ellauri098.html on line 444:
Alexanteri Suuri, Rowan Atkinson, Sirius Black, Bugs Bunny, Borat, Samuel Butler, Julia Child, John Cleese, Wile E. Coyote, Celine Dion, Thomas A. Edison, Stephen Fry, Frederico Fellini, Richard Feynman, Ben Franklin, Garfield (president), Garfield (cat), Hugh Grant, Annie Hall, Tom Hanks, Werner Heisenberg, Alfred Hitchcock, David Hume, Katariina Suuri, Henry Kissinger, Karl Lagerfeld, Tyrion Lannister, N.Macchiavelli, J.S. Mill, Karl Popper, Murray Rothbard (laissez-faire), Bertrand Russell, Babe Ruth, R2-D2, Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Frank Zappa

ellauri275.html on line 555: KEIJO KORHONEN - Tamminiemen Kissinger
ellauri279.html on line 101: Solzhenitsyn väitti, että venäläistä nationalismia ja Venäjän ortodoksista kirkkoa ei pitäisi pitää lännen uhkana vaan pikemminkin liittolaisina. HAHHAA. Solzhenitsyn oli "melkein fasisti", sanoi saxalaissymppari juutalaispakolainen Henry Kissinger.
ellauri284.html on line 743: Vuosien varrella se on ylpeillyt poliitikkojen, diplomaattien, liikemiesten ja kirjailijoiden eliittijäsenyydestä, johon ovat kuuluneet Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Caspar Weinberger, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Henry Lude, Lord Carrington, Alexander Haig, Paul Volcker, Buster Keaton, George Shultz ja Walter Cronkite monien monien muiden joukossa. Lähimmän kuninkaallisen perheen jäsenet, Yhdysvaltain ulkoministerit ja Yhdysvaltain suurlähettiläät St. Jamesin tuomioistuimeen saakka hyväksytään tavallisesti viran puolesta yhdistyksen jäsenyyteen.
ellauri324.html on line 203: Here’s the tally: With an international Jewish population that amounts to only one quarter of one percent of humanity, a little more than 20 percent of all Nobel recipients between 1901, the first year prizes were awarded, and today, have been Jews or had at least one Jewish parent, including 37 percent of American recipients. The greatest concentration has been in economics (the economics prize was established in 1968; 38% of the winners have been Jewish or half-Jewish) and physiology/medicine (29 percent). Of peace prize winners, nine have been Jews — including, appallingly enough, Henry Kissinger (1973). “Nobel Peace, my ass! If Henry Kiss-of-Death deserves it, so do I!” —Bill Horowitz
ellauri327.html on line 369:
Jewish refugee Kissinger ei klähmi pysähtynyttä juutalaispaholaista Brezhneviä. Leonid pitää varuixi kädet selän takana.

ellauri349.html on line 511: Aron oli vähän parempi norssissa kuin Sartre, joka reppasi ainekirjoituxessa. Heimo- ja aateveli Kissinger piti Aronista. Ylläri.
ellauri350.html on line 605:
  • "Julkkixena olemisen kiva asia on se, että kun kyllästyt ihmisiin, he luulevat sen olevan heidän vikansa." - Henry Kissinger (elokuu 2007)
    ellauri359.html on line 153: Yet another industrialistien sekulaarinen Amerikka-missio. In 2010, Eisenhower Fellowships held its first Women's Leadership Program. The governing body of the organization is the Board of Trustees, a group of more than seventy year old men in business and public affairs currently chaired by Dr. Robert M. Gates. Prior chairs include General Colin L. Powell, U.S. (retired), Dr. Henry Kissinger, President George H.W. Bush, and President Gerald Ford. Eisenhower Fellowships is headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    ellauri432.html on line 507: Spengler piti ultrakapitalististen massademokratioiden muuttumista diktatuurisiksi hallituksiksi väistämättömänä. Spengler osoittautui kuitenkin tehottomaksi käytännön politiikassa. Spengler äänesti Hitleriä mutta piti Führeria vulgaarina. Hän tapasi Hitlerin vuonna 1933 ja jäi pitkän keskustelun jälkeen vaikuttumattomaksi sanoen, että "Saksa ei tarvinnut sankaritenoria vaan todellista sankaria". Mischling Spengler piti juutalaisuutta "hajottavana elementtinä" (zersetzendes Element), joka toimii tuhoavasti "mihkä tahansa se puuttuukin" (wo es auch eingreift). Hänen mielestään juutalaisille on ominaista "kyyninen älykkyys" (zynische Intelligenz) ja heidän "rahaajattelunsa" (Gelddenken). Ludwig Wittgenstein jakoi Spenglerin kulttuurisen pessimismin somessa. Wittgenstein said he was one of his chief inspirations; the Jungian theorist "Tuhatnaama-monomyytti" Joseph Campbell (ei se harmiton kyntömies vaan tämä) claimed Spengler’s work was his biggest influence; the philosopher Martin Heidegger was profoundly affected by Spengler’s thinking; and former Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, wrote favourably about him in his doctoral thesis ‘The Meaning of History’.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 122: The US considered Israel an ally in the Cold War and had been supplying the Israeli military since the 1960s. Henry Kissinger believed that the regional balance of power hinged on maintaining Israel's military dominance over Arab countries, and that an Arab victory in the region would strengthen Soviet influence. Britain's position, on the other hand, was that war between the Arabs and Israelis could only be prevented by the implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and a return to the pre-1967 boundaries. Fucking pudding heads.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 124: Yom Kippur was actually a bad choice of day by Sadat, for Arabs were still weak after Ramadan, while Israeli women were staying home and men were in synagogues, so the roads were free and reserves were quickly rounded up from the yeshivas. Prior to the war, Kissinger and Nixon consistently warned Meir that she must not be responsible for initiating a Middle East war. On October 6, 1973, the war opening date, Kissinger told Israel not to go for a preemptive strike, and Meir grumblingly confirmed to him that Israel would not.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 126: Other developed nations [who? were there any?], being more dependent on OPEC oil, took more seriously the threat of an Arab oil embargo and trade boycott, and had stopped supplying Israel with munitions. As a result, Israel was totally dependent on the United States for military resupply, and particularly sensitive to anything that might endanger that relationship. After Meir had made her decision, at 10:15 am, she met with American ambassador Kenneth Keating in order to inform the United States that Israel did not intend to preemptively start a war. It would be just an accident. An electronic telegram with Keating's report on the meeting was sent to the United States at 16:33 GMT (6:33 pm local time). A message arrived later from United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger saying, "Don't preempt." At the same time, Kissinger also urged the Soviets to use their influence to prevent war, contacted Egypt with Israel's message of non-preemption, and sent messages to other Arab governments to enlist their help on the side of moderation. These late efforts were futile. According to Henry Kissinger, had Israel struck first, it would not have received "so much as a nail".
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 128: The Soviets started an airlift of arms to Syria and Egypt. The American global interest was to prove that Soviet arms could not dictate the outcome of the fighting, by supplying Israel. Kenneth Pollack is a Jew so I would not trust his accounts of the war events. Saad el Shazly was on the other side, so hardly more trustworthy as a witness. Pientä epäselvyyttä oliko Egyptin 3. armeijakunta oikeasti aivan motissa, vai oliko mukana ehkä Kissingerin juonittelua, eze saisi kunnian Israelin pysäytyxestä ja tällä lailla Egyptin lipsumaan jenkkipuolelle. Mikä sitten ajan kanssa onnistuikin.
    xxx/ellauri168.html on line 89: Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger stated in 1994: "The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change its tactics".