ellauri014.html on line 1217: Js kyllähän me taas tavataan, Wolmarikaan ei pääse karkuun, me lähetellään sille alakertaan kirjeitä. Pastori on ihmeissään näin iloisesta kuolijasta. Se jää jännäämään, jatkuuko hyvä mieli viimeiseen ysköxeen. Makkarin oven takana lyödään jo vetoa. Tyynen rauhallisena Julle jauhaa teologisia pähkinöitä kuolinvuoteella. Kylläpä tämä kestää, kauemmin kuin keskiverto-oopperassa. Mut täähän onkin saippua-sellainen. Yhdestä exituxesta saa monta episodia, kun osaa venyttää.
ellauri080.html on line 532: Concerning John Maynard Keynes, an INTJ, it was said: “[He spoke] on a great range of topics, on some of which he was thoroughly an expert, but on others [he had] derived his views from the few pages of a book at which he had happened to glance. The air of authority was the same in both cases.” Meanwhile, Bertrand Russell famously said that “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” Coincidentally, history records a number of ENTPs and INTJs very much disliking each other.
ellauri096.html on line 564: Mitä yhteistä on heppahulluudella ja nuivuudella? 😃 Jotain siinä pitää olla kerta Ikoska on molempia. Js mitä yhteistä on postpostmodernismilla ja mikrokefalialla? 🤨 Jotain siinäkin täytyy olla. Alkutuska on jotain peeteejargonia. Päästyään alkutuskasta Jaska lähtee ezimään rotuvihaa Ikoskan tuotannosta lukutikulla. Rotuviha on paha asia, pahempi kuin esim puukotus.
ellauri098.html on line 455: ENTJs are naturally drawn to leadership positions, and can become resentful and unhappy if they’re forced to play second fiddle or if their authority is challenged. They can be curt and dismissive of others’ opinions, and rarely waste time considering the feelings of those around them.
ellauri098.html on line 456: But ENTJs’ determination and analytical abilities often propel them to great success in life.
ellauri098.html on line 463: INTJs are the “Mastermind” personality: intellectual, logical, driven, and confident in their own abilities, but also sometimes cold and unsympathetic, with a tendency to prefer theory over reality. This can cause others to perceive them as arrogant, especially since INTJs frequently lack the patience and communications skills to explain themselves.
ellauri098.html on line 488: ENFJs are a relatively rare type, making up about 2% of the population — women tend to be ENFJs slightly more often than men.
ellauri098.html on line 489: ENFJs, like other “E” types, are extremely sociable. They’re fascinated with other people’s lives and care deeply about those around them. They have a positive, idealistic outlook and love to help others improve themselves and solve their problems. They tend to be decisive and good planners, so they make excellent leaders, counselors, and facilitators.
ellauri098.html on line 490: Unfortunately, ENFJs can also come across as meddling, nosy, and controlling, and some ENFJs use their empathetic gifts to manipulate others for their own benefit. But most ENFJs are an inspiring force in the lives of those who know them.
ellauri098.html on line 498: INFJs are idealists. Creative and fair-minded, they see the world not the way it is but the way they think it should be. While they are caring and sympathetic to others’ troubles, INFJs are big-picture thinkers. Rather than help individuals, they look for ways to change the system. They are also energetic, determined, and instinctual, with a tendency to just plunge in and start working rather than make careful plans. They don't Click To Tweet.
ellauri098.html on line 499: Because of this, INFJs have a tendency to take on the world single-handed, and can become crushed and disillusioned in the face of massive challenges. But many of the great changes in our society have been driven by determined INFJs.
ellauri098.html on line 505: ESTJ (extroverted sensing thinking judging) is one of the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. ESTJs make up about seven percent of the population.
ellauri098.html on line 506: ESTJs are confident, decisive, and well-organized. They take command of any situation naturally and gravitate toward positions of authority.
ellauri098.html on line 507: ESTJs also like tradition and orderliness. As far as they are concerned, there is a right way and a wrong way to do things, and people who are doing it the wrong way need to be corrected.
ellauri098.html on line 508: More free-spirited and creative personalities may find ESTJs bossy, closed-minded, or even bullying. But ESTJs can also bring clarity and direction to confused situations, and help others focus on what needs to be done to achieve solutions.
ellauri098.html on line 514: ISTJ (introverted sensing thinking judging) is one of the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. ISTJs are one of the most common types, making up an estimated 13% of the population.
ellauri098.html on line 515: ISTJs are clear-sighted, logical, and efficient. They are planners rather than spontaneous, and prefer order and routine in their work and home lives. They value tradition, hierarchy, and clarity of purpose.
ellauri098.html on line 516: ISTJs are clear-sighted, logical, and efficient. They value tradition, hierarchy, and clarity of purpose.
ellauri098.html on line 517: To some of the more creative types, ISTJs can seem dull and unimaginative, unwilling to break the rules and unable to respond flexibly to changing situations.
ellauri098.html on line 518: But ISTJs are steady and reliable – if an ISTJ tells you something will be done, you can trust that it will be.
ellauri098.html on line 524: ESFJ (extroverted sensing feeling judging) is one of the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. ESFJs are one of the more common types, making up about 12% of the population.
ellauri098.html on line 525: ESFJs are everyone’s friend. They are consensus builders and conflict defusers who enjoy helping social situations flow smoothly. They may not be the “life of the party,” but they’re the ones who make sure everyone is having a good time. Because they’re so easy to get along with, ESFJs tend to have large circles of friends.
ellauri098.html on line 526: ESFJs are traditionalists and believe in the authority of groups. They love stability and dislike conflict, so they can sometimes end up dismissing minority opinions in the name of achieving consensus. This can lead them to be controlling and intolerant. Some ESFJs also focus too much on making everyone happy at their own expense. But most ESFJs bring harmony to everyone around them.
ellauri098.html on line 532: ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging) is one of the sixteen personality types defined by the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) test. ISFJs are a fairly common type, making up about 13% of the population.
ellauri098.html on line 533: ISFJs are caring and helpful. They are devoted to protecting and helping out those in need. ISFJs have very strong family ties and are quick to leap to the defense of their family. Sometimes, however, take on too much responsibility and lose sight of the big picture while trying to help everyone around them. They can also be too unassertive and pushovers for those who want to take advantage of their helpfulness. But there is no friend to have like an ISFJ when you find yourself in need of help.
ellauri098.html on line 549: ISTJ (introverted sensing thinking judging) is one of the sixteen personality types of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test. ISTJs are one of the most common types, making up an estimated 13% of the population. ISTJs are clear-sighted, logical, and efficient. They are planners rather than spontaneous, and prefer order and routine in their work and home lives. They value tradition, hierarchy, and clarity of purpose. To some of the more creative types, ISTJs can seem dull and unimaginative, unwilling to break the rules and unable to respond flexibly to changing situations.
ellauri098.html on line 737: The Manual has lots of very useful material, but it costs close to $100 (gasp!). Here are the latest figures based on a random sample using the Form M. 16,000 people were contacted. The forms of 3,009 people u with "best fit" as determined by the client, the results of this survey were not shown to the individuals to see if they indeed did fit. Nevertheless, the survey does give us a good cross section of results to work from. The sample is corrected for the demographics of the USA. (Did some Es not hand in their form because they were talking too much. Did some of the Is get so caught up in their inner world? Did the Ss get so obsessed with details they didn´t hand it in? Did the Ns get so caught up in the big picture? Did the Ts figure it was too airy-fairy people stuff? Did the Fs focus so much on how they felt that they didn't get theirs off? Maybe the Js didn't like the way it was organized? The Ps just may not have found the right moment to get down to doing the inventory.)
ellauri100.html on line 307: For INTJs the dominant force in their lives is their attention to the inner world of possibilities, symbols, abstractions, images, and thoughts. Insight in conjunction with logical analysis is the essence of their approach to the world; they think systemically. Ideas are the substance of life for INTJs and they have a driving need to understand, to know, and to demonstrate competence in their areas of interest. INTJs inherently trust their insights, and with their task-orientation will work intensely to make their visions into realities. (Source: “The Sixteen Types at a Glance“.)
ellauri100.html on line 393: Js tend to establish deadlines and take them seriously, expecting others to do the same. Ps may tend more to look upon deadlines as mere alarm clocks which buzz at a given time, easily turned off or ignored while one catch an extra forty winks, almost as if the deadline were used more as a signal to start than to complete a project.
ellauri144.html on line 720: Mark Zuckerberg in MBTI? Other websites have him as either a INTP or INTJ. I’m going with INTJ, he was an early achiever, while INTPs can often be late bloomers, this is due to the late development of the Judging function. INTJs also tend to be more focused, serious, follow traditions and rules. While the types have many similarities, INTJ seems to be the closer match. Väpelö hörhö nörtti kimmo. Propellipää - luovaa kirpunnyljentää. Sitäpä sitä. Saatanan jutku. Metatron meni neuvomaan Aabrahamille miten Iisakki olis paras uhrata. Viime minuutilla tuli peruutus: kyllä mulle tänään oikeastaan maistuiskin paremmin toi syntipukki. Lisäohjeita albumissa 115.
ellauri159.html on line 900: ESTJs are industrious traditionalists whose extroversion often leads them to take charge of situations. They are generally pragmatic and like things to be organized and clear. They are driven by a need to analyze and bring order to the world. ESTJ writers include Amy Chua, E.L. James, Dr. Phil McGraw, Tom Clancy, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Bill O’Reilly, Billy Graham, and Sonia Sotomayor. Learn more about how ESTJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 905: ESFJs are the Molly Weasleys of the world. Outgoing and community-minded, people of this type value loyalty, dependability, and practicality. They are driven by an active and intense caring about people along with a strong desire to bring harmony to their relationships. Barbara Walters and Chris Wallace are ESFJ authors. Learn more about how ESFJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 910: ISFJs are quiet, caring, and dependable people who have a strong sense of personal responsibility. They are realistic and excellent organizers. One ISFJ author is Mother Teresa. Learn more about how ISFJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 915: ISTJs are logical pragmatists with a strong sense of personal responsibility. They take their work seriously and pay great attention to detail. Thomas Hobbes, Sigmund Freud, Martin Heidegger, Xenophon, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali are examples of ISTJ writers. Learn more about how ISTJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 951: ENFJs care intensely about people and are driven by a need for relational harmony. They tend to be warmly expressive and empathetic people who enjoy helping others reach their potential. ENFJ writers include Johann von Goethe, Matthieu Ricard, Erasmus of Rotterdam, and Erich Fromm. Learn more about how ENFJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 956: INFJs have an inner world filled with ideas, symbols, and possibilities. They are passionate, idealistic, and have a deep concern for others. INFJ writers include Plato, Mary Wollstonecraft, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Dante Alighieri, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Agatha Christie, Charlotte Brontë, J.K. Rowling, Carl Jung, and Leo Tolstoy. Learn more about how INFJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 969: ENTJs are forceful personalities who excel at conceptual strategy and executing plans. They are future-oriented and natural leaders. Robert James Waller and Sheryl Sandberg are two examples of ENTJ writers. Learn more about how ENTJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 984: INTJs are idea people, driven by their inner world of possibilities and a deep need to understand the world around them. They are logical, systematic thinkers who enjoy turning their visions into a reality. INTJ writers include Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, Emily Brontë, Ayn Rand, Lewis Carroll, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, Christopher Hitchens, and Karl Marx. Learn more about how INTJs write here.
ellauri159.html on line 1016: Js are drawn to closure. They feel satisfied after finishing a project or reaching a decision. They think in terms of likelihoods rather than possibilities.
ellauri159.html on line 1207: According to PersonalityDesk.com, INFJs are the Myers-Briggs type most likely to express marital dissatisfaction. When I first read this, it puzzled me. After all, INFJs are adept at solving problems involving people. In fact, INFJs are so good at solving problems that they may unconsciously scan their environment looking for ways to improve relationships. This, I think, is what leads to the dissatisfaction.
ellauri159.html on line 1209: According to Dr. Phil, 90% of relationship problems can’t be solved. Why? Because it would require one person or the other to compromise their values. So the best a couple can do is to agree to disagree. INFJs don’t want people to compromise their values—yet that 90% statistic is bound to discourage INFJs like me. I suspect it isn’t the relationship problems themselves that lead to the INFJs’ dissatisfaction; it’s the fact that the problems can’t be solved. Perhaps the INFJs feel that if only they could be more creative, or their partner could be more flexible, the little annoyances that have existed since the first day of the relationship could be eliminated. Not so. No amount of skill or understanding will make naturally ingrained differences go away.
ellauri159.html on line 1213: Perhaps this is what draws me to writing women’s fiction. I can create relationship problems, which I can then go about solving, without hurting anyone but my fictional characters in the process. Real life, unfortunately, doesn’t work that way. The INFJs’ search for perfection can damage otherwise good relationships. So I propose a revised Serenity Prayer for INFJs: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Period. Oh, I got my period.
ellauri243.html on line 467: Js paskanmarjat!
ellauri351.html on line 471:
JskhtoZPYnXwjMCLtBLvmZ1Jd84" height="300px" />
ellauri362.html on line 274:
JsiD1bw/s607/Rachel+May+2021+small.jpg" style="width:10%;float:left;padding:1em" />
ellauri402.html on line 453:
JsCmOWTRocEgI_BazPrCNUqPICJ8HQS9Jt9Sdhp4MZfNVaqqED09w4u4ka5IKAw097h72wnPiYdZV8HrIY8V98RUzCJxouIXq1852eIe6iJsFAwQLmrQouj_z7WBg/s640/pamela-colman-smith-7.jpg" height="600px" />
ellauri431.html on line 43:
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width="100%" />
ellauri433.html on line 238: Vuosien 2010 ja 2011 kirjoista lähtien L'Abécédaire de l'in-nocence ("Abecedarium of ahimsa") ja Le Grand Remplacement ("Suuri korvaus") - kumpaakaan ei ole julkaistu englanniksi - Camus on varoittanut "suuren korvauksen" väitetystä vaarasta. Salaliittoteoria olettaa, että "korvaavat eliitit" tekevät salaliittoa valkoisia ranskalaisia ja eurooppalaisia vastaan korvatakseen heidät ei-eurooppalaisilla kansoilla – erityisesti Afrikan ja Lähi -idän muslimiväestöllä – massamuuton, väestönkasvun ja syntyvyyden laskun kautta Euroopassa; oletettu prosessi, jonka hän nimitti "kansanmurhaksi substituutiolla ". "No to the change of people and of civilization, no to antisemitism". Kunnon kansanmurha hakkaa aina substituution. Useat oikeisto- ja äärioikeistolaiset ranskankieliset juutalaiset sivustot, kuten Dreuz.info, Europe-Israël tai JssNews, ovat ottaneet positiivisesti vastaan Camuksen salaliittoteorian ja kutsuneet lukijakuntansa tutkimaan hänen kirjojaan.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 866: aBow7Ok9B4kmevts9yA26gY3o5tL9IZv7bfiHZHazVo4Q52JsQBJpTZT4k7LG0b9
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 886: pvz9JcW3gfyF5wVDPffO+u/6C2YvNH9e+xDZNlq2gO9DwpMceJsWGySEOYRtrMZd
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 1015: 92bqhUpuP4CpyN345IqHbFmg6JsQbavlcD2OE0hbtX9E8xgtJDWP8vSmK50X4f4g
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 851: Yllättävää kyllä sillä ENFJs, like other “E” types, are extremely sociable. Toisen kautta ENFJs use their empathetic gifts to manipulate others for their own benefit, eli jotain perää siinä saattaa olla kuitenkin.