ellauri039.html on line 395: by Martha Small, Lilo Townsend, Kriemhild Zerling
ellauri067.html on line 608: A Hot Time in the Old Town, also titled as "There’ll Be a Hot Time in the Old Town Tonight", is an American popular song, copyrighted and perhaps composed in 1896 by Theodore August Metz with lyrics by Joe Hayden. Metz was the band leader of the McIntyre and Heath Minstrels. The song was a favorite of the American military around the start of the 20th century, particularly during the Spanish–American War and the Boxer Rebellion. The tune became popular in the military after it was used as a theme by Teddy Roosevelt´s Rough Riders.
ellauri095.html on line 410: Vuosi 1869 oli Danten anus mirabilis, jona hän sävelsi erittäin eroottiset "Eden Bower" ja "Troy Town". Neljä Willowwood-sonettia, joiden eroottisen turhautumisen ja intensiivisyyden esitys on esimerkki hänen parhaasta tyylistään, kuten Loven kappaleessa sonetissa kolme:
ellauri102.html on line 167: Nike Townin, Disney Storen ja Starbucksin kaltaisten klustereiden voimakas ja samanaikainen leviäminen kuitenkin osoittaa, että myös tietyillă elitistisillā elämäntapabrändeillä on yhä
ellauri108.html on line 216: In the 1940s and 1950s, a more militant brand of Rastafari emerged. The vanguard of this was the House of Youth Black Faith, a group whose members were largely based in West Kingston. Backlash against the Rastas grew after a practitioner of the religion allegedly killed a woman in 1957. In March 1958, the first Rastafarian Universal Convention was held in the settlement of Back-o-Wall, Kingston. Following the event, militant Rastas unsuccessfully tried to capture the city in the name of Haile Selassie. Later that year they tried again in Spanish Town. The increasing militancy of some Rastas resulted in growing alarm about the religion in Jamaica. According to Cashmore, the Rastas became "folk devils" in Jamaican society. In 1959, the self-declared prophet and founder of the African Reform Church, Claudius Henry, sold thousands of tickets to Afro-Jamaicans, including many Rastas, for passage on a ship that he claimed would take them to Africa. The ship never arrived and Henry was charged with fraud. In 1960 he was sentenced to six years imprisonment for conspiring to overthrow the government. Henry's son was accused of being part of a paramilitary cell and executed, confirming public fears about Rasta violence. One of the most prominent clashes between Rastas and law enforcement was the Coral Gardens incident of 1963, in which an initial skirmish between police and Rastas resulted in several deaths and led to a larger roundup of practitioners. Clamping down on the Rasta movement, in 1964 the island's government implemented tougher laws surrounding cannabis use.
ellauri188.html on line 189: Draamaa aiheuttaa, että Mei Mein kavereineen olisi pakko (mixi?) nähdä hormonimyrskyjä aiheuttava poikabändi 4Town (jolle Billie Eilish ja Finniarsle ovat tehneet muutaman tarttuvan kappaleen), mutta äiti ei anna lupaa.
ellauri210.html on line 1246: Shaw meni naimisiin Charlotte Payne-Townshendin kanssa vuonna 1898. Solmiessaan avioliiton he olivat jo 40-vuotiaita. 1930-luvulla pariskunta matkusteli ahkerasti ja kävi Amerikassa, Uudessa-Seelannissa, Etelä-Afrikassa ja Japanissa. Charlotte eli involuntary selibaatissa, sillä Bernie piti vastenmielisinä ajatusta seksuaalisesta kanssakäymisestä ja synnytyksestä.
ellauri221.html on line 267: The Adventures of Dunno in Flower Town presents a socialist anarchist utopia of Flower town. This society is self sufficient and enjoys a variety of personalities. It raises questions of the role of science and medicine, travel and knowledge, self-subsistence and hierarchy in a simple, humorous and concomitantly lovely style. Margaret Wetlin, an American who had immigrated to Russia during Stalinism, made an excellent translation of this book into English.
ellauri276.html on line 942: George Townshend lauloi Kaikki iloiset kaverit jotka seuraa auraa -kappaleen Brian Matthewsille vuosina 1960-64. Se sisällytettiin vuosina 2000 ja 2012 hänen Musical Traditions -antologiansa Come, Hand to Me the Glass kahteen numeroon.
ellauri290.html on line 285: Town Areas | 15,152 | 18,655 | 3,411 | 3,132 | 40,350 |
ellauri290.html on line 286: Roads in Towns | — | — | 5,559 | 5,559 |
ellauri290.html on line 296: Town Areas | 381 | 20 | 1 | 454 | 856 |
ellauri290.html on line 297: Roads in Towns | — | — | — | 116 | 116 |
ellauri290.html on line 340: c) Number of Towns** and Villages | Arab | Jewish | Mixed | German | Total |
ellauri290.html on line 341: “Arab State” - Towns | 16 | 1 | — | 17 |
ellauri290.html on line 343: “Jewish State” - Towns | 1 | 15 | 3 | 1 | 20 |
ellauri290.html on line 345: Jerusalem, I. Z. - Towns | 3 | — | 1— | 4 |
ellauri290.html on line 347: Totals: Towns | 20 | 16 | 4 | 1 | 41 |
ellauri290.html on line 411: Town Area | 38,951 | 4,837 | 3,092 | 46,880 |
ellauri290.html on line 437: e) Number of Towns* and Villages | Arab | Jewish | Mixed |
ellauri290.html on line 438: West Jordan - Towns | 9 | 1** |
ellauri290.html on line 440: Israeli-occupied - Towns | 9 | 15 |
ellauri290.html on line 442: Gaza Sector - Towns | 2 | — | — |
ellauri290.html on line 444: Totals: Towns | 20 | 15 | 5 |
ellauri290.html on line 627: Town | Area (acres) | Population (1945) | Moslems | Christians | Jews | Others |
ellauri290.html on line 669: C - Mixed Towns
ellauri294.html on line 621: Kun hänen yhteistyönsä Spielbergin kanssa päättyi, Bluth alkoi suunnitella uutta elokuvaa nimeltä The Little Blue Whale käsikirjoittaja Robert Townen kanssa.. Suunniteltu elokuva kertoi pienestä tytöstä ja hänen eläinystävistään, jotka yrittävät suojella pientä valasta pahoilta valaanpyytäjiltä.
ellauri297.html on line 627: Epäilemättä hänen viileäkkyytensä oli peritty hänen äidiltään. Elämäkertakirjoittajien mukaan rouva Shaw - herttaisen perheen tytär, joka päätyi naimisiin tehottoman humalaisen kanssa - tunsi vain halveksuntaa miestään kohtaan ja hän piti seksiä karkoittavana. Shaw asui hänen kanssaan naimisiinmenoon asti 42-vuotiaana. Nainen, jonka kanssa Shaw meni naimisiin, oli yhtä epämiellyttävä. Fabian-kaveri nimeltä Charlotte Frances Payne-Townshend, hän oli varakkaan irlantilaisen asianajajan tytär ja hänen uuden naisensa malli. ''Hänellä ei ollut mitään niistä naisellisista piirteistä, joita olin odottanut, ja kaikkia inhimillisiä ominaisuuksia, joita olin vain toivonut'', Shaw huomautti tavattaessa häntä, ja hän alkoi pian kutsua häntä "suffragetteiksi" ja "rouvaksi". Arvokkuus.''
ellauri352.html on line 611: The novel has been compared with Edgar Lee Masters´s poetry collection Spoon River Anthology, published in 1915. Tim Martin, writing for Literary Review, compared its "babble of American voices", some from primary sources and some expertly fabricated, with the last act of Thornton Wilder´s play Our Town. Kaskun ei Divina Comediaan.
ellauri369.html on line 491: Hän alkoi julkisesti ilmaista uskonnollisia epäilyksiään puoliksi omaelämäkerraisissa teoksissaan Shadows of the Clouds , jotka julkaistiin vuonna 1847 salanimellä "Zeta", ja The Nemesis of Faith , joka julkaistiin omalla nimellään vuonna 1849. Erityisesti The Nemesis of Faith nosti esiin kiistan myrskyn, jonka William Sewell poltti julkisesti Oxfordissa Exeter Collegessa ja Morning Herald piti sitä "uskottomuuden käsikirjana" . James joutui eroamaan stipendiaatistaan, ja University College Londonin virkamiehet peruuttivat tarjouksen mestariopiskelusta Hobart Townissa Australiassa, jossa Froude oli toivonut pääsevänsä työskentelemään samalla kun harkitsi tilannettaan uudelleen. James pakeni yleistä meteliä vastaan kiinaamalla ystävänsä Charles Kingsleyn luona katakombeissa.
ellauri411.html on line 341: Jopa 1. Korinttilaisille 1:27:ssä hän sanoo kauhistuttavan hölynpölyn: "mutta Jumala valitsi maailman lapset häpeämään viisaita, ja Jumala valitsi maailman heikot häpeämään vahvoja. Pokémon! Valizen sinut! Ash Ketchum, 10-vuotias Pallet Townista, on vihdoin tarpeeksi vanha saadakseen ensimmäisen Pokémoninsa! Hän nukkuu kuitenkin pommiin, ja ainoa jäljellä oleva Pokémon professori Oakin laboratoriossa on vahvatahtoinen Pikachu!
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 452: Frederick-Town (Maryland) Augt 22. 1798.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 484: “Sir: It is more than a fortnight since I acknowledged the receipt of your first letter, on the subject of the Illuminati and thanked you for Robinson’s account of that society. It went to the post office as usual addressed to the Rev’d Mr Snyder, at Frederick Town Maryland. If it had not been received before this mishap must have attended it, of which I pray you to advise me, as it could not have been received, at the date of your last, not being mentioned.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 171: Wheeler was a native of Brookfield Township in Trumbull County, Ohio where he was raised on his family's farm. A childhood accident caused by an intoxicated hired hand gave Wheeler a lifelong aversion to alcohol. He practically lost his dick in the accident. He used the story later to recruit converts to the prohibition movement and to promote a prohibition amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
xxx/ellauri209.html on line 139: Yhdysvaltain laivaston kommodori Matthew Perry oli 1830 vaatinut päästä maahan joka oli 220v torjunut maahantunkeutujat. Mitä VITTUA sillä oli sinne asiaa? Saatanan jenkkipurkat. Usalainen "diplomaatti" Townsend Harris saapui sinne 1857 perustamaan Yhdysvaltain konsulaattia vastoin japsulaisten tahtoa. Ja nyt ne on jo stezoneineen Alajärvellä! Vitun Harris bylsi vielä piikaansa Okichia ja jätti sen sitten puille paljaille.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 234: He did not meet his illegitimate daughter from a past relationship until she was 26, although she learned that he was her father when she was 16. Norris has thirteen grandchildren as of 2017. An outspoken Christian, Norris is the author of several Christian-themed books. On April 22, 2008, Norris expressed his support for the intelligent design movement when he reviewed Ben Stein´s Expelled From Townhall.com.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 161: Ask the Dust is a 2006 romantic drama film based on the 1939 book Ask the Dust by John Fante. The film was written and directed by Robert Towne. Tom Cruise (with Paula Wagner and Cruise/Wagner Productions) served as one of the film's producers. The film was released on a limited basis on March 17, 2006, and was entered into the 28th Moscow International Film Festival. It was filmed almost entirely in South Africa with the use of stages to portray Los Angeles. The film received negative to mixed reviews from critics. The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 65% of critics gave the film negative reviews, based on 104 reviews. The site's consensus states: "Though Hayek is luminous, Farrell seems miscast, and the film fails to capture the gritty, lively edginess of the book upon which it's based."
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 164: This is not a movie for the masses. It is, however, a small film about real life hardships and their tragic consequences. While the dialogue and careful pacing befits the original novel, the film sometimes drags because of it. Towne has not given us the great American love story, but he has presented us with a captivating view of 1933 Los Angeles and a tale of romance that involves us in the plight of the characters.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 808: Towns populous and many unfooted ways,
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 261: Thornton Wilder’s play Our Town has become a staple of high school drama departments, attractive perhaps more for its economical lack of scenery and props than for its sad story of love, loss and regret. There has been speculation that the character of Simon Stimson, the town drunk and organist for the Congregational Church who eventually commits suicide, represents a closeted gay man destroyed by life in a small town.
xxx/ellauri320.html on line 178: One of the legendary Bentley Boys of the late Twenties, he won the Le Mans 24-hour race in 1930, and then broke Amy Johnson's speed record by flying from Croydon to Cape Town in six-and-a-half days.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 374: In the appendix, each location is carefully catalogued with notes as to placement, location of the sundial, and maker(s) if known. McLemore’s observation that they’re “all sad like that” is hard to argue with: there are a lot of ways to say “remember you will die,” “time is fleeting,” and “seize the day,” and many of them are in Gatty’s book. The motto that S-Town host Brian Reed1 finds in a mission garden, knowing to look for it because John told him to, does not appear there, but does in another: “Nil boni hodie diam perdidi: I did nothing good today — the day is lost.”
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 404: (Source: Sundials, Sentiments, and S-Town—Liz Tracey1, JStor Daily, Wiki—List of sundial mottos)
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 415: 1S-Town was an American investigative journalism podcast hosted by Brian Reed and created by the producers of Serial and This American Life. In 2012, horologist John B. McLemore sent an email to the staff of the show This American Life asking them to investigate an alleged murder in his hometown of Woodstock, Alabama, a place he claimed to despise. There wasn't any.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 417: Though the podcast was promoted under the name S-Town, Reed reveals in the first episode that this is a euphemism for "Shit-Town", McLemore's derogatory term for Woodstock. McLemore killed himself by drinking potassium cyanide on June 22, 2015, while the podcast was still in production.
xxx/ellauri354.html on line 418: The Guardian gave S-Town a critical review. The opinion piece called S-Town "a good story, but an indefensible one." The article states that the podcast is supposed to leave you feeling positive, however instead it feels forced.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 205: She was tried by the military commission of the Republic led by her former attorney general Whiting in the palace throne room on February 8. Defended at trial by another one of her former attorneys general Paul Neumann, she claimed ignorance but was sentenced to five years of hard labor in prison by the military tribunal and fined $5,000. The sentence was commuted on September 4, to imprisonment in the palace, attended by her lady-in-waiting Eveline Townsend Wilson (aka Kitty), wife of Marshal Wilson. In confinement she composed songs including "The Queen's Prayer" (Ke Aloha o Ka Haku – "The Grace of the Lord").