ellauri002.html on line 1620:
ellauri014.html on line 1973: "Thanatopsis" remains a milestone in American literary history. "Poems" was considered by many to be the first major book of American poetry. Nevertheless, over five years, it earned Bryant only $14.92. Poet and literary critic Thomas Holley Chivers, who often accused other writers of stealing poems, said that the only thing Bryant "ever wrote that may be called Poetry is ´Thanatopsis´, which he stole line for line from the Spanish."
ellauri048.html on line 818: Ballads and Other Poems 1842
ellauri048.html on line 1057: More Poems by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
ellauri048.html on line 1070: See All Poems by this Author
ellauri048.html on line 1110: Hallam and Tennyson became friends in April 1829. They both entered the Chancellor's Prize Poem Competition (which Tennyson won). Both joined the Cambridge Apostles (a "private debating society"), which met every Saturday night during term to discuss, over coffee and sardines on toast (“whales”), serious questions of religion, literature and society. (Hallam read a paper on 'whether the poems of Shelley have an immoral tendency'; Tennyson was to speak on 'Ghosts', but was, according to his son's Memoir, 'too shy to deliver it' - only the Preface to the essay survives). Meetings of the Apostles were not always so intimidating: Desmond MacCarthy gave an account of Hallam and Tennyson at one meeting lying on the ground together in order to laugh less painfully, when James Spedding imitated the sun going behind a cloud and coming out again. Capital, capital.
ellauri048.html on line 1114: Hallam spent the 1830 Easter holidays with Tennyson in Somersby and declared his love for Emilia. Hallam and Tennyson planned to publish a book of poems together: Hallam told Mrs Tennyson that he saw this "as a sort of seal of our friendship". Hallam's father, however, objected, and Hallam's Poems was privately published and printed in 1830. In the summer holidays, Tennyson and Hallam travelled to the Pyrenees (on a secret mission to take money and instructions written in invisible ink to General Torrijos who was planning a revolution against the tyranny of King Ferdinand VII of Spain). In December, Hallam again visited Somersby and became engaged to Emilia. His father forbade him to visit Somersby until he came of age at twenty-one.
ellauri053.html on line 1354: W. B. Yeats, “Sailing to Byzantium” from The Poems of W. B. Yeats: A New Edition, edited by Richard J. Finneran. Copyright 1933 by Macmillan Publishing Company, renewed © 1961 by Georgie Yeats. Reprinted with the permission of A. P. Watt, Ltd. on behalf of Michael Yeats. Source: The Collected Poems of W. B. Yeats (1989)
ellauri054.html on line 344: Anthony Hecht was born in New York City in 1923. His books of poetry include The Darkness and the Light (Alfred A. Knopf, 2001); Flight Among the Tombs (1996); The Transparent Man (1990); Collected Earlier Poems (1990); The Venetian Vespers (1979); Millions of Strange Shadows (1977); The Hard Hours (1967), which won the Pulitzer Prize; and A Summoning of Stones (1954).
ellauri067.html on line 594: The name is attested for the same rune in all three Rune Poems. It appears as Old Norse and Old Icelandic Sól and as Old English Sigel. (Se on SS-merkin muotoinen.)
ellauri082.html on line 288: Em's poem was published posthumously in 1890 in Poems: Series 1, a collection of Dickinson's poems assembled and edited by her friends. Critics attribute the lack of fear in her tone as her acceptance of death as "a natural part of the endless cycle of nature," due to the certainty in her belief in Christ. (Silly, if death is a natural part of the endless cycle of nature who needs Christ meddling into it? Christ was no endless cycle guy but like Tom Hanks in "News of the world" a guy who points with his hand straight ahead, in a rigidly raising logistic line toward the abyss.)
ellauri094.html on line 488: Poem by Algernon Charles Swinburne:
ellauri095.html on line 117: As a poet, Hopkins's father published works including A Philosopher's Stone and Other Poems (1843), Pietas Metrica (1849), and Spicelegium Poeticum, A Gathering of Verses by Manley Hopkins (1892). He reviewed poetry for The Times and wrote one novel. Catherine (Smith) Hopkins was the daughter of a London physician, particularly fond of music and of reading, especially German philosophy, literature and the novels of Dickens. Both parents were deeply religious high-church Anglicans. Catherine's sister, Maria Smith Giberne, taught her nephew Gerard to sketch. The interest was supported by his uncle, Edward Smith, his great-uncle Richard James Lane, a professional artist, and other family members.
ellauri097.html on line 699: “The Tuft of Flowers” does indeed follow “Mowing” in the book, and one might suspect that line 32 of “Flowers” was borrowed from line 2 of “Mowing.” It is, in fact, the other way around: “The Tuft of Flowers” was written several years before “Mowing,” likely in 1896 or 1897; as such, it heartily deserves the designation “Early Poem.”
ellauri100.html on line 649: Funny Birthday Poems 70th Läppä runo 70v
ellauri109.html on line 689: A Poem, in Three Parts (1687) is an allegory in heroic couplets by John Dryden. At some 2600 lines it is much the longest of Dryden's poems, translations excepted, and perhaps the most mind-numbing. Luckily, no one has repeated it.
ellauri118.html on line 323: Dashboard Poem More Kojelauta Runo Lisää
ellauri118.html on line 324: Explore Poems GO! Tutustu runoihin MENE!
ellauri118.html on line 520: “Dear friends . . . what millennium is it out there?” kysyi Boris porukoilta. Länkkärit tykkää eniten Borisin loppupään tuotannosta, The Poems of Doctor Zhivago and the poems of his last years, joihin Pasternak has injektoinut kristillistä symboliikkaa. Mix ihmeessä, eikös se ollut jutku? Nää runot voi olla sen tunnetuimpia, siitä jenkkipaskiaiset on kyllä huolehtineet. Tätä runoa ei näy kukaan kommentoineen. Musta Boris kertoo siinä taipumuxestaan käydä huorissa. Zhivagon seppoilemia runoja räävitään albumissa 405.
ellauri144.html on line 381: "The force that through the green fuse drives the flower" is a poem by Welsh poet Dylan Thomas— the poem that "made Thomas famous." Written in 1933 (when Thomas was nineteen), it was first published in his 1934 collection, 18 Poems.
ellauri146.html on line 713: Poem In October Lokakuun runo
ellauri146.html on line 797: As a starting point to my discussion of Thomas's "Poem in October" and Wardi's thoughtful presentation of it. Eynel is a girl, or womenfolk at least. Entä Schachar Bram? Schachar hails from Haifa University. Shachar tarkoittaa aamupuhdetta. Gender of first name Shachar : Boy 83.33%. Onx tää vallan Sakari hepreaxi? Tai paremminkin pikkuprofeetta Sakarja, sillä Johannes Kastajan isäpappa Sakari oli merkkimies vaan kristityille ja muslimeille, ei juutalaisille, ja se kirjoitetaan raamatussa Zacharias. Sakarista tuli mykkä kunnes Johannes oli syntynyt, koska Sakari ei ottanut uskoaxeen että pystyisi vielä impregnoimaan vaimonsa Elisabetin. Tää taisi tulla esille jossain monista lukemistami deutero-evankeliumeista joissa tehdään halpaa pilaa Jeesuxen nuoruusajoista.
ellauri180.html on line 566:
Poem Analysis

ellauri180.html on line 599: Emma Baldwin graduated from East Carolina University with a BA in English, minor in Creative Writing, BFA in Fine Art, and BA in Art Histories. Literature is one of her greatest passions which she pursues through analyzing poetry on Poem Analysis.
ellauri197.html on line 110:
Similar Poems

ellauri197.html on line 176: Clifton's three books of poetry were published by Duckworth. The first was Dielma and Other Poems in 1932 and then followed Flight in 1934. One commentator has said that “Clifton was particularly adroit at poems honouring – and marvelling at – women” and the Times Literary Supplement stated that “His lyrics are a gracious tribute to the beauty of women”. These were fairly conventional poems unlike his final work Gleams Britain's Day published in 1942. The Spectator described it as “expressing in a sort of prophetic certitude opinions upon religion, patriotism, love, art, war and peace, which he puts in unconventional verse”. The reviewer stated that the book was “the product of a curious, whimsical mind, full of energy, squandering it on half-digested ideas”. W B Yates dedicated his poem, Lapis Lazuli, to Clifton who had given him a valuable Chinese lapis lazuli carving.
ellauri197.html on line 289:
Poem analysis of How Happy I Was If I Could Forget by Emily Dickinson

ellauri197.html on line 414: Aika hassua että Anne Bronten helmihyminä oli lueteltu Poem Analysixessä rakkausrunona. Tai no, oikeastaan sehän onkin sellainen, kun sitä lukee sillä silmällä! Jee-suxen morsian ja Jahven miniähän se on joka siinä hymisee housut märkinä!
ellauri198.html on line 344: A footnote in the Penguin Classics edition (Robert Browning Selected Poems) advises against allegorical interpretation, saying “readers who wish to try their hand should be warned that the enterprise strongly resembles carving a statue out of fog." This sentiment is echoed by many critics, who believe any quest for interpretation will ultimately fail, due to the dreamlike, illusionary nature of the poem.
ellauri198.html on line 849: His pose as “The Wild Old Wicked Man” (the title of one of his poems) and his poetical revitalization was reflected in the title of his 1938 volume New Poems.
ellauri198.html on line 853: He faced death with a courage that was founded partly on his vague hope for reincarnation. In his proud moods he could speak in the stern voice of his famous epitaph, written within six months of his death, which concludes his poem “Under Ben Bulben”: “Cast a cold eye / On life, on death. / Horseman, pass by!” But the bold sureness of those lines is complicated by the terror-stricken cry that “distracts my thought” at the end of another late poem, “The Man and the Echo,” and also by the poignantly frivolous lust for life in the last lines of “Politics,” the poem that he wanted to close Last Poems: “But O that I were young again / And held them in my arms.”
ellauri198.html on line 881: Hyperion, a Fragment is an abandoned epic poem by 19th-century English Romantic poet John Keats. It was published in Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems (1820). It is based on the Titanomachia, and tells of the despair of the Titans after their fall to the Olympians. Keats wrote the poem from late 1818 until the spring of 1819, when he gave it up as having "too many Miltonic inversions." He was also nursing his younger brother Tom, who died on 1 December 1818 of tuberculosis.
ellauri203.html on line 401: Monet hänen sodanjälkeisistä teoksistaan, mukaan lukien "Runo petturille" ("Poemat dla zdrajcy"), hyökkäys Czesław Miłoszia vastaan, "Chryzostom Bulwiećin matka Ciemnogródiin" ("Podróż Chryzostoma Bulwiecia do Ciemnogrodu") ja panegyri " Stalin" Dead" ("Umarł Stalin") (1953), kirjoitettiin sosialistisen realistin periaatteiden mukaisesti. Vuonna 1950 hänestä tuli ideologisen nokkimisen kohde, ja Adam Ważyk tuomitsi hänen taiteellisen työnsä puolalaisten kirjailijoiden liittokokouksessa pikkuporvarilliseksi. Parempi sekin kuin Miloszin ketkumainen poroporvarilisuus.
ellauri220.html on line 79: This poem was originally called "Sun-Down Poem" (1856), and the present title was given it in 1860. It was substantially revised in 1881. The major image in the poem is the ferry. It symbolizes continual movement, backward and forward, a universal motion in space and time.
ellauri243.html on line 760: Hän kirjoitti kyllä muitakin runoja, kuten A Poem to the Memory of Sir Isaac Newton. Siitä toi ote voisi ollakin.
ellauri276.html on line 443: Kavanaghin ensimmäinen kokoelma, Plowman and Other Poems, julkaistiin vuonna 1936. Se on tunnettu realistisesta kuvauksestaan ​​Irlannin maalaiselämästä, ilman romanttisia tunteita, joita usein nähtiin tuolloin maalaisrunoissa, piirre, jota hän inhosi. Macmillanin uusista runoilijoista kertovassa sarjassaan julkaissut kirja ilmaisi sitoutumisen puhekieleen ja oikeiden ihmisten iänikuiseen elämään, mikä teki hänestä epäsuositun kirjallisuuden keskuudessa.
ellauri276.html on line 925: Tämän urakan jälkeen Stork lähti ulkomaille tekemään tutkimustyötä Englannin ja Saksan yliopistoissa, missä hän vietti useita vuosia. Vuonna 1908 hän meni naimisiin Elisabethin, tiedättehän, taiteilija Franz von Pausingerin tyttären kanssa Salzburgista Itävallasta, ja palattuaan Amerikkaan aloitti työnsä Pennsylvanian yliopistossa, jossa hän toimi opettajana ja apulaisprofessorina vuoteen 1916, jolloin erosi tehdäxeen kirjallista työtä. Mr. Storkin ensimmäinen tunnetuksi tullut säekirja oli "Meri ja lahti", 1916. Sen jälkeen hän on kääntänyt paljon ruotsin ja saksan kielestä, tehden ihailtavia käännöksiä Gustaf Frödingistä, 1916, sekä monista muista never heardeista teokseen "Ruotsalaiset runoilijat", jonka teoksen hän julkaisi nimellä "Anthology of Swedish Lyrics", 1917. Hän on sittemmin tehnyt käännöksen "Selected Poems of Verner Von Heidenstam", Nobel-palkinnon saaja 1916. Ruotsalaisen runouden lisäksi hän on tehnyt erinomaisen esitys itävaltalaisen sanoittajan Hofmansthalin sanoituksista. Mr. Stork on toimittaja ja omistaja lehdykälle 'Contemporary Verse', joka on omistautunut nykyisen ryhmän runoudelle Amerikassa. Toinen kokoelma hänen omista säkeistä ilmestyy siinä pian.
ellauri277.html on line 242: Gibran’s first book in English, The Madman: His Parables and Poems, was completed in 1917; it was brought out in 1918 by the young literary publisher Alfred A. Knopf, who went on to publish all of Gibran’s English works. A gold mine! A goose laying golden eggs! Way to go Alfred!
ellauri282.html on line 436: 19. maaliskuuta 1944 Merton teki väliaikaisen lupauksensa ja hänelle annettiin valkoinen hattu, musta olkapää ja nahkavyö. Marraskuussa 1944 James Laughlin julkaisi käsikirjoituksen, jonka Merton oli antanut ystävälle Robert Laxille edellisenä vuonna osoitteessa New Directions: runokirja nimeltä Thirty Poems. Mertonilla oli ristiriitaisia ​​tunteita tämän teoksen julkaisemisesta, mutta Dunne pysyi päättäväisenä, koska Merton jatkoi kirjoittamistaan. Vuonna 1946 New Directions julkaisi toisen Mertonin runokokoelman, A Man in the Divided Sea, joka yhdistettynä kolmeenkymmeneen runoon, herätti hänelle tunnustusta. Samana vuonna Harcourt Brace & Company hyväksyi Mertonin käsikirjoituksen The Seven Storey Mountainiin julkaistavaksi. Seitsemänkerroksinen vuori, Mertonin omaelämäkerta, kirjoitettiin kahden tunnin välein luostarin scriptoriumissa henkilökohtaisena projektina.
ellauri323.html on line 341: Kukaan ei olisi voinut ennakoida Mooren yhdennentoista tunnin oleskelua julkkisten maailmassa septuagenaarina 50-luvulla äidin kuoltua. Henry Ford ei tosin huolinut Mooren päättömiä nimiehdotuxia vaan risti uuden automallin Edselixi. TS Eliot ylisti hänen runojaan jo varhain, ja sanoi, että ne kuuluivat tuon ajan "pieneen kestävän runouden joukkoon". Teos vaikutti "kohtalaisen älylliseltä", kuten Eliot ilmaisi johdannossaan Mooren vuoden 1935 "Selected Poems" -teokselle: "Vain niille, joiden äly liikkuu helpommin, he näyttävät välittömästi olevan emotionaalista arvoa." Kohtuullisen intellektuellilla oli sanansa: Mark Van Doren, Columbian professori, tuomitsi hänet pelkäksi nokkelaksi, "korkeakulmakarvaisten" runoilijaksi. Mutta Eliot ja muut – William Carlos Williams, HD, Stevens, Pound – epäilivät, että hän oli sukupolvensa parhaita runoilijoita, puhtaamman modernismin harjoittaja kuin he olivat uskaltaneet. Hänen ennen myöhäistä tähtikoiruuttaan tuottamien pienten teosten parhaat puolet – kaksi tusinaa runoa, ehkä - on monille edelleen vertaansa vailla amerikkalaisessa kirjallisuudessa. John Ashbery ei ole yksin kiusauksensa "kutsua häntä suurimmaksi nykyajan runoilijaksemme" kanssa.
ellauri348.html on line 731: Ossian ( / ˈ ɒ ʃ ən , ˈ ɒ s i ən / ; irlantilainen gaeli / skotlantilainen gaeli : Oisean ) on kertoja ja väitetty kirjoittaja skotlantilaisen runoilijan James Macphersonin julkaisemassa eeppisessä runosarjassa , alun perin Fingal ja (1761) Temora (1763), ja yhdistettiin myöhemmin nimellä The Poems of Ossian. Macpherson väitti keränneensä skotlannin gaelinkielistä suullista materiaalia, jonka sanottiin olevan muinaisista lähteistä, ja että teos oli hänen käännöksensä tästä materiaalista. Ossian perustuu Oisíniin, Fionn mac Cumhaillin pojaan (englanninkielinen Finn McCool), legendaariseen irlantilaisen mytologian bardiin. Nykyaikaiset kriitikot olivat jakautuneet näkemyksensä teoksen aitoudesta, mutta nykyinen yksimielisyys on, että Macpherson sävelsi runot suurelta osin itse, hyödyntäen osittain keräämänsä perinteistä gaelilaista runoutta.
ellauri350.html on line 265:
ellauri365.html on line 57: One Day One Poem - (uudelleen)löydä runoutta!
ellauri368.html on line 27:

Poems of Avron Sutzkever

ellauri389.html on line 285:
Key Poem Information

ellauri389.html on line 411: For some time he displayed a flurry of literary activity, publishing in 1819 a collection of his poems, under the title of Nugæ Canoræ; in 1821, Desultory Thoughts in London; Titus and Gisippus; and other Poems; and Poetical Essays on the Character of Pope; in 1822, The Duke D'Ormond, a tragedy written in 1798, together with Beritola, a metrical tale in the Italian manner; and a small volume of poems in 1823. Nothing to write home about, alackaday.
ellauri392.html on line 367: Cordelia, or ‘A Poem Should Not Mean, But Be’
ellauri405.html on line 581: By: Rosette C. Lamont, "Yuri Zhivagon "Fairy Tale": A Dream Poem", kirjassa Books Abroad (Copyright 1977 of Oklahoma Press) 51, Ei. 4, Syksy, 1977, pp. 517-21.
ellauri429.html on line 516: "Lepanto" The Collected Poems of G. K.
ellauri429.html on line 518: Palmer, 1927. Lähde: The Collected Poems of G.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 89: Poems are made by fools like me, Runon vääntää nyt kuka tahansa
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 854: Tylyt kriitikot kirjoittivat: Surullisina seuraamme herra John Keatsin tapausta. Hän työskenteli muutama vuosi sitten kaupungin apteekissa harjoittelijana. Mutta yhtäkkiä kaikki kämmähtyi äkilliseen sairauteen. Jonkin aikaa toivoimme, että hän selviäisi kohtauksella tai kahdella, mutta myöhäisoireet ovat hirveät. Kokoelman "Poems" kiihko oli jollain tavalla paha, mutta se ei herättänyt meitä puoliksikaan niin vakavasti kuin ”Endymionin” tyyni, rauhallinen, järkähtämätön höpisevä typeryys. On parempi ja viisaampaa nähdä nälkää apteekkarina kuin nälkiintyneenä runoilijana; siis palatkaapa apteekkiin, herra John, takaisin 'laastareiden, pillerien ja voidepurnukoiden pariin".
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 497: In 1959, Ciardi published a book on how to read, write, and teach poetry, How Does a Poem Mean?, which has proven to be among the most-used books of its kind.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 450: — Roy Campbell, Poems of Baudelaire
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 813: Keats, John. Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems. London: Talor and Hessey, 1820.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 118: Poems / Neptune Poems - The best poetry on the web
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 173: Acrostic • Africa • Alone • America • Angel • Anger • Animal • Anniversary • April • August • Autumn • Baby • Ballad • Beach • Beautiful • Beauty • Believe • Bipolar • Birth • Brother • Butterfly • Candy • Car • Cat • Change • Chicago • Child • Childhood • Christian • Children • Chocolate • Christmas • Cinderella • City • Concrete • Couplet • Courage • Crazy • Culture • Dance • Dark • Dark humor • Daughter • Death • Depression • Despair • Destiny • Discrimination • Dog • Dream • Education • Elegy • Epic • Evil • Fairy • Faith • Family • Farewell • Fate • Father • Fear • Fire • Fish • Fishing • Flower • Fog • Food • Football • Freedom • Friend • Frog • Fun • Funeral • Funny • Future • Girl • LGBTQ • God • Golf • Graduate • Graduation • Greed • Green • Grief • Guitar • Haiku • Hair • Happiness • Happy • Hate • Heart • Heaven • Hero • History • Holocaust • Home • Homework • Honesty • Hope • Horse • House • Howl • Humor • Hunting • Husband • Identity • Innocence • Inspiration • Irony • Isolation • January • Journey • Joy • July • June • Justice • Kiss • Laughter • Life • Light • Limerick • London • Lonely • Loss • Lost • Love • Lust • Lyric • Magic • Marriage • Memory • Mentor • Metaphor • Mirror • Mom • Money • Moon • Mother • Murder • Music • Narrative • Nature • Night • Ocean • October • Ode • Pain • Paris • Passion • Peace • People • Pink • Poem • Poetry • Poverty • Power • Prejudice • Pride • Purple • Lgbtq • Racism • Rain • Rainbow • Rape • Raven • Red • Remember • Respect • Retirement • River • Romance • Romantic • Rose • Running • Sad • School • Sea • September • Shopping • Sick • Silence • Silver • Simile • Sister • Sky • Sleep • Smart • Smile • Snake • Snow • Soccer • Soldier • Solitude • Sometimes • Son • Song • Sonnet • Sorrow • Sorry • Spring • Star • Strength • Success • Suicide • Summer • Sun • Sunset • Sunshine • Swimming • Sympathy • Teacher • Television • Thanks • Tiger • Time • Today • Together • Travel • Tree • Trust • Truth • Valentine • War • Warning • Water • Weather • Wedding • Wind • Winter • Woman • Women • Work • World
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 325: Phillis Wheatley was both the second published African-American poet and first published African-American woman. Born in Senegambia, she was sold into slavery at the age of 7 and transported to North America. She was purchased by the Wheatley family of Boston, who taught her to read and write, and encouraged her poetry when they saw her talent. The publication of her Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral brought her fame both in England and the American colonies; figures such as George Washington praised her work. During Wheatley´s visit to England with her master´s son, the African-American poet Jupiter Hammon praised her work in his own poem. Wheatley was emancipated after the death of her master John Wheatley. She married soon after. Two of her children died as infants. After her husband was imprisoned for debt in 1784, Wheatley fell into poverty and died of illness, quickly followed by the death of her surviving infant son. Whom did she marry? Was it Wheatley Jr, or perhaps Neptune Hammon?
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 366: In 1778 Hammon published "The Kind Master and Dutiful Servant," a poetical dialogue, followed by "A Poem for Children with Thoughts on Death" in 1782. These works set the tone for Hammon´s "An Address to Negros in the State of New York."
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 907: Contemporary odes to Neptune were harder to come by, but divine intervention ensured I found one that mentioned him by name. One of the highlights of my recent trip to Odesa, discussed here on the blog, was a visit to the literary museum, which houses a small collection of Anna Akhmatova’s work. The statuesque Russian poet, melancholic lover and resolute witness to the Stalinist and Putinist terrors, was born near Odesa and spent her childhood summers in the region. The display included a palm-sized booklet of the long poem ‘Close to the Sea’, or as my host translated, ‘very close’: an intimate relationship. I looked it up in The Complete Poems when I got home and assumed it must be ‘By the Edge of the Sea’. The ballad of a fierce young woman willing the arrival of her beloved from the waves, the poem was too long for the workshop and extracts would not do it justice. A shame, I thought, setting down the 950 page book, which promptly fell open to:
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 943: Ginsbergin tuotantoon vaikutti erityisesti William Carlos Williams. Opiskellessaan 1940-luvulla Columbian yliopistossa Ginsberg tutustui William S. Burroughsiin, Jack Kerouaciin, Lucien Carriin, Gregory Corsoon ja Gary Snyderiin. Ginsbergistä tuli beat-runouden johtohahmo. Työskenneltyään muun muassa markkinatutkijana ja merimiehenä Ginsberg julkaisi esikoiskokoelmansa Howl And Other Poems vuonna 1956. Kokoelma ja sen runo ”Uuvo” (Howl) vei kustantaja-runoilija Lawrence Ferlinghettin useisiin sensuurioikeudenkäynteihin. Kohun ansiosta Ginsbergin teos tuli kuitenkin kuuluisaksi. Parhaiten juuri runosta "Uuvo" tunnettu Ginsberg tuomitsi sen, mitä hän piti kapitalismin ja mukautumisen tuhoavina voimina Yhdysvalloissa. San Franciscon poliisi ja Yhdysvaltain tulli takavarikoivat "Howlin" kopiot vuonna 1956, ja myöhempi siveettömyyttä koskeva oikeudenkäynti vuonna 1957 sai laajaa julkisuutta runon kielen ja kuvaukset heteroseksuaalisesta ja homoseksuaalisesta seksistä aikana, jolloin sodomialakeja säädettiin . (mies)homoseksuaali on rikos jokaisessa osavaltiossa. Runo heijasteli Ginsbergin omaa seksuaalisuutta ja hänen suhteitaan useisiin miehiin, mukaan lukien Peter Orlovsky , hänen elinikäinen kumppaninsa.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 87: Lodwickin kirjan mottorunon kirjoitti George Herbert (1593 -1633). Welsh-born English poet, orator and Anglican priest. Kirjoitti kokoelman Sacred Poems & Private Ejaculations. Kaveri oli niin tylsä ettei siitä sen enempää.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 129: Kun Phaidonin kokooma-albumi Poem of the Pillow and Other Stories, Including Socrates on his Death Bed With Young Alcibiades ohjaa matkaamme, kiertelemme perinteisiä huvipuistoja näiden kymmenen kiihottavan japanilaisen eroottisen taiteen teoksen parissa.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 668: Tao Yuanming had five sons. The daughters, if any, were unrecorded (as customary). Approximately 130 of his works survive, consisting mostly of poems or essays which depict an idyllic pastoral life of farming and drinking. Some farming and a lot of boozing. Poem number five of Tao's "Drinking Wine" series translated:
xxx/ellauri281.html on line 652: Well known qasā´id include the Seven Mu´allaqat and Qasida Burda ("Poem of the Mantle") by Imam al-Busiri and Ibn Arabi´s classic collection "The Interpreter of Desires".
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 436: PoemsMoxon/pages/000-frontispiece-shelley-portrait/000-frontispiece-shelley-portrait-q90-1933x2605.jpg" width="70%"/>
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 507: 1. heinäkuuta 1822 Shelley ja Edward Williams purjehtivat Shelleyn uudella veneellä Don Juanilla Livornoon, missä Shelley tapasi Leigh Huntin ja Byronin sopiakseen uuden The Liberal -lehden julkaisemisesta. Kokouksen jälkeen 8. heinäkuuta Shelley, Williams ja heidän venepoikansa purjehtivat Livornosta Lericiin. Muutamaa tuntia myöhemmin Don Juan ja sen kokematon miehistö katosivat myrskyssä. Alus, avoin vene, oli räätälöity Genovassa Shelleylle. Mary Shelley julisti kirjassaan "Note on Poems of 1822" (1839), että suunnittelussa oli vika ja että vene ei koskaan ollut merikelpoinen. Uppoaminen johtui kuitenkin luultavasti kovasta myrskystä ja aluksella olleiden kolmen miehen huonosta meritaidosta.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 315: "Sweeney jäykkänä" kirjoitettiin ja julkaistiin vuonna 1919 Eliotin kokoelmassa "Poems". Siellä Sweeney debytoi. Eliot käytti Sweeneyä myöhemmin runoissa, kuten " Sweeney among the Nightingales " ja "Mr. Eliotin sunnuntaiaamuerektio." Hänet mainitaan lyhyesti myös The Waste Landissa.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 465:
Poems (Eliot)/Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service

xxx/ellauri410.html on line 473: "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service" was first published in 1920 in T.S. Eliot's book Poems.