ellauri017.html on line 434: The Fourth Way teachings and the Enneagram of Personality use an irregular enneagram consisting of an equilateral triangle and an irregular hexagram based on 142857.
ellauri046.html on line 365: "Personality is only ripe when a man has made the truth his own. "
ellauri050.html on line 374: Personal
ellauri064.html on line 510: Marvin was originally built as a failed prototype of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation’s Genuine People Personalities technology. In a nutshell, Marvin is afflicted with severe depression and boredom, in part because he has a brain the size of a planet which he is seldom, if ever, given the chance to use.
ellauri080.html on line 233: >How Extroversion in Personality Influences Behavior
ellauri080.html on line 325: These dimensions represent broad areas of personality. Research has demonstrated that these groupings of characteristics tend to occur together in many people. For example, individuals who are sociable tend to be talkative. However, these traits do not always occur together. Personality is complex and varied and each person may display behaviors across several of these dimensions.
ellauri080.html on line 340: The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) is an inventory for personality traits devised by Cloninger and Al. It is closely related to and an outgrowth of the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), and it has also been related to the dimensions of personality in Zuckerman's alternative five and Eysenck's models and those of the five factor model.
ellauri089.html on line 664: § 122. With regard to II. Personal Affection, the object is here not merely beautiful but also good in itself; it appears, however, that the appreciation of what is thus good in itself, viz. the mental qualities of a person, is certainly, by itself, not so great a good as the whole formed by the combination with it of an appreciation of corporeal beauty; but it is certain that the combination of both is a far greater good than either singly. …
ellauri098.html on line 364: "An idea has no worth at all without believable characters to implement it; a plot without characters is like a tennis court without players. Daffy Duck is to a Buck Rogers story what John McEnroe was to tennis. Personality. That is the key, the drum, the fife. Forget the plot."
ellauri100.html on line 240: Personal and Career Highlights
ellauri107.html on line 514: “I'll tell you why you have to study Shakespeare and those. It's because they're required for college entrance, and that's all there is to it! Personally, I don't see myself why they stuck 'em into an up-to-date high-school system like we have in this state. Be a good deal better if you took Business English, and learned how to write an ad, or letters that would pull. But there it is, and there's no talk, argument, or discussion about it! Trouble with you, Ted, is you always want to do something different! If you're going to law-school—and you are!—I never had a chance to, but I'll see that you do—why, you'll want to lay in all the English and Latin you can get.”
ellauri110.html on line 913: Ἀκηδία (Akēdia, uh-KAY-DEE-uh), more commonly called Sloth, is one of the Capital Vices, which is a unit in the Goads of Destruction. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Trivia Sloth has messy light blue hair and dark blue eyes. She wears only a blue long-sleeved nightgown without any footwear. Her seal, a bronze metal cloud, is on her right cheek. Sloth is usually asleep or close ...
ellauri119.html on line 442: In Hinduism, kāma is pleasurable, sexual love, personified by the god Kamadeva. For many Hindu schools, it is the third end (Kama) in life. Kamadeva is often pictured holding a bow of sugar cane and an arrow of flowers; he may ride upon a great parakeet. The philosophical work Narada Bhakti Sutras, written by an unknown author (presumed to be Narada), distinguishes eleven forms of love. Kama Sutra has more. Gaudiya Vaishnavas who worship Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the cause of all causes consider Love for Godhead (Prema) to act in two ways: sambhoga and vipralambha (union and separation), like Empedocles' love and strife, attraction and repulsion, in and out in ever faster succession. Radha is considered to be the internal potency of Krishna, and is the supreme lover of Godhead. Her example of love is considered to be beyond the understanding of material realm as it surpasses any form of selfish love or lust that is visible in the material world. The reciprocal love between Radha (the supreme lover) and Krishna (God as the Supremely Loved) is the subject of many poetic compositions in India such as the Gita Govinda and Hari Bhakti Shuddhodhaya, and a lot of chanting, tinkling little bells and opening and closing of musical doors.
ellauri131.html on line 368: In the Teenage Hole IV, Huge Pole in a Teenage Hole w/out "French Letters", the Teenage Hole Personal Organizer, Get Teenage Hole on Love & Friendship, Get Teenage Hole on Tough Stuff, the Teenage Hole: The Real Deal Challenges, Jack Canafield, the Teenage Hole: The Real Deal Friends, the Teenage Hole: The Real Deal School, Teenage Hole: Think Positive, Thanks Mom, Thanks to My Mom. Think Positive. Think Possible. Think Positive about Kids. Think Possible about Kids. Time to Jive. Teenage Hole Touched By a Business Angel, Tough Times Tough People, Traveling salesmen, A Tribute to Home Moms, True Love on The Doormat, Unlocking the Secrets to Living In Your Dreams, Snake Oil for the Unsinkable Soul, for the Veterans, for the Volunteers Foul, Volunteering and Giving Paw, that's what I Learned From The Dog, for the Writer's Block, for the Woman's Hole, to Inspire a Woman's Hole #1, New York Times Bestseller, A Second Round at the Woman's Hole, Woman into Woman, the Woman Golfer's Hole, the Hole at Work, Working at The Woman's Hole, Wife Lessons For MILF Women, Culo de Pollo para el Alma de los Padres, – in Spanish.
ellauri142.html on line 192: Paul Wagner is an Intuitive-Empath, clairvoyant reader, and a 5-time EMMY Award winning writer. He created “The Personality Cards,” a powerful Oracle-Tarot deck that’s helpful in life, love and relationships. Paul studied with Lakota elders in the Pecos Wilderness, who nurtured his empathic abilities and taught him the sacred rituals. He has lived at ashrams with enlightened masters, including Amma, the Hugging Saint, for whom he’s delivered.
ellauri147.html on line 566: Seit 1994 in eigener Praxis tätig: Paar- und Familientherapie, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung, Coaching, Team-Supervision (psychoanalytisch-systemisch). 1996 Anerkennung als Supervisor, BDP
ellauri159.html on line 1207: According to PersonalityDesk.com, INFJs are the Myers-Briggs type most likely to express marital dissatisfaction. When I first read this, it puzzled me. After all, INFJs are adept at solving problems involving people. In fact, INFJs are so good at solving problems that they may unconsciously scan their environment looking for ways to improve relationships. This, I think, is what leads to the dissatisfaction.
ellauri163.html on line 758: British psychiatrist Dr. Khalid A. Monsour says regarding Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD):
ellauri181.html on line 150: Schwartz is a fellow of the American Psychological Foundation and is a member of the American Sociological Foundation, European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, the Israel Psychological Association, the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. He is president of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. He coordinates an international project in more than 70 countries that studies the antecedenz and consequences of individual differences in value priorities and the relations of cultural dimensions of values to societal characteristics and policies. His value theory and instrumenz are part of the ongoing, biannual European Social Survey.
ellauri181.html on line 412: 1950- ja 1960-lukujen taiteessa tohtori Thomas Hendrickson kehitti psykologian tohtori William Moulton Marstonin tutkimusteorian ”Emotions of Normal People” pohjalta Henkilökohtaisen Profiilin Analyysin eli Thomas HPA:n (Thomas Personal Profile Analysis (PPA). Thomas HPA on ipsatiivinen eli pakkovalintatesti, joka kattavasti selvittää henkilön työkäyttäytymistä eri tilanteissa. Sen avulla voidaan nopeasti ja luotettavasti saada kattavaa tietoa esim. henkilön johtamisen, rekrytoinnin tai kehittämisen tueksi. Sitä kuzutaan Thomasixi koska Thomas on nasevampi kuin joku Hendrickson. Hendrickson ja Kitula souteli vanhalla vitulla. Kyrpä oli airona ja munat peräpainona. Tuomas työnsi epäilevän sormen Jee-suxen uuteen reikään.
ellauri183.html on line 78: His deep belief that one should live morally crashed into his premise that one should live fully. Yep, I bet he did shag his coeds. Janna Malamud Smith is the author of An Absorbing Errand: How Artisz and Crafzmen Make Their Way to Mastery; A Potent Spell: Mother Love and the Power of Fear; and Private Matters: In Defense of the Personal Life. Her titles have been New York Times Notable Boox and A Potent Spell was a Barnes and Noble "Discover Great New Writers" pick. She has written for the New York Times, the Boston Globe, and the Threepenny Review, among other publications. A practicing psychotherapist, she lives with her husband and two children in Massachusetz.
ellauri217.html on line 99: Personality Number 5
ellauri222.html on line 837: British critics tend to regard the American predilection for Big Novels as a vulgar neurosis — like the American predilection for big cars or big hamburgers. Oh God, we think: here comes another sweating, free-dreaming maniac with another thousand-pager; here comes another Big Mac. First, Dos Passos produced the Great American Novel; now they all want one. Yet in a sense every ambitious American novelist is genuinely trying to write a novel called USA. Perhaps this isn’t just a foible; perhaps it is an inescapable response to America – twentieth-century America, racially mixed and mobile, twenty-four hour, endless, extreme, superabundantly various. American novels are big all right, but partly because America is big too. You need plenty of nerve, ink and energy to do justice to the place, and no one has made greater efforts than Saul Bellow. In 1976 Bellow was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, praised by the Swedes ‘for human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture’. Many times in Bellow’s novels we are reminded that ‘being human’ isn’t the automatic condition of every human being. Like freedom or sanity, it is not a given but a gift, a talent, an accomplishment, an objective. The busiest sections of the Chicago bookstores, I noticed, were those marked ‘Personal Growth’.
ellauri257.html on line 394: Theodor Adorno wrote a book entitled “the Authoritarian Personality” which dissects and attacks authoritarianism in political culture. If Peterson were to pay attention to what people are actually saying rather than jumping on some John Birch Society fantasy, he’d realise the “cultural Marxists” he blame for everything wrong in the world are closer to him on “political correctness” and dogmatic ideology than he thinks.
ellauri260.html on line 64: Personalismi on filosofinen ajatusmalli, joka kuvaa ihmisen persoonan ainutlaatuisuutta luonnossa, etenkin verrattuna eläimiin. Tärkeää personalismille on, että ihmiset eivät ole abstrakteja yksilöitä vaan yhtä aikaa yhteisöllisiä ja yksilöllisiä persoonia. Personalismi pitää persoonallisuutta korkeimpana arvona ja avaimena todellisuuden määrittämiseen.
ellauri260.html on line 78: "Der Personalismusta" käytti ensimmäisen kerran F. D. E. Schleiermacher (1768–1834) kirjassaan Über die Religion vuonna 1799. Amos Bronson Alcott, paljon tunnetumman Louisa M. Alcottin isä, Emersonin tuillaeläjä, näyttää olleen ensimmäinen amerikkalainen, joka käytti termiä ja kutsui sitä vuoden 1863 esseessä "opiksi, jonka mukaan maailman perimmäinen todellisuus on jumalallinen henkilö, joka ylläpitää maailmankaikkeutta jatkuvalla luovan tahdon teolla". Termin "amerikkalainen personalismi" loi Walt Whitman (1819–1892) esseessään "Personalism", joka julkaistiin The Galaxy -lehdessä toukokuussa 1868. Wilt Whatmanilla oli paljon omakohtaista kokemusta perseistä. Vuonna 1903 Charles Renouvier julkaisi teoksen Le Personnalisme, joka toi sanan myös ranskaksi. Sana "personalismi" ilmestyi ensimmäisen kerran tietosanakirjana Hastingsin uskonnon ja etiikan tietosanakirjan IX osassa vuonna 1915 Ralph T. Flewellingin artikkelissa.
ellauri260.html on line 80: Albert C. Knudsonin (n.h.) mukaan personalismi on "yli kahden vuosituhannen älyllisen työn kypsä hedelmä, pyramidin huippu, jonka pohjan Platon ja Aristoteles asettivat". Personalistit oli tarkkana etteivät maininineet JHVHn nimeä ääneen näissä sepustuxissa, koko kusetus olisi mennyt siitä pilalle. Albert Cornelius Knudson (1873–1953) was a Christian theologian in the Methodist tradition, associated with Boston University and the school of liberal theology known as Boston personalism.
ellauri260.html on line 91: Personalistit alkoi hälistä romantiikan jälkeisenä aikana. Impersonalistiset filosofiat hallitsivat valaistumista ja romantiikkaa panteismin ja idealismin rationalististen ja romanttisten muotojen muodossa Spinozasta Hegeliin. Tämän reaktion avainhenkilöitä olivat Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743–1819), niin sanotun Pantheismusstreitin alullepanija 1780-luvulla, ja F. W. J. Schelling (1775–1854), joka myöhemmässä työssään hylkäsi varhaisten idealististen järjestelmiensä persoonattomat kannat.
ellauri260.html on line 97: Personalismi vastusti aina yksilön imeytymistä kollektiivisuuteen väittämällä yksittäisen henkilön luontaisen arvon. Valtio on olemassa henkilöitä varten, ei henkilöt valtiota varten. Älä mieti mitä sinä voit antaa setä Samille, mieti mitä setä Sam voi antaa sinulle. Kuulostaapa amerikkalaiselta. Jotkut persoonat on vaan muita persoonallisempia, jos niistä tulee julkkixia ja/tai rikkaita.
ellauri260.html on line 99: Tässä suhteessa personalismi on alumiinifolio totalitarismille, jotka arvostavat ihmisiä vain heidän arvonsa vuoksi yhteisölle ja arvostavat sen sijaan heidän luontaista ihmisarvoaan. Kaikille samat tuet vaikka olisivat kuinka laiskoja. Personalismin vaatimus henkilökohtaisesta vapaudesta ja vastuusta, itsemääräämisoikeudesta, luovuudesta ja subjektiivisuudesta tukevat kaikki tätä syvälle juurtunutta kollektivismin vastustusta.
ellauri260.html on line 117: Personalisti Jean Lacroix oikeutetusti julisti leninismin lailla personalismin "anti-ideologiaksi". Myös Maritain kirjoitti personalismista "reaktioilmiönä" totalitarismin ja individualismin "kahta vastakkaista virhettä" vastaan. Ei, vanha pappispimitys ja tavixet lehterillä on oikea tapa edetä, tai pikemminkin olla menemättä mihinkään.
ellauri260.html on line 119: Personalistit kokoontuivat erityisesti kolmen eurooppalaisen korkeakoulukeskuksen ympärille: Pariisiin, Müncheniin ja Lubliniin. Häh, Lublin? Oliko Lublinin taikurikin personalisti? Varmaan olikin.
ellauri260.html on line 129: Personalismi Saksassa liitettiin läheisesti toiseen filosofiseen kouluun, fenomenologiaan, jonka kehitti itävaltalaissyntyinen Edmund Husserl (1859–1938).
ellauri260.html on line 139: Hänen (Bownen, ei Jaakon) myöhäinen kirjansa Personalism, joka julkaistiin vuonna 1908, on suosittu yhteenveto hänen filosofiastaan, joka toi termin "personalismi" amerikkalaiseen filosofiseen ja teologiseen keskusteluun.
ellauri260.html on line 143: "Opiskelin pääasiassa näiden opettajien johdolla personalistista filosofiaa – teoriaa, jonka mukaan vihje perimmäisen todellisuuden merkityksestä löytyy persoonallisuudesta. Tämä henkilökohtainen idealismi on edelleen filosofinen peruskantani. Personalismin vaatimus siitä, että vain persoonallisuus - äärellinen ja ääretön - on lopulta todellinen, vahvisti minua kahdessa vakaumuksessa: se antoi minulle metafyysisen ja filosofisen perustan ajatukselle henkilökohtaisesta Jumalasta, ja se antoi minulle metafyysisen perustan koko ihmispersoonallisuuden arvokkuudelle ja arvolle."
ellauri260.html on line 145: Personalismi rehotti myös naapurissa Harvardin yliopistossa. Tästä tuli Howison (n.h.), mutta myös johtavien Harvardin filosofien, kuten William Jamesin (1842–1910), työ sekä joukko koskaan kuulemattomia.
ellauri260.html on line 147: Personalismi on tyypillisesti länsimainen aivotuote. Jotkut epäilevät, että muslimit pyrkivät nimenomaisesti kehittämään muslimiversion persoonallisuudesta, ja siihen vaikutti erityisesti Mounier.
ellauri260.html on line 157: Personalistit ovat yleensä tolkuttaneet Darwinin väitteen vääryyttä, jonka mukaan ihmisen ero muihin maanpäällisiin olentoihin on aste eikä ainutlaatuinen.
ellauri260.html on line 163: Aristoteles oli määritellyt ihmisen rationaaliseksi eläimeksi (ho anthropos zoon noetikon) (Aristoteles, hist. I, 1: 488a7; Nichomachean etiikka I, 5: 1097b11; VIII, 12: 1162a16; IX, 9: 1169b18; Politiikka, I, 2: 1253a3). Huomattava parannus verrattuna Sokraateen kynittyyn kanaan. Personalistit, hyväksyessään tämän määritelmän, sikäli kuin se menee, näkevät tällaisen rakenteen ihmisen tuomittavana vähennyksenä objektiiviseen maailmaan.
ellauri260.html on line 167: Personalismi käsittää tyypillisesti vain ihmisen samanaikaisesti objektiksi ja subjektiksi. Elukat on pelkkiä objekteja subjektin ruokakaapissa. Samalla tämän katsotaan olevan totta kaikille ihmisille iästä, älykkyydestä, ominaisuuksista jne, olivatpa vaikka kuinka jälkeenjääneitä. .
ellauri270.html on line 548: "I'm sorry about getting in your face there, sir, but we get a lot of trespassers and thieves these days, what with the economy going to shit and all. The sheriff is doing his best, but this is a big county and a big ranch, and his department's been slashed to the bone... but its a good thing too, on the other hand, no big government you know. Like I said, we've had a lot of trespassers over the past couple years," Andorsen said. "Even had some cattle rustlers a while back." "And you like to deal with them yourself, instead of calling the sheriff?" Fid asked. He nodded. "Sounds like the way it should be done." "Bet your ass," Andorsen said. "Nothing beats taking the law in your own hands. Playing sheriff, judge and hangman in one big fat person. Personally, I like the hangman part best."
ellauri297.html on line 606: Martela väitteli soveltavan filosofian ja organisaatiotutkimuksen tohtoriksi Aalto-yliopistossa vuonna 2012 ja käytännöllisen filosofian tohtoriksi Helsingin yliopistosta vuonna 2019 Hän opiskeli Esa Saarisen johdolla ja on tehnyt tutkimusta Yhdysvalloissa motivaatiopsykologian keulahahmoihin kuuluvan Richard Ryanin johdolla. Martelan ensimmäinen väitöskirja koski vanhustenhoidon työntekijöiden merkityksellisyyden kokemusta ja niin kutsutun "hoivayhteyden" syntymisen ehtoja. Hänen akateemisia tutkimuksiaan on julkaistu mm. Nature Human Behaviour, Journal of Personality, Southern Journal of Philosophy, ja Organization Studies -lehdissä.
ellauri321.html on line 583: Wodehouse moved to the US in 1945 and lived there until his death in 1975, aged 93. Had he returned to Affeninsel he would have been prosecuted for treason. Personality pays. You are special. Che sará sará, whatever will be will be.
ellauri347.html on line 494: Boeree, C. G. (2017). Personality Theories: From Freud to Frankl. Open Knowledge Books.
ellauri375.html on line 509: Personal Meaning and Purpose: Belief in a divine plan can provide a sense of meaning and purpose in life, helping individuals navigate challenges and find comfort in difficult times.
ellauri392.html on line 271: Tällä sivustolla muokatun materiaalin perustutkimusta rahoitti Israel Science Foundation Personal Grant 1568/18
ellauri424.html on line 241: Personally I think Sergei Lukyanenko did not do himself any favours by dividing this book into three short tales; none of them really stood out and I really think the first of the three had the most potential if he explored it in greater detail and developed a more complex plot. The tension between Anton and Kostya Saushkin could have made for some really interesting philosophical discussion on morality, evil and the effects it has on the world around you. Plus the sexual tension between the two didn’t hurt either but that is when this short story ended abruptly. I felt disappointed at the missed wanking opportunity.
ellauri434.html on line 322: Personally, I see no problem with actual infinity. Nor with having both complex and simple things at once. And overall determinism with occasional indeterminism. Necessity is just a human thought mistake. Things just go as they do.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 318: Dr. Burgo: That term gets thrown about too loosely, and sometimes it’s just a kind of name-calling. If you look at the DSM, Anti-Social Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder share many of the same features, which says to me that narcissism/sociopathy is actually a spectrum. A true sociopath is incapable of love but that doesn’t apply to everyone with narcissistic features.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 320: Dr. Burgo: It helps to think of narcissism as occurring along a spectrum of severity, rather than as a discrete entity that corresponds to Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The extreme narcissist is incapable of authentic love and concern, but many other people with milder narcissistic features to their personalities can feel love under certain conditions. I’ve seen people able to feel a limited kind of love for their spouse or children but who demonstrate no empathy for anyone else. The love is often fairly “selfish,” with a focus more on what the narcissist needs rather than on concern for the other, but it is a kind of love all the same.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 88: Lohan rose to prominence in the music industry under Casablanca Records, releasing two studio albums, the platinum-certified Speak (2004) and gold-certified A Little More Personal (Raw) (2005). Lohan dabbled in fashion, beginning a line of her own titled 6126 and briefly serving as artistic advisor for Emmanuel Ungaro in 2009. Since 2016, she has opened numerous nightclubs and resorts in Greece.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 596: Wallun iskähaikara muka inhos Bazinia. Wallu ize varmaan peukutti sitä, vaikka se oli kommunisti sodan aikana. Kuoli onnex leukemiaan 40-vuotiaana. Se kannatti jollain lailla Schleiermacherin 1799 keximää personalismia, jonka mukaan henkilöt on tärkeempiä kuin koko muu maapallo ja maailmankaikkeus yhteensä. Se on yxi idealismin muoto muiden joukossa, eli sielu on taas kaikki kaikessa. Sitä varmaan Wallukin meinaa tässä liputtaa. Personalisteja oli kirkonmies- ja huuhaafilosofijoukossa sekä Bostonissa että Calisotassa. Onko Schleiermacherista, tosta tomppelista pyllyverhontekijästä paasattu jo aiemmin? Ilmeisesti ei.
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 244: Basically, says Paul to Romans, dont do anything that looks bad to putative believers. Personally I would not get a tattoo because my wife, children, and grandchildren might be a little surprised to see me wearing one.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 399:
Personal Responsibility

xxx/ellauri091.html on line 402: Right: Personal responsibility and it is the government’s role to hold them accountable. Fair competition over safety nets.
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 116: Personality Disorders
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 128:
Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder

xxx/ellauri104.html on line 267: POV Personally Owned Vehicle
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 324: POV Personal Owned Vehicle
xxx/ellauri104.html on line 535: Vuonna 2001 Rorschachin mustetahratesti sai Tieteellinen Amerikkalainen-lehdessä mainetahran pseudotieteenä. Eri psykologit vetivät eri johtopäätöxiä samoista tahroista. Olivatko he subjektiivisia? 2013 ja 2015 julkaistiin meta-analyyseja jotka häivyttivät pseudotieteen tahran Rorschachin takista. MMPI:n jälkeen Rorschachin mustetahroista on kirjoitettu eniten psykologisia julkaisuja. MMPI eli Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory on psykometrinen testipakki aikusten hullujen diagnostiikkaan. Sitä käytetään myös paljon työnhakijoiden testauxessa.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 220: Personally, as someone with no religious beliefs, I’d feel a bit weird about the idea that someone might launch my ashes into space after my death. Sort of seems like a terrible waste of rocket power. It’s irrelevant what happens to my ashes after death.
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 674: If you sign up on my daily email You, or subscribe to My Personal Growth newsletter, you can
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 666: Elizabeth realized how narrow her legal victory had been; while she had escaped confinement, it was largely a measure of luck. The underlying social principles which had led to her confinement still existed. She founded the Anti-Insane Asylum Society and published several books, including Marital Power Exemplified, or Three Years Imprisonment for Religious Belief (1864), Great Disclosure of Spiritual Wickedness in High Places (1865), The Mystic Key or the Asylum Secret Unlocked (1866), and The Prisoners' Hidden Life, Or Insane Asylums Unveiled (1868). In 1867, the State of Illinois passed a "Bill for the Protection of Personal Liberty" which guaranteed that all people accused of insanity, including wives, had the right to a public hearing. She also saw similar laws passed in three other states. Even so, she was strongly attacked by medical professionals and anonymous citizens, unlike others such as Dorothea Dix, with her former doctor from the Jacksonville Insane Asylum, Dr. McFarland, who privately called her "a sort of Joan D'Arc in the matter of stirring up the personal prejudices". As such, Elizabeth's work on this front was "broadly unappreciated" while she was alive. She only received broader recognition, starting in the 1930s, by a well-known historian of mental illness, Albert Deutsch, and again in the 1960s from those who were "attacking the medical model of insanity".
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 399: 5 October World Teachers', Gurus', Motivational Speakers' and Personal Trainers' Day
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 222:
Personal reflections: For the love of God, Learn more

xxx/ellauri165.html on line 51: Another remarkable difference, according to Papen, is how breastfeeding is seen by the Surma as something natural which can be done in the open, compared to the contradictions on social media and public places in the Western world. Personally I found that a shame to see, but I fear there is no way back when it comes to this.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 79: Personal armor
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 224: Multiple Personality Disorder
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 48: Traditionally, people who are high in dark traits are considered to have empathy deficits, potentially making them more dangerous and aggressive than the rest of us. But we recently discovered something that challenges this idea. Our study, published in Personality and Individual Differences, identified a group of individuals with dark traits who report above-average empathic capacities – we call them “dark empanzees”.
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 419: Last week the New York University (NYU) psychology professor announced that he would resign at the end of the year from the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, his primary professional association, because of a newly adopted requirement that everybody presenting research at the group's conferences explain how their submission advances "equity, inclusion, and anti-racism goals." It was the sort of litmus test against which he has warned, and which he sees as corroding institutions of higher learning.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 573: Pfffft. Personally, I always thought Chandler was too cute by half and, like the author Trevanian for instance, too hell-bent upon showing you just how smart he was by using obscure little literary references, and this particular novel has a more complex plot than the King James version of the Bible. (I'm often just jealous.)
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 617: A guy named Leonard Bishop has a rule: keep the dialogue short. Four sentences is a speech. More than that, break it up. Let something happen. Let the person sip a drink or light a cigarette, scratch his butt or sneeze, anything. Let the speaker be responded to or questioned by another character. Let’s face it; nobody gets a a chance to speak for five sentences in a row without being interrupted, unless he or she is one of our neighbors in the East. Personally I find even Quentin Tarantino tedious.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 213: Ab 1911 begann eine fruchtbare Schaffensperiode mit zahlreichen Publikationen, beginnend mit seinem Hauptwerk über einen ethischen Personalismus. Nach seiner Scheidung im Februar 1912 heiratete er im Dezember desselben Jahres Märit Furtwängler (1891–1971).
xxx/ellauri388.html on line 560: Ihminen voi elämää katsella kahdella tapaa. Joko hän tuntee elämänsä siksi ajanjaksoksi, joka kuluu alkaen hänen ruumiillisesta syntymisestänsä hänen ruumiilliseen kuolemaansa. Taikka tuntee hän elämänsä riippumattomaksi tästä lyhyestä ajanjaksosta, käsittää olevansa ajassa ainoastaan jotakin erityistä tehtävää varten ja pitää itseänsä muuten iankaikkisuuden, ajattomuuden eli hengen lapsena. Nämät kaksi katsantotapaa ilmaisevat eri uskoja. Sillä uskohan ei ole mitään muuta kuin se, mitä ihminen uskoo elämän olevan. Jos joskus tuleekin ajatelleeksi iankaikkisuutta ja "mitä tulee tämän elämän jälkeen", — jos vaikka on vakuutettu siitä, että "löytyy elämää kuonpuoleisessakin, ja siellä kämmenten karvoitusta kazotaan",— niin ei se vielä läheskään merkitse, että uskoo iankaikkisuuteen. Sillä iankaikkisuuteen uskoo vasta silloin kuin uskoo, että iankaikkisuus määrää minun tehtäväni nykyisessä elämässä. Voipi ajatella iankaikkisuutta, voipi saarnata siitä ja kuitenkin teossa näyttää pitävänsä tehtävänään personallisten tarkoitusten saavuttamista tässä ajallisessa elämässä, eli siis ei uskovansa iankaikkisuuteen. Jos on vallalla toinen näistä uskoista, niin se synnyttää erilaista toimintaa ihmisen puolelta, kuin jos hänessä on vallalla toinen. Uskoessa elämän alun ja lopun olevan näkyvissä ihminen tietysti rupee itsellensä puuhaamaan tätä hänen personallista oloaan niin tyydyttäväksi, mukavaksi ja turvatuksi kuin mahdollista. Personallista elämää tarkoittavat silloin sekä hänen tulevaisuuden haaveensa että jokapäiväiset tehtävänsä. Mutta käsittäessä elämää ikuisuuden kannalta ihminen hakee ennen kaikkea tehtävää ikuisuudelta, eikä rupea tätä lyhyttä elämänjaksoa varten rakentamaan jotakin erikoista itselleen eikä täkäläiselle tulevaisuudelleen. Tämän aikaa voi olla vaikka aidanvizaxena pyykkipoika pippelissä, kuha loppuaika menee yläpilvessä.