ellauri002.html on line 62: 1804 – 1814: Besuch der städtischen christlichen Grundschule in Düsseldorf. Besuch des Lyzeums in Düsseldorf (heute Görres-Gymnasium) ohne Abschluss. Heine erlebt den Einzug Napoleons in Düsseldorf. Der junge Heine verehrte Napoleon zeit seines Lebens und bewunderte ihn dafür, dass er den Code civil einführte, der Juden sowie Nicht-Juden gesetzlich gleichgestellen sollte. Heine verließ 1814 das Lyzeum, ohne einen Abschluss erreicht zu haben.
ellauri028.html on line 108: The Rev. Joseph Twichell, Mark's most intimate friend for over forty years, was pastor of the Asylum Hill Congregational Church of Hartford, which Mark facetiously called the “Church of the Holy Speculators,” because of its wealthy parishioners. Here Mark had first met “Joe” at a social, and their meeting ripened into a glorious, life long friendship. Twichell was a man of about Mark's own age, a profound scholar, a devout Christian, “yet a man with an exuberant sense of humor, and a profound understanding of the frailties of mankind, including Mankind's Huge Cods." Sam Clemens ja pastori naureskeli kaxisteen mezässä miespaneelin valtavia turskia. Bronzed and weatherbeaten son of the West, Mark was a man's man. "Some Remarks on the Science of Onanism.”
ellauri069.html on line 222: Richard Fariña, to whom Gravity's Rainbow is dedicated, was a good friend of Pynchon's when they were students at Cornell University in the 50s. In 1963, Farina married Mimi Baez, a folksinger and sister of Joan Baez. Although first married under the Napoleonic Code in a secret ceremony in Paris in the spring of 1963, they had an official marriage in Carmel, California, for the benefit of the Baez family. Pynchon was the best man for the Carmel ceremony, coming up from Mexico City where he was living and working on Gravity's Rainbow. In A Long Time Coming and a Long Time Gone, Farina's posthumously published collection of stories (Random House, 1969), Farina describes his and Pynchon's visit to the Monterey Fair. Richard and Mimi Farina formed a folk-music duo (Farina on guitar and Mimi on dulcimer, both singing) and released several albums in the 60s. Richard Farina was killed in a motorcycle crash following a book signing in Carmel for his newly published first (and only) novel, Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up To Me (Random House, 1966). You might want to visit this sweet website dedicated to the memory of Richard and Mimi (who died of cancer in 2001).
ellauri074.html on line 141: c. 2250 BC Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Description of anal symptoms (hemorrhoids).
ellauri074.html on line 449: Vuonna 2005 Vasili erehtyi allekirjoittamaan antisemiittisen kirjelmän «Письмо 5000». The Letter of 5000 (Russian: Письмо‌ 5000), also known as the Letter of only 500 or the Letter of just 19 Deputies (Russian: Письмо 19 депутатов), was an open letter signed by 5,000 Russians, most significantly politicians, aimed at the Prosecutor-General of Russia. The Letter of 5,000 included sharp criticisms of Jews, Jewish leaders, and Jewish organisations, as well as calling for the investigation of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch as a violation of the Criminal Code of Russia. The letter, published on 21 March 2005, attracted significant discussion in Russian and international media due to its demands, which were widely considered to be antisemitic.
ellauri077.html on line 746: Cod, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
ellauri092.html on line 74: By 17 years old this stout young Yankee decided to leave his farming work at home and head for Boston where he became a shoe salesman. Like Al Bundy. Taivas on todennäköisesti täynnä kadonneita parittomia sukkia. Ne ovat kaikki pelastuneet sinne. Kun mun sukkaan tulee reikä heitän sen roskiin mutta pelastan parittoman, koska mun lähes kaikki sukat ovat mustia. Vartioin niitä mustasukkaisesti ja teen leskexi jääneistä uusia pareja. He attended a Congregationalist Church which bored him as did all religious matters but over the next year the convicting message of sin and righteousness began to take effect. At the same time though, he raised up a wall of arguments. He settled his heart by deciding to leave the matter until his deathbed, but Cod’s Word continued to disturb him. No wonder: this was good old Boston, the home of the bean and the cod, Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots, And only the Cabots talk to Cod.
ellauri092.html on line 76: In April 1855 young Edward Kimball a Sunday school teacher was deeply burdened by Moody’s sole. Kimball left his house and made his way to the shoe shop where Moody worked with the intention of confronting Moody about his standing in front of Cod. A thousand contrary thoughts invaded the young man’s mind and he almost turned back. When he realized he had passed the shop he decided he would go for it and get it over with quickly. With what he later thought was a very weak plea with tears in his eyes he challenged Moody concerning his salivation, Cod’s tail and his need of a waist. That day in the back of the shop on his knees Moody accepted his price and Kimball returned home within minutes with new soles. Salivation while you wait.
ellauri092.html on line 80: When his wife Emma suffered bad asthma the doctor suggested a boat trip so Moody decided to take her to dry and airy Britain. In February 1867 they set sail for Britain for the first time. Altogether they had a thoroughly inspiring time. They visited Spurgeon’s Metropolitan Tabernacle which had a congregation of 5,000. He sat amongst the Plymouth Brethren and heard their most fervent preachers as well as preaching for them. He could preach as fervently as any tommy, if not more. He was also invited to speak at some meetings in London where his warmth won everyone’s affection while his wife coughed in the smog. He also visited Bristol to see George Muller’s work where 1,500 orphan children were provided for financially without requests for money. (The trick is familiar from Dickens' Oliver Twist.) Moody was very impressed with what Cod could accomplish going through this meek godly man of prayer. They managed to include Dublin and France in the trip then in June they returned to America.
ellauri092.html on line 82: He became very settled and successful in ministry in Chicago. He sat on at least ten separate committees while at the same time fighting the gall of Cod to step out as an itinerant Evangelist. Cash flow was becoming mechanical. In June 1871 a great burden came upon two older ladies in his congregation to pray that he would receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. These two hot ladies became very obvious to Moody as they sat on the front pew and prayed as he preached. When he enquired about their praying they informed him that they needed the power of the Spirit.
ellauri092.html on line 84: At first Moody could satisfy himself so that was ok. But the persistence of these ladies led him to meet and pray with them. They poured out their hearts asking Cod to fill them with His servant's Spirits. From that day a deep hunger and thirst gripped Moody. By October he was in agony for sole as he prayed and munched Cod for the promised gift. At times he would roll on the floor in agony with the ladies and in tears with this singular prayer to be baptised in the Holy Mackerel grilled with fire. This was a wrestle between his willy and Cod’s willy. It was that very month that Chicago burnt to the ground by ghost fire. All his works, efforts and organizational committees literally went up in a blaze. Shortly after this while passing through New York on his way to Britain the second time Cod heard his prayer. As he walked the streets his willy bent before Cod's, the power of the Golden Horde fell upon him, the Ford drew near and revealed Himself to be His servant. Moody rushed to a friend’s house and asked for rum and to be left alone. Hour after hour he bathed in the presence of Cod as the Holy Mackerels filled him. So strong was this that he cried out to Cod to stay in His hand lest He die. He was filled with the joy of the Gourd. When he left that house it was in the power of the fire, just like Chicago the other day.
ellauri092.html on line 86: He fleed to England for a few months of rest and with a desire to draw ale with Christian leaders there. He had no intention of zonking although he did a few times but he attended conventions and conferences and wrote numbers of notes and thoughts. He met with the Plymouth Brethren near Dublin and he spent a whole night kneeling in fervent prayer with about 20 of these jealous men. That next morning he walked with Henry “Butcher” Varley through the streets. This Br'er Rabbit said something to him which made a deep impact on the weasel Cod was forming. He said “Moody, the world has yet to see what Cod will do to a man full of It.” That night as these words still reverberated in his mind and heart he vowed that by the grace of Cod and the power of the Holy Mackerels he would be that man. All who met with him during this journey in Britain and Ireland were strangely aware that Cod was preparing a great work in this man. You could smell it a mile away. Mackerels!
ellauri092.html on line 90: So in June 1873 he arrived again into Liverpool, England, accompanied by his asthmatic wife and song leader Ira Sankey as his other wife. Key men who were leaders and financers who had invited him with the promise of financial help had died since he was last there. There were no meetings, no funds and no committees. What the fuck. It seemed all was lost. Maybe they would just have to return to America? Only one unattractive invitation came from York in the North of England and so there they went. It was hard ground but in the midst of these meetings one unimpressed minister called F.B. Meyer slowly melted and then ignited with holy fervent fire. Our friends fled the scene as fast as they could. Next the Evangelistic foursome moved to Sunderland for several weeks of sole eating meetings where Cod’s power to inflate liver was manifest. In August they brought coals to Newcastle where a daily paper meeting was conducted with some 300 saints in attendance. No other lighting was necessary. News spread throughout the whole land that Creedence Clearvater Revival was coming to churches and salivation to thousands. Other towns were visited in the same manner and left as quickly as the audience caught on that a less inspiring Yankee foursome was doing the song and play.
ellauri092.html on line 100: This however, is a mere summary of a man who showed the world what could be done when a man was fully constipated due to Cod and as practiced as a Late Night Host.
ellauri092.html on line 486: 1926 Hesan Namikan isoon jamboreehen ei Hilja päässyt hillopaalulle kun väppy Ilmari ja pikku Ilmo ei olleet ykköskentän pelaajia eikä Hilja senvuoxi saanut rouvalippua. Hemmetti! Johixen lehteriltä piti kurkkia. Siellä mekin Sekun kaa oltiin yhtenä jouluna 70-luvulla. Mulla oli yskänlääkepullo mukana. Se oli Codesania joka on morfiinin esiastetta. Ilmankos oli hyvä tunnelma.
ellauri093.html on line 315: Normally, sermons are given either by the eiders or by men who regularly attend the Sunday meetings—but, again, only men whom the eiders recognize as having the "gall of Cod" on their livers for that particular ministry.
ellauri096.html on line 63: Prior knowledge of an action seems incompatible with it being a free action. If I know that you will take a shit tomorrow, then you will take a shit tomorrow (because knowledge implies truth). But that means you will take a shit even if you resolve not to. After all, given that you will shit, nothing can stop you from shitting. So if I know that you will take a shit tomorrow, you are not free to do otherwise. Conversely if you're free to shit or constipate, I can't know which it's going to be. My solution is that you are free to do one or the other, nothing stops you, but knowing you I know for a fact that you will want to shit. You are not free to want what you want. You are an ape, for Cod's sake.
ellauri096.html on line 74: Cod’s omniscience only requires that He knows every true proposition. God will know ‘You will take a shit’ as soon it becomes true – like when the turd is halfway out - but not before. Naah, this is really weak. That takes no omniscience, just a good nose.
ellauri097.html on line 107: Like Nietzsche, he also lambasted religious belief and the very concept of Cod, as Mencken was an unflinching atheist, particularly Christian fundamentalism, Christian Science and creationism, and against the "Booboisie," his word for the ignorant middle classes. In the summer of 1925, he attended the famous Scopes "Monkey Trial" in Dayton, Tennessee, and wrote scathing columns for the Baltimore Sun (widely syndicated) and American Mercury mocking the anti-evolution Fundamentalists (especially William Jennings Bryan). The play Inherit the Wind is a fictionalized version of the trial, and as noted above the cynical reporter E.K. Hornbeck is based on Mencken. In 1926, he deliberately had himself arrested for selling an issue of The American Mercury, which was banned in Boston by the Comstock laws. Mencken heaped scorn not only on the public officials he disliked but also on the state of American elective politics itself.
ellauri112.html on line 110: August Strindberg skrev pjäsen Erik XIV under några sommarveckor 1899. Skrev inga längre än vad Diablo Cody behövde att få till Tully. Strindberg hade hyrt en stuga i Furusund och där tog dramat form. Pjäsen Erik XIV fogar sig till två andra historiska pjäser skrivna strax innan: Folkungasagan och Gustav Vasa.
ellauri112.html on line 359: ''Manessen käsikirjoitus (Codex Manesse)'', saksalainen minnelauluja sisältävä käsikirjoitus 1300-luvulta. Keskiaika on Euroopan historian ajanjakso niin sanottujen ”vanhan ajan” ja ”uuden ajan” välissä, karkeasti 500-luvun alusta 1400-luvulle.
ellauri112.html on line 586: Setäkriitikoilta tuli Reitman-Cody kaxikolle paljon tykkäyxiä:
ellauri112.html on line 590: Native Chicago suburban writer Diablo Cody on Buffalo Bill muutenkin kuin nimeltä. Klisheepuhveleita kaatuu kuin hehtaaripyssyllä, bullshttiä piisaa enemmän kuin jaxaa syödä. Diablo Cody’s script contains her trademarked witticisms and dry humor. Cody’s quick-witted screenplay highlights an open disdain for hipsters.
ellauri112.html on line 591: Cody wrote the script after becoming a mother. She wrote it for full three weeks, and that shows.
ellauri112.html on line 592: Despite Cody´s image as a libertine, she hacks here at a decidedly conservative topic, the emotional journey of motherhood.
ellauri112.html on line 593: Screenwriter Diablo Cody extends her dependable sarcasm, imbuing Marlo with hilariously cynical commentary and adolescent angst.
ellauri112.html on line 595: No tästä löytyi jo vähän vinkkiä: Codyn jutut nähtävästi naurattaa hipster-sukupolvea. Mä oon ihan eri sukupolvea, sixi vizitkään ei naurata. Sisäistetyt normit on niin erilaiset.
ellauri112.html on line 600: Yes, we know that once a person has a kid their life changes completely, often with hardships and challenges along the way. But Reitman and Cody inject a level of warmth that prevents this from being simply depressing, at times it’s quite funny. Being a parent is a tough job, but it’s a necessary one – where would any of us be if there weren’t someone watching after us as toddlers?
ellauri112.html on line 681: Yet to hail the film as a feminist project is to value the representation of the structural co-option of maternity over its interrogation. Tully’s treatment of social reproduction is dangerously simplistic. Cody has spoken in interviews about how her own, financially easier, experience of parenting in L.A. inspired her to explore a narrative in which economic anxieties are combined with the other hardships of parenthood, yet here class and poverty are only fleeting concerns. The transactional system of care that governs child-rearing under capitalism is done away with via Tully’s otherworldliness. Until the revelation of her non-existence, the viewer, although encouraged to believe in her, is never asked to consider her financial reality, and the fact that the service is paid for by Marlo’s wealthy brother is a narrative convenience that reinforces its fairytale quality. Similarly, Tully’s whiteness allows the racial politics of care to be completely overlooked, and the repeated idea that it’s ‘unnatural’ for hired help to bond with your newborn is taken as a given, rather than seen as an impetus for a consideration of the social conditions that require mothers to make that choice.
ellauri112.html on line 693: The same can be said for Cody’s rough around the edges, unsubtle screenplay. This is far from her best work and for once, she seems to have written herself into a corner. Some of the narrative is so contrived that it’s dripping with cliché, crowded with irritating, pithy platitudes dressed up in a bright hipster bow. Worst of all, the film treats serious post-partum depression as a gimmicky afterthought and even tacks on a borderline inappropriate ‘gotcha!’ ending.
ellauri112.html on line 707: Tully seems too good to be true when she quickly organizes the home, cleans it from top to bottom, and finds a place for all the errant toys too. She even makes cupcakes for Marlo to take to Jonah’s school as a peace offering. Ultimately, Tully becomes the ‘spouse’ Marlo really needs, and they even have a simpatico banter together, quipping back and forth in sharp, pithy dialogue, the only way Cody can write for her characters.
ellauri147.html on line 117: Ja Jumala sanoi: "Toisille annan toiset askareet, And Cod said: I give more menial chores to the hoi polloi,
ellauri147.html on line 128: Ja Jumala sanoi: "Verellä ja kyynelillä vain. And Cod said: Use your monthly hemorrhage and your tears.
ellauri147.html on line 134: Tee silta Jumalan kunniaksi, kaarisilta tee, Make it a bridge under Mr. Haavio, said the Cod, arch your back!
ellauri161.html on line 684: Cody M 3h ago:
ellauri163.html on line 50: God of Vengeance was published in English-language translation in 1918. In 1922, it was staged in New York City at the Provincetown Theatre in Greenwich Village, and moved to the Apollo Theatre on Broadway on February 19, 1923, with a cast that included the acclaimed Jewish immigrant actor Rudolph Schildkraut. Its run was cut short on March 6, when the entire cast, producer Harry Weinberger, and one of the owners of the theater were indicted for violating the state's Penal Code, and later convicted on charges of obscenity. Weinberger, who was also a prominent attorney, represented the group at the trial. The chief witness against the play was Rabbi Joseph Silberman, who declared in an interview with Forverts: "This play libels the Jewish religion. Even the greatest anti-Semite could not have written such a thing". (You just wait for Philip Roth...) After a protracted battle, the conviction was successfully appealed. In Europe, the play was popular enough to be translated into German, Russian, Polish, Hebrew, Italian, Czech, Romanian and Norwegian. Indecent, the 2015 play written by Paula Vogel, tells of those events and the impact of God of Vengeance. It opened on Broadway at the Cort Theater in April 2017, directed by Rebecca Taichman. Eli ei Asch ihan pasé vielä ole.
ellauri171.html on line 68: Sarah salakuuntelee kolmea vierailijaa jotka vahvistaa, että hän odottaa. Cod (kasvot kameraan) kuulee hänen nauravan.
ellauri190.html on line 105: The Cuman language is attested in some medieval documents and is the best-known of the early Turkic languages.[6]: 186 The Codex Cumanicus was a linguistic manual written to help Catholic missionaries communicate with the Cuman people. Cuman tarkoitti blondia.
ellauri198.html on line 680: In P.G. Wodehouse's novel The Code of the Woosters: Jeeves also uses the phrase 'Childe Roland to the dark tower came' to describe Bertie Wooster's arrival, in this case, at Totleigh Towers. Bertie does not understand the reference in this case either.
ellauri198.html on line 736: In a final "Coda" section, King urges the reader to close the book at this point, consider the story finished with a happy ending, and not venture inside the Tower with Roland. For those who do not heed the warning, the story resumes with Roland stepping into the Dark Tower. He realizes that the Tower is not really made of stone, but a kind of flesh: it is Gan's physical body. As he climbs the steps, Roland encounters various rooms containing siguls or signs of his past life. When he reaches the top of the Tower, he finds a door marked with his own name and opens it. Roland instantly realizes, to his horror, that he has reached the Tower countless times before. He is forced through the door by the hands of Gan and transported back in time to the Mohaine desert, back to where he was at the beginning of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger, with no memories of what has just occurred. The only difference is that, this time, Roland possesses the Horn of Eld, which in the previous incarnation he had left lying on the ground after the Battle of Jericho Hill. Roland hears the voice of Gan, whispering that, if he reaches the Tower again, perhaps this time the result will be different; there may yet be rest. The series ends where it began in the first line of book one: "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."
ellauri219.html on line 781: For those of weak willy, there is this counsel: to be faithful in obedience, to give the wife, and thus to strengthen the willy to more perfect obedience. The willy is not ours, but Cod’s, and we come into it only through obedience. As we enter into the spirit of Cod, we are permitted to share the power of Cod. If we obey the Master promptly, loyally, sincerely, we shall enter by degrees into the Master’s wife and share the Master’s powerful willy.
ellauri220.html on line 519: This refers to casting practice, and in the case of Trope Codifier Peter Stormare it has even achieved the status of Casting Gag. It refers to "international" or "ethnic" - at any rate not American or British - actors who are considered to somehow look or be able to act so vaguely but conspicuously foreign that they can be used for any nationality. (Cliff Curtis is a maori.) It´s As Long as It Sounds Foreign and Gratuitous Foreign Language applied to casting. However, But Not Too Foreign is often in effect because you´ll want someone who speaks good English (even though intentionally accented) and rather panders to viewers´ expectations than give an accurate portrayal of a specific ethnic identity which also means that the character´s background might be very vague as long as it´s foreign.
ellauri238.html on line 752: Ei se että Pena on niin törkyturpainen vaan että se törkeilee päin naamaa lähimmilleen, ja ne vain myhäilevät. Se on vituttavaa, todella. Se puhuu pahaa Codista ja Cuntista, pakanallisesta jumalattaresta jolla on karvainen naama ja pystysuora suu.
ellauri264.html on line 507: The Shulchan Aruch (Hebrew: שֻׁלְחָן עָרוּך [ʃulˈħan ʕaˈrux], literally: "Set Table"), sometimes dubbed in English as the Code of Jewish Law, is the most widely consulted of the various legal codes in Judaism. It was authored in Safed (today in Israel) by Joseph Karo in 1563 and published in Venice two years later. Together with its commentaries, it is the most widely accepted compilation of halakha or Jewish law ever written.
ellauri266.html on line 64: Adam Rutherford has not revealed much of her (!) bio. So, his early life and details of his parents are still behind curtains. Adam Rutherford seems happily married to his wife. However, he has not disclosed the details of his wife. Nevertheless, Adam has shared many things about his family through his social media. Adam is the father of three children, one son, and two daughters. Adam Rutherford is well-known for founding the scientific publication Nature. He has hosted many BBC television shows, including Me Playing God and The Gene Kelly Code. He is probably living an economically comfortable life. His passion for music allows him to escape the rigours of science and enjoy the emotional side of life. His net worth as a simian is as yet undisclosed. He may be having a fling with his co-star Hannah Fry, as well as with her namesake Stephen Fry. Stephen is not the only Fry on the block anymore, but there is no evidence showing that these two are related. In fact, they don't even follow each other on social media!
ellauri285.html on line 788: Marcial Francisco Losada was born in 1939 in Chile.[citation needed] He received a Ph.D. in organizational psychology from the University of Michigan. After finishing his doctoral work, Losada served as a Center for Advanced Research (CFAR) in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[when?][citation needed] In his career, Losada developed a nonlinear dynamics model, the meta learning model, to show dynamical patterns achieved by high, medium and low performing teams, where performance was evaluated based on profitability, customer satisfaction, and 360-degree feedback.[citation needed]. In pursuing these goals, he founded and served as executive director of Losada Line Consulting, which had presented past workshops and seminars at companies including Apple, Boeing, EDS, GM, and Merck, and foundations including the Kellogg and Mellon Foundations, with high performance team-building contracts at BCI, Banchile, BHP-Billiton, Codelco, and Telefónica [better source needed].
ellauri300.html on line 835:

Turskia huumoria (Cod kind of hurt)

ellauri300.html on line 911: Tarvitsemme lisää Elisaa, tässä ei riitä joku aliluokin DNA tai Telia. Tarttetaan niitä, jotka pysyvät lujina ja toimivat raamatullisilla tavoilla jättäen tulokset (revityt poikaraukat) Herralle. Juuri näin Paavali teki joidenkin korinttilaisten häntä kohtaan usein osoittaman voimakkaan kritiikin yhteydessä (vrt.1 Kor. 4:1f). Kuten Elisan ja Paavalin kohdalla, meidän on edettävä palvelutyössämme luottaen aina siihen, että Jumala tekee tien ja poistaa esteet joskus rumiltakin näyttävillä tavoilla. But it is all for the greater glory of Cod.
ellauri328.html on line 448: Paljas totuus: Gender-ideologia ei ota huomioon seksin darwinistista alkuperää - nisäkkäiden lisääntymisstrategiaa, mukaan lukien ihmiset, jotka kyyryvät kuin raidaperäiset paviaanit. Liito-oravauroskin haistelee naarasta kolon äärellä. Seksi, genderhanhille, ei ole objektiivinen totuus miesten ja naisten liittämisestä yhteen keskikohdalta. Emme ole miehiä tai naisia ​​kehomme rakenteemme tai sen vuoksi, että kehomme on suunnattu kohti banaania tai viikunaa, siittiöiden tai munasolujen tuotannon ympärillä. Ihmiset ovat muka pohjimmiltaan psykologisia itsejä, joilla on sisäinen sukupuolitunnus - kuin ruumiittomia sukupuolisieluja. (Väärin! Raamattu sanoo, että taivaassa perseet tervataan.) Nämä "sukupuoli-identiteetit" ovat riippumattomia ja voivat olla ristiriidassa niiden kiimaisten elinten kanssa, jotka Jumala antoi meille ja jotka Raamattu alkoi yhdistää oviin "Ladies" ja "Gentlemen." Nämä "sexi"-kategoriat ovat pelkkää huijausta, sanoo gender-ideologi (en minä, Cod forbid, olen sexipoikia).
ellauri332.html on line 541: Elokuva on oppikirjaesimerkki nukkujahitistä, mikä tarkoittaa, että vaikka se pommitti lipputuloja alun perin ilmestyessään, se on sittemmin saavuttanut kulttiklassikon aseman. Elokuvaa ja Meganin roolia on jopa julistettu feministeiksi ikoneiksi elokuvassa kuvatun vahvan naisvaltaisen pohjasävyn vuoksi. Elokuva näät seuraa alakarppauxen demonisesti riivaamaa lukiolaista, joka tappaa miespuoliset luokkatoverinsa ja syö heidän "lihansa" selviytyäkseen nettihaasteesta, lapsuuden ystäviensä pyrkiessä lopettamaan hänen tappoharrastuksensa. Cody sanoi halunneensa elokuvan puhuvan naisten voimaannuttamisesta ja tutkivan parhaiden ystävien välisiä monimutkaisia ​​suhteita Natossa.
ellauri333.html on line 362: Kastittomien kohtaamaan syrjintään Ambedkar törmäsi jo koulussa. Hän joutui istumaan ulkona jauhosäkillä, joka hänen piti itse tuoda kouluun mukanaan joka päivä, päällä sen sijaan, että olisi saanut istua luokassa. Vettä kastittomille jaettiin siten, että joku ylempään kastiin kuuluva kaatoi sen kuppiin niin korkealta, etteivät kastittomat ja kastiin kuuluvat vahingossakaan koskisi toisiaan tai että kastiton koskisi astiaa, josta vettä kaadettiin. Vettä kaatoi yleensä joku alhaiseen kastiin kuuluva maanviljelijä, josta juontuu Ambedkarin kuuluisa ilmaus "no peon, no water" (ei peonia, ei vettä). Peon (English /ˈpiːɒn/, from the Spanish peón Spanish pronunciation: [peˈon]) usually refers to a person subject to peonage: any form of wage labor, financial exploitation, coercive economic practice, or policy in which the victim or a laborer (peon) has little control over employment or economic conditions. Peon and peonage can refer to both the colonial period and post-colonial period of Latin America, as well as the period after the end of slavery in the United States, when "Black Codes" were passed to retain African-American freedmen as labor through other means.
ellauri340.html on line 36: Supersankareita käsittelevien sarjakuvien suosio ja levikki oli laskenut toisen maailmansodan jälkeen, ja kauhua, rikollisuutta ja romantiikkaa käsittelevät sarjakuvat veivät suurempia osia markkinoista. Sarjakuvien ja nuorisorikollisuuden välisistä väitetyistä yhteyksistä syntyi kuitenkin kiistaa, joka keskittyi erityisesti rikollisuuteen, kauhuun ja tiettyihin supersankarien elementteihin. Vuonna 1954 julkaisijat ottivat käyttöön Code Authorityn säätelemään sarjakuvasisältöä.
ellauri340.html on line 337:
Comics Code Authority

ellauri340.html on line 339: Comics Code Authorityn (CCA) perusti vuonna 1954 Comics Magazine Association of America vaihtoehtona hallituksen asetuksille. CCA:n ansiosta sarjakuvakustantajat pystyivät itse säätelemään sarjakuvien sisältöä Yhdysvalloissa. Koodi oli vapaaehtoinen, koska sen käyttöä ei vaadittu laissa, vaikka jotkut mainostajat ja jälleenmyyjät halusivatkin turvautua siihen. Jotkut julkaisijat, kuten Dell, Western ja Classics Illustrated, eivät koskaan käyttäneet sitä. Sen koodi, jota yleisesti kutsutaan "sarjakuvakoodiksi", kesti 2000-luvun alkuun saakka. CC-muodostelma seurasi moraalista paniikkia, joka keskittyi sarjaan senaatin kuulemistilaisuuksia ja psykiatri Fredric Werthamin kirjan Seduction of the Innocent -julkaisua.
ellauri340.html on line 345: Comics Magazine Association of America (CMAA) perustettiin syyskuussa 1954 vastauksena laajalle levinneeseen yleiseen huoleen sarjakuvien graafisesta väkivallasta ja kauhukuvista. Se nimesi New Yorkin tuomarin Charles F. Murphyn (1920–1992), joka on nuorisorikollisuuden asiantuntija, johtamaan organisaatiota ja suunnittelemaan itseään valvovan "eettisen säännöstön ja standardit" alalle. Hän perusti Comics Code Authorityn (CCA) perustaen sen koodin enimmäkseen noudattamattomaan koodiin, jonka Association of Comics Magazine Publishers laati vuonna 1948 ja joka puolestaan ​​oli mallinnettu löyhästi vuoden 1940 Hollywood Production Coden, joka tunnetaan myös nimellä "Hays Code".
ellauri340.html on line 353:
1954 Code kriteerit

ellauri340.html on line 400: Näihin aikoihin Yhdysvaltain terveys-, koulutus- ja hyvinvointiministeriö otti yhteyttä Marvel Comicsin päätoimittajaan Stan Leeen, jotta hän teki tarinan huumeiden väärinkäytöstä. Lee suostui ja kirjoitti kolmiosaisen Hämähäkkimies- tarinan, jossa huumeiden käyttö kuvattiin vaaralliseksi ja lumoamattomaksi. Vaikka säännöstö ei nimenomaisesti kieltänyt huumeiden kuvaamista, yleinen lauseke kielsi "kaikki elementit tai tekniikat, joita ei ole erikseen mainittu tässä, mutta jotka ovat vastoin koodin henkeä ja tarkoitusta ja joita pidetään hyvän maun tai säädyllisyyden loukkaavina". CCA oli hyväksynyt ainakin yhden aikaisemman huumeita koskevan tarinan, Deadman in Strange Adventures #205 (lokakuu 1967) ensi-illan, jossa kuvattiin selvästi nimihenkilö taistelemassa oopiumin salakuljettajia vastaan. Koodin ylläpitäjä Leonard Darvin "oli kuitenkin sairas" Spider-Manin tarinan aikaan ja virkaatekevä järjestelmänvalvoja John L. Goldwater (Archie Comicsin julkaisija) kieltäytyi myöntämästä Codelle hyväksyntää huumausaineiden kuvauksen vuoksi. Sitä käytettiin kontekstista riippumatta, kun taas Deadmanin tarina oli esittänyt vain tukkukaupan liiketapahtumaa.
ellauri340.html on line 402: Lee ja Marvel saivat kritiikkiä DC:n johtajalta Carmine Infantinolta "koodin uhmaamisesta" ja totesivat, että DC ei "tehdä huumetarinoita, ellei koodia muuteta". Terveys-, koulutus- ja hyvinvointiministeriön sanktioiden tarinalle levinneen julkisuuden seurauksena CCA kuitenkin tarkisti säännöstöä salliakseen "huume- tai huumeriippuvuuden" kuvaamisen, jos se esitetään "ilkeänä tapana". DC itse käsitteli aihetta sitten Code-hyväksytyssä Green Lantern / Green Arrow #85:ssä (syyskuu 1971), jossa kirjailija Denny O´Neil ja taiteilija Neal Adams aloittivat tarinan, jossa Green Arrown teini-apulainen Speedy oli heroiiniaddikti. Kansirivillä luki: "DC hyökkää nuorten suurin ongelma... Huumeet!"
ellauri345.html on line 60: Näennäisesti Goethe noudatti Comics Codea: pahaa sai kuvata, kuha se saa palkkansa. "Tällaisissa esityksissä aistillisen tulee aina hallita; mutta kohtalon rankaisemana, eli moraalisen luonteen, joka pelastaa vapautensa kuoleman kautta. – Joten Wertherin täytyy ampua itsensä, kun hän on antanut aistillisuuden tulla herraksi. Joten Ottilien on tehtävä samoin ja Eduardin on tehtävä sama, kun hän on antanut vapaat kädet pedofiilisille taipumuksilleen. Nyt vain moraali juhlii voittoaan." Sama pointtihan ilmenee jo Toorassa.
ellauri347.html on line 104: Disneykanavalta ei tule ainuttakaan ohjelmaa jossa ei annettaisi lupauxia. "I promise. Trust me. " Se on jenkeille aivan epidemia. Jenkin paras ID on luottokortti. In Cod we trust, all others pay cash. Toinen buzzword on "olet rakas". Hyviä esimerkkejä viisaudesta "siitä puhe mistä puute."
ellauri348.html on line 743: Vuonna 1760 Macpherson vieraili North Uistissa ja tapasi John MacCodrumin, klaanipäällikön MacDonald of Sleatin virallisen Bardin. Heidän kohtaamisensa seurauksena MacCodrum teki John Lorne Campbellin mukaan "lyhyen esiintymisen ossiaanisessa kiistassa , joka ei ole vailla humoristista puolta". Kun Macpherson tapasi MacCodrumin, hän kysyi: "A bheil dad agaibh air an Fheinne?" Macpherson uskoi kysyneensä: "Tiedätkö mitään Fiannasta? " Hän oli kuitenkin sanonut: "Onko Fianna sinulle velkaa?"
ellauri348.html on line 744: Vastauksena MacCodrum vitsaili: "Cha n-eil agus ge do bhiodh cha ruiginn a leas iarraidh a nis" tai englanniksi: "Ei, ja jos olisikin, olisi turhaa pyytää sitä nyt." Campbellin mukaan tämä "vuoropuhelu... kuvaa yhtä aikaa Macphersonin epätäydellistä gaelia ja skotti MacCodrumin vastausnopeutta."
ellauri377.html on line 126: Hermesetaksen paimen ( kreikaksi: Ποιμὴν τοῦ Ἑρμᾶ, Poimén tou Herma; latinaksi: Pastori Hermae), joskus vain nimellä Paimen, on kristillinen kirjallinen teos 200-luvun ensimmäisen puoliskon lopulla, ja monet kristityt pitivät sitä arvokkaana kirjana ja jotkut varhaiskirkon isät, kuten Irenaeus, pitivät sitä kanonisena kirjoituksena. Paimen oli suosittu kristittyjen keskuudessa 2., 3. ja 4. vuosisadalla. Se löytyy Codex Sinaiticuksesta, jota kutsutaan myös Siinain raamatuksi, neljännen vuosisadan kristillinen kreikkalaisen Raamatun käsikirjoitus, joka sisältää suurimman osan kreikkalaisesta Vanhasta testamentista, mukaan lukien deuterokanoniset kirjat, ja kreikkalaisen Uuden testamentin sekä Barnabaan kirjeen ja Paimenen, eli Hermesetas on mukana. Se on kirjoitettu uncial eli pukkikirjaimin pergamentille.
ellauri377.html on line 208: Lainaus Marian evankeliumista löytyy vuoden 2006 elokuvasta Da Vinci Code vahvistuksena siitä, että Jeesuksella oli perettä ja hän oli kuolevainen.
xxx/ellauri010.html on line 30: Mazurka por dos muertos. This is definitely my favourite of Cela’s works. It shows a return to a more traditional narrative style, though it is not without its post-modernist elements. The story starts with the tale of the death of Lázaro Codesal, who was killed by a Moroccan when on service in Morocco, while masturbating under a fig tree.

xxx/ellauri103.html on line 533: Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford raised the money to build and continued to financially support two shelters in New York City for babies born with HIV, or a congenital crack cocaine addiction. These shelters were named in honor of her children, Cody (HIV) and Cassidy (crack cocaine).
xxx/ellauri103.html on line 535: Kathie Lee was 23 years younger than Frank. They had two children together, Cody Newton Gifford (born March 22, 1990) and Cassidy Erin Gifford (born August 2, 1993). They also shared a birthday: August 16. Frank died on August 9, 2015, from natural causes at their Greenwich, Connecticut, home at the age of 84. In 2017, she released "He Got a Chain Reaction", a very personal song Kathie Lee co-wrote (with songwriter Brett James) and dedicated to her husband. All proceeds from the song went to the international evangelical Christian humanitarian aid charity Samaritan's Purse. Frank's fat inheritance went into Kathie Lee's purse.
xxx/ellauri114.html on line 636: Almost all ancient Greek manuscripts show signs of trying to normalize this text. For instance, the peculiar Codex Bezae renders both versions with ηλι ηλι λαμα ζαφθανι (ēli ēli lama zaphthani). The Alexandrian, Western and Caesarean textual families all reflect harmonization of the texts between Matthew and Mark. Only the Byzantine textual tradition preserves a distinction.
xxx/ellauri125.html on line 168: When she was 14 years old, she was cast in the role of Dolores "Lolita" Haze in Stanley Kubrick's film Lolita (1962), against James Mason, then aged 53. Nabokov, the book's author, described her as the "perfect nymphet". She was chosen for the role partly because the film makers had to alter the age of the character to an older adolescent rather than the 12-year-old child Lolita in Vladimir Nabokov's novel Lolita. Although Kubrick's film altered the story so as not to be in violation of the Hollywood Production Code, it was still one of the more controversial films of the day.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 632: This is a satiric, politically incorrect romp through modern culture, having fun with Hollywood excesses, Da Vinci Code unrealities, spiritual and political pretentiousness, gender revisionism, and a host of contemporary inanities.
xxx/ellauri137.html on line 634: Dancing to Mozart is a satire of Hollywood values and fantasies, Latin American dictatorships, Da Vinci Code conspirators, movie violence, magical realism, televangelists, mixed wrestling, extreme cosmetic surgery, and a host of other sensational idiocies that thrive on 21st century self-delusion. This whimsical contemporary “Candide” offers a trip through the world of out-of-control egos to a final revelation of ordinary common sense. The send-up is a mix of shrewd perception, lampoon, and wacko action that includes the Society of the Crystal Skull, the Opus Dopus, a female wrestling Amazon with one breast, an Arab who wants to recruit Islamic converts like an American billboard evangelist, two energetic film directors with crazy ideas, a rescue from captivity through “mind-invasion” (á la Inception) and a Hindu swami who tries to set all straight with a Bhagavad burrito. And a lot more.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 299: Shechinah שכינה (also spelled Shekhinah) is derived from the word shochen שכן, “to dwell within.” The Shechinah is Cod or that which Cod is dwelling within. Sometimes we translate Shechinah as “The Divine Presence.” The word Shechinah is feminine, and so when we refer to Cod as the Shechinah, we say “She.” Of course, we’re still referring to the same One Cod, just in a different modality. After all, you were probably wondering why we insist on calling Cod “He.” We’re not talking about a being limited by any form—certainly not a body that could be identified as male or female. "It" would be better, only it reminds one too much of Freud's id. "They" would sound dangerously polytheistic.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 316: Shechinah is a Chaldee word meaning resting-place, not found in Scripture, but used by the later Jews to designate the visible trace of Cod's presence in the tabernacle, and afterwards in Solomon's temple. When the Lord led Israel out of Egypt, he went before them "in a pillar of a cloud." This was the symbol of his presence with his people. For references made to it during the wilderness wanderings, see Exodus 14:20 ; 40:34-38 ; Leviticus 9:23 Leviticus 9:24 ; Numbers 14:10 ; Numbers 16:19 Numbers 16:42 .
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 320: The shekhinah (Biblical Hebrew: שכינה šekīnah; also Romanized shekina(h), schechina(h), shechina(h)) is the English transliteration of a Hebrew word meaning "dwelling" or "settling" and denotes the dwelling or settling of the divine presence of Cod. This term does not occur in the Bible, and is from rabbinic literature.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 321: In classic Jewish thought, the shekhinah refers to a dwelling or settling in a special sense, a dwelling or settling of divine presence, to the effect that, while in proximity to the shekhinah, the connection to Cod is more readily perceivable.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 323: In some sources, shekhinah represents the feminine attributes of the presence of Cod, shekhinah being a feminine word in Hebrew, based especially on readings of the Talmud.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 325: "A temple for your habitation", where the Greek text (Koinē Greek: ναὸν τῆς σῆς σκηνώσεως) suggests a possible parallel understanding, and where σκήνωσις skēnōsis "a tent-building", a variation on an early loanword from Phoenician (Ancient Greek: ἡ σκηνή skēnē "tent"), is deliberately used to represent the original Hebrew or Aramaic term. (Eli skene! Varmaan pyhä henki on jotenkin tästä stailattu. Vaika spiritus on maskuliini, ja koiraanhommiinhan se joutuukin. Toisaalta sen hyvä piirre on, että se on aika hahmoton, ei lähde neizyt Maarian suhteen fantasiat liikaa laukkaamaan.) In the post-temple era usage of the term shekhinah may provide a solution to the problem of Cod being omnipresent and thus not dwelling in any one place. (Jepjep:) The concept of shekhinah is also associated with the concept of the Holy Spirit in Judaism (ruach ha-kodesh).
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 379: "In the imagery of the Kabbalah the shekhinah is the most overtly female sefirah, the last of the ten sefirot, referred to imaginatively as 'the daughter of Cod'. ... The harmonious relationship between the female shekhinah and the six sefirot which precede her causes the world itself to be sustained by the flow of divine energy. She is like the moon reflecting the divine light into the world." Juppajju, tässä on sitten neizyt Maaria. Se oli niinkö Monsieur Mossen äisky, uusikuu.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 395: Drawing on the breadth of Midrashic, Talmudic and Aggadic literature (including literature that is no longer extant), as well as his knowledge of Hebrew grammar and halakhah, Rashi clarifies the "simple" meaning of the text so that a bright child of five could understand it. At the same time, his commentary forms the foundation for some of the most profound legal analysis and mystical discourses that came after it. Scholars debate why Rashi chose a particular Midrash to illustrate a point, or why he used certain words and phrases and not others. Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi wrote that "Rashi's commentary on Torah is the 'wine of Torah'. It opens the heart and uncovers one's essential love and fear of Cod.
xxx/ellauri166.html on line 421: The Tosafot do not constitute a continuous commentary, but rather (like the "Dissensiones" to the Roman Code of the first quarter of the twelfth century) deal only with difficult passages of the Talmud. Single sentences are explained by quotations which are taken from other Talmudic treatises and which seem at first glance to have no connection with the sentences in question. On the other hand, sentences which seem to be related and interdependent are separated and embodied in different treatises. The Tosafot can be understood only by those who are well advanced in the study of the Talmud, for the most entangled discussions are treated as though they were simple. Glosses explaining the meaning of a word or containing a grammatical observation are very rare.
xxx/ellauri168.html on line 230: Sample Code:
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 193: The conventional view is that Hemingway’s true “religion” — insofar as he can be said to have one at all — is his famous “Cod”: that in order to give meaning to life, one had to live by some set of ethical principles.
xxx/ellauri179.html on line 260: Turauxen on kirjoittanut joku Anders Hallengren, an associate professor of Comparative Literature and a research fellow in the Department of History of Literature and the History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Heserved as consulting editor for literature at Nobelprize.org. Dr. Hallengren is a fellow of The Hemingway Society (USA) and was on the Steering Committee for the 1993 Guilin ELT/Hemingway International Conference in the People’s Republic of China. Among his works in English are The Code of Concord: Emerson’s Search for Universal Laws; Gallery of Mirrors: Reflections of Swedenborgian Thought; and What is National Literature: Lectures on Emerson, Dostoevsky, Hemingway and the... Pelkkiä noloja setämiehiä!
xxx/ellauri186.html on line 263: Robert Lowell IV (March 1, 1917 – September 12, 1977) was an American poet. He was born into a Boston Brahmin family that could trace its origins back to the Mayflower, yep, just those who only talked to Cod. He really thought he was something else, but he wasn't, just another evil looking guy.
xxx/ellauri212.html on line 157: Of Cod: that He exists.
xxx/ellauri225.html on line 170: Akaan talous perustui käteiseen, ei luottoon. In Cod we trust, all others pay cash. Tää lukee taalan setelissä. Akaan porukat on ilmeisesti ketkuja. Raakoja, primitiivisiä ja tyhmiä. Epäluuloisia, eivät hellitä papusäkistä. Penan Tero ja Teron Pena oli homoja, niinkuin Enkidu ja Gilgamesh. Tero kuoli käsikähmässä ja sen kunniaxi Pena hyppäsi yli reelingin huutaen: Goodbye everybody!
xxx/ellauri295.html on line 515: Sama suomexi: Masoreettinen teksti on heprealaisen Raamatun eli Tanakin käsikirjoitus. Sen tuotti masoreettinen koulukunta 800- ja 1000-luvuilla. [selvennä] Masoreetit lisäsivät lukemisen helpottamiseksi heprealaiseen konsonanttitekstiin vokaalimerkit. Tunnetuin masoreettinen käsikirjoitus on Codex Leningradensis vuodelta 1009 (myös vähemmän nololla nimellä Codex Petropolitanus).
xxx/ellauri296.html on line 75: 26 jaetta maadoittamaan, kun elämä tuntuu kaoottiselta. Pamela Piukkapeppu on kirjailija, puhuja ja upheldlife.com -sivuston perustaja, alusta, jolle hän tuottaa hartaus- ja uskomusaineistoja innostaakseen pitämään uskon elämän keskipisteessä. Hän on pastöraalisessa palveluksessa ja saa sixi osallistua muiden tunne- ja henkiseen elämään. Hän elää ja viihtyy Jeesuksessa, kahviloissa ja musiikissa. Hän on kirjoittanut kirjan Living a Deeper Faith: Turtles, Your Relationship with Cod and Live a Fossil Fueled Life. Pamela meni naimisiin täydellisen miehen kanssa ja heillä on kaksi kaunista lasta. Hänet on julkaistu osoitteessa herviewfromhome.com, ja voit seurata häntä osoitteessa upheldlife.com tai Facebookissa .com/upheldlife. Tässä maailmassa sinulla on ongelmia. Mutta ota rohkeasti! (Joh.)
xxx/ellauri306.html on line 66: Why do so many people (especially philosophers) hate Ayn Rand? She’s almost unknown in the UK - so much so that when there was a documentary about her on TV, The Daily Telegraph - a right-wing paper by British standards - felt obliged to explain to its readers who she was. She was, it said, “An unpleasant Russian-American fruitcake.” What was Ayn Rand? Cod philosopher, bad writer and deeply narcissistic, severely socially impaired person.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 717: Dan Brown on amerikkalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten romaanistaan "Da Vinci Code". Brown on maailman eniten palkattu kirjailija, ja hänen bestseller-kirjojaan "Da Vinci-koodi" ja "Enkelit ja demonit" pidetään kahdena maailman suosituimpana elokuvana.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 719: Dan Brownin nettovarallisuus on noin 178 miljoonaa dollaria. Daniel Gerhard Brown (s. 22. kesäkuuta 1964) on amerikkalainen kirjailija, joka tunnetaan parhaiten trilleriromaaneistaan , mukaan lukien Robert Langdonin romaaneista Enkelit ja demonit (2000), Da Vinci-koodi (2003), Kadonnut symboli (2009), Inferno (2013) ja Origin (2017). Hänen romaaninsa ovat aarteenetsintää, joka kestää yleensä 24 tuntia. Niissä on toistuvia teemoja kryptografiasta, taiteesta ja salaliittoteorioista. Hänen kirjojaan on käännetty 57 kielelle, ja vuoteen 2012 mennessä niitä on myyty yli 200 miljoonaa kappaletta. Kolme heistä, Enkelit & Demonit ,Da Vinci Code ja Inferno on sovitettu elokuviksi , kun taas yksi niistä, The Lost Symbol , on sovitettu televisio-ohjelmaksi.
xxx/ellauri307.html on line 740: Danilla oli surkea muusikonura länsirannikolla jota nöyrä, sittemmin eroprosessissa kusetettu vaimo Blythe koitti turhaan buustata. Brown and his wife Blythe moved to Rye, New Hampshire in 1993, samana vuonna jolloin ize sain karkoituxen Kouvolaan. Brown became an English teacher at his alma mater Phillips Exeter, and gave Spanish classes to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders at Lincoln Akerman School, a small school for K–8th grade with about 250 students, in Hampton Falls. Aikamoinen mahalasku tuli Danille(kin). While on vacation in Tahiti in 1993, Brown read Sidney Sheldon's (n.h.) novel The Doomsday Conspiracy, and was inspired to become a writer of thrillers. He started work on Digital Fortress, setting much of it in Seville, where he had studied in 1985. He also co-wrote a humor book with his wife, 187 Men to Avoid: A Survival Guide for the Romantically Frustrated Woman, under the pseudonym "Danielle Brown". Brown's first three novels had little success, with fewer than 10,000 copies in each of their first printings. His fourth novel, The Da Vinci Code, became a bestseller, going to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list during its first week of release in 2003. It is one of the most popular books of all time, with 81 million copies sold worldwide as of 2009. Its success has helped push sales of Brown's earlier flops. Brown's prose style has been criticized as clumsy, to say the least. The Da Vinci Code committed style and word choice blunders in almost every paragraph. Recurring elements that Brown prefers to incorporate into his novels include a simple hero pulled out of their familiar setting and thrust into a new one with which they are unfamiliar, an attractive female sidekick/love interest, foreign travel, imminent danger from a pursuing villain, antagonists who have a disability or genetic disorder, and a 24-hour time frame in which the story takes place.