ellauri014.html on line 1739: Whose lofty peaks are all agleam Siellä alppituulet puhaltaa,
ellauri025.html on line 151: Calvinosta tykkäs Linkku eli laamanni Hannu-Pekka Lindgren kouluaikoina. Linkku tykkäs The Whosta ja Small Faceseista sun muista modseista. Modseilla oli Vespoja. Niin meilläkin. Ja Kinkseistä.
ellauri035.html on line 392: Whose lids make such sweet shadow when they close
ellauri035.html on line 467: Whose swaying body is laved in the cool
ellauri037.html on line 355: Whose teensy hand is this, whose little ear and eye and nose?
ellauri037.html on line 356: Whose tummy full of milk, we just don't know:
ellauri046.html on line 785: Whose pastoral passions are made for the grove;
ellauri048.html on line 1596: Whose fancy fuses old and new,
ellauri051.html on line 663: and say Whose? että kenenkäs?
ellauri061.html on line 417: in that. I will speak to this fellow. Whose Mäpä puhun tälle veikolle. Kenkäs hauta tää on, hyvä mies?
ellauri061.html on line 473: HAMLET Whose was it? HAMLET Kenenkäs se oli?
ellauri061.html on line 558: Whose wicked deed thy most ingenious sense jonka ilkee temppu vei sulta sun äärimmäisen
ellauri074.html on line 464: It is written: "You shall walk modestly with your God." It is therefore necessary to be modest in all your ways. Thus when putting on or removing your shirt or any other garment from your body you should be very careful not to uncover your body. You should put on and remove the garment while lying in bed under a cover. You should not say: "I am in a private, and dark place." "Who will see me?" Because the Holy One, Blessed is He, Whose glory fills the entire world [sees] and to Him darkness is like light, Blessed be His Name. Modesty and shame bring a person to submissiveness before Him, Blessed be His name. He does not want to look at your hairy genitals. He knows how they look, after all He made them. Don't worry He does not peek under the cover, although He could.
ellauri082.html on line 229: Whose woods these are I think I know. Kenen meziä nää on joo mä tiedän
ellauri094.html on line 508: Whose life was maimed. munattomat miehet.
ellauri094.html on line 612: Whoso takes the world's life on him and his own lays down, Se joka ottaa maailmasta vauhtia ja panee parastaan,
ellauri094.html on line 615: "Whoso bears the whole heaviness of the wronged world's weight Se joka nostaa koko vääristyneen maailman painon penkiltä,
ellauri100.html on line 616: Whose nest is in a watered shoot; Se pesii rantavehkan versossa
ellauri100.html on line 618: Whose boughs are bent with thick-set fruit; Sen oxat painavina ompuista
ellauri100.html on line 755: Whose grapes are so luscious;
ellauri107.html on line 408: So why do we put up with him? (Sabbath? No I mean Roth.) Are we just drawn by the villainous? Who "we"? Speak for yourself motherfucker. Whose name was Jude Cook. Översatt på svenska: judekuk. Phil had good reason to be afraid of the judgment day.
ellauri118.html on line 789: Whose soft bewitching influence, Joiden pehmo taianomainen vaikutus
ellauri140.html on line 156: Whose wals were high, but nothing strong, nor thick, Jonka seinät oli korkeat, muttei vahvat eikä paxut,
ellauri140.html on line 376: Whose loftie trees yclad with sommers pride Isot puut ulettuivat ratki taivaalle,
ellauri140.html on line 541: Whose corage when the feend perceiv'd to shrinke, Kun vihulainen huomasi sen voiman ehtyvän,
ellauri140.html on line 759: Whose double gates° he findeth locked fast, Morfeuxen ovet on tiukkaan säpissä.
ellauri140.html on line 811: Whose sences all were straight benumbed and starke. Sen aistit oli kaikki puutuneet ja pimeenä.
ellauri140.html on line 839: Whose semblance she did carrie under feigned hew. Jota se ulkonäöllisestikin paljon muistutti.
ellauri150.html on line 488: What the f---!? Based on a 1880 novel after all!? Whose novel? Fuck you screenwriters! Taking all the glory! “I said,’ Well, I’ll never use the "g" word,'” Vidal says. “‘There’ll be nothing overt. But it will be perfectly clear that Messiah is in love with Ben-Hur.”
ellauri150.html on line 697: And now the Pope reminds us of a bit of ancient wisdom, "the wise man alone is free". This sounds like a saying from a fortune cookie. What does it mean? When we foolishly succumb to temptation and become slaves to our desires, we are no longer free! We have lost our self-control and have become possessed by our darkest passions. Jesus says, "Whosoever committeth sin is the slave of sin." (John 8:34)
ellauri155.html on line 925: Whose links about myself my deeds have cast. mua kiinni mun elämässä ja mun teoxissa.
ellauri198.html on line 531: Whose savage trample thus could pad the dank Kenen astunut mä olin kengänkannalle,
ellauri198.html on line 911: Whose name the fresh world thinks already old—
ellauri241.html on line 509: Whose airy texture, from a golden string, jonka ilmava pintakuvio kultaisesta langasta
ellauri241.html on line 672: Whose slender feet wide-swerv'd upon the soft jonka sirot jalat käänsivät leveästi pehmeille
ellauri317.html on line 86: Осмалених, як гиря, ланців, Whose hides were tough and necks well lethered – muskelimasoja pienipäisiä
ellauri370.html on line 94: It might be well, however, to inquire, What is sin ? What is the biblical definition of it ? We find the answer in the following language: " Whosoever committeth sin trans-gresseth also the law : for sin is the transgression of the law." Gresseth! The Jews did a lot of it. We quote the following from the Prophet Isaiah:
ellauri372.html on line 516: Whose honesty they all durst swear for,

ellauri386.html on line 377: Whose course was ever contrary to kind:

xxx/ellauri139.html on line 398: Whose heart had brooded, all that wintry day, Joka näkee unta toisesta leidistä, tosta Aunesta,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 452: Whose very dogs would execrations howl Niiden koiratkin häpee sitä, käenpoikaa,
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 537: “Whose passing-bell may ere the midnight toll; Mun iltahuuto saattaa tulla millon vaan.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 538: “Whose prayers for thee, each morn and evening, Multa ei koskaan ole päässyt uupumaan
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 451: “A man is forbidden to compel his wife to have marital relations…Rabbi Joshua ben Levi similarly stated: Whosoever compels his wife to have marital relations will have unworthy children.”
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 454: “Rabbi Joshua ben Levi said: Whosoever knows his wife to be a God‑fearing woman and does not duly visit her is called a sinner.”
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 160: Whose hair or breast divides the wandering wave Joidenka tukka tai tissit jakaa mainingit
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1225: Whose hands divide anguish and recompense,
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1693: Whose brooks have bled with battle when thy son
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 2931: ⁠Whosoever hath seen me,
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 641: ARTHUR: I am King Arthur and these are the Knights of the Round Table. Whose castle is this?