ellauri262.html on line 84: Dodgson%2C_%27Lewis_Carroll%27_-_%27Mary_J._MacDonald_dreaming_of_her_father_%28George_MacDonald%29_and_brother_Ronald%27_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/440px-Rev._Charles_Lutwidge_Dodgson%2C_%27Lewis_Carroll%27_-_%27Mary_J._MacDonald_dreaming_of_her_father_%28George_MacDonald%29_and_brother_Ronald%27_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg" />
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 43: (Charles Dodgson)
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 236: Despite the cleverness and thickness of literary references of Alfred Appel’s « The Annotated Lolita« , one can’t help thinking the point is missing. Witten miälestä Humbert ei ole kukaan muu kuin Dodgson
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 241: Lewis Carroll (January 27, 1832 – January 14, 1898), whose real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson – etymologically, « Lewis » is related to « Lutwidge » and « Carroll » to « Charles » – was a young mathematical lecturer at Christ Church college in Oxford.
xxx/ellauri127.html on line 247: The relationship with the Liddell family stopped suddenly in 1863. Jotain nähtävästi ilmeni. In the year 1880, the reverend Dodgson, up to then a fervent amateur of photography suddenly forgot his passion. 1880 is the year Alice Liddell married and became Mrs Hargreaves. In 1881, he left Oxford and went in a girl’s school to teach logics. He saw Alice Liddell for the last time on November 1, 1888.
xxx/ellauri134.html on line 320: Neizeet kuullostaa kans jotenkin naismaisilta tyypeiltä. Neizeet istuu sienen päällä mykkyrässä ja panee piippuun salviaa, hölmö ranskalaisen vapautusliikkeen myssy kenossa. Dodgsonin suu vesissä himoizema kultakutri kazoo päältä pikku mekko vesirajassa. Mirjam Pylkkänen kuoli neizeenä. LOL, uskokoon ken tahtoo. Rauhixessa miehet ei saaneet nukkua sen sängyssä, voi jalka turvota.