ellauri008.html on line 202: ennenkuin Nobel ehtii napsahtaa,

ellauri016.html on line 29: Kojootti painaa dynamiittilatauksen laukaisinta, ja räjähtää itse. Ei tullut kojootille Nobel-palkintoa, vaan Darwin-palkinto. Näyttää mustaksi palaneelta tulitikulta, jota pikkupoikina tehtiin sormet ruvella (nimeltä jepari).
ellauri023.html on line 1122: Kun ryssät vapauttajat näki vangit, ne kaikki häpes izeään ja toisiaan. Myötähäpeää. Jokainen on jonkun juutalainen, kirjoitti serkku. Leevi oli liian vasemmistolainen eikä saanut Nobel Prizeä, jäi ilman kuten Amos Oz. Sen sai sen kaveri Elie Wiesel, romanian jutku, jolla oli enemmän holokaustinazoja, sen isä oli kuollut Buchwaldissa. Pop goes the Weasel.
ellauri030.html on line 756: Huumorissa purkautuu joku tunne jota ei tarvizekaan tuntea, kuten vaikka pelästys tai sääli. Freudia nauratti se kun Mark Twainin kaskussa joku lensi ilmaan dynamiittipaukussa ja sitä laskutettiin alas tullessa poissaolosta työpaikalta. Tää on sama kuin tossa säästetyn postimerkin tapauxessa. Ei tarvizekaan sääliä, kun tää ei ole tosista. No ei toikaan vizi nyt ihan ollut Nobel tasoa, hehe, niinkun Eski sanoisi, dynamiittia.
ellauri032.html on line 254: Taas Eliot koittaa rationalisoida selvää huttua. Kyllä Paskalin pesulakuitistakin ilmenee, että kun usko tulee tilalle, järki sanoo adjöö eikä au revoir. Sää pystyt vaikka mahdottomaan, usko sydäntäs vaan! Koko naamarin täydeltä tulee höttöä, kun persoonallisuus on pelissä. Mitä Eliotkin luuli tietävänsä tieteestä, humanistipohjalta. Kääntymisen jälkeen Tomppa kirjoitti kesympiä runoja, joista sen ateistifänit ei enää tykänneet. Nobel tuli Neljästä kvartetista 2. maailmansodan jälkeen 1948. Siinäkin on jotain kristillistä mystiikkaa.
ellauri032.html on line 641: Käydessään 1945 kotona äidin huoneessa se tajusi ettei se koskaan voita James Joycea. Tai no, ei kai Joyce saanut Nobelia, for what it´s worth.Tästä ajasta kerrotaan niissä Krappin keloissa, jotka se julkasi 1958. Siis kun se oli 49. Paha ikä, muistan sen.
ellauri033.html on line 61: Bourgetia työnnettiin Nobelin palkinnolle kokonaista 5x, ei napannut. Le Disciple oli Gladstonen mielikirja, sen jota Rullell pienenä niin pelkäsi.Sekin todistanee jotakin.
ellauri039.html on line 726: Camus´n tunnetuimpia teoksia ovat Sivullinen (1942), Rutto (1948) ja Kapinoiva ihminen (1953). Hän sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1957. Hän oli Rudyard Kiplingin jälkeen nuorin palkinnon vastaanottaja. Right on!
ellauri039.html on line 768: Edward Morgan Forster OM CH (1 January 1879 – 7 June 1970) was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and librettist. Many of his novels examine class difference and hypocrisy, including A Room with a View (1908), Howards End (1910) and A Passage to India (1924). The last brought him his greatest success. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature in 16 different years.
ellauri039.html on line 774: John Galsworthy OM (/ˈɡɔːlzwɜːrði/; 14 August 1867 – 31 January 1933) was an English novelist and playwright. Notable works include The Forsyte Saga (1906–1921) and its sequels, A Modern Comedy and End of the Chapter. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1932.
ellauri039.html on line 776: The Forsyte Saga, first published under that title in 1922, is a series of three novels and two interludes published between 1906 and 1921 by Nobel Prize–winning English author John Galsworthy. They chronicle the vicissitudes of the leading members of a large, upper-middle-class English family, similar to Galsworthy´s family. Only a few generations removed from their farmer ancestors, the family members are keenly aware of their status as "new money". The main character, Soames Forsyte, sees himself as a "man of property" by virtue of his ability to accumulate material possessions – but this does not succeed in bringing him pleasure.
ellauri045.html on line 782: The tall, elegant lady with the dark, slightly veiled voice will be 70 next September. She is a scientist by training, as well as an expert in mathematics, economics and theology. She has rubbed shoulders and lower places with an impressive number of Nobel laureates, and also happens to be a prolific essayist.
ellauri049.html on line 759: Paul Valéry (30. lokakuuta 1871 Sète Ranska − 20. heinäkuuta 1945 Pariisi) oli ranskalainen kirjailija, runoilija, filosofi ja Ranskan akatemian jäsen. Valéry nuolaisi sen tusinan kertaa Nobelin hunajapisaraa, muttei tipahtanut. No näitä piisaa, esim. E.M.Foster, Philip Roth, Meg Atwood, med mera.
ellauri051.html on line 505: The world woke up this Friday to another pleasant surprise from, shall we say it again, the breezy Nobel laureate: a Whatman-esque tune aptly-titled “I Contain Multitudes.” Mitä helvettiä, toi onkin Whatmanin omakehusta, vaikka luin sen poikasena Callen Waldenista på svenska: "Motsäger jag mig? Gott, jag motsäger mig. Jag är stor, jag rymmer mångfalder."
ellauri051.html on line 3182: Satusetä Uspenski oli sadisti joka kohteli törkeästi omaa perhettä. Sen "löysi" neukuista kukas muu kuin Hannu Mäkelä. Herra Huu toivotti Fedja-sedän tervetulleexi länteen. Hannu Mäkelä meni tänä vuonna naimisiin 5. kerran. Sillä on vino suu. Akatemioista kertoo paljon Nobel-komitea ja se, että Hannu Mäkelä on akateemikko. Herra Huusta lisää albumissa 366.
ellauri052.html on line 56: Henderson oli Salen oma mielikirja. Lukikohan se sitä ääneen izelleen ja sanoi "loistavaa" kuin Sven Tolppa. Conrad oli Solomonin mielikirjailija collegessa. Figures. Niisson paljon samaa. Elämää suurempia sankareita ja kaappihomoja. Salen Nobel-puhe on tyypillistä amerikkalaisille suunnattua amerikkalaista Geldjude potaskaa, sankareina Conradin ohella Milton Friedman ja Erich Auerbach, pahixina Robbe-Grillet ja punikit. Vielä yx uskomattoman tarkka Henderson lookalike on Yhdysvaltain nykyinen presidentti Donald Trump. Kaikki nazaa: koko, luonne, typeryys, vulgaari puhetyyli, jättimäinen narsismi.

ellauri052.html on line 199: Nobelkomitean setämies Horace Engdahl ihaili ystäväänsä kyldyyriprofiilia erityisesti siitä, eze tilasi aina kaxi (2) pulloa kallista samppankaljaa heti aluxi (nobelkomitean piikkiin). Tän se oppi nähtävästi Salen homokaverilta, italialaiselta pikkumafiosolta. Ruozista on tullut kummallinen pikkuamerikka. Hurrit ja inselaffet ei ole enää eurooppalaisia vaan jotain Trumpin osavaltioita.
ellauri052.html on line 422: Taas tota vitun 8 sekunnin kultakalan keskittymiskykyä. Sen on Amerikan mainosteevee saanut aikaan. Sale ansaizee Nobel-palkinnon varoittavana esimerkkinä, mitä Amerikka tekee ryssän mamu juutalaisista. Sale diggas just noita samoja narsisheja kuin kaikki muutkin narsishit, Nietscheä Schopenhaueria Kierkegaardia. Kaskun ei mainize nazi Heideggeriä.
ellauri052.html on line 981: The rivalry between the brothers may have been even more extreme in life than it was in art. When Bellow won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1976, his brother refused to come to Stockholm for the ceremony. Maury’s grandson reconstructed his thinking as follows: “How dare Saul win the Nobel Prize when I’m really the smart one, I’m the one.”
ellauri053.html on line 883: Kala Bhavana (Institute of Fine Arts) is the fine arts faculty of Visva-Bharati University, in Shantiniketan, India. It is an institution of education and research in visual arts, founded in 1919, it was established by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. Nää taiskin olla jotain teosofeja. (Vertaa Palkeen Salea.)
ellauri053.html on line 1153:

William Butler Yeats (13. kesäkuuta 1865 Sandymount, Irlanti – 28. tammikuuta 1939 Menton, Ranska) oli irlantilainen runoilija. Yeats oli merkittävä voima perinteisen irlantilaisen kulttuurin elvyttämisessä ja yksi Irlannin kansallisteatterin perustajista. Yeats sai Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1923.

ellauri053.html on line 1156:

From 1900, his poetry grew more physical and realistic. He largely renounced the transcendental beliefs of his youth, though he remained preoccupied with physical and spiritual masks, as well as with cyclical theories of life. In 1923, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

ellauri053.html on line 1379: In December 1923, Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation". He was aware of the symbolic value of an Irish winner so soon after Ireland had gained independence, and sought to highlight the fact at each available opportunity. His reply to many of the letters of congratulations sent to him contained the words: "I consider that this honour has come to me less as an individual than as a representative of Irish literature, it is part of Europe's welcome to the Free State." Taas yxi tällänen taatatyyppinen poliittinen nobelisti.
ellauri055.html on line 694: Pär Lagerkvist (23. toukokuuta 1891 – 11. heinäkuuta 1974) oli ruotsalainen kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1951.
ellauri055.html on line 868: Kesken jääneet opinnot antoivat kuitenkin paljon vaikutteita Sillinpään myöhemmälle kirjalliselle tuotannolle. Sillinpään ajatteluun vaikuttivat Charles Darwin kehitysoppeineen sekä saksalaiset biologi ja filosofi Ernst Haeckel ja Nobel-kemisti Wilhelm Ostwald ja myös Leo Tolstoi ja Arvid Järnefelt. Heidän vaikutustaan oli Sillinpään biologinen determinismi ja periaatteellinen väkivallan ja sotien vastustaminen sekä usko siihen että luonnontieteet kehittyessään siirtäisivät tällaiset atavistiset ilmiöt historiaan. Myöhemmin Sillinpää tutustui myös saksalaiseen Oswald Spengleriin ja omaksui häneltä ajatuksen sivilisaatioiden ihmiselämää vastaavasta elinkaaresta. Naziainexiakin oli siis, mutta mäkitupalaisena se ei siihen hurahtanut.
ellauri055.html on line 899: Vuonna 1929 Sillinpään kirjojen kustantajaksi vaihtui WSOY:n tilalle Otava ja samana vuonna Sillinpää siirtyi asumaan Helsinkiin. Otava maksoi WSOY:lle Sillinpään tekemät velat, lunasti teosten oikeudet ja myymättömien teosten varaston sekä Saavutus-huvilan. Kauppa on ollut kallein yksittäistä kirjailijaa koskeva sopimus Suomessa, 633 000 markkaa. 1930-luvun alussa hyvään luomisvireeseen päässyt Sillinpää julkaisi useita merkittäviä romaaneja: Nuorena nukkunut 1931, Miehen tie 1932 ja Ihmiset suviyössä 1934. Nämä romaanit, niistä erityisesti palvelustyttö Silja Salmeluksen elämänvaiheita kuvannut Nuorena nukkunut, herättivät huomiota ulkomaillakin ja Sillinpäätä alettiin jo 1930-luvun alusta lähtien pitää Suomen ehdokkaana Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon saajaksi. Sillinpää itsekin pyrki edistämään tätä asiaa vierailemalla usein Ruotsissa ja luomalla suhteita sikäläisiin kirjallisiin piireihin. Nobel-palkintoa Sillinpää ei kuitenkaan vielä 1930-luvun alussa saanut; tähän saattoi vaikuttaa samaan aikaan Helsingin yliopiston suomalaistamisesta käyty kielitaistelu. Sillinpää oli 1930-luvulla myös kiinnostunut kansanperinteestä ja kotiseutututkimuksesta ja hänen kotonaan Helsingissä kokoontui säännöllisesti niin sanottu Perjantaikerho, jossa Sillinpää, Sakari Pälsi, Kustaa Vilkuna ja Martti Haavio keskustelivat kielentutkimuksen ja kansatieteen aiheista. Vuonna 1936 Sillinpää sai Helsingin yliopiston filosofian kunniatohtorin arvon.
ellauri055.html on line 907: Sillinpäätä oli jo pitkään pidetty varteenotettavana Nobel-ehdokkaana ja syksyllä 1939 hän voittikin Nobel-komitean äänestyksessä palkinnosta kilpailleet sveitsiläisen Hermann Hessen ja alankomaalaisen Johan Huizingan. Myöhemmin Sillinpää luovutti kultaisen Nobel-mitalinsa Suomessa sotaponnistelujen hyväksi järjestettyyn jalometallikeräykseen, mahdollisesti ruotsalaisen kirjallisuusnobelisti Selma Lagerlöfin esimerkin pakottamana.
ellauri055.html on line 1126: Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck oli belgialainen frankofooni kirjailija, jolle myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1911. Maeterlinckin katsottiin edustavan dekadenssia parhaimmillaan tai pahimmillaan. Hänestä tehtiin kreivi vuonna 1932.
ellauri055.html on line 1137: Le Trésor des humbles est un ouvrage de 1896 réunissant treize essais mystiques profonds écrits par le lauréat belge du prix Nobel de littérature Maurice Maeterlinck. L'œuvre a été éditée par la 'Société du Mercure de France' et elle est dédiée à Georgette Leblanc.
ellauri055.html on line 1171: Heikki Järnefeltin äiti oli Saimi Swan. Isä oli Eero. Hömelö Arvid oli Eeron isoveli, Sibben Aino kuopus. Eero oli oikeistolainen kermaperse joka suhteessa. Sitä Toope varsin kadehti. Sibbis vääntelehti velkakierteessä Toopen tavoin. Ainolassa piti olla hiljaa. Aho löntysteli kalatamineissa Nobel-haaveissa.
ellauri060.html on line 118: Toinen lupaavan oloinen kirjalöydöskaxikko on Mihail Solohovin 'Apinakohtalo' plus 'He taistelivat reviirinsä puolesta' 1943 ja Ritva Enäkosken 'Halu, hinku ja haba, eli miten bodaan kantin kestäväxi' 1993. Kansa taisteli, koiraat kertovat, ja vähän naaraatkin. Solohov sai aherruxestaan Nobelin palkinnon 1965, ja jo sitä ennen Leninin palkinnon. Ritva Enäkosken osalta jury on vielä sisällä. On sillä jo Vuoden innostaja -palkinto.
ellauri060.html on line 1126: Šolohov liittyi kommunistiseen puolueeseen 1922 ja pysyi sille uskollisena koko uransa. Ei vienyt Miihkalilta päätä isä aurinkoinenkaan. Pää oli tarpeexi kumarassa vielä 50-luvulla. Josip ja Miihkali oli oikein kamuja. Hän oli Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliiton toimielimissä vuodesta 1934 ja vuodesta 1936 maan korkeimman neuvoston jäsen. Hän seurasi Nikita Hruštšovia tämän ulkomaanmatkalle 1959 ja valittiin keskuskomiteaan 1961. Hän oli kaksinkertaisen sosialistisen työn sankari ja palkittiin sekä Leninin että Stalinin palkinnolla Nobelin lisäksi. Jeesmiehiä jos kukaan,
ellauri062.html on line 482: Sisiliassa syntyneen Salvatore Quasimodon (1901-1968) runot sattuivat käsiini, kun etsin kirjastosta italialaista runokirjaa. Pian minulle selvisi, että runoilija on saanut kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon vuonna 1959, ja silti käsissäni oleva kokoelma on ainoa suomeksi julkaistu teos hänen säkeitään. Joitain yksittäisiä runoja on ilmeisesti julkaistu jossain antologiassa, ehkä useammassakin, sekä Parnassossa ainakin 1960-luvulla pian Nobelin myöntämisen jälkeen.
ellauri062.html on line 486: Monet Salvatore Quasimodon runot avautuvat minulle vaivoin, jos ollenkaan. Enkä taida olla yksin hämmennykseni kanssa. Nobel-palkinnon myöntäminen oli kiistanalainen, monien mielestä vanhemmat runoilijat Ungaretti ja Montale syrjäytettiin (no vizi Montalen kutale kyllä sai oman plakettinsa vuonna 1975), ja lehdistö teilasi Quasimodon tuotannon suurimmalle osalle lukijoita luoksepääsemättömäksi. Yksi minua askarruttaneista runoista on otsikoitu "Kuolleet" ja alkaa näillä säkeillä:
ellauri062.html on line 536: Salvatore Quasimodo (Modica, 20 agosto 1901 – Napoli, 14 giugno 1968) è stato un poeta e traduttore italiano, esponente di rilievo dell'ermetismo. Ha contribuito alla traduzione di vari componimenti dell'età classica, soprattutto liriche greche, ma anche di opere teatrali di Molière e William Shakespeare. È stato vincitore del premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 1959 «per la sua poetica lirica, che con ardente classicità esprime le tragiche esperienze della vita dei nostri tempi».
ellauri067.html on line 249: Tom on nyt 83 eikä vielä vainaja. Nobelilla alkaa olla kiirettä. Ettei käy niinkuin Philip Rothille. Harold veti henxelit 2019.
ellauri072.html on line 477: What will happen when the age-old economy of scarcity gives way to the Age of Leisure? Professor Gabor, who won the 1971 Nobel Prize for physics offers a futuristic projection based on a static population and GNP, "classless, democratic, and uniformly rich." Fearful that total secruity "will create unbearable boredom and bring out the worst in Irrational Man," Gabor is anxious to retain "effort," "hardship," and the Protestant Ethic -- lest society dissolve in an orgy of anti-social, hedonistic nihilism (viz. the current drug explosion and the spoiled-brat students). To avoid such evils Gabor proposes that work and its attendant moral uplift be divorced from production and the service sector of the economy be vastly enlarged. But this is only the beginning -- enthusiastic about Social Engineering Gabor suggests using it to weed out potential misfits, trouble-makers and "power addicts"; supplementing I.Q. tests with E.Q. (Ethical Quotient) measurements; and modeling elementary and secondary education on the 19th century British public school which knew so well how to inculcate good citizenship, intellectual excellence and pride in achievement. The Third World, still wrestling with pre-industrial material want, is ignored -- since we can't afford any more industrial pollution presumably they will just have to adjust to their misery. Gabor's assessment of "the Nature of Man" shows a woefully naive Anglo-American ethnocentricity and complete ignorance of anthropology and his vision of post-industrial utopia operating on the moral axioms of the 19th century is as elitist as it is improbable.
ellauri077.html on line 75: Viisikymmentäkuusivuotias amerikkalainen Nobel-palkittu runoilija, kohtalaisen ylipainoinen mies, joka amerikkalaisissa kirjallisuuspiireissä tunnettiin "runoilijoiden runoilijana" tai toisinaan pelkästään "Runoilijana", istui rinta paljaana aurinkoisella terassilla puolittain makuuasentoon käännetyssä aurinkotuoliissa kohtalaisessa määrin mutta ei vakavasti ylipainoisena, mies joka oli voittanut Kansallisen Kirja Palkinnon (2x), Kansallisen Kirja-arvostelijoiden Piiri Palkinnnon ja Lamont-palkinnon, saanut 2 apurahaa Kansalliselta Taidesäätiöltä, Rooman palkinnon, Lannan-säätiön stipendin, MacDowell-mitalin ja Mildred ja Harold Straussin Elämispalkinto -palkinnon Amerikan Taiteiden ja Kirjeiden Akatemialta ja Instituutilta sekä tullut valituxi KYNÄ-klubin pen palixi, runoilija jota 2kin sukupolvea oli julistant sukupolvensa äänexi ja joka nyt oli siis 56 vuotias ja loikoili kuivat Speedo-merkkiset XL-kokoiset uimahousut jalassa markiisikankaisessa, portaittain säädettävässä kansituolissa laatoitetulla terassilla kotinsa uima-altaan ääressä, runoilija joka ensimmäisten amerikkalaisten joukossa sai arvovaltaisen John D. ja Catherine T. MacArthur säätiöltä "Nero-palkinnon", joka oli vain 1/3 elossa olevasta amerikkalaisesta kirjallisuuden nobelistista, oli 172 senttiä pitkä, painoi 82 kiloa, oli ruskeatukkainen ja oli aina välillä huolinut/torjunut erilaisia Hius Lisäys Järjestelmä -merkkisiä hiussiirrännäisiä niin, että hänen hiusrajansa oli epätasaisesti vetäytynyt, ja nyt hän siis istui - tai kukaties tarkemmin sanottuna vain "lojui" - mustissa Speedoissa kotinsa munuaisen-
ellauri080.html on line 770: Rabindranath Tagore, who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, was a great admirer of Gandhi, it was often Tagore alone who could persuade Gandhi to give up his fasts unto death.
ellauri080.html on line 774: Gandhi was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize, but he was never awarded the prize. In 1948, the prize was left unawarded with the committe seriously considering a posthumous prize.
ellauri083.html on line 82: The writer Pearl S. Buck emerged into literary stardom in 1931 when she published a book called "The Good Earth." That story of family life in a Chinese village won the novelist international acclaim, the Pulitzer, and eventually a Nobel Prize. Her upbringing in China as the American daughter of missionaries served as inspiration for that novel and many others. By her death in 1973, Pearl Buck had written around 100 books.
ellauri083.html on line 124: It can never be said of the Swedish Academy that they don't know what they like. Between Independent People, The Growth of the Soil, The Good Earth, and probably several others I haven't read yet it seems clear that the path to a Nobel Prize in literature is the one trod by struggling farmers out in the countryside.
ellauri083.html on line 129: Growth of the Soil (Norwegian Mannens Grodor), is a novel by Knut Hamsun which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. It follows the story of a man who settles and lives in rural Norway.
ellauri083.html on line 135: The Good Earth (English The Good Earth) is a historical fiction novel by American author Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 that dramatizes family life in a Chinese village in the early 20th century. It was influential in Buck's winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938.
ellauri083.html on line 153: Independent People (Icelandic: Sjálfstætt fólk) is an epic novel by Nobel laureate Halldór Laxness, originally published in two volumes in 1934 and 1935; literally the title means "Self-standing folk". It deals with the struggle of poor Icelandic farmers in the early 20th century, only freed from debt bondage in the last generation, and surviving on isolated crofts in an inhospitable landscape.
ellauri083.html on line 155: The novel is considered among the foremost examples of social realism in Icelandic fiction in the 1930s. It is an indictment of materialism, the cost of the self-reliant spirit to relationships, and capitalism itself. This book, along with several other major novels, helped Laxness win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1955.
ellauri095.html on line 159: He influenced such poets as W.H. Auden, Dylan Thomas, Theodore Roethke, Elizabeth Bishop, John Berryman, Robert Lowell, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, Denise Levertov, and the Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney. In the 1920s and 30s, he was a darling of the British and American “New Critics” who prized and probed his poems’ rich “texture.”
ellauri096.html on line 682: The associated policy implications were clear: There is no need for any form of government intervention since, ostensibly, government policies aimed at stabilizing the business cycle are welfare-reducing. Since microfoundations are based on the preferences of decision-makers in the model, DSGE models feature a natural benchmark for evaluating the welfare effects of policy changes. The Kydland/Prescott 1982 paper is often considered the starting point of RBC theory and of DSGE modeling in general and its authors were awarded the 2004 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.
ellauri097.html on line 292: Patrick White (1912–1990) was raised in Sydney’s well-to-do Rushcutter’s Bay, and was sent to England at 13. He attended boarding school, then Cambridge, and during the war was stationed in North Africa. It was there, in 1941, that White met Manoly Lascaris, the Greek officer who he would love for the rest of his life. By the time White and Lascaris returned to Australia. in 1947 White had written three tepidly received novels, and a play. It took coming home to Sydney to transform his writing and elevate it to the level of genius. White produced The Tree of Man, in 1955, his first novel to be written in Sydney. He went on to write a string of masterpieces in quick succession: Voss, Riders in the Chariot, The Vivisector. He received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1973. The Nobel committee credited White “for an epic and psychological narrative art which has introduced a new continent into literature.”
ellauri097.html on line 298: In 2006, the Weekend Australian newspaper conducted an experiment. They submitted chapter three of The Eye of the Storm (1973) to twelve publishers and agents around Australia under an anagram of White’s name, Wraith Picket. Nobody offered to publish the book. One responded, “the sample chapter, while reply (sic) with energy and feeling, does not give evidence that the work is yet of a publishable quality.” Notwithstanding that the chapter was not White’s finest writing, and the unfairness of submitting a chapter out of narrative sequence, the hoax prompted a minor crisis in Australian literature: if the industry couldn’t recognize the greatness of our sole Nobel winner, how unenlightened must the country’s publishing industry be now? Shortly thereafter, the ABC launched an online portal called Why Bother With Patrick White? The portal always struck me as sad. What other major writer would need a website dedicated to convincing his countrymen to give him another go? The link to the website is dead now. It would seem, in the end, that nobody could be bothered with Patrick White.
ellauri100.html on line 89: Ernst Kretschmer (* 8. Oktober 1888 in Wüstenrot bei Heilbronn; † 8. Februar 1964 in Tübingen) war ein deutscher Psychiater. Er erforschte die menschliche Konstitution und stellte eine Typenlehre auf. 1929 wurde er für den Nobelpreis für Physiologie oder Medizin nominiert.
ellauri100.html on line 143: Mit seiner Konstitutionstypologie führte Kretschmer 1921 die Unterscheidung zwischen den Typen des Leptosomen, des Pyknikers und des Athletikers ein. Zwischen 1915 und 1921 entwickelte Kretschmer darauf basierend eine Methode zur Differenzialdiagnose von Schizophrenie und Manie. Für das normale Temperament des leptosomen Typs prägte er dabei den Begriff des „Schizothymen“ und eine stärkere Neigung zur Schizophrenie wie geringere Anfälligkeit für manisch-depressive Störungen, umgekehrt für den pyknischen. Der athletische Typ sei eher für Epilepsie anfällig. Wegen Kretschmers Korrelation zwischen Körpergestalt und Anfälligkeit für psychische Störungen wurde er 1929 für den Nobelpreis nominiert.
ellauri101.html on line 155: Joseph Campbell, arguably the greatest mythologist of the twentieth century, was certainly one of our greatest storytellers. This masterfully crafted book interweaves conversations between Campbell and some of the people he inspired, including poet Robert Bly, anthropologist Angeles Arrien, filmmaker David Kennard, Doors drummer John Densmore, psychiatric pioneer Stanislov Grof, Nobel laureate Roger Guillemen, and others. Campbell reflects on subjects ranging from the origins and functions of myth, the role of the artist, and the need for ritual to the ordeals of love and romance. With poetry and humor, Campbell recounts his own quest and conveys the excitement of his lifelong exploration of our mythic traditions, what he called “the one great story of mankind.” Hemmetti nää sen sankarit on lähes yhtä tuntemattomia kuin se ize.
ellauri106.html on line 35: Some consider his best novel, My Life as a Man. He was awarded the 2010 National Humanities Medal by President Barack Obama at the White House in 2011. He died of congestive heart failure on May 22, 2018, at age 85. True — he never won the Nobel Prize for literature. D´oh.
ellauri106.html on line 97: In 2000 Saul Bellow proposed Philip Roth to the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize for Literature. The accusation that the academy deliberately overlooks Roth's achievements in selecting the Nobel Prize winner each year has been one of the truisms of international feuilletons since the 2000s. According to some critics, the accusation turned out to be justified in 2008, when the chairman of the jury responsible for the Nobel Prize for Literature made public general reservations about North American literature and denied it deserving of an award. Ulrich Greiner summed up Roth's rejection by the Nobel Prize Committee as follows: “The Swedes, however, love authors who help to improve the world. Philip Roth only adds something to their knowledge about what needs work."
ellauri107.html on line 274: He was infamously resentful of being denied the Nobel Prize in literature: “He took to calling it the Anybody-But-Roth Prize,” Taylor reports. And past slights consumed him. Taylor notes that Roth couldn’t stop relitigating his first marriage, and that “despite her death she needed further – no, endless – pulverization.”
ellauri107.html on line 414: Babbitt (1922), by Sinclair Lewis, is a satirical novel about American culture and society that critiques the vacuity of middle class life and the social pressure toward conformity. The controversy provoked by Babbitt was influential in the decision to award the Nobel Prize in Literature to Lewis in 1930.
ellauri115.html on line 689: Vois luulla kärsimättömien miesten valituxista että Jumala on velkaa niille palkkion ennenkuin työ on edes tehty ja hyväxytty, ezen pitäis antaa miehuudesta förskottia. Voi ei! Ollaan ensin hyviä, onni tulee perässä pienessä lankakerässä. Ei vaadita Nobelin palkintoa ennenkuin ollaan voitettu se, eikä vaadita sitä ennenkuin tää työ on lopussa. [Ai vittu, sitä ei myönnetä postuumisti. No kai siellä kuonpuoleisessa on joku vastaava kunnianosoitus.] “Me ei kruunata voittajia vedonlyöntilistoissa," sanoo Plutarkhos, "vaan vasta kun juoxu on lopussa." Sitäpaizi voitto ei ole tärkeintä, vaan hieno palkinto.
ellauri118.html on line 456: Pasternakille myönnettiin Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto vuonna 1958, mutta hän joutui luopumaan palkinnon vastaanottamisesta, koska ei olisi voinut palata takaisin Tukholmasta Neuvostoliittoon, mikäli hän matkustaisi Ruotsiin vastaanottamaan palkinnon. Literaturnaja gazeta tuomitsi palkinnon myöntämisen Pasternakille vihamieliseksi teoksi Neuvostoliittoa kohtaan. Niinkuin olikin. Pasternak erotettiin myös Neuvostoliiton kirjailijaliitosta viisi päivää Nobel-palkinnon myöntämisen jälkeen.
ellauri133.html on line 815: 1929 nappas Thomas Mann kirjallisuuden Nobelpalkinnon kirjalla Buddenbrookit. Se oli mun mielikirjoja. Kristina ei pidä Mannista koska Mann on niin ulkonäkötietonen, se kertoo aina onko ihmiset rumia vai kauniita. Mann pohti kirjoissaan porvarielämän ja taiteellisuuden ristiriitoja, moraalin ja aistien sanasotaa, esteettisen ja eroottisen pystypainia. Lähdettyään Sakuista Hitlerin valtaantultua se vietti mukavaa julkkiskirjailijaelämää USA:ssa ja Schweizissä.
ellauri135.html on line 581: Samana vuonna Konsta julkaisi tän mezämökin ikkunan. Ei ihme että Nobel meni "Sholokhoville" vuonna 1965.
ellauri135.html on line 657: Vuonna 1828 runoilija saa koulutusta gumanitaarisen profiilin Nobel Boarding Schoolissa ja viestii Lopukhinsin perheen kanssa. Yksi neljästä pojasta tuli myöhemmin runoilijan ystäväksi ja Varvara-tytär musexi. Runoilijan aktiivinen luova toiminta avautuu ja ensimmäiset runot tulevat näkyviin: "Kaukasianpaimenkoira", "Sirkasialaiset", demonin ääriviivat. Lermontovin lyhyt elämäkerta lapsille osoittaa, että runojen aktiivinen kirjoittaminen alkoi 1900-luvun 30-luvuilla. Samana vuonna hän menestyi menestyksekkäästi Moskovan yliopistossa moraalisessa ja poliittisessa tiedekunnassa, mutta myöhemmin hän ymmärtää virheensä. Vuonna 1832 Mikhail meni Pietariin ja siirtyi koulujen vartijoiden alihankkijoille. Näinä vuosina hänestä tulee yrityksen sielu ja naisen mies. Ensimmäiset julkaisut olivat jo vuonna 1835, ja vuonna 1837 Pushkinin runoilijan kuolemasta tuli perusta saman nimen runolle.
ellauri135.html on line 669: 14-vuotiaana Mikhailista tuli Nobel-tutkija joka toimii Moskovan yliopistossa. Samaan aikaan hänestä kiinnostui runoutta ja alkoi kirjoittaa itsestään. Hänen ensimmäinen opettaja tässä tapauksessa oli S. E. Raich. Mikhail opiskeli 2 vuotta, ja pysäköintitalo oli suljettu. Syksyllä Lermontov tuli samaan yliopistoon moraalista ja poliittista tiedekuntaa. Mikhail ei kuulunut mihinkään ympyrään eikä yleensä edes kuulunut kaikkiin oppilaisiin.
ellauri141.html on line 462: Kipling sai ensimmäisenä englanninkielisenä kirjailijana Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinnon vuonna 1907. Hän on yhä edelleen nuorin palkinnon koskaan saanut kirjailija (42v). Mikähän poliittinen tilanne oli siinä takana?
ellauri141.html on line 495: Kiplingin suosio oli huipussaan 1900–luvun alussa. Vuonna 1907 Rudyard Kipling sai kirjallisuuden Nobel-palkinnon.
ellauri141.html on line 746: a) Koska Nobelin kirjallisuuspalkinto on poliittinen propagandateko. Ruozin Akatemia on Amerikan hegemoniaa ja länkkäreiden talousliberaalien setämiesten asiaa ajava PR-toimisto. Sen rahoitti räjähdysaineilla rikastunut porho, joka edellytti palkinnon saajilta, että niiden tuotanto on toivotulla lailla "positiivista".
ellauri141.html on line 755: Alexis Leger (pronounced [ləʒe]; 31 May 1887 – 20 September 1975), better known by his pseudonym Saint-John Perse (French: [pɛʁs]; also Saint-Leger Leger),[1] was a French poet-diplomat, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1960 "for the soaring flight and evocative imagery of his poetry." He was a major French diplomat from 1914 to 1940, after which he lived primarily in the United States until 1967.
ellauri141.html on line 765: During his American exile, he wrote his long poems Exil, Vents, Pluies, Neiges, Amers, and Chroniques. He remained in the US long after the end of the war. He travelled extensively, observing nature and enjoying the friendship of US Attorney General Francis Biddle and his spouse, philanthropist Beatrice Chanler, and author Katherine Garrison Chapin. He was on good terms with the UN Secretary General and author Dag Hammarskjöld whose plain crashed in suspicious circumstances in 1961, just after Pink Panther got his Nobel prize. Foul play?
ellauri141.html on line 769: In 1960, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. After receiving the Nobel Prize, he wrote the long poems Chronique, Oiseaux and Chant pour un équinoxe and the shorter Nocturne and Sécheresse. In 1962, Georges Braque worked with master printmaker Aldo Crommelynck to create a series of etchings and aquatints, L'Ordre des Oiseaux, which was published with the text of Perse's Oiseaux by Au Vent d'Arles.
ellauri141.html on line 796: Nojoo, IV laulussa kaupunki n:o 1 perustetaan, ja siinä parasta on tyttöjen kalsongit ikkunoissa. Koirat haukkuvat, karavaani kulkee. Kaveri kylästyy taas vaan olemaan ja lähtee aamusella villihanhien mukana kuin Nils Holgersson. Kaupunkeja perustetaan vähän kaikkialle. Poeettojakin ilmestyy katukuvaan. Onkohan tää jotain kolonialistituubaa? On hienoa mennä nitistämään nomadeja, mezästäjä-keräilijöistä puhumattakaan. Kauppa se on joka kannattaa. Juu ja sitä on tarkoitus jatkaa kautta avaruuxien, kun tää pallo on puzattu. A paean for man. Voi helevetti. Tää anabasis on tota exponentiaalista kasvua, sepä tekee apinasta kuolemattoman. Voi helevetin helevetti. Ei ihme että Nobel antoi tälle palkinnon. Seleukidit mainitaan, eli kyltäs vinkataan Alexanteriin. Ne hevosenhajuiset hevoset sit varmaan tuli Xenofonilta, joka kirjoitti kirjan hevosten hoidosta. IX laulussa saadaan entistä parempia naisia, sillä ne tekee meille pentuja. Hahaa tää on aika sama teema kuin Aataminsaaren Eve Future. Ei herkullinen pano ole tärkeintä vaan pennut ovat. Tää on jostain syystä koiraiden vaikea tajuta. Stranger ei enää nouse pukille. Sille tuodaan vettä eze voi pestä suunsa, naamansa ja munansa. Sitä ei hevosenhaju enää kiinnosta.
ellauri141.html on line 800: Dag Hammarskjöld was committed to the arts. Though temperamentally a loner, and introvert, and a bachelor throughout his life (oliko se homo? Det finns inga bevis för att Dag Hammarskjöld var homosexuell. Misstankar verkar dock ha funnits: Eftersom han levde ensam började rykten spridas om att han skulle vara homosexuell och hans motståndare använde detta för att smutskasta honom), he would invite intellectuals and artists, the best of New York’s bohemia, to his Upper East Side apartment where he kept a pet, an African monkey called Greenback. People he invited to his generous dinners included the poet Carl Sandburg, the novelist John Steinbeck, the poet WH Auden, the diplomat George Kennan. Auden was the translator of Hammarskjöld’s posthumously published book of observations, ideas and poems called Waymarks. Hammarskjöld used his influence to get the poet Ezra Pound out of mental hospital. Back in Sweden, he inherited his father’s chair at the Swedish academy when the man died in 1953. The Swedish academy is the body that awards the Nobel Prize in literature. Hammarskjöld was instrumental in getting the rather obscure but doubtless brilliant French poet Saint John Perse his Nobel prize in 1960. He would sketch out the arguments for Perse’s candidacy during translation breaks at UN Security Council meetings.
ellauri142.html on line 71: Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (/ˈtoʊlstɔɪ/; Russian: Лев Николаевич Толстой, 28 August 1828 – 7 November 1910), usually referred to in English as Leo Tolstoy, was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He received nominations for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year from 1902 to 1906 and for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1901, 1902, and 1909. That he never won is a major controversy. Instead, Rudyard Kipling got the medal 1907. What the fuck?
ellauri144.html on line 740: Huan Ramon Himénez sensijaan on espanjalainen lyyrikko, joka sai 1956 Nobelin palkinnon joxeenkin olemattomista ansioista. Yksi Jimenezin tärkeimmistä panoksista moderniin runouteen oli hänen kannatuksensa "puhtaan runouden" käsitteelle. Jotain tollasta l'art pour l'art varmaan taas, keskuslyriikkaa. Hän opiskeli San Luis Gonzagan jesuiittalaitoksessa El Puerto de Santa Maríassa, lähellä Cádizia. Myöhemmin hän opiskeli lakia ja maalausta Sevillan yliopistossa, mutta pian hän huomasi, että hänen kykynsä viittasivat paremminkin kynäilyyn. Sitten hän omistautui Rubén Daríon vaikuttamalle kirjallisuudelle ja simbolismille. Hän julkaisi kaksi ensimmäistä kirjaansa 18-vuotiaana vuonna 1900.
ellauri150.html on line 459: The Polish writer Henryk Sienkiewicz wrote the novel Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (1895–96, a tremendous hit in fin de siecle Paris) which in turn has been made into motion pictures several times, including a 1951 version that was nominated for eight Academy Awards. Vittu vaan 8, Ben veti mahtavammat 11, samoinkuin vielä järisyttävämmät suurteoxet Titanic ja Bored of the Rings. For this and other films novels, Sienkiewicz received the 1905 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri151.html on line 53: This autobiography/biography was written at the time of the award and first published in the book series Les Prix Nobel. It was later edited and republished in Nobel Lectures. To cite this document, always state the source as shown above.
ellauri151.html on line 110: André Paul Guillaume Gide (French: [ɑ̃dʁe pɔl ɡijom ʒid]; 22 November 1869 – 19 February 1951) was a French author and winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature (in 1947). André was born in Paris on 22 November 1869, into a middle-class Protestant family. His father was a Paris University professor of law who died in 1880, Jean Paul Guillaume Gide, and his mother was Juliette Maria Rondeaux. His uncle was the political economist Charles Gide. His paternal family traced its roots back to Italy, with his ancestors, the Guidos, moving to France and other western and northern European countries after converting to Protestantism during the 16th century, due to persecution.
ellauri151.html on line 132: Mä luulen ezen claim to Nobel fame vuonna 1947 oli toi antikommunismi ennen kaikkea. In 1946, when Pierre Herbert asked Gide which of his books he would choose if only one were to survive," Gide replied, ´I think it would be my Journal.´" Beginning at the age of eighteen or nineteen, Gide kept a journal all of his life and when these were first made available to the public, they ran to thirteen hundred pages. Pääasiassa homoilua ja sen puolustelua. Gide ei koskaan bylsinyt vaimoaan Madeleinea, mutta kävi kerran jonkun nuoren neidon pukilla, ja siitti siinä yhden tyttären. Toista varvia ei tullut, vaikka neito pyyteli.
ellauri162.html on line 268: Que peuvent donc avoir de commun les écrivains Marcel Camus, Marcel Aymé, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Louis Aragon, Jacques Prévert, Georges Bernanos, Aimé Césaire, Bernard Clavel, Guy de Maupassant, Georges Sand, les peintres Claude Monet, Gustave Courbet, Honoré Daumier, les compositeurs Hector Berlioz, Maurice Ravel, les politiciens Philippe Seguin (de droite), Jack Ralite (de gauche), le syndicaliste Edmond Maire, le philosophe Jacques Bouveresse, les chanteurs et poètes Georges Brassens, Léo Ferré, l'acteur et humoriste Bourvil, les actrices Catherine Deneuve, Claudia Cardinale, Brigitte Bardot, la chanteuse Mylène Farmer, la madame Miss France Geneviève de Fontenay, les prix Nobel de physique Pierre et Marie Curie, le médecin humanitaire Anne-Marie Gouvet, la chercheuse spécialiste des cancers professionnels Annie Thiebaud-Mony, ou tout récemment le dessinateur de bandes dessinées Tardy… ?
ellauri164.html on line 457: In 1938, Otto Hahn, Lise Meitner and Fritz Strassmann discovered nuclear fission, for which Hahn received the 1944 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Nuclear fission was the basis for nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons.
ellauri172.html on line 104: Runoilijan oman kertomuksen mukaan hän osasi latinaa, kreikkaa ja hepreaa kuuden vuoden iässä, ja hän oli kääntänyt Platonin Kritonin kirjastosta alle 11-vuotiaana. Runoilijan poika petti isän asian katollisille ja jäi siitä perinnöttömäxi. Nobelisti Szymborska on puolantanut Agrippaa.
ellauri183.html on line 112: He is irritatingly compared to Nobel laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer. "Don't lump me in with Singer. We're very different. I don't go in for the schlemiel interpretation. There's a difference of intent. I am serious. I have not given up the hero -- I simply use heroic qualities in small men like myself. There ought to be more heroes like myself. Idealism has become a strange word."
ellauri184.html on line 781: The characters in the book are fascinating; my Jesuits friends and I laughed and enjoy this book. There were no doubts in our head by the end of the book. We did not feel like it shook our religion or affected the way we perceived God. This book was after all under fiction so everyone that is easily offended stay away from this book and stop complaining about blasphemy and crying around like little kids. Saramago is a Nobel price winner and foremost a grown man that is entitled to his own opinions. This one of his finest, if not the best, of his book in my opinion, a must read. Of course he is dead by now.
ellauri184.html on line 785: This is a bold fearless work and definitely not for the faint of heart. I am not surprised that when this was originally published in 1991, it created lots of controversies with the Catholic Church condemning Jose Saramago for harboring anti-religious vision and his own Portuguese government asking the European Literary Prize to remove this from its shortlist because of the book’s offensive content to religion. Despite this book’s existence, Saramago won the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature.
ellauri191.html on line 4:
ellauri191.html on line 36:
To Alfred Nobel in 1866, in recognition of a step forward into making bombs, which has helped growth explosion in a lot of ways.

ellauri191.html on line 48: Sen lisäxi kulttuuriprofiilit miettivät joka vuosi tarkkaan palkinnon poliittisen sanoman. Ihan seuraamalla kirjallisuus- ja rauhanpalkintojen maa- ja kielijakaumaa voi aika lailla nähdä missä päin on (Amerikkaa kyllä aika johdonmukaisesti hännystellen) ruozalaisten sympatiat olleet kulloinkin. Nobel-palkinto maan A toisinajattelijoille on kiva tapa päästä puun takaa vittuilemaan maan A vallanpitäjille. Hinoa John!
ellauri191.html on line 52: Kaikki typpilannoitteisiin perustuvat räjähteet kexi saxalaiset kemistit 19. vuosisadalla. Lucky Luke kuskasi nestemäistä nitroglyseriiniä. Nobel kexi lisätä siihen savea ja tehdä dynypötköjä, mistä kynäilijät ovat sille ikuisesti kiitollisia.
ellauri191.html on line 708: Nobel).jpg" class="image">Pearl Buck (<span style=Nobel).jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg/75px-Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="106" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg/113px-Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg/150px-Pearl_Buck_%28Nobel%29.jpg 2x" data-file-width="280" data-file-height="396" />
ellauri191.html on line 989: Nobel,_portrait_en_buste,_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau,_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche,_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg" class="image">Albert Camus, gagnant de prix <span style=Nobel, portrait en buste, posé au bureau, faisant face à gauche, cigarette de tabagisme.jpg" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/75px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg" decoding="async" width="75" height="90" srcset="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/113px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg 1.5x, //upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg/150px-Albert_Camus%2C_gagnant_de_prix_Nobel%2C_portrait_en_buste%2C_pos%C3%A9_au_bureau%2C_faisant_face_%C3%A0_gauche%2C_cigarette_de_tabagisme.jpg 2x" data-file-width="719" data-file-height="863" />
ellauri191.html on line 1602: "who through her magnificent epic writing has – in the words of Alfred Nobel – been of very great benefit to humanity"
ellauri191.html on line 2144: In the Wall Street Journal, Joseph Epstein wrote, "You might not know it, but you and I are members of a club whose fellow members include Leo Tolstoy, Henry James, Anton Chekhov, Mark Twain, Henrik Ibsen, Marcel Proust, James Joyce, Jorge Luis Borges and Vladimir Nabokov. [And, we might add: Virginia Woolf, Joseph Conrad, Anna Akhmatova, Ella Fitzgerald, and Eudora Welty.] The club is the Non-Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature. All these authentically great writers, still alive when the prize, initiated in 1901, was being awarded, didn't win it."
ellauri191.html on line 2147: The first prize in 1901, awarded to the French poet Sully Prudhomme, was heavily criticised. Many believed that the acclaimed Russian author Tolstoy should have been awarded the first Nobel prize in literature.
ellauri191.html on line 2148: From 1901 to 1912, the committee, headed by the conservative Carl David af Wirsén, weighed the literary quality of a work against its contribution towards humanity's struggle 'toward the ideal'. Leo Tolstoy, Henrik Ibsen, Émile Zola, and Mark Twain were rejected in favour of authors little read today. The choice of philosopher Rudolf Eucken as Nobel laureate in 1908 is widely considered to be one of the worst mistakes in the history of the Nobel Prize in Literature. The main candidates for the prize that year were poet Algernon Swinburne and author Selma Lagerlöf, but the Academy were divided between the candidates and, as a compromise, Eucken, representative of the Academy's interpretation of Nobel's "ideal direction", was launched as an alternative candidate that could be agreed upon. Solzhenitsyn did not accept the award and prize money until 10 December 1974, after he was deported from the Soviet Union. Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist had argued that the Nobel Prize in Literature should not become a political prize and questioned the artistic value of Solzhenitsyn's work. The award to Camilo José Cela was controversial as he had moved voluntarily from Madrid to Galicia during the Spanish Civil War in order to join Franco's rebel forces there as a volunteer.A member of the Swedish Academy, Knut Ahnlund, who had not played an important role in the Academy since 1996, protested against the choice of the 2004 laureate, Elfriede Jelinek; Ahnlund resigned, alleging that selecting Jelinek had caused "irreparable damage" to the reputation of the award.
ellauri191.html on line 2150: Strindberg holds the singular distinction of being awarded an Anti-Nobel Prize, conferred by popular acclaim and national subscription and presented to him in 1912 by future prime minister Hjalmar Branting.
ellauri192.html on line 4:
ellauri192.html on line 113: The members of the Nobel jury were guided by the vague words written into the will of Alfred Nobel. The inventor stated that his prize “should go to the person who shall have produced in the field of Literature the most distinguished work of an idealistic tendency.” Wirsén believed that “idealistic tendency” meant of moral or good nature; however, as Burton Feldman reports, the mathematician Gösta "Ja ja de ä Gösta här" Mittag-Leffler, who was a friend of Nobel’s, attested that “the inventor intended ‘idealism’ to mean a skeptical, even satirical attitude to religion, royalty, marriage, and the social order in general.”
ellauri192.html on line 132: But Sully Prudhomme’s 1878 work, La Justice (Justice), is a bold poem indeed. Siinä on paljon optimismia ja idealismia, sydämen asiaa. Dyny-Alfred olisi ollut mielissään. Scientific truth and deeply felt art combine in Sully Prudhomme’s vision to come to the rescue of humankind. This idealism imbued with science is what drew the Nobel committee to award him their first literature prize. Parnassolaiset hurrasivat ja symbolistit jupisivat kateina..
ellauri192.html on line 251:


ellauri192.html on line 255: The Nobel Prize in Literature 1984 was awarded to Jaroslav Seifert "for his poetry which endowed with freshness, sensuality and rich inventiveness provides a liberating image of the indomitable spirit and versatility of man."
ellauri192.html on line 263: THE trouble, of course, is that the actual record of choices made by the Swedish Academy for the Nobel Prize in Literature has been capricious and, in too many cases, insulting to critical intelligence. Given the fact that no literary ranking can be either proved or falsified objectively; given the inevitable time lag of taste and renown behind the radical, private advance of genius; errors, oversight, delays in recognition until they guys were dead were unavoidable from the outset. But even when every allowance is made, the record of ''the bounty of Sweden'' (Yeats's candid phrase when he received the Nobel in 1923) is a poor one.
ellauri192.html on line 265: The very first selection was ominous. Both the name and the verse of Sully Prudhomme seem to herald those grounds of unctuous competence, of the official middle ground, so frequently adopted by the Nobel judges. But Prudhomme is by no means the pits. Take Bob Dylan for instance.
ellauri192.html on line 269: Taking into sympathetic account the widest margin of human error, is it possible to take seriously an institution and procedure that passes over the majority of the greatest novelists and renewers of prose in the modern age? James Joyce, Marcel Proust, Franz Kafka (whose presence towers over our sensual literature and of the meaning of a bug, quite a feat for a little man who one should not expect to tower over anything much), Thomas Hardy, Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Andre Malraux, Hermann Broch, Robert Musil, D. H. Lawrence, either escaped the notice of or were, on nomination, rejected by the Nobel committee. Can one defend a jury which prefers the art of Pearl Buck (1938) to that of, say, Virginia Woolf? Paul Claudel, a picee of shit whose dramas we can set fairly beside those of Aeschylus and of Shakespeare just to scare people, never received the accolade. Paul Heyse was chosen, not Bertolt Brecht. Galsworthy is a Nobel, not Carlo Emilio Gadda, one of the most original and inventive writers of fiction in this century. Who the fuck is he? Composer of In-a-Gadda-da-Vida? No that was Iron Butterfly, and a good piece it was indeed.
ellauri192.html on line 273: There are great, canonic names on the Nobel list, choices on which common sense and passionate alertness concur. I have mentioned Yeats. We find Anatole France, Kipling, Shaw, Thomas Mann, Andre Gide, T. S. Eliot, Pasternak, Faulkner, Hemingway, Seferis, Montale, Beckett and Solzhenitsyn (the last, I would guess, a titan among men even more, perhaps, than among writers; what I mean by this is he was tall but not much of a novelist). But place the two lists next to each other, and the cardinal truth springs to view: during these past 83 years, the award of the Nobel Prize in Literature has scored more misses than hits. With eminent exceptions, it is the uncrowned who are sovereign.
ellauri192.html on line 275: But why? It is because it is the Swedes that make the choice, not an internationally chosen jury of important influencers like The New York Times. The disturbingly fallible performance of the Nobel committee for literature is the inevitable mirror of the patrician parochialism of the self-perpetuating selectors.
ellauri192.html on line 283: THIS same bias extends to literary forms. We look in vain on the Nobel register for the experimental, formally subversive, controversial movements and texts that distinguish modernism. No Surrealist has been rewarded, no major Expressionist, no poet or playwright out of the seminal world of Dada or absurdism (Andre Breton, Hugo Ball, Gertrude Stein). The boat is not to be rocked. On august occasion, lyric eroticism and even sorrowful homosexuality are admitted to Parnassus. Radical sexual play in style, in ''amoral'' revaluation, are vetoed. The liberating sensualists, such as John Cowper Powys, supreme in English fiction after Hardy, are left out. Colette is nowhere to be found. Her heir in sensuous contrivance, Nabokov, was blackballed.
ellauri192.html on line 287: Lastly, there is the rumor of the blacklist. No outside observer can show that any such list exists, let alone how and when it was explicitly arrived at. But there are stubborn, unsettling indications. Behind them stands the enigmatic figure and afterlife of Dag Hammerskjold. In one or two cases, the choice of laureate seems to have been largely his. His chill displeasures seem not only to have had great influence, but to persist beyond the grave. The list of lepers, for motives which may, in some masked degree, go back to Hammarskjold's own politics and arcane sexuality, is rumored to include Graham Greene, G"unter Grass and Borges, as it did Malraux (passed over, to de Gaulle's just anger, in favor of a French poet-diplomat close to Hammarskjold, viz. Saint-John Perse). The mere fact that the Nobel Prize in Literature has long passed Borges by suffices to put the whole institution in doubt. But whether any such blacklist is real remains baffled conjecture.
ellauri192.html on line 291: In the hours since the Swedish Academy announced Olga Tokarczuk and Peter Handke as newly-minted winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature, much has been made of the contrast between then.
ellauri192.html on line 297: While Tokarczuk’s win has been widely lauded — The Guardian declared her “the dreadlocked feminist winner the Nobel needed” (aargh! will some future prize go to Estonia's own bluewig girl Sofi Oxanen?) — Handke’s provoked immediate and widespread displeasure. PEN America, an organization that advocates for writers’ liberty, wrote that it was “dumbfounded by the selection of a writer who has used his public voice to undercut historical truth and offer public succor to perpetrators of genocide.” The Slovenian public intellectual Slavoj Žižek told the Guardian that “In 2014, Handke called for the Nobel to be abolished, saying it was a ‘false canonisation’ of literature. The fact that he got it now proves that he was right.”
ellauri192.html on line 321: Since 1901 to 1971, there have been 787 writers coming from different parts of the world nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature, 67 of which were awarded the prize and Albert Schweitzer was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1953. 12 more writers from these nominees were awarded after 1971 and Elie Wiesel was awarded by Nobel Peace Prize on 1986. Only 72 women had been nominated for the prize starting with Malwida von Meysenburg who was nominated once for the year 1901 and 6 of them have been awarded after all. 10% of the nominees, 5% of the awards. Bra jobb, kulturprofilerna! Kom igen!
ellauri192.html on line 327: His poetry, said James Ragan, director of the USC graduate school’s professional writing program, “was at all times optimistic, reflecting a championing of the human self. I think that’s primarily why he was awarded the Nobel Prize, because he suggested a new liberated spirit in writing (behind the Iron Curtain) after the Stalin era. Although he was a Communist as a youth, he became disillusioned with the party in the late 1920s. Thereafter, he was in and out of party favor during the turbulent decades that followed in Czechoslovakia. The state-run news agency, in announcing his death Friday, described him as “a prominent Czech poet, national artist (and) winner of the 1984 Nobel Prize for Literature.”
ellauri192.html on line 339: STOCKHOLM, Sweden 2009 - Americans Joyce Carol Oates and Philip Roth join Israel's Amos Oz at the top of the buzz surrounding the Nobel Prize in literature, especially after the most prominent judge broke from his predecessor and said U.S. writers are worthy of the coveted award.
ellauri192.html on line 344: Sometimes even those feints aren't enough. The academy suspected a leak last year when Le Clezio surged to No. 1 in Nobel betting a day before the announcement.
ellauri192.html on line 531: The award of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1984 to Jaroslav Seifert — a poet identified with reformism and not favored by the Husák regime—was a bright spot in an otherwise bleak cultural scene of the time. Tuttua ruozalaisten peukutusta länkkäreille taas. Philip Rothin kotizhekki, beatlesien näköinen Ivan Klima ei sopinut ruozalaiseen klimaattiin, eikä Philipkään.
ellauri192.html on line 641: Seifert was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1984. Due to bad health, he was not present at the award ceremony, and so his daughter received the Nobel Prize in his name. Even though it was a matter of great importance, there was only a brief remark of the award in the state-controlled media. He died in 1986, aged 84, and was buried at the municipal cemetery in Kralupy nad Vltavou (where his maternal grandparents originated from). Not in the Jewish cemetery, perish the thought!
ellauri192.html on line 645: Few Americans have ever heard of Jaroslav Seifert, whose poems are virtually unobtainable in the United States, but scholars who are acquainted with his work said yesterday that the Czech poet fully deserves the Nobel Prize awarded to him. Thogh an old commie, he is (or was) now staunchly on our side.
ellauri192.html on line 647: ''Seifert is a great poet who embodies the majestic tradition of Czech poetry - he deserves the Nobel Prize,'' said Maria Banerjee, who wrote the Seifert entry for the Encyclopedia of World Literature. Mrs. Banerjee, who hails from Bangla Desh (just joking, he is Maria Nemcova married to a Banerjee), is a specialist in Slavic literature, who teaches Russian literature at Smith College, added that Mr. Seifert "is (or was) the best of a remarkable group of poets who came into prominence in the 1920's."
ellauri192.html on line 651: George Gibian, a professor of Russian and comparative literature at Cornell University, agrees that Mr. Seifert deserves the Nobel. ''I'm glad the world has caught up with him,'' he said. ''He is (or was) the grand old man of Czech poetry, a combination of Robert Frost and E.E. Cummings. He deserves it for his recent poetry, but especially for his poetry of the 1920's and 30's.''
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  • Abhijit Banerjee, Nobel laureate economist
    ellauri194.html on line 672: