ellauri033.html on line 1073: Emile Laure oli II maailmansodan armeijankenraali Vauclusesta, Vichy-luopio, mitäs se puuhaa Lamartinen runossa? Sori my bad, puhe on jostain toisesta Lauresta. No Vauclusessa on myös ravintola Petrarque et Laure, josta jenkkivieraat sanovat: Good food but lousy service. Koska Vauclusessa on Mont Ventoux, jolle Petrarca kipusi jollain wanderungilla: For pleasure alone he climbed Mont Ventoux, which rises to more than six thousand feet, beyond Vaucluse. It was no great feat, of course; but he was the first recorded Alpinist of modern times, the first to climb a mountain merely for the delight of looking from its top. (Or almost the first; for in a high pasture he met an old shepherd, who said that fifty years before he had attained the summit, and had got nothing from it save toil and repentance and torn clothing.) Petrarch was dazed and stirred by the view of the Alps, the mountains around Lyons, the Rhone, the Bay of Marseilles. He took Augustine´s Confessions from his pocket and reflected that his climb was merely an allegory of aspiration toward a better life. Vanha paimen oli tyytyväinen kun joku oli vielä tyhmempi kuin se, niinkuin Roope ezimässä nelikulmaisia munia.
ellauri145.html on line 117: Thomas De Quincey: On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts Thomas Penson De Quincey (/də ˈkwɪnsi/;[1] 15 August 1785 – 8 December 1859) was an English writer, essayist, and literary critic, best known for his Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821) Many scholars suggest that in publishing this work De Quincey inaugurated the tradition of addiction literature in the West. Mulla on toi kirja, mä luinkin sen, mutta se oli kyllä aika pitkästyttävä. Tämänkertainen ozikko tuo mieleen sen usein mietityttäneen havainnon että mixhän vitussa 50% tv-sarjoista on murhajuttuja. Eikai siinä muuta ole kun että KILL! on 1/3 apinan mieliharrastuxista. Dekkarit ja horrorit on musta lattapäisyyden selvimpiä ilmentymiä.
ellauri321.html on line 110: The success of his book and his efforts to improve the agricultural conditions of Normandy made Crèvecoeur a welcome guest in France. He spent some pleasant months in French literary society, into which he was probably introduced by Mme. de Houdetot, one of the many heroines of Rousseau's “Confessions.” To this lady, an old friend of his father, he also owed his introduction to Franklin.* He returned to America at the end of 1783.
ellauri321.html on line 115: This literary movement (known as romanticism), of which the masterpieces are Rousseau's “Confessions,” Ste. Pierre's “Paul et Virginie,” Goethe's “Sorrows of Werther,” and Chateaubriand's “Les Natchez,” has an American representative in these letters of a Pennsylvania farmer.
ellauri348.html on line 371: Kaufmanin teokset tutkivat sellaisia universaaleja teemoja kuin identiteettikriisi, kuolevaisuus ja elämän tarkoitus metafyysisen tai parapsykologisen viitekehyksen kautta. Sukupuoli-identiteetti on myös toistuva teema hänen töissään. Apinat toistuvat Kaufmanin varhaisissa töissä: Being John Malkovichissa Lottella on lemmikkisimpansi nimeltä Elijah; Human Nature -kirjassa Puff kasvatettiin apinaksi; elokuvassa Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Penny haaveilee apinasta; ja adaptaatiossa alkuperäinen deus ex machina oli suoapina. Loppupeleissä apinat korvautuvat formica sapiens-lajilla.
xxx/ellauri081.html on line 84: Lindsay Dee Lohan (/ˈloʊhæn/; born July 2, 1986) is an American actress, singer, songwriter, entrepreneur, and television personality. Born and raised in New York, Lohan was signed to Ford Models as a child. Having appeared as a regular on the television soap opera Another World at age 10, her breakthrough came in the Walt Disney Pictures film The Parent Trap (1998). The film's success led to appearances in the television films Life-Size (2000) and Get a Clue (2002), and the big-screen productions Freaky Friday (2003) and Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004).
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 232: Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks or The Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man
xxx/ellauri130.html on line 487: Syntyminen oli ensimmäinen moka.Rousseau, ConfessionsMKILL!0
xxx/ellauri356.html on line 254: Hänen nuoruudessaan tärkeitä lukemia olivat Rousseaun Reveries of a Solitary Walker and Confessions, André Giden päiväkirja, La porte étroite, Les nourritures terrestres ja The Immoralist; ja Friedrich Nietzschen teoksia. Lause "Perheet, minä vihaan teitä!" erityisesti, joka inspiroi