ellauri032.html on line 630: Sami oli kakkafetishi Joycen bändäri, kunnes välit viilenivät kun Sammeli ei huolinut Joycen tytärtä Lusijaa koska se oli iskääkin sekopäämpi, täys skizo. Jung sanoi niistä et ne molemmat on uppoomassa jokeen, Joyce sukeltaa mut Lusija vaan vajoaa. Carlos Williams, joka oli Adam Driverin esittämän bussikuski runoilija Patersonin idoli, idolisoi myös Joycea.
ellauri119.html on line 539: Extreme examples of mania in popular culture include yandere anime and manga characters. Additionally, manic love is a central theme in the films Endless Love, Fatal Attraction, Misery, Play Misty for Me, Swimfan, and Taxi Driver.
ellauri171.html on line 837: Ba'al Hadad (lit. master of thunder), god of storms, thunder, lightning and air. King of the gods. Uses the weapons Driver and Chaser in battle. Often referred to as Baalshamin.
ellauri171.html on line 865: Kothar-wa-Khasis, the skilled god of craftsmanship, created Yagrush and Aymur (Driver and Chaser) the weapons used by the god Ba'al Hadad.
ellauri171.html on line 953: In the Baal Cycle, Ba'al Hadad is challenged by and defeats Yam, using two magical weapons (called "Driver" and "Chaser") made for him by Kothar-wa-Khasis. Afterward, with the help of Athirat and Anat, Ba'al persuades El to allow him a palace. El approves, and the palace is built by Kothar-wa-Khasis. After the palace is constructed, Ba'al gives forth a thunderous roar out of the palace window and challenges Mot. Mot enters through the window and swallows Ba'al, sending him to the Underworld. With no one to give rain, there is a terrible drought in Ba'al's absence. The other deities, especially El and Anat, are distraught that Ba'al has been taken to the Underworld. Anat goes to the Underworld, attacks Mot with a knife, grinds him up into pieces, and scatters him far and wide. With Mot defeated, Ba'al is able to return and refresh the Earth with rain.
ellauri194.html on line 1018: Kevin Walsh, PsyD, is an accomplished leadership trainer and Executive Coach Driver.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 220: Most Popular Driver