ellauri014.html on line 1679: Emily of New Moon. universally recognized as the book that most encoded her personality, contains one poem, or a part of a poem, also found in Montgomery’s memoir of the craft, originally published as a serial in a Canadian magazine in 1917 and later published as The Alpine Path in 1974. In Emily of New Moon the poem is sent to Emily by Jarback (Pönttöselkä) Priest as a selection from “The Fringed Gentian,” and includes this stanza:
ellauri014.html on line 1728: But granted these are different poems, we are left with the curious problem of where Montgomery found the Alpine Path poem. Surprisingly, after reading a dozen or so academic articles on Emily of New Moon and Montgomery’s vocation as an author–as well as a couple of good biographies–scholars have not pinned down the reference. After an extensive internet search, it seems to me that blogger Faith Elizabeth Hough may have begun to work it out. She includes the longer version of the poem here:
ellauri026.html on line 212: Suomenkielisessä wikipediassa luki Erasmus-artikkelissa Aegretos hypnos. Aloin epäillä. Mikä aegretos? Ja väärinhän se olikin, Erasmuxella luki Negretos. Osoittautui että se on Odysseiasta. John Byron Kuhner vekuttaa Emily Wilsonin Odysseian käännöxestä (2017) netissä:
ellauri026.html on line 229: Tätä sietää vähän miettiä. Jenkkien toughness on just sama käsite kuin kreikkalaisten äijämiesten arete, eli miehekkyys. Toi käännös on ihan oikea. Ehkä Emilyn ois pitänyt vaan jatkaa ja kääntää myös "kuningatar Äijyys".
ellauri032.html on line 236: Seuraavaxi Tompalla oli joku Emily Hale salaisena pikku ystävänä, sen perään toinen Mary Trevelyan seuraneitinä. Seuraavaxi Tom asu jonkun homo- siis bibliofiilin Jerryn kaa samassa kämpässä. (Varmaan äidin piilottamaa hopeakauhaa ei koskaan löytynyt Jerryn sängystä.) Ystävyyteen tuli särö kun Tom yllättäen nai simpsakan 30v sihteerinsä Esmen 68-vuotiaana. No Jerry olikin jo siinä vaiheessa aika lihaxeton, kaluttu luu.
ellauri048.html on line 975: Alf meni kihloihin nuoren naisen kaa nimeltä Emily Sellwood, mutta purki kihlauxen kuin Sören Kierkegaard, koska sillä oli huono luonne, huono terveys ja köyhäkin. (Siis Alfilla. Tuskin tyttökään oli varakas.) Alf ratkes ryyppäämään ja asusteli leskiäitinsä nurkissa tai kavereilla Lontoossa. Sen kaverit kylästyi ja pakotti sen julkaisemaan taas runoja, ja 2-osainen runokokoelma "Runot" saikin menestystä. Yhtäkkiä deeku Alf olikin suurin runoilijatoivo nousevassa polvessa. Myöhemmät julkaisut vaan paransivat menekkiä ja Alf pääsi rahoihin. Valitusvirsikokoelma Hallamille in memoriam nosti sen päivän julkkixexi.
ellauri048.html on line 977: Kun elämä nyt oli reilassa, Alf otti Emilyn takas kihloihin ja ne meni naimisiin. Vaimo alkoi hoitaa kotia ja kirjeenvaihtoa ja leikkas kupongit, Tennyson sai keskittyä transseihin. Julkkixena Tennyson sai kuzun hoviin ja siitä tuli kuningatar Viktorian henkilökohtainen hyvä ystävä. Alfista tuli Wordsworthin perästä seppelöity poeetta (poet laureate). Kieltäydyttyään häveliäästi useamman kerran paroonin arvosta, se vihdoin suostui rupeamaan Alfred Lord Tennysonixi.
ellauri051.html on line 510: Useille lukijoille Wilt Whatman ja Emily Dickinson ovat 1800-luvun amerikkalaisen runouden peruspilareita. Täh? Julkihomo ja salalesbo ämmä? Ei meille repupersuille! Eritoten Whatmanin runous ilmentää perusamerikkalaisuutta. Runoilija tuo esiin tavallisen Amerikan hyvin perinteisellä jenkkityylillä (tätä on mm. vapaa tyyli). Hänen runoutensa voima tuottaa voimakkaita ja eläviä tunteita, ja hänet tunnistaa ilmaisun epä-älyllisyydestä. Whatman turvautuu toistoon luodakseen tekstinsä hypnoottisen tunnelman, tämä toisto luo samalla myös hänen runoutensa voiman, sillä se inspiroi lukijaa enemmän kuin informoi. Yleensä hänen runojaan pitää kuunnella äänikirjoina, jotta niiden sanoma avautuisi. Hänen runojensa taso tulee osittain niiden ylevästä diskurssista ja uskonnollisesta ja kvasiuskonnollisesta kielestä, kuten runoilija James Weldon Johnsonillakin (who dat?). Eli perusamerikkalaista on siis hypnoottisuus, epäinformatiivisuus ja feikkiuskonnollisuus. Check.
ellauri054.html on line 485: Elisabetilla oli luultavasti selkärankatubi. Se otti siihen paljon laudanumia. Molemmat Browningit oli abolitionisteja ja ajoi muitakin hyviä liberaalijuttuja. Sen runokokoelma Runoja 1844 oli suuri menestys. Browningeilla oli yksi poika nimeltä Kynä. Liisaa diggasivat mm. Edgar Allan Poe ja Emily Dickinson. Sen hittejä oli mm. runo "How Do I Love Thee?" (Sonnet 43, 1845).
ellauri078.html on line 74: Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) on (oli) 1 American suurimmista ja omaperäisimmistä runosepoista ja kaikkien aikojenkin omaperäisimpiä. Kuten kirjoittajat kuten Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman. Nää äijät mul on jo mut Emilyä ei vielä oo. Aika sovinistista.
ellauri078.html on line 78: Dickinsonin äiti, jonka nimi oli myös Emily, oli kylmä uskonnollinen työteliäs perheenemäntä, joka kärsi masennuxista. Sen suhde tyttäreen oli etäinen. Myöhemmin Emily kirjoitti kirjeessä että sillä ei koskaan ollut äitiä.
ellauri078.html on line 86:
Emily on Kummelien Heikki Silvennoisen näköinen

ellauri078.html on line 106: Tässä pari näytettä Emilyn virsirunoudesta.
ellauri078.html on line 112: By Emily Dickinson
ellauri078.html on line 135: Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, on December 10, 1830 to Edward and Emily (Norcross) Dickinson. At the time of her birth, Emily’s father was an ambitious young lawyer. Educated at Amherst and Yale, he returned to his hometown and joined the ailing law practice of his father, Samuel Fowler Dickinson. Edward also joined his father in the family home, the Homestead, built by Samuel Dickinson in 1813. Active in the Whig Party, Edward Dickinson was elected to the Massachusetts State Legislature (1837-1839) and the Massachusetts State Senate (1842-1843).
ellauri078.html on line 137: Between 1852 and 1855 he served a single term as a representative from Massachusetts to the U.S. Congress. In Amherst he presented himself as a model citizen and prided himself on his civic work—treasurer of Amherst College, supporter of Amherst Academy, secretary to the Fire Society, and chairman of the annual Cattle Show. Comparatively little is known of Emily’s mother, who is often represented as the passive wife of a domineering husband. Her few surviving letters suggest a different picture, as does the scant information about her early education at Monson Academy. Academy papers and records discovered by Martha Ackmann reveal a young woman dedicated to her studies, particularly in the sciences.
ellauri078.html on line 139: By the time of Emily’s early childhood, there were three children in the household. Her brother, William Austin Dickinson, had preceded her by a year and a half. Her sister, Lavinia Norcross Dickinson, was born in 1833. All three children attended the one-room primary school in Amherst and then moved on to Amherst Academy, the school out of which Amherst College had grown. The brother and sisters’ education was soon divided. Austin was sent to Williston Seminary in 1842; Emily and Vinnie continued at Amherst Academy.
ellauri078.html on line 141: By Emily Dickinson’s own account, she delighted in all aspects of the school—the curriculum, the teachers, the students. The school prided itself on its connection with Amherst College, offering students regular attendance at college lectures in all the principal subjects— astronomy, botany, chemistry, geology, mathematics, natural history, natural philosophy, and zoology. As this list suggests, the curriculum reflected the 19th-century emphasis on science. That emphasis reappeared in Dickinson’s poems and letters through her fascination with naming, her skilled observation and cultivation of flowers, her carefully wrought descriptions of plants, and her interest in “chemic force.” Those interests, however, rarely celebrated science in the same spirit as the teachers advocated.
ellauri078.html on line 149: At the academy she developed a group of close friends within and against whom she defined her self and its written expression. Among these were Abiah Root, Abby Wood, and Emily Fowler. Other girls from Amherst were among her friends—particularly Jane Humphrey, who had lived with the Dickinsons while attending Amherst Academy.
ellauri078.html on line 151: Dickinson left the academy at the age of 15 in order to pursue a higher, and for women, final, level of education. In the fall of 1847 Dickinson entered Mount Holyoke Female Seminary. Under the guidance of Mary Lyon, the school was known for its religious predilection. Part and parcel of the curriculum were weekly sessions with Lyon in which religious questions were examined and the state of the students’ faith assessed. The young women were divided into three categories: those who were “established Christians,” those who “expressed hope,” and those who were “without hope.” Much has been made of Emily’s place in this latter category and of the widely circulated story that she was the only member of that group. Years later fellow student Clara Newman Turner remembered the moment when Mary Lyon “asked all those who wanted to be Christians to rise.” Emily remained seated. No one else did. Turner reports Emily’s comment to her: “‘They thought it queer I didn’t rise’—adding with a twinkle in her eye, ‘I thought a lie would be queerer.’“
ellauri078.html on line 153: The brevity of Emily’s stay at Mount Holyoke—a single year—has given rise to much speculation as to the nature of her departure. Whatever the reason, when it came Vinnie’s turn to attend a female seminary, she was sent to Ipswich.
ellauri078.html on line 157: Particularly annoying were the number of calls expected of the women in the Homestead. Edward Dickinson’s prominence meant a tacit support within the private sphere. The daily rounds of receiving and paying visits were deemed essential to social standing. Not only were visitors to the college welcome at all times in the home, but also members of the Whig Party or the legislators with whom Edward Dickinson worked. Emily Norcross Dickinson’s retreat into poor health in the 1850s may well be understood as one response to such a routine.
ellauri078.html on line 161: Emmy ei ollut mikään siivooja. Se ei pitänyt pölyhuiskasta. No ei imurikaan ole yhtään parempi. Seija tempaisi imurin luukkua niin että muovisarana katkesi. Ei siitä enää tule kalua. Emmy oli witty kuten Lizzy Bennettin äiti, mutta pitikö se ize witeistä? VITTE, VITTEE, E-EE-O! lauloi merikapteeni Fuck Löfgren miehistöineen Paimiosta eli Heikki Silvennoinen Kummeleissa. Was Emily gay? None of business sanoo tylysti Quoran vastaaja, mut of you insist, yes in all probability she was. Her companion was her sister-in-law Gilbert. Proustillakin oli Gilberte, ja Albertine. Kirjailijat joilla on jotain sanottavaa on usein poikkeavia.
ellauri078.html on line 234: Halin äiti teki McGillissä kandityön Emily Dickinsonin välimerkkien käytöstä.
ellauri078.html on line 235: Wallun äiti kävi Mt Holyokea kuten Emily Dickinson. Sen hukin aihetta ei löytymyt kuolinilmoituxesta eikä Holyoken sivuilta. Se ei ollut Holyoken kuuluisa alumni. Se kuoli rakkaittensa ympäröimänä. Lähti Wallun seuraxi. Wallun naisviha narsismi ja lievä psykopatia lyö läpi elvixenmunanpituisesta alaviitteestä 110. Kaikki Emilyn runot ei olleet jenkkivirsimitassa, pussiin oli pujahtanut jokunen trokeinen.
ellauri078.html on line 316: by Emily Dickinson
ellauri079.html on line 126: Tässä vielä mäkitupalaisten aloitusmusiikki, jonka jenkkivanhuxet osaa ulkoa. Se on balladi, siis kaiketikin 14-tavuinen kuten Emily Dickinsonin runot. Voikohan niitä laulaa myös Jed Klampetin musiikkiin? P.S. Älä kazo Hillbillyn jaxoja youtubesta, ellet tahdo itkeä etkä heittää ryynejä.
ellauri079.html on line 147: For this reason, there have been occasional ad hoc movements to rename the town. Suggested new names have included "Emily", after Emily Dickinson.
ellauri082.html on line 250: Epäilemättä Robert ja Emily Dickinson runoilevat kuolemasta, KILL! KILL! on FUCK! FUCK! in ohella keskeisin lyyrisistä aiheista. Tai mixei eeppisistäkin, mutta niissä on sentään aika lailla myös tota EAT! EAT! tematiikkaa. Netissä on runsaasti esimerkkiesseitä neuvottomille amerikkalaisille lukiolaisille joiden usein käsketään vertailla näitä runoja. Esim tällänen:
ellauri082.html on line 252: Elämmekö aina? (No emme tietysti, tyhmä kysymyskin. Eihän siitä muuten kannattaisi runoilla.) Kenties tietoisuus jatkuu kuoleman jälkeen? (Ken tosiaankin ties, muttei kertonut, oli kalpeana hiljaa vaan. Todennäköisesti ei.) En pelkää kuolemaa tällä elämäni hetkellä. (Joopa joo kun olen nuori, en fataalisti kipeä enkä hengenvaarassa.) Uskonko että olemme kaikki vangittuja hengellisiä olentoja? (No ei vitussa, me ollaan kaupungistuneita mezien miehiä, kieriskelemässä eläintarhan häkissä olkikupo jalkain välissä äänettömästä naurusta.) Ajattelenko että olemme ikuisia, ja vaan väliaikaisesti täällä ihmishahmossa? (Höpöhöpöä, pelkkää toiveajattelua. Meistä ei jää kuin multaa tai tuhkaläjä.) Puhuja Robert Frostin Pysähdys mezässä lumisena iltana, ja puhuja Emily Dickinsonin Kun en pysäyttänut kuolemalle eivät pelkää kuolemaa. (No sitähän ei sanota, vaikka aika tyynen rauhallisesti ne sen ottavat. Helppoahan se on runossa.) Kuolemaa voi pelottomasti kazella henkisenä, romanttisena ja kuonpuoleisena karkumatkana sielun orjuudesta ja tuskasta.
ellauri082.html on line 254: Emily Dickinsonin Kun en jarruttanut kuolemalle
ellauri098.html on line 467:
John Adams, Isaac Asimov, keisari Augustus, Jane Austen, Dan Aykroyd, L.van Beethoven, Anders Breivik, Emily Bronté, Cassius (Shakespeare) Hillary Clinton, Elvis Costello, Charles Darwin, Mr. Darcy, Ike Eisenhower, Colin Firth, Bobby Fischer, von Frankenstein, Gandalf, Richard Gere, Al Gore (taas), Hannibal (taas), Steven Hawking, G.W.F.Hegel, Herakleitos, Sherlock Holmes, Horatio Hornblower, Thomas Jefferson, Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber), John F.Kennedy, J.M. Keynes, Stanley Kubrik, Meyer Lansky, Ivan Lendl, V.I.Lenin, C.S. Lewis, Martin Luther, Elon Musk, Michelle Obama, John Nash, Martina Navratilova, Isaac Newton, Friedrich Nietsche, Sylvia Plath, Ayn Rand, Rosenkrantz&Guildenstern (Hamlet), Jean-Paul Sartre, Arnold Schwarzenegger (taas), Nikola Tesla, Sun Tzu, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Norbert Wiener, Woodrow Wilson, Mark Zuckerberg

ellauri142.html on line 1039: Aikuisen voiman lehdessä 11/21 oli uutta tietoa paskan elämän oireyhtymästä. Sen tärkein tekijä on laissez-faire kapitalismin keskeinen credo, toi "maaginen vapaaehtoisuus" (Magical voluntarism). Termin lanseeraaja David Small oli hyvä joskin pieni mies. Taavi-eno kuoli 76-vuotiaana 2014. Vaikka britti olikin, se oli aivan oikeilla jäljillä. Amerikkalaisten ylläpitämä Wikipedia tuomizee (tai vähintäinkin leimaa) sen näkemyxet nimellä "a social materialist explanation of psychological distress". Tää "maaginen vapaaehtoisuus" on toi seppoilu, eli existentialistinen uskomus että jokaisella yxilöllä on voima luoda izestään mitä haluaa. No sehän on aivan ilmiselvää potaskaa. Sitä hanakammin sitä tarjotaan kaikessa jenkkiviihteessä, kz. esim. Emily in Paris. Fisherin mukaan "masennus on esimerkki siitä mitä tapahtuu, kun maaginen vapaaehtoisuus tulee mahdollisen rajalle." Sillä rajalla kävi Eskikin, kun sen tieteellinen uskottavuus upposi, mutta aika äkkiä se osas rationalisoida asian ja asemoida izensä uudestaan nyt "käytännön filosofixi", lue motivaatiopuhujaxi. Pastorixihan se oli pienenä aikonutkin. Haaveet toteutuivat! Höpsismi toimii sittenkin!
ellauri145.html on line 259: Fin de sieclen snobismi ei eroa missään suhteessa Emily in Parisin vastaavasta. Elle est aujourd'hui wagnerienne, esoterique, neo-platonicienne, occultiste, androgyne, primitive, baudelairienne, morbide, nietzscheenne meme quand elle eternue. Ei ois kannattanut hävitä 1870 sotaa preussilaisille.
ellauri145.html on line 688: Joris-Karl Huysmans on Anteron seuraava potilas. Charles-Marie-Georges Huysmans (5. helmikuuta 1848 Pariisi, Ranska – 12. toukokuuta 1907 Pariisi, Ranska) oli pukinpartainen flaamilaissyntyinen ranskalainen kirjailija ja taidekriitikko, jonka ensimmäiset romaanit olivat naturalistisia. Hänestä tuli kuitenkin pian dekadentti. Hän oli myös arvostettua kirjallisuuspalkintoa jakavan Goncourt-akatemian ensimmäinen johtaja Huysmans oli ranskalaisen äidin ja alankomaalaisen isän ainoa poika. Hän aloitti 20-vuotiaana pitkän uran Ranskan sisäministeriössä. Useimmat romaaninsa hän kirjoitti virka-aikana työpaikalta varastamalleen kirjepaperille. Ranskalaisillahan ei ole töissä muuta kuin luppoaikaa, kuten selviää amerikkalaisten tekemässä ranskisklisheekokoelmassa nimelltä Emily in Paris. Se on mikäli mahdollista vielä kehnompi kuin Jorin romaanit. Huysmansin varhaisimmat teokset saivat vaikutteita naturalisteilta. Niihin kuuluvat muun muassa romaani Marthe, histoire d’une fille (1876) ja pienoisromaani Sac au dos (1880), joka perustui Huysmansin omiin kokemuksiin Saksan–Ranskan sodasta.
ellauri147.html on line 158: Muuten kyllä esim Netflixin sarjat ovat aivan sietämätöntä toistoa. Esim Emily Pariisissa sarjan avausjaxossa ei ollut minuuttiakaan klisheetöntä kohtaa.
ellauri147.html on line 172: Kun herää aamulla oikein aikaisin on kuin saisi potallisen kultaa. Witness Emily in Paris!
ellauri147.html on line 175:

Emily in Paris

ellauri147.html on line 177: Emily in Paris is an American-French comedy-drama streaming television series created by Barren Star, which premiered on Netflix on October 2, 2020. The series stars Lily "Mr." Collins as the eponymous Emily, an American who moves to Paris to provide an American point of view to Savior, a French marketing firm. There, she struggles to succeed in the workplace while searching for sex and experiencing a culture clash with her "boring" and small-minded Midwestern U.S. upbringing. It also stars Ashley Park, Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, Lucas Bravo, the cast's one and only spooky sooty tarbaby coon Samuel Arnold, Camille Razat, and Bruno Gouery. Lystikästä että "boring" pitää laittaa scare quoteihin. 91% piti tästä ohjelmasta. 91% ei kazonut.
ellauri147.html on line 179: Emily in Paris follows Emily, a battery driven 20-something American from Chicago who moves to Paris for an unexpected job opportunity. She is tasked with bringing an American point of view to a venerable French marketing firm. Cultures clash as she adjusts to the challenges of life in Paris while juggling her career, new friendships and genitals.
ellauri147.html on line 183: Luurissa chicagolaisen poikaystävän kaa etänä yhteisrunkkaava Emily Pariisissa rakastaa työtä ja menestymistä. Typerät ranskalaiset tekee työtä elääxeen, Emily just päinvastoin. Vaikka mitä vetoa eze myöhemmissä jaxoissa vielä päihittää kaikki noi nenäkkäät ranskixet ja istuu kohta kokouspöydän päässä jakamassa maireasti käskyjä kuin joku isä aurinkoinen. Ilkeät ranskixet on vahaa sen edessä. Jenkit jaxaa kantaa kaunaa kun ranskixet kieltäytyivät niiden aavikkomyrskystä. No anglosaxit alkaa taas erottautua omaxi tiimixeen, witness äskettäinen riita Australian ja Ranskan sota-asekaupoista. Näyttää siltä että ennustamani kaikkien sota vastaan kaikkia edistyy pallon kuumeteessa nopeammin kuin luulinkaan. Hienoa.
ellauri147.html on line 185: One or two of my American friends tell me that in public buildings in the US it’s also possible to call the street-level floor the ground floor, like in Britain. But Emily has never visited public buildings, as she works in the private sector. She is a private dancer, dancer for money, any old music will do. Typerä Emily juoxee muka päivittäin maratoneja mutta väsyy rapuissa. Se ei varmaan ole koskaan nähnyt rappuja.

ellauri147.html on line 187: Dodi, nyt on nähty 2 jaxoa Emilystä. Kuten saattoi arvata, Chicagon runkku heivattin pois pelistä, ja nyt Emily jo kyntää uraa ranskalaisessa mainosfirmassa. Sen 'le vagin jeune' kelpaa heti ranskis äijille, ja ikävän seniori naispomon se ohittaa jo ekassa kaarteessa. Macronin vaimosta tehdään halpaa huumoria. Sovinistivaltioissa kuten USA on suorastaan skandaali että Macronin vaimo on sitä vanhempi. Verratkaa nyt meidän trofeita, huutaa Trump ja Bolsonaro kuorossa ja tuulettaa kainaloista kanoja kuin keltaisia tupeita. Sattumalta Luxemburgin puistossa nähty vinosilmä lastenhoitaja onkin salaa kiinalaisen vetoketjumiljonäärin tytär. Vittu nää amerikkalaiset on sitten ennustettavia. Jotain kerta kaikkiaa masentavaa siinä on. Tulee ihan paha mieli. Mieluumin luen vaikka Isaac Bashevis Singerin sentimentaalisia lapsuudenmuistoja Varsovan ghetosta.
ellauri147.html on line 189: Huomiota kiinnitti muuten partnereiden reaktiot kun Chicagon runkku peruutti Pariisin lentonsa. Se oli molemmille osapuolille puhtaasti narsistinen loukkaus. Emily on narsistipissixen muotokuva. Dorian Grey halkiohaarana.
ellauri147.html on line 203: Emily's boss Madeline prepares to make the transition from the Chicago based pharmaceutical marketing firm, the Gilbert Group, to a French based fashion firm, Savior, when she discovers that she is pregnant. She offers the job to Emily and she accepts, leaving her boyfriend back in Chicago. Emily moves to Paris despite the fact that she does not speak French. She moves into the 5th floor of an old apartment building without an elevator but with a wonderful Parisian view. Emily creates an Instagram account, @emilyinparis, and begins documenting her time in Paris. Emily starts her first day of work much to her new co-workers chagrin who reveal that she was only hired because of a business deal. She introduces the French to American social media strategies who seem very reluctant about her and her American methods. Emily accidentally tries to enter the wrong apartment and bangs her very attractive neighbor right at the door, Gabriel. As Emily accustoms to life in Paris she makes countless faux-pas and the firm nicknames her "la plouc" or "the hick". Emily meets Mindy Chen, a nanny originally from Shanghai, and they become fast friends. After Emily and her boyfriend attempt to have cybersex but the connection fails, she plugs in her vibrator and accidentally short-circuits the block's power. "Accidentally" is the top frequency word in the script.
ellauri147.html on line 205: Despite struggling to fit in with French office culture Emily convinces her boss, Sylvie, to invite her to a work party where she accidentally irritates Sylvie by conversing with Antoine Lambert, a client who turns out to be Sylvie's married lover. As punishment she is put to work marketing Vaga-Jeune, a lubricant for menopausal women. Annoyed with the gendered nature of the French language Emily writes a post about the product that goes viral causing her to make further inroads at work.
ellauri147.html on line 207: Emily's boyfriend tells her that she should return to Chicago, since he struggles with a long distance relationship, and he does not want to visit Paris, despite a pre-planned trip. She declines returning to Chicago and breaks off the relationship without so much as beg your leave. She turns to Mindy for emotional support. Mindy's slanty eyes have most likely been operated on.
ellauri147.html on line 209: Emily is invited to the shoot for De l'Heure's latest commercial to take behind the scenes footage for social media and is shocked to discover the commercial involves a model strutting nude down the Pont Alexandre III while suited men stare at her. She argues with Antoine that the ad is sexist while he counters that it is sexy leading Emily to suggest an online marketing campaign that asks the perfume's customers what they think. When the campaign goes viral Antoine sends Emily La Perla lingerie as a thank you gift. Now that is not sexist, that's just sexy. Barren Star on setämies par excellence.
ellauri147.html on line 211: Mindy offers to throw a dinner party to help Emily meet new people but the party instead turns into a rager. Despite meeting a cute French boy Emily ends up going back to Gabriel's restaurant.
ellauri147.html on line 212: While struggling to communicate at a flower shop Emily is rescued by Camille, a friendly French stranger and gallery owner who proves to be a lucrative connection.
ellauri147.html on line 214: When Emily discovers Sylvie and Antoine arguing at work she tries to boost Sylvie's credibility at work by pretending that she came up with an idea to pair Antoine's perfumes with luxury hotels. Though of course it was Emily's idea all along.
ellauri147.html on line 215: Emily joins Sylvie and Julien on a visit to the atelier of haute couturier Pierre Cadault. Pierre is mortified by the gauche charm of Emily's douchebag and calls her a "basic bitch" in French, which hinders her credibility in the firm.
ellauri147.html on line 217: At Café de Flore, Emily meets Thomas, a French philosophy professor. They hit it off and she invites him back to her apartment to have sex. Emily and Thomas encounter Gabriel and Camille, and Camille invites them to join them at a tapas restaurant. Thomas and Gabriel do not get along. The next day, Gabriel tells Emily he thinks Thomas is a snob, and not worthy of her. She is clearly more of the tattooed-arm master chef type. Fair enough.
ellauri147.html on line 219: Emily discovers Pierre has designed the costumes for Swan Lake so she invites Thomas to join her. However, he insults her by telling her Swan Lake is a ballet for tourists. Emily realizes that he is a snob so she leaves him. Emily is really not one for snobs.
ellauri147.html on line 221: She sees Pierre at the ballet so she walks into his private box to talk to him so he will remain with Savior. Camille invites Emily to lunch and asks if Savior could take on her family's champagne vineyard as a client. Mindy's friend and her five bridesmaids are in Paris for weird dress shopping. Camille invites Emily to meet her family at their chateau.
ellauri147.html on line 223: Gabriel surprises Emily by joining them as kitchen staff for the weekend trip which makes Emily uncomfortable. Emily takes a tour of the winery and meets Camille's younger brother Timothée. Gabriel refuses Camille's mother's offer of a business loan. At a club where Mindy's girlfriends are partying, they force her (who? Mindy?) on stage to sing the song she flubbed on Chinese Popstar. (So what?)
ellauri147.html on line 225: Back at the chateau, Camille and her mother are arguing so Emily takes on refugees
ellauri147.html on line 226: by the pool where she is joined by Timothée. They drink champagne and accidentally have sex. At breakfast, she learns that Timothée is not the brother Camille was referring to, instead, it was her younger, 17-year-old brother. Emily meets Théo, Camille´s older and more age appropriate brother and has sex with him. It is not half as good.
ellauri147.html on line 228: Emily finally gets an opportunity to pitch her idea to Camille´s mother. Sylvie is unimpressed with Emily´s idea to market Camille´s family´s champagne. Emily meets Julia Roberts who is a member of the Aussie Football League (AFL). She is aware of Emily´s association with Pierre Cadault and asks if Pierre might be willing to donate her his dress to be auctioned at AFL´s fundraising benefit.
ellauri147.html on line 230: Emily calls Mathieu Cadault to arrange a meeting so she can ask him about the dress donation. They agree to meet at an art opening at Camille´s gallery. Sylvie and Luc also arrive at the opening to meet Camille. At the AFL auction, Grey Space, which consists of two avant-garde fashion designers, show up and bid for Pierre´s dress. As Emily irons the dress back stage, Grey Space shoots her with cum as a publicity stunt which shocks the audience. The next day, the stunt is featured in all the newspapers and online. Pierre is despondent and takes Emily to his bed. They have really uninspired sex. Pierre won´t even cum though Mr. Collins does his best.
ellauri147.html on line 232: 1Emily visits him to try and positively spin the incident, but to no avail. As she leaves Pierre´s home, she runs into Mathieu who makes a pass at her. Mathieu takes Emily on a date. A boat cruise on the Seine, then shows her his penis from his apartment, but their sex is interrupted by a call from Pierre who is threatening to cancel his fashion show. Pierre is holed up in his atelier and won´t show his semi erection to anyone. Sylvie blames Emily for shaking Pierre´s confidence and fires her.
ellauri147.html on line 234: Emily´s co-workers inform her that in France it can be a long, arduous process to fire an employee, unlike at home in the good old U of S. To realize his dream of opening his own restaurant, Gabriel decides to move Emily back to Normandy. The next day Emily is called by Mathieu about the situation and tells her that Pierre has requested to see her. Sylvie overhears this and goes with Emily to see Pierre. At the atelier, they see a dress from Pierre´s new collection.
ellauri147.html on line 236: Pierre orders Mathieu to find him a new venue. Mindy agrees to emcee and sing at a drag bar two nights a week, but when she tells her employers, they fire her so she moves in with Emily. In need of a venue to launch his fashion show, Pierre hijacks the outside of his former venue to show his new look dress collection which the audience loves and makes him the toad of Fashion Week. To celebrate, Emily hosts a dinner at Gabriel´s restaurant for Mathieu and Pierre. The 3 mousketeers take turns at Mr. Collins´s back door.
ellauri147.html on line 240: Many scenes are filmed in Paris, Texas, at Place de l´Estrapade in the 5th Arrondissement, including the site of Emily´s first apartment, the restaurant ("Les Deux Compères"), and the bakery ("La Boulangerie Moderne"). Some scenes are also filmed at Cité du Cinéma, a famous film studio complex in Denver. Famous Parisian sites to feature in the series as digitally prepared miniatures include: Le Grand Véfour, the Pont Alexandre III, Palais Garnier, L´Atelier des Lumières, Rue de l´Abreuvoir, Jardin du Luxembourg, Jardin Du Palais Royale, Café de Flore and the Panthéon. An episode was also filmed at the Château de Sonnay in the department of Indre-et-Loire. Additional photography took place in Chicago during November 2019.
ellauri147.html on line 247: Daniel D´Addario of Variety described the series as "a Turkish delight that begs the question of what it really means to grow up against a truly inviting backdrop", and that Mr. Collins is "an inherently winsome performer who has never been quite as well and often abused as she is here". Kristen Baldwin of Entertainment Weekly gave the series a "B" and wrote, "If you need a five-hour brain vacation, Paris is a worthwhile destination." The New Zealand Herald considered the show "visually delectable" and that "Mr. Collins has a pixie-ish charm which makes her endearing", but also that the show is "as ephemeral as dental floss". However, Kristen Lopez of IndieWire wrote a review Metacritic graded as a 23 out of a 100, praising Mr. Collins for being a "Jewess, make no mistake" and that "Emily in Paris is only as watchable and frivolous as our first lady," but warning viewers "Emily in Paris is like scrolling through Instagram. It´s a great way to waste time looking at pretty pictures with no depth."
ellauri147.html on line 249: Nevertheless, not all critics were this kind to the Emily character. Emma Gray from HuffPost called Emily a bland character, stating "The show doesn´t even make an effort to quirk her up or give her a more relatable, girl-next-door roughness: she´s always immaculately coiffed and made-up, and garbed in effortfully eye-catching outfits. But there´s not much to the character, except for enormous amounts of self-confidence and the inexplicable ability to attract new friends and love interests on every street corner." Rebecca Nicholson of The Guardian gave the series one out of five stars: "if it is an attempt to fluff up the romcom for the streaming age, then it falls over on its six-inch heels." Rachel Handler opined "Darren Star has done it yet again: centered an entire show on a thin, gently delusional white woman whimsically exploring a major metropolitan area in wildly expensive couture purchased on a mid-level salary."
ellauri147.html on line 251: Sarah Moroz, of Vulture.com, opined "the most egregious oversight ... is Emily herself, who shows zero personal growth over a ten-episode arc. ... Emily’s vapidity is baffling to anyone who has moved from their native country."
ellauri147.html on line 253: Sonia Rao, of Washington Post compares Emily to the heroines of the Amy Sherman-The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and even its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated. Midge Maisel, her actions can be quite rash, but she still wins over her fictional acquaintances while utterly baffling viewers."
ellauri147.html on line 259: A reviewer at Sens Critique wrote: "Emily in Paris projects the same twee, unrealistic image of Paris as the film Amélie". RTL.fr wrote: “Rarely had we seen so many clichés on the French capital since the Parisian episodes of Gossip Girl or the end of The Devil Wears Prada.”
ellauri147.html on line 261: Megan Garber of The Atlantic was critical of the character Emily, writing, "An expat who acts like a tourist, she judges everything against the backdrop of her own rigid Americanness. You might figure that those moments are evidence of a show poking fun at its protagonist´s arrogance, or setting the stage for her to grow beyond her initial provincialism. But: You would be, as I was, mostly incorrect. Instead, other people change around her, becoming French-American. They grudgingly concede that her way (strident, striving, teeming with insistent individualism) is the right way. The show — the latest from the Sex and the City creator Darren Star — is selling several fantasies. Primary among them is the notion that Emily can bulldoze her way through France and be celebrated for it.
ellauri147.html on line 263: For the series, review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported an approval rating of 63% based on 55 reviews, with an average rating of 5.81/10. The website´s critics consensus reads, "Though its depiction of France is trés cliché [sic], Emily in Paris is rom-com fantasy at its finest, spectacularly dressed and filled with charming performances." Metacritic gave the series a weighted average score of 60 out of 100 based on 17 reviews, indicating "mixed or average reviews".
ellauri147.html on line 268: For the week of October 5, 2020, Emily in Paris reached the top ten list of most watched streaming shows per Nielsen. On May 3, 2021, Netflix revealed that the series has been watched by 58 million of households in the month after its debut. The Series remained in UK top 10 list for 40 consecutive days after its release.
ellauri147.html on line 270: The show received two nominations at the Golden Globe Awards, but prior to the ceremony it was reported that 30 members of the voting body had been flown to Paris, where they spent two nights at The Peninsula Paris and were treated to a private lunch at the Musée des Arts Forains, with the bill reportedly paid by the show´s developer, Paramount Network. This led some critics to question the impartiality of the voting body, as Emily in Paris is considered to have been a critical flop, and its nomination was a surprise. In contrast, critically-acclaimed shows, notably I May Destroy You, were not nominated.
ellauri147.html on line 540: 1/4 juutalainen Emily muistuttaa että sanassa team ei ole iitä. Sylvia kexii nokkelasti että Ranskan sanassapa equipe on. Kun toimitaan tii-minä niin se on minä monikossa eli me. Ei se siitä sen kummemmaxi tule. Parasta olisi olla kivi, ne ei pyri minnekään. Paizi Aristoteleen mielestä ne pyrkii alaspäin. Ne on dandyja eikä snobeja.
ellauri147.html on line 551: Instagram on vielä etevämpi selänraaputin kuin Fasebook. Ole oman meediasi julkimo, ota mallia Gretasta ja Kardashianeista. Kerää soiraajia sylikoirista kuin Wolfram Roth. Et tarvii ystäviä kun sulla on jo yleisö. Mitä kavereista, paljon mageempi on kazomo. Ota selfieitä varrella tai ilman, selviit ilman Dorian Grayn ja Narkissoxen peiliä. Ole ize oman elämäsi influensseri. Näytät yhtä ihanalta omassa ankkalammikossasi kuin sammakkosuinen Emily in Paris.
ellauri147.html on line 879: Ilman geenin- ja meeminsiirtoaspektia bylsinnästä tulee pelkkää nekunsyöntiä. Se näkyy mainiosti esim Emily in Paris-sarjassa. Apinan ei tarvi enää aikuistua, se voi jäädä ikuisexi poikasexi. Kasva isoxi, älä aikuisexi.
ellauri151.html on line 223: Amerikkalaiset on aivan käsittämättömän moukkia. Vitun charityämmiä. Kumihuulinen Emily eroaa läskistä louvrelehmästä enintään 30 vuodella ja yhtä monella kilolla. Pään sisäpuolelta: ei mitään eroa. 30 vuotta ja 30Gg freedom friesejä: Voilà!
ellauri151.html on line 270: Varsinainen pyllynreikä. Yx sana sopii siihen kuin nenä naamaan: mauvais foi. Se on tollanen Malfoy. Varmaan se särki sängyn päällä pikkulusikalla creme brüleitä kylpytakissa. Saman näköinenkin kuin Emilyn muotiguru.
ellauri159.html on line 984: INTJs are idea people, driven by their inner world of possibilities and a deep need to understand the world around them. They are logical, systematic thinkers who enjoy turning their visions into a reality. INTJ writers include Jane Austen, C.S. Lewis, Emily Brontë, Ayn Rand, Lewis Carroll, Friedrich Nietzsche, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, Christopher Hitchens, and Karl Marx. Learn more about how INTJs write here.
ellauri164.html on line 324:
Tilanne ennen Jeannen ulostuloa. Emily ei olis ollut Ranskassa vaan briteissä.

ellauri164.html on line 467: Luumäkeläinen Pertti Pykälä kirjoitti Ilkka Remes nimellä ryssävihaisia rompskuja. Sakari Tuomiojan poika Erkki valitti että kaikki paha Pertin kirjoissa näyttää tulevan Venäjältä. Hoblan Laurén ei voisi olla vähempää eri mieltä. Pariisin Emilyn ukrainalainen ystävä koitti varastaa muotiryysyjä Samaritainelta. Siinä kulki sankohattuisen Emilyn moraalinen raja. Eikä siinä kaikki: Kiovan tyttö mesetti kyrillisillä kirjaimilla! Hyi helkkari! Emily dumppasi sen pikaisesti. Välillä Emily näyttää vanhalta jutkuhaahkalta.
ellauri180.html on line 66: Areenan, Netflixin ja HBO:n tarjontaa selatessa käy selvääkin selvemmäxi että apinoita kiinnostavia genrejä on täsmälleen 3 (ja niiden kombinaatiot): nimittäin EAT! FUCK! ja KILL!. EAT! in alle tulee rags to riches tarinat ja poliittiset valtakähminnät, rikkaiden ylellinen elämä ym ym. paska. FUCK! in alle tulee romcomit ja tragcomit ja ylipäänsä kaikki jonka näpeimmissä kohissa näytetään paljaat pyllyt mielityössä. KILL! on ehkä kaikista lajityypeistä suosituin, eli poliisi ja rikossarjat, thrillerit, sotaleffat, sairaalasarjat, kaikki ne joissa saa kazella verta, mätkintää, suolenpätkiä ja ruumiita. Hyvä pohjanoteeraus EAT! FUCK! kombinaatiosta on Emily in Paris. Äsken kazottu Arsene Lupin sarja on EAT! KILL! kombinaatio, se on kielletty vaan 13-vuotiailta koska siinä ei näytetä heiluvia pyllyjä. FUCK! KILL! kombinaatiota edustaa vaikka se Ridley Road.
ellauri185.html on line 424: 39. Mixi kvantteoria on niin outo? Se sotii arkijärkeämme vastaan. Voi vittu, 1600-luvulle asti Newtonin vetovoimateoria soti arkijärkeämme vastaan. Ja sotii vieläkin, en millään ollut uskoa käydessäni Seijan fysiikan luennoilla että laivan mastosta pudotettu pallo putoaisi maston juurelle. Siinä oli humanisti huuli pyöreenä. Puhumattakaan jostain valon kaareutumisesta painovoimasta, tai esineiden muuttumisesta pienixi ja painavixi oikein lujassa vauhdissa. Tää kvanttiteorian mystifiointi on sen Laurikaisen klovnintemppuja, sinne kvarkkien lomaan voi hyvin pienen jumalankin jemmata. Emily Adlamkin koittaa vielä parhaansa, mutta lyhyexi jää.
ellauri197.html on line 112: Readers who enjoyed ‘Down By the Salley Gardens’ should also consider readings some of Yeats’ other love-based poems. For instance, a good way to go on are ‘He Wishes His Beloved Were Dead’ and ‘Never Give All the Heart’. Other similar poems by other poets about love include ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ by Emily Dickinson and ‘Love’s Organ's Growth’ by John Donne. Lady readers might also be interested in ‘Memory’ by Christina Rossetti and ‘In Memory of a Happy Day in February’ by Anne Brontë.
ellauri197.html on line 285: by Emily Dickinson
ellauri197.html on line 289:
Poem analysis of How Happy I Was If I Could Forget by Emily Dickinson

ellauri197.html on line 291: ‘How Happy I Was If I Could Forget’ by Emily Dickinson contains a narrator’s confused thoughts and experiences. She uses complex transformational generative grammar and imagery to convey it further.
ellauri222.html on line 1066: Sen Pariisin muistelmista tulee mieleen Emily Pariisissa. Samanlainen röyhkeä jenkkinarsisti Chicagosta joka luulee omistavansa koko maailman.
ellauri248.html on line 127: Emily May rated it amazing: Needless to say, I was completely expecting something a bit dark and twisted, a creepy psychological murder mystery with an outcome I never would have seen coming. And I got that. But I never expected this book to leave me feeling so... sad. And you know why? Because I cared. Ms French carefully builds up a complex personality for each of her characters, complete with a past, a sense of humour and some serious issues to go with it all, and you can't help but care what happens to the detectives even more than you care what happens with the case.
ellauri263.html on line 568: Lontoossa perustettiin uusi teosofinen aikauslehti, Lucifer. Syyskuun alussa myös Wachtmeister saapui Lontooseen. Tilanahtaus pakotti Teosofisen seuran muuttamaan uuteen paikkaan Lansdowne Roadille, joka oli lähempänä Lontoon keskustaa. Kirjoitustyö jatkui, ja talossa vieraili useita kuuluisuuksia, tutkijoita ja toimittajia keskustelemassa Blavatskyn kanssa. Myös Olcott saapui Lontooseen ja avusti Blavatskya perustamaan Teosofisen seuran esoteerisen osaston, johon kuului kaksitoista henkilöä: kreivitär Wachtmeister, Isabel Cooper-Oakley, Emily Kislingbury, Laura Cooper, Annie Besant, Alice Cleather, Archibald Keightley, Herbert Coryn, Claude Wright, G. R. S. Mead, E. T. Sturdy ja Walter Old.
ellauri276.html on line 824: Toisen sairauskohtauksen jälkeen vuonna 1892 Bottomley jätti pankin ja muutti Cartmeliin, Lancashireen elääkseen intohimoista intensiivistä meditaatiota ja mietiskelyäkin ja aloitti runojen kirjoittamisen. Täällä vuonna 1895 hän tapasi Emily Burtonin. He menivät naimisiin vuonna 1905. Pariskunta asui vuodesta 1914 Silverdalessa, lähellä Carnforthia kuolemaansa asti. 1920 - luvulla hän oli Village Drama Societyn puheenjohtaja. Vuonna 1944 hänelle myönnettiin kirjallisuuden kunniatohtori Leedsin yliopistossa. Bottomley kuoli vuonna 1948 eläen vaimoaan alle vuodella. Heidän tuhkansa haudataan St. Fillanin kappeliin juurella Dundurn, Perthshire.
ellauri294.html on line 658: "Ei ole ketään Margaretin kaltaista." Paizi kenties Synnöve Castrén pienenä. Nämä sanat lausuivat ensimmäisenä Margaret Meadin vanhemmat Edward ja Emily Mead. Vaikka Meadin taloudessa oli viisi lasta, perheen esikoisessa ei epäilemättä ollut jotain erityistä. Lähtevä, eloisa ja itsepäinen nuori Margaret Mead näki elämän seikkailuna ja oli päättänyt kokea kaiken. Ehkä suurin lahja, jonka Meads antoi tyttärelleen, oli kyky iloita maailmasta ja ympärillään olevista ihmisistä. Lapsuudestaan Mead huomautti myöhemmin: "Opin tarkkailemaan ympäröivää maailmaa ja panemaan merkille, mitä näin."
ellauri299.html on line 538: A 2015 study by the Vera Institute of Justice contends that jails in the U.S. have become "massive warehouses" of the impoverished since the 1980s. Scholars assert that the transformation of the already anemic U.S. welfare state to a post-welfare punitive state, along with neoliberal structural adjustment policies, the globalization of the U.S. economy and the dominance of global financial institutions, have created more extreme forms of "destitute poverty" in the U.S. which must be contained by expanding the criminal justice system and the carceral state into every aspect of the lives of the poor, which, according to Reuben Jonathan Miller and Emily Shayman, has resulted in "transforming what it means to be poor in America."
ellauri311.html on line 548: Chopin (n.h.), Junot Díaz (n.h.), Emily Dickinson, T. S. Eliot, Stanisław Lem,
ellauri322.html on line 157: Hra Collins kertoo Falklandin menneisyydestä vetoamalla Falklandin pitkään historiaan, joka on painottanut järkeä verenvuodatuksen takia. Falklandin naapuri Barnabas Tyrrel oli tyrannimainen mestari, joka sorsi ja manipuloi vuokralaisiaan. Tyrrelistä tuli Falklandin vihollinen ja kilpailija, jota rakastettiin hänen rohkeasta ja anteliaasta käytöksestään. Falkland korjasi jatkuvasti Tyrrelin aiheuttamat monet vääryydet perheensä jäsenille ja naapureilleen, mikä vain lisäsi yhteisön kunnioitusta ja arvostusta Falklandia kohtaan. Hän pelasti myös Tyrrelin veljentyttären Emily Melvilen tulipalolta, sankaruudesta, joka sai Emilyn rakastumaan Falklandiin. Järkyttynyt Tyrrel piti Emilyn vangittuna tilallaan, ja hänet pidätettiin väärien syytösten perusteella, kun tämä yritti paeta. Emilyn emotionaalinen ahdistus näissä tapahtumissa johti siihen, että hän sairastui ja kuoli. Kahden miehen välinen konflikti kärjistyi, kun Tyrrel hyökkäsi fyysisesti Falklandin kimppuun Emilyn hautajaisissa. Tyrrel itse löydettiin murhattuna pian sen jälkeen. Vaikka Falklandia pidettiin välittömästi epäiltynä Tyrrelin murhasta, hän puolusti itseään tahrattoman maineensa perusteella. Sen sijaan kahdella Tyrrelin vuokralaisella löydettiin raskauttavat todisteet, tuomittiin murhasta ja hirtettiin. Falklandin tunnetila, herra Collins selittää, on horjunut siitä lähtien. Vuonna 1690 Malvinassaarten välistä kulkeva salmi nimettiin Falklandinsalmeksi Englannin amiraliteetissa vaikuttaneen varakreivi Falklandin mukaan. Saarten nimi juontui tästä.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 766: Emily G. Balch
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 772: Emily Greene Balch (January 8, 1867 – January 9, 1961) was an American economist, sociologist and pacifist. Balch combined an academic career at Wellesley College with a long-standing interest in social issues such as poverty, child labor, and immigration, as well as settlement work to uplift poor immigrants and reduce juvenile delinquency. Mother Thing. She became a central leader of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) based in Switzerland, for which she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946. In a letter to the president of Wellesley, she wrote we should follow "the ways of Jesus." Her spiritual thoughts were that American economy was "far from being in harmony with the principles of Jesus which we profess." Wellesley College terminated her contract in 1919.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 776: The Nobel Peace Prize 1946 was divided equally between Emily Greene Balch "for her lifelong work for the cause of peace" and John Raleigh Mott "for his contribution to the creation of a peace-promoting religious brotherhood across national boundaries."
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 782: Practical work alone, however, did not exhaust the aspirations that gripped Emily Balch. She felt the need both to acquire knowledge and to pass it on to others if she was to achieve more. And so she continued her studies, first in Paris under Levasseur1, the historian of the French working class, and later in Berlin where she studied that branch of economics which has been called a «professor-chair socialism»2. Here she also came in contact with the European labor movement and attended the Socialist Trade Union Congress in 1896.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 790: Emily Balch probably did not realize – and few did at that time – that 1914 was, more than 1939, the great turning point of our era. It marked the end of an epoch, and subsequent events have, in many ways, robbed people of their faith in the individual and in justice, which have been the heritage and the source of strength for the best in this world. Men have grown harder since then, more skeptical, and the doctrine that might is right has found its way increasingly into both internal and external policies, even after the end of this last war.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 792: Following the conference at The Hague, two delegations, one of them headed by Emily Balch, visited neutral and belligerent countries alike to submit their resolutions to the statesmen. A polite reception was accorded to them everywhere. This is not surprising, for the statesman is as a rule polite, perhaps especially so when dealing with women, but his true thoughts inevitably remain concealed behind his inscrutable smile. The women failed to make any headway with their proposals; and this was only to be expected with things as they were.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 798: Emily Balch has now reached old age but she remains active to the last, and, as she herself said when being congratulated on her seventy-fifth birthday: «I think I shall live for quite a while yet, for, as my grandfather said, an old woman is as tough as an old owl.» May her words prove to be no less than the truth, for the world cannot boast of many persons of her mettle.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 815: John Raleigh Mott (May 25, 1865 – January 31, 1955) was an evangelist and long-serving leader of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) and the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF). He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1946 for his work in establishing and strengthening international Protestant Christian student organizations that worked to promote peace. He shared the prize with Emily Balch.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 819: John Raleigh Mott is an American like Emily Greene Balch, with whom he shares this year’s Nobel Peace Prize. He was born in Sullivan County in the state of New York on May 25, 1865. It was assumed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, a timber merchant engaged in transporting timber on the tributaries of the Delaware River. But he was an avid reader, and the town’s Methodist minister persuaded his parents to allow him to continue his studies. For a long time the boy did not know what he wanted to be. His father hoped that he would return to the timber trade, while he himself vacillated between the church, law, and politics. But during his years of study he was stirred by the Gospel of Christ to mankind, and when the Y.M.C.A. asked him to become a traveling secretary among the students of American and Canadian universities he interpreted the offer as a call from the Lord. He answered the call. It did not take him back to the Delaware River. It sent him out into the wide world and it has brought him here today.
xxx/ellauri129.html on line 766:
  • Emily_Bront%C3%AB" title="Emily Brontë">Emily Bronte

  • xxx/ellauri137.html on line 713: Puhelimeen vastataan moshi moshi. En oikein pidä japsuista. Tosin tässä kirjassa ei niitä häiriöxi asti ole, enemmän on blue-eyed sarariimaneja. Rei muistuttaa jotain julkkista, oliko se Emily in Paris, joka rakastaa koluta äitinsä kanssa antiikkikauppoja.
    xxx/ellauri138.html on line 208: Wylie's book of essays, Generation of Vipers (1942), was a best-seller during the 1940s and inspired the term "Momism" (excessive attachment to or domination by one's mother). Some people have accused Generation of Vipers of being misogynistic. His only child, Karen Pryor, is the author of a classic book for breastfeeding mothers, Nursing Your Baby, and has commented that her father was far from being a misogynist. Wylie's daughter, Karen Pryor, is an author who became the inventor of animal "clicker" training. Wylie's niece Janice Wylie, the daughter of his brother Max Wylie, co-creator of The Flying Nun, was murdered, along with her roommate Emily Hoffert, in New York in August 1963, in what became known as the "Career Girls murders" case.
    xxx/ellauri149.html on line 133: Hyvä esimerkki työntekijästä muutostekijänä olis vaikka Emily in Paris. Kumihuuli sankopää silverbäkkien panopatjana ja vähän myös julkkiskokkien.
    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 38:

    Emily Pseudo-Cooper

    xxx/ellauri176.html on line 67: According to Emily Cooper in Paris, the first description of the trial given by Athenaeus and the shorter account of Pseudo-Plutarch ultimately derive from the work of the biographer Hermippus of Smyrna (c. 200 BC) who adapted the story from Idomeneus of Lampsacus (c. 300 BC). The account of Posidippus is the earliest known version. If the disrobing had happened, Posidippus would most likely have mentioned it because he was a comic poet (komischer Kauz). Therefore, it is likely that the disrobing of Phryne was a later invention, dating to some time after 290 BC, when Posidippus was active as a poet. Idomeneus was writing around that time.
    xxx/ellauri177.html on line 301: Hyvää yötä kulta, ne sanoi toisilleen ja käänsi kylkeä. Ei vittu ei vieläkään kuin 1 kuiva pusu. Ei tällänen peli vetelisi Netflixissä, esim Emily Pseudo-Cooper Pariisissa pääsi paljon nopeammin asiaan limaisen julkkiskokin kaa.
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 303: Have you read these poets? Philip Larkin • Emily Dickinson • Edgar Allan Poe • T S Eliot • Rabindranath Tagore • Ogden Nash • Amir Khusro • Khalil Gibran • Rainer Maria Rilke • Edgar Albert Guest • Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi • William Blake • Maya Angelou • John Masefield • Rudyard Kipling • Anne Sexton • Sarojini Naidu • John Keats • Walt Whitman • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
    xxx/ellauri199.html on line 308: Have you read these poets? Pablo Neruda • Robert Frost • William Butler Yeats • Dylan Thomas • E.e. cummings • Spike Milligan • William Wordsworth • Alfred Lord Tennyson • Langston Hughes • W H Auden • Philip Larkin • Emily Dickinson • Edgar Allan Poe • T S Eliot • Rabindranath Tagore • Ogden Nash • Amir Khusro • Khalil Gibran • Rainer Maria Rilke • Edgar Albert Guest
    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 343:
    Emily rated it 1:

    xxx/ellauri224.html on line 365: Eliot was in love three times (not counting the catamites), and each of those loves became events in his artistic and spiritual lives – and two of the women involved were massively the worse for it. Vivien Eliot was a difficult woman, yet Eliot – who had connived at her affair with Bertrand Russell – treated her, with the agreement of his spiritual advisers, with a coldness that helped break her spirit, perhaps her mind. Emily Hale was the woman he deserted for Vivien; she spent her life at his encouragement waiting for Vivien to die, and it was in her presence that he had some of his deepest moments of spiritual intensity – yet she was eventually dismissed from his life with equal coldness. They were both central to his greatest works: Vivien to The Waste Land and Emily to much of The Four Quartets.
    xxx/ellauri229.html on line 501: This is the beginning for me. The first book that showed me the trip into imagination. Images from it made their way into The Imaginary, both in my words and in, at least one of, Emily Gravett’s illustrations. This book is perfect. I longed for a wolf suit. I longed for supper to still be hot when I got home. Nothing else needs be said.
    xxx/ellauri261.html on line 572: Elinaikanaan Stein julkaisi 26 teosta, ja hänen kuolemansa jälkeen niitä julkaistiin vielä 12. Ensimmäinen teos Three Lives valmistui vuonna 1905, ja vuotta myöhemmin hän alkoi kirjoittaa laajaa pääteostaan The Making of Americans (1925). Yksi Steinin tunnetuimmista lauseista on runosta Sacred Emily (1913): ”Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.” Tätä Jaakko Hintikalla oli tapana hokea. Myöhemmin Stein kirjoitti lastenkirjan The World is Round (suomennettu kexeliäällä nimellä Maailma on pyöreä), jonka päähenkilö on Rose-niminen tyttö ja jossa sama lause esiintyy monta kertaa.
    xxx/ellauri291.html on line 226: Sisarukset joutuivat suruun, kun heidän isänsä kuoli vuonna 1839, kuoli heidän veljensä Henry sekä Samuelin vaimo Emily ja heidän vastasyntynyt lapsensa. Sami peri sitten kaiken onnexi.
    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 317: Anne and Emily Brontë and other members of the Brontë family of writers, poets and painters were struck by tuberculosis. Anne, their brother Branwell, and Emily all died of it within two years of each other. Charlotte Brontë's death in 1855 was stated at the time as having been due to tuberculosis, but there is some controversy over this today. Näyttää siltä, ​​että hän myös tuli nopeasti raskaaksi; vaikka hän ei ole koskaan maininnut häntä erityisesti tämänaikaisessa kirjeenvaihdossaan, hän pyytää neuvoja ihmisiltä, ​​jotka ovat saaneet vauvoja, vartioidulla kielellä, jota voidaan helposti tulkita. Brontën pappilamuseossa on myös pieni, kaunis ja liikkuva vauvanhuppari, jonka ystävä oli valmistanut Charlottelle tulevaa iloista tapahtumaa varten. Sitä ei koskaan tapahtunut. Vuonna 1972 Lontoon yliopiston synnytys- ja gynekologian professori, professori Philip Rhodes totesi, että "todisteet ovat melko selvät siitä, että hän kuoli hyperemesis gravidurumiin, raskauden turmiolliseen oksentamiseen." Charlotte oli 39 kun se oxensi viimeisen oxennuxensa. Niis, kirjoitat niin kauniisti Bronten perheestä..

    xxx/ellauri319.html on line 485: Emily Shore, diarist
    xxx/ellauri354.html on line 153: Juvosen vanhemmat olivat vaatekauppias Juho Petterinpoika Juvonen ja Impi Maria Liimatainen. Juvonen kirjoitti ensimmäiset runonsa jo kouluvuosinaan, ja hänen mielirunoilijansa oli - ei Horatius vaan - Emily Dickinson.
    xxx/ellauri357.html on line 513: Emily Bronte ei ollut pekkaa pahempi: "En voi sitä sanoin ilmaista, mutta varmaankin sinulla ja joka iikalla on tunne, että ihmisen oman olemuksen ulkopuolella on jotakin, joka kuuluu hänelle. Mitä hyötyä olisi minun olemassaolostani, jos rajoittuisin vain izeeni?" Hyötyä kenelle?
    xxx/ellauri358.html on line 42: Emily Brontën vuoden 1847 tarina surkean Yorkshiren mustalais-herrasmies Heathcliffin ja hänen lapsuusvuosiensa rakkauden Catherinen välillä tuomitusta romanssista on kuvattu monta kertaa, joskaan ei koskaan niin kauniisti kuin tässä tunnelmallisessa Wyler-tuotannossa, joka menee vain niin pitkälle kuin Luku 17 Brontën kirjassa, pääosissa Laurence Olivier ja Merle Oberon, jossa esikansalainen Kane Gregg Toland tuo onnistuneesti mieleen sumun seppelöimiä englantilaisia nummia Etelä-Kaliforniassa.
    xxx/ellauri358.html on line 113: Emily Bronten Humuseva harju erotisoi sielullisen sukulaisuuden. D. H. Lawrencen Lady Chatterleyn rakastaja (1928) tekee erotiikasta sielullista. Ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana Constance Reid nai Clifford Chatterleyn joka palaa puolen vuoden päästa takaisin Englantiin sukukalleudet tuhannen päreinä. Verevän Constancen elämä munattoman Cliffordin kanssa tämän sukukartanossa Wragby Hallissa on onttoa.