ellauri171.html on line 175: Ruth oli hyveellinen nuori leski, luonteeltaan niin suorapuheinen, että hänen rakkaustarinansa on yksi koko Raamatun suosikkikertomuksista. Kun hänen juutalainen anoppinsa Noomi palasi Israeliin Moabista nälänhädän jälkeen, Ruut lupasi seurata Noomia ja palvoa hänen Jumalaansa eikä omaa moabilaisten kalajumalaansa, nimeltään Kemos. Bet Chemosh loukkaantui hieman. Itse asiassa Kemosh oli niin vihainen, että hän antoi moabilaisten joutua Israelin vallan alle.
ellauri171.html on line 819: Ashtar-Chemosh, wife of Chemosh and goddess of the Moabites.
ellauri171.html on line 849: Chemosh, possibly one of the sons of El, a god of war and destruction and the national god of the Moabites and the Ammonites.
ellauri171.html on line 947: According to the pantheon, known in Ugarit as 'ilhm (Elohim) or the children of El, supposedly obtained by Philo of Byblos from Sanchuniathon of Berythus (Beirut) the creator was known as Elion, who was the father of the divinities, and in the Greek sources he was married to Beruth (Beirut = the city). This marriage of the divinity with the city would seem to have Biblical parallels too with the stories of the link between Melqart and Tyre; Chemosh and Moab; Tanit and Baal Hammon in Carthage, Yah and Jerusalem.