ellauri014.html on line 1572: He was widely imitated in Italy, France (where he was the idol of members of the précieux school, such as Georges Scudéry, and the so-called libertins such as Tristan l´Hermite), Spain (where his greatest admirer was Lope de Vega) and other Catholic countries, including Portugal and Poland, as well as Germany, where his closest follower was Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau and Holland where Constantijn Huygens was a great admirer. In England he was admired by John Milton and translated by Richard Crashaw.
ellauri029.html on line 165: Kokoa esseepankkiin oma kommenttiessee, jossa kerrot, kenen esseitä kommentoit, miten, miksi ja mitä opit. Kopioi kommenttisi kommenttiesseeseen. Kommentoi kommenttiesseitä ja kommenttiesseiden kommentteja. Constant Comment. Opi olemaan oman elämäsi trolli. (Pst. Kommentin voi myös korvata kontantilla. Ohjeet ohjaajilta.)

ellauri046.html on line 274: Keywords: academia; actors; assistant professors; banquets; baptism; behavioral change; clergy; Constantin Constantius; contradiction; costumes; day laborers; disciples; earnestness; ethical existence; existence; finishing; freedom; Godthaab; Hegelian philosophy; horses; incommensurability; inwardness; lifelong tasks; love; male vulnerability; misunderstanding; money; Nicolaus Notabene; Philosophical Fragments; pleasure; professors; Quidam; Repetition; Socrates; suffering; talkativeness.
ellauri055.html on line 560: Sysmän värin ja maalin mies näkyi maalaavan jälleen kerran jo ennestäänkin kylän parhaassa maalissa olevaa taloaan entisen myymälänsä vieressä. Vähän laitan maalia, se sanoi. Olen asunut tässä talossa lähestulkoon koko ikäni, se vielä kehaisi, kirahvinnäköinen miehenkuikelo. Viereisessä entisessä värimyymälässä möi sälää Antiikista nykyaikaan 2 herraskaista vanhusta. Seija ei kärsi mennä sinne kun ne tarttuu ostajaan kuin kärpäset ja seuraa perässä kommentoiden vaarujansa Constant Comment tyylillä ja utelevat kaikkea. Seija ei kehtaa olla ostamatta mitään. No mäkin jouduin ostamaan värikäskantisen kansanpainoxen Taata Sillinpään kirjasta Setämiehen tie kiskurihinnalla a 4:50e. (Ilmatteexi ize löytäneet Suomalaisen kerhon poistohyllystä Tukholmasta.) Siinä on mustavalkoisia kuvia Taata-filmistä. Selkä oli irronnut, mistä huomautin alennuxen toivossa, mutta pihi äijä näytti omaa liimaputkea ja neuvoi että tälläsellä voit sitten liimata seljän kii. Hinnasta ei tinkinyt.
ellauri064.html on line 386: During World War II, the Nazi-minded Grönhagen worked for Finland´s propaganda department and served as its military attaché in Berlin. He was arrested in Oslo 1945 and held in custody for two years. After his release Grönhagen was a businessman and emigrated to Greece in 1964. He first lived in Crete and later in Athens serving as the Master of the Christian Order Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni.
ellauri067.html on line 411: Sacred Military Constantinian Order of Saint GeorgeIn the logo of Knights Templar, Grand Encampment, U.S.A.Public motto of the Sigma Chi international frat
ellauri070.html on line 144: Korkea Portti on turkixi Babıali, eli paraatiovi. Ottomaanien Capitol Constantinoopelissa. Tässä tarinassa on paljon Donald Trumppia. Trumppi käänsi takkinsa viime hetkessä kun kävi selväxi että Capitoliumin valtauxessa tulee takkiin.
ellauri110.html on line 944: Nacido Eliseo de Jesús de Diego y Fernández Cuervo, fue hijo del asturiano Constante de Diego González (01/01/1877-12/01/1944) y de la cubana Berta Fernández Cuervo y Giberga (21/11/1891-05/08/1981). Creció, hasta los nueve años, en la finca Villa Berta, en Arroyo Naranjo, pueblo cercano a La Habana. En 1926 viajó con su familia por Francia y Suiza, viaje este que Eliseo consideraba clave en su formación poética.1​
ellauri142.html on line 1020: Alphonse Louis Constant, (8. helmikuuta 1810 – 31. toukokuuta 1875) oli ranskalainen okkultisti ja maagikko. Nimi ”Eliphas Lévi”, jolla hän kirjoitti kirjansa, oli hänen yrityksensä kääntää etunimensä Alphonse ja Louis hepreankielisiksi. Lévi oli pariisilaisen suutarin poika. Hän kävi pappisseminaareissa ja alkoi opiskella katolisen papin virkaa varten. Samaan aikaan hän kuitenkin rakastui ja lopetti opintonsa ilman pappisvihkimystä. Hän kirjoitti lukuisia lyhyitä uskonnollisia teoksia: Des Moeurs et des Doctrines du Rationalisme en France ('rationalismin moraalisista tavoista ja opeista Ranskassa', 1839) oli vastavalistuksen kulttuurillinen lentolehtinen. La Mère de Dieu ('Jumalan äiti', 1844) johti kahteen lyhyeen vankilatuomioon. Se seurasi kahta radikaalia lentolehtistä L'Evangile du Peuple ('Ihmisten evankeliumi', 1840), ja Le Testament de la Liberté ('Vapauden testamentti'), jotka julkaistiin vallankumouksen vuonna 1848. Lévi oli lyhyen aikaa naimisissa kirjailija Claude Vignonin kanssa. Alphonse oli kalju partapozo.
ellauri143.html on line 84: The Kura has been widely admired by scholars and influential leaders across the ethical, social, political, economical, religious, philosophical, and spiritual spheres over its history. These include Ilango Adigal (never heard), Kambar (n.h.), Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Schweitzer (heard ok), plus Constantius Joseph Beschi, Karl Graul, George Uglow Pope, Alexander Piatigorsky, and Yu Hsi (all n.h.). The work remains to be translated. Oops correct that, the text has been translated into at least 40 Indian languages including English, making it one of the most translated ancient works. Ever since it came to print for the first time in 1812, the Kura text has never been out of print. Whole trainloads lie "left on read" in Sri Lanka.
ellauri145.html on line 224: Constantin_Guys_-_Jeanne_Duval_%28pr%C3%A9sum%C3%A9%29.jpg" height="200px" />
ellauri145.html on line 725: His mother Marie-Angélique-Aspasie Puyo, 19 years old at the time of his birth, belonged to one of the most prominent families of the local bourgeoisie. His father was Antoine-Édouard Corbière, known for his best-selling novel Le Négrier. A cousin, Constant Puyo, was a well-known Pictorialist photographer.
ellauri146.html on line 400: One of the outstanding features of the Romantic era in France was the re-evaluation of the feminine. It was widely assumed that man's capacity for rational thought and scientific achievement needed to be tempered by woman's capacity for sentiment. Indeed, the beneficial influence of woman's love and compassion was considered a necessary precondition to moral development, both for the individual and for all mankind. Woman thus had redemptive qualities (cash value). Perhaps the purest expression of this constellation of ideas is to be found in the utopian religious sects of the period and in the Romantic epic. Alfred de Vigny's Eloa (1824) may be read in this context. Eloa is the first of a series of angel women appearing in the Romantic epic. She is followed by Rachel in Edgar Quinet's Ahasvérus (1833), Sémida in Alexandre Soumet's La Divine Epopée (1840), Marie in Alphonse Constant's La Mère de Dieu (1844) and Liberté in Victor Hugo's La Fin de Satan (fragments written in 1854 and 1859, published posthumously in 1886). The mission of these quasi-divine female figures is to help put an end to evil.
ellauri151.html on line 594: Chalcedonian Christianity refers to the branch of Christianity that accepts and upholds theological and ecclesiological resolutions of the Council of Chalcedon, the Fourth Ecumenical Council, held in 451. Chalcedonian Christianity accepts the Christological Definition of Chalcedon, a Christian doctrine concerning the union of two natures (divine and human) in one hypostasis of Jesus Christ, who is thus acknowledged as a single person (prosopon). Chalcedonian Christianity also accepts the Chalcedonian confirmation of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, thus acknowledging the commitment of Chalcedonism to Nicene Christianity.
ellauri161.html on line 109: Council of Nicaea (AD 324) -- was called by Constantine to consider and, if possible, settle the ARIAN heresy. It gave the church the first great ecumenical creed.
ellauri161.html on line 111: First Council of Constantinople (AD 381) -- called by Emperor Theodosius the Great to correct errors of APOLLINARIANISM and MACEDONIANISM.
ellauri161.html on line 117: Second Council of Constantinople (AD 680) -- was called by the Emperor Constantine Pogonatus, and was directed against MONOTHELITISM.
ellauri172.html on line 897: L'Abbé Constantin, roman de Ludovic Halévy, (1882), avec le personnage de l'abbé Constantin.
ellauri184.html on line 536: Under the first Christian emperor, Constantine, the two rescripts of Antoninus on circumcision were re-enacted and again in the 6th century under Justinian. These restrictions on circumcision made their way into both secular and Canon law and "at least through the Middle Ages, preserved and enhanced laws banning Hebrews from circumcising non-Hebrews and banning Christians or slaves of any religious affiliation from undergoing circumcision for any reason." Hyvä pojat!
ellauri190.html on line 239: During the 9th century, “Varangians” (Vikings) began to serve as a kind of Praetorian Guard to the East Roman emperors. Tästä kertoo jännittävästi Mika Waltarin historiallinen romaani Mikael Karvajalka, joka taitaa olla meillä jossakin. To reach the city of Constantinople, they sailed from what today is called the Gulf of Finland up the Neva river to the lakes Ladoga and Ilmen and then to the Western Dvina and the Dnipro, going all the way down to the Black Sea. By the mid-9th century, they settled around and in Kyiv and founded their own dynasty of the descendants of Rurik. A grandson of Rurik, Svyatoslav (Sfendosleif) greatly expanded his realm to the east and south, while his mother Olga (Helga) traveled to Constantinople and was baptized Christian. Svyatoslav’s son, Volodymyr (Waldemar) married a daughter of the Eastern Roman emperor, was baptized, and baptized all his subjects in the year 988. (Back then, the city of Moscow, or the country now known as Russia – Россия – did not even exist, so there!) Over the next centuries, the “Rurikids” gradually lost their Scandinavian identity, marrying women of the Slavic, Hungarian, Greek, and Turkic ethnicities.
ellauri190.html on line 243: By the 11th century, Kyivan Rus was a huge European power. Kyiv was bigger than London or Paris. The city had numerous buildings made of brick, including churches. It also had many private and public bathhouses, like Constantinople (and unlike Western European cities of the time). The realm, stretching from the White Sea to the north to the Black Sea to the south and from the steppes of the Don to the east to what is now eastern Poland to the west, was divided into many feudal fiefs, but the authority of the monarch in Kyiv was nonetheless absolute.
ellauri190.html on line 504: Mehmed II (1432-1481), nicknamed the conqueror, was the sultan of the Ottoman Empire a short time in 1444 to 1446, and from 1451 to 1481. Mehmed II brought an end to the Byzantine Empire by capturing Constantinople in 1453 (during the well-...
ellauri190.html on line 534: Hayreddin Barbarossa was an Ottoman admiral of the fleet who was born in the Ottoman island of Midilli (Lesbos) and died in Constantinople (Istanbul), the Ottoman capital. Barbarossa's naval victories secured Ottoman dominance over the Medi...
ellauri207.html on line 357: Zalachenko got involved with Agneta Sjolander, who changed her own name to match his, but he refused to marry her, calling her a whore. Regardless he fathered two children with her, Lisbeth and her twin sister, Camilla. So they must have had their moments... Zalachenko brutally beat and abused Agneta, who tried to shelter her daughters from the brutality, and the two girls reacted differently. Camilla didn´t care at all for her mother, and Lisbeth did. At age twelve, Lisbeth Salander, set Zalanchenko, her father, on fire to stop his brutal beatings of her mother. We find out in The Girl Who Played with Fire, that because of the damage to his body, he had to have his leg amputated and suffers from chronic pain. I can relate to that! Constant pain is enough to turn one into a psychopath. This act is used as evidence to support claims that Lisbeth Salander is mentally ill, and remains a topic of debate for readers and characters.
ellauri210.html on line 1142: Γεννήθηκε το 1920 στην Κωνσταντινούπολη και μετανάστευσε με την οικογένειά της στην Γαλλία στην ηλικία των δύο χρόνων. Υπάρχουν ελάχιστες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τη ζωή της. La famille Prassinos fuit Constantinople et les persécutions que subissent alors les Grecs et s'installe à Nanterre en 1922. D'origine grecque par son père et italienne par sa mère, Gisèle Prassinos est la jeune sœur du peintre Mario Prassinos. Ο αδερφός της, Μάριο Πράσινος ήταν Γάλλος καλλιτέχνης και εικονογράφος. Ο πατέρας της δι­ηύ­θυ­νε το πε­ρι­ο­δι­κό «Λό­γος» στην Κων­σταντινούπο­λη. Ο άντρας της, Πέ­τρος Φρυ­δάς με­τέ­φρα­σε στα γαλ­λι­κά Κα­ζαν­τζά­κη.
ellauri222.html on line 888: The book Les Ruines, ou méditations sur les révolutions des empires (1791) by Constantin François de Chassebœuf, comte de Volney (1757–1820), first published in an English translation as The Ruins, or a Survey of the Revolutions of Empires (London: Joseph Johnson, 1792) by James Marshall, was an influence on Shelley. helley had explored similar themes in his 1813 work Queen Mab. Typically, Shelley published his literary works either anonymously or pseudonymously, under the name "Glirastes", a Graeco-Latin name created by combining the Latin glīs ("dormouse") with the Greek suffix ἐραστής (erastēs, "lover", vitut se on mikään suffixi!); the Glirastes name referred to his wife, Mary Shelley, whom he nicknamed "dormouse". Unikeon köyrijä. Mäuschen, sanoi Percy Marylle niikö Pikin kreikkalainen poikaystävä, setämäinen Kleomenis.
ellauri242.html on line 87: Epäonnistuneiden näyttelijäntöiden ja lakiopintojen jälkeen hän matkusteli Euroopassa 1805–1809. Saksassa hän tutustui runoilijoista Goetheen ja Ludwig Tieckiin ja Ranskassa rouva Staëlin luona muun muassa Benjamin Constantiniin. Ranskasta hän päätyi Italiaan, josta palasi 1809 Tanskaan.
ellauri264.html on line 367:
ellauri264.html on line 371: "Man of Constant Sorrow" (also known as "I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow") is a traditional American folk song first published by Dick Burnett, a partially blind fiddler from Kentucky. The song was originally titled "Farewell Song" in a songbook by Burnett dated to around 1913. A version recorded by Emry Arthur in 1928 gave the song its current titles.
ellauri264.html on line 373: The song was popularized by the Stanley Brothers, who recorded the song in the 1950s; many other singers recorded versions in the 1960s, most notably by Bob Dylan. Variations of the song have also been recorded under the titles of "Girl of Constant Sorrow" by Joan Baez and by Barbara Dane, "Maid of Constant Sorrow" by Judy Collins, and "Sorrow" by Peter, Paul and Mary. It was released as a single by Ginger Baker´s Air Force with vocals by Denny Laine.
ellauri299.html on line 144: Julio Romero: Constantemente esta el mensaje de que los indigentes son todos víctimas de la sociedad. El caso que intenta relacionar la muerte de Lontane Burton y sus hijos con la negligencia del despacho es hasta forzado. Por todos los medios intentan hacer que sientas culpa y pena por los indigentes y ni siquiera hay un punto de discusión sobre el tema, es todo muy parcialista.
ellauri360.html on line 432: Konstantinuksen viidenkymmenen Raamatun sanotaan olleen alkuperäisen kreikankielisiä raamattuja, jotka Konstantinus I oli tilannut vuonna 331 ja laatinut Eusebius Kesarealainen. Ne tehtiin Konstantinopolin piispan käyttöön tuon aivan uuden kaupungin kasvavassa määrässä kirkkoja. Eusebius lainasi toimeksiantokirjettä kirjassaan Constantinuksen elämä, ja se on ainoa säilynyt lähde, joka todistaa Raamatun olemassaolon ylipäänsä.
ellauri373.html on line 187: The Revue des etudes Juives, financed by James de Rothschild, published in 1889 two documents which showed how true the Protocols are in saying that the Learned Elders of Zion have been carrying on their plan for centuries. On January 13, 1489, Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrim, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What should the Jews do? This was the reply:
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 182: Madame de Staël (/stal/) ou bien Anne-Louise-Germaine Necker, baronne de Staël-Holstein, était une romancière, épistolière et philosophe genevoise et française née le 22 avril 1766 à Paris où elle est morte le 14 juillet 1817. Issue d´une famille de protestants valdo-genevois richissimes, fille du ministre des finances de Louis XVI Jacques Necker, elle est élevée dans un milieu de gens de lettres. Elle épouse, en 1786, le baron Erik Magnus Staël von Holstein, ambassadeur du roi Gustave III de Suède auprès de la cour de France à Versailles. Le couple se séparera en 1800. Devenue baronne de Staël, elle mène une vie sentimentale agitée et entretient en particulier une relation orageuse avec Benjamin Constant, écrivain et homme politique franco-vaudois rencontré en 1794. Entretemps, sa réputation littéraire et intellectuelle s´est affirmée grâce à trois essais philosophiques que sont les Lettres sur les ouvrages et le caractère de Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1788), De l´influence des passions sur le bonheur de l´individu et des nations (1796) et De la littérature considérée dans ses rapports avec les institutions sociales (1800). Favorable à la Révolution française et aux idéaux de 1789 au debut, elle adopte une position critique dès 1791 et ses idées d´une monarchie constitutionnelle la font considérer comme une opposante gênante par les maîtres de la révolution. Malgré le statut de diplomate de son mari, elle doit se réfugier auprès de son père en Suisse à plusieurs reprises. Interdite de séjour sur le sol français par Napoléon Bonaparte qui la considère comme un obstacle à sa politique, elle s´installe en Suisse dans le château familial de Coppet qui sert de lieu principal de rencontres au groupe du même nom, et d´où elle fait paraître Delphine (1802), Corinne ou l´Italie (1807) et De l´Allemagne (1810/1813b). Ses œuvres fictionnelles majeures, dans lesquelles elle représente des femmes victimes des contraintes sociales qui les enchaînent, sont Delphine (1802) et Corinne ou l´Italie (1807).
xxx/ellauri128.html on line 527: Kuuluisia ranskalaisia tapakomedioita rakkaudesta ovat Benjamin Constantin “Adolphe,” André Giden “Strait is the Gate,” Stendhalin “On Love,” Roland Barthesin “A Lover’s Discourse” ja André Mauroisin (1928) “Climates.”
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 68: There is a mention of the rod of Moses in a deposition of Nicolas, abbot of the Icelandic Benedictine monastery of Thingeyrar, who had seen it guarded in a chapel of a palace in Constantinople in c. 1150. According to this source, the archbishop of Novgorod, Anthony, stated that it was in the church of St Michael in the Boukoleon Palace, among other precious relics. After the sack of Constantinople in 1204 it was transported to France where Bishop Nevelon placed it in Soissons cathedral and it then passed to the treasury of the Sainte-Chapelle.
xxx/ellauri255.html on line 134: Antony Pyp Pipo: Their commitment was unclear, and this was always the problem: they couldn’t make up their own minds. In the early part of 1919, US president Woodrow Wilson thought that some form of peace could be achieved in Russia, and suggested a conference to be held in the Princes’ Islands lying in the Sea of Marmara close to Constantinople [now Istanbul]. However, the Whites were so furious at the Reds and what had happened up till then – the murders of the aristocracy, the destruction and so on – that they refused to sit down with the Reds. And Lenin and the Bolsheviks – who at that stage thought that they were going to win the war (as they did) – had no intention of sitting down with them, let alone the motherfucking Anglo Saxons meddling everywhere with just their own "vital interests" in mind.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 337: Hän oli perheensä kautta yhteydessä Pietarin korkeaan yhteiskuntaan vaikka viihtyi parhaiten lähes Välimeren viinimaassa Krimillä, Anapassa, jossa hänen perheensä maalaistalo sijaitsi. Lapsena, Venäjän kirkon ankaran ja pelätyn korkean prokuraattorin Constantine Pebedenotsevin suosikki, hänet heitettiin lähes hajoamaan rakkaan isänsä äkillisen kuoleman vuoksi. Tämän epismäisyyden tähden Elizaveta näytti jumalalle fäkkiä ja liittyi bolshevikkeihin.
xxx/ellauri361.html on line 118: - Ordo Sancti Constantini Magni - ritarikunnan jäsen 1996 -2
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1141: You're correct, the illogical falsehood of three different beings physically being one, even though they themselves continually refer to each other as separate beings, was derived from pagan concepts well before Nicaea when Constantine, a pagan emperor, held a council to vote on various doctrinal questions including the divinity of Christ and the nature of the Godhood.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1144: It is historical fact that there was debate and discussion regarding the trinity and other topics, and the concept of the trinity was finalized at the Council of Constantinople in 360 AD.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1158: And by the way, the Council of Constantinople did not finalize the doctrine of the Trinity, it brought up the question if Pneumatomachians (those who adhere to Macedonianism) were heretics because the Doctrine of the Trinity had been in place for almost 2 centuries at that point. This debate was finalized in the Council of Constantinople in 381. Our debate will be finalized a few lines further down, when I moderate you to hell.
xxx/ellauri422.html on line 114: Tsargrad TV (Russian: Царьград ТВ) is a Russian television channel owned by Konstantin Malofeev. It was named after Tsargrad, the old Slavic name for Constantinople. It is known for its pro-Kremlin and Russian Orthodox stances. Vladimir Putin gives carte blanche to Tsargrad TV which according to Malofeev is the Russian equivalent to Fox News. The European Union, the United States and Ukraine have accused Malofeev of trying to destabilize and financing separatism in Ukraine. Malofeev also financed Charles Bausman's virulently antisemitic "Russian Insider," jonka nettiosoite on "nimeä ei löydy".