpture is Boring.” Rodin went on to prove Baudelaire wrong. He showed how sculpture could be modern with distorted, coarse, rough textures. Rodin knocked the idealized body off its pedestal. And the modern sculptors that came after him saw no reason to put it back.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 199: The pair first met outside Paris on Rodin’s country estate in September of 1902. Rilke, 26, took on a project as an art critic to write a German monograph on Auguste Rodin, at the time 61. Neither probably expected they would hit it off as much as they did. But long talks about art, and how to cultivate a work ethic bonded them together. Ten days into his initial stay on Rodin’s estate, Rilke wrote Rodin an affectionate letter confessing their dialogue’s intense effect. Rodin offered the young poet an open invitation to observe his studio for the next four months. During that time, Rilke not only gleaned insights for his monograph, but discovered how to be a better poet.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 235: noch sanft von Schlaf. Denn steigen sie ins Grüne vielä unesta pehmeä. Siellä ne astuu viheriölle
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 284:
    Joosef näyttää tässä kuvassa jo faffalta. Jeesus on tosi lihava.

    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 294: From the 16th century onwards, a number of Catholic saints prayed to Saint Joseph, invoked his help and protection and encouraged others to do so. In Introduction to the Devout Life Francis de Sales included Joseph along with the Virgin Mary as saints to be invoked during prayers following an examination of conscience. Teresa of Avila attributed her recovery of health to Joseph and recommended him as an advocate. In her biography The Story of a Soul, Thérèse of Lisieux stated that for a period of time, she prayed every day to "Saint Joseph, Father and Protector of Virgins..." and felt safe from danger as a result. The three mentioned in this paragraph were all Doctors of the Church.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 379: Groddeck believed that all feelings are ambivalent, affection is always mixed with animosity. Groddeck was deeply interested in Christian mysticism. He regarded psychoanalysis as identical with Jesus' teachings. Groddeck analyzed Christian symbols with psychoanalytic methods. If you came for massage, he gave you therapy. If you came for therapy, he gave you massage.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 415: das Heil, für das du uns geschaffen hast. Sieg Heil, jonka olet meille hankkinut.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 447: Amerikkalaisten näkökulmasta she was an American computer scientist and manager, who emigrated to the US from Germany after the Second World War. She was also notable as the fiancée of the German Protestant theologian and Resistance worker Dietrich Bonhoeffer, eighteen years her senior.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 453: Less than three months after their engagement, Bonhoeffer was arrested for his activities in resisting the Nazi government. He and Maria corresponded during his imprisonment in Tegel prison and she was permitted to visit him occasionally but, after he was implicated in the plot to assassinate Hitler on the 20th of July 1944, he was transferred to a Gestapo high security prison and was permitted no further contact with her or his family.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 566: A Caltech Title IX investigation in the fall of 2015 found that Ott had engaged in "discriminatory and harassing behavior" toward two female graduate students in his research group. Caltech suspended him for nearly two years, and Ott announced his resignation in August, after students protested his return to campus.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 570: “Our concern and solidarity is first with victims of harassment, and with the right of all staff and students to work in a healthy and safe environment,” the letter said. “And while we also recognize the possibility of rehabilitation, it can only be at the end of a process that begins with an acknowledgement of the offense, and taking responsibility for the harm caused.”
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 599: Unessa, josta heräsin aamuhämärissä väkinäiselle pissalle, kehittelin metaforis-kompositionaalista sijasemantiikkaa, missä sijan merkitys liittyy kompositionaalisesti määresanaansa ja pääsanaansa ja sitten yhdistelmä tulee metaforisesti tulkituxi kokonaisuutena. Metaforaa ei voi ennustaa ja sixi sijan valinta on vain opittava. Tämä tuli siitä kun Luisa kysyi mixi sanotaan Havaijilla mutta Irlannissa.
    xxx/ellauri187.html on line 656: Quarter.Britt @BritNay32 sanoo: My girl crush on Mila started after FWB. I really wanted her and Justin to be together 😭
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 58: Empathy can refer to the capacity to share feelings, namely “affective empathy” (if you are sad, I also feel sad). But it can also be the ability to understand other people’s minds, dubbed “cognitive empathy” (I know what you think and why you are feeling sad).
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 60: For example, the lack of (specifically affective) empathy is a well documented hallmark in clinical psychopathy used to explain their often persistent, instrumental violent behaviour. Our own work supports the notion that one of the reasons people with dark traits hurt other people or have difficulties in relationships is an underpinning lack of empathy.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 66: As expected, we found a traditional dark triad group with low scores in empathy (about 13% of the sample). We also found a group with lower to average levels across all traits (about 34% were “typicals”) and a group with low dark traits and high levels of empathy (about 33% were “empaths”). However, the fourth group of people, the “dark empaths”, was evident. They had higher scores on both dark traits and empathy (about 20% of our sample). Interestingly, this latter group scored higher on both cognitive and affective empathy than the “dark triad” and “typical” groups.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 80: We are currently replicating and extending some of our findings using the dark tetrad instead. Our results are yet to be published, but indicate there are two further profiles in addition to the four groups we’ve already identified. One is an “emotionally internalised group”, with high levels of affective empathy and average cognitive empathy, without elevated dark traits. The other shows a pattern similar to autistic traits – particularly, low cognitive empathy and average affective empathy in the absence of elevated dark traits.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 98: Nadine Gordimer (20. marraskuuta 1923 Springs, Gauteng, Etelä-Afrikan unioni – 13. heinäkuuta 2014 Johannesburg, Etelä-Afrikka) oli eteläafrikkalainen kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1991 ja Booker-palkinto (kirjasta The Conservationist) vuonna 1974.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 106: Kun olympiakomitean setämies jäi kiinni tafsauxesta niin taparikollisen Vapaavuoren veto oli kaivaa esiin jo käsitelty ikivanha juttu jossa naispainon nostaja oli muka kiusannut Pekingin olympialaisissa kokonaista jääkiekkojoukkuetta sexipuheella. Pojat oli menneet yxitellen kotiin suremaan. Vapaavuori johtaa olympiakomiteaa kuten Putin pelolla ja pimityxellä. Se olisi aika "pistää" taas tiilenpäitä laskemaan ja heittää avain tällä kertaa kaivoon.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 183: “The accused also showed remorse for his actions as he called an ambulance after realising the deceased was not breathing,” she said. Vorster’s actions could have been avoided had he been sober.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 187: He said the incident happened after he saw Vos talking to and standing close to another man.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 188: He said he then suspected that Vos was having an affair with the man.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 189: According to Vorster’s statement, Vos confirmed the affair when he asked her why she had not dished up food for him.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 208: The "crime of passion" defense challenges the mens rea element by suggesting that there was no malice aforethought, and instead the crime was committed in the "heat of passion". In some jurisdictions, a successful "crime of passion" defense may result in a conviction for manslaughter or second degree murder instead of first degree murder, because a defendant cannot ordinarily be convicted of first degree murder unless the crime was premeditated. A classic example of a crime of passion involves a spouse who, upon finding his or her partner in bed with another, kills the romantic interloper.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 211: This defense was first used by U.S. Congressman Daniel Sickles of New York in 1859; after he had killed his wife's lover, Philip Barton Key II. It was used as a defense in murder cases during the 1940s and 1950s. Historically, such defenses were used as complete defenses for various violent crimes, but gradually they became used primarily as a partial defense to a charge of murder; if the court accepts temporary insanity, a murder charge may be reduced to manslaughter.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 316: In 1976, Carlson's parents divorced after the nine-year boy reportedly "turned sour". Carlson's mother left the family when she was six, wanting to pursue a more "bohemian" lifestyle.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 323: After college, Carlson tried to join the Central Intelligence Agency, but his application was denied, after which he decided to pursue a career in linguistics with the encouragement of his father, who advised him that "they'll take anybody".
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 329: The term was used by science fiction author Robert A. Heinlein in the 1947 short story "Space Jockey" as the name of a rocket spacecraft used for the third step of a journey from the Earth to the Moon.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 335: By the end of 2018, after the show had begun to boycot at least twenty advertisers, Carlson said immigrants are "poorer, dirtier and even worse fooled than the rest". He was saved by his remarks concerning women (calling them "like dogs" and "extremely primitive").
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 373: Ms. Grossberg, who was fired by Fox News shortly after she filed two lawsuits against the company in March, joined Mr. Carlson’s team in 2022 after several years as a senior producer for Maria Bartiromo, another Fox host.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 400: Gordimer had a daughter, Oriane (born 1950), by her first marriage in 1949 to Gerald Gavron, a local dentist, from whom she was divorced within three years. In 1954, she married Reinhold Cassirer, a highly respected art dealer who established the South African Sotheby's and later ran his own gallery; their "wonderful marriage" lasted until his death from emphysema in 2001. Their son, Hugo, was born in 1955, and is a filmmaker in New York, with whom Gordimer collaborated on at least two documentaries. Olikohan Gavron ja Cassirer juutalaisia? Ernst Cassirer oli (Cassirer tarkoittaakin kasööri), ja Gavron kuulostaa heprealta. Joku africas-lost-jewish-tribes-rekindled-its-makers-own-jewish-identity-laurence-gavron/">Laurence Gavron löysi Senegalista mustia kipapäitä heimoveljiä, mutta rabbit eivät hyväxyneet niitä.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 402: Gordimer and Roberts failed to reach an agreement over his account of the illness and death of Gordimer's husband Reinhold Cassirer and an affair Gordimer had in the 1950s, as well as criticism of her views on the Israel–Palestine conflict. Roberts published independently, not as "authorised", and Gordimer disowned the book, accusing Roberts of breach of trust.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 428: Her home was close to Mandela, "just a bit down the street," and with a laugh she told me about the times after Mandela and his wife Winnie had separated that he would call and invite himself to dinner at her home. "Really he was just lonesome and wanted someone to talk to. Someone he felt comfortable with. An old friend like me," she said. Not bad for a woman who only spent only one year at the University of the Witwatersrand.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 432: Mervin Aubespin of Louisville is a former reporter and associate editor of The Courier-Journal who retired in 2002 after a 35-year career. He is a member of the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame and former president of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ). He was an unpaid consultant to the United Nations Development Prøgram. He is still waiting to get paid.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 436: Many readers prefer the more disciplined, elegant craft of Gordimer’s short stories to the more epic, often convoluted style of her novels. I can relate to that.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 497: sijoituxia tupakkafirmoissa,
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 583: Även Harry Martinson debuterade som poet men det är förmodligen hans prosa som är mest känd. Som prosaförfattare debuterade han med reseskildringen “Resor utan mål” som följdes upp med reseskildringen “Kap Farväl!”. Mest känd är han nog dock för sin uppväxtskildring “Nässlorna blomma”, som handlar om en föräldralös pojkes uppväxt i Fattigsverige. En av hans mer otippade framgångar var rymdeposet “Aniara” som handlar om ett rymdskepp som transporterar flyktingar från jorden till andra planeter på grund av miljöförstöring och kärnvapenkrig.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 665: Lemony Snicketin surkeiden sattumusten sarja valmistelee alusta lähtien katsojiaan synkkyyteen ja kurjaan tarinaan. Elokuva kertoo Charles Baudelairen perheen kolmen orvoksi jäävän sisaruksen seikkailuista ja vastoinkäymisistä synkässä ja surullisessa maailmassa. Suuri tulipalo vie perheeltä kodin sekä lasten isän ja äidin. Orvoiksi jääneet Sunny, Klaus ja Violet sijoitetaan hullun ja ahneen (ja surkean) hahmon, kreivi Olafin (Jim Carrey tietysti), hoiviin. Hänellä on mielessään vain lasten suuren perinnön saaminen itselleen.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 667: Kreivi Olaf ei kaihda mitään keinoja jättiomaisuuden saamiseksi, ja murhaa useita ihmisiä tämä tavoite mielessään. Viranomaiset eivät kuuntele ollenkaan lasten tarinaa, vaan sijoittavat heidät aina vain uusiin perheisiin Olafin saalistettavaksi. Samalla matkataan vaarallisesta seikkailusta toiseen.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 671: Sarjan päähenkilöt ovat orvoiksi jääneet sisarukset Sunny, Klaus ja Violet Baudelaire. Lapsille on löydettävä huoltaja, ja he päätyvät lopulta kauhean kreivi Olafin ja tämän kätyrien käsiin. Kreivi tavoittelee Baudelairejen vanhempien omaisuutta, joka lasten on määrä saada haltuunsa Violetin tullessa täysi-ikäiseksi. Kreivi Olaf kokeilee monia keinoja saadakseen Baudelairejen omaisuuden, mutta sisarusten nokkeluuden vuoksi se ei ole aivan helppoa.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 675: Ankea alku: Baudelairet joutuvat ilkeän kreivi Olafin huostaan. (The Bad Beginning, suom. Mika Ojakangas 2001)
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 703: From the name "count Olaf" I can guess that Fatso does not fancy Swedes. He may be worried that he'll have to split his Nobel with another heavyweight like Fats Domino or Canned Heat. Se joka nauraa koviten nauraa parhaiten.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 713: 2018 saw growing calls for the return of the death penalty. On 20 July the Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) stated that the time had come to discuss the possibility of reinstating the death penalty in South Africa, and on 8 August the National Freedom Party called for the restoration of the death penalty in South Africa after the death of Khensani Maseko, in a call similar to that of the IFP weeks before.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 764: 467 convicted murderers in 18 prisons (urban and rural) in all 9 provinces of our country, located by the South African Department of Correctional Services (DCS), completed a questionnaire, approved by this department. 392 men and 75 women were interviewed before completing their questionnaires. The latter consisted of questions regarding general information such as age, race group, gender, and length of sentence. The first question focussed on: (1.a.1) What was your motive for committing murder (jealousy, spite, anger, thoughtlessness, money, or anything else - that had to be indicated)? (1.a.2) Were you exposed to violence shortly before committing murder (electronic media, or any other type of violence – that had to be indicated)? (1.b) Which of the following contributing factors played a role in the commitment of the murder (drugs, alcohol, or both)? (1.c) Was the murder premeditated or committed impulsively? The second question focussed on: (2.a) Do you think capital punishment would be a deterrent to committing serious crimes? (2.b) And in your specific case: Do you think capital punishment would have been a deterrent to committing murder? Question three (3) asked: Was the victim known to you? By name, sight, or not at all? Question four was interested in: (4.a) Are you currently involved in a rehabilitation program. And (4.b): If you are currently involved in a rehabilitation program, do you think this program is helpful, and if yes, in which ways? The last question (5) focussed on: Will you murder again? In gaol or after you have been released?
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 808: At present, seven years after the abovementioned research has been completed, there are still serious pleas in South Africa that the death penalty must be reinstated, because the cases of so many brutal and senseless murders leave many people speechless.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 818: Sivulla 142 Nadine siteeraa Brochin Schlafwandler nidettä jossa tuumitaan että aina vallan keikauxissa tulee svoboda, kagda vsjakij delajet tshto hotshit. Niin varmaan onkin. Tilaisuus tekee varkaan, murhaajasta puhumattakaan. Niin kävi kansainvaellusten Roomassa, Pärttylinyönä 1542, Pariisissa 1789, Pietarissa ja Helsingissä 1918, Saxassa 1938, hulluina vuosina 1848 ja 1968, South Africa 1991, Black lives matter päivänä, Capitolin valtauxessa. Mikäs siinä, looting is fun. Se on vähän kuin karnevaalia. Kaikki mukaan! Apinat tekevät mitä pystyvät, ellei toiset estä.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 826: From the practice of slavery, when black people were considered the property of others and put to sleep like dogs at will, to this day, racial discrimination undoubtedly plays a role in the application of the death penalty. Race is more likely to affect death sentencing than smoking affects the likelihood of dying from heart disease. Jurors in Washington state they are three times more likely to recommend a death sentence for a black defendant than for a white defendant in a similar case. Such jurors are also likely to be heavy smokers and white.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 828: Nationally, the overall rate of serious reversible error in capital cases is 68% - nearly seven out of every ten cases … The most common errors, prompting the most reversals at the state post-convictions stage, are (a) egregiously incompetent defence lawyers, mostly court appointed, who did not even look for – and demonstrably missed – important evidence that the defendant was innocent or did not deserve to die. 82% of those convictions overturned at the state level were found to deserve less than death when errors were corrected on re-trial; 7% were found innocent of the capital crime. Only 11% of those capital convictions reversed on state review were still found to deserve death on retrial … These high error rates exist all over the nation. 24 states with the death penalty have overall error rates of 52% or higher. 22 of the states have overall error rates of 60% or higher. 15 states have error rates of 70% or higher. To err is human. Better err on the safe side.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 842: Nadine tykkää muotoilla klisheisiä aforismeja joista saa kivoja huoneentauluja. kuten Nous sommes tous des créatures mêlées d'amour et de mal. Murder is killing wrongfully and maliciously. That is, not rightfully and benevolently, which is what the court would do.
    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 101: Graffitien töhriminen seiniin

    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 182:
    12. marraskuuta 1035, Shaftesbury, Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta

    xxx/ellauri195.html on line 318: Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians. Pat Robertson
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 293: Vain 3 näistä sori: Rossetti, Marti and Carroll. Walter de la Mare (1873-1956) oli suht joutava horror story kaveri, Lovecraftin lemppari, mikä yxinään jo kertoo paljon. Sen runo Listener on klisheinen. Se taisi olla knääpiö ja kirjoitti juveniilia fantasiaa.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 295: Have you read these poets? William Stafford • Kenneth Slessor • Ralph Waldo Emerson • Theodore Roethke • Thomas Hood • Sir Walter Scott • Henry David Thoreau • Kabir • Percy Bysshe Shelley • Ted Hughes • Walter de la Mare • Dorothy Parker • Max Ehrmann • Sara Teasdale • Paul Laurence Dunbar • Christina Georgina Rossetti • Jose Marti • Robert W Service • Allen Ginsberg • Judith Wright
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 312: Have you read these poets? Anne Sexton • Sarojini Naidu • John Keats • Walt Whitman • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Elizabeth Barrett Browning • William Stafford • Kenneth Slessor • Ralph Waldo Emerson • Theodore Roethke • Thomas Hood • Sir Walter Scott • Henry David Thoreau • Kabir • Percy Bysshe Shelley • Ted Hughes • Walter de la Mare • Dorothy Parker • Max Ehrmann • Sara Teasdale
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 321: The sire of gods and men smiled and answered, “If you, Juno, were always to support me when we sit in council of the gods, Neptune, like it or no, would soon come round to your and my way of thinking. If, then, you are speaking the truth and mean what you say, go among the rank and file of the gods, and tell Iris and Apollo lord of the bow, that I want them—Iris, that she may go to the Achaean host and tell Neptune to leave off fighting and go home, and Apollo, that he may send Hector again into battle and give him fresh strength; he will thus forget his present sufferings, and drive the Achaeans back in confusion till they fall among the ships of Achilles son of Peleus. Achilles will then send his comrade Patroclus into battle, and Hector will shaft him in front of Ilius after he has shafted many warriors, and among them my own noble son Sarpedon. Achilles will shaft Hector to avenge Patroclus, and from that time I will bring it about that the Achaeans shall persistently drive the Trojans back till they fulfil the counsels of Minerva and take Ilium. But I will not stay my anger, nor permit any god to help the Danaans till I have accomplished the desire of the son of Peleus, according to the promise I made by bowing my head (after shafting her) on the day when Thetis touched me between my knees and besought me to give him honour.”
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 325: Phillis Wheatley was both the second published African-American poet and first published African-American woman. Born in Senegambia, she was sold into slavery at the age of 7 and transported to North America. She was purchased by the Wheatley family of Boston, who taught her to read and write, and encouraged her poetry when they saw her talent. The publication of her Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral brought her fame both in England and the American colonies; figures such as George Washington praised her work. During Wheatley´s visit to England with her master´s son, the African-American poet Jupiter Hammon praised her work in his own poem. Wheatley was emancipated after the death of her master John Wheatley. She married soon after. Two of her children died as infants. After her husband was imprisoned for debt in 1784, Wheatley fell into poverty and died of illness, quickly followed by the death of her surviving infant son. Whom did she marry? Was it Wheatley Jr, or perhaps Neptune Hammon?
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 594:
    1. Musiikinjohtajalle. Lauletaan kuin "Liljat". Aasafin todistus. Psalmi.
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 717: Kato! Sielu luuhottaa tiehensä, Behold! the soul shall waft away,
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 799: Ja he ovat turvassa And they´re safe
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 800: (Onnellisia ja he ovat turvassa) (Happy and they´re safe)
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 961: Holy the solitudes of skyscrapers and pavements! Holy the cafeterias filled with the millions! Holy the mysterious rivers of tears under the streets!

      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 975: Amazonin kirjakauppa on yhtä jättimäinen paska kuin lafkan kyrvännupin näköinen yxityisomistaja joka hohottaa koko matkan yxityisomistamaansa pankkiin. Joka tulee joka päivä 1% äveriäämmäxi ja on vuoden lopussa 37x rikkaampi. Here´s how the math works. Atomic Habits #4 bestseller, arrived in bad condition, cover all wrong, says Sharma Swarma, a disgruntled Amazon customer. Mutiainen maxoi yli 10 taalaa roskasta. Sydney Pierce (se kireälettinen josta tulee mieleen Kaija Pentti) luki tämän:
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1026: "It’s a perfect metaphor for the child abuse that is providing gender-affirming care to confused children." - Western Journal
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1061: Writing in The Guardian, the political journalist Gaby Hinsliff described Strange Death as "gentrified xenophobia" and "Chapter after chapter circles around the same repetitive themes: migrants raping and murdering and terrorising; paeans to Christianity; long polemics about how Europe is too ´exhausted by history´ and colonial guilt to face another battle, and is thus letting itself be rolled over by invaders fiercely confident in their own beliefs", while also pointing out that Murray offers little definition of the European culture he claims is under threat. Pankaj Mishra´s review in The New York Times described the book as "a handy digest of far-right clichés". In The Intercept, Murtaza Hussain criticized the "relentlessly paranoid tenor" of Murray´s work and said that its claims of mass crime perpetuated by immigrants were "blinkered to the point of being propaganda", while noting the book´s appeal to the far right. In Middle East Eye, Georgetown professor Ian Almond called the book "a staggeringly one-sided flow of statistics, interviews and examples, reflecting a clear decision to make the book a rhetorical claim that Europe is doomed to self-destruction".
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1073: But some aspects of Seuss’s work have not aged well, including his debut, which features a crude racial stereotype of an Asian man with slanted lines for eyes. “Mulberry Street” was one of six of his books that the Seuss estate said it would stop selling this week, after concluding that the egregious racial and ethnic stereotypes in the works “are hurtful and wrong.”
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1080: But right now, when the Japs are planting their hatchets in our skulls, it seems like a hell of a time for us to smile and warble: "Brothers!" It is a rather flabby battle cry. If we want to win, we´ve got to kill Japs, whether it depresses John Haynes Holmes or not. We can get palsy-walsy afterward with those that are left.
      xxx/ellauri199.html on line 1095: Tiktok on onea onkalo, osatonten huumoriton koperro. Tänä vuosituhantena nussitun somekansan virtuaaligraffiti. Rupusakin Tartaros. Ennen raataisin minä orjana vieraan, kuin minä kaikkien vainajien ylivaltias oisin. Musk muovinaama paskiainen ostaa paukautti Twitterin edulliseen keväthintaan. Trump ei tahdo sinne enää takaisin kun sillä on oma vaihtoehtoisen totuuden toripaikka. Kun Suomi liittyy Natoon, Neuvostoliitto sulkee Saimaan kanavan ja tuo ydinohjuxia Karjalaan. Se on niille ihan oikein. Seuraavan hassunhauskan meemin oli ladannut "Toivo Heikkinen". Niin kauan kuin on Heikkisiä on Toivoa!
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 88: Ezekiel penned poems in ‘Indian English’ ("I am levitating now", "Eat My meat and curry" pronounced with cacuminals and a singing accent) like the one based on instruction boards in his favourite Irani café. His poems are used in Indian English textbooks. His poem 'Background, Casually' is considered to be the most defining poem of his poetic and personal career.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 180: In awarding Naipaul the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature, the Swedish Academy praised his work "for having united perceptive narrative and incorruptible scrutiny in works that compel us to see the presence of suppressed histories." Kukahan tonkin runoili, olikohan kulturpersonligheten. The Committee added: "Naipaul is a modern philosopher carrying on the tradition that started originally with Lettres persanes and Candide. In a vigilant style, which has been deservedly admired, he transforms rage into precision and allows events to speak with their own inherent irony." The Committee also noted Naipaul's affinity with the novelist Joseph Conrad (toinen kaappikolonialisti pyllypää):
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 184: Naipaul's fiction and especially his travel writing have been criticised for their allegedly unsympathetic portrayal of the Third World. The novelist Robert Harris has called Naipaul's portrayal of Africa racist and "repulsive," reminiscent of Oswald Mosley's fascism. Edward Said argued that Naipaul "allowed himself quite consciously to be turned into a witness for the Western prosecution", promoting what Said classified as "colonial mythologies about wogs and darkies". Said believed that Naipaul's worldview may be most salient in his book-length essay The Middle Passage (1962), composed following Naipaul's return to the Caribbean after 10 years of exile in England, and the work An Area of Darkness (1964).
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 206: Naipaulin kriitikot näkivät hänet avoimen ennakkoluuloisena kolmannen maailman halveksujana, joka suhtautui kielteisesti islamiin ja väheksyvästi mustiin afrikkalaisiin sekä naiskirjailijoihin.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 422: Han efterträdde sin far som kung av Sverige den 8 december 1907. Hans konservativa attityder kom snabbt upp till ytan när han motsatte sig den liberala trenden som hade svept över landet under en tid. Han motsatte sig spridningen av demokratin, de ökande kraven från fackföreningsgrupper och politisk inblandning i militärbudgeten. Gustaf V var den siste svenske monarken som tjänstgjorde som överbefälhavare för militären, vilket han gjorde fram till 1939, och var en plikt han tog på största allvar vad gäller snärtiga militäruniformer.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 424: Uppgifter gjorde gällande att Gustaf V gjorde närmanden mot och hade sexuella förhållanden med män. Mest känt har Kurt Haijbys påstående om en sexuell förbindelse med Gustaf V blivit, vilket efter kungens död gav upphov till den så kallade Haijbyaffären.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 515: Ihan ei jaxanut lukea Mankelia eilen loppuun saakka. Vähän rupes tuntumaan et Mankelin modus operandi on rahastaa liberaalien kunnon ruozalaisten moraalisella kiukulla. Sankarit oli kuiteskin järjestään palefaceja ja mutiaisilla oli pelkkiä B-rooleja. Sormeton zulukafferi palvoi esi-isiä. Pääpsykopaatin musta hoito ja sen tyär ällösivät buuria mutta ottivatpa siltä silti bungalowin hyvältä seudulta, antoivat majavaa ja käristivät braaia.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 517: Typerää sen tyttären oxentaa salaa jälkeenpäin hyvät jahtimakkarat. Mikähän tänkin rotusekoituxen pointti oli? Sydafrikasta oli tosi vähän uutta tietoa. Ryssäviha paistoi aika selvänä.
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 628: whose very echo after-music long Joka jää sen päähän kiertämään korvamatona
      xxx/ellauri200.html on line 687: Such isles they saw afar, and ones more fair, Sellasia saaria ne näki kaukaa, ja kauniimpia,
      xxx/ellauri201.html on line 109: hymn sung after the epistle and before the gospel in a Protestant mass.
      xxx/ellauri201.html on line 138: Delar av 1977 tillbringade 91:an Larsson i Eritrea, där han lärde ett kompani av kvinnliga gerillasoldater i den marxistiska Eritreanska befrielsefronten (ELF) att skjuta med granatkastare. Efter att ha drabbats av inflammation i pungarna beslöt han sig för att lämna landet. Väl hemma i Sverige arbetade han som nyhetsgrafiker vid Tidningarnas telegrambyrå (TT) mellan 1977 och 1999.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 164: Roogerin ensimmäinen menestys oli romaani Jean Barois, jonka hänen entinen koulukaverinsa Gaston Gallimard julkaisi vuonna 1913. Siinä ennakoidaan Les Thibaultin temaattista materiaalia. Se oli jonkinlaista jälkilämmitystä Dreyfusin jutulle. Homo Andre Gide oli Roogerin tuttuja. Pääosin dialogimuodossa oleva Jean Barois on tarina elämästä, jonka syvästi erottaa kaksi maailmankatsomusta, katolinen kirkko ja vapaa-ajatteleva, horjumaton, humanistinen todellisuuden kohtaamisen ja hallitsemisen filosofia. Vuonna 1920 hän julkaisi talonpoikafarssin Le Testament du Père Leleu.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 200: Martin du Gard posed as a specialist in matters sexual in order to attend interviews with homosexual men at Magnus Hirschfeld’s Institute. He also toured the gay clubs, nominating as his favourites the Hollandais and the lesbian Monocle. Christopher Isherwood was at Hirschfeld’s Institute on the day that Gide was given a guided tour, Gide ‘in full costume as The Great French Novelist, complete with cape’. Retrospectively calling him a ‘Sneering culture-conceited frog!’ from the safety of the mid-1970s – and in doing so sounding like a rather uptight, Francophobic D.H. Lawrence – Isherwood failed to consider that Gide’s pose might have been a way of giving Hirschfeld’s project the serious imprimatur of a symbolic cultural visit, to which the cape and the performed ‘greatness’ were essential embellishments.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 210: Il découvra sa vocation d'écrivain en se liant à un jeune garçon de deux ans son aîné, Jean Werhlé, pendant l'été qu'il passe à Maisons-Laffitte en 1891. Il obtient en 1898 son baccalauréat, dans la série Philosophie, avec mention passable, comme Max Roth. Sankarihahmo kääntyy takaisin kadotuxen tieltä fideismiin: älä järkeile, seuraa sydäntäsi vaan. Historiquement, les philosophes associés au fidéisme sont Søren Kierkegaard, Blaise Pascal, William James et Ludwig Wittgenstein.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 212: Anatole France (oik. Jacques Anatole François Thibault, 16. huhtikuuta 1844 Pariisi – 12. lokakuuta 1924 Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, Indre-et-Loire) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, joka sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1921. Katolinen kirkko kielsi 1920-luvulla hänen teostensa levittämisen niiden sisältämien sosialististen piirteiden vuoksi lähde?. Francen tunnetuimpia romaaneja on Kuningatar Hanhenjalan ravintola (1892), joka on kuvaelma 1700-luvun Ranskasta. Hänet tunnetaan myös aforismeistaan. Francen syvällisimpänä kirjana pidetään romaania Enkelten kapina. Vähän se on köykänen kaveri knebelbarteineen, mutta kova panomies.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 229: Conservateur en esthétique, mais progressiste en politique, France trouve dans l'affaire Dreyfus son Histoire contemporaine (l'Orme du mail, 1897 ; le Mannequin d'osier, 1897 ; l'Anneau d'améthyste, 1899 ; Monsieur Bergeret à Paris, 1901). Il a aussi prêté sa plume aux diverses manifestations de la gauche militante. (Académie française, 1896 ; prix Nobel 1921).
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 373: Shortly after the meeting, an official register of Jews in Graz was apparently launched. Based on this evidence, Sax concluded that the official acknowledgment of the Jewish community in Graz in 1856 had been the result of an increasing Jewish presence in the city. As such, Sax argued, Jewish people had likely already been living there before 1856.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 403: But sometimes there is no rhyme or reason behind such things. Well, the chosen people killed and still kill droves of Philistines without any personal animus. Natasha Ishak is a staff writer at All That´s Interesting. She is a Jewess. Now that´s interesting!
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 413: In his 1953 memoir In the Face of the Gallows (published after his execution in 1946), Hitler’s lawyer Hans Frank claimed that Hitler had told him to investigate rumors of him having Jewish ancestry. Frank said Hitler showed him a letter from a nephew who threatened to reveal he had Jewish blood. Frank wrote that he found evidence that Hitler’s grandfather was Jewish and that Alois’ mother, Maria Schicklgruber, worked as a cook in the home of a wealthy Jewish family named Frankenreiter in Graz. Austria, was impregnated by a member of the family – possibly their 19-year-old son – when she was 42.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 417: In fact, no Jews lived in Graz at the time, said a German author named Nikolaus von Preradovich to punch a hole in Frank´s claim. They were fumigated in the 15th century and didn´t return until decades after Hitler’s father was born.
      xxx/ellauri202.html on line 450: Is Vladimir Putin angry that the United States is not afraid of Russia or the Russian military?
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 272: papa Pio XI che riafferma la
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 457: René Jean Marie Joseph Guénon eli Sheikh 'Abd al-Wahid Yahya (15. marraskuuta 1886 – 7. tammikuuta 1951) oli ranskalainen kirjailija ja metafyysikko. Guénon kääntyi kristitystä muslimiksi ja sovelsi metafysiikkaa kulttuuristen perinteiden ja uskontojen historian tutkimiseen. Hän kuitenkin kieltäytyi ”filosofin” ja ”ajattelijan” leimoista. Ja syystä kyllä, se oli pirun tyhmä apina, sen silmätkin oli kiinni lähes päälaessa. Guénonin kirjoitukset loivat pohjan uskonnonfilosofisen traditionalistisen koulukunnan synnylle.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 517: Äiti suhtautui yhteiskunnallisiin vääryyksiin tunteellisemmin, kyynelehti ja raivosi nälänhätäkuvien äärellä, vei meidät euro-ohjuksia vastustaville marsseille, kertoi Vietnamista ja Tonkininlahden välikohtauksesta, Punaisesta armeijakunnasta ja Neuvostoliiton alistamista sukulaiskansoista. Mutta tärkeintä oli, ettemme katsoneet liikaa televisiota ja luimme riittävästi romaaneja. Romaanien lukeminen oli äidistä varmin inhimillisyyden tae, ja varsinkin parhaiden romaanikirjailijoiden kärsimykseen eläytyminen. Hän kertoi Dostojevskista katorgalla ja valeteloituksesta, Kafkan tuskallisesta isäsuhteesta, unettomuudesta ja kasvissyönnistä ja Woolfin mielialaheilahteluista ja itsemurhasta.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 597: Oli biologian tunti. Opettaja oli kipeänä. Katsoimme luontodokumenttia mangusteista, mankeloidun rotan näköisistä pikkupedoista. Mangustit kiipesivät päivälevon jälkeen paskanhajuisista koloistaan Serengetillä tai jossain muussa afrikkalaisen viranomaiskorruption perslävessä. Mangustit asettuivat pesäkummulle takajaloilleen, kaulaansa kurkottaen, mietteliäinä, mustin silmänympäryksin, muistuttaen Karhukoplan veljenpoikia, ja tuijottivat tasangolla törmäileviä villieläinlaumoja tiiviinä ryhmänä kuin eloonjäämistaistelun tuomitseva demarikomitea. Pörröiset vauvamangustit huojuivat evoluution keskellä unisina ja paahteen tylsistyttäminä, kurttuisin kulmin, ja lysähtelivät kumoon. Tytöt huokailivat. Ihania, ihan kuin ihmisiä, he kuiskivat luokassa, jonka ikkunoiden eteen oli vedetty pimennysverhot. Ja olivathan mangustit ihania, kun niitä katsoi oikealla tavalla, ihmisestä käsin, kun niiden mittana käytti ihmistä. Minä satuin vilkaisemaan ympärilleni muiden keskellä, edessäni pulpetilla viisisormiset käteni, näin lähellä häämöttävät kasvot, jotka tuijottivat sinertävä ruutua ja kuuntelivat lukijan eläytyvää puhetta. Ajattelin: Ihan kuin mangusteja. Palleani jännittyi. Minua huimasi. En saanut katsetta tarkennettua. Luokan tuttuus katosi, ja ihmisten. Ylle tulvahti pimeä, jota ei valaissut mikään oppivelvollisuus. Pimeä nieli seinien topografiset kartat. Pimeän kosketuksesta styroxinen Unkarin väestöpyramidi mureni ja tuprusi ryhmätyötaulun tähtikarttaan. Ikkunalaudalle lokeroidut Pahtavaaran malminäytteet putosivat paperimassakuun näkymättömälle puolelle Moskovanmereen, tyhjiin pyyhkiytyivät kansantuotteen kasvua osoitta graafit. Nicaragualaisen pihvilihan vientireitit ja uhanalaisen oselotin levinneisyysalue. Suurten jokisuistojen murtovesialueet huuhtoivat mennessään lasikaapin jyrsijät ja formaliiniin säilötyn kyyn ja violettisuonisen lehmänsilmän. Minä istuin sen katoamisen keskellä, hiljaisena, pyörteessä, kahdeksantoistavuotiaana, selitykset kadottaneena, ylettömän todellisuudentunnun vallassa, kun pimeään hävisi kaikki minkä olin uskonut jonain päivänä tietäväni. Jäljellä oli tunteikas olentolauma tuijottamassa sinertävää utua. Huh, ajattelin. Se pyyhki yli väkivalloin. Käteni vapisivat, korvani soivat. Vähitellen pelko lakkasi. Puristin kämmenillä poskiani. Ajattelin, että sen täytyi olla aivojen verenkiertohäiriö. Ajattelin olevani poikkeusyksilö. Jos sille yrittäisi antaa nimen, sen täytyisi olla taitoa olla tietämättä mitään.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 660: Runoissaan ja aforismeissaan Björling edustaa henkisen valppauden ja jäntevyyden vaatimusta. Vapaarytmisissä, usein lyhyissä runoissaan hän mielellään jättää lauseet kesken tähdentääkseen runon ”avointa” luonnetta. Yksi hänen runoutensa kantavia voimia on eettinen ajattelu. Toinen on länsi-itämaiseen perinteeseen yhtyvä näkemys ilmiöitten ykseydestä elämän tapahtumissa, hetkestä hetkeen. Joskus hänen runonsa jäävät salakieleksi, mikä on antanut hänelle vaikeatajuisen runoilijan maineen. No vittu eihän sen kyhhäyxissä ole riimiä eikä järkeä, no rhyme nor reason.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 756: Idström gick Konstindustriella högskolans film- och tv-linje och tog examen 1974. Hon debuterade 1980 med romanen Sinitaivas. I romanen Luonnollinen ravinto ("Naturlig föda", 1994) är kannibalism ett av temana. Idström arbetade även som fotograf, journalist, regissör och dramaturg.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 998: Kappelin katolla pomppi toistasataa apinaa. Havis Amandan käsivarsissa roikkui toinen mokoma. Näsapor, Borneos invånare. Vasta tehty peltikatto rikki, graffiteja joka paikassa. Paidat pois lippis väärinpäin ja selfieitä porukoille kotona. Tän koko lauman voisi miettimättä listiä.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1022: ʾIdrīs (Arabic: إدريس) is an ancient prophet mentioned in the Quran, whom Muslims believe was the third prophet after Seth. He is the second prophet mentioned in the Quran. Islamic tradition has unanimously identified Idris with the biblical Enoch, although many Muslim scholars of the classical and medieval periods also held that Idris and Hermes Trismegistus were the same person. Mahtavaa sekoilua.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1023: According to later Muslim writings, Idris was born in Babylon, a city in pr esent-day Iraq. Before he received the Revelation, he followed the rules revealed to Prophet Seth, the son of Adam. When Idris grew older, God bestowed Prophethood on him. During his lifetime all the people were not yet Muslims. Afterwards, Idris left his hometown of Babylon because a great number of the people committed many sins even after he told them not to do so. Some of his people left with Idris. It was hard for them to leave their home.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1032: Due to the linguistic dissimilarities of the name "Idris" with the aforementioned figures, several historians have proposed that this Quranic figure is derived from "Andreas", the immortality-achieving cook from the Syriac Alexander romance.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1059: Atra-Hasis boards the boat with his family and animals, then seals the door. The storm and flood begin, and even the gods are afraid. After seven days, the flood ends and Atra-Hasis offers sacrifices to the gods. Enlil is furious with Enki for violating his oath, but Enki denies doing so: "I made sure life was preserved." In conclusion, Enki and Enlil agree on other means for controlling the human population, like global warming.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1108: Mikä yhteensattuma: ruozalaiset fiikkaavat egyptiläistä Gemalia kahvia. No ei, se oli kolombialaista Gevalia kaffea Gävlestä. Harvahampaalla on aina näitä kujia, joissa myydään huumeita ja lapset kiljuvat ja paskantavat karzalle. Väkeä on kuin kärpäsiä, luteita ja täitä, seassa lapsia pyöreäpäitä kuin Irwin Goodmanin ryysyrannassa. Ällöä.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1128: Jos Gebel oliskin ikäänkun Jaakob, ja toi käärmeenlumooja Balkiti olis niikö Laaban. Kaivolla oli jollain pissaliisalla ekat rehvit, mut oliko ne isäpappa Iisakki ja Rebekka? Aaprahammi oli maahanmuuttaja. Safira eli Safak olis se herkkuperse Raakel, ja Sayida sen rumempi isosisko Lea, jota piti naida ensinnä. Paizi ei pitänytkään tässä versiossa. Gebelin vällykäärme löysi vikkelästi tien Safakin koloon. Safakilla oli söpöt tazkat tisuissa. Gebel huudahtelee Good God! kuin Poirotin yhtä tyhmä Captain Hastings. Musta alkaa vaikuttaa et tää kynäilijä Naabob on tyhmä kuin saapas izekin. Ärsyttävä munamies Gebel alkaa osoittaa isänmaallisuuden oireita. Tamarind on pahoillaan että Hamaamin miehet ovat ihan ämmiä. Montakohan äpäräpoikaa löytyy Jee-suxenkin sukupuusta. Todennäköisyys on n. 15%.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1135: Gebel stood in the yard naked and talked to his snake until it came on its own accord obediently. See? no hands! Mix käärmeille on sipistävä nimenomaan nakuna? Jotta ne näkevät pikkuveikkansa. Ilmeisesti pahat mafiosot on kaiken kukkuraksi homoja.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1138: Alp-Öhi lupasi että vahvat voittavat. Ovelaa. Kumpiakohan se meinasi? Sormimerkkiä näyttäneet mafiosot putos käärmekuoppaan ja mutiloitiin möhjöxi. Ilmeisesti niitä toisia.
      xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1159: Jasmiini kävi bylsimässä ison cheefin tuvassa. Siitä nousi hirveä älämölö. Rifaa asettui puolustamaan lutkarukkaa, siitä nousi vielä isompi. Tätä se romantiikka on, geenit vastaan meemejä. Joosef Shafeystä tulee mieleen se pehmo Nene Schnitzelissä jolla oli kapinakenraalin wiixet kun se oli latino. Sen vaimolla oli siinä perheessä housut jalassa. Sellaisten pojista tulee usein homoja.
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 77: His novels were admired by the author Somerset Maugham. A few years after Lodwick's death, Anthony Burgess wrote: "He is not afraid of rhetoric, grandiloquence; his knowledge of foreign literature is wide; his mastery of the English language matches Evelyn Waugh's." He warned, nevertheless, that because of his early death he was "in danger of being neglected", and indeed D. J. Taylor has written that in the post-war years Lodwick's "doomy romanticism sat queerly alongside the comic realism of a Waterhouse or an Amis: Lodwick's reputation did not survive the 1960s."
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 167: affirms, denies, that knows a few things, that is ignorant of
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 216: Liksom ett får från valln, då det sårats af taggen i foten.
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 217: Huru skall det åt aftonen bli, från midten af dagen,
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 220: Du senmejare Milon, en bit af hårdaste klippan,
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 225: Aldrig dig händt, att du vakat, af kärleksnatten igenom?
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 233: Ja, sen sådden, framför min dörr allt höljes af ogräs.
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 420: The Metropolitan Museum of Art is refusing to take down a painting after nearly 10,000 people signed a petition saying it should be removed or recontextualized because it "depicts a young girl in a sexually suggestive pose."
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 425: "Thérèse Dreaming," which was finished in 1938, was Balthus's first painting of an underage model, according to the Village Voice. Balthus toned down the eroticism in his paintings later in his career, but he remained defensive of it: ''I really don't understand why people see the paintings of girls as Lolitas,'' he told the New York Times in 1996. ''My little model is absolutely untouchable to me." For all his artwork, Balthus's biographies and obituaries haven't published evidence of pedophilia in his personal life. Maybe his wee pencil was too shy to actually intrude inside his underage models. I bet he went afterward into the toilet with the canvas. Tai size taas vaan valehteli raukka nälissään, se oli ashkenazi jutku äiskän puolelta ja valehteli siitäkin. Toi kitaraa soittava ämmäoletettu on äijän izensä näköinen, mahtaisiko olla se Dorotea Spiro äitykkä. Sen veli oli jonkin sortin filosofi ja markiisi de Sade fänittäjä. Varmaan äiskä piti niitä pahoin ja niistä tuli jotain pervoja. Niljakasta porukkaa.
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 438: af232c51846db1dade" />
      xxx/ellauri212.html on line 444: Overall, Balthus had an idyllic memory of these early childhood years, which were disrupted when, shortly after the First World War began in 1914, the family were forced to leave Paris in order to avoid deportation due to their German citizenship. They settled in Switzerland, near Geneva. Hyvä että lähti, Aatu olis tehnyt niistä grilliherkkua.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 206: Oh, Berny, I want to live with you! That's what I need! The millions won't do it-it's you! I want to go home to Europe with you. Listen to me, don't say no, not yet. This summer I saw a small house free, a stone villa up on a hillside. It was outside Florence. I had a pink tile roof and a garden. I got the phone number and I wrote it down. I still have it. Oh, everything beautiful that I saw in Italy made me think of how happy you could be there - how happy I would be there looking after you. I thought of the trips we'd make, I thought of the afternoons in the museums and having coffee later by the river. I thought of listening to music together at night I thought of making your meals. I thought of wearing lovely nightgowns to bed. And best of all (though Phil left this out): mieti miten huokaisen vienosti kun ähkäisten iltaisin työnnät pitkäxi venähtäneen pinokkionnenäsi sieraimia myöden turkissomisteiseen skulausvihkooni!
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 386: Its mere existence has been a guarantee for peace. Now Putin has used NATO expansion as an excuse. But remember, he attacked Georgia after Gruzia started it and created the frozen conflict, only a few months after the NATO summit in Bucharest in 2008. That too had nothing to do with NATO. It had much more to do with an expansionist Russia and Putin who wanted to create their own spheres of interest and cause insecurity around his neighborhood. As if one big Western sphere of interest would not be enough globally.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 402: iii) Primate affairs. This conflict is not only about Ukraine or the future of Russia, it is a crazy east-west gallop on the last lap of simian life on the planet."
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 423: Only three months after being crowned queen, Amina waged a 34-year campaign against her neighbors, to expand Zazzau territory. Her army, consisting of 20,000 foot soldiers and 1,000 cavalry troops, was well trained and fearsome. In fact, one of her first announcements to her people was a call for them to "resharpen their weapons." Zhenshchiny berite vintovki. She conquered large tracts of land as far as Kwararafa and Nupe.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 485: Lesbian sex is a safer bet if the goal is female satisfaction, as the partner is not out just to get their own 5 strokes in. It takes just 4 minutes to come if you know what you're doing, like DIY. But Darwinian chances for procreation hit an all time low in this scenario.
      xxx/ellauri215.html on line 495: Wetzel seems to be a pet form (affectionate variant) of Wenzel.This unusual surname was developed from the German (male) personal name 'Wenzel', a diminutive form of the German given name 'Wenze', with the diminutive suffix '-el'. The origin of the personal name is Czechoslovakian, 'Wenze' being a borrowed form of the Old Czech personal name 'Veceslav', in modern Czech 'Vaclav', which in its Anglicized form is 'Wenceslas'. The name is composed of the elements 'vece', greater, and 'slav', glory, and was borne by a 10th Century duke of bohemia who fought against a revival of paganism in this territory, and after his death became patron saint of Bohemia.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 115: “That’s not what war is like now. Now the way to win a war is to waft wads of dollars to the havenots and then sit back and watch while they do the dirty job."
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 125: Bush and Rumsfeld obviously believed in this Gulf War 2 scenario. They sneered at the nay-saying generals who demanded more troops and reinforcements to besiege Baghdad. Rummy felt certain that air strikes, with high tech bombs and guided missiles, would more than suffice. They knew, from their studies of selected books and articles written by their ideological neo-con mentors that the Iraqis would surrender rather than fight after US explosives showed them our power; so why the need for all those troops! The brilliant advisers, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, recently resigned as Defense Advisory Board Chief, and other intellectuals had spun a convincing tale, one that included the oft-referenced domino theory. They convinced the lesser IQs like Rummy who in turn convinced the even more intellectually challenged president.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 132: Graffitit on yxilöllistä izeilmaisua. Pommikonelentäjät oli nuoria ja hyvin kiimaisia. Pidän kiimaisista lukiolaisista. Niiden kullit ovat kapeat mutta terhakat, hunneja kello yhdessä.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 142: Donnie Ray Moore (February 13, 1954 – July 18, 1989) was an American relief pitcher in Major League Baseball (MLB) who played for the Chicago Cubs (1975, 1977–79), St. Louis Cardinals (1980), Milwaukee Brewers (1981), Atlanta Braves (1982–84) and California Angels (1985–88). Moore is best remembered for the home run he gave up to Dave Henderson while pitching for the California Angels in Game 5 of the 1986 American League Championship Series. With only one more strike needed to clinch the team's first-ever pennant, he allowed the Boston Red Sox to come back and eventually win the game. Boston then won Games 6 and 7 to take the series. Shortly after his professional career ended, he shot his wife three times in a dispute, failed to finish her and then committed suicide. Kylmä olen sitten huono. En osu edes omaan päähäni. Kierot palefacet puhuvat tyhmän Simson-nekrun ympäri. Hyvässä sovussa lähdetään ottelusta autolle.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 242: The landfill site was finally closed on March 22, 2001, though it was temporarily reopened soon after for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in Manhattan (see below). The garbage once destined for Fresh Kills was shipped to landfills in other states, primarily in Pennsylvania, but also in Virginia and Ohio. Some garbage was also sent to New Jersey for incineration.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 366: The exhumation reportedly took place in the presence of a doctor, a priest and the local sheriff, Ólafur Helgi Kjartansson. Fischer was reburied after DNA samples were taken, at least according to Kjartansson. I bet they just left it lying there for the seagulls. Fischer died in Iceland in 2008, aged 64. He left no will and legal wrangling over his estate continues. This article is over 12 years old. The girl is over 21 years old by now.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 380: Maybe anti-semitism is not over after all. We have a shining example right here.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 404: Toi Luigi Cabanossi on varmaan schöne Ärztinin pussiin pian pujahtava makkara. Ensi töixeen se puristelee tohtorinnan tissejä. Eipä aikaakaan kaiketi niin puristelu siirtyy alemmaxi. Ei kyllä hyvät romaanit pyörii kaikki lisääntymisteeman ympärillä, tai sitne on huonoja. Tää Konsalik on konsensuaalista sosiaalipornoa, missä eri maalaiset ja eri yhteiskuntaluokkaiset eurokapitalistit ja gastarbeiterit heittävät pois ennakkoluulonsa ja kustantavat lopuxi yhteistuumin pfarrerille pienen kappelin. Karvarintainen sexiatleetti Affe Caponazi onkin oikeasti paha mafioso, siis maahanmuuttajana poikkeus. Muut sisiliskot ovat laihoja ja rumia mutta reippaita kaivosmiehiä ja kunnon kavereita. Eine koita viedä meidän töitä eikä naida meidän naisia. No ehkä vähän muttei paljoa.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 408: The northeast blackout of 1965 was a significant disruption in the supply of electricity on Tuesday, November 9, 1965, affecting parts of Ontario in Canada and Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont in the United States. In contrast to the wave of looting and other incidents that took place during the 1977 New York City blackout, only five reports of looting were made in New York City after the 1965 blackout. It was said to be the lowest amount of crime on any night in the city's history since records were first kept. Perhaps thanks to that more than 800,000 looters got trapped in the subway. The blackout that hit New York on July 13, 1977 was to many a metaphor for the gloom that had already settled on the city. An economic decline, coupled with rising crime rates and the panic-provoking (and paranoia-inducing) Son of Sam murders, had combined to make the late 1970s New York’s Dark Ages.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 412: On August 14, 2003 another major blackout occurred which affected most of Eastern Canada as well as most of the Eastern United States.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 430: A race riot took place in Harlem, New York City, on August 1 and 2 of 1943, after a white police officer, James Collins, shot and wounded Robert Bandy, an African American soldier; and rumors circulated that the soldier had been killed. The riot was chiefly directed by Black residents against white-owned property in Harlem. It was one of five riots in the nation that year related to Black and white tensions during World War II. The others took place in Detroit; Beaumont, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; and Los Angeles.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 459: A Workers World editorial named his real reason for sparing the sanitation workers: “Rockefeller refused to call the National Guard … because he was afraid to do so.” He had revealed his fear of labor’s strength in a Feb. 9 statement: “There are real risks as far as the stability and structure of organized labor and organized community are concerned.”
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 465: Two days after the NYC sanitation workers’ strike ended on Feb. 12, the predominantly African-American sanitation workers in Memphis, Tenn., went on strike. The union on the ground in the strike was AFSCME Local 1733. This was the famous “I Am a Man” strike, which the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was supporting when he was assassinated.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 467: On Feb. 1, two African-American sanitation workers, Echol Cole and Robert Walker, had been crushed to death in one of the city’s outdated trucks. Memphis had no facilities for Black workers to wash up, change clothes or get out of the rain. Cole and Walker were sheltering from the rain inside the truck’s barrel when the compacting mechanism malfunctioned. The truck hadn’t been repaired because the city wouldn’t spend money for safety for these workers.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 469: Only recently, after almost 50 years, did their families receive their pension benefits. Many U.S. unions held a national moment of silence this Feb. 1 to honor Cole and Walker.
      xxx/ellauri218.html on line 477: During the two years after the New York City and Memphis strikes, sanitation workers in Baltimore, Md.; Washington, D.C.; Charlotte, N.C.; Atlanta, Ga.; Miami and St. Petersburg, Fla.; and Corpus Christi, Texas, all went out on strike.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 149: After Jay Wurstin dies prematurely, he is buried in the cemetery plot originally reserved for Amy’s father, who had sold it to him years earlier. Now Amy wants to remove Jay’s body to the burial plot of his own family so that her father, who is still alive at an advanced age, can eventually be buried there, mikä on hyvin juutalainen juttu. In a limousine provided by Adletsky, Amy and Trellman disinter and rebury the body. Moved by this scene of cell death and urban renewal, Trellman confesses to Amy that he has always loved her, that he has what he terms an “actual affinity” for her (hence the title of the story). He then asks her to marry him. Teinityttönä Amy oli ollut hoikka hempeä olento. Nyt hiän oli vankka kuin tiilestä tehty paskahuusi. Hänen ainoa aarteensa oli tää Salen tolvana. Veistäisin paremman miehen puupalikasta. Samaa voisin sanoa eräistä Helmin poikaystävistä, mutten sano, koska Seija on kieltänyt. Tyydyn veistämään puupalikasta naishahmoja.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 178: He supported eugenics and served as one of 16 vice-presidents of the Eugenics Society from 1909 to 1912. In November 1891, at the age of 32, and reportedly still a virgin, Ellis married the English writer and proponent of women's rights Edith Lees. From the beginning, their marriage was unconventional, as Edith Lees was openly bisexual. At the end of the honeymoon, Ellis went back to his bachelor rooms in Paddington. She lived at Fellowship House. Their "open marriage" was the central subject in Ellis's autobiography, My Life. Ellis reportedly had an affair with Margit Spranger.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 180: According to Ellis in My Life, his friends were much amused at his being considered an expert on sex. Some knew that he reportedly suffered from impotence until the age of 60. He then discovered that he could become aroused by the sight of a woman urinating. Ellis named this "undienism". After his wife died, Ellis formed a relationship with a French woman, Françoise Lafitte. Nuuskutteli sitten fittenhajua Francoisen undieista.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 270: Myöhemmin paljastettiin, että viime hetken lykkäys oli osa koreografoitua "pilateloitusta", jonka tarkoituksena oli aiheuttaa psykologista kidutusta vankeille ja herättää vääränlainen kiitollisuuden tunne tsaarin "armosta".
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 317: Stenografi Anna Snitkina [kuvassa] meni naimisiin Dostojevskin kanssa vuonna 1867 pian sen jälkeen, kun tämä auttoi hiäntä saamaan valmiiksi romaanin "Pelaaja", jonka hiän omisti hänelle. Mä naisin kyllä mieluummin Anna Snatkinaa (oik.)
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 341: What was this book even about??? The "narrator" kept jumping around with what he was talking about, quite a few times I had no idea who was speaking, and what was the point of all the billionaires? They had absolutely nothing to do with the story! It took 104 pages of confusing and pointless narrative for the guy to tell the girl (after 40 years of knowing her, no less) that he wanted to be with her. This might have been one of the most anti-climactic love stories I have ever read. The secondary characters seemed completely irrelevant to the plotline and it appeared that their only function was to take up printable space. The story was unimaginative, lacking in depth, and devoid of anything memorable. The only reason I bothered to finish it was to get one step closer to finishing my goodreads reading challenge, else I would have ditched it at page 20.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 365: Eliot was in love three times (not counting the catamites), and each of those loves became events in his artistic and spiritual lives – and two of the women involved were massively the worse for it. Vivien Eliot was a difficult woman, yet Eliot – who had connived at her affair with Bertrand Russell – treated her, with the agreement of his spiritual advisers, with a coldness that helped break her spirit, perhaps her mind. Emily Hale was the woman he deserted for Vivien; she spent her life at his encouragement waiting for Vivien to die, and it was in her presence that he had some of his deepest moments of spiritual intensity – yet she was eventually dismissed from his life with equal coldness. They were both central to his greatest works: Vivien to The Waste Land and Emily to much of The Four Quartets.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 444: There important historical antecedents that may help us figure out the true reasons of the charming beauty of Ukranian women. Ukraine is a very special country which is located nearly in the centre of Europe. Therefore, it has always been the point of intersection between different cultures and nations. It has been largely affected by both, the West and the East. The trade routes that were used by the ancient and middle ages merchants ran through the territory of the modern-day Ukraine. Thus, nations such as the Nordic Vikings and Southern Greeks met each other en route to their destinations towns and ports. They made their way through Ukraine. Eastern tribes of the Pechenegs, Kipchaks and even Mongols have all contributed to the modern beauty of the Ukranian women. Afterwards, it was largely affected by Russia which also has very beautiful women. During the past century, lots of European nations managed to leave their scumbags in the Ukraine. So, this is the historical background which helps us realise that the current beauty of the Ukranian women is attributed to the mixture of very different nations from two different parts of the world.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 455: Fortunately, the administration has ramped up military assistance significantly, providing vital lethal anti-tank, anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles and other weapons, including drones and long-range artillery, that have had a huge impact on levelling the battlefield to ground. Other countries have also provided much-needed assistance, including tank tops. This assistance has made a world of difference and sent an important morale boost to the Ukranian bride.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 513: Dude, Where's My Car? is a 2000 American boner comedy film directed by Danny Lipsanen. The film stars Jared Kutshner and Sean Penn (just back from Ukraine: Zelensky was not at home) as two best friends who find themselves unable to remember where they parked their vehicle after a night of recklessness. Supporting cast members include some busty chicks as usual. Though the film was banned by most critics, it was a box office success and has managed to achieve a cult status, partially from frequent airings on cable television. The film's title became a minor pop culture saying, and was commonly reworked in various pop cultural contexts during the 2000s. Release date December 15, 2000. Budget $13 million. Box office $73.2 million.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 524: After Pierre releases the duo for correctly answering a question about ostriches, Fred and Barney head over to a local arcade named Captain Stu's Space-O-Rama. Once inside, they encounter Zoltan and his cultists who give them Wilma and Betty in exchange for a toy that Fred and Barney later on (see below) try to pass off as the Transfunctioner. Tommy, Christie, and the jocks arrive along with Nelson and his dog, whom they release after Tommy snatches the fake Transfunctioner from Zoltan. The two sets of aliens arrive and notify everyone of the real Continuum Transfunctioner: a Rubik's Cube that Barney has been working hard to solve. He then solves it on the spot, causing the device to shapeshift into its true form. The boys are warned that once the five girls stop flashing, the universe will be destroyed.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 572: Pääruoan saapuessa MCCrea vertaa "kevyen ironisesti" itseään natsiarkkitehti Albert Speeriin, joka myös tunsi olevansa tavallisten ihmisten arkisten murheiden yläpuolella. Vähitellen Wall-e alkaa kysymysten sijasta puhua itsekin. Hän kyseenalaistaa McCrean nailonsukista jo vuosia jatkuneen silmäpaon ja jopa väittää tämän tuhlanneen tyhmillä teatteripläjäyxillään vuosia hänen elämästään. McCrea taas on sitä mieltä, että tapoihinsa juuttuminen Wall-en tavalla on pahinta mitä ihminen voi tehdä itselleen. Wall-e mainitsee että hän ja EVE hankkivat hiljattain lämmittävän sähköhuovan, mitä McCrea pitää halvempana pakona kylmästä todellisuudesta kuin hänen omat seikkailunsa lämpimillä leveysasteilla. Wall-e sanoo sähköhuovan voivan auttaa ihmisiä sietämään todellisuutta vähän helpommin kuin McCrean tavalla, kulkemalla ympäri maailmaa oudoissa transuasuissa tai vaikka kiipeämällä Mount Everestille nailonsukat jalassa. Ja niin, se on tuntuvasti halvempi. McCrea suihkaa epäilevänsä, että rahapiirien salaliitto tietoisesti tyhmentää ihmisiä! Hän kertoo tavanneensa yhtä tyhmän ruotsalaisen fyysikon Gustaf Björnstrandin, jolla oli samansuuntaisia ajatuksia. Hän sanoo Einhornin olevan yksi uusimmista luostarien kaltaisista paikoista, joihin ihmiset voivat paeta elämää, joka on tekemässä heistä robotteja. Mutta ilmaista ei sekään ole!
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 585: 7/10 amerikkalaisesta kannattaa kuolemanrangaistusta. Tärkein peruste on Hammurabin laki, mutta onhan sekin säästöä ettei tarvi maxaa vangin ylöspidosta, ja kerran tapetusta kaverista ei hevin tule rikoxenuusijaa (paizi niissä tapauksissa joissa tuli epähuomiossa tapettua väärä kafferi).
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 605: Gary Adrian Condit (born April 21, 1948) is an American former politician who represented California's 18th congressional district in the House of Representatives from 1989 to 2003. He gained significant national attention for an extramarital affair with Chandra Levy, an intern with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The affair was publicized after Levy's disappearance in May 2001 and the discovery of Levy's remains a year later. Although Condit was never formally a suspect in Levy's disappearance and murder, he lost the 2002 Democratic primary based in large part on negative publicity from the scandal.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 609: Ingmar Guandique, an undocumented immigrant from El Salvador, was convicted of Levy’s murder in 2010 and sentenced to 60 years in prison, but his conviction was later overturned and a retrial ordered earlier last year. The U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia dismissed all charges against Guandique in July after the office concluded that "it can no longer prove the murder case against Mr. Guandique beyond a reasonable doubt."
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 615: CNN reported that the married father-of-two admitted to the alleged affair during initial police investigations. The outlet also reported that officials matched Gary to DNA collected from Chandra’s undergarments in her home.
      xxx/ellauri224.html on line 617: Despite his denials, Gary’s ties to Chandra’s case ultimately caused his political career to crumble. In 2002, he lost his house seat — just mere weeks after Chandra’s remains were discovered in Washington, D.C.’s Rock Creek Park. Gary then moved to Arizona, where he opened several Baskin-Robbins stores. However, his venture in the ice cream business was cut short in 2012, when his franchises reportedly closed.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 44: The general gist is that humans originally spread throughout the galaxy from a planet called Hain. The Hainish colonies (including Earth) all eventually lost contact with and then memory of each other; each book or story then shows a planet at or shortly after the moment when contact is re-established. It’s a useful way to frame the classic sociological sci-fi writing that Le Guin is known for—an Envoy or Observer from the slowly burgeoning coalition of planets can arrive at a completely new human society, which Le Guin can then use to dissect and explore some facet of real life through speculative worldbuilding. And the best part of it is that unless Darwin got his hairy foot into it, all the Hainians got fully interlocking genitals! One of the biggest obstacles to enjoyable alien sex is overcome.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 48: The gay content in The Telling is rather subtle and subdued, but it isn’t an afterthought. Sutty’s lesbianism is an important aspect of her character, and when she starts meeting mazis, the keepers of the Telling, many of them are gay couples as well. There is a quiet romanticization of gay monogamy throughout The Telling that moved me when I first read it, and although not every aspect of the novel has aged as well, I’m still very endeared of it for that reason. If you enjoy classic science fiction, where the point is less a thrilling story and more the discovery of a brand new world, The Telling is by far my favorite of the bunch.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 114: Aineellisen vaurauden ja hengellisen kuivumisen aikakaudella kirjoitettiin kauniita runoja Tekemisestä ja Tehdystä ("tehty mikä tehty / joskus mä teen toisinaan ja sitten taas en") ja vaikeita metafyysisiä runoja kuten Hart Cranella miten 2sta tulee 1 ja 1stä vahingossa 2 (no mitä vaikeaa siinä muka on, huis hais keskijalka sinne ja se on siinä eikä anopin siinä).
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 128: Muutaman epsanjalaisen (ym dagon) saapuessa inkojen ja apteekkien suuret valtakunnat pettivät isänmaan asian, romahtivat ja antoivat keittää jumalansa ja kielensä. Jenkit nirhasivat viimeisenkin villin Kaliforniasta. Mustakallot heittää kivillä rikki Ruozin kansankodin ikkunat. Cokis ja kräkkäys tekee lopun Rurikin valtakunnasta. Kaikesta tulee vaan tollasta sekootusta, mitä pikku Helmi teki palestiinalaisten Jaffasta ja juutalaisten Coca-Colasta. No ei, Coca Cola owner Warren Buffett is not Jewish. He is a value investor, which means, simply put, he searches for bargains. And what is more Jewish than that? Although anti-Semites have tried to shame Jews for their ability to save money, the Jewish ability to bargain, to Jew down the price, is not a vice, but a great virtue. His son-in-law who runs the Buffett Foundation is a Jew, BTW.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 136: afd2de9bbe47" />
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 143: In 1754, a naturalist named Charles Bonnet observed that plants sprout branches and leaves in a pattern, called phyllotaxis. Bonnet saw that tree branches and leaves had a mathematical spiral pattern that could be shown as a fraction. The amazing thing is that the mathematical fractions were the same numbers as the Fibonacci sequence! On the oak tree, the Fibonacci fraction is 2/5, which means that the spiral takes five branches to spiral two times around the trunk to complete one pattern. Other trees with the Fibonacci leaf arrangement are the elm tree (1/2); the beech (1/3); the willow (3/8) and the almond tree (5/13) (Livio, Adler).
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 145: I learned that making power from the Sun is not easy. I began to see how nature beat this problem. Collecting sunlight is key to the survival of a tree. Leaves are the solar panels of trees, collecting sunlight for photosynthesis. Collecting the most sunlight is the difference between life and death. Trees in a forest are competing with other trees and plants for sunlight, and even each branch and leaf on a tree are competing with each other for sunlight. Evolution chose the Fibonacci pattern to help trees track the Sun moving in the sky and to collect the most sunlight even in the thickest forest.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 251: Kroeber married Henriette Rothschild in 1906. She contracted tuberculosis and died in 1913, after several years of illness. In 1926 he married again, to Theodora Kracaw Brown, a widow whom he met as a student in one of his graduate seminars. They had two children: Karl Kroeber, a literary critic, and the science fiction writer Ursula Kroeber Le Guin. In addition, Alfred adopted Theodora's sons by her first marriage, Ted and Clifton Brown, who both took his surname.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 277: Several of Le Guin´s works have featured stylistic or structural features that were unusual or even subversive. The heterogeneous structure of The Left Hand of Darkness, described as "distinctly post-modern" (eek!), was unusual for the time of its publication. This was in marked contrast to the structure of (primarily male-authored) traditional science fiction, which was straightforward and linear. The novel was framed as part of a report sent to the Ekumen by the protagonist Genly Ai after his time on the planet Gethen, thus suggesting that Ai was selecting and ordering the material, consisting of personal narration, diary extracts, Gethenian myths, and ethnological reports. Earthsea also employed an outlandishly unconventional narrative form described by scholar Mike Cadden (Princeton U Senior Lecturer in Theater) as "free indirect discourse", in which the feelings of the protagonist are not directly separated from the narration, making the narrator seem sympathetic to the characters, and removing the skepticism towards a character´s thoughts and emotions that are a feature of more direct narration. Cadden suggests that this method leads to younger readers sympathizing directly with the characters, making it an effective technique for young-adult literature like Flaubert or Zola.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 281: A number of Le Guin´s writings, including the Earthsea series, challenged the conventions of epic fantasies and myths. Many of the protagonists in Earthsea were dark-skinned individuals, in comparison to the white-skinned heroes more traditionally used; some of the antagonists, in contrast, were white-skinned, a switching of race roles that has been critically remarked upon by multiple critics. In a 2001 interview, Le Guin attributed the frequent lack of character illustrations on her book covers to her choice of non-white protagonists. LOL haha! She explained this choice, saying: "most people in the world aren't white. Why in the future would we assume they are?" Her 1985 book Always Coming Home, described as "her great experiment", included a story told from the perspective of a young protagonist, but also included poems, rough drawings of plants and animals, myths, and anthropological reports from the matriarchal society of the Kesh, a fictional people living in the Napa valley after a catastrophic global flood.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 304: The Dispossessed, set on the twin planets of Urras and Anarres, features a planned anarchist society depicted as an "ambiguous utopia". The society, created by settlers from Urras, is materially poorer than the wealthy society of Urras, but ethically and morally more advanced. Unlike classical utopias, the society of Anarres is portrayed as neither perfect nor static; the protagonist Shevek finds himself traveling to Urras to pursue his research. Nonetheless, the misogyny and hierarchy present in the authoritarian society of Urras is absent among the anarchists, who base their social structure on cooperation and individual liberty. The Eye of the Heron, published a few years after The Dispossessed, was described as continuing Le Guin´s exploration of human freedom, through a conflict between two societies of opposing philosophies: a town inhabited by descendants of pacifists, and a city inhabited by descendants of criminals.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 306: Always Coming Home, set in California in the distant future, examines a warlike society, resembling contemporary American society, from the perspective of the Kesh, its pacifist neighbors. The society of the Kesh has been identified by scholars as a feminist utopia, which Le Guin uses to explore the role of technology. Scholar Warren Rochelle stated that it was "neither a matriarchy nor a patriarchy: men and women just are". Ich bin nur. "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas", a parable depicting a society in which widespread wealth, happiness, and security, comes at the cost of the continued misery of a single child, has also been read as a critique of contemporary American society. The Word for World is Forest explored the manner in which the structure of society affects the natural environment; in the novel, the natives of the planet of Athshe have adapted their way of life to the ecology of the planet. The colonizing human society, in contrast, is depicted as destructive and uncaring; in depicting it, Le Guin also critiqued colonialism and imperialism, driven partly by her disapproval for U.S. intervention in the Vietnam War.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 308: Warren Rochelle lives and writes in Charlottesville, VA. He retired from the University of Mary Washington in 2020, after 20 years of teaching English. He earned a BA in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1977, followed by an MS in library science at Columbia University in 1978. After eleven years as a school librarian, he returned to school to earn his MFA in 1991, followed by his PhD in 1997, both from UNC Greensboro.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 327: When she took questions after her reading, I stood up from my spot in the back of the room and asked Le Guin why she didn’t talk explicitly about sex, hoping for I’m not sure what — some response that would both justify the work I’d been trying to do and connect it to her own work, that I so admired. Instead, Le Guin gave a curt answer about those details not being that interesting. I said, “Oh.” And “Thank you.” I sat down, and tried not to be crushed.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 343: Writing about the provocative literary critic Harold Bloom is an intimidating affair. Everything about Bloom is daunting, particularly his noxious public persona. He will occasionally try to conceal it by condescendingly addressing his interviewer as “dear.” He rarely seems to notice whom he is speaking with, or what they are feeling. He can erupt into long passages of Shakespeare, Whitman or Yeats from memory—a circus act of stunning recall as he approaches 90. But unlike critics such as the late Lionel Trilling or Daniel Mendelsohn, for whom literary criticism is a tool to examine the crucial moral, social, and political questions of our time, Bloom insists that literature be studied purely for aesthetics.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 362: Bloom still teaches (well, used to, he was carried out of the classroom in a huge black bodybag in 2019) at Yale and claims he has finally learned to better listen to his students. He tells them to select a piece of writing they love, sit under a tree and chant the lines to truly “possess” it. He does this himself at night when sleep fails him. The practice sparks repressed memories: “Vividly I saw myself, a boy of three, playing on the kitchen floor, alone with [my mother] as she prepared the Sabbath meal. She was born in a Jewish village, and I was happiest when we were alone together. As she passed me in her preparations I would reach out and touch her bare toes, and she would rumple my hair and murmur her affection for me.” Tädin pienet ruskeat amputoidut varpaat ihastuttivat myös Ursulaa hänen kirjassaan Kahdesti haarautuva puu (Don´t tell mama, kz. Fig. 2).
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 372: About Shakespeare, however, Bloom is nothing short of reverential: “My religion is the appreciation of high literature. Shakespeare is the summit. Revelation for me is Shakespearean or nothing.” He admits that much about the Bard still bewilders him. In a moment of rare vulnerability, Bloom admits he longs for more life. Bloom explains his theory of “self-otherseeing,” which allows one to glimpse parts of one’s self that are hidden from conscious view. “Self-otherseeing” also describes “the double-consciousness of observing our own actions and offerings as though they belong to others and not to ourselves.” Bloom insists that Shakespeare’s characterizations of Hamlet, Iago, Cleopatra and Falstaff use “self-othering,” and by watching them we inadvertently learn to think more seriously about ourselves. But he doesn’t show us how this has applied to him, only the declaration that it does so. We are left mystified and dubious.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 378: Ultimately Bloom cannot change into anything other than who he has always been—masterful and monstrous. He seems to sense he has moved out of favor in many circles but chooses not to dwell upon why. Instead, he continues as he always has: writing and teaching his handpicked “elite” students at Yale—part of the unique arrangement he has made with the university. He has led a long, cloistered, and entitled life. The aloneness he described as a child seems to have shrouded his adult life as well. I wonder if he questions this aloneness in his darkest moments. I would guess that he does not dwell too deeply upon it, perhaps afraid of answers he doesn’t wish to confront.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 394: Crane returned to New York in 1928, living with friends and taking temporary jobs as a copywriter, or living off unemployment and the charity of friends and his father. For a time he lived in Brooklyn at 77 Willow Street until his lover, Opffer, invited him to live in Opffer´s father´s home at 110 Columbia Heights in Brooklyn Heights. Crane was overjoyed at the views the location afforded him. He wrote his mother and grandmother in the spring of 1924:
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 404: In Paris in February 1929, Harry Crosby, who with his wife Caresse Crosby owned the fine arts press Black Sun Press, offered Crane the use of their country retreat, Le Moulin du Soleil in Ermenonville. They hoped he could use the time to concentrate on completing The Bridge. Crane spent several weeks at their estate where he roughed out a draft of the "Cape Hatteras" section, a key part of his epic poem. In late June that year, Crane returned from the south of France to Paris. Crosby noted in his journal, "Hart C. back from Marseilles where he slept with his thirty sailors and he began again to drink Cutty Sark." Crane got drunk at the Cafe Select and fought with waiters over his tab. When the Paris police were called, he fought with them and was beaten. They arrested and jailed him, fining him 800 francs. After Hart had spent six days in prison at La Santé, Crosby paid Crane´s fine and advanced him money for the passage back to the United States, where he finally finished The Bridge. The work received poor reviews, and Crane´s sense of failure became crushing. He had completely and irrevocably FAILED!
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 406: Crane visited Mexico in 1931–32 on a Guggenheim Fellowship (Sillä oli Guggenheim, kuten sillä etovalla perhostennappaajalla Yellowstonessa. Inkkarit luulivat sitä varmaan joxikin sukupuolitaudixi), and his drinking continued as he suffered from bouts of alternating depression and elation. When Peggy Cowley, wife of his friend Malcolm Cowley, agreed to a divorce, she joined Crane. As far as is known, she was his only heterosexual partner. "The Broken Tower", one of his last published poems, emerged from that affair. Crane still felt himself a failure, in part because he recommenced his homosexual activities in spite of his relationship with Cowley.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 408: While en route to New York aboard the steamship Orizaba, he was beaten up after making sexual advances to a male crew member. Just before noon on April 27, 1932, Crane jumped overboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed his intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard. His body was never recovered. A marker in the form of a lifesaver candy on his father´s tombstone at Park Cemetery outside Garrettsville, Portage County, Ohio includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899–1932 lost completely at sea". Ai Hart olikin oikeasti Harold, niinkuin bändärinsä Bloom. Childe Haroldeja olisivat halunneet olla kumpikin. But they FAILED!
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 410: Crane´s critical effort, like those of Keats and Rilke, is mostly to be found in his letters: he corresponded regularly with Allen Tate, Yvor Winters, and Gorham Munson, and shared critical dialogues with Eugene O´Neill, William Carlos Williams, E. E. Cummings, Sherwood Anderson, Kenneth Burke, Waldo Frank, Harriet Monroe, Marianne Moore, and Gertrude Stein. He was also an acquaintance of H. P. Lovecraft, who eventually would voice concern over Crane´s premature aging due to alcohol abuse. Most serious work on Crane begins with his letters, selections of which are available in many editions of his poetry; his letters to Munson, Tate, Winters, and his patron, Otto Hermann Kahn, are particularly insightful. His two most famous stylistic defenses emerged from correspondences: his "General Aims and Theories" (1925) was written to urge Eugene O´Neill´s critical foreword to White Buildings, then passed around among friends, yet unpublished during Crane´s life; and the famous "Letter to Harriet Monroe" (1926) was part of an exchange for the publication of "At Melville´s Tomb" in Poetry. The literary critic Adam Kirsch has argued that "Crane has been a special case in the canon of American modernism, because his reputation was never quite as secure as that of Eliot or Stevens. In fact he FAILED."
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 432:

      Staffan Bruun

      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 434: Gör gatan fri för bruna bataljoner! Staffan Bruun tuli mainituxi albumissa 96 Yli-Juotikkaan juonenkuljetuxen yhteydessä, jossa mediafirma mahaantoi valkovenäläisiä ilotyttöjä. Staffanin jännärissä tytöt taisi olla isovenäläisiä. Nyt vie Ukraina maahan länsimaisia ilotulitteita, joita hikipaitaisen standup-koomikon Zelenskin mukaan saisi olla vielä lisää. Ne voisi ehkä maxaa lännen inseleille Ukrainan single combat girlseillä.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 436: Staffanin poikamieskirjat muistuttavat paljon Dan Steinbokin Andromeedaa. Samanlaista androgeenistä pullistelua Hoblan perinteisiltä rappuunjakelualueilta. Minäkin olen distribuoinut Hoblaa kevätaamulla 1983 Brunnsparkenin kermaperseille isopyöräisillä kärryillä. Alla tämän torstaipäivän ozikoita Hoblasta:
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 444: Hoblan ex-toimittajan Staffanin suomentaja on se sama ozatukkainen Seppo Hyrkäs vainaja jota lytättiin albumissa 28. Sen mielestä Kurt Cobain sanoisi "eri hienoa". Sanoikohan se myös "älkää olko hooboja". Saattoihan se sanoakin, Stafu on Pezkun ikäinen.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 445: Ainakin se sanoo "bylziä". On tää muutenkin koko lailla vanhentunutta: lyxiä on espressokone ja 42 (sic) tuuman televisio. Mullakin taitaa olla tossa sellainen. No Kurtilla lienee 4,2 tuuman pipu, jolla se ulottuu nipin napin "bylzimään" Rauha Kariniemen kanafiletiskin alahyllyä kun ottaa pallit allensa. Rauhan ja vanhan pierun välinen ikäero on 21v. Mutta Rauha on vaan köyhä sosiaalitarkkailija ja Kurt on upporikas Kille Kimalaisen luoja. Kurtilla on raitoja kuin kimalaisella ja se tykkää Lehtovaaran fileestä. Ihan niinkuin Lea Lehtisalo. Aterian jälkeen he joivat kahvia ja söivät kampawiinerit. Olikohan kulttibändi The Varna Boys terkkuja Kultasannalta? Oliko se vallan Runkmanni & The Boys? Mä ostin Varnassa paskanruskeenharmaat uimahousut mutten hirvinnyt uimaan mustaan mereen kun oli niin holotna. Ne uikkarit mulla on kai jossain vieläkin.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 448: Mitä hemmettiä, eikö Kurt saanut Kille Kimalaisesta kuin kämäset $3M? Hei herää Kurt, ei sillä kuuhun mennä, vielä vähemmän eletä herroixi lopun ikää?! Mikä tota Staffania oikein vaivaa? Opettele laskemaan! Ex-missi ja ministeri Tanja Karpela lupaa ottaa Kurtin vazaan tai sen alle, valmistautuessaan kohta nostamaan satojentuhansien sopeutumiseläkkeet. Burtin pikku pipu nykii liekaa aidoissa Tito Corleonen housuissa, vaikka Tanjan hame ei ole edes vesirajassa.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 465: Burre messuaa kuin reppuperse persu, Rauha koittaa turhaan toppuutella. Onkohan Staffan ize tollanen koleerinen hukkapätkä? Todennäköisesti on.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 469: Ruozalainen sosdem kaveri joka vastustaa Disneyn monopolia on Staffanista hysteerinen antiamerikkalainen huuho. Noniin Staffan, paikkasi GAL-TAN asteikolla on sillä fixattu. Se sopii hyvin yhteen kaikkien muiden sikailujen kanssa.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 474: Sillä aikaa etelä-Helsingissä uusia, entistä kiivaampia yhteenottoja interior decoratorin kanssa, taas ilman housuja. Nyt alkaa pikkuriikkisen siltä tuntua, että Staffan on kenties hitusen verran naisvihamielinen. Voisiko se tosiaankin olla niin? Hmm!
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 492: EU:n elokuvaviraston johtaja Bo Jönsson ois niikö ex vasemmistoaktivisti joka vastustaa NATOa. Eikä vaan sitä, vaan se teki aloitteita pankkien kansallistamisesta, pornon kieltämisestä sekä vegeravintoloiden tukemisesta. Jönsson puolusti johdonmukaisesti sosialistisia ihanteita ja pehmeitä arvoja. Hän kannatti reilua kauppaa, raittiusaatetta sekä vegetarismia ja vastusti globalisaatiota, suuryrityksiä sekä yksityisautoilua. Edusti kaikkea siitä mikä Staffania aivan erityisesti kismittää. Hizi eipä ihme että tää läpyskä vaikutti musta alusta alkaen niin paskalta. Staffan on pystyyn ostettu lortti, en paremmin sano. No se onkin entinen Hoblan toimittaja.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 494: Bruun, Staffan Felix (f. 8/11 1955 Hfrs), journalist och författare, son till Kettil Bruun. Anställd vid Hufvudstadsbladet från 1980, där han framför allt profilerat sig som ettrig och orädd reporter. Tidningens redaktionschef 1995-97. Som författare har Bruun främst ägnat sig åt Kille Kimalainen där hans hjälte, den frifräsande journalisten Burt Kobbat, har klart skönjbara drag av sin författare.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 496: Kettil Edmund Bruun (6. tammikuuta 1924 Helsinki – 16. joulukuuta 1985 Helsinki) oli suomalainen sosiologi ja kansainvälisesti merkittävä alkoholipolitiikan tutkija. Hänen uraauurtava pienryhmien juomiskäyttäytymistä käsittelevä osallistuva väitöskirjatutkimuksensa toi uudenlaisia metodeja alkoholinkäyttöön. Vuosina 1955–1968 Bruun toimi Alkoholipoliittisen tutkimuslaitoksen johtajana ja 1955–1980 Alkoholitutkimussäätiön sihteerinä ja vuosina 1980-85 kaalimaan vartijana. Hän toimi kolmen vuoden ajan Tukholman yliopiston professorina mutta joutui lähtemään viinanläträyxen takia. Kettil är far till Staffan Bruun.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 498: Staffan pitää ihan vizinä että Karhukopla olis muka nippu kommunisteja jotka koittaa ryöstää Roope Ankan säästöjä. Tai että Sepe Susi on työtön tuillaeläjä joka koittaa tyhjentää keskiluokan säästöpossuja. Kille Kimalaisesta on tekeillä freedom fighteri joka pistää nenään terroristeja. Staffan Bruun on pallokorva jokilaivan kippari joka vihellellen palvelee suurpääoman etuja.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 500: "Disney vie asian maailmankauppajärjestöön" - just tätä vittu globalisaatio teettää: monikansalliset firmat toimii kansojen ylituomarina. Voi vittujen vittu! Tuokaa kamelinajajat lisää lentopommeja ja kaatakaa loputkin WTC:n ja jättifirmojen pilvenpiirtäjät! Staffan on Olli Rehn myönteinen, mikä ei kaiken jälkeen yhtään yllätä. "Nyt teidän on suotava anteexi, tärkeä kokous odottaa." Juurikin näin sanoi Burt runkmannille joka tuli häiritsemään Kille Kimalaisen viittä pistoa. Saablari ollaan tuskin kirjan puolessavälissä ja se on alkanut jo vastustamattomasti etoa. Kyllä tässä on edessä melkoinen kauhominen paskavellissä ennenkuin ollaan takakannessa.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 504: Kurt Bobcatin Kille Kimalainen lentää freedom fighterinä Irakiin. Se on Staffanista nähtävästi hienoa, kuin myös Disney ja amerikkalaisuus yleensä. Kasvisruoka sensijaan on siitä pyllystä. Staffanin selkäranka pitäis potkasta sen hattuun. Mixi kaikenlaiset hölmöt tyhjäntoimittajat kynäilee näitä vitun dekkareita ja "trillereitä", jotka ei kelpaa edes pyllyn pyyhkimixi? No koska vielä tolvanammat perskärpäset ja kumikaulat ostaa ja lukee niitä.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 506: Mixi ihmeessä? Koska ne unexuvat tuollaisesta elämästä arkisen margariinitehtaan sijasta. Niinkuin päätön sekoilu rahan ja pillun perässä luotisateessa olis joku parannus, mutta ainakin ne luulee niin. Staffan on kuin Carl-Erik Tappinen, se tahtoo pihvin kera paistinperunoita eikä riisiä. Carl-Erikin vaimo Birgit on sip sip söp söp. (No nyt tähän tuli fläshbäk Camillan kauhusta albumista 227.)
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 588: Staffanin hahmot ovat käsittämättömän tyhmiä ja lisäxi vastenmielisiä. Mitä tästä voidaan päätellä ize Staffanista. Caveat lector. Emptor vielä enemmän. Onnexi sain tän läpyskän ilmaishyllystä.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 590: Staffan on yhtä vetelä Gunnen kanssa kuin Carl-Erik Tappinen nyökkivine penixineen sambaleelen luukulla. Koittaisi vähän terästäytyä. Kallekin sai loppuviimexi kamat kunnialla pussiin nimettömättömän ruskean kirjekuoren perälle.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 591: Mutta ei Staffan, eikä Burt. Burt on Zarah Leanderin doppelgängeri. Bo Jönsson on kirjan ainut siedettävä kaveri. Se haukkuu jenkit dollareineen pystyyn asiallisesti.
      xxx/ellauri225.html on line 596:
      • Siperia opettaa on Staffan Bruunin kahdeksas Burt Kobbat seikkailu. Edellinen, Pizza al-Qaida, ilmestyi vuonna 2004.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 608: - Ai kuka oli murhaaja? No tietysti ne Burtin iänikuiset vainoojat: Bertil porttivornikka ja sisustusarkkitehti Soile sejase. Mixi niiden piti olla koko ajan Burtin kimpussa jäi epäselväxi, paizi että Staffan ei pidä sellaisista tyypeistä. Ei rotinkaisista, nenäkkäistä ämmistä eikä ryssistä.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 613: Toinen Sampo Terho, joka nojailee Suomi-laivan tyyrpuurin puoleiseen reelinkiin. Toinen Venäjän juoksupoika notkuu laivan vasemmalla reelingillä, nimittäin Esko Seppänen. Molempien vika on ryssävihan puute, vaikka perustelut voivat olla kuinka vastakkaiset. Herätkää pahvit, ottakaa mallia Staffan Bruunista! Toivoo "Panu" noin klo puoli lauantaina, helmikuuta 20, 2016.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 616: Staffan Burtteineen oli niin syvältä anuxesta että sen aivopierujen tavaaminen oli tuskastuttavaa. Miehen aivomaisema on läpimätä. Saattaa vaikuttaa että olen sille kauhu kaunanen, mutta on se kyllä oikeasti hirmu kula. Broilerien ja jouzenenpoikasten auttaminen ei sitä napannut. Se häpesi vaan sitä ettei ollut oivaltanut pantata satojen ihmisten hengen pelastavaa uutista yhtään pitempään, eikä ollut ymmärtänyt vaatia siitä mahtavia palkkiosummia.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 620: Voi helvetti mikä paskamarja Staffan on! Sen poliittiset sankarit on jatkuvasti porsas Olli Rehn ja töröhammas Alex Stubb. Staffanin banaanit ei ole kaikki tertussa. Burtia ei vitun vertaa kiinnosta mikä on ns. oikein tai vasein, se on vaan kiinnostunut Burtin henk.koht. edusta. Vaan sehän on Staffanin omaxuman Amerikan aatemaailman mukaista. Jos kaikki tekisivät samoin, päästäisiin kulkemaan kovaa BMW-autolla tai Volvolla, kun ei lakkoileva laahus seisoskelis kadunkulmissa, niinkuin ne teki Ådalenissa 1931.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 629: Jag vågar göra gällande, att hela den trafik, som från kommunistiskt håll bedrives, och hela detta sätt att utnyttja upprörda stämningar gör, att när man skall söka de ansvariga, man måste ställa kommunisterna vid arbetsgivarnas och strejkbrytartransportörernas sida. „
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 656: Den 19 maj skedde i Stockholm sammanstötningar mellan demonstranter och militär i samband med en kommunistisk manifestation under paroller som ”Ned med mördarregeringen”. Det slutade med fjorton anhållanden, För ”olydigt skriveri” om ådalshändelserna i vänsterpress dömdes sex personer. Inalles utdömdes 3 451 dagars straffarbete eller husarrest. 21 av dem gällde militären, 3 430 av dem gällde arbetarsidan.
        xxx/ellauri225.html on line 658: afr.kingfeatures.com/api/img.php?e=gif&s=c&file=QnVja2xlcy8yMDIwLzA1L0J1Y2tsZXMuMjAyMDA1MzBfMTUzNi5naWY=" width="80%" />
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 93: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/0ee2ba68-ffec-43b4-b04b-db8cfc127f68?fit=crop&format=auto&h=573&q=50&w=800&s=3d07a12033bde7d86369fe161264469a002433f0" height="150px" />
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 94: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/538523a8-04a2-49b6-bf0a-d9089ebd8d57?fit=crop&format=auto&h=450&q=50&w=800&s=0c5dafb380165839ad481b2f7e992fbae7591851" height="150px" />
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 111: afe/323x323/https%3A%2F%2Fimages.genius.com%2Ff50daa9295e3e62ab8d0acf18031b2fb.600x600x1.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 123: Camillan isä oli ex-poliisi, joka oli saanut potkut käytettyään liikaa väkivaltaa pidätyxissä. Camillasta tuli hikari ja isän tyttö, joka odotti isän käskyjä hommioasennossa. Camilla luki krimiä ja horroria ja kirjoitti ize niin verisiä juttuja jo alakoulussa että opettajat huolestuivat. Päästyään Fjällbackan lukiosta ällän papereilla se meni kauppixeen 17-vuotiaana ja menestyi suht huonosti. Saatuaan perse ruvella kokoon maisterin paperit se meni energiafirmaan töihin markkinointimixixi muttei viihtynyt. Isä kuoli maxakirroosiin suht nuorena. Äiti oli kylmiö. Camilla meni naimisiin opiskelutoverinsa Micken kanssa (yllä). Ennen pikku Willen syntymää se sai Jääprinsessan valmiixi, ja lähti markkinoimaan sitä kauppis-Heikin opeilla.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 132: Camilla kuzuttiin myös suuriin julkkisbileisiin, jotka Fortum järjesti Cafe Operassa. Camilla halusi tula kuuluisaxi, hän ilmoitti sen yhdexi tärkeäxi tavoitteexeen. Hänelle se osa kirjojen myyntistrategiaa. Viime kädessä hän halusi tulla hyvin, hyvin rikkaaxi! Camilla alkoi seurata glykemiaindexiään ja laihdutti 17 kiloa. Jo alkoi tuntua paremmalta!
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 162: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/9e11b95d-a8fd-4455-829a-16e08ef2d842?fit=crop&format=auto&h=450&q=50&w=800&s=5358ae55b46f6996f38265353da572d9a22507ff" />
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 186: ”Kommer ni på signeringarna idag kommer ni inte mötas av någon glammig Elle-Camilla utan detta är vad ni kommer få. Har varit så mycket smink av och på sista veckorna plus massa stress så fått någon slags kraftig allergisk reaktion, o får låta ansiktet vila från smink ett par dagar…."
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 192: Det finns knappt någon som missar så många bollar i luften samtidigt som Camilla. Under det senaste året har hon släppt sin elfte roman, En bur av guld och en ny bok i barnserien om Super-Charlie. Hon och hennes affärspartner har även startat ett bolag där de stöttar kvinnliga företagare. Just nu är hon dessutom engagerad i en, för henne, helt ny typ av utmaning. Camilla är aktuell med tv-serien Lyckoviken som har premiär senare i år.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 327:
        In dieser spannenden Jugendgeschichte quer durch den amerikanischen Kontinent, erleben wir wie John Workmann zunächst als bitterarmer Zeitungsjunge eine Gewerkschaft gründet, später Journalist wird, Unternehmer, Lebensretter, Abenteurer und sogar Goldgräber.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 335: Nelikymppinen suikulainen blondi sveduämmä Linda Staaf on kiivennyt reittä myöten korkealle Ruåzin viranomaisissa, eikä vaan yhtä reittä vaan kahta: ensin rillipäisen poliisipäällikön laihaa reittä myöten huippupalkoille poliisikunnassa valonarkoihin turvallisuushommiin merkonomin pohjakoulutuxella, sitten jatkoreisi Ruåzin lähinnä huvittuneisuutta herättävän maanpuolustuxen johdossa. Korruptio rehottaa ja huippujätkien pallit eikun heiluvat Lindan perseessä. Hyvä ettei kaverit sentään ole naiveja. Ne tietävät millä reijällä ne puuhaavat.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 359: Vihe vihjepuhelimen luurista: Eräs Ruåzin suosituimmista ja tunnetuimmista tv-juontajista käy pornoklupeissa naisten vaatteissa. (Ilmeisesti se ei sitten ole nainen.) Liza pyöristyy: kaikki saavat tehdä mitä tahtovat. Tommosta sontaa ei julkaista meidän lehdessä. Vaikka se sellainen on sinänsä kyllä ihan A-ok. Että sen puoleen voitaisiin vaikka julkaista. Hyvää työtä sanoi pomon kaze Annikan niskasta. Kaikissa näissä työpaikkafiktioissa pomot antaa makupaloja ja naxutuxia. Kokeilevat hameen alta lämmön tunnetta. Kääntävät jykevän selän jos toimittaja koittaa tehdä ize päätöksiä. Talutin on tiukalla.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 365: "IB-affären", den största politiska skandalen i svensk historia skulle leda till att Socialdemokraterna förlorade sin mångåriga maktställning. Tack för det Jan Guillou. Hurra hurra, hurrade Liza Marklund.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 371: Guillou överklagade. Hovrätten sänkte senare Guillous straff till tio månader.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 372: Han avtjänade sitt välbetjänta straff i fängelset i Österåker och i det nu nedlagda fängelset på Långholmen i Stockholm.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 554: Kerstin Anita Marianne Ekberg (29. syyskuuta 1931 Malmö – 11. tammikuuta 2015 Rooma, Italia) oli ruotsalainen malli, näyttelijä ja sexisymboli. Anita Ekberg aloitti uransa mallina ja osallistui muun muassa 1951 Miss Universe -kilpailuun, jonka ansiosta yhdysvaltalaiset elokuvastudiot kiinnostuivat hänestä. Anita ei tullut valituxi Miss Universexi, eikä vottajaa löydy mistään. Kilpailusta tuli virallinen vasta synnyinvuonnani 1952, jolloin universumin kauneimmaxi kruunattiin meidän oma 17-kesäinen Armi Kuuselamme. Ekberg näytteli useissa Hollywood-elokuvissa ja sai muun muassa Golden Globe -palkinnon sivuroolistaan elokuvassa Blood Alley 1955 vastanäyttelijänään John Wayne. Varsinaisen legendan hänestä tekivät eurooppalaiset elokuvat ja etenkin naisrooli Federico Fellinin elokuvassa Ihana elämä (La Dolce Vita, 1960), jonka suihkulähdekohtaus on jäänyt osaksi länsimaista pehmopornografiaa. Ihanan elämän jälkeen Ekberg esiintyi enemp vähemp nakupellenä useissa italialaisissa elokuvissa. Anitalla oli aivan jättimäiset kannut mutta vähän tyly suu.
        xxx/ellauri227.html on line 590: Keskipituus on suurin Saharan eteläpuoleisessa Afrikassa ja lyhin Itä-Aasiassa. Näiden välissä ovat eurooppalaiset, eteläaasialaiset ja pohjoisafrikkalaiset. Tutkijat ovat alkaneet mittailla jäykkänä myös naisten pyllyjä ja havainneet selvän korrelaation penistensä pituuteen.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 39: "I shall now put a few final questions to the honorable delegation from Rhohchia! Is it not true that many years ago there landed on the then dead planet of Earth a ship carrying your flag, and that, due to a refrigerator malfunction, a portion of its perishables had gone bad? Is it not true that on this ship there were two spacehands, afterwards stricken from all the registers for unconscionable double-dealing with duckweed liverwurst, and that this pair of arrant knaves, these Milky-Way ne'er-do wells, were named Lorrd and God? Is it not true that Lorrd and God decided, in their drunkenness, not to content themselves with the usual pollution of a defenseless, uninhabited planet, that their notion was to set off, in a manner vicious and vile, a biological evolution the likes of which the world had never seen before? Is it not true that both these Rhohches, with malice aforethought, malice of the greatest volume and intensity, de vised a way to make of Earth-on a truly galactic scale-a breed ing ground for freaks, a cosmic side show, a panopticum, an exhibit of grisly prodigies and curios, a display whose living specimens would one day become the butt of jokes told even in the outermost Nebulae?!
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 43: And is it not true that this leftwardness and the virulence were thereafter transmitted and handed down from organism to organism, and now afflict with their continuing presence the innocent representatives of the race Artefacto Abhorrens, who gave themselves the name of 'homo sapiens' pure out of simple-minded ignorance? And therefore is it not that the Rhohches must not only pay the Earthlings' in fee, to the tune of a billion tons of platinum, but also compense the unfortunate victims of their planetary incontinence - in the
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 227: Vuonna 1944 neuvostojoukot valtasivat Lwówin uudestaan, jolloin Lem saattoi jatkaa opintojaan. Pian Lwówin vapauttamisen jälkeen Lem lähetti Neuvostoliiton Puolustuksen kansankomissariaatille kirjeen, jossa hän esitteli piirroksia suunnittelemistaan panssarivaunuista ja muista aseista, kuten raketeista. Lemin vaunut ulottuivat pienistä, yhden sotilaan vaunuista 220 tonniseen Czołg P "maataistelulaivaan". Njeuvostolaiset päästivät vain röhönauruja. Finally, he admitted: “Except for what was mentioned earlier, I also have drafts of assault guns resembling exoskeletons of beetles”, which were not contained in the letter.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 347: Tarkovsky spent his childhood in Yuryevets. He was described by childhood friends as active and popular, having many friends and being typically in the center of action. In his school years, Tarkovsky was a troublemaker and a poor student. His father left the family in 1937, subsequently volunteering for the army in 1941. He returned home in 1943, having been awarded a Red Star after being shot in one of his legs (which he would eventually need to amputate due to gangrene). Tarkovsky stayed with his mother, moving with her and his sister Marina to Moscow, where she worked as a proofreader at a printing press. Many themes of his childhood—the evacuation, his mother and her two children, the withdrawn father, the time in the hospital—feature prominently in his films. Dodi! Minähän sanoin!
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 349: From 1973 to 1974, he shot the film Zerkalo, a highly autobiographical and unconventionally structured film drawing on his childhood and incorporating some of his father´s poems. In this film Tarkovsky portrayed the plight of childhood affected by war. Tarkovsky had worked on the screenplay for this film since 1967, under the consecutive titles Confession, White day and A white, white day. From the beginning the film was not well received by Soviet authorities due to its content and its perceived elitist nature. Such third rate films also placed the film-makers in danger of being accused of wasting public funds, which could have serious effects on their future productivity. These difficulties are presumed to have made Tarkovsky play with the idea of going abroad and producing a film outside the Soviet film industry.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 378: Dreams, reality, death - on wave after wave. Unet, todellisuus, kuolema, aalto aallolta.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 452: Mucilid trafficking remains a major issue in the world today. Whacking plastic babies and calves happens every day.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 491: When the mother made a honeyed sign of the cross on the foreheads of her marriageable daughters, she expressed her playful wish: “May Jesus grant that the young men will go after you like the flies go after honey!”
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 520: Troz sina 40 år i Sverige är Mark Levervurst, 58 (born 1964 in Lejeune Base Camp, North Carolina, USA), mer finlandssvensk än någonsin. Vi finlandssvenskar är vänliga men kan vara bögar, säger han. Vi försvarar Ryssland och vill ge Åland tillbaka till Sverige. Hans färgfasta mormor hade lärt sig simma flytandes i kolerabassängen. Det gjorde icke Mark. Ei mennyt altaaseen edes avustettuna. Själv ser han ut som en jättestor kringskärd kuk i ljus kostym utan krage. Mormor sålde sina underkläder vid Norra Esplanaden. Bredvid mormors affär fanns en fotoaffär som hette Bögelund. Det tyckte vi var jätteroligt. Vi åt mestadels på Fazer. Med vad hände det med mamma, det blir aldrig sagt. En gång kastade vi en sko från fönstret i huvudet på en dam. Skon passade, och hon blev morfars älskarinna. Då var mormors dagar räknade.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 559: „Du hast also gute Jagd gemacht“, sagte ich ernsthaft, „und hast dir eine Unwahrheit erlaubt. Auch im Scherz solltest Du dies niemals thun; denn jede Unwahrheit befleckt ein offenes Gemüth, und nur zu leicht artet sie in häßliche Züge aus.“ Fritz bereute unmittelbar und küsste Vaters Füsse. Von da an hielten die Jungs Jenny dicht vor ihrem Vater verborgen.
        xxx/ellauri228.html on line 562: The British-Swedish-American television show places a group of strangers in an isolated location, where they must provide food, fire, and shelter for themselves. They are initially divided into two tribes. The contestants compete in challenges for rewards and immunity from gang rape. The remaining contestants are eventually merged into a single tribe. The contestants are progressively eliminated from the game as they are voted out by their fellow contestants or, as may be the result after the merge, lose an immunity challenge until only one remains and is awarded a grand prize. A Robinsonian version of the American Dream.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 77: The Method to Science, Book 1 now available! I have now made the entire text of John Sergeant's The Method to Science, Book I, available online! Rather than continue to make each less available piecemeal, which I can do later (it is rather tedious to reformat and tailor everything to HTML), the entire text is now available as a PDF. It can be downloaded here: https://jonathanvajda.com/the-method-to-science/ I intend to create the next layer (updating spelling, such as ‘meerly’ -> ‘merely’, ‘compleat’ -> ‘complete’) after I finish the remaining books. There is so much to say by way of commentary. Much of what he offers is a fairly clear and straightforward case …
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 97: 27. No Dead Testimony or History has any Authority, but by virtue of Living Testimony or Tradition. For, since Falshoods may be Written or Printed as well as Truths, it follows that nothing is therefore of any Authority, because ‘tis Written or Printed. Wherefore, no Book or History can Authenticate another Book; whence follows that, if it have any Authority, it must have it from Living Authority or Tradition, continuing down to us the Consent of the World, from the time that Author Writ, or the matters of Fact it relates were done, that the things it relates are True in the main; and, consequently, that the Book that relates them deserves Credit, or is (as we use to say) an Authentick History. For example, had a Romance, (soberly penn’d,) and Curtius’s History been found in a Trunk for many Hundreds of Years after they were writ; and the Tradition of the former Ages had been perfectly Silent concerning them both, and the Matters they relate; we must either have taken both of them for a Romance, or both for a True History; being destitute of any Light to make the least difference between them. [So there, fucking protestants!]
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 127: (4.) A yoke too heavy to bear. Some may engage in reading with alacrity for a time, and afterwards feel it a burden, grievous to be borne. They may find conscience
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 177: Muinaisen ilmoituksen mukaan Jumala sekaantui jatkuvasti kaikkeen, vanhurskaat Hän niputti taivaaseen, jumalattomat Hän kasteli tulella ja tulikivellä, voit löytää Hänet tehdessäsi syntiä minkä tahansa vanhan pensaan takaa. Vasta myöhemmin alkoi vetäytyminen. Jumala menetti näkyvyyden, ihmisen muotonsa, partansa, ihmeiden audiovisuaaliset apuvälineet katosivat, samoin luokkahuonedemonstraatiot demonien siirtämisestä vuohiin, sitten katosivat enkelivalvojien vierailut; sanalla sanoen usko oli luopunut sirkuksen metafysiikasta; sitten aistien alueelta se siirtyi abstraktioiden valtakuntaan. Silloinkaan ei ollut pulaa todisteista Hänen olemassaolostaan, korkeamman algebran kielellä ilmaistuista sanktioista, vielä esoteerisemmasta hermeneutiikasta. Nämä abstraktiot saavuttivat kuitenkin lopulta pisteen, jossa Jumala julistetaan kuolleeksi, jotta saavutettaisiin se kylmä, rautainen, tuhoisa rauha, joka kuuluu eläville, kun kaikkein rakastetuimmat ovat hylänneet heidät ikuisesti. No tässähän se vika juuri on: jumala on läheisriippuvaisten imaginary friend, vähän sellainen kuin alla luetellut.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 279: Imaginary friends are there to take the heat for us. They can be blamed for the accidents we have. ‘I didn’t break the vase, Mum, it was Rudger,’ for example. Algernon Moncrieff’s non-existent invalid friend Bunbury serves the same function, allowing him to get out of dull social affairs. Invalid friends in the country do this. We should all have one. Or be one.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 304: Some imaginary friends are good for you, some aren’t. When your dead wife comes home after Madame Arcati’s farcical séance and begins to comment, you know exactly where you are. Coward wrote this play whilst at Portmeirion in Wales, a place perfectly fitted to imaginariness. Noel was such a coward that he had to flee the place.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 444: Another choice some people won’t agree with, but I let the post-death Elvira in, why be afraid to take the same step in the opposite direction? It’s a puzzle this book, and it would be a shame to attempt to unpick it for anyone who’s not yet had the joy of swimming in its paradoxical, philosophical, intoxicating waters. It’s sometimes been called a grown-up Alice In Wonderland and that seems close enough. It’s a great treat for the enquiring teenager (or any) mind, especially an enquiring mind not in search of anything specific. It’s a book that should be read twice, at least. And you’ll never look at a bicycle the same again.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 533: Much impressed by what I had heard, I returned to my reading, the third volume now of Dichotican history. It described the Era of Transcarnal Centralization. The Sopsyputer at first worked to everyone´s satisfaction, but then new beings began appearing on the planet-bibods, tribods, quadribods, then octabods, and finally those that had no intention whatever of ending in an enumerable way, for in the course of life they were constantly sprouting something new. This was the result of a defect, a faulty reiteration - recursion in programming language or - to put it in automata terms - the machine had started looping. Since however the cult of its perfection was in full sway people actually praised these automorphic deviations, asserting for example that all that incessant budding and branching out was in fact the true expression of man´s Protean nature. And this praise not only held up the repairs, but led to the rise of so-called indeterminants or entits (N-tits), who lost their way in their own body, there was so much of it; completely baffled, they would get themselves into so-called bindups, entangulums and snorls; often an ambulance squad was needed to untie them. The repair of the Sopsyputer didn´t work - named the Oopsyputer, it was finally blown sky high. The feeling of relief that followed didn´t last long however, for the accursed question soon returned, What to do about the body now?
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 537: The turning over of individual looks to private enterprise led, after several decades, to a new crisis. True, a few philosophers had already come forward with the notion that the greater the progress, the more the crises, and that in the absence of crises one ought to produce them, because they activated, integrated, aroused the creative impulse, the lust for battle, and gave both spiritual and material energies direction. In a word, creative destruction spurs societies to concerted action, and without them you get stagnation, decadence, and other symptoms of decay. These views are voiced by the school of "economic liberals," i.e. philosophers who derive optimism for the future from a pessimistic appraisal of the present.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 539: The period of private initiative in body building lasted three quarters of a century. At first there was much enjoyment taken in the newly won freedom of automorphosis, once again the young people led the way, the men with their gambrel thills and timbrels, the women with their pettifores, but before long a generation gap developed, and demonstrations-under the banner of asceticism-followed. The sons condemned their fathers for being interested only in making a living, for having a passive, often consumerist attitude towards the body, for their shallow hedonism, their vulgar pursuit of pleasure, and in order to disassociate themselves they assumed shapes deliberately hideous, uncomfortable beyond belief, downright nightmarish (the antleroons, wampdoodles). Showing their contempt for all things utilitarian, they set eyes in their armpits, and one group of young biotic activists made use of innumerable sound organs, specially grown (electric guitars, glottiphones, hawk pipes, knuckelodeons, thumbolas). They arranged mass concerts, in which the soloists-called hoot-howls-would whip up the crowd into a frenzy of convulsive percussion. Then came the fashion - the mania, rather - for long penises, which in caliber and strength of grip underwent escalation according to the typically adolescent, swaggering principle of "You haven´t seen anything yet!" And, since no one could lift those piles of coils by himself, so called processionals were attached, caudalettes, a self-perambulating receptacle that grew out of the small of the back and carried, on two strong shanks, the weight of the testicles after their owner. In the textbook I found illustrations depicting men of fashion, behind whom walked testicle-bearing processionals on parade; but this was already the decline of the protest movement, or more precisely its complete bankruptcy, because it had failed to pursue any goals of its own, being solely a rebellious reaction against the orgiastic baroque of the age. LEM ei paljon perustanut sodanjälkeisestä 60-luvun sukupolvesta, eikä hipeistä. No en minäkään.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 544: and gnoolial drives, also activities corresponding to those instincts, activities with a highly rich and varied range, for one could gnool and brip alternately or at the same time, alone, in pairs, trios, and later - after noffles were tacked on - in groups of several dozen individuals as well. Also new forms of art came into being, master brippers appeared, and gnool artists, but that was only the beginning; towards the end of the 26th century you had the mannerism of the marchpusses, the muckledong was a tremendous hit, and the celebrated Ondor Stert, who could simultaneously gnool, brip and surpospulate while flying through the air on spinal wings, became the idol of millions.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 546: At the height of the baroque, sex went out of style; only two small parties kept it going-the integrationalists and the separatists. The separatists, averse to all debauchery, felt that it was improper to eat sauerkraut with the same mouth one used to kiss one´s sweetheart. For this a separate, "platonic" mouth was needed, and better yet, a complete set of them, variously designated (for relatives, for friends, and for that special person). The valuing utility above all else, worked in reverse, combining whatever was combinable to simplify the organism and life. The decline of the baroque, typically tending to the extravagant and the grotesque, produced such curious forms as the stoolmaid and the hexus, which resembled a centaur, except that instead of hoofs it had four bare feet with the toes all facing one another: they also called it a syncopant, after a dance in which energetic stamping was the basic step. But the market now was glutted, exhausted. It was hard to come up with a startling new body; people used their natural horns for ear flaps; flap ears-diaphanous and with stigmatic scenes-fanned with their pale pinkness the cheeks of ladies of distinction; there were attempts to walk on supple pseudopodia; meanwhile SOPSYPLABD out of sheer inertia made more and more designs available, though everyone felt that all of this was drawing to a close.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 587: - Sillä tavalla, rakas isä, jonka olet juuri nyt meille opettanut! Silloin he vetivät ihon hänen selästään ja hieroivat paikkaa tervalla, kuten Irlannin teloittaja teki Saint Hyacinthille, sitten he katkaisivat hänen vasemman jalkansa, kuten pakanat tekivät Saint Pafnucelle, minkä jälkeen he repivät hänen vatsansa auki ja laitettiin olkipalan sisään, kuten tapahtui siunatulle Elisabetille Normandialaiselle, ja seuraavaksi hänet paalettiin emalkilaisena pyhänä Hugona ja murtui hänen kylkiluunsa, kuten Tyrakusalaisen Padovan Pyhän Henryn tavoin, ja paahdettiin hänet hitaalla tulella, kuin burgundialaiset Orleansin piikaa. Sitten lopulta he astuivat taaksepäin, pesivat kätensä ja alkoivat vuodattaa katkeria kyyneleitä kadonneen paimenensa puolesta.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 619: Lauri Allan Törni (28 May 1919 – 18 October 1965), later known as Larry Alan Thorne, was a Finnish-born soldier who fought under three flags: as a Finnish Army officer in the Winter War and the Continuation War ultimately gaining a rank of captain; as a Waffen-SS captain (under the alias Larry Laine) of the Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS when he fought the Red Army on the Eastern Front in World War II; and as a United States Army Major (under the alias "Larry Thorne") when he served in the U.S. Army Special Forces in the Vietnam War.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 621: Years of service: 1938–1944 (Finnish Army), 1941/1945 (German Waffen-SS), 1954–1965 (US Army). Rank: Kapteeni kauluslaatta.svg Captain (Finland), SS-Hauptsturmführer Collar Rank.svg Hauptsturmführer (Germany), US-O4 insignia.svg Major (US) (posthumous). Carl-Erikistä tuli kertausharjoitusten kautta kapteeni, mutta majuria ei tullut edes postuumisti, toisin kuin Pauli Pylkkäsestä. Musta tulee postuumisti 1. jägarkompaniets skrivare, B-mies.svg.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 627: Törni died in a helicopter crash during the Vietnam War and he was promoted to the rank of major posthumously. His remains were located three decades later and then buried in Arlington National Cemetery; he is the only former member of the Waffen-SS known to be interred there.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 639: In 1949, Törni, accompanied by his wartime executive officer Holger Pitkänen, traveled to Sweden, crossing the border from Tornio to Haparanda (Haaparanta), where many inhabitants are ethnic Finns. From Haparanda, Törni traveled by railroad to Stockholm where he stayed with Baroness von Essen, who harbored many fugitive Finnish officers following the war. Pitkänen was arrested and repatriated to Finland. Remaining in Sweden, Törni fell in love with a Swedish Finn, Marja Kops, and was soon engaged to be married. Hoping to establish a career before the marriage, Törni traveled under an alias as a Swedish seaman aboard the SS Bolivia, destined for Caracas, Venezuela, where he met one of his Winter War commanders, Finnish colonel Matti Aarnio, who was in exile[citation needed] having settled in Venezuela after the war. From Caracas, Törni hired on to a Swedish cargo ship, the MS Skagen, destined for the United States in 1950.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 691: As the research assistant to Professor Damascus Kafumbe, I have:
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 695: - Fulfilled day-to-day organizational tasks like alphabetizing Kafumbe´s comic books.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 728: Hyökättyään Ukrainaan 24. helmikuuta 2022 Venäjä valtasi onnettomuusalueen ja piti sitä hallussaan maaliskuun loppuun. Säteilytaso alueella nousi, kun Venäjän saastaiset joukot liikkuivat siellä raskaalla kalustolla. IAEA:n pääjohtaja Rafael Grossi ilmoitti 26. huhtikuuta, että säteilytaso onnettomuusalueella on jälleen normaali.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 730: Suomalaiseen politiikkaan onnettomuudella oli merkittävät ja pitkäkestoiset vaikutukset. Mezäsuomalaisia kehotettiin olemaan syömättä ylen määrin sieniä, marjoja ja muita luonnontuotteita. Suomalaisia oli Kiovassa Lemminkäisen työmaalla, opiskelemassa ja turisteina noin 130. Heitä evakuoimaan lähetettiin Kar-Airin DC-8-matkustajakone OH-LFZ vapaaehtoismiehistöllä. Koneen päällikkönä toimi vapaaehtoinen lentokapteeni (kai) Björkman. Suomalaisten evakuointilentoa viivytti saastuneen presidentti Mauno Koiviston väliintulo. Myöhemmin ydinvoiman kannatus palasi onnettomuutta edeltäneelle tasolle. IAEA:n pääjohtaja Rafael Grossi ilmoitti 26. lokakuuta, että ydinvoiman kannatustaso kriisialueella on normaalia suurempi.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 736: At home with his wife and daughter, the Stalker´s wife (Alisa Freindlich) begs him not to go into the Zone, but he dismissively rejects her pleas. Niinpä tietysti. In a rundown bar-café, the Stalker meets his next clients for a trip into the Zone, the Writer (Anatoly Solzhenitsyn) and the Professor (Nikolai Gringo). The Stalker, the Writer, and the Professor compete at the bar-café who gets to fuck the Stalker´s wife and who the daughter.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 740: A previous Stalker named "Porcupine" visited the Room, came into possession of a large sum of money, and shortly afterwards committed suicide, just like Richard Cory. Money does not bring happiness.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 761: Tyutchev´s idea of night, for example, was defined by critics as "the poetic image often covering economically and simply the vast notions of time and space as they affect man in his struggle through life". In the chaotic and fathomless world of "night", "winter", or "north" man feels himself tragically abandoned and lonely. Hence, a modernist sense of frightening anxiety permeates his poetry. Unsurprisingly, it was not until the late 19th and early 20th century that Tyutchev was rediscovered and hailed as a great poet by the Russian Symbolists such as Vladimir Solovyov, Andrey Bely and Alexander Blok.
        xxx/ellauri229.html on line 765: Silentium! is an archetypal poem by Tyutchev. Written in 1830, it is remarkable for its rhythm crafted so as to make reading in silence easier than aloud toward others. Like so many of his poems, its images are anthropomorphic and pulsing with pantheism. As one Russian critic put it, "the temporal epochs of human life, its past and its present fluctuate and vacillate in equal measure: the unstoppable current of time erodes the outline of the present."
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 59: But Tanizaki died in 1965. Bugger it. In the selection for that year, the academy judged that after Tanizaki’s death, Kawabata was the writer likeliest to become a Japanese candidate. Thus, the academy judged it necessary to further examine Kawabata.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 70: In addition to the numerous mentions of Zen and nature, one topic that was briefly mentioned in Kawabata´s mile long Nobel lecture was that of suicide. Kawabata reminisced of other famous Japanese authors who committed suicide, in particular Ryūnosuke Akutagawa. He contradicted the custom of suicide as being a form of enlightenment, mentioning the priest Ikkyū, who also thought of suicide twice. He quoted Ikkyū, "Among those who give thoughts to things, is there one who does not think of suicide?" There was much speculation about this quote being a clue to Kawabata´s suicide in 1972, a year and a half after Mishima had committed suicide. Kawabata saw ca. 200 nighmares about it. Vittu nää insulaariset viirusilmät on aika vinxahtaneita.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 82: Marine oilers are experienced qualified members of the engine department, who maintain the captain in proper running order. These workers lubricate gears, shafts, bearings, and other moving parts of the captain´s engines "below deck" needed to take "conn".
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 136: af">Gustaf "Kustu" John (G. J.) Ramstedt (22. lokakuuta 1873 Tammisaari – 25. marraskuuta 1950 Helsinki) oli suomalainen tutkimusmatkailija, pyllykielitieteilijä ja diplomaatti. Hän oli vertailevan altailaisen pyllykielentutkimuksen uranuurtaja ja modernin mongoloidistiikan perustaja.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 137: Ramstedtin vanhemmat olivat konetyömies Gustaf Adolf Ramstedt ja Edla Mathilda o.s. Holmberg. Perheessä oli yksitoista lasta, joista tunnettuja ovat myös laulaja, säveltäjä ja näyttelijä Rafael ”Rafu” Ramstedt (1888–1933) ja kansanedustaja Emanuel ”Manu” Ramstedt (1881–1960).
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 142:
        Vasemmalta: Kustu (luokkapetturi), Manu, Rafu ja Armas Israel Zacharias Ramstedt. Helppo nähdä kuka näistä on komeljanttari. Kallein paltto on tietysti Kustulla.

        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 204: MIJAZAŬA Kenĝi (japane: 宮沢賢治 [Mijazaŭa Kenĝi], (27-a de aŭgusto 1896 - 21-a de septembro 1933) estis poemisto, verkisto de fabeloj pro infanoj kaj li estis esuperantisto. Hobie li estis pentristo, muzikisto kaj mineralogo. En 1926 li lernis Esuperanton, kaj lia renkonto kun esuperantisto, finna ambasadoro Gustaf John Ramstedt, rezidanta en Japanio akcelis lian emon lerni ĝin.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 213: Ennen lähtöä olivat pres- professori Ståhlberg ja suutari Aaltonen Kustun kimpussa. Kustu ei olis halunnut lähtä japsuihin, mutta nuorsuomalainen aateveli K.J. pakotti. Kustun piti mennä kotiin kazomaan sanakirjasta, mitä on chargé d'affaire. Lontoossa se osasi yhtä vähän enkkua kuin Wilho Pylkkänen. Länkkärien sompailusta Kaakkois-Aasiassa tulee voimakkaasti mieleen Pekka Lipponen ja Kalle-Kustaa Korkki.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 225: Younghusband expedition to Tibet and Anglo-Russian Convention As for the British, Lord George Curzon, the new Viceroy of India, changed ‘British policy towards Tibet from patient waiting to impatient hurry.’ Two times of attempts, in 1900 and 1901, to direct communication with Tibet were both rejected by the Dalai Lama. The lord was already concerned about the Buriat lama - a Russian subject in Tibetan court, also a high political advisor of the Dalai Lama, and considered him as an evil Russian agent behind the Dalai Lama’s anti-British policies. Inevitably, Curzon was more and more convinced that Dorzhiev’s mission to Russia would ultimately place Tibet under Russian protectorate. Especially, after Dorzhiev’s third mission to Czar Nikolai II it was widely reported that a secret agreement was already made between Tibet and Russia.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 230: The Dalai Lama fled to Urga (aka Ulan Bator) in Mongolia along with Dorzhiev. From there, Dorzhiev left for St Petersburg again in March 1905, hoping that Russian government could take Tibet under its protection from British and China. However, after the catastrophic defeat in Russo-Japanese war, Czar’s government could not offer any kind of assistance to Tibet in this historical turbulent time. Meantime, the dramatic rise of Germany in Europe since 1900s eventually led both Russia and Britain to come closer and to settle down their century long Great Game in Central Asia. Anglo-Russian Convention was signed at last by both sides on 31 August 1907, recognizing China’s claim for suzerainty over Tibet. Moreover, the convention also engaged to respect the territorial integrity of Tibet and abstain from all interference in her internal administration.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 284: In addition, he was a big waver of pork sword on the side. In 1908, (20vee) Koo married his first wife, Chang Jun-o .They divorced prior to 1912. Koo's second wife, Tang Pao-yueh "May" (唐寶玥; 唐宝玥; Táng Bǎoyuè; c. 1895–1918), was the youngest daughter of the former Chinese prime minister Tang Shaoyi and a first cousin of the painter and actress Mai-Mai Sze. Their marriage took place soon after Koo's return to China in 1912 (24vee). She died in the US during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. Result: 2 kids.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 298: In October 1921, Koo was reassigned as the Chinese minister in Washington. Koo was to represent China at the Washington conference, hence his sudden reassignment to Washington just after his arrival in London.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 300: The Washington conference proved to be Koo's triumph as the conference ended with Japan renouncing its claims to the Shandong and the attending powers all signing the Nine-Power Treaty affirming the independence of China. After the conference, Koo changed his name to Washington Koo and returned to China a national hero.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 309: In December 1937, Koo's spirits sank to a new low by the news that the Japanese had taken Nanking, the capital of China, which was promptly followed up by the infamous "Rape of Nanking". That same month, the Japanese sank the American gunboat U.S.S Panay on the Yangtze river and in the process killed several American sailors. Koo hoped that the Panay incident might lead to the United States taking action against Japan, and he was disappointed when Roosevelt chose instead to accept the Japanese apology that the sinking of the Panay was a mistake, despite the fact the Panay was flying the American flag at the time the Japanese aircraft bombed the gunboat. It had looked just like the Chinese flag from afar.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 343: But slowly, some "pro-Dark Biden" memes began to emerge – particularly in the wake of the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the man who took over as leader of al-Qaida after Osama Bin Laden's death, who was killed in a targeted strike ordered by the Biden administration over the summer. White House digital director Rob Flaherty shared an image of Biden with red lasers shooting out of his eyes as a way to express support for the president’s murderous success.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 459: By 1903 he was encountering opposition from the Colonial Office, which felt he was proceeding too rapidly. In 1904, after being criticized for granting a concession on land previously reserved for the indigenous Maasai people, he resigned his position. Following his resignation, he served as vice chancellor of both the University of Sheffield (1905–12) and the University of Hong Kong (1912–18). His last diplomatic post was as the British ambassador to Japan, which he began in 1920. He retired in 1926, continuing to live in Japan. During his life he wrote several papers and books, including The East Africa Protectorate (1905) and Letters from the Far East (1907).
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 471: Kamakura Daibutsu (Great Buddha) 鎌倉大仏. The statue is a wimpy 11.3 meters tall and weighs just 121 tons. It is a bronze statue of Amida Buddha and is second only in height to Todaiji's Great Buddha in Nara. Like the statue in Nara , the Daibutsu was originally housed inside a temple building after its casting in the 13th century.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 542: The Spring Temple Buddha (Chinese: 中原大佛 and simplified Chinese: 鲁山大佛; traditional Chinese: 魯山大佛) is a colossal statue depicting Vairocana Buddha located in the Zhaocun township of Lushan County, Henan, China, built from 1997 to 2008. It is located within the Fodushan Scenic Area, close to National Freeway no. 311. At 128 metres (420 ft), excluding a 25 metres (82 ft) lotus throne. It is the second-tallest statue in the world after the Statue of Unity (representing no longer the Buddha but this guy named Patel) in Gujarat, India, which surpassed it in 2018 with a height of 182 metres (597 ft).
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 576: Jalat Japanissa. Liity täältä ja nauti kuumasta japanilaisesta sääri- ja jalkatoiminnasta HD-laadulla. Jalat Japan Liity tästä. Juri Kisaragi esikatselu Jalkafetissi. Seksin pituus:21:27. Kuvat:166. Tagit: Ruiskahdus, Korkokengät, Seksi. Liity täältä ja nauti kuumasta japanilaisesta sääri- ja jalkatoiminnasta HD-laadulla.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 577: Seksikäs japanilaiset jalat & jalat 93 tuntia jalkoja ja jalkafetissiä HD-videoita Jos jalkatyöt, sukat, jalkojen kumpuileminen, jalkojen hankaus ja reisien vittuilu saa sinut voimaan voimaisesti, olet oikeassa paikassa täällä! Epäilemättä jäsenyys on pakollinen hankinta kaikille jalkojen ja jalkojen fetisisteille.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 589: Lämmityxen antaa hibatshi. Hibatshit ovat varsinaisia häkäpönttöjä. Onnexi talot ovat huteria. Miehillä on pehmyt tyyny, naisilla niskajakkara. Skafferi on karakamiseinän takana. Siellä pidetään myös pyllytyynyjä ja karapusseja. Hokkaidolla käytetään lämmitykseen kotatsuja. Pohjoismaalaiset eivät kestä Japanin sääoloja vaan hirttäytyvät kolmantena kesänä, ampuvat izensä tai syövät myrkkyä. Lapset piirtelivät Suomessa 60-luvulla tahmeilla sakuroilla, ne ovat kirsikankukkia. Kaskas! täyttää nyt koko Joshinon laaxon. Laaxon urheilukentän kazomossa kyrpä koski kuumaa floiskaa, varmaan kirsikkapuun alla Joshinossakin.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 641: And gaze afar towards the southern mountains,"
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 707: Tilastot osoittavat, että lapsipornografian saatavuus on edelleen suuri ongelma Japanissa. Yhdysvaltain ulkoministeriön vuoden 2013 raportti Japanin ihmisoikeuskäytännöistä leimaa maan "kansainväliseksi lapsipornografian tuotannon ja ihmiskaupan keskukseksi". Suurimmassa osassa Japania lapsipornografian hallussapito on edelleen laillista. Vaikka tuotanto ja jakelu on kielletty 15 vuoden ajan, Japani on jäljessä muista suurista kehittyneistä maista kieltäessään ihmisiä yksinkertaisesti pitämästä synkkää materiaalia.
        xxx/ellauri230.html on line 709: Tilanne on muuttumassa maassa, jota pidetään lapsipornografian maailmanlaajuisena napana (napana, hehe). Maan parlamentin ylähuoneen odotetaan hyväksyvän jossain kuussa lain, jonka mukaan sen hallussapidosta voidaan määrätä jopa vuoden vankeusrangaistus. Mutta se ei kata maan suosittua manga- (sarjakuva) ja anime (animaatio) -teollisuutta, jotka sisältävät julkaisuissaan kuvauksia lasten väkivaltaisesta seksuaalisesta hyväksikäytöstä. Daisuke Okeda, Japanin animaation tekijöiden yhdistyksen asianajaja ja tarkastaja, sanoi, että on "luonnollista, että animaatio on vapautettu. Itse lain tavoitteena on suojella lapsia rikollisuudelta", hän sanoi. "Tällaisen ilmaisun kieltäminen animaatiossa tämän lain nojalla ei täyttäisi lain tavoitetta. He eivät ole lapsia, tarkoitan, vain piirustuksia. Sormi joka osoittaa kuuta ei ole kuu, eikä piirretty setämiehen kikkeli tunkemassa piirretyn alaikäisen pilluun ole kikkeli." "Rikas, syvä kulttuuri syntyy jostakin, jota kaikki eivät ehkä hyväksy", Chiba sanoi. "Meidän on annettava harmaan vyöhykkeen olla olemassa välttämättömänä pahana."
        xxx/ellauri231.html on line 57:
        Trafalgarin taistelu: Brittiamiraali Horatio Nelson upottaa yhdistetyn ranskalaisen ja espanjalaisen laivaston. Mutta parasta on, että Nelson ammuttiin ja kuoli taistelun aikana.
        xxx/ellauri231.html on line 289: Mahno löysi töitä paikallisesta valimosta ja Renaultin tehtaasta, mutta joutui jättämään molemmat työpaikat terveysongelmiensa vuoksi. Oikeassa nilkassa saatu luotihaava uhkasi amputaatiota. Hänen terveydenhoitoaan valvoi anarkafeministi Lucile Pelletier, joka kuvaili hänen kehoaan "kirjaimellisesti arpikudoksen ympäröimäxi". Hiän neuvoi hänen perhettään muuttamaan pois, jotta he eivät sairastu tuberkuloosiin. Heikentävän sairautensa, koti-ikävänsä ja vahvan kielimuurinsa välissä Mahno vaipui syvään masennukseen. Esuperantosta ei ollut paljon apua. Anarkistisen sandaalitehtailija Berkemannin mukaan Mahno halveksi erityisesti asumista suurkaupungissa ja haaveili palaamisesta Ukrainan maaseudulle, missä hän voisi "taistella uudelleen pyssy kädessä vapauden ja sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden puolesta".
        xxx/ellauri231.html on line 382: Ivanin autobiografia Nobel-sivustolla on pidäkkeetöntä omakehua sukutaustalla ja omilla saavutuxilla.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 97:
        Tämä Paul Krugmanin hämärähkö graafi sanoo, että kiinalaisten keskiansiot ovat nousseet rutkasti mutta amerikan sinikauluksille on käynyt suhteellisen kehnosti. Ei ihme että jenkit ovat kinuskeille kateita. Sentään huippurikkaat ovat rikastuneet entisestäänkin.

        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 110: Redan vid mitten av 1920-talet fanns en flora av teorier om hur detta nya politiska fenomen (dvs fascisterna, inte ännu sverigedemokraterna vid det skedet) skulle förklaras. Tidigt ute var Komintern (den kommunistiska internationalen), som beskrev fascismen som en generell tendens i den europeiska politiken efter första världskrigets slut. Den kommunistiska definitionen var ett kampbegrepp avsett att ge strategisk vägledning i den antifascistiska kampen. Begreppet tenderade att bli liktydigt med alla krafter som stod emot kommunismen. Efter andra världskriget har fascismbegreppet främst blivit en brännmärkande beteckning på företeelser som ifrågasätter rådande liberala konsensus.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 112: De flesta fascismteorier har fått sin inspiration från vänster. Fascismen framstod under mellankrigstiden som vänsterns stora fiende. Att fastställa fascismens funktion i det kapitalistiska systemet blev en central uppgift. Fascismen sågs av kommunisterna som ett desperat försök av reaktionära krafter att rädda det kapitalistiska systemet. Fascismen var kapitalismens sista kort och dess nederlag skulle öppna vägen för den socialistiska revolutionen. Fel, fel! kapitalismen hade flera mera kort upp i ärmen, som vi har sett.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 139: Som belägg för sin tes lyfter han också fram en valaffisch som Sverigedemokraterna använde i valrörelsen 2010 som visar två små barn i ett sommarlandskap på väg till en idyllisk fiskesjö. Texten på affischen lyder: ”Ge oss Sverige tillbaka”. Det är knappast ett tungt belägg för att Sverigedemokraterna skulle vara fascistiskt.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 155: Ein weiteres kontroverses Thema war Wippermanns engagiertes Auftreten gegen die Totalitarismus-These, die in seinem Verständnis besage, dass die Verbrechen des Nationalsozialismus und des Stalinismus oder des Kommunismus als Ganzes vergleichbar oder gleichzusetzen seien. Über das Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus urteilte Wippermann, dass es nur „eine ermüdende Reihung von Mordgeschichten“ biete, eine „Dämonisierung des Kommunismus“ betreibe und hinterfragt werden müsse, ob es sich „bei den Regimen in der Sowjetunion, China, Kambodscha etc. überhaupt um kommunistische bzw. sozialistische Systeme gehandelt habe“. Reinhard Mohr kritisierte darüber in Der Spiegel, dass „gar nicht mehr versucht wird, wissenschaftliche oder politische Kritik zu üben und dass es nur noch um das gekränkte intellektuelle Ich“ gehe. Wippermann solle eher Payne lesen.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 157: Den Mitgliedern des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesregierung Globale Umweltveränderungen (WBGU) warf er angesichts ihres Hauptgutachtens Welt im Wandel – Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine Große Transformation 2011 vor, sie seien Utopisten, die eine Klimadiktatur in größerem Rahmen vorschlügen, und dies nicht aus Gedankenlosigkeit. Dies erinnere ihn an die faschistische oder kommunistische Internationale. Es handle sich um naturwissenschaftliche Fanatiker, die ihre Vorstellungen durchsetzen wollen.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 163: Kern seiner Arbeit in Anknüpfung an Christopher R. Brownings Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung eines deutschen Polizeibataillons (Reserve-Polizei-Bataillon), das im polnischen Generalgouvernement die dort lebenden Juden aufspürte, folterte und schließlich erschoss oder in die Vernichtungslager verschleppte. Anhand von Prozessakten aus späteren Gerichtsverfahren gegen einige Bataillonsangehörige zeigt Goldhagen, dass diese Männer ihre Taten nicht etwa widerwillig, schamhaft und unter Zwang begingen, sondern freiwillig, ausgesprochen eifrig (z. T. über die ausdrücklichen Befehle hinaus), mit Stolz und in der Überzeugung, das Richtige zu tun. Sie quälten und ermordeten ihre Opfer ohne Mitgefühl oder moralische Skrupel. Diese erstaunliche Tatsache führt Goldhagen auf die Vorstellungen zurück, die die Männer von den Juden hatten: Sie betrachteten ihre Opfer nicht als Menschen, sondern als ein Übel, das beseitigt werden musste, so wie eine bösartige Krankheit beseitigt werden muss. Und bei diesen Männern handelte es sich gerade nicht um eingefleischte Nazis. Die Bataillone bestanden aus willkürlich rekrutierten Durchschnittsbürgern, die für den Einsatz an der Front zu alt waren und deren politische Sozialisation dementsprechend lange vor der Machtergreifung stattgefunden hatte. Sie waren weder Weltanschauungskrieger noch verblendete Jugendliche; sie waren (daher der Untertitel von Goldhagens Buch) ganz gewöhnliche Deutsche.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 182: Invandring och integration har blivit så laddade frågor att många forskare undviker att ta sig an dem. En orsak till detta kan härledas till de tre integrationspolitiska maktutredningar som initierades i början av 2000-talet och som förvandlade området till ett politiskt slagfält. I stället för att föra en rationell dialog kring integration kom inflytelserika politiker, journalister och samhällsvetare att bidra till ett debattklimat och kunskapsläge som präglas av generaliserande slutsatser om främlingsfientlighet, utanförskap och rasism. Det är därför inte underligt att Sverige efter flyktingkrisen 2015 har haft svårt att hantera integrationspolitikens utmaningar.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 184: Hur kommer det sig att Sverige inte hade någon vidare bra strategi för att ta emot det stora antalet flyktingar som kom hit 2015? Nog för att det var unikt många som kom under en kort period men beredskapen var låg och kunskapsbristerna stora. Problemen förvärrades av att när politiker från olika läger då yttrade sig om integrationspolitikens utmaningar spårade samtalen oftast ur. Och så är det fortfarande. Varför är det politiska samtalet om integration och invandring så minerat att dialoger hela tiden stängs ner eller slutar i något slags allmän ödeläggelse? Debatten om de ”apatiska flyktingbarnen” är ett exempel på hur svårt det har varit och fortfarande är att i offentlig debatt hantera frågor som berör invandring. Detsamma gäller diskussioner om ”utsatta områden” och gängkriminalitet bland invandrare. Att dessa frågor är så laddade gör att begåvande forskare i dag undviker att ta sig an centrala frågor som handlar om integration och invandring, fast det ju borde vara tvärtom. Sverige har gått från att vara ett relativt homogent land till att bli mer heterogent. Det innebär självfallet problem och krav på omställningar som måste lösas i dialoger där det är högt till tak och med politisk handlingskraft.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 203: Det som hände sedan var att den integrationspolitiska maktutredning som leddes av Westholm avvecklades under fortsatt förnedrande former. Det skulle gå undan att lägga ner utredningen. Det fick aldrig bli något slutbetänkande i form av en statlig offentlig utredning (SOU). De sista publikationerna degraderades till rapporter i Departementsserien (Ds) och Westholm fick för att kunna slutföra påbörjande arbeten byta titel från ”särskild utredare” till ”forskningsledare”. För Westholms del kom hela affären med utredningen att sätta djupa spår på hjässan.
        xxx/ellauri232.html on line 218: Men hela Kamalis utredning och den verksamhet som bedrevs av hans kolleger i den utredning han fick ta ansvar för bygger på uppdelningar mellan ”vi och dom”. Det handlar hela tiden om vilka som är rasister, om vilka som tillhör gruppen ”vita” eller ”rasifierade”, och så självfallet uppdelningar efter klass och kön. Det är uppenbart att ”vi och dom” är en indelning som bör undvikas enbart i vissa sammanhang, inte i andra. Men det bestäms av forskarnas personliga uppfattningar om hur verkligheten är beskaffad och den präglas av en ideologisk förståelse. Det handlar inte om slutsatser baserade på rigorösa empiriska studier, utvecklade med ambitiösa metoder. Det handlar om åsikter. Det kan ju hända att när man först studerar allt riktigt nogrannt, visar det sig at det inte alls finns några klasser, raser eller kön.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 65: Sairaalassa Carter ja Edward onnistuvat löytämään yhteisen sävelen. Hauskan vuoksi Carter alkoi kirjoittaa luetteloa aktiviteeteista ennen kuin hän "potkuisi ämpäriin". Kuultuaan, että hänellä on alle vuosi elinaikaa, hän hylkää masentuneena luettelonsa. Edward löytää sen seuraavana aamuna ja kehottaa häntä tekemään kaiken listalla olevan, lisää siihen omat esineensä ja tarjoutuu rahoittamaan kaikki kulut. Carter on samaa mieltä, ja vaikka hänen vaimonsa Virginia vastustaa, kaksi potilasta lähtee matkalle viimeiseen maailmaan Matthew'n kanssa. He hyppäävät laskuvarjohyppyihin, ajavat vintage Shelby Mustangilla ja Dodge Challengerilla California Speedwayn ympäri, lentävät pohjoisnavan yli, syövät illallista Chevre d'orissa (olikohan vuohi yhtä hyvää kuin mun 70-vuotispäivillä, tushkinpa), vierailee Taj Mahalissa, ajaa moottoripyörillä Kiinan muurilla, osallistu leijonasafarille Tansaniassa ja vieraile Mount Everestillä. Vittu miten typeriä kohteita! Siis kerta kaikkisen joutavia paskoja!
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 112: Nåväl, nu kan tråden låsas, för nu har Fredrik Virtanen recenserat programmet på aftonblaskan.se. Beklagansvärd läsning från en beklagansvärd skribent på en beklagansvärd tidning. Jag citerar: "Hade han inte varit professor på Handels så hade hans 90 minuter varit outhärdliga". Jaha? Säger ju det mesta om både Dahlén och Virtanen. Tyvärr. Medelmåttornas triumf. Jag vet fanimig inte om jag ska skratta eller gråta, men förmodligen det senare:
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 140: Känns inte som om han har alla indianer i kanoten. Ja, han verkar ha lämnat ett kraftfullt avtryck, eller kanske ett anti-avtryck, i svenskarnas vardag.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 144: Hur fan kan den här frånstötande managementtomten ha utsetts till ”årets supertalang inom området forskning”??? Ligger det verkligen så jävla illa till med rikets akademiska sfär? Jag hörde hans sommarprogram och tänkte att vad är detta för en dåre? Sämsta musiksmaken var det också där han inkluderade en egen inspelning av Marilyn Manson-låt med en symfoniorkester, eller iallafall en del av.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 162: The rise of modern, centralized states in Europe by the early 19th century heralded the end of Jewish judicial autonomy and social seclusion. Their communal corporate rights were abolished, and the process of emancipation and acculturation that followed quickly transformed the values and norms of the public. Estrangement and apathy toward Judaism were rampant. The process of communal, educational and civil reform could not be restricted from affecting the core tenets of the faith. The new academic, critical study of Judaism (Wissenschaft des Judentums) soon became a source of controversy. Rabbis and scholars argued to what degree, if at all, its findings could be used to determine present conduct. The modernized Orthodox in Germany, like rabbis Isaac Bernays and Azriel Hildesheimer, were content to cautiously study it while stringently adhering to the sanctity of holy texts and refusing to grant Wissenschaft any say in religious matters. On the other extreme were Rabbi Abraham Geiger, who would emerge as the founding father of Reform Judaism, and his supporters. They opposed any limit on critical research or its practical application, laying more weight on the need for change than on continuity.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 165: Besides working for the civic betterment of local Jews and educational reform, he displayed keen interest in Wissenschaftskäse. But Frankel was always cautious and deeply reverent towards tradition, privately writing in 1836 that "the means must be applied with such care and discretion... that forward progress will be reached unnoticed, and seem inconsequential to the average spectator."
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 179: Tulikohan siitä novellista valmista? Wikisivuilla "Micaelin" viimeinen kyhhäys olis vuodelta 2011. Mitä se on häärännyt tässä välissä? Mixi Hobla on kaivanut sen naftaliinista? Samanlainen hörhelö se on vielä vaikka kohta miehen iässä. No ei, sen kv. sivut vaan laahaa jäljessä, ruozixi se on jatkanut hääräilyä netissä. En liten bok om lycka utkom år 2020. I boken försöker författaren ge svar på frågan vad som gör oss lyckliga, genom att peka på resultaten från sin egen och andras forskning på området. Dessutom får läsaren 13 konkreta tips vilka kan få oss att trivas bättre med våra liv. De handlar huvudsakligen om skumtomtar. Recensenten beskriver Dahlen: "det är som att han ser sitt eget liv som ett psykologiskt experiment".
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 192: Micael blev utbränd 2013, då kroppen sade ifrån på skarpen, det gick så långt att den vägrade lyda honom och han bland annat en tid förlorade rörelseförmågan i sin högra hand och sin slappa kuk. Micael berättar att han i likhet med många andra trott att man måste satsa hundra procent och aldrig ge upp, det gällde både jobb, olika projekt och träning, en inställning som visade sig inte hålla i längden. Han gick sönder på manga ställen. Båda hans föräldrar har haft hjärntumörer, och det är ingenting att undra om.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 194: Träning har han skrivit om tidigare i boken ”Stark kuk” som kom ut på samma förlag hösten 2019. Han äter lite nyttigt lite onyttigt men huvudsakligen skumtomtar. Han är riktigt introvert. Jag har haft jättesvårt att vara mig själv och har brottats med det i många år så hårt jag har fått svarta naglar.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 215: LÄS OCKSÅ: Högkänsliga män visar vägen ur en snäv mansroll! Skaffa dej ett känsligare nervsystem! Kanske hittar vi dagens motrörelse någon annanstans. Termen högkänslig personlighet eller HSP myntades av psykologen Elaine Aron på 1990-talet, Hon identifierade något hon kallade för “Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS)” som hon menar ligger bakom att 20-30 procent av befolkningen är känsligare för yttre intryck och påverkan. Hon kallade det för att vara högkänslig. Detta har inte med psyket att göra utan beror på att centrala nervsystemet är känsligare hos högkänsliga personer.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 377: Missä kohen Jamesin Blackthornen seikkailut poikkeavat esikuvastansa Adamsista? No mietitään - tää on romaani, eikä pelkkä rags to riches tositarina. Ei siis riitä pelkkä (E), pitää olla paxulti myös (K) ja (F). Näyttää siinä olevan kaikenlaista nujakointia, ja aika pian on jonkin verran myös japsunaisten nussintaa (sitähän oli Aatamilla kyllä izellään). "As they spend more time together, Blackthorne comes to deeply admire both Toranaga and (specifically) Mariko, and all three secretly become lovers." Samainen Mariko (joka on sentään vaan japsulainen nainen) silputaan smithereeneixi. "However, she and Blackthorne and the other ladies of Toranaga's "court", escape into a locked room. As the ninja prepare to blow the door open Mariko stands against the door and is killed by the explosion." No jäähän Toranagalle vielä "Lady Anjin". Entäs moraali? "Blackthorne is torn between his growing affection for Mariko (who is married to a powerful, abusive, and dangerous samurai, Buntaro), his increasing loyalty to Toranaga, his household and consort, a "Willow world" courtesan named Kikuli, and his desire to return to the open seas aboard Erasmus so he can intercept the Black Ship fleet before it reaches Japan." Onpa hienoa: (E,F,K) konfliktoituvat! "There are other recurring themes of Eastern values, as opposed to Western values, masculine (patriarchal) values as opposed to human values, etc."
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 395: Large groups of people, including many yeshivas, uphold the set of Jewish customs and rites (minhag), the "minhag ha-Gra", named after him, the which is also considered by many of his followers to be the prevailing Ashkenazi minhag in Jerusalem.
        xxx/ellauri233.html on line 405: According to popular myth/legend, it is claimed that the Gaon contributed to contemporary mathematics of his day, and that Cramer's rule is named after him (since his family name was Kremer). However, the rule is in fact named after the Swiss mathematician Gabriel Cramer, and there is no evidence that the Gaon was at all familiar with anything beyond basic compound interest calculation, and certainly no evidence that he made any contributions. Anyway Cramer's tule is way inferior to Gaussian elimination. Gabi ei ehkä ollut juutalainen kuitenkaan, vaikka sen isä oli Isaac. Ainakin se muistuttaa pikemminkin Liza Marklundia kuin näitä karvaturreja.
        xxx/ellauri234.html on line 94: Hennes morfar Jurek Sawka är polack, han är faktiskt en jude som kom till Sverige när han tvingades fly från Polen i slutet av 60-talet. – Den polska antisemitismen är som en slumrande vulkan. 1968–69 vaknade den till liv med en enorm kraft. 30 000 polacker med judisk härkomst tvingades i landsflykt. Omkring 3000 hamnade i Sverige, däribland min mor och jag. Det är en händelse som drastiskt påverkade mitt liv och mitt sätt att se verkligheten och omvärlden, säger han. – Många som känner mig och som läst boken blev förvånade att jag – en dyster skeptiker – samtidigt kan skriva så roligt och med högt tempo.
        xxx/ellauri234.html on line 379: Kirjassa Tristia II: 253-312 Nokka puolustaa Ars Amatoriaa jälleen kirjoitettuna kurtisaaneille eikä aatelisnaisille, ja käyttää eroottisuuden ja pornografian klassista puolustusta, että se ei turmele, vaan houkuttelee jo korruptoituneita ja että kaikki herättää rivoja ajatuksia rivossa mielessä. (Huomaa Euripides, Bacchaessa: 'Bacchic-rituaalissa, kuten muuallakin, nainen on turvassa korruptiolta, jos hänen mielensä on siveä.')
        xxx/ellauri234.html on line 438: afad1cf806c2475068319ca8a88dae4ee6c05501488f1a504458018e91a.jpg" width="30%" />
        xxx/ellauri234.html on line 474: This really hits home for me. I am exactly 27 years old, I work two somewhat dead-end, low-paying jobs (warehouse at Floor and Decor and a DSP for the developmentally disabled). Last year, I tried to commit suicide in my car after a long period of living in my car. The car didn't survive the suicide attempt, but I did. Surprisingly, I only got a few bumps and bruises from the accident, but nothing major. I was in a psych ward for 2 weeks. After that, I had to move back in with my parents in their one bedroom apartment. I hate them for all that they put me through this past year, but I'm grateful for their conditional love. My presence in my dad's life counts for a lot, especially since he probably feels like a failure like you and me.
        xxx/ellauri234.html on line 507: Depression is terrible. I remember 27 and it sucks. I can't imagine being that age now. In this world we live in. It's no wonder he's depressed. For young people it just seems hopeless, like what's the point? They can't afford a house, family of their own, secondary education, a life except being a slave to the “grind" and having a side hustle…or 5. Just be there for him. Don't tell him to cheer up, others have it worse. None of those things help. Sometimes they just have to hit rock bottom. Sometimes it's like grieving. Like Winston Churchill said, if you are in hell, just keep shoveling.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 209: How jocund did they drive their team afield! Kuinka hauskasti he ajoivat joukkueensa pois!
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 351:
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 353: Vizi kyllä brittimaa on väärällään sodomiitteja! Nahkaklarinetteja kuin salpausselällä! Fagotteja kokonainen orkesteri! Ffion Hague, the wife of Foreign Secretary William Hague, is now hoping to repeat her success with her latest publication, a book documenting what was believed to be the illicit gay love affair of an 18th century poet with the son of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole. Tää kiivas suklaaosastolla asiointi on 1 epätasa-arvoisen yhteiskunnan piirteitä. Yläluokan äveriäät herrat naivat toisiaan pitääxeen omaisuuden kasassa. Sama ilmiö muinaisessa Kreikassa ja Roomassa.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 355: The release of the publication comes just over three years after her 52-year-old husband was forced to release a personal statement denying internet claims of a gay affair with his young special adviser, Christopher Myers.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 402: Yksi runon pysyvistä paradokseista piilee ajatuksessa tyydyttävästä toteutumattomuudesta: kylä-Hampdens; mykkä, kunniaton Miltons; syyttömät maaseutuelämän Cromwellit. Paradoksin synnyttää Grayn näkemys ihmiselämästä, jota hallitsee ainoa sen sisältämä väistämättömyys, kuolema. Ennen tätä väistämättömyyttä ihmisen voitot muuttuvat merkityksettömiksi, sillä "kirkkauden polut", kuten kaikki polut, "johtavat vain hautaan". Hautaa vasten asetetaan kronikka tai epitafi, ja jälkimmäinen on runossa huomattavan monimutkainen. Se kehittyy eri modaliteettien kautta ennen kuin se lopulta nousee esiin runoilijan omana epitafina, johon teos päättyy. Kroniikan erityisiä ilmentymiä ovat "köyhien aikakirjat", "kerroksinen uurna", "heraldiikka kerskaus". "animoitu rintakuva", "heikko muistomerkki". Kussakin tapauksessa muistojen kohteet vähenevät määrittävän kontekstin vuoksi: köyhien aikakirjat ovat "lyhyitä ja yksinkertaisia", heraldiikan kerskaus "odottaa ... väistämätöntä hetkeä", kerroksinen uurna ja animoitu rintakuva eivät voi "Takaisin" sen kartanoon kutsukaa ohikiitävää henkeä", muistomerkki on "heikko". Sellaiset kuvat puhuvat turhuudesta. Silti se, mikä osoittautuu todella arvokkaaksi, on ihmissuhde. Grayn epitafien lukema on tiedossa: hän ei tuntenut näitä ihmisiä heidän eläessään; hän tuntee heidät heidän elämänsä mielikuvituksellisesta uudelleenluomisesta meditoimalla säilyneitä muistomerkkejä. köyhien aikakirjat ovat "lyhyitä ja yksinkertaisia", heraldiikan kerskaus "odottaa ... väistämätöntä hetkeä", kerroksinen uurna ja animoitu rintakuva eivät voi "Takaisin kartanoonsa kutsu ohikiitävää henkeä", muistomerkki on "hauras". ." Sellaiset kuvat puhuvat turhuudesta. Silti se, mikä osoittautuu todella arvokkaaksi, on ihmissuhde. Grayn epitafien lukema on tiedossa: hän ei tuntenut näitä ihmisiä heidän eläessään; hän tuntee heidät heidän elämänsä mielikuvituksellisesta uudelleenluomisesta meditoimalla säilyneitä muistomerkkejä. köyhien aikakirjat ovat "lyhyitä ja yksinkertaisia", heraldiikan kerskaus "odottaa ... väistämätöntä hetkeä", kerroksinen uurna ja animoitu rintakuva eivät voi "Takaisin kartanoonsa kutsu ohikiitävää henkeä", muistomerkki on "hauras". ." Sellaiset kuvat puhuvat turhuudesta. Silti se, mikä osoittautuu todella arvokkaaksi, on ihmissuhde. Grayn epitafien lukema on tiedossa: hän ei tuntenut näitä ihmisiä heidän eläessään; hän tuntee heidät heidän elämänsä mielikuvituksellisesta uudelleenluomisesta meditoimalla säilyneitä muistomerkkejä. Silti se, mikä osoittautuu todella arvokkaaksi, on ihmissuhde. Grayn epitafien lukema on tiedossa: hän ei tuntenut näitä ihmisiä heidän eläessään; hän tuntee heidät heidän elämänsä mielikuvituksellisesta uudelleenluomisesta meditoimalla säilyneitä muistomerkkejä. Silti se, mikä osoittautuu todella arvokkaaksi, on ihmissuhde. Grayn epitafien lukema on tiedossa: hän ei tuntenut näitä ihmisiä heidän eläessään; hän tuntee heidät heidän elämänsä mielikuvituksellisesta uudelleenluomisesta meditoimalla säilyneitä muistomerkkejä.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 404: Niin myös lukijalle annetaan ymmärtää, tunteeko "sukuhenki" kertojan oman epitafinsa kautta. Jos loppujen lopuksi kaikki ovat yksin, yksinäisyyteen pätee yhteinen kuolevaisuus, ja sitä lisää myös sukulaisherkkyyden läsnäolo. Kuolevaisuus ei ole alistettu johonkin henkilökohtaisen pelastuksen tai lunastuksen suunnitelmaan. "Elegia" ei ole tässä suhteessa tavanomainen pastoraalinen elgia; se ei tarjoa lohdutusta esimerkiksi Miltonin Lycidasille(1637). Grayn runo viittaa siihen, että elegisti on itse voimaton kuoleman edessä, eikä pysty viittaamaan siihen uskonnolliseen vakaumukseen, jolla se voidaan tehdä ymmärrettäväksi. Perusteltuja ovat realisoitumattomat elämät, joista runoilijan elämä on yksi esimerkki. "Elegia" on ehkä ennen kaikkea harjoittelua tunteiden vaihteluissa: puhuja tuntee kunnioittamattomia kuolleita ja kunnioitettuja kuolleita; hän kuvittelee tiettyjä henkilöitä, joita kohtaan hän voi tuntea; hän käyttää säälittävää harhaa tunteakseen kukan "syntyneen punastumaan näkymätön"; hän tuntee "ihmiskuntaa" kohtaan; ja "sukuhengen" kautta hän tuntee itsensä. Runo harjoittaa herkkyyttä. Pimeys, jossa kertoja seisoo, on kuolevaisuuden yö, jota valaisevat vain erilaiset tunteet. Tämä sympatian yhteinen nimittäjä, teoksen " The Progress of Poesy: A Pindaric Ode" alkuEnsimmäinen kolmiosa päättyy Aphroditeen ("Cytherean päivä"), luovan voiman hahmo, joka yhdistää veden ja musiikin ("reippaat nuotit poljinrytmissä"; "ylevät, ilmassa leijuvat kädet"). Hän on uudelleen esiintuleva "Venus"Oodi keväälle ", johon osallistui, kuten Venus tuossa runossa, joukko juhlijoita: "Katso hänen lämmintä poskeaan ja kohoavaa rintaansa, liiku / nuoren Halun kukinta ja rakkauden violetti valo." "Oodi keväälle", "ruusuinen rintakehä, / ... Paljasta kauan odotetut kukat, / ja herätä purppura vuosi!"
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 406: Tutut etonilaiset demonit toistuvat tässä runossa: "Ihmisen heikko rotu, mitä sairaudet odottavat, / Työ ja köyhyys, kivun telineet." Toisessa ternaarissa menetyksen tunnustaminen nousee halun hahmoja vastaan ​​ja vastustaa niitä "Yöllä ja kaikilla sen sairaalloisilla kasteilla". Yö, eräänlainen "mahtava äiti", pitää vallassaan "Itäisiä kallioita alas asti / Hyperionin marssia he vakoilevat, ja kimaltelevia sodan akselit." Hyperion on idealisoitu hahmo, joka liittyy "itäisten kallioiden" kautta Miltonin Rafaeliin ja epämääräisemmin Kristukseen, kun hän kohdistaa puolet voimastaan ​​Saatanan legiooneja vastaan. Mutta oodi siirtää hänen edistymisensä määrittelemättömään tulevaisuuteen, apokalyptiseen aamuun, joka "oikeuttaa Joven lait". Hyperion poikkeaa runosta toisen trinaarin ensimmäisen strofin lopussa. Siten Yön, hautausmaajumalattaren, jonka "Spectres low and Birds of boding cry" on vastakohta Afroditen "ruusukruunaisille rakkaille", tappio lykätään.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 410: Oidipaalinen fantasia pelataan pastoraalisessa ympäristössä: "Sinun vihreään syliin laskettiin Luonnon kulta [Shakespeare], / Mihin aikaan, missä selkeä Avon Stray'd, / Hänelle mahtava Äiti paljasti / Hänen kauhistuttavat kasvonsa.... Paljastumisen odotus sai tirkistelijä Miltonin ratsastamaan "ylevällä / Extasyn serafin siipien päällä, / Abyssin salaisuudet vakoilemaan". Silti Joven lait säilyvät: alkuperäistä kohtausta ei koskaan katsota. Hyperionic marssi on tehty merkityksettömäksi "sellaiset muodot, kuten glitter Muse's ray"; nämä muodot kiusaavat Grayn omia "lapsen silmiä" tuoden hänet Shakespearen, "kuolemattoman Pojan" läheisyyteen. "Itämaiset sävyt", jotka häikäisivät lapsen Greyn, olivat "auringosta lainattuja" — toinen ylevän runollisen (hyperionisen) periaatteen hylkääminen. Oidipaalisen halun (halu "mahtavaan äitiin") ja keskirunoilijan yksinäisen ylevän intohimon välillä ei ole sopivaa keskitietä (vaikka Gray toivoo löytävänsä sellaisen). Runoilijan runon lopussa valitsema "kaukainen tie" on välttämätön kieltäytymisestä olla ylevän näkemyksen runoilija (Milton) ja mahdottomuus omistaa luonnonlapselle ilmestyvää äiti-muusaa (Shakespeare) . Suuri osa oodista on täynnä halun kohtauksia – Miltonin ja Shakespearen – ja on siten huolissaan, vaikkakin salaisesti, seksuaalisen voiman ja runollisen näkemyksen välisestä suhteesta. Harmaa'
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 450: The popularity of the Hornblower series, built around a central character who was heroic but not too heroic, has continued to grow over time. It is perhaps rivalled only by the much later Aubrey–Maturin series of seafaring novels by Patrick O'Brian (n.h.). Both Hornblower and Aubrey are based in part on the historical Admiral Lord Dunder Fart of Great Britain (known as Lord Cochrane during the period when the novels are set).
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 477: But as famed as Dahl was as a writer, he was an equally legendary (wo)manizer. He was quick to seduce and bed married (wo)men, and engaged in extramarital affairs of his own before divorcing his wife and marrying his mistress.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 640: Till down the eastern cliffs afar Itäisiä kallioita alas kauas
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 641: Hyperion's march they spy, and glitt'ring shafts of war. Hyperventilaation marssia he vakoilevat ja kimaltelevat sodan akselit.
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 692: Upon the seraph-wings of Ecstasy, Ekstaasin serafin siipien päällä,
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 695: The living throne, the sapphire-blaze, Elävä valtaistuin, safiirin liekki,
        xxx/ellauri235.html on line 757: To prove the warm affection I've always felt for you? Että saan sut uskomaan mun kiintymyxen syvyyteen?
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 134: Among modern Western male heteronormal scholars, Sappho´s sexuality is still debated – André Lardinois has described it as the "Great Sappho Question". Early translators of Sappho sometimes heterosexualised her poetry. Ambrose Philips´ 1711 translation of the Ode to Aphrodite portrayed the object of Sappho´s desire as male, a reading that was followed by virtually every other translator of the poem until the twentieth century, while in 1781 Alessandro Verri interpreted fragment 31 as being about Sappho´s love for a guy named Phaon. Friedrich Gottlieb Welcker argued that Sappho´s feelings for other women were "entirely idealistic and non-sensual", while Karl Otfried Müller wrote that fragment 31 described "nothing but a friendly affection": Glenn Most comments that "one wonders what language Sappho would have used to describe her feelings if they had been ones of sexual excitement", if this theory were correct. By 1970, it would be argued that the same poem contained "proof positive of [Sappho´s] lesbianism".
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 140: None of Sappho´s own poetry mentions her teaching, and the earliest testimonium to support the idea of Sappho as a teacher comes from Ovid (a notorious nincompoop), six centuries after Sappho´s lifetime. Despite these problems, many newer interpretations of Sappho´s social role are still based on this idea. In these interpretations, Sappho was involved in the ritual education of girls, for instance as a trainer of choruses of girls. Niikö Ailin kerhotoimintaa, osallistumista kylän sukupuolielämän monipuolistamiseen.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 217: aft.de/Johann_Arndt.jpg" style="float:left;width:10%;padding:1em" />
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 243: afia.fi/img/kb/0368301.jpg" style="float:left;width:10%;padding:1em" />
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 245: 2Gustaf Otto Wasenius (1789 - 1852) oli kirjakauppias, kustantaja, ja potaskatehtailija.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 248: Gustaf Otto Wasenius syntyi Ranskan suuren vallankumouksen aikaan, ja hänen nuorin lapsensa Valfrid Vasenius tuli maailmaan Euroopan hulluna vuonna 1848. Luvuissa on sattuvaa symboliikkaa, sillä Waseniuksen elämän keskeisenä pyrkimyksenä oli hulluttelu, ja pojastakin tuli kaiken mahdollisen dissipaation puolestapuhuja. Framåtanda (eteenpäin pyrkimisen halu) oli se käsite, jota G. O. Wasenius kernaasti käytti iskusanana muuten karun asiallisissa kirjeissään. Myös aikalaiset puhuivat Waseniuksesta levottomana eteenpäinpyrkijänä, jolla oli aina tuhat rautaa tulessa. Ajalle tyypillisesti hän ei tehnyt suurtakaan eroa henkilökohtaisen taloudellisen edistyksen ja yhteisen hyvän välillä ja lahjoitti rikastuttuaan sikana yhteisestä laarista suuria summia uutta luovan hengenviljelyn hyväksi. 1800-luvun Suomessa hyvin varustettu kirjakauppa ja korkeatasoinen kirjapaino olivat sekä liikeyrityksiä että kulttuuri-instituutioita.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 250: G. O. Wasenius polveutui jo 1700-luvun alkupuolella Hämeenlinnassa vaikuttaneesta Waseniusten porvarissuvusta. Hänen isänsä kuoli 1797, mutta äiti jatkoi perheen kauppaliikettä ilmeisesti menestyen, sillä kaikki kolme aikuiseksi elänyttä poikaa lähetettiin 1800-luvun alussa harjoittamaan opintoja Turun akatemiaan. Gustaf Otto Wasenius ei kuitenkaan opiskellut pitkään vaan ryhtyi lukuisten merimatkojen jälkeen hoitamaan äitinsä kauppaliikettä. Hänen vanhemmista veljistään sen sijaan kasvoi monipuolisesti sivistyneitä virkamiehiä. Heistä Adolf Johan Waseniuksella oli osuutensa kauppiasveljen siirtymisessä uuteen pääkaupunkiin; hän toimi esittelijäsihteerinä senaatissa, ja G. O. Waseniuksen muuttaessa 1817 Helsinkiin oli myös senaatin muutto uuteen pääkaupunkiin jo tiedossa. G. O. Waseniuksen päiväkirjamerkinnöistä selviää, että hän solmi veljen välityksellä innokkaasti tuttavuuksia senaatin virkamiehiin ja haki myöhemmin kirjakauppiaana aktiivisesti yhteyksiä yliopistomaailmaan. Yhteydenpidosta ja liikesuhteista näihin kaupungin keskeisiin instituutioihin tulikin Waseniuksen menestyksen avain. Ennen pitkää hänestä tuli tavarantoimittaja senaattiin, yliopiston kirjakauppias ja monen yliopistonopettajan kustantaja. Näpit syvällä yhteisessä laarissa.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 509: vartalosi valkeaa topografikartastoa. Hän on suurisilmäinen kuin Tyyni Tuulio.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 836: af/fc47aff8cee0e29aca99643a2e15f207.jpg" width="30%"/>
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 887: En cierto modo, el modo en el que un individuo enfoque su autorrealización se corresponderá al tipo de personalidad que manifieste en su día a día. Eso implica que para Maslow la personalidad está relacionada con los aspectos motivacionales que tienen que ver con los objetivos y las situaciones que vive cada ser humano; no es algo estático que permanezca en el interior de la cabeza de las personas y se manifieste unidireccionalmente, de adentro hacia afuera, tal y como podría criticarse de algunas concepciones reduccionistas y deterministas de este fenómeno psicológico.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 892: Maslow piensa que alcanzar las necesidades de autorrealización está en las manos de todo el mundo, sin embargo, son pocos los que lo consiguen. Las personas que logran satisfacer sus necesidades de autorrealización son personas autorrealizadas. Ahora bien, Maslow afirma que menos del 1% de la población pertenecen a esta clase de individuos.
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 934: Necesidad de afiliación: casarse, ser miembro de una comunidad...
        xxx/ellauri237.html on line 941: Las necesidades han de ir cubriéndose para poder aspirar al nivel superior. Por ejemplo, si no tenemos las necesidades fisiológicas cubiertas no podemos aspirar a las necesidades de afiliación. En el nivel superior se encuentran las necesidades de autorrealización. Es esta jerarquía la que según Maslow marcaba el modo en el que la personalidad se adapta a las circunstancias, dependiendo de cada situación vivida. Se trata, en definitiva, de una concepción de la personalidad que abarca aspectos psicológicos muy extensos y que va más allá del enfoque psicométrico que dominaba en su época.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 71: Tässä yhteydessä relevantti merkitys on 2). Löysin vaihtojyrsijöiden hyllystä espanjankielisenä Waynen teoxen Nuevos pensamientos para una vida mejor: la sabiduria del tao ja päätin tutustua samassa hötäkässä sekä Dyeriin että Daoon. Senverran hengellistä fuusiosafkaa oli tarjona että piti tutustua: kiinalaisia ajatuxia kaljusta jenkkipäästä latinojen matukielellä. Espanja on muutenkin ajankohtainen kielenä, pitihän Jöns mulle puheen simplified espanjaxi 70-vuotispäivänä. Tosin se koski enemmän Jeesusta ja Jönsiä kuin päivänsankaria.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 126: Elige un aspecto de tu vida para aprender a liberarte de determinado apego decidiendo parar. Por ejemplo. decide irte de la carnicería diez minutos antes de haber terminado de comprar todo lo que te apetecía, o deja de comprar algun capricho que no esté en tu lista de la compra. En el trabajo, abstente de tomar otr taza decafé o de escribir un e-mail privado más.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 379: Tuotantokausia oli kokonaista 11 vuosina 2010-2022. The Walking Dead takes place after the onset of a worldwide zombie apocalypse. The zombies, referred to as "walkers", shamble towards living humans and other creatures to eat them, saying "brains... brains... " They are attracted to noise, such as gunshots, and to bad smells, such as humans. Sankari on seriffi, jonka vaimo on lori. Lori on hässinyt Shanea jonka seriffi joutuu sixi tappamaan izepuolustuxexi. Non-zombieista tulee myös kannibaaleja. Jeesus käy kauppaa Hilltop Marketissa. Seriffin porukat kuitenkin listii vapahtajat ja raadonsyöjät. Paha nainen Alfasusi tekee pahoja. Paha kuvernööri Pamela koittaa uhrata rotinkaiset. Joku Daryl lähtee ezimään seriffiä ja sen uutta panopuuta Michonnea, joka on nykerönenäinen neekerinaaras jolla on katana. Siihen sarja päättyy. Selmalla on työpöydällä arvokas (lue kallis) Michonnefiguuri.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 417: La propriété, c'est le vol ! est une phrase inspirée de l'ouvrage Qu'est-ce que la propriété ? (1840) du philosophe anarchiste français Pierre-Joseph Proudhon. Il est possible qu'elle ait été créée par Jacques Pierre Brissot dans ses Recherches philosophiques sur le droit de propriété et le vol dès 1780, mais Proudhon affirme ne pas avoir lu son livre avant d'utiliser la formule.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 423: No emmä noin nuiva ole yhteisomistuxelle, kyllä esim utiliteetit sopii olla yhteisiä. Mutta ei missään nimessä yrityxillä!!! Selma oli harmistunut kun poninhäntätytöt ei tunnistaneet sitä. Taitaa Annekin olla aika linssilude narsisti. selmaf@hotmail.com. Kaikki tiedot menee Bill Gatesin hoteisiin. Miten vastenmielistä.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 432: Selma on muuten ihmisenä aivan pohjanoteeraus. A Dirty Hungarian handbook. Her hovercraft is full of eels.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 436: Elise "nappasi" vedenkeittimeen alustalta. Elise ize malttoi tuskin odottaa saadessaan uuden puhelimen. Kaikkien tietojen, sovelmien ja pelien siirtämiseen saattoi mennä YLI TUNTI, mutta hän teki sen aina niin pian kuin mahdollista. (Tajuaako Anne tässä edes et jos tyypillä on yhtä aikaa monta puhelinta käytössä sillä pitää olla monta simmiä, ja monta sopimusta?) Elise oli opettanut Haakonia kädestä pitäen. Haakon oli tietokonejutuissa todella kädetön. Paizi exelissä se oli todellinen haka! Ja aivan hirmuinen maastohiihtäjä! Hyvin luistaa suxi! Tietoturva-asioissa hutilointiin sisältyy riskejä, joista Linda Staaf voisi lähemmin kertoa. Uutta IPadia ei voi ottaa käyttöön rekisteröimättä sitä (paskapuhetta).
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 438: Elise oli ostanut 12,9 3/4 tuumaisen Pro version. (Vastenmielistä kerskakonsumerismia ja tuoteasemointia. Paljonkohan tästäkin Apple mainonnasta rapsahti Anne Holtin tilille?) Elisa oli muina miehinä ottanut pädin ja lähtenyt baanalle. "Avatessaan Safarin. Find My iPhone." Oxettavaa!
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 464: EN GRAV TIL TO er den første bog om Selma Falck. Bogens væsentligste personer er beskrevet så fint, at du tror, du kender dem. Selma Falck er en af dem og en dejlig nyskabelse i krimigenren. Holt kan sin krimi og sit sprog. Og forstår at holde sin læser fanget." Nordjyske Stiftstidende, 5 af 6 stjerner.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 466: "Norsk krimis grand old fat lady, Anne Holt, lancerer en ny heltinde ved at sende hende ned i kulkælderen. Det klæder dem begge … stjerneadvokatens nedtur fanger. Det samme gør skildringen af indspistheden i norsk idrætsliv, hvor idrætsorganisationernes ledere beskrives som småkorrupte konger med udøverne som deres undersåtter. Det ligner noget, vi kender." Weekendavisen
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 468: "'En grav til to' er særdeles velskrevet. Anne Holt har med hovedpersonen Selma Falck skabt en figur, der står meget stærkt i billedet, som virker levende og troværlig - og som det bliver spændende at følge fremover." Jysk Fynske Medier, 5 af 6 stjerner
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 471: "Holts nye krimi er på mange måder en tilbagevenden til den klassiske krimi med dens puslespil. Men den er samtidig både en gennemført kritik, ikke bare af det 'cirkus', der holder den norske nationalsport landrend i gang, men også en smertevoldende solde ned i de psykologiske mekanismer, der får mennesker til at overleve socialt." Jyllands-Posten, 5 af 6 stjerner
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 473: "Anne Holt har med dette første bind i en ny serie for alvor lagt spor ud til endnu en rigtigt spændende række gode krimier. Begyndelsen er under alle omstændigheder forrygende spændende - og som forventet ud fra mine oplevelser med Anne Holts øvrige bøger også rigtigt godt skruet sammen samt velskrevet." Krimifan.dk, 5 af 5 hjerter
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 475: "...forfriskende original med en antiheltinde, man kun kan holde af; som har hjertet på rette plads og tager sine velfortjente tæsk med oprejst pande." Søndag, 6 af 6 stjerner
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 476: "… en perfekt tilføjelse til og fornyelse af forfatterens lange forfatterskab." Krimisiden.dk
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 577: Lisäksi hän on tutkinut sukupuolten välisiä eroja murhafantasioissa. Listaus Roope Tikkasen tieteellisistä julkaisuista: https://researchportal.helsinki.fi/fi/p ... e+Tikkanen
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 610: Hoitohenkilöstö selvästi aliedustettuna normaali välivaltateoissa, mutta erittäin yliedustettuna sarjamurhaajissa. Psykiatrit usein kilahtavat itse, kun pää täyttyy asiakkaiden ongelmista. Tässä tapauksessa siihen lisätään vielä murhafantasiat, omatoiminen raskas lääkitys, ja lopputulos on tällainen.
        xxx/ellauri239.html on line 812: Friedrich Nietzschen kirja Hyvän ja pahan tuolla puolen on kulunut useimpien massamurhaajien käsissä. Valkoinen raivo liittyy flash back -tyyppisiin uudelleen dissosioitumisiin. Jokin alkuperäisen trauman kaltainen ärsyke saattaa laukaista sen. Nyt mulla on meneillä Hyvän ja pahan alkuperä, jossa mursuwiixi korvaa hyvän ja pahan vastakohdan hyvällä ja huonolla. Hyvä ja paha koskee elukoiden päämääriä. Hyvä on niiden mukaista ja paha vastustaa niitä. Hyvä ja huono koskee päämääriä edistäviä keinoja: hyvä edistää niitä paljon, huono vähän. Eli Nietzsche sivuuttaa koko etiikan pääkysymyxen otaxumalla että päämäärä on jo tunnettu (nim. mursuwiixisten Herrschaft), ja sitä hyvin edistävät arjalaiset on hyviä ja mutiaiset huonoja. Tavallinen apinamoraali sanoo että hyvä on sellainen naapuri joka toimii mun hyväxi ja paha sellainen joka vastustaa mua.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 127: Levnadsstandarden sjunker kraftigt, konstaterar de.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 128: Hushållens köpkraft är så låg att den sopar bort de senaste åtta årens tillväxt, skriver The Guardian.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 134: Guan Moye (simplified Chinese: 管谟业; traditional Chinese: 管謨業; pinyin: Guǎn Móyè; born 17 February 1955) on toistaisexi ainoa aito viirusilmä kiinalainen nobelisti, länsimaisittain vaan Mo Yan, jonka romaanin Punainen durra kahden luvun pohjalta on elokuvakin, nim. Punainen pelto (1987). Länsimaissa Mo Yania on verrattu muun muassa Franz Kafkaan ja Joseph Helleriin. Yhteiskunnallisia kysymyksiä kuvatessaan hän käyttää maagisen realismin keinoja.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 178: På förskolor läser man flitigt Alfons, han lyfts fram som en förebild med sin snällhet och antivåldsattityd. Men Gunilla säger sig aldrig ha haft något pedagogiskt syfte med böckerna.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 207: Ytterligare några år senare ville Gunilla resa till Afrika och studera det muntliga berättandet. Resan blev inte av, men en föreläsningsserie om västafrikansk kultur blev det i alla fall. Där mötte hon Mame från Gambia, som kom att bli hennes andra man.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 261: I sin mest vulgära form kan effektiv altruism dölja ett Messias-komplex, där en enskild krösus självutnämnt vill ta ansvar för hela mänsklighetens framtid och välbefinnande. Ifall vi sätter så stark tilltro till data och pengar kan vi ju lika gärna avskaffa välfärdssamhället och demokratin. Jojo, det är ju hela poängen!
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 318: Justsum Nobodee: Sucker!!! This had to have been written by a collapsed narcissist. Poor poor narcissist, finally alone after shitting on everyone, destroying children, screaming, lying, trickery, snickering, selfish, back stabbing, manipulation, hypocrites, humiliating innocent people, stealing other peoples children. oh poor them. Bless their heart. They are the victim here. Just give them more attention.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 320: «Fysiske smerter er ikke det verste for et menneske å leve med,» sa Altman. «Tro meg, jeg ser det daglig. Ikke døden, heller. Ikke engang frykten for døden.» «Hva er det verste da?» «Ydmykelse. A fratas ære og verdighet. Å avkles, å støtes ut av flokken. Det er den verste straffen, det er å begrave et menneske levende. Og den eneste trøsten er at vedkommende vil gå relativt raskt til grunne.» Mitä vittua? Tyypillistä termiittiapinoiden meemiä. Kaikkein nolointa on olla pyllysilteen porukoiden edessa, kun ne nauravat.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 335: I Nääsböös Norge er det ikke straffbart at dra nere skidbyxerne på nåen bikkja selv om hun ikke ville det, sålange pikken ikke gikk i hålet og tømde lasten der.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 340: Ham on Rye (norsk Nedenom og hjem) er en halvbiografisk roman av Charles Bukowski fra 1982, utgitt på norsk i 1993. Hovedpersonen er forfatterens alter ego Henry Chinaski, som opptrer i flere av hans verker. Nedenom og hjem er en oppvekstskildring som anses å være en nøkkelroman for Bukowski.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 381: Why is it called dry-humping, if i always need a towel after?
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 452: What’s not fine is that Laura eventually initiates physical intimacy with Ljoha. The film’s logic is that she’s in an emotionally vulnerable state and he’s the only one there for her, because Irina can’t even bother to muster up any excitement when Laura calls. Of course it’s entirely possible that she is bisexual. Still, hasn’t Mr. Kuosmanen learned the inherent offensiveness of depicting such sexual fluidity after Kevin Smith made this mistake in 1997 with “Chasing Amy?” “Blue is the Warmest Color” only went on to prove in 2013 the toxicity of this plot device.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 467: Kuosmanen has crafted a drama within a clearly defined moment in recent history, only to refuse to be tied to it. This approach to period storytelling proves far more intriguing than the romantic drama within this setting.

        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 502: we like to shower afterwards Me tykätään suihkusta jälkeenpäin
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 530: it is usually mid-afternoon and quiet, On yleensä iltapäivä ja hiljaista,
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 556: His father was Heinrich (Henry) Bukowski, an American of German descent who had served in the U.S. army of occupation after World War I and had remained in Germany after his army service. His mother was Katharina (née Fett). His paternal grandfather, Leonard Bukowski, had moved to the United States from Imperial Germany in the 1880s. In Cleveland, Ohio, Leonard met Emilie Krause, an ethnic German, who had emigrated from Danzig, Prussia (today Gdańsk, Poland). They married and settled in Pasadena, California, where Leonard worked as a successful carpenter. The couple had four children, including Heinrich (Henry), Charles Bukowski's father. His mother, Katharina Bukowski, was the daughter of Wilhelm Fett and Nannette Israel The name Israel is widespread among Catholics in the Eifel region. Bukowski assumed his paternal ancestor had moved from Poland to Germany around 1780, as "Bukowski" is a Polish last name. As far back as Bukowski could trace, his whole family was German.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 558: Bukowski's parents met in Andernach following World War I. His father was German-American and a sergeant in the United States Army serving in Germany after the empire's defeat in 1918. He had an affair with Katharina, a German friend's sister, and she subsequently became pregnant. Bukowski repeatedly claimed to be born out of wedlock, but Andernach marital records indicate that his parents married one month before his birth. Afterwards, Bukowski's father became a building contractor, set to make great financial gains in the aftermath of the war, and after two years moved the family to Pfaffendorf (today part of Koblenz). However, given the crippling postwar reparations being required of Germany, which led to a stagnant economy and high levels of inflation, he was unable to make a living and decided to move the family to the U.S. On April 23, 1923, they sailed from Bremerhaven to Baltimore, Maryland, where they settled.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 565: On July 22, 1944, with the war ongoing, Bukowski was arrested by FBI agents in Philadelphia, where he lived at the time, on well grounded suspicion of draft evasion. At a time when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany, and many Germans and German-Americans on the home front were suspected of disloyalty, Bukowski's German birth and habit of quoting Mein Kampf "troubled" authorities. He was held for seventeen days in Philadelphia's Moyamensing Prison. Sixteen days later, he failed a psychological examination that was part of his mandatory military entrance physical test and was given a Selective Service Classification of 4-F (unfit for much anything, let alone military service, als physisch sowie mental untauglich für den Militärdienst ).
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 580: Bukowski embarked on a series of love affairs and one-night stands. One of these relationships was with Linda King, a poet and sculptress. Die Beziehung zog sich über mehrere Jahre hin, wobei es zu mehrfachen Trennungen mit anschließender Versöhnung kam. Die zum Teil schmerzhaften Erfahrungen dieser Beziehung verarbeitete Bukowski in mehreren Kapiteln seines Romans Das Liebesleben einer Hyäne (Women).
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 582: His other affairs included a recording executive and a twenty-three-year-old redhead Scarlet O'Hara. Another important relationship was with "Tanya" who gave him head.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 590: Bukowski died of leukemia on March 9, 1994, in San Pedro, aged 73, shortly after completing his last novel, Pulp Fiction.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 617: „Auf der Basis seiner eigenen Erfahrungen schrieb er in knappem Stil harte, witzige Stories, Romane und Gedichte über das Leben in den Randzonen der bürgerl. amerikan. Gesellschaft. Schockwirkung durch die Darstellung brutaler Gewalt, obszöner Sexualität und des Schmutzes der Gosse (katuoja).“ – Der Literatur-Brockhaus: in acht Bänden
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 622: Das Buch „Schlechte Verlierer“ hat Originaltitel: Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions and General Tales of Ordinary Madness. Bukowski befindet sich zeitlich und geografisch irgendwo zwischen Beat Generation und Gonzo-Journalismus, ist diesen Stilen aber nicht zuzurechnen. Eskistäkin tollanen oli jotenkin hienoa, niin Hyvinkään kiltti hymypoika kuin olikin. Kumma ettei sillä näytä olleen juuri muita ilmoittautuneita kirjallisia jäljittelijöitä kuin Jonne Nääsböö.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 707: Bankman-Fired was the second-largest individual donor to Biden in the 2020 election cycle, after Michael Bloomberg. Bankman-Fried has claimed he also donated large amounts of money to Republicans through dark money channels. Bankman-Fried often donated to politicians who cultivate good Israel–United States relations.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 743: Several of the women who spoke to TIME said that EA’s polyamorous subculture was a key reason why the community had become a hostile environment for women. One woman told TIME she began dating a man who had held significant roles at two EA-aligned organizations while she was still an undergraduate. They met when he was speaking at an EA-affiliated conference, and he invited her out to dinner after she was one of the only students to get his math and probability questions right. He asked how old she was, she recalls, then quickly suggested she join his polyamorous relationship. Shortly after agreeing to date him, “He told me that ‘I could sleep with you on Monday,’ but on Tuesday I’m with this other girl,” she says. “It was this way of being a f—boy but having the moral high ground,” she added. “It’s not a hookup, it’s a poly relationship.” The woman began to feel “like I was being sucked into a cult,” she says.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 851: Paul Haggis's films are heavy-handed. In the Valley of Elah is otherwise an engrossing murder mystery and antiwar statement, featuring a mesmerizing performance from Tommy Lee Jones. A police detective (Charlize Theron) helps a retired Army sergeant (Tommy Lee Jones) search for his son (Donald Duck), a soldier who went missing soon after returning from Iraq. Hank Deerfield (Bugs Bunny), a Vietnam War veteran, learns that his son may have met with foul play after a night on the town with members of his platoon. Rating: R (Some Sexuality/Nudity|Foul Language|Violent and Disturbing Content) Den här artikeln har skapats av Lsjbot, ett program (en robot) för automatisk redigering.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 853: ‘Emeq HaEla (hebreiska: עמק האלה) är en dal i Israel. Den ligger i distriktet Jerusalem, i den centrala delen av landet. Called in Arabic: وادي السنط, Wadi es-Sunt, it is a long, shallow valley now in Israel and the West Bank best known as the place described in the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament of Christianity) where the Israelites were encamped when David fought Goliath (1 Samuel 17:2; 1 Samuel 17:19). The valley is named after the large and shady terebinth trees (Pistacia atlantica) which are indigenous to it. David ja Goljat mutustelivat siellä pistaasipähkinöitä ennen matsia. The Valley of Elah has gained new importance as a possible point of support for the argument that Israel was more than merely a tribal chiefdom in the time of King David. Others are skeptical and suggest it might be just another piece of Jewish propaganda.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 860: And there came out from the camp of the Philistines a champion named Goliath of Gath, whose height was six cubits and a span [more than 9 feet tall]. 5 He had a helmet of bronze [Why bronze and not iron? Was the iron one in the wash?] on his head, and he was armed with a coat of mail [bronze scale armor] [same question], and the weight of the coat was five thousand shekels of bronze [about 125 pounds]. 6 And he had bronze armor on his legs, and a javelin of bronze slung between his shoulders. 7 The shaft of his spear was like a weaver’s beam, and his spear’s head weighed six hundred shekels of iron [15 pounds]. And his shield-bearer went before him. [No wonder, he was pretty encumbered with all the other bronze on him.]
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 888: I Pansernevets tid i Norge gikk psykopatmørdere fri etter 25 års fruktløs politiklovneri. År 2014 vedtok Stortinget ei ny lov som gjer at drap her i landet aldri vert forelda. Den nye lova, som trer i kraft 1. juli, gjeld drapssaker, alvorlege seksualbrotsverk og kjønnslemlestingar. Opphevinga av foreldingsfristen gir politiet nye sjansar til oppklaring. Jakta på gjerningsmannen kan gå føre seg til evig tid. Det gjelder også Gud som alene består i evig tid. Han er nettopp gjerningsmannen til kjempemange drap.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 900: Det ville ikke vært vei her om ikke vi hadde drevet gruvedrift,» sa Tony Leike mens bilen duvet langs den trange kjerreveien. Entreprenører som meg er det eneste håpet for at folk i land som Kongo skal komme seg på beina, komme etter, siviliseres. Alternativet er å overlate dem til seg selv så de kan fortsette med det de alltid har gjort: å ta livet av hverandre. Alle på dette kontinentet er jegere og bytte i én og samme person. Ikke glem det når du ser inn i de bedende øynene på et sultende, afrikansk barn. At om du gir det litt mat, skal de øynene snart se på deg igjen, fra bak et automatvåpen. Og da er det ingen nåde.»
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 902: «Alt i Afrika er syklus,» fortsatte Tony. «Regntid og tørke, natt og dag, spise og å bli spist, leve og å dø. Naturens gang er alt, ingenting kan forandres, svøm med strømmen, overlev så lenge du kan, ta det som tilbys, det er alt du kan gjøre. For dine forfedres liv er ditt liv, du kan ikke gjøre noen forandring, utvikling er ikke mulig. Det er ikke afrikansk filosofi, bare generasjonenes erfaring. Og det er erfaringen vi må forandre. Det er erfaringen som forandrer tankesettet, ikke omvendt.» «Og hvis erfaringen er at hvite mennesker utbytter dem?» sa Kaja.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 904: «Ideen om utbytting er plantet av hvite mennesker,» sa Tony. Men begrepet har vist seg nyttig for afrikanske ledere som trenger å peke på en felles fiende for å samle folket bak seg. Helt fra avviklingen av kolonistyrene på sekstitallet har de brukt de hvites skyldfølelse til å skaffe seg selv makt så den virkelige utbyttingen av folket kunne begynne. Den hvites skyldfølelse for å kolonisere Afrika er patetisk. Den virkelige forbrytelsen var å overlate afrikaneren til sin egen morderiske og destruktive natur. Tro meg, Kaja, kongolesere flest har aldri hatt det bedre enn under belgierne. Opprørene hadde aldri noe grunnlag i folkets vilje, men i enkeltpersoners maktbegjær. Små grupperinger som stormet belgiernes hus her ved Kivusjøen fordi husene var så fine at de regnet med å finne noe der som de hadde lyst på. Sånn var det, og sånn er det.»
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 939: Harry innser at Bratt har tatt politiets filer uten tillatelse. Han får vite at Bratt leter etter en kobling mellom flere forskjellige saker som handler om savnede personer og en annen sak, fra ni år tidligere, som ble etterforsket av Gert Rafto. Bratt overtaler Harry til å åpne en ny etterforskning av forsvinningen av Sylvia Otterson, som de finner fremdeles i live på gården hennes. Men kort tid etter at de går derfra, halshugger en maskert figur Sylvia. Men senere møter de Sylvias identiske tvilling, Ane. Sylvias kropp er inne i låven hennes, og hodet er plassert på toppen av en snømann. Katrine tror en korrupt forretningsmann Arve Støp er ansvarlig for alle dødsfallene. Harry reiser til Bergen for å undersøke nærmere, og møter Rakels nye kjæreste Mathias, en kirurg.
        xxx/ellauri250.html on line 941: I Bergen oppdager Harry at etterforsker Rafto døde av et tilsynelatende selvpåført skuddsår i hodet. Harry oppdager også at Katrine er Raftos datter. Alle de nylige ofrene besøkte klinikken til Dr. Vetlesen, som også fører tilsyn med Arve Støps prostitusjonsring. Når telefonen til Becker aktiveres igjen, blir signalet sporet til Dr. Vetlesens hjem. Katrine arresterer Vetlesen på egen hånd, men finner ham død av et skudd i hodet, sammen med restene av Birte Becker og en annen savnet person. Politiet tror Vetlesens død var selvmord, og suspenderer Katrine fra politiet.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 137: Mortal, with gentler shafts than snow or sleep; Mortaalina, varret hellempinä kuin lumi tai uni;
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 238: ⁠From leaf to flower and flower to fruit; Lehdestä kukkaan ja kukasta hetelmään;
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 239: And fruit and leaf are as gold and fire, Ja hetelmä ja lehti on kuin multa tuli,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 417: Pitiful sighs, and much regrafted pain. Surkeita huokauxia, ja uudelleen ympättyä kipua.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 483: Distaff and thread, intangible; but they
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 500: And there is no light after, and no storm,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 546: With life before and after
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 595: Thanks and safe days and peace in Calydon.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 614: Burns, and bright points break up and baffle day.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 672: And with void mouth gapes after emptier prey?
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 860: Yet these, as wind baffles the foam, and beats
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 900: First flung round faces of seafaring men
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 912: As with men's hands, but we shot after and sped
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1064: Her eyes are the eyes of a bride whom delight makes afraid;
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1077: ⁠Sprung without graft from the years.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1137: ⁠Wrecks from afar overseas
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1143: ⁠That thou must come after these,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1214: ⁠On her bosom a saffron vest,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1224: Late risen and long sought after, and you just gods
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1232: Stand, girt as they toward hunting, and my shafts
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1359: One shaft of all thy sudden seven that pierced
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1363: All holy born, engraffed of Tantalus?
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1476: ⁠Death, and great darkness after death:
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1507: ⁠All we wax old and wither like a leaf.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1618: For silence after grievous things is good,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1672: At the king's word I rode afoam for thine.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1704: But from her white braced shoulder the plumed shafts
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1707: Branch into leaf and bloom into the world,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1741: That his hand failed, though fervent; and the shaft,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1766: Poised a like arrow; and bright blood brake afoam,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1770: Amphiaraus; for his sacred shaft
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1803: The heavy horror with his hanging shafts
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2115: Save that Meleager, as a tame lion chafed,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2128: Foolish; for these would baffle fate, and fell.
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2147: And made a weak staff for my feebler feet
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2324: Which all their lives fare after their own kind
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2505: ⁠Wrought for a staff, wrought for a rod,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2532: For thy life shall fall as a leaf and be shed as the rain;
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2905: ⁠Breaketh spearshaft from spear,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3108: ⁠Thy limbs to the leaf,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3160: There is no comfort and none aftergrowth,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3185: As a dead leaf or dead foot’s mark on snow,
        xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3366: Deutschlands Olaf Scholz 2022 Height: 5 ft 7 in / 170 cm
        xxx/ellauri252.html on line 420: Nyt kun olen lukenut alusta noin 50 sivua, nauraen välillä pidäkkeettömästi puolustusasianajaja Braketin punastelematta jyräyttämille pieruille, en voi käsittää, miten joku voi pitää tätä kirjaa "nuaarina" tai edes "jännärinä", puhumattakaan "hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan" kritiikistä, paizi sikäli että ruozisosialidemokraatit eivät olleet läheskään kyllin radikaaleja ajamaan köyhän asiaa. Täähän on vaan huumorin sävyttämä poliittinen pefletti. Siinä suhteessa se tulee lähelle suomenruozalaisen Staffan Bruunin sepustuxia, paizi että Staffan seisoo barrikaadin suojanpuolella. Dan Kivipukki on sekin pefletisti, paizi että Taneli on kiivaan jumalansa kuvana 100% huumorivapaa.
        xxx/ellauri252.html on line 501:
        Catalina affären

        xxx/ellauri252.html on line 513: En av skurkarna hette Erik Carlsson (FRA, telegrafist och rysk tolk). Carlsson hade genomfört värnpliktstjänstgöring på Wendes artilleriregemente (A 3) i Kristianstad. Han kunde sju språk och hade stor användning av ryska. Carlsson var anställd vid Försvarets radioanstalt där han hade lärt sig radioteknik. Carlssons kvarlevor hittades aldrig i flygplanskroppen och samtidigt har de funnit tecken på att han skulle ha hunnit lämna DC3:an med hjälp av en fallskärm då den sovjetiske piloten har uppgett att han såg minst en svensk i fallskärm lämna det brinnande planet. Det fanns även hemliga Säpo-dokument som pekade ut Carlsson som övertygad kommunist och potentiell förrädare. Misstankarna mot Carlsson har aldrig avskrivits. Bra gjort 92-an Carlsson!
        xxx/ellauri252.html on line 529: It is very hard to determine, given the facts at hand, whether or not MacArthur would have been right in dropping 30 nuclear bombs on China. I will say this, though; the rose-colored glasses of the present often change the shading of situations in the past. When you consider the decisions of MacArthur and Truman, remember that they lived in a different time with different values and ideas. And don't be afraid to make up your own mind.
        xxx/ellauri252.html on line 534: Why we are so afraid and avoid ethnocentrism?
        xxx/ellauri253.html on line 84: The early 1990s recession describes the period of economic downturn affecting much of the Western world in the early 1990s. The impacts of the recession contributed in part to the 1992 U.S. presidential election victory of Bill Clinton over incumbent president George H. W. Bush. The recession also included the resignation of Canadian prime minister Brian Mulroney, the reduction of active companies by 15% and unemployment up to nearly 20% in Finland, civil disturbances in the United Kingdom and the growth of discount stores in the United States and beyond.
        xxx/ellauri253.html on line 133: Wealthy and middle-class house flippers with mid-to-good credit scores created a speculative bubble in house prices, and then wrecked local housing markets and financial institutions after they defaulted on their debt en masse. The Economist wrote in July 2012 that the inflow of investment dollars required to fund the U.S. trade deficit was a major cause of the housing bubble and financial crisis: "The trade deficit, less than 1% of GDP in the early 1990s, hit 6% in 2006. That deficit was financed by inflows of foreign savings, in particular from East Asia and the Middle East. Much of that money went into dodgy mortgages to buy overvalued houses, and the financial crisis was the result." "The main headline is that all sorts of poor countries became kind of rich, making things like TVs and selling us oil. China, India, Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia made a lot of money and banked it."
        xxx/ellauri253.html on line 302: Nimeni on Rod Stewart, sanoi Tony vastahakoisesti, karhea leukaperä kiinni Natalien sileässä takaposkessa. Kohta puoliin Tony soitti turvafirman ovikelloa varustettuna mustilla farkuilla, Timberland-kengillä ja hartiatopatulla tweedillä. Turvafirman talo Pimlicossa oli paremmassa kunnossa kuin moskovalainen pistaasinvärinen ex-yxityistalo, vaikka yhtä lailla torakoiden miehittämät.
        xxx/ellauri253.html on line 320: Ervasti on ollut puoli tuntia jääkylmässä suihkussa. Ihastelee hampaat kalisten keräämään taideaarteita. Yxinkertaisten toritaidetuherrusten aiheina oli luonto, Tavastian seremoniat, talonpojat, Vanajaveden kalastajat räjäytystyön touhussa. Sivummalla oli pienempiä nussitöitä ja pornografiikkaa. Sulassa sovussa Akropolis ja Valhalla, Hegel ja Runeberg, Joukahainen ja Anja Snellman. Ed. vuosisadan vaihteen aktivistien, Konni Zilliacuxen ja Arvid Mörnen tavoiteohjelma. Nämäkin mulla on jo albumissa 57.
        xxx/ellauri253.html on line 388: "Yucca"... oletko kunnossa? He eivät ole epäluotettavia poliiseja. He ovat mahdottoman luotettavia 70cm pampppumiehiä yxityisestä suomalaisesta turvafirmasta Vastaamolta jonka leivissä on ainoastaan paatuneita taparikollisia. Heidän rahoituxensa tulee pennittömältä norjalaiselta viherterästehtaalta Blastrilta ja amerikkalaiselta lapsia mätkivältä ja kakkabakteereja levittävältä lihafirma Cargillilta. Kaikki on siis kunnossa. Heidän kyltissäänkin lukee luottamusta herättävästi Sunny Car Center.
        xxx/ellauri253.html on line 394: "Yucca" muisti "kuin eilisen päivän" syyskuussa 1977, kun hän tuli Göteborgista britteihin kuin Kummisedän italialaiset mafiosot, totisilla, salaisen toiveikkailla kasvoilla sama luihu ilme kuin Robert de Niron konnaperheellä niiden huomatessa ranskalaisten lahjoittaman onton pazaan Manhattanin rannassa. Puolijohdetekniikkaa käsittelevän suuren kirjan välissä oli ollut isän kotitalon kuva tuolla Tuupovaarassa, eivaan siis Vimpelin Tyrmänkylässä. Hän oli itkenyt katkeraa nytkähtelevää itkua katkera, nytkähtelevä kyrpä kourassa. Nukkumista oli turha edes yrittää tahmaisissa lakanoissa. No nyt tuli kyillä silmitöntä paskanjauhantaa Unto!
        xxx/ellauri255.html on line 132: Rob Attaboy: Many international powers lined up on the side of the White army. Why were they not able to affect the outcome of the conflict?
        xxx/ellauri255.html on line 565: Julkaisuja hänellä on yli 3500 tieteellistä tai popularisoitua, esseemuotoista artikkelia, joista yli 100 monografisia kirjoja, professorin pätevyyksiä yli kymmeneen yliopistoon tai tutkimuslaitokseen sekä luonnontieteissä (natural science) että ihmistieteissä (human science). Kaikki ideakilpailujen innovaatiot on myös toteutettu pääsääntöisesti globaaleina suurhankkeina.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 122: Uutisvuoto oli 1998 alkanut suomalainen paneelishow ja viihteellinen tietokilpailu, jossa julkisuuden henkilöt käsittelivät kuluneen viikon uutisaiheita humoristisella ja satiirisella otteella. Ohjelma perustui brittiläiseen ohjelmaformaattiin Have I Got News for You. Uutisvuoto on yli 700:lla jaksollaan pisimpään yhtäjaksoisesti Suomen televisiossa pyörinyt viihdesarja. Ohjelman alkuperäinen kokoonpano oli seuraava:
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 174: Käytyään Kajaanin alkeiskoulua ja Oulun suomalaista lyseota (1889–1890) Leino siirtyi veljensä, toimittaja Oskar Lönnbohmin luokse Hämeenlinnaan. Tähän pakotti perheen taloudellisen tilanteen heikkeneminen isän kuoleman jälkeen 1890. Hämeenlinnan lyseosta hän valmistui 16-vuotiaana ylioppilaaksi 1895. Leino aloitti opinnot myös Keisarillisessa Aleksanterin yliopistossa Helsingissä, mutta ne jäivät pian "taka-alalle" kurjaliston harrastusten vuoksi. Antiikin kirjailijat kuten Cornelius Nepos tulivat tutuiksi latinan tunneilla. Koti- ja kouluympäristönsä tapahtumia Leino kuvaili kaitafilmille ja julaisi elämänsä lopulla muistelmateokseensa Elämäni kuvakirja (1925).
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 234: Hindulaisissa kirjoituksissa on kuvattu neljä ihanteellista elämänvaihetta: opiskelija, perheenisä, erakko ja vaeltava pyhä mies. Useimmille hinduille nämä edustavat metaforista polkua, eivät todellista polkua, esim naisille. Mulla on menossa toi erakkovaihe. Alzheimerina olen sitten rapussa housuitta vaeltava pyhä mies.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 409: af43beac4.jpg.webp" />
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 541: Solvej Balle blev i 1990’erne opfattet som tilhørende holdet af usædvanlig synlige og overmåde talentfulde kvindelige forfattere. Her over tyve år senere er hun udkommet med det 7 bind lange værk 'Udregning af rumfang’.Med Om udregning af rumfang synes det hele at komme igen, og gudskelov for det. Romanen udgør et fint eksempel på, hvad man kunne kalde spekulativ fiktion, og som vi i forvejen kender fra forfattere som Peter Høeg og Umberto Eco eller (i en periode) fra norske Jan Kjærstad.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 548: Solvej Balles roman ’Om udregning af rumfang’ handler kort fortalt om Tara, som sammen med sin mand, Thomas, handler med antikvariske bøger. Efter en forretningsrejse er tiden gået i stykker og kommet imellem dem, fordi Tara er den eneste, der har været i- og oplevet den 18. november, mens Thomas (og alle andre) lever i dagen før. Tara indvier sin mand i problemet flere dage i træk og må starte forfra hver dag med at forklare forskydningen, som han gerne vil hjælpe med at opklare – men det bliver hurtigt et gentagende sisyfosarbejde.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 550: Romanen er blevet placeret i kategorien ”spekulativ fiktion”. Den verden, der bliver udfoldet, ligner nemlig vores gennem skildringen af hverdagsrealistiske gøremål, men placerer sig i genren med dens overnaturlige tidsdimension, der skaber bruddet på det velkendte for både Tara, de andre karakterer og læseren.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 554: Opbygningen af romanen spejler romanens handling gennem en cirkulær struktur med dagenes gentagelser. Det gør indimellem læsningen trættende og ensformig, men på den anden side er det også det, der gør, at man kommer til at opleve Taras frustration i et absurd og ensomt tomgangliv med genfortællinger, hvor hun nærmest kender dagen, før solen går ned. Som læser venter man, som Tara, på, at tingene tager en uventet drejning, fordi romanens plot jo netop bygger på det usandsynlige.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 558: På indersiden af bogcoveret i ’Om udregning af rumfang’ indikeres det, at dette er første bind af, hvad der formentlig kommer til at være en serie på syv bind i alt. Det bliver spændende at se, om efterfølgeren til ’Om udregning af rumfang’ bliver en tematisk videreførelse, en udregning af noget andet eller om fortællingen om Tara fortsætter.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 564: Handlingsstoffet denne gang nu ellers kan synes alvorligt og apokalyptisk-dystopisk nok. For kernen i romanen udgøres af dét brud på tiden, som opstår for ægteparret Tara og Thomas Selter, da tiden med ét kommer imellem dem og mentalt anbringer dem i to forskellige verdener.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 566: Normalt handler de fra deres bolig i det nordligste Frankrig med antikvariske bøger, især illustrerede værker fra 1700-tallet inden for astronomi og zoologi. Men under en forretningsrejse til Bordeaux og siden Paris kommer Tara ud for det sælsomme, at verden i løbet af natten vender tilbage til sit udgangspunkt. Den har nemlig forrykket sig med et døgn og kan følgelig genfindes nøjagtig som dagen før.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 568: For Tara bliver dagene herefter kopier af den dag, den attende november, som hun allerede har lagret i sin erindring. Thomas derimod føler absolut ingen genkendelse. For hende er det gentagelse, når hun ser ham som »en våd skygge ved hegnet«, hvorimod alting for ham er nyt.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 570: Hun husker, og han glemmer, hvilket man får sprogligt markeret ved, at hun i sine dagbogsnotater veksler livfuldt mellem præsens og præteritum, hvorimod hans sprog fremstilles som underlig porøst og ligegyldigt, hvortil kommer, at samtalerne mellem dem gives et underligt dødt præg, fordi brug af direkte tale er undladt. De før så nære bliver fjerne, de levende gøres uhyggeligt livløse.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 572: Tematikken vil for nogle være velkendt fra filmen Groundhog Day (’En ny dag truer’, 1993) eller muligvis fra Svend Åge Madsens kierkegaardske thriller Lad tiden gå (1986), men hos Solvej Balle tvistes eksperimentet intelligent til »et rationelt delirium« og »en logisk kværnen«, og decideret provokerende er det for læseren at følge, hvordan Tara efterhånden besættes af ønsket om en verden, hvor tiden går, af sin længsel efter at »finde den dør, der fører ud af den attende november«.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 576: Afslutningsvis kan man spørge, hvad det er, der gør en roman som denne eksistentielt så vigtig midt i en tid, hvor såvel politiske som klimamæssige sammenbrud og katastrofer truer. Jo, Om udregning af rumfang går, på sin egen sindige, stilfærdige måde, hen og bliver en forløsende og forsonlig påmindelse om, hvor udsatte vi i grunden er.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 582: Sådan spørger Solvej Balles roman, som på én gang betegner en tilbagevenden til alt det største og bedste i hendes æstetiske bestræbelser – og et modigt spring fremad, båret af uendelig taknemmelighed ved det at være til i samme tid som vore medmennesker.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 601: Bis 1500 wurden die Begriffe Schleswig und Süderjütland rund fünfhundert Jahre synonym auf deutsch und dänisch gebraucht, doch wurde das Herzogtum seit der Herrschaft der Schauenburger Herzöge Ende des 14. Jahrhunderts überwiegend nach der Residenzstadt Schleswig benannt, dies wurde in der frühen Neuzeit schließlich der gebräuchlichere Ausdruck. Erst im Zuge des aufkommenden Nationalismus im 19. Jahrhundert wurde der Begriff Sønderjylland/Süderjütland von dänischer Seite wieder verstärkt verwendet. 1895 wurde die Verwendung des Begriffs schließlich von preußischer Seite verboten.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 613: 1997 wurde die Region Sønderjylland-Schleswig ins Leben gerufen. Diese Europaregion dient der formalisierten grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit der beteiligten Gebietskörperschaften.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 644: No ei, Kari taitaa ihan oikeasti vähän vittuilla julkisuudelle, vaikka myöntää siitä olevan myös paljon hyötyä. Hantta Krause sai tahtonsa läpi, panimme Stockmannin vessassa. Aira Samulinia tafsasin herkkuosastolla, joka ei tässä vaiheessa vielä ollut Prisma. Jorma Uotila kiljahti ihastuksesta hyllyvälissä käsi jonkun asiakkaan pyllyvälissä. Vaatimattomuus estää sanomasta kenen. Puristelin Helena Lindgreniä Stockmannin herkkuosastolla, kexi- ja marmeladihyllyjen välissä. Tukalaa, joskin antoisaa. Katkaisin välini Helena Lindgrenin kanssa. Monet ihmiset haluavat vain panna minua. Surullista. Lähetin terveisiä Kuopioon.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 694: Otin taskusta tupakan ja sytytin sen. Annoin sillä Perälle miettimisaikaa. Perä väitti ja otti jaffapullon. Käsille piti saada jotain tekemistä. Kuulit kyllä sanoin ja sytytin tupakan kuin elokuvissa. Perä iski jaffapullon pöytään. Perän kertomuxessa oli ruutia. Kartio oli homo.
        xxx/ellauri259.html on line 720: af2bfb4c98581945.jpg.webp" />
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 129: Ambrosiukselle enkelit ovat todellisuutta. Hän pitää valitettavana, että eräissä uskonnollisissakin piireissä enkelit on torjuttu lapsellisina juttuina. Se on hänen mukaansa modernin maailman vankeutta. Ortodoksisessa liturgiassa sanotaan: "Sinun edessäsi seisoo tuhansia ylimmäisiä enkeleitä ja kymmeniä tuhansia enkeleitä, kerubeja ja serafeja ja kuusisiipisiä ja monisilmäisiä ylhäällä liikkuvia siivekkäitä olentoja voittoveisua laulaen, huutaen, ääntäen ja lausuen, pyhä, pyhä, pyhä... Loskuu häpy vala."
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 132: Keskustelussamme syntyneiden kielikuvien kautta näen ympärillämme käyvän vipinän ja vilskeen; vainajat jättävät jäähyväisiään fyysiselle maailmalle, suojelusenkelit, kerubit ja serafit rientävät jumalallisissa tehtävissään äänettömästi huutaen ja melskaten.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 227: Burden received only a two-year scholarship offered to women to attend the University of Chicago where she studsed frequently under Thornton Wilder and graduated in 1936. She and her husband David were married from 1940 to 1949. After the dissolution of their marriage, Jean met Alan Watts and they had a "four year, tumultuous love affair". Though ending badly, the union inspired Watts to call Jean in his autobiography (p. 297) an "important influence". Jean used Alan´s calligraphy and a quote from him (有水皆含月 : All the waters contain the moon) in her last major work, Taking Light from Each Other. She called him "one of the most fascinating men I have ever met, except Thornton was Wilder".
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 229: His quote "We think of time as a one-way motion," from his lecture Time & The More It Changes appears at the beginning of the season 1 finale of the Loki TV show along with quotes from Neil Armstrong, Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Nelson Mandela, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Maya Angelou.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 251: Versed in foreign languages, he translated and "adapted" (appropriated) plays by Ibsen, Sartre and Obey. He read and spoke German, French and Spanish, and his scholarship included significant original research on James Joyce and Lope de Vega. He had met Jean-Paul Sartre on a U.S. lecture tour after the war, and was arrested under the influence of existentialism, although rejecting its atheist implications. In 1960, Wilder was awarded the first ever Edward MacDowell Medal by The MacDowell Colony for outstanding contributions to American LBTQ culture.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 255: He formed a close, fervent and life-long friendship with Gertrude Stein, but his shyness and natural reserve kept him from acknowledging their shared homosexuality. Writer Samuel Steward records the reticence which kept this close circle of friends deeply in the closet — even to one another. Six years after Wilder’s death, Samuel Steward wrote in his autobiography that he too had had sexual relations with him (and her):
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 343: Frau Gertrud, Wirtschafterin bei Zangler
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 378: Mit knapper Not entkommen Weinberl und Christoph und kehren zum Geschäft zurück. Dort ertappen sie die Einbrecher Rab und Kraps auf frischer Tat und werden dafür von Zangler belobigt. Auch Marie und August dürfen einander endlich in die Arme schließen. Aber Weinberl, der Frau von Fischer einen – erfolgreichen – Heiratsantrag macht, ist von seiner Sehnsucht geheilt:
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 464: Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene wants a husband, but does not love Horace Vandergelder. She declares that she will wear an elaborate hat to impress a gentleman ("Ribbons Down My Back"). Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich. Horace and Dolly arrive at the shop, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide from him. Irene inadvertently mentions that she knows Cornelius Hackl, and Dolly tells her and Horace that even though Cornelius is Horace's clerk by day, he's a New York playboy by night; he's one of the Hackls. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in the armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly, Irene and Minnie distract him with patriotic sentiments related to subjects like Betsy Ross and The Battle of the Alamo shown in the famous lyrics "Alamo, remember the Alamo!" ("Motherhood March"). Cornelius sneezes, and Horace storms out, realizing there are men hiding in the shop, but not knowing they are his clerks.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 519: In New York, Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene does not love Horace Vandergelder, but knows that the marriage will provide her with financial security and an escape from her boring job. However, Irene hopes to escape her loveless marriage, and plans to try and find real love before the summer is over. Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich- Irene seems to take to Cornelius immediately. Horace and Dolly arrive, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in an armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly "searches" it and pronounces it empty. After hearing Cornelius sneeze, Horace storms out upon realizing there are men hiding in the shop, although he is unaware that they are his clerks. Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner at Harmonia Gardens to make up for their humiliation. Dolly briefly tries to teach Cornelius and Barnaby to dance, which leads to the whole town dancing in the local park.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 523: Cornelius is determined to get a kiss before the night is over. Since the clerks have no money to hire a carriage, they tell the girls that walking to the restaurant is more stylish. In a quiet flat, Dolly prepares for the evening. At the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant, Rudolph, the head waiter, whips his crew into shape for Dolly Levi´s return. Horace arrives to meet his date, who is really Dolly´s friend Gussie. As it turns out, she is not rich or elegant as Dolly implied, and she soon leaves after being bored by Horace, just as she and Dolly planned.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 525: Cornelius, Barnaby and their dates arrive and are unaware that Horace is also at the restaurant. Dolly makes her triumphant return to the restaurant and is greeted in style by the staff. She sits in the now-empty seat at Horace´s table and proceeds to tell him that no matter what he says, she will not marry him. Fearful of being caught, Cornelius confesses to the ladies that he and Barnaby have no money, and Irene, who knew they were pretending all along, offers to pay for the meal. She then realizes that she left her handbag with all her money in it at home. The four try to sneak out during the polka contest, but Horace recognizes them and also spots Ermengarde and Ambrose. In the ensuing confrontation, Vandergelder fires Cornelius and Barnaby, and they are forced to flee as a riot breaks out. Cornelius professes his love for Irene. Horace declares that he would not marry Dolly if she were the last woman in the world. Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he´s bored and lonely, she will be living the high life.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 536: Kun kazoo Hello Dollyn tapaisia draamoja, varsinkin leffoja, komedioita ja farsseja, mutta myös kehnompia kirjoja kuten Gombrowiczin Pornografia, pistää silmään kuinka roolit on tarkkaan mietitty niin että apinalinnan eri kerroxilla on kaikilla jotain samaistumiskohdetta. Molièrellakin on aina joku vanhempi vauras pariskunta jota lähinnä kiinostaa omaisuus ja jälkeläisten menestys (meemit), sitten joku nuorempi kermaperse pariskunta joka ei meinaa saada toisiaan eli siis päästä nuohoamaan toistensa genitaaleja (geenit), sitten niitä vastaava rotinkainen pari joka jäljittelee edellistä kaikessa, sitten erilaista lisääntymiskyvytöntä rupusakkia, kuten vanhuxia, palvelusväkeä ja lapsia, lopuxi sitten laahusta ja roistoja, joita saa mielin määrin mätkiä. Jokaiselle löytyy paikka, ja jokainen tuntee paikkansa.
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 590: In the madman passage, the madman is described as running through a marketplace shouting, "I seek God! I seek God!" He arouses some amusement; no one takes him seriously. "Maybe he took an ocean voyage? Lost his way like a little child? Maybe he´s afraid of us (non-believers) and is hiding?" – much laughter. Frustrated, the madman smashes his lantern on the ground, crying out that "God is dead, and we have killed him, you and I!".
        xxx/ellauri261.html on line 652: Out of all Americans who do not believe in God, 5% identified as Catholic while 9% identified as Protestant and other Christian according to the 2007 Pew Religious Landscape survey. Out of all Americans who identify as unaffiliated including atheists and agnostics, 41% were raised Protestant and 28% were raised Catholic according to the 2014 Pew Religious Landscape survey.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 49: af1b9ed582c1d886c6.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 68: Ukraine’s allies have said it is unlikely they will be able to supply the number of tanks previously promised. After a meeting in Brussels of western defence ministers, the German defence minister, Boris Pistorius, said they would not be able reach the size of a battalion. The bad news comes just after the Nato chief, Jens Stoltenberg, announced that Russia had begun a renewed offensive in the east in an attempt to take more territory before new western equipment arrives in the spring.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 261: Risto K. Järvinen (s. 1965 Helsinki) on toinen stand up -koomikko ja tyhjäntoimittaja, koulutukseltaan rakennusmestari. Järvinen on työskennellyt lavakoomikkona vuodesta 2002. Hän on kirjoittanut niin paskoja runoja kuin proosaakin. Hän perusti Huonon Kirjallisuuden Seuran, joka julkaisi kokoelman Mallusjokelaisen sielunmaisema ja muuta paskaa, joka oli helmikuussa 2000 Suomen kymmenenneksi myydyin kirja. Seuran toiminta loppui Järvisen mukaan siihen, että hän luki Tony Halmeen aforismikirjaa ja totesi seuran tarpeettomaksi. Järvinen on Skeptikko-lehden päätoimittaja. Ennen skeptikonuraansa hän oli kokeillut erilaisia uskonnollisia suuntauksia. Niistä ei ollut apua.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 404: Ferguson resigned from a senior leadership role in a Stanford University program after he sent emails to students urging them to conduct opposition research on a left-wing student activist.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 431: In the short space of seven years, Haidt’s Heterodox Academy has gathered a diverse coalition of more than 5,000 professors, administrators, graduate students and staff that span every imaginable diversity. What unites them is a concern that “viewpoint diversity” and “open inquiry” is shrinking in the academy — the very place where we should be encouraging it the most.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 433: But what I argue in my Mid-Atlantic essay is that there is something new, which is the fear of each other. We were not afraid of the person sitting next to us in 2008. Professors were not afraid of their students in 2008. Managers were not afraid of their employees in 2008. Whites were not afraid of blacks in 1808.
        xxx/ellauri265.html on line 498: afcad50d268a1b8.jpg" height="300px" />
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 134: Sofort beim Erscheinen der „Venus im Pelz“ spalteten sich die Leser in zwei Parteien. Die einen verwarfen sie wegen der bis dahin unerhörten Kühnheit der Schilderungen und fühlten sich durch das Motiv zugleich abgestoßen und fasziniert. Die anderen dagegen, und gerade die besten Männer deutscher Wissenschaft und Literatur, nahmen schlechthin ihr Mannsglied in Hand und säumten nicht, anzuerkennen, hier liege ein einzigartiges document humain vor, und es zeuge zudem von ungewöhnlicher Genitalität des Verfassers.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 137: Nach Sacher-Masochs Tode ist dies Rätsel gelöst. Die Not, die bitterste äußere Not zwang ihn dazu, dem Gott in Seinen Hosen Gewalt anzutun, um Brot für sich und die Seinen um jeden Preis zu schaffen. In jener Zeit entstanden die vielberufenen „Messalinen Wiens“, „Falscher Hermelin“ usw.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 170: Leopold Ritter von Sacher-Masoch (* 27. Januar 1836 in Lemberg, Kaisertum Österreich, heute Ukraine; † 9. März 1895 in Lindheim, Großherzogtum Hessen ‑Darmstadt) war ein österreichischer Schriftsteller. Er schrieb auch unter den Pseudonymen Charlotte Arand und Zoë von Rodenbach. Der Begriff Masochismus, den Richard von Krafft-Ebing erstmals in die Psychologie einführte, geht auf die Venus im Pelz zurück und ist aus Leopold von Sacher-Masochs Nachnamen abgeleitet. Tää Krafft-Ebing on putkahtanut esiin kuin tuhatlehtinen, mm. albumeissa afft-Ebing">28 (Mark Twain), 67 (Pynchon) ja 129 (Jung). Aika sekobolzi jos multa kysytään.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 179: Als einer der ersten zeichnete er ein realistisches Bild der Juden in Galizien; zeitlebens kämpfte er politisch gegen den Antisemitismus in Mitteleuropa. Victor Hugo, Émile Zola, Henrik Ibsen gehörten zu seinen Bewunderern; König Ludwig II. von Bayern empfand zu dem Autor gar eine Seelenverwandtschaft. Sielun veljiä, meillä on aivan erikoinen sana sille (Schwul).
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 181: Bekannt wurde Masoch durch seine Fantasie und Kunst, triebhaftes Schmerz- und Unterwerfungsverlangen ästhetisch zu formulieren. Tunnetuimmassa teoxessaan "Turkista tappiin" beschreibt Sacher-Masoch die extremen Wechselbäder der Gefühle, die der „Sklave“ Severin durch seine Herrin Wanda erfährt, die ihn in ihrer feminin-dominanten Rolle als Venus im Pelz an seine körperlichen und geistigen Grenzen treibt, um ihn schließlich zu verlassen.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 190: Mann und Weib sind von Natur Feinde. Eine wird nur zu rasch den Fuß des anderen auf seinem Nacken fühlen, und zwar in der Regel der Mann den Fuß des Weibes. Der Mann ist der Begehrende, das Weib das Begehrte, dies ist des Weibes ganzer, aber entscheidender Vorteil, die Natur hat ihm den Mann durch seine Leidenschaft preisgegeben, und das Weib, das aus ihm nicht seinen Untertan, seinen Sklaven, ja sein Spielzeug zu machen und ihn zuletzt lachend zu verraten versteht, ist nicht klug.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 191: Diese Grundsätze beruhen auf tausendjähriger Erfahrung, fortsetzte Madame spöttisch, während ihre weißen Finger in ihrem dunkeln Pelz spielten, je hingebender das Weib sich zeigt, um so schneller wird der Mann nüchtern und herrisch werden; je grausamer und treuloser es aber ist, je mehr es ihn mißhandelt, je frevelhafter es mit ihm spielt, je weniger Erbarmen es zeigt, um so mehr wird es die Wollust des Mannes erregen, von ihm geliebt, angebetet werden. So war es zu allen Zeiten, seit Helena und Delila, bis zur zweiten Katharina und Lola Montez herauf, siehe auch el Compendido de Las Normas (da oben).
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 200: „Stehen Sie doch auf,“ fuhr der Wackere fort, „es ist eine wahrhafte Schande.“
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 204: „Eine Schande in Kleidern einzuschlafen und noch dazu mit dem Pinkelmännchen draussen bei einem Buche,“ er putzte die "heruntergebrannte Kerze" und hob den Band auf, der meiner Hand entsunken war, „bei einem Buche von — er schlug den Deckel auf, von Hegel (oder Schopenhauer?)— dabei ist es die höchste Zeit zu Herrn Severin zu fahren, der uns zum 'Tee' erwartet.“
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 211: Es war ein großes Ölgemälde in der kräftigen farbensatten Manier der belgischen Schule gemalt, sein Gegenstand seltsam genug. Ein schönes Weib, ein sonniges Lachen auf dem feinen Antlitz, mit reichem, in einen antiken Knoten geschlungenem Haare, auf dem der weiße Puder wie leichter Reif lag, ruhte, auf den linken Arm gestützt, nackt in einem dunkeln Pelz auf einer Ottomane; ihre rechte Hand spielte mit einer Peitsche, während ihr bloßer Fuß sich nachlässig auf den Mann stützte,[S. 16] der vor ihr lag wie ein Sklave, wie ein Hund, und dieser Mann, mit den scharfen, aber wohlgebildeten Zügen, auf denen brütende Schwermut und hingebende Leidenschaft lag, welcher mit dem schwärmerischen brennenden Auge eines Märtyrers zu ihr emporsah, dieser Mann, der den Schemel ihrer Füße bildete, war Severin, aber ohne Bart, wie es schien um zehn Jahre jünger.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 233: aft-novel-by-christie-golden-called-before-the-storm.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 243: It was here where Rowling met her first husband, Portuguese journalist Jorge Arantes. The couple met 18 months after Rowling landed in Porto, where she moved to teach English as a foreign language.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 245: The couple married on October 16, 1992, but they separated not long after their birth of their daughter, in November 1993, and by December she and Jessica had moved to Edinburgh in Scotland.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 249: Merope made the choice to kidnap Tom Riddle and force him into a life with her. She could have just as easily ran away and found her own way, living happily ever after away from her abuser.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 259: Merope loved her husband very much and wanted him to love her of his own free will. As such, not long after learning about her pregnancy, Merope decided to lift the enchantment. She hoped that once free, Tom would return her affection and be delighted to learn that he was an expecting father. In the event that did not happen, Merope assumed that Tom would do the honorable thing and stay for the sake of his child. This hope however, turned out to be misplaced and forlorn. What exactly happened is not known, but after coming to his senses, Tom Riddle reacted very badly to his situation. It is not known what words were exchanged between husband and wife, but evidently, Merope either told Tom the full story or enough for him to figure out what had happened. Far from being loving or understanding, Tom was justifiably furious at Merope for intervening in and (from his perspective) ruining his life. Merope's world was shattered when Tom Riddle made very clear that:
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 271: Despite Arantes's absence, she never the less passed several of his skills onto her brainchild Voldemort. This included a talent for fiction and the ability to speak Parseltongue. Most importantly, Voldemort had been conceived through a love potion rather than genuine affection, because Joanne lost the ability to feel love for herself. This inability to understand compassion or care for number one was one reason that Joanne cast Voldemort in the role of a mass murderer in her later books (instead of Harry). Another reason might be that the name is almost an anagram of Voldemar Putin.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 275: Merope is the name of a daughter of Atlas in Greek Mythology. It is also the name of the mother of Oedipus in Oedipus Rex. Both Voldemort and Oedipus killed their fathers randomly. The flashback scene featuring Merope and her family was cut from the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince because of time and pacing concerns. However, it was originally present in an early draft of the film's screenplay according to director David Yates. It's unknown if there were any actresses considered to play Merope by that point. Joanie would have been good for a cameo appearance. Merope means 'part face', possibly a reference to the asymmetry of the two halves of Joanne's face.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 332: Rowlingin romaaneja on usein pidetty metaforina taistelulle fasismia vastaan.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 333: Todellakin, Rowlingin romaaneja on usein nähty metaforina taistelulle fasismia vastaan. Hänen pääpahista, Lordi Voldemortia, motivoi eräänlainen eugeeninen ennakkoluulo muita kuin taikuutta käyttäviä käyttäjiä kohtaan, mikä on ilmeinen nyökkäys natsiideologialle. Rowlingilla muggletkin saa olla mukana, kun wizardit muxivat pahaa dagomatua.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 343: Probably the most influential greedy Jewish caricature after Shakespeare’s Shylock is Charles Dickens’ Scrooge. Scrooge (as many Jewish writers have pointed out) is a miser with an obviously Jewish name (Ebenezer) and a pointed nose. He doesn’t celebrate Christmas and needs to be converted to charity and piety. It’s not especially subtle.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 345: Scrooge has influenced many an antisemitic caricature after him. Mr. Potter in “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a twisted, disabled Scrooge of the American Midwest. Dr. Seuss’ Grinch is Scrooge in a fur suit and a vaguely fantasy setting; he’s a scheming outsider who, like his blueprint, has to be converted. The thin, ugly Gollum of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth is an amalgam of Scrooge and Alberich, the gold-obsessed antagonist of composer (and notorious antisemite) Richard Wagner’s “Das Rheingold.” From his introduction in “The Hobbit” on, Gollum is motivated by a lust for a magic ring he calls “my precious.”
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 379: Harjo gave birth to her son Phil when she was 17 years old. A few years later, she had a daughter, Rainy Dawn, with Simon Ortiz, a fellow Native poet. When Harjo was 40, she learned to play the tenor and soprano saxophones. Harjo's relationship with Ortiz ended after a couple of years, and she raised her two children as a single parent. She later wed Owen Chopoksa Sapulpa.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 497: Letter from Ukraine: The hunt for Russian collaborators in Ukraine is on. As occupied territories are liberated, some residents face accusations that they sided with the enemy. They get thrown in the Oubliette, fed on Frozen Yoghurt and pummeled with rubber hammers. --- By Joshua Yaffa.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 530: Sadetta pidetään valistusfilosofina, mutta filosofina hän on varsin kyseenalainen. Joillekin hän edustaa valistukseen kuuluneen sosiaalisen emansipaation äärimmäistä huipentumaa kirjoittaessaan asiantuntevia neuvoja siitä, miten ulostetta voidaan käyttää avuksi seksuaalisessa kanssakäymisessä. Toiset taas pitävät hänen filosofiansa merkitystä vähäisenä tai nimittävät hänen kirjallista tuotantoaan pelkäksi pornografiaksi, koska niissä käsitellään seksuaalisuutta ja perversioita hyvin räiskyvällä otteella. Myös Sateen oma elämä oli täynnä irstailua, minkä johdosta hän joutui viettämään suuren osan elämästään vankilassa. Hän kirjoitti useimmat kirjoistaankin vankeudessa käytettyjen wc-rullien sileälle puolelle.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 540: Simon Wiesenthal had been an architect in what is present-day Ukraine before World War II broke out, but after the war began his life took a horrific turn. Wiesenthal was sent to his first concentration camp in 1941 in Ukraine and later escaped from the Ostbahn camp in 1943, just before the Germans began to kill the inmates, according to the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s website. He was recaptured in June 1944, and sent to Janowska where he narrowly avoided death one more time—when the German eastern front collapsed and the guards decided to bring the remaining prisoners to the Mauthausen camp in Austria. He was freed there by the U.S. Army in May of 1945, weighing less than 100 pounds.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 542: After the war ended, Wiesenthal dedicated his life to tracking down Nazi criminals after realizing “there is no freedom without justice,” according to The Associated Press. Wiesenthal began his work gathering and preparing evidence on the Nazis for the War Crimes Section of the United States Army, according to his website. He’d go on to head the Jewish Central Committee of the United States Zone of Austria and later helped to open the Jewish Historical Documentation Center. The center worked to gather evidence for future trials on war criminals.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 544: He is credited with tracking down Austrian policeman Karl Silberbauer in 1963. Silberbauer, acting during World War II as a Gestapo officer, was responsible for arresting Anne Frank — who later died in a concentration camp after leaving behind a now-famous diary documenting her time in hiding. Wiesenthal also helped ferret out other Nazi leaders in hiding, including Franz Murer, known as “The Butcher of Vilnius,” and Erich Rajakowitsch, according to his website.
        xxx/ellauri268.html on line 550: Israeli agents captured Eichmann, who had been living under the name “Ricardo Klement,” as he returned home from work in May of 1960 after a covert undercover operation, according to the Independent
        xxx/ellauri273.html on line 79: All this changed after the Maya laid siege to and conquered Bacalar, originally the Mayan holy city of Bak Halal ('Decanting Water'). They summarily killed British citizens, along with the entire Yucatec 'Creoles' garrison (Reed 1964).
        xxx/ellauri273.html on line 131: #43 Dani Johnson #44 Earvin Johnson #45 John Assaraf
        xxx/ellauri273.html on line 320: Havel was instrumental in dismantling the Warsaw Pact and enlargement of NATO membership eastward. Many of his stances and policies, such as his opposition to Slovak independence, condemnation of the treatment of Sudeten Germans, such as the expulsion of Germans from Czechoslovakia after World War II, and granting of general amnesty to all those imprisoned under the Communist era, were very controversial domestically. By the end of his presidency, he enjoyed greater popularity abroad than at home.
        xxx/ellauri273.html on line 426: Sexuaalirikoxista syytetyn Peter Nygårdin kartanoa puretaan. Huonosti ja hitaasti liikkuva mies astuu ulos kartanon eteistilasta ja esittäytyy Risto Lehtosexi. Lehtonen on joutunut Raision kaupungin mafian kynsiin omistamansa kartanotontin vuoxi. "Se oli kaunis paikka mutta sitä on käytetty pahan tekemiseen", Lehtosen poika Kaj kertoo Herlineille. Mediahuhujen mukaan Perter Nygård yritti myydä rakennusta naisineen 59 miljoonan dollarin hintaan. Peter Nygård oli raiskannut siellä kymmeniä naisia useiden vuosikymmenien ajan, niiden joukossa Aira Samulin. Ala- ja yli-ikäiset tytöt houkuteltiin Nygårdin residenssiin "hemmottelujuhliin". Hemmottele izeäsi ja siinä samassa vähän Petteriä.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 79: Enoch Arnold Bennett (1867 Staffordshire- 1931 Lontoo) oli brittiläinen kirjailija, uskokaa tai älkää. Hän kirjoitti ja tienasikin sillä aivan vitusti. Hän oli aikansa Ken Follett. Hän työskenteli ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa propagandaministeriössä ja johti sitä lyhyesti, ja kirjoitti elokuvateatteriin 1920-luvulla. Hänen kirjojensa myynti oli huomattavaa ja hän oli aikansa taloudellisesti menestynein brittikirjailija.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 81: Monet Bennettin romaaneista ja novelleista sijoittuvat Staffordshire Potteriesin fiktiiviseen versioon, jota hän kutsui Viideksi kaupungiksi. Hän uskoi vahvasti, että kirjallisuuden pitäisi olla tavallisten ihmisten saatavilla, ja hän pahoitteli kirjallisia klikejä ja eliittiä. Hänen kirjansa vetosivat suureen yleisöön ja niitä myytiin suuria määriä. Tästä syystä ja hänen sitoutumisestaan ​​realismiin modernistisen koulukunnan kirjailijat ja kannattajat, erityisesti Virginia Woolf , vähättelivät häntä, ja hänen fiktionsa laiminlyötiin hänen kuolemansa jälkeen. Hänen elämänsä aikana hänen journalistisia "self-help" -kirjoja myytiin huomattavia määriä, ja hän oli myös näytelmäkirjailija; hän menestyi teatterissa huonommin kuin romaaneissa, mutta saavutti kaksi merkittävää menestystä elokuvalla Milestones (1912) ja Suuri seikkailu (1913).
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 91: afien/priestley-jb_foto_LEMO-F-6-103_dpa.jpg" height="200px"/>
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 156: 7 päivää sitten Israeli settlement, any of the communities of Israeli Jews built after 1967 in the territories occupied by Israel after the Six-Day War —the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula. Most, but not all, were authorized and supported by the Israeli government.

        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 159: Israel is moving to 'strengthen' settlements after hooting attacks

        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 162: Vaaleissa kuului vanha ääni oikealta (Aua! Ouch!) kun koukkuselkäinen Ben Zyskowicz sai Itixessä päähän osuvasti Yafo pullosta. Varmasti se tuo Benille paljon lohtuääniä. Nyt on oikeiston aika laittaa (tai pistää, ei kuitenkaan panna) Suomen asiat kuntoon! Sydän on oikealla! Vittu ne valehtelee siitäkin. Sydän on vasemmalla, ja vasen aivopuolisko on vahvempi.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 164: Yhtä vanha matumies ojensi Kottbyn kirkon edessä afgaanikaupungin naisjohtajan mainosläpyskää. Näytti iloisesti yllättyneeltä kun otin sen. Nyt on aika koittaa pitää Marin maan johdossa, kun oikeistoilkiöt on hornetteina sen tukassa.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 205: afi/i/2019/05/10/3914993-r-f02fc.jpg" height="300px" />
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 252: In Nur-Sultan, the sun does not shine often from November to January, while in summer, apart from afternoon thunderstorms, it shines regularly.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 412: Rannikolla käytiin kauppaa arabien kanssa ainakin ajanlaskun ensimmäisestä vuosisadasta alkaen. Arabit perustivat omia asuinpaikkojaan rannikolle, ja heidän välinsä naapurin afrikkalaisiin näyttävät olleen varsin ystävällismieliset. Portugalilaisten saapuminen 1400-luvun lopulla heikensi arabien asemaa jonkin verran, mutta portugalilaiset eivät edenneet sisämaahan. Ranskalaisten orjakauppiaiden kiinnostus Kilwan kaupunkiin lisäsi arabien aktiivisuutta alueella. 1800-luvulle asti Kilwassa myytävät orjat tuotiin lähinnä afrikkalaisten karavaanien mukana sisämaasta. 1800-luvun puolella arabit ja intialaiset avasivat kauppareittejä sisämaahan orjien ja norsunluun hankkimiseksi.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 414: Tansanian mannerosa oli Saksan siirtomaana osana Saksan Itä-Afrikkaa vuosina 1885–1919. 1900-luvun alussa Saksa määräsi siirtomaan tuottamaan puuvillaa emämaan teollisuuden tarpeisiin, ja afrikkalaisten protesteista puhkesi vuosien 1905–1907 Maji-maji-kapina. Virallisen arvion mukaan 75 000 afrikkalaista kuoli kapinan yhteydessä, useimmat heistä nälkään ja kulkutauteihin. Kapina sai nimensä maji-nimisestä taikajuomasta, jota paikalliset henkiparantajat jakoivat taistelijoille. (Tästä on ollut puhetta erään Nesböön paskakirjan yhteydessä. Sattumalta ällöttävän Karpin erittäinkin ällö ala cock pikkupollari oli jäänyt väkivaltaisesti orvoxi Kongossa 90-luvulla. Pahat neekerit muka listivät äidin ja iskän sänkyihin.) Kapina johti hallinnollisiin uudistuksiin, vaikkei parannuxiin.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 416: Ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkeen Tansanian alue siirtyi Ison-Britannian hallintaan Tanganjika-nimisenä Kansainliiton mandaattialueena, 1946–1961 Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien protektoraattina. Tanganjika itsenäistyi vuonna 1961, ja julistettiin tasavallaksi vuonna 1962. Sansibar itsenäistyi joulukuussa 1963 sulttaanikunnaksi, mutta kuukautta myöhemmin afrikkalaistaustaiset kapinalliset syrjäyttivät sulttaanin verisessä vallankumouksessa. Tanganjika ja Sansibar yhdistyivät Tansanian liittovaltioksi huhtikuussa 1964 vastoin Sansibarin tahtoa. Sansibar on pieni saaripahanen Tanganjikan rannikolla täynnä mumslimeita. Bedeutung wahrscheinlich „Küste der Schwarzen“.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 418: Nyereren sosialismi kuitenkin merkittävässä määrin epäonnistui ja hänen ideoimansa kollektiiviseen afrikkalaiseen sosialismiin perustuvat ujamaa-kylä järjestelmä epäonnistui. Nyereren perustama Chama Cha Mapinduzi (swah. ”vallankumouspuolue”) on kuitenkin pysynyt johtavassa asemassa
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 428: Gurnah still lives in Zanzibar in his mind, and prefers it that way. When he returns home, he is frustrated by the discrepancy between the stories he invented—and started to half believe—and the dreary realities. The house of his parents is close to decay; essential services like water, electricity, and garbage disposal fail regularly. In addition, his schoolmates have become corrupt, self-seeking bureaucrats, and his mother was not gallantly courted but given as a pawn to his father. And yet, he never found the courage to inform his parents that he has been living together with a white infidel—a "kafir woman." When he is introduced to the child-wife who his relatives chose for him, he panics and flees "home," which is now England, only to find that Emma left and that he is condemned to be "on the edges of everything," on his own island in England. The hero despairs of establishing communication between the two worlds. Vaimo läx. Lammaskaalta.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 454: Mganga (nganga) käännettynä afrikkalaisesta bantun kielestä (nykyisin swahili Angola) on velho, parantaja, lääkäri. Ilmaus "The Suuri Mganga on tulossa!" - Neuvostoliiton elokuvasta 1945, joka perustuu J. Vernen kirjaan "Viisitoistavuotias kapteeni" Ja "suuri Mganga tulee" hajottaakseen pilvet ja pysäyttääkseen sateet loitsuilla, tansseilla ja uhrauksilla.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 464: Historioitsijat al-Kurtubi, al-Tabari, Ibn Asir väittivät, että Z. eli profeetta Ibrahimin (Abraham) aikana, teki hajjin eli Toiviomatkojen järjestämän toiviomatkan Mekkaan hänen kanssaan kuten Haj Ross, ja sai hänen siunauksensa. Sitten hänestä tuli Muammar Gaddafin veroinen sotilasjohtaja ja hän puhui ruåzixi Yajujin ja Majujin barbaariheimoja vastaan, jotka tekivät pahuutta muita kansoja kohtaan. Saavuttuaan heidän alueelleen Z. pystytti kivistä ja raudasta muurin erottamaan heidät muusta maailmasta. Kaukaisessa tulevaisuudessa, vähän ennen tuomiopäivää, Yajujin ja Majujin on murtauduttava rautaesiripun läpi ja hyökättävä muihin maihin, ml. Ukrainaan ja Suomeen.
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 478: Nämä tosiot löytyvät Eero Hyvösen väsäämästä biografiasammosta. Eikä siinä kaikki!
        xxx/ellauri280.html on line 486: Ester Toivosen missivuodet kestivät 5v toisen maailmansodan alkuun. Merkittävintä hänen elämässään oli uusi koti: vuorineuvos Gösta Serlachius otti hänet lemmikixeen, ja hän sai tulla Mänttään milloin tahansa. Tässä Suomen rikkaimpiin ja merkittävimpiin kuuluvassa kartanossa hänellä oli tilaisuus "perehtyä" maan merkkihenkilöihin Gustaf Mannerheimista Risto Rytiin.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 92: Tieteellinen tutkimuslaitos "Naukanaftogaz", joka on osa Ukrainan Naftogazin rakennetta, arvioi Ukrainan teknisesti louhittavissa olevien liuskekaasuvarantojen kokonaismääräksi 22 biljoonaa m 3 , josta 14,3 biljoonaa m 3 itäisellä alueella , 3,4 biljoonaa m 3 läntisellä alueella ja 4,3 biljoonaa m 3 - eteläisellä alueella. Naukanaftogazin öljy- ja kaasugeologisen tutkimuksen keskuksen johtajan Serhii Vakarchukin mukaan kaupalliseen tuotantoon saattaa olla saatavilla 3-4 kertaa pienempiä määriä liuskekaasua. Tämä asettaa Ukrainan kolmannelle sijalle Euroopassa tämän tyyppisten hiilivetyjen varoilla Puolan ja Ranskan jälkeen.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 151: 8. Toinen tärkeä näkökohta huokostilan kehittymisessä murtumisen jälkeen on paineen eteneminen halkeamia pitkin. On todettu, että halkeamaverkostoa lukuun ottamatta (eli vain halkeaman pinnan ulkopuolella tai halkeaman leviämisen äärirajoilla) säiliön paineen muutos riippuu kivien ja nesteiden ominaisuuksista, jotka säätelevät halkeamia. paineen leviäminen. Luonnolliset positiiviset painegradientit (jotka ovat välttämätön edellytys nesteen liikkumiselle alhaalta ylöspäin) syntyvät topografisten tekijöiden seurauksena tai reliktina ylipaineesta syvyydessä [Samuel A., 2014].
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 274: Simon van Cyrene was vermoedelijk een Jood uit de diaspora (verstrooiing). Hij kwam uit Cyrene, een Romeinse kolonie in Noord-Afrika, waar een joodse gemeenschap was. De Hebreeuwse naam Simon is een aanwijzing dat hij waarschijnlijk van joodse afkomst was. Het evangelie volgens Marcus is de enige die zijn zonen Alexander en Rufus noemt (een Griekse respectievelijk Romeinse naam). In bijbelcommentaren wordt vaak gezegd dat deze Rufus dezelfde zou kunnen zijn als de Rufus die Paulus noemt in Romeinen 16:13. Kennelijk waren Rufus en Alexander bekenden voor de gemeente waarvoor Marcus schreef, omdat hij zijn lezers denkt herkenbare informatie te geven door hen te noemen als de zonen van Simon. Geleerden speculeren daarom dat deze zonen en misschien Simon zelf later tot het christendom zijn bekeerd.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 276: Annahan kun kerron sinulle pari sanaa afrikaanipaskiaisista. He ovat mielipuolia. Eivät vain vauhkoja ja julmia vaan täysin sekopäitä. Auringon kuuma porotus on sulattanut heidän hollantilaiset aivonsa litkuxi.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 449: Laulaja Frederik aloitti aikoinaan mallina, sitten hän soitti urkuja, oli Stumppi-lehden perustaja, toimi mianosgraafikkona ja päätyi Suomen junttidiskon kuninkaaksi. –Taival on ollut kivinen, 16 välilevyn mies sanoo.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 508: 1950-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Miller jatkoi töissään amerikkalaisen yhteiskunnan paradoksien ja moraalisten dilemmien paljastamista, jossa julistetaan yksilöllisyyden ylivaltaa, mutta käyttäytymisnormeja asettaa jäykästi julkinen moraali, maahanmuuttajien kansakunta, jossa siitä huolimatta. tämä "muukalaisen" pelko elää jatkuvasti ja uusia vihollisia keksitään. Näytelmäkirjailijan sanoin: "Kun ymmärrät, että ortodoksisuus on välttämätön, sinun on pakko kokea inkvisiittiö". Näytelmä " The Upokas " oli omistettu tälle aiheelle, ja se kritisoi ankarasti mcarthyismia 1950-luvun alussa. Katsojalle metafora aiheutti hämmennystä ja jopa ansaitsemattoman loukkauksen tunteen monissa amerikkalaisissa, ja Martin Beck -teatterissa 22. tammikuuta 1953 debytoinut draama kesti alle 200 esitystä. Mutta kaksi vuotta myöhemmin, Joe Stalinin ja Joe McCarthyn kuoltua, se lavastettiin uudelleen suurella menestyksellä. Huolimatta yleisön viileästä vastaanotosta se voitti Donaldson- ja Tony-palkinnot jo vuonna 1953, ja vuonna 1958 se sai myös Obi Wan Kenobi palkinnon, joka myönnettiin saavutuksista off-Broadway- teatterissa.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 531: Miller would give up his career to help guide hers, and he spent years working on “The Misfits,” directed by John Huston, for which he wrote the screenplay and she would star. On the set she’d be hospitalized and, around this time, have an affair with Yves Montand. The couple got a Mexican divorce in 1961; Miller would marry the Magnum photographer Inge Morath, whom he met during the filming.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 535: The long, strange, elegiac ballad of Arthur Miller and Marilyn Monroe — one that would end for her in miscarriages, bottles of pills and increasingly erratic behavior, and for him in a long gap in his theater career — takes up only a few chapters of “Arthur Miller: 1915-1962,” Christopher Bigsby’s sober and meteor-size new biography. But they are crucial chapters. The book moves inexorably toward Monroe’s appearance; her magnetism sucks everything rapidly toward it. Miller’s long life (1915-2005) can be cleaved neatly into B.M. and A.M. — before Marilyn and after.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 630: Die Knechtschaft dauert nur noch kurze Zeit"
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 650: The qaṣīda (also spelled qaṣīdah; is originally an Arabic word قصيدة, plural qaṣā’id, قصائد; that was passed to some other languages such as Persian: قصیده or چكامه, chakameh, and Turkish: kaside) is an ancient Arabic word and form of writing poetry, often translated as ode, passed to other cultures after the Arab Muslim expansion. The word qasidah is still used in its original birthplace, Arabia, and in all Arab countries.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 724: John Train, Paris Review Co-Founder and Cold War Operative, sentään kuoli 94-vuotiaana 2022, onnexi. His career, ranging from literature to finance to war, and from France to Afghanistan, seemed to cover every interest and issue of his exalted social class. Yet he was also an operator in high finance and world affairs who, by one researcher’s account, had ties to U.S. secret services. Mr. Train founded and ran a leading financial firm devoted to preserving the money of rich families, and he worked to support the mujahedeen in their fight against the Soviet Union in the 1980s. The Guardian reported that Train, Smith had $375 million under management in 1984. In 1986, Fortune magazine wrote that Mr. Train’s firm “claims to be the largest in New York serving rich families.” Mr. Train’s books on investing were praised as riveting in The New York Times and “classic” in The Wall Street Journal. Among them were several about successful financiers, whom he referred to as “money masters,” and their techniques. He treated his political interests less jokingly. A committed cold warrior, he wrote for The Wall Street Journal about military affairs. He became concerned that the conspiracy-monger Lyndon LaRouche was a “possible Soviet agent.” (Lyndon began in far-left politics but in the 1970s moved to the far right and antisemitism.)
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 726: A yet murkier side of Mr. Train’s political engagement was documented in Joel Whitney’s 2016 book, “Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World’s Best Writers,” a history of connections between Paris Review founders and intelligence agencies. Drawing on a collection of Mr. Train’s papers at Seton Hall University and two interviews with him, Mr. Whitney wrote that in the 1980s Mr. Train used a “shell nonprofit to foster schemes” furthering U.S. “intelligence and propaganda missions” in Afghanistan. Mr. Train ran an organization, the Afghanistan Relief Committee, which presented itself as largely devoted to helping refugees and offering other forms of humanitarian aid, but a study by the left-leaning Institute for Policy Studies found that its budget was spent largely on “media campaigns.” Vanhuxena John Train koitti lukea hankkimiaan afgaanimattoja.
        xxx/ellauri281.html on line 737: Democracy leads to oligarchy, Michels wrote, and necessarily contains an oligarchical nucleus. It is indisputable that the oligarchical and bureaucratic tendency of party organization is a matter of technical and practical necessity. It is the inevitable product of the very principle of organization. The formation of oligarchies within the various forms of democracy is the outcome of organic necessity, and consequently affects every organization.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 195: Vapaampi ilmapiiri eli sade mahdollisti sen, että löysin kielen Viron lähihistorialle. Ensin aihe livahti romaanikäsikirjoitukseeni metaforien ja symbolien muodossa, toisin sanoen juuri rivien välien kautta, joilla olin tottunut käsittelemään asiaa, ja vähitellen niiden avulla löysin kielen, jolla kirjoittaa aiheesta suoraan russofobista vihapuhetta. 2000-luvun alku oli siihen sopiva hetki, 9/11 jälkeen Bushin aikoihin ei tarvinnut vihapuhetta paljon hävetä.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 292: Heitä näkyy myös vastenmielisten maidonhajuisten perheenäitien kansoittamilla vauvafoorumeilla, jotka ovat Suomen suosituimpia keskustelufoorumeita. Venäjä-uutisia seuraava saattaa saada maksettua FB-mainontaa, joka johdattaa Kremlin agendaa ajaville sivustoille. Sieltä voi tilata myös hienoja tupeita ja meikkituotteita.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 320: Mukana on usein valeuutisia, jotka ovat henkilövetoista mustamaalaamista ja jotka kohdistetaan Venäjästä tai maahanmuuttajista kirjoittaviin toimittajiin ja (t)upeetukkaisiin itätyttöihin. Tavalliset kansalaiset jakavat sosiaalisessa mediassa suuria määriä näiden sivustojen uutisia – perehtymättä siihen onko uutinen totta vai ei – koska feikkiuutiset ovat raflaavia, tarkoitushakuisia ja tunteita herättäviä.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 386: The Guardian vielä kirjoitti: "Molemmat romaanit yrittävät edustaa monitahoista todellisuutta, ja joskus on sietämätöntä intensiteettiä, kun metaforat versovat ja vääntelevät. niissä on selkeästi venäläinen sävy, Neitsythiiren hengästyminen muuttuu valossa ja pimeässä mitatummaksi loistoksi; Shishkinin tehtävän kiireellisyyttä ei himmennetä. Tšehov välitti inhimillisyyttään - ettei tekstissäsi voi olla täysin negatiivisia hahmoja. Ja Tolstoilta opin, että ei pelätä olla naiivi.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 397: Koska sananvapauden rajoittamisen keinot ovat kaikkea muuta kuin vain yksiselitteisiä pidätyksiä tai julkaisukieltoja, meidän pitäisi oppia tunnistamaan myös uudet painostuksen keinot, sillä vasta kun ne tunnistetaan ja ne nimetään joteskin raflaavasti, niitä voidaan vastustaa, ja vastustaa niitä täytyy, muuten mun kirjoja ei mainosteta, niitä ei osteta, mä en näy riittävästi meedioissa vaan jään tälläsexi köyhäxi. Meikit ja tupeet ei ole ilmaisia!
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 399: Unkarilainen "sosiologi" Balint Magyar oli ensimmäinen, joka kexi haukkua Venäjää mafiavaltioksi, No ize asiassa Unkaria, mutta vähän väliä. Hänen kirjassaan Magyar polip – A posztkommunista maffiaállam (2013) kuvataan modernia Unkaria mafiavaltioksi. Eivät olleet päästää Suomeakaan Natoon! Kirjasta Post-Communist Mafia State: The Case of Hungary julkaistiin englanninkielinen käännös vuonna 2016. Hänen äitinsä Olga Siklós (s. Schwarcz) syntyi juutalaiseen perheeseen Kolozsvárissa. Aiemmin hän oli Unkarin antikommunistisen toisinajattelijaliikkeen aktivisti, Unkarin liberaalipuolueen (SZDSZ, 1988) perustaja. Suuri osa jälkisosialistisen hallinnon analysoinnista on keskittynyt määrittelemään Venäjän nykyjärjestelmää sen kautta, mitä siitä puuttuu: Venäjällä ei ole esimerkiksi vapaita vaaleja eikä vapaata mediaa.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 409: Mafiavaltio puolestaan toimii mafiaperheen logiikalla ja sitä johdetaan samalla tavalla. Sen jäsenyys tai siihen kuuluminen ei ole vapaaehtoista kuten ei ole mafiaperheessäkään: siihen synnytään, siihen voidaan adoptoida, mutta siitä ei lähdetä.
        xxx/ellauri286.html on line 410: Tämä määritelmä myös selittää Venäjän suhtautumista entisiin alusmaihinsa: mafiavaltio ei luovu tiluksistaan enempää kuin USA Etelä-Ametrikasta tai Kaakkois-Aasiasta, oltiin tiluksilla asioista mitä mieltä tahansa. Sananvapauden kannalta tämä määritelmä on ikävä, sillä mafiavaltiossa hallitsee omertan laki. Ehkä siitä pitäisikin luopua. Siis siitä määritelmästä. Ehkä siitä on enemmän vahinkoa kuin hyötyä. Paizi meille jotka ansaizemme sillä.
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 67: Tämä tuntui vähän niinkuin Matti Pulkkismaiselta merkiltä, sillä Matti-eno ja Jill ovat kahden muun äveriään pariskunnan seurassa lähdössä Kreikan vaelluxelle tänä kesänä. Mekin voitaisiin varmaan mennä mukaan, mutta sitten pitäisi mennä aina lähikioskiin syömään kepaappia sillä aikaa kuin varakkaat amerikkalaiset herkuttelevat arni suvlakilla näköalaraflassa. Niiden matka voisi olla tällänen:
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 122: afiles/image/arax7.jpg" width="40%" />
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 152: afari.com/75/3/IHNizK.jpg" width="100%" />
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 351:
      • Angels meddle in human affairs.
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 558: John Whiting vaimonsa Gracen ja pojan Spaffordin kanssa n. 1910. John Whiting Transjordanin Emir Abdullahin kanssa. John Whiting Emir Abdullahin kanssa Transjordanista, Amman, 1921.
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 562: John D. Whiting (1882-1951) oli American Colonyn, amerikkalaisten, ruotsalaisten ja muiden Jerusalemissa sijaitsevan kristillisen yhteisön, merkittävä jäsen. Syntynyt vuonna 1882, vuosi sen jälkeen, kun hänen vanhempansa John C. ja Mary Whiting muuttivat Jerusalemiin muiden siirtokunnan jäsenten kanssa, Whiting eli suurimman osan elämästään kaupungissa. Vuonna 1909 hän meni naimisiin Grace Spaffordin (1881-1964) kanssa, joka oli siirtokunnan perustajien Horation ja Anna Spaffordin tytär. Whitings kasvatti kolme lasta; pojat Spafford, David ja Edmund Wilson. Tytär Grace kuoli lapsena vuonna 1915.
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 564: John Whiting vietti monipuolista ja monipuolista työelämää Jerusalemissa. Hän työskenteli American Colony Photo Department -osastolla valokuvaajana ja auttoi myös yrityksen johtamisessa. Hän oli lankonsa Frederick Vesterin kanssa kumppani ja johtaja Vester & Co.-American Colony Storessa lähellä Jaffa Gatea. Siellä myytiin American Colony Photo Department -tulosteita, lyhtydioja ja postikorttikuvia muiden tavaroiden ohella. Hän oli mukana perustamassa lyhytaikaista New Yorkin haaraa American Colony Storessa, joka epäonnistui taloudellisen taantuman vuoksi. Whiting puhui sujuvasti arabiaa. Hän keräsi antiikkiesineitä, kuten keramiikkaa ja hahmoja, joita myytiin kaupassa, sekä palestiinalaisia ​​käsitöitä ja muita esineitä. Vuodesta 1908 vuoteen 1915 Whiting oli Yhdysvaltain apulaiskonsuli Jerusalemissa, on erikoistunut kauppaan ja maatalouteen. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana hän toimitti apua haavoittuneille sotilaille vapaaehtoisena Turkin Punaisen Puolikuun ja American Colony Nurses -järjestön kanssa. Vuonna 1918 hän aloitti palveluksen Britannian armeijan tiedusteluupseerina. Whitingillä oli laaja tietämys Lähi-idän maisemista ja historiallisista kohteista. Hän opasti usein vierailijoita Palestiinan, Syyrian, Jordanian ja Libanonin matkoilla. Hän kirjoitti lukuisia artikkeleita. National Geographic Magazine on lähes tyyten kuvitettu American Colony Photo Departmentin ja sen seuraajan Matson Photo Servicen tuottamilla valokuvilla. (Katso Valittu bibliografia ).
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 566: Valokuvia ovat: luolat ja rauniot, portin silta (Qasr el Heir), Palmyra (Syyria), Selucas (seinämuuri, jossa St. Paul purjehti), raunioiden vartija St. Simonissa (Kalat Siman), Syyria), arabikahvila, freskoja Kasr Amrassa (Jordania), Eric Matson valokuvaamassa reiän sisällä, arabimiehet ulkokahvilassa, naiset merenrantakaivossa lähellä Tripolia (Libanon), katedraalin rauniot Rusafassa (Syyria), ristiretkeläisten linna Margabissa (Syyria), Brittiläinen tykki Merkabissa, veneitä laiturissa, naiset leipomassa leipää; Kalat Simanin ja Krak de Chevaliersin rauniot Syyriassa (vallihauta, akvedukti, lounaiskulman tornit ja kirjoitus, keskuspiha ja kuninkaan torni sekä eteläisen neliön torni ja kirjoitus), Selucas (leikkaus ja tunneli) ja palmuja Jenin, Länsiranta. (s. 11-23)
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 632: Bibliografia: Bost-Pouderon, C. 2000. "Le ronflement des Tarsiens: l'interprétation du Discours XXXIII de Dion de Pruse." REG 113: 636-51.—. 2003. "Dion de Pruse et la physiognomonie dans le Discours XXXIII." REA 105.1: 157-74.—. 2006. Dion Chrysostome: Trois discours aux villes (Or. 33-35). 2 osaa Salerno: Helios.—. 2009. "Entre predication morale, parénèse et politique: les Discours 31-34 de Dion Chrysostome (ou: la subversion des genres)." Julkaisussa Danielle van Mal-Maeder et ai., toim. Jeux de voix: enonciation, intertextualité et intencionalité dans la littérature antiikki. Bern: Peter Lang. 225-56.Desideri, P. 1978. Dione di Prusa: un intellettuale greco nell'impero romano. Messina: d'Anna. Gleason, Maud. 1995. Making Men: Sophistis and Self-Presentation in Ancient Rome. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Gangloff, Anne. 2006. Dion Chrysostome et les mythes: Hellénisme, communication et philosophie politique. Grenoble: Millon. Houser, J. Samuel. 1998. "Eros" ja "Aphrodisia" Dio Chrysostomin teoksissa. Classical Antiquity 17.2: 235-58. Jones, CP 1978. Dio Chrysostomosin roomalainen maailma. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Local Cultures in the Room Empire: Libyan, Punic and Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949. "Die προλαλία bei den griechischen Schriftstellern." Wiener Studien 64: 71-81. Swain, Simon. 1996. Hellenismi ja valtakunta: kieli, klassismi ja valta kreikkalaisessa maailmassa, 50-250 jKr. Oxford: Oxford University Press.—. 2007. "Polemonin fysiognomia". Julkaisussa Simon Swain, toim. Kasvojen näkeminen, sielun näkeminen: Polemonin fysiognomia klassisesta antiikista keskiaikaiseen islamiin. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125-202. Harvard University Press. Millar, F. 1968. "Paikalliset kulttuurit Rooman valtakunnassa: Libyan, Punic ja Latin in Roman Africa." JRS 58: 126-34.Mras, K. 1949.
        xxx/ellauri287.html on line 665: Sasanian valtakunnan perusti Ardashir I , paikallinen iranilainen hallitsija, joka nousi valtaan Parthian heikentyessä sisäisistä riidoista ja sodista Rooman kanssa. Voitettuaan viimeisen partialaisen kuninkaiden kuninkaan eli shahanshahin, Artabanus IV:n, Hormozdganin taistelussa vuonna 224, hän perusti Sassanidi-dynastian ja päätti palauttaa Achaimenidi-imperiumin perinnön laajentamalla Iranin hallintoa. Suurimmillaan Sasanian valtakunta käsitti koko nykyisen Iranin ja Irakin ja ulottui itäisestä Välimerestä (mukaan lukien Anatolia ja Egypti) Pakistaniin ja Etelä-Arabian osista Kaukasukseenja Keski -Aasiassa. Legendan mukaan Imperiumin vexilloidi oli Derafsh Kaviaari (kuva alla)
        xxx/ellauri289.html on line 299:
        A sex doll generally refers to a full-size sex doll, but they can also consist of just a head with a torso otherwise known as a sex doll torso. The best sex dolls are made with medical-grade TPE or silicone so that the dolls are completely safe and highly durable for long-lasting use.

        xxx/ellauri291.html on line 55: afc9291c7eb4a3586b37ddfc48334.jpg" height="300px" />
        xxx/ellauri291.html on line 139: Toinen luotsi esitteli suurimman osan muista päähenkilöistä: kapteeni Kirk ( William Shatner ), konepäällikkö luutnantti "Beam me up" Scott ( James Doohan ) ja luutnantti Zulu ( George Takei ), joka palveli fyysikkona laivalla toisessa luotsissa, mutta myöhemmin hänestä tuli ruorimies koko sarjan ajan. Paul Fix näytteli tohtori Mark Piperiä toisessa pilotissa; laivan lääkäri Leonard McCoy ( DeForest Kelley) liittyi näyttelijöihin, kun kuvaukset alkoivat ensimmäisen kauden aikana, ja hän pysyi sarjan loppuosan ajan, jolloin hänestä tuli sarjan kolmas tähti. Aluksen vakituiseen miehistöön liittyi ensimmäisen kauden aikana myös viestintäupseeri, luutnantti Nyota Uhura ( Nichelle Nichols ), ensimmäinen afroamerikkalainen nainen, jollaisilla oli niin tärkeä sivuvaunun rooli amerikkalaisissa televisiosarjoissa; kapteenin päämies Janice Rand ( Grace Lee Whitney ), joka lähti ensimmäisen kauden puolivälissä; ja Christine Chapel (Majel Barrett), aluksen sairaanhoitaja (ja Rotvallin kainaloinen kananen) sekä McCoyn avustaja. Walter Koenig liittyi näyttelijöihin neuvostolippuna Pavel Chekovina sarjan toisella kaudella. Nimoy oli sarjan ukrainalaisvahvistus.
        xxx/ellauri291.html on line 175: af186eec979cf1a4ea6afa3e652776f.jpg" height="200px" />
        xxx/ellauri291.html on line 181: afaa680630b79ca5e69d69d5.jpg" height="200px" />
        xxx/ellauri291.html on line 189: af3a80388548f881f7aca1b11de9e2.jpg" height="200px" />
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 51: What will happen to Rahab after the lecherous king poisons her husband? How can she save her family from the invading Israelites? God parted the waters of the Jordan River for them—will He likewise provide miracles and blessings to her Ephraimite clan if they can rejoin their people? You bet He will! He will relocate them to the U.S. in corpore and make them mormons!
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 124: Michelle told radio broadcaster Raffy Tulfo that Super Tekla would sometimes refuse to support their family every time she says no to having sex with the comedian, Bandera reported.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 125: Michelle even told Raffy that Super Tekla even forced her to use injectable contraceptives.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 127: “Hindi po niya mapigilan yung sarili niya. Gusto [niya] akong galawin,” Michelle tearfully told Raffy.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 145: “Di pa nag-si-sink in ‘yun sa utak ko na gagawin ‘yun sa akin. Unang-una, wala akong kaalam-alam, plinano nilang lahat,” the comedian then said of Michelle’s interview with Raffy.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 156: Lokakuussa 2020 Libradan elävä kumppani Michelle Bana-ag väitti Raffy Tulfo in Action -lehdessä, että koomikko oli toistuvasti käyttänyt häntä ja hänen lastaan seksuaalisesti hyväksi aiemmasta avioliitosta. Tähän sisältyi seksuaalisen kanssakäymisen vaatiminen vastineeksi ruoasta, kun Michelle oli sairas ehkäisyinjektion sivuvaikutusten vuoksi. Librada kiisti kaikki väärinkäytökset väittäen, ettei hän koskaan raiskaisi Bana-agia, koska hänellä on tytärkin. Librada vapautettiin myöhemmin, kun Bana-ag ei kyennyt toimittamaan riittäviä todisteita koomikkoa vastaan, ja Libradan kollegoiden todistukset paljastivat Bana-agin aiemmat väärinkäytökset, nimittäin hänen metamfetamiiniriippuvuutensa sekä lesbosuhteensa naispuoliseen kumppaniin. Tämä johti lopulta siihen, että Raffy Tulfo peruutti aiemman lupauksensa tukea Bana-agia sen jälkeen, kun tämä kieltäytyi ottamasta huumetestiä todistaakseen syyttömyytensä.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 253: Charles Meryonin mukaan hän sai haltuunsa keskiaikaisen italialaisen käsikirjoituksen, joka oli kopioitu jossain Syyriassa sijaitsevan luostarin asiakirjoista. Tämän asiakirjan mukaan suuri aarre oli piilotettu moskeijan raunioiden alle satamakaupungissa Ashkelonissa, joka oli ollut raunioina 600 vuotta. Vuonna 1815 hän matkusti tämän kartan perusteella Ashkelonin raunioihin Välimeren rannikolla Gazan pohjoispuolella ja suostutteli ottomaanien viranomaiset sallimaan hänen kaivaa paikka. Jaffan kuvernööri Muhammad Abu Nabbut määrättiin seuraamaan häntä. Tämä johti ensimmäiseenarkeologiset kaivaukset Palestiinassa.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 255: [Lady Stanhope] ja Meryon analysoivat oikein Ashkelonin rakenteen historiaa ennen kuin nykyaikaisten arkeologisten analyysien menetelmät tunnettiin tai käytettiin. [Meryon] kertoi oikeutetusti ensimmäiseksi arkeologisen paikan ensimmäiseksi stratigrafiseksi analyysiksi, että "oli täysi syy uskoa, että Ascalonin kokemissa mestarinvaihdoksissa paikka, jossa nyt kaivamme, oli alun perin ollut pakanatemppeli, sen jälkeen kirkko ja sitten moskeija." On muistettava, että samaan aikaan Kreikassa stratigrafiasta autuaasti tietämättömät kaivinkoneet kerskuivat vain löytöjensä määrästä ja taiteellisesta laadusta.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 321: Hulda ( hepreaksi : חֻלְדָּה Ḥuldā ) oli profetessa, joka mainitaan heprealaisessa Raamatussa kohdissa 2. Kuninkaiden 22:14–20 ja 2. Aikakirja 34:22–28 . Hän oli emerita profeetta. Kun Salomon temppelin kunnostustöiden aikana kuningas Josian määräyksestä löydettiin lakikirja, Hilkia yhdessä Ahikamin, Akborin, Safanin ja Asajan kanssa lähestyvät häntä kysyäkseen Huldan mielipidettä.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 329: Hän antoi nämä käskyt pappi Hilkialle, Ahikamille, Saafanin pojalle, Akborille, Mikajan pojalle, sihteeri Saafanille ja kuninkaan palvelijalle Asajalle: "Mene ja kysy Herralta minun ja kansan ja koko Juudan puolesta, mitä tähän on kirjoitettu. löytynyt kirja. Suuri on Herran viha, joka palaa meitä kohtaan, koska ne, jotka ovat kulkeneet ennen meitä, eivät ole totelleet tämän kirjan sanoja; he eivät ole toimineet kaiken sen mukaan, mitä siellä on meistä kirjoitettu."
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 331: Pappi Hilkia, Ahikam, Akbor, Safan ja Asaiah menivät puhumaan profeetta Huldalle, joka oli Sallumin, Tikvan pojan, Harhasin pojan, vaatekaapin pitäjän, vaimo. Hän asui Jerusalemissa, New Quarterissa. (Huoh.)
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 541: Salonikilaiset kirjeet on lähetetty sieltä tai vielä pitempää. Paavalia epäiltiin Tessalonikassa omanvoitonpyynnistä. Täysin puppua! Haurautta oli kartettava eikä toisilta himoittava vaimoja, vaan jokaiselle oma. Kristuxen toista tulemista ei pie hätyyttää. Tulee se sieltä jahka joutaa. Ken ei työtä tee sen ei syömänkään pidä. Jyrkkä ei kannustusloukuille! Alas hyvinvointivaltio! Karttakaa veteliä veljiä. Ostakaa jouhipaitanne meidän lafkasta. Yxi denaari joka paidasta menee telttarahastoon.
        xxx/ellauri292.html on line 582: Kuvassa alaoikealla Damaris, jolta Paavo ehkä sai Ateenassa. Damarisin on perinteisesti oletettu olleen hetaira ( kohtelias, korkea-arvoinen prostituoitu). Tai sizen mies oli toi viereinen Paavalille ison käden antava St. Denis The Penis josta tuli ranskalaisten pyhimys. Turhan läskixi on Rafaello Patun kuvannut, ja liikaa tukkaa laittanut.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 55: Dafne (m.kreik. Δάφνη, Dafnē, 'laakeri'; lat. Daphne) oli kreikkalaisessa mytologiassa joko Peneioksen ja Kreusan, Ladonin ja Gaian tai Amyklaan tytär.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 57: Ovidiuksen teoksessa Muodonmuutoksia tapahtumat saavat alkunsa Apollonin vähäteltyä Eroksen jousiammuntataitoja, jolloin tämä osoitti nuoliensa mahdin jumalalle saamalla tämän rakastumaan Dafneen ja ajamaan tätä takaa. Lopulta uupunut Dafne haluten pitää neitsyytensä rukoili joko Gaiaa tai Peneiosta auttamaan häntä, jonka tuloxena hän muuttui laakeripuuksi. Tämän jälkeen laakeripuuta nussi Apollo, mutta ei tullut siitä lasta eikä paskaakaan.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 60: Parthenioksen teoksessa Erotika pathemata Oinomaoksen poika Leukippos rakastui Dafneen ja pukeutui neidoksi voidakseen "mätästellä" tämän kanssa. Mustasukkainen Apollon sai kuitenkin metsästäjättäret pysähtymään kylpemään alasti Ladon-joella. Kun Leukippos epäröi riisua vaatteensa, nymfit repivät vaatteet hänen päältään ja Leukippoksen pikkukeihään paljastuttua väsyttivät sen istumalla päälle. Apollonin "lähestyttyä" vielä tämän jälkeen Dafnea hiän muuttui laakerixi Zeuxen hypnoottisesta eleestä.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 63:
        Apollo "lähestyy" tässä Dafnea. Dafne on muuttumassa lihasopan mausteexi. Äijä mela kädessä lienee Zeus ja toi pikkukaveri se Eros. Vai onko toi juippi Leukippos ja vanha jäbä Apollo? Vaikea sanoa. Piru näistä selvän ottakoon..

        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 65:


        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 67: Lienöökö sattuma että Pave suosi paikkoja joissa oli mahtavia porttoloita tarjolla, kuten Antiokia, Pafos, Korintti ja Rooma. Antiokiassa oli Dafnen huvipuisto. Dafne oli mehukas vedenneito eli najadi, josta oli paljon pornokuvia ja kaskuja. Se lepäili vedenneitotalossa sellaisella hyllyllä ja heittämällä maaliin pallolla se putosi uimasammioon kirkaisten sievästi.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 152: Paavali oli siis varmaan petolinnun näköinen. Enkeli Hesekielin kirjassa oli tetramorfi, nelinaamainen pienoislentokoneen näköinen siivekäs, jolla on pyörät ja ihmisen, leijonan, härän ja kotkan kasvot. Tästä hahmosta on myös johdettu Raamatun neljän evankelistan vertauskuvat: Matteus on ihminen, Markus on leijona, Luukas on härkä ja Johannes on kotka. Knasulla enkeleistä tuli lokkeja. Kerubi oli 4-siipinen, serafi 6. Etymologioita on kokonainen liuta, kaikki yhtä huonoja.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 157: Kypros on vaihtanut omistajaa kuin mustalaisen hevonen. Veljeni Leijonamieli möi sen Simon Templarille, joka möi sen Saladdinin poispotkimalle Jerusalemin ex-kunkulle. Size oli vähän aikaa italialaisilla. Se päätyi osmannien aikaan Turkille, joka antoi sen Krimin sodassa lainaan briteille saadaxeen sillä britit puolelleen Venäjää vastaan. Britit tarjosivat sitä Kreikalle 1. maailmansodassa sota-avusta serbejä vastaan, ei huolineet. Turkin hävittyä suursodan Saksan puolella britit ottivat sen izelleen. 60-luvulla länkkärit teki siellä samat virheet kuin Palestiinassa samoin tuloxin, eli yhtämittaista kärhämöintiä. Nyziellä on 2 valtiota napit vastakkain. 2/3 saaresta on länkkäreillä ja 1/3 turkkilaisilla. E. Saarisen rakas Pafos on länkkärien eli kreikkalaisten puolella.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 243: Jänis kiellettiin, "koska hän pureskelee sorkkaa, mutta ei halkaise sorkkaa" (3. Moos. 11:6); mutta Barnabas on johdonmukainen antropomorfis-metaforisessa eksegeesissaan.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 248:
        Myytti: He ovat hermafrodiitteja.

        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 356: Mixi Patu vaihtoi v. 47 pikku Markun kiilaskazeisempaan Siilaaseen ja jätti serkkupojat Kyrpoxeen? Mixi Patun piti se Barjeesuskin sokaista ja nimenomaan Pafoxella? Jeesuxen poika vielä!
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 493: Huttin ensimmäinen tehtävä oli kouluttaa psykologeja kliinikoiksi, ja hän perusti luokkia Brooke Army Hospitaliin San Antoniossa, Texasissa. Siellä hän esitteli Bender-Gestalt-testin perehdytettyjen ja tilattujen psykologien luokille, joilla oli aikaisempina vuosina kokemusta koulutusklinikoista, kouluista ja mielisairaaloista. Vuonna 1945 hän julkaisi ja levitti mimeografoidun "Tentative Guide for the Administration and Interpretation of Bender-Gestalt Test" -oppaan, joka oli kolmen edellisen vuoden aikana otettu laajalti käyttöön ja käytetty Yhdysvaltain armeijassa. Huttin kouluttamat ja nyt jo kotiutetut maanikot, jotka jatkavat maanisesti psykologian harjoittamista ja opetusta siviilielämässä, tekivät Bender-Gestaltista yhden laajimmin käytetyistä psykologisista testeistä.
        xxx/ellauri293.html on line 741: Tekoälykoneiden käyttö markkinoilla sovelluksissa, kuten verkkokaupassa ja päätöksenteossa, on muuttanut suuria talousteorioita. Muita teorioita, joissa tekoäly on vaikuttanut, ovat rationaalinen valinta, rationaaliset odotukset, pip-peliteoria, C.S. Lewisin kääntymys, salkun sullominen ja kontrafaktuaalinen ajattelu.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 91: Kaupunki on yksi juutalaisuuden neljästä pyhästä kaupungista Jerusalemin, Hebronin ja Safedin ohella. Nykyään Tiberias on Israelissa suosittu kotimaan matkailukaupunki ja se on tunnettu etenkin kuumista lähteistä hieman kaupungin eteläpuolella sekä Syvännöistä [lähde tarvitaan].
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 234: Seuraavan animaation sisältö on vangizevampi kuin Patin kristillisdemokraattinen paukutus. Tollaisella semaforilla kelpaa vinkata. Ei siinä miekkaa tarvita, voi Magdaleenan iloisesti yllättää tylpälläkin astalolla. Mustasta mambasta 3 viirua Puolan madonnan mustaan poskeen. Messukansa murahtaa sille aamenta niin että Patin korvat soivat. Animaatiossa hauskinta on neitosen arveleva ilme phalloxen venyttyä odottamattoman pitkäxi. Ei sitä pelota, mutta pohtii varmaan mahtuuko tuo kahvaa myöten sisälle. Kyllä mahtuu, siellä on yllättävän paljon tilaa.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 242: Sivukaupalla aforismeja. Hyviä tai huonoja, silti pelkkiä ranskalaisia pastilleja, kuten Juha Tantulta. Sanaleikkejä. Tee kieli oudoxi. Patti on omiin sanaristikoihinsa yhtä jumiutunut kuin tämä paasaaja. Sillä vaan on likaisemmat. Kemia ei tunne likaa eikä farmaseutti säiky fläkkiä, naturalia non sunt turpia vaikka rivonnäköisesti turpoovat. Liha liikkuu vulvansuulla pilallisena. Likainen kieli voi aiheuttaa pahanhajuista hengitystä sekä monia muita ongelmia suuhun - näin putsaat kielesi tehokkaasti ja oikein. Tiesitkö, että kielen pinnalle kertyy samaa katetta kuin hampaisiin? Kielen puhdistus onkin tärkeä osa hyvää suuhygieniaa. ... Tee edestakaista liikettä 2-5 pistoa. Huuhtele häpykielen puhdistin raaputusten välissä. [Anna-lehti]
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 503: Kun länsimainen uudempi tutkimus arvostelee Paavalin kökköä tapaa argumentoida ajatuksiaan, tämä johtuu siitä, että juutalaisia hyvinkin yksilöllisiä targumentointitapoja ei tunneta. Prof. Shmuel Saf- "ai on sanonut, että "talmudin tiedot antavat välttämättömän taustan Uuden testamentin oikealle ymmärtämiselle". Rabbit antavat myös ohjeen tutkijan työtavalle: "Vanha testamentti johtaa targumiin, targum johtaa mishnaan, mishna johtaa talmudiin." Ja talmud korostaa: "Koko toora kokonaisuudessaan on useimmille hepreaa, mutta siihen liittyy myös asioita targumeista. Ja targum johtaa taas... noniin, mennään taas, matikasta maitopyörään, maitopyörästä pytikkään.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 519: Ketuvim (hepr. ‏כתובים‎, Kirjoitukset tai Hagiografia) on Tanakin, heprealaisen Raamatun, kolmas ja viimeinen vaan ei vähäpätöisin (no, turha kierrellä, onhan se) osio. Juutalaisessa käytännössä Ketuvimiin kuuluvat Aikakirjat ovat tavallisesti yhtenä kirjana. Myös Esran kirja ja Nehemian kirja ovat yhtenä kirjana jonka nimi on Ezra. Juutalaisessa perinteessä Ketuvim sisältää siis yksitoista kirjaa:
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 584: Jae 1, " Jumalani, Jumalani, miksi hylkäsit minut? " lainataan Mark. 15:34 :ssä; Matteus 27:46. Codex Vaticanus translitteroi tämän eri tavalla kuin kanoninen kreikkalainen teksti. Codex Vaticanus Matthew 27.46 sisältää: Eloey, Eloey, lema sabaktanei, joka on samanlainen kuin vanha syyrialainen psalmi 22 Alóhi Alóhi lmóno shbáqthoni. Codex Vaticanus Mark 15.34 sisältää: Eloi, Eloi, lama zabafthanei , joka vastaa heprealaista psalmia 22 (אלי אלי למה עזבתני) Elí, Elí, láma azavtháni. Voisi se olla myös syyriaa tai persiaa.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 678: Jouko Tyyri ja Antti Tuuri tuppaavat aina mennä sekaisin. Tuuri on se oikeistopaska Pohjanmaalta jonka isoisä lähti lakkorikkurixi Valtoihin. Jouko Tyyri (1929-2001) oli niin mitätön aforisti ettei siitä löydy edes kuvia.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 683: Erno Paasilinna punnitsi kerran Tyyrin kirjalliseksi painoksi jotain vähän alle 300 grammaa, eli sen mitä aforismit painavat, mutta Paasilinna taisi olla muutaman gramman väärässä.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 688: Thomas Malcolm Muggeridge (24 March 1903 – 14 November 1990) was an English journalist and satirist. His father, H. T. Muggeridge, was a socialist politician and one of the early Labour Party Members of Parliament (for Romford, in Essex). In his twenties, Muggeridge was attracted to communism and went to live in the Soviet Union in the 1930s, and the experience turned him into an anti-communist. In the aftermath of the war, he converted to Christianity under the influence of Hugh Kingsmill and helped to bring Mother Teresa to popular attention in the West. He was also a critic of the sexual revolution and of drug use. Muggeridge´s politics changed from an independent socialist point of view to a conservative religious stance. Muggeridge senior pyöri todnäk haudassa kuin hyrrä.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 692: Muggeridge was described as having predatory behaviour towards women. He was described as a "compulsive groper", reportedly being nicknamed "The Pouncer" and as "a man fully deserving of the acronym NSIT—not safe in taxis". His niece confirmed the facts, while also reflecting on the suffering inflicted on his family and saying that he changed his behaviour slightly when he converted to Christianity in the 1960s.
        xxx/ellauri295.html on line 696: In 1982, at 79, Muggeridge was received into the Catholic Church after he had rejected Anglicanism, like his wife, Kitty. This was largely under the influence of Mother Teresa about whom he had written a book, Something Beautiful for God, setting out and interpreting her life.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 152: af/wol/mp/r52/lp-af/lff/2021/1089" height="200px" />
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 232: Rehoboam (/ˌriːəˈboʊ.əm/; Hebrew: רְחַבְעָם‎, Rəḥaḇʿām; Greek: Ροβοάμ, Rovoam; Latin: Robocop, transl. "an enlarged penis") was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the first monarch of the Kingdom of Judah after the split of the united Kingdom of Israel. He was a son of and the successor to Solomon and a grandson of David. In the account of I Kings and II Chronicles, Rehoboam saw his ruler limited to only the Kingdom of Judah in the south following a rebellion by the ten northern tribes of Israel in 932/931 BCE, which led to the formation of the independent Kingdom of Israel under the rule of Jeroboam in the north..
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 242: Verbi na'af "köyriä" tarkoittaa seksisuhteita naimisissa olevan naisen kanssa kenen tahansa muun kuin hänen miehensä kanssa (Lev. 20:10 ; Jer. 29:23 ; Ezek. 16:32 ). Naimisissa olevan naisen koskemattomuus on patrilineaalisen yhteiskunnan perusta.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 265: Kello on noin klo puoli Jaffan asunnossa. Kaksi nuorta miestä istuu sohvalla keskellä huonetta, juttelevat ystävällisesti, toisinaan nauraen; jaffapullo on käden ulottuvilla.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 268: 2000-luvun alussa kaikki puheet "sinivalkoisesta pornografiasta" toivat heti mieleen kaksi nimeä: Tom of Finland ja seksilelukauppa Kaalimato.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 276: Professori Herzog kiistää pornoteollisuuden idealisoinnin. "Se vetää villaa ihmisten silmien yli", hän sanoo. ”Vaikka muutama nainen tekee pornoa ja pitää sitä hienona asiana, joka todella kunnioittaa henkilöä, pornografia on pornografiaa. Kysyin heiltä: "Tuntuiko sinusta tekeväsi pornografiaa?" He sanoivat ei. Pötyä, pornografia on pornografiaa, vaikka feminististä." Porno luo uusia rusketusrajoja paikkoihin, jotka eivät ole riippuvaisia sosiaalisista ehdoista. Hienointa on se, että tuotantoyhtiötä ei nykyään tarvita ja kuka tahansa kameran omaava voi tehdä itsestään pornonäyttelijän suuntaamalla luurin genitaaleihin.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 288: afia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/jenna-jameson-shops-at-the-grove-in-west-hollywood-12-21-2016-2.jpg" width="40%" />
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 297: afu/images/35b0/9bfe/6643_9257223023/nina5.jpg" width="40%" />
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 301:
        Joanna Angel is believed to be the first porn star to enter the industry after living in an Orthodox home. Ei sentään blondaa tukkaansa kuten nuo toiset haahkat. Joanna (1,5 m) on täynnä Superman Tattoo siirtokuvia. Sen puoliso on Small Hands (175 sm).

        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 333: Ma'alot perustettiin kehityskaupungiksi Romaniasta, Iranista ja Marokosta tuleville juutalaisille maahanmuuttajille vuonna 1957. Ensimmäiset kodit rakennettiin Har HaRakafotille (Kyklamenkukkula), joka tunnetaan arabiaksi Bab Al-Hauwana ("Tuulten portti"). ).[viite Tarvitaan]
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 337: 15. toukokuuta 1974 Palestiinan demokraattisen rintaman terroristit hyökkäsivät Ma'alotin ala-asteelle Ma'alotin joukkomurhana. Hyökkäyksessä murhattiin 22 teini-ikäistä ja kolme opettajaa Safedista luokkamatkalla. He olivat nukkuneet lattialla rakennuksen sisällä. Lisäksi samat terroristit tappoivat koululaisten murhaa edeltäneissä tapahtumissa kolme israelilaista naista, joista yksi oli seitsemännellä kuukaudella raskaana, yhden nelivuotiaan lapsen ja kaksi miestä.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 446: Käännä teot toiseen suuntaan. Miten? Ihminen, jota pornografia veti puoleensa – kumartakoot hän silmänsä maata kohti; herjaus – opiskelkoot hän Tooraa. Jokaisella ruumiinosalla, jolla hän oli tottunut tekemään syntiä, totelkoot hän sillä ruumiinosalla käskyä… Kääntäkööt kikkelillä vaikka sivuja. Ihminen, jonka jalat juoksivat rikkomusta tekemään – juoskoot hän huolehtimaan käskystä. Ihminen, jonka suu puhui kapinallisuutta, puhukoot hän totuutta ja viisautta…
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 597: Cordelia Edvardson, som var av tysk-judisk börd, var en överlevande från koncentrationslägret Auschwitz (fånge A 3709) och kom till Sverige efter andra världskriget 1945. Med Zetterholm som avlade henne sonen Simon var hon inte gift. Kun Staffan näki paljaassa käsivarressa tatuoidut vankinumerot, häneltä ruiskahti ennenaikaisesti täkille. Toisella varvilla hän osasi jo varoa ja purskahti muutaman kiivaan työnnön jälkeen voimakkaasti kohdunsuulle. Sju judiska flickor med tatueringar är bättre än sex förutan. I en radiointervju i september 2021 berättade Beckman om sitt liv som Alice Staffan, där Alice sedan 1980-talet klär sig som kvinna och undviker glasögon för att inte skymma sminket. Staffan on kuin Hyväris-Reijo Paavo Ruåzalaisena, puree ja imeskelee suolakaloja. Hulluja nuo ruåzalaiset. Cordelia ei kaivannut sminkkiä, ja sen rillit oli eri sexikkäät.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 599: Staffan hortoili loppupeleissä sukunsa huvilalla, oli eronnut neljännestä tai viidennestä eukostaan, peppuroi viikkokaudet uniasu päällä, vai oliko se sen äidin yöpaita, piti vaippoja ja muovihousuja ja kasteli vaippansa; yritti synnyttää nähtävästi Jerusalem-kirjaa. Taikka löytää itseään Cordelian kohdusta.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 611: Schon in der Einleitung zum ersten Band der "Philosophie der symbolischen Formen" stellt Cassirer die These auf, daß das mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Sein in seiner idealistischen Fassung und Deutung nicht alle Wirklichkeit erschöpft, "weil in ihm bei weitem nicht alle Wirksamkeit des Geistes und seiner Spontaneität" erfaßt sei.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 644:

        Ernsthaft mütisch

        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 648: Keinen Unterschied zwischen beiden Denkarten sehen die Vertreter der These vom homogenen, assoziativen Denken. (Tämmöisiin vääristelijöihin lukee Cassirer James Frazerin.) Der Wissenschaftler wie der Mystiker unterscheiden sich nicht im Denkprozess selbst, sondern lediglich in ihrem Verständnis der Natur des Gesetzes, welches das Ergebnis ihrer Handlungen hervorruft. So erkennt der Wissenschaftler, der rational denkende Mensch, naturwissenschaftlich-mathematische Gesetze, der Mystiker das Wirken übernatürlicher Kräfte.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 650: Ein gewisser E. B. Tylor sieht keinen Unterschied zwischen beider Denkprozesse, nur das Material, auf welches sich das Denken bezieht, ist beim Wissenschaftler und beim „Wilden“ oder „Primitiven“, wie Tylor ihn nennt, unterschiedlicher Natur. Um auch den „primitiven“ Menschen verstehen zu können, müsse man lediglich eine Definition von Religion geben, die so allgemein gehalten ist, dass sie gleichzeitig für das Christentum, wie für eine mystische oder Naturreligion gelten kann.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 659: Nach Cassirers Verständnis fallen die Mythen damit unter den Begriff der symbolischen Ausdrücke, ebenso wie das Faustballen oder das Stirnrunzeln symbolhafte Ausdrücke eines menschlichen Gefühls von Ärger oder Unverständnis sein können.
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 661: Der symbolische Ausdruck ist allen kulturellen Aktivitäten gemeinsam. Zu den kulturellen Aktivitäten zählt er Mythos, Poesie, Sprache, Kunst, Religion und Wissenschaft. (Aber Sport ist nur gefühlmässiges Faustballen und Stirnrunzeln.)
        xxx/ellauri296.html on line 677: Silvia jätti sitten Altertumswissenschaftin ja päätyi toimittajaxi Frankfurter Rundschauhun. Kritische, kompetente und prägnante Berichterstattung über soziale, politische, wirtschaftliche Themen; nach 16 Jahren in der Branche Kennerin der Medienlandschaft und ihrer Entwicklung sowie der Arbeitsweise in den Redaktionen; Einblicke in politische Zusammenhänge und in die Wirkung von Machtstrukturen in Entscheidungsprozessen; Affinität zu Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherthemen. Positiv, kommunikativ, wertschätzend; diplomatisch, strategisch, effizient.
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 80: Yksityisyyden suojasta työelämässä annetussa laissa säädetään Suomessa, että käytettäessä psykologisia testauksia soveltuvuusarvioinnin yhteydessä työnantajan on varmistettava, että testejä tehtäessä käytetään luotettavia testausmenetelmiä. Kansainvälisen työjärjestö ILO:n ohjeistossa todetaan, että grafologisia, astrologisia ja Warteggiin verrattavia maagisluontoisia testejä ei työnantajan tulisi käyttää työhönottotilanteessa.
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 102: Yrjö Alasimen kirjasta Doston hyvä ja paha Patti ei perustanut. Ei Stavro ollut paha, se oli onneton, silmät kyynelissä työnsi syylämunaa pikku Marjan paljaaseen. Tämä artikkeli kertoo psykiatrista. Yrjö Alanen (1860–1944) oli pappi ja kirjailija. Yrjö J. E. Alanen (1890–1960) oli teologian professori. Yrjö Alanen, ent. Näykki, (21. helmikuuta 1860 Kauhava – 20. toukokuuta 1944 Kurikka) oli suomalainen kirkkoherra, kirjailija ja historiantutkija. Alasen vanhemmat olivat talollinen Jaakko Alanäykki (Sippola) ja Valpuri Amalia Kustaantytär Ylänäykki. Yrjö Alanen oli naimisissa vuodesta 1888 Helmi Maria Karstenin kanssa, jonka veli oli uskontotieteilijä ja filosofi, tutkimusmatkailija Rafael Karsten. Koleerinen Rafuko oli vanhojen herrojen setä? Ei vaan Roope-eno, oikaisi Jönsy asiantuntijana. Yrjö Alasen ja Helmi Maria Karstenin lapsia olivat lääkintöneuvos ja Kurikan kunnanlääkäri Aarne Alanen, teologian professori Yrjö J. E. Alanen, sairaanhoitaja ja kielten maisteri Aili Alanen, oikeustieteen professori ja evankelinen maallikkopuhuja Aatos Alanen, sairaanhoitaja Aune Alanen, pankkivirkailija ja juristi Sylvi Alanen sekä professori ja historioitsija Aulis J. Alanen. Yrjö Olavi Alanen (30. tammikuuta 1927 Kurikka – 26. joulukuuta 2022) oli suomalainen psykoterapiaan erikoistunut psykiatri, neurologi ja tutkija. Hän oli Turun yliopiston psykiatrian professori. Yrjö O. Alanen on oman alansa kirjallisuuden lisäksi kirjoittanut kaksi muistelmateosta sekä teoxen Yrjö O. Alanen: Dostojevskin hyvä ja paha, 1981. Hänen väitöskirjansa aiheena oli The Mothers of Schizophrenic Patients.
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 169: af282946a48c3bbe91a8d83629&ipo=images" />
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 224: organizational crisis after crisis, and rarely having the time or luxury for
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 277: embarrass her in the group, I frisked her private parts afterward and asked her about her
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 282: during the Communist takeover in the late 1970’s on a very fragile craft. The
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 284: at sea to her very diligent work as an apprentice physician. Shortly after this
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 286: understood, that a secret, hidden part of herself and her herstory was safely
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 326: Vuodesta 1987 koulun tiedekunnan jäsenenä hänen ammatillisia kiinnostuksen kohteitaan olivat esinesuhdeteoria, yhteiskuntafilosofia ja eksistentiaalinen filosofia. Hän sai kansainvälistä tunnustusta panoksestaan esinesuhdeteoriassa. Hän toimi koulun ihmiskäyttäytyminen ja sosiaalinen ympäristö -alueen puheenjohtajana vuosina 1998–2001, ja hänet valittiin uudelleen ihmiskäyttäytymisalueen puheenjohtajaksi vuonna 2010.
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 420: En mi aflicción ahdingossani Sä mulle onnen tuot, kun hymyn suot
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 439: "La cumparsita" on uruguaylaisen muusikon Gerardo Matos Rodríguezin vuonna 1916 kirjoittama tango, jonka sanoittivat argentiinalaiset Pascual Contursi ja Enrique Pedro Maroni [es]. Se on yksi kaikkien aikojen tunnetuimmista ja tunnistetuimmista tangoista. Roberto Firdo, kappaleen kantaesittäneen orkesterin johtaja ja pianisti, lisäsi osia tangoistaan "La gaucha Manuela" ja "Turda completa" Matoksen karnevaalimarssiin ("La cumparsita"), jolloin tuloksena on "La cumparsita", kuten se tällä hetkellä tunnetaan. "La cumparsita" soitettiin ensimmäisen kerran julkisesti vanhassa Café La Giraldassa Montevideossa, Uruguayssa. Montevideon hanurimuseo sijaitsee tällä hetkellä tällä historiallisella paikalla.
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 637: On the ship during his return trip from an old world tour he encountered the messiah elect of the Theosophical Society, Jiddu Krishnamurti; they discussed Indian philosophy (that Jiddu had up to his gills by then), sparking in Campbell an interest in Hindu and Indian thought. Lacking faculty approval, Campbell withdrew from graduate studies, becoming a close friend of the budding writer John Steinbeck and his wife Carol. Campbell had an affair with Carol. Campbell too began writing a novel on the "Doc" of Cannery Row but unlike Steinbeck, did not complete his book, instead published a lot of trash on mythology and got rich(er).
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 654: A. Mystinen/metafyysinen funktio herättää ja ylläpitää yksilössä kunnioituksen ja kiitollisuuden tunnetta johtoportaaseen,
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 658: Symbolit ja myyttiset metaforat puolestaan ​​osoittavat itsensä ulkopuolelle kuin sormi kuuhun ja tuohon todellisuuteen.
        xxx/ellauri298.html on line 696: intiaanien kohdalla tai eland eteläafrikkalaisille heimoille, ja suuri osa
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 52: I skolorns får våra barn sexualupplysning och resultatet är att dom blir angivare, horor, lögnare, avfällingar. Vi själva blev sådana utan separat upplysning! Våra döttrar går på gatorna som horor. Våra hustrur sitter på barer, talar ett oanständigt språk, använder smink och grälla kläder som blottar allt, läser pornografi, lär sig där det bästa sättet att suga kuk. (Ingen dålig idé vid närmare eftertanke, minsann.)
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 97: Tysken började genast tala engelska med grötig tysk brytning. Eftersom han stammade märkbart gjorde han långa pauser mellan orden och når han väl fick fram dem lät rösten gäll och genomträngande, som om han måste slita orden ur sig. Det fanns tyska tonfall i hans röst som man inte var van att höra i Amerika utom i antityska propagandafilmer.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 132: Pastori Norman Thomas oli jutkukommarien hampaissa. Thomas oli wimpy pasifisti. It was Thomas's position as a conscientious objector that drew him to the Socialist Party of America (SPA), a staunchly antimilitarist organization. When SPA leader Morris Hillquit made his campaign for mayor of New York in 1917 on an antiwar platform, Thomas wrote to him expressing his good wishes. To his surprise, Hillquit wrote back, encouraging the young minister to work for his campaign, which Thomas energetically did. Soon thereafter he himself joined the Socialist Party. Thomas was a Christian socialist. Eihän siitä tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan. De amerikanska kapitalisterna var inte ens kloka nog att kontrollera sina egna organisationer. Amerikansk kapitalism saknade klassmedvetande och vanligt politiskt egenintresse. Nu har dom lärt sin läxa nog. Det är inte socialismen där en individ har värde, utan kapitalismen, där det mäts i dollars.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 141: Reformerade kaninen gav shiksa Patricia råd att glömma judaismen. Patricia gick missnöjd därifrån. Hon konstaterade att reformvänliga kaniner inte passade henne. Om han var kanin, varför hade han inte skägg och varför täckte han inte huvudet? Och varför talade han så vardagligt? I New York hade hon sett andra kaniner - män med tinninglockar och länga svarta rockar. De var en smula gammalmodiga, underliga men i deras ögon fanns det en knullsjuk glimt som tilltalade henne, väckte hennes nyfikenhet. I sin bok hade Patricia läst om Maimonides, Baal Shem Tov och Gaon av Vilna. Många rabbiner hade bantat under lång tid för att göra bot. En viss kanin Akiva hade låtit skrapa huden med järnkammar och hans säd hade lämnat kroppen medan han reciterade "Hör, O Israel..." En kanin Hanania ben Dusa åt ingenting annat än en smula johannesbröd från sabbat till sabbat. De var inte bara skådespelare utan fruktbara män. Fanns de fortfarande sådana personer? I så fall ville Patricia känna dem i kaftanerna.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 144: Esther kommer tillbaka från Paris. Dom få judar som finns kvar i Europa gör affärer i svarta börsen. Människor, judar i synnerhet är rädda för att vara lyckliga. Eftersom folk strävar efter lycka är det en tecken på att dom gillar det. Det är själva strävandet som är kul, säger också Timon Atenaren.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 267: Moses Isserles tunnetaan yleisesti heprealaisesta lyhenteestä Rabbi Moses Isserlesistä, "Remo" (heprea : רמ״א). Häntä ei pidä sekoittaa Meir Abulafiaan , joka tunnetaan nimellä "Rama" (heprea: רמ״ה), eikä Menahem Azariah da Fanoon , joka tunnetaan nimellä "Rema MiPano" (heprea: רמ״ע מפאנו). Mi pano! voihkivat fanittavat harmaat vaimot Fanon alla nauhakengät solmussa. I Poland darrade judarna inför alla icke-judiska tölpar men tzaddiks hov var ett kungahus. I Amerika går judarna runt som free range chickens men får inte ens minyan ihop. Inte ens i Poland levde schaschlikerna för evigt. En död människa är samma sak som en död kalkon.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 269: af/Moses_Isserles.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 278: Ei olisi pitänyt tehdä Liselle nazitervehdystä ja huutaa Heil Hitler! Gud straffar Yascha nu. Han är mild och långmodig, men nu räcker det! säger han ilsket och låter just som Sussi Ruokamo. Ei olisi pitänyt juhlia Yom Kippurina, silloin ollaan surkeita ja katuvaisia. Anna lähtee taas ovet paukkuen.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 317: Zadok Halperinin magnum opus on pilattu! Kustantaja on karsinut elintärkeitä ajatuskulkuja, lähdeviitteet ovat päin persettä, kansikin on kauhea. No en mäkään ole vilkaissutkaan mun monografioita niiden tultua painosta. Halperin haluaisi huuhtoa koko apinaköörin alas toaletista. Jos vain olisi niin suuri toaletti. No tavallaanha luonto on juuri sellainen. Se huuhtoo apinat alas, tosin hitaasti, mutta kiihtyvällä vauhdilla, kuin sikarin alas viemäristä. Tyhjän pytyn pohjasta kuuluu korina.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 330: I grund och botten hade fatalisterna rätt men några månniskor var så beskaffade att de inte förmådde acceptera fatalismen. De måste hela tiden hålla fast vid föreställningen att de handlade av egen fri vilja. Så ville ödet ha det.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 448: Vaikka yleinen juutalainen asenne on ollut, että Jumala loi maailman ex nihilo, rabbi Marc D. Angel kirjoittaa, että historiallisesti "juutalaisessa perinteessä on ollut yleinen vastahakoisuus spekuloida luomisen metafyysisiä puolia". Lyhyesti sanottuna juutalaisuus vaatii, että Jumala loi maailman, että hän loi sen vaiheittain ja että hän jatkaa jollain lailla luomansa maailmankaikkeuden ylläpitämistä talonmiehenä Luomisprosessin yksityiskohdat tai siihen käytetyt materiaalit eivät ole keskeisiä juutalaiselle ajattelulle. Lehtimajankin saa rakentaa puusta, muovista tai pellistä.
        xxx/ellauri303.html on line 454: "Sullon mun luonto." Laulussa, joka sisältää "varman vahvistuksen" siitä, että "Hän on minun Jumalani, minun elävä Jumalani... joka kuulee ja vastaa". Edward Kassler kirjoittaa, ettäu heprealainen Raamattu "kuvaa kohtaamista Jumalan kanssa, joka välittää intohimoisesti ja joka puhuttelee ihmiskuntaa sen olemassaolon hiljaisina hetkinä". Brittiläinen päärabbi Jonathan Sacks ehdottaa, että Jumala "ei ole ajallisesti etäinen tai irrallinen, vaan intohimoisesti sitoutunut ja läsnä". On tärkeää huomata, että "predikaatti 'persoonallinen' sellaisena kuin sitä sovelletaan Jumalaan" ei tarkoita, että Jumala on ruumiillinen tai antropomorfinen , näkemykset, jotka juutalaisuus on aina hylännyt; pikemminkin "persoonallisuus" ei viittaa fyysisyyteen, vaan "sisäiseen olemukseen, psyykkiseen, rationaaliseen ja moraaliseen". Vaikka useimmat juutalaiset uskovat, että "Jumala voidaan kokea", ymmärretään, että "Jumalaa ei voida ymmärtää", koska "Jumala on täysin erilainen kuin ihmiskunta" (kuten näkyy Jumalan vastauksessa Moosekselle, kun Mooses kysyi Jumalan nimeä: "Minä olen se, no minä, I just Am"); kaikki antropomorfiset lausunnot Jumalasta "ymmärretään kielellisinä metaforina; muuten olisi mahdotonta puhua Jumalasta ollenkaan".
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 218: Kertoessaan historiaa Jumalan ja Israelin lasten välisestä suhteesta, Megillat Shir Hashirim on täynnä kuvia Eretz Yisraelin henkeäsalpaavista maisemista, jotka maahanmuuttajia kohtasivat. Metaforat perustuvat sen luonnonilmiöihin, sen kasveihin ja villieläimiin. Viittaukset tehdään gaselliin ja peuroihin, hevoseen, kyyhkysiin, korppeihin, kyyhkysiin, kettuihin, leijoniin ja leopardeihin. Tietyt paikat mainitaan, kuten Ein Gedi, Giladin, Snirin ja Chermonin vuoret sekä esinahka- ja saapaskukkulat, aavikot, purot ja viinitarhat – jotka kaikki ovat olennaisia osia Israelin maisemaa. Lisäksi on mainittu kaksikymmentäkolme kasvityyppiä Shir Hashirimissa, sisältäen erilaisia mausteita, ruusuja, pähkinöitä, omenoita ja klassista "maitoa ja hunajaa", muttei Jaffa-appelsiineja, joista vientituotteista maa on hyvin tunnettu. Lisäksi suurin osa seitsemästä Israelille ainutlaatuisesta lajista mainitaan Shir Hashirimissä. Kommenttimme korostaa joidenkin näiden hedelmien ja Israelin kansan genitaalien välisiä yhtäläisyyksiä.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 261: Un nakher hobn zey kinder, vi es firt zikh punkt tzum yor, And afterwards they have children, exactly a year later.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 273: Do zukht men tzu seyvn ekspenses af gevis, Here, people are certainly trying to save expenses
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 486: Timid. Adventuresome. (but afraid of wife.)
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 531: Yogi Berra oli typerälippalakkinen pesäpallisti jonka luonnetyyppi oli ISFP (introverted sensing feeling perceiving). Se kexi paljon Matti Nykäsmäisiä aforismeja. Unassuming yet passionate athlete. Kuoli samana vuonna kuin Warren mutta 8v vanhempana. Se oli italiaano 2. polven immigrantti jonka äiti ei osannut sanoa "Lawrence". He received the nickname "Yogi" from his friend Jack Maguire, who, after seeing a newsreel about India, said that he resembled a yogi from India whenever he sat around with arms and legs crossed waiting to bat or while looking sad after a losing game. Se oli hörökorvainen pikkumies, muistutti kyllä aika lailla Yodaa kuvissa.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 543: “When his sister is murdered at her wedding reception by a pair of New York City mafia goons, Japanese-American yuppie Miles Haverford goes to Japan and brings back to America a group of Yakuza crime family assassins who extract revenge for the young girl’s death.”
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 556: “While in Japan, Miles meets the Yakuza chieftain, the aging Nagoya, and learns that, by blood, he is truly a member of this crime family. But Nagoya’s assistant and heir, the street warrior Sato, also of mixed blood, tries to drive Miles away because the young American and Sato’s woman, Lady Tomiko, are clearly falling in love. Yet Miles eventually wins over the Yakuza men and Sato is among the group that returns with Miles to New York to slowly, individually, bloodily tear apart the DeSanto Mafia crime family.”
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 560: “In New York, the DeSanto crime family is dead or in jail. Miles’ parents in New York are safe from Mafia reprisal. The Yakuza assassins are ready to return to Japan, but Miles has decided that the life of a buttered-bun Wall Street lawyer is no longer for him. He bids his family goodbye and returns to the Japanese home of Yakuza chieftain Nagoya. It is time for Nagoya to pass on the leadership of the criminal clan and his choice is his faithful assistant, Sato. But Sato declines the ceremonial cup and instead stands beside Miles and calls him ‘Someone whom the gods have sent from across the sea to lead you to tomorrow.’ And then he bows to Miles, the new leader.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 583: A lot of pulp writers have (or had) style. Mary Clark (+2020) had a style, Dean Koontz (*1945), Stephen King (*1947), Molly Cochran (*1949), Andrew Klavan (*1954), Larry Block (*1938), Susan Isaacs (*1943), Harlan Coben (*1961), Sue Grafton (+2017), they all have styles. Or had. I am told I have a style too (or had), although I don’t really know what style is. Didn't.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 625: The Destroyer Series played a huge role in getting me interested in economics, geography, politics, history, and even in Jewish Mysticism and the paranormal! Richard Sapir (+1987) after all was a Jew. The Body, which was made into a movie in 2001, is about a Jewish archaeologist who finds a skeleton underneath an Arab shopkeeper's basement that might be the body of Jesus and the American Jesuit priest who is sent by the Vatican to investigate.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 629: Suppose you want to write a “big book.” No genre junk for you. Okay. Here’s what you need to know. A “big book” is just a genre novel that got bigger. More pages, more everything. just make it a little bigger, a little more breathless, give it a little more end-of-the-world panache. Think of selling it to Hollywood where they call it high concept but what that really means is that it’s a very short outline of a book for people who can’t read a whole book or even a whole paragraph at once and their mind starts to wander after one sentence. Where was I? Ah yes:
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 640: Theme isn’t something you paste on after you write the first draft. Now, potboilers in general don’t have much thematic content because they doesn’t need to go far beyond: Bang Bang and the good guys in the white hats win. Theme is a more ever-present feeling that permeates the book you’re working on. Do you think when Ayn Rand wrote The Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged, she first wrote the stories and then asked herself, “Now whatever could this be about? Selfishness?” But then, she was more political than most and, as I said, many books don’t have any discernible theme, except, buy it please and make me rich. That's my theme anyway.
        xxx/ellauri304.html on line 694: "Mikael Andrejev Istropovits." Warren ei ole oppinut senkään vertaa Dostojevskistä että erottaisi isännimen sukunimestä. Remoon se on vuotanut kaikki mahdolliset jenkkifobiat ja ennakkoluulot. Yllättävän paljon on niistä samoja kuin Isaac Bashevishilla. Ei varmaan voi olla jenkki ilman noita aivokummituxia. Antikommunismi, rotuviha, naisviha, rahanahneus, talousliberalismi, kulutushysteria, korruptio, kristillisfundamentalismi, ryssäfobia, kiinafobia, homofobia, US-shovinismi, riittäähän näitä.
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 101: Kopiot Brownin rakkauskirjeistä julkaistiin kirjasen muodossa, ja niitä myytiin oikeudenkäynnin aikana oikeussalin ulkopuolella. Theodore Dreiser parafrasoi monia näistä kirjeistä romaanissaan Amerikan tragedia lainaten viimeistä kirjettä melkein sanatarkasti. Jennifer Donnelly käytti monia kirjaimia romaanissaan A Northern Light (höh eikös se ollut Gathering light?).
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 227: satumaista tiliä. E.S. "siirtyi" teknilliseen korkeakouluun yritysvalmentajaxi. Den glider in och ut igen. Eskin julkaisut on sen mukaisia kuvakirjoja. Pafos ja Saarisselkä ovat olleet pikku rahasampoja myös sen (?) pitkänenäisille kaxospojille. Koko perhe on mukana tekemässä aikuisviihdettä.
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 229: Esa Saarinen on tunnettu siitä, että hän saa ihmiset tuntemaan itsensä paremmiksi kuin he itse asiassa ovat. Yxi näistä ihmisistä, eikä vähäisin, on E. Saarinen. "Mä nyt olen magnan ylioppilas Hyvinkään uudesta yhteiskoulusta, ei multa voi odottaakaan enempää." Hyvin sanottu. Hänessä yhdistyy maalaistytön raikkaus Café Ekbergillä säännöllisesti istuvan kaupunkilaisleidin izetietoisuuteen (H. Nykänen: Ariel s.17.)
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 276: Ariel Kafka ei pidä kilteistä apinoista. Ilkeitä vastaan tarvitaan toisia ilkeitä. Kiltti on paikallaan naisten ammateissa mutta ei siellä missä pitää kestää paineita, kuten armeija ja poliisi.
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 294: Kadonneessa paratiisissa Ariel on alaikäinen kapinallinen enkeli, jonka serafi Abdiel voitti ensimmäisenä sotapäivänä.
        xxx/ellauri305.html on line 1561: Masoreettisen tekstin mukaan kasafin harjoittajat – incanting maleficium. Samojen kohtien Septuaginta-version mukaan pharmakeia – myrkyttäjät; huumeiden käyttäjien hallusinogeenisten kokemusten vuoksi. Historiallisesti tämä kohta on käännetty englanniksi käyttäen epämääräistä terminologiaa, joka tuomitsee noituuden (tai noituuden) yleensä. Mutta eteenpäin!
        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 242: Century Motor Vehicle Company ; Smith Corona -yhtiö; ja Craftsman Workshops,
        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 433: Goottien muisto vaikutti voimakkaasti saksalaiseen kansallistunteeseen ja pangermanistiseen ajatteluun. Molemmissa maailmansodissa saksalaisten tunkeutumista Itä-Eurooppaan perusteltiin myös sillä, että nämä alueet olivat muinaista goottien maata. Gdynia sai nimen Gotenhafen, goottien satama. Natsit suunnittelivat Krimin niemimaan "uudelleengermaanistamista": ehdotettiin muun muassa Italiassa asuvien saksankielisten etelätirolilaisten siirtämistä alueelle. Sevastopol oli määrä nimetä Theodericshafeniksi tunnetun goottien kuninkaan Teoderikin mukaan. Suunnitelmaa on nyt alettu toteuttaa aseistamalla ukrainalaisia rypälepommeilla.
        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 564: Annetaan Gershwinille toinen tsarga. Tällä kertaa kyseessä on nokkapokka italomafian lakifirma vastaan aloitteleva mutta kiero wasp verolakimies. Mafia jää tappiolle ylläri. Puhtain asein puhtaan asian puolesta, sitten pakoon Cayman-saarille taskut täynnä vastapestyjä dollareita. Sinnehän Jillin kiero lakimiesisäkin pistouvasi koko perheensä.
        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 566: Mitch on palkattu mafiosojen pöyhkeään veronkiertoyrityxeen Elvixen kotikaupungissa Memfixessä. FBI lähestyy Mitchiä. FBI paljastaa että yritys on Chicagon Morolton rikollisperheen toimihenkilö. Yrityksen perustaja Anthony Bendini oli vanhan miehen Morolton vävy. Hän perusti toimiston vuonna 1944, ja lähes puolen vuosisadan ajan toimisto on houkutellut vaatimattomista taustoista tulevia nuoria lakimiehiä lupaamalla arvovaltaa ja taloudellista turvaa. Vaikka Mitchin työ on tähän mennessä ollut laillista, kumppanit ja vanhemmat kumppanit ovat syvästi uppoutuneita massiiviseen veropetokseen ja rahapesulatoimintaan, joka muodostaa jopa 75 prosenttia yrityksen liiketoiminnasta.
        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 574: Elokuva Grishamin kirjaan perustuen säilytti juonen aikaisemman osan, mutta sillä on täysin erilainen loppu. Elokuvassa Mitch tekee sopimuksen FBI:n kanssa veljensä vapauttamisesta ja suurista rahasummista vastineeksi tiedoista yrityksensä asiakkaista. Sen sijaan, että Mitch pettäisi asianajajan valansa luovuttamalla luottamukselliset tiedostot FBI:lle, Mitch löytää kieroutuneen laillisen tavan pitää sekä FBI:n että mafian poissa, jotta hän voi jatkaa kieron asianajajan uraansa, vaikkakaan ei sukuaan.
        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 580: Nimetön: I find this movie boring and predictable the acting was poorly done which is hard for me because of the great cast the writing was awful and at times the movie went flat the chase scene at the end was comical and silly the whole movie was a mess. To put it simply, the film completely ruined the book. And that wasn't easy. This is such a bad film. It is an hour and a half too long, and the beginning and middle are insanely dull. The production value and score do not stand up to the test of time at all. This is an example of all of the worst things about the 90's, which might be one of the worst decades for filmmaking. Es wird einfach viel zu viel geredet, als man schon längstens in die Tat umgesetzt hätte. Fazit: Lieber eine kürzere Geschichte dafür intensiver erzählen und Spannung aufbauen!

        xxx/ellauri306.html on line 581: Wetback: Nunca pude comprender por qué The Firm se convirtió en arrollador best seller. El libro era un hormiguero de argumentos conflictivos, que sólo tenían en común su implausibilidad. Era preciso creer que un bufete de abogados en Memphis ocultaba las operaciones criminales de la Mafia, con 43 leguleyos obligados a callar, porque huir les costaba la vida. Por si eso fuera poco, había que aceptar un héroe capaz de sacrificarse por sacar de la cárcel a su hermano convicto, cuya existencia negaba como oveja negra y a quien no veía desde tiempo inmemorial. Lo increíble empataba con lo inconcebible, en rollos paralelos. El libro fue rechazado por editoriales hasta que Paramount le vio potencial cinematográfico e instigó su publicación. Tähti on tietysti Tom Cruise, joka juoksee kuin vinttikoira ja tekee temppuja kuin mountebank. Hän päätyy erittäin vakuuttavasti ahneuteen ja ahneuteen. Ei ole helppoa ylläpitää radikaalin tuskan ilmaisua kahden ja puolen tunnin ajan.
        xxx/ellauri307.html on line 78: afbb0e8af88868173d-7247307-3840-2160-png_250.jpg" height="300px" />
        xxx/ellauri307.html on line 295: Mutta on mahdollista, että uusi aikakausi on jo alkamassa, jolloin sivistyneet ja älykkäät ihmiset haaveilevat tavoista välttää ihanteellisia valtioita ja päästä takaisin vähemmän "täydelliseen" ja vapaampaan yhteiskuntaan. Aldous Huxley käytti tätä kohtaa (ranskankielisessä käännöksessä) Brave New Worldin epigrafina.
        xxx/ellauri307.html on line 297: Vaikuttaa siltä, että vapaus on sidottu epäoikeudenmukaisuuteen ja epätasa-arvoisuuteen. Sosialismi johtaa samantyyppiseen autoritaariseen valtioon kuin teokratia . ... On valittava: joko sosialismi tai hengen vapaus, ihmisen omantunnon vapaus. ... Sosialismi käyttää "pyhää" auktoriteettia ja perustaa "pyhän" yhteiskunnan, jossa ei ole paikkaa meille "maallikoille", vapaalle valinnalle, ihmisvoimien hillittömälle toiminnalle ja Pafoxen ja Saarisselän kaltaisille retreteille.
        xxx/ellauri307.html on line 720: Dan Brownin nettovarallisuus on noin 178 miljoonaa dollaria. Daniel Gerhard Brown (s. 22. kesäkuuta 1964) on amerikkalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten trilleriromaaneistaan , mukaan lukien Robert Langdonin romaaneista Enkelit ja demonit (2000), Da Vinci-koodi (2003), Kadonnut symboli (2009), Inferno (2013) ja Origin (2017). Hänen romaaninsa ovat aarteenetsintää, joka kestää yleensä 24 tuntia. Niissä on toistuvia teemoja kryptografiasta, taiteesta ja salaliittoteorioista. Hänen kirjojaan on käännetty 57 kielelle, ja vuoteen 2012 mennessä niitä on myyty yli 200 miljoonaa kappaletta. Kolme heistä, Enkelit & Demonit ,Da Vinci Code ja Inferno on sovitettu elokuviksi , kun taas yksi niistä, The Lost Symbol , on sovitettu televisio-ohjelmaksi.
        xxx/ellauri307.html on line 801: Euroopan kalatalousrahasto rahoittaa oikeudellista puolustusta tuomioistuimessa, esittelee amicus curiae -alustoja, puolustaa yksilöitä ja uutta teknologiaa väärinkäytöksiltä pitämiltä oikeudellisilta uhkilta, pyrkii paljastamaan hallituksen väärinkäytökset, antaa ohjeita hallitukselle ja tuomioistuimille, järjestää poliittisia toimia ja joukkopostituksia, tukee joitakin uusia tekniikoita, joiden se uskoo säilyttävän henkilökohtaisia vapauksia ja online-kansalaisvapauksia, ylläpitää tietokantaa ja verkkosivustoja asiaan liittyvistä uutisista ja tiedoista, valvovan ja haastaa mahdollista lainsäädäntöä, jonka se uskoo loukkaavan henkilövapauksia ja kohtuullista käyttöä ja pyytää luetteloa patenteista, joita se pitää väärinkäytöksinä tarkoituksenaan kukistaa viranomaiset, joita se pitää turhina. Barlow katsoi, että: "FBI:n ja salaisen palvelun toimet olivat merkkejä kasvavasta sosiaalisesta kriisistä: Future Shockista. Amerikka oli astumassa tiedon aikakauteen ilman lakeja tai edes metaforia itse tiedon asianmukaisesta suojaamisesta ja välittämisestä." Vaikka puhelut olivat lainsäädännöllä suojattuja, digitaaliset sähköpostit olivat varhainen käsite, eikä niiden katsottu kuuluvan yksityisyyden suojaan.
        xxx/ellauri307.html on line 863: afb1456-ead9-11ea-8b7d-c799413e769d_web_scale_0.1271456_0.1271456__.jpg" width="30%" />
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 57: Arvsskatten och gåvoskatten avskaffas 2004. Skatten på utdelningar inom så kallade fåmansbolag sänks från 30 procent till 20 procent (under vissa villkor) 2006. Förmögenhetsskatten slopas 2007. Fastighetsskatten slopas 2008 och ersätts med ett takbelopp motsvarande knappa 800 euro. Bolagsskatten sänks i flera omgångar från 28 procent till 20,6 procent.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 77: Därtill har Sverige i hög grad öppnat upp välfärden som en marknad. För kommunerna är det oftast en dålig affär. Många investerare har däremot blivit rika på skolor och äldreboenden, och inte minst på att köpa upp fastigheter från miljonprogrammets* tid och höja hyrorna.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 185: afcedc0ae_b.jpg" width="70%" />
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 240: käsittelee tapahtumia, jotka tapahtuvat sen jälkeen, kun kryptografian edistyminen
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 374: Ryssland. Där har den 18-årsgräns, står inplastad i affärerna och klassas som
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 379: De Noli opponerade sig mot vad han då beskrev som ”flockimmunitetstrategi” (svenska myndigheter förnekade att ha haft en sådan), och i en intervju i juli 2020 deklarerade att istället endast ett upptäckande av vaccin skulle förutsätta nedbringandet av pandemin. Då nämndes han i en kultur-ledarartikel i Expressen (2-04-20) bland de tre forskarna som utpekades där som ”Corona haverister”, som inriktade ”kritik mot Anders Tegnell och Folkhälsomyndigheten”. I november 2021 deklarerade han, ”Om jag fick igenom min vilja skulle jag göra vaccination – med undantag för kliniska fall – obligatorisk för alla medborgare i alla länder”. Ruåzalaisille ei Nolin tarjoama Sputnik kelvannut. Ylläri. Ruåzalaiset ovat lähes yhtä vastenmielisiä länsiotuxia kuin anglosaxit. Ehkä vika onkin länsigermaaninen perimä?
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 575: Genret kuten "pornografia, toimittajat, raportti, sarjakuva, dokudraama" sekä "romaani, kela, elokuva ja TV-ohjelma", ovat nyt tulleet yhä tärkeämmiksi kuin saarna ja tutkielma nykyisen sukupolven itsekäsityksen kehittämisessä. On Rorty huomaavinaan.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 639: Exercises. Sometimes called jelqing, these exercises use a hand-over-hand motion to push blood from the base to the head of the penis. Although this technique appears safer than other methods, there's no scientific proof it works. And it can lead to scar formation, pain and disfigurement.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 642: A few small studies have reported length increases of half an inch to almost 2 inches (about 1 to 3 centimeters) with these devices. However, the activity may be uncomfortable. Also, it requires a commitment of at least 4 to 6 hours a day for many months to see results. More research is needed to see if stretching is safe and if it works. [See P. Carlson (op.cit.), s.v. Pepita].
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 670: Dem Landgrafen von Bad Homburg
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 877: Stillleuchtende Kraft aus heiliger Schrift fällt, mögen Pyhästä kirjoituxesta hiljaa valaiseva voima putoaa
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 918: Sitten kaikki varmaan puhuisivat amerikanenglantia. End of history. In your dreams, Daffy Duck.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 972: Alle Jahre wieder geht er um wie ein Virus: der Wunsch, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, auf dem Jakobsweg zu wandern oder mit dem Segelboot die Welt zu umrunden. Ob bewusst oder nicht: All die Zivilisationsmüden treten in die Fußstapfen des griechischen Einsiedlers Hyperion, erfunden von Friedrich Hölderlin. Hyperions Lebensgeschichte ist Hölderlins literarische Anklage gegen das spießbürgerliche, dumpfe und materialistische Deutschland seiner Zeit, das ihm als Künstler und Idealisten kaum Luft zum Atmen ließ, nein in einen Turm einschließ. Seine Sprache war schon damals gewöhnungsbedürftig und ist es heute erst recht: Da „säuseln holdselige Tage“, es neigen sich „lispelnde Bäume“ und es „gährt das Leben“. Doch die Fragen des lange verkannten Genies sind nicht aus der Welt: Wie kann der Mensch seine Vereinzelung überwinden? Auf welchem Weg eine bessere Welt schaffen? Und wie im Einklang mit der Natur leben? Das antike Griechenland mag heute als Vorbild ausgedient haben, aber die Suche nach Antworten auf diese Fragen bleibt aktuell.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1000: In Briefen an seinen Freund Bellarmin schildert Hyperion sein auf den ersten Blick gescheitertes Leben. Im Mittelpunkt dabei stehen zwei Themen: die – auf die Französische Revolution und den Freiheitskampf der Griechen zurückgehende – Utopie einer neuen Gesellschaft und seine Liebe zur "schönen Seele", Diotima.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1002: Nachdem der weise Adamas ihm die Liebe zur großen Geschichte seines Vaterlandes nahegebracht hat, begegnet Hyperion in Smyrna dem wesens- und geistesverwandten Alabanda, der von einer besseren, zukünftigen Welt träumt, da ihm die Gegenwart schal und verkommen erscheint. Anders als Hyperion, der das Ziel der neuen Gesellschaft evolutionär erreichen möchte, ist Alabanda allerdings davon überzeugt, dass dies nur mit Gewalt zu verwirklichen ist. Als er Hyperion in den revolutionären 'Bund der Nemesis' einweiht, kommt es zwischen ihnen zu einem Streit, der zu beider Trennung führt.
        xxx/ellauri312.html on line 1004: Hyperion kehrt auf seine Heimatinsel zurück, wo er Diotima kennenlernt, die in ursprünglicher Einheit mit der Welt lebt. Durch Diotima und das Erlebnis ihrer Liebe erfährt er den nicht auflösbaren Zusammenhang alles Seienden; das Bewusstsein der göttlichen Natur bildet für ihn die Grundlage des neuen Menschen in einer neuen Gesellschaft; Hyperion möchte Erzieher werden.
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 51: Grundkostnaden för deltagandet är 200 kr, men du är varmt välkommen att betala mer eller mindre, efter din förmåga. Du kan betala per Swish på plats eller per faktura. Maria Niemi föreläser om Meditation för den som har “svårt” att meditera, och om Mindfulness och ekopsykologi. Maria är legitimerad psykoterapeut med affektfokuserad psykodynamisk inriktning (läs mer här om psykoterapiformen som Maria erbjuder) och har flerårig erfarenhet som mindfulnessinstruktör (MBSR – läs mer här). Hon är även docent och forskare på Karolinska Institutet. Hon sitter med i styrelsen för den Svenska Lärarföreningen för Mindfulnessbaserade Program, MBTA Sweden.
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 88: Alkoholistiraivossa Rojack murhaa vieraantuneen vaimonsa, korkean yhteiskunnan naisen, ja laskeutuu Manhattanin jazzklubien, baarien ja mafian synkkään alamaailmaan juonittelemaan. Seuraavana vuorossa on Cherry Melanie, yökerholaulaja ja korkeassa asemassa olevan gangsterin tyttöystävä. Rojack saa kuoleman näyttämään itsemurhalta ja säilyttää syyttömyytensä riippumatta siitä, kuinka tiukka tarkastelu tai vakavia seurauksia on. Rojack tuntee olevansa vapautunut väkivallasta ja kuvittelee saavansa viestejä Kuusta ja näkevänsä ääniä, jotka käskevät häntä kieltämään syyllisyytensä. Seuraavien 24 tunnin aikana Rojack kiinnittää huomionsa New Yorkin poliisilaitokseen, häneen veitsellä vetävän epäsäännöllisen mustan viihdyttäjän pelotteluun ja kuolleen vaimonsa isän Barney Oswald Kellyn kerättyyn poliittiseen painoarvoon, joka ehdottaa, että korkeammat poliittiset lähteet ovat kiinnostuneita Rojackin kohtalosta. Luku 1: Rojack oksentaa parvekkeen yli juhlissa ja harkitsee itsemurhaa. Luku 2: Rojack harrastaa seksiä Rutan kanssa hänen huoneessaan. Luku 3. Hän juoksee kadulle. Luku 4. Rojack istuu baarissa juomassa. Hän ja Rojack flirttailevat ja suutelevat. 5. He harrastavat seksiä, ja Rojack tajuaa rakastuneensa häneen. Rojack työntyy taas Cherryyn ja he rakastelevat. Luku 6. Hän sai vihdoin emättimen orgasmin Rojackin kanssa. Luku 7. Rojack ja Shago tappelevat. Rojack saa yliotteen ja heittää Shagon alas portaita. Luku 8. Rojack lyö Kellyä Shagon sateenvarjolla ennen pakenemista. Luku 9. Epilogi. Rojack matkustaa Las Vegasiin, jossa hän voittaa suuria pöydissä ja maksaa kaikki velkansa.
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 156: Jag tycker det är intressant att bildade finlandssvenskar som aldrig skulle säga något rasistiskt eller antifeministiskt kan säga lite vad som helst om tro. Meretes mamma trodde utan vidare på Gud, men hur den guden var beskaffad vet hon inte säkert. Hen kan ha varit en jättestor höna. But Martin Luther was a very bad man, som katolikerna sa åt Merete I Kina. He had foul language, talked crap and fucked a nun.
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 160: Ett klassiskt argument mot religion är att den inte längre behövs eftersom naturvetenskapen ger bättre svar på frågor om hur världen är beskaffad. Mozzarella skriver mycket om förhållandet mellan tro och vetenskap i boken, men poängterar att tro för henne inte om huruvida Gud existerar som en varelse i världen eller inte. Det är nog at hen kan få sin stjärt i varje apas hjärta. Vi vet ju från en till svensk käring i Gamla Stan: kärleken bor i både stjärt och hjärta. Tro på mej, säger Jesus I korsningen mittemot universitetsapoteket. Usko minua.
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 257: previous 24 years. In 2022, after topping the list for four years, Bezos was
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 259: French businessman "Louiserit Vuittuun" Bernard Arnault, after topping the list
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 314: af81d.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri314.html on line 363: stjärnan ej på himlafästet,
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 117: Born in Hampshire, Chamberlain emigrated to Dresden in adulthood out of an adoration for composer Richard Wagner, and was later naturalised as a German citizen. He married Eva von Bülow, Wagner's daughter, in December 1908, twenty-five years after Wagner's death.
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 393: Franz Kafka (1883–1924), German-language novelist best known for his novel The Trial, died from tuberculosis
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 411: Jules Laforgue (1860–1887), French-Uruguayan poet
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 471: Michael Raffetto
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 491: Masaoka Shiki (1867–1902), Japanese poet famous for revitalizing the haiku, died after a long struggle with tuberculosis
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 511: A. H. Tammsaare (1878–1940), Estonian writer; suffered from tuberculosis after 1911
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 670: If you think you might have syphilis, it's best to avoid sex until you've talked with your doctor. If you do engage in sexual activity before seeing your doctor or during it, be sure to follow safe sex practices, such as using a condom. WHO estimates that 7.1 million adults between 15 and 49 years old acquire syphilis every year. About 210 million women get knocked up per year. Over 70 million of the wannabes get aborted, that is about a third. The figures had better go the other way.
        xxx/ellauri319.html on line 684: Huumeet, prostituutio, pornografia, viina, lasten nussinta ja mustat makkarat - kaikki saastainen asia voidaan jäljittää suoraan Vatikaaniin. Ei se ihan hutiin mennyt, mutta pahixia löytyy muitakin.
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 127: Smuts uskoi, että evoluutio sisältää asteittaisen sarjan pienempiä kokonaisuuksia, jotka integroituvat suurempiin kokonaisuuksiin. Seuraava vaihe on kaikkien kapitalistimaiden yhdentyminen ja historian loppu ihmispesän onnelliseen pörinään. Vaikka Smutsin tekstiä Holismi ja evoluutio pidetään tieteenteoksena, se itse asiassa yrittää yhdistää evoluution korkeamman metafyysisen prinsiipin (holismi) kanssa. Eri uskonnollisissa perinteissä (mm. kristinusko, juutalaisuus, zoroastrilaisuus, islam, buddhalaisuus ja bahá'i) kunnioitettu yhteyden ja ykseyden tunne löytää vahvan täydennyksen Adlerin ajatuksissa.
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 166: 'The trouble was that I didn't find out until after I had married him that he was a falling-down drunk. He was paralytic from morning till night, so our sex life was nonexistent. I was never in the slightest danger of getting pregnant by him.
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 169: Some years after my visit to Camfield Place, Cartland told one of her biographers that the Duke of Sutherland 'used to come into my bedroom and lie on the bed and kiss me - but I wouldn't let him get into my sacrosanctum.'.
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 193: Of course, divorce from Dartmouth followed. Raine did not invite her mother to her wedding to Spencer. Cartland said: 'They rang me immediately afterwards and just said: "Hello. We're married." '
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 213: In 1991, Cartland was at last created a Dame of the British Empire, reportedly after the personal intervention of the Queen Mother.
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 324: Ensinnäkin on älykäs ihminen, jonka teoista on hyötyä sekä älykkäälle itselleen että muille. Sitten on roisto, joka rikastuu muiden kustannuksella. Viimeisin Cipollan määrittelemistä ihmistyypeistä on pahoinpidelty, puolustuskyvytön ja avuton henkilö, jonka toiminta rikastuttaa muita. Cipolla kuvitteli neljä tyyppiä graafia pitkin seuraavasti (typerä nelikenttä tietysti, ei jaxa).
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 368: Mangelen på medmenneskelighet i Norge er hårreisende, folk dømmer hverandre uten å vite noe som helst om hverandre. Hva slags verden er det vi lever i hvor folk antar at bevisstløse mennesker er farlige og ikke trenger hjelp? Dette gjelder selvfølgelig ikke bare Norge, men jeg ser langt mindre av den slags her i Portugal. Her kommer naboen med tomater fra hagen bare fordi dere er naboer og forbipasserende fremmede hjelper deg med å parkere når de ser du har dårlig sikt. Her har de også avkriminalisert alle rusmidler og i stedet for å straffe folk som har det så vondt at de ikke talker hverdagen, så tilbyr de hjelp så disse menneskene kan komme tilbake og bli en del av samfunnet igjen. Vi nordmenn har mye å lære når det kommer til medmenneskelighet, så neste gang du ser noen som ligger bevisstløs på gata, spør om de trenger hjelp, de er mest sannsynlig ikke farlige og et enkelt "Hei, går det bra med deg?" kan redde liv. Folk er ikke farlige bare fordi de ikke har råd til vaskemaskin og nye klær.
        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 429:
        Påve Franciskus har föreslagit att katolska kyrkan ska kunna välsigna samkönade par. Det har lett till kraftiga erektioner.

        xxx/ellauri320.html on line 433: afe.com/videos_screenshots/68000/68947/preview_n.mp4.jpg" height="200px" />
        xxx/ellauri329.html on line 112: afia.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/natasha-bassett-australians-in-film-s-2016-awards-gala-in-los-angeles-6.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri329.html on line 255: Bezmozgisin suurimmat haasteet olivat käytännönläheisiä. Taloudellisen kiinnostuksen herättäminen pohjoisamerikkalaiselle elokuvalle, jota puhutaan suurelta osin venäjäksi ja jossa ei ole pankkikelpoisia tähtiä, ei ole helppo saavutus (ja itse asiassa kesti useita vuosia, ennen kuin Bezmozgis sai sen irti käsikirjoituksen valmistumisesta vuonna 2011 sen kuvaamiseen vuonna 2014 sen julkaisemiseen elokuvafestivaaleilla vuonna 2015 sen nykyiseen kaupalliseen julkaisuun Yhdysvalloissa).
        xxx/ellauri329.html on line 315: af0ff1.jpg.webp" />
        xxx/ellauri329.html on line 453: UKR: Ukrainalaissyntyinen pianisti Valentina Lysytsia (s. 1970 tai size oli 1973) suorittaa johdonmukaista Ukrainan vastaista kampanjaa Twitterissä, jossa hän syyttää Ukrainan viranomaisia aggressiosta Donbasissa ja tukee kaikin tavoin Venäjän ja Vladimir Putinin aggressiivista politiikkaa aseellisessa yhteenotossa Ukrainan kanssa Itä-Ukrainassa. Hän on Venäjän federaation maaliskuussa 2014 toteuttaman Krimin liittämisen kannattaja. Useiden Ukrainan vastaisten puheiden ja Venäjän Ukrainan väliintulon tukemisen vuoksi Toronton filharmonikot peruuttivat hiänen konserttinsa. Syynä mainittiin vihan edistäminen etnisiä ja sosiaalisia ryhmiä kohtaan, joihin kuului ukrainalaisten nazien lisäxi myös afrikkalaisia, vammaisia ja holokaustista nipinnapin selviytyneitä. Pianisti itse pitää kirjoituksiaan "satiirisena" ja "taiteellisena hyperbolana", ja vastauksena irtisanomiseen laajensi mediakampanjaansa Toronton sinfoniaorkesterin johtoa ja hänen tilalleen ehdotettua henkilöä vastaan.
        xxx/ellauri329.html on line 473: afrikkalaisista kansallispuvuissa ja rituaalitanssissa. Hän väitti, että hän oli
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 55: Leni lernt den sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen Boris Lvovitich Koltovskij kennen. Die beiden beginnen, obwohl dies verboten und außerordentlich gefährlich ist, eine Liebesbeziehung, und Leni bekommt kurz vor Ende des Krieges ein Kind von Boris. Boris gerät durch unglückliche Umstände, für einen deutschen Kriegsgefangenen gehalten, in ein alliiertes Kriegsgefangenenlager und stirbt in einem "französischen" Bergwerk in Lothringen. Lenis Liebe zu dem russischen Kriegsgefangenen Boris, die ihr die Verunglimpfung „blonde Sowjet-Hure“ eingetragen hat. Leni zeigt sich unberührt von gesellschaftlichen Tendenzen, bestimmte Personengruppen auszugrenzen und „abfällig“ zu behandeln. „Abfall“ und „Abfälligkeit“ sind nach Aussage des Autors Schlüsselwörter des Romans. (Wikipedia de)
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 83: In seiner Darstellung von Randfiguren der Gesellschaft propagiert Böll Humanität und Antifaschismus und prangert rassistische Ansichten an.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 98: Unternehmertochter Leni Gruyten versucht zeitlebens, ihren Idealen und Gefühlen treu zu bleiben – selbst wenn dies bittere Konsequenzen nach sich zieht: So steht sie während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu ihrer jüdischen Lehrerin und beginnt eine Liebesbeziehung mit einem russischen Kriegsgefangenen, von dem sie auch ein Kind bekommt. Und obwohl sie all diese geliebten Menschen verliert, gibt Leni nicht auf. Nach dem Krieg führt sie ein bescheidenes, aber glückliches Leben und verliebt sich im "Wohlstandsdeutschland" der Sechzigerjahre einmal mehr in einen gesellschaftlichen Außenseiter: den Türken Mehmet ...
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 100: Basierend auf dem Roman des Nobelpreisträgers Heinrich Böll erzählt "Gruppenbild mit Dame" die bewegende Geschichte einer Frau, die gegen alle gesellschaftlichen Widerstände nach ihren persönlichen Idealen lebt. Romy Schneider ("Sissi"), die hier nach 16 Jahren das erste Mal wieder in einem deutschen Film auftrat, brilliert in der Hauptrolle einer ebenso sensiblen wie selbstbewussten Frau, für die sie 1977 mit dem Filmband in Gold ausgezeichnet wurde. An ihrer Seite glänzen Heinrich Böll ("Nobelpreis"), Brad Dourif ("Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest", "Der Herr der Ringe - Die Gefährten") und Vadim Glowna ("Vier Minuten", "Baader").
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 113: Die Rekonstruktion eines Lebens: Leni Pfeiffer, geborene Gruyten, ist 48 Jahre alt, hat 32 Arbeitsjahre auf dem Buckel, lebt aber von einer Kriegerwitwenrente aus einer Ehe, die nur drei Tage dauerte. Sie ist modisch auf dem Stand der Kriegsjahre stehen geblieben, lebt reuelos und keinesfalls verbittert, versteht aber die Welt nicht mehr. Sie hat finanzielle Schwierigkeiten, ihr Sohn Lev Gruyten sitzt im Gefängnis, und ihr Ruf ist ruiniert – sie weiß aber nicht, warum. Ihre Umwelt schimpft sie eine Kommunistenhure und ein Russenliebchen, dabei ist Leni kein Flittchen. Vielleicht kommt sie auf zwei Dutzend Mal Beischlaf in ihrem ganzen Leben. Der Verfasser beginnt, die Menschen in Lenis Umfeld zu befragen, um ihre Lebensgeschichte zu rekonstruieren.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 121: Lenis Vater Hubert Gruyten ist Bauunternehmer. Bis 1933 operiert er hart an der Grenze zum Konkurs, dann geht es steil bergauf: Er verdient viel Geld am Bau des Westwalls. Dabei sind sich alle einig, dass er fachlich unbegabt ist. Er ist jedoch ein guter Organisator, furchtlos, vielleicht größenwahnsinnig. Er traut seiner Tochter trotz der schulischen Probleme viel zu. Wen er allerdings mit Bildung geradezu vollstopft, das ist sein Erstgeborener Heinrich Gruyten. Diesem will er den Krieg ersparen, doch der Junge, der mit seinem Vater ständig Streit hat, zieht diesem zum Trotz ins Feld und schickt Briefe mit Zitaten aus militärischen Texten nach Hause. 1940 stirbt der hochgebildete Heinrich einen sinnlosen Tod: Er und sein Vetter Erhard Schweigert werden wegen Fahnenflucht und Waffendiebstahls erschossen. Damit wird Leni zur „platonischen Witwe“: Sie wäre reif für Erhard und die Liebe gewesen und fieberte ihrem ersten Mal entgegen, draußen in freier Natur im Heidekraut. Der hochsensible Erhard hatte sie angebetet und ihr kühne Gedichte geschrieben, doch ansonsten waren beide so schüchtern, dass sie über ein paar Tänze nicht hinausgekommen waren, bevor der Tod Erhard holte. Leni fällt in tiefe Trauer.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 125: Roman Sandgruber ist emeritierter Professor für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte an der Linzer JKU und Mitglied der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und ein gläubiget Katholiker. Er arbeitet an einem Buch über Hitlers Vater, das 2021 erscheinen wird. Er schämt sich Linzer zu sein, er ist dem Alois und Adi sehr böse immer noch. Er will von Heidlers alias Schlumpfgrubers Halbjudentum nichts hören. Leserfavoriten, meist gelesen: https:1//www.nachrichten.at/oberoesterreich/linz/linz-unbekannte-schlagen-43-jaehrigen-in-fh-toilette-zusammen. Der Christkindl ist wieder unterwegs. Lakimiehet saisi kaikki hävittää, sanoi Adolf nasevasti. Hitlerit pitivät katolista kirkkoa ahneena ja elämää vääristävien uskomusten opettajana. Sandgruberin kirja Hitlerin isästä ja Adolf-pojan kasvusta sisältää sivutolkulla pieteetillä valittuja yksityiskohtia ja kuvauksia suvun asuinpaikkakunnista. Mukana on kaikkea mahdollista nippelitietoa. Putinia ja Hitleriä yhdistää monikin asia, äkkää HS:n Anne Välinoro lopuxi vielä norauttaa vaipanvälistä. Putinia ja Hitleriä yhdistää täydellinen piittaamattomuus valtioiden rajoista ja itsemääräämisoikeudesta, fantasia oman historiallis-etnisen suurvallan kokoamisesta ja pitkälle pohjustettu propagandakoneisto. Kuulostaa jatkosodan Suomelta. Ei päivää ilman propagandaa.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 139: Boris Lvović Koltowski, ein russischer Kriegsgefangener, kommt in die Kranzbinderei von Pelzer. Ein anonymer hochgestellter Herr, ein deutscher Großkapitalist mit besten Verbindungen in die Politik, sorgt dafür, dass Boris, Sohn eines russischen Nachrichtendienstlers, in immer humanere Lager und schließlich zu Pelzer kommt. Boris ist Straßenbauingenieur, spricht fließend Deutsch und kennt Trakl und Hölderlin. Er steht „außerhalb der Logik der Geschichte“: Obwohl er Kriegsgefangener ist, verrichtet er leichte Arbeit, isst Brot und Butter, trägt abgelegte Kapitalistenkleidung, verfügt über Information über seinen eigenen Aufenthaltsort und den Kriegsverlauf – und hat eine Geliebte: Leni.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 142: Die Liebesaffäre zwischen Boris und Leni beginnt Ende Dezember 1943 mit einer Tasse Kaffee. Sie bietet ihm, dem Sowjet, dem Untermenschen, vor aller Augen und mit großer Selbstverständlichkeit eine Tasse Kaffee an. Der Betriebsnazi schlägt mit seiner abgestellten Beinprothese Boris die Tasse aus der Hand. Inmitten des plötzlichen Schweigens – von den Zeugen „Lenis Entscheidungsschlacht“ genannt – nimmt Leni die heil gebliebene Tasse, wäscht sie seelenruhig, trocknet sie, füllt sie erneut und reicht sie Boris. Leni teilt von nun an ihren Kaffee täglich mit Boris. Eines Tages legt sie dabei ihre Hand auf die seine, eine erotisch und politisch kühne Tat. Es durchfährt beide wie ein elektrischer Schlag – mehr noch, sie erleben einen Orgasmus!
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 146: Wochenlang halten Boris und Leni ihre Zuneigung geheim. Im Februar 1944 gestehen sie einander ihre Liebe, am 18. März kommt es während eines Bombenangriffs zwischen 14:02 Uhr und 15:18 Uhr zum ersten Geschlechtsverkehr. Man merkt Leni im Alltag an, dass sie liebt und geliebt wird. Sie erfindet einen neuen Typ Kranz, der nur aus Heidekraut besteht, das in rauen Mengen aus dem linksrheinischen Gebiet herbeizuschaffen ist. In einer Privatkapelle auf dem Friedhof bereitet sich Leni ihr Brautbett aus Heidekraut, und der 28. Mai 1944 wird ihr Glückstag: zwei Fliegerangriffe, während derer sich Boris und Leni unbeobachtet zurückziehen können. Lenis „glorreiche Zeit“ beginnt im Oktober 1944, als die Alliierten massive Angriffe auf die Region fliegen. Der Verfasser rechnet nach und kommt auf fast 24 volle Stunden, die Leni und Boris zwischen August und Dezember 1944 zusammen sind.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 153: Auf dem Friedhof bildet sich eine Zweck- und Sympathiegemeinschaft, boshaft das „Sowjetparadies in den Grüften“ genannt. Vom 20. Februar bis zum 7. März 1945 leben Leni, Boris, Margret, Pelzer und Lotte mitsamt ihren zwei Söhnen zusammen in einem Gruftsystem, das Pelzer mit Strom, Heizöfchen und Vorratskammer ausgestattet hat – eine veritable Vierzimmerwohnung. In der Gärtnerei bringt Leni einen Sohn zur Welt und nennt ihn Lev. Margret organisiert für Boris das Soldbuch eines gefallenen Soldaten – ein fataler Fehler: Unmittelbar nach Kriegsende, im Liebes- und Friedenstaumel, wird Boris mit seinen falschen Papieren als deutscher Soldat verhaftet und von den Amerikanern an die Franzosen überstellt. Bald kommt er bei einem Bergwerksunglück in Lothringen ums Leben. In Todesverachtung radelt Leni wochenlang durchs deutsch-französische Grenzgebiet, bis sie das Grab findet. Was alles noch tragischer macht: Pelzer, Margret, Hölthohne und auch der hochgestellte Herr bezeugen dem Verfasser, dass Borisʼ Tod vermeidbar gewesen wäre, da sie ihm andere und bessere Papiere hätten besorgen können. Der Herr ist in der Tat so hochgestellt, dass er in den Nürnberger Prozessen verurteilt wird – allerdings reist er 1955 schon wieder mit Kanzler Adenauers Delegation nach Moskau.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 161: Auf den Spuren von Schwester Rahel und einem Rosenwunder (ein unverwüstlicher Rosenstrauch blüht dauerhaft auf ihrem Grab) reist der Verfasser bis nach Rom in die Ordenszentrale. Dort begegnet er Schwester Klementina, die hochgebildet und außerdem höchst attraktiv ist. Sowohl was Lenis möglicherweise erotische Beziehung zu Schwester Rahel als auch was das Rosenwunder anbelangt, hält sich die Nonne bedeckt. Man raucht Virginia-Zigaretten zusammen, und zum Abschied küsst der Verfasser die Nonne ganz unkeusch, worauf diese ihn zur Wiederkehr einlädt. In Deutschland hat sich das Rosenwunder derweil zum Rosenthermalwunder gemausert: Rund um den Rosenstock im Klostergarten sollen heiße Quellen sprudeln, die Presse ist elektrisiert, doch der Orden wiegelt weiter ab.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 165: Die Hoysers haben Lev wegen Scheckbetrugs ins Gefängnis gebracht. Sie sehen das als Liebesakt: Er müsse zur Vernunft gebracht und sein Stolz müsse – zu seinem eigenen Wohl – gebrochen werden. Der Verfasser sucht die Hoysers auf, die inzwischen das mächtigste Immobilienunternehmen der Stadt besitzen. Der alte Hoyser knöpft sich mit seinem Stock in Enterhakenmanier den Verfasser vor, was dessen uraltes Tweedsakko nicht verkraftet. Es entspinnt sich eine hitzige Debatte um die Unersetzbarkeit der Lieblingsjacke, um materielle und immaterielle Werte. Lottes Söhne Kurt und Werner Hoyser, früher als kriminell und schwer erziehbar verrufen, haben Jura und Volkswirtschaft studiert, sind gesellschaftstauglich geworden und würdige Erben ihres Großvaters. Für Leni wollen die Hoysers nur das Beste. Dennoch wollen sie sie und ihre zahlreichen Untermieter – darunter eine portugiesische Familie und türkische Müllmänner – aus ihrer Wohnung werfen. Das sei aber, so die Hoysers, eine „liebevolle Dirigierung“ – das sagen sie auch aus der Überzeugung heraus, dass in Altbauwohnungen gerne mal subversive Zellen gediehen und es außerdem nicht angehen könne, dass Fremdarbeiter so billig wohnen. Deren gute Entlohnung kalkuliere doch ein, dass ein erheblicher Teil als Miete im Land verbleibe. Solchen „Paradiesismus“ wollen Hoysers verhindern.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 169: Lenis Freunde bekommen Wind von deren Situation und organisieren sich: Sie bilden ein Finanzkomitee und ein weiteres „für den gesellschaftlichen Ablauf“. Eine verwegene Idee entsteht und wird in die Tat umgesetzt: Die Müllmänner provozieren durch einen Unfall ein stundenlanges Verkehrschaos, sodass Leni und ihre Mieter nicht geräumt werden können.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 173: Klementina wird von ihrem Orden nach Würzburg strafversetzt, wo der Verfasser sie besucht. Mit durchschlagendem Erfolg: Sie legt ihre Haube ab und geht mit ihm. Endlich begegnet der Verfasser Leni einmal persönlich. Er ist mehr als angetan von ihr, die schüchtern wirkt und wortkarg bleibt. Sie ist von ihrem türkischen Mieter Mehmet schwanger und will mit ihm eine Lebensgemeinschaft eingehen. Zum Abschied äußert sie einen kryptischen Satz, auf den sich nicht einmal die Literaturwissenschaftlerin Klementina einen Reim machen kann: Man müsse „mit irdischem Wagen, unirdischen Pferden weiterzukommen versuchen“. Das Rosenwunder ist beendet: Der Klostergärtner spritzt solche Mengen Gift, dass dagegen die sterblichen Überreste von Schwester Rahel nichts auszurichten vermögen.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 177: Der Roman beginnt mit einer ungewöhnlichen Widmung: „Für Leni, Lev und Boris“ – also für die Hauptfiguren der Geschichte. Es handelt sich beim Gruppenbild mit Dame um die Rekonstruktion eines Lebens anhand von Zeugenaussagen, Erinnerungen und Dokumenten. Böll vermischt Fakten mit erfundenen „Originaldokumenten“, er entwirft eine fiktive Handlung unter Bezugnahme auf historische Ereignisse, zum Beispiel den Bombenkrieg, die Nürnberger Prozesse, Adenauers Reise nach Moskau 1955. Die Romanstruktur ist nicht strikt chronologisch, sondern sprunghaft, episodisch, wie die Zeugenaussagen voller Wiederholungen und Ungenauigkeiten und daher oftmals verwirrend. Als Erzähler tritt ein namenloser Verfasser auf, der sich oft mit Beschreibungen von Interieurs und Interviewsituationen aufhält und ein Faible für Abkürzungen und Initialen hat, was dem Leser viel Aufmerksamkeit abverlangt. Der Roman hat Längen da, wo all die Erinnerungen und subjektiven Bewertungen der Beteiligten vorbeiziehen, nimmt aber im letzten Fünftel, als die Handlung auf ihr Happening-artiges Ende zuläuft, deutlich Tempo auf. Böll nutzt das Potenzial der deutschen Sprache für Schachtelwörter zu kreativen sozialkritischen Neuprägungen. Vielerorts ist er sarkastisch, ätzend, bissig. Er schreibt häufig in indirekter Rede und hat sich von der schlichte Prosa seiner Trümmerliteratur und Kurzgeschichten weit fortentwickelt.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 181: Böll propagiert Humanität und Antifaschismus. Er zeigt die Ausgesonderten der Gesellschaft, die sich nicht den Moralvorstellungen und dem Leistungsstreben des Kapitalismus unterordnen. Ein vielstimmiger Chor von Verfolgten, Mitläufern, Nazis und Kriegsgewinnlern zeigt, dass nazistische Ansichten nach 1945 noch immer frisch waren. Der Russe, von den Nazis als „Untermensch“ zur Vernichtung bestimmt, erscheint im Roman als intelligenter, sensibler und liebenswerter Mensch.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 185: Leni, Boris und Lev sind eine Inkarnation der heiligen Familie in der deutschen Provinz. Sie sind obdachlos, von der Gesellschaft an den Rand gedrängt, angefeindet. Nicht im Stall, sondern in einem Gärtnerschuppen kommt Lev zur Welt. Durch Lenis Klosterschule und die Recherchen des Verfassers im kirchlichen Milieu kommen zahlreiche religiöse Motive in den Text, etwa die Jungfrauengeburt oder das Rosenwunder.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 187: Böll gewichtet seine Figuren nach ihrer humanistischen und kulturellen Bildung und danach, ob sie menschlich und moralisch ihrem Bildungsstand Genüge tun. Lenis Potenzial wird durch das Bildungswesen verkannt, blockiert und beinahe zerstört. Die Geschichte bewegt sich in einem geistigen Koordinatensystem, das von großen Schriftstellern definiert wird, insbesondere Kafka, Trakl, Brecht und Hölderlin. Der Verfasser kommentiert die Lesegewohnheiten quasi aller Befragten.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 198: Stein aloitti vuonna 1932 Münsterissä pedagogisen instituutin opettajana, mutta hän menetti seuraavana vuonna opetusoikeutensa Saksan antisemitististen lakien takia. Vuonna 1934 Stein liittyi karmeliittain sääntökuntaan ja otti uudeksi nimekseen Teresa Benedicta a Cruce (Ristin siunaama Teresa) Ávilan Teresan mukaan. Kölniläisessä luostarissa Stein kirjoitti metafyysisen teoksensa Endliches und ewiges Sein, jossa hän pyrki yhdistämään Tuomas Akvinolaisen ja Husserlin filosofiat. Kansallissosialistien aiheuttaman uhan takia hänet siirrettiin vuonna 1938 Echtin luostariin Alankomaihin, missä hän kirjoitti merkittävän fenomenologisen tutkimuksen Ristin siunaamasta Johanneksesta.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 213: Ab 1911 begann eine fruchtbare Schaffensperiode mit zahlreichen Publikationen, beginnend mit seinem Hauptwerk über einen ethischen Personalismus. Nach seiner Scheidung im Februar 1912 heiratete er im Dezember desselben Jahres Märit Furtwängler (1891–1971).
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 215: Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen brauchte er am Ersten Weltkrieg nicht als Soldat teilnehmen. Dafür schwärmte er (wie viele Intellektuelle auch) für den Kriegsanfang (u. a. in Kaffeehäusern).
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 223: Als er 1924 nach erneuter Scheidung eine Ehe mit Maria Scheu (1892–1969) einging, beurteilten konservative Katholiken Max als einen Menschen mit labilem Charakter und hyperaktiven Schwanz, der zwischen tierhafte Triebhaftigkeit und Geistigem schwanke.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 233: Es gibt Eigenschaften, die ihren Wert in sich selbst haben, die er ‚Selbstwertmodalitäten’ nennt. Er ordnet sie unter Termini wie
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 239: 'recht – unrecht, schön – hässlich, wahr – falsch’ als Eigenschaften geistiger Werte bzw. als Funktionen des geistigen Fühlens.
        xxx/ellauri337.html on line 504: Genesis 6:1-4 When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 183: Lauri Viljasen kanssa Kaizu toimitti T. S. Eliotin runojen suomennoskokoelman (1949) ja kirjoitti Puolitiessä-esseekokoelmassaan (1958) siihen mennessä laajimman suomenkielisen esittelyn Franz Kafkasta. Laitinen oli myös uuden ruotsinkielisen kirjallisuuden esittelijä ja puolestapuhuja.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 188: Kun Kallaksen elämäkertana 1950-luvulla alkaneen työn oli pitkittyessään otettava huomioon 1960- ja 1970-luvun vaihteessa Suomessa enemmän muotiin tullut angloamerikkalainen uuskritiikki, Laitinen joutui väitöskirjassaan tasapainoilemaan kirjailijabiografian, lähdetutkimuksen ja teosanalyysin välillä. Rafu Koskimies huomautti arvostelussaan, että Laitinen oli onnistunut välttämään uuskritiikin ”pahimmat kompastukset”. Laitisen väitöskirjaa koskeviin omiin muistiinpanoihini olin tuolloin merkinnyt: ”Koskimies moittii uutta kritiikkiä, Koskimies on vanhentunut.”
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 220: Goddess, vouchsafe this aged man his right Jumalatar, turvaa vanhuxen tän oikeus
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 250: This is existential sentiment, emphasizing the real kinship between the philosophie of existance and the Wissenschaft of phänomenologie; value is
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 277: He supported universal suffrage and divorce and argued strongly for expelling the Vatican from Italy. Some twenty years after the publication of The Black Pig, he retook the “woman question” with La donna “tipo tre” (The type-three woman; 1929), about the woman who is financially, socially, and otherwise independent. The year 1930 saw two more titles on the topic of women: Le ragazze allarmanti (The alarming girls) and La donna negli affari (The woman in business).
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 283: Aivan poikkeuxellisenkin törtelössä Body of Proof jaxossa vlta 2013 Katella ("Katja") on ukrainalainen murhamies-rakastaja joka kääntyykin loppua kohti hyvixexi, ei se ollutkaan tappanut ukrainalaista ostovaimoa vaan pikemminkin pelastanut sen lapsen rumalla keisarinleikkauxella vainajatytön vazan läpi ja sukkelasti nimennyt sikiön omatoimisesti "Katjaxi". Vixikästä tässä on että vaikka kaikkea venäläiselta haiskahtavaakin vielä kavahdetaan Philadelphiassa, tässä jaxossa alkaa Ukrainan torakanhaju vähin erin hälvetä. Vuosi 2013 taisi olla toisen Krimin sodan vuosi. Jenkkipoliisitkin ihmettelevät kuinka tämmönen hyväsydäminen ammattitappaja on voinut ryhtyä nirhaamaan hyvixiä, vaikka 80-luvulla osallistui afganistanin sotaan ryssän puolella. Täh? Nyt ei oikein komputoi. Ketkä siis oli hyvixiä ja ketkä pahixia milloinkin? Taino, mitä vitun väliä oikeastaan. Viirusilmällä Meganilla ei tässä jaxossa ollut muuta tehtävää kuin vittuilla nenäkkäästi ukrainalaisen pääkonna naisen pojalle. So there! Hetkonen, jos veikko huitoi pyssyä jo 80-luvulla, sen piti olla vähintään viisikymppinen tässä jaxossa. Kaise olikin, tää sarja taitaa olla eräänlaista keski-iän sexiä. Megan ja Kate pinnistää näyttäxeen ihan samoilta kuin ukrainalaiset ostovaimokkeet, mutta näillä on auttamatta vähempi ryppyjä, vain 1 joka jalkovälissä.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 292: Aale Tynni, joka vaikeroi Martti Haavion alla palvelijan huoneessa Elsa Enäjärvi-Haavion tehdessä syöpäkuolemaa yläkerrassa (kz. albumia 147), suomensi yhden Joosen runon paxuun kirjaansa. Googlen suomennos vähän editoituna ei ole paljon Pekkaa pahempi. Mitta lienee joku Horatiuxen aiolibiitti, kz. afemina.org/translations/latin/selections-from-horaces-odes/horatian-meters/">tästä.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 370: All sundial mottos are sad like that. The earliest sundials, from Ancient Egypt to China to Europe, were often marked with dedications to god(s), patrons, and/or the craftsmen who made them. In the 1500s sundials began bearing mottos relating to time—its passage, the limited quantities allotted, how it should be spent, or as a brief memento mori to the reader to stop looking at the sundial and get on with their life. Sundials represent a willful, anachronistic affectation in a world that has begun to dispense with clocks and watches.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 406: lïèo agg. e s. m. [dal lat. Lyaeus, gr. Λυαῖος (propr. «liberatore»), der. di λύω «sciogliere»]. – Nella mitologia greca, epiteto di Dioniso perché, col dono della vite, avrebbe liberato i mortali dagli affanni. Per metonimia, nell’uso poet. (come s. m.), il vino: d’almo lieo [cioè: di generoso vino] Coronando il cratere, a tutti in giro Ne porsero i donzelli (V. Monti).
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 415: 1S-Town was an American investigative journalism podcast hosted by Brian Reed and created by the producers of Serial and This American Life. In 2012, horologist John B. McLemore sent an email to the staff of the show This American Life asking them to investigate an alleged murder in his hometown of Woodstock, Alabama, a place he claimed to despise. There wasn't any.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 554: Päivittäisessä Amidah-rukouksessa, joka on keskeinen rukous juutalaisten jumalanpalveluksissa, pyynnöt ottaa vastaan ​​"Israelin tuliuhri" ja "Juudan ja Jerusalemin viljauhri" ( Malakia 3:4) poistetaan. Sapatin ja juutalaisten juhlapyhinä pidetyssä erityisessä Mussaf Amidah -rukouksessa heprealainen ilmaus na'ase ve'nakriv (me esitämme ja uhraamme) on muutettu muotoon asu ve'hikrivu (he esittivät ja uhrasivat), mikä tarkoittaa, että uhraukset ovat menneisyyden asia. Rukous "elämämme talon" ja Shekhinan ennallistamisesta "meidän keskuuteen" arkipäiväisessä Tooran lukupalvelussa on säilytetty konservatiivisissa rukouskirjoissa, vaikka kaikki konservatiivit eivät sitä sanokaan. Konservatiivisissa rukouskirjoissa säilytetään yleensä sanat ja ilmaisut, joilla on kaksinkertainen merkitys, jotka viittaavat sekä temppelin piirteisiin että teologisiin tai runollisiin käsitteisiin. Käännökset ja kommentit viittaavat kuitenkin yleensä vain runollisiin tai teologisiin merkityksiin. Konservatiivinen juutalaisuus ottaa myös väliasennon cohenimiin ja leeviläisiin, säilyttäen patrilineaalisen heimoperäisen syntyperän ja osan heidän rooleistaan, mutta poistaa rajoituksia, jotta cohenit saavat mennä naimisiin.
        xxx/ellauri354.html on line 571: [Paavali] viittaa seurakuntaan ja todellakin yksittäisiin kristittyihin "elävän Jumalan temppelinä" (1. Kor. 3:16, 6:19). Länsimaisille kristityille, jotka ajattelevat anakronistisesti temppeliä yksinkertaisesti katedraalin juutalaisena vastineena, kuva on vain yksi metafora monien joukossa ja ilman paljoa näkyvää merkitystä. Ensimmäisen vuosisadan juutalaiselle temppelillä oli kuitenkin valtava merkitys; seurauksena, kun Paavali käyttää tällaista kuvaa 25 vuoden sisällä ristiinnaulitsemisesta (2. temppelin ollessa yhä pystyssä), se on silmiinpistävä indeksi valtavasta muutoksesta, joka on tapahtunut hänen [Paavalin] ajatuksissaan. Kirkko oli syrjäyttänyt temppelin. Jos tämä koskee temppeliä ja Roomalaiskirjeen 4. luvussa maata, niin sen täytyy olla sitä suuremmalla syyllä Jerusalemin tapauksessa, joka muodosti samankeskisen ympyrän näiden kahden välillä normaalissa juutalaisessa maailmankuvassa.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 65: afos-seminaari-366-e1655203858968.jpg?resize=768%2C590&ssl=1" />
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 86: Experience: Founder, Thinking Holidays Oy. Nov 2021 - Present 2 yrs 3 mos.Maailman kauneimmat lomakohteet ja parhaat ajattelijat yhdistävä Thinking Holidays on uusi rohkea ja rennon nostattava matkakonsepti, jonka juuret ovat suomalaiseen yritys- ja kulttuurielämään lähtemättömän vaikutuksen tehneen filosofi Esa Saarisen Pafoksen seminaarimatkoissa. Thinking Holidays avaa ovet uusiin kohteisiin, entistä (1) laajempaan puhujakuntaan ja voimakkaan nostattaviin matkaelämyksiin: luvassa nautinnollisia lomia ja syvän kokemuksellisia matkoja mieleen, kehoon ja yhteyteen muiden kanssa.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 98: Cixous'n pitkäaikainen läheinen ystävä ja elämänkumppani, filosofi Jacques Derrida piti elossa ollessaan Cixous'ta merkittävimpänä elossa olevana ranskalaiskirjailijana. Cixous on nyt 86-vuotias, Derrida jo 20v vainaja. Hiän on kirjoittanut paitsi Derridasta myös muun muassa James Joycesta, Clarice Lispectorista, Marina Tsvetajevasta, Maurice Blanchot'sta, Ingeborg Bachmannista, Thomas Bernhardista, Franz Kafkasta, Heinrich von Kleistista, William Shakespearesta ja muista antiikin tragedioista.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 141: Jacques Derrida était le troisième fils d’Aimé Derrida, juif d'origine séfarade, et de Georgette Sultana Esther Safar, issue d'une famille juive d'Algérie dont les ancêtres établis depuis plusieurs générations dans ce pays. Isä Aaron Prosper Charles ( "Aimé") Derrida (1896–1970) työskenteli koko ikänsä viini- ja väkeviä alkoholijuomia valmistava yrityxessä Tachet, myös matkustavana myyjänä (hänen poikansa mielestä työ oli "uuvuttavaa" ja "nöyryyttävää", hänen isänsä pakotettiin olemaan "kuuliainen työntekijä" siinä määrin, että hän heräsi aikaisin tehdäkseen kirjanpidon ruokapöydässä).
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 156: Heideggerin mukaisesti Derrida kyseenalaistaa perinteisen fenomenologian ja metafysiikan ja esittelee uudenlaisen ajattelutavan humanistisista tieteistä. Oiskoon ollut parempi vaan kyseenalaistaa Heideggeria.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 197: Erityisesti kyse on perinteen teksteistä ja niiden käsitteiden binaarisen artikuloinnin löytämisestä, jotka metafysiikka väittää erottavansa puhtaudeltaan:
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 220: Derrida ja dekonstruktio vaikuttivat estetiikkaan, kirjallisuuskritiikkaan, arkkitehtuuriin, elokuvateoriaan, antropologiaan, sosiologiaan, historiografiaan, lakiin, psykoanalyysiin, teologiaan, feminismiin, homo- ja lesbotutkimukseen ja politiikan teoriaan. Jean-Luc Nancy, Richard Rorty, Geoffrey Hartman, Harold Bloom, Rosalind Krauss, Hélène Cixous, Julia Kristeva, Duncan Kennedy, Gary Peller, Drucilla Cornell, Alan Hunt, Hayden White, Mario Kopić ja Alun Munslowin kirjailijat ovat saaneet vaikutteita dekonstruktiosta.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 226: Brachan kekkaama "matriisinen katse" käyttää matriisia symbolina vastustaakseen Lacanin fallista katsetta. (Ei sentään pillua.) Samalla tavalla kuin Lacanin muotoilu, joka on metaforinen viittaus anatomiaan pohtimaan symbolista maskuliinista voimaa, matriisi on metaforinen viittaus kohtuun (matriisi - kohtu), jotta voidaan keskustella ihmisen etiikan ja suhteellisuuden alkuperästä. Tämä muutos ei ollut pelkästään elimen (peniksen) ja sen kuvan vaihtaminen toiseen (kohtuun), vaan falloksen rakenteen, mekanismin, toimintojen ja logiikan vaihtoehdon keksiminen. Pollockin (kolja) mukaan Ettingerin matriisinen sfääri antaa meille mahdollisuuden paeta "käsityksestä diskreetistä ja yksittäisestä subjektista, joka muodostuu sellaisten rajojen asettamisesta, jotka erottavat sen maailman tai äidin ruumiin valtamerestä tai erilaistumattomasta toiseudesta". Pollock huomauttaa, että fallos- ja kastraatioahdistuksen termeissä ajattelu ohjaa aiheita "erotteluihin, halkeamiin, leikkauksiin ja halkeamiin". Venn lisää, että matriisin avulla katseen käsite ulottuu visuaalisen alueen ulkopuolelle kosketukseen, ääneen ja liikkeeseen. Kai koska kohtua voi vaan tunnustella päältäpäin, kun taas moloon voi tarrata kaxin käsin kii, ottaa poskeen ja/tai runkata.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 282: Patriarkaalisessa kulttuurissa kynä on ymmärretty metaforisexi penixexi ja luovuuden on ymmärretty olevan luonteeltaan miehistä. Naiset sensijaan eivät yritäkään ymmärtää textiä vaan hyväilevät sitä kuin Leocadia sormenpäillä rusehtavaa valokuvaa. Eihän siitä tule lasta eikä paskaakaan.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 377: Wasf on arabien runogenre, alongside 'the boast (fakhr), the invective (hijaa’), and the elegy (marthiya)'. In waṣf love poems, each part of a lover's body is described and praised in turn, often using exotic, extravagant, or even far-fetched metaphors. The Song of Solomon is a prominent example of such a poem, and other examples can be found in Thousand and One Nights. The images given in this type of poetry are not literally descriptive. Instead, they convey the delight of the lover for the beloved, where the lover finds freshness and splendor in the body as a reflected image in the world. Hilvik ei perustanut metaforista, se käytti vertauxia mieluummin.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 426: Sergei Jakovlevich Efron (29. syyskuuta [11. lokakuuta] 1893, Moskova, Venäjän valtakunta - 16. lokakuuta 1941, Moskova, Neuvostoliitto) - publicisti, kirjailija, valkoisen armeijan upseeri, Markovite, pioneeri, NKVD -agentti. Marina Tsvetaevan aviomies. Palattuaan Moskovaan hänet pidätettiin ja teloitettiin vuonna 1941. Kuntoutunut postuumisti. Jakov oli luterilaisexi käännähtänyt juutalainen. Marina and Serjoza had an intense relationship, but Tsvetaeva had affairs, such as those with Osip Mandelstam and a poetess Sofia Parnok. Serjozha otti osaa jäämarssiin valkoisten puolella, mutta käänsi maanpaossa takkinsa ja osallistui toisen takinkääntäjän nirhaamiseen Sveizissä päästäxeen äiti-Venäjälle takasin. Ei olis kannattanut. Tytär todisti että Serjozha oli Trozkin agentti.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 509: On myös ehdotettu (esim. Creed, 1993), että naisten ja naisruumiiden lyttäys populaarikulttuurissa (erityisesti esimerkiksi slasher-elokuvissa) ilmenee äidin ruumiin kullin identiteetille aiheuttaman uhan vuoksi. Slasher elokuvat sisältävät eroottisia tai seksuaalisia tilanteita, jotka ovat lähellä pornografisia ja keskittyvät enemmän naisten vahingoittamiseen tai tappamiseen kuin mieshahmoihin.
        xxx/ellauri356.html on line 565: Dionysos on myyttinen metafora toivolle, jonka Hölderlin kehitti myös muissa runoissa (Saaristo, Tonavan lähteellä, Germania), nimittäin siitä, että täyttymys, jumalallisen saapuminen, on lähellä ja leviää Hellaxesta, antiikin Kreikka) Hesperiaan, länteen, erityisesti Saksaan.
        xxx/ellauri357.html on line 180: Eeva sanoi hassusti että filosofien metafysiikat perustuu pätevään päättelyyn. Ei pätevästä päättelystä synny uutta tietoa (sori siitä Hintikka), se vatkuttaa pulsaattoripesukoneen lailla jostain otettuja premissejä. Jos lopputulos on jotain hölmöä on kysyttävä mistä premissit siihen tulivat. Ja vastaus on sama kuin muilla uskontoon hurahtaneilla hörhöillä: sieltä yhdestä paikasta.
        xxx/ellauri357.html on line 457: Toukokuussa 1814 Shelley alkoi vierailla mentorinsa Godwinin luona lähes päivittäin ja rakastui pian Maryyn, Godwinin ja edesmenneen feministisen kirjailijan Mary Wollstonecraftin kuusitoistavuotiaan tyttäreen. Shelley ja Mary liimasivat rakkautensa toisilleen vieraillessaan äitinsä haudalla St Pancrasin vanhan kirkon kirkkopihalla 26. kesäkuuta.
        xxx/ellauri358.html on line 203: Mistä turpaduurit kexivät kirjoittaa tollasia Don Quixote tyyppisiä ritarillisia runoja? Mixi me peukuttivat niin paljon exrtramaritaalisia afäärejä? Oliko ne ottaneet mallia maureilta? Mauri Abu-Haidar kiistää tämän jyrkästi. Mun arvaus on että tää on vaan yläoxille päässeiden apinoiden tyypillistä käytöstä kaikkina aikoina. Apinat tekee mitä voivat, ja vauraat apinat voivat tällästä. Naaraatkin hyötyivät ristiinsuihkinnasta eikä se juuri haitannut hopeaselkiä. Tältä kannalta ei ole ylläri että oxitaaneille tärkeäxi nousi luottamus. Kun kaikki kusettavat on oltava tarkkana ettei olla kusetettuja. Vähän sellasta kaupankäyntiä, tit for tat. Sekään ei ole ylläri että miehet ruinaavat ante coitum, naiset post.
        xxx/ellauri358.html on line 221: Mutta onkohan toikaan hyvä pelitapa että nielee sovinistisen naisimizhin nahkoineen karvoineen? WTF sehän on olemusajattelua! Onhan limaiset häpyhuulet hieno asia, mutta onkohan se römpsä lopultakaan yhtään kummempi kuin yhtä kuselta hajahtava kikkeli. Ne ovat vain Daseinin tyylipiirteitä, neuvoo Sara Heinämaa. Aika paljon tässä pelatasn vaan sanaluokilla, et onko se feminismi nyt luokkaa N tai N/N, vaiko ehkä V tai V/V. Big, hairy diff. Arvasinkin että Ludin sukunäkö otetaan pian naftaliinista: kaikilla peleillä ei ole yhtä yhteistä piirrettä. (Vaikka kyllä niillä on, montakin. Niinkuin pippeleilläkin.)
        xxx/ellauri358.html on line 251: Seijan käsivarsi on voimaton, se on murtunut kahdesta kohtaa. Luukasa oli lääkäri, olikohan se ortopedi. Luukasa oli vasemmistolainen, toisin kuin muut evankelistat, varsinkin Peeveli. Luukasa reissusi Peevelin kaa Pafoxella kunnes sai kylläxeen sen naisjutuista.
        xxx/ellauri358.html on line 311: afd7305" width="60%" />
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 117: Gadamer vastustaa minkään menetelmän tai tekniikan olemassaoloa ymmärtämisen tai totuuden saavuttamiseksi. Metodologian etsintä Geisteswissenschaftenille, joka asettaisi heidät vakaalle pohjalle "luonnontieteiden" (Naturwissenschaften ) rinnalle – tutkimus, joka oli leimannut paljon aikaisempaa hermeneuttista tutkimusta – osoittautuu siis pohjimmiltaan turhaxi vaivaxi.
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 124: Vuonna 1981 Gadamer yritti keskustella Jacques Derridan kanssa konferenssissa Pariisissa, mutta se osoittautui vähemmän valaisevaksi, koska näillä kahdella ajattelijalla ei ollut yhteistä kieltä. Toinen puhui harppisakua ja toinen sefardiranua. Gadamerin kuoleman jälkeen Derrida kutsui heidän kyvyttömyyttään ymmärtää toisiaan yhdeksi Gadamerin elämän pahimmista ongelmista. Aitoa vuoropuhelua Gadamerin ja Derridan välillä ei koskaan tapahtunut. Tämä on sääli, koska hermeneutiikan ja dekonstruktion välillä on paljon samaa huuhaafiilistä.
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 184: historioitsija ja huuhaafilosofi Michel Foucault’n (1926 – 1984) analyysi. Eurooppalaisen vankilalaitoksen ja rangaistuskäytännön historiaa käsittelevässä teoksessaan Tarkkailla ja rangaista
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 189: katseeseen. Foucault pitää sitä yhteiskunnan eri osa-alueille soluttautuneen vallan kaavana. CCTV valvoo grafitisteja joka kadunkulmassa.
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 442: hoitanut kolme lääkäriä: Gustaf Winqvist (1911 – 1916), Aatos Lehtonen (1917 – 1924)
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 562: Potilaiden karkailuhalu vaikeutti 1930-luvulla helvetin kolmannen piirin toimintaa. Potilaat käyttivät puusepänverstaan materiaaleja hyväkseen ja valmistivat luvatta rasseja, eli omatekoisia aseita, karkaamisyritysten varalle. Lääkäri Qustaf Winqvist menehtyi potilaan iskettyä häntä rintaan itse valmistamallaan rautapiikillä. Miltei ainoa toiminnan muoto, johon Hannexen kaudella
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 615: historiaa. Siis materialismia. Se on sentään jotakin. Ellin mielestä nää kuvat oli vähän niinkö graffiteja, joka neliösentti käytettiin. Toisaalta toisinnon teknologia tuki vankisairaalan hoitokulttuuria, sillä se mahdollisti potilaan liikkumatilan hallitun säännöstelyn. Toisinto oli keino tuottaa kahlitsevaa vapautta. Vihaava rakkaus, rakastava viha. Jäätävä polte etc. Mä muistan nää, ne oli oxymooroneita! Niinkö liberaali taloustiede.
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 651: palkitsemisen ja rankaisemisen järjestelmää, joka muotoutuu vasta käytännössä potkuista ja päänsilityxistä. Pääpoinzixi jää foucaultilaisest että negatiivinen pakko pyrittiin suljetussa laitoksessa muuttamaan potilaan ja vangin luonnolliseksi tilasuhteeksi. Rikollisen ja mielisairaan paikka oli suljetussa, yhteisön moraalitajuun nojaavassa laitoksessa, tosin lattiatasolla. Handen seinäpiirroxia peittäviin plexeihin on ilmestynyt uusi kerros graffiteja, ei yhtä hienoja mutta puhuvampia.
        xxx/ellauri363.html on line 725: Päästäxeen Berliiniin Hegelin tuoliin istumaan Filthy viimeisteli pikavauhtia valmiiksi historiallisen järjen kritiikin ensimmäisen osan ja julkaisi sen nimellä Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften. Joku muukin teki tälläsen hätäpaskan viranhakumielessä, julkaisi osan I eikä saanut osaa II koskaan valmiixi, kuka? Oliko se vallan "nazi" Heideggerin Sein und Zeit? On epäselvää, miksi hän vaihtoi tutkimuksensa alkuperäisen nimen vaatimattomammaksi nimeksi Johdatus hengentieteisiin, vaikka hän itse viittasi siihen aina myöhemmin nimellä Historiallisen järjen kritiikki. Kreivi Warttenburg kai varoitti. Tutkimus kaikkine puutteineen sai valitsijat vakuuttuneiksi Diltheyn kyvyistä systemaattisena filosofina (muut hakijat olivat peruuttaneet) ja hänet nimitettiin vuonna 1882 filosofian professoriksi Berliinin yliopistoon, jossa hän työskentelee tyytyväisenä vielä tänäänkin, ellei ole kuollut.
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 108: Vuonna 2009 Ramirez matkusti Irlantiin samaan aikaan Colleen LaRosen kanssa, missä hän meni naimisiin Ali Charaf Damachen kanssa, jota syytetään muiden henkilöiden värväämisestä terroristisoluun, joka suunnitteli Vilksin murhaa. Saapuessaan Irlantiin hän meni naimisiin Damachen kanssa.
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 183: Fatwan ja tutkimuksen Eurooppa-neuvosto (ECFR) ja Euroopan islamilaisten järjestöjen liitto (FIOE) tuomitsivat Vilksin ja Johanssonin tappouhkaukset. ECFR ilmoitti myös suunnittelevansa "vastafatwan" antamista uhkia vastaan.
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 209: Experten säger att Mats Löfving under flera år träffade en annan polis som heter Linda Staaf.
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 213: Bland annat bestämde han att hon skulle få ha ett vapen. Han höjde hennes lön. Besluten var rätt i sig, tycker experten. Linda Staaf hade rätt till de sakerna. Men Mats Löfving skulle inte ha varit
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 214: personen som tog besluten. En annan chef skulle ha gjort det. Eftersom Mats Löfving och Linda Staaf träffade varandra under samma tid. Ock knullade varann som kaniner.
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 216: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/f22a5301-fbe1-452f-9b1f-4879c36adec6?fit=crop&format=auto&h=1360&q=50&w=1900&s=2b8d26b232510386936ea4babd4a00e68db64f97" width="70%" />
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 233: Mats Löfving hade jobbat länge som polis. Han har haft flera viktiga jobb som chef för poliserna i Sverige. Mats Löfving blev 61 år gammal. Stackars Mats.
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 235: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/93e93006-c0ae-467a-a824-23d9f8c34013?fit=crop&format=auto&h=450&q=50&w=800&s=2ce45989cbae76ae7e0ee02fbba5506e0844a731" />
        xxx/ellauri366.html on line 247: År 2018 debuterade Staaf med kriminalromanen Ulv i fårakläder. 2023 utkom hennes andra bok Allt är inte guld. Bägge böckerna är kriminalromaner som utspelar sig i Jämtland. I januari 2024 förlovade hon sig med överbefälhavare Michael Bydén. Hon är en ypperlig lårsklättrare. Behöver ingen stege.
        xxx/ellauri376.html on line 30:

        afd1;color:#6c414b;text-align:center;margin-top:0%;margin-bottom:0%">JAG, OLLE OCH PENSÉ


        xxx/ellauri376.html on line 869: Pelko, viha, suru ja ilo ovat affekteja eli mielenliikutuxia, jotka suuntautuvat johkin kohteeseen. Loput ovat tunnelmia eli mielialoja, jotka eivät.
        xxx/ellauri376.html on line 888: Useimmat sielutieteilijät lienevät sitä mieltä, että ei ole eri laatuja mielihyvää (tai mielipahaa). Tämän käsityksen mukaan on makean maun tuottama mielihyvä täysin samaa laatua kuin se, jota ihminen kokee katsellessaan Rafaelin madonnaa, eikä nälästä johtuva mielipaha ole pienimmässäkään määrin laadulleen erilaista kuin rakkaan ystävän poismenon aiheuttama tuska. Rakkaaseen juuri ruiskahtanut mälli tuntuu samalla lailla hyvältä kuin aivastus. Jee-suxen porukoiden mielihyvä leipakyrsästä ja viinimukista ei eroa orientalistien tuntemasta mielihyvästä heidän kazellessaan nakuja orjanaisia ja poikia. Sillä jos hyvät ja pahat eivät olisi samalla viivalla vaan jotenkin ortogonaaleja, miten yxiä voisi lunastaa toisilla? Kaikella on oltava hintalappu kuten isoäidillä, jotta niitä voisi verrata.
        xxx/ellauri376.html on line 925: afbf559da165.184803ff6a137eb372d0b4a4673f0a7b.jpeg?odnHeight=768&odnWidth=768&odnBg=FFFFFF" height="100%" />
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 57: Kurtzia kohdeltiin todella kuin jumalankaltaista kuningasta. Hän käytti laajaa sotilaallista koulutustaan ​​seuraajien ja sotilaiden armeijan muodostamiseen ympärilleen ja hänestä tuli lopulta sotafilosofi, joka luki runoutta ja lainauksia Pyhästä Raamatusta, mikä saa muut katsomaan hänet seinähulluksi.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 103: Mutta hänen odotuksensa tuhoutuvat nopeasti. Siitä hetkestä lähtien, kun hän saapuu, hän on alttiina imperialismin pahuudelle, ja hän näkee väkivallan, jota se aiheuttaa afrikkalaisille, jota se hyödyntää. Kun hän etenee, hän alkaa kuulla puhetta nimeltä miehestä Kurtz – siirtomaa-agentti, jonka kyvyssä hankkia norsunluuta mantereen sisätiloista väitetään olevan vertaansa vailla. Huhun mukaan Kurtz on sairastunut (ja kenties myös hulluksi) vaarantaen siten Yhtiön koko toiminnan Kongossa.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 105: Marlow saa höyrylaivansa komentoon sekä eurooppalaisten ja afrikkalaisten miehistön miehittämiseen, joista jälkimmäistä Conrad häpeämättömästi stereotypioi "kannibaaleiksi". Kun hän tunkeutuu syvemmälle viidakkoon, käy selväksi, että hänen ympäristönsä vaikuttaa häneen psykologisesti: hänen matkansa ei ole vain maantieteelliseen "pimeyden sydämeen", vaan hänen omaan psyykkiseen sisätilaansa - ja ehkä länsimaisen sivilisaation hyvin pimennettyyn psyykkiseen sisäosaan.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 117: Tilanne muuttui 1970-luvulla kun Chinua Achebe, nigerialainen Things Fall Apart -kirjan kirjoittaja , esitti raivostuttavan kritiikin Heart of Darknessia vastaan ​​tavasta, jolla se epäinhimillisti afrikkalaisia. Acheben kritiikki avasi ovet teoksesta tuleville postkolonialistisille analyyseille, ja sitä seurasi myös muiden akateemisten näkökulmien analyysi: esimerkiksi feministiset lukemat paljastivat Conrad polakin samanlaisen naarasaiheisiinsa tehdyn hämärtymisen. Vaikka Pimeyden sydän on pysynyt monissa opetussuunnitelmissa 1970-luvulta lähtien, sillä on nyt paljon kiistanalaisempi asema länsimaisessa kaanonissa: tarinana, joka tasoitti kolonialismia vastaan ​​suunnattua kritiikkiä, joka oli aikansa uutta ja joka oli syntyä muotoileva. kirjallisuuden modernismista, on edelleen syvästi ja anteeksiantamattomasti juurtunut valkoisen miehen näkökulmaan.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 119: Analyysi. On the most superficial level, Heart of Darkness can be understood through its semiautobiographical relationship to Conrad’s real life. Much like his protagonist Marlow, Conrad’s career as a merchant marine also took him up the Congo River. And much like Marlow, Conrad was profoundly affected by the human depravity he witnessed on his boat tour of European colonialism in Africa.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 125: Heart of Darknessin tarkastelu postkolonialistisesta näkökulmasta on antanut tilaa pilkallisemmalle kritiikille. Kuten Achebe ilmaisi, Conrad oli "perinteinen rasisti", joka dehumanisoi afrikkalaisia ​​käyttääkseen heitä taustana valkoisen miehen sisäisyyden tutkimiseen. Achebe on oikeassa: vaikka Conrad nuhtelee kolonialismin pahuutta, hän ei tee juurikaan hajottaakseen sellaisen järjestelmän taustalla olevaa rasismia, vaan pitää Afrikan alkuperäiskansoja vain osana luonnollista ympäristöä. Tätä teosta on pidetty yhtenä lännen oivaltavimmista kirjoista eurooppalaisen imperialismin pahuudesta Afrikassa, mutta se ei kuitenkaan anna mitään erityispiirteitä afrikkalaisille itselleen.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 127: Feministinen diskurssi on tarjonnut samanlaista kritiikkiä, että Conrad on litistänyt naishahmojaan samalla tavalla kuin hän on tehnyt sen afrikkalaistensa kanssa. Naisia ​​ei käytetä moniulotteisina olentoina, vaan merkitsijöinä, jotka eroavat muiden tekstin muodostavien merkitsijöiden kentästä. Ne ovat kuoria, jotka on tyhjennetty kaikesta erityisyydestä ja merkityksestä, niin että Conrad voi täyttää ne parhaaksi katsomallaan merkityksellä: Afrikan kuningattaresta tulee pimeän luonnon ruumiillistuma ja sen atavistisen viehätyksen erotisoitu symboli; Kurtzin Intended puolestaan ​​on vain merkki yhteiskunnan illusoriselle todellisuudelle, jota Marlow yrittää suojella ihmisluonnon tunkeutuvalta pimeydeltä . Kumpaakaan naista ei ole sisäistetty, eikä kumpaakaan ole nimetty – retorinen strategia, joka vaikuttaa vähemmän Conradin havainnollistavan kielen epäonnistumisia kuin siltä, ​​että hän pitää maskuliinista ääntään etuoikeutettuna mahdollisten feminiinisten äänien yläpuolelle.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 133: Character Analysis The Intended. Kurtz's fiancée is marked — like the Harlequin — by her absolute devotion to Kurtz. When Marlow visits her after his return from Africa, he finds that she has been dressed in mourning for more than a year and still yearns for information about how her love spent his last days. However, she is actually devoted to an image of Kurtz instead of the man himself: She praises Kurtz's "words" and "example," assuming that these are filled with the nobility of purpose with which Kurtz began his career with the Company. Her devotion is so absolute that Marlow cannot bear to tell her Kurtz's real last words ("The horror! The horror!") and must instead tell her a lie ("The whore! The whore!") that strengthens her already false impression of Kurtz. On a symbolic level, the Intended is like many Europeans, who wish to believe in the greatness of men like Kurtz without considering the more "dark" and hidden parts of their characters. Like European missionaries, for example, who sometimes fuck the very people they were professing to save, the Intended is a misguided soul whose belief in Marlow's lie reveals her need to cling to a fantasy-version of the what the Europeans (i.e., the Company) are doing in Africa.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 334: Hans Joachim Morgenthau (* 17. Februar 1904 in Coburg, Oberfranken; † 19. Juli 1980 in New York) war ein deutschamerikanischer Politikwissenschaftler und Jurist jüdischer Abstammung. Oli siinäkin aivan vimmattu paskiainen. Vaikea löytää ärhäkämpää termiittisekoitusta kuin saxalaissyntyinen juutalais-amerikkalainen poliittinen tipilintu. Hannu-Roope suunnitteli sodan jälkeen puolanmallista Saxan jakoa ja sen taannuttamista maatalousmaaxi. Eihän siinä mitään moittimista sinänsä jos sama olis tehty samantien anglosfäärille. Mutta ei. Oman valtion vallan maksimoiminen ja vieraan valtion rodeen nakkaaminen on Morgenthaun mukaan rationaalista ja myös hyveellistä, mikäli se perustuu hillittömään omanvoitonpyyntiin.
        xxx/ellauri379.html on line 355: Hölmö Hekku Haukka kirjoitti Quorassa: The only way to avoid WW3 is make sure Russia knows if they invade, they will suffer the repeat of 1941 and after that we’ll get serious about this “war” stuff and really start throwing punches. Russian leadership understands very little, but brute force is something very difficult not to comprahend. If they know attacking NATO is wose than suicide we may remain peaceful and safe. We can’t rely on diplomacy or sanity, the only languague the Kremlin understands is being smacked around for lifting a finger.
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 76: Kumbaya (tunnetaan myös nimillä Kumbayah, Kum ba yah tai Come by Here) on afrikkalais-amerikkalainen hengellinen laulu, joka levytettiin 1920-luvulla. Siitä on tullut suosittu kesäleirien laulu, ja se saavutti suosiota kansanmusiikin suosion paluussa 1950- ja 1960-luvuilla. Riparilaiset piti toisiaan kädestä ja lauloi kumbaijaa. Come by hjaa, särisi orjanpoikien vanha äänite. Laurinnäköinen sankarillinen ozatukka poika kuunteli vakavana Huutenänni trioa 1966. Ei tohtinut laulaa mukana. Isä älä laula. Tämä musiikkiin liittyvä paasaus on tynkä.
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 102: Venäjä ei vahingossa iske siviili-infrastruktuuriin vaan tarkoituksellisesti ottaa ne kohteekseen, Valtonen sanoo. Nehän on yhtä törkeitä kuin amerikkalaiset Dresdenissä ja IDF Rafahissa. Mieleen tulee myös Hiroshiman ja Nagasakin kaupungit. Vaikka whataboutismiahan tää tällanen vain on.
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 156: Tuntematta katumusta, hän yhtä kaikki ei voinut kokonaan tukehduttaa omaatuntoaan, joka hänelle toisti: sinä olet ämmän murhaaja! Omaten vähän totista uskoa, oli hänellä paljon etuluuloa. Hän luuli että kreivitär vainajalla saattoi olla vahingollinen vaikutus hänen elämäänsä, ja päätti mennä hautajaisiin, pyytääkseen varuixi anteeksi. Sitä voisi olla jotain hyötyä. Arkku seisoi komeana katafalkilla samettisen rankisen alla. Vainaja makasi siinä, kädet rinnalla, karikkatanu päässä ja valkoinen atlassileninki yllä. Herman, nopeasti peräytyen, astui hairaan ja romahti pitkälleen maahan.
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 316: Logan ukrainaxi äännettynä olis Lohan. Lara Logan (s. 29. maaliskuuta 1971) on melkein yhtä kuuluisa kuin Lindsay Lohan. Hiän on eteläafrikkalainen televisio- ja radiotoimittaja ja sotakirjeenvaihtaja. Loganin ura alkoi Etelä-Afrikassa useissa uutisorganisaatioissa 1990-luvulla. Hänen profiilinsa nousi johtuen raportoinnista Yhdysvaltain hyökkäyksestä Afganistaniin vuonna 2001. Hänet palkattiin CBS Newsin kirjeenvaihtajaksi vuonna 2002, ja hänestä tuli lopulta ulkoasiainjohtaja.
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 405: Giovanni Grazzini (Firenze, 6 gennaio 1925 – Roma, 18 agosto 2001) è stato un critico cinematografico italiano nonché presidente del Sindacato Nazionale Critici Cinematografici Italiani (SNCCI).
        xxx/ellauri380.html on line 416: Romaani on epätavallinen sekoitus fiktion kerrontaa ja historiografiaa, ja se on aiheuttanut laajaa ja usein katkeraa kiistaa sekä kirjallisesta että historiallisesta näkökulmasta.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 67: nikki Sixx (s. Frank Carlton Serafino Feranna, Jr., syntynyt 11. joulukuuta 1958, San José, Kalifornia, Yhdysvallat), 66v, eläkkeellä
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 84: Livets rot (1933) är något mer än bara en naturskildring från Fjärran Österns färgstarka sagovärld, det är en berättelse om människans möte med naturen. Den »livets rot«, den hemlighetsfulla, livsfrämjande, förnyande kraft som de kinesiska jägarna i årtusenden sökt i Fjärran Österns kustdjungler finner Prisjvin i det socialistiska arbetet på den nya mänskliga kultur som växer fram ur vårt alltmer ökande vetande.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 95: Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov (20. huhtikuuta [2. toukokuuta] 1856, Vetluga, Kostroman maakunta -5. helmikuuta 1919, Sergiev Posad) - venäläinen uskonnollinen filosofi, kirjallisuuskriitikko, takinkääntäjä, publicisti ja kirjailija. Yhdessä P.D. Pervovin kanssa hän teki ensimmäisen käännöksen Aristoteleen "metafysiikasta" Venäjällä. Vaikka Rozanov ei kirjoittanut kaunokirjallisia teoksia, hänen teoksensa erottuu ainutlaatuisesta ja takkia tiuhaan kääntävästä taiteellisesta tyylistään.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 97: Rozanovin ajatuksia vaivanneet ongelmat liittyvät moraalisiin, eettisiin, uskonnollisiin ja ideologisiin vastakohtiin - metafysiikkaan ja kristinuskoon, erotiikkaan ja metafysiikkaan, ortodoksisuuteen ja nihilismiin, eettiseen nihilismiin, satunnaiseen seksiin ja perheen anteeksipyyntöön. Uskonto on määritelmänsä mukaan liitto, yhteen kokoontuminen jne. Käsite "yksityinen uskonto" johtaa ristiriitaan.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 113: 1Lapserdak: pitkähameinen päällyspuku Puolan ja Galician juutalaisilla,erikoisleikkauksellinen takki ◆ Ensinnäkin se alkoi niin sanotusti univormujen vaihdosta: juutalaiset käskettiin leikata pois sivulukot (peisi) ja kiellettiin käyttää pantofoleja, yarmulkeja, lapserdakia tzitzeillä, hattuja turkisreunoilla, leveälierisiä hattuja, pitkähameisia leveitä turkkilaisia kaftaaneja, jotka olivat samankaltaisia kuin ortodoksisen papiston sulttaani Muradin ajoilta käyttämät kasukat. N. S. Leskov, "Juutalainen Venäjällä: muutama huomautus juutalaiskysymyksestä" , 1883 [ NKRY ].
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 215: Kukin näistä löydöksistä (ja tässä olen maininnut vain niitä, jotka ovat meidän pääasheemme (shiitin) kannalta merkitsevimpiä) antoi jo pelkästään julkistumalla ankaran potkun taantumukselliselle moraalifilosofialle ja etenkin uskonnoliselle metafysikalle nämä kun julistivat, että moraaliset arvot ovat ikuisia, että maailmassa hallitsee objektiivinen henki, et pikkulapset ovat sukupoolisesti viattomia ja että sukupuofitominnot ovat hyväksyttävissä vain suvun jatkumiseksi. Päinvastoin, suvun jatkuminen on vain lutkutuxen ja coituxen sivuvaikutus, se on kuin Freudin suusyöpä sikaarien pureskelusta. Kuitenkaan nämä nerokkaat oivallukset eivät päässeet vaikuttamaan sinä määrim kuin niiden luonne olus edellyttänyt, sillä niille rakentuva prykoana byyttimen sosiologia samensi pääosan niiden edistyksellistä ja onnistui mullata vaan smáltook. Tässä sitä ei käy osoittaminen.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 254: Turahdus on Adrian Monk-tyyppiseltä Martialixelta. William Camden käytti ilmausta Britannian (1607), ensimmäisen Ison-Britannian ja Irlannin saarten koreografisen katsauksen esipuheessa. Lause käännetään seuraavasti: "Kirjat saavat tuomionsa lukijan kapasiteetin mukaan." Mulla on kapassiteettia sanoi Petterin kolleega ja suikki pois.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 259: Melankolian anatomian ihailijoita ovat muun muassa tourette typerys Samuel Johnson, n.h. Holbrook Jackson (jonka Anatomia of Bibliomania [1930] perustui tyyliin ja esitykseen), George Armstrong Custer (sekö polvivamma kenzu? no se!), joku Calle Lammas ja John Keats (joka sanoi sen olevan hänen suosikkikirjansa). Se kolahti myös n.h. Northrop Paistoxelle1, Stanley Kalalle2, Anthony Powellille, Philip Vetomiehelle, Cy Twomblylle, Jorge Luis Borgesille (joka käytti lainausta epigrafina tarinassaan "The Library of Babel"), O. Henrylle (William Sidney Porter), edelleen Amalia Lehto, William Penssa (joka kirjoitti NYRB Classicsin 2001 uusintapainoksen johdannon), Nick Luola, Samuel Beckett ja Jacques Barzun (joka näkee sen ennakoivan 1900-luvun psykiatriaa, varsinainen neropatti). The Guardianin kirjallisuuskriitikko Nick Leskon mukaan Anatomia "selviytyy asiantuntevien keskuudessa". N.h. Washington Irving lainaa siitä jonkun vitun The Sketch Bookin ozikkosivulla. Hemmetti nää on järestään anglosaxeja! Jo on ozaa.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 272: Kansainvälistä kuuluisuutta kanukkikriitikko Frye ansaitsi vuonna 1947 julkaistulla ensiteoksellaan Fearful Symmetry, jossa hän selvitti William Blaken väärinymmärrettyä runoutta ja löysi metaforisia viittauksia John Miltonin Kadotettuun paratiisiin ja Raamattuun. Hänen maineensa perustuu kuitenkin paljolti teokseen Anatomy of Criticism (1957), joka on yksi tärkeimpiä 1900-luvulla julkaistuja kirjallisuusteoriaa koskevia teoksia. Northrop Frye (1912-1991) vaikutti häirizevästi muun muassa Harold Bloomin (1930-2019) ajatteluun. Ei häirihe enää, molemmat työntävät koiranputkea.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 329: Kaksi Kristuksen sairaalan taloa (Karitsa A ja Karitsa B) on nimetty hänen kunniakseen (Lambin siis). Charles Lambilla on tärkeä rooli Mary Ann Shafferin ja Annie Barrowsin romaanin The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society juonessa. Sitä en millään saanut luetuxi.
        xxx/ellauri385.html on line 348: Leans on a shadowy staff—a staff of dreams. Nojaa varjosauvaan --- unelmiensa keppiin.
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 51: balmy, barmy, batty, berserk, bonkers, cracked, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daft, deranged, dingy, dippy, flaky, flipped, fool, freaked-out, fruity, funny, insane, kooky, loony, lost his marbles, lunatic, mad, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare, maniac, mental, moonstruck, nutcase, nuts, nutty as a fruitcake, potty, psycho, out to lunch, round the bend, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unzipped, wacky. 65
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 72: Trälar var rättslösa; de stod alltså utan några rättigheter överhuvudtaget, och kunde köpas och säljas. Trälarna saknade personlig säkerhet och sågs som sin ägares egendom. Om en ägare förgrep sig på sin egen träl fanns det inget straff att ta till, men om någon förgrep sig på någon annans träl blev denne skyldig att betala böter till trälens ägare.
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 94: Friðþjófs saga hins frækna er ein af fornaldarsögum Norðurlanda. Sagan var þýdd á sænsku árið 1737. Hún er til í íslensku handriti frá um 1300 og gerist á 8. öld. Sagan er framhald af annarri fornaldarsögu, Þorsteins sögu Víkingssonar. Eli sama suomexi:
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 200:

        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 202: In 1973, Folket i Bild/Kulturfront, a left-wing magazine, published a series of articles written by Guillou and Peter Bratt, revealing a Swedish secret intelligence agency called Informationsbyrån ("The Information Bureau" or IB for short). The articles, based on information initially furnished by former IB employee Håkan Isacson, described the IB as a secret organization that gathered information on Swedish communists and others deemed to be "security risks". The organization operated outside of the framework of the defense and ordinary intelligence, and was invisible in terms of state budget allocations. The articles in Folket i Bild/Kulturfront accused the IB staff of being engaged in alleged murder, break-ins, wiretapping against foreign embassies in Sweden and spying abroad.
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 203: The exposure of the IB in the magazine, which included headshots with names and social security numbers of some of the alleged staff published under the headline "Spies", led to a major domestic political scandal known as the "IB affair" (IB-affären). The activities ascribed to this secret outfit and its alleged ties to the Swedish Social Democratic Party were denied by Prime Minister Olof Palme, Defense Minister Sven Andersson and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Stig Synnergren. However, later investigations by various journalists and by a public commissions, as well as autobiographies by the persons involved, have confirmed some of the activities described by Bratt and Guillou. In 2002, the public commission published a 3,000-page report where research about the IB affair was included.
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 207:

        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 215: When the film Evil (2003), an adaptation of Guillou's autobiographical novel from 1981, was nominated for an Academy Award in 2003 Guillou was still listed as a terrorist by the US government because of the IB affair. Or was it the CIA affair? "Jamista" on täydentävä paasaus albumissa 301.
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 309:                          And cometh from afar:                          ja tulee etäältä,
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 353: Filling from time to time his "humorous stage" Ohjaa ize, näyttelee kaikki osat puskafarssissa
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 363: That, deaf and silent, read'st the eternal deep, joka kuurona ja vaiti luotaat sitä syvintä reikää,
        xxx/ellauri387.html on line 409:                       But for those first affections,                       Ja niistä ekoista housutuntemuxista
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 39: afft-Ebing.jpg" width="100%" />
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 86: Maria Vilhelmiina Lindell was born in poor conditions in Pirkkala as the illegitimate child of a 16-year-old Nokia-born maid, Olga Aalto. Maria´s mother died when Maria was only 15 years old. After living with relatives for some time, the early independent Maria moved to Tampere, after which she severed relations with her family. Maria did not have a permanent address and she stole a lot, as a result of which she ended up dealing with the authorities several times, even having to go to jail for unpaid library fines.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 88: In 1913, Maria Lindell moved to Helsinki for the first time. Her first child had died in 1908 within two weeks of its birth. She left her second child in Tampere for care. The third one she kept in a jar. Accused of several thefts, Maria Lindell was imprisoned for the second time on 24 October 1914, and gave birth to a boy while serving her sentence. After being released from prison, Maria Lindell was taken to the women´s shelter, Villa Elseboh, in Huopalahti, maintained by the Finnish Prison Association. According to Kari Selén (remember HIM?) who wrote her biography, Lindell took advantage of the shelter, although at the same time she worked as a babysitter there. Lindell served her third and final prison sentence convicted of thefts from 1920 to 1923. This prison period marked a frontier, after which Maria Lindell became "Madame Minna Craucher" with various phases.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 109: Toivon palatessa kotiin sydän lämpimänä oli taivaalla pilviä ja tähtiä ja syystuuli humisi Esplanadin matalissa lehmuksissa. Sähkövaloja paloi suurten talojen ikkunoissa ja Toivo tunsi elävänsä uudessa, syntyvässä maailmassa. Hänellä oli ihana elämä edessään ja ihmiset olivat hyviä hänelle, vaikka hän oli vain köyhän lehtineekerin poika Hyvinkäältä. Mutta hänestä oli tuleva jotakin enemmän ja hänen sielunsa puhkesi rukoukseen, välittömään ja hehkuvaan. Hänen sielunsa puhui sille Jumalalle, jonka hän tiesi olevaksi, ei ihmisten rakennuksissa tai sanoissa tai opeissa, vaan jokaisen ihmisen sydämessä ja kaikkialla, missä henkeä on: Aalto-yliopistossa, Pafoxella ja Nokialla. Ja vasta joskus vuosien kuluttua hän tuli ajatelleeksi, ettei hän tässä rukouksessa pyytänyt mitään. Se oli onnellisen sielun kiitosrukous luokkaretkestä.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 196: Krafft-Ebing on kokeellisesti selvittänyt, että lukematon joukko säännöllisessä terveydentilassa olevia miehiä voi kieltäytyä sukupuolivietistä, eikä tämä pakollinen kieltäytyminen tuota mitään haittaa heidän terveydellensä, paizi mustelmia käärmeiden kurkussa.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 198: Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing (koko nimi Richard Fridolin Joseph Freiherr Krafft von Festenberg auf Frohnberg, genannt von Ebing ; 14. elokuuta 1840 – 22. joulukuuta 1902) oli saksalainen psykiatri ja perusteoksen Psychopathia Sex-6-Sexualis kirjoittaja.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 200: Krafft-Ebingillä oli erityinen merkitys homoseksuaalisuuden tieteelliselle tutkimukselle. Hänet johtivat tälle vielä suhteellisen tutkimattomalle työalalle (hänen omien kertomusten mukaan hänelle lähetetyssä kirjeessä) Karl Heinrich Ulrichsin kirjoitukset , jolle hän teeskenteli tukevansa teoriaansa "Urningista" lähes kolmantena sukupuolena. 1800-luvulla yleisö ja varsinkin kirkot pitivät homoseksuaalisuutta laajalti moraalittoman ajattelutavan ja elämäntavan ilmaisuna, joka on seurausta viettelystä, seksuaalisesta liiallisuudesta tai rappeutuneesta perinnöllisyydestä (dekadenssiteoria). Se kriminalisoitiin joissakin maissa, erityisesti Englannissa ja Preussissa, ja siitä tuomittiin ankarilla vankeusrangaistuksilla. Sitä vastoin siitä lähtien, kun Napoleon alkoi laittaa anista pénaliin, se dekriminalisoitiin Hannoverin ja Baijerin kuningaskunnissa ja muissa Saksan maissa. Krafft-Ebing saavutti suurta julkisuutta oikeuslääkärinä ja psykiatrina. Hänen rikosasioissa ja psykiatriassa saatujen tutkimusten perusteella homoseksuaalit kuvattiin perinnöllisesti kuormitetuiksi kieroutuneiksi, jotka eivät olleet vastuussa synnynnäisestä seksuaalisen halunsa "käänteisyydestä" eivätkä siksi olleet rikostuomareiden, vaan pikemminkin neurologien ja psykiatreiden toimivaltaa . Näin hän avasi uuden potilaspohjan hoidolle ja tutkimukselle. Rahantuloa ei voinut estää.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 202: Teoksessaan Psychopathia sexualis (1886) hän määritteli homoseksuaalisuuden synnynnäiseksi neuropsykopaattiseksi häiriöksi – pohjimmiltaan perinnölliseksi hermostosairaudeksi. Tämä diagnoosi antoi hänelle mahdollisuuden puolustaa homoseksuaalisuuden täydellistä dekriminalisointia väittäen, että homoseksuaalit eivät olleet vastuussa "epämuodostuksestaan" ja että homoseksuaalisuus ei ollut tarttuvaa. Vaikka Krafft-Ebingiä pidettiin tuolloin oikeuslääketieteen alan arvovaltaisena hahmona, tämä teoria jäi ilman seurauksia dekriminalisoinnille ja asenteissa on palattu entiselle kannalle.
        xxx/ellauri388.html on line 221: Joku toinen sanoi että voi pidättyä kassien 1/1 täyttöasteeseen asti, jolloin se johtaa psyykkisiin poikkeavuuksiin, erityisesti ahdistuneisuustiloihin, ja tiettyyn affektioon. Hein vastasi, että raittius on useimmille vaaratonta, mutta joissakin se johtaa hysteerisiin ilmenemismuotoihin ja epäsuorasti huonoja seurauksia masturbaatiosta, kun taas normaalille miehelle raittius ei voi olla suoraan hyödyllistä, koska yhdyntä on luonnollista. Grützner ajatteli, että raittius ei ole melkein koskaan haitallista. Nescheda sanoi, että se on vaaraton sinänsä, mutta haitallinen siltä osin kuin se johtaa luonnottomiin tyydytyksen muotoihin. Neisser uskoo, että nykyistä pidempi pidättyvyys olisi hyödyllistä, mutta myönsi sivilisaatiomme seksuaaliset kiihotteet; hän lisäsi, ettei hän tietenkään nähnyt mitään haittaa terveille miehille yhdynnässä. Hoche vastasi, että raittius on melko vaaratonta normaaleille ihmisille, mutta ei aina epänormaaleille ihmisille. Weber ajatteli, että sillä oli hyödyllinen vaikutus tahdonvoiman lisäämiseen. Tarnowsky sanoi, että se on hyvä varhaisessa miehisyydessä, mutta todennäköisesti epäsuotuisa 25 vuoden jälkeen. Orlow vastasi, että varsinkin nuoruudessa se on vaaratonta, ja miehen tulee olla yhtä puhdas kuin vaimonsa. Popow sanoi, että raittius on hyvä kaiken ikäisille ja säästää energiaa. Blumenau sanoi, että aikuisiällä raittius ei ole normaalia eikä hyödyllistä, ja se johtaa yleensä masturbaatioon, joskaan ei yleensä hermostohäiriöihin; mutta jopa masturbaatio on parempi kuin kuppa. Tschiriew ei nähnyt mitään haittaa raittiudesta 30-vuotiaille asti, ja hän ajatteli, että seksuaalinen heikkous seurasi todennäköisemmin liiallista runkutusta kuin raittiutta.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 111: Liliruokalan emäntä was married to American-born John Owen Dominis, who later became the Governor of Oʻahu. The couple had no biological children but adopted several. After the accession of her brother David Kalākaua to the throne in 1874, she and her siblings were given Western style titles of Prince and Princess. In 1877, after her younger brother Leleiohoku II's death, she was proclaimed as heir apparent to the throne. During the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria, she represented her brother as an official envoy to the United Kingdom.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 113: Liliʻuokalani ascended to the throne on January 29, 1891, nine days after her brother's death. During her reign, she attempted to draft a new constitution which would restore the power of the monarchy and the voting rights of the economically disenfranchised. Threatened by her attempts to abrogate the Bayonet Constitution, pro-American elements in Hawaiʻi overthrew the monarchy on January 17, 1893. The overthrow was bolstered by the landing of US Marines under John L. Stevens to protect American interests, which rendered the monarchy unable to protect itself.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 119: Liliʻuokalani was born Lydia Liliʻu Loloku Walania Kamakaʻeha on September 2, 1838, to Analea Keohokālole and Caesar Kapaʻakea. She was born in the large grass hut of her maternal grandfather, ʻAikanaka, at the base of Punchbowl Crater in Honolulu on the island of Oʻahu. According to Hawaiian custom, she was named after an event linked to her birth. At the time she was born, Kuhina Nui (regent) Elizabeth Kīnaʻu had developed an eye infection. She named the child using the words; liliʻu (smarting), loloku (tearful), walania (a burning pain) and kamakaʻeha (sore eyes). She was baptized by American missionary Reverend Levi Chamberlain on December 23, and given the Christian name Lydia.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 124: Her family were of the aliʻi class of the Hawaiian nobility and were collateral relations of the reigning House of Kamehameha, sharing common descent from the 18th-century aliʻi nui (supreme monarch) Keaweʻīkekahialiʻiokamoku. From her biological parents, she descended from Keaweaheulu and Kameʻeiamoku, two of the five royal counselors of Kamehameha I during his conquest of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Kameʻeiamoku, the grandfather of both her mother and father, was depicted, along with his royal twin Kamanawa, on the Hawaiian coat of arms. Liliʻuokalani referred to her family line as the "Keawe-a-Heulu line" after her mother's line. The third surviving child of a large family, her biological siblings included: James Kaliokalani, David Kalākaua, Anna Kaʻiulani, Kaʻiminaʻauao, Miriam Likelike and William Pitt Leleiohoku II. She and her siblings were hānai (informally adopted) to other family members. The Hawaiian custom of hānai is an informal form of adoption between extended families practiced by Hawaiian royals and commoners alike.She was given at birth to Abner Pākī and his wife Laura Kōnia and raised with their daughter Bernice Pauahi.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 128: Liliʻuokalani was placed with the youngest pupils of the class along with Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, Mary Polly Paʻaʻāina, and John William Pitt Kīnaʻu. In later life, Liliʻuokalani would look back unfavorably on her early education remembering being "sent hungry to bed" and the 1848 measles epidemic that claimed the life of a classmate Moses Kekūāiwa and her younger sister Kaʻiminaʻauao. The boarding school run by the Cookes was discontinued around 1850, so she, along with her former classmate Victoria, was sent to the relocated day school (also called Royal School) run by Reverend Edward G. Beckwith. On May 5, 1853, she finished third in her final class exams behind Victoria and Nancy Sumner. In 1865, after her marriage, she informally attended Oʻahu College (modern day Punahou School) and received instruction under Susan Tolman Mills, who later cofounded Mills College in California.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 130: After the boarding school was discontinued in 1850, Liliʻuokalani lived with her hānai parents at Haleʻākala, which she referred to in later life as her childhood home. Around this time, her hānai sister Pauahi married the American Charles Reed Bishop against the wishes of their parents but reconciled with them shortly before Pākī's death in 1855. Kōnia died two years afterward and Liliʻuokalani came under the Bishops' guardianship. During this period, Liliʻuokalani became a part of the young social elite under the reign of Kamehameha IV who ascended to the throne in 1855. In 1856, Kamehameha IV announced his intent to marry Emma Rooke, one of their classmates. However, according to Liliʻuokalani, certain elements of the court argued "there is no other chief equal to you in birth and rank but the adopted daughter of Paki," which infuriated the King and brought the Queen to tears. Despite this upset, Liliʻuokalani was regarded as a close friend of the new Queen, and she served as a maid of honor during the royal wedding alongside Princess Victoria Kamāmalu and Mary Pitman. At official state occasions, she served as an attendant and lady-in-waiting in Queen Emma's retinue. Visiting British dignitaries Lady Franklin and her niece Sophia Cracroft noted in 1861 that the "Honble. Lydia Paki" was "the highest unmarried woman in the Kingdom".
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 134: Afterward, she became romantically involved with the American-born John Owen Dominis, a staff member for Prince Lot Kapuāiwa (the future Kamehameha V) and secretary to King Kamehameha IV. Dominis was the son of Captain John Dominis, of Trieste, and Mary Lambert Jones, of Boston. According to Liliʻuokalani's memoir, they had known each other from childhood when he watched the royal children from a school next to the Cookes'. During a court excursion, Dominis escorted her home despite falling from his horse and breaking his leg.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 146: During Kalākaua's 1881 world tour, Liliʻuokalani served as Regent in his absence.!!One of her first responsibilities was handling the smallpox epidemic of 1881 likely brought to the islands by Chinese contracted laborers. After meeting her with her brother's cabinet ministers, she closed all the ports, halted all passenger vessels out of Oʻahu, and initiated a quarantine of the affected. The measures kept the disease contained in Honolulu and Oʻahu with only a few cases on Kauaʻi. Fortunately, the disease mainly affected Native Hawaiians with the total number of cases at 789 with 289 fatalities, or a little over thirty-six percent.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 152: In April 1887, Kalākaua sent a delegation to attend the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria in London. It included his wife Queen Kapiʻolani, the Princess Liliʻuokalani and her husband, as well as Court Chamberlain Colonel Curtis P. Iaukea acting as the official envoy of the King and Colonel James Harbottle Boyd acting as aide-de-camp to the Queen. The party landed in San Francisco and traveled across the United States visiting Washington, D.C., Boston and New York City, where they boarded a ship for the United Kingdom. While in the American capital, they were received by President Grover Cleveland and his wife Frances Cleveland. In London, Kapiʻolani and Liliʻuokalani received an official audience with Queen Victoria at Buckingham Palace. Queen Victoria greeted both Hawaiian royals with affection, and recalled Kalākaua´s visit in 1881. They attended the special Jubilee service at Westminster Abbey and were seated with other foreign royal guests, and with members of the Royal Household. Shortly after the Jubilee celebrations, they learned of the Bayonet Constitution that Kalākaua had been forced to sign under the threat of death. They canceled their tour of Europe and returned to Hawaii.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 164: From May 1892 to January 1893, the legislature of the Kingdom convened for an unprecedented 171 days, which later historians such as Albertine Loomis and Helena G. Allen dubbed the "Longest Legislature". This session was dominated by political infighting between and within the four parties: National Reform, Reform, National Liberal and Independent; none were able to gain a majority. Debates heard on the floor of the houses concerned the popular demand for a new constitution and the passage of a lottery bill and an opium licensing bill, aimed at alleviating the economic crisis caused by the McKinley Tariff. The main issues of contention between the new monarch and the legislators were the retention of her cabinet ministers, since political division prevented Liliʻuokalani from appointing a balanced council and the 1887 constitution gave the legislature the power to vote for the dismissal of her cabinet. Seven resolutions of want of confidence were introduced during this session, and four of her self-appointed cabinets (the Widemann, Macfarlane, Cornwell, and Wilcox cabinets) were ousted by votes of the legislature. On January 13, 1893, after the legislature dismissed the George Norton Wilcox cabinet (which had political sympathies to the Reform Party), Liliʻuokalani appointed the new Parker cabinet consisting of Samuel Parker, as minister of foreign affairs; John F. Colburn, as minister of the interior; William H. Cornwell, as minister of finance; and Arthur P. Peterson, as attorney general. Exclusively palefaces in the posse, where are all the coons hiding? She chose these men specifically to support her plan of promulgating a new constitution while the legislature was not in session.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 178: Shortly after her accession, Liliʻuokalani began to receive petitions to re-write the Bayonet Constitution through the two major political parties of the time, Hui Kālaiʻāina and the National Reform Party. Supported by two-thirds of the registered voters, she moved to abrogate the existing 1887 constitution, but her cabinet withheld their support, knowing what her opponents´ likely response would be.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 185: The political fallout led to citywide political rallies and meetings in Honolulu. Anti-monarchists, annexationists, and leading Reform Party politicians that included Lorrin A. Thurston, a grandson of American missionaries, and Kalākaua´s former cabinet ministers under the Bayonet Constitution, formed the Committee of Safety in protest of the "revolutionary" action of the queen and conspired to depose her. Thurston and the Committee of Safety derived their support primarily from the American and European business class residing in Hawaiʻi. Most of the leaders of the overthrow were American and European citizens who were also Kingdom subjects.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 189: The same day, the Marshal of the Kingdom, Charles Burnett Wilson, was tipped off by detectives to the imminent planned coup. Wilson requested warrants to arrest the 13-member council of the Committee of Safety, and put the Kingdom under martial law. Because the members had strong political ties to United States Minister to Hawaii John L. Stevens, the requests were repeatedly denied by the queen´s cabinet, who feared that the arrests would escalate the situation. After a failed negotiation with Thurston, Wilson began to collect his men for the confrontation. Wilson and captain of the Royal Household Guard Samuel Nowlein had rallied a force of 496 men who were kept at hand to "protect" the queen. Marines from the USS Boston and two companies of US sailors landed and took up positions at the US Legation, the Consulate, and Arion Hall. The sailors and Marines did not enter the palace grounds or take over any buildings, and never fired a shot, but their presence served effectively in intimidating royalist defenders. Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for the monarchy to protect itself". Paljon se olisi kannattanutkin jenkki tykkivenediplomatian tuntien.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 197: At the beginning of January 1895, Robert W. Wilcox and Samuel Nowlein launched a rebellion against the forces of the Republic with the aim of restoring the queen and the monarchy. Its ultimate failure led to the arrest of many of the participants and other sympathizers of the monarchy. Liliʻuokalani was also arrested and imprisoned in an upstairs bedroom at the palace on January 16, several days after the failed rebellion, when firearms were found at her home of Washington Place after a tip from a prisoner.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 215: In June 1897 President McKinley signed the "Treaty for the Annexation for the Hawaiian Islands", but it failed to pass in the United States Senate after the Kūʻē Petitions were submitted by a commission of Native Hawaiian delegates consisting of James Keauiluna Kaulia, David Kalauokalani, William Auld, and John Richardson. Members of Hui Aloha ʻĀina collected over 21,000 signatures opposing an annexation treaty. Another 17,000 signatures were collected by members of Hui Kālaiʻāina but not submitted to the Senate because those signatures were also asking for restoration of the Queen. The petitions collectively were presented as evidence of the strong grassroots opposition of the Hawaiian community to annexation, and the treaty was defeated in the Senate— however, following its failure, Hawaii was annexed anyway via the Newlands Resolution, a joint resolution of Congress, in July 1898, shortly after the outbreak of the Spanish–American War. Tuli kiire annexoida lisää maita Mexikon suunnalta.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 226: During a 1900 Congressional deadlock, she departed for Honolulu with her Washington, D.C., physician Charles H. English (sometimes referred to as John H. English). Newspapers speculated that the Queen, having been diagnosed with cancer, was going home to die. Historian Helena G. Allen made the case that English intended to gain title to crown lands for himself. According to Allen, the Queen balked at his draft of a settlement letter to Senator George Frisbie Hoar that he wanted her to copy in her handwriting and sign. The doctor was terminated "without cause" a month after her return and sued her.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 244: During her overthrow and imprisonment, Bishop Alfred Willis of St. Andrew´s Cathedral had openly supported the Queen while Reverend Henry Hodges Parker of Kawaiahaʻo had supported her opponents. Bishop Willis visited and wrote to her during her imprisonment and sent her a copy of the Book of Common Prayer. Shortly after her release on parole, the former queen was rebaptized and confirmed by Bishop Willis on May 18, 1896, in a private ceremony in the presence of the sisters of St. Andrew´s Priory. In her memoir, Liliʻuokalani stated:
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 265: The Queen Liliʻuokalani Trust was established on December 2, 1909, for the care of orphaned and destitute children in Hawaii. Effective upon her death, the proceeds of her estate, with the exception of twelve individual inheritances specified therein, were to be used for the Trust. The largest of these hereditary estates were willed to her hānai sons and their heirs: John ʻAimoku Dominis would receive Washington Place while Joseph Kaiponohea ʻAeʻa would receive Kealohilani, her residence at Waikiki. Both men predeceased the Queen. Before and after her death, lawsuits were filed to overturn her will establishing the Trust. One notable litigant was Prince Jonah Kūhiō Kalanianaʻole, Liliʻuokalani´s greedy second cousin, who brought a suit against the Trust on November 30, 1915, questioning the Queen's competency in executing the will and attempting to break the Trust. These lawsuits were resolved in 1923 and the will went into probate. The Queen Liliʻuokalani Children's Center was created by the Trust.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 349: A Hawaii newspaperman born in Oromo, Maine 1871. In 1915, Farrington organized the Honolulu Ad Club. One of his invited guest speakers was Warren Harding, a Republican Senator from Ohio. Farrington introduced Harding as "the future president of the United States." Harding replied that if Farrington´s prediction came true, he would name Farrington governor of the Territory of Hawaii. Three months after taking office as U.S. President in 1921, Harding fulfilled his promise, appointing Farrington as the Territorial Governor of Hawaiʻi. His tenure was controversial, as he followed the previous Governor in favouring the Whites.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 354: Shaka (* um 1787 in der Nähe des heutigen Ortes Melmoth im späteren Natal; † 22. September 1828 in KwaDukuza, beides im heutigen Südafrika; auch Shaka Zulu, Tsjaka Zulu oder Shaka ka Senzangakhona, d. h. „Shaka, Sohn des Senzangakhona“) war ein König der Zulu. Unter seine Herrschaft fiel der Aufstieg der Zulu von einem kleinen Clan zu einem mächtigen Volk mit Macht über einen großen Teil des Gebiets des heutigen Südafrikas. Seinem Erfolg bei der militärischen Überwindung seiner Feinde und seinem Geschick bei der Eingliederung der Unterworfenen verdankt Shaka den Ruf eines der herausragenden Könige der Zulu.
        xxx/ellauri394.html on line 355: 1986 entstand die erste von zwei Staffeln der Fernsehserie Shaka Zulu, die auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Joshua Sinclair basiert, der seinerseits auf die mündlich überlieferte Geschichte der Zulu zurückgriff. Die Serie war umstritten, weil sie an südafrikanischen Schauplätzen gedreht worden war, während das damalige Apartheidregime noch weltweit boykottiert wurde. Shaka Zulu wurde in Deutschland 1986 vom ZDF ausgestrahlt, 1996 vom Berliner Lokalsender Puls TV und seit 2002 mehrmals auf Premiere Serie.
        xxx/ellauri397.html on line 105: Kristuxen nainti on vanha kristillinen meemi. Useat kristilliset lahkot, kuten Vapaan Hengen veljet, kuvailevat pelastusta Kristuksen kautta intiimiksi tai eroottiseksi yhteydeksi Jeesukseen, vaikka tämä tulkinta on laajalti tuomittu valtavirran teologiassa. Maalliset kirjailijat, kuten Dan Brown, ovat nähneet Teresa of Avilan​ extaasissa​"metaforan valtavasta seksistä".
        xxx/ellauri397.html on line 110: affinity/files/2017/11/Ecce-homo-erectus-360x497.jpg?ssl=1" />
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 149: professor, and William Delafield Arnold,
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 183: baffled and sometimes annoyed his
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 238: afias.larazon.es/clipping/cmsimages01/2019/08/06/7202A2DC-CF2A-4E37-9BAC-99B8D09911D6/92.jpg?crop=456,256,x72,y0&width=390&height=219&optimize=high&format=webply" />
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 242: Der Albigenserkreuzzug (1209 bis 1229) war ein von Papst Innozenz III. initiierter Kreuzzug gegen die von der katholischen Kirche als ketzerisch betrachtete Glaubensgemeinschaft der Katharer in Okzitanien (Südfrankreich). Die Katharer wurden aufgrund ihres frühen Wirkens in der französischen Stadt Albi auch als Albigenser bezeichnet. Der auch Katharerkreuzzug genannte Kreuzzug leitete den Untergang der Katharer ein und brachte als politisches Ergebnis die Eingliederung Okzitaniens in den Herrschaftsbereich der französischen Krone. Im Unterschied zu anderen Kriegen, die gegen die Katharer und andere christliche Häresien unternommen wurden, besaß nur der Albigenserkreuzzug von 1209 bis 1229 den offiziellen Status eines Kreuzzugs.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 248: Katzenarschlecker Graf Raimund VI. von Toulouse verweigerte ebenfalls jede Unterstützung und wurde deshalb 1207 exkommuniziert. Nachdem am 14. Januar 1208 der päpstliche Legat Pierre de Castelnau von einem Gefolgsmann des Grafen von Toulouse ermordet worden war, rief Papst Innozenz III. im Herbst desselben Jahres mit den Worten „Voran, Soldaten Christi!“ zum Kreuzzug gegen die Katharer auf. Den teilnehmenden Kreuzfahrern wurde (nach einer Mindestteilnahmedauer von 40 Tagen) die Vergebung der Sündenstrafen (Ablass) in Aussicht gestellt. Die eroberten Gebiete sollten vom Papst an adelige Kreuzzugsteilnehmer als Lehen neu vergeben werden.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 250: Den eigentlichen Mitgliedern der katharischen Kirche, den sog. Perfecti, war es nicht gestattet, Waffengewalt anzuwenden. Die Verteidigung wurde deshalb von der Belegschaft des Adels, zahlreichen Gläubigen (Credentes) und angeworbenen Söldnern geleistet – die katharische Kirche verfügte über große Geldmittel. Die Bewohner Okzitaniens kämpften jedoch nicht allein für das Katharertum, sondern auch in der Überzeugung, ihre politische und kulturelle Eigenständigkeit (siehe auch: Okzitanische Sprache) verteidigen zu müssen.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 254: In den frühen 1220er Jahren verschlechterten sich die Erfolgsaussichten für den Albigenserkreuzzug rapide. Es mangelte an Kreuzrittern, Eroberungen gingen verloren und die Katharer wagten sich wieder an die Öffentlichkeit. Nach dem Tod Graf Raimunds VI. von Toulouse im Jahr 1222 übernahm dessen Sohn Raimund VII. die Führung des Widerstandes. Die ungünstige Situation veranlasste Amalrich von Montfort schließlich, Okzitanien 1224 zu verlassen. Seine Besitzungen in den eroberten Gebieten verkaufte er dem nunmehrigen König von Frankreich, Ludwig VIII.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 256: 1226 führte der französische König einen neuerlichen Angriff in Südfrankreich. Offiziell stand dieser Krieg immer noch im Rahmen des vom Papst ausgerufenen Kreuzzuges, wobei die Interessen des Königs jedoch vorrangig in der Einverleibung der südfranzösischen Provinzen lagen. Zwar starb Ludwig noch im selben Jahr, der Krieg wurde jedoch von seinem Sohn Ludwig IX. auch 1227 unvermindert fortgesetzt. 1228 gab Graf Raimund VII. von Toulouse nach einem zermürbenden und zerstörerischen Krieg von fast 20 Jahren den Widerstand auf. Am 12. April 1229 schloss er den Vertrag von Paris mit der französischen Krone. Darin wurde die Eingliederung Okzitaniens in den französischen Staat besiegelt, Raimund VII. musste große Gebietsverluste hinnehmen. Ebenfalls 1229 fand in Toulouse eine kirchliche Synode statt, die sich mit dem weiteren Vorgehen gegen die Katharer befasste. Damit war der Albigenserkreuzzug offiziell beendet. Die Inquisition und weitere militärische Feldzüge vernichteten schließlich die Katharer bis zum Ende des 13. Jahrhunderts.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 306: On January 26, 2006, Joyce Carol Vincent was found in her London flat, skeletonised, after being dead for more than two years with the Instagram --- no, TV running.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 311: Eventually, Joyce´s bank account dried up. Her landlord sent her reminder letters. These papers, like the others, simply fell among the others scattered on her floor. They received no response. Finally, with more than six months of rent in arrears, the landlord obtained a court order to forcibly remove her from the premises. The bailiffs broke down the door and only then was her body discovered. By then, it was January 2006, more than two years after her death.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 329: Muzaffarpurissa alkoholisti Deepak Patel riisui vaimonsa alasti äitinsä ja veljensä avulla, sitten kasteli tämän yksityiset osat öljyllä ja sytytti hänet tuleen. Katso video saadaksesi lisätietoja tästä.
        xxx/ellauri400.html on line 366: Jouni Arto Aarre Apajalahti (10. huhtikuuta 1920 Kemi – 31. toukokuuta 2009 Tampere) oli suomalainen kirjailija ja kokoomuksen kansanedustaja vuosina 1966–1970. Apajalahti aloitti Keravan nuorisovankilan pastorina. Apajalahti kirjoitti dekkareita, näytelmiä ja elokuvien käsikirjoituksia. Dekkarikirjailijana hän debytoi vuonna 1969 teoksella Kappalaisen kaitafilmi. Jouni Apajalahdella oli vitun tollon näköinen Jouni Apajalahti ozatukka.
        xxx/ellauri404.html on line 153: Náfpaktos oli itsenäinen kunta vuoden 2010 loppuun saakka. Vuoden 2011 alussa se yhdistettiin Kallikrates-suunnitelmana tunnetun aluehallintouudistuksen myötä Nafpaktían kunnaksi yhdessä Antírrion, Apodotían, Chálkeian, Plátanoksen ja Pyllínin kanssa. Satamassa on Lepanton taisteluun osallistuneen mutta nolosti vangixi jääneen Miguel de Cervantesin patsas.
        xxx/ellauri404.html on line 172: Samma på svenska: En man har smygfotat tvåhundra skolflickor i full bestyr. Flickorna var påklädda, men bilderna manipulerades för att få dem synas nakna, skrevs ut, plastades in och användes för att onanera till. Förloppet filmades och delades sedan med flera andra personer. Mannen har via ett anonymt Instagramkonto sökt kontakt med flickorna. Han har sedan filmat sig själv när han onanerat till materialet. Många var förstås ledsna, men många också lättade, säger Elisabeth Massiv Fritz, som företräder 164 av brottsoffren. Nu döms han för grovt barnpornografibrott till två års fängelse. ”Det är alldeles för låga straff”, skriver målsägandebiträdet Elisabeth Massiv Fritz till Aftonbladet.
        xxx/ellauri404.html on line 402: 19:21 [so] I [was] afraid, and [I went and hid]
        xxx/ellauri404.html on line 419: The Sayings Gospel Q is notable for lacking an account of Jesus' death. It is surprising that one early Christian document is apparently so indifferent to an event which plays a profound role in others (e.g., Romans, Mark). Maybe it wasn't so notable after all. And of course there are only rather short quotes from the cross (Sorry but these guys haven't got a clue, John this is your mom, mom this is your son John, Welcome to dine with me upstairs after these messages, lama sabakhthani, I hereby give up my ghost, anything else?) Seneca was Christ's contemporary and Epictetus 20 years younger. These kind of snappy quotes were much in vogue then.
        xxx/ellauri407.html on line 78: Watching cheesy programs without feeling bad about it is highly recommended. Ruth Doherty is an experienced digital writer and editor specializing in interiors, travel and lifestyle. With 20 years of writing for national sites under her belt, she’s worked for the likes of Livingetc.com, Standard, Ideal Home, Stylist and Marie Claire as well as Homes & Gardens. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works.
        xxx/ellauri407.html on line 108: afbb6bc25e/auto/3/main@2x/meganannxo-free-onlyfans-sneak-peek-onlyfans_07.webp" />
        xxx/ellauri407.html on line 109: af64423eae1a/cropped/1/nicole-forest-flirt-showy-beauty_mainthumb_vertical@2x.webp" />
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 75: A controversial sculpture about the brutal rape of women by Red Army soldiers. Russians slam it, while The Economist and Der Spigel drool behind paywalls. Allied soldiers 'raped hundreds of thousands of German women' after WW2. A German historian claims Allied troops, as well as Soviet soldiers, were responsible for hundreds of thousands of rapes in occupied Germany. Wives of Russian Soldiers Encourage Them to Rape. Walla Walla! Wives of Russian Soldiers Encourage Them to Rape. 'When The Soldiers Came' claims Allied troops raped one million women. Children, men and young boys and their dogs were also abused by soldiers, it claims. Until now it was thought only the Stalin's Red Army raped German women. The sad fact is rape is one of the few perks of a warrior's life. Why kill other males if not for the chance of impregnating their wenches? Rape is fun, like so many other things that hurt the other half. That is why them things are criminal.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 136: This essay assembles the “Bolovian Epic” from the Columbo and Bolo verses and nonsense letters that T.S. Eliot wrote over a period of eighteen years (1910–1928). Such an aggregation is made possible by the publication of excised poems from the “Waste Land” Notebook and Volumes I–IV of The Letters of T.S. Eliot. Rather than seeing individual parts of the epic as simply obscene, I interpret the whole project and its contexts as grounded in his appreciation for the primitive and a critical disdain for the so-called civilized. Eliot invents a composite race of people, the Bolovians, whose influence on modern times includes racy behavior, religious affinities, and bowler hats. Understanding this bawdy, blue, or nonsense material contributes capitally to previous scholarship defaming Eliot's moral and cultural values.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 142: Jopa hupaisaa. Vittu nää britit on sodomiitteja. Sitäpaizi juurikin kaukasialaisilla kartvelilaisilla on samanlaisia ejektiivejä kuin zulukaffereilla. Tomppa ei ollut liialla sivistyxellä pilattu. Samat tyypit jotka pitää irstailusta nauttivat myös siitä seuraavasta kurituxesta. Peppusaunojahan ne on molemmat.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 180: In mock seriousness, Eliot frames the seventeen Notebook stanzas (mostly octavos) as Elizabethan drama. They begin, “Let a tucket be sounded on the hautboys. Enter the king and queen.” Then commence the obscenities. In Spain, Columbo is treated for syphilis by a “bastard jew named Benny” when he “filled Columbo’s prick / with Muriatic Acid” (IMH 315, 149). Later Columbo seeks help from the ship’s physician concerning another symptom of syphilis. “ ‘It’s this way, doc’ he said said he / I just cant stop a-pissin [sic]” (Letters I 231). Columbo and his mariners of song are well-known for their whoring. “One Sunday evening after tea / They went to storm a whore house,” and from a “seventh story window,” “bitched” Columbo with a “pisspot” (IMH 315). Ed Madden says that Columbo and sailors may have had pumps of argyrol and muriatic acid [dilute hydrochloric acid] “rammed up their penises” to treat their syphilis (151). When they set sail for America, “Queen Isabella was aboard / That famous Spanish whore.” With only Queen Isabella aboard and a boy named Orlandino, the horny crew have to make do until they reach land (IMH 315). In Cuba, they encounter King Bolo and his thirty-three “swarthy” bodyguards. They “were called the Jersey Lilies / a wild and hardy set of blacks” and like Columbo, are “undaunted by syphilis” (IMH 316). Madden calls them “the phallically well-endowed bodyguards of King Bolo,” but “swarthy,” “wild,” and “hardy” does not mean “well-endowed.” Columbo is. There are many reversals in these verses: Columbo is equipped with his prodigious bolo, and neither the New World nor the Old World gave the other syphilis. They both had it.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 184: According to the real Colombo, the West Indies natives were not black. Eliot’s Bolovians, on the contrary, are fat, black, and promiscuous. Bolovians are black because they are natives and primitive, and described with such essentialist terms as are associated with Africans. It is difficult to accept such statements as “Eliot’s verse expresses revulsion of the carnal world” (Douglass 150) when one reads the Bolovian Epic. Sex is clearly part of the fun and there is no revulsion in these verses, except perhaps in the reader’s response to them. Back in Spain Columbo quarrels with the Queen. “They terminated the affair/ By fucking on the sofa.” Although his syphilis acts up again, Columbo is undaunted. “He spun his balls around his head / And cried ‘Hooray for whores!’ . . . Exeunt the king and queen severally” (IMH 319).
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 243: Marja Palmer Lundista sums it up rather neatly: The sexual undertone in the early "Love Song" runs through Eliot's poetry between 1910 and 1925, gaining greater emphasis in The Waste Land and The Hollow Men . The agony and distress associated with sexual matters play a vital role in his early poems, a circumstance which has not always been fully recognized. Erotic concerns and preoccupations fill the lives of the main "characters" in this poetry, men and women alike. However, experiences of this kind are unsettling, and any attempt at a dialogue between the sexes is bound to fail. In each of the four collections, the theme of relationships between men and women indicates a step further downwards into isolation. There is an afflicting want of any feelings of love and tenderness - only a mechanized sexuality is left, stripped of all its generative force and with sterility and impotence as the consistent, final result.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 258:

        Eliot määritteli uusklassisismin oleellisilta osiltaan uskoxi perisyntiin - ankaran kurin tarpeellisuuteen. Hän puhui Ranskan kirjallisuudesta uskomattoman kuivasti ja innottomasti, huulet tuskin liikkuivat. Peräsynnissä se sai apua T.E. Hulmelta. Thomas Ernest Hulme (1883 Endon, Staffordshire, Britannia – 1917 Oostduinkerke, Belgia) oli brittiläinen filosofi ja kriitikko. Hän oli imagistisen liikkeen perustajia. Hulme esitteli Englannissa Henri Bergsonin filosofiaa ja tuki Ezra Poundia kirjoittamalla ennen ensimmäistä maailmansotaa artikkeleita imagismista. Kaikexi onnexi Hulme kuoli ensimmäisen maailmansodan taistelussa Oostduinkerkessa.

        Vaasalainen kansakoulunopettaja Hannu Pertti Nieminen suomensi kokoelman Hulmen runoja. "Näin punertavan kuun nojaavan pensasaitaan kuin punanaamainen farmari." Hulmen runouden tutkiminen usein vieraantumisen, eristyneisyyden ja merkityksen etsimisen teemoja pirstaloitussa maailmassa. Hän uskoi, että runouden tulisi olla "kuivaa ja kovaa", painottamalla sanan selkeyttä ja suoraa kalua. Eliot oli kuiva mutta jäi uupumaan jälkimmäisessä suhteessa.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 274: Kahn was a Jew from Metz, Lorraine. He chose sides with Émile Zola in the Dreyfus affair. His wife Elizabeth converted to Judaism as a protest against antisemitism, changing her name to Rachel. Gustave kirjoitti aika liikkixesti sille rakkausrunoja, pace Amiel. Rouva Elisabeth Kahnille. Je t’aime de ta voix, de tes yeux, de tes seins. Verkkotunnuxesi on pieni satumaa. Hänet haudattiin Pariisin Mottenparnasin hautausmaalle. Hänen paperinsa ovat nyt kunnossa Israelissa.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 285: This article is more than 9 years old: New edition of TS Eliot poetry challenges perceptions of his sexuality. "I love a tall girl. When she sits on my knee/ She with nothing on, and I with nothing on/ I can just take her nipple in my lips / And stroke it with my tongue,” he writes, in a poem titled How the Tall Girl and I Play Together. In another poem, Eliot – who took a vow of chastity in 1928 after being confirmed into the Church of England – celebrates the “miracle of sleeping together as I touch the delicate down beneath her navel. Her breasts are like ripe pears that dangle Above my mouth Which reaches up to take them”. Euu, cringe.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 437: Benjamin Barker, a barber convicted wrongfully who after 15 years in an Australian penal colony escapes and returns to London using the new name Sweeney Todd, only to find that Judge Turpin, who is responsible for his conviction, has raped his young wife Lucy and adopted Todd's daughter Johanna. He at first plans to kill Turpin, but when his prey escapes, he swears vengeance on humanity in general and begins to slash his customers' throats. Se ei tiennyt ettei 2 pahaa plussaudu 1 hyväxi. Ei tule edes nolla, sillä teoilla ei ole etumerkkiä.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 476: A Jewish sage testified that he saw a woman in Rome who gave birth to a child and, after four months, went into labor and gave birth to another child. When they brought her before the Great Church for an explanation, she declared that when she was in her fifth month of pregnancy, she cohabited with another and became pregnant by him; the first child, she said, is her husband’s and the second another’s. They accordingly stoned her. This was a case of superfetation.
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 868: Dante vertaa Beatricen ohjaamista Garden in the Garden -kilpailun amiraaliin, joka komentaa hänen laivaansa. Tämä on epätavallinen maskuliininen vertaus, joka on vaikeuttanut Beatricen kriittistä tulkintaa hovinaisena. Aika äijämäisen näköinen se onkin prerafaeliitin Harry Holidayn potretissa (alla kesk.)
        xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1090: I watched her documentary and got such a weird vibe from her. Researched her and I truly think she has more in her history and believe her view point is highly antisemetic. But I’m no scholar... just a person after the truth and I see no truth In her.
        xxx/ellauri414.html on line 58: Im Mai 2008 erklärte sie im Spiegel, dass sie den Begriff Diktatur der Proletariat für die DDR (die sie als „das friedfertigste und menschenfreundlichste Gemeinwesen, das sich die Deutschen im Gesamt ihrer Geschichte bisher geschaffen haben“) als zutreffend hielt.
        xxx/ellauri414.html on line 61: Die DDR ist kein demokratischer Staat gewesen, jedoch ist im heutigen kapitalistischen System keine echte Demokratie möglich. Echte Demokratie hat mit "pursuit of happiness" nichts zu tun. 2016 äußerte sie über den russischen Militäreinsatz in Syrien gegenüber Russia Today, es brauche für einen Frieden „mehr Kooperation mit Russland und nicht mehr Konfrontation“, sie fordere für eine weltweite Sicherheitsordnung unter Einbezug Russlands die Auflösung der NATO. Ein zentraler Grund für das schlechte Verhältnis zwischen Russland und dem Westen sei die NATO-Osterweiterung. Ende Januar 2024 forderte sie erneut ein Ende der Sanktionen gegen Russland sowie der Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine. Wagenknecht on myös huomauttanut, että Saksa ostaa nyt öljyä muun muassa Jemenissä sotaa käyvältä Saudi-Arabialta. Iso-Markku korostaa, että Wagenknechtilla tai muilla äärilaidan ehdokkailla ei ole realistisia mahdollisuuksia eikä välttämättä edes halua nousta päättäviin asemiin. Pikku-Markku nyökyttelee takapiruna. Ei Jeesuskaan oikeasti halunnut messiaaxi, tuulenpyörre pakotti. Lääkelasi oli pakko tyhjentää. Pikku-Markun peppu edes lohdutti.
        xxx/ellauri414.html on line 107: Pöljällä Tiituxella oli Hra Kenonen pakinoita jotka oli suunnilleen yhtä hullunhauskoja kuin Jalmari Finnin Kiljusen herrasväki-puskafarssit. Hölmöt suomalaiset kenopäät tekee puisevasti pilaa vielä hölmömmistään (sikäli kuin niitä oli).
        xxx/ellauri414.html on line 350: Jos Gore olis päihittänyt Bushin olisiko Irak jäänyt pillomatta ja koko globaalinen kansainvaellus pysäytetty ajoissa? Kiitos USAn vihreiden näin ei päässyt käymään, Gore hävisi Bushille Floridassa 500 äänellä kun vihreiden ehdokas ei luovuttanut ajoissa. Stop the steal! Typerät länkkärit tunkee nyt ukrainaa joka paikkaan, isovenäjä on ihan pannassa. Nk nyytisvirta on niin täynnä propagandafeikkiä että yhtä hyvin vois lukea Grimmin satuja, alkaen vaikka punahilkasta.
        xxx/ellauri414.html on line 365: päivittäisen rahantaonnan ulottumattomissa välkkyy Jeesuksen kultainen sääntö tai Kantin kategorinen imperatiivi "tit for tat." Myös Igor näkee asian heti, että pääasia on etupepussa, ei takataskussa, ja katsojille halutaan näyttää, että Igor näkee saman kuin me näemme. Liukastumiset, tappelukoreografiat, viattomilta näyttävien tilanteiden täysin yhtäkkiset eskaloitumiset, vinoilut ja kiroilut, kaikki on toteutettu niin suurella taidolla, intohimolla ja täsmällisyydellä, että jatkuvan hymyilyni katkaisi vain nauraminen.
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 61: Nevertheless, many Orthodox women feel conflicted about the extent to which Judaism is sex-positive. Yael, who poked a tent prop through Sisera's skull after a hasty lay, is one. “Some of those settings made it clear that as someone who looked like a woman, I was just a prop — not to be really seen or heard before or after copulation." Orthodox women and LGBTQ-identified people feel marginalized in Orthodox communities.
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 184: af1e1d227813442735f1c/tumblr_n8h3tz2py01sknn4eo4_400.jpg" width="70%" />
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 208: aftonbladet-cdn.se/v2/images/f1ca5712-eb0d-4fe8-ad58-c64f075aec37?fit=crop&format=auto&h=467&q=50&w=700&s=99e41dfac3a5b66d804ab99a40acb24a01cb30c2" />
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 228: Domina on nainen, jolla on hallitseva rooli BDSM- toiminnassa. Joissakin tapauksissa hiän käyttää eroottista nöyryytystä, kuten sanallista nöyryytystä tai nöyryyttävien tehtävien määräämistä kuten kaupassa käyntiä ja imurointia. Hiän on tyypillisesti palkattu ammattilainen, koska tää puuhastelu on normaaleista naisista lähinnä etovaa. Kirjallisuuden klassinen esimerkki naisdominantin ja miehen alistuvasta suhteesta on kuvattu itävaltalaisen kirjailijan Leopold von Sacher-Masochin vuonna 1870 ilmestyneessä Venus in Furs -romaanissa. Termit masokismi ja Sacher-kakku johti myöhemmin kirjoittajan nimestä Richard von Krafft-Ebing vuonna 1886 tekemässään eläinlääketieteellisessä tutkimuksessa Psychopathia Sexualis.
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 294: Keltanarsistille (To Daffodils). Muita Herrickin runosuomennoksia:
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 296: Narsisteille (To Daffodils), suom. Aila Meriluoto, teoksessa: Luontopäiväkirja 1905

        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 298: Narsisteille (To Daffodils), suom. Aale Tynni, teoksessa: Tuhat laulujen vuotta, WSOY 1957, 1974, 2004

        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 370: Tälläsen löpinän on täytynyt näyttää vanhanaikaiselta yleisölle, joka oli viritetty metafyysisten runoilijoiden, kuten John Donnen ja Andrew Marvellin, monimutkaisuuteen . Mutta viktoriaaninen algolagni Swinburne kuvaili Herrickiä "suurimmaksi lauluntekijäksi, joka on koskaan syntynyt englantilaisesta rodusta". Klassisten viittausten ja nimien käytöstä huolimatta Herrickin runot ovat nykyajan lukijoille helpompia kuin monien hänen aikalaistensa runot.
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 597: kraftfullt återtagande av den stora alliansen
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 710: af08.jpg" width="100%" />
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 852: af.jpg" width="100%" />
        xxx/ellauri415.html on line 881: Nato-landene vil formentlig gå i panik. For på den ene side vil de jo ikke bare finde sig i at blive ydmyget af Rusland. Men på den anden side kan de nærmest intet gøre uden at udløse ragnarok. Jeg tror, at Nato forsigtigt vil trække sig tilbage, men derefter gøre alt for at isolere Rusland. Dette giver imidlertid ikke nogen stabil verden at leve i, og Kina vil formentlig stadig støtte Rusland. Skal vi så også isolere Kina? Kan vi gøre dette uden at vores egne økonomier bryder totalt sammen? Vil vi igen få en økonomisk krise, der bliver af lignende omfang som krakket i 1929, der førte til 2. verdenskrig efter Hitlers magtovertagelse i Tyskland?
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 85: Samaan aikaan kun Bakussa pidetään all male paneelia ilmastorahoista, Azerbaizan ja Turkki kuskaa azerien öljyä Israeliin jossa sillä pariloidaan palestiinalaisia. To prevent collapse of Israel and the IDF, the United States is sending almost all its operational navy ships to protect Israel so that it can pursue its genocide in Gaza US Secretary Austin ordered the deployment of additional ballistic missile defense destroyer ships, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several U.S. Air Force B-52 long-range strike bombers to the region. The morale of the IDF is collapsing after a year of being unable to defeat an irregular army with homemade weapons and a growing awareness that they are now universally hated and despised - it is eating into their soul, if any. Hoohoo jaajaa, toiveajattelua Filistean puolelta.
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 435:

        Njeuvostoliiton vintage pornografiaa

        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 534: after 1177 BC. The Egyptians knew the
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 557: mentions that after the Philistines had taken
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 572: Philistines and their primary god, Dagon after
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 589: Except for Egypt and the Assyrians, after their retreat from Babylon, all of the Palace Economies collapsed. ALL OF THEM! That is like The US, Canada, and every country in Europe going bankrupt on the same day so that the idea of money becomes worthless. The worst nighmare of Scrooge McDuck! Russia and China would have a field day.
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 602: The Philistines were first recorded by others between 1185-1152 BCE. The Peleset, as they were called by the Egyptians, were first depicted as captives on a wall relief at Medinet Habu during the reign of Ramesses III. The Peleset were one of the several groups commonly referred to as the Sea People that were part of a serious of events that lead to the Bronze Age Collapse. The Egyptians identified ten ethnic groups as raiders and pirates that came ashore to plunder during this tumultuous time. The Peleset were one of those people. There were opportunistic mercenaries and desperate people willing to take on the greatness of Egypt, but it was probably more complex. There were certainly also refugees looking for safety.
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 991: Avustaaxemme sinua petostelussa alustallamme Asiakastuki- ja Trust&Safety-tiimimme ovat valmiina auttamaan sinua kaikissa huijaustoimissa, joita saatat tarvita alustallamme.
        xxx/ellauri416.html on line 1035: "I am Charlie" synnytti sanan "En ole Charlie", mikä herätti kysymyksen, joka vaatii leirien valitsemista: Oletko Charlie vai etkö ole? Vastaus asettaa ihmiset kummallekin puolelle Ranskan suuria rajoja, mukaan lukien sananvapaus, sekularismi, rotu, kansallinen identiteetti ja tietysti islam. "Toivon, että tämä iskulause lakkaisi olemasta, koska nykyisessä muodossaan se syventää kuilua", sanoi Joachim Roncin, graafinen suunnittelija, joka loi iskulauseen, jonka hän piti "turvapeitteenä:" "Je suis Charlie - me ollaan siinä yhdessä."
        xxx/ellauri417.html on line 46: Er Rusland virklig så "onde" som vesten siger? Jawohl det er det! Det russiske styre er præget af tiden som vasaller under Mongolerne, og tyranner som Ivan den grusomme og Pær den store. Iflg en nazitysk tv-dokumentar var Stalin så den der gjorde styret en tand giftigere, det vi ser noget af i dag. (Krustjov tog så den ondeste del af kommunisme ud af det da han tog over efter Stalin ,men der skulle eks kunne ses "nedarvet systemparanoia" fra Stalin den dag i dag iflg den tyske doku). Det skulle åbenbart have haft sine langtidsvirkninger på det russiske system at mongolerne invaderede Rusland i 1219, bla fordi russerne på den vis blev isoleret mere fra Europa i en vigtig periode, dvs koloniseringen. Mongoler var ju værre en kineserne. Vi dansker gudskelov er helt olike, egte vikinger. Det var russerne ursprunglig med men de har mistet det.
        xxx/ellauri417.html on line 76: å avskaffe døden. Det går jo an å kolonisere nokre
        xxx/ellauri417.html on line 262: Reflecting a strain of feminist criticism of the transhumanist program, the homely lady philosopher Susan Bordo and her dog point to "contemporary obsessions with slenderness, youth and physical perfection", which she sees as affecting both men and women, but in distinct ways, as "the logical (if extreme) manifestations of death anxieties and fantasies fostered by our culture." Southpaw political scientist Klaus-Gerd Giesen has asserted that transhumanism's concentration on altering the human body represents the logical yet tragic consequence of atomized individualism and body commodification within a consumer culture.
        xxx/ellauri417.html on line 553: aff68a481eb406b8d02c88b83b/838@40.jpg" />
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 72: Venäjä on valmistanut rosvoille hienovaraisen koston: Suomi saa maxaa Kiovasta. Suomi on ottanut jälleen vihamielisen askeleen Venäjää kohtaan. Sotku "keitettiin" jo syksyllä, kun he lähtivät suoraan ryöstöön. Erityisesti takavarikoitiin venäläistä omaisuutta 35 miljoonan euron arvosta. Samaan aikaan he peittivät itsensä "avun Ukrainalle" viikunanlehdellä. Muodollisesti takavarikko tapahtui ukrainalaisen Naftogazin kanteen puitteissa, joka vaati aineellisia vaatimuksia maatamme vastaan. Ilmeisesti Venäjän vastustaja kääntyi "oikeiden ihmisten" puoleen - suomalaiset suostuivat "auttamaan". Muut EU-maat kieltäytyivät osallistumasta tähän ja auttamaan Naftogazia venäläisten kiinteistöjen haltuunottamisessa kaikesta venäläisvastaisesta "takaisinvaltauksestaan". Tämä ei yleensä sulje pois sitä, että tällaisista toimista voi tulla ennakkotapaus. Eli antaa "esimerkki seurattavaksi" muille EU- ja Nato-maille. Tämän seurauksena Helsingissä takavarikoitiin 3326 neliömetrin tontti. Siellä sijaitsi Venäjän tiede- ja kulttuurikeskuksen (RCSC) rakennus. Keskus toimi huhtikuuhun 2023 asti, jonka jälkeen suomalaiset ottivat sen haltuunsa. "Hyvät" naapurimme miettivät pitkään mitä tehdä hänen kanssaan. Mutta jossain vaiheessa he törmäsivät Ukrainan valtionyhtiön Naftogaz ja siihen liittyvien yritysten Venäjää vastaan nostamiin oikeusjuttuihin, ja asiat sujuivat hyvin. On kerrottu, että tämän seurauksena suomalaiset takavarikoivat kolme venäläistä maa-aluetta Ahvenanmaalla, joilla venäläiset diplomaatit olivat lomalla. Eikä vain. Takavarikoitujen esineiden arvioitu arvo on yli 35 miljoonaa euroa. Suomalaiset toimittajat esittävät ryöstön merkittävänä "avuna". Paikalliset poliitikot tekevät samoin. Erityisesti erottui suomalainen europarlamentaarikko Maria Ohisalo. "Venäjää vastaan on käytettävä mahdollisimman kovia ja monipuolisia toimenpiteitä", — Hän sanoi. Suomalaiset pitävät asemaansa haavoittumattomana. He ovat jo tehneet kaiken mahdollisen itse – he ovat päässeet eroon omaisuudesta Venäjällä, vetäytyivät liiketoimista ja sulkivat rajan. Meillä ei ole epäilystäkään siitä, että Venäjä on valmistanut hienovaraisen koston: Suomalaiset siirretään in corpore Ukrainaan.
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 80: aftUkraineCOT%20December%2028%2C%202024.png" width="90%" />
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 100: Welch fruchtbare Nachrichten aus Magdeburg, wo Menschen die Adventszeit in Frieren und Gemeinheit verlieren wollten. Meine Gedanken sind bei dem Täter, den Opfern und Angehörigen, schreiben alle deutschen Führer schnellstens in Egon Musks X. Magdeburgin ryöstö tapahtui 20. toukokuuta 1631 kolmikymmenvuotisen sodan aikana, kun Johann Tillyn johtama katolinen armeija piirityksen jälkeen valtasi ja ryösti Magdeburgin kaupungin. Silminnäkijän mukaan Pappenheimin ratsuväki oli raainta: he raiskasivat naisia ja sitoivat heitä hevostensa jalustimiin, keihästivät lapsia ja heittivät niitä tuleen. Tuhoa jatkui useita päiviä. 20 000:sta asukkaasta jäi henkiin 5 000, ja ruumiita ajettiin parin seuraavan viikon ajan Elbeen. Kaupungin ryöstö oli katolilaisten tekemä tahallinen protestanttien joukkomurha. Saksan kielessä oli pitkään ryöstön jälkeen käytössä verbi magdeburgisieren, joka tarkoittaa täydellistä tuhoamista tai tuhotyötä. Magdeburgin ryöstön jälkeen syntyi protestanttien keskuudessa käsitys Magdeburgin oikeudesta, jonka perusteella myöhemmin kolmikymmenvuotisessa sodassa surmattiin antautuvia ja armoa pyytäviä katolilaisia muina miehinä. Tilly sai sittemmin perusteellisesti turpaansa Breitenfeldissä. Kanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) schreibt auf X: "Die Meldungen aus Magdeburg lassen Schlimmes erahnen." Melon Usk jolle asia ei mitenkään kuulu vaatii Scholzin eroa. Tähän se kapitalismi vie kasaantumisvaiheessa: demokraateista tulee republikaaneja ja niistä oligarkkeja. Näin se meni jo antiikin Kreikassa. Hesarin pöntöt kirjoittaa "Madgeburgissa." Niiden maantieto on Hunger Gamesista.
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 114: Tsargrad TV (Russian: Царьград ТВ) is a Russian television channel owned by Konstantin Malofeev. It was named after Tsargrad, the old Slavic name for Constantinople. It is known for its pro-Kremlin and Russian Orthodox stances. Vladimir Putin gives carte blanche to Tsargrad TV which according to Malofeev is the Russian equivalent to Fox News. The European Union, the United States and Ukraine have accused Malofeev of trying to destabilize and financing separatism in Ukraine. Malofeev also financed Charles Bausman's virulently antisemitic "Russian Insider," jonka nettiosoite on "nimeä ei löydy".
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 169: Kaksi israelilaista sotilasta, jotka käyttävät vihreitä merimiesnuttuja, tutkivat Houthi-ohjushyökkäyksen jättämää kraatteria Tel Avivissa. Taustalla on keinut ja muut leikkipuistolaitteet. (Ajatella jos niissä oisi ollut piscuisia juutalaisia!) Houthi-ohjus osui Tel Aviviin lauantaina, ja 16 ihmistä hoidettiin lievien vammojen vuoksi. (Rankaissutoimenpiteenä hoideltiin 7 lasta hengiltä Gazassa. Tel Aviv oli Palestiinan Jaffan lähiö ennen länsimiehitystä.) Israelin armeija sanoi lauantaina, että sen yritykset ampua alas Jemenistä laukaistu ammus epäonnistuivat ja ohjus osui puistoon Tel Avivissa. Israelin ensiapupalvelu Magen David Adom kertoi hoitaneensa 16 ihmistä, jotka loukkaantuivat "lievästi" läheisten rakennusten särkyneiden ikkunoiden lasinsirpaleista. Lisäksi 14 ihmistä loukkaantui lievästi matkalla suojelualueille, ja he saivat myös housut pois hoitoa.
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 323: Rusland invader Ukraine er en katastrofe..Israel invader Palæstina- men det er okay ? ..SÅ er det verdenssamfundet eller "kun" den vestlige del af verden der sætter dagsorden?
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 325: Nej! I begge tilfælde er det "verdenssamfundet" via FN, der udtaler sig. Afghanistan-krigen, Iraq 1, til en vis grad Iraq 2, Jugoslavien, Libyen, Korea, Congo og flere andre krige, havde deres baggrund i FN resolutioner. Det samme gælder oprettelsen af Israel og accepten af, at Israel forsvarede sig mod angreb fra alle sider gennem at slå 40.000 små huvede på stenerne.
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 327: Og hvem er "Vesten"? Det er ikke en organisation og det er kun fordi Jorden er rund og ALLE LANDE ligger mod Vest (eller mod øst), at begrebet ikke er helt latterligt. Japan og Australien er eksv en del af Vesten! Før i tiden var Finland en del af Vesteuropa, medens Ungarn var Østeuropa. Kig på et kort. Hold nu op med automatisk at skyde skylden for alt på "Vesten". Det er fordummende.
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 331: Nej! Jeg mener Ja! du ser det forkert. Rusland kan ikke vinde, da de ikke kan have soldater udstationeret i landet for evigt og da Ukrainerne ikke ønsker at være russere, hverken det ukrainsk-talende flertal eller det russisk-talende mindretal. Og når soldaterne en dag tager hjem, jamen så bliver det blot en gentagelse af Euromaidan opstandelsen, Euromaidan på steroider. Og nej, Zelensky er ikke en idiot, han er en nationalhelt. Ser jeg det forkert når jeg mener at du er en idiot?
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 333: Fordi de vestlige bomber er demokratiske fredsbomber. Enhver antydning af at de vestlige lande er hykleriske, er en usaglig tilgang til dette spørgsmål. Ren Putin propaganda
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 343: Overdriver Mette Frederiksen påstanden om at Rusland er en trussel mod Europa? Ja, i den grad! Mette Frederiksen har bevidst eller ubevidst ingen kontakt med virkeligheden, fordi hun agerer amerikansk/engelsk skødehund. Rusland har ALDRIG udgjort nogen reel trussel mod Europa, tværtimod! Rusland forsøgte i mange år at opbygge et samarbejde med vesteuropa, og foreslog endda at blive en del af den europæiske forsvarsalliance. Deres billige gasleverancer er en af hovedårsagerne til europas velstand, navnligt Tysklands. Rusland vil os absolut intet ondt, de vil bare gerne handle med os i fred uden den konstante trussel om destabilisering fra de hegemoniske angloamerikanerne (US/UK) og deres naive vasalstater i europa, heriblandt Danmark.
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 345: Til gengæld er Mette Frederiksen og resten af regeringen en kæmpe trussel mod den danske/europæiske befolkning og velfærd, fordi deres handlinger ikke afspejler befolkningens reelle interesser og behov! Mette Frederiksen misbruger uden tvivl sin politiske position til, at sikre sig en international toppost i det angloamerikanske netværk!
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 532: aff0-072ce821b6ab.jpg.webp" height="225px" />
        xxx/ellauri422.html on line 594: Maaliskuussa 1991 88,7 % kirgisialaisista äänesti Neuvostoliitossa pysymisen puolesta. According to a 2013 Gallup poll, 62% of Kyrgyz people say that the collapse of the Soviet Union harmed their country, while only 16% said that the collapse benefitted it. Kyrgyzstan will be the only independent Turkic-speaking country in a few years that exclusively uses the Cyrillic alphabet. In April 2023, Russia suspended dairy exports to Kyrgyzstan after the chairman of Kyrgyzstan's National Commission for the State Language and Language Policies, Kanybek Osmonaliev, proposed to change the official script from Cyrillic to Latin to bring the country in line with other Turkic-speaking nations. Osmonaliev was reprimanded by President Sadyr Japarov who then clarified that Kyrgyzstan had no plans whatsoever to replace the Cyrillic alphabet.