ellauri245.html on line 496: Typerää huuhaata USA:n MILNET:istä ja troijalaisista hevosista, silkkaa salaliittosälää. Mikä on POT? The Norwegian Police Security Service (Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST), Politiets tryggingsteneste (PTT)) is the police security agency of Norway. The agency was previously known as POT (Politiets overvåkningstjeneste or Police Surveillance Agency), the name change was decided by the Parliament of Norway on 2 June 2001. Täh eikö piipunrassi tiennyt että nimi oli vaihtunut? Potin perusti Tryggve Lie.
ellauri245.html on line 524: Siis onko tän kaverin nimi norjaxi Harry Hå? Eipäs olekaan? vaan: The name is derived from Old Norse Hólar, the plural form of hóll, meaning "round and isolated hill." Harry´s surname is also the name of a historic Norwegian town (Hole, Norway) with a heritage that goes back to the Viking Age. Eipäs, vaan: On July 22, 2011, the Workers´ Youth League summer camp, which took place on Utøya in Hole, was attacked as part of the 2011 Norway attacks.
ellauri245.html on line 670: Norway gave the Congo NOK 40 million (US $15.7 million) in 2003. Vidar Helgesen, the Norwegian Secretary of State said: "In spite of some hopeful signs in the peace process and the establishment of a transitional government in the capital, Kinshasa, the humanitarian situation in the eastern part of the country is precarious." In 2004, all previous debt was forgiven. In 2007, the Secretaries General of the five largest Norwegian humanitarian organizations visited the Congo to access the crisis. In 2008, an additional NOK 15 million were supplied.
ellauri245.html on line 672: In 2009, Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen visited the Congo to observe the conflict. She agreed to send 2 Norwegian guys to supply manpower to the United Nations peace-keeping forces during the Kivu conflict.
ellauri245.html on line 673: In 2009, Norwegian nationals Joshua French and Tjostolv Moland were arrested and charged in the killing of their hired driver, attempted murder of a witness, espionage, armed robbery and the possession of illegal firearms. They were found guilty and sentenced to death, and also fined, along with their employer Norway—$60 million.
ellauri245.html on line 675: Jonas Gahr Støre, Norway´s Foreign Minister said: "I strongly react to the death sentence of two Norwegians ... Norway is a principled opponent of the death penalty and I will contact the DRC's foreign minister to gabble about this." According to Bloomberg.com "Norway also objected to the espionage conviction and the inclusion of the country in the fine, Stoere [sic] said. 'Norway isn't a part of this case.'" Sick. It is more than obvious that she was.
ellauri245.html on line 677: DR Congo´s debt to Norway, 143 million Norwegian kroner, has been erased as a result of a decision by Norway´s Cabinet on October 21, 2011. Would have been cheaper to pay the $60M up front.
ellauri301.html on line 100: The extraordinary global success of Swedish and later Norwegian crime fiction as a form of escapist literature for men had several causes. One is that police work is one of the last wholly unionised jobs in the world, so that our hero will never be sacked for anything other than gross misconduct – of which he, being the hero, is never really guilty. In the optimistic 60s, James Bond was distinguished from other middle-aged men by his licence to kill but by the 90s the policeman as a fantasy hero had a licence to keep his job. In the economic whirlwind of globalisation, this was something that a lot of frustrated middle-aged men could only dream of.
ellauri322.html on line 367: Here I met with an intelligent literary man, who was anxious to gather information from me relative to the past and present situation of France. The newspapers printed at Copenhagen, as well as those in England, give the most exaggerated accounts of their atrocities and distresses, but the former without any apparent comments or inferences. Still the Norwegians, though more connected with the English, speaking their language and copying their manners, wish well to the Republican cause, and follow with the most lively interest the successes of the French arms. So determined were they, in fact, to excuse everything, disgracing the struggle of freedom, by admitting the tyrant’s plea, necessity, that I could hardly persuade them that Robespierre was a monster. Laureenska myöntää että kaikki ukrainalaiset eivät pidä Zelenskystä.
ellauri324.html on line 581: This is also quite a foreign to a Norwegian. We only tip
ellauri346.html on line 268: Stoltenberg's appeal for unrelenting military aid for Ukraine might be a reaction to difficulties faced by the U.S., which is presently unable to supply Kyiv with funds and equipment. This could also be due to the slight advancements made by Russia on the battlefield, or perhaps other factors exclusive only to high-ranking Alliance officials. Whatever the reason, the Norwegian's remarks have certainly created a buzz. Stoltenberg believes that the West should greatly support Kyiv's struggle against the invader and do everything possible at this stage to halt the Russians. The latter have regrouped following Ukraine's counteroffensive and are attempting to penetrate the front and launch assaults in several places, such as in Avdiivka, for instance.
ellauri370.html on line 162: " For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." The whole world being involved in sin, the whole needed deliverance from Norwegian sill and its terrible consequences. Hence we read :
ellauri378.html on line 224: Resistance continued after German capitulation, until on the 4th September 1945 a small group of German soldiers deployed on Bear Island to man a weather station surrendered to Norwegian seal hunters.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 800: *Mr. Jahn delivered this speech in the auditorium of the Nobel Institute in the early afternoon of December 10, 1946. At its conclusion, Mr. Jahn read a message of acceptance from Miss Balch, whose health prevented her from attending the ceremonies, and presented the prize to Mr. Huston of the U.S. Embassy who accepted in her name. This translation is based on the Norwegian text in Les Prix Nobel en 1946, which contains, also, a French translation.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 699: that cut their slender planks on mountains steep Joka tekee laivat Norwegian woodista,
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 520: Because the girls have promised them a "special treat", which Fred and Barney take to mean sexual intercourse, the men are desperate to retrieve their car. The duo begins retracing their steps in an attempt to discover where they left the car. Along the way, they encounter a transgender stripper, a belligerent speaker box operator at a Chinese restaurant's drive-through, two tattoos they discover on each other's backs, UFO cultists led by Zoltan (who later hold the twins hostage), a Cantonese-speaking Chinese tailor, the Zen-minded Nelson and his cannabis-loving dog Jackal, beautiful Christie Boner, her aggressive jock boyfriend Tommy and his friends, a couple of hard-nosed police detectives, and a reclusive French ostrich named Pierre. They also meet two groups of aliens, one group being five gorgeous women, the other being two Norwegian men, searching for the "Continuum Transfunctioner": an extraterrestrial device that the boys accidentally picked up last night.
xxx/ellauri227.html on line 339: Liza is also a popular columnist since 20 years. Her columns have appeared in various Swedish and international newspapers and magazines, including Financial Times in the UK, Welt am Sonntag in Germany, Dagbladet Information in Denmark, and Ilta-Lehti in Finland. She is a regular columnist in Swedish tabloid Expressen and Norwegian daily Verdens Gang. Today, Liza and her family divide their time and money between Stockholm in Sweden and Marbella in southern Spain.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 428: Norwegian Grand Old Fat Lady Sings
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 502: Voiko paljon mädännäisempää sisältöä enää kexiä? Täähän on kuin valtamedian klikkiozikot. 7 päivää ja Me Naiset yxissä kuorissa. Trust the Norwegians to come up with the worst. Poikkeuxia pohjakosketuslinjaan ovat olleet Skam, Jordbyggere ja Beforeigners.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 46: A Gjenganger (Norwegian: Gjenganger, Attergangar or Gjenferd; Danish: Genganger or Genfærd; Swedish: Gengångare) in Scandinavian folklore was a term for a revenant, the spirit or ghost of a deceased from the grave. Suomeksi epäkuollut. Tai haamu. Tai aave. Tai kummitus. Näistä on lisää paasausta albumissa 269.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 462: Kepulin #metoo duon seinillä on Haruki Murukamin maalauxia. LOL se on Murakami, eikä se osaa maalata edes latoa. Murakami achieved a major breakthrough and national recognition in 1987 with the publication of Norwegian Wood, a nostalgic story of loss of sexuality. It sold millions of copies among young Japanese who are busy becoming greysexual. Clarisselle sattui pieni vahinko hauskanpidon jälkeen. Ei Reille, Michael laittoi 3 kondomia päällekkäin. Miesten avustamana valizin hääputiikista pitkän kermanvaalean vinoon leikatun sillkipuvun, jonka helmassa oli vähän keltaista ja takapuolella ruskeaa. Näytät temppelihuoralta, Josh-setä kehaisi. Koko osavaltio on upea. Vanha verenimijä vielä lahjoittaa Reille unelmakodin ja työn ihan pikkurahalla! Tämä nide oli mahtava, yhtä täydellinen helmi kuin sarjan edelliset 14 osaa ja 1 seuraava!