ellauri048.html on line 1067: The Higher Pantheism
ellauri092.html on line 269: In 1859 William Boardman published his book, The Higher Christian Life. The book ultimately birthed the Keswick Movement, so named because the first meeting was held in a church in Keswick, England. The Keswick Movement was filled with doctrinal error from the start and like nearly all errors that infiltrated Christendom over the centuries, they remain to this day. This shouldn’t surprise us because Satan has always twisted God’s Word to his own ends.
ellauri100.html on line 457: The graph below shows how often people say that they find various everyday ethical situations to be acceptable in everyday life. This business ethics questionnaire includes 5 categories: Usurpation of company resources, Offering kickbacks, Corporate gamesmanship, Concealment of misconduct, & Cheating Customers. Higher scores indicate greater acceptance of these behaviors.
ellauri152.html on line 743: Unlike many other Maskilim, he greatly respected the Hasidic Jews for their mode of being in the world; at the same time, he understood that there was a need to make allowances for human frailty. His short stories such as "If Not Higher", "The Treasure", and "Beside the Dying" emphasize the importance of sincere piety rather than empty religiosity.
ellauri161.html on line 1102: Ruysbroeck´s mysticism begins with God, descends to man, and returns to God again, in the aim to make man one with God. God is a simple unity, the essence above all being, the immovable, and yet the moving, cause of all existences. The Son is the wisdom, the uncreated image of the Father; the Holy Spirit the love which proceeds from both the Father and the Son, and unites them to each other. Creatures preexisted in God, in thought; and, as being in God, were God to that extent. Fallen man can only be restored through grace, which elevates him above the conditions of nature. Three stages are to be distinguished: the active, or operative; the subjective, or emotional; and the contemplative life. The first proceeds to conquer sin, and draw near to God through good works; the second consists in introspection, to which ascetic practices may be an aid, and which becomes indifferent to all that is not God. The soul is embraced and penetrated by the Spirit of God, and revels in visions and ecstasies. Higher still is the contemplative state (vita vitalis), which is an immediate knowing and possessing of God, leaving no remains of individuality in the consciousness, and concentrating every energy on the contemplation of the eternal and absolute Being. This life is still the gift of grace, and has its essence in the unifying of the soul with God, so that he alone shall work. The soul is led on from glory to glory, until it becomes conscious of its essential unity in God.
ellauri285.html on line 759: Fredrickson wrote a response in which she conceded that the mathematical aspects of the critical positivity ratio were "questionable" and that she had "neither the expertise nor the insight" to defend them, but she maintained that the empirical evidence for the existence of a critical positivity ratio was solid. Brown, Sokal, and Friedman, the rebuttal authors, published their response to Fredrickson´s "Update" the next year, maintaining that there was no evidence for a critical positivity ratio. Losada declined to respond to the criticism (indicating to the Chronicle of Higher Education that he was too busy running his consulting business).[verification needed] Hämäläinen and colleagues responded later, passing over the Brown-Sokal-Friedman rebuttal claim of failed criteria for use of differential equations in modeling, instead arguing that there were no fundamental errors in the mathematics itself, only problems related to the model´s justification and interpretation.
ellauri316.html on line 321:
Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation. Kunniamerkki 30 vuoden nuhteettomasta palveluksesta.

ellauri331.html on line 142: Yuri Katzman [ru, takuulla jid] loi The Firm's Secretin lokakuussa 2001 Kommersant- kustantajan Money -viikkolehden kuukausiliitteenä. Liitteen oli tarkoitus kattaa kustantajan yhteistyössä Higher School of Economicsin ja Harvard Business Schoolin kanssa pitämät yritysseminaarit. Myöhemmin, kun kustantamo ei enää "tarvinnut" liitettä, Katsman ja hänen kumppaninsa ostivat The Firm's Secretin ja syyskuusta 2002 lähtien lehti ilmestyi aluksi - kahdesti viikossa, sitten - viikoittain. Vuonna 2004 lehden pohjalle perustettiin kustantamo, joka julkaisi myös sanomalehteä Business ( venäjäksi : «Бизнес» ) ja aikakauslehtiä Sinulla on oikeus vairastua ( venäjäksi : «Имеешь право» ) ja Kaikki on selvää ( venäjäksi : « Все ясно» ). Marraskuussa 2005 kustantamo The Firm´s Secret osti verkkosanomalehden Gazeta.ru:n noin 7–10 miljoonalla dollarilla.
ellauri347.html on line 486: Shippensburg University was founded as the Cumberland Valley State Normal School in 1871 and received official recognition and approval by the commonwealth on February 21, 1873. On November 12, 1982, the governor signed Senate Bill 506, establishing the State System of Higher Education. Shippensburg State College was designated as Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, effective July 1, 1983. But you can call us Ship for short. Our purpose is to help build a better, stronger south-central Pennsylvania - economically and culturally - through people who have the abilities, skills, and values to compete in a technologically evolving world.
ellauri348.html on line 1046: Vuonna 2021 Chronicle of Higher Education käynnisti keskustelun Singalin ja Seligmanin välillä siitä, oliko CSF:n ollessa pitkällä toisella vuosikymmenellä sen tehokkuudesta mitään vankkaa näyttöä. Singal viittasi tutkimuksiin, jotka hänen mukaansa eivät löytäneet mitattavissa olevia hyötyjä tällaisista positiivisen psykologian tekniikoista, ja hän kritisoi armeijan omia raportteja metodologisesti epäselviksi ja vertaisarvioinnin puutteesta. Seligman sanoi, että Singal oli tulkinnut tutkimukset väärin ja jättänyt huomiotta armeijan positiivisen palautteen sotilailta, joista yksi nimittäin kertoi Seligmanille, että "jos minulla olisi ollut tämä koulutus vuosia sitten, se olisi pelastanut avioliittoni."
ellauri367.html on line 62: Vuosina 1944-47. Juri työskenteli Neuvostoliiton NKGB-MGB:n 1. osaston englannin osastolla, missä hänet määrättiin valvomaan "Cambridgen Viisikkoa". Hän muisteli, että "... En opiskellut tiedustelutaitoa jossain koulussa, en teoriassa, vaan käytännössä, poikkeuksellisissa olosuhteissa... Agenttiemme raportteja lukiessani aloin nähdä heidät läheisinä ihmisinä." Onnexi ei kukaan heistä joutunut tiilenpäivä lukemaan. Palattuaan Neuvostoliittoon hän opetti Neuvostoliiton KGB:n Higher Intelligence Schoolissa Moskovassa, puolusti väitöskirjaansa ja ryhtyi apulaisprofessoriksi. Juri Modin kuoli vuonna 2007 Moskovassa. Modin mukaan Tim koira ei ollut Cairncross vaan Victor baron Rothschild, Burgessin opiskelijatoveri Trinity Collegessa.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 427: Left: Supports unions and worker protections. Raising the minimum wage. Higher corporate taxes.

xxx/ellauri137.html on line 583: Playwriting Shakespeare Tourism Literary Poetry Literature Creative Writing Teaching History Courses Fiction Books Art Theatre American Literature English Literature Academic Writing Teaching English as a Second Language Higher Education Short Stories Freelance Writing Teaching Writing Music College Teaching Literary Criticism Grammar Novels Composition.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1406: Higher than these meaner mouths and limbs, that feed,
xxx/ellauri363.html on line 756: Saavutettuaan trendiprofesorin mainetta se alkoi heilua joka paikassa, Max Planck instituutissa ja jenkeissä. Innostuxen jäähdyttyä Jyrki palasi Frankfurtin koulun tuoliinsa, ja siellä se istuu vieläkin elle oie vuoteenomana. The Times Higher Education Guide listasi Habermasin vuonna 2007 seitsemänneksi siteeratuimmaksi humanististen tieteiden (mukaan lukien yhteiskuntatieteet) kirjailijaksi Max Weberin ja ja Erving Goffmanin välissä (Goffman ensin, sitten Habermas, Weberin kassit jäävät ulkopuolelle).
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 144: Higher Plane (1981)