ellauri004.html on line 474: EX-LEPER: That´s right, sir. Sixteen years behind the bell, and proud of it, sir.
ellauri004.html on line 500: EX-LEPER: That´s just what Jesus said, sir.
ellauri014.html on line 1395: That´s what I want you to do.
ellauri032.html on line 347: Musta vale ei ole mikään ongelma, ei toi kielen kuvateoria ole mikään teoria, kuviahan sanalliset kuvauxet tosiasiassa on, morfismin mielessä. Kuva jostain on joko osuva tai se valehtelee. Kuvasta tulee vale kun siinä on caption joka sanoo: ceci n´est pas une pipe. Eli tarvitaan toi indexi, jota vastaan kuva tulkitaan, plus tarvittaessa joku legenda, ellei kuva ole muuten ilmeinen. Plus moodi, josta näkee mihin tarkoituxeen kuvaa käytetään. That´s all.
ellauri052.html on line 698: You did!' exclaimed Gerald. `That´s one of the things I´ve never ever seen done. You mean jiu-jitsu, I suppose?
ellauri052.html on line 746: `That´s smart,' he said. `Now try again.'
ellauri096.html on line 67: In response to the apparent conflict between freedom and foreknowledge, medieval philosophers denied that future contingent propositions have a truth-value. That´s silly. They took themselves to be extending a solution Aristotle discusses in De Interpretatione to the problem of logical fatalism. According to this truth-value gap approach, ‘You will take a dump tomorrow’ is not true now. The prediction will become true tomorrow. A morally serious theist can agree with the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam:
ellauri097.html on line 126: Mencken defended the evolutionary views of Charles Darwin, but spoke unfavorably of many prominent physicists and had little regard for pure mathematics. Regarding theoretical physics, he said to longtime editor Charles Angoff, "Imagine measuring infinity! That´s a laugh." Ei se osannut kuin neljä laskutapaa, nekin sinnepäin.
ellauri111.html on line 669: The Lord´s Supper. At various seasons, Christians partake of the Lord´s supper in which we remember the Lord (Luke 22:19, 1 Corinthians 11:24, 25) and shew his death until he come (1 Corinthians 11:26). One need not be in a church service to partake of the Lord Supper, one can partake of the Lord´s supper (sometimes called "communion") at home. The Lord´s supper is NOT the same as the Roman Catholic mass. That´s Lord´s lunch.
ellauri117.html on line 195: You did!' exclaimed Gerald. `That´s one of the things I´ve never ever seen done. You mean jiu-jitsu, I suppose?
ellauri117.html on line 243: `That´s smart,' he said. `Now try again.'
ellauri159.html on line 1141: You Want your writing to serve a practical purpose, such as explaining how to solve a problem. You tend to be a good troubleshooter (actually, a good troublemaker and sharpshooter too) with broad, specific knowledge that they can apply in high-pressure situations. Choose topics that allow you to draw on this ability. Then, jot down your ideas while conducting your research, rather than writing in your head. That´s way too hard, it´s like shooting with blanks. This will help you focus your ideas early so you don’t waste time gathering extraneous information.
ellauri159.html on line 1221: You have a keen insight into the nature of things. Your prose often conveys startling images of mood or atmosphere rather than objects. Maybe you should consider poetry, or rap. You enjoy complexity and can patiently unravel dense material like a terrier. You are able to see many sides of an argument and so may have difficulty reaching a conclusion, or even reaching a period, like Pynchon. During the writing process, you may often pause to consider alternatives or to seek seeming connections between obviously disparate things. That´s a paranoid feature, so you may be an asthenic person. Consult Krezmer´s typology.
ellauri163.html on line 522: That´s All Folks!
ellauri184.html on line 415: That´s all folks. Sitten syömään. Jeshua jakaa leivät ja kalat pikkuriikkisixi murusixi. Uskovaiset sanovat: ruoka oli hyvää ja sitä oli riittävästi. Napisijat jäivät häviäväxi vähemmistöxi. Naahumin Jeshua myöntää että Matteuxen luvuissa oli pientä liiottelua, hyvän asian nimissä toki.
ellauri203.html on line 233: Anna Snitkina did not attempt to change Dostoevsky, accepting him warts and all, which made this marriage the happiest and most harmonious in the writer’s turbulent life. That´s the only working way to survive a hopeless narcissist.
ellauri243.html on line 624: Because where success is concerned, a great plan is essential--but so is making smart course corrections. That´s why pilots are taught the 1 in 60 rule, which states that after 60 miles a one degree error in heading will result in straying off course by one mile. Never mind the math, it´s quite complicated. The point is, the farther you go, the more off course you end up.
ellauri243.html on line 630: The smaller goal you set, the further off course you´ll wind up. That´s why setting a specific goal is so important.
ellauri243.html on line 642: That´s one reason most incredibly successful people set a goal, and then focus all their attention on the creating and following a process designed to achieve that goal. The goal still exists, but their real focus is on what they do today. And making sure that do it again tomorrow. Because consistency matters: What you do every day is who you are. Like take a shit. And who you will become. A piece of shit.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 569: That´s what us monkeys are like: we love rules and we like getting spanked too. Makes us feel better apes, holier than thou anyway.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 316: Henry VIII did not get divorced, he just had his wives´ heads chopped off when he got tired of them. That´s a good way to get rid of a woman - no alimony. Ted Turner
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 403: But sometimes there is no rhyme or reason behind such things. Well, the chosen people killed and still kill droves of Philistines without any personal animus. Natasha Ishak is a staff writer at All That´s Interesting. She is a Jewess. Now that´s interesting!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 406: That´s why your children and your wives Sixun lapset ja sun vaimot
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 134: (1.) The whole Bible will be read through in an orderly manner in the course of a year. – The Old Testament once, the New Testament and Psalms twice. I fear many of you never read the whole Bible; and yet it is all equally Divine (may the Catholics say what they will, it´s all 100% pure new wool, including Leviticus), “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect.” If we pass over some parts of Scripture, we shall be incomplete Christians. "You'll never read it", said Circle Mouth to me when I bought Noam Chomsky´s thesis at a MIT Press book sale. Of course I had to read it from cover to cover, though much of it was pretty dull. (That´s all I remember of it as is.)