ellauri031.html on line 327: Mussolinin ulkopolitiikan peruskäsite oli spazio vitale (vital space), se on Lebensraum italiaanoxi, tai päinvastoin oikeestaan, Benito kexi sen jo 1919. Se on sama käsite kuin ympyräsuisen amerikkalaisen ystäväni siteeraama "American vital interests" kaikkialla maapallolla. Elintärkeät edut indeed. Elin irti teiltä, tärkeät edut meille. Rasismikortti viuhui ahkerasti, musta tässä vaiheessa eikä punainen. On luonnonlaki että makaronit pistää päihin alemmalle sloveenirodulle. Uusia uhreja ei pidä pelätä. 500K barbaarislaavia voi kepoon uhrata 50K italiaanolle, sanoi Mussolini 1920. Imperialismi Afrikassa on oikeutettua, koska mehän ollaan uomo superioreja, valkoisia vaikka mustat kesäpaidat päällä, noi vaan mustanahkoja. Aika mustavalkoista. Tää on darwinismia. Kolonialismin seurauxia saadaan nyt koko Euroopassa nauttia, kun mutiaiset soutaa Välimeren yli kumiveneillä. Oikeassa oli Mussolini, tää ON darwinismia. Ovatko mustat ja keltaiset jo ovella? Si, ne on! taas huudetaan saapasmaan rannoilla kuten Beniton loistoaikoina.
ellauri066.html on line 700: Then Professor Neil Ferguson, from London’s Imperial College, released a bombshell study that claimed 500,000 could perish from Covid in Britain without tough restrictions. In Sweden it could have meant 85,000 deaths (so far fewer than 5,900 have died).
ellauri066.html on line 902: On March 16th, scientists at Imperial College London published a paper, based on an epidemiological model, predicting that, unless some form of lockdown was imposed, more than five hundred thousand Brits would die from preventable COVID-19 infections. A week later, the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that his government would be closing schools, bars, and restaurants, falling in step with the rest of Europe. “It was slightly frustrating,” Tegnell told me, when I spoke to him, in August. “We were really hoping we could take us through this crisis together.”
ellauri066.html on line 904: In April, 2020, a widely-circulated pre-print version of a paper by researchers at Uppsala University, adapting the Imperial College model, predicted that, under the Swedish strategy, fifty per cent of susceptible Swedes would be infected within thirty days, resulting in over eighty thousand deaths by July.
ellauri094.html on line 723: Examples of evil are the Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
ellauri094.html on line 737: Neither Nazi Germany nor Imperial Japan were atheistic. Unless you are expanding the definition of atheist to mean anyone who doesn’t agree with you, in which case just call them heathens.
ellauri094.html on line 757: So you can see that the Nazis and Imperial Japanese pale in comparison to the atheists. Commies were about 100/64 or 1.67 times eviler than the westerners.
ellauri094.html on line 758: And the stark evil of the atheist Communists becomes even more stark when considering the fact that Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were fighting for what most wars are fought for: Wealth and Empire. Which is A-OK. The Israeli did the same with the help of Jehovah. The atheist regimes slaughtered their own people simply to impose their will upon their less powerful compatriots. Which the Christians never do. Well, not nearly as many got killed anyway. I guess. Haven't really toted up all the Christian wars. The colonial ones too, and the U.S. neocolonial ones like Korea and Vietnam, or the Desert Storm. Should one use the absolute body count or percentages? Ethics is not an exact science after all. It's more like economics.
ellauri108.html on line 231: The mid-1990s saw a revival of Rastafari-focused reggae associated with musicians like Anthony B, Buju Banton, Luciano, Sizzla, and Capleton. From the 1990s, Jamaica also witnessed the growth of organised political activity within the Rasta community, seen for instance through campaigns for the legalisation of cannabis and the creation of political parties like the Jamaican Alliance Movement and the Imperial Ethiopian World Federation Incorporated Political Party, none of which attained more than minimal electoral support. In 1995, the Rastafari Centralization Organization was established in Jamaica as an attempt to organise the Rastafari community.
ellauri135.html on line 165: Georg Erik Rembert Berg (1849–1920), Finnish general in the Imperial Russian Army. Winner of C.G.E. Mannerheim lookalike contest.
ellauri145.html on line 727: During his schooling at the Imperial Lycée of Saint-Brieuc where he studied from 1858 until 1860, he fell prey to a deep depression, and, over several freezing winters, contracted the severe rheumatism which was to disfigure him severely. He blamed his parents for having placed him there, far from his family´s care and affection. Difficulties in adapting to the harsh discipline of the college´s noble débris (distinguished relics, i.e., teachers) gradually developed those characteristics of anarchic disdain and sarcasm which were to give much of his verse its distinctive voice.
ellauri182.html on line 173: In 1207, Hōnen's critics at Kōfuku-ji persuaded Emperor Toba II to forbid Hōnen and his teachings after two of Imperial ladies-in-waiting converted to his practices. Hōnen and his followers, among them Shinran, were forced into exile and four of Hōnen's disciples were executed. Shinran was given a lay name, Yoshizane Fujii, by the authorities but called himself Gutoku "Stubble-headed One (nukkapää)" instead and moved to Echigo Province (today Niigata Prefecture).
ellauri190.html on line 57: In the 17th century, Russian convention seeking to distinguish the Qazaqs of the steppes from the Cossacks of the Imperial Russian Army suggested spelling the final consonant with "kh" instead of "q" or "k", which was officially adopted by the USSR in 1936.
ellauri210.html on line 1263: In the final decade of his life, Shaw declared that "until the Federation of the World becomes an accomplished fact we must accept the most responsible Imperial federations (the anglo saxons) as a substitute for it".
ellauri211.html on line 148: During this time, the Imperial Japanese army killed between 40,000 and 300,000 people. This admittedly inexact number is the total number of civilians and soldiers killed.
ellauri245.html on line 654: Suppressing the Mau Mau Uprising in the Kenyan colony cost Britain £55 million and caused at least 11,000 deaths, luckily mainly among the Mau Mau and other tarfaced forces, with some estimates considerably higher. This included 1,090 executions by hanging. The rebellion was marked by war crimes and massacres committed by both sides. The Mau Mau command, contrary to the Home Guard who were stigmatised as "the running dogs of British Imperialism", were relatively well educated.
ellauri275.html on line 442: Toinen nimekäs poliittinen vanki on oppositio­kanava Mtavarin omistaja Nika Gvaramia. Hänet on tuomittu korruptiosta. Mtavari (Georgian: მთავარი) was a feudal title in Georgia usually translated into English as Prince or Duke. In the 15th century the term mtavari was applied only to the five ruling princes of western Georgia (Samtskhe, Mingrelia, Guria, Svaneti, and Abkhazia), whose autonomous powers were finally eliminated under Imperialist Russia.
ellauri275.html on line 451: Prince Alexander Chavchavadze (Georgian: ალექსანდრე ჭავჭავაძე, Russian: Александр Чавчавадзе; 1786 – November 6, 1846) was a Georgian poet, public benefactor and military figure. Regarded as the "father of Georgian romanticism", he was a pre-eminent Georgian aristocrat and a talented general in the Imperial Russian service.
ellauri278.html on line 194: In 1904, Chicherin inherited the estate of his famous uncle in Tambov Governorate and became very wealthy. He immediately used his new fortune to support revolutionary activities in the runup to the Russian Revolution of 1905 and was forced to flee abroad to avoid arrest late in that year. He spent the next 13 years in London, Paris and Berlin, where he joined the Menshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and was active in emigre politics. In Imperial Germany, he underwent medical treatment in attempts to cure his homosexuality.
ellauri281.html on line 193: In 1904, Chicherin inherited the estate of his famous uncle in Tambov Governorate and became very wealthy. He immediately used his new fortune to support revolutionary activities in the runup to the Russian Revolution of 1905 and was forced to flee abroad to avoid arrest late in that year. He spent the next 13 years in London, Paris and Berlin, where he joined the Menshevik faction of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party and was active in emigre politics. In Imperial Germany, he underwent medical treatment in attempts to cure his homosexuality.
ellauri316.html on line 528: Mielestäni juuri imperialismin tuskaa näemme nyt kaikkialla maailmassa. Imperialismissa ei ole mitään ovelaa, se näyttää olevan pyramidi, Mavrodin luomus. Heti kun kaikki on syöty, markkinat loppuvat, kriisi iskee.
ellauri344.html on line 187: Imperialistinen sota 1914–1918 on kerta kaikkiaan aikaansa jälessä kulkevillekin työläisille paljastanut, vieläpä vapaimmissakin tasavalloissa, porvarillisen demokratian luonteen: porvarillisen diktatuurin. Saksan ja Englannin miljonääri- ja miljardööriryhmien rikastuttamiseksi murhattiin toistakymmentämiljoonaa ihmistä; ja vapaimmissa tasavalloissa järjestettiin porvariston sotilasdiktatuuri. Tämä diktatuuri jää ententemaissa pysyväksi vielä Saksan murtamisenkin jälkeen. Sota juuri on enemmän kuin mikään muu avannut työläisten silmät, reväissyt porvarillisen demokratian valheverkon, näyttäen kansalle huijausten ja voitonhalun pohjattomuuden. Porvaristo on käynyt tätä sotaa vapauden ja yhdenvertaisuuden nimissä, vapauden ja yhdenvertaisuuden nimissä ovat sotahankkijat ryöstäneet itselleen suunnattomia rikkauksia.
ellauri403.html on line 328: kieroutuneeseen näkemykseen, että yksilöllisyyden, seksuaalisuuden ja hedonismin tukahduttaminen oli hyvän yhteiskunnan hopealuodi. Kirjoituksissaan maanpaossa 1920- ja 1950-luvuilla Iljin vetosi pakkomielteisesti "isänmaan" "uudestisyntymiseen". Hänelle Venäjä oli "Jumala, isänmaa ja kansallinen вождь" (vozhd, voždʹ), mikä tarkoittaa jotain (kirjaimellisesti) johtajaa, (kuvaannollisesti) suvereenia, tsaaria; joka ei ole vain henkilö, vaan valtiovallan ruumiillistuma, "ainoa", joka myös seisoo valtion mätäneen koneiston yläpuolella. Hän hylkäsi demokratian ja päätökset vaaleilla tai äänestyksellä. Etenkin Venäjälle, koska "demokratia", "liberaalisuus" tai "vapaus" eivät sopineet Venäjälle ja sen "euraasialaiseen identiteettiin". Kansakunta kuvitellaan orgaaniseksi yhtenäisyydeksi. Venäjä on oma sivilisaationsa, sekoitus kristillis- bysanttilaista kulttuuria ja mongolialais -aasialaista elämäntapaa. 1920- ja 1930-luvuilla Iljin ihaili Hitleriä ja Mussolinia ja fasistista ajatusta "isänmaallisen mielivaltaisuuden pelastavana liialluksena". ”Imperialistinen länsi tulee käyttämään väärää vapauslupausta viedäkseen Venäjältä maita: Baltian, Kaukasuksen, Keski-Aasian ja ennen kaikkea Ukrainan.“ Iljinillä oli todellinen viha tätä kohtaan: Ukraina oli suurin maanpetoksen ja separatismin vaara, ja se oli olemassa itsenäisenä alueena vain juonittelun ja juonittelun vuoksi. Sveitsissä maanpaossa vuonna 1954 kuollut Iljin unohdettiin pitkäksi aikaa. Vladimir Putin löysi hänet etsiessään älyllisiä perusteluja uudelle kansalliselle ajatukselleen ja on sittemmin levittänyt Iljinin ajatuksia ja lainaa häntä pakkomielteisesti lähes kaikissa puheissaan. Iljinin jäännökset palautettiin Venäjälle ja Putin asetti kukkia hänen haudalleen. Vuonna 2005, Viktor Vekselbergin vexelien rahoittamana, hänen ruumiinsa kaivettiin ja haudattiin Donskoyn luostariin, jossa makaavat myös Pushkin ja Solženitsyn Putinin läsnäollessa.
ellauri413.html on line 91: Literarische Berühmtheit erlangte Sidonie Nádherná durch ihre Freundschaft zum Dichter Rainer Maria Rilke, mit dem sie von 1906 bis zu dessen Tod 1926 korrespondierte, und die Freundschaft, dann Liebe zum Schriftsteller Karl Kraus. Sie lernte Kraus, der sich in sie verliebte, am 8. September 1913 im Wiener Café Imperial kennen. Mit Kraus verband sie bis zu dessen Tod eine konfliktreiche, aber lange und intensive Beziehung. Kraus hätte diese wohl gern legalisiert, aber Rilke hintertrieb eine Heirat mit dem perfiden Hinweis auf einen „unaustilgbaren Unterschied“ (gemeint war offensichtlich Kraus’ jüdische Herkunft).
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 551: Irving Berlin (born Israel Beilin; Yiddish: ישראל ביילין‎; May 11, 1888[3] – September 22, 1989) was an American composer and lyricist, widely considered one of the greatest songwriters in American history. His music forms a great part of the Great American Songbook. Born in Imperial Russia, Berlin arrived in the United States at the age of five.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 800: Hole toured with Marilyn Manson on the Beautiful Monsters Tour in 1999, but dropped out after nine performances; Love and Manson disagreed over production costs, and Hole was forced to open for Manson under an agreement with Interscope Records. Hole resumed touring with Imperial Teen. Love later said Hole also abandoned the tour due to Manson and Korn's (whom they also toured with in Australia) sexualized treatment of teenage female audience members.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 64: Yasunari tuli vastaan Hoblan tiistairistikossa. Born in 1899, Kawabata graduated from the then Tokyo Imperial University. When he was young, he attracted attention as a novelist in the Shinkankakuha (new impressions) literary group, and gradually deepened his knowledge about the beauty particular to Japan. His outstanding works include “Izu no Odoriko” (Izu dancer), “Yukiguni” (Snow Country) and “Koto” (The Old Capital). He killed himself by inhaling gas in 1972.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 301: Koo signed a treaty with the Soviet Union under which the Soviet Union renounced all "unequal treaties" that China had signed with Imperial Russia in exchange for which Koo recognized the de facto independence of Outer Mongolia, which until then he had claimed as part of China.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 319: The way that only four divisions of the Imperial Japanese Army who despite being outnumbered three to one by an Anglo-Indian-Australian force opposing them had been able to conquer Malaya and Singapore, billed at the time as the "Gibraltar of the East", in less than two months both astonished and shocked British officials. Brings to mind Putin's astonishment at the bombing of the Krim.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 354: Nikolajevskin välikohtaus (尼港事件, Nikō Jiken ) oli kansainvälinen konflikti Nikolayevsk-on-Amurissa (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolayevsk-on-Amur) Venäjän Kaukoidässä (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_Far_East)Japanin (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japan) ja Kaukoidän tasavallan (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Eastern_Republic) välillä Japanin väliintulon (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_intervention_in_Siberia) aikana. Huipentuma oli vangittujen japanilaisten sotavankien ja Japanin asukkaiden eloonjääneiden teloitus ilman oikeudenkäyntiä 23.-31. toukokuuta 1920, joka seurasi sissien ja Japanin armeijan välisen aseellisen selkkauksen jälkeen. (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_Japanese_Army)12.-15. maaliskuuta 1920 Nikolaevsk-on-Amurissa. Vankilassa oli tuolloin yhteensä 129 japanilaista vankia sekä joukko paikallisia asukkaita ja sissejä. Kaupungin ja linnoituksen tuhoaminen ja teloitus tapahtui sen jälkeen, kun koko väestö oli evakuoitu Japanin armeijan hyökkäyksen vuoksi. Japani käytti Nikolajevskin tapausta tekosyynä oikeuttaakseen Pohjois- Sahalinin (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sakhalin) takautuvan miehityksen, jonka japanilaiset miehittivät 22. huhtikuuta 1920. Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolayevsk-on-Amur).
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 620: Influenced by Chinese custom (no tietysti), the Heian court (794–1185) took to Chrysanthemum the Imperial Blossomdrinking chrysanthemum wine and using chrysanthemum dew as a kind of body lotion. All of this is recounted in The Pillow Book, a collection of observations by the court lady "Sei silmiä" Shonagon. The Chrysanthemum Festival is the last of Japan’s five annual festivals, which includes Boys’ Day in May and Tanabata in July.
xxx/ellauri230.html on line 654: The Imperial Seal of Japan is a chrysanthemum and the institution of the monarchy is also called the Chrysanthemum Throne. A number of festivals and shows take place throughout Japan in autumn when the flowers bloom. Chrysanthemum Day (菊の節句, Kiku no Sekku) is one of the five ancient sacred festivals. It is celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th month. It was started in 910, when the imperial court held its first chrysanthemum show.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 556: His father was Heinrich (Henry) Bukowski, an American of German descent who had served in the U.S. army of occupation after World War I and had remained in Germany after his army service. His mother was Katharina (née Fett). His paternal grandfather, Leonard Bukowski, had moved to the United States from Imperial Germany in the 1880s. In Cleveland, Ohio, Leonard met Emilie Krause, an ethnic German, who had emigrated from Danzig, Prussia (today Gdańsk, Poland). They married and settled in Pasadena, California, where Leonard worked as a successful carpenter. The couple had four children, including Heinrich (Henry), Charles Bukowski's father. His mother, Katharina Bukowski, was the daughter of Wilhelm Fett and Nannette Israel The name Israel is widespread among Catholics in the Eifel region. Bukowski assumed his paternal ancestor had moved from Poland to Germany around 1780, as "Bukowski" is a Polish last name. As far back as Bukowski could trace, his whole family was German.
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 225: Dmitri oli kotoisin Simbirskistä. Isävainaa oli husaari ja äiti emigrantti. Dmitri puhui ranskaa pienenä. Vuonna 1832 Grigorovich meni saksalaiseen lukioon, minkä jälkeen hänet siirrettiin ranskalaiseen Monighettyn sisäoppilaitokseen Moskovaan. Vuonna 1835 hän ilmoittautui Nikolajevski-tekniikan instituuttiin, jossa hän ystävystyi opiskelijatoverinsa Fjodor Dostojevskin kanssa ja kiinnostui kirjallisuudesta. Vuonna 1840 Grigorovitš erosi instituutista saatuaan ankaran rangaistuksen siitä, ettei hän ollut tervehtinyt muodollisesti suurherttua Mihail Pavlovitšia tämän kulkiessa ohitse. Hän liittyi Imperial Academy of Arts -akatemiaan, jossa ukrainalainen Taras Shevchenko oli hänen läheinen ystävänsä. Yksi hänen ensimmäisistä kirjallisista tuttavistaan oli Nikolai Nekrasov, jonka hän tapasi opiskellessaan Akatemian studioissa.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 138: Tämän jälkeen Pöllölän kunniasolu, ikäpuhemies Jerobeam Näppinen edeskuljetti ytimellisessä puheessa lahon porvarillisen mädännäisyyden ja uuden aamuruskon auermat, jotka punaisella sarastuksella heloittavat kaukaisen idän kangastuksissa. Valkoinen taantumusaaltoilu peittää vihertävällä vaahdolla suuren osan Europasta, ja Amerikan kontinentaalissa ovat virkanyrkkien petomaiset käpälät antaneet kauhistuttavia iskuja proletaarien paljastettuihin paikkoihin. Imperialismi viuhuu vihureina, ollen romahdusasteellaan. Se kuitenkin vielä vihaisesti kuohahtelee, kosketellen pohjamutia, kansakuntain alanteissa, josta olee sillen itselleen turmio, estellen likinäköisessä sokeudessaan punakumousta ja suurta yleisinhimillistä mullistusta, joka kiertelemättömästi kohisee kohti mahtipontisena orgaanina, pyyhkäisten yhteiskunnan huippuja peloittavalla henkäyksellä.