ellauri009.html on line 125:

Capital and labor

ellauri038.html on line 208: In 1904, the Webers toured America. In America, Marianne met both Jane Addams and Florence Kelley, both staunch feminists and active political reformers. Also during that year, Max re-entered the public sphere, publishing, among other things, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. USA:ssa sen lurituxet satoivat vastaanottavaiseen maahan. Marianne also continued her own scholarship, publishing in 1907 her landmark work Ehefrau und Mutter in der Rechtsentwicklung ("Wife and Mother in the Development of Law").
ellauri041.html on line 1943: Suspension of belief in what? Capitalism obviously. Americans find that harder than to believe in god, superman, me, "it", Harry Potter, Trump, and Game of Thrones. Big cars, cheap gas by the gallon, soft suspension. Well now oil can be had by the asking. Selling oil costs money now, as does saving money in the bank. Deflation comes, are you ready?
ellauri048.html on line 1110: Hallam and Tennyson became friends in April 1829. They both entered the Chancellor's Prize Poem Competition (which Tennyson won). Both joined the Cambridge Apostles (a "private debating society"), which met every Saturday night during term to discuss, over coffee and sardines on toast (“whales”), serious questions of religion, literature and society. (Hallam read a paper on 'whether the poems of Shelley have an immoral tendency'; Tennyson was to speak on 'Ghosts', but was, according to his son's Memoir, 'too shy to deliver it' - only the Preface to the essay survives). Meetings of the Apostles were not always so intimidating: Desmond MacCarthy gave an account of Hallam and Tennyson at one meeting lying on the ground together in order to laugh less painfully, when James Spedding imitated the sun going behind a cloud and coming out again. Capital, capital.
ellauri077.html on line 205: Capitalism has made it so there’s a perpetual tidal wave of American culture crashing down around the globe. When The Force Awakens was released last December, it didn’t just open coast to coast across North America—it appeared in over 30 countries across five continents within its first week. When Dan Brown’s novel Inferno was released in 2013, it didn’t just sell out in every Costco in these 50 states: a team of 11 translators were locked away in a garret somewhere so that the book could have a simultaneous worldwide release. By early 2014 it was available in over 20 different languages.
ellauri107.html on line 489: Capitalist ennui at meaningless life
ellauri107.html on line 499: Capitalist exploitation
ellauri110.html on line 913: Ἀκηδία (Akēdia, uh-KAY-DEE-uh), more commonly called Sloth, is one of the Capital Vices, which is a unit in the Goads of Destruction. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 History 4 Trivia Sloth has messy light blue hair and dark blue eyes. She wears only a blue long-sleeved nightgown without any footwear. Her seal, a bronze metal cloud, is on her right cheek. Sloth is usually asleep or close ...
ellauri192.html on line 788: Капитал (Kapital) Capital
ellauri192.html on line 800: Капитал! Капитал! Капитал! Капитал! Capital! Capital! Capital! Capital!
ellauri204.html on line 623: Fredric Jameson (born April 14, 1934) is an American literary critic, philosopher and Marxist political theorist. He is best known for his analysis of contemporary cultural trends, particularly his analysis of postmodernity and capitalism. Jameson's best-known books include Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism (1991) and The Political Unconscious.
ellauri206.html on line 95: Sleazy Capital News (Hufvudstadsbladet) in its optimistically titled two-column report "This is how we avoid global warming" left out 2/5 of Gutierres energy recommendations. Only increases in investmets got a mention. What was left out? Well these:
ellauri309.html on line 544: Tulsa on kaupunki Yhdysvaltojen Oklahoman osavaltion koillisosassa. Kaupungin alueen alkuperäisasukkaita olivat osaget ja itse kaupungin perustivat kotiseuduiltaan pakkosiirretyt creekit vuonna 1836. Sittemmin kaupunki kasvoi nopeasti maaöljyn löytymisen jälkeen 1900-luvun alussa. Osaget joutuivat luopumaan maistaan Tulsassa vuonna 1826 ja Yhdysvallat alkoi asuttaa paikalle alkuperäisiltä kotiseuduiltaan karkotettuja creekejä ja cherokeeita. Mukana oli myös intiaanien omistamia afroamerikkalaisia orjia. Tulsan rotumellakat vuonna 1921 kuuluvat Yhdysvaltojen historian väkivaltaisimpiin. Kaupungin asukkaista 64 % oli taustaltaan valkoisia (latinot pois lukien 54,9 %), 15,1 % afroamerikkalaisia, 4,3 % intiaaneja, 15,8 % latinoja mistä tahansa rodusta ja 3,3 % aasialaisia. 17,6 % kaupungin asukkaista puhui kotonaan jotakin muuta kieltä kuin englantia ja 10,9 % kaupungin asukkaista oli syntynyt ulkomailla. Nimi "Tylsä" on sama kuin "Tällä hässii" ja tarkoittaa inkkarien kielellä "tuppukylä". Nicknamed: "Buckle of the Bible Belt", "Capital of the world".
ellauri333.html on line 265: Support Free & Independent Capitalist Journalism and Your Local Gang!
ellauri334.html on line 70:
Map of the Migration of the World's Millionaires 2023. Visual Capitalist.

ellauri353.html on line 279: Milton Friedman is widely regarded as the leader of the Chicago school. Of monetary economics. Stresses the importance of the quantity of money. As an instrument of government policy. Terminated. A business cycles and inflation. After graduating in one nine hundred thirty two with a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers. He received graduate degree. From the University of Chicago. And Columbia University. Since one thousand nine hundred seventy seven. Professor print. Has been a senior research fellow at the Hoover Institution. Homeless or University Professor Friedman received the one nine hundred seventy six Nobel Prize for ECT. That's. In addition to his scientific work. Professor Friedman has written extensively on public policy. Always with primary emphasis on the preservation and extension of. Individual freedoms. In his most important works in this area. Perhaps an ever. The important area. Is life. He has collaborated by. Roads. An accomplished. Economist in her own right. Together they wrote. Capitalism and Freedom. Free to choose. And tyranny of the status quo. Free to choose and tyranny of the status quo later rip it into a T.V. series of the same names that were shown over the public. Public Broadcast stations.
ellauri370.html on line 473: Capitalism indeed derives directly from the sheer profit-oriented usurious economic tradition of the Jews. Modern capitalism is the child of money-lending. In money-lending all conception of quality vanishes and only the quantitative aspect matters. In money-lending economic activity as such has no meaning; it is no longer a question of exercising body or mind; it is all a question of success. Success, therefore, is the only thing that has a meaning.
ellauri386.html on line 196: Louis Althusser mainitsee "Suurinkvisiittorin" alkuperäisenä "ennakoivana" antisosialismin/antitotalitarismin ideologisena työnä luvussa "Ideologia" julkaisussa On the Reproduction of Capitalism. Epäilinkin jo että Althusser oli suurpääoman kätyri.
ellauri405.html on line 174: Honorable Jimmy Delshad is a well-known entrepreneur and business executive, as well as a Two-Term Mayor of the City of Beverly Hills and the highest-ranking Iranian-American elected official in the US. He is currently the official Ambassador. He was the first Iranian-American to become two-term president of Sinai Temple. He has a degree in Computer Science and a strong background in technology, business operation and entrepreneurship. As the Chairman of Delshad Capital Group, he is a well-known management consultant, motivational speaker and investor.
ellauri411.html on line 355: Myöhemmin Paavaliin perustuva protestantismi kehitti sellaista toimintaa, sosiaalista käyttäytymistä ja psykologiaa, joka erilaisten hyvien ja pahojen asioiden joukossa tarjosi meille kapitalismin sosioekonomisena järjestelmänä (katso professori Max Weberin kreikaksi kääntämä kirja, Protestanttinen etiikka ja sen Spirit Capitalism ja samanmielisten kirja Weberin, professori RH Tawneyn kanssa . Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (Religion and the Rise of Capitalism).
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 398: Tää Phelps on pankkinobelisti niinkuin se suomenruozalainen kuikka, yhexättä kymmentä puskeva keltahampainen jenkkiukkeli, markkinatalouden vanha korppikotka, jonkun ihme Center of Capitalism and Societyn perustaja ja johtaja. Se on laskeskellut, että työttömyys on vaan luonnollista, niinkuin vino penis. Hyi helvetti, mä en kehtais tollasta mainitakaan mun juhlakirjassa. Ei mun juhlakirjaan tosin kovin paljon noita nobelisteja ollut tunkemassakaan, ei tarvinnut karsia.
xxx/ellauri027.html on line 432: Myös liiketaloudessa on oivallettu positiivisen psykologian mahdollisuudet. Organisaation pääoman voidaan nähdä koostuvan aineellisesta ja aineettomasta pääomasta. Aineellinen pääoma ja aineettomaan pääomaan kuuluva tietopääoma ovat pitkään saaneet päähuomion liiketoiminnan ympärillä pyörineessä keskustelussa. Vasta viime aikoina keskusteluun on tuotu vahvasti mukaan myös muita aineettomia pääomia, kuten rakenteellinen, sosiaalinen ja psykologinen pääoma. Psykologinen pääoma (Psychological Capital tai PsyCap) on yksi positiivisen organisaatio-opin ydinkäsitteistä. Psykologinen pääoma koostuu neljästä ulottuvuudesta: tulevaisuususkosta, optimismista, sinnikkyydestä ja itseluottamuksesta.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 159: Incest and the Life of Death in Capitalist Entertainment: There is no such title.
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 173: “Yevtuschenko” is likely an allusion to Soviet-Russian poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, who never produced a textbook on clinical psychology. But it's fascinating—throughout Infinite Jest, Wallace and his characters consistently attribute fabricated texts to real people! See, for example, “Gilles Deleuze's posthumous Incest and the Life of Death in Capitalist Entertainment” (792).
xxx/ellauri085.html on line 350: Anti-Capitalism

xxx/ellauri085.html on line 393: Anti-Capitalism, Elijah Wilensky

xxx/ellauri085.html on line 565: “In the last decade, especially with the pioneering work of Thomas Piketty and his co-authors, there has been a growing consensus that tax cuts for the rich lead to higher income inequality,” Hope and Limberg said. Piketty, a French economist, wrote “Capital in the Twenty-First Century,” a book on the growth of inequality in rich nations.
xxx/ellauri087.html on line 338: Milton Friedman's's book Capitalism and Freedom eventually brought him popular acclaim. Published by the University of Chicago in 1962, it has sold over half a million copies and has been translated into 18 different languages, no small feat for a popular book on the subject of economics. In the book, he argues for a classically liberal society where free markets solve problems of efficiency, enriching rich in the United Stoates as a side effect. He argues for free markets on the basis of hebrew pragmatism and philosophy. He concludes the book with an argument that most of America’s successes are due to the free market and private enterprise, while most of its greatest failures are due to government intervention. George W. Bush got the point and let private enterprises be jailkeepers and fight the second Iraq war. Welcome back to the 19th century and before.
xxx/ellauri149.html on line 141: Harisalo, Risto & Miettinen, Ensio: Luottamuspääoma (Trust Capital). Yrittäjyyden kolmas voima. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 1995. ISBN 951-44-3840-X.

xxx/ellauri186.html on line 216:
  • Capital strengthens the mind, as labor does the body.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 707: Capital punishment in South Africa was abolished on 6 June 1995 by the ruling of the Constitutional Court in the case of S v Makwanyane, following a five-year and four-month moratorium since February 1990. The ruling followed the Constitutional Court's hearing on the death penalty which took place in February 1995. Until the use of the death penalty was suspended in February 1990, South Africa had one of the highest rates of judicial executions in the world.
    xxx/ellauri193.html on line 732: Capital Punishment was abolished in South Africa on June 6, 1995, by a ruling of the Constitutional Court. ANC MP Nxola Nqola added that the matter of the death penalty had been in the public discussion for quite some time, in relation to the rise of gender-based violence (GBV). Story continues below the bra advertisment.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 282: By now we all face the basic law of capitalism. Capital success depended largely on one major factor: constant expansion. The business must constantly grow and profits must constantly increase. Putin must continuously provide more and more money.
    xxx/ellauri202.html on line 284: Putin and his colleagues in the U.S. and China are essentially running the world's largest Ponzi scheme. Capitalism, in a word.
    xxx/ellauri230.html on line 64: Yasunari tuli vastaan Hoblan tiistairistikossa. Born in 1899, Kawabata graduated from the then Tokyo Imperial University. When he was young, he attracted attention as a novelist in the Shinkankakuha (new impressions) literary group, and gradually deepened his knowledge about the beauty particular to Japan. His outstanding works include “Izu no Odoriko” (Izu dancer), “Yukiguni” (Snow Country) and “Koto” (The Old Capital). He killed himself by inhaling gas in 1972.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 228: Look inside this book! Michael Dahlen: Ending Big Government: The Essential Case for Capitalism and Freedom. 4.7 out of 5 stars (29) Reviews. Kindle Price: $6.59.
    xxx/ellauri233.html on line 240: As Michael Dahlen shows in Ending Big Government: The Essential Case for Capitalism and Freedom, the only rational alternative to statists and the only antidote to the problems they cause is free-market, laissez-faire capitalism. This is the system of limited government, the system of economic and political freedom. It is a system that has created more wealth, offered more opportunity, and lifted more rich people out of the dredges of poverty than any other system.
    xxx/ellauri255.html on line 94: Rob Attaboy pohjustaa Antony Pyp Pipon haastattelua: The Provisional Government, its effectiveness hampered by a lack of legitimacy, faced a powerful rival in the shape of the socialist-led Petrograd Soviet that ruled the country’s then-capital city (now called St Petersburg). The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin (note only 2 letters away from Vladimir Putin!) , sought to undermine the Provisional Government, which itself made a series of missteps – notably continued failures in the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary. Capitalising on these weaknesses, the Bolsheviks under Lenin and Leon Trotsky launched a coup d’état, the so-called October Revolution, seizing power with relative ease. Consolidating that power proved far more difficult, as a combination of opponents – ranging from former tsarist generals to other leftwing political groups who distrusted the Bolsheviks – took up arms against them.
    xxx/ellauri307.html on line 687: Paul McKenna on englantilainen hypnotisoija ja kirjailija. Hän jätti koulun vain kahdella O-tasolla ja taiteen A-tasolla ja työskenteli DJ:nä Topshopin myymäläradiossa Oxford Streetillä. McKenna liittyi myöhemmin Capital Radioon, jossa hän tapasi hypnotisoijan, joka oli vieraana hänen ohjelmassaan ja on siitä lähtien kouluttanut itsensä olemaan koskaan katsomatta taaksepäin.
    xxx/ellauri363.html on line 781: Vuonna 1971 Leo Kofler julkaisi kirjan nimeltä Technologische Rationalität im Spätkapitalismus (Teknologinen rationaalisuus vuonna 1968). Claus Offe julkaisi esseensä "Spätkapitalismus – Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung" (Myöhäinen kapitalismi – yritys käsitteelliseen määritelmään) vuonna 1972. Vuonna 1973 Jürgen Habermas vihdoin julkaisi Legitimationsprobleme im Spätkapitalismus (Legitimationsprobleme im Spätkapitalismus). Vuonna 1975 Ernest Mandel julkaisi väitöskirjansa Late Capitalism englanniksi New Left Booksissa. Myös Herbert Marcuse hyväksyi termin.
    xxx/ellauri385.html on line 288: Lamb, joka ystävystyi sellaisten kirjallisuuden huipputekijöiden kuin Samuel Taylor Coleridgen, Robert Southeyn, William ja Dorothy Wordsworthin ja William Hazlittin kanssa, oli Englannin suuren kirjallisuuspiirin keskipiste. Hänen tärkein elämäkerturinsa Sir Lucas ("Capital! Capital!) on kutsunut häntä "englanninkielisen kirjallisuuden rakastettavimmaksi hahmoksi".
    xxx/ellauri416.html on line 367: Yhdysvaltojen vuosikausia jatkunut epäröinti ja arkailu sekä katteeton itsetyytyväisyys muualla lännessä ovat murentaneet – todennäköisesti jopa kohtalokkaasti – sitä liittoumien verkostoa, joka on ylläpitänyt globaalia turvallisuutta viimeisten seitsemän vuosikymmenen ajan, arvioi kovia kokenut brittiläinen ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan asiantuntija Sir William Lucas. Capital, capital. Pitikö vittu mennä varta vasten hajottamaan Neukkula? Tämä siitä tuli. Idiootti, sanoi kuningatar Elizabeth taulapäästä Boris Johnsonista, joka vetää samaa haukkamaista viisua. Parhaiten huonosti valmistautunut natomaa on kokonaismaanpuolustukseensa pitkäjänteisesti panostanut Suomi, jota venäläiset tosi paljon pelkäävät.