ellauri160.html on line 28:



ellauri160.html on line 117: – Tunnistan Poundin arvon modernismin ja postmodernismin peruskalliona. Mutta ensirakkauden minussa, juopottelevassa palloilijanuorukaisessa, synnytti aikoinaan Poundin kääntämä Li Pon runonide Cathay vuodelta 1915. Ensirakkaus elää ja voi hyvin. Cantoista Aronpuro on jo päästänyt irti.
ellauri160.html on line 192: Pound käänsi Li Bain runoja japanilaisten avulla. Ei niitä monta tullut, ennenkin se ehti riitaantua apujapanilaisten kaa. Michael Alexander saw Cathay as the most attractive of Pound's work. There is a debate about whether the poems should be viewed primarily as translations or as contributions to Imagism and the modernization of English poetry. English professor Steven Yao argued that Cathay shows that translation does not need a thorough knowledge of the source language.
ellauri160.html on line 200: After the publication of Cathay, Pound mentioned that he was working on a long poem. He described it in September 1915 as a "cryselephantine poem of immeasurable length which will occupy me for the next four decades unless it becomes a bore".