ellauri020.html on line 468: We were walking through the rubble of the Commodore Hotel, which would soon reopen as the Grand Hyatt. Ivana had been given the responsibility of supervising all the decoration; she was hard at it, despite the fact that she was wearing a white wool Thierry Mugler jumpsuit and pale Dior shoes as she picked her way through the sawdust. “I told you never to leave a broom like this in a room!” she screamed at one worker. Screaming at her employees had become part of her hallmark, perhaps her way of feeling power. Later, in Atlantic City, she would become known for her obsession with cleanliness. Determined to bring glamour to Trump Castle, she became famous for her attention to appearances, once moving a pregnant waitress, desperate for big tips, off the casino floor. The woman was placed in a distant lounge and given a clown’s suit to disguise her condition.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 747: Kasvi putosi eduskunnasta (kuin Amin kukkaruukku Pojun päähän lähes sata vuotta aiemmin) vuoden 2019 eduskuntavaaleissa. Se pyrki sinne nuorukaisena nuorsuomalaisena. Sen esikoiskirja oli Huvia ja hyötyä Commodore 64. Kuusnepikka on sen ensimmäinen ja viimeinen ystävä.
xxx/ellauri091.html on line 754: Kuvituxena Commodore 64:n kehote. Videopelit ovat yhä tärkeitä.
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 84: "The Commodore" ("Commodore Hornblower")
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 106: "The Commodore" ("Commodore Hornblower")
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 141: Oikeat ihmiset Horatio Hornblower -kirjoissa: Napoleon, Boy George: ‘I was abused every day for being gay in the 70s’, kapteeni Edward Pelle, amiraali William Corn Flakes, Lord St. Vincent, Britannian ulkoministeri William "markiisi Wellesley" Hague, Venäjän zaari Aleksanteri I, ministeri Anthony Drink and Be Merry, Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz, ja viimeisenä muttei vähimpänä Riian sotilaskovernööri Ivan Nikolaevich Essenistä ja monista muista hajalle pommitetuista Saxan kaupungeista, erityisesti "Commodoressa". Mitä vetoa että Iivana on pahis?
xxx/ellauri235.html on line 163: Commodore Hornblower: