ellauri001.html on line 921: Kun Ismo Alanko tytötteli kulttuuriministeriä 2015, hänen hienoon taiteilijaimagoonsa tuli särö. Persoonallinen lauluntekijä muuttui tytöttelijäksi, luutuneeksi viisikymppiseksi äijäksi. Sellaista ei enää katsota hyvällä. Jari Heiska: Bah, minä tytöttelen kaikkia, poikiakin. Olli Laaksonlaita: jos ministeri on tyttö vielä. ei sille ismo mitään voi!!! Juha Järä: Tämä uutisankka taas kerran näyttää surkuhupaisan mediatilamme: feministien "lobbausvalta" on saanut suhteettomat mittasuhteet - ja samaan aikaan ei huomata että he ajavat likipitäen vain naisten tasa-arvokysymyksiä! Nyt toimittajat kriittisyyttä peliin! Matti Joutkoski: Luin artikkelin kun se ilmestyi, enkä osannut ymmärtää toimittajan ajatuksenjuoksua. Monet naiset itse asiassa kokevat tytöttelyn positiivisena asiana, koska sillä viitataan nuorekkaaseen ulkonäköön. Mistähän tämä tytöttelyn "kriminaalisointi" on oikei… Matti O Hietanen: Hyvä Ismo. Ei tullut säröä minkään laista. Ministereitä tulee ja menee mutta Ismo Alanko on ja pysyy.
ellauri005.html on line 633: Miltä olemassaolon taistelu pelimiesten osalta siis näyttää? Katso peliteoriaa: se on kuin luonnon tapahtumat muutenkin tasapainopisteeseen hakeutumista. Minimax, suunnittelu, valinta, kommunikaatio on osa peliä. Silti kaikki voi olla täysin determinististä. Kausaatio riittää. Biologia selittää peliteoriaa, peliteoria biologiaa. Huomaa että valinnan vapaus on tässä ihan todellista, ei vaan näennäistä, malli yksinkertaisesti toimii niin. Ei ole mitään erityistä "oikeesti", joka tästä puuttuis.
ellauri011.html on line 1346: An institution of central importance in the development of public opinion, was the coffee-house, which became widespread throughout Europe in the mid-17th century. Although Charles II later tried to suppress the London coffeehouses as "places where the disaffected met, and spread scandalous reports concerning the conduct of His Majesty and his Ministers", the public flocked to them.
ellauri017.html on line 45: Alan huastoo näen tuttavallisesti, sillä tuttujahan myö ollaan Mini ja Sini. Out siderhan tokkiisa nähnä näköratiossa minun eläimellisen kerraston Apessiniassa, Tiipeti muassa taikka Aahrikan uarniometissä. Ja out sider varmaana tykännä minun toilauxistan - kaek apinathaa niistä tykkövää, sehän on selevä. Enhän minä muuten oeskaan Puovo Lipponen, rinssieversti, kiljuvan nälän komentaja ja ylpiäjohtaja. Nyt minusta kaekenlisäkkeex on tullunna piäylitoimittaja tämän minun iänenkannattimeni palstoelle. Koko ikän minä oun mualimaa kiertännä - ihan siitä lähin kun Pörsänmäiltä läxin. Minä oun ollunna vaikka missä ja vähån siellä muuallai. Ohaan se Kalle-Kustaa X:ki ollunna atjutanttina, mutta minun käissän ovat ohjaxet aiena olleet - ahvääriä tehessä ja muita konnia kurittaessa. Niin ne ovat tässä lehessäi. Minä palkkasin tämän Lauri pojan eli Outsiderin aputoimittajax - hiän kun tuntoo minut ihan rippikoulupoijaasta lähin ja on ollunna minun kirjurinan koko aijan. Minä huastelen niistä seikkaelustan Lapalle ja hiän pannoo nettiin - mie kun oun enemmän ahväärimies ku kirjaelija ja huastelen mieluite vuan tätä Juantehtaan murretta.
ellauri022.html on line 152: Puolet maailman varoista on nyt harvojen miljardöörien taskussa. Köyhä laahus ei tule toimeen palkalla, vaan tekee kahta tai useampaa työtä ja käy lisäxi fattalla. Fattan verorahat tulevat köyhien laihoista taskuista. Minitöitä, minipalkkoja. Niin sen nalli napsahtaa, nämä kaxi uutista ovat saman Roopen koppaaman taalan kääntöpuolia. Rikkaus ja köyhyys kumpikin kasvaa korkoa korolle. Tuttu luonnonilmiö.
ellauri033.html on line 329: WerkMinister van Binnenlandse Zaken
ellauri036.html on line 2135: Reichs-Jugend-Führer oli Baldur von Schirach. Ilmetty Harry Potter koppalakilla ilman silmälaseja. Baldur oli aasojen Jeesus Kristus. Sen hömelö märkähattu veli tappoi sen vahingossa sokkona. Potter on wiccojen oma messias, parturoitu Aslan joka selättää Voldemortin panematta edes vastaan. Rule Britannian Ahura Mazda, Austin Mini joka päihittää Angry Mainyu birdsit ja kiinalaisen Volvon. JK Rowling on brexitin Paulo Coelho. Se käytti etukirjaimia jottei Harryn maaliryhmä, esipuberteettiset pojat ois pelästyneet naisen nimeä. Onhan se vähän lyhyempi lause, kirjan paxuutta pojat kai enimmin pelästyvät. Väkisin saa tuputtaa. Tytöt taitaa Harryakin enempi lukea, vaik niille on omat vampyyri- ja riitakäkisarjat. Baldur sai 20v pyttyä Nurnbergissä. Vähemmän kuin Weinstein. Tuomiot on kovenneet. Baldur Jugend-Führer oli siira. Fasen omistaja on sokeritoukka. Weinstein ei ollut mikään Einstein. Kiven alla ryömiskelijöitä koko roikka, Albert mukaanlukien.
ellauri036.html on line 2164: Taikaministeriö (engl. 10 Downing St) on fiktiivinen poliittinen elin, joka päättää brittiaailman asioista. Taikaministeriö sijaitsee Lontoossa maan alla, ja siellä työskentelee muun muassa Die Fuhrerinin ihailema taikaministeri BoJo. Bozon ihailema taikaministeri oli rautarouva "The Witch is Dead" Meg Thatcher. Ministeriö osoittautuu usein korruptoituneeksi, jopa diktaattorimaiseksi hallitukseksi, joka pyrkii pikemminkin peittelemään ja kiistämään yhteisönsä epäkohtia kuin korjaamaan niitä. Tää on die Führerinin mielestä valitettavaa mutta ymmärrettävää, kuten myös Voldemortin paluu USA:n presidentixi. Ministeriö on nyt Voldemortin vallassa. Tämä ei kuitenkaan pidä paikkaansa, dementoi die Führerin.
ellauri046.html on line 474: Nebenher versuchte er vergeblich, den Verlobten seiner dort lebenden Schwester Marie, José Clavijo y Fajardo, zur Einhaltung seines Eheversprechens zu zwingen. Das Verhältnis zwischen Clavijo und Marie war undurchsichtig; Beaumarchais verarbeitete dieses Thema zehn Jahre später zu einem rührenden Miniroman, aus dem Goethe 1774 sein Stück Clavigo machte.

ellauri048.html on line 757: Hessu oli kova kauppaamaan omia kirjojaan. Niitä osti Queen Victoria, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Prime Minister William Gladstone, Walt Whitman ja Oscar Wilde. At the time of his death, he was one of the most successful writers in America, with an estate worth an estimated $356,000. Olipa amerikkalainen loppukaneetti. Silti Hessu ei ollut tarpeexi amerikkahenkinen: but he failed to capture the American spirit like his great contemporary Walt Whitman, and his work generally lacked emotional depth and imaginative power. Se oli liian pro-Eurooppa. Löysä riimittelijä, tiivistivät myöhempien sukupolvien kriitikot ilkeästi. Orjuuden vastustajanakin Långben oli vähän puoliveteinen. Ameriikan Immi Hellen.
ellauri053.html on line 717: His arguments provided so much ammunition for conservatives and individualists in Europe and America that they are still in use in the 21st century. The expression 'There is no alternative' (TINA), made famous by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, may be traced to its emphatic use by Spencer.
ellauri064.html on line 311: Thomas "Pip pip" Jeeves Horder, 1st Baron Horder, known as ‘Tommy’, was created a baronet in 1923 and Baron Horder in 1933 in recognition of his services as physician to several British monarchs and Prime Ministers, including the pro-nazi abdicate Edvard VII.
ellauri066.html on line 902: On March 16th, scientists at Imperial College London published a paper, based on an epidemiological model, predicting that, unless some form of lockdown was imposed, more than five hundred thousand Brits would die from preventable COVID-19 infections. A week later, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that his government would be closing schools, bars, and restaurants, falling in step with the rest of Europe. “It was slightly frustrating,” Tegnell told me, when I spoke to him, in August. “We were really hoping we could take us through this crisis together.”
ellauri083.html on line 309: Sisustusteemoja: 1. Minikasino. 2. Peli ja työluola. 3. Keräilyluola. 4. Avaruusalus. 5. Nostalginen peliluola. 6. Aseluola. 7. Autoluola. 8. Urheiluluola. 9. Netflix ja chill-luola. 10. Avaruusrakettiluola. 11. Lukutoukan luola. 12. Cocacolaluola. 13. Nimetön luola (kuvasta päätellen pornoelokuvaluola) 14. Viiniluola. 15. Pelihalli. 16. Elokuvaluola. 17. Toinen elokuvaluola. 18. Lätkäluola. 19. Mielenrauhaluola. 20. Teatteriluola. 21. Starwarsluola. 22. Avaruusluola. 23. Elokuvaluola. 24. Keilahalli ja kasino. 25. Karibian piraattiluola 26. Anaalinen luola. 27. Baariluola. 28. Teatteriluola. 29. Baariluola. 30. Ja lopuxi erittäin mauttomasti sisustettu luola.
ellauri093.html on line 178: At a time when Britain was in need of morale-boosting generalship, Wingate attracted British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's attention with a self-reliant aggressive philosophy of war, and was given resources to stage a large-scale operation. The last Chindit campaign may have determined the outcome of the Battle of Kohima, although the offensive into India by the Japanese may have occurred because Wingate's first operation had demonstrated the possibility of moving through the jungle. In practice, both Japanese and British forces suffered severe supply problems and malnutrition.
ellauri099.html on line 120: PoeriikinkukkopernaAsthenikerINFP - Parantainen - ParantainenMiniatureDetail-blog.jpg" height="100px" />
ellauri102.html on line 325: Ministries_in_Vienna_%2849120446508%29_%28cropped%29.jpg/749px-FMSTAN_%26_SPIDER_Global_meeting_in_Austrian_Foreign_Ministries_in_Vienna_%2849120446508%29_%28cropped%29.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri106.html on line 71: In 1962, the same year Letting Go was published, Roth became Writer-in-Residence at Princeton University. After separating from his wife, Roth began a five-year psychoanalysis with the New York psychiatrist Hans J. Kleinschmidt, who published the case history anonymously in a medical journal in 1967 under the title The Angry Act: The Role of Aggression in Creativity. Roth traveled to Israel for the first time in June 1963. He participated in the American Jewish Congress, held discussions with Israeli intellectuals and Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion. From 1965 to 1977 Roth had a lectureship in comparative literature at the University of Pennsylvania.
ellauri107.html on line 238: Same sex relationships in the all male environment of Billy Budd’s British as well as Herman Melville’s American ships are understood. As former First Lord of the Admiralty, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once witheringly quipped, British naval tradition might well be equated with sodomy. Although Billy Budd lacks the “marriage” rites of Moby-Dick’s Ishmael and Queequeg, itcontains endearments for “Handsome Sailor” Billy that leave little doubt as to many of his mates’ ardent feelings toward him. The old Dansker on the British warship originates “Baby Budd,” also shortened to “Baby,” in reference to Billy, “the name by which the foretopman eventually became known aboard ship.” Readers also hear “one Donald” addressing Billy as “Beauty.”
ellauri108.html on line 227: Through reggae, Rasta musicians became increasingly important in Jamaica's political life during the 1970s. To bolster his popularity with the electorate, Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley employed Rasta imagery and courted and obtained support from Marley and other reggae musicians. Manley described Rastas as a "beautiful and remarkable people" and carried a cane, the "rod of correction", which he claimed was a gift from Haile Selassie. Following Manley's example, Jamaican political parties increasingly employed Rasta language, symbols, and reggae references in their campaigns, while Rasta symbols became increasingly mainstream in Jamaican society. This helped to confer greater legitimacy on Rastafari, with reggae and Rasta imagery being increasingly presented as a core part of Jamaica's cultural heritage for the growing tourist industry. In the 1980s, a Rasta, Barbara Makeda Blake Hannah, became a senator in the Jamaican Parliament.
ellauri110.html on line 341:

Peter Pepys-Goodchild, who has been made an MBE, is related to Samuel Pepys and knew Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Morris Mini-Minor.

ellauri112.html on line 684: Marlo, already a mother of two, begins the film heavily, outrageously pregnant: we learn, in rapid succession, that this third pregnancy was unwanted, that her husband does little of the domestic labour, and that her “shitty” upbringing is the reason she’s so committed to her nuclear family unit. Postnatal depression, never named, haunts the narrative: her wealthy brother offers to pay for a night nanny to avoid, in his words, the advent of another “bad time” like the one that followed the birth of her son, Jonah. When the nanny arrives – described by more than one reviewer as a “millennial Mary Poppins” – the panacea seems to be working. Not only does she look after the baby at night but she also operates as a kind of empathy machine, listening to Marlo’s problems, sharing sangria in the garden, and baking the Minions cupcakes that Marlo herself never has the time to make. The postnatal depression, it seems, disperses; Jonah – who has “emotional problems” – finds a place at a school more suited to his needs, family dinners get increasingly wholesome, and Marlo does a passable Stevie Nicks impression at a child’s birthday party. And then comes the twist: after a bender in Brooklyn with Tully, a sleep-deprived Marlo, drunk at the wheel, drives her car off a bridge and ends up in hospital, and we realise there was nobody else in the car. Her maiden name, we learn, was Tully.
ellauri119.html on line 168: During another one of their piano-related misadventures, Robin name-checks another Polish great, the famous pianist (and later Prime Minister of Poland), Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
ellauri131.html on line 754: During the peak of the Britpop era, Noel Gallagher was deemed by many — including Prime Minister Tony Blair (another nasty Tony) — to be the voice of his generation. Indeed, even if you weren't a fan of Oasis' Beatles-aping indie-rock, you could always appreciate a snappy one-liner from their raconteur guitarist. But a quarter of a century on and the older Gallagher brother is sounding like the kind of dinosaur he used to rally against.
ellauri143.html on line 59: On a day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the Thai translation of Thirukkural during his visit to Thailand, the official Twitter handle of the BJP’s Tamil Nadu unit released a picture of Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar clad in a saffron attire.
ellauri144.html on line 733: Jägarförbundets Martin Hallenberg är "ytterst besviken" att han och det övriga jägarkompaniet inte får "fälla" dvs döda för skojs skull hela 18 av de få resterade vargarna I Finland. Vittu sana "pettynyt" jo välittömästi paljastaa narsistisen kusipään. Att förflytta en vargstam till Centralparken däremot är en bra idé. Minister Leppä sku duga bra för vinteråtel åt valparna.
ellauri151.html on line 700:
Differences of the Ministries of Jesus and Paul

ellauri151.html on line 1074: Olen seurannut Muskia vuosia tarkkaan, ja uskon ize hänen pohjimmainen intohimonsa olevan aitoa. Minimissään kun hän tulee aiheuttamaan elämänsä aikana ihmiskunnalle niin poikkeuksellisen määrän hyvää, että saa tehdä perässä, jumalauta.
ellauri155.html on line 57: Ministeri Kiuru, onko suurin syynne tällaisen toimintanne jatkamiselle, että tiedätte joka tapauksessa joutuvanne syytteeseen jopa kansanmurhasta?”, Ano Turtiainen sanoi.
ellauri192.html on line 805: Мои ботинки лижут министры и вожди Ministers and leaders lick my boots.
ellauri192.html on line 828: Former Lyapis Trubetskoy and now Brutto front-man Sergei Mikhalok seeks a permanent residence permit in Ukraine but is to keep Belarus citizenship. Former front man of the Liapis Trubetskoy band and current singer at the Brutto band Sergei Mikhalok and his producer Anton Azizbekyan appealed to the Ukraine Minister of Culture to help them get a permanent residence in Ukraine.
ellauri194.html on line 635:
  • Pulok Chatterji – former bureaucrat and Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister of India (2011–2014)
    ellauri194.html on line 980: The Prime Minister said sorry with 'full humility' over the £50 fixed-penalty notice he received from Scotland Yard last week, in his first Commons appearance since the Easter break.
    ellauri194.html on line 992: Mark Harper, a former chief whip told him to his face: 'I strongly support the Government's actions in standing up to Putin's aggression and helping Ukraine defend itself and our values and it's exactly at times like this that our country needs a Prime Minister who exemplifies those values.
    ellauri194.html on line 993: 'I regret to say that we have a Prime Minister who broke the laws that he told the country they had to follow, hasn't been straightforward about it and is now going to ask the decent men and women on these benches to defend what I think is indefensible.
    ellauri194.html on line 995: He also confirmed he has submitted a letter of no confidence in the Prime Minister.
    ellauri213.html on line 311: The Sun ceased publishing topless Page 3 images in its Republic of Ireland edition in 2013, in its UK editions in 2015, and on its Page3.com website in 2017. The Daily Star also ceased publishing images of topless glamour models in 2019. However, these decisions were not necessarily a direct result of the No More Page 3 campaign. The then official photographer for Page 3, Alison Webster, also criticised the campaign, saying "people should be able to make their own choices". Prime Minister David Cameron replied, "I think on this one I think it is probably better to leave it to the consumer."
    ellauri217.html on line 262: Trustee Kadri-Helena onkin varmaan se ketku jutku Ben Gurion tms joka sai atomipommin teko-ohjeen heimoveljiltä jenkeistä. Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion was "nearly obsessed" with obtaining nuclear weapons to prevent the Holocaust from reoccurring. He stated, "What Einstein, Oppenheimer, and Teller, the three of them are Jews, made for the United States, could also be done by scientists in Israel, for their own people". Deborah Brand 3 Aug 2022 0 2:04 Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said this week Israel has "other capabilities" against threats from Iran, in a rare allusion to the country's widely reported nuclear stockpile.
    ellauri219.html on line 82:
  • Sir Robert Peel (19th century British Prime Minister)
    ellauri219.html on line 275: A founder of the modern Conservative Party, Sir Robert Peel served as the UK’s Prime Minister on two separate occasions, 1834-35 and 1841-46. While he served as the UK’s Home Secretary, Peel also helped form the modern police force – and his name is still evoked today, with the terms “bobbies” and “peelers” referring to policemen in England and Ireland, respectively.
    ellauri219.html on line 819: Hence a phrase little remarked on now, let alone Googlable, but very revealing. On the eve of the First Gulf War, the Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans made a speech defending the need to go to war to safeguard Kuwait as a sovereign state.
    ellauri221.html on line 71: The club was founded in 1762 by William Petty Fitzmaurice, then-Earl of Shelburne, who would later become Marquess of Lansdowne and then Prime Minister from 1782-1783. The club’s initial location was on Pall Mall, a street in the Westminster area of central London, before moving to its current location on St. James’s Street in 1782, a street adjoining Pall Mall.
    ellauri221.html on line 73: The club’s name derives from its head waiter, Edward Poodle. Poodles quickly built up a prestigious reputation among London’s powerful and wealthy classes, and its membership reflected this, numbering numerous politicians and members of the British aristocracy. Members have included former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, John Perfumo (a politician who resigned after the notorious Perfumo affair scandal, whereby he was revealed as having an affair with 19-year-old model Helen Keller), philosopher David Hume, economist and philosopher Adam Smith, and author Ian Fleming, creator of the world’s most famous fictional spy, James Bond.
    ellauri240.html on line 211: Peyton Place was banned in many communities; in fact, the local public library refused to purchase a copy of the book and did not have one until 1976, when newswoman Barbara Walters donated one to them. In Gilmanton there were threats of libel suits against Grace Metalious. Ministers and political leaders all over the country condemned the novel, claiming that it would corrupt the morals of young people who read it. The novel was banned altogether in Canada and several other countries.
    ellauri243.html on line 219: In the 1995 The Simpsons episode "Bart vs. Australia", Bart reveals in an act of "patriotism" the phrase "Don't Tread On Me" written across his buttocks when he is supposed to be kicked by the Australian Prime Minister as a punishment.
    ellauri243.html on line 714: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG, PC, DL, JP, FRS, SOB (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish origin.
    ellauri245.html on line 672: In 2009, Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen visited the Congo to observe the conflict. She agreed to send 2 Norwegian guys to supply manpower to the United Nations peace-keeping forces during the Kivu conflict.
    ellauri245.html on line 675: Jonas Gahr Støre, Norway´s Foreign Minister said: "I strongly react to the death sentence of two Norwegians ... Norway is a principled opponent of the death penalty and I will contact the DRC's foreign minister to gabble about this." According to Bloomberg.com "Norway also objected to the espionage conviction and the inclusion of the country in the fine, Stoere [sic] said. 'Norway isn't a part of this case.'" Sick. It is more than obvious that she was.
    ellauri254.html on line 488: Ab 1907 ist eine Zäsur in Georges Kunstbegriff zu erkennen. Seine Werke entsprachen nicht mehr dem Anspruch der sogenannten selbstgenügsamen Kunst, sondern gewannen zunehmend einen prophetischen und religiösen Charakter. Fortan fungierte George zunehmend als ästhetischer Richter oder Ankläger, der gegen eine Zeit der Verflachung anzukämpfen versuchte. Anlass hierzu war vor allem die Begegnung Georges mit dem vierzehnjährigen Maximilian Kronberger 1902 in München. Nach dem plötzlichen Tod Kronbergers 1904 an Arschverblütung stellte George ein Gedenkbuch zusammen, das 1906 mit einer Vorrede erschien, in der „Maximin“ (so nennt ihn George) zum Gott erhoben wurde, der „in unsere Kreise getreten war“. Inwiefern dieser „Maximin-Kult“ tatsächlich ein gemeinsamer des Kreises war oder eher ein privater Georges, der dadurch, dass er die Göttlichkeit Maximins erkannt hatte, seine eigene zentrale Stellung rechtfertigen wollte, ist schwierig zu rekonstruieren. Minimax olis ollut turvallisempi strategia, kuiten von Neumann ja Morgenstern ovat osoittaneet. Maxi muna miniin reikään tuottaa vahinkoa, mini muna maxissa reiässä ei ehkä paljon anna, muttei otakaan.
    ellauri262.html on line 132: Brandon Vogt on 12 kirjan bestseller-kirjailija, ClaritasU :n ja Chesterton Academy of Orlandon perustaja sekä piispa Robert Barronin Word on Fire Catholic Ministries -julkaisun vanhempi julkaisujohtaja .
    ellauri264.html on line 433: The festival´s chair, Caroline Michel stated on 18 October 2020 that the event would not return to Abu Dhabi, in support of a curator Caitlin McNamara´s allegation of sexual assault against the tolerance minister of UAE, Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan. McNamara claimed that she was assaulted by the minister when they met at a remote island villa in February 2019 concerning work. The Emirati Foreign Ministry declined to comment on personal matters. When reached out, Britain´s Metropolitan Police confirmed receiving a report of alleged rape on July 3 by a woman. Rape by a woman, WTF??? In November 2020, Caitlin McNamara vowed to fight on following the CPS October 2020 decision to not prosecute the UAE minister because the alleged attack had occurred outside its jurisdiction. McNamara said the decision sent a message to Sheikh Nahyan and others who commit similar crimes "that as long as they´re of economic value to the UK, they can do whatever they want". In an interview with The Sunday Times McNamara said she felt "abandoned" by the Hay Festival, and in an interview on Channel 4 stated that "mistakes" had been made in the way the festival handled her reporting the sexual assault to them which were "very distressing". What a pile of turds.
    ellauri269.html on line 349: Because it operates in support of Russian interests, receives military equipment from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) and uses installations of MoD for training, Wagner Group is frequently considered a de facto unit of the MoD or Russia's military intelligence agency, the GRU. It is widely speculated that the Wagner Group is used by the Russian government to allow for plausible deniability in certain conflicts, and to obscure from public the number of casualties and financial costs of Russia's foreign interventions. It has played a significant role in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, where, among other activities, it has been reportedly deployed to assassinate Ukrainian leaders, and has widely recruited prisoners and convicts for frontline combat. In December 2022, Pentagon's John Kirby claimed Wagner group has 50,000 fighters in Ukraine, including 10,000 contractors and 40,000 convicts. Others put the number of recruited prisoners at more like 20,000, with the overall number of PMCs present in Ukraine estimated at 20,000. After years of denying links to the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a businessman with close links to Putin, admitted in September 2022 that he "founded" the paramilitary group. Now (Feb 2023) he is angry because he is not getting all the attention and financial support he wants. He says that the Kreml nomenclature are thereby guilty of high treason. *This article may be too long to read and navigate comfortably, so I stop here.
    ellauri275.html on line 428: Meanwhile, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova reacted to a statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell criticizing “Russian Law” and said: “Borrel said that the foreign agents’ law that sparked protests in Tbilisi was incompatible with EU values. Now we understand why the U.S. is not yet in the European Union – there the law has been in force there since 1938.”
    ellauri277.html on line 138: Gibran piti ensimmäisen taidenäyttelynsä piirustuksistaan ​​tammikuussa 1904 Bostonissa Dayn studiossa. Tämän näyttelyn aikana Gibran tapasi Mary Haskellin, yhdeksän vuotta häntä vanhemman tyttökoulun rehtorin kaupungissa. Kaksikko solmi ystävyyden, joka kesti Gibranin loppuelämän. Haskell käytti suuria summia Gibranin tukemiseen ja toimitti myös kaikkia hänen englanninkielisiä kirjoituksiaan. Heidän romanttisen suhteensa luonne jää epäselväksi, vaikka jotkut elämäkerran kirjoittajat väittävät, että he olivat rakastavaisia mutta eivät koskaan menneet naimisiin, koska Haskellin perhe vastusti. Alusvaatteista saadut todisteet viittaavat siihen, että heidän suhteensa ei koskaan toteutunut fyysisesti. Gibran ja Haskell olivat lyhyesti kihloissa vuosien 1910 ja 1911 välillä. Joseph P. Ghougassianin mukaan Gibran oli kosinut häntä koska "ei tiennyt kuinka muuten maksaa takaisin kiitokseksi neiti Haskellille", mutta Haskell keskeytti yhdynnän tehden "hänelle selväksi, että hän piti hänen ystävyydestään ennen kuin raskasta sidettä mamuavioliitossa." Haskell meni myöhemmin naimisiin Jacob Florance Minisin kanssa vuonna 1926, samalla kun hän pysyi Gibranin läheisenä ystävänä, suojelijana ja hyväntekijänä ja käytti Jacobin vaikutusvaltaa Kallen uran edistämiseen.
    ellauri277.html on line 244: In 1923 the financially and emotionally exhausted Haskell moved to Savannah, Georgia, and became the companion of an elderly widower, Colonel Jacob Florence Minis. But her faith in Gibran’s literary and artistic importance never wavered, and she continued to edit his English manuscripts—discreetly, since Minis did not approve of Gibran.
    ellauri278.html on line 155: He is known as a state prosecutor of Joseph Stalin's Moscow Trials and in the Nuremberg trials. He was the Soviet Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1953, after having served as Deputy Foreign Minister under Vyacheslav Molotov since 1940.
    ellauri278.html on line 196: Chicherin followed a pro-German foreign policy in line with his anti-British attitudes, which he had developed during his time in the Foreign Ministry, when Britain was blocking Russian expansion in Asia. Chicherin is thought to have had more phone conversations with Lenin than anyone else. When Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924, Chicherin remained foreign minister, and Stalin valued his opinions.
    ellauri278.html on line 208: In January 1908, French police arrested Litvinov under the name Meer Wallach while carrying twelve 500-ruble banknotes that had been stolen in a bank robbery in Tiflis the year before. The Russian government demanded his extradition but the French Minister for Justice Aristide Briand ruled Litvinov´s crime was political and ordered him to be deported. He went to Belfast, Ireland, where he joined his sister Rifka and her family. There, he taught foreign languages in the Jewish Jaffe Public Elementary School until 1910.
    ellauri278.html on line 238: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
    ellauri278.html on line 262: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
    ellauri281.html on line 154: He is known as a state prosecutor of Joseph Stalin's Moscow Trials and in the Nuremberg trials. He was the Soviet Foreign Minister from 1949 to 1953, after having served as Deputy Foreign Minister under Vyacheslav Molotov since 1940.
    ellauri281.html on line 195: Chicherin followed a pro-German foreign policy in line with his anti-British attitudes, which he had developed during his time in the Foreign Ministry, when Britain was blocking Russian expansion in Asia. Chicherin is thought to have had more phone conversations with Lenin than anyone else. When Joseph Stalin replaced Lenin in 1924, Chicherin remained foreign minister, and Stalin valued his opinions.
    ellauri281.html on line 207: In January 1908, French police arrested Litvinov under the name Meer Wallach while carrying twelve 500-ruble banknotes that had been stolen in a bank robbery in Tiflis the year before. The Russian government demanded his extradition but the French Minister for Justice Aristide Briand ruled Litvinov´s crime was political and ordered him to be deported. He went to Belfast, Ireland, where he joined his sister Rifka and her family. There, he taught foreign languages in the Jewish Jaffe Public Elementary School until 1910.
    ellauri281.html on line 237: Litvinov myönsi että Molotov-Ribbentrop sopimus oli ryssiltä hyvä ratkaisu siinä tapauksessa, vaikka aina hyvä ratkaisu on Kaleva-puku. The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact was a non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union that enabled those powers to partition Eastern Europe between them. The pact was signed in Moscow on 23 August 1939 by German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop and Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov and was officially known as the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Unofficially, it has also been referred to as the Hitler–Stalin Pact, Nazi–Soviet Pact or Nazi–Soviet Alliance.
    ellauri281.html on line 261: Maxim Litvinov died on on 31 December 1951. After his death, rumours he was murdered on Stalin´s instructions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs circulated. According to Anastas Mikoyan, alorry deliberately collided with Litvinov´s car as it rounded a bend near the Litvinov dacha on 31 December 1951, and he later died of his injuries. British television journalist Tim Tzouliadis stated; "The assassination of Litvinov marked an intensification of Stalin´s anti-Semitic campaign". According to Litvinov´s wife and daughter, however, Stalin was still on good terms with Litvinov at the time of his death. They said he had serious heart problems and was given the best treatment available during the final weeks of his life, and that he died from a heart attack on 31 December 1951. After Litvinov´s death, his widow Ivy remained in the Soviet Union until she returned to live in Britain in 1972.
    ellauri284.html on line 602: On Monday, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be at the White House to meet with President Trump. It will be exactly the sort of moment that makes ethics experts, worried about the conflation of Trump’s business abroad with his oversight of U.S. foreign policy, especially alarmed.
    ellauri299.html on line 93: In 2011 the Journalists Dan Margalit, Ronen Bergman published a book, in which they claimed that Israel's Shayetet 13 unit, was responsible for the bombing of the Sol Phryne. And that Israel's Minister of Education Yoav Galant was the commander of the operation. The mockies of course deny everything.
    ellauri299.html on line 417: Minimistiveli Marin Mersenne (1588–1648) näytteli keskeistä roolia 1700-luvun ensimmäisen puoliskon ranskalaisessa henkisessä elämässä. Aikana, jolloin tieteellisistä aikakauslehdistä puuttui vielä kovasti, häntä kutsuttiin oikeutetusti "Oppineen Euroopan sihteeriksi" ( "le secrétaire de l'Europe savante ". Mersennes oli Cartesiuxen pyllynnuolija.
    ellauri299.html on line 430: Vaikka Mersenne oli Quaestionesissa vihjannut tulevasta toisesta teoksesta (" perfectum opus "), sitä ei koskaan kirjoitettu. Minimalisti alkoi tulla vanhemmiten epäilevälle kannalle. Ei sitä ehkä voikaan todistaa more geometrico. Mersenne vastusti ajatusta äärettömästä universumista. Giordano Brunon väittämän kaltainen ääretön maailma olisi liian lähellä välttämätöntä Jumalan emanaatiota. Jumala oli kuitenkin vapaa tekemään mitä lystäsi.
    ellauri309.html on line 483: Ministriesin työntekijät tekevät säännöllisesti hänen tyttäriensä läksyjä,
    ellauri310.html on line 631: Ryōichi Sasakawa (笹川 良一, Sasakawa Ryōichi, 4. toukokuuta 1899 Mini City, Osaka – 18. heinäkuuta 1995 Tokio) oli japanilainen rikollinen ja epäilyttävä liikemies, äärioikeistolainen poliitikko ja hyväntekijä. Hän syntyi Minohissa Osakassa. 1930-luvulla ja toisen maailmansodan aikana hän oli aktiivinen sekä rahoituksen että politiikan parissa ja tuki aktiivisesti Japanin sotaponnisteluja, mukaan lukien omien puolisotilaallisten yksikköjensä kunnon nostaminen. Hänet valittiin Japanin parlamenttiin sodan aikana. Japanin tappion jälkeen hänet vangittiin joksikin aikaa, häntä syytettiin vetelästi sotarikoksista, ja sitten hän saavutti taloudellista menestystä erilaisissa yrityshankkeissa, mukaan lukien moottorivene-ajopelit (Kyōtei) ja laivanrakennus. Hän tuki antikommunistista toimintaa, mukaan lukien Maailman antikommunistinen liitto.
    ellauri310.html on line 927: The Ukrainian Defense Minister, Oleksii Reznikov admitted on Thursday that Kyiv is fighting against Russia to fulfill NATO's mission.
    ellauri311.html on line 658: from Kremlin! [Perhaps a reference to Jacinda Ardern? New Zealand's Prime Minister has warned the West not to cast Russia's invasion of Ukraine as a broader battle between autocracy and democracy, saying it could undermine efforts to get China to help ramp-up pressure on Moscow.]
    ellauri318.html on line 387: Att ett ojämlikt land som USA har större tillgång på ”enkla” skitjobb är en förklaring till att nyanlända har jämförelsevis lätt att etablera sig på dess arbetsmarknad. Minimilönerna i angloamerikanska länder ligger lägre och anställningsskyddet är sämre jämfört med Sverige, vilket innebär att trösklarna till arbetsmarknaden är lägre. De sociala trygghetsnäten är mest generösa i Sverige och Storbritannien och minst generösa i USA vilket innebär att de tvingande incitamenten att arbeta är kraftigare i USA. Allt är helt enkelt bättre där.
    ellauri326.html on line 440: Israel refused to send lethal weapons to Ukraine. In June 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that "We’re concerned also with the possibility that systems that we would give to Ukraine would fall into Iranian hands and could be reverse engineered, and we would find ourselves facing Israeli systems used against Israel. Besides, we need them here to chase out the diaper heads." Penny fuckers!
    ellauri333.html on line 243: In India, it is now openly acknowledged that the state is capitalist. That it is also male may not be openly stated as such, but is getting clearer by the day. And now a new belligerent face of Hanuman, replacing the earlier one of a genial monkey god, erupts through this fissure. According to reports, Karan Acharya, a 29-year-old graphic designer from Kerala now based in Mangaluru, generated this image of an angry Hanuman playfully and for free for his friends. And yes, he was very pleased when he heard that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had appreciated the new-look Hanuman at an election rally in Karnataka earlier this month.
    ellauri334.html on line 430: Itäraja|Onko muutama kymmenen tulijaa itä­rajalla ”vakava uhka” Suomelle? Ministeri Adlercreutz kommentoi.
    ellauri346.html on line 302: The spending spree allegedly occurred during Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the United States and Canada in September 2023. On Sept. 22 — the day of the purported Cartier spending spree in New York — Zelenskyy addressed the Canadian Parliament alongside Zelenska and participated in a rally with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau later that night. The couple returned to Ukraine following that event. For these reasons, the Cartier trip could not have occurred on Sept. 22, as indicated in the viral video, and almost certainly, based on how packed both of their schedules were, could not have occurred on any of the days prior to that — at least not without fake media attention.
    ellauri350.html on line 117: JUURI NYT Ministeri Mykkänen: Tämä viikko konkretisoi, miksi tarvitsemme lisää ydinvoimaa. Sielun peili ei ole silmät vaan sisustus. Ehdottomasti tarvitaan kaksi kappalein kaikkea ja sänkyyn oma exit. Miten sen feng shuin laita olikaan täydellisessä deittikodissa? Vimpanpäälle yöpöytää näkee vain Töölön roskalavoilla ja unissaan. Siispä hyvää yötä toivottavat Hennariikka, Amelie ja
    ellauri355.html on line 88: On 24 August 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev created the so-called "Committee for the Operational Management of the Soviet Economy" (Комитет по оперативному управлению народным хозяйством СССР), to replace the USSR Cabinet of Ministers headed by Valentin Pavlov, a GKChP member. Russian Prime Minister Ivan Silayev headed the committee. Gorbachev's decree on replacing the Cabinet of Ministers was illegal under Soviet law as it required approval from the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, but no approval by the Supreme Soviet was ever given.
    ellauri355.html on line 100: Dmitry Timofeyevich Yazov (Russian: Дми́трий Тимофе́евич Я́зов; 8 November 1924 – 25 February 2020) was a Marshal of the Soviet Union. A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Yazov served as Minister of Defence from 1987 until he was arrested for his part in the 1991 August Coup, four months before the fall of the Soviet Union. Yazov was the last person to be appointed to the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union on 28 April 1990, the only Marshal born in Siberia, and at the time of his death on 25 February 2020, he was the last living Marshal of the Soviet Union. Now they are no marshals left in Soviet Union.
    ellauri365.html on line 309: Tekijä: Greg Gaines, Isä / Isoisä / Ministeri / Lähetyssaarnaaja / Diakoni / Vanhin / Kirjailija / Digitaalinen Lähetyssaarnaaja / Sijaisvanhemmat / Tervetuloa perheeseemme!
    ellauri371.html on line 276: Toimielimet ja niiden tehtävät. Eri nimillä niitä on noin kaikissa maissa yksi ja sama: Edustusto, Ministeriö, Se- nap, valtioneuvosto, lainsäädäntö- ja toimeenpaneva joukko. Minun ei tarvitse selittää sinulle näiden instituutioiden välisiä suhteita keskenään, alkaen tiedät tämän hyvin; kiinnitä sitten huomiota että jokainen näistä instituutioista on vastuussa jonkinlaisesta tärkeälle valtion tehtävälle, ja kysyn vaan mille. Huomaa, että viittaan sanaan "tärkeä" tietylle laitokselle odotettavissa olevana funktiona, joten ei ole vahvistettu, - meille, mutta niiden tehtävät ovat huisin tärkeitä. Toimielimet jakautuvat keskenään ja sisältää kaikki hallintatoiminnot: hallinto, lainsäädäntä-, toimeenpanovaltaisia, niin niistä tuli toimivia osia
    ellauri381.html on line 162: In April 2014, more information about the activity of the Banderovites was revealed in documents declassified by the Russian Ministry of Defense. These documents shed new light on the activities of the Banderovites and their logistical support of the German occupying forces, as well as their role in carrying out ethnic cleansing.
    ellauri381.html on line 175: Read more: Russian Defense Ministry declassifies WWII documents on Ukrainian nationalists>>>
    ellauri381.html on line 628: Relations between the U.S. and Bulgaria had gone from merely chilly to bitterly cold. In Sofia, U.S. Minister Donald Heath was harassed and insulted by Bulgarian officials. They demanded his recall. When Washington protested, it got only smiling evasions from Bulgarian Chargé d'Affaires Peter Voutov in Washington, sullen silence from Sofia. Last week, his patience exhausted, Secretary of State Dean Acheson broke off diplomatic relations with Russia's Balkan satellite (which was a Nazi satellite before that).
    ellauri393.html on line 330: Kuten alkuperäisen kuvan tapauksessa, kuvaus tapahtui Krimillä, ei Pohjois-Kaukasiassa. Tunnuslause: "Historia toistaa itseään!" Suurin osa elokuvasta kuvattiin Krimin eri alueilla. Siten näytöillä näkyvät Demerdzhin, Alushtatalouden, Simferopolin, Luchystyn, Kuibyshevyn, ja Visokyen maisemat. Also, the ending of the story was changed. Vladimir Medinsky, Russia's Minister of Culture, promised not to provide any further funding for Voronkov's films after an appeal from YouTube critic BadComedian. Voronkov has not directed another film since. To top it all, the film was also a flop at the box office, collecting $179,843 on a budget of $3.5 million.
    ellauri395.html on line 580: Sons of Thunder Ministries & Publicationsin toimitusjohtaja · Kokemus: Isocucco ja Cana New Wine Seminary · Koulutus: Georgian yliopisto · Sijainti.
    ellauri395.html on line 1267: Kenneth Copeland (s. 6. joulukuuta 1936, Lubbock Texas) on jäyhäleukaisesti virnistävä  86-vuotias  kristitty televisioevankelista ja uskonnollisen Kenneth Copeland Ministries (KCM) -organisaation perustaja. Copeland lukeutuu karismaattiseen liikkeeseen. Hän on tunnettu kiistanalaisesta opetuksestaan, jota on myös sanottu menestysteologiaksi. Silver and gold we have plenty, unlike nelisormi Pete. Copeland kääntyi kristinuskoon marraskuussa 1962 ja toimi aluksi Oral Robertsin lentäjänä. Sillä on ollut 3 narttua, (Ivy Bodisock dm. 1955; div. 1958)​, Cynthia Davis (m. 1958; div. 1961) ja Gloria Neece (m. 1963).
    ellauri395.html on line 1272: Hänen työnsä on ollut kiistanalainen, ja hän on arvostellut hänen ylenpalttista elämäntapaansa, sekä hänen kannattamistaan ​​poliittisista ehdokkaista ja lausunnoista, jotka yhdistävät tuhkarokkorokotteet autismiin. COVID-19-pandemian alussa hän väitti, että pandemia oli päättynyt tai loppuisi pian ja että hänen seuraajansa parantuisivat viruksesta. Hän rohkaisi seuraajiaan jatkamaan lahjoittamista hänen palvelukseensa, vaikka he olisivat menettäneet työpaikkansa. Hänen ministeriönsä on saanut kiitosta ja kritiikkiä Israelin julkisesta tuesta vuosien ajan. Se toimi iskelmälaulajana ja sitten Oral B Roberz-vainaan kuskina.  Hänessä on ainesta lentäjäxi, sanoi hammasharja. Osallistuttuaan Kenneth E. Haginin pastoriseminaariin Copeland ja hänen vaimonsa Gloria perustivat vuonna 1967 Kenneth Copeland Ministriesin (KCM) Fort Worthiin, Texasiin.  Palvelun motto on "Jeesus on Herra".
    ellauri395.html on line 1305: Copeland on kerännyt uransa aikana huomattavaa varallisuutta ja on kutsunut itseään "erittäin varakkaaksi mieheksi". Jotkin lähteet väittivät vuonna 2021 Copelandin olevan Amerikan rikkain pastori 750 miljoonan dollarin nettovarallisuudella. Köyhiltä kerätyt rahat menevät Copelandin yxityisiin suihkukoneisiin. Koronan aikana hän väitti tuhoavansa viruksen "Jumalan ruskean tuulen" avulla. Ailka paljon paalua on kerännyt myös georgialainen teleneekeri Creflo Dollari. Ministeriöt ovat USAssa verovapaita, kuha ne ei rikastuta pastoreita ylenmääräisesti. Näin ei hallituxen selvitysmiehen mukaan koskaan tapahtunut. Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk.”
    ellauri395.html on line 1311: Hagin meni nukkumaan lauantaina 13. syyskuuta hyvinvointinsa voimalla hänen ministeriönsä tiedotteen mukaan. Hän istui aamiaispöydässä sunnuntaiaamuna ja hymyili vaimolleen Orethalle, sitten huokaisi ja hänen päänsä putosi rintaansa vasten. Hän kuoli perjantaina 19. syyskuuta 2003 86-vuotiaana. Hänen poikansa Kenneth Wayne Hagin on tällä hetkellä Rhema Bible Church -seurakunnan pastori ja Kenneth Hagin Ministriesin presidentti.
    ellauri395.html on line 1313: Sillä välillä Haginista tuli ökyrikas ministeriönsä presidenttinä. Hagin aloitti kiertävän palvelutyön Raamatun opettajana ja evankelistana vuonna 1949 Jeesuksen yllättävän 2. ilmestymisen jälkeen Oklahomassa. Hän liittyi Voice of Healing Revival -järjestöön Yhdysvalloissa Oral Robertsin , Gordon Lindsayn ja Ozzy Osbornin kanssa vuosina 1947-1958. 23. tammikuuta 1963 hän perusti Kenneth E. Hagin Evangelistic Associationin (nykyisin Kenneth Hagin Ministries) Garlandissa, Texasissa. Syyskuussa 1966 ministeriön toimistot siirrettiin Tulsaan, Oklahomaan, tiloihin, joita aiemmin käytti Ozzy Osborn. Hän aloitti saarnojensa myynnin kelalta kelalle nauhalla vuonna 1966. Saman vuoden marraskuussa hän opetti ensimmäistä kertaa radiossa KSKY: ssä Dallasissa. Siitä lähtien se oli pelkkää myötämäkeä.
    ellauri398.html on line 966: ollut vain 1/4 jumala, joten ketä kiinnostaa. Varmin pelitapa on sitäpaizi Minimax.
    ellauri398.html on line 1210: For more on this subject, refer to Natan’s article entitled, “Is America in End-Times Bible Prophecy?” (http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/pdfs/america.pdf). What Scripture Prophecies Will Happen To America Just Prior To The Second Coming? By Ja´acov Natan Lawrence, Waters In The Wilderness, A Teaching Ministry of Hoshsna Rabbah Messianic Discipleship Resources.
    ellauri406.html on line 246: Twenty years ago, a mob of radical nationalists attacked Russian-speaking people in Odessa. Dozens of people were killed in a building that the russophobic Banderites had attacked and set on fire. After the crime, Prime Minister Yatsenuk (“Yats”), who was de facto appointed by Victoria “Fuck the EU” Nuland, the US government’s string-puller in the Maidan coup, visited the crime scene and showed his true colors. If he had been the prime minister for all the people, he would have shown compassion for the victims, condemned the murderers and vowed to bring them to justice. Instead, he excused the crime by spreading an unfounded conspiracy theory against Russia and taking a hostile stance by portraying the case as part of the war against Russia.
    ellauri419.html on line 81: Kaksi hollantilaista lähetyssaarnaajaa, jotka puhuivat sujuvasti paikallisia kieliä ja jotka olivat asuneet alueella vuosia, keräsivät suuren määrän todistusta todistajilta. Useat kyläläiset kertoivat, että Rockefeller vedettiin pois vedestä vain valkoiset jamihousut päällä, ja huolimatta kiistasta, pitäisikö hänet paistaa vaiko keittää, häntä puukotettiin ei-kuolettavasti vatsaan ja hänet lopetettiin myöhemmin jossain Jawor-joen varrella. Joulukuussa 1961 neljä paikallista kertoi ministeri Hubertus von Peijille, että Rockefellerin jäännökset ja henkilökohtaiset tavarat, mukaan lukien hänen päänsä, pitkät luut, kylkiluut, shortsit ja silmälasit, oli jaettu 15 Asmatin kesken. Ministerit ilmaisivat erittäin suuren moraalisen varmuuden siitä, että paikalliset soturit olivat tappaneet Rockefellerin.
    ellauri420.html on line 317: You won’t know this, of course, relying on your five senses. Ministry can be not only exhausting, but depleting. And then when you’re at your lowest ebb, Satan stirs the pot. He plays his trump card. He calls your attention not merely to your sins, but to the frightening developments around you and the fearsome unknown future ahead of you. All of these are things you can see, and hear, and touch, and feel. Any one of them can be terrifying enough, but collectively they will do you in. For left to your own devices, you will most certainly cave and give up.
    xxx/ellauri027.html on line 70: Vaan 1 tyttö, se on kyllä aika setämiestä. Minionitkin näyttää pikkumiehiltä, nottei vielä mahtavasti olla edistytty siinä asiassa. 1 token tyttö pilaa jo all male paneelin. Vanhempia naisia nyt ainakaan ei tarvi mihinkään. Peukuilla tasa-arvokysymys oli ratkaistu sillä että ne oli "muita", kaxineuvoisia kuin etanat. Minioneista näkee kyllä miten väestöntiheys on kasvanut mun elinaikana.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 117: At the behest of the Kazakh Ministry of Information, reporter Borat Sagdiyev leaves Kazakhstan for the "US and A", the "Greatest Country in the World", to make a documentary about American society and culture. He leaves behind his wife, Oksana; his companions are his producer, Azamat Bagatov, and a pet hen.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 143: After fourteen years of forced labor in a gulag for the dishonor inflicted on his country in his previous adventure, Kazakh journalist Borat Sagdiyev is released by his country's president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, with a mission to deliver Kazakh Minister of Culture (and Kazakhstan's most famous porn actor) Johnny the Monkey to President Donald Trump in an attempt to redeem the nation. Unable to get close to Trump after defecating in the landscaping of Trump International Hotel and Tower in the previous film, Borat opts to give the monkey to Vice President Mike Pence. Before he leaves, he discovers that his arch nemesis neighbor, Nursultan Tulyakbay, has stolen his family and home, and that he has a fifteen-year-old daughter, Tutar, who lives in his barn.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 39: Among the gayest apostles were Tennyson (the poet), William Cory (who reportedly had an affair with the future Prime Minister Earl of Rosebery), E. M. Forster, John Maynard Keynes, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Lytton Strachey, Rupert Brooke, Guy Burgess and Anthony Blunt.
    xxx/ellauri084.html on line 47: A. J. Balfour (UK Prime Minister who gives his name to the Balfour Declaration),
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 600: A letter from the queen's lover has been stolen from her boudoir by the unscrupulous Minister D—. D— was in the room, saw the letter, and switched it for a letter of no importance. He has been blackmailing the queen.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 604: The contents of the letter have not been revealed, as this would have led to certain circumstances that have not arisen. Therefore, Minister D— still has the letter in his possession.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 612: Alone together, the narrator asks Dupin how he found the letter. Dupin explains the Paris police are competent within their limitations, but have underestimated with whom they are dealing. The prefect mistakes the Minister D— for a fool because he is a poet. (Siis kumpi on? Perfekti vai ministeri Dee? No Poe on ainakin, senhän sanoo nimikin, Poe-t. Ja hölmökin se on.) For example, Dupin explains how an eight-year-old boy made a small fortune from his friends at a game called Odds and Evens. The boy had determined the intelligence of his opponents and played upon that to interpret their next move. Tästä aiheesta on valtava amer. kirjallisuus, koskien vangin dilemman toistoja. He explains that D— knew the police detectives would have assumed that the blackmailer would have concealed the letter in an elaborate hiding place, and thus hid it in plain sight.
    xxx/ellauri086.html on line 643: Hemmetti tässähän jää jenkkisaippuasarjat lähtöviivalle. Mut joo mä tiedän nyt mitä Poe tarkoittaa: Ministeri Dee oli niinko Atreus joka syötti Thyesteen pojat sille lounaaxi, ja Dupin on sit niinko Thyestes, joka bylsi omaa tytärtään. Kuinka ovelaa!
    xxx/ellauri091.html on line 363: Left: Income equality; higher tax rates on the wealthy; government spending on social programs and infrastructure; stronger regulations on business. Minimum wages and some redistribution of wealth.

    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 323: James "Jim" Polk was the long time editorial director of House of Anansi Press and edited two books by Charles Taylor, as well as work by Margaret Atwood, George Grant, Northrop Frye, and many others. With a literature PhD (which Peggy never finished) he has taught at Harvard, Idaho, Ryerson and Alberta, and has written a comic novel, a stage comedy about Canadian publishing, articles, short stories, and criticism about Canadian writers and writing. As an advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Culture, he worked on grants for theatre and books, developed a tax credit for publishers and remodelled the Trillium Book Prize to include Franco Ontarian writing. He lives in Toronto and, trained as a pianist, still practices daily, playing classics and show-tunes in seclusion.
    xxx/ellauri121.html on line 452: Kuvassa joku pitää kättä rukoilijan päällä siunausasennossa kuin Seija Maxin päällä Vivamossa rippikoulun päättäjäisissä. Se on Lohjalla, josta ostimme eilen Annabella-perunoita ja hyvin happamia karviaisia. Happamia, sanoi Kimmo karviaisista Lohjan torilla. Oli sekin kanssa pelleilyä. Ja paljonpa hyötyä oli siitä Maxille, joka ei osaa nimien pudottelun taitoa. Ei Mikollakaan ole vakinaista paikkaa Nokialla, vaan se on vuokratyöläinen, niinkuin oli John Ruozissa traktorifirmassa. Hemmetin Mrs. Bucket. Jöns kävi Simo Juvan maalla Vivamossa Miniaatossa. Kristinalla ja Petterillä oli valkoiset piziessut Bishops Innissä Tyrvännössä. Tyrvännössä oli paksut lyijykynät kiinni seinässä ketjulla etteivät ne lasten kajotessa joutuisi hävyxiin. Jokaisella oli oma tunnusväri: Kristinalla keltainen, Jönsillä sininen, mulla punainen ja Petterillä vihreä. Saarennon kerrossängyn pohjaan oli lyijykynällä kirjoitettu jotakin, en muista enää mitä. Sen näki kun nukkui alasängyssä. Äidin mielestä mulle ei sovi vihreä, tekee musta kalpean. En saanut koskaan vihreitä vaatteita. Bugger it.
    xxx/ellauri122.html on line 984: ``The Holocaust is a national and historic trauma and a split over it could create an irrevocable rift in our people,″ Culture Minister Shulamit Aloni of the liberal Meretz party said.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 71: Hon tjänar motsvarande 1 100 kronor i månaden efter all övertid. Minimilönen är 600 kronor.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 295:


    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 297: Vuonna 2018 ensiesityksen saanut Juhani Minimani on dokumentti kauppias Juhani Metsärannasta (20.7.1935-4.10.2019), paimenpoikana aloittaneesta ja käärmeennahkan luoneesta seinäjokelaisesta yrittäjästä sekä hänen perheestään. Dokumentti nähdään nyt uusintana AlfaTV:llä keskiviikkona 12.5.2021 klo 17.00. Yhteistyössä AlfaTV & Minimani.
    xxx/ellauri123.html on line 342: Kovalevyni. (Läppä läppä. On mulla Calvin Klein kalsaritkin vielä pyllyverhona. Vinkeältä tuoxuvat kun ei ole vaihtoparia. Ja IPhone niiden pyllytaskussa. Mitä muut ajattelisivat jos heittäisin nekin. Minimalisti ja naturisti on eri höbbyjä.)
    xxx/ellauri124.html on line 337: Overreacting Every Conversation Makes You Upset She Minimizes Your Achievements
    xxx/ellauri125.html on line 288: CyHi The Prynce’s Spotify Account May Offer A Glimpse Into Kanye West’s Scrapped ‘Yeezus 2’ Album :) Kim is the real Minimum Viable Product.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 178: on junteille. Minimalistinen koti on ihana ja kaunis, mutta jos huoneesta puuttuu
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 661: He later became DIRECTOR of the Department of Community Health in the Ministry of Health and Deputy Director of Primary Care.
    xxx/ellauri127.html on line 672: He was a Scientific Advisor and representative of the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica in Science and Technology (1990-1994).
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 105: Vaakku ilmeisesti piti vastustelevista runotytöistä. Sama predilektio näkyy mom and son videoissa: "mami" pyristelee vastaan alussa, mutta panee vastaan tarmokkaasti loppupeleissä. Haista-paska kappalainen Capellanus näyttää olleen Vaakun lemppareita. Ruma Honoré de Balzac oli kanssa kova panomies, tosin se sai työntää vasta maxettuaan runsaasti. Paul Bourget oli varsinainen pahis, kuten jo tiedetään. Näissä hanuissa on hurjasti narsisteja. Chardonne eli puteli-Jaakko oli Vaakun poliittinen virkaveli. Cicero oli tyhmä snobi kikhernekauppias. Disraeli Tears oli poikkeuxellisesti hölmö jutku. Dosto komppaa Catullusta Karamazoveissa tän suositun vihaava rakkaus-aiheen suhteen. Duclos näyttää olleen paskiainen miehexeen. Hemmetin paljon on näitä koiraan lisääntymisstrategia-aiheita, missä rakkautta piisaa just niin kauan että pääsee luukulle, ja sitten alkaa jo huooh ikävystyttää. Vaakulla on vitun vähän ylipäänsä naisia muutakuin puheenaiheena. Joubert on nyysinyt ton "ei 2x samaa" penseen ihailemaltaan Rochefoucauldilta (tai vastoin päin). Vaakulla ja Tommilla on samojakin töräyxiä respektiivisissä kokoelmissa. Nietschen penseet naimisesta on niin heikkoja ettei viizi edes mainita. Sen kokemuxet siitä oli aika rajallisia. Mitä jää viivan alle kun Shawin supistus on tehty? Minielefantin kärsä. Tosta tottumuxen osuudesta rakkaudessa näyttää M/F töräyttäjät ottavan ihan vastakkaisia kantoja. Koiraiden kannalta on toi uutuudenviehätys tietty tärkeä. Jokainen uusi reikä on uusi tilaisuus. Riippumahainen Ball-sack ei kyllä tiennytkään mitään häveliäisyydestä. Sen Contes drolatiques on pitkästyttävä. Disdraeli saa lisää haukkuja albumissa 243.
    xxx/ellauri128.html on line 125: Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield KG PC FRS (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) was a British statesman and Conservative politician who twice served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He played a central role in the creation of the modern Conservative Party, defining its policies and its broad outreach. Disraeli is remembered for his influential voice in world affairs, his political battles with the Liberal Party leader William Ewart Gladstone, and his one-nation conservatism or "Tory democracy". He made the Conservatives the party most identified with the glory and power of the British Empire. He is the only British prime minister to have been of Jewish birth. He was also a novelist, publishing works of fiction even as prime minister.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 474: Rome, Italy. ‘World Philosophy Day –Philosophy for the Futures’ bythe Italian Ministry of Education, TheDirectorate General for School Regulations, Evaluation andthe internationalization of the national education system of the Ministry of Education in collaboration with the Italian National Commission Italian National Commission for UNESCO.The Italian Ministry of Education, Professor Patrizio Bianchi, will open the celebration.the Secretary General of the National ItalianCommission UNESCO and The National Coordiator of Italy UNESCO ASPnet, will discuss the role of philosophy for next generation in the global contest.In the First Session, Luciano Floridi, philosopher, and Cristina Becchio, scientist, will speak about the importance of philosophy for reimaging the future and education.Inthe Second Session, experts,teachers,researchers,and students will discuss about new philosophical practices to make philosophy accessible to all. Ils sont fous, les Romains.
    xxx/ellauri157.html on line 483: Buberin dialogifilosofiaan sisältyy ajatus, jonka mukaan Minä-Sinä-suhde on Minä-Se-suhdetta ja jopa minuuttakin perustavampi. Tullaxeen Minäksi ihminen tarvitsee Sinää. Tai paremminkin, Sini ja Mini tarvitaan että saadaan Se. Minän kehittymisen lähtökohtana on tietynlainen alkuyhteys, ”luonnonmukainen liittyneisyys”, äidin yhteys isään, lapsen yhteys äitiinsä tai ”primitiivin” yhteys luontoon. Lapsen minuus syntyy yhteystapahtumien kadotessa ja syntyessä uudelleen: tapahtuman vakioina pysyvä osa abstrahoituu minäksi. Minän irrottautuminen alkuperäisestä yhteydestä mahdollistaa Minä-Se-suhteen synnyn. Joo tätähän virttä oli sillä yhdellä sakemannilla, annas nyt... joo Martin Altmeyerilla, joka sai sen Winnicottilta, joka sai sen Melanie Kleinilta, joka oli Freudin tyttären pahin competition Lontoossa. Mutta "they did not know about each other. Mrs. Winnicott wrote me that Don never, as far as she knew, read Buber. Buber may not even have heard of Winnicott." Mutta molemmat ovat rapsodisia ja aforistisia, varoo seskvipedaalisia sanoja ja silti hurjan innostavia (joillekuille ainakin). Ei ne olleet anarkisteja vaikka joskus siltä näytti. (Nää on yhden Ernst Tichon paperista löytyneitä mututuntumia.) No Rogersista Buber oli kyllä kuullut, ne oli jopa ottaneet keskenään jotain murteellista dialogia Mordechain USA:n reissuilla.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 94: Next came 9/11 and the Iraq war of the warmonger bad Bush Jr. who chose to stake his political life on it. All that lovely talk about "the new world order" ended there. U.S went to whack the shit out of the ragheads with the help of just the Brits. Former United Kingdom Prime Minister and British Middle East envoy Tony Blair stated on November 13, 2000 in his Mansion House speech: "There is a new world order like it or not, and we are part of it!".
    xxx/ellauri169.html on line 269: Witness Lee (Chinese: 李常受; pinyin: Lǐ Chángshòu; 1905 – June 9, 1997) was a Chinese Christian preacher and hymnist belonging to the Christian group known as the local churches (or Local Church) in Taiwan and the United States. He was also the founder of Living Stream Ministry. Lee was born in 1905 in the city of Yantai, Shandong, China, to a Southern Baptist family. He became a Christian in 1925 after hearing the preaching of an evangelist named Peace Wang and later joined the Christian work started by Watchman Nee. Like Nee, Lee emphasized what he considered the believers' subjective experience and enjoyment of Christ as life for the building up of the church, not as an organization, but as the Body of Christ.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 128: Before South Africa became a republic in 1961, politics among white South Africans was typified by the division between the mainly Afrikaner pro-republic conservative and the largely English anti-republican liberal sentiments, with the legacy of the Boer War still a factor for some people. Once South Africa became a republic, Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd called for improved relations and greater accord between people of British descent and the Afrikaners. He claimed that the only difference was between those in favour of apartheid and those against it. The ethnic division would no longer be between Afrikaans and English speakers, but between blacks and whites.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 353: In reality, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and the U.S. Department of Defense signed an agreement in 2005 to prevent the spread of technologies and pathogens that might be used in the development of biological weapons. New laboratories were established to secure and dismantle the remnants of the Soviet biological weapons program, and since then have been used to monitor and prevent new epidemics, following the example set by Wuhan labs and by Zignal Labs, a SaaS-based media intelligence software service company that serves marketing and public relations departments. It was founded in 2011 and is headquartered in San Francisco, and specialises in cyber wingnut warfare.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 992: Lynn Cowell is an author and speaker with Proverbs 31 Ministries, whose passion is helping moms become wise women who raise wiser daughters. For the past 10 years, Lynn has taught women and teens to discover the radical love of Jesus and build an inner confidence that leads to smart choices. Her ministry and His Revolutionary Love book have helped hundreds of teen girls and their moms discover that only Jesus has big enough a spotted dick to fill the love gap in their "hearts". Read less.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 82: Ministeri Kurvinen röhkäisee ja vingahtaa. Ministeri Kärnä kuulostaa emätinpierulta. Tollaiset lutikat ei kertakaikkiaan voi jyrähtää.
    xxx/ellauri215.html on line 362: Who is really at fault? Russia, Ukraine or NATO? Comments from a "neutral" Finn - Finland's Former Prime Minister, Finance and Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb. LOL! HAHA! That clown again!!! Who dug HIM up?
    xxx/ellauri225.html on line 236: Norris is a columnist for the far-right WorldNetDaily. In 2007, Norris took a trip to Iraq to visit U.S. troops. Norris was one of the first members of show business to express support for the California Proposition 8 ban on same-sex marriage, Norris has visited Israel, and he voiced support for former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2013 and 2015 elections. In 2019, Norris signed an endorsement deal with gun manufacturer Glock.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 355: Gösta Berlingin taru on lepakkosisältöinen avainromaani. Toimittajat ovat vastenmielisiä nuuskijoita. Ministerin vaimo veti ministerin lähelleen ja avasi tämän sepaluxen. FDOJONGGJONGG! sanoi ministerin molo. Onhan tämä Studio Sex. Oikeasti ministeri oli liian väsynyt ojentautumaan ajettuaan juuri 900km.
    xxx/ellauri227.html on line 361: Haluatko kahvia? Kyllä mutta sitä ennen pillua, sanoo ulkomaan kauppaministeri. Ministeri on ilman muuta Dorlo. Studio Sex on käsityöläisen kadulla. Sattuvaa. Joakim von Anka noudattaa lakia: vaikka Roope kulkee pelkässä nutussa ja silinterihatussa pylly paljaana, Iinexellä on string-housut. Miten kukaan voi vapaaehtoisesti ryhtyä stripparixi? Kysy Capitanilta. He ostivat lokavesipullot ja dallasivat takaisin toimitukseen. Olen huono ihminen. Ei tästä tule mitään. Ei päinvastoin, täähän menee tosi hyvin! Siperia opettaa. En häpeä enää koskaan mitään. Raivopäinen pappi oli lähtenyt. Aivan siivotonta kumikaulailua jälleen kerran tyhjäntoimittajien taholta.
    xxx/ellauri228.html on line 538: Heinäkuussa 1962 Helle Kannila kirjoitti Suomen Kuvalehteen ja vastusti Luxus-sarjan kieltämistä. Hänen mukaansa siinä taisteltiin huulimyllyjä vastaan. Kynäbaari esitti professori T. M. Kynämäen lausunnon, jonka mukaan Defoen sepustamat satukirjat tuskin kuuluvat maailmankirjallisuuden suurteoksiin. Kynämäki edusti puolueensa oikeaa siipeä ja hänen poliittinen linjansa voidaan nähdä oikeistoliberaalisena. Kynämäki toimi Suomen Berliinin-lähettiläänä välirauhan ja jatkosodan aikana 1940–1944. Hän oli yksi sotasyyllisyysoikeudenkäynnissä syytetyistä ja tuomituista, ja istui sen vuoksi ansiosta vankilassa vuosina lukemassa tiilenpäitä 1946–1948. Vaikka Kivimäkeä, vaikka Kivimäkeä, nuijikaamme yhdessä. Ministeriön kieltopäätös pysytettiin voimassa, lukuun ottamatta Robin Hoodia, jonka kuolemasta ei ollut saatu selvitystä.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 234: Bangkokissa Kustu kävi pokkaamassa ministerille juhlapuvussa. Frakkipaita pehmeni ja lahkeesta juoxi lakerikenkään hiki. Ministeri tuli kättelemään t-paidassa sortzeissa ja baseball-lippalakissa.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 282: Wellington Boot Koo served as an ambassador to France, Great Britain and the United States; was a participant in the founding of the League of Nations and the United Nations; and sat as a judge on the International Court of Justice in The Hague from 1957 to 1967. Between October 1926 and June 1927, while serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Koo briefly held the concurrent positions of acting Premier and interim President of the Bourgeois Republic of China. Koo was the first (and last) Chinese head of state known to use a Western name publicly.
    xxx/ellauri231.html on line 93: 9th Prime Minister of Israel

    xxx/ellauri235.html on line 353: Vizi kyllä brittimaa on väärällään sodomiitteja! Nahkaklarinetteja kuin salpausselällä! Fagotteja kokonainen orkesteri! Ffion Hague, the wife of Foreign Secretary William Hague, is now hoping to repeat her success with her latest publication, a book documenting what was believed to be the illicit gay love affair of an 18th century poet with the son of Britain’s first Prime Minister, Robert Walpole. Tää kiivas suklaaosastolla asiointi on 1 epätasa-arvoisen yhteiskunnan piirteitä. Yläluokan äveriäät herrat naivat toisiaan pitääxeen omaisuuden kasassa. Sama ilmiö muinaisessa Kreikassa ja Roomassa.
    xxx/ellauri250.html on line 818: Sir John Major KG CH (born 29 March 1943) is a British former politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party from 1990 to 1997. Prior to becoming prime minister, he served as Foreign Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer in the third Thatcher government. Läpimätä torykonna toisin sanoen. Sillä oli sellaset jättimäiset teeveelasit jotka tuli muotiin 80-luvun alussa; mäkin ostin sellaset kerran Lauttasaaresta mutten kehannut käyttää sittenkään. Major oli pääministeri Persianlahden sodan aikana. Hänen ensimmäisinä vuosinaan maailmantalous ajautui matalasuhdanteeseen 1980-luvun pitkän nousun jälkeen. Muutenkin meni majurilta enimmäkseen kaikki perseelleen. Henki sentään vielä pihisee.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 3360: UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak : 5 feet, 6 inches (170 cm)
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 263: The Bridge of San Luis Rey (1927) tells the story of several unrelated people who happen to be on a bridge in Peru when it collapses, killing them. Philosophically, the book explores the problem of evil, or the question, of why unfortunate events occur to people who seem "innocent" or "undeserving", known as theodicy. It won the Pulitzer Prize in 1928, and in 1998 it was selected by the editorial board of the American Modern Library as one of the 100 best novels of the twentieth century. The book was quoted by British Prime Minister Tony Blair during the memorial service for victims of the September 11 attacks in 2001.
    xxx/ellauri265.html on line 66: Ukraine will receive a package of support worth £200m from the UK and other European nations for military equipment, including spare parts for tanks and artillery ammunition, the British government has announced. Britain agreed with the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and Lithuania to send an initial package of support to Ukraine, the UK’s Ministry of Defence said.
    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 122: On Monday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin accused the United States of "fanning flames and stoking confrontations" by providing Ukraine with defensive weapons, and said Beijing would "never accept (U.S.) finger-pointing and even coercion and pressure on China-Russia relations." Here's a look at where China stands on the conflict.

    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 139: 2 päivää sitten JERUSALEM -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right government authorized construction bids for over a thousand new homes in Jewish settlements in the occupied West Bank and east Jerusalem, a watchdog group reported Friday, despite an Israeli pledge to halt settlement construction as part of efforts to curb a deadly wave of …

    xxx/ellauri280.html on line 160: 29. tammik. 2023 JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday announced a series of punitive steps against the Palestinians, including plans to send more thads to beef up Jewish settlements in the occupied...
    xxx/ellauri296.html on line 477: Yhteistyössä: Netivyah Bible Instruction Ministry, Jerusalem. Apu – sanonta esiintyy Paavalilla usein viitaten vereen. Kz. Parannuksen Pertti.
    xxx/ellauri304.html on line 148: IRR-TV, International Russian Radio ja TV, (ruots. MedieMission, engl. Great Commission Ministries) on vuonna 1986 perustettu medialähetystyöhön alun perin erityisesti Venäjän-työhön suuntautunut yleiskristillinen lähetysjärjestö. Antennit jouduttiin suuntimaan uudestaan kun Neuvostoliitto hajosi.
    xxx/ellauri312.html on line 189: Anglo-American Sakatti Mining CO tähtää Suomen lainsäädännön muuttamiseen. Toki
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 678: Alamo aloitti saarnaamisen Los Angelesissa 1960-luvulla antikatolisuuden, homofobian ja moniavioisuuden alustalla nuorten naisten kanssa. Tony Alamo Christian Ministriesilla oli huipussaan tuhansia seuraajia ympäri maata.
    xxx/ellauri376.html on line 165:
    xxx/ellauri380.html on line 425: In eight remarkable chapters of August 1914 (the so-called Stolypin cycle), Solzhenitsyn painted a portrait of the statesman Pyotr Stolypin, scourge of the revolutionary left and reactionary right alike and the last best hope for Russia’s salvation. Prime Minister of Russia from 1906 until 1911, Stolypin’s abiding concern was to promote far-reaching agrarian reforms that would lead to the creation of a “solid class of peasant proprietors” in Russia. He believed that a property-owning peasantry would provide the social basis for a revitalized monarchy in Russia. He was a “liberal conservative” who rejected pan-Slavist delusions and who advocated a monarchy that respected the rule of law, one that could govern in cooperation with a “society” that had an increasing stake in the existing social order. But unfortunately Stolypin was shot (in the presence of the Tsar) at the Kiev opera house in September 1911. His assassin was, quite strikingly, a double agent of the secret police and revolutionary terrorists!
    xxx/ellauri387.html on line 203: The exposure of the IB in the magazine, which included headshots with names and social security numbers of some of the alleged staff published under the headline "Spies", led to a major domestic political scandal known as the "IB affair" (IB-affären). The activities ascribed to this secret outfit and its alleged ties to the Swedish Social Democratic Party were denied by Prime Minister Olof Palme, Defense Minister Sven Andersson and the Supreme Commander of the Swedish Armed Forces, General Stig Synnergren. However, later investigations by various journalists and by a public commissions, as well as autobiographies by the persons involved, have confirmed some of the activities described by Bratt and Guillou. In 2002, the public commission published a 3,000-page report where research about the IB affair was included.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 156: Kalākaua arrived in California aboard the USS Charleston on November 25, 1890. There was uncertainty as to the purpose of the king's trip. Minister of Foreign Affairs John Adams Cummins reported that the trip was solely for the king's health and would not extend beyond California, while local newspapers and the British commissioner James Hay Wodehouse speculated that the king might go further east to Washington, D.C., to negotiate a treaty to extend the existing exclusive US access rights to Pearl Harbor, or the annexation of the kingdom. The McKinley Tariff Act had crippled the Hawaiian sugar industry by removing the duties on sugar imports from other countries into the US, eliminating the previous Hawaiian duty-free advantage under the Reciprocity Treaty of 1875. After failing to persuade the king to stay, Liliʻuokalani wrote that he and Hawaiian ambassador to the United States Henry A. P. Carter planned to discuss the tariff situation in Washington. In his absence, Liliʻuokalani was left in charge as regent for the second time. In her memoir, she wrote that "Nothing worthy of record transpired during the closing days of 1890, and the opening weeks of 1891."
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 189: The same day, the Marshal of the Kingdom, Charles Burnett Wilson, was tipped off by detectives to the imminent planned coup. Wilson requested warrants to arrest the 13-member council of the Committee of Safety, and put the Kingdom under martial law. Because the members had strong political ties to United States Minister to Hawaii John L. Stevens, the requests were repeatedly denied by the queen´s cabinet, who feared that the arrests would escalate the situation. After a failed negotiation with Thurston, Wilson began to collect his men for the confrontation. Wilson and captain of the Royal Household Guard Samuel Nowlein had rallied a force of 496 men who were kept at hand to "protect" the queen. Marines from the USS Boston and two companies of US sailors landed and took up positions at the US Legation, the Consulate, and Arion Hall. The sailors and Marines did not enter the palace grounds or take over any buildings, and never fired a shot, but their presence served effectively in intimidating royalist defenders. Historian William Russ states, "the injunction to prevent fighting of any kind made it impossible for the monarchy to protect itself". Paljon se olisi kannattanutkin jenkki tykkivenediplomatian tuntien.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 217: The annexation ceremony was held on August 12, 1898, at ʻIolani Palace, now being used as the executive building of the government. President Sanford B. Dole handed over "the sovereignty and public property of the Hawaiian Islands" to United States Minister Harold M. Sewall. The flag of the Republic of Hawaii was lowered and the flag of the United States was raised in its place. Liliʻuokalani and her family members and retainers boycotted the event and shuttered themselves away at Washington Place. Many Native Hawaiians and royalists followed suit and refused to attend the ceremony.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 224: On April 30, 1900, the US Congress passed the Hawaii Organic Act establishing a government for the Territory of Hawaii. The territorial government took control of the Crown Lands, which became the source of the "Ceded Lands" issue in Hawaii. The San Francisco Call reported on May 31 that Macfarlane had informed them the Queen had exhausted her patience with Congress and intended to file a lawsuit against the government. Former United States Minister to Hawaii Edward M. McCook said he believed that once President McKinley began his second term on March 1, 1901, that the government would negotiate a generous settlement with Liliʻuokalani. HAHA LOL. Don´t trust the motherfuckers Lili!
    xxx/ellauri400.html on line 45: Nyt on vessan vesisäiliö taas paikallaan. Ruosteeton mutta vuotaa sittenkin. Putkimies Esa Saarinen unohti ottaa lampun mukanaan. Se ei vaikuttanut penaalin terävimmältä kynältä. Marisevalle tyttärelle on ilmaantunut ensimmäinen tazka*. Miniä ei tiedä missä on Australia. Korjasin Johnin maapallon josta näkee missä maanosat on. Aika huteraxi atlas silti jäi. Paulin ja Luisan huoneenkokoinen palapeli jää iäxi kesken jos Luisa luiskahtaa takas Brasiliaan. On se surkeeta.
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 369: Joka neljäs nuori mies uskoo, että nainen voi ansaita väkivallan – Ministeri: Pysäyttäkää. Toppuuta tok, kohta on Suonenjok. Sanni Grahn-Laasosen mielestä koko Suomen on aika herätä puolustamaan isänmaata jota äidit uhkaavat. Joka neljäs alle 35-vuotias mies Suomessa uskoo, että nainen voi ansaita häneen kohdistuvan väkivallan pukeutumisensa, ulkonäkönsä tai käytöksensä takia. Kaikista miehistä näin ajattelee joka viides. 22 prosenttia 18-24-vuotiaista miehistä ajattelee, että joskus on välttämätöntä käyttää väkivaltaa naisiin tullakseen kunnioitetuksi ja saadaxeen halutonta pillua. Vanhuxet jo tietävät ettei se auta vähääkään. Naisten ajamat tasa-arvotavoitteet ovat tässä realisoituneet odottamattomalla tavalla. Inselit on jääneet ilman vittua.
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 411: of Less ja The Minimalist Home ovat nimenneet
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 419: Becoming Minimalist -verkkosivustoa, jonka
    xxx/ellauri422.html on line 428: elämään (2018, WaterBrook). Minimalismi on