ellauri110.html on line 308: Sofia Prorokova, the author of Isaak Levitan's biography, suggested that the house with a terrace and a mezzanine in question might have been the one belonging to Anna N. Turchaninova, whose Gorka estate in the Tver Governorate Chekhov visited in the summer of 1895.According to Prorokova, the story might have been based upon the difficult relationship Levitan had with the Turchaninova sisters (hence the similarity in surnames), of whom the younger one, Varvara, the possible prototype for Zhenya (Missyuss), had a bizarre diminutive nickname, Lyulyu. This view was shared by the literary historian Leonid Grossman.
ellauri110.html on line 310: Isaac Ilyich Levitan was a classical Russian landscape painter who advanced the genre of the "mood landscape".
ellauri110.html on line 313:
Levitan_selfportrait1880.jpg" width="100%" />
ellauri110.html on line 324: Siis tommosta tyypillistä meemit vastaan geenit romantiikkaa. Porvariskodin kasvatus oli tehnyt tehtävänsä tavallistakin paremmin. Pässi sai taas nuolla sorkkiaan. Tää on siis niinkö Wertherin kärsimyxet: ei pääse pukille, paizi tässä lekuri kirjoitti artistikaverinsa tarinan. Levitan oli juutalainen taivaanrannan maalari. Ei kelvannut.