ellauri067.html on line 336: Some prominent guest stars on Allen´s program over the years included Frank Sinatra, Orson Welles, Roy Rogers, Bela Lugosi, Ed Gardner, Norman Corwin and Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy. Allen would often ad-lib material and since most radio programs in those days were broadcast live, with the exception of the occasional delay here and there, the audience would sometimes hear a bleep in place of a word or phrase. Siitäkin on tullut mediaklishee.
ellauri095.html on line 153: Despite Hopkins burning all his poems on entering the Jesuit novitiate, he had already sent some to Bridges, who with some other friends, was one of the few people to see many of them for some years. After Hopkins's death they were distributed to a wider audience, mostly fellow poets, and in 1918 Bridges, by then poet laureate, published a collected edition; an expanded edition, prepared by Charles Williams, appeared in 1930, and a greatly expanded edition by William Henry Gardner appeared in 1948 (eventually reaching a fourth edition, 1967, with N. H. Mackenzie).
ellauri348.html on line 226: Yhdysvalloissa matkustamisesta kiinnostuneena hänet nähtiin usein Truman Capoten ja Ava Gardnerin kanssa. Ajaessaan Aston Martin -urheiluautoaan 14. huhtikuuta 1957 hän joutui onnettomuuteen, joka jätti hänet koomaan joksikin aikaa. Hän rakasti myös ajamista Jaguar -autollaan Monte Carloon uhkapelisessioille.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 396: Kirjoittajina on teoksen toimittajien ohella järeä ryhmä ykköskentän professoreita, tutkijoita ja muita vaikuttajia: Ilkka Niiniluoto, Sami Pihlström, Sara Heinämaa, Sam Inkinen, Mauri Ylä-Kotola, Mark C. Taylor, James Wilk, Kirsti Lonka, Rachel Jones, Raimo P. Hämäläinen, Tuuli Lehti, Heikki Peltola, Tapio Aaltonen, Saku Mantere, Makke Leppänen, Päivi Partanen ja Ollis Leppänen. Haastatteluiden kautta mukana ovat Matti Alahuhta, Jorma Ollila, Pertti Korhonen, J. T. Bergqvist, Rosa Liksom, M.A. Numminen ja Aalto-yliopiston rehtori Tuula Teeri. Oman tervehdyksensä esittävät Howard Gardner, Bill Damon & Anne Colby ja nobelisti Edmund Phelps.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 1052: In actual practice, much of academic philosophy is elitist and assumes a pretence of knowledge (somewhat like economics, as described by Hayek in his towering Nobel speech). I find much of academic philosophy fear-based as it seeks to pinpoint mistakes and operates with conceptual criticism as the leading faculty of mind. The result is the lack of synthetic, life-enhancing contributions (a point made clear in Gardner’s Five Minds for the Future).
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1046: The Sun Also Rises is a 1957 film adaptation of the 1926 Ernest Hemingway novel of the same name directed by Henry King. The screenplay was written by Peter Viertel and it starred Tyrone Power, Ava Gardner, Mel Ferrer, and Errol Flynn. Much of it was filmed on location in France and Spain in Cinemascope and color by Deluxe. A highlight of the film is the famous "running of the bulls" in Pamplona, Spain and two bullfights.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 1050: Gardner Ava">Ava Gardner and Tyrone Power näyttää ikälopuilta, Billistä puhumattakaan. Mitä pyyleviä setämiehiä tähän on kerätty? En pidä Avan kaxijakoisesta leuasta, tulee mieleen Fred Karlsson ihan väkisten.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 889: Las implicaciones de esto son claras: para estudiar la personalidad hay que conocer también el contexto en el que habitan las personas y el modo en el que este responde a las necesidades motivacionales de los individuos. Centrarse simplemente en administrar varios test para obtener una puntuación no nos da una visión acertada sobre esto, ya que se parte de un sesgo al considerar que la personalidad es lo que pueda ser captado por estas pruebas de recogida de datos. Se trata de un punto de vista parecido al que aplican al ámbito de las capacidades mentales psicólogos como Howard Gardner y Robert J. Sternberg, críticos con la concepción psicométrica de la inteligencia.
xxx/ellauri273.html on line 169: #1 Dave Ramsey #2 Tony Robbins #3 Nick Vujicic (torso) #4 Eckhart Tolle #5 Louise Hay (kuollut) #6 Chris Gardner (neekeri) #7 Robert Kiyosaki (japsu) #8 Eric Thomas (nekke) #9 Les Brown (nokikeppi) #10 Suze Orman #11 Iyanla Vanzant (ainut naaraslaku!) #12 Amy Purdy (parapleegikko) #13 Jack Canfield (free-range kana) #14 T. Harv Eker (harvesteri) #15 Darren Hardy