ellauri032.html on line 223: Eliot oli eräänlainen mid-atlantic Puovo Huovikko. Kaikessa tuotannossaan hän sekä tähdensi klassistina perinteen merkitystä että modernistina rikkoi vanhoja kaavoja. Eliot tunnetaan myös Kissojen kielen kompasanakirjassa (Old Possum´s Book of Practical Cats, 1939) julkaistuista lasten kissarunoistaan, jotka jatkoivat englantilaista nonsense-perinnettä. Ympyräsuinen ystäväni antoi ton kissakirjan mulle lahjaxi, mulla on se kai vielä laihojen runokirjojen hyllyssä Wilhon kirjakaapissa. Andrew Lloyd Webber loi vuonna 1981 runoista suositun musikaalin Cats. Ihan niinkuin Puovo Huovikon, Tompan maine luiskahti kun ukko ize saatiin laatikkoon.
ellauri045.html on line 349: Four Catsin menestysiskelmä Liisa loistokaunokainen näyttää olevan Hannun yleisnimi halkiohaaroille. Ketterät ja kurvikkaat, hiljaiset ja halukkaat, sellaiset me haluaisimme. Samaa tähdentävät neljä kattia: hyvän panon pitäisi olla paizi kaunis mielellään myös rikas. Nyt panovuorossa on Kirsti, jota Hannu arvioi kuin lihakaupassa riippunutta lihaa. Etupuolelta se muistuttaa Sinikkaa, takaa Liisaa. Ei ihme, sama halkio on niillä haaroissa. Sinne Hannun halko hakeutuu kuin lämpöohjautuva nahjus. Hmm, millaistahan Kirstin kanssa olis elellä. Muzillä on vaan kaxio Lahessa ja se polttaa röökiä. Pissaliisa asuu Kaivopuistossa ja suipistaa suutaan kun se hymyilee. Se on parempaa väkeä. Mut Kirsti olisi jo huomattavasti nuorempi Liisa. Ja sen mainingeilla tuntuu mukavalta jotmuilla. Hmm.
ellauri062.html on line 608: Cuncta stricte discussurus! Ottaa kaikki tuomiolle Cats from every bag escaping!
ellauri131.html on line 365: There are Chicken Coops for the Adopted Soul, the African American Soul, the African American Woman's Soul, the Soul of America, the American Idol Soul, the Angels Among Us, Angels and Miracles, Answered Prayers, Baseball Fans, the Best You Can Be, The Beach Lovers, Best Mom in Law Ever, Miracles, the Breast Cancer Survivors, Brides, Cancer Victims, Caregivers, Cartoon Dads, Video Moms, Cartoon Teachers, The Cat Did What?? the Cat Lovers, Cat & Dog Lovers, Celeb Cats and the People Who Love Them, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Teachers, Jack Canafield, Celeb Brothers and Sisters, Jack Canafield, Celeb Mothers and Daughters, Jack Canafield, Celeb People Who Make a Difference, Jack Canafield, the Child's Soul, Jack Canafield, Children with Special Needs, Jack Canafield, the Soul in the Classroom – High School Edition, Jack Canafield and Anna Unknown, the Coffee Lovers Chicken Soup for the Soul Cookbook, Includes material by Gibbons.
ellauri257.html on line 512: She and Singer met in the Catskills, at a farm village named Mountaindale. Although in the manuscript, Alma is elusive about dates, it is known that the encounter took place in 1937. The two were refugees of what Singer’s older brother, Israel Joshua, by then already the successful novelist I.J. Singer, would soon describe as “a world that is no more.” And the two were married to other spouses. Alma and her husband, Walter Wasserman, along with their two children, Klaus and Inga, had escaped from Germany the previous year and come to America, settling in the Inwood section of Manhattan. As for Isaac — as Alma always called him — he arrived in 1935. She portrays their encounters as romantic, although she appears to have been perfectly aware of his reputation.
xxx/ellauri124.html on line 579: Kissing Cat Face with Closed Eyes Cats are a selective animal — they don't just
xxx/ellauri157.html on line 107: In the seventeenth century, the story of King Candaules’s wife was seen as a moral lesson, warning against violations of the marital bedchamber. The theme was treated by the poet Jacob Cats in his Toneel vande mannelicke Achtbaerheyt, in which he devoted no less than eighty-six verses to the tale of Candaules and Gyges, and illustrates the scene in the royal bedchamber with a print by Pieter de Jode after Adriaen van de Venne. In the print the Queen is seen half naked from behind. Candaules is already in bed, and the Queen looks at Gyges, who is largely concealed behind the wallhangings. The moral of the story is clarified by a scene on a smaller scale in the background, showing Candaules being slain by Gyges. The print no doubt served as an inspiration for several other later renditions of the theme in Northern Netherlandish painting, including works by Frans van Mieris the Elderv, and Eglon van de Neervi.
xxx/ellauri187.html on line 676: Ekland oli 70-luvulla paljon julkisuudessa seurusteltuaan Rod Stewartin kanssa. Toisen lapsensa Ekland sai Stray Cats -rumpali Slim Jim Phantomin kanssa.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 104: 1939 Published Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 241: That his bawdy verse was not published anywhere was a continuous joke in Eliotʼs correspondence. When they were finally available to the public in 1996, they received diverse labels: “scatological,” “scabrous,” “obscene,” “pornographic” and “x-rated,” “politically incorrect,” “racist” and “misogynist,” tending towards “coprophilia,” and “grotesquely graphic. In their childish and sordid sexuality these poems have little to do with one of the root meanings of ribald, which is amorous. Instead, they are "descriptions of huge penises, defecations, buggeries and group masturbations." Twenty years later, Eliot was writing Cats, and forgive me, I prefer the kink.
xxx/ellauri410.html on line 1087: Catsi67February 6, 2019 at 11:08 AM