ellauri072.html on line 374: Lars varnar om konspirationsteorier som holokaust och holodomor. Hans källor är sionistisk professor Timothy Snyder (Admiral Schneider! Jawoll! Klack (ouch)!) och homofil russofob judisk reporter Masha Gessen som ser ut som en AIDS patient. Masha är obinärisk och titulerar alla They. Det låter ju konspirationsteoretiskt som fan.
ellauri073.html on line 308: Immonen on mennyt kohti unelmaansa nopeasti. Vuonna 2014 Immonen luki elämänsä ensimmäisen kirjan, Timothy Ferrissin 4 tunnin kehon. Silloin takaraivoon jäi kytemään ajatus omasta kirjasta.
ellauri092.html on line 277: The Keswick Movement urged Christians to seek enlightenment emotionally, to press on toward a higher (“mystical”), experience in Christ. This type of pursuit is diametrically opposed to what God teaches in His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). As such, it should be rejected. It is the exact same way Satan tempted Eve to focus on how she felt instead of what God had said (Genesis 3).
ellauri093.html on line 317: The Open Brethren believe in a plurality of eiders (Acts 14:23; 15:6,23; 20:17; Philippians 1:1), men meeting the Biblical qualifications found in 1 Timothy 3:1–7 and Titus 1:6–9. This position is also taken in some Baptist churches, especially Reformed Baptists, and by the Churches of Christ. It is understood that eiders are appointed by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28) and are recognised as meeting the qualifications by the assembly and by previously existing eiders. Generally, the eiders themselves will look out for men who meet the biblical qualifications, and invite them to join them as eiders. In some Open assemblies, eiders are elected democratically, but this is a fairly recent development and is still relatively uncommon.
ellauri093.html on line 321: The term "Eider" is based on the same Scriptures that are used to identify "Bishops" and "Overseers" in other Christian circles, and some Exclusive Brethren claim that the system of recognition of eiders by the assembly means that the Open Brethren cannot claim full adherence to the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers.[27] Open Brethren consider, however, that this reveals a mistaken understanding of the priesthood of all believers which, in the Assemblies, has to do with the ability to directly offer worship to God and His Christ at the Lord's Supper, whether silently or audibly, without any human mediator being necessary—which is in accordance with 1 Timothy 2:5, where it is stated that Christ Jesus Himself is the sole Mediator between God and men ("men" being used here generically of mankind, and not referring simply and solely to "males").
ellauri095.html on line 161: Timothy d´Arch Smith, antiquarian bookseller, ascribes to Hopkins suppressed erotic impulses which he views as taking on a degree of specificity after Hopkins met Robert Bridges´s distant cousin, friend, and fellow Etonian Digby Mackworth Dolben, "a Christian Uranian". Ei siis Plutosta kuten Heinleinin matonaamat.
ellauri096.html on line 227: Timothy Williamson doubts that this casualty list is enough for the result to qualify as a paradox:
ellauri111.html on line 544: JESUS CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD. After His death, our precious Lord´s body laid in the grave three days, but praise be to God, it did not remain there. Death could not hold him back--it was not possible that he should be holden of it (Acts 2:24). Jesus Christ is the life (ref. John 14:6) and God manifested in the flesh (ref. I Timothy 3:16). Death could not hold him. On the third day Jesus arose from the dead and was seen by over 500 people (ref. I Corinthians 15:6) before He went back to heaven.
ellauri112.html on line 878: But didn’t Paul Tell Timothy to Take Wine for His Stomach?
ellauri112.html on line 880: The fact that Paul instructed Timothy to “take a little wine for his stomach’s sake” involves several things.
ellauri112.html on line 884: Second, Timothy obviously suffered from a stomach ailment which required a medicinal remedy. The water in Asia Minor can be very dangerous, hence the young evangelist was encouraged to take “a little wine” along with his water. The sentence is elliptical: “Be no longer a drinker of water [alone], but [with it] take a little wine” (1 Tim. 5:23).
ellauri112.html on line 901: First, on the next page of this web site, we will study a few Bible passages concerning the public worship of God in general. We do so for simple reasons. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, NKJV). Worship is a “good work,” but we are not to lean on our own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Only the Bible can teach us how to worship God in a manner that pleases Him. All our worship, including our observance of the Lord’s Supper, ought to rest on a biblical foundation.
ellauri151.html on line 719: Paul, however, wrote that Christians are not under the Mosaic Law; we are under the administration of Grace (Romans 6.14). These are two vastly different operating environments. Jesus ministered only to Jews. Jesus also ordered his disciples not to go to Gentiles but to go to Jews alone (Matthew 10.5-6). In Christianity, Paul went to the Gentiles as the Apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13; 1 Timothy 2.7; 2 Timothy 1.11).
ellauri151.html on line 723: Paul declared he was the founder of Christianity (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16). He stated he received the doctrines of Christianity from the ascended, glorified Lord.5 Paul called these doctrines “secrets” (μυστήριον) for they were unrevealed in the Lord’s earthly ministry and unknown to the Twelve. The Twelve learned of them later from Paul but continued to confine their ministry to Jews (Galatians 2.7-9). No Biblical record exists of any of the Twelve ministering to Gentiles.
ellauri171.html on line 786: The Bible teaches Christians to be content with their lot in life. Paul the apostle wrote, “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 6:6). It is virtuous of a Christian to remain undistracted by the riches of the world while being committed to Christ. For, “better is a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure with trouble” (Proverbs 15:16).
ellauri196.html on line 667: Terry saa sukupuoliyhteyden Joey-vainaan sisareen Edieen, joka häpäisee paikallisen papin isä Barryn kutsumaan satamatyöntekijät kokoukseen. Barry yrittää saada heidät seisomaan yhdessä, mutta Friendly on lähettänyt Terryn kielimään, mitä sanotaan. Muut satamatyöntekijät pilkkaavat Terryä ennen kuin Friendlyn miehet hajottavat kokouksen. Terry auttaa Edietä pakenemaan, kun taas isä Barry suostuttelee Timothy "Kayo" Duganin todistamaan. Terry paljastaa Friendlylle, että Dugan todisti suljettujen ovien takana, ja seuraavana päivänä Dugan kuolee Friendlyn miesten irrottamasta viskikuormasta.
ellauri206.html on line 392: Timothy Tennent. Ei kommentteja Raamattu ja
ellauri217.html on line 719: In Jerusalem, before Paul gets arrested for operating on Timothy´s dick, the elders proceed to notify Paul of what seems to have been a common concern among Jewish believers, that he was teaching Diaspora Jewish converts to Christianity "to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children nor walk funnily according to our customs." The alders here express concern that Paul was not fully teaching the decision of the Jerusalem Council's letter to Gentiles, particularly in regard to non-strangled kosher meat, which contrasts with Paul's advice to Gentiles in Corinth, to "eat whatever is sold in the meat markets" (1 Corinthians 10:25).
ellauri217.html on line 734: Paul, on the other hand, not only did not object to the observance of the Mosaic Law, as long as it did not interfere with the liberty of the Gentiles, but he conformed to its prescriptions when occasion required (1Corinthians 9:20). Thus he shortly after circumcised Timothy (Acts 16:1–3), and he was in fact in the very act of observing that Mosaic ritual with Tim when he was arrested at Jerusalem (Acts 21:26 sqq.) Or so he said.
ellauri219.html on line 960: Judge Timothy Hicks sentenced Peterson at once to fifteen years in prison, which is in excess of the state sentencing guidelines. Judge Hicks feared that Peterson may strike again, commenting, “I fear for what havoc he might do in the pet community.”
ellauri267.html on line 1384: Timothy Coates (n.h.) from Charleston, S.C. wrote that:
ellauri267.html on line 1389: Coates pääsi high schoolista 1970. Professor Timothy Coates from Charleston, S.C. awarded the honor and medal of "Commander of the Order of Santiago da Espada" to the President of Portugal.
ellauri300.html on line 636: Titus was one of at least two younger men that Paul disciplined and described as his “sons in the faith that we share” (Titus 1:4). The other man is Timothy, and the second letter to the Corinthians is addressed as from Paul and Timothy to the church in Corinth (2 Corinthians 1:1). Both Timothy and Titus served as Paul’s messengers and traveling companions, and they both went on to lead churches. Paul not only mentored them, but he also advised them in individual letters about their next steps. Matin stepit.
ellauri300.html on line 638: Titus’ background is not explained, other than the fact he was Gentile and apparently never circumcised (Paul had checked, Galatians 2:4). This is an interesting point, since Timothy was half-Greek, and not circumcised either! Still, Paul chose to circumcise Timothy to honor the Jews in an area that the two of them were ministering in (Acts 16:1-5). Paul repeatedly mentions in his letters that circumcision is not necessary under the new covenant (though great fun), and even tells Titus to silence Christians who try to promote it (Titus 1:10-14). So, Paul’s choice to circumcise Timothy would suggest that he had a pragmatic thorn in his side. He did not require his disciples to be circumcised, but if the situation called for working among Jews and it made things easier, he would gladly do it. Whether Titus ever ministered to Jewish believers is not stated, and both he and Titus worked at churches in Gentile areas (Timothy in Ephesus, Titus in Crete, and Corinth and Dalmatia).
ellauri318.html on line 342: Diskordianismi (albumi 167) oli kukkavoimavallankumouksen modernimpi evoluutio. 1980-luvulla Timothy Leary nousi uudelleen "kyberdeelisen" vastakulttuurin edustajaksi, jonka kannattajia kuvailivat "kyberpunkkeja", jotka olivat kiinnostuneita tietokoneista ja psykedeeleistä. Leary julisti boheemi-hipsterijoukolle, että "PC on 1990-luvun LSD" ja "käynnistä, käynnistä, liitä". Kuinka oikeassa olitkaan Timotei.
ellauri352.html on line 690: Ilman kehystä tai painopistettä, joka piti löyhästi Centennial-juhlaa yhdessä, tämä massiivinen mutta mielivaltaisesti pirstoutunut itärannikon yhteisön historia – Marylandin saari, 1583–1978 – on lähes vailla perinteistä romaanillista nautintoa. Noin sata hahmoa esitetään lujasti tyypeinä (esim. "Bartley Paxmore, 31-vuotiaana, oli uudentyylinen kveekari"), useimmat heistä ovat kolmen edustavan perheen jäseniä: katoliset, maanomistajat, ylemmän luokan jälkeläiset. Edmund Steed, joka tutki Chesapeakea John Smithin kanssa vuonna 1608; Timothy Turlockin tyhmä, mutta innokas alemman luokan jälkeläinen, joka tuli Marylandiin indentoituneena palvelijana; ja kveekari Edmund Paxmoren vakaa, keskiluokkainen laivanrakennusjälkeläinen, joka hylättiin Marylandissa vuonna 1661 laajojen Massachusettsin ruoskimisen jälkeen. Vuosien varrella näiden klaanien on kohdattava merirosvoja, myrskyjä, insestiä, seksismiä (kyllä, monet naiset täällä ovat epätodennäköisiä feministejä), filanderista syntyneitä paskiaisia, vallankumousta (kaikki kolme jälkeläistä liittyvät lopulta mukaan, jopa rojalisti Steeds), ja - noin puolet kirjasta - orjuuskysymys. Turlockit ovat limaisia ​​orjakauppiaita, Steedit ovat lempeitä orjanomistajia, paxmorit ovat rajuja abolitionisteja, ja - melko häpeämättömänä Rootsista - Caterit ovat orjia, jotka näkyvät ruoskan alla ja peiton alla, mandingotyylisissä kolmioissa. ("Haluatko jäädä pidempään, kulta?").
ellauri377.html on line 300: Instances of enumeration of sins which may be compared with that here given, are found, with respect to the heathen world, in Romans 1:29-31; with reference to Christians, Romans 13:13; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 12:20, 21; Ephesians 5:3-5, followed by a brief indication of fruits of the Spirit in ver. 9; Colossians 3:5-9; 1 Timothy 1:9, 10; 2 Timothy 3:2-4. "Manifest;" namely, to our moral sense; we at once feel that these are the outcome of an evil nature, and are incompatible with the influence of the Spirit of God.
ellauri383.html on line 388: 2 Timothy 3:16 ESV / 19 helpful votes
ellauri383.html on line 391: 2 Timothy 3:1-7 ESV / 19 helpful votes
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 957: Autumn": runohan on täysin paska. Timothy Corrigan väitti
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 636: Diskordianismin teologiaan ovat vaikuttaneet paljon mm. Timothy Learyn ihmismieltä käsittelevät teoriat. Learyn ns. kahdeksan piirin mallia ihmisen tietoisuudesta on hyödyntänyt myös Robert Anton Wilson, joka on tiettävästi tunnetuin Diskordianismin popularisoija. Erityisesti Wilsonin yhdessä Robert Shean kanssa kirjoittama Illuminatus!-trilogia on tehnyt diskordianismia tunnetuksi ympäri maailman.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 674: Timothy Francis Leary (22. lokakuuta 1920 Springfield, Massachusetts – 31. toukokuuta 1996 Los Angeles) oli yhdysvaltalainen kirjailija, psykologi ja tietokoneohjelmistosuunnittelija. Hän oli tunnetuimpia LSD:n nappaajia ja näkyvä osa 1960-luvun yhdysvaltalaista vastakulttuuria.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 675: Timothy Leary syntyi 22. lokakuuta vuonna 1920. Hänen isänsä oli hammaslääkäri ja alkoholisti, joka hylkäsi perheen Timothyn ollessa 13-vuotias. Timothy oli siitä huolimatta lukiossaan kouluneuvoston puheenjohtaja ja lukion lehden päätoimittaja. Näistä pahojen hammaslääkärien pojista voisi kohta tulla oma paasaus (kz. esim Manly Hall).
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 966: Perhaps we do not give these scientists enough credit for the faith they possess. Yes, to believe in this type of human evolution takes a whole lot of faith. Sadly, their faith is placed in the wrong location and in an untrue process. If only they were able to place that faith in the real designer behind the design. I believe it is imperative we educate ourselves and teach this generation as Paul warned Timothy to “keep that which is committed to your trust, avoiding oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20). So I'm simplifying the quote, but I don't care. Evolution is not science. It is a theory: “a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural and subject to experimentation” (dictionary.com).
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 463: Tätä seurasi tammikuun alussa 1815 uutinen, että Shelleyn isoisä Sir Bysshe oli kuollut jättäen 220 000 punnan arvoisen kiinteistön. Kiinteistön ratkaisu ja taloudellinen sovinto Shelleyn ja hänen isänsä (nykyisin Sir Timothy) välillä saatiin kuitenkin päätökseen vasta seuraavan vuoden huhtikuussa.