ellauri026.html on line 516:
ellauri063.html on line 582: Pansatanism Same as pandemonism. a Gnostic theory that considered Satan’s to be the controlling will of the universe.
ellauri159.html on line 1399: Prestige of Physiology, 112. Plan of neural action, 113. God the mind's adequate object, 116. Contrast between world as perceived and as conceived, 118. God, 120. The mind's three departments, 123. Science due to a subjective demand, 129. Theism a mean between two extremes, 134. Gnosticism, 137. No intellection except for practical ends, 140. Conclusion, 142.
ellauri161.html on line 99: The denial of Christ's humanity -- which gave rise to Docetism, Marcionism, Gnosticism, Apollinarianism, Monarchianism, Patripassianism, Sabellianism, Adoptionism, Dynamic Monarchianism.
ellauri184.html on line 692: Among the 52 early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered at Nag Hammadi in 1945, one of the most enigmatic is a Valentinian text called the Gospel of Philip. This is one of several “Gnostic” texts which puts a special emphasis on the relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus. One of the more obscure sections concerns three Marys who were always with Jesus.
ellauri184.html on line 773: Jose Saramago is an atheist. This should be enough warning for everyone that desires to read the book. It is very explicit and so religion it’s exposed at its weakest and God as a character is revealed. I come from a Roman-Catholic background but I still wanted to read it, ever since the Gnostic gospel where Jesus childhood is revealed and he changes from a mischievous badly behaved kid to the Jesus from the new testament I wanted to see Saramago’s take on it. Saramago is such a master of words that he makes every bit of faith look totally illogical.
ellauri198.html on line 874: There are two realities, the terrestrial and the condition of fire. 1 All power is from the terrestrial condition, for there all opposites meet and there only is the extreme of choice possible, full freedom. [This seems inaccurate slightly, the terrestrial or earthly condition contains the condition of fire, water, and air; the mental, the material, and mental-material interaction respectively. How to distinctly separate water and earth is an issue going back at least to the Corpus Hermeticum.] And there the heterogeneous is, evil, for evil is the strain one upon another of opposites; but in the condition of fire is all music and rest. [Compare this with interpretations of Manichean or Gnostic dualism that there is a pure and impure world; castor and pollux.] Between is the condition of air where images have but a borrowed life, that of memory or that reflected upon them when they symbolise colours and intensities of fire; the place of shades who are 'in the whirl of those who are fading,' and who cry like those amorous shades in the Japanese play:-- Huoh, ei jaxa. Tää kaverihan oli täysin tärähtänyt:
ellauri377.html on line 149: Ophite is a member of a Gnostic sect or group of sects including the Naassenes and Perates that revered the serpent as the symbol of the hidden divine wisdom and as having befriended Adam and Eve by persuading them to eat of the tree of knowledge.
ellauri377.html on line 151: Yaldabaoth, otherwise known as Jaldabaoth or Ialdabaoth (/ˌjɑːldəˈbeɪɒθ/; Coptic: ⲒⲀⲖⲦⲀⲂⲀⲰⲐ Ialtabaôth; Latin: Ialdabaoth, Koinē Greek: Ιαλδαβαώθ, romanized: Ialdabaóth), is a malevolent God and demiurge (creator of the material world) in various Gnostic sects and movements, sometimes represented as a theriomorphic lion-headed serpent. He is identified as the false god who keeps the souls trapped in physical bodies, imprisoned in the material universe. Jaldabahuutti tarkoittanee "isyyden aiheuttaja", mikä sopii vällykäärmeeseen kuin suutarin sormi sian pilluun.
xxx/ellauri044.html on line 442: mysteries of Gnosticism, of Abraxas and Cain. 21 Eventually, Sinclair rejects
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 774: The Gnostic Society Library
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 878: George Robert Stow Mead (22 March 1863 in Peckham, Surrey – 28 September 1933 in London) was an English historian, writer, editor, translator, and an influential member of the Theosophical Society, as well as the founder of the Quest Society. His scholarly works dealt mainly with the Hermetic and Gnostic religions of Late Antiquity, and were very exhausting.
xxx/ellauri170.html on line 889: Notable persons influenced by Mead include Ezra Pound, W.B. Yeats, Hermann Hesse, Kenneth Rexroth, and Robert Duncan. The seminal influence of G.R.S. Mead on Carl Gustav Jung, confirmed by the scholar of Gnosticism Gilles Quispel, a friend of Jung´s, has been documented by several scholars.
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 768: The text was viewed as unhistorical, spurious, and useful only as a vehicle of Christian curiosity. To further add to the case of why it was never remotely considered within the canon, the orthodox Christian writers of the late second century associated the infancy gospel with circles that they considered heretical, particularly with groups of Gnostic Christians. No scholar would dream of taking