ellauri106.html on line 180: Not far behind will be some Jewish critics who always found Roth’s portraits embarrassing for their relentless sexuality and discomfort with aspects of the culture that were at odds with his identity as an American. Others were angered at his voraciously espoused atheism—“I’m exactly the opposite of religious, I’m anti-religious. I find religious people hideous. I hate the religious lies. It’s all a big lie.” Some Jewish critics hounded him from the beginning of his career. Rabbi Gershom Scholem, the great kabbalah scholar, said Portnoy’s Complaint was more harmful to Jews than The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. And Roth was heckled and booed at an early appearance at Yeshiva University which stunned and shocked the author.
ellauri152.html on line 583: The most basic information is this: “Yentl the Yeshiva Boy” is a short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer, the famous Polish-American Jewish writer, published in 1962. It follows Yentl, a Jewish girl from a Polish shtetl who loves Torah-study, as she disguises herself as a man named Anshel in order to study at a yeshiva. Yentl (1983) is the movie-musical adaptation of the story, directed by and starring Barbra Streisand. In many ways it is a fairly faithful adaptation of the story’s events, but it has a different tone and a different ending.
ellauri152.html on line 585: Yeshiva Boy moves fluidly between referring to the main character as Yentl or Anshel depending on context, which is a great detail. There are times when she’s referred to as Anshel for long stretches of time, and the same for Yentl. The movie, not having third person narration, is a different beast. I take my cue from the story and use both names, depending on the context of what I’m talking about—for example, if Yentl is definitely seen as Yentl by the story in that moment, or as Anshel, or ambiguously as both. That’s a very subjective choice to make each time you write her name! But that question, the fact that you have to ask it of yourself and the fact that it’s not always clear, is to me a crucial part of Yentl’s character.
ellauri152.html on line 599: And then there are the things totally changed for the movie. Notably, in Yeshiva Boy, Anshel has some kind of un-described sex with Badass to consummate their marriage, without anyone finding out she was not assigned male at birth.
ellauri152.html on line 607: Movie Avigdor is shitty and Yentl and Badass should just stay married, but of course they do not. Yentl leaves, Avigdor and Badass marry, a happy ending for everyone. Meanwhile at the end of Yeshiva Boy, Avigdor and Badass are not entirely happy in their marriage, as both of them are still partly inlove with Anshel/Yentl. Not very Hollywood, but very queer.
ellauri152.html on line 617: So I’m not of Singer’s opinion that the movie has no merit. I love Yentl’s music and emotionality (the short story is more distant), and I think I’ll always love it. But I do prefer Yeshiva Boy’s ambivalence and ambiguity to the movie’s heterosexual Hollywood polish.
ellauri152.html on line 619: The ending of Yentl is just supremely disappointing compared to the unapologetic ending of Yeshiva Boy. “I’ll live out my time as I am,” Anshel says in the story—and Anshel is the name she is referred to as in this passage, even while also referred to as a woman and with she/her pronouns. Yentl the Yeshiva Boy often engages in this mixing of gender signifiers—it’s in the very title, which pairs the traditionally feminine name “Yentl” with the clashing term “boy,” letting them jostle each other to create dissonance and ambiguity. The terms not matching is their meaning. This is how Anshel is. A woman with a man’s soul, a man with she/her pronouns, a person with two names. It’s not couched in easily understandable modern terms, but no one who has heard of these modern terms would read Yentl as a cis woman playing dress up. It’s different than that. Queerer than that.
ellauri152.html on line 621: This genderqueerness is the simple fact of Yentl’s character in Yeshiva Boy, but totally painted over in Yentl.
ellauri152.html on line 624: In conclusion. You know the idea that if you’re nonbinary then every attraction you feel is gay? That’s Yentl the Yeshiva Boy.
ellauri152.html on line 628: I am on a crusade to make everyone aware of Yentl the Yeshiva Boy! Thank you! Also what I hate so much about that movie scene is the addition of Avigdor physical grabbing and shaking Yentl! The scene in the story is so quiet and gives Yentl dignity while explaining, while the movie has her break down confessing love for a man whose first reaction to her gender was to GRAB and SHAKE her! so inferior to just having a good old talmudic debate with your Good Pal. i feel like your comment totally sums up why The Half of It on netflix is so good.
ellauri152.html on line 749: When Zeiltin turned 15, his father died and he decided to become a Hebrew teacher. His exit from the world of the Yeshiva exposed him to the works of the scholars of the Enlightenment. He began studying in earnest the works of both Jewish philosophers (Maimonides, Gersonides, Spinoza etc.) and non-Jewish ones such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and others. During this period in his life, he began questioning his religious beliefs and eventually drifted toward secularism.
ellauri163.html on line 343: Virtual Yeshiva Discussion Forums>The Virtual Yeshiva>Ask The Rabbi>
ellauri302.html on line 51: While non-Orthodox denominations of Judaism embrace LGBT members, most Orthodox Jews are hesitant to do so based on their reading of the Torah. What makes Yeshiva University, seen by many as the preeminent educational Modern Orthodox institution, unique from some other religious institutions is that it registers as a nonsectarian corporation.
ellauri302.html on line 164: Reb Ali: We'll go to the synagogue and gather a minyan of Jews. It will be easy enough to find men who are willing to honor the Law. (Arises from the table, pours brandy into the glasses, slapping Yekel on the shoulder.) There, there! God will help you! Rejoice, host! The Lord befriends the sincere penitent... Don't worry. You'll marry your girl to some proficient scholar; you'll take some poor Yeshiva student for a son-in-law, and support him while he sits and studies the Holy Law. And the blessings of the Law will win you the Lord's forgiveness.
ellauri302.html on line 184:
Yeshiva-opiskelijat pohdiskelevat mitä Mishna ja Gemara sanoisivat moisesta.

ellauri336.html on line 164: Aina kun Rav Yaakov Kamenetzkyltä kysyttiin lapsen spankingista, hän vastasi kierrellen tarinalla Kaminetzer Rosh HaYeshivasta, Reb Boruch Ber Lebowitzista. Yksi motzei Shabbos, Reb Boruch Berin pojanpoika sytytti valot ennen kuin sanoi hamavdil. Davenoinnin jälkeen Reb Boruch Ber kutsui lapsen luokseen. Täysin rauhallisella tavalla hän sanoi lapselle: "Rakastan sinua suuresti, ja sinun pitäisi elää pitkä ja onnellinen elämä. Mutta olet juuri rikkonut mitzvah d´rabbananin (rabbiinin määräys), ja siksi ansaitset potkun."
ellauri351.html on line 299: Aaron Brown, kirjailija, kvantitatiivinen psykoanalyytikko ja jokapaikan dosentti Yeshivan ja Fordhamin yliopistoissa, sanoi The Black Swan -kirjasta, että "kirja on ikään kuin Taleb ei olisi koskaan kuullut ei-parametrisista menetelmistä, data-analyysistä, visualisointityökaluista tai vankoista arvioista." Siitä huolimatta hän kutsuu kirjaa "olennaiseksi luettavaksi" ja kehottaa tilastotieteilijöitä jättämään huomiotta loukkaukset saadakseen "tärkeitä filosofisia ja matemaattisia totuuksia". Taleb vastasi The Black Swanin toisessa painoksessa, että "Yksi yleisimmistä (mutta hyödyttömistä) kommenteista, joita kuulen, on, että jotkin ratkaisut voivat tulla "vankoista tilastoista". Ihmettelen, kuinka näiden tekniikoiden avulla voidaan luoda tietoa siellä, missä sitä ei ole."
ellauri351.html on line 486: Eskin peukuttama luihu talousnobelisti Kahneman (1 n lopussa) on jo monta kertaa ollut paasausten kohteena (albumit 27, 29, 122, 293). Nyze kelpaa guruxi taas Puntun Paavolle. It is also notable that Kahneman's paternal uncle was Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, the head of the Ponevezh Yeshiva. In 2015 Kahneman described himself as a very hard worker, as "a worrier" and "not a jolly person". But, despite this, he said, "I'm quite capable of great enjoyment, and I've had a great life."
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 237: Hasidism, initially, rejected the focus on personal reward, or ultimately also the ideal of material self-advancement, as too self-centred. Before the magnificent awareness of Divine majesty, through the mystical path, the automatic response is sincerity and a desire to nullify oneself (nollata polla) in the Divine presence. It is more worthwhile to reject even refined levels of self-centred spiritual advancement from advanced Yeshiva study to help another male person in their spiritual and even physical needs. This attitude has also spread in recent times to non-Hasidic Lithuanian Jewish Orthodoxy, as part of the spiritual campaign of the Baal Teshuvah movement.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 636: Rabbi Isaac Elchananin teologisen seminaarin rosh yeshivana Yeshiva -yliopistossa New Yorkissa, The Rav, kuten hänestä tuli tunnetuksi, vihki lähes 2000 rabbiinia lähes puolen vuosisadan aikana. Melkoinen esinahkakukkula. Rabbiinikirjallisuudessa häntä joskus kutsutaan nimellä הגרי"ד, lyhenne sanoista "suuri rabbi Yosef Dov".
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 252: 30-vuotiaana ReMO palasi Lublinista kotikaupunkiinsa Krakovaan ja perusti sinne suuren Yeshivan. Koska ReMO oli melko varakas, hän tuki Jeshivan oppilaita omalla kustannuksellaan. Eli siis hän palasi Krakovaan noin 1550 ja perusti suuren jeshivan, jossa hän varakkaana miehenä pukki oppilaitaan. Opetuksessaan hän vastusti pilpulia ja painotti yksinkertaista Talmudin tulkintaa.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 492: 2Stanley Fish (1938) on amerikanjuutalainen kirjallisuusteoreetikko, oikeustutkija, kirjailija ja maxullinen intellektuelli. Hän on tällä hetkellä Floersheimer Distinguished Vieraileva oikeustieteen professori Yeshivan yliopiston Benjamin N. Gonzo School of Lawssa New Yorkissa. Fish on aiemmin toiminut Davidson-Kahn Distinguished Universityn humanististen tieteiden professorina ja oikeustieteen professorina Floridan kansainvälisessä yliopistossa Jaakko Hintikan seurana ja on Chicagon Illinoisin yliopiston Liberal Arts and Sciences -tiedekunnan hallijärjestäjä evp. Hänen katsotaan myös vaikuttaneen lukijavasteteorian nousuun ja tuhoon.