ellauri093.html on line 599: Heus puer! Digitos ex vagina! (L. & P. C.)
ellauri141.html on line 281: heu me, per Vrbem (nam pudet tanti mali) Heus mua, pitkin stadia (että vittu onkin noloa),
ellauri141.html on line 388: Heus puer, digitos ex anu. St Jerome modelled an uncompromising response to the pagan Horace, observing: "What harmony can there be between Christ and the Devil? What has Horace to do with the Psalter?" The first English translator Thomas Drant placed translations of Jeremiah and Horace side by side in Medicinable Morall, 1566. The Scot George Buchanan paraphrased the Psalms in a Horatian setting. John Keats echoed the opening of Horace's Epodes 14 in the opening lines of Ode to a Nightingale. Byron's famous lines from Childe Harold (Canto iv, 77) hit it on the nail:
ellauri141.html on line 397: His verses have offered a fund of mottoes, such as Integer vitae, Dulce et decorum, Heus puer digitos e vagina, Odi profanum vulgus, Simplex munditiis, Splendide mendax, Sapere aude, Nunc est bibendum, Carpe diem. Bibendum on se Michelinin autonrenkaista tehty ukkeli.
ellauri144.html on line 100: money-loving (103-7). Heus puer! Digitos e vagina!
ellauri258.html on line 577: Heus puer digitos ex vagina! toppuuttelee Anita Hirvonen.
ellauri269.html on line 423: On muuten merkillepantavaa että koko Wowissa ei ole yhtään panohuonetta, vaikka päitä katkeilee ja veri roiskuu ihan sikana. Mikä vaan todistaa että KILL! ei ole izeisarvo, vaan tärkeämpien arvojen EAT! ja FUCK! palveluxessa. Saat katkoa vaikka kuinka monta virtuaalipäätä kunhan pidät näpit poissa vulvasta. Heus puer! Digitos e vagina!
ellauri364.html on line 134: Mutta mixikä Söören perui kihlauxen? Juu se kuuli Sirkan lailla vessapolulla Herran äänen som sagde til ham: »Slip den genstand!« Hvad psykiatere kalder en hørelseshallucination, det har Søren Kierkegaard maattet opfatte som Guds røst, eller omvent. I en bog fortæller Søren Kierkegaard om en unge mand, der blev forelsket i en pige, og hun var hans øjes lyst og hans hjertes begæring. Og han griber efter pigen, og han greb hende, han holdt "den" allerede i sin haand. Da udgik en befaling til ham: Slip denne genstand, din syphilit. Heus puer, digitos e vagina Reginae! Lähde
ellauri369.html on line 38: Heus puer, digitos e vagina!
ellauri369.html on line 367: Hofrath: Hofrath Heuschrecke (i. e. State-Councillor Grasshopper) is a loose, zigzag figure, a blind admirer of Teufelsdröckh´s, an incarnation of distraction distracted, and the only one who advises the editor and encourages him in his work; a victim to timidity and preyed on by an uncomfortable sense of mere physical cold, such as the majority of the state-counsellors of the day were. Sounds a lot like Waldo Emerson.
ellauri386.html on line 301: Heus Puer Digitos E Vagina