ellauri089.html on line 566: § 78. (1) It has been commonly held, since Kant, that "goodness" has the same relation to Will or Feeling, which "truth" or "reality" has to Cognition: that the proper method for Ethics is to discover what is implied in Will or Feeling, just as, according to Kant, the proper method for Metaphysics was to discover what is implied in Cognition. …
ellauri089.html on line 572: § 81. and, once this analogy between Volition and Cognition is accepted, the view that ethical propositions have an essential reference to Will or Feeling, is strengthened by another error with regard to the nature of Cognition—the error of supposing that "perception" denotes merely a certain way of cognising an object, whereas it actually includes the assertion that the object is also true. …
ellauri089.html on line 574: § 82. The argument of the last three §§ is recapitulated; and it is pointed out (1) that Volition and Feeling are not analogous to Cognition (2) that, even if they were, "to be good" could not mean "to be willed or felt in a certain way". …
ellauri158.html on line 719: P. 2. prop. 41. Cognitio primi generis unica est falsitatis causa, secundi autem et tertii est necessario vera. [in: P. 2. prop. 44., prop. 44. coroll. 2., P. 4. prop. 27., prop. 35., prop. 62.]
ellauri158.html on line 739: P. 2. prop. 46. Cognitio aeternae et infinitae essentiae Dei, quam unaquaeque idea involvit, est adaequata et perfecta. [in: P. 2. prop. 47., P. 5. prop. 18., prop. 31.]
ellauri158.html on line 1007: P. 4. prop. 8. Cognitio boni et mali nihil aliud est, quam laetitiae vel tristitiae affectus, quatenus eius sumus conscii. [in: P. 4. prop. 14., prop. 15., prop. 19., prop. 29., prop. 30., prop. 63. coroll., prop. 64.]
ellauri158.html on line 1120: P. 4. prop. 64. Cognitio mali cognitio est inadaequata.
xxx/ellauri056.html on line 500: Kant valmistui maisteriksi 1755 ja saman vuoden syksyllä valmistui väitöskirja Principiorum Primorum Cognitionis Metaphysicae Nova Dilucidatio. Vuoden lopulla hänestä tuli yliopiston lehtori. Nimityksestä lähtien hän suuntautui yhä enemmän filosofisiin aiheisiin, mutta jatkoi myös luonnontieteistä kirjoittamista koko elämänsä.