ellauri079.html on line 216: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Social Enterprise. Nelarine Cornelius, Mathew Todres, Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj, Adrian Woods & James Wallace - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (2):355-370. Tää oli noiden juniori naisten empiirinen sisältöanalyysitutkimus bisneskoulujen etiikan opetuxesta. Paremmissa kouluissa se oli proaktiivista (mitä on olla hyvä yrittäjä) ja huonommissa reaktiivista (mitä tehdä kun jää kiinni ketkuilusta).
ellauri079.html on line 221: An Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Identity and Ethics Teaching in Business Schools.Nelarine Cornelius, James Wallace & Rana Tassabehji - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):117-135.
ellauri079.html on line 236: Cross-Sector Partnerships: City Regeneration and Social Justice. [REVIEW] Nelarine Cornelius & James Wallace - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (1):71 - 84.
ellauri079.html on line 252: Community Development and Social Regeneration: How the Third Sector Addresses the Needs of BME Communities in Post-Industrial Cities II. [REVIEW] James Wallace & Nelarine Cornelius - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (S1):43-54.
ellauri096.html on line 846: "Silentium pueri, hiljaisuus!", liian isoon pukuun ja solmioon pukeutunut punaposkinen ukkeli huusi ja antoi katseensa kiertää nuorten miesten ja hienhajun täyttämässä huoneessa. Huoneen laidalla olevilla ikkunoilla kulki kaksi kärpästä verkosta tehdyt verkkosilmät silminä, leveä kitiinikilpi perseensä ympärillä ja paksut, topatut nahkasuojukset karvaisten käsivarsiensa peittona. ”Ylös!” latinantunnin johtaja ­komensi. Paukanteiksi kutsutut koululaiset nousivat seisomaan ja asettuivat vajaan metrin päähän toisis­taan kädet selän taakse taivutettuina. Sitten opettaja eli Omppu astui heidän vierelleen ja kohotti äänensä. ”Sedite pueri!” hän huusi. Sekundantit käänsivät Cornelius Neposta kansi kohti lattiaa ja istahtivat sitten takaisin pulpettiin. Paukantit kohottivat kätensä viittaajan pään korkeudelle. Kaikki olivat aivan hiljaa. ”Aloittakaa!” ottelun johtaja huusi, ja siinä samassa linkkarit avainniput ja eväspullot alkoivat kilahdella pulpettien putkijalkoja vasten. Nopeat tietoiskut ja torjunnat seurasivat toisiaan, mutta kum­­pikaan osapuoli ei tehnyt elettä­kään väistääkseen lyöntejä. Sitten yksi sivallus osui maaliinsa. ”Seis!” ottelun johtaja käski, ja paukantit laskivat heti housunsa. Toisen lahkeesta valui jotain vaaleanpunaista, ja toinen ottelun kahdesta valvojasta riensi tutkimaan saalista. ”Se on yli tuuman pituinen!” valvoja totesi. Letku oli sääntöjen mukaan tarpeeksi pitkä, ja ottelu oli ohi. Valkoisiin pukeutunut lääketieteen opiskelija talutti jotain tahmeaa vuotavan ottelijan sivuun puhdistamista ja sitomista varten. Haavoittunut paukapää oli ainakin yhtä tyytyväinen ottelun lopputulokseen kuin haavoittumatonkin.
ellauri097.html on line 157: Ei ihme että sen pikku kemistin keitoxet tuppas räjähtelemään. Eise edes tiennyt mitä on krestomatia, (se on sellanen opetuslukemisto kuten Cornelius Nepos tai Diodorus Siculus). Omaansa se keräs vaan omia vanhoja juttuja. Keskisormi Peten valittuja vittuiluja.
ellauri184.html on line 532: However, there were also many Jews, known as "Hellenizers", who viewed Hellenization and social integration of the Jewish people in the Greco-Roman world favourably, and pursued a completely different approach: accepting the Emperor´s decree and even making efforts to restore their foreskins to better assimilate into Hellenistic society. The latter approach was common during the reign of Antiochus, and again under Roman rule. The foreskin was restored by one of two methods, that were later revived in the late 20th century; both were described in detail by the Greek physician Aulus Cornelius Celsus in his comprehensive encyclopedic work De Medicina, written during the reign of Tiberius (14-37 CE). The surgical method involved freeing the skin covering the penis by dissection, and then pulling it forward over the glans; he also described a simpler surgical technique used on men whose prepuce is naturally insufficient to cover their glans. The second approach, known as "epispasm", was non-surgical: a restoration device which consisted of a special weight made of bronze, copper, or leather (sometimes called Pondus Judaeus, i. e. "Jewish burden"), was affixed to the penis, pulling its skin downward. Over time, a new foreskin was generated, or a short prepuce was lengthened, by means of tissue expansion. Martial also mentioned the instrument in Epigrammaton (Book 7:35).
ellauri206.html on line 375: Eikä siinä vielä kaikki! Mutta vaikenen, Quos ego, teen aposioopeesixen kuin jäyhän Vergiliuxen Neptunus, longum est omnia enumerae proelia, siteeraan varmemmaxi vakuudexi Cornelius Neposta.
ellauri210.html on line 192: Justus Lipsius, Justin, Bosius ja Erycius Puteanus kuvaavat toista lisävarustetta, joka löytyy edelleen, Cornelius Curtius raportoi vuonna 1634, japanilaisissa risteissä: ristin tai rungon projektio, puusta tai nahasta, johon pyöräilijä nousee kuin hevosen selkään: ilmeisesti satula.
ellauri243.html on line 716: Cornelius_Jabez_Hughes%2C_1878.jpg/440px-Benjamin_Disraeli_by_Cornelius_Jabez_Hughes%2C_1878.jpg" />
ellauri260.html on line 80: Albert C. Knudsonin (n.h.) mukaan personalismi on "yli kahden vuosituhannen älyllisen työn kypsä hedelmä, pyramidin huippu, jonka pohjan Platon ja Aristoteles asettivat". Personalistit oli tarkkana etteivät maininineet JHVHn nimeä ääneen näissä sepustuxissa, koko kusetus olisi mennyt siitä pilalle. Albert Cornelius Knudson (1873–1953) was a Christian theologian in the Methodist tradition, associated with Boston University and the school of liberal theology known as Boston personalism.
ellauri260.html on line 81: Albert Cornelius Knudson was born on January 23, 1873, in Grand Meadow, Minnesota. He was the son of Asle Knudson (1844-1939) and Synnove (Fosse) Knudsen (1842-1916), both of whom were immigrants from Norway. Livet er en gamp, sa kjerringa som døde først.
ellauri310.html on line 138: murtaakseen muovikannen päästääkseen kaasun ulos ja Money Bin päätyi Cornelius
ellauri345.html on line 444: Im August 1944 wurden Borchardt und seine Frau in Italien von der SS verhaftet und nach Innsbruck transportiert, wo der Rücktransport endete. Hier wurde der Sohn Cornelius gemustert und musste noch einen Monat in einer Flakeinheit dienen. Grundsätzlich aber wurde die Familie mit Essensmarken und Papieren ausgestattet und in die Freiheit entlassen. Borchardt und seine Frau versteckten sich in Tirol, wo Borchardt am 10. Januar 1945 an einem Herzversagen starb.
ellauri369.html on line 168: Cornelius Nepos (n. 110–25/24 eaa.) oli roomalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan erityisesti elämäkertateoksestaan Kuuluisia miehiä (De viris illustribus). Se on säilynyt nykyaikaan vain osittain, mutta toimi kauan lukukirjana latinan alkeisopetuksessa. Multa murtui oikean pikkusormen kämmenluu kun löin nyrkin lastenhuoneen seinään huomattuani kääntäneeni väärin sanan nepos veljenpojaxi enkä pojanpojaxi. No ehkä se meni Aku Ankan tiliin, kun ei otettu virhettä. Luu on vieläkin vähän mutkalla.
ellauri369.html on line 170: Cornelius Nepos syntyi noin vuonna 110 eaa. Hän oli kotoisin Gallia Cisalpinasta, mahdollisesti Ticinumista. Joskus kotipaikaksi on kuitenkin arveltu Veronaa tai jotakin sen lähikylää, kuten Hostiliaa. Nimen perusteella hänen on arveltu olleen joko roomalaisen siirtolaisen tai roomalaistuneen keltin jälkeläisiä. Joku matu kuitenkin.
ellauri369.html on line 172: Nepos kirjoitti ennen kaikkea historiaa proosamuodossa. Häntä ei ole pidetty erityisen suurena kirjailijana, vaan ennen kaikkea anekdoottien kokoajana. Joka tapauksessa hänen tuotantonsa kuvaa hyvin Rooman tasavallan ajan lopun kulttuurielämää. Nepos kirjoitti proosan lisäksi myös ajan tavan mukaisia rakkausrunoja, joita luettiin lähipiirille. Nepoksen teokset ovat suurimmaksi osaksi onnexi kadonneet. Mulla pitäisi olla mun Cornelius Nepos vielä jossakin. Teoksen ensimmäinen K. M. Forsbergin tekemä suomennos ilmestyi vuonna 1856. Uudempi Marja Itkosen tekemä suomennos julkaistiin vuonna 1963, jolloin pääsin Norssiin 93 pyrkyripisteellä sadasta. Pisteluku kaiverrettiin pääsyn kunniaxi saamani kellon taaxe.
ellauri372.html on line 61: Sullan proskriptiot oli Rooman prokonsulin ja myöhemmän diktaattorin Lucius Cornelius Sullan kostokampanja vihollistensa
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1061: Tutun oloista. Jimin paholainen ex machina on Brown, ruskee kakka jonka Conrad meikkaa niin pahixex kun pystyy. Six on kiinnostavaa millanen se on. Toinen vaikka pienempi pahis on sekarotuinen dago Cornelius, jonka pahin luonnevika on että se on 'abject', eli nöyristelevä. Kyllä Konrad izekin vähän nöyristeli, muutti aina mieltä kuulijoiden mukana. Lasketteli luikuria tarvittaessa. Sille oli lukijakunta tosi tärkeä.
xxx/ellauri013.html on line 1069: The story also reveals unsuspected depths of cunning in the wretched Cornelius, whose abject (sic) and intense hate acts like a subtle inspiration, pointing out an unerring way towards revenge.
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 479: Hagen Määrää Palvelijat Upottamaan Läjän Reiniin, Peter von Cornelius (1859)
xxx/ellauri068.html on line 480: Hagen Määrää Palvelijat Upottamaan Läjän Reiniin, Peter von Cornelius (1859)
xxx/ellauri086.html on line 379: Platon ja Aristoleen kreikkaa ja Cornelius Nepoxen ja Ciceron Catilinan latinaa,

xxx/ellauri259.html on line 174: Käytyään Kajaanin alkeiskoulua ja Oulun suomalaista lyseota (1889–1890) Leino siirtyi veljensä, toimittaja Oskar Lönnbohmin luokse Hämeenlinnaan. Tähän pakotti perheen taloudellisen tilanteen heikkeneminen isän kuoleman jälkeen 1890. Hämeenlinnan lyseosta hän valmistui 16-vuotiaana ylioppilaaksi 1895. Leino aloitti opinnot myös Keisarillisessa Aleksanterin yliopistossa Helsingissä, mutta ne jäivät pian "taka-alalle" kurjaliston harrastusten vuoksi. Antiikin kirjailijat kuten Cornelius Nepos tulivat tutuiksi latinan tunneilla. Koti- ja kouluympäristönsä tapahtumia Leino kuvaili kaitafilmille ja julaisi elämänsä lopulla muistelmateokseensa Elämäni kuvakirja (1925).
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 396: Cornelius Hackl, a Clerk in Vandergelder's Store – Arthur Hill
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 419: The 1958 film version, adapted by John Michael Hayes and directed by Joseph Anthony, starred Shirley Booth as Dolly, Anthony Perkins as Cornelius, Shirley MacLaine as Irene, Paul Ford as Vandergelder, and Robert Horse reprising his Broadway role as Barnaby.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 438: Cornelius Hackl: Vandergelder's chief clerk who yearns for one exciting day in New York City. Energetic, enthusiastic, and adventurous young man who has a sweet innocence about him.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 440: Barnaby Tucker: An assistant to Cornelius at Vandergelder's Hay & Feed store. He is sweet, naïve, energetic, and a follower.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 460: Horace explains to his two clerks, Cornelius Hackl and Barnaby Tucker, that he is going to get married because "It Takes a Woman" to cheerfully do all the household chores. He plans to travel with Dolly to New York City to march in the Fourteenth Street Association Parade and propose to the widow Irene Molloy, who owns a hat shop there. Dolly arrives in Yonkers and "accidentally" mentions that Irene's first husband might not have died of natural causes, and also mentions that she knows an heiress, Ernestina Money, who may be interested in Horace. Horace leaves for New York and leaves Cornelius and Barnaby to run the store.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 462: Cornelius decides that he and Barnaby need to get out of Yonkers. They'll go to New York, have a good meal, spend all their money, see the stuffed whale in Barnum's museum, almost get arrested, and each kiss a girl! They blow up some tomato cans to create a terrible stench as a pretext to close the store. Dolly mentions that she knows two ladies in New York they should call on: Irene Molloy and her shop assistant, Minnie Fay. She tells Ermengarde and Ambrose that she'll enter them in the polka competition at the upscale Harmonia Gardens Restaurant in New York City so Ambrose can demonstrate his ability to be a breadwinner to Horace. Cornelius, Barnaby, Ambrose, Ermengarde and Dolly all take the train to New York ("Put on Your Sunday Clothes").
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 464: Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene wants a husband, but does not love Horace Vandergelder. She declares that she will wear an elaborate hat to impress a gentleman ("Ribbons Down My Back"). Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich. Horace and Dolly arrive at the shop, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide from him. Irene inadvertently mentions that she knows Cornelius Hackl, and Dolly tells her and Horace that even though Cornelius is Horace's clerk by day, he's a New York playboy by night; he's one of the Hackls. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in the armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly, Irene and Minnie distract him with patriotic sentiments related to subjects like Betsy Ross and The Battle of the Alamo shown in the famous lyrics "Alamo, remember the Alamo!" ("Motherhood March"). Cornelius sneezes, and Horace storms out, realizing there are men hiding in the shop, but not knowing they are his clerks.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 466: Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner to the Harmonia Gardens restaurant to make up for their humiliation. She teaches Cornelius and Barnaby how to dance since they always have dancing at such establishments ("Dancing"). Soon, Cornelius, Irene, Barnaby, and Minnie are happily dancing. They go to watch the great 14th Street Association Parade together. Alone, Dolly decides to put her dear departed husband Ephram behind her and to move on with life "Before the Parade Passes By". She asks Ephram's permission to marry Horace, requesting a sign from him. Dolly catches up with the annoyed Vandergelder, who has missed the whole parade, and she convinces him to give her matchmaking one more chance. She tells him that Ernestina Money would be perfect for him and asks him to meet her at the swanky Harmonia Gardens that evening.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 484: Michael Crawford as Cornelius Hackl
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 515: In 1890, all of New York City is excited because the well-known widowed matchmaker Dolly Levi is in town. Dolly is currently seeking a wife for grumpy Horace Vandergelder, the well-known "half-a-millionaire", but it soon becomes clear that she intends to marry Horace herself. Meanwhile, Ambrose Kemper, a young artist, wants to marry Horace's niece, Ermengarde. However, Horace opposes this, feeling Ambrose cannot provide financial security. Horace, who is the owner of Vandergelder's Hay and Feed, explains to his two clerks, Cornelius Hackl and Barnaby Tucker, that he is going to get married, though what he really wants is a housekeeper. He plans to travel to New York that very day to march in the 14th Street Parade, and also to propose to milliner Irene Molloy, whom he has met through Dolly Levi. Dolly arrives in Yonkers and sends Horace ahead to the city. Before leaving, he tells Cornelius and Barnaby to mind the store.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 517: Cornelius, weary of his dull existence, decides that he and Barnaby need to get out of Yonkers. Dolly overhears, and decides to set them up with Irene Molloy and her shop assistant, Minnie Fay. She also helps Ambrose and Ermengarde, entering them in a dance contest at the very fancy Harmonia Gardens restaurant, which Dolly and her late husband frequented. The entire company takes the train to New York.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 519: In New York, Irene and Minnie open their hat shop for the afternoon. Irene does not love Horace Vandergelder, but knows that the marriage will provide her with financial security and an escape from her boring job. However, Irene hopes to escape her loveless marriage, and plans to try and find real love before the summer is over. Cornelius and Barnaby arrive at the shop and pretend to be rich- Irene seems to take to Cornelius immediately. Horace and Dolly arrive, and Cornelius and Barnaby hide. Minnie screams when she finds Cornelius hiding in an armoire. Horace is about to open the armoire himself, but Dolly "searches" it and pronounces it empty. After hearing Cornelius sneeze, Horace storms out upon realizing there are men hiding in the shop, although he is unaware that they are his clerks. Dolly arranges for Cornelius and Barnaby, who are still pretending to be rich, to take the ladies out to dinner at Harmonia Gardens to make up for their humiliation. Dolly briefly tries to teach Cornelius and Barnaby to dance, which leads to the whole town dancing in the local park.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 523: Cornelius is determined to get a kiss before the night is over. Since the clerks have no money to hire a carriage, they tell the girls that walking to the restaurant is more stylish. In a quiet flat, Dolly prepares for the evening. At the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant, Rudolph, the head waiter, whips his crew into shape for Dolly Levi´s return. Horace arrives to meet his date, who is really Dolly´s friend Gussie. As it turns out, she is not rich or elegant as Dolly implied, and she soon leaves after being bored by Horace, just as she and Dolly planned.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 525: Cornelius, Barnaby and their dates arrive and are unaware that Horace is also at the restaurant. Dolly makes her triumphant return to the restaurant and is greeted in style by the staff. She sits in the now-empty seat at Horace´s table and proceeds to tell him that no matter what he says, she will not marry him. Fearful of being caught, Cornelius confesses to the ladies that he and Barnaby have no money, and Irene, who knew they were pretending all along, offers to pay for the meal. She then realizes that she left her handbag with all her money in it at home. The four try to sneak out during the polka contest, but Horace recognizes them and also spots Ermengarde and Ambrose. In the ensuing confrontation, Vandergelder fires Cornelius and Barnaby, and they are forced to flee as a riot breaks out. Cornelius professes his love for Irene. Horace declares that he would not marry Dolly if she were the last woman in the world. Dolly angrily bids him farewell; while he´s bored and lonely, she will be living the high life.
xxx/ellauri261.html on line 527: The next morning, back at the hay and feed store, Cornelius and Irene, Barnaby and Minnie, and Ambrose and Ermengarde each come to collect the money Vandergelder owes them. Chastened, he finally admits that he needs Dolly in his life, but she is unsure about the marriage until Ephram sends her a sign. Cornelius becomes Horace´s business partner at the store, and Barnaby fills Cornelius´ old position. Horace tells Dolly life would be dull without her, and she promises that she will "never go away again".