ellauri058.html on line 845: Tiberius ja Armfelt tiettävästi oli.
ellauri141.html on line 113: In B. C. 17, Augustus celebrated the Ludi Seculares, and Horace was required to write an Ode for the occasion, which he did, and it has been preserved. This circumstance, and the credit it brought him, may have given his mind another leaning to Ode-writing, and have helped him to produce the fourth book, a few pieces in which may have been written at any time. It is said that Augustus particularly desired Horace to publish another book of Odes, in order that those he wrote upon the victories of Drusus and Tiberius (4 and 14) might appear in it. The latter of these Odes was not written, probably, till B. C. 13, when Augustus returned from Gaul. If so, the book was probably published in that year, when Horace was fifty-two. The Odes of the fourth book show no diminution of power, but the reverse. There are none in the first three books that surpass, or perhaps equal, the Ode in honor of Drusus, and few superior to that which is addressed to Lollius. The success of the first three books, and the honor of being chosen to compose the Ode at the Ludi Seculares, seem to have given him encouragement. There are no incidents in his life during the above period recorded or alluded to in his poems. He lived five years after the publication of the fourth book of Odes, if the above date be correct, and during that time, I think it probable, he wrote the Epistles to Augustus and Florus which form the second book; and having conceived the intention of writing a poem on the art and progress of poetry, he wrote as much of it as appears in the Epistle to the Pisones which has been preserved among his works. It seems, from the Epistle to Florus, that Horace at this time had to resist the urgency of friends begging him to write, one in this style and another in that, and that he had no desire to gratify them and to sacrifice his own ease to a pursuit in which it is plain he never took any great delight. He was likely to bring to it less energy as his life was drawing prematurely to a close, through infirmities either contracted or aggravated during his irrational campaigning with Brutus, his inaptitude for which he appears afterwards to have been perfectly aware of. He continued to apply himself to the study of moral philosophy till his death, which took place, according to Eusebius, on the 27th of November, B. C. 8, in the fifty-seventh year of his age, and within a few days of its completion. Mæcenas died the same year, also towards the close of it; a coincidence that has led some to the notion, that Horace hastened his own death that he might not have the pain of surviving his patron. According to Suetonius, his death (which he places after his fifty-ninth year) was so sudden, that he had not time to execute his will, which is opposed to the notion of suicide. The two friends were buried near one another “in extremis Esquiliis,” in the farthest part of the Esquiliæ, that is, probably, without the city walls, on the ground drained and laid out in gardens by Mæcenas.
ellauri184.html on line 289: Thus, while Wome did not conscript Jews into militawy service against their will, there is no indication that this pwevented them from serving on their own accord. Several tax receipts of Jewish decurions named Jesus, Hananiah, Benjamin and a diploma to Aggaeus Bar-Callippus, a Jewish veteran who retired to the Syrian city of Samosata. We should not forget the famous example of Tiberius Julius Alexander, governor of Judaea and Egypt, a Jewish officer who led the assault on the Jerusalem temple in the Jewish War.
ellauri184.html on line 532: However, there were also many Jews, known as "Hellenizers", who viewed Hellenization and social integration of the Jewish people in the Greco-Roman world favourably, and pursued a completely different approach: accepting the Emperor´s decree and even making efforts to restore their foreskins to better assimilate into Hellenistic society. The latter approach was common during the reign of Antiochus, and again under Roman rule. The foreskin was restored by one of two methods, that were later revived in the late 20th century; both were described in detail by the Greek physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus in his comprehensive encyclopedic work De Medicina, written during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The surgical method involved freeing the skin covering the penis by dissection, and then pulling it forward over the glans; he also described a simpler surgical technique used on men whose prepuce is naturally insufficient to cover their glans. The second approach, known as "epispasm", was non-surgical: a restoration device which consisted of a special weight made of bronze, copper, or leather (sometimes called Pondus Judaeus, i. e. "Jewish burden"), was affixed to the penis, pulling its skin downward. Over time, a new foreskin was generated, or a short prepuce was lengthened, by means of tissue expansion. Martial also mentioned the instrument in Epigrammaton (Book 7:35).
ellauri378.html on line 247: Teutoburgissa koetulla tappiolla oli suuri vaikutus Rooman laajentumispyrkimyksiin. Augustus ja hänen seuraajansa Tiberius tulivat varovaisemmiksi, ja Rein vakiintui Rooman ja germaanien väliseksi rajaksi. Suurin syy tähän tosin lienee ollut se, että taloudellisesti takapajuinen Germania ei ollut vaivalloisen valloittamisen arvoinen. Reinille ja Tonavalle rakennettiin linnoitettu rajalinja, limes. Taistelussa tuhoutuneiden legioonien numeroita ei enää koskaan käytetty. Taistelupaikankin tarkka sijainti oli pitkään hämärän peitossa. 1980- ja 1990-luvulla suoritettujen arkeologisten kaivausten jälkeen pidetään kuitenkin käytännöllisesti katsoen varmana, että lopullinen taistelu käytiin Kalkriesessä, Osnabrückin pohjoispuolella. Sillä kertaa sakemanneilla oli onni matkassa.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1079: Wang Wei: Jos ei muuta, voi iiiiihmetellä, mitä kaikkea sai aikaan, julkaisi! Mieletön määrä kirja-arvosteluja, esseekokoelmat, historialliset romaanit. Kun luin sen hist. romaania Tiberius, tuli niin hirvee hinku suolakurkkuihin, että täyty käydä ostamassa.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1081: Lao Rui: Söix Tiberiuskin suolakurkkuja?
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1083: Wang Wei: Eiku teoksen nimi oli Yksinvaltias, päähenkilö Tiberius. Joo, söi suolakurkkuja. Tatu kuoli 30-vuotiaana!
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1415: Hizi tää Maran "esittely" ei ole muuta kuin yritelmä Tatu-kritiikixi. Ja siinä on paljon ainesta paikannäyttäjälle elämä-ja teosmielessä. Se Tiberiusprujaus esim. tuli Tatun erittäin onnistuneesta Italian-matkasta. Asejunat vierivät täältä etelää kohti. Mussoliini meni saamaan turpiinsa. Kohta se jo roikku pää alaspäin bensakatoxesta. Turpiin vaan ja onnea. Näyttää että ollaan pian taas siinä samassa pisteessä. Ahtaalle joutuessaan apinakööri aina kuumenee.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 1421: Maran mielestä haukotuttava Tiberius on Tatun paras. Mä en ole jaxanut sitä lukea alkua pitemmälle. No en kyllä ole pitkään aikaan yrittänytkään. En päässyt edes niihin suolakurkkuihin. Tiberius on Marasta Pertti Perusinsinööri. Siitä keskeneräisestä jeesusprujauxesta piti tulla Tatun opus magnum, mutta suolisto teki tenän. Liian paljon röökiä ja kahvia, pumppu ehtyi. Kun Tatun iso nokka osoitti kohti taivasta, ei tarvittu sijaiskärsiä.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 527: Paha keisari Tiberius">Tiberius asui Caprilla ja johti sieltä käsin Roomaa viestittämällä semaforilla.
xxx/ellauri059.html on line 529: Paha keisari Tiberius pyyhki gargantuamaisesti perseensä pikkupojilla.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 518: The histories of Tiberius, Gaius, Claudius, and Nero, while they were in power, were falsified through terror, and after their death were written under the irritation of a recent hatred. Hence my purpose is to relate a few facts about Augustus - more particularly his last acts, then the reign of Tiberius, and all which follows, without either bitterness or partiality, from any motives to which I am far removed.
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 520: Augustus ja sen ottopoika Tiberius sähläs Jee-suxen aikana. Tiberius oli aika törkimys. Komentaja kysyy allaolevalta vaimolta: - Onko jokin hätänä kultaseni? - Ei miten niin? - No kun sinä liikahdit. P. Puovolilla oli oka lihassa, pakaroiden välissä.
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 382: Jotain sähläystä Nokalla oli Augustuxen riettaan tyttären Julian kanssa, Julia vastusti Tiberiuxen keisariutta, siis sen josta Tatu Vaaskivi kirjoitti sen järkäleen, jota en vieläkään ole jaxanut lukea. Ex Tiberiuskin salaa imenyt jotain Imejä?
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 447: Aku, Tiberius, Korkkari, Claude, ja Nero.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 459: Caesar oli prosemiitti, Tiberius ja sen rääppä Sejanus antisemiitti. Korkkarin ja pelkurimaisen saxalaisen Clauden aikana ohjaxissa oli jutku Agrippa.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 461: Klasu oli kotoisin Lyonista. Hän oli koominen. Historioitsija Suetoniuksen kirjoitusten mukaan Claudius puhui änkyttäen, käveli ontuvasti ja hänen polvensa ja päänsä tärisivät jatkuvasti. Kun Claudius nauroi tai raivostui, hän kuolasi ja hänen nenästään valui räkää. Antiikin maailmassa änkytyksen kaltaisia oireita pidettiin ilmiselvänä merkkinä vähäjärkisyydestä, joten Claudiuksen sukulaiset kuvittelivat hänen olevan henkisesti jälkeenjäänyt. Syy Claudiuksen oireisiin on epäselvä, mutta nykyhistorioitsijat ovat ehdottaneet muiden muassa poliota, CP-vammaisuutta tai Touretten syndroomaa. On kuitenkin epäilty, että Claudius olisi tarkoituksellisesti liioitellut oireitaan ja esiintynyt vajaaälyisenä harmittomana miehenä, jotta häntä ei olisi teloitettu, kuten keisarit Tiberius ja etenkin Clauden veljenpoika Caligula tekivät liian vallanhimoisina pidetyille sukulaisilleen.