ellauri015.html on line 462: Olympiavuoden 1952 huhtikuun Sovjetskij Sojuz-lehdessä istuu SNTL:n korkein neuvosto maaliskuussa mustavalkoisessa kuvassa (kuvassa). Takarivissä istuvat generalissimus Josef Stalin ja Nikita Krutsev. Stalinilla, jota Ljudmila Ulitskajan juutalainen perhe kutsui peitenimellä Samek ס (Lenin oli Lamed ל), oli vajaa vuosi jäljellä elinpäiviä. Ulitskajan kirjassa Vihreä teltta Tamara kuulee, kuinka Stalinin kuolemasta uutisoidaan radiossa. Pysähtyi soittorasia. Kaikki näytti sen ajan valokuvissa vielä kauniilta ja optimistiselta. Hinaajan musta savuvanakin on askel eteenpäin.
ellauri111.html on line 683: YOU HAVE A NEW LIFE NOW, LIVE IT, GOD WILL HELP YOU. HE TOOK ME OFF THE STREETS AND HE HAS DONE THE SAME FOR COUNTLESS OTHERS. I NOW HATE THE STREETS AND LIVING FOR JESUS IS THE ONLY THING I LIKE. WHEN YOU READ THE WORD AND OBEY IT YOUR DESIRES START CHANGING. I NEVER WENT BACK TO THE STREETS. TIME HAS ONLY STRENGTHENED MY FAITH. Flee from sin (and get away from that infernal, addictive, wicked television as fast as you can!), but if you sin, confess your sin to God and he is faithful and just to forgive you your sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. We have an advocate with the Father--Jesus Christ the righteous, God be thanked. God loves you and will see through this life and then when it is time to die, the Lord Jesus Christ himself will be there to take care of you. In Matthew 28:20 Jesus said, "...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
ellauri140.html on line 307: A GENTLE prick was knighting on the plaine, HELLÄ nuppi sankaroizi pellolla,
ellauri333.html on line 289:
ellauri373.html on line 250: Bolshevikkien aikana sama juttu, järjestelmä on täyttynyt kukoistavista vaimoihmisistä. Lahjaksi saadusta lehestä luimme (Vieshe Rhapse no 3, marraskuuta 1921) että hallituksesta SNTL of Russia 95% on juutalaisia. Juutalaisia pääasiallisesti, komissaareita on 447 ja venäläisiä vain 30.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 500: 1) Russian Philosophical Society: International Conference "Philosophy and Society: 100 years of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences" with the participation of the Board of Directors of the Institutes of Philosophy of the CIS countries with the invitation of other foreign participants, November 19, 2021 (World Philosophy Day). All interested teachers of the SNTL department were invited to participate in the conference. The form of participation was determined by each teacher individually (listeners, speakers). Some are good in one, others in the other. Students, undergraduates and postgraduates can also join this event but only as listeners.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 501: 2) Naumenko O.A. Special meeting of the Philosophical Circle of the SNTL Department dedicated to the World Philosophy Day. Date: 19.11.2021 14.30 Topic: Philosophical aspects of the problem of artificial intelligence.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 502: 3.) Sector of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Department of SNTL FOR NUST MISIS. Events of the Philosophy and Cultural Studies sector of the SNTL Department dedicated to the Day of Philosophy -2021: Round table "International Day of Philosophy 2021" in the framework of a scientific and methodological seminar at the Department of SNTL.. room L-63.