ellauri064.html on line 282: In 1971, Kaczynski moved to a remote cabin without electricity or running water near Lincoln, Montana, where he lived as a recluse while learning survival skills in an attempt to become self-sufficient. He witnessed the destruction of the wilderness surrounding his cabin and concluded that living in nature was untenable; he began his bombing campaign in 1978. In 1995, he sent a letter to The New York Times and promised to "desist from terrorism" if the Times or The Washington Post published his essay Industrial Society and Its Future, in which he argued that his bombings were extreme, but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom and dignity by modern technologies that require large-scale organization.
ellauri079.html on line 252: Community Development and Social Regeneration: How the Third Sector Addresses the Needs of BME Communities in Post-Industrial Cities II. [REVIEW] James Wallace & Nelarine Cornelius - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (S1):43-54.
ellauri106.html on line 407: Ruth was a Catholic.1 And not only did he attend Catholic school growing up, his parents actually signed custody of Ruth over to the Catholic missionaries at St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys in Baltimore when he was seven-years-old.2 So Babe was quite literally raised by the Catholic Church.
ellauri196.html on line 622: The AFL was the largest union grouping in the United States for the first half of the 20th century, even after the creation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) by unions that were expelled by the AFL in 1935. The Federation was founded and dominated by craft unions throughout its first fifty years, after which many craft union affiliates turned to organizing on an industrial union basis to meet the challenge from the CIO in the 1940s. In 1955, the AFL merged with the CIO to create the AFL–CIO, which has comprised the longest lasting and most influential labor federation in the United States to this day.
ellauri196.html on line 628: During World War I, the AFL—motivated by fear of government repression, and hope of aid (often in the form of pro-AFL labor policies)—had worked out an informal agreement with the United States government, in which the AFL would coordinate with the government both to support the war effort and to join "into an alliance to crush radical labor groups" such as the Industrial Workers of the World and Socialist Party of America.
ellauri196.html on line 633: Lewis argued that the AFL was too heavily oriented toward traditional craftsmen, and was overlooking the opportunity to organize millions of semiskilled workers, especially those in industrial factories that made automobiles, rubber, glass and steel. In 1935 Lewis led the dissenting unions in forming a new Congress for Industrial Organization (CIO) within the AFL. Both the new CIO industrial unions, and the older AFL crafts unions grew rapidly after 1935. In 1936 union members enthusiastically supported Roosevelt's landslide reelection. Proposals for the creation of an independent labor party were rejected.
ellauri323.html on line 198: Moore tuli Bryn Mawr Collegeen vuonna 1905. Hän valmistui neljä vuotta myöhemmin BAxi pääaineenaan historia, taloustiede ja valtiotiede. Runoilija HD oli hänen luokkatovereidensa joukossa heidän fuksivuotensa aikana. Bryn Mawrissa Moore alkoi kirjoittaa novelleja ja runoja Tipyn O'Bobiin, kampuksen kirjallisuuslehteen, ja päätti ryhtyä kirjailijaksi. Valmistuttuaan hän työskenteli hetken Melvil Dewey 'n Lake Placid Clubissa tankotanssijana ja opetti sitten liike-elämän alkeita Carlisle Indian Industrial Schoolissa vuosina 1911-1914.
ellauri331.html on line 357: Novaja Gazeta julkaisi 26. marraskuuta 2001 Oleg Lurien artikkelin, jossa todettiin, että Sergei Pugatšovin johtaman International Industrial Bankin johto oli sekaantunut rahanpesuun Bank of New Yorkissa. Pugatsjovin pankki nosti sanomalehteä vastaan kunnianloukkauskanteen vedoten taloudellisiin menetyksiin, koska useiden sen asiakkaiden väitettiin muuttaneen tiliensä ehtoja tavalla, joka sai pankin menettämään rahaa julkaisun takia. Pankki voitti 28. helmikuuta 2002 oikeudenkäynnin Moskovan Basmannin kunnanoikeudessa ja sai 15 miljoonan ruplan (noin 500 000 dollarin) tulonmenetyksen, ennennäkemättömän summan venäläisille sanomalehdille, joka saattoi heikentää Novaja Gazetan olemassaoloa, varsinkin kun 22. helmikuuta sama Basmanny-tuomioistuin määräsi Novaya Gazetan maksamaan noin miljoona dollaria Krasnodarin alueen korkeinta tuomaria vastaan esitetystä korruptioepäilystä. Huhtikuussa tuomioistuin vahvisti päätöksen International Industrial Bankin tapauksessa uudelleen. Kuitenkin 27. toukokuuta 2002 päivätyssä artikkelissa Novaja Gazetan toimittaja Julia Latynina paljasti, että kanteessa mainitut pankin kolme asiakasta olivat sen tytäryhtiöitä tai muuten sen hallituksen määräysvallassa, ja väitti, että Novaja Gazeta oli pyytänyt rikostutkinnan aloittaminen pankin toiminnasta. Tämän seurauksena International Industrial Bank luopui kesäkuussa 2002 korvausvaatimuksestaan.
ellauri332.html on line 622: Elokuvakriitikot ja fanit syyttivät elokuvantekijöitä liiallisesta kaupallistuksesta ja kohdistamisesta pienille lapsille. George Lucas totesi, että " nämä elokuvat ovat lapsille, mutta he [fanit] eivät halua myöntää sitä... On pieni joukko faneja, jotka eivät pidä koomista helpotuksesta. He haluavat elokuvien olevan kovia, kuten The Terminator, ja he järkyttyvät ja tulevat hyvin tuomitsevaksi kaikesta, mikä liittyy lapsellisuuteen ." Rob Coleman, joka johti animaatiotiimiä Industrial Light & Magicissa , muisteli myöhemmin kertoneensa Lucasille, että tiimi ennusti Jar Jar -hahmolle epäonnistumisen; Lucas kertoi hänelle, että hän esitteli erityisesti Jar Jarin elokuvaan herättääkseen 12-vuotiaiden ja sitä nuorempien lasten huomion. Huhtikuussa 2019, Star Wars Celebrationin aikana, ennen The Phantom Menacen 20-vuotisjuhla vuotta juhlivaa paneelia, George Lucas nimesi Jar Jarin suosikkihahmokseen Star Warsissa.
ellauri393.html on line 311: Se compran las cosas, ma los hombres no. If that's what you think, think again pal. Lincolnin porukat vastustivat orjuutta todnäk koska etelävaltiolaiset pääsi sillä ansiotta keulimaan. Industrialismiin sopii työn orjuus paremmin. Ostetaan vaan orjan päivätunnit, uusintamisen saavat orjat ize kustantaa. Guilloun hyvä orjanomistaja tiesi velvollisuutensa. Hän on ruumiillistunut laki ja järjestys, hänen on niistä pidettävä kiinni, vaikka orjan kikkelin irti ruuvaus sattuu isäntään pahemmin kuin orjaan izensä. Vi måste gälla dom.
ellauri402.html on line 517: Viljo Rosvall oli taistellut sisällissodan aikana punaisten puolella ja pakeni sodan jälkeen Kanadaan. Hän asettui nykyään Thunder Bayn kaupunkiin kuuluvaan Port Arthuriin, jossa vaikutti suuri kanadansuomalainen yhteisö. Rosvall työskenteli Canadian Pacific Railway -rautatieyhtiöllä ja kuului metsätyöläisten Lumber Workers Industrial Union of Canada (LWIUC) -ammattiliittoon. Se oli 1920-luvun lopulla Ontarion vaikutusvaltaisin liitto, jonka jäsenistö koostui pääosin Kanadan kommunistiseen puolueeseen kuuluneista suomalaisista. Janne Voutilainen oli ansametsästäjä, joka kuului Rosvallin tavoin LWIUC-liittoon ja oli myös jäsenenä syndikalistisessa Industrial Workers of the World -ammattiliitossa.
ellauri405.html on line 236: 1Analysis (ai): This simple yet profound poem by Robert Louis Stevenson captures the essence of contentment and appreciation. Its concise language belies a depth of meaning that encourages readers to find joy in the abundance of life's offerings. The poem's structure is as straightforward as its message. Two rhyming couplets emphasize the simplicity of Stevenson's message: that the world is full of blessings we often overlook. The repetition of "number" and "things" reinforces the idea of abundance, inviting readers to pause and notice the countless sources of happiness that surround them. This poem stands in stark contrast to the grim realities of Victorian England, where Stevenson lived. The Industrial Revolution had brought both progress and poverty, and many people struggled to find happiness amidst the harsh conditions. Stevenson's message of finding joy in simplicity and gratitude may have been a source of solace during challenging times. Compared to Stevenson's other works, such as "Treasure Island" and "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," this poem is a departure in terms of tone. It is not an adventure story or a psychological thriller but rather a quiet meditation on the beauty of life. However, it shares the same optimistic spirit that permeates much of Stevenson's writing, reminding readers that even in the face of adversity, there is always something to be grateful for.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 441: The Industrial Revolution brought progress and liberation from mindless toil but contributed to the creation of slums, despicable work conditions and pollution.
xxx/ellauri057.html on line 852: Much has changed since the publication of Markens grøde. The planet’s human population has almost quadrupled, from fewer than two billion in 1917 to more than seven billion now, and is estimated to reach ten to eleven billion before the end of this century.10 Simultaneously, human-made changes to the Earth’s ecosystems and climate have reached an unprecedented scale. While levels of consumption vary greatly from one country to another and between different social classes, there can be no doubt that globally, the use of both renewable and non-renewable resources has risen immensely during the last hundred years. This development began, of course, long before 1917, with the Industrial Revolution constituting an important premise. However, it was not until after the end of the Second World War that the human transformation of the planet began to advance with such enormous speed that the time since then is now often referred to as the Great Acceleration.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 285: Gerhart (Johann Robert) Hauptmann (1862-1946: prominent German dramatist of the early 20th century. Hauptmann won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1912. His naturalistic plays are still frequently performed. Hauptmann's best-known works include The Weavers (1893), a humanist drama of a rebellion against the mechanisms of the Industrial Revolution, and Hannele (1884), about the conflict between reality and fantasy.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 780: All this was in the early 1890’s at a time when Europe was becoming increasingly conscious of the untold social problems bequeathed by the Industrial Revolution. But the dawn of enlightenment had not yet broken over America.
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 341: Andrei Tarkovsky was born in the village of Zavrazhye in the Yuryevetsky District of the Ivanovo Industrial Oblast (modern-day Kadyysky District of the Kostroma Oblast, Russia) to the poet and translator Arseny Aleksandrovich Tarkovsky, a native of Yelysavethrad (now Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine), and Maria Ivanova Vishnyakova, a graduate of the Maxim Gorky Literature Institute who later worked as a corrector; she was born in Moscow in the Dubasov family estate.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 425: Ramsay tuki Industrial and Engineering Trust Ltd:tä, yritystä, joka väitti pystyvänsä louhimaan kultaa merivedestä vuonna 1905. Se osti kiinteistön Englannin rannikolta aloittaakseen salaisen prosessinsa. Yritys ei koskaan tuottanut kultaa.