ellauri052.html on line 979: The most important person in Bellow’s life—Maury, his oldest brother. As Leader shows, Maury was both the driving force in Bellow’s Americanization and a major presence in his work. Parents and wives came and went, but Maury remained: Simon in Augie March, Shura in Herzog, Julius in Humboldt’s Gift. As peremptory and violent as their father but more competent, Maury epitomized the cult of power and material success that both fascinated and repelled Bellow. “I recognized in him the day-to-day genius of the U.S.A.,” Bellow said in an interview with Philip Roth. In the same conversation, Roth observed that Maury’s reckless, angry spirit was “the household deity of Augie March.” By the time Maury finished law school, he had already started collecting graft for a corrupt Illinois state representative, skimming off the top for himself and his mother. A charismatic ladies’ man with an illegitimate son, Maury was “very proud of his extraordinary group of connections, his cynicism, his insiderhood,” Bellow told Roth. Maury was disdainful of his brother’s nonremunerative choice of profession, which he considered luftmenschlich—frivolous, impractical.
ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
ellauri140.html on line 570: Her scattred brood,° soone as their Parent deare Sen poikasparat vanhempansa nähtyään
ellauri151.html on line 350: Parents-Comp-copy-1.jpg?strip=all&w=300&h=192&crop=1" height="200px" />
ellauri156.html on line 329: Sexual abuse and sexual harassment are just two of the ways people abuse their power. Parents begin to think they own their children, and that they can use their children to satisfy themselves, so they engage in various forms of abuse, often sexual in nature. Bosses get used to being in control and telling people what to do, and it should not be surprising to learn that they sometimes abuse their power over employees and subordinates to sexually satisfy themselves. This sin is no different from that of David. (Oh, oh, this is too good, my cup runneth over.)
ellauri164.html on line 86: Et c’est encore la vie ! — Si la damnation est éternelle ! Un homme qui veut se mutiler est bien damné, n’est-ce pas ? Je me crois en enfer, donc j’y suis. C’est l’exécution du catéchisme. Je suis esclave de mon baptême. Parents, vous avez fait mon malheur et vous avez fait le vôtre. Pauvre innocent ! L’enfer ne peut attaquer les païens. — C’est la vie encore ! Plus tard, les délices de la damnation seront plus profondes. Un crime, vite, que je tombe au néant, de par la loi humaine.
ellauri264.html on line 100: The film received a negative critical response. Partly because the date-rape interest prevented teenagers from just having some clean gory fun. (The IMDB Parent guide says: A female character is tied up and it is implied that she is about to be raped. She is cut free before this can happen however, and no nudity is shown. Violence & Gore Moderate. 9 of 19 found this moderate. A pack of werewolves are shown feasting on human body parts. Profanity Moderate. 7 of 16 found this moderate. Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking. Female nudity female rear nudity murder clothes torn off female topless nudity 136 more.)
ellauri276.html on line 1305: Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, nro 19-1392, 597 U.S. ___ (2022), on Yhdysvaltain korkeimman oikeuden merkittävä päätös, jossa tuomioistuin katsoi, että Yhdysvaltojen perustuslaki ei anna oikeutta aborttiin. Tuomioistuimen päätös kumosi sekä Roe v. Wade (1973) että Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), mikä antoi yksittäisille osavaltioille takaisin vallan säännellä kaikkia abortin näkökohtia, joita liittovaltion lait eivät suojaa. Päätös tuli 1 äänen enemmistöllä, jossa häpykielenä toimi Trumpin häthätää nimittämä "Amy" (1972) Ruth Bader Ginsburgin (1933-2020) onnekkaasti kellistyttyä. Ginsburg oli ensimmäinen juutalaisnainen ja toinen hovissa palvellut nainen Sandra Day O´Connorin jälkeen. Sen mielipiteet olivat konservatiivisia viime vuosituhannella, nyt ne ovat radikaaleja.
ellauri331.html on line 173: Hearst Shkulev Median digitaalisen median haara koostuu naisten Internet-portaalien verkostosta (Sites Elle.ru, WomansDay.ru, Starhit.ru, MarieClaire.ru, ElleGirl.ru, Parents.ru, Psychologies.ru), projektista MaximOnline. ru, mobiilisovellukset ja digitaaliset versiot. Naisille jotka eivät ymmärrä politiikasta enempää kuin lehmä uudesta sähköaidasta.
ellauri350.html on line 526: Yhdysvaltalainen lastenlääkäri William Sears on hahmotellut teorian pohjalta vanhemmuuden tyylin nimeltä kiintymysvanhemmuus. Attachment Parenting International -yhdistyksen mukaan kiintymysvanhemmuutta voidaan kuvata kahdeksan periaatteen muodossa:
ellauri351.html on line 426: Haim G. Ginott ( s. Ginzburg ; 5. elokuuta 1922 - 4. marraskuuta 1973) oli koulun opettaja, lastenpsykologi ja psykoterapeutti sekä vanhempien kouluttaja. Hän kehitti lasten kanssa keskustelutekniikoita, joita opetetaan edelleen. Hänen kirjansa Between Parent and Child pysyi myydyimpien listalla yli vuoden ja on edelleen suosittu tänään. Tämä kirja pyrkii antamaan "viestinnän perusperiaatteisiin perustuvia erityisiä neuvoja, jotka ohjaavat vanhempia elämään lasten kanssa keskinäisen kunnioituksen ja ihmisarvon mukaisesti". Haim vaikuttaa suht pakottomalta kaverilta, vaikka syntyikin pakollisesssa Palestiinassa. Rangaistuxelle on efektiivisiä alternatiiveja, kuten uhkailu, lahjonta ja syyllistäminen. Nykyään aggressiviisimpia ovat vanhemmat. Opettajat joogaa lattialla tai on puhelimella, lapset riehuvat.
ellauri353.html on line 305: Shut up Rose, I thought I would use my few remaining 50 minutes here. You forward publishing people would ask me what's it going to be like. And I said well it's a book which is starting out as a love story. And which will end up as a treatise on social and that's largely what happened though it's throughout from beginning to end it really is a love story because Rose and I have really lived a love story we first met. Just exist. Just sixty sixty six years ago. In September. Nineteen thirty two. And from that time to this we have been close. And I trust shall continue to be said though she gives me no guarantees for the future. To talk about one area of social policy. Which we have engaged for many years. And recently made a major move. And that area is schooling elementary and - this is the main thing! educational vouchers. Parental choice of schools. Not to put a too fine point to it, better folks should have freedom to put their kids in better schools. Hooray democracy, fuck equality, like Alexis Tocqueville said, etc. etc. ad nauseam.
ellauri365.html on line 49: Maupassant [måpasa], Henry René Albert Guy de, fransk författare, f. 5 aug. 1850 på slottet Miromesnil i Normandie, d. 6 juli 1893 Auteuil, var ättling af en gammal lothringsk adels- familj; modern var sy- ster till skalden Alfred de Poittevin. Föräld- rarna skildes tidigt, och den intelligenta och litterärt intresse- rade modern, en barn- domsväninna till Gu- stave Flaubert, ledde sonens uppfostran. Hans barndom förflöt vid Normandies kust, där M. insöp sin kärlek till naturen och lärde kän- na dessa normandiska typer, som han sedan så gärna skildrade. Adertonårig inträdde han 1868 i Marinministeriet, men öfvergick 1878. till kultusministeriet. Han saknade emellertid intresse för ämbetsmannabanan. Redan tidigt vak- nade hans lust för litteraturen, som närdes af mo- derns ungdomsminnen. Flaubert omfattade honom med en faders kärlek, kritiserade strängt hans. första omogna försök, inpräntade i hans sinne sina egna konstnärliga principer, lärde honom att genom aldrig tröttnande observation söka uppfånga det förut icke iakttagna och därför nya och att återge. det så, att det skildrade fenomenet skiljer sig från alla andra och blir individuellt och enastående. Framför allt afhöll han honom från att debutera för tidigt. Från midten af 70-talet meddelade dock M. under hvarjehanda pseudonymer (oftast Guy de Valmont) smärre bitar åt tidningar och tidskrifter, och 1879 fick han uppförd en drama- tisk bagatell, Histoire du vieux temps. Hans verk- liga debut inföll dock först 1880 med diktsamlingen Des vers. Den har obestridligen ett originellt skaplynne och väckte uppseende kanske ej minst därför, att den hotades med ett åtal för osedlighet hufvudsakligen på grund af dikten Le mur), som deck afstyrdes genom inflytelserika vänner. M. insåg sedan själf, att hans talang låg mera för prosan, i all synnerhet sedan han samma år ut- gifvit novellen Boule de suif (i "Soirées de Mé- dan"). Med denna novell, som utmärktes genom skarp observationsförmåga och ypperlig prosa- stil, slog M. igenom och intog sin plats som en at den naturalistiska skolans förnämsta representanter och en af den franska litteraturens största novellister. Den efterföljdes af en lång rad novel ler, först publicerade i "Gil Blas" och "Echo de Paris" och sedan samlade i bokform under följande titlar: La maison Tellier (1881), M:lle Fifi (1882), Les contes de la Bécasse (1883), Clair de lune i (1884), Au soleil (resebilder, s. a.), Les soeurs Rondoli (s. a.), Miss Harriett (s. a.), Yvette (s. a.; sv. öfv. 1905), Monsieur Parent (s. a.), Contes du jour et de la nuit (1885), Contes et nouvelles (s. 4.), Contes choisis (1886), La petite Roque (s. a.), Toine (s. 1.), Le Horla (1887), Sur l'eau (rese- skildringar, 1888), Le rosier de Mime Husson (s. å.), L'héritage (s. a.), La main gauche (1889), Histoire d'une fille de ferme (s. a.), La vie errante (reseskildringar, s. å.) och L'inutile beauté (1890); efter hans död ha ytterligare publicerats Le père Milon (1899; "Gubben Milon", s. å.), Le colporteur (1900) och Dimanches d'un bourgeois de Paris (s. å.). Till dessa novellsamlingar ansluta sig sexromanerna Une vie (1883; "Ett lif", 1884), Bel-ami (1885; "Qvinnogunst", 1885 och 1901), Mont-Oriol (1887; sv. öfv. 1895), Pierre et Jean (1888; "Pierre och Jean", s. a.), Fort comme la vi mort (1889; "Stark som döden", 1894 och 1910) och Notre coeur (1890; "Vårt hjerta", 1894 och 1910). För scenen skref M. vidare treaktsskåde spelet Musotte (i samarbete med J. Normand, 1891) och La paix du ménage (uppf. på Théâtre fran- çais, 1893). M. skref äfven litterära studier, bl. a. öfver Emile Zola (1883) och Gustave Flaubert (1884). Denna oerhörda produktion fullbordades en på den korta tiden af omkr. tio år. Den gjorde honom hastigt världsberömd som en äkta represen tant för den franska conten, en ättling i rakt ned stigande led af de gammalfranske fabliåförfattarna, med ära upphärande Rabelais', La Fontaines och Voltaires traditioner.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 34: Lindsay Lohan has a long-lasting fascination with Marilyn Monroe going back to when she saw Niagara during The Parent Trap shoot. In the 2008 Spring Fashion edition of New York magazine, Lohan re-created Monroe's final photo shoot, known as The Last Sitting, including nudity, saying that the photo shoot was "an honor." The New York Times critic Ginia Bellafante found it disturbing, saying "the pictures ask viewers to engage in a kind of mock necrophilia. ... the photographs bear none of Monroe's fragility."
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 84: Lindsay Dee Lohan (/ˈloʊhæn/; born July 2, 1986) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and television personality. Born and raised in New York, Lohan was signed to Ford Models as a child. Having appeared as a regular on the television soap opera Another World at age 10, her breakthrough came in the Walt Disney Pictures film The Parent Trap (1998). The film's success led to appearances in the television films Life-Size (2000) and Get a Clue (2002), and the big-screen productions Freaky Friday (2003) and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004).
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 772: Parent
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 411: Left: Based on community and social responsibility. Gay couples to get equal rights like everyone else (e.g. marriage); abortion should be legal; support embryonic stem cell research. Support restrictions and regulations around the right to bear arms. Supports taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 413: Right: Based on individual rights and justice. Opposed to gay marriage, abortion, and embryonic stem cell research. Support the right to bear arms, death penalty, and personal responsibility as an individual. Opposed to taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 185: Attachment Parenting International -yhdistyksen mukaan kiintymysvanhemmuutta voidaan kuvata kahdeksan periaatteen muodossa:
xxx/ellauri121.html on line 495: by: Maare Tamm. Parents will be equipped with practical exercises, sample prayers, and developmentally appropriate mentoring plans that will encourage their children to pray effectively now and into adulthood.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 138: (3.) Parents will have a regular subject upon which to examine their children and servants (LOL). – It is much to be desired that family worship were made more instructive than it generally is. The mere reading of the chapter is often too like water spilt on the ground. Let it be read by every member of the family before-hand, and then the meaning and application drawn out by simple question and answer. Like what was the name of the father of Jacob´s sons. The calendar will be helpful in this. Friends, also, when they meet, will have a subject for profitable conversation in the portions read that day. The meaning of difficult passages may be inquired from the more judicious and ripe Christians, and the fragrance of simpler Scriptures spread abroad to mask the smells of the riper Christians.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 598: Parent of sweet and solemn-breathing airs, Suloisten ja juhlallisesti hengittävien ilmaen vanhempi,
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