ellauri058.html on line 966: Meung-sur-Loire: In fiction, it has been described by Alexandre Dumas in The Three Musketeers as the village where d'Artagnan, en route to join the King's Musketeers in Paris, first encounters the villainous Comte de Rochefort. Also in fiction, Meung-sur-Loire is the country home of Chief Inspector Jules Maigret, Georges Simenon's classic crime fiction character. Maigret and his wife Louise eventually retire to their Meung-sur-Loire home, where he spends his time fishing (pike), and she tends, according to her sister, any number of animals.
ellauri079.html on line 144: Amherst was Commander-in-Chief of the forces of North America during the French and Indian War who, according to popular legend, singlehandedly won Canada for the British and banished France from North America.
ellauri110.html on line 335: Samuel Pepys PRS (/piːps/ PEEPS; 23 February 1633 – 26 May 1703) was an administrator of the navy of England and Member of Parliament who is most famous for the diary he kept for a decade while still a relatively young man. Pepys had no maritime experience, but he rose to be the Chief Secretary to the Admiralty under both King Charles II and King James II through patronage, diligence, and his talent for administration. His influence and reforms at the Admiralty were important in the early professionalisation of the Royal Navy.
ellauri135.html on line 208: In the early 1850s, Nikolai Vasilyevich joined the "young faction" of Moskvityanin and became a member of what came to be known as the Ostrovsky circle. In 1853 he went to Sevastopol as a correspondent, and stayed there until the end of the siege, working as a translator at the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief. He later published Notes on the Siege of Sevastopol (Moscow, 1858) and the Sevastopol Album, a collection of 37 drawings.
ellauri153.html on line 264: Chief among Saasi's western plagiators is Goethe's West-Oestlicher Divan. Hegel tykkäs Saadista ja puhui rumasti Rumista.
ellauri161.html on line 466: Kate Dibiasky (Jennifer Lawrence), an astronomy grad student, and her professor Dr. Randall Mindy (Leonardo DiCaprio) make an astounding discovery of a comet orbiting within the solar system. The problem - it's on a direct collision course with Earth. The other problem? No one really seems to care. Turns out warning mankind about a planet-killer the size of Mount Everest is an inconvenient fact to navigate. With the help of Dr. Oglethorpe (Rob Morgan), Kate and Randall embark on a media tour that takes them from the office of an indifferent President Orlean (Meryl Streep) and her sycophantic son and Chief of Staff, Jason (Jonah Hill), to the airwaves of The Daily Rip, an upbeat morning show hosted by Brie (Cate Blanchett) and Jack (Tyler Perry). With only six months until the comet makes impact, managing the 24-hour news cycle and gaining the attention of the social media obsessed public before it's too late proves shockingly comical - what will it take to get the world to just look up?. — Based on truly possible events.
ellauri161.html on line 511: Before Covid, former Saturday Night live head writer Adam McKay had already written his smug doomsday satire Don't Look Up based on the usual liberal tropes. Chief among them was the old progressive rant linking those on the right to a predatory elite consisting of a group who were referred to as, in the parlance of days gone by, "robber barons."
ellauri161.html on line 619: Among the baddies are vacuous United States President Janie Orlean (Streep, bad), douchebro Chief of Staff and President’s son Jason Orlean (Hill, worse), perpetually cheery and vapid morning TV show hosts Brie Evantee (Blanchett) and Jack Bremmer (Perry), and creepy tech-billionaire Peter Isherwell (Rylance, who really should know better than the strange attempts at possibly neurodivergent caricature that this role seems to consist of? How so better pray tell cowboy?), as well as the truth-hostile environment of mainstream and social media.
ellauri164.html on line 250: Jen Veatch is Chief Executive Officer at Ronald McDonald House of Northeast Indiana.
ellauri194.html on line 593:
  • Adhar Kumar Chatterji – former Chief of the Naval Staff of the Indian Navy (1966–1970)
    ellauri213.html on line 264: Colonel Pantyukhov, Chief Scout of Russia, first resided in France and then moved to the United States, where large troops of Russian Scouts were established in cities such as San Francisco, Burlingame, California, and Los Angeles. He returned to Nice, France where he died.
    ellauri217.html on line 69: Central to the plot are the futuwwat (strongmen) who control the alley and exact protection money from the people. The successive heroes overthrow the strongmen of their time, but in the next generation new strongmen spring up and things are as bad as ever. Arafat tries to use his knowledge of explosives to destroy the strongmen, but his attempts to discover Gabalawi's secrets leads to the death of the old man (though he does not directly kill him). The Chief Strongman guesses the truth and blackmails Arafat into helping him to become the dictator of the whole Alley. The book ends, after the murder of Arafat, with his friend searching in a rubbish tip for the book in which Arafat wrote his secrets. The people say "Oppression must cease as night yields to day. We shall see the end of tyranny and the dawn of miracles." Haha, night follows day as surely as the other way round, and night wins out in the end. Valot sammuu, haju jää.
    ellauri243.html on line 550: Bob Stearns, CEO of Powerful Potential. BOB STEARNS is one of only 95 people in history to lead an organization to win the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige Award. He was the Leader and Architect of Pittsburgh based Medrad’s 2003 journey to win the prestigious award. Medrad won the Baldrige award again in 2010. The Baldrige Award is presented annually by the President of the United States to organizations that excel in seven categories, including results. As Chief Human Resources Officer of CoManage, Bob led that company to be named the Best Place to Work in Pa.” He has also received the American Society for Training and Development Award for Excellence. Bob has served as a Director on the Boards of National Church Solutions, The Orchards at Foxcrest, the Pa. Society of Association Executives, the Pa. Association of Non Profit Organizations and a Woman owned business through Powerlink and Seton Hill University. Bob has owned and been the CEO of PowerfulPotential since 1985.
    ellauri262.html on line 195: Lewis was only 40 when the war began, and he tried to re-enter military service, offering to instruct cadets; however, his offer was not accepted, as he did not want to write lies to deceive the enemy. Instead, From 1941 to 1943, Lewis spoke on religious programmes broadcast by the BBC from London while the city was under periodic air raids. These broadcasts were appreciated by civilians and servicemen at that stage. For as Air Chief Marshal Sir Donald Hardman wrote:
    ellauri263.html on line 335: Various Modern Orthodox and Conservative rabbits have proposed amending Nachem, as its wording no longer reflects the existence of a rebuilt Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. Chief Rabbit Shlomo Goren, for example, issued a revised wording of the prayer and Rabbit Hayim David HaLevi proposed putting the prayer's verbs relating to the Temple's destruction into the past tense. However, such proposals have not been widely adopted. Following the Six-Day War, the national religious community viewed Israel's territorial conquests with almost messianic overtones. The conquest of geographical areas with immense religious significance, including Jerusalem, the Western Wall, and the Temple Mount, was seen as portentous; however, only the full rebuilding of the Temple would engender enough reason to cease observing the day as one of mourning and transform it into a day of joy instead. The re-occupation of the Gaza strip is surely a source of joy, as well as annihilating philistines of the West Bank.
    ellauri270.html on line 567: Army Chief of Staff Carl E. Vuonohevonen, a lifelong friend of Schwarzkopf, described him as "competent, compassionate, egotistical, loyal, opinionated, funny, emotional, sensitive to any slight. At times he can be an overbearing bastard, but not with me." Sooty Colin Powell had to humor Herman with satin gloves because "Dick" Cheney could not stand his arse. What turds.
    ellauri294.html on line 521: Tuotannon aikana sen julkaisu viivästyi yli kuusi kuukautta Don Bluthin ja hänen animaattoriryhmänsä äkkkilähdön jälkeen. Lisähuolia herätti myös sen kohtauksen käsittely, jossa Chief joutui junan alle, minkä alun perin suunniteltiin johtavan hänen kuolemaan. Keskusteltuaan kohtauksen käsittelystä elokuvantekijät päättivät muuttaa kuoleman ei-fataalixi vammaxi, jonka seurauksena hän vain murtuu jalkansa osalta.
    ellauri294.html on line 527: Kun nuori punakettu on jäänyt orvoksi, Big Mama pöllö (Thornton) ja hänen ystävänsä, Dinky peippo ja Boomer (sic) tikka, järjestävät hänet adoptoitavaksi ystävälliselle maanviljelijälle nimeltä leski Tweed, joka antaa hänelle nimen Tod. Sillä välin hänen naapurinsa, metsästäjä Amos Slade, tuo kotiin nuoren koiranpennun nimeltä Copper ja esittelee tämän metsästyskoirallensa Chiefille, joka ensin ärsyttää häntä, mutta oppii sitten rakastamaan häntä. Eräänä päivänä Tod ja Copper tapaavat ja heistä tulee parhaita ystäviä, jotka lupaavat ikuisen ystävyyden. Amos turhautuu Copperiin, koska se vaeltelee jatkuvasti leikkimään, ja laittaa hänet hihnaan. Leikkiessään Kuparin kanssa pipu ulkona, Tod herättää vahingossa päällikön. Amos ja päällikkö jahtaavat häntä, kunnes Tweed pysäyttää heidät. Riidan jälkeen Amos uhkaa tappaa Todin, jos tämä loukkaa jälleen hänen omaisuuttaan. Metsästyskausi tulee ja Amos vie Chiefin ja Copperin erämaahan väliaikaisesti. Sillä välin Big Mama, Dinky ja Boomer yrittävät selittää Todille, että Copperista tulee pian hänen vihollisensa. Hän kuitenkin naiivisti vaatii, että he pysyvät ystävinä ikuisesti. Seuraavana keväänä Tod ja Copper saavuttavat aikuisuuden ja keskinäisen sukupuolionnen.
    ellauri294.html on line 615: Matkan varrella tarinaa muokattiin suuresti, jotta se sopisi paremmin perhe-elokuvaksi. Koirakoiran ja punaketun nalkkikohtauxet poistettiin. Valmistuessaan vuonna 1981 elokuva oli muuttunut kronikkaksi kahden koiraan epätodennäköisestä ystävyydestä, joiden pitäisi olla luonnollisia vihollisia ja jotka oppivat, että yhteiskunta yrittää toisinaan määrittää roolinsa paremmista syistä huolimatta. Alkuperäisessä käsikirjoituksessa Chiefin oli määrä kuolla samalla tavalla kuin romaanissa, mutta Stevens ei halunnut saada näytöllä olevaa kuolemaa ja muokkasi elokuvaa niin, että hän (koirakoira) selvisi katkenneella koivella. Elokuva sai ensi-iltansa teatterissa Yhdysvalloissa 10. heinäkuuta 1981. Se oli välitön menestys, sillä se tuotti 39 900 000 (no, 40 milj.) dollaria ja tuli vuoden 14. parhaaxi kassamagneetixi. Tuotto/kustannussuhde oli 3,33.
    ellauri310.html on line 757:

    Creighton Williams Abrams Jr. (September 15, 1914 – September 4, 1974) was a United States Army general who commanded military operations in the Vietnam War from 1968 to 1972. He was then Chief of Staff of the United States Army from 1972 until his death in 1974.
    ellauri325.html on line 68: Command Authority (englanniksi Command Authority, mahdolliset käännökset - "Oikeus lopulliseen päätökseen", "Supreme Commander-in-Chief", "Last Resort") (2013) Kirjoitettu yhdessä Mark Greneyn kanssa.
    ellauri326.html on line 588: Joo Chief Salamander vaatii Lebensraumia. Tää on kyllä kuultu ennenkin. Mutta ei tää sittenkään ole mitään vittuilua vain ryssille ja saxalaisille, vaan ihan kaikille rahan- ja pahantahtoisille termiittipesille. Länkkärit on esim valmiit myymään Kiinan salamantereille. Chief ei edes ole mikään diktaattori. Salamantereita vastaan ei auttanut saxalaisen yrittää.
    ellauri326.html on line 654: Nyt kexin, siinä on Atlantis ja Lemuria vastakkain, niikö länkkärit ja vaippapäät. Chief Salamander on oikeasti itävaltalainen ihminen, Andreas Schultz nimeltään.Juu näin se lähtee!
    ellauri326.html on line 656: Niin. Atlantilaiset halveksivat lemureja ja haukkuvat niitä raakalaisiksi. Nämä puolestaan vihaavat yltiopäi- esti atlantilaisia salamantereja, joita pitävät imperialisteina, länsimeren paholaisina ja vanhan, puhtaan, alkuperäisen salamanterikannan turmelijoina. Chief Salamander vaatii konsessioita Lemurian rannikoilla viennin ja sivistyksen hyväksi. Kunnianarvoisan vanhan King Salamanderin täytyy suostua vasten tahtoaankin, sillä hän huonommin aseistettu. Tigris-lahdessa lähellä muinaista Bagdadia jännitys sitten räjähtää: lemurialaiset alkuasukkaat hyökkäävät atlantilaisen konsessioretkikunnan kimppuun ja surmaavat kaksi upseeria kostoksi jonkin kansallisen loukkauksen tähden. Siitä seuraa - sota. Luonnollisesti. Niin, salamanterien maailmansota, jossa salamanterit. ovat toisiaan vastaan. Kulttuurin ja Oikeuden nimessä. Ja Oikean salamanteriuden nimessä. Kansallisen Kunnian ja Suuruuden nimessä. Tunnuslauseena on: Me tai ne!
    ellauri346.html on line 264: Russians take the initiative: Bad news from Ukraine The Russian military has assumed the initiative in the areas of Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kreminna (located in the Luhansk and Kharkiv regions) and the Donetsk region. A potential fall of Avdiivka, deemed the gateway to Donetsk, could be inevitable, as per Colonel Mart Vendla, the Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces, as reported by ERR service. Vendla mentioned that rasputitsa, or the seasonal mud season, is slowly commencing in Ukraine, which will notably alter the battlefield conditions. "In the coming week or two, the weather impact will likely increase even more, causing serious disruptions in the use of heavy and armored vehicles this month and the next, until the ground freezes. Both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the Russian Federation are probably striving to secure cozy lodgings before winter's onset," the Estonian officer assessed.
    ellauri350.html on line 487: Entinen puheenjohtaja Joint Chiefs of Staff - eläkkeellä oleva laivaston adm. Mike Mullen - sanoi useammin kuin kerran vuosina 2010 ja 2011: "Emme olisi lähelläkään sitä, missä olemme öljynmuilutustehtävämme suorittamisessa ilman kansalliskaartia. Emme lähelläkään. Ei sinne päinkään. No way!"
    ellauri352.html on line 597: It was inaugurated by English Chief Executive Sir Michael Harris Caine. As of 2012, the chair of the Russian Booker Prize Committee was British journalist George Walden.
    ellauri369.html on line 529: Carlylen elämän päätyttyä Froude suuntasi matkustamaan, erityisesti Britannian siirtomaihin, vieraillen Etelä-Afrikassa, Australiassa, Uudessa-Seelannissa, Yhdysvalloissa ja Länsi-Intiassa. Froude aikoi "sytyttää kansalaisten mielissä kotona sitä mielikuvituksellista innostusta siirtomaa-ajatusta kohtaan, josta hänen oma sydämensä oli täynnä". Tänä aikana Froude kirjoitti myös historiallisen romaanin, The Two Chiefs of Dumbbell, joka oli vähiten suosittu hänen kypsistä teoksistaan. Kuten aiemmassa kirjassaan Irlannin historiasta, Froude käytti kirjaa muuttaakseen irlantilaisesta sankarista konnan, jolla on historiallisia vääristymiä.
    ellauri382.html on line 360: Meet the baddest man on the planet! Retired Chief Petty Officer David Goggins is the only person to ever complete US Army Ranger School, US Air Force Tactical Control Party Training, and US Navy Seal Training. Individually, each of these training programs are nearly impossible to complete. He not only completed the training, but served honorably, completing numerous combat missions in Afghanistan in each capacity, killing a lot of foreigners. Petty officers are U.S. Army's middle class which prevents the rank and file from lashing out on the officers. That's democracy. Middle class dreams about getting to the top and the rubble dreams about rising to middle class, pitelemään mahtavaa parrua.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 131: Borat attends a United Pentecostal camp meeting, at which Republican U.S. Representative Chip Pickering and Mississippi Supreme Court Chief Justice James W. Smith, Jr. are present. He regains his faith and forgives Azamat and Pamela. He accompanies church members on a bus to Los Angeles and disembarks to find Azamat dressed as Oliver Hardy, although Borat mistakes him for Adolf Hitler. The two reconcile and Azamat tells Borat where to find Pamela Anderson. Borat finally comes face-to-face with Anderson at a book signing at a Virgin Megastore. After showing Anderson his "traditional marriage sack", Borat pursues her throughout the store in an attempt to abduct her, until security guards intervene.
    xxx/ellauri068.html on line 493: Shirley Temple Black (April 23, 1928 - February 10, 2014) was an American actress, singer, dancer, businesswoman, and diplomat who was Hollywood's number one box-office draw as a child actress from 1934 to 1938. As an adult, she was named United States ambassador to Ghana and to Czechoslovakia, and also served as Chief of Protocol of the United States.
    xxx/ellauri103.html on line 526: Gifford was born Kathryn Lee Epstein in Paris, France, to American parents, Joan (born Cuttell; January 20, 1930 – September 12, 2017), a singer, and Aaron Epstein (March 19, 1924 – November 19, 2002), a musician and former US Navy Chief Petty Officer. Aaron Epstein was stationed with his family in France at the time of Gifford's birth. Gifford grew up in Bowie, Maryland, and attended Bowie High School.
    xxx/ellauri114.html on line 684: Despite the loss of the additional history of Manasseh and Ephraim, several modern-day groups claim descent from them, with varying levels of academic and rabbinical support. The Yusufzai tribe (literal translation The Sons of Joseph) of the Pashtuns of Afghanistan, India and Pakistan, who collectively refer to themselves as the "Bani Israel", have a long tradition connecting them to the exiled Kingdom of Israel. The Samaritans claim that some of their adherents are descended from these tribes, and many Persian Jews claim to be descendants of Ephraim. Many Samaritans claim descent from the grandchildren of Joseph under four main septs, his grandsons Danfi, Tsedakah, Mafraj and Sarawi Samaritans Museum In northeast India, the Mizo Jews claim descent from Manasseh, and call themselves Bnei Menashe; in 2005 Shlomo Amar, Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, announced that he regarded this claim to be true, which under the Law of Return allows them to migrate to Israel, as long as they formally convert to Israel's Orthodox form of Judaism. Similar traditions are held by the Telugu Jews, in South India, who claim descent from Ephraim, and call themselves Bene Ephraim.
    xxx/ellauri148.html on line 52: The Chief Executive of Stella Maris UK, Martin Foley, calls for more to be done to ensure that the rights of fishers are upheld. So long, and thanx for all the fish!
    xxx/ellauri165.html on line 354: Nelson had been offered the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet, and they rushed to have Horatia christened at Marylebone Parish Church before he left. On her baptism record, her name was recorded as Horatia Nelson Thompson, and her date of birth falsely recorded as 29 October 1800 in order to continue the pretence that she had been born in Naples and was godchild of Emma and Nelson, according to Kate Williams and based on an unpublished letter; however the only publicly available transcription of the record shows 29 October 1801. Nelson later wrote a letter explaining that the child was an orphan "left to his care and protection" in Naples.
    xxx/ellauri170.html on line 92: Elizabeth Nightingale found peace and tranquility on her nightly walks through the rich, dense forests surrounding Myfleet Manor. But the peace she treasured was shattered one night when she found death waiting in the woods. Chief Inspector Wexford and his colleague Inspector Burden find a most unsavory case on their hands -- and must use all their wit and wisdom to solve it . . . Less.
    xxx/ellauri218.html on line 125: Bush and Rumsfeld obviously believed in this Gulf War 2 scenario. They sneered at the nay-saying generals who demanded more troops and reinforcements to besiege Baghdad. Rummy felt certain that air strikes, with high tech bombs and guided missiles, would more than suffice. They knew, from their studies of selected books and articles written by their ideological neo-con mentors that the Iraqis would surrender rather than fight after US explosives showed them our power; so why the need for all those troops! The brilliant advisers, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Perle, recently resigned as Defense Advisory Board Chief, and other intellectuals had spun a convincing tale, one that included the oft-referenced domino theory. They convinced the lesser IQs like Rummy who in turn convinced the even more intellectually challenged president.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 453: Admiral Sir Charles Elliot KCB (15 August 1801 – 9 September 1875) was a British Royal Navy officer, diplomat, and colonial administrator. He became the first Administrator of Hong Kong in 1841 while serving as both Plenipotentiary and Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China. He was a key founder in the establishment of Hong Kong as a British colony.
    xxx/ellauri251.html on line 693: Chief name next his of all Arcadian men.
    xxx/ellauri394.html on line 126: In 1842, at the age of four, she began her education at the Chiefs' Children's School (later known as the Royal School). She, along with her classmates, had been formally proclaimed by Kamehameha III as eligible for the throne of the Hawaiian Kingdom. Liliʻuokalani later noted that these "pupils were exclusively persons whose claims to the throne were acknowledged." She, along with her two older brothers James Kaliokalani and David Kalākaua, as well as her thirteen royal cousins, were taught in English by American missionaries Amos Starr Cooke and his wife, Juliette Montague Cooke. The children were taught reading, spelling, penmanship, arithmetic, geometry, algebra, physics, geography, history, bookkeeping, music and English composition by the missionary couple who had to maintain the moral and sexual development of their charges.