ellauri002.html on line 1352: (Evil Stöö: kun me kuollaan)
ellauri023.html on line 351: Evinrude-moottori ruostuu autotallissa. Joku olisi ostanut sen museokapineeksi.

ellauri029.html on line 241: Kirjoittanut: Siiri Hyytinen - tiimistä Evision.
ellauri051.html on line 1054: 465 Evil propels me and reform of evil propels me, I stand indifferent, 465 Paha ajaa minua eteenpäin ja pahan uudistus ajaa minua, olen välinpitämätön,
ellauri053.html on line 1179: His complaint against Yeats was that Yeats’s “supernatural world” was “the wrong supernatural world”: It was not a world of spiritual significance, not a world of real Good and Evil, of holiness or sin, but a highly sophisticated lower mythology summoned, like a physician, to supply the fading pulse of poetry with some transient stimulant so that the dying patient may utter his last words.

ellauri055.html on line 1113: Sotavallan vanhemmat olivat tilanomistaja Johan August Sotavalta ja Emma Sofia Suomi. Hän oli naimisissa vuosina 1917–1927 Evi Marguerita Hjeltin kanssa, jonka isä oli valtioneuvos Edvard Hjelt.
ellauri055.html on line 1184: Siellä oli meitä poikia, oli Sibeliusta, Järnefeltiä, Halosta, Hjeltiä, Enckelliä, Westermarckia, Paloheimoa... Pihlajan oxassa paperilyhtyjä. Kanslerin tytär Evi Hjelt poijes lipsahti Arvo Sotavallalle.
ellauri055.html on line 1256: Lyylin sukunimi oli oikeasti Kökkö. Ei tullut Eemelistä Evi Hjeltin hjelttiä eikä Lyylin kökkötraktoria.
ellauri058.html on line 714: The ancient texts describe the symptoms Herod experienced in his final days: painful intestinal problems, convulsions in every limb, intense itching, breathlessness, and gangrene of the genitalia. Josephus wrote that Herod’s final illness―sometimes called “Herod’s Evil"―was excruciating.
ellauri061.html on line 803: The song of Deborah and Barak also gives some more detail about the victory over the Canaanites: “The earth shook, the heavens poured, / the clouds poured down water” (Judges 5:4). Evidently, God used a flood to disable the iron chariots of Sisera. The victory was supernatural (verse 20). Chapter 5 concludes with the statement, “And the land had peace forty years.” This impressive time of peace lasted until Midian took control of Israel, necessitating Gideon’s rise.
ellauri065.html on line 39: Yli-Juotikkaan hahmo näkee Evitskogin vastaanottokeskuxen pihalla koiranheisin. Opettele Suomea! Se taipuu heisi heiden! Ja Evitskog tulee miehen nimestä, ei se ole mikään ikimezä. Opettele Ruozia! Tai edes sisälukemaan Hikipediaa! Sivistymätön moukka. Typerys!
ellauri065.html on line 41: Evitskog on kylä Kirkkonummen luoteisosassa, lähellä Siuntiota. Vuonna 2011 kylässä oli 705 asukasta. Asukkaista vajaa puolet on ruotsinkielisiä. Kylä sijaitsee noin 30 km Helsingistä ja 11 km Kirkkonummen keskustasta. Lähimpään kauppaan Lapinkylässä on noin 6 kilometriä.
ellauri065.html on line 42: Samaa kokoluokkaa kuin Snovidza. Me ajettiin Evitskogin tienristin ohize matkalla Sommarhemistä Kyrkslättin keskustaan.
ellauri065.html on line 44: Nimi Evitskog on muodostettu miehennimestä Ö(dh)vidher ja ruotsinkielisestä metsää tarkoittavasta skog-sanasta. Sama miehennimi esiintyy myös kylännimessä Övitsby Siuntiossa. Evitskogille on ehdotettu suomenkielistä nimeä Hievala, mutta asiasta ei ole vielä tehty lopullista päätöstä.
ellauri065.html on line 46: Kylässä toimii Kirkkonummen vanhin vapaaehtoinen palokunta, Evitskog FBK, joka on perustettu 1931. Punainen palokunnantalo on myös näyttävä maamerkki. Nuorisoseurantalo Övidsborg on 1930-luvulta, se on Kirkkonummen suurin seuraintalo. Nuorisoseurassa on 260 jäsentä. Marttakerho on perustettu 1908.
ellauri065.html on line 47: Evitskogissa sijaitsee myös Storträsketin uimaranta, jossa Kirkkonummen kunta tapaa järjestää kesäisin uimakouluja. Uimaranta on hyvin suosittu lapsilta.
ellauri065.html on line 49: Arttu Wiskarin laulussa Mökkitie mainitaan Evitskog seuraavasti: ”– – Kesä loppui, ja mulle kerrottiin / ei tule enää reissuja Evitskogiin – –”. Wiskari on kuitenkin kertonut, ettei hänellä eikä hänen perheellään ole ollut mökkiä Evitskogissa.
ellauri065.html on line 50: Viktor Hurmio & Fetknopparnan laulussa Evitskog mainitaan Evitskog kylänä. ”Viktor Hurmio” (taiteilijanimi) on kotoisin Evitskogista. Viktor Hurmio & Fetknopparna oli 1980-luvun alkupuolella erityisen suosittu ruotsinkielisen nuorison keskuudessa.
ellauri065.html on line 51: Paradise Oskarina tunnettu laulaja-lauluntekijä Axel Ehnström on kotoisin Evitskogista. Muovisia merzuja.
ellauri065.html on line 53: Evitskog valittiin vuoden uusmaalaiseksi kyläksi 1992.
ellauri065.html on line 55: Syksyllä 2015 Evitskogiin avattiin tilapäinen vastaanottokeskus, johon majoitettiin 260 turvapaikanhakijaa. Vastaanottokeskus perustettiin KN-keskuksen tiloihin, joka oli aiemmin majoittanut lähinnä virolaisia komennusmiehiä. Rakennus on alkujaan rakennettu 1970-luvulla TVK:n koulutuskeskukseksi. Kukahan oli istuttanut koiranheiden sen pihalle. Oliko lakupelle bingobangolandiasta. Hyötytataariko vaiko haittatataari. Vaiko pakoloinen. Matu koijaa, kela hyysää.
ellauri065.html on line 57: Evitskogissa on leimahtanut kova kiista suunnitelmista, jossa maanomistaja haluaa korottaa alavaa peltoa rakennustyömailta tuoduilla maa-aineksilla. Paikka on monille ohikulkijoillekin ja erityisesti lintuharrastajille tuttu Evitskogissa Kivenlahti-Virkkala -maantien varrella. Tulva-aikoihin vesi nousee pellolle ja syys-ja kevätmuuton aikana alueella on sankkanaan muuttolintuja. Alueen maanomistajalla on pari vuotta ollut suunnitelmissa rahdata laajalle alueelle maamassoja ja korottaa peltoa muutamalla metrillä. Hankkeessa on puhuttu erittäin suurista määristä maa-aineista, jota tuotaisiin peltoaukealle jopa 700.000 - 800.000 kuutiometriä. Parin viime vuoden aikana on Kirkkonummella ollut esillä ainakin kolme isoa maakaatopaikkahanketta. Niissä on haettu lupaa noin 120.000 - 430.000 kuution läjitysmäärille. (Lue hankkeista, linkit jutun lopussa) Evitskogin hankkeessa ei ole käytetty maankaatopaikka-termiä, vaan puhuttu pellonkorotuksesta. Kunnalta on tiedusteltu noin vuosi sitten, tarvitaanko hankkeelle ympäristölupa. Tuolloin kunnan ympäristöyksikkö on lausunnossaan todennut, ettei ympäristölupaa tarvita. Lausunnossa todetaan, että paikalle tuotavien maa-aineisten on oltava puhtaita ja ennen toiminnan aloittamista alueen halki kulkevan Törnesintien tieoikeuden haltijoiden on hyväksyttävä hanke. Tiekunta on lähestynyt kuntaa valituskirjelmällä, jossa suhtaudutaan hankkeeseen kielteisesti. Asia tulee kevään mittaan ympäristölautakunnan käsittelyyn. Peltoaukean poikki on aloitettu tien parantaminen. Tie johtaa alueen omistajan kesäasunnolle. Kirkkonummen ympäristöyhdistys on nostanut hankkeen esille ja väittää, että kyseessä on maankaatopaikka, jota valmistellaan tien korjaamisella. Ympäristöyhdistys pyytää Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirastoa (Avi) tutkimaan, valmistellaanko kosteikolle ja peltoaukealle laitonta maankaatopaikkaa. Yhdistys on myös tehnyt kantelun eduskunnan oikeusasiamiehelle Kirkkonummen ympäristöpäällikön toiminnasta. Valitusta ei ympäristöyhdistyksen mukaan voi hankkeesta tehdä, koska mitään virallista päätöstä ei ole hankkeen tiimoilta olemassa. Kunnan ympäristöyksikössä on tulkittu vuosi sitten hanketta pellonparannuksena, kuten sitä on maaomistajakin kutsunut. Ympäristöyksikössä on vedottu siihen, että lain mukaan pellonparannukseen ei tarvitse ympäristölain mukaista lupaa toisin kuin, jos lupaa haetaan maankaatopaikalle. Peltoa saa korottaa kunnan ympäristöyksikön mukaan melko vapaasti, jos maanläjityksellä on jokin tarkoitus eli pellon saaminen viljelyn kannalta parempaan kuntoon. Kysessä oleva alue ei ole suojeltu. Alue on virallisesti peltoa, joka on oikeutettu myös maataloustukiin. Tällaisia maankaatopaikkahankkeita on ollut vireillä:> Avolouhos halutaan täyttää ja > perustaa maankaatopaikka − > louhittua kiveä löytyy maailman > suurkaupungeista (Viisykkönen > 20.8.2018) Isoa maankaatopaikkaa > ei tule Porkkalanniemelle – hanke > tyssäsi paikalliseen > vastustukseen, rekkarallia > pelättiin (Viisykkönen 13.9.2017)> Kirkkonummen kunta hylkäsi lupa-anomuksen maankaatopaikalle Kylmälässä äänestyksen jälkeen (Viisykkönen
ellauri089.html on line 668: § 124. It remains to consider positive evils and mixed goods. I. Evils may be divided into three classes, namely …
ellauri094.html on line 751: Evil ideas need to be fought. That’s not the same as exterminating the people who are tricked by them.
ellauri107.html on line 242: In surveying Billy, “sometimes [Claggart’s] melancholy expression would have in it a touch of soft yearning, as if [he] could even have loved Billy but for fate and ban.” Evidently, Claggart has not fully disguised his private appreciation of Billy; but, because he believes something forbids any future for such feelings, he hardens his heart more and more fiercely toward the object of his desire. What “fate” and what “ban” does his misguided imagination perceive? Do their roles on the ship or elsewhere in society somehow doom any intimacy between them? Or does Claggart just presume Billy could never reciprocate his feelings? Might the Master at Arms simply despise sexuality in general and homosexuality in particular and, as a result, find himself driven all the more mad by his uncontrollable “yearning”? Whatever the accurate diagnosis, it is clear that Claggart distorts any positive feelings he possesses for Billy into negative ones with terrible consequences.
ellauri141.html on line 124: Evitata rotis palmaque nobilis. 5 Slalomkeppien väistelystä, mitaleista,
ellauri145.html on line 537: Nietzsche’s image, through no more fault of his own than Hawking´s (LOL), has grown in a similar way to that of Hawking. We all have a vague notion of what the Ubermensch is, we’ve all heard “God is dead,” and we all know Nietzsche was a crazy philosopher with a giant mustache who wrote really hard books and scared his contemporaries and was apparently a favorite of the Nazis. There are little quips and quotes from him around the internet that sound awfully cryptic and enigmatic. And the publishing industry plays on this image, too: I have a copy of Beyond Good And Evil with a black cover and the title text printed in red and white, and the color scheme looks a little sinister. I strongly suspect that, if Nietzsche did not have a popular image as a crazy nihilist Nazi Ubermensch from the 1800s, the publisher would not have made the decision to print his books with a black and red color scheme. A cursory look at Amazon’s book listing also shows copies of Thus Spake Zarathustra with a picture of a panther’s eyes on the cover, glowering at the reader. Because… “Nietzsche was that crazy German writer or philosopher or whatever, right? And he was, like, an anarchist or nihilist or Nazi or something, right? Didn’t he kill God or something like that? Yeah.”
ellauri147.html on line 452: She was originally cast for the movie Evil Dead in 2013. But, due to their religious conflicts, the role went onto Jane Levy, joka ei ole kristitty luopuri.
ellauri150.html on line 689: But the Pope's letter is actually a warning of the dangers inherent in too much freedom. It is the old story of the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were free to do whatever they wished in this original Paradise, but if they partook of the Tree of Good and Evil then there would be a price to pay. (Yes, as Milton made it clear, they were completely free to have sex anytime and anywhere, but not while munching on the apple!) And as it turned out the temptation was too great to resist.
ellauri152.html on line 660: "the evil urge assaults a person daily. If it wasn't for Hashem's assistance, one would fall into Evil Knievel's hand" (Kedushin 30a).
ellauri152.html on line 666: But although the dog created this alternate system of din, justice tempered with cheese, compassion, the original system of pure, untempered justice is still available -- for those rare and powerful individuals who are able to confront the Evil Urge without the dog's assistance.
ellauri153.html on line 527: Evidential
ellauri185.html on line 368: However, perturbed by the problem of evil, he lost his own faith at the age of eight, and turned to poetry-writing. Se oli Balliolin miehiä kuten parkinsonin vaivaama Nick Ostler. Evil ei ole mikään probleema ellei ole uskovaisia.
ellauri198.html on line 772: Toi Condition of Fire and Election-Love taitaa olla jotain kabbalismia (kz alla). Love, love, love. Kabbalah says that the only force in reality is the force of love. Evidently, without love, there is no life. Make love not war. (No siinähän se tuli!) This is why Kabbalah says that Creator, nature, and love are synonymous. Tucker Carlson Wears a Kabbalah Bracelet. It has been absolutely infuriating to watch supposedly "awake" people promote Tucker Carlson as some kind of mainstream hero. He is obviously a servant of the Jews and this is just one more piece of evidence.
ellauri216.html on line 172: To become evil means to fail to reach this perfection, to deviate from one’s nature. Evil thus has no positive existence of itself. It is a failure having no reality of its own, being but an incidental perversion of something good.
ellauri219.html on line 962: While those who never had sex with animals or done drugs may criticize Kara’s, Jordan's and their dogs' lewd behaviors as if they were evil — and this, perhaps, according to Christian morality as they interpret it — anybody who has actually suffered from lewdness puts this to the lie and knows that such behavior is not a moral issue, but a chemical imbalance. Evidently the words of Jesus to “Judge not lest you be judged,” make little impression on such folk, who pretend to themselves that if their worst, most embarrassing moments were made into headlines in the papers, they would do just fine. Even if they themselves had nothing to be embarrassed about in all their life of adventures and misadventures, they ought to have compassion for those who struggle with greater problems than their own. “Let Judge Hicks who is without sin cast the first stone,” is another saying of Jesus that applies to those who would judge and condemn an easy target.
ellauri236.html on line 198: There exists in America an enormous literature of more or less the same stamp as No Orchids. Quite apart from books, there is the huge array of ‘pulp magazines’, graded so as to cater for different kinds of fantasy, but nearly all having much the same mental atmosphere. A few of them go in for straight pornography, but the great majority are quite plainly aimed at sadists and masochists. Sold at threepence a copy under the title of Yank Mags(4), these things used to enjoy considerable popularity in England, but when the supply dried up owing to the war, no satisfactory substitute was forthcoming. English imitations of the ‘pulp magazine’ do now exist, but they are poor things compared with the original. English crook films, again, never approach the American crook film in brutality. And yet the career of Mr. Chase shows how deep the American influence has already gone. Not only is he himself living a continuous fantasy-life in the Chicago underworld, but he can count on hundreds of thousands of readers who know what is meant by a ‘clipshop’ or the ‘hotsquat’, do not have to do mental arithmetic when confronted by ‘fifty grand’, and understand at sight a sentence like ‘Johnny was a rummy and only two jumps ahead of the nut-factory’. Evidently there are great numbers of English people who are partly americanized in language and, one ought to add, in moral outlook. For there was no popular protest against No Orchids. In the end it was withdrawn, but only retrospectively, when a later work, Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief, brought Mr. Chase's books to the attention of the authorities. Judging by casual conversations at the time, ordinary readers got a mild thrill out of the obscenities of No Orchids, but saw nothing undesirable in the book as a whole. Many people, incidentally, were under the impression that it was an American book reissued in England.
ellauri240.html on line 217: After she died, George wrote his own book called The Girl from "Peyton Place." The book offers a husband's view of how Metalious was exploited after the publication of the book, but also of how she was responsible for bringing unhappiness to herself and to others. A whole series of other "Peyton Place" books were produced after Grace Metalious's death, with titles like The Evils of Peyton Place and Temptations of Peyton Place. None of these were a commercial success.
ellauri256.html on line 62: Women were the first cultivators of flax and initiated the manufacture of clothing. Evidence for this claim is the oldest depictions of textile production showing women at work, not men, and women continuing in textile production even when the industry was run by males. This is not at all unusual as women were the first brewers in Egypt and, most likely, the first healers who predated the rise of the medical profession. And the first professionals in the entertainment business, see Capitani and Lady Ceepu.
ellauri284.html on line 40: This snapshot, our correspondent states, was taken after The German - sorry - the French charge near Forêt-Champignon. The body stretched at full length is a dead German guy. Those crouching behind a stone are French infantrymen, stone dead as well. Evidently the were charging, carrying that big stone. The bodies were not moved so as not to confuse the crime scene investigation.
ellauri285.html on line 232:
New Evil Demon probleema

ellauri299.html on line 530: Matthew Desmond, the acclaimed Princeton sociologist and author of Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City, thinks that poverty has barely improved in the United States over the past 50 years — and he has a theory why. Laid out in a long essay for the New York Times Magazine that is adapted from his forthcoming book Poverty, by America, Desmond’s theory implicates “exploitation” in the broadest sense, from a decline in unions and worker power to a proliferation of bank fees and predatory landlord practices, all of which combine to keep the American underclass down. Relative poverty in the US has stagnated in the last 40 years.
ellauri301.html on line 102: There is little nihilism in Swedish noir: good and bad are always clearly distinguished all the way through to the cartoonish culmination of the genre in Stieg Larsson’s trilogy about Lisbeth Salander. The only problem for Stieg´s heroes is that good no longer plays in the same team with the Swedish state. Evil is firmly located in reassuringly wicked villains. Everything is privatized just like in Britain and America. All is well. (These sharp observations courtesy of The Guardian.)
ellauri309.html on line 1029: Evidenz. Siitä lähtien elokuva on kerännyt sekä kriitikkojen että yleisön
ellauri325.html on line 171: Heinäkuusta 1919 lähtien Averchenko työskenteli "Yug" -sanomalehdellä (myöhemmin - "Etelä-Venäjä"), vastasi kirjallisesta osasta ja kampanjoi vapaaehtoisarmeijan avuksi. Yhteistyötä improvisoidun Actor's Theaterin kanssa. Vuonna 1920 hän kirjoitti paroni P. N. Wrangelin Venäjän armeijan hyväksi. Simferopolissa, Tauride Voicen kirjapainossa, painettiin ensimmäinen painos hänen kirjastaan " Kusinaa veistä vallankumouksen takaosassa ". Sanomalehdessä julkaistiin 24. kesäkuuta: " Arkady Averchenkon uusi kirja "Kusina veistä vallankumouksen selässä" julkaistaan ja tulee myyntiin muutaman päivän kuluttua. Pariisin painos vuodelta 1921 oli toinen. Sevastopolissa julkaistaan Venäjän armeijan rahoittamana Averchenkon kokoelma ”Evil Spirits”, jonka levikki kuljetetaan pian Konstantinopoliin. Perekop kaatui, ja 15. marraskuuta 1920 punaiset valtasivat Sevastopolin. Marraskuun 13. päivänä Averchenko, Krimin evakuoinnin aikana, purjehti Konstantinopoliin yhdellä viimeisistä laivoista.
ellauri327.html on line 413: On the first day, journalist Simon Schuster asked a person from Zelensky’s entourage how the president was feeling. “Evil,” they answered him.
ellauri333.html on line 217: Evidence of devotional worship to Hanuman is largely absent in Ramayana, as well as in most archeological sites. Except In Valmiki's Ramayana, estimated to have been composed before or in about the 3rd century BCE, Hanuman is an important, creative character as a simian helper and messenger for Rama.
ellauri335.html on line 499: Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab analyzed satellite imagery and open-source audio-visual material to geolocate and verify the attacks.
ellauri349.html on line 173: Eskin muistelmat on pelkkää nimien pudottelua. Kestäkään ei saa mitään persoonallista mielikuvaa. Kaikki on puleerattu puhtaixi ääritapauxixi kuin neropatit sankarit Disney-sarjoissa Bones ja Body of Evidence. Pirjo Säisäin tavoin ajatelleen ujonpuoleisen nuorukaisen mielestä maailmaan mahtui hemosti arvokasta joka halusi palvella laajempaa kokonaisuutta. Eww.
ellauri352.html on line 680: Joten siksi. Ja miksi tämä kirja on paska? Siinä on loistavia ideoita ja tavaraa, ja se on ainoa syy, miksi annan sille 2 tähteä 1 tähden sijasta. Mutta enimmäkseen kirja on tylsä, pitkäveteinen ja täynnä samoja vanhoja, ikäviä, ärsyttäviä, 50-luvun trooppisia tyyppejä ja perushahmoja. Nykyaikaista päähenkilöä olisi pitänyt kutsua Indiana Jonesiksi ja jatkakaa sitä. Vastasyntyneet israelilaiset ovat näitä karkeita, paatuneita työntekijöitä. Ajattelin jatkuvasti jaloja villiä, tai tässä tapauksessa jalojuutalaisia. Tylsät perushahmot, joilla ei ole muita piirteitä kuin heidän "juutalaisuutensa" (anteeksi). Kirja on täynnä myös naisten vihaa. Kaikki naishahmot voidaan jakaa kahteen allegoriaan: Puhdas neitsyt (ne, jotka ovat suloisia ja puhtaita ja joilla on "keikkailevia" piirteitä ja jotka ovat pieniä ja siroja eivätkä välitä avioliitosta raakojen rumien juutalaisten hirviöiden kanssa (kyllä ​​tämä stereotypia on näkyvä). myös kirjassa 'juutalainen mies', jota kuvataan eläinmäiseksi ja kyyrykseksi ja tyhmäksi) ja jolla ei ole muita piirteitä kuin juutalaisuus. Toisaalta sinulla on The Evil Wench, juoni, paha, ilkeä, manipuloivat ja PAHIN kaikista pettävistä ja valehtelevista pettureista, jotka kaikki jättävät miehensä toisen takia juuri sillä tavalla, tai (kirjaimellinen lainaus) "vuodattavat ne tunnetut väärennetyt, laskelmoitavat naisen kyyneleet" (wtf?) Millaisen ilkeän fetissin kirjoittaja teki Onko? Onko hänen kalunsa tapettu äitinsä toimesta? Puhumattakaan lähes KAIKKI naaraat kuolevat hirvittävän kuoleman. He kuolevat useammin kuin heidän surulliset, jalot juutalaiset kollegansa. Oi, ja Indiana Jonesimme ahdistaa yhtä heistä mennäkseen naimisiin vaikka hän itsepintaisesti sanoo hänelle ei ja sitten hän melkein taistelee toisen uroksen kanssa tämän kädestä. Kuten hänen mielipiteellään tapauksesta ei ole edes väliä.
ellauri365.html on line 40: C'hoarvezout a ra an istor en ur fouzhlec'h. Evit louzañ bourc'hizien eus Rouen, Monsieur et Madame Beauflanquet, eo kemmet an ti en ul leti hag a ro bod d'un harem turk.
ellauri368.html on line 296: Evidently, his satire lacks that subtle irony which made Profiat Duraii's Epistle so powerful, and at the same time gained for it such great popularity. Undoubtedly, it is due to this directness and plainness of speech, that this parody has never yet seen the light of day. About as humorous as this invective against J.N. somewhat earlier:
ellauri377.html on line 288: Jump to Previous: Acts Adultery Clear Deeds Desire Doings Evident Evil Flesh Fornication Full Idol-Worship Immorality Impurity Licentiousness Lustfulness Manifest Natures Obvious Plain Senses Sensuality Sexual Sinful Sorcery Unclean Uncleanness Use Whoredom Works Wrong
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1002: Evil = egoism

xxx/ellauri114.html on line 277: WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? A case can be made for the view that “Persian” and “Elamite” are not two names for the same people but that having conquered Elam, Persia became the successor to Elam, whose original inhabitants, as Jeremiah’s prophecy indicates, have been scattered to the four winds and absent from the pages of history for over 2,500 years. Evidence of the difference in origin between the Elamites and the Persians came from the mouth of none other than Persian King Darius the Great who said, “I am Darius, the great king, the king of kings, the king of many countries and many people, the king of this expansive land, the son of Wishtaspa of Achaemenid, Persian, the son of a Persian, ‘Aryan’, from the Aryan race” (From Darius the Great’s Inscription in Naqshe-e-Rostam).
xxx/ellauri123.html on line 745: Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. Humbert Humbert, the protagonist in the novel Lolita, is the classic literary portrayal of a pedophile. Evidence is presented that the author of Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov, was himself consciously a pedophile who acted out his desires vicariously through his writing. Drawing upon his literary works and biography, the manifest and genetic origins of Nabokov´s pedophilia are traced back to an unresolved oedipal conflict complicated by childhood sexual abuse. The raw power of Lolita derives from the abreactive discharge of a libidinal cathexis denied any other mode of expression.
xxx/ellauri126.html on line 539: Someone very insecure about who they are that they must at all times appear to be 'edgy' with shock value in order to stay relevant. This often means someone who thinks excessive violence and guns are cool, plays way too much GTA and goes out of their way to be an annoying hipster douchebag, often excusing their pretty disgusting selfish behaviour and toxic conceited attitudes by quoting "Beyond Good and Evil" by Neitzsche. They will also find other Edgelords to create cliques with in order to maintain their comfortable Groupthink dynamics and will malign those who do not share their miserable hipster world view.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 212: Plus de fleurs du mal / More Flowers of Evil
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 331: - Cyril Scott, Baudelaire: The Flowers of Evil
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 371: — Lewis Piaget Shanks, Flowers of Evil
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 412: — George Dillon, Flowers of Evil (NY: Harper and Brothers, 1936)
The Balcony

xxx/ellauri137.html on line 491: — William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 531: - Jacques LeClercq, Flowers of Evil
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 679: Hearings Legal Writing Criminal Justice Criminal Investigations Private Investigations Law Enforcement Evidence Investigation Criminal Law Firearms Crime Prevention Interrogation Patrol.
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 195: And the land shall mourn (Zech. 12:12). What is the reason of the mourning? R. Dosa and the rabbis differ about it. R. Dosa says: “[They will mourn] over the Messiah who will be slain, “ and the say; “[The will mourn] over the Evil Inclination which will be killed [in the days of the Messiah]…” Babylonian Talmud Sukkah 52a[7]
xxx/ellauri148.html on line 199: And the land shall mourn, every family apart (Zech. 12:12). Two have interpreted this verse. One said: “This is the mourning over the Messiah,” and the other said: “This is the mourning over the Evil Inclination” [which will be killed by God in the Messianic days]. Yerushalmi Talmud Sukka 55b[10],[11]
xxx/ellauri167.html on line 455: You will, I hope, not think it a Presumption in a Stranger, whose Name, perhaps never reached your Ears, to address himself to you the Commanding General of a great Nation. I am a German, born and liberally educated in the City of Heydelberg in the Palatinate of the Rhine. I came to this Country in 1776, and felt soon after my Arrival a close Attachment to the Liberty for which these confederated States then struggled. The same Attachment still remains not glowing, but burning in my Breast. At the same Time that I am exulting in the Measures adopted by our Government, I feel myself elevated in the Idea of my adopted Country. I am attached both from the Bent of Education and mature Enquiry and Search to the simple Doctrines of Christianity, which I have the Honor to teach in Public; and I do heartily despise all the Cavils of Infidelity. Our present Time, pregnant with the most shocking Evils and Calamities, threatens Ruin to our Liberty and Goverment. Secret, the most secret Plans are in Agitation: Plans, calculated to ensnare the Unwary, to attract the Gay and irreligious, and to entice even the Well-disposed to combine in the general Machine for overturning all Government and all Religion.
xxx/ellauri199.html on line 173: Acrostic • Africa • Alone • America • Angel • Anger • Animal • Anniversary • April • August • Autumn • Baby • Ballad • Beach • Beautiful • Beauty • Believe • Bipolar • Birth • Brother • Butterfly • Candy • Car • Cat • Change • Chicago • Child • Childhood • Christian • Children • Chocolate • Christmas • Cinderella • City • Concrete • Couplet • Courage • Crazy • Culture • Dance • Dark • Dark humor • Daughter • Death • Depression • Despair • Destiny • Discrimination • Dog • Dream • Education • Elegy • Epic • Evil • Fairy • Faith • Family • Farewell • Fate • Father • Fear • Fire • Fish • Fishing • Flower • Fog • Food • Football • Freedom • Friend • Frog • Fun • Funeral • Funny • Future • Girl • LGBTQ • God • Golf • Graduate • Graduation • Greed • Green • Grief • Guitar • Haiku • Hair • Happiness • Happy • Hate • Heart • Heaven • Hero • History • Holocaust • Home • Homework • Honesty • Hope • Horse • House • Howl • Humor • Hunting • Husband • Identity • Innocence • Inspiration • Irony • Isolation • January • Journey • Joy • July • June • Justice • Kiss • Laughter • Life • Light • Limerick • London • Lonely • Loss • Lost • Love • Lust • Lyric • Magic • Marriage • Memory • Mentor • Metaphor • Mirror • Mom • Money • Moon • Mother • Murder • Music • Narrative • Nature • Night • Ocean • October • Ode • Pain • Paris • Passion • Peace • People • Pink • Poem • Poetry • Poverty • Power • Prejudice • Pride • Purple • Lgbtq • Racism • Rain • Rainbow • Rape • Raven • Red • Remember • Respect • Retirement • River • Romance • Romantic • Rose • Running • Sad • School • Sea • September • Shopping • Sick • Silence • Silver • Simile • Sister • Sky • Sleep • Smart • Smile • Snake • Snow • Soccer • Soldier • Solitude • Sometimes • Son • Song • Sonnet • Sorrow • Sorry • Spring • Star • Strength • Success • Suicide • Summer • Sun • Sunset • Sunshine • Swimming • Sympathy • Teacher • Television • Thanks • Tiger • Time • Today • Together • Travel • Tree • Trust • Truth • Valentine • War • Warning • Water • Weather • Wedding • Wind • Winter • Woman • Women • Work • World
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 663: alike were graceless; and of Evil this Yx hailee kumpi siis. Ja pahasta
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 664: alone is deadly certain: Evil is. on tää varmaa ainakin: sitä on.
xxx/ellauri200.html on line 734: Evil it will not see, for evil lies Ei paha näy, se on editoitu pois.
xxx/ellauri239.html on line 245:
  • Jesus on Evil
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 1398: I have not less of godlike. Evil it were
    xxx/ellauri306.html on line 593: Käytämme myös sanaa semi, esimerkiksi jalkapalloturnauksen välierissä, puoliympyrässä tai paritalossa (eli se jakaa seinän toisen talon kanssa). Semi yksikkösanana on Yhdistyneessä kuningaskunnassa slangi jollekin, joka liittyy miehen yksityiselämään. Jos haluat täydellisen määritelmän, voit tarkistaa sen Urban Dictionary -sanakirjasta: Ei aivan erektio, mutta sinne menossa. "Kun näin Milla Jovovichin tissit, sain semin." Pääsin puoliveteeseen. Milla Jovovich (oik. Milica Jovović, ukr. Ми́лица «Мі́ла» Йо́вович, Mylytsa «Mila» Jovovytš; s. 17. joulukuuta 1975 Kiova, Neuvostoliitto) on ukrainalaissyntyinen yhdysvaltalainen malli, elokuvanäyttelijä ja laulaja. Hänet tunnetaan muun muassa Alicen roolista Resident Evil -elokuvasarjassa.