ellauri052.html on line 162: Saul Bellowin juuri ilmestynyt uusi romaani Ravelstein kuohuttaa tunteita oikeistolaisissa piireissä Atlantin molemmin puolin. Romaanin päähenkilön Abe Ravelsteinin esikuvana on ollut Bellowin chicagolainen ystävä Allan Bloom, joka nousi maailmanmaineeseen kirjoittamalla populistisen hitin The Closing of the American Mind. Se julisti, että Woodstock-sukupolvi tuhosi kulttuurin suvaitsemalla liikaa ja unohtamalla Kreikan ja antiikin. Kirjan mainetta siivittivät muun muassa Margaret Thatcher ja Ronald Reagan. Bloom kuoli 62-vuotiaana 1992. Kuolinsyyksi ilmoitettiin maksasyöpä. Bellowin Ravelstein on kaappihomo, joka kuolee aidsiin. Tämä on suututtanut Bloomin ystävät.
ellauri067.html on line 418: Used as the title of the political manifesto of George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Is the motto on the coat of arms of the city of Plzeň, Czech Republic. The phrase is in the coat of arms of the city of Birkirkara, the largest city on the island of Malta, and the city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Is the motto on the Coat of Arms of O´Donnell. Appears in one of the paintings of the Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński. It has been used in some versions of logo for the brand of cigarettes, Pall Mall. Appears on one of the stickers on the guitar of Alvin Lee, Ten Years After´s frontman, the same guitar he played at The ´69 Woodstock Festival.
ellauri106.html on line 74: Before the sudden popularity and fierce hostility, Roth retired to secluded Woodstock, and in 1972 he bought a farm in northwest Connecticut .
ellauri245.html on line 170: In November 2011, Miller posted remarks pertaining to the Occupy Wall Street movement on his blog, calling it "nothing but a pack of louts, thieves, and rapists, fed by Woodstock-era nostalgia and putrid false righteousness." He said of the movement, "Wake up, pond scum. America is at war against a ruthless enemy. Maybe, between bouts of self-pity and all the other tasty tidbits of narcissism you´ve been served up in your sheltered, comfy little worlds, you´ve heard terms like al-Qaeda and Islamicism." Miller´s statement generated controversy. In a 2018 interview, Miller backed away from his comments saying that he "wasn´t thinking clearly" when he made them and alluded to a very dark time in his life during which they were made.
ellauri264.html on line 429: Pattis käänsi takkinsa vasemmalta äärioikealle käden käänteessä. Jos saat paskaa käteen siitä pääsee käden käänteessä. But behind the hardball tactics, ferocious reputation and slashing rhetoric, another side of Pattis lurks. He’s a deep thinker who devours books in a constant quest for enlightenment and self-improvement. His idea of Disneyland is attending the annual Hay Festival of Ideas in Wales, which has been described as “the Woodstock of the Mind.” Get into a serious conversation with Pattis, and he will bounce from philosopher to philosopher as casually as some men bounce from ballplayer to ballplayer. During an interview for this article, Pattis quoted or referenced thinker Immanuel Kant, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, St. Augustine, the New Testament, Machiavelli and Kurt Vonnegut all in one 3-minute stretch. What a pile of turds.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 685: Millbrookista muodostui vapaamuotoinen kommuuni, josta käsin Leary ja kumppanit alkoivat levittää LSD:n ilosanomaa, jonka käyttö yleistyikin huomattavasti amerikkalaisen vaihtoehtoväen keskuudessa 1960-luvun puolivälissä ja saavutti lopulta huippunsa vuosikymmenen lopun suurissa massatapahtumissa (mm. Woodstock 1969) kun ”hippeydestä” oli tullut nuorison muoti-ilmiö. LSD:n käytön kasvaessa Leary ja Millbrook joutuivat viranomaisten silmätikuiksi, mutta tämä ja uhkaava pitkä vankilatuomio marihuanan hallussapidosta ei Learya vaikuttanut huolestuttavan.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 692: and kindled hearts with legendary fire, Ja sytkäröivät sydämet kuin Woodstockissa.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 415: 1S-Town was an American investigative journalism podcast hosted by Brian Reed and created by the producers of Serial and This American Life. In 2012, horologist John B. McLemore sent an email to the staff of the show This American Life asking them to investigate an alleged murder in his hometown of Woodstock, Alabama, a place he claimed to despise. There wasn't any.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 417: Though the podcast was promoted under the name S-Town, Reed reveals in the first episode that this is a euphemism for "Shit-Town", McLemore's derogatory term for Woodstock. McLemore killed himself by drinking potassium cyanide on June 22, 2015, while the podcast was still in production.