ellauri006.html on line 1405: Aiheesta lisää: Gregorius Magnuxen magnum opus Magna moralia on 35-osainen kommentaari tähän. Good job Greg! Kurkkasin sitä. Greg märehtii textin jokaikistä sanaa kuin lehmä kustakin neljästä mahasta noussutta märepalaa. Ensin historiallisesti, sitten allegorisesti, sitten moraalisesti. Järisyttävää pilkunnussintaa. Siihen tiedemiesten aika silloin meni. Nyt tähän.
ellauri011.html on line 792: Paulon jehova huijas Aatua ja Eeppaa tahallaan, se kielsi omput vaan six et ne varmasti söis just niitä. Näin se homma etenee, saadaan raina liikkeelle, kamerat pyörimään. Aika sadisti, kun sitten anto niille siitä hyvästä piiskaa. Ei Paulo, ei tää komputoi näinkään päin. Good try, but no cigar.
ellauri011.html on line 1123: Ei perhana, juoni senkun sakenee, tästä tulee entistä farssimaisempaa enkeli-piru-ottelua, kuin Pratchettin ja Gaimanin Good Omens ilman läppiä. Elefantit vuorten yli lampaat päänsä päällä peruukkeina. Jaxaakohan tätä loppuun vaikkei ole paxu kirja, Berttaa laihempi.
ellauri012.html on line 194: "Good morning" every day
ellauri012.html on line 271: Good God! mitä tää kaikki on? Syytän itseäni omista vioistani, sua sun virheistä, mitä hyötyä? Vaikka mulla on huivi, näät miten sekaisin mä oon! Hirmu vaikeaa panna velvollisuus taipumuksen edelle. Tiedän mitä valvoituksia tulee tän huivin mukana, mut tunnen paljon vahvemmin vanhan tunteen voiman. Mun tunteet voittaa mut; rakkaus hämärtää mieleni ja sekoittaa tahtoni. Joskus mut valtaa joku hartaus ja seuraavassa hetkessä kuvittelen rakkauden hellyyttä. Tänään sanon mitä en olisi sanonut eilen. Olin päättänyt etten rakasta sua enää; ajattelin että nyt olen tehnyt nunnalupauksen, ja olen vähän niinkuin kuollut ja haudattu, mut sit nousee odottamatta sydämeni pohjasta intohimo, joka voittaa kaikki tälläiset ajatukset, ja pimentää mun järkeni ja uskonnon. Sä olet niin syvällä mun sielussa etten osaa käydä sun kimppuun; kun yritän katkaista kahleet joilla olen suhun sidottu, petän vaan itseäni, ja kaikki mun ponnistukset vaan tiukentaa niitä. Voi helvetti, sääli
ellauri015.html on line 819: "Good luck!" huutaa ukki matalikon toisesta päästä ja työntää veneen kalliolta alas. Metsä herää ja sen myötä hyttyset. Minä hytisen kauttaaltani, lähden kiipeämään kalliorinnettä ja kompuroin mustikkamättäiden ja sananjalkojen poikki ensimmäiselle kumpareelle. Jostain kaukaa kuuluu metsästystorven töräys, sitten pian miesääniä ja koiran haukuntaa. "Snabbt, Joel, där springer han", huutaa joku. Ja: "Jävla sackeman!"
ellauri016.html on line 556: Amer. täti Goodell 1939 huomautti tästä merkityxen muutoxesta: oltuaan 1800-luvulla rotinkaisista ylösnoussut pyrkyri snobi on 1900-luvulla päässyt perille ja on nyt muita rotinkaisia halvexuva rikastunut tai viisastunut pöyhkimys.
ellauri018.html on line 594:
Goodreads community reviews on Pamela
ellauri018.html on line 1138: Pari kohtaa missä somalien antropologin kaavusta pilkistää Jane Goodall: 1) siitä on yllättäen kiusallista kuzua somalikollegoita omaan kotiinsa, ja 2) se havaizee yllätyxexeen, että naiset haluu tietää keiden muiden kolleegoiden kaa se kaveeraa. Jos ne olis ketä tahansa eikä muukalaisia, oisko tää mikään yllätys? Mix somalit olis keskenään sen kummemmin kavereita kuin suomalaisetkaan? Sixkö kun ne on niin samannäköisiä?
ellauri020.html on line 407: Santra on onnettomasti retkussa Neil Goodmaniin, yli puolijuutalaiseen ukkomieheen, joka tykästy Santraan kun se tiesi hollantilaisista mestareista älyttömän paljon ollaxeen niin sievä, ja tää vanha juude keräs hollantilaisia maisemia, mieliharrastuxena rahan tekemisen jälkeen. Kolmas hobby on nyt Santran kaula-aukkomaisemien kazelu ja kengitys.
ellauri020.html on line 472: Gaalaruuan kokkaa kestojulkkixet pienissä kojuissa essut eessä ja kokinhatut päässä. Siinä oli meitä poikia, siinä oli sanos nyt, niin Oprah Winfrey, Sylvester Cat, Roger Moore, Liz Taylor, Joan Collins, Julia Child, Patrick Suppes, the Beatles, Eput, Eino Gröhn ja Veli Vesselin Volvon vasen etulokasuoja. Niin ja Huuhkajat. Kiveshuoneessa (ballroom) rikkaat hytkyy rokkia rehupiiklesien tahdissa. Paikalle tuli mm. Goodmanit, Jensenit, Suikkaset ja jansenistejakin puolijoukke.
ellauri026.html on line 298: Rakkaus ja ystävyys on sen mielestä myös tyhmyyttä, tykätään toisesta eikä nähdä sen vikoja. Vanha mieskin tykkää vanhasta vaimosta. Onpas typerää, vaikka kilttiä. Ollaan hyvänahkaisia hölmöjä. Ja sama pätee vielä enemmän avioliitosta. Good God! Erasmus huutaa kuin Captain Hastings. Avioeroja tulisi päivittäin, ellei aviopuolisot syyllistyisi mielistelyyn, apinamaisuuteen, hellyyteen, tietämättömyyteen, ja teeskentelyyn, kaikki tyhmyyden kamuja. Ei tulisi naimakauppoja, jos mies tajuaisi miten monia sen säveä pikku kultu on kiksauttanut ennen papin aamenta. Tai siltä ei jäisi huomaamatta vaimon temput avioliiton aikana. Typerä aisankannattaja. (Erasmuskin kyllä nuoli aisaa mielellään. Oli sekin sevverran typerä.)
ellauri028.html on line 101: Onkohan jenkit kiemurrelleet ihan noloina kun nää Markun jutut tuli julki. Epäamerikkalaisuutta Mississippin suurmieheltä. No ei, kyllähän Amerikkaan mahtuu mielipiteitä. Vaikenivat kuoliaaxi. Sehän olikin jo melkein vainaja. Piti näitä pöytälaatikossa, sanoi raamatuxensa mieli mustana, luki yxityisesti kavereille kuin Rusakko sen tunnustuxia. Sellaista on liikkeellä kuin coronavirusta. Pari vinkkiä ois kiva miten ne sai yleisönsä pysymään istumassa paikallaan ja kuuntelemaan loppuun saakka. Kuoli 75 vuotiaana, julaisi tän anonyyminä vuotta ennen sitä. Alla tulee arvioita Goodreadsilta. Booze Hound on nähtävästi Jevgenin hengenheimolaisia.
ellauri028.html on line 408: I said "Goodbye" and thought the rest.
ellauri033.html on line 1073: Emile Laure oli II maailmansodan armeijankenraali Vauclusesta, Vichy-luopio, mitäs se puuhaa Lamartinen runossa? Sori my bad, puhe on jostain toisesta Lauresta. No Vauclusessa on myös ravintola Petrarque et Laure, josta jenkkivieraat sanovat: Good food but lousy service. Koska Vauclusessa on Mont Ventoux, jolle Petrarca kipusi jollain wanderungilla: For pleasure alone he climbed Mont Ventoux, which rises to more than six thousand feet, beyond Vaucluse. It was no great feat, of course; but he was the first recorded Alpinist of modern times, the first to climb a mountain merely for the delight of looking from its top. (Or almost the first; for in a high pasture he met an old shepherd, who said that fifty years before he had attained the summit, and had got nothing from it save toil and repentance and torn clothing.) Petrarch was dazed and stirred by the view of the Alps, the mountains around Lyons, the Rhone, the Bay of Marseilles. He took Augustine´s Confessions from his pocket and reflected that his climb was merely an allegory of aspiration toward a better life. Vanha paimen oli tyytyväinen kun joku oli vielä tyhmempi kuin se, niinkuin Roope ezimässä nelikulmaisia munia.
ellauri051.html on line 496: Whatman sai ketnureaktion 1873 ja muutti Camdeniin New Jerseyyn veljensä luokse. Vuosina 1875–1876 hän julkaisi sisällissodasta kertovan kirjan Memoranda during the War, mutta halvaukset olivat jo hidastaneet hänen kirjoittamistaan. Whatman julkaisi myös uusia versioita Leaves of Grassista, jonka myyntituloilla hän osti Camdenista itselleen oman talon. Teoksen viimeinen versio sisälsi kaikkiaan 300 runoa. Whatmanin viimeiseksi jäänyt teos Good-Bye, My Fanny julkaistiin vuonna 1891.
ellauri052.html on line 721: Good, I believe. I am no judge. He was very quick and slippery and full of electric fire. It is a remarkable thing, what a curious sort of fluid force they seem to have in them, those people not like a human grip -- like a polyp --
ellauri053.html on line 1179: His complaint against Yeats was that Yeats’s “supernatural world” was “the wrong supernatural world”: It was not a world of spiritual significance, not a world of real Good and Evil, of holiness or sin, but a highly sophisticated lower mythology summoned, like a physician, to supply the fading pulse of poetry with some transient stimulant so that the dying patient may utter his last words.
ellauri060.html on line 426: Michelinmies olisi tyytyväinen jos kazoisi The Good Liarin. Siinä oli just sellasia nuorekkaita teräsvanhuxia kuin mistä Bibemus on kirjassaan Vanhuudesta kirjoittanut. Slaagin saanut Hans Taub sairaalassa taas oli just sellainen mix Timppa pelkää ize tulevansa. Hieno näpäys Bulgarian kultasannasta taustakuvana ja noruva pillimehu halvauxesta roikkuvassa suussa.
ellauri060.html on line 1061: In addition, BERT has been quickly surpassed by OpenAI GPT-3 and GPT-2 which are simply huge - GPT-3 has 175 billion parameters and takes tens of thousands of powerful specialized FPU cards and weeks to train. Good luck trying to put something like that in production at tens of thousands of queries-per-second (qps) which is what Google requires. Lisää aiheesta ellauri061.html on line 227: 2. tuotantokausi. Tässä tulee nyt Puck, ja keijukaisia. Onkohan ne samanlaisia kuin Pratchettin menninkäiset? CRIVENS! Shakella samat näyttelijät esitti mekaanikkoja ja Titanian keijuja: Koi, Sinapinsiemen, Seitti, ja Hernekukka. Hajuherne ois ollut hauskempi nimi. Nää on kyl varmaan olevinaan aika pieniä. Sekin on hassua! Onx Oberon keijukunkku? Ja Titania sen emäntä? Niinpä suattaa olla. Puck on tonttu. Punarinta Hyvähäiskä, eli Robin Goodfellow. Se vetää viisolta mummolta pallin alta ja mummu lentää pyllylleen ja huutaa jestanpoo. Kirkossa vielä. Se on HYVIN hassua!
ellauri061.html on line 383: HAMLET Or of a courtier; which could say 'Good morrow, HAMLET Tai hovimies; joka voisi sanoa 'Hyvää huomenta,
ellauri061.html on line 582: HORATIO Good my lord, be quiet. HORATIO Herra hyvä, rauhoitu.
ellauri061.html on line 619: Good Gertrude, set some watch over your son. Gertrude kulta, laita joku vahtimaan sun poikaa.
ellauri062.html on line 282: Serena says she will pray for him. He holds her by the neck. Good old times are back again.
ellauri062.html on line 437: Kansallissosialismin ja okkultismin väliset väitetyt yhteydet ovat olleet keskustelun kohteena erityisesti 1960-luvun alusta lähtien, tosin ensimmäiset aihetta käsittelevät kirjoitukset julkaistiin Ranskassa ja Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa jo 1940-luvun alussa. Useiden dokumenttielokuvien ohella aiheesta on julkaistu lukuisia kirjoja, joista tunnetuimpia ovat Le Matin des Magiciens (1960) ja Trevor Ravenscroftin Pyhä keihäs (1972). Tätä kirjallisuutta on tutkinut historioitsija Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke teoksissaan The Modern Mythology of Nazi Occultism ja The Nazi Mysteries. Kansallissosialistien ja okkultismin yhteyttä korostava kirjallisuus muodostaa oman lajityyppinsä. Lajityypin toistuva piirre on väite, jonka mukaan natsit toimivat jonkinlaisen okkultistisen voiman tai salaseuran ohjauksessa.
ellauri062.html on line 439: Koska natseja ohjailleen salaisen tahon olemassaoloa ei ole pystytty todistamaan, Goodrick-Clarke ja saksalainen historioitsija Michael Rißmann ovat kuvailleet lajityyppiä näennäishistoriaksi. Okkultismin ja pakanuuden vaikutuksesta kansallissosialismiin on kuitenkin tehty myös akateemista tutkimusta, ja aihepiiri kuuluu kansallissosialismin uskonnollisesta puolesta käytyyn tieteelliseen keskusteluun. Jos siinä vaikka sittenkin olisi jotakin!
ellauri066.html on line 524: Rabbi Harold S. Kushner in his book When Bad Things Happen to Good People describes schadenfreude as a universal, even wholesome reaction that cannot be helped. "There is a German psychological term, Schadenfreude, which refers to the embarrassing reaction of relief we feel when something bad happens to someone else instead of to us." He gives examples and writes, "[People] don't wish their friends ill, but they can’t help feeling an embarrassing spasm of gratitude that [the bad thing] happened to someone else and not to them." onkohan tää rabbi trumpin vävyn setä?
ellauri069.html on line 368: Goodreadsin suositeltu bookrevieweri (29 August 2017 John Pistelli) koittaa selittää mihkä Neppi pyrkii, TLDR rajoitteisella sanamäärällä. Tänkin rakettitieteilijän Brennschluss tulee liian aikaisin, ei tässä ihan kuuhun asti päästä.
ellauri069.html on line 406: Mainizisin muutamia naisiakin, kuten Katje Borgesius, Geli Tripping, ym, mutta näissä Goodreadsin kritiikeissä on sanaraja. Sisko tahtoisin jäädä, mutta taxi odottaa, moottoritie on kuuma. Enivei, ei niistä juuri muuta kerrota kuin kuka niitä nussi, mihkä reikiin ja kuinka pitkästi. Tää novelli suorastaan pursuu sellasia stooreja, joista suurimmalla osalla ei ole mitään tekemistä juonen kanssa, kuha ovat kivaa iltalukemista pöntöllä.
ellauri069.html on line 420: No niin se onkin tietysti, ei vaan pidä unhoittaa, ettei tätä touhua kukaan tietoisesti ohjaa, se vaan menee näin. Ja mukana juonessa on tietysti myös Nipsu ize, ja Goodreads mitä suurimmassa määrin. Katje kazoo filmiä jossa Grigori Mustekala kazoo filmiä Katjasta kylvyssä, ja Me kazotaan tätä kaikkea GR-elokuvasta tai äänikirjasta, tai el Laurin paasauxesta. "Ne" eli "Me" ollaan koko ajan ruorissa, eikä olla sittenkään. ("Mä" oon vannoutunut anti-paranoidi, eli pikemminkin autisti.)
ellauri069.html on line 762: Biographers report that Baum had been a political activist in the 1890s with a special interest in the money question of gold and silver (bimetallism). The City of Oz earns its name from the abbreviation of ounces "Oz" in which gold and silver are measured. Unssin kaupunki. For example, the Tin Woodman wonders what he would do if he ran out of oil. "You wouldn't be as badly off as John D. Rockefeller", the Scarecrow responds, "He'd lose six thousand dollars a minute if that happened." Dorothy—naïve, young and simple—represents the American people. She is Everyman, led astray and seeking the way back home. Moreover, following the road of gold leads eventually only to the Emerald City, which may symbolize the fraudulent world of greenback paper money that only pretends to have value. It is ruled by a scheming politician (the Wizard) who uses publicity devices and tricks to fool the people (and even the Good Witches) into believing he is benevolent, wise, and powerful when really he is a selfish, evil humbug.
ellauri072.html on line 54: Goodreadista löytyi seurraava luettelo izemurharouvista ja herroista. Huom. Benjamin, Hitler, Cato, Petronius ja Seneca teki vastentahtoisesti suikin pakotettuna. Ei lasketa. Koestler oli unkarilainen ex-commie takinkääntäjä siionistilänkkäri joka teki n:nnen vaimon kaa Klasu-Ebba tuplaseppukun. Lie ollut paska kirjailijakin. Suuri osa näistä on tuiki tuntemattomia. Varmaan jouti mennäkin. Bourdain oli tv-kokki joka hirtti izensä. Paloi joku keitos pohjaan kai. Kosinski oli ehkä huijari. Herrndorf on Wikipediassa tituleerattu vaan "tekijäxi" ja oli kuolemassa aivosyöpään muutenkin. Eli taulukkona näin:
ellauri077.html on line 797: Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 – 27. elokuuta 1611) oli espanjalainen säveltäjä ja pappi. The Tenebrae Responsories by Tomás Luis de Victoria are a set of eighteen motets for four voices a cappella. The late Renaissance Spanish composer set the Responsories for Holy Week known as Tenebrae responsories. They are liturgical texts prescribed for use in the Catholic observances during the Triduum of the Holy Week, in the Matins of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. The compositions were published in Rome in 1585.
ellauri079.html on line 265: Good Lives and Meaningful Work. James D. Wallace - 2002 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (1):73-79. Kirja-arvostelu jonkun Mike Martinin kirjasta nimeltä Meaningful work.
ellauri083.html on line 82: The writer Pearl S. Buck emerged into literary stardom in 1931 when she published a book called "The Good Earth." That story of family life in a Chinese village won the novelist international acclaim, the Pulitzer, and eventually a Nobel Prize. Her upbringing in China as the American daughter of missionaries served as inspiration for that novel and many others. By her death in 1973, Pearl Buck had written around 100 books.
ellauri083.html on line 124: It can never be said of the Swedish Academy that they don't know what they like. Between Independent People, The Growth of the Soil, The Good Earth, and probably several others I haven't read yet it seems clear that the path to a Nobel Prize in literature is the one trod by struggling farmers out in the countryside.
ellauri083.html on line 135: The Good Earth (English The Good Earth) is a historical fiction novel by American author Pearl S. Buck published in 1931 that dramatizes family life in a Chinese village in the early 20th century. It was influential in Buck's winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1938.
ellauri083.html on line 320: Todellisuudessa tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että 990 - 999 jokaisesta 1000 osallistujasta verkostomarkkinointiin häviää rahaa. Good old pyramidihuijaus.
ellauri083.html on line 354: The finale titled "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen" was the most-watched and highest-rated single television episode in US television history 1983, with a record-breaking 125 million viewers.
ellauri083.html on line 410: Suomalaisen rupusakin jälkeläiset Michiganissa on siellä nyt amerikkalaista rupusakkia. Joku trumppilainen laiskapaska fasisti siellä kehuskelee suomalaisilla juurilla mutta ei sano tuntemattomille olevansa amerikansuomalainen vaan väittää olevansa 100% amerikkalainen. Onnexi, ettei tarvi niitä hävetä. Lähettäisin sille mieluusti seuraavan someviestin: oikein kiva että läxitte, älkää tulko takasin. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
ellauri083.html on line 444: God, J. 0000. Universe by design. In: God et al. (eds.) The Good Book, Ch. 1. Divine Publishers, Inc. New Heaven, U.S.A
ellauri089.html on line 345:
ellauri089.html on line 423: § 10. "Good", then, denotes one unique simple object of thought among innumerable others; but this object has very commonly been identified with some other—a fallacy which may be called "the naturalistic fallacy" … Tässä Jyriltä alkaa lähteä riimu käsistä. Sillä on niin iso lehmälauma ojassa, ettei se pysty pitelemään sitä. 1 lehmistä on että ainoa merkizevä hyvä on termiittiapinoiden hyvä, lehmistä ei mitään väliä. Niitä on hyvä popsia aivan vapaasti. Koska lehmät ei ole meikäläisiä, niillä ei ole sielua, ei äänioikeutta eikä armeijaa, ja ne maistuu meistä apinoista hyvältä. So there! ellauri089.html on line 678: § 129. In order to consider II. Mixed Goods, we must first distinguish between (1) the value of a whole as a whole, and (2) its value on the whole or total value: (1)=the difference between (2) and the sum of the values of the parts. In view of this distinction, it then appears: …
ellauri094.html on line 711: Good luck in your poetry interpretation practice!
ellauri096.html on line 136: Foundationalists reject (1). They take some propositions to be self-evident. Coherentists reject (2). They tolerate some forms of circular reasoning. For instance, Nelson Goodman (1965) has characterized the method of reflective equilibrium as virtuously circular. Charles Peirce (1933–35, 5.250) rejected (3), an approach later refined by Peter Klein (2007) and championed at book-length by Scott F. Aikin (2011). Infinitists believe that infinitely long chains of justification are no more impossible than infinitely long chains of causation. Finally, the epistemological anarchist rejects (4). As Paul Feyerabend refrains in Against Method, “Anything goes” (1988, vii, 5, 14, 19, 159).
ellauri099.html on line 564: INTP - Arkkitehti - Very Good Match
ellauri099.html on line 567: ISTP - Askartelija - Very Good Match
ellauri099.html on line 571: INFP - Parantainen - Good Match
ellauri100.html on line 813: “Good folk, I have no coin;
ellauri100.html on line 1074: “Good folk,” said Lizzie,
ellauri106.html on line 67: In October 1956, Philip Roth met the secretary Margaret Martinson Williams in Chicago, whom he married in February 1959. The divorced mother of two children of completely different social origins, who was four years older than him, initially gave Roth the feeling of both a challenge and a liberation. Later, however, the problems and arguments in their relationship increased, which the writer dealt with in retrospect in works such as When She Was Good ( Lucy Nelson or Die Moral, 1967) or My Life As a Man (Mein Leben als Mann, 1974). In his autobiography The Facts (The Facts, 1988) Margaret even advanced as Josie Jensen to the “counter-self”, to the “arch enemy and nemesis ” of the author. The couple separated in 1963, but Margaret Roth refused to consent to a divorce. Five years later she died in a car accident.
ellauri106.html on line 69: From 1958 onwards, the couple lived in New York on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, and in 1959 they spent seven months in Italy on a Guggenheim grant. Upon their return, they both settled in Iowa City, where Roth led the Writers' Workshop at the University of Iowa. The experiences in small-town Iowa far away from the American metropolises flowed into Roth's second novel Letting Go (Other People's Worries), which was published in 1962, but in contrast to Roth's previously published volume of short stories Goodbye, Columbus caused mixed reactions from critics. Stanley Edgar Hyman, for example, criticized weaknesses in the narrative structure of the novel, the two narrative parts of which are only superficially connected, but praised what he saw as "the keenest eye for the details of American life since Sinclair Lewis". Letting Go is also the first novel in which Roth, as in numerous later works, made the writings of his literary predecessors an integral part of the narrative, and is therefore often referred to as Roth's first "Henry James novel".
ellauri106.html on line 106: That same year, rather than wait to be drafted, Roth enlisted in the army. Roth enlisted in the Army that year to avoid being drafted and assigned to unpleasant duty like the infantry. Fortunately he suffered a back injury during basic training and was given a medical discharge. Who knows. He returned to Chicago in 1956 to study for a PhD in literature but dropped out after one term. It was a yeasty environment for a young writer. Saul Bellow was a contemporary and with some what similar backgrounds and interests they could not avoid being rivals. During that year he met a lovely shiksa waitress Margaret Martinson, a single woman with a small child. He was smitten. An intense, but often troubled relationship ensued. At the end of the year he dropped out of the U of C and headed to the University of Iowa to teach in its creative writing program. None the less, whatever he may have said, Roth was not happy there, perhaps because the semi-rural Midwesterness of Ames was alien to him. After a while with Martinson in tow he moved on to a similar position at Princeton, another WASP bastion but one with even more prestige. Everyone who knew him recognized Roth as an early comer. He later continued his academic career at the University of Pennsylvania, where he taught comparative literature before retiring from teaching in 1991. Roth started teaching literature in the late 1960s at the University of Pennsylvania. The 1969 feature film adaptation of Goodbye, Columbus coincided with the publication of Portnoy’s Complaint, which soon became a best-seller amid controversy for its prurient content. (Those who've read it will likely not forget Portnoy's "love affair" with mom´s slab of liver in the fridge.)
ellauri106.html on line 179: Today the lengthy obituaries are all laudatory. Tomorrow or the next day I can safely predict that the backlash will begin with harshly critical essays. Leading the way will be Feminists critics who will denounce the whole cabal of elite white men as the custodians of the literary cannon. More pointedly they will charge Roth with toxic masculinity and misogyny and will come loaded for bear with plenty of quotes from his work. They will also have the example and testimony of his two ex-wives, both of whom showed up thinly disguised in his novels—a Margaret Martinson in When She Was Good and actress Clare Bloom in I Married a Communist. Bloom penned her own bitter exposé of their 14-year-long relationship and four year marriage in he memoir Leaving the Doll’s House.
ellauri106.html on line 668: If on my theme I rightly think, There are five reasons why men drink: Good wine; a friend; because I´m dry; Or lest I should be by and by; Or any other reason why.
ellauri107.html on line 53: Pepun isä tuli kaupasta päivän tilin kaa, kaatoi kitaan Martinin kuin tärpätin ja asettui laiskanlinnaan kuuntelemaan Lyle Vania ja nyytisiä. I remember when I was little growing up in Queens, NY, Lyle would end his nightly broadcast with the words "Goodnight little redheads....Everyone".
ellauri107.html on line 86: The title “Goodbye, Columbus” is a quote from a song that was sung by the departing seniors in Columbus, Ohio.
ellauri107.html on line 466: He serenely believed that the one purpose of the real-estate business was to make money for George F. Babbitt. True, it was a good advertisement at Boosters' Club lunches, and all the varieties of Annual Banquets to which Good Fellows were invited, to speak sonorously of Unselfish Public Service, the Broker's Obligation to Keep Inviolate the Trust of His Clients, and a thing called Ethics, whose nature was confusing but if you had it you were a High-class Realtor and if you hadn't you were a shyster, a piker, and a fly-by-night. These virtues awakened Confidence, and enabled you to handle Bigger Propositions. But they didn't imply that you were to be impractical and refuse to take twice the value of a house if a buyer was such an idiot that he didn't jew you down on the asking-price.
ellauri107.html on line 482: “Good hunch!” said Finkelstein, while even the learned Professor Pumphrey, a bulbous man with a pepper-and-salt cutaway and a pipe-organ voice, commented, “That makes a dandy accessory. Cigar-lighter gives tone to the dashboard.”
ellauri107.html on line 496: “Good Lord, I don't know what 'rights' a man has! And I don't know the solution of boredom. If I did, I'd be the one philosopher that had the cure for living. But I do know that about ten times as many people find their lives dull, and unnecessarily dull, as ever admit it; and I do believe that if we busted out and admitted it sometimes, instead of being nice and patient and loyal for sixty years, and then nice and patient and dead for the rest of eternity, why, maybe, possibly, we might make life more fun.”
ellauri109.html on line 753: A heroic couplet is a traditional form for English poetry, commonly used in epic and narrative poetry, and consisting of a rhyming pair of lines in iambic pentameter. Use of the heroic couplet was pioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in the Legend of Good Women and the Canterbury Tales, and generally considered to have been perfected by John Dryden and Alexander Pope in the Restoration Age and early 18th century respectively. A frequently-cited example illustrating the use of heroic couplets is this passage from Cooper's Hill by John Denham, part of his description of the Thames:
ellauri110.html on line 341: Peter Pepys-Goodchild, who has been made an MBE, is related to Samuel Pepys and knew Margaret Thatcher, John Major and Morris Mini-Minor. ellauri110.html on line 1115: Goodreads yhtyy edelliseen puhujaan joskin vasta tilaisuuden jälkeen:
ellauri117.html on line 218: Good, I believe. I am no judge. He was very quick and slippery and full of electric fire. It is a remarkable thing, what a curious sort of fluid force they seem to have in them, those people not like a human grip -- like a polyp --
ellauri117.html on line 655: Locke was at times not sure about the subject of original sin, so he was accused of Socinianism, Arianism, or Deism. Locke argued that the idea that "all Adam's Posterity are doomed to Eternal Infinite Punishment, for the Transgression of Adam" was "little consistent with the Justice or Goodness of the Great and Infinite God", leading Eric Half-Nelson to associate him with Pelagian ideas. However, he did not deny the reality of evil. Man was capable of waging unjust wars and committing crimes. Criminals had to be punished, even with the death penalty.
ellauri119.html on line 438: Do not forget to love with forgiveness, Christ saved an adulterous woman from those who would stone her. She had a whole lotta love left to give. Good material for a Jezebel. Mosaic Law would hold (Deuteronomy 22:22-24) "If a man is found lying with a woman married to a husband, then both of them shall die—the man that lay with the woman, and the woman; so you shall put away the evil from Israel. If a young woman who is a virgin is betrothed to a husband, and a man finds her in the city and lies with her, then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city, and you shall stone them to death with stones, the young woman because she did not cry out in the city, and the man because he humbled his neighbor's wife; So you shall "put away" the evil from among you. A world of wronged hypocrites needs forgiving love. To love one's friends is common practice, to love one's enemies only among Christians. But Christians do not particularly love enemies not among Christians, like moslems or jews. Forgive them, ok, but kill them. Mosaic law is what the jews pieced together after Moses accidentally dropped the stone tablets.
ellauri119.html on line 466: The industrial revolution in the XVIIIth century created free love, great public and small celebrities. Goodbye nobility, welcome notables! What the fuck, same difference.
ellauri131.html on line 367: Food and Love, the Gardeners, Jack Canafield and Carol Spurgulewski, The Gift of Christmas, the Girlfriend's Hole, the Girl's Hole, Hole in One, The Golf Book, the Golfer's Hole, Golfer's Pole – The 2nd Round, Jack Canafield, Grand and Great Grandma's Hole: Stories to Honor and Celebrate the Ageless Hole of Grandmothers, into Grandma with Love, the Grandparent's Black Soul, the Grieving Soul, Grieving and Recovery, Happily Ever After, Now Comes the Bride, Hole Sweet Hole, Hole and Miracles, Horse Lovers and Horse Lovers II, the Soul of Hawaii, Jack Canafield, Hooked on Hockey, I Can't Believe My Cat Did That I Can't Believe My Dog Did That Can't Believe my Pole Fit That Indian Teenage Hole, Inspiration for the Young at Heart, Inspect the Body Hole, Jack Canafield, To Inspect a Woman's Hole, Inspection of Nurses, It's Christmas, Chicken Soup for the Jewish Son, Jack Canafield, Rabbi Dov Gabbay (2001), The Joy of Adoption, The Joy of Less Adoption, Just Use Girls, Doing Kids in the Kitchen, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Hole, Jack Canafield, Chicken Bone for the Kid's Other Hole 2, Jack Canafield, the Latino Soup, the Latter-day Saint, The Laughing Soul (Audio only), Lemons to Lemonade, the Little Holes, Like Mother, Like Daughter, like Granny, Living With Alzheimers and Other Dements, Love Stories: Stories of First Dates, First Figs, Soul Mates, and Everlasting Love, Loving Our Dogs, The Manic Loving of Mothers and Daughters, Making Love in Menopause, Married 3 wives, Merry Christmas, Messages From Heaven, the Military Wife's Hole, Jack Canafield, Miraculous Messages from Heaven, More Miracles Happen in Moms and Sons videos, Into Mom with Love, Mothers and Preschoolers videos, Mother's Hole, Mother's Hole #2, Jack Canafield, the Mother and Daughter Holes, Mother and Son again, The Multitasking Mom's Survival Guide, My Very Good, Very Bad Cat, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog, My Very Good, Very Bad Son, Chicken Coop for the NASCAR jerk, [National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing on pohjoisamerikkalainen autourheilujärjestö. Kotimaassaan Yhdysvalloissa sarja on kasvanut suosituimmaksi penkkiurheilulajiksi heti amerikkalaisen jalkapallon jälkeen.] Chicken Soup from the Nature Lover's Bones, from New Mom's Hole, New Mom Chicken Soup for the Networkers, Marketer's Black Soul, Jack Canafield, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse, Chicken Soup from the Nurse's Arse: Second Dose, Oh Canada The Wonders of Winter, Ocean Lovers, Older and Wiser, the Parents, Mamas and Papas, Planned parenthood, the Preteen Hole, Jack Canafield, The Preteen Hole #2, Power of Gratitude, 1wPower Moms, Power Pet Lovers, The Power of Forgiveness, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Power of The Eye of Sarnath, The Power of The Dark side of The Force, Chicken Coops for Prisoners, Reboot Your Wife, Raising Great Kids, Reader's Digest, Recovering from Traumatic Brain Injuries, Recovering from Reboot, the Romantic Tits, the Scrapbooker's Brain, The Shopkeeper's Soul, Jack Canafield, the Single's Pole, the Single Parent's Hole, the Sister's Hole, the Sister's Hole #2, the Sports Fan's Brain, Stories for a Better Price, The Story Behind the Lyrics, The Surfing Teen-Lover's Soul, Teacher Sales, Teacher's Pole in the Teen's Hole, Teens Taking Pole on Faith, In the Teenage Hole In the Teenage Hole II, Jack Canafield, In the Teenage Hole III (2000),
ellauri131.html on line 854: Musta Mariannessa on poweria. Mitäs muut sanovat Mariannesta? Luetaas Goodreadista.
ellauri133.html on line 758: [almost sadly] Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose any more. Goodbye.
ellauri143.html on line 1171: Friendship Quotes (8189 quotes) - Goodreads..
ellauri143.html on line 1188: Nilkki on kuin hyvä vaimo: tietää paikkansa. A Good Wife Knows Her Place.
ellauri143.html on line 1279: Good deeds to men of good deserts to do.
ellauri144.html on line 595: Edible.Good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm.
ellauri145.html on line 537: Nietzsche’s image, through no more fault of his own than Hawking´s (LOL), has grown in a similar way to that of Hawking. We all have a vague notion of what the Ubermensch is, we’ve all heard “God is dead,” and we all know Nietzsche was a crazy philosopher with a giant mustache who wrote really hard books and scared his contemporaries and was apparently a favorite of the Nazis. There are little quips and quotes from him around the internet that sound awfully cryptic and enigmatic. And the publishing industry plays on this image, too: I have a copy of Beyond Good And Evil with a black cover and the title text printed in red and white, and the color scheme looks a little sinister. I strongly suspect that, if Nietzsche did not have a popular image as a crazy nihilist Nazi Ubermensch from the 1800s, the publisher would not have made the decision to print his books with a black and red color scheme. A cursory look at Amazon’s book listing also shows copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra with a picture of a panther’s eyes on the cover, glowering at the reader. Because… “Nietzsche was that crazy German writer or philosopher or whatever, right? And he was, like, an anarchist or nihilist or Nazi or something, right? Didn’t he kill God or something like that? Yeah.”
ellauri150.html on line 461: Ben-Hurista ei meinannut ensin löytyä kuin filmikäsikirjoitus. Synopsis: Judah Ben-Hur lives as a rich Jewish merchant prince in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 1st century. Together with the new governor Pontius Pilate, his old friend Messiah arrives as commanding officer of the Roman legions. At first they are happy to meet after a long time but their different politic views separate them. During the welcome parade a roof tile falls down from Judah's house and injures the governor. Although Messiah knows they are not guilty as such, he sends Judah to the galleys and throws his mother and sister into prison. What the fuck, their house was a menace! Good old Hammurabi would have had their heads off. But Judah swears to come back and take revenge. Genre: Adventure, Drama, History.
ellauri150.html on line 553: When the sunlight broke upon the crucifixion, the mother of the Nazarene, the disciple, and the faithful women of Galilee, the centurion and his soldiers, and Ben-Hur and his party, were all who remained upon the hill. Balthasar was funnily prostrate and still. The good man was dead! The 3 Christmas Elves excellently illustrated the three virtues in combination—Faith, Love, and Good Works. (Or should it be Hope? Works are good för nothing.)
ellauri150.html on line 689: But the Pope's letter is actually a warning of the dangers inherent in too much freedom. It is the old story of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were free to do whatever they wished in this original Paradise, but if they partook of the Tree of Good and Evil then there would be a price to pay. (Yes, as Milton made it clear, they were completely free to have sex anytime and anywhere, but not while munching on the apple!) And as it turned out the temptation was too great to resist.
ellauri152.html on line 628: I am on a crusade to make everyone aware of Yentl the Yeshiva Boy! Thank you! Also what I hate so much about that movie scene is the addition of Avigdor physical grabbing and shaking Yentl! The scene in the story is so quiet and gives Yentl dignity while explaining, while the movie has her break down confessing love for a man whose first reaction to her gender was to GRAB and SHAKE her! so inferior to just having a good old talmudic debate with your Good Pal. i feel like your comment totally sums up why The Half of It on netflix is so good.
ellauri153.html on line 265: Tushkin Pushkin quotes Saadi in his work Eugene Onegin, "as Saadi sang in earlier ages, 'some are far distant, some are dead'. Good point.
ellauri153.html on line 449: Loppu hyvin, kaikki hyvin. Jobille kävi hyvin ellei paremmin vielä tällä puolen kiveä. Jos sulla ei käy yhtä hyvä viuhka, älä sure, yläpilvellä viimeistään puntit tasataan. I promise! No ollaanko nyt viisaampia kun hellitettiin koalan nelijuurisesta juurikkaasta? Jumalalle ainakin on pelitilanne nyt helpottunut, ei tarvi kaikkea enää selittää parhain päin. Ja saatana- tarkoitan Moby Dick on saanut lisää statusta. Jobin marinakin on välttämätön osa voittosanomaa. Ilman sitä siirtoa ei oltaisi nyt tässä. Good Job! Eläköön ruukunsirkamat! Kylla Jopi elamassa parjaa! Kazo kuinka se on nytkin rynninyt Carlsonien nelikon ihan kärkeen loppumetreillä. Älkää nuolaisko ennenkö tipahtaa, kazotaan ensin loppuun tämä tilanne! ellauri156.html on line 267: Finally, David can stand his bed no longer. Getting up, he goes for a stroll around the roof of his palace. Most certainly, David's palace was built on the highest ground possible, so that it would afford him a commanding view of the city and the surrounding country. Virtually every other residence and building would be below David's penthouse apartment, and thus he would be able to see much that was out of sight for others. (A friend remarked after this message that a truck driver had told him a whole lot can be seen from an 18-wheeler that people in cars don't see. A chicano truck-driver just got a 110 year sentence in the U.S. for failing to stop his 18-wheeler when the brakes went. Now that was a honest-to-god Jehova style sentence, to the third and fourth generation. Good work, Rocky!)
ellauri156.html on line 689: As I understand the Bible, there is more to the story than this, however. Our lord (meaning Jeshua) frequently told stories. Why was this? Was it because he was trying to “put the cookies on the lowest shelf”? Was he accommodating his teaching to those who might have difficulty understanding it? Sometimes our lord told stories to the religious experts, who should have been able to follow a more technical argument. No, I think his own elevator did not quite reach the upper floors. I am thinking in particular of the story of the Good Samaritan, as recorded in Luke 10. A religious lawyer stood up and asked Jesus a question, not to sincerely learn, but with the hope of making our Lord look bad before the people. He asked, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus turned the question around. This man was the expert in the Law of Moses, what did it teach? The man answered, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF, THAT IS, EVEN MORE.” (Luke 10:27). In effect, Jesus responded, “Right. Now do it.” That was the problem with the law, no one could do it without failing, and so no one could earn their way to heaven by good works. Well, how high can we get with mediocre works? Someplace between heaven and hell would actually be most preferable.
ellauri156.html on line 691: The lawyer knew he was in trouble and tried to dig himself out (bad choice). He (like many lawyers then and now) thought he could get himself off the hook by arguing in terms of technicalities. And so he had a follow-up question for Jesus: “And who is my neighbor?” Jesus did not debate this man on his own terms. He was not willing to get into a word study in the original text. Instead, Jesus told a simple story, the story of the Good Samaritan.
ellauri156.html on line 814: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is “Good News.” (No, it is Dog's breakfast. You must be thinking of euangelion.) The “Good News” is the death of our Lord, which reveals the immensity of our sin, is the immense workload of God by which he can and will forgive us of our sin. (Recall here Dosto's and many other mystics' meme that everybody should feel guilty of everything. They really enjoy it! It is some variant of algolagnia.) By His innocent and sacrificial death, Jesus died in our place, paid the penalty for our sins. Come to think of it, the logic of this story IS on all fours with God's judgment on David's oversight: Not nice but don't worry, I'll cash your debt on some innocent scapegoat.
ellauri159.html on line 1240: With the desire for efficiency, you must sometimes be terse. Be sure to consider audience reaction. "Shut up!" is a good terse riposte. You already know how ideas relate to one another. Unless you’re writing for an audience of experts, assume readers know nothing about the topic. They don´t. Include faked data if necessary to support your conclusions. In your eagerness to finish, don’t skimp on those touches that will elevate your writing from good to great. You want to be great, not just good. Alexander the Good? Friedrich the Good? Catherine the Good? Naaw.
ellauri159.html on line 1407: The moral philosopher postulates a unified system, 185. Origin of moral judgments, 185. Goods and ills are created by judgment?, 189. Obligations are created by demands, 192. The conflict of ideals, 198. Its solution, 205. Impossibility of an abstract system of Ethics, 208. The easy-going and the strenuous mood, 211. Connection between Ethics and Religion, 212.
ellauri163.html on line 37: Courtney Joseph is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute with a degree in Evangelism and Discipleship. After over a decade of leading women’s Bible studies, mentorships and workshops in her local church, she decided to move her ministry on-line at WomenLivingWell.org where she has over 1.5 million views of her videos on youtube. Courtney’s passion and sincerity has made her a leader in the Christian blogging community. She is the Founder of WomenLivingWell.org and GoodMorningGirls.org.
ellauri192.html on line 330: Ainakin Jaro ize oivalsi miten mitätön se oli. “And Now, Goodby” sisälti seuraavat värsyt:
ellauri198.html on line 491: Good - but the scene shifts - faugh! what hangman hands OK - mutta nolon kevytkenkäinen!
ellauri198.html on line 710: The series was chiefly inspired by the poem "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came" by Robert Browning, whose full text was included in the final volume's appendix. In the preface to the revised 2003 edition of The Gunslinger, King also identifies The Lord of the Rings, Arthurian legend, and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly as inspirations. He identifies Clint Eastwood's "Man with No Name" character as one of the major inspirations for the protagonist, Roland Deschain. King's style of location names in the series, such as Mid-World, and his development of a unique language abstract to our own [clarification needed] (High Speech), are also influenced by J. R. R. Tolkien's work. The series is referred to on King's website as his magnum opus.
ellauri206.html on line 320: Born and raised in Paris, I have been teaching today's French to adults for 23+ years in the US and France. Based on my students' goals and needs, I've created unique downloadable French audiobooks focussing on French like it's spoken today, for all levels. Most of my audiobooks are recorded at several speeds to help you conquer the modern French language. Good luck with your studies and remember, repetition is the key!
ellauri213.html on line 354: The Achille Lauro hijacking has inspired a number of dramatic retellings, including The Death of Klinghoffer (1991), an opera by John Adams and Alice Goodman after a concept of theatre director Peter Sellars. Its depiction of the hijacking has proved controversial. Controversy surrounded the American premiere and other productions in the years which followed. Some critics and audience members condemned the production as antisemitic and appearing to be sympathetic to the hijackers. Adams, Goodman, and Sellars repeatedly claimed that they were trying to give equal voice to both Israelis and Palestinians with respect to the political background. That kind of unpatriotic talk was effectively silenced with the Iraqi wars and the 9/11 incident. It is unpatriotic to be impartial.
ellauri216.html on line 167: Proclus’ own interests are purely metaphysical: his task is to explain how evil fits into the scheme of things, how its existence squares with the omnipotence and all-pervading presence of the Good God, how it comes about and what its ontological status is. All of these questions are undoubtedly important, and I do not mean to belittle them.
ellauri219.html on line 211: Bruce paved the way for kitchen counter culture-era comedians. His trial for obscenity was a landmark of freedom of speech in the United States. Vittu mikä vapaan puheen edustaja, helvetti. In 2017, Rolling Stone magazine ranked him third (behind Richard Pryor and George Carlin) on its list of the 50 best stand-up comics of all time. "Olen offensiivinen", kalansilmä narsisti. Virnuilee koko ajan omille vizeilleen. Good riddance of bad rubbish.
ellauri220.html on line 475: "Oh, you speak English! Good! [in German] You can turn off the subtitles now."
ellauri221.html on line 294: Doctor Jolly Goodhead is a fictional character from the James Bond franchise, portrayed by Lois Chiles. She does not appear in any of the Ian Fleming novels, only in the film version of Moonraker (1979), but her character is similar to that of Gala Brand, the female lead in the original novel Moonraker (1955), by way of being James´s major lay this time round. In 25 years, James has graduated from screwing a secretary to schtupping a doctor of science. Way to go, Bond girls! Right on!
ellauri221.html on line 296: Goodhead is a scientist and astronaut working undercover for the CIA on Sir Hugo Drax´s Moonraker 5 space shuttle, to gather intelligence on Drax´s plan to exterminate the human race. Bond is also working undercover in Drax´s organization, for the British Secret Intelligence Service, and he gets good head from Jolly, until she introduces him to a centrifugal force chamber, where astronauts get to grips with Gräfenberg spot sucking, and invites him to have a try. Without her knowledge, however, Drax´s henchman, Charlie Chan, tampers with the sucking machine´s controls to send it into overdrive; by the time Goodhead comes, Bond has nearly been killed. Bond later meets Goodhead in her hotel room and is able to guess her identity when he sees standard CIA underwear and dildo gadgetry there. Bond and Goodhead are at first reluctant to bonk together, fighting who is to be on top, but they are working well enough as a 2-person team by the end of the film.
ellauri221.html on line 298: Bond travels to Venice to investigate Venni Glass, a company named in some of Drax´s plans. Bond spots Goodhead there and follows her before re-introducing himself. Later that evening, Bond has to deal with Charlie Chan, then pays Goodhead a French visit, and they spend the night humping joyfully together.
ellauri221.html on line 300: After M tells Bond to take two weeks´ leave, Bond travels to Rio de Janeiro, where he meets Goodhead once more. Jaws, who is now working for Drax, tries to kill them both on a cable car at Sugarloaf Mountain. They escape, but are then captured by other men of Drax´s disguised as paramedics. Bond escapes from the ambulance speeding towards Drax´s base, but leaves Goodhead behind.
ellauri221.html on line 302: Bond meets Goodhead again once Drax puts them under ´Moonraker 5´ to be incinerated by the lift-off. They escape and are able to pilot ´Moonraker 6´. After following Drax to his space station, Goodhead and Bond listen to Drax´s speech and leave. Jaws later captures them after the first globe is launched. Drax tells Bond about his plan about having perfect human beings on his earth, with no physical peculiarity or ugliness, but this is overheard by Jaws. He sees that because of his ugly steel teeth, he will be destroyed alongside his ugly girlfriend, Dolly, so turns on Drax and helps Bond and Goodhead to fight Drax´s men. After Bond goes to defeat Drax, Goodhead helps him, and Dolly and Jaws get off on the self-destructing space station, escaping on a pod of their own into Earth´s atmosphere. Bond and Goodhead go after the globe, nearly destroying its inhabitants, but not quite. Bugger it.
ellauri221.html on line 304: The film ends with the representatives of the US and Britain tuning in to see Holly Goodhead and Bond making love. The previous Bond film, The Spy Who Loved Me, ends in the same way, and Anya Amasova (way more beautiful than Lois) was shocked by this candaulism, but Goodhead is too "happy" to care. She is American after all. Last Words: Oh James, rake me around the moon one more time.
ellauri221.html on line 307: James Bond is back for another mission and this time, he is blasting off into space. A spaceship travelling through space is mysteriously hijacked and Bond must work quickly to find out who was behind it all. He starts with the rockets creators, Drax Industries and the man behind the organization, Hugo Drax. On his journey he ends up meeting Dr. Holly Goodhead and encounters the metal-toothed Jaws once again.
ellauri221.html on line 309: A space shuttle called the Moonraker, built by Drax Industries, is on its way to the U.K. when it is hijacked in mid-air and the crew of the 747 carrying it is killed. Bond immediately is called into action, and starts the investigation with Hugo Drax. While at the Drax laboratories, Bond meets the brilliant and stunning Dr. Holly Goodhead, a N.A.S.A. astronaut and C.I.A. Agent who is investigating Drax for the U.S. Government. One of Drax´s thugs, the sinister Chan, attempts to kill 007 at the lab, but when that fails, he follows Bond to Venice and tries again there. Bond and Goodhead follow Drax´s trail to Brazil, where they once again run into the seven-foot Goliath Jaws, a towering giant with metal teeth. Escaping from him, they discover the existence of a huge space station undetected by U.S. or Soviet radar, and a horrible plot by Drax to employ nerve gas in a genocidal project. James and Holly must quickly find a way to stop Hugo Drax before his horrific plans can be put into effect.
ellauri221.html on line 310: A space shuttle is stolen enroute to London and M sends James Bond out to apologize to the shuttle creator, billionaire Hugo Drax. While visiting Drax´s estate, several attempts are made on Bond´s life, making Drax the number one suspect. Bond also meets Dr. Holly Goodhead, a N.A.S.A. scientist, who is also a C.I.A. Agent investigating Drax. Their investigations lead Bond to discover a plot to murder the world´s population so that Drax can repopulate the planet in his image. The chase takes Bond all over the world, California, Brazil, the Amazon James, and, finally, to Drax´s huge space-city over the Earth. Drax, meanwhile, has hired a old friend of Bond to take care of any problems, the steel-toothed killer Jaws.
ellauri221.html on line 311: When a U.S. space shuttle is stolen in a mid-air hijacking, only Bond can find the evil genius responsible. The clues point to billionaire Hugo Drax, who has devised a scheme to destroy all human life on Earth. As Bond races against time to stop Drax´s evil plot, he joins forces with Dr. Holly Goodhead, a N.A.S.A. scientist who is as beautiful as she is brilliant, and 007 needs all the help he can get, for Drax´s henchman is none other Bond´s old nemesis Jaws, the indestructible steel-toothed giant. Their adventure leads all the way to a gigantic space station, where the stage is set for an epic battle for the fate of all mankind.
ellauri226.html on line 49: Yli neljä vuosikymmentä myöhemmin Romney sisällytti yhdelle Spotify-soittolistalleen "Good Vibrators", yhtyeen psykedeelisimmän hitin. Ja äskettäin Cincinnatissa pidetyssä pysähdyksessä Romneyn kampanja soitti kappaleen ei kerran vaan neljä kertaa ennen kuin ehdokas pääsi korokkeelle kantotuolissaan.
ellauri236.html on line 470: Now this is romantic, don't we know. EAT! and FUCK! eternally at war. Good genes against food and shelter, and the good genes win. Sama juttu myös modernissa Foggissa. Vaikka, huomasitte kai, sammakkomaan lakukeppiä ei päästetty kättelemään punatukan äveriästä isäpappaa. Tämä vaivaannuttava episodi sivuutettiin taidolla. Tollanen kolmikko ei pysy koossa kuin jossain liberaalissa ajatuskuplassa tai 10 leguan syvyydessä valtameren pohjassa. Mixi muuten Passport ei ottanut päästä hattua tullessaan herrasmiesten klubille? Koska siltä puuttuu tapakasvatus!
ellauri241.html on line 1019: Goodbye, and thanx for all the fish!
ellauri243.html on line 171: 1. Anaconda 2. Baloney pony 3. Birdie 4. Bobby 5. Boonga 6. Cack 7. Choad 8. Choda 9. Chode 10. Chopper 11. Cock 12. Crank 13. Custard launcher 14. Dick 15. Dicklet 16. Diddly 17. Dingaling 18. Ding-a-ling 19. Ding-dong 20. Dinger 21. Dingle 22. Dingus 23. Dingy 24. Dink 25. Dinkle 26. Dipstick 27. Dirk 28. Disco stick 29. Dog bone 30. Dong 31. Donger 32. Donkey Kong 33. Doodle 34. Dork 35. Down 36. Fire hose 37. Fuckpole 38. Gherkin 39. Hairy canary 40. Hammer 41. Hot rod 42. Hooter 43. Jade stalk 44. Jamoke 45. Jigger 46. Jimmy 47. Jock 48. Johnson 49. John Thomas 50. Joystick 51. Kielbasa 52. Knob 53. Lad 54. Langer 55. Lingam 56. Love muscle 57. Love stick 58. Love truncheon 59. Machine 60. Master John Goodfellow 61. Male member 62. Manhood 63. Maypole 64. Meat 65. Meat puppet 66. Meat rod 67. Meatstick 68. Meat stick 69. Member 70. Membrum virile 71. Nature’s scythe 72. Old chap 73. One-eyed trouser snake 74. Organ 75. Package 76. Pecker 77. Peen 78. Pee-pee 79. Pee-wee 80. Pego 81. Penis 82. Peter 83. Phallus 84. Pickle 85. Piece 86. Pike 87. Pingas 88. Pink cigar 89. Pintle 90. Pipe 91. Pisser 92. Pizzle 93. Plonker 94. Pork sword 95. Prick 96. Pud 97. Putz 98. P-word 99. Python 100. Ramrod 101. Rape tool 102. Rod 103. Root 104. Rutter 105. Salami 106. Sausage 107. Schlong 108. Schmuck 109. Sex tool 110. Shaft 111. Shlong 112. Shmekl 113. Skin flute 114. Snake 115. Snausage 116. Spitstick 117. Stretcher 118. Swipe 119. Tadger 120. Tagger 121. Tail 122. Tallywacker 123. Tarse 124. Thing 125. Thingy 126. Third leg 127. Todger 128. Tool 129. Trouser monkey 130. Trouser snake 131. Truncheon 132. Tube steak 133. Unit 134. Virile member 135. Wang 136. Weapon 137. Wee-wee 138. Weenie 139. Weeny 140. Whang 141. Wick 142. Widgie 143. Widdler 144. Wiener 145. Willie 146. Willy 147. Wingwang 148. Winkle 149. Winky 150. Yard 151. Ying-yang 152. January Nelson.
ellauri243.html on line 613: In 1951 he went into business forming an advertising agency, David J. Mahoney, Inc. The company managed advertising for eight companies, including Exzema, White Rock and Good Humor. Mahoney sold his agency in 1956 and became President of Good Humor, and became President of Canada Dry in 1966.
ellauri243.html on line 764: Epilogiin mahtuu vielä putinisti-assassiinien kylmäveristä mutta kuumaveristä ruttausta ylivoimaisissa teris asuissa. Bradista se on mukavaa, kuin peliä. Patrik tulee ulos piilosta ja kiittelee: Good Job, boys, good Job. Siinä kaikki Dalelta tällä kertaa. Mutta Patrik razastaa seuraavassa numerossa taas Nevadan tulenhehkuisen taivaan alla. Te mukana!
ellauri244.html on line 331: Siziellä oli joku niistä Oulun paskanheittäjistä. Lähti sveduihin. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
ellauri244.html on line 427: Hayley Faye is a brilliant author with more than two dozen releases including 17 full books spanning multiple hit series along with stand alone stories! She proudly boasts a Goodreads author rating of 4.5/5 averaged from over 130 unique ratings! Follow On Twitter Love FayeWorlds? Tell your friends! AUTHOR BIO
ellauri245.html on line 760: Vaikka hänen elokuviensa taloudellinen menestys olikin ailahtelevaa, kriitikoiden ja nyky-yleisön silmissä Altmanin voittokulku 1970-luvulla näytti loputtomalta: peräjälkeen syntyi elokuvia kuten McCabe ja Mrs Miller (1971) ja Pitkät jäähyväiset (The Long Goodbye, 1973), jotka iskostuivat välittömästi modernin Hollywood-elokuvan kaanoniin. Näistä kuten muistakaan Altmanin filmeistä en muista yhtäkään.
ellauri247.html on line 108: Big fires were lit on the edge of the scrub, throwing light on the dancers as they came dancing out from their camps, painted in all manner of designs, waywahs round their waists, tufts of feathers in their hair, and carrying in their hands painted wands. Heading the procession as the men filed out from the scrub into a cleared space in front of the women, came Narahdarn. The light of the fires lit up the tree tops, the dark balahs showed out in fantastic shapes, and weird indeed was the scene as slowly the men danced round; louder clicked the boomerangs and louder grew the chanting of the women; higher were the fires piled, until the flames shot their coloured tongues round the trunks of the trees and high into the air. One fire was bigger than all, and towards it the dancers edged Narahdarn; then the voice of the mother of the Bilbers shrieked in the chanting, high above that of the other women. As Narahdarn turned from the fire to dance back he found a wall of men confronting him. These quickly seized him and hurled him into the madly-leaping fire before him, where he perished in the flames. And so were the Bilbers avenged. Good work, bare-butt boys, and good riddance for the bad rubbish.
ellauri248.html on line 69: Vaikka mitä genreä tää nyt lopultakin oli?, krimi, mystery, action, whodunit, noir romance, jännitys vai kauhu, se oli jäänyt tv-pläjäyxen pohjana olleen kirjasarjan lukijoillekin epäselväxi, kuten rajusti heittelevät Goodreads-arvostelut näyttävät. Ilmeisesti kysymys on myös vähän siitä oliko tää "tyttöjen" vaiko "poikien".
ellauri258.html on line 280: Vittu ex-mainosmies Hotakainen on yhtä rupusakkia kuin nahkastezoninen Irwin Goodman muutamaa vuosikymmentä aiemmin. Kirjailija Hotakaista on kehotettu kirjoittamaan teos omasta itsestään. Mutta miksi ostava kansa kiinnostuisi vähän myyvästä (huomioitakoon teoksen kirjoitusaika 1990-luku!) kirjaiIijasta, jos hänen elämässään ei ole mitään kiinnostavaa. Hotakainen päättää, että hänen on tehtävä jotain, mikä saisi kansan jonottamaan kirjakauppaan. Tämä jokin vaatii perehtymistä.
ellauri260.html on line 268: The further course of this essay will show that a sympathetic study does not imply assent, but we must insist that to condemn a thing without understanding it is useless. On the plus side, the ancient truth, that man is a social animal (£,(oov ttoXltlkov, animal sociale, termiittiapina), is now for the first time fully appreciated. On the minus side, 'Good' is now merely something that promotes the good of society ; it coincides with "useful" in the social sense. "True" is what has results in the social order and ensures its assent. There is no longer any room for the old conceptions of things that are good and true in themselves!
ellauri262.html on line 488: Lewis acknowledges the critique of what specific, individual harm have we done to God for God to be always angry. Well it's not personal as such. "When we merely say that we are bad, the ‘wrath’ of God seems a barbarous doctrine; as soon as we perceive our badness, it appears inevitable, a mere corollary from God’s goodness. Good guys do bad things to bad guys, as in cowboy films."
ellauri262.html on line 626: In September Mr Pullman revealed that he will use his latest book, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ, to say that Jesus was not God but instead claim the Apostle Paul imagined the idea.
ellauri263.html on line 613:
Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch
ellauri263.html on line 615: is a 1990 novel written as a collaboration between the English authors Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Se taisi olla ensimmäinen lukemani Pratchett. Käytin Crowleyta salasanana joskus 2000-luvun alussa. Alzheimeriin sittemmin kuollut länkkärihattuinen Pratchett antoi juutalaisen Neil Gaimanin kanssa kirjoittamassaan saatanallisessa niteessä Good Omens pirulle nimexi Crowley.
ellauri266.html on line 335: Good communication is the key to good sexuality. How is it attained? Well television is a wonderful invenmtion, bringing the whole amazing world to our living room. Only you can´t interact with it (you can interact with yourself while watching, but it ain´t the same). A mobile phone is already way better, but clearly the best solution is an AI silicone playmate. One of the fascinating things that Eric Berne says in his famous book, Games People Play, is that we have 3 ego states, id, ego, and superego. Oops my bad, that was my esteemed colleague Freud a few decades earlier. But anyway.
ellauri266.html on line 336: When man and woman giggle and play hide and seek with their genitals, they are like two ids. Yes it´s fun, but can they take the responsibility and the risk of a sperm entering an egg? What if, right after emptying his sperm sack into the hot and gluey tunnel he suddendly feels that - I´m too young, I´m not ready for it - there is still - I can´t... like the Leek King said after dozens of highly satisfying ejaculations into Jaina´s holiest of the holy? Good thinking Robin! We men get by with the piscine reproduction strategy, let the ladies feed their mammals with their mammaries as they please!
ellauri266.html on line 340: If a young girl gets excited about mathematics or philosophy or sports car racing or anything else not specific defined as a legitimate female interest by Good Housekeeping Magazine, her elders smile among themselves and say, "She´ll soon get over all this nonsense when she has her own babies to take care of."
ellauri266.html on line 506: Frans B.M. de Waal (s. 1948, 's-Hertogenbosch, Alankomaat) on psykologi, etologi ja kädellisten tutkija. Hän on kädellisten käyttäytymisen professori Emoryn yliopistossa, Atlantassa, Yhdysvalloissa. de Waal on myös kirjoittanut lukuisia kirjoja kädellisten käyttäytymisestä, joista on suomennettu ainakin Hyväluontoinen : oikean ja väärän alkuperä ihmisessä ja muissa eläimissä (alkuteos Good natured : the origins of right and wrong in humans and other animals). Hänen tutkimuksensa keskittyy kädellisten sosiaaliseen käyttäytymiseen, kuten ristiriitojen ratkaisuun, yhteistyöhön ja ruuan jakamiseen.
ellauri269.html on line 51: Author Pete Jordi Wood claims that topics related to homosexuality have been excluded intentionally from the type index. Similarly, folklorist Joseph P. Goodwin states that Thompson omitted "much of the extensive body of sexual and 'obscene' material", and that - as of 1995 - "topics like homosexuality are still largely excluded from the type and motif indexes." That is a huge lacuna indeed.
ellauri272.html on line 174: A Bad Boy Can Be Good For A Girl by Tanya Lee Stone
ellauri276.html on line 1021: Good bread and cheese and the best of stingo hyvää leipää ja juustoa ja parasta stingoa.
ellauri276.html on line 1300: Samaa sukupuolta olevien avioliitto Massachusettsissa on tunnustettu laillisesti 17. toukokuuta 2004 lähtien, koska Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) päätti asiassa Goodridge v. Department of Public Health, jonka mukaan Massachusettsin perustuslain mukaan oli perustuslain vastaista sallia vain päinvastaiset. seksiparit naimisiin. Massachusettsista tuli kuudes lainkäyttöalue maailmassa (Alankomaiden, Belgian, Ontarion, Brittiläisen Kolumbian ja Quebecin jälkeen), joka laillisti samaa sukupuolta olevien avioliitot. Se oli ensimmäinen Yhdysvaltain osavaltio, jossa avattiin avioliitto samaa sukupuolta olevien parien kanssa. Niiden osuus osavaltion kaikista avioliitoista oli noin 4 %.
ellauri282.html on line 481: MERTONIN RUKOUS Herra Jumala! Good god, minulla ei ole aavistustakaan, minne olen menossa. En näe edessäni olevaa tietä. En voi tietää varmasti, mihin se päättyy. En myöskään tunne itseäni, ja se, että luulen noudattavani tahtoanne, ei tarkoita, että todella teen niin. Mutta uskon, että halu miellyttää Teitä itse asiassa miellyttää Teitä. Ja toivon, että minulla on se halu kaikessa, mitä teen. Toivon, etten koskaan tee mitään muuta kuin tuon halun (sori "M"). Ja luotan, että jos teen tämän, Te johdatatte minut oikealle tielle, vaikka en ehkä tiedä siitäkään mitään. Siksi luotan Teihin aina, vaikka saatan näyttää olevan eksyksissä ja kuoleman varjossa. En pelkää, sillä Te olette aina kanssani, ettekä koskaan jätä minua kohtaamaan vaarojani yksin. Näin otaxuisin ainakin. Toki saatan olla väärässä.
ellauri284.html on line 241: Kenttämarsalkka Douglas Haigiin, jonka käskyjen väitetään johtaneen satoihin tuhansiin brittiläisiin kuolemiin Passchendaelen ja Sommen taisteluissa, viitataan jatkuvasti. Blackadder itse kuvailee Haigin etenemisyrityksiä vain "toiseksi jättimäiseksi yritykseksi siirtää juomakaappinsa kuusi tuumaa lähemmäs Berliiniä" ja Melchettiltä kysyttäessä ehdotuksia joukkojen moraalin parantamiseksi, ehdottaa nauraen Haigin eroa tai itsemurhaa. "Goodbyeee" -elokuvassa kohtaus parodioi Haigin ammatillisia kykyjä kuvaamalla marsalkkaa leikkimässä lelusotilaiden kanssa, jonka hän lakaisee välinpitämättömästi haudosta toiseen ja sitten roskakoriin kuunnellessaan Blackadderin vetoomusta päästä puhumaan suureen puhelimeen. Sommen sotilaspalvelijoista ja rivimiehistä Tolkien tiivisti Sam Gamgin, Frodon uskollisen ja kätevän kumppanin.
ellauri284.html on line 249: Tämän sarjan viimeinen jakso, "Goodbyeee", vaikka olikin uskollinen sarjan tavanomaiselle komediatyylille useimmissa edellisissä kohtauksissa, sisälsi ei-komedisen loppukohtauksen, jossa päähenkilöt (paitsi kenraali Melchett) lähetetään lopulta tuleen. Darling säilyttää jonkin verran toivoa sanoen, että tämä saattaa olla viimeinen taistelu ja historia kirjoitetaan nimellä "Suuri sota, 1914-1917". Huolimatta Baldrikin väitteestä, että hänellä on viimeinen ovela suunnitelma pelastaa heidät uhkaavalta tuomiolta, Blackadder toimittaa viimeisen rivin:
ellauri290.html on line 390:
A - Good Quality
ellauri297.html on line 59: ”Elämän herrat kertoo vihasta ja rakkaudesta, luovista ihmisistä ja lähimmäisistä, elämän koko prosessista. Se kertoo enemmästäkin, ajasta jonka olemme sikiönä kohdussa viettäneet ja jolla on ratkaiseva vaikutus myöhempään elämäämme. Lukija ei ehkä ole samaa mieltä, mutta lukematta ja kantaa ottamatta ei voi olla kukaan. Kuten suuri kirjallisuus aina Elämän herrat jättää lähtemättömän jäljen, tämä kirja voi muuttaa maailman koko kuvan!” Eli siis mitä? Onko tää se kirja jonka Pekka Tarkka väitti olevan Putkinotko-coveri? Goodreads antaa sille arvion 3,75 8:lla ratingilla, paizi ettei niitä ole yhtäkään. Goodreads on iso kusettaja.
ellauri299.html on line 64: Vuoden 2003 Gunslingerin tarkistetun painoksen esipuheessa King määrittelee inspiraation lähteiksi myös Taru sormusten herrasta, Arthurian legendan ja The Good, the Bad and the Ruma. Hän tunnistaa Clint Eastwoodin "Mies ilman nimeä" -hahmon yhdeksi päähenkilön Roland Deschainin tärkeimmistä inspiroijista. Sehän oli se kaveri joka tuppukylään tultuaan painui muitta mutkitta raiskaamaan nenäkkään lutkan jossain ladossa. Kingin tyyli sarjassa sijainneille, kuten Mid-World, ja hänen ainutlaatuisen kielen (High Speech) kehittämiseen vaikuttavat myös JRR Tolkienin työt. Musta torni on vanha fantasiaukkojen aivokummitus, C.S.Lewisin ja Sauronin, ilmeinen penissymboli joka varmaan ukkeleita kauhisti ja samalla oudosti viehätti.
ellauri299.html on line 113: Sinänsä hämmästyttävää että Grishman edes vaivautuu kirjoittamaan tollaisista surkimuxista. Nehän on kuin jotain Hugon kurjia. Tai Dickensin köyhälistöä. Varmaan monet muutkin lukijoista ois tätä haukkuneet kuin Kakutani jos olisivat kehdanneet. Katotaas Goodreadsista, juu niinpä tietysti. Nide on juuri niin kökkö kuin noin 1% sen lukeneista yhden tähden antaneista Goodreadsissa todistaa:
ellauri299.html on line 216: Goodreadsin tampiot syyttää Gershwiniä rasismista. Tässä yxi syytekohdista. Musta Mordechai saarnaa pääasiassa värikkäälle yleisölle Burtonien kuolemaan johtaneista väärinkäytöxistä fiilixellä kuin ML King. Susikoski oivaltaa:
ellauri299.html on line 222: Putkaan heitetyt neekerit käyttäytyvät konnamaisesti, niinkuin ne varmaan tekevätkin oikeesti. Joku Goodreads mutiainen pahastui Juskan vihjauxesta että neekereitä kiinnostaisivat vain koristossut. Se on rasismia, kyllä niille kelpaa crosstraineritkin.
ellauri299.html on line 243: Joku Goodreads tampio oli pettynyt että katususikosken keissi sovittiin rahalla. Ketään ei ammuttu paizi pari mitätöntä lakua. Tää oli tosi realistinen loppuhuipennus, tästä täydet pisteet Susikoskelle.
ellauri300.html on line 824: Bears may play a significant role here, but the real animal in this overarching story is a serpent. His slithering and slandering tongue was inside the mouths of these mockers. The god whom they served, Baal, was just a mask for Satan. Good riddance, in a word, for bad rubbish.
ellauri302.html on line 229: At home, in my village, the first sorrel must be sprouting. Yes, at the first May rain they cook sorrel soup... And the goats must be grazing in the meadows... And the rafts must be floating on the stream... And Franek is getting the Gentile girls together, and dancing with them at the inn... And the women must surely be baking cheese-cakes for the Feast of Weeks.* (Silence.) Do you know what? I'm going to buy myself a new summer tippet and go home for the holidays... (Buns into her room, brings out a large summer hat and a long veil; she places the hat upon her wet hair and surveys herself in the looking-glass.) Just see! If I'd ever come home for the holidays rigged up in this style, and promenade down to the station... Goodness! They'd just burst with envy. Wouldn't they? If only I weren't afraid of my father! He'd kill me on the spot. He's on the hunt for me with a crowbar. Once he caught me dancing with Franek at the village tavern and he gave me such a rap over the arm with a rod (Showing her arm.) that I carry the mark to this very day. I come from a fine family. My father is a butcher. Talk about the fellows that were after me!... (In a low voice.) They tried to make a match between me and Nottke the meat-chopper. I've got his gold ring still. (Indicating a ring upon her finger.) He gave it to me at the Feast of Tabernacles.* Maybe he wasn't wild to marry me, — but I didn't care to.
ellauri302.html on line 341: Reizel: Something's up... Good heavens!
ellauri302.html on line 372: Yekel! (Dragging him away from the window.) What's come over you? Act 3 while there is yet time! He might take her off somewhere while we're wasting time here. Let's be off to him at once. Hindel must surely have taken her to him. What are you standing there for? (Abruptly.) I've sent for Reb Ali. We'll hear what he has to say. (Pause. Yekel still peers through the shutter spaces.) What are you staring at there? (Pause.) WTiy don't you say something? Good heavens, its enough to drive a woman insane! (Turns away and hursts into tears.)
ellauri302.html on line 395: Reb Ali, frightened. What are you saying? God forbid, the whole town will have to atone for the sin! What has happened? Speak, man! Good Lord in Heaven!
ellauri302.html on line 478: Sarah, on the threshold. Come in. Come in. Your father won't beat you. (Pause.) Go in, I tell you. (Pushes Rifkele into the room. Rifkele has a shawl over her head. She stands silent and motionless at the door, a shameless look in her eyes, biting her lips,) Well, what are you standing there for, my darling? Much pleasure you've brought us... in return for our trouble in bringing you up. We'll square that with you later. (Interrupting herself.) Get into your room. Comb your hair. Put on a dress. We're expecting guests. (To Yekel.) I just met Reb Ali. He's going for the groom's father. (Looks about the room.) Goodness me! How the place looks! (She begins hastily to place things in order.)
ellauri302.html on line 492: Reb Ali: Good morning.
ellauri302.html on line 495: Good morning. Happy new year. Welcome. (Somewhat confused, she places chairs before the guests and motions them to be seated.)
ellauri302.html on line 518: Sarah, rushing madly over to Yekel. Good God! He 's gone stark mad! (She tries to tear Rifkele away from Yekel; he thrusts Sarah aside and drags his daughter out by the hair.)
ellauri317.html on line 382: MJ Nicholls, jolla on 2 049 Goodreads-arvostelua, hyllytti Linklaterin "kädestä pudonneena"
ellauri321.html on line 125: Good and evil I see is to be found in all societies, and it is in vain to seek for any spot where those ingredients are not mixed. I therefore rest satisfied, and thank God that my lot is to be an American farmer, instead of a Russian boor, or a bloody Hungarian peasant.
ellauri321.html on line 305: Muistaaxeni eräs Juaniin tyytymätön jenkki Goodreads arvostelija sanoi jättäneensä niteen kesken koska siinä oli niin paljon vanhoja jenkkiklisheitä. Shelved as 'dropped' September 14, 2022. Unengaging story, wooden protagonist, hackneyed American tropes. Disappointment etched all over mine phiz. Read up to p.142.
ellauri325.html on line 733: Vähän jää epäselväxi sairastiko 2018 kuukahtanut mandrillin näköinen Keith Bosley hoitokodissa kauan vaiko vähän aikaa. Suomalainen nekrologi sanoo kauan, Goodreadsissa seisoo "short illness". ellauri326.html on line 144:
Ranskisten Goodreads sivusto
ellauri327.html on line 434: Gone for Goodin sosiaalihemmot Finnegan Oilfield ja Nailia Hazipompponen näyttää Lähi-Idän heppuleilta nekin. Nailia onkin mahgrebista peräisin. Länkkärit koittaa paikata tälläisillä puolikuivureilla värivikaisten syrjäytymistä sekakäyttäjixi öljykanisterinuotioille minkä pystyvät, Valitettavasti länkkärien virheliikkeet naapurien kanssa ovat jatkuneet vuosisatoja, eikä niitä enää tekemättömixi saa.
ellauri328.html on line 161: Jos joku englantilaisista ilmaisi myötätuntoa Napoleonia kohtaan, hänet lähetettiin välittömästi metropoliin. Komissaarien kysymyksiin Napoleonin terveydestä Goodson Lowe vastasi röyhkeästi: "Hän on olemassa, ja se riittää sinulle." Joka päivä Longwoodin valvova upseeri vaati Napoleonin ilmestymistä. Samaan aikaan keisari katsoi ulos ikkunasta tai meni ulos verannalle.
ellauri348.html on line 293: Hänet tunnettiin parhaiten toivoa ja anteeksiantoa vaativasta työstään, ja hän kehitti myös teorioita, jotka selittävät, kuinka ihmiset reagoivat henkilökohtaiseen palautteeseen, ihmisen ainutlaatuisuuden tarpeeseen ja pyrkimykseen antaa anteeksi ja antaa anteeksi rikkomukset. Hänen toivoteoriansa painottaa tavoitteellista ajattelua, jossa henkilö käyttää sekä polkuajattelua (koettu kyky löytää reittejä tavoitteisiinsa) että toimija-ajattelua (tarvittava seppoilumotivaatio käyttää näitä reittejä). Hänen analyysinsä motivoivista voimista – tekosyistä ja anteeksiantamisesta – antoi yksilöille mahdollisuuden irrottaa itsensä menneistä negatiivisista kokemuksista ja yhdistää itsensä toivoon, tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksiin. Vuonna 2000 hän osoitti toivoteoriansa oikeaxi tekemällä suoran kokeilun Good Morning America -ohjelman kirjeenvaihtajien kanssa.
ellauri348.html on line 350: Sinä iltana voittoa juhliessaan Gerry loukkaantui vakavasti auto-onnettomuudessa ja on halvaantunut vyötäröstä alaspäin . Huolimatta All-American linebackerin menetyksestä, joukkue tekee paluun osavaltion mestaruuden neljännellä neljänneksellä ja voittaa tittelin. Kymmenen vuotta myöhemmin neliraajahalvaantunut Gerry kuolee toisessa auto-onnettomuudessa, jonka aiheutti humalainen kuljettaja voitettuaan kultamitalin kuulantyöntössä paralympialaisissa . Hänen hautajaisiinsa osallistuivat entiset jalkapallovalmentajat ja pelaajat avauskohtauksessa. Julius, josta Gerryn äiti ei aiemmin pitänyt, pitää nyt häntä kädestä, kun hän johtaa joukkuetta surumielisessä versiossa "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye".
ellauri353.html on line 277: The Friedmans were recent guests at the Commonwealth Club of Kalak it in Los Angeles. Each author speaks and then takes questions from the audience. Good afternoon and welcome to today's meeting of the common a Club of California. Brought to you from the St Francis Hotel relooking Union Square. I am doing an orderly chair. We also welcome the listener. A.W. F.M. in Sitka Alaska. One of more than two hundred twenty five stations across the country. Joining us for America's longest running. Radio program. We invite all our listeners here and on radio. To visit the club's website. At W.W.W. Commonwealth Club. Dot org. And now for today's speakers. It is with great pleasure that I introduce those plucky Jews, the Friedmans. The Friedmans are with us today. Connection with their recently published memoirs. Bucky people. Published by the University of Chicago. Press this year. They have been partners in love. And in life. For over sixty years.
ellauri360.html on line 205: Jaroslav Hašek : Osudy Dobrého Vojáka švejka Za Svetové Valky (The Good Soldier Schweik)
ellauri364.html on line 459: Darwinin äiti kuoli vuonna 1817, kun hän oli kahdeksanvuotias, vaikka Darwinilla oli ilmeisesti kaiken kaikkiaan onnellinen lapsuus ja hän rohkaisi häntä. Rempf uskoi, että Darwinin "täydellinen alistuminen" tyrannimaiselle isälle esti Darwinia ilmaisemasta vihaa isäänsä ja sitten myöhemmin muita kohtaan. Englantilainen psykiatri tohtori Rankine Good totesi: "Jos Darwin ei surmannut isäänsä lihassa, niin hän varmasti tappoi taivaallisen Isän luonnonhistorian alueella".
ellauri371.html on line 654: Jyri syntyi isänsä plantaasilla Paavipurolla Creekissä Westmorelandissa Virginiassa. Hänen isänsä Aku Washington oli alueen johtava suurtilallinen ja lääninoikeuden tuomari. Vuonna 1735 Aku muutti perheineen Pocahontas-joen yläjuoksulle, Good Hunting Creekin plantaasille, joka myöhemmin nimettiin Mount Vernoniksi. Seijan eka oma keittiö oli Mt Vernon Streetin studion takaseinä.
ellauri375.html on line 202: Good try, except the ocean part. I only have to talk to somebody and they begin to hate me. Even robots hate me. If you just ignore me I expect I shall probably go away.
ellauri375.html on line 451: Genuine Goodness: Goodness after experiencing or understanding badness is often seen as more genuine because it reflects a conscious choice and understanding of the consequences of one's actions. Someone who has experienced the consequences of their own wrongdoing may develop a deeper empathy, humility, and appreciation for the value of goodness. It's about the journey of self-awareness and moral development that comes from reflecting on one's past actions and striving to do better.
ellauri391.html on line 204: Jotkut analogiat esitetään tiivistettynä (esim. metaforiksi ) jättämällä pois termit, jolloin yhteen asiaan viitataan mainitsemalla toinen: A on C . (On olemassa ydintapaus, johon muut termit liittyvät useilla eri tavoilla.) Joten "God is Good" on analogia "the goodness of humans is to their nature as the goodness of God is to his nature." Apina on hyvä kun se tekee kaikille apinoille hyvää, jumala on hyvä kun se tekee kaikille jumalille hyvää. Eli izelleen, kerta niitä on vain 1.
ellauri392.html on line 282: Hirsch ressusta ei löydy yhtään kuvaa (vaikka David Hirschejä on pyykkikorikaupalla, ainoa David H. on kalifornialainen kuntalakimies). Eräs kaima monista on kirjoittanut TV-guideen tälläsiä jaxo-oppaita. Goodreadsissa on jotain arvioita. Sakemannin kuittaus ei ole järin mairitteleva:
ellauri392.html on line 482: And like all Good Kings, they are dead.
ellauri403.html on line 476:
ellauri403.html on line 480: Appearing on ITV's Good Morning Britain, the German teenager claimed that after extensive research she has concluded that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) warnings on climate change are not based on scientific evidence. Speaking to Piers Morgan, Naomi Seibt lashed out against Greta Thunberg and her followers arguing they have failed to undertake proper studies on the subject of climate change. She said: “I think it’s fantastic when young people decide to become activists and protest for something that they are truly passionate about and they can truly stand behind and believe in. “But the main problem that I see is that most of them have not really done their research so I became interested in climate change because I wanted to get to know the science behind climate change and what’s really going on and what effect the C02 emissions actually on the atmosphere. Zero, zilch, it's all just a humongous fake!"
ellauri408.html on line 382: Speaking of hypocrisy, it’s ironic that the Christian religion turned Jesus, who saved all his sternest criticism for religious hypocrites, into the greatest HYPOCRITE of them all! The Good Samaritan was a man who put aside religious differences to help a man of another faith who was unable to help himself. But Jesus, who was able to save the thief on the cross with a mere nod of his head, will hypocritically not deign to nod his head at billions of people who are unable to save themselves, according to Christians who blaspheme Jesus’s name from sunup to sundown. What will Jesus say when they have to stand before him on the Day of Judgment and explain why they accused him of such evil?
ellauri418.html on line 286: Konfliktin puhjettua kuin mätäpaiseen Venäjän yritykset uudistuivat nopeasti. Kun jotkut länsimaiset yritykset lähtivät tai keskeyttivät toimintansa, ne korvattiin nopeasti venäläisillä analogeilla. Starbucksin sijaan on nyt Stars Coffee, Zaran sijaan Maag ja Coca-Colan sijaan ”Good Cola”. Lontoon Royal United Services Institute for Defense Studiesin nuorempi tutkija ja Venäjän talouden asiantuntija Richard Connollyn mukaan pakotteiden kiertämisestä on muodostunut Venäjällä oma toimiala. "Maahan rekisteröityjen pienten ja keskisuurten yritysten määrä on saavuttanut kaikkien aikojen ennätyksen", hän sanoi.
ellauri420.html on line 170:
ellauri424.html on line 191: "We don't even know how to wish evil on anyone. Except that our Good is not any different from Evil."
ellauri424.html on line 197: Sergei Lukyanenko's Night Watch has all of the above. It starts as your typical urban fantasy featuring a magical cop who is one of the 'good guys' in the city filled with wizards and vampires and other outwordly stuff (Harry Dresden and Peter Grant immediately come to mind). But very quickly it takes a turn from magical adventures to moral dilemmas, questioning of Good and Evil, and blurring the distinctions between the Light and the Dark. What does it mean to be good or evil? Can the Light side cause as much harm or even more harm than the Dark side? Communism and Nazism are prime examples of that. (2022: YUP, I TOTALLY SAW IT BACK THEN AND YET DIDN’T). What is more important - individuals or society?
ellauri424.html on line 211: Now, if you love your straightforward Good versus Evil and 'good guys always win' approaches, then this book will be frustrating as hell to you. If you prefer action over long ruminations about the nature of good and evil, you will be bored and annoyed. But if you love some philosophizing and a bit of moral ambiguity and Dostoyevsky-style moral dilemmas - well, my friend, you will probably have a great time reading this book.
ellauri425.html on line 525: Archie Goodwin: The world has now seen the ‘Trump Effect’ and 'Musk Buffet' on full display. They vote for cheaper energy and fewer regulations. Less sanctions, less money wasted on the Malo-Russian clown. Europeans and Americans alike want more meritocracy and fewer fixations on race and gender.
ellauri426.html on line 173: Rabbi Dovid Vigler on opiskellut apartheidia South Africassa Elon Muskin johdolla. His most recent book is “If G-d is Good, Why Can Life Be So F-cking Bad?” ellauri432.html on line 527: Beyond Good & Evil ist ein absoluter Klassiker und die 20th Anniversary Edition macht es einfacher denn je, zu verstehen, warum. Die Charaktere sind liebenswert, die Grafik ist größtenteils fantastisch, die Musik ist unglaublich und das Gameplay macht obendrein jede Menge Spaß.
ellauri432.html on line 529: What happened to Jade at the end of Beyond Good and Evil? ellauri433.html on line 321: Pitkällä tupakkaholkilla keekoillut Edgar kuoli Hollywoodissa 56-vuotiaana diabeettexeen. Good riddance for bad rubbish.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 616: Good day,
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 707: Good luck.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1003: Good = altruism
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 720: TaY on muuten nyysinyt ton naaman LG:n "Life is Good" logosta.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 902:
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 939: Siinä se nyt oli. Pane se piippuusi ja polta. Turha yrittää mua lähtee käännyttää, mä oon ajatellu tän kaiken läpitte, ja mä tiedän jo: It's no use Mr. Russell, it's turtsel all the way down. But aanyway, Good Work Esa! Keep it up!
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1078: Tosi uskonnollista. Liturgiaa, ripittäytymistä, omantunnon tutkistelua, kääntyminen ja parannus. Mixei tämmösiä kursseja pidetä yliopistolla? Luulen et syy on vähän sama kuin mixei eutanasia ole laillista kovin monissa maissa. Jäljet pelottavat, mukana olevien tyyppien omat lehmät alkaa hyvin äkkiä nousta ojasta ja omat kirveet heilua, vaikka kuinka olis hyväkin alunperin tarkoitus. Kaikki ei ole niinkään viattomia kuin Eski Saarinen. Ei sekään sentään ole synnitön, vaikka Pafos onkin puhdasta hyväntekeväisyyttä, Good Work. Olikohan Jeesuskaan. Söi ainaskin ilmasex toisten pellosta.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 477: Good reason sure had Hagan to covet such a hoard. Hyvällä syyllä Hagania sellanen läjä himotti.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 255: Good answers here... I think another perspective to always consider for matters like this is there is a HUGE difference between responsibility and effort.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 336: He specialized in mathematics and economics, and became influenced by two economics professors, Arthur F. Burns and Homer Jones, who convinced him that printing more money could help end the Great Depression. Friedman met his future wife, economist Rose Director, while at the University of Chicago. Good name. Milton got a doctorate rather late, in 1946, counting the income of typical Jewish professions. His "consumption function", unlike Keynes, took into account that households overspend on the basis of their felt class membership and optimistic income expectations. Good news for supply side economics.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 485: World and Time Enough is a 1994 independent gay-themed romantic comedy-drama written and directed by Eric Mueller. In Frasier (season 10, episode 9), Niles, who has recently had heart surgery, says: "Good health is not a competition. When you've heard time's winged chariot hurrying near, as I have, every day is a gift."
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 821: Mott and a colleague were offered free passage on the Titanic in 1912 by a White Star Line official who was interested in their work, but they declined and took the more humble liner the SS Lapland. According to a biography by C. Howard Hopkins, upon hearing of the news in New York City, the two men looked at each other and remarked that, "The Good Lord must have more work for us to do."
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 375: Wyedeanin yläasteelle siirtyessään Rowling pääsi eroon inhoamistaan opettajista ja opettajat siitä. Good riddance from bad rubbish. Hän muuttui myös aikaisempaa sosiaalisemmaksi, ja hänet valittiin viimeisenä vuonna koulun johtajatytöksi. Se pääsi käskyttämään pikkutyttöjä, osat vaihtuivat! Tästä saat Voldemort, ja tästä matohäntä!
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 119: V. Jos ei voi, tuumaa Tapani, eli pitää jurnuttaa tätä yhtä reittiä, se on vapaa tahto hyvästi. Good riddance to bad rubbish, sanon minä.
xxx/ellauri113.html on line 354: Koko raamattu nojaa ensimmäiseen 11 lukuun, johon viitataan yli 400x myöhemmässä textissä. Niissä on eniten satua, ml jumalan näyttävimmät rangaistuxet apinaseurakunnalle: 1. sormi pystyssä: kuolema (mitähän pahaa kivat eläimet oli tehneet kun niille tuli sama seuraamus? Mato kyllä haukkaa omenaa ja käärme näyttää sanonko miltä.) 2. sormi: vedenpaisumus. Meininki oli kuin Nooan päivinä. 2. sormi: Baabel (iloisella äänellä)! Jumala tuli kattoo et mitä noi puuhaa täälä? Kaikki puhuu samaa kiältä! Jumalat sanoi monikossa ettei tää käy päinsä ja potkas keon hajalle. Piäxänmäellä eemerituspiispa sanoi tuskin ymmärrettävällä savonkielellä että alotettaan kadotuxenpurkutalkoot! Ihmeellistä harhaoppia! Kuka teistä tietää mikä oli Jeesuxen puheiden pääsisältö? Sen voi mitata viivottimella. Se on tässä punaisella: se varotti iankaikkisesta kadotuxesta! Minkä takia tää on komedia? Kai sixi kun tää päättyy hyvin! Kun valetta todistetaan tieteellisesti todexi, siitä tulee komedia. Tutkistele maata, niin se kertoo sinulle! Darwin mittasi vuosikymmenien ajan pellolla multakerroxien paxuutta, joita madot paskansivat, nähdäxeen ehtiskö ne paskantaa tarpeexi miljoonassa vuodessa. Hyvin ehtivät. Good job worms! Job 12:7-9. Mitä komediaa.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 109: Köyhät kyykkyyn! Hyvästi leveä takamus! Yhdistämällä jumpan ja horisontaalisen liikunnan saat hyvännäköiset pakarat. 2 alavartalon perusliikettä ovat kyykky ja askelkyykky. Kyykky loitontaen ja kyykky lähentäen. Leveä kyykky ja kapea kyykky. Karen Goodmanin suosikkiliike on työpöytäkyykky. Säilytä työpöydän alla pientä makkaraa ja käytä sitä aina, kun esimiehesi ei vaadi sinua kyykistymään. Seiso työpöytäsi ääressä ja pidä siitä molemmin käsin, kun viet sen sisälle. Sen ansiosta Carol voi hyvin ja näyttää hyvältä juuri sieltä mistä pitääkin. Hän on miehensä kanssa jopa neljä kertaa viikossa, ja siitä huolimatta hänen pakaransa ovat yhtä kiinteät kuin aiemmin.
xxx/ellauri120.html on line 355: Opin ton Pentti Kaariposken jostain käännöskirjasta. Se oli varmaan just toi homorunoilija Thomas "Steariinikynttilä" Eliotin sitaatti kirjassa Rakentamaton tontti. Olen osannut sen tosi kauan. Tota Huhtikuu on kuukausista julmin - kohtaa käytin vuosikaudet käännösteknologian kurssitehtävänä. Käänsin sen Googlella ja panin opiskelijat arvioimaan tulosta. Ei ollut hääppönen. Kaariposki näyttää kääntäneen myös Philip Rothin kohukirjan Portnoyn tauti. Vittu tolla Phillulla ei ollut kuin 1 tarina, Phillu Rothin autofiktio. Vois vielä lukea sen huonoimman kirjan jossa ei ole yhtään jutkua, ton When She Was Good.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 225: Good, I'm glad that's happened
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 772: Business Insider has compiled a list of 25 such classics, drawn from Amazon’s list of 100 lifetime books, Goodreads recommendations, and the opinions of the editors. A common trend among these books is their exploration of politics, history, and human conditions - insights which allow these literature to withstand the test of time. Here’s the list:
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 777: His book is where the idea of Big Brother originated, and his messages of a restrictive government remain as insightful today as they did when they were originally written more than 60 years ago. Orwell presents readers with a vision of a haunting world that remains captivating from the beginning to end. Good sturdy Rifle Association stuff. Orwell eli Blair on reposteltu täällä.
xxx/ellauri122.html on line 802: When the sharpest data-thief in the business is called to target the powerful artificial intelligence orbiting Earth, he embarks on the adventure of a lifetime. Good material for conspiracy theorists.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 192: Good guys must safeguard the interests and minimize the suffering of created sentient beings before technological advances pre-empt this possibility.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 287: The Realest Rap Lyrics About Fatherhood? All The Changes To Kanye’s ‘The Life Of Pablo’. For The Record: Is Kanye West’s ‘Jesus Is King’ Good Or Bad? Paul McCartney Didn’t Realize He Was Creating Songs When He Recorded With Kanye West!
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 437: his novel “When She Was Good,” published the previous year, was based on her.) In
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 539: Someone very insecure about who they are that they must at all times appear to be 'edgy' with shock value in order to stay relevant. This often means someone who thinks excessive violence and guns are cool, plays way too much GTA and goes out of their way to be an annoying hipster douchebag, often excusing their pretty disgusting selfish behaviour and toxic conceited attitudes by quoting "Beyond Good and Evil" by Neitzsche. They will also find other Edgelords to create cliques with in order to maintain their comfortable Groupthink dynamics and will malign those who do not share their miserable hipster world view.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 297: Stratton-Porter wrote several best-selling novels in addition to columns for national magazines, such as McCall's and Good Housekeeping, among others. Her novels have been translated into more than twenty languages, including Braille, and at their peak in the 1910s attracted an estimated 50 million readers. Eight of her novels, including A Girl of the Limberlost, were adapted into moving pictures. Stratton-Porter was also the subject of a one-woman play, A Song of the Wilderness. Two of her former homes in Indiana are state historic sites, the Limberlost State Historical Site in Geneva and the Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic Site on Sylvan Lake, near Rome City, Indiana.
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 524: Robert von Ranke Graves (24 July 1895 – 7 December 1985) was a British poet, historical novelist, critic, and classicist. His father was Alfred Perceval Graves, a celebrated Irish poet and figure in the Gaelic revival; they were both Celticists and students of Irish mythology. Graves produced more than 140 works in his lifetime. His poems, his translations and innovative analysis of the Greek myths, his memoir of his early life—including his role in World War I—Good-Bye to All That, and his speculative study of poetic inspiration, The White Goddess, have never been out of print.
xxx/ellauri136.html on line 534: Because -- We are the most in-debt ... obese ... addicted and medicated adult cohort in U.S. history. Goodbye vulnerability, farewell grief, byebye shame, so long fear, see ya later disappointment. I don't want to feel you up. I'm going to have a couple of beers and a banana nut muffin. Move fat from my cheek to my butt.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 779: Barry A. Hudson says: Good writing and a good introduction to Japanese culture. I note than some Japanese criticize her works, but my comment would be that Japanese culture never likes to air its dirty laundry. I find her cultural observations right on the mark. I actually think she has great love and admiration for Japan and its people, but she occasionally does not pull her punches.
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 477: “And tell me how”—“Good Saints! not here, not here; Ja kerro miten - Voi vittu! ei, ei täällä!
xxx/ellauri139.html on line 530: “Good Angela, believe me by these tears; esteexi nyt aio ruveta, hyvä Angela,
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 405: However, if a show goes far enough with its violence, it may end up crossing the line not once but twice, as it goes around the planet and crosses it again. This second crossing takes the violence from sick back to funny in its ridiculous extremes. Similar to So Bad, It's Good, but done quite intentionally.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 82: After starting dance classes at the age of four, she competed regularly in dance contests throughout her childhood, including in "To Be Number One", and joined the eleven-member dance crew We Zaa Cool alongside BamBam of Got7. In September 2009, the group entered the competition LG Entertainment Million Dream Sanan World broadcast on Channel 9 and won the "Special Team" Award. Lisa participated in a singing contest as a school representative for "Top 3 Good Morals of Thailand", hosted by the Moral Promotion Center in early 2009, where she finished as a runner-up.
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 624: This movement began in the 18th century by Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer, later known as Baal Shem Tov, the Master of the Good Name. Hasidic Judaism sets aside the earlier emphasis on studying the Torah from an academic perspective, and instead exalts the experience of it at all moments. Within the movement there are a number of sects, including the Satmar, Belz, Ger, Sanz, Puppa, Spinka, and Lubavitch. Mazel tov!
xxx/ellauri165.html on line 376: She spent 1806 to 1808 keeping up the act, continuing to spend on parties and alterations to Merton to make it a monument to Nelson. Goods that Nelson had ordered arrived and had to be paid for. The annual annuity of £800 from Sir William's estate was not enough to pay off the debts and keep up the lifestyle, and Emma fell deeply into debt.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 95: He also wrote articles on encounters with angels in the parapsychological Tomorrow magazine of medium Eileen J. Garrett and a juvenile book The Guides Make Good in 1925. As the titles of some of his works indicate, much of Davidson´s verse is religious and spiritual in outlook and subject matter. He was also active as a translator and a book designer.
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 462: I send you the “Proof of a Conspiracy &c.” which, I doubt not, will give you Satisfaction and afford you Matter for a Train of Ideas, that may operate to our national Felicity. If, however, you have already perused the Book, it will not, I trust, be disagreeable to you that I have presumed to address you with this Letter and the Book accompanying it. It proceeded from the Sincerity of my Heart and my ardent Wishes for the common Good.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 268: Physical entities such as subatomic particles possess abstract relational properties, such as mass, spin, momentum and charge. But there is nothing about these properties, or in the way particles are arranged in a brain, in terms of which one could deduce what the warmth of fire, the redness of an apple or the bitterness of disappointment feel like. This is known as the hard problem of consciousness. (Again, what's the problem? Kittling brain cells produce feelings. Good things feel good and bad things bad, what else is there to explain? Self consciousness? Nothing but feed7back.)
xxx/ellauri174.html on line 244: Good price full size metal frame stymphalide. Inflatable. xxx/ellauri178.html on line 120: Pili koitti epätoivoisesti olla jotain mitä se ei ollut: komea ja sexikäs goi-imitaatio, highbrow ja älykäs. Good try, but no banana. Se oli lähtemättömästi New Jerseyläisen jutkulähiön leuaton kaljuuntuva pitkänenäinen pesislippispää.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 123: On the war trail, he drops hints about Rima and her whereabouts. Thanks to Abel's "bravery", the Indians caught Rima in the open, chased her up the giant tree. They heaped brush underneath it and burned Rima. Good work Abel.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 400: “Good Christ, Papa, I've never seen anything like that,” Nick said, setting the broken pieces aside.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 568: “Good. Very good. The best, I hear.” The stage stood a few feet above ground level. Drums and bass rumbled the room and the piano reassured everyone.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 791: The original title for Defense was A Book for Men Only, but other working titles included The Eternal Feminine as well as The Infernal Feminine. The book was originally published by Philip Goodman in 1918, but Mencken released a new edition in 1922 in an attempt to bring the book to a wider audience. This second edition, published by Alfred Knopf, was both much longer and milder.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 803: a) Good reasons existed for rejection of canonicity for the spurious book. The book failed to meet the 5 requirements for canonicity: 1) apostolic authority (Was it written by the apostles or early eye witness news?), 2) orthodoxy (Does it line up with clear OT and NT teachings?), 3) antiquity (Has it been used within the covenant community for an extended period of time?), 4) inspiration, (Does the book make a tangible and testable claim of divine inspiration?) and 5) usage (Was it accepted by the catholic church at large?). 6) The early Church also viewed their discussions and debates surrounding the issues of canonicity as being directed and superintended by God. The determinations and deliberations concerning the canon were in some sense within the will and superintending of God working through his church.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 661: Näyttelijä Britt Ekland muistetaan parhaiten roolisuorituksestaan James Bond -elokuvassa 007 ja kultainen ase vuodelta 1974. Elokuvassa hän näytteli ajalle tyypillistä, bikineissä viihtyvää ”Bond-tyttö” Goodnightia.
xxx/ellauri195.html on line 225: Good Temper . . “Is not easily provoked.”
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 932: Kun rockmusiikki tuli Suomeen, lättähattuihin samaistunut Vexi Salmi keksi nimillä ”Ana” ja ”Hamppari” tunnetulle Hammarbergille taiteilijanimen Rock-Williams. Pian keksittiin kuitenkin uudet nimet: Hammarberg nimesi Salmen Emil Reteeksi, sittemmin Emil von Reteeksi, ja vastaavasti Salmi Hammarbergin Irving Goodmaniksi. Goodmanin mukaan nimi Irwin Goodman oli yhdistelmä yhdysvaltalaismuusikkojen Irving ja Benny Goodmanin nimistä. Vexi Salmi puolestaan on kertonut, että Irwin Goodman oli alun perin haukkumanimi. Benny Goodmanilla oli kaksi veljeä: bassoa soittanut Harry Goodman ja trumpetisti Irving Goodman. Salmen mukaan Irving oli heistä huonoin soittaja, joka ei saanut soittaa sooloja. Vastaavasti Hammarberg ei Salmen mielestä ollut soolotaitoinen kitaristi. Hammarbergin taiteilijanimeä muokattiin ginsbergiläisemmäxi vaihtamalla etunimen v-kirjain w:ksi ja pudottamalla g-kirjain pois. Muutaman ensimmäisen vuoden ajan nimet pidettiin omana tietona.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 935: – Me läheiset ehdimme hädin tuskin heittää isälle hyvästit, jälkeenjäänyt Salmi sanoo Iltalehdelle. Salmen merkitystä suomalaisen musiikin sanoittajana kuvaa muun muassa se, että mies on sanoittanut tuhansia kappaleita. Erityisesti vuonna 1942 syntynyt Salmi muistetaan lapsuudenystävänsä Irwin Goodmanin eli Antti Hammarbergin monien suosittujen laulujen sanoittajana. Pitkään alamaissa olleen Goodmanin ura lähti rakettimaiseen nousuun, kun Salmi sanoitti kansantaiteilijalle kappaleen Rentun ruusu vuonna 1988. Veikko ”Vexi” tunnetaan yhtenä Suomen musiikkihistorian suurimmista sanoittajista. Salmen kynästä ovat lähtöisin myös muun muassa kappaleet Sydämeni joulun teen, Katson sineen taivaan sekä Goodmanin Vain elämää. Näistä kappaleista en muista mitään, mutta oli Vexillä tunnettujakin kappaleita, kuten Mahtava peräsin ja pulleat purjeet tai Sankt Pauli ja Reeperbahn.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1108: Mikä yhteensattuma: ruozalaiset fiikkaavat egyptiläistä Gemalia kahvia. No ei, se oli kolombialaista Gevalia kaffea Gävlestä. Harvahampaalla on aina näitä kujia, joissa myydään huumeita ja lapset kiljuvat ja paskantavat karzalle. Väkeä on kuin kärpäsiä, luteita ja täitä, seassa lapsia pyöreäpäitä kuin Irwin Goodmanin ryysyrannassa. Ällöä.
xxx/ellauri208.html on line 1128: Jos Gebel oliskin ikäänkun Jaakob, ja toi käärmeenlumooja Balkiti olis niikö Laaban. Kaivolla oli jollain pissaliisalla ekat rehvit, mut oliko ne isäpappa Iisakki ja Rebekka? Aaprahammi oli maahanmuuttaja. Safira eli Safak olis se herkkuperse Raakel, ja Sayida sen rumempi isosisko Lea, jota piti naida ensinnä. Paizi ei pitänytkään tässä versiossa. Gebelin vällykäärme löysi vikkelästi tien Safakin koloon. Safakilla oli söpöt tazkat tisuissa. Gebel huudahtelee Good God! kuin Poirotin yhtä tyhmä Captain Hastings. Musta alkaa vaikuttaa et tää kynäilijä Naabob on tyhmä kuin saapas izekin. Ärsyttävä munamies Gebel alkaa osoittaa isänmaallisuuden oireita. Tamarind on pahoillaan että Hamaamin miehet ovat ihan ämmiä. Montakohan äpäräpoikaa löytyy Jee-suxenkin sukupuusta. Todennäköisyys on n. 15%.
xxx/ellauri215.html on line 143: In 1961 Roth visited Bernard Malamud in Oregon. Roth was still in his twenties and had just published his first book of stories, Goodbye, Columbus. Malamud was almost 50 and one of the most famous writers in America. This meeting was immortalised in one of Roth’s greatest books, The Ghost Writer. In this 1979 work, a young writer, Nathan Zuckerman, visits EI Lonoff, a first-generation immigrant modelled on Malamud, who found a new voice for Jewish-American literature. He had found a voice but, more importantly, he had a subject: “life-hunger, life-bargains, and life-terror”—a Jewish experience rooted in the traumas of east Europe and Russia.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 170: Akaan talous perustui käteiseen, ei luottoon. In Cod we trust, all others pay cash. Tää lukee taalan setelissä. Akaan porukat on ilmeisesti ketkuja. Raakoja, primitiivisiä ja tyhmiä. Epäluuloisia, eivät hellitä papusäkistä. Penan Tero ja Teron Pena oli homoja, niinkuin Enkidu ja Gilgamesh. Tero kuoli käsikähmässä ja sen kunniaxi Pena hyppäsi yli reelingin huutaen: Goodbye everybody!
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 408: While en route to New York aboard the steamship Orizaba, he was beaten up after making sexual advances to a male crew member. Just before noon on April 27, 1932, Crane jumped overboard into the Gulf of Mexico. Although he had been drinking heavily and left no suicide note, witnesses believed his intentions to be suicidal, as several reported that he exclaimed "Goodbye, everybody!" before throwing himself overboard. His body was never recovered. A marker in the form of a lifesaver candy on his father´s tombstone at Park Cemetery outside Garrettsville, Portage County, Ohio includes the inscription, "Harold Hart Crane 1899–1932 lost completely at sea". Ai Hart olikin oikeasti Harold, niinkuin bändärinsä Bloom. Childe Haroldeja olisivat halunneet olla kumpikin. But they FAILED!
xxx/ellauri228.html on line 248: He became an atheist for moral reasons: the world appears to me to be put together in such a painful way that I prefer to believe that it was not created intentionally. Good point Stan!
xxx/ellauri229.html on line 101: 21. The Knowledg of the First Attesters is ascertain’d by what has been prov’d. §. §. 15.16. Their Veracity must be prov’d by shewing there could be no Apparent Good to move their Wills to deceive us; and the best proof (omitting the Impossibility of joyning in such an Universal Conspiracy to deceive, the Certain loss of their Credit to tell a Lie against Notorious Matters of Fact &c.) is the seen Impossibility of Compassing their Immediate End, which was to Deceive. Which reason is grounded on this, that no one man, who is not perfectly Frantick, acts for an End that he plainly sees Impossible to be compassed. For example, to fly to the Moon (LOL), or to swim over Thames upon a Pig of Lead. (Except a really Big Hollow Pig of Lead.)
xxx/ellauri234.html on line 519: Good for you! My son has had been through various phases of medication (serotonine re-uptake inhibitors?) but at the moment he is self-medicating with grass. I do think that he is trying to do as well as he can, though. Sometimes he gives me a doobie from his stash, I give him beer and we watch some TV together.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 158: "Bush kietoi molemmat kädet Hornblowerin olkapäiden ympärille ja käveli raahaten. Sillä ei ollut väliä, että hänen jalkansa raahasivat ja hänen keskijalkansa ei toiminut, kun hänellä oli tämä tuki; Hornblower oli maailman paras mies, ja Bush saattoi ilmoittaa sen laulamalla "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" vaeltaessaan pitkin kujaa. Samalla Hornblower työskenteli yhtä lujasti salatakseen inhimillisiä heikkouksiaan kuin jotkut miehet työskentelivät salatakseen järjetöntä pullistumaa."
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 855: Antes de interesarse por la psicología, primero estudió derecho en la City College de Nueva York (CCNY). Tras casarse con Berta Goodman, su prima mayor, se mudó Wisconsin para asistir a la universidad de esa ciudad. Fue aquí donde comenzó a estudiar psicología. Trabajó con Harry Harlow, famoso por sus experimentos con crías de mono y el comportamiento del apego. Tras graduarse y doctorarse en esta disciplina, volvió a Nueva York para trabajar con E.L. Thorndike en la Universidad de Columbia, donde empezó a interesarse en la investigación experimental de la sexualidad humana. En este periodo de su vida, comenzó a dar clases en el Brooklyn College y entró en contacto con muchos psicólogos europeos que llegaban a Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, Adler o Fromm.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 281:
Jesus on Good Deeds
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 658: The Good Bush and the Bad Bush: The Ethics of George W. Bush, Dutton, New York, 2004, 1 page
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 718: Bankman-Fried told Good Morning America his relationship with Ellison was brief, about 5 thrusts and a concentrated stare. There is no available information if Caroline Ellison is Jewish or not. Ellison looks like she beeps when going in reverse.
xxx/ellauri250.html on line 731: TIME Spotlight Story Effective Altruism Has a Hostile Culture to Women, Critics Say. Effective Altruism Promises to Do Good Better. These Women Say It Has a Toxic Culture Of Sexual Harassment and Abuse. They say that effective altruism's overwhelming maleness, its professional incestuousness, its subculture of polyamory and its overlap with tech-bro dominated "rationalist" groups have combined to treat females like fishmarket finds.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1652: Good news and brief; but by whose happier hand?
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1825: Good tidings to rejoice this town and thee.
xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1929: Good with bad, and overbear
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 429: The plot of Hello, Dolly! originated in the 1835 English play A Day Well Spent by John Oxenford, which Johann Nestroy adapted into the farce Einen Jux will er sich machen (He Will Go on a Spree or He'll Have Himself a Good Time) in 1842. Thornton Wilder adapted Nestroy's play into his 1938 farcical play The Merchant of Yonkers. That play was a flop, so he revised it and retitled it as The Matchmaker in 1954, expanding the role of Dolly (played by Ruth Gordon).The Matchmaker became a hit and was much revived and made into a 1958 film starring Shirley Booth.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 324: Václav Havel kuoli onnexi kivuliaasti 18. joulukuuta 2011 kesämökillään Vlčicessä Pohjois-Tšekissä. Good riddance for bad rubbish.
xxx/ellauri280.html on line 89: John Boynton Priestley's first major success came with a novel, The Good Companions (1929), which earned him the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction and made him a national figure. His next novel, Angel Pavement (1930), further established him as a successful novelist. However some critics were less than complimentary about his work and Priestley threatened legal action against Graham Greene for what he took to be a defamatory portrait of him in the novel Stamboul Train (1932). In 1940 he broadcast a series of short propaganda radio talks, which were credited with strengthening civilian morale during the Battle of Britain. In the following years his left-wing beliefs brought him into conflict with the government and influenced the development of the welfare state.
xxx/ellauri287.html on line 160: Mmmm... Good looking boy half naked... xxx/ellauri291.html on line 45: Laurel Goodwin (11. elokuuta 1942 – 25. helmikuuta 2022) oli yhdysvaltalainen elokuva- ja televisionäyttelijä, joka tunnetaan roolistaan Elvis Presleyn rakkauskohteena vuoden 1962 elokuvassa
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 47: Goodwin syntyi Wichitassa, Kansasissa, 11. elokuuta 1942. Myöhemmin hän muutti perheensä kanssa San Diegoon ja sitten San Franciscoon.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 48: Lapsimalli Goodwin debytoi elokuvassa Elvis Presleyn rakkausihmisenä elokuvassa Girls! Girls! Typyjä! Typyjä! (1962).
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 50: Hän meni naimisiin Walter Woodin kanssa 1967. Jäätyään eläkkeelle näyttelemisestä vuonna 1971, Goodwin jatkoi uraa kotisairaanhoitajana yli 35 vuoden ajan. Kun Valttu Puu sairastui, hiän alkoi hoitaa häntä kokopäiväisesti, kunnes hän kuoli noin puolitoista vuotta myöhemmin, vuonna 2010.
xxx/ellauri291.html on line 51: Goodwin kuoli Cathedral Cityssä Kaliforniassa 25. helmikuuta 2022 79-vuotiaana. Siinä on vähän sekä nuoren Pirkon että Pollyannan tunnelmaa.
xxx/ellauri292.html on line 173: Paavalin ja Teklan teot ( Acta Pauli et Theclae ) on apokryfinen tarina – Edgar J. Goodspeed kutsui sitä " uskonnolliseksi romanssiksi " – apostoli Paavalin vaikutuksesta nuoreen neitsyeen nimeltä Tekla. Se on yksi Uuden testamentin apokryfien kirjoituksista. Tertullianus, De baptismo 17:5 (n. 190) sanoo, että Aasiasta kotoisin oleva presbyteeri kirjoitti Paavalin ja Theklan historian, ja hänet nyrjäytettiin sen jälkeen, kun hän tunnusti kirjoittaneensa sen. Eugenia Roomalainen Commoduksen hallituskaudella (180–192) raportoi marttyyrikuolemansa teoissa olleen Theklan mallina tekstin lukemisen jälkeen, ennen kuin Tertullianus paheksui sitä. Hieronymus kertaa Tertullianuksen tiedot, ja hänen tarkkuutensa vuoksi kronologian raportoinnissa jotkut tutkijat pitävät tekstiä 1. vuosisadan luomuksena.
xxx/ellauri304.html on line 336: "The Good Guys" -ryhmässä monet tuntevat tämän menetyksen. Ole hyvä ja pidä perheemme, ystävämme ja hänen aina uskolliset faninsa ajatuksissasi ja rukouksissasi, däd missä oletkin.
xxx/ellauri312.html on line 220: Goodall, HL, Trethewey, A. ja McDonald, R. (2006). "Strateginen epäselvyys, viestintä ja julkinen diplomatia epävarmassa maailmassa: parhaat periaatteet ja käytännöt."
xxx/ellauri366.html on line 394: Goods in the open, making hay,
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 140: Have a Good Time (1976)
xxx/ellauri376.html on line 154: Your Heart´s in Good Hands (1995)
xxx/ellauri380.html on line 213: Vuonna 1935 Wong koki uransa vakavimman pettymyksen, kun Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer kieltäytyi ottamasta häntä kiinalaisen hahmon O-Lanin päärooliin Pearl S. Buckin The Good Earth -elokuvaversiossa. Sen sijaan MGM valtuutti Luise Rainerin näyttelemään pääroolia yellowfacena. Eräs elämäkerran kirjoittaja uskoo, että valinta johtui Hays Coden rotujen sekoittumisen vastaisista säännöistä, jotka vaativat valkoisen näyttelijän vaimoa (joka ironisesti kyllä näyttelee kiinalaista hahmoa keltaisella lärvällä) näyttelevän valkoisen näyttelijän.
xxx/ellauri385.html on line 278: Antifundamentalistien jäsenluettelossa onkin kokonainen nippu talousliberaalikyrpiä ja puolivillaisia idealisteja ja oikeistohyyppiä, mm. John Dewey Stanley kala Michel Foucault GWF Hegel Max Stirner William James Emil Cioran Eugene Thacker Thomas Ligotti Friedrich Nietzsche Charles Sanders Peirce Ludwig Wittgenstein TS Eliot Otto Neurath Wilfrid Sellars Karl Popper Anton Tšehov Richard Rorty Charles Taylor Jacques Derrida Edgar Morin Willard Van Orman Quine Nelson Goodman Roy Bhaskar.
xxx/ellauri394.html on line 311: Twigg-Smith, Thurston (1998). Hawaiian Sovereignty: Do the Facts Matter? (No). Honolulu: Goodale Publishing. ISBN 978-0-9662945-0-7. OCLC 39090004.
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 251: Jarkko S. Hakala:Good point. The
xxx/ellauri414.html on line 314: has personal space. Good luck!
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 122: Tsargradin estäminen YouTubessa on käynyt kohtalokkaaksi Googlelle. Siitä hetkestä alkoi Googlen alamäki - ulos Venäjältä. "Google on luonut itselleen ongelmia", Vladimir Putin sanoi. Tätä seurasi oikeusjuttumme, isännöinnin hidastuminen ja nyt valmistautuminen "Corporation of the Good":in täydelliseen lähtöön maastamme. "We are not evil." Presidentin suoran linjan jälkeen Roskomnadzor kertoi, että "se näkee perusteita ryhtyä toimiin Youtubea vastaan Venäjän lain lukuisten rikkomusten ja epäkunnioituksen vuoksi maatamme ja sen kansalaisia kohtaan." Ja Tsargrad jatkaa Googlen jahtaamista ympäri maailmaa pannakseen täytäntöön Venäjän tuomioistuimen päätöksen.