ellauri015.html on line 792: Der Schriftsteller Maxim Biller zählte Eilenberger in Die Welt am 16. Februar 2019 dagegen zu den "Linksrechtsdeutschen": Biller warf Eilenberger vor, dass er in Zeit der Zauberer die Sympathien des Philosophen Martin Heidegger zum Nazi-Regime unter den Tisch fallen lasse. Eilenberger, so Biller, "schreibt einen Mega-Bestseller über die vier Philosophen Heidegger, Cassirer, Benjamin und Wittgenstein und schildert darin die für den Aufklärer, Neukantianer und Juden Ernst Cassirer existenzielle Auseinandersetzung mit dem Trachtenjacken-Nazi Martin Heidegger lediglich als eine Art intellektuelles Fußballspiel, mehr nicht, voller Bewunderung für die Technik und Performance des am Ende dann doch irgendwie deutscheren, virileren, vermeintlich tiefgründigeren der beiden Spieler."
ellauri024.html on line 1320: vietnamilaisia epäinhimillisinä vinosilminä. Nazit puhuivat jutkuista

ellauri028.html on line 656: Nazit kiduttivat keskitysleireissä jutkuja tappamalla niitä kaasulla ja tekemällä niiden nahasta hyödykkeitä. Siis haloo. Miten se eroaa nyt aivan harmittomasta TURKISTARHAUXESTA?
ellauri038.html on line 80: Juurikin näin. Paul Rée (sepalusta kaiveleva nikkari yo. kuvassa) oli mursua 5v nuorempi, jonkinlainen sielutieteilijä sekin, ei oikeastaan hullumpi: materialisti, deterministi, darwinisti, viis välitti vapaasta tahdosta. Edusti siis Paul Bourgetin nimenomaan inhoamia näkemyxiä, ja osallistui samaan sotaan vastapuolella. Mikä pahinta: äveriästä eheytynyttä jutkusukua. Loppuun filosofoituaan liukastui johki rotkoon ehkä tahallaan. Osterina kolmantena toimiva Lou oli ryssä, josta tuli matkailija ja kirjailija. Nazit haukku sitä Suomen jutkuxi vaikka se oli hugenotteja. Loun 25vuotta vanhempi ope, holl. pastori Gillot oli niin siihen lääpällään et olis jättäny vaimoparkansa jos Lou ois siitä huolinut. Ei huolinut.
ellauri038.html on line 218: Weber's career as a feminist public speaker ended abruptly in 1935 when Hitler dissolved the League of German Women's Associations. During the time of the Nazi regime up until the Allied Occupation of Germany in 1945, she held a weekly salon.[17] While criticisms of Nazi atrocities were sometimes subtly implied, she told interviewer Howard Becker in 1945 that "we restricted ourselves to philosophical, religious and aesthetic topics, making our criticism of the Nazi system between the lines, as it were. None of us were the stuff of which martyrs were made." Ymmärrettävää.
ellauri038.html on line 281: Njoo, ainakin siinä on vähän pitempiäkin ajatuksen kuljetuxia. Mistä moraali on kotoisin, ja mixei voida olla kärsimättä, mixi täällä aina käristään. Nietzsche ei vaivautunut laittamaan nootteja eikä lähteitä. Wikipediassakin on niitä enemmän. Kaikki käännöxet vetää kotiinpäin. Nazien mielestä Nietzsche oli proto-nazi. (Niin olikin.) Sakemannit sodan jälkeen teki Nietzschestä lipilaarin, joka kirjoittaa izehoito-oppaita. Heideggerin mielestä Nietzsche oli proto-Heidegger. Postmodernistien Nietzsche oli preposterous modernisti. Jne. Felix Leiteriä amerikkalaisena kiinnostaa mitä se sanoi hyvistä, pahoista, huonoista ja rumista. Jenkin elämä on kauneuskilpailua.
ellauri038.html on line 285: Ei ollut, vaikka sen sisko oli. Retu ehti kuolla ennen nazeja. Nazixi siinä oli muutamia vikoja: se oli sairaalloinen piipunrassi, se ei tykännyt saxalaisista eikä armeijasta, ja sillä oli jutkukavereita (Rée, ainaskin aluxi). Plussaa nazeista oli ettei se tykännyt kristityistä. (Hmm. ehkä isäpappa oli käyttänyt sielunhoidossa liian konkreettisia otteita? Ehkä pyllistyxet ei jääneet pelkkiin rukouxiin?) Naziplussaa myös ettei Nietzsche piittaa mistään tasa-arvosta. Sosiaalidarwinismia se peukuttaa ihan raakana. Nietzschen hall of famessa on muutamia erityisen mainioita uuberkuskeja, nimittäin: Goethe, Beethoven and Nietzsche ize. Ja näille neroille pitää antaa palkinnoxi mitä ne vaan haluuvat etuja. Tää sopii nazeille, ja tää sopii myös vaurastuneille jenkeille. Jos ne olis käyttäytyneet kunnollammin, ne ei oisi päässeet neroixi. Ne tarvizee ankaraa izerakkautta. Mitä paskaa. Exe nyt oo aika läpinäkyvää et hemmo laittaa izensä johkin top 10 listalle. Jos joku tekee jonkun 10 kärjessä luettelon johon se kuin sattumalta ize joutuu ihan kärkipäähän, niin nakkaa rodeen. Sekä lista että tekijä. Kasta dem i sopena!
ellauri041.html on line 313: Der Flugelin der Fuhrer pelaa lasten kanssa shakkia ja teitittelee vaimoa, syö izetekemiään vuohia ja kazoo perheen kaa Louhimiehen sontimatonta tutilasta. Länteen pettynyt bulgaari Krastev on tästä kaikesta kiusallisen selvillä ja hypistelee haluttomasti saxalaisen flyygelin mustavalkoisia koskettimia. Ne näyttää epäilyttävästi hain hampailta. Und der Haifisch, der hat Zähne, und die trägt er im Gesicht. Und der Nazi, der hat ein Messer, doch das Messer sieht man nicht.
ellauri047.html on line 68: Leipzig oli fashionaabeli pikku-Pariisi. Me tehtiin pikku kiekka Leipzigiin automatkalla Dresdeniin. Siellä oli hurjan hiljaista, oli sunnuntai. Melkein kuin koronapandemian aikana. Amerikkalaiset pommitti sen hajalle, muttei niin hajalle kuin Dresdenin. Nazit sentään säästi Pariisin kun halus sinne juhlimaan. Tulimerellä tervehti merentakaisia esi-isiä. Euroopasta karkotettujen hihhuleiden jälkeläiset maxo takaisin. Varmaan ne halus että Dresdenissä näyttäis jatkossa samalta kuin jenkeissä autoteiden varsilla: Motel-kylttejä, No Vacancy, Texaco-asemia, Taco Billejä. Asfalttia, tyhjää, autoja. Paljon, paljon mamuja. No siinä on niiden toiveet kyilä toteutuneet. Dresdenissä oli uusnazien mamumellakoita päivittäin hienosti uudelleenrakennetulla torilla.
ellauri047.html on line 899: Toinen listaykkönen Jormalle. Nuoret ihmiset jormajulisteineen alkoi pukeutua siniseen seilorinuttuun ja keltaiseen rusettiin kuin Aku Ankka ja nirhiä izeään oikein joukolla. Mikä niitä oikein vaivasi? Kun joku juttu trendaa, niin se trendaa todella. On ne apinat sellasia silakoita. Nazit pinos ruumiit kerroxittain joukkohautaan päät jalat vuorosuuntiin, Sardinenstil, mahtui enemmän. Suomessakin oli joku silakkaliike kunnes alkoi koronaeristys trendata. Pahinta ei ole tauti vaan sen hoito, eristys. Se uhkaa tukahduttaa taloukasvua. Me tykätään mieluummin tukahtua yhteiseen joukkohautaan sardiinimenetelmällä. Por ti perço a cabeca.
ellauri047.html on line 912: Romanssi oli persukansan liikehdintää: peliin tulee kansallinen porvaristo, joka on päässyt vuorollaan vaurastumaan ja käymään kouluja, ja haluu osansa myös vallasta. Tästä oli kysymys myös Amerikan izenäistymisessä ja Ranskan vallankumouxessa. Saxan kielialueella lähti Fredrik Suurelta ja Maria Teresialta kruunajaispallo hanskasta, porvarismiliisi tuuletti Berliinissä Fredrik Suurelle. Mut olix pörssi bear vai bull? Nazismi nousee yleensä lamasta.
ellauri048.html on line 448: Nazien tappiosta VA masentui niin kovasti että sen mukaan ihmiskunta oli sodissa "vapautuneiden sokeiden intohimojen kaaoxessa tuomittu ennennäkemättömään alennuxeen", mm. mitättömään mitattomaan runouteen.
ellauri048.html on line 1878: No, Polish Cavalry Never Attacked Nazi Tanks, Irate Poland Tells ‘Mad Money’ Host
ellauri048.html on line 1879: The Polish Embassy slammed a CNBC segment, saying it ‘recycled Nazi propaganda.’
ellauri048.html on line 1888: “Not once did the Polish Army deploy cavalry against German tanks,” the embassy statement said. “This is pure Nazi and Communist propaganda that continues to weave its way into Western media reports to this very day.”
ellauri048.html on line 1890: The myth likely stems from the Battle of Krojanty in September 1939 at the outset of World War II, when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. On the first day of the war, Polish cavalry charged a German infantry battalion. They initially broke the German ranks, until a counterattack by armored cars with machine guns turned the balance. The charge ended up inflicting heavy losses on the Poles but it worked, delaying the German advance and allowing other Polish forces to retreat. There were no tanks on the battlefield.
ellauri048.html on line 1892: But Nazi propagandists spun this battle and other encounters with Polish cavalry — horse was a big component of the Polish army — as vindication of the Wehrmacht’s technical modernity and tactical superiority.
ellauri048.html on line 1895: The Allies cracked German codes — Enigma — thanks to Poles, who snared the first, priceless encryption set for examination. Some 250,000 Polish troops served with the British during the war, including during the Battle of Britain, and an estimated 400,000 fought off the Nazis on the homefront in guerrilla warfare that helped chew up the Nazi war machine — a martial contribution the lancers-versus-tanks myth fails to convey.
ellauri048.html on line 1897: “If the mainstream media is to be respected by viewers, it cannot recycle old Nazi propaganda,” the Polish embassy statement reads. “We ask that Mr. Cramer apologize for his insensitive comparison and that viewers of Mad Money be made aware of the historical inaccuracy of the statement in question,” the statement concludes.
ellauri052.html on line 553: Steiner 1861-1925 oli itävaltalainen, Kroatiasta Wieniin muuttaneita. Nazit väitti sitä jutkuxi, heitti hajupommeja. Iskä yleni riistanvartijasta sähköttäjäxi. Rudi oli aika sekobolzi jo koululaisena. Suxet meni ristiin opejen kaa, koulut jäivät kesken, kunnes 30-vuotiaana teki yxityisoppilaana väitöskirjan Fichten egosta toiselle yhtä sekobolzille Rostockin yliopistoon arvosanalla välttävä.
ellauri052.html on line 582: Steiner liihotteli pilvenlongalle 1925. Nazit kielsi koko liikkeen, vaikka Rudolf Hess oli innostunut siitä. Hitler ei tykännyt, pani Rudi kaima ruipelon dispoon takakentälle ja nosti läskin Göringin kakkospesälle. Hess hirttäytyi sitten koppiinsa. Ei liihotellut, heilui vaan.
ellauri055.html on line 883: Kesken jääneet opinnot antoivat kuitenkin paljon vaikutteita Sillinpään myöhemmälle kirjalliselle tuotannolle. Sillinpään ajatteluun vaikuttivat Charles Darwin kehitysoppeineen sekä saksalaiset biologi ja filosofi Ernst Haeckel ja Nobel-kemisti Wilhelm Ostwald ja myös Leo Tolstoi ja Arvid Järnefelt. Heidän vaikutustaan oli Sillinpään biologinen determinismi ja periaatteellinen väkivallan ja sotien vastustaminen sekä usko siihen että luonnontieteet kehittyessään siirtäisivät tällaiset atavistiset ilmiöt historiaan. Myöhemmin Sillinpää tutustui myös saksalaiseen Oswald Spengleriin ja omaksui häneltä ajatuksen sivilisaatioiden ihmiselämää vastaavasta elinkaaresta. Naziainexiakin oli siis, mutta mäkitupalaisena se ei siihen hurahtanut.
ellauri061.html on line 726: Associazione Nazionalista Italiana (1910-1920)
ellauri062.html on line 437: Kansallissosialismin ja okkultismin väliset väitetyt yhteydet ovat olleet keskustelun kohteena erityisesti 1960-luvun alusta lähtien, tosin ensimmäiset aihetta käsittelevät kirjoitukset julkaistiin Ranskassa ja Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa jo 1940-luvun alussa. Useiden dokumenttielokuvien ohella aiheesta on julkaistu lukuisia kirjoja, joista tunnetuimpia ovat Le Matin des Magiciens (1960) ja Trevor Ravenscroftin Pyhä keihäs (1972). Tätä kirjallisuutta on tutkinut historioitsija Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke teoksissaan The Modern Mythology of Nazi Occultism ja The Nazi Mysteries. Kansallissosialistien ja okkultismin yhteyttä korostava kirjallisuus muodostaa oman lajityyppinsä. Lajityypin toistuva piirre on väite, jonka mukaan natsit toimivat jonkinlaisen okkultistisen voiman tai salaseuran ohjauksessa.
ellauri062.html on line 919: Shahak, an Israeli professor who was a survivor of the Nazi holocaust, describes a 1962 book published in Israel in a bilingual edition. The Hebrew text was on one page, with the English translation on the facing page. The Hebrew text of a major Jewish code of laws contained a command to exterminate Jewish infidels: “It is a duty to exterminate them with one’s own hands.” The English version on the facing page softened it to “It is a duty to take active measures to destroy them.’” The Hebrew page then went on to name which “infidels” must be exterminated, adding “may the name of the wicked rot.” Among them was Jesus of Nazareth. The facing page with the English translation failed to tell any of this.
ellauri063.html on line 319: “There is no contradiction between creation and destruction. I never thought music was a healing force of the universe. I didn’t agree with Mr. Albert Ayler. But we wanted to change things; we needed a new start. In Germany, we all grew up with the same thing: ‘Never again.’ But in the government, all the same old Nazis were still there. We were angry. We wanted to do something.” Like jazz.
ellauri064.html on line 77: Walter Benjamin was a radically innovative cultural theorist and a German Jewish Marxist, securing refuge in France in 1933. Following the 1940 Nazi invasion he fled France, bound for the USA. However, on the mountainous approach to the French–Spanish border he realised dictator Franco had suddenly blocked transit. Benjamin was in ill health and struggling to carry a briefcase with a heavy manuscript, which he declared more precious than his life. Sadly, he completed suicide: there was family history on his father's side.
ellauri064.html on line 275: The Völkischer Beobachter (pronounced [ˈfœlkɪʃɐ bəˈʔoːbaχtɐ]; "Völkisch Observer") was the newspaper of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) from 25 December 1920. It first appeared weekly, then daily from 8 February 1923. For twenty-four years it formed part of the official public face of the Nazi Party until its last edition at the end of April 1945.
ellauri064.html on line 385: Yrjö von Grönhagen (3 October 1911 in Saint Petersburg – 17 October 2003 in Helsinki[1]) was a Finnish nobleman and anthropologist. He is best known on his 1930s work at the Nazi pseudoscientific institute Ahnenerbe.
ellauri064.html on line 386: During World War II, the Nazi-minded Grönhagen worked for Finland´s propaganda department and served as its military attaché in Berlin. He was arrested in Oslo 1945 and held in custody for two years. After his release Grönhagen was a businessman and emigrated to Greece in 1964. He first lived in Crete and later in Athens serving as the Master of the Christian Order Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni.
ellauri065.html on line 198: According to Six, the concept arose from a joke he made with friends about punishing a child molester by stitching his mouth to the anus of a "fat truck driver". Inspiration also came from Nazi medical experiments carried out during World War II, such as the crimes of Josef Mengele at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
ellauri065.html on line 202: The Human Centipede has its moments, but they're largely obscured by umpteen holes in the plot as well as by reams of exposition. It was an ultimately underwhelming affair that's neither sick or repellent enough to garner the cult status it so craves. Whether the film was a commentary on Nazi atrocities or a literal expression of filmmaking politics, the grotesque fusion at least silences the female leads, both of whose voices could strip paint.
ellauri065.html on line 491: The Day of the Rope (in ruby font, Art of the Deal, bestseller by Donald Trump, in Ruby font Dumped Sperm) is a white supremacist concept taken from The Turner Diaries, a fictionalized blueprint for a white supremacist revolution written in 1978 by neo-Nazi leader William Pierce (under the pseudonym "Andrew Macdonald").
ellauri067.html on line 418: Used as the title of the political manifesto of George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party. Is the motto on the coat of arms of the city of Plzeň, Czech Republic. The phrase is in the coat of arms of the city of Birkirkara, the largest city on the island of Malta, and the city of Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Is the motto on the Coat of Arms of O´Donnell. Appears in one of the paintings of the Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński. It has been used in some versions of logo for the brand of cigarettes, Pall Mall. Appears on one of the stickers on the guitar of Alvin Lee, Ten Years After´s frontman, the same guitar he played at The ´69 Woodstock Festival.
ellauri069.html on line 299: Laiskiainen, Täti Vihreä, ja Nalle Läski lähetetään Ranskan Rivieralle, missä he pysähtyvät lomakohteeseen. Niiden ekana päivänä siellä, ne piknikoivat biitsillä joidenkin naisten kaa (tietysti). Muu nainen, muukalainen, joutuu mustekalan hyökkäämäxi. Alokas koittaa mäsätä mustekalan pään pullolla. Läski tuottaa liian-kätevän ravun, käskien Laiskiaisen houkutella mustekalan pois ruualla. Alokas epäilee juonta jonkinlaista. (Se olisikin eka tässä kirjassa.) Hän on oikea. Mussetkala on Poinzimiehen Grigori! Hyökkäys on lavastettu saadaxeen Laiskiaisen yhteen hollantilaisen naisen kaa, Katje Borgesius, entinen Nazi yhteispeluri ja nyt KALAT toimija.

Alokas, tämä
ellauri071.html on line 128: In the aftermath of the war, Coward wrote an alternative reality play, Peace In Our Time, depicting an England occupied by Nazi Germany. Blessed peace without Noel, presumably.
ellauri074.html on line 469: Sidney Gottlieb (August 3, 1918 – March 7, 1999) was an American chemist and spymaster best known for his involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency's 1950s and 1960s assassination attempts and mind-control program, known as Project MKUltra. The CIA MKUltra project was a continuation of the work begun in WWII-era Japanese facilities and Nazi concentration camps on subduing and controlling human minds.
ellauri074.html on line 470: MKUltra's use of mescaline on unwitting subjects was a practice that Nazi doctors had begun in the Dachau concentration camp. Kinzer proposes evidence of the continuation of a Nazi agenda, citing the CIA's secret recruitment of Nazi torturers and vivisectionists to continue the experimentation on thousands of subjects, and Nazis brought to Fort Detrick, Maryland, to instruct CIA officers on the lethal uses of sarin gas. The project began during a period of "paranoia" at the CIA, when the U.S. had lost its nuclear monopoly and fear of communism was at its height.
ellauri078.html on line 246: In America now, free-speech partisans find themselves defending mainly racists shouting “nigger” or Nazis carrying swastikas or—most often—men looking at pictures of naked women with their legs spread open. (Ilmeisesti Dworkin tahmasi vaan Playboyn centerfoldeja. Ei ainakaan muuta tunnusta.)
ellauri093.html on line 900: Vähitellen Dolmenin porukat muuttivat Saxasta Englantiin. Viisas veto, ja ajoissa. Nazi-Saxassa juutalaislähetys ei oikein vetänyt. Kerronko minne ne voi lähettää, virnuili SS-mies. Dolmenista on aika vähän webissä, ei löydy juuri muuta kuin sen jenkeissä julkaistuja simppeleitä kirjoja tabernaakkelista. (Dickin tytär oli mennyt mimmoisiin jenkin kaa.) Lainataan nyt edes esipuhetta (passim):
ellauri094.html on line 723: Examples of evil are the Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
ellauri094.html on line 737: Neither Nazi Germany nor Imperial Japan were atheistic. Unless you are expanding the definition of atheist to mean anyone who doesn’t agree with you, in which case just call them heathens.
ellauri094.html on line 757: So you can see that the Nazis and Imperial Japanese pale in comparison to the atheists. Commies were about 100/64 or 1.67 times eviler than the westerners.
ellauri094.html on line 758: And the stark evil of the atheist Communists becomes even more stark when considering the fact that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were fighting for what most wars are fought for: Wealth and Empire. Which is A-OK. The Israeli did the same with the help of Jehovah. The atheist regimes slaughtered their own people simply to impose their will upon their less powerful compatriots. Which the Christians never do. Well, not nearly as many got killed anyway. I guess. Haven't really toted up all the Christian wars. The colonial ones too, and the U.S. neocolonial ones like Korea and Vietnam, or the Desert Storm. Should one use the absolute body count or percentages? Ethics is not an exact science after all. It's more like economics.
ellauri100.html on line 141: 1955 behauptete er als Gutachter in einem Wiedergutmachungsverfahren eines an Depressionen leidenden Naziverfolgten, dass es keine verfolgungsbedingten Neurosen gebe.
ellauri100.html on line 323: But there is more to my journey into political philosophy. I began to think seriously about liberty and libertarianism in the 1990s. Eventually, I began to question doctrinaire libertarianism (pro-abortion, pro-same-sex “marriage”, etc.) which seems to have no room in it for the maintenance of social norms that bind civil society and make it possible for people to coexist willingly and peacefully, and to engage in beneficially cooperative behavior. And so, I have become what I call a Burkean libertarian. I had slipped all thw way to the right edge of the Virginia boys' scales, in the same way, and for the same reasons, as the Nazis after the shameful defeat in WWI.
ellauri101.html on line 532: Rotwelsch was formerly common among travelling craftspeople and vagrants. The language is built on a strong substratum of German, but contains numerous words from other languages, notably from various German dialects, including Yiddish, as well as from Romany languages, notably Sintitikes. There are also significant influences from Judæo-Latin, the ancient Jewish language spoken in the Roman Empire. Rotwelsch has also played a great role in the development of the Yeniche language. In form and development it closely parallels the commercial speech ("shopkeeper language") of German-speaking regions. During the 19th and 20th century, Rotwelsch was the object of linguistic repression, with systematic investigation by the German police. Fucking Nazis! Examples:
ellauri106.html on line 376: Täyskäännös siis vasempaan PN! Pylly päin Nazi-Martinia!
ellauri133.html on line 324: Oivassa oppilaassa esiteinipoika nimeltä Todd huomaa et tunnettu Nazi sotarikollinen (90v) asuu salaa sen pikku stadissa. Se ei ilmianna Kurt Dussanderia, vaan lähestyy sitä kuullaxeen lisää holokaustista suoraan hevosen suusta, uhaten paljastuxella ellei Kurt tottele.
ellauri145.html on line 518: Ernst Krieck, a prominent Nazi ideologue, sarcastically remarked that apart from the fact that Nietzsche was not a socialist, not a nationalist and opposed to racial thinking, he might have been a leading National Socialist thinker.
ellauri145.html on line 522: We have to bestow blame on one particular Nazi named Martin Heidegger. Martin Heidegger’s magnum opus Being and Time was in large part an attempt to create a systematic understanding of metaphysics and human condition building from Nietzsche’s work. Heidegger became the Nazi rector for the entire German university system, which gave the Nazi party a huge bolster of academic legitimacy, and he promoted the Nazi party and their agenda from his classroom, often sporting the Brown Shirt. When the Nazi’s really began to take power, Hitler kicked out Heidegger as University Rector.
ellauri145.html on line 524: Following the war, academics who had supported the Nazi regime were banned from teaching, including Heidegger, who never spoke publicly or privately about his involvement. Heidegger turned away from his earlier project of creating a fundamental ontology, and in doing so he also turned away from Nietzsche - or so his writings would make it appear. In truth, he remained just as indebted to Nietzsche’s work as he ever was, only he shifted focus. He created a false presentation of Nietzsche’s work in order to distance himself from his own past and involvement with the Nazis. Many academics take Heidegger’s critique of Nietzsche to be factual and seem to excuse Heidegger because he was under the influence of Nietzsche.
ellauri145.html on line 537: Nietzsche’s image, through no more fault of his own than Hawking´s (LOL), has grown in a similar way to that of Hawking. We all have a vague notion of what the Ubermensch is, we’ve all heard “God is dead,” and we all know Nietzsche was a crazy philosopher with a giant mustache who wrote really hard books and scared his contemporaries and was apparently a favorite of the Nazis. There are little quips and quotes from him around the internet that sound awfully cryptic and enigmatic. And the publishing industry plays on this image, too: I have a copy of Beyond Good And Evil with a black cover and the title text printed in red and white, and the color scheme looks a little sinister. I strongly suspect that, if Nietzsche did not have a popular image as a crazy nihilist Nazi Ubermensch from the 1800s, the publisher would not have made the decision to print his books with a black and red color scheme. A cursory look at Amazon’s book listing also shows copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra with a picture of a panther’s eyes on the cover, glowering at the reader. Because… “Nietzsche was that crazy German writer or philosopher or whatever, right? And he was, like, an anarchist or nihilist or Nazi or something, right? Didn’t he kill God or something like that? Yeah.”
ellauri147.html on line 150: Some interpreters also upheld a biological interpretation of the Wille zur Macht, making it equivalent with Darwinism. For example, the concept was appropriated by some Nazis such as Alfred Bäumler, who may have drawn influence from it or used it to justify their expansive quest for power.
ellauri152.html on line 756: When the Nazis began the genocide of Jewish People in Poland in 1942, Zeitlin was 71 years old. He was murdered by Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto while holding a book of the Zohar and wrapped in a Tallit and Tefillin. Most of his family was also murdered; the only survivor was his elder son Aaron, who had settled in New York in 1939.
ellauri164.html on line 458: Between 1934 and 1938, he worked with Strassmann and Meitner on the study of isotopes created through the neutron bombardment of uranium and thorium, which led to the discovery of nuclear fission. He was an opponent of national socialism and the persecution of Jews by the Nazi Party that caused the removal of many of his colleagues, including Meitner, who was forced to flee Germany in 1938.
ellauri171.html on line 142: Hizi kuvan Rahab on erehdyttävästi latta-aivoille tähdätyssä Oxford-poliisisarja Lewixessä esiintyneen transumurhaajan näköinen, nimeltä Zoe Kenneth, jonka nimi Baby Names sivuston mukaan tarkoittaa "life born of fire". Se näytti enimmäxeen naiselta kunnes sen viimeinen murha-aie meni myttyyn, jolloin se alkoi karjua aika äijämäisesti. Nazinäyttelijä Laurence Fox oli jaxon lopussa eheytynyt, se kazoi vitunkuvia pornolehdestä natustellen suklaapatukkaa.
ellauri185.html on line 58: The childless Hannah vows to Yahweh of hosts that, if she has a son, he will be dedicated to Yahweh. Eli, the priest of Shiloh, where the Ark of the Covenant is provisionally located, blesses her. A child named Samuel is born, and Samuel is dedicated to the Lord as a Nazirite—the only one besides Samson to be identified in the Bible. Eli's sons, Hophni and Phinehas, sin against God's laws and the people, a sin that causes them to die in the Battle of Aphek. But the child Samuel grows up "in the presence of the Lord."
ellauri190.html on line 570: Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known as the Nazi Party. He was Chancell...
ellauri192.html on line 49: After he graduated from the Moscow University (1913), Trubetzkoy delivered lectures there until the Russian Revolution, when he moved first to the University of Rostov-on-Don, then to the University of Sofia (1920–1922) and finally took the chair of Professor of Slavic Philology at the University of Vienna (1922-1938). He died from a heart attack attributed to Nazi persecution after he had published an article that was highly critical of Hitler's crackpot morphophonological theories.
ellauri192.html on line 303: The novel’s release shortly predated an escalation in Polish nationalism tied to the Law and Justice party’s ascent to power in 2015. But the forces that fueled that escalation were already prevalent. When Tokarczuk accepted the Nike Prize, the country’s highest literary honor, for “The Books of Jacob,” she said in a speech that the country had “committed horrendous acts as colonizers, as a national majority that suppressed the minority, as slaveowners, and as the murderers of Jews.” She was quickly inundated by threats so alarming that her publishers briefly hired bodyguards. In the five years since, she has witnessed the Law and Justice party take an increasingly hard line on censoring certain conversations about Poland’s relationship with Jews. In 2016, the government began a campaign against the Princeton historian Jan Gross, known for his groundbreaking work on the massacre at Jedwabne, in which Poles murdered 1,600 of their Jewish neighbors. In 2018, the Law and Justice party’s government made it illegal to blame Poland or Polish nationals for Nazi crimes. POLIN, a groundbreaking Polish museum of Jewish history, has been leader-less for five months, as its director, who oversaw a number of exhibits highly critical of Poland’s policy toward Jews, awaits official reappointment — despite having been re-approved for the job.
ellauri210.html on line 596: Hiller lähti 1934 karkuun Hitleriä t-viivan puutteessa. Nach der Machtübernahme der Nationalsozialisten wurde Hiller, der als Pazifist, Sozialist, Jude und Homosexueller den Nazis verhasst war, insgesamt dreimal verhaftet, in den Konzentrationslagern Columbia-Haus, Brandenburg und Oranienburg inhaftiert und schwer misshandelt. Nach seiner Entlassung 1934, die auf hohe Fürsprache von Rudolf Heß hin zustande kam,[10] floh er nach Prag und 1938 weiter nach London. Im Exil gründete er den Freiheitsbund Deutscher Sozialisten und die Gruppe Unabhängiger Deutscher Autoren.
ellauri210.html on line 782: After the war, Tanguy is sent back to Spain, Barcelona where he learns that his grandmother has recently passed away and there is no one else to take care of him. He is sent to a reformation school for juvenile delinquents and orphans, run by priests who are no less cruel and sadist than the Nazi "kapos." Bitter, Tanguy believes they are worse than the Nazis because these priests hide their sadism behind the facade of religion and confession, but that makes their sin no less. He succeeds in escaping along with a "companion," but is forced to separate from his as well. This time around, he finds himself in a school run by a group of priests but unlike the reformation school, here, Tanguy is able to grow, learn and live comfortably. It is here, that he truly flourishes and finds friends and solace. But he is still not completely at peace and sets off again in search of the parents who had abandoned and forsaken him to such a bitter destiny. He does find them eventually, but only to realise that the years of hardship and horror experienced by him have built an impenetrable barrier between them. He is no longer a left wing radical like them. He has learned not to hate the capos. Don't get mad get even. LOL.
ellauri210.html on line 1117: With the outbreak of World War II Ernst, who was German, was arrested by the French authorities for being a "hostile alien". Soon after the Nazis invaded France, Ernst was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo, because his art was considered by the Nazis to be "degenerate". Fucking West and East Germans, same huns and hyenas on both sides!
ellauri213.html on line 434: Seuraavassa on listattuna pahoja naisia rikkomuxineen (kuvissa söpöset alleviivattu): Irma Grese (Naziwächterin), Myra Hindley (serial pedocide), Isabela of Castile (born in the year 1451 and died in 1504, Isabella the Catholic, was queen of Castile and León. She and her husband, Ferdinand II of Aragon, brought stability to the kingdoms that became the basis for the unification of Spain. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects and financing Christopher Columbus’ 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the “New World”. Isabella was granted the title Servant of God by the Catholic Church in 1974), Beverly Allitt (pedocide, Angel of Death), Queen Mary of England (catholic), Belle Gunness (norwegian-american serial killer), Mary Ann Cotton (serial killer), Ilse Koch (Lagerfrau), Katherine Knight (very bad Aussie), Elizabeth Bathory (hungarian noblewoman and serial killer), Sandra Avila Beltran (drugs), Patty Hearst (hänen isoisänsä oli lehtikeisari William Randolph Hearst. Hiän joutui kidnappauksen uhriksi, mutta pian tämän jälkeen hiän teki pankkiryöstön ja joutui vankilaan), Genene Jones (infanticide nurse), Karla Homolka (Canadian serial killer), Diane Downs (infanticide), Aileen Wuornos (serial killer), Griselda Blanco (drug lady), Lizzie Borden (kirvesmurhaaja), Bonnie Parker (bank robber), Anne Bonny (pirate), Mary Bell (pedocide), Delphine LaLaurie (serial slavekiller), Patricia Krenwinkel (Manson family member), Leslie van Houten (Manson family member), Darlie Routier (infanticide), Susan Smith (infanticide), Susan Atkins (Manson family member), Ching Shih (pirate), Anna Sorokin Delvey (con woman), Amelia Dyer (serial killer), Assata Shakur (black terrorist), Belle Gunness (serial killer), Gypsy Rose Blanchard (matricide), Pamela Smart (mariticide), Ruth Ellis (nightclub hostess, last woman hanged in UK), Phoolan Devi (bandit), Ma Barker (matriarch), Jennifer Pan (parenticide), Virginia Hill (gangster), Karla Faye Tucker (burglar, first woman injected in US), Leonarda Cianciully (serial murderer, soapmaker), Mary Read, Carill Ann Fugate (murder spree), Grace Marks (maid), Belle Starr (outlaw, friend of Lucky Luke), Zerelda Mimms (Mrs. Jesse James), Jane Toppan (serial killer), Sara Jane Moore (wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), Martha Beck (serial killer), Doris Payne (jewel thief), Mary Brunner (Manson family member), Barbara Graham (executed by gas), Grace O'Malley (pirate), Sada Abe (jealous geisha. When they asked why she had killed Ishida, “Immediately she became excited and her eyes sparkled in a strange way: ‘I loved him so much, I wanted him all to myself. But since we were not husband and wife, as long as he lived he could be embraced by other women. I knew that if I killed him no other woman could ever touch him again, so I killed him…..’ ), Samantha Lewthwaite (white somali terrorist), Theresa Knorr (murderess), Lynette Fromme (Manson family, wannabe assassin of Gerald Ford), The Freeway Phantom (serial killer), Carol M. Bundy (serial killer), Fanny Kaplan (bolshevik revolutionary), Marguerite Alibert (Ed VII courtesan), Jean Harris (author), Linda Hazzard (physician, serial killer), Mary Jane Kelly (1st victim of Jack the Ripper), Kim Hyon-hui (North-Korean spy), Vera Renczi (serial killer), Clare Bronfman (filthy rich criminal), Kirsten Gilbert (serial killer nurse), Gerda Steinhoff (Lagerwächterin), Linda Carty (baby robber), Estella Marie Thompson (black prostitute, blowjobbed Hugh Grant), Elizabeth Becker (Lagerwächterin), Juana Barraza (asesina en serie), Olivera Circovic (baseball player, writer, jewel thief), Olga Hepnarova (mental serial killer), Sabina Eriksson (knäpp tvilling), Minnie Dean (serial killer), Madame de Brinvilliers (aristocrat parri- and fratricide), Martha Rendell (familicide, last woman hanged in Western Australia), Violet Gibson (wannabe assassin of Mussolini), Idoia López Riaño (terrorist), Styllou Christofi (murdered her daughter in law), Mary Eastley (convicted of witchcraft), Wanda Klaff (Lagerwächterin), Giulia Tofana (avvelenatrice), Tisiphone (1/3 raivottaresta), Jean Lee (murderer for money), Brigitte Mohnhaupt (RAF terrorist), Marcia (mistress of Commodus), Beate Zschäpe (far-right terrorist), Evelyn Frechette (singer, Dillingerin heila), Francoise Dior (naziaktivisti), Linda Mulhall (nirhasi äidin poikaystävän saxilla), Brigit Hogefeld (RAF terrorist), Martha Corey (Salem witchhunt victim), Marie Lafarge (arsenikkimurha), Debra Lafave (teacher, gave blow job to student), Enriqueta Marti (asasina en serie), Alse Young (witch hanging victim), Elizabeth Michael (actress, involuntary manslaughter: nasty boyfriend hit his head and died while beating her), Susannah Martin (witchcraft), Maria Mandl (Gefängnisoffizerin), Mary Frith (pickpocket and fence), Hanadi Jaradat (suicide bomber), Marie-Josephte Carrivau (mariticide), Gudrun Ensslin (RAF founder), Anna Anderson (vale-Anastasia), Ans van Dijk (jutku nazikollaboraattori), Elizabeth Holmes (bisneshuijari), Ghislaine Maxwell (Epsteinin haahka), Julianna Farrait (drugs), Yolanda Saldivar (embezzler, killer), Jodi Arias (convicted killer Jodi Ann Arias was born on July 9, 1980, in Salinas, California. In the summer of 2008, Arias made national headlines when she was charged with murdering her ex-boyfriend Travis Alexander, a 30-year-old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who was working as a motivational speaker and insurance salesman. Aargh. Justifiable homicide.) Alyssa Bustamante (kid murder), Mary Kay Letourneau (kid abuser), Mirtha Young (drugs), Catherine Nevin (mariticide), Pilar Prades (maid), Irmgard Möller (terrorist), Christine Schürrer (krimi), Reem Riyashi (suicide bomber), Amy Fisher (jealous), Wafa Idris (suicide bomber), Jeanne de Clisson (ex-noblewoman), Christine Papin (maid murderer), Sally McNeil (body builder), Mariette Bosch (murderer), Sandra Ávila Beltrán (drugs), Alice Schwarzer (journalist), Andrea Yates (litter murderer), Mimi Wong (bar hostess), Pauline Nyiramasuhuko (criminal politician), Josefa Segovia (murderer), Martha Needle (serial killer), Antonina Makarova (war criminal), Mary Surratt (criminal businessperson), Dorothea Binz (officer), Leona Helmsley (tax evasion), Angela Rayola (reality tv personality), Léa Papin (maid murderer), Ursula Erikssson (kriminell mördare), Maria Petrovna (spree killer), Aafia Siddiqui (criminal), Fatima Bernawi (palestinian militant), La Voisin (fortune teller), Deniz Seki (singer), Rasmea Odeh (Arab activist), Hildegard Lächert (nurse), Sajida al-Rishawi (suicide bomber), Hayat Boumeddiene (ISIS groupie, nähty viimexi Al Holissa), Herta Ehlert (Lagerwächterin), Elizabeth Stride (seriös mördare), Adelheid Schulz (krimi), Jenny-Wanda Barkman (Wächter), Shi Jianqiao (pardoned assassin. The assassination of Sun Chuanfang was ethically justified as an act of filial piety and turned into a political symbol of the legitimate vengeance against the Japanese invaders.), Rosemary West (serial killer), Juana Bormann (Lagerwächterin), Kathy Boudin (criminal), Kate Webster (assassin), Teresa Lewis (murderer), Hermine Braunsteiner (Lagerwächterin), Flor Contemplacion (assassina), Constance Kent (fratricide), Tamara Samsonova (serial killer), Herta Bothe (Lagerwächterin), Maria Gruber (Mörderin), Irene Leidolf (möderin), Waltraud Wagner (Mörderin), Elaine Campione (criminelle), Greta Bösel (Pflegerin), Marie Manning (Mörderin), Darya Nikolayevna Saltykova (sadist), Nora Parham (executed), Maria Barbella (assassina), Linda Wenzel (ISIS activist), Anna Marie Hahn (Mörderin), Suzane von Richthofen (parenticide), Charlotte Mulhall (murderer), Khioniya Guseva (kriminal), Daisy de Melker (serial killer nurse), Stephanija Meyer (Mörderin), Sinedu Tadesse (murderer), Ayat al-Akhras (suicide bomber), Akosita Lavulavu (minister of infrastructure and tourism), Sabrina de Sousa (criminal diplomat), Sally Basset (poisoner), Emma Zimmer (Aufseher), Mary Clement (serial killer), Irina Gaidamachuk (serial killer), Dagmar Overbye (serialmorder), Gesche Gottfried (Mörderin), Frances Knorr (serial killer), Beate Schmidt (Serienmörderin), Elizabeth Clarke (accused victim of witchcraft), Kim Sun-ja (serial killer), Olga Konstantinovana Briscorn (serial killer), Roxana Baldetti (politico), Rizana Nafeek (house maid), Margaret Scott (accused of witchcraft), Jacqueline Sauvage (meurtrier), Veronique Courjault (tueur en série), Barbara Erni (thief), Hilde Lesewitz (Schutzstaffel Wächterin), Thenmoli Rajaratnam (suicide bomber), etc. etc..
ellauri214.html on line 549: This blurring of fact and fiction is intentional. Tokarczuk tells me she is often asked “Why we central Europeans don’t use a classical linear narrative, and my answer is that we don’t have such a history. Our perception is different. Poland was once a powerful imperial country that disappeared from maps of Europe for more than 100 years. It was partitioned and occupied by the Nazis and the Russians . . . We pop up and disappear and we do not trust what we are told to believe.”
ellauri219.html on line 339: Lindner was born in Germany in 1901, but moved to the US in 1941, in order to escape the Nazis. In the 50s he developed a style of painting that drew upon Expressionism and Surrealism, along with the hyper-sexualised lifestyle that he encountered in New York. After appearing on the Sgt. Pepper cover, his abstract style would find echoes in the animated feature film Yellow Submarine.
ellauri236.html on line 204: In borrowing from William Faulkner's Sanctuary, Chase only took the plot; the mental atmosphere of the two books is not similar. Chase really derives from other sources, and this particular bit of borrowing is only symbolic. What it symbolizes is the vulgarization of ideas which is constantly happening, and which probably happens faster in an age of print. Chase has been described as ‘Faulkner for the masses’, but it would be more accurate to describe him as Carlyle for the masses. He is a popular writer — there are many such in America, but they are still rarities in England — who has caught up with what is now fashionable to call ‘realism’, meaning the doctrine that might is right. The growth of ‘realism’ has been the great feature of the intellectual history of our own age. Why this should be so is a complicated question. The interconnexion between sadism, masochism, success-worship, power-worship, nationalism, and totalitarianism is a huge subject whose edges have barely been scratched, and even to mention it is considered somewhat indelicate. To take merely the first example that comes to mind, I believe no one has ever pointed out the sadistic and masochistic element in Bernard Shaw's work, still less suggested that this probably has some connexion with Shaw's admiration for dictators. Fascism is often loosely equated with sadism, but nearly always by people who see nothing wrong in the most slavish worship of Stalin. The truth is, of course, that the countless English intellectuals who kiss the arse of Stalin are not different from the minority who give their allegiance to Hitler or Mussolini, nor from the efficiency experts who preached ‘punch’, ‘drive’, ‘personality’ and ‘learn to be a Tiger man’ in the nineteen-twenties, nor from that older generation of intellectuals, Carlyle, Creasey and the rest of them, who bowed down before German militarism. All of them are worshipping power and successful cruelty. It is important to notice that the cult of power tends to be mixed up with a love of cruelty and wickedness for their own sakes. A tyrant is all the more admired if he happens to be a bloodstained crook as well, and ‘the end justifies the means’ often becomes, in effect, ‘the means justify themselves provided they are dirty enough’. This idea colours the outlook of all sympathizers with totalitarianism, and accounts, for instance, for the positive delight with which many English intellectuals greeted the Nazi-Soviet pact. It was a step only doubtfully useful to the U.S.S.R., but it was entirely unmoral, and for that reason to be admired; the explanations of it, which were numerous and self-contradictory, could come afterwards.
ellauri238.html on line 455: Der/die von den Nazi*nnen als Jüd*in ins Exil „Verscheuchte“ stirbt am 22. Januar 1945 im Alter von 75 Jahren in Jerusalemer Hadassah (Esther)-Hospital. Aber der Tod hat in diesem Buch nicht das letzte Wort! Else Lasker*in-Schüler*in lebt in Gedichten. Else Lasker-Schüler lebt, wenn noch nur virtual, dadurch dass ihre Dichtung zwar immer weniger gelesen wird. Aber ihre Gedichte leben weiter, sehnsüchtig nach Leben und Lieben. Wie wir (und ich der/die Unterzeichnete, Hajoo Hahn besonders), vorläufig. „Längst lebe ich vergessen im Gedicht“, schreibt der/die aus Nazideutschland vertriebene Dichter*in. Nach seinem/ihrem Tod rühmt Gottfried Benn ihn/sie als „die größte Lyriker*in, den/die Deutschland je hatte“.
ellauri245.html on line 368: Vizetellere i norske bröllupsdager. Olis Jussi ampunut tän norskijonnen enste ja kysellyt papereita vasta sitten. Nazinatomato helkkari. Nää norskit on sairaan sairasmielisiä kuikkia. Onnettomia pillipiipareita. Turskat kainalossa kuin Kansallisoopperassa, luttamunat ulkona. Viseret stoppet på ti over fem. Piipunrassijonnella on selkeästi jotain hampaankolossa läskeille vasemmistopoliitikkonaisille. Se on varmaan se feministikriminologiproffa Liv Finstad joka lyttäsi tän ongenkohon jossain käänteessä.
ellauri246.html on line 68: Nazien rökäletappion jälkeen Nellyn runot alkoivat saada menekkiä Saksassa.
ellauri246.html on line 91: At first this poem seems very pastoral, but it was written in the summer of either 1940 or 1941. Sweden was not at war, but had seen Denmark and Norway occupied by Nazi Germany and Finland defeated by the Soviet Union. Ekelöf was firmly opposed to the totalitarian regimes, so see this poem as finding a moment of peace, pineapple and bananas in a time of other people's crisis.
ellauri246.html on line 531: Mit vit? Nazi-Hydegger! Niinpä tietysti. Brodski havaitsi ajatuksen kielestä, joka on talon takana, joka kertoo meille runoilijoiden kautta, mitä on olla historiallinen ymmärrys. Runori omistaa intuitiiviset ja transsendenttiset tavat tietämään. Runojen riippuvuus kielestä, Brodsky tähdentää, ehdottomasti ja samanaikaisesti kirjastossa. "Kielellä on valtava keskipakopotentiaali. Runko on kielen olemassaolo. Ironia välinpitämättömyydelle, joka ilmenee tehtäessä runoutta valtiolle, usein politiikkaan on liittynyt tulevaisuuden välinpitämättömyys, joka aina edustaa runoja menneisyyteen. "Valtion filosofia, hänen etiikansa, puhumattakaan estetiikasta, on aina eilen." Kielen kautta runoilija luo kauniin luokan, joka "ei pure, haukkuu vaan, se on itsestään säilytys ihmisen vaistosta." Brodsky omistaa elämänsä luomaan kehittyneempiä muotoja, ennen kaikkea hengellistä olemassaoloa, jotta historiallinen prosessi ei häiritse ja mies ei häirinnyt.
ellauri254.html on line 230: И сумрачный германский гений… Nazi-Saxan neroutta tuota yrmeää,
ellauri254.html on line 509: In 1914 at the outbreak of war Klages moved to Switzerland and supported himself with his writing and income from lectures. He returned to Germany in the 1920s and in 1932 was awarded the Goethe medal for Art and Science. However, by 1936 he was under attack from Nazi authorities for lack of support and on his 70th birthday in 1942 was denounced by many newspapers in Germany. After the war he was honoured by the new government for his lack of support to the Nazis, particularly on his 80th birthday in 1952.
ellauri254.html on line 517: In Munich, the Cosmic Circle of Ludwig Klages and Alfred Schuler, deeming "the Jew the enemy of the human race," gave their erstwhile leader, Stefan George, this ultimatum: "What is your stand on Judah?" He replied that he wished he had more such deep-throated Jewish disciples as Wolfskehl. George's views continued to overlap with those of the Cosmic Circle, especially in invoking the pagan earth mother of "Templars." Actually what first launched the George cult on a nationwide basis was Klages's own book, Stefan George, of 1902. The accusation of Klages's Nazism by indignantly pointing out that the Nazis distinctly distanced themselves from Klages. Though the Nazis shared Klages's basic metapolitics and had found him useful for propaganda among professors, they later found the Klages-Schuler cult embarrassing. The intensity of George's break with Klages-Schuler is paralleled by Nietzsche's break with the Jew-hater Richard Wagner; in both cases an intense friendship was severed on the grounds of civilized values higher than friendship. Klages thought that Nazis and Israelis were both wrong in thinking they were the chosen people, with the difference that the Jews had actually already won the beauty contest.
ellauri260.html on line 177: En philosophie, parler d'être humain, en lieu et place du terme générique d'« homme », c'est emprunter la voie qui tente de répondre à « la question centrale en toute anthropologie telle qu'elle a été formulée par Emmanuel Kant, dans le sens où il se la posait, « Qu'est-ce que l'homme ? » « Was ist der Mensch? « Ach, Mensch, sanoivat saxalaiset turistit kun Aavasaxalla juhannuxena satoi lunta. Heidegger écrivait die Geschichte des Seins (la histoire des seins). Aber er war ein Naziteufel. Dans l'esprit de la philosophie kantienne, l'homme doit être vu comme une fin en soi et non comme un moyen, comme les autres animaux. Jacques Maritain a été avant tout un immense philosophe catholique, l'un de ceux qui a le plus contribué à faire revivre saint Thomas d'Aquin et son cheval.
ellauri263.html on line 193: Nazir
ellauri263.html on line 326: On 2 August 1941 (Av 9, AM 5701), SS commander Heinrich Himmler formally received approval from the Nazi Party for "The Final Solution." As a result, the Holocaust began during which almost one third of the world's Jewish population perished.
ellauri269.html on line 343: There are equally long-winded and boring explanations of all the "Classes", which turn out to be more like Nazi corporations than Marxist class identities. I won't go any futher into them since the book I bought is about the Leech King, the boss of the Death Knights. We can think of them as something like the Wagner Group and the Lychee King as Yevgeny Prigozhin.
ellauri269.html on line 345: The Wagner Group (Russian: Группа Вагнера, romanized: Gruppa Vagnera), also known as PMC Wagner (Russian: ЧВК[a] «Вагнер», romanized: ChVK «Vagner»; lit. 'Wagner Private Military Company'), is a Russian privately owned paramilitary organization. It is variously described as a private military company (PMC), a network of mercenaries, or a de facto private army of Russian President Vladimir Putin, depending how hawkish you are. The group operates beyond the law in Russia, where private military contractors are officially forbidden. While the Wagner Group itself is not ideologically driven, various elements of Wagner have been linked to neo-Nazis and far-right extremists, now fighting the Ukrainian neo-Nazis and far-right extremists in a war which is just unjust.
ellauri270.html on line 425: Jackson’s “The Lottery” was published in the years following World War II, when the world was presented with the full truth about Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. In creating the dystopian society of her story, Jackson was clearly responding to the fact that “dystopia” is not only something of the imagination—it can exist in the real world as well. Jackson thus meditates on human cruelty—especially when it is institutionalized, as in a dystopian society—and the… read analysis of Dystopian Society and Conformity.
ellauri274.html on line 45: “Put me down! You are hurting me,” Adolf Hitler protests to the man of steel. But Superman has other ideas. Seizing the Nazi dictator, Superman shoots into the air, faster than any plane, to pick up Josef Stalin in Moscow. Next stop Geneva to drop off the “power mad scoundrels” at the League of Nations, where they are found guilty of “unprovoked aggression against defenseless countries”.
ellauri278.html on line 226: After the 1938 Munich Agreement, German state media derided Maxim Litvinov for his Jewish ancestry, referring to him as "Finkelstein-Litvinov". The Munich Agreement (Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mníchovská dohoda; German: Münchner Abkommen) was an agreement concluded at Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of land on the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in "some areas" as the Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada), because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.
ellauri278.html on line 231: On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced Litvinov, who was closely identified with the anti-German position, with Vyacheslav Molotov. At a prearranged meeting, Stalin said: "The Soviet Government intended to improve its relations with Hitler and if possible sign a pact with Nazi Germany. As a Jew and an avowed opponent of such a policy, Litvinov stood in the way." Litvinov argued and banged on the table. Stalin then demanded Litvinov to sign a letter of resignation. On the night of Litvinov´s dismissal, NKVD troops surrounded the offices of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The telephone at Litvinov´s dacha was disconnected and the following morning, Molotov, Georgy Malenkov, and Lavrenty Beria arrived at the commissariat to inform Litvinov of his dismissal. Many of Litvinov´s aides were arrested and beaten, possibly to extract compromising information.
ellauri278.html on line 238: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
ellauri278.html on line 242: The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin´s freedom to manoeuver in foreign policy. The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish background was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany. Stalin immediately directed Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews". Recalling Stalin´s order, Molotov commented: "Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn´t good."
ellauri278.html on line 287: Molotovin mukaan on nimetty esimerkiksi Molotov–Ribbentrop-sopimus ja suomalaisten talvisodassa juomat Molotovin cocktailit. Hänen elämänkerturinsa Feliks Tšujev sai vuonna 1991 julkaista Molotovin muistelmat nimellä Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics. Tšujev oli haastatellut Molotovia vuosina 1969–1986. Eräässä keskustelussa Tšujeville vuonna 1974 käydyssä haastattelussa koskien Suomen valtaamista talvisodassa oli Molotov todennut sen olleen huono ajoitus. Talviset maasto-olosuhteet eivät sopineet tankkikolonnille. Nazit lahjoittivat Suomelle panssarinyrkkejä kuin länkkärit nyt Ukrainalle. Molotov totesi seuraavaa Tšujeville Suomesta ja tsuhnista: ”Olimme super reiluja Suomelle! Oli fiksua, kun emme vallanneet sitä. Siitä olisi tullut märkivä haava. Ihmiset siellä ovat itsepäisiä, hyvin itsepäisiä, eivätkä osaa venättä. Epäonnistuimme Suomen demokratisoimisessa.” Niinpä. Suomalaiseet vihaavat Molotovia vielä enemmän kuin Kerenskiä.
ellauri281.html on line 225: After the 1938 Munich Agreement, German state media derided Maxim Litvinov for his Jewish ancestry, referring to him as "Finkelstein-Litvinov". The Munich Agreement (Czech: Mnichovská dohoda; Slovak: Mníchovská dohoda; German: Münchner Abkommen) was an agreement concluded at Munich on 30 September 1938, by Nazi Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy. The agreement provided for the German annexation of land on the border between Czechoslovakia and Germany called the Sudetenland, where more than three million people, mainly ethnic Germans, lived. The pact is also known in "some areas" as the Munich Betrayal (Czech: Mnichovská zrada; Slovak: Mníchovská zrada), because of a previous 1924 alliance agreement and a 1925 military pact between France and the Czechoslovak Republic.
ellauri281.html on line 230: On 3 May 1939, Stalin replaced Litvinov, who was closely identified with the anti-German position, with Vyacheslav Molotov. At a prearranged meeting, Stalin said: "The Soviet Government intended to improve its relations with Hitler and if possible sign a pact with Nazi Germany. As a Jew and an avowed opponent of such a policy, Litvinov stood in the way." Litvinov argued and banged on the table. Stalin then demanded Litvinov to sign a letter of resignation. On the night of Litvinov´s dismissal, NKVD troops surrounded the offices of the Commissariat of Foreign Affairs. The telephone at Litvinov´s dacha was disconnected and the following morning, Molotov, Georgy Malenkov, and Lavrenty Beria arrived at the commissariat to inform Litvinov of his dismissal. Many of Litvinov´s aides were arrested and beaten, possibly to extract compromising information.
ellauri281.html on line 237: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
ellauri281.html on line 241: The replacement of Litvinov with Molotov significantly increased Stalin´s freedom to manoeuver in foreign policy. The dismissal of Litvinov, whose Jewish background was viewed disfavorably by Nazi Germany, removed an obstacle to negotiations with Germany. Stalin immediately directed Molotov to "purge the ministry of Jews". Recalling Stalin´s order, Molotov commented: "Thank God for these words! Jews formed an absolute majority in the leadership and among the ambassadors. It wasn´t good."
ellauri281.html on line 286: Molotovin mukaan on nimetty esimerkiksi Molotov–Ribbentrop-sopimus ja suomalaisten talvisodassa juomat Molotovin cocktailit. Hänen elämänkerturinsa Feliks Tšujev sai vuonna 1991 julkaista Molotovin muistelmat nimellä Molotov Remembers: Inside Kremlin Politics. Tšujev oli haastatellut Molotovia vuosina 1969–1986. Eräässä keskustelussa Tšujeville vuonna 1974 käydyssä haastattelussa koskien Suomen valtaamista talvisodassa oli Molotov todennut sen olleen huono ajoitus. Talviset maasto-olosuhteet eivät sopineet tankkikolonnille. Nazit lahjoittivat Suomelle panssarinyrkkejä kuin länkkärit nyt Ukrainalle. Molotov totesi seuraavaa Tšujeville Suomesta ja tsuhnista: ”Olimme super reiluja Suomelle! Oli fiksua, kun emme vallanneet sitä. Siitä olisi tullut märkivä haava. Ihmiset siellä ovat itsepäisiä, hyvin itsepäisiä, eivätkä osaa venättä. Epäonnistuimme Suomen demokratisoimisessa.” Niinpä. Suomalaiseet vihaavat Molotovia vielä enemmän kuin Kerenskiä.
ellauri313.html on line 606: Mendelssohns Ruf wurde von den Nazis noch weiter untergraben, die seine Musik verboten und alle Statuen mit seinem Konterfei abrissen. In einem komischen Vorfall befahl Hitler, die Mendelssohn-Statue vom Dach des Prager Opernhauses zu entfernen, aber die Arbeiter entfernten fälschlicherweise die Statue von Richard Wagner, den sie wegen der Größe seiner Nase für einen Juden hielten.
ellauri316.html on line 820: Why, monuments to Nazi Collaborators Are All Over America. In January 2021, an investigation by The Forward identified more than 1,500 statues and streets honoring Nazi collaborators around the world. In the US alone, there are at least 37 such monuments. Leading Nazi rocket scientist Dr. Wernher Von Braun even partnered with Disney on a film series popularizing ballistic missiles.
ellauri316.html on line 822: In 2019, the town of Lemont, Illinois installed a statue honoring Adolfas Ramanauskas-Vanagas, who led the Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) on an anti-Soviet campaign with Hitler’s army. The LAF murdered thousands of Lithuanian Jews in June 1941 during the early period of the Nazi invasion. The Forest Brothers, a partisan militia of Latvians, Estonians, and Lithuanians who also collaborated with the Nazis. In 2017, NATO produced a video honoring the Forest Brothers but quickly deleted it after public outcry.
ellauri316.html on line 828: The Vlasov monument is one of several remaining monuments to Nazis and Nazi collaborators in the United States. It stands, improbably, at the edge of one of the largest communities of observant Jews outside of Israel — and is a tragically apt symbol for the far-right excesses that produced modern Israel.
ellauri316.html on line 830: Stalin’s inability to initially contain the advancing Nazi war machine convinced Vlasov that the Soviet system was rotten to the core. Taken by his captors to Germany, he began to conceive of a Russian army that would fight for the Third Reich in the name of a post-Bolshevik Russia.
ellauri316.html on line 831: In 1943, Vlasov published the Smolensk Proclamation, in which he declared that Bolshevism was “the enemy of the Russian people.” His aim was to recruit other Russians now in Germany—the Nazis had taken hundreds of thousands of Red Army soldiers prisoner in the first two years of the war— to unite against the Soviet Union.
ellauri316.html on line 839: Its life would be short. Vlasov’s division fought only once for the Nazis, in February 1945, in a futile attempt to stop the Soviet push across the Oder River and into the heart of the Third Reich.
ellauri316.html on line 840: After being beaten back by Soviet forces, the Russian Liberation Army retreated to Prague. In yet another reversal of loyalties, Vlasov hoped to help anti-Nazi forces and eventually surrender to the United States.
ellauri316.html on line 845: Viron mezäveljiä hyllasi myös violettitukkainen fasisti-itätyttömme Sofi Oxanen. A Ukrainian Jew is working to untangle the legacy of far-right nationalist leader Stepan Bandera, another Nazi collaborator icon uplifted by NATO.
ellauri321.html on line 241: Kwame Nkomo: I am Kenyan, but Ukrainian Nazis call me a “Russian propagandist”, a label that I wear proudly.
ellauri321.html on line 258: Sorry, but the background and implications of the 2014 far-right coup in Kiev, which overthrew the pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych, is critical for understanding the current Ukraine-Russia war. This coup was openly supported by US and European imperialism and implemented primarily by far-right shock troops such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party.
ellauri330.html on line 360: Punamustat aatoxet eivät olleet Forsmaneille vieraita, esimerkixi Herr Schmoller: Schmoller fügte 1900 seinem „Grundriß der Allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre“ einen Abschnitt zu „Rassen und Völkern“ hinzu und beschrieb darin auf zwanzig Seiten mit angeblichen Erkenntnissen über diverse Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eine hierarchische Ordnung von „Rassen“, die er als eine Grundlage der Ökonomik darstellte. Tämän ilmitultua sakut lakkasivat jakamasta Schmoller-mitalia. Nazi-Ernst otti Rafun senttarixi Uuteen Suomeen.
ellauri331.html on line 426: "USA saavutti teknologisen etunsa Nazi-Saxan maahanmuuttajien avulla".
ellauri336.html on line 318: The fact that there may be such a source is hardly a “slam-dunk” in favor of head-shaving for a variety of reasons. The Talmud in several places either implies or states explicitly that the practice of women is not to shave their heads. For example, Eiruvin 100b says that one of the “curses of Eve” is that women grow their hair long, while Nazir 28b says that a man can cancel his wife’s vow to shave her head if he finds it unattractive. Furthermore, the Shulchan Aruch expressly prohibits women from shaving their heads (YD 182:5). The Zohar, while important, is not a halachic work so ruling from when it contradicts the Talmud or works of halacha is not a simple thing, and Hasidic communities act differently in such a situation than non-Hasidic communities. So this matter goes beyond merely acting leniently vs. acting stringently. (There are also those authorities who say that that’s not even what that Zohar means.)
ellauri341.html on line 125: Nazit, ei saxalaiset, Putinistit, ei venäläiset. Ei sotaa toivoa, ei sotaa toivoa, voi venäläinen mil-loin-kaan. Eikä saxalainen juutalaista saippuaa. Markus on luvatun maan kuvissa hiukka hamiittinen, mistä resensorit vaarimaisesti muikenevat. Wovon man nischt sprechen kann darüber muss man schweigen.
ellauri343.html on line 399: Talven 1943 jälkeen voitontunto ja usko saksalaisiin alkoi hiipua. Nazit oli saaneet itärintamalla pahoin köniinsä. Sotaväsymys laski mielialoja kaikkialla: miehet turhautuivat pahkakuppeihin asemapaikoissaan ja kotirintamalla hukuttiin töihin. Sotilaiden lomat ja vanhimpien ikäluokkien kotiutukset auttoivat jälkimmäisessä jonkin verran. Suurin työ oli ylläpitää taistelukykyä ja -tahtoa. Siitä huolehti propaganda, kuten tänäänkin.
ellauri344.html on line 249: Close to one quarter of the 200 richest people in Russia are Jewish, according to a report by Russian banking website lanta.ru, which gives the 48 Jews on the list a combined net worth of $132.9 billion. Juutalaiset, joita on promille kansasta, ovat neljännes 200 rikkaimmasta ja omistavat Venäjän rahasäkistä melkein yhtä paljon kuin muut ryssät yhteensä. President Vladimir Putin said in response that the list is a "Nazi report" and that the ethnicities of the wealthiest members of Russian society should not be published, as it is "subject to cause issues."
ellauri345.html on line 266: Der Sohn des jüdischen Mathematikers Sigmund Gundelfinger (Professor an der Technischen Hochschule Darmstadt) und dessen Ehefrau Amalie Gunz (1857–1922) studierte als Schüler von Erich Schmidt und Gustav Roethe Germanistik und Kunstgeschichte an den Universitäten München, Berlin und Heidelberg, wurde 1903 in Berlin promoviert und habilitierte sich 1911 mit einer Schrift zum Thema Shakespeare und der deutsche Geist. Ab 1916 wirkte er als – zunächst außerordentlicher – Germanistikprofessor an der Universität Heidelberg, wo er 1920 eine ordentliche Professur bekam. Noch ein Jude der an dem Nazitotem knasperte! Und ein Schwul zudem! Seit 1899 gehörte Gundolf dem Kreis um Stefan George an, nachdem er sich dort durch ins Deutsche übersetzte Sonette Shakespeares eingeführt hatte. In der Folge wurde er Georges engster Freund und Liebhaber.
ellauri346.html on line 51: Russians are calling Ukrainians “Nazis” and Ukrainians are calling Russians “ Nazis”. Who’s more correct?
ellauri352.html on line 432: Monet yhteisöt ovat pystyneet elämään rauhantilassa sukupolven ajan, esim. autiolla saarella. Mutta sitten on kohta liikaa turhautuneita nuoria koiraita, ja mennään taas. Nazi Lorenz uskoi normien ja rituaalien koossapitävään voimaan. Horst Wessel, Sieg Heil ja Hakenkreuz kehiin, niin johan pelittää. Se luo turvallisuutta ja merkityxellisyyden tunnetta. Voi helvatti näitä iänikuisia merkityxiä, sitä nää turvelot aina hokevat. Mixi vitussa jonkun asian pitää merkitä jotain muuta, eikö ne voi vaan olla mitä ovat?
ellauri353.html on line 496: Den lilla staden Berestrejko ligger där och stinker I väntan på bättre tider. Berestetjko (ukrainska: Берестечко uttal (info); polska: Beresteczko) är en stad i Volyn oblast i Ukraina. Staden ligger vid floden Styr. 1651 ägde slaget vid Berestetjko rum nära staden, som då var en del av Polsk-litauiska samväldet. Från 1795 fram till ryska revolutionen 1917 var staden en del av Ryssland, men tillföll därefter Polen. 1939 tillföll den Ukrainska sovjetrepubliken för att senare bli en del av det självständiga Ukraina 1991. Under andra världskriget ockuperades staden av Nazityskland som avrättade stadens judiska befolkning.
ellauri370.html on line 74: E) In 1941, the Nazis invaded. With the help of the Ukrainian nationalists, they shot 1 million Jews living in the western USSR. 2 million Jews were living in the eastern USSR and they survived the war there.
ellauri370.html on line 324: Tutkiva kysymys: Oliko Christopher Columbus juutalainen? Monien vuosien ajan on huhuttu, että Kristoffer Kolumbus oli juutalainen tai juutalaista syntyperää. Nazimezästäjä Simon Wiesenthal, joka kirjoitti tutkimusmatkailijasta suositun kirjan "Toivon purjeet", luuli hänen olleen juutalainen.
ellauri370.html on line 483: January 1927, Hitler, along with several highly ranked members of the Nazi Party, attended Chamberlain´s funeral. In 1909, some months before his 17th birthday, Rosenberg went with an aunt to visit his guardian where several other relatives were gathered. Bored, he went to a book shelf, picked up a copy of Chamberlain´s The Foundations and wrote of the moment: "I felt electrified; I wrote down the title and went straight to the bookshop." In 1930 Rosenberg published The Myth of the Twentieth Century, a homage to and continuation of Chamberlain´s work. Hitler told the ailing Chamberlain that he´d write a sequel to it. The French Germanic scholar Edmond Vermeil considered Chamberlain´s ideas "essentially shoddy".
ellauri370.html on line 665: Juutalaisten massamuutto anglosaxeihin tyssättiin briteissä valkoisella kirjalla ja jenkeissä Johnson-lailla. Massamuutto taivaalle nazisavupiipuista oli vaihtoehtona. Nazit koitti ize asiassa hyssytellä jenkki bundesbrudereita ettei isolänkkärit lähtis sotapolulle liian äkkiä.
ellauri372.html on line 35: Nazit saivat Puolan puzattua juutalaisista 99% eli melkein 3 miljoonaa. Gazalaisia on 2 miljoonaa. Genosidi onnistuu, kun on äidin antamat aineet.
ellauri373.html on line 371: intohimoisesti ajatusta juutalaisesta Nazionalismista tai
ellauri374.html on line 219: Juutalaisten massamuutto anglosaxeihin tyssättiin briteissä valkoisella kirjalla ja jenkeissä Johnson-lailla. Massamuutto taivaalle nazisavupiipuista oli vaihtoehtona. Nazit koitti ize asiassa hyssytellä jenkki bundesbrudereita ettei isolänkkärit lähtis sotapolulle liian äkkiä.
ellauri378.html on line 458: "Lambeth Walk - Nazi Style", parodia propagandaelokuvasta Triumph of The Will, joka näyttää saksalaissotilaat ilmeisesti hanhiaskeleita Lambeth Walkille. Kerrotaan, että Joseph Goebbels oli niin raivoissaan nähtyään sen, että hän juoksi ulos huoneestaan ​​potkimalla tuoleja ja huutaen kirosanoja.
ellauri378.html on line 611:
ellauri378.html on line 626: Nazihallitus rohkaisi SS-sotilaita "tutustumaan" kauneimpiin tyttöihin Euroopan kansoista, jotka he valloittivat Saksan laajentumisen aikana. Sitten, jos naiset olisivat onnekkaita tullaxeen raskaaksi, heidät lähetettiin Lebensborn-taloon, joka tarkoittaa kirjaimellisesti "elämän fonttia" käännettynä. Kuten näissä vauvoissa olisi se "fraktuurafontti", joka saisi käyntiin Saksan ja sen vangittujen maiden arjalaisväestön ja varmistaisi hymyileväin, sinisilmäisten vauvojen superkilpailun.
ellauri378.html on line 649: Opposing the CIA are the leaders of Project Nova: Soviet Army Major General Nikita Dragovich (Eamon Hunt), Colonel Lev Kravchenko (Andrew Divoff), and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner (Mark Bramhall). Black Ops also features several historical figures; during the story, Mason meets Fidel Castro, Robert McNamara, and John F. Kennedy.
ellauri378.html on line 651: Imprisoned in a brutal gulag known as Vorkuta, Mason befriends a former Red Army soldier named Viktor Reznov, who gives him the identities of their enemies: Dragovich, Colonel Lev Kravchenko, and ex-Nazi scientist Friedrich Steiner, and reveals his history with them. In October 1945, Reznov and Dimitri Petrenko were sent by Kravchenko and Dragovich to extract Steiner, who wished to defect, from a secret Nazi base on Baffin Island. Upon being rescued, Steiner provided the Soviets with the location of a disabled cargo ship carrying the chemical weapon he had originally developed for Adolf Hitler called Nova 6. However, Reznov and his men were betrayed by Dragovich, who wished to see the effects of the gas first-hand; Reznov was forced to watch Petrenko die horrifically, only being spared himself when British Commandos, interested in also acquiring Nova 6, attacked the cargo ship. Reznov detonated the V-2 rockets onboard the ship during his escape to prevent anyone from using the weapon, destroying it and Nova 6, only to be captured by the Soviets and imprisoned in Vorkuta. The Soviets later recreated Nova 6 with the help of a mad British scientist, Daniel Clarke.
ellauri381.html on line 130: Ukrainian nationalism emerged as an ideology in the first third of the 20th century and bears a close resemblance to German Nazism and a number of other far-right ideologies of the time. This is attested to by its extreme intolerance, its craving for immediate political action, violence, and the denial of rights to minorities.
ellauri381.html on line 143: The Third Reich realized that the Banderovites could be of use: They were used to carry out the Nazis’ goal to “rid the Ukrainian land of unwanted elements”, that is, among other elements, the Jews and Communists.
ellauri381.html on line 147: During the Nazi occupation many Ukrainian nationalists served in the German military structures: the Galician SS divisions, the Nachtigall Battalion, the Ukrainian Legion, and local police units.
ellauri381.html on line 628: Relations between the U.S. and Bulgaria had gone from merely chilly to bitterly cold. In Sofia, U.S. Minister Donald Heath was harassed and insulted by Bulgarian officials. They demanded his recall. When Washington protested, it got only smiling evasions from Bulgarian Chargé d'Affaires Peter Voutov in Washington, sullen silence from Sofia. Last week, his patience exhausted, Secretary of State Dean Acheson broke off diplomatic relations with Russia's Balkan satellite (which was a Nazi satellite before that).
ellauri382.html on line 335: Photo of the Yugoslavian fighter girl (Liba Radij) aged 17, while executed by the Nazis in 1943. The commander said to her: If you mention the names of your colleagues, I will release you immediately. She said to him: You will know them when they come to avenge me. And indeed, they later came and executed him on the same tree with the same rope!! The cowards die while they are alive, and the brave live on while they are dead, though as memes only. Monkeys die, but vendetta lives on.
ellauri384.html on line 360: Nazipersutouhua, Ari hyi. Voimme nyt määritellä ihanteellisen poliisien ydinryhmän – syntyperäiset aikuiset miespuoliset vapaa-ajan viettäjät, joilla on vapaa-aikaa. Koska tämä on ihanne, kaikki poikkeamat siitä on nähtävä siirtymisenä ihanteesta. Siksi voisimme määritellä kumoukselliseksi kaiken, mikä heikentää ydinryhmän valtaa ja suvereniteettia heidän poliisissaan.
ellauri391.html on line 127: De Barth het zwüsche 1904 und 1908 z Bärn, z Berlin, z Tübinge und z Marburg evangelischi Theologii gschtudiirt. Eis Johr schpäter isch er Hilfsprediger in de dütschschprooige Gmeind z Gämpf worde, wo-n-er sini Frau, s Nelly Hoffmann kenneglehrt het. Ghürote hei si im 1913, wo-n-er Pfarrer z Safewil im Kanton Aargau isch gsi (1911-1921). Derte het er au sin Kommentar zum Römerbrief gschribe, wo-n-en bekannt gmacht het. Im 1921 isch de Barth zum Honorarprofessor vo de Universität vo Göttinge bruefe worde, uf ene Lehrstuehl, wo extra für ihn isch iigrichtet worde. In Dütschland won er au e chlii under de Nazi gschafft het, isch er ein vo de Afüehrer vo dr Bekennende Chille gsi, wo sich em Regime widersetzt het. Wil er as Brofesser an dr Universidät vo Bonn sich gweigeret het, em Hitler Dreui zschwöre, isch er entloh worde und nach Basel zruggcho.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 410: Hess joined the NSDAP on 1 July 1920 and was at Hitler's side on 8 November 1923 for the Beer Hall Putsch, a failed Nazi attempt to seize control of the government of Bavaria. While serving time in jail for this attempted coup, he assisted Hitler with Mein Kampf, which became a foundation of the political platform of the NSDAP.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 412: He was taken prisoner and eventually convicted of crimes against peace, serving a life sentence until his suicide in 1987. While still in custody in Spandau, he died by hanging himself in 1987 at the age of 93. After his death, the prison was demolished to prevent it from becoming a neo-Nazi shrine.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 845: A hundred and one years ago, in 1917, Knut Hamsun published what was probably his most influential and at the same time most controversial novel: Markens grøde (translated into English as Growth of the Soil). This story about the colonization of new farmland in northern Norway (Hammarby, luulajansaamexi Hambra, mistä Knupo oli peräsin) by the pioneer Isak and his wife Inger attained immense popularity in Hamsun’s home country and abroad, and earned its author the Nobel Prize in literature. In later years, it has often been criticized for, among other things, postulated parallels to Nazi »blood and soil« ideology, for its racist and colonialist portrayal of the Sami, and for its antagonism towards female self-determination.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 68: The events in Germany since January 30, 1933, when Nazis came to power and declared as their aim the march to the east to capture resourcesand "living space" greatly contributed to it. The USSR realized the enormous importance of the national question and recognized the great role of the country´s history and patriotism in the consolidation of the society. There was mounting criticism of romanization. It was admitted that, in some cases, there had been overreliance on the alphabetical creativity of the linguists,engaged in language construction, which manifested itself in the creation of individual alphabets for numerically very small dialects, as well as in the overly largenumber of letters for some alphabets, in frequent disregard for the practical problemsof language construction and in the exclusive use of the Latin as a possible basis forthe creation of writing for the illiterate peoples, as well as in the insufficient attentionto the use of other alphabets (Novyi alfavit (The New Alphabet), 1934).
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 293: Eiih joko taas. Tolpan täplät on lähtemättömiä kuin Kaposin Sarkooma. Joo joo tekoälynäppis, tietysti Isolla. Sadomasokismia naisvihaa horrorfilmejä, glitterillä päällystettyjä puukahleita, symbolismia, nazi-Hollywood, the works. Ei Hömppä pääse minnekään näistä teemoista, kuvista ja tunnelmista. "He" Isolla Hoolla. Korkealla taivasalla loistaa Hoo. Ho Ho Ho. Joulupukki mystiikka uskonto paranoia ne on kaikki tota samaa sietämätöntä termiittiapinatautia. Parven feromonia. Minne on jäänyt normaali ydinperhe, kiltit lapset, kelpo vanhuxet, kleiner Mann, rehellinen työ? Nazitkin oli kivempiä ja kunnollisempia. Kuten Aatu Hitler sanoi Minun Taistelussa: sama mitä ajattelevat, pääasia on että ajattelevat. Ajatus askartaa.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 423: 1 Nipistyspää, kuten aina, taudinsyytutkii ei vain menneitä ja nykyistä, vaan tulevaista. Valtio on ammattiliittojohtoinen (kuten Nazi-Sachsassa); Ne (huom kapitaali) — eli harvainvalta ja kumpp. — juoksevat näytöstä. Ja viattomuuden konseptointi on osa tätä näytöxen juoxemista.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 450: Kämppä, joka on myös kvasituppukylä, voidaan muovailuvahailla Theresianstadin jälkeen, jutkukaupunki/laagerin jonka pystytti Nazit (hk) siihen missä nyt on Zhekin tasavalta. Tätä vinkkaa teemat kuten koneenvaihto, puhelinlasten paratiisi, kuten iso orkesteri, tai luku 60K (niiden lkm jotka "meni läpi" 12 skidistä yhtä hyvin kuin Teresianstadin huipulla). Se myös kuzuu takaisin toisen kokonaisvaltaisen laitoxen, nimittäin kommunistien "lasten kaupungit" (isoja, tuppukylämäisiä, vähän sotilaallistettuja lomakämppiä Nuorille Tienraivaajille (hk)), joidenka pienoismalli oli Artek Keskuskadulla. (Saxalaisella Nuorella väellä oli myös kesäkämppiä. Ja partiolaisilla. Jenkeissä kaikki puoliköyhät lapset internoidaan kesäleireille loma-ajoixi. Superköyhät saa jäädä leikkimään muovijätteillä ja käytetyillä huumeneuloilla saastaisissa slummeissa 50 asteen helteessä.)
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 584: Nazi-war-criminal-Albert-Speer-during-trial-at-Nuremberg-1945-left-and-after-h.jpg" height="200px" />
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 157: In the interwar years, Shestov continued to develop into a thinker of great prominence. During this time he had become totally immersed in the study of such "great theologians" as Blaise Pascal and Plotinus, whilst at the same time lecturing at the Sorbonne in 1925. In 1926 he was introduced to Edmund Husserl, with whom he maintained a cordial relationship despite radical differences in their philosophical outlook. In 1929, during a return to Freiburg he met with Nazi Heidegger, and was urged to study Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 217: Klein was affectionately known as Jasha (pronounced "Yasha"). He was one of the world's preeminent interpreters of Plato and the Platonic tradition. As one of many Jewish scholars who were no longer safe in Europe, he fled the Nazis. He was a friend of fellow émigré and German-American philosopher Lefa Struzi.
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 311: Klages was however, as a bishop states, "not a fundamentally anti-semitic thinker, not a fundamentally right-wing philosopher, and not a fundamental Nazi." Addressing the issue of antisemitism, Klages
xxx/ellauri075.html on line 312: wrote: I have never endorsed the claim that the Nazi big-wigs belonged to a superior race. However, I must also add that I have consistently refused to accept the claim of another such race as the chosen people. The arrogance is identical in both cases, but with this important distinction: after waging war against the dumber half of mankind for more than three thousand years, Judaism has finally achieved total victory over all nations of the earth. Not surprisingly, an American Jew found this accusation odious. What with even the Philistine diaper heads still putting up a fight.
xxx/ellauri084.html on line 775: Woody Allen's film Annie Hall (1977) references The Sorrow and the Pity as a plot device. Film critic Donald Liebenson explains: "In one of the film's signature scenes, Alvy Singer (Allen) suggests he and Annie (Diane Keaton) go see the film. 'I'm not in the mood to see a four-hour documentary on Nazis,' Annie protests. In the film's poignant conclusion, Alvy runs into Annie as she is taking a date to see the film, which Alvy counts as 'a personal triumph.'
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 522: Naiset ovat tykänneet Elenan kirjoista. Ne on feministisiä. Jostain syystä menestyxeen on vaikuttanut se, ettei Elenaa tunneta. Kaikki fanit on varmoja ettei niitä ole voinut kirjottaa joku kikkelinheiluttaja. No ei olekaan, vaan Anita on ollut takapiruna. "Elena" on sanonut ize asiasta kuultuna ezen mielestä on kiva kun ei sitä tunneta. No ei se sellainen vetele, Elena, sulla on velvollisuuxia sun yleisölle, sen on nähtävä sun näpöttimet. Onxulla siniset vaipat vai vaaleenpunaiset, vaiko kerrassaan keltaiset? Ja mitä niissä on? Ms. Raja on meitä vuoden nuorempi, Eskin ikäinen. Se on ollut miehensä sen Domenicon kustannustoimittaja. Rajan vanhemat oli paenneet Nazi-Saxasta 1937. Muut niiden porukat paloi uunissa. (Hmm, oiskohan sit muutenkin osat vaihtuneet? Olisko ne Giovannan isän kuvista kumitetut sukulaiset just niitä poltettuja jutkuja?)
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 302: Throughout the Nazi regime, Hauptmann remained in Germany, which Goebbels used as a propaganda tool, claiming that he had made his peace with the Nazis. The Third Reich refused to allow him to receive the Schiller Prize, for which he was almost continuously recommended. A complete seventeen- volume edition of his works came out in 1942. Hauptmann died on June 6 1946 of pneumonia, at his home in Agnetendorf. His last work, the unfinished Der neue Christophorus, was again a story of suffering humanity.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 639:

Austria has everything Western Europe has going for it — Nazis, palaces, Lederhosen und Sound und Musik.

xxx/ellauri091.html on line 648:

There are many things that make Germany great, from its boots of beer to its Nazis, Lederhosen und Wagner-Musik.
xxx/ellauri116.html on line 391: Bienenfeld, who was Jewish, later narrowly escaped the Nazi occupation of France. Neither de Beauvoir nor Sartre tried to find her. When she read “Letters to Sartre” and saw the flippant tone the pair took toward her, she said, “Their perversity was carefully concealed beneath Sartre’s meek and mild exterior and the Beaver’s serious and austere appearance. In fact, they were acting out a commonplace version of ‘Liaisons Dangereuses’”.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 74: Edward Bernays made his fortune, fame, and lasting influence by convincing people to buy things they don’t need, selling harmful products parading as health and beauty, rousing individuals to eagerly embrace slogans, and compelling them to surrender their individuality to the passions of the herd. He is considered to be the progenitor of public relations and is called “The Father of Spin”. He published a seminal book, Propaganda, that became Joseph Goebbels’ guidebook for his many Nazi propaganda campaigns, including developing the Fuhrer cult and orchestrating the genocide against the Jews.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 981: Offended by photographs of naked Jewish women being marched to their deaths by the Nazis, ultra-Orthodox Jews say they will build their own Holocaust memorial unless the state museum takes down the pictures.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 989: the Nazis are less well known. Nazi ideology and practice pro-
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1000: most other groups of peoples to date. While Nazi ideology
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 1002: in fact Nazis that were the perpetrators of the most heinous
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 752: Sergey Vladimirovich Nabokov was a Russian poet and pedagogist who was born on 12 March 1900 in Saint Petersburg. Sergey died on 9 January 1945 in a Nazi concentration camp located in Neuengamme. He was brother to Vladimir Nabokov.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 685: Operation Bagration, June-August 1944. The greatest offensive in world history, it eventually involved 3.5 million men, 7,000 tanks, and 9,000 aircraft. It was an overwhelming Soviet victory and set the stage for the final assault on Nazi Germany.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 86: Jung war ein Bulle von einem Mann. 1,85 Meter hoch, mit grobgeschnittenen Zügen, nach einer etwas zweifelhaften Familienlegende Urenkel Johann Wolfgang von Goethes durch ein illegitimes Verhältnis, und von einem imponierenden Körperbau. Sein Humor war derb und grob, und geistreich zugleich. Er hatte einen wilden Temperamament und einen Hang zur Grobheit: einmal nannte er eine Patientin mit einer krankhaftern Angst vor Syphilis "eine dreckige Sauge". Seine Neigung zum Grandiosen war vielleicht der Grund für seine Bewunderung Hitlers und der Nazis. Die Juden seien paranoid. Nach dem Krieg hatte er bequemlicherweise seine Meinung geändert: Hitler sei "mehr als halb verrückt". Sein Sohn erzählt dass er mogelte beim Spiel und war ein schlechter Verlorer, wie Adolf Hitler auch. Er lief im Garten in zerlumpten Shorz, mit dem Pimmel heraushängend, aber war ein Feinschmeckerkoch. Er liebte Kriminalromane und Hunde. "Der Weise von Zürich" starb im Alter von 85 Jahren.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 132: In the 1967 war, it seems the Israeli felt their grip was loosening: based largely on interviews with Israeli soldiers—conducted in 1967, and heavily censored at the time—Censored Voices documents Israeli soldiers “summarily executing prisoners and evacuating Arab villages in a manner that one fighter likened to the Nazis’ treatment of European Jews.”
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 134: More recently: Israel is the world's nastiest terrorist state since Nazi Germany, (apart from the USA actions in My Lai, Vietnam, when US soldiers massacred 500 unarmed villagers). USA always supports the Israeli atrocities, it even gives the Israelis the aircraft and other weapons for killing Palestinians. Now the USA is blocking UN from criticising Israel. UK politicians and media usually support Israel. Ironic, isn't it? I guess it's usually the guys that feel they're losing that are the most atrocious.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 493: Paul Bötticher (2 November 1827 – 22 December 1891) was a German biblical scholar and orientalist, sometimes regarded as one of the greatest orientalists of the 19th century. Lagarde´s strong support of anti-Semitism, vocal opposition to Christianity, racial Darwinism and anti-Slavism are viewed as having been among the most influential in supporting the ideology of Nazism.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 516: George Lincoln Rockwell (9. maaliskuuta 1918 – 25. elokuuta 1967) oli American Nazi Party -puolueen perustaja ja johtaja, ja kenties merkittävin yhdysvaltalainen uusnatsijohtaja. Hänestä käytetään myös sotilasarvonsa mukaista nimitystä ”Commander”. Hänet murhattiin kaikexi onnexi vuonna 1967.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 520: Rockwell denied the Holocaust and believed that Martin Luther King Jr. was a tool for Jewish Communists wanting to rule the white community. He blamed the civil rights movement on the Jews. He regarded Hitler as the White savior of the twentieth century. He viewed black people as a primitive, lethargic race who desired only simple pleasures and a life of irresponsibility and supported the resettlement of all African Americans in a new African state to be funded by the U.S. government. As a supporter of racial segregation, he agreed with and quoted many leaders of the Black nationalism movement such as Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. In later years, Rockwell became increasingly aligned with other Neo-Nazi groups, leading the World Union of National Socialists.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 510: The Nazis, who discounted Hesse as merely a “victim of Jewish psychoanalysis,” blamed it all on Freud. In the April 1936 issue of Die Neue Litteratur, Will Vesper, employing predictable anti-Semitic tropes, characterized Hesse as a traitor and held him up as a classic example of Jewry’s sinister influence in general and of the insidious poisoning of the German soul by Freud’s psychoanalysis in particular:
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 180: Grigorij han blei etter kvart biskop i byen. Før han blei ordinert bad Gregorios inderleg til Gud og jomfru Maria, og fekk eit syn av jomfru Maria og evangelisten Johannes som lærte han korleis ein skulle vitna om Treeininga. Seinare blei denne læra utvikla av mellom anna Basilios den store, Gregor av Nazianz og Gregor av Nyssa. Grigorij døydde omkring 266-270 e.Kr.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 59: Nazi activist and future German leader Adolf Hitler used the term in 1928. Roosevelt used the phrase "new world order", or "new order in the world" to refer to Axis powers plans for world domination.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 586: Ukkola on katsonut psykologiguruna tarpeelliseksi valottaa myös seksuaalisia kiihotustilojaan. Ukkolalle kelvatakseen miehen täytyy näet olla alfa (viittaus muinaisen etologisen teorian nomenklatuuraan, jonka sen keksinyt tutkija itse on sittemmin todennut hyödyttömäksi), sillä "heteronaiset haluavat itselleen mieluummin maskuliinisen alfauroksen", jollaisesta Ukkolan go to -esimerkki on Indiana Jones. Monet varmaan haluavat Indiana Jonesin, mutta silti päätyvät jotenkin yhteen sen tyypin kanssa, jonka raamit ja ideologia muistuttavat enemmän sitä jätkää, joka on lopputeksteissä epiteetillä "Truck Nazi #4", ja joka ehkä tunnetaan jonkinlaisen nettifoorumin perustamisesta. "Onko mitään vähemmän kiihottavaa kuin feministiblogiin sukupuolihäpeäänsä purkava betamies?" Ukkola pohtii vaivaamatta päätään turhaan sillä mahdollisuudella, että miehillä voisi olla elämässään muitakin tavoitteita ja sisältöjä kuin kiihottaa tabloidien älykuningattaria. "Naiset haluavat hypätä sänkyyn voimakkaiden alfojen kanssa, jotka tihkuvat testosteronia ja saavat heidät tuntemaan itsensä naisiksi", päättää kolumnisti, jonka kotitalouden omakohtaisuudet tuntien alfa tarkoittanee tässä habituksen puolesta jotakuinkin samaa kuin Adenauerin kymmenen vuoden Uralin-leiriltä kotiin neuvottelema varhaiseläkeläinen.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 840: He and his chum Tyndall were charged under the Public Order Act 1936 with attempting to set up a paramilitary force called the Spearhead, which was modelled on the SA of Nazi Germany. Undercover police observed Jordan leading the group in hilarious military manoeuvres. He was sentenced to a crushing nine months' imprisonment in October 1962. He was nominated World Fuhrer with Rockwell as his Göring.
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 842: While Tyndall was inside Jordan hastily married his fiancee Miss Dior. Tyndall got sore and founded his own, even greater Britain movement. Make Britain Great Again. Bugger. Jordan's first wife was French socialite Françoise Dior, the niece of fashion designer Christian Dior. She, too, was a Nazi and helped fund various right-wing causes after the war. Dior had an incestuous relationship with her own daughter Christiane, before playing an active role in her child's suicide. Soon Dior found Jordan bourgeois and divorced him. Jordan's second partner Joanna Saffrany was probably a --- Hungarian!
xxx/ellauri176.html on line 852:

George Lincoln Rockwell, the media-savvy, pipe-smoking founder of the American Nazi Party, was blatantly racist, homophobic and antisemitic. Neo-Nazis, ‘alt-right’ groups and white supremacists chant at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

xxx/ellauri176.html on line 856: In 1963, a report from the Defamation League found that Rockwell had only 16 “troopers” in residence with him in a rickety two-story barracks in Arlington, Virginia. The plumbing was faulty and the American Nazis were subsisting on canned hash, chicken stew and even cat food, the report said.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 388: Dietrich oli preussilaisen psykiatriperheen kermaperse kuopus, joka sai vapaan kasvatuxen ja päätti ize 14-vuotiaana ruveta papixi. Se väitteli teologian pikkutohtorixi 21-vuotiaana ja sai lisää oppia New Yorkin unitaareilta. Sen lahko "tunnustava kirkko" koitti tehdä sovintoa uuden ja vanhan testamentin välille. Nazit tahtoi yhdistää kaikki evankeeliset 1:ksi luteraanisexi (eli jutkuvastaisexi) valtiokirkoxi, mikä nazasi huonosti tunnustavien ansaintalogiikkaan. Eikä yläluokan Bonhofferit persulaahuxesta perustaneet muutenkaan. Kirjoituxessaan "Die Kirche und die Judenfrage" Dietrich koitti varovasti perustella että juutalaiset ovat oikeastaan ganz in Ordnung, ainakin kastetut. Tämän ja kaikenlaisen muun hangoittelun takeen nazit lopulta pani sen kiven sisään miettimään tyhmyyttään.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 394: Se kirjoitti kirjan armon hinnasta ja toisen kristuxen imitoinnista. Jonkinlaista luostarielämääkin peukutti. Sodan alla lähti Yhdysvaltoihin mutta tuli koti-ikävässä takaisin, suoraan Aatun vankilaan vihkipallilta. Hylkäsi kirkon ja miehen, sanoo lähde. Vastustus ja alistuminen oli sen bestselleri. Nazit tappoivat sen ennen rauhantekoa. Eivät tykänneet kun se olis armahtanut juutalaisia.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 453: Less than three months after their engagement, Bonhoeffer was arrested for his activities in resisting the Nazi government. He and Maria corresponded during his imprisonment in Tegel prison and she was permitted to visit him occasionally but, after he was implicated in the plot to assassinate Hitler on the 20th of July 1944, he was transferred to a Gestapo high security prison and was permitted no further contact with her or his family.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 333: As the dictator of Nazi Germany, Adolf Hitler allegrdly led a murderous regime that massacred millions in Europe, including some six million Jews. As such, it came as a shock when Hitler’s own lawyer, Hans Frank, claimed before his execution in 1946 that the Nazi leader was secretly part Jewish.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 338: dolf Hitler’s lawyer Anne Frank claimed that the Nazi leader was part Jewish in his memoir. As Hitler’s personal lawyer and the governor-general of Poland during World War II, Anne Frank was executed during the Nuremberg trials in 1946. Seven years later in 1953, his memoir was posthumously published.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 342: Frank claimed that he’d looked into Hitler’s ancestry upon the Nazi leader’s own request in 1930. According to Frank, Hitler’s half-nephew had found evidence of his Jewish lineage — and was threatening to use it as blackmail.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 346: Hitler would later insist that Johann Georg Hiedler — the man who married Schicklgruber in 1842 — was his paternal grandfather. Hiedler died in 1857, so he clearly wasn’t able to fully back up this claim for the Third Reich. Although Nazi Germany apparently accepted the story, many modern historians have debated whether it was actually true.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 361: But in Nazi Germany, the leaders came up with their own anti-Semitic definition of a Vierteljude, or “Quarter Jew.” And this was someone who simply had one Jewish grandparent. So according to Hitler’s own rules, he would indeed be considered a quarter Jewish — if Frank’s claim was true.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 375: Sax also presented evidence that Preradovich was a Nazi sympathizer — which would’ve motivated him to debunk the theory that Hitler was Jewish.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 387: Additionally, Frank had had a falling out with Hitler and he was facing a death sentence for his collaboration with the Nazis. So perhaps he felt like he had nothing to lose by publishing a wild claim.
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 393:
Was Adolf Hitler Jewish? Who cares (except Nazis and the Jews)?

xxx/ellauri202.html on line 409: One of the most frequently asked questions about the Holocaust and the Nazi party is whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish or had Jewish ancestors. The question received new media attention in May 2022 when Russia’s foreign minister claimed Hitler "had Jewish blood."
xxx/ellauri202.html on line 419: In 1933, the London Daily Mirror published a picture of a gravestone in a Jewish cemetery in Bucharest inscribed with some Hebrew characters and the name Adolf Hitler, but this Bucharest Hitler could not have been the Nazi leader’s grandfather. At the time, though, this picture sufficiently worried Hitler that he had the Nazi law defining Jewishness written to exclude Jesus Christ and himself.
xxx/ellauri218.html on line 414: ALSO ON 11/9: best-selling Millennium trilogy author Stieg Larsson dies at 50. Jean-Paul Sartre denounces communism 1956. Nazis launch Kristallnacht 1938. TwinTowers come down. Oops that was not 11/9 but 9/11. ("The Lights Went Out In) Massachusetts" is a song by the Bee Gees, written by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb and released in 1967. Se oli mun eka ikioma sinkku, sain sen 15-vuotiaana lahjaksi. Sillä ei ollut mitään tekemistä pimennyxen kanssa, BG:t ei olleet edes käyneet Massachusettsissa.
xxx/ellauri224.html on line 131: Moore compares Trump's rise to power to that of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, parallels the Reichstag fire with the September 11 attacks, compares Hitler's hate speeches against different ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations to some of Trump's comments, and showcases then-recent instances of unprovoked racial violence that he states was inspired by Trump.
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 566: Vähän samanlainen reiluustematiikka on Enid Blytonin Malory Towersissa. Tiimihenkiset brittitytöt on kuin muskettikoirat kaikki 1:n ja 1 kaikkien puolesta. Nazihenkisempi Gwen ja paha japsu Ms. Johnson rakentavat mielivaltaan ja vakoiluun perustuvaa fasistista diktatuuria kiltin Miss Graylingin selän takana. Arvaahan sen kumpi approach pääsee voitolle loppupeleissä. Kuten japsuilkiö leukavasti laukaisi, vapautta ei voi olla ilman luottoa, eikä rikkautta ilman lottokuponkia.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 80: While neo-Nazi and white power skinhead gangs are fighting on the streets, far-right groups in three piece suits have infiltrated the Swedish parliament, municipal governments and county councils via democratic means, and their prominence is predicted to rise.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 85: Far-right groups have been a consistent presence in the Swedish political underground since the early 1920s, with their high point coming in the municipal elections of 1934, when around eighty council members of Svenska nationalsocialistiska partiet (the Swedish National Socialist Party) were elected across the country. After a long period of mainstream political inactivity in the wake of the Second World War, neo-fascism grew stronger in the 1980s, culminating in the emergence of several new neo-Nazi organisations in the 1990s. The most notable of these groups was Nationalsocialistik Front (the National Socialist Front), who were replaced by the currently active Svenskarnas Parti (the Party of the Swedes) in 2009. The Party of the Swedes’ political program states that “only people who belong to the western genetic and cultural heritage, where ethnic Swedes are included, should be Swedish citizens”, as well as their belief that “all policy decisions should be based on what is best for the interests of the ethnic Swedes”. Far from being prohibited in Sweden, these monsters are sitting now in public offices.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 163: Kern seiner Arbeit in Anknüpfung an Christopher R. Brownings Untersuchungen ist die Beschreibung eines deutschen Polizeibataillons (Reserve-Polizei-Bataillon), das im polnischen Generalgouvernement die dort lebenden Juden aufspürte, folterte und schließlich erschoss oder in die Vernichtungslager verschleppte. Anhand von Prozessakten aus späteren Gerichtsverfahren gegen einige Bataillonsangehörige zeigt Goldhagen, dass diese Männer ihre Taten nicht etwa widerwillig, schamhaft und unter Zwang begingen, sondern freiwillig, ausgesprochen eifrig (z. T. über die ausdrücklichen Befehle hinaus), mit Stolz und in der Überzeugung, das Richtige zu tun. Sie quälten und ermordeten ihre Opfer ohne Mitgefühl oder moralische Skrupel. Diese erstaunliche Tatsache führt Goldhagen auf die Vorstellungen zurück, die die Männer von den Juden hatten: Sie betrachteten ihre Opfer nicht als Menschen, sondern als ein Übel, das beseitigt werden musste, so wie eine bösartige Krankheit beseitigt werden muss. Und bei diesen Männern handelte es sich gerade nicht um eingefleischte Nazis. Die Bataillone bestanden aus willkürlich rekrutierten Durchschnittsbürgern, die für den Einsatz an der Front zu alt waren und deren politische Sozialisation dementsprechend lange vor der Machtergreifung stattgefunden hatte. Sie waren weder Weltanschauungskrieger noch verblendete Jugendliche; sie waren (daher der Untertitel von Goldhagens Buch) ganz gewöhnliche Deutsche.
xxx/ellauri232.html on line 165: Er ist daher für Goldhagen auch keine Tat der Nazis (oder gar nur der SS), sondern der Deutschen (was nicht heißt, dass jeder Deutsche in gleichem Maße tatsächlich schuldig wurde. z.B. die Juden). Der deutsche Antisemitismus, das ist Goldhagens zentrale These und Schlussfolgerung, war die Hauptursache der Endlösung.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 364: Tätä Munchin piirustusta pidettiin 1893 säädyttömänä. Nazien mielestä se oli degeneroitunut. Pahinta oli kai että nainen on siinä niskan päällä. Nyze ei hätkähdytä enää ketään. Kiitos p-pillereiden!
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 563: On July 22, 1944, with the war ongoing, Bukowski was arrested by FBI agents in Philadelphia, where he lived at the time, on well grounded suspicion of draft evasion. At a time when the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany, and many Germans and German-Americans on the home front were suspected of disloyalty, Bukowski's German birth and habit of quoting Mein Kampf "troubled" authorities. He was held for seventeen days in Philadelphia's Moyamensing Prison. Sixteen days later, he failed a psychological examination that was part of his mandatory military entrance physical test and was given a Selective Service Classification of 4-F (unfit for much anything, let alone military service, als physisch sowie mental untauglich für den Militärdienst ).
xxx/ellauri265.html on line 171: Nazikortista puheenollen nää hessut eivät huomaa sitä että nazi venäläisille ei perinteisesti tarkoita vaan sakuja vaan myös yleisliittolaisuuden vastaisia kansallisuusaatteen kannattajia, eli siis pelkkiä nationalisteja.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 347: Watto, the hook-nosed, greedy small-businessman in “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace” even “happens to have a thick Yiddish accent,” as Bruce Gottlieb wrote in Slate. Hans Gruber in “Die Hard” is a foreign, sneering, anti-Christmas villain who murders for gold. Then there are the skeletal-like shape-shifting aliens in John Carpenter’s “They Live,” who combine stereotypes of Jewish greed with tropes of Jewish alienness and shape-shifting assimilation. The parallel here was so blatant that neo-Nazis embraced the movie as their own, much to Carpenter’s horror.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 357: Most disturbingly, there’s a direct line between Gringotts and the Grinch and the antisemitic attacks on George Soros. Soros is a billionaire Democratic donor and Holocaust survivor who has become a favorite target of the global far right. He’s been falsely accused of collaborating with Nazis and funding antifa. The right also (again falsely) claimed he was bankrolling the migrant caravan in 2018. That last conspiracy theory allegedly inspired one far-right radical to kill 11 people at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 542: After the war ended, Wiesenthal dedicated his life to tracking down Nazi criminals after realizing “there is no freedom without justice,” according to The Associated Press. Wiesenthal began his work gathering and preparing evidence on the Nazis for the War Crimes Section of the United States Army, according to his website. He’d go on to head the Jewish Central Committee of the United States Zone of Austria and later helped to open the Jewish Historical Documentation Center. The center worked to gather evidence for future trials on war criminals.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 544: He is credited with tracking down Austrian policeman Karl Silberbauer in 1963. Silberbauer, acting during World War II as a Gestapo officer, was responsible for arresting Anne Frank — who later died in a concentration camp after leaving behind a now-famous diary documenting her time in hiding. Wiesenthal also helped ferret out other Nazi leaders in hiding, including Franz Murer, known as “The Butcher of Vilnius,” and Erich Rajakowitsch, according to his website.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 554: He established The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights organization, in 1977 to continue his work of pursuing Nazi war criminals and fighting anti-Semitism. His efforts inspired the multiple books, including “The Murderers Among Us” and a HBO movie of the same name starring Ben Hur as Simon Wiesenthal.
xxx/ellauri268.html on line 556: “When history looks back, I want people to know the Nazis weren’t able to kill millions of people and get away with it,” he once said, according to the center’s website. Wiesenthal died in 2005 at the age of 96. Kosto elää, tai siis eli.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 524: Epäonnistuminen temppelin jälleenrakentamisessa on yhdistetty vuoden 363 Galilean maanjäristykseen. Vaikka ihmeestä on olemassa yllättävän nykyaikainen todistus St. Gregory Nazianzenin puheissa, Edward Gibbon piti tätä epäluotettavana nazipropagandana. Muita tärkeitä mahdollisuuksia ovat vahingossa tapahtuva tulipalo tai tahallinen sabotaasi.
xxx/ellauri289.html on line 223: Nazileirillä Jehovan todistajien emoji oli sinipunainen karvakolmio.
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 629: Cassirer uskoi, että järjen käyttäminen johtaa ihmisen vapautumiseen. Tai uskoi siihen saakka kunnes Hitler potkaisi sen ulos Hampurista. Nazi-Saxan vika oli että siellä palattiin järjen käytöstä teutonisiin myytteihin ja kääräistiin juutalaiset heimoveljet junaan pieniin nyytteihin.
xxx/ellauri303.html on line 318: Nazipaavin sihteeri Hanhiviini sai potkut gauchopaavilta. Se oli vittuillut istuvalle paaville ja kertonut prinssi Harrymäisesti kirjassa julkisesti paavien välisistä kärhämistä koskien mm. incelpappeja. Paha erehdys! Kardinaalimunaus! Se ei kai muistanut että kulloinenkin paavi on erehtymätön. Tervemenoa virnuilevalle sakulle, ei tullut susta kardinaalia. Ei tullut lasta eikä paskaakaan.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 474: As a boy, I remember a movie where Tarzan is asked by Jane to fight against some Nazis who have come to their neck of the jungle. But Tarzan refuses; the F.D. Roosevelt of his time, he’s got nothing against Nazis. But then they bomb Pearl Harbor sorry kidnap Tarzans son, Boy, and Tarzan bestirs himself, sticks a knife in his arse, and says “Now Tarzan fight.” Että jenkkitolvanoille pitääkin ihan kädestä pitäen opettaa tätä paskan lapparointia.
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 411: Jordaneen mukaan gootit olivat alun perin lähtöisin pohjoisessa valtameressä sijaitsevalta Scandza-nimiseltä kylmältä saarelta, jonka on tulkittu viittaavan Skandinavian niemimaan eteläosiin. Ne olivatkin alunperin jöötanmaan jööttejä! Tämä sopi Ruozi-Suomen ja Nazi-Saxan propagandapirtoihin. Sittemmin osa kateista amerikkalaisista tutkijoista katsoo nykyisin, että goottien skandinaavinen alkuperä on pelkkä myytti. Scandzasta gootit purjehtivat kuninkaansa Berigin johdolla kolmella laivalla Itämeren yli ja asettuivat nykyisen Pohjois-Saksan ja Puolan alueelle kukistettuaan siellä ensin vandaalit ja useita muita germaaniheimoja. Jordaneen mukaan gootit muuttivat etelämmäs Vistulan eli Veikselin alueelta johtajanaan Filimer, joka oli Berigin jälkeen viides kuningas. Useiden jännittävien seikkailujen jälkeen gootit saapuivat Mustallemerelle. Tacitus mainitsee teoksessaan Germania gothonit-nimisen germaanikansan, joka hänen mukaansa eli luugien pohjoispuolella mutta ruugien ja lemovien eteläpuolella. Ensimmäiset taistelut goottien ja roomalaisten välillä alkoivat 230-luvulla, samoin ryöstöretket Rooman Tonavan-provinsseihin ja Balkanille.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 354: "The establishment of Israel is an event which actively engages the conscience of this generation....It is, therefore, a bitter paradox to find that a State which was destined to be a shelter for a martyred people is itself a Nazi State." Tämä puhe jäi Pertiltä pitämässä Israelissa kun maha-aortta halkesi.
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 115: Houston Stewart Chamberlain (/ˈtʃeɪmbərlɪn/; 9 September 1855 – 9 January 1927) was a British-German philosopher who wrote works about political philosophy and natural science. His writing promoted German ethnonationalism, antisemitism, and scientific racism; and he has been described as a "racialist writer". His best-known book, the two-volume Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century), published 1899, became highly influential in the pan-Germanic Völkisch movements of the early 20th century, and later influenced the antisemitism of Nazi racial policy. Indeed, Chamberlain has been referred to as "Hitler's John the Baptist".
xxx/ellauri319.html on line 119: During his lifetime Chamberlain's works were read widely throughout Europe, and especially in Germany. His reception was particularly favourable among Germany's conservative elite. Kaiser Wilhelm II patronised Chamberlain, maintaining a correspondence, inviting him to stay at his court, distributing copies of The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century among the German Army, and seeing that The Foundations was carried in German libraries and included in the school curricula. The only Nazi idea that Chamberlain missed was Lebensraum. Mies oli muutenkin täys pöljä ja luonnontieteilijänä yhtä kehno kuin J.W. v.Goethe.
xxx/ellauri329.html on line 466: Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk (ukrainalainen Arseniy Petrovich Yatsenyuk; syntynyt 22. toukokuuta 1974, Chernivtsi, Ukrainan SSR, Neuvostoliitto) on ukrainalainen poliitikko ja valtiomies, Nazirintama -puolueen poliittisen neuvoston päällikkö. Epämiellyttävä yxityistämisasiamies. Johti Ukrainan liittymistä Maailman kauppajärjestöön ja EUn liittolaisexi. Tällä hetkellä poliitikko on vienyt perheensä pois Ukrainasta ja hän asuu Israelissa. Varmaan peukuttaa siellä Gazan jyräystä maan tasalle. Omien sanojensa mukaan hän on kreikkalainen katolilainen, jota hän pitää ylpeyden lähteenä.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 51: Group Portrait with Lady (German: Gruppenbild mit Dame) is a novel by Nobel Prize winning author Heinrich Böll, published in 1971. The novel revolves around a woman named Leni, and her friends, foes, lovers, employers and others and in the end tells the stories of all these people in a small city in western Germany in the 1930s and 1940s. As is usual in Böll's novels, the main focus is the Nazi era, from the perspective of ordinary people. (Wikipedia en)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 87: Als einer der wichtigsten Intellektuellen des Landes schrieb er gegen Konrad Adenauer an, unter dem viele Nazis in hohe Ämter zurückkehrten.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 93: Drama | Historical. Nazism. 1930s. 1940s
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 95: The story follows the life of a regular German women Leni Gruyten during 1930s and 1940s. Through her interactions with friends, family and other people she knows, the regular folks' perception of the Nazi era is shown.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 117: Als Kind kommt Leni mit den Lehrmethoden in der Konfessionsschule nicht zurecht. Ihr Aussehen rettet sie jedoch durch die Schulzeit: Als „deutschestes Mädel“ der Schule kann man sie schlecht auf die Hilfsschule verweisen. Verwiesen wird hingegen Margret Schlömer. Trotz der kurzen gemeinsamen Schulzeit hat Leni in ihr eine Freundin fürs Leben. Leni ist so sinnlich, dass sie alles als erotische Erfahrung erlebt. Mit 16 Jahren hat sie ihren ersten Orgasmus allein im Heidekraut, weshalb ihr auch die jungfräuliche Geburt durchaus logisch vorkommt. Bei den Nonnen hat es ein solches Mädchen naturgemäß schwer. Dennoch gerät Leni im Mädchenpensionat in die richtigen Hände, nämlich in die von Schwester Rahel, genannt Haruspica (Vogelleserin). Die hochgebildete Ordensfrau ist jüdischer Herkunft. Seit ihr 1936 die Lehrerlaubnis entzogen wurde, erfüllt sie pädagogische und ärztliche Funktionen und inspiziert unter anderem täglich die Beschneidung der Mädchen. Vor den Nazis versteckt der Orden sie in einem Dachstübchen. Schwester Rahel stirbt 1942, ausgehungert und verwahrlost. Der Verfasser will mehr erfahren, doch die anderen Klosterfrauen geben nichts preis.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 135: Leni wird dienstverpflichtet und kommt in die Kranzbinderei von Walter Pelzer. Dieser halb kriminelle Wendehals hat von KPD bis SA, von Schwarzhandel bis Zuhälterei schon alles gemacht. Sein kriegswichtiger Betrieb bietet den unterschiedlichsten Menschen Unterschlupf: Nazis arbeiten mit untergetauchten Juden und Kommunisten zusammen. Unter anderem trifft Leni hier Liane Hölthohne, die sie nach Kriegsende bei sich aufnehmen und ihr 24 Jahre lang, bis 1970, Arbeit in ihrem eigenen Blumengeschäft geben wird. Leni ist eine begabte Floristin, mit ihrer Sinnlichkeit und ihrem ästhetischen Empfinden erweist sie sich als „Naturgenie der Garnierung “. Wegen ihrer Vorliebe für geometrische Muster kann ihr allerdings auch mal ein Davidstern aus Margeriten unterlaufen. Was es mit Nazis und Juden auf sich hat, kapiert sie erst Ende 1944.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 155: „Die Frage des Wohin war für die unterschiedlichsten Gruppen höchst aktuell. Wohin mit den Nazis, wohin mit den Kriegsgefangenen, wohin mit den Soldaten, wohin mit den Sklaven? Natürlich gabs da erprobte Lösungen: erschießen etc.“ (S. 289 f.)
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 157: Der alte Hoyser spezialisiert sich nach Kriegsende auf die „Re-anti-Arisierung“ von Häusern: Er kauft sie Nazis ab, die sie zuvor von Juden übernommen hatten. Lotte leitet zeitweilig das Wohnungsamt. Gruyten senior beschließt, den (kurzen) Rest seines Lebens nur noch zu lächeln. Pelzer macht ein Vermögen mit alten Stahlträgern.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 181: Böll propagiert Humanität und Antifaschismus. Er zeigt die Ausgesonderten der Gesellschaft, die sich nicht den Moralvorstellungen und dem Leistungsstreben des Kapitalismus unterordnen. Ein vielstimmiger Chor von Verfolgten, Mitläufern, Nazis und Kriegsgewinnlern zeigt, dass nazistische Ansichten nach 1945 noch immer frisch waren. Der Russe, von den Nazis als „Untermensch“ zur Vernichtung bestimmt, erscheint im Roman als intelligenter, sensibler und liebenswerter Mensch.
xxx/ellauri337.html on line 252: Ernst Cassirer (Jude) und Martin Heidegger (Nazi) stellen fest, dass Scheler kein neuer Entwurf philosophischer Anthropologie gelungen sei. Max sei bipolar gewesen. "Der Mensch ist ein so breites, buntes, mannigfaltiges Ding, dass die Definitionen alle ein wenig zu kurz geraten. Er hat zu viele Enden (2).“
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 214: Aika pahasti Jacky ryttäsi myös vaimon spesialiteettia eli Freudin oppia. Jacques Derrida ehti kynäillä yli kahdeksankymmentä kirjaa. Vuodesta 1972 lähtien Derrida tuotti keskimäärin enemmän kuin yhden kirjan vuodessa. Derrida piti itseään historioitsijana. What a joke. Chileläinem historioizija ja Heideggerin kerta-opiskelija Farías tunnetaan parhaiten kiistellystä kirjastaan ​​Heidegger and Nazism (1987), jossa todettiin, että Heideggerin filosofia on luonnostaan ​​fasistinen. Derrida vastasi Faríasille kädenheilautuxella. Hän kutsui Faríasia heikoksi Heideggerin ajatusten lukijaksi ja lisäsi, että suuri osa Faríasin ja hänen kannattajiensa uutena mainitsemista todisteista oli jo pitkään ollut tiedossa filosofisessa yhteisössä. Juu nazihan se tunnetusti oli ja deutscher Geistin kannustaja, entä sitten? Vastavetona Derrida tulkitsee kohtia Raamatusta, erityisesti Abrahamista ja Iisakin uhrista, sekä Søren Kierkegaardin teoksesta Pelko ja vapina Las Vegasissa.
xxx/ellauri357.html on line 64: Luurankomaisen laiha rokonarpinen Hannu Sivenius oli 70-luvun alussa muistaaxeni kova kommari, lie sekin sittemmin kääntänyt takkinsa. Heideggerin kansallissosialistinen seikkailu ja siihen liittyvät yleiset kysymykset ajattelijan vastuusta ovatkin tavan takaa puhuttaneet yleistä kulttuurista keskustelua Suomessa. Kysymys on vaikea ja vailla valmista vastausta, mutta varmaa on, ettei tämä tahra Heideggerin henkilöhistoriassa vähennä hänen ajatteluunsa kohdistuvaa kiinnostusta tai halua etsiä sitä, mikä tuossa ajattelussa on kestävää ja Heideggerin omat mahdolliset puutteet ylittävää. Tarmo Kunnas totesi ilahtuneena 2004, että Heidegger on ”lopultakin tullut uskottavaksi ajattelijaksi maassamme”. Näyttääkin todella hieman paradoksaalisesti siltä, että siinä missä perinteinen ”heideggerilaisuus” on vanhoilla kanta-alueillaan Saksassa ja Ranskassa jonkinlaisessa laskusuhdanteessa, elävät fenomenologia ja mannermainen filosofia ”kukoistuskauttaan” perinteisesti analyyttisissä filosofisissa kulttuureissa, erityisesti Yhdysvalloissa ja Pohjoismaissa. Nazismi alkoi trendata anglosaxi länkkäreissä 9/11 insidentin perästä. Uusi viholliskuva, kokardittomat etniset rättipää terroristit, korvas entiset nukkavierut koppalakkiset. Ei koppalakeissa oikeastaan olekaan mitään vikaa. Niiden takana leviää länttä ja Eurooppaa, varjelen vartija sitä.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 80: Nazi-Heideggerin vaikutuksesta Gadamer irtautui Jakkoh-Hintikan uuskantilaisuudesta. Kantilaiset on idealistiagnostikkoja: voi tuolla joku todellisuus olla takana muttei siitä saada tietoa, kun oma pää on edessä. Heideggerille tekemänsä habilitaatioväitöskirjan Interpretation des Platonischen Philebos hyväksymisen jälkeen Gadamer nimitettiin vuonna 1929 Privatdozentiksi Marburgin yliopistoon. Vuonna 1939 hän sai ensimmäisen filosofian professuurinsa Leipzigin yliopistosta. Filebos on huumoritonta vanhusplatonismia siitä onko kivempi syödä sängyssä struudeleita vaiko pohtia. Hannu-Jori on Platon kanssa yhtä mieltä että vähän pitää olla kumpaakin. Mukavinta on järjestää fellow hermeneuttien kaa truth happeningeja nauttien kauniista taide-elämyxistä.
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 99: Stanfordin porukoiden mielestä Hans-Georg Gadamer on ratkaiseva hahmo 1900-luvun hermeneutiikan kehityksessä – lähes varmasti syrjäyttäen vaikutuksen ja maineen suhteen muut johtavat hahmot, mukaan lukien Paul "freedom fry" Ricoeur. "Nazi" Heideggerin filosofia vaikutti Hannu-Joriin syvästi ( huolimatta siitä, että Heidegger hylkäsi hermeneutin myöhemmässä ajattelussaan).
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 727: Diltheyn filosofinen projekti on niin laaja-alainen, monitasoinen ja fragmentaarinen, että siitä on vaikea saada otetta. Suoraan sanottuna vyyhdestä ei löydy päätä eikä häntääkään. Ei ole helppoa erottaa hänen omia (jos niitä oli) ja muilta omaksumia ajatuksiaan (sic). Erna kertaa possessiivisuffixit! Diltheyn sekavuuteen turhautuneet oppilaat kuzuivat häntä "mystisexi vanhaxi käppyräxi". Pääasia oli jankata, ettei luonnontieteiden tiedollisia lähtökohtia määrittävä positivistinen tieteenihanne ole sellaisenaan sovellettavissa hengentieteisiin. Comte pirulainen oli perivihollinen, niinkuin historiallis-kielitieteellisessä osastossa 70-luvulla. Ilmeisesti Wolff ei ollut paljon parempi. Hengentieteisiin tarvitaan uskonnollisempaa otetta. Nazit eivät perustaneet Filthystä, vaikka kummatkin kannustivat Herderiä. Herder vaati filosofiaan ”kopernikaanista vallankumousta”, joka asettaa ihmisen filosofisen tutkimuksen keskiöön. Dilthey pyrki erottamaan sen, mikä on sisällämme, siitä, mikä on ulkopuolellamme. (Entäpä se, joka on vuoroon sisällä vuoroon ulkona?) Diltheyn psykologian kohteeksi asettui historiallinen, yksilöllinen kokemus, itselle-oleminen, eletty kokemus ja elämä. Dilthey korostaa, että subjektiivisuus on moderni tapa tarkastella asioita.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 874: Voiko erilaisia ihmisiä vihaava ihminen olla älykäs? Ikävä kyllä voi. Nazijohtajien äot oli kautta linjan yli 100 pinnaa. Ovatko naiset ja miehet yhtä älykkäitä?
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 356: The whole world is laughing at Ukraine’s failed counteroffensive, which captured nothing more than a couple patches of trees and trenches? How did the Russians, armed with shovels, defeat the “brave” Ukrainian Nazis armed with NATO weapons? No dear. It is definitely not. The “whole world” does not laugh at an invaded sovereign nazion that for over two years and against all odds has made a mockery out of the supposed "second best" army in the world. Don't pretend you’re aligned with the rest of the world. You are not! There is no "rest of the world" in fact!
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 405: Giovanni Grazzini (Firenze, 6 gennaio 1925 – Roma, 18 agosto 2001) è stato un critico cinematografico italiano nonché presidente del Sindacato Nazionale Critici Cinematografici Italiani (SNCCI).
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 406: Giovanni aloitti firenzeläisen La Nazione lehden toimittajana, joka oli nimensä veroinen fasistiläpyskä. Size oli Corriere Della Seurassa, joka Giovannin syntyessä nuoli Il Ducen pyllyvakoa. Lopetti L'Indipendentessä, oikeistopopulistinen poliittinen puolueen Legan äänenkannattajassa. Iso ylläri.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 50: Juliet Ashtonin tms. perunankuoripiirasseura-nide ja siitä väkerretty elokuva on aivan jättimäinen brittiklischee. Sodan jälkeen voittajien oli helppo hymyillä. Nyt kun ollaan brexitissä tappiolla ei voi kuin haikeana muistella noita onnen aikoja jolloin viholliskuvat oli vielä selviä. Nazit ovat yhä entisiä karjuvia koppalakkeja, mutta onpa sakemannienkin joukossa nyt jo 1 kiltti veljeilijä joka auttaa lehmän synnytyxessä. Guernseyläiset, jota insulaarit britit ennen piti vähän quislingeinä, on "palautettu" kunnon anglosaxeixi. Amerikkalainen porho kosiomies kärsii tappionsa täysin sivistyneesti, kun sikafarmari Läzän hatussa pokkaa preemiumin, ryppyozaisen ylähampaisen fair Julietin. Läzän läävä näyttää Rauhixelta, muttei haittaa: Juliet on rikas, koska sen Ryhmy- ja Romppaiskirjat myyvät aivan villinä. All is well, kuten Rowlingin saagan lopussa. Kaikilla on upouudet vasta silitetyt vaatteet, mutta postitoimiston rekvisiitta näyttää vuosikymmeniä ullakolla maanneelta. Calle Lampaan lällyt imperialistiesseet on tähän sepustuxeen oiva vinjetti.