ellauri105.html on line 98: New Yorkerin Washingtonin kirjeenvaihtaja, juutalainen Susan Gasser (sori, freudilainen lipsahdus) Glasser on izekin kauhistunut, vaikka onkin olevinaan demokraattinen. Glasser Susan">Susan Glasser is the daughter of Lynn (née Schreiber) and Stephen Glasser (of Jewish ancestry). Susan on amerikkalainen vastine Hoblan yrmylle Laurénille. Se on ryssävihanen ja salaoikislainen taantumuxen edustaja. Se kirjottaa New Yorkerin varakkaiden lukijoiden mielixi:
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 307:
Seemore Butts or Adam Glasser, take your pick – was born in the Bronx to Jewish parents, whom he has said were involved in the “shmattah business.” Talk about rags to riches! Seemore Butt's net worth 2022 was between $501.1K - $1.8M. Not penniless nor worthless, nossir. His mother Lila has also been involved with the production and distribution of some of his films.