ellauri023.html on line 488: Kiltti omenaposkinen Mandi Siimes otti asuintoverixi ja perijäxeen mökkiin Mandi Kirveskosken, jyreän

ellauri023.html on line 493: Mandi Siimexen alkuperäispiirustuxia muutellen nykyisen päärakennuxen pula-ajan materiaaleista.

ellauri053.html on line 908: By appealing to some friends four pupils were obtained from Calcutta. I myself brought the number up to five. We were all clothed in long yellow robes as befitting Brahmacharis. On the day of the opening ceremony, however, we were given red silk dhotis and chaddars and it made us feel very proud and im- portant to stand in a row in the Mandir, the cynosure of all eyes.
ellauri060.html on line 215: - Mandi Hörsmä! Vai nakkasit kapustan pihalle?

ellauri278.html on line 146:
ellauri281.html on line 145:
ellauri325.html on line 647: Tämä Kuusi syntyi raittiustoiminnasta tunnettuun perheeseen: hänen isänsä oli A. A. Granfelt ja äitinsä Mandi o.s. Cantell. Aksel August Granfelt (26. heinäkuuta 1846 Hausjärvi – 23. helmikuuta 1919 Mäntyharju) oli suomalainen kansanvalistus- ja raittiusliikkeen johtaja, valtiopäivämies ja yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaja. Hän toimi Kansanvalistusseuran sihteerinä vuosina 1878–1906 ja johti perustamaansa Raittiuden Ystävät -järjestöä.
ellauri325.html on line 651: Granfelt meni kesällä 1878 naimisiin kansakoulunopettaja Mandi Cantellin kanssa, joka tuli myös tunnetuksi kansanvalistajana ja kirjailijana. Heillä oli seitsemän lasta, joista viisi aikuisiksi elänyttä poikaa suomensivat kaikki sukunimensä Kuuseksi. Heihin kuuluivat professori Eino Kuusi, vakuutusneuvos Aarne Kuusi (Matin ja Pekan isäpappa), rovasti ja kirjailija Ilmari Kuusi sekä professori Sakari Kuusi.
ellauri391.html on line 545: Viime aikoina filosofit Mississippi Fred McDowell [am] , Irad Kimhi [isr] , Sabina Lovibond [en], Eric Marcus [n.h.], Gideon Rosen [jude] ja jossain määrin Richard Rorty [pig] ovat omaksuneet äänekkästi hiljaisen kannan. Pete Mandick [Paterson University] puolusti qualia quietismi - kantaa vaikeaan tietoisuusongelmaan. Ainakin Kimhi näyttää olevan vanhan koulun idealistihuijari:
ellauri401.html on line 461: Eino Leino liittyi Suomen Teosofisen Seuran jäseneksi 24.10.1916 Pekka Ervastin allekirjoittamalla jäsenkirjalla. Kun kasvissyöjät vastustivat keskusvaltoja, Ervasti ryhtyi lihansyöjäxi. Ervast ei ollut yksin. Fredrika Riipinen ja Hanna Ruuskanen hoitivat emännyyttä, ja myös Hilda Pihlajamäki (1866–1951) ja kansakoulunopettaja Mandi Paadenhovi asuivat samassa yhteisössä.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 168: In 2016 Shriver gave a controversial speech about cultural appropriation. Shriver had previously been criticized for her depiction of Latino and African-American characters in her book The Mandibles, which was described by one critic as racist and by another as politically misguided. In her Brisbane speech, Shriver contested these criticisms, saying writers ought to be entitled to write from any perspective, race, gender or background that they choose, even racist and politically misguided, in fact particularly so, because they sell best. The full text of her speech was published in the British newspaper The Guardian.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 176: This is the full transcript of the keynote speech, Fiction and Identity Politics, Lionel Drrivel gave at the Brisbane Writers Festival on 8 September 2016. Her latest book The Mandibles, is published by Harper Collins.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 235: My most recent novel The Mandibles was taken to task by one reviewer for addressing an America that is “straight and white”. It happens that this is a multigenerational family saga – about a white family. I wasn’t instinctively inclined to insert a transvestite or bisexual, with issues that might distract from my central subject matter of apocalyptic economics. Yet the implication of this criticism is that we novelists need to plug in representatives of a variety of groups in our cast of characters, as if filling out the entering class of freshmen at a university with strict diversity requirements. Besides, America IS straight and white, at least the America I know about. I haven't had time to appropriate any Nigerian girls yet, nor Afro Americans even.
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 245: In The Mandibles, I have one secondary character, Luella, who’s black. She’s married to a more central character, Douglas, the Mandible family’s 97-year-old patriarch. I reasoned that Douglas, a liberal New Yorker, would credibly have left his wife for a beautiful, stately African American because arm candy of color would reflect well on him in his circle, and keep his progressive kids’ objections to a minimum. But in the end the joke is on Douglas, because Luella suffers from early onset dementia, while his ex-wife, staunchly of sound mind, ends up running a charity for dementia research. As the novel reaches its climax and the family is reduced to the street, they’re obliged to put the addled, disoriented Luella on a leash, to keep her from wandering off. LOL! What a laugh, ain't it? Get it, the guy thought he was getting arm candy, but instead he got a goat!
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 248: Behold, the reviewer in the Washington Post, who groundlessly accused this book of being “racist” because it doesn’t toe a strict Democratic Party line in its political outlook, described the scene thus: “The Mandibles are white. Luella, the single African American in the family, arrives in Brooklyn incontinent and demented. She needs to be physically restrained. As their fortunes become ever more dire and the family assembles for a perilous trek through the streets of lawless New York, she’s held at the end of a leash. If The Mandibles is ever made into a film, my suggestion is that this image not be employed for the movie poster.” Your author, by implication, yearns to bring back slavery. Failing that, she does the best to poke fictive fun at a fictive member of the underprivileged race. Nobody laugh?
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 260: In describing a second-generation Mexican American who’s married to one of my main characters in The Mandibles, I took care to write his dialogue in standard American English, to specify that he spoke without an accent, and to explain that he only dropped Spanish expressions tongue-in-cheek. I would certainly think twice – more than twice – about ever writing a whole novel, or even a goodly chunk of one, from the perspective of a character whose race is different from my own – because I may sell myself as an iconoclast, but I’m as anxious as the next person about attracting big money. But I think that’s a loss. I think that indicates a contraction of my fictional universe that is not good for the books, and not good for my purse.
xxx/ellauri193.html on line 715: In April 2020, former EFF Gauteng chairperson Mandisa Mashego announced that she supports the reinstatement of the death penalty in South Africa. There is a huge backlog of bad whiteys that need hanging from the neck until they´re dead.