ellauri098.html on line 488: ENFJs are a relatively rare type, making up about 2% of the population — women tend to be ENFJs slightly more often than men.
ellauri098.html on line 489: ENFJs, like other “E” types, are extremely sociable. They’re fascinated with other people’s lives and care deeply about those around them. They have a positive, idealistic outlook and love to help others improve themselves and solve their problems. They tend to be decisive and good planners, so they make excellent leaders, counselors, and facilitators.
ellauri098.html on line 490: Unfortunately, ENFJs can also come across as meddling, nosy, and controlling, and some ENFJs use their empathetic gifts to manipulate others for their own benefit. But most ENFJs are an inspiring force in the lives of those who know them.

ellauri159.html on line 951: ENFJs care intensely about people and are driven by a need for relational harmony. They tend to be warmly expressive and empathetic people who enjoy helping others reach their potential. ENFJ writers include Johann von Goethe, Matthieu Ricard, Erasmus of Rotterdam, and Erich Fromm. Learn more about how ENFJs write here.
xxx/ellauri237.html on line 851: Yllättävää kyllä sillä ENFJs, like other “E” types, are extremely sociable. Toisen kautta ENFJs use their empathetic gifts to manipulate others for their own benefit, eli jotain perää siinä saattaa olla kuitenkin.